BBMP/Addl.Dir/JD North/LP/0019/2019-20 period of plan sanction shall be made to the corporation as per bye law no. 3.8 IVC ROAD IVC VERSION NO.: 1.0.9 This Plan Sanction is issued subject to the following conditions note (i) of Building Bye - Law - 2003. AREA STATEMENT (BBMP) 39. If the owner / builder contravenes the provisions of Building Bye-laws and VERSION DATE: 01/11/2018 1. Sanction is accorded for the Utility and Office Building at Khata 91/484, Sy No. rules in force, the authority will inform the same to the registered Architect / PROJECT DETAIL: 91/1, 91/2, 192, 193/1, 193/2, 194, 196/1, 196/2, 193/3, 195/1, Ward No. 55, KEngineers / Supervisor in the first instance, warn in the second instance and TO NARAYANAPURA Authority: BBMP Plot Use: Commercial SCALE : R Puram Subdivision, Mahadevapura Zone, Bengaluru. cancel the registration of the professional if the same is repeated for the third Inward_No: BBMP/Addl.Dir/JD a) Building - 4 consisting of GF+2UF (Two Uppers Floors) Utility Buildingtime. Plot SubUse: Commercial Bldg only. NORTH/0019/19-20 40. The Builder / Contractor / Professional responsible for supervision of work b) Building - 5 consisting of 3BF+GF+11UF (Eleven Uppers Floors) Office Application Type: General Land Use Zone: Commercial (MutationCorridor) Building only. shall not shall not materially and structurally deviate the construction from the 45.00M sanctioned plan, without previous approval of the authority. They shall explain Proposal Type: Building Permission Plot/Sub Plot No.: 486 2. Sanction is accorded for Utility and Office use only. The use of the building to the owner s about the risk involved in contravention of the provisions of the Nature of Sanction: Addition or City Survey No.: 91/1, shall not be deviated to any other use. Act, Rules, Bye-laws, Zoning Regulations, Standing Orders and Policy Orders Extension 91/2,192,193/1,193/2,193/3,194,195/1,196/1,196/2,197 3. Three Basement Floor and surface area reserved for car parking shall not of the BBMP. Location: Ring-III Khata No. (As per Khata Extract): DA/55/PR/402/2017-18 be converted for any other purpose. 41. The Construction or reconstruction of building shall be commenced within a Locality / Street of the property: 486 Whitefield main road, Mahadevapura 24.58M 4. Development charges towards increasing the capacity of water supply, period of two (2) years from date of issue of licence. Before the expiry of two Building Line Specified as per Z.R: NA sanitary and power main has to be paid to BWSSB and BESCOM if any. years, the Owner / Developer shall give intimation to BBMP (Sanctioning Zone, 5. Necessary ducts for running telephone cables, cubicles at ground level for Authority) of the intention to start work in the form prescribed in Schedule VI. Zone: Mahadevapura postal services & space for dumping garbage within the premises shall be ITPL MAIN ROAD TO WHITEFIELD Further, the Owner / Developer shall give intimation on completion of the Ward: Ward-055 8.03M 4.33 provided. foundation or footing of walls / columns of the foundation. Otherwise the plan

24.50 Planning District: 315-Whitefiled 5.02 6. The applicant shall construct temporary toilets for the use of construction sanction deemed cancelled. 21.97M workers and it should be demolished after the construction. 42. The Applicant / Owner / Developer shall abide by the collection of solid AREA DETAILS: SQ.MT. 6.55 9.73 7. The applicant shall INSURE all workmen involved in the construction work

