Undergraduate AB, Biochemistry, Harvard College, Cambridge, MA Magna cum laude, 1972

Medical MD, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, MD 1976.

Post Graduate PL 1,2 Pediatrics. Babies Hospital, Columbia P & S, New York, NY , 7/76-6/78. Michael Katz, M.D.

Fellowship. Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Pediatric Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, 7/78-6/81. Philip A. Pizzo, M.D.


Fourth Year Clinical Associate, Pediatric Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute Bethesda, MD, 7/81-6/82.

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Hematology/Oncology, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA, 7/82-6/88.

Associate Professor with tenure, Division of Hematology/Oncology, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA, 7/88-12/95.

Sabbatical, Molecular Endocrinology, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Dr. Donald DeFranco 7/93-12/93.

Professor with tenure, Division of Hematology/Oncology,Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 1/96- 11/97.

Interim Chief, Division of Hematology/Oncology, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 5/97-11/97.

Visiting Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Hematology-Oncology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, 1/98-date.

Chief, Division of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 8/98—1/08

Professor of Pediatrics, with tenure, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 2/99--date

Director, Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Fellowship program 7/00—date


Board-certified in General Pediatrics, 1981.#262510. Board-certified in Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, 1982; #577 National Board of Medicine licensing examination, State of New York Medical License, 1976-1978, #132948. District of Columbia Medical License, 1981, #12741. State of Pennsylvania Medical License, MD026536E,1982-1998. Drug Enforcement Administration, Narcotics License (PA), 1982-1997, AB1610674 State of North Carolina Medical License, 97-01698, 1997-date. Drug Enforcement Administration, Narcotics License (NC), 1997-date, AB1610674.


Member, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), 1981-1999 Member, American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO), 1982-2005 Member, Children's Cancer Study Group (CCSG), Children’s oncology Group (COG)1982-date. Interim PI at Pittsburgh, CCSG, 5/97-11/97. Associate Member, Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, 1986-1994. Member, Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, 1994-1997. Member, Midwest Society for Pediatric Research, 1986-1992. Member, Society for Pediatric Research, 1990-1996. Member, American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, 1990-date. Member, North Carolina Pediatric Society, 2000--date Julie Blatt, M.D. Page 3


A. Pittsburgh: University, Children’s Hospital, and Medical School based: 1. Chairman, Oncology Committee, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, 1982-1990; Member, 1990-1993 2. PL 1 interviewer, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh 3. Medical Advisory Committee, Central Blood Bank of Pittsburgh, 1985 4. Medical school applicant interviewer, University of Pittsburgh, 1984-1990 5. Course director, Practical Aspects of Childhood Cancer, 11/87. 6. Advisory Committee (to the Acting Chairman), CHP 1988-1989 7. Bone marrow transplant advisory committee, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, 1988 8. Clinical Research Center Committee 1987-95; Alternate 1995-1997 9. Clinical Laboratory Use Committee 1988 10. Institutional Grant Review Advisory Committee (Dr. S. Adler, Chairman), 1989 11. Judge, Neurosciences Residents' Research Competition, University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine 1989 12. Neurosciences Research Club - guest speaker 5/89: Training for cancer in research 13. Institutional Grant Review Committee (Dr. C. Redman, Chairman), 1990 14. Clinical Laboratory Use Committee, 1989-1992 15. Animal Research and Care Committee, 7/91-1997 16. Chairman, Promotions Committee, University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, 1992-1994 17. Member, Promotions Committee, University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, 1992-1995 18. Dean's Applicant Interview Committee, 1992 19. Physician Scientist Award Advisory Committee, Mindy Schwartz, 1993 20. Children's Hospital Network - Credentials Committee, 1994-1996 21. Facilitator, Cancer pharmacology course (for first year medical students), 5/95 22. Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Vision 2001 Laboratory Usage Committee 1995 23. School of Nursing - Chemotherapy Seminar: Lake Effects of Chemotherapy, 1995, 1996 24. Childrens Cancer Group Site Visitor (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia), 1996 25. Promotions Committee, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, 1995-1997 26. Committee for Tenured Promotions, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, 1996-1997

B. Chapel Hill: University, Hospital, and Medical School based:

1. Member, Protocol Review Committee, 2/98-2008 ; Audit subcommittee 12/98-99; vice-Chair 9/05—2/08 2. Member, Thesis Advisory Committee, Julie Daniels, UNC Dept of Epidemiology, “Parental exposure to occupational and residential pesticides and the risk of neuroblastoma”,1998-99 3. Member, Thesis Advisory Committee, Anneclaire DeRoos, UNC Dept of Epidemiology 1999-2000 4. Member, Clinical Services Providers’ Working Group 9/98-5/00 5. Member, Lineberger Executive Committee 9/98-1/08 6. Member, masters thesis advisory committee, Jawana Reddy, UNC Dept of Psychology, Stress and Sickle Cell Disease 7/98-99 7. Interviews, pediatric housestaff applicants 1998-date 8. Member, London Lynch Computerized Learning Committee, 1/99-6/06 Co-chair 2001-2006 Julie Blatt, M.D. Page 4

9. Symposium director, Blood Disorders and Cancer in Children and Adolescents–10/99 10. Member, Thesis advisory committee, Michael Cook, 1999-2000 Maternal and paternal medication use and risk of neuroblastoma. 11. Presenter, Wellness Symposium 9/99 (sponsored by Lineberger Cancer Center) 12. Member, search committee, pediatric neurosurgery, 10/99-1/00 13. Member, Medical Use Safety Committee, 1/00-2005 14. Member, Oncology Strategic Planning Committee, 3/00-1/08 15. Student Supervisor: Karen Ambindroth: visiting student, Univ of Berlin:Sex steroid receptors in Hodgkin’s disease summer 1999; Shelley Houston, MS4: elective rotation: Neurologic manifestations of strep viridans sepsis in children with ANLL 2000; Tyler Buckner, MS2: summer rotation: Autopsies in pediatric oncology, 2002; Michael Papez, MS2: summer rotation: c-kit in pediatric cancer, 2002; Stephen Thacker, MS2: summer rotation: demographics of hearing loss following cisplatin, 2004. Alice Bryn Salter, UNC Medical Student yr 2 7-8/09 16. Presenter: UNC Mini Medical School. Progress in Childhood Cancer 3/01 17. Member: Public Affairs and Marketing Advisory Committee 2001 18. Member: Resident Scholarship Oversight Committee 2002 19. Member, Evening of Scholarship Committee 2002-06; 2009- 20. Member, Compensation Planning Committee 5/02 21. Member, Dept of Pediatrics Promotions Committee 12/02-10/07; 2/09- 22. Voting member, OGME Program Directors Committee 1/04-05; OGME Committee on resident insurance 23. Member, Search Committee Radiation Oncology Chair, UNC 8/05-4/06, 11/07 24. Advisory board UNC Palliative Care Program 11/07- 25. Reader, Thesis Committee, Ruchika Goel. Maternal exposure to medical radiation and Wilms tumor in the offspring: a report from the Children's Oncology Group. 4/08 26. Reader, Thesis Committee, Brian L. Feldman. Maternal perinatal vitamin and mineral supplementation and the risk of Wilms tumor in offspring: Children's Oncology Group. 4/08 27. Head, Judging Committee, Evening of Scholarship 5/08 28. Advisor, Jaime R. Herndon MS, MPH Candidate, Maternal Child Health, Adolescent Young Adult Cancer Survivorship 9/08-6/09 29. Advisor, Laura H Marcial PhD candidate, Information and Library Sciences; informatics in education of survivors of childhood cancer 30. Post-tenure review committee 1/10 31. ad hoc GMEC committee to review the ACGME Institutional Requirements 1/11


1. Journal refereeing. Cancer Treatment Reports, British Journal of Haematology, Journal of Pediatrics, Blood, Cancer Research, Paediatric Hematology/Oncology, Journal of Clinical Oncology, , Cancer, Medical/Pediatric Oncology, Pediatrics, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, Cancer Therapy, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology, Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Pediatric Drugs 2. Editorial Board: Pediatric Hematology-Oncology. 1994-6/2005. 3. Endocrinology and Cancer Workshops, National Cancer Institute 1980-1982. 4. Grant Review in Hematology, Veterans Administration Health Care Facility 1982.

