AWAITS ROOT 1* "W-W-X' W'W'WW'W ======SECRETARY TO BE LAVISHLY £ 420 to 426 Seventh i 417 I ENTERTAINED WHILE THERE. « to 425 Eighth St. | Y 1." "^. < Y : v 1LANSEHJRGH & BRO.r i* Will Be Quartered in and Receive Many Official and Social.Attentions, Of Intersist to Eve;ry House Secretary Hoot will bp housed in I keeper Castle when lie is the guestChapultepecof Mexico. Mr. Root will leave Washington I A T1 September 'Jo. with Mrs. Root and Miss Root, and will remain in Mexico about a Are i nese fortnight, one week of which will ba spent /alues in Bedwear in the capital and the other in the larg2 1 cities of the country. \ Ostensibly the visit Is merely a of tli- Secretary's South Americancontinuation Do You trip, 1 >: 11 it is rumored that Mr. Root will Do You take opportunity to discuss with dent I>:;i2 some plan for b inging orderPresi*out of the chaos that r.ow reigns among Need Is. American republics. Central Need As the program is now arranged, the vi-'itois will !* m"t at the Mexican 1 y a iiimmi.-sion appointed by frontier Diaz, and escorted to the capital.President Sheets \ The commission consists of Ignacio Bed I minister of foreign affairs; Gov.Marlscnl. Spreads i inn y r,sranuon, raoio z li I Rio, Grn. P« dro Rineon Gallardo,;viartiri 1 Julio IJr.iantoiir anil I-uis G. Pardo, r nf ambassadors-, who will be introilufIA or of the commission. secretary I State Ball and Dinner. 4 At th? City of Mexico Mr. Root will be 1 Pillow Cases? y Bed Immediately presented to President Diaz, T Pillows? f who will give a state dinner in his honor e»Y at tli.* national , and Foreign ? When the Lansbi store to v lrgh -talk spe^cial blanket values.even if it is midsummer.houselo are all Mari-seal is also expected to giveMinistera begins eepers attention. banquet. A state ball will probably be part t And this is because th( know the freshness and the warmness a of the olFn'ial program. V ly ineness, and ^vooliness and wideness, of blankets-. i "iti i JLansburghf Gov. Guillermo de I.anda y Escandon know them as the best blankets made at and had planned to give a rope contest at | any price better blankets than tney can else:where at a Jalapii, his hacienda, to exhibit the skill of possibly buy Lansbunjh j >*.S the Mexican "charros" or cowboys, with t contestants from all parts of the republic. special price. y> S -nor Lanila. charge d'affaires of the Mexican in said - - embassy Washington, y it-4 Full-size White Wool Blanket;' Full-size Cut out corner Crochet 11-4 Full-size Crochet Full-size White Satin £ hpwever, that the a > ...... Quilt; pearl 11-4 Marseilles 72x90 Standard governor, yesterday. material and finish it as The for a metal neat Sheets; of his, had decided to have the kinsmanJ. weaving, stamp Quilt. proper spread hemmed; designs; Quilt; in a variety of attractive designs; f^-bed size or small double p!jl£ In the City of Mexico, as more contest all makes an even Hvill laiinrlpr nprfprtlv /fc -a ^^1 fo:- Secretary Root. convenient an "aristocrat of bed; fringed around; will wash easily and wear well; six bed; 55c 1^^ on all /to v grade. Special After the visit to the capital a special kctdomall borders; /! drapery sides; 4 -g pact and give good satisfac- 1 fl If ft designs to choose beautiful ^ y train will convey the Secretary and his BlanX ^ J Q to choose I tion value -g fv 81x90 Linen-finish Don- nortv r. Kav* /.Uine. ^ I « I pretty designs ; our Extra-heavy / iv vi $1.19 j uvt iuii.1 ai.u ui untitci. |i« wide silk binding; $4.00 from; regular $2.50 / | V v-r irum vaiue ^ J m ble-bed 110. Chapultepec Castle is being renovated £ value