Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT

Basic Christian 2005 b Christian Information, Links, Resources and Free Downloads

Copyright © 2004-2005 David Anson Brown

Basic Christian: Full Website Content 2005 Version (PDF)

A Christian center with FREE Resources, Information and Links Testifying of God, Heaven and of good things through Jesus Christ both now and yet to come!

Free Downloads: (PDF - MP3) from

It is our Commitment to provide a Varity of FREE and useful Downloads. It is also our Commitment to provide them in a convenient way without pop-up advertisements, redirects and other annoying interferences between you and the information you are seeking. We also encourage everyone to have a safety offline backup version of the Basic Christian material.

Chuck Colson - Lies That Go Unchallenged - Free PowerPoint

Lies That Go Unchallenged, adapted from a selection of Charles Colson's ( radio commentaries, helps us examine cultural currents in the light of God's truth. This tool will help you and your group gain a full understanding of underlying motives, events, and repercussions of the lies our culture is feeding us. Example: Rights of the Individual Lie #1: We have the freedom of choice to be who we want and to do what we want. Campaign Wharehouse: Your Grassroots Training Resources (CD-MP3-Cassette)

(1) How to Develop a Winning Campaign Message, (2) How to Develop a Winning Campaign Strategy, (3) How to Deliver Winning Campaign Speeches. It's been said that 50% of everything a grassroots campaign does is wasted. The key to winning is to make sure you don't waste the 50% you need to win. That's why this seminar reveals the secrets to developing a strategy that focuses your time, money, and people effectively.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 1 of 140 (RATE) Strikes at the Heart of Evolution

Billions of years of time, one of the bedrocks of evolutionary thinking, is once again being called into question. This time it will be challenged by a team of scientists from (or associated with) the Institute for Creation Research (ICR), which has spent the last eight years conducting original research on dating methods and the age of the earth. Known as the RATE team (Radioisotope and the Age of The Earth), these scientists have discovered significant scientific evidence which contradicts the "old earth" model and supports a young earth-as one would expect from a plain reading of the Bible.

Thousands...Not Billions 2005 ICR (RATE) Conference November 5, El Cajon, CA. (PDF Brochure Available)

"Thousands … Not Billions" is both the title and the theme of the upcoming national conference to be hosted by ICR at Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon (near San Diego), California, November 5, 2005. Speakers for the event include Dr. John Morris (president of ICR), Dr. Larry Vardiman, Dr. Russell Humphreys, Dr. Andrew Snelling (formerly of AiG-Australia), and Dr. John Baumgardner.1 (By the way, AiG-USA's astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle will be in attendance.)

The Parables of Jesus Christ Entry into God's Kingdom

Prerequisite Attitudes to Enter God's Kingdom ...Placing Value on Eternal Things.

The Great News Network Evangelism Boot Camp

What is GNN Evangelism Boot Camp? Let me start by telling you what it's not. This isn't some boring book taught seminar. GNN EBC is a hands-on, role up your sleeves; get in the trenches, big time battle against the most evil enemy ever. EBC is the place where you learn to face your fears and boldly proclaim the Great News that Jesus is Lord. GNN EBC is put on in association with The Way of the Master ministries (Ray Comfort & Kirk Cameron) and is the place where GNN gets to serve God where people learn to put into practice the biblical principals they've learned on the Way of the Master TV show, or the School of Biblical Evangelism. It's where people from all around the world can come together to sharpen their swords and learn how to be a more effective witness for Jesus. It's where GNN trains up highly motivated men and women to join God's great army of evangelist! Bible Project Audio and Text (Bilingual and Various Versions MP3)

FEATURED CD PROJECTS: You may click on the CD image below to view these projects.These CDs are available to request for FREE via the phone or address below. MP3 Downloads are available online.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 2 of 140 Faith Comes By Hearing Bible Sunday 2005 November, 20

When you can't read, every Sunday is No Bible Sunday. Our free Bible Sunday how-to kit tells how you can provide audio Scriptures to thousands who might otherwise never know of God's great love for them.

Activist Cash - Tracking the Financial Support of Radical Groups (

Despite their innocent-sounding names, many of these organizations are financial Goliaths that use junk science, intimidation tactics, and even threats of violence to push their radical agendas. We've analyzed over 500,000 pages of IRS records to bring you a comprehensive snapshot of where their money comes from, tracking more than $800 million to date.

National Pro-Life Action Center: Resources (Doc)

Ten years ago, Rev. Rob Schenck and his twin brother, Dr. Paul Schenck, relocated their ministry to Washington, DC. Paul Schenck worked in a public interest legal group that defended unborn children and those who stood up for them.

The National Pro-Life Action Center Calls For The President To Withdraw The Nomination Of Harriet Miers (Doc)

"The time has come for President Bush to realize and accept that his nomination of Harriet Miers to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court was ill-advised and he should withdraw her nomination. With 45 million children's lives lost to abortion, the stakes are simply too high to gamble on another 'stealth' candidate. If the president remains reluctant to take this step, then NPLAC believes that Ms. Miers should then remove herself from this process.

Plurality Now Sees Bush Presidency as Unsuccessful - Discontent with Bush and State of The Nation Even Higher (Pew Poll Oct. 13)

President George W. Bush's poll numbers are going from bad to worse. His job approval rating has fallen to another new low, as has public satisfaction with national conditions, which now stands at just 29%. And for the first time since taking office in 2001, a plurality of Americans believe that George W. Bush will be viewed as an unsuccessful president.

The Movie "LEFT BEHIND: WORLD AT WAR" is Opening in Churches (No Theaters) on Friday October 21, 2005

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 3 of 140 This has never been done before. So far, over 2,000 churches have signed up to debut the film. That is more locations (not screens because of multiplexes) than the top 6 theater chains combined! If you look at you will see a North American map that shows locations. Click on your state and check out your area.

LEFT BEHIND (Part 3) WORLD AT WAR: Participation, Oct. 21-23

Already, more than 2,500 Churches have signed up, and are ready to share the history - making world premiere of LEFT BEHIND-WORLD AT WAR with their congregations on the weekend of October 22. If you'd like to open your Church to the community - many of whom have never set foot in a Church - then why not visit and check out the two minute video preview of the movie - and see for yourself what all the fuss is about.

Reasons Why it is Very Doubtful that President Bush is a Christian (

In this hot debate amongst Christian brethren over whether the fruits (actions) of President Bush were of such Biblically "good fruit" nature to allow Fundamental, Bible-believing Christians to consider him "Born Again", I have created a list showing the fruits I have seen since he became a candidate for President in 2000. On the left, I have listed the "bad fruits" I have seen, and on the right, I have listed the "good fruits" he has produced. "Ye shall know them by their fruits" (Matt 7:16 ).

"Poll: Americans Want Bush Impeached"

This swell supporting impeachment has been a fairly recent phenomenon. "The Ipsos poll shows a dramatic transformation in support for Bush's impeachment since late June ... The Zogby poll conducted June 27-29 of 905 likely voters found that 42% agreed and 50% disagreed with a statement virtually identical to the one used by Ipsos Public Affairs. After the June poll, pollster John Zogby told the Washington Post that support for impeachment "was much higher than I expected." At the time, impeachment supporters trailed opponents by 8%. Now supporters outnumber opponents by 6%, a remarkable shift of 14%." (Ibid.)

Up the Creek: Out to Embarrass Bush Over Alleged Video Stunt, (NBC) "The Today Show" Gets Caught in Stunt of Its Own (Video)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 4 of 140 In an apparent effort to draw attention to herself, in yesterday's segment she turned up in hip waders, standing thigh-deep in the flood waters. Taking her act one step further, this morning she appeared on a suburban street . . . paddling a canoe. There was one small problem. Just as the segment came on the air, two men waded in front of Kosinki . . . and the water barely covered their shoe tops! That's right, Kosinski's canoe was in no more than four to six inches of water! An embarrassed Kosinski claimed the water was deeper down the street but that her producers didn't want to let her go there for fear she'd drift away. But Katie and Matt, perhaps peeved by her attempted scene-stealing, couldn't resist ribbing her. Matt: "Are these holy men, perhaps walking on top of the water?" "Gee, is your oar hitting ground, Michelle?" inquired Katie, as she and Matt dissolved into laughter.

Video of the Week - The Value of Body Armor (Video)

During a routine patrol in Baghdad June 2, Army Pfc. Stephen Tschiderer, a medic, was shot in the chest by an enemy sniper, hiding in a van just 75 yards away. The incident was filmed by the insurgents.

Soldier Survives Attack; Captures, Medically Treats Sniper

During a routine patrol in Baghdad June 2, Army Pfc. Stephen Tschiderer, a medic, was shot in the chest by an enemy sniper, hiding in a van just 75 yards away. The incident was filmed by the insurgents.

NEWS UPDATES FROM Cutting Edge Ministries,

Sinister Forces In America: A Shocking Alternative To The Conventional View of American History

Behind the Big News (VHS)

Most Americans know the mainstream media manipulates stories, manufactures illusions, and exploits fears. But the reason is more than just liberal bias or sloppy reporting. Behind the Big News exposes a revolutionary agenda - originating outside the media - that defines today's headlines. This powerful and fast-paced video examines some of the biggest news stories in recent decades to discover how this subversive agenda is promoted. Behind the Big News also reveals an effective strategy to overcome this ongoing assault on American freedom.

The Religion of Peace: Islam Terrorists Committed Over 3081 Deadly terror Attacks Since 9/11

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 5 of 140 So a pattern has developed. The followers of Muhammad export death and terror, while the rest of us stoop to help them in their hour of need. Before lobotomizing ourselves completely in the name of multiculturalism, let's recognize that there is a clear difference between Islam and Western religion. Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply not thinking.

Avian Bird Flu is it a Return of the 1918 Spanish Flu? and if so "Vaccine -- Not Virus -- Responsible for 1918 Spanish flu"

"The army doctors knew all these cases of disease and death were due to vaccination and were honest enough to admit it in their medical reports. When army doctors tried to suppress the symptoms of typhoid with a stronger vaccine, it caused a worse form of typhoid, paratyphoid. But when they concocted an even stronger vaccine to suppress that one, they created an even worse disease - Spanish flu. After the war, this was one of the vaccines used to protect a panic-stricken world from the soldiers returning from WWI battlefronts infected with dangerous diseases." "The rest is history." Yes, history records that over 50 million people died worldwide -- from a disease they caught from a "protective" vaccination! Now you know that the Spanish Flu of 1918 was deliberately created and then spread through vaccinations! But, the "panic-stricken" public demanded a vaccination, not realizing that was the way in which the diesase was spreading. Of course, many were also killed when the virus spread from person-to-person as viruses normally do. Will we soon hear that Avian Bird Flu has started in this country in Georgia, within convenient distance of Atlanta, where the CDC has genetically reconstructed the deadly 1918 Spanish Flu virus? People will line up to get this worthless Avian Bird Flu, not realizing the vaccine is full of the 1918 Spanish Flu -- reconstructed.

Gateway Pundit (blog)

Gateway Pundit - Observations of the World from the Heart of Jesusland!

Harvest Festival in an English School

Every year we have a Harvest Festival assembly during the month of September or October. We celebrate harvest by singing, praying and decorating our school hall with baskets of fruit and food. Students bring in food from home. The food is later distributed among the poor or senior citizens of the local community. Harvest Festival - Find out more about this Christian festival. The photos below are taken during our Harvest Festival assembly. for the SERIOUS Bible Student

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 6 of 140 The knowledge of Jesus (the Word in the flesh) and the knowledge of the written Word cannot be separated. Academics (knowledge) must lead to Application (wisdom) which must lead to Compliance (obedience). Fundamentally, we must move from carnality to spirituality. The new creature does not destroy the old. They coexist and struggle for control. "Head" knowledge does not change us. "Heart" knowledge is the objective of the teaching gift. ... Teaching draws others into the Word. It allows us to see how we, our families and our churches measure up. It makes others desire to have the peace and joy we have as children of the King. It encourages us to press toward the mark when we've stumbled. It convicts us when we are wrong. We must keep growing and maturing in the Lord because we should all be teachers (Mk 28:20; Heb 5:12) for the purpose of changing the lives of others through the changes in our own lives.

Darwin Defender Sued for Website Warning of 'Conservative Christians'

In a turning of tables, two defenders of evolution in academia are being sued for spending more than $500,000 of federal money on a website that encourages teachers to use religion to promote Darwin's theory. California parent Jeanne Caldwell filed the suit yesterday against the National Science Foundation and the University of California at Berkeley.

Olive Tree Views - Fall 2005 Conference "Evidences for the End Times" (Cd's - DvD's)

Containing seven hours of teaching and Q & A. Hal Lindsey, main speaker, spoke for two hours and spent two hours in Q & A. Roger Oakland, Brian Flynn, and I spent Saturday afternoon outlining some of the new movements in the church that are less than healthy. Get more details about the speakers and topics at the category of "CONFERENCES."

AMSHINOV (Jewish) Blog: Picture Perfect Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the Jewish calendar. It is a day of abstention, of prayer and meditation, of introspection, soul-searching and repentance. It is called the Sabbath of Sabbaths - the ultimate day of spirit and serenity. Jews dress in white (men usually wear a white robe called a "kitel" together with a white head covering during the synagogue service; women wear white blouses and/or skirts and no jewelry) as a sign of purity and as a sign of our mortality, for ultimately we are buried in white shrouds. The white garments are also a reminder of the costume of the High Priest worn on Yom Kippur during most of the Yom Kippur service in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

The Michelle Malkin Blog

Michelle Malkin's column, now syndicated by Creators Syndicate, appears in nearly 200 papers nationwide. Her first book, Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals, and Other Foreign Menaces to Our Shores (Regnery 2002), was a New York Times bestseller.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 7 of 140

Rumors: Bin Laden killed in Quake

Could it be that Osama Bin Laden was killed in the earthquake that struck Pakistan this week and killed about 50,000 people? Rumors being circulated in the Indian peninsular have it that al-Qaeda's number one man was in the stricken area when the quake occured and was killed.,7340,L-3154127,00.html

Pastor Dr. David L. Brown of (Mp3s)

Audio Sermons by Pastor David L. Brown, Ph.D. Recorded Audio Sermons to Listen to or download from^David^L.^Brown&SpeakerOnly=tru e&currSection=sermonsspeaker

Sirius Satellite Radio has Removed "The Word Network" From Their Package - They Now Want Millions of Dollars in order to Return it.

In early September, Sirius Satellite Radio kicked The Word Network off the air - for good. In the meantime, Sirius is adding programming that insults the values of The Word Network and our millions of listeners. Their reason was our "poor ratings" - but apparently our ratings weren't that poor. The Word Network was told by Sirius soon after that our place on the satellite might be regained, but only for millions of dollars.

Shofar Idol (Flash)

A Question of Origins (Online Movie)

Watch the entire film (above) or view in segments with Q&A notes (below).

Trinity Broadcasting Network Films Library (FREE Downloads)

Just click on the title or picture below to watch. [for advanced users, you can download videos for later viewing by right clicking and choosing "Save As" on the "download file" link (caution: large, long downloads)]

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 8 of 140 A Venture in Faith: The Calvary Chapel Story (Online Movie) {It takes a Minute to Connect}

This is an outstanding documentary on the history and philosophy of Calvary Chapel. It demonstrates how through one mans (Chuck Smith) faith and obedience God began a revival in a period know as the Jesus Movement. This video chronicles the trials that Chuck Smith faced by stepping out into a ministry and trusting that Where God Guides, God Provides. This video tape is an encouraging message for anyone who desires to know and follow Gods will and to gain the proper perspective of ministry.

Doug's Blog (

An excellent Christian - family oriented blog.

Power Line (Blog)

Current events with conservative comments.

NEWS UPDATES FROM Cutting Edge Ministries,

Sinister Forces In Early America: A Shocking Alternative To The Conventional View of American History

Harriet Miers - A Question of Judgment

The Chronicle of Higher Education yesterday published a story on Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers. It spoke of her "playing a key role" in the late 1990s in establishing the Louise B. Raggio lectureship at Southern Methodist University, Miss Miers' alma mater. The article says Miss Miers "pushed for the creation" of the Raggio speakers' series. The Raggio lectureship brought an apparently unbroken string of pro-abortion speakers to the university's Dallas campus. Among those tapped to enlighten young law students were Gloria Steinem, founder of Ms. Magazine and a veteran campaigner for liberal abortion laws. Also holding forth were Congresswoman Patricia Schoeder, Susan Faludi, author of Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women, and even former Texas Governor Ann W. Richards, the pro-abortion Democrat whom George W. Bush defeated in 1994. This story needs to be handled with care. The Chronicle is certainly no friend of the pro-life cause and may have exaggerated Miss Miers' role in setting up the lectureship. But the issue does need to be carefully explored. It raises a host of questions about judgment.

British Broadcaster David Frost Leaves BBC-TV Joins Al-Jazeera TV

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 9 of 140 British broadcaster David Frost, who famously interviewed President Richard M. Nixon during the Watergate controversy, will leave BBC-TV to join an English-language news channel on the al-Jazeera broadcasting network. The Qatar-based channel, part of a network that regularly airs "exclusive" al-Qaida messages and video interviews with Osama bin Laden, views Frost as "key on-air talent" that should attract viewers in the United Kingdom and the United States.

Free Downloads: (PDF - MP3) from (Updated)

It is our Commitment to provide a Varity of FREE and useful Downloads. It is also our Commitment to provide them in a convenient way without pop-up advertisements, redirects and other annoying interferences between you and the information you are seeking. We also encourage everyone to have a safety offline backup version of the Basic Christian material.

Analysis of President Bush's Speech: Bush Wants Total Victory Over Terror - But What about Palestinian Terrorists?

However, the Bush Administration fails to adhere to its firm position on the dangers of and solution to Islamic terror when the perpetrators are Palestinian Arabs and the victims Israeli Jews.

Ousted Alabama Justice Roy Moore to Run for Governor

GADSDEN, Ala. - Roy Moore, who became a hero to the religious right after being ousted as Alabama's chief justice for refusing to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments from the courthouse, announced Monday that he is running for governor in 2006.,2933,171115,00.html

9/30/05 Ministry Update Regarding Hurricane Katrina Disaster: Jesse Duplantis Ministries

Here at Jesse Duplantis Ministries, we believe that we are strategically positioned in this part of the world "for such a time as this." God can use us to be a spiritual beacon of light and a financial help to this community - and from this community to the entire world. What do we need right now? Prayer and financial support. Our ministry is just six miles from where the storm and the surge destroyed so much. Whatever you can do to help support our ministry during this time, and to help with the relief effort, is greatly appreciated. We know that God will turn this tragedy around for good - He will bring more people to Him, while causing His children to experience an overflow of His grace, mercy, love, faith, power and blessing in the process.

Conservatives 'Demoralized' over Miers - President Bush's Pick for the Supreme Court

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 10 of 140 Conservatives are "pretty demoralized" over President Bush's surprise nomination of Harriet Miers to the U.S. Supreme Court, says Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol. Kristol noted, in an interview with Fox News, that with liberal Republican Sandra Day O'Connor leaving the court, Bush had a unique opportunity to put his conservative stamp on the Supreme Court.

Jesus Film - Jesus Film for Kids - Jesus Film Audio Drama (Online Movie)

Full versions online with 60 language options available on the home page.

Golden Girls: The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer: Our Father, who (art) are in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever. Amen.

Is God Judging America? By Pastor David L. Brown, Ph.D. (

On August 22, 1787, George Mason (1725-1792), Father of the Bill of Rights, made this statement during the debates of the Constitutional Convention - "As Nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world, they must be in this. By an inevitable chain of causes and effects, Providence punishes national sins, by national calamities."

Are You Concerned About the Attempts to Remove the Ten Commandments from our Society? Join the Ten Commandments Day on Sunday February 5, 2006

There are three ways you can get involved and make a difference on this urgent matter: 1. Join the Ten Commandments Commission. By doing so this will tell the world that you support Judeo-Christian traditional values and believe in the importance of restoring the Word of God to our nation and world. ...

Mega Site for Mp3 Audio Sermon Downloads - Many Topics

Here are the messages from our 1998 catalog, available exclusively for download.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 11 of 140 A Prayer For Israel Psalm 83 [Screensaver & Downloads]

A Christian flash show based on Psalm 83, as intercession for Israel.

Hamastan (PLO Terrorist Organization) Rises on Jewish Gaza's Ruins

The worst fear of politicians, military officials and Israeli civilians regarding Israel's withdrawal from Gaza has become a reality - the volatile coastal strip is now the private domain of Islamic terrorism, led by the infamous Hamas organization. ... Evidence of Hamas' rising power lies in the fact it and groups associated with it have in the past month assassinated a senior PA security adviser and attacked the Gaza City home of the PA Interior Ministry spokesman with virtual impunity.

Americans Weary of Darwinism

New survey finds interest in other theories about the origin of life. Most Americans aren't buying the theory of Darwinian evolution and would like to hear some alternatives, according to a recent study by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life.

*** Senate Votes to Confirm on John Roberts ****

A tremendous victory today in the Senate as an overwhelming bi-partisan vote confirms John Roberts as Chief Justice. Roberts is expected to take the oath of office later today. All of this as President Bush is poised to name a replacement for retiring Justice O'Connor. A busy day in Washington and at the Supreme Court. Urgent Memorandum: Nominee to Fill O'Connor Seat on Supreme Court

Friends and Colleagues, We anticipate that within the coming week President Bush will nominate a successor to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. I urge in the strongest possible way that we send this message to President Bush: 1. You led us to believe that you would appoint justices like Scalia and Thomas. Anything less would be a betrayal of those who voted for you. 2. A Supreme Court candidate whom we will support must have a paper trail that demonstrates a strong commitment to the constitutionalist approach to the constitution. A candidate who skillfully answers questions without telling us anything meaningful, will not be acceptable.

Eagle Forum's Court Watch

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 12 of 140

Thomas More Law Center: Supreme Court Info

The Battle to Restore America's Religious and Moral Foundations Begins.

Family Research Counsel: Supreme Court Info

Family Research Council thanks Justice O'Connor, the first woman on the United States Supreme Court, for her nearly twenty-four years of public service. FRC President Tony Perkins has released the following statement:

Grassfire: Supreme Court Info

The resignation of Sandra Day O'Connor marks the beginning of a crucial time period for Grassfire and all of our members. O'Connor has been the key swing voter on the bench for the past quarter of a century. With O'Connor's resignation we are expecting the opposition to mobilize and demand a moderate nominee, Grassfire is calling on all citizens to raise their voice on this critical issue. Grassfire's President, Steve Elliott will be delivering 250,000 petitions to the White House next week demanding a Pro-Life, Pro-Family nominee who strictly rules by the original intent of the Constitution of the United States. Alert you friends to be part of our historic petition delivery! Sign the Petition!

Concerned Women for America (CWA): Supreme Court Info

Be sure to watch Concerned Women for America's policy experts as they respond to Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's retirement from the Supreme Court today and the significance of a Supreme Court vacancy for our nation:

Opposing Sides Square Off On First Day of Intelligent Design Case

The controversy over the idea behind intelligent design theory is that it asserts that some observable aspects of nature are so complex that they could not have happened by chance, thereby demonstrating that an intelligent agent must have designed it. The theory stops short of identifying the intelligent agent.

Old Fashioned Revival Hour Dr. Charles E. Fuller with Quartet & Choir (Mp3s)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 13 of 140 Welcome - We wish to welcome you to the Old Fashioned Revival Hour with Evangelist Charles E. Fuller and the beautiful Gospel music of pianist Rudy Atwood and Choir & Quartet. Now you can freely listen online to the original broadcasts in MP3. Updated 3 Sep 05 with 4 new broadcasts.

Special Tsunami - Hurricane MP3: Radio Host Steve Brown Discusses the Tsunami and other Tragedies

Where is God when terrible things happen? On a recent Steve Brown Etc., Steve, Reggie and the crew try to answer that question in light of the recent tragedy in the Indian Ocean. You can listen (download) an mp3 file here.

Pastor Willie Mullan's Testimony 1911-1980 (Audio - Download)

For 27 years 'Willie' Mullan taught the largest Bible class in the United Kingdom, which was a source of great encouragement to many believers. Thousands attended these classes in Lurgan Baptist Church. The voice of Willie Mullan has been heard in almost every country, he preached extensively in Great Britain and also Faeroes, Germany, Greece, Palestine, Syria and Canada. At that last day, many thousands shall testify that it was through the preaching of Willie Mullan that they found the Saviour. "The 4-14 Window" The Importance of Reaching Children with the Gospel

Not really pushing faith on your kids because they'll get it sooner or later? It had better be sooner than later!

How an Invitation for Their Son to Attend Awana Led one Family on a Journey of Faith and Sparked a Passion for Children's Ministry

When 4-year-old Steve Ward asked his mother, Jodi, if he could accept an invitation from a friend to attend Awana, little did she know that by saying yes, her family would never be the same.

The Bible in Living Sound - Get Your Kids Excited About the Bible

THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND, the original dramatized Bible Stories . . . really gets kids excited about the Bible! These spiritually enthralling stories, re-enacted with music and ''live'' sound effects, leave impressions of lasting beauty and wonder, putting the listener in the Red Sea at the crossing, beside David as he confronts Goliath, with Mary and Joseph in the stable, and there at the foot of the Cross. These stunning nondenominational dramatizations captivate listeners of all ages as they are enriched by visualizing the values taught in God's Word. Listeners want to hear these bible stories again and again.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 14 of 140

Is Gaza Burning? A New Media Lexicon - For Media Who Refuse to Report the Truth

The dictionary defines "looting" as "to rob, steal, pillage." But, in its first reports on Gaza, where Palestinian Arab mobs were, well, looting, the New York Times came up with a nifty twist to avoid the L-word. There was no looting going on, only "looking for usable materials." ...

Pro-Life Senator Sam Brownback - Republican, Kansas: Next Supreme Court Pick Must Oppose Abortion

Washington, DC ( -- Yesterday, leading pro-life senator and possible 2008 presidential candidate Sam Brownback voted for John Roberts' nomination for the Supreme Court. However, he said he hopes President Bush's next nominee for the high court takes a more public stand in opposition to abortion. "The next nominee should let the political branches make political choices and should have a record of devotion to life and liberty that our Constitution protects," the Kansas Republican said at the hearing held just before the Senate Judiciary Committee approved Roberts on a 13-5 vote.

The ACLU vs. America: Exposing the Agenda to Redefine Moral Values (Book for Sale $15.00)

America is at war with terrorists all over the world who are attempting to destroy Americans and eliminate the American way of life. But there is another war being waged in courtrooms all over the country. This domestic war is one to save American morality and American values from an ever-present domestic influence - the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) - that is weakening our democracy. In the new book ACLU vs. America: Exposing the Agenda to Redefine Moral Values [Broadman & Holman, September 1, 2005], Alan Sears and Craig Osten document in vivid detail the ACLU's extremist positions. They trace the history of the ACLU back to the 1920s and its socialist and communist roots to its current legal battles and campaigns.

Holy Ghost Revival Sermons Online: 1 Hour Version (Mp3)

You are hearing a 12 minute preview of the sermon "Conviction and the Altar" The full 1 hour sermon link is listed below!

Calvary Chapel Pastor Chuck Smith: Living Water (PDF & DOC) and Many More ebook Selections

It's critical that we understand this. The Holy Spirit is the primary agent of the Godhead working in the world today. He is the person of the Godhead to whom we relate most closely. He is the One who is gathering a body of believers - the bride of Christ - to present unto the Lord. And the church through the Holy Spirit is doing the work of God in the world.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 15 of 140

Soldiers Spooked By New Orleans Spirits (News-Video)

New Orleans dark past is coming out to reveal itself in a scary spiritual way.[email protected]

The Way of the Master - Two Mp3 Messages

{Soundly Saved} --Kirk Cameron-- Who do you know who isn't saved? A friend? Your mother? Your child? Think of their terrible fate if they die without Christ. You want to share your faith, but maybe your're not sure what to say. Or maybe you're afraid. Listen as Kirk teaches you how to overcome your fear and share your faith simply, effectively...the way Jesus did. {True and False Conversion} --Ray Comfort-- This message explains why there are so many divorces, alcohol, drug, and abortion problems within the Church today. Are our churches really filled with true believers?

AWANA The Great ShakeUP Movement: PowerPoint Download Available

Leaders - Get Ready! The Great ShakeUP is not just a day or even a week. It's a movement! Keep your new Awana kids coming week after week! The Great ShakeUP will bring thousands of new kids into clubs nationwide this November. Don't be left out of the excitement! Bring new kids into club and see them meet Jesus for the first time. Check out the Great ShakeUP PowerPoint presentation. Catch the vision!

Chuck Colson - Lies That Go Unchallenged - Free PowerPoint

Lies That Go Unchallenged, adapted from a selection of Charles Colson's ( radio commentaries, helps us examine cultural currents in the light of God's truth. This tool will help you and your group gain a full understanding of underlying motives, events, and repercussions of the lies our culture is feeding us. Example: Rights of the Individual Lie #1: We have the freedom of choice to be who we want and to do what we want.

