
0llttttt# v^ AND xtmtk HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE,


VOL. 22 NEW YORK, MARCH 11. 1876 NO. 559.

Financial. Flnanoial. Financial. THB A. H. Brown & Co., Richardson, Hill & Co.,

QANKERS AND BROKERS. No. 1 gtinfON's BtnLDixa, 40 V?atis St., National Bank-Note Co., a* NASSACT ST., NBWr YARK. BOSTON. Bnalneaa Paper boaglit aad sold, (INCOIiPOBATKD KOVBUBEB, laSB.) Depoattt recetred lublact to cheek at s'gkt, and Intereata'loved OS dally balances. Special aitentloa •eroslts reeelTcd, CoUeetloas aaaAo giTen to the baXnesa of CODKTRT BANKjS. Exe Advaaces oa Collaterals OFFICE, He. 1 WAU. STREET, cute ordera for the purchase and aale of STOCKS, lareslaaeat Secnrltlsa. BONDS and NEW YORK, OOLD. Orders for all Flrat-Clsaa Securities executed o All kinds of iDTeatmest £««nrUle« a lipeclslty. Commlaalon. QrGXATXBs or thx Oaited StatM Bonds, Not«s, CiUTMtey John Munroe & Co., HilmersjMcGowan&Co utd National Bank Xotos. No. 8 'Wall Street, New York, BROKERS IN SHsiuTnrs xxo Psamsa or No. 4 Post OlBee Square. Boston. POBBIGN EXCHANGE AND GOLD CHEQUES AND CABLE TRANSFERS ON BANK-NOTES, STATK AND KAILBOAD BONDS, t4 W^aU Street, York. IdDNReB «c 0«»., PARIS. New POSTAGK AND RKVINn: STAMPS, STBRLINe CHEQUES ON (P. O. BOX iMi ) OKBTinCATXS, DRATTS, BILLS Or KXOHAKGB, ALEXANDERS. CUNLIFFES & CO. Special atlentloa paid to the necottaUon of Com AND COMMKBOIAL PAPXBS. London. nterelal bill*. SIXTY DAT STEIJLINO ON THE in the highest stjU of the art with * I'OIJITa. ALL No. IS ITall Street, New Yorlr. Order a In OOTemroeat Beenrtttea, Railway Bharea and Bonda, executed atrlctir on Commlaalua, at tbe Andrew Stuart & Co., NEW YORK. BOSTON, New Ycrk Stock Ksehaun. IM Pearl Street. 10 BU:e Street Particular attention pud to Inveetmenta. Foreign BANKERS, Bzchaoie Boufcht aod Sold. Oepoalu received seb- 34 PINE STREET, YORK. GOSSLER & Co., Ject to algbt cbeck, and Interest allowed on da'Iy NEW balancea, according to the nature of the account. DRAW EXCHANOK ON ooBBaspovBurrs or Prompt attention g'Vfa to Collectlona and Remit- DAVID STUART ic CO.. Ltwerpool, internatloaal or tmncea. Information co. cernlng aoy specified aecurUy Parable in London. Baak Hansbarcaad will be cheerfully furnished without charge. Advanees Made oa ConalcaaaeBts. London, (Limited.) K. W, GiLLiT. Jr., K.8. BlLtav HOUSE IN EUROPE, Member N. T. Stock Kzehjuige. JOHM EWBX, JB., WilLIAJI p. TVTTLE, J. KsLsoa TAr»AH, Special. Member Stock * Gold Exch. Member Stock Kxchaijfe JOHN BERENBERG, GOSSLER dc CO HAKBUSG. ADeUSTCS J. BBOWH. WAUTOK H.BBOWlf. EWEN & TUTT LE, SlDVBT E. Cooes. FBSD. C. COLTOa. Aug. Member N. Y. Stock Exchange. J. Brown & Son, BANKEBS AND BROKERS, BANKEBS, No. 83 Broadway and SI New Street, Cooke & Colton^ t» LIkertr Street, New York. Buy and sell Stocka, Bonda sad Gold oa

. NEW ORLKANa, 1,A, (Umras) -LOM DON K. SVTDAll UBAXT, G. ST. Jon I [Marcli 1876. ii THE CHRONICLR 11,

Boston Baakers. Southern Bankers. Western Bankers.

HILLBB, B. D. VTILI-tAKS, JHO. W. UILLBB F. J. Kbkbt, President. B. O. Collins, Cashier, Parker & Stackpole, THOS. p. Thos. P. Miller & Co., The Exchange Bank KANKKKB, 18 DKVONSHIRB STBKKT, BANKERS, OF DENVKR, COIiORADO. BOSTON, inOBILE, ALABAMA. prompt Special attention paid to coUecllona, with Capital Stock, . $2S0,000, Buy and Sell IVetitern City and remittances at current rates of exchange on day of paynu!Ht. Connty Bonds. . „ , ., Corrospondeats. — German American Bank, New Special attention given to Collections, and to th Orleans Bank York; Lonlslana National Bank, New i Investing of money on Ursl-class real estate security of Liverpool, Liverpool. Brewster, Basset & Co., for non-residents. BANKERS, James Hunter, CORRESPONDENTS. Tradesmen s National Bank, and Oilman, Bon & Co. '

; Wells. Fargo & Co.'s Bank, San Francisco No. 35 CONGRESS STREET, BROKER, New York Dealer In Coin, Southern Securities and Exchange Boston, niaaa. Loans Negotiated. Advances made on Secarltles placed In my hands for sale at current rates. T. K. Skinker, Dealers In Stocki, Bonds, Gold and Commercial Address, ATTORNKY-ATLAW, •. ap«r. ' ' ! Savannah, Georgia. 41T OJive Street, ST. liOTTIS, Mo I Orders execnted on Commission at BroKers Board collection (P. O. Box 81.) 1^~ Special attention given to the o Anctlons, and Private Sale. mVNlOlPAI. BONDS. Bouth- Refers to Henry Talmadge & Co., New York i References—J. R. Llenbcrgcr, Pres't Third National constantly hand. InTostment Secarltles on 11. Waters, Pres't Second Nst. irnBank, Savannah, Ga. Bank, St. Louis ; Wm. Bank, bt. Louis ; Edward P. Curtis, Cashier Nat. Bank of the State ot Mo., St. Louis; Wm. H. Thomson, Cashier Boatmen's Saving Baul£, St. Louis. Kidder, Peabody & Co., R. 8. Willis, Pres't. W. K.MoALPiNX.VIce-Pres t. B. B. Kimball, Cashier. N.O. Lavtb, Secretary. ..BOSTON, I« A 8 8 « Financial. Texas Banking & Ins. Co. COHKKSqiAI, AHD ClBOULAB LXTIXSS OF CBBDIT GALVESTON, TEXAS. SSUKD ATAILABLB IM ALL PAHT8 OF THE WOBLD. OaMb Capital, -.-.-- $300,000. FISK & HATCH, £XOHASex DIRECTORS : J. B. WalUs. M. Quln, E. S. Jemlson Willis, W. K. McAl- '•^''^"TSANgEftS, • — Special attention given to collections at all points — n the State, and reiulttance» promptly made, without except cuslouSar rates of exchange. New York Office, 33 Wall Street. any charge We give particular attention to DimioT Dkalinos IN GOVEBNMKNT BONDS AT OUBRKNT UABKKT BATBS Western Bankeri. and are prepared, at all times, to buy or sell in large Phila. &. Baltimore Bankers. or. small, amoouls, to suit all classes o( Investors. Orders by mall or telegraph will receive careful atten- Wilson, Colston & Co., tion. Anglo- Californian Bank We »hall be pleased to furnish Information In BANKERS AND BROKERS, reference to all matters conneobed witb Investments BALTIinOKE. CUMITED), In Government Bonds. Angel Court. We also buy and sell Gold and Gold Coupons, INVESTMENT and VIRGINIA SKCUKITIBS a LONDON, Head Offlee, 3 C0U.X0T DiviSENi>s, and Town. Countt and Statk specialty. FRANCISCO Office, 482 California St. L'oiTcsnondence solicited. SAN CorFONS, &e.. and buy and sell, on Couiiissio.v, all Brothers ft N. Y. COBKR8PONDKKT8—McKim Co. Agents, J. & W. Selittmau & Co. MARKETABLKST00K4 ANDBoNDS. and Davidson & Jones. NEW YORK In our Bankinq Dsi-aetiunt we receive deposits Authorized Capital, - - $6,000,000. and remittances subject to draft, and allow Interest Bell Austin, Fald-np and Reserve, - 1,55 0,000. J. to be credited monthly, on balances averaging, for the t9,IXXI, at the rate of three per STOCaC BROKER, Transact a general Banking business. Issue Com- month, from $1,CI001« cent per annum, and on balancos averaging over No. 319 l!irjlI.NI7T STREET, mercial Credits and Bills of Exchange, available In all ••* at the rate of four per cent. Pblladelplila. parts of the world. Collections and orders for Bonds |D,(XM), Orders In Stocks and Bonds promptly executed at Stocks, etc., executed upon the meet favorable terms StiSK. it HATCH. he Philadelphia and New York Boards. FRED'K F. LOW, IGNATZ STEINHABT, Ur«n«osrB!*"""»"' P. N. LILIENTHAL, Cashier. Southern Bankers. M. K. Jesup, Paton &Co. Sam'l 11. Kknxkdt, . C. DUPUY, President. Custilcr. BANKERS, Capital, $850,000. lilmlt, $1,000,000. BANKERS AND BROKERS, No.. 52. W;iUlaiu Street, New Vork, Draw Exchange on Union Bank of London. State National Bank ST. LOUIS, ino. Accounts 01 Banks, Bankers and others received illtil-OF NEtV ORLEANS. upon favorable terms. Interest Allowed on Balances Subject to Drafts at (FOBMBELT Louisiana Statb Bank.) DErAULTED MISSOURI CODNTY, CITY AND TOWNSHIP BONDS MADS A SPECIALTY. Sight. Transacls a Geuoral Banking Business. Collections Advances made upo Consignments to our address ALSO, qi^dQ free of charge. or to our Correspondents n Europe. Especial attciition given to Collections, and Prompt RAILROAD BOSD9, STOCKS, MI8CKLLANE0US Investment Securities Bouglit and Sold. Remittances mnd*?. Exchange purchased on all points AND LOCAL SECURITIES, ETC. In the United States and Canada. Steiliiig and francs bought and sold. VERMILYE & CO.^ Onr long experience In above class of Securities to make cash bids by wire CORRESPONDENTS. enables us to be prepared BANKERS, to parties givin^ full description. London—London Joint Stock Bank. 16 and 18 Nassau street, NeiV Vork, Pabis—Messrs. A.& M. Heine, Kbw The Bank of Yokk— New York, N. B. A. A Solid Twelve Per Cent DEALERS IN ALL ISSUES OF GOVERNMENT •"feVN FRANnisco—The Bank of California, and The SECURITIES, Nevada Bank of San Francisco. WtiUe bonds and stocke are the footballs of brokers the BoUrf lllmois and Missouri TEN PKU Ci'NTS NEW YORK CITY (seml-an nil ally at tlie Aineiican Exchange National Pres't. A. K. AND • }^t 4- ft^^W*?' Wausbr, Cashier. liunJc, New York) and our choice Kansas TWKLVK PEIi CKNTS have neter failed. Nothing but an earth- BROOKLYN BONDS. First quake can impair their absolute security; and as to National Bank, promptness, ask our New York Jiaiik. our paper is Y'urk, because always paid at BUY AND SELL ON COMMISSION ...... u WILnilNUTON, atwai/s atparln'^evf N. C. maturity. Have loaned niUUonB, and not u dollar h«t lost,—Kor details address ACTUARY of the RAIIiWAY STOCKS, BONDS &fiOLD. CoUectlone made on all pari s of the United States •ver been Central Illinois Loau Agency, Jacksonville, IUlnoi« r. O. Box estl. INTKREST ON DfSPOSirS.

..aAikins.. & Leonard, Chas. F. Fknzkl, Wm. Kibtkn, Cbbsd T. Walkkb WASH'N R. VERMILYE, I DONALD MACKAY, rrcsident. Vice-President. Cashier. JAS. A. TROWBRIDGE. | LATHAM A. FISH. JL0OT wa^. , BACKERS German Savings Bank, KDmriTD D. KANOOLPR. HOWELL W. BIOKLRT DALLAS, I^IXTI^E ROCK, ARK. WILLIAK T. BLACK. TEXAS. CASH CAPITAL »50,000. Transacts a general banking business, and makes col- New York Correspondent Konntze Bros. lections on all points in the South and Southwest at reasonable rates. Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Mer- chants and others solicited. THE CITlf BANK OF HOUSTON, BoABDOF DiBKOTOBS.—C. F. Penzcl, Wm. Klrten, Judge (J. M. Hose, Jno. fi.Geyer.G. W. Johnson, Geo,

Capital, $500,000, Itelciiardt, J . K. lirodie, A. Schader. Jno. G. Fletcher, N, Y. COBBKBPONDiNTB. Doanell.Law8on& Co. H ousTO N, Te X as. We give special attention to collections on all accea. Love & Co., Bible points. DiRKCTORS: W. J. Hiitchlos, P. W. Gray, A.J BANKERS AND BROKERS, Bnrkc.Cor Ennls, W. M. Rice, C. S. Longeope. UKNJ. A. BOTTS, I'resldenl. ST. LOUIS, no. B. F. WEKMS, Cashier. Casta adTinced on Stocks and Bonds left for Sale. Maich 11, 1876.] IflE CHRONICLE iif

Financial. Finanoial. Financial. Drexel, Morgan & Co., REAL ESTATE WALI, 8TRBET, CORNER OP BROAD, NEW YORK. MORTGAGE BONi5§' Drexol & €o., Drexel, Harjes Co GUARANTEED BY THE | & C^j'/^^jSji tOAPmST " No. 34 South Tiiied 8t.,| 31 Uoulcvard llaussmaiin Equitable Trust Co., . Philadelphia. | Paris. Capital,* 1.000.000. $1,000,000 CAPITAL. BO.MKSTIC AND FOREIGN BANKERS. AHoW') intAreflt on (Ir>poilti, rnlurnabin on dcDiand. THESE REAL ESTATE MOKTOAOK BONOS AKE Denoilts received Hulijoct to Draft. Ki'Curltiei.Oold or at Biicnriuil dales. 1h u.»lliorl/,i-a to act fin Kxecutor, COMMKNUei) TO THE ATTENTION OF «c., liouKlit aud sold on ('oiniillsiion. Intcrcat allowed AmnlntBtralor, (iuardlftii, Ut-crlv*'!-, or Ti uslcc Like- on uepoMin. KorilRn Kxcnaugu. (Joinniciclal Crcdlta. wise, Is a le.al doponltory for muia-y paid Intu Court, TUE MOST t.'ublu Iniiisf.ra. Circular Letters Jor Traveler*. or by order of Htiy Siirn Ki'le. liiiliv duals. Finns and avi>i'Ul>le in all parts or the world. Sccletlefl PcekinK IncouK; Irom nunn'y hi abtivHtiCR. or CONSERVATIVE INVESTORS. at reBtt will Umi sufi:ty and advuniHKc tii tttla InatUu- Urit—Ttiey have the ladlrldnal lltbltitT of Nie ATTORNKYS A»l> ACRKTB OP tlon. maker. HKNKV F. SPAULDINO. Preitdent. jnesara. S, Second— la J. moHOAN &. CO., BKNJ. B. Efch bond tccnred by • llnrt mortgage of SHKKMAN. } Vice real .state of not No. sa FKKUEIiICK H. le.s tlian double Its value. OLD JSUOAD ST., LONDON. C088ITT, ( Pre»ldenU. I1Ur

BANKERS, Pavs THREK PER CENl' Interest per annum on Interest Coupons payable seml-annn lly. Bonds Vepomts mbject to chech at sight. registered to order, or payable to bearer at option. B» E.XCHANOE PLAOB, IHys tOUR I'KR CESr IiMreat per annum on Accrued tntorest Is not required to be paid by par- special ttepoHitb- remaining Htx. moiu/ts or longer. chaser, the next-due Coupon being stamped so as to Acts as denote th.it COUNKU B1!0AD STKKKT, NKW lOKK. Truitee for eststea. Interest begins at the «i ite of purchase. *""'"'"• A Pamphlet with full Information will be sent on JOHN C. CKUIK8HA^-K'!-S^c^Jt£t*'' application to the Company's Olllce, Issue Letters of Credit for TrarelerS) 43 Mlllc Street, Roaton. Payable In any Security These Bonds are commended to the attention of the part ot Knrope, Alia, AfrIM, AutralU Against Fire and Robbers. MOST CONSEUVATIVE and America. INVESTOKS, as they are believed to be as perfect a security as can be obtained. Draw The hsue of Itouds la BllU of Eicliange and make telegraphic trans- Central Safe Deposit limited to one-half the amount ters Co. of the same class of Bonds ever issued under a like of money on Knrope and California. Guaraulue. No. tS Wfcst Street, 23d The security of each Bond is not con lined a to single (Masonic Temple Building.) Mortgage, but extends over all the Mortgages owned by the Corapa-jy. This Company receives AOKNcr or SAi-E KKKPINO OF VALUABLES under guaran- no deposits, guarant- es no other securities, and lias no other tee. Private otUces for Banks and Bankers out of the debts than its bonds. Its city. Separate roujns for Laily Patrons. Mortgages are of like clmracter to those which have befu boui:ht tin; ELLWOOD E. in last tweuly years Merchants' Bank TIIOKNK. President. by Individnals, Life insurance Oltice hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Companies and other OK Corporations, to the amount of moie tlian Fifty Mil- lions of Hollars, proving a most secure and satisfactory Investment. The Loans are all upon Improved Farmff Canada, la some of the most fertile Western btates, near the Itailroads, witti stiort and perfect titles, aud average Oa WALL STREET. Albert H. Nicolay & Co. less than i;6rjO each, upon property wortii nearly four times their amount. Experience has proved that wc'l- "PUal, Gold. selejted Mortitages upon this class of property are $9,000,000 stock Auctioneers Paid np, »' and Brokers, saler than those upon city propcity, either in ttie East ..... 8,138,026 or West. They aie notallected by Fires, or by Business lilliB of K.i[chanBe bonght aud so'd, Commercial No. 43 PINE STREET, YORK. revulsions; Principal and Interest arc more promptly NEW the bu< cess -ulture Crcdiin grajitcd, Urafta on Canada liwucd, Bills collect- paid ; and upon of Agrl depends that of almost every Indusitrlal Investment. ed, and otiicr Uanlcmg Irasiuciis transactod. ST" REGULAR AUCTION SALES HENIIY SALTONSTALL, President. WALTER WATSON, ( Agents..„„„.. OF FUANCI8 A. OSBOUN, 'i'reasurer. . WM. J. INUKAM, f viok-pbbsidkntb: STOCKS AND U O N D S Ames A. Lawrence, Geo. C. Richardson, , LONDON A«EWf!Y. 38 Lombard St. James L. Little, Thomas Wiggleawortli . Geo. P. Upham. • •!> AV«ry Mondav and Thwsdai/, or dikxoiobb: , , .y CHARLES OTIS, Spkoial Salxs Madi ok all OTnCB DATS, Charles L. Flint, T. JeSerson CooIIdge, SMltousiall, John 47 KXUIIANOB FLACK, Henry V. Putnam, ; ^t UPON ONE DAY'S NOTICE, WHEN REQUIRED Charles L. Young. J. B. Upham, OOUNBIL; City Railroad Onr Establlthod Cnstom 34 Year*. Hon, Henry W. Palue, Boston. Blmoon E. Baldwin, New Haven. tV Stocks and Bonds bought aud sold at the New and Gas Stocks, York StockBxcliaiige, and at private sal^, en cammis- Specialty lor 19 Years. sion. •eoqnoutlona of " Local Secnrltlea" In this papot The Brooklyn Trust Coi. IW Securities not dealt In at the Stock Boards a Cor. of Montague A CHnton sts^ Brooklyn, N. Y. -i specialty wltk this house for many years. Levy & B o r CAPITAL, 1500,000. g, tar First-class Municipal Bonds, liallroad Bonds This Company is anthorlMd by special charter to act RS EKChauKe Place, and other Incorporated loans negotlateU on liberal as receiver, trnstee or guardian. can act as agent in the sale or management of rea terms. It BOORUU D DKALEU8 estate, collect Interest or dividends, receive rogibtry IN ALL KINDS OF and transfer books, or make purchase and sale of Gov- ernment and ether securities. BOVTIIERN AND miSCELLANEOUS Gargiulo Religious aud charitable instltntionfl, and persons & Co., unaccustomed to the transaction of business, wilt llnd this Company a safe and convenient depository for 8KCUR1TIE8. BANKERS AND BROKERS money. RIPLEY ROPES, President. CBAS. V. MARYLN Vlce-Pl«a t. KiMAa M. CuiJju. OoDuael. No*. 4 & 6 Broad Street, TiUISTSBS: Railroad Bonds. B. Bockwell, Beaiir Bauer, Alex. McCne, • '• / vj HEW YORK, J, WHIOTUKK YOU WISH W. C. Kingsley, CIMIiiBi Jiirrta, A. A. Low, TO BUY OK 8KLL. Kolfe, Aba. B. Barlia, S. B. Chiltendes, WUITK TO Btoctt, Bonds, Gold and Mlseellaaeons Securltlas John P. Thomas Sullivan. Dan'lChanncey, Edward Uanrey . Josiah o. I.OW, James D. yiah. HASSLER & CO., bought and sold strictly on commission. Orders H . E. Pierri'pout, by U. White, No. 7 Street, JohnUalaoy, Alex. Wall N. Y. mall or telegrapn carenuij atieuaea to. Wm. U. BUNKER, Secreury ! )

[Maich 11, 18:6 If. THfi CHRONIOIK

Financial Financial Financial. ** Pur > 700 K*« K't what yon bnri H. C. Williams & Co., and BONDS •t*p wbcu you cbooae." STOCKS BANKERS AND BROKERS, COMMON SENSE AND FAIR PLAY Auction. Street, York, At IN LIFE ASSURANCE I 49 Wall Maw dbalbks in hold REGULAR AUCTION Bo not Aieurt your Life till yon have examined The nndersigned SALES of all classes of the NKW PLANS devised by Shkppard Homans STATE, CITY* RAItWAY BONDS. Actouy, for THE Orders for Stoelte and otber Secnritlea STOCKS AND BONDS, receive personal attention at the New York Stock ON Savings Life Exchange. Good Rallwar Bonds not regu- Provident Inter- larly quoted, and those lu Default el WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. Assurance Society, est made a Special Branch of Our Busi- ness. ADRIAN H. rnVLiLER & SON, quote as follows— BW. Asked ITBSTEKN VNION BUILDING, We . „. Burl. C. K. a Minn., l«t, Minnesota Dlv.. .. « 50 do do i8t, Milwaukee Dlv.... 2! 30 No. 7 PINE STREET, NEW YORK. NBW YORK. 70 Cairo t Fulton, 1 9t 65 CEnadaBoutliern,Ht,conrvon 6) 70 INVESTIUENT BONDS. Guaranty Ca§li Capital, 9125.000, «5 69 ao mt, registered FOR SALE. Central RB. of Iowa, l«t 8; 38 Five-Twenty Bonds. St. Gold 6 per cent Bonds. Invefted In U. 8. Chesapeake* Ohio, 1st. 6b S5 37 Louis do 21.78 12 ClDclnuatt 78 and 7.30 Bonds. (he Imuranee Part of the do J Bonds. ThU SwAety teparalis Chicago & Canada Southei n, 1st 38 41 Cleveland 6 per cent Louisville 6 and 7 per cent Bonds. Vretnium from the Jleserve or Deposit Part, which Chicago Clinton & Dnbaque. 1st ...... *• 30 Chic. Danville 4 Vincennes, let. Illinois Dlv. 4S 47 WANTED. latter 1« held merely for accumnlatlOB. do do 1st, Indiana Dlv. 22 25 County, City and Town Bondsof Ills., Iowa and Wis. Urbana B. * Pekln. 1st 45 47 Cooke ft Co, ThU Society recognizes the Policy-holder a$ owner Danville Claims on Jay Houston & Great Northern, Ist 65 S7 New Jersey Midland Kall'-nad Bonds. 8i 89 »f the Beserve. Houston « Texas Central, 1st, Main Line. . N. y. A Oswego Kaliroad Receiver's Certltlcates. do do 1st, Western Kit. 8SM 87X Danville Urbana ft Bloomlngton Railroad Bonds. ThU Society, therefore, will either i»sne policies Flint * Pere Marquette, let, cons 30 95 \f m.. R. UTI.EY, on the payment of uniform annual premiums, guar- KvansvlUe T. H. ft Chicago. Ut 75 80 . . lUU 105 in Grand liaplds ft Indiana, Ut, L. U., guar. . 4 IVall Street, New York. anteeing spedjled surrender value for every year 54 eo a do do Ist, Ex. L. G. . . LIFE 1st 35 37 cash; or It will furnish the PROTECTION OF Indianapolis B. ft Western, 2d 11 13 death claims do do ELIZABETH CITY SEVEN PER CENT IM- ASSURANCE at actval current cost for do do 1st, Extension.. IS 16 management, each year ty itself, re- International RK.. 1st...... ••••v-^-- 70 PROVEMENT BONDS. Interest April and and expenses of S 80 Kansas Paclflc, 1st, 7f. M . ft N., unfunded 75 year rcUliout further 76 Mwal/le at the close of any do iBt. 7«. J.ft J. do ..72 October. One April 1, 1905. Aug., funded. T2 medical examination. do 1st, 68, Fel) & do l»i, fs.J.ft D. do . 71 is" ISLAND CITY SEVEN PER CENT These Plans are indorsed by leading Actuaries do No. 11 15 20 LONG " do No. 16 H IS •nd State Commissioners, and also by the Society WATER BONDS. Interest March and Lake Superior ft Mississippi, lit 22 25 Life Insurance among Clergy- C. ft Soutnwestern, Ist 10 12 for the Promotion qf Logansport September. Due Sept. 1, 1902. 60 6;i Brown, President; Howard Potter, Missouri Kansas ft Texas, :at nun," James Moblleft OhIo.Bterllng. Bs.wl'hcf 3» 41 Treasurer. do do S6,ex.cf 39 41 FOR SALE BY do Interest. Ss 20 25 For Plans, Bates, and Full Particulars apply to MontclalrRH. of N. J.,18t .. 8K DANIEL A. nORAN New Haven M. ft Willlmantlc, 1st 25 THE PROVIDENT SAVINGS I.IFE New Jersey Midland, lt»t 40 48 SOCIETY, New Orleans Mobile ft C. Ist 35 40 40 Trail Street. A8SORAN0K New York ft Oswego Midland. 1st 18 19 BUILDING, NEW YORK. do do 2d 4 OFFICE OF THE WESTERN UNION Northern Pacific, 7 S-lOs. 1st 1" 18 la WALKER, SHEPPARD HOMANS, do rpgifttered «6" Kansas City St. Josepli & Council Blufl's QEORaB Peoria ft Rock Island. Isi. 55 President. Vlce-Pres't and Actuary Port Huron* Lake Michigan, 1st 17 19 Railroad Company, Rockford K. ft St. 1.0UU, 1st » 11 Southern Minnesota, Ist BO 36 SEARS BUILDING, Ch ew Bt.Josephft Denver City, Ist, B. D \i is" C. do do Ist.W. I> 1 10 BosToiff, February 25, 1B7U. J ft Paciac. L. G 20 25 DMALIE IK Texas West Wisconsin, L. G., 1st 5< NOTICE TO BON0HOLDEr.S. do Interest payable In London. 58 INVESTMENT SECURITIES. On the 25th day of March next the time expires when tbe arrangement must be. If at nil. completed tor this Company, under the plan Texas State, Railroad, County and G. T. Bonner & Co., adjusting tbe allalrs of dated March 25. 1814. Mnnicipal Bonds a Speeialty. BAITKEBS AND BBOKEBS, Subst ntlally, all of the 1st Mortgage Bondholders, and, with but a small exception, the holdeis of the Scrip for Sale. Texas Lands and Land No. 30 Broad Street, NeMr York. lower secnrlticB have assented to tbe plan. As some small portion of the parties, who have not Securities FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE CITY OF H0U8- stocks, Bonds, and Oovemment bought exe' uted the instrument, are unknown and cannot be and sold on commlaslon at the New Vera stock Ex- • smaller portion who are known, TO TEXAS; And change. reached, and a atlU DOTTED 8TATJ» CENTENNIAL COMMISSION- Dealers In all descriptions of Bonds and Investment have not given their formal assent, it Is proposed that Securities. j „ , the 25th of March next, i/'oii «»e lower sfcurttiea ER FROM TEXAS. The correspondence of Bankers and Brokers through- after do not ffive their forma! as'ent piior to tliat ttnie, to country solicited. OFFIC BS: out the arrange wl(h the Ist Atorttisge Bondholdei 8 to fore- close their mortgagep. they 'greetng to isBue to the 39 BKOADHTAY, NEW YORK. Funding of Southern State Bonds. holders of the lower securlUea trlio have aasented to the arrangement. Preferred Stock, as provided in tlat We are prepared to fund Bonds of the following arrangement, Southern States, in accordance with their several j^^a^^,, p^,rKICK, ) Edward C. Fox & Co^^ Funding Acts, upon the most reasonable terms NATHANIEL THAVEB,V Trustees. possible CHARLES MEBKIAM, ) VIRGINIA, LOUISIANA, SOUIB CAROLINA STOCK BROKERS, lENNBSSEB. Mariposa Land & Mining SO BROAD ST., NEIV YORK. Vr ANTED. Alabama Old Bonds. Company. Stocks, Bonds and Government Securities bought Louisiana Old Bonds. Monroe County, Miss., Eight Per Cent Bonds. EXBCUTITE OFFICK, Nos. » ft 11 Nissai; St., and sold at the New York Stock Exchange. New York ft Oswego Mid. HK. First Mortg. Bonds. Kiw VOEK. February 24, 1876. We give Special Attention to State, Company have LEVIED FOR SALE. The TilUSTKES of this GItr, County and Toivn Bond*, and ArSKSBMENT OF ONE DOLLAR per share on South Carolina New Consol. Bonds. AN for their Securities or defaulted Railroads Virginia New Consol. Bonds. the preferred and common stock, payable at ivblcli there !• mo regular market. Texas Ten Per Cent Funding Bonds. ofllce on or before March 24. New Jersey ft New York RK. Consol. Bomls. sniTii, QUOTATIONS FURNISHED. moRRis H. Assistant Secretary. 'IKXASUBY DKfABTHKNT, i dc CO. OFFlOa OP COMPTEOLLSB OP THK CTTRBKNOT.-^ O. T BONNER orricK or th« DrauQtix ft Siotrx cut RR. WAaHiHOTeM, February 25, 1816. ) 30 Broad Street, New York. COHPAHT, No. B « ILLI AK bTIIIT. > 'I^HE CIROVLATINK NOTES OF THE New Tobk, March s, 1876. ) l FIRST NATIONAL BANK OK OSCEOLA. IOWA, vlll be redeemed upon preientatlon at the ]^OTICE.-A DIVIDEND OF THREE Treasury of the United Stalea, in the city of Waslilng- THE NEW JERSEY & NEW YORK RR. declared on the 10D,0. O. JOHN JAY KNOX, (Consolldatl n of the Erie Railroad branch to (S) PER CENT has this day been Comptroller ot rurrency. Hackensack, and continuous roads.) stock of this Company, payable on the I5lh day of TBSASUKY I>KPAU-rMaMT, . of the First Mortgage T per cent OrPlOB OF COMPTROl.LXR or TUB CUBBBNOY,> 8300,000 K. Jesup, Paton negotiated In Europe lately, April next, at the office of Messrs. M. Wasuinqton, February 1, 1876. ) gold bonds having been only the remaining portion of ^180,000 of the as such at the closing NOTICE. — THE CIKtUIiATiNn ft Co., to stockholders registered NOTES of the FIRST N.^T^()^JAL BANK OF bonds are oflered, at an advance in the price to 95 BEDFORD, IOWA, the FOUltTH NATIONAL and iuteregt. •f the books. CHICAGO, ILLI\01S, and the MINERS' re-purchased at same price at BANK OF The bonds will be Transfer books will be closed on the 1st and re NATIONAL KANK OF GEOKGETciWN, COLO- any time within one year, and contract jjiven to that win be reaeemed upon presentation at the KADO, effect, the company maintaining funds in trust for opened on the 17th day of April text. Treasory of the Unlttd Statei In the City of Wahlng- ROLLINS BROS. St, CO.. tOB,ir6. JOHN JAY KNOX, that purpose with J. B. DUMONT, AssisUnt Secrsisry. Comptroller of the Currency. Cer. Wal; & Broad st«.. New York. X] OTICE.—The First National Bank of Rochester, X^ located at Bochestrr, In the UMte of Indiana, Is Smith & Hannaman, closing up Its aaalrs. All note-holders and other Brothers & Co., creditors of tald aswciation are therefore hereby notl- McKim notes, other claims against tbe INVESTMENT BROKER*, ll«d to present the and "^-"... -...^ BANKERS, " •"" - association for payment. ARTHUR C. COPkLAND, INUIANAPOUS, INDIANA. January 11, 18,6, President. 4T Wall Street, N«w York. :



VOL 22. SATURDAY. MAKCH 11, 1^76. NO. 659.

