Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey District Kech (),

Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey District Kech (Turbat), Balochistan

Authored by: Copyright © National Rural Support Programme - December 2018 All rights reserved, but development organisations which are working in the rural areas specially non- profit organizations working for capacity building can use this material for the benefit of poorrural communities. It is requested that please acknowledge the effort made by NRSP. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording for the commercial or profit making purpose or otherwise without the written permission of the National Rural Support Programme.

Authored by: Foresight Research

Design & Layout: Mansoor Abid

National Rural Support Programme Balochistan Rural Support and Community Empowerment (BRACE) Programme Near Circuit House, DHQ Hospital Road, Turbat, Balochistan. Tel: +92-852-412830

“This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union under the Balochistan Rural Support and Community Empowerment (BRACE) Programme. Its contents are the sole responsibility of National Rural Support Programme (NRSP) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.”

More information about European Union is available on: Web: Twitter: @EUPakistan Facebook: European-Union-in- Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme 3 3 5 5 5 5 6 8 8 9 1 4 4 7 7 23 23 25 26 28 22 22 12 12 13 15 16 16 18 19 19 20 21 21 24 24 24 27 10 10 10 11 14 14 17 i 5.26. Social Protection Mechanism / Measures Available to the Households to Available Mechanism / Measures 5.26. Social Protection Experienced in Households/Village 5.27. Conflicts/Disputes in Need of Neighbors 5.28. Cooperation & Corruption Free” is Transparent Govt. 5.29. Households Opinion on “Local 5.21. Purpose for Keeping Livestock in Household Livestock 5.21. Purpose for Keeping 12 Months in Last 5.22. Household with Livestock 12 Months in Households for Home Usage/Sale in Last Produced 5.23. Items 5.24. Principal Shocking and Recurring Risks Disaster Could Cause Financial Which Events 5.25. Possible Supply Payment Water for an Improved Pay 5.15. Willingness to in Households Facility 5.16. Toilet Connection in Households System 5.17. Drainage for Households 5.18. Garbage Collection System of Energy/Electricity Sources of Electricity & Alternate 5.19. Availability Irrigation & Water of Fuel/Energy 5.20. Main Sources 5.9. Land Ownership Status Residential 5.10. Household Current Used in House Roof of House and Material 5.11. Structure Water of Drinking 5.12. Main Source System Delivery of Water 5.13. Installation Usage Payment 5.14. Water Members of Family Status 5.3. Health Consultation 5.4. Incidence of Illness and Seeking 5.5. Employment 5.6. Household Income and Expenditures 5.7. Household Expense Distribution of Assets 5.8 Ownership these Facilities to 4.3. Means of Commute 4.4. Use of Services Characteristics 5.1. Population Statistics 5.2. Education Approach 3.2. Evaluation Instruments and Survey 3.3. Sampling Strategy Limitations 3.4. Survey Profile 4.1. District Reach the Facilities to Required 4.2. Time Background 1.1. Study 2.1. About the BRACE the Survey of 3.1. Objective

District of Households in the 5. Socioeconomic Profile KECH District of 4. Short Profile 1. Introduction EU-funded BRACE of the 2. Background Survey & Methodology of Baseline 3. Data Source Table of Contents Table Summary Executive Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme References Annex 1:HouseholdQuestionnaire 7. Methodology&PlanfortheFollow-up Survey 6. Conclusion&Recommendations 7.2. Fieldwork Duration 7.1. Field BriefingandPilot Testing 6.2. Recommendations 6.1. Research Process 5.35. ImpactofChangeinClimate/Weather onFamily, Livestock &Farming 5.34. Most StrikingChangeinClimate/Weather inLast 5years 5.33. BenefitsofCommunityOrganization 5.32. MajorConstraints &Problems ofLocal5.31. OpiniononPerformance Government Local Govt. Representatives 5.30. HouseholdsTrust inLocal Representatives &No. ofTimes Householdshave Visited ii 34 34 31 30 30 37 34 52 32 32 32 29 28 28 Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme 1 registration, etc. registration, Estimate the baseline income, sources of income, asset ownership, incidence, depth and of income, asset ownership, the baseline income, sources Estimate the poor (households) of in the social characteristics and associated poverty of severity districts. programme targeted Estimate the baseline for targeted poor households’ access to and civil acts use health, and sanitation, education, water and public services, such as access to of basic social » » » » Only 23% households had livestock and they mostly kept goat in their houses. goat kept and they mostly Only 23% households had livestock Motor and (24%) Fan (39%), Refrigerator (43%), TV (66%), phones Mobile had Households of Majority The major recurring risk factors for (58%), Disease (37%) and Drought (36%) these and these factors were also reported as possible events for households were Loss of financial Employment Their disaster. main social protection (78%), mechanisms were Health Insurance Inflation (34%) followed by, Social pension (27%). (30%) and / disability insurance Unemployment 15% households did not have a toilet consequences in significant has their defecation Open homes. necessities. their for These latrine Communal 15% by followed households places, were using Field/open withholding in stool and women it may result example in children For and physiological. both psychological not did they and (81%) systems drainage any with connected not were households of Majority behavior. (99%). any garbage collection system have Balochistan is a water-starved and land-rich region in Pakistan, very few had access to pipe-water supply. supply. pipe-water had access few to very in Pakistan, and land-rich region Balochistan is a water-starved Their main sources of drinking water were Protected Well water (24%) (21%). followed Majority by (81%) Private Households get Borehole their water free of cost. Whereas the remaining 19% paid average an amount of PKR 173 a month. Majority of households (64%) were willing to pay for supply system. improved water On the whole 3 persons share a room in KECH District, giving very little privacy to the household members. members. household the to privacy little very giving District, KECH in room a share persons 3 whole the On of and social life of human beings as the crowding impact on the health has a direct Overcrowding Overcrowding of infection, especially with children. spread the rapid space promotes a small into persons and possible sexual harassment. such as lack of privacy also causes many social problems Average Average monthly income of households was recorded at PKR 15,470 and average monthly expenditure households most indicating items, (kitchen) food on was (60%) expenditure the of Most 13,092. PKR was live just around the basic ‘survival level’ as with rise in monthly income percentage allocation to foods declines significantly. is one of these 8 districts. Foresight Research has conducted a BASELINE household a BASELINE household socio-economic conducted has Research Foresight is one of these 8 districts. with a sample of 600 households. NRSP’s district (SES) in KECH/Turbat survey of & end-line). (baseline, mid-line, Objectives research the 3 stage overall is part of The baseline survey were: the baseline research Executive Summary Executive reduce to Programme Support Community and Empowerment (BRACE) Balochistan Rural A 5-year poverty is being implemented in eight out of the 32 districts of the Balochistan province; KECH/Turbat Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme upper agegroups andinmore educated people. in females), in 5% vs. (36% males among higher was participation force Labor studying. were and/or Around one-fifth of the population was working. Among those not working, majority was under/over age among females). 27% vs. (42% number in greater far school the attended have males population, literate among Even females). in 33% vs. (53% males among so moreliterate, was population above and 5 age the of 44% year. Around 3%ofthepopulation hasanydisability Generally, peopleconsideredhealth their to begood.Around one-tenth hadbeenillorinjuredlast during age lessthan18years. Only 6%ofthe18years andabove were members ofanypoliticalparty. Most individuals have had their CNICs (among age 18 and above), reverse is true for birth certificates for conflict resolution andinaccess to loans. Community organizations were perceived to provide benefits in improving skills, access to technology, in (94%), Education by Employment (94%),Poverty (93%),Water followed supply(92%)andElectricity(91%). (95%) Healthcare were district this in problems and constraints Main diseases (33%). perceived its and 52%) impacts were ( Loss of human life fall (33%) followed by deteriorationrain of health conditions less due to water was borne observed climate/weather in change significant most The Banks, Railways etc. were notintheirregular use. alwayswhereasuse, likeservices other the lady health worker, veterinaryfamily planning, Police,clinics, households these which to services key the were water Drinking and Roads Schools, Unit, Health Basic main sources ofFuel/Energy forcooking wasWood (89%). had 4-8hoursat ofelectricity home. People their hadnoalternate sources ofEnergy orElectricity. The households whereas30% home, their in hours 8-12 for facility electricity had households Around46% about 2rooms. mostand were(92%) houses of these covered roofwooden with everywhole, the had On house (82%). structurekatcha had i.e. structured not were houses of Majority homes. their in (23%) Cycle/Scooters Executive Summary 2 Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme 3 baseline survey (SES) in KECH/Turbat NRSP’s district that has covered total about 600 households in NRSP’s districts. KECH / Turbat (BRACE). Aim of the BRACE is to reduce poverty through undertaking CDD based on RSPs’ proven social social proven RSPs’ on based CDD undertaking through poverty reduce to is BRACE the of Aim (BRACE). the of districts 32 the of out eight in implemented being is programme BRACE The approach. mobilization Balochistan province. The eight BRACE districts including: Jhal Magsi, , Killa Abdullah, Loralai, NRSP. with and Zhob with BRSP and Kech/Turbat Pishin, Washuk, household socio-economic has conducted Research Foresight the impact of the programme, measure To mobilization as their core approach. approach. core as their mobilization (RSPs), Support Programmes of its partner Rural (RSPN) and two Network Support Programme The Rural (BRSP), are Support Programme (NRSP) and Balochistan Rural Support Programme Rural National i.e. and Community Empowerment Programme Development Balochistan Rural implementing a 5-year 750 km of deposits. as undeveloped coastline, and yet But rich this mineral and enormous hydrocarbon in economic untapped, and Balochistan behind lags other provinces remains potential resources development. elsewhere with active 9 similar RSPs together namely NRSP, The principal implementing RSPs of BRACE, in Pakistan are well established not-for-profitorganizations, all using testinglong bottom-up social The population of Balochistan have suffered disproportionally, relative to the other regions of the country. country. the of regions other the to relative disproportionally, suffered have Balochistan of population The of presence public of policies, the geopolitical situation, failure of the factors: the host This is due to and poverty. security issues, rising militancy, Afghan refugees, of Pakistan. the federation of crisis posing serious challenges to of Balochistan a state is in The province with belt the coastal rangeland, vast the resources, of natural lie in its wealth strengths The province 1. Introduction Background 1.1. Study Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme and themediato scaleupsuccessfuldevelopment approaches. aim atalso disseminationthroughlearnt wider lessons of the advocacyevidence-based stakeholderswith appropriately tolearnt andproviding lesson value-added strategicbacking where required. RSPNwill facilitating involves procedures, developing a common M&Eframework, baselineapproaches, responding documentation, role RSPN’s The 2022. 30, June standardizationcontrol,of quality ensuring on by RSPs programmepartner throughthe of implementation concluded be will and 2017 30, June from The agreement between the EU and RSPN has been signed and the RSPN BRACE component is operational households graduatethe from thelowest (0-11score) to upperpoverty scorecardof bandlevels. 40% 2) and incomes their in improvement an see households poor targeted the of 25% 1) i.e. makers andprogramme stakeholders onachievement against theintended impact indicators ofBRACE government to improvedelivery. local basic service poverty The scorecard data-sets helpthepolicy local and institutions community the between linkages foster to as well as households, organized the of at tehsil levelatand eight districtlevel. providewill RSPs then tosupport improvelivesthe and livelihoods (COs); 3,103 Village Organizations (VOs); 249 Local Support Organizations (LSOs) and 31 LSO Networks be mobilized and organized into a network of people’s own institution: 19,129 Community Organizations Under BRACE, 1.9 million Pakistani citizens of 300,000 poor rural households in 249 union councils will budgetary a multi-annual in reflected be framework anddefinedinstitutional will arrangements. commitments and processes budgetary frameworks, to cost and fund the community-led development policy framework. Clearly defined fiscal and regulatory Finance H&H towith closely will work which assistManagement (PFM)component, Government the of Balochistan Public a has also programme The processes. implementation and financing, planning, sector of thelocalgovernment/to authorities manageandinvolvein thestatutory communities localpublic to company, Austrian an (H&H), Dynamics Human enable theGovernment toof Balochistan foster environment anenabling & for strengthening the capacities Hulla of services the engaged also has EU The servicedelivery,equitable andcivic-oversight. throughpolicy decision-making public activefor quality, engagementwithlocalauthorities inclusive, and influence to capability and voice their amplify also will It interventions. development socio- economic community-driven implement to means empowering the on with them focuses providing programme and communities The and Baluchistan. citizens of districts eight Councils Union 249 in BRSP Empowerment Programme (BRACE)implementedbeing is by threepartners,implementing namely RSPN,NRSPand Community and Development Rural Balochistan five-year the of component grant The 2.1. AbouttheBRACE 2. Background oftheEU-fundedBRACE 4 Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme 2 3 4 Random Selection of Union Councils 5 40-50 Union Councils Up to 40 Union Councils Up to Greater than 50 Union Councils Greater programme districts. programme Estimate the baseline for targeted poor households’ access to and civil acts use health, and sanitation, education, water and public services, such to as access of basic social etc. registration, Estimate the income, sources of income, asset ownership, incidence, depth and severity incidence, depth and severity income, asset ownership, of the income, sources Estimate of the poor (households) in the targeted social characteristics associated and of poverty Hierarchy of Union Councils in Districts of Union Hierarchy » » » » A fixed number of 50 households were selected from each sampledrevenue village. Within the sampled An and rest. band of below 23 score score based on the poverty listed villages all the households were each category. from on random selected of sample were equal proportion Stage 2- Selection of Revenue Villages: Stage 2- Selection of Revenue random. at selected villages were union council, four revenue Within each selected Stage 3- Selection of Households: 3.3. Sampling Strategy and Survey Instruments Instruments and Survey 3.3. Sampling Strategy sampling was performed a three-stage In each district Stage 1- Random Selection of Union Councils: involving a deliberate control group; therefore the SES will only be able to measure the overall the overall measure will only be able to the SES therefore group; control a deliberate involving will be adopted. approach and after mid-term before, the baseline, i.e. developmental change over interventions. the start of the programme before Baseline is conducted 3.2. Evaluation Approach 3.2. Evaluation and guidelines for analysis collection data tools indicators, methodology, a common RSPN has developed districts. RSP’s programme two across standardization the ensure to and reporting Baseline survey for KECH district has been outsourced to Foresight Research. Given the nature of the programme, it was not possible to conduct Randomized Control Trials (RCT) or any other approach The baseline, middle-line and end-line Socio-Economic Surveys (SES) are all part of the overall overall the part of all (SES) are and end-line The baseline, middle-line Socio-Economic Surveys of The purpose and objective accountability component and learning purpose of the M&E of the BRACE. outlined as: are the baseline survey 3. Data Source and Methodology of Baseline Survey of Baseline Methodology and Source 3. Data of the Survey 3.1. Objective Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Like anysurvey basedresearch, there are limitations: certain 3.4. Survey Limitations Final versions ofthetranslations andAndroid APPwere shared withNRSPteam fortheirapproval. view. After ofwas alsotested by Field andStatistics team. point capturing data and execution questionnairetranslation, an Android developedwas script to interviews.the conduct androidThe App field seamless both for checked was Translation and comprehendible languageforalldialectsspoken inBaluchistan. NRSP finalized the questionnaire in English. Questionnaire was translated in Urdu as it is an easy, simple Below istheachieved samplesize: Data Source andMethodologyofBaselineSurvey District KECH » » » » » » » » » » » » meaning to eachindividualrespondent. own its have and subjects, different to things different represent may agree” “somewhat option answer the example, For answer respondents. by certain differently interpreted because be may data options unclear to lead could options answer question’s Survey for upto 1year period. orevenof memoryonthesubject, boredom, asinsomecaseswewere askingquestions be fullyawaremay not Respondents reasons oftheir for anygiven answer of lack because and government performance). themselves inanunfavorablequestions manner(especially like lawandorder, security Some of the respondentsmay nothadfelt providing comfortable answers that present Some oftherespondentsmay nothadfelt encouraged to provide accurate, honest answers. July 2018. There wasaheightenedas General politicalactivityinthecountry were Elections heldin had animpactontheteams’ performance. Team ofenumeratorswere operatingareasin risks. hadsecurity havewhich could This Tehsils No. of 4 Councils Union Total 38 No. ofRev. Villages 368 Households 6 Total Est. 66,795 Sample UC No. of 3 Villages Sample No. of Rev. 12 Households Sample 600 Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme 7 5 District (based on Pakistan in Pakistan districts 72 out of the 141 ranked Rankings 2017) Education Vegetables Barley, Wheat, Rabi Crops: Onion, Chilies, Vegetables, Mung and Mash bean, Moth, Fruits, Kharif Crops: Cotton Fodder, Mangoes, Banana, Papaya, Melons, Citrus, Guava, Grapes, Pomegranate, Dates, Chickoo 2 Hospital (Public Sector) (RHC) Centers Health 11 Rural 42 Dispensaries (GoB, 2014-15) Malaria, ARI, Diarrhea Baluchistan 909,116 (2017 Census) 138,403 606,980 (66.8%) Major Diseases Major crops Major Fruits Hospitals Health Households population Rural Number of Tehsils Ranking Education Province Population KECH is 6th poorest district among eight BRACE districts in multidimensional poverty (MP) index ranking ranking index (MP) poverty multidimensional in districts BRACE eight among district poorest 6th is KECH and of PSLM health on education, survey is based on 15 indicators MPI in Balochistan province). (21st standard of living. According to PPAF and SDPI, KECH is ranked eighth poorest district in BRACE area, based on 27 indicators of PSLM survey pertaining to education, health, ownership. living conditions, and assets 4. Short Profile of Kech District of Profile 4. Short Profile 4.1. District Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Table 4.3 Population welfare unitviasomesortofmechanicaltransport. People mostly reached to thesefacilitiesby walkingto them,whereasto went Health and clinic/Hospital 4.3. MeansofCommute to theseFacilities Table 4.2 for thenearest Store, Retail similarly, mainroad isat about28minutes’ walk. an average,On Generallyfacilities. lack basic households these speaking, had to they minutes walkfor22 good quality. of are and available are products/services the all necessarily not facility, a finds one when Even apart. biggest disadvantage isthat even thebasicfacilitieslike grocery shopsare fartoo fewandare miles challenges, lowpopulation densitycoupledwithlackof development haschallengesof its own.The lowestthe is density amongprovinces.While of kind populationitself other high with brings density isPakistanBalochistan biggest provinceby area andsmallest by population.populationthe Hence 4.2. Time Required to ReachtheFacilities Short Profile of Kech District Mechanical Non-Mechanical On foot Reach (minutes) Average timeto 60+ minutes 40-59 minutes 30-44 minutes 15-29 minutes 0-14 minutes Overall Overall 40% 12% 18% 27% 85% 7% 4% 8% Medical stores 28 Medical stores 13% 48% 91% 33% 1% 3% 6% 6%

