Sub- Approved Actual Revised head project expenditure estimate Estimate (Code) Approved projects estimate to 31.3.2013 2013–14 2014–15 ————— ————— ————— ————— $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

Head 709—Waterworks Infrastructure Water Supplies—Combined fresh/ salt water supplies 9076WC Improvement to Central mid-level and high level areas water supply—remaining works ...... 329,800 309,069 12,000 100 9090WC Replacement and rehabilitation of water mains, stage 1 phase 1 ...... 2,063,400 2,003,700 18,033 19,085 9092WC Water supply to West Reclamation, stage 2—main works ...... 162,190 116,825 980 3,500 9096WC Water supply to Pak Shek Kok reclamation area, Tai Po—stage 2 phase 2 ...... 162,700 — 5,275 18,800 9174WC Replacement and rehabilitation of water mains, stage 1 phase 2 ...... 1,267,100 1,252,121 2,671 3,331 9181WC Water supply to Central Reclamation— phase 3 ...... 23,600 11,839 1,651 200 9182WC Replacement and rehabilitation of water mains, stage 2 ...... 3,156,600 2,992,074 48,450 18,680 9183WC Improvement to Hong Kong Central mid-level and high level areas water supply, stage 2 ...... 70,600 58,439 — 300 9186WC Replacement and rehabilitation of water mains, stage 3 ...... 5,550,000 3,712,825 782,695 460,000 9187WC Replacement and rehabilitation of water mains, stage 3—investigation and detailed design ...... 64,700 55,127 100 2,106 9189WC Replacement and rehabilitation of water mains, stage 4 phase 2 ...... 4,510,300 320,187 710,591 904,018 9190WC Replacement and rehabilitation of water mains, stage 4—investigation and detailed design ...... 198,400 131,864 336 108 9191WC Replacement and rehabilitation of water mains, stage 4 phase 1 ...... 6,262,400 1,342,521 1,126,849 1,002,001 9192WC Water supply to Pak Shek Kok reclamation area, Tai Po—stage 2 phase 1 ...... 79,800 33,285 6,500 2,000 9193WC Water supply to northwestern , stage 1 ...... 30,300 547 4,000 11,700 9195WC Feasibility study on relocation of fresh water and salt water service reservoirs to caverns ...... Cat. B — — 10,600 † ————— ————— ————— ————— Sub-total ...... 23,931,890 12,340,423 2,720,131 2,456,529 ————— ————— ————— —————

______†9195WC The project at a rough order of cost of $44,982,000 is forecast to start in the third quarter of the 2014–15 financial year, with an estimated expenditure of $10,600,000 in 2014–15.


Sub- Approved Actual Revised head project expenditure estimate Estimate (Code) Approved projects estimate to 31.3.2013 2013–14 2014–15 ————— ————— ————— ————— $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

Waterworks Infrastructure—Cont’d. Water Supplies—Fresh water supplies 9237WF Mainlaying along Highway and near She Shan Tsuen—stage 2 ...... 225,500 89 6,250 22,100 9325WF Integration of Mount Davis fresh water primary service reservoir with Central and Western low level fresh water supply system ...... 32,800 22,700 3,300 500 9326WF Integration of Lion Rock high level fresh water primary service reservoirs and Tseung Kwan O fresh water primary service reservoir ...... 159,700 150,446 4,000 5,000 9327WF Laying of western cross harbour main and associated land mains from West Kowloon to Sai Ying Pun ...... 354,500 315,625 11,588 9,392 9331WF Mainlaying between Siu Lam and So Kwun Tan ...... 44,800 43,178 1,314 308 9333WF Improvement of fresh water supply to Cheung Chau ...... 254,800 — 12,000 70,000 9334WF Expansion of Tai Po water treatment works and ancillary raw water and fresh water transfer facilities—part 2 works ...... 6,176,700 — 505,197 1,000,000 9338WF Mainlaying along Fanling Highway and near She Shan Tsuen, stage 1 ...... 52,600 19,132 3,900 4,830 9339WF Expansion of Tai Po water treatment works and ancillary raw water and fresh water transfer facilities— design and site investigation ...... 43,400 37,142 882 5,376 9343WF Expansion of Tai Po water treatment works and ancillary raw water and fresh water transfer facilities—part 1 works ...... 259,900 199,132 18,500 4,000 9344WF In-situ reprovisioning of water treatment works—South Works— design and site investigation ...... 149,100 73,172 26,814 12,013 9345WF Planning and investigation study of desalination plant at Tseung Kwan O ...... 34,300 777 9,000 15,723 9347WF Reprovisioning of Harcourt Road fresh water pumping station ...... Cat. B — — 4,405 † ————— ————— ————— ————— Sub-total ...... 7,788,100 861,393 602,745 1,153,647 ————— ————— ————— —————

______†9347WF The project at a rough order of cost of $689,858,000 is forecast to start in the third quarter of the 2014–15 financial year, with an estimated expenditure of $4,405,000 in 2014–15.


Sub- Approved Actual Revised head project expenditure estimate Estimate (Code) Approved projects estimate to 31.3.2013 2013–14 2014–15 ————— ————— ————— ————— $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

Waterworks Infrastructure—Cont’d. Water Supplies—Salt water supplies 9013WS Salt water supply system for Pok Fu Lam area ...... 268,000 210,684 42,816 1,500 9036WS Ring mains for salt water supply system ...... 81,200 77,282 100 600 9043WS Uprating of Wan Chai salt water supply system ...... 271,100 54,090 45,933 31,493 9045WS Salt water supply for Northwest —remaining works ...... 808,400 490,445 184,000 43,200 9046WS Uprating of Sha Tin salt water supply system ...... 207,400 190,622 3,000 4,893 9049WS Salt water supply for Northwest New Territories, stage 1 ...... 188,000 156,233 20,000 10,000 ————— ————— ————— ————— Sub-total ...... 1,824,100 1,179,356 295,849 91,686 ————— ————— ————— —————

Block allocation 9100WX Waterworks, studies and investigations for items in Category D of the Public Works Programme ...... — — 679,000 690,000 ————— ————— ————— ————— Sub-total ...... — — 679,000 690,000 ————— ————— ————— ————— Head 709: total ...... 33,544,090 14,381,172 4,297,725 4,391,862 ————— ————— ————— —————