Aq , 11-4 All-wool Wool Blanket; comes quality to go at Sheets; seams; { and refitted for its American guests. y 3-inch hem; 85c quality. Considerable comment has arisen because 11-4 Full-size Cr>03 auuvv, i^L. 6l>arkli». has announced that the y ^ of the national organization ofheadquartersthe Woman's Relief Corps at Saratoga will be J"I-X-X-X-K-X' X-X-X-X-X-XK"!' In the Grand Union Hotel. It the For a belVig I Quick Clearanc . £ nos\ 1 twenty-fifth anniversary of the organiza- » ierySale. Lace Sale, Fine I-ace Lisle 10c and if tion of the Woman'J Relief which J 12^fce Torchon I.ace Corps, black, white and \ and Insertion, In V occurred in Denver July 1KJ, 1&<3, the Low Pr )uble heel and toe. widths and good I Astonishingly to 2.>c ( neat pat- V It'Pa Be Hemest. valu< i. have been the 11 ,erns- **' working throughoutmembers ys y ^ 10c \ Special, yd T Special.. j ear to raise a large sum of money to £j are J# A lot of Venice Lace in ir. We indeed of the we have for and we thank for ? Ap* to the Grand Army of the present| Muslin Underwe* t proud reputation HONESTY, you your high Misses' Fine Ribbed '! trom Republic < of the have been from us season. i Pj,i?ue- .,Va'Ve3 **Lto 5 as a sinking fund. That organization of X praise great bargains you receiving every day this «£ Black lose; double sole; V ,,ya ^ow> fast yardIVU " IOC V veterans is now A special lot of Women's Gowns; made You are indeed wise to rear! pvprv itprrf in nnr afivprtincnipntc TTi-o< there some heel; facing thinning ranks, and J* Night ry day will be item X dy'e° 25c value. Spe- All-over Lace; 18 Inches a .* IVt. y 50.0W) year fall by the wayside. It Is, of of splendid quality^ muslin, cambric and loiigcloth; X worthy of your attention, as we STATE ONLY FACTS. V cial wide; In white and cream; y course, impossible to keep the ranks .* Y 3 for & 0c"' pretty for waists. Sold low short also the and V neck ; . r* T for 500 anU to meet this depletion, and therecruited neck, sleeves; high ^ye have 57 Suits left whic!Ii MUST CC Tomorrow is Ralincoat for ladies. Colors £ Misses Fine Lace ,» 75c- lOc X jj. day Hose, NowJ"C j tinances of the organization, now in others are lace trimm BE to v; are .el and toe. yoke neatly tucked; ed;also £ SOLD; $15.00 $35.00 alues, for black, tan, olive, navy and gray. ) White and Cream Brussels A condition, must become Special.' 121/^C/ Jb * necessarialiy excellent the French-effect and X Cream Eton £ ( TCft 7»> depleted. It is the h'tpe of the Woman's dainty beading 5 Serge Fine Silk Lisle I used for waists and dress?s. £ Corps to raise such a sum that whenRelief and mwV newest worth oo $15.00 Ladie:s' Raincoats, $10.88 $ Hosaedlbfiick, double Regular price, 7ttc ribbon; excellent width Suits; styles; c o ( " j. length; X upkto | toe. /lqr* placed at interest will provide for the X sizes actual $37-50- Now ,li'88 Special..*"' ) yard. Now, yard expenses of 'he organization Mrs.ninnlng ^15, 16, 17; value, 75c. Spe- ^ $17.50 Ladieis' Raincoats, $12.88 f "m, Fine Ribbed Lisle I Special lot of Valenciennes Lliia A. Oldroyd, past national junior vice cial WfQ, I I Hose, double sole, spliced ( Lace: edges and Insertions jj Lawn Kim< i7orc rvocf 1 hepl «nrl Jt president and the resident member of the | it-vi v v frnmit win r* garter ,0 match- Regular Y X 15 Full-length 37c 1,000 Biz iv., puoi top. < prices, silver jubilee committee states that the Jacket 3o" i. hOy* 75c and 08c ,J. Women's Drawers; open Women's Drawc seasons some Special piece. offering will be made at a big jubilee an(i made i io Black and Blue Skirt s <£ CQ ; black silks in this lot; everyy