E1684 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 12, 2006 knew—importation of more labor. Initial ef- arations is a notion which has engaged the PAYING TRIBUTE TO TORI LANGE forts were concentrated on Chinese and Por- attention only of activists and academics. tuguese workers, leading to thriving commu- That is changing; others are becoming con- nities of these ethnicities in countries like scious of the need for atonement. For exam- HON. THOMAS G. TANCREDO , Trinidad and Guyana. Indeed, this ple, at its 75th General Convention held this OF COLORADO year the Chinese Community will be cele- past June, the Episcopal Church of the brating the 150th Anniversary of their ar- United States adopted a Resolution entitled IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rival into Trinidad and already in some quar- ‘‘Slavery and Racial Reconciliation’’. The Tuesday, September 12, 2006 ters the call has gone out for official recogni- Resolution acknowledged the Church’s par- tion of a Chinese arrival day. ticipation in the fundamental betrayal of hu- Mr. TANCREDO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today The greatest influx of new labor in the post manity represented by slavery, observed that to pay tribute to one of my constituents, Ms. emancipation period, however, came from the repercussions of slavery continue to Tori Lange of Littleton, Colorado. Ms. Lange India and interestingly virtually the same plague our life and culture and called upon has been accepted to the People to People race-based philosophy that was used to jus- Congress and the American people to initiate tify the enslavement of Africans featured in World Leadership Forum here in our nation’s a study and dialogue about the history and Capitol. This year marks the 50th anniversary the importation of Indians. Indians had been legacy of slavery and of methodologies for introduced to and and in early the provision of monetary and non-monetary of the People to People program founded by discourse over the suitability of the Indian reparations to the descendants of the victims President Eisenhower in 1956. for labor in the , officials of the of slavery. Ms. Lange has displayed academic excel- East India Company described the Indians as There is much that still remains to be lence, community involvement and leadership being ‘‘more akin to the monkey than the done. Only when there is universal under- potential. All students chosen for the program man. They have no religion, no education standing of and reparations for the blight of and in their present state no want beyond have been identified and nominated by edu- slavery will we be able to speak of complete cators. eating, drinking and sleeping’’ emancipation. For now, it behoves all of us, The Indians were not to be seen as slaves— jointly as well as individually, to mark one Mr. Speaker, I would like to join in paying Indian labor was classified as indenture- of the most significant events in our history tribute to Tori Lange, and wish her the best in ship—they were to work for specific periods and indeed in world history; and to rededi- all her future endeavors. of time at the end of which they exercised cate ourselves to working for its total the choice of either returning to India or ac- achievement. has done cepting a tract of state land to remain as f its part; in 1985, Trinidad and Tobago was the freemen in the Caribbean. As the time rolled first country to declare Emancipation Day by the option of returning to India was HONORING THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF as a national holiday. Other Caribbean coun- gradually made more and more difficult. DYLAN LEVALLEY OF MCKINLEY- tries have followed. Thus, it was that beginning in 1838 and ex- VILLE, CALIFORNIA tending to the end of the First World War in f 1918 over 1,000,000 Indians were introduced into the Caribbean to work on the sugar HONORING MR. LLOYD A. KING HON. MIKE THOMPSON plantations. Today, the largest Indian soci- OF CALIFORNIA eties in the Caribbean are to be found in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago, but the HON. CHARLES W. BOUSTANY immigration of Indians was widespread OF LOUISIANA Tuesday, September 12, 2006 throughout the Caribbean; 238,000 went to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, Guyana; 145,000 were sent to Trinidad; 39,000 Tuesday, September 12, 2006 to Guadeloupe; 34,000 to ; 21,500 to I rise today to acknowledge and honor the ac- Jamaica; smaller numbers went to Mar- Mr. BOUSTANY. Mr. Speaker, President complishments of Dylan LeValley of tinique, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent. John F. Kennedy once said that the greatness McKinleyville, California. With his fellow row- The repercussions of these events are of of poets ‘‘depends upon the courage with ers on the James Robert Hanssen, Dylan course still being felt today. In the Carib- which they face the challenges of life.’’ Today, completed a historic feat in winning the 2006 bean, emancipation still remains a work in I rise to recognize one such poet and Amer- Ocean Fours Rowing Race across the Atlantic progress, since it has taken on aspects which Ocean. Dylan LeValley was raised in the First extend beyond the mere end of slavery. Many ican hero. Caribbean societies face the struggle of Lloyd A. King, a native of State, Congressional District of California and is the blending different cultures and ethnicities was drafted to serve in the U.S. Army in Viet- son of my constituents, Linda Doerflinger and into a coherent social whole. Of course, the nam in 1967. As a non-commissioned officer Ron LeValley. infusion of different peoples has led to the with the 101st Airborne Division in 1968 and Mr. LeValley, along with 3 fellow rowers development of a pluralistic culture, perhaps 1969, he began writing about his emotions from the University of Puget Sound, set out on best exemplified in Trinidad and Tobago and experiences through poetry. In his poems June 10th to row across the Atlantic Ocean where calypso and soca exist side by side from New York City to Falmouth, England. with chutney, the steelpan with the tassa Mr. King described the sights and sounds that and the cuisine ranges from pastelles and he couldn’t tell his family back home. They performed this remarkable feat in a arepas to sancoche and peleau, provisions Mr. King eventually was awarded the Silver small, open-topped boat without the aid of any and oil down, bake and shark and buljol, roti Star, the Soldier’s Medal, the Bronze Star, two motorized power, and with only the supplies and phouloorie, fried rice and chow mein. It Purple Hearts, two Air Medals, and nearly a they could carry inside the boat. In 68 days, is also reflected in the general antipathy of dozen other awards including the highest indi- these young men traveled approximately blacks to agricultural endeavor and the vidual medal awarded by the Republic of 3,800 miles while being knocked far off their stereotype of the Chinese laundry or the Por- South Vietnam, the RVN Gallantry Cross with course by storms, currents, and unusually tuguese rum shop. It is reflected in sport, as strong winds. In doing so, they became the in politics as we continue to strive to de- Gold Star. velop the society which we all desire. Thirty years later, on July 28, 1998, Mr. first Americans to row from the United States The Jamaican icon Bob Marley has ex- King began writing again about his experi- to the , and the first team to horted us to emancipate ourselves from men- ences in Vietnam, in hopes that he could ex- ever row from mainland to mainland without tal slavery and nowhere is this exhortation press his personal feelings and the events that pausing. more apposite than in the incongruous situa- he had not previously been able to share. Mr. Speaker, this accomplishment is ex- tion where politically independent countries Currently a resident of Lafayette, Louisiana, tremely impressive, but is made more mean- of the modern Caribbean continue to main- tain the British Privy Council as their final Mr. King has been honored with the Military ingful because it was done in the name of arbiter in jurisprudential matters. Emanci- Writers Society of America 2006 Gold Medal charity. Drawing inspiration from the death of pation will not be fully achieved until that is Award for ‘‘Best Book of Poetry’’ for his ‘‘From one team member’s father to asthma, the corrected. ’Nam with Love.’’ Mr. King now serves as the team named their boat, the James Robert Whether in the Caribbean or in America commander of the Military Order of the Purple Hanssen, in his honor and set out to raise the abolition of slavery unleashed the com- Heart, William McKenzie Chapter #504, Lafay- $300,000 for the American Lung Association. pendium of forces out of which modern soci- ette, Louisiana, he is also a lifetime member Such an ambitious goal reminds us that this ety emerged. Still however, there is unfin- ished business, not least of which is the in- of Vietnam Veterans of America, Acadiana endeavor had significance for the team mem- creasing clamor for the righting of a histor- Chapter #141. bers beyond the physical challenge. A remark- ical wrong—the payment of reparations to As an artist, author, poet and soldier, I ask able achievement, their journey will be remem- the heirs of those who endured this most hei- my colleagues to honor Mr. Lloyd A. King, bered both for the records they set and for nous institution. So far, the concept of rep- American hero, for his accomplishments. their personal contribution to medical charity.