Senate Journal

First Regular Session of the Fifty-seventh Legislature of the State of Oklahoma Fiftieth Legislative Day, Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Senate was called to order by Senator Daniels.

Roll Call:

Present: Allen, Bergstrom, Bice, Boggs, Boren, Brooks, Bullard, Coleman, Dahm, Daniels, David, Dossett, Dugger, Floyd, Hall, Haste, Hicks, Howard, Ikley-Freeman, Jech, Kidd, Kirt, Leewright, Matthews, McCortney, Montgomery, Murdock, Newhouse, Paxton, Pederson, Pemberton, Pugh, Quinn, Rader, Rosino, Scott, Sharp, Shaw, Silk, Smalley, Standridge, Stanislawski, Stanley, Thompson, Treat, Weaver and Young.—47.

Excused: Simpson.—1.

Senator Daniels declared a quorum present.

The prayer was offered by Pastor Paul Walvoord, Catoosa Church of Christ, Catoosa, the guest of Senator Quinn.


Senator David introduced the President of the Senate, Lieutenant Governor ; Senator Kidd introduced his fiancé, Lindsey, and her daughters, Linney and Autry Treadwell; Senator Pederson introduced his wife, Terry; and Senator Shaw introduced his wife, Anna, to the Senate.


SBs 7, 19, 58, 73, 108, 113 and 115 were each correctly enrolled and after fourth reading, properly signed and ordered transmitted to the Honorable House for signature of the Speaker.

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HAs to SB 200 were concurred in upon motion of Senator Thompson.

SB 200, as amended by the Honorable House, was read at length.

On the question of passage of the bill and emergency, the vote resulted as follows:

Aye: Bergstrom, Bice, Boggs, Brooks, Bullard, Coleman, Daniels, David, Dossett, Dugger, Floyd, Hall, Haste, Hicks, Ikley-Freeman, Jech, Kidd, Kirt, Leewright, Matthews, McCortney, Murdock, Paxton, Pederson, Pemberton, Pugh, Rader, Rosino, Scott, Sharp, Shaw, Smalley, Stanley, Thompson, Treat, Weaver and Young.--37.

Nay: Allen, Boren, Dahm, Montgomery, Newhouse, Silk, Standridge and Stanislawski.--8.

Excused: Howard, Quinn and Simpson.--3.

The bill and emergency passed.

House amendments were properly signed and the above-numbered bill was referred for enrollment.


Senator Brooks asked unanimous consent to refer SR 4 direct to the Calendar for consideration, which was the order.


SR 4 by Brooks was called up for consideration.

SR 4 was adopted upon motion of Senator Brooks and referred for enrollment.


HAs to SB 142 were concurred in upon motion of Senator Bice.

SB 142, as amended by the Honorable House, was read at length.

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On the question of passage of the bill, the vote resulted as follows:

Aye: Allen, Bergstrom, Bice, Boggs, Boren, Brooks, Bullard, Coleman, Dahm, Daniels, David, Dossett, Dugger, Floyd, Hall, Haste, Hicks, Howard, Ikley-Freeman, Jech, Kidd, Kirt, Leewright, Matthews, McCortney, Montgomery, Murdock, Newhouse, Paxton, Pederson, Pemberton, Pugh, Quinn, Rader, Rosino, Scott, Sharp, Shaw, Silk, Smalley, Standridge, Stanislawski, Stanley, Treat, Weaver and Young.--46.

Excused: Simpson and Thompson.--2.

The bill passed.

House amendments were properly signed and the above-numbered bill was referred for enrollment.


HAs to SB 906 were concurred in upon motion of Senator Bice.

SB 906, as amended by the Honorable House, was read at length.

On the question of passage of the bill and emergency, the vote resulted as follows:

Aye: Allen, Bergstrom, Bice, Boggs, Boren, Brooks, Bullard, Coleman, Dahm, Daniels, David, Dossett, Dugger, Floyd, Hall, Haste, Hicks, Howard, Ikley-Freeman, Jech, Kidd, Kirt, Leewright, Matthews, McCortney, Montgomery, Newhouse, Paxton, Pemberton, Pugh, Quinn, Rader, Rosino, Scott, Sharp, Shaw, Silk, Smalley, Standridge, Stanislawski, Stanley, Weaver and Young.--43.