26.63M waste and its segregation as per solid waste management bye-law 2016. AREA OF PLOT (Minimum) (A) 24.01M 70415.64 against any accident / untoward incidents arising during the time of construction. 43. The applicant/owner/developer shall abide by sustainable construction and Deduction for NetPlot Area 16.57 8. The applicant shall not stock any building materials / debris on footpath or 8.42 EXISTING 24.0 M ROAD , PROPOSED FOR WIDENING TO 45 m (RMP 2015) demolition waste management as per solid waste management bye-law 2016. on roads or on drains. The debris shall be removed and transported to near by Road Widening Area 2051.62 5.02 10.02 44. The Applicant / Owners / Developers shall make necessary provision to 5.64 dumping yard. charge electrical vehicles. Total 2051.62 5.38 7.14 8.96 12.44 8.35 9. The applicant / builder is prohibited from selling the setback area / open 17.18 18.82 13.83 45. The Applicant / Owner / Developer shall plant one tree for every 240 Sq.m NET AREA OF PLOT (A-Deductions) 68364.02 13.12 spaces and the common facility areas, which shall be accessible to all the tenants of FAR area as part thereof in case of Apartment / group housing / multi dwelling Deduction for Balance Plot Area ROAD WIDENING and occupants. unit/development plan. Road Widening Area 10. The applicant shall provide a space for locating the distribution 46. In case of any false information, misrepresentation of facts, or pending 2051.62 LINE transformers & associated equipment as per K.E.R.C (Es& D) code leaving 3.00 18.00 court cases, the plan sanction is deemed cancelled. Park And OpenSpace Area 7079.70 11.19 mts. from the building within the premises. BOREWELL CASING Total 9131.32 11. The applicant shall provide a separate room preferably 4.50 x 3.65 m in the Special Condition as per Labour Department of Government of basement for installation of telecom equipment and also to make provisions for vide ADDENDUM (Hosadaagi Hoodike) Letter No. LD/95/LET/2013, dated: BALANCE AREA OF PLOT (A-Deductions) 61284.32 19.15 16.19 telecom services as per Bye-law No. 25. 01-04-2013 COVERAGE CHECK 29.46 12. The applicant shall maintain during construction such barricading as Permissible Coverage area (50.00 %) 30642.16 considered necessary to prevent dust, debris & other materials endangering the 52.70 1. Registration of Applicant / Builder / Owner / Contractor and the construction safety of people / structures etc. in & around the site. Proposed Coverage Area (13.7 %) 8397.16 51.71 workers working in the construction site with the “Karnataka Building and Other OVER FLOW TO DRAIN 13. The applicant shall plant at least two trees in the premises. Existing coverage area to be retained ( 19.21 % ) 11775.40 INLET PIPE 14. Permission shall be obtained from forest department for cutting trees before Construction workers Welfare Board” should be strictly adhered to . MANHOLE Achieved Net coverage area ( 32.92 % ) 20172.56 12.00 the commencement of the work. 2. The Applicant / Builder / Owner / Contractor should submit the Registration of establishment and list of construction workers engaged at the time of issue of Balance coverage area left ( 17.08 % ) 10469.60 58.65 15. License and approved plans shall be posted in a conspicuous place of the licensed premises. The building license and the copies of sanctioned plans with Commencement Certificate. A copy of the same shall also be submitted to the FAR CHECK 29.98 specifications shall be mounted on a frame and displayed and they shall be made concerned local Engineer in order to inspect the establishment and ensure the Permissible F.A.R. as per zoning regulation 2015 ( 2.50 ) 158339.86 ∅1500 7.70 38.60 registration of establishment and workers working at construction site or work available during inspections. Additional F.A.R within Ring I and II ( for amalgamated plot - ) 0.00 Existing 7.9m Road proposed to 18M wide road as per RMP-2015 16. If any owner / builder contravenes the provisions of Building Bye-laws and place. RCC PRECAST RING 18.00M Allowable TDR Area (60% of Perm.FAR ) rules in force, the Architect / Engineer / Supervisor will be informed by the 3. The Applicant / Builder / Owner / Contractor shall also inform the changes if any 0.00 Authority in the first instance, warned in the second instance and cancel the of the list of workers engaged by him. Premium FAR for Plot within Impact Zone ( - ) 0.00 registration if the same is repeated for the third time. 4. At any point of time No Applicant / Builder / Owner / Contractor shall engage a Total Perm. FAR area ( 2.50 ) 158339.86 8.00 27.19 17. Technical personnel, applicant or owner as the case may be shall strictly construction worker in his site or work place who is not registered with the Commercial FAR (100.00% ) 83663.49 adhere to the duties and responsibilities specified in Schedule - IV (Bye-law No. “Karnataka Building and Other Construction workers Welfare Board” 7.90M 3.6) under sub section IV-8 (e) to (k). Proposed FAR Area 83663.49

