— • J " thSSKifl WEATHER FORECAST UGHT»f4G-UR TIME FredtS.W. wind, possible increasing to strong j lata*. Fine Q\p -Eogal fertfr and (tiolamtit Saihj INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (EstabUshed 1828) and THE COLONIST (EstabUshed 1866)


IN THE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL YACHT CAVALIER COVERS 1,642 THEY SAY TEXTS OF NOTES PUBLISHED A Column for RACES START WEDNESDAY MILES YESTERDAY The House of Assembly swiftly BERMUDA VISITORS That the news is scarce these days. disposed of the business before it at * * * FRANCE TO CONTINUE LIMITS yesterday's meeting, and The Pen­ Two Long Island Sound One Makes Double Flight From That is if one ignores the shed-wire­ sions Bill, 1938, with one minor Quaint Bits about Present-Day Designs Arrive on Monday less operators. amendment, removing a duplication Bermuda You may wish to U.S. to Bermuda and Back * * * in respect of a pensioner incapable When the Monarch of Bermuda That they have exhibited some won­ of managing his own affairs through SPANISH SOLDIERS RETREATING Write Home About pulls out of New York harbour this derful imagination lately. bodily or mental infirmity, was read afternoon, her forward deck, wiU FLYING 10 HOURS 44 MIN. a third time and passed. carry two of the Long Island Sound That the sportsmen are having the Tri-Weekly "by ERNEST C RIEDEL Sir Stanley Spurling expressed the best time just now. BEFORE INSURGENT DRIVE One Designs en route to Bermuda for Flying for ton hours, 44 mmutes thanks of the House and of the Sf Sf Sf the international series which wiU ar.d covering 1,642 niles, Imperial whole community to the hon. mem- ERMUDA'S Railway, beUeved to start in the Great Sound, next Airwsys' R.m e,. Ca-.eUer yosterde.y That fishermen are soon coming into vber in charge of the BUl, Mr. J. W be the world's smaUest. has the Wednesday. It was hoped that four made the double flight between Ber­ their cwn. Cox, and to his Committee, for their Blargest number of stations and boats would come down, as has been muda and the American continent, * * * Britain Ends Year with Surplus; Wash­ work of re-organisation of the Civil halts along 22 miles of track,—fifty the case in past years, but unfertr- reaUsmg a long-cherished ambition That somebody had better have the Service, and the overhauling of the two! With hundreds of various station- nately last minute canceUaticns of airways cfficials, whon she left scales tested. Superannuation Act. to-station fares to compute, what deprived the American team of two Baltimore, tbe Maryland terminus, * * * ington Contemplates Monster Bat­ Sir Stanley stated that there were swift mathematicians the conduc­ boats. early in the morning, reached Ber­ That the scientist has never yet dis- two drawbacks to the BiU, in his tor-cashiers must be! And yet they're The two boats leaving New York muda before lunch, and then flew coveied why a fish weighs so much opinion, one, the provision of what pleasant . . Despite its many road- this afternoon wfll be Feather, owned back to Baltimore by the evening more after he is caught than he tleships; British Plan Too Late? he termed a "ten years apprentice­ crossings, the amount of Railway's by Caryl Sayre and to be saUed in despite strcng head winds that held did when he was ahve to the sea. ship in the CivU Service before a accidents is not great. A large Con­ this series by BiU Cox, the young d^ wn her speed on the initial portion * * * civU servant knew whether he was trol Board marks the position and skipper who has been so successful of the return passage to 90 knots or That the Hous 5 is just sitting pietty. LONDON, April 1. (BOP)—The texts of the notes dated March actuaUy accepted in the Service" movements of aU trains at aU times, on Long Island Sou_nr< for the past sc. * * * 21st and exchanged between the United Kingdom, United States and the other, the exclusion of Extra including trains in sheds or at sid­ two or three years, and Insalan owned That if there is any surplus left when Revenue Officers from the benefit ings. Constant records are made by WUliam H. Taft. It is probable, The decision to make the double the grab-bag contest is over, more French Governments, as a result of the discussions which fight in the dayUght hours of a single of pension. in a "log book" . . Private lines in view of the fact that only two boats comfortable seats wUl be installed day followed the postponement of have taken place in London during recent weeks between their The Supplementary Appropriation and portable telephones on each wiU be here, that the team series to the House on the HUl. Tbursdsy's flight Item. Baltimore Sf Of Sf -naval experts, are pubUshed. In view of the provisions of the Resolve (No.7,) providing authority train as weU as vigilant inspection, will be shortened down to the best owing to heavy fog. It wiU te recalled Anglo-German and Anglo-Soviet naval agreements the United for the payment of £276. 9. 6. in re­ assist the Railway's double check for two out of three races and that a That it will be a pity U some of the free-for-all series along the lines that once before, jn an effort to catch Kingdom Government have addressed similar communications to spect of expenses incurred by the passengeis'safety . . The "toast-rack" pressnt members never enjoy them. car do not toast nor dampen the of the series for the Prince of Wales up to schedule, CavaUer headed out * * * Commission of enquiry on Escapes of Bermuda for Baltimore in an effort the German and Soviet Governments. spirit any more. AU are now fitted Cup wiU be held immediately after­ That the foreign news is easier today, of Prisoners, the provision of regis­ to make the double-flight to a day, to combat the various elements . . wards. thank you. The British note is as follows: tration plates for Bicycle and Dog but was turned back by exceptionally And now the difference between 1st Great disappointment is felt in * Sf Sf L reference to Article 25 of Registrations for 1938, and the pur­ strong headwinds. and 2nd class on aU cars of the Rail­ local circles at the fact that only two That from annexation of countries the Naval Treaty signed in London chase of a plan printing machine SPANISH MiLITIA FLEE way is: a cushion. Sometimes a boats wiU arrive, as very keen and Leaving Baltimore yesterday morn­ Europe has sUpped to explanation on 25th March, 1936, I have the for the PubUc Works Department, wicker chair,—and exclusiveness,—- close racing was expected in this ing at 6.40 ajn. Bermuda time, with of character. honour, in acccidance with Para­ OVER FRENCH BORDER was read a second and third time, in the "Pullman." Twice did the first series when the Americans and two passengers—cne of whom, re­ * * * graph Two of that Article, to notify and passed. RaUway open its heart and cars . . Bermudians would be matched in turned in her to Baltimcio—CavaUer That the EngUsh Foieign Minister Your Excellency that His Majesty's A Message was received from His Reads Choked With Refugees on JubUee and on Cornation Day, simUar boats. We understand that a landed at the Darrell's Island aiibase says EngUsh people don't think Government in the United Kingdom j ExceUency the Governor, forwarding statutory rates, appUed on aU trains decision on the type of races to be at 11.23 a.m. of tomorrow. find it necessary to exeicise the right | as Insurgents Smash Through the Report of the Commission of and both classes. Though earnings held wUl be made on Monday after­ At the aiibase she was rapidly re- * * * reserved in Paragraph One of effect­ Inquiry upon the recent Impora- To Coast have been gradually upward, no noon when the visiting yachtsmen fueUed and checked, and luncheons That instead they think of a later ing a departure from the limitations | tion of Rugs, the expenses of which dividends have been paid to its chief­ have arrived. This decision wfll be day "the outlines of which have and restrictions of the Treaty. The: amounted to £78. 18. 4. were carried aboard for the twelve ly British stock-holders. announced in our issue on Tuesday proposed departure relates to the The Honourable the Legislative passengers meking the flight to Bal­ not yet taken a definite shape." morning. timore. By 12.44 p.m. CavaUer was * * * uppei limits cf capital ships. The pi e- HENDAYE, Apr. 1 (CP)—An Council forwarded to the House the Sf Sf Sf o • again eff, headtog tatc a strong That it sounds Uke the threatened cise extent of departure will depend official despatch to tbe Insur­ amendments recommended by them Lot's wife looked back and turned hoadwind that later decreased as the visit of a beloved mother-in-law. on the result of consultations pro­ gent authorities" at .Irun to­ to the Board of Trade Amendment into a pillar of salt. A cyclist looked COSTUME RECITAL American coastline was neared. -Sr * Sf vided for in Paragraph Three of Ar- night announced that the Span­ Act 1938, and the RaUway Act. 1938. back and turnod into a telephone pole. ish Government defenders.. N * # * The big flying-boat, under the That Mussolini's speech about ContinueJ on Page 16 Sir Stanley Spurling presented to have abandoned the beseiged the House the Petition of Ernest Music lovers will be pleased to learn command of Captain W. N. Cum­ finest army and navy to the world Babies and shops have their floor­ is said to be spaghetti. Lerida. Seon Outerbridge, a retired Extra walkers. Comes now the ocean . . that Jenny Lee. the popular concern ming, picked up speed on the latter soprano, wfll give a costume recital portion of the flight to Baltimore, * * * C—tlstmai •• Pica It Adding to his achievements. Dr. That to other words it was made for BRITAIN HAS SURPLUS OF Beebe recently walked a quarter of a at Wesley Church on Wednesday and nosed d.v-wn on to the waters of home consumption. HENDAYE Mar. 1. (CP)—The fUght mile upon the ocean floor. The evening, AprU 20th., at 8.30. A large Chesapeake Bay at 6.45 p.m. Ber­ £28,786,000 * * # into France of the defeated Spanish undersea illumination, Uke bright number of admirers of Miss Lee's muda time. That now for digesting it. Government mUitia continued to­ BERMUDA HIGH SCHOOL moonUght, helped to uncover the ex­ fine singing, especiaUy her character­ Cavalier's flight to Beimuda oc­ LONDON, April 1 (CP)—Great day as the spreading insurgent of­ istence of abundant sea-life at the istic songs of olden times in charming cupied four hours and 43 minutes; on Britain yesterday ended her finan­ o fensive threatened to isolate Cata­ sea-bottbm. He is! planning further costumes, have requested that she the return flight she was travelling cial year with a net realized surplus lonia. Refugees from the front are Open Day in the Kindergarten walks in the one place where there is again appear before she leaves Ber­ for six hours and cne minute. BERMUDA WOMAN of £28,786,000, according to an an­ muda for her home in the States, arriving at the rate of about 150 no ffitch-hiking. One passenger _n the flying-boat nouncement last night. The revenue every hour at Bagneres de Luchon and a large audience is expected. SUFFRAGE SOCIETY for the year was £872.580,000, and ex­ • 'Kindergarten'';—The enlighten­ Jenny Lee since her first appearance breakfasted in Baltimore, lunched on the Franco-Spanish border. At ed educationalists who first gave this to Bermuda, and then arrived back penditure £843,794,000. The revenue least a thousand troops and two in Bermuda has steadUy grown in This is to remind our members exceeded the budget estimate by name to the school for Uttle chUdren Advertising note: Seclusion is Ber­ in Baltimore for dinner. He was thousand civiUans fled from Spain favour and esteem and her public and friends that the ApiU meeting £9.480.000. When Sir John Simon were indeed inspired! "Kindergar­ muda's keynote for aU. Even cele­ Mr. J. Watkins, aviation editoi of yesterday. French border guards is a large one. Tickets wiU be on is tc be held on the evening cf the submits his budget to the House of ten"—"The ChUdren's Garden";— brities can find it here. The Baltimore Sun, who hopped shifted the people to camps and fron­ et m ss sale in the coming week. 12th at 8.30 p.m. to Trinity HaU, Commons on April 26th. he will have the place where the child-mind be­ aboaid the flying-boat for the round- tier towns and the soldiers were dis­ gins to open out, to grow, as if it Introduced into the U.S.A_. from trip. (Eastern Entrance) and promises to to find approximately another £25,000 ,- be most interesting. 000 in revenue. The explanation of armed. were, indeed, a tiny plant;—a pleas­ Bermuda: Potatoes. CavaUer flies back to Bermuda to­ Mr. Wm. ZuUl, M.C.P., and Mr. the budget paradox Ues in the ex­ In the southern region of Spain ant place, too, not only for those Continued on Page 13 Mr. N.H. P. Vesey Candidate the Black Arrow Division took Torre day, leaving the Maiyland eirport for F. C. Misick, M.C.P., have kindly penditure on armaments. who are interested in the garden, the last time until next Autumn. del Compte and approached the vital but for the plants themselves, each For Smith's Parish agreed tc address the meeting on Treasury returns far exceeded Pre­ 0 Next Wednesday, when she flies north town of Valderrobres where the hills one different from the other, each a Current Political Topics which wiU be mier Chamberlain's expectations again, the British flying-boat wfll slope down to the coastal city of distinct individual, and cared for as We are informed that Mr. Nathaniel announced later. when he made his budget a year ago BERMUDA ANNUAL GAME head foi Port Washington, Long Tortos twenty-five mUes away. such, yet each sharing in the common Henry Peniston Vesey will stand as a is Chancellor of the Exchequer and Island. Pan American Arrvtays wiU The insurgent command at Irun Ufe and happiness. FISHING TOURNAMENT candidate for Smith's Parish at the ded a cheerful beginning for Sir forthcoming Geneial Eleeticn. make a caU at Port Washington with PERSONAL Simon, who prepares his first reports heavy fighting this morning The "bad old days" of the training their Bermuda Clipper, but wul con­ between the insurgent besiegers of Although he has been actively budget April 26. of Uttle ones are over, with their 16th April—16th June, 1938 interested in Smith's Parish affairs tinue to use Baltimoxe as a tejmtoal, Lerida and Government defenders | crowded dark rooms, their narrow after tomorrow's flight. Mrs. Frank Appleton and her budget outlook normally for the past fifteen years, this wiU daughter, Mrs. Chester Sherman of of the tiny vfllage of Albatarrech, a benches, their mechanical dulness, This year we are looking forward 3 favourable, but Britain's be Mr. Vesey's first bid for ParUa­ Barrtogton. Rhode Island, arrived few miles south of Lerida. It was their rigidity. to the best fishing tcumjment of all. desperate expenditures for rearm­ mentary honours. yesterday by the "Queen of Bermu­ announced at Zajragoza by the in- The interest is keener than ever, ament may absorb the surplus quiek- The modern kindergarten is Ught da" 'and are staying at the St. Continued on Page 16 both here and abroad. The dates iy. Tlie surplus in accordance with and airy, decorated with real chU­ George Hotel. They have made of the tournament were chosen by QUEEN BRINGS 401 the defense loan act of 1937, is avail­ dren's pictures, furnished with numeious visits and their many prcminent game fishermen and boat able for use during the coming year tiny chairs and tables which make Mussolini Confers With friends here wiU be pleased tc welcome DIGGER BATTLESHIPS captains. Among the passengers arriving to meet defense expenditure. Uttle ones long to sit down and pos­ Italian Mission them. yesterday aboard the "Queen of sess them. All around are bright de­ Many prizes have been donated * * * U.S. Prepares To Go Above signs in paper or cardboard, gay Uttle by the Bermuda Government. Chal­ Bermuda," were the foUowing: ROME, Mar. 31 Premier Musso­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bcgenreider OIL OUTLET FOUND models, the pride of some small lenge caps have been offered for the Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Sutphen, Mr. Uni today conferred with an Italian arrived on Monday last and are spend­ Old Limit boy's heart; colourful stitching on a Wahoo, Tuna, and Marlin. A number and Mrs. Albert Payson Terhune; economic mission wbich wiU sail ing their honeymoon here. They are Uttle gift "For Mother with love frcm of trophies have also been donated Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Mudgett, Dr. and Cardena Said To Have soon to visit Japan and Manchoukuo. staying at the Hotel Inverurie. Mary." And. if you peep in during a by ..utside sources. Mrs. R. Mclver, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. WASHINGTON, Apr. 1 (CP)—The The mission is composed cf repre­ * * * Secured Foreign Buyers "lesson", which is really play, or Dlllenbeck, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. How­ United States foimaUy notified Brit­ Locking at the sport ccmmercially, sentatives of Italy's most hr.portant during a play-period, which is reaUy a land, Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson, New J. Deane Stanley, of the Princess, ain and France yesterday cf her in­ Game Fishing has bi ought a great industries and includes an official cf lesson, you wUl see alert Uttle faces, York. has returned to the Rectory Schcol in MEXICO CITY, Apr. 1 (CP)—Pre­ tention to build battleships bigger deal of pubUcity to Bermuda. Look­ the Ministry of Foreign Exchange. It sident Cardenas today set up a na­ than, 35.000 tons. Secretary CordeU alive with he interest of the moment. ing at it as a recreation it has offered Pomfret, Conn., after spending the is expected to expand'Italian-Japanese From other cities came:—Mr. and tional petrdeum expert CLir.pany HuU sent notes to this effect to the great entertainment to many of our spring recess with his uncle and aunt, For it is through their deUght in commercia] relations. Mrs. Thomas Harkins, Mr, and Mrs. to find foreign, markets for the expro­ British ar.d Fiencb Embe.ssi.-s and visitors. The variety of fish which Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Stanley, of seeing, in feeUng, in Ustening that An Italian cultural mission, dis­ F. W. Devereaux, Mrs. M. Adams priated oil industry. Gustavo Es- the Canadian Legation. The text cf Beimuda offers is actuaUy second to Ienox, Mass. the chUdren are being trained. They patched after Italy joined the Ger­ Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Black, Mrs. C. R. penosa Miieles was named general the notes wfll be published today no other fishing resort. Wahoo, respond naturaUy, for instance, to man-Japanese anti-Ccmmunism pact Doyle, Mrs. A. J. del'Etofle, Mr. manager of the new organization. The United States expects a note cf several species of Tuna, Marlin, Boni- the rhythm of music; many a pain­ last Novomber 6, now is touring Ja­ Dudley Dean, Miss Irene Proulx, CONTENTS Ee is president of tbe Mexican Avia­ the same character during the day. to, Amber jack, Rockfish, Barracuda, fully shy child finds confidence and pan , to prepare the way for trade ne­ Mr. F. W. Tilton, Mrs. C. M. Hutchin­ tion Company which is affiliated with Th< French note is also awaited, but Mackerel, Dolphin, Bonefish etc., loses his clumsiness as he moves in gotiations. son, Mrs. W. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Page Pan American Airwiys. The Finance this, an informed source stated, will are the more popular. time with a satisfying tune. Joseph Gold, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. They Say 1 Ministry said be was the oDly person say that France intends to abide by Most of the learning is done uncon­ The Wahoo is the pride cf Bermuda Cable News 1 empowered to negotiate sales of oU MUler, Miss E. A. Emerson, Mrs. the 35,000-ton limit. sciously, yet at the end of the first fishing enthusiastis, just as the in this modern training of Uttle ones, British Official Press 1 fcr export, and "no one else, either M. H. Emerson; Mrs. H. WendeU The United States Navy Depart­ year it is amazing to find how much Marlin and Tuna are at Bimini; basis, the Wahoo, White Marlin, In the House 1 in Mexico cr abroad, is authorized Endicott, Mrs. John Grew, Miss ment hopes to start work before tbe actual-knowledge the Uttle one has the large Tuna and Swordfish oft Allison Tuna etc., offer as much fight Column for Visitors. 1 tj offer oU and its products." Tbe PriscUla Endicott, Mr. and Mrs. end of tbe year on two of the super- acquired. More important, however, the northeast atlantic coast; as any game fish. International Yachting 1 lack of markets since Cardenas took John Ames, Boston. Mr. and Mrs. size battleships contemplated by the is the fact that he has already learnt, and tbe Sailfish and Tarpon Large Tuna have been seen off Letters to the Editor 2 over tbe oil plants has sweUed the Harold H. Slate, Mrs*. Carrie B. Pratt, | lifting of the London treaty limits. not only to exercise a fair measure of off Florida. These so-called "prize Bermuda quite frequently. None Fishing Tourney 1 storage tanks to capacity. It was Mrs. Roy Demtog, Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Officials said today that the first control over himself, but also to Uve fi__b" compare veiy favourably witb have been landed by road and reel, Editorial _ 2 later understood tbat he had found Hilliard, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Whit­ j mammoth warship may not go to ssa with other children of the same age each other. In general, heavy tackle although a few have been hooked Diary of S. P. T.. 2 prospective purchasers abrcad for ney, Mrs. I. Sherman, Mrs. E. Apple- fcr five years, but the keel will be in a happy "give and take".- (23 ounce tip and 36 thread line) and played for some time. In general Sunday Concerts __.__„ 3 Mexican cil. Bernard E. Smith, ton, Miss Leah Dooley, Miss Cecily laid after a few mynths. The newest is used for the large Tuna. Similar the large Tuna have been too much According to Culbertson 5 New York broker, and Francis W. For those who would like to see a McMurough, Miss Elsie Rawson, Mr. battleships will probably be the tackle, and occasionally a Uttle light­ for the very Ught tackle. There is a Church Services 5 Rickett, the British promoter who ""Chfldreh's Garden"' in its daily RusseU C. Smith. costliest and laigest ever built, but er, is used for the Une Mailin. Light good possibility that this type of Radio „ 6 negotiated the famous Ethiopian routine an opportunity wfll be given beyond that navy officials held the tackle (6-12 ounce tips and 9 to 24 fishing wiU be introduced to our game Mr. and Mrs. Emil Jemail, Mr. and cil contract, have conferred with the next week on Wedesday, April 6th, Sporting News 9 policy of silence which they have kept thread Unes) is used for Sailfish. fishing enthusiasts in the near future. Mrs. F. B. Cushman, Mr. and Mrs. President and other high Mexican from 9 to 12, when the Bermuda Serial Story 12 while London diplomats were seeking High School will be happy to welcome Here in Bermuda we use the Ught (First .cf a series of articles on Evans F. Sterns, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Crossword Puzzle is officials. tackle. Pound for pound, on a thread an agroi ment. aU parents, and all those Interested Beimuda Game Fishing). B. Crompton. MaU, Plane 4,14 Page 2 THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1938.