Excused: Murdock, Pederson, Simpson, Thompson and Treat.--5.

The bill and emergency passed.

House amendments were properly signed and the above-numbered bill was referred for enrollment.


HAs to SB 402 were concurred in upon motion of Senator Floyd.

SB 402, as amended by the Honorable House, was read at length.

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On the question of passage of the bill, the vote resulted as follows:

Aye: Bice, Boren, Brooks, Coleman, Daniels, David, Dossett, Dugger, Floyd, Hall, Haste, Hicks, Howard, Ikley-Freeman, Jech, Kidd, Kirt, Matthews, McCortney, Montgomery, Murdock, Paxton, Pemberton, Rader, Rosino, Sharp, Shaw, Smalley, Standridge, Stanislawski, Stanley, Treat, Weaver and Young.--34.

Nay: Allen, Bergstrom, Boggs, Bullard, Dahm, Leewright, Newhouse, Pederson, Quinn, Scott and Silk.--11.

Excused: Pugh, Simpson and Thompson.--3.

The bill passed.

House amendments were properly signed and the above-numbered bill was referred for enrollment.


HAs to SB 162 were concurred in upon motion of Senator Standridge.

SB 162, as amended by the Honorable House, was read at length.

On the question of passage of the bill and emergency, the vote resulted as follows:

Aye: Bergstrom, Bice, Boggs, Boren, Brooks, Bullard, Coleman, Daniels, David, Dossett, Dugger, Floyd, Hall, Haste, Hicks, Howard, Ikley-Freeman, Jech, Kidd, Kirt, Leewright, Matthews, McCortney, Montgomery, Newhouse, Paxton, Pederson, Pemberton, Quinn, Rader, Rosino, Scott, Sharp, Shaw, Silk, Smalley, Standridge, Stanislawski, Stanley, Treat, Weaver and Young.--42.

Nay: Allen, Dahm and Murdock.--3.

Excused: Pugh, Simpson and Thompson.--3.

The bill and emergency passed.

House amendments were properly signed and the above-numbered bill was referred for enrollment.

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HAs to SB 259 were concurred in upon motion of Senator Pemberton.

SB 259, as amended by the Honorable House, was read at length.

On the question of passage of the bill, the vote resulted as follows:

Aye: Bergstrom, Bice, Boggs, Boren, Brooks, Bullard, Coleman, Daniels, David, Dossett, Dugger, Hall, Haste, Hicks, Howard, Ikley-Freeman, Jech, Kidd, Kirt, McCortney, Montgomery, Murdock, Paxton, Pederson, Pemberton, Pugh, Quinn, Rader, Rosino, Scott, Sharp, Shaw, Smalley, Stanislawski, Stanley, Weaver and Young.--37.

Nay: Allen, Dahm, Leewright, Matthews, Newhouse, Silk and Standridge.--7.

Excused: Floyd, Simpson, Thompson and Treat.--4.

The bill passed.

House amendments were properly signed and the above-numbered bill was referred for enrollment.


HAs to SB 337 were concurred in upon motion of Senator Boggs.

SB 337, as amended by the Honorable House, was read at length.

On the question of passage of the bill, the vote resulted as follows:

Aye: Bice, Boggs, Boren, Brooks, Bullard, Coleman, Daniels, David, Dossett, Dugger, Hall, Haste, Hicks, Howard, Ikley-Freeman, Jech, Kidd, Kirt, Matthews, McCortney, Montgomery, Pederson, Pemberton, Pugh, Rader, Rosino, Scott, Sharp, Shaw, Silk, Standridge, Stanislawski, Stanley, Weaver and Young.--35.

Nay: Allen, Bergstrom, Dahm, Leewright, Murdock, Newhouse, Paxton, Quinn and Smalley.--9.

Excused: Floyd, Simpson, Thompson and Treat.--4.

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The bill passed.

