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Gustaveecksteimco 6 THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1890—TWELVE PAGES. MEDICAL BALL INTER as believed what bhb said. DANIEL HOGAN. I)KY GOOD; I; MEN IX THE W And Now Must t-pend a Year In Jail for Swearing to It. BOW KNIGHTS CF THE DIAMOND ■ LOSO VACATION. From the Chicago Inter-Ocean. PASS THE William P. Talbott of Quincy has been t>ne Teaches School, Another Pulls i sentenced to one year in the peniten- tiary, and his case is a terrible example to GUSTAVE Teeth, a Third Studies for the Minis- the young men who swear to wbat their ECKSTEIMCO. i try, a Fourth on Hie Honeymoon- ! sweethearts tell them. Talbott fell in love Others Keep Saloon, Sell Hardware, with a young woman in Quincy, and asked or at Home and Grow Fat. her to marry him. Bhe was willing, and Lauffh the lovers thought it worth while (Copyright.) neither of to ask her mother. They wens to the county March B.—The average crack DIRECTOIRE tA.CE FLOUNCING. New York. clerk to secure a marriage license. ESCURIAt PAOLA FACE VEILINGS. I.ACE FLOUNCING. LA TOSKA FACE >ase ball player is a very different man with The girl said she was 18,and, of course, cha stilly lace flouncing. Finsst Stock VEILINGS swore to that as a fact. They were POLKA THE OOLA FACE ig winter coat onfrom the nimble athlete Ta.bott DOT DRAPERY NETS. modjeska VEILING*.veilings. and had three happy days < f BLACK face >f tbe-eummer diamond field, full of action, married, FISHERMAN'S NETS. Dress Goods NEW SHADES in RIBBONS honeymooii beforehis mother-in-lawlearned BLACK VAN DYKE LACES. NEW STYLES Icely trained, the ideal of health and phyv I FACTS FI Pi UNT DE SEUS LACKS. IN LACES. dignity. not ILL cf u-w She did like it, FLOUNCING AND SKIRTINGS eal perfection. At this season of the year and she -wore out a warrant for the arrest BEADED LACE CAPES. in Savannah. HANDSOME EMBROIDERIES the expert ball-to6seris a well-dressed, well- of the young man because the girl was oniv red, easy-going, sporting man about town. 10 years old, aud he mu9t have perjure.! secure a license. When he was MOURNING DRESS GOODS. expensive dinners, the himself to Our FINE BLACK INDIA He ea.s smokes arrested the young wife said he was not to Black SILKS. Our inesi cigars, drinks all kinds of seductive BLACK TA.MISE M<)lIAIRS. White blame. Bhe had told him she was 18,and T BLACK SILK \\ ARP TAMISE. leverages without any apparent judgment, what lover would doubt the word of the GOODS silk warp Henriettas. snd does no more walking nor exercise than woman about to become his wife? He may SIIK WARP JAPuNAISE. GOODS his mind afterward, that SILK TVARP te can possibly help. Consequently it is no change but at NEW THINGS BRILLIANTINE. moment he would swear that the rn< on was Absolutely LACE BORDER BLACK VOILE. wonder we this body of SEWING Department that find large made of grten c eese if she but said so. SILK GRENADINE. American athletes very much out cf condi- The law of this state does not permit a SILK BARS! IE H CRNANY. The Best FRENCH CRUISE DE LAINE. The tion in the early spring, when tney are wife to testify in behalf of her husband, nor —AT- MOUSELINE DE LAINE. Most tailed upon to commence practice. does it permit the husband to put in evi- NUNS’ VEILING:and ALBATROSS. It is no easy task for the trainer of a base dence anything that his wife may have said To Be ALL WOOL BLACK CASHMIRE. Complete ball team to'get his men into proper form to him. Therefore, Mr. Talbott was com- BLACK MOHAIR BRILLIANTINE. to himself. It proven BLACK AND WHITE OHALLIEB. snd condition after five or six mont; s of I elled sacrifice HAD BLACK long that the girl was not 18, a:M therefore Mr. AND WHITE ORG UNDIES. Of Any luxury ana idleness. Heavy sweaters, MOURNING LINEN LAWNS. In walks, quick runs, hard rubbing baths, and TaiLott had perjured him™ f in making Mi >1 RNTNU FRENCH oath that she was of legal age. Had the Anywhere. SATEENS. Often great doses of blood-cleansing medi- NOVELTY BLACK GOODS. Savannah. tine ate used to get rid of the fat winter marriage ceremony not been perf >rmed, the woman might have boen able to demon- KOOAI’S. toat. strate her love and also the man’s by tailing WHITE DRESS GOODS. FANCY Of theball-players who make comfortable DE DRESS GOODS. the witnes . stand to relieve him of the bur- CAECAN DACCA. EMBROIDERED suits. Incomes a majority generally do nothing ZANZIBAR STRIPES. the den of responsibility. ROBE DRESS MATERIALS. whatever from middle cf October until LYDDINGTON STRIPES. DRESS of April, except spend But she is his wife, and must sit quiet in OUR PRICES PANEL MATERIALS. themiddle their THE