Fourth Edition | 2018

Foreword Gavriella Schuster

We are living through a period of digital The content marketing examples in this report change like the world has never seen. show how organizations are positioning Some are calling it the Fourth Industrial themselves as thought leaders and industry Revolution – a time when digital experts, which strengthens their relationships technology is fundamentally changing the with customers. way we live, work and interact with each other. The digital race is on, and those who I think you’ll find this report very helpful. It capitalise on the opportunity will pull out breaks down digital marketing motions into ahead of the pack, exceed the expectations measurable results, by independently ranking of customers and accelerate their growth in Microso Partners on three vital channels: market. website, blog and social media platforms. The report showcases the best marketing going on It is time to be bold and loud. In order to in Microso ’s partner channel, and celebrates cut through all the competition and the the hard work of the teams using inbound and noise, our partners that have started their content marketing to engage their audiences digital transformation journey have found and provide real value and insight. success being strategic and persistent in how they communicate to customers and potential clients. I’ve been very impressed by the way Microso Partners Gavriella Schuster have embraced content and inbound Corporate Vice President, Worldwide marketing to spread their messages. Channels and Programs at Microso

TOP 50 | 02 Contents

04 Welcome From Chris Wright, Founder 05 About us What we do 07 Key findings Insights into the report data 12 Partners 1-10 Who topped the 2018 list? 23 An interview with Mitchell Feldman The CDO of RedPixie 26 Partners 11-30 Our ranking continues 37 The Partner Network in numbers How partners are driving digital transformation 39 How we ranked partners Our approach and the tools we used 40 Partners 31-50 We complete the Top 50 46 Partners 51-250 Read the extended list

03 | TOP 50 Welcome Chris Wright

Welcome to the fourth annual edition The team here at Fi y Five and Five has of Fi y Five and Five’s Inbound Marketing worked tirelessly to create a report that not Excellence Top 50 report. only highlights and ranks partner marketing eorts, but also acts as a guide for those It is the role of marketers to move wanting to improve. alongside the rapid advancements of technology and the enterprise. The eorts I would also like to thank Mitchell Feldman at we’ve seen from Microso Partners this RedPixie for sharing his expertise with us on year have matched and even surpassed what makes for great content marketing. the wider industry for innovation and excellence. Check out our key findings on I hope you find this year’s report valuable and pages 7-11 to dig a little deeper into the use the advice and guidance within to drive data of this year’s results. your marketing forward in the future.

As in previous years, we want to celebrate the partners that have helped to raise the bar; not just in terms of inbound marketing, but in strengthening their customer relationships. Everyone featured in this report, from the top spot Chris Wright through to 250, should be extremely Founder proud of their inclusion. Fi y Five and Five

TOP 50 | 04 About us Fi y Five and Five

Located in Central London, Fi y Five and Five As experts in the Microso Partner Network, we is a global digital marketing agency dedicated are always impressed by the work of partners to Microso Partners. who continue to re-invent the way the world uses Microso products, and are paving the way in Founded by Chris Wright, a former IT consultant digital transformation. with over 12 years’ experience working with Microso Partners, we are a rapidly expanding We make it our life’s work to help companies group of marketers, writers, web and graphic communicate more eectively, reach new designers and data analysts. audiences and drive leads through the following services: Our client base extends far and wide, from pioneering start-ups to global corporations. Each ▪ Website design and build comes to us with a unique set of challenges that ▪ Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) we form a specialist team around to help improve ▪ Campaign management their marketing. What makes us unique is our ▪ Marketing automation innate understanding of the Microso ecosystem, ▪ Social media management combined with marketing expertise to bring you ▪ Content marketing tangible results, fast. ▪ Strategy, insights and research

05 | TOP 50 Whether it’s thought-provoking blog posts, informative whitepapers, SEO-driven web content or social engagement, we know how to We can help you adapt content to specific audiences. We’ve spent years immersed in the Microso culture, which is Speak to one of our friendly team to find why we choose to work exclusively with partners. out if we can help your company be more Over time we’ve developed an intimate successful with digital marketing. We understanding of the dierent types of Microso work with partners of all sizes across the consumer, which we consider an invaluable asset globe on projects big and small. when it comes to broadcasting a business’s market dierentiation. hello@fi

TOP 50 | 06 Key findings The state of inbound marketing

Another year, another competitive Top 50. For the 2018 edition of our Inbound Marketing Excellence report, we’ve increased the number of Microso Partners analysed. This year we looked at 39,000 companies – a 56% increase from 2017. With this, we have seen the standards soar, as well as the competition increase.

This year, the average dierence between each placement was 2.18. To put this in perspective, the dierence between 4th and 5th, for example, could be that extra second it takes for your website to load or the dierence between writing one blog a week and writing two. A small change can have a real impact in such a closely-fought competition.

How do the scores compare to last year?

The 2018 website scores have increased on average by 4.3%. The social scores have increased by 4.1% and, while the blog scores haven’t increased from last year, the spread of results has narrowed, i.e. the dierence between each company’s blog score is even closer than last year.


2017 Year


0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0

Average Placement Dierence

07 | TOP 50 A huge improvement in website quality

Our data shows a significant increase in website scores – the average score this year was 72. We found four common trends across the best performing websites: freshness of content, social interest, incoming links and website speed.

Social interest

Our data shows just how essential it is for companies to be actively engaged in social platforms. 96% of the Top 50 have a Facebook account and 100% have a Twitter account.

Having a social media account may not necessarily increase your website score directly but having a structured social selling approach across platforms will help improve your visibility online. This is demonstrated below as, among the Top 50, there’s a significant relationship between social impact score (which includes the amount of times that people like and share website content) and the overall success of the website.





7.6 Overall website score website Overall 7.4 0 5 10 Social impact score

Incoming links

Incoming links is another big influencer. This includes the amount of times a website link has been shared and how many dierent companies have shared your links. Incoming links can impact considerably on website popularity. The more websites that are sharing your content, the greater your popularity will be.

The table on the right, demonstrates that the Ranking Number of sites Website Top 50 website links are being shared by 9.23 that shared the world popularity website link ranking times more sites. If you can reach more people with your content, then you increase the Top 50 17467 694050 chance of them sharing your posts, and will improve traic to your website. Average 1892 3408263

% dierence from +823% -391% average to Top 50

TOP 50 | 08 Freshness of content

Freshness (or how frequently you update your Year Ranking Frequency of posts (days) website) is a key predictor for a high website

score. The table below demonstrates a 2016 Top 50 4.6 consistent dierence between the Top 50 and Average 15.4 the average. The Top 50 post new content 5.58 times more than the average. Ideally, you want 2017 Top 50 4.6 Average 21.0 to be updating your website with new content on a weekly basis. Up-to-date content creates 2018 Top 50 5.0 a positive impression of your site and gives Average 27.9 audiences a reason to visit more o en.

Blogging is key to inbound marketing


Readability is another influencer. Our results show that the average readability score for blogs is 57 (10 to 12th grade reading level), while the top score is 60 (8th and 9th grade reading level). The Top 50 Flesch Reading Ease score has increased by 7.5% since 2017, meaning that readers are leaning towards simpler, easier-to-read blogs. Make sure you’re not getting too technical, as this could put your readers o.

Days between posts

One of the biggest predictors of a high blog score is days between posts. Through the years, the Top 50 blogging frequency has remained relatively stable: an average of every 4-5 days. In 2018, the Top 50 are posting almost three times as frequently as the average. Ideally you want to be posting on a weekly basis to maintain blog popularity.