House amendments were properly signed and the above-numbered bill was referred for enrollment.


HAs to SB 365 were concurred in upon motion of Senator Bergstrom.

SB 365, as amended by the Honorable House, was read at length.

On the question of passage of the bill, the vote resulted as follows:

Aye: Allen, Bergstrom, Bice, Boggs, Bullard, Coleman, Dahm, Daniels, David, Dugger, Hall, Haste, Howard, Jech, Kidd, Leewright, McCortney, Montgomery, Murdock, Newhouse, Paxton, Pederson, Pemberton, Pugh, Quinn, Rader, Rosino, Scott, Sharp, Shaw, Silk, Smalley, Standridge, Stanislawski, Stanley and Weaver.--36.

Nay: Boren, Brooks, Dossett, Hicks, Ikley-Freeman, Kirt, Matthews and Young.--8.

Excused: Floyd, Simpson, Thompson and Treat.--4.

The bill passed.

House amendments were properly signed and the above-numbered bill was referred for enrollment.


HAs to SB 374 were concurred in upon motion of Senator Bergstrom.

SB 374, as amended by the Honorable House, was read at length.

On the question of passage of the bill, the vote resulted as follows:

Aye: Allen, Bergstrom, Bice, Boggs, Boren, Brooks, Bullard, Coleman, Dahm, Daniels, David, Dossett, Dugger, Floyd, Hall, Haste, Hicks, Howard, Ikley-Freeman, Jech, Kidd, Kirt, Leewright, Matthews, McCortney, Montgomery, Murdock, Newhouse, Paxton, Pederson, Pemberton, Pugh, Quinn, Rader, Rosino, Scott, Sharp, Shaw, Silk, Smalley, Standridge, Stanislawski, Stanley, Weaver and Young.--45.

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Excused: Simpson, Thompson and Treat.--3.

The bill passed.

House amendments were properly signed and the above-numbered bill was referred for enrollment.


HAs to SB 485 were concurred in upon motion of Senator Bergstrom.

SB 485, as amended by the Honorable House, was read at length.

On the question of passage of the bill, the vote resulted as follows:

Aye: Allen, Bergstrom, Bice, Boggs, Boren, Brooks, Coleman, Dahm, Daniels, David, Dossett, Dugger, Floyd, Hall, Haste, Howard, Ikley-Freeman, Jech, Kidd, Kirt, Leewright, Matthews, McCortney, Montgomery, Murdock, Newhouse, Paxton, Pederson, Pemberton, Pugh, Quinn, Rader, Rosino, Scott, Sharp, Shaw, Silk, Smalley, Standridge, Stanislawski, Stanley, Weaver and Young.--43.

Excused: Bullard, Hicks, Simpson, Thompson and Treat.--5.

The bill passed.

House amendments were properly signed and the above-numbered bill was referred for enrollment.


HAs to SB 443 were concurred in upon motion of Senator Pugh.

SB 443, as amended by the Honorable House, was read at length.

On the question of passage of the bill, the vote resulted as follows:

Aye: Allen, Bergstrom, Bice, Boggs, Boren, Brooks, Coleman, Dahm, Daniels, David, Dossett, Dugger, Floyd, Hall, Haste, Ikley-Freeman, Jech, Kidd, Kirt, Leewright, Matthews, McCortney, Montgomery, Murdock, Newhouse, Paxton, Pederson, Pemberton, Pugh, Quinn, Rader, Rosino, Scott, Sharp, Shaw, Silk, Smalley, Standridge, Stanislawski, Stanley, Weaver and Young.--42.

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Excused: Bullard, Hicks, Howard, Simpson, Thompson and Treat.--6.

The bill passed.

House amendments were properly signed and the above-numbered bill was referred for enrollment.

Senator Stanislawski presiding.


HAs to SB 543 were concurred in upon motion of Senator Pederson.

SB 543, as amended by the Honorable House, was read at length.