Retail (Kiryana) 22 Retail (Kiryana) Store Store 16% 12% 27% 16% 37% 56% 29% 7% Public Transport 36 Public Transport 17% 87% 30% 42% 7% 7% 4% 5%

Primary Boys 29 Primary Boys School School 84% 27% 45% 15% 7% 7% 9% 6% 8 Primary Girls 30 Primary Girls school school 11% 13% 34% 34% 85% 7% 8% 9%

Middle School 34 Middle School Boys Boys 13% 34% 86% 35% 7% 8% 9% 9%

Middle School 35 Middle School Girls Girls 14% 34% 34% 86% 9% 6% 9% 9% High School Boys 36 High School Boys 14% 14% 31% 86% 33% 9% 5% 9% High School Girls 37 High School Girls 11% 64% 15% 30% 28% 23% 22% 8%

Health Clinic/ 41 Health Clinic/ Hospital Hospital 11% 17% 11% 43% 51% 39% 23% 6%

Population 47 Population welfare Unit welfare Unit 14% 81% 49% 16% 22% 7% 5% 6% Main Road 28 Main Road Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Short Profile of Kech District Kech of Profile Short 9 Provision of social services in Balochistan faces the particular challenges of a low density area with of social services in Balochistan faces the particular challenges a low of density area Provision a population dispersed over a large, mountainous land area. 1. area density services in a high-population challenges of providing This context is very differentfrom the Services 4.4: Use of Figure 4.4. Use of Services 4.4. Use Basic Health Unit, vaccinator, Schools, Roads and Drinking water were often. service very did not use other they use, whereas always households the key services which these Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Figure 5.2a:Education Statistics Among Tehsil. Turbat in population whohasattended school, almost three-fifth were so currently studying. more literate, was population above and 5 age the of two-fifth than More 5.2. Education Statistics Figure 5.1:Population Characteristics votes in2018general elections.Around 3%ofthepopulation hasanydisability. of anypoliticalparty, almost(age 18andabove)individuals 4/5thofthe claimed to have casted their less than 18 years had their birth certificates, more so in Tump Tehsil. Also, while they were not member Whilehave manyoftheindividuals CNICs (amongage18andabove), hadtheir relatively very fewofage 5.1. Population Characteristics 5. SocioeconomicProfile ofHouseholdsintheDistrict 10 Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Socioeconomic Profile of Households in the District in the of Households Profile Socioeconomic 11 Figure 5.3: Education Statistics By Gender Statistics 5.3: Education Figure 5.3. Health Status of Family Members of Family Status 5.3. Health Generally, people across gender were in good health. However, around 13% in Tump described as bad. health their Figure 5.2b: Education Statistics By Gender Statistics 5.2b: Education Figure In line with general trend in education, much lower literacy ratio was recorded among females. Same among was recorded ratio lower much literacy in education, trend In line with general several are there While males. school vs. among females in incidence of attending was observed trend school distance from pertinent are: perhaps more behind lesser literacy, female factors socio-cultural household chores. school and doing in teachers number of female lesser home, relatively Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Figure 5.5a:Employment Status and/or were studying. Around one-fifth of the population was working. Among those not working, majority was under/over age 5.5. Employment Figure 5.4:Health Status ofFamily Members females were more likely to whenfallssick. seekmedical fasilitation though females, and males among sick falling of incidence the in recorded was differene significant No consultation, mainlyinTurbat Tehsil. Around one-tenth hadbeenillorinjured duringlast year, slightlymore inTump. Most of them soughta 5.4. IncidenceofIllnessandSeekingConsultation Socioeconomic Profile ofHouseholdsintheDistrict 12 Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Socioeconomic Profile of Households in the District in the of Households Profile Socioeconomic 13 In contrast to the findings of HIES 2015-16, where monthly income had an inverse relation with household with relation inverse an had income monthly where 2015-16, HIES of findings the to contrast In size 2, a direct relation was recorded between these two variables. It seems that household income is number of people working in the household. with linked directly Figure 5.6: Average Monthly Income, Expenditure and Savings Monthly Income, Expenditure 5.6: Average Figure 5.6. Household Income and Expenditures Expenditures 5.6. Household Income and Average monthly household income was recorded than Tump. at Tehsil in Turbat higher were 13,092. Monthly income & expenditures of PKR expenditure PKR 15,470, with the corresponding monthly Figure 5.5b: Employment Status by Demographics by Status 5.5b: Employment Figure As one would expect, labor force participation was higher among males and among age group 30-50. was higher group and among age among males participation As one would expect, labor force Also, chances of labor force participation as many literacy by working population when looking at improves prominent is not that though the same trend significantly with enhancement in qualification, students. and were their education perusing were literate Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme KECH district. in assets present commonly more the were (39%) Refrigerator and (43%), TV (66%), phones Mobile 5.8 further This 3. Balochistan in confirms that areas ofthis research expenditure lagbehindotherareas ondevelopment inBalochistan scale. household total in share 40% around had beverages and food where survey HIES latest the with contrast in is Beverages’ & ‘Food on spending percentage High Figure 5.7:HouseholdsExpensesinLast 12Months increases. ‘survival level’ asitiswelldocumented that theshareallocated spending oftotal to foodfalls as income higher share of spending on ‘Food & Beverages’ indicate that most households live just around the basic A Tehsils. the across expenditure household total the 3/5th had Beverages) & (Food expense Kitchen 5.7. HouseholdExpenseDistribution Table: Monthlyhouseholdincomeby householdsize(PKR) Socioeconomic Profile ofHouseholdsintheDistrict Income Monthly Household Ownership ofAssets 13,276 Upto 4 14 Household Size 14,768 5 -6 7 &above 18,364 Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Socioeconomic Profile of Households in the District in the of Households Profile Socioeconomic 15 5.9. Land Ownership 5.9. Land Ownership of land. few households (5% or less) had any ownership Very 5.9: Household Land Ownership Figure Smartphones have grown increasingly common in recent years, a trend which was also observed in Kutch Kutch in observed also was which trend a years, recent in common increasingly grown have Smartphones with each other. in the way people now communicate role on a central taken These devices have District. Figure 5.8: Households Ownership on Assets in Last 12 Months 12 Months Assets in Last on Households Ownership 5.8: Figure Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme reported 2014-15,andare inPSLM re-produced below: wood/Bamboo roofswith and houses are relativelythan overall higher numbers as forBaluchistan, KECH district seems to be a less developed district of the province, as both percentage of Katcha houses roof (82%). Bamboo Wooden/covered werewith these of most and structurekatcha(92%) had Houses of Majority 5.11. Structure ofHouseandMaterial UsedinHouseRoof On the whole 3 persons share a room in Ketch District, giving very little privacy to the household members. such aslackofprivacy andpossiblesexualharassment 6. rapidthe spreadchildrenwith especially ofinfection, Overcrowding5. problemsmany social also causes one of the major factors affecting human health as the crowding of persons into a small space promotes WorldThe HealthOrganizationbeings. considershuman crowding(WHO) of as life social healthand the the simplestPPR is though measureused andwidely ofcrowding.Overcrowding has adirect impacton measurescrowding,of household as Persons-Per-Roomsuch Persons-Per-Bedroom(PPR), etc.,(PPB), various uses Nations United density. to response psychological people’s to refers generally Crowding Figure 5.10:HouseholdCurrent ResidentialStatus in Tump). Generally,in Turbat households than inTumphouses hadbigger (average numberofrooms 2.1vs. 1.5 ownership reported data 4. 2014-15forBalochistan inPSLM Majority ofrespondentswere was more This own houses. livingintheir the house orlessinlinewith 5.10. HouseholdCurrent ResidentialStatus Socioeconomic Profile ofHouseholdsintheDistrict 16 Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme 5% 22% Other Iron / GARDER Iron 3% 2% Wood Socioeconomic Profile of Households in the District in the of Households Profile Socioeconomic Sheets (Iron/ Cement) Sheets (Iron/ 17 68% 64% Wood/ Bamboo Wood/ Mud Bricks/ Mud Mud Bricks/ 7% 30% RCC/ RBC Bricks/ Blocks Bricks/ Significant differences were recorded in the main source ofwater among the Tehsils. In Tumpmain Tehsil, sources of water were Protected and Unprotected Well along with Bottled while Water, in Turbat and Public Boreholes. Private Well, Protected were main sources 5.12. Main Source of Drinking Water of Drinking Water 5.12. Main Source Percentage distribution of households by material used in walls (Baluchistan) by material of households distribution Percentage Percentage distribution of households by material used in roofs (Baluchistan) roofs used in of households by material distribution Percentage Figure 5.11: Structure of House and Material Used in House Roof Used and Material of House Structure 5.11: Figure Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Figure 5.13:Installation ofWater Delivery System Govt./Municipal by District/Union councilsetc. (14%). followed (72%) themselves by system water the installed Households of Majority 5.13. Installation ofWater Delivery System unconsolidated Layersin Balochistan. deposits ofgravel withsand,slitandclayconstitute theaquifers 8. extensive though isblessedwith Balochistan groundwater resources.Groundwater occurs inthe risk ofover exploitation. due to mismanagementofwater resources intheprovince 8.Besidesstreams, othersources are at the isa Balochistan water-starved andland-richregion inPakistan. Thegroundwater are tables ondecline Figure 5.12:MainSource ofDrinkingWater inHousehold Socioeconomic Profile ofHouseholdsintheDistrict 18 Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Socioeconomic Profile of Households in the District in the of Households Profile Socioeconomic 19 Nearly 2/3rd of the households were willing to pay for an improved water supply system, mainly in Turbat mainly in Turbat supply system, water pay for an improved willing to of the households were Nearly 2/3rd supply service. pay for water to willing less than half of the households were Though, in Tump Tehsil. Supply System Water for an improved Pay 5.15: Willingness to Figure 5.15. Willingness to Pay for an Improved Water Supply Payment Water for an Improved Pay 5.15. Willingness to facilitation from the government. the government. from facilitation for water. monthly amount of PKR 173 19% paid an average the remaining Whereas Usage Payment 5.14: Water Figure 5.14. Water Usage Payment 5.14. Water used in their houses. This seems very 4/5th of the than households did not pay anything for water More any without own their on water the of arrangements made have households the of (72%) most as logical Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme significant consequences both psychological and physiological. In children and women it results in stool Not having atoilet inone home hasprofound healthOpen defecationconsequences. and nutritional has Figure 5.16:Toilet Facility inHouseholds places, followedby Communallatrine. in their homes, where as 15% households who did not have a toilet in their homes, were using Field/open In the current survey in KECH district, majority of the Households reported to have a toilet facility (86%) didnothavehouseholds inBalochistan atoilet during2014-1510. with a fitted hinged seat a bowl and connected to a waste of pipe and a consisting flushing apparatus urination, 9. It and reported that defecation 13% of the for fixture a being ‘Toilet’ defines 2014-15 PLSM 5.16. Toilet Facility inHouseholds willing to servicesincludingsewagemaintenance payforsanitation andsolidwaste management. for betteramount a decent water However,9. services studysame noted, most residents ofthe were not pay to willing were people that noted 2016) in Sind in WASH for Pay to (Willingness UNICEF by study a country. the of parts other in example, conducted For work earlier similar with are line findings in These Socioeconomic Profile ofHouseholdsintheDistrict 20 Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Socioeconomic Profile of Households in the District in the of Households Profile Socioeconomic 21 Majority of Households (99%) had no garbage collection system. Majority of Households (99%) had in Households 5.18: Garbage Collection System Figure 5.18. Garbage Collection System for Households 5.18. Garbage Collection System Majority of Households (81%) were not connected with any drainage systems. with any drainage not connected (81%) were Majority of Households in Households System 5.17: Drainage Figure withholding behavior – they refuse to defecate in a setting where they are uncomfortable or embarrassed, they are where in a setting defecate to – they refuse withholding behavior bowel movement. withhold reflexively to causing them Households Connection in System 5.17. Drainage Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Figure 5.20:MainSources ofFuel/Energy &Water Irrigation The mainsource ofwater irrigation wasBarani (79%)followedby River (11%)&Tube well(10%). Wood (89%)wasthemainsources ofFuel/Energy fortheseHouseholds. 