20 21

15 15.4 2016 14 10 2017 5 4.6 4.6 5 Days Between Posts Days Between 2018 0 Top 50 Top 50 Top 50 Top Average Average Average Yearly Comparison

09 | TOP 50 Word count Images

When it comes to word count, the magic number A big block of writing can be daunting for the appears to be around 800-1000 words per blog, readers, and images are a great way to break up while the average post blogs with around 500-600 text, so your audience isn’t drowning in words. words. This year’s Top 50 use 82% more words per From 2016-2018, we can see that the Top 50 blogs blog than the average. have featured between 2-3 images per blog.

Ranking Words per Ranking Number of blogs images per blog

2016 Top 50 878 2016 Top 50 3.2 Average 552 Average 1.99

2017 Top 50 970 2017 Top 50 2.43 Average 573 Average 1.9

2018 Top 50 975 2018 Top 50 3.85 Average 535 Average 1.3

39,000 56% The amount of The increase in companies we companies from looked at in 2018 2017

TOP 50 | 10 Which partners stood out for each channel?

The placings in the report are based on a weighted average of web, blog and social scores.We feel this gives a good balance of 'digital marketing' eectiveness. But which partners stand out for their individual channel eorts? Who topped the web rankings, placed highest for their blog, and won the race for social dominance? Let's find out with a look at the Top 5 partners per channel.

Website Blog Social

Ranking Score Ranking Score Ranking Score

1st SQS 80 1st 80 1st Rackspace 97

2nd Rackspace 79 2nd Blue Star 75 2nd Cloudera 92

3rd Veeam 79 3rd Binary Tree 75 3rd BMC So ware 91

4th Flexential 79 4th PDQ 73 4th PEI 91

5th OnRamp 78 5th RedPixie 73 5th Nutanix 90

11 | TOP 50 PARTNERS 1 TO 10

The companies listed here practice the very best inbound marketing techniques across their websites, blogging output and social activity.

Rackspace p13 Veeam p14 Nintex p15 Nuix p16 Imperva p17 OnRamp p18 AvePoint p19 BetterCloud p20 RedPixie p21 Sharegate p22

TOP 50 | 12 01 Rackspace

A social presence that simply blew away the competition

Founded in 1999, Rackspace is one of the world’s leading managed cloud providers. With 3,000+ dedicated hosting engineers and 2500+ Microso certifications worldwide, Rackspace has worked closely with Microso since 2001, oering unparalleled expertise in today’s multi-cloud world. Five-time Hosting Partner of the Year, Rackspace’s results-driven approach to customer support is at the core of what it does and sets it apart.

San Antonia, TX, USA


Website 79/100 Our Verdict

Talk about making a perfect entrance! Rackspace has simply blown away the rest of the competition, debuting at the top of 2018’s Inbound Marketing Excellence report. In Blog fact, in a highly competitive year, the dierence between 1st and 2nd is greater than that between 2nd and 10th. So, 67/100 what sets Rackspace so far out in front?

An excellent website achieved a high score across all our criteria, but what really makes the dierence for Rackspace, is its unparalleled social media score. 97/100 is a historic all-time high score in the Top 50. The key to this is Rackspace’s immense following on Twitter and Social Facebook. As Rackspace upholds incredibly high standards for customer service, it’s no surprise to see the 97/100 organisation using social channels to reach out to its customers with insightful and engaging content.

13 | TOP 50 Veeam 02

A new entry in second place

A global leader in Intelligent Data Management, Veeam has been pioneering how companies manage, access and make use of their data since 2006. Veeam has more than 294,000 customers and over 55,000 partners worldwide. The organisation’s Hyper-Availability Platform is the latest in its ground-breaking approaches to data management.

Boston, MA, USA


Website 79/100 Our Verdict

In a remarkable year for new entries in the Top 50, Veeam enters our list in second position. A website score of 79 highlights just how well optimised its online presence is for marketing purposes – in particular, its Blog optimisation for social media. The website is heavily shared, extremely well linked to and scored exceptionally 63/100 well for its Twitter and Facebook influence. The fact that there was only one website score that was higher than Veeam’s emphasises just how good it is.

Veeam also scored highly on social media – its Twitter and Facebook followings were as high as any other Microso Partner on the list. What’s more, Veeam creates content Social across their social channels that is regularly shared, whether that is an insightful thought leadership or the 88/100 latest news from its well-attended events.

TOP 50 | 14 03 Nintex

An improvement in social pushes Nintex up one place

Nintex, founded in 2006, is the world’s leader in intelligent process automation (IPA) with more than 7,500 enterprise clients and 1,700 partners in 90 countries around the world. Nintex’s cloud platform, Nintex Workflow Cloud, gives organisations the tools to quickly and easily automate, orchestrate and optimise workflows and processes and speed up digital transformation.

Bellevue, Wa, USA


Website 75/100 Our Verdict

This year, Nintex jumps up one place into 3rd position. Achieving a solid performance in all categories, Nintex can put its rise in the rankings down to an improved social media Blog score. Through its social channels, Nintex reaches out to its target audience with an inspired mix of thought leadership, 69/100 insight, news and events, and webinars that never fail to engage.

Recently, Nintex has refreshed the messaging on its homepage, oering whitepapers and blog content that really demonstrates the extent of Nintex’s thought leadership. Clear and consistent messaging across its website, blog and Social social presence helps establish the Nintex brand. Nintex’s website also scores well for its quick load time, its 81/100 accessibility and its optimisation for sharing across social.

15 | TOP 50 Nuix 04

Another high position rewards outstanding digital marketing

Founded in 2000, Nuix help customers solve complex data and cybersecurity challenges. Built to understand the DNA of data at an enormous scale, Nuix’s solutions enable customers to analyse and make sense of huge quantities of information. Although originating in , Nuix is now headquartered in the United States and has more than 400 employees and a network of partners across 60 countries.

Herndon, VA, USA


Website 77/100 Our Verdict

2017’s standout partner in our Inbound Marketing Excellence report, Nuix, moves down three places from 1st to 4th. With so much competition and 39,000 partners to compete against, the team at Nuix can remain proud of its Blog position this year and keep their heads held high. Nuix’s digital marketing eorts continue to impress us. In 68/100 particular, a new website design with a bold homepage and easy-to-use navigation, makes a big impression.

A drop in its blog score mirrors a trend across the board this year. Elsewhere, Nuix achieve a fine score for social media presence – a slight improvement on last year. This is down to the variety of content shared on Twitter, including news, Social events, infographics, videos and case studies on a range of relevant topics. 79/100

TOP 50 | 16 05 Imperva

Social media ace surges up the Top 50

Imperva is a leading provider of security solutions for companies looking to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals in an increasingly complex cybersecurity landscape. Founded in 2002, Imperva has over 5,200 customers and more than 500 partners in 100+ countries worldwide. Imperva is committed to protecting what they see as mattering most: data and applications.

Redwood Shores, CA, USA


Website 75/100 Our Verdict

A 24 place surge up the rankings drives Imperva into 5th place in this year’s Top 50. Imperva deserves its position up there with the elite of Microso Partners due to a solid Blog all-round performance; although, we must highlight its website and pick out an exceptional social media score. 67/100 Imperva’s high social media score is largely due to its astronomical number of followers, with the social team reaching out to its 110k followers with numerous posts daily. These posts are o en useful tips and hints for its customers, while at the same time, they display thought leadership and expertise in Imperva’s specialist area. Social Imperva’s website score is boosted by its optimisation for sharing, including its significant Twitter influence and 84/100 Facebook following.

