

Obstetric Forum Anaesthesia for Caesarean delivery of a susceptible parturient Simon J. Lucy MD FRCPC

The anaesthetic management for Caesarean delivery of a par- Since malignant hyperthermia (MH) was first described turient with a strong family history of malignant hyperthermia there have been a number of case reports of MH reac- (MH) is presented. Before surgery an that tions in obstetrical patients ,-3 and descriptions of man- was in regular use was prepared by replacing all rubber or agement plans for the susceptible parturient. 4-7 Not sur- disposable components and flushing with 02 at 10 L" rain -t prisingly, as our understanding of this condition has for one hour Dantrolene prophylaxis was not used, and the evolved, so too has our approach to it. The following patient received a bupivacaine and fentanyl spinal anaesthestic. case report details our recent experience with a pregnant Hypotension was treated with ephedrine. Current management patient at risk for MH and describes how our manage- of the MH patient no longer mandates a dedicated vapour- ment has changed in the light of new information about free machine, dantrolene is not indicated as pre-treatment, and the condition and its triggering agents. amide local anaesthetics are considered safe. The role of vaso- pressors and ergot preparations is less clear. Case report The patient was a healthy 29-yr-old G2PI scheduled for Cette observation d~crit la prise en charge d'une parturiente elective repeat Caesarean delivery. Four years previously pr~sentant des antdc~dents concluants dl~yperthermia maligne she had had an operative delivery, because of failure to (HM) programm~e pour une extraction foetale par c~sarienne. progress, under an epidural anaesthetic using bupiva- Avant Hntervention, toutes les tubulures en caoutchouc et les caine, carbonated lidocaine, and fentanyl. Subsequent to composantes jetables d'un appareil d'anesth~sie r~guli~rement this her niece had an MH reaction during general anaes- utilis~ sont remplac~es et on y fait circuler de l'oxyg~ne au thesia. Two of her sisters proved to be muscle biopsy d~bit de 10 L" min -t pendant une heure. La patiente n'est positive, but the patient herself had not been tested. She pas pr~par~e avec du dantrol~ne. Elle re~oit une rachianesth~- had also had a scar revision under lidocaine infdtration, sic h la bupivaca[ne et au fentanyl. L~ypotension e.st contrtl~e but had never had a . She reported avec de l'~ph~drine. La technique de prise en charge actuelle a codeine allergy and an aversion to caffeine. de I'HM ne pr$voit plus l'utilisation d'un appareil d'anesth# The patient was first seen by a member of the De- sic exclusif exempt de vapeurs d'agents inhalatoires, le dan- partment of Anaesthesia through the Same Day Admis- trolbne sodium n'est plus prescrit en pr~-traitement et les anes- sion for Caesarean Clinic one week before her scheduled th~siques iocaux de type amide ne sont pas contre-indiqu~s. delivery. The reasons for considering her MH susceptible, 12 rtle des vasopresseurs et des d~riv~s de I'ergot est moins and how this would affect management, including the clair choice of anaesthetic and , were discussed. She was in favour of regional anaesthesia and agreed to a spinal technique. Key words The patient was admitted to hospital on the morning ANAESTHESIA: obstetrical, spinal; of surgery. Preoperative preparation consisted of sodium HYPERTHERMIA: malignant; citrate 30 ml po and being fitted with anti-thrombo- PHARMACOLOGY: dantrolene; embolic stockings. SURGERY: Caesarean section. One hour before surgery, the operating room was pre- From the Department of Anaesthesia, St. BonifaceGeneral pared by removing all recognized MH triggering agents Hospital, Universityof Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba. from the room, including succinylcholine and the vapor- Acceptedfor publication 5th August, 1994. izers from an Ohmeda Modulus II anaesthetic machine.