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5. Children's Cancer Study Group - Member of the following committees: a. Late Effects (Vice Chairman), 1991-1995 b. Late Effects of Bone Marrow Transplantation in ANLL (Chairman), 1990-1992 c. Late Effects: NHL (Chairman), 1992-1997; d. Neuroblastoma (Strategy Group), 1990-1992 e. Standard Risk ALL (limited institution study), 1989-1991 f. New Agents, 1988-1991 g. Strategy Group, 1996-1999 h. Epidemiology and End Results Strategy group, 1995-1999; consultant 2000-2007 i. C.O.G. Nominating Committee, 1999 j. Auditor, Columbia P&S 1/00 6. Grant Review - Leukemia Society of America, 1984. 7. Pennsylvania Oncology Network with CHOP, 1984-1987: A statewide committee to look at late effects of cancer therapy. 8. Extramural Grant Review, NIH 1988, 1989. 9. SPR Abstract Reviewer, Hematology/Oncology, 1990. 10. Ad hoc Review Committee, National Cancer Institute, Clinical Cancer Therapy Research, 1992, 1996 11. Consultant, TAP Pharmaceuticals, 1994-6 12. NIH Behavioral Medicine Study section, ad hoc member 3/99 13. North Carolina Advisory Committee on Cancer Coordination and Control: 1/99- Attendee; Chair, Late Effects Subcommittee 2000- 14. Member, American Society of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Nominating Committee 7/01-04 15. Ad hoc review committee member: RFA “Long Term Cancer Survivors: research initiatives CA-04- 003 Sept-Nov 2003 16. NIH LRP review committee 3-4/04 17. Auditor, Nemours-Pensacola Pediatric Hematology-Oncology program 6/06 18. Editorial Board: Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology 10/10-

International: 1. Editorial Board: International Journal of Pediatrics 6/09- 2. European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme for Research (2nd stage): ad hoc reviewer proposals on "Predicting long-term side effects to cancer therapy"; Brussels, 3/10

D. Community activities: 1. Children's Hospital National Medical Center, outpatient screening clinic, 1981. 2. Keynote Lecturer, Candlelighters symposium, Pittsburgh: Late Effects of Childhood Cancer, 1988, 1989, 1994, 1996 3. Board Member, Mini Productions, Inc. Projects related to siblings of childhood cancer victims, 1992-1997 4. North Carolina Cancer Survivorship Summit: Childhood Cancer “Expert”, 6/1/07


A. Although these have involved training medical students and residents in bench research, for 10 years in Pittsburgh and during all of my time in North Carolina, most of my teaching has centered on clinical training of Julie Blatt, M.D. Page 6

residents, fellows, and medical students. This has included teaching rounds (hematology-oncology), frequent participation in lecture series (Problem Based Learning curriculum, section on hematology for PMS II; resident and medical student lectures on hematology-oncology), Grand Rounds presentations, precepting medical students during summer clinical research electives, working with residents on clinical research and manuscript preparation. I am the director of our divisional fellowship program, and as such organize the selection process, board review course, and oversee the program to be in compliance with ACGME guidelines. I also participate in community outreach lectures, talks to nursing and parent groups, and chaired a symposium, “Blood Disorders and Cancer of Childhood and Adolescence” (10/99) for CME credits. I have been on several thesis committees (see Professional Service, above). I was the co-chair of the London Lynch Learning Center, a several hundred thousand dollar multi-room facility to encourage learning, presenting, and writing skills by housestaff, fellows, and even faculty for several years.


My main current areas of interest are late effects of childhood cancer therapy; pathogenesis of childhood cancers, experimental therapeutics. As founder and member of the NC Pediatric Hematology Oncology Consortium (2006- date), I have chaired an annual meeting of all 7 centers in the state. This has led to a number of collaborations with several clinical trials on the horizon.



1983-1984 Elsa U. Pardee Foundation (J. Blatt, P.I.: $13,800) 1983-1984 American Cancer Society Institutional Grant (J. Blatt, P.I.: $5,000) 1983-1985 Health Research and Sciences Foundation (J. Blatt, P.I.: $15,000/year) 1983-1984 Stuart Pharmaceutical, ICI (J. Blatt, P.I.: $3,000) 1984- 1997 National Institutes of Health Children's Cancer Group Institutional Grant (V. Albo, P.I.: $8,394 [salary J. Blatt]/year) 1983-1984 March of Dimes (J. Blatt, P.I.: $3,600) 1987-1988 American Cancer Society Institutional Grant (J. Blatt, P.I.: $5,000) 1987-1990 National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, R29: Iron chelation in neuroblastoma (J. Blatt, P.I.: $70,000/year) 1988-1989 Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc. (J. Blatt, P.I.: $5,000) 1991-1992 Human Rights Committee Seed Money (J. Blatt, P.I.: $4,500) 1993-1998 National Institutes of Health, Childhood Cancer Survivor Study - U01CA55727 (J. Blatt, P.I. at Pittsburgh, multi-institutional: approx. $62,000/year)

7/98-6/99 UNC Medical Endowment Fund: Sex steroid receptors in pediatric Hodgkin’s Disease (J. Blatt, P.I., $5000) 3/98-8/98 Boehringer-Ingelheim, Itasetron as an anti-emetic: paired studies of iv and po administration Julie Blatt, M.D. Page 7

(J. Blatt, P.I. at UNC); 6/99-5/00 Lineberger Cancer Institute, Disorders of Taste and Smell in Children and Adolescents with Cancer (J. Blatt, P.I., $25,000) 6/00-11/02 Sanofi-Synthelabo: Uricase in Pediatric Cancer (J. Blatt, PI, UNC) Ortho Biotech: Procrit in Pediatric Cancers (J. Blatt, PI, UNC) 7/04-6/05 UNC University Research Council; J Blatt, PI; Cisplatin ototoxicity: a possible role for hearing gene mutations; $4,000 10/03-3/05 Novartis; J Blatt, PI; A Phase II Trial of Gleevec in Fibromatoses; per patient reimbursement 7/04-6/05 UNC Medical Alumni Fund; J Blatt, PI; Rapamycin and IGF-1 inhibitors in neuroblastoma; $2,000 1/04-1/05 Amgen; J Blatt, PI; Fellowship stipend; $40,000 7/04-6/05 UNC Medical Alumni Fund; J Blatt, PI; Rapamycin and IGF1 inhibitors in Neuroblastoma; $2,000 for supplies 7/06-6/07 NIH Assent Study; J Blatt co-investigator; $7500 1/05-9/06 UNC Dance Marathon; J Blatt, organizer; Hispanic Self Help Group; $1200 4/07 Novo Nordisk, Genzyme; J Blatt, conference organizer; Loco-regional approaches to pediatric hematology-oncology; $16,000 7/06-6/07 Amgen Oncology Fellowship Award; Don Coulter M.D., J Blatt fellowship advisor/mentor; $40,000 fellowship salary (returned due to successful award from competing grant) 4/08 Novo Nordisk, Genzyme; J Blatt, conference organizer; Regional approaches to pediatric hematology-oncology, yr 3; $7,500 6/06-6/08 NIH Epidemiology of Wilms Tumor (B. Feldman, PI); J Blatt fellowship advisor/mentor; no salary 9/07-6/10 Lance Armstrong Foundation: J Blatt coinvestigator (subcontract with Duke); B Fuemmeler PI (DUMC); Energy Balance among Children with Leukemia and Lymphoma and their parents; $10,000 direct costs, $2000 salary (JBlatt) 7/08-6/09 National Cancer Coalition (Angel Grant): $7,000. Research infrastructure support 7/09-6/10 American Society of Hematology; Alternative Pathways Grant; Transition of Care for Adolescent and Young Adults Survivors of Childhood Cancer and Blood Disorders J. Blatt co-PI $12,740 salary; T. Shea PI; $50,000 direct costs 7/09-6/10 American Society of Hematology; Alternative Pathways Grant; Transition of Care for Adolescent and Young Adults Survivors of Childhood Cancer and Blood Disorders J. Blatt co-PI $12,740 salary; T. Shea PI; $50,000 direct costs