Dr. Gary Smalley - The DNA of Relationships - Free PowerPoint

In The DNA of Relationships, Dr. Gary Smalley tells us the whys and hows of relationships. His insights are based on five years of relational research that show amazing results: a more than 90 percent success rate in resolving conflict and a 72 percent increase in relational satisfaction. This tool will help your church leaders set the example for healthy relationships in your congregation. Examples: The Dance that Destroys Relationships - How fear affects our relationships 1 John 4:18. A No-Losers Policy - Seven steps to win-win conflict solutions Philippians 2:1-7.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 16 of 140

The Christian Examiner Newspaper Website Edition

The Christian Examiner (formerly the Christian Times) is a monthly newspaper, established in 1983, published by Keener Communications Group.

The 2004 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival: Consider Donating this 5 DVD Set to your Church Video Rental Section

Included on the 5 DVD set are some of our favorite dramatic presentations, documentaries, creationist, and political submissions to the festival, including our 2004 Jubilee Award winners. Campaign Wharehouse: Your Grassroots Training Resources (CD-MP3-Cassette)

(1) How to Develop a Winning Campaign Message, (2) How to Develop a Winning Campaign Strategy, (3) How to Deliver Winning Campaign Speeches. It's been said that 50% of everything a grassroots campaign does is wasted. The key to winning is to make sure you don't waste the 50% you need to win. That's why this seminar reveals the secrets to developing a strategy that focuses your time, money, and people effectively.

Free Internet Movie Download - Your Destiny Your Choice [Produced by Prayer Australia]

To some there are many faces of death. In the movie 'Your Destiny Your Choice', Ryan gave little thought to life after death until he faced death... he was afraid! Then When his sister Nicky comes to visit him in the hospital, she shows him a computer program that could make him sure of his destiny. Will Ryan choose a new spiritual destiny?

Excellent Mp3 Audio Sermons

A variety of teachings and topics for new believers to advanced.

Mp3 Worship Music Various Artists

Mp3 and Real Audio free worship music downloads.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 17 of 140 The Long Way Home: Jewish Life Before, During and After the Holocaust by Moriah Films DVD Collection (6 DVDs)

"Informative, enlightening, it touches all of us…" - Alan King. Winner of the 1997 Academy Award® for best feature documentary. NzEgJZJ2MAIgLZJcPMImJSKYNNKsJ7G&ProductID=150443

Walking In Truth Ministries Article Archives 2002-2005

We started our on-line Ministry in December of 2002, and have been blessed with many loyal subscribers! On this page you will find links to All of our previous Messages!

WEEKLY UPDATES ARCHIVE: Cutting Edge Ministries 2003-2005

Our Goal - mission is three-fold: To explain the goals and aspirations of the New World Order. To explain how its implementation will affect the average American citizen and family. To show how families are being influenced now, before we actually move into this system. Armed with this information, you will learn how you can: Protect yourself, your children, your family, your loved ones and friends. Live triumphant Christian lives in a most difficult world.

Biblical Archeology: Ron Wyatt's "Discovered Series" (5 DVD Set)

CSE is proud to offer the entire DVD series of the late Ron Wyatt's discoveries. This amazing series will show shuch discoveries as: The Red Sea Crossing site, Mt. Sinai, Noah's Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Ark of the Covenant and dozens of other faith bulding discoveries!

(RATE) Strikes at the Heart of Evolution

Billions of years of time, one of the bedrocks of evolutionary thinking, is once again being called into question. This time it will be challenged by a team of scientists from (or associated with) the Institute for Creation Research (ICR), which has spent the last eight years conducting original research on dating methods and the age of the earth. Known as the RATE team (Radioisotope and the Age of The Earth), these scientists have discovered significant scientific evidence which contradicts the "old earth" model and supports a young earth-as one would expect from a plain reading of the Bible.

Thousands...Not Billions 2005 ICR (RATE) Conference November 5, El Cajon, CA. (PDF Brochure Available)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 18 of 140 "Thousands … Not Billions" is both the title and the theme of the upcoming national conference to be hosted by ICR at Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon (near San Diego), California, November 5, 2005. Speakers for the event include Dr. John Morris (president of ICR), Dr. Larry Vardiman, Dr. Russell Humphreys, Dr. Andrew Snelling (formerly of AiG-Australia), and Dr. John Baumgardner.1 (By the way, AiG-USA's astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle will be in attendance.)

The (Swiss based) Red Cross (finally) to Reconsider Admitting Israel Full Membership in the Organization After a Five Year Denial

On Monday, 123 delegates of the Red Cross from member countries started a delegation that will last over two days to draw a consensus of whether Israel will be permitted membership into the Red Cross, in an effort to revive talks which where halted five years ago, when the Palestinian conflict against Israel began in 2000. The disagreement of admittance centers on whether a red Star of David is permissible to join the Red Cross and Red (Muslim) Crescent as a symbol of the organization.

Truth and Knowledge vs. Lies and Deception:

Truth is that which exists and cannot change. The truth is the unchangeable fact. There are basic truths in existence. We exist in physical human form on a planet called the earth. It is an undeniable unchangeable truth that we exist. It is also an undeniable unchangeable truth that physical life exists temporally here on earth. The truth is that all who have lived in the past have suffered physical death; they are no longer physically alive with us on earth. Since there are truths in existence there is a truth that explains life and death here on earth. There can be many theories about how life originated on earth, why and how we exist and why we die, but there is only one unchangeable truth.

Prayer Point: RUSSIA Reaching the "Reindeer People"

Please Pray - For help in dealing with rampant problems of alcoholism, depression, and suicide in the Chukotka region. For more missionaries to share the Gospel in native villages. For transportation equipment such as snowmobiles to reach these extremely remote areas.

The Kristo: Excellent! (Flash)

English and Spanish versions of this excellent flash animation presentation.

America 9-11-2001 Tract (PDF) with Photos Answers the Question 'Who Can Protect Us?'

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 19 of 140 At 8:45 Tuesday morning, September 11, the first of two commercial airliners crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. ad&cid=1

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Past Radio Broadcasts (Audio)

The goal of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Ltd. is to reach men and women with the Gospel and to bring them into a living relationship with Jesus Christ.

74 Audio Messages Supporting KJV and Many Other Great Topics from

The Authorized Version Defended Audio Archive PageTHE TEACHERS and their 74 MESSAGES {Scroll way down the Page}.

Holidays - Halloween: "America's Occult Holidays" (VHS)

Doc Marquis reveals startling information about the popular holidays: "Christmas," "Easter," and "Halloween" and the occult background popularizing each today. VHS 2.5hrs.

Parents Television Council: Advertisers - TV Sponsors Campaign

We are continuing to hold corporate sponsors accountable for the content of the programs they support with their advertising dollars. PTC representatives attended national corporate shareholder meetings for Target [Denied PTC any Oppertunity to Speak], Capital One, Circuit City, Yum! Brands, and Viacom (5 of the top 10 worst advertisers) to ask them to discontinue their sponsorship of some of the most offensive content on television. We also attended the Wal-mart, J.C. Penney and J.M. Smuckers Company shareholder meetings to applaud them for making responsible sponsorship decisions.

The Watchman International Prayer for Israel, Iraq & Iran

Pray for protection against terror attacks in Israel! Pray for the gospel to spread in Iraq!Pray for a powerful revival in Iran that will change the government

The Parables of Jesus Christ Entry into God's Kingdom

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 20 of 140 Prerequisite Attitudes to Enter God's Kingdom ...Placing Value on Eternal Things.

Excellent Full Bible Commentary (Mp3)

A great and easy way to get introduced to and to become familiar with Bible Teachings in the King James Version. This is probably the best Audio Bible Study on the internet, giving complete, accurate, friendly and easy to understand Bible messages.

'The Sweet Life' Former Avalon Singer Offers Her Testimony

"I had a 10-year relationship that had gone really sour," says Christian singer Cherie Adams, formerly of the group Avalon. "We were like high school sweethearts, and I went from seeing him every day to never seeing each other again." "I was physically sick. I thought about killing myself. Then one day my mother was bugging me to go to church and I said, 'I don't know why I'm going to bother because God doesn't love me anymore. He doesn't know me." But Adams went and says her life was forever altered by this single service. Today, Adams travels the country, singing songs, talking about her experiences as a platinum-selling artist in the music business and her life as a Christian, and giving support to other women who have been through similar hardships.

Samaritan's Purse Volunteer Crews are Cleaning Debris and Patching Roofs for Victims of Hurricane Katrina

"Our sermon on Sunday was about the Good Samaritan," she said. "You truly are Good Samaritans. I have received Christian love. It's hard to explain. It touches your heart. Now I feel like I can start my life again. What you are doing is tremendous."

Israel Air Force (IAF) Hits Gaza City after Qassam Rockets Jolt Sderot, Israel

The air strike came in response to a barrage of Palestinian Qassam rockets fired from Gaza into Israel, the first such attacks since Israel pulled out of Gaza two weeks ago.

Hollywood Marketing Films Through Churches

LOS ANGELES - At some of the largest and most influential Christian churches in the country, the lights dim and congregants watch a sneak preview of a new movie - about golf. The Walt Disney Co. is marketing "The Greatest Game Ever Played" to faith-based groups even though the film, about Francis Ouimet's improbable win in the 1913 U.S. Open, isn't overtly religious.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 21 of 140

Kevin Sites (Reporter of Fallujah Mosque Shooting) in the Hot Zone for Yahoo {Yahoo's First Hired Official Original Content Correspondent}

Longtime blogger and war correspondent Kevin Sites has signed a deal with Yahoo News to be the news aggregator's first official original content correspondent. Sites has worked for NBC News and CNN in the past, and has stoked controversy for his solo work at Now Sites has found a way to keep his independence as a journalist -- but with big distribution via Yahoo.

The Jawa Report: Kevin Sites (Reporter of Fallujah Mosque Shooting), You're Still a Traitor

The thing about traitors is that they rarely realize that they have committed treason. Traitors tend to believe either one of two things (or both). First, traitors believe that they are acting in the best interests of their country. They believe that the nation's leaders are taking the country down a terrible path. Therefore, they justify there acts of treason as a higher love of country.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton Will Vote 'No' on Supreme Court Judge Roberts

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton says she will vote against the nomination of Judge John Roberts to serve as chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Stopping Hurricanes is it Junk Science?

"US pioneers 'weather control powder'" - "A company in the United States says it has invented a powder which can be used to remove clouds from the sky and even stop the development of hurricanes. They say the new product could help many areas of the world which are subject to extreme weather conditions." (BBC Online)

Oil {Soybean Oil} on Troubled Waters may Stop Hurricanes

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 22 of 140 {Apparently using soybean oil and spraying hurricanes from the top has already been successful.} Sailors who traditionally dumped barrels of oil into the sea to calm stormy waters may have been on to something, a new study suggests. The old practice reduces wind speeds in tropical hurricanes by damping ocean spray, according to a new mathematical "sandwich model". As hurricane winds kick up ocean waves, large water droplets become suspended in the air. This cloud of spray can be treated mathematically as a third fluid sandwiched between the air and sea. "Our calculations show that drops in the spray decrease turbulence and reduce friction, allowing for far greater wind speeds - sometimes eight times as much," explains RESEARCHER ALEXANDRE CHORIN AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT BERKELEY, US. He believes the findings shed light on an age-old sea ritual. "Ancient mariners poured oil on troubled waters - hence the expression - but it was never very clear what this accomplished," says Chorin. Since oil inhibits the formation of drops, Chorin thinks the strategy would have increased the drag in the air and successfully decreased the intensity of the squalls.... The researchers suggest that, during a tropical storm, aeroplanes could deliver harmless surfactants to the ocean surface - reducing surface tension in water and stopping droplets from forming - perhaps preventing a hurricane developing.

A New Approach to Hurricane Reduction

Current research into hurricanes seems to focus on the central areas, where the winds are highest, near the "eye". However, even superficial calculation shows that the majority of the kinetic energy contained in a hurricane resides in the huge outer areas. Even though the winds are slower there, the vast quantity of moving air carries most of the energy of movement. This fact has encouraged a new approach at degrading a hurricane, by attempting to cause disruptions in the perimeter of the storm, to cause energy to be dispersed there. This involves NO attempt to "over-power" the hurricane! Rather, it uses the energy that is already in the hurricane by encouraging some of that energy to get "out-of-phase" with the main circulation of the hurricane. This out-of-phase energy becomes disruptive, with the intended result to create many (small) tornadoes which remove kinetic energy from the main circulation of the hurricane. It has long been noticed that, in the late stages of a hurricane's existence, many (brief) tornadoes often appear along their borders.

Stopping a Hurricane with Acoustic Transducers

"If you could develop a detergent to reduce the size of the droplets, you might be able to stop a hurricane," he said. "That's not as far fetched as it sounds. In ancient times, sailors carried oil to pour out on the water to calm storms. Pouring oil on choppy waters was not a superstition." Since we are interested in reducing the size of the droplets, I propose we use acoustic transducers under high power on barges plugged into the power of a nuclear submarine or nuclear aircraft carrier and point them right at or above the cresting waves to cause the water droplets to break apart into smaller droplets, by scrambling their molecular structure once airborne. This does two things, it robs the Hurricane of its barrier between the wind it creates and the relative wind from the local region and it reduces the droplets size and assists in taking the rain away. I propose we fund research in the killing of Hurricanes, rather than paying out 155 Billion Dollars in the aftermath to rebuild after Hurricanes like Katrina. Think on that.

Welcome to Restore International

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 23 of 140 Restore International rescues and rehabilitates children forced into prostitution and seeks prosecution of the perpetrators.

Roberts Nomination Sent to Full Senate

WASHINGTON - The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday approved John Roberts' nomination as the next Supreme Court chief justice, virtually assuring his confirmation by the Senate next week. The official tally of 13-5 was anticlimatic, with the committee's 10 majority Republicans lined up solidly behind the conservative judge's nomination to the full Senate weeks in advance. for Convenient FREE Christian PDF & MP3 Downloads

A Christian Information Center with FREE Resources, Information and Links.


"Churches have jumped on the technology bandwagon in a pretty big way during the first five years of the third millennium," says the latest Barna report. They explore how many Protestant churches are using ministry tools such as a church website, a large-screen projection system, email communication to members, a satellite dish for receiving broadcasts, or electronic funds transfer for donations. They also examine how many churches provide pew Bibles and use live drama presentations and video presentations in their services:

Dealing with Katrina - and Other Catastrophes in Life

Our guide for dealing with the Katrina disaster should be Dr. Booker T. Washington's speech at the Atlanta Exposition in 1895. Known as one of the most memorable and influential speeches in American history, it is just as timely today as when it was given. Dr. Washington started by telling the story of a ship lost at sea for many days. When it sighted a friendly vessel, it sent a desperate signal from its mast: "Water, water; we die of thirst!" The friendly vessel signaled back, "Cast down your bucket where you are." The lost ship signaled again, "Water, water; send us water!" Again the friendly ship sent the message, "Cast down your bucket where you are." after a third and fourth such exchange, the captain of the distressed vessel finally heeded the injunction and cast down his bucket. It came up full of fresh, sparking water from the mouth of the Amazon River. Dr. Washington then admonished members of his own race to cast down their buckets "in agriculture, mechanics, in commerce, in domestic service, and in the professions." He cautioned that "in the great leap from slavery to freedom we may overlook the fact that the masses of us are to live by the productions of our hands." "We shall prosper in proportion as we learn to dignify and glorify common labor and put brains and skill into the common occupations of life," he said. "No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem." "It is at the bottom of life we must begin, and not at the top. Nor should we permit our grievances to overshadow our opportunities."

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 24 of 140

A Holocaust Controversy - The Treblinka Affair

"Did Jews go like lambs to the Nazi slaughter? Not those who revolted in the Treblinka death camp in August 1943. In this absorbing and elegant work Samuel Moyn shows how an incendiary book about Treblinka in 1966 transformed Holocaust awareness." — Robert O. Paxton, Professor of History Emeritus, Columbia University

Roberts Hearings Highlight Democrats' Dilemma

As FRC and others have noted, the Democrat Party is now hostage to extremist groups that have hijacked its agenda and dictate its agenda. That was never more in evidence than at the third day of the hearings on the nomination of John Roberts to serve as Chief Justice. Several such groups testified, and showed just how radical, unreasonable and one-sided they are. For instance, Marcia Greenberger, President of the Women's National Law Center, was forced to admit, under questioning from Senator Orrin Hatch, that her organization had never endorsed a Republican nominee to the Supreme Court. Likewise, Karen Pearl, interim president of Planned Parenthood, weakly defended the fact that they, too, had never endorsed a Republican nominee to the Court by asserting they had not opposed the nomination of Sandra Day-O'Connor. In fact, Senator Jeff Sessions (R, AL) introduced a New York Times article from 2001 that asserted that Greenberger urged the Democrats to change the rules of the game regarding Republican nominees to the Supreme Court - to oppose nominees who were "merely" well-qualified. Sessions suggested Greenberger may be the unacknowledged "mother" of the Democrats' discreditable filibuster tactics against well-qualified women and men nominated by President Bush to the federal judiciary. Pearl and Greenberger asserted that Roe v. Wade was beyond question and that Roberts should have endorsed it despite the facts (a) that more than half of Americans disagree with that view, (b) as does one major political party, and (c) while cases challenging various aspects of Roe's pro-abortion legacy are pending before the very court on which Roberts is supposed to sit as an impartial jurist. Pearl's and Greenberger's extreme pro-abortion positions seemed even to frustrate abortion advocates Arlen Specter and Diane Feinstein. With the hearings concluded, you can be sure such extremist groups will be pressuring Democratic senators to oppose Roberts and all future nominees from President Bush. Will the Democratic Party continue to listen to them? The Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote on the Roberts' nomination on September 22, with the full Senate to take a final vote the following week.

Senator Says HHS Secretary Lied About Morning After Pill

The FDA had been considering whether or not to approve a request by Barr Laboratories to sell the sometimes abortion-causing drug without a doctor's visit. Barr originally applied to sell it to all women, which the FDA rejected, and revised its proposal to sell the drug only to women above the age of 16. However, the FDA said that would be difficult to implement and, Crawford, who is acting Commissioner, said the agency needed to examine the request further because it would set so many regulatory precedents.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 25 of 140 The Face of Islamic Religious Intolerance - Will Christians Finally Support Israel?

Jews made their stand yesterday by not destroying their synagogues. Palestinians made their stand today by burning and desecrating them. The remaining question now is what the Christian world will do. Will you express outrage at Islamic intolerance or continue in silence?

Billy Graham Television Special: How Is Our World Changing? September 10, 2005

How Is Our World Changing? Tune in beginning September 10 for the next Billy Graham Television Special featuring Billy Graham from the Greater Los Angeles Crusade in Pasadena, Calif. You'll hear special music by Ricky Skaggs, Nicole C. Mullen, and The Tommy Coomes Band, as well as testimonies from Columbine survivor Crystal Woodman-Miller, Auburn University football chaplain Chette Williams, and Matt McPherson (founder of Matthews Bows and McPherson Guitars). For local listings, please see below. To Watch a preview click here.

WEEKLY UPDATES FROM Cutting Edge Ministries, Katrina Updates: Is this Severe Weather being Manipulated on Purpose?

NBC Weather Anchor, Scott Stevens, has confirmed that Hurricane Katrina, like the other hurricanes before her, was both created and guided by scalar electromagnetic wave technology! Cutting Edge has been teaching this fact since mid-1999 and has written numerous articles on the subject, which can be located at our section, Weather Control.


Duncan Hines has announced that they will be making all their cake mixesdairy (until now they were all parve). This would remove from the marketthe last major brand of cake mixes that Jews who keep kosher can use with a meat meal. Oy! But you can help!!!!!! (Seriously!). When Nabisco made asimilar announced Stella Doro Cookies (a favorite Shabbatdinner dessert in many homes) they were flooded with requests not to changeand it WORKED - they switched the cookies back to Parve. So, please, even if you do not keep kosher, please read the article below andthen visit Pinnacle Foods to let them know you appreciate Duncan Hines being dairy free and oppose any change to make its OU (Orthodox Union (OU)) certified baked goods dairy. You can file a concern at in the "about us" section under the "contact us" option. Just fill out the form and click submit. And pass it on!!!

Special (Video) Message from Jesse and Cathy Duplantis (of St. Charles Parish) Regarding The Hurricane Katrina Disaster

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 26 of 140 We appreciate your patience as we recover from this storm. Please continue to keep JDM, our families, congregation and those affected by Katrina in your prayers. It is our prayer that God will restore ALL that the devil has stolen, and that we will become shining lights of hope to our community, and our nation. Together, we are reaching people and changing lives. Thank you for your continued support. -- Jesse and Cathy Duplantis.

Samaritan's Purse Helping Victims of Hurricane Katrina

Samaritan's Purse Disaster Relief teams have begun operations in the vicinity of Mobile, Alabama, an area battered by high winds, torrential rains, and an estimated 12-foot storm surge that shoved the Mobile River over its banks. Our teams will work westward into devastated areas of Mississippi and Louisiana as conditions permit.

FRC Renews Challenge to Feinstein's Claim to Represent 145 Million American Women

"Once again, I call on Senator Feinstein to refrain from claiming the 'role' of speaking for all American women when it is clear that no one person can claim to speak for all women in our diverse society." ~ Connie Mackey, Family Research Council Vice President for Government Affairs. -- Washington D.C. - Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) today in John Roberts' Senate confirmation hearings repeated her claim that she has a special role on the committee in representing American women. Connie Mackey, Family Research Council's Vice President for Government Affairs, released the following statement: ...

Transcript: Judge John Roberts Before the Sen. Judiciary Committee

Special Publication Judge John Roberts' Opening Statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee on September 12, 2005. SPECTER: Judge Roberts, if you'd now resume your position at center stage. Judge Roberts, if you would now stand, please. The protocol calls for your swearing in at this point. We have 23 photographers -- well, five more waiting. We may revise our procedures to swear you in at the start of the proceeding, if you should come back.

An Explanation of Islamic Law, known as "Shariah"

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 27 of 140 The historical pattern of Islam shows us that when a nation gains a sufficiently large Muslim population, they will begin to agitate for Shariah to be implemented. Shariah is the primary source of persecution for Christians in Muslim dominated states. Shariah is the system of civil law that is based upon the Qur'an and the Ahadith and the work of Muslim scholars in the first two centuries of Islam. Shariah extends beyond just civil law. Applied fully, the Shariah is a code for living that all Muslims should adhere to, including prayers, fasting and donations to the poor. Shariah is the totality of religious, political, social, domestic and private life. Shariah is primarily meant for all Muslims, but applies to a certain extent also for people living inside a Muslim society. Muslims feel that Shariah has been misunderstood by Christians, who have tended to concentrate on the demands for harsh punishments such as amputation of a hand or foot for theft and public flogging for people caught drinking alcohol. Under the Shariah laws in Afghanistan, the Taliban's religious police, formally known as the Department for Prevention of Vice and Promotion of Virtue, enforce the Shariah laws. ... For example, a man's beard must be long enough to protrude from a fist clenched at the base of the chin. If it is not, he is subject to punishment. Under Shariah in Afghanistan, women are not allowed to work in any field except the medical sector. The Islamic law of Afghanistan does not allow the employment of women in government departments or international agencies. Women should not go outside their residences with the exception of those working in the medical sector. Shariah also places restrictions on what women can wear and whom they can see. It forbids women from wearing jewelry and make-up and from making noise with their shoes when they walk. If a woman does work outside the home, she is forbidden to sit beside the driver when traveling to and from work. Stylish dress and decoration of women is forbidden.

Ontario Canada Rejects Use of Islamic Law (Fox)

TORONTO - The premier of Ontario said Sunday that he won't let his province become the first Western government to allow the use of Islamic law to settle family disputes and that he would move to ban all religious arbitration. Ontario's provincial government has been reviewing a report recommending that Shariah, or Islamic law, be allowed to settle family disputes like divorce and had said it would soon make a decision. "There will be no Shariah law in Ontario. There will be no religious arbitration in Ontario. There will be one law for all Ontarians," Premier Dalton McGuinty told The Canadian Press.,2933,169125,00.html

Two RSS Camps are Emerging

A distinct division is being created between RSS readers that parse simple RSS and the Dashboards/Sidebars of the world that can make sense of rich content. NewsGator, FeedDemon and Pluck on one side, Google Sidebar, Konfabulator and KlipFolio on the other. While the RSS apps are still very "orange RSS button" centric, this new generation of dashboards tends to downplay the RSS connection (sidebar with "plugins", KlipFolio with "Klips" and Sideshow with "tiles"), focusing their value more on the actual content or service. We're betting on the latter group - the dashboards - to cross into the mainstream. For the most part pure RSS readers will find their places embedded in browsers such as IE and Firefox, and integrated into most email applications where their value as awareness and notification tools will be ambiguous at best.

Palestinians Torch Four Gaza Synagogues

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 28 of 140 Palestinians wasted precious little time after the IDF officially withdrew from Gaza, before thousands of Hamas and Islamic Jihad supporters set about setting fire to and destroying four synagogues in the former Gush Katif settlements of Morag, Netzarim, Neve Dekalim, and Kfar Darom. Palestinian security forces stood idly by as women ululated, teens set off fireworks and crowds chanted "God is great".

Coloring Through the Bible On-Line Coloring, Printable Pages and PDF Downloads

The Bible is full of great, true stories! Explore some of the major themes of the Bible -- from Genesis to Revelation (beginning to end). The Bible is God's amazing communication, telling us about Himself, His creation, His love, His justice, and His ultimate return.

TBN, Church Channel, JCTV and Enlace are Now all Available FREE of Charge to all Viewers on Direct-To-Home Satellite - Intelsat Americas 5

Intelsat Americas 5 covers all of North America including Canada with a strong signal that can be received on a small 30-inch dish and inexpensive digital receiver. The cost for these items run approximately $300 but is only a one-time cost. Now getting Glorystar set up is quite as simple as calling 1-800-746-1735 or going to

Israeli Cabinet Votes to leave Gaza, and also Not to Destroy Gush Katif Synagogues

The Israeli Cabinet voted unanimously to leave Gaza completely by Tuesday, ending 38 years of IDF presence. Rather than celebrate the withdrawal, Palestinians opted to boycott the official handover ceremony due to dissatisfaction over the Cabinet's decisions to close the Rafah border crossing, and to keep the two dozen synagogues of Gush Katif intact. ... However, Palestinian fear international criticism if they demolish the buildings or if the structures are defaced by Palestinian crowds targeting symbols of occupation.

Find Some Pieces of the Puzzle

As a television weatherman I first met this information with skepticism, who wouldn't? Almost completely rejecting the concept that weather modification outside of cloud seeding possible. Additional clues kept creeping in until I came across examples of scalar weather engineering on Tom Bearden's web site. Soon I began looking for my own examples in my own skies. Whoa! There they were! And not just occasionally, but all the time! Examples in highs clouds were the easiest to spot, much less convective turbulence to round out the edges. Mid level clouds. the alto cumulus are now frequently gridded and square. Odd, very odd I thought. Lower clouds, cumulus and stratus, especially in a marine layer environment seem to be the most difficult in which to see the active grid. But it is there.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 29 of 140 The Government Can Control the Weather (HAARP)

Lots of people know that Nicola Tesla patented weather influencing machinery before 1910, and explained how it could be used to control weather thousands of miles away. Not only can the technology be used to guide moisture laden air to drought stricken locations, but it can keep moisture away from droughts as well. What can be achieved is a barrier to wind flow called a stationary pressure front, which forces weather away from its natural destination. The modern name for a device of this type is an atmospheric heater, which works by beaming concentrated radiowaves tuned to heat some component of the atmosphere. Many people now know that a stationary pressure front has been sitting off the California coast since 19xx because it is blamed for droughts in recent decades, but few of them also know that stationary pressure regions were unheard of before 19xx, xx years after the USSR finished constructing an atmospheric heater.

Samaritan's Purse: Hurricane Katrina Relief

View images of our work as volunteer crews clean debris and patch roofs for victims of the storm.

Louisiana State Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) Supplement 1a - Southeast Louisiana Hurricane Evacuation & Sheltering Plan (PDF)


Egyptian-Cairo Born Yasser Arafat's French Death Certificate Forged with Jerusalem Birthplace

Zvili said the affair was "very badly perceived in Israel", adding that those responsible for issuing the "false document" could be subject to a legal process. "I don't understand how when Arafat arrived in France he had been born in Cairo and when he left France he had been born in Jerusalem," he said.

Navy: Iraqis Know (1991) Missing Pilot's Whereabouts (CNN)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A Navy pilot shot down over Iraq in January 1991 may have been captured by Iraqi forces, and members of the former Iraqi government "know the whereabouts" of the officer, the Navy has concluded. A Navy board of inquiry concluded that there is no credible evidence that Capt. Michael "Scott" Speicher is dead, and it reaffirmed his official status as "missing/captured," according to the board's final report. The board also recommended that the Pentagon work with the State Department, the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and the Iraqi government to "increase the level of attention and effort inside Iraq" to resolve the question of Speicher's fate.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 30 of 140 Americans see Gaza-Katrina link 'If we keep pushing (Israel Withdrawal) Road Map, Much Worse is in Store'

"We have watched this for years and every time America makes decisions against Israel we suffer the consequences through disasters," Stines said. Referring to last month's expulsion of thousands of Jews from their homes in Gaza and northern Samaria, Stines said there was "no doubt in my mind that Hurricane Katrina is a result of the decisions we made to remove God's people from their land."