C ONTe h! T8. or disturbed. It appears to be working well, though it 's only just beginning to produce its incipient reforms THB CHRONICLK. and three years at least will have to pass away before so Jan. 1 lo March 1... . a44 The Resumption QueBtion in I ami from lj»teetMonetaryandCommerc)«l Conere » 941 | its 545 large and extensive a legislative change can develop The National Banks and Ihc | Bnglleh News Mlscellaneoue Causes of tbclrStronsrth 242 ; Commercial tnd perfection. S^f effects in their salutary and complete How Shall we Stop It? 243 1 News liailroad Earniiij;: In Fehrnary, I Every one knows that if we rep2 | only measure that promises that result shall be repealed. The question is whether we will repudiate the ^\)t €\)xonx(\t. legislative declaration made in the act of 1875 to redeem Thk Commercul and FiKANCiAL Chronici.k i» usutd On Satur- the promise made and printed on the face of every day morning, with the latest newt up to midnight of Friday. United States note, a promise made in the midst of war,

TSKUS OF SUBSCBIFTIOH-FATAB!.! IH ADVANCE. when the Nation was struggling for existence ; a prom. The CoVmehcial and Financial Chboniolk, ise renewed in March, 1869, in the most unequivocal For One Year (including postage) tie 2 ForSlxMonths SI" language, and actually made specific, as to time, by the Subscriptions will he continued until ordered stopped by a written order or (U tfbe pitblicntion oplce. The Publishers cannot be responsible for Remit- act of 1875." tances unless made by Drafts or Post-Offlce Money Orders. AdTcrtlnenients. After offering some lucid illustrations of this point, Transient advertisements are pnhiiehed at 25 cents per line for each Mr. Sherman raises three questions: First, ought the insertion, but wlicn deflnlte orders are given for Ave, or more, insertiona. a liberal discount is made. No promise of continuous publication in the best Nation to perform the promise to pay the greenbacks in nlac« can bo ijivon, asall advertisers must have equal opportunities. Special Notices in Bankins: and Financial column tiO cents per line, each insertion. gold ? secondly, can the Nation perform this promise ? London OIBee. The London ortlce of the Chroniclk is at No. 5 Austin Friars, Old Broad and, thirdly, are the agencies and measures prescribed in street, where subscriptions aie taken at the following rates AnnnaVSnbscriptlon to the Chronicle (including postage) St t». the law adequate for the purpose ? In regard to the Six months' subscription 1 Ss. first two points there is little difference of opinion. The William b. dana, I WILLIAM B. DANA k CO., Fnblisheia, 79 William Street, JOHN o. FLOTD, JR. ( and 81 NEW YORK. Supreme Court has decided that the dollar promised on Post (JrrioB Box 4 59*. the face of the greenback is a gold coin weighing 25*6

is to U9 A neat file-cover Is furnished at 50 cents ; postage on the same le 16 grains of standard gold. That the Nation bound cents. Volumes hound for subscribers at $1 50. H^ A complete set of the Commercial a«d Financial Cbroniolk—July fulfil the contract, and will be able at some time in the 1865, to 'late—is for sale at the office. Also one set of Hunt's Msrohants Magazine, 18:19 to 1871, sixty-three volumes. future to fulfil it, there are very few persons at this day disposed to deny. The main difficulty in the public t# The Business Department of the Chronicle is represented among Financial Interests in New York City by Mr. Fred. W. Jones. mind seems to be as to the interval of time which is necessary before resumption, and the preliminaries which THE RESUMPTION (IDESTIOJi IN CONGRESS. should precede and pave the way for specie payments. In the Senate, at Washington, Mr. John Sherman on It were to be wished that Mr. Sherman had. been a little Monday delivered an elaborate and comprehensive re- more full and precise in his discussion of this branch of futation of the arguments by which certain members of the subject. We hope to hear from him a more com- Congi-ess have attempted with some show of success to plete and detailed exposition hereafter. On the third render probable the repeal and temporary overthrow of point we have referred to, he is sufficiently emphatic, as the Resumption act of January, 18T5. Mr. Sherman's the subjoined extract shows: speech has produced a deep impression throughout the " With the growing wealth and credit of our country, I do not country. Its salutary influence is founded partly on the believe the present volume of Unjtej States notes need be larfirely. if any, reduced to keep them at par in coin. We have bow a gold broad and statesmanlike views it gives of the monetary balance in the Treasury of $37,120,773 73, and a currency bftlancs and financial situation, and partly on the absence of of $9,529,304 over and above our currency and coin certificates. Suppose (what 1 reitard as an extreme case) that we add to this the weak arguments and unsound theories which some of reserve $100,000,000, $50,000,000 in coin certificates and $50,000,- the sound currency advocates have occasionally conde- 000 in coin, does anybody doubt but it will be ample to redeem any note that is presented? But, it is said, where is the gold to scended to use. Mr. Sherman laid down the funda- come from to enable us to resume. Not only is the gold of t^e mental principle that the policy of the Resumption law world open to our competition, but we are the largest gold and silver producing country of the world. The product of our mines is just what the credit and the best interests of the is about one hundred ndlUons a you, and a single year's product ountry demand. Hence this la\p should not be repealed would more than enable qs to resunie. Qur facilities for acca- 242 THE CHRONICLR LMarch 11, 1876.

mulatiuK gold are greator than any other nation. • But the gold Among the points demonstrated by these figures there is exported.' So it is, because we will not use it as other nations are several do. Give it occupation here and it will remain here, and the of great practical importance. First, the products of our farms and workshops will be It exported instead. greenbacks have declined from 382 millions in June, is said we can make a standard of something else that is not exportable. So we can by cutting ourselves off from the civiliza- 1874, to 370 millions at present. Here we have a con- tion of the human race. And now let us briefly examine the traction of 12 millions. Secondly, the National bank question : Are the agencies and measures prescribed by the act of circulation lias 1875 sutflcient for the purpose ? This bill does not contain pro- declined from 3.50 miliions in June, 1874, visions that for years I have struggled to secure. Still I feel to 341 millions at present. Here we hiiye a contraction bound to'Bay that it contains ample a{;enci>s and powers to carry of it into a full execution without the addition of a single provision 9 millions. These two items of currency contraction by * * Congress. I will cheerfully support any measure of give us an aggregate of 21 millions, besides which there

wise economy proposed to strengthen the public Treasury ; I will are, as shall cheerfully vote for a moderate tax on tea and coffee, because this avo hereafter show, other contracting influ- will increase our revenue without adding to fhe coat of the ences at work upon the currency in this salutary direc- articles, and be the means of enabling us to repeal other taxes tion. What is more important for our present purpose that are both a burden and an inconvenience ; I will gladly vote for the voluntary conversion of a limited amount of United States is the ease of money. For many months past the infla- notes into bonds, as each of those measures will tend to ' prepare' tionists have us for a specie standard. But each of these measures, and clamored against all contraction of the cur- others that may be proper, are not, in my judgment, indispen- rency, however wholesome and necessary. They have sable to the full and complete execution of the law of 1875 on or affirmed that if contract the before the 1st day of January, 1879. I have a confident belief we volume of the active that if Congress will now hold fast to the law as it stands, the currency at any time we invariably make money tight. drift of events and the practical operation of the law will not This error of the inflationist creed only vindicate its wisdom, but will secure in due time every we have often demon- proper auxiliary legislation to carry it into full execution." strated, and we need not here expose it further. It is conspicuously Next to tho poiuts mentioued above, the chief reason refuted by the fact that, although the United for the wholesome iiiflueuco which has been produced States is the only great commercial country which, at the present throughout the financial and mercantile circles by this time, is rapidly contracting the volume of its currency, there is no stringency. speech is the confirmation it supplies to the belief which We have no spasms in generally prevails, that no new law of importance relative the loan market. On the contrary, money is easier us the rate of to the currency is likely to pass Congress this session. It among and interest rules lower than else in Christendom. is easy to see that Mr. Sherman does not anticipate any anywhere Buch legislation, and his opinion on questions of pro- spective legislation will be regarded as conclusive. ~The same acquiescence will not be accorded to Mr. Sherman's opinion that the resumption of specie payments will THE NATIONAL BANKS AND THE CAUSES OF THEIR STRENGTH. not cause any contraction in the volume of the cur- We have often directed attention to the fact that from rency. We think that the records of the past history well-known general causes affecting the whole financial of paper money, in this country and abroad, establish the world there is in the chief commercial nations of Europe theory that a wholesome contraction in the outstanding more or less of agitation about reforme in the old bank- currency, both of greenbacks and of bank notes, will ing systems. In Italy, Switzerland, and Russia, as attend the restoration of the specie standard. This well as in Gcnnany, France, and England, there seem theory derives some corroboration from the active to be financial forces in process of development which currency contraction which has been already developed are tending to create new safeguards and to produce by the Resumption act, and by those still more practical reforms in the mechanism and the methods of potent natural laws which central the currency move- commercial banking. As the system of our National ments of such commercial nations as are not enthralled banks is undergoing some impoi'tant changes, not only by paper money. The Comptroller reports the whole from the same general causes which are operating on so currency contraction up to March 1, as follows : great a scale throughout Europe, but also from the CONTRACTION OP TUB CURRENCY UNDER THE LAWS OP JUNE, 1874, AND efforts of recent legislation, we have an increasing neces- JANUARY, 1875, DOWN TO MARCH 1, 1876. sity for a fuller pwblioity in regard to the movements of I. Kational Bank notes outstanding when Act -20tli Jane, 1874, was passed $349,894,182 our banks, and the interest of the popular mind in the S. Do. issued from 30th Jime,.1874, to llth January, 1875. $4,734,500 statistical reports of the banks is augmenting. 8. Do. redeemed and retired between saaie dates S,767,S32 To meet this new want, as well as to refute some of the false 4. Do, Increase from SOth Jane, 1874, to 14th January, 1875 1,967,268 statements made in disparagement of our National bank-

5. Do. amount outstanding 14th January, 1875 $3jl,861,4E0 ing system, there has been a more full and frequent pub- 6. Do. redeemed and retired from 14th Jan., 1875, to Ist lication of some of the oflicial statements of the National March, 1876 $20,858,323 7. Do. surrendered between same dates 4,110,004 banks by the Treasury at Washington. The Comptroller of the Currency has prepared for us 8. Total Nat. bank notes redeemed and sorrendered.. . $24,962,327 9. Do. issued between same dates 13,820,760 tables showing the strength of the National banks and its chief causes. Among these statistics we find the 10. Do. decrease from 14th Jan., 1876, to 1st March, 1876 11,141,56'J following table, showing the bonds deposited at Wash-

II. Do. amount outstandinu 1st March, 1876 .. $.340,719,883 ington as security for the circulating notes of the banks. 12. Greunbacksondcpositin the Treasury, SOth June, 1874, to retire These notes amount at present to 1340,719,883. Adding notes of insolvent and liquidating banks $3,813,678 13. Do. deposited from SOth June, 1874, to Ist March, 1876, to retire the $2,099,190 of National gold bank circulation, the National bank notes , 43,539,670 total sum of the bank notes will be $342,819,073. To withdraw and cancel bank notes under the law of June, 14. Do. total deposits $47,353,345 15. Do. deposits used by Treasurer to retire bank notes between 18*74, and .Tan., 1875, the Treasurer of the United States same dates, without re-issue 23,619,855 holds, of greenbacks $23,780,590, and of gold $671,990.

16. Do. balance of deposits, Ist March, 1876 $23,733,790 This aggregate o? $24,452,580 of lawful money is held Greenbacks retired under act 14th January, 1875 .,3,7. $11,056,608 for the retiring of that amotint of bank notes. Deduct- -18. National hank notes retired from20th June, 1874, to iBt March, 18T6 9,174,599 ing this sum, the bank note aggregate will be reduced to 19. Greenbacks outstanding 31 t Aug., and 30th Sept., 1873 356,0O0,0C0 $318,366,493, which are secured by^ the bonds described 20. Da do SOth June, 1874 382,000,000

21. Do do 29th February, 1876 : 370,943,392 in the Comptroller's table, which is as follows : .. . :

March 11, 1876.] THE CHRONICLE 244-

BOirSS DKPOSITSD TO (ECCBI KOTBS 0» KATIOHAt BARKB, IflllOII I, 18*6. The subjoined table shows that th^ ))aiiks hold a conKid- Value in Value (« erable excess over the present legal rc

(QnoUtion in N. Y. marlcet Hch. 1, 119K.) reserve. Their actual reserve is 32"9 per cent, •r more :^-a08»f 1865, W«orie8,6p. cint., coiu.. ».753.500 11,860,002 10,372,431 than double the proportion required in the law. Sub- (Quotation in N. Y. marltet Mcli. 1, 121X.) 6-lOsof 1865, 4tliscrieB:6p. c. lnt.,coin.. 2,650,000 8,i80,541 J,871,.370 joined is the table

(Quotation in N. Y. market Mcli. 1, l«3?i.) LAWFUL MONET RESEBTBH OF THB MATtOlTAL BAHKS ITTII DKC, I«75. 10~40e, 5 p. c. interest, C'jiu . 96,210,000 113,936.819 99,725,006 Jfo.of r~TolalJieMrve.—> .— dash 2ietartt.~'^ TvluU'er (Quotation in N. Y. market Mch. 1,118K-) Jlanksof Banks. Rei/ulreil. lleM. Berjulre'l. Held. t'enUige. Funded 1S8IS, 5 p. c. int. coin 113,488,900 170,893,069 149,140,542 ( t * » Bui'ii. J/tUt (Quotation in N. Y. market Mch. 1, US^,) New York City... 48 44,336.147 49,919,370 43,280,6.53 48,(^63.870 25 28 1

Paclflc RK. bonds, 6 p, c. int., currency. . 12,114,000 15,39»,9J3 13,479,144 San Francisco.... S 685,613 622,849 292,621 022.849 15. 28« (Quotation in N. Y. market Mcli. 1, 127X.) Oth'rres'TO cities. 186 50,941,676 67,748,906 23.738,677 31,895,11,3 25 8.j» Interior 1,860 44,647,985 97,85t,910 13,278,450 34,.«",885 15 32'8 Totals $356,680, 160 $427,917,2-M $374,570,875 TotaU 2,086 140,511,451 216,147,065 80,590.606 118,712,723 .. ..,^ From these figures it will be seen that the present It is gratifying to find from these and other statistics, market value of the bonds greatly exceeds the value of that the general condition of the National banks is the circulation to be secured. The excess is estimated strong, whatever may be the exceptional state of a few by the Comptroller at $56,201,382 in gold value, and at individual banks. It is hoped that the Comptroller will $109,580,731 in currency value. Moreover, in the state- employ all the means at his disposal for discovering and ment of the banks for December 17, 1875, the item of dealing with the causes of evil in the weaker institutions. premiums paid is set down at no more than $9,442,801, The policy of frequent examinations in p.ost years has so that the resources of the National banks, at a gold been proved of the highest value. During tlie transition valuation, b.ised on the present prices of their bonds, towards specie payments, our banking system will have appear to be 46 millions more than is reported in the to bear a severer strain than has ever yet been put upon statement of December 17 last. This statement compares its machinery. When the pressure comes we shall need as follows with j'revious returns : all the help which a sound and vigorous banking system HATIOHAL BARKS OF TBS UNITXD STATES, DBOKMBEB, 1875. can give us to make resumption easy and safe. 1875. 1874. 1873. Decembern. December 31. December 26 LiabilUies. 2,U86 banks. IfiH banks. 1,976 M/iJo.' now SHALL WE STOP IT ? Capital stock paid in $505,485,865 $495,803,481 $490,266,611 Surplus fund 133,085,422 130,485,611 120,961,267 The sad disclosures of fraud and bribery made public Undivided proats 59,204,958 51,477,630 58,375,169 during the past ten days have alarmed the Nation. A National bank notes outstanding .... 314,913,451 331, 193,159 811,820,256 State bank notes outstanding. 818,723 850,775 1,130,585 member of the Cabinet, high in the esteem of those that Dividinda unpaid 1,363,.397 6,088,845 I,26!l,474 knew him best, has miserably f.illen. The details we do Individual dcpoBils 018,517,346 682,856,249 540,510,602

U. 8, deposits 6,652,557 7,492,307 7,680,375 , not propose to repeat, for all know them too well. But U. S disbursing oflicers 4,232,551 3,570,722 4,705,59:J J while mourning over the .shame that has eome upon us, Due to National banks .•. .. 119,843,665 129,188,671 114,956,666 Due to State banks and bankers 47,048,174 51,629,602 36,598,076 may we not turn our mourning to best account if we can Notes and bills re-discounted 5,257,161 6,385,053 3,811,487 only be incited to cnre some of the evils which are its BiUspayablo 7,056,583 5,398,900 7,754,1.37 cause ? A diseased tree may have its life prolonged by Aggregate liabilitie* $1,823,469,752 $1,902,409,638 $1 ,729,3S0. Resources. cutting off the infected branches; so wc, by exposing L cans and discounts $358,071,^37 $950,898,978 $856,816,555 and removing the delinquents, may purify the atmosphere Overdrafts ... 4.500,371 4,963,602 U. S. bonds to secure circulation 363,618,100 382,976,200 389,334,400 somewhat ; but if there is a worm at the root, there is the U. S. bonds to secure deposits 13,951.500 14,714,000 14,815,200 spot for the pruner's knife. U. 8. bonds on hand 16,009,550 15,2SO,.30O 8,630,830 it the is one have Other stocks, bonds and mortgages. 31,8o7,«61 28,313,473 24,.353.125 As we look at story no new ; wc Redeeming and reserve agents 81 ,462,682 80,488,831 73,032,046 tried to enforce its moral time and again. The results of Due from ether National banks 44,831,891 48,100,842 40,404,757 the evil are seen not alone in the W.ar Department but Due from State banks and bankera . 11,895,551 11,655,573 11,185,253 Real estate, furniture and fixtures.. . 41,583,312 39,190,653 35,666,746 they are cropping out everywhere. The disease is Cnrrest expenses «,2ie,455 5,510,566 8,678,170 national. One tells us it must be charged to the prevail- Premiums paid 9,442,801 8,626,112 7,987,707 Checks and other cash itema 11,238,721 14,005,517 12,321,972 ing extravagance, first official and then private, and to Exchanges for Clearing House 112,995,317 67,886,967 62,881,342 the necessities which arc fostered by extravagance. But Bills of other National banks 17,166,190 22,.508,0S6 21,403,179 Bills of state banks 24,300 these are simply results of causes back of them. Another Fractional currency 2,901,0:3 3,392,668 3,287,454 charges it to the low state of morals among ns. Sn»e Specie on hand 17,070,906 22,436,761 26,907,037 Legal tender notes 70,785,077 82,751,791 108,719,606 enough this is so, but whence came this moral dry rot ? U.S. certificates for legal tender notes 31,005,000 33,523,000 24,010,000 Still another tells us that it is our civil-service system Five per cent Redemption Fund 15,971,657 16,935,063 defective. too, is true, and yet Duo from U. 8. Treasurer other than which has been This, 5 Pv'r cent Redemption Kund 3,230,600 4.108,020 these are diseased branches of a tree that is dying at the Aggregate resources ....$1,823,469,752 $1,909,409,638 $1,729,380,303 root. We have corrected this table from the latest returns Notice also how widely the evils complained of pre- prepared by the Comptroller, and it shows now, we be- vail. They are not in Wiishington alone, or in ohe or lieve, systeifi. the accurate figures indicating the bank movement two States ; but they run through the whole during the last three years. Only think what a world of fraud and baseness, A still more important question touches the adequacy thoroughly organized, the whiskey prosecutions have of probing the reserves of the banks. The public interest in this uncovered ; and still the indications are that the question has always been very great, and since the recent has been as yet only surface deep. Go back further, and legislation relieving the banks from the obligation of recall the moiety frauds; or take the more recent instance holding a cash reserve against their circulation the sub- of the Indian Bureau. The s,ame features are common

ject has attracted a larger share of attention than usual. to them all. And even in the War Department case, the : :

U4: THE CHRONIOU^. [March 11, 18^6.

Htatements now aie that the original oharge has become to carry our umbrella and overshaes; to have office* many, showing apparently a principle running through created for all our sons and daughters as they reach the service, that everything in the gift of the (iovern- puberty ; to have our interests looked after or protected. ment was for sale. In our own State (not to speak of in some way, so that we may gain what honest, personal the corruption in this city), we have had a separate little effort would never bring us; all these, and a thousand ring fatting on our canal system until Governor Tilden other services we might mention, may appear to many shook them off; while every Southern State has been minds desirable, but they are the things that are educat- really the pasture ground of political cormorants. But ing our people up to the idea that the Government is not we forbear to multiply illustrations. The truth is that for protection, but simply for the purpose of furnishing the very atmosphere has become impure, through the everything we need, and that it is honest for each citizen> wide-spread unfaithfulness developed. city or village to draw out of the Treasury as many dol- From all this we become conscious of one fact: that is, lars as possible. This evil, in the interest of a pure an assumption on the part of officials everywhere that administration, needs instant correction. The Nation governments were made for the subsistence and enriching should be at once disabused of the idea that the Eagle's of the officers. Hence, when these men had fastened on wings are for us all to cuddle under. any vital part, like a leech they engorged themselves Finally, official faithlessness seems to be almost a regardless of everything except the capacity of their own necessity of the expensiveness of obtaining, and retaining, stomachs, considering all they could get, by fair or foul office. A party's success now, depends upon the size of " means, perquisites" of the office. Nor has this idea of its election fund ; and when any election is in prospect, the nature of government been restricted to the ruling office-seekers must respond largely, and office-holders are class. During the war, almost as a natural consequence, assessed and made to pay a percentum of their salaries the central head of the Nation grew stronger; assumed into this corruption treasury. The result is that when new powers; became the dispenser of all kinds of favors, an office has been obtained, these outgoes have to be " giving out contracts and offices without number, until made good in some way, so that official " perquisites the entire country grew into the belief that not officers become a necessity. Would it not be well, in addition alone but everyone had the right to draw all it could to enforcing strictly the provisions now existing against out of the Government. And thence, through contracts bribei-y, to pass a law that any officer who receives or pays or through official positions or through legislation, a large any such assessment, shall be guilty of a misdemeaijor ?

in or . another majority of the people became one way This would be stringent ; but the system of assessing for Government beneficiaries. It would be a marvel, if the election purposes those Avho occupy positions under the

congressional acts of the past ten years could be analyzed^ Government is, perhaps, fruitful of more evil than any to show how considerable a portion of the Nation has other practice. Of course salaries must be just so much thus attempted to be lifted upon its feet and then kept larger to admit of it and in that case it is a direct of the there, not by simple honest industry but by some contribution from the Government ; or if not large

thousand legislative expedients known to the initiated. enough to admit of it, the official must make the But while the Government has thus been working into assessment good in some way. As an illustration, we find this false position, it has also encouraged speculation in these whiskey developments the fraud practiced was and discouraged honest labor through a currency per- justified by one participant because the money was

petually fluctuating in value. It is scarcely necessary to appropriated to an election ! If we wish to be rid of

say that the uncertainty produced from this cause is a official corruption, we must remove the causes that are

constant drag upon every real industry, and a constant producing it. stimulant to every demoralizing influence. Extravagance and low morals are the natural product of such surround RAILROAD EARNINGS IN FEBRUARY, AND FROM JANUARY 1 TO MARCH 1. ings. This requires no proof^—we all admit it. While Railroad earnings in the month of February were exceptionally then we are hitent on exposing and punishing the guilty good as compared with the corresponding month of 18T5. The (for this of course should be pursued relentlessly), let us increase on most of the Western roads is of large amount, and not forget to strike at these nurseries of evil. taken altogether, the reports received make the most favorable First, and above all, give us an honest, stable currency; showing tiiat we have had in many months. The reports from 80 that wealth may be once more a reward to the pro- all companies furnishing definite returns are given in the tables below, and in addition to these the earnings of Chicago & North ducer and not the speculator. It is the spirit of industry western are stated on authority to show an increase of $183,000 that we need to revive and cultivate. Everything of for the month, and Rock Island an increase of $40,000. late years has discouraged the slow, plodding mode of As to the progress of business it appears from many of the olden times. To acquire riches fast and spend them reports that the largest improvement was shown in the fourth equally fast are the necessary characteristics of this age week of the month, when the increase f s compared with the game of greenbacks. Faithfulness, honesty and integrity can week of 1875 was quite remarkable. This wag partly accounted for by the fact that there were 29 days In February this year, and never grow out of such conditions. the earnings of the additional day were thrown into the reports And in the second place let us simplify our of the last week. On the following roads the returns for the of offices government; diminish largely the number fourth week of the month compare thus with 1875 by taking away many of the duties now performed; FOURTH TVKBK IN yEBRUABT. 1876. 1875. 1 and discourage the idea, which at present appears Canada Southern $30,r99 J6,890 Cbicago Milwaakee & Bt Paul 154,000 51,700 to prevail, that every man or congressional dis Michigan Central 168,518 99,944 Missouri Kansas * Texas 76,568 55,489 trict has a right, either directly or indirectly, to an Ohio & Mississippi 61,147 35.350 St Louis Iron MouBUin & Southern 66,500 36,79s appropriation out of the Tieasury. It may, in imagina- St. Louis Kansas City & Northern 60,630 39,816 in the tion, be very agreeable to have a half-dozen commis- There was undoubtedly a large movement in February important articles of corn, wheat and cotton. It is hardly neces- sioners at four thousand dollars a year to hunt up the sary to refer in detail to the large receipts of cotton, including a genealogy of the potato bug ; to have a bureau to supply heavy overland movement, but as to corn and wheat the following seeds and an annual volume for us with our pumpkin figures showing the total receipts at Chicago, Milwaukee, Toledo our library; to get a bulletin every day telling us Detroit, Cleveland, St. Louis and Peoria, in each of the last four Interest whether it is going to raJn, so that we may know when weeks, are of much : . : . . : :

March 11, 1876.] /fflE tSHRONICLfe ii45

Wheat. , . Corn. — > Week ending— 1876. 1875. 1876. 1875. Cate0t fllonetarD anb (Sommercial (fngltfl) IS ton Mircb4 bnali. SS5,987 633.698 1,IHW,881 754,856 J'ebruU7 U 685,«10 6S8.66S l,49i>.«6« tiSS,tM6 1» 614,340 436,804 1,037,9?S 504,851 RAri{« OP B^OHANUB AT LOIfDON. AND ON LONDOIt 18.. 6!M,823 44»,»i8 1,251,40» 587,734 AT LATB«T DATBS. ' Total four week a »,799,9BO «,0«8,513 5,419,4«i 8,778,784 'These tigurea are siguificsnt, particularlj as to the corn trani- KXOHANGB AT LONDON— KXCBANGX dS :port«tioii, and they seem to imlicate that the earniuga In the fint FSBBUAHT 88. LONOdM: ^week in March will be fully maintained. It will bu observed in the table below that several roade have LATIST DATC. •been obtained for February which have not heretofore been fur- inishing tbeir returns, and it is to be hoped that the growing Amaterdam short. Feb. 18. abort. oa raeutiment in favor 18. of more information about railroadn will result Antwerp 8 months. 85.80 /in inducing every prominent company to furnish reports. Hamburg... Smo*. 80.87 Paris short. .HAILBeAD XARNINSS IN nBRUAHT. •hort. ».1( Paris S month*. 1876. 1875. Increaae. Oecreaa*. Vienna Feb. 18. Smo*. lii.ao ^Canada S«u(taem .„ $141,161 $41,r01 $99,660 $ Berlin short. 80.4S Central Paclflc ,,.... I,0t0,000 906,169 93,841 Prankfort 80.45 (Chicago i Alton »13,0-28 358,319 14,809 St. Petersburg Smo*. Si 8-33 Chicago Mil. 4 St. Paul 618,000 3M,a7S 194,727 Cadiz ia»7.-i7)< Gtonoa ©27.77 Wlinola Central 608,136 4 1,681 128,441 «7.7*>i >4 Nanles.... 97.72^4 a27.TIX 1 'idianap. Bloom. * Weat 143,649 96.894 46.8;5 Madrid 47M»M. Iron Mt. . Hid. Penang Total $5,830,963 $4,8*6,034 $1,013,206 $18,878 Singapore . . . j». Jan. |3. Netincr.iaau 994,938 Vo'ji'd. ii'.'id. Alexandria Feb. 16. Smo*. aa osa lABNiHoa rsoii jan>art 1 to vebbuaby 39. 1876. 1875. Increaae. Oecreaa*. Canada Soutbet n $364,908 $:38,989 $13.\91S $ IFrom our own correspoadenUI Cealral Puciflc 1.961,000 1,870,097 90,903 Cblcag* A A lt

Cblcua Milwamt :ee & St. P. . 1,046,000 789,374 356.636 Cln. Calayelte 4 Chicago*.. SO, 773 56,695 4,077 The money market remains firm in tone, but without much Denver & Kle Or ande* 55,883 3P,837 16,545 activity. The payments on account of the revenue are consider- Hannibal & St. J oaeph •300,l,')3 910,818 89,334 minolB Central 1,196,573 1,073,719 133,861 able, and the supply of money seeking employment in the dis- Indianap. Blooto. Jk West 376,085 218, 36« 63,669 International &. Ot. North'n. 360,006 8.35,075 »l,931 count market is, in consequence, rather limited. In a few days, KansaaPacidc 413,548 371,858 41,690 however, the Bank of England will be granting loans on the MIcbiMn CeutTif 1,067,336 94J,5»5 134,711 Mo. Kanaas jfc muas 511,183 403,639 108,543 security of the forthcoming dividends, and an increase in the Ohio & Mi8.-i«i06 35,587 purposes, the heavy and continuing fall in tlus pries of silraf Home Watertown & Ogdenab. 80,72 < 67,504 13,234 having induced several other nations to advocate the neeeeaity of SU P. * S. C. & S. C. £ SU P. 6.9,18: 33,880 36,:J07 employinjir gold as the single standard of value. A time may, ToUl $1,088,4101,088,410 $865,156 $32.3,254 Netlncreaae 223,364 therefore, come when the money market may assume a coaditioii The operating expenses ef the Missouri Kansas Texas & Kallroad, during of considerable firmness, but this is not likely to be the ease until the month of January, were $13 r, 433, leaving $139,036 aa the net aaruings. The earnings and expenaea of the Houston & Texaa Central Kailroad, for trade revives, and there is a more general employment for capita].

I the month of January, are shown in the auhjuined statement: Trade, just now, remains quiet, and there seems to be bo disposi< 1876. 1876. liilroBS earnings $304,682 78 $223,356 (9 tion to depart from the cautious policy hitherto pursued. Pos- 'Operating expenses 178,lb7 ,'>1 166,984 8; sibly, however, though profits may be small, business seems to be Netearnlngs $1*6,495 27 $55,973 03 conducted on a sound basis, and this is a good sign. Netgain 71,233 35 Xarningaand expenses of the Nashville Cbsttanooga & St. Louis Railroad The demand for money during the week has been fair, and the Company, during January, were as follows 1876. 1875. quotations are aa follows : „ , Haeslpts ....$173,886 $149,180 ««P«nsea 10O,08« 115,'i54 Percent. Open-market rates Per cent. Bank rate 4 4 mouths' bank bill* Nat earnings SXO... $78,399 $38,2*6 Open-market rates 6 months' bank bill* SjiOiK Xaraings and eipenaea ef the Phliadelphta Brie & Railroad, far Januarv.are .30and 60 d ITS' bill* 3\(^... 4 6 months' trad* bill*. 4 reported below and 0

246 THE CHRONlCLR [Ma:cli 11, 18.6

18-:5. 1812. 1613. 1674. 1816. shares and £41,600 by loan. Four of the bills are for tramways Coin and bnlllon Ir. £ £ £ £ £ ' both depailmeDfai.... »3.795,4n 25.273,593 22.181,383 20.86«,99ii 22,801,801 in England, and one for a line in Ireland. The number of bills Bank-rate 8 c. 4 p. c, p. 3>i p. c. 3MP-C. 3)i p. c. for new gas works and other Consols 95>.' 92% 94X^d. questions in connection with its Knglish wheat. Oi. ../ 65s. 7d. 603. 8(1. 633. gd. 42i. Td. 43s. supply is 40, the proposed capital for which is £4,932,973, of Mid. Upland cotton .. nS'd. 9Xd. Sd. 7 ll-16d. 6 7-16d. No.40maleyarnrair M which .€3,531,800 is by shares and £2,401,172 by loan. Of these quality li. 4d. la. 3d. li. Id. Is. Od. llXd. bills 37 relate to works in England in Clearing Honseretnrii 134,812,000 143,202,000 131.827,000 141,902,000 116,093,000 and one Ireland. The bills relating to the supply of water amount to 29, and the capital Tlie Bank return for the week is more favorable, and the pro- proposed to be raised is £4,5.53,000, of which £1,490,800 is by portion of reserve to liabilities is now 42f per cent. The Treasury shares and £3,061,200 by loan. The general total of the amount balance lia» been increased by £1,371,727, making the total proposed for railways, tramways, gas and water projects is .17,928,10.'), ngainst £0,198,030 last year. The supply of bullion £40,306,300. held by the ISank also continues to increase, notwithstanding The adjourned debate upon the national purchase of the shares that tbero is still a moderate export inquiry. Coin, in fact, is in the Suez Canal was resumed on Monday night, and the bill still returning from provincial circulation, and the total stock of authorizing the payment of the £4,000,000 was agreed to without bullion is now £32,801,807, against £20,802,992 in 1875. The a division. The arguments of the opposition were very lame, and total reserve is £11,413,207, against £10,199,872. no doubt the Liberal party are glad that the question is finally The following are the rates of discount at loading cities abroad • settled. Some strange statements were made during the debate.

Bank Open j Bank Open One member stated that the purchase might efTected rate, market. rate, market have been | per cent, per cent. per cent. per cent. for £2,000,000. Mr. Lowe labored hard to prove that Messrs Paris 4 Brnsflels 3 Amsterdam 3 3 Tarin, Florence and Rothschild had received two much, and compared the transaction Hamburj; .. B 23i i}4 with that of the payment of the Alabama claims, the commission Berlin 'i' 2X Leipzig 4 3 Frankfort 4 25i Genoa 5 4>« on which was £5,000 less. He also made the extraordinary Viennaand Trieste..... Geneva 3 3 Madrid, Cadiz and Bar- New York 5®6 statement that the newspaper press supported the purchase, celona Calcutta because it might lead to war, which the newspapers liked because Lisbon and Oporto, . 3« Copenhagen ...... 6 St. Peterabure Constantinople... it was profitable. Newspaper proprietors could, however, tell a Gold has been in moderate demand for export, and all our im. very difierent tale. Mr. Gladstone asked why matters could not portations have been absorbed, in addition to which a few parcel* have remained where they were, as there had, so far, been but have been withdrawn from the Bank. The silver market has little trouble with the company. At one period, however, and been weak, notwithstanding that no tenders for hills on India not very long ago, a serious difficulty arose respecting the have again been accepted. There appears, just now, to be but tolls, which led to somewhat protracted negotiations, and it is little demand for the means of remittance to the East, and the naturally to the interest of this country that all such question arises how the government of India will procure funds difficulties should in future be avoided. Mr. Disraeli to carry on the expenses of government here. A sum of £1,200,- stated that the Government had not mado the purchase OOO now remains nnallotted. The proceeds of the sales of these in ignorance of the number of votes the shares would carry, and bills has enabled the Indian government to furnish itself with he maintained also that the possession of a large interest in the the neces.sary supplies, but now that there is very little prospect Canal must give this country considerable influence in its man- of the price rising to a point lucrative or satisfactory to the Indian agement. He ridiculed the fears of complications. The purchase government, the opinion seems to be that a loan will have to be had not been recommended as an investment or a commercial resorted to. The supply of silver shows every indication of speculation, but as a political act calculated to strengthen the increasing. The surplus German coinage, and the increased empire. As such, he observed that it had from the first been quantity being produced from the mines in Nevada, etc., hang recognized by the people, who were really sick of the talk about heavily on the market, and there is an impression that the the "silver streak." The people of this country, he observed, want the empire to be maintained, quotations will fall to a still lower point. The quotations for to be strengthened ; they will bullion are now as follows: not be alarmed even if it bo increased. Because th#y think we

SOLD. d. 8. d. are obtaining a great hold and interest in the important position Bar Gold per oz. standard. 77 nva of Africa—because they perceive that it secures to us a highway B.« Gold, fine ; per oz. standard. 77 9^ra to our Indian empire and our other dependencies, Bar Gold, rcllnable per oz. standard. 7'; iiKiJ the people of Simniah Doubloons peroz. 74 6 ® England have from the first recognized the propriety and wisdom South American Doubloons peroz. Vii 9 @ United Sta*.ee Gold Coin peroz. . (£ of the step. BILVSS. d In spite of the fact that the quantity of wheat afloat has I BarSilver, Fine per oz. standard. 54^' a declined considerably and is now smaller than at any period dur- Bar Silver, con'ng 5 grs. Gold per 07. standard. 54 7-ie<(JI ing the current season, the wheat trade has remained in an inactive Mexican Dollars peroz. last price. 51% a Spanish Doll.irs (Ciroins) per oz. none here ® .... state, and where sales have been pressed, lower prices have had Kive Franc Pieces peroz ® ..!! Qnicksilver, £10 lOj. to £11 per bottle. Discount. 3 per cent. to be submitted to. The supplies of home-grown produce arriving In the Stock Exchange a jjrominent feature has been a demand at market are still below tho.se of last year, and are also much inferior in quality. either for the first mortgage bonds of American railroad companies, in Any improvement, as regards quantity the value of which a further improvement has taken place. For or quality, is not to be expected during the current season, as United States government securities the market has also been neither is to be obtained. The better qualities of foreign wheat command, therefore, a steady sale at full prices but all inf(rior firm, but in other respects the stock markets have presented a ; dull appearance and the quotations have had a downward ten- qualities of produce are difficult to sell. Although, however, the dency. In the value of Egyptian government securities there quantity of wheat afloat has fallen off so considerably, yet it must havrt been repeated fiuctuations. be borne in mind that there are still largo stocks of foreign wheat TUe Board of Trade have issued this week their report on the in granary, and it is this circumstance chiefly which induces millers to operate with is several railway, tramway, gas and waterworks bills, which are so much caution. The woiither also to be investigated during the present session of Parliament. mild, and as buyers believe in an early reopening of the navi>>a- According to this document the number of bills which relate to tion of ice-bound ports, they perceive no necessity for accumulating railways is 132. The number of bills promoted by existing a stock. They naturally believe that as soon as spring has fairly returned, of afloat railway companies is 90, to construct l.'jS miles of new lines, the the supply wheat will increase, and that the

capital proposed to be raised for which is £21,487,36,5, .£10,83.5,07,') visible supply will again exceed the probable demand. It may be that for of which is by shares and £.5,152,290 by loan. Of these bills, C9 observed the weather autumn sowing was not propitious, are promoted on account of existing railways in England, 11 in and that six weeks of dry weather is now very desirable, in order Scotland, and 10 in Ireland. The number of bills promoted by that spring sowing can be completed under favorable con- new companies is 42, for the construction of 550 miles of railway, ditions. Neither has thero been much encouragement to the the proposed capital for which is £15,107,329, .£11,345,000 of farmers to produce wheat, and hence there is but little hope of being which is by shares and £3,824,329 by loan. Of these bills, 35 are the coming harvest an abundaut one. Wo may rest assured, for English lines, three for Scotch, and four for Irish, the total therefore, that our dependence upon foreign countries for a large mileage of the lines promoted by existing and new companies supply of wheat will not be mitigated for some time to come. being 705 miles, and the capital proposed to be raised for the The following figures show the imports and exports of cereal works £30,054,094. The number of bills which relate to produce into and from the United Kingdom since tramways I harvest—viz , amounts to five, for the construction of 25 miles, the pro- from September 1 to the close of the week, compared wi th the posed capital for nhich is £166,000, of which £125,000 is by corresponding periods in the three previous years : : : : — '

