Aided and abetted by the love of a number of wonderful, com­ EQUINOX mitted, and caring women, most NOTES of whom had been around the collective block a few times themselves; Mama Bears was BENEFIT born. & NEWS An update in the continuing September 21st. two years ago The encouragement and faith saga o f the Smoke Filters: Thos^ we were still a month away from taf you women was one of the of us that have been holding our opening Mama Bears and had things keeping us going by Sept­ breath (literally) w ill be delighted used up every last bit o f our ember 21st, two years ago, when to learr? that the company that emotional and physical reserves' we were almost dead on our feet. declared "Chapter 13" (some­ after four months of pulling to­ Your ranks have been swelled thing akin to bankruptcy)...with gether what would become by the many who have discover­ our $600.00 in hand...before Mama Bears, preceded by two ed Mama Bears since then - and sending our filter systems, just years of anguish and pain as we taken it to their hearts — all contributing to its continued wrote to let us know that they will strove to save I.C l. - A Woman's be shipping them shortly. At last! Place bookstore from ruin. (A . existence, and,each other's and! long^tory, to be told.later; for being aware of Mama Bears con- 'The common woman is as those not familiar With Bay Area tribution-to all our lives. common as'the best of bread history, we are the women who Many of you ask how you can And w ill rise gave birth to that bookstore in help...we're shy about holding And will becoVne^strong •Q tt& eifQ io u n d i... 1971 and until 3 years ago.) benefits for ourselves, but when I swear it to you We lost that battle — in fact, we * the Over Our Heads comedians I swear it to you on my own head lost everything — but times of inT kept asking when they could do I swear it to you tense attaclcof one's path, vision, one, we gave up our^mbarrass: on my common * character and integrity force one ment and made a date withjthem womans “ M AM A BEARS 'GALLE-RY' She recently completed an al­ Sept. 1 - Oct. 12, 1985 to re-member and re-assess how for September 21st. And tl head," bum cover for Holly Near and began to remember the pa: and why one started that path in When Judy Grahn published W e're honored to have Maude Redwood Records ("Watch Out!") the first place; — and so we "re­ . especially the time just before we thj»tvo\^ln 1971 she empowered Church's work in our gallery this and one of her painting*, "Even- founded" our basic political o p e n e d . and bondeO a wtrote gerreratlon catejndarpi^nod...beginning with Camri'' » irvcUided in the stance and vision, — which was Therefore,.on Saturday Sept. of wbmen, and she continues to her print 'Cretan Woman' (stiJI 1985 Contemporary Women that the drives, needs, and visions 21, 1985, you are invited to at­ do so. We're honored that Judy is selling, after all these years-we've Artists Calender. of 1971 still operate passionately tend an Autumn Equinox Benefit letting us print her latest poem, got it at Mama Bears), she has put Besjdes painting arjd lecturing, . within us and within many other to raise money for Mama Bears, Descent to the Butch o f the Realm out warmly colorful, frequently Maude Church has also been women; and to memorialize that point in (page 2). If is part of her forth­ droll pa-intings (her "Evening teaching over twelve years on the — and that central to those time 2^years ago, when we push­ coming book. The Queen o f Camel" for example) some of faculty of the California School of drives, needs and visions is the ed toward birthing: Swords. — The tim e o f Inanna is which are available as prints and Professional Psychology in Berke­ Giving the Gathering of the need for worn an-Centered public dawning...when Judy read the post cards. ley. She teaches "Psychology o f . spaces that provide both written ritual she initally bestow­ Inanna translation at the Gynoso- Maude Church, a native of the American Art", a survey course on and woman-to woman informa­ ed to protect Mama Bears when pftic Gathering,^he walls echoed Bay Area, has shown her paint­ the developm ent of American art tion, where ’ strong-woman we opened, will be Paula Gunn and reverberated, the sound rol­ ings and drawings through­ and artists. energy would be visible and En­ Allen. Judy Grahn w ill read or talk. led about us, invoking a spirit that out the Bay Area, Los Angeles, This exhibit includes Maude's couraging, and network-y. (continued on page 9 (continued-on page 6) New York and Europe since 1972. (continued on page t6) - Some B. S. from Creativity and the Business of Warriors bent for any of-the above, of Having other prior commit­ sing it with developed craft. course, but it did bring to mind ments or attachments of a type -Everyone^ therefore, is or could the real philosophical bar to any that close the mind makes peo­ be, creative. such personality changes: our ple into undependable robots. Many of lis would have no sharing the grandmother com­ For example, having a priority'to problem being creative, if we mitment, the commitment to the protect, say, one's self-image, could ever let ourselves risk such pursuit of truth I know "comrpit- political or religious belief, heartbreak again. I think) actually, ment to the pursuit of truth" is a romantic notion, a judgement that it was the work losing its rhind-eluder, like "immortal soul", that justifies one's behavior or purpose in the end, more than "polyunsaturated", and "fully some game of power/control. the betrayals, that did us in, those The eclectic and Sagittauan Ms tradition, wondering if expand- , amortised”, but I can't think pf People who are ruled by their of us who took a side trail for a Molloy continues to astound me ing to 16 pages, or growing from at>etter expression for it. It's fears are likely to let one dpwn. cycle. Now we are starting to get at the oddest moments. Her an 8Vix11 sheet of paper in less something that, once you get it, People hung in stasis cannot, re­ together and apply our appro­ casualannouncement last month than 2 years, was all too much. makes bullshitting people really spect themselves or others. priate skills to projects that feel that this issu^ of News & Nptes Were we about to assign our­ difficult. I dub it-Grandmother So, that's the Creativity bottom - like they're "ours". It's not like was likely to be about creativity selves titles, list the staff in a box, because so many things are d e ­ line, the truth commitment; and "me and the Muse and the fron­ was a stunner, to t one thing, her schedule editorial policy meet­ pendent on it; like creativity, get­ it helps elim inate a self- tier visions", like creativity used knowing what any given issue was ings? Being free to operate on in ­ ting real with each-other, love, consciousness to remember it. to be, but oh well, Because every­ going to be about, before she put stinct, up to now, has meant a lush beiQgin touch with our instincts, Ali. that creativity is, of course, is one is, at bottom , creative, how it it together, was a definite first. I^ serenity of agreement that I relationships, happiness, and^in being open to the sources of "w orks"on those projects seems had a flash of paranoia at the - would be loathe to lose. fact, having any real credentials in irrational knowledge within our­ like it would work for a family or apparent incursion of journalistic Wfe are much too permanently the Women's Movement. selves. Art, I suppose, is expres­ * (continued on page 4) Mama Bears News & Notes/August-September 3 BOOK REVIEW of Winter's Edge, by Valerie Miner ...afsuvTl^U jm d s d a i l A (Crossing Press); $7.95 Softcover, $16.95 Hardback The Diaries o f Jane Somers, by Doris Lessing (Vintage) $6.95 When Valerie Miner stopped by Mama Bears a while back to make arrangements for a book Since 1983, more books which party and reading to celebrate deal with the experience of old the American publication of her women have been appearing. new novel WINTER'S EDGE, this - Readers like myself who are both jaded bookseJler (and writer) was old and female will find that quite astonished to hear tV»at she these books have a profound and wanted it to be a short reading- lasting impact on their thinking. reception, followed by, of all Invisibility in print is only one as­ DIANNA Seagiver things, a dance! (You ever bear of pect of. the social erasure of old PSYCHIC a writer wanting a dance? Usually women. Any change in these cir­ only the eyes move.) It was a cumstances can bke seen as' posi­ *R ead infjs good reminder to me that, as tive, and hopefully part of a trend. ★ C la sses. Emma Goldman said, " It I can't However, it puts a demanding *H e a lm f2 s dance to it, its not my revolu­ onus upon the books >vhich tion." emerge into this image vacuum. ^ 848-1364 Valerie Miner is that very rare without violating either genre is One such book is a novel by Licensed BerUele; writer: one who keeps a political also ra/e - Valerie's othe; books Valerje Miner called Winter's Edge, sensibility completely in the fore­ a.vailable at Mama Bears are a new release by The Crossing Classes starting Sept. 5 ground in every line (t?oth "inter­ Movement (Crossing Press), Press. It is an action-filled story of national" and "private" politics) Blood Sisters (St. Martin's), and the friendship of two old women and still spinsa yarn that is grip­ Murder iri the English Depart­ who live and work in the Tender­ ping and satisfying to read. Books ment (St. Martin's/.. loin of San Francisco. The plot is to curl up and be absorbed ‘in. We invite you to join with us fast moving;.the supporting cast, They're also darn good "thrillers." Friday September 1 3, to meet this -varied and interesting. Chrissie She who can combine the satis­ warm, wonderful writer, and en­ and Margaret, in their mid-sixties factions^ "woman's move­ joy a dance! (See Calendar for and seventies respectively, have ment" novel and mystery-thriller details.) chosen tp remain working rather than to subsist or^ Social Security. Thisis the price theyVe willing to . pay for "belonging" in their, neighborhood, being needed, •having demands made upon REVIEWS -their attentit^a anrd em otiorft by vival much to Margaret's chagrin* other people. The primary con­ (she prefers to keep quiet a b o u \ cern of the community to which things.) Political intrigue, mystery they belong is an upcoming elec­ - . and danger are the surrounding tion, jin which development of atmospheric conditions which their neighborhood is the dom in­ permeate the two women's lives ant issue. along with the chilling dampness Chrissie and Margaret's frie n d -' that invades the crevises of alley­ ship of twenty-five years is ways and the very bones of Mar­ strangely mismatched. Their re­ garet who can tell a change liance upon each other survives in the weatlher by the swelling of Margarets's repeated alliances * with various men over the years, WINTER'S EDGE her corns. Marissa Washington, popular black activist BlilllNlJ MAMA i*a\KS She loves her "community" everyday ongoing life, this is a shouldn't be too hard to find.) and fights vociferously for its sur- courageous story as well. -Anh Hershey 4 Mama Btari New* & Notes/August-September