Did God send Katrina as Revenge over Gaza? Nine Eerie Parallels Between the Forced Evacuations Spark Speculation

4. Katrina, written in Hebrew, has a numerical equivalent of 374, according to a biblical numbering system upheld by all traditional Jewish authorities. Two relevant passages in the Torah share the exact numerical equivalent: "They have done you evil" (Gen. 50:17) and "The sea upon land" (Exodus 14:15)

Fall 2005 Conference "Evidences for the End Times II" with Hal Lindsey

CONTENDING FOR THE FAITH IN AN AGE OF SPIRITUAL DECEPTION: No denomination and no individual church is exempt from the deception of false teachers, teachings, and movements today. There is "equal opportunity deception". Jesus says on the Mt. of Olives that deception would be the primary sign of the end of the age. That is why we have chosen this theme to complement the messages of Hal Lindsey, (Bible) prophecy scholar.

Olive Tree Ministries: Radio Show Schedule

September 10: Avi Lipkin/Victor Mordecai on the terror threat, and Dave Shiflett on the flight of people from liberal churches to evangelical churches. His book is "Exodus." September 17: Roger Oakland from "Understand the Times" ministry and one of our Fall conference speakers, and main speaker Hal Lindsey.

Samaritans Purse: Needs Are Great in Biloxi

Katrina destroyed virtually everything in the city of Biloxi from the beach to about 200 yards inland. Brick homes-which were supposed to be safe in high winds-were flattened. Neighborhoods a little further inland look like war zones. Trees were knocked over, many of them onto-and through-roofs. Art Steinaway is the director of the Seashore United Methodist Camp, about 150 yards from the shoreline. The camp was a popular retreat center for youth and adult church groups, but it will be many years before it's used again. The church and most of the buildings were demolished by Katrina's fury.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 31 of 140 Without Open churches, New Orleans Still Prays for Help

NEW ORLEANS, United States (AFP) - It would have been a miracle for a New Orleans church to open Sunday but trapped residents still managed to pray in their shattered homes, emergency shelters and even in a bar. "We don't need a church to pray, the good Lord can hear us wherever we are," said Annie Williams, 62, leaning on the pool table at "Kajun's" pub in downtown New Orleans. "We are praying now," she said.

American Bible Society Since 1816

From the American Bible Society's founding in 1816, we have been focused on translation, publication and the distribution of Bibles to as many people as possible. Our mission today is to make the Bible available to every person in a language and format each can understand and afford, so all people may experience its life-changing message.

The American Bible Society: Bible Resource Center

From a Bible Dictionary to overviews (and timelines) on the books of the Bible, find the Bible study tools and resources that you need. The Bible Resources section has many features that will help you discover exciting new ways to increase your Bible knowledge.

Why Abortion is Genocide (PDF Available)

Likewise with abortion, Butler & Walbert note in Abortion, Medicine and the Law, Facts on File, 1992, that the Court in Roe vs. Wade, supra at 153, "... build its doctrinal framework on the constitutional right to privacy, which it thought 'broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy.' "Whether the issue is racism or abortion, privacy is vital to those who are ashamed of their conduct."

Discipleship Living for Christ in the Daily Grind: (PDF) "select" download free e-book

Perhaps the hardest thing about following Christ is translating our good intentions into deeds. Christ calls us, and we yearn to answer him, but time and again we lose resolve. Is discipleship possible amid the stresses of modern life? Can Christ bring about lasting change in our lives? How can we be centered on him, when everything seems to pull us apart?

Iron Hall Assembly in Belfast Northern Ireland: The Harvest Is Past (WMA) [Use the blue buttons at the top of the web page]

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 32 of 140 Jeremiah Verse 20 of chapter 8: "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved"...

Photos of New Orleans before the Flood

Images 0f the French Quarter, New Orleans, Louisiana, animals and wildlife, plants and flowers, Mardi Gras and miscellaneous photos.

New Orleans' levee system has been key to survival

For more than a century, the low-lying city of New Orleans has depended on a sprawling network of earthen levees to protect it from flooding, not only from heavy rains but also from massive Lake Pontchartrain and the mighty Mississippi River.

30-Days of (Christian) Prayer for the Muslim World

Praying for Muslims SOME IDEAS AND GENERAL THOUGHTS :: Every Muslim is unique and wonderful in God's eyes and we should be careful not to generalise or presume that all Muslims are the same. Still, there are some issues regarding praying for Muslims to help us pray more effectively.

Naval Academy to Keep Saying Prayers [Go Navy!]

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — The Naval Academy has no plans to drop the regular saying of grace before its midshipmen's lunch, despite a policy issued this week by the Air Force to discourage most public prayer, a spokesman said.,2933,167915,00.html

'Elite' Colleges Not Always Best for Young Christians, Says Home School Advocate (GOPUSA)

(AgapePress) -- A leader in the home-schooling movement is calling on Christian parents to help their children find colleges that are academically excellent -- and faithfully Christian. In his new book -- The Joshua Generation -- Farris examines the philosophical shift made by "elite" universities during the past century. He says Christian parents must thoroughly examine any university or college before their child attends. Parents, he says, need to know what they are dealing with. "We cannot assume that our kids are going to go off to college and that it will be either a positive experience spiritually or a neutral experience," he shares. ... Farris contends that professors at many secular elite colleges twist the truth, the Constitution, and history to support their own agendas and beliefs.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 33 of 140 Military and Veterans Info

Military service is perhaps the ultimate service. It has been well said about Military service that All gave some and Some gave All. This saying is also well applied to the family, friends and supporters of those who are in uniform.

Welcome to the Survivor (Military Family) Benefits Home Page {Lots of info and forms available for all people related to anyone who served in the military}

This web site is dedicated to the surviving spouses and dependents of military personnel who died while in active military service and to the survivors of veterans who died after active service. We are grateful for the opportunity to provide quality information and assistance to family members suffering the loss of their husbands and wives, sons and daughters, and mothers and fathers. While most benefits are the same regardless of whether the service member or veteran died on active duty or during civilian life, the "Death in Service" button shown below will take you to additional information specific to death in service issues. You also will find information from other federal agencies and organizations that offer related benefits and services to survivors and dependents. It is our sincere hope that you will find the information here helpful in your time of need.

World Church Directory Database with Photos, Videos, Program-Service Info, Maps and Directions! {Submit Your Church}

Provided by Christian Web Hosting.

Bush Hails Iraqi Draft Constitution

CRAWFORD, Texas - President Bush strongly endorsed a proposed Iraqi constitution despite failure of U.S. efforts to win backing of the charter by minority Sunni Muslims. "Their example is an inspiration to all who share the universal values of freedom, democracy and the rule of law," Bush told reporters Sunday at a helicopter hangar on his Texas ranch. "This is a document of which the Iraqis and the rest of the world can be proud." {Proud of what, radical Islam taking control.},13319,FL_bush_082905,00.html

Shiites Make 'Final Offer' on Iraqi Constitution (Does not include Religious Freedom) [fox]

The Shiites were awaiting a response from the Sunnis, al-Bayati said. He said the concessions were on the pivotal issues of federalism and efforts to remove former members of Saddam Hussein's Sunni-dominated Baath Party (search) from public life, adding: "We cannot offer more than that.",2933,166968,00.html

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 34 of 140 No Vote Yet on Iraq Constitution (Fox)

Negotiators finished the draft on Monday and took it to parliament as the lawmakers convened minutes before midnight. But they decided to put off a vote and spend three more days smoothing out some unresolved points because of fierce resistance from Sunnis over issues including federalism - which Sunnis fear could cut them out of most of the country's vast oil wealth.,2933,166456,00.html

Freedom of Religion? In Iraq (FRC)

The deadline for an Iraqi constitution came and went on Monday. ... The country has been governed by the Iraqi Transitional Administration Law (TAL) since March 4, 2004. ... The TAL currently protects religious freedom for every Iraqi citizen. However, early drafts of the Iraqi Constitution seriously undermined religious freedom by containing a provision making Islam the "sole source" of Iraqi law, as opposed to "a source" of law under the TAL, there is also a provision that declares unconstitutional any law "repugnant" to Islam. I have sent a letter to President Bush encouraging the Administration to redouble its efforts to ensure that the Iraq Constitution provides genuine religious freedom for all Iraqi citizens. An Iraqi Constitution that does not protect religious liberty will seriously undermine U.S. efforts in Iraq and the larger Middle East. The sons and daughters of Americans are not risking their lives to establish a theocratic government that denies its citizens the fundamental right of religious freedom.

Evangelicals Gain in Iraq

BAGHDAD, Iraq -- With arms outstretched, the congregation at National Evangelical Baptist Church belted out a praise hymn backed by drums, electric guitar and keyboard. In the corner, slide images of Jesus filled a large screen. A simple white cross of wood adorned the stage, and worshippers sprinkled the pastor's Bible-based sermon with approving shouts of "Ameen!"

Judge Orders Convicted Sniper (John Allen Muhammad) to be Forcibly Fed {Full Article}

A judge allowed corrections officials to forcibly feed convicted sniper John Allen Muhammad while he awaits trial in the county for six October 2002 killings. ... Doctors had concluded that Muhammad, 44, was at risk of serious injury or death if he continued his hunger strike, corrections officials said. Judge James L. Ryan issued an order allowing officials at the county jail to forcibly feed and hydrate him. ... Muhammad has already been sentenced to die following a 2003 conviction for a sniper shooting in Manassas, Va. Malvo was sentenced to life in prison for a shooting in Falls Church, Va.

Judge Orders Convicted Sniper (John Allen Muhammad) to be Forcibly Fed

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 35 of 140 Rockville, Md. -- A judge allowed corrections officials to forcibly feed convicted sniper John Allen Muhammad while he awaits trial in the county for six October 2002 killings. Muhammad had not eaten anything since being transferred to the Montgomery County, Md., jail on Monday, corrections officials said in court documents filed Thursday. He was apparently upset with the food he was being served and the handling of his legal material. Doctors had concluded that Muhammad, 44, was at risk of serious injury or death if he continued his hunger strike, corrections officials said. Judge James L. Ryan issued an order allowing officials at the county jail to forcibly feed and hydrate him.

The Parables of Jesus Christ Entry into God's Kingdom

Prerequisite Attitudes to Enter God's Kingdom ...Placing Value on Eternal Things.

Excellent Full Bible Commentary (Mp3)

A great and easy way to get introduced to and to become familiar with Bible Teachings in the King James Version. This is probably the best Audio Bible Study on the internet, giving complete, accurate, friendly and easy to understand Bible messages.

WEEKLY UPDATES FROM Cutting Edge Ministries,

Sinister Forces In Early America: A Shocking Alternative To The Conventional View of American History

America 9-11-2001 Tract

At 8:45 Tuesday morning, September 11, the first of two commercial airliners crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. ad&cid=1

Judge Orders Convicted Sniper (John Allen Muhammad) to be Forcibly Fed {Full Article}

A judge allowed corrections officials to forcibly feed convicted sniper John Allen Muhammad while he awaits trial in the county for six October 2002 killings. ... Doctors had concluded that Muhammad, 44, was at risk of serious injury or death if he continued his hunger strike, corrections officials said. Judge James L. Ryan issued an order allowing officials at the county jail to forcibly feed and hydrate him. ... Muhammad has already been sentenced to die following a 2003 conviction for a sniper shooting in Manassas, Va. Malvo was sentenced to life in prison for a shooting in Falls Church, Va.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 36 of 140

Judge Orders Convicted Sniper (John Allen Muhammad) to be Forcibly Fed

Rockville, Md. -- A judge allowed corrections officials to forcibly feed convicted sniper John Allen Muhammad while he awaits trial in the county for six October 2002 killings. Muhammad had not eaten anything since being transferred to the Montgomery County, Md., jail on Monday, corrections officials said in court documents filed Thursday. He was apparently upset with the food he was being served and the handling of his legal material. Doctors had concluded that Muhammad, 44, was at risk of serious injury or death if he continued his hunger strike, corrections officials said. Judge James L. Ryan issued an order allowing officials at the county jail to forcibly feed and hydrate him.

Shiites Make 'Final Offer' on Iraqi Constitution (Does not include Religious Freedom) [fox]

The Shiites were awaiting a response from the Sunnis, al-Bayati said. He said the concessions were on the pivotal issues of federalism and efforts to remove former members of Saddam Hussein's Sunni-dominated Baath Party (search) from public life, adding: "We cannot offer more than that.",2933,166968,00.html

'The Sweet Life' Former Avalon Singer Offers Her Testimony

"I had a 10-year relationship that had gone really sour," says Christian singer Cherie Adams, formerly of the group Avalon. "We were like high school sweethearts, and I went from seeing him every day to never seeing each other again." "I was physically sick. I thought about killing myself. Then one day my mother was bugging me to go to church and I said, 'I don't know why I'm going to bother because God doesn't love me anymore. He doesn't know me." But Adams went and says her life was forever altered by this single service. Today, Adams travels the country, singing songs, talking about her experiences as a platinum-selling artist in the music business and her life as a Christian, and giving support to other women who have been through similar hardships.

The Media Center is Currently Listing a Super-Mega NewsFeed Containing 100's of the Basic Christian NewsFeed Items

The Last week of this month the Basic Christian News/Info Feed is going to list a Super-Mega list of 100's of items. Prepare to locate and Bookmark those old favorite RSS items that got away. Items including PDF & MP3 downloads, Movies, Devotions, Study Guides, Flash Presentations and much more. (The next Super-Mega list is scheduled for January 2006.)

Calvary Chapel Church Planting Mission

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 37 of 140 Our mission is to evangelise the lost and disciple the saved. We do this by planting churches, and nuturing the churches we have begun. We plant churches by going into cities, holding outreaches, and starting Bible studies. We nuture the churches by returning to those cities for future outreaches and build up the believers through discipleship, conferences, and retreats. Outreaches consist of one-on-one evangelism and large group events such as concerts. Each outreach is different but the goal is always the same: to reach a lost and dying world with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Mission Global Outreach

Mission Global Outreach (MGO) is dedicated to reaching peoples of all ages with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through friendship evangelism, discipleship, and training that enables them to authentically live and share the Gospel with their own family, friends, and community.

An Open Letter (from Russia) to Christians of the World

Realize that Russia is in agony trying to find its own way. Western patterns cannot be directly implemented in Russia without proper adaptation. The existing traditional church, the Protestant one in particular, is not meeting the needs of today. We really need the rich spiritual experience of Western churches, but we need the best part of it adapted to the specific conditions of Russia—everything that applies to us.

The Prospects for Religious Liberty in Russia--And How Western Missions Can Enhance Them

Study the history of Russia, which will of necessity include the history of the Orthodox Church. Study Russian literature and art. On the one hand, Dostoevsky and icons, for example, open great windows for understanding the Russian people and their culture. On the other hand, not being conversant on such subjects as Dostoevsky and icons will be taken as an insult, or at best, as a legitimate sign of Western ignorance.

Russian History

Key Challenges Before the Post-Soviet Church: A Synopsis

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 38 of 140 The overcoming of an inferiority complex among Evangelicals. Their severe repression and denial of education and professional openings under Communism have left them marginalized and often ineffective in society. Many leaders are reluctant to adapt in the face of cultural and generational change. As a result, many congregations appear irrelevant and unable to address twenty-first-century needs. Evangelicals could have a vital role in restoring moral, ethical, and spiritual standards in a society that has lost its way.

Internet Evangelism Day 24 April 2005

A focus day for churches, Bible Colleges and other groups.

The Order of St. Benedict Has Said This Pope (last Pope) Will Come From Their Order

9. The Glory of the Olive. The Order of St. Benedict has said this Pope will come from their order. It is interesting that Jesus gave his apocalyptic prophecy about the end of time from the Mount of Olives. This Pope will reign during the beginning of the tribulation Jesus spoke of. The 111th prophesy is "Gloria Olivae" (The Glory of the Olive). The Order of Saint Benedict has claimed that this pope will come from their ranks. Saint Benedict himself prophesied that before the end of the world his Order, known also as the Olivetans, will triumphantly lead the Catholic Church in its fight against evil.

Surveys: Young Adults Search Spiritually

One of the surveys, of more than 100,000 freshmen who started college last fall, found four in five reporting an interest in spirituality, with three in four searching for meaning or purpose in life, and the same proportion discussing the meaning of life with friends. MPLATE=DEFAULT

More Last Pope Prophecies by

Pope Pius IX (1878) "Since the whole world is against God and His Church, it is evident that He has reserved the victory over His enemies to Himself. This will be more obvious when it is considered that the root of all our present evils is to be found in the fact that those with talents and vigor crave earthly pleasures, and not only desert God but repudiate Him altogether. Thus it appears they cannot be brought back in any other way except through an act that cannot be ascribed to any secondary agency, and thus all will be forced to look to the supernatural... There will come a great wonder, which will fill the world with astonishment. This wonder will be preceded by the triumph of revolution. The church will suffer exceedingly. Her servants and her chieftain will be mocked, scourged, and martyred."

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 39 of 140 Background History and Discussion of (St. Malachy 1094-1148) his Catholic Prophecies Regarding the Popes

The prophecies are consistently accurate, as shown from the following examples published in "The Prophecies of St. Malachy."

(Catholic) Prophecy on Pope Fulfilled by Eclipses?

Pope John Paul II will be buried this Friday during another solar eclipse. Almost ten centuries ago (St. Malachy 1094-1148), Malachy predicted this pope would be noted by an eclipse of the sun. In an eerie coincidence, John Paul II was the only known pope to be born on the day of a solar eclipse.

Pope John Paul II Versus Russia and the West for Control of the New World Order

Malachi Martin, a former Jesuit and professor at the Vatican's Pontifical Biblical Institute, writes about the Catholic Church and the present pope. Malachi Martin is a consummate insider in the Vatican and one of its intelligence experts.

Malachy's Prophecies - The Last 10 Popes (St. Malachy 1094-1148)

9. [Next Pope] The Glory of the Olive. The Order of St. Benedict has said this Pope will come from their order. It is interesting that Jesus gave his apocalyptic prophecy about the end of time from the Mount of Olives. This Pope will reign during the beginning of the tribulation Jesus spoke of. The 111th prophesy is "Gloria Olivae" (The Glory of the Olive). The Order of Saint Benedict has claimed that this pope will come from their ranks. Saint Benedict himself prophesied that before the end of the world his Order, known also as the Olivetans, will triumphantly lead the Catholic Church in its fight against evil.

Spiritual Wickedness in High Places Malachi Martin on The End of Religion (As We Know It)

Ever since Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, the Power Elite have never given up on their feverish dream of a One World Government. The new ecumenicalism is clothed in Globalist garb. The agenda includes promoting issues like population control, environmentalism and secular humanism, which the plotters hope will eventually lead to the complete secularization of religion.

Fr. Malachi Martin A Dark Vision

A Dark Vision: Just how bad did Martin judge things to be? Extremely so:

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 40 of 140

Pope John Paul II - Rest in Peace

Pope John Paul II transcended national and religious boundaries by calling all people to a life of faith and hope. He will forever be remembered by the first words of his pontificate "Be Not Afraid!"

Nearing Midnight - The End of the World

Whenever a major disaster occurs somewhere in the world, the question is often raised: "Is this part of the end-time birth pangs?" Jesus said the indication of His return would be calamities occurring like the contractions a woman experiences during childbirth. In both cases, the greater the number, the closer we are to the point of the delivery.

Pressing On Part 1: A Musical Look at the Life and Mission of the Apostle Paul May 1, 2005 [PAX TV 7:30 am Sundays]

Join host Larnelle Harris for a musical look at the life and mission of the apostle Paul. Next to Jesus, Paul is arguably the most influential and controversial figure in the Bible. He authored nearly one half of what we know as the New Testament, and it was through him that the Christian faith spread beyond the walls of Jerusalem. Larnelle is joined by musical artists Travis Cottrell, Corey Emerson, Michael O'Brien, and the group First Call. Join us this week on Day of Discovery for part one of "Pressing On."

Jean-Marie Lustiger: Second Jewish Pope?

This is one in a series of articles on the men most likely to follow John Paul II as pope.

1996 Reuter News Regarding the Possible Next Pope - Hebrew Pope in Waiting

Sept. 18, '96 Reuter news regarding the possible next Pope. We quote, "France's top Roman Catholic was born a Jew. His mother was arrested by the Nazis and died in the Auschwitz extermination camp...Pope John Paul's visit to France will cast a spotlight on Jean-Marie Lustiger, 70 the cardinal-archbishop of Paris, named by some Vatican watchers as an outside contender to succeed the ailing pontiff. A personal friend of the Polish pope, the son of Polish refugees converted to Christianity while he was hidden in Catholic boarding schools during the 1940-44 German occupation." Perhaps this will turn out to only be idle speculation, or then again time may reveal a Hebrew pope .. " 03.html

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 41 of 140 Weather Wars Info

Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations.It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important.

The Government can Control the Weather

Lots of people know that Nicola Tesla patented weather influencing machinery before 1910, and explained how it could be used to control weather thousands of miles away. Not only can the technology be used to guide moisture laden air to drought stricken locations, but it can keep moisture away from droughts as well.

Every Eye Shall See the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Flash)

Stage Set for Showdown at Temple Mount (Jerusalem)

Thousands of Jews expected for Temple Mount prayer rally, despite police ban on (non-Muslims) entering the compound; radical Islamic group mobilizes Arab masses to confront them.

Experience the Bible in DVD

Experience the words and images of the world's greatest book in a whole new way! Synchronized graphics and text show every verse of the KJV. Play a single chapter or a single book. Wide screen and full frame technology display beautiful photographs of the Holy Land. Inspirational background music enhances your personal tour through the wonders of the Bible.

Worship Music Radio Presents the Online "Not Ashamed" by the Band Peculiar People

We are excited to bring this online experience to you, allowing you to hear this complete album. But don't wait, this entire album will only be online at Worship Music Radio for a very limited time.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 42 of 140 Atheist Activists Look to Future During Easter Convention

More than 100 atheists from California to Connecticut gathered in Philadelphia over Easter weekend to discuss issues of interest to those who call themselves "Godless Americans" and plan activities to advance their cause.

The Crucifixion of Jesus [Part 1] (flash)

Take Time to Consider . . .

Easter Resurrection [Part 2] (flash)

The Kristo: Excellent! (Flash)

English and Spanish versions of this excellent flash animation presentation.

Who is Jesus Christ and Why is He so Special? (Flash)

St. John In Exile (DVD)

Dean Jones is Saint John in this intimate, inspiring one-man presentation of John in exile on Patmos. Full of humor, strong in spirit, and resolutely committed to Christ, John shares his account of the events that changed the course of human history---and challenges us with his last words before his death: "Little children, love one another." 90 minutes.

Is Intelligent Design (Science) Getting an Intelligent Hearing?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 43 of 140 In a New York Times editorial Design for Living, published Feb. 7, Dr. Michael Behe, recognized as one of the most authoritative spokesmen for the Intelligent Design (ID) movement wrote, "The strong appearance of design [in nature] allows a disarmingly simple argument: if it looks, walks and quacks like a duck, then, absent compelling evidence to the contrary, we have warrant to conclude it's a duck. Design should not be overlooked simply because it's so obvious."

The Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation

Welcome to the on-line home of the Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation.

Does a Quid Pro Quo Deal Exist in the Schiavo Case?

In the case of (Judge) Greer, not only did all of Michael Schiavo's lawyers contribute to his campaign, but allegations have surfaced that Greer may have solicited such contributions which gives even further cause for Gov. Bush to order an investigation of Greer and his 1998 and 2004 election campaigns. Rotunda said that judicial campaign contributions constitute or appear to constitute a tacit quid pro quo where the judge favors or tilts towards the contributor-litigant.,_Judicial_Misconduct_By_Judge_Greer_Att orney_Felos_Taint_Schiavo_Case.htm

When God Doesn't Heal

Why doesn't God cure everyone who prays fervently for healing?

Grim Reaper In A Black Robe

Terri Schiavo has been sentenced to death -- a painful gruesome death. It is a death no human should have to endure, a death by starvation. Schiavo's not in North Korea, Syria or Iran; she's in Florida. Her crime -- she wound up in a persistent vegetative state and under the jurisdiction of Judge George Greer's court.

When Life Becomes an Inconvenience

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 44 of 140 In October, 1939, Hitler ordered "mercy killing" of the sick and disabled, mainly children. The sentiment was to eliminate "life unworthy of life"--kids who would become an inconvenience if they lived. The deaths would soon include adults who were also inferior, feeble, or just too much trouble. The Nazis made decisions without diagnoses or medical records. They were a part of a barbaric system, and yet when the death camps were finally liberated, many felt that such atrocities were finally thrown on the ash heap of history. They don't understand human nature or the Bible: Only when Satan is cast into the pit will evil end. In the meantime people who stand for righteousness are doing all we can to check it. No, America isn't Nazi Germany! Yet what is happening here makes me very uncomfortable.

$1 Million Judgment Awarded To "Pledge" Challenger Michael Newdow Set Aside By Court

This past June, Newdow convinced a judge in a California state court to enter a default judgment against Miles in the amount of $1 million, because Miles had failed to respond to the lawsuit, even though Miles had never been served with a copy of the complaint and was not aware of the lawsuit.

Annual Report on American Journalism

We are witnessing the rise of a new and more active kind of American citizenship - with new responsibilities that are only beginning to be considered. In this new world, we continue to believe journalism is not becoming irrelevant. The need to know what is true is all the greater, but discerning and communicating it is more difficult.

(Atlanta) Hostage, Gunman Talked About Families, God

After hours of talking about the killings, their families and God {the book "A Purpose Driven Life"}, Ashley Smith said Brian Nichols "just wanted some normalness to his life."

Why the Christian Church gathers for worship on Sunday

Perhaps the First and Oldest custom of the Christian Church is to gather together on Sundays. What has distinguished and brought about Sunday Worship for all of these many years of Christianity?

Tragic Church Shooting in Wisconsin takes Place at a Saturday Cult and not a Sunday Evangelical Church and is wrongly reported by the Media.

The Living Church of God is a new organization with an old history. Its leader, Dr. Roderick C. Meredith, was one of the original evangelists ordained by the late Herbert W. Armstrong in December 1952.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 45 of 140

Herbert W. Armstrong - The Worldwide Church of God (Cult)

The Worldwide Church of God (Cult) and The Deceitfulness ofHerbert W Armstrong.

Is the FBI/CIA Infiltrated by Islamists?

It's time to worry when the Federal Bureau of Investigation, America's national police agency, consistently cannot figure out who's friend and who's foe in the war on terror. The bureau's record of honoring the wrong American Muslims captures this problem. In February 2001, it promoted Gamal Abdel-Hafiz, a special agent who rejected a counterterror assignment on the grounds that "a Muslim does not record another Muslim." In September 2003, the FBI nearly bestowed its Exceptional Public Service Award on Imad Hamad of Detroit, saved from this embarrassment by columnist Debbie Schlussel, who exposed Hamad in the New York Post as someone who "supports terrorism and [who] was himself a suspected terrorist." ...

Weapons are Being Stockpiled in Mosques

I doubt Iraq is the only place where weapons are being stored in mosques. Want to bet the same thing isn't being done in France, Belgium etc... Britain, the US, Australia...

is "Saddam's Capture a Fraud" Photo Comparisons

Left-handed people are also left-eyed. Most left-handed people have the left eye dominant and most right-handed people have the right eye dominant. When left-handers concentrate on something, they tend to partially close the right eye. And in a natural position, their right eye seems slightly smaller than the left eye. The opposite is true for right-handers. Look at the picture of the bearded guy above and see in which hand he is holding his beard. Look at his eyes. If this guy is Saddam, what force on the earth has turned him left-hander all of a sudden! Saddam is right handed.

What is Fact and What is Fiction in Our Tale of Saddam Hussein?

You can safely say that nowadays EVERYTHING is done with the programming of the public in mind that truth and objectivity has never been further removed than at present.

White House Blogger is Liberal Political Net Consultant

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 46 of 140 Web log author Garrett M. Graff made Internet history when he became the first blogger to post from the White House briefing room this week. But, in a letter to the White House seeking temporary press credentials, the "non-partisan and independent" blogger did not divulge his current position with a politically "progressive" Internet consulting firm that has liberal politicians and activist groups as clients. Of the 16 team members listed on's site, Graff is one of 14 who previously worked on staff or volunteered with the Howard "Dean for America" 2004 presidential campaign. .. the overwhelming majority of the firm's clients are liberal organizations like Air America Radio, liberal political candidates and office holders such as Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), and liberal activist groups such as the Campaign for America's Future.

Dan Rather Agent of Disinformation Starting with the JFK Assination

Dan Rather, at the time an unknown newscaster from a small market Texas TV station, viewed the Zapruder film, then described it to America on the CBS network. As this recording of that broadcast shows, Rather lied to all of America in claiming that the head shot pushed John F. Kennedy's head forward. Rather's meteoric rise to network status and stardom soon followed.