MAN HOLE 600X600 9.89 18. The building shall be constructed under the supervision of a registered Note: Existing FAR Area 44634.37 RCC SLAB TO 13.38 structural engineer. 63.00 1. Accommodation shall be provided for setting up of schools for imparting Achieved Net FAR Area ( 2.03 ) 128297.86 STRUCTURAL DETAIL GROUND FORMATION Lvl. 19. On completion of foundation or footings before erection of walls on the education to the children of construction workers in the labour camps / Balance FAR Area ( 0.43 ) 30042.00 foundation and in the case of columnar structure before erecting the columns

102.58 “COMMENCEMENT CERTIFICATE” shall be obtained. construction sites. BUILT UP AREA CHECK 20. Construction or reconstruction of the building should be completed before 2. List of children of workers shall be furnished by the builder / contractor to Proposed BuiltUp Area 122195.03 the Labour Department which is mandatory. 1500 the expiry of five years from the date of issue of license & within one month after Existing BUA Area for Existing Structure 51828.57 its completion shall apply for permission to occupy the building. 3. Employment of child labour in the construction activities strictly prohibited. 39.40 Substructure Area Add in BUA (Layout Lvl) 21. The building should not be occupied without obtaining “OCCUPANCY 4. Obtaining NOC from the Labour Department before commencing the 2.98 12.86 7.20 construction work is a must. Achieved BuiltUp Area 177414.47 VARIES CERTIFICATE” from the competent authority. INLET PIPE OVER FLOW TO SUMP

38.40 5. BBMP will not be responsible for any dispute that may arise in respect of 82.40 22. Drinking water supplied by BWSSB should not be used for the construction 2.35 activity of the building. property in question. 7.35 6. In case if the documents submitted in respect of property in question is

2.70 found to be false or fabricated, the plan sanctioned stands cancelled automatically Block Area Units Car and legal action will be initiated. Type SubUse Name (Sq.mt.) Reqd. Prop. Reqd./Unit Reqd. Prop. 17.97 23. The applicant shall ensure that the Rain Water Harvesting Structures are IV. The Applicant has paid the fees vide Transaction No. HEWLETT 10cm GRAVEL & FINE SAND provided & maintained in good repair for storage of water for non potable purposes or recharge of ground water at all times having a minimum totalCHASS19298093005, Dated. 20-011-2019, for the following:- PACKARD Commercial

1500 10cm CRUSHED STONES Commercial > 0 50 80334.62 1 1607 - 26.50 capacity mentioned in the Bye-law 32(a). (BUILDING Bldg 10cm CHARCOAL & ACTIVATED CARBON 1. License Fees and Scrutiny Fee : 3,07,90,215-00 10cm CRUSHED STONES 33.00 24. The building shall be designed and constructed adopting the norms 5) prescribed in National Building Code and in the “Criteria for earthquake resistant 2. Ground Rent (Including GST Arrears) : 2,83,82,790-00 HEWLETT 27.15 design of structures” bearing No. IS 1893-2002 published by the Bureau of Indian PACKARD Commercial 3. Betterment Charges : 24,43,901-00 Commercial > 0 50 3328.87 67 - Standards making the building resistant to earthquake. (BUILDING Bldg 1 25. The applicant should provide solar water heaters as per table 17 of Bye-law 4. Security Deposit : 1,22,19,503-00 PERFORATED REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB 4) No. 29 for the building. 5. Plan copy charges and Compound Wall : 1,92,000-00 17.87 26. Facilities for physically handicapped persons prescribed in schedule XI Total : - - - - 1674 2562 (Bye laws - 31) of Building bye-laws 2003 shall be ensured. 6. 1% Service Charge on Labour Cess