AMAIZE LESBIAN COUNTRY MAGA/INl O n e c P o e m * All£ C a n ^e W o r th y I3GCKS (Thousand WIEI5K Pictures naga*me of rura/ lesbian experience and strategies m economic survival and community building A tomm for nge of skills and mldrmalion mauOing such topes as SEPTEMBER 7-14, food shelter agriculture environmental issues healing art! spirituality anti patriarchal struggles urOanirural cooperation vrs«ns of Ouf o*n reality 1985 California being that most vyordsrof the poetry, from.a heart One thing I like very much m m a gm t Word Weavers Don't take the American o f American places, no' broken again and again for the about this volume is that the cription rate: Box 6742 ft 3 issues Mp|s MN 55408 First Amendment for granted! doubt because it is the furthest pain o f others, many many poems are long: there are six point from Europe, there is a others. The world of those who poems, /anging in length from 7 certain kind of European-(French) have lived as expatriates here and to 30 pages each. .Each‘poem -Mm^EARS] woman intellectual style that one thert.around the globe,and who consists o f verses 3- to 10 or so just doesn't see around here speak several languages, is dif­ lines long: Each verse could stand A Womens 'N O * * « s much. Haying developed a taste ferent from yours and mine. atone as the capturing of a Culture Center for this style in Nbw York where I We invite you to join with us moment in universe time; taken grew up» my first reaction upon Wednesday Sept. 25 (see Calen-: one after another, fhey are like in­ WOMENS COFFEE AND TEA HOUSE dar) for a book party reception- dividual waves invoking and . WOMENS CAFE meeting Etel Adnan and Chatting WOMENS BOO.KSTORE • Naw and with her a while was intense intel­ buffetw ith Etel, to celebrate pub­ evoking feelings, and the «wmu - U t»d Book* anthology WOMENS ART GALLERY lectual joy...she carries the subtle lication of her new book, The lative effect is awesome. I am WOMENS ENTERTAINMENT • Each Indian Never Had A Hors,e‘ (Post- already nostalgic about the ex­ Waafc CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS and sublime excesses of this style WOMENS SPECIAL EVENTS The editors of a forthcoming anthology ad­ to the edge of exquisite drollery, Apollo Press, $9.95.) perience of reading them, es­ WOMENS READINGS and OPEN MIKE dressing Women, Institutions ahd Re­ WOMENS CLASSESand WORKSHOPS covery are seeking submissions from wo­ and I have missed that, here in The poetry in this book has a pecially the angels that pop up‘ WOMENS RECORDS AND TAPES men who are adult children of alcoholics, magical quality, partly created by here and there in most of the WOMENS CARDS. POSTERS AND have been incarcerated wKhin either the the West! And she was raised in . POSTCAROS prison or psychiatric system(s). who sire in re­ Lebanon, with xthat intellectual thesudden movements from one poems, unexpectedly. W OMENS PSVCH»C CONSULTS covery, and are willing to ahare their atories/ .thing to another. For example: WOMENS MEETING SPACE poetry/experiences with us. (Please note: style, also. And by novy has lived E’tel's Love Poems (pages 57- WOMENS INFORMATION and anonymity will be respected upon request.) 30 years in the US of A (traveling, 65) are to be.cherished, giving REFERRALS institutions end Recovery: In addition to "I did .not invite you to my WOMENS SPIRITUALITY the high risk and incidence of adult children studying and teaching philoso­ out as they do that special erotic CELEBRATIONS of alcoholics themselves becoming alcoho­ funeral lic. co-alcoholic, drug uaers or compulsive WOMENS SOCIALIZING phy, writing, painting, and de­ seasoning, done so casually, over eaten, many adult children of alcoho­ Nor, by the way, to my WOMENS DANCES lics have experienced inatitutionalization. sign ig tapestry) and so knows that ^ engagement which only a woman mature in WOMENS T-SHfRTS The t>«sis of the experience of having been, WOMENS PUBLICATIONS institutionalized lies in the sahne dysfunc­ anything is possibly ' everything I hold to be true lies years and experience is capable WOMENS JEWELRY tional family system(s) which fed many of us W£he second thing I noticed. of. WOMENS CRAFTS to develop the compoiaive/sddictive/des~ on the tructive behavior patterns which served to a%)ut Etel is that she is part imp... Two of Etel's other books, From protect us. We believe it is important to the surface of the rivers I loved." process of restructuring our lives to begin to always twinkling. A to Z (poetry), arid Sitt Marie- talk about the experience of having been in­ carcerated as it interrelates with our pat­ The third*hingil observed, dur­ W hen one is heartfelt, and aware Rose (a novel of contemporary terns/ addictions and, also, as it has related ing a poetry reading she gave at of everything/and rigorous in life in Lebanon, how it is fo r a to the process of our recovery The Editors: We are two women, both of Mama Bears some months ago, is one's thoughts - as Etel is - this is woman), both published by Post- whom have been incarcerated, both of whom her spellbinding reading voice... the kind of poignant, bittersweet ApoIJo Press, are also available at are in recovery and are,committed to the belief thal a very deep and very necessary coming, we can tell by the ache one experiences. Mama Bears. . % level of healing and growing can come from the sharing of experiences and the proceas by which we are making new cholcea for our > 7 *}$ Kristin Douglas or Ruth Nielsen at In Search of the Perfect 821 Elrft Street, El Cerrito, CA 94530 O p e n every d a y 4 2 8 9«>B4 or telephone: Kriatin Douglas. 6536 Telegraph at 66th St., Oakland (415)526-842 Therapist Ruth Nielaen (all roads la^d to Mama Bean) m (415)426-2780______- Hall's perspective stems from her ’jig ! Charming • Private long career as a psychotherapist. m' Secluded, in a misty . (She has worked as a counselor redwood’forest near fbr seventeen years). Even more Mendocino BEVERLY CARPENTER of her concerns, however, come from her own experience as Com So ~}m!- therapy consumer. A perennial patient-, Hall's introduction to . BEVERLY CARPENTER therpy occurred three decades ago when, alarmed at her insis- Why are lesbianssuch avid tertte on si^shooter and blue- tonsum ersof psychotherapy!’ Ac- jeans, her mother hauled her off cording to Marny Hall, a therapist to a psychiatrist. After.mariy inter- who works primarily with lesbian vening years of binging on group clients, gay women are rendered and gestalt, couple and cognitive invisible by a homophobic, mis- therapies, her therapy career has ogynist culture. As a result, we re culminated recently in a silent hungry for validation. Lesbian/ two-year stint with a traditional . f Gay Affirmative therapy, by offer- analyst. Hall is pleased to report ing us a refugefrom the dominant that the labyrinthine ways of her culture, can provide one such analyst's persian rug have been source of validation, a place thoroughly plumbed during this .. Then one day, like a miracle, out of the darkness came a where we can explore our own period. She cannot, however, say woman bearing tender gifts of women making music - the unique rhythms as women,-as les- the same for-the intricacies of her - most beautiful music I ’d ever heard. The medicine she brought bians. own psyche. Maybe someday she came to heal me. In the healing I found my iosl soul Finding a good counselor, will find the right counselor... • cr''. ^ I S H E R 5 | I evaluating therapy, expectations We invite you to join us Wed Available wherever Women's Musk is sold on LP or on cassette. of therapy-both realistic and Aug. 28, see Calendar, for a book For booking information write to the address below: ■^Custom ; Design magical-are a few of foe topics party and buffet w ith Ms. Hall, to covered in Marny Hall's recently Celebrate her new book, The (2) Phase 2.Records published book. THE LAVENDER Tues.-Sat 11:00-5:30 > • y- Lavender Couch: A Consumers ' COUCH: A CONSUMER'S CUIDE P.O Box 2688 ^1488 Solano'Awrue Guide to Psychotherapy for Les­ $8.95 including postage Westport. CT 06880-0688 BerWey,, California 524 0400 TO PSYCHOTHERAPY FOR LES­ bians and Gay Men, t(Alyson BIANS AND CAY, MEN. Some of Press) $7.95.'

ZL Mama Bears News & Notes/August-September 5 reading by the editors and some contributors. . When a woman reaches a certain obntrrf mnmttq_fkiir:Htunafmr stylist BOOK BLURBS NEW ARRIVALS: age she begins to have faint Instructor cf

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If I IflU i UlC L/W I me, empower me and heal me: / ' f Although I was trained in Abstract Expressionism, the DLWt Rl SXAk I ' expression part was treated as a mystique and only BOOKSTORE - COFFEEHOUSE-GALLERY spoken of in the, most fuzzy manner in our art critiques', if - Begin with yourself-vpur feelings, your particular life at all. Only the formal Bauhous school design language journey, your specific history, memories, dreams, fan- was used. This is still going on twenty yea^s later in an tasies. Sometimes you have to begin with the pain since it education! The student gets no help and little encourage- ENVISIONED, DESIGNED, CREATED calls out the loudest. This keeps many people from using merit in expressing content, yet this is one of the* this personal approach-thev are afraid of the pain; yet strongest motivators in an work-the interest in having this is the growing edge and the pain will be transformed something to say. It took the humanist psychology into something else. This is self-growth. The gray areas, movementknd the women’s an movement to encourage FOR WOMEN the mysteribus areas, the repetitive dream images are all -a language for feelings among visual anists, which in turn rich veins to your deeper self. validated their content-oriented work. Let the images unfold after you focus on them. These In working from these submerged personal images images have the power to guide you to a new growth and in giving them conscious birth through ten years of place if you only trust them. Stan with any pan of the journal writing and drawing (the source of my paintings repetitive dream and let the work unfold. (Starting with and drawings), I have personally moved into a less U k Y ls m d the repetitive dream is a good start because it is a strong anxious place than the one I once occupied: I feel more emotional charge; also, you can remember it, and there at home in the world’. That is the greatest gift I could have is obviously something to leam about yourself since you given myself through my own art. Had I continued to be fihatsdw n Joo are being given this vision^er and over.) Give up some an abstract artist as I was in the 60’s, I would not have had ofyoufepntrol andgo into the unknown. Trust this thing this rich growth experience; instead, my journey would • Disability that is s« close to your heart, this fragment known with have been one taken through materials and techniques, a « Health your deeper body knowledge. much different one. Try to keep yoeir trairied artist self from judging the I tell this story, teach art classes and show my pictures in • Life beginnings of this art venture. Hold off on saying, “It the hope'of connecting now and then with people who • R e tir e m e n t isn’t drawn well enough,” ‘T h e medium isn’t just right,” might find thjs process useful, perhaps a necessity, • Financial Planning or “It doesn’t look close enought to what I saw.” These INNER AND OUTER IMAGERY messages subvert you from exploring an unclear area. Mine is an art of inner imagery and it i*s done mosdy in' Financial services for the Resolve some ofthese technical things later, once you get the city. But in Mendocino, one of the most beautiful alternative family and-business. a firmer hold of the imagery. Later you can decidle, “Does places in the world, the stirtiulatiori-for most artists is Call for appointm ent: the media I work in allow the full power of the images, to from the outside-the beauty and power of nature. For Elizabeth Hirshfeld 268-3347 unfold, or does it restrain them?” We are concerned here many artists, however, there is a great pull toward with the process of content; years ago, we were concerned imitating nature in some way instead o f interpreting it. with the process experienced irifiurt materials and tech- This is. reinforced by the purchasing tastes of many niques. r tourists and the market for recognizable landscape art.. It When you create your visual experience with honesty is extremely hard to hear your individual self in the roar and strong feeling, this will communicate to the viewer, of these waves. An important goal could be to become and if those at that particular growing edge will connect aware of your feelings and sensations in relationship to the and understand the imagery and relate their own ex- landscape, arid to create some wonderful, fresh visual perience. An honest piece of work has a power that is at dance which incorporates the outward splendor with least partially understood by many people look at it. The your inward self-to not merely to be a servant o f copying more people that look and understand, the more this nature which generally results jn some thin version of work moves toward being “universal” in art: a common what is “out there.” human vein has been tapped . THE ENERGY DANCE DEPICTED Dear Friends,. ^ When I was an art student and tor many ot my Artists make visible the life energy between and within I have made the decision to continue my practice of Allergy and Environmental Medicine at my new office, beginning teaching years, I felt that I was not allowed to every space-bervyeen objects and space, between the 6536 Telegraph Ave. A-201, Oakland. Next door to Mama be perisonal; instead, we tried .to be self-consciously animate and inanimate. We invent ways to show this felt Bears. • _ “universal” and we utilize the dictated, rewarded, art- movement. The older formal art- language for'this As of July 8th, 1985, the physical location and tele­ world styles as our visual vehicles. This approach created talks of composition, positive and negative space, value phone number of my office will change, but the therapy, a loss o f and ignoring o f the sense o f self that was large. I arrangement, etc., but doesn’t quite cover it all.^Ve could the philosophy, and the same supporting care will con­ didn’t understand it until ten years later when the call this energy dance “spiritual" or the living visual tinue as is the past. women’s are movement started to question this personal dance, or the aliveness of all things, or the great flow, In addition, I am pleased to announce that an excellent invisibility which is condoned-by the establishment, art Beginning student work usually lacks this and is flat and and understanding General-Practitioner Ruth Marlin education and art business worlds. Artists, even up to this dull because attention is being paid to the parts of the M.D., is sharing office space with me. She has been day, seldom are encouraged, let alone trained, to articu- picture while learning a specific technique rather than providing medical care and women's health care to her lat£, to express their feelings in regards »o their work. Per- the whole. The breathing energy/magic of the picture is patients at the Berkeley Holistic Health Offices. She is haps this is becuase it is an awkward and often embarras- missing. available by appointment. sing area. There is no clear way to teach it, and the Eastern an realizesthe aliveness of the empty space and Sincerely, teacher, realizing that the teacher must also take person- the interaction between all things, visible and invisible, John D. Michael, M.D. al, expressive risks, therefore stops the process. Also, the visual forms of the pre-Christain era (in the time Another part of doing art is to .become visible in an of the Great Goddess)-our earliest known sculpture and increasingly impersonal society (particularly for the painting-emanates from this kind of consciousness, JOHN D. MICHAEL, M.D. female in this culture)-*© feel and live in a fuller self by Some of our great 20th century artists who have realized Aifergy & EnvtrorfTtenlal Medicine bringing to consciousness some of the many sub- this are Remedios Varo, Frida Kahlo, Suzanne Valadon, Ruth Marlin, M.D. conscious layers of the self. Once I’ve painted or drawn and Helen Frankenthaler-all surrealists or expression- General and Preventive Medicine these images, the power of the personal symbol^teaches ists, and all women. TELEPHONE: (415) 547-8111 me and nurtures me-a necessity in my life. This word- Diane recently held an art show, COLLAGES, at Mama based society generally empties me; pictures and visual Bears Besides regularly showing her art in the Bay Arm. Diane things almost ahravs fill me up. They nurture m e,jenter______^______• ; _____ (continued on page 12) Mama Bears News & Notes/August-September 7 BANNED BOOKS WEEK