Another Look at the Intifada Fraud Story

An IDF investigation and re-enactment appears to show conclusively that the 12-year-old boy from Gaza, Muhammad al-Dura, was not shot by Israeli soldiers - but was rather the victim of a cruel plot staged by Palestinian sharp-shooters and a Palestinian television cameraman.

The Most Damaging Story of the Intifada was a Fraud

And yet, it was nothing but a hoax. For those readers who recognize the famous image reproduced here, it might be difficult to believe that the scene was actually staged. (see accompanying illustration -- WSJE Nov. 26, 2004) I will elaborate later how it has been proven that Israeli soldiers could not have killed the boy. Some might ask why it still matters. Haven't too many innocent people on both sides died since then, and is it not time to look ahead now? Well, it matters for exactly those same reasons.

Christianity and Mormonism (LDS) are Very Different

Following are a few considerations as to why Mormonism is a cult and in no way resembles Christianity.


Temporary Stay in Schiavo Case Not Enough, Groups Say.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 47 of 140

Bus #19, Terror a One Way Ticket

Bus #19 was the 140th target of a homicide bombing in Jerusalem, bringing the total to 577 lives lost and 3,543 people injured through terrorism. Almost a year after a suicide bomber boarded a crowded bus in Jerusalem and detonated a bomb killing 11 people and injuring 50, including children and the bus driver, the wreckage has been visited by people all over the nation. Called a "moving tomb," Bus 19 has toured the nation for the past year reminding Americans of the threat Jews live with each day in their country.

Ynetnews: The real Israel in Real Time

Ynetnews is the English-language website from Yedioth Group, and a sister site to Ynet, Israel's leading news web site.

Living Water (ebook - pdf)

It's critical that we understand this. The Holy Spirit is the primary agent of the Godhead working in the world today. He is the person of the Godhead to whom we relate most closely. He is the One who is gathering a body of believers - the bride of Christ - to present unto the Lord. And the church through the Holy Spirit is doing the work of God in the world.

Olive Tree Ministries: News

Breaking news and current event headlines.

Olive Tree Ministries: Articles

Jan has been a free-lance writer since 1975 and has written more than 300 articles for publication in many periodicals across the country. Here is just a small sample.

Seven Lamps Of Fire (Online Book)

And there were Seven Lamps of Fire burning before the throne, which are the Seven Spirits of God. Rev 4:5

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 48 of 140 A Friendly Talk with Seekers Concerning Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by C. H. SPURGEON

"Enter ye in at the strait gate."—Matthew 7:13. MILLIONS OF MEN are in the outlying regions, far off from God and peace; for these we pray, and to these we give warning. But just now we have to do with a smaller company, who are not far from the kingdom, but have come right up to the wicket gate which stands at the head of the way of life. One would think that they would hasten to enter, for a free and open invitation is placed over the entrance, the porter waits to welcome them, and there is but this one way to eternal life.

Studying and Understanding the Four Gospels

Studying the Four Gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. How they relate to and correspond with each other. Of first Importance when reading and studying the Four Gospels is to recognize that each Gospel is written to a Specific defined audience and group of people.

One Night with the King (Movie)

An epic motion picture set in an imaginative world of adventure, intrigue and romance, One Night With the King follows a young girl who rises from peasant to princess by going against the culture and seeking the King's heart rather than the riches of the kingdom. So begins the story of Esther, One Night With the King, a story that reveals that all of life is under God's command.

Mp3 Bible studies - aprox. 45 minutes in length

This web ministry is dedicated to seeing the Word of God studied, taught and distributed worldwide. Pastor Steve Wright offers these free Bible studies on-line so that the world may learn and understand the Word of God. Downloadable (MS Word) Books

Welcome to Father's Love is a South African based internet ministry, dedicated to serving the body of Christ with the word of the Father's love.

400 Christians Spared from the Tsunami (MS Word)

A testimony that 400 Christians were spared the tsunamidisaster because Muslim officials forced them to celebrate Christmas outside ofMueleboh, Province of Aceh, Indonesia. They went to a high place outside of thecity and stayed overnight. It was one of the worst-hit areas of the December 26tsunami.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 49 of 140

The Kristo: Excellent! (Flash)

English and Spanish versions of this excellent flash animation presentation.

Ayers Seniors & Family Outraech Ministry

Our mission is: To provide the best services that we can offer without charge. To operate a non-profit outreach ministry which will proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ throughout Los Angeles and Orange counties and to the very end of the earth! To encourage Christians in living their faith in accordance with God's word by example, teaching, and exhortation. To provide support and help for all at risk persons regardless of race, creed, culture or color.

Resurrection: By - Max Lucado (DVD)

It should have been routine - standing guard at the tomb of a crucified man. But what Roman soldier Claudius sees pierces his soul. Was it his imagination, or did the Galilean really rise from the dead? His relentless quest for answers threatens his reputation - and his life. A powerful dramatization of Lucado's inspiring short story! 50 minutes.

Tapestry Against Polygamy, National Organization For Women, Utah Chapter

Bigamy (big·a·my) n. 1. The criminal offense of marrying one person while still legally married to another.

St. John In Exile (DVD)

Dean Jones is Saint John in this intimate, inspiring one-man presentation of John in exile on Patmos. Full of humor, strong in spirit, and resolutely committed to Christ, John shares his account of the events that changed the course of human history---and challenges us with his last words before his death: "Little children, love one another." 90 minutes.

The Exodus Revealed (DVD)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 50 of 140 This DVD follows the footsteps of the children of Israel in an unforgettable journey of discovery. A journey that reveals physical evidence for the Exodus including: the remains of 3800 year old Hebrew settlements in Egypt's Nile Delta, Egyption records of the Israelite's bondage under Pharaoh; the precise route they may have followed to freedom; their crossing site on shore of the Red Sea; and the location of Mt. Sinai. This DVD brings to light the first significant archaeological "find" of the 21st century.

Defend the Defenders (Military) raises money and awareness for the defense of Soldiers and Marines whose actions in the heat of combat are being second-guessed.

Opportunity Knocking: Defeat Law Of The Sea Treaty

When Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) asked Condoleezza Rice during her confirmation hearings about the Law of the Sea Treaty, she replied that President Bush "certainly would like to see it passed as soon as possible." Assuming she was authorized to deliver that shocking news, George W. Bush can no longer claim the mantle of the Ronald Reagan legacy.

(Polygamy) Another alternate lifestyle?

By now you've all heard or read about the man in Utah convicted of bigamy. Tom Green has five wives and 29 children. He faces 25 years in prison with sentencing scheduled next month.

Live Prayer Network - Prayer RSS Feed

Real time prayers delivered right into your desktop via RSS. The live prayer network is the largest live prayer system on the net and we have multiple free items you can add to your website. Come see all that we have to offer, it is worth the visit to

SONday Weekly Ezine

This is a weekly Christian ezine that contains Christian cartoons, jokes, links, Bible verses, inspirational stories, animated gifs, banners, photographs, news stories, and more. It is normally posted on Saturday evening or night.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 51 of 140 Evangelical Free Church of Santa Maria CA - (Audio Downloads)

We're glad you stopped by our web site, and hope that the pages within will be a valuable resource to you and your family as you grow in the wisdom and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Damah: Some of our Best Films for your Online Viewing Pleasure

Damah encourages an emerging generation of filmmakers from diverse perspectives to voice the spiritual aspect of the human experience through film and provides a forum for these artists to develop, discuss and display their vision.

The 4th Annual Damah Spiritual Film Festival March 11-12, Los Angeles

The 4th Annual Damah Film Festival will be held on March 11-12, 2005 in Los Angeles, CA. Click here to see the list of nominated films and filmmakers. Click here to order tickets online.

Weighing the Evidence: An Atheist Abandons Atheism

But he's now been forced to face the evidence. It comes from the Intelligent Design movement, led by Dr. Phillip Johnson and particularly the work of Michael Behe, the Lehigh biochemist who has proven the "irreducible complexity" of the human cell structure. Though eighty-one years old, Flew has not let his thinking fossilize, but has faithfully followed his own dictum to "go where the evidence leads."

Download (PDF) Essays: Share these Materials with other Christians to Educate the Church About Freemasonry.

Freemasonry has a false plan of salvation and another savior. The god of Freemasonry is not the God of the Bible. How do we know these things to be true? We have numerous Masonic documents which prove it and the testimony of men who have left the Lodge to follow Jesus.

Coalition of Campus Crusade for Christ Ministries which Focus on Evangelism

There are over 25 web sites currently sponsored by members of Global Media Outreach. Our sites use a variety of different approaches to reach different groups of people.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 52 of 140 THE FOUR SPIRITUAL LAWS

1. God LOVES you and offers a wonderful PLAN for your life.

Global Media Outreach

To give every man, woman, and child on earth multiple chances to hear the Gospel by leveraging leading edge communication technologies to win them to Jesus Christ, build them in faith and connect them to the local church.

President Bush delivers 2003 State of the Union speech

President Bush uses the State of Union speech to promise action against AIDS, abortion, cloning and family breakdown.

Rolling Stone WILL Print Zondervan Bible Ad

Rolling Stone magazine has reversed its decision to reject an ad for Zondervan's new Bible translation. The advertisement will run unchanged this month.

Rolling Stone Refuses to Print Bible Advertisement

USA Today is reporting that Rolling Stone Magazine has refused to accept an ad for a hip new translation of the Bible aimed at young people.

Free Christian

The website for Christian webmasters. 100's of pages of free Christian content and web tools for use on your site.

Thoughts on the World: Reflection on 9/11/2001 Audio [5:49]

British writer and television host Adrian Plass offers some thoughts on our world after September 11, 2001.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 53 of 140

God's - Father's Love Letter Bible Verses [Audio Dramatization]

The words you are about to experience are true. They will change your life if you let them. For they come from the very heart of God He loves you, and He is the Father you have been looking for all your life ... This is His love letter to you.

Searchlight with Pastor Jon Courson: Complete Bible is Studied (MP3)

A great source of New Believer, Introductory and Advanced Christian teachings. Listen online to any of the more than 1,500 teachings from Pastor Jon's complete Thru-The-Bible series from Genesis to Revelation

Individual Life stories, how and why people became Christians (Testimony)

Real life stories and Testimonials from people describing how and why they became a Christian.

Ministries News Wired (Articles)

Article archives.

To The Source (Articles)

Article archives.

Calvary Chapel - West Oahu Hawaii: Audio Archives

Calvary Chapel West Oahu has been formed as a fellowship of believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire is to know Christ and to be conformed to His image by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are not a denominational church, nor are we opposed to denominations as such, only to their over-emphasis of the doctrinal differences that have led to the division of the Body of Christ.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 54 of 140 The National Silent No More Awareness Campaign

The Silent No More campaign gives a voice to women who have too long been ignored. Pro-life and pro-choice can agree: abortion is a tragedy, and women deserve better choices.

Pro-Life Information and Resources

The pro-life movement is the movement acknowledging that all human life is created in the image of God and is sacred to God.

McCorvey to High Court: Overturn Roe vs Wade

The woman whose case became the basis for the controversial 1973 Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion is petitioning the court to have the ruling overturned. Norma McCorvvey, known as Jane Roe in court filings, told the Fox News Channel's "Hannity and Colmes" on Monday, "We're going to be fling a Motion 60 brief tomorrow with the Supreme Court and ask and plead and beg them to please overturn Roe vs. Wade."

Virtual Christian Magazine

Hope and encouragement for the real world.

Consider Donating these DVDs to your Church Video Rental Section

Included on the 5 DVD set are some of our favorite dramatic presentations, documentaries, creationist, and political submissions to the festival, including our 2004 Jubilee Award winners.

Weighing Christian Diets

The theology behind weight loss programs is worth examining because ultimately the real purpose of many Christian weight-loss programs is not losing pounds but gaining intimacy with God. It is that possibility that draws many Christians in the first place. It is not that they spurn the secular plans. Nancy Dilts, for example, spent a decade on Weight Watchers but gained the pounds back because she felt she wasn't motivated. For many of the faithful, faith-centred weight loss offers more than weekly weigh-ins, prepared meals and pep talks. Some say it has made them better Christians by focusing on their God-given bodies and the food He has created.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 55 of 140 Networking & Your Job Search

Networking is also consistently cited as the Number 1 way to get a new job. You know how everyone says that "80% of the jobs available never get advertised? Well, folks, this is how you find them and get them!

U.S. knew Mosul attack [was] suicide Contradicts initial claims of rocket attack on mess hall

The U.S. Army was immediately aware the explosion that killed 22 people in a military mess hall in northern Iraq last week likely was caused by a suicide bomber and not a rocket attack, and mortar attacks may have been planned to coincide with the arrival of casualties, the chief emergency room surgeon who treated the injuries told WorldNetDaily.

Pentagon: Rumsfeld misspoke on Flight 93 crash

Rumsfeld referred to the "the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania."

The Incredible 9-11 Evidence We've All been Overlooking

We have entered the Age of the Conjurer and it is going to be a tricky time. The 9-11 stunt was a huge magic trick and we all bought it at first. Magicians can be very convincing. You have to look very hard to see the trick and not be fooled. On this occasion slow motion exposes the sleight of hand, but remember how the magician works: he can make almost anything seem real if he can make his audience look in the wrong place at crucial moments.

Bible Verse of the Day

But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body. 1 Corinthians 12:18-20/NIV

Harvest Mission Community Church MP3s

Who is Jesus of the Bible? Was he a radical revolutionary? Was he a tender-hearted pacifist? Is what we see in movies and t-shirts really Jesus? Or is he something more than that? This advent season, we want to discover the many portraits of Jesus. Come with us and experience a deeper intimacy with our Lord and Savior.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 56 of 140

Decatur Presbyterian Church Mp3 Sermons

Welcome to Decatur Presbyterian Church -- a congregation deeply committed to spiritual growth and service to one another and the community. Vibrant traditional worship and thought-provoking education programs nurture and support the Christian faith and empower our members to joyously serve others and glorify God.

Reflections on Today's Christian Music

Welcome to Solid Sounds, featuring insights from God's Word on the lyrics of today's Christian music.

Free Christian Mp3s: MP3 Bible, Sermons, Praise - Worship Music

A very good source of Free Christian Mp3s and Materials. Covering Various topics from Creation Science to the End Times.

Understand The Times: 5 Min. Audio Commentaries on Various Topics

You can read the transcripts and listen to audio of the current radio broadcasts of Understand The Times International.

Free Christian Audio Books

Our audio books have been edited for conversion from text to speech and we are sure you will be amazed at the quality of the narrations. These files are copyrighted and are for your private non-commercial enjoyment. We will be adding books weekly so come visit and download often. The downloads are available in windows media format and in m4b audiobook format for ITunes and the IPOD. The advantage of using the IPOD format is that it remembers where you stop in a file. The ITunes player software is available for free download here.

The Bible in the Popular Mp3 Audio Format (Audio)

Welcome to the AudioTreasure site where you can download the Bible in the popular mp3 audio format for free and find links to Bible audio resources in many languages.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 57 of 140

Christian Praise and Worship Songs in Mp3 (Audio)

Christian Worship Songs in mp3. Free Download or lisen Online.

A very Interesting and Accurate Prophecy

This prophecy was given in 1986 in a Prophetic Conference in Jerusalem, Israel. 153 prophets from 30 to 40 nations had gathered to wait upon and to hear from the Lord. The highlights of this prophecy to the entire body of Christ are as follows:

Practical How To Ministry Advice

Practical ministry advice from inside the trenches.

(NIV) first published today in 1978

On this day, October 27, 1978 the complete New International Version (NIV) of the Bible was published by Zondervan of Grand Rapids Michigan.

(NIV) Owner HarperCollins also sells the Satanic Bible

Does it seem odd to anyone with a brain and a love for Christ that world's largest Bible publisher is owned by the same company, HarperCollins, that publishes The Satanic Bible? Is it an understatement to say that this is a massive conflict of interests? Of course not for HarperCollins. It's great for the bottom-line. Play both sides.

74 Audio Messages Supporting KJV

The Authorized Version Defended Audio Archive PageTHE TEACHERS and their 74 MESSAGES {Scroll way down the Page}.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 58 of 140 New International perVersion ye have PERVERTED the words of the living God. . ." Jeremiah 23:36

First Family Church (Audio Files)

We are a dynamic, growing community of faith, hope, and love, and exist to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. We thank you for visiting our website and invite you to attend one of our services.

End Time Signs in Nature

The Bible says that in the last days there would be signs in the sun, moon, stars, etc. as well as an increase in natural disasters. These signs would be like "birth pangs" to warn of the lateness of the hour, although they would manifest more profoundly during the Tribulation. We see their increase, however, in our day. They serve as a warning and in some cases as judgments from God before the Tribulation.

Know Him Christian Inspiration

Sometimes the daily "grind" can squelch our spirit. This page is designed to be a weekly stopping point for you to receive some inspiration, May God speak to you through these words

Introduction To 100 Key Christian History Events

Imagine for a moment that you are approached by someone largely unfamiliar with the Christian church who asks you what are the most important things that have happened in our history. Excluding any event recorded in the Bible, what would you say? What would you list in your top ten?

Vintage Sermons Mp3 Downloads

Welcome to the ChristiansUnite Online Sermons. We are pleased to offer you these sermons in association with Here you will find hundreds of vintage sermons from some of the greatest preachers and teachers as well as many contemporary greats. Most are in mp3 format, and are from 2-5 meg in size, although some may be much larger. All sermon downloads are free for personal and ministry use!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 59 of 140 Christian Jobs

More Than Just A Job Bank. We Provide You With Links To Tons Of Career Resources and Job Banks That Serve The USA... For FREE.


There is a wonderful book which contains everything we need to know to live our lives the way our Creator intended (II Timothy 3:16,17). There are countless truths to live by found in this book, God's message to mankind, but if we were to boil everything down to its most basic message, this book, the Bible, makes three things clear...

From Ordinary to Great [Small Group Ministry]

So often, we think that in order to build community or reconnect with God we need to do things that require a great deal of equipment, preparation, and resources. We often feel like spiritual amateurs, and the idea of leading a small group or ministry, of taking others on a spiritual adventure, can seem daunting. But in today's featured article, "From Ordinary to Great," Lifetogether's Brett Eastman reminds us that God's in control of our communities, and the only piece of equipment we really need is an open heart.

G3 Stories Devotions Links

Welcome to! If you are wondering, G3 stands for Give God the Glory. "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." -- 1 Corinthians 10:11. This is a place where you can be encouraged and be an encouragement to others as you share what God is doing in your life. By doing so, God will be glorified. Psalm 96:3 says, "Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples." (NIV) This is our mission. We are a Bible centered, non-denominational organization.

Christian Fellowship Devotionals - Free Daily Email Devotionals

Would you come and share your morning break with us? If you don't get a break until late, that would be fine too. If you're curious, confused, hurting or looking for a moment of peace in your daily ritual, we have a solution for you. The free daily devotions from the Christian Fellowship Devotionals authors. They are available either by email or here at this site. The price is right, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Come on and give it a try. We'd be happy to share a few minutes with you each day.

The Hope: God's Promise for all People [Flash]

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 60 of 140 God's redemptive story from beginning to end for every tongue, tribe and nation. 12 chapters plus a conclusion also available on DVD and VHS.

Hope: A Better Day is Coming (Modern View - New Zealand)

Hope means that our future as believers does not have to develop from what is presently possible, but from what is possible for God. Christian hope is essentially creative; it believes and expects new things. We believe in a God who says "Behold, I make all things new" (Revelation 21:5), a God "with whom all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26), a God who "gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist" (Romans 4:17). Hope is optimistic in the best sense. It opens us to genuinely new realities and experiences, revealing new possibilities for us who believe, delivering us from despair, and freeing us for loving service and hope-filled mission in society.

Calvary Christian Church Mp3's

This week's Featured Church: Welcome to the Calvary Christian Church. We are a non denominational Bible Church located in Bellevue, Nebraska

Foundation for American Christian Education

Transforming the Mind and Heart of a Nation Your Premier Source for Christian Educational and Homeschool Resources. The Foundation for American Christian Education publishes classical education curriculum and resources based on the Principle Approach for Christian schools, home school parents, and Christians in general.

Greater Europe Mission

Impacting Europe by serving, prayer and supporting.Recently, the director of a Finnish Bible institute and the pastor of a key city church in Stockholm pleaded with me for more GEM missionaries. They requested as many as we could send, and they want them now. Leaders in Europe are asking for our help and God is opening the doors for us in exciting new ways. Jesus said, "The harvest is so great but the workers are so few -ask Him (the Lord) to send more workers".

Faking Church Do we really want to serve God - or is it more rewarding to just look the part?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 61 of 140 Ned sits down next to his wife, Tanya, in the church his family has called home for many years. He smiles, waves, jokes, and engages in friendly banter with everyone around him. He is a fixture in the church, having been involved in leadership for many years. Ned is well known, well liked, and deeply admired for his spiritual life. Frank, one of the men he has discipled, waves to him from across the church. Ned smiles and waves back. He remembers sharing with Frank how to live the Christian life. Suddenly he feels a pang of guilt.

Hollywood Presbyterian Church: Sermons Mp3

We're delighted that you have found your way to our website and we hope you will find that Hollywood Presbyterian Church is a place where you can discover, grow, nurture, live and share faith. This site is intended to help you navigate the ministries of our church and give you a glimpse of what God is doing in our midst. Whether you are already a believer in Jesus Christ or are just beginning to explore the difficult questions of faith, we want to partner with you on your journey.

The World's #1 Christian Broadcaster --TBN---Shifts to Digital and "Multicasts" its Channels Simultaneously to Viewers

December 15 (Los Angeles)-----In 1996, the Federal Communications Commission declared a new era in television-the mandatory shift from analog to digital television. In line with the FCC's declaration, the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), the world's most watched faith network, is taking steps to ensure that all TBN viewers partake in the full benefits of this television revolution. "Multicasting means that viewers will have access to all four of our channels, not just one," says Crouch. "They will see TBN, JC-TV, Church Channel and TBN Enlace and soon other channels such as "Smile of a Child" for younger viewers and a Christian channel in Arabic, which is currently in devolvement."

Preliminary Report: The Incidence Rate of Odometer Fraud April 2002 (Higher Fraud Now Especially at Car Lots)

That is a 3.47 percent chance that a vehicle would have its odometer rolled back at any point during the first 11 years of its life. There are approximately 452,000 cases of odometer fraud per year in the United States. This study also estimates the difference between the inflated prices that consumers actually paid for the rolled-back vehicles and the prices they would have been willing to pay if they had known the true mileage. Those costs average $2,336 per case of odometer fraud. Given 452,000 cases per year in the United States, that amounts to $1,056 million per year.

Savings Strategies: Buy a used Car and {pay cash}

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 62 of 140 On average, American families spend more than $7,000 a year on motor vehicle costs. A significant number of families spend well into five digits each year. To help families cut those costs, America Saves has developed a new brochure, "America Saves on Car Purchases." The brochure addresses the four key issues related to car purchases "whether to buy, what to buy, how to buy, and how to finance."

Family Survival Overcoming Consumerism Two Families Compared (Liberal Agenda but Interesting)

Two families, compared-each having the same income and basic housing situation in the same community can be used to illustrate the negative effects of consumerism and the healthy effects of actively avoiding it. This is not a study of good and evil, merely of behavior and its consequences. One family (The Ables) makes careful decisions about their economic and social activities and thus are working for their own self preservation. Even while spending little and saving much they can live well and enjoy their surroundings while they strengthen their community and thus the nation. The other family (The Binges) blindly goes on its way leaving a trail of social and spriritual destruction in its wake. They consume and spend and go deeper into debt. Things just happen to them, life seems out of control, because, for them, it is.

Family Tree Maker Version 9.0 Genealogy Software Is Spyware-Fiction! (FACT)

Summary of eRumor: A warning that the best-selling genealogy software Family Tree Maker, Version 9, has tracking software included that spies on your Internet activity, then sends that information to FTM's parent company, Mattel. The Truth: It's a little complicated, but according to the folks at Family Tree Maker, there is no spying going on. "Aqueduct" (worm) was to have been removed in the released version, but was accidentally included.

GenoPro Genealogy Tree Software (Try it Free)

GenoPro is a software to draw family trees. Among all the family tree software, GenoPro is the simplest to learn and easiest to use. If you are a beginner to genealogy, you can learn to use GenoPro in a few minutes without the need to take a look at the online help.

Hear The Word: Links to Thousands of Baptist Sermons and Bible Studies (Mp3 & Wma)

Code "MP3", Code "WM", Code "D" - messages that can be downloaded.

First Baptist Sweetwater FL. Current Sermon Series (Click an Audio Icon to Listen)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 63 of 140 Welcome to the First Baptist Sweetwater Web Site! We are so glad you stopped by! It is our joy to tell you about our church and we invite you to take a look around and see the amazing things that are going on! We have something for everyone and are excited about the events that are coming up this summer. Take a look below to get just a taste of what's available for you and your family to get involved in!

The Jerusalem Post Digital Edition

FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER: Get The Jerusalem Post digitally on your computer or laptop before the paper even hits the streets in Israel, six days a week, at home, the office, anywhere. The Jerusalem Post ePaper looks just like The Post because it is The Post - with interactive and searchable articles from all your favorite sections, plus photos, columnists, comics and ads. CLICK HERE for a free trial.


Berkeley, CA ( -- A new report from researchers at the University of California says unborn children do not likely feel the pain of abortions during the earlier parts of a woman's pregnancy. The findings are coming under fire from doctors who specialize in fetal development and they say it's off the mark. ... Dr. Anand said other medical studies conclude that unborn babies are "very likely" to be "extremely sensitive to pain during the gestation of 20 to 30 weeks." "This is based on multiple lines of evidence," Dr. Anand said. "Not just the lack of descending inhibitory fibers, but also the number of receptors in the skin, the level of expression of various chemicals, neurotransmitters, receptors, and things like that." Anand explained that later-term abortion procedures, such as a partial-birth abortion "would be likely to cause severe pain."

Oasis Ministries: Touching Hearts and Changing Lives (Mp3 & Wmv Audio files)

Oasis Ministries Mission is to reach out to the unsaved by spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our community through the local body in Athens, Tennessee and globally through our Oasis Ministries Broadcast that is reaching the world through the media of Television and through this website. We pray that this site will be a blessing to you as you grow in Christ and in the power of his might.

No Vote Yet on Iraq Constitution (Fox)

Negotiators finished the draft on Monday and took it to parliament as the lawmakers convened minutes before midnight. But they decided to put off a vote and spend three more days smoothing out some unresolved points because of fierce resistance from Sunnis over issues including federalism - which Sunnis fear could cut them out of most of the country's vast oil wealth.,2933,166456,00.html

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 64 of 140 Freedom of Religion? In Iraq (FRC)

The deadline for an Iraqi constitution came and went on Monday. ... The country has been governed by the Iraqi Transitional Administration Law (TAL) since March 4, 2004. ... The TAL currently protects religious freedom for every Iraqi citizen. However, early drafts of the Iraqi Constitution seriously undermined religious freedom by containing a provision making Islam the "sole source" of Iraqi law, as opposed to "a source" of law under the TAL, there is also a provision that declares unconstitutional any law "repugnant" to Islam. I have sent a letter to President Bush encouraging the Administration to redouble its efforts to ensure that the Iraq Constitution provides genuine religious freedom for all Iraqi citizens. An Iraqi Constitution that does not protect religious liberty will seriously undermine U.S. efforts in Iraq and the larger Middle East. The sons and daughters of Americans are not risking their lives to establish a theocratic government that denies its citizens the fundamental right of religious freedom.

Evangelicals Gain in Iraq

BAGHDAD, Iraq -- With arms outstretched, the congregation at National Evangelical Baptist Church belted out a praise hymn backed by drums, electric guitar and keyboard. In the corner, slide images of Jesus filled a large screen. A simple white cross of wood adorned the stage, and worshippers sprinkled the pastor's Bible-based sermon with approving shouts of "Ameen!"

85% of U.S. Say They're Christians - However

But not all of those polled define spirituality in terms of a traditional religion. While the majority (55%) report that they are religious and spiritual, a significant number (24%) consider themselves spiritual, but not religious. ... "Rather than being about a god who commands you, it's about finding a religion that empowers you."

Holy Ghost Revival Sermons Online: 12 minute preview (click the Play button to begin)

You are hearing a 12 minute preview of the sermon "Conviction and the Altar" The full 1 hour sermon link is listed below!

Jesus said, "As in the Days of Noah" Violence Filled the Earth

Jesus spoke far ahead of his time relating to us what life would be like just prior to his coming. He says in Matt. 24:37-38: "But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be."

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 65 of 140 AS IT WAS IN NOAH'S DAY

The Lord Jesus Christ informs us that before He returns certain conditions will exist in society in general. These conditions are a sign to believers that His Second Coming is near. There has always been corruption in society, but the idea here is of such decadence and depravity reaching the point of no return. The Lord makes use of two Old Testament characters to illustrate the characteristics and conditions that will exist at all levels of humanity prior to His Second Coming. As it was in the days of Noah and as it was in the days of Lot.

First Evangelical Free Church of Fullerton: Sermon Mp3 Archives

Summer Series: BEYOND BELIEF: Life Lessons from the Miraculous.