5.20. MainSources ofFuel/Energy &Water Irrigation Figure 5.19:Availability ofElectricity&Alternate Sources ofEnergy/Electricity had noalternative source ofelectricityintimesbreakdown. households Most homes. their in hours 8-12 electricity had households 46% another while day a hours 8 Upto electricity had 2/5th than more connection, electricity no had households the of 3% only While 5.19. Availability ofElectricity&Alternate Sources ofEnergy/Electricity Socioeconomic Profile ofHouseholdsintheDistrict 22 Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Socioeconomic Profile of Households in the District in the of Households Profile Socioeconomic 23 Among 22% of the households who reported having a livestock, mainly had a Goat. These are used both used are These Goat. a had mainly livestock, a having reported who households the of 22% Among for giving milk and for meat. Livestock) (Among those who have 5.22: Households with Livestock Figure 5.22. Household with Livestock in Last 12 Months in Last 5.22. Household with Livestock of the province, 12. The climate province than 50 per cent in the GDP of the more contributes The livestock sheep and goats. to being arid, is suited Figure 5.21: Purpose of keeping livestock in HH in Last 12 Months in HH in Last livestock of keeping 5.21: Purpose Figure 5.21. Purpose for Keeping Livestock in Household in Household Livestock for Keeping 5.21. Purpose Tehsil. Turbat in mainly purposes, household their serving for livestock the kept households 22% Overall Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Figure 5.24:PrincipalShocks andRecurringRisks accumulation.Whilecapital there onCPEC,peopleground hasbeenalotoftalk have notfelt any growthEconomic has stagnated Balochistan, in pastthe in of limitedbecause decade investment and 5.24. PrincipalShockingandRecurringRisks Figure 5.23:Items Produced inHouseholdforHomeUsage/Sale by Eggs. havinghouseholds Among a livestock, ProductsDairy and Yogurt)(Milk were producedmainly followed 5.23. Items Produced inHouseholdsforHomeUsage/SaleLast 12Months Socioeconomic Profile ofHouseholdsintheDistrict 24 (Among thosewhohave Livestock) Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Socioeconomic Profile of Households in the District in the of Households Profile Socioeconomic 25 Not many formal option were available to the people of KECH. much of the case in this district this is not that help in times of crisis. However, Usually, to comes forward family one’s immediate or extended challenges. or less the same facing more are themselves of the family members as most 5.26. Social Protection Mechanism / Measures Available to the Households to Available Mechanism / Measures 5.26. Social Protection Figure 5.25: Possible Events Which Could Cause Financial Disaster Could Cause Financial Which Events 5.25: Possible Figure and are even difficult to hold. People seems to be fixated on their employment andthat tackle. prices to increasing ever for are of this concern, there On top generation. their next (32%) Disease and (40%) Drought (58%), Inflation by followed (73%) Employment of loss Accordingly, Households. in these which could cause financial disaster targeted events possible the key were key recurring risks in these targeted Households. Whereas the risk of Malnutrition was appeared slightly the risk of Malnutrition was appeared Households. Whereas in these targeted risks recurring key Tehsil. higher in Turbat Disaster Could Cause Financial Which Events 5.25. Possible There is very little social support that is to available people in Baluchistan. Jobs are difficult to come by Law and order situation has also worsen the economic activities in the province, however, there is much there however, the economic activities in the province, has also worsen situation Law and order times. recent in improvement Loss of Employment (78%) followed by Inflation (58%), Disease (37%) and Drought (36%) were the benefits so far. Their biggest concern, as onerespondent during the interview areas’. in our with our loved-ones decent living said, ‘all we want is a Over the last several decades, it supplied cheap gas natural to Pakistan’s economic supporting centers, in Baluchistan. the situation change to little very this has done However, the country’s industrialization. Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Figure 5.27:Conflicts/Disputes ExperiencedinHouseholdsorVillage issues were comparatively highinTump However village. face anyconflicts/disputesor home (87%) didn’t of Households their these Majority in 5.27. Conflicts/Disputes ExperiencedinHouseholds/Village Figure 5.26:SocialProtection Mechanism BISP-cash transfer mechanismwascomparatively higherinTurbat (39%). and BISP-cashtransferswere protectionsocial main the availablemechanisms tohouseholds. these Health Insurance (34%) followed by Unemployment / disability insurance (30%), Social pension (27%) Socioeconomic Profile ofHouseholdsintheDistrict 26 Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Socioeconomic Profile of Households in the District in the of Households Profile Socioeconomic 27 International’s International’s 2017 Corruption Perception Index ranks the country 117th place out of 180 countries 14. Political instability in the province also leads to corruption. About 35% households mentioned that local Govt. was non-transparent & corrupted, more so in Turbat, whereas 32% mentioned that Local mainly in Tump. was Neutral, Govt. & Corruption Free is Transparent Govt. 5.29: Opinion on Local Figure 5.29. Households Opinion on “Local Govt. is Transparent & Corruption Free” & Corruption is Transparent Govt. “Local 5.29. Households Opinion on together bureaucracy government Inefficient Pakistan. in prosperity to obstacle significant a is Corruption with high-levels of corruption present significant barriers to businessPakistan in Transparency 13. 58% believed that one gets help from friends & family while another 34% said in future. that expectations of help in return whom they have those from people help only in Need of Neighbors 5.28: Cooperation Figure 5.28. Cooperation of Neighbors in Need Neighbors of 5.28. Cooperation A very different behaviors was observedTehsils.Two in InTurbat, more than 4/5th of the respondents Tehsil, this, in Tump to with On contrary times of need. each other in do cooperate people that stated Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme negative perception onmost attributes. oftheperformance had household the of 2/3rd than However, more discrepancies. financial any in involved not were they as trusted be can were and communities, local benefitted Governments 51% Local that - agreed households 46% between best, At lukewarm. remained Governments Local the of performance Perceived ofLocal5.31. OpiniononPerformance Government Figure 5.30b:No. ofTimes Visited to Local Govt. Representative Figure 5.30a:HouseholdsTrust inLocal Representatives visit to anyLocal Govt. representative sincetheformation ofLocal Govt. didn’t (70%) them of most representativebut elected Local(45%) on trust a have Households Though Visited Local Govt. Representatives 5.30. Households Trust inLocal Representatives &No. ofTimes Households have Socioeconomic Profile ofHouseholdsintheDistrict 28 Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Socioeconomic Profile of Households in the District in the of Households Profile Socioeconomic 29

would be taken by the people of other provinces. the people of other provinces. by would be taken Healthcare (95%), Education (94%), Employment (94%), Poverty (93%), in this district. and problems the main constraints Electricity (91%) were Water supply (92%) and Box Top-2 & Problems 5.32: Major constraints Figure There has been much talk Economic Corridor (CPEC) being the game changer for the country of Pakistan There and for Baluchistan, as it is poised to boost development which would help the citizens of the province is the view Worse so far. reality into this vision has not transformed life. However, a prosperous live to prosperity of the expected advantages all that during the interviews some respondents by expressed 5.32. Major Constraints & Problems & Problems 5.32. Major Constraints Figure 5.31: Opinion on Performance of Local Government of Local Opinion on Performance 5.31: Figure Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Figure 5.34:Most striking ChangeinClimate/Weather inLast 5Years aroundThereworld. the are indications that Pakistan shareits had has largeof the climatic variations. Steadilytemperature rising anditsimpacts onthecryosphere andrainfall arein manyregions evident of climateissue The has emerged change verystrongly lastthe during twoglobal scale. on decades 5.34. Most StrikingChangeinClimate/Weather inLast 5years Figure 5.33:BenefitsofCommunityOrganization access to loans,improving skillsandaccessto market. Community organizations were perceived to provide benefits in conflict resolution, access to technology, 5.33. BenefitsofCommunityOrganization Socioeconomic Profile ofHouseholdsintheDistrict 30 Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Socioeconomic Profile of Households in the District in the of Households Profile Socioeconomic 31 Figure 5.35: Impact of Change in Climate/Weather on Family, Livestock & Farming & Livestock on Family, 5.35: Impact of Change in Climate/Weather Figure for communities to make necessary arrangements for their safety, crops and livestock. crops for their safety, necessary arrangements make for communities to Loss of human life (33%) followed by deterioration of health conditions due to (33%) water borne and diseases loss of livestock were major impacts of climate change on the survey. during recorded family and livestock that were 5.35. Impact of Change in Climate/Weather on Family, Livestock & Farming & Farming Livestock on Family, of Change in Climate/Weather 5.35. Impact Changes in rainfall pattern directly affect agriculture and water, disaster management sectors. In most making and become it unpredictable, very difficult unreliable have rainfall patterns of the country, areas The dominant component of the climate variations was spatial shifts in the rainfall patterns, associated associated patterns, shifts in the rainfall spatial was variations The dominant component of the climate region 15. in the atmosphere of the circulation in the general with fluctuations The most striking change in climate/weather in last 5 years was less rain fall (52%) and Extended Dry Season (23%). Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme New schools with more female teachers can help in improving literacy among females. Vocational training and inflation jobs, about worried are residents - diseases. Atwo prong program focusingonsocialandeconomic upliftingismuchneeded. uplift economic for plan marshal a needs area The the electricityproblem. supply. Affordable renewable electricity solutions should be explored and promoted in the area to address toseems Households connectedbe uninterrupted Nationalhad the few but with Grid, Electricity power in theirhomes. toilets build areas to target provided in be should help or loans Small awareness. and affordability both Not having atoilethome hasprofound inone healthof is anissue This consequences. andnutritional for thehouseholdmembers, withouteconomicupliftingthiswouldnotbepossible. uplift ofthearea.and economic So,awarenessneed people while ofprivateimportance about the space Crowding(more persons room)per addressedbe cannot spreadingwithout awareness education)(via 6.2. Recommendations interviews whichwere conducted before were re-visited to askthisquestion. This wasnotdoneinitially. Thoughthiswasvery quickly spotted andcorrected inthequestionnaire. All aftervotingabout be asking the General now should 2018 Generalwe in Hence, Elections. Elections. interviews the voting question was about 2013 General Elections. However, interviewsPilot were conducted before July 2018Generalthe accordingly Elections, pilot the during actual field work was conducted ofthesurveystage andafaceto facetraining sessionwasorganized withtheenumerators. sufficient. is training of after thepilotsandbeforeof theactual thecommencement amount survey.was noted This at thevery initial no and research any in Enumerators were step trained before interviewspilot However,the detail. in formal trainingno scheduled was critical a is enumerators of Training respondents andcompleted theinterviews in best possibleway. language, they were also able to get cooperation from the respondents. They effortlessly mixed with the todecision The the localtrained use team proved to bevery fruitful.the area Notonlytheyknew and just becauseofnon-availability ofthesignals. ordinates,enumeratorssometimes, hadtoof minutesfor couple wait before interview startedbe could Logistically, internetin theresearchconnectivity areas wasaproblem. Aswewere alsorecording co- GPS This wouldhave analysis madethedata more insightful andmeaningful. conducted. be also should Interviews Informant Key data, the of interpretation in help to Furthermore, been notonlythepartofassignmentbutactually pointofthesurvey. thestarting A researchmagnitude ofthis have should literaturestarted been withadetailed review.haveshould This 6.1. Research Process 6.0. CONCLUSION ANDRECOMMENDATIONS 32 Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Conclusion and Recommendations and Conclusion 33 A window of opportunity in providing better drinking water facility is the willingness of the people to pay the willingness facility is to of the people drinking water better in providing A window of opportunity for it. should be conducted for assessment of the available groundwater resources and their development. and their development. resources groundwater for assessment of the available should be conducted rather underground, water which dams, store the idea of building groundwater explore is a need to There It is clean, streams. ponds and like evaporate in the soil does not is stored that than on the surface. Water parasites. from and free healthy can also be used to enhance the skill set which would also help the people to do income generating do income generating enhance the skill set which would to also help the people be used can also to health their access to will also improve in the areas workers work. Appointment (or visits) lady health of facilities. Balochistan of area of the entire a survey that it is suggested in the province situation the water address To Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme The fieldworkofthis study wasconducted from 12thOctober 2018 to 16thNovember 2018. 7.2. Fieldwork Duration in lightoftheNRSPteam feedbackand pilotinterviews. conducted also was team field refresherthe A team.of trainingNRSP the sharedreportwith was pilot A supervisors attended thebriefing: and interviewers 12field of total A office. Turbat NRSP at conducted were briefings field Twoseparate 7.1. Field BriefingandPilot Testing 7.0. METHODOLOGY ANDPLANFOR FOLLOW UPSURVEY » » » » » » » » After the first briefing, interviewers were asked to conduct 1-2 interviews on the following conduct interviews indifferent UCs.Each team has3interviewers and1supervisor. to constituted were teams field 3 Accordingly, UCs. 3 in conducted were Pilot-interviews in targeted UCs. Interviewers were thenallowedto proceed to dopilotinterviews withthereal respondents All interviewers were alsoprovided android devicesto conducttheinterviews. 1-2 interviews. day. An additional full day briefing was conducted once ALL the interviewers had conducted 34 Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme 35 Picture 2: Field Training Session Training 2: Field Picture Picture 1: Field Training Session Training 1: Field Picture Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Picture 3:AnInterview intheProcess Picture 4:ARespondent’s Home 36

Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme

are currently present or left for short period of time (less-than 6 months duration). duration). months 6 (less-than time of period short for left or present currently are

whether it is fully or partially occupied, share expenditure and who cook in one cooking pot. One household might be composed of one or more families. I would like to talk about all the household members that that members household the all about talk to like would I families. more or one of composed be might household One pot. cooking one in cook who and expenditure share occupied, partially or fully is it whether [Read] Next, I would like to talk with you about your household and household-members. A household corresponds to a person or a group of persons (either related or not) who habitually live in one house— one in live habitually who not) or related (either persons of group a or person a to corresponds household A household-members. and household your about you with talk to like would I Next, [Read]

Annexures B. Household Demography and Political Participation Participation Political and Demography Household B.

Name of the Supervisor the of Name 15 *[select from drop down] drop from *[select

Name of the Interviewer the of Name 14 *[select from drop down] drop from *[select

CNIC 13 Open to write with 13 digit digit 13 with write to Open

Sex of the Respondent Respondent the of Sex 12 *[select from drop down] drop from *[select

Name of Respondent Respondent of Name 11 Open to write to Open

Household Address Household 10 Open to write to Open

Household Head CNIC Head Household 9 Pre-feed from sampling from Pre-feed

Name of Household Head Head Household of Name 8 *Pre-feed from sampling from *Pre-feed

Sample Rank Sample 7 *[select from drop down] drop from *[select

Village (Settlement) Village 6 *[select from drop down] drop from *[select

Revenue Village Revenue 5 *[select from drop down] drop from *[select

Union Council Union 4 *[select from drop down] drop from *[select

Tehsil/Sub-division 3 *[select from drop down] drop from *[select

District District 2 *[select from drop down] drop from *[select

RSP Name Name RSP 1 *[select from drop down] – pre-feed from Sample from pre-feed – down] drop from *[select

A. Household Identification Household A.

sheet of randomly selected households in case of electronically tablet for survey. survey. for tablet electronically of case in households selected randomly of sheet

Note: If the respondent is not literate the enumerator will take verbal consent and the Field Supervisor verifies that a verbal consent was obtained, by signing this document. The signing will occur on a printed printed a on occur will signing The document. this signing by obtained, was consent verbal a that verifies Supervisor Field the and consent verbal take will enumerator the literate not is respondent the If Note: 37

Consent verified by (Name): by verified Consent Signature: Date:

The consent taken by (Name, if illetrate): if (Name, by taken consent The


The consent taken from (Name): from taken consent The literate): (if Signature Date:

I have understood the consent form and decided that I will voluntarily participate in the study described above. Its general purposes, the procedures, and possible risks and benefits have been explained to me. to explained been have benefits and risks possible and procedures, the purposes, general Its above. described study the in participate voluntarily will I that decided and form consent the understood have I


Support Programme (BRSP) / National Rural Support Programme (NRSP) working in your area. your in working (NRSP) Programme Support Rural National / (BRSP) Programme Support

free to withdraw from the survey at any time. If you choose not to participate or you choose to withdraw, your decision will not adversely affect your position in community or relationship with Balochistan Rural Rural Balochistan with relationship or community in position your affect adversely not will decision your withdraw, to choose you or participate to not choose you If time. any at survey the from withdraw to free

We understand that sometimes some people choose not to participate in the survey for many reasons. You are free to choose whether or not to participate in this survey. If you do choose to participate, you are are you participate, to choose do you If survey. this in participate to not or whether choose to free are You reasons. many for survey the in participate to not choose people some sometimes that understand We

(BRSP) / National Rural Support Programme (NRSP) and other organisations working for the development in Balochistan. Balochistan. in development the for working organisations other and (NRSP) Programme Support Rural National / (BRSP)

survey report. The survey results will not mention any names of you or your household members. Your views are important and will help to improve the work and knowledge of Balochistan Rural Support Programme Programme Support Rural Balochistan of knowledge and work the improve to help will and important are views Your members. household your or you of names any mention not will results survey The report. survey

think that the whole discussion will not pose any risk to you and your household members.The interview usually takes about 45 minutes. Your answers will remain confidential and will be used anonymously in the the in anonymously used be will and confidential remain will answers Your minutes. 45 about takes usually interview members.The household your and you to risk any pose not will discussion whole the that think

Your household has been randomly selected for the survey, like many other households in this area. We will be asking questions about your household members, age, education, health, income and assets. We We assets. and income health, education, age, members, household your about questions asking be will We area. this in households other many like survey, the for selected randomly been has household Your

community development programmes and policies for overall socio-economic improvements and specially empowering poor, poorest and women in Balochistan. in women and poorest poor, empowering specially and improvements socio-economic overall for policies and programmes development community

There are no direct benefits to you for participating in this survey. However, the results of this survey will help the [BRSP/NRSP], government local authorities and other development organisations to develop develop to organisations development other and authorities local government [BRSP/NRSP], the help will survey this of results the However, survey. this in participating for you to benefits direct no are There

Rural Support Programme (NRSP) better understand the current socio-economic conditions of households and how access to public services affects the economic situation of households living in Balochistan. Balochistan. in living households of situation economic the affects services public to access how and households of conditions socio-economic current the understand better (NRSP) Programme Support Rural

of households and their access to public services [e.g.: drinking water, education, health facilities, etc.] in your area. The information we collect will help the Balochistan Rural Support Programme (BRSP) / National National / (BRSP) Programme Support Rural Balochistan the help will collect we information The area. your in etc.] facilities, health education, water, drinking [e.g.: services public to access their and households of

My name is [name of enumerator] and I am representing Balochistan Rural Support Programme (BRSP) / National Rural Support Programme (NRSP). We are conducting a survey about socio-economic conditions conditions socio-economic about survey a conducting are We (NRSP). Programme Support Rural National / (BRSP) Programme Support Rural Balochistan representing am I and enumerator] of [name is name My

CONSENT FORM CONSENT Annex 1: Household Questionnaire Household 1: Annex Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Annexures Number of household members (Please do not list guests or visitors):

Now please give the names of all members of your household. Start with head of the household. IDC Names of those 1. [Name] sex? 2. [Name’s] 3. [Name’s] Relationship with the 4. [Name’s] Age in 5. [Name’s] CNIC 6. [Name’s] 7. [Name’s] If 8. Disability household Residential Household head? complete years? (if =.> 18yrs) or Marital Married, Marriage members who Status? Birth Certificate, Status? registration? usually reside (if <18yrs)? Pre- together and eat feed not to offer together CNIC if age <18 (Write household 1= Male 1=Present 1=Head 8=Spouse 1=Has Birth 1= Unmarried 1=Yes, Nikkah 1=Hearing head’s name first) 2= Female 2=Not present 2=Son/daughter 9=Father/mother Certificate/CNIC 2= Married Nama available 2=Speech 3= Trans. (temporarily) 3=Brother/sister 10=Grandchild 2=Applied for 3= Divorced 2=Nikkah Nama 3=Visual 4=Grandfather/mother 11=Nephew/niece Birth Certificate/ 4= Widow registered with 4=Mental 5=Son/daughter in law 12=uncle/aunt CNIC 5= Separated UC/Registrar 5=Limb 6=Father/mother 13=other relative 3=No Birth 6= Other 3=None 6= Multiple disability in law 14 Not related Certificate/CNIC 7=Polio 7=Brother/sister 8=Other in law 9=None ...

IDC 9. If above 18 10. Is [Name] active 11. If 18 or above [Name] voted in the last Elections? 12. If , No, main reason: [Name] is a member of political Multiple choices 1=Was not available registered Voter? Party? 2= Not interested 1=Yes 1=Yes a. National Assembly (2013) b. Provincial Assembly (2013) Local Government Elections (2013-2014): 3=CNIC not available 2=No 2=No c. Union Council d. District Council Member 4=No Use Councilor/chairman 5=Social & cultural barriers to women 5=Other ... 38

C. Household Educational Status IDC 1. Can [Name] 2. Was [Name] ever 3. What is the highest level 4. Is [name] 5. In which class [name] is 6. In which type of 7. Is [name] facing any problems 8. What are the reasons for not write & read in admitted in any of education completed? studying in any currently studying? educational institution, in that institution? going to school at present/ never any language with school or educational institution at [name] is studying? admitted in school? understanding? institution? present? 1= Yes 1=Yes 0= < Class-I 1= Yes 0= < Class-I 1= Govt. 1= Satisfied 1= Minor/aged 7= Not useful 2= No 2=No 1= Class-I 2= No 1= Class-I 2= Private 2= Shortage 2= Education 8= Marriage/ 3=Not applicable (If no then go to 2= Class-II If no then go to Q. 2= Class-II 3= Madrasah of teachers Completed pregnancy if age <5 years Q#8 ) 3= Class-III No. 8 3= Class-III 4=Community Schools 3= No female teachers in girls 3= Education is 9= Employment/ 4= Class-IV 4= Class-IV 5= Other school costly Work 5= Class-V 5= Class-V 4= Shortage 4= Far away 10= Substandard 6= Class-VI 6= Class-VI of books 5= Household school 7= Class-VII 7= Class-VII 5=Substandard chores 11= Shortage 8= Class-VIII 8= Class-VIII education 6= Helping in of male/female 9=Class-IX 9=Class-IX 6= Far away/ distance work teachers 10= Class-X 10= Class-X 7= Education is 12= Parents do 11= FA/F.Sc. 11= FA/F.Sc. costly not permit 12= BA/B.Sc. 12= BA/B.Sc. 8=Latrine not available 13= Child is not 13= Degree in Engineering 13= Degree in Engineering 9=other (specify) ready 14= MBBS 14= MBBS 14= Poverty 15= Degree in Computer 15= Degree in Computer 15= Other 16=Degree in Agriculture 16=Degree in Agriculture 17=MA/MSC 17=MA/MSC 18=M.Phil./ Ph.D. 18=M.Phil./ Ph.D. 19=Religious Education 19=Religious Education 20=Other 20=Other Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 1 Reason 2

Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme


6= Other 6=

3=None Separated 5=

Annexures 3=No Birth Certificate/CNIC Birth 3=No with UC/Registrar with Widow 4=

CNIC (temporarily) Trans. 3= 2=Nikkah Nama registered registered Nama 2=Nikkah Divorced 3=

2=Applied for Birth Certificate/ Birth for 2=Applied present 2=Not Female 2= available available Married 2=

1=Has Birth Certificate/CNIC Birth 1=Has 1=Present Male 1= 1=Yes, Nikkah Nama Nama Nikkah 1=Yes, Unmarried 1=

2= No -> Q-12 -> No 2=

1= Yes 1= 2= No -> Q-14 -> No 2=

last month? month? last 10 for filling up this Column) this up filling for 10 (In Rs.) (In Yes 1=

monetary benefit during the the during benefit monetary (Multiply Column 9 with Column Column with 9 Column (Multiply months? 12 last Rs.) (In month? month? last the in worked during the last 12 months? months? 12 last the during benefit? monetary for months

work for salary, profit or or profit salary, for work earn in the last 12 months 12 last the in earn the during worked [Name] last the during earned s/he days many how then [Name] earned in total total in earned [Name] 12 last the during work any

7. Did [name] perform any any perform [name] Did 7. IDC 11. How much money did [Name] [Name] did money much How 11. months many How 10. [name] money much How 9. worked, [Name] If 8. 13. How much money money much How 13. perform [Name] Did 12.