, SEPTEMBER 7-14,1985

///' WHAT A BO U T M Y NEEDS ? » 1 A workshop for lesbian partners • of women healing from ONGOING EVENTS .Ik 71J\ Incest and Sexual Assault. A Saturday* September 28 *10 - 5 Sliding Scale $65-35. ONGOING THURSDAY Call te reserve space. WOMAN-ONLY SOCIALIZING AT Meryl Lieberman: 848-0720 *■ MAMA BEARS IS OPEN 7 MAMA BEARS, until 11 p.m. Mama ■ Miriam Smolover: 655-6394 DAYS A WEEK, 10 to 7 PM. Bears is always a clean and sober ON THURSDAYS, FRI­ environment! DAYS AND SATURDAYS,! OPEN 7 PM TO 11 PM FOR WOMENS OUTDOOR MARKET WOMEN ONLY EVENTS & SOCIALIZING. MAY ALSO BE OPEN OTHER EVENINGS (SEE CALENDAR). 11-6 Daily DAILY 3911 Telegraph - Oakland Come join us! Come enjoy us! MAMA BEARS IS OPEN for vendor information: 654-6970 FROM 10 AM DAILY FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT. COME flowers readings craftswomen vendors records IN FOR SIMPLE BREAK­ FAST, LUNCH OR LIGHT DINNER, TO RELAX, HANG­ OUT OR EVEN GET TAN­ NED...(OUR PAZIO IS NOW OPBN WITH TABLES, UM- FRIDAYS BRH.LAS AND SUNSHINE! TAROT READINGS BY SUE ...THE QNLY WOMENS N IM O N every 2nd and 4th Friday [Readings by appointment “BEACH” IN OAKLAND!) Afternoon. 1 -5 p.m. Three-card read­ ing, Vi hour, $7.00; full reading, 1 C all E llen hour, $15.00. Call to reserve specific 54 0 -5 3 5 0 time.

B M F F A L O n t t l M CO. I Native, Ethnic and unusual drums >


C ustom o rders R epairs (415) 233 9665

(20®) 855-8994 _

GYNOSOPHIC GATHERING SATURDAYS MEADOW LAKE 10:30 AM. ROUNDTABLE WRITERS’WORK­ Campy*044*idA*kJi ‘This is a woman's worship service cele­ SHOP CONDUCTED BY JENNI­ brating the bond of womanness among BARBARA ROHDE ourselves and in connection with our FER STONE 10a.m. -12 noon,at d w e c t o r sisters on every continent, island, sea, the round table in the Used Books and in the sky." section. Limited to 6 or 7 women, 4152.4 ACORN RO AUBCRRY. CA 93602 - Paula Gunn Allen $3.00 per session. To sign up, call Spirituality, feasting and gossiping., Mama Bears.more info in Notes and mingling ,in the marketplace. Mama News column.______Bears they did in past woman -' centered cultures. FRIDAY EVENINGS______Woman-Centered Worship Services SATURDA Y EVENINGS SEAMS women only. TO F IT SEE CALENDAR CONSIGNMENT * DISCOUNT CLOTHING

6 5 2 7 TELEGRAPH AVE ■ O AKLAN D More on page 8 GA . • 94609 • 41 5/429-9463 8 Mama Bears News & Notes/August-September august MAMA BEARS

.country plucking and singing by FRIDAY August 2 Faye Cuthbertson, Loretta Norton, OPEN MIKE CABARET NITE AT and friends. Feel free to join in. MAMA BEARS $2.00 (donation), 3-6 p.m. Singers, writers, musicians.... all welcome. Performers, please sign up in advance. Women only. $2.00, 8 p.m.

THE MOTHERPLUCKERS PER­ August 11 SUNDAY FORM. Fine Country music by Fay YES, WE HAVE NO INANNA! Cuthbertson, Loretta Norton, and SATURDAY August 3 Reading: Students of Judy Grahn friends. Women only, 8 p.m. $3-5. (center) will participate in an August CAROLE LYNNE SINGS & PLAYS Call to reserve seating. TUESDAY August 27 GUITAR. East.Coast singer of folk, reading scheduled to begin a 7 p.m. political, and 50’s and 40’s songs, at Mama Bears in Oakland. Among WHAT EVERYONE NEEDS TO here on a short visit. Women only. 8 those reading will be Betty Meador KNOW ABOUT THE VIRGO PER­ pm., $3.00. Call to reserve seating. (left, rear), Nyla Gladden (right, rear), SONALITY - Discussion by Elaine and Barbara San Severina, Also Blake, Astorloger. Women only. $3- reading, but not present when pic­ 5, 7:00 p.m. ture was taken, will be Carol Seajay, WEDNESDAY August 28 Mary Nordseth and Lisa Beck. Wo­ BUFFET BOOK PARTY AND men only. $3.00 READING WITH MARNY HALL, Author of THE LAVENDER COUCH - A CONSUMER'S GUIDE TO PSY­ CHOTHERAPY FOR LESBIANS & FRIDAY August 23 GAY MEN. Women only, $3.00. 7:30 IRISH NIGHT - A BENEFIT FOR p.m. see article page 4. THE WOMEN OF ARMAGH PRI­ FRIDAY August 30 SON IN IRELAND. Some planned. Irish songs and stories, and bring WOMEN’S SOCIALIZING your own. Buckwheat (conceiver and What! You’re not leaving town for the week-end! Well, we’ll be here WEDNESDAY August 14 organizer), Maura Shannon, Kathy Rote, and Marilyn Harmin. Women top! Come andsocialize (till 11 p.m.), WHAT EVERYONE NEEDS TO only, $3.0fi, 8 p.m. Call to reserve read, or play one of the games we KNOW ABOUT THE LEO PER- seating. * keep around. Women only. FRIDAY______August 9 SONALITY - Discussion by Elaine SINGLES DANCE NIGHT AT Blake, Astrologer. Women only. $3- MAMA BEARS. (CLEAN & SOBER) 5, 7 p.m. with DJ MARGO, a lively mixture of ballroom, jitterbug and rock and womens Women only. $ 2.0 0 .

TERESA CHANDLER IN CON­ CERT. One of the Bay Area's best ,, and most entertaining singers. Wo- =l m THIRD FIRDAY FUN - KAREN men only, $4.00,8:00 p.m. Call to re­ SATURDAY SATURDAY August 31 ______* UgUa — RIPLEY’S IMPROVISATIONAL serve seating: ------OVER OUR HEADS. COMEDY & RAINBEAU PERFORMS! A won- CLASS. Drop-in im^rov'ers and SUNDAY derful nite of high-style theatre comics welcome. (Each perfor- August 25 IMPROV BY KAREN RIPLEY, dance. a multi-media performance mance will be a benefit for a wo- AFTERNOON MUSIC BY THE ANNIE LARSON, & TERESA by Rainbeau. $3.00, 8:30 p.m. Call men’S project.) Women only. $3.00. MOTHERPLUCKERS. A regular CHANDLER. Women only. $3-5, 8 to reserve seating. Women only. 8:30 p.m. 4th-Sunday afternoon of laid-back P-m. Call to reserve seating. open every day 428-9 Mama Bears News & Notes/August-September 9 BILLBOARD September

