January 26, 2018 – Shevat 10, 5778 Flamingo E Weekly 781 Erev Shira, Parshat Beshalach Candle Lighting: 5:02pm | Shabbat ends: 6:07 pm

The Family Shul Wishes You a Songfully Joyous Shabbat Shalom!

Your Flamingo Week-at-a-Glance: Prayer Services, Classes & Events Erev Shabbat, Friday, January 26 Shabbat Shira – Saturday, January 27 Sunday, January 28 Yud Shevat 6:30 am Ma’amer Moment 8:30 am Chassidic Reader ~ Ohr 8:00 am Early Minyan 6:40 am Early Minyan 9:15 am Melodious Main Shacharit Prayer Services 8:30 am Tanya Teachings 7:00 am Regular Minyan 9:30 am Parents ’n Kids Youth Minyan 9:15 am Regular Minyan 10:30 am Shabbat Youth Programs

11:00 am The Teen Scene! 5:12 pm Mincha, Sefer HaMitzvot 12:30 pm Congregational Kiddush 4:45 pm Mincha, Sefer HaMitzvot and “Timely Torah” then, 5:15 pm Ma’ariv joyous Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv! 4:15 pm Mincha, then Communal Seudah Shlisheet 6:00 pm Ma’ariv, then screening of the Living Torah video Women’s Mikvah: 8 - 10 pm Our Diamond Daveners! Thursday, February 1 Youth Minyan: Zevi Stark Kids’ Program: Yosef Kozak 6:30 am Parsha Perspectives Kiddush Honours: Seudah Shlisheet Honours: 6:35 am Early Minyan The Friedman Family The Dachs Family 7:00 am Regular Minyan by appt. only Women’s Mikvah: Women’s Mikvah: 8:00 - 10:00 pm Wednesday, January 31 4:45 pm Mincha, Sefer HaMitzvot Monday, January 29 Tuesday, January 30 Tu B’Shvat 5:15 pm Ma’ariv 6:30 am Parsha Perspectives 6:30 am Parsha Perspectives 6:40 am Early Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 7:00 pm R’ Robbins: Shabbat Laws 6:35 am Early Minyan 6:40 am Early Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 7:30 pm “Women in the Bible” 4:45 pm Mincha and Sefer 10:30 am Redemption Songs Class 4:45 pm Mincha and HaMitzvot 8:00 pm Ezra K: Tanya Told Clearly

Sefer HaMitzvot 5:15 pm Ma’ariv 4:45 pm Mincha and 8:00 pm M. Covant: Shalom Bayit 5:15 pm Ma’ariv We celebrate this special day by Sefer HaMitzvot 6:30 pm Mother and Child eating fruits, especially those 8:30 pm R’ Kaplan: Talmud Tisch 5:15 pm Ma’ariv Paint Night mentioned in praise of the Holy 8:00 pm Hebrew Parsha Class! 7:00 pm Epic Jewish Journey Land: Grapes, Figs, Pomegranates, Olives and Dates! 7:30 pm Laws of Tzedakah Women’s Mikvah: 8 - 10 pm Women’s Mikvah: 8 - 10 pm Women’s Mikvah: 8 - 10 pm Women’s Mikvah: 8 - 10 pm

Event-of-the-Week: Mothers ‘n Kids Paint Together: Tuesday, Jan. 30 – 6:30pm Join us for this artistically creative bonding event - led by Brocha of “Artivities.” The arts have always been her passion; as a teacher,

she developed a successful colourful art curriculum that’s so simple, clear and easy that almost everyone can learn to draw, sketch or

paint. In fact, Brocha says, “I’ve never yet met anyone who cannot draw – all you need to do is try!” There’s a one-time $10/person

cover fee that includes all painting materials and canvas. Please RSVP to [email protected]

ערב שבת - יום הקדוש יו״ד שבט | Erev Shabbat ~ Yud Shevat – Friday Morning, January 26 Today is Yud (= the 10th day of the Hebrew month of) Shevat, a special day on the contemporary Chassidic calendar because it marks the Yahrztiet-Hilula of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, and also the anniversary of our beloved Rebbe’s formal acceptance of the mantle of inspired Torah leadership and the launching one of the greatest positive spiritual revolutions in all of Jewish history!  6:30 am – Class: “The Giving Codes” Secret mystical codes for Chesed through complementary Basi L’Gani studies. Facebook LIVE!  6:40 or 7:00 am – Prayers: “Spiritual Recharge” Fast or slow: Davening followed by the traditional Basi L’Gani Ma’amer recitation.  5:12 pm – Prayers n’ Torah: “Weaves, Wheat & Garden” Mincha, Daily Digest Re: Kosher Weaving & Harvesting. Our TimelyTorah: customary Basi L’Gani Ma’amer review. Warm and Melodious Kabbalat Shabbat & Ma’ariv services usher in Shabbat Shira - 5:50 pm.