Current: 7/06- T32 NIH Training Grant, Hematology; Nigel Keys, PI; J. Blatt, consultant; no salary 7/07- UNC T-32 Research Fellowship in Complementary and Alternative Medicine, NIH, NCCAM; Susan Gaylord, PI; J. Blatt, consultant, no salary 10/07- Divisional Newsletter, JBlatt, editor; Novo Nordisk, Inc. $1000 Julie Blatt, M.D. Page 8

3/09- Novo Nordisk, Genzyme, Enzon; J Blatt, conference organizer; Regional approaches to pediatric hematology-oncology, yr 4-6; $7,500 (total) 12/09-1/11 Phase I trial of temsirolimus and valproic acid in children and adolescents 2-18 years with multiply relapsed solid tumors; J Blatt PI; Wyeth Pharmaceuticals; ~$265,000 7/09-6/12 Oncology Clinical Fellowship Award, Pfizer Oncology. (T. Buckner /J. Hsu, $100,000). J. Blatt, mentor 7/11-6/13 NIH R21: FitFab4 (B. Fuemmeler, PI); J. Blatt (consultant); $6,300 direct costs to UNC 7/11-6/12 Rally Foundation: Hotline for AYA Cancer Survivors and Health Care Providers (J Blatt, PI) ; $20,000

Major Seminars and Invited Lectureships:

1. Columbia P & S, 9/80. Purine Pathway Enzymes in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. 2. Mount Sinai Hospital (NY), 6/81. Purine Pathway Enzymes in the Treatment of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 3. Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 3/82. Endocrine Function Following Therapy in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 4. Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, 9/82. House Staff Research Lecture. Effect of Sex Steroids on Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. 5. Presbyterian-University Hospital, Division of Hematology/Oncology, Pittsburgh, 10/82. Effect of Growth Hormone on Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. 6. Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Division of Endocrinology, 12/81. IBID 7. Sewickley Valley Hospital, Sewickley, 11/83. Diagnosis and Treatment of Childhood Cancers. 8. Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, 3/84. Late Effects of Anticancer Therapy on Sexual Function. 9. Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Division of Endocrinology, 11/85. Effect of Radiation on Pulsatile Growth Hormone. 10. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 2/86. Biologic Role of Iron in Neuroblastoma. 11. Washington Hospital, Washington, PA, 5/87. Overview of Childhood Cancers. 12. Cooper Hospital, Camden, NJ, 3/88. Biologic and Therapeutic Role of Iron in Childhood Tumors. 13. Royal Free Hospital, London, England, 11/89. Oral Iron Chelators as Possible Anti-Cancer Agents. 14. St. Mary's Medical Center, Evansville, IN, 9/91. Late Effects of Cancer Therapy. 15. Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Pittsburgh, 10/91. Late Effects of Cancer Therapy. 16. Magee-Women's Hospital, Pittsburgh, 1/93. Neonatal Grand Rounds. Hemolytic Anemia in the Newborn. 17. Effect of Sex Steroids in Neuroblastoma. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 4/93. 18. The Clinical Implications of Iron Metabolism and Cancer Control: Basic Science and Clinical Oncology Conference. Bormio, Italy, July 1993. 19. Overview of Pediatric Oncology. Erie, PA, 12/17/93. 20. Outcome of Children Born to Mothers Exposed to Antineoplastic Agents. Annual Cancer Symposium, St. Elizabeth Hospital Medical Center, Youngstown, OH, 10/94. 21. Grand Rounds, Pediatric Oncology for the Generalist. Allegheny General Hospital Department of Pediatrics, 11/18/94. 22. Pittsburgh Ophthalmology Society, Overview of Pediatric Oncology, 3/30/96. 23. International Community 2000+, Jerusalem, The Health of long-term survivors of childhood cancer-- achievements and late effects. Israel, 7/97. Julie Blatt, M.D. Page 9

24. Grand Rounds, Pediatric Hematology: Sickle Cell Management. Alamance Regional Medical Center, Burlington, NC, 3/17/98. 25. Grand Rounds, Neonatal anemia. Moses Cone Hospital, Greensboro, NC, 4/29/98 26. Grand Rounds, Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Therapy. Med-Peds, UNC. 8/6/98. 27. Grand Rounds, Issues in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Cancer. Rex Cancer Center, Raleigh, NC 12-1-98. 28. Grand Rounds, New Hanover Hosp, Wilmington, NC. Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Therapy. 1/5/99. 29. Grand Rounds, Office Approach to Pediatric Oncology. Moses Cone Hospital, Greensboro, NC. 1/20/99. 30. APON semi-annual meeting, Late Effects of Cancer Therapy. 3/9/99. 31. Grand Rounds, Late Effects of Chemotherapy. Wake Hospital, Raleigh, NC. 3/17/99. 32. APON Symposium: Second malignancies. Research Triangle Park 5/5/00. 33. AHEC rounds, Ft. Bragg Hospital 6/00 34. Grand rounds, UNC: Hodgkin’s Disease 6/22/00. 35. Lecture series, PHO Board Review 9/00- sarcomas; ALL; neuroblastoma 36. Genetics lecture series, UNC. 11/00 Late Effects of Anticancer Therapy. 37. UNC Mini Medical School 3/20/01. Progress in Childhood Cancer 38. APON semi-annual meeting, Neurofibromatosis and Cancer 2/6/02 39. Grand Rounds, Bone Marrow Transplantation, Moses Cone, 3/6/02 40. Transport of the neutropenic patient. UNC pediatric transport team 3/7/02. 41. The Alex Koufos Memorial Lecture, Children’s Hospital of Akron: Late Effects of Anticancer Therapy—an update. 10/02 42. Medical Student Research Day, keynote speaker 6/03 University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; The case for the case report in clinical research: lessons from Wilms’ tumor 43. Grand Rounds, UNC. 12/03 Management of the febrile oncology patient 44. Dental School Lecture, UNC: Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant; 2/13/04 45. Seminar: Tumor Lysis Syndrome; 3/29/04 UNC—sponsored by Sanofi-Synthelabo 46. AHEC symposium Pediatric Emergency Medicine: co-organizer and speaker (Fever in the immunocompromised host); 3/18/05 Wake Medical Center 47. AHEC Rocky Mount. 5/18/05 Pediatric ALL. 48. AHEC Rex 7/13/05. Langerhans cell histiocytosis 49. Renal rounds 4/13/06, 6/8/07: Kidney tumors in childhood 50. UNC School of Nursing Continuing Education Program 10/26/06. Fertility in Survivors of Pediatric Cancer 51. Sharpless Pediatrics Lecture, the 12th Annual George T. Wolff MD Primary Care Symposium, Moses Cone Hospital; November 10, 2006. Late Effects of Childhood Anticancer Therapy. 52. Evening of Scholarship address: A case for the case report: lessons from Wilms tumor. 5/30/07 53. Grand Rounds, Practical Approach to Pediatric Cancer, Moses Cone, 12/07 54. UNC School of Public Health, graduate program in cancer epidemiology and nutrition: Overview of Pediatric Cancer 11/08 55. UNC Dept of Pathology Grand Rounds: Vascular Anomalies—clinical, biologic, pathologic correlates; 1/10 56. NC Dermatology Society Annual Meeting, Asheville NC: Vascular Anomalies: Developments in medical management; 8/6/10