SUNDAY Septem ber 2 2 AFTERNOON MUSIC BY THE MOTHERPLUCKERS. A regular 4th Sunday afternoon of laid-back country plucking and singing by Faye Cuthbertson, Loretta Norton, and friends. Feel free to join in. $2.00 {donation). 3-6 p.m.______WEDNESDAY September 25 BOOK PARTY-BUFFET CELE­ BRATING PUBLICATION OF ETEL ADNAN’S NEW BOOK, THE IN ­ WEDNESDAY September 18 DIAN NEVER HAD A HORSE, IN A WORD'. Longtime writers WITH READING BYTHE AUTHOR group working with Sandy Boucher (See story on page 4.) Women only. read stories, poems and memoirs. 8:00 pm. $3.00. Wednesday______Septem ber 4 Kris Brandenberger, Catherine FRIDAY Septem ber 2 7 AFTERNOON RECEPTION WITH Dunsford, Teri Greunwald, Grace Harwood, Denise Jacobson, Joan OPEN TIL 11 P.M.FORWOMEN- MAUDE CHURCH TO CELEBRATE ONLY SOCIALIZING. No events, HER SHOW “ C R ITTE R S” .4-7 p.m. Lohman, Barbara Mercer, Joan WEDNESDAY September 11 just a quiet night of browsing and [See Art Seen Around, page 1]. Robins, and Rhonda Smith. Proce­ WOMEN SHAMAN: MAXDASHU’S eds go to Emergency Response EVENING SLIDE SHOW: A TEN- N E W S LID E SHOW. On drummers, Network. 8:00 p.m. Women only. $3- YEAR RETROSPECTIVE OF THE dreamers and ecstatic priestesses, $5. Sliding scale ART OF MAUDE CHURCH, WITH the herbalists, healers and wise COMMENTARY BY MAUDE. 7:30- women. Women only. 8f p.m. $5.Q0. 8:30. Women only. FRIDAY______September 13 FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 6 BOOK PARTY-BUFFETCELEBRA- WiTH THE POWER OF EACH TING VALERIE MINER’S NEW BREATH :-A BOOK-PARTY BUF­ BOOK, WINTER’S EDGE -fo llo w e d FET AND READING WITH THE EDITORS AND SOME CONTRIBU­ TORS. We invite you to join w ith us in celebrating the just-published if c N C U FRIDAY With the Power of Each Breath, A Septem ber 2 0 [See story on page 3). Disabled Women's Anthology, and THIRD FRIDAY FUN - KAREN SATURDAY______September $8 its editors (Susan E. Browne, RIPLEY’S IMPROVISATIONAL SINGLES DANCE w/SLIDING Connors, Nanci Stern) and CLASS. Drop-in improv’ers and SCALE. Come dance to a great new - butors. Women only. 7:30 comics welcome. (£ach perfor- be a benefit). Women womens group. Jessie Ortiz and $ 2.00. friends play funky latin grooves, and contemporary fun music. $6-4.00 9-midnight (or later.) Women only.


SAUNDERS. Debbie played here MAMA BEARS. A wonderful night T t SATURDAY September 7 recently and friends Renne and of blessing, humor, music, and DEBETIE FIER PERFORMS ON Dejuana (Raw Sugar) joined in. poetry is being concocted by 2! PIANO . And Mama Bears is get­ What, an evening! In a community several of our regular performers to • SUNDAY Septem ber 29 ting a piano for the occasion! A rare full of great musicians these 3 help Mama- Bears over the cash . visit by this East Coast dynamo, women stand out for the virtuosity flow tightrope of a 2 year old POETRY READING BY JOYLETTA whose recofd In Your Hands is sheer of their phrases, and sheer musical business. Join in with your energy ALIC E . We welcome Joyletta back delight. You are advised to make joy. Don’t miss it. Reservations ad­ and cash! (See story on page 1.) from Nebraska and are anxious to reservations. Women only. 8 p.m. visable. 8:30 p.m. Women only. $4- Women only. 7 p.m. $5-10 sliding hear her new poetry. Come join us $5.00 • > $6.00: . - . . scale. for her reading and a buffet. 684 for event reservations 10 Mama Bears News & Notes/August-September

E I _ , Something that links idea and worship and psychic I competence and politics and ecology and me an

ON THE WORD MANIA - AN EXCERPT FROM PAULA’S 12/S0/84 H AGGLE " • > ...mania, means'irrational faculty of the m?hd. And it means active intelligence, and it "means the womb, all ^t the same time. So the connection is, if you wish to think rationally you should' be maniacal. And if you wish to think in a way that will gather things that you need so you can send them out to the rest of the'earih, you should be hysterical. And ifyou’re maniacal and hysterical, one of WAXING MOON CLEANING the things you’re going to be, besides passionate, is East Bay 'Zahn' Hamm 654-8765 angry. Those are the things that are going to happen. A person who has a mania, is obsessed, and when you’re obsessed with a thought you will bring it into physical The Indian Never Had manifestation. That’s what will always happen, because GYNOSOPHIC GATHERING*: SERVICE A Horse thoughts are things, but they’re things that operate on a Candle Lighting: 1 . and other poems different plane or in a different sphere, than say, this To re/member and restore to women the traditions candle does. But, if you think ‘candle’ long enough, from our long ago sisters who were the Keepers of the is an attempt in ETEj. ADNAN'S candle will manifest in the material universe, in the other Seven Fires, we light seven candles. They signif^the four own words to Capture the universe of the mother, because she has, at least, two. directions plus the above, the below and the center, as soul of America, io be a Mania, also, was the muse mother. She’s the mother of well as the seven chakras. (American Indian, Wiccan, spokeswoman for the the muses. She’s the mother and the goddess of the Mesopotamian, SE Asian Tribal). American landscape and the shades, o f the spirits, o f the shadows, o f that stuff that the While candles are being lit, the women gathered for American tragedy. Only that Moari^s say is o f the blood. That if it decides to become she brings to it all the memory materialized, that it stays in the womb, when the woman this service say the following prayer together: of other worlds and holds the blood in .the womb, and then that spirit other weathers. Mayan Peace Prayer emerges as a human being. All of these things are con­ Look at us, here us! The clarity, the quickness nected with orie another. The muse is like the force, or the depth of her vision Heart of Heaven, Hean of Eanh! energy. A particular vibration, that you move-into, and work on one's feelings Give us our descendents, our successors, by maniacal focusing, then you .bring that muse into ^ like lightning. as long as the sun shall move.' expression. On the planet, for Example, music, memory, Let it dawn, let the day come! an, painting, poetry, housemaking, households, all of with etchings‘by May the peeple have peace. • Russell Chatham these things are governed by different muses. A muse is May we be happy. like a valance, it’s like a vibrational field, and it’s The Post-Apollo Press Give us good life t ’ 35 Marie Street feminine, not masculine. So if you wish to canjn the Sausalito Grandmother o f the sun CA 94965 muse, then you find wavs to move into her orbit, into her Grandmother of the light, 11 orbit, her valance, then she will express through you, if Price: $9 95 Let there be dawn! \ ' you’re ready, if you’re wonhv, then she will express Till INDIAN N I ; V I : I t M eet Etel. Adnan at Let the peace come! . through you. And you can do jt best if ybu are maniacal. HAD A IIORSI: Mama Bears on Sept. 25 . (Native American) Mama Bears News & Notes/August-September 11

Healing Prayer SPECIAL NOTES ********* By the touch o f this water that is the blood of my M other THE PACIFIC CENTER This is a woman's worship service celebrating the bond o f ,he. Eanh'J wiU. bf hralcd ° y “ nn«ting my energies w om am t„ among ounelv„ and cormectw„ wlth „m m tm GENERAL'S with the life-giving energies o f Earth W oman, I will be on every continent, island, sea and in the sky. SERVICES AND healed. By re/mem bering the women o f all the ages who ***** PROGRAMS gathered at the springs of-life, I will be healed. As my Gynosophy FOR SEXUAL my “INFORMATION MINORITIES body was formed in the waters of my mother, body . GYN = Woman; SOPHY = Wisdom. SOPHIA is one of A. collective of one now is re/formed according to mv intention, in the waters primary names of the Thrice Goddess, Warrior- 'LESBIANS / GAY MEN / BISEXUAL / TV isn't any fun, co u nse ling inte rnsh ip available now of my Mother Earth. Let her healinggqout to all I hold in Mother^Sage, who through HER THOUGHT brings all but it can be, Peer counseling • su p p o rt groups my -thoughts, and all who I name now. ,ha‘ is! inl° bring, and keeps in dynamic equilibrium lots of fun switchboard • Third World • speakers . • every plane and all realms of being, including all A collective of two bureau • aids support programs Passing the Heajing Bowl - . * intelligence-life/forms upon them. 2719 Telegrapn Ave. Berkeley • 841-6224 The bowl filled with water signifies the well or spring, just won't do, anciently the traditional meeting place of women and ^*tar ' . but it does, the hom eof spirits, woman-gods, a n d healing energies. A Round ublc- no1 Anhur,a" buI K«<*en-ian, spread very we|l (The C h r is t ia n practice o f baptism is a n adaptation of with a l e n g t h of cloth to re/member our ancient tradition A collective of three

this fact coupled' with the i d e a t h a t birth lin their case, of woman as w^avcr of llfe and f,ealh' ,s SCI T 5cven what's in \t for me A collective of four rebirth in the spirit] m u s t be accompanied by immer- cand1” ' s« ni(>"'K F,rfc' a she11 us bv Maori PSYCHIC CLASSES sion in water). If vou n e e d healing, dip vour fingers in Warnor-Dyke Ngahmafrom New Zealand), comaininga we'll have a vyar fo r w o m e n the water and sprinkle vour face, wrists or head with a hant¥ of d m ’ Ear,h’ eagle feathers, A collective o f five few drops. Take a moment to experience healthful «gn'*y'"* Alr; a bowl of water, signifying Water; a room for more jive strength and jov fullv in vour b o d y . Thank the Woman Lako,a *°ur-Winds PlPe a'ld a ^eness of the Goddess, A collective o^six Beginning • Intermediate in the Earth for her gift o f water and wholeness signifying Woman Creation/Umyerse; flowers, reminding let's play tricks Starting week of Sept: 16 sliding scale (Combined Mediterranean, European, Indian (India) us ,hal the.Way of Woman Wisdom is the way of open And so on. A Mo||oy and American Indian ritual practice.) ness,.vulnerability, beauty, erotic power, and contin-’ uance; one red candle, signifying Woman Moon/blood, Kathie Bailey 547-1327 Song the outer wisdom fire that creates and supports our ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ' A planetary existence and one white candle, signifying the Honoring the Moon inner wisdom fire that creates and maintains our ^ W o m a n o w n e d m Honoring Chant I and II spiritual/psvchic existence. ■ and operated 1). (Elder Woman Honoring Chant) We honor the fire within you that burns to illumine our minds „ - We honor the experience you hold We honor the living history that is imprinted in your body/mind We honor, you for keeping on, for continuing FITNESS CENTEi We honor the knowledge of life that flows in you We honor the cycle of seasons that grows in you' FOR WOMEN We honor the power o f woman that flowers in you 847 San Pablo • Albany \ye honor the fire that burning ripens and enflames (415) 52&5900 y'0ur thought /W e honor Old Woman in you* C_Hnd in ourselves