17 | TOP 50 OnRamp 06

A website that puts customer experience first

OnRamp is a datacentre services provider, focused on high security, compliance and hybrid hosting. Its mission is to provide its customers with flexible solutions that maintain the security and compliance of their infrastructure. Founded in 1994, OnRamp has always put security at the core of everything it does and specialises in providing solutions for the healthcare, financial and education sectors.

Austin, TX, USA


Website 78/100 Our Verdict

A sensational 128-place ascent into the Top 10, marks OnRamp out as one of the big movers in our Inbound Marketing Excellence report in 2018. OnRamp ranked particularly well for its website, which scored highly on its Blog accessibility and technology, i.e. how well it is built. Quick to load and with an excellent search facility, the OnRamp 67/100 website makes life easy for its visitors at every available opportunity – an exceptional customer experience.

On social, OnRamp posts regularly, linking to its own blog as well as to respected publications. These posts are tailored to its target audience, talking directly to the healthcare, financial and education sectors. Like many Social other partners this year, OnRamp’s blog hasn’t performed as well as its website or social. Posting new blogs more 77/100 frequently should rectify this.

TOP 50 | 18 07 AvePoint

Into the top 10 with all-round excellence

Over 15 years, AvePoint has become one of the major players in SharePoint and Oice 365 content migration. The company also provides tools for SharePoint management and security to ensure any environment is kept secure. Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Jersey City, NJ, AvePoint has over 15,000 customers and 5 million cloud users worldwide. Its mission is to be a catalyst for digital transformation.

Jersey City, NJ, USA


Website 74/100 Our Verdict

With an improvement in its score for both blogging and social media, AvePoint makes a giant leap forward into the heart of our Top 10. With such close competition at the top Blog of our Inbound Marketing Excellence Top 50, a 7-place rise is an impressive achievement. The key to AvePoint’s 70/100 success in digital marketing is its integration of content across all its marketing touchpoints. Whether it’s on the website, social media or the blog itself, its target audience is never far away from informative and useful content.

AvePoint takes an almost playful approach to social media, though one which never shirks from packing an Social informative punch. Combining its insightful content with a variety of illustrations, photographs and video content – 79/100 and a great use of colour – AvePoint brings its social presence to life.

19 | TOP 50 BetterCloud 08

A consistent approach across website and social

BetterCloud is a SaaS Operations Management platform, helping businesses manage the enormous number of cloud-based apps they use every day. BetterCloud has over 2,500 customers in 60+ countries and as businesses engage in digital transformation and become ever more reliant on digital tools, BetterCloud makes sure everything runs smoothly by applying best practice management and security policies across SaaS applications.

New York, NY, USA


Website 74/100 Our Verdict

Just creeping into the Top 10 last year, BetterCloud has gone one (or two) better this time around by reaching 8th place. BetterCloud has cemented its place in 2018’s Top 10 through a highly intuitive website, built and optimised Blog with digital marketing in mind – it is extremely well linked to and heavily shared on social media. It’s therefore 69/100 unsurprising to see an outstanding social media presence, with regular posts about the cloud, expert opinion and the latest company news.

An improvement in its blog would push BetterCloud even higher next year; although its score of 69 is above average and it can be lauded for its regular output. Working on the Social readability of its posts may be the final piece in the puzzle – always a tricky feat when writing about technology. 78/100

TOP 50 | 20 09 RedPixie

Engaging its specialist audience through high quality content

Founded in 2010, RedPixie is one of the largest cloud specialists in Europe. Based in London, RedPixie specialises in building and managing Azure hybrid solutions for clients in financial services, insurance and healthcare, including KPMG and Hiscox. RedPixie has now been acquired by Hewlett Packard Enterprise – another company that features high up in our report, although not as high as its new acquisition.

London, UK


Website 69/100 Our Verdict

Moving up thirteen places, RedPixie breaks in to the Top 10 for the first time. From 89th place in 2016 to 9th place in 2018. A fantastic achievement and extraordinary rise for Blog the team at RedPixie.

73/100 In this year’s report, RedPixie really stands out for its blogging output and its social presence. By regularly posting a mixture of its own content (from its consistently engaging blog) and content from renowned industry experts, its social feed is always a useful source of the latest info for its target audience. This has resulted in growing a highly engaged following. As already hinted at, Social RedPixie’s blog is a fountain of knowledge for its customers. Can they maintain their position next year, now 79/100 they are part of HPE?

21 | TOP 50 Sharegate 10

A personal, human touch makes Sharegate perennial contenders

Based in Montreal, the team at Sharegate are migration experts having helped thousands of organisations move to the cloud. Sharegate has been a key figure in making the digital workplace a reality, by helping businesses gain visibility and control over their Oice 365 and SharePoint environments. Growing from five employees in 2009 to 110+ today, Sharegate is a fast-growing company with a global reach.

Montreal, QC, USA


Website 75/100 Our Verdict

You can always count on Sharegate to feature near the top of our Top 50 report, having reached the summit twice before. This year, Sharegate make the Top 10 once again, with an impressive improvement in its social media score. Blog With consistent and regular social posts on the topic of digital transformation, Sharegate stands out for bringing a 67/100 human touch and a sense of humour to the world of B2B technology.

With a skate ramp and coee bar in the oice, Sharegate seems like a fun place to work – and this sense of fun, personality and adventure permeates its digital marketing across all channels. Sharegate put the people behind the Social products at the forefront of its digital marketing, which creates an engaging and friendly vibe. 78/100

TOP 50 | 22 RedPixie Interview with an expert

London, UK


Mitchell Feldman Chief Digital Oicer, RedPixie

Last year, RedPixie scored the fi h-highest As we were putting the finishing touches blog in the whole Top 50 report. In 2018 to this year's report, RedPixie announced they’ve continued to climb up the they had been acquired by HPE. It made rankings. So, what’s the secret to their sense to keep them in the report, inbound marketing success? We separately to HPE, for this year. In the interviewed Mitchell Feldman – Chief interview Mitchell touches on the Digital Oicer at RedPixie – to see how acquisition, specifically how the RedPixie they go about putting together such a market machine will integrate with HPE, strong marketing strategy. and what both sides can learn.

We spend a lot of time perfecting our brand and voice. We want to wow the customer at every turn. To do that takes time and hard work