On the question of passage of the bill, the vote resulted as follows:

Aye: Allen, Bergstrom, Bice, Boggs, Boren, Brooks, Coleman, Daniels, David, Dossett, Dugger, Floyd, Hall, Haste, Ikley-Freeman, Jech, Kidd, Kirt, Leewright, Matthews, McCortney, Montgomery, Murdock, Newhouse, Paxton, Pederson, Pemberton, Pugh, Quinn, Rader, Rosino, Scott, Sharp, Shaw, Smalley, Standridge, Stanislawski, Stanley, Weaver and Young.--40.

Nay: Dahm and Silk.--2.

Excused: Bullard, Hicks, Howard, Simpson, Thompson and Treat.--6.

The bill passed.

House amendments were properly signed and the above-numbered bill was referred for enrollment.


The following executive nominations have been approved by the committee named:

Gilbreath, Rex E., Tulsa, to the Oklahoma Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board, to serve a four-year term ending June 30, 2023, succeeding Ronald G. Justice. (Energy Committee) Motion to confirm made by Senator .

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Hirshey, Jr., Kenneth L., Bixby, to the Environmental Quality Board, to serve a five- year term ending January 31, 2024, succeeding himself. (Energy Committee) Motion to confirm made by Senator Joe Newhouse.

Hammon, Tracy L., Bartlesville, to the Environmental Quality Board, to serve a five- year term ending January 31, 2024, succeeding herself. (Energy Committee) Motion to confirm made by Senator .

Kindrick, Alexandria Belle, Mounds, to the Environmental Quality Board, to serve a five-year term ending January 31, 2024, succeeding Billy G. Sims. (Energy Committee) Motion to confirm made by Senator .

Landess, Suzanne V., Guymon, to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board, to serve a seven-year term ending May 14, 2026, succeeding Jason Hitch. (Energy Committee) Motion to confirm made by Senator .

Sims, Billy G., Mountain View, to the Environmental Quality Board, to serve a five- year term ending January 31, 2024, succeeding Daniel Blankenship. (Energy Committee) Motion to confirm made by Senator Brent Howard.

Motions to confirm the above named executive nominations were declared adopted upon roll call as follows:

Aye: Allen, Bergstrom, Bice, Boggs, Boren, Brooks, Coleman, Dahm, Daniels, David, Dossett, Dugger, Floyd, Hall, Haste, Howard, Ikley-Freeman, Jech, Kidd, Kirt, Leewright, Matthews, McCortney, Montgomery, Murdock, Newhouse, Paxton, Pederson, Pemberton, Pugh, Quinn, Rader, Rosino, Scott, Sharp, Shaw, Silk, Standridge, Stanislawski, Stanley, Weaver and Young.--42.

Excused: Bullard, Hicks, Simpson, Smalley, Thompson and Treat.--6.

The following executive nomination has been approved by the committee named:

Snodgrass, Larry L., Oklahoma City, as the State Liquefied Petroleum Gas Administrator, to serve at the pleasure of the Governor, succeeding Ed Welton. (Energy Committee) Motion to confirm made by Senator George Young.

Motion to confirm the above named executive nomination was declared adopted upon roll call as follows:

1268 Senate Journal

Aye: Allen, Bergstrom, Bice, Boggs, Boren, Brooks, Coleman, Dahm, Daniels, David, Dossett, Dugger, Hall, Haste, Howard, Ikley-Freeman, Jech, Kidd, Kirt, Leewright, Matthews, McCortney, Montgomery, Murdock, Newhouse, Paxton, Pederson, Pemberton, Pugh, Quinn, Rader, Rosino, Scott, Sharp, Shaw, Silk, Standridge, Stanislawski, Stanley, Weaver and Young.--41.

Excused: Bullard, Floyd, Hicks, Simpson, Smalley, Thompson and Treat.--7.

The following executive nomination has been approved by the committee named:

Wagner, Kenneth E., Broken Arrow, as the Cabinet Secretary of Energy and Environment, to serve at the pleasure of the Governor, succeeding Michael Teague. (Energy Committee) Motion to confirm made by Senator Joe Newhouse.