* Old Woman is a term of great respect among Native American Dr. Jennifer L Martin peoples chiropractor 2.) (Menstruation Honoring Chant) We honor the woman in you NAMES/OFFICES We honor the flame o f being that flows from yOur body We honor the water of life that flows from you Pasture -V. ' ' . BAYHILL CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH CENTER We honor the order of creating that courses in you A gynosophic varient of the word “pastor” which is 841 W San Bruno Avenue. Suite 2 We honor the cycle of harmony that graced you derived from Latin and means feeder, o r one who feeds. San Biuno. California 94066 We honor the rose of beauty that moves in you (415) 952-6477 We honor the power of woman that moves in you Diakon (pronounded di-kon) - - ■ We honor the moon that moving moves you • The Lesbian/warrior/Gynosophic form o f “deacon’* We honor the woman in you from the Greek, and means Dia (double, twin, second) find in ourselves +konos (servant).. In one (archaic) usage, deacon was a person who spoke the words of the psalms, hymns, etc; cSHaion eM,a±on T e x t before they were sung. A Dike was a cermonial lesbian Readings from Lesbian Poets: Judy Grahn, Butch who officiated at sacred rituals and acted as a medium o f PERSONAL Diakon; (With other readers, on'oc.casionK transformation for humans and other beings at the Crossroads or Confluence points where two or more BUSINESS Song (AH) entities of

Meditation Period Weavers/Websters (Women Who Coordinate a Blessing (All) Gathering) I add my breath to vour breath Following die* above format of the service, and co­ Judy Q r&tgi That our days may be long on this earth ordinating the theme with the Pasture, the Music Diakon POET/MY HISTORIAN That^the days of our people may be long # (Diana Seagiver), and die Poem/Words Butch Diakon (Judy : Manuscript CMsiltations May the Mother bless you with life .Grahn) (so the songs, haggle and other speaking will be May our life paths be fulfilled. suited to the chosen theme and to the spirit o f Gynosophic :Workilwpj (Laguna Pueblo Indian). Gatherings), the planners set the theme for the service, choose readings, opening prayers and healing prayer : Classes (leaving the Honoring Chant as is); provide properties Closing Song :wu (like candles, prayer sticks etc.-except incense, as some °6f us afe allergic to it); and select and provide food and 415 223-4353 Sharing Food, Drink and Gossip ( ) beverage. Except for the haggle, planners will perform There is food and drink to share as a wajv- of honoring service and/or select i hose who will perform given parts Eanh Woman andWater Woman, as the candles honor’ of it. Sun Woman, the prayers, poems and song honor Skv* Woman, and the menstrual prayer honors Mqon GVNOSOPHLC GATHERING® 1985 Paula Gunn Woman. There is a basket on the table with the food Allen. All rights Reserved. No pan of this service may be that -vou can put money in as a contribution to the reproduced without written consent of Paula Gunn supplies and foods for future Sen ices. Allen. • - r r ~

12 Mama Bears News & Notes/August-September BANNED BOOKS WEEK 11 Judy Blume titles - Restricted SCHOOL OF Sept. 7-14 at the Lindenvold, JH elementary > AVAILABLE AT MAMA BEARS school libraries (1984) because DO NOT of "a problem with language." Read Banned Books! Celebrate CLASSICAL BALLET the freedom to read. Banned but later restricted Jto Listed below are just a few of students with parental permis­ sion at the Peoria, III. school dis­ '& for Chilc*en and Adults the books challenged or banned RE4D trict libraries (1984) because of Beginning through professional as reported in the Newsletter on "..’strong sexual content and Pre-ballet from age 3b Intellectual Freedom from May Morning and evening adult classes 1984 thru May 1985. language and alleged lack of 1HESE social or-literary value, etc.^etc. I Valley o f the Worses - Jean Auel - f Both The Joy o f Gay Sex and The Challenged at the Bastroys Tex. » UOf Grave. Btrluley, CA 91709 « (4H)HS-2)90 Public Lib. (1985) because "the • Joy o f Lesbian Sex were seized book violates Texas obsenity BOOKS??and shredded by the British cus­ laws." Banned from the.Strouds- toms office (1984). bury, Penn. High School lib. Woman's Guide o f Safe Abortion The Color Purple - Alice Walker - (1985) because it was "blatantly . - challenged at the Walpale, Challenged as an appropriate There’s a community graphic, pornographic and whol­ need In the East Bay... Mass. Public lib. (1984) because reading for Oakland, Ca. high ly unacceptable for a high school and YOU can helpl the book is "inacurate factually, school honor class (1984) due to library." • Volunteers are needed to provide because it'sxieliberately mislead­ the works "sexual and social ex­ emotional support for persons with Changing Bodies, Changing Lives ing and deceitful^and because plicitness" and its "troubling life-threatening illneas and those it's avowed purpose is to pro­ ideas about race relations, man's, who sre greivlng. - Removed from the Sandy, Ore­ For application and gon Union High School. - „ mote a behavior - killing unborn relationships to God, African his­ information call: (1984) due to "foul language and .babies...By maintaining and dis­ tory and human sexuality." After 547-7702 r u r m s t e disregard for a wholesome bal­ playing this material at public 9 months of haggling and delays, ance about human sexuality." expense; to the public, and in a divided Oakland Board of Educ. Challenged at the W illiam Chris- particular to pregnant women gave formal approval for the mas High School in fndepen- who are vulnerable and may be in books use. dence, MO (1*984) because it is need of real guidance, the Wal­ A Way o f Love A Way o f Life - "filthy." pale Pub. lib. is promoting and Challenged at the Fairbanks, abetting abortion. Alaska North Star Borough School Unidentified Flying Objects - Jim District libraries (1984) because S e n m ie e Collins ^challenged at the Escam­ Our Bodies Ourselves - challenged REAiTQEB f?* at the W illiam Chrismas High schools should teach the basics, bia County, FI. school district be­ "no t how to become queer dope cause the complaintant claimed; Schobl Independence, Mo. users," the .book indicated thafc."Ezekial (1984) because the book is My Deep Dark Pain is Love: a had seen a UFO.when he spoke "filthy." M ICHA EL S. PHILLIPS collection o f Latin American Cay in the Bible about seeing some­ Sapphistry - Pat Califia - Seized Fiction - Seized and shredded thing that looked like a wheel in arid shredded (1984) by the Brit­ (1984) by the British customs the sky.* ish customs office. office. <

6 4 3 6 TELEGRAPH AVENUE — OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA 04600 6 5 8 - 2 1 7 7 ARLENE M. SLAUGHTER - FOUNOtR Update of Deuteronomy, Chapter 5, verses 3-2 Thou shalt honor thy child and all her works, that her The WOMAN made not this covenant with our Community fathers, but with us, even -us, who are all of us here alive days may be comforted. this day. H on or thy m other and thy father, as the WOMAN thy The WOMAN talked with you face to face in the mount Self*hath commanded thee: that their days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with them, in the land en'si Center out of the midst of the fire..... saying, I am the WOMAN, thy Self, which brought thee out o f which the WOMAN thy Self giveth thee. 6 5 3 6 Telegraph Ave. the land of the Patriarchs, from the house of.bondage. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shah have none other than love for me. •Neither shalt thou love unwisely. Bldg. C Oakland Thou shah.not forsake me for dny graven image, or any r Neither shalt thou take what is not given. pretense o f any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in Neither, shalt thou endure hypocrisy against thyself the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath -the nor thy neighbour. Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s husband, 6 5 2 - 0 6 1 2 earth: neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s home, her Thou shah not bow down thyself unto men, npr s.erve work, Or her woman friends, or her man friends, her ox, 24 hour C r is is Intervention Ho t lin e them: for I the WOMAN thy Self am a wise Woman, or her ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. visiting the nurturing of the mothers upon the children ______Phon? « $52-6566______unto the third and fourth generation of them that I love. These words the WOMAN spake unto all your as­ ,. And showing affection unto thousands of tihem that sembly in the mount out of the midst of the fire, of the love me and’keep my commandments. cloud, and of the thick darkness, with a great voice: and Thou shah not takejthe1 name o f the WOMAN thy Self she added no more. Arid she wrote them^n two tables of in vain: for the-WOMlAN will not hold him guiltless that stone, and delivered them uruo me. PHOENIX AUTO taketh her name in vain. © -Jennifer Stone[ ‘ Keep thy loving way to sanctify it, as the WOMAN thv Apnl, 1977 jSelf hath commanded thee. AN ART O F TH L SfcLF VW 8. TOYOTA SPECIALISTS | Six ways thou shah labour, and do all thv work: - ■ The first way is in wisdom and the second is with effect. (continued from page 6) [The third wav is without malice toward those who “will 4 2 0 0 A E. 14th St., Oakland teaches a H O M E S I.\ ART HISTORY class thru Contra |com£ to oppose you, but with compassion for their grief. Costa College, meeting at,the First Unitarian Church in Ken­ (Behind Burger King) Fourthly, thou shah labour with all thy heart and with sington on Wednesdays from, 7-10 p.m. beginning Fall Semester all thy mind, and fifth, with all the strength of thv soul, so on September 11th. Over 1 ,500 women artists in the Bay Area that the sixth way may come to pass, although the fruits hax'e taken this course in the past decade. She uses a personal Ihereof will be not yet. * * approach involving basic questions about art motivation and the But the seventh way is the loving way of the WOMAN creative process in women. Slide lectures of visual artists in the V.W. Rabbit \ Toyota Service Specials thy Self: in it thou shalt not do any harm, thou, n o j thy 20th century and study of their lives serve as role models for our daughter, nor thy son, nor thy woman friend, nor rhv own art survival. . ■nan friend, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, npr any o f th'v Diane also teaches a private SELF ASD SYMBOL WORK­ cattle, nor thy stranger that u within thv gates; that thy SHOP which explores the ideaspresentedinthe above article. In woman friend and thy man friend may love as well as addition, she teaches RIGHT B R .il\ DR.AWISG advertized ( 1.1,.- In H\V, I khou. ■ in Open Exchange” newsletter. This is about learning to draw And rem em ber always that thou wast a servant in the outer reality, more accurately (as opposed to the Self and Symbol land of the Patriarchs, and that the WOMAN thy Self class'inner reality approach both are needed in doing artwork). brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a Based on Betty Edwards’ book. Call Diane at 524-0422fqr Wretched out arm: therefore, the WOMAN thy Self further information. , p commanded thee to keep the loving wav. , F e m ir * is t s ------KATYMJD f o r Animal Rights meetings newsletter outreach

PO Box 10017 £Ukiaiizin<; in gahmjwtsI No. Berkeley Station ■nrjbbtzz SIZED WOM(N 250 l>: Beikeley, CA 94709 (415) 482-2555


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LYNN V ANDREWS DON'T BE A Author o f Mcdidnc Woman Jaguar Woman CONTACT And the Wisdom rf The Butterfly Tree Tf A FOB TWO SHIRTS has thirty OLD available in the fall. and Exciting images Harper & Row. I $14,951