In addition, the machine was modified by replacing all TABLE Laboratoryvalues disposable or rubber elements, such as tubing, face mask, Pre- Post- Recovery reservoir bags, fresh hose, and soda lime with new, induction induction room unused components. The machine was then flushed with 100% 02 at 10 L. min -I for one hour. The resuscitation Haemoglobin(g" L-I) 135 - 109 cart and MH kit were placed in the room. The MH Creatinine phosphokinase(U" L-I) 214 - 198 K+ (mmol 9L -I) 4.2 - 3.9 kit contained 20 vials of dantrolene, 20 mg, with more pH 7.40 7.29 7.32 readily available from the main operating suite, as well PaCO2 (mmHg) 31 33 33 as chlorpromazine, hydro-cortisone, procainamide, fur- HCO3- (mmol 9L-t) 19 16 18 osemide, and mannitol. Ice was available but was not Base excess (mmol 9L-I) -4 -9 -7 brought into the delivery room. Upon arrival in the operating theatre a 14 ga intra- venous and a radial artery catheter were inserted after she and her daughter were discharged home on the fourth skin infiltration with 2% lidocaine. Other monitors in- post partum day. She was counselled about the impor- eluded 3-lead ECG, non-invasive automated blood pres- tance of having a muscle biopsy performed in the near sure cuff, pulse oxirneter, and a skin probe future in order to verify her own MH status and to assess which was placed under her back. Two litres of normal her children's risk of susceptibility. saline at room temperature were rapidly infused before induction of anaesthesia. The parturient received oxy- Discussion gen by face mask at 10 L. min -] from a separate flow This patient was treated as being at risk for MH because meter side-mounted on the anaesthetic machine until de- of her strong family history. Malignant hyperthermia acts livery of the infant. as an autosomal dominant genetic condition with reduced With the patient sitting, the subarachnoid space at L3_4 penetrance s giving her a 50% likelihood of being MH was identified with a 27 ga Quincke needle and 1.7 ml susceptible. hyperbaric bupivacaine 0.75% with 12.5 ~g fentanyl were Perioperative creatinine phosphokinase (CK) levels in injected. She was positioned supine with the operating this patient were elevated (normal 28-110 U. L-I). One table tilted 15~ to the left. The maximum height of the small series suggested that pregnant women have CK block was Tj bilaterally as measured by loss of temper- plasma concentrations that are within the normal range ature discrimination. in the first trimester but show a slight elevation at term, Five minutes after the spinal anaesthetic was in place in early labour. 9 Reported CK levels from three partur- the patient's blood , which had been 120/80 ients of known MH susceptibility were much higher, 4,5,9 mmHg, decreased to 82/42 mmHg although she re- but CK can be normal in 60% of MH patients and ele- mained asymptomatic. Increments of ephedrine to a total vated in 10% of unaffected people. ~0 Therefore this wom- of 30 mg were required to return the systolic pressure an's CK concenWafiondid not help to clarify her MH status. to above 100 mmHg. No further blood pressure insta- Definitive diagnosis of MH susceptibility is obtained bility occurred. by subjecting a muscle biopsy specimen to the caffeine- Twenty minutes after induction of anaesthesia a live halothane contracture (CHC) test. l0 The local MH testing female infant was born with Apgar scores of 9 and 9 laboratory felt that a biopsy taken at the same time as at one and five minutes. An infusion of 500 ml normal the Caesarean delivery might not provide reliable infor- saline containing 20 IU syntocinon was started. The pa- marion, so it was decided to defer testing to a later time. tient tolerated the procedure well, required no further A positive biopsy taken during pregnancy has been re- vasopressor, nor any supplemental analgesia. Skin tem- ported, z~ but in that instance the test used was a measure perature which had been 35.9~ at the star/of the case of actomyosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity decreased to 35.1~ Baseline was 80 beats which does not have the accuracy of the CHC test. l~ per minute, increasing to 104 at delivery, but otherwise Previous discussions of anaesthesia for MH susceptible staying below 100. No arrhythmia was detected. Peri- parturients have recommended pre-treatment with dan- operative laboratory data are summarized in the Table. trolene, the presence of a dedicated, vapour-free anaes- After surgery, the patient was transferred to the ob- thetic machine, epidural anaesthesia choosing ester local stetrical recovery room where she remained for six hours anaesthetics, and avoiding vasopressors. 