33.00 22.00 27. The applicant shall provide at least one common toilet in the ground floor for the use of the visitors / servants / drivers and security men and also to be paid to BBMP : 1,87,949-00 entrance shall be approached through a ramp for the Physically Handicapped TOTAL: - 7,42,16,358-00 Reqd. Achieved Vehicle Type 38.40 persons together with the stepped entry. SAY Rs. - 7,42,17,000-00 No. Area (Sq.mt.) No. Area (Sq.mt.) 38.40 28. The Occupancy Certificate will be considered only after ensuring that the 67.50 provisions of conditions vide Sl. No. 23, 24, 25 & 26 are provided in the building. Car 1674 23017.50 979 13461.25 29. The applicant shall ensure that no inconvenience is caused to the 7. Labour Cess: Rs. 1,86,07,000/- Paid vide NEFT/RTGS Mech.Car - - 315 4331.25 16.09 No.CHASR19273882853, dated: 03-10-2019, Receipt No. HO/25833/2019, neighbours in the vicinity of construction and that the construction activities shall Three Stack.Car - - 1268 17435.00 Dated. 30-09-2019. 2 stop before 10.00 PM and shall not resume the work earlier than 7.00 AM to avoid 1 4 17.61 8.00 3 5 6 7 8 9 Total Car 1674 23017.50 2562 35227.50 hindrance during late hours and early morning hours. 10 TwoWheeler - 2310.00 0 0.00 16.00 30. Garbage originating from Apartments / Commercial buildings shall be

83.59 11 segregated into organic and inorganic waste and should be processed in the Other Parking - - - 20619.93 Recycling processing unit 400 k.g capacity installed at site for its re-use / 12 Total 25327.50 55847.43 R O A D disposal (Applicable for Residential units of 50 and above and 5000 Sqm and

26.20 13

6000 above built up area for Commercial building). 165 119 73 72 14 31. The structures with basement/s shall be designed for structural stability and

166 167 168 120 121 122 74 75 76 71 70 69 safety to ensure for soil stabilization during the course of excavation for 15 basement/s with safe design for retaining walls and super structure for the safety 169 170 171 123 124 125 77 78 79 68 67 66 Proposed 16 of the structure as well as neighbouring property, public roads and footpaths, and 173 174 Total Built Deductions (Area in Sq.mt.) FAR Area Total FAR 172 126 127 128 80 81 82 65 64 63 besides ensuring safety of workman and general public by erecting safe Floor 64.90 17 Up Area Area barricades. (Sq.mt.) 175 176 177 129 130 131 83 84 85 62 61 60 Name