March 11, 1876,] THE CHRONICLE/ 247

vomaa iMMBn a« nw roac mb *n wm. 187B-6. 1874-5. 1873 4. 187S-3. 1873. 1874. 1«». xtnt. »,5I4 WbMt CWt. !i6 18,70«,0')7 aj,401,7IS a4,ft31,I03 DryKOOde |3,384.«Sr |8,7M,61» M.773.0M Barley B,31I,J49 8,252,45ii 4,fW0,la« 8.S2S,Ki6 General merchandise... 5,371,379 6,t68,MI 7 06(l,81t 3.Ma,«10 Okta 4,7iin,8st 4,468,%) 4,5!K),6I8 4,n20,S«:l Total for the week.. PeM a'i7,7Jn %5,7'.)l 4Sli,12l 7 17, '278 tA.404,893 tP,«43,54.) 110,819,858 U.6S9.tM PreviouBly reported.... B«aBi l.R«'.i.iira 1,1 60,761 9,M5.!»'J 1,86S,673 73,070,728 62,042.909 6B,0(.«,O47 53,7M,B33 bidlsnOarn 9,8«l,u4a 6.5!)7,8ie ;.6'14,l«l 11.0J«,«1» Since Jan. Hoar. S,«(5,U37 3,133,Ct>'J 3,5«I,913 I {82.175,611 110,686 453 166.819,905 t60,46l,5t7 la oar report of the dry good* trade will be found tlie KXFOBTB. imponiof dry goods for one week later. Vhatt 110.0(14 ir>i,4M 1,481,003 119,ft')7 The following is astatement of the eiports(exc1aiive Barley I4,lil5 I5J,0,')ti 83,1123 5,842 of tpecii-) Oats iio.aoo 67,461 57,212 vol from the port of New York to loreiffn porti.for the week endina Peaa 12,7Bl ia,87l 7,fi8« 4,4ri3 March 7 Baana 4,857 1,104 S,1S1 731 ZFOBTS TOOK H»W TOKK rOB TBI WBBB. Indlao Corn . 21.09.i S-1,«07 8».il» 15,671 1873. 1874. 187S. 187,1. Plonr lo.oai scuas S7,2iO 11,475 Per the week |;6.3!i8.3li t.5,.l3.s.l6t J5.34*.0flO |6,2«J,H10 PcevlooBly reported 41,i99.97r) 47,41*,.349 3;i,361,.%'l6 Tlio delivories of home-grown wheat are falling off, tho total 42,148,919

in the 150 principal markets for the week ending F«b. 19 heing Since Jan. 1 140,698,389 t.52,730,510 |41,«0.»,3!6 147,375,759 The tollowing will show the exports of specie from the port 44,714 quarters, against 4(i,.'iGl quarters in the previous week, and of New York for the week ending March 4, 1870, and since the 69,094 quarters in the corresponding week of last year. It is beginning of the year, with a comparison for the corresponding eatimated that, in the whole Kingdom, the deliveries amounted to date in nrevloas vears: 179,000 (juarters, against 230,400 quarters in 1875. Since harvest, Feb. 29-Slr. City of Mexico... Havana Spanish pold $378,477 A merican gold 50,000 the sales in the IDOprincipul markets have heen 1,100,C.')3 quarters, Mch. 1—Sir. Russia ..Liven>aol Silver bars 8,800 Mch. 2—Sir. Siicvia Ilambur^ Sliver bars 42,377 against 1,533,373 quarters; and in the whole Kingdom to 4,043,000 London Silver bars Ill*, Mi quarters, against 0,093,500 quarters in 1871-75. It is estimated Plymouth American gold coin. .. 850,000 Paris American Kold coin .. 90,000 that the following quantities of produce have now been placed Gold bars 81,580 Mch. 2— Str. City of Vera Crnz. Havana American gold upon the British markets since harvest 315.000 Mch. 4—Str. Lafayette Havre American gold lOO.onO 1875-6. 1874 5. 1573-1. 1873-3. Mch. 4—Sir. Republic Liverpool Silver bar« ea.noo cwt. cwt. cwt. cwt. Mexican silver 10,000 Imports of whestsincfi barvast.... 29.136,386 18,70i,n9? 22.4.14,713 24,881,163 Iinpartsaf Hour since harvest 8,595,637 3,72.3,669 3,3a912 3.567.913 Total for the week $1,431,416 Sales of Kusilish wheat S0,891,740 27,420,700 24,361,700 24,243,700 Previously reported $6,389,885

ToUl 62,323,703 49,8id,466 50,893,355 52,695,776 Total since January 1, 1876 $7,781,381 Same time in— I Same time In— Dednct exports of wheat and Hoar. 130,088 188,073 1,571,252 130,532 1875 $14,155,802 | 1870 $5,946,780 1874 5.984,48! 18*9 6,954,304 Result 52,203,675 49,658,393 49,322,103 52,565,244 I 1873 s I!,067,862|l868. , 13.195,306 Average price of Eii^Ii:*h wheat for 1872 ; 3,207,119 11867 5,746,117 the season 469. 5d. 45s. 6d. 62s. 2d. 57s. Id. 1871 9,86^3,920 1 1866 4,957,83$ The imports of specie at this port during the past week lia7e'~ Basliata niarlcet Beporta—Per Cable. bren as follows : The daily closing quotations in the markets of London and Liver, Feb. 23—Str. Colon Aapinwall Silver coin $8,Hi« Gold coin 3,083 pool for the past week have been reported by cable, as shown in Mch. 3—Str. Tybee ..St. Domingo... Silver coin 3,316 the following summary Qoldcoln 8,865 London Money and Stock Market.—The bullion in the Bank Total for the week $11,482 has increased £204,000 during the week. Prevlonely reported 575,969 since Sat Mon. Tnes. Wed. Thnr. Prl. Total Jan. 1, 1876 $587,401 ConBola for money 94 1-16 911-16 94 1-16 911-16 94 1-16 94 1-16 Same time In I Same time In— " account 94 5-16 94 5-16 94 5-16 94 5-16 915-16 94 5-16 IS75 12.481,692 1 1870... $.3,496,795 0.8. 68 (5-208,) 1865,old.l05 105 105 105 105 105 1874. 1,018,612 11869 2,236.377 1873 3.58,013 1368 1,103,8.37 1867 107« 107>i 107« 107,'i 107,V 107?^ I 1873 D. 8.10-40S 106"< 106 108 106 105« 106 278,524 11867..... 879 093 1871 Now 5e 106X 106 100),' 106 105% lOSJi 3,710,9731 for Panama Railroad.—In the suit of Aaron Freeman against the Tl? a quotations Dnited States new fives at Frankfort were : Panama Railroad Company, the Supreme Court, General Term, U.S.newflves 101« 101 101;i lOlJi lOlX lOlJi reverses Judge Donohue's dd^ision in the Court below. The Liverpool OoUon JfarAsi.—See special report of cotton, plaintiff, as a stockholder of the company, sued to prevent the Liverpool Breadatu^a Market.— railroad company from running steamship lines on the ground Sat. Hon. Toes. Wed. Thar. Pri. that no such power was given in its charter, and Judge Donohue s. d. s. d. 8. d. d. !b. d. B. d. granted the injunction asked for. Judge Davis gives the opinion of Plonr (Western) ^Ibbl S2 22 22 52 32 the (Jeneral Term, reversing Judge Donohue's order, and holds Wheat (Kcd W'n. 8pr).¥ ell 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 " (Red Winter).... "98 98 9 8 9 8 9 that the act incorporating the defendant company would have " " 8 (Cal. White club) 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 been constitutional if, in express words, it had said that the cor- Corn (n.W. ml^.)^ quarter 26 9 26 9 26 6 36 3 poration was incorporated ' for the purpose of constructing and Peaa (Can idian) V unarter 38 6 38 6 38 « 38 6 maintaining a railroad, &c., &c., and of purchasingand navigating Liverpool Proviaiona Market.— suck steam and sailing vessels from the several termini of said Sat. Hon. TueB. Wed. Thnr. Frl. railroad to and from the cities of New York and San Francisco as 8. d. 8. d. a. d. 8. d. 8. d. may be proper and convenient to be used in connection witli such Beef (meSB) new V tee 91 91 91 91 91 Pork (mess) now pbbl... 81 81 81 81 81 railroad." This leaves only the question whether the actual Bjcan(l.cl. mid.)new1(lcwt 51 6 51 52 53 53 words of the act empowering the company " to purchase and L^rd (.\incrican) " 59 6 59 6 60 60 CO navigate such steam and sailing ves.sels as may be proper to be 0he88e(Amer'n fine) " 61 61 61 61 61 used in connection with said railroad " include a power to ran Uterpeol Produce Market.— steamship lines, and Judge Davis concludes that in view of tbo Sat. Hon. TueB. Wed. Tbnr. Frl. geographical position of the road, and the possibility of the dis- 8. d. B. d. 8. d. a. d. 'b. d. 8. d. continuance of the Pacific Mail and other steamship lines to the \', Roain (common)... ycwt.. 4 6 4 6 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 9 power was intended to • " (pale) " 16 16 16 16 16 16 Isthmus, such be granted. Judge Bradyl Petroleudi(rofined) ip ga! 11 11 11 11 11 11 in an independent opinion, comes to the same conclusion. (spiilts) 8,4- " 8)f 8V4 8V »'/t 8X Tallow(.\merlc»n)...» cwt. 43 43 43 43 43 6 42 6 Peklii Liucoln & Decatur.—Under the decree of foreclosure CloversewKAm.red).. '• 60 60 CO 60 60 60 recently granted, John A. Jones, Master in Chancery, will sell Spirits turpentine " 23 6 24 6 34 6 24 6 24 6 24 6 this road at public auction in Springfield, III., April 21. The sale London Produce and Oil Marketa.— includes the entire road, 68 miles, and all the property of the company. Under the terms of the decree, bondholders Sat. Mon. Tnes. Wed. Thnr. Frl. who have S, B. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ «. d. deposited their bonds are allowed to bid for the property. Un8'dc'ltc(obl).1>tn.lO 15 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 —Messrs. Butterick, Goddard & ElUman is the style Un8eed(Calc«tta) 40 46 4o 46 46 46 of a new 8ii)far(No.l3D'ch8td) firm in the banking business at No. 3 Nassau street. The gen- — onepot.^cwt 218 21 6 31.0 31 81 « 31 tlemen who compose it are well known in financial circles from • Snormoil 9.-> T8tnn..95 93 95 95 35 their previous connection with prominent banks and banking Whale oil " . 34 34 34 34 34 34 houses in this city. They propose to act Unseed oil... .1? cwt. 23 3 23 3 33 3 33 33 33 both as bankers and brokers in the purchase and sale of securities, and the making of collections, receiving deposits and remittances, and will pay inter- (SJoiumcucial mii iHieccUamous N«u)0. est on daily balances. '.''' —We call attention to the card, in today's issue of the iHPORTj AND Exports for thk Wrbk.—The imports this Chronicle, of Messrs. A. H. Brown & C3o., No. 23 Nassau str<»et weekl show an increase in botli dry goods and general mer- Their house is well known, of some years' standing, and their cliandise. Tlie total imports amount to $0,000,054 this week, specialties are given in the card published. The business of against ^5,078,878 last week, and |9,018,313 the previous week. country banks receives particular attention at their hand.s, and we The exports amount to 15,230,840 this week, against j;4,498,987 last understand that their correspondents in this lino are numerous. "- week and $4,051,335 tlie previous week. Tlie exports of cotton —Attention Is directed to the banking card of Messris. the past week were 4,018 bales, against 15,085 bales last week. Richardson, Hill & Co., of 40 Water Street, Boston. The firm The tollowingarethe imports at New York for week ending (for does a general banking business, dealing in commercial paper dry goods) Mch. 3, and for the week ending (for general mer- and Investment securities, receiving deposits, advancing money chandise) March 3 on collaterals, and making culleotions, : - : T 248 THE (CHRONICLE fxMaich 11, 1876

ITeb. Mch. Mch. . Range 4 * ' ^^^'^eo. discount, and St. Louis, ' 13 15 Jan. 4, 18 Mch. 10 ?r*'S.u"'" par Virginia On Thursday, the Bank of England 6s, consolidated •75(4 •75^4 76V Jan. 29 76V Jan. 29 showed a gain of £364 000 do do 2d series *46 the discount rate ... •37M 44 Feb. 1 46V Feb. 26 remaining unchanged at 4 per Missouri 6s, long bonds cent. The Bank' 10 iV *103 100 Jan. 3 I04« Mch. B of France gained 27,708 District of Columbia 3.658 000 francs in specie. The Imperial Bank *7SV4 •72V liX my, Jan. 2I1 7i)i Feb. 16 of Germany gained 417,000 marks Railroads. Central of N. J. let cons *111 The weekly statement V IK'i •IISV 108V Jan 13!ll2VMch. 3 of the New York City Central Pacific ist, 6s, Clearing-House gold *108^ 108Ji *108V 104 Jan 111109 Feb. Ig Banks, issued March 4, showed Chic. Burl. & Qulncy cons., 78. *li a decrease of $594,750 in 8 'I09V 110 107V Jan 4118 Mch. 1|» the excess Chic. & Northwest, cp., gold,. above their 25 per cent legal reserve, the 92V 93,'; 93 esv Jan. S 93 Feb. 18 whole of such Chic. M. /, Jan. 3 110 Jan. The following table Erie 7i shows the changes from the previous Ist, 78, extended 108V *iU»y, •99 108 Jan. week Lake 28 109V Mch. and a comoarison witu 1875 and 1874: Sh. & Mich. So. 2d c. cp. •100 •KO IC5V, Mich. Central, cons. . 78 •lOSVi 103V •89 101 Jan. 105^4 Mch. ia_ —1876.- Morris Essex, 1st 1875. 1874. & mortgage. •116 U6y, •116V 114 Jan. 118 Feb. tol Mch. 4. Mck. N. Y. Ccn. &Hud. Istcp...... 6 Mch 7. •122V ia3V •122V!t30 Jan. 123V Mch. *M Ohio & Miss. cons., sink, fd '•98 •< 6 7 8. 9. ree..J»n.iJnly..i22j{ 10. tingent expenses and to fight opposition. Lake Shore has JI'JSJ 12SV 'laSk- m>4 128H shown J*-"*};-"-- eonp..Jan.4Jul,..:s8g jj^? iff* 128K frequent and large fluctuations, which have is, HO a, 188S ma 123V 138 apparently been reg..MayANoy.« is^ .m* T5i5 ' 118V 'llSV occasioned by the varying influences ••,B-»0a.l865 e»up..Ma/ A Not . ! . 118Ji on the market from the 8V s^ I18V tl8V long ••,».»o;a.l868,n.l.,reg..Jan. iJni; ,^ 119'^ 118V and short interests. The Union Pacific annual meeting llL i:s U9V 'iwv in Boston was without important results, the main figures ••i»-»s a,1367 !19V 'Ugv 119>,' of the reg..J»n. A JnlT •i2l3 *iai? t!>iv report as to earnings •i.S-10'a,lg67....coup .Jan.AJuV ISlJf 'ISIJi »I21V and expenses of 1875 being already known. 21!^ 12 k Pn! ISIV Today Erie •..».»0'i,188S rer..Jan.*Jny-.ili!.2lS.m*' 121V 121s advanced to 20i:, at the close, on the report of suc- '123 'iga «ia8 •B,»-»0'a,18«8 coup .Jan.*jS^?-.md Im cessful negotiations with the Del. Lack. & West, and the }0-jo;i m^ !23 »123 IJ3V Del. ••. re|. , Mar. . & 8^^ llH ?i^ Ji^L j,;^ .. ,.^ „, & Hudson Canal Companies for the laying of a third •19 rail on part !l'J2"*S'..";ii;-""''P-""-*8ept.Ml8|i llr m5 'iisv '\\l^ of the line, together with the report of a compromise «B ••9""terry.'llS^ 118^ with the ls.f«nd»d,18«l.S'SS2:2- M. ..coup... SV Im 'IiTk iIIk bondholders. Apart .QnarterlT. 119 ng;? 118? Il?2 •iitv •liii? from the operations in the four leading ^£."'««» "e..J.n.*Jai>. mv m^.wS'iMsl •m|.iM^ stocks above referred to, the most important point of general interest •TkttUtheDrieabld.noiaKwasmadeatitae was the large increase in railroad earnings, which is Board shown The range In pri.ies since Jan. in detail in the article on a subsequent page. At the 1, 1876, and the amount of each elau of bonds outstanding close the tone was strong. March 1, 1876, were as follows: Total sales of the week in leading >- stocks were as follows : Since Jan. 1. . , Amount — Mch 1 , Loweav. Hlfjest.^ Pacific Lake West'n Chic. * Ohio* St. Paul R.«K'?t?'-"d Coui,;i: Mall. •*.15f; r«K..n9V Jan. 1S3V Feb. 23 Shore. Union. N'weat. Erie. Miss. St. Paul, pref. oa, $193,51 1,850 Mch. IMl coup. . IJoji Jan. 10 f 4 .. .. 53,000 50,6(0 46,000 3, .'500 5.41)0 2,900 1S3V Feb. 8H,i44,l>0« 11,200 4,000 a, »«•, 18«S coop.. Jan «... .. 6T,60O 61,90.) 48,000 nev 3 IISV Feb. 33.879,750 2,700 4,100 3,60C 6,9(10 2,600 ••il»-**'l.l8«B,new,conp..ll7 110*778, wa 7... .. 3J,30O Jan 4 I20V Feb. 51,500 26,000 1,000 8,500 a, .300 3,400 2,.30O 59.686.100 142.977.1100 la,5-M'i, 1867 coop. 8... . 41.200 31,6J0 .llSV Jan. 3 Feb. 56,000 .WO S.-OO 1,200 J, 300 600 ea,S-IO'a,1868 123V 90,204,950 220.417,800 9 coup. .inv Jan. 3 I23V Feb. . .. 17,700 67,500 51,500 1,200 3,800 8, -300 4,400 60O 14,690,000 22,.783,800 l«,ie-40'i reg..ll6V Feb. 10 . .. 42.800 60,100 31,300 2,900 63,000 6 119V Jan. 141,706,550 2,500 4,800 3.100 Bt,10r40'l eonp..ll8 Jan. 4 laiV Feb, ta, funded, ItSl... .coup. 52,850,750 ^*''^ "^S'SOO .116V Jan. 11 119 Feb. i31,39'5!866 i7k'^°H'-V-?^SS '1.800 82,500 20,800 32,200 13,000 (iaOnrrency reg.. Jan. 281,662,650 Wljole stock. ..200.000 494.665 337,874 149.930 780,000 122V 6 128 Feb! 28 «4,6«8,51« 200,000 ISs! 992 128,744 The total number of shares of stock outstanding Oloiing prices of securities in London have been is given' in as follows: the last line, for the purpose of comparison. . ; « ,.. 9 M , : . , . ' ':

March 11, li76.] THE CHEONICLK. 249

daily hlj^heat loirest been aa The and prices b»ye follows: The following t«bl« will ahow the oourae of gold and oper*- iioni of the Qold Exchange Saturday, Mondar. Tuesday. Wednesday . Thoreda* , Prldar Bank t*cb day of the putpast week: Marci 1. March 6. .March 7. March a. March 9. March 10. • Quotations , Total , . Ai.^ Pac.,pref. 411 4X Balances 4V 4V Oiwn. Cow, High. At. * P»c. Tel. HH iiji ia)< "l-iX .... !9 :» ...... Clo*. Clearings. Oold. Cnrruoy. 1«X •nx •:8H BatnnUy, Oentrftl o' N.J. \I1\ I'-'IX •lo; iins< 106'. 107 tO«x I06X 106V VAIt 106* I07X Mch. ...114V IH'/i 114V 114V $44,874,000 18,141,780 t2,73«,U; •C., Mil.* St. P. 4^*< 4i« 4« 4S*4 42.1< 43 K 43 4JH 43k( 43H 41), 44 Monday, ...114V 1I4V 114V I14K 85,709,000 »4I,814 l,Ot«,IN uo prel.. S0.< BUi< »l g'J? 80 80t< " ™w UK 80S, 80H 8l'K fclK Tuesday, ...I14V II4V 114V lUV 81,MO,000 l,l«8,Ua 1,424.114 Clilc * sorth. liX *ix tih 43 4l,j " UM 42X 41H 42X 43W 41)( 41V Wednesday, ..IMX 114V lUV U4fi 28,138,000 l,«08,7n8 I.BISJM do prflf. «t'•iUH il9 •118 118V 1I8H IISV n'H iisg •I17« 1I8X •118 11. Current week •rle •'IH ISX i:» I8K 18 18.>< n« 18K 18 1-X i'H anx . .114V n«V 114% 114V tl)l).831,000 t t aan.ASt. Joi. lUK 18)t I8k lBi4 18J« ISH 18X •IflX ... HH HH PteTloufl •*eek. .lU ll«v US lUV 189,9««,OD0 981,870 1,10,181 pf. •28 •28 do. do. S9H M «« •as a»H ...... •2J 29 Jan, 1 to date,.. .113 % X 118V 115 114V ...... 'flarlem \4-iii 14a K ajxi42s •142 144V 143 143 •.... 144 •.... 144 IlllnoU Central ;(«s iWK U«X IWK •lirix iwv WiH IO)X 10;v 102V 102V Kf.'V Porelcn KxchanKe The exchange market was pretty flrm talielihore.... K% «4»t sax MX es «IV 6IH 63X 63X 63X •4X 65H on a fair business. Same motlerate shipments of specie Mlchlgnn Cent. wa SIX 60H MX 6l>« 62M 81). «2K 6'V "H ««H er hare «.ir.Ut)U.AU.U.'-.Hit lie ii5>j:i5«< 11.1 S IISH US»2 116 116', 1I6H 116X ll 14 13)« U to warrant shipments to Europe at a profit. If the estimates rsnama .' Dl •131 •18;" 13S" ISS laSH •I8.1S .... lU .... l« made of con8i 67 67 70 4.8.5J 4.8»i MX 6lH 68X 67V 6. primti sterling. We«t. Un. Tel. ti9H 7(11,- 68X »9J< fiK 69X 68X «»X 6:>« it 67V 68X AdameBxp ... KK m ".... 108 107 107 • lOJ linn I07X 105 f^ The transactions tor the ftmerlctn Bx. •lii (KV 62!< 63 «2X «2S 62 62X 63 «1X W 63 week at theOustoin Uonsa and 8ab United StatM.. 74 74 73X 73X wx ^^H i.SH WH 74 7IX •78 7B rreasurv have been as follows- Welle, Fargo.. •87 88 •« .... 8;x «7V 87V •8;s •S7)« «7H ••-.. IIX Custom 8ab-Trea«ary, House . •Thla la the price bid aad Bake t: no laK «aa made at ths Board. Receipts. • Paymenta.- Receipts. Gold. Cntrency. Oold,' Corren'T The entire range from Jan. 1, 1875, to this date, was as follows: M'ch 4 (1811,000 $543.0 8 75 1613,14; 39 I 681.4-18 0« t6H,044 88 " 8 671.000 617,70(1 99 63 " 60),39J 419,088 12 876,003 02 ,—Jan. 1, 187(1, to *at«.-^ Whole year 1875. ^ 7 478.000 831,175 70 687.157 52 ,399,081 78 I,00!,8l8 75 Loweet. Highest. HlgheBt. •' 8 308,000 :167,164 1 LoweBt. 19 447,935 64 1,798,512 28 WiO,7M 90 " :«tUntic<)fc Pacific pref, 4 Jan. 3: 7 Jan 31 3V Dec. 7 18 Apr. 9 316,000 330,849 50 9)6,789 67 103,107 21 787,>1H8 M " OS .AUantlc A Pacific Tel.. 18S, .Mch. 4182 Feb. -24 17),- Oct. 6 29XJan. 16 10 218,000 859,900 00 505,991 ,34 187,371 93 522,741 SJ •Centralof New JerBOT.:03 ,lan. 11|109'.(; Fub. '.I 99)i Oct. S I2') Apr. 27 'Chic, Mil. & St. Paul.. 351i Jan. 6 4(:Ji Feb. 1« S8X June 12 Apr. » „Tot«l. 8,405,000 2,978,119 13 3.79,3,31119 3,6e7,«',7 88 4,865,240 ' 40V 10 do pref eojiJan. S 8I>» Mch. 10 51 Mch. 1 b7V Dec. 28 Balance. March 3 44.681,09168 36,285 396 43 Northwest.... Balance, •Chic* 38X Jan. 7! 453,' Feb. 16 83Ji Oct. !l 48^ Jan . 4 March 10 ,,,. 44.070,666 49 31,718,517,12 do pref MH Jan. 5I 6715 Feb. 1.5 16 Oct. » 62XJan. > C-ALiF-ontfiA Mining Stocks.—The following prices, by telegraph from San •Chic, Rock I. & Pac..l04X .fan. b.lUy, Feb. IB lOOX May 28 liMJi Aug. 19 Francipco, arc furnished by Messrs. I. A 8. Wormser, 64 Broadway: •CoI.,OUlc. & I. C 3J4 Jan. 7 »Jt Jan. J8 3 June 18 9VJan. 14 March 10. March 10. .Msrch 10. Del., Lack. fJan. S 123 Apr. 27 Alpha 41 Eureka Consol 18 Overman 21 Erie lf)>f J.in. 7 49^ Mch. 10 l«i( June SI asVMch. f* Belcher 37 Gould A Curry 21 Raymond A Ely 20

18 Best , . . iHannibal&St.Jo Feb. 23 J2XJ»n. 31 15Ji Oct. 8 30V Mch. 29 A Belcher , 62 Hale A NorcrosB... 51 Savage 16 do pref. 26 Jan. 11 3.i>» J«n. .11 SOJi Oct. 13 87V Mch 27 Caledonia ti6 Imperial 15 Sierra Nevada 3i •Harlem California 90 130)i Jan. 8 !« Feh. H 127x Jan . 12 W Apr. 27 Justice 26 Silver Hill 12 :lllInoii Central f Jan. 31 7X Oct. 21 56 Apr. m I 10s... 78, g., 30 yrs|l07 112 69 of- 1892.. S90 'i? Panama -26 95 DallaslOs . 65 127 Jan. 4 1-% J«n. 8 tlOX Jan. 21 172 Apr. I •QalckeilTer I's, 1884 ,,.$104 lOJ Cities, S. Ant'io 10s. 80 17 Feb. Ul Feb. 2,1 13 May 14 35 Jan. 6 I 20X lOs, l!<7» 99 I Houston 10s. 43 do pref 8.3^ Feb. 71 24V Feb. 25! 20 Jnly liii 44 Jan. 7 % With iaterest. M. L., I. M. & South., li Jan. 4 26i/J Mch. 91 13 Oct. SO 27 Jan. S St. L., K.C. ANonh... 82Ji Jan. 7i 33 Feb. 26 19"i Dec. 21 45— Apr. 30 New Vork Oltjr Banks.—The tollowlng statement sbows Tol., Wabaah 6i & West. 3 Jan. 6>i Jan. 22 8x Dec. 21 21V Jan. x the condition of tlie Associated Banks of New York City for the Union Pacific 65V Feb. 25, 74)^ Jan. W 36 Jan. 18 82 V Not. 30 week ending at the commencement of business on Mch. 4, 1876: Weetern I'nlonTel.... 67)i .Mch. 9 80X Jan. 31 V Feb. 17 Aag. 17 70 MX -ATSaASa AMOUXT OF- XdamsBxpresa lOl^Jan. 61II2 Feb. 16 98 Jan. S lOtX Mc"":h. Americau Loans and Lenl Net Clrenla- Expresi 57 Jan. 8j 67 Feb. 14 50 JuneSS 65 Jan 16 BA.HKB. Capital. Discounts. Specie. United Tenders. Deposits. tlOB. SUtc.^ BxprcBS. 58 Jan. S6 76V4 Feb. 14 41X Aiie. U f.5 Jan 11 Newrork |S,000,000 I9,5(«,'.<00 •2.931,000 11,219,000 89,894,000 837.900 WellB, Manhattan 2,050.000 Fargo A Co SOX Jan. 7i 91 Feb. I'VJ 71 Aog. in 9JX Apr. 30 Co 6.630.500 864.800 39!,ie0 4,371,800 9.500 Merchants' 3,000,000 7.891.100 617,700 1.64 t,lW 6,342,700 318,780 Mechanics' 2.000,004 6.472.3(X) 2:9,200 4,«'24.20a 368,800 Tlie latest railroad earnings and the totals from .lanaary 1 to 1,013,300 Dnlon 1,500,000 3.956,300 622,600 605,500 3,048.000 latest dates, are given below. Tlie statement includes tlie gross America 3,000,000 9,a4,SO0 1,136,900 1,195.900 7,010,800 •r,2» Phcsnli 1,SOO,000 3,)7'>,Jrt' earnings of all railroads from wbirli returns can be obtained. 389,300 3U0 481,700 City 1,000,000 5.53-',20O 1,171.100 2,572,000 6,081,000 The columns under the heading " Jan. 1 to laest date " fur- Tradesmen's 1,000.000 3,iK;.4(X' 2;o.s 193.6U0 1.776,200 774'i06

Fulton 600,000 1 .ihSB.aoo 144,000 392.300 l,173J0O bish the gross earnings from January 1 to and including the Chemical 300,000 -,]91.«i0 44<,'AKI I,«!l0,1C0 7362.300 |»eriod mentioned in the second column. Merchants' Kich ,,, 1,000.000 3.610,400 3?7,3UO 357,400 S,067,4'JO 4a.«ai Sallatln. National,, 1,500,000 S7S,000 3e6,100 3,006.700 498.400 Butchers'&Drovers' 800,000 1,7U6,1 00 5'J,' 00 :il:),(iOO , LatesteamSngs reported. , Jan.l to lateet date. l^UOOO 144.000 60(f,000 1, -1.17.6110 10,800 BMdi. 1876. 1875, 1876, 1371 MechanlcB&TrBderi 272.100 1,114,900 198,700 green wlch 200,000 ,6l,-2J0 100.300 739,300 2,700 Atlantic x, Pccific... 3d week of Jan.. Si4.9l2 $21,418 »71,7-28 ,18,031 Leather Manuf 600,000 3.t>l7,«0 4S-2,9o6 429,000 3,S1<,«00 340,«oa Canada Southern... Month of Feb. 141,161 41,501 261,902 188,989 Seventh Ward 300,000 >56,J(X' 61,100 1W.2a« 3)0,900 80,100 Central Pacific Month of Feb.. 1,000,000 9 6,159 1,961,000 1 870,097 State of N, York. 2,000,000 3,9;!,a« 292,800 !,13U.10a 2,S2«,«n 347.900 Chic. .* Allon Month of Feb. 343,028 328,31!) 61S,R23 648,117 American Kxcb'ge. 5,000,000 n,t52,l'0tl 817,000 2,693.000 8,670,000 409 .(00 Cliic. Mil. A St. P.. 1st week of Mch, 1.39,000 100,7011 1,181,001 890,074 Commerce 10,000,000 19,-2:. ,300 1,546,600 1,6^6.900 7.CSI,l(-0 2,918J00 Oin.Lafay. A Chic. 3d week of Feb. 9,2« 8,003 60.772 56,690 Broadway 1,000,000 1,657,600 77,-iOO 8u6,,yio S,<89,100 S9«,a00 Mercantile 1,000,000 3,697,500 199,600 586,700 3,511,400 28.000 Kenvcr A Rio G.... 3d week of Fell. 8,003 ,1,966 5S,3s2 38 837 Pacific 422.700 1.949,3(J0 12,200 426,800 l,BI3,4(n Hannibal St. .Jo.. Month 1 16.'.:?6 A of Feb.. 157,184 .300,152 810,818 ,1,610,300 f63,!HI0 3S9,900 IMioOC Rous. Republic 2,000,000 3,009,500 A Texas C. I8t 2 weeks Feb. l-2«.7<» 10.3,301 425,482 326,560 Chatham 450,000 3,216,100 232,300 117,400 3,405*10 i74,«ao Illinois Central ... Month of Feb.. 608,1-26 481,681 1,196,573 1,072,712 People's 41-2,500 U^S'^SCO 4C0 .,V1,90U 1,177,100 5,900 Indianap. Bl. A W, Month of Feb.. 142,649 96.824 276,0 » 21.3,J66 Sorts America 1,000,000 2.673,700 31,800 4-ffl,000 3,390,100 l,l«)0.0(IO »,6J7,3O0 T.'2,S00 '289,666 Int, A Great North, Month of Feb .. 118,6 11?,,500 200,006 215,076 Hanover •3I0U 3,160,WO •^,p; 6.00(1 2-«,(WI 242,'.00 111.900 K.insas Pacific. Month of Feb.. 805,609 802,6'25 41,3,548 371,853 Irving . . 500,000 Metropolitan l,OC0.f00 l-i.s -0,000 1.324.000 l,140.n(X) *,4«5,<00 219.000 Marietta A Cln Mouth of Jan lfi7,256 152, 8(« 167,256 162,806 Cltlrena •or.oc'O 1,716,IKHI 39,900 3!/4J0 1.7S3.80O 133 .CdO .Michigan Central.. Month of 54R,>i69 411,623 Feb.. l,0n7,3«6 » 18; 126 Nassau 1,00(1,000 i.373.500 34,S0C 316,600 xr.iAii 9,900 Mo. Kansas A Tex Month of Feb.. 254.723 304,540 511,182 408,639 Market. 1,000,000 2,7S(',800 116, 00 'i33.90G '^,: 15,900 191,3*0 .Mobile A Ohio Month of Jan... 8(9.234 196,729 229,234 196,739 3t. Nicholas 1,0(10,000 2,431,2.10 8S,30« 251,800 1,083,' 10 687.«O0 3.47i.8Ca 718.500 Ohio & Mississippi*. Month of Feb 293,039 248,181 60^,8,14 499,576 Shoe and Bcather. 1 ,000,000 4,4 3,700 90,300 718,10V Pacific Corn Exchange... 1,000,000 2,675 ,0JO U5,2II0 483,100 i.i«:,ioo 4J0S of Missouri . . 3d week of Jan. 71,7« 53,698 194.818 15-1,297 Continental 4.091.70(1 193.100 8.371,300 ."63,100 Phila. A Krie Month of Jan.. 231,193 195,606 831,193 195,606 1.500,000 Home, Oriental 300,000 1,42J,2 4.900 205 .008 1,131,200 4.000 Water. A Og. Month of Jan,. 80,728 67,504 80,728 67,504 94.400 3.06«,700 156 900 St.L.Al.AT.H.bchs. Marine 400.000 1.9,11.100 483,0l« Month of Feb.. 38,6«8 55,787 78,001 112,928 Importers'* Trad'rs 1,900,000 I6.'9!,9(I0 302.600 4,5'29.9dO 18,958,900 ttl.VOO St.L. I. Mt.A South. Month of Feb.. 312,600 881,012 164,700 632,701 Park 2,000,090 15,006 400 2.071,600 1,666,300 l«,tl8,700 60,(00 St. L K. C, A N.,.. Month of Feb.. 284,389 196,155 6,30,831 404,243 Mecli, Bank'gASBO, 500,000 I,013,-2i« 66,:ai 1I-J,70C 763.700 ao6,im St. I,. A Southeast... Xd week of Feb. 25.814 25,5:M 115,043 149,976 Grocers' .300,000 6i;,ll« 13,800 1-7,300 388,800 •iSO.SOD M.6on iSi.lOC 768.700 8t. Paul AS. City, Ac. Month of Jan. 69,187 ,^3.880 69,187 33,880 NonhUlver 1,000,000 350,000 ^91,200 14, 00 1*2. loo •01.700 184',46i Tt)l. PeoiiaAVVarsHW Month of Feb... 112,240 61,8' 211.448 133.246 East Wver Union Manutaet'rs'AMer, 800,000 374.900 8.9(« 164,600 •12.3(10 Pacific Month of Feb.. 688,000 620,307 1,221,000 1,195,237 8.-296,70(1 1,067,866 Fourth National , , . 5,000,001' 17,»<9,100 9C9,O0a Central National,.. 3,000,00(1 7,«1S.00ti 5«,3oa 2.190A)0 3^05,000 1314,000 * This year's fignres include the earnings of the Springlteli Dlrlilea, Second National.... 800,000 I.63>,000 I.12.O00 1.759,(00 139,0(0 Ninth National. ... IJi0,C0( 5.-3J.400 2J«,S0O 1.371,9(0 S.911,700 89.900 *he 6,521,100 45,000 Gold Warkoi—Gold has ranged between 114i and 114J, nrst National 500,000 r,07«,'00 1,091,900 9(j7,1«I National 1,4(0 1,239,4(XI 1,308,400 8,240,700 49.400 The principal shipments of coin have been to Havana, for Third lANO,00(i 6.1 which t1,Y,Natlonal Bzeh, SO«,a

I,eralTandaT« Dee, 3,067.900 I SoTerelgDs t4 95 90 Flvefranca - 90 9 - •» «t> The following are thetotals for a series of weeks past Napojeoni , , . 3 85 3 «S FTancs - 18 (9 — 19 a Clrcn- Aggretate Relchimarks 4 75 a 4 82 Knglsh silver 4 to £ 4 8S Legal Xeulldera 3 95 «» 4 06 Pmsslan p per thalcrs.. — 70 3—72 Laaaa. Boeele. Tanders, Dasoslts. latloB. CItwInM Fine illv^r 234.TS3JO0 17.ira.1fl8 444.910.717 bar« 1 15 ® t 16 PnlBslan si Ter thale,-s.. — 69 a — 71 F*l>.19... 368.011.400 33.04I.900 4J.967.800 . Ine gold bars parOX pnn Trade Dollars - 92 « - »t Feb. 36... -MtMOfiM 30.7a.200 a.oi3,ioe iua:4ao 17.n2.goo 8i^.tt',2*! Dimes and half di,i,e»,, - S7 « 90 Mek. 4... 370,163,800 3a.'m,l08 t6,948,3(e :36.4:6.400 U.983.S)8 458,«r2,745 : ::: 1 , ,. . . X