7 When planning for close observation. As well as routine , tem- the management of this patient we opted to omit pro- perature was measured orally every hour until transfer phylactic treatment, we prepared an anaesthetic machine to the ward. She required, and received, no further spe- that was otherwise in regular use and performed a spinal cific treatment. After an uneventful postoperative course, using an an-fide agent and used ephedrine as required. 1222 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA

Dantrolene sodium is a lipid soluble hydantoin ana- temperature which tends to be lower and is influenced logue which has proved invaluable in the treatment of by external factors and by vasoconstriction. However, MH crises, presumably by preventing calcium release oesophageal, tympanic, or rectal probes may be imprac- from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. ~3 It affects skeletal, car- tical in the patient under regional anaesthesia. A well diac, and smooth muscle. The mortality from acute MH placed skin probe can adequately measure temperature crises has decreased from >80% to <10% because of trends. In the patient undergoing cap- effective management, including dantrolene. ~0 Its role as nography will detect increasing CO2. A nasal catheter a prophylactic agent in patients who will not be exposed placed in an awake patient in order to measure CO2 may to known triggering agents is less precise. ~0 It has marked be uncomfortable and easily displaced, although respi- side effects such as pain on , thrombophlebitis, ratory rate may be easier to follow. With this patient we dizziness, diplopia, dysarthria, weakness, nausea, diar- opted to place an since we intended to draw rhoea, epigastric discomfort, and a sensation of swollen a number of blood samples. If precipitation of an MH eyeballs and tongue ~3 which are often not well tolerated crisis seems unlikely, arterial and central venous mon- by patients. In addition, it does cross the placenta 14 and itoring is probably unnecessary. has been implicated as a cause of severe uterine atony. 15 Malignant hyperthermia crises in awake patients not Prophylaxis may be advisable in a parturient who is hav- exposed to pharmacological triggers are extremely rare ing a general anaesthetic, or has a history of a previous in humans, but have been reported. 2~ Presenting signs MH reaction. Only the intravenous route should be used may be those of sympathetic hyperactivity such as cardiac since oral dantrolene is poorly absorbed, especially in the abnormalities, sweating, and tachypnoea. pregnant patient. ~6 Prior to Caesarean delivery prophylaxis against aspira- The use of the "clean" machine, one that has never tion is mandatory. Non-particulate antacids, H 2 blockers, been exposed to volatile anaesthetics, has hitherto been and metoclopramide are all considered safe in MH, but considered fundamental in the management of the MH the latter is contraindicated in patients with the neuro- susceptible patient. However, there is a cost of keeping leptic malignant syndrome. 16 and maintaining a dedicated MH machine, which will In a patient such as this, regional anaesthesia is the rarely be used. In many hospitals where the labour and better choice. The hazards of general anaesthesia in preg- delivery area is separate from the operating suite either two nancy, namely increased risk of aspiration and intubation such machines must be maintained or the one unit must difficulties are well recognized. 2~ If general anaesthesia be transported to where the need seems to be greater. is unavoidable, a technique that avoids known MH It has been shown that a machine in regular use can triggers is necessary. This would require rapid-sequence be made safe for. the MH patient. McGraw and Keon'7 induction with thiopentone and a non-depolarizing mus- flushed Ohmeda Modulus II machines in which halo- cle relaxant such as atracurium, and and thane had recently been used with 100% at a a narcotic for maintenance. Reversal of the neuromus- flow of 12 L. min -~, and found that the concentration cular blocking agents is not contraindicated, but dan- of volatile agent decreased to undetectable levels within trolene may cause prolonged muscle