31p ftagal (&uzt\tt LANGUAGES

^he S)iary Greek, Latin, Hebrew are the Lenten languages. In these Christ's %x& (ftalmttet Satitj Under the Distinguished patronage of His ExceUency the Governor, Show Fit For a King— crime was placarded over His cross. That was the custom. Three MMM Lieut.-General Sir R. J. T. Hildyard, K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O. T»« ROYAL GAZETTE IESTAB. IS2S) oi languages, so that the mixed population would all understand. Sure to Please Everyone j*t COLONIIT ANO DAILY NEW* (ESTAB. 18061 This of languages still embroils the nations. Recently a Finnish CHRISTENING CEREMONIES and at Reg. Prices Too! PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDA-I SAMUEL PEPYS TEUCER vessel put in at Madeira. They spoke no Portuguese and the Portugu- will be held at the THE BERMUDA PRESS, LTD ese no Finnish. Official courtesies were exchanged in English: a REID STREET. HAMILTON gratification to those who think English may become universal. Latin and French have been used that way, in scholarship and in April 1st. • THE NEW THEATRE • A. M. PURCEU. diplomacy. Nowadays artificial languages are created, like Esperanto, •AMAOIWa EDITOR which seek to solve the problem. 6d.—9d. Kiddie Party at ASSISTANT EDITORl «- T. SAYER At my accounts this day and a But is a common language the key to open gates to a world of TONIGHT AT 930 p.m. ASSISTANT MANAOERi ERNEST J. BELL 130 with Popeye and sorry state of affairs I find. For peace and brotherhood?. Until but yesterday Germany and Austria, lUWmiSINO MANAOERi M. M. HANSFORD whereas I had thought myself af­ though of the same speech, had for centuries stayed apart bristling Guest Speaker:— Mr. A. M. Purcell. Educationals SUBSCRIPTION RATES fluent beyond words—or rather fig­ hostility. Other nations with a common language live mostly in an LOCAL- — ON! VSAR ««_I 611 MOUTHS COr- ures—I find myself reduced to such uneasy friendship. That a universal language will promote universal H.E. The Governor will Announce the Name of the Theatre FQREtaN. — TO UHITBO STATSi AMD CANAD. poverty that I fear me I must join • ItUCO pm YEAR. TO mnesf BRITAIN. BO/. peace is one of those pleasingly deceptive inferences which have hurt from The Royal Box. PtR ¥«»» the ranks of that army now valiantly goodwill more than they have helped. ALL JUBSCRIPTIONB AR* -PREPAYABLE fighting tbe wicked capitalist. How Many think that universal language, customs or garments make TICKETS NOW ON SALE IN LOBBY FOB THE CHRISTENING CEREMONY strange a thing it is that when a for a world disagreeably drab. Yet they feel eagerly after a univer­ WHICH PRECEDES THE FINAL PRESENTATION OF "VICTORIA THE !

NEW YORK, Mar. 31.—Describing The Bermuda School of Dancing Europe as a "rumbling war machine," 2869tth.f.s. former President Herbert Hoover to­ night recommended for the United States "absolute independence of po­ Utical action (to world affairs) and adequate preparedness" as the best BY TENDER means of keeping out of another Sheffield Reproduction world war. Speaking before the CouncU on For­ eign Relations about his recent two SILVERWARE Three and one half Acres of months' tour of fourteen European DESIRABLE PROPERTY in countries. Hoover, said he had found Paget. Near Gilbert Institute, This beautiful, durable ware "most nations to Europe convinced with Ocean Water front. that we would be inevitably drawn is a combination of silver on into the next great war as in the copper. Here you can purchase Not bound to accept the high­ last." it at most advantageous prices, est or any tender. "Some people buUd confident hope in wide choice of pieces and patterns. upon it," he said. "But every phase Apply in writing not later than- of this picture should harden our April 23rd, 1938. resolves that we keep out of other THE ASTWOOD-DICKINSON CO. people's wars. Nations ta Europe ALFRED A. DARRELL need to be convinced that this is our Front Street Dial 1206 policy." 2986ts2.m4.w6.s9.___ll.w_3.s_6.m_8.w20


SUNDAY CONCERTS If You Smile, It Helps HAMILTON HOTEL 8.45 p.m. To Keep Wrinkles Away Overture Light Cavalry Suppe Orchestra By JACQUELINE HUNT I love Thee Grieg XPRESSION LINES may be vertise your discontent. You must Dedication _ .Franz E treacherous things. Sometimes cultivate a more serene outlook on they do more to destroy the beauty life. It can be done. O Dry Those Tears _ Del Riego of an otherwise pretty face than Think beauty. It will help. If you Jenny Lee age alone could ever do. Advancing tend to be high-strung and emo­ Selection „..„ _...... Gershwin years can tional, try to avoid your friends 50 Million Frenchman cause crows'- who like to unburden their trou­ feet at the bles for the benefit of your sym­ Orchestra temples and a pathetic ears or who gossip end Will You Remember—From fine cross- upset yoa. Find an outlet for your "Maytime" h a t c h i ng of own emotions in a hobby, an out­ You Are Free—Frcm— lines under the door sport, a good book or music eyes, but these Make a conscious effort to avoid "Apple Bl>sscms" can be soft­ unnecessary facial expressions. "Apple Blossoms" ened and tem- Look at peace with yourself and Siannia Mia—Frcm "The Firefly" pered with keep poised. It isn't necessary to Jenny Lee faithful skin force a smile to look pleasant. Just care and a leave your BIB relaxed. -» Souvenir _.__ .Didla good cream. After you have taught yowself Orchestra The truly to wear a contented expression, see The Stranger of Galilee Morris j beaut y-d e- if there is any other cause for your In The Garden - ....Miles { M1SS HUN*] stroying lines facial lines. If your skin is too dry. are the deeply it can be corrected easily by a good The Holy City - Adams etched habit lines—those that ap­ cream. It isn't enough to smooth Jenny Lee pear at the corners of tbe mouth the skin on your face, however: it Excerpts From The Vagabond Kind and nose from holding the lips in must be worked in with massage. Friml a forced smile or pulling tbe Remr-nber that oils and prep­ mouth down in a discontented arations used on the skin do not pout, and tlie furrows that appear penetrate to the inner skin layers Orchestra on the forehead from frowning. and build tissue — the best they True, some lines give th» face can do is to soften the horny sur­ \g__3 God Save The King character and expressiveness—but face skin. The massage helps the exaggerated lines are not becom­ skin absorb more of the oils on the EDWARD WITTSTEIN, Director ing even when they are laugh- surface and at the same time lines. So many of you who write to arouses the circulation so the skin o me are troubled with wrinkles and is nourished from within. In ap­ HOTEL INVERURIE lines and ask what you can do to plying your cosmetics remember to MOTHERS! get rid of them. One of my voung I use lifting, upward strokes to pre- NEW HATS! Andy Capp and his Serenaders friends is only twenty-three, vet vent the underlying muscles from she writes that lines make her look weakening and drooping. "The New Moon" Romberg ten years older than she really is. Frown lines and other lines RADIOSTOLEUM EMULSION with Selection First. I must tell all of you that around the eyes are not always you can do little in the way of im­ "Elegie" Massenet caused by a hateful disposition VITAMIN "C". NEW DRESSES! provement unto you change your but may be brought about by eye­ "Dolores Waltz" Waldteufel habits Look into your mirror and strain. If you suspect that this is Intermezzo Mascagnl see how the lines reveal your out­ the cause for these wrinkles, see Stylishly smart collection for Easter. frcm "CavaUeria Rustieana" look on life. If you are a needless an eye doctor and have yourself worrier, then most of your lines If you are fortunate enough to have a Baby or "Hay Gypsies, Dance Gypsies" fitted for glasses if he prescribes are needless lines. If you feel sorry them. Bye exercises and a good just interested in one, this new B.D.H. product HATS in SUMMER STRAW of unusual weave . . . Kalman for yourself, then your drooping cream will promptly soften these containing VITAMINS A and D as well as the graceful slopes, saucy slants, smart off the face fr.m "Countess Maritza" mouth corners and frown lines ad­ lines if they are not "habit lines.'' essential C, is very highly recommended. models ... an intriguing showing with a generous INTERMISSION sprinkling of the more conservative styles. RADIOSTOLEUM is palatable, digestable, and necessary to a Healthy, Happy Baby. Excerpts from— .Friml NEW DRESSES . . a complete collection purchased "The Vagabond King" BOATS AVAILABLE FOR HIRE A 1938 B.D.H. Product. last week in New York. The smarter styles—the "Song of India" Rimsky-Kcrsakow newer colours are a feature of this showing. With "Tcrna a Surientc" de Curtis each ship new models arrive. And, of course, our Neapolitan love song 3/6 the bottle Vocal Solo by Andy Capp Game Fishing prices are refreshingly modest. "Liebestraum"._ _ Liszt "The Sunny South" _ Lamps Selection BERMUDA The Star Spangled Banner God Save The King o NAME OF BOAT OWNER TELEPHONE TYPE OF BOAT REID STRKET BELMONT MANOR ST. GEORGE'S Bermuda's Modern Drug Store REIDSTREEI Murray Griss and His Music Dolphin C. Christianson 9104 39' twin Orchestra Coppelia Ballet. DeUbes Troubador C. Christianson 9104 42' single Vocal Solo Still as the Night .Bohm Wally n. S.. Taylor 9333 40' single Frederick Hill Elisabeth Train...- H. Smith 9333 56' single Orchestra Strauss 7320 Blue Danube Waltzes Violin Solo. Mendelssohn FLATTS Murray Griss Orchestra The Glow-Worm...... Lincke Cupid. E. Gibbons.. .2356 & 7100. 29' single

INTERMISSION HAMILTON Orchestra Moszkowski Spanish Dance Sea Scout A. DarreU 2554 38' single Orchestra _ Old Irish 2281 27' single Londonderry Air SeaElksie A. DarreU 2554 Vocal Solo Silesu Escort C & E. Trott 5222 30' twin A little Love, a little Kiss— Express B. Darrell 2393 38'Diesel Frederick Hill Life Boat J8. DarreU 2393 .28' single Orchestra Minuett Boccherini Kirkfield E. Murphy 1503 .27' single Orchestra Kalman Sea Foam - H. Stubbs 3472 30* single Countess Maritza, Selection Kingfisher Jl. Winter 2407 30'single o Pinafore B. Hines 1870 28' single THE BERMUDIANA AU boats have been inspected by the Board of Trade. Overture AU Boats have cabins. Zampa. Herold The above list of boats is pubUshed for general information.—Editor. Selection Victor Herbert Favourites. Ballet Music from Prince Ador Kubner Waltzes from— Rud. Friml In that time he has advanced from 1. Dance of the Gypsies "The Firefly" an obscure player on a Metro-Gold­ 2. Pas de Deux Rhythmic Transcriptions wyn-Mayer "Crime Doesn't Pay" 3. Dance of the Demons (a) Cottonfield Sketches ..White short subject, tc stardcm with such Valse Bluette Drigo (b) Alt Wien Godowsky famous women as Greta Garbo, Joan Peer Gynt Suite Grieg (c) Bolero _ Ravel Crawford, Jean Harlow, Janet Gay­ The Morning nor, Eleanor Powell, Loretta Young Ase's Death National Anthems and Margaret Sullavan. Anitra's Dance "In HoUywood, actcrs become ac- Clair de Lune Debussy custcmed to recognition wherever Three Songs from Eliland von Fielitz they go," he said. "But it still sur­ Silent Woe prises me and sometimes is em­ Secret Greetings MILITARY BAND (CONCERT barrass-, -g to be recognized on the Anathema streets. Not that I am unappreciative, Evolution of Dixie Lake Band programme to be played in or don't welcome it, but I'm stiU Heavier Figures The Creation Prospect Park <.n Sunday 3id. April, -unaccustomed to it. However, I'm Dance Aboriginal c. mmencing at 11.15 a.m. trying to adjust myself." Minuet As an example, Taylor admitted Can Be Beautiful Ragtime Selection cf Offenbach's Music that- on his recent trip to New York Grand Opera arranged by Finck. and London, he was almost dis­ with a o Valse "Beautiful Spring" J_incke mayed by the attentions he received. Indian Kashmir! Two EngUsh Scenes— Had he made the same trip three PRINCESS HOTEL (a) "Sea Shanties." Wood years earlier he would have wandered aimlessly among the crowds, un­ In the mountains of far away India an active WARNER'S W 5 The Princess Hotel presents the (b) "Hyde Park" _...Wood noticed and unknown. long-haired goat ekes out a frugal existance Music of Robert Fletcher McGrew "Venture out in pubUc in the worn against impossible odds Nature, in the fifteenth of a series of Sunday "God Save The King" old clothes you would rather wear however, has provided this unusual Goat with an 17/6 Evening Concerts in the Adam Room and you are regarded as eccentric," exceptionally warm and handsome silken coot. April 3rd. at 8.45. Conductor, G. SMITH, A.R.O.M said Taylor. "Evade recognition and Shipped to England this remarkable hair is you are accused of being a snob. expertly woven into MASCULINE SWEATERS. A Front Clasp Wrap-Around such as we show PROGRAMME Stay at home, and you are caUed a here is excellent for the woman inclined to "flesh­ Round Neck — V Neck — PULLOVERS — recluse. SLIPOVERS, CARDIGANS, well fitting, smart, iness" . . . Well boned with special reinforcement Selection from— Sig. Romberg HAS HOLLYWOOD CHANGED "But It's aU fun. The point I at thigh — and all-around elastic top. Made of comfortable. WHITE, NATURAL and in many "Maytime" make is that it is revolutionary ex­ very smart colours. rayon patterned brocade, with firm elastic hip Sdite Jkiw. MacDowell ROBERT TAYLOR perience, and a jolt to old habits. panels. Woodland Sketches It does not seem possible to me that SLEEVELESS SLIPOVER 30/- Violoncello Solos By James Arthur anyone could experience it without And, wear a WARNER'S Bandeau—we have them (a) Nina Pergolesi changing within himself. Ha may LONG SLEEVE PULLOVER. 45/- to 55/- for all figures. (b) Scherzo .....Van Goens Life in Hollywood is a jolt to old appear thr same outwardly, but CARDIGAN 55/- Katherine Fletcher Karen Torey habits. HoUywood affects the physical person Accompanist Robert Taylor has found it so, for as weU as the spiritual and mental. Classic Favourites he admits that the adulation ac­ "The succession of pictures in THE DRESS SHOP (a) Walthers Preislied.... Wagner corded film stars is certain to change which I have appeared has been a Reid Street. (b) Canto Amoroso _. Samartini any person who goes through the corresponding succession of changes (c) To Spring. Grieg experience. in my Ufe. Admitting that I have Vocal Solos Taylor has been in motion pictures changed, it stiU pleases me to pinch fJmund fjibbons (a) Sylvia— „..JE5peaks f)r four years, and more has hap­ Robert Taylor and discover that it x>-^^ OtUtN triteer. ^-g H A M I I T O N (b) IchLiebeDich .^_r__^-,


R.m.a. "CavaUer" (Imperial-Air­ Keep Baby in Sunshine, Give Him Cod Liver OU to ways, Ltd.) is due to leave Baltimore at 9:30 a.m. today, April 2nd. for Prevent Attack of Rickets i New Bermuda. * * * By CLAUD NORTH CHRISMAN, M.D. IN FEBRUARY and March the legs become bowed or knock-knees "Bermuda CUpper" is due to leave * signs of rickets appear. Tbis is develop, and curvature of tbe spine Darrell's Island airbase at 9.30 a.m. due to tbe lack of sunshine during is not uncommon. PotbeUy and on Sunday April 3rd. for Baltimore. the winter months. A disease of muscular weakness are very com­ Humber * * * chUdhood, manifesting itself be­ mon. Any or all of these symptoms tween the ages may be present. These children are B.m.a. "CavaUer" (Imperial-Air­ of six months very prone to spasms on the ways, Ltd.) is due to leave DarreU's to ten years slightest provocation. Island airbase at 9.30 a.m. on Wed­ rickets occurs X-ray pictures of the ends of nesday, April 6th for Baltimore. principally i n the long bones reveal the disease the temporate Bicycles— * * * when present ta even the slightest zone, being al­ degree With our present knowl­ "Bermuda CUpper" is due to leave most unknown edge, rickets is felt to be caused by Baltimore at 9.30 a.m. on Wednesday. in the tropics. a deficiency of Vitamin D with It is a winter associated calcium and phosphorus April 6th for Bermuda. disease but in imbalance, and by lack of sunshine * * * our large cities, during the winter months or in­ particularly in sufficient exposure to sunshine R.m.a. "Cavalier" (Imperial-Air­ tenement dis­ during the summer. ASTWOOD'S ways, Ltd.) is due to leav_ Baltimore tricts, it devel- Recovery is rapio when tha child at 9.30 on April 7th for Bermuda. ops at any can get out in tbe sunshine The season. * * * DR. CHRISMAN children of the rich, who are too Pr eq uently closely confined or those in the "Bermuda Clipper" Is due to leave weU nourished, rapidly growing slums, who never get sunshine are 2846 ways, Ltd.) is due to leave Baltimore shows quite marked symptoms. birth, beginning with five to tec are well known and it may well be that the five years at 9.30 a.m. on Saturday, AprU 9th. The child is restless: when lying drops a day at one month, and extra youth they enjoy are due to the wine of the countr~~. for Bermuda. down the head is turned from side increasing rapidly to one-haU tea- For official records also show that they drink more thaa to side He becomes irritable does spoonful. One and a half tea- twice as much wine as most other women. * * * not want to be hindled Thpre is snoonsful at six wepks. and at White "Bermuda CUpper" is due tc leavt profuse sweating of the head. three months three t°as~nmnsfii] Nature has blessed Australian Wine with just those TarreU's Island airbase at 9.30 a.m. especiaUy during sleep Soon the each day are advised, and this qualities which enrich and purify the blood and build up *rrist icirts appear large, there is dosage mav be continued through­ strength. The soil of Australia is specially rich in natural and cn Sunday April 10th. fcr Baltimore. enlR'-Tom'>nt of the ends ot the out infancy iron and in EMU Guaranteed Tonic Wine this iron * * * ribs yet,, --e they ioin the breast For an immature intant oi .me EMU comes to you in its most nutritive form. Rjn.a. "CavaUer" (Imp3rial-Aii - bore The soft spots in the head wbo is growing very rapidly, the eit'uer become large or fail to close dise should be increased Neerc Produced on our sun-drenched vineyards at Morphett Colours ways, Ltd.) is due tc leave DarreU's Vale near Adelaide, EMU Guaranteed Tonic Wine will Island airbase at 9.30 a.m. cn Wed­ properly, and the hpad assumes a children are especially susceptible square development to rickets and doses of four or five give you the sparkle of youth and the joys of vigorous nesday, April 13th. for Baltimcre. health. If the child lies ta one position teaspoonsful a day should be given * * * the pressure side becomes flat The taste and odor of cod liver oil Buy a bottle to-day- DU'U feel younger to-morrow. "Btrmuda CUpper" is due to leave Later the breast bone becomes are objectionable and I shall take up the subject of more pleasant iW5 I Ealtimore at 9.30 a.m. on Wednesday, prominent, causing the so-called if?^_^ pigeon breast. forms of treatment in the next & YOUNG April 13th. fcr Bermuda. As the child begins to walk, the column. LARGE SIZE V- Hamilton — St. George's SALVATION ARMY NOTES MEDIUM SIZE 4'- The meetings at the Various Corps BY APPOINTMENT TO I wiU be conducted by Adjutant Edna H.M. KING GEORGE V. Burrows at St. George's, Bro. Chris­ topher Darrell at Southampton, and ofctainan/e from Div. Bandmaster Ernest Bean at A* S* Cooper & Sons Somerset. At Hamilton Major Mor­ John IA Burrows rison will lead but the addresses will Dealers in Fine be delivered by Captain Ethel Whib- & Go. Ltd. ley. ENGLISH CHINA and CRYSTAL The pubUc is invited. 58 Front Street, WEDGWOOD | HAMILTON.

SPODE _-___»U«E!m_-ii_-'-'-MM 1.. «!«•»_" ' '«______••___•_- ROYAL DOULTON MINTON CROWN STAFFORDSHIRE BELLEEK and ADAMS THE LINEN SHOP Also exclusive agents (or ORB EFORS—L ALIQUE DAINTY BRIDGE SETS and in Gold, Blue, Rose JENSEN SILVER Pure Irish Linen $1.50 $2.00 ST. GEORGE'S

"General Electric7' Pioneers of the Sealed-in Unit —Often follows a neg­ Now offer their new "THRIFT UNIT," requires no attention lected cold. End colds not even oiling. Both Flatop and Mon'tor top models are promptly by rubbing powered with the matchless G-E mechanism that produces throat, chest, and back Use more cold for less cost. The only refrigerator mechanism FLU at bedtime with this having forced-feed lubrication and oU-coolh_.g and tbe first powerful, vaporizing to give more than one year guarantee. The new Thrift Unit ointment. Loosens con­ now carries 5 years performance protection or the complete run . "et urn gestion—eases breath­ sealed-in-steel unit. OH, SHUCKS; IT GOES BACK — There's stffl Ice in tbe St. ing-brings quick relief Electricity See our new 1938 models. Phone 1127. Lawrence River and these youngsters chopped a hole near a HMHSM tower of the new Thousand Islands International Bridge, at VICKS Alexandria Bay, N. "ST., and pulled out this half-frozen 22-pound fish. But it's a muskaUonge, out of season, and had to go back. VAPORUB Which was discouraging for tbe youngsters. M And Live with a Smile

Bermuda Electric Light Co.

Business Cast-Off The Finest Bse£ SAUSAGES

'.RONCHO 1/- pes* lb.