II/, f \®'JI ^5C ? in J. and closed; made of splen- closed; of' apien*- | ; easily | V Ladles Fine Silk Lisle Saratoga Tuesday evening, campfire >iin and V a ^ * «vO one a black 'f 10, and that she is confident Septemberthat it f did quality muslin, cambric 211 ir modernized. Every one bargain.... bargain ? Hose; pijik, sky, gray, /-» tI width; X ... i1 and wti'.lLe: cot- will meet the of the Woman's and cut fin- i V spliced heel, f IAVA i expectations ,1* longcloth; full; finished' with deijp ruffle, \ 10 Mixture Tourists' C All E>resses and Men's and Worn- ton 75c value, VJIU V V ^aiV.^ If* ? Relief Corps. ished with full umbrella rows of cluster tu< Fancy Coats; $ Q7 Children's X eft,, Mrs. Llda J. Hart, the resident member WOrth to Now x * Ladies' Regular 50c ruflles; daintily edged with etltched; others 1;ice trim- $13.50 $19.50. en's Suits a one-half $ so,et . Quail. of the committee on providing a permanent y | Bathing just price. ty Two-Clasp Lisle Gloves, & ' 71 erav Y choice embroidery, lace ' J In ton mndp hlno home for disabled veterans in the District Actual*value^M^ * Every Silk Eton Jacket. rhis sea- White Wasl1 Skirts to be sold of is an and sizes OQ 385 regardless green, white "and X Columbia, expected to make A hemstitching; 23, Special X son's newest worth ) to S2^. (Tn of rncf tnmnrrnw I Em DrOlCiery "*purple,' tant styles; u[ - black. ]Cr A report. impoi X 25, fv29 QAft,U?1 50C Women's "Corset Covers; x ]\t »py. y o Vo 8peclal 0*>l» X Appointment for Mrs. Ball. £ value, 2.98 Skirts.* $1.12 II vjne 101 of Swiss and ity lti-button Silk Llsla Suits; $2.48 \ Department ,J. made of muslin and cam- neck; full blouse; r,°""d Nain- y Mrs. Ball, has been appointed on Potomac.the full finished trimmed with dotibie rows Prince coat effects. We re Embroidery Edging Gloves, In gray, V ,1. brie; width; Chap < I* committee on resolutions In the national with six-inch ruffle, rows of of lace bea $ and >3.98 52 JSd up to 20c yard. blue and pink. * deep $3.48 3 Skirts, $1.52 § I ^I.^V convention of the Woman's Relief A cluster tucKs, hem- ribbon; sizes 34 dand *44 & 5 White Cannon Cloth ; f2R5° r Special £ Corps. 29 Actual 8C,c" 71/^2 I.adies' Regular 25c «» Mrs. Cora who Is a sister of the £ stitched; lengths. TOf* value, this season's \vorth and i>4.98 l' Quail- Smith, % 31. 23c $ Coats; styles; up O*? $4.48 Skirts, $1.92 $ Two-clasp Lisle G ovts, > chief of Mrs. Florence O. and Special Special 10 pieces of All- '¥ staff, national to $9.75 that was ln *an. moire. gray, & n.l «.!11 Af'C K -» X 1 ibroldery /' **' llt'n or»/J tilnnlr ^ A|% v ic.iaiiu, win uc uuc ui uic usutts vi Met111J $5-68 and *55.98 Skirts, $2.32 national convent on. f| 115 more of those Fine Wc ZZV | ..spe^25c j s^r.1.:ivc National President Sparklln, in her last $ the last : $2-35 and J56.98 $2.72 \ Ladles' Two-claspj Suede 5, general orders, said that at the last session positively ! $6.48 Skirts, | j Swiss Embroidered ( j,isIe arld Silk Net Gloves, X of Congress the pension committee You'll Be Qlad to ) Flounclrig: regular value, jn expected I ' morlc Edge that was Glomes, in white and black; V* court(»sy was given your committee by both ( 7c yard. Special, A_r regular 75c quality. cn~ y houses, the bill fail.d on account of the ( yard ^ Special Y committee not be ng tb'e to give the | New Fabrics. Low Prices. of volunteer nurses to be providednumberfor. r to lie 10 me "loorls hefnre~ .in the same snare of< In order uetur equipped pusn The first of our new Fall Dress Goods ;are in. Never sold so many Wash ( I J that's because buying measure in the next