
A competitive game played between two teams of 15 players on a lined field, similar to a field. There will be no blocking or interference. Play begins with a placed kick from the centerline. After a goal is scored teams can punt the ball.

The game begins with a kick off and the receiving team is on offense attempting to score a “TRY”. A try is worth 5 points. A try is accomplished when the offensive team gets the ball across the end line and either it down on the ground or falls into the end zone on top of the ball.

Players run forward with the ball and can only pass backwards. A player is offside if they are in front of a teammate who is carrying the ball. A player in the offsides position must not interfere with the play and must make an attempt to get on sides.

Passes must be delivered from two hands, underhand and backwards to a teammate behind the ball carrier. NO forward passes are allowed.

To stop a ball carrier, the defensive team has to touch the ball carrier. One hand is all that is necessary. The ball carrier must drop the ball downwards and the “tagger” now gets possession of the ball. The new ball carrier must make sure that their teammates are behind them and the opposing team must be ten feet away from the ball carrier.

A line-out occurs when the ball or ball carrier goes out of bounds on the side of the field. The opposing team gets to throw the ball in from the spot in which it went out of bounds while four team members on each team face each other in lines. The ball is thrown upwards, overhead, (similar to a soccer throw in) in the middle of the two lines and the players fight for possession.

Kicking (punting) is used to avoid being tagged. The punter must be the lead ball carrier from the team and all teammates must be behind the ball carrier at the time of the punt.

Off sides- occurs when a teammate is in front of the ball carrier and is interfering with the play and not attempting to get on sides.

Unsportsmanlike conduct- obstructions, blocking, unfair action, dangerous play, repeated fouls, unsportsmanlike behavior. Warning or dismissal.

Scrummage () results from a field penalty. Four teammates on each team face each other, connect arms and a ball is rolled on the ground into the scrum. Players heel the ball out backwards to teammates.

“MARK”- a fair catch call off of a volley or deep in the end zone kick.

Homework Questions: Print the following sheet and hand it in on time for your Homework credit. Name ______Period ______

1. How many players are on a rugby team?

2. Describe and define what happens when the ball goes out of bounds on the side of the field?

3. Where do all teammates need to be when their team has possession of the ball?

4. What does the term “MARK” signify?

5. What defensive strategies could we use in PE class to stop a running player with the ball?

6. How does the game of Rugby start?

7. How many points are awarded for a “Try”?

8. Describe how kicking is used in the game of rugby.

9. What type of surface is rugby played?

10. Describe a “scrum”.