שבת שירה י״א שבט | Shabbat Shira Morning – January 27 This Shabbat is called “Shira” (= Joyous Song), recalling the joyous Song-of-Praise sung by Moshe Rabbeinu and the B’nai Yisrael after the wonderful miracles of Kriyat Yam Suf - the splitting of the Sea. It is the central theme of this week’s Torah portion Beshalach, which also features blessings and practical lessons for financial success (Parnossa) and introduces us to our nation-defining of Shmirat Shabbat!  8:30 am – Class: “Sabbatical Consumption” This analysis of Manna will enable easy digestion of Shabbat cuisine’s mystical meaning.  9:15 am – Shabbat Sanctuary Services: “Sing it Loud” Joyous and melodious Davening lifts our spirits, while insightful Torah teachings refine our perspective on seeking relevance in our ancient yet timeless culminative redemptive epic of Kriyat Yam Suf!  9:30 am – Youth Minyan: “Second Chances” Missed the Prize Redemption last Shabbat!? No problem! This Shabbat, Avrumi is kindly providing all those who missed out with yet another chance to redeem their reward coins for unreal prizes!  10:30 am – Kids’ Program: “Hashem Will Provide” HaShem gave our ancestors Manna, providing everyone with exactly what they needed. This shows us to live life with faith that Hashem shall give whatever we need, when we need it. Learn, Daven, Nosh & Play!  11:00 am – Teen Program: “Be Seen @ The Scene” The guys chill with Rabbi Avrumy, study Torah, and enjoy Kool Shul together.  12:30 pm – Kiddush: “To Elevate a Soul” Sponsored by Les and Iris Friedman to commemorate the Yahrtzeit of Les’s Mother, OBM. שבת שירה י״א שבט |The Afternoon/Evening of Shabbat – January 27  4:15 pm – Shabbat Climax: “In a Holy Zone” Mincha, Seudah Shlisheet; Torah Teachings Re: Holy Soul. Holy Harvesting. Holy Foes!  6:00 pm – Conclusion: “Pray n’ View” Ma’ariv services followed by the weekly screening of Living Torah with the Rebbe.