Congress It is | ments were never so that every volunteer nurse should,necessuiyX and they arc beautiful! compellin induceI ff without forwird a statement of her u as ill delay, en^ If you wish to effect a big by buying now for next summery yo must act quickly, the last iportant Linen Sale. claims to a pension, stating when, where 75c Black Granite, 59c. 98c Suitings, gsaving | whom of these stocks will soon be SO-inoh Shrunken Linen Size 20x40 Bleached and how long she served, by enlisted, All-wool Granite Cloth; 44 BO-inch Wool suitings- i1 vestige gone. name under which she served, present X stripe effects, in O: $1.25 CI AA Ish Towels; the ltie quality;Turkthe to Miss Kate M. % inches, and good per yard. * 1 UU name, age and address, 75c value. navy only; 98c valu Linen-finish White C«annon Cloth. 40c ImportedI French Batiste, 29c. qual"y;:, ^ 1 .50 S<-ott, chairman of pension committee. A black; OVC.CQr frg Ru'tlnop T In- CJOZLI1 V $ £ of Special Special Urookviile, ra. Every memter the Summer Suithi«c AOr 1,600 yards 32-inch Linen-finish White Cannon 47 inches wide; highly mercerized; en*Ie^y"Inches wide. The Extra Heavy Ful'.-bleached should look up these unfortunateassociation X $1.25 for nurses' uniform that will not come off when laundered weight adapted for coat Irish Damask; t>4 inches 1* o;.es. whose claims for recognition have 6C-lnch Wool Suitings;* Cloth; is, ; skirts for rrado Mrovc Rlackmat* Serve «yc.49c , separate wide; especially heavy 5, never been noticed. Let us help one an- t serge, llght shades in checks,' waists, Russian blouse suits, etc -d ; / only a small lot; foir Monday only, at, fx the cool fall evenings. The to stand the constant laun- I other. The bill for increase of nurses' pin- 44-inch All-wool Black plaids and rtiixture * eoc quaiity; per deiing if of hotel and X t'ie kind ... "*/yr" ^ A.Qc quired 610113, III t'liaiKC Ul iiauuiiut picaiucui, S Storm Serge; 69c iOr prices, $1.0) ar I5C at» >'ar(^ yard ) yard boarding house linen; EC/> Mrs. T. Ild3;n, which passed the $1.25. Special 69c \ZY2C ?. Fanny value. Special « id « the 'luality £ Senate but not the House, will be again ( HC-inch Soft-flnished Waist pusheJ in the next Congress. I $1.75 Nains;ooKv-*i.jy. ; very desirable for Extra Size Bleaciied Turk- "J* X English I2J4c & 15c Priiited Baliste Lawn,9%c. £'»« o r shirt waist suits: Ish rowels: soft finished V $»» qo English Nainsook; an extr;a fine, soft quality; o[ 1 with colored in quality; per and heavy; the OOc Black Broadcloth , S-1.7Q Eyery picce batiste, figures, j t.^®j7''ic>ar 29c 39c % OF SWEDEN t $2.50 Spotproof for untlcrgarments and infar a neat in ( THE NAYY v i1 J 1 T lts variety of styles; also the very designs !* - Black wear; 12 10 me 1 °r i 52 inch Imported Broadcloth; perma- j yaras piece. white with black to be sacrificed ) /! a t 30ce* grounds figures, nent finish and guaranteed spot- g /\ q one-day, $1.75 value, for, pie for Con ic to the choice selec- ( SMALL FLEET MAINTAINED FOB | value. { 9%c yard. early get 75c (jINGHAM | | proof and shrunken; $2.50 g t'°n' as * cre ls on'aoutf one piece of a kind. ( riCOATS OVC COAST DEFENSE ONLY. Special, yard ."o 19c White Dotted S\vfss I2j£c PET' g ( The chance of a 25 pieces Pin- 18c Black Batiste, I2^c. The sc Gingham Petticoats arc made of good £ , ) dotted Swiss; for waists and dresses; also can be A. i: ' in neat are Cablejram to The Star. i~VII fAllUUlUHldl 1 in Fast Black French quality gingham stripe effects. They £ Special D InoLr Hfaee T<1 ffAf a 1 IIS bargain -4.A Swedish 1 VOO Ut IV tu 1 used for curtains; to close th 1 »l/l Alliclin/1 ii-itli n /Uiiitk 1*1/1 IX)XDON, August IJiatIV 17 f|£|f ( Batiste; is one of the most popular fabrics of its cut full aim u 11 j .