weakness. ~6 six minutes. Beebe and Sessler, 18 using gas chromato- In choosing between spinal and epidural anaesthesia, graphy, measured halothane concentrations of < 1 ppm the epidural route has been advocated because of the after changing the circle circuit and fresh gas hose and belief that the incidence of hypotension, and therefore flushing the machine for 5 minutes with 100% 02 at 10 the need to consider vasopressors, is reduced. ,6 Our local L- min-I. The Updated Technical Bulletin for Malignant experience is that, by using elastic stockings and aggres- Hyperthermia 19 from the American Society of Anesthe- sive fluid loading, the degree of hypotension and use of siologists advises a 10 L- min -j oxygen wash-out through ephedrine does not differ between patients receiving sub- the machine for 20 min, as well as changing the tubing, arachnoid or epidural anaesthesia for Caesarean deliv- fresh gas hose, and the CO2 absorbent before using it ery. 22 on an MH patient. Amide local anaesthetics were originally proscribed in Monitoring of these patients should be directed at iden- MH patients on theoretical grounds based on their in tifying the early manifestations of MH, namely tachy- vitro ability to increase calcium efflux from sarcoplasmic cardia, arrhythmias, and increasing CO2 production. reticulum.23 However, this class of drugs has been used Muscle rigidity and increase in temperature, also signs extensively in MH patients without demonstrable adverse of MH, may be delayed or absent. 10 Standard monitors reactions. 24 As a result, the Malignant Hyperthermia As- are ECG, blood pressure, temperature, and sociation of the United States (MHAUS) issued a policy pulse oximetry. Central temperature monitoring provides statement in 1985 stating that amide local anaesthetics a more accurate indication of core temperature than skin were considered safe in MH patients, z~ Based on this, Lucy: MALIGNANT HYPERTHERMIA IN PREGNANCY 1223 and since bupivacaine gives a better quality spinal an- Conclusion aesthetic than an ester such as tetracaine, 26 we did not The principles of managing the MH susceptible patient hesitate to use the amide agent. have not changed; namely, providing a rational, safe an- Sympathomimetic and parasympatholytic agents have aesthetic, eliminating exposure to agents known to trigger also been listed as drugs to avoid in the MH susceptible reactions and monitoring for signs of a possible reaction. patient, perhaps because MH reactions are accompanied What has changed is our understanding of what extra by sympathetic hyperactivity 16 and became these agents precautions may prudently be required and what is con- may aggravate established crises, lO There is some lab- sidered safe in terms of drugs and preparation of the oratory evidence supporting, but not proving, these con- anaesthetic equipment. The benefit of reviewing and cerns. Fatal MH reactions in pigs have been triggered modifying our approach to the patient is that we can by noradrenaline, when given in combination with pro- eliminate unnecessary precautions and treatments, utilize pranolol, and by phenylephrine.27 In another study ephed- the anaesthetic machines already in operation instead of rine increased halothane induced contraction in vitro in maintaining special equipment, and continue to use pre- muscle from MH susceptible patients, but adrenaline, no- ferred, first choice drugs and techniques. radrenaline, and isopreterenol did not. 28 However, given the lack of direct clinical evidence of detrimental effects, when the choice is either to allow hypotension to persist in a parturient with the known risks to her and to the COMMENTARY fetus, or to use vasopressors prudently while closely mon- itoring the patient, rational use of ephedrine to normalize Stephen Halpern MO FRCPC the blood pressure seems to be the better alternative. Director of Obstetrical Anaesthesia, Women's College Use of an intravenous oxytocic agent after delivery Hospital, Toronto, Ontario. of the infant during Caesarean section to improve uterine tone and decrease blood loss is routine in our institution. Oxytocin in considered safe in MH. 16 Similar to vaso- To date, most of the cases of MH described in the lit- pressors, ergot preparations are contraindicated became erature have occurred during anaesthesia or in the re- of their ~x-sympathomimetic properties. 