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FO* M b*E INFO.RMATIQN CONTACT MAkY CLASS Woman Owned Typsetting & COMEDY INSTRUCTION DUICTO* - Ca y w o m s n S AND ONE WOMAN SHOWS. •USiNtSS SICTiON Design Studio by... Com petitive rates on camera ready artwork for newsletters, magazines, brochures, flyers, Pat Bond MATRIARCHAL IMAGES newspapers, catalogues, etc QIRL ORTHOOONTIST ON POTTERY/'“T x Low cost printing available. Call for our price list. 635-6^37 B. Langley 10573 E . Hwy 20 • P O BoTM 273 C Irarlake Oaks. CA 95*23 1273 * 107) 99* 1769 Lnpk* Ofufmrr (415) 456-9918 14 Mama Bear* News A Notes/August-September Creativity and the Business of Warriors NAOMI FRIEDMAN Chronic and/or.accessing instincts and protect us from the corruption of Plumbing Contractor (continued from page 1) inrjer knowledge, etc., is the true power, should we happen to take power of the Women's Move­ some, and also, generate wisdom, A dream, you understand. New State comcnunity as well. The "commit­ ment. (We all know something's Pain W ell, I found, the previous is­ ment to the pursuit of truth” bit, happening, right?) Remodel License SHIRLEY KELLY (COPT?) is, essential for maintain­ - We certainly haven't gained sue of "News & Notes" exciting. Registered Physical Therapist The letter from the irrational Repair % #369184 ing trust and respect. Each has to any real political or economic •Pain Management Consultant deal with her own garbage while power in the rheantime that "they" fringe trying to start a religious (415) 937-4995 working and not dump on couldn't withdraw tomorrow if war, for God's sake. (No COPT for Individuals by appointment them, heaven forbid they should Call (415) 482-5183 others, (defensive armor is down), they chose to. But, we are pub­ not hold secrets, hidden agendas lishing books, pressing records, participate in a gathering and or other hostilities. And there has and,you've noticed, doggedly in­ mayb$ have to dilute theif rap to be’room to bjow it. filtrating the credits that follow TV with facts). Then the individual EL1SSA BROWN, J.D. In the early 70's media col­ shows, specially the few good and swell answering letters. Then S u c h f l ^D eal ones. We've got an edge for Paula's Haggle. The paper had a BUSINESS LAW lectives (like the others) insisted that politics was where it was at. video because we are not so-tied tingle to it. O f course, attacks are Junque, funk, PARTHERSHIPS. CONTRACTS,NON-PROFIT We processed our programmed to linear pregressions and we've really about.power and suppres­ FREE ElftNING WORKSHOP bigotries, both the arrogant and got some brand-new attitudes to sed anger, no matter what labels . furniture the oppressed among us, and offer to the hungty maw. are used. Suzanne 644-0311 Introduction to eventually proved to ourselves We've taught ourselves pro­ ’ There are a bunch of things that We buy, sell, trade antiques, Small Business Loui that such politics breeds cpunter: duction, technology, and the fall into the general category of collectibles fine furniture THIRD TUESOflV OF EUERV MONTH productive power games. Unfor- businesses. Funny how doing a making joy and beauty h£rd for JJJ 4 CIVMMt A»«.( O ltlu l 3915 Telegraph Ave., Oakland tuQately the "m ere" artists among business on someohe sucks each other. The attacking and the {near BART, MacArthur) 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. us were often vilified and in­ (doesn't it imply lying?), but d o ­ dumping, the using of secrets for Tues. - Sat. 12 - * pm r# // 654-3795 /# r»§ is fr validated into retirement in the ing business with someone is a power, the»petty trips that come process (a notable exception silly kind^o'f fun. An entity like before the pursuit of truth and being Cris Williamson, whose lack Mama Bears is in the "form " of a the giving of respec^, and the way of polities Olivia Records abhored business, because it's the only they mess with people's reality (how then could they control form such an entity can be (to systems, and'the judgments that h£r?) but whom they had to lay off score space, sell things, and make love conditional (Mommy of because she kept the com­ nourish us, etc.) and still enjoy won’t love you). The relevancy of pany afloat). The gift of creativity freedom-a prime requirement all these things to creativity is that didn't draw miich notice in those for creativity. they kill creativity, joy, beauty, days, nor did t^e burning and dis­ "News & Notes" began as a and freedom, and according to illusionment of artists. way to tell as many women as Dr. Paula Gunn Allen, where So, here we are in 1985> finally possible about Mama Bears, and beauty's involved its' the talking about creativity, and I've that we needed them tp survive; business of. warriors. got decades worth of thought on and to publicize the events and Hey, calling all warriors out the subjecjj| (S6me members of books. We also wrote nutty * there... ‘ -B a rb a r a S. Bull ■ my creative family met each other articles to tell the world's triost over 20 years ago in the Haight- important writers that here was a Ashbury. J was 28 and I'd been , writing space to wail in, as soon as looking

MCMNG BIORHYTHM CHARTS VALERIE WALTZ HAULING & CONSULTATIONS Tax Consultation by Red River Be PREPARATION. ' $ 1 0 . 0 0 8c Bookkeeping Services 'A t Last! FOR A YEAR CHART call A sizzling 40 minute juntas)' uritten, FOR APPOINTMENT CALL: /traduced. directed, filmed a nd acted by tmmeti KATHIE (415) 655-5499 <41S) 234-6069 Tigress Productions is a new company at 5 47 -1327 v ■ developed and dedicated in spirit to women loving, sharing, and experiencing one another. We are ecstatic Barbara Dolan Berryarove to present our first video release which steams with passion, Doe Training Center INCOME TAX PREPARATION exalts in beauty and displays a tenderness Complete Painlin^ Services Gall S. Green which we feel w ill Warm vnur liearts Owner/Instructor (J maJtt tax fiufxaxalion You ve seen it at the Sail Francisco and las Angeles j INTERIOR • EXTERIOP Train your pet lor safety and trust. Be a positive and fun and u nAr nfn ndr> ftf r Gay/lasbianFHm Festivals. [QMMERClflt-RfSOTif. effective team together: • Non-Violent . now bring it into your own home. JANE MEYER • Lesbian Owned Private and Group Classes (^(15) 530-5451 527-2647 - Berkeley S pecializing in E x t e n s i o n s a n d I B a c k T a x R ^ t u A n s UlUW fV.iMr send me _ . copi(s) uf E»rm: in «ntf. ‘m * MINI nis ai J # SO each. Sloppiun. I landing and iitdudetl. ■ raHjcrr ' mAsi: ikivi Wonder Woman Name__— Plumbing TISHA DOUTHWAITE HOLISTIC HEALTH PRACTITIONER Ginger Myra Williams / tvnft that I h im M mtrs tir aitlir Pointing and (415)632 7939 655-9900 Sicnalure^ Popmrhonglng (h tx k m te o j llie fiillauinji • Nutritional Consultations Repairs • Installations • Remodeling □ Beta □ U1S Stereo. P Hi-fi ( m U (1 50) • Deep Tissue Massage H a t * aHw Jitur In m uwks Jiir Mtren: 1387 63rd Avenue e Flower Essences MAIL TT> TKifJi UUSEIIMKH TlNt ■ W) HOX HW • IBBQI I* M S Oakland. CA 94621 ___ I Mama Bears News & Notes/August-September 15 J / j l / / i BEARS Cla§§ilriiecil§ BOOKSTORE ■ COFFEEHOUSE ■ GALLERY