260 THE CHRONICLE. [March 11, 1876.

Aoston Banks.—Below we give a statement of the Boston B08T0«, PHILADELPHIA, Btc.-Contlnaed. National Banks, as returned to the Clearing House on Monday, Marcli 1870 8, uoDBmza. 8S0DBITI». Bid &ric Bantn Capital. Loans. Bpecle. L.T.Note Clrcul. ^.laacio t75U,000 tl.9O^.<90 t6.300 »5t,3aO (451.700 tISI.SoC A-Ia» 1,500,000 2.951,800 19.000 98.500 1,029.400 727.6(0 PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE. Klackatone 2,000,000 t.SSS.btU lo.rou 825.600 3,(e6.500 794,200 STATE AND OITT BONDS. Maryland 68, defence, .7. ft .1.. ill do 6s, exempt. 1K87 111 Boaton 1,000.00c 2.2IS.100 10.30U lJl,4oO 923.100 510,700 PennaylvanlaSs, gold, int. var do 68, 1S90, quarterly.., 106 noyliton 700,000 1.853,9(10 2,7011 75.000 658.!00 531.000 (fo do cur. Tar. Broadwar 300,000 39<.C0a • *>> 128.U00 156.000 1877- do 5b, quarterly 1«M0 do 61, 10-15 101 108' Central 1133.600 Baltimore 68, 1884, quarterly... 500,000 . , 81,300 357.6C0 ins.ico do do 15-39. 'i<2-93 113 2.14:f.900 do 68. 1866, J. ft J ion CoUmblan...., 1,000,000 19,910 1I8,1IUU 1.078,()UU 745,!(!0 Philadelphia 68, old, various 103H do 6s, 1890, quarterly... 1(9 Continental 1,000,000 2,139.500 .... 122,200 ^ 712.7( 575,200 do 6s, new do m>A do 6B,Parlt.l890, Q.—M. 108 Knot .,,, 1,000,000 2.441,800 133.600 t9,>00 071,600 7t3.10C Allegheny County Ss, do do 68,IS93. M.ft S 106 Krerett 400,000 9»7,800 3.100 65.700 526.400 206.B')ii FlttsbnrglB, 1913 do 6s, exempt, '93, M.&S FanenllUall 1.000,000 2,638.900 22.100 79,500 1.19(>,900 473.100 do 5b, 1913 1,703.600 2.100 do 68, 1900, J. ft J wb'x Freeman'!,,,, BOO.OOO 67.600 537.000 323.700 do 68. uold, TarlouB (>lob«i 1,000.000 2.467.100 5U.IR0 187,500 1,121.500 845,900 78,Watci Ln, variouB 108 do 6b, 1902, do iie« do Norfolk Water,8B Uamllton 750,000 1,739.000 74,700 31 .000 934,100 226.(10(1 78, Street Imp.. '83-86 lOSX do HAILROAD BTOOK8. Par. Howard 1,000,000 3.352,100 53,900 96.600 1.111.700 443.70C New Jeraey 68, Eicmpu. var. 1.500 Bait, ft Ohio-Stock 100 169 Manufacturera SOO.OOO M 3,210 67.3('0 676.200 in.ioc Camden County 6b, variouB..., \MH I.4ti.>,8U0 do Wash. Driirch. .11x1 120 Maricet 800,000 311.200 3j,300 478.100 352.100 Camden city 6a do .... 2.4a5.JU0 48,400 do Parkersburg Br. 5( Masaacbuietti 800.000 2 2 3(10 1.467,100 349.600 do 7s, do ... Northern Central 50 39>^ 1§^ MaTorlck 400.000 2.03I.7W1 60.200 99.500 l.,50-.,JI0 E52.80U 6b, do ... Delaware 5(' Western Maryland ' 6 Mercliaudiss 5CO,000 971.800 ,53.030 30.700 «77,(«C 86.6(XI Uarrlsburg City 6«, do .,., Central dhlo 50 43 Mernhanta' 3,000,000 !.Ji7.3lW 643,000 .135,100 5,114,700 1.750.1JO BAILBOAU STOOK8. 43 ^ PitlBburgh ft Metropolitan 500,000 SS5.UX) 69.100 520.000 45.01,0 Camden & Atlantic ConnellBvllle, 50 7 9 647,il00 ItAILROAD BONDH. Moant Vernon 200,000 S.4U0 67.000 366.1100 175,100 do do pref. lew KnKland 1,000,000 2.552,600 S7,60C 72,800 7'.6.3U0 735.80 CatawlBsa Bait, ft (Jhlo 6b. 188(1,,I. ft J.... 103 S( 101 North 1,000,000 3,17I.6CC 1,430 76.900 I,371,fOO do 68. 1885. A. ft O... 107 IOB 58;,1(I0 do pref N.W.Va.,3dM.(guar)'85.J.&J. OldBoston 900,000 l.s.52.4no 8:.6'J0 2*1.300 911.800 a08.7«, do 2n(l pref Plttsb.ft CcnneIlBv.7s.'98, do loijr 106>, Shawraut 1,000.000 j.eio.iioo 32.200 210.700 1,269,700 481.800 Bast Pennsylvania Northern Central do 103 102)( Shoe * Leather 1 ,000.000 S.50l)."'JI0 2E.800 SUl.'OO 1.636.100 759,2in BlmlraA wlUlamsport 68.1885, 3,B33,(i00 do 6s,1900.A.ftO. 103 State 2,000.000 »,00O 86.700 896.200 973.000 Blmlra* WlUlamsport pref. Suffolk 1.500,000 8.iil,:i00 69.300 do 68, Sold. 1900. .1 &J. 101 19.'.;oo 1.012,900 676.J0O Huntingdon & Broad Top .. 6 1.26") Cen. Ohio 68, 1st M ..!890,M.&8. lOOS Traderi' .,,,. 600,000 .500 17.700 67,9(0 748,400 155.5(«i do do pref. 12V4 W. Md. 68, lstM.,(er)'90,J.«J. 103 Tremont a.uOO.OOO 3.J*).tU0 10 i.9JO 9J,5(X) 907.000 556.300 Lehigh Valley 62)4 Washington 750,000 1.981. lit) 6.900 do iBtM., 1~90. J.&-J.. «l IIS.SOO 5J4 100 553.5C0 Little Sctanylklll rirat 1,000.000 3,654.900 60 ..500 253,4i'0 991,300 507.101) j4 do 3d M.. (gu»r.) J.&J. 108 Minehlll M.. (pref.) 91 8econd(Oranlte)... I.COO.OOO 4.141. 3IH' 411.6(0 321,500 1.4t5.li00 470.800 Valley 53H do 2d Nesquehonlng do 2'M.(gr.by W.( o.)J.&J. IOO Third 300,000 1. 193.700 67,110 ,-9 300 833.500 160.700 Norrlstown 100 do 68, 3(1 (guar.).J.ft J. 103 Fourth aou.'TO J^O.^OO 9.300 9.1,4(0 45,1100 Pennsylvania 54 M.J North Mar. ft Cln.78. y. ft A„1692.,. 107 UankofCommorce. 2,000,000 5.604..S00 214.700 1113,100 2.1 17.300 4S8,7ai Allegheny Blver 11?< 107V on Creek & do 2d,M.ft N 100 Bank ofN. America 1,000,WO 2,385.700 3,6(10 330.90O 1.060,200 552.2(Xj Pennsylvania B'k 5.5:r>.7l'0 do 8s,3d.J.&J 75Js' '•5« ofliudemptlon. 1,(X10,(!00 250.500 H4.600 1.793,400 651.3011 Pnlladelphla & Erie Bankof licpuiiUc... 3.063.21'0 Union FB.. Istcuiir.. J, ft J,, 1,500,000 14,700 160.200 761.(101 971.2(1(1 Pdlladelptiln* Beading 51 t r.;i SOO do Canton endorBed.. Oommouwealth 500.000 16S.000 279.1100 2.261,500 45.(HiO Phlladelnliia * Trenton Olty 1.000,000 T'JOO'SHJ as.ico 7Sl,a'0 HIBOELLANKOtra. 51,30C S)1.9lKl rhlla., Wllmlnir.& Baltimore. .' Baltimore tlaB, certificates Baifle I.ooo.oao ; 0<(.7:)0 7.1,IC 142.500 621.900 2S3A0 .1, Companies itih United N. 113M People's Gaa Siohange 1,000.000 5.1U9.,)00 3U.600 112.600 3.450.1 00 693,000 53 West Chester consoi. pref . . . Hide 3.8;7.20O 72,700 126 do CerllficatcB & Leather. ... I,.500,000 900 1.004 ,230 94«.-'00 WestJersev Revere 2,(X)0,000 4..S33,90O 11.600 253,700 2.1 .'2.200 577.000 TVASHINOTOiy. Security 200,000 958,900 42.000 10.500 619.100 179.2(0 OANAL 8TOOKB. 2,55i!,4C0 District of Columbia. Union 1,000,000 41.5U0 82,900 1.006.100 532,203 Delaware Division 50 Perm, Imp.,6s,g. J.ftJ, 1391. WettBter 1,500,000 2.697,600 S1,2C0 75,000 97b.600 388,500 Lehigh Navigation 50X 5CX 62 do 78,189! Morris Market Stock bonds, 78. if92. Total I51.35C.000 »13n.653.100 JS,056300 16,930.000 »55,902,400 »21 429.200 pref lii" Thetotal do Water Stock bonds 7e,1901..., amount "duetootherBanKB. "as nerstatement ol Mcli.6. Is $22,084,500 Schuylkill Navigation JX 7X pref. 15 78,1903... The deviations from last week's returns are as follows do 15)i VTaslington. lioans Decrease. 45,900 Deposits BAILBOAP BONDS, | Increase. 1.011,900 Ten year Bonds, 68, 1878 Specie.. InereaBe. 187.600 circulation Allegheny Val, 7 3-IOb. 1896 . 99X InoreaBe. 65.100' iCund.Loan (Cong ) 6 g, 1892.. do 7s K. Bxt..l910 100 lioital Tenders Increase. 732.1001 Loan (Leg), Ob. 1902.. do Inc. 7send,'91 56 Fund. g. The following are t he totals for a series Cei n. of Stock flr28) 58. at pleae< of weeks past BelTldere Delaware.lst m,?.' CO Date. " — •- — " " (1843)68, atpleat Lioans. Specie. Liegai Tenders. Deposits. Circulation, do do 2d M. 68,'S5 96 Feb. 31 133.oa4.2fO 5.5S0,400 Ches. & O.at'k ('47) 6e, at pleas 3.102.0110 55.600.200 24,416 0110 do do 8d M. 6s,'8' 93 2S GeorgetovH. Feb. 1S(),«99.0(»J 2,868.7(10 6.117.600 51.560,,100 21,361100 Amboy. 68, '88.... 1*X Camden* General stock. 8», 1881 MCh.6 130,653,100 3,05':.';00 6,930,000 55,902.100 21,129,201 do 63, '89 lOoH .10 do 6s. at pleasure. domort.68,'89.. 105).. Plilladolphia Banks.—The following is tne average do Pounty fitock, 68, do con * Atlan. l»t m, 7s, g. 19113 IC8 Cam. Market stock, 6s. do dltion of the Philadelphia National for 2d do78, c. 1890 105 Banks the week preced" do Board of Public Works— & Burlington Co, 68, '97, 15 ing Monday, March G, 876: Cam. Cers. Gen. Imp.Ss, 1871 Total net llatawlBsa, new 7«, 1900 U5 Banks. Oapltal. do 1875 Loans. Specie. L, Tender. Deposits. cuculat'n. l8t m, g.7», 1901' PhlladelpUla |l.oOO,OCO Cayuga Lake 1876 (4,735,000 1131.000 11,250,000 »S.S15.0UO »720.COO Connecting 6b 1900-1904 iOO do NorlhAmcrIca 1,000,000 1,59,1,000 do 1877 .... 27,000 1.42:.M(0 3.870.ao 767.000 Dan.. H, & 'W llks. 1st m„7s,'S7' 'armors and Mecb. 2.000.000 162" 1878 5,5!5,700 830,7C0 1,,137,300 1.59i,2C0 1,000.000 6s. various... do Oominerclal 810,000 D'-laware mort. Series l,:m,im 21.000 757,000 1,615,000 623(00 '88., 101 do Bast Penn. 1st mort .7s, . Mechanics' 800,000 Certificates, Sewer, Ss, 1871-77. 1.955,3C0 37J133 271.700 1,311.300 2'.6 650 W'mspoit.letm, 7s. 'SO 102 Bank N. Liberties. 500,000 Bl. * 2.832.000 6,600 511.000 2.250.000 132 OOC do Ss.perp 65 Water Certlflcates.Ss, 1377. Soathwark 250,000 do 1,377.417 3,963 59,,H4 1.(07.978 212 890 HarrlBbnrg iBt mort.611 ,'93... 102 Keaslnston 250,000 1,0'29.638 176.0CU 661,608 SJS'w*) CINCINNATI, Penn B.ft B. T. lBtmort.7B,'90.,.. 112 500,000 1.3.',0.229 l.(M0 2(13.758 956.725 319'l30 2dinort.7B. '95... 102 Cincinnati 5b •82 86 Western 400,000 do 2.(41.792 86,63) 414.005 2.074.2,10 203'foo do 3d m. cons.78.'S5 60 do 68 •96 98 Manufacturers'.... 1,000,000 2.693,000 368,000 1,756.000 530000 Ithaca* Athens g. 78. '90"... do 7b '106 :oj BankolUommerce 250,000 776.794 2,720 182.180 6 :9.S63 202 645 Junction iBt mort. 68, '8'2.. .. ico" do 7-30S •10; 10,? Olrard 1,000,000 3,932.000 15,000 1.355,0(0 8.514.000 531000 do 2d do 1900... -,011 Cincinnati Soath'n EU. 7.308 102 103 Tradesmen's 300,000 1,526,COO 14,000 126,000 1,223,000 175 000 108 llam.Uo.,Ohio6p.c.longbd8 •93 95 Oonsolldatlon Lehigh Valley, 6b. cou., 1898. 300,000 1,118,681 10,5t'0 213.756 760.915 2;o;ooO do do do reg.l89S.. IO6K do do 7p.c.,lto5yrs. 1U2 114 City 400.000 4i!5,293 1,100,1)3(1 357 241 do do do 78. 1910 do do Igbd8,7 *V.80^ •104 106 Commonwealth 260.000 197,0(X) 611,000 2130(10 do do con.m. 6a 19.3 liok Cln. & Cov. Bridge Block, pref 116 HO Corn Exchange.... 1.8S1.I100 500,000 6.629 6113.000 2710611 Lltt.le8chuylklll.l8tM..7. 1877, 103 do bonds, long 90 90 Union 500.000 6.000 579.000 1,589,000 2S4.'ooO Northern Pnciflc 7 3-108. 1900". Cln.,Uam.&D..l8tM., 7, 80... 102 If* Flrat 1,000,000 26,000 1.212,000 7, 792000 North Penn. Ist m,68, '95 104 ji do do 2d M., '85.., 94 96 Third 300,000 315.000 931,250 261.460 do 2dm. Is, '96 10»X 109 K do do 3d M., 8,77... 102 ICS SUth 150,0C0 122.000 415.01)0 I35CO0 chattel M. 105 Cln.. llara.ft Ind.7s guar 86 do 108 1977 ii^ BeventO 2.50,000 218.000 515,000 2I8,59(i ;C5* Cln. ft Indiana, iBt M.,7 89 91 Elshtb do gen. M.78, 1903.. 275,000 264.000 833.000 215.000 Oil Cr'k&Alc. U., ccn.78,'88'. do do 3d M,, 7, 1877., 70 75 <;entral 7.50,')OC 809.000 "90 Bankof I.ISJ.OOO ,5113.000 OilCreekl«tm.7B,'92 S9>i 90 Colnni.,ft Xenla.lat M.,7, 1(12 1(8 Kepnbllc. 1000,100 6I17.OOC 1.101.000 734.000 PennJi N.Y.C.&P. it 7b.'96-19C6. 110 Daytonft Mich., l8t M.,7 81.. 102 104 Security 250,ocO 7S.000 380.000 151,000 Pcnn.?ylTanla,lBt M., 6,1880... MX do do 2d M.,7, '84.. 95 Centennial 180,000 46,000 7, 133,000 •la gen. m.6i 1910, coup! .- 101 )< do do 3d My '88.. 93 To'do dep.bds,7,'81-'94 95 Total do gen. m., 68 reg., 1910,107 107>, do 93 . »16,575.0OC t59.487,631 1751,823 »15,103,756 148,535,030 110.517,556 do cons.m.ea, reg,, 1905 -• Dayton ft West., ist M., 1881. ., '100 96" I neaeviations from the returns of previous week are as follows- Perklomen 1st m.es,'97 ' 87X do do let M,, I91'6., £6 Phila, &ErlelBtm.6s.'81., 103 do do l8t M., 6, 1005. 75 EC !*»>>» Inc. J937.826 1 Deposits Inc 1191,522 '88., ft ist M .. 7 l°'=- Circulation do 2dm. 7b. 93X 93% Ind., Cln, Laf., 69 70 ?t'8«'V-,;:.- 13.361 1 inc. Lew iTehder Vt- 21,599 PhlIadelphia&KeadioK68, '80 103 do (I.4C.)lBtM.,7,188; 89 90 Notes Dec. 618,390 I do do 7b, '93 IO8 Little Miami, 6, 1883 94 96 The following are the totals for a series of weeks past do deb. bonds. '93 62 Clu. Ham. & Dayton stock.. 55 60 Date." Loans. Specie. LcEalTender. Denoslts. Circulation do g.m.7s,c. 1911 1!0 Columbus ftXen la stock — 100 Feb. 14... 68.218,737 43" 799.9fO 16.02(l.0M 48,139,491 10.256,989 do do reg, 1911 113 Dayton ft Michigan stock .... 12 Feb. 31. 55.532.412 70 1.8 '2 15.522,575 47,501.313 10,521.852 do new conv. 7s, '.89," 105; do 8 p. c.st'k guar 102 104 Feb. 28., 58.519.818 781.4112 15,6-.2,146 4S.(I,13.577 10,522.657 do Coal ft l.co m..78.'92-'i 89 90 Little Miami stock 91 Hch. 6., 69,487,651 751.S23 I 1,1,103,736 48,525,099 Phila,, Wilm, ft Halt, 6;. 18-4., 10.517,256 85' I><>IJI!SVII,IjE. '90. Pitts., cm , ft St. Louis 78, 83>i LoulsTllle 7b 102 ShamoklnV. ft Pottav. 76,1901 101 105 68, '82 to '87 91 (ll'OTATlQNS IN ttOSTON. Louisville PMILADELPllJA AND OTHER CITIES Steubenvllle ft Indiana 78. '84 S2 do 6B,'97to'98 «1 Stony CrecK. Ist m.. 7s, 1907.. 100 do Water 68, '87 to '89., •1 Sunburyft Erie ra, 7s, '77.. IdO Stock 68, '97 91 8KCTJBITIK8. BKCURITIKS. 1st do Water UiiltcdN..!, cms. m. 68, 91.. 100 do Wharf68 91 88 BOSTON. Warren ft F. istm. is, '96.. .. do special tax «s of '89, 91 /ermootA Mass., Ist M. 6, 107 '81 Maine 88 Westchester con8.7s,*9I. .. Jeir., Mad.ft I,lBtM.(lftM)7, Sl'OOKS. 101 71" New UAmp8hlre,68 SostonA Albany West .Jersey 1st m.6B. '96 do do 2dM,,7. mti Stock .. M97... lOSX M.,'«,Hi0«.... 90,>< Vermont 68.. Boston 132V do do 7«. do do let ft Lowell stock :c fCX 76 MassachusctlBfiH, Gold Boston Western Penn. RR.68. 1593... l.oul8T.C,ftLex.,lBtM..7. '97.. Ji ft Maine 99^ do do 68Pb'96 oul8.&Fr'k..lBtM.,6,'70-'78.. S* do 58, Gold RoBton ft Providence Wllm,*Euad.,lBtM.,7,1900". do Louisv. l,oan,6,'81 tan BoBtOD 6a, Currency 1I9.V iiix liurllnEtou Mo. in & Nebraska do do 2d Mort. 1902 ftNash.lstM. (m.8.) 7. '77,, 96 do Ss.KOtd Jheshlre preferred L. CAWAI, BUNDS do Lon. Loanlm.B.)6, 'Sf ',11 91 Chloaf?o ScweraKC 7(1 Clilcairo,liur. ft CJulncy Delaware Division 6b. '79 95 do (Leb.Br.)6.'s6 91 do Municipal 78 Jin. .Sandusky do ft Clev.stock. 6s, '81 101 HH Portland 6h Concord Lehigh Navigation do lstM.(Lcb.br.cx)7.'80-'85 811 do Kit, '97... 101 do Lou.L'n(Lel).br.eT)6,'9I;: 10 Atch. A Topekalst m.Ts Connecticut Klver '.'.'.'.", 135" 134 do deb.'7V... 98 do Consoi. ist M. .7,1898.... 92 do land Rt. 7a... Connecticut ft PaasnmpBlc. pf do conv, 82 110 JcfferBon.. Mad, ft Ind do ad 78. 3J* fCastern (Mass.) " iok do conv., R.'94 1(6 Lonlsv.,cin.& Lex. .pref. ... do land inc. 1^., ftastern (New " 99X HampBhire) do~ gold, '91 106 IC6^ 4 B»etoD A Alliany 78 lllX Fllchburg do d» common. 135" MorrlB,l8tM.,6,1876 100 ft 3i!>, 3l)i Boston &. Miilne 78 Louijvllle Nashville ^lanchesterft Lawrence.'..'.'.'.' 1110 do 2dM., 1876 I BurUnston& Mo. Neb. 8b, 1894 i66« Nashua »r, LOUIS. & Lowell do boat, '85 100 do do Neb. 88, 1883. St Louis 6b, Long BoniU... .'ilIOM Northern ot New Hampshire'.'. 76 Eastern Mass., 7b Norwich* Pftnn8ylvania68. 1910 io Wateres gold •im Worcester 131 Schuylkill Nav. iBt m,6a,'97,. 96 5'» Ind.Cln.A Laf . Tb. ^869 do do doCnew)x*ili OgdenB.ft L. Charaplain SOX do 2d m., 6s, 1907 81*^ 82 do equipment IOb. X do Bridge Approach p.G:i»ili5s, ,>,.,„'*? <•" Prel.. 85>4 do m, 6e. '93 .. do RentwHl gold 6s do funded debt 7fi Old Colony •|1'6H do (s, Imp., 'SO, 4o Sewer g, 68 (dne'91.i-3)"|li5 Osdenibarg & Lftke Cb . bs Port.Baco ft Portsmouth... do 68. b,.at ,%car.l913 St LouisCo.uew Paik 6s..',l(5 Old Col. A NewpofrtBd8,7, '77. Kntland common g. *' do 7s. boat ft (.ar. 1915 do c'y, 78 • 11 Kutland, new 78 do preferred 4 lOK do enrlp At ft Pacific gnar. land grants IS Vorm'tCen.,l8tM.,coa8.,7,'8« Vermont ft Canada... iL Mort., 30)S Su8()nehanua 38, 1891.., do 2d M.dunded,!.... 19 du 7,189: vern.ont ft llaBsachuaettB 103 Vermont A Can., new, P« WorceHi^rftJJuBhua 79 *In default ol'interest. 'And iotereat. ... —...... X ——.. —, ......

Mirch 11, 1876.] THE CHRONICLE. 251 GENERAL QUOTATIONS OF 8TOOK8 AND BONDS IN NEW YOKK. U. 8. Bonds ana, (tetivt liailroad Stocks are quoted on a previous page, t'rinei reitreneni. t/is ver eenl talue. tehalever the par may be

•ECTTBITIH. Bid. Aik, Bid, lorntiTiKS. Bid. Aak taovMnm.

Tol. A WabMb, Ist m. extend, Mo. R.. Ft. S. A Uuir iBt m. 10> Bonds. Railroad Ronds. do do IBt m.8t.L.dIv 78 2'< •10 do 2d Ml. 108. State {Stock Jizcfiauffe Pftcea.) do do 2d mort 6eH V. Haven, MIddlet'n A w.7s.. Albany A Sosci., iBt bonds... in do do equlpm't bds N. J. Midland Ut 7>, gold ^ibaraabf. 1883 . do do 2d do ... no do do con. convert. ibli SIX do 2d7« 4o 5«,ti«sn.. do do 3d do ... 101 Hannibal A Naples, Ist mort.. JO M New Jersey A N. Y. It. gold.. do Kh.ISM Ureat Western, Ist mort., 1888 92 N. Y. A Usw. Mid. Ist 'is, gold BofltoB, llartf . A Krlc, Ist mort 81 ilo 89,1888 do do guar 24H do 2d mort.. 1893. to do do 2d 78, conv. do 8«, Mont. A Euf'lsR nur.,C.Uapld8AMlnn.l8t7s,g Oolncy A Toledo, 1st mort. 1890 North. Pae. Ist m. gold 7 S-108. do Rn, Ala. Clmt. U.... flmala & Chesaneako A Ohio 68, Ist m. .•m' IIIIiioIb a So. Iowa, iHt mort... A 8outhwf8U-rn ICR M 8». of H92.. do (10 do ex coup 83 Lafayette, Bl'n A Miss.. iBt m. Oswego A Itonie 7b, guar do m of 1898.. Chicago A Alton sinking fund, Han. A Central Missouri, Istm. Pmria, Pekin A J. Ist mort.... ArknnBas 6e, funded lii' Pekln.Llncolu A Decatur, Ist m PeorlaAKoek I. 7b, gold IM. do do Ist mort... U7H 40 7s,L. U.* Ft. 8. do do Incame 107 Boston A N.Y. Air Line ist m Port Huron A L. M.7s, gld,end 7b. Mcini>ht» L. K. do & Jollet A Chicago. Ist mort.. Cln., Lafayette A Chic., lat m PoJIman Palace Car Co. stock, 7b,L.K.,P.B.-4N.O '91 do LoulBlana A Mo., let m., guar. Del. A Uudton Canal, 1st m, do IkIr, 8»,4th series 7b,MIsb.(). & It. lUv do St. LouU, .lack. A Chic, Ist m 102 do do 1881 Rock I'd, It. I. A HI. L. 1st 7B.gld do 7b, Arlt. Cent. R ler, I{«.uv.(>'^* * '»«wego 78. gold... Chic, Bur. A (i. 8 p. c. iBt in. do do Connecticut 68 do do conBol. m.7B 103X do do coup. 7b, 18M Sioux City 48 Paclllc (» Ueorgla 6b Chicago, Rk. Island A Paclllc. 'MH lOtM do do reg. 7s, UM Southern Minn, construe. 8a. . 7b, bonds "8 do new do S. F. Inc. 68,'95 ,98M Long Island RR., Ist mort do endorsed 101 do 78, Central of N. J., Ist m., new... lUX lis' South side, L. I., Ist m. bonds. St. Jo. A C. III. 1st mort. 108 do 7a,Kaia bonda do do Ist consol 111* do sinking fund. do do 8 p. c. Indiana Tib m 109 i6»' Western Union Tel., I900.coup Sandusky, Mans. A Newark 7s. lUV do do con. cony lllinol8 68 coupoD, 1877 97 St. Louis, Vandalia A T. If. Ist. IVi Lehigh A WllkeB B. con. guar. 97K MUccllaneons List, do do I97» 105 »» do do 2d, guar. ICK Am. Dock A Improvo. bonds.. 106H (llrokert' QuotatUmi.) do Warloan St. tat 7s, m% Mil. A St. Paul iBt m. dB, P. D. 116 113H 01TIK8. L. A So'eaatem gold •Kentucky 6b do do 2dm73-10do. 99 99 Albany, N.T., 68 in St. L. A I. Mt. (Ark. Ur.) 7s, g. 68 u LOQiBlana do do 78, gold, K. D. 100 Bnffalo Water and Park Southern Central of N. Y. is. . bonds ti m do do new do do IstTSi; do... Chicago 6s, long dates Union A Logansport78 do do new abating debt H 102 Ig. Union PaclUc. So. branch, 68, 44 do do Ist m., Lac. D. do 78, sewerage iwk g do 7s, Penitentiary 9-IX Walktil Valley lat 7a, gold. 41 do do Istm.I.AM.D. do 78, water 106), do 06, levee bonds Weat Wisconsin 78, gold..., 38 do do Istm. LAD.. n do 7b, river Improvement 106H do 86, do Wlacouslo Valley 8a 41 do do l8t m. H. A D do 7b, various do 88, do 187S.. II do do 1st m. C. A M, Cleveland 78 do 88 of 1910.. do do 1st Consol..... 83 89X Detroit Water Works 7b Sontliern Securities. Michigan 68, 1878-79 City, '95 100 10) do do 2dm. do .. Elizabeth due do 68,1883 106 " •83 ICU Chic. A N. Western sink. fund. i^ " . iUrokern* ijfuntnUons.j do 78.1890 iOS 105 STATKH. io;x do Int. bonds, Harlford6s 106>{ MlBBourl 6b. due m 1876 101), 104)4 7'808 «8 mix do consol. bds 1 ndlnnanolls Louisiana new consol. 78 do do 1877 ext'n bds 95 Long iBland City 106' South Carolina new cansol. 6«. M* 102H do do d« 1878 mort.. 103 10! Newark City 78 1C9 no Texas Slate es. 1892 •0 lO-iH do 1st do do 1879 KM 93J^ 110 112 do 78,gold IM 103 do cp.gld.bdB do Water78 do do 1880 i02 103 do 10a, of 1884 104 :03 do reg. do Oswego Fnndlng bonds due In 1894-6. 105 IM . 106 do 108,pen8loD , 103 Iowa Midland, iBt mort. 88.. Poughkeepslo water Long bds. dne '81 to '91 Incl.. m" City bds., '9! 107)4 109 OITIXS. liM Galena A Chicago Extended.. Rochester Water Asylum or Unlver8.,due 1892. Peninsula, Ist mort., conv Toledo 7S0s 102 103 Atlanta, Oa.,78 7i Han. & St. Joseph, due 1876. Chic. A Milwaukee, iBt mort.. 100 Yonkers Water, due 1903 llA 106 do 88_ 103 j< do . do 1886. 85 do IM Winona & St. Peters, iBt mort. HAILKOADS. Augusta, Ga., 76, bonda do do do 1887. 2d mort.. Atchison A P. Peak, 68, gold.. 20 25 Charleston stock 68 104S do do Kew York Bounty Loan, reg.. 8. F. lli)i Atlantic Paclllc L. d. 6s, gld 30 33 Charleston. S. C, 78, F. L. bds 104;^ C.,C.,C. A Ind'B.l6tm.78, A do coup. do Consol. m. bonds 100 Atchison A Nebraska, 8 p. c... 20 SO Columbia, S.C, 68 68, Canal Loan, 1877. 106 do Del., Lack. A Western, 2d m 112)> Bur. A Mo. Klv.,Landm.78 Columbus, Ga., 78, bonds , 1878. do <8, do do do 7s, cony. do 2dS.,do 108 Lynchburg6a do 66, gold reg....l887. Morris A Essex, Ist mort. '.16* iw' do SdS.,do 108 Macon 7s, bonds do 6e, do coup. .1887. do do 2d mort IWH no do 4th 8., do 88.. 108 Memphis old bonds, 6s loan.. 1883. do 6b, do do do bondB, 1900.. 104 S- do 5th S., do 8s.. 108 do new bonds, 68 do ..1891. 120 do 68, do do do construction IIKH im' do 6th8.,do88 109 do end.,M. AC. HIS. .. do 5s, do do ..1876, do do 78 of 1871 109X 110 Bur., C. K. A M. (M. dly.), g. 78 26 Mobile 58,(coup8. on) old, J. J. 11 North Carolina 68, & do do Ist con. guar 8K lC8i' Cairo A Fulton, Ist 78, gold .. 72 do 88, (coups, on) do A.&0„ 110 88 Montgomery 88 m' Erie, 1st mort., extended California Pac. RR. 7s, gold... do N.C.KR....J.& J.< 6b, 2dm., Nashville 68, old 65 do do endorsed do g do do ....A. &0.. toiU 103% iBt 69)4 do 68. new 43 do 2dmort.,7s,18T» Canada Southern m do doconpoii.J. & J.. 102 103 with Int. certlfs. 69 New OrlcauB 58 43 do 8d do 76,1883 do do do do off.A. &0.. iOSH I03X Central Pacific 78. gold, conv.. ina do consol. 68 11 do 4th do 78,1880 do Funding act, 1866... do 6th do 76,1888 1«5 Central of Iowa Ist m. 7b, gold do bond8,78 1868... do do 7s, cons. mort. gold bdB. do do 2d m. 7s, gold do gold 78, quarterly do 106' ~ do Kew bonds, J. & J.. Long Dock bonds 106X Keokuk A St. Paul 88... do 108 A. &0.. do do Buir.N. Y. A Erie, 1st m., 1877. 90 Carthage A Bur. 88 do to railroads, i do do Ist 7s, lOyearB Atlantic A Gulf, consol do 78 0fl888. Cleve., P'vlUe Ash., old bds. 104 do do 2d 78, 20 years do do end. Savon'h. bonds. 5 A do nonf undable 105 Clinton Dub. Bs. .. do do slock 44 do do new bds Chicago, A TonueBsee 66, old Detroit, Monroe & Tol. bonds. 1005^ Chic A Can. South. iBt m.g.7B do do do guar... bonda. ... ., 4U< do do new Buffalo A Erie, new bonds 106 Ch. D. A v., I. dlv., I8t m. g. 7s. Carolina Central Ist m. 6b, g... series 4C31 4i;, do do do new Buffalo & State Line 7b 103 Chic, Danv. A Vlncen's 78, gld Central Georgia consol. ni. 78. 92 Texas, 108, of 1876 Kalamazoo A W. Pigeon, Ist.. Ji Connecticut Valley 78 do stock Virginia 6b, old Lake Shore Dlr. bonds 105 Connecticut Western iBt 78 Charlotte Col. A A. 1st M. 7s.. do do now bonds 1866. . do ConB. coup., iBt... 106 103 Chicago A Mlcli. Lake Shore.. do do stock do do do 38e7... do ConB. reg., iBt 105 Dan., Urb., Bl. A P. iBt m. 78,g Charleston A Savannah 68. end do do consol. bonds do Cons, coup., 2d 99 Des Moines A Ft. Dodge Ist 7s. Savannah A Char. 1st m.78 matv coup. 99 7s do do ex d do Cons, reg., '2d 104 Detroit. Hillsdale A In. RR.SS. Cheraw A Darlington do do couBol. 2d aeries., Marietta A Cln., let mort DetroltA Bay CltySsguar EastTenn.A (•corgIa68 dcferrcQ ix)nds.... 10! East "t'enn. Va. 6s, end. do do Mich. Cent., consol. 78, 1902 ... X 'Detroit, Eel River A III. 8s. ... A Tenn 3.668 114 ist m.78... District of Columbia do lBtm.8s, 1882.S. f. Det., Laos. A Lake M. Ist m. 8s E. Teuu. Va. AUa. do equlnm't bonds... do do 2d m. 86 do do slock Railroad Stocks. Now Jersey Southern, Ist m. 76 i\" Dutchess A Columbia 7s Georgia RR.78 Block do do consol. 7s Denver Pacific 78, gold do Greenville Col. 7b, guar ( Active previouKly quoted.) N.Y. Central 6b,188S my. Denver A Rio Grande 7s, gold. A Albany & SuBquehanna do 68,1887 W5H Evansvllle A Crawford8V.,78.. do do 76. certif Brunswick end. Central Facinc do 6b, real estate 103 Erie A Pittsburg Ist 7s Macon A 78... Augusta bonds Chicago & Alton 103S do es, Bubscrlptlon. 103 do do 2d 7s Macon A do do pref am do 7s,1876 io;>» do do 7s, equip do do endorsed.... do stock Bur. Qufncy do 7b, conv., .Evansvllle, Hen. A Nashv. 78.. do Chic., & 1876 Charleston Clcye., Col., Cln. * Indlanap. 53K do A Hndsou, lBtm.,coup. i2ij," (EvanBVllle, T. H. A Chic. 7s, g. Memphis A 1st 78.. CIoTcland & Pittsburg, guar... 93H do do iBtm., reg... 113 Flint A Pere M. 76. Land grant. do do 2d78... 71 Sag. 8s.... do do stock . Dubuque & bloux City Hudson R. 7s, 2d m v . fd. 1^.. Fort W., Jackson A 126" Little liocl; Istm.. Krie pref Harlem, iBt Miort. 7j -oup Grand U. A Ind. Istguar7s.... Memphis A Mississippi Central 1st .-n. 7b... Hannibal & St. Joseph, pref... 28 29}S do do reg do IstL. G.7s... 2dm. 88.... Ullnols Central 102 ,\ North Missouri, Ist roort 9iK do IstcxL. 0.76 do Tenn. Ist m. 78. .- Iiidlanup. Cln. & Lafayette Ohio A Miss., consol. fink, fd 98H Grand River Valley 88 Mississippi A do . . do consol. Bs. Jollet & Chicago do do consolidated.... 93 9SK Hour. A Texas C. Ist 7b. gold. Mdnigomcry A West P. 1st 8s. Long Island do do 2d do .... JSX 79 Inilianap.A Vlncen.l8t78.guar lowaFalls A Sioux C.lBt iS... do do Income Manetta A Cln., Ist pref do do Ist Spring. diT.. Eufaulalst do 2dpref Central Paclllc gold bonds :w\ lOSJi IniilaniipollB A St.,Loul8 78 Mont. A 8a, g. end. loe lC3>f ri'A HoustoH A Gt. North. Ist 7s, g. Mobile A Ohio sterling Horrts h Essex . do San Joaquin br'nch 95 », do do do escertll Mtttsourl, KansAB & Texas. .. do Cal. A Oregon Ist Internadonnl (Texa«)l«t g.... do 8s, Interest New Jersey Southern do State aid bonds HI Int.. H. A G.>r. conv. 88 do 99 do do 2d mort. 88 Y..NIW Haven Hartford. do L. a. bonds .. 89>i Jacki^on, Lansing A Sag. 88 N & do stock Ohio A MlBSlBBlppI, pref Western Pacinc bonds 101 101>, ICauBAL Pac. 7s, extension, gold do 105 N.Orleans A .lacks. Istm Pitts., Ft. W. & Chic, guar, Union raclllc, 1st mort. bonds !k 106 do 7b, land grant, gld 103 do certlfs Ss.. do do special.. do Land grants. 78. X m'.i. do 7s, do new kid do Nashville A Chattanooga 6s... Rensselaer ft Saratoga do Sinking fund... 92A do 6s,gld, June ADcc Petersburg Ist m.8> Rome, WatiTtown A Oldens 49 A tiantic A Paclllc land gr. m do 68, do Feb. A Aug Norfolk A TO do 7s, 1876, land grant do do 7r gt. Louis, Altun & T. Haute. South Pacific RB. bds. of Mo. do 2dm.8t do do do pref Paclflcltof Mo., iBtmort. ... do '78, Leaven, br'nch do IncoracB, No. 11 15 Northeastern, S. C, Ist m. 88. Ilellcvllle So. Illinois, pref . do do IstCaron'tB. do A '2dm. 88... St.I.oulB, Iron Mount. & South. do do 2d mort 76 do do No. 16 14 do Alexandria, Ists, 68.. Terre Haute A lndlanapo1l8.., lis Pitts., Ft. W. A Chic, 1st mort. 116 lit do Stock 14 Orange A do 2de. Ss.. Toledo, I'eorla & Warsaw do do 2d mort. Kalamazoo A Soul h H. SB, guar KIO do 105" do Sds, 8s. Toledo, Wab. &, Wcsteru, pref. do do 3d mort. Knl., Allcgban. A O. R. 8b, guar 96 do City Cameron lOs... 100 do do 4thB, 88.. Warren . 103H Cleve. A ruts, consol. b. fund Kansas A '85 BIchm'd A Pctersb'g Ist ni. 78. do do 4th mort 103 ji 104 Kan. C, St. Jo. A C. B. 88 of 50 '98 Rich., Fre'ksb'g A Poto.6a.... Col., Cblc. A Ind. C. 1st mort. 63;i MX do dp do 8a of in iHcellaneons Stocks ss" ao do conv.7B do rt<' '*d mort.. 17 18 Keokuk A Des Moines Ist 7b. . ,'76 Rich. A Danv. iBt consoL6s.. American District Telegraph. Rome, "Watert'n A Og. con. Ist 95 ;< 96 do 1st coup, Oct. 82 X RR. Ga , Ist m. Iron Mountain, Istm.. lOiK lOlX do funded Int. 88 97)1 Southwest Canton Co., Baltimore 8t. L. A Isl m. 7s, new do 16 do pref. stock... SO S. Carolina RR. Cent. N. J. Land Improv.Co.. 2dn 6b Ist mort lis L. Ont. Shore RR. 1st m. gld 7s. 60 do DalawaaeA UodsoBl'anal.. .!»« 11»J< Alton A T. H., do "8... A'''nrl«'J*n *ioal 60 do do 2d mort. pref.. 92 Lake Snp. A Miss. iBt 76, gold. 25 Atch. W.7e, guar.. do stock fjontwliuatlon or 4H< rt-> do 2d mort. Income 73S Leav., AN. Coat Md 26' Alabama 88, guar Belleville 8. 111. R. 1st m. as 92 I.eav., Law. A Gal. Ist or., 10s. West Mvrlpoaa L.&M . Co., ass't paid 7X A 12 PAar DUK COtTPOHa. ** Peoria Warsaw, E. D.. 87 Logans., CYaw. AS. W.es.gld do do pref 7H Tol.. A Tsnneasce State coupons do 1).. .Michigan Air Line 8t .. Cumberland Coal A Iron do w coupons.... do do iJur. DiT. Munllcello A P. Jervta 7s, gold Virginia Maryland Coal do cousul.cotif Penaaylvanla Coal do do 2d mort.. 47 / 60 Munlclair Ist 78, gold 50 ''exai Ueuipbla City co'ipoiir Bprlug Moualaia Coal,, do d« coii»nl.7l 45 / Mo-Hinfif gold .. . . . 4a75464 — 565