As Bill Suspected


At all leading stores. (kouMfiMMim Butterfield & Co. DONT TELEGRAPH YOUR PLAYS. ceptive solution. He returned, not Agents. {Copyright: 1B38: By Ely Culbertson.] the king or queen of spades, but the DIGESTION Tele 2044 2045 The trouble with most players Is deuce! Of course it is easy to see; rfSSSBW^^^Sa^L ' - that they are entirely too orthodox. with all the hands showing, that de­ Their leads and plays amount to a clarer could have put up dummy's wigwag system, with the interested jack, and held the trick. But declarer UPSET? declarer doing at least as good a job was not gifted with such eyesight of deciphering as their own partner He thought it possible that West was can do. There is a time for sending underplaying the king and queen, Read how to get back messages and a time tor remaining but certainly could not be sure of It mute. West might hold, as part of his your appetite — banish South, dealer. double, only the king and ten of East-West vulnerable. ^_\ spades, with perhaps the ace and Match-point duplicate; queen of diamonds as compensation. indigestion worries NORTH At any rate, declarer guessed wrong *J73 He played low from dummy, hoping to capture a high honor from East VA 9 Instead, the ten forced the ace, and • 9752 after that declarer had to lose two *KQ62 spade tricks and two diamonds. WEST EAST EEL as if you never wanted to eat 4.KQ42 A10 6 It is true that East-West could have VK J 653 tf !• 8 4 2 made a better score by bidding at Fagain? A poor appetite, that heavy • A J • Q106 4 5 least two hearts, since three could im&mi feeling after meals and frequent head- + 10 9 have been made by guessing the cor­ 'JSSSm * aches are often signs that vital body or­ SOUTH rect heart play. But strangely CONDITKMI enough, the mere fact that South was gans are sluggish—fail to function prop* AA985 erly because of vitamin shortage. VQ7 held to two clubs resulted in an ex­ • •KS cellent match point score for the de­ What you need is Fleischmann's fresh +A875S fenders. • W. S. Purvis & Co., Ltd., Dept. 103, Hamilton, Bermuda , stripped from the North-South hands, hand in tomorrow's column. FREE! I a heart return would permit a ruff I Please send me free booklet on the tonic properties of yeast. ; and discard. Leading a spade honor Write for free booklet that tells you how SPRATT'S 1 woul ^be merely sacrificing it, since V/rito your bridge troubles and Fleischmann's fresh Yeast can help to Name... ' declarer would win with the ace and problems to Ely Culbertson, care give you more energy and keep you in better health. (Please use coupon.) Address. ;lead back to dummy's jack. All this oi tins paper, inclosing a self- reasoning took only a few seconds, addressed, stamped envelope. " teurt DOG fOODS and West found a beautiful and de­ CHURCH SERVICES 3.00 pm.—Sunday School '.SO pjn.—Worship. Sermon: "The Sixth Word from Tot if tain & £\taurn the Cross" SUNDAY April 3rd. Rev. J. H. Freestone. ROM early days KENX-RA'flON—the Dog Food * * * Supreme—builds bone and muscle and because The Cathedral Grace Church, North Shore Fof its rich vitamins promotes sound develop­ s.OO am.—Holy Communion io.00 a.m.—Sunday School ment to maturity. 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer 11.00 ajn.—Mr. C. E. Robinson 12.00 Noon- choral Eucharist. 7.30 pjn.—Rev. C. A. Munro, DJD., A 7.30 pjn.—Evensong Friday: There is no substitute for meat in a dog'ft diet. 7.30 pm.—Fellowship and Prayer That is why fresh, lean meat forms the basis of this Service perfectly balanced food. Just the right proportion St. John's, Pembroke Rev. C. A. Munro, D.D., Minister of ground whole cereals and other necessary in­ New Cream son a m Holy Communion gredients are added to make it an appetizing un 1 11.00 am.—Matins Warwick. Cobb's Hill health giving food for your dog. 7.30 p.m.—Evensong * Sf S£ 3.00 pjn.—Rev C A Munro, D-D. brings to Women St. Paul's Church, Paget Put up in convenient 1 Il>. cans ready to feed. All Emmanuel Church, Evans* Bay good dealers stock it. 8.00 ajn.—Holy Eucharist 10.45 a.m. Rev. C. A. Munro, D.D. 10.00 p.m.—Children's Service Sole Agents, NICHOLL & ASHTON 3.00 pm.—Sunday School CHAPPEL 3ROS., LTD. the Active 11.00 a.m.—MaLins and Sermon 7.30 Dm—Mr. J. L D. Gibson, J.P. 7.30 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon Pendleton—Manchester, England * * * SS * * <_ Ireland Island Wesleyan Chapel St. Mary's, Warwick SKIN-VITAMIN" 10.30 am—Parade Service. 11.00 am.—Morning Worship anc 8.00 ajn.—Holy Communion Minister, Rev. J. F. Rowley 11.00 a.m.—Choral Celebration and Sermon 7.30 pjn.—Evening Worship. 3.00 pjn.—Sunday School Sermon. Preacher: Mr S. Hawkins 4.00 p.m.—Evening Prayer and Ser­ 7.30 pm.—Evening Worship and Ser­ to beA...Ao />IAKSX (rWia CUA/W 1 mon. * * * mon ODAY—a new cream does In laboratory tests on animals, re­ * * * Ehenezei- Church, St. Oeorge's 9.00 pjn.—Sacred programme by IH£ 10.00 ajn.—Sunday School "Allen Stars" of Allen Temple more for the skin than ever be­ sults were so favorable that Pond's I Sandys Palish. St. James' Church 3.00 p m.—Sunday School *"" "• PALMOLIVE SOAP! T 11.00 a.m.—Matins, Sermon and Holy Church Somerset. lt contains a vitamin which gave the creams to women to try. 7.30 pm.—Evening Worship Rev. FA. Lapsley, Pastor. helps your body to rebuild skin tis­ Communion » * * They said, in 4 weeks: "My skin is 7.30 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon sue and aids in keeping skin beauti­ smoother." "My -pores look finer." St. David's Island ful—the "skin-vitamin." 10 00 am.—Sunday School Bethel A.M.E. Church Try Pond's new "skin-vitamin'* St. Michael's Chapel 3.00 pm.—Afternoon Worship 11.00 ajn.—Morning Worship For years, Pond's tested this 4.00 p.m.-—Evensong and Sermon Cream today. _r * * Rev. E. W. Forbes. MA., BJD, Minister 12.15 pjn.—Holy Communion "skin-vitarnin" in Pond's Creams. 3.00 pjn.—Sunday School St. Peter's, St. George s * » » Same jars, same labels, same price. CENTRAL CIRCUIT METHODIST 4.30 pm.—Service for Hamilton 7 30 ajn.—Holy Eucharist No. 2 Boy Scouts. Look for the letters S.V. in the lower 11.00 am—Matins and Holy Euchar­ Minister: Rrv. J. M. Sproule right-hand corner of the front label. 730 pm.—Evening Worship. ist Central Methodist, Shelly Bay Monday: 7.30 pjn.—Evensong 9.45 ajn.—Sunday School 8.00 p.m.—Address by Mr. Clarence SEND FOR THE NEW CREAM/ Sr n m 11.00 am.—Divine Worship and Com­ Robinson St. David's munion Service. Wednesday: »i jf Palmolive, made with sooth- ^if%j FREE OFFER: Ma3 coupon for free tubes 7.00 pjn.—Evensong 7.30 pm.—Captain Broom of the 8.00 pm—Prayer Service. of Pond's "skm-vitamin" Creams. ing Olive and Palm Oils, is safest , » • » Salvation Army. for the Quins'tender skin, don't I NICHOLL & Aihw. Christ Church, Devonshire * • • you think it's best for yours, too ? || p 11.00 ajn.—Morning Prayer, Holy Marsden Memorial, Tuckers Town St. John's A.M.E. Church, Bailey's Hamilton, Bermuda. Communion and Sermon 1.45 pjn.—Sunday School Bay i-yTPsaHR 7.30 pm.—Evening Prayer and Ser­ 3.00 pjn.—Divine Worship Nam. 11.00 a.m.—Worship and Sermon mon Communion Service. THE DIONNE QUINS USE ONLY J^LMOillVfc 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship Sacrament of the Lord's Supper * * » 3.00 pm.—Sunday School St. Anne's Church Wesleyan Centenary, Harris Bay THE SOAP^yiAPE,WITH ^Et



OVER THE RADIO THE DX COLUMN FRANK MASON TO DIRECT ORIGIN OF SH0RTWAVES NBC S.W. ACTIVITY TONIGHT'S PROGRAMMES Trans-Ocean Communication Dismissed as 'ideas of U.S. Will Not Fall Behind in WEAF WLW WJZ WABC GSO, F, D, B & B 660 kilocycles 700 kUocycles 760 kilocycles 860 kilocycles 15.18,15.14,11.75 Sc 9.51 Mc/s. the Laymen" International Broadcasting NEW YORK CINCINNATI NEW YORK NEW YORK DAVENTRY, ENGLAND Calling All Stamp Collec­ Same as WJZ Club Matinee—variety pro­ Charles Paul at the Organ Interval TECHNICAL LETTERBOX tors gramme Short-wave radio has assumed Men of the West Quartet To he announced Description of Rowe Mem­ Gertrude Lutzi, soprano The news and announce­ In the last talk by the German such importance both technically orial Handicap race and John Sturgess, bari­ ments Shortwave Station in its series "Tech­ and as the voice of American cul­ Same as WJZ tone ture and ideals beyond our borders, Top Hatters — featuring Club Matinee—variety pro­ nical Tips for the Radio Fan" the dis­ Jan Savitt and his Or­ gramme 5.35—"The Piper, a lyric covery of radio waves and some­ that Lenox R. Lobr, President of drama in one act chestra Rhythm Rendezvous thing of the various theories which Conducted by H. Thursten Clarke the National Broadcasting Company, 5.45 were advanced was discussed. The has assigned his assistant, Vice- problem of determining the neces­ President Frank E. Mason, to super­ Great Plays—Series of Same as WJZ Rakov's Orchestra Story of Industry sary volume at theieception point was Compiled in the hope tliat it may intend all NBC's activities in this plays starring NBC art­ especiaUy stressed. Today something field. ists make your wanderings over the Mr. Mason will have complete wiU be told of sbcrtwaves. short wave radio bands more purpose­ It was only after the Great War direction of NBC's increasingly Truly American—variety ful and pleasing. Marvin Frederick's Syra­ Will McCune's Orchestra 6.35—Saturday Sport tbat the real development of wire- numerous broadcasts of news, enter­ programme cuse Hotel Orchestra 6.30 lers telephony and telegraphy with ULTRA-HIGH FREQUENCIES tainment and other programmes Dance usic by Ambrose the so-called three electric tubes be­ transmitted to Europe and South and his Orchestra In a recent radio talk, Mr. S. Gor­ gan. Powerful stations were easily don Taylor, former managing editor America, and the short-wave oper­ Columbia Chorus Quest Close Down built and a reliably contact with over­ ations of the company. El Chico Spanish Revue. Same as WEAF News Reporter. Tune of "Radio News," gave an exceUent Twisters, trio seas was established. outline of the possibiUties foreseen Mr. Lohr said: Many men had learned telegraphy in the use of tbe ultra short wave "While the Ucenses under which Aces High Master Builder Pro­ 7.25—Press Radio News GSP, 15.31; GSD, 11.75; as soldiers in the Great War and had gramme GSC, 9.58 & GSB, 9.51 Mc/s. hands extending from 30,000 to 300,- short-wave stations operate are ex­ further become familiar with send­ 000 kilocycles (10 metres to 1 metre). perimental and carry no public 7.20—"Palace of Varieties,' Press Ra-Jio News Allan Franklyn, sports Press Radio News Artie Shaw's Orchestra ing and receiving appaiatus. The This frequency range is almost ten obligation per se, the National Licencee and Manager result of this was, that after the war 7.30 times as wide as the present range Broadcasting Company feels that it, a number of amateurs began to Sports Question Box Chick Webb's Levaggte of 10 to 30,000 kUocycles. along with other private broad­ 7.35 Restaurant Orchestra experiment with radi.j work. They casters, must see to it that the were not satisfied with merely bear­ Mr. Taylor pointed out the many usgs to which the "new" short United States does not lag behind Religion in the News—Dr. Saturday Evening News ing, they als„ wanted to converse. other nations in international short­ 7.45 Walter W. Van Kirk In order that these new wiieless wave locations have and will be put, including local broadcast, amateur wave broadcasting. Kaltenmeyer's Kindergar­ Renfro Valley Barn Dance Message of Israel, talk "If I Were a Christian,' communications might not interfere "Dr this period of world stress 8.00 talk activity, short wave broadcast, and ten—variety programme with each other, an international and widely conflicting poUtical 8.20—Scottish Dance Music code of permitted wave lengths was portable communication. The most Syncopation Piece interesting part of the address from ideologies, it is especiaUy important 8.15 laid down. The waves between 30 that NBC be alert to the needs of 8.40—The News, Satur­ and 3 kUometers were reserved for a DX-er's point cf view was that dramatic the United States for communicat­ Alistair Cooke Uncle Jim's Question Bee Saturday Swing Session day Sport, and An­ the commercial trans-continental which held promise cf many new 8.30 critic ing its poUcies and actions to aU nouncements. communications. The waves between short wave broadcasting channels. parts of the world. Jean Sablon, songs Same as WEAF 3000 and 200 meters were placed at The speaker stated that the ultra "Short-wave radio has become in­ 8.45 9.10—The Boat Race: Ox­ the disposition cf tbe radio, ship­ high frequencies have given radio Clem McCarthy's Sports Columbia Workshop- ford vs. Cambridge; run­ 175 new broadcast channels. "150 creasingly important, as improve- • B plieve-It-or-Not"—Robert Reel weekly dramatization ning commentary. An­ ping and aviation. The waves under 9.00 Ripley; B. A. Rolfe and nouncements in English, 200 meters were useless for the serious of these," he said, "between 7 and ments effected over the period of his orch.; guests Dance Orchestra Spanish and Portuguese radio engineer; they were, therefore, 12 metres, piovide distinct DX possi­ the past twelve months at station 9.15 relegated to the amateur. biUties." This is good news to short W3XAL increased the range, and Johnny Presents — Russ Close down of Empire Pro­ wave broadcast DX-ers as weU as consequently the audience, which grammes. Beginning of In blessed ignorance cf the Austin Jack Haley's Log Cabin. Same as WEAF Morgan's Orchestra; E. listeners who depend much cn the could be reached by American 9.30 —Virginia Verrill, gongs; R. Johnstone's dramatiz­ South American trans­ formula, the emateuis began tc lower wavelengths for their enter­ broadcasts. Wendy Barria, comedi­ ations; vocalists, mixed mission over GSB. establish communications with the enne; Ted Fio Rito Orch. Campus Kids, vocal trio ensemble and guest tainment. Most owners of receivers "With his background of experi­ 9.45 GSD, 11.75; GSC & GSC, waves under 200 meters. It was not ence as former president of Inter­ 9.58; & GSB, 9.51 Mc/s. capable of tuning down to ten and "Professor Quizz" — with long before two amateurs working national News Service, and as Vice Al Roth and his Orches­ Same as WJZ National Barn Dance—Un­ Arthur Godfrey fivi metres (and there are servaral 10.00 tra 10.20—"At the Black Dog" with small stations and using the President in charge of NBC's Station cle Ezra and others. waves at their disposal, reported hav­ such radios now on the market) Hoosier Hot Shots Orr-b. have h9ard many 11 and 9 metre Relations for a number of years, 10.15 ing communicated with each other Mr. Mason is exceptionaUy well- By Popular Demand- across tbe ocean. These facts were broadcasting stations and 10 metre American Portraits — "hams." qualified to guide our short-wave Dramatized book review dismissed as "ideas of the layman." plans and their development. 10.30 Dramatization of the However, more and more reports of Television, according to Mr. Taylor, Uves of great Americans Nan Wynn, songs "Mr. Mason has held newspaper 10.50—The Crystal Palace similar nature continued tc come has been aUotted 19 channels on the positions of importance in various Band in. Large firms, amung ether-", the upper frequencies. Aviation, fire European capitals over a number NBC Symphony Orchestra Original GoodwiL. Hour Design for Music, featuring Your Hit Parade—Parade Telefunken in Nauen, began to ex­ and poUce stations will also be con­ Walter Kelsey's Orch. of years, and, speaking several of the week's hit tunes; periment seriously with shortwaves. sidered in the "dishing out" of this Carl Hoff's Orchestra, languages, he is an apt interpreter 11.20—"London Log" So far as I am aware, experiments new world of radio transmission vocalist and quartet of the American viewpoint to for­ were already in progress in shoit according to the former rad'o sditor. 11.15 eign Usteners. waves around 1912 in Germany but Much of the discovering of the The news, Saturday sport, possibiUties of these bands has, as "Since the principal feature of Dick Gasparre's Hotel and announcements the subjeot was laid aside during the 11.30 Jack Denny's Orchestra war. These serious experiments was the case when shon, wave radio short-wave broadcasting is news, his Ambassador Orchesra began, been left in the hands of experience as a journaUst, and his Special Talks Programmi; resulted in establishing the fact that Recital of music for two communications could be established the amateur who now fears the loss seven years with the National pianos during the day cr night by various of their five metre band to television Broadcasting Company, wiU enable Paul Sullivan, News News Reporter. Ruby Buddy Rogers' Orchestra stations. The ten metre band is al­ him to give these highly important Newman's Orchestra 1220—Close Down wave lengths. Further that these wava lengths were indeed better ready carrying amateur signals all activities such direction as few than the longer waves, although the over the world. Mr. Taylor says "a others could bring to radio's newest stations used considerably less energy number of United States amateurs, sphere." SUNDAY NIGHT'S PROGRAMMES (energy means the power cf the operating in the five metre band, staticn). 56 to 60 megacycles, have been heard WJZ GSO, F, D, B & b in England and vice versa, and these WEAF WLW WABC There was a revolution in tbe entire 700 kilocycles 760 kilocycles 860 kUocycles 15-18,15.14,11.75 & 9.51 Mc/s. reports verified." 660 kilocycles field cf wireless telegraphy and tele­ where it is lecated. HCETC is located NEW YORK CINCINNATI NEW YORK NEW YORK DAVENTRY, ENGLAND From this it is gathered that the phony. The shortwaves displayed in Quito, Ecuador, and broadcasts National Vespers—"High­ development of the new higher fre­ Romance Melodies Court of Human Relations Big Ben. Interval phenomena which in part had not on 9,350 kc. every Monday and Satur­ 5.00 ways Beyond Science 4.00--Philharmonic - Sym­ quencies channels is progressing phony Society of New been obseived before and in part hard­ day evening. This is the first time if that Lead- to Truth," rapidly in the United States. But talk York Weekly Newsletter, Sports ly noticed. At a certain distance from has been reported on 6,975 kc. 5.15 what of the rest cf the World? What Summary and announce­ the station reception was impossible. ments are they doing in this direction. This area of inaudibility, later called The World is Yours- Jean Ellington, songs It is true that England is experiment­ THE WEEK'S DX 5.30 dramatization Same as WEAF the dead zone," was a circle aicund 5.35—Orchestral music ing witb five metres for television tbe station varying between 10 and 100 WIXAL, Bostcn, Mass., is putting Dog Heroes, drama purposes and that English experi­ 5.45 Reginald Foort at the BBC kUcmster radius. It was established cut a nice R8 signal om 15,250 kc. when menters are transmitting on the Theatre Organ that during the day, other shortwave on the air. The programmes are in­ Magazine of the Air— upper frequencies, but what is the Marion Talley Musical Steelmakers Felix Knight, tenor, with lengths than those used at night m ust teresting and the reception exceUent 6.00 Josef Honti's Orchestra Charming. Pollock, edi­ British Government doing. tor. Guest stars; Mor­ be employed. Shortwave reception The signal is occasionally hampered 6.15 j ton Bowe, tenor; Mark developed constantly and rapidly. The U.S. is planning and aUotting, by fading. Warnow's Orchestra and dividing and sUcing; trying to satis­ * * * others One began tc speak of fading, a phe­ The Mickey Mouse Thea­ Same as WiCAF Sunday Afternoon witb Epilogue: Passion Sunday nomena that was, until this time, fy all parties interested in securing Flashing on and off the air, with no JL30I tre of the Air—With Smiling Ed McConnel Guy Lombardo's Orches­ unknown. sections of the nswly discovered apparent reason,W9XAA.Chicago, HI., Mickey Mouse and his tra transmitting ground. WUl other has a signal strength of R7-8 on 17 780 Gang "They're Saying in Eng­ Close Down It appeared that the highly es­ countries do Uke wise, ex will the &45! land," from London teemed and universally accepted Aus­ kc. GSP, 15.31; GSD, 11.75; 10 to 1 metre bands be used as are * * * ?he Catholic Hour—Talk Musical Camera. Josef Musical Camera—24-piece Joe Penner with Jimmy tin-formula—the concept of a homo - the rest of the short waves today, Cherniasky, conductor GSC, 9.58 & GSB, 9.51 Mc/s. HAT4, Budapest, Hungary, is com­ by guest speaker; Paul- orchestra, and vocalists Grier*s Orchestra; Gene geneous conducting layer around the without restriction or regulation; Austin, tenor; Julie Gib­ ing in with an R6 signal Sunday ist Choir 7.20—Church of England earth—which had been used with chopped and crowded and unregu­ son, vocalist; comic in­ evenings un 9,120 kc. Several DX-erS Service from AU Saints, the Greatest success for so long, must lated because of no international strumentalists Margaret Street, London have mentioned this station recently" be revised. A revision was in fact co-operation in the matter? My True Story Haven MacQuarrie Pro- * * * 7.30 A Tale of Today gramme — dramatic Phil Cook's Almanac necessary cn account of the positive results of the amateur radio work­ sketches STATION ACTIVITIES The Monday Evening broadcasts 7.45 ers' experiments. of HBP, Geneva, Switzerland, on In the next talk "Technical Tips The British Broadcasting Corpor­ 7,790 kc. are being heard only about Jack Benny, comedian; or­ Same as WEAF Paths to Prosperity, talks Manhattan Mother—dra­ for the Radio Fan" the German ation is at present constructing two R5. European stations are net doing matic sketch 8.05—The Chamber Music so wen on this band. chestra and vocalist of Dvorak—1. The Brosa Shortwave Staticn wiU teU some­ new 40 kw. short wave transmitters Sunday Evening News­ Ozzie Nelson and his Or­ PhU Baker, comedian, with. String Quartet thing of the electrical nature of the at Daventry, England. They wiU * * * Interesting People—Jerry chestra, Feg Murray and Oscar Bradley's Orch. Belcher; Organist paper of the Air atmosphere, wbich plays such an be used for tbe BBC's Spanish trans­ OLR3B, Prague, Czechoslovakia, Harriett Hilliard enormously important part in the Melody Grove, witb Jimmy 8.40—Weekly Newsletter missions to South America which are is reported as having increased its 8.45 James9 Orchestra. and sports summary propagation of radio waves. n,w broadcast over two trans­ activity on 9,504 kUocycles. OLR3B mitters on 9.51 megacycles using has been operating on an irregular Spy At Large—dramatic Big Ben. Walford Hyden Don Ameche, m.c., intro­ Same as WEAF St Louis Blues the call of GSB. Schedule. 9.00 ducing: Edgar Bergen series. and his Magyar Orches­ tra. Announcements in * * * and Charlie McCarthy; Songs we Remember—fea- COUGHS, DISTEMPER, Stroud Twins; Robert Lyn Murray's Musical Gaz­ English, Spanish and Staticn HJIABC, which was an­ CD1190, somewhere in Chile, has turing Ernest Gill and ette Portuguese BROKEN WIND Ambruster's Orchestra; his orchestra, with male nounced as heard last week, is a new been heard on 11,900 kc. It came in Dorothy Lamour, and quartet Close down of Empire Pro­ ha** net their Colombian broadcaster in Carta­ R7 most of the week in the early eve­ guest artist. ZEV—mad* grammes. Beginning of •n of Buckley* gena. It operates cn 6,000 kc. or nings. It has not beon heard at the South American trans­ Stockmen, ponltiy t 50.00 metres when RV59, Russia, is beginning of its transmissions but Manhattan Merry - Go Same as WJZ Hollywood Playhouse pre­ Ford Sunday Evening mission over GSB. •rt, cte_. who hav* need Round sents Tyrone Power. ZBV eay It i> poeitfrety not cn tbe air. has a nice signal strength with a Hour — Orchestra and relief far all reepiratory Dramatic sketch, assist­ Chorus Nnder direction GSD, 11.75; GSC & GSC, in bones, cattle, sheep, pige. minimum of interference around 8 30 ed br orchestra of Eugene Ormandy. 9.58; & GSB, 9.51 Mc/s. poultry and doge, It ie ——*»g Vrr and 9 p.m. Guest Artist: quickly it gets reeults ia the maet itnb- PROGRAMMES ON NINE METRES 1020—BaUad Recital hora ceeee. In fact, we guarantee ZEV * * » American Album of Fami­ Same as WJZ Walter WincheU, news Nelson Eddy, baritone to do in a day or two what it took old- W8KKA, Pittsburgh, Pa., operating fad-ioned remedlee a month to do. Pet IQY, Rome, Italy, has net been 10.30 liar Music — orchestra eise SO*. Stock eiee f 1.00. Oet ZEV at on 31,600 kc. or 9.4 metres, is broad­ 10.40—A ReUgious Service doing so well on 11,900 kc., but I2RO casting the regular progr_immes cf Unbroken Melodies Irene Rich for Welch- (Congregational) from THE PHOENIX DRUG STORE and IRF, 9,630 kc. and 9,830 kc re­ "Birds of a Feather" W8XK, Pittsburgh. The Westing- 10.45 Bournemouth spectively, are bringing the "Ameri­ house experimental short wave broad­ Ken-Rad Unsolved Mys­ Paul Martin and his Talk by Secretary of the can Hour" to Bermuda Usteners with Rising Musical Star Pro­ caster is one of the "nine metre bed­ 11.00 gramme—Alex Smallens teries Music Interior (U.S.) Harold L. exceUent volume. 2RO remains the Ickes. lam" transmitters. It frequently and Symphony Orches­ WEAK WOMEN best ItaUan broadcaster with a signal comes in above the din of the sur­ 11.15 tra; mixed chorus BUILD STRENGTH, ENERGY strength varying from R7 to R9. AND RICH RED BLOOD WITH rounding broadcasters when its pro­ Norman Cloutier's Orches­ Country Sunday Cheerio — Inspirational Headlines and By-lines— Big Ben. Weekly news­ grammes ere heard with exceUent * * * 1U0 tra talk and music with Trout, Kaltenborn letter and Sports Sum­ IODINE in Seedol Kelpamalt quaUty. W2XAD continues as an R9 plus and Canham mary _f m SEEDOL _ staticn this week. It operates on 11.45 1150—The Ralph Elman A QUESTION—AN ANSWER 9,550 kc. every evening, broadcasting Marlow and Lyon, piano Paul SuUivan, news com­ Press Radio News. Blue Abe Lyman's Orchestra Spanish programmes to South Am­ Sextet KelpamaltZg* A local DX-er inquiries if anyone !.00 duo mentator Barron's Orchestra erica. Some of tbe recordings heard 1220—Close Down "Known in England as ViKelp" has heard HCETC on 6,975 kc. and cn this station are quite interesting