23 | TOP 50 Perhaps we should start with a from the field; stories that are relevant to the brief background of RedPixie and business climate and to what our customers what you provide your customers? are experiencing. It’s using these components to come up with ideas for content that helps us a lot. RedPixie are a ‘born in the cloud’ managed services provider that focuses primarily on the What we try to implement into the business is financial services and insurance markets. that everyone is responsible for marketing – the whole company – that’s part of our secret sauce Your blog score in last year’s report if you like. Another part is making the company a was very high – fi h overall – what social enterprise. We gamify a lot of the do you put that success down to? behaviours we want to encourage in the business. For example, we measure our sta on We put our success down to the time we spend their social selling index (SSI) – the algorithm understanding who our audience is, the type of that LinkedIn use to measure social engagement. content they consume and how they want to By gamifying that and creating a leader board, consume it, i.e. the kind of media they prefer. we encourage our employees to be socially That could mean videos, blogs, whitepapers, etc. active, and that has a knock-on to the amount of But it also means understanding our personas at business we are doing, as well as extending the a very micro-level – understanding that, reach of our brand. depending on who we are targeting, some prefer stats and proofs points, while others prefer more What role does social media have conceptual thought leadership content. in the current Microso Partner landscape? What RedPixie does is quite specific. Was it easy for you to I would say as much as 15% of our inbound determine your target audience enquiries comes from social media. And we can for the content you produce? demonstrate at least two opportunities that have brought us more than £500,000 of business We know who our target audience is and how big as a direct result of a social posting. that addressable market is. We’ve been lucky in that because we are vertically aligned. This How important do you think means that our marketing has been much more consistency in style and delivery eicient and laser-focused because we know of content is? exactly who we are talking to and typically why we are talking to them. And consequentially it’s Absolutely vital. There needs to be a consistent easier to get our messaging on point. tone of voice. A big part of my job is to act as guardian of the brand – the quality of output, Do you have a process for from the design of a graphic to the grammar in generating new content? a blog post, must be of the highest quality. We know that the equity of our brand is directly

related to the quality of our output. The higher Our typical process involves making sure our the quality of the brand, the higher the quality marketing department spend enough time with of customers we win, all of which leads to the sales team to understand what they are better engagements and outcomes. talking about with their customers – joining up both the sales and marketing elements so that we all understand exactly what we’re doing. Creating content together has been a major part of our success. It’s about getting stories Continue »

TOP 50 | 24 How strict is your content strategy unenviable task of trying to talk to everyone – and is it diicult to stick to? practically every vertical and customer. So, during the integration they are trying to keep One of the biggest challenges we have, along all the good sauce, the good elements that we with probably every other partner, is producing have built up. It’s going to be a challenge but content. Getting people to write content in the we’re both up for it. They realise that there is a business is a challenge. We find that we have to new way of marketing and will be receptive to become interviewers and create the content for new ideas, which is great for everyone. them – but it’s okay because people like to talk. What’s the one piece of advice Our content strategy is largely fixed. We have you’d recommend for a Microso key areas that we aim for – the big rocks. But Partner that wants to improve its we’re young enough and nimble enough as a inbound marketing? business to change our strategy if we need to, we have that capability. We’re very lucky in that in the business we have several individuals who are big advocates of RedPixie has recently been bought marketing. It’s very hard for a business if they by Hewlett Packard Enterprise. don’t have someone internally to support How do you see the challenge of marketing and to drive it. Anyone who is serious about using marketing to take their running eective marketing now business to the next level needs to have a that you are part of a much bigger senior marketing person internally. organisation?

We are like the shiny new toy within HPE. They are looking at some of our capabilities and bringing them into their own marketing processes. They certainly have a very sizable machine. Unlike RedPixie, HPE have the

As you might have seen by now, RedPixie came into this year's report at an impressive number 10 (they ranked in 22nd last year, and in 89 back in 2016). If you haven't read their profile yet, check out page 21 for the full details. There you will find our analysis of their marketing channels and get a flavour for what is needed to break into the upper echelons of our report.

It will be extremely interesting to see how the marketing magic at RedPixie influences HPE (who, as Mitchell himself states above, have a diicult job in talking to a much broader audience). We look forward to next year's report to see the results.

25 | TOP 50 PARTNERS 11 TO 30

Pensar IT Management p27 Lieberman So ware p27 p28 Pyramid Analytics p28 LogRhythm p29 Flexential p29 Axon p30 Binary Tree p30 ENow So ware p31 Agile IT p31 PDQ p32 Catapult Systems p32 Metalogix p33 BMC So ware p33 SQS p34 Xperience Group p34 Neudesic p35 HPE p35 Nutanix p36 Hitachi Solutions US p36

TOP 50 | 26 11 Pensar IT Management London, UK @Pensar_IT

Pensar provides 24/7 IT outsourcing services to businesses in the Website marketing, advertising, PR and financial services sectors. With a focus on the cloud, security, mobile telephony, hosting, oice relocation and more, 68/100 Pensar helps its clients cut costs, improve productivity and tighten security. Blog Our Verdict 73/100 Pensar is a great example of how a consistent approach to inbound marketing across its website, blog and social media can work wonders. With a blog that regularly features pieces on the issues that Social matter to its target audience, e.g. GDPR, Pensar knows how to reach out to the right people and make an impact. What’s more, Pensar is 79/100 the third highest new entry in this year’s Top 50.

12 Lieberman So ware Los Angeles, CA, USA liebso .com @Liebso

Since 1978, Lieberman So ware has been one of the most important Website players in cybersecurity. Serving more than 1,800 enterprise customers and protecting the identities of more than one billion people, it’s well and truly /100 an authority on cybersecurity solutions. Lieberman So ware has recently 77 been acquired by Bomgar. Blog Our Verdict 66/100 Lieberman So ware has scored strongly on its website, with excellent design and clear, concise copy leading to an excellent user experience for its website visitors. Its social media output is as Social consistent and engaging as ever. However, since last year, its fantastic Identity Week blog has been folded into the corporate blog 74/100 of its new parent company, Bomgar, which seems to have led to a drop in its blogging score.

27 | TOP 50 13 Boston, MA, USA @Teamharmonie provides solutions that place humans at the centre of the digital Website workplace. By bringing SharePoint and Oice365 into Outlook, helps knowledge workers find the information needed to get their work /100 done. is at the forefront of applying artificial intelligence to the 62 workplace, combatting information and app overload. Blog Our Verdict 80/100 Every year, we are impressed with’s inbound marketing eorts. This is particularly true of their blogging output. In fact, has scored the highest for blogging in this year’s Top 50. Social’s content across its blog, social, eBooks, whitepapers and regular webinars, is of a consistent high quality and well and truly 75/100 positions the business as pioneers and thought leaders.

14 Pyramid Analytics Amsterdam, NL @PyramidAnalytic

Pyramid Analytics is a recognised innovator in business analytics, helping Website users create illuminating analytic content with its Pyramid 2018 solution. Pyramid 2018 is the next generation of self-service analytics and gives data /100 leaders a powerful set of tools to facilitate innovation with data. 69

Blog Our Verdict 73/100 Rising 71 places in the Top 50 report, Pyramid Analytics has made huge inroads in its digital marketing eorts during the last twelve months. This is particularly due to regular, consistent posts on both its blog Social and on social media. Pyramid Analytics uses its blog to reach out to its targeted audience with useful content about the world of data 74/100 analytics – an approach that clearly seems to be working.

TOP 50 | 28 15 LogRhythm Boulder, CO, USA @LogRhythm

LogRhythm is a global leader in security information and event Website management (SIEM), providing innovative solutions to help businesses improve their cybersecurity. Recognised as a leader by Gartner, Forester /100 and many others, LogRhythm can now add its presence in the Top 50 to an 73 ever-growing list of accomplishments. Blog Our Verdict 67/100 LogRhythm is another new entry at the top end of this year’s report. An eective and engaging social media presence has propelled LogRhythm to 15th place. Not only do we greatly admire LogRhythm’s Social ability to unpack the o en-complex world of cybersecurity for its audience, but we also applaud its commitment to staying on top of all 78/100 the latest developments in such a fast-moving landscape.

16 Flexential Denver, CO, USA @flexential

Flexential takes a personal approach to IT infrastructure by putting its Website customers at the centre of everything it does. The organisation focuses on building trusted relationships on top of delivering a comprehensive suite of /100 hybrid IT solutions. Flexential has 41 world-class data centres across the US. 79

Blog Our Verdict 60/100 In August 2017, Peak 10 and ViaWest joined forces and rebranded as Flexential. So although Flexential is technically a new entry in the Top 50 report, its previous incarnations have featured in the past. In fact, Social last year we labelled Peak 10 “a partner to look out for”, as it featured in 48th position. Flexential’s appearance at number 16 and its strong 77/100 website score shows it has continued this trend.