-<11111 wiiii a iniij i;wiiiiv.i aini miuiu z of men-of-war was recently orderedsquadronto .j. lot, FOR MONDAY ONLY, / ^ j I and Edward. 1 kind; a limiitea quantity, rume tc full 40, v proceed to Cowes greet King * ioc * yi/.^ only mndation; lengths, 38, 42. ^ KIND, yard 18c The squadron arrived In good lime and We Can Guarantee /3 so he on hand earl;V, value, | ( They a,rc actually worth 75c. Spccial for near the British fleet. The usualanchored No mail or 'phone ontiers filled. 1 ** factory fiOr ^iave received another|2J4c at 37J^c, SOc, Cla^s naval power, uui uiric.j iuukiuius a y Jl.OO value, for Our $1.50 value, 311 25 I J*ust large consign- 25c. 1 small fl et for the puiposres of coast y for ment of Golf in an endless number of oiles, 32-inch All Pure S.Ik 30-inch All Pi Suitings, i $2 50 &i:e lias no need to provide herself V K-oca Tuffpta: T}!o.l, Tl>..c Toff,.. a sensat'. All-:silk Taffeta Hemstitched l'arasols, in red, X is amply secured by the good will of toI"i wear. Ourvl -j service. Our $1 >5factQry I reproduction i-ii: t. _..i :.t > I Integrityy Q$Q r our will a the fact that we are ( uidv. ft. ui wiuic , rfi»u iiiicii-ciiiiji uiiici cii ... an it customers brown, her more powerful friends and neighbors. Y value, for value, for "J...98c experienced eye to detect th; it is cotton. Just ppreciate £ n n r n r\ *1 CO li o« than we \ s omc or The ships which have ariived at Cowes J All Pure Silk 25-lncli Pure Sii \ the for mountain and se, 4"* pulling incav. wn le earlier anticipated. ones; with edge of embroidery insertion; £ & 35-inch strong Dress Taffeta; a jk B.aoji thing do not compare in size or power with the y Black Press Taffeta; mt silk ) shore wear. This .material h; isBe the first, is the lot isn't very pongee;=, with silk-check herder. These are all fine X satis- . strong and. brilli: among vessels of the British V and lustrous; will give j great armored fleet, will give sat'sfactiDry as as re extensive. Rememl)er, these sold as _ ( ;and sold at $2.00 serviceable y factory service. Ice. Our II.15 sary- col/] lijorh igc vard. Hei g" goods regularly | -g f-v £ but they are good, men-of-war value, e /\/\ A ^\/ ik-Iqi' vnrrl . \ onrl V Our S1.25 JI .UU value, for $1.49 for one as for Mo 50. Tomorrow, special I « I for the limited range of duties assigned to ly tor j Jay J high 75c; them in the scheme of defense of the y X"X"X~X"X":*v Kingdom. The squadron comprisesnorthern *vv*;*v t,rpo roast defense ships.the Oscar II, the the that killed Klistenmaker Thor and the Tapperheten.and torpedo In s the to that of the first sea lord in |i MURDER. fired the shuts MEXICAN WAR VETERANS. being 3,400 tons, guns h!elds, admidshlp pair being analogous PLANNED' BBUTAI a when the sound of the train Omen. her displacement _ at moment cruiser speed, the , Is known and a beam of 40 sponsoned. British service and officially > Oscar II is the largest, her of 278 feet j drowned the reports of the pistol. The flagship with a length " « t naval exercises. Asso- tt« .1^ -Willino- Site was steel The edo cruiser Orner, is one of five Woman and Youth H«.ia lor is-uiing and Clark arc h°ld National displacement being 4.tons. She Is protected by a partial torp Lr admiral is Fllas Bo(h MrB Osborne Association Officers Elected. In 1903 and is 3X3 feet feet. «? Capt. on the of murder in the -first degree. built at Gothenburg ,viih a deck. Her armament similar sh ips, all built between lSOO and 'count C. A. Khret