Household Work Status and Non-farm Income (continue) Income Non-farm and Status Work Household


Other specify Other Code specify Other Code

13=Other 13=Other

12=Begging 12=Begging 11=Other 13=others skills (please specify) (please skills 13=others

11=Household chores/work 11=Household 10=Calamity 12=Beautician/barber 12=Beautician/barber 10= Other services (please specify) (please services Other 10=

10= Family helper without monetary payment monetary without helper Family 10= season Off 9= 11= Handicraft 11=

9=Religious Institution Institution 9=Religious

9=Private Job (ask Q No.6) Q (ask Job 9=Private apprentice work/ to 8=Learning 10=Mobile repair 10=Mobile


8= Govt Job (ask Q No.6) Q (ask Job Govt 8= No3) Q (ask work for Looking 7= 9= Cook 9=

7= Tourism 7=

7= Livestock (only) Livestock 7= work) to willing (not 6=Idle 8=Driver

6= Manufacturing 6=

6= Self-cultivator/own farm Self-cultivator/own 6= Retired 5= 7=Mechanic

5= Agriculture/ fisheries/livestock Agriculture/ 5=

5= Business/ trade trade Business/ 5= illness/Injury 6=Electrician

4= Administration/ revenue/ police police revenue/ Administration/ 4=

(ask Q No. 2) No. Q (ask 4= Skilled labor (ask Q No. 5) No. Q (ask labor Skilled 4= Pregnancy/Temporary 4= 4= Carpenter 5=Plumber Carpenter 4=


3= Education 3= 2= Not working working Not 2= 3= Cultivation on partnership/share cropper partnership/share on Cultivation 3= 3=Handicapped/incapability 3= Metal work Metal 3=

2= Health 2= (Ask Q No. 4) 4) No. Q (Ask 2= Farm labor (cultivation/harvesting on contract/wages) on (cultivation/harvesting labor Farm 2= minor 2=Old/ 2= Mason 2=

1=Armed forces 1=Armed 1= Working Working 1= 1=Unskilled labor/mazdoor 1=Unskilled Student 1= 1=Tailor

status of [Name]? of status looking for work? work? for looking

current work work current [Name] have been been have [Name] reason? primary

2. If [Name] not working, give give working, not [Name] If 2. the is What 1. IDC 3. For how many weeks weeks many how For 3. 4. What is the primary work status of [Name]? of status work primary the is What 4. 6. What is the Job/service type? Job/service the is What 6. type? labor skill the is What 5.

E. Household Work Status and Non-farm Income Non-farm and Status Work Household E.


Problem 1 Problem Reason 2 Reason 1 Reason 2 Problem

12= Other 12= 10= Other 10=

11= Medicines not available not Medicines 11= (spiritualism) 11= Other (specify) (specify) Other 11=

10= Staff untrained Staff 10= 9= One who performs ‘Dum’ ‘Dum’ performs who One 9= 10= Unsuccessful Treatment Unsuccessful 10=

9= Long wait Long 9= 8= Homoeopath 8= 9= Medicines not available not Medicines 9=

7= Hakeem 7= 8= Staff untrained Staff 8= 8= No cleanliness No 8=

6= Private Clinic/ Hospital/ chemist chemist Hospital/ Clinic/ Private 6= 7= Costly treatment Costly 7= 7= Lady staff not present not staff Lady 7=

District level) District 6= Long wait Long 6= 6= Staff non-cooperative Staff 6=

5= Govt. Hospital (Tehsil/ Sub-division Sub-division (Tehsil/ Hospital Govt. 5= 5= Lack of cleanliness of Lack 5= 5= Doctor not present not Doctor 5=

4=Rural Health Centre (RHC) Centre Health 4=Rural 4= Lady staff not present not staff Lady 4= 4= Unsatisfactory 4= person)

No. 6) No. 3= Govt. Basic Health Unit (BHU) Unit Health Basic Govt. 3= 3= Staff non-cooperative Staff 3= 3= Far away Far 3= then ask for next next for ask then Health 3=Bad

2= No (Ask Q. Q. (Ask No 2= 2=Govt. Dispensary 2=Govt. 2= Doctor not present not Doctor 2= 2= Costly treatment Costly 2= 2= No (If no no (If No 2= Health 2=Fair

1= Yes 1= 1= LHW/LHV 1= 1= Satisfied 1= 1= Not required Not 1= 1=Good Health 1=Good 1= Yes 1=

months? treatment? mentioned in Q3? in mentioned answers)

status of [Name]? [Name]? of status during the last 12 12 last the during the illness for for illness the during the last 12 months as as months 12 last the during (Give maximum two answers) two maximum (Give months? (Give maximum two maximum (Give months?

current health health current been ill or injured injured or ill been consulted during during consulted treatment? received such facilities facilities such received visiting the health facility? health the visiting medical facilities during the last 12 12 last the during facilities medical

0. What is the the is What 0. IDC 1. Had [Name] [Name] Had 1. 2. Was any one one any Was 2. 3. Who did [Name] consulted for for consulted [Name] did Who 3. 4. How many times [Name] [Name] times many How 4. 5. Has [Name] faced any problem in in problem any faced [Name] Has 5. 6. Why [Name] did not seek medicines/ seek not did [Name] Why 6. D. Household Health Household D. Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Annexures Household Work Status and Non-farm Income (continue) ALL 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER - SECONDARY OCCUPATION AND INCOME Total Non-Farm IDC SECONDARY OCCUPATION OTHER INCOME/BENEFITS Income 14. In addition 15. What was the nature of work 16. How 17. Have sold, 18. How 19. How much money in cash, did [name] receive from the following sources during the last 12 20. Add up for to the primary (Occupation) that [name] did? much money any income much money months (In Rupees)? total of Column occupation, did 1= Daily wages labor in cash, received in was obtained 11 + 13 + 16 + [name] do any 2= Skilled labor did [name] kind for wages by selling A. Pension B. Rental C. D. Baitulmal E. BISP F. Zakat G. 18 + 19A to 19G other work or 3= Personal business earn from and salaries the “kind” Income Remittances Other (gifts, hold other jobs (non-agriculture) these other during the last received grant from for pay, profit 4= Self-cultivator/own farm activities 12 months? in wages family, friends or family gain 5= Cultivation on contract during the Yes=1 & salaries and religious during the last 6= Cultivation on partnership/ last 12 No=2 -> Q-19 during the last institutions) 12 months? share cropper months? 12 months? 7= Family helper Without charges (Rs) (Rs.) Yes=1 8= Employer/business No=2 -> Q-19 9= Livestock (only) 10= Other ...

F. Social Protection Mechanism IDC 1. What are the principal shocks and recurring risks faced by the 2. What are the possible events which could cause you financial disaster and 3. Keeping in view the possible financial shocks as asked in Q 1, household? ultimately disturb your household? Is there anything you are afraid of that could what are the social protection mechanism/measures available to (Select top 3 risks) happen unexpectedly and negatively affect the way you live your everyday life? the household? (Select top 3 risks) (Select top 3 mechanisms)

40 1= loss of employment 1= loss of employment 1= social pension 2= Price rises/spikes for necessities etc.), 2= Price rises/spikes for necessities etc.), 2= unemployment insurance, disability insurance 2= crop failure/bad harvest/low production 2= crop failure/bad harvest/low production 3= health insurance 3=Loss of livestock 3=Loss of livestock 4= natural disaster insurance 4=Losing land/having forced to return land 4=Losing land/having forced to return land 5= BISP - cash transfers (conditional, unconditional) 5=Death in family 5=Death in family 6= in-kind transfers (food, school food program, agricultural 6= Disease 6= Disease inputs) 7= Malnutrition 7= Malnutrition 7= micro-finance 8= Disability 8= Disability 8= borrowing from banks 9= Theft 9= Theft 9= gifts, charity, zakat, loans from family 10= Flooding 10= Flooding 10= tied labor, labor contracts with landlord ensuring assistance 11= Robbery 11= Robbery when needed 12= Family Enmity 12= Family Enmity 11= selling assets 13=Drought/shortage of water 13=Drought/shortage of water 12= sending children to work 14=Murder 14=Murder 13= seasonal/temporary migration 15=Other (please specify) 15=Other (please specify) 14= Permanent migration 15=Bait-ul-Maal 16=Remittances 17=Rental Income Committee/savings 18=Other (please specify)

Risk 1 Risk 2 Risk 3 Other specify Risk 1 Risk 1 Risk 2 Risk 3 Other specify Mechanism 1 Mech. 2 Mech. 3 Other specify ...

Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme If answer 3: Who take care of the animals at home ______, who take them for grazing ______and who sell it to the market? the to it sell who and ______grazing for them take who ______, home at animals the of care take Who 3: answer If


Yes = 3 (For Household/Commercial purpose) No =4 -> (H) -> =4 No purpose) Household/Commercial (For 3 = Yes

Yes = 1 (For Household purpose only) Yes = 2 (For commercial purpose only) purpose commercial (For 2 = Yes only) purpose Household (For 1 = Yes

2. During the last 12 months did the HH keep any livestock poultry birds or fish farm? farm? fish or birds poultry livestock any keep HH the did months 12 last the During 2.

28. Total Crop Income (Rs.) - (5+24L+26) - (Rs.) Income Crop Total 28.

a)-Sold a)-Sold d)-Given away/lost or destroyed or away/lost d)-Given Purchased c)- etc. inheritance gift/ as -Received b)

27. What was the value of any agricultural equipment (Tube well, Tractor, Plough, Thresher, Harvester, Truck, etc.) (If there is no amount write zero in that box) that in zero write amount no is there (If etc.) Truck, Harvester, Thresher, Plough, Tractor, well, (Tube equipment agricultural any of value the was What 27.

26. What had you received if any agricultural equipment (Tube well, Tractor, Plough, Thresher, Harvester, Truck, etc.) rented out during the last 12 months? Rs months? 12 last the during out rented etc.) Truck, Harvester, Thresher, Plough, Tractor, well, (Tube equipment agricultural any if received you had What 26.

25. Did you rent out any agricultural equipment (Tube well, Tractor, Plough, Thresher, Harvester, Truck, etc.) during the last 12 months? Yes=1 No=2 (-> Next Section) Next (-> No=2 Yes=1 months? 12 last the during etc.) Truck, Harvester, Thresher, Plough, Tractor, well, (Tube equipment agricultural any out rent you Did 25.


Any other Any 23.

Fodder 22.

Vegetables 21.

Fruits 20.

Pulses 19.

Maize 18.

Rice 17.

Sugarcane 16.

Cotton 15.

Wheat 14. 41

A G F E D C Quantity B Unit L=F+G+J+K K J I H

(Rupees) (Rupees) (Rupees) (Rupees) L (Rupees) (Rupees) (Rupees) (Rupees)

Household Household Landlord Product =2) Kg 40 (Kg=1 (Rs.) Household Household Landlord Prod.

Sold by the by Sold the by Kept to Given total of Value Production Harvested Total Value Value Total the by Sold the by Kept to Given total of Value If 0 (-> next row ) row next (-> 0 If

Land devoted (Acres) (Acres) devoted Land name Crop Code Primary Production Primary By-Products of the Primary Production Primary the of By-Products

13. NOTE: If any crop was harvested from the agricultural land during the last Rabi and Kharif seasons, complete the table given below otherwise write 0 in the column A. column the in 0 write otherwise below given table the complete seasons, Kharif and Rabi last the during land agricultural the from harvested was crop any If NOTE: 13.

12. How much land was under cultivation during the last Rabbi and Kharif seasons? Acres (Code 11a+11b) (Code Acres seasons? Kharif and Rabbi last the during cultivation under was land much How 12.

11. Of this total under operation land (Acres), how much was a- Irrigated cultivated land b- Barani (non-irrigated) cultivated land c- Uncultivated land such as forest/ wasteland/homestead etc. etc. wasteland/homestead forest/ as such land Uncultivated c- land cultivated (non-irrigated) Barani b- land cultivated Irrigated a- was much how (Acres), land operation under total this Of 11.

10. Total Acres of land in this farm? Acres (Code 9a+9b+9c+9d) (Code Acres farm? this in land of Acres Total 10.

9. Of this total under operation land (Acres), how much was a- Owned b- Rented in c- On share crop basis d- Any other not previously reported previously not other Any d- basis crop share On c- in Rented b- Owned a- was much how (Acres), land operation under total this Of 9.

a-Sold b-Received gift, inheritence etc. c-Purchased d-Given away, lost etc. lost away, d-Given c-Purchased etc. inheritence gift, b-Received a-Sold

8. What was the value (Rs) of the agricultural land (include farm buildings and tube wells) during the last 12 months that was: (Cross the box if no amount mentioned)? amount no if box the (Cross was: that months 12 last the during wells) tube and buildings farm (include land agricultural the of (Rs) value the was What 8.

7. How much money did you pay to your landlord in cash as a rent for that land during the last Rabbi and Kharif season? Rs season? Kharif and Rabbi last the during land that for rent a as cash in landlord your to pay you did money much How 7.

6. Had you rented in any agriculture land on cash basis in the last Rabbi and Kharif season? Yes = 1, No=2 (-> 8) (-> No=2 1, = Yes season? Kharif and Rabbi last the in basis cash on land agriculture any in rented you Had 6.

5. What was the total net value of rent/share (in cash or in kind) received during the last Rabi & Kharif season? Rs. season? Kharif & Rabi last the during received kind) in or cash (in rent/share of value net total the was What 5.