29 | TOP 50 17 Axon Macclesfield, UK @axonit

Founded in 2001, Axon was originally set up to be a single-source IT Website solutions company before being reborn in the cloud in 2011. Axon was the first company in the North West of to achieve Microso Gold Cloud 70/100 Competency – an impressive feat.

Blog Our Verdict 70/100 With a solid score of 70 for both its blog and its website, Axon has shown a mastery of imbuing personality into its inbound marketing eorts. From its humorous take on the ‘meet our team’ Social page to its consistently interesting and informative blog, Axon knows how to tell a story and catch an audience’s attention. This 75/100 is demonstrated nowhere more so than in its engaging social media output.

18 Binary Tree Kendall Park, NJ, USA @BinaryTreeInc

Binary Tree has been in the game of transformation since 1993. The Website organisation has transformed more than 8,000 global clients and 42 million users, including 7.5 million users to Oice 365. Binary Tree is 68/100 headquartered in New York and with oices in France, Germany, Singapore, and the UK. Blog Our Verdict 75/100 Another year, another admirable performance from Binary Tree in our Top 50 report. A er a huge rise in our rankings last year, Binary Tree moved up another three places into 18th. As we did in 2017, Social we have to praise the organisation for its blog, which continues to be characterised by consistent posting, relevant stories and deep 69/100 product and industry knowlegde – the blog has achieved an even higher score this year.

TOP 50 | 30 19 ENow So ware Aliso Viejo, CA, USA enowso @ENowConsulting

ENow So ware specialises in tools aimed at supporting administrators, Website including application performance and end user experience monitoring for the Microso cloud, hybrid and on-premise technologies. ENow So ware /100 has over 300 customers in more than 130 countries, such as Wendy’s, 70 Facebook and Barclays. Blog Our Verdict 71/100 ENow So ware rises seven places in this year’s report, achieving admirable scores across all three of our criteria. This is down to a smart, clean website with engaging web copy, regular blogging output, Social a humourous streak on social media, including occasional GIFs and an array of visually-appealing images to accompany links to consistently 72/100 informative posts.

20 Agile IT San Diego, CA, USA @Agile_IT

Agile IT is a cloud-first IT services provider and four-time Microso Cloud Website Partner of the Year. From cloud migration to management, Agile IT provides a host of business-focused services to a wide range of /100 industries, including education, corporate, government and non-profit 68 customers. Blog Our Verdict 70/100 Agile IT has earned an 11-place rise this time around. Once again, we applaud Agile IT’s highly active social presence, as well as a blog that focuses on being an informative hub of valuable content. Social Another nice touch is the personal approach to its ‘about us’ page on the website, which not only outlines the company’s values, but 77/100 even has a page dedicated to its employees’ dogs.

31 | TOP 50 21 PDQ Salt Lake City, UT, USA @admarsenal

Website (formerly Admin Arsenal) oers a systems management solution for the SMB market. This oering comes in two products: PDQ 76/100 Deploy and PDQ Inventory. A number of high profile organisations use's products, such as Disney, HBO and Coca Cola. Blog Our Verdict 73/100 Ranked at 102 last year, has risen 81 places this year. This is largely because of its website, which is refreshingly clear, gets right to the point and isn’t afraid to display a bit of personality and Social humour. For instance, a mockumentary-style ‘about us’ video shows the team enjoying themselves at work. A little work on its social 55/100 output and could be a contender for the Top 10.

22 Catapult Systems Austin, TX, USA @CatapultSystems

Catapult Systems is a global modern digital solutions and services Website company focusing on emerging and business-critical technologies. A 2016 Microso Partner of the Year (US), Catapult is regularly recognised for its /100 commitment to expertise in a range of industries, from energy to 69 manufacturing to healthcare. Blog Our Verdict 70/100 Catapult moves up 21 places in this year’s report. This is due to its regular and consistent output and messaging across its website, social and blog. Last year, it was Catapult’s social that caught our Social attention. The same can be said this year, although it has also impressed with improved scores for its website and blog. The blog 74/100 is a fantastic source of content, both informative and engaging.

TOP 50 | 32 23 Metalogix Washington, DC, USA @metalogix

Metalogix helps businesses move, manage and protect collaboration Website content, including both SharePoint and Oice 365. It oers a range of products to extend and enhance out-of-the-box capabilities. With over /100 200,000 happy customers and a 97% customer satisfaction rate, Metalogix is 73 a key player in this space. Blog Our Verdict 63/100 Another year, another high social score for Metalogix. This, coupled with a slight improvement in its website score, has helped Metalogix move up two places. Metalogix has been a regular feature in our Top 50 Social over the years, so it’s no surprise to see another solid performance. As always, clear, concise and engaging messaging across all its channels 77/100 serves to complement its content migration and management solutions.

24 BMC So ware Houston, TX, USA @bmcso ware

BMC So ware helps businesses to transform and compete in the digital Website world. With 35 years of expertise and experience, more than 10,000 customers worldwide, 6,000 employees in 30 countries, and 470 patents /100 granted or pending, BMC So ware is a global leader in innovative 69 so ware solutions. Blog Our Verdict 60/100 BMC So ware is a new entry in this year’s report, largely thanks to an engaging social presence, one which mixes informative content with company news and events. Seeing the BMC team out and about, Social picking up awards and hosting major industry events adds a flair of personality to their posts which has garnered an impressive 91/100 following. In fact, it is the second highest score for social in the Top 50.

33 | TOP 50 25 SQS Cologne, Germany @SQS_GROUP

SQS has defined its aim as “transforming the world through quality”. Website Trusted by organisations across the globe, SQS helps businesses navigate the world of digital change. Founded in 1982, SQS has grown to become a /100 leading quality assurance specialist for IT services. 80

Blog Our Verdict 60/100 Congratulations to SQS for the best website in this year’s Top 50. A website score of 80 puts SQS out in front and is the reason the organisation has risen 15 places. SQS’s website is marked out for Social how well it is built and its accessibility. The website is shared o en on social and is extremely well linked to. It’s perhaps no surprise 69/100 that SQS’s social score has also improved.

26 Xperience Group Nationwide, UK @Xperiencegroup

Xperience Group has four group businesses operating across the UK, Website including DMC So ware (16th in 2017’s report), with oices in Lisburn, Glasgow and Peterborough. Founded in 1969, Xperience Group has a /100 history of innovation and is now a leader in helping businesses find the 70 right CRM and ERP solutions to suit their processes. Blog Our Verdict 68/100 With a wide range of solutions and services, it can be hard for some partners to display and explain all that it oers on its website. This is not the case with Xperience Group, which has Social managed to remain clear and concise with its web copy at all times. Its blog contains some great content; however, more 72/100 frequent and regular posts would improve its score in that area.

TOP 50 | 34 27 Neudesic Irvine, CA, USA @Neudesic

Neudesic delivers cloud and data-driven solutions for digital innovation. Website In its ‘2018 Technology Vision’, Neudesic says that its focus in 2018 is on helping businesses use the cloud to their competitive advantage, calling /100 it the great equalizer. Neudesic is a former Microso Partner of the Year 71 in several dierent categories. Blog Our Verdict 67/100 Neudesic continues its meteoric rise up our Inbound Marketing Excellence report. A er moving from 208th place in 2016 to 39th last year, Neudesic has now jumped up another twelve places. This Social year, it seems to be its website that has been the main driver. A site that is well optimised for sharing and is extremely well linked 72/100 to has led to an improved score.