SEA-SERPENT AGAIN. ELLSMERE STRIPES. RICH DRESS COMBINATIONS. money and enjoy life in their own way. the court room and tee him convicted for BRA NX I ON STRIPES. ARE TONY SILK STRIPES. This has been aa exceptionally lively win- no other crime tban that of believing im- A Bea-eerpent, 103 feet long, covered with silvery, shining semes, and TO BE OAINESBORO STRIPES. FANCY DkESS PLAIDS. ter on account of the organization of the plicitly what she told him. wings on its ACKNOWLEDGED BURLINGTON STRIPES. F.i-qntsitP PRINTED having embryo shoulders, was seen to coil itself np in slippery FINE LENO STRIPES. CASHMIRE3 brotherhood’s league. Buck Ewing; was folds on the coast of THE LOWEST LOVELY PRINTED CHAt.UES GEORGIA THEiIFT. Florida last month. Three reliable persons saw this ROSEBEKRY FaNTASIE. DELICATE NUNS’ marr.ed in the eariy part of the winter, creature distinctly. After and its LINON DE FANTASIE. VEILINGS most of the honeymoon in rolling twisting bulky form around on the FANCY BRILLIANT MOHAIRS. snd spent beach for n few minutes, it slipped off into the HOLLYWOOD CHECKS. WHITE WOOL LA New Orleans with his southern bride. The manufacture of manilla braid will be water and disappeared in the MALABAR CHECKS. TOSCA. begun at Tallapoosa at an early date. east, followed by a path of foam which could seen for au hour THE CABLE WHITE W'OOL BEATRICE. John Ward has been a busy man dur- bo afterwards. NET CHECKS. OUR WHITE INDIA SILKS. ing the few Au oil mill and guano factory will ba FINE FRENCH PIQUE. GOODS past months, organizing the Reader, a “ BLACK INDIA SILKS. brotherhood league. Hisservices have been built aud put m operation by fall at Union the above is yam.” If manufacturers in selling it nnder such HEMSTITCHED LAWN. ALWAYS FANCY INDIA SILKS. “ CORDED BORDER very valuable on account of his knowledge Point people would believe the following trying conditions. The Golden Med- LAWNS. IMPORTED GINGHAMS. ” DOT AND FIGURED of Ward is new passenger depot and truthful statement as as they ical not SWISS. WOOL SH EPHERD PLAIDS. law. “Short-stop” a brilliant The waiting- readily Discovery is only tho most FRENCH ORGANDIES. NEW SKIRTING member of bar, room at gradually nearing swallow sea-serpent stories, it would wonderful alterative, THE BEST. STRIPE. tbe New York and Buena Vista is be or blood-cleanser, FRENCH NAINSOOK. TEAGLE OUTING CLOTH. practices his profession when not playing completion. the means of saving thousands of lives. known to medical science, but also pos- ball. Tim Keefe, who last year pitched for The new planing mill and variety works The statement which we desire to make sesses superior nutritive and tonic, or the old league and will this year take the of Hargrove & Logan at Gainesville is now in the Ctajet most emphatic manner, is that strength-giviug, propoities box for the brotlierhoad, runs a sporting ready for business. which assist Pto A Linen LADIES’ FANCY IIOSTERY. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, the food to and become LADIES’ BLACK HOSIERY. Handkerchiefs, goods establishment with his part- There is some prospect of the machine if in digest assim- Buchanan, in shop foundry taken time and given a fair trial, ilated, thus building up both strength —IN—- CHILD'S BLACK HOSIERY. ner, New Tors. Jim and at Gainesville being put will Stock GENTS’ HALF HOSE. O’Kourko is, like Ward, a member in operation by actually cure consumption of the and flesh. For all cases of Hosiery, of soon a North Carolina man. is Bronchial, LADIES’ MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. the legal profession, and does some very lungs, which really scrofulous dis- Throat and Lung Diseases, accom- LADIES’ WHITE APRONS. The Etowah Iron Company will begin the ease the lungs. Superior earn st law work during the cold mouths. erection of about twenty cottages ou their of If this wonderful panied with lingering coughs, it is ab- LADIES’ COLLARS amt CUFFS, Roger O’Connor is spending his vacation at medicine don’t do all we recommend, solutely unequaled as a SAVANNAH. NEW VAN DYKE RUFFLING. and Lots property near Carrollton in a few days. remedy. For NEW STYLES SILK BELTS. home In Danbury, Conn. Last winter he This will be done for the convenience of when taken as directed, wo will cheer- Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short held a in the stores in To Any! GENTS’ DRESS SHIRTS. position public New their employes. fully and promptly return all money Breath, Consumptive Night-sweats, GENTS’NIGHT SHIRTS. of Fancy York. Mike Welch is “laying and ’ off” in his The law Gilbert & paid for it.
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