Motion to confirm the above named executive nomination was declared adopted upon roll call as follows:

Aye: Allen, Bergstrom, Bice, Boggs, Boren, Brooks, Coleman, Dahm, Daniels, David, Dossett, Dugger, Hall, Haste, Howard, Ikley-Freeman, Jech, Kidd, Kirt, Leewright, Matthews, McCortney, Montgomery, Murdock, Newhouse, Paxton, Pederson, Pemberton, Pugh, Quinn, Rader, Rosino, Scott, Sharp, Shaw, Silk, Standridge, Stanislawski, Stanley, Weaver and Young.--41.

Excused: Bullard, Floyd, Hicks, Simpson, Smalley, Thompson and Treat.--7.


HAs to SB 848 were rejected upon motion of Senator David, conference requested, and Senate conferees to be named later.


Advising conference granted on Engrossed SBs and naming House conferees as follows:

SB 170 - Conference Committee on Transportation

Advising fourth reading of and returning Enrolled SBs 7, 19, 58, 73, 108, 113 and 115.

The above-numbered enrolled measures were referred to the Governor.

Fiftieth Legislative Day, Wednesday, May 1, 2019 1269

Advising passage of and transmitting for consideration Engrossed HCR 1004.

HCR 1004  By McCall, Stark, Osburn, Martinez, Hardin (Tommy), West (Kevin), Burns, Talley, May, Russ, Kannady, Ortega, Boles, Meredith, Caldwell (Chad), Virgin, Sterling, Waldron and Lawson of the House and Treat, Smalley, Scott, Matthews and Brooks, of the Senate. A Concurrent Resolution commemorating Workers Memorial Day; and expressing condolences to the families of workers who have died due to a workplace accident.

The above-numbered measure was read the first time.

Advising concurrence in SAs to and passage of Engrossed HBs 1022, 1150, 1374 and 2118.

Advising rejection of SAs to the following bills, requesting conference and naming House Conference Committee on :

HB 1053 - Conference Committee on Insurance HB 1259 - Conference Committee on Rules HB 1262 - GCCA HB 1269 - Conference Committee on Judiciary HB 1308 - Conference Committee on Common Education HB 1315 - Conference Committee on Business and Commerce HB 1640 - Conference Committee on Business and Commerce HB 1849 - GCCA HB 1927 - Conference Committee on Judiciary HB 2218 - Conference Committee on Judiciary HB 2273 - Conference Committee on Judiciary HB 2307 - Conference Committee on Transportation HB 2310 - Conference Committee on Judiciary HB 2628 - Conference Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

Advising rejection of SAs to the following bill, and request for conference rescinded on: HB 1376

Advising fourth reading of and transmitting for signature Enrolled HBs 1003, 1993, 2095, 2666 and 2669.

The above-numbered enrolled measures were, after fourth reading, properly signed and ordered returned to the Honorable House.

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Senator David moved that when the clerk's desk is clear, the Senate stand adjourned to convene Thursday, May 2, 2019, at 9:30 a.m., which motion prevailed.


The following measures were authored/coauthored:

SB 372 - Remove as principal author Representative Osburn and substitute with Representative Lepak HCR 1004 - Coauthored by Senator Dugger Coauthored by Senator Pederson Coauthored by Senator Rosino


Advising his approval April 30, 2019, of Enrolled SB 772.

Advising his approval May 1, 2019, of Enrolled SB 773.

Advising his veto May 1, 2019, of Enrolled SBs 134, 685 and 841.

The veto messages read as follows:

May 1, 2019

To the Honorable President Pro Tempore And Members of the First Session of the Fifty Seventh


This is to advise you that on this date, pursuant to the authority vested in me by Section 11 of Article IV of the Oklahoma Constitution to approve or object to legislation presented to me, I have vetoed Senate Bill 134.

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Senate Bill 134 would create a special exemption for the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs (“ODVA”) from the requirements of the IT Consolidation and Coordination Act. In additional, the bill contradicts Executive Order 2019-03, as amended, which prohibits the hiring of IT related positions without prior written approval of the Secretary of Agency Accountability.

The Secretary of Agency Accountability and the Office of Management and Enterprise Services, under the new administration and with new agency leadership, have been actively negotiating on a services agreement to meet the needs of the agency.