י״ב שבט |Sunday – January 28  8:00 or 9:15 am – Prayer: “Weekly Recharge” Daven quick & early, or more deliberately later on to prayerfully launch a new week!  8:30 am – Class: “Transcending Time” The eternity of holiness, concealed within the finite deviations of our time! Facebook LIVE.  4:45 pm – Prayers & Learning: “Frum Farming” Mincha, Daily Digest: Fallen Grapes & Forgotten Sheaves. Ma’ariv services 5:15 pm. י״ג שבט |Monday – January 29  6:30 am – Class: “Studies of Solitude” Jethro advises Moses not to “go it alone.” But what was Moses thinking? Facebook LIVE.  6:40 or 7:00 am – Prayer Time Options: Early and swifter in the Shtieble; moderately-paced services following class in Beit Midrash.  10:30 am – Class: “Joy & Wrath” Thrilled with the feast, but infuriated when Mordechai didn’t bow. It’s complicated. Facebook LIVE  4:45 pm – Prayers & Learning: “Care to Share?” Mincha, Daily Digest Re: of Ma’aser and Tzedaka. Ma’ariv at 5:15 pm.  8:00 pm – Class in Ivrit: “Seeing Sounds” Rashi, Ramban, Kli Yakar and the Rebbe’s Reflections on “Extraordinary Sinai Phenomenon” י״ד שבט |Tuesday – January 30  6:30 am – Class: “Divisional Dissipation” How our ancient ancestors positively overcame divisive individuality. Facebook LIVE.  6:40 or 7:00 am – Prayer: “Shacharit Options” Earlier & swifter in Unzere Shtieble; a more relaxed-pace after class in Beit Midrash.  4:45 pm – Prayers & Learning: “Time for Tithe” Mincha, Daily Digest: Priestly Tithe, Levite's Priestly Tithe. Ma’ariv 5:15 pm.  6:30 pm- Program: “Family Arts”: Creative and fun Mother n’ Child artistic bonding event led by Brocha of Artivities.  7:00 pm – History Class: “Conquering Chronicles” Michael Rogozinsky presents the epic Jewish history of our sacred Jerusalem.  7:30 pm – Class on Charity: “Tzedaka Rules” Nathan Choran teaches more about the obligations of fulfilling the mitzvah of Tzedaka! ט״ו ב׳שבט ~ ראש השנה לאילנות |Tu B’Shevat ~ Wednesday – January 31 The 15th of Shevat marks the beginning of a “New Year for Trees,” as subterranean roots stir coming to life; evidenced by the earliest blooming almond trees in Eretz Israel - emerging from winter hibernation - the rebirth cycle begins. The traditional Torah-true way to observe this unique day on the Jewish calendar is not by planting trees, but rather by eating fruits, especially those mentioned in praise of the Holy Land: grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives & dates. Likened to “trees of the field” we reflect on lessons we can derive from them!  6:40 or 7:00 am – Shacharit Prayers: “Exercise Your Time Options” Swiftly in Shtieble; more relaxed-pace in Beit Midrash after class.  4:45 pm – Prayers & Learning: “The Order of Israel” Mincha & Daily Digest: Tithing in the Right Order. Ma’ariv follows 5:15 pm. ט״ז שבט|Thursday – February 1  6:30 am – Class: “Fire & Fury” The Torah was given amidst lighting & thunder, but who ordered the fireworks? Facebook LIVE.  6:35 or 7:00 am – Prayer: “Your Time Choice!” Early & swifter in Unzere Shtieble; more relaxed-pace following class in Beit Midrash. ט״ז שבט|Thursday Evening: Limmud HaTorah Events –Thursday – February 1  4:45 pm – Prayers & Learning: “Profane Consumption” Mincha & Daily Digest Re: Unauthorized Terumah Eating. Ma’ariv 5:15 pm.  7:00 pm – Class: “Doing Shabbat Right” Rabbi Robbins clarifies and untangles the complexities of properly keeping Shabbat.  7:30 pm – Seminar for Women: “Women of the Bible” Rabbi Robbins teaches about Devorah, the heroic judge and prophetess!  7:30 pm – Seminar for Men: “Family Peace” Mark Covant’s absorbing session promotes Shalom Bayit; based on Garden of Peace.  8:00pm – Class: “GPS of the Soul” Ezra Krybus’ easy-to-follow, introductory teachings of the Chassidic classic, Sefer HaTanya.  8:30 pm – Rabbi’s Talmud Tisch: “Making History” Achashveirosh vs. David. Deep history of Mordechai’s greatness! Facebook LIVE! The Family Shul Members’ Bulletin  Mazal Tov to Curt and Debra Rothenberg upon the upcoming Bar Mitzvah of their son Yosef.

Fabulous February Phenomena @ Chabad Flamingo. Save these Dates and Participate!

Sunday February 4 – 5:15 pm ~ Mincha Shifts Forward: The Winter Mincha Minion Challenge has, Baruch Hashem, successfully o ended! From this day on, services shift forward for February. Thanks for joining us when you can – you make all the difference!

Monday February 5 – 8:00 pm ~ Mimosas, Mysteries & Mikvah - Track I: The Feminine Mystique: meant for newlyweds until o mature perimenopause; hosted at the home of Lia Niski, featuring special guest speaker, Sara Rabiski.

Sunday February 11 – 5:00 pm ~ Virtual Grand Banquet: The climax of the International Conference of Shluchos is attended by o several thousand Lubavitcher Rebbetzins and female lay leaders from around the world! Once again this will be streamed live.

Wednesday, February 14 – 8:00 pm ~ Mimosas, Mysteries & Mikvah – Track II: Maturing Gracefully: meant for perimenopause o and menopause; hosted at the home of Sari Bachar, featuring special guest speaker, Chavi Goldberg.

Monday, February 19 – 11:30 am ~ Celebrate Torah-True Femininity: Enjoy a healthy brunch and be inspired by keynote speaker: o The Honorable Judge Rachel Freier: the first Chassidic female elected to office in the US. RSVP for our Annual Women’s Event.

Members’ Mishloach Manot Orders: All Shul members will have received an email with their own unique login info. If you’re a o Family Shul member but haven’t yet received it, please let Rebbetzin Faygie know right away, so we can send it to you ASAP!

Purim 2018: We are delighted to announce this year’s theme for an incomparable holiday Masquerade Ball: “Purim at the Circus!” o RSVP for Thursday, March 1. It’s the Greatest, Liveliest, & Tastiest Purim Party in the GTA - NOBODY does Purim better!

Chabad Flamingo|www.chabadflamingo.com 8001 Bathurst Street | Thornhill, Ontario L4J 8L5 | Phone: (905) 763-4040| Fax: (905) 763-3470 Copyright © 2018 Chabad Flamingo. All Rights Reserved.