______CLASSES/WORKSHOPS CLASSES Continued GROUPS CONT. BODYWORK CURRENT AD RATES WHAT ABOUT MY NEEDS BALLET LESSONS PARENTS & FRIENDS OF LES­ RELIEF FOR SORE BODIES! AND CIRCULATION A workshop of lesbian partners of ' Are you a closeted ballerina? Indulge BIANS AND GAYS. Free, safe (confi­ Stretch and dance to butld muscle women healing from incest and sex­ your fantasies/dare to be different. In­ dential), caring support groups. Noh- strength and improve body image. INFORMATION ual assault. Saturday, Sept. 28, 10-5. crease yourstrength-stretch-coordina- denominational. Meets 2nd Tuesday Develop comfort and ease in move­ Sliding scale $65-35. Call to reserve tion the way Olympic-athletes do, with of each month at Pacific Center, 2712 ment. Morning or lunchtime classes. j Classified Ad Rates: space. Meryl Lieberman 848-0720 or Adult Beginning Ballet Classes. Telegraph, Berkeley, Call: Betty, 547- Call Jodi at 536-2080. !______1 PC p e r w o r d .' Miriam Smolover 655-6394. Women-only classes morning & even­ 4657; Ann, 486-0534. ACUPRESSURE ENERGY Display Ad Rates: Applied Meditation for Intuitive ing. Also, classes for children from 3 BALANCING Problem Solving - an Introductory years. Free trial class for Mama Bears COUNSELING Experience acupressure and feel the 8.00 per column inch customers. School of Classical Ballet, Workshop with Margo Adair LESBIANS IN CRISIS waves of ohahge dissolving your mus­ 1 10% additional for paid! 1805 Grove St.. Berkeley 848-2590. Learn to tap the resources of your Experienced, older, therapist. Indivi­ cular tensions and emotional blocks placement. ; inner consciousness for intuitive prob­ BALLROOM DANCING dual or group. Sliding scale. Berkeley, as yo.u float in a peaceful relaxation. lem solving; align your energies with Ballroom dance for individuals and •*- near Mama Bears. Bonnie Crosse. My work is helpful both as preventa­ Circulation: your vision. Sliding Scale. For info, call small groups. Want to learn to lead? MFCCl, Ed. D. 534-8834, anytime. tive wellness maintenance.and in re­ 861 -6838- 2 Wed. eves. 7:00 p.m. Follow? Just dance with another per­ lieving chronic discomfort or stress- Mama Bears is growing. I BEYOND POWERLE8SNESS AND son and not freeze up? Fear dancing related problems. Classes and indivi­ UNLEARNING INTERNALIZED HOPELESSNESS We are currently mailing to; \ no more! Call Laurie Ann at 530-4019. dual sessions. AJi Hammer. OPPESSION: A 16 week class for Individual and couple sessions. Sharon over 2600 women. I 654-8765. lesbians. $8-$ 15 s/s. Sharon Kaiser TIRED OF PLAYING BEAT THE Kaiser, MSW 547-4961. s/s WC.A ! printing 6000 copies. MSW, 547-4961, WCA. Leader of lea-. CLOCK? Learn to slow down and Still Sharon Kaiser______t______TIM E OUT. Take it for yourself-mas- bian groups since 1975-______be productive. Classes in stresfc re­ COUNSELING/PSYCHOTHERAPY sage personalized just for you. A dyna­ ! Deadline for our next < duction, imagery/visualization and at­ WAY OF THE AMAZON WARRIOR I welcome Clients dealing with depres­ mic blend of Esalen, Swedish, Shiatsu, issue is SEPT. 15 1985.; A dyke/woman-identified martial art. titude awareness. C.E. credit available sion, self-esteem, sexuality, chemical energy work, breath work and visuali­ for nurses. For schedule and informa­ We reserve the right to! Karate/Self-defense for women of all recovery, co-dependency, ACA, work­ sation. Sliding scale. Kam McCullum. tion please call Elena Cancro. R.N. abilities. Leigh HesseMst. Dan Black ing class issues. Individuals, couples, ______233-0337. 1 edit or reject any ad. Belt with 10 years experience. For M.A. Psy-.______569-6273. families. Sliding scale. Cathel Kirch- PHYSICAL THERAPY- more information call Leigh at 654- HEALING OURSELVES THROUGH gassrier, MFCCl 5876 to P. Morfin, PAIN MANAGEMENT 159.1.______• PLAY AND LAUGHTER LCSW. 841-6500.______Shirley Kelly, registered physical thera­ VOLUNTEERS______BEADING WORKSHOP Workshops- For tnose coping F e m in is t t h e r a p y : tW u g h a pist. Pain Management Specialist & NAMASTE SEPT. 7th 10 a.m - 6 p.m. $ 4 0 .1 supply with grief, bereavement,„and depres­ down-to-earth approach in a suppor­ Consultant. Individuals by appoint­ Volunteer counselors needed to give all materials and handouts. Class sion. Humor, play and laughter are our tive atmosphere. I work with indivi- ment. (415)937-4995. emotional support to people with life limited, for info and reservation ca'll Natural Healers. Through the playful ' duals and couples in crisis and for threatening illness or grieving. 236-6660. Merrill.______. experience we heal ourselves, bring­ long-term counseling. Sliding scale. SERVICES Call______547-7702. Psychic classes for women: begin­ ing balance, happiness, and joy back into our lives. For info, call Michaela Barbara Kaimowitz, MFCC Tax ^Preparation and Consultation: DRIVERS WANTED ning and intermediate ievel, starting ______■'______525-6118 Vargas. MA, 531:6257. Fee: $35.00 Experienced tax preparer specializing PRISON MATCH NEEDS YOUR HELP! week of Sept. 16th. We will explore in working with women & self-employed To transport children of inmates to grounding, meditation, chakra work, WA-Also on-going groups now forYh- MARION SORENSEN. M.A. Older people. Enrolled to practice before the visit parents at Federal Correctional affirmation, healing, reading, divina­ ing.______‘______supportive, feminist counselor. Self­ acceptance onentation. Individuals IRS. Jan Zobel, EA 821-1015 (SF). Institution. Pleasanton. California. For tion, ritual creation, and more. Psychic Learn word processing or spread­ information, call Janine, 763-0518; skills and the ability to create our lives "and couples. Sliding scafe. Berkeley. sheet application - private computer ______525-7154 MAINTENANCE Marcy, 452-4953; Wilbert, 846-6908. are the heritage of each of us from training. Upgrade your clerical skills to birth . With training and practice we will earn better jaay 4 job advancement. c o u n s e l i ^ ^ h e r a p y - ^ YOU WANT IT DONE WELL • H IRE EMPLOYMENT reclaim our heritage, opening new IBM-PC with many software programs M E D I/V lO N AN AMAZON. Waxing Moon Clean­ perception of our own powers and to choose from. Lease &/or Lessons. Is your self-esteemTrt its low point? ing offers non-toxic office janitorial, EMPLOY-EASE ( aligning our inner and outer worlds. Evenings, ,465-0480. Sliding scale Are you in the midst of transitions? vacant apartment clean-ups and hard­ Employment services offering access STi3ing scale. Call Kathie Bailey 547- available. Also open to barter or trade. (work-lifestyle-relationships). Suffer-1 core house-cleaning. Light hauling. to jobs and providing free assistance 1327. ______■ Call for rates and refs. Zahn , Singing class for women with. Lynne ing from loss or unresolved conflicts? to employers. A service of the DAVID ______654-8765 UNLEARNING ANTI-SEMITISM: Uretsky, combining group & individual Do you find communicating your feel­ INFORMATION NETWORK (415) 861 - ings a disaster:? Do you need to de­ 6329, 4033 18th St. S.F.______A 16 week class for non-Jews $8-15 work to free the voice that is yours PLUMBING______per.class, s/s. Sharon Kaiser MSW. alone (and have fun at the same time!). velop a positive sexual identity? Coun­ 547-4961. I am a non-Jew with 1-2 Emphasis is on relaxation, body aware­ seling, therapy, mediation. Singles/ Naomi Friedman, Plumbing Contrac­ HOUSING years exp. in Co-counselingand 3 yrs. ness, & self-acceptance as we hone a couples/groyps. Short or long term. tor. State Contractors Lie. #369184. SPACE AVAILABLE exp. leading unlearning anti-Semitism wide range of musical skills, inoluding: Sliding scale. Joann, MA, MFCC New, remodel, repair, and solar instal­ wkshps for non-Jews. Call for info on listening, tuning, rhythm, improvisar 893-9400. lations. Telephone <3415) 482-5183. OFFICE SPACE introductory class. Sharon Kaiser - tion. clear emotional expression, and1 Furnished SF office space for rent part 547-4961. ______• METAPHYSICS Wonder Woman Plumbing installa­ time. 23rd and Valencia. Call Jar*821- performance. Sliding scale. Private tions, leaks, now construction, and re- “Basic Recordkeeping and tax In­ 1015.______lessons, too. Call 465-9306. ASTROLOGY: Need perspective? A modeling. Call Myra at 632-7939. formation for Self-Employed Peo­ reading can helpClarify the issues and TW O’S COMPANY ple.” 4 hour seminar. SF. $40. Indivi­ GROUPS your options. Sliding scale fees^iased PAtNTING ~ Roommate referrals, rentals, and relo­ dual consultations available too. Jan WANTED: Womfn who would like to on your income. Initial session (1 % hr.) cation services offering free listings to Interior/exterior. Meticulous prepara- Zobel, E A .821-101 S..______study/read/discuss any or all of Mary $50-75; update (1 hr.) $40-65. Elaine landlords and people with rooms to tion 'by skilled professionals, guaran­ rent.Aserviceofthe DAVID INFORMA­ VOICE LESSONS Daly's books. They are: Beyond God Blake. 536-4399. Oakland. PS: Gain tees a quality job in your home or VOICE CLASSES for Singers and the Father, Gyn/Ecology, and Pure insight into your friends and family- TION NETWORK (415) 861-6329. office. Extensive references. Free 4033 18th St., S.F. ______speakers with MARIA JUTASI.COLE- Lust. We could use the a come to the Sign-of-the;Month talks at estimate m East Bay. Call Barbara ■MAN. M.A., director of the Gertrude spring board for our own creative Mama Bears! Coming up: Leo (Augi 4) ______763-1264 FOR SALE______Stein Opera Company. I am creating Spinning and find ways to put our and Virgo (August 27), 7:00 p.m. $3-$5. my techniques from European, clas­ Feminist Energy/Gynergy into focus WALLPAPER______CHRISTA sical, Reichian body awareness, im- in our' lives. When we have 4hree or Psychic Readings Edwina Sandys' controversial sculp­ provisational and shamanic spiritual more women we'll set up the time and Also healing energy, problem-solving, Removahand installation. Careful pre­ ture of a female Christ. Posters avail­ elements. My approach opens emo­ place for our circle. No fees, just bring clearing and blessing, guided m edita­ paration including all types of wall and able: $15.00 post paid.- Center for tional and body blocks thaUstand in your energy. My name is Connie tion, and skill sharing. Experienced. ceijing patching. Quality assured. Ex­ Woman & Religion, 2465 LeConte, the way. of a free voice and feelingful Rogers, phone: 841-9697. Sliding scale $20-$40, 1 Vt hrs. Kathie cellent references. Free estimates. Berkeley. CA 9 4709.______singing. I use Reichianprinciplescom- Call Ginger. 525-7467 Lesbian Witches interested in doing Bailey. 547-1327. VACATION RENTALS -bined with European vocal techniques f uII moon, equinox, solstice rituals, and integrated in a unique system. For PSYCHIC/THERAPY GARDENING ~ womyn’s mysteries contact Artemis PAST LIFE readings. TRANCE for pain April Cottage: Charming,secluded,in people**hose throat and chast remain a misty redwood forest, near Mendo,1 and Moonwise at 684-1591. • ^ control. Sliding Scale $25-$45. Merrill- Horticultural Consultation: Irrigation, tight and cannot yell out without pain planting, pruning, maintenance work, cino. $25 tor two includes continental and constriction'for singers, actors PERSONAL/POLITICAL SUPPORT 236-6660. GROUPS WITH MARGO ADAIR. with owner or alone. Free estimates. breakfast. Pepper! and (707) 937-0020. and speakers; for those with weak, Marianne's Enterprises. 652-2593. Box 464, Albion, CA 95410. hoarse, nasal voices, chronic sore Look at political side of personal HEALTH/HEALING problems and the personal side of throats ftr asthma For individual or HOLISTIC CARE OF PMS. Acupres- M OVING & HAULING ~ MISCELLANEOUS group work call . 841-8259. political problems, share insights and support. Sliding Scale. Call 861-6838- sure, herbs, visualization to help you Specializing in .small moves (studio TOURISTS A NEW RESIDENTS ‘ DOG TRAINING train your pel for Tues 7:00 pm. East Bay (rides home to feel good all month. Practitioner/ and 1-2 bedroom apartments) and New in town? Visiting? Get your com ­ safety and trust. Work with your dog in­ instructor with five years’ experience clean hauling. Call Kathie at plimentary Visitor Information Packet stead gf against - understand behavior m ___ .. ______in women’s alternative healthcare. We ar 4 feminist women, meeting 547-1327 (V.I.P.) with area guides, coupons, and and reactions Be a positive and effec­ North Oakland. 