NATIONAL & COLUMBIA »*e ">B(- e/a e/s COMFORT IN THE AIR WEEKEND ACTIVITIES 6/3 e/a INTERNATIONAL SHORT WAVE RADIO &s e/3 6/3 e/3 e/s Secretary Ickes to Speak; e/a e/a SECTION @<@ e/3 Nelson Eddy is Guest; Great e-a ©/© e/s <&/& e/s R0DZINSKI RETURNS FOR Plays Presents a Comedy e/3 e/3 W2XE EXPANDS LATIN- @® e/s e/3 e/3 THREE CONCERTS WITH AMERICAN BROADCASTS WEEKEMTTALKS 6/3 MULLARD e/s e/s N.B.C. SYMPHONY e/s e/3 e/s CBS Musical Programmes The French theatre of the 17th S/3 Empire Explorers of 1938" e/3 Century, original source of modern e/3 e/s Being Announced in Spanish &® e/a inteUectuaUsm, wiU be represented ©/a @/S e/a W2XE, international station of the in the National Broadcasting Com­ e/a Perfected Short-Wave Reception e/3 &® e/a Columbia Broadcasting System, has pany's series of Great Plays with e/s MODEL ILLUSTRATED e/s ARE YOU the production of MoUere's classic e/3 &s enlarged its programme of short 6/3 e/3 wave broadcasts directed toward comedy, "The School For Husbands" e/a e/s 10 Tubes e/a the Latin-American countries, ef­ today. •a-a e/a GOING The radio version, prepared by e/a e/a fective immediately, and has also e/a e/a added a second commentator to its Blevins Davis, wiU be based on the a-a e/3 To e/a e/3 Spanish-speaking staff. rhymed adaptation of Arthur Gui- e/a e/3 terman and Lawrence Langner e/a e/s Americo Lugo-Romero, of Santo e/s e/3 D o~mingo, who is well known through­ which was successfully produced in e/a e/a U. ^e- r\_» e/a e/a out Latin-America for his writings New York by the Theatre GuUd dur­ e/a @/a «j/3 Depart from Bermuda on music, sculpture and paintings, ing the season of 1933-34. The broad­ e/a e/a cast, directed by James Church, of e/a e/s At 9.30 a.m. is the new W2XE commentator. e/a Model X31 Model X31 G/S The usual 7.45 to 8:00p.m., Bermuda the NBC production staff, wiU be e/a e/3 heard over the NBC-Red Network e/a e/s Wednesday Friday time, news broadcast will be handled, e/s e/a from 6.00 to 7.00 p.m., Bermuda time. e/3 £28. O. O £28. O. O e/a as before, Mondays through Fridays, e/a e/a 'harsday Sunday by Alberto Zalamea, who has been e/a e/a Saturday Afternoon Talk e/© with tbe CBS international station e/a All-Wave Tuning All-Wave Tuning e/s Four engines Lena Madesin PhiUips, president of e/a e/a for the past year and a half. e/s the International Federation of ®/s 5-565 metres 5-565 metres 6/3 for security Senor Lugo-Romero will be the e/a e/a Business and Professional Woman's e/a e/a commentator on the Saturday and Clubs and associate editor of "Pic­ e/a e/s One Way $85 Sunday 7:45 to 8:00 news programmes e/a e/s torial Review," wiU be heard over e/a e/3 Round Trip $150 which have been added to the W2XE e/a e/3 the WABC-Columbia network this e/s e/a schedule. In addition, he wUl be e/a e/3 Includes hot meals aloft afternoon from 2.00 to 2.15 p.m., Ber­ e/s e/s Dr. Arthur Rodzinski, brilliant heard Wednesdays, from 8:45 to e/a conductor of the Cleveland'Orches­ muda time, in a talk entitled "ShaU e/s e/a 9:00 p.m., Bermuda time, in a news e/a e/a tra and original "drillmaster" of programme on cultural subjects, We Ourselves Defeat Democracy?" a-a ©/a e/s e/3 the NBC Symphony Orchestra which prominent people and matters of Calling All Stamp Collectors e/s The Finest Table Model Radio Ever Made e/a IMPERIAL AIRWAYS he conducted in three broadcasts e/a @/s general interest. Joseph Roberts, president of the e/a preceding the Toscanini series, re­ e/a G/3 (Bermuda) Ltd. Senor Lugo-Romero will also do tbe Associated Business Stamp Clubs e/a turns to Radio City as guest conduc­ 6/3 announcing, in Spanish, for five of of New York, wiU be guest speaker e/a The glorious tone of this ultra-modern Mullard radio will e/3 tor of the NBC Symphony Orchestra && e/a the CBS musical programmes which during the Calling AU Stamp Col­ e/3 PAN AMERICAN AIRWAYS in three more weekly broadcasts, 6/3 leave you breathless the very first time you listen to it — e/a Reid Street, Hamilton are brought to Latin-American au­ lectors programme this afternoon e/a e/a beginning today, April 2. e/3 Tel. 3030 diences by W2XE's powerful short at 5.00 p.m., Bermuda time, over e/a Gone is cabinet resonance and exaggerated bass repro­ or local agents First on Dr. RodzinsM's programme 6/© e/3 waves. These are as follows: Wed­ the NBC-Red Network. e/3 for tonight to be heard over the e/® duction — in its place crystal-clear tones that are pleasing e/3 nesdays, from 10:00 to 10:30 p.m., e/a e/3 NBC-Red Network, the network of e/a the Kostelanetz programme; Thurs­ "Columbia Workshop" e/a to the ear and for the first time you can listen to the the Canadian Broadcasting Corpo­ e/s ©/s days, from 11:00 to 11:30 p.m., Vic­ "Seven Waves Away," a sea saga e/3 e/3 ration and throughout the world via tor Bay's "Essays in Music"; Fri­ based on one of the most dramatic e/a entire musical range without any distortion whatsoever — e/3 short wave, is Beethoven's familiar e/a e/s Whole Wheat Bread days, from 11 -00 to 11:45p.m., "Song­ incidents in American maritime his­ e/a Hear this or any other Mullard today — e/a "Coriolanus" Overture. This Opus shop"; Saturdays, from 11:00 to e/3 e/a tory, wiU be presented by the "Col­ e/3 e/3 62 was composed for the "Coriolan­ 11:45 p.m., "Your Hit Parade"; umbia Workshop" over the WABC- e/a e/a us" tragedy written by the German e/3 e/a Sundays, from 10:00 to 11-00 p.m., Columbia network tonight from e/a e/3 dramatist, poet and jurist, Hein- (all Bermuda times), the Sunday e/3 ©/s We have tried many 8.30 to 9.00 pm., Bermuda time. e/3 GOVERNMENT LICENSE e/s rich Joseph von Collin. Beethoven Evening Hour. The announce­ e/a e/a did not write his overture for this Guest of "Sunday Hour" e/a e/3 grades of Whole ments heretofore had been made in pya e/a Wheat Flour but not play until five years after it was given EngUsh. The youthful American baritone, e/3 Every person is required by Law to possess a license — Those e/3 its premiere in Vienne, November Nelson Eddy, wiU make his only e/a e/3 Born in Puerto Plata, in the Do­ e/a not holding same should apply either to the Colonial Secretary's ©/a >ne is so satisfactory 24th, 1802. guest appearance of the season on e/a minican RepubUc, but educated al­ e/3 ©-3 our "Special" Rodzinski's programme also in­ the "Ford Sunday Evening Hour'' e/a Office or their nearest dealer. e/3 most entirely in Europe, Senor Lugo- e/a e/3 Whole Wheat Flour. cludes Samuel Barber's "Symphony Romero brings a background rich in when it is heard over the WABC- e/3 Q/S Columbia network Sunday night e/3 e/3 in One Movement," Debussy fanci­ culture to his new work at W2XE. e/a e/3 other produces ful Prelude "The Afternoon of a from 10.00 to 11.00 p.m., Bermuda e/3 e/3 His father, Americo Lugo, a weU- e/s e/3 delicious nutty Faun," Prokofieff's "Classical Sym­ known historian, sent him to Paris time, from Detroit. The Symphony e/3 Convenient Terms — 6 Months Guarantee e/a phony" and Dohnanyi's Suite for e/3 e/3 whUe stiU quite young, and there he orchestra and chorus are to be e/a e/3 our so appreci- Orchestra, Opus 19. under the direction of Jose Iturbi. e/a Liberal Trade-in Allowance e/s studied at the CoUege Roilin, Sainte e/3 e/3 by Whole Wheat The "Symphony in One Move­ e/a Barbe CoUege and the Schola Canto- Ickes to Talk at Banquet ©/S e/a ment," which follows the Beethoven rum. He learned to%peak and write e/3 e/s enthusiasts. If Harold L. Ickes, Secretary of the e/a e/3 overture, was written by Barber in French, German and EngUsh as flu­ United States Department of the e/3 e/3 ou are not getting 1936 while a Prix de Rome scholar ently as Spanish, and to write Italian e/s 10% Cash Discount e/s Interior, wUl be heard over the e/3 @/3 Whole Wheat at the American Academy in the as weU. e/a Italian capital. WABC-Columbia network when he e/a 6/3 An expert on the plastic arts, Sen­ e/a e/a Bread vou are missing Rodzmski will continue as guest addresses the fifteth anniversary e/a e/a or Lugo-Romero has contributed to banquet to N. PhUip Ginsberg, pub- e/s e/a . really good thing. conductor of the NBC Symphony e/s e/3 the French pubUcation, "Monde," Usher of the Jewish DaUy Courier e/® e/3 Orchestra in the broadcasts of April and to many South American news­ e/3 e/3 he remedy is simple 9 and 16. in Chicago, tomorrow (Sunday) e/a e/3 papers and magazines. He edited a night from 11.00 to 11.30 p.m., Ber­ e/a e/a -Your grocer sells it. weekly in Santo Domingo before e/a e/3 muda time. e/3 e/a joining W2XE's staff. e/3 Titos* J. Wadson e/a s made as follows: e/3 OXFORD-CAMBRIDGE BOAT —o— e/3 e/3 Magic Key of RCA e/3 e/a Pickups from U. S. Army bases e/3 e/a SMALL LOAF 4d RACE BROADCAST TODAY e/a ©-a AMERICAN PROGRAMMES and from the XB-15, flying fortress e/3 Braora3 |§§§§§§§a§§§§Sdde)G.e)GJe)e)e)i3e>e ) Deie &!•-tim• SANDWICH LOAF 1/- Commentary at 9.30 a.m., 3 feature a salute to Army Day during w p.m. and 9.10 p.m., Bermuda the Magic Key of RCA broadcast WEAF Sunday afternoon from 3.00 to 4.00 5ERMUDA BAKERY, Ltd. Times 11.00 a.m.—The Radio Pulpit. p.m., Bermuda time, over the NBC- Telephone 1080 11.30—The Madrigal Singers. 12.00— Blue Network. For the seventh year in succession. Press Radio news, Silver Flute, drama. John Snagge, of the BBC's Outside 12.30 p.m.—Angler and Hunter, talk. New Penner Setup Broadcast Department, will des­ 12.45—Norsemen Quartet. 1.00— Ben PoUack and his orchestra cribe to listeners at Home and over­ NBC Home Symphony Orchestra. with the glamorous Paula "Peegee" seas, the annual Boat Race between 1.30—University of Chicago Round Gayle wUl replace Jimmie Grier's Bermuda Oxford and Cambridge Universities Table Discussion. 2.00—Al and music and vocaUst JuUe Gibson on which takes place today (Saturday). Lee Reiser, piano duo. 2.15—Henry the Joe Penner broadcast over the The commentary will be heard at Busse and his Orchestra. 2.30—Silver WABC-Columbia network starting S. P. C. A. 9.30 a.m., 3.00 p.m. and 9.10 p.m.. Ber­ Strings. 3.00—Bob Becker and guests. tomorrow from 7.00 to 7.30 pm muda times. Bermuda time. COL. R. J. TUCKER 3.15—Vincent Gomez, guitarist. 3.30 Snagge will follow the boats in Thatcher Colt Mysteries. 4.00—The SECRETARY the BBC launch, Magician, which Radio Newsreel. 4.30—Sunday Drivers, AROUND THE WORLD ON PEMBROKE carries—in addition to the com­ novelty programme. SIDNEY O. SIMS mentator, his assistant and a com­ THE SHORT WAVES plement of engineers—generators, WJZ INSPECTOR batteries and a small transmitter, 11.00 a.m.—Russian Melodies. 11.30 Here are some short wave pro­ PHONE 1785 especially designed and installed —Dreams of Long Ago. 12.00—Press grammes that may interest week­ D\ZZ»NESS Radio News. AUce Remsen, contralto. end radio Usteners. Bermuda times for the purpose of the commentary. HilXS SALLOW SKIH quoted:— 1 The Commentators description is 12.15 p.m.—Neighbour NeU. 12.30— CONSTIPATION radiated from this transmitter, the Felix Knight, tenor. 12.45—BiU SATURDAY, APRIL 2. signals being picked up at a receiv­ Stern's Sport Scraps. 1.00— South­ ing post estabUshed on the roof of ernaires quartet. 1.30—Radio City Paris — 10.30 a.m. — Concert. TPA2, HO a building on the river bank and Music Hall of the Air. 2.30—There 15.24 mc s. SUNDAY PROGRAMMES connected by telephone line with Was a Woman—drama. 3.00—The Tokyo —5.45 pjn. National Pro­ FROM ENGLAND Broadcasting House. The course, Magic Key of RCA. 4.00—The Last gramme. JZK 15.16 mc/s.; JZJ, O •*-«_ four and a quarter miles in length, of the Lockwoods, dramatic sketch. 11.80 mc/s. WEANING TIME extends along the River Thames 4.30—To be announced. Berlin—6.00~Waltzes. DJD, 11.77 mc/s. WHAT WILL YOU GIVE HIM NOW? Your family won't Moscow—8.00—News and programme THE change on to a mixed diet should be from Putney to Mortlake. GSJ, 21.53; GSH, 21.47; GSG, 17.79; ' gradual and the new food factors most grumble about the cold The race will be the ninetieth in WLW for EngUsh Usteners. RAN, GSO, 15.18; GSF, 15.14; GSD, 11.75 carefully selected — other­ meat and leave scraps 9.6 mc/s. wise a set-back may occur. on their plates if you. the series. Of the past eighty-nine, 11.00 a.m.—Russian Melodies. 11.15 mc/s. CEREX is a "follow-on" Berlin—8.30—AprU Fool's Day Re­ food prepared by Cow & give them " H.P." Cambridge has won forty-seven, —Hugh Cross and his Radio Pals. Gate from malted wheat Pickle. That's why Oxford forty-one, and there has 11.30-—News review. 11.4J*—Modern turns. DJD, 11.77 mc/s. 9.55 a.m—Opening announcements. with the addition of natural "H.P." Pickle is i Miracles. 12.00—Cadle Choir. 12.30 Rome—8.30—American Hour. I2RO, A and D Vitamin concen­ economical. It's health- been one dead heat. Oxford was 10.00—Big Ben. "Quebec," a picture trates. It gives the extra p.m.—Donald Novis. 12.45—Drifting 9.63 mc/s. IQY, 11.90 mc/s. and nutrition required at this giving too—made only the winner of the 1937 event—the of the great Canadian City. stage without any digestive from the best selected University's flrst success in the con­ Pioneers. 1.00—Rural Roundup. 1.30 IRF, 9.83 mc/s. 10.30—St. Matthew Passion. strain. CEREX can be first used vegetables, fruits and —Radio City Music HaU of the Air. Caracas—9.30—Dance Music, YV5RC, 11.40—Weekly Newsletter and sports as an addition to bottle spices in the famous test since 1923. The first race on the river be­ 2.30-Smoke Dreams. 3.00—The Magic 5.8 mc/s. summary. feeding and subsequently on H.P. Sauce. Put a bottle Key of RCA. 4.00—Church by the weaning as a separate cereal on the table to-day tween the Universities took place SUNDAY, APRIL 3. 12.10—Religious Service (Baptist). ration. and judge by results. in 1829. There was a gap of seven of the Road. 4.30—To be announced. 1.00 p.m.—Close Down. Sydney, Australia—530 am.—Chimes years before the next contest, and from G. P. O. VK2ME, 9.59 mc/s. between 1836 and 1856 only ten races WABC GSG, 17.79; GSP, 15^1; Tokyo—5.45 pjn.—Talk on Current CEREX were rowed. From then onwards, 10.55 a.m.—Press Radio News. 11.00 GSD, 11.75 & GSB, 9.51 mc/s. Topices. JZJ, 11.80 mc/s. JZI, with the exception of the War years, —Church of the Air. 11.30—ChUd­ " F0LL0W-0N " WEANING FOOD 9.53 mc/s. it became a regular annual event. ren's Hour. 12.30p.m.—Major Bowes' 1.20 p.m.—Weekly [Newsletter and A COW & GATE PRODUCT Capitol Family. L30—Salt Lake City Paris—715—Concert Relayed from sports summary. Tabernacle Choir. 2.00—Church of Radio-Paris. TPA4, 11.72 mc/s. 1.40—The Willie Walker Octet. the Air. 2.30—Europe Calling— Eindhoven, Netherlands—8.00—Phohi 2.00—The BBC Military Band. "Hungary and tbe Central European Programmes for the Western 2/6 tin .THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. 2.45—Musical Interlude. Crisis," talk. 2.45—Poet's Gold, Hemisphere. PCJ, 9.59 mc/s. 2.50—"The Khyber Pass," pro­ THERAPION No.1 orchestra. 3.00—Boris Morros String Budapest, Hungary—8.00—"Spring­ gramme of Its history. THERAPION No.2 Quartet. 3.30—Jean Hersholt in time," overture. HAT4, 9.120 kc. 3.20—Vocal recital. THERAPION No.3 "Dr. Christian." 4.00—Philharmonic Rome—8.30—Opera, one act.I2RO, 3.55—Congregational Service from MEDICAL HALL Mo. 1 Corn Dlich>ri«. N*. a Cum* Blood Symphony Society of New York. Polron. No. S Cut— Chronlo Weakncuea. 9.63 mc/s. IRF, 9.83 mc/s. & IQY, Bournemouth. English Price 3a. Chemists, or either No. return Mall, Weekly concert. Reid Street D_t.LEC_.EHCMed.Co.HaveratockRd,N.W.5,London. 11.90 mc/s. 4.45—Felix Swinstead (piano). • DR. LE CLERC'S PILOUS tor the Uver Berlin—9.30—A Festival Cantata. AKidneys—weakk'dnr-'l&bladdar. Bermuda times Usted. For later Bermuda times Usted. For later programmes see: Over tbe Radio. DJD, 11.77 mc/s. programmes see: Over the Radio.