28 HPE Global @hpe

The IT giant Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) grew out of Hewlett Website Packard in 2015. Based in Palo Alto, California HPE is at the forefront of digital transformation, finding innovative solutions to help businesses /100 succeed. Projects include the partnership with Tottenham Hotspur F.C. 70 to build the world’s most connected sports arena. Blog Our Verdict 60/100 This is Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s first appearance in our Top 50. The organisation’s social output is one of the best in our rankings, due to its rich, engaging content and enormous following on Twit- Social ter. Due to the massive scale of the projects Hewlett Packard Enterprise works on and the fact that these are largely in the 88/100 public eye, its social team is never short of amazing stories to post.

35 | TOP 50 29 Nutanix San Jose, CA, USA @nutanix

Founded in 2009, Nutanix is a global leader in datacentre infrastructure – Website leveraging the power of some of the world’s most advanced datacentres. Nutanix’s solutions are built on hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) /100 technology, enabling IT teams to build and operate powerful multi-cloud 72 architectures. Blog Our Verdict 57/100 Last year Nutanix achieved the highest score for social media. Although the crown lies elsewhere this year, the team at Nutanix could be forgiven for feeling unlucky, because its social score has Social gone up again. Nutanix has a huge Twitter following that regularly engages and interacts with its posts – a great example for any 89/100 partner to follow if they want to know how to make a splash with social.

30 Hitachi Solutions US Global @HitachiSolUS

Hitachi Solutions US provides intelligent business applications across a Website range of industries, from healthcare to banking to construction and more. The organisation is recognised for its excellence in providing /100 Microso Dynamics 365 solutions and has been Microso Partner of the 72 Year Winner more than 30 times. Blog Our Verdict 65/100 A significant 22-place rise for Hitachi Solutions US this year is no doubt down to clear and consistent messaging across its marketing eorts. Hitachi Solutions US’s popular website achieved a particularly high Social score for accessibility. The organisation regularly posts on social media to promote events and to share blog and video content. 73/100 Building up the Twitter following would be the next step in improving its social score.

TOP 50 | 36 Exploring the Microso Partner marketing landscape

The business world is currently experiencing a major transformation generated by cloud computing. The Internet of Things, AI, big data, etc. are all part of a massive opportunity to change and improve how customers do business. The pace of innovation is speeding up – we are working in a current environment where swi modernisation and speed to market are key to success. To be able to handle the pace of change, partners need to support their clients in both tech and cultural changes.

Why are partners at the centre of digital transformation?

Microso benefits from their partners and their partners benefit from Microso by using various tools and Microso Partner’s Over 95% of Microso 's For every $1 that training systems that MS number around revenue flows through Microso earns, their provide 375,000 the channel partners make $8.70

Where are Microso Partners from?

5.8% - Central and Eastern Europe 42.8% - Western Europe 2.7% - South Asia

29% - North America

5.3% - Middle East

5.1% - South America 2.7% - Other 6.6% - Asia Pacific

CompTIA further segments the channel data by employee size:

80% of technology More than 50% of companies on technology companies the Forbes 100 on the Fortune 100 110,274 13,680 1,388 160 1-9 10-99 100-499 500+ Best Mid-Cap Fastest-Growing Employees Employees Employees Employees Stocks list Companies list

37 | TOP 50 To have an aect partners need to make themselves heard

Partners that have started their digital transformation journey have found success being strategic and persistent in how they communicate to customers and potential clients Gavriella Schuster CVP, Worldwide Channels and Programs at Microso

30% of partners do 75% believe MS's marketing The majority of partners either not have a sales and/or resources save time to market use the MSP network or general marketing budget and on marketing budgets internet research to learn marketing best practices:

21% spend

up to $25000 33% lack the understanding 18.6% in how to use MS’s marketing MS partner network resources to their advantage. 15% spend $25001-100,000

68% will take advantage of marketing training in the next 14% spend 17.5% year $100,000-250,000 general internet research

Issues that are holding back partners’ marketing The first step to better marketing is knowing 53% where you are and where Lack of resources or budgets you want to go

33% Confusion over role and responsibilities If you think your organisation could benefit from a more cohesive marketing strategy, there are 32% plenty of examples in this report of Microso Dysfunction and friction over priorities Partners who are using the power of inbound across the company marketing to great eect. 30% Lack of training in new marketing skills To test your digital marketing channels and get actionable feedback today, why not try Maya now? Go to and get your free score. 30% Organizational inability to adapt

TOP 50 | 38 How we ranked partners Calculating the Top 50 data

We have studied the digital marketing How we ranked the partners eorts of tens of thousands of partners around the world to present 2018’s Top 50. Our list is To reduce this list to a manageable number for made up of the companies who, we believe, further analysis, we removed all companies have shown true inbound marketing excellence. that did not have a functioning website, a valid blog or a live Twitter account. This saw our list The longlist drop below 30,000 individual companies.

Anyone who is an oicial Microso Partner is We then began scoring Twitter accounts and eligible to be in our report, though we do blogs, removing companies that fell below our exclude companies that are partners only by designated cut-o point for this stage. Of those very tenuous association or that are not remaining (upwards of 10,000), we tested their involved in the B2B enterprise space. We also websites. This gave us our shortlist of just over exclude some companies who, despite it being 1000 companies, of which the top 250 made it factually accurate, do not define themselves as into the 2018 report. Microso Partners. In total our initial long list was comprised of over 39,000 companies (a 56% increase on last year).

The tools we used Website Blog Social As with previous years Sitebeam Maya Kred we used 3 tools to analyse the data.


While we make the best eorts, it is not possible to include or test every single eligible company across the globe for this report. If you think your company has been missed, get in touch with us (hello@fi and we can include you in the next edition.

All information pertaining to this report - developed, printed and posted by Fi y Five and Five - represent the independent opinion of Fi y Five and Five, and is derived by virtue of Fi y Five and Five's independent judgment, analysis, and subjective / objective criteria.

While every eort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the data in this report, Fi y Five and Five is not responsible for, nor does it make guarantees based on the information presented, or any inference that could be drawn from them.

39 | TOP 50 PARTNERS 31 TO 50

Qorus p41 Dimension Data p41 DataStax p41 Mimecast p41 Barracuda Networks p42 Hitachi Solutions UK p42 Accuso p42 ProSymmetry p42 Colligo p43 Beezy p43 Applied Innovations p43 Modality p43 BlueStar p44 Excella p44 Micromine p44 Arkardin p44 TekLinks p45 Magenic p45 Unily p45 Kofax p45

TOP 50 | 40 31 Qorus

Bellevue, Wa, USA Qorus helps companies create business-critical documents accurately and eiciently. Qorus runs on Microso Azure and integrates with Microso Oice to provide powerful and intuitive content management solutions. A consistent performance across website, blog and social gives Qorus a strong position in this year’s report. @qorusdocs Website 69/100 Blog 70/100 Social 69/100

32 Dimension Data

Global Dimension Data provides a wide range of IT services aimed at accelerating digital business. A global powerhouse, the organisation employs over 28,000 employees across 47 countries on five continents. A highly engaging and consistent social presence never fails to inspire and has pushed Dimension Data up our rankings once again. @dimensiondata Website 72/100 Blog 63/100 Social 76/100

33 DataStax

Global A new entry in the Top 50, DataStax provides data management to enable companies to thrive in a customer-centric and data-driven economy. Listing Netflix, Adobe and eBay among its customers, DataStax helps the world’s most innovative companies rethink their technology infrastructure to put data at the heart of their organisation. @datastax Website 77/100 Blog 53/100 Social 85/100

34 Mimecast

London, UK Since 2003, Mimecast has been dedicated to making email safer, by providing security, archiving and continuity services in the cloud. Originally founded in London but now with 1,000+ employees in 10 oices around the world, Mimecast protects companies from cyberattacks, data leaks, malware and spam on a truly global scale. @Mimecast Website 73/100 Blog 60/100 Social 79/100

41 | TOP 50 35 Barracuda Networks

Campbell, CA, USA Barracuda Networks provides an impressive range of powerful yet easy-to-use and aordable IT solutions for security and storage. Based in Silicon Valley, Barracuda has established a global network of 1000+ employees across oices in 15 countries. A high social score reflects a dedication to sharing the latest news in cybersecurity. @barracuda Website 72/100 Blog 57/100 Social 87/100

36 Hitachi Solutions UK

London, UK Hitachi Solutions UK provides intelligent business applications across a wide range of industries, from banking to fire services and more. As the UK subsidiary of the giant Japanese multinational, they focus on Microso Dynamics 365 solutions and complementary technologies, aligning themselves with the industries they specialise in. @hitachisoleu Website 69/100 Blog 69/100 Social 68/100

37 Accuso

Tampa, FL, USA Accuso has over 25 years’ experience in the document and content management space, delivering a robust portfolio of document and imaging tools for developers, accuso .com built using patented technology. An impressive website and a healthy social media following are the backbone of solid inbound marketing strategy. @accuso Website 76/100 Blog 57/100 Social 77/100

38 ProSymmetry

Cleveland, OH, USA ProSymmetry is an innovative global leader in the resource management space. Tempus Resource, its flagship product, was chosen as a Gartner Cool Vendor 2016 and continues to make a name for itself around the world. Consistent blogging and insightful thought leadership has achieved an impressive 71-place surge in our rankings. @ProSymmetry Website 65/100 Blog 72/100 Social 68/100

TOP 50 | 42 39 Colligo

Vancouver, BC, USA Colligo helps organisations increase the value of their information assets. With a focus on solutions for SharePoint and Oice 365, Colligo empowers organisations to do more with the content created and shared by their employees. More than 5000 organisations in 55 countries use Colligo for mobile collaboration and content management. @colligo Website 70/100 Blog 64/100 Social 74/100

40 Beezy

San Francisco, CA, USA Beezy provides digital workplace solutions built upon Oice 365 and SharePoint. Founded in 2011 and located in Silicon Valley, Beezy is dedicated to making organisations more productive, connected, social and happy. This year Beezy has risen 15 places due to a steady improvement in its website and blog scores. @followbeezy Website 67/100 Blog 66/100 Social 75/100

41 Applied Innovations

USA Although a new entry in our report, Applied Innovations is no rookie in the Microso Partner world. A recognised industry leader, Applied Innovations has been helping businesses succeed in the cloud since 1999. A comprehensive and user-friendly website and an engaging social media presence bring it into the Top 50. @appliedi Website 77/100 Blog 57/100 Social 72/100

42 Modality

Global Jumping up an impressive 88 places, Modality makes a welcome return to the Top 50. Based in St Albans, UK, Modality helps businesses unlock the power of collaboration with Microso tools, such as Microso Teams. Modality is a 2017 Microso Communications Partner of the Year Finalist (and winner in 2016). @modalitysystems Website 66/100 Blog 66/100 Social 76/100

43 | TOP 50 43 Blue Star

Michiana, MI, USA Blue Star delivers IT consulting and managed services in the Michiana region of the US. Founded in 2004, Blue Star oers a friendly, collaborative service steeped in professional excellence. A low social score was more than made up for by a consistent blogging output on a wide range of technology news. @bluestaritpro Website 72/100 Blog 75/100 Social 46/100

44 Excella

Washington, DC, USA Excella’s growing team of 280+ employees provide solutions for a wide range of industries including hospitality, travel, education and healthcare. Defining themselves as ‘technologists’, Excella’s focus lies in the pursuit of transforming bold ideas into elegant technology solutions – another great new entry in our Top 50 report. @ExcellaCo Website 77/100 Blog 56/100 Social 72/100

45 Micromine

Global Micromine is a leading global provider of innovative so ware solutions for the mining industry. Founded in Western Australia in 1986, Micromine can now be found in 18 of the world’s mining capitals. Micromine provides solutions for the entire mining process, from geological exploration to resource estimation and 3D mine design. @micromine Website 77/100 Blog 60/100 Social 64/100

46 Arkadin

Global Arkadin is a global collaboration services provider, oering a range of audio, web and video solutions. With a presence in 33 countries and covering 19 languages, Arkadin is spread over 53 oices in strategic locations to understand the ins and outs of dierent cultures and achieve a truly global perspective. @ArkadinServices Website 65/100 Blog 67/100 Social 73/100

TOP 50 | 44 47 TekLinks

Birmingham, AL, USA TekLinks is a nationally recognised and award-winning IT solutions company that provides managed services, cloud services and value-added resale. A er jumping up a whopping 78 places this year, TekLinks can add this achievement in inbound marketing excellence to its growing list of accolades and industry recognition. @TekLinks Website 71/100 Blog 63/100 Social 69/100

48 Magenic

USA At Magenic, it’s all about speed. The team at Magenic help businesses employ the right digital strategies, the right processes and the right technology to get products to market at lightning pace. Founded in 1995, Magenic is another new entry that we are pleased to welcome to the Top 50. @magenic Website 73/100 Blog 57/100 Social 75/100

49 Unily

Global Unily is the powerful intranet-as-a-service from BrightStarr, a SharePoint consultancy. Unily combines a rich intranet platform with dedicated customer success services to provide a winning solution. Its visually arresting website and engaging blog have helped move Unily up 14 places to take the penultimate spot in the Top 50. @WeAreUnily Website 65/100 Blog 70/100 Social 64/100

50 Kofax

Irvine, CA, USA Kofax is a leading supplier of so ware and solutions to automate business processes and has 1,600+ employees in 30 countries. A new entry this year, Kofax makes up the final place in the Top 50 due to an eective social media presence and output. @kofax Website 68/100 Blog 60/100 Social 78/100

45 | TOP 50 PARTNERS 51 TO 250

Such is the quality of digital marketing in the Microso Partner Network that, as we did in 2017, we have included here a long list of positions 51-250. These companies should be extremely proud to feature in our report, especially when considering we looked at over 39,000 companies in total.

TOP 50 | 46 Partners 51 - 250

# Partners # Partners

51 Logikos 72 72 46 86 Valo 62 66 67 52 VirtaMove 70 60 73 87 OakTree 60 66 71 53 risual 60 70 73 88 DynaSis 68 63 61 54 M-brain 73 60 67 89 Fingent Corporation 72 59 60 55 SADA Systems 74 56 73 90 Dexter & Chaney LLC 75 53 66 56 Sparkhound Inc. 71 63 64 91 CPS 60 66 70 57 PowerPivotPro 65 62 77 92 Quick Base 62 59 80 58 IES 66 63 73 93 Puryear IT 72 67 44 59 Kaseya 74 53 77 94 NetGain Technologies 69 56 72 60 Enhanso 73 63 59 95 True North 66 63 64 61 M-Files Inc. 74 53 76 96 Redweb 71 53 74 62 Cloudera 60 59 92 97 Wortell 65 60 71 63 Centric Consulting LLC 72 53 80 98 TimeSheet Reporter 72 60 57 64 Nasuni 74 53 75 99 iCepts Technology Group 67 60 67 65 Rencore 65 63 73 100 Welocalize 74 50 73 66 SWC 73 57 69 101 Applied Information Sciences 70 57 67 67 BP Logix 70 60 68 102 Eclipse So ware 71 63 53 68 Okta Inc. 70 53 82 103 CyberArk 73 50 75 69 Palmetto Technology Group 60 70 68 104 Aptify 62 63 71 70 DocuSign Inc. 78 56 60 105 Attunity 72 50 77 71 Automated Intelligence 71 60 66 106 AgileThought 71 53 73 72 ISAAC Intelligence 70 65 58 107 Bonzai 60 67 67 73 BrightWork 74 53 73 108 Creative Virtual 74 50 73 74 PEI 68 50 91 109 Scribe So ware 70 53 75 75 CodeTwo 78 53 65 110 Moraware 74 56 61 76 Netwoven Inc 76 56 63 111 Plesk 77 66 35 77 Redspire 60 69 68 112 Dolbey 74 60 53 78 Cloud Technology Partners 72 54 74 113 Infragistics Inc 66 55 79 79 CED Solutions LLC 74 53 72 114 Actionspace 66 69 50 80 Advanced Business Solutions 73 60 60 115 Versus Technology Inc 68 60 64 81 Symmetry Corporation 71 57 69 116 Portnox 70 60 60 82 RES So ware 60 63 78 117 Bison Grid 71 63 52 83 MessageOps 75 53 68 118 Trivalent Group 69 60 62 84 BitTitan 71 53 76 119 CME Group 60 63 73 85 StorageCra 67 56 77 120 CloudBerry Lab 78 50 63

47 | TOP 50 Partners 51 - 250

# Partners # Partners

121 Pure Storage Inc. 54 63 85 156 To-Increase 74 50 66 122 Cogmotive 60 67 65 157 Content and Code 55 67 70 123 ACI 71 50 77 158 enTouch 69 60 56 124 Cristie So ware 73 50 72 159 PremierPoint Solutions 64 63 60 125 Pythian 70 50 78 160 Money Tree So ware 70 60 54 126 PowerObjects 78 43 76 161 MindTouch Inc 65 53 78 127 Ronco Communications 72 60 54 162 ProserveIT 70 59 56 128 CMIT Solutions 65 57 74 163 Zunesis Inc. 67 60 60 129 igroup 68 60 62 164 Frontline Technologies Group 56 70 62 130 Specops So ware 72 53 67 165 Newgrove 71 50 71 131 UruIT 71 53 69 166 Axicom 68 53 71 132 Phoenix TS 74 53 63 167 Aras 65 56 71 133 10Pearls 72 53 67 168 Retail Management Solutions 68 53 71 134 Ensyst 67 60 63 169 Adaware 60 60 73 135 m-hance 61 60 75 170 Flevy 58 59 79 136 Aegex 68 60 61 171 KippsDeSanto & Co 68 60 57 137 KME Systems 71 63 49 172 60 60 73 138 AKA Enterprise Solutions 68 56 68 173 MXOtech Inc. 72 67 35 139 1E 65 54 78 174 PICS ITech 71 57 57 140 Bamboo Solutions 62 60 72 175 BrightMove Inc. 72 50 68 141 Locus Technologies 70 56 64 176 QBurst 71 53 64 142 PAR Technology Corp 72 54 64 177 K2 72 46 76 143 Anegis 68 53 74 178 AAJ Technologies 73 53 60 144 75 53 60 179 Bold Technologies 74 50 64 145 Kintone 68 60 59 180 Continuity Centers 68 57 62 146 eimagine 73 50 69 181 Carolinas IT 67 60 58 147 ESP Projects 63 63 63 182 Assistance so ware 66 60 59 148 Litera Microsystems 70 56 63 183 Hyperfish 59 61 71 149 PAIT Group 65 63 59 184 EastBanc Technologies 62 60 67 150 CallTower 60 60 75 185 TimeXtender 45 71 79 151 Summa 60 63 69 186 Senturus Inc 68 57 61 152 LAN Infotech 70 57 61 187 eLogic Learning 67 56 65 153 Dasher Technologies 69 53 71 188 Briteskies 54 67 69 154 Maureen Data Systems 70 63 49 189 KnowledgeLake Inc 57 60 77 155 Ellipse Solutions LLC 74 50 67 190 VectorVest Inc. 75 63 35

TOP 50 | 48 Partners 51 - 250

# Partners # Partners

191 Tintri 78 60 34 226 eFileCabinet 68 50 70 192 Arke Systems LLC 50 69 72 227 KanBo 69 46 76 193 DCSL So ware Ltd 77 53 50 228 O*NET Resource Center 69 58 52 194 Linedata 63 60 64 229 AssureSign LLC 58 64 62 195 Phocas Ltd 71 53 62 230 ATG-IT 73 50 60 196 Dynavistics Inc 61 57 74 231 Trisotech 71 60 43 197 Networking Computing Group Inc 60 5.3 84 232 CAL Business Solutions Inc 68 50 69 198 Khaos Control 66 53 72 233 Basho Technologies 50 60 85 199 Intelligent Technologies Inc 65 53 74 234 eOne Solutions 71 47 69 200 Sharp Notions LLC 72 53 60 235 KSM Consulting 60 60 65 201 Connotate 71 50 68 236 Cima Solutions Group 67 53 65 202 Nebraska Global 70 53 63 237 FMT Consultants 68 50 69 203 KnowledgeWave 71 53 61 238 Computer Troubleshooters 69 66 35 204 Cipher Systems LLC 74 53 55 239 MyITpros 65 57 60 205 Quadrotech Solutions 66 60 57 240 Golden Helix 68 63 42 206 NTConnections 62 53 79 241 Carlson So ware 59 60 66 207 Majesco 70 47 75 242 Coleman University 69 50 66 208 Clear Measure Inc. 70 53 63 243 Kreischer Miller 78 44 60 209 Datameer 60 53 83 244 Adage Technologies 64 53 70 210 OBT 65 53 72 245 Red Hot Penny 64 53 70 211 Taylor Digital 69 60 50 246 Bravura Solutions Limited 65 53 68 212 EPMA 64 53 74 247 Blue Horseshoe Solutions Inc 63 54 70 213 Applied Systems 60 56 76 248 Intergen 58 57 74 214 Web Full Circle 65 57 63 249 Accelebrate 78 53 41 215 Invenias Limited 61 60 65 250 Perspecuity 64 56 63 216 NIC Inc. 60 56 75 217 Cornerstone OnDemand 46 64 87 218 RICS So ware Inc 67 53 67 219 KMS Technology 71 50 65 220 LinkPoint360 71 53 59 221 Ortho2 66 60 55 222 Kinetix Solutions 60 67 53 223 IronCAD 73 53 54 224 Cadence Design Systems Inc. 62 53 76 225 Magnitude So ware Inc 74 47 64

49 | TOP 50 Contact information +44 (0)20 3743 7897 hello@fi @takefi yfive fi