Home Page of Dr. Richard Sternberg ex-Research Associate of the Smithsonian Institution

The controversy surrounding the publication of the paper "The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories" by Dr. Stephen C. Meyer in the Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington continues. I was the managing editor of the Proceedings at the time of publication of the paper and I handled the review and editing process. The material on this website will clarify and resolve many of the disputes about the paper and ensuing controversy, including my post-publication treatment at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History.

Federal Investigation Confirms Retaliation against (Dr. Richard Sternberg) for Intelligent Design Article he Allowed to be Printed in the "Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington"

An investigation by the federal Office of Special Counsel has confirmed that Mr. Sternberg was subjected to "retaliation . . . in many forms," including the spread of lies about him both within and outside the Smithsonian. In fact, Sternberg says that he was virtually driven out of the building, because "they could not guarantee me that they could keep order." To allow free debate over this controversy would appear to be both more tolerant and more scientific.

Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington: Stephen C. Meyer Article - Only Article without an [Abstract] to View

The origin of biological information and the higher taxonomic categories (by) Stephen C. Meyera ... ABSTRACT - No abstract available.

Grand Canyon, a Different View (Creation Book - National Park Controversy)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 66 of 140 Grand Canyon, a different view is a creationist's view of the Grand Canyon with breathtaking river-level pictures and essays from 23 of the world's leading creationists.

LifeLight Fest: The Nation's Largest Free Outdoor Music Festival Sept. 1-4 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota

LifeLight 2005 The 8th annual LifeLight Festival is set for September 1-4, 2005 in Sioux Falls South Dakota. We're gearing up for an incredible event with over a hundred artists and awe-inspiring speakers.

A Prayer For Israel Psalm 83 [Flash]

A Christian flash show based on Psalm 83, as intercession for Israel.

Withdrawal Pains in Israel: Where is the Outrage?

Delusion has never run so rampant. In spite of months of prayer and protest by Jews and Christians, more than 1,700 Israeli families are going to be forced off of 300 square miles of their God-given land (Gen. 17:8). So "judenrein" (free of Jews) does it have to be that even buried Jewish bodies will be exhumed from this area and buried elsewhere in Israel. This is grievous for biblical reasons, but it also flies against the Bush policy on terror, and actually is but a giant reward for the terrorists. As the final hours tick away, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and other terror factions even with the PA/PLO have promised to continue to terrorize Israelis even after the pull-out. And all of this thanks to the U.S., Great Britain, the U.N., the E.U., and Russia.

Are You a Good Person? a Look into the Moral Mirror of God's Law (flash)

Almost everyone thinks they are a good person... But the question you should be asking is, "Am I good enough to go to heaven?" How would you know? The way to find out is to ask yourself if you have obeyed the Ten Commandments.

'Embryonic-Like' Cell Discovery Could Affect Ethics Debate

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 67 of 140 ( -- A reported breakthrough in stem cell research may lend new weight to the campaign against the use of human embryos in research, one of the most pressing ethical controversies facing governments in the U.S. and elsewhere. American and British researchers say that they have found, in umbilical cord blood, a new type of cell -- neither embryonic nor "adult" -- which is more versatile than the latter while avoiding the ethical dilemmas surrounding the former. {This is not a new discovery and Pro-Life groups have all along said to use these better cells from the umbilical cord blood or else use adult cells in both cases they are better cells for patients and in both cases there is no harm to any baby. It is disturbing to see that with all this evidence scientist still insist on harvesting stem cells from babies.}

Do No Harm: Stem Cell Basics

Juvenile Diabetes Patients Need Real Hope, Not Hype and False Promises. Embryonic stem cells are not the Path to cures. Rather, it is adult stem Cells that give real hope

For Convenient FREE Christian PDF & MP3 Downloads (Updated & Improved)

A Christian Information Center with FREE Resources, Information and Links.

Israel Gaza Pullout - Awash in Prayers and Tears

The miracle never came. Israelis across the nation gazed and gaped at heartrending scenes from Gaza that played out on their television screens from early Wednesday, the first day of the "forced evacuation" of Jews from the homes many had lived in for more than half a lifetime. There were many images, and there will be many more of them before this is over. While isolated incidents of individual resistance were reported, the vast majority of Gaza's Jews left in pain, but with great dignity.

The Fish 95.9 FM Streaming Christian Radio (Listen Live)

Welcome to 95.9 The Fish! Why are we here? To get right to the point, it's all because of you. You felt the void since the last full-time Christian music station left the airwaves. You went through the five steps of grief: And we're here for you. The new Fish 95.9 is dedicated to giving you what you want. The artists you want to hear. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. Seriously. This is not a dream. You are very much awake, alert, and tuned to the newest radio station on the planet. The new 95.9 The Fish!

KSLT 107.3 FM Streaming Christian Radio (Listen Live)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 68 of 140 The Vision of Bethesda Christian Broadcasting - We sincerely expect Jesus to take an active part in the leadership of Bethesda Christian Broadcasting. Not lip service, but honestly believing that everything that is done, is done under His Lordship, with His direction and His covering.

The Way of the Master Presents: STEPS for Confirming and Sharing Your Faith

Our primary aim is to teach you how to share your faith effectively. Just follow the steps below, in the order that they're presented, and you're off to the right start.

Church Web Evangelism - An Opportunity Lost? by Gary A. Snow: I have visited many church websites, however, most of them fail to use it effectively. Being married to a web designer I've picked up on some of the nuances of good website design and effective web ministry. As I scan the various church web sites, they are all the same. No, they may not look exactly alike and the pictures sure are different, but the message is the same - "This is our billboard, in case you want to come here. ... " What I'm getting at is, "What a waste of an opportunity to spread the good news of God's great love and forgiveness." The Apostle Paul would have used every method available to him - as he in fact did - to spread the Word of God and the good news of redemption through Jesus Christ His son. I think Paul would have screamed out God's message from his web page. Paul's web page would not be filled with social news, but news of the redeeming power through the blood of Jesus, our Savior. I am sure there would be instructional, and perhaps mundane announcements of his meetings or church news, but the thrust of the page would be to gather new converts and members to the Lord's supper. It would be a message to compel people to come and hear more, not to simply invite them.

Justice Sunday II - (DVD)

Jointly sponsored by Focus on the Family and Family Research Council. Featuring musical performances by Rebecca St. James and Jett Williams, this DVD recording includes speeches by the following speakers: Senator Zell Miller(D-GA), Representative Tom DeLay (R-TX), Tony Perkins - Family Research Council, Dr. James Dobson - Focus on the Family, Chuck Colson - Prison Fellowship Ministries, Bill Donohue - Catholic League,Phyllis Schlafly - Eagle Forum, Cathy Cleaver Ruse - Family Research Council, Dr. Jerry Sutton - Two Rivers Baptist Church, Ted Haggard - National Association of Evangelicals.

Results of the 16th Annual Spiritual State of the Nation Survey

Based on a total of nearly 37,000 surveys.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 69 of 140 National Outreach Convention: San Diego Nov. 2-5

The National Outreach Convention is designed to equip churches with the strategies, ideas and resources needed to implement effective outreach. The convention provides the opportunity for exhibitors to introduce their products and services to a group of highly motivated church leaders eager to find the right resources. Over 70 Workshops in These 12 Tracks:Youth Outreach, Children's Outreach, Postmodern Outreach, Ministry Outreach, Outreach Events, Outreach Technology, Outreach Marketing, Outreach Assimilation, Creative Outreach, Outreach Strategies, Community Outreach, Global Outreach.

Severing Gaza - 'Disengagement' for Israel's Jews Begins

We go to press Monday morning as hundreds of Israeli men, women and children are confronting Jewish soldiers and police outside a number of towns in the Gaza Strip in an effort to stop the uniformed men from driving them out of their homes.

Thirty One Days of Scriptural Prayer for Israel

When the Lord Jesus walked on the earth, He linked His departure as well asHis coming again with the City of Jerusalem! ... The Scriptures are clear that Israel as a Nation and as a People have been blinded by God for the sake of the salvation of the Gentiles. Therefore, the Church owes them (Jews) a debt for this, as well as for the (Bible) Scriptures themselves.

WallBuilders - Rebuilding the Constitutional, Moral and Religious Heritage of America (Schedule of Events)

We hope you're able to make it to one or more WallBuilders presentations. If you live in another area of the country, please check back with us - we continually update this page! These speakers travel throughout all fifty states and should be in your area soon!

Central Coast Evangelical Church (MP3 File List)

"Building Christ's Church by the proclamation of God's Word"

Eternity in Their Hearts (Missionary-Witness)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 70 of 140 Don Richardson defined the concept of redemptive analogy in his books "Peace Child" and "Eternity in Their Hearts." He explained how, embedded in any culture, there is usually some practice or understanding which can be used to demonstrate the Gospel. Findings these sometimes unexpected keys has been called a [gorilla moment].

Gorilla Moments - Recognize Hidden Opportunities for Creative Evangelism

A 30-second film shows six people playing basketball, three in white shirts and three in black. Volunteers are asked to count the number of times the white shirt team pass the ball. At the end of the film, they are asked if they saw anything unusual. Most do not. The unusual thing is: halfway through the film, a man wearing a gorilla suit walks through the players, beats his chest to the camera, then walks off. When shown the film again, people are utterly amazed to see this, to the extent that they often believe a different film has been substituted for the original one. Their focus on one task has blinded them to a truth. The film illustrates a simple fact – that if we are only looking for one thing, we do not usually see anything different. This forms the basis of Professor Richard Wiseman's new book: Did You Spot The Gorilla: How to Recognise Hidden Opportunities. {The point at which people finally see the unexpected is what he calls a 'gorilla moment'.} rer=/eternityintheirhearts.php&des=Gorilla moment

Redemptive Analogies - Communicating Christian Meaning (Lot's of Links)

Of course, the idea was not really new. Jesus used the technique all the time in His story-telling: "The kingdom of God is like ..." Many of the prophets used it too, and preachers down the years. The gospel stories are so familiar to us, that we completely overlook the fact that Jesus' method of communication was totally revolutonary, used redemptive analogy within story-telling, and was something very close to street theater. The concept of redemptive analogy is a part of contextualizaton - that is, presenting the Gospel in terms which relate to the particular culture. For two valuable pages on understanding contextualization, see: (Strategic Network) and (Mission Review). &referer=/eternityintheirhearts.php&des=Using%20redemptive%20analogy

The Blessed Hope! Asian Redemptive Analogies (Blog)

The Blessed Hope! dedicated to proclaim our relationship with GOD and ISRAEL. Spread the WORD and visit often for updates. Links to help your Christian walk and knowing that JESUS loves you, come closer to HIM and get to know HIM. HE is very much ALIVE and still in the business of Blessing you, Healing you, Protecting you, Providing for you and your loved ones...and...much much more.

LEFT BEHIND SERIES to Revive the Church Film Night

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 71 of 140 When LEFT BEHIND: World at War is released this October, it will open on at least as many screens as the biggest Hollywood films. There will just be one difference: It will open on screens in churches, universities, High Schools - everywhere there are projection systems and Christians with a passion for outreach.

AFTER EDEN 20 Most Popular Cartoons

The Military Chaplains' Association Challenge Coin!

Debuted at the 2005 National Institute, the Military Chaplains Association's Challenge Coin is available to MCA members by mail. The brass coin is 1¾ inches in diameter and is colored in blue and red on the face side. You may order either online at our web site, or simply fill out the order form below and mail it with your check to the MCA office. The cost of the coin is $6.95 and includes shipping charges.

Evolution History it ain't

The program, which displayed more candor than others which promote the evolutionary worldview, admitted that the fossil record is built on the "tiniest fragments of the past." At the same time, however, it confidently declared that the puzzle of human origins has been "finally pieced together." Words like "suggest," "if," "it is also believed" punctuate the TV program, as the apemen are built one speculative bone at a time. In the end, though, and employing just a little critical thinking, the thoughtful viewer is able to see that these apemen are instead really just {straw men}, created out of the minds of evolutionist scientists.

Dear Angry Survival Guide:

Dear Angry Survival Guide - and link to a free 3 minute viewing of a Christian film about forgiveness.

Military and Veterans Info

Military service is perhaps the ultimate service. It has been well said about Military service that All gave some and Some gave All. This saying is also well applied to the family, friends and supporters of those who are in uniform.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 72 of 140 Fisher House - Helping Military Families

Supporting America's military in their time of need, we provide"a home away from home" that enables family members to be close to a loved one at the most stressful time -- during hospitalization for an illness, disease or injury.

Families of Wounded Soldiers Helped by Frequent Fliers Donating Their Travel Miles

Families of U.S. soldiers wounded in the war against terrorism are receiving free airfare so they can be with their loved one through medical rehabilitation and the gifts come from their fellow Americans. The Fisher House Foundation inaugurated this program in January 2004, which allows average Americans who have acumulated travel miles with a participating airline to donate them to wounded soldiers and their families. Since the beginning of last year, more than 525 million miles have been donated, resulting in four thousand tickets for the family members of wounded soldiers.

The Armor of God Conference (11 Mp3 Messages)

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age..." - Eph. 6:12

Air Force Reserve Colonel Accused of Vandalizing Parked Cars by Spraypainting Anti-Bush Statements (Fox)

DENVER — An Air Force Reserve colonel could face criminal charges for allegedly vandalizing cars at Denver International Airport bearing pro-Bush bumper stickers.,2933,165277,00.html

IDF Soldier to Gaza Jews: Stay strong!

The young soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces are the last people that want to see the internationally-backed "disengagement" plan executed against the Jews of the Gaza Strip. That was the message conveyed Wednesday by one soldier to an American Jewish solidarity tour leader.

Shekinah Glory Ministries Pakistan Church: Razia's Testimony

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 73 of 140 I come from a very poor family and despite that, in my local church I served as a Bible teacher. Since childhood I dedicated my life to God to serve Him entirely. My family members always discouraged me on serving God and to give more attention to formal education. Nobody believed in me or recognized the call upon my life.

Kansas moves to stem role of evolution in teaching (CNN)

OVERLAND PARK, Kansas (Reuters) -- After months of debate over science and religion, the Kansas Board of Education has tentatively approved new state science standards that weaken the role evolution plays in teaching about the origin of life. The 10-member board must still take a final vote, expected in either September or October, but a 6-4 vote on Tuesday that approved a draft of the standards essentially cemented a victory for conservative Christian board members who say evolution is largely unproven and can undermine religious teachings about the origins of life on earth. "We think this is a great development ... for the academic freedom of students," said John West, senior fellow of the Discovery Institute, which supports intelligent design theory.


San Francisco, CA ( -- A Planned Parenthood abortion business in California has quietly removed a cartoon video promoting violence against pro-life advocates that has drawn national outrage.

Lutheran Architecture: How a (Church) Building Reflects Theology

One of the verses of Nicolai Grundtvig's hymn, "Built on the Rock (Jesus) the Church Doth Stand," says: Here stands the font (Baptismal) before our eyes Telling how God did receive us; The altar recalls Christ's sacrifice (cross) And what His table (communion bread/wine) doth give us; Here sounds the Word (Holy Bible Scriptures) that doth proclaim Christ yesterday, today, the same, Yea, and for aye our Redeemer. ... In this verse Grundtvig expresses something many Lutherans take for granted: the layout of their church.

Awana: Family Connection August Newsletter

Awana Family Connection is delivered free via e-mail to subscribers monthly. We encourage you to distribute this newsletter freely and ask only that you not change its contents. Eagle Council XXXIV REGISTRATION St. Louis, Missouri September 23-24-25, 2005

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 74 of 140 Registration on the Web is offered as a convenience to Eagle Forum members.Please be sure your membership is current when registering for Eagle Council.

Pathway: Personal Christian Growth Series

Welcome to Pathway, a daily devotional designed to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ. You'll read about others, like yourself, and find out about their not-so-unique problems. You'll discover the solutions that God has given in His Word. You'll find practical insights for putting the truths of God's Word to work in your life as you face the daily struggles of home, school, work, friends and your own private thoughts.

Soul Journey: Daily Bible Devotions

Our mission is to provide you with a path that leads to an authentic relationship with God and relevant biblical truth for postmodern living. Each day we have a new devotional article that addresses real life from a biblical perspective. You can read these articles in our print version, online version, or via e-mail.

Our Daily Bread: Daily Bible Devotions

Our Daily Bread is a daily devotional provided by RBC Ministriesfor spiritual growth and Bible study.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Past Radio Broadcasts (Audio)

The goal of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Ltd. is to reach men and women with the Gospel and to bring them into a living relationship with Jesus Christ.

What is the Mark of the Beast 666

There are at least three aspects to the Mark of the Beast as explained in the book of Revelation. It is an actual mark or marking and it is also an Image (Icon) a representation of the Antichrist (Satan) himself and it is represented in his personal name of, emptiness, which is referenced by the number 666.

Free Downloads (PDF) & (Mp3) from

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 75 of 140 It is our Commitment to provide a Varity of FREE and useful Downloads. It is also our Commitment to provide them in a convenient way without pop-up advertisements, redirects and other annoying interferences between you and the information you are seeking. We also encourage everyone to have a safety offline backup version of the Basic Christian material.

Iron Hall Assembly in Belfast Northern Ireland Study Series: (Audio Downloads)

The following sermons were delivered at The Iron Hall Assembly in Belfast, Northern Ireland, by Pastor David Legge. Radio Archives Mp3

Check out our "best of" programming for the last two years on "radio archives" at the Olive Tree Ministries' Web site, Programming is posted on our Web site about 4 days after a broadcast.

Help Raise Up a Generation That "LivesTen"

With God having been removed from school, and our very core principles attacked at every turn, it is no wonder that the kids of today can't even recite the Ten Commandments! It is an idea whose time has come … distribute tens of thousands of navy bracelets to kids and teens across the nation with the simple message "LiveTen."

Basic Christian Theology: Answers to Bible Questions (132 Topics) {updated}

A Complete handy Reference - Study Guide/Tutorial. It covers 132 Christian Subjects and Topics from Adoption - Yahweh in an easy to read and understand format. An extensive resource, unparalleled in convenience and ease of use yet advanced in topic research.

'Today Gaza, tomorrow Jerusalem' - Qureia

PA prime minister insists Palestinians Arabs won't cease hostilities against Israel until the Jews' ancient capital is again under Muslim control.

Voters Have Spoken - The Cross still Reigns over San Diego (The 43 foot concrete Mt. Soledad Cross)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 76 of 140 Despite fifteen years of adverse court rulings, city council decisions to remove the cross, a local war memorial associations agreement to settle the case by removing the cross, and last week's surprise decision by a state judge requiring a two-thirds vote of the people before the city would be forced to donate the cross and memorial to the federal government as a national war memorial, the citizens of San Diego spoke loud and clear- - keep the cross where it is as it is. With 100 percent of the precincts reporting, unofficial results show that over 75 percent of the voters voted to keep the cross and war memorial in yesterdays voting.

Christianity and Mormonism (LDS) are Very Different [Updated]

Following are a few considerations as to why Mormonism is a cult and in no way resembles Christianity.

Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood by John Piper and Wayne Grudem (PDF-eBook)

Yet to be surpassed, Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood offers the most complete and extensive refutation of the egalitarian position. All of the authors in this book are well-established scholars, and each chapter provides a book's worth of insight. We have now made this work available to you in several forms:

2005 Creation Mega Conference MegaBlog Wrap Up - Memories, Quotes and Mp3's!

Get updates and commentary as two of our staff members "blog" the conference. They'll be posting audio and video of sessions, along with interviews and commentary. Take a look at the MegaBlog.

Watch the Past Harvest Crusades from Anaheim Ca. Online!

If you can't make it to the Crusade in-person, be sure to check out our live and archived interactive webcasts right here at!

Billy Graham Audio Message: "The Value of a Soul" (Parts 1 & 2)

Listen to Billy Graham in part one of his message explain why the soul is so valuable and the loss of a soul so tragic. The crusade choir sings and businessman Charlie Johnson testifies to God's blessing in his life.

Crossing (Life's) Rivers

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 77 of 140 Have you ever crossed a river? No, not using a bridge, but rather venturing into the rushing current using only your legs?

Don't crowd out God with your other "important" things.

You only have so much time and energy in your life and it is easy to waste it on things that do not really matter. Attend to the important things first or you won't have time for them later.

PHOTO & VERSE MEDITATIONS (Click on [G] for next Photo)

PHOTO MEDITATIONS "Come Walk With The Lord!" How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!" --ISAIAH 52:7 (NIV). NOTE: Best viewed FULL SCREEN!

Trusting God enough to Let Go (Picture Devotional)

A picture devotional presentation. Looking to God to meet our needs to fulfill our desires and to carry our worries.

Pro-Life Information and Resources (Updated)

The pro-life movement is the movement acknowledging that all human life is created in the image of God and is sacred to God.


Experience a dynamic and intensive eight day exploration of Israel's struggle for survival and security in the Middle East today: "a military, humanitarian, historical, judicial, religious, and political reality check."

Why Abortion is Genocide

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 78 of 140 Likewise with abortion, Butler & Walbert note in Abortion, Medicine and the Law, Facts on File, 1992, that the Court in Roe vs. Wade, supra at 153, "... build its doctrinal framework on the constitutional right to privacy, which it thought ' broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy.' "Whether the issue is racism or abortion, privacy is vital to those who are ashamed of their conduct."

Dr. David Menton (Parts 1-4): A Hollywood History of the Scopes (Monkey) Trial {80th Anniversary} (Audio)

Dr. Menton's presentation on the Scopes Trial couldn't have been more timely since last week was the 80th anniversary of this famous trial, known as the "Monkey Trial." Most of what we know about the Scopes Trial has been confused with Hollywood's version which was made into a play and movie, Inherit the Wind, said Menton. Throughout this enlightening presentation, Dr. Menton used various clips from the movie to show how the truth was grossly distorted to shed a negative light on Christians. By turning the trial into a docudrama, and by changing the names of the characters (but cleverly using the same number of syllables in each name), Hollywood took artistic license to turn the truth on its head. Sadly, the movie is still being used to deceive a whole generation with its countless distortions and inaccuracies.

The Importance of Understanding the "End Times" By Jan Markell

To be perfectly honest, I am growing weary of the many voices I hear saying that the world makes no sense today. It makes perfect sense if one understands the proper eschatology or doctrine of the "last days." The problem is that there is either little or no interest in the topic or it is being taught improperly. Why is it that even the History Channel, A & E, Discovery Network, etc. are paying more attention to it than the churches? In most churches it was shelved 20 years ago as "controversial," "divisive", and "gloom and doom." What is gloom and doom about the fact that the King is coming? Hanging on to this "blessed hope" (Titus 2:13) should be able to get the believer through most any trial.

Creation vs. Evolution: Resources and Information

What is the significance and meaning of God's creation plan? Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven (sky) and the earth. It is only through creation and not by means of (random) evolution that people can be "created in the image of God" therefore creation is the very heart of the plan of God. Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image ...

Quotes from Famous Scientists

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 79 of 140 Johannes Kepler [1571-1630] Astronomy/Laws of Planetary Motion: "I had the intention of becoming a theologian...but now I see how God is, by my endeavors, also glorified in astronomy, for 'the heavens declare the glory of God.'" "I am a Christian...I believe... only and alone in the service of Jesus Christ...In Him is all refuge, all solace." "Let my name perish if only the name of God the Father is thereby elevated." "[God] is the kind Creator who brought forth nature out of nothing."

United States Center for World Missions: Explore Workshop October 5-8, 2005

Looking for a way to be more directly involved in the advance of God's Kingdom around the world? the vision, community, and resources of the U.S. Center for World Mission, a community devoted to seeing God's Kingdom come and His will done on earth among all the world's peoples! Over a 4-day period, experience Who we are What we do How we do it and … How YOU can be a part of this innovative community focused on the least reached peoples of the world.

Here Is The Church ... But Where Are The People?

It's quiet and still inside the Bald Eagle Presbyterian Church vestibule on a summer afternoon... Small, rural churches elsewhere, faced with similar financial crunches and attrition, are losing battles to stay alive.

Series Title: The Minor Prophets by

What do you think about when you think of a prophet? Do you think of someone who tells what is going to happen in the future? Prophets do some foretelling. They warn the wicked and encourage the righteous.

Doug's Blog: The Supreme Court's War on the Soverignty of God

The defining political and legal issue of our generation is not the right to life or even the definition of the family, but whether the United States of America through its laws, its charters, its magistrates, and its public institutions can and will meaningfully acknowledge the God of the Bible. The acknowledgment of God is the first principle of liberty, a fact which was recognized by the Founding Fathers who declared that we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights.

The 7 Miracles of Jesus from the Gospel of John

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 80 of 140 These are Seven Miracles preformed by Jesus and recorded in the Gospel of John by John a disciple and one of the original 12 Apostles of Jesus. John was an eyewitness present at each of these seven miracles. These miracles are illustrations representing the miracles that Jesus is currently doing in the life of each and every Christian. for Convenient FREE Christian PDF & MP3 Downloads

A Christian Information Center with FREE Resources, Information and Links.

U.S. won't cede control of (Internet) Net computers

Associated Press, by Anick Jesdanun 6/30/2005 NEW YORK - The U.S. government said Thursday it would indefinitely retain oversight of the Internet's main traffic-controlling computers, ignoring calls by some countries to turn the function over to an international body. The announcement marked a departure from previously stated U.S. policy... Though the computers themselves - 13 in all, known as "root" servers - are in private hands, they contain government-approved lists of the 260 or so Internet suffixes, such as ".com."

Jews For Jesus Newsletter Archives (PDF)

This archive is not yet complete, but provides a sequential listing of all articles from the Jews for Jesus Newsletter that are currently online.

Bible Truths Revealed 15 Lessons (PDF available)

Foundational Studies - 15 Lessons On The Foundational Truths Of The Christian Faith.

The Origin of Comets

Comets may be the most dynamic, spectacular, variable, and mysterious bodies in the solar system. They contain even organic matter which many early scientists concluded was "decomposed organic bodies." Today, a popular belief is that comets brought life to Earth. Instead, comets may have traces of life from Earth.

The Origin of Asteroids and Meteoroids

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 81 of 140 The "fountains of the great deep" launched rocks as well as muddy water. As rocks moved farther from Earth, Earth's gravity became less significant to them, and the gravity of nearby rocks became increasingly significant. Consequently, many rocks, assisted by their mutual gravity and surrounding clouds of water vapor, merged to become asteroids.

Sign Up to Join The Family Research Council's Prayer Team

On a bi-weekly basis, we ask for your prayers relating to various public policy issues. If you would like to receive an email with our specific prayer needs, please sign up below. We appreciate your commitment to praying with us. May God bless you.

U.S. Has as Many as 50 percent More Megachurches than Previously Estimated

The number of megachurches in America may have been underreported by as much as 50 percent, according to two of the leading research groups on the subject.

The Basic Christian: Quick Start Guide to Christianity (PDF)

Perfect for new Christian introduction to the very basics of Christianity.

Individual Life stories, How and Why People Became Christians

Real life stories and Testimonials from people describing how and why they became a Christian.

A Mayflower Bible

FREE Creation Science Seminar Mp3's from Dr. Kent Hovind (Dr. Dino)

Dr. Hovind's Creation Seminar Series are his most popular presentations. God has used the message they present to bring thousands of people closer to Christ. This 17-hour mp3 series comes on seven downloadable files and is frequently updated to provide the most current information available.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 82 of 140

The 2005 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival

Reserve your place at the next San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival — slated for October 27-29, 2005. Your Festival Pass gives you complete access to workshops, entertainment by special guests, and of course, film screenings and award ceremonies. Trinity Broadcasting Network Films Library (Downloads)

Just click on the title or picture below to watch. [for advanced users, you can download videos for later viewing by right clicking and choosing " Save As" on the "download file" link (caution: large, long downloads)]

Bible Marathons a Race Like No Other

Bible marathons are a growing trend in Portland. Less than 800 students attend Multnomah Bible College and Seminary, but in the past two years more than 250 of them have participated in marathons, logging in some 200 hours of Bible reading. Bible marathons have become so popular that Multnomah professor Dr. Garry Friesen, who organizes the events, can barely keep up with the demand. Marathons fill within days of the initial announcement.


I was a devout atheist for over twenty years. In July of 1998, I finally managed to see the biblical truths that had managed to elude me. The following is an account of how I went from hardcore skepticism to hardcore worship of the Savior, Jesus Christ.

Two Rivers Church: Living Beyond Religion (12 Message Audio)

If you are ready for revival in your life... if you want more than religious activity... if you want a relationship with Jesus and to see Him work in power... then you are in the right place.

Iron Hall Assembly in Belfast Northern Ireland: The Harvest Is Past (WMA) [Use the blue buttons at the top of the web page]

Jeremiah Verse 20 of chapter 8: "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved"...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 83 of 140

How the Tanners became Christians {Ex-Mormon}

Jerald and Sandra Tanner were raised in the LDS faith, both with a strong Mormon family history. Jerald is the great-great-grandson of John Tanner, well known for his sizeable financial contributions to Joseph Smith and the LDS church in 1835 when the church was deeply in debt. Sandra Tanner is a great-great-granddaughter of Brigham Young, the second president of the Mormon Church. Commentary Library Psalms and Proverbs

From this Commentary Page you can select any of the Adobe PDF commentaries that are available.