FMlHp W€**ifs'J- .-.„, '•.• j 4 - ~^' 78••.' NEW YORK STOra PhiUips Petrol .. 29 MARKET Plymouth Oil __._., _, 16 Pressed Steel ,..,,. 51 Pub. Serv. of NJ. ______27 Pure Oil „^i______i_„ 9 Yesterday's Closing Prices Purity Bakeries .______. 71 Radio Corp. „„_____ 5 Radio-B_eith-Orph. 21 Trend Toward -=- Allls Chahri. Mfg. 371 Remington-Rand 104 Am. Car & Foundry -______. 141 Repub. Steel Corp. __, 131 Am. & For. Pow 21 Am & For. Pow. pf Unq Seaboard Ofl (Del) . 16 Am. Locomotive _. 131 Sears Roebuck 491 Am. Power & tt. _ 31 Shell Union Oil 12 Fitted Shetland Am. Radiator 91 Simmons Co. -____ 14 Am. Rolling Mill 141 Socony-Vac. Ofl ! Ul Southern Pacific lOf Am. Smelt. & Ref 311 u Am. Sugar Unq Southern Railway 61 Catchy as spring fever, suave and gay as a Am. TeL & Tel 1121 Sperry Corp. 161 Am. Water Works 61 Standard Brands 61 Bermuda vacation is the mode for these fitted Anaconda Copper 231 Stand. Oil of N.J . 43 Assoc Dry Goods 41 Stewart-Warner ,,-„,,, 6i Atchison : . 241 Stone Webster _, ______61 ensembles in glorious Shetland Homespun. We Atlantic Refining 18 Studebaker Corp. „_ 4 Superior Oil ; 2 give you a choice of a full length fitted coat, or a Auburn _,. -..-_.—:—.-. Unq Texas Corp. -~" , •_..'.. 341 Baldwin Loco. 5S Texas Gulf Suph. __™__.; 261 Baltimore & Ohio „„_—™—'.—. 41 flattering 2-piece suit, tailored in London with just Barnsdall Cp. A. HI Tidewater Assd. ______... 111 Timken ..„_™____ ., '. 311 Bendix A via. „~___. 91 Union Pacifiic 571 that extra measure of care which makes them fit Bethelhem Steel — 44 United Aircraft ; i. 22 Boeing Plane j ,~ 22! Borg Warner . :—.'—..... 171 United Airlines ._._„ „„ 51 you without a whimper or a wrinkle. Caterpillar Tractor .__- 311 United Corp. •. , 21 United Corp. pf. ... „ 221 Celanese ______10 Ches. & Ohio 25 United Drug ..„ —.„ 51 United Gas Imfi. _____ 9 Chrysler Corp. __~— 39| Ladies' Fitted Coat and Colombia Gas & Elec. _ •••• 51 U.S. Indus. Alee. i__ 141 VS. Pipe & Fdy. ..._..__;...--^...: ._. 22 Com. & Southern •LL-W- -•„••• m ; VS. Realty ______; 3 Congoleum ,„1...... -•— ^g Consol. Edison __. _-_. — 18* VS. Rubber ,..„,;.'...... :., ..^_..... 231 US. Smelt •' ',„.,. ~ ~ '" 45 2-piece Suit are each Consol. OU 74 VS'. Steel „__^__... _.„.. 411 Cont. Corp. im Conti. Can US. Steel pf. .-•J—_^ ;. , 971 38 Vanadium Corp. ______„_.. 121 •;:;C £6 Contl. Oil of D -, 23i Warner Bros. Pict. -t .', . 4 Corn Prod. Ref. . 56 Warner Pav ™J__...„ 2 Crown Zell — 8 Western Union TeL'™ : 181 Separate skirts of the same material in matching Curtis-Wright ™ ~ 31 West. Air Brake _u 16 Curtis-Wright "A" ; '•—• W| West. Elec. _ 67 shades, in a number of pleated and gored models Delaware & Hudson -—<• 7* White Motorr „ 61 DeL Lack. & West — 4., Woolworth Co. 38 Douglas Air ; — 341 Worthington ___; ._, 12 from 32/6 Elec. Auto-lite _.- 1« Yellow Tr. & Coach 101 Elec. Power & Lt. 6» Glenn Martin z.^ : 151 Erie R.R. 2i 7 Budd Mig 31 SEARCH ON THE BORDER — With German occupation ot Elec Boat _„___ - , Allied Chem. 128 White and Bermuda Pastel Shades Austria, many have fled to the nation's borders seeking sanc­ Foster Wheeler - 12* Am. Bank Note 11 tuary in neighboring countries. Here is a scene in a railroad Gen. Electric - 29» Am. Tobacco 821 car. oft repeated, as an official on the Austro-Swiss border Gen. Foods Corp. 23J Case 68 inspects passports of travelers, while a young Nazi soldier watches. Gen. Motors 27i CoL Carb. „. 54 BRITISH SPORTS DEPARTMENT Goodrich Rub Hi Com. Credit 245 "roodyear Rub 17 2i Deere 191 Granby ~~™ Dupont ^ 971 Great North, pf •- — IM Johns-Manville „ 62 Gt West Sugar - - 24 Union Carbide 62~_ I Houston Oil 51 Aluminum __ Unq Hudson Motor Car ™„~ 52 Gulf Oil .....„__ 34 Hupp Motor Car .„___„_. — I Humble OU _. Unq ! Indus. Rayon - 14» Ins. Copper — 8! IntL Harvester - 54 MONTREAL STOCK THE BERMUDA JOCKEY CLUB IntL Nickel (Can.) 40? i Int; Paper 4~.~ MARKET I Intl Paper pfd 21; ; Intl Tel. & TeL _ «J Kennecott Cop. Yesterday's Closing Prices Lambert ~. 8. Loews, Inc Sterling 4.991 Mack Truck 16:- Bell Telephone 150 Macy Braz. Tract. „ S- orse Races Math. Alk. B.C Pow. A. - Mid-Con. Pet. Bathurst Paper A. ... 8 j_.ont,go__ier/ ward Build. Prod. Unq. Motor Products ]1; Can. Bronze 30 Farm Equipments Lead Upward | Thursday, 7th April, 1938 Murray Corp „ 4, Can. Car 8 Nash-Kelvinator ... Con. Paper Com...... 4 Casl iveKister 123 Cons. Smelt. ._ i Movement in New York Stocks I Natl Dairy Prod 12] Dom Bridge _ 49! 18J OQ3 I ANNUAL ELLIS BROS. AFTERNOON MEET Natl Dist. . Donnaconna Paper The following report of yesterday's Nati Power & Lt 51 4 I Ford Can ...__. 151 activities on the _.\ew York stock ex­ Nat! Sree 46 Gypsum First Race Punctually at 230 p.m. I New Haven .... .—• Unq Hmnan Walker 4; change is pubUshed by courtesy of INTERNATIONAL TROPHY Unq. N.Y. Central __ - H Imperial Oil Thatcher & Co.. local correspondents North Amer. Co - 15! 16 Intl. Nickel 41 for Paine, Webber & Co.. New York. Special train will leave Hamilton at 2 p.m. direct North. Pacific ">• IntL Power 1st pf Ohio Oil Unq 76 i A strong opening in stocks yester- Massey-Harris 51 to the course, fare each way 1/- or 25 cents. Omnibus SI McCol Front. _, _ 12 I day was followed by a mild dip but 3 Packard Motor Car __ ~] Montreal Pow. 271 I in later trading the leaders again I Paramount Pie. 6! Natl. Brew : SS moved upward to close strong near TUESDAY, APRRIL 5TH M04ts.tu.tb. Paramount Pic. pf. 71 Natl. Steel Car 361 i the best prices of the day. Farm G G I Penn RJt. 151 ; Power Corp. ._____.__ 9 I equipment stocks stood out, particu­ Price Bros. «__-_____-___. 101 Price Bros. pf. .„...„_____ Unq. larly Montgomery Ward and Interna­ 27 HOLES St. Law. Cp. pf 91 tional Harvester. Shawinigan '. 181 Dow Jones' industrial averages Steel of Canada 57 TEAMS OF 6 PLAYERS closed at 103.03, up 4.08; Rails 19.81. Can. Bank Com. ... Unq. O O Bank of Can. Unq up .81; Utilities 15.87, up .72. Volume • Bank Mont. _.. 203 of trade, 860,000 shares. Bank of N_S. Unq. FROM EACH HOTEL OR CLUB Royal Bank of Can Unq NEW YORK. Apr. 1 (CP)—Foreign 1 0, Preferreek^Slock exchange: Britain demand 4.96 5/8 AGGREGATE MEDAL PLAY TORONTO MINING 4.96 3/8; 4.96|; sixty-day bills 4.95 5/8 L L QUOTATIONS demand France 3.07; Italy 5.2»§ • Belgium 16.87; Germany 40.16; Can­ In British Socks ada .99 15/32. NO ENTRANCE FEE NO GREENS FEE Alderman ,, „•„. • 43 * » * Bankfield ___ .75 Beattie ,______. 110 TORONTO, Apr. 1 (CP)—The stock Bidgood Kirk. 29 market displayed some recuperative F • Men seeking the gilt edged security of fit, Big Missouri .37 power today despite the absence of F Bralorne 800 important buying demand. Base quality and appearance will find it in our large Buff. Ankerite 1200 Can. Malartic .85 metals led the rally. Silvers, includ­ PHONE ENTRIES * DIAL 1301 and comprehensive stock of English and Scotch Cent. Patricia -, ,() 2.32 ing Eldorado and Mining Corpora­ socks. Our preferrea^Tst includes everything from Chibougamau Unq tion, ruled higher and practically all Chrom. Smelt. ___ .541 the cheaper base metals finished the Conarium „ , ..... Unq. hand framed Scotch socks in Argyles and genuine Darkwater .17 day with gains. Volume was sub­ BELMONT MANOR Dome 48.50 stantial in golds, especially secondary Plaid designs to the more conservative products of Eldorado a 1.29 I and junior issues. Royalite and cheap­ 1 GOLF CLUB East Malartic 2.18 er Turner Valley oils tightened on the famed Allen Solly of London, and other well Fal. Bridge 4.75 Francoeur•.„______Unq. moderate volume. j 2560tf t m tii. known English manufacturers. Your visit to Godslake .35 * * * Bermuda is an opportunity to lay in a supply. Gunnar Gold .71 MONTREAL, Apr. 1 (CP)—A re­ Hardrock 1.88 covery movement buoyed up prices cn Harker 10 the Montreal exchange with gains Hollinger 11.75 Hudson Bay 21.50 ranging to more than three points. Tellicoe 45' Total sales: industrials 32,400; mines Kerr-Addison 1.56 59,300; bonds $1,400. Men's Wool Socks Kirk Lake I 1.02 GOLF Lake Shore 48.00 Lit. Long Lac. 4.05 LONDON, Apr. 1 (CP)—Stocks from England and Scotland Mclntyre 37.50 moved up steadily today as buying at Mack Red Lake . .75 orders increased. Foreign selling McWatters _ 66 RiddeU's £>ay Qolf Club Argyle and Plaid designs, hand framed in Scotland Macassa 3.65 was absent. Activity centred around 7/6 and 9/6 MacLeod-Cockshutt 3.25 gilt edged division and home reils. Mining Corp. . 1.60 Industrials closed with firm tone, Weekly Medal Competitions with Handsome Prizes. Allen Solly Socks Moneta 1.85 tobacco ar.d rubber leading. Trans­ Noranda 5050 atlantics made satisfactory gains. LADIES: ALL DAY WEDNESDAY from 7/6 O'Brien 3.00 Omega 3! Foreign bonds quiet. GENTLEMEN: ALL DAY THURSDAY Pam. Porcu. 3.15 Other Wool Socks in Botany or Cashmere ERNEST JONES—Professional Paymaster 42 QUOTATIONS from 3/6 to 13/6 Pend Oreille 1.49 (Women's National LI.) Perron 1_15 Pickle Crow 4.0^> LONDON, Apr. 1 (OP)—Cablo an-f FRED AUSTIN—Assistant Professional Pioneer 2.8~i Wireless £582. Bonds—British 21% Preston Dome .85 Consols £73|; British Z\% War Loar. Full Restaurant and Bar service MAIN STORE Read Authier ______2.80 £101-5/8; British Funding 4's, 1960- Red Lake Gold ____„.. 19 DAtLY FERRIES Royalite OS :...... 36.50 90, £111-3/8; Brazil Funding 5's San Antonio 1.31 £23J; French War 5's £10J; Geiman (Bermuda Transportation Co.V Shawky .20 7's, 1924, £49|. Leave HamUton—8.45 a.m., 10 a.m., 2 p_m. and 4.15 p.m. Sherritt-Gordon 1.10 Siseoe „__; „ 2.34 and calling at Princess, Darrell's Wharf & Belmont Manor. Sladen-Malarctic .96 Stadacona _. .211 1570tto.«-. to 31/4/38 Sudbury Basin y 2.15 GERMAN SCHOOL CLOSED Sullivan Cons. ^ .92 WANTED! Sylronite ssSL 2.80 BUENOS AIRES, Apr. 1 (CP)—The Tech-Hughss „ 4.40 SANDYS GARDEN CLUB I buy for cash used postage Thompson Cadillac 22 Educational Council in Enterios pro­ Ventures ___-__•„,••,.,• __ 425 vince closed the Geiman language stamps in quantity and single WWte Amulet ______1.10 school tcday as "un-Argentine." The monthly meeting will be held stamps, and pay a good price. Wend ^adillttfa ._...... ••_... .___ '37 The Council said the closed school on Wednesday April 6 af*3.45 p.m. Send to J. Barclay, Barton Cot­ Wright Hargreaves >„__ ..._ - 6.751 at the residence of Mrs. Thompson. tage, Burhill Estate, Cobham, , Lapa Cadillac — 42 did not teach Spanish and tended to w The speaker will be announced later. I Cal. and Ed 189 "inculcate foreign Jdeas. Surrey, ENGLAND. -/ -. ZZA^Aw y THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONI^TnDAILY, SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1938. Page 9


PARIS, Apr. 1.—A campaign by Local and Foreign Sporting News war veterans to enlist President Albert Lebrun as head of a "pubUc safety" -—-- rff-m- jj> It! cabinet mat with a warning from France's labour czar that his 5,000,000 foUower? would "go the limit" to FINAL OF FIRST ANNUAL YALE AND B.A.A. TIE IN J. C. ADAMS CAPTURES prevent it. BELMONT FOURSOMES HARLEQUIN GOLF CUP Leon Jouhau-i secretary of the RUGGER PRACTICE General Confederation of Labour, TOURNEY TODAY told a miners' congress that if the College Side Held to 3-3 Tie by Annual Medal Play Tourney present People's Front Government Miss Henderson and Pearman Played at Coral Island should resign "under the pressure Meet Mrs. Nichols and Miller Local XV Yesterday of a financial and nationalist obU- garchy," his organization wculd "set About 100 spectators witnessed a The Harlequin Cup, played for an­ it up again by our own means." A thrilling finish that ended with preview of Rugby Week action on tbe nually in the Ccral Island Golf Club's a 20-foot putt for a one-up victory put He protested that the National Bermuda Athletic Association field major tournament of the year, was Jim Pearman and Miss R. Henderson Union of War Veterans, in circulating yesterday, when tbpYale and B.A.A. won by J. C. Adams on Sunday into the final of the first annual a petition asking that Lebrun form fifteens tied 3-3 in a practice match. over the Coral Island course. Shooting Belmont Manor mixed foursomes golf a "pubUc safety" cabinet, wanted a The game did not iapduce any bril­ the course in 79, and with a handicap tournament yesterday. Pearman "union against the workers' Uberty." liant play, bnt it was keen and hard- of 18, Adams captured the trophy sank the winning putt on the 18th he veterans' organization has more fought throughout.' Tbe local sid< with a net score cf 61. The cup, green to eliminate Mr. and Mrs. *l.an a milUon members. had the best of the play in the firsi which is awarded for handicap medal Sydney Powell and today he and his The petition was made pubUc con­ half, confining the Americans pretty play, was won last year by Jack partner will meet Bill Miller and currently with raucous- sessions of well to their cwn territory although Hayward. A field of about 35 com­ Mrs. W. H. D. Nichols for the honour the Senate and Chamber of Deputies Yale was nearly always able to gair peted in tbe tournament. of holding the first Belmont four­ and Premier Leon Blum's decision possession of the ball fri m tbe scrun A prize of a cccktaU shaker and somes title. Miller and Mrs. Nichols to postpone parUamentary debate on and line-outs. glasses was awarded to Miss Evelyn his biU for decree powersover finances defeated Lyle Torrey and Mrs. K. Temperley for the best ladies' score Murray six and five. Yale scored first, however, after a —a move to save his People's Front breakaway by Castie, who carried of the day. Miss Temperley turned Cabinet from what appeared as al­ Playing much steadier golf than the ball from his own "twenty-five" in a card of 97 and had a handicap most inevitable overthrow. their opponents ever the outgoing of 30 for a net score of 67. deep into B.A.A. territory. From the Blum announced that he had de­ nine holes, Mr. and Mrs. Powell line-out, a passing movement across About 100 people attended the cided to postpone parliamentary dis­ took the lead at the thiid hole and the field ended with Raffety crossing dinner dance at tbe Coral Island Club cussion of his fuU financial powers were two up at the turn. A birdie th s line for an unconverted try, which in the evening when the presentation biU, from Sunday to Tuesday to give _^_—. ' --. jevi (Photo by Kmldsen) two at the 10th and another birdie ff gave Yale a 3-0 lead at half time. of prizes took place. the Radical-Socialists, the mest con­ • ^°^'? 7 Miss iT.-Or the ban couldn't miss him. The biggestYale player gets the ball irom a line-out at the llth evened the match fox Tbe annual club championships servative segment of his backing, an in the Yale-Bermuda Athletic Association practice rugby game on the B.A.A. field yesterday. The American Pearman and Miss Henderson, and The Americans dominated the play are in progress at present, and the opportunity to study the measure. players secured the baU in nearly every Une-out and we e superior in the scrums, but the game ended 3-3 Raf­ they tightened up their game to hold in tbe second half owell had a card of 40 and 38 j son, Davidson, G~>rh-?rr., Johnson, Yesterday, in the second-1 a s t more than 100 planes to spread the disappearance, but that hope vir­ for a total of 78. A. D. Spurling and NichoU. training session, both Oxford and disease-bearing germs in Shensi and tually had been abandoned. inal of the beaten eight's Cambridge concentrated on starts. Shansi Provinces. "Were they taken and destroyed? division of the chanspienship flight The Light Blues showed fine style We do not definitely know." she will be played A. F. Rowe and Miss R. in a two-minute spurt, outstripping wrote. "Why were they taken? We Pierce, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd P. their reserve crew by a length and a Smuggling Halted on Niagara do not know. Jones. Rowe and Miss Pierce defeated FIELD FOR THE DERBY half to equal Oxford's performance "We hope we are wrong and that Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trott, Jr., five on Wednesday. Oxford did not row LEWISTON, N.Y. Apr. L—Smug­ they wiU turn up again. . . but they four, but Mr. and Mrs. Jones IS REDUCED TO 69 seriously, but experimented with gling along the lower Niagara River just disappeared." were taken to an extra hole befcre style and starting. has declined to such an extent that they won one up over Mr. and Mrs. Port Marnock Present Choice the United States border patrol wiU A. C. Fuller. soon close its six-man Lewiston at Odds of 6-1 station, according to Edward E. Adcock, patrol inspector. During LONDON, April 1.—(CP)—The field PRESIDENT PETITIONED IN the prohibition era the river was the METEOROLOGICAL NOTES for the Derby, which is to be ran scene of major smuggling activity. ENGUSH FOOTBALL at Epsom on June 6, was reduced to AUSTRIAN CASE "We are closing the station because April 1st. 69 yesterday. Of the original field of of a lack of activity," Mr. Adcock Barometer— LEAGUE FIXTURES 294 entries, 115 were withdrawn at NEW YORK, Apr. 1 (CP)—Presi­ explained today. AU of the "big AID FOR HIGH-GOALBR—George H. (Pete) Bostwick. high- 8.00 a.m „__™__.1021.7milUbars goal polo player, receives assistance in adjustment of his knee dent Roosevelt war petitioned today time" smugglers, he said, had been the first acceptance last Summer, 30.17 Inches pads by tills friendly Uttle pooch. Pete is shown at Aiken, S. C, and 110 more were withdrawn yester­ by more than a hundred leaders of "broken financially" by economic EngUsh Football League matches 8.00 p.m. „ 1019.8 millibars where he te getting in trim for the summer's tournaments at scheduled to be played today follow: day. Sir Humphrey de Trafford's the Bench, Bar, reUgious, civic and conditions and the steady pressure of Meadowbroolc. Long Island, and elsewhere. He is rated as one of 30.11 Inches the fastest mallet-swingers that strides a pony these days. Port Marnock is the present favourite educational organizations to make an patrol officeis. Wind— "cp_n and affirmative announce­ FIRST DIVISION at 6-1. 8-0C a.m. S.S.W. -....14 ml. per hr. ment cf the appUcation of a diploma­ Noon S.W. „..„ I8mi.perhr. tic poUcy cf non-recognition with re­ Arsenal v. Charlton A What Causes Epilepsy? 8.00p in. S.W. _ 16mi.pernr. Hope For Fliers Abandoned I TELEVISION PROJECTOR gard to the forced annexation of Blackpool v. Preston N.E. New York, N.Y. A booklet con­ Max Temp, for 24 hrs ____. 72 Austria by Germany." The docu­ Bolton W. v. Leeds United taining the opinions of famous HONOLULU, March 31.—Hope for ment protested against tbe treatment Min.Temp for24 hrs.__ 60 Brentford v. Grimsby T LEWIS KNOCKS OUT THOMAS doctors on the subject "CAN EPI­ six navy flyers aboaid a missing PHILADELPHIA, Apr. 1.—Develop­ of poUtical