262 THE (JHRONICLK [MarcH il, 1876r >


Bank Stock List. Inanranca Stock I.2), Columbia..^ 300,000 39,154 Jan., '76 yr Baat River sea,ooo J. ft J. Jan. 8, '76... Oommerce rlre 200,000 85,880 Jan. ,'76.. 85^' EleTenth Jan, -J, '76 '76.15 111'. I Ward* ;>oo,ooo J. ft J. ..3 Commercial 200,000 169,815 J.n., rifth iso,ooe «-J. Julyl,15.2X Continental 1,000.000 600,222 Jan.76.6.6C !!7H: Fifth Arenue* 100,100 K.agle 300,000 5<0,059 0.:t., 75.15 300" First SOO.OOIl Q-JV Juiyl.'VB.V.S 20U Umpire City 200,000 111,633 .Ian., *76 .7 '76. Foarth S 000.000 .1.* J. Jan 8, '76.. 4 85S, 95>» Emporium 200,0(10 :»,4S9 Ian., Falton 600,000 M.ftN. 11 2-8 Nov. 1,'75.,-S 150 Kxcliange 200,010 13?,812 Jan., '76 10 eallatln ct '75.. 1 130 1 500,000 A.ft O. 9, Farragut — 200,000 146,060 J*n.,76.7X ISS' German American*.. 1000,000 F.ftA. Feb.l, '74.. ,8 :s Firemen's 204,000 116,030 Jan,, '76. .8 lis Carman ExchanKe*... 800,00(1 M.&N. May 1, '74...', H'lremen'sFund 150,000 83,563 Jan ,*76 toil 8ei-manta* 200,000 M.ftN. May, i.'75.. 8 Firemen's Trust... 150,000 1H,029 Jan., '76. .6 Greenwich* 200,000 M.&N. Dec. 1,^5.. SO Gebbard 200,000 21,326 F.b..76..5 Granil Central " 100,000 M.ftN. German-American 1,0(10,000 509,705 Jan., 76. .5 108 Grocers* 900,000 J. ft J. Jan. 3, 76... Germania 500,000 616,160 Jan. ,'76. If 1.13 Hanover 1 000,000 J. ft J. Jan. 3, "76.. 3 Globe 200,000 193,09) Jan. .76. .10 150 Harlem* 100,000 M.ftS. Mel.. 1, '75.. Greenwich 200,000 325,191 Jan., 76.10 320 Importers' * Traders'. 1 500,00(1 J. ft J. Jan 1,76... Guaranty aio,ooo 1,682 Irvinfir S»,0OO J.ftJ. Jan. 3, '76... Guardian 200,000 59,629 Jan.. '76. .5 ioff Island CItr 10O,0fO Hamilton 150,000 1<4,8«7 Jan.,76. 10 170 Leather Manufactrs... too.ooo Jaj. 3, '76.. .6 10 '76. 6 J.ftJ. 12 Hanover 600,000 392,159 Jan., - ISO Loaners'* 500,000 F.ftA. Feb.l2.'74.3H Hoffman 200,000 9 ,453 10 Jan., 76 Mannfctrers'A Build.* 450,000 J.ftJ. Jan. 10, '75.. Home 3,l'00,000 B».723 10 Jan., '76 lio' Manhattan* 2,050,000 F.ftA 10 Feb. 10/76.. 5 Hope 150,000 46,590 10 Jan., '76.. 97 )t Manul. & Merckants*. 900,000 J.ftJ. Julyl,'75..3)« Howard 500,000 198,571 13 Jan. ,"76. 130 Marine .400,000 J.ftJ. II Jan. 8, -76.. .9 Importers'ft Trad.. 200,000 102,2(« 12 Jan., '76, .9 Market 1,000,000 J.ftJ. in Jan. 3, '76... Irving 200,000 40,992 13 Jan.,';«'..5 Mechanics 2,000,000 J.ftJ. '.B Jan. 3, "76.. .9 Jefferson 200,010 137,049 10 Sept.,75 Mech. Bkg Asso'tlon.'. 900,000 M.ftN. 7H Nov. !,'75...S Kings Co. (B'klyn) 150,000 213,712 20 Jan ,'76. it' •205' Mechanics * Traders.. <00,000 M.ftN. 10 Nov.l,'75..6 Knickerbocker 280,000 71,121 20 Jan., 76.. isa 11' Mercantile 1,000,000 M.ftN. I Niv. 1,'75..4 Lafayette (B'klyn) 150,000 1 5,814 20 Jan., '76. 1701' Merchants. ,'76. 3.000,000 J.ftJ. 8 Jan.3,'76 ..4 Lamar,. ', 200,000 117,509 10 Jan. .5 110 Merchants' Ex...." 1,000,000 J.ftJ. < Ian. 3,'76...4 Lenox 150,000 86,973 10 Jan., '76.. UP' Metropolis* 900,000 J.ftJ. 8 Jan 3,'U.iH Long Island(Bkly.) 300,000 186,673 16 Jan., '76.10 Metropolitan 4,000,000 J.ftJ. 10 10 Jan. 3, '76... LorlTlard 800,000 103,2!(3 10 Jan., '76. .5 Murray Hill* 300,000 A.ft O. 8 8 Oct l,'I3. .4 ft Builders' 155,1.24 10 Jan. ,'76. .5 Nassau* Manuf 300.000 1,000,000 M.ftN. 8 8 Nov.l0.'75..4 Manhattan 350,000 282,425 14 Jan., '76. .7 Sew York 3.000,000 J.ftJ. 10 10 Jan. 3, '76.. .5 Mech.&Trad'rs'... 200,000 320,899 30 Jan., '76.2(1 New York County... 200,000 J.ftJ. 13 114 Julyl,'7.'>...7 Mechanlc8'(Bkl>n) 150,000 171,397 10 Jan. ,'76.10 NY. Nat. Exchange.. 900,000 J.ftJ. Jan. 3,'76.3S Mercantile.. . 300,000 65,503 10 Jan., '76.. NY Gold Exchanire* 900X100 J.ftJ. May, '73... Merchants' 300,000 184,276 20 Jan., '76.1(1 195 Ninth 1,900,000 J.ftJ. Jan. 8, '76.. 3 Metropolitan 25,865 IC .Jan.. 76. .5 70 North 300,000 America*,. 1,000,000 J.ftJ. B J«n. 3. '7fi3K Montauk (B'klyn). 2(10,000 l.'a,077 m Jan., '76.10 170 North Blvei* 400,000 J.ftJ. 1 July 1, NaBSan (B'klyn).. 200,000 375,859 20 Jan., 76.11 Oriental* '74.3K 800,000 J.ftJ. 12 Jan.3, 'Ti...6 National 200,000 118,16i 12 Jan., '76, 132 Pacific* 422.700 Q-F. 12 Feb. 1,76, Equitable.... 20 Ian. ,'76.10 310 Park N. Y. 210,000 339,082 '" 2,000,000 J.ftJ. 12 Jan. 3,'76...5 128 New York Fire ... 300,000 2U,01( 20 Feb. .'76.10 175 Peoples* 4:2,500 J.ftJ. 10 Jan. 3,'76...5 N. Y. ft ionkers.. 200,000 36,586 10 Jan., '76.. 92X Phenlx 1,800.000 J ftj. 7 Jan MX Niagara 500.000 437,398 10 Jan. ,"76.. lis Produce* 3,'76.3X 390JXW SX JulyI8,'I4..3S North P.lver 350,000 137,1134 v: Oit., 75..6 Republic 260' 3,000,000 F.ftA. Feb. 8, 75. 4 Pacific 200,000 396,655 30 Jan ,'76.1) 8t. Nicholas.... F.ftA. Feb. 14 76 Seventh 1,000,000 Park 200,000 176,229 20 Jan., '76:10 170 Ward.... 800.000 J.ftJ. July 1, '75.... Peter Cooper. 150JXI0 225,50' '20 Jan. .'76.10 200 210 Second 300,000 J.ftJ. 12 Jan.3. '76.. .7 People's 190,000 141,040 20 .Jan., 76.10 160 166 Shoe and Leather 1,000,000 J.ftJ. 12 Jau. 3, 76... 149 Phenlx (B'klvn) .. 1,000,000 785,689 15 .Jal..,'76.I'J 13S 139 Sixth 200.000 J.ftJ. S July 1, 75... Produce Exchange 200,000 21 ,'.04 Jan., 76. .5 10(1 '. '95" State of New yori'.! 2,000,000 M.ftN. 8 Nov. ID, '75.. 4 106 Kellef 71,8-25 10 Jan., '76. 5 100 Tenth. >< 200,000 1,000,000 J.ftJ. 1^ Jan.3'74.2>ig Republic 300,000 85,943 10 Jan., '76.. 92X 98 Third 1,(100,000 J.ftJ. Jbn. 3,76. 4 Klagewood 200,000 83,680 11 J'an., 76. .6 118 Tradesmen's 1,000,00" J.ftJ. 10 Jan 3.76. ..5 Resolote 200,000 •23,975 10 Jan.,7« .» "5 87K Onion , 1,900,(X)0 M.ftN. 10 Nov. 1,'75..5 Rutgers' 2(10,00(1 '2'«),958 20 Feb., '78. IS IW feat Bide*.. . 200,000 J.ftJ, 8 I.Pa.i. I.'7»..4 Safeguard 200,000 136.316 12X Jan.,76.7X 1'29 i3s" St.Nlcholaa 200,000 49,945 10 Keb.,'76..1 etas and City R.R. Stocks and Bonds. Standard 200,000 1 Si,734 11-6 Jan. ,'76. 5.6 117" [(juotatlone Star 200,000 125,'^44 Via Jan.,'7R.7« 120 by Charles Otis, Broker, 17 Exchange Place. 1 Sterling •200,000 94,153 10 Feb ,'-6..s 100 Stuyvesant 200,000 176,0:5 20 Jan,, 76.10 Gas Cohpaniks, Last Bid. 'Tradesmen's 190,000 189,878 20 Jan., '76 ,15 ieo" illvlaend United States 290,000 261/111 16 Jan, '76, 160 Westchester 300,000 180,486 10 Feb., 76 Broeklyn Gas Light Co 25 2,000,000 Jan., '76 WHllamsburgClty. 250,000 374,106 30 Jan..7tJ» Cltliens'GasCo (Bklyn 20 1.200,000 Jan.. '76 do _ . certificates ,... 320.0(X1 A.ftO. Oct., ';9. • Over all liabilities, Including re-'nsurance, capital and profit scrip. Harlem 501 1,850.000 F.ftA. Aug., 75. Jersey City ft Hoboken. ..!!!! 20| 386,000 J.ftJ. Jan.. 76. Cttr Securities. Manhattan 50 4,000,000 J.ftJ. Jan., '76. Metropolitan ..!!!"!! lOO 9,!.00,000 M.&8. Sept 20,75 [Quotations by Danikl A. Morak, Broker, 40 Wall Street.] (10 certificates. ..'... ,... 1.000.000 M. ft S do b n is ,...! 500,000 J.ftJ. M-jtual.K. Y '76 ...... : 5 000,000 Jan., INTIHEST. Vassau, Brooklyn 1,000.000 Jan. ,'76 do scrip 700,000 M ftN. 7 Rate. Montbs Payable. New York 4,000,000 M ftN. 5 Jan., '76. People's (Brooklyn)...!..!!!, 1,000,000 J. * J. 3X Jan., 76 yew York: do do bonds. ... 639,000 F ftA. Water stock 1811-63. Feb., May Aug.ft Nov, 1877-80 9) 100 Westchester Couotv ... 90 466,000 Jan., '76. I ax Certificates do 18.14-57. do do 1877-79 HIl 103 53.000 4 Croton waterstock. .1845-51. do do 1890 96 n Bonds .". -'1,1100 ' J. ft J. do do ..1852-60, do do 1688-90 1(i2X 105 Williamsburg 90 1,000,000 J.ftJ. 3 'Jan., '7« do scrip.. I Croton Aqned'ct stock. 1865. do do 1884-1911 KB 1000,0001 J.ftJ. 7 ' .., do pipes and mains May ft November, 1884-1900 IS*- 11? BttecJcer St.it /Vi«on.ferry—stock 100 9001000 do reservoir bonds Feb., May Aug.ft Nov, 1907-11 108 lOS Istinortgage lOOO 694,000 J. ft J. 1880 Central Park bonds. .1853-57, do do 1877-98 96 ' n BroadiDay dk Seventh jlce—stock! 100 2,100,000 J.ftJ. Jan., 76 do do ..1853-69. do do 1877-96 100 105. let mort^f;e 1000 1,500,000 J.&D. 1884 Dock bonds 1870, May ft November. 1901 114 11.1- Braokti/n !.!!!'" Cd;^—stock ;o 2,000,000 Q-F. Nov..'79 190 do U75, 190S 102 X 1(B. Ut mortKage 1000 300,000 M.ftN. 18T2 101 Floating debt stock I860 Ffb., May, Aug.ft Nov. 1878 101 >, 102 Sroaiiway IBrookti/n)—Hock.. ..'. 100 200,000 J.ftJ. Jan., 76 Market stock 1865-68 May ft Novcnber. 1894-97 113 Brooklyn it Hunter'^ P(—stock.. ;oo 400,000 0.;t.,'76 Soldiers' aid fund 1863, do dc 1876 '101 1st mortgage hoo'Is looo 300,000 J.ft . Improvement stock 1869 do do 1889 102 X m" Ventral Pi, N. .» E. «(rer—stock 100 1,8(0,000 do 1.0 1869 do do I87»-90 105 114 "St mortgage 1000 1,200.000 F.ftA. Consolidated bonds var do do 1901 114 11« Ckri-stopher

fnird i4«enue—stock 100 2,000,000 Q-F. Nov., '75 140 BrldF^ebonds , do do 1915 113 115 1st 1902-1905 mortgage 1000 2 000,000 J.ftJ. IRilO UO >Vater loan , 00 do :ux lOSH t '"tmii/.tMra Street—ttoen. . 100 600,000 J ft J. J»n.,"» City bonds do do 1881-95 l(2« 104 1st mortgage. 1100 390,000 M.ftN. Kings Co. bonds . Hay ft November. laso-vs 106 1(4 X

do do , 40 do 1980 1U4X *AI1 Brooklyn bonds flat. >nus csitKAM ft^w* Ittt dlVUfend on uoekt, also date of niatsrity of bona: : : :

^Maich 11, Ic 6j THE CHRONICLE* 253

Amount paid on account of dividends. Interest, rentals, includ- 3nt)e6tmen}0 ing iMwe of connecting rood, taxes and tranait dntiei, ex peases of maintaining erganlzatloae, etc 4.8SO,0M 81

Loss In operating United Railroads and Canal of New Jersey for STATE, CITY AND CORPORATION FINANCES. ief5 $«47,6

follows : the operating expenses a decrease of f435,2!)l. GROSS EAHNINOS. WORKIM«3 XZFXN0EB. actual cost of operating the Unitid Railroads of New Jer- Qfneral frelRhts $JS.807,6«0 Conducting transportation $r,49?,66a The First-ctaos pac^sengers 6,fM0.646 Motive power 5,91.3,6 14 sey, including branches, deducting transit duty, rent of Connect- Emigrant pftssengers 196,973 Maintenance of cars 1,921,260 ing Railway and interest on property, and excluding Belvidere Express matter 552,118 Maintenance ef road 4,743,255 Division in 1875, was 68 19-100 per cent of the receipts. Malls 291,67? General expenses 476,600 Miscellaneons 787.373 Canal expensfs (Delaware BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD. Clonal earnings (Delaware and Raritan Canal) 541,03( of Fleming- and Raritan Canal) 1 ,067,660 The earnings the Beividere Delaware Railroad »nd ToUl $21,094,461 ton liranch were in 1875 : Totol ... $514,464,104 From general frelghU $692,867 81 N et earnings, 1875 $li(,a6«,648 From passengers 185,26169 Dednct interest charged equipment used by leased roads : From express 4,072 21 Philadelphia and Erie $182,797 Frommails 6,0S9 36 Belvidere Delaware S8,i;9 miscellaneoiu.... 5,579 15 Branch roads 63,648 From $278,615 Total $8.13.870 U Expenses 636,146 81 $18,096,097 Deduct rentals paid leased roads $257,223 2« Philadelphia and Erie $964,616 interest equipment 28,179 60 Belvidere Delaware 229,048 Deduct on Branch roads 489,171 Leavicg net earnings. 1875 $«9.048 6!l 1,672,8.31 The decrease of gross revenue as compared with 1874, was.... $3*2,277 93 Learlng as net earnings from operations $11,423,196 There being a decrease In expenses of lC9,32t 51 Ust earnings of 1871 after deducting renta's $12,319,962 But after adding to 1874 |517,007 which were included in ex- The decrease in net earnings was $212,956 42 penses in 1875, but in rental account of United Companies of DELAWARE AND RAHITAN CANAL.

N. J. in 1874, the result is as follows : Tlie earnings of the Delaware and Raritan Canal in 1875 were : Net earnings, 1874 $12,'8fi,970 Promtolls $660,616 S.'i J

from miscellaneous . 535,452 53,371 bituminous coal, coke, and anthracite coal, being an increase in that traflic over the previous year of 532,099 tons. Total $20,493,281 $3,149,119 The United Railroads of New Jersey show a slight increase in

GrMt earaiage . $-«i,493,25I the number of passengors carried, being 7,846,239 as against

Ezpeasee... , 11,794,053 being 7,837,317 in 1874 ; the number of tons of freight moved as against 9."'2 tons in 1874. Leaving net earnings, 1878 $8,699,198 3,469,786 tons 3,467, Dadnct rentals and interest on equipment 581,810 Tlie following table shows the average earning from freight

and passenger I raffle, and the cost of moving it per net ton and Net earnings, dedncling rentals, &c $8,147,388 per passenger per mile on each of the divisions worked by the Net earnings of 1874, after deducting rentals 9,896,924 Pennsylvania Railroad Company Decrease in net earnings, 1875 $1,249,5.38 Av. earn- Av. cost Profit Av. earn- Av. cost Average The gross carLlngs In 1875 were 20.J9.3,251 ings per per pas- per pas- tngs on on freight profit on And in 1874 were 21,642,871 passenger senger scnger freight per per ton freight pr The gross expenses, including rentals and interest on equipments, per mile, per mile, per mile, ton per m. per mile, ton perm. in 1875. wtre $1J,845,SB8 Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cenis. Ccnta. Those of 1874, including rentals, were 13,245,447 Pean. KR. & Br.. 2 351-lOCO 1 (,69-;0OO 682-1000 1 058 1000 8161000 442-1000 United RRs.ofN. Showing a decrease in gross expenses $89:', 583 J. and Br 2 IBMtOO 1 778-1000 959 1000 2 066-1000 1 601-1000 402-10(0 The groFs earnings of branch lines Included In above statement in 10"0 Belvidere Div.... 2 8M-1000 2 828-1000 048 1000 1 4(8-1000 9tl2 1(00 606 I875werc $2,129,30S Phila. AErie.... 3037-1000 2 951-1000 0OS6-10(.O OS65-100) 671 1000 02!>4 lOCO The expenses of operating, including rentals, were 2,087, 124 It may also be noted that the cost of moving traffic upon the Showing a direct net profit of #4J, 183 main line of your railway and brandies, with their crossings of The actual cost of operating the main line in 1875, excluding the Allegheny Mountains, is much belnw the cost of moving branches, was .55 87-100 per cent of receipts, and including similar traffic upon caunls. branch lines, cent. tlie 57 55-100 per In 1874 cost of operating The company has moved over its main line during the year 7 your main line, excluding branches, was 54 25-100 per cent, and 3-10 per cent, more tonnage than in any previous year of its including cent. branches, 58 49-100 per The increased tonnage history, for a gross earninir i>f |2.I49.119 38 less than In 1874. carried that actual during the year will show the cost of doing Its expenses have been reduced $899,583 71, showing a decrease in the work was relatively less in 1875 than in 1874. net earnings of $1,249,535 07, which is attributable to the causes THE UNITED RAILROADS OF NEW .lERSET. stated, namely, the great depression in the coal and iron interests tl«e unnecessary and The gross results of the New Jersey lines, embracing the Phil- and general trade of the country, and to the unwise competition that existed on through, traffic during the adelphia & Trenton Railroad ; the Connec ing Railway ; United several trunk Railroads of Now Jersey and branches; Belvidere Delaware Rail early part of the year. The relations between the are is reason why they road and Flemington branch, and the Delaware <& Raritan Canal, lines now satisfactory, and ther« no good are sum med up as follows should not so continue. INCOME ACCOUNT PENNSYLV.VNI A R. 11. CO. FOR THE TEAR. Gross earnings $10.6(M,956 17 Oro^B expenses 7,071,924 27 The following general summary of receipts and payments shows the income account for the year: Neteamings $3,533,080 90 Dednct Interest on equipment Belvidere Del 28,173 60 Net earnings Pittsburgh to New York. Ineladlng all branches, leased linos and Philadelphia * Erie $13,096.0*7 $3,504,861 80 Interest and dividends received from Investments: Add cash received tor Invtstmeuts. 197,579 82 Cash receipts $1,969,278 In securities of other companies, amoonting to $9,861,400, Total net reveane $3,702,431 12 estimated as worth at least 1,177,960—8,147,186 : m [March 11, 1876. 25 i: fHE CHRONTCLK

Interest from Invcstmenta with the lease of the United Compinles, C. C. & I. C. 197,579 cash In the rentals of Western Lines, as above stated, are in- cluded Total omonnt available fnr rentals, interest and dlTidends $16,440,843 the net earnings from the Columbus Chicago & Indiana Central Railway during the year. It is believed by the Out of which have been paid : Pittsburgh Cincinnati and St. Louis Railway Company that by reason of Dividends of 8 per c<>nt. on Pennsylvania Railroad stock, 16,509,493 the Taxci paidStHte of Pennevlvanla 495.854 failure of the C. C. & I. C. Railway Co. to perform its coven- 01i,451 Interest on bonded and noatmg debt Penn. Ilallroad.... 3 ants under the lease of its road to the former company, the lease Kent, HarrlsbnrK L. Road 131,SM A itself has been practically terminated, and notice liaa been given Pilid Stale of Penn., injlalnient 46'i,(XK) Rental I'liiladclphia & Flrie Railroad 9)4,616 and proceedings instituted by the Pittsburgh Cincinnati & St. Rental IkUidere Delaware Railroad SJ 1.013 Louis Company in accordance therewith. It is hoped that the connected with the main line . 489,1 il Rental paid branch roads litigation relating to this subject will be terminated during the Dividends, interest and rentals, &c., on account of lease (ifUnitedN. J. Co's 4,131,053-1..,<0j.913 year, and that, upon its conclusion, the two companies referred to will arrive at some adjustment for the future operation of the Balance •• ....81,034,929 lines belonging to theC. C. & I. C. Company, Xvestof Columbus, on Amount received in fettlement of open acconnte that were adjusted ^ all interests, diuiiig the year j,35t,66j a basis that will be equitable and fair to and give^^ the owners of the property every possible earning and advantat^s^p Total to credit of profit and loss 8"^i'88,5'.)4 that can be derived from it in the future. In connection with this The President's report remarks that the [ireceding figures show subject, and to correct any misapprehension that may exist, it is that the company, after making all the payments above named, but proper to state that no endorsement of any bond of the C.j had a net balance, including the amount received in settlement of C. k I. C. Railway Company wan ever made or autliorized to bi^H open accounts that were adjusted during the year, of f3,386,- made by this Company. '^T 594 57 to be carried to the credit of profit and lo.ss. Against Several committees representing the bondholding interest of this amount have been charged the discount on the two millions that company have had interviews with the officers of your com- sterling mortgage bonds of the company sold May 7, 1874, which pany during the past year, with the view of perfecting a basis were delivered early in 1875, and the five millions of 6 per cent, under which the property of the Columbus Chicago & Indiana currency dollar bonds sold in Philadelphia during the year, the Central Company could be put in a reorganized form that would premiuii' on exchange remitted to redeem the second mortgage 'relieve it from many of its old complications, and preserve its sterling bonds that matured March 31, 1875, and other items, representation in a decreased amount of bonds and an increased 59. The balance, |1,- amounting in the aggregate to $1,230,393 amount of stock ; but as yet no definite plan has been decided 056,195 58, has been transferred to profit and loss, ho that the upon. It is hoped one may be reached during the present year. sum standing to the credit of that account at the end of the year NEW CONSTRUCTION AND EQIPMENT. was increased to |10,077,839 14. The estimate in the annual report for 1874 of the amount that Your board of directors have deemed it best to continue the would be required for construction and equipment purposes i^^ policy referred to in the last annual report, ol holding the 1875 was $3 300,000. The sum actually expended was $3,365,« amounts to the credit of the contingent fund $3,000,000, and 505 57. profit and loss $10,077,839 14, as a margin to cover any deprecia- During 1876 there will be needed for similar purposes, accord-1 tion in the value of the securities owned by the company, which ing to the present estimates, about $3,500,000 to meet the requi remain on the books at their cost, and to meet requirements of ments and additions for the New Jersey division and the mala; the company. line. In addition to this reserve, the stockholders will remember that The total amount expended and required to be expended in during the hiBtory of the company it has from time to time re- providing the pasfenger station, 100 by 300 feet, and other ter- duced its actual cost of canstru.;tion and equipment, so that the minal facilities at the Centennial grounds, including the various general account shows a charge for the main line, including new buildings, railway tracks, and improvements connected therewith, sfations, wharveF, shops and shop machinery, of $53,660 906 41, as per estimate, is $119,341 51, which it is proposed to deduct wliile the cash expenditure for those purposes to December 31, from the earnings of the Centennial ytar. 1875, is $81,863,775, showing an excess of actual property in the Forty three first-class locomotives were built, also 761 ne' possession of the company, not represented in its accounts, and stock, box and coal cars, in addition to the maintenance in goo.d. which may be considered an additional^reserve, of over $27,- condition and the necest^ary renewals of our large equipment. 000,000. In order to meet the requirements of our increasing coal trade, The proceeds of the two million pounds of sterling bonds, sold arrangements were made, through car trusts, by which 3,000 May 7, 1S74, as stated in the last report, were received during eight-wheel coal cars, of fifteen tons capacity each, were placed 1875, aiid appropriated to the payment of the $4,835,840 of second upon the line during the year at very llw prices. mortgage bonds, which matured March 31, 1875, and to the During the year, 333 eight-wheeled coal cars were purchased adjustment of construction and equipment expenditures, and from the Kittanning Coal Company at a valuation of $475 per other oblinations of tlie company incurred prior to 1874. car, or $105,450, which amount is now included in our equipment In order to provide tlie means necessary to cover the cost of account. construction and equipment as estimated in the last report, and An addition to the passenger car equipment to provide for also to pay off other liabilities of the company previously incurred, Centennial travel is now being made, embracing one hundred and it was deemed advisable to make a sale to Messrs. Drexel & Co., fifty new passenger cars, at a cost of $4.")0,000. This amount will of Pliilndelpliia, of five millions of 6 per cent, currency bonds, be charged to construction and equipment account, secured by the consolidated mortgage. The company has met all OENBRAIi BALANCE BHEET, DECEMBER 81, 1875. these expenditures and liabilities, and is now—for the first time in Dr. its history of ticcnty-nine years—without any floating debt, and had To capital stock $68,870,290 on deposit to its credit January 1, 1876,88 follows: To mortgage bonds $5l,SI9,7ii0 r . To lien of the Slate 6,00?,.360 In Iheh.nnds of its Treasurer $3,480,913 21 TogroundrcntsatOpcrcent 9), •)61—59,318,481 In the its 1,166,14166 hands of London Agency To Hccount'* payable, viz. 877,S43 In the hands of other parties 81 Passenger balances due other roads .3".!6,.381 Pay-rolls and vouchers for December, 1875 2,546,849 Making a total of $4,924,898 E8 Cash dividend unpaid Ii7,575 which is applicable to the payment of interest, dividends and Dividend scrip of 1*73 B.sn 5,689,153 expenditures. Sundry accounts due sther roads 2,679,733— To stjcuritics of United N. J. «o.'p, and transferred wilh lease 3,8i(5,584 It will be observed that the amount received from the invest- To amount of fuel and materials, Ac, transferred with lease of ments of the company exceeded all the interest paid on its bonded United N. J. Co.'s 354,635 To eiiuipment of road and canal, United N. J. Canal Co.'s, trans- and other interest obligations, leaving a surplus of $134,783 58, ferred with lease 4,409,321 and sho«iii

United N. J. RR. 4 Canal Co. -ConBlniclloD 440,915 which the taxes were levied, to be in violation of the law. Buita 400 do do 8iuk. fund A redempl'n 741), were brought in the tlie (Mrcuit ('ourt of the United Htaten, and do Harnlmus Cove , . S\f',iTi do the company was enjoined from paying these taxes. After lull do do Real DBtato 6'i5. 91« • do do RcccipU&disburacra'la l.iO4,06i bearing, the ioj unctions were made perpetual, and the State H,49«,510— 10, OiiS.lM rjthcr companies • authorities appealed from the decision to the Supreme Court at Cash balance, to pay ctupons duo In January, 1816 1. 4a3.:iK'i Washington. Cash baancc In hands of freight and passenger agents 1, 111,441 Cash balance in hands of Troasurur 3,i4b0,»!8 FASSBNOKB AAD rRBIOHT TRAFFIC. tlM,e:5,U3 Tlie number of passengers transported during the year was Chicago & Alton. 803,204, or 4 04-100 per cent less than during the preceding year. The proportion between throiigh and local passengers being {For the year ending December 81, 1875. 4 89-100 per cent of the former to 95 11-100 per cent ul the latter. ^B The annual report has tue following: The average rate paid per mile bv all pasaeugers, in 1874, was LEMQTn or ROAD OrSRATKD. .1 207-1000 cents. Average rate in 1875, 3 12(1-1000 cenU. Num- Second M'lln ber of passengers carried one mile, 39,913,851. Line. Truck. Sidings. The Ireight transported during the year amounted to 1,545,802 Chicago to Joliet (lensed) .• 3''20 ti-48 l

follows : Ist day of March last. The lease provides for operating the road Rent paid Jolict & (^icago Railroad Co $131,605 00 by your company upon an agreed basis of 70 per cent, to be retained Capaalized at 7 per cent, represents il,8S0,071 43 for operiitiug expenses, and for a division of the net earnings

paid St. Louis Jaclisonvillo Chic. RR. Co . 310,000 Oa Rent lo & from the coal traliic on the line of the Chicago & Illinois Uiver Capitalized at 7 per cent, represents ?,4J9,571 43 Rent paid Louisiana & Missouri River RR. Co 41,801 24 Railroad Company, and that of your company between Joliet and Capitalized at 7 per cent, represents 697,100 67 the Mazon river, your company taking 3-3 and the Chicago <& Illinois River Railroad Company taking 1-3; and for the payment Total 85,'JO5.803 43 Add amount of stock and bonds Issued and assumed by C. & A. to the Chicago & Illinois River Railroad Company of 30 per cent RR. Co 80,500,400 00 of the gross earnings from other trafBc. In pursuance of the authority granted, the board directed the guarantee by your com- Total $46,418,203 43 pany of the coupons attached to 700 7 per cent currency the actual the roads operated was, Although cost of each of thirty-year bonds for $1,000 each. The payment of the bonds and and, if constructed at any time during the last live years, would coupons was secured by a mortgage of the rental to be paid to have been, much greater. The foregoing statement is assumed to that company, and certain coal lands. Afterwards, by agreement, fairly represent, for the purposes referred to, what is commonly the amount of coal lands embraced in the mortgage was reduced, called permanent investment. and the Chicago & Illinois River Railroad Company retired and OR088 EARNINOS IN 1874 AND 1875. cancelled 336 of the bonds, above mentioned, and the coupons From— 1874. Per Cent. 1875. Per Cent- thereto attached, leaving 474 bends outstanding. The road has Passengers 81,4S0,3S0 87 7-10 $t,25J,B88 2« 1)-I0 been put in running order, and is now operated by your company; Freight 3,446,880 67 3-10 3,l73.tl31 68 2 10 Express 101,039 2 98,880 2 1-10 but Biifficient time has not elapsed for the development of the coal Mails 109,697 2 1-10 9(1.192 2 fields on the new line to produce much additional coal traffic. 9-10 Uiecellaneons 48,240 35,470 8-10 We are, however, well satisfied that the increase of traffic and Total $5,126,288 $1,656,763 other advantages, resulting from the operation of that line by your company, will fully compensate jou for all that is to be paid for The gross earnings in 1875 were reduced $455,389, compared its use. By an agreement entered into iu November last between with those of 1874. the Chicago Pekin & Southwestern liailroad Company, the OrERATIN* EXFENBES. Chicago & Illinois River Railroad Company, and your company, For- 1874. Per Cent. 1875. Per Cent. the first named company was granted the right to run its trains Conducting transportation. .. $802,693 2S 8-10 $7.' 5,481 29 Motive power 799,720 2S 7-10 729,442 28 over the new line, upon payment of its proportionate share of the Maintenance of way 781,140 28 716,610 27 6-10 interest on the value of the road, and the expemw ol keeping the Maintenance of cars 248,386 8 7-10 249,910 6-10 9 same in repair. General expenses 162,409 6 8-10 152,695 5 9-10 GENERAL REMJlBKS. ToUl $2,789,351 $2,604,125 Continued experience in operating the leased lines confirms operating expenses, in 1875, were reduced com- The $191,755, their estimated value to your company. The gross earnings upon pared with 1874. your lines during the last year were less than for any year since SITHHART AND EXPENSES. or EARNINOS 1S68. If the reduced earnings had been due to the opening of new 1874. 1875. lines competing with yours, or to any cause of a permanent char- Earnings from all sources $5,126,228 $4,666,768 lead to serious apprehension as to the future value Operating expenses 2,789,351 2,604,125 acter, it would of your property, but to all who have been well advised as to the Netearnings $8,336,876 $2,052,638 crops, during the last two years, in the country traversed by your Percentage of gross earnings 64 41-100 55 92-100 lines, the cause of this large decrease in earnings is apparent. INCOME ACOODNT. The large reduction ih passenger receipts results, to a considerable Balance at the credit of this account, January 1, 1875 $119,893 degree, from the general prostration of business throughout the Gross receipts fiem trnfflc 4,656,763 country. But the number of passengers, as well as the amount of Total $4,776,657 freight transported, has been largely reduced by the successive DISBURSEMENTS. short crops. Interest on funded debt $674,884 The following are the principal items, and the totals, of each Interept on convertible scrip 70.553 side of the general account: Ht. Louis Jacicponvillo & Chicago, rent 240,000 Joliet &, Chicago, rent 131,605 GENERAL BALANCK8, DECE.MBER 31, 1875. Louisiana & Mlssonrl RR. rent 41,801 Cast of road and equipment $17,806,956 90 Dividends, Nos. 21 and 25 1,021,572 Machinery and tools in shops 1E5,5<6 67 Sinkingfnnd 47,CO0 Meyer & Tilden, Trustees ST,818 39 Operating expenses (less taxes unpaid) 2,523,266—4,660,071 Bonds held by Trustees on renewal account 60.1100 00 Mississippi River Bridge Co 78«,7I8 32 Balance, December 31, 1875 $126,585 LouiHlanu Branch, cost of construction. 1.*89,4S9 92 The hostility of the grangers has been manifested for several Western Division, cost of construction 1,:09,313 17 years by an attempt to tax railway franchisee, capital-stock indebt- La. lib Mo. IC. RR., advances for interest on bonds on acconnt of renUl 161,918 S9 edness and property—in onr opinion unjustly—and State and Due from stations 65.0J7 96 county taxes a.ssessed against your company t'lr the years 1873 Supplies on hand, per Inventories $538,665 37 and 1874, excepting the taxes on personal property, have not been Less amount set apart for suppUea 500,000 00— S'.tiS S7 Casbenhand 43,266 37 paid. The act of the Legislature, under which these taxes were evied, was deemed unconstitutional, and the assessment, upon Total (including varions small items) $21,6}i,ll00 Bl . : :