5 The use of me- covery room. In a recent review of 503 published cases thylergonovine and prostaglandin F2~ has been reported of MH, 488 were associated with general anaesthesia. in an MH susceptible parturient, t5 but that patient had The others included six associated with illicit drug use, already received dantrolene. Until further evidence regard- five associated with neuroleptic agents, one with other ing their safety becomes available, the possible risks of drugs, one from an assault and one from an over-the- these agents versus the hazards of persistent uterine atony counter drug combination. 31 It should be noted that there must be considered in a woman at risk for MH. was some doubt as to the diagnosis in most of the cases In addition to conducting a safe anaesthetic for the that occurred outside the operating room. There were pregnant MH patient, it must be remembered that the no cases of MH associated with regional anaesthesia. infant may also be at risk for MH. Two case reports 29,3~ Malignant hyperthermia in pregnancy is rare. Al- detail possible MH reactions including elevated CK levels though labour can be very stressful, there are no reported in neonates whose mothers had received general anaes- cases that are unrelated to general anaesthesia. 31 How- thesia for Caesarean delivery. Since susceptibility could ever, MH has occurred in a parturient 3 during Caesarean be inherited from the father, if a family history suggests section and perhaps also in a neonate. 29 MH on the father's side, this should be taken into account In the past seven years 19 patients, who either were when planningthe anaesthetic. If triggering agents which MH susceptible or had a family member who was MH cross the placenta are used one must watch for signs susceptible, delivered at Women's College Hospital, To- of neonatal MH. ronto. Two of these had had a positive muscle biopsy, Since the CHC test is at present the best indicator two had a history very suggestive of an MH reaction of MH susceptibility, patients must be counselled on the in the past, and the rest had a positive family history importance of having the test performed. Parents who of MH or a family member who had had a positive bi- have previously resisted having a muscle biopsy per- opsy. Interestingly, four patients were referred because formed may be more willing to undergo the procedure the husband was MH susceptible and there was concern to ascertain if their children might be affected. If a child for the neonate. Of these, most delivered vaginally with of an MH susceptible parent is being adopted the in- epidural analgesia but two had no analgesia. All the Cae- formation that the infant may be at risk must be given sarean sections were performed under regional anaesthe- to the social service agency handling the case. sia. None of the patients had an MH reaction. 1224 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA

At our institution, the approach to the MHS parturient left for the nurses to notify the anaesthetist if there is is similar to that described in the case report. All patients a fever above 38.5~ that is unresponsive to acetamin- are seen in the Obstetrical Consult Clinic when they are ophen. identified by the obstetrician as MH susceptible. In summary, this case report describes the management If the patient is undergoing a trial of labour, the nurses of a relatively common problem in obstetrical anaesthesia inform anaesthesia when the patient is admitted to hos- practice, the potentially MH susceptible parturient. For- pital. This allows ILrne for the anaesthetist to talk to the tunately, many of the earlier controversies have been re- patient and make the necessary preparations. Temper- solved in favour of using common, effective agents (amide ature monitoring is problematic in these patients. Most local anaesthetics), and causing the patient the least prefer to ambulate in early labour and do not wish con- amount of discomfort and inconvenience (narrow indi- tinuous monitoring of any sort. In our institution, the cations for prophylactic dantrolene). While it is true that temperature is monitored hourly unless there is a com- MH reactions in pregnancy are extremely rare, the drugs plication demanding more frequent readings. Fortunately, and equipment necessary to treat a reaction should be the awake patient feels unwell and fatigued if she develops readily available. a high fever 2~ and will be able to report these symptoms. We maintain a drug cart on the labour floor which con- tains 160 