mst%SI ALL SET FOR HAREM m SCAREM tim I 19 ft**.* ft* THE BOOK STORE 19 59 A cast such as the coming Harem ft* if* 19 Scarem Revue engages represents 5ft*9 ft* 19 almost every major activity in Ber­ ft* 5 : THE HEALING KNIFE muda, from the Colonial Office to ifi 9.9 by George Sava, (10/6). the usual business staff in the large *.* ft* An amazing autobiography ft* 19 shops. Mr. Anthony Ferraz, who has ft* of a man who suddenly saw 19 19 arranged the music so charmingly, ft* his destiny and fulfiUed it has been in Bermuda in former years, mm 1ft*9 59 by sheer force of wiU, coming from the West Indies where FDRNITUKJ ft* against almost impossible 19 19 he conducted his own orchestra for ft* odds, and through adven­ dance work. For some time he con­ ft* 19 *j> 1ft*9 tures worthy of a new Arab­ ducted an orchestra in Bermuda, ft* ft* *9 ian Nights. furnishing music fcr many social 19 ft* : :THIS PROUD HEART occasions. The Army is represented 19 ft* Cr* by Pearl S. Buck, (10/5). by Captain Sturge who participates 59 90 ft* tfm After eight books about in one of the many hilarious scenes iff M in the shew. Captain Sturge has had tim people in China, Pearl Buck 19 9,9 in "This Proud Heart" turns a wide experience in staging and ft* ft* to the American scene and acting, having been one of the prime 1ft*9 19 sponsors cf the Prosect production 19 ft* American characters. m.0- : :A CHILD UNDER SAIL "Happy Hours." Aiding Captain ft* ft* Sturge inone of the Revue's funniest 90 by EUbabeth Linklater, 19 ft* (8/6). scenes is Pat Beatts, noted fcr his ft* *>J production at Somers CoUege of ft* Mrs. Linklater (the mother 19 9* of Eric Linklater) was the "The Tempest," an outoot perform­ iff ft* ance of fine merit, and this year a 19 9.9 daughter of a windjam­ ft* Urn production of "As You Like It" is 19 9* mer's captain. She made &£ being prepared under his direction. ft* many voyages on his ship. 90 Miss Eleanor Hughes has been men­ 19 6m In this are described her 90 tioned before for her long experience ft* ft* recollections of the routine 90 in dance work. And Don Evans, her 19 of that ardous seafaring ft* partner in the "Coral Cottage" num­ ft* 99 life as it affected the skip­ Sim ber, has appeared locaUy in many 5! 9.9 pers' wives and daughters. &'_1 shows, notably "Outward Bound" mm 90 •ENDS AND MEANS and "The Valiant," as weU as "Or­ 19 ft* Aldous Huxley, (10/-). ft* s?»_s ders are Orders" and others. 1* ft* An enquiry into the nature ft* 9.9 90 ideals and into the Special attention is caUed to the ft* ft* scenery for the present production, 9,9 99 methods employed for their ft* ft* realization. the handiwork of Messrs. Arthur *9 M ft* : :THE BEAST MUST DIE Cooper, Stanley Feakins and George ft* M Smith. Effects have been attempted if*••*> ft* by Nicholas Blake,(7/6). 99 A detective story with a which the local stage has never *.* ft* 90 wickedly brilliant plot. The seen, and many a surprise wiU greet 19 ft* the first night's audience. It would ft* 90 Crime Club Novel of the 1* One Quarter tim ft* not be fair not to caU attention to the 19 Cash 9.9 Month. chorus of charming girls who have '•ft** ft* MOZART by W. J. ft* 99 worked so hard to bring the routine 9.9 Turner, (16/-). ft* dance selections to such a state of wm M A sufficently fuU and accu­ 9.9 Including such eminently desirable items as:— ft* perfection. They deserve, and wiU 9.9 rate account of the man ft* get great applause for then fine spirit 9.9 tfm and his works revealed as tfm and co-operation. Burton Stone has i'm19 19 r as possible in his own Cf* "undertaken a trying part, and how ' ft*!-*^ im words. With 17 illustrations. ft*19 1* weU he succeeds wiU be another up­ ft* SIMMONS BEDS—SPRINGS and MATTRESSES — CARPETS 2839TW. 519* ft* roarious occasion, we are sure. There ft* 19 ft*l* ft* ar3 a few seats left for those late 9.mft* 19 ft*19 and RUGS—DINING ROOM, LIVING ROOM and KITCHEN ft* purchasers who wish to attend on one ft* 9.9 of the three nights. On sale at the 1M* Cr* timft* SUITES—PIANOS—FLORENCE OIL STOVES, RANGES and 19 Bermuda Press, for next Tuesday, 19 ft* THEBOOK STORE 19 *9 Wednesday and Thursday, at the I ft* 19 tim Colonial Opera House. ft* OVENS—TABLE and FLOOR LAMPS, ODD CHAIRS, 90 ft* 4>c_s<_<^>-c_*>-c><>cix>-o< x=x>e___x>c_xw>o~o3 ft* Urn and a captivating torquoise bonnet 1« :r t eet Si to-day? ft* 19 hat topped her dark curls, and Miss 90 Vi ft* 9* Nan Carr cf Toronto lovely in a white 9.9 The Stores of Service, ^Satisfaction, Saving ft* j irock that sported a wide brigand's .ft* 90 ! 99 tim I belt in gay colors. ft* Cr* Following lunch the guests went 1* It. €reO?-g@'s 99 b~* Sim on to the racss wheie Cabasham, IM fim Mr. Thompson's horse won hand- *&l£99fJ999999*9V9i:9999aW999999lmtty9W99&9'99999999,9J *.bm* | somely from Bob Blackmail's "Billy &a__ta-_>«£*« __>*<__ __n__-<>'d--'r-d^ <__ __A-> gMBft* nAa %>'&«' _»ti a __•'«_ v.V» &\i &'.. &£ &'* a-J simti'm tia &'•_> ft* timtim t'_t •_»'* ft* tim fc'fl.99.99'. ft"* ~ 90 8f/S S>,<"! «• 9 90 90 90 ?f.9 90 90 90 90 ft**•• WmM 3_4tti'_ . -_>'<__ sin elm c< ot tim si-is s/_a tim timtim SAB _SM_99_ tim ' M"—looks like another challenge m'<3 ! race will take place. Among the IN THE HOUSE ANOTHER OUTSTANDING I many visitors cashing in cn the win- EVENT Cooking—Room Heating—Water Heating •<"isut2 i ners, were Mr. and Mrs. M. Fields of ! Chicago. A merry group from Rav- Two parties stand out in the enter­ ; ello Gardens on the terrace were Mr. Continued from Page 1 tainment field of Bermuda in the and Mrs. J. A. DeRemer of Connec­ last few months, 1st' 'The Toy Party,'' ^§1 PYROFAX GAS SERVICE Vmi&^jmmj^ 7-.S ^ ticut, Mrs. DeRemer in a nautical Revenue Officer, for a compassionate 2nd "Tlie Country Fair," for which I navy costume with plaid top coat, allowance, and later moved that the repeated requests have been made for — The Blue Flame of Speed and Convenience —

•Ui?'UU._s_r_~*.Ji~."_»~.c;»_*r. Mr. and Mrs. AUan Barnes of New House consider the Petition in Com­ repetition. | York, who have just returned from a mittee. New the third in a series of original j trip through the Orient and China In moving that the Prayer of the balls at the Hamilton. "The Marine Bermuda Utility Company and have taken Windsor Cottage at Petition be granted, and leave given BaU." Miss Jenny Lee who originated Pitts Bay Road Dial 1978 j RaveUo for the season. Mr. andMrs. I. for the introduction of a Resolve the two previous affairs is now work­ 2S90«Js. i H. Wilson, Jr. cf Willoughy, Ohio and to give effect to it, Sir Stanley Spur­ ing with the able staff of the HamU­ | Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Mcintosh 3rd of Ung uointed out that the Superan­ ton to make this event as brilliant a Mentor, Ohio all from RaveUo arrived nuation Act now provides that any­ success as the others. Nautical at­ P£»>OXiZ>£ Bermuda Hotel Association, just in time to see "Cabasham" one claiming a compassionate allow­ mosphere, ship's entertainers, origin­ Advertisement in Booklet.... $250.00 TOOTH PASTE nose in. Chatting with Mr. J. P. ance must have served in the employ al favours and refreshments. Jane Tucker, Jean Cookscn, Burt in New York, Miss Cay Moore of of Government for at least 25 years, Decorations by CUve Wittridge, Real Estate $20.001 Toronto in white sharkskin topped, and that during those 25 years a music by Yale Prom Orchestra, are JohnS. DarreU & Co., 800 If you use a solid dentifrice, try the new with coial angora coat. Mrs. J. man shaU have served at least 3,750 only part of the plans for a jolly Cambridge 5 0 0 LADIES' BLOUSES MACLE'N SSL 3 PeRJX 0£ LEN< IF.-hCE McLaughlin an ardent Bermuda fan days. Mr. Outerbridge has been in evening Best of aU, the proceeds | Bda. Electric Light Co., Ltd.... 60 0 0 | very smart and usual tn a jungle- Government employ for 29 years, of the "Marine BaU" are for the | Gibbons Ccmpany 50 0 0 20 Different Styles brown checked coat and Mr. Has­ but the figures are only obtainable SaUors* Home, a worthy cause so GosUng Bros.,Ltd. 40 0 0 tings Outerbridge graciously assist­ for 21 years of his service. If, how­ well conducted by Mr L. N. Tucker. Bank of N. T. Butterfield & ing a group of Toronto girls on their ever, four years only were taken into first visit to the Bermuda Jockey Son - •'•• 100 0 0 account in respect of the time for 4/6 to 6/- Club. Trimingham Bros., Ltd 60 0 0 which no figures are avaUable, the Peniston Bicwn Co., Ltd 8 0 0 —o— number of days worked by Mr. THE BERMUDA POOL West India OU Co 16 0 0 H- Outerbridge were 3,719, just 31 days A. S. Cooper & Sons...„ 8 0 0 TREASURE PARTY TONIGHT short of the time provided in the 1937-1938 Astwood Dickinson & Co $50.00 Act. Referring to the high standard Butterfield & Co., 8 0 0 AT THE HAMILTON of exceUent service given by Mr. Bda. Fire & Marine Ins. Co., BON MARCHE A new breed of Golden Corn, Outerbridge, and to his reputation Ltd 16 0 0 Burnaby Street packed in its own delicious Terminating a week of gay parties for honourable conduct, Sir Stanley Under the Auspices of the Pearman, WatUngton & Co 60 0 0 cream . . . Full-bodied and wiU be the "Treasure" party ttnight said that in his opinion it would be Bermuda Chamber of Hand, Arnold, Ltd 5 0 0 2891%. creamy-thick . . . solid fork- in the HamUton GiUl. unfair to penaUse him because his Ingham & WUkinson, Ltd. 24 0 0 food, not thin, runny spoon- Every Saturday night through the Commerce food. . . . The Cream of the period of service feU a Uttle short A. I. Grocery Co., Ltd 10 0 0 corn crop creamed. season there wiU be a drawing for a of the time stipulated in the Act, J. A. P. Pitt & Co., _ 10 0 0 new one pound note at 11 p.m., and he therefore asked the House to £ s d Geiald Gray, Real Estate 10 0 The Little Church on 'the Corner hence the name "Saturday night DEL MAIZ agree to granting him a pension of NichoU & Ashton 8 0 0 Bda. Telephone Co., Ltd 15 0 0 Cream-Style Treasure Party". £34. 10. 0. computed at one-hun­ E. & C. F. Tucker. 8 0 0 H. A. & E.Smith, Ltd 60 0 0 Sunday evening at 8:45 there wUl dredth of his annual average pay Curtis & Barnard _. 8 0 C Bank of Bermuda, Ltd 100 0 0 "Serve tlie Lord witli gladness be the usual Sunday evening concert for the five years immediately pre­ A. J. Gorham 8 0 0 Public Worship come CORN J. B. Astwood & Son 12 0 0 before His presence with singing, I featuring the weU known concert ceding his retirement, for each year H. P. Motyer 4 0 0 Mrs. R. G. Robinson _. 2 0 0 Enter (soprano, Jenny Lee assisted by Ed­ Real Estate into His gates with thanksgiving and into of service. The House agreed to the The Bermuda Cigar Store. 10 0 0 11 a.m. &7.30 p.m. His courts with praise." Pitman's Shorthand die Wittstein and his orchestra. introduction of the necessary M. A. Gibbons 6 0 0 J. S. VaUis 10 0 0 TAUGHT BY SPECIALIST Next Tuesday the regular Tuesday legislation . Although there are a Bermuda Trading Ccmpany.... 8 0 0 WatUngton & Conyers 20 0 0 in 16 complete postal lessons. 5s. night amateur preformance wiU number of Orders awaiting con­ W. S. Purvis & Co. Ltd 8 0 0 O. R. Lcblein £10 0 0 monthly. Success assured. Hlus- take place and eaily attendance Is T.J.Wadson andSon 16 0 0 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH trated booklet free. sideration, on the motion of the Bda. General Theatres 10 0 o advisable. Chesley E.White 8 0 0 Corner Church & Court Streets INSTITUTE OP SHORTHAND, Deputy Speaker, the House adjourn­ Beimuda RaUway Co.,Ltd 20 0 0 62 OXFORD STREET Danding starts every evening at ed until Friday next. W. H. Heyl & Co. 8 0 0 Masters Hardware „ 8 0 0 London, W.I., (England). 9 p.m. THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COi_ONIST DAILY. SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1938. Page 11

X X Xx _c~V X f&ir. At AU Of X «r~V Biggest Bargains X X X 1ST X Our Seven In AU X X X Stores JBermuda X X *3ef X X X X X Jpi. Every Article Brand New X X X X Bought Specially for this Pre-Easter Sale X X How can we sell at such low prices? Because we buy in enormous quantities direct from the manufacturers. Because we X •sef sell for Cash, which means less clerical cost, and no bad debts, so that we can operate on a very small profit. These are some X of the reasons why we can save you so much money. Come in to any one of our Seven Stores, and let us prove it to you. Here X are a few practical examples:— X "Sol' X X X X Ladies* Silk Dresses, from 9/6 Men's Linen Suits, 20/- X A beautiful selection, hard to duplicate at double the price; X Single and double breasted, new models, snappy styles, X sizes 14 to 20 and 38 to 52. unusual values. X X Ladies' Crepe and Pique Ladies' Anklets (in all X Men's White Duck Trousers, 4/6 X X Skirts 3/- colours) — 9d X At this price you can afford the several pairs you need. Latest style, well made; wonderful value. They'll be very popular again this season. X X X .?%, X X Men's Striped and Checked Trousers, 5/- X X X Ladies* Shoes, Pumps, etc*, -•• 10/- They're smartly styled and well tailored. X X Shoes, pumps, straps, lace-ups; sport and Cuban heels; latest models; a new Easter selec­ X X tion; genuine 20/- value. Men's Polo Shirts (asstd. colours) Men's Stiff Collar Shirts...... 4/- from 1/- Men's Summer Caps . ... 1/6 X Ladies' Crepe Hats.... 2/6 Ladies' White Purses. .2/6 Ladies' Uniforms 4/- Ladies' Fine Blouses 3/- Ladies' 2-pc. Sport Men's White Cuban Heel Shoes...... 10/- Men's Blue Work Shirts__. 2/- X Ladies' 3-pc. Play Suits 4/- Ladies' Belts 6d. Suifc„_ .15/- Men's Fancy Silk Socks 1/- X X Men's Straw Hate (latest styles) 4/- X X X X X X X SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT X ./•ft, BABIES' DEPARTMENT X X X X Babies* Bonnets X X X Next Week We Officially Open X X i/- X X Cute, Httle bonnets that are simply amazing value at this X FOUR MORE BARGAIN STORES X price. X X NEW STORE X


Golden Brown S. S. Pilsudski (Gadenla-Amerlcan Line) is due to arrive from New Whole Wheat" Bread York on Sunday April 3rd, at St. BERMUDIAN MOTHER URGES George's, sailing on return trip on Tuesday, April 5th. Agents, J. S. The foremost bakers of the Darrel & Oo. world have provided formu­ * * « las and recipes for satisfying T.E.V. Monarch of Bermuda (Furn­ ,' Peggy OToole. whose Barents in wmcb tbey tackled tbe stack • died after migrating from Dub­ of dishes. Jimmie attempted to QUAKER OATS FOR CHILDREN the most fastidious taste. ess-Bermuda Line) is due to arrive lin to New fork, has grown DP fupgle several nlates but. after a We are in possession of from New York on Monday, April under the wing of an elderly couple of near-disasters decided these fine recipes and use 4th, sailing on return trip at 3.00 widow, Mrs. Burke, whose two to give up the attempt. • small grandchildren. Rosemary only the best materials and p.m. the same day. Agents, Wat­ "Say — do all these hafta De . . . LIKEWISE IN MANY OTHER and Mickey, also live witt her. washed, too?" Mickey asked eye­ foodstuffs In preparing lington & Conyers. While a salesgirl at Meredith's ing the Dots and Dans. HOMES IN BERMUDA goods for you. * * * Department Store. Peggy be- , comes acquainted with the store- "Of course. Mickey dear " Peggy M.s. Georgic (is due to arrive from ; owner's little granddaughter, answered sweetly. "At least. / al­ ANOTHER POOR REPORT FROM SCHOOL, New York on Monday, April 4th, ways find it necessary to wash Insist on having the finest Janice Meredith. The child takes them." SON, WHAT IS THE MATTER? sailing on return trip on-Thursday, a great fancy to her. with the "WHOLE WHEAT* BREAD Mickey grumbled, but appUed April 7th. Agents, WatUngton & result that old Mr. Meredith en­ Baked fresh daily gages Peggy as governess. Mean- himself to tbe task. DON'T KNOW MOTHER, Conyers. vhile. Peggy has met a young Presently, a bail froui the back­ • • • taxi-driver. Jimmie Butler, who yard made bim prick up bis ears NEVER FEEL LIKE 5TUDY-| seems greatly attracted to her. and look oleadingly at Peggy Sbe IN6--ALWAYS TIRED AND S. S. Arcadia (Eastern Steamship OB a picnic one day, he makes took pity on bim. Lines) & due to arrive from New York love to her and asks her if she "Run along." -die said, untying JUMPY QUALITY BAKERY, LTD. on Monday, April 4th, at St. Geor­ could ever be "as crazy about me the apronstrings from around his neck. "Ill finish 'em for you." Dial 2158 ge's saiUng on return trip on Wed­ as I am about you.'* She answers by letting him kiss her. "Aw. thanks Peggy!" Grinning, TCtLty. nesday, April 6th. Agents, J. S. Dar­ he made his escape. rel & Oo. • * # CHAPTER X EGGY swiftly got rid of the AT FIRST ecstatically happy P pots and pans, then seized a S.S. Lady Rodney (C_N.S.) Is due to In the thought of Jimmie's towel and nelped Jimmie finish arrive from Nassau & Jamaica on drying tbe dishes. Monday, April 4th, sailing the same love, Peggy soon, however, be­ It was one of those times of VISITORS day for HaUfax via Boston. Agents, gan to notice that he did not perfect companionship. Conversa­ seem to be interested in plans tion seemed superfluous. I. S. DarreU & Co. for the future — the future, "A penny for vour thoughts. SAVE 20% • • • duchess." Jimmie said finally. S. S. Lady Somers (O_N_S.) is due to that is, of the two of them to­ She smiled shyly up at him. "I gether. After a while, she even war lust wondering what vou ON BICYCLE arrive from Boston via HaUfax on began to wonder just how wished on vour candles." she ad­ Monday, April 4th, sailing the fol­ much he had meant by his mitted. A FINE REPORT THIS MONTH. lowing day for Nassau and Jamaica. declaration, the day of the "Guess." be teased. THAT QUAKER OATS IDEA OF HIRES Agents, J. S. DarreU & Co. She hesitated. "I think maybe picnic. I can ..." Another pause. "1 YOURS WAS WONDERFUL, DAD. • • * wonder if you get as much fun out ROBERT'S FULL OF AMBITION Could she have taken him too of tbis sort of thing as I do? I S.s. Lafayette (French line) is due 'Seriously? He was strangely slow mean—doing the ~**-hes and—and NOW,..NERVOUSNESS ALL GONE Our Rate Only to arrive from Nassau and Havana on about a definite commitment — and it bothered her. He bad said things around the house?** Saturday, April 16., at Grassy Bay he was "crazy" about her — but There! a- neld tier breath. $4 Per Week sailing the same day to New York how much had he meant by that? Would he take her lead? Agents, WatUngton & Oonyers. Her cheeks burned as she won­ He hung up his tov.el before he dered if. perhaps. She had given answered. Quaker Oats does aid mentally as well and strength, nourishes and invigorates. $12 Per Month his words a deeper meaning than Then. "It is sort of fun. isnt as physically. In every way it is the ideal Make Quaker Oats a part of the daily he had intended. it?" he said casually. health food for everyone, young and old diet of all your family. Try it for the next S.s. IUe de France (French Line) Peggy, released her breath with alike. It offsets nervousness, constipa­ She could not bring herself to a little sigh. That was not just the 30 days and see how much better every­ is due to arrive from New York on say anything to him. After aJL it answer she had expected. tion and loss of appetite. It replenishes one of your family will feel. Delicious April2£nd. atFiveFathomHolesaiUng was his place to speak first of the "Only " He was not looking forces used up by -work and play—re­ and economical too. Cooks in 2V2 min­ BURNABY CYCLES future — of marriage — not hers. tbe same day for Nassau and Jamaica. at her as he pulled down his stores vigour and vitality. It builds health utes after water boils. Burnaby St. Dial 1513 I Yet she could not help wondering sleeves ana buttoned his cuffs. Agents. Watlington & Conyers. and worrying about his silence on "I'm afraid I cant see 'js taking * Sf Sf this subject. We Deliver Fully Equipped \ it on as a steady job—just yet." S. S. Volendam (Holland-America He had told her of his approach­ He paused. "Darling, you don't QUAKER OATS 25S4C~r._n.e_tp. | Line) is due to arrive from Neu ing birthday, and she invited him reaUy want to be tied down so to supper for the occasion. She York cn Monday, April 4th, sailinf soon, dc vou?" baked a cake, and prepared a meal She stood quite still for a mo­ A. J. CUKHAM, Agent : on return trip on Wednesday, April consisting of bis favorite dishes. ment. Then, sbe slowly turned 6th. Agents, Harnett & Richardson. It wasnt a real party—just Jim­ away. She did not want him to see 03~ * * * mie. the Burkes and hersetf—but her face, see the tears that had it was a merry one. When Peggy sprung to her eyes. It WRS a mo­ S. S. Lady Drake (CN.S.) is due to brought in the cake. Mt by twenty- ment before she could control her arrive from the West Indies on Fri two Uttle pink candles, her eyes voice enough to speak. day. April 8th, sailing the same day were shining. "•you mean—that's your idea of We Guarantee to help you get for Halifax via Boston. Agents, J. S. She placed it in the center of 'the table and turned out all the * marriage — that it ties you Darrell & Cc. lights. down to much?" Sf Sf Sf latter Snapshots •"Now. make a wish and blow "Not just me. darling—us." He T.E.V. Queen of Bermuda (Furness- out all tbe candles witb one breatb was behind her now. "You're how ,—if you can." she instructed. old? Twenty? Oh, so young—and with Beimuda Line) is due to arrivi Jimmie looked at ber across the there's so much of life to live. Let's Somers Bldg., Hamilton from N~,gns. THE ART STUDIO (SHOP) * * Sf Tariff and "Guide of London" from offices Next to Princess Hotel S. S. Bayano (Elders & Fyffes Line) of Royal Gazette & Colonist Daily THE IDEAL BUILDING BOARD s due to arriva from Avonmouth, flllenbuiys Special Terms Families. "Phone Padd. 4421. INSULATES * DECORATES TELEPHONE 1878 England cn Thursday, April 14th, sailing tie same day for Jamaica. V^PASTILLES SUBDUES NOISES 2431ttu. th. s. to 30 4-38 ._«___ _»*~ checks Agents, WatUngton & Conyers. 9 * * * will tf jf* MALARIA TERMITE PROOF tte&K 4f\ in 3 days M.s. Gesrgic (is due to arriva from stop New York on Saturday, April 16th, MniB COLDS A DELIGHTFUL saiUng on return trip the same day. thai W %nP' \£* tart day AgEnts, WatUngton & Conyers. Liquid. Tablets Headache, 30 CELOTEX HARDBOARD CHEWING GUM * * * cough! Salve, Nose Drop* minutes HELPS KEEP TEETH WHITE S.S. Acadia (Eatern Steamship Obtainable from all chemists, For Interior Decoration stores, etc., throughout B.W.I —MOUTH HEALTHY lines) is due to arrive cn Sunday, rry "Rub-My-T*sr»-_" — World's Best 2588ts. P2.BWI.38 Liniment itNTYNE April 17th, at St. George's, sailing cn [REVVING GUM 3d PittPSTHt TEETH VVUTE BRINGING UP •»-«-» SOUVENIRS Coral - Ivory - Jade - Amber FATHER Novelties Linens - Sweaters - Gloves By Bermuda Scarves Films - Post Cards - Toys George YANKEESTORE McManus