658-1831. gifts at the DAVID INFORMATION tive team together. Non-Violent. Les­ weekly to explore personal and ipoliti- THE ESSENCE OFCHANGE -BACH CUSTOM SEWING NETWORK 4033 18th St., S.F. (415) bian owned. Private or group classes, cal-issues in our lives using meta­ physical techniques (guided medita­ AND FES FLOWER ESSENCE CO N­ CUSTOM SEWING For quality con­ 861:6329. ______competttiye rates, barter also an op­ SULTATIONS. Listening carefully, tion Berrygrove Dog Training Center tion, affirmations. Tarot) as problem struction of clothing, cushions & other Anyone interested in working on a asking questions, using my intuition, I Mama Bears resident writers antholo­ 527-2647 Berkeley. ______solvers, we are lookmg for new mem­ projects. Call Silke 653-9094. bers If interested call Kayla at 655- help you choose the right essence gy as a donated fundraiser contact TAI CHI CHIH 8259'or. Kate at 653-0885 combination for needed changes in SPECIAL EVENTS Sharon at 465-0480 evenings. Gentle .self-nurturing movements to­ your life. Essences are catalysts to ward greater weH being. Special at­ BOOKS WANTED gently break destructive patterns, re­ SELF-EMPLOYED TRADESWOMEN: tention to grounding and centering. SouthEast Bay Woman's Group. lease burled emotions, and establish a I want to buy copy /copies of ‘T he Not support, information, networking. Pot- So Helpless Female” by Tish Som­ Groups and. private work. Joanne, , Mept exciting-women, have fun at new life-affirming balance. One hour luck & meeting on second Tuesday of 849-1988 various activities.- discuss c u rre n t1 mers. Call Faith, 483-0721. consultation. Sliding scale. Lorraine the month. Call Penny 540-7276days. topic of interest at weekly "rap ses­ Virgin Pool Players who have always Segal. 658-9859 Woman writer (grant proposals. PR, sions" (Thursday 7:30 pm> share the features) will EXCHANGE SERVICES fantasized leaning over that table, wonderful experience of being woman WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL for professional massage in your Elm­ sheering down those balls and sinking oriented. Hayward area.*for informa­ Every Monday, 6:30 pm, Hayward For wood home or other services (typing, that hard shot contact Ms Styx, 465- tion call Julie 895-2194 or Carol 581- Directions call Carol 581-0132 or other?). Women only. P.O. Box 5153, 0480revenmgs for Sunday afternoon 0132. lessons Julie 895-2194______•___- Berkeley, 94705______■ _ 16 Mama Bears News & Notes/August-September NOTES & NEWS who's on KPFA regularly. book promises to be an exciting (continued from page f) Jennifer te an actress, a writer, evening. The "coming out" of and a thinker. Especially a thinker, another group adds to our power. has not been thus invoked since in the grand Irish tradition. Joyletta Alice's reading from M M &EMS those Inanna lines were first Jennifer has a whole grab bag her collection of poetry in pro­ written thousands of years ago. of writings (Jennifer doesn't just gress — Sudden Reunion (Sept­ mail order Vickie Noble talked about Inanna think, she thinks up) and in mak­ ember 29) is also, a "welcome . YES! I WANT TO SUPPORT MAMA BEAR BY at her Mama Bears talk...and ing arrangements with her for her back, Joy"...after 6-ish months in BECOMING A ‘CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTSPONSOR’- JoAnna Griffin tells us that her Saturday Morning Round Table Nebraska. It was supposed to be ENCLOSED IS AN ADDITIONAL $20.00. collected poems included a long .-(see Ongoings, page 7) sailed forever, but she couldn't stay I AM DEDUCTING MY FIRST 10% DISCOUNT WITH THIS ORDER. Inanna poem she wrote some of them our way. An updated away. (By the way, welcome to years ago — . 10 Commandments (see page12 California Jertny and Chris... Joy Your can order any book mentioned in this issue - or any book Congratulations to judy and ' Barbara S. Bull, in her column, brought her family back with her.) that strikes your fancy. If you need more information, call 428-9684. Another Mother Tongue (due out on creativity in this issue begins Joyletta Alice is a renaissance' TITLE BOOK RECORD PRICE SHIP TOTAL in paperback this fall) again get­ an unraveling of where we went woman ready to rise, with ease, TAPE EACH PRICE ting highly deserved recognition. and what we learned during the grace and intelligence to the task It won the “ Gay Bopk of the Year" past 16-ish years of the move­ at hand; whether it be as ad­ award given by the American ment of wom en. Many of us, now^. ministrator, poet, kitchen worker, Library Association, as selected that enough time has passed that singer, MC. She too, is mulling • by its Gay Task Force patterns can be identified, are over Women's Movement ex­ And, she made Newsweek doing the same. Many women periences of the past decade. Her Magazine (July 15 issue) in the are beginning to com part notes, poetry reading are likely to in­ i review of The Norton Anthology as it were. clude a few songs, and ready wit of Literature by Women, eds. Simultaneously, our spirituality, (and you ftiight see her jo in jn Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan creativity, and culture flourish. Mama Bears Third Friday Fun SUB TOTAL _ Gubar (Norton, $28.95) 2,457 Our seeds are flowering and our Nites, with Karen Ripley and her MAIL ORDER FORM AND CHECK FOR Improv class. TOTAL AMOUNT TO: CIS Discount. pages worth! They singled her flowers are cross-pollinating. As a MAMA BEARS MAIL ORDER out, along with Maxine Hong community bonded by our jour­ Joyletta is the author of a book 6536 TELEGRAPH AVENUE CALIF. RES. of poems "Secrets". She js also OAKLAND, CALIF. 94609 ADD 6.5%) Kingston, Alice Walker, and neys, we are emerging from the TAX Audre Lordeas being "significant long night of alcohol abuse and the producer of the Mama Bears new voices" — Congratulations its ramifications, and £)y acknow­ Auturpn Equinox Ritual and SHIP MAIL ORDER TO: All!! Apparently this Norton book- ledging the. past, present and Benefit.:. TOTAL is a biggie, because it will be the future griefs in our lives, reclaim­ . In closing we'd like to let you textbook in colleges all over the ing our fives. know that Mama Bears is going to Name:__ country for years and years'. Yosemite! W e'll be at the West Max Dashu has spent the past Address:. Speaking-of women in the decade researching women's his­ Coast Women's Music & Comedy limelight, our thanks to Irene tory and giving impressive slide Festival in a booth at'Yosemite City, State, Zip . Young—who photographs them shows that empower all of us Labor Day Weekend, selling books and hanging out...drop by —for her gracious acceptance of w-ho've seen them: our hidden ^Please add sne to the News & Notes mailing list. ouri apologies for leaving off the history, n ot the one of domestic and say Hello phj^to crSSfits in oUr last issue, enslavement. Max's focus is-on EQUINOX BEN ART SEEN AROUND lo o k for her show in Mama Bears the "entire races and cultures... (continuedje a frcfrom page 1) \iaWery in the near future! eliminated from standard history Karen Ripley, Annie Larson, and( (continued from page 1) We are approaching the Au­ (exactly what the Norton Antho­ Teresa Chandler - will perform as new acrylic paintings and oil tumn Equinox, September 21, logy does, and Judy Grahn, in well as Fin & Flame, Anne pastels, based on scrupulously re- and. on that day we hold a ritual Another M other Tongue and The McDonald, Jfenny Thornton and seached studies of wild and semi­ and benefit for Mama Bears (see Highest Apple). Our history be­ possibly others. Joyletta Alice is: wild animals. Maude's goal is to story, page 1). According to what comes us. And we become it. the producer. express the depth of spirit and I gathered from Elaine Blake, Max w ill show her "Shaman When we realized we had intrinsic value o f each form of life, astrologer, the Autumn Equinox W om an" slide show at Mama scheduled this benefit on Au- - including penguins, tigers and is a time of harvest and a time of Bears Sept. *11. (See. Calendar.) tumn Equinox, I thought: "Wow! pandas. The fact that most qf preparing for w inter scarcity (or if the p.aih controlled me i might tear through my flesh We'll do a Equinox Benefit!" Mak­ these creatures are also endan­ Winter's Edge, which is the title of and pull open the back bones ing this connection-woman's gered species only underlines Valerie Miner's novel about 2 spine by spine spirituality rituals as part of the this concern. Maude's colors and older women.) According to lines are so joyous and exuberant if time controlled me benefit popped open doors in Elaine, it is .mostly craftswomen i might never sleep my head, and two energy streams that one can almost sense auras and artists who celebrate it. there's so.much left undone met with a "thwump! sizzle!" and around the subjects she depicts. ■ Thank you to our advertisers The show will be on display but t have learned the power of each breath I thought:. "Maybe the energy • . whose support makes it possible in and out created at this Benefit by the from Sept. 1 There for News & Notes to grow an excerpt from The Wolf, by women who cherish Mama Bears will be a.buffet-reception for Ms. reach thousands of women (we Susan Hansell, printed in With was one of the things that kept us Church on Aug. 4, 4-7 p.m. At are currently mailing to close to The Power Q f Each Breath, A going 2 years ago!" (the future 7:30 there will be a woman-only 3,000) . By the way, we u ie News Disabled Women's Anthology, affecting the past). And for me, slide show by Maude, a retro­ & Notes for our referrals. (Pacific eds , Susan E'. Browne,.Debra that became a reality. spective of the past 10 years of Center is even directing women Connors, arid Nanci Stern pub­ This event is for all of us who her art! (See Calendar). to us fo j referrals.) Mama Bears is lished by Cleis Press $9.95. were there then, 2 years ago, to a Women's Center: the kind one For those of us who live in pain, celebrate how far We've come... gets through private enterprise. A and.must take our bodies into and for all of us who have joined Women's-Culture Center actual­ consideration mpre than others, in cherishing Mama Bears since ly. Carolyn Whitehorn o f Feminist then, to unite in having helped REVIEWS who must spend our time vainly Forge, whose beautiful jewelry is trying to concentrate on the tasfc give birth to Mama Bears 2 years (continued from paget3) denying any connection be­ on sale at Mama Bears, reminds or joy at hand while our atten­ ago by being here tonight. memory,* the collective uncon- tween her art and her female us that it is the arts and the crafts tion is gripped by inner-body or Come and donate your joy and OVERLAY is a visual experience, experience, yet she evokes what that ate preserved for future cul­ outer-world complications of dis­ love, and enthusiasm, ypur wits with pictures on every page of the the earliest people saw-the spirit tures to recognize who we were ability, life can be mastered only and visions. Donate used w o­ art of ancients around the world, of the object. (Carolyn's been blacksmithing in by she who' develops such men's books for us to recycle. or the wo'rk of here and now artists, Lucy Lippard was an accom­ bronze and will have a show of characteristics as the patience And if you can, bring money. in cyclical time, "getting in touch." plished art critic before she be­ bronze goddess figures at Mama of a saint, a wise woman, a zen Bring loans! Each dollar you con­ scious and synchronism-a "tw irl­ came a feminist and no one has Bears soon). A very serious wo­ warrior. Most of us will know what tribute benefits all of us far and ing together", an ahistorical re­ fought harder for an activist art- man Some oTthe other jewelers i^means to be ^nd feel disabled above its face value...and make it conciliation of physical and "Art can recapture its ancient and craftswomen whose ware is sooner or later. We invite you to possible for us to do all the other psychic time. vitality in social life; that art might available at Mama Bears are Jane join with us in celebrating our ^ things we do besides simply Many women artists are repre­ change perception and thereby Sipe, Marguerite (Amazon Earth­ victories over circumstances. "running a business." sented in OVERLAY, from Anna the world." works & Zahn Hamn Only each disabled woman and Almost every night Carol drifts Sofaer, the rediscoverer and Lucy Lippard is the prolific Another very serious woman, for her lover knows what is endured off to sleep trying to figure-out movie maker of Sun Dagger, the author of 13 books, the Wrtest- all her blarney, is Jennifer Stone, day by day. how to lay Mexican tiles on our sun and moon dtal of Fajada GET THE MESSAGE? A Decade of whose articles and reviews ap­ The book party at Mama Bears very uneven floors and we haven't Butte, Chaco Canyon, New Art for Social Change, 1984. ■ pear in local newspapers, and to celebrate publication of this even got the tiles yet. M exico-to Georgia O'Keeffe, still