MAHADEVAPURA ROAD 51.31 (Sq.mt.) Lift (Sq.mt.) 5.35 30.70 18 32. Sufficient two wheeler parking shall be provided as per requirement. StairCase Lift Void Substructure Ramp Parking Commercial 133 178 179 180 132 134 86 87 88 59 58 57 33. Traffic Management Plan shall be obtained from Traffic Management Machine 19 Terrace 181 182 183 135 136 137 89 90 91 56 55 54 Consultant for all high rise structures which shall be got approved from the 579.17 546.89 0.00 32.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UP TO 20 25M Floor 20 Competent Authority if necessary. . 94 52 3.40 184 185 186 138 139 140 92 93 53 51 Eleventh 13.20 34. The Owner / Association of highrise building shall obtain clearance III. NOC Details 5875.48 0.00 150.49 0.00 141.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 5583.42 5583.42 21 Floor 187 188 189 141 142 143 95 96 97 50 49 48 certificate from Fire Forece Department every Two years with due inspection by Sl Name of the Reference No. & Date Conditions Imposed Tenth HALLOW WELL OF 5000 LITERS 22 the department regarding working condition of Fire Safety Measures installed. No. Statutory 6185.98 0.00 150.49 0.00 141.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 5893.93 5893.93 190 191 192 144 145 146 98 99 100 Floor 47 46 45 Department CAPACITY TO HOLD RUN-OFF 23 The certificate should be produced to the Corporation and shall get the renewal of CTE-315768, PCB ID 37125, Dated. Ninth Floor 6185.94 0.00 150.49 0.00 141.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 5893.89 5893.89 193 194 195 147 148 149 101 102 103 44 43 42 1. KSPCB RAIN WATER 8.80 the permission issued once in Two years. 24 08-11-2019 Eighth 5948.60 0.00 150.49 0.00 141.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 5656.54 5656.54 198 151 106 35. The Owner / Association of highrise building shall get the building inspected 196 197 150 152 104 105 41 40 39 2. Fire Force and KSFES/GBC(1)/448, Date. 25-09-2018 Floor V-WIRE SCREEN 25 by empanelled agencies of the Fire Force Department to ensure that the Emergency Seventh 199 200 201 153 154 155 107 108 109 38 37 36 7188.00 0.00 150.49 0.00 140.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 6897.19 6897.19 equipments installed are in good and workable condition, and an affidavit to that Services Floor 12.00 3. HAL ASC/CM(AO)/131/60-19/890/2019, Dated. 202 203 204 156 157 158 110 111112 35 34 33 effect shall be submitted to the Corporation and Fire Force Department every year. 12-10-2019 Sixth Floor 7567.71 0.00 150.49 0.00 140.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 7276.90 7276.90 26 Airport BANG/SOUTH/B/083118/331342, Date. All the conditions GRAVEL PACKING 49.57 36. The Owner / Association of highrise building shall obtain clearance 4. 205 206 207 159 160 161 113 114 115 32 31 30 imposed in the letter Fifth Floor 7567.71 0.00 150.49 0.00 140.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 7276.90 7276.90 12.90 certificate from the Electrical Inspectorate every Two years with due inspection by Authority of 04-10-2018 issued by the Fourth 14.00 27 208 209 210 162 163 164 116 117 118 29 28 the Department regarding working condition of Electrical installation / Lifts etc., Statutory Body should 7567.70 0.00 150.49 0.00 140.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 7276.97 7276.97 PERFORATED PIPE 5. EEE/WF/AEE(O)/AET/28-19-20/358, Date. Floor BESCOM be adhered to. 6.00 The certificate should be produced to the BBMP and shall get the renewal of the 31-05-2019 Third Floor 7567.70 0.00 150.49 0.00 140.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 7276.81 7276.81 211 214 216 218 221 BWSSB/CE(M)/ACE(M-IV/DCE(M)-II/TA(M)- 212 213 215 217 219 220 222 223 224 225 permission issued that once in Two years. 6. BWSSB Second 9.78 37. The Owner / Association of the highrise building shall conduct two mock - III/263/2019-20, Date. 20-06-2019 6609.52 0.00 150.48 0.00 149.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 6309.70 6309.70 7. AGM KRP / Cable Corr./2019-20/1, Date. Floor trials in the building, one before the onset of summer and another during the BSNL 06-06-2019 First Floor 5871.98 0.00 150.46 0.00 609.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 5111.97 5111.97 117.12 summer and assure complete safety in respect of fire hazards. 8. SEIAA SEIAA 103 CON 2018, Dated. 07-09-2019 Ground 6842.17 0.00 184.75 0.00 98.01 0.49 0.00 0.00 6558.92 6558.92 38. Payment of Ground Rent for construction carried out beyond the two years BMRCL ¨ÉªÉÄgÉʤ¤/rfJA(n&Dgï)/¦r/J£ïN¹/2019-20/5726, 9. ¢£ÁAPÀ: 26-09-2019 Floor Basement