Crossword Puzzle •By LARS MORRIS: ACROSS ANSTVEK TO ft—Hie Devti GOOD NEWS! PREVIOUS PUZ.ZL* 6—Holy Image 1—MO (HeDrewi I Fmai profit 6—Mathematical 8 -Hermits relation 9 -Part of loot r o VE. TED KEL A T O R t0—Public disturbance •—New name ol Persia n p ^ [ i IM F ERA £ U K E il Ancient city In Asia Gray flannel Suits 13 Rebounding sound I u T Minor 14- Genus of maoles D E U_S bLEN S w S i2 Close 15- Riviera city i R A PEft, K A l_ O b 20 Writing fluid j 1«—Periods ot time r ARm mSN EER E D •Er u A 22 Gums 17 -Caro t L I C E E T 24—Made ol oak ' 18 American rail T A SMD M A 25 -Cabbage i The Bermudiana Hotel 19— Pretentious verbiage L E y E E E THS P L E b N S *6 -Belonging to her 21 —Corporeal substance IP N U A L L. (col.i Si Membei oi ^mlttc S3 -Tavern T T l\ R Al Is P I T T E For Women ... £8.0.0. 24—River tn stance fr_ u race 25 White rock O M| OR A i~W> 1 N S O M E 28 Hit with sties 28 -Device for throwln A A K_S M 1 MO SE N A bi 29— Fundamental amount announces 32- At tbis Dlace S T E S MAL T N A JO—Telegra pb wire 33 -Captures T 1 O RL O P A T tl Comprehensive j 34- -Island ot Cyciader D E D •__• journey 35 -Mouths E V \ e 1 O|N E L E VST E ts Four-footed \ 38 Chechoslovakian DE U s ELp N E W E L E 13 J6—Syrian god statesman 37-Possessing sagacity 1 37 River in Colombia 39--Card game 38 Never defeated 40—Worthless dog The Return of 49 Provide food SS—Part ol speech 42 -Father i Latin I 41 Piece ot pasteboard 57 — Anglo-Saxon seri 43 -Drinking place Gray flannel, in a woman's eyes, is 12 Young dog 58 -Ruminant 44—Sacred bull ) 43 Mystic system ot 59—Headdress 45 Leguminous plant doctrine 46 -Ornamental 46 Small pox DOWN container | always smart. In a man's eyes, it is 50 Imitator 47 Wind-instrument SCOTT FISHER 51 Interweave I—Sunken rocks 48 -Clumsy fellow 53 Black 2—Unbleached 49—Queen ol England 54 Authoritative decree 3—Persian ruler* always right Smart women always 55 -French Department 4—Inimical 62—Falsehood have a gray flannel suit—what can \ 2 3 M 5 s 1 8 9 IO II 12 who will lead replace it for versatility, durability? 13 >4 '5 Trimingham's gray flannel suits for Al Donahue's lb \~\ 16

19 IO 21 '>® women are made in England by Orchestra ^ ^TJ& 14 "Cable" of London. They are classic in the ^ 1 25 2b 27 28 Z9 3D 31 models typical of the suits that are % Silver Grill 52 33 ^ designed in England. % m 35 3b * 31 % 30 2°i AO TONIGHT % HZ r % 43 HM 45 4b 41 4^ 4q ^ So 51 52 53 TRIMIN

*H 55 5m

51 pe 51 5 ' Copr. 1934 by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.

An old sea-captain, entered his stair- I Chequers: A State Sanctuary for ess home on horseback, cUmbed a iadder and pulled it into his room THE BON VOYAGE LUNCHEON Mrio^Mnor before you sad, wiU remain a pleasant memory of "Bermuda at ."or privacy. The complete 150 year- | its Bes when served Prime Ministers old beamed drawing room, fireplace, • ;VJ> doors, genuine Sheraton, Duncan THE PATIO RESTAURANT am Phyfe and Geoigian antique furni­ "The Restaurant with a Reputation" LONDOF- Chequers, the official fect example of the English Tudoi Bermuda Green Turtle Soup, Steak, Fins, Bermuda Scallops, country home of Eritain's Prime mancr hcuse. It was inhabited fcr ture that are museum pieces, whale Lobsters and Fish, prepared and served in Beimuda style in a Votfeu Ministers, "con~.es of age" this year. a time by desc-.ndants of Cromwell, oil lamp, reUcs etc., are stiU intact delightful Bermudian Palm Garden. Earl Baldwin., when Prime Minis- and contains a unique collection ~f .n the Belmont Manor Hotel. Steaks, Chops, Chickens and Lobsters are oroiled in our Charcoal * * * GriU. rer, ence said: '"Ihere are three Cromwullian relics, including three Sandwiches and Salad prepared for the individual taste. classes which needs sanctuary more portraits ~>f that patriot and states­ There is but one "old-timer" who Wines and Cuisine which appeal. Dancing every Evening than others—hirds, flowers, and man. These were the special pride stiU makes a business of raising TABLE DE HOTE LUNCHEON $1.00 Per Person Prime Ministers. Prime Ministers of Mr. Ramsay MacDonald during Arrow-root. He is Tommy Fox Table de Hote A La Carte Service DINING AND DANCING NIGHTLY IN THE TROPICAL GRILL at 930 want seme place where they will not his occupancy of Choqusrs. "King of St. Davids Island. Like the AND PALM GARDEN. be snapshotted, where they can be (The name "Chequers," by the ends of his harpoons, the ends of BERMUDA'S LEADING NATIVE ORCHESTRA AND in private, and where they can porch way, is supposed to be derived from Arrow-root are like arrow-heads. ENTERTAINERS Berrie Brown, Director. Sydney Bean, Guitarist and Entertainer. for a moment on a fence and look the office of an early owner of the St. David's Arrow-root was known ss the world's best when its cultivation Lancy Hayward, Pianist, and singer of Spirituals. Eldon GUbert, at the landscape without being estate who was Clerk to the Exche­ Featured Drummer. /I Harris, Ride String Bass. "shoed' off. Thanks to Lord Lee, quer.) was a good-sized industry. I have my sanctuary at Chequers." * * * MURRAY GRISS To preserve the privacy of this ru­ THE NEW WINDSOR HOTEL Twenty-one years ago Lord Lee of ral sanctuary, the strictest secrecy If your byke won't stop,—try put­ Fareham, Director General of Food surrounds the Prime Minister while ting a rock in front of it. and his Supplies during the World War, he is there. No pressmen are allow­ * * * presented bis Buckinghamshire While information In tbis, and future ed in the grounds, whether the Belmont Manor Orchestra home to the British nation for this columns, is obtained from sources very purpose. Prime Minister is in residence or not. believed reliable, and verified, correc­ His privilege of working or relaxing tions and contributions are welcomed. But Lord Lee had a higher aim away from all prying eyes has been This column appears every Tuesday also—Chequers was to be a kind cf Thursday and Saturday. consistently respected ever since Mr. bulwark of the British Constitution. Lloyd George held his Chequers "Tc the revolutionary statesmen," Special ferry leaves Belmont at 1235 a.m. house-warming in 1921. he wrote in his deed of settlement, COLONIAL OPERA HOUSE PA6UT "the antiquity and calm tenacity of What does he do? Walk? Fish? Chequers and its annals might sug­ Watch birds? Have breakfast in bed? Dick Foran in "Guns ot Pecos" A complete Botel Resort operated in the manner of a Smart gest seme saving virtues in the con­ The few who know the Prime Minis­ Club Every facility concentrated in one great estate on the lovely tinuity cf English history, and exer­ ter's activities at Chequers are for­ Ambitious to improve his acting, bidden to divulge them. South Shore — One of Bermuda's finest beaches, restricted to cise a check on too hasty upheavals; Dick Foran, First National star of Guests of tbe Hotel and their friends — Golf Course - Tennis whilst even the most reactionaiy Should the Prime Minister not "Guns of the Pecos," now showing Court — Stables Jenny Lee could scareoly be insensible to the wish to make use of his country at the Colonial Opera House is taking And. at ni«ht. dancing with HOWARD LANIN'S popular spirit of human freedom which per­ retreat, the Chequers Estate Act a short story writing course offered by orchestra. HTLBERT SERPEN, director CERT SOPRANO-TEACHER OF SINGING meates the countryside of Hampden, provides that it should be offered, Columbia University. A PLEASANT RENDEZVOUS FOR COCKTAILS. Hamilton Hotel—Phone 1011 Burke and Milton." in turn, to the Chancellor of the "Guns of the Pecos" is a thrilling DTNNE3 & DANCE Standing cn the site of a fort prob­ Exchequer, the Foreign Secretary, romance of the West. Beside Foran, Restricted Clientele. Fresh water throughout the entire house. ably built by Caractacus, the early the Colonial Secretary and the Amer­ the cast includes Anne Nagel, Gor­ British wairior king who resisted the ican Ambassador in London.—(Chris­ don Hart, Joseph Crehan, Eddie Roman invasion, Cheqaers is a per­ tian Science Monitor.) Acuff, Robert Middlemass, Gaby! Fay and Gordcn ElUott. Music and lyrics are by M. K. Jerome and Jack A COLUMN FOR Railway which advertises for byke Scholl. Noel Smith directed. transport and charges for what it -_• * * BERMUDA VISITORS can't take care of properly. Sf Sf Sf Irene Dunne and Randolph Scott In "High, Wide and Handsome" Continued from Page 1 The name "Michaelmass Assizes" originates from the old EngUsh Oscar Hammerstein n, renowned You have noticed the many holes of courtly red letter day, the feast of Ubrettist, worked over six months smart folks will be joiinc land-crabs along roadsides, yet you St. Michael, Sept. 29,—when cooked on the script of "High, Wide and see none of the crabs themselves. goose was the day's dish . . The name At ten with.their friends at the blue tiled pool, Handsome," the new musical ro­ They only come out after the end of a applies only to the last of the Supreme The popular morning meeting-place. Men's Sports Jackets mance at the Colonial Opeia Hcus to­ T dry spell to get water, and chiefly at Court's sessions. The origin of the At Cocktail hour in the room day. The combined efforts of Hammer­ dusk. Sometimes amputated claws term "your gcose is cooked" is be­ Open only from five to nine. ,f Han Ueved to date back to this sitting. stein, Director Reuben Mamoulian d Woven Shetland, Genuine Harris are seen at crab-holes. If caught a At night, dancing to the incomparable music of crab can drop a claw or leg at will to The Hilary Assizes are the first of the and George O'Neil went into the Tweed and also in Cashmere. These Bob McGrew's Orchestra in the Marine Room. escf-pe an enemy. It regenerates a new three sessions of the year. Trinity, completed version of the story. aterials have character and distinction part as does the lobster and the the second, and Michaelmass the Tlie story is woven around the ro­ Conventional Evening Dress Required. hat can only be brought out by Hand chamelion. third. mance of Irene Dunne and Randolph Scott, with the events of the boom Weaving of the Shetland and Harris * Sf, Sf Sf St Sf period serving as a colourful and ex­ Just similes: Affectionate as an To save cedars, the wUd Sage bush weeds. Our Tailors in London have pro­ citing background. The cast, in ad­ octopus . . Tired as a Mtch-hiking was introduced to use for kinddhng duced an excellent range of these Jackets dition to Scott and Miss Dunne, shark sucker . . Her certainly knows wood. It's round two-inch flowers from these outstanding fabrics. They includes some famous screen names, how to use his head. Useless as ice- of geometric design in a wide variety among which are Dorothy Lamour, make a smart outfit when worn with the skates in Bermuda. of colours, can be seen along the Raymond Walburn, Elizabeth Patter­ HAMILTON GRILL White or Gray Flannel Trousers. Sf Sf & roadside. Two new varieties of Lantern fish son, Akim Tamiroff, Chales Bick- ford. Ben Blue and WilUam Frawley. were caught on a recent night exe­ The fat lady wants to know if Ber­ DINING AND DANCING cution, bringing the known species of muda wiU help her get rid of 125 lbs this fish to 58. Night brings many of useless flesh. Why not divorce Eddie Wittstein's Yale Prom Orchestra deep-sea creatures to the surface him? POSTAGE STAMPS Nightly at 9 Up in search of food. * Sf Sf * * * Chop the head off a Centipede, and For Collections NO COVER NO MINIMUM Would you say this wins the gen­ the body wiU "look for it, and join Engltsij BpattB l^joji uine thorn-lined wooden horse- itself to it or any other severed part. BERMUDA blanket? A visitor suggests: Put A Centipede always crosses a road Amateurs Every Tuesday Pitts Bay Road _ Queen St separate low flat trailers, with racks from North to South and vice versa. and for bicycles only, on our Railway. But when one of those big clumsy 288S

fSj^sSMik -——^———-^—• rage 14 [THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAIIA. SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1938. IS188 7 GOLDEN JUBILEE YEAR 1937 Every mouthful a delight in flavour!; RUM POUND

m.HmmrmVU Sr John si. Iii__fim» CAKE You can be sure of more deli­ The cate texture, finer flavour if First you use ROYAL, the Cream of Tartar baking powder that President guards against costly baking $887-1891) failures... The first President of the Manufacturers Life Insurance Company was the Right Honourable Sir ON'T risk the luscious fla­ John A. Macdonald, the first Prime Minister of D vour of this wonderful Rum the Dominion of Canada. Pound Cake by using an inferior Fifty years have passed since Sir John was baking powder. Depend on Royal and you'll have a cake to boast iYiffl*mTmmfim»w«~Wi*d elected to die presidency of this company. In those about. fifty years there has been a tremendous expansion RUM POUND CAKE When you bake with Royal, in life insurance as an unsurpassed means of pro­ your cakes have finer flavour, 1 cup butter 1J-2 cups flour tection and thrift. The Manufacturers Life takes i^ cups sugar 1 cup cornstarch lighter texture, and stay fresh for 2 teaspoons Royal pride in the part k has played in the growth of 6 eggs days. That's because Royal is a juice and grated rind Baking Powder life insurance in Canada and throughout die world. Cream of Tartar baking powder. of J^ large lime J£ cup rum Established 1887 And Cream of Tartar makes all Cream butter; add sugar slowly, beating well. Add the difference in taste and texture. unbeaten eggs, one at a time, beating well after each THE egg is added. Add grated rind and lime juice; beat This finebakin g powder is eco­ well. Sift together flour, cornstarch and baking pow­ nomical, too. You run no risk of der; add alternately with rum to first mixture; mix MANUFACTURERS LIFE wasting expensive ingredients well. Pour into a greased loaf pan. Bake in moderate INSURANCE COMPANY through baking failures. Keep oven about 114, hours. Makes 1 nine-inch cake. HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO. CANADA Royal always handy. Buy a tin W. S. PURVIS & CO., LTD., Dept. 103, M. A. GIBBONS, Somers Building, Hamilton FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH—Charles Bradley, 65-year-old recluse today. ot Paulboro, N. J., evidently fell from this bridge and died of Hamilton, Bermuda. immersion and exposure. When police found his body, dangling Please send me copy (copies) of the free Royal booklets, by (me arm, as shown, they also found Bradley's little dog whim­ FREE! "Tropical Recipes" as checked below: pering on tne planking above, but faithfully guarding the body. Interesting new booklet containing recipes • New booklet "Tropical Recipes" for many delicious cakes, cookies, biscuits, • Illustrated Royal Cook Book fritters and other baked dishes. Tested and Only the finest improved by Royal Cookery Experts for use Name- AIR TRAVEL right in your own kitchen! Every recipe easy to make. Attractively illustrated. Address- De Reszke leaf goes into OTHER NEWS IN Many valuable cooking helps. Send coupon today for your free copy. City -Country- BRIEF The following passengers departed DE RESZKE yesterday morning fcr Baltimore by U.S. "Bermuda Clipper" under the command of Capt. R. O. D. Sullivan. Virginias KINGSTON, Ja., Apr. 1. (CP)— Mrs. Katherine S. Stewart, Mr. While coming up the harbour at ten Austin McLanahan, Mr. Erwin Wil­ Sfandard size o'clock yesterday morning the umt­ cox Sloper, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Found In the Best Appointed Bathrooms- ed Fruit steamer "Gangsfjord" Schlesinger. The following passengers arrived and Minors went asbore on the bank at Curries » Gate. A wrecking ship stationed yesterday morning by R.M.A. "Cav­ ''KOHLER of KOHLER In flat decorated here towed her off, and the ship was aUer" under the command of Capt. not in danger at any time. W. N. Cumming. Pocket tins * # * Mr. R. Havens, Mr. J. Watkins. SINGAPORE, Apr. L (CP)—Sultan The foUowing passengers departed FIXTURES Red Tip, Silk Tip, Cork Tip and Plain Selangor, 74, one of the most impor­ yesterday morning for Baltimore by tant men of the Federated Malay R. M.A. "CavaUer" under the com­ States, died yesterday at Klang. mand of Capt W. N. Cumming. We are proud to represent and to recommend Standard Size 2/6 £or 50 * * * Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Farley Ccx Jr., Mr. and Mrs. F. Barton Harvey, this famous line of plumbing fixtures—"Kohler LINCOLN Apr. 1. (CP)—Three of Kohler." The materials and workmanship Minor " 2/- " 60 R.A.F. fliers were killed yesterday Mr. Robert Harvey, Mr. F. Barton when two planes crashed in midair, Harvey Jr., Mr. Alexander Harvey 11, in them are of the very best, and they are most 500 feet above Scampton. Mr. Howard Baetjer, Mr. WilUam KOHLER attractive. See them in our showroom. KOHLER * * • Kloppman Jr., Mr. John W. FUck, TORONTO Apr. 1. (CP)—A reso­ Miss Nancy H. Harrison, Mr. J. Wat­ lution requesting the Dominion kins. JOHN F. BURROWS & CO. LTD. Government to legalize the operation of sweepstakes in the provinces for tne 2»6J^%. benefit of hospitals was passed yes­ FRITH'S Hardware Store terday by the Ontario Legislature. WELL DONE, CANADA! The vote was 48 to 34. Front Street Dial 1179 * * * OTTAWA, Canada.—Two young ORALNDO, Fla., Apr. 1. (CP)— Canadians, both from the Prairie Mrs. Lydia Morrison, 49, or Oralndo, Province of Saskatchewan, won the died early today, bringing the num­ highest award for girls in the Empire ber of fatalities to eight of persons essay contest on ideas for an Empire who took injections of a Canadian- youth movement. They were Jessie made serum for the treatment of L. Robertson of Regina, and Edith cander. Six women died on Wed­ Boyce Olding of North Battleford. nesday and the seventh yesterday, They tied for Queen Mary's prize. Order after receiving injections. The Nine other Canadians won prizes symptons resembled tetanus in every for expression of their ideas for asso­ case, the physicians said. ciation of youth throughout the CROSSE and BLACKWELL'S * * * Commonwealth. CAIRO, Apr. 1. (CP)—An avalanche Canada's record of 11 prizes out of DATE and NUT BREAD of votes today indicated a smashing 50 available to all parts of the Empire victory for King Farouk in yesterday's was considered remarkable. The Upper Egypt's elections. Forty-one contest was announced at a youth seats voted for in the new Parliament raUy in London, England, last May, From Your Grocer Today saw only one won by the Waf(lists, when 8,000 schoolboys and girls from A Happy Awakening whom the King dismissed from of­ the United Kingdom, the Dominions And see for yourself how delicious this popular fice in a constitutional dispute and colonies were gathered together 47 seats are yet to be heard from. to hear the Prime Minister, now Earl new food can be After restful sleep * * * Baldwin. What a joy to have sound, yourself sleeping and resting better LONDON, Apr. 1. (CP)—The War The contest sponsored by the over­ healthy nerves—to have good and with regular use you may seas Education League, drew more digestion and to build up during expect the other symptoms of Office yesterday appointed General 1/- per tin sleep the reserve of nerve force tired, exhausted nerves to disap­ Sir Edmund Ironside to the command than 500 entries from boys and girls required to carry you through the pear. Digestive troubles, nervous of Gibraltar. He is the army's tallest of 14 to 19 years. Plans are underway busy, nerve racking day. headaches, restlessness and irrita­ and heaviest officer. He stands for a formal prize-giving in London At Better Grocers Everywhere bility become things of the past this summer. If you are so unfortunate as to and you know again the joy of six feet five inches and weighs 250 be tired out, nervous and sleep­ healthful and happy living. pounds, and has sharp searching eyes. less, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food may He succeeds General Sir Charles Har- be of very great benefit to you by Naturally you wish to look JOHNSON & COOPER, LIMITED restoring vigor and energy to the attractive as well as feel well and ington whose term at Gibraltar ex­ Agents nervous system. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food may help pires in October. you on this score too, for health * * • Building Society Collapse BL9W Usually after a few days use of is after all the real foundation of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food you find beauty and personal charm. LONDON, Apr. 1. (CP)—Sir John Davies, private secretary to Lloyd GEORGETOWN, B.G., Apr. 1. (CP) , George during 1912-32, died today —Thousands of investors, mostly DR. CHASE S NERVE FOOD at the age of 57 years. He was in re­ small holders, who are faced with For New Pep and Energy cent years a director of the Suez Canal heavy losses with the coUapse of a and Ford Motors. building society here, took heart to­ -VIGOROUSLY HEALTHY NOW * * * day with the announcement that a LONDON, Apr. 1. (CP)—Construc­ me sting of the creditors had decided tion on eight destroyers, the to accept a scheme for reconstruc­ r^^^\_\m moth** last of the 1937 naval pro­ tion under bonds which will be sub­ S *"T^ioctot told * at*e* gramme, was announced to the House mitted, and the Government, while e V£ of Commons yesterday, by Geoffrey declining to guarantee the issue, The» o» *3 0 o-tattf » astern- T TRY ITf Shakespeare, ParUamentary Sec­ promised to help. It was pointed out retary to the Admiralty. that the collapse was due to a sag in the property market, forcing the Listerine Tooth Paste cleans sd^ef society to take over homes on which d with remarkable speed—erases Without Vatican Authority it held mortgages and which it was ioste* - stains—removes all unsightly unable to seU profitably. *PHlUipSv-- lift discolourations. Try a tube. 0 • VATICAN CITY, Apr. 1. (CP)—The &>>«_>>• ____ J<_ the onlv laxative Vatican newspaper "Osservatore Ro­ TOOTH mano" asserted today that it was pbiUips- Milk of M^» <££* delicMe authorized to say that the Austrian MAIL NOTICES ^ i_ absolute* J'^d rffecdve.S-^- ,, IWIID uom iiii' LISTERINE PASTE Bishop's recent declaration concern­ SS&t."-«»»~«_,—». _^Ss^~S_S_>~-»u8-£ "' ing National Socialism was made AISO IN without consulting with the Vatican. Airmail? per "Bermuda Clipper" the entire system. TABLET FORM The declaration was signed by Theo­ for Great Britain, the Dcminion •_**•"«_ ^ » •_^__~"-»"•«•»«__._» dore Cardinal Innitzer, Archbishop of Canada, and the United States '-69 of Vienna, and live other Catholic of America, wiU close at the General prelates. It voiced recognition of the Post Office on Sunday the 3rd April BETTA BISCUITS at 8.05 a.m. Nazi movements and achievements PHILUPS'MILK OF MAGNESIA tnd proclaimed loyalty as Germans Registered MaU today the F. J. G. FOOTE, Agent o the greater German realm. 2nd April at 5.00 p.m. Distributors BERMUDA GENERAL AGENCY THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1938. Page 15 __