Julie Blatt, M.D. Page 10


Peer-reviewed journals:

1. Blatt J, Kasten O, and Hodes D: Cutaneous vesicles in congenital cytomegalovirus infection (letter). J Peds 92: 509, 1978. 2. Blatt J, Reaman G, and Pizzo PA: Pyomyositis in acute lymphocytic leukemia heralded by cutaneous vasculitis. Med Pediatr Oncol 7: 237-239, 1979. 3. Blatt J, Reaman GH, Levin N, and Poplack DG: Purine nucleoside phosphorylase activity in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood 56: 380-382, 1980. 4. Blatt J, Mulvihill JJ, Ziegler JL, Young RC, and Poplack DG: Pregnancy outcome following cancer chemotherapy. Am J Med 69: 828-832, 1980. 5. Blatt J, Reaman G, and Poplack DG: Biochemical markers in lymphoid malignancy. N Engl J Med 303: 918-922, 1980. 6. Blatt J, Trigg ME, Pizzo PA, and Glaubiger D: Tolerance to single dose Dactinomycin in combination chemotherapy for solid tumors. Cancer Treat Rep 65: 145-147, 1981. 7. Blatt J, Sherins RJ, and Poplack DG: Testicular function in boys after chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. N Engl J Med 304: 1121-1124, 1981. 8. Poplack DG, Blatt J, and Reaman G: Purine pathway enzyme abnormalities in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cancer Res 41: 4821-4823, 1981. 9. Poplack DG, Sallan SE, Rivera G, Holcenberg J, Murphy SB, Blatt J, Lipton JM, Venner P, Glaubiger DL, Ungerleider R, and Johns D: Phase I Study of 2'-Deoxycoformycin in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cancer Res 41: 3343-3346, 1981. 10. Reaman GJ, Blatt J, and Poplack DG: Purine pathway enzymes in a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and increased B cell markers. Blood 58: 330-332, 1981. 11. Venner PM, Glazer RI, Blatt J, Sallan S, Rivera G, Holcenberg JS, Lipton J, Murphy SB, and Poplack DG: Clinical pharmacology of 2'-Deoxycoformycin: Level of 2'-Deoxycoformycin, adenosine and deoxyadenosine in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cancer Res 41: 4508-4511, 1981. 12. Blatt J, Venner PM, Riccardi R, Cohen LF, Gangji D, Glazer RI, and Poplack DG: Cerebrospinal fluid levels of 2'Deoxycoformycin after systemic administration in monkeys. J Natl Cancer Inst 68: 391-393, 1982. 13. Blatt J, Bunn PA Jr, Carney DD, Reaman G, Soprey P, and Poplack DG: Purine pathway enzymes in the circulating malignant cells of patients with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Brit J Haematol 52: 97-104, 1982. 14. Blatt J, Spiegel RJ, Papadopoulos NM, Lazarou SA, Magrath IT, and Poplack DG: Lactic dehydrogenase isoenzymes in normal and malignant human lymphoid cells. Blood 60: 491-494, 1982. 15. Agarwal RP, Blatt J, Miser J, Sallan S, Lipton JM, Reaman GH, Holcenberg J, and Poplack DG: Clinical pharmacology of 9-D-Arabinofuranosyladenine in combination with 2'Deoxycoformycin. Cancer Res 42: 3884-3886, 1982. 1984. 16. Blatt J, Bercu BB, Gillin JC, Mendelson W, and Poplack DG: Reduced pulsatile growth hormone secretion in children after therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. J Pediatr 194: 182-186, 1984. 17. Blatt J, Wollman MR, Albo VC, and Orlando S: Recurrent testicular infiltrates following radiation therapy for lymphoid malignancy. Med Pediatr Oncol 12: 333-335, 1984. 18. Blatt J, Martini SL, and Penchansky L: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children with osteopenia and vertebral compression fractures. J Pediatr 108: 280-282, 1984. 19. Blatt J, White C, Dienes S, Friedman J, and Foley TP: Production of an insulin-like growth factor by osteosarcoma in vitro. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 123: 373-376, 1984. 20. Blatt J, Rotenstein D, and Dienes S: Cytotoxicity of tamoxifen for acute lymphoblastic leukemia in vitro. Br Julie Blatt, M.D. Page 11

J Cancer 50: 837-839, 1984. 21. Blatt J, Sherins RJ, Niebrugge D, Bleyer WA, and Poplack DG: Leydig cell function in boys following testicular relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. J Clin Oncol 3: 1227-1231, 1985. 22. Felix C, Blatt J, Goodman M, and Medina J: Avascular necrosis of bone following combination chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Med Pediatr Oncol 13: 269-272, 1985. 23. Blatt J, Jaffe R, Deutsch M, and Adkins J: Neurofibromatosis and childhood tumors. Cancer 57: 1225-1229, 1986. 24. Howrie DL, Felix C, Wollman M, Juhl RP, Blatt J: Metoclopramide as an antiemetic agent in pediatric oncology patients. Drug Intel and Clin Pharm 20: 122-124, 1986. 25. Blatt J, Russo P, Taylor S: Extrarenal rhabdoid sarcoma. Med Pediatr Oncol 14: 221-226, 1986. 26. Blatt J, Wenger S, Stitely S, Lee P: Lack of mitogenic effects of growth hormone on human leukemic lymphoblasts. Eur J Pediatr 146: 257-260, 1987. 27. Blatt J, Albo V, Prin W, Orlando S, Wollman MR: Excessive chemotherapy related myelotoxicity in children with Downs syndrome and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (letter). Lancet October 18, 1986. 28. Blatt J, Stitely S: Anti-neuroblastoma activity of desferoxamine. Cancer Res 47: 1749-1750, 1987. 29. Starceski PJ, Lee PS, Blatt J, Finegold D, Brown D: Comparable effects of 1800 and 2400 rad cranial irradiation on height and weight in children treated for acute lymphocytic leukemia. Am J Dis Child 141: 550-552, 1987. 30. Blatt J, Deutsch M, Wollman MR: Results of therapy in stage IV-S neuroblastoma with massive hepatomegaly. Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys 13: 1467-1471, 1987. 31. Gilman AL, Urbach AH, Cohen B, Blatt J: Pyoderma gangrenosum in childhood leukemia. Pediatrics 81: 846-848, 1988. 32. Wenger S, Blatt J, Steele M, et al: Rhabdomyosarcoma in a child with Roberts syndrome. Cancer Genetics and 31: 285-289, 1988. 33. Blatt J, Taylor S, and Lee PA: Association of neuroblastoma with adrenocortical defects. Pediatrics 82: 790-792, 1988. 34. Blatt J, Lee P, Suttner J, and Finegold D: Pulsatile growth hormone secretion in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia after 1800 rad cranial radiation. Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys 15: 1001-1006, 1988. 35. Taylor SR, Blatt J, Castantino JP, Roedered M, Murphy RF: Flow cytometric DNA analysis of neuroblastoma and ganglioneuroma: A 10 year retrospective study. Cancer 62: 749-754, 1988. 36. Blatt J, Taylor SR, Stitely S: Mechanism of antineuroblastoma activity of deferoxamine in vitro. J Lab Clin Med 112: 433-436, 1988. 37. Blatt J, Penchansky L, and Horn M: Thrombocytosis as a presenting feature of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in childhood. Am J Hematol 31: 46-49, 1989. 38. Blatt J, Taylor SR, Kontoghiorges GJ: Comparison of anti-neuroblastoma activity of deferoxamine with that of oral iron chelators. Cancer Res 49: 2925-2927, 1989. 39. Blatt J, Huntley D: Enhanced in vitro activity against neuroblastoma using Adriamycin and Deferoxamine. J Natl Cancer Inst, 81: 866-869, 1989. 40. Plotsky C, Jaffe R, Blatt J: Clinical and pathological characteristics of undifferentiated malignancy in childhood. Am J Pediatr Hematol/Oncol 12: 141-146, 1990. 41. Blatt J, Huntley D, Eagon PK: Synthesis of ferritin by neuroblastoma. Cancer Biochem Biophys 11: 169- 176, 1990. 42. Adler A, Albo V, Blatt J, Whiteside TL, Herberman RB: Interleukin-2 induction of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) activity in the peripheral blood and bone marrow of acute leukemia patients: II. Feasibility of LAK generation in children with active disease and in remission. Blood 74:1690-1697, 1989. 43. Blatt J: Excessive chemotherapy-related granulocytopenia in a child with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and a congenital abnormality of purine salvage. Med Pediatr Oncol 18:329-332, 1990. Julie Blatt, M.D. Page 12

