53 National American Jewish Organizations Join in Statement of Unity Pre-Yom Kippur Declaration of Common Goals and Shared Objectives

Monday, September 21, 2015, New York, NY…. “On the eve of Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, 53 national Jewish organizations joined in a recommitment to common principles and objectives as well as to maintaining high standards of civil discourse in addressing those issues” said Stephen Greenberg, Chairman, and Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman/CEO, of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Coming in the aftermath of the intense discussions and debate over the JCPOA, the statement highlights that despite any differences, the organizations are united by the common objective of assuring that not acquire or produce nuclear weapons. They called on the President and Congress to work together to ensure that U.S. policy achieves this end. Greenberg and Hoenlein noted that there were numerous attempts in the media to portray the Jewish community as engaged in acrimonious debates and searing divisions. “In fact, what unites us far outweighs any differences.” As the statement notes, our community shares serious concerns for the security of the United States, , and the world posed by Iran’s nuclear program. This noteworthy statement could not be more timely coming during the High Holidays when we rededicate ourselves to our shared commitments, to our community, country, and Israel. The statement was signed by 51 member organizations of the Presidents Conference and two adjunct members. The following is the text of the statement and the signatory organizations:

The American Jewish community has been engaged in intense discussion of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran. Deliberations over this agreement have evoked deep passions and differences befitting such a critical and complex matter. There were those who saw the agreement as deeply flawed, while others endorsed it as the best among limited alternatives. Across the spectrum of support or opposition to the deal, it was recognized that our community shares serious concerns for the security of the United States and the world posed by Iran’s nuclear program. The safety of Israel and its citizens is of special concern, as Iranian leaders continue to threaten the annihilation of the Jewish State as they do the United States.

It is regrettable that, at times, the debate was marked by irresponsible assertions, including ad hominem attacks and insinuations of dual loyalty, maligning the intentions of the opposing side. Degrading comments and words of violence are dangerous and contrary to the spirit of mutual respect of our country and the values of our Jewish tradition. The member organizations of the Conference of Presidents have and will continue to strive to maintain the high standard of civil discourse to which they have all subscribed and aspire to come together to achieve our common goals.

We can and must focus on our shared objectives, including finding ways to eliminate existing and anticipated vulnerabilities arising from the implementation of the JCPOA. The President and Congress must work together to ensure that U.S. policy prevents Iran from ever acquiring a nuclear weapon, and reinforce this message with concrete measures, unmistakable to allies and adversaries alike.

As we celebrate the High Holy Days, inspired by the spirit and message of our prayers, we rededicate ourselves to our shared commitments to our country, to our community, and to the security and well-being of Israel. May the New Year be marked by blessings of peace for this and future generations of the people of America, Israel, and all the world.

Member Organization Signatories: Alpha Epsilon Pi Ameinu American Friends of Likud American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors America-Israel Friendship League American Israel Public Affairs Committee American Jewish Committee American Jewish Congress American Sephardi Federation American Zionist Movement AMIT Anti-Defamation League ARZA B’nai B’rith Bnai Zion CAMERA Central Conference of American Rabbis Emunah of America Greater Miami Jewish Federation Friends of the Israel Defense Forces Hadassah, Women’s Zionist Organization of America Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Jewish Community Centers Association Jewish Council for Public Affairs Jewish Federations of North America Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs Jewish Labor Committee Jewish National Fund Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Jewish Women International Mercaz USA, Zionist Organization of the Conservative Movement NA’AMAT USA NCSEJ – National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry National Council of Jewish Women National Council of Young Israel ORT America, Inc. Rabbinical Assembly Rabbinical Council of America Religious Zionists of America UJA-Federation of New York Union for Reform Judaism Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism WIZO Women’s League for Conservative Judaism Women of Reform Judaism Workmen’s Circle World ORT USA World Zionist Executive, USA Zionist Organization of America

Adjuncts: Maccabi USA Canters Assembly