FOUND Men's The ideal place to leave your Easter Lily orders. We have large fields of lilies and years of experience in handling them. Our Shorts and Polo Shirts prices are, we believe, lower than those of others. Our quality and service are of the highest. From England Compare these prices, which include duty and expressage to your door: Triminghams' shorts are world famous. In the summer you see them everywhere, at Large box 48 Buds $5*00 smart resorts in America as well as in Ber- Half " 24 Buds $3.00 muda. Men like them because they are tailor­ ed in London as accurately as our flannel Petite " 15 Buds $2.00 trousers, and come in khaki, linen or wool Any part of the U. S. or Canada gabardine. To go with them we have polo shirts by England's famous hosiery manufac­ Motice Important turers. These in cotton or wool jersey, in Orders for Western Canada must be received white, navy and men's colours. by Monday morning, April 4th, Eastern Can­ ada by Thursday, April 7th, last day for any Canadian Orders. POLO SHIRTS from 7/6 LEO AND GRETA JUST PAI_S—Not married and do not intend to be, Greta Garbo. screen star, told newspapermen recently when they asked about her vacation meetings with Leopold Stokowski, MEN'S SHORTS from 8/- orchestra conductor, in Italy. Above, they jure seen as they visited tiie Vatican Museum, during a stay in Ravello. This W. W. Radio- Fairy Isle Flower Shop photo was flashed to New York from Rome. Walker Arcade Hamilton. Phone 3060. GREAT BRITAIN'S PLAN 11,885 kc. The station came on the Bonded Members, Florist Telegraph IN SPANISH PROBLEM air last night and may broadcast TRIM] DeUvery Service. nightly hereafter. Reception reports Established 184-4 will be appreciated.—RADIO EDITOR FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. French Ambassador Objects CZECHS BASTMEETINGS LONDON, Apr. 1 (Special)—It. has 2789~j~s.tp. been disclosed that Great Britain WHILE BUSY WITH offered a plan at yesterday's meeting MINORITIES of the chairman's _,ub-eommittee of the non-intervention committee, PRAHA, Apr. 1 (CP.—A ban cn all and that the proposal, laid before poUtical demonstrations and pubhc envoys of Europe's major powers meetings went into effect today was designed to start withdrawals throughout Czechoslovakia with no •j_ ' imi by Mid-June. date set for its removal. Opposition Lovely to look at—Delicious to eat With the Spanish Insurgents parties agreed with the Government smashing into Catalonia on a sweep­ on the move which is designed to free ing "victory drive." the possibility the atmosphere of demagogic influ- arose that Generalissimo Francisco ences while the problem of the Franco's forces might win the war minorities is being considered, re- before the British plan could become liable sources said. The PoUsh and operative. Hungarian minorities foUowed the The Earl of Plymouth, presiding Sadeten Germans in a demand for a at the first non-intervention meeting r-ew status. in eight weeks, announced the planj The Czech Cabinet has ordered a embodied two "compromise pro- truce during April, during which all posals. political activities are forbidden, an They were: "Easter peace," it was termed, which That 10,000 volunteers should be in the past has lasted but one week. accepted as a criterion for substantial The Government spokesman insist­ progress in the withdrawals. ed yesterday that Premier Hodza's That land and sea supervision of "minority statute" to appease many traffic to Spain should be re-estab­ nationaUsts composing Czechoslo­ lished when non-intervention com­ vakia would be found fair and demo­ missions begin counting volunteers, cratic. President Benes himself, it but that it should be taken off if was authoritatively learned, is devot­ .actual withdrawals did not start ing much of his time to assisting California FRUITS after fifty-six days. Hodza with the draft. The charges These proposals were quickly at­ by Czech Nazified Germans that PEACHES PEARS FIGS APRICOTS tacked by Charles Corbin. French Hodza merely means to codify the Ambassador to London. He indicated existing minorities regulations were FRUIT SALAD FRUIT COCKTAIL France stood by the sub-committee's hotly denied by the Government November 4 resolution which estab­ spokesman. lished that restoration of Spanish o These satin-smooth fruits, sun-ripened to luscious flavour in California's frontier control should precede finest orchards and packed at the height of eating perfection under the "shortly" actual withdrawal of vol­ B.M.A. unteers from Spam. Libby label—the sign of the highest quality—assure you of the utmost in Corbin charged Britain's new fron­ Orders by Captain E. F. Maude, R.A., tier-plan "constitutes a new factor Commandant flavour, texture, colour, and value. brought in to meet the wishes of now made in 5 minutes other representatives." 1. Drills—DriU wiU be held at the ItaUan and German circles said DriU Shed, St. George's, on Tuesday, Ask Your Grocer for Libby's Fruits. however, the Plymouth proposals April 5, commencing at 7.45 p.m. t were "fair and reasonable." Warrants will be issued on the train n t leavihg Hamilton at 6.25 p.m. NEW FRENCH STATION CN 2. Band Practice.—Band Practice asy way to make children. That's because wiU be held at the Band Room, St. A y chocolate pud- the base of Royal is arrow­ AIR LAST NIGHT George's, on Sunday, April 3, com­ ! Just add milk to root, a super-fine form of mencing at 11.45 a.m. and on Tues- Chocolate Pudding WonderSaal Assortment starch, which digests quick­ 25 Metre Station Beams I day, AprU 5, commencing at 7.45 1 bring to a boil! In 5 ly and completely. p.m. minutes, your dessert is Programmes to America Royal Pudding is so econ­ 3. Re-engagements.—T.71 Sergeant completely cooked . . . with Furbert, W., T.76 L/Bombardier Out- KITCHEN lumps or starchy taste! omical, you can serve it of­ ten. Buy a package today. PARIS, March 31. (CP>—Europe's erbridge, E., T.78 Gunner Bowen, A., most powerful short wave radio sta- T.81 L/Bombardier Robinson, T. G., 1 it's a wholesome, de­ Three flavours—Chocolate, tion wiU begin two and a half hour]T.85 Gunner Benjamin, F. W. Re- licious dessert, even for tiny Vanilla and Butterscotch. daily broadcasts, directed toward engaged at St. George's to complete UTENSILS Six recipes with every 8 package. Canada, other parts of North Ameri- years' service. ca. and the West Indies at 9.30 p m. 4. Discharges.—T.79 Gnr. DUl, J. Aluminum — Enamel E.S.T. (10.30 p.m., Bermuda time), W., T.120 Gnr. Weeks, W., Discharged FREE! Beautiful booklet, il­ Friday night on 25.24 metres (11,- with effect from 14/3/1938. Stainless Steel lustrated in colour. Many 885 kc). The 25 kw. station located practical recipes for gelatin near Paris, wiU send an hour of re- (Sd.) A. F. ROWE, Lieut., R.A., Pyrex—Cast Iron desserts, salads, puddings, ice I corded music, half an hour of news in Adjutant, Bermuda MiUtia ArtiUery. creams. Address: French, half an hour of news in Eng­ Ush and half an hour of recorded W. S. Purvis & Co. Ltd. Dept 1076, WEST INDIES QUAKE Hamilton, Bermuda. The above cable despatch arrived MASTERS HARDWARE CHOCOLATE CREAM TARTS—The recipe for these delicious Chocolate Cream yesterday. Nothing has been said in DONINICA, Apr. 1 (CP)—A short Tarts is found in the new Royal Dessert recipe booklet. For quality hardware guaranteed to satisfy the news buUetins from France re- land sharp earthquake was felt here at garding this new station, or broad- 1.15 this morning, foUowed by a series 28*4«l«iis. casting time. TPA3, operates on | of tremors, but no damage was done.' Luden's Easter Eggs Large assorted, very fine quality; they're delicious; a FURNITURE treat for the youngsters. Tou Can Furnish Your Home Economically FRED FRITH & SON Let Us Help

Reid St. Front St. «371«W-..t«.t* 2887Qs.tu.tp. CHESLEY E. WHITE sxaassssEnouaaann


Classified .Advertisements t| AUCTION SALE FOUND of all the :«y| Girl's Navy COAT at Dog Show. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this ad­ NEW BICYCLES you must try Vff^^m^- in "BENTLir Paget vertisement. Dr. C. J. Cooper, will take place 'Phone 3050. For Rent TUESDAY, April 12th WANTED TWIGLETS Commencing at 11 a.m» Four or five room COTTAGE or FLAT near Hamilton, reasonable Baskets, torches, etc Catalogue of sale on application to rent. Write Box 2845. Bermuda J. CRITCHLEY, Auctioneer, Press. supplied with cycles 2845*w.ei. to tu. 5. Tower Building, Hamilton. 290S*s2 s9tul2. Good quaUty large CEDAR TREES for cash. 'Phone 2067. Wadson & Son 2871tth.s. FOR SALE Twiglets are a new discovery and a new sensation! They are delightful savoury Your opportunity to purchase fine 1545.„ I tered legions were but the vanguard both west end east ends of the Island tarn (cr wateiing trough) is to be I ^ , _, , . Dependable! These new leather seats, other Chairs, Writ­ iculaily 1he fcirner. A cunt (cr wateiing trouj of thousands of homeless and desti- placed alm_.st opposite "Inglewood" ing Desk, G. E. Refrigerator, Elec­ traffic at this point wiU shew a tute persons including troops, whose American-Bosch Radios are main gate, on the seaward side of the | tric Range, Awnings, Vacum surprisingly lerge volume, tcrne by a care would create a serious problem. roadway, and will doubtless prove i especially built for local Cleaner, Beds, Hair Mattresses, aU I-L ad way something like 20 feot wid3 With Insurgents nearing the coast most useful indeed, besides not | household furnishings, seen by in the snrdew cf the railway trestle in the southern sector, France be­ interfering with any possible public climatic conditions. Chassis appointment. Telephone 2508. at the end of Hamiltcn Hirbour. came virtually the only place of refuge road in future parallel with the 288ds.m. e prtpesed road on the eastern from the northeastern war zone. are tropic-proofed. Cabinets railway and running South alcng Bid? of the idilway trestle, folk wing Insurgent airmen reported that all the eastern boundary of "Inglewood" are humidity-treated. 21 'f-tly frcm tbe Berry Hill R^ad main highways from the western to the Middle Road of Paget Parish. if point up to the Middle Lragi- border of Catalonia deep into the new models, several featur­ FOR RENT As indicated by the line of poles inal P.oid and eastern end of heart of the region were choked with stuck in the mud this watering ing Electric - Automatic Reid Street Extenrion, nothing has refugees. Many of them were the Don't let it go until it DOUBLE ROOM, private bath. Cen place for man and beast will be at heard for a long time past, 35,000 to 40,000 inhabitants of Lerida de vel ops into soro ething tral location. 'Phone 1495. the southern end of the proposed new Robot Tuning. although duly endorsed and sanc­ who fled just before the arrival of much more serious. 2646tth.ei.tp. tioned by the House of Assembly sea-wall which will extend across There is no better General Yague's army at the city SINGLE ROOMS, Double Rooms and and only awaiting tha necessary in a graceful line to a similarly cir­ remedy fq r the relief of gates. Apartments. Furnished or unfur­ funds. cumscribed point on the Boat Slip Coughs, Golds and all property, long occupied by a windlass Government forces determined to Bronchial Afflictions J. B. MARSHALL nished. Apply telephone 3299. Thir proposed new road wculd and not far inside the Devonshire defend the city at ail coasts, were 2843*tu.ei.to m.April 4. than Robert's Syrup. It Southampton East. Dial 8338. make il unnecessary to cross th; Parish boundary stone set into the reported to have mined all entrances. breaks up the cold, railway tracks in entering Hamiltcn, existing sea-wall. This will, of course If this were shown to be true, Gen­ soothes the throat and Typical BERMUDA COTTAGE water­ and in the meantime traffic round abolish the existing noisome man- eral Yague would be expected to quickly restores normal front, Fairylands, occupancy the I oot-of-the-Lana has grown grdve stumps, along with some of the send only a portion of his forces conditions. Most pleas­ about May 1st. For further de­ bylcapsand bounds,untUgrcatnum- flotsam and jetsam they have ac­ into Lerida, moving the main body ant to take. taUs write Box 2677 Bermuda Press. bers of people are interested in the cumulated, and will "permit of the of his march toward Barcelona with­ - 2677*s.to23-4-38 proposed improvements, sc tardy widening of the roadway for a shcrt out attempting occupation. Manvjaetured by EDWARD D. MACRONALD NORTHROP & LYMAN CO., HIE and DRY situated South Shore, in materializing. For many months distance by some 8 or 10 feet without To offset this, Government en­ 9 LIMITED (• SUCCESSOR TO G. A. DENMAN avaUable April 8th. Mushroom, thtir hopes have been kept disturbing the ancient cedars on the gineers were speeding work on a Toronto, Canada * Fairyland Gate, avaUable May 2nd. line of fortifications about twelve alive ty the sight of poles stuck in other slde The ^^ between load_ 1 Office 2nd. story Reid St., Walker miles east of Lerida, between Ba- GENERAL PLUMBING AND HEATING the malodorous mud, with or without way ^ sea-wall will remain, as at Arcade. Apply B. W. Walker & Co. laguer and Borjas Blancas. This line AND flags fluttering from their tips, present, a small park, and towards would guard the direct route to Bar­ 2903ts. though the locality has been silting these desirable ends dumping of celona as well as roadways from PLUMBING SUPPLIES - of late that e*en the| "gpou- tem the Hospital extension ±ti£ HOLSE THAT JACK BUILT, artists whc used to sit in the mud Lerida northeast to the French bor­ PHONE 1990 Spanish Point, Vacant 1st. June. has already been permitted, pre­ der and southeast to Tarragona. and sketch have become discouraged, saging an early start of the work. 2990ts ei tos9. Phone Hitchcock, 2375. particularly at times cf low tide, At sundown today, more than 2,000 SYRUP '902*s. when the mud flats have stretched refugees, including women and child­ OF THE EXTRACT Q~\ almost to Duck Island. ren, had crossed the border to Hospice | COD UVER AND TAR Houses and Cottages This rapid silting-up has been AMENDMENT TABLED IN de France alone. particularly noticeable since the com­ for RENT and for SALE HOUSE OF COMMONS FRAGNA, Apr. 1. (CP)—Insurgent Subject: paratively recent improvement of I GERALD GRAY troops fought their way into the out­ THE WAY TO GLORY" Bends Bay, cn the other and western j LONDON Apr. 1 (BOP)—The Lib­ MRS. CHAMPNESS skirts of Lerida today, occupying a How God Prepares Men For York House, Front St. West rae cf the''Pembroke Hall" property, erai opposition have tabled an number of outlying buildings. It was BRIGHT a Home in Heaven Dial 2715. Cables "Houses" where the building of a sea-wall has amendment for Monday when a La- said that they hoped to have the en­ brcught about a vast improvement- bour vote of censure challenging the tire city in their hands by tonight. St. George Town Hall , be it noted, the formation of Government to go to the country on SUNLIGHT! f unday. April 3rd. >ew sand, beach in front cf the sea- its foreign policy, will be debated. Cables: "Realestate" Time was, seme 75 years ago, TIle intention of the amendment is TEXTS OF NOTES PUBLISHED at 8.45 p.m. -witnessss recall saiUng Understood to be to dissociate Llb- Famished Houses to Rent FRANCE TO CONTINUE LIMITS I Evangelist J. H. Capman cked at the Fo.t-of-the- J erals from the vote of censure while All sizes and prices their bowsprits projecting j criticising the Government's foreign Slides—Pictures—Singing. Continued from Pace 1 idway, no wider now than i policy as "a danger to the security of All Seats are Fre-. Properties for Sale f cenfirmatien | tile British Empire the peace of the title 25. The reasons for the above now i-.maining is the report world and an obstacle to national proposed departure consist in reports MRS. R. G. ROBINSON t fieri is 45 feet of silt at the unity." The amendment urges the received by His Majesty's Government FocT-of-The-LaRe believe it or not— Government to call for an immediate to the effect that the Japanese are Woodbourne Building necessitate the driving of meeting of the League Assembly with constructing, or have authorised the Pitts Bay Road, Hamilton i'-wr. to bed lock before the a view to making practical arrange­ construction of, capital ships of a NO RETREAT — Secretary of Telephone 2188 —but "Glare-proof" Powder State Cordell Hull, as he spoke 1702+m.tu.f.s.tp. proposed sej -wall can be constructed ments among state members for tonnage not in cenformity with before tlie National Press Club theie! mutual assistance against aggression the limitations and restrictions cf looks soft... flattering! in Washington, when he assert­ Besides ths breakwater at Bonds and for putting into operation the the Treaty. In view of the refusal- ed a firm foreign poUcy for the Bay better known as "Driftwood"), machinery for redressing national of the Japanese Government, on be­ Bright sun casts a hard light United States, with no retreat on your face—sharpens it3 In the face of disruptive forces. JANE TUCKER private tr.teiprize has filled up other l grievances and removing the eco- ing formally approached to give as­ He strongly urged arming as a inlets in connection with Hamilton nomic causes of war. surances that these reports are iU- lines with hard black shadows. force for respect in the face of JEAN COOKSCN Harbour, r ot bly Pitt's Bay where founded. His Majesty's Government But see how Pond's "glare- "international anarchy." 0 proof" Powder changes that! -i_nce_s Ho.cl tennis courts now have no alternative but to regard | are, and the inlet next east of the March Brings Increase In them as being substantially correct." Blended to catch only the FURNISHED COTTAGES Bermudiana Hotel water front, now The United States note is in similar softer rays of the sun, Pond's ond HOUSES Powder softens your face in the site of the Bermuda Fire and Jews For Palestine terms, except that the proposed de­ brightest light. Never shows FOR RENT Marine Building and a useful road- parture which it notifies extends also up harsh and "powdery." to the "caUbre of guns which may PROPERTIES FOR SALE way, but none cf these has occupied NEW YORK, Mar. 31. -Dr. Stephen Fine in texture, Pond'a be mounted on capital ships of Sub­ the position of the Fuot-of-the-Lane, S. Wi=e, chairman of the executive spreads smooth and even— Bermuda Fire Cr Mnrirtc Sid where on account of conformation committee of the United Palestine category 1." The French note is clings—flattering for hours. Dial 3108 Cable: Tuckstate cf the land the silting-up process | Appeal, reported that 2,700 Jews, in the nature of an acknowledgment Jars 1/9, 5/6 H22*m >il| must inevitably continue even after mainly from Austria and Germany, of the other two, and it-states, "The Boxes 9d, 1/3, 1/6 the present proposed improvements entered Palestine during March, French Government have taken note are affect d. This process has long Approximately 1,200 of the immi- of the reasons which have led the PONJ'S Face Powder been atiecting neighbouring proper- grants, were admitted to the Jewish British and United States Govern­ Copyright. 1938. Pond's Extract Company ties, but even a small measure of homeland during the last week in ments to come to this grave decision. DEATH relief is better than none at all. March reflecting a sharp increase of Being anxious to limit as far as pos­ sible the extent and eventual con­ Eventually a sea-wall will have to resettlement as a result of German qualitative limits fixed by the Lon­ McRONALD.—At her late Residence be constructed much further west, absorption of Austria Dr. Wise said. sequences of this first derogation f a'leys "Rav. on Sunday. March 27th, from the Treaty, it desires that an don Treaty, so leng as no other con­ probably cn the western bcundary In connection with the United Pal­ tinental European power on its side 1938. ELIZA NAOMI DUNCAN (nee of "Pembroke Hall," and this would estine Appeal's campaign to raise agreement may be reached at early HolUs.) Beloved wife of Walter W. date by all powers who have up to departs therefrom." The deUvery of also shorten distances round the $4,5TX),C00 for rehabilitation of Jews McRonald, after a lingering illness. the present conformed as regards these notes constitutes a recognized Lane for the travelling public, but in Palestine Dr. Wise said: "Ameri- Bome with Christian Fortitude and their construction with the limits at stage in the procedure under the the present scheme is to preserve a can Jewry has been charged with the Patience. piesent in fore*. Without awaiting Treaty in case of escalation, and the shelter for small boats behind Duck solemn responsibility of rising to the next step will be for the Governments the opening of consultations required "Yet our beloved seem so far Island and also the thriving business great opportunity whlc^_*iiar«itaon for -Securing this result, the French to give effect to Paragraph Three of The whUe we yearn to feel them near at the Boat Slip in Devonshire Pariah, by Kfe^ident Roosetelt and Secfetary Government desire to state tbat in Articles 25 of the Treaty, which reads, Albeit with Thee we trust they are by dredging out instead of filling in HuU offers for relieving suffering spite of the derogations to which the the "high contracting parties shall He smiled, "And I Am Here". giadually behind a sea-wall. 'Tem- abroad through a new and more con­ British and American Governments thereupon consult* together -and en­ deavour to reach'agreement with a Dear Lord: How shall we know that they brcke Hall's" water rights inust certed effort in behalf of the Jewish still have recourse, It will continue Stffl walk unseen with us and Thee also be preserved, and cn account cf agencies that have been dealing with in as far as it is concerned to main­ view to reducing: to a -i-niTftri-iii-rp ex­ Nor sleep _*or wander far away? danger of subsidence the new dredged I the critical Jewish situation in tain for its naval construction the tent of the departures which may be He Smije<|, "Abide In Mp," ai£ii;., -j, channel to the wider part of Hamilton | Europe." mltde.~?_