Free Internet Movie Download - Your Destiny Your Choice [Produced by Prayer Australia]

To some there are many faces of death. In the movie 'Your Destiny Your Choice', Ryan gave little thought to life after death until he faced death... he was afraid! Then When his sister Nicky comes to visit him in the hospital, she shows him a computer program that could make him sure of his destiny. Will Ryan choose a new spiritual destiny?

Battle of the Kingdoms A Cartoon Flash Presentation

Download This Free - Simple and Clean Plan to Help You Be All You Can Be.

Ten Ways to Ruin Short Term Mission Trips

Believe it or not, it's possible to have a bad short-term missions experience. Most times, this is not the fault of the situation or organization. Often, the root cause is the short-termer's own attitudes and expectations. To help you maximize your short-term experience, here's a Top Ten checklist of what "not" to do.

Did Jesus have a Wife and Child? Of Course Not!

The Prophecies of the Bible reveal an unmarried Savior (Messiah).

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 84 of 140 Email Daily Devotion - My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers

Enter your email address above to subscribe to the email edition of My Utmost for His Highest. Receive inspiration from Oswald Chambers FREE each morning.

The Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled By Jesus Christ - Ordered by Category

Jesus is the Messiah!

Sixty-Three Percent of Americans Believe the Bible is Literally True and the Word of God.

A related survey found that 47 percent of Americans pray every day or nearly every day.

Spinach-Orange Salad (Recipe)

Salad recipe.

School Children Forced to Participate in Other Religions

Islam, Yoga and Paganism teachings flourish in local schools.

Interaction Devotion God's Plan for your Life (aprox. 5 min)

List of 14 Christian Flash Devotions

2005 Grassfire 109th Congressional Directory

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 85 of 140 The very same directory used by Grassfire staff every day, this powerful resource puts the entire 109th Congress and the every member of the Administration right at your fingertips! Plus, it is packed with critical contact information for committees and subcommittees, it gives you state legislator information, a legislative glossary, maps of Washington, D.C. and tips on writing members of Congress - all in one handy resource! In short, Grassfire's Congressional Directory is the one key resource you simply cannot afford to be without in 2005!

Dying Testimonies Of Saved And Unsaved People

170 -- "OH! THE DEVIL IS COMING TO DRAG MY SOUL DOWN TO HELL!" N. M. Nelms, of Kopperl, Texas, sends us this very sad experience. He says: Miss A____, who lived at C____, in Georgia, was taken very sick, and was informed that she could not live. Realizing the way she had lived, surrounded by her ungodly associates, with whom she had indulged in the pleasures of sin, and how her parents had educated her to follow the fashions of the world, and decorated her in gay clothing, and turned her away from the truth of God, she called her ungodly father to her bedside and said, "Your heart is as black as hell. If you had taught me to live for God, rather than to have spent your time quarreling with mother, I might have been saved." Then, turning to others who stood by her dying bed, she plead with them, saying, "Do not follow my ungodly example; do not do as I have done; do not enjoy or indulge in the hellish pleasures of the world. Oh, if I had heeded the warnings of my friend who lived a holy and devoted life." Then she said, "Oh, the devil is coming to drag my soul down to hell! Don't live in pleasure and be found wanting, but live in Christ complete and wanting nothing. I am lost, lost forever! Oh, lost, lost, lost!" -- then died.

"Justice Sunday II." Its theme--"God Save the United States and this Honorable Court"--is the call to order (actually a prayer) that begins every session of the U.S. Supreme Court. Yet ironically, the decisions of that Court in recent decades have served to largely bar the public invocation of divine help-- which the founders of our country knew was essential to its success. The recent decision banning display of the Ten Commandments in a Kentucky courthouse was only the latest example.

Steps to Peace with God (Billy Graham) [click - to play the presentation]

Step 1: God's Purpose: Peace and Life. God loves you and wants you to experience peace and life abundant and eternal. The Bible says ... "We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 5:1 (NIV)

Harry Potter's World

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 86 of 140 Well, it's not quite that simple. You see, Harry and all the friends in his imaginary world are witches and wizards. They try to do good things and defeat evil, but in reality, there is no such thing as a good witch or wizard. People who use witchcraft in the real world are not getting their power from God. The Bible tells us that any power that doesn't come from God is evil. So, for our own protection, God tells us not to do these things:

Out of Africa: Special Article - Harry Potter

Rowling is not a naive author who simply wrote a best-selling fantasy. She is part of a larger movement that is helping to bring in the New Age.

Harry Potter and the Power of Suggestion

"The critical point of behavior (mind) control, in effect, is sneaking up on mankind without his self-conscious realization that a crisis is at hand. Man will... never self-consciously know that it has happened."

The True Danger of Your Child Reading The Harry Potter Books!

Christian That Knows about Witchcraft Looks At Harry Potter

Harry Potter Witchcraft Repackaged

Discover similarities with Harry Potter and Witchcraft, Meditation, Black Magic, Curses & Spells, Divination & Sorcery, Occult symbology, Reincarnation, Demon possession, Communing with the dead and spirit world ...


Children in this country have the good fortune to be occupied with less serious matters -- and millions of them tonight are preoccupied with a phenomenon. The subject matter may be familiar to you -- the world of Lord Voldemort, Quidditch and the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft. For those who do not know what we are talking about, this is the Harry Potter phenomenon.

Pope Concerned Over Harry Potter Books

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 87 of 140 In a letter sent two years before becoming pope, Benedict XVI expressed concern that the Harry Potter books "erode Christianity in the soul" of young people, a German writer says.

Should Your Children Read Harry Potter Books?

We have several articles and resources about the Harry Potter series of books and soon-to-be-released feature film. We encourage you to check all of them out and consider the material presented prayerfully before choosing this popular entertainment option.

Kingdom Baptist Church: Special Article - Harry Potter [Part 1]


Kingdom Baptist Church: Special Article - Harry Potter [Part 2]


Harvest Christian Fellowship is pleased to announce that the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) has awarded Harvest Online with the 2005 NRB Media Award for Internet: Best Ministry Website. The award honors the Internet Web site for excellence in design and content, creativity in presentation, and effectiveness in helping fulfill the ministry's mission. For years Harvest Online has empowered its users with biblical resources from Pastor Greg Laurie and Harvest Outreach Ministries.

2,000 Year-Old Biblical Scroll Found in Israel

JERUSALEM - A secretive encounter with a Bedouin in a desert valley led to the discovery of two fragments from a nearly 2,000-year-old parchment scroll - the first such finding in decades, an Israeli archaeologist said Friday.,2933,162688,00.html

American Opinion Book Services: Product of the Month

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 88 of 140 Man, Freedom and Government: Recreation of 1968 filmstrip by Ezra Taft Benson. This video or DVD explains man's basic rights and government's role in protecting these rights. It also warns us to be on guard that government does not overstep its bounds.

Family Research Council - Washington Update: Fabian Tactics

In 209 B.C., the Roman General Maximus Verrucosus Fabius ultimately defeated the superior forces of the conqueror Hannibal, the famous Carthaginian military leader, through delay tactics thereby avoiding direct conflict and giving Rome sufficient time to muster a large army. Thus was born the phrase "to win like Fabius," meaning to wear out an opponent by delay and evasion rather than confrontation. I recite this ancient history lesson to highlight the Fabian tactics being used by the Democrats in a vain attempt to find any obscure memorandum that President Bush's Supreme Court nominee, John Roberts, once wrote and to use that memo to attack the nominee.

Jews for Jesus: The War on Jewish Evangelism (PDF Available)

The radical shifts in how these things {world views} are perceived color all levels of our society. Some Christians wonder why more and more churches are accepting behavior that the Bible rejects. If the church is not salt and light, if the church is not invading the world system with the gospel, then the opposite will occur. The world system will invade the church.

Topical Book {Bible} Study Guide Lessons (PDF)

These guides will help you understand Bible passages in a deeper, more meaningful way. They help challange you to look at passages from different perspectives, both personally and externally. Click on any of the image links below to download the guide you prefer. - News Source for the Pro-Life Community is an independent news agency specifically devoted to reporting news that affects the pro-life community. With a team of experienced journalists and reporters, reaches more than 150,000 pro-life advocates each week via its web site, email news reports, and weekday radio program.

NOEL News Pro-Life Newsletter (PDF)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 89 of 140 NOEL, a life-affirming ministry in the Worldwide Anglican Communion. NOEL's mission will be to advocate the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death in the Church and society. To do this NOEL will stand for the value of every human life as revealed in Scripture and equip people to develop a biblical response to issues that threaten human life. As the Chairman of the Board, the Rev. Lorne Coyle states, "We're here for life!"

Feminists For Life of America: College Outreach Program

Planned Parenthood's INsider magazine to clinic staffers called FFL's College Outreach Program "the newest and most challenging concept in anti-choice student organizing…. a campaign that could have profound impact" on the pro-life student movement, "as well as Planned Parenthood's public education and advocacy efforts." "They were right," said FFL President Serrin Foster.

Defending Creation Theory (8 Part Mp3 Set)

An 8 part Mp3 set for Defending Creation Theory. These may be downloaded and re-copied for any educational purpose. Please share them with friends, co-workers, classmates & skeptics.

"FRANKLY SPEAKING" Frank Shelton Ministries/Motivational Presentations

At 33, Frank Shelton, Jr. shares a passion for people, preaching and public service. He addresses audiences across America at various conferences, crusades and churches and loves leading the lost to the Lord. Frank uses humor, celebrity impersonations and incredible illustrations that Exalt Christ and Encourage Christians while pointing as many people to the Prince of Peace (Jesus Christ). His sole mission is souls. In the last 48 months, over 1,000 people have made personal commitments to Christ. While working full-time on Capitol Hill, Frank spoke in 72 churches and schools in 2001-2002 alone, at various revivals, retreats and youth rallies.

Christian Camping International

Christian Camping International CCI/USA is a non-profit association that provides extensive programs, products, and services for the leaders of autonomous Christian camps and conferences nationwide. CCI/USA also maintains, through its membership records, the Internet's most extensive database of summer and year-round Christian faith-based camps, conference centers, and retreat centers.

What is a Christian?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 90 of 140 A Christian is a follower a disciple of Jesus Christ, a person who believes that Jesus is God! Christianity is Not a Religion and it is Not a Philosophy. Christianity is Relationship with God.

DCI World Christians - Full List of Studies

Here are eighty-five easy to understand studies and assignments in Evangelism and Mission, Discipleship, the Call of God, Finances, Leadership, Building the Church and Understanding the Kingdom.

Creation vs. Evolution - Christianity vs. Ungodliness

What we have is not just creation versus evolution, not just an academic debate about science. It is Christianity with its absolutes and its basis in creation, versus humanism and its basis in evolution and its claim that all morality is relative. In other words, the fight is between two religions and you are seeing that clash right now in our society.

200+ Ideas For Summertime OR Anytime Fun!

Since we don't use the phrase "I'm bored!" in our home, we never hear our kids complaining about being bored during those long days at home during the summer months. But ... I have to admit that we're still an incredibly normal family.

Violent (Video) Game Furor

The latest in shoot-'em-up video game technology, "******" allows players to attack police with an arsenal of Molotov cocktails, broken bottles and baseball bats. When weapons fail, players make strategic moves using civilians as human shields. Patrick Lynch, president of the Patrolman's Benevolent Association, slammed "******" for its cavalier treatment of murder. "It's outrageous that a company like this would try to desensitize our children," Lynch said. Representatives from Sony and Microsoft could not be reached for comment yesterday.

SBC Ready to Move Forward and Baptize 1 Million People

"If the convention at any level will go to the people about the most important thing to those people -- the eternal spiritual well-being of their loved ones, family and friends -- then we can go forward ...," Welch said.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 91 of 140 Faked Agian The Downing Street Memos Fake?

The reporter himself says that he retyped the memos on an old-style manual typewriter and destroyed either the originals (AP) or working copies from which he worked (Rawstory). In effect, he created mock-ups -- and that means the memos provided by the Times in PDF format are fakes.

Test to Determine a True or False Prophet

Everyone has an opinion but who's advice do we follow? Testing to determine if someone is a true prophet of God or a false prophet of man.

Great Moments with President Lincoln (short movie or audio downloads)

A tribute to a man who lives in the heart of all freedom loving people.

HeartLight Daily Devotionals

Heartlight devotionals can become a special part of your day. Turn to them daily for encouragement and inspiration. Many of our devotionals are available by email each day!

Daniel's 70 Weeks: The Precision of Prophecy

To fully appreciate the remarkable significance of the following article, it is essential to realize that the Book of Daniel, as part of the Old Testament, was translated into Greek prior to 270 B.C., almost three centuries before Christ was born. This is a well-established fact of secular history.

Prophecy Watch: The Prophecy of the 70 Weeks

God revealed to Daniel a calendar which foretold the time frame of Jewish prophetic history to the end of this age (Dan. 9:24-27). This most remarkable prophecy has been called "nothing less than a mathematical demonstration" of the divine inspiration of the Bible.

Seventy Prophetic Weeks of Daniel

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 92 of 140 Chapter 9 of the book of Daniel stands as the paragon of Bible prophecy. This single chapter of 27 verses proves beyond doubt that God revealed the future course of world events to faithful men of God, and they wrote about events to come as they were led by the Holy Spirit. This was declared by the apostle in 2 Peter 1: 19-21.

The Prophet Daniel's 70 Weeks: Is Prophecy Sealed?

The "70 Weeks" prophecy of Daniel {chapter 9} is rightly called the "backbone" of Bible prophecy, as it clearly foretells the coming of the Messiah, the focal point of history for believers. This prophecy links together the past history and future of God's people, and it "seals up" other prophecies. for Convenient FREE Christian (PDF) & (MP3) Downloads

A Christian Information Center with FREE Resources, Information and Links.

Pastor Jack Hayford: Praise in the Presence of God

The Bible is pointed about the value of each individual day and is equally direct in speaking of our responsibility to use these pieces of time wisely and profitably: We are to consider each day a valuable gift, and look to God for wisdom in using that gift. ...

The Church on the Way: Resources (PDF)

The Church On The Way exists as a local congregation to witness to the world of God's love as revealed in His Son Jesus Christ, our crucified, risen, exalted and soon-returning King; and we live to serve our community in His same love and power, knowing He is "the same yesterday, today and forever" (Heb. 13:8).

Famous Quotes From Famous People

This site lists famous quotes, including: Founding Fathers, Presidents, Scientists, Celebrities, Musicians, Rock Stars, athletes, and the wealthy. Read quotes from John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Louis Pasteur, Dennis Rodman, George W. Bush, George Washington, Elvis Presley, Madonna, David Robinson, Payne Stewart, Julius Erving, Kurt Warner, Johannes Kepler, Samuel Morse, and many more!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 93 of 140 Will the Real Justice O'Connor Please Stand Up?

America is engulfed in the flames of a Culture War. This war is reaching new levels of white-hot intensity with the onset of vacancies on the U. S. Supreme Court. We must understand that the battle over judges is not really over people, but over principles. The fight is not over just a Court, but over a country.

On this Day in History 7/22/1938: The German Natzi Third Reich Began to Issue Special Identity Cards for Jewish Germans

Jewish identity cards 7/22/1938. Germany begins issuing identity cards to Jewish citizens. They are required to carry the cards with them at all times.

Nazis issued Jewish ID Card aprox. 1939

After Adolf Hitler's rise to power in 1933, the Nazis issued every person a permanent identity card. A "J" on the cover indicated that the person was Jewish. Each Jewish man's name was prefaced with "Israel" and each woman's name with "Sarah." Permanent yellow armbands were issued at a later time.

National ID Cards in the USA

"The Real ID Act is the first step in the establishment of a police state which is the antithesis of our liberty and freedoms defined in our Constitution ... I don't know if it is the first step but it is a profound step. Good article."

Encyclopedia: Identity Document

An identity document is a piece of documentation designed to prove the identity of the person carrying it. Unlike other forms of documentation, which only have a single purpose such as authorizing bank transfers or proving membership of a library, an identity document simply asserts the bearer's identity. If an identity document is in the form of a small standard-sized card, such as an ISO 7810 card, it is called an identity card. In general terms, documentation is any communicable material (such as text, video, audio, etc. ... In philosophy, it is important to distinguish between two senses of identity, qualitative identity and numerical identity. Identity cards can be controversial, as depending on the way they are used by government (under which circumstances they must be produced; whether/how information about use is stored on databases) can make government surveillance of citizens much easier.

A Mayflower Bible

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 94 of 140

Mayflower Compact

The Mayflower Compact IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, c. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a Voyage to plant the first Colony in the northern Parts of Virginia, Do by these Presents, solemnly and mutually, in the Presence of God and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid: And by Virtue hereof do enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions, and Officers, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general Good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due Submission and Obedience. IN WITNESS whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape-Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, Anno Domini, 1620.

Mayflower Barn: Famous Ship now a Barn

The timbers you are looking at came from the Mayflower. That's the ship that brought our pilgrim fathers to America. Everybody is familiar with the Mayflower but I wonder if you are as familiar with the Mayflower Barn. When the Mayflower ship 4 years after it brought the pilgrim fathers to America became stranded, it was purchased by a farmer. He towed it up the Thames, dismantled it, brought the timber in here and he built this barn from the wood of it.

The Liberal Manifesto: 1963 Communist Goals

For the conservatives that have not read the Liberal Manifesto, be prepared to be shocked. You will be surprised to discover how many of these Liberal goals have been achieved. We can only hope that Liberals do not succeed in achieving their goals.

Socialist, Communist List of Articles

Exposing Marxist, Socialist, & Communist Hate for Americaand Their Support for Totalitarian Governments and Islamic Terrorists.

Republican Appointees Disappoint Again

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 95 of 140 The Supreme Court wrapped up one of its most disappointing terms in years. Plagued by Chief Justice Rehnquist's absence due to illness, the other justices behaved like the gang that cannot shoot straight. The Court banished the Ten Commandments from courthouses in McCreary County v. ACLU, and ruled against private property in Kelo v. City of New London. The term would have been a complete disaster if Justice Breyer, a Clinton-appointee, had not surprisingly voted to save the Ten Commandments displayed on the Texas State Capitol grounds in Van Orden v. Perry.

Bush Aide Involved in Chinese Bid for Unocal

President Bush's top independent intelligence adviser, James C. Langdon Jr., met last winter with investment bankers in China to help secure his law firm's role in lobbying for a state-run Chinese energy firm and its bid for the U.S. oil company Unocal Corp., according to a report in the Washington Post.

Dover School District Seeks Judgment Against ACLU In Evolution Case

The ACLU is challenging a recent change to the school district's ninth-grade biology curriculum, which, in a one-minute statement, informs students that there are gaps and problems in the theory of evolution and makes students aware of intelligent design as an alternative explanation for the origins and diversification of life.

Watch the Harvest Crusade Live Online! July 15-17 at 7:00 pm PST

If you live in the Southern California area, come to the Harvest Crusade and bring someone who needs to hear about the love of God. If you can't make it, plan on joining the live coverage of the Crusade via the live and archived webcasts right here on the Web! more...


Washington, DC ( -- For months, political observers in Washington and around the nation were convinced Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist was planning to step down from the nation's high court. With Justice Sandra Day O'Connor announcing her own retirement, the plans of the ailing conservative court leader are in doubt.

Focus on the Family: Justice O'Connor Retires; Battle over Swing-Vote Lies Ahead

Dr. James Dobson called the announcement "a watershed moment in American history: the resignation of a swing-vote justice on the Supreme Court and the opportunity to change the Court's direction."

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 96 of 140

Thomas More Law Center: Supreme Court Justice O'Connor Resigns

The Battle to Restore America's Religious and Moral Foundations Begins.

American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ): Justice O'Connor Retires

The resignation of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor creates the MOST CRITICAL VACANCY POSSIBLE on the Supreme Court of the United States. The resignation of Justice O'Connor creates a pivotal shift on the Supreme Court. Justice O'Connor has represented the swing vote in determining the outcome of many of the most important decisions over the past decade. There could not be a more significant opportunity for President Bush to impact the direction of the high court than with the replacement for Justice O'Connor.

Family Research Counsel: Justice O'Connor Retires From Supreme Court

Family Research Council thanks Justice O'Connor, the first woman on the United States Supreme Court, for her nearly twenty-four years of public service. FRC President Tony Perkins has released the following statement:

Eagle Forum: Supreme Court Vacancy Petition to President Bush

Today, Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor announced her retirement from the court. This marks the beginning of certainly grueling fight over her replacement. O'Connor, though appointed by President Reagan as the first woman to serve on the Supreme Court, was not a strict constructionist. Her rulings in favor of abortion and restrictions on campaign speech suggest she was a disappointment to President Reagan.

Grassfire: Sandra Day O'Connor Resigns - Grassfire Delivering 250,000 Petitions to the White House Next Week! [click-Take Action]

The resignation of Sandra Day O'Connor marks the beginning of a crucial time period for Grassfire and all of our members. O'Connor has been the key swing voter on the bench for the past quarter of a century. With O'Connor's resignation we are expecting the opposition to mobilize and demand a moderate nominee, Grassfire is calling on all citizens to raise their voice on this critical issue. Grassfire's President, Steve Elliott will be delivering 250,000 petitions to the White House next week demanding a Pro-Life, Pro-Family nominee who strictly rules by the original intent of the Constitution of the United States. Alert you friends to be part of our historic petition delivery! Sign the Petition!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 97 of 140

Concerned Women for America (CWA): Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor Announces Retirement!

Be sure to watch Concerned Women for America's policy experts as they respond to Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's retirement from the Supreme Court today and the significance of a Supreme Court vacancy for our nation:

Eagle Forum's Court Watch

Iran President was Captor Say (US) Hostages, Bush Wants Answers

WASHINGTON, JUNE 30: President George W. Bush said on Thursday, he wanted answers on whether Iranian President-elect Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was a leader in the 1979 US Embassy siege as some former hostages have said.

Iranian President-Elect May Be '89 Killer

VIENNA, Austria - An exiled Iranian dissident on Saturday said Iran's newly elected president - already accused of taking American diplomats hostage 36 years ago - played a key role in the 1989 execution-style slayings of a Kurdish opposition leader and two associates in Vienna.,2933,161419,00.html

Fact Monster: Iran hostage crisis (1979-1981)

Iran hostage crisis, in U.S. history, events following the seizure of the American embassy in Tehran by Iranian students on Nov. 4, 1979.

Religious Beliefs of the Pilgrims

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 98 of 140 What religious beliefs did the Pilgrims have, that made them so intolerable to the English authorities? The following is a list of some of the religious issues of the day, and the Pilgrims' beliefs regarding them. The most commonly-owned book in early Plymouth Colony (outside of the Bible and psalm book) was John Dod's "Exposition on the Ten Commandments", followed by pastor John Robinson's "Observations Divine and Moral".

Hollywood Transformation Invites Partners to Come on Board

*FACT*: The media has a more dramatic effect on society as a whole than any other single venue. Hollywood Transformation Coalition gets the word out about how churches, ministries and prayer groups can cooperate and work together to bring transformation to Hollywood.

Quick News Alert "FireBug" from

FireBug delivers messages directly to your desktop as news breaks. This is cutting-edge technology and the fastest way to keep our team members informed. It takes about 3 minutes to complete the process. Provide your name and email then download and install the program.

Schiavo's Remains Buried Amid Acrimony

TAMPA, Fla. -- The burial of Terri Schiavo's cremated remains didn't bring an end to the acrimony between her husband and her family. Michael Schiavo angered his late wife's family Monday by not notifying them about the burial beforehand and by inscribing on her bronze grave marker the words "I kept my promise." Michael Schiavo _ who said he promised his wife he would not keep her alive artificially _ also listed Feb. 25, 1990, as the date his wife "Departed this Earth."

Polygamy Sect Leader (Mormon/LDS) Indicted

PHOENIX — The leader of a polygamous sect has been charged with sex crimes for allegedly arranging a marriage between a teenage girl and a 28-year-old man who was already married, prosecutors said. Warren Jeffs, president of the Fundamental Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, was charged with counts that include conspiracy to commit sexual conduct with a minor, prosecutors said Friday. If convicted, he could face up to two years in jail. Authorities do not know where Jeffs is and were hoping the release of his name would help result in his arrest. Jeffs has not been seen publicly in more than a year and is thought by some to be in Texas on a new church ranch.,2933,159274,00.html

Christianity and Mormonism (LDS) are Very Different

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 99 of 140 Following are a few considerations as to why Mormonism is a cult and in no way resembles Christianity.

Baby Got Book {Bible} (Streaming Video)

Baby Got Book video. To view the video, click on the video and the player will automatically detect your connection speed and media type.

Lewd Training Video Embarrasses San Francisco 49ers Football Team

The San Francisco 49ers apologize for the inappropriate and tasteless video produced as part of a player training program this past season.

Paris Hilton Ad for Carl's Jr./Hardee's Ultimate Example of Corporate Irresponsibility (CLICK HERE TO TAKE ACTION NOW)

This blatant sexually charged ad has no place on the public airwaves, and especially when children are in the audience. Carl's Jr./Hardee's need to be held responsible for marketing their raunchy, sexually graphic ad to millions of children via broadcast television and at the Carl's Jr./Hardees' web sites without any restrictions, said L. Brent Bozell, president of the Parents Television Council (PTC). *Note I don't think Carl's Jr./Hardee's is interested in what customers have to say. I filled out the form and the Email was blocked by Carl's Jr./Hardee's. [Originating IP address has been blocked by domain administrator. Delivery failed for the following recipient(s): [email protected] [email protected]]

A Letter from the Devil (Animated)

A LETTER TO YOU FROM SATAN. I saw you yesterday as you began your daily chores. You awoke without kneeling to pray. As a matter of fact, you didn't even bless your meals, or pray before going to bed last night. You are so unthankful, I like that about you. I cannot tell you how glad I am that you have not changed your way of living.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 100 of 140 Witches Seek Mainstream Status. To be sure witches are out of the broom closet and walking down main street. In fact, they are going to great lengths to sanitize their reputation and remake their image. That is easy to see when you see media articles with titles like - Witches spell it out: Don't Stereotype Us, and I Am Not A Wicked Witch. In the process of trying to remake themselves to be acceptable to mainstream Americans they use deceptive schemes, old tricks and dirty lies to accomplish their goal. The following are but a few examples.

Harvest Warriors Newsletter Archive

Harvest Warriors is a spirit filled Christian ministry led by Rev. Daniel Yoder and his wife Rebecca (Brown) Yoder, M.D. This dynamic couple minister together as a team to boldly teach biblical truths with an authority based on their own extensive and unique experiences. The goal of Harvest Warriors is to raise up an army for God in these last days, empowered and trained to do the spiritual warfare necessary to reap a bountiful harvest of souls for Christ.

They Sold Their Soul for Rock and Roll - Video Clips - (10 Hour 4 DVD Set)

Brace yourselves, as you view rare footage that MTV and VH1 would not dare show you. This unbelievable four-hour video will leave you picking your jaw off the ground, as you see hundreds of artists who are being used by Satan to destroy our youth.

Great Moments with President Lincoln (short movie or audio downloads)

A tribute to a man who lives in the heart of all freedom loving people.


A three day conference and festival for emerging leaders and worshipers.

Email Daily Devotion - My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers

Enter your email address above to subscribe to the email edition of My Utmost for His Highest. Receive inspiration from Oswald Chambers FREE each morning.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 101 of 140 Time to Boycott Carl's Jr.(Hardee's)?

I saw the new Carl's Jr. commercial, featuring Paris Hilton, last night while watching 24. All I can say is, it was soft-core porn at its best. I was embarrased watching it with my wife. Is it time to get the message to Carl's Jr. that this is an inappropriate way to sell burgers? Is a boycott in order? Wadda ya think? --- More to come on this one.

What Carl's Jr. Offers for Sale is Beef Burgers, But What it Serves on TV is Smut ...

I don't see how Carl's Jr. and Hardee's can prosper without the patronage of millions of adults who are concerned about the erosion of decency in the mainstream media and the effects that pornography and 'popular culture' (like the prurient Carl's Jr. ad) are havig on youth. "Barring an emergency, I won't be stopping at Carl's Jr. or Hardee's in the future, and I would encourage other adults who are concerned about the decline of moral values to also pass them by."

Movie Sneak Peek: The Chronicles of Narnia (Trailer - [Quick Time] Version Only)

Watch the trailer for 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,' part of C.S. Lewis beloved 'Chronicles of Narnia.'

Narnia Movie a Minefield for Disney

The story is a parallel of the death and resurrection of [Jesus] Christ: C.S. Lewis was one of the greatest Christian thinkers of the last century. His books are read, reread, quoted, excerpted, and passed along almost like religious tracts by many Christians, and Christians -- who already have a love/hate relationship with Hollywood -- will want to make doubly sure that a film version of one of the best-loved novels in Christendom remains faithful to its message of sacrifice and redemption. If the film downplays or dilutes the Christian message in any way, count on an outcry.

Creekside Church: Sunday Sermons MP3

To enable and motivate people to discover and carry out what God wants.