266 THE CHRONICLE. (March 11, 1876.

Capital sbook, preferred $S.4Jo,400 OO Union Pacific Railroad. Capital stock, common 9,6t»,lu0 00- 12,n74,.'jOO no OoBTertlWe scrip of 1872, ontetandlng 388,700 00 {For the year ending December 31, 1875.) Funded debt.. 8,n.'i,«oo 00 The annual meeting of stockholders was held in Boston on the Sinktnj; fund, bi'iid^ paid and ciacclled 574,(100 0" inst., Sundry bond** ami stock unissiicd. pur contra 37,81:1 .3!1 8th and the following board of directors was elected for the tyouisinna A Mipsoiiri Sfi4.908 90 Kivor hR. bond fnnd ensuing year ; Oliver Ames, Elisha Atkins, Sidney Dillon, F. Oor. Unclaimed wapcti. HJ,S7i including December piiyrollB «o don Dexter, Benjamin E. Bates, Oliver Ames 2d, James D. Smith, Due for Mpplies purchflBed inPecember.' Charles J. Osborn, Mills, Gould, B'zra H. Baker DueSt. L.J. & C. RR. Co. on account «f rental .H),000 44 Samuel M. Jay ; 146,585 Incomaaccount— Surplus December 31, 187i 53 S. H. H. Clark, of Omaha ; Joseph Richardson, John Sharp, of Salt Lake; G. M. Dodge, of Council Bluffs. Of these gentlemen Totiil (inchidlnc smaller itcme)... $51,844,900 61 all were members of the board last year witli the exception of IlIinoiH Central Railroad. Ezra 11. Baker, who succeeds his deceased father, and S. H. H. {For thi year ending December 31, 1875.) Clark, general superintendent of the road, elected in place of George 8. Scott. The annual report has tte fgllowing : The directors afterwards met and organized by the choice of receipts from thp Land Office "The revenue from traffic and the Sidney Dillon as President, Elisha Atkins as Vice-President, and for the usual havt. provided tor IUh interest charge and dividend E. H. Rollins as Secretary and Treasurer. upon the shares, leaving a surplus of |109,023 56 at the credit of Mr. Jay Gould brought up the Ame« and Davis contracts in the at income account, whicli is fSTilS") 23 less than the surplus the following resolution, the indorsement or rejection of which he close of last year. net traffic of the line was |2,«70,081 92. The asked should be h ft to a written stock-vote, the list of the votes and the income Irom land $223,297 42. The bu'lness suffered thus cast and the names of the persons voting to be recorded ; from the prtRsiire of competition by lines adjacent to our own, Beiolvfd. That the dnft of a contract between this corporation and the that have been obliired to suspend intereHt payments upon their several parties named or described therein, who are beaeflciaries or trustees debts. The directors expect less interference from this source the under what is known ai« the Oakes Ames contract, and the J. W. Davl" con- present year. We have, besides, to report an exceptional harvest tract, and the assignment therewf, and who may execnte the same, whiorntion seal thereto. £200,000 sterling 5 per cent, bonds have been sold at a fair Revived. That the treasurer be authorized to sign and execute in behalf of premium. this company the draft of a bill in equity against the Credit Mohilier of .\merics, advised counsel, for the iirpose of asserting the rights and " The benefit of the Southern line has proved, the past year, by \ claims of this company against th-* faid Credit Mobilier of America, and about equal to the interest charge which the company has incur- en.iaining the prosecution of a suit by said last-named corporatlen against red in promoting its construction. But we have not di rived the this company, now p'*nding in the Supreme Court of Massachusetts. large traffic which would have been obtained, if the managers of The annual report of the President was read, and extracts from that line had pos8es.'

very small ; this year it has been decreased from 45 97-100 to Increase .54-100 decrease of 4 42-100 per cent; and this is 1876. 1874. in 1875. 41 per cent, a Gross eaniings per mile of road. $7,079 3:1 $7,175 09 accomnlished in the face of the extraordinary expenses incurred Operation exp'ses per m. of road. $1,601 5.S $3,B3S .30 during during the spring flood. Net receipts per mile of road.... 77 $3.536 79 J3,477 has been expended for new construction during t!ie year, Tons freight transported 2.016 414 2,069.935 There class Tons freii;ht carried one mile... 484,650,911 473,.55«,453 11,091.658 $500,365 ; included in this are 13 new locomotives, 41 second Revenue per ton per mile 1 !):l-100c. 4 08-luOc. passenger cars, 85 new freight cars, iron bridge for Dale Creek, Revenne from local freight $4,823,541 $5,002.9)9 new heidquarters and dep«» at Ouiaha, &c. The sum of $182,589 Tons of local freight 1,714,204 1,766,889 Tons local fg^it cirried one mile 4::3,.334, ;t 6 443,90!<,468 9,444.8't8 has been expended in replacing wooden bridges wih iron and Reveaue per ton per mile 2 u7-100c. 4 43-10«c. steel, and repairing permanent structure, all of which has been Tens of through freight 304,418 .303,046 charged to the operating expenses. Tne entire road-bed, together Revenue received from same $667,453 $697,644 lias been Tons carried one mile 51.316.71.) 49.619,985 l,ii66,760 with equipment, depots, water supply and snow defence, Hevemueper ton per mi'e 130-100". 1 40-lOOc. brought to a high order of efficiency, as demonstrated by the Nnmber passengers cirried 1.648,541 1,586,6:17 81,904 winter's experience. ' Number carried one mile 50,848,503 51,116,4(18 The consumption of fuel by motive power for 1875 was 148.- eENEBAL BALANCE SHBET, DEC. 31, 1875. 87flJ tons of coal and 7,137 cords of wood, at a cost of $4 75 for coal Pennanent eipcnditnrci', Illinois $36,169,961 22 and 50 per cord lor wood. The increase of consumption over Permanent expenditures, Iowa 643,335 13— $36,793,816 36 $6 Workins; stock of supplies 5iii,l3i 95 1874 was 31.364i tons coal, and 806^ cords of wood. Iron and steel rails on hand 327,654 16— 884 084 11 I he equipment of the road is now ample for present busineBS. Cashassets 1,169!403 90 and consists of 164 locomotives, 167 passenger and baggage cars, Miscellaneous assets 34g ooo 00 Seven percent bonds ef the New Orlaans line.' ..'. 4,814loOO 00 and 3 060 freight cars. The now rolling mill at Laramie has been completed, and has Total $44,034,814 :6 cost $312,503 33, and hasa capacity to roll 20,000 tons per annum. Shares.... $89,000,000 00 It is now in full operation, turning out satisfactory work ; and "* Fnnded Debt- . ' ' has re-rnlled lor t'e company during the year 6,378 tons of iron Six per cent currency redemption boadsof 1990. $2,.500,00fl 09 Six at the contract price of $18 DO per Ion. per cent sterling bonds of 1865, £500,000 . . . 2,530,000 00 Fivepercentsterllngbondsjof 1903, £910,000.... 4,701,000 00 Arrangements have been made during the year with the Kansas Pacific Railroad, so that its system of railroads in Kansas and $g,701,OCO 00 in harmony with the Union Pacific and its Seven per cent construction bonds, due April I, Colorado are working 1875, not presented far payment 61,000 00— 9,765.000 00 system, which is proving mutually beneficial to both. Sorplns 5,160,780 80 • » » • The late decision of the United States Supreme Balance at credit of Income. , . , , 109,048 56 Court, decreeing that the interest upon the government bonds is Total ...... be pM(} time and in the manner of the principal of the ,,.,^...... $44,034804 i to at the : : :

March 11, It 76.] THE CHRONICLR 25T bondu (leaving halt of llie (fovernmeQl tr«n»portation to bs paid pany, and the balance of tbe notea due on the stuamera if it, to the compaoy), has lifted from the property the only clouds that should become necessary. The company has already paid oo tbr there is due the company from three built rested upon it ; by that deciiion last steamers by John Roach, costing over $3,000,000,. the Government 11.054 547 Oi, which will undoubtedly be paid an about $1 600,000, and the balance of this is running through a soon as the romainiBg question now pending; in the United States period of nearly twelve mouths. In paying down this large Court, heine " what is due under the sectioa of the act of 1862, sum, 1180,000 was used in takinir up notes of Mr. Uoacli, which known as the live per cent, clause," is decided. The company are had nine months to run, instead of applying the money to tb« satisfied that their construction of this clause Is correct, and tliat payment of the first notes falling due, which accounts for tba under the decision of the Court lliere will be found at the present financial straits of the cimpanv at the present iliue. No appr* time nothing due tiie (ioveru;nont. The Uovernment and com- hension is expressed by the officers of the company as to their

this question to a final < pany are using due di I ijjencu in brin({lng ability to meet thi-ir n^agements aud protect tlieir property. decision, af'er wliich, we trus., there will be no delays in the It was a mere mistake in taking up long notes instead of the company receiving promptly its half-earnings of all government short ones, which it was supposed that tbe earnings of tbe business. steamers and about 1500,000 due as subsidy and from the Gov LAND SALES. ernment of Japan, would easily enable tlie company to meet. The total amount of lind sales for 187o was 111,049 55-100 This amount should have been received by the company batore acres, purchased by 705 dlfTerent persons, at an average price of this, and is a good asset, althougli not immediately available." $3 68 per acre, amounting to |404,408. It is understood that an ifBue«f $2,000,030 bonds was author- The total amount of laud Bold since ori;aniz«tlon of dcparlinent izod. was 1,083.893 38-lOU acrus, at an average price of (I 47 per acre. —The 'ollowing statement has been iiaued io a circular, amonutinK to $5,136,014 04 bntoo Amount of Interem imid on contracta. .. 331,43» 80 name attached to it: Amount received OB forfeited coniracts 1,140 94 FINANCIAL CONDITION OF TUE CovrAMT, Iron fleet (15 vessels), coi-t $;.85J,0 JO. Pre-icnt value $S,C7S,O0U Total proceeds 85,870,643 16 Wooden vessels, cost $5,8ii5,l 0.1 1.^51,000 Total expenses of laud department $653,566 66 Value of coal, supplies, outfit and real estate 70O,UU> Total taxes paid 385,844 69 Aniouut due from varlotu sources 478,00Q — $1,038,811 35 Total value of assets $8.780,0(W Leaving net proceeds as $4,631,83181 LIABILITIES. Tbe total amoant of land-grant bonds Issued and sold by the Due Panama Coiupany $450 0^ companywas $10,400,000 00 Due John Koach * Sons WOil'OO Amount retired aud cancelled to date 8,768,000 00 Unpaid taxes (in dispate) , 187,00u Biilspayable !M7,000—$t,«M.00O> KemftlnlnK ouistaudini;. $7,6)8,000 00 Balance There are In the hand* of the company notes and contracts . $T,128.0nt Gross 1, to hearing i[itere!ve statement there has rolls until April 1. Although the earnings of the road for some been expended in the c jnipleiion and furnishing of the new time pa^t have been large, all surplus above current expeu<'es buildinf; $883,3« 13 Constructiou aud purchase of new property 614,407 89 will he needed to pay Receiver's certificates falling due March 15. The Receiver has contracted for 300 tons steel rails.no be delivered Total $1,437,785 08 in March, for use in renewal of track. Deduct from this the surplus as above 888,347 09

Indianapolis Ciuciunati & Lafayette.—This company and Leaving a deficit on the 31st of December last of $549,387 93 the Cincinnati Lafavotte & Chicago, which extends the Cincinnati Tlie business of tbe current quarter, based upon the official line from Lafayette to the Illinois Central at Kankakee, have returns for the month of January, nearly complete returns for agreed uoon a subskan'ial consolidation of business aud interests, tbe month of February, and carefully estimating the business of the separate organizations of both to be still maintained. tbe month of March, will show substantially tbe following Macon & Brunswick.—The act authorizing the issue of results : Heci-lpts $S,»»0.S11 10 in for the bonds of this Georgia State bonds, exchange company Erpui.ses 1.500,795 57 endorsed by the State, failed to pass tlie Legislature. A bill was passed authorizing the issue of new 7 per cent. State bonds, hav- Net profits $780,014 Si. The intciest ou the bond debt accruing in one quarter ing twenty years to run, to an amount sufficient to pay the amounts to $117,000 interest due and falling due on the endorsed bonds which are Sinking fund iO.OCO now recognized by the State. The act extends also to the 137,000 OO endorsed bonds of the Nortli & South Road. The State Board Deducting the amount from the net profits of the quarter, as of Directors has finally rejected the bids made for the lease or stated ab*ve, would leave, applicable to dividends 583,014 5S sal* of the road, and the mater is referred back to the (Jovernor, But, as already shown, there was a deficit ou Jan. 1, 1876, of 549,:187 93 who will decide wliat action is to bo taken. Which, deducted fr/m above, leaves $3.3,686 60 The stockholders, at their annual meeting, Nortliern Central.— All of which residue will be expended, during the quarter, upon on the 24th of February, havin.{ approved the new mortgage issue construction which it has been deemed, advisable to authorize. t)f of five per cent, bonds, having fifty years to ruj, to $3,000,000 Willie, therefore, the business of the current quarter, in spite he exchanged for (3,000.000 of income bonds, dated January 1, of the severe depression in all branches of trade, and the reduc- 1872, the holders thereof are requested to make the exchange at tion of rates by our competitors, will be nearly up to that of tbe the Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Company, Phila- rame period of last year, it will he seen Irom the foregoing ex- delphia, the trustees of the new mortgage, with whom the new hibit that, after providing for the interest and sinking fund bonds have been deposited for exchange. payable on the 1st of May next, there will be no funds on hand Pacific meeting of the Board of Directors was held Mail.—A wherewith to pay a dividend. In view of these facts, the Ex-

early this week, of which the limes says : The meeting was ecutive Committee have adopted the following resolution for the called late on Saturday evening at tbe instance of Sidney Dillon, consideration of tlie Board : llie President of the company, and Jay Gould. There were \\7iere

258 THE CHRONICLE. [March 11, 1876. COTTON. ^ I) c € in in c r c i « 3^ „ P. M., I_^25J^^ Friday, March 10, 1876. I COMMERCIAL EPITOME. The Movement op the Crop, as indicated by our telegrams from the South to-night, is given below. For the week endingf Friday NiaHT, March 10, 1878. this evening (March 10) the total receipts have reached 78,380 There is some improvement in general trade. The weather bales, against 80,215 bales last week, 109,676 bales the previous has become springlike and the prospect is good for an early week, and 110,576 bales three weeks since, making the total re opening of Inland navigation at the North and West. The receipts since the Ist of September, 1875, 3,509,533 bales, against coal miners of Pennsylvania will, it is announced, resume work 3,052,783 bales for the same period of 1874-5, showing an increase on the 30th inst. But embarrassments arising from uDBcttled since Sept. 1, 1875, of 516,740 bales. The details of the receipts is little credits and uncertain values continue to be lelt ; and there for this week (as per telegraph) and for the corresponding weeks promise that the volume of business for the spring of 1870 will of five previous years are as follows: equal, much less exceed, that of mst spring. The 8pe3ulation in pork and lard has been variable, but latterly Receipts this week at 1876. 187S. 1874. 1873. 1872. 1871. this tendency has, on the whole, been in favor of sellers New Orleans 36,643 82,578 89,002 41.370 23,656 69,796 Statistics of pork packing at the six leading cities, during the Mobile 6,578 4,709 4,683 6,113 2,493 8,733 season just ended, sliow a falling otf in tlio aggregate, compared Charleston 3,379 4,224 9,480 . 6,973 3,155 8,630 with the seasons 1874-5, of 300,811. The average net weight of Port Royal, &c 695 233 Savannah 4,473 6,760 10,625 7,587 6,456 13,423 hogs packed at these points last year was 209.47 lb. Upon the 7,613 6,925 6,849 basis of the comparative weights here indicated for this season, 8,491 2,886 8,873 868 213 478 ^ the average would be about 219i lb. net, or an increase of 10 lb., Tennessee, &c 8,8.53 0,058 7,7f0 3,547 5.953 15,660 or about .5 per cent. Tliere was yesterday some excitement in the Florida 116 164 95 108 663 1,318 lard market, especially with reference lo spots and early futures. 2,296 2,381 1,077 1,193 1,417 1,296 It was stated that stocks are well concentrated, l)ut mostly sold Norfolk 7,018 5,684 13,437 9,431 3,837 for the later months, and of course not offered ; hence there is a 8,763 City Point, &c 431 416 422 631 197 [ scarcity for other deliveries and something of a "corner" on spots and contracts for Marcli. Bacon has been quiet, but pickled Total 83,4.33 and smoked meats have been more active at full prices. Beef and this week 78,380 60,288 88,273 50,063 136,533 beet hams have been steady, with a fair movement in butter and Total 3,051,230 cheese. Tallow has declined to 9@9ic. for prime. To day the since Sept. 1.... 3,569,523 3,052,732 3,328,837 2,880,328 8.392,887 market was easier for pork at $22 75 for mess and |19 for extra The exports for the week ending this evening reach a total of prime. Lard also allowed some depression with sales at $13 63| j for spot, ;$ 13 67i;for April and |13 85 for May; but other hog 98,005 bales, of which 56,375 were to Great Britain, 9,036 to] products were very firm. France, and 33,094 to rest of the Continent, while the stocks as j Rio coffee has been less active, and prices have lost a portion of made up this evening are now 734,425 bales. Below are the' the recent advance, fair to prime cargoes going at 16}c.@18c., stocks also for the corresponding gold. The stock at this market yesterday was 199,400 bags, and and exports for the week, and the visible supply for the United States, 306,400 bags. Mild cofftes week of last season: have been dull and close lower ; Java, 22c.@25c., and Mara- caibo, gold ; stocks band, 150,800 mats Java, &c., Stock. lGJc.@18c., on Exported to Total Same and 38,200 bags of other grawths. Rice has been in fair demand Week ending this week and steady. Teas have sold fairly, but at weakening prices. Mar. 10. «;»* C""" France week. 1875. 1876. 1875. Foreign dried fruits are generally dull and unchanged. Molasses Britain. nent. lias active four cargoes of sold for been more ; Cuba have been New Orleans* 26,315 9,636 16,969 52,920 26,446 838,418 251,447] and export on the basis of 33e. for 50 test. Domes- '' consumption Mobile 10,135 1,180 11,315 53,092 60,410 tic in large stocli and lower. Sugars are rather firmer for raws Charle-otou 4,191 1,816 6,407 6,564 26,078 34,192 i at 7ic.@7Jc. for fair to prime refining, but under liberal supplies Savannah 41,315 7,951 7,951 8,118 73.518 I and some pressure to sell, the close is weaker. Refined active at -' Galvestont 4,311 3,654 7,995 1,486 48,145 65,834 lOfc. for standard crushed. The mivement in raws has been : New York 3,11) 933 4,018 7,013 176,584 191,401 '

Hhds. Boxes. Bags. Melado. ' Norfollc. 4,638 4,638 2,907 13,859 9,390 R.^ce1pt9 since Mircli 1 17,689 8.060 50,900 3.55 Other ports} 43,000 58,610 Sales since March 1 7,441 3,320 1,2«S 486 3,646 191 3,737 3.899 Stock Marcli 9, 187S 86,338 11,204 105,111 l,t06 Total this Stock Marcli 11. 1875 38,.361 34,368 103,663 1,396 week.. 56,875 9,6.36 33,094 98,005 55,767 734,425 734,334

Kentucky tobacco has again ruled lower at 5@6ic. for lues and Total since Sept.l 1,47-5,576 304,910 56.1,369 2,34t,8J5 1.910.475

8(ai4c. for leaf ; the sales for the week embraced 350 hhds., of ' Aew Orlea>u.—0ar shows that (beside' wbicli 300 were for export and 50 were for consumption. Seed telegram to-night from New Orleans above exporlsi the amount of cotton on shipboard and engaged for shipment a leaf has continued in fair demand, and prices have remained that port is as follows; For Liverpool, 71,1)00 hales; for Havre, 22,0?0 bales; fo Continent, 37,000 bales for if deducted about steady; the sales embrace: crop of 1873,54 cases ; coastwise ports, 2,500 bales; which, from Now the stock', would leave IDS.OUO balej representing the Quantity at the landing and In York at G^c, 120 cases Oliio at 8Jc., 93 cases Illinois at 7ic., 200 presses unsold or awaiting orders. t Oaloe^'iton.—Oaf Galveston telegram shows (besides above exports) on ship-" England on private terms ; crop of 1874, 08 cases New cases board at thnt port, not cleared: For Liverpool, 6,JIS bales; for other foreign, Ohio, part at 4c., 100 cases Pennsylvania and 225 cases New Eag- 5,ia. biiles; for coastwise ports, 1,542 bales; which. If deducted from the stock, would leave remaining private terms; and, crop of 1875,27 cases Florida at 35,0a8 baies. land, on IS-Jc, t The exports this week under the head of "other ports" include from Baltl- and 23 cases Wisconsin, frosted, at 3c.; also, 150 cases sundry moi o 66, ba'cs and 223 bags Sea Island to Liverpool, and 191 bales to Bremen; from Jiostnn 90! bales to Liverpool ; irom I'hlladelphla 933 bales to Liverpool ; from kinds at 7@35c. Spanish tobacco has been in moderate demand \\ ilmiugton SU bales to Liverpool. and unchanged ; the sales were 400 bales Havana at 83c.@$l 15. From the foregoing statement it will that, The busiuess in ocean freights has been moderately fair in the be seen compared aggregate, sufficient, under the light supply of tonnage, to hold with the corresponding week of last season, there is an increase rates in a steady position. The individual demands of any trade, in the exports this week of 43,338 bales, while the stocks to-night however, are far from being large. Late engagements and are 91 bales tnore than tbey were at this time a year ago. charters include: Grain to Liverpool, by steam, 7d. per 00 Iba.; The following is our usual table showing the movement of cotton cotton, by steam, jd.; provisions, 30(")35s. per ton ; cotton, by at all the sail, 7-83d.; grain to Bristol, by sail, 8d.; do., by steam to Ant- ports from Sept. 1 to March 3. the latest mail dates : werp and Bremen, 8Jd.; do. by hteam, to Rotterdam, 9Jd.; grain to Cork for orders, Gs. 9d.; refined petroleum to the Continent, BSCEIPT8 KXPORTED SINCE SEPT. 1 TO— Coast- excluding Dutch ports, 4s. 3d. To-day, there was only a small PORTS. graOK SEPT. 1. Great lOther wise Stock. business, but rates were steady, and if anything a trifle better. France Total. Ports. 1875. 1874. Britain forei'n Grain to Liverpool, by steam, 7id. per 00 lbs.; bacon, 30s. per ton. grain to Glasgow, by steam, 9d.; do. to Cork for orders, N.Orleans. i.i.'iii.ses 864,006 454,895 194,913 187,817 837,085 133,607 350,739 Gs. 9d. flat, per quarter; naphtha from Baltimore to Havre or Mobile .... 336,181 835,705 102,569 19,347| 46,116 108,033 99,635 59,783

Antwerp, Cs. Chariest'n* ,371,537 396,002 117,284 47,138 68,944 233,31 ( 93,878 29,929 market for hides. has continued very quiet, but The prices are Savannali .. 476,5(5 514,401 150,33S 86,035 143,831 319,254 132,018 48,172 williout essential change ; dry Entre llios sold at [email protected]., gold, G;ilveston*. 416,884 312,418 103,436 4,111 83,010 190,617 180,837 54,593 20(ii)34c., four months ; dry Buenos Ayres quoted at gold, and dry New York.. 156,301 94,835 260,577 1,915 49,953 318,445 168,839 Texas, 19@31c., currency. Linseed oil in fair jobbing demand Florida 11,809 11,714 11,369 .... .59(fi)B0c.; otlier oils quiet. and steady at and unchanged. Whiskey N. Carolina 85,350 84,899 21,541 2,301 2.3,8 i3 65,983 4,983 has declined to $1 09J:((()|;l 09|, tax paid. Clover seed has been Norfolk*.. 417,617 3-17,359 87,829 1,817 89,648 307,096 28,531 active and closes at 14j@i5c. for Western and State. Other ports 78,907 52,211 00,792 11,823 72,615 39,000 Naval stores have been fairly active, that is, in spirits turpen- tine, wlilch has advanced, and closes firm at 39c.; rosins have Tot. this yr. 3,491,148 1419,301 295,874 531,875 8*16,850 1013,817 778,528

dull ; common to good strained, latterly been $1 O0(o)fl 65. Tot. last yr. 3,992.lj00 1304.0li9 21->,880 3:15,25:1 18.54,703 994 8.55 733.051 Petroleum at one time was (airly active and firm, but closes dull • Under the head of CArtritf-s^o/i is lncln

March 11, 1876.] THE CHRONICLE. 259

The market for cottou at this port has been excited and complete figures for to night (Mar. 10), we add the item of exports variable during the past week, closing, however, with some from the United States, including in it the exports of Friday only : improvement. For export, aa well as consumption, there was an 1876. 1875. 1874. 187.1. active demand, and no inconsiderable business for Stock at was done Liverpool 849,000 731,000 788.000 £31,000 Stock at speculation early in the week. Lines in transit for European London 98,tt30 114.000 181,750 161,000 markets and for arrival liore wore taken with some freedom ToUl Great BriUln stock ; (NR.tSO "wvjoo »«,7M 818,000 Stock and the whole market showed that revival which had been so at Havre 2)3.800 102,780 141.150 185,000 Stock long expected and persistently delayed. On Monday, quotations at Maraetllei 4.750 (,150 l^.^OO 14,000 Stock at Barcelona i»,uao 75,«S0 58,150 (9,0110 for spots were advanced |c., with holders largely withdrawing Stock atnambarx 1«,000 11.500 4,1.003 30,000 their stocks from sale. This was followed by some inactivity Stock at Bremeo 45,000 lil,7.'50 St,000 45.000 Stack at and weakness ; but to-day the market was very firm and fairly Amsterdam M.OPO 43,500 68,1)00 75,000 Stock active, but without quotable advance. For future delivery, there at Botterdam IS.TM 11.000 I.%«50 »,000 Stock at Ant-irerp M,eoo 6,500 has been much activity and excitement, prices, however, being 17,7.50 81,000 Stock at other coDtlncntal ports.. u,sao in,ooo %,000 38,000 subject to frequent and violent fluctuations. The tendency, on the Total coiitincntiil porta 510.500 303,500 405,000 whole, has been upward, and at the close last uiglit prices bid were 501,000 about 4c. above the previous Friday. The speculation for a rise Total Earopean stocks 1, 413,750 1,151,500 1.3»7,7BO 1,814,000 India cotton aOoat for Europe. ... 131,090 :)2T,000 195,000 received a serious check on Monday, from the large receipts at K>o,o:o American cotton afloat for Europe 5yi,00a 603,100 588,000 487,000 New Orlean.s and Memphis, of which the " bear " party took Egypt, Brazil, £c.,afloat for E'rope 46,000 7!, 000 80,000 83.000 advantage to make a strong effort to break down the market. Stock In United SUtos ports 734,4»5 731,3)1 717,0*1 529,553 tlie " " But bulls proved too strong ; and on Tuesday the decline Stock in U. 3. Interior ports 121,135 103,35; 1M,139 10«.87i was fully recovered. The fluctuations that have taken place are United States exports to day Si.OM 10,000 90,OOJ 1,000 largely due to speculative manipulation, and to the struggle between the two parties on our Cotton Exchange. Yesterday, Total Tislblesnpply.. ..bales.3,O82,:il0 3,000,191 D.OSoiwo 2,r«,481 Liverpool was lower Of the above, the totals or for arrivals, but receipts at American and other descriptions are I the ports pointed a rollowa : a total — to very small ; thus both parties had equal grounds for American Liverpool stock action, and after fluctuations of l-16c. the close was at about the 496,000 4)4,000 34>>,000 802,000 Continental stocks 293,000 inside prices of the previous evening. To-day, the demand for li9.030 308,000 163.000 futures was not active, but the market gradually strengthened, imerican afloat to Europe 591,000 G3!,000 5&),00C 437,000 until close United States stock 731,425 734.a31 717,020 the showed an advance of 3-33(3 Jc, owing to small 528,558 receipts at the ports and steadier accounts from Liverpool. United States Interior stacks 124,:35 103,357 1'J3,I39 106.878 The total sales for forward delivery for the week are 141,500 United States exports lo-day 29,000 10,000 20,300 7,000 bales, including free ou board. For Immediate delivery the Total American •..bales. 2,2M,5(>0 2,003,091 2,002,159 1,594,431 total sales foot up this week 12,793 bales, including 4,041 for ex- Batl Indian, Brazil, dtc— port, C,4'iO for consumption, 1,339 for speculation, and 1,103 in Liverpool stock 363,000 310,000 392,000 330,000 transit. Of the above, 1,350 bales were to arrive. The following London stock 53,250 111,000 181,750 J!<1,000 re the closing quotations : Continental stocks 226,500 174,500 197,00) 333,000 wew India afloat for Europe 131,000 317,000 195,000 250.00 New Cluslflc&Uon. Cplanda. Texaa g Orleani. Bgypt, Brazil, &c., afloat 46,000 71,000 80,003 83,000 Ordinary 1 perk, 9 3-lt «.... 9 3-:6 @.... 9 3-16 a... 9 3-16 ®... ' Strict Ordlimry Total East India, 4c 827,750 996,60) 1,043,750 1,132,000 lU 1-16 •.... lU 1-16 ®.... 10 l-;6 ®.., 10 1-16 w... food Ordinary 10 11-16®.... 10 11-16(8.... 10 13-16® ., 10 1^16®... Total American -.2,254,560 2,003,691 2,002,;55 1,S94,'431 trlct Guod Ordinary 11 7-16®..., '->« LowMlddllne II a... 11 9-16 a.. 11 »-16 «... 11 i5-i6a.... U l-ld @.... 12 3-lS Vi 3-16 Strict a.. a... Total visible supply. ...bales. 3,082,310 3,000,191 3,050,909 2,7:6 4)1 Low Middling 12 7-lS ®,... li MO ... la 11-16®.., Hlddllng ® Vi 11-16®... ux a.... IiH a... U !&-16®.., i 15-16®.. Price Ulddling Uplands. Liverp'l. 6Xi a... 15X «... of 1S75, an STAINED. irurease of 31,401 bales as compared with the Sood Ordinary corresponding I . 9 5-16 Low Middling. IJ 15-16 I gtrlet date of 1874, and an increase of 305,879 bales Good Ordinary , 11)7-16 as compared . Middling... .. 11 13-16 with 1873. Below we give the sales oJ spot and transit cotton and price of Uplands at this market each day of the past week : At the Interiok Ports the movement—that is the receipts and shipments for the week and stock to-night, and for the of New Cod. Spec. Tran, corresponding week 1875—is set out in detail in the following Claasiacatlon, Good lA)W Mid- Kzp't. lump, nla'n It Total. Ord'ry Ord'ry, Mldl'g dling. statement: atarday 233 9 1-16 10 9-16 11 lS-16 'IsjT' Monday Week ending Mar. 10 , 1876. Week ending Mar. 12, 1875. 1.144 903 3-16 [ 3,160 9 10 11-16 i: 13 I faaaday 1.567 l.li» 12X 2C0 2.966 9 3-16 10 11-16 11 15-10 Receipts. 12V ! Shipments. Stock. Keceipts. Shipments. •ednesdajf... SCO 3,197 3-!6 'Stock. 3,971 9 10 11-16 II 15-16 I2IW^

ffhiiraday , 4S0 SUl 1,245 9 S-16 10 11-16 11 15-1(1 12^ ftlday 25U 612 Au?nsta, Ga 1,829 3,105 12.504 1,7-1 1.2-1 1,-1.0 1,212 9 3-.6 10 U-IC 11 I.'i-IB ia,v ;fl Commbiis, Ua 303 919 8,741 410 I.UIU ».5.i9 Total., I.ISn 6,180 I. ai 1,103 12,793 Macon, Ga 431 5.38 5,033 320 294 7,608 Montgomery, AJ& . 4V4 1,733 7,110 2a5 801 Delivered on contract, during the woet, 1,700 bales. 3,163 Selma, Abi 1,299 1.405 7,188 512 420 4.854 Memphis, Tenn 15,340 10,901 76.1i;8 4.760 For forward delivery tlie sales (including free on board) 8,U0 49,147 Nashville, Tenn.... 1,081 7,.38l 1,362 2,430 13,992 kave reached during the week 141,.500 bales (all middling or on the basis of middling), and the following is a statement of the Total, old ports 80,977 19,738 124.135 9,45J 14,379 103,357 sales and prices Dalla?, Texas 135 197 826 lO.S 216 821 Kor March, bales, Ct'. bales. cts bales. ct«. Jefferson, Texas . . 596 607 5,080 talea cts. 3,100... 29-32 590 HOI 2.550 . . 12 13,100 IJii 200 13 2S-32 I(!0 8.n.61h.l2 11-16 Shreveport. La 2,332 2.ni9 5,651 1.825 2,177 4,231 3,700... ..12 lj-16 2,200 13 13.S 1,'iOO 13V IU)B.u.6thl2 23-32 VIcksb'g, Miss 5,9i;i 5,1G2 8,361 1,9.11 2,600... ,.12 31-32 200 13 7-16 1.100 13 25-32 578 4,'.'7l! lOOs.n. 9lh...l2k 4.900 Miss...... 13 l,"iOO !3 11-16 Columbus, 139 172 1,784 145 7 1.002 luos.n 10,000 ux 13 l-:)2 90.800 total May. 9i)0 lSi7-lC Eufaula. Ala 245 427 2,306 211 96 1,867 400 12-25-32 7,iOO 1-16 13 S.600 ...13;^ OrilUn, fla 29 152 7113 72 lUls.n. ilh. 12-16 63 386 12 100 13 33.' Kor Jane. 1,000 lOOs.u.Sth.U 12 29-S Atlanta. Ga 247 413 3,931 81)0 97 2,087 13-16 100 13X 300 13 15-32 lU)».B,!0lh.:2 13-;6 Rome, Qa 269 39(1 1.507 401 416 995 3^500 13S 10,300 toUl July. Charlotte, N.C 741 402 |i IOJ8.n.llih.l2 27-32 32,500 total April. I.™ 13 17-32 1,130 1,055 774 833

31W 12 27-32 Louis, ' 2,:t00 ,.13 9-16 St. Mo 5,469 7.648 25,096 I 2.462 .3.441 25.496 lIXiB.n 12K 3,1100 !3 19-32 For August. Cincinnati, U 5,319 6,221 13,342 3,0^5 4 362 16731 SOO Kor May. IVX '(,«« 13« 100 13 29-32 700 12 29-32 500 5-32 13 5,300 13 81-3 1.400 11 15-16 Total, new ports 21,505 23,875 70.333 12,715 SOO 12 15 16 100 12,431 61,339 1 13 i-16 2,100 13 li-H 2.000 13 31-32 WJ 12 SlSi 6,500 13 7-32 2,800 II Total, all 6.2U) 42,482 4.3.013 194.465 22,201 I 26,810 13!,' 25,900 total June. 2,600 14 1-32 161,696 3,200 total Mari^. 4.;00 13 9-32 SOO 11 1-16 Kor April. 8.500 13 516 KorJuly. 1>00 The above totals show that the old interior stocks I2X 1C,S00 13 11-32 100 13 11-16 9,300 toUl Aug. have increased during the week 1,339 bales, and are to-night 20,778 The followini; will show spot quotations and the closing prices bales more than at the same period Inst year. The receipts at bid for futures at the several dates named same towns have been 11,518 bales more than the same week last year. HTDDLIHe UPI.ASD8—,tII«BIOAN OLASBiriOATION.

FrI. Sat. Hon. Tue«. Wed. Tbnrs. Frl. On spot • I2X I2!i; 12V y'^ 12 V 12V 12V Wbather Reports bt Telkorjiph.—There has been some March 12 21-32 12 13-16 .. . 12 113-32 12 13-16 l2i;7-32 13 April r.'X rainy I2« 13 1-32 !•!« 13 1-32 12 31-32 13 13X weather in the South tho past week, but, at most jioints, May 13 3-16 13 11-31! 13n-3a 1 1 U-Si 13 9-32 13 I5-1J 13 13 S2 Juno 13 1S-3J 13« 13 7-:6 13% 13 9-16 no more than usual and desirable at this season of the year. Crop July 1.) »-l» 13 21-32 13 11-16 13« 13 11-16 13% 13 25-32 13 August 25-3i UK preparations are fair 13K 14 135< 14 1-32 13 15-16 13 lf,-;0 14 1-32 making progress. Tlie present indications Bales spot.... 1,9110 2.18 3,IUI 2,966 3.'/;i l,2«« 1.2J2 are that there will Sales future. 41,11X1 •27,00 SlfiifO 1-.9I0 be no falling off in Texas of the amount of gold 2; .8,10 14.8U 19..-i(l0 H1J4 II4«< 114V IIIH lll'< lUM 114J4 land devoted to cotton. fixcbanxe . 4.8t l.H 4.84 4.t4 4.bl Oalveston, Texas.—Corn planting is now jenorally finished Thb Visible Supply of Cotton, as made up by cable and throughout the State, but as yet very little cotton 8ee

' 260 THE CHRONICLE. (Match 11, 18:6.

Ixty-two hundredtlis of an inch, and the thermometer has aver- XONTHLT HOVBMBMT OF OBOP. aged 03, the liighest being 76 and the lowest 50. Ttcar beginning B«ptanbtr 1. Monthly liecdpti. day, the rainfall Indianola. Texat.—We had a shower on one 1878. 1874. 1873. 1872. 1871. 1870. reaching fifteen hundredths of an inch. The weather has been September 189,On] 184.3:6 115,255 184,744 123,817 thermometer has averaged warm, gea.sonable and pleasant. The October 610,3161 536,963 355,323 444,003 355,0ia 64, the highest being 78 and the lowest 49. Coxa is growing November 740,116{ «76,')9& 576,103 530,153 544, 14« Bnely. We are now bedding up for cotton. De{;ember 881,177; 759,1 811,668 524,975 625,714 Vorncana, Texas.—The weatlier has been variable this week, Total to Jan. I.. a,S4O,686|a,106,675 1,858,349 1,633,875 l,M8,27-i with two cold day?. Two days in the early part of the week it January 637,067 444,05-2 703,108 569,430 627,281

clear pleasant ; the rainfall rained hard ; since then it has been and Total to Feb. 1 a,977,753 8,550,787 2,560,517 2,253,305 2, 375,55:! reached one inch and thirty-three hundredths. The thermometer February , 479,801 38i,3i4 482,688 462,552 608,689 the highest being 80 and the lowest 34. has averaged 58, Total to March I . . . 3,4J-,5M a,93t,051 3,043,205 a,715,857 2,232,146 2,884,142 DaUas, Texas. The past week has been mainly favorable for — Year's port receipts 3,497,169 3,804,290 3,6.51,846 2,732,386 4,03«,1S4 crop purposes. Corn is now all planted, and preparations are Overland a05,3S9 287,572 141,500 122,065 228,923 making for cotton. Last season's ready sale of grain will stimu- Southero consump.. 130,483 128,626 137,1 120,000 91,240 late its culture this year ; but the probability is that the cotton acreage will not be diminished. Immigration has been heavy. Year's total crop 3,832.991 1.170,388 3,930,508 2,974,351 4,35-J,8ir We had a shower on one day, with a rainfall of fifteen hundredths Per cent of total port receipts of an inch. The thermometer has averaged 66, the highest be- received to Jan. 1 60 21 48-84 46-11 60-99 40-87 ing 70 and the lowest 86. Per cent of total port receipts Jfeio Orleans, Louisiana.—Rain fell on one clay during the week received to Feb. 1 Ta-93 6730 61-71 6901 66-43 to the eztent of one inch and ten hundredtliS. The thermometer Per cent of total port receipts has averaged 59. to March 1 8389 79 99 74-38 81-69 75-28 bhreveport, Louisiana.—We had rain on Saturday and Monday last, the rainfall reaching one inch and thirty-seven hundredths. Per cent of total crop re- The thermometer has averaged 59 during the week, the extremes ceived toJan. 1 64-96 44-56 43-83 46-84 87-87 being 79 and 37. Receipts show a falling oft from last week, Per cent of total crop re-

caused by low water in tbe upper river. ceived to Feb. 1 66 54 61 39 57-32 63-42 52-28. Vicksburg, Mississippi. —There was rain on one day this week Per cent of total crop re- of two and eighty-four hundredths inches. Aver- to the extent ceived to March 1 T6-54' 75-37 60 09 7504 66 IS age thermometer during the week 58, highest 74 and lowest 36. Half the port receipts received Dec. 15. Jan. 2. 1 Jan. 8. Dec. 29. Jan. 18. Mississippi. have had warm, sultry, wet weather Columbus, —We On which day receipts were... 1 ,745,630 1,909,9581 1,822,525 1,375,784 a,011,60L this week. The tliermometer has averaged .59, ranging from 45 to Half the total crop received . Dec. 22, Jan. 11. Jan. 16. Jan. 5. Jan. 2ft. 73, and the rainfall has reached one inch and ninety three hun- I On which day receipts were. . 1,916,76? a,08:i,115 1,978,164 1,486,898 '2,169,-29 dredths. Up to .Marcli Ist tlio receipts at the ports this year showed aiv Little Rock, Arkansas. —Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Fri- excess of 533,503 bales over the previous season, while the ovei> day of the past week, have been cloudy, with a rainfall the first land movement was at the same time probably about 40,000 bales- three days of one inch and twenty-two hundrt dths. The ther- larger, BO that even with no increase after March Igt, this crop, mometer has averaged during the week 55, the highest being 72 would reach 4,400,000 bales. and the lowest 37. Preparations tor planting are progressing. Nashville, I'ennessee. —We had rain on one day during the European Spinners' Takings for January.—The following* week, the rainfall reaching fifty-six hundredths of an inch. etatement of the takings of European spinners in January this- Average thermometer 50, highest 02 and lowest 38. year and last year, we have made up from the tables of Messrs^ Memphis, Tennessee. —It has rained two days this week, and the Ellison & Co.:

rest of the week has been clouHy, the rainfall reaching one inch From Jan. 1 to Feb. 3, 1876. Stock, Stook, Spin' era- and fifiy-nine hundredths. The thermometer has averaged 55, takings, Jan. 1. Imports Exports Import' Feb. 3. the highest being 64 and the lowest 45. V^t>. 3L Total I Actual. Net MobUe, Alabama.— It has been showery one day and cloudy two days the past week, the rainfall reaching fifty-two hundredths of UVERPOOL. an Inch. The thermometer has averaged 58, the highest being American. 71 and the lowest 37. Brazil Montgomery, Alabama. —The early part of the week we had Egypt. rain on one day, the latter part being clear and pleasant. The Turkey, ifcc rainfall was one inch and sixty-one hundredths. The average West Indies, &c.. thermometer has been 56, the highest 73 and the lowest 33. Bast Indies.. iSelma, Alabama. It rained one day this week, the rainfall — Total Liverpool, '76, reaching forty two hundredths of an inch, but the rest was Same time 1875, pleasant. Tlie thermometer has averaged 54. Madison, Florida. —We have had one rainy day this week aad LONDON. a rainfall of thirty-three hundredths of an inch. Average ther- Bombay.

mometer, 58 ; highest, 72 ; and lowest, 44. Madras . Macon, Georgia. — It has rained on one day this week. The Ben<;aK &c. thermometer has averaged 57, the highest being 80, and the Otter sources. lowest 33. Total London, 1876.. Atlanta, Georgia. — It rained heavily here one day, the rainfall 1875.. reaching one inch and twelve hundredths. The thermometer Same time . has averaged 55, the highest being 68, and the lowest 34. Total Gt. Brit., 1676. Columbus, Georgia. —There has been one rainy day here this Total Gt. Brit., 1875. week, the rainfall reaching one inch and thirty-three hun- dredths^ The thermometer has averaged 57, the highest being 73, and the lowest 34. eia't>annah, Georgia.—There were two rainy days here during CONTINENT. the past week, but the remaining five days were pleasant. The American rainfall was seventeen hundredths of an inch. The thermometer Brazilian.. hag averaged 57, the extremes being 47 and 67. Mediterranean

Augusta, Georgia.— It was showery here one day, but the rest West Indian .. of the week has been pleasant, the rainfall reaching thirty-one East Indian. hundredths of an inch. The thermometer has averaged 58, the Total ContineDt,1876 extreme range being 74 to 30. Same time 1876 Charleston, South Carolina.—There has been one rainy day this week, the rainfall reaching thirty four hundredths of an inch. 614,690 Total Europe, 1876. . 1,047,990] 703,30; ^,236,602

The thermometer has ranged from 34 to 71, averaging 56. Total Europe, 1875.. 1, 084,410 08.582 ^,287,630 555,362 following statement have also received telegraph The we by It will be noticed that tbe figures for Ureal Britain are to Feb- the height of the rivers at the points showing named at 3 o'clock ruary 3d, and therefore include five weeks, while the Continental last year's figures March 9. We give (March 12, 1875) for com- figures are only for four weeks. parison. BouBAY Shipments.—According to our cable despatch received ^Mrh. 9, '76-^ r-Mch. 1«. '75.-^ bales to Great Feet. Inch. Feet. Incn. to-day, there have been 17,000 shipped from Bombay while the NewOrleans.. Below high-water mark 4 1 6 U Britain the past week, and 5,000 bales to the Continent ; Memphis Above low- water mark 17 6 31 receipts at Bombay during this week have been 35,000 bales. Nashville Above low-water mark /.. 7 4 Missing. The movement since the 1st of January is as follows. These are Shreveport. ...Above low-water mark 16 SS 6 17 brought Vlcksbnrg Above low-water mark 48 1 30 4 the figures of W. Nicol Co., of Bombay, and are New Orleans reported below high-water mark of 1871 until down to Thursday, March 9 Receipts. Sept. 1874, when the zero of gauge was changed to higU-water .-SblpmentB this week^ ^Shipments since Jan. 1-, *— 9, Great Con- Great Con- This Since mark of April 15 and 16, 1874, which is 6-lOths of a foot above Brltaln. tlnent. Total. Britain, tlnent. Total, week. Jan. i. 1871, or 16 feet above low- water mark at that point. 1876 17,000 5,000 22,000 82,000 65.030 147,000 35,000 216,000 1875 26 000 3-J,000 58,000 208,000 108,000 316,000 58,000 416,000 Monthly Movement op Crof.—Below we give our state- 1874 17.000 8,000 26.000 150,000 71.000 221,000 45,000 332,000 ment of the monthly movement of the crop, brought forward to From the foregoing it would appear that, compared with last March 1 year, there is a decrease of 36,000 bales this year in tbe week's : . ! : :,

March 11, 1876] THE CHRONICLE 261

Bhipmfnto from Bombay to Europe, and that the total movement The following are the receipls of cotton at New Tork, Boston, '76 BiDce January 1 shows a dtereane in shipments of 169,000 balef Philadelphia and Baltimore for the last week , and lioce Sept. 1 , compared witn the corresponding period of 1875. '1 QuNNT Baob, Bagging, Ac—Bagginfr has ruled very quiet dar- KSW T0B>. BOSTOa. PBILADBLT'IA BALTtaOBB. ing; the past week, aud no sales have been made that we bear of. ca'TS nu>H- This Since This Since This {SIdcs,; This ISlnce Prices rule nominal at asicnd, with buyers offering 13i@12i<;., week. Sept 1. week. Septl.l we«k.|8cpU.i we«k.|8^t.l about ie. under these figures. Bales continue dull at 9@yic. for

New Orleana.. 4,789 9I),8S» 10.851 ....' . . India and 12ic. for Borneo. Bsg^ are quiet and prices nominal for 4»i;i , ... Texas 6 271 4408. Butts have been rather quiet, the late arrivals in Boston and 2,229 56,171 SaTannah 2,! 74 72,501 1,198 19,041 132 18,122 «i6 11,211 about bales, bavintr supplied the wants of con- , at this port, 16,000 1 Mobile 1,950 1 990 • •• ijm • •. .... Florida 96 ....i snmerH for the present. Prices are still quoted at S^gdfc. in a 6,9.^4 i *•« small way, but round lots could hardly be placed except at a con- 9'th Carolina i.m 77,489 1,216 • ••• ...i 88 9,06« N'th Carolina. i.Wi 41,858 i ... ,,,, ,,,, 653 18,748 in price. j cession Virginia 1,842 159,087 1,841 47.814 540 48,9g«

LivKRPOOi., March 10.—3 P. M.—By Cablk rbom Livrr- Morth'm Portf 183 7,463 •.;WA S«,»« 1 66 POOL.— Estimated sales of the day were 12,000 bales, of which Tennessee, Ac 6,202 162,50! 1,378 31,988 «M 26,i'M| ji-o 4.50t Porelin> 548 2,048 ...

2,000 bales were for export and speculation. Of to-day's sales 1 11,800 bales were American. The weekly movement is (^iven as Total this year 23,l»l 697,796 5,106 196,901 1.0J8, S8,e»3 2,010 91,628 1 follows : Feb. 18. Feb. »5. M'cha. U'ch 10. Tetal last year. 22,006 612,547 .'.680 205,274 3,t>ll 46,407 ) 3,!Kn 96,063 8alc» of the ir«ek bales. 5AO0O 59,000 85,000 57,000 exports of cotton the Fonvardcd 26,000 18,000 17,000 17,006 Shtpping News. —The from United Sales American 88,000 8:1,00^ 35,000 55,000 States the past week, as per latett mail returns, have reached of which exporters took. 6.000 7,000 6,000 S,000 137,753 bales. So far as the Southern ports are concerned, these of which speculators took 4,000 6.000 11,000 5.000 are the same exports reported by telegraph, published in TotHl stock 843,000 838,000 8^9,000 849,000 and of which American 484,000 479.000 484,000 486.000 Thb Chronicle last Friday. With regard to New York, we ToUl import of the week 122.000 60,000 84,000 80,000 include the manifests of all vessels cleared up to Wednesday of which American 98,000 40,000 48,000 60,000 night of this week. Actnaloxport 4,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 ,j„j,, ^^„ Amountagoat 363,000 367.000 885.000 88-2,000 N«w York—To Liverpool, per steamers Republic, 668... City of New of which American 217,000 278,000 298.000 S80 000 York, 1H6... .China, 100.. .Nevada. 415 ...per ships Iron Crown, Futures. «J»....KnowBley Hall, 742 8,I1S Satukdat.—May-June delivery, Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 7-3^)^d. To Bremen, per steamer Hermann. 153 158 Jnne-Jnly delivery, Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 5-16d. To Antwerp, per steamer C. F. Fnnch, 760 780 July-.\ng. diilivcry, Uplands, IvOw Mid. clause, 6^d. Nbw Obi,ban8—To Liverpool, per steamers Muriel, 188 Andean,

April-May delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clan»e. 6 316d. ,3.200 per ships Ryi-rson, 4,957 ..Raphael, .V0S5 . .Maid of May-June delivery, Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6-lbd. Orieans, -i.srO .. per barlts Poolsoar, 8,369 ...Giusto, 2,^9^. .. March delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 3-lHd. Laura Emily, :.108 24,044 April-May delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 3-82d. To Cork, per bark Elecla, 1,141 ).»41 May-Jtine delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 ll'i2@Hd. To Falmouth, per bark Ernn, 1,519 1..579 June-July delivery, Uplands, Low Mid. clause. 6 7-16d. To Havre, per ship Aji.T, 2,601 .. per bark Magsfie Miller, 8,479.... 6,083 March-April delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 5-3Jd. 'To Dunkirqup, France, per bark Paulista, 100 10-

June-July delivery. Uplands. Low Mid. clause, 6 13-83d. To Antwerp, per bark Vine *nzo Galiitola, 1,579, .j^ I,571i^ Monday.— Mny-June delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6Hd. To Reval, per ships Ueriof Hetlofson, 2,344... Protector, 2,234 ...

June-July delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. chuise, 6 7-16d. Agnes Sutherland. 3.45 i . . .Thomas Lord. 3,931 Aonia M. Law. February shipment Uplands, Low Mid. clause, by sail, 6 5-16d. .3,942. ...per barks Fridleif, 1,635 ...Themis, 1,687 per schr. March-.\pril shipment. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, by sail, 6J(fd. M. W. Acwood, 2,150 21,369 Maj--Junc delivery. Upland", Low Mid. clause, 6 ll-34d. To Cronsiadt, per harks Preciosa, -2,601 Wilhelm Gynther, 1,601.. 4.2fli March-April delivery. New Orleans, Low Mid. clause, 6 5-16d. ToHango, Finland, per bnrk Magdalena, 2,100 2,100 March- April delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 8-16d. To Barcelona, per barks Recurso II., 41.... Aretuza, lOJ 141 TuBSDAT.—April-May delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6Ji07-32d. T» Malaga, per bark Rosario. 1,104 1,104 June-July delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6?id. To Genoa, per barks Boli\ar, 1,496 ...Medbor, 1,571 8,067 July-Aug. delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 7.16d. MoBn-E—Te Liverpool, per ship Pride of England, 4,181 per barks

May-Iune delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause. 6 5-16d. Arabia, .3,200 . Clytie, -3,177 .... 10,558 Feb.-Msrch shipment. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, by sail, 6Vd. To Cork, for orders, per bark Galveston, 2.090 2,090 March- April delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 5-32d. To Havre, per bark Fides. 831 824 May-June delivery, Uplands, Low Mid clause, 6 ll-.32d. To Reval, per harks VVnnde er. 1,506. ...Grace E Caan, 2.140 3,916 June-July rtelivcry.Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 13.32d. CHABLEsmN—To Liverpool, per ship Couniy of Plctou, 3.081 Upland Wedsisdat.—June-July delivery. Uplands, 6 r>-16d. and 41 Sea Island p^r barks Enigma. 2.012 IFpland and 59 Sea May June delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, [email protected]. Island .... Rachel Bluckwood, 1,481 Jpland 5,676 April-May deliverv, Uplands, Low Mid. clause, O^d. To Antwerp, per bark Herbert Hall, 3,120 Upland 2,12D June-July delivi ry, U,)lands, Low Mid. clause, 6 13 32d. To Reva', Russia, per shio Jacob A Stamler, 3.81.') Upland. .. .per Fcb.-March shipment from N. Orleans. Low Mid. clause, by sail, 6Kd. barks Lockwood, 2, 3:J5 Upland ...Guinevere, 3.1Hr Upland 9,557 April-May delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 7-32d. Satankah—To Liverpool, per hark Mary A. Myshrall, 2,329 Upland 2,329 May-June delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 5-16d. To Cronstadt, per barks Gluckaur, 1,615 Upland Hendeborg, June-July delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6'id. 2,310 Upland.... Kate Cann, 3,491 Upland. ...Ellida, 1,015 Upland. 8.431 Thdbbdat.—March-April deliverv. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6Xd. To Reval, per ships C. B. Hazeltyne, 3,005 Upland... Elizabeth April-May delivery, Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 o-3Jd. Hamilton, S,!tl8 Upland 5,931 February shipment. Uplands, by sail, 6>id. To Riga, Russia, per bark Krltz Schmidt. I,3.b5 Upland 1.2.55 March delivery. Uplands, 6d. To Frederlck^hald, Norway, per bark lima, 1,411 Upland 1,411 Feb. -.March shipment. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, by jail, 6 .3-16d. Tbxas—To Liverpool, per barks Jason, 1,000. ..Ceres. 1,067. ..Alma, June-July delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 5-16d. 1 399 3 366 March-April delivery, Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 3-SSd. ToFleet'wood, per bark Teilii's, 1,031 ...... !!..„..!...!!... 1,081 delivery, May-June Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6.5id. To Cork, fcr orders, per ship -avannah, 4,210. .. 4,210 Cottons to arrive 1-16 cheaper. To Rotterdam, per brig Miletus, 7.51 7.M February shipment, Uplands, Low Mid. clause, by sail, 6 7-32^.1 16d. To Venice, ItHly, per bark Phenix, 872 872 Fmdat.—Arrivals (^uiet and steady. Wilmington—To Liverpool, per bark Edmund Richardson, 601 661 June-July delivery, Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 ll-32d. Norfolk—To Liverpool, per steamer Snn Marcos, 252 25ei April-May delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 S-16d. Baltimore—To Liverpool, per steamers Hibernian, 498 ...Lake Super- May-June delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 9-32®6 5-16d. lor,36) 867 June-July delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6>id. Boston—"To Liverpool, per steamer Hecia, 868 868 April-May delivery. Uplands, 6Xd. March-April shipment, from New Orleans, by sail, 6 5-16d. Total 187,758 July-August delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 13-32d. arrive The particulars of these shipments, arranged in oar usnal form Cotton to strong ; buyers offerinc 1-16 higher on the day. March-April delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 5 3 16d. are as follows May-June delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6%d. Liver- Fleet Aat- Cron- June-July delivery. Uplands, Low Mid. clause, 6 l:3-3a@6 7-16d. pool. wood. Cork. Havre, werp. Reval. stadt Genoa.Total. The E.ypoRTS of Cotton from New York, this week, show a Sew York 3,115 78u ...... 4,018 New Orieans 24,044 .... 1,441 6,OS3 1,579 21,369 4,202 8,067 f 6.809 decrease, as compared with last week, the total reaching 4,048 Mobile 10,S58 .... 2,090 8J4 .... 3,916 17,418 bales, against 15,085 bales last week. Below we give our usual Charleston 6,676 2,120 9,557 17,858 table showing- the exports of cotton from New York, and their Savannah 2,229 5,921 8.431 .... 19.247 Texas 8,366 1,031 4,210 10,230 direction, for each of last the four weeks; also the total exports Wilmington 661 661 and direction since Sept. 1, 1875; and in the last column the total Norfolk 252 252 for the same period of the previous year. Baltimore 867 857 Boston 868 BKportaol Cotton(baleB)ffom iVew Vorte InceScpt.l, IgU 868 Total 51,636 1,031 7,741 6,907 4,479 40,793 12,633 3,067 137,753 WSKK BHDIHS Same Included in the above totals are, from New York l.Vl hales to Bremen ; from ZPORTSD TO ToUl New Orleans l,b79 bales to Falmouth, 100 to Dunk'rque, 141 to Barcelona, Feb. Feb, March March to prev'us 1,104 to Malaga, and 2,100 to Hango; from t^avannah 1.335 bales to Riga and date. year. to Venice. 16. 23. 1. 3. 1,411 to Frederick-hald : from Texas 751 bales to Rotterdam and 873 Below we give all news received to date of disasters, Ac, to Liverpool 4,581 8,087 6,1S7 8,115 262,108 220,905 vessels carrying cotton from United States ports : Other British Ports 100 40 1,584 Australian, str. (Br.), Peters, from Mobile for Liverpool, before reported at Totml to Ot. Britain 4,683 8,08'; 8,227 3,115 263,692 2a).905 anchor in Hampton Roads, with loss of rudder, *c., was towed to Nor- folk, March 1, in order to discharge cargo, preparatory to being taken Havre 160 1,915 4,607 North for repairs. Steamer Haytien has been ordered Irom the West Other French ports Indies to take the cargo of the .^iistrslian to destination. She is ex-- pected to arrive at Norfolk in about eight days. lolal French 150 1,915 4,507 JnvENTA. ship (Br.), France, from Mobile for Liverponl. had repaired and re- loaded at Key West, and was ready for sea March Ist- Bremen and Hanover 5oe 163 20,218 14,096 Turkestan, ship (Br.)— The posiiion of the ship Turkestan, from New York Bamborg 'aw 80 8,-374 for Liverpool, which went ashore at Port Madoc, was unchanred Mch. 2. '780 flour 373 8,308 21,879 1,990 All the cotton (1,0 Jfl hales) had been saved, a- well as 4,070 bbls. of and 1','5 bags of seed, all In gOiid, dry condition. Total to N. Europe. 397 878 8,868 938 50,465 81,850 JoH.N Oeddie, fhip (B-^.l, Jackson, at Charleston for Havre, took «re Men. 5lh. The cargii on board, consisting of 2 )57balee of upland cotton, waa dam- Spain, OportoAQibraltar&c 12 12 10 aged mostly by water, with which the vessel had been filled. The Insur- AUothers 4C9 GO ance on the cargo is reported to be entirely in foreign office*. The freight money, £500. is insured at Charleston. The vi ssel is owned in Total Spain, ^ko 12 .... 421 60 Liverpool. She was pumped out on the 5th, and will discharge her cargo immediately, the fire liaviDg l>«en extinguished. Brand Total 9,080 8.«2» 15,085 4,048 816,193 257,822 Cotton freights the past week have been as ioUowa : . . : : ., :

262 >THE GHROIVICLE : [March 11, 18f6.

Llrorpool. Flonr, Wheat, Corn, Oa-.e, Barley, Rye, . .—Havre ., —Bremen. <^HambBre.^ Steam. Sail. Steam. Kail, Steam. Sail. Steam. Sail bbls. basb. bash. bnsh. buph. bnab. Previous week d. d. c. c. c. c. c. c. 84,784 685,610 1,450,666 463,278 153,794 35,859 Satardty... Cone8p'Dgweok,'75. 61,402 83;f,698 7.54,:i53 317,801 64,476 2l,8l0 &H ..&}< Jfcamp. Xcomp. . j^oorop. " '74. 111,791 Monday. . . . itx .StiX \coinp. ^'comp. ;icomp. 122,930 824,055 607,991 311,468 2;,9n Tuesday... " '73. 101,332 443,743 1,056,410 391,109 18'i,346 .30,0:)6 MX MX XcuDip. Xcomp. .. ^comp. " Wednesday Mk 5(comp. Xcomi). '4comp. "(J Sl,3'i9 197 919 1,016,666 275.417 82,342 87,788 Thursday. " '71. 74,271 2S2 731 325,01S 111,859 41,142 16,650 &X \comp. Kcomp. . ^comp. Friday. ... 9H fl^comp. Kcomp, Jicomp. Total Aug. 1 todate .2.99:t,805 44,550,17:1 89,922,915 17,287,290 6,069,.371 1,500,600 Same time 1874-5.. .3,252,(K)8 41,24.).148 86.705.633 14,419,936 5,111,9.34 932,.370 Same time 1873-4. ,. .3,878,898 56,317,0.37 .32,905,871 15,789,149 6,343,291 1,408,837 BRE ADSTUFPS. Same time 1872-3.. .,8,3;6,931 34,94.},68« 36,405,248 15,3)2,669 7,575,361 1,349,048 FBIDAT, P. M., March 10, 1876 • Estimated. The flour market opened the week (juite dull, with prices Snip.MKNTs OF Flour and Grain from the ports of Chicage, sliowing some dopreBRion iu tlie common and medium grades), and Milwaukee, Toledo, Detroit, Cleveland, St. Louis, Peoria and the trade generally showing nn unuottled and discouraged tone. Duluth for the week ended March 4, and from Jan. 1 to March 4,

inclusive, for four years : But on Tuesday there was some revival of demand for export, Flonr, Barley, Rye, and there What, Corn, Oats, have latterly heen pretty free sales to shippers at Week— bbl?. bush. bush. bush. hu»b. bush. $4 75@|5 for unsound extra from winter wheat March 4, 1876 113.038 409,:i3» 1,196,811 240,9,57 7i,718 16,400 ; fo@5 05 for Fob. 26, 1876 a5,1.58 313,239 72.3,682 20.5,678 60,403 20,750 full lines of com'Eon extras from spring wheat; |5 50(ffl7 25 for Cor. week '75 50,734 123,896 195,617 !09,2'3 31,143 14,.3l6 Cur. week '71 107,026 400,526 143,008 131,706 63,828 10,408 good to choice do.; St. |6 35 for Louis, and |5 85@8 for city Cor.wcek'73 88,157 153,318 251.086 832,926 138,627 8.038 brands. The demand was brisk on London account. Supplies Cor. week '78 72,208 7 •,473 578,136 170,879 149,568 7,818 Cor. week '71 68,156 48,431 172,696 34,653 10,591 8,912 have not proved excessive, but receivers are inclined to decrease Jan. 1 to Mar. 4, 1676. 133,028 8,691,805 6,78.-.,771 1,608,029 581,2.58 142,637 Samctimel875 rather than increase stocks in store at this stage of the season. 679,459 2,028,943 8,4.33,972 1,415,098 452,150 137,574 Simn time 1874 1,0S8,C77 0,510,835 1,893,1.53 1,W0,706 i9l,7.)0 132,871 Corn meal, at some decline, has been more active, but rye flour Same time 1873 763,187 1,248,965 8,416,799 1,694,977 69'J,424 76,038 has remained quiet. To day, there was an active export demand, RKCBIPTS OF FLOUR AND GRAIN AT 8BAB0ARD PORTS FOR THE WEEK ENDED MARCH 4, 1876. and the sales embraced 5,000 bbls. common extras at $535 10. The wheat market was dull early in the week, and prices were Flour, Wheat, Corn, Oats, Barley, Rye> At— bbls. hush. bnsh. bush. bush. bush. somewhat depressej for the poorer qualities of tpring growths. NewTork 68,551 159,.390 214,976 288,210 31.000 5,992 Boston 13,195 1,200 The better grades were firmly held, however, and the 31,366 3,7-38 103,757 31,'499 demand Portland* 18,.30« 30,000 10,600 1,51)0 has been more active since Tuesday, with some recoyery of tone. Montreal 5,474 26,W) 400 3,000 Philadelphia 17,510 107,4dO 810,100 118,900 33,500 Still, it is apparent that holders are more inclined to meet the Baltimore 16,226 17,860 70i,900 3,170 .... 1,800 NewOrleans 11,997 .... 802,232 28,501 views of buyers, and reduce stocks, than at any other time since the close of inland navigation. The stock here and the visible Total 1.55,424 S.lt,6'28 1,674,865 405,891 80,695 8,998 Previous week 164,788 301,816 1,719,.'W 303,403 1.56.946 1,680 supply in the markets of the United States are much in excess of Cor. week'75 114,427 883,800 659,915 805,687 80,898 3,400 TotalJan. 1 todate. 1,. 1,811,101 64,070 last year, and the weather much more favorable for spring sow- 569,182 3,9S9,.t05 12,991.0^4 2,189,112 Sametirael875 1;»ll,a79 2.713,460 10,568;678 2,470,841 416,212 :i6,oaO ing. The principal supports to prices continue to be the cheap- Same time 1874 2,114,.537 8,310.720 6,481,235 3,067,074 465,437 294,648 Same time 1873 l,287,8l« 1,596,221 3,877,996 3,319,317 631,455 83,802 ness of money and the belief that Great Britain must be a large • Estimated. buyer later in the spring. To day.thsre was an active and rather firmer market, the demand being mainly for export. Thb Vihiblb Supply of Grain, comprising the stock In Indian corn has varied but little, and yet some weakness in granary at the principal points of accumulation at lake and prices must be noted. There is a subsidence of speculative ac- seaboard ports, in transit by rail, and frozen in on the New York tion at this point, and supplies of new have been ample. The canals and on the lakes, March 4, 1876 business has been mainly at C2@03ic. for fair to prime new mixed Wheat, Com, Oats, Barley, Ryti and 68(369c. for choice old do. The supply of Southern corn has bush. bnsh. bush. bush. bush. been small, but it has sold at barely the prices of Western. To- [n store at Now York 4,473,653 302.013 75-i.457 411,078 83,563 tn store at Albany 207,000 88,400 day, the market was dull and prices weak. 9,000 12,000 81,000 In store at Bufialo 1,291,278 29,488 86,011 100,195 18,6.11 Kyo has met with more inquiry, is and hold stronger ; but the In store at Chicago 3,320,718 1,976.743 696.879 489,74* 147,163 views of buyers and sellers remain wide apart. Barley has been In store at Milwaukee 4,003,726 44,651 110,568 168,019 30,418 In store at Duluth 99,874 palable at pretty full prices. Canada peas have sold in car lots at In store at Toledo 527,7.^6 368,659 246,152 31,969 iu 90(»y7ic., bond. In store at Detroit 2!,5,420 12,597 79,4S0 3-3,756 Oats have been lower, but at the decline to 43ic. for No. 3 and l» store at Obwcro* 135,000 36,000 15.000 4,500 3.000 In store at St. Louis 162,306 103,595 19,237 40c. for No. 3, the demand became very active, 441,169 713,002 and yesterday In store at Peoria 13,620 77,812 there was a recovery 15,683 17,616 122,6:13 of ^c. in prices, with a large business in the In store at Boston 7:18 67,713 813.920 39,939 852 better qualities of mixed, including a load of choice State at 48c. In store at Toronto 788,190 l.SHO 6,734 306,669 1,816 To day the market was Hat. In store at Montreal 834,3:15 51,-574 17,466 6,541 The following In store at Philadelphia* 360,000 410,000 185,000 40,000 4,300 are closing quotations In store at Bnltlmore* 35,873 881,587 30,000 4.000 1,500 Ubaih. Rail shipments week 409,:i39 1,196,811 240.957 72.718 18,400 No...... »b!>l. 3 35 On lakes and canals 665,554 130,000 180,000 1)0,000 I3 503 Wheat—No.3 6prlng,bu6h.|l 08 a 1 M Baperflne State & West- i4o. 2spring 1233 128 Afloat at New York 200,000 ...... 130.000 _ern i 15,^ 4 60 No. 1 spring 1 32a 1 38 Rxtra State, Ac Total 17,10S,279 6,23.5,796 A26l,553 3,053,331 420,421 4 90© 6 lo Red Western l lu® 1 30 Weatern Spring Feb. 26, 1876 17,034.322 5,866,351 .3,226,314 2,151,806 431,397 Wheal Amber do 1 35® 1 47 extras 4 5 March5, 1875 12,109,533 7,-376,533 3,313,489 1,179,740 295,378 85® in White 1 40® 1 55 doXXandXXX 6 233 6 75 Corn-West'n mli'd,new 63 do winter 68a • Estimated wheat X and Yellow Western, new. 6)® 64 ^. XJ •; 6 26® 8 15 Southern now b0@ 64 Oity shipping extras.. .. 5 25

f March 11, 1876] THE CHRONICLE. 263

Bzporia of l

weak, with a decline to 'ilc. cash for extra standard 04x04 clollis —the lowest price these goods have ever touched when reduced to a gold basis. So much for over-production. Prints remained in an unsettled condition, and Pacific, Cocheco, Manchester, Ham- ilton and all other leading standard makes wore reduced to 7c., »i • • • „- g to for fan. S 2S while Sprague's, Southbridge and Allen's declined 6Jc 5 cies and Oc. for shirtings. Old styles of fancy prints were offered 30 •«- .q ••-« ••-*r2 in large quantities by the principal jobbers, at prices ranging Jirt .iM .^ .»0 .(/)•-'» ot -r from 4jc. upwards, and met with liberal sales. Wide prints, percales and cambrics were in good demand, and there was a

satisfactory movement in ginghams and cotton dross fabrics. :S -.^ :2 : last Cotton hopiery was less active than when reported upon, but g's" steady in price.

DoMBSTic Goods. There was not much, if any, Woolen — :S§g JOOOtM.-JJ improvement in the demand for mon's-wear woolens by the •r-Ot- ' aim clothing trade, but cloth and dry goods jobbers invested in a fair mo aggregate amount of cassiraeres, suitings and worsteds of the

.« : finer grades. Goods of an inferior character are in over supply, .p : and are found difficult to move even when offered at a marked a- 9S!

concession from nominal holding rates ; but fine makes are less plentiful, and as many mills have already diacontinned tho pro- * Ol QO TO O duction of light weights, the supply of really desirable fabrics is s $s in good shape, and there is a fair prospect for the distribution of

stocks on hand at about current pricfs. Cloths and doeskios •CO'?* >>«, were taken in small lots for the renewal of assortments. Ken- : «• »i o tucky jeans were in moderate demand for medium and fine quali- ties, and low grades were fairly active. Satinets were in limited Xi I- request for printing, and small lots of mixtures were disposed of tr*'H •r~l^ • •1-* • •-'CI jO •^t^t-JOtH ^ " •§-' but plain blacks ruled quiet. Tweeds and repellents moved slowly, and flannels were in strictly limited request. Worsted

. .-j»-(0 •-" :n .S? : :SS's ;s; dress goods and shawls were in fair demand by jobbers from all -OTf ;-W^ parts of the country, and were steadily held by agents. Foreign Dry Goods.—There was a fair movement in dress |«5 goods the of importers and jobbers, and, it from hands as has . . . .« ot- - 'O * • • 'Otin • 1^ 8"5 become apparent that the importation of British and Continental -tn fabrics for the spring trade will be exceptionally light, prices of both staple and fancy goods are firm. Low and medium grade black •"2 and colored silks were in steady but moderate request, : S : liinon goods were comparatively quiet in importers' hands, but were largely sold at auction. Plain and fancy white goods were rather more active, and very heavy line* of Hamburg embroideries

»• and laces were distributed through tha auction rooms at fair • -C Tf « • • j>rices. Ribbons and millinery piece silks were in better demand g o„; -TO •"'-S «! from importers, and were duplicated in the auction rooms in as 2? considerable amounts. Woolen goods for men's wear continued OH quiet and depressed, aside f roai a few strictly desirable styles of cassimeres and worsted coatings which met with fair sales by importers and cloth jobbers. 09 '"i Importations of Dry Good*. The importations ol dry goods at this port for the week ending March 9, 1870, and the corresponding weeks of 1875 and 1874 OM have been as follows : NTBBSD »0B OONSOMPTION FOR TH» WBSK IKDING MARCH 9, IS'B: " : :s . ^ <0 t EO <0 O) « CQ « «_ . ^ O 1874 , . 1875 . «n t« Ptga Value. Pkes. Valne. Pku , Value. ol Manafactares of wool. . .1,178 $329,(.90 1,259 $572,532 1,374 $5.52,149 do cotton .1,529 46H,7.M 1,901 .567,7.31 1,883 682,158 do Bilk . 590 4:)4,68J 980 649,122 877 685,520 do flax .1,293 242.147 1,:«3 83:j,993 2,084 29.i,214 Miscellancoaadry goods 565 159,799 8.066 184,158 5.256 839,579

Total 5,149 11,856,072 7,542 12,307,588 11,176 t2,.352,633

rROK WARSHOUBB ' WITODBAWN AMD TUUOWN IHTO THS XARKBT DURINQ TUB :S .oC** Sg; BAMR PRRIOD; 83 !i§" Manafactares of wool 859 1393,382 672 $273,606 670 t282,8M g W'rf «agi do cotton.. 014 172,012 673 168, 1H8 473 140,474 do Bilk 160 115,876 l.'.S 148.861 113 133,636 do flax 1,122 211,319 791 181,016 615 172,503 MlBcellaDcone dr; gooda. 2,016 46,103 1,680 44,894 3,503 38,362 J »o « ta Total 4,851 »968,6!)2 3,874 $816,565 5,416 $767,865 ^2 5 Addont'dforconBumpt'n 6,H!I 1,856,072 7,512 2,:j07,586 11,476 2,352,629 I s « " ToUl thrown upon m'k't. 10,000 $2,831,764 11,416 $3,131,151 16,891 $.3,!30,491 aX> OB « « w ^0» BNTSBBD roa WAREHOnBINfl DORlNa BAHE rRRfODt •^o.^o2 .o HanoflctareBOf wool 606 $276,809 804 $339,263 351 $118,752 a do cotton.. 328 102,810 522 174,482 370 Ill,a31 o is: do Bilk 120 108,623 142 128,895 101 10I.281 : : :* s . do flax 676 171,067 760 168,318 268 eo.RM

HIscsllaneoaB dry goodr., 92 29,802 6,982 68,909 7,597 47.49S • • s I s i •Sg'333 Total 1,822 $089,141 9,210 $869,867 8,690 1439,422 or©" a ' b MdeDt'dtorcocBamptn 5,149 l,t56,072 7,542 2,301,586 11,476 2,352,629 55 golFKoaouOH roUl entered ai the port. 6,971 $2,515,313 16,792 $3,177,453 20,166 tz,79},051 :

2H4 THE CHRONICLE [Match 11, 1876.