44. Horn M, Phebus C, Blatt J: Cancer chemotherapy following solid organ transplantation. Cancer 66: 1468- 1471, 1990. 45. Blatt J, Penchansky L, Phebus C, Horn M: Leukemia in a child with a history of medulloblastoma. Pediatr Hematol Oncol 8: 77-82, 1991. 46. Balsom WR, Bleyer WA, Robison LL, Heyn RM, Meadows AT, Sitarz A, Blatt J, Hammond GD: Intellectual function in long-term survivors of childhood leukemia: protective effect of pre-irradiation methotrexate. Med Pediatr Oncol 19:486-92, 1991. 47. Blatt J, Boegel F, Hedlund BE, Arena VC, Shadduck RK: Failure to alter the course of acute myelogenous leukemia in the rat with subcutaneous deferoxamine. Leukemia Research 15:391-394, 1991. 48. Blatt J, Wharton V: Stimulation of growth of neuroblastoma cells by ferritin in vitro. J Lab Clin Med 119:139-144, 1992. 49. Lucas K, Gula MJ, Blatt J: Relapse in acute lymphoblastic leukemia as a function of white blood cell counts and absolute neutrophil counts during maintenance chemotherapy. Pediatr Hematol Oncol 9:91-97, 1992. 50. Blatt J, Horn M, Phebus C, Proujansky R, Longworth D, Penchansky L: Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome terminating in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Pediatr Haematol Oncol 9:151-155, 1992. 51. Blatt J, Olshan A, Gula MJ, Zaranek BA, Dickman PS: Second malignancies in very long term survivors of childhood cancer. Am J Med 93:57-60, 1992. 52. Miser JS, Roloff J, Blatt J, Reaman GH, Krailo MD, Hammond GD: A randomized phase II study of 2'deoxycoformycin alone or in combination with adenine arabinoside in the treatment of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in relapse: A report from the Children’s Cancer Study Group. Am J Clin Oncol 15:490-93, 1992. 53. Blatt J, Lee PA: Severe acne and hyperandrogenemia following actinomycin. Med Pediatr Oncol 21:373- 374, 1993. 54. Horn M, Blatt J: Continued remission in children with neuroblastoma despite elevations of urinary catecholamine metabolites. Am J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 14:202-206, 1992. 55. Lucas K, Gula MJ, Knisely A, Virji M, Wollman M, Blatt J: Catecholamine metabolites in ganglioneuroma. Med Pediatr Oncol 22:240-43, 1994. 56. Hale G, Gula MJ, Blatt J: Possible impact of gender on the natural history of neuroblastoma. Ped Hematol Oncol 11:91-97, 1994. 57. Blatt J, Howrie DL, Wollman MR, Phebus CK, Mirro J: Toxicity following concurrent intrathecal and moderate-dose intravenous methotrexate. Leukemia 7:1734-37, 1993. 58. Blatt J, Katerji A, Barmada M, Wenger S, Penchansky L: Pancytopenia and vacuolation of marrow precursors associated with necrotizing encephalopathy. Brit J Haematol 86:207-209, 1994. 59. Blatt J: Deferoxamine in children with recurrent neuroblastoma. Anticancer Res 14:2109-12, 1994. 60. Blatt J, DeLaat C, Fricker FJ, Janosky JE: Cardiac function following treatment of childhood Wilms' tumor with doxorubicin. Pediatr Hematol Oncol 12:61-66, 1995. 61. Rowland P, Wald ER, Mirro Jr J, Yunis E, Albo VC, Wollman MR, Blatt J: Progressive varicella presenting with pain and minimal skin involvement in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. J Clin Oncol 13:1697-1703, 1995. 62. Neudorf SM, Blatt J, Corey S, Koehler M, Wollman M, Rosner G, Rybka W: Graft failure after an umbi- lical cord blood transplant in a patient with severe aplastic anemia (letter). Blood 85:2991-2, 1995. 63. Koehler M, Neudorf S, Howrie D, Mirro J, Blatt J, Corey S, Wollman M, Kelly-Ekeroth V, Reyes J: FK506 (tacrolimus) in the treatment of steroid resistant acute graft versus host disease in children undergoing bone marrow transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant 15(6):895-899, 1995. 64. Blatt J, Gula MJ, Orlando SJ, Dickman PS: Indolent course of advanced neuroblastoma in children older than 6 years at diagnosis. Cancer 76:890-894, 1995. 65. Koehler M, Blatt J, Oliveri DR, Locker JD: Predicting tumor recurrence in autologous transplantation Julie Blatt, M.D. Page 13