55.15 First 14395.35 0.00 67.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 1223.56 11144.15 1960.26 1960.26 328 329 330 304 305 306 280 281 282 256 257 258 226 227 228 364 365 12.79 Floor 50.14 307 308 261 Basement 331 332 333 309 283 284 285 259 260 229 230 231 366 367 Block Land Use Second 13123.15 0.00 67.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 1007.39 11422.54 625.89 625.89 262 263 264 232 233 234 Block Name Block Use Block SubUse Block Structure 334 335 336 310 311 312 286 287 288 368 369 352 Category Floor 353 354 337 338 339 313 314 315 289 290 291 265 266 267 235 236 237 HEWLETT PACKARD Basement 370 371 Commercial Commercial Bldg Highrise C3 Third 13118.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 974.86 11408.67 735.34 735.34 270 (BUILDING 5) 340 341 342 316 317 318 292 293 294 268 269 238 239 240 372 373 Floor 355 HEWLETT PACKARD 356 243 343 344 345 319 320 321 295 296 297 271 272 273 241 242 Commercial Commercial Bldg Highrise C3 Total: 122195.03 546.89 1974.84 32.28 2124.76 0.49 3205.81 33975.36 80334.62 80334.63 374 375 357 (BUILDING 4) Total 346 347 348 322 323 324 298 299 300 274 275 276 244 245 246 376 377 Number of 358 349 350 351 325 326 327 301 302 303 277 278 279 247 248 249 378 379 359 Same 1 360 Blocks 250 251 252 39.50 380 381 : 361 253 254 255 Proposed 382 383 362 Total: 122195.03 546.89 1974.84 32.28 2124.76 0.49 3205.81 33975.36 80334.62 80334.63 PERCOLATION OF WATER IN THE 363 Total Built Deductions (Area in Sq.mt.) FAR Area Total FAR

68.90 4.80 35.10 11.00 No. of SUB SOIL THROUGH 'V' WIRE SCREEN. 384 385 Block Up Area (Sq.mt.) Area 39.84 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 Same Bldg 2.68 (Sq.mt.) (Sq.mt.) Approval Date : 07/19/2019 12:25:51 PM 5.64 386 387 Lift 23.04 17.78 StairCase Lift Void SubStructure Ramp Parking Commercial 9.85 Machine 388 399 HEWLETT Payment Details Challan Receipt Transaction 6.28 PACKARD 1 122195.03 546.89 1974.84 32.28 2124.76 0.49 3205.81 33975.36 80334.62 80334.63 Sr No. Amount (INR) Payment Mode Payment Date Remark 22.21 (BUILDING Number Number Number 06/13/2019 400 401 5) 1 BBMP/4617/CH/19-20 BBMP/4617/CH/19-20 1367337.4 Online 8580792095 -

3.17 1:20:04 PM 40.30 HEWLETT 402 403 No. Head Amount (INR) Remark PACKARD 404 405 1 Scrutiny Fee 1367337.4 - 30.55 1 3387.89 0.00 16.80 8.40 40.70 386.43 0.00 0.00 3328.87 3328.87 5.80 (BUILDING 9.48 406 407 4)

408 409 Grand 2 125582.92 546.89 1991.64 40.68 2165.46 386.92 3205.81 33975.36 83663.49 83663.50

410 411 Total:

412 413

8.79 50.91

12.35 414 415 13.20 416 417 16.00

17.03 418 419 79.96 14.37

6.40 420 421


6.08 17.83 13.00

13.99 31.80 25.00 24.80 24.80




16.90 42.15 42.17 42.17 7.52

6.41 45.43 44.68 20.70 12.30 4.56

435 439 440 441 444 445 446 447 448 451 33.85 434 436 437 438 442 443 449 450 24.54 13.36

452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468

16.00 41.87 16.87

47.13 :

495 Sri.Prasanna K L, Authorised Signatory, 11.34 494 493 492 491 490 489 M/s.HEWLETT-PACKARD (INDIA) SOFTWARE 17.86 488 487 486 15.13 485 4.50 483 484 OPERATION PRIVATE LIMITED 192 Whitefield main 482 7.12 481 16.00 480 478 479 road, Mahadevapura,Bangalore 560048 477 15.38 476 474 475 473 8.99 471 472 3.47 26.11 469 470 12.32 3.43 21.51


12.42 TO OUTER RING ROAD RING OUTER TO 14.42 14.87 RAJESH KUMAR N RSP House, 30 Museum 9.95 Road RSP House, 30 Museum Road 12.26 BCC/BL-3.6/E-3378:09-10 12.43 Note: 12.43