Ebenezer Evangelical Church [Bristol England]: Sunday Sermons MP3

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 102 of 140 Ebenezer (Ebe) is a local community church in Horfield in Bristol, England. We are a lively, family church and welcome everyone to be part of this family. There are many opportunities of meeting people and also discovering the 'reality' of a life-transforming relationship with Jesus. Ebe is also part of the 'Celebration Churches' Network in Bristol and so meets regularly with other churches. Review of Witchcraft, Astrology & Magic

Pharoah's magicians and wise men could not interpret his dream, but God through Joseph could.

Vision Forum Internship Programs: Creative Media Internship or General Track (Business) Internship

The application deadline for our 2005 internships is fast approaching! The internships - which emphasize biblical manhood, practical business skills, and preparation for Christian leadership - are available to young men who are Christian home educators and who possess a servant's spirit, a teachable heart, and a desire to work hard serving a ministry devoted to the restoration of the Christian family.

The Teen Mania Honor Academy - The Honor Academy is Home to More than 700 Undergraduate and Graduate Interns

The Honor Academy is a 12-month internship that incorporates hands-on ministry experience, classroom instruction, Life-Transforming Events and small group accountablility friendships to create an environment conducive to intense spiritual growth, leadership development and ministry preparation. Interns develop character, vision, discipline and wisdom as they are inspired to know and seek God in all areas of their lives.

Grace Bible Church: Sunday Sermons MP3

Our ministry has but one Head, Jesus Christ. Eph.1:22-23 states that God put "all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all." The church is Christ's church and is subject to Him (Eph. 5:23-24). He is the Chief Shepherd. All those in leadership at Grace Bible are merely under-shepherds.


Evil has spread across the land. Martial Law: 9/11 Rise of the Police State exposes the high-tech control grid that is being set up across America. Out of the ashes of the September 11th tragedy, a dark empire of war and tyranny has risen. The Constitution has been shredded and America is now a Police State. This film exposes not just who was behind the 9-11 attacks, but the roots and history of its orchestraters

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 103 of 140

How to Resign From the Mormon (LDS) Church

Each year thousands of people decide to formally resign from the Utah-based Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is popularly known as the Mormon or 'LDS' church. The church releases detailed annual statistics about membership numbers, but they never include the numbers about resignations. This site was created to provide members of the church with information on how to resign from the church.

The American Tract Society Celebrates 180 Years of Service

Today, May 11th, marks the 180th anniversary of the American Tract Society. Founded in 1825, ATS has been "turning lives around" with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ for nearly two centuries.

The Case for Creationism

Is there any scientific evidence of evolution? We wrongfully teach it in schools evolution as if it were a truth and not what it is - a far out whacko theory.


Does all of this prove that creation scientists have been shown to be correct, and all attempts to contrive an evolutionary explanation for the origin of the moon will be abandoned? Of course not. But the results so far are precisely what creation scientists expected. That is, no theory postulating a naturalistic, mechanistic, evolutionary origin of the moon will be consistent with the actual data derivable from the moon because it did not arise as the result of such a process. On the other hand, if the data could be made to conform to an evolutionary theory on the moon's origin, reasonable or not, evolutionists would be proclaiming victory. Headlines on the front pages of practically every major newspaper in the world would have proclaimed, "Moon data solve mystery of its origin." Of course' no such headlines appeared. To evolutionists, in spite of the wealth of data gathered from our visits to the moon, or perhaps we should say, because of the data obtained from our visits to the moon, its origin remains as mysterious as ever.

Virtual Pilgrimage to Israel (Holy Land) aprox. 1200-1400 A.D

Taking the Pilgrim Vow: The key element that defined a pilgrimage was the pilgrim's vow. This was taken in public, before the bishop or a priest, and it marked the formal beginning of the pilgrimage. Upon return, it would be the same bishop or priest who declared the vow fulfilled, marking the person's return to normal life.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 104 of 140 Photos of Jerusalem - Dome of the Rock - Muslim Shrine

Built atop the earlier location of the (Jewish) Temple, the Dome of the Rock was built by the Muslim ruler Abd el-Malik in 688-691. Because of its situation on bedrock, the numerous earthquakes over the centuries have not caused significant damage to the structure (unlike its neighbor Al Aqsa mosque). This shrine was covered by a lead dome from 691 until it was replaced with a gold-colored covering in 1965. Because of rust, the anodized aluminum cover was again replaced in 1993 with a gold covering.

The Greatest Revival Ever on Earth is Taking Place in the 10/40 Window

The greatest revival ever on earth is taking place in the 10/40 Window countries of Asia. Every day in communist China over 25,000 people accept Christ. In India, an estimated 15,000 people are turning to Jesus daily. In the early eighties there were only 15,000 known Christians in the Himalayan country of Nepal compared to over 200,000 followers of Christ today.

1040 Window of Opportunity

You are invited to embark on a journey toward the peoples of our planet. Allow, if you will, exotic cultures and customs to color your soul and cause you to consider God's call to love His creation as He does.

The 10/40 Window Getting to the Core of the Core

The core of the unreached people of our world live in a rectangular-shaped window! Often called "The Resistant Belt", the window extends from West Africa to East Asia, from ten degrees north to forty degrees north of the equator. This specific region, which has increasingly become known as The 10/40 Window, encompasses the majority of the world's Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists -- billions of spiritually impoverished souls.

Noah's Ark? Book now Available

The Boat Shaped Object on Doomsday Mountain. On June 20, 1987, the Turkish government officially dedicated an area in eastern Turkey as the site of Noah's Ark. Near the Iranian and Russian borders, the dedication of this site and the surrounding area as a national park was a strong affirmation in the archaeological world. Ron Wyatt, of Nashville, Tennessee, was the guest of honor at that ceremony. The Turkish authorities credited Ron, an amateur archaeologist, as being directly responsible for substantially proving that the boat shaped object on these Ararat mountains is indeed the remains of the ancient ark.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 105 of 140 The Basic Christian RSS Info/News Feed Full View (

View the entire up to date Basic Christian info/news feed.

National Day of Prayer 5 May 2005

National days of prayer have been called as early as 1775 with the First Continental Congress. Abraham Lincoln called for such a day in 1863. In 1952 Congress established a National Day of Prayer by joint resolution, which was signed into law by President Truman and later amended by President Regan.

Peppered Moth Evolution Kit

In 1953 Bernard Kettlewell performed a set of experiments that proved that predation by birds was responsible for the peppered moth population changing from mostly white to mostly black. The reasoning was that industrial pollution had caused the barks of trees to turn dark... There's just one problem. Some are beginning to say that the case of the peppered moth may be one of the biggest cases of scientific fraud of the twentieth century, up there with the (Piltdown Man). You see, moths tend not to rest on tree trunks during the day; their main predators are bats, not birds; and anyway, birds see more in the UV range than people do, so what looks camouflaged to us may not look so to a bird. Given this, how did Kettlewell achieve his suspiciously perfect results? Rumors of fraud are in the air.

Is the Sky Falling?: The Kansas Evolution Vote

Listening to all the Chicken Littles in the press, you'd think the sky had fallen in Kansas. When the Kansas Board of Education voted not to include macro-evolution in their state standards, dozens of hand wringing editorials decried the vote as" religious prejudice," "banning knowledge," and" destructive to education." As we speak, lawsuits are being threatened.

Last Flight Out (Movie - DVD)

World Wide Pictures presents an intense story of international rescue and unresolved romance. Richard Tyson ("Black Hawk Down") stars as Dan Hogan, a washed-up pilot stuck repossessing private jets. That is, until Dan's former boss hires him to rescue his daughter (and Dan's ex-girlfriend) from the drug runner terrorizing her remote village.

Christian Penpals for Those in Prison

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 106 of 140 We are a group of Christians reaching out to the lonely men and women in prison. Most of the inmates contacting us have already accepted Jesus or they are seeking God. All of them are lonely, discouraged, and rejected; in need of a caring friend. Jesus has a special place in His heart for hurting people and He calls us to minister to their need. In Matthew 25:35-36, Jesus says "I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me." Then He explains "In as much as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to Me." In Luke 5:32-32, Jesus says "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance." Please read also Psalms 107:9-16, Isaiah 42:7, and 2Cor.5:17.

Adam's Web Page

A home page glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ providing quality Christian links, Info, Christian and other freeware, Veterans links - Info, USAF Travels, a Tribute to my Sister, Christian humor and Golf links.

Faith and Action Winter Conference 2005, January 22 - 24

Reverend Rob and Paul Schenck invite you to join them, their families and ministry team for three important days of prayer, ministry and fellowship at the Faith and Action Winter Conference 2005, January 22 - 24

Individual Life stories, Christian (Testimony)

I knew that he (God) was trying to tell me something, that I had no life without him... and I didn't.

Memo From the Big Guy (God)

I am God. Today I will be handling all of your probems. Please remember that I do not need your help. If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do not attempt to resolve it. Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. It will be addressed in My time, not yours. Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it. If you find yourself stuck in traffic; don't despair, there are people in this world for whom driving is an unheard of privilege. ...

Welcome to

Thank you for visiting the 2004 pro-life voter's guide at Choose your state to find information for candidates for Congress and statewide office.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 107 of 140 Election Questions on Jay Sekulow Live (Audio)

With Election Day just days away, Jay examines the latest litigation and our efforts to ensure that the election process complies with the U.S. Constitution with the formation of the ACLJ Election Law Compliance Team.

Stolen Honor - Full Internet Version

Watch the entire John Kerry Stolen Honor documentary on-line. Options to view short select topic clips are also available.


Thanksgiving Holiday background information, Presidential declarations, articles and audio messages.

Faith Vote

Faith Action and our partner organizations are rallying people of faith across the country by the hundreds and thousands to take a simple pledge and say "I'm A Faith Voter" What does this mean? Simply this: we are calling on people of faith to put their faith before their vote - to give the issues of their faith prime importance when they go to the polls this November!

Faith and Action at Capital Hill

Welcome to Faith and Action! I'm Rob Schenck, your missionary to Capitol Hill. We're grateful for your interest in our work. Your prayers and your support help us carry out this vital mission to our elected and appointed officials. Enjoy your visit!

Pre Crusade Prayer for Billy Graham

PURPOSE: To unite the Greater Los Angeles area churches for prayer and consecration; and to present ourselves before the Lord asking His anointing and power to be upon us as we proclaim Christ as Savior and Lord at the Rose Bowl. By early November, the preparation will be virtually complete; we will call upon God as one body for Him to fill us and use us to lead people to Christ.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 108 of 140 Stolen Honor a John Kerry Documentary

You can join the mission to reveal the truth about John Kerry -- the story the mass media won't tell. All sponsors of $30 or more will receive a DVD or VHS tape of this important documentary.

Being a Christian is a lot like being a Pumpkin

God lifts you up, takes you in, and washes all the dirt off you ...

Sign Petition to keep Sen. Specter from chairing the Senate Judiciary Committee

Sen. Specter indicates he would apply a pro-choice litmus test to the president's nominees and would likely not pass them out of committee if they did not meet that litmus test.

Sen. Specter Warns Bush On Judicial Nominees

Describing Specter as showing "ingratitude" and "the height of arrogance," Perkins said the moderate Republican senator "has spent much of his public life fighting against the confirmation of pro-life judges -- including leading the fight against Ronald Reagan's nominee to the Supreme Court, Robert Bork."

Kingdom Ventures Media Communications a Faith-Based Products Group

Our mission is to become the foremost Christian Media and Products Company. Our Goal is to combine our Family of Companies, providing services and products, serving to distinguish and mobilize the largest affinity group in the world: the Christian Community. The bottom line: to impact the market driven world culture with a united Christian Voice and Perspective. The Mission Statement of Kingdom Ventures is "Resourcing Christian People and Equipping the Church to Penetrate the Culture."

Arafat The Monster

YASSER ARAFAT died at age 75, lying in bed surrounded by familiar faces. He left this world peacefully, unlike the thousands of victims he sent to early graves.

Arafat's Dark Legacy

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 109 of 140 Yet beyond the terrorism, extortion, embezzlement and intimidation lies Arafat's most unfortunate ongoing impact: The inculcation of murderous values in an entire generation of Palestinians, who have been educated under Arafat's direction to continue the fight of jihad against Israel, rather than compromise to end the decades-long conflict. How many generations will it take to undo Arafat's dark legacy?

Specter In Hot Water Again Over Anti-Christian Fundraising Letter

Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA), whose comments last week have been interpreted as a warning to President George W. Bush not to nominate any conservative judges to be considered by the U.S. Senate, is in hot water again with pro-life, pro-family Christian Republicans over a presidential exploratory fundraising letter he sent in 1995 calling religious leaders like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Ralph Reed, and Pat Buchanan "radical extremists."

Welcome to

Thank you for visiting the 2004 pro-life voter's guide at Choose your state to find information for candidates for Congress and statewide office.

Independent Christian film festival semi-finalists announced

With gratitude to the Lord for His providential hand of blessing, Vision Forum Ministries is pleased to announce the semi-finalists for its 2004 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival. Imagine our delight when, on the week of the deadline, more than 120 film submissions flooded our offices. We hope you will join us on November 11-13 as we screen these films and then select the Jubilee Award winners, including our $10,000 prize best-of-festival winner.

First Family Church (Audio Files)

We are a dynamic, growing community of faith, hope, and love, and exist to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. We thank you for visiting our website and invite you to attend one of our services.

Form to Submit Items to the Basic Christian RSS Newsfeed

Submit your event, website or information to the Basic Christian RSS Newsfeed.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 110 of 140 Priests for Life Election Action Center

Action items, Reference links, Candidate positions - How do I know where the candidates stand?For up-to-date information on the candidates' positions, click here.

Signs in Nature

The Bible says that in the last days there would be signs in the sun, moon, stars, etc. as well as an increase in natural disasters. These signs would be like "birth pangs" to warn of the lateness of the hour, although they would manifest more profoundly during the Tribulation. We see their increase, however, in our day. They serve as a warning and in some cases as judgments from God before the Tribulation.

Know Him Christian Inspiration

Sometimes the daily "grind" can squelch our spirit. This page is designed to be a weekly stopping point for you to receive some inspiration, May God speak to you through these words

Introduction To 100 Key Christian History Events

Imagine for a moment that you are approached by someone largely unfamiliar with the Christian church who asks you what are the most important things that have happened in our history. Excluding any event recorded in the Bible, what would you say? What would you list in your top ten?

Vintage Sermons Mp3 Downloads

Welcome to the ChristiansUnite Online Sermons. We are pleased to offer you these sermons in association with Here you will find hundreds of vintage sermons from some of the greatest preachers and teachers as well as many contemporary greats. Most are in mp3 format, and are from 2-5 meg in size, although some may be much larger. All sermon downloads are free for personal and ministry use!

The Jesus Nebula - The Face of Jesus Christ

Scientists at NASA see cones, pillars, and majestic flowing shapes abounding in stellar nurseries where natal clouds of gas and dust are buffeted by energetic winds from newborn stars. Others are inspired by the wonders of the God's creations and see something different. Look at this image from a distance, can you see the image of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, crowned by a sparkling ring of thorns as stars?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 111 of 140

Individual Life stories, how and why people became Christians (Testimony)

Real life stories and Testimonials from people describing how and why they became a Christian.

I am a Christian now what do I do

Having now given your life to the Lord Jesus Christ you might have the feeling of what do I do now? Here are some simple guidelines of what to do next to help you grow in your loving relationship with God the Lord Christ Jesus.

Christian Jobs

More Than Just A Job Bank. We Provide You With Links To Tons Of Career Resources and Job Banks That Serve The USA... For FREE.


There is a wonderful book which contains everything we need to know to live our lives the way our Creator intended (II Timothy 3:16,17). There are countless truths to live by found in this book, God's message to mankind, but if we were to boil everything down to its most basic message, this book, the Bible, makes three things clear...

From Ordinary to Great [Small Group Ministry]

So often, we think that in order to build community or reconnect with God we need to do things that require a great deal of equipment, preparation, and resources. We often feel like spiritual amateurs, and the idea of leading a small group or ministry, of taking others on a spiritual adventure, can seem daunting. But in today's featured article, "From Ordinary to Great," Lifetogether's Brett Eastman reminds us that God's in control of our communities, and the only piece of equipment we really need is an open heart.

Church Directory of the United States

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 112 of 140 Welcome to the most complete church directory on the web. Churches are listed in all of the 50 states and certain other parts of the world. Church Angel is updated daily, seven days a week, with the most current listings. Area codes are updated as quickly as possible. Every effort is made to keep the church listings up to date. The final responsibility of updated listings is that of the churches.

Recommended Free Anti Spyware and Adware Removal Programs

The easiest and safest way to remove these types of programs is with specific spyware removal software programs which are designed to do so safely. These programs are very similar to Anti-Virus software which, unfortunatly, currently do not protect consumers from adware or spyware.

G3 Stories Devotions Links

Welcome to! If you are wondering, G3 stands for Give God the Glory. "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." -- 1 Corinthians 10:11. This is a place where you can be encouraged and be an encouragement to others as you share what God is doing in your life. By doing so, God will be glorified. Psalm 96:3 says, "Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples." (NIV) This is our mission. We are a Bible centered, non-denominational organization.

Free Christian

This website is designed to assist Christian webmasters in locating suitable free content for their web sites. Some of the content on this site has been designed by Free Christian and there are plans to develop much more. Everything on this web site should be appropriate for use on a Christian web site. This web site also displays all of the content that it lists. That will provide you with an opportunity to see the content as it might appear on your site. It also means that even if you aren't looking for free content you will still find this site entertaining and informational. Take a look around.

See You at the School Flag Pole [Event 9-15-2004]

How deeply do you desire to connect with God? Are you desperate to see a mighty movement of God on your campus and throughout your generation? In the first decade of recent centuries, God has moved in astonishing ways to bring spiritual awakenings through students. We are living in that time right now. Could a spiritual awakening move throughout your campus and your generation?

Christian Fellowship Devotionals - Free Daily Email Devotionals

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 113 of 140 Would you come and share your morning break with us? If you don't get a break until late, that would be fine too. If you're curious, confused, hurting or looking for a moment of peace in your daily ritual, we have a solution for you. The free daily devotions from the Christian Fellowship Devotionals authors. They are available either by email or here at this site. The price is right, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Come on and give it a try. We'd be happy to share a few minutes with you each day.

Christian Testimony [Egypt - Muslim]

I am Ibrahim who, for the sake of my family's security, go also by the nickname Timothy Abraham. I am a simple Egyptian from the Delta region. Farms surrounded me from every side with streams of the luxurious Nile River endowing life with fertility. I had a strong Islamic upbringing in my childhood, studying in the village shop for teaching the Quran (al-Kutaab). They taught me to fear God (Allah in Arabic) who created the Heaven and the earth in six days. There was not a single reason to doubt a religion which emphasized fearing God, doing good work and living a moral life. The recitation of the Quran was meant to produce a sense of tranquillity. I enjoyed the Sufi circle of worship, as they adored the person of Muhammad. This was Abu-al-Azayem's group. I was searching for more closeness with Allah Almighty.

A Christian's Testimony of God's Holy Bible (PDF)

The following has been written as a Christian's testimony of God's Holy and Living Word, not lost; but readily available to any who want it. It may be used as is, you may draw a testimony of your own from it, or you may use the various scriptural references to present the truth in love concerning God's Holy Book.

The Hope: God's Promise for all People [Flash]

God's redemptive story from beginning to end for every tongue, tribe and nation. 12 chapters plus a conclusion also available on DVD and VHS.

Hope: A Better Day is Coming (Modern View - New Zealand)

Hope means that our future as believers does not have to develop from what is presently possible, but from what is possible for God. Christian hope is essentially creative; it believes and expects new things. We believe in a God who says "Behold, I make all things new" (Revelation 21:5), a God "with whom all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26), a God who "gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist" (Romans 4:17). Hope is optimistic in the best sense. It opens us to genuinely new realities and experiences, revealing new possibilities for us who believe, delivering us from despair, and freeing us for loving service and hope-filled mission in society.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 114 of 140 Contemporary Audio Messages is the leading provider of Christian audio content on the Internet. Here's what that means for you: Listen to your favorite Christian broadcasters, such as James Dobson, Chuck Swindoll, Kay Arthur, Joni Eareckson Tada, and Chuck Colson any time, at your convenience!

Calvary Christian Church Mp3's

This week's Featured Church: Welcome to the Calvary Christian Church. We are a non denominational Bible Church located in Bellevue, Nebraska

Why I'm Thankful to be an American

The conventional wisdom is that immigrants come to America for one reason: to make money. It is endlessly conveyed in the "rags to riches" literature on immigrants, and it is reinforced by America's critics, who think America buys the affection of immigrants by promising to make them filthy rich. But this Horatio Alger narrative is woefully incomplete; indeed, it misses the real attraction of America to immigrants, and to people around the world. It misses why the pilgrims came here nearly four hundred years ago, and why we celebrate Thanksgiving each year.

Pro-Life Advocates: Vote for President Bush

John Kerry Would Devalue Life. For pro-life advocates, the choice in this November's presidential elections is clear: President George W. Bush deserves your vote. [Part 1]

President Bush-Kerry Contest Could Decide Abortion for 30 Years

Every election year, there's always talk about the importance of the upcoming election in terms of its impact on abortion policy. There's no doubt, each election is considerably important. However, this time around, the stakes are higher than ever before. [Part 2]

Redeem the Vote Register to Vote

Redeem the Vote has a simple message: As a non-profit, non-partisan organization, Redeem the Vote aims to reach America's young people of faith and engage them into the 2004 election where voters will determine the direction of cultural issues that impact their lives. Redeem the Vote has a simple goal: Increase voter registration and voter turnout by young people of faith all across the nation.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 115 of 140

DNA vs. The Book of Mormon (LDS)

DNA vs. The Book of Mormon presents the evidence from DNA researchers, including Mormon scientists who are wrestling with the DNA dilemma that now faces Mormonism. In the end, God is faithful to once again make the truth plain to those who are willing to take an honest look.

Foundation for American Christian Education

Transforming the Mind and Heart of a Nation Your Premier Source for Christian Educational and Homeschool Resources. The Foundation for American Christian Education publishes classical education curriculum and resources based on the Principle Approach for Christian schools, home school parents, and Christians in general.

Back to School Tips for Christian Students [Skepticism]

It's that time of the year again! Christian young people who don't have enough money to attend Landover Baptist Academy for the Truly Saved will be storming secular schools across the Nation! Here are some great tips for fighting Satan on his own turf and claiming your school in the name of Jesus! Wear the Full Armor of Christ! No Christian student is complete or whole without being modestly dressed and groomed...

Higher Education: Finding College Roomates - Rooms for Rent

Our mission is to provide a global marketplace where tenants and landlords can match ALL their housing needs. is not just for Sublets. At people from all over the world sign leases from one day to one decade; furnished and unfurnished, with roommates and without, with pets and without, with good credit and with bad credit, and at all price ranges. prides itself on maintaining a complete and updated database of every kind of rental. Whether your rental situation is unique or ordinary we can help you realize your rental needs.

Greater Europe Mission

Impacting Europe by serving, prayer and supporting.Recently, the director of a Finnish Bible institute and the pastor of a key city church in Stockholm pleaded with me for more GEM missionaries. They requested as many as we could send, and they want them now. Leaders in Europe are asking for our help and God is opening the doors for us in exciting new ways. Jesus said, "The harvest is so great but the workers are so few -ask Him (the Lord) to send more workers".

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 116 of 140

Christian Testimony [Linda's Cozy Corner]

Some adversity would befall me and I'd beg and plead the Lord to death if he would get me out of this scrape, I promised to come back to Him. Sound familiar? Of course as soon as the smoke cleared, I'd be back to my old ways.

Crossing (Life's) Rivers

Have you ever crossed a river? No, not using a bridge, but rather venturing into the rushing current using only your legs?

Upcoming Christian Music Events

FEATURED EVENTS - Michael W. Smith, Steven Curtis Chapman, Kirk Franklin One Nation Tour- Michael W. Smith, MercyMe, David Band Carried Me: Summer Tour- , , Seven PlacesRestored Tour- Jeremy Camp, Building 429, Adam Watts

Mp3 Bible studies - aprox. 45 minutes in length

This web ministry is dedicated to seeing the Word of God studied, taught and distributed worldwide. Pastor Steve Wright offers these free Bible studies on-line so that the world may learn and understand the Word of God.

How the Tanners became Christians {Ex-Mormon}

Jerald and Sandra Tanner were raised in the LDS faith, both with a strong Mormon family history. Jerald is the great-great-grandson of John Tanner, well known for his sizeable financial contributions to Joseph Smith and the LDS church in 1835 when the church was deeply in debt. Sandra Tanner is a great-great-granddaughter of Brigham Young, the second president of the Mormon Church.

Archeologists claim they've found John the Baptist's cave

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 117 of 140 August 17, 2004 BY KARIN LAUB KIBBUTZ TZUBA, Israel -- Archeologists think they've found a cave where John the Baptist baptized many of his followers -- basing their theory on thousands of shards from ritual jugs, a stone used for foot cleansing and wall carvings telling the story of the biblical preacher. Only a few artifacts linked to New Testament figures have ever been found in the Holy Land, and the cave is potentially a major discovery in biblical archeology.

Ancient Mysteries: John The Baptist Cave And Skull Discovery

Amman: A cave unearthed last year under the remains of a fourth century Byzantine Church on the east bank of the Jordan River was the winter home of the Christian New Testament prophet John the Baptist, project director Mohammad Waheeb said yesterday. But experts are still investigating the identity of a human skull found near the cave to determine if it could also belong to John, who the Bible says was the cousin of Jesus Christ, Waheeb said.

How We Got the Bible in English

The Bible was a long time appearing in English, meeting much opposition and some abortive attempts along the way. This table shows some of the milestones in the effort. Christian Heritage Library has provided us with prefaces or prologues from three of the early versions. Click the provided links to view these samples.

List of Over 230 Online Christian Resources

Over 230 different online Christian ministries comprise the alliance, ranging greatly in size, vision, and purpose. Browse through the list below, or if you're looking for a specific type of resource, try the categorical list of ministries.

Travel The Road - Missionary Journeys (12 episodes DVD)

Current Episode: The guys feel the heat as they continue across Ethiopia. Heavy persecution, close encounters with dangerous wildlife, and a major change will test their moxie. But let's face it, they didn't choose life on the road for the souvenir mugs.

Memo From the Big Guy (God)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 118 of 140 I am God. Today I will be handling all of your probems. Please remember that I do not need your help. If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do not attempt to resolve it. Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. It will be addressed in My time, not yours. Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it. If you find yourself stuck in traffic; don't despair, there are people in this world for whom driving is an unheard of privilege. ...

Christian Testimony [Iraq]

I was born into an Iraqi Sunni Muslim family.At an early age I become a committed Muslim (e.g. praying daily, and fasting Ramadan). The older I got the more faithful I became to Allah, not just by becoming a good Muslim but also by bringing others to Islam.


For many years, we have been struggling for the simplest of our human rights, the freedom of belief and the freedom of worship. We have been imprisoned, tortured, followed by the security police and subjected to all forms of abuse for our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Christian Portal Site

Mega Audio Sermon site 3,209 Sermons available. This is a temporary Streaming-Listening site until their Download site comes back online.

Creation Science Evangelism - Free Seminar Downloads

Dr. Hovind is known for his 17-hour award-winning seminar series. Including topics such as the Age of the Earth, and the so-called "Cavemen"! Many things are covered in great detail in this series, such as Carbon Dating, DNA, Whale evolution, horse evolution, and the human body! You're definitely going to be blown away by the information in these materials.

Fiber Optics (found) on Noah's Ark?

A Picture is worth a thousand Words. Wyatt Archaeological Research photos tell the story. In 1985 a six-inch hole was drilled into the area marked by an arrow, as seen on the photo above. By way of that hole, matrix material samples were taken from within a cavity. Careful examination of the samples with the naked eye revealed fibers that appeared to be hair. In 1993 these fibers were evaluated by a fiber expert in one of the nations leading crime labs. Scroll down for the photos.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 119 of 140

Faking Church Do we really want to serve God - or is it more rewarding to just look the part?

Ned sits down next to his wife, Tanya, in the church his family has called home for many years. He smiles, waves, jokes, and engages in friendly banter with everyone around him. He is a fixture in the church, having been involved in leadership for many years. Ned is well known, well liked, and deeply admired for his spiritual life. Frank, one of the men he has discipled, waves to him from across the church. Ned smiles and waves back. He remembers sharing with Frank how to live the Christian life. Suddenly he feels a pang of guilt.

When Job-Hunting: Dress for Success

Should you be judged by what you wear? Perhaps not, but the reality is, of course, that you are judged. Throughout the entire job-seeking process employers use short-cuts -- heuristics or rules of thumb -- to save time. With cover letters, it's the opening paragraph and a quick scan of your qualifications. With resumes, it is a quick scan of your accomplishments. With the job interview, it's how you're dressed that sets the tone of the interview.

July 28, 1824 Feuerbach: the Theologian Who Wasn't

The story of Christianity is also the story of attacks on Christianity. On this day July 28, 1804 Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach was born. His father was a well-known jurist who exerted tremendous influence in the field of German law. He was also a petty, moralizing tyrant at home who betrayed Feuerbach's mother for another man's wife. It has sometimes been remarked that the ranks of atheists are most often joined by men who hate their fathers. Feuerbach, who had much reason to dislike his father, attacked Christianity mercilessly. Like his follower Marx, he adopted materialist presuppositions and therefore considered his critique of the faith scientific.