(letter). Bone Marrow Transplant 16:727-729, 1995. 66. Blatt J, Howrie D, Orlando S, Burckart G: Interference with cyclosporine clearance by danazol. Am J Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 18:95, 1996. 67. Lange B, Blatt J, Sather H, Meadows A: Randomized comparison of moderate-dose methotrexate infusions to oral methotrexate in children with intermediate risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A Childrens Cancer Group Study. Med Pediatr Oncol 27:15-20, 1996. 68. Blatt J, Koehler M, Towbin R, Albright LA: Good response of glioblastoma in a child with sickle cell anemia supports the therapeutic potential of tumor infarcting agents. Oncology Reports 3:875-877, 1996. 69. Blatt J, Fitz C, Mirro JR: Increasing identification of central nervous system metastases in children with primary extracranial neuroblastoma. Pediatr Hematol Oncol 14:233-241, 1997. 70. Ragni MV, Hord JD, Blatt J: Central venous catheter infection in hemophiliacs undergoing prophylaxis or immune tolerance with clotting factor concentrate. Haemophilia 3:90-95, 1997. 71. Dickman PS, Barmada M, Gollin SM, Blatt J: Malignancy following bilateral retinoblastoma: secondary cancer of recurrence? Human Pathol 28:200-205, 1997. 72. Blatt J, Snyderman C, Wollman MR, Mirro J, Janecka IP, Albo VC, Deutsch M, Janosky JE, Wiener ES: Delayed resection in the management of non-orbital rhabdomyosarcoma of the head and neck in childhood. Med Pediatr Oncol 28:294-98, 1997. 73. Blatt J, Lee P, Olshan A, Ross JL: Neuroblastoma and related tumors in Turner’s syndrome. J Pediatr 1997; 131: 666-670. 74. Neudorf SM, Rybka W, Ball E, Blatt J, et al: The use of counterflow centrifugal elutriation for the depletion of T cells from unrelated donor marrow. J Hematother 6: 351-59, 1997. 75. Patton DF, Kaye R, Dickman P, Blatt J: Partial splenic embolization as treatment for pulmonary lymphangiomatosis. J Pediatr 132: 1057-60, 1998. 76. Londino Jr AV, Blatt J: Hodgkin’s disease developing in a patient with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis taking weekly low dose methotrexate. J Rheumatol (letter) 25: 1245-46, 1998. 77. Pollack IF, DaRosso R, Robertson P, Jakacki R, Mirro J Jr, Blatt J, Nicholson S, Packer R, Allen J, Jordan CV: A phase I/II study of high-dose tamoxifen for the treatment of refractory malignant gliomas of childhood. Clin Cancer Res 3: 1109-1115, 1997. 78. Blatt J, Hamilton R: Childhood neuroblastoma as a reflection of underlying neuropathologic abnormalities. Cancer 82:1603-8, 1998. 79. Blatt J: Pregnancy outcome following therapy for childhood cancer. Med Pediatr Oncol 33:29-33, 1999. 80. Maia D, Sciarrotta J, Abindroth K, Blatt J, : Sex steroid receptors in Hodgkin’s Disease. Leukemia and Lymphoma, 2000; 10:1-7. 81. Blatt J, Woosley JT, Taylor L. Spontaneous remission of multifocal infantile hemangiopericytoma. Med Pediatr Oncol 36:320-322, 2001. 82. Daniels JL, Olshan AF, Teschke K, Hertz-Piciotto I, Savitz DA, Blatt J. Comparison of assessment methods for pesticide exposure in a case control interview study. Am J Epidemiol 153:1227-32, 2001. 83. De Roos AJ, Olshan AF, Teschke K, Poole C, Savitz, Blatt J. Parental Occupational exposures to chemicals and incidence of neuroblastoma in offspring. Am J Epidemiol 2001;154:106-14. 84. Cairo MS, Shen V, Krailo MD, Bauer M, Miser JS, Sato JK, Blatt J et al. A prospective randomized trial between two doses of g-csf (5.0 vs 10.0ug/kg/d) following ifosfamide, carboplatin, and etoposide (ICE) in children with recurrent or refractory solid tumors: a Childrens Cancer Group report. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2000; 85. Blatt J, Gold SH, Wiley JM, Monahan PE, Cooper HC, Harvey D. Off-label use of recombinant factor VIIa in patients following bone marrow transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation 28:405-7, 2001. 86. Dobrolet NC, Weber SA, Blatt, J et al. Hematologic abnormalities in children and young adults receiving tacrolimus-based immunosuppression following cardiothoracic transplantation. Pediatr Transpl 5:125-31, Julie Blatt, M.D. Page 14

2001. 87. Blatt J, Weston BW, Belhorn T, Hamrick H, Maia D. Childhood non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma presenting as hemophagocytic syndrome. Pediatric Hematology Oncology 2002; 19:45-50. 88. Hord J, Windsor B, Koehler M, Blatt J, Janosky J, Mirro J. Poor antibody response to hepatitis B immunization in children with sickle cell disease. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2002; 24: 548-9. 89. Blatt J, Van Le L, Weiner T, Sailer S. Ovarian carcinoma in an adolescent with transgenerational exposure to diethylstilbestrol. Pediatr Hematol Oncol . J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 25: 635-36, 2003. 90. Buckner T, Blatt J, Smith SV. The autopsy in pediatrics and pediatric oncology. Pediatric and Developmental Pathol; Pediatric and Developmental Pathology, 9: 374-380, 2006. 91. Cook MN, Olshan AF, Guess HA, Savitz DA, Poole C, Blatt J, Bondy m, Pollock BH. Maternal medication use and neuroblastoma in offspring. Am J Epidemiol 2004;159:721-31. 92. Menegaux F, Reitnauer PJ, Cohn SL, Blatt J, Olshan AF. Positive association between congenital anomalies and risk of neuroblastoma. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2005;44:1-7. 93. Landier W, Bhatia S, Eshelman DA, Forte KJ, Sweeney T, Hester AL, Darling J, Armstrong FD, Blatt J et al. Development of risk-based guidelines for pediatric cancer survivors: The Children’s Oncology Group Long- term follow-up guidelines from the Children’s Oncology Group Late Effects Committee and Nursing Discipline. J Clin Oncol 22:4979-90, 2004 94. McDonald M, McLean T, Belhorn T, Smith SV, Blatt J. Thymic Carcinoma in a Child with HIV Infection. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2005; Published Online: 29 Nov 2005; 49:1004-7. 2007. 95 Anderson A, Fordham LA, Bula M, Blatt J. Visceral larva migrans masquerading as metastatic disease in a toddler with Wilms’ tumor. Pediatric Radiology 2006;36:265-7 96. Knoll C, Smith RJH, Shores C, Blatt. Lack of genetic predisposition to cisplatin deafness. Laryngoscope 2006;116(1):72-4. 97. Liles A, Blatt J, Morris D, Wardrop R, Goldsby R. Monitoring Pulmonary Complications in Longterm Survivors of Childhood Cancer: Guidelines for the Primary Care Physician . Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine 2008; 75:531-9. 98. Coulter D, Blatt J, D’Ercole AJ, Moats-Staats B. Inhibition of type 1 insulin-like growth factor rreceptor signaling in Combination with rapamycin or temsirolimus inhibits neuroblastoma cell growth. Anticancer Res 2008;28:1509-16. 99. Fu J, Moran C, Blatt J. Response to Rituximab in a Child with Neuroblastoma and Opsoclonus- Myoclonus. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2006 May 1; [Epub ahead of print]); 2008;50: 370-1. 100. Whelan K, Kawashima T, Stratton K, Waterbor J, Castleberry R, Stovall M, Sklar C, Packer R, Mitby P, Aitken, Blatt J, Robison L, Mertens A. Ocular late effects in childhood and adolescent cancer survivors: a report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study; Pediatr Blood Cancer 2010; 54: 103-09 101. Whelan K, Kawashima T, Hayashi S, Waterbor J, Castleberry R, Blatt J, Sklar C, Packer R, Mitby P, Sande J, Robison L, Mertens A. Auditory complications in childhood cancer survivors: a report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Pediatr Blood Cancer (in press) 102. Blatt J, Nakayama D. Wilms tumor in association with Hirschsprung disease. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2007; 29:858-59. 103. Wallen K, Perry V, Hadar E, Bouldin T, Loehr J, Blatt J. Posterior fossa tumor and PHACES syndrome: a case report. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2009; 31: 203-05 104. Stahr S, Green B, Woosley J, Blatt J, Morrell D. An infant with an indurated patch on the leg. Pediatr Derm Pediatr Dermatol. 2009;26:347-8. 105. Blatt J, Weston B, Gold S. Fatigue and Irritability as Markers of Thrombocytopenia in Childhood Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. (letter); Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2010;27:65-7. Julie Blatt, M.D. Page 15