with the rank of of Ene charge and 50 feet wide. Her engines give nrotective lsyard, Freight fineer. Next Sleeting at Indianapolis. in length two 0.8-lnch guns In separate 1890. Eac h Is of 787 tons' displacement, commodore. He i * 24..Fred- of knots, steam l>e!ng comprises T" .ugust \*nnwAT 4 a. i« rr» h speed eighteen enable her of life and r i ftunruujv, * a., jiukusi * ..i ne nen's to travel prime - and six and the Or - » Yarrow boilers. The Oscar is well one forward and one aft, engines 3ocacnup°fsCThe8t.mportlnt. "v#»rirk T, TC isten maker. a freight engineer. Married at Rockville by turrets, at ninetee n knots an Yarrow boilers position of director or cariscrona aocKyara. i Association of Mexican War for her sije. having an armor suppliedbelt J In casements, besides ten 6- hour. was found murdered early today In his Sporlal Dispatch to The Star. national protected 4.7-inoh g'-ns hid Mcam iu luia siu^ aiau. one ______ln se*sIon for two-thirds of her length six Inches thick and smaller weapons. She has ono been twice shot ROCKVILLE, August i'4.-Mr. ans> at the exposition, selectedVeterFrederick aii armored deck for and boarding house, having and a protective deck two Indies pounders re^Fes o'n protection as the next of amidships, tube. The Thor has two funnels carr:es tw<3 4.7-lnch guns and four 6-pound- A8COL.T. Italy, August 24..Cardinal in the head. Mrs. Nelliorn In in 1838 and Clark were and the I^ouis F. disease. Italy ' Col. and 5.#-lneh guns mounted in pairs in foremast. sign arrested, la''e£ Md., were quietly married in Roc kville this President, Heeler, eight a similar ves- the number of the or was created a cardinal in 1903. He former- ts a mere has ma de a confession, , T1 turrets, besides smaller guns, and she has The Tapperheten Is looking Judged by ships by youth, afternoon by Rev. Thomas J. Pac rec- more; first vice president, Capt. Franci» J. tubes. She is sel although more modern. She also has two their size, but by the importance with which ly was papal nunci o at Vienna. according to the police. Raltlkard, i - two submerged torpedo easily .r- .i Clark tor of Christ Protestant il Church, Keffer; second vice president, Capt. George her threj two funnels und two turrets, but there is no the squad roil has been Invested by the ? It is said that in this confession Episcopa dlstlngu'shed by funnels, a Mrs. Osborne the the ceremony taking place at the! home of T. Barney. J£ikhart. ind.; secretary and turrets. Her lighting top on her masts. For her size she Swedish uthorltles. The officer who com- . alleged that planned masts and six complement s division of the Is murder because of f. and that while the mlnlater. Mrs. Moore Murdock. Dallas, Tex.;udjutant. « two 8.2-inch mands thli Swedish navy , 5"! Jealous; is armed, having a »* .i 32(J officers and men. powerfully " iltarlum. vino, N J,vY,a ,._ The fo'ks unacc assistant secretary. Jessica numbers in turrets, protected by 8- Rear Adm C O. whp is not only tltutlon. for the together, Clark, young w;ere ompanied, Randolph guns separate exclusively u\ . .Z .f I001 when a and left for lmmedia after Smith, Henderson. N. C.; Some of the Armament. inch armor at the base as her main arma- the senior officerIra,1 In thep:sen,Swedish service, but better class of eplleptlc patients. Terms moderate. watching at the window, signaled Washington te.y treasurer, Capt. are six 6.0-inch holds a >sition in that country somewhat Booklet gratis. train was approaching arid Mrs. Osborne the ceremony. Leroy Wiley, Farla, 1U. Xfce Thor 1« a r ich smaller vess?! of l.-s merit. In addition there p<