mg dantrolene, with more available from the COMMENTARY operating room. In addition, we ensure that sufficient ice, cold intravenous and equipment to initiate in- M. Joanne Douglas Mo FRCPC vasive monitoring are accessible, if required. We also have Department of Anaesthesia, B. C 'S Women's Hospital, a vapour-free anaesthetic machine although flushing the Vancouver, B.C. standard anaesthetic machine with oxygen, as was done in this case, is probably all that is necessary. Finally, the succinylcholine is removed from the top of the anaesthetic Several years ago, Crawford wondered whether the preg- table. The room is not used for other cases until the nant patient was in some way protected from MH. 32 His patient has safely delivered. As with any parturient, epi- conjecture was based on the paucity of accounts of MH dural analgesia is offered. In the MHS patient, there is in pregnant women, a fact which still persists. Possible the added benefit of stress reduction although stress has reasons for this low incidence are the greater use of re- not been reported to trigger an MH reaction in labour. gional anaesthesia for Caesarean section, compared with Having an epidural catheter in situ may reduce the chance other surgery, and an under-reporting of cases due to of requiring a general anaesthetic should an obstetrical fears of litigation. As triggering agents (succinylcholine emergency arise. and volatile anaesthetic agents) are commonly used in For elective Caesarean section, we strongly encourage combination for emergency Caesarean section, one would the patient to have regional anaesthesia. Axillary tem- still expect more reported cases. perature is monitored continuously throughout surgery Much has changed in the management of the MHS and the recovery period. Increases in respiratory rate and parturient since we first reported our experience. .7 There end-tidal CO2 monitored via nasal prongs, along with is still a dilemma as to whether or not awake MH reac- changes in pulse oximetry and ECG, should alert the tions occur during labour. Development of a fever and/ anaesthetist to an incipient MH reaction, making invasive or tachycardia in the labouring MHS parturient will ul- monitoring unnecessary. Venom for pH can be timately cause concern about MH. It is important to drawn at intervals through an indwelling venous cannula remember that fever is more likely due to sepsis or epi- in the forearm. In this circumstance, venous blood has dural analgesia in labour 33,34 than due to an MH reaction the advantage of reflecting pH in the muscle. in an awake patient. The same applies to tachycardia The use of prophylactic dantrolene is controversial. which may result from pain, anxiety or fever. Apart from the unpleasant side effects of weakness and -Use of a clinical grading scale 35 to predict MH sus- nausea, dantrolene has been associated with postpartum ceptibility helps determine the relative importance of a atony. 15 We would therefore only use it in severely reactive single sign or symptom. It relies on the anaesthetist eval- patients who are undergoing general anaesthesia. uating the appropriateness of these signs for the patient's After surgery, the patient is observed in the recovery status. It also identifies those patients who should undergo room for four to six hours and then monitored on the muscle biopsy, based on their history. floor with routine vital signs every four hours. Since these Management of general anaesthesia for emergency patients receive spinal opioids, the respiratory rate is re- Caesarean section (fetal distress or severe maternal haem- corded on the ward at hourly intervals. Instructions are orrhage) in the MHS parturient is always a concern. Lucy: MALIGNANT HYPERTHERMIA IN PREGNANCY 1225

There is the need for rapid muscle relaxation for tracheal G. Calcium uptake in frozen muscle biopsy sections com- intubation and, as succinylcholine is contraindicated, Dr. pared with other predictors of malignant hyperthermia sus- Lucy suggests the use of atracurium. Vecuronium, 0.25 ceptibility. 1987; 66: 680-5. mg.kg-t, might be a better choice as it produces less 13 Britt BA. Dantrolene. Can Anaesth Soc J 1984; 31: 61-75. hypotension and tachycardia. 