106. Audino N, Hord JD, Blatt J, Whitlock JW, Carcamo B, Wang W. High-dose cyclophosphamide as treatment for refractory severe aplastic anemia in children. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2010; 54: 269-72. 107. Blatt J, Weig S, Fedoriw GD, Rao KW, Dent G, Greenwood R. Isolated central nervous system relapse in an adolescent with acute myelomonoctyic leukemia, Charcot Marie Tooth syndrome, and paraneoplastic autoantibody; J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2010;32:571-3.PMID: 20724950 108. Blatt J, Deal AM, Mesibov G. Autism in Children and Adolescents with Cancer. Pediatr Blood and Cancer 2009; 54:144-47. 109. Blatt J, Stavas J, Moats-Staats B, Woosley J, Morrell DS. Treatment of childhood kaposiform hemangioendothelioma with sirolimus. Pediatr Blood and Cancer 2010; 55:1396-8.PMID: 20730884 110. Godown J, Deal A, Riley K, Bailliard F, Blatt J. Worsening bradycardia following antithymocyte Immunoglobulin treatment of severe aplastic anemia. J Pediatr Pharm Ther (in press) 111. Blatt J, Fordham L, Woosley J, Ollila D. Pediatric Melanoma Responds to Temsirolimus and Valproic Acid: A Case Report (in progress). 112. Blatt J, Morrell D, Buck S, Zdanski C, Stavas J, Gold S, Powell C, Burkhart C. Beta blockers for infantile hemangiomas: A single institution experience. Clin Pediatr 2011; 2011 Apr 27. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 21525081 113. Sanchez Varela AM, Deal AM, Dellon E, Blatt J, Gold S, Hanson L. Current status of hospice care for children in North Carolina. American Journal for Hospice and Palliative Medicine (in press) 114. Moss HB, Sines DT., Blatt J, Dutton JJ., Proia AD. Epithelioid Hemangioma Responsive to Oral Propranolol. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (in press)

Reviews, Chapters and Editorials

1. Poplack DG and Blatt J: Neuroblastoma. In Levine, A.S. (Ed.): Cancer in the Young. New York, Masson Pub, pp 663-682, 1982. 2. Malatack J, Blatt J, and Penchansky L: Pediatric Hematology. In Davis/Zitelli (Eds.): Atlas of Pediatric Physical Diagnosis Gower Medical Pub. 1st edition, 1987. 3. Blatt J and Lange B: Deferoxamine as an anticancer agent. Cancer Communication 2: 199-205, 1988. 4. Blatt J and Bleyer WA: Late effects of childhood cancer and its treatment. In Pizzo, P.A., Poplack, D.G. (eds): Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. J.B. Lippincott Co. pp 1003-1026, 1989. 5. Blatt J: Pregnancy outcome following anticancer therapy. In Bern, M.M. Frigoletto, F.D. (eds.): Hematologic Disorders in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Alan Liss, Inc. pp 569-579, 1990. 6. Malatack J, Blatt J, and Penchansky L: Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. In Davis/Zitelli (Eds.): Atlas of Pediatric Physical Diagnosis Gower Medical Pub. 2nd Edition pp 11.1-11.36, 1992. 7. Corey SJ, Blatt J: Structure and Function of Hematopoietic Organs. In Zimmerman/Fuhrman (Eds.): Pediatric Critical Care Mosby-Year Book, Inc. pp 805-813, 1992. 8. Blatt J, Lebowitz S: Review - Frank Bair (Ed.): Cancer Sourcebook, Health Reference Series, Vol. 1. Pediatr Pathol 12(4), pp 627-628, 1992. 9. Blatt J, Copeland D, Bleyer WA: Late effects of childhood cancer and its treatment. In Pizzo, P.S., Poplack, D.G. (eds): Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. J.B. Lippincott Co. 2nd Edition pp 1091-1113, 1993. 10. Blatt J, Neigut D, Robertson JM, Lawrence TS: Late Effects: Gastrointestinal/Hepatic. In Constine L, Hobbie W, Schwartz C (Eds.): Survivors of Childhood Cancer: Assessment and Management Guide Mosby Year Book-Inc. pp 197-212, 1994. 11. Blatt J: Annotation: Growth hormone and leukemia. Pediatric Hematology Oncology 10:3-5, 1993. 12 Blatt J: Studying Survivors of Childhood Cancer for Late Effects. Int J Ped Hematol Oncol 2:325-36, 1995. 13. Blatt J: Annotation: Secondary Following Anthracyclines. Pediatric Hematology Oncology Julie Blatt, M.D. Page 16

12:111-113, 1995. 14. Malatack J, Blatt J: Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. In Davis/Zitelli (Eds.): Atlas of Pediatric Physical Diagnosis Gower Medical Pub. 3rd Edition.,1997. 15. Blatt J, Copeland DR, Bleyer WA: Late effects of childhood cancer and its treatment. In Pizzo PS, Poplack DG (eds): Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. J.B. Lippincott Co., 3rd Edition, pp 1303-1329, 1997. 16. Corey SJ, Blatt J: Structure and Function of Hematopoietic Organs. In Zimmerman/Fuhrman (Eds.): Pediatric Critical Care Mosby-Year Book, Inc., 2nd Edition. Pp.853-862, 1998. 17. Blatt, J: Adenosine deaminase in childhood malignancy - should there be a second look? (Editorial) Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 13:301-03, 1996. 18. Blatt J: Opsoclonus-myoclonus and antineuronal antibodies in neuroblastoma. (Editorial) Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, 13: 1996. 19. Blatt, J: ICRF-187 as a cardioprotectant in children treated with anthracyclines. (Editorial) Pediatr Hematol Oncol 14:iii-vi, 1997. 20. Felix C, Blatt J. Etoposide and Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis: Second Malignancies, A Second Look. Pediatr Hematol Oncol 16:183-85, 1999. 21. Blatt J, Davenport M, Olshan A. The Pediatric Growth Curve as a Cancer Research Tool. J Pediatr, 134: 138-40, 1999. 22. Blatt J, Geib K, Gold S. Solid tumors of childhood and adolescence. In “Manual of Clinical Problems in Pediatrics”, 5th ed. K Roberts (ed). 2001, pp. 462-70. 23. Blatt J. IGF1 and Leukemia. Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2000;17:199-202. 24. Blatt J. Tumor suppressor genes on chromosome 1p in neuroblastoma. Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 18:3- 5,2001. 25. Dreyer Z, Blatt J, Bleyer WA. Late effects of childhood cancer and its treatment. In Pizzo PS, Poplack DG (eds): Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. J.B. Lippincott Co., 4th Edition, pp 1431-62, 2002. 26. Corey SJ, Blatt J: Structure and Function of Hematopoietic Organs. In Zimmerman/Fuhrman (Eds.): Pediatric Critical Care Mosby-Year Book, Inc., 3rd Edition. Ch. 72 pp.1145-55. 27. Bhatia S, Blatt J, Meadows AT. Late effects of childhood cancer and its treatment. In Pizzo PS, Poplack DG (eds): Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. J.B. Lippincott Co., 5th Edition; pp 1490-1514, 2006 28. Blatt J. Dexrazoxane and anthracycline cardioprotection. Amer J Oncol Rev 2005; 4:2-4. 29. Corey SJ, Blatt J: Structure and Function of Hematopoietic Organs. In Zimmerman/Fuhrman (Eds.): Pediatric Critical Care Mosby-Year Book, Inc., 4th Edition. Ch. 79 pp 1131-1140, 2011


1. Blatt J, Reaman GH, Levin N, Poplack DG: Nucleoside phosphorylase as a marker in T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Am Soc Hematol 1979. 2. Blatt J, Mulvihill JJ, Ziegler JL, Young RC, Poplack DG: Pregnancy outcome following cancer chemotherapy. ASCO 1980. 3. Blatt J, Simon R, Poplack D: Purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) and adenosine deaminase (ADA) in human lymphoid malignancy. ASCO 1980. 4. Blatt J, Oliff A, Ruscetti S, Jacobs EM, and Poplack DG: Evidence of a role for macrophages in the age- dependent resistance to friend murine virus induced leukemia. AACR 1981. 5. Blatt J, Sherins RJ, Poplack DG: Evidence of normal testicular function in boys following chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. ASCO 1981. 6. Srinivasan U, Blatt J, Vigersky R, Wesley R, O'Neill D, Cole D, Poplack D: Effect of sex-steroids on the survival of AKR mice. AACR 1982. Julie Blatt, M.D. Page 17