3. Had you rented out some of the owned land during last Rabbi & Kharif? Yes=1 No=2 ( -> 6) -> ( No=2 Yes=1 Kharif? & Rabbi last during land owned the of some out rented you Had 3. 4. How many acres do you rent out? Acres out? rent you do acres many How 4.

1. Do you own any agriculture land? Yes=1 No=2 ( -> 6 ) 6 -> ( No=2 Yes=1 land? agriculture any own you Do 1. 2. How much lagriculture and do you own? Acres own? you do and lagriculture much How 2.


be included)? Yes = 1 1 = Yes included)? be (G1 Agri.) No =2 No Agri.) (G1 ->

1. During the last 12 months did any of the HH members, alone or with the members of other HH, actively operate land for crop production (irrespective of the size, location or ownership of the land, Harris will will Harris land, the of ownership or location size, the of (irrespective production crop for land operate actively HH, other of members the with or alone members, HH the of any did months 12 last the During 1. G. Household Farm Income Farm Household G. Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Annexures G2. Livestock LIVE STOCK, POULTRY, FISH, FORESTRY, HONEY BEE ETC. NOTE: If the HH had animals (Cattle, Buffalo, Camel, sheep, Goats, Poultry, Fish, etc.) during the last 1 year, complete the table given below. Code Animal Number of animals Expected Expected Value of the animals during the last 12 months NOTE: If any of the following items produced for home use/ sale during the last 12 Value of Value of months. Presently Owned animals Sold/ Received as gift, Purchased Given away, Code Item Unit Market Average No. of Total Value owned During the last slaughtered inheritance etc. Lost Stolen Price/ Quantity/ Months animals 12 months home consumed etc. unit Month produced A (Owned) B (shared) C (Rs.) D (Rs.) E (Rs.) F (Rs.) G (Rs.) H (Rs.) A B C D=A*B*C 1 Cow 2 Eggs Dozen 3 Buffalo 4 Milk/yogurt Kg 5 Camel 6 Butter/Ghee Kg 7 Sheep 8 Honey Kg 9 Goat 10 Forest Production Mound 11 Horses 12 Fish catch Kg 13 Donkeys 14 Dung cakes Lump sum 15 Mules 16 Wool Kg 17 Others 18 All other Lump sum 19 TOTAL 20 TOTAL 21 Total Income from Livestock Rs. (19 E+20 D)

H. Household Expenditure (Rs. in last 12 months) 1: “PAID AND CONSUMED” (Col. 1 & 2) shall cover goods and services actually consumed by the household and distinguished from total household purchases. Goods and services received on credit and in barter transactions and actually consumed as well as goods and services, paid for in cash, should also be included. Business related consumption of the household should be excluded. 2: “UNPAID AND CONSUMED” shall cover goods and services consumed which are received as wages and salaries in kind (column 3 & 4). Own produced goods and services, which were consumed shall also be

42 entered under UNPAID AND CONSUMED (col. 5 & 6). Business related consumption should be excluded. Received in the form of gifts, assistance, inheritances or other sources should be entered in (Col. 7 or 8) HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE PART-A Fortnightly (Two Week) Consumption Expenditure of the Household on food items. Did household members consume any of the following items during the last 14 days? Paid and Consumed Unpaid and Consumed Total Value (Cross the None box if the item was not consumed and moved to next item) Receipt from assistance, (Report value in Whole Wages and Salaries Own Produced and gift, dowry, inheritance 2+4+6+8 rupees) In Kind Consumed consumed or other sources 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ITEMS None Unit Code Qty. Value (Rs.) Qty. Value (Rs.) Qty. Value (Rs.) Qty. Value (Rs.) Value (Rs.) Milk/Yogurt Kg 1 Beef Kg 2 Mutton Kg 3 Chicken Meat / Other poultry birds (ducks, quail, turkey etc.) Kg 4 Eggs No 5 Fish (fresh, frozen, dried)/ Prawns, Shrimps or Crabs ( fresh, frozen, canned ) Kg 6 Fresh Fruits Kg 7 Dry Fruits & Nuts (Raisin, Dates, Apricot (dried), Other (Almond, Walnut, Chilgoza, Gm 8 Pistachio, Peanuts, Aniseed, Cashew, Coconut, Sesame seeds, etc.) Vegetables (potato, Onion, Tomato other vegs) Kg 9 Salt Kg 10 Sugar Kg 11 Honey ( fresh or processed ) Gm 12 Barfi, Jaleebi, Halwa & other sweets Kg 13 Carbonated beverages Ltr. 14 Sugarcane juices, Other fresh juices, Fruit juices (packed), Mineral water etc. Ltr. 15 Readymade meals, snacks, tea, ice cream, drinks, Instant foods - Lump Sum (LM) LS 16 TOTAL PART A 17 ANNUAL TOTAL PART- A (VALUE OF TOTAL PART A x 26) 18

Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme

Other travelling charges like tongas, camels, donkeys, ferries, bicycles, Garage rent etc. rent Garage bicycles, ferries, donkeys, camels, tongas, like charges travelling Other 49

Expenses on travelling by train by travelling on Expenses 48

Expenses on travelling by road (bus, taxi, rickshaw etc.) rickshaw taxi, (bus, road by travelling on Expenses 47

Petrol/ Diesel charges, lubricants & oils, punctures oils, & lubricants charges, Diesel Petrol/ 46

Personal Transport and Travelling ( Not for commercial use) (45+….+48) use) commercial for Not ( Travelling and Transport Personal Annexures 45

(rented, purchased, not for education)) for not purchased, (rented,

Rent of TV/VCR/Video cassettes, CD’s etc. Newspapers, magazines, novels, books books novels, magazines, Newspapers, etc. CD’s cassettes, TV/VCR/Video of Rent

Recreation (Tickets for cinemas, musical concerts, spectacular sports, Lottery tickets, tickets, Lottery sports, spectacular concerts, musical cinemas, for (Tickets Recreation 44

Tobacco and Chewing Products (Cigarettes and lighters, Pan etc.) Pan lighters, and (Cigarettes Products Chewing and Tobacco 43

Paper napkins, wax papers and other paper articles etc. articles paper other and papers wax napkins, Paper 42

brooms, dusters, sponges, cleaning wipers, mops polishes, waxes, buckets, etc.) buckets, waxes, polishes, mops wipers, cleaning sponges, dusters, brooms,

Washing powder, Dishwashing articles etc. Household cleaning articles like cleaners, cleaners, like articles cleaning Household etc. articles Dishwashing powder, Washing

Household laundry Cleaning (Laundry soap, bleaching and other laundry articles, articles, laundry other and bleaching soap, (Laundry Cleaning laundry Household 41

powder, Brush, cosmetics eg nail polish etc). Hair cutting, beauty parlor etc parlor beauty cutting, Hair etc). polish nail eg cosmetics Brush, powder,

Personal Care and hygiene (Bath /Toilet soap, Shampoo, hair oil cream, Toothpaste & & Toothpaste cream, oil hair Shampoo, soap, /Toilet (Bath hygiene and Care Personal 40

Others 39

Match box, Candles, Mantle etc. Mantle Candles, box, Match 38

Electricity 37

Gas (pipe), (Gas (cylinder) (Gas (pipe), Gas 36

Who bring wood for cooking purpose? ______Who make dung cakes? ______who who ______cakes? dung make Who ______purpose? cooking for wood bring Who Value 2 Value Value 8 Value 6 Value 4 Value

Dung cake (dry) cake Dung 35 Kg

Kerosene oil Kerosene 34 Ltr

Fire wood Fire 33 Kg


Value (Rs.) Value Qty. Value (Rs.) Value (Rs.) Value Qty. (Rs.) Value Qty. (Rs.) Value Qty.

Code Unit None ITEMS

2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3


or other sources other or 43

rupees) 4+Value 4+Value consumed

gift, dowry, inheritance inheritance dowry, gift, Consumed Kind In

(Report value in Whole Whole in value (Report 2+Value 2+Value and Produced Own (Cross the None box if the item was not consumed and moved to next item) next to moved and consumed not was item the if box None the (Cross

Receipt from assistance, assistance, from Receipt Salaries and Wages

Value Value Did household members consume any of the following items during the last 1 month? 1 last the during items following the of any consume members household Did

Paid and Consumed and Paid Total rupees) Whole in value (Report Consumed and Unpaid




Food and Grain milling/grinding charges milling/grinding Grain and Food 29 LS

Biscuits, bread, bun, nan other baked or fried products e.g. Pakora Samosa, cake etc. etc. cake Samosa, Pakora e.g. products fried or baked other nan bun, bread, Biscuits, 28 LS

Yeast, Ice Ice Yeast,

Jams, Marmalades/ Tomato Ketchup/pulp/ Pudding, Jelly, Pickles, Chatni, Vinegar, Vinegar, Chatni, Pickles, Jelly, Pudding, Ketchup/pulp/ Tomato Marmalades/ Jams, 27 LS

Tea and Coffee Green Tea Green Coffee and Tea 26 Kg

Edible Oils and Fats and Oils Edible 25 Kg

Pulses. Pulses. 24 Kg

Spageite) etc.) Spageite)

Other cereals products (Vermicelli (Sawayian), Corn flakes, Noodles, Macaroni’s, Macaroni’s, Noodles, flakes, Corn (Sawayian), (Vermicelli products cereals Other 23 Gm

Suji, Maida, Besan Maida, Suji, 22 Kg

Maize, Barley, Jawar and Millet (Whole and Flour ) Flour and (Whole Millet and Jawar Barley, Maize, 21 Kg

Rice and rice flour rice and Rice 20 Kg

Wheat and Wheat flour Wheat and Wheat 19 Kg

Qty. Value (Rs.) Value Qty. (Rs.) Value Value (Rs.) Value Qty. Value (Rs.) Value Qty. Value (Rs.) Value

ITEMS None Code Unit

1 3 2 5 4 7 6 9 8

Did household members consume any of the following items during the last 1 Month? (Cross the None box if the item was not consumed and moved to next item) next to moved and consumed not was item the if box None the (Cross Month? 1 last the during items following the of any consume members household Did

HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE PART-B EXPENDITURE HOUSEHOLD MONTHLY CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE OF THE HOUSEHOLD ON FOODS ON HOUSEHOLD THE OF EXPENDITURE CONSUMPTION MONTHLY Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Annexures Other Miscellaneous Household Expenses on Goods and Services (50+…+54) 50 Wages & salaries paid to servants, gardeners, sweepers, chowkidars, aya, drivers, 51 cleaners, Guards Telephone, cell phone internet etc. charges 52 Pocket money to children ( girl child/ boy child) 53 Expenses on maintenance of pets, poultry and fish (curing) - for home use only 54 Other expenditures not elsewhere classified 55 Total PART – C (31+39+40+41+42+43+44+49) 56 ANNUAL TOTAL PART- C (VALUE OF TOTAL PART C x 12) 57

HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE PART-D YEARLY CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE OF THE HOUSEHOLD ON NON-DURABLE GOODS AND SERVICES Paid and Consumed Unpaid and Consumed (Report value in Whole rupees) Total Did household members consume any of the following items during the last 12 months? Receipt from assistance, (Cross the None box if the item was not consumed and moved to next item) (Report value in Whole Wages and Salaries Own Produced and gift, dowry, inheritance 1 + 2 + 3 + Items included under fortnightly / monthly expenditure should not be included in this part. rupees) In Kind Consumed consumed or other sources 4 = 5 ITEMS None Code Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Value 4 Apparel Textile, Footwear & Personal Effects (58+….+64) 58 Clothing (cloths, sweaters, socks and garments), Clothing material and services 59 (Tailoring, embroidery, alterations etc. charges, Clothing supplies (threads, needles, pins, buttons, zipper, hangers etc.) Footwear and repair charges 60 Personal effects and service and repair charges (62+…..64) 61 Brief cases, hand bags, watch straps, belts etc. (leather or plastic) 62 Imitation and Jewellery & ornaments (bangles, necklaces and ear-rings, tie pins, cuff 63 links, etc.) Gloves, handkerchief, scarfs, hats, muffs, ties, etc. 44 Repair charges of personal effects (watches, clocks, glasses, etc. ) 64 Housing rent, repairs/maintenance etc. 65 Chinaware, Earthenware, Plastic ware etc. for daily use and other household effects 66 (Crockery & Cutlery for daily use, (ghara, sorahi, etc.), Glassware, Plastic-ware), Wood- ware and lacquer, (bulbs, tubes, switches, battery cells, lamp shades etc.) Health Care (Doctor consultations, medicines, hospitalization, ambulance, Hakim, dai, 67 etc. costs) Educational and Professional Stationary Supplies expenditure (68+…71) 68 School/college fees and private tuition fees 69 Books and exercise note books / copies, stationary etc. Other education expenses 70 (bags, professional society membership, transportation etc.) Hostel expenses 71 Stationery supplies such as pen, pencils, stapling machine, pin etc. (other than 72 education purpose) Social and religious functions expenditures (travelling, events, accommodation etc.) 73 (74+…..+77) Marriages including (dowry, gifts etc., given (in cash/kind) 74 Death 75 Births 76 Pilgrimage to religious places (Haj, Ziarat, Mazars, etc.) 77 Other events 78 Transfers (Zakat, fitra, etc., remittances paid, gifts paid, insurance, etc.) 79 Taxes & Fines and all other Miscellaneous expenditure 80 Total PART – D 81

Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme

16 Vehicle / Car

15 Motorcycle/scooter

14 Rickshaw

Bicycle 13

Cart/Trolley 12


Heater 11

Cooking Range, Microwave oven Microwave Range, Cooking 10

Cooking stove Cooking 9

Camera Camera 8

Washing machine/dryer Washing 7

Geyser (Gas, Electric) (Gas, Geyser 6

Fan (Ceiling, Table, Pedestal, Exhaust) Pedestal, Table, (Ceiling, Fan 5

Air cooler Air 4

Air conditioner Air 3

Freezer 2

Refrigerator 1

Item D C B A Code None F E

12 months 12

about last bought item)? bought last about got) or purchased item


the possessed items possessed the Rs)

During the last last the During

more than one, then ask ask then one, than more bought last the about asked than item

estimated Market value of all all of value Market estimated in Amount

spent to buy this item (if (if item this buy to spent one than more if ( received or purchased

last 12 months? If yes, -> Col. A to G otherwise cross none box. none cross otherwise G to A Col. -> yes, If months? 12 last

What is the total present present total the is What (Give Sold If No. of items owned items of No.