12.76 12.75 The modified plans are Approved in accordance with the acceptance for 12.18 approval by the commissioner on date: ______. PROJECT TITLE : 12.41 vide lp number :______subject PROPOSED NON RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (COMMERCIAL 12.43 to terms and conditions laid down along with this modified building plan OFFICE BUILDING) AT SY.NO.91/1, SY.NO.91/2, B.NARAYANPURA 12.52 VILLAGE,SY.NO.192, SY.NO. 193/1, SY.NO.193/2, SY.NO.193/3, SY.NO.194, 12.25 approval. Validity of this approval is two years from the date of issue. 11.35 SY.NO.195/1,SY.NO.196/1,AND SY.NO.196/2 OF MAHADEVAPURA VILLAGE,KRISHNARAJAPURAM HOBLI, BANGALORE EAST Name : B MANJESH TALUK,. Designation : Joint Director Town Planning (JDTP) DRAWING TITLE : SITE PLAN Organization : BRUHAT BANGALORE MAHANAGARA PALIKE Date : 30-Dec-2019 15: 27:17 SHEET NO : 1

UserDefinedMetric (1900.00 x 1000.00MM) This is a system generated drawing as per the soft copy submitted by the Architect/ License Engineer

Block Area Units Car Type SubUse Name (Sq.mt.) Reqd. Prop. Reqd./Unit Reqd. Prop. HEWLETT PACKARD Commercial Commercial > 0 50 80334.62 1 1607 - (BUILDING Bldg 5) HEWLETT PACKARD Commercial > 0 50 3328.87 67 (BUILDING Commercial Bldg 1 - 4) Total : - - - - 1674 2562

Reqd. Achieved Vehicle Type No. Area (Sq.mt.) No. Area (Sq.mt.) Car 1674 23017.50 979 13461.25 Mech.Car - - 315 4331.25 Three Stack.Car - - 1268 17435.00 Total Car 1674 23017.50 2562 35227.50 TwoWheeler - 2310.00 0 0.00 Other Parking - - - 20619.93 Total 25327.50 55847.43

Proposed Total Built Deductions (Area in Sq.mt.) FAR Area Total FAR Floor Up Area (Sq.mt.) Area Name (Sq.mt.) Lift (Sq.mt.) StairCase Lift Void Substructure Ramp Parking Commercial Machine Terrace 579.17 546.89 0.00 32.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Floor Eleventh 5875.48 0.00 150.49 0.00 141.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 5583.42 5583.42 Floor Tenth 6185.98 0.00 150.49 0.00 141.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 5893.93 5893.93 Floor Ninth Floor 6185.94 0.00 150.49 0.00 141.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 5893.89 5893.89 Eighth 5948.60 0.00 150.49 0.00 141.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 5656.54 5656.54 Floor Seventh 7188.00 0.00 150.49 0.00 140.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 6897.19 6897.19 Floor Sixth Floor 7567.71 0.00 150.49 0.00 140.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 7276.90 7276.90 Fifth Floor 7567.71 0.00 150.49 0.00 140.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 7276.90 7276.90 Fourth 7567.70 0.00 150.49 0.00 140.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 7276.97 7276.97 Floor Third Floor 7567.70 0.00 150.49 0.00 140.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 7276.81 7276.81 Second 6609.52 0.00 150.48 0.00 149.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 6309.70 6309.70 Floor First Floor 5871.98 0.00 150.46 0.00 609.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 5111.97 5111.97 Ground 6842.17 0.00 184.75 0.00 98.01 0.49 0.00 0.00 6558.92 6558.92 Floor Basement First 14395.35 0.00 67.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 1223.56 11144.15 1960.26 1960.26 Floor Basement Second 13123.15 0.00 67.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 1007.39 11422.54 625.89 625.89 Floor Basement Third 13118.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 974.86 11408.67 735.34 735.34 Floor Total: 122195.03 546.89 1974.84 32.28 2124.76 0.49 3205.81 33975.36 80334.62 80334.63 Total Number of Same 1 Blocks : Total: 122195.03 546.89 1974.84 32.28 2124.76 0.49 3205.81 33975.36 80334.62 80334.63