7. Srinivasan U, Barranger JA, Ginns EI, Blatt J, Barton NW, Blaese RM, Poplack DG: Immunodeficiency in Gaucher's disease. Soc Ped Res 1982. 8. Bercu BB, Blatt J, Poplack DG: Markedly reduced 24 hour pulsatile growth hormone secretion in children following therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Soc Ped Res 1983. 9. Blatt J, Bercu BB, Gillin JC, Poplack DG: Reduced pulsatile growth hormone (GH) secretion in children following therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. ASCO 1983. 10. Miser J, Blatt J, Sallan S, Holcenberg J, Reaman G, Poplack D: Phase I trial of 2'deoxycoformycin (DCF) and adenine arabinoside (Ara-A) in the treatment of hematologic malignancies in children. ASCO 1983. 11. Blatt J, Rotenstein D, Cole D, Wolfson A: Inhibition of neuroblastoma by tamoxifen in combination with estradiol. ASCO 1984. 12. Meadows AT, Hobbie W, Jarrett P, Blatt J, Shah N, Wimmer R: Disabilities in long-term survivors of childhood cancers: Results of a systematic follow-up program. ASCO 1986. 13. Taylor SR, Blatt J, Roderer M, Murphy RF: Flow cytometric DNA analysis of neuroblastoma and ganglioneuroma: A 10-year retrospective study. Proc Soc Ped Path, 1987. 14. Blatt J, Lee P, Suttner J, Finegold D: Pulsatile growth hormone secretion in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia following 1800 rad cranial radiation. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol, 1987. 15. Blatt J, Stitely S: Anti-neuroblastoma activity of desferoxamine. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res, 1987. 16. Meadows A, Lange R, Blatt J, Sather H, Hammond D: Treatment of average risk acute lymphocytic leukemia with standard therapy w/wo periodic intravenous infusion of moderate dose methotrexate: Results of a randomized trial. SIOP 1988. 17. Horn M, Phebus C, Blatt J: Chemotherapy following solid organ transplantation. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol, 1989. 18. Blatt J: Stimulation of neuroblastoma growth by ferritin. Proc Soc Ped Res, 1990. 19. Blatt J, Hallaway PE, Hedlund BE: Comparison of in vitro anti-tumor activity of polymeric adducts of deferoxamine with that of free drug. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res, 1991. 20. Gollin SM, Sankary S, Malone PS, Storto PD, Blatt J, Dickman P: Cytogenetic abnormalities in benign and malignant tissues from a patient with suspected Turcot syndrome. 4th International Workshop on Chromo- somes in Solid Tumors, 1991. 21. Meadows A, Lange B, Blatt J, Sather H, Hammond D: Moderate dose methotrexate (mtx) does not improve the outcome of children with intermediate risk acute lymphomblastic leukemia (ALL): A Children's Cancer Study Group (CCSG) Limited Institution Trial. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol, 1991. 22. Meadows A, Lange B, Blatt J, Sather H, Hammond D: Treatment with moderate dose methotrexate (MTX) does not improve outcome for intermediate risk (IR) acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL): A Childrens Cancer Study Group (CCSG) Limited Institution Trial. Int Soc of Paed Oncol, 1992. 23. Albo V, Wollman M, Orlando S, Prin W, Blatt J: Long term survival is possible with chemotherapy alone in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) relapsing 6 months after electively discontinuing treatment. Am Soc Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 1992. 24. Neudorf S, Rybka W, Ball E, Blatt J, Bloom E, Corey S, deMagalhaes-Silverman M, Koehler M, Lister J, Mirro J, Pincus S, Wollman M, Donnenberg A: Antithymocyte globulin (ATG) facilitates engraftment in recipients of lymphocyte depleted marrow from matched unrelated and partially matched familial donors. ASBMT, 1995 25. Mirro J Jr, Blatt J, Koehler M, Phebus C: Low seroconversion rate following hepatitis B immunization in children with sickle cell disease. Presented at The Society for Pediatric Research Meeting, San Diego, CA, May 7-11, 1995. 26. Ross JL, Blatt J: Occurrence of localized neuroblastoma and related tumors in girls with Turner's syndrome. Am Soc Ped Hematol Oncol, 1996. 27. Boyle G, Kiaffas M, Blatt J, et al: Anemia associated with tacrolimus immune suppression in pediatric heart Julie Blatt, M.D. Page 18

transplant recipients. Proc Am Soc Cardiol 1997. 28. Blatt J: The health of long-term survivors of childhood cancer--achievement and late effects. Jerusalem, Israel 1998. 29. Hord J, Blatt J. Rogers Z, et al. Unacceptable toxicity associated with daily recombinant human interleukin- 11 therapy for children with severe aplastic anemia. ASH, 2002 . 30. Coulter D, Blatt J, Moats-Staats BM. IGF-1 receptor blockade inhibits n- gene expression in two neuroblastoma cell lines. Evening of Scholarship, UNC 5/05. 31. Coulter D, Blatt J, D’Ercole AJ, Moats-Staats BM. Inhibition of the IGF-I receptor pathway inhibits growth of neuroblastoma cells and express of N-MYC while increasing phosphorylatin of N-MYC. Amelia Island conf 5/07 32. Patel S,Morrell DS,Blatt J, Calikoglu AS. Severe hypothyroidism in an infant with a large cutaneous hemangioma. Endocrine Society, 90th annual meeting, 2008. 33. Fuemeller BF, Pendzich MK, Moriarty L, Street EE, Lovelady C, Blatt J, Demark-Wahnefried W. Energy Balance among Children with Leukemia and Lymphoma and Their Parents – a Pilot Study. Cancer Survivorship Conference, Atlanta. 34. Fuemeller BF, Pendzich MK, Moriarty L, Street EE, Lovelady C, Rosoff P, Wechsler D, Blatt J, Demark- Wahnefried W. eBalance: Energy Balance among Children with Leukemia and Lymphoma and Their Parents. TREC-FHCRC-NCI Conference on Energy Balance, Cancer Prognosis and Survivorship 10/09 35. J Godown, K Riley, F Baillard, J Blatt. Sinus Bradycardia Secondary to Anti-thymocyte Immunoglobulin Therapy for the Treatment of Severe Aplastic Anemia. Evening of Scholarship, UNC, 5/20/10 (Best resident poster) 36. Sanchez Varela AM, Deal AM, Dellon E, Blatt J, Gold S, Hanson L. Current status of hospice care for children in North Carolina. poster presentation AAHPM, Vancouver, 2011 37. Wood W, Stephens A, Santacroce S, Shea T, Blatt J. AYA Cancer Survivorship Curriculum in a University Setting. ASH 2010. 38. Coulter D, Weston B, Gold S, Davis I, Blatt J. A Phase I study of Temsirolimus and Valproic Acid for refractory solid tumors in children. ASCO 2011 (Abstract #73397) 39. Kaiser-Rogers K, Tepperberg J, Blatt J, Powell C. Further evidence of an association between Diamond-Blackfan anemia and a reduced number of functional RPS17 genes. ACMG 2011, submitted 40. Cynthia M. Powell, Heather G. Baudet, Julie Blatt. Multiple circumferential skin creases and overgrowth: Clues to pathogenesis from the Shar-Pei? David Smith Dysmorphology meeting 2011 (submitted)


1969 National Merit Scholar 1976 Phi Beta Kappa 1976 Alpha Omega Alpha

Julie Blatt, M.D. Page 19

Addendum to C.V.

1. Gaps in cv: Between November 1, 1997 and January 1, 1998 I was not working. Appointment at UNC was not available until January, 1998.