How much money have you you have money much How was item present the year which In Were / Are any of the following items owned by this HH during the the during HH this by owned items following the of any Are / Were

2. Write the amount received (in cash or in kind), in Col. C, by selling the item during the last 12 months and fill the next columns accordingly. columns next the fill and months 12 last the during item the selling by C, Col. in kind), in or cash (in received amount the Write 2.

NOTE: 1. Enter number of the following items if owned by the household during the last 12 months in Col. A and give the number of items presently owned by the household in Col. B. Col. in household the by owned presently items of number the give and A Col. in months 12 last the during household the by owned if items following the of number Enter 1. NOTE:

PART 1 Selected Durable Assets Items Owned / Sold by The Household The by Sold / Owned Items Assets Durable Selected 1 PART I. Household Assets Assets Household I.



camels, tongas etc.) tongas camels,

Transport and travelling vehicles (Bicycle, Motorcycle, Scooter, Car, horses, horses, Car, Scooter, Motorcycle, (Bicycle, vehicles travelling and Transport 94

Recreational equipment (Cameras, Projector, Shot gun, Angling kit, Bats, Balls etc.) Balls Bats, kit, Angling gun, Shot Projector, (Cameras, equipment Recreational 93

Cassettes, Piano, Violin etc.) Violin Piano, Cassettes,

Radio and musical instruments (Tape recorder, Gramophone, TV, VCR, VCP, VCP, VCR, TV, Gramophone, recorder, (Tape instruments musical and Radio 92

Calculators, Personal Computers, mobiles, watch etc. watch mobiles, Computers, Personal Calculators, 91

Laundry/cleaning equipment (washer / dryer, vacuum cleaner, iron, iron board, etc.) board, iron iron, cleaner, vacuum dryer, / (washer equipment Laundry/cleaning 90

Miscellaneous Expenditures (89+…..93) Expenditures Miscellaneous 89

Service and repair charges of household effects, etc. mentioned above mentioned etc. effects, household of charges repair and Service 88

thermos bottle etc. bottle thermos

Other(trunks, suitcase etc.), Wall / table clock, water pipes (rubber, nylon, plastic), plastic), nylon, (rubber, pipes water clock, table / Wall etc.), suitcase Other(trunks, 87

Sewing machine, knitting machine (electric / hand) / (electric machine knitting machine, Sewing 86

Heater, Boiler, Geyser (electric, gas, oil), Table lamp Table oil), gas, (electric, Geyser Boiler, Heater, 85

Refrigerators, Freezers etc. Freezers Refrigerators,

Electric/ oil fans (table, pedestal, ceiling, exhaust), Air conditioners, Air coolers, coolers, Air conditioners, Air exhaust), ceiling, pedestal, (table, fans oil Electric/ 84

Other Household Effects (83+…..+87) Effects Household Other 83

Furniture, Fixture and Furnishing and Fixture Furniture, 82

ITEMS Code None Value 2 Value 1 Value Value 4 Value 3 Value

+ 4 = 5 = 4 +

this part. this

other sources other

1 + 2 + 3 3 + 2 + 1

rupees) In Kind Consumed Kind In consumed Expenditure reported on Fortnightly, Monthly and Yearly durable goods and services should be excluded from from excluded be should services and goods durable Yearly and Monthly Fortnightly, on reported Expenditure

gift, dowry, inheritance or or inheritance dowry, gift,

Value Value

(Report value in Whole Whole in value (Report Wages and Salaries and Wages Own Produced and and Produced Own Expenditure in this part should cover the last 12 months preceding the date of enumeration. of date the preceding months 12 last the cover should part this in Expenditure

Receipt from assistance, assistance, from Receipt

(Cross the None box if the item was not consumed and moved to next item) next to moved and consumed not was item the if box None the (Cross

Did household members consume any of the following items during the last 12 months? 12 last the during items following the of any consume members household Did Paid and Consumed and Paid Unpaid and Consumed (Report value in Whole rupees) Whole in value (Report Consumed and Unpaid Total

HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE PART-E EXPENDITURE HOUSEHOLD YEARLY CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE OF THE HOUSEHOLD ON DURABLE GOODS AND SERVICES AND GOODS DURABLE ON HOUSEHOLD THE OF EXPENDITURE CONSUMPTION YEARLY Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Annexures Tractor 17 TV 18 VCR, VCP, Receiver, De-coder 19 Radio / cassette player 20 Compact disk player 21 Vacuum cleaner 22 Sewing/Knitting Machine 23 Personal Computer/laptop 24 Mobile Phones (specify commonly used 25 network______) Other 26 TOTAL 27

PART - 2: BUILDINGS AND LAND OWNED BY MEMBERS OF THIS HOUSEHOLD (Do not report buildings and land already reported in the work sheet) Q-1. Did any of the HH members own or had owned during the last 12 Q-2. Is all or part of Q-3. What was the value of the property Q-4. If rented out, what was Q-5. What was the value Q-6. If you wanted to months any of the following property? this property owned during the last 12 months which was? the total net rent received, in of major improvements, sell [Name prop] how Yes = 1 No = 2 ( If No for all, -> Next Part ) now? cash / kind, during the last renovation and new much do you expect If yes if any property on the name of women member of hh? Yes = 1 No = 2 12 months? construction made during the to receive (Rs)? Property Code Y/N Code Acres Sold Rec Pur Given Rs last 12 months? Agricultural Land Non-Agricultural Land Residential Building(Comp. / under construction) Commercial Building(Comp./under construction) TOTAL 46

PART - 3: FINANCIAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, LOANS, DEBT AND CREDITS Cross the None box if amount (RS) is “0”. None Code Rs. Cross the None box if amount (RS) is “0”. None Code Rs. What are the total net savings of your HH at present? 33 What is the total value of gold, silver, and 34 precious metals including Jewelry, stones etc.? What were the net savings of your HH during the last 12 months? 35 What was the value of gold, silver etc. 36 including Jewelry, stones sold during the last 12 months? How much profit did you receive from your all savings/deposits during 37 What was the value of gold, silver etc. 38 the last 12 months? including jewelry, stones purchased during the last 12 months? How much did you withdraw from savings for consumption expenditure 39 during the last 12 months? Cross the None box if amount (Rs) is “0”. None Code Rs. How much loans are currently owed by the HH? 40 How much loan was borrowed in the last 12 months? 41 Source None Code 1. Amount Owed (Rs) 2. Amount Borrowed last 3. Loan Repaid during last 12 4. Interest paid during last 12 months year (Rs) months (Rs.) (Rs) Friends/relatives 42 Shopkeepers 43 Banks 44 NGOs 45 Community Organisations 46 Others 47

Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme

14. Where do the household members go for their necessities? Fields / open places = 1 Communal latrine = 2 Others = 3 (specify …………....……. ) …………....……. (specify 3 = Others 2 = latrine Communal 1 = places open / Fields necessities? their for go members household the do Where 14.

in the household = 6 ( For codes 1 – 5 -> Q- 15) Q- -> 5 – 1 codes For ( 6 = household the in

13. What type of toilet is used by your household? Flush connected to public sewerage = 1 Flush connected to pit = 2 Flush conn. to open drain = 3 Dry raised latrine = 4 Dry pit latrine = 5 No toilet toilet No 5 = latrine pit Dry 4 = latrine raised Dry 3 = drain open to conn. Flush 2 = pit to connected Flush 1 = sewerage public to connected Flush household? your by used is toilet of type What 13.

12. Are you willing to pay for an improved water supply system? Yes = 1 No =2 Don’t know =3 know Don’t =2 No 1 = Yes system? supply water improved an for pay to willing you Are 12.

Annexures Rs. supply? water month one for pay normally you do much How 11.

10. Do you normally pay for water used by your household? Yes =1 No =2 (-> Q - 12) - Q (-> =2 No =1 Yes household? your by used water for pay normally you Do 10.

the water – women/girls/boys/men etc women/girls/boys/men – water the

9. How much time is consumed on a round trip to fetch the drinking water? 1 – 15 Minutes = 1 16 – 30 Min. = 2 31 – 45 Min. = 3 46 – 60 Min. = 4 60+ Min. = 5/ there is also a question who fetch fetch who question a also is there 5/ = Min. 60+ 4 = Min. 60 – 46 3 = Min. 45 – 31 2 = Min. 30 – 16 1 = Minutes 15 – 1 water? drinking the fetch to trip round a on consumed is time much How 9.

Govt., PHED, LG & RD, Municipality, District / Union council etc. =1 Community=2 household itself = 3 NGO, Private etc. =4 RSP=5 None = 6 = None RSP=5 =4 etc. Private NGO, 3 = itself household Community=2 =1 etc. council Union / District Municipality, RD, & LG PHED, Govt.,

8. Who look after this water delivery system? delivery water this after look Who 8.

Govt., PHED, LG & RD, Municipality, District / Union council etc. =1 Community=2 household itself = 3 NGO, Private etc. =4 RSP=5 Don’t know = 6 = know Don’t RSP=5 =4 etc. Private NGO, 3 = itself household Community=2 =1 etc. council Union / District Municipality, RD, & LG PHED, Govt.,

7. Who installed the water delivery system? delivery water the installed Who 7.

6. How many hours each day is water normally available in the tap? ( If less than one, put zero) put one, than less If ( tap? the in available normally water is day each hours many How 6.


Piped into dwelling=5 into Piped Public tap / standpipe=11 / tap Public Unprotected well (include dugs well)=16 dugs (include well Unprotected

Hand Pump in the dwelling=4 the in Pump Hand Public Borehole (with motor pump)=10 motor (with Borehole Public Underground Water Tube well=15 Tube Water Underground

Filtration Plant=3 Filtration Protected Well(include dugs well)=9 dugs Well(include Protected Tanker Truck=14 Tanker

Cart with small tank/drum=2 small with Cart Protected Spring=8 Protected irrigation channel)=13 irrigation

Bottled Water=1 Bottled Private Borehole (with motor pump)=7 motor (with Borehole Private Surface Water (river or stream or dam or lake or pond or canal or or canal or pond or lake or dam or stream or (river Water Surface

5. What is the main source of drinking water for the household? household? the for water drinking of source main the is What 5. Piped Water piped into property=6 into piped Water Piped Rainwater collection=12 Rainwater

4. Which type of Structure the house has? Pucca=1; Katcha=2; P&K=3 Katcha=2; Pucca=1; has? house the Structure of type Which 4.

3. Which material is used to lay roof of this building? 1= RCC/RBC; 2=Wood/Bamboo; 3= Iron/Cement sheets; 4=Other sheets; Iron/Cement 3= 2=Wood/Bamboo; RCC/RBC; 1= building? this of roof lay to used is material Which 3.

2. How many rooms does your household occupy, include bed rooms and living rooms? (Do not count storage rooms, bath rooms, toilets, kitchen or rooms for business) for rooms or kitchen toilets, rooms, bath rooms, storage count not (Do rooms? living and rooms bed include occupy, household your does rooms many How 2.

1. What is the residential status at present? 1=Personal residence, 2= On rent, 3=On subsidized rent, 4=Without rent 4=Without rent, subsidized 3=On rent, On 2= residence, 1=Personal present? at status residential the is What 1.

K. Household Facilities (availability and access) and (availability Facilities Household K.

necessary corrections) necessary 47

Second level check: Ratio (4+11+12)/10 Ratio check: level Second Is the ratio > 0.85? Yes (Balance complete) No (Verify from the HH, why the expenditures are so higher than income and make make and income than higher so are expenditures the why HH, the from (Verify No complete) (Balance Yes 0.85? > ratio the Is

11. Assets Sold (Sec I):=( 27 col C + 32Q3(sold)+ 32Q4) 32Q3(sold)+ + C col 27 I):=( (Sec Sold Assets 11. 12. Savings and loans taken (Sec I)=(36+37+39+41) (Sec taken loans and Savings 12.