For the aforementioned reasons, I have vetoed Senate Bill 134.

By the Governor of the State of Oklahoma /s/ Kevin Stitt

May 1, 2019

To the Honorable President Pro Tempore And Members of the Oklahoma Senate First Session of the Fifty Seventh Oklahoma Legislature


This is to advise you that on this date, pursuant to the authority vested in me by Section 11 of Article IV of the Oklahoma Constitution to approve or object to legislation presented to me, I have vetoed Senate Bill 685.

Senate Bill 685 would, in part, provide the Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners (the “Board”), the option to review applications by circularization and thereby vote to approve the application. Any action taken by the Board to approve applications by circularization would violate both the spirit and the text of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. The Act specifically prohibits deciding or taking action on any matter by e-mail or at an informal gathering.

The intent of Senate Bill 685 is to expedite the licensing review and approval process, which I understand and support. There are already options available to the Board outside of regularly scheduled meetings, including Special Meetings, Emergency Meetings, and the option to hold meetings by videoconference. I encourage the Board to utilize these alternatives in order to resolve this issue.

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For the aforementioned reasons, I have vetoed Senate Bill 685.

By the Governor of the State of Oklahoma /s/ Kevin Stitt

May 1, 2019

To the Honorable President Pro Tempore And Members of the Oklahoma Senate First Session of the Fifty Seventh Oklahoma Legislature


This is to advise you that on this date, pursuant to the authority vested in me by Section 11 of Article IV of the Oklahoma Constitution to approve or object to legislation presented to me, I have vetoed Senate Bill 841 for the following reasons.

Senate Bill 841 attempts to regulate certain health plans sponsored by Oklahoma employers in such a manner that is preempted by, and disallowed by, federal law. Legislation in other states that is similar to Senate Bill 841 has been struck down for impermissibly attempting to regulate health plans governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”). Allowing Senate Bill 841 to become law in Oklahoma would leave many Oklahoma employers who have ERISA-governed plans with no choice but to incur substantial legal expense in order to have a federal court rule that Senate Bill 841 is preempted by federal law and disallowed with respect to certain ERISA-governed plans.

As Governor of Oklahoma, I call on the Legislature to develop a compromise on this issue that puts Oklahomans first by encouraging low prescription costs for all Oklahoma employees and their families and guarantees an even playing field for our home town pharmacists.

For the aforementioned reasons, I have vetoed Senate Bill 841.

By the Governor of the State of Oklahoma /s/ Kevin Stitt

Pursuant to the David motion, the Senate adjourned at 3:20 p.m. to meet Thursday, May 2, 2019, at 3:20 p.m.

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Wednesday, April 10, 2019, 39th Legislative Day, Pages 1035 and 1036, by replacing the Executive Nominations with the following (adding Cline, Russell and Vernon):


The following executive nominations were read and referred to the committee indicated:

Cline, Heather M., Oklahoma City, as a member of the State Election Board - Rules

Donaho, Marceline J. "Marci", Seminole, as a member of the Board of Regents of Seminole State College - Education

Jackson, Michael, Ada, as a member of the Oklahoma Veterans Commission - Veterans and Military Affairs

Jackson, Michael, Ada, as a member of the Oklahoma Veterans Commission - Veterans and Military Affairs

Patel, Paresh "Pete", Tulsa, as a member of the Board of Trustees for Oklahoma State University/Tulsa – Education

Phillips, Dr. Chad A., Tulsa, as a member of the Board of Trustees for Oklahoma State University/Tulsa - Education

Russell, Jordan K., Edmond, as a member of the Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Commission- Judiciary

Tate Hammond, Shana, Ardmore, as a member of the Board of Trustees for the University Center of Southern Oklahoma - Education

Taylor, Steven W., McAlester, as a member of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education - Education

Vernon, Rick K., Olustee, as a member of the Board of Regents of Western Oklahoma State College - Education

Williams Bradley, Carlisha, Tulsa, as a member of the State Board of Education - Education

Williams Bradley, Carlisha, Tulsa, as a member of the State Board of Education – Education