UENERAL GUNPOWDBB- SILK- BLA8TING FOR RAtLHOASS, &C. Tsatlee, Nos. 1 & 2 *» 5 50 a 600 PRICKS CUkKKKT. 3} la, any slzegraln. In2.=)1b keifB 92 50 Tsatlee, re-reeled 4 50 a S 37H Saltpetre do do 8 00 TayBaam,No.l 5 12),» s 25 sror.Tixo. Canton.re-reeledNo.l4t2C3tngonn 4 75 « 5 00 iSHBS- 0>i Klectrlr. Nos. 1 to 5 grain. In I B) sq. cand 1 SPICKS- Pot.. V n. 5 ltt> a Diamond gnln, in cans 110 Pepper, BatavU V D.gold a OrariKe light iilog, Son. 1 to 7, in lib caii4 1 00 BRBADBTOPF'S-Seisapnelklrsport. do Singapore 11 ^ — Snperfl'; It k-^gs 3 41 U «t f.0 do ualcntta 8 a 8}c lb. C«m<«(— 1{ TSfMianir ?* bl)l. 140 1 511 Orange ducking. XoB. lto5, 1n6l4 kegs . 3 14 a Mace 1 1'5 9 1111 Kagle Juck snooting, No*. 1 to 3. WHIb kegs, f K8 Lime— liock\ikn(\, common t* bbl. 1 00 » NutinegB,Batav1aand Penang 95 a 1(0 Duck ShoottpB, .^08. 1 to 5 gr., 12Hibs 8 88 iCockland. flnlNblng 1 o5 <» Pimento, Jamaica l^Ha I.M»lft«r—Soutliera ;'*ie..ii' leet. 20 :>u Hazari's KcitucKy r.fle, I'l -val lib cans 45 M a 92 UU Cloves r 40 « 41 White pine box honrds 1.") •)^ l>upon''srine Kg.FK^, FFFg. lib cai.s 4> @„ 18 00 do Btems '' w •• White ploomerchan. box boartU. H 00 i^ 21 00 Pupont'snflii, FKg, FKFg, 6!4lbs 1 45 Keniucki- rifle. ClearplDe 4500 55 00 Hazard's FFFg, FKg, and Sea SPELTER— Shoot ng Ve. fiwib kf! 7 75 Oak and ash 33 00 0t IC on Foreign ,. . ..'.00 ».gold. 37Ka Dup.inf- rifle, i.', ... Blackwalnut 75 00 @ °0 00 Ft FKKg.UKlb k'xn Domestic. cur. 62X« 7 75 rillp, Spruce boarilR & olanks 19 00 9 22 00 Hazard's Ke lucky FFFg. CFg, andI Sea Shooting Kg, rjxib kewB 2 62 gold. — Hp.ralock boards & planks Ifi 10 9 20 OO SPIRITS -»| Oram: r ne. Kg. KiTg. FFrg. 2i)ib keis 4 75 3 50 15 00 *«i/.^— lOv^SOd.roni.fcn A sh.)) keg 2 85 9 3 lO Brandy, foreign brands nal'. a Haz .rl'B Kentucky ntle, Fg, FKg, FFFg. 251b proof " ° '- » 1 m Clinch, IH to Sln.Alongor 47- a 9 5'j Rum—Jam., 4th kegs 4*5 3d proof " S 45 f v\ Mftoa > 25 a .... St. Croll, Dupont' rltle In '251b kegB 4 75 " 3 00 S 25 Cut6plkes,all8lzes 3 23 ^ .... Gin Frtint*—Ld.,wh.Ani,niire.lnoll ¥* ft Domesticliquora—Cuyi . O lOH HAV- la lOII lb (90 ct) * gall. 2 12 2 Lead, wh. , A.inp.r., pure dry fl j2 iv* ThlDP'cs I» 75 a 80 Alcohol per f 1 09X1 Zinc, wh.,Aracr. dry. No. 1 7 « UIDKB- Whisker 1 Einc, wh.. Amcr.,No.l , n1' In iirtf— Buenos Ayres.selected.ii'Ibiold 20 a 23 STEEL— Store Prices, Parltwhlte.Bnir.nrlmi! BoM*iI«Ib I ma Montevideo, do.,,, " ca8t,2d&lBlquallly Ihlbgold i4> IIX* 13 Bahla, do.... " a American cas.t spring ... a *• " Western, gooa to prime 11 Ory Rafted— Maracatl/O. do.... 12 American machinery 10 COAL,- Clllll, :io.... " American German spring Pernambuco, do ... " is" Anthracltc (by cargo) !» ton. S 253 6 VO Savanllla, do ... " Liverpool Kar cannel 10 COot 8DGAB- Babln, do — " 13 ;.it>»,inI.to com. reli-'"*'g —V vt>. LWerpool house cann3l 15 004 I 00 •• WetSalted—Bucn. Ay, selected " 111 - do fair -™- vovrsK- Para, • do ... " 9 do £00d refining ttlo. car. 60 da> Band gold. lb, " ord. ^ 15 « 15X California, do ... " in a lOU 00 prime, refining do fair, do gold. '• W\ Texas. do cur. talrtogood (trocery...... " — 9X8 12K do do good, do Rold. U 4 IVA A. /. ^(ocJt—Calcutta -ilaught... gold 13 a n do oentr.hhdB.ft biB, Nos. 8918 do .. ..gold. " do prime, I7Si9 IS Calcutta, dead green • ... a 11 Molasses, bhds ft bxB •» Java.mats and bags gold. " 2' 25 ;-•• •- " a Calcutta bud'alo " 9 a 9« Melado - Native Ceylon, ....'le ft trenle, com. 1«a in Manila, superior to ex sup. COTTON—dee spectal report. Hall", .\iiior., at Work? In Pa. ..car. 12 00 Iti 45 00 N o.. refined to grocery grades. ... Steel railB 63 00 a 67 DO Kedned—Hiird. crushed A> DTKS— DRUGS Bard, oowderei Alnm, lump ^ Kp. LKAIl- •iX4 i\ 7 no do granulalea Ordlnarylorelgn . * 100 lbs. gold a 7 12X ii S Argols, crude gold. 1ft '3 22 75^ cut loat refined '• Pomeatic 6«2Ma 6 do i.,2 Argols, 27iV-» 31« '.'.!'.'.'.'.'.'.'.!* while, A. atanoaro centril... 9Ya powdered " Bar lb. %» Soft Arsenic, 3Xe dt» otT A 9X •• 25"' Sheet 9K® do Blcarb.Boda.Newcastle.l" lOnii, i it- 9 4 White extra C sxa »x Blchro. potash.... iftib cur. 5H'4 16 LKATIIBK- Yellow do 9»a 9M ¥* n> " - A'res. h.,m.&l.\fil>>. 26 8 9 Bleaching powder 10 1 05 2 (10 Hemlock.Buen, 22X3 Other Yellow a Brimstone, crude, per ton gold 4 31 50 " California, h., m. & I ?2 » 15 Brimstone, Am. roll vm. " tilde, h,, m. ft 1 22 25 3^® coram'n a TALLOW- i'A Camphor refined 25y3 2« •' rough 26 a 27 Prlmeclty Caatoroll.B.l.lnbond. V^al.gold la 70 SIaught*'r crop .'1 a 33 Western Caustic soda * i;-0 1* •• 4 I8V» 4 .Slv Oak. rough '26 a 29 Chlorateiiotash *Ib " 21.149 22 Texas, crop 31 a 32 Commoa to lalr. .CUt.*Ib Honduras •• Uysuu, Cochineal, 15 d MOLiSSKS- do Superior to fine Oochlneal, Mexican ' i1H9 43 mixed,* cal. 22 13 26 fine to finest « Cuba, centrifugal and do Extra 95 Cream tartar, prime Am. & Fr. 34 ** •29 m y Cuba, clayed a 32 Choicest ;' .lubebs. Bast India.. do 10 Mufl., refining grades.. " 311 <* 33 Com. to fair a Cuba, roung Hyson, ;o Cntch gold. a 7 do do grocery grades. " SO a 40 do Snper.lo flue. 37 *100». • 5 85 19 75 Bambler 5S7M Barbadoes " 38 a 40 do Ex. fineto finest 1 1 15 einseng cm. 20 a 1 30 35 4'i 90 *' Demerara " a do Choicest American pure 17 21; ri Glycerine, Porto Rico 411 a 5" Bunpowder, com to fair... gold IIV« 12' 40 5S Jalap * 45 58 Sup.toftne. N. O., cjm. to choice new — a do 75 Licorice paste, Calabria cur. .w a .38 Ex.fine to finest "» do 1 20 Licorice paste, Sicily 25 a NAVAl. ST0BK8- ' '" do Choicest .'4 solid. . Licorice paste. Spanish, .gold 20 19 Tar, Washington . .* bb). 2 00 9 2 3u •• 12X Imperial. Coin. to fair T>utch 2 48 Madder, Tar, Wilmington , iVi'49. 25 fine i.o Sun. to Jl 75 , French " Madder 4 a 5 Pltcl.. city a 2 10 do RxIrafVnetoOneat...... j» a ^ Kntgull8,blne \Ienpo cur, 13X Spirits turpentine » gal- 39 a® to fair a 2) pysonSkln.ftTwan.-com. 26 Brimstone) 1 - a or. vitriol f«6 lya Rosin, strained to good 8trd.» bbl. 1 60 a«t 1 65 do do Sup. to fine..... Turkey (In bon1),gold. 4 1 •• good No. 1 " 2 2 87>^ .. NomlonW Opium, 12M8 m' low No. 1 to l'2Xai'-)i Q do Snp'rto fine.. 75 finest.... FISH— Store Prices. Cotton seel, crude i^ gal. 4S a 50 do Kx. fineto George's and Gran 1 Bank cod,pcwt 5 76 ' 1 e Olive, in casks* gall 20 a 1 a,")" TIN- 22 t Mackerel, No.l, shore (new) pr. 26 00 gold.** bbl a 28 00 Linseed, casks and bbls " SB a 60 Banca 17 Mackerel, No. 1, Hay 20 00 *• 50 •.•x« a Menhaden, prime L. I. Sound 4-i A Straits .. ...» 1611 Mackerel, No. 2. shore (new) 16 00 17 00 1-20 a Neatstoot " 8i a Kngllsh, refined..... 1 Ml •• 7 » a Mackerel, No. 2, Bay 16 00 bleached winter .5 .S Plates. l.C.charcoal • op^- Whale, a t ^5 @ 7(0 KLAX- Whale, Northern " 70 a piates.char. terne North Ulver,pr:mc * !b 15 Sperm, crude " 15' ft -• TOBACCO- 5 FBUIT- Sperm, bleached winter 1 9ii a — lugs, heavy, n._crop.*» ® Kentucky 15 " 1 06 07 BalBlQB, Seedless. new,i>er 501b. frail Lard oh. Winter a 1 7H« 4^ do Layer, new 2 so Kng. wrapperj'78... 20 a a PBTBOLECM- Seed leaf-New « 6 Loose Muscatel, new ^ , .» fillers. tS & do 2 75 a Crude,lnbulii * g 1. ...« i% do 25 do Sultana, new perlb. lou. '78 16 tf " IS a 20 Pennsylvania assorted 2.1 10 Valencla.new Ca'ies 1 !0>i9 1«X Refined, standard white " ....a 14 Havana, com. to fine 27 Currants, new Naphtha, City, bbls " ....a 9H Mannfac'd. In bond, black work > Citron , Leghorr , new 30>i« " •• bright work " l*runeB, Turkish PKOVISIOHB— ....a 5X Vbbl, 22 80 » 23 00 _ do French, new .5« Pork, meBB WOOL— •»'^ "jn " 19 00 19 26 American XX.. 'Dates, new Pork, extra primu ® w a mess " '20 50 » 21 50 American. Nos. 1 ft 2 Fiirs, fiew iixa 14 Pork, prime •" Boot, plain mess, new " ... « IJ 50 American, Combing I'anton Ginger V CBBe. ....a I 0(1 ™ extra "ni-is. " " 13 00 ® 13 5n Extra. pulled Sardines, V hi. box 21 a 22 Beef, SJ SirdlDei,#ar box Beof ha.ns. Western, nominal " 24 00 a 26 00 No.l, Pulled long clear » ». ...a 13 California. Spring Clip- „ Macaroni, Italian ^ ft ii" Bacon, Cl:y ' n 15 15t4 unwashed Domesttc. Drieff— Hams. smoked . * Superior, 1-3 ... " ....It 135« Medium fi AppiCB, South, sliced, 1fl75orop.VIl> 10 a lox Lar '.City steam,.. Coarse .'n do Tenn., quarters . «'4® .2 8S RICE- Bnrry . do Ftate.sMcfd '.0 lOX Carollna, fair to choice V lb. ej^*^ 7X » South Am. Merlnr, unwashed do do quarters 9 Louisiana, good to prime ..." _ 6Ha 6V i a I'-* Good for.", nnwashed <\o Western, quarters Rangoon, In bond gold. * lOO lb. 2 45 a 2 90 Cape 8M3 8V T«ia«, fine. Eastern Vl P'-aches. pared, fia. goo 1 and prlmi* 11 16 * "i- ''-4® 7X a Patna medlnin,East''rn • '. do unpared. halves and qra, Texas, 12X Smyrna. unwashed gold. " Blackberries , new Turkslaland * bnah a 25 R;v8pberrieB, new St. Martin's SO Cherries -i-'-^- , i;, -2 gold. net i%» it LWArnoOl VSTlOUBtOrtB V) BftRK, 130 9 2 50 ^She^ » 1>, Plums 8ALTPETRK- FBBlGHTb- .-aTRA». . aAtL. * '*• GCN^IBS.—See reoort under Cotton. Reftned,pure *,» -•'* lax To LlTRRPOOl. I. d. ». 1. d. AND JJTE- Crude (told iHA Cotton ...a k HKMP i 75 ttL, i I Amerlcan dressed.... Vtoa. 190 90 a2li 00 Nltratesoda perlOOlb. " ....a Flour * bbl. 3 0®.. .Vt.on. i« I a 25 Amerlcai. undressed. 135 00 @140 00 8BED- Heavy eooda. 85 S35 50 n a.... 350 Russia, clean gold.22S00 00 Clover, Weatern * ». '-4 a 14H Oil * tun. ;'.; a225 im. a Italian •' 260 00 aais 00 Timothy » buBh. 2 50 2 75 Coni.b'lkftbgB. * 7Hfe-.- Manila »» " T a 7K Hemp. foreign 1 bO 1 85 WHeat.bUK&bags.. tee. 5 6 a .. 4 3 Blsal " 4)

March 11, 18760 THE CHEONICLR

Commerolal Cards. Oommeroial Cards. FinanoiaL John Dwight & Co., Olyphant & Co., Henry S. King & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MANUPACTURKRS OP R A N K K K « , SUPER-CAKBONATE HonK KonKi SlianKlial, Fooeiiow A 4i Pall nallv London, Kncland. OP Canton, China. Issue CIRCULAR NOTES /rM oy cAar0<, afsllaMa RXPUKHEHTED BY Id all parts of llie world. SODA. ic Co., of China, OLYPHANT Grant COMMERCIAL CREDITS for use a«alntt No. II Old Slip, New York. York. lo4 Wall St., New ConsUrnmenta of Mercliandiae. The JODOIDK Trade ONLY Supplied George A. Clark & Bro. Execute Orders ou tbe Loudon Stock JCicbang*. Smith, Baker & Co., Make Collections on all Polut*. Receive, Deposit and Current Accounta on favorable terma.and do at coinraissiON merchants General London and Foreign Banklug Busmeea. Vokoliama and HIoko, Japan. KINO, RAILLIB ic CO., Liverpool. ON.T NaW YORK AGENTS, KKfliUHKNTED BY ineeere. WARD, CAMFBELL Sc CO. K. W. CORLIES, aen PIu* street. New York. nULIYARD'S HELIX NEEDLES. Winslow, Lanier & Co., 337 and 339 Canal street, B. G. Arnold & Co., NEW YORK. HANKER

Issue, against cash deposited, or satisfactory guarantee Dupont's of repayment. Circular Credits for Travelers, In dotlali Brooklyn Stocks, for use in the United States and adjaceut countries, lu any part of the STOCKS, SPORTING, SHIPPING AND MINING and In pounds tttrUng for use GAS world. »X WALL STREET, POWDER. ALSO ISSUE COMMERCIAL CREDITS, THKY Dealer In Railroad and Inveatmenl Stocks and Bonds MAKE CABLE TRANSFERS OF MONEY BE. TWEEN THIS COUNTRY AND ENGLAND, AND DUPONT'S GUNPOWDER MILLS DItAW BILLS OF EXCHANGK ON OUKAT MEN AND IDIOMS OF WALL STREET BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Is a new T^ paee book glvlDp the highest and luweat (ESTABLISHED IN 1801 ) prices of Btix-ki for 15 years, complete list of defsulled lallroadi. Black Friday, sketches I'f leading opera- Have maintained their great' reputation for 75 yean. Lewis, toiK, and the method of deallug on small sums of Martin money. Copies sent free lo any address. Oraers for Manutaclnre the Room 3. 43 PINE ST., N. Y. stocks and *to k privUegei executed by mall and tele- graph, coiiectious made, money invested, aud infor Celebrated EAOLE DVCKINO, DSALKR IN matioD e en by ol Solvent and Defaulted Securities HlCKLIi'^O ac CO., EAOLE RIFLE, and RR. Co's, also State. City and JOHN County Bonds. Bankers and Brokerii, W BliOADWAV. N. Y. DIAMOND ORAIN POWDER. TIMF LOANS NEGOTIATED. lesup, Paton Popular Powder in Use. A-so, Refers by permission to Messrs. M. K. The most Sontter Co., York & Co., New York ; Messrs. £ New ; Banks, Bankers and In- Jou.s. N orris. r6q.,rre8iacut First NatlumU Hank, Mlckle, Cashier Union Nat'l SPORTING, MINING, SHIPPING AND BLAST Haltlmore : Robert K8(i., Bank, Baltimore. surance Companies ING POWDEK, Mlscellaneons 8e JALDEN QAVLORD, wishing to purchase OFKiCK FURNITUKK, will find . ourlties, No. 33 Wall St., New Hork. (P.O.Box or all kinds and descriptions. to suit tbe UioM, ftt Ike IJffl). Special attention given to St. Louis City and a line asAortment. at prlCM For sale In all parts of the country. Represented City, County Bonds ; Mlasaurl Conniy, Town and eitabllsbment of l>y School Bonds. Also, to the Bonds aiiil stocks of the tollowlng l;allroad8 : Atlantic « Pacltlc, Missouri T. G. AKLIdBUr, Kansas Pacillc, Denver Pacltic, Poclllc. Souiu Pacltlc, St., F. L. Kneeland, North Missouri. St. Louis Kansaa City & Northern. 103 Fulton New Tork, Refers by permission, to Messrs. Vf S. Nichols & Co TO WaU Street, NEW ¥OKK. Bankeri.Naw Tark> Fine Cylloder uid Koll U««k» a Sp«cUltf :

'JHE CHRONICLE LMaicn 11, 1.876.

Financial. Miscellaneous. Ooean Steamships.

lOHH B. XBHNBDT. BXKBT U.BAKBB. JOHN 8.BABHB< Knoblauch CuNARD Line. . S. Kennedy & Co., & Lichtenstein, J W-NOTICE.-Wlth the view of diminishing the BANKERS, BANKERS AND MERCHANTS, chaoces of coIIisIod, the steamers of this line take a apecHled course lor all seasons of the year. 36 Broad Street, New York. 41 CEDAR, COR, WILLIAM 8T„ On the Outward Passuge from Qiiecustown to New York or Hoston, crossing Meridian of 50 at 43 Lat,. or nothing to the North of 43, On the Make Telegraphic Money Transfers. New York. Homeward Pas- sage, crossing the Meridian of SO at « Lat., or nothlug Draw BIllB of Kxctaange and lague Lettera of Credit to the North of \Z. Buy and sell Railroad Investment Securltiei. on all principal cities of Europe. lect Coupons and Dividends. SPKCIAL rAKTNKlf, Negotiate Loans THE BUITISU AND NORTH AMBKICAM ROYAL draw Bills of Exchange on London. DECTSGHE BANK, Berlin. MAItj STEAMSHIPS. Agents of the BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, CAMRRIA IRON COMPANY CALLING AT CORK HARBOR. FROM NBW TOBK. FROM NKW YORK. ParUiia Wed,, Mch, IS of .JOHNSTOWN, Pa., for the Bale of their IRON an Bothnia ...Wed,, April 19 Abyssinia ..Wed., Mch. 'il Abyssinia., .Wed,, April •»\ STEEL RAILS. Java Wed,. Mch. 29 "liusHla Wcd„ May ,1 All business relating to the Construction and Equip Algeria Wcd„Aprll 5 Scylhla,. ,.,,Wed„May 10 China Wed,, April mcnt of Railroads undertaken. 12 •Scotia Wed.. May 17 And every following Wednesday and Saturday from New York. Steamers marked » da not carry steerage passengers.

March 11, 1876.] THE CHKoNICLE VII

Insurance. Insoranoe. Oottoa.

LCBHAM, AiBAUAn * CO., LsHiiaa. Odiw a Co. PHENIX New Orleans, La. ModIcobott. !«. OFFICE OF THB LEHMAN Insurance Company BRO'S, OF BROOKLYN. Cotton Factors ATLANTIC Office, Western Union Telegraph Building, AND Brovdivay, Cor. Dey Street, N. Y. oominiMSioN itikrciiantm, ASSETS, July iTTsTS, Iii3,333,403. Mutual Insurance Co^ 133 * 135 PEARL STKBKT, INSURES COTTON AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, OVERLAND BY RAILROAD, and Jliulae by New York. Steamers to Europe. NKWOASS, KOSKNHKlM * CO., Agencies in all the Principal Cities in the V. 8. Kxchang« nalldlnga. Liverpool. STEPHEN CROWELL. President New York, Jan. 54, 1876. WILLIAM R. CROWELL, Secretary. Tho TrnslecB, In conformity to iho Charter of the Sawyer, Wallace & Co., Comp:iiiy, submit thj following Staloment of Its aflalra on the 31i)t December, North British 18J5 : The and COTTON FACT0K8 COMMISSION MERCHANT Prcmiiim? received on Marine Hlsks, from Ist January, 1875, to Slat De- Mercantile Ins. Co., 47 Broad Street, Nrw York. c.-mhcr, 18:5.... $5,810,0)1 83 OP Prcmiuma on Policies not marked ofl" london and kdinbvrgh. Moody & Jemison, Ist January, 19"5 2,45.'),372 87 UjSiitkd states buanch, BANKERS 64 TVUllam, Cor. Flue St., Now York. Total amount of UarlnePremiama.. $i,^3,394 Ji AND General Commlaalon norchant^, No Policies have been U^ned upon Capital vald op - • $10,000,000 123 PEARL STREET, NEW YORK, LifeUlskfl; nor upon GroM Fire RoaerTe 3,700,000 Fire discon- Will keep accounts vlth Country litre • • Uanasand Uankert, nected with Marine Risks. Net Aanota 13,300,000 make collections. Issue certihcates of Deposit, and attend to the sale aud purchase of Bonds, Stocks Preiniunifl marked olT from Ist Janu- Total ...... ¥27,000,000 Coin, Ac. ary, IBJ.-i, to 8l8t December, 1875.... $6,123,134 68 Gross Assets held by Board of Management in Mew I'artlcular att< ntlon given to the ciecutlon of orda York, for future coutracis and the purchatie of merchandlsa I.G8h~e4 paid during the |i,«X),OU). The Company's actual losses by Chicago conflagra same period $2,712,058 OS tlon In 1871 were ll,743.4S7 81. The Company's luBsea Returns of Premiums and uctual by Boston conflagra- Lamkin & Eggleston, tion In ;tm were t5U3.68U «!. Expenses. .$1,217,417 26 Yet the Company pLLid tUc!w losses at sight wlthou borrowlngor Belling a single dollar of permanent In- Cotton Faetora, vestments, contluned reKnlar uivldends to their The Company has the following Assets, 7iz.: stockholders, and at the end of 1373 had entirely made VICKSBVKG, United States and Stole of New York up (not In this country, however), the losses of these miss. two conHa^ratlons and all Stock, City, Bank, and other Stock8.$10,314,940 others, commencing 1874 80 with a surplus over IIUO.OOO larger than ever before. Orders to purchase Cotton in onr market solicited Loam secured by Stocks, and other- Annual Income of Fire Department alone over Kefer to Messrs. NORTON wise |4.000,00U. SLAUUUIKU * CO 2,514,500 OO Fire aud Life Assets entirely distinct—the one not New York. Real Estate and Bonds and Mortgages 267.000 00 liable for the other. The Company organized A. D. 1809. Commenced InteroHt. and sundry Notes and Claims business In this country A. D. 1867. Irvine K. Chase, due the Company, estimated at 454,037 92 Agencies In most of the priuclpa cities and towns In the United Slates. Premium Notes Bills and Receivable. . 2,076,360 60 EZRA WHITE, 1 Cash in Bank 363,402 40 CHA8. K. WHITE, VManagerB. €OTTON BUYER, BAM. P. BLAGDSN, I .j^ Total amount of -Assets $16,019,910 82 NaaiivUIe, Tenneaaee. Kix Por C«ut Interest on the outstanding cortiUcates of profits will be paid to the holders KKFEUENCK.-FtBST N tTIOHAL BakK, NltHTtLU thereof, or their legal representotives, on and after Tuesday, the 1st of February next. Cotton Ties. Tlie outstanding certificates of the issue of 1872 will be redeemed and paid to the holders thereof, SOLE AGENCY IN NEW YOKK FOB THE SALK or their legal representatives, on and after Tuesday, f9t^*Ajvoi^»'ijr t>. «t»tcC or Tuc the Ist of February neit, from which date all inter- CELEBRATED "ARROW" TIE, cat thereon will cease. The certificates to be pro- ^.''yt.^tjutci^.tJKJCMSUcjCA MANnrAOTURKD BY duced at tho time of payment, and cancelled. ^ Upon "The American Cotton-Tie Company" ccrtiflcJte;^ which were Issued for gold premiums, LIVKUPOOL, KNOLAND. the payment of interest and redemption will be in 8. m. SWENSON, E . S . B A I LEY gold. 80 Wall St., !?ew York. 6S IVAIil. STREET • A BiTidond of Forty Per Cent, is de- clated on the net earned premiums of the Company Dealer In B. R. Smith & Co., for liio year ending 3l8t December, Fire 1875, for which and marine Inanranre •tocll C O T T o fr and Scrip cerlill"ate8 will bo Issued on and after Tuesday, COlVITtlSSION the 4th of April next. «'SPEf!IAl,lTY.»> rviKnCHANTS, 44 BROAD STREET, BOSTON, Cash paid at once for the above By order of the Board, Secarities ; or the AND will be sold on commlsaion. at sellers option 125 Pearl Street, New York, J. II. CHAPniAN, Secretary. Liberal ailvancos raitdc on con^KDineoU. Prompt Miscellaneous. f>€r80ual BttuKtlon pnUI to the execution of orders for ho purchitse or eulc of coiitracli fur future delivery. BLOSS & INCHES, TRUSTKES. COTTON FACTOHS J. D. Jones, Gordon W. Bumham, Charles Dennis, Frederick Chauncey. W. II. II. Moore, Charles P. Burdett, STEEL PENS. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS lli'ury Coit, Francis Skiddy, MANUFACTURERS' WAREHOUSE, Lewis Curtis. Robert B. Minturn, 128 Pearl Street, Nevv York. Charles II. Knssell, Charles II. Marshall, JOSEPH GII.LOTT dc SONS Lowell Ilolbrook, George W. Lane, McAlister & Wheless, vt John Street, New York. David I'jane, Robert L. Stuart, COTTON HENRY HOE. Sou JatueS Bry.-e, James O. De Forest, Aormt ooniinissiON itibrohants Daniel S. Miller, Alexander V. Blake, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, William Sturjjls, Charlet D. Lcverich, Williams, Birnie & Co., Josiah O. Low, Adolph Lcmoyne, Special attention given to Spinners' orders. Corre- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, II oadenec solicited. WillLim E. Dodge, Adam T. Sackett, OS Beaver St. dc 20 ExchaiiKe Place, HvKTniKNOKS.— Third and Fourth National Banks, )t»rl Uori Itoyal Phelps, snd Pi of Tuk Cukoniols Horace Gray, OKO. W WIM.IAMS & CO, ) Thomas F. Youngs, Edmund W. Corlles, Bankers & Conimlsslon Merchants, > NEW YORK. OUABLXSTON, 8. 0. ) OVBR 6,000 SOLD OF C. A. Uand, John Elliott, Liberal advances nmde on consignments of Cotton. I ^OKRS0LL*S James Low, Samuel nutchlnson, Orders executed at the Cottou Kxcli.inRC lor the pur- chase and sale of contracts for future dellvcrv. Hj» John D. Hewlett, William U. Webb. ND AND HORSE-POWER PRESSES They h&ve a wurld-widc renutatloD and a superiority tor J. D. JONES, President. ovet all others b;iliDe: llay. Cotton, Kag« and an H. Tileston & Co., oHi*!!' kluds of iuaicrl.ll. Kur price Uil aud ful Uifor- matlcit call on or mUlrt'Hfl the manufacturers CHARLES DENNIS, Vice-President. COTTON UUVKKS * COMMIS-SION MKHCHANTS «0 .Stoue Mtreel, New Yorh. IN«EKSOLI< &. BALSTON, U. H. MOORE, 8d Vice W. Presid»ul. Orden la Futures executed at M. V, Cotton ExctaaBge. UUKKi4^0U4i (City c( Brookiyn), L, Yili THE CHRONICLK [March 11, 1876,

Ootton. Ootton. Cotton.

KDWABD K. WBieBT. JOHN B. DUSB. Woodward 8c Stillman, aV8. h. BIOIUBDS. Babcock Brothers & Co., so 'Wall Street, York. BUAJdUN'S BANK BUILDING, New Wright, Richards & Co., MKRCHANDISK DEPARTMENT. Orders executed at the Cotton Exchanges In New Noa. 74 ic 98 Wall Street, New York. York and Liverpool, and advances made on Cottou COTTON FACTORS and other Prpduce consigned to them or to their Urn- AND abroad. Cotton Factors B. F. BABCOCK & CO., Ooaeral Comiulaalaa Merehanta, LIVERPOOU AND No. 39 BROAD STSRXT, A.LKXA.NDBR MA.ITLAND. L. P- 8. HACLBHOSK General Ooiumlaaion mercbanta. BOBSBT L. UAITLAKO. (P. O. Box 4858.) New York. 8p«clil atteDtton paid to the execution of orderi for Liberal Advances made on Consignments of Cotton, Robt. L. Maitland& Co., tbe purchaie or sale of coutracts for luture delivery Wool, Hides, Ac, and upon shipments to our friends of cotton. Liberal advances made on consign la Liverpool and London. No. 43 BROAD STREET, NEW TORK. ments. Bliss & Bennet, Cotton Factors, Ware, Murphy & Co., GENERAL Tobacco and General CommlaalOD Cotton Factors COM1H1S8ION MERCHANTS, Merehanta. Advances made on ConBignmenta to AND 131 Pearl Street, New York. LONDON AND LIVERPOOL. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Special attention given to the execution of orders for the purchase or sale of Contracts for future COTTON EXCHANGE BUILDING, Do.lvery. JEWELL,HARRISON NEW YORK. W. C. Watts & Co., & COMPANY, Special attention paid to the exeenlloa of orders COMMISSION AND for tbe purchase or sale of contracts for fu ure 21 Brown'a Bulldlnsa, COTTON MERCH.tNTM. delivery of cotton. Liberal advances made on con- ESTABLISHED 1341. NEW YOKK. Blgnments. LIVERPOOL, SoUclt consignmeuis of COTTON and orders for the Miscellaneous. Henry Hentz 6c Co,, purchase or sale of future shipments or deliveries

OENERAIi Advances made on consignments, and all Information MANCHESTER coraniissioiv merchants, aHorded by onr friends, Messrs. D. WATTS & Co., 51 Locomotive Works, Stona street. New York, and Messrs. D. A. ttlVKN 6 HaaoTer Street, Nenr York. « MANUFACTURERS OP SON, M Baronne Street, New Orleans. Loeomotlvea, Stationary Steam Eu- Advances made on Consignments to Klnea, and Toola, IHeasra. JAinRS FINLAY & CO., Edward H.Skinker& Co. MANCHESTER, N. H. LIVKKPOOL. LONDON AND GLA8O0W. ARETAS BLOOD, W. «. MKANS, COMMISSION AND Superintendent Treasurt-r, Jllao execute orders for Merchandise through COTTON MERCHANTS, Manchester. N. H. 40 Water atl eet. Boston nieaara. FINI.AY, IHUIR 4c CO., 97 Pearl Street, Wire Rope. CALCUTTA AND BOMBAY. NEW YORK. STKKL, CHAKCOAL., and KUTURK CONTRACTS FOB COTTON bought and •old on commission lu New York and Liverpool. R obb & P eet. B. B. Of the very best (Quality

1 suitable for Sbips, Ki^Kluff JOHN . BIOHABDS. WILLtAK waiTLOOK, BANKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS |sa8pen.'er

Richards & Whitlock, No. 58 WALL STREET, irlcka. iDcllued P loes, Mtulug

l'ai'r..j8es, Ac. COTTON STORAGE Neiv York. I Uoistlcg A Stoc2^ eo^itaatly ou Advances made on Consignments. Special utien Lar-Mre Noa. 105, 107, & 109 Morton, tlon paid to pu chases or sales of -* Cotton futures. hand, trom wbicn any deslied and '018, 620 A: 632 Waablugtou St., Bills of Exchange on tbe CITY BANK. LONDON iSD^t^iB are cut. CAPACITY, 12,000 BALES. and HOTTENGDEB & CO., PAKIS. JOHN W. MASON A CO., 4S Broa4w^«r« N#w V^rk. Kate of Storage, 15-13. Fire Insurance Lowest Sates. Kremelberg & Co., French 17 KarxBiNOBS.— & Travers. No. William s",. NEW YORK. Williams, Black 4 Co., No. 1 «llllani St.; R.M. Waters & Co. ,56 Broad St.; Philip Henry, Jr.. No. 135 Pearl at.; iETNA Adams & Whitlock, No. 51 South St.: Charles D. Kremelberg & Co., Hyllestedft Co., No. 7 South William St.; Walter T. J. Miller d: Co., No. 6 Hanover st,; Dennis Ferklns, No BALTIMORE. 117 Pearl St.; Charles A. Easton, 141 No. Pearl st. Kremelberg, Schaefer & Co., Insurance Company NEW ORLEANS. OP HARTFORD. Eakin, Adams & Co., Kremelberg & Co., LOUISVILLE, KY. . - 00 BANKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. CAPITAL, $3,000,000 Assets, Jan. 1, '76 »6,792,649 98 33 Naaaan Street, New York. Knoop, Hanemann & Co Liabilities . . • $346,385 50 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wm. E. Rogers & Co., BRANCH OFFICE, 173 BROADWAY, N. Y. 52 EXCHANQB PMCB, NSW YORK. 10 South WUIlam »treet, JAS. A. ALEXANDER, AKent. NEW YORK, EOtrsBs m COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Mancbeater and Liverpool, Liverpool & Adty^nvaa hadb upon ootton oonsioned to Meaara. J. N. BEACH A. Co., DE JERSEY & CO. LIVERPOOL. London (^ Globe Walsh, Thomson & Co., toe Laer & Co., COTTON BROK.ER8, Insurance Company, SOUTH WILLIAM & 65 STONE STREETS, COTTON BUYERS, Now York. St. OALVBSTON, TEXAS. Wall Street Caricatures. 4-5 William new book, Advances A 48 pagee, coDtainlng 14 eD^ared Ulus- Liberal Cash on Consignments to our tratloDB, with Assets, $26,740,105 70 INKOKMATION FOR STOCK. 8PBCULAT0RS. frtenda in Mew York, doston, Philadelphia, Liverpool, Price lUc., clotb covers; paper covers free. TVfllBRlUGK &