First level check: Ratio (4/10) Ratio check: level First Is the ratio > 0.85? Yes (Balance complete) No (Go to further balancing second level check) level second balancing further to (Go No complete) (Balance Yes 0.85? > ratio the Is

Validation Check Validation







ID CODE ID Expenditure Items Expenditure (Rs) Income Non-Farm Expenditures (Rs.) Expenditures


How much money was received from a group insurance/ benevolent by any member of this HH during the last 12 months? 12 last the during HH this of member any by benevolent insurance/ group a from received was money much How 52

How much profit was received on this loan during the last 12 months? 12 last the during loan this on received was profit much How 51

How much was received back (including profits) during the last 12 months? 12 last the during profits) (including back received was much How 50

How much was loaned out in the last 12 months? 12 last the in out loaned was much How 49

Cross the None box if amount (RS) is “0”. “0”. is (RS) amount if box None the Cross Rs. Code None

(e.g. as Marriage) (Rs) Marriage) as (e.g. (Rs) (Rs) Available

10.Social Function Function 10.Social Care(Rs) 9.Health 11.Repay Loans(Rs) 11.Repay 13. Other Uses Uses Other 13. 12.Cash 14.Total loan use(Rs) loan 14.Total


(Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs)

How much amount of loan used for what purpose? what for used loan of amount much How Code None 2. Livestock (Rs) Livestock 2. (Rs) 1.Land 3. Machinery Machinery 3. 4. Bussiness Bussiness 4. 6.Housing (Rs) 6.Housing Input Farm 5. 7. Consumption (Rs) Consumption 7. 8.Education 8.Education Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Annexures 15. Is your house connected with drainage / sewerage system? Yes, underground drains = 1 Yes, to covered drains = 2 Yes, to open drain = 3 No system = 4 16. How is the garbage collected from your household and neighbourhood? Municipality = 1 Privately = 2 No formal system =3 17. How much do you pay (Rs.) per month for garbage collection from your HH and from the neighbourhood? ( Write 0 if nothing is being paid ) 18. For how many hours per day do you have electricity? No connection=1 1-4 hours =2 >4-8 hours =3 >8-12 hours =4 >12-16=5 >16-20=6 >20-24=7 19. Do you use any alternative sources of energy/electricity? Yes, UPS=1 Yes, Generator=2 Yes, Solar panels=3 Yes, Biogas=4 None =5 20. What is the main source of fuel/energy? Gas=1;Wood =2; Kerosene oil=3; Saw dust=4; Other= 5 21. What is the main source of water for irrigation? River=1, Canal=2, Tube well=3 Barani =4; other =5 (specify)

How much time is spent in reaching to the nearest place of facility A. Time in minutes B. Normal mode of transport A. Time in minutes B. Normal mode of transport 0-14 15-29 30-44 45-59 60+ On foot Non- Mechanical 0-14 15-29 30-44 45-59 60+ On foot Non- Mechanical mechanical mechanical 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 22. Medical Store 23. Middle school Girls 24. Retail (Kiryana) store 25. High school Boys 26. Public transport 27. High School Girls 28. Primary school Boys 29. Health clinic/Hospital 30. Primary school Girls 31. Population Welfare Unit 32. Middle School Boys 33. Main Road

L. Access and use of services and facilities Enter replies about everyone in the following, in the relevant box. A. How many times do you use B. Any particular reason for not using/once in a while C. To which extent you are D. What type of change you found in this service usually satisfied of this service the service during the last 12 months Services and Does Lack of No Better Facilities Not at Once in Far Very *Not Like Don’t 48 Often Always not tools/ enough Other N/A Satisfied Worst than all a while Away costly Satisfied before know suit staff Facility before Lady Health Worker Basic Health Unit Family Planning Unit Vaccinator School Veterinary Clinic Agriculture (extension ) Police Bank Road Drinking water Bus Railway Post Office NADRA Office Union council office Local magistrate Court District Education Department District Health Department District Local Government Office Electricity and Gas department s * Please use this scale from 1 to 5, where Highly Satisfactory=5, Satisfactory=4, Moderately Satisfactory=3, Moderately Unsatisfactory=2, Unsatisfactory=1

Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme

Other (please specify) (please Other Choice) (Multiple Preparation Other choice) (Multiple Impact 11=Other (please specify) (please 11=Other


10= Migration 10=

9=Life, property and health insurance health and property 9=Life,

8= Energy conservation/renewable energy/recycling energy/recycling conservation/renewable Energy 8= specify) (please 7=Other

7=Household/animal waste management waste 7=Household/animal Migration 6=

6=Other (please specify) (please 6=Other 6=Adopting water efficient/saving technology efficient/saving water 6=Adopting diseases

5=Dry season much longer much season 5=Dry 5=Avoiding deforestation 5=Avoiding borne water to due conditions health of 5=Deterioration

4=More Floods 4=More 4=Planting of trees of 4=Planting house property/ personal of 4=Loss/damage

3=Less Rainfall Rainfall 3=Less 3=Control of open grazing grazing open of 3=Control output agriculture of 3=Loss

2=More Rainfall Rainfall 2=More 2=Adapting crops to withstand extreme weather conditions conditions weather extreme withstand to crops 2=Adapting livestock of 2=Loss

1= Nothing ( -> P) -> ( Nothing 1= 1=Adapting house construction to withstand extreme weather conditions weather extreme withstand to construction house 1=Adapting life human of 1=Loss

the last five years? years? five last the

that you could observe over over observe could you that environment environment

change in weather and climate climate and weather in change incidences/changes in the future? the in incidences/changes agriculture? to prepare against abrupt changes in the the in changes abrupt against prepare to

1. What is the most striking striking most the is What 1. IDC 3. What are you already doing or planning to do to be prepared for such such for prepared be to do to planning or doing already you are What 3. and livestock family, your you, on have it did impact What 2. 4. Name the organisations helping you you helping organisations the Name 4.

O. Environment and climate change climate and Environment O.

9= Don’t know Don’t 9=

somebody needs help help needs somebody

4= People help each other whenever whenever other each help People 4= corrupt

will also help them them help also will 4= Non transparent and and transparent Non 4=

3= People help only those people they know know they people those only help People 3= 3=Neutral 3=Neutral know 9=Don’t know 9=Don’t 9=Don’t know 9=Don’t know 9=Don’t

friends when help is needed needed is help when friends and corruption free free corruption and Trust 4=Not Trust 4=Not 4=Worse than before before than 4=Worse times three than 4=More Trust 4=Not

2= People help first of all their family and and family their all of first help People 2= 2=Somewhat transparent transparent 2=Somewhat 3=Neutral 3=Neutral 3=No change change 3=No 3=Twice 3=Neutral 3=Neutral 49

much corruption free free corruption trust 2=Some trust 2=Some 2=Little improvement 2=Little 2=Once trust 2=Some

1= People are always busy and don’t help so so help don’t and busy always are People 1= 1=Totally transparent and and transparent 1=Totally Trust 1=Full Trust 1=Full 1=A lot of improvement improvement of lot 1=A all at 1=Not Trust 1=Full

any problem? any

people in your village? your in people governments? governments? of solution the for office in or

and borrowing? borrowing? and with dealing in careful services because of local local of because services person in representative local

in matters of lending lending of matters in very be to need you that problems? problems? free? corruption and provision of public public of provision any visited/contacted have

village trust each other other each trust village or trusted be can people to address your local local your address to transparent is government improvement in the the in improvement you times many how 2016, in

neighborhood help each other when needed? needed? when other each help neighborhood much do people in this this in people do much most that say you would elected representatives representatives elected local the of working the if there has been any any been has there if year this earlier governments

1. Generally speaking do people in your your in people do speaking Generally 1. IDC 3. In your opinion how how opinion your In 3. speaking, Generally 2. 5. Do you trust in local local in trust you Do 5. that think you far How 4. 7. What do you think think you do What 7. local of formation the Since 6.

N. Trust at community and local government institutions government local and community at Trust N.

Other choice Multiple Multiple choice Multiple Other Other Choice Multiple

5= Other (Please specify) (Please Other 5=



Rajooni/Jirga/Panchait 4= Other (Please specify) (Please Other 4= 4= Other (Please specify) (Please Other 4= 4= Always Always 4=

2= Any informal local Conflict Resolution Committee/ Committee/ Resolution Conflict local informal Any 2= 3=Communal/tribal 3=Communal/tribal 3=Rishtay (asking the hand of a boy/girl for marriage) for boy/girl a of hand the (asking 3=Rishtay 3= More often More 3=

2= Inter household /Family disputes /Family household Inter 2= 2=Money loan/return 2=Money 2= Often 2= Rajooni/Jirga/Panchait Rajooni/Jirga/Panchait

1= Intra-household/husband and wife/within children wife/within and Intra-household/husband 1= 1=Land 1=Land 1= Once in while while in Once 1= 1= Any formal local Conflict Resolution Committee/ Resolution Conflict local formal Any 1=

experienced in your household or village? or household your in experienced disputes? frequent conflicts/dispute types? types? conflicts/dispute frequent dispute resolution? resolution? dispute

2. What are the main types of conflicts/disputes you you conflicts/disputes of types main the are What 2. IDC 3. What are the most common causes of such conflicts/ such of causes common most the are What 3. 4. What is the frequency of the most most the of frequency the is What 4. 5. Whom do you refer to most of the time for conflicts/ for time the of most to refer you do Whom 5.

2=No Yes, 1= village? your in or household your in conflict/dispute any experienced you Have 1. If No -> (N) -> No If M. Major Conflicts/disputes and their resolution mechanism resolution their and Conflicts/disputes Major M. Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Annexures P. Major Constraints/Problems (Perceptions) Problems Response Problems Response Problems Response Problems Response Problems Response 1.Education: 2.Health care: 3.Water Supply: 4.Drainage: 5.Street Pavement: 6.Transport: 7.Fuel Supply: 8.Electricity: 9.Income (Poverty): 10. Jobs/Employment: 11.Savings: 12Access to Credit: 13.Social Cohesion: 14.Organisation: Rank each problem from 1 to 4, where 1=no problem; 2=slight problem; 3=serious problem; 4=very serious problem and 9= not sure.

Q. Benefits of Community Organisation (Perceptions) Problems Response Problems Response Problems Response Problems Response Problems Response 1. Social Cohesion 2. Skills 3. Village Infrastructure 4. Personal Empowerment 5. Conflict Resolution 6. Access to loans 7. Access to public services 8. Access to technology 9. Access to Market 10. Improved Natural Resources Note: Rank each benefit from 0 to 3, where 0=no benefit (or not sure); 1=slight benefit; 2=significant benefit; and 3=very significant benefit.

R. Household Miscellaneous Information 1. In the last twelve months, has anybody talked to you, or have you heard any messages about hygiene (boiling your drinking water, washing hands before eating and after using toilet etc. ) or about diseases you can catch from unclean water? Yes =1 No =2 (-> Q-3) 2. From whom did you hear about it? Lady health visitor = 1 Any other Govt. health worker = 2 Any other NGO / private health worker = 3 Media =4 School children = 5 Other family members = 6 Community Organisation =7 RSP Staff = 8 Other = 9 3. During the last 30 days has this household been visited by a village based family planning worker? Yes =1 No = 2 4. Is there any existing Community Organisation in your area? Yes =1 No = 2 (-> next section) 5. If yes is any one from your household member of that Community Organisation? Yes =1 No = 2 (-> next section) 6. If yes since when (DD/MM/YY)

50 7. Have you got any training as member in the CO? Yes=1 No=2 8. Savings in CO (Rs.)

S. The Perception Scorecard Measure response on the scale of 1 to 4 1 2 3 4 »» Strongly Disagree »» Strongly Agree »» Extremely Dissatisfied »» Highly Satisfied »» Very Bad »» Very Good 1. Poverty Reduction Perception Index Q: How would you rate the local authorities’ (elected representatives, public departments) performance in reducing poverty in your community? 2. Capacity Enhancement Perception Index Q: The quality/performance of government officials was exceptional? Q: Access to government officials and administration is easy? Q: Access to public services and funds is easy? Q: Local public services made available in your area by government have benefitted your community positively? Q: There has been substantial improvement in government performance in the projects undertaken in your community? 3. Accountability & Transparency Perception Index Q: The government operated in a transparent manner in your community? Q: The government remained accountable to your community while undertaking projects in this area? Q: The government remained accountable for the funds supplied for projects in your community? Q: There were no financial discrepancies in the funds supplied by the government in your area? Q: There were no fraudulent activities in the projects undertaken by the government in your area? Q: The government activities have equally benefitted all residents of your area? Q: The government employees have never been involved in corrupt practices and dealings? Q: I completely trust the government development activities and projects in my area? Q: The government employees have never been found guilty of being involved in nepotism? Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme Annexures


1. Co-operative 1. respondent the of Behavior 2 2. Normal Normal 2. 3. reluctant/hesitant 3. 4. non serious/talkative non 4.

1. Completed with selected household selected with Completed 1. Result 1 2. Completed with replacement with Completed 2.

T. Overall Assessment (to be filled by the interviewer) the by filled be (to Assessment Overall T.

what marginalized include ( women, widow, old age , etc ) of your community? your of ) etc , age old widow, women, ( include marginalized what

Q: The government created and implemented “sustainable” poverty reduction programs for the marginalized members we should disaggregated should we members marginalized the for programs reduction poverty “sustainable” implemented and created government The Q:

Q: The government created and implemented “inclusive” development programs for the marginalized members of your community? your of members marginalized the for programs development “inclusive” implemented and created government The Q: 4. Empowerment Perception Index Perception Empowerment 4. Results of Socio Economic Baseline Survey - BRACE Programme References S. No 14 11 10 15 13 12 4 1 7 9 8 6 5 3 2 Barcelona Spain University ofBarcelona Climate Research Group BaldiriRexac,4-6,Torre D08032 Global Climate Current Research intheClimate andUncertainties System. Global Competitiveness Report2017-2018 Pakistan Social&LivingStandard Measurement, 2014-15 Pakistan Social&LivingStandard Measurement, 2014-15 WillingessToPayForWASHInJacobabad.pdf Pakistan Social&LivingStandard Measurement, 2014-15 the built environment -mitigation responses. andadaptation Geneva World Health Organization. (2010).Developing guidanceforhealth protection in Pakistan Social&LivingStandard Measurement, 2014-15 TABLE_15.pdf write%20up%2015-16-HIES-final_0.pdf Simulations forEquityinEducation -UNICEF inBalochistan Details 52 358 &368 Page No. 401 337 332 3-6 10 19 9

“This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union under the Balochistan Rural Support and Community Empowerment (BRACE) Programme. Its contents are the sole responsibility of National Rural Support Programme (NRSP) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.” NRSP Programme Implementation Unit (PIU) Near Circuit House, DHQ Hospital Road, Turbat, Balochistan. More information about European Union is available on: Tel: +92-852-412830 Web: NRSP - Head Office: 7th Floor, UBL Building, Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area, Islamabad, Twitter: @EUPakistan Pakistan. Tel: +92 (51) 2822319, 2822324, Fax: +92 (51) 2822779 Facebook: European-Union-in-Pakistan Email: [email protected], Web: