TheThe VoiceVoice ofof SaintSaint AnthonyAnthony

December 2011 Anthony Greek Orthodox Church Newsletter Volume 6, Number 7

There is a story heard God’s voice calling him by name, of a boy who “Adam, Adam where are you?” undertook the of reading Commenting on this verse in his book the Bible to a “The Meaning of Persons,” Dr. Paul Tour- blind man. As nier wrote: “This passage shows that the he began read- unique value and dignity of the human ing the first person comes from God, from the fact chapter of Matthew, which contains a that God speaks to him as to a partner in long list of names in the genealogy of Je- dialogue, a being whom he has created in sus, the boy said, “Let’s skip all of those His own image, and whom He calls upon names, sir.” The old blind man said, “No, to respond to him, whom He thus makes please keep reading.” The boy read with responsible before Him.” Indeed it is this a great deal of effort through all of the personal call of God to each one of us, by “begets” found in the first chapter of Mat- name, that creates the person and thew. Then he noticed tears on the blind crowns him with glory and honor. The man’s cheeks. “Why are you so emotional prophet said, “Yahweh (God) about a list of names?” the boy asked. called me before I was born, from my The blind man replied, “God knew all of mother’s womb. He pronounced my those people, and he knew them each by name.” name. That makes me feel important to know that God knows me and knows my Dale Carnegie said once, “Man’s name is name.” to him the sweetest and most important sound in the English language.” When we God knows us all by name and calls us by call someone by name, we are paying name. For example, Adam, who after him or her the greatest compliment. It breaking God’s commandment was full of shows that we are interested and that we fear and remorse, hiding from God, in the care. darkest part of the Garden of Eden, When went to the tomb of Christ at the dawn of Easter she saw Jesus standing there, but she did not rec- 3 Christmas Service Schedule ognize Him. Supposing Him to be the gardener, she said to Him, “Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where 5 New Parish Hall you have laid Him, and I will take Him away.” Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She 9 15 Years of Moms N’ Tots turned and said to Him in Hebrew, “Rabboni!” (which means Master).

11 GOYA Winter Retreat ...continue on page 3 ST. ANTHONY GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 778 S. ROSEMEAD BLVD. PASADENA, CA 91107 – 5613 (626) 449-6943 Fax (626) 449-6974

CLERGY Rev. Fr. Peter Stratos Rev. Fr. Christos Kanakis

ADMINISTRATION Alma Vorgias, Secretary Vicki Kades, Communications

PARISH COUNCIL Ted Vavoulis – President John Buzas – Vice-President Eleni Vagenas - Secretary John Patzakis – Co-Treasurer Sunday Services Peter Stavropoulos – Co-Treasurer Tashia Vagenas – Assistant Treasurer Orthos 9:00 am Sophia Angelos, Chris Bicos, Tom Grafos, Jim Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Hronas, Yvonne Riley, Christos Siatras, Constantine Trigonis, John Vidalakis, Perry Vidalakis

PAST PRESIDENTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Church office hours: Andrew Demopoulos, Chairman

LADIES OF PHILOPTOCHOS Fontaine Malisos Monday–Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm CHOIR Jim Hronas

SUNDAY SCHOOL Friday Irene Albeck 9:00 am to 12:00 Noon GOYA Esther Vavoulis

Closed on Saturday & Sunday JR. GOYA Presbytera Aida Stratos

GREEK SCHOOL Publication Reminder: Anastasia McClain, Director The Voice of Saint Anthony deadline is the 10th of the GREEK DANCE preceding month. Please submit announcements elec- Esther Vavoulis, President tronically to Vicki Kades at [email protected]. MOMS N’ TOTS St. Anthony's reserves the right to edit, Sophia Syrengelas alter or reject any content. VIPs Thank you to Stephanie Soewers for Pantele Xanthos editing the monthly bulletin. To email any of our church groups, please go to Thank you to all that regularly contribute photos to the our website, monthly newsletter: Judie Christopoulos, Vicki Kades, and you will be able to contact us! Maria Karras, and Esther Vavoulis. 2 Father Peter’s Message Continued From Page 1

Imagine the joy and happiness that must have is the one responsible to God; the one who is swept over Mary Magdalene as she heard her called to enter into personal dialogue with God. name spoken by Jesus Himself in the quietness of the garden. He called her by name then, as He The Gospel of Matthew begins with a long list of still calls us today by name. Hebrew names that give the family tree of Jesus on His human side. As we read these names Jesus calls us by many names. He calls us serv- some two thousand years of history pass in re- ants, followers, disciples. He calls us children, view. At the end of the list we find the name living stones of a new temple, temples of His Ho- above every name, the name of Jesus. The pro- ly Spirit. All of these names are important. They cession passes through the centuries and comes bestow upon us God’s honor and love, but none to rest at Bethlehem. “, son of , do of them are as important as our own personal not fear to take Mary your wife, for that which is names. God said I have called you by name. I conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit; she will knew you before you were born. I made you and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for formed you in the womb of your mother. I called he will save his people from their sins. The whole you into existence. story of Christmas is wrapped up in that one name: Jesus, the name which literally means: When I read the Bible, I am always struck by the GOD IS SALVATION, GOD SAVES. importance of names in nearly all its chapters. As we hear each year in the Gospel read the God knows our names and in His grace He has Sunday before Christmas, the entire first chapter granted us to know His name that we may call of the book of Matthew is devoted to a long ge- upon Him freely and enter into His presence nealogy. At the end of most of St. Paul’s letters boldly. “Jesus” the name of our God. “Jesus” the he usually included a list of names of people to name of our Savior. “Jesus” the name by which whom he was sending greetings. It may seem demons are cast out. “Jesus” the name that like a waste of time, but it is not, because these opens the gates of heaven! names are there for a great and grand purpose: to express how personal the Bible can be. God Our personal names are important to God. It is made it that way because man is His greatest up to us to honor and remember His name. creation. A human is the one whom God ad- Merry Christmas, dresses by name. A human is the one for whom God cares for personally and uniquely. A human +Fr Peter

Sunday, December 18 CHRISTMAS EVE Orthros 9:00 a.m. Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil 7:00 p.m. Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Christmas Program Sunday, December 25 THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD Friday, December 23 Orthros 8:30 a.m. Royal Hours Service 10:00 am Memorial Service 9:45 p.m. Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. Saturday, December 24 of St. John Chrysostom

St. Anthony Calendar

Please check the online calendar for St. Anthony services, events and happenings! 3 Message from the Ted Vavoulis, Parish Council President

Moms & Tots celebrated mortgage than I am about not having full their 15th anniversary as participation of the active members of the a program of this parish community. Non-participation implies that with an ice cream social you don’t find the life of St Anthony’s com- at my home, and I was munity to be important – and I am simply struck by the number of not ready to accept that. This is an oppor- children who attended. tunity for each of you to financially partici- The ages of the children pate in something of great significance to ran from the current participants, who are not only yourselves, your family and your two to four years of age, to my oldest friends, but to future generations who will daughter and her friends who were members call St Anthony’s their home and to the faith of the very first Moms & Tots class and are we call Greek Orthodoxy. It is a chance to now 17 and 18 years of age. come together as a community and build something lasting. To know that you were It reminded me why we are building our new part of something that made a difference, to parish center – It is for our children and our do your share to hold on to the things truly grandchildren and our future children and important in your lives; to give sacrificially simply the continuation of something im- and know the joy that comes from that. portant to all of us - the continuation of our religion, culture and values. Also, in the Narthex you will find a list of the 105 families that have come forward and The church is where we come to worship and made their commitments. This is a prototype pray. The parish center is our collective fam- of the plaque that will be mounted in the ily room and kitchen. It is where we enjoy new Parish Center after completion. When fellowship and companionship within our or- you see someone whose name appears on thodox community. It is where programs like this list, you should tell them “thank you” Moms & Tots take place. because they have given something of them- selves to your community. On the next The parish center is the most important and page you will see a sample. consequential event in the life of St Antho- ny’s since the church was built 35 years ago. I implore those who have not yet given to It is a testament to the vibrancy of our com- come forward and do so – not just for the munity and tells the world that we value and community’s sake, but so that you can know cherish what we have. the joy that comes from truly being part of a community. In the Narthex is a thermometer of the amount of money we have been able to raise To borrow from Father Anthony Scott: The to date and the money we still need to raise. good news is that this community has the You can see, it on the next page. As you money to build the parish center without can see we are a bit over $6.5M towards our borrowing; the bad news is that it is still in goal of $8M, which means we still need to your pockets. find about $1.5M. The building will hopefully be finished before Easter, which means that Please come forward and be a part of the we need to raise the money in the next five building and all that it represents. months. If we don’t raise the money, St. An- thony will have a mortgage for the first time Thank you all for your time. in many, many years. Ted Vavoulis 4 But I am less worried about having a PROGRESS TOWARDS THE FUNDS NEEDED TO COMPLETE THE NEW PARISH CENTER

Please make your sacrificial gift today!

Help close the gap.

5 Sunday School Parents, even though we do not have formal ful Orthodox Children’s Bibles available; every classrooms, the best teaching classroom is the home should have at least one of them. The church. We are blessed with a beautiful interior, Christina Series by Maria Khoury would be an ex- the sights, sounds and smells. Father Peter and cellent addition to your child’s library. The books Father Christos as master teachers. How fortu- are easy to read and contain excellent illustra- nate we are to have such wealth at our disposal. tions. These can be ordered through: Greek Use this time to seek something new; explore Archdiocese of America, Department of Religious the liturgy, listen to the prayers, and share with Education 800-566-1088 or visit Life-Giving your child or children. As you drive to and from Spring Orthodox Bookstore, 800 North Glendale church, enrich their lives by pointing out the Avenue, Glendale, CA. wonders of God’s work. December 18—Annual Christmas Program Thank you to the Sunday School teachers for their continued dedication, devotion and concern The annual Christmas Program, following conclu- for students. Knowing we were going to have sion of Divine Liturgy, will be held on December an abbreviated time in the classroom, they pre- 18th. The program will take place in the church. pared lessons to meet the needs of the students. Thank you to everyone for helping prepare for Children will return to front pews and sit on the the move out of the modules, storing, cleaning left side of the church to practice immediately up, and taking home what could not be stored. after church on Sundays

During this interim, please continue to read Bible Classes are tentatively scheduled to resume Jan- stories to young children and older children to uary 15. Please be on the lookout for details. read the gospel lessons. There are two wonder-


6 Myrrh Bearers—Now accepting 2012 Myrrh Bearers A Myrrh Bearer is: nave, and solea. Faithful  Help during Great Lent and Holy Week. Loving Kind  Help in a Sunday school class at least once a Giving year and begin receiving training to become a future teacher of religious education. Joyous A leader  Organize and serve during coffee following Divine Liturgy. A follower of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ  Attend Divine Liturgy as a group and receive “The myrrh-bearing women, coming very early Holy Communion.

at dawn sprinkling the tomb with myrrh.”  Meet on the third Sunday after Pascha, the Sunday of the Myrrh Bearing Women, and share experiences during Great Lent.

Myrrh Bearers will tentatively meet at least once a month to discuss future outreach projects, with a special activity.

On Friday, November 11, we met wearing our pajamas at Twohey’s restaurant for breakfast. While the mothers and girls discussed the mis- sion of the Myrrh Bearer and direction in which we should proceed, they worked on Christmas decorations to give to Union Station Homeless Services for their dining room. Thank you, Twohey’s, for your wonderful hospitality and we hope to visit you again. We are now accepting Myrrh Bearers for 2012. Please contact Mrs. Albeck for details. A Myrrh Our next project will be to meet and assemble Bearer should be eight years old, attend Saint premade gingerbread houses and contribute to a Anthony religious education program, attend local facility. January will focus on Saint Basil, Myrrh Bearers practices, and commit to be active February 18 is the first Saturday of the Souls in the life of the church. and Lisa Xanthos will teach the girls how to make Kolyva. Father Peter has discussed ways to involve our young ladies in the life of the church and not just Thank you to the mothers who helped 2011 Holy one evening during Holy Friday services. Friday Evening: Fotene Trigonis, Tanya Chris- todoulelis, April Kamar, and Andrea Patzakis. These are some proposals how, as a group, they can help our church and community: Thanks to all of the Myrrh Bearers who helped with the coffee hour on Godparent/Godchild Sun-  Be a prayer pal for each other. day. The young ladies helped set up the serving table, acted as hostesses, served the food and  Mentor future Myrrh Bearers by teaching the cleanup. There were many people in a limited eighteenth lamentation stanza. space but the young ladies managed very well.  Help in the narthex at least once a year.

 Organize a community outreach. Myrrh-bearers came, my Christ graciously bring-  Serve or provide dessert for Union Station ing you spices” Third stanza v. 3 Homeless Services at least once during the year.

 When needed, help organize the narthex, 7 Moms N’ Tots

Moms n' Tots continues to meet each week at the by all and we thank the countless number of dedicat- home of John, Diane, and Alexis Vidilakis. We invite ed parents and yiayias through the years! and encourage anyone with children ages 6 months to 3 years to join us for songs, stories, crafts, and play- We had a blast at our costume party in October! time as we learn about our church and make new The kiddos looked so cute dressed up in their cos- friends. tumes as they enjoyed food, drink, music, and games. We will be holding our Christmas celebration on Moms N’ Tots held a 15-year anniversary of the pro- Tuesday, December 13th from 10:30-12:30. gram at the home of the Vavoulis family. It was great to have all, the former Moms N’ Tots partici- For more information, please contact Eleni Bicos pants interact with the toddlers and parents cur- ([email protected]) or Sophia Syrengelas rently active in the program. A great time was had ([email protected])

Presvytera Jessica and Fr. Christo invited us all to the 40 Day Churching of our newborn Gari- falia Eudoxia "Grace". Fr. Peter then taught the Sunday School children and the community on the significance of the 40 Day Churching. Γαρυφαλιά Ευδοξία "Grace" 8 9 Greek School Jr. GOYA

Τα νέα του Ελληνικού Σχολείου: The Jr Goya's had another fun- Ομαλή συνέχεια εν μέσω ανοικοδόμησης filled meeting in November.

Από τις 4 Νοεμβρίου και όσο διαρκούν οι εργασίες We played several rounds of Bible ανοικοδόμησης το σχολείο μας έχει μεταστεγαστεί στην Bowl Jeopardy, prepared by Fr. παρακάτω διεύθυνση: New Hope Church, 700 S. Rosemead Christos to prep the Jr Goya teams Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107. competing in the So Cal Bible

Bowl. Fr. Christos also had a fire- Η γείτονάς μας εκκλησία παραχώρησε γενναιόδωρα πέντε side chat with everyone, and af- αίθουσες όπου τώρα στεγάζονται όλα τα μαθήματα παιδιών και εφήβων και τα περισσότερα τμήματα ενηλίκων. Τους terwards we all enjoyed pizza, popcorn and a ευχαριστούμε θερμά. Είμαστε ιδιαίτερα ευγνώμονες στον movie. αγαπητό μας Father Peter ο οποίος μεσολάβησε με θερμό ενδιαφέρον για να εξασφαλίσει αυτή την εξαίρετη προσωρινή Special thanks to the Kamar family for their hos- λύση στο στεγαστικό μας πρόβλημα. pitality. (Thank you to Tanya Christodoulelis for all her help with the pizza lunch at our October Ευχόμαστε από καρδιάς σε όλη την κοινότητα του Αγίου meeting in the portables). Αντωνίου Καλά Χριστούγεννα και Ευτυχισμένο τον Καινούργιο Χρόνο!!! The Jr GOYA Christmas Party will be on Decem- ber 10, graciously hosted by the Carie fami- Καλήν ημέραν, άρχοντες, Αρχιμηνιά κι Αρχιχρονιά ly. We will share a potluck meal together, work Κι αν είναι ορισμός σας Ψηλή μου δεντρολιβανιά on our Christmas Charitable Giving Project and Χριστού την Θείαν Γέννησιν Κι αρχή καλός μας χρόνος have a small gift exchange. We will also be join- Να πώ στ’ αρχοντικό σας…Εκκλησία με τ’ άγιο θρόνος … ing with the Joy and Sr Goya for a Day of Christ- Κάλαντα Χριστουγέννων, παραδοσιακό mas Caroling on December 31, the eve of St. Κάλαντα Πρωτοχρονιάς, Παραδοσιακό Basil's Feast Day.

Greek School: Smooth operation amidst construction

Starting November 4, and for the duration of construction, our classes have been relocated at New Hope Church (PCUSA), 700 S. Rosemead Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107.

All the children/youth and most of the adult courses are now taking place in five spacious rooms that our neighbor church has very generously donated and for which we are very thank- ful. Our deep gratitude goes to our Father Peter, whose tireless mediation has secured this excellent and convenient schooling facility while building is continuing at St. Anthony’s.

We wish from the heart to the whole St Anthony Community

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Καλά Χριστούγεννα και Ευτυχισμένο τον Καινούργιο Χρόνο

10 Sr. GOYA

GOYA Winter Retreat bonding games. He related the games back into By Danae Pappas his discussion about being a community and supporting one another. The weekend of November 11th-13th, the Goyans packed their jackets, boots, beanies, That afternoon the Goyans walked to Big Bear mittens, and scarfs and headed up to Big Bear Village where they got lunch and spent the af- for the weekend. They stayed in a large cabin ternoon shopping. The last night in Big Bear, the where they spent most of their time talking, chaperones, along with the help of the Goyans, playing games, watching television, eating, and planned and cooked their own dinner. Sunday group bonding. morning they packed up and safely drove home.

Saturday morning the Goyans played in the Many of the Goyans weren't ready to go home snow that had fallen overnight. They had snow- and wished the trip was longer because they ball fights and built a snowman. Later that were all having such a great time. The trip was morning, Father Christos joined the Goyans up amazing and very enjoyable, and it brought in Big Bear to play some ice breakers and team many of the Goyans closer together.

11 We hope your child enjoys coloring!

12 Philoptochos Saint Anthony Philoptochos kicked off the tions and pastoral assistants with financial holiday season with its 42nd annual benefit and moral support as they complete their luncheon, Enchanted Christmas, at the Lang- educations. ham Huntington Hotel on December 3rd. The luncheon featured a Christmas boutique, Philoptochos is thrilled to welcome two Santa’s Kitchen, entertainment by Pasadena “adopted” Holy Cross seminarians to the Ballet Company and fashions by Lourdes Saint Anthony family: senior student John Chavez. Kocolas and freshman student Christopher Lewis, brother of Presbytera Jessica Kanakis. Thanks to all who attended and volunteered We support our seminarians with care pack- their time to make this event a huge suc- ages, funds for school supplies, and gifts cess. Proceeds from the luncheon benefit throughout the year. Club 21 for individuals with Down Syndrome, the Pasadena Bad Weather Shelter, and vari- As the Christmas approaches, Philoptochos is ous national and metropolis Philoptochos again remembering the children at Trinity charities. For more information about the Homes, a shelter for abused and neglected good work that Club 21 and Pasadena Bad children. This year, Philoptochos will donate Weather Shelter do in our community, a pool table for the children to enjoy in their please visit: and recreation room. For more information about this program, please visit: October’s general meeting was held at the lovely home of Helen Lambros. Chef Jack- Save the date for these upcoming events: lene from In the Kitchen demonstrated how to make delicious holiday fare, including ap- Our next general meeting will be held at ple tartlette, pear cranberry crunch and brie the home of Mary Ann Mallis on Janu- en croute. Thanks to all who attended, and ary 25, 2012. We hope to see you special thanks to Helen for her gracious hos- there! pitality! On February 25, 2012 the annual Wom- th On November 19 many of our members at- en’s Health and Wellness Symposium tended the Light the Path luncheon in sup- will be held at Loyola Marymount Uni- port of the Anthony Philoptochos Stu- versity. All are welcome to attend this dent Aid Endowment Fund at Greek Orthodox Church. The BAPSAEF rais- uplifting day full information and fel- es funds to provide future priests, educa- lowship.

Heavenly Father, walk through my house, take away all my worries, any illnesses, please watch over and heal my family, & comfort my friends in Jesus’s name,

Powerful Prayer Prayer Powerful ~Amen. 13 Stewardship (as of October 30, 2011)

Broussinos, Angeliki & Chris Giakas, Vasiliki Koutsoukos, Lin & George Patzakis, Andrea & John Tsianos, Pandora & Peter 2011 STEWARDSHIP SUMMARY Brown, Joseph M. Giannoulias, Eftehia & Andrea Kundanis, Christine Pavlis, Mary & †Eleftherios Tsouvalas, Jenny & John 302 PLEDGES TOTALING $281,336 Brown, Niki Gittings, Maria & Bryan Kypreos, Maria & James Paziouros, Konstantina & Nick Udria, Mary & Juan $237,863 COLLECTED AS OF 010/30/2011 Burkard, Penelope & Frank J. Grafos, Tania & Tom Lakon, Valerie & Peter P. Pegadiotes, Georgia & Sam Uduji, Simona & Robert AVERAGE PLEDGE $932 Buzas, Danielle & Nicholas Grover, Maria & James Lappas, Dino & Virginia Pegadiotes, Ioanna & Stelios Vagenas, Eleni & Peter K. Buzas, Pamela & John Haralambos, Aliki Ledis, Stella & Rene Pegadiotes, Maria & George S. Vagenas, Georgia & John Caire, Terese & John Haralambos, Kathleen & Anthony Levandis, Melissa & George Pegadiotes, Stan S. Vagenas, Janet & Peter Chames, Jim Haralambos, Page & Tom Livanos, Parri Perris, Georgia Vagenas, Margaret & Spiros Rev. Peter & Pres. Aida Stratos Christodoulelis, Helen Harper, Chris & Stella Anguiano Loutsos/Grajeda, Anna,Georgia Petropoulos Anastasios & Eleni Tsaggouri Vagenas, Nicolicha & Vasilios Rev. Christos & Pres. Jessica Kanakis Christodoulelis, Tanya & Jimmy Harper, Christina C. Lucas, Anthia & John S. Petrossian, Stacy & Rafic R. Vagenas, Polly & George Pres. Maria Mylonas Christodoulou, Christine/Christakis Harper, George Lucas, Katherine Pla, Thena & Fernando Vagenas, Tashia & Alex Abrams, Jennifer & Robert Christodulelis, Eva & Charles Herrera, Katherine & Macris, Catherine & George Plumtree, Maria & Ken Stephen Vartvitsiotis, Nikole Adamopoulos, Virginia & Peter Christopoulos, Lynette & Anthony Housos, †Dena & Gus Makris, Maria & Ted Plumtree, Martha & Wayne Vavoulis, Esther & Ted Akopiantz, Aphie Christopoulos, Judie & Gus Hronas, Maria & James W. Malahatis, Sofia & Mike Polychronis, Eleftheria/Theodore Vayos, Charlene & Nick Akrotirianakis, Barbara & Nicholas Christy, Angene Jacovides, Helen Malina, Dorothea Polykandriotis, John & Ira Lu Vidalakis, John & Diane Akrotirianakis, Sherese & Joseph Coccia, Tina & Ginseppe Johnsen, Eleni & Robert Malisos, Fontaine Poulos, Yiota Vidalakis, Zoe & Perry N. Albeck, Irene Cocores, Christine & Ted Kades, Christine Manousadjian, Sonia Rellos, John Vlahos, Tasia, Effie & Tommy Albeck, Mark Gregory Cokias, Jason & Karen Kades, Vicki & Louis Marshall, Robert Riley, Evangelia & Thomas Vorgias, Alma & Zacharias Alex, Helen & Angelo Paravantis Courlas, Georgia & George Kalambakas, Vivian & Nick P. Martin, Debbie & Sam Roumbos, Popi Vorgias, Teresa Alexopoulos, Sophoclis P. Courlas, Marianna & Angelos Kalivas, Anastasia Mathioulakis, Claudia & Stan Russo, Rebecca A. Walker, Elizabeth & Damion Anastasiadou, Vasileia Dallas, Athena & Saterios Kalivas, Elene & George Mavredakis, Vivian & George Sahpazis, Georgia Webster, Jennifer & John Andrianopoulos, Christyann & Alex Damilatis, Dimitrios & Eleni Kalivas, Pota & George N. Mavridis, Angela & Peter Saigh/Suchy, Mark & Mara R. Whisler Nicolaidis, Maria Alicia Anonymous Darlas, Paula Kallas, Mark & Debra McBride Wendi & James Samaan, Evett & Nader Williams, Cleo & Peter Angelos, Sophia & James Darlas, Tom Kamar, April McClain, Anastasia Sarantopoulos Scolinos, Mary Wood, Cindy C. & Grant Anonymous Darlas, Kim & Bill Kamp, Harry McNulty, Jennie & Chris Serban, Athena & Mihai Wooten, Rhea & Mike Anton, Helen & Gus Darlas, Laura & Taso Kamp, Tina Mechalas, Bess Serras, Nika & Dennis Xanthos, Lisa Arapostathis, Mary Darras, Mary Ann Kaparos, Lily & Stefanos Messerotes, Greg Shankwiler, James & Darras Xanthos, Pantele J. Arviso, Angie & Allen Demetriades, Demetrios& Elizabeth Kaplanis, Joan & Peter Messerotes, Vera Siatras, Christiann &Christos Yagjian, Anita & Michael Aspiotes, Georgia Demopulos, Elizabeth & Andrew Kappos, Anthia Marie Millward, Niki M. & Steve Skandale, Elizabeth Zarifes, Tina & Peter Athans, Tina & Dean P. Demopulos, Michael Karagias, Helen & Tasos Mobayen, Chrissa & Syrus Skandale, Helen Annonymous Attalla, Philip "Ted" Demopulos, Nicholas Karaioannoglou, Jeanne & Phaedon Moreno, Eva Elizabeth Skandale, Katherine Balas, Argiro Julie & Dino Demos, Anna Karamaras, Andriana & John Moutzouridis, Vasiliki & Pete Soewers, Stephanie & Randy Baliotis, Tina & Demetre Demos, Nick & Maria Karatzas, Chris Mowrey, Anthony &Tina Sohl, Lynette & Fred Bannoura, Michale & Renee Gharib Dewar, Mary & Andrew Karatzas, Mersina & John Mowrey, Robert D. Stavropoulos, Demetra (Litsa) Becker, Connie & Brian L. Diamond, Anastasia Karvelas, Marina & Kosta Murad, Mark & Evangeline G. Stavropoulos, Peter T. & Theodora Becronis, Christina Dimitrakopoulos, Efterpi/Panagiotis Kasdagli, Dimitra & Mark Nastri Nichols, Joyce & James Suchy, Gregoria & Raymond W. Beleos, Athena Dousis, Athanasios D. Katem, Basil N. Nicolaidis, Nicolas Svitak, Mike & Sophia Betinis, Harriet Driscoll, Tiffany & Sean Katsafados, Theoni & Pete Nikolaidou, Maria Syrengelas, Sophia & Christos Bicos, Allison & John Drulias, Rosann & Bill Katsas, Asimina & Andreas Nunez, Alyssa & Angel Tarazi, Ellie & John Bicos, Eleni & Chris Dupas, Katherine & George Kazaltzes, Gina & Nickolas Ochoa, Alexa Theoharatos, W.Jeannie & Christos Bicos, Kalli & Dino Dupas, Evangeline & Theodore Kechris, Sotirios A. Palamiotis, Thetis Tirado, Elizabeth Bicos, Marietta & Steve Duran, Carrie & Chuy Kefalas, Evelyn & John Panagiot, Harry & Anastasia Tobia, Gary Bicos, Mary Economu, Aphrodite & Adam Kefalas, Mike Panagiotacopulos, Aliki & Nick Tousley, Tricia & Arthur Bissias, Peter N. Efstathiou, Theodora & Dean Kefalas, Nina & Modestos Pantazis, Aleka & George Treantafelles, George P. Blaszcak, Georgia & Frank Fletcher, Wendy, Emanuel Johson Kiotas, Stavrula & Alex Papaioanou, Athanasia Treantafelles, Georgia & Andrew Bogosyan, Margarita Floutsis, Penny & Ted Kirimis, George D. Papaioanou, Sara & Nathaniel Treantafelles, Helen & George Boltinghouse, Helen Fryer II, Kay H. & Norman L. Kirimis, Nitsa & John Pappas, Cathy & Peter Treantafelles, Ioannis K. Bonorris, Bill Fuerst, Nicolette & Jay M. Kitridou, Rodanthi C. Pappas, Christine & Steven N Treantafelles, Vivian & Stan Bonorris, Donna & Pete Gaeta, Maddy & Anthony Kleissas, Athena & Nick Pappas, Dean C. Trigonis, Fotene & Constantine Bonorris, Helen Gallagher, Eleni & Matthew Kokoris, Maria & Nicholas Pappas, Hope & Constantine Tripodes, Dean S. Bottcher, Kelly & Bob Gallanis, Pete & Danila Kolokotrones, Carolyn & James Pappas, James P. Tripodes, Dena & Nikitas Bougdanos, Elizabeth & Eugene Gatsoulis, Dorothea & Philip Koudanis, Helen & George Pappas, Parry Tripodes, Koula J. Boulgarides, Athena Gavalas, George & Cleola Koulos, Jenny & John Pappas, Peter A. Tripodes, Steven G. Bouras, Tom Athanasios Gelt, Brian & Pana Koulos, Joanna&Konstantinos Pastis, Leah & Arry Tsagalakis, Joanie & Sam Bowers, Connie & Terree Genkos, Mary & Thimios Koutis, Steve Pastis, Patricia Tsevdos, Alice 18 Bozikis, Demetra Georgakopoulos, Eleni & George Koutras, Alexander E. Pastis, Vivian & Gust S. Tsianos, Nick P. & Elena Stewardship (as of October 30, 2011)

Broussinos, Angeliki & Chris Giakas, Vasiliki Koutsoukos, Lin & George Patzakis, Andrea & John Tsianos, Pandora & Peter Brown, Joseph M. Giannoulias, Eftehia & Andrea Kundanis, Christine Pavlis, Mary & †Eleftherios Tsouvalas, Jenny & John Brown, Niki Gittings, Maria & Bryan Kypreos, Maria & James Paziouros, Konstantina & Nick Udria, Mary & Juan Burkard, Penelope & Frank J. Grafos, Tania & Tom Lakon, Valerie & Peter P. Pegadiotes, Georgia & Sam Uduji, Simona & Robert Buzas, Danielle & Nicholas Grover, Maria & James Lappas, Dino & Virginia Pegadiotes, Ioanna & Stelios Vagenas, Eleni & Peter K. Buzas, Pamela & John Haralambos, Aliki Ledis, Stella & Rene Pegadiotes, Maria & George S. Vagenas, Georgia & John Caire, Terese & John Haralambos, Kathleen & Anthony Levandis, Melissa & George Pegadiotes, Stan S. Vagenas, Janet & Peter Chames, Jim Haralambos, Page & Tom Livanos, Parri Perris, Georgia Vagenas, Margaret & Spiros Rev. Peter & Pres. Aida Stratos Christodoulelis, Helen Harper, Chris & Stella Anguiano Loutsos/Grajeda, Anna,Georgia Petropoulos Anastasios & Eleni Tsaggouri Vagenas, Nicolicha & Vasilios Rev. Christos & Pres. Jessica Kanakis Christodoulelis, Tanya & Jimmy Harper, Christina C. Lucas, Anthia & John S. Petrossian, Stacy & Rafic R. Vagenas, Polly & George Pres. Maria Mylonas Christodoulou, Christine/Christakis Harper, George Lucas, Katherine Pla, Thena & Fernando Vagenas, Tashia & Alex Abrams, Jennifer & Robert Christodulelis, Eva & Charles Herrera, Katherine & Michael Macris, Catherine & George Plumtree, Maria & Ken Stephen Vartvitsiotis, Nikole Adamopoulos, Virginia & Peter Christopoulos, Lynette & Anthony Housos, †Dena & Gus Makris, Maria & Ted Plumtree, Martha & Wayne Vavoulis, Esther & Ted Akopiantz, Aphie Christopoulos, Judie & Gus Hronas, Maria & James W. Malahatis, Sofia & Mike Polychronis, Eleftheria/Theodore Vayos, Charlene & Nick Akrotirianakis, Barbara & Nicholas Christy, Angene Jacovides, Helen Malina, Dorothea Polykandriotis, John & Ira Lu Vidalakis, John & Diane Akrotirianakis, Sherese & Joseph Coccia, Tina & Ginseppe Johnsen, Eleni & Robert Malisos, Fontaine Poulos, Yiota Vidalakis, Zoe & Perry N. Albeck, Irene Cocores, Christine & Ted Kades, Christine Manousadjian, Sonia Rellos, John Vlahos, Tasia, Effie & Tommy Albeck, Mark Gregory Cokias, Jason & Karen Kades, Vicki & Louis Marshall, Robert Riley, Evangelia & Thomas Vorgias, Alma & Zacharias Alex, Helen & Angelo Paravantis Courlas, Georgia & George Kalambakas, Vivian & Nick P. Martin, Debbie & Sam Roumbos, Popi Vorgias, Teresa Alexopoulos, Sophoclis P. Courlas, Marianna & Angelos Kalivas, Anastasia Mathioulakis, Claudia & Stan Russo, Rebecca A. Walker, Elizabeth & Damion Anastasiadou, Vasileia Dallas, Athena & Saterios Kalivas, Elene & George Mavredakis, Vivian & George Sahpazis, Georgia Webster, Jennifer & John Andrianopoulos, Christyann & Alex Damilatis, Dimitrios & Eleni Kalivas, Pota & George N. Mavridis, Angela & Peter Saigh/Suchy, Mark & Mara R. Whisler Nicolaidis, Maria Alicia Anonymous Darlas, Paula Kallas, Mark & Debra McBride Wendi & James Samaan, Evett & Nader Williams, Cleo & Peter Angelos, Sophia & James Darlas, Tom Kamar, April McClain, Anastasia Sarantopoulos Scolinos, Mary Wood, Cindy C. & Grant Anonymous Darlas, Kim & Bill Kamp, Harry McNulty, Jennie & Chris Serban, Athena & Mihai Wooten, Rhea & Mike Anton, Helen & Gus Darlas, Laura & Taso Kamp, Tina Mechalas, Bess Serras, Nika & Dennis Xanthos, Lisa Arapostathis, Mary Darras, Mary Ann Kaparos, Lily & Stefanos Messerotes, Greg Shankwiler, James & Alexandria Darras Xanthos, Pantele J. Arviso, Angie & Allen Demetriades, Demetrios& Elizabeth Kaplanis, Joan & Peter Messerotes, Vera Siatras, Christiann &Christos Yagjian, Anita & Michael Aspiotes, Georgia Demopulos, Elizabeth & Andrew Kappos, Anthia Marie Millward, Niki M. & Steve Skandale, Elizabeth Zarifes, Tina & Peter Athans, Tina & Dean P. Demopulos, Michael Karagias, Helen & Tasos Mobayen, Chrissa & Syrus Skandale, Helen Annonymous Attalla, Philip "Ted" Demopulos, Nicholas Karaioannoglou, Jeanne & Phaedon Moreno, Eva Elizabeth Skandale, Katherine Balas, Argiro Julie & Dino Demos, Anna Karamaras, Andriana & John Moutzouridis, Vasiliki & Pete Soewers, Stephanie & Randy Baliotis, Tina & Demetre Demos, Nick & Maria Karatzas, Chris Mowrey, Anthony &Tina Sohl, Lynette & Fred Bannoura, Michale & Renee Gharib Dewar, Mary & Andrew Karatzas, Mersina & John Mowrey, Robert D. Stavropoulos, Demetra (Litsa) Becker, Connie & Brian L. Diamond, Anastasia Karvelas, Marina & Kosta Murad, Mark & Evangeline G. Stavropoulos, Peter T. & Theodora Becronis, Christina Dimitrakopoulos, Efterpi/Panagiotis Kasdagli, Dimitra & Mark Nastri Nichols, Joyce & James Suchy, Gregoria & Raymond W. Beleos, Athena Dousis, Athanasios D. Katem, Basil N. Nicolaidis, Nicolas Svitak, Mike & Sophia Betinis, Harriet Driscoll, Tiffany & Sean Katsafados, Theoni & Pete Nikolaidou, Maria Syrengelas, Sophia & Christos Bicos, Allison & John Drulias, Rosann & Bill Katsas, Asimina & Andreas Nunez, Alyssa & Angel Tarazi, Ellie & John Bicos, Eleni & Chris Dupas, Katherine & George Kazaltzes, Gina & Nickolas Ochoa, Alexa Theoharatos, W.Jeannie & Christos Bicos, Kalli & Dino Dupas, Evangeline & Theodore Kechris, Sotirios A. Palamiotis, Thetis Tirado, Elizabeth Bicos, Marietta & Steve Duran, Carrie & Chuy Kefalas, Evelyn & John Panagiot, Harry & Anastasia Tobia, Gary Bicos, Mary Economu, Aphrodite & Adam Kefalas, Mike Panagiotacopulos, Aliki & Nick Tousley, Tricia & Arthur Every effort has been made to Bissias, Peter N. Efstathiou, Theodora & Dean Kefalas, Nina & Modestos Pantazis, Aleka & George Treantafelles, George P. ensure the accuracy of this Blaszcak, Georgia & Frank Fletcher, Wendy, Emanuel Johson Kiotas, Stavrula & Alex Papaioanou, Athanasia Treantafelles, Georgia & Andrew stewardship list. Bogosyan, Margarita Floutsis, Penny & Ted Kirimis, George D. Papaioanou, Sara & Nathaniel Treantafelles, Helen & George Boltinghouse, Helen Fryer II, Kay H. & Norman L. Kirimis, Nitsa & John Pappas, Cathy & Peter Treantafelles, Ioannis K. Please forgive us if there are Bonorris, Bill Fuerst, Nicolette & Jay M. Kitridou, Rodanthi C. Pappas, Christine & Steven N Treantafelles, Vivian & Stan any errors or omissions. The Bonorris, Donna & Pete Gaeta, Maddy & Anthony Kleissas, Athena & Nick Pappas, Dean C. Trigonis, Fotene & Constantine printed list is from the date Bonorris, Helen Gallagher, Eleni & Matthew Kokoris, Maria & Nicholas Pappas, Hope & Constantine Tripodes, Dean S. above. Any steward-ship addi- Bottcher, Kelly & Bob Gallanis, Pete & Danila Kolokotrones, Carolyn & James Pappas, James P. Tripodes, Dena & Nikitas tions or changes that were Bougdanos, Elizabeth & Eugene Gatsoulis, Dorothea & Philip Koudanis, Helen & George Pappas, Parry Tripodes, Koula J. made after the above date will Boulgarides, Athena Gavalas, George & Cleola Koulos, Jenny & John Pappas, Peter A. Tripodes, Steven G. not be added or corrected in Bouras, Tom Athanasios Gelt, Brian & Pana Koulos, Joanna&Konstantinos Pastis, Leah & Arry Tsagalakis, Joanie & Sam this issue. Bowers, Connie & Terree Genkos, Mary & Thimios Koutis, Steve Pastis, Patricia Tsevdos, Alice Bozikis, Demetra Georgakopoulos, Eleni & George Koutras, Alexander E. Pastis, Vivian & Gust S. Tsianos, Nick P. & Elena 19 Saint Anthony’s Non-Profit Greek Orthodox Church 778 South Rosemead Blvd. US Postage

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