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:03 Sep 13, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12SE8.014 E12SEPT1 September 12, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1685 HONORING SENATOR GROVER he might find his inspiration in what is hap- torturous (pun intended) interpretation of FORD BOWERS, JR. pening in America. In The Trial a man named the court’s ruling, seem to be arguing that Josef K awakens one morning and, for rea- the kangaroo courts, otherwise known as military commissions, will be quite all right HON. JOE WILSON sons never revealed, is arrested and sub- if only Congress will say so. OF SOUTH CAROLINA jected to the rigors of a bizarre judicial proc- They’re not all right. They’re an abomina- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ess for an unspecified crime. The agents who tion (like the secret C.I.A. prisons and the Tuesday, September 12, 2006 arrest him never tell him under what or whose practice of extraordinary rendition) that authority he is being arrested. He is ultimately spits in the face of the idea that the United Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- executed never knowing what he has done. States is a great and civilized nation. er, I rise today to honor the memory of a true Mr. Speaker, I rise to enter into the RECORD ‘‘Can you imagine if the Hamdan decision, friend to our Nation and the State of South a column by Bob Herbert entitled ‘‘The Defini- among others, had gone the other way?’’ said Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Carolina. Friday, July 7, 2006, saw the sad tion of Tyranny’’ which appeared in the July passing of Grover Ford Bowers, Jr. Senator Constitutional Rights, which has been wag- 17, 2006 edition of The New York Times. The ing an extraordinary fight to secure basic Bowers was born in Luray, South Carolina, in subject of Mr. Herbert’s article is the Bush Ad- Hampton County on November 20, 1919. He legal protections for prisoners at ministration’s response to the Supreme Guanta´ namo. ‘‘I mean we’d be looking at a was a son of the late Grover Ford Bowers, Sr. Court’s holding in Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld that dark nightmare.’’ and Corinne Fitts Bowers. He graduated from the military tribunals in use at Guanta´namo The court’s decision brought into sharp re- Estill High School and the University of South Bay were illegal. The President was not au- lief the importance of one of the most funda- Carolina. He was a member of Luray Christian thorized by Congress, nor did he have the mental aspects of American government, the Church where he served as finance chairman. separation of powers. Checks and balances. power under Title II of the Constitution, to He was also a member of Estill Masonic The judicial branch put a halt—a check—on make law for the tribunals or for the treatment Lodge and the Society of 1824. Senator Bow- a gruesomely illegal practice by the execu- of prisoners at Guanta´namo Bay even though ers was a United States Marine Corps Veteran tive. the country was engaged, he argued, in a of World War II, having served on the Island Mr. Bush has tried to scrap the very idea of ‘‘war on terror.’’ The Court also faulted the checks and balances. The Republican-con- of Tinian in the 18th Anti-Aircraft Artillery. He President’s failure to apply Article III of the trolled Congress has, for the most part, was honorably discharged with the rank of Geneva Conventions in its treatment of pris- rolled over like trained seals for the presi- Captain. He then became the co-founder of oners at Guanta´namo Bay. dent. And Mr. Bush is trying mightily to Harper & Bowers Inc. in 1947. After retirement pack the courts with right-wingers who will In response, the President has requested in 1976, he remained actively involved in both do the same. Under those circumstances, his that the Congress make legal what the Court agri-business and politics. Senator Bowers will becomes law. found illegal. This response brought to my served in the South Carolina Senate from Justice John Paul Stevens, who wrote the mind the situation in which Josef K found him- 1962–1966 and was the last Senator from majority opinion in the Hamdan case, re- self in The Trial. I enter this article by Mr. Her- ferred to a seminal quote from James Madi- Hampton County. He served as a member of bert for the edification of my colleagues in the son. The entire quote is as follows: ‘‘The ac- the Board of Visitors of Clemson University House of Representatives. cumulation of all powers, legislative, execu- and The Medical University of South Carolina, tive and judiciary, in the same hands, wheth- as well as various State Commissions includ- [From the New York Times, July 17, 2006] er of one, a few or many, and whether heredi- ing: State Ethics Commission, State ASCS THE DEFINITION OF TYRANNY tary, self-appointed or elective, may justly Commission, S.C. Highway Commission, State (By Bob Herbert) be pronounced the very definition of tyr- Transportation Commission and State Forestry Congress is dithering and the American anny.’’ As the center noted in a recent report, public doesn’t even seem particularly con- Commission. In 1978 Senator Bowers was ‘‘The U.S. government has employed every cerned as the administration of George W. awarded the Order of the Palmetto by Gov- possible tactic to evade judicial review of its Bush systematically trashes such funda- ernor James B. Edwards. detention and interrogation practices in the mental American values as justice, due proc- He is survived by his wife of 56 years, ‘war on terror,’ including allegations that ess, respect for human rights and submission Macie Tison Bowers, his 3 children, Martha B. U.S. personnel subject prisoners to torture to the rule of law. Simons and her husband, Dr. Paul K. Simons; In the kangaroo courts that the adminis- and cruel, inhuman and degrading treat- Grover F. Bowers III and his wife, Derbiana tration concocted to try detainees at ment.’’ There is every reason to be alarmed about Peeples Bowers; William T. Bowers and his Guanta´ namo Bay, Cuba, a defendant could be the wretched road that Bush, Cheney et al. wife, Julia Roman Bowers. His 7 grandchildren prevented from seeing the evidence against are speeding along. It is as if they were fol- him, would not have the right to attend his include Caroline S. Chase and husband, Sam- lowing a route deliberately designed to un- own trial and would not have the right to ap- uel Chase III, Paul K. Simons Jr., Grover F. dermine a great nation. peal the sentence to a civilian court. Bowers IV, Hunter T. Bowers, Margaret E. A lot of Americans are like spoiled rich That’s slapstick justice, a process worthy Bowers, William T. Bowers and Charles R. kids who take their wealth for granted. Too of the Marx Brothers. Bowers. Senator Bowers also has one great ‘‘You have been accused of being a ter- many of us have forgotten—or never grandson, Samuel M. Chase IV. He was pre- rorist.’’ learned—the real value of the great Amer- ceded in death by two brothers, DeTreville F. ‘‘Where is the evidence?’’ ican ideals. Too many are standing silently Bowers and Corrin F. Bowers. ‘‘We can’t show it to you.’’ by as Mr. Bush and his cronies engage in the He is also survived by his sister-in-law, Ms. ‘‘That’s ridiculous.’’ kind of tyrannical and uncivilized behavior ‘‘So is this court. We find you guilty. Take that has brought so much misery—and ulti- Mary Eleanor Bowers of Estill, South Carolina. mately ruin—to previous societies. Ms. Bowers served as the Estill Office Special him away.’’ f Assistant of the Second Congressional District The Supreme Court now says, in a vote that was closer than it should have been, until her retirement. Before that she served on that this sort of madness cannot be per- BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM the staff of the late Congressman Floyd mitted. In its recent decision striking down VETMEDICA, INC. Spence and was initially added to service by the tribunals for terror suspects at Congressman Arthur Ravenel. Guanta´ namo, the court said of the defend- HON. SAM GRAVES f ant, Salim Ahmed Hamdan: ‘‘He will be, and indeed already has been, excluded from his OF MISSOURI THE DEFINITION OF TYRANNY; own trial.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LOOK NO FURTHER THAN THE The court said, in effect, that this is not Tuesday, September 12, 2006 BUSH ADMINISTRATION AND THE the American way, that ours is not a Marx REPUBLICAN ENABLERS IN CON- Brothers republic. Not yet, anyway. (It most Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly pause GRESS likely will be if Mr. Bush gets to appoint one to recognize Boehringer Ingeheim Vetmedica, or two more justices to the court.) Inc. in St. Joseph, Missouri as it celebrates its The Bush-Cheney regime believes it can do 25 year anniversary. This company is a sub- HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL whatever outlandish things it wants, includ- sidiary of Boehringer Ingelheim Corporation, OF NEW YORK ing torturing people and keeping them incar- one of the world’s 20 leading pharmaceutical IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cerated for life without even the semblance companies. Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Tuesday, September 12, 2006 of due process. And it’s not giving up. The administration now wants Congress to au- Inc.’s involvement has impacted all areas of Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, if Franz Kafka thorize what the Supreme Court has plainly the St. Joseph, Missouri community for the were writing his famous novel The Trial today, said was wrong. White House lawyers, in a past 25 years.

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