36 Obviously, if difficulty 14 Morison DH. Placental transfer of dantrolene (Letter). with intubation is anticipated awake intubation should Anesthesiology 1983; 59: 265. be performed. The volatile anaesthetic agents are also 15 Weingarten AE, Korsh JL Neuman GG, Stern SB. contraindicated so it is necessary to protect the patient Postpartum uterine atony after intravenous dantrolene. from recall of intraoperative events. This can be accom- Anesth Analg 1987; 66: 269-70. plished with either a propofol infusion or low-dose mi- 16 Longmire S, Lee W, Pivarnik J. Malignant hyperthermia. dazolam. The best to the problems of recall and In: Datta S (Ed.). Anesthetic and Obstetric Management of muscle relaxation is to avoid general anaesthesia by early High-Risk Pregnancy. St. Louis: Mosby Year Book, 1991; identification of the MHS parturient and placement of 330-44. an epidural prior to the need for Caesarean delivery. For 17 McGraw T'17,Keon TP. Malignant hyperthermia and the the patient with fetal distress, can be clean machine. Can J Anaesth 1989; 36: 530-2. rapidly induced. 18 Beebe J J,, Sessler DL Preparation of machines for patients susceptible to malignant hypertherrnia. Anes- References thesiology 1988; 69: 395-400. I Liebenschfftz F, Mai C, Pickerodt VWA. 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Anesthesiology 1977; section (Letter). Can J Anaesth 1991; 38: 940-1. 46: 63-4. 23 Gronert GA, Mott J, Lee J. Aetiology of malignant hyper- 5 Willatts SM. Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility. Man- thermia. Br J Anaesth 1988; 60: 253-67. agement during pregnancy and labour. Anaesthesia 1979; 24 Paasuke RT, Brownell AKW. Amide local anaesthetics 34: 41-6. and malignant hyperthermia (Editorial). Can Anaesth Soc 6 Khalil SN, Williams JP,, Bourke DL. Management of a J 1986; 33: 126-9. malignant hyperthermia susceptible patient in labor with 2- 25 MHAUS Professional Advisory Council adopts new policy chloropmcaine epidural anesthesia. Anesth Analg 1983; 62: statement on local anesthetics. MHAUS Communicator, 119-21. Vol III, No 4, Spring, 1985. 7 Douglas M J, McMorland GH. The anaesthetic manage- 26 Baysinger CL, Cummins DT, Kearney BP, Daniels DE, ment of the malignant hyperthermia susceptible parturient. Menk EL. Intrathecal bupivacaine and tetracaine for cesa- Can Anaesth Soc J 1986; 33: 371-8. rean section. Anesthesiology 1989; 71: A865. 8 Gronert GA. Malignant hyperthermia. Anesthesiology 27 Hall GM, Lucke JN, L~ter 1~ Porcine malignant hyper- 1980; 53: 395-423. thermia. V: Fatal hyperthermia in the Pietrain pig, asso- 9 Isherwood DM, Ridley J, Wilson J. Creatinine phosphoki- ciated with the infusion of a-adrenergic agonists. Br J nase (CPK) levels in pregnancy: a case report and a discus- Anaesth 1977; 49: 855-63. sion of the value of CPK levels in the prediction of possible 28 Urwyler A, Censier K, Seeberger MD, Rothenbfihler JM, malignant hyperpyrexia. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1975; 82: Kaufman MA, Drewe J In vitro effect of ephedrine, ad- 346-9. renaline, noradrenaline and isoprenaline on halothane- 10 Britt BA. Malignant hyperthermia. Can Anaesth Soe J induced contractures in skeletal muscle from patients po- 1985; 32: 666-77. tentially susceptible to malignant hyperthermia. Br J 11 Sorosky JL lngardia CJ, Boui JJ. Diagnosis and manage- Anaesth 1993; 70: 76-9. ment of susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia in preg- 29 Sewall K, Flowerdew RMM, Bromberger P. Severe mus- nancy. Am J Perinatol 1989; 6: 46-8. cle rigidity at birth: malignant hyperthermia syndrome? 12 Nagarajan K, Fishbein WN, Muldoon SM, Pezeshkpour Can Anaesth Soc J 1980; 27: 279-82. 1226 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA

30 Hinkle A J,, Dorsh JA. Maternal masseter muscle rigidity and neonatal fasciculations after induction for emergency cesarean section. Anesthesiology 1993; 79: 175-7. 31 Strazis KP, Fox AI~. Malignant hyperthermia: a review of published cases. Anesth Analg 1993; 77: 297-304. 32 Crawford JS. Hyperpyrexia during pregnancy (Letter). Lancet 1972; 1: 1244. 33 Fusi L, Maresh MJA, Steer PJ,, Beard RW. Maternal py- rexia associated with the use of epidural analgesia in la- bour. Lancet 1989; 1: 1250-2. 34 Camann WR, Hortvet LA, Hughes N, Bader AM, Datta S. Maternal temperature regulation during extradural anal- gesia for labour. Br J Anaesth 1991; 67: 565-8. 35 Larach MG, Localio AR, Allen GC, et al. A clinical grad- ing scale to predict malignant hyperthermia susceptibility. Anesthesiology 1994; 80: 771-9. 36 Lennon RL Olson RA, Gronert GA. Atracurium or ve- curonium for rapid sequence endotracheal intubation. Anes- thesiology 1986; 64: 510-3.