Seafood Recipies: Shrimp

Real recipies for real people.

10 Reasons to Invest in Your Career (You)

Not investing in yourself is like floating down a fast river without a paddle, map or knowledge of what's around the next bend. Things may go fine for a while, but at some point, you're going to realize you made a giant mistake.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 120 of 140 Christian Testimony [Scotland]

Although I didn't know it at the time, God was still at work in my life; he wasn't ignoring me, even though I was ignoring him. It was at this point that God gave me some skills to bring me closer to serving and worshipping him.

Billy Graham Message (Audio)

A Line in the Sand: Billy Graham describes the scene at the Alamo when the men were challenged to step across a line in the sand if they were willing to lay down their lives. He then challenges us to cross a spiritual line in our lives to follow Christ.

MOREY, Samuel [1762-1843] -- American inventor

Son of Gen. Israel Morey, an officer in the Revolutionary war, who served on the frontier. He removed to Orford, N. H., with his parents in 1766, and as he grew to manhood turned his attention to mechanics and chemistry. From 1780 to 1830 he devoted himself to practical experiments upon steam, heat and light, and to propelling boats by steam. Between 1790-93 he took out several patents for steam machinery, some of the models of which are in the possession of the New Hampshire Antiquarian society, and his prophecy of a boat propelled by steam was ridiculed by his neighbors

Samuel Morey: Inventor Extraordinary

THE ADVENT of the horseless carriage occurred within the memory of many persons living today. If the world had listened to a man by the name of Samuel Morey, an inventor who patented an internal combustion machine as early as 1826, the automobile would have been tooling along the roads of America some half a century and more before the construction of Charles E. Duryea's first gasoline motor car In 1891-92.

A 4th of July Links Page

Below are some reviewed Independance Day links, hand selected, for your patriotic enjoyment.

"Livin' It" skateboarding and BMX riding DVD

"Livin' It," a contemporary, relevant evangelistic tool that pastors, organizations and young Christians can boldly use to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 121 of 140

The Incredible 9-11 Evidence We've All been Overlooking

We have entered the Age of the Conjurer and it is going to be a tricky time. The 9-11 stunt was a huge magic trick and we all bought it at first. Magicians can be very convincing. You have to look very hard to see the trick and not be fooled. On this occasion slow motion exposes the sleight of hand, but remember how the magician works: he can make almost anything seem real if he can make his audience look in the wrong place at crucial moments.


Brewing iced coffee can be done using a conventional hot method or a cold water method. Cold water brewing extracts the smooth taste from coffee without extracting all the acids found in hot water brewing.

Networking & Your Job Search

Networking is the art of building alliances. It's not contacting everyone you know when you are looking for a new job and asking if they know of any job openings. Networking starts long before a job search, and you probably don't even realize you are doing it.

Home Faith: Family Spirituality

Ways to nurture your family's spiritual life.

Family Research Council

The Family Research Council (FRC) champions marriage and family as the foundation of civilization, the seedbed of virtue, and the wellspring of society. FRC shapes public debate and formulate public policy that values human life and upholds the institutions of marriage and the family. Believing that God is the author of life, liberty, and the family, FRC promotes the Judeo-Christian worldview as the basis for a just, free, and stable society.

Bullfrogs & Butterflies: Childrens (Audio)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 122 of 140 This awarding-winning song and story series will fill your home with fun-filled praise of the Lord. Each audio provides wholesome messages that are sure to last a lifetime. Printed Lyrics for all songs included.

Tomato Yogurt Salad

Tomato yogurt salad - a fresh easy to make springtime salad.

The Challenge of Maintaining a Christian Testimony in this Culture

Postmodernism is like a rising tide, blurring the character lines that were once clearly imprinted in our culture. Objective knowledge is unaccepted, the absolute is rejected, and the authority of God's Word is laughed off as foolishness. As a result, this generation is left adrift without an anchor.

Christian Testimony of KimYong Hwa [North Korea]

From that day, I made a cross with twigs and matches and started praying as I walked along the rail. Sometimes, I would draw a cross on the ground and pray. I'd say "God, please let me live. Show me a path for the person who is searching a free country from the North Korean dictator's regime. Lead me no matter how rough the path may be. Please watch over me not to give up hope. Amen." I prayed many times a day as I cross two thumbs to make a cross.

From Christian Science to Christ

No longer did I need to try to please a God who I thought demanded perfection from me! He had made His light to shine in my heart through Christ! A precious unmerited gift!

Mother's Day (Devotion) Being a Good Mother

Elisabeth Elliot: But too many women don't see motherhood as a vocation. The word vocation comes from the Latin word for voice. It means "a call," and I do believe with all my heart that there is no higher and no holier calling than Motherhood.

Evangelical Free Church of Santa Maria CA - (Audio Downloads)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 123 of 140 We're glad you stopped by our web site, and hope that the pages within will be a valuable resource to you and your family as you grow in the wisdom and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Nikola Tesla: He powered the world (HAARP) Predecessor

In Colorado Springs, where he stayed from May 1899 until 1900, Tesla made what he regarded as his most important discovery-- terrestrial stationary waves. By this discovery he proved that the Earth could be used as a conductor and would be as responsive as a tuning fork to electrical vibrations of a certain frequency. He also lighted 200 lamps without wires from a distance of 25 miles (40 kilometers) and created man-made lightning.

Nikola Tesla: Mysterious Death

In 1943 Nikola Tesla claimed that he had perfected his "death beam". He died shortly after in the Hotel New Yorker, where he had been living. The next morning after Tesla died, when his nephew came to his uncle's room at the hotel, the body was gone and many of his papers were missing.

Project HAARP: Holes in Heaven (Video)

Are we making Holes in Heaven? H.A.A.R.P. (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a controversial high frequency radio transmitter, or "ionospheric heater," [X-ray] .. Using HAARP our military plans to .. "see" into the Earth, detecting anything from oil reserves to underground missile silos.

HAARP: Weapons of Total Destruction

Editor's Note: Many articles have been written about HAARP. What this author wishes to make clear is that he believes HAARP is not the actual facility designed to be used as a military system but a "front" or "red herring" facility which allows the authorities to deny important questions about its purpose and operation. The real facility is located in Poker Flats, North of Fairbanks, Alaska. Please read the Congressional Executive Summary which is provided here in full for the truth.

HAARP: Did it cause the 2003 Blackout?

Did a Secret Military Experiment Cause the 2003 Blackout, [Editor's Note: It's hard to know for sure what happened on August 14, (East Coast Blackout) but I never felt that it was a natural occurence...]

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 124 of 140 HAARP: Mind-Control Conspiracy Series (Book)

Haarp: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy (The Mind-Control Conspiracy Series). acy_Series_0932813534.html

Project HAARP: Angels don't play this HAARP

Project HAARP: The Pentagon's provocative plan to superheat the earth's ionosphere.

Christian Camping International

Christian Camping International CCI/USA is a non-profit association that provides extensive programs, products, and services for the leaders of autonomous Christian camps and conferences nationwide. CCI/USA also maintains, through its membership records, the Internet's most extensive database of summer and year-round Christian faith-based camps, conference centers, and retreat centers.

Time Changer - Christian Movie DVD Recommendation

What if you could see the impact your beliefs will have on future generations? One man will in "Time Changer." Treat yourself, family and friends to this Exceptional Christian movie now available on DVD. It is a magnificent thought provoking movie based on the idea of what would a nation be like if God were left out from it's regular teachings, structure, and morality. The movie starts out in 1890 and Time Travels to the present day. But guess what? We have time traveled that distance as a Nation and as a people so it is not science fiction but known facts that the movie material is traveling through. The DVD should be available for rent at the local video stores and following is a link to the movie's website.

National Day of Prayer Thursday (Today) May 6, 2004 (Event)

Mark your calendar for Thursday, May 6, for the National Day of Prayer!

Family Night Tool Chest Book 2

Family fun without videos or, dare we say it, TV. Definitely rated G for Grrrreat. Id recommend this easy to read book to anyone who is interested in making certain their kids have the basic knowledge/ experience necessary to build a life centered on the God of the Bible. My compliments to the authors... Thank you for making a difference.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 125 of 140 eration_A_Heritage_Builders_Book_Family_Night_Tool_Chest_Book_2_078140097X.html

Christian Family Movement World Assembly 2004

9th World Assembly The 2004 International Confederation of Christian Family Movement's World Assembly with the theme, "Family: Artisans of an Evolving Society," will be held at Santa Clara University, CA on July 28-August 1, 2004.

Promise Keepers Men's Weblog

Promise Keepers Launches "Men's Web Log" PK wants to keep you up to date with the news beneath the news, what's really going on out there from the viewpoint of the 7 promises. With all the information and inspiration out in cyberspace, we'll do the web-surfing, so you can simply visit us for a few stories that will build you up or challenge you. Your contributions and comments are encouraged as well.

Don't crowd out God with your other "important" things.

You only have so much time and energy in your life and it is easy to waste it on things that do not really matter. Attend to the important things first or you won't have time for them later.

Today in History May 4

May 4th 1493 Spanish Pope Alexander VI divides America between Spain & Portugal. Source Following is a Timeline of eary America History 1492-1810.

Avocado and Beet Salad with Citrus Vinaigrette

It's not just the food, it's what we do with it. If we are going to eat ethically {healthfully}, we had better start eating together with each other and our children. When you eat together, and eat a meal that you cooked by yourself, you are involved with the process in a different way.

Individual Life stories, how and why people became Christians (Testimony)

I knew that he (God) was trying to tell me something, that I had no life without him... and I didn't.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 126 of 140

Crossing (Life's) Rivers

Have you ever crossed a river? No, not using a bridge, but rather venturing into the rushing current using only your legs?

The Essence Of Grace (Audio)

An audio Message From Berean Bible Church.

Community Fellowship Church Listen-Audio Page

Topics include the Passion Movie, Family, Individual Motivation.

Hitler Vs. The Church

The upshot: a ton of evidence that Hitler sought to wipe out Christianity just as surely as he sought to wipe out the Jews.

Flirting with Hitler - Gardian U.K. News

Gothic is a way of dressing, a taste in music, a style. But in Germany - at the extreme fringes - it has also become the point at which neo-Nazism and Satanism meet.,11981,841363,00.html

Hitler - Fascism from a (Muslim view) Qur'an is quoted

Looking at these three periods, we see that fascist culture belongs to the first and third. In other words, fascism was born out of pagan culture, and was later resurrected as a part of materialist culture. There was no fascist ideology or practice throughout the thousand or so years when Christian culture dominated Europe.

Warning: Hitler was a New-Ager (New Age Website)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 127 of 140 Hitler decided that Judaeo-Christianity had to be eradicated from the planet ... Yes, Hitler was a new-ager. If the New Age Movement ever succeeds in its dream of a world-government with a one-world religion (as per the U.N. Earth Charter) the end result will not be a blissful utopia but a fascist nightmare that will make the Holocaust look like a picnic ... The new age movement is in direct opposition to the True God. It is indeed on the side of the Devil, satan himself. People who are starting to get involved in new age thinking need to seriously ask themselves if they really want, ultimately, to go down that road - whilst they still have time to decide ...

Current events for Southern California

Current events listed by the Southern California Christian Radio Station Kwave 107.9 fm.

John Kerry's Abortion rally event turns Ugly

John Kerry's political event is marred by pushing, shoving and general intolerance from his gathered crowd of pro-abortion supporters.

A Photo history guide of early Tunisia (History)

Tunisia an area historically important to Christianity. The columns are the remains of an early Christian church. Here is where Augustine met with church leaders. ~Tertullian an early Church defender of the Christian faith was born near here in 160 AD.~

Navigators organization 61 years of dedication and service

April 29, 1943 - The Navigators trace their origin to this date, when founder Dawson Trotman began the work in San Pedro, CA. In 1943, this evangelical mission was formally incorporated, and is headquartered today in Colorado Springs, CO. Source:

Parents' Guide to the Spiritual Growth of Children (Family)

New Releases: Passing on a heritage of faith to children is an incredible privilege God gives to parents. And now there's a tool to help make it easy! In this new paperback edition, you'll find dozens of simple, practical ways to not only tell your children what you believe but to show them how to make faith in God part of everyday life.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 128 of 140 Pro-Life Event of the Year

National Right to Life Convention, July 1-3, Arlington, Virginia! Featuring Judge Andrew Napolitano of FoxNews, Jennifer O'Neill, actress and CoverGirl spokeswoman, and others! Three days filled with over 70 workshops. There's something for everyone -- teens, college students, and adults! Bring the family and enjoy 4th of July in our nation's capitol. Childcare available.

Pageant of our Lord a Living artwork exhibit

The Pageant of Our Lord is presented annually by Rolling Hills Covenant Church.Originally based on the popular Pageant of The Masters in Laguna Beach, CA. the Pageant of Our Lord depicts the Biblical history of the Old and New Testaments as told through great works of art. These master works of art are replicated live on stage with living models. The Pageant of Our Lord is popular in our local community, around the country, and around the world.The Pageant of Our Lord draws over 15,000 people each year to witness this wonderful event.

Free Sticker: Pat Tillman - American Hero

A limited free offer from scroll to the bottom of the Patriotic - Military list. ic/op=eq/sf=category/se=Military/op=eq/sf=inactive/se=1/op=ne/rf=sku/ml=16/tf=sku/to=x/va=banner_text=Pa triotic%20Bumper%20Sticker%20Saying%20:%20Military/va=banner_text=/va=banner_image=.html

Basic Christian: Newsletter, Updates, Blog

Basic Christian: Newsletter, Updates, Blog. Testifying of God, Heaven and of good things through Jesus Christ both now and yet to come.

Statement of Faith and Beliefs

We believe that Jesus physically rose from the dead, was seen by many eyewitnesses and has now ascended back into Heaven where He originally came from. He is seated in Majesty, Power and Authority alongside the Father and is currently accessible in both Prayer and Fellowship.

Jesus Walk 2006 (Easter) Timeline Devotion

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 129 of 140 Follow along with Jesus in the current Resurrection (Easter) Holiday dates of 2004 during the last Ten days leading up to and including His Cross and His Glorious Resurrection. It also marvelously explains and demonstrates that Jesus did indeed die and remain deceased for a total of 3 days and 3 nights and that He then Resurrected, returned from death, just as He prophesied that He would. This is a Personal Study-Journal encouraging the reader to include their own devotions during this 10 day journey with Jesus.

Basic Christian: Answers to Life's Questions (132 Topics)

An extensive resource, unparalleled in convenience and ease of use yet advanced in topic research. A Complete handy Reference - Study Guide/Tutorial. It covers 132 Christian Subjects and Topics from Adoption - Yahweh in an easy to read and understand format (169 pages).

Did Jesus have a wife and child, of course not!

Network TV is set to air a program that will insinuate that Jesus had a secret wife, Mary Magdalene and that the two had a child while He was here on the earth. Following is some material to consider regarding this very wrong and false topic.

Studying and understanding the four Gospels

Studying the Four Gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. How they relate to and correspond with each other. Of first Importance when reading and studying the Four Gospels is to recognize that each Gospel is written to a Specific defined audience and group of people.

Biblical Proof that Jesus is God

In many, many places the Bible references, referrers to and calls Jesus, God. Here are just a few! 1 Timothy 3:16 "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory."

Bible number meanings and usage

There are a handful of numbers that commonly reoccur throughout the entire Bible while other numbers generally do not even occur at all. Their usage and grouping is far to ordered and to consistent throughout the entire Bible to be considered irrelevant or incidental. Following is what is considered to be their common meaning.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 130 of 140

7 Miracles of Jesus from the Gospel of John

These are Seven Miracles preformed by Jesus and recorded in the Gospel of John by John a disciple and one of the original 12 Apostles of Jesus. John was an eyewitness present at each of these seven miracles. These miracles are illustrations representing the miracles that Jesus is currently doing in the life of each and every Christian.

Why the Christian Church gathers for worship on Sunday

Perhaps the First and Oldest custom of the Christian Church is to gather together on Sundays. What has distinguished and brought about Sunday Worship for all of these many years of Christianity?

The Royal Priesthood the High Calling of each Christian

The Royal Priesthood of The Christian Walk Illustrated with examples. As mentioned in the Epistle of 1st Peter 2:9 "But you are a chosen race, a Royal Priesthood for God's own possession."

The resurrection of Jesus and why it is important to humanity

The resurrection of Jesus shows to us and proves to us that Jesus is God just as He said that He is. No one else has ever bodily returned from death. We can now be certain that there is a God (Jesus), that our sins are forgiven by God and that we who believe in the forgiveness of our sins, because Jesus died in our place, we too can look forward to our own resurrected life in the presence of God (heaven).

Test to determine a true or false prophet

Everyone has an opinion but who's advice do we follow? Testing to determine if someone is a true prophet of God or a false prophet of man.

Muslim (Islam) and Mormon (LDS) are very similar

A comparison of the Muslim (Islam) and Mormon (LDS) Religions. How they are similar to each other and very different from Christianity.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 131 of 140

Military and Veterans info

Military service is perhaps the ultimate service. It has been well said about Military service that All gave some and Some gave All. This saying is also well applied to the family, friends and supporters of those who are in uniform.

War in Iraq keeping a perspective

Keeping a broader Perspective on the current world events and considering how they have Biblical End Times Significance.

What is a Christian

A Christian is a follower a disciple of Jesus Christ, a person who believes that Jesus is God! Christianity is Not a Religion and it is Not a Philosophy. Christianity is Relationship with God.

How to become a Christian (Salvation) message and prayer

To desire to be a Christian is to desire to be a child of God, to be a person in a personal relationship with God. To become a Christian is to partake in the actual event of receiving God the Holy Spirit inside of our own human spirit and therefore creating a new Spiritual life inside of us. It is this New Spiritual life that unites us and makes us children of God our Father.

I am a Christian now what do I do

Having now given your life to the Lord Jesus Christ you might have the feeling of what do I do now? Here are some simple guidelines of what to do next to help you grow in your loving relationship with God the Lord Christ Jesus.

Three stories with a heavenly focus

Big Christian service in the Little things that we do. Story The Limo Ride, Story The Cab Ride, Story Houses in Heaven.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 132 of 140

Links to other Christian websites

Links to other websites we have found to be particularly helpful in assembling much of the information that is available here on this web site. Look for this list to grow as we are determined to make this a useful Resource Center.

Free Downloads (pdf) from Basic Christian

It is our Commitment to provide a Varity of FREE and useful Downloads. It is also our Commitment to provide them in a convenient way without pop-up advertisements, redirects and other annoying interferences between you and the information you are seeking. We also encourage everyone to have a safety offline backup version of the Basic Christian material.

Welcome to the ATS Christmas Site

ATS has prepared a variety of materials to help you celebrate the birth of Christ. Visit all the pages and print out any of the materials that would be helpful to you.The Christmas season is full of opportunities to reach outside your usual circle of friends. Don't just lament the commercialization of Christmas, actively plan to share your faith this Christmas.

Comple Christmas Studys (Audio, Text)

In honor of the birth of Christ we have created this special page that deals with that event as well as those surrounding it. This page serves as a starting point for those seeking to study this great moment in history.

Advent Devotion: Unexpected Grace at the Sight of a Baby

I've heard the Christmas story hundreds of times, but never understood the significance of the baby Jesus until a few years ago after I discovered a traditional Christmas re-enactment celebrated primarily in Hispanic churches.

Biblical Christmas Stories and Articles

Joyful Heart Renewal Ministries Pastor Ralph F. Wilson, Director.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 133 of 140

Pearl Harbor: Remembered

Least We Forget. Created to honor the survivors of Pearl Harbor their families and friends and to those who died during the attack on that Sunday morning in December 7, 1941.

Christmastime event is no-Christian zone

In the latest skirmish over Christmas in America, a Christian group is not allowed to participate in Denver's annual Parade of Lights, because church members sought to sing yuletide hymns and proclaim a "Merry Christmas" message on their float.

Christmas Traditions

Christmas Holiday background information, articles and audio messages. Including a look at the traditional song "The 12 Days of Christmas".

Target Dept. Stores Reject Salvation Army (Atheist Discussion)

Target has decided not to allow the Sally (Salvation) Army to collect outside its doors this winter. I have no particular affection for the Salvation Army, but I shop with my kids a lot, and I like them to see people colecting for charity in the midst of the commercial horrors of Christmas.

Autumn Treasures: Autumn Cider

Serve this Apple Cider and Lemonade drink from a hollowed out pumpkin.

God's Golden Glory

A golden autum picture, poem and music.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 134 of 140 New Year's Day - History, Traditions, and Customs

"Happy New Year!" That greeting will be said and heard for at least the first couple of weeks as a new year gets under way. But the day celebrated as New Year's Day in modern America was not always January 1.


I have seen some religion books from my childs Catholic School that now have B.C.E and C.E. instead of B.C and A.D. I questioned one of the sisters about it and she said that the Church is now using Before Common Era and Common Era so as not to offend people that are not Christian. Another teacher said that it actually means Before Christian Era. I have read some sites that the use of BCE and CE started with some masons. I personally dont see, if the Church is getting rid of BC and AD, why She has to apologize for being Christian. Is the Church really changing or is this another ploy of liberals in the Church to compromise? Not only that but the religion book uses inclusive language for example one sentence says that "..God wants us to love God" instead of saying "God wants us to love Him." The whole book was missing the references of God as a male figure.

The Amazing Bible World History Timeline

AD stands for Anno Domini or Year of our Lord referring to the year of Christ's birth. BC stands for Before Christ. CE is a recent term devised to fit with to solve the year 0 problem. It refers to Common Era and is used in place of A.D. BCE refers to Before Common Era.

The Calendar in Anno Domini (AD)

We know what year we have now, and some may even have seen the letters AD. But, do you know what they mean? Those who do know what the letters mean will realise that the letters properly go before a date, not after it. Furthermore, it is important to know that this system is not really a calendar but rather a benchmark by which to set years in chronological order. for Convenient FREE Christian PDF & MP3 Downloads

A Christian Information Center with FREE Resources, Information and Links.

Awana: Family Connection November Newsletter

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 135 of 140 Awana Family Connection is delivered free via e-mail to subscribers monthly. We encourage you to distribute this newsletter freely and ask only that you not change its contents.

Honoring America's Veterans Then...

In 1801, President Jefferson refused to pay tribute to North African rulers who preyed on ships from Western Christian countries. He sent the U.S. Navy and the Marines "to the shores of Tripoli." To this day, Marine officers carry the curved Mameluke sword, a reminder of that war. Jefferson was really fighting America's first war on terror. We called them Barbary Pirates then, but they were Muslim hostage-takers and slave traders. It sounds like Sudan today. Even then, Hitchens said, America was a nation to be reckoned with. The arrival of U.S. forces in North Africa showed Europe that we would fight rather than pay tribute to Arab kidnapers. In those days, the rulers of Europe preferred to pay off the pirates. Many of them still do. Today, we thank God for all those whose sacrifice and valor have kept us free.

Muslim (Islam) and Mormon (LDS) are very similar (Updated)

A comparison of the Muslim (Islam) and Mormon (LDS) Religions. How they are similar to each other and very different from Christianity.

France, Liberalism and Jihad

What is happening in France has been brewing in Old Europe for years. The BBC speaks of "youths" venting their "anger." The BBC is wrong. It is not anger that is driving the insurgents to take it out on the secularised welfare states of Old Europe. It is hatred. Hatred caused not by injustice suffered, but stemming from a sense of superiority. The "youths" do not blame the French, they despise them.

Kansas State School Board Approves Teaching Standards Skeptical of Evolution

TOPEKA, Kan. - New science standards for Kansas' public schools, criticized for promoting creationism while treating evolution as a flawed theory, won approval Tuesday from the State Board of Education. The board's 6-4 vote, expected for months, was a victory for intelligent design advocates who helped draft the standards and argued the changes would make teaching about evolution more balanced and expose students to legitimate scientific questions about the theory.,2933,174957,00.html

Thanksgiving - Plymouth Set (3 books $24.00)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 136 of 140 As a special offer, we are pleased to make available our Thanksgiving Collection, which includes three books designed to inspire the Christian family and motivate the little pilgrims around your Thanksgiving dinner table.

Archeological Dig in Megido (Israel) Uncovers What Appears to be a Church Dating Back to 3rd, 4th century AD

Two weeks ago diggers discovered what seems to be an architectural structure which was later identified as the remains of a church. Archeologists identified a spectacular mosaic floor and the foundations of a building dating back to the third or fourth century AD. ... One of the inscriptions read that the building was dedicated to "the memory of the Lord Jesus Cristos.",7340,L-3164437,00.html

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Past Radio Broadcasts (Audio)

The goal of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Ltd. is to reach men and women with the Gospel and to bring them into a living relationship with Jesus Christ.

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR's) Report Unreliable

Of twenty "anti-Muslim hate crimes" in 2004 that CAIR describes, at least six are invalid - and further research could likely find problems with the other fourteen instances.

Islam: The Religion of Peace and White Knuckle Terror (Picture of the Week)

Behold the Peace of Islam: Picture of the Week. There is no other religion on earth that has lower moral expectations of itself, yet higher expectations of others than Islam.

Thanksgiving Holiday Resources and Info

Christians look forward to the time of the year when we celebrate two important holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas. These holidays have their beginnings and roots in Christian celebrations. The word holiday actually means "holy day"; hence these events should be remembered and celebrated in a holy manner. We have strayed from that purpose over the years as we have embraced many unholy practices and worldly customs and added them to our "holy days."

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 137 of 140 Free Christian Audio Books (Mp3-ITunes)

We have licensed the latest generation text to speech voices to bring you classic Christian audio books and other narrated content at a reasonable price. FREE! Our audio books have been edited for conversion from text to speech and we are sure you will be amazed at the quality of the narrations.

Early Man-was He Really Less Intelligent? 1 Min. (Podcast-Mp3)

Listen - download this Podcast (Mp3).

Free Downloads: (PDF - MP3) from

It is our Commitment to provide a Varity of FREE and useful Downloads. It is also our Commitment to provide them in a convenient way without pop-up advertisements, redirects and other annoying interferences between you and the information you are seeking. We also encourage everyone to have a safety offline backup version of the Basic Christian material.

FOCUS ON THE FAMILY Daily Broadcast - Dr. James Dobson (Audio)

On each information-packed broadcast, Dr. James Dobson, and his guests give you practical advice on marriage, parenting, emotional and spiritual growth, health, social issues and public policy concerns.

The Didache - The Teachings for New Christians Aprox. 75 A. D.

The Lord's Teaching Through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations. Chapter 1. The Two Ways and the First Commandment. There are two ways, one of life and one of death, but a great difference between the two ways. The way of life, then, is this: First, you shall love God who made you; second, love your neighbor as yourself,

Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West (Movie Trailer)

HonestReporting's newest documentary film, Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West, was just named best feature at this week's Liberty Film Festival in Hollywood! You can now view the trailer, and order a video (Donate) - which supports our distribution efforts. To arrange a screening in your area or get more involved, write to [email protected].

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 138 of 140 A New Media Analysis Project, The Second Draft "Pallywood" Analysis & Raw News Footage (Video - Downloads)

Boston University history professor Richard Landes has now launched a new media analysis project, The Second Draft, which takes as its first case study the Mohammed al-Dura affair and the phenomenon that Landes' research team calls 'Pallywood', or 'a practice among Palestinian journalists to turn staged drama into news. This fictional news industry then feeds Western news reporting, who don't seem to suspect they're being duped.' The Second Draft website now includes these important videos: Learership Mission to Israel Nov. 28 - 4 Dec.

Join a high-level group committed to defending Israel worldwide. Attend exclusive briefings with Israeli newsmakers and military experts. Study today's issues and receive training to act as Israel's ambassadors. Strategize, network, and exchange ideas with Hasbara Fellowships campus leaders. Accommodations at the luxurious David Citadel Hotel in the heart of Jerusalem. Become inspired -- and inspire others!

Was There Ever a State of Palestine?

"In fact, there never has been a state called Palestine, nor have the Palestinian Arabs ever been an independent people, and Jerusalem never has been an Arab or Muslim capital. Jerusalem has had an absolute Jewish majority for more than a century (and a plurality before that), and for the last three thousand years, only the Jewish people have called it their capital...To inveigh against 'Judaizing' Jerusalem is like protesting the Arabization of Cairo."

Israel and the US - A God-ordained alliance?

Part I: When God brought about the independence of the United States in 1776, He was supervising the founding of a nation He purposed to have in place about two centuries later as the world's mightiest superpower. And His reason for elevating America to this position was so that she would ally herself with the surviving remnant of the Jewish people, help them take root again in their national homeland, and support them in their struggle against a hostile world.

Your Faith Use It or Lose It

You've heard the expression. "Use it or lose it." It applies to a very important aspect of American life - your right to exercise your faith. Americans are losing that right - and when they do they won't be able to blame the American Civil Liberties Union alone. They will have themselves to blame.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 139 of 140 for Convenient FREE Christian PDF & MP3 Downloads

A Christian Information Center with FREE Resources, Information and Links.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 14:35 GMT / Created by Page 140 of 140