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Afnfiiir Vnlley 's H ome Newspaper

vol. 66 N O . 1 U .J W IN FALCS, IDAHO, SUNDAY, AUGUST 22, 1971 TWENTY.FIVE CENTS Gr&ps threntene^

' nyLKKTIlEMAlNIC usually bring cars in via AijsociaUon, Inc., said Frldoy creaslngly severe throughout T im e i-N c w i W rite r Beaverton, Ore., are sending that the ^rta g e of boxcars for the nation. ------TWIN*FALTS~="nifi'T50m~ Tncoihlnif^lpa lo^on^uver“ 8hlpnjenl oPgfiilinrTO t’CW^" 'WeTnay have fo lfiu t off our blnotloQ of Uio oighUwook-old British Columbia, where tlie Increasingly heavy storage of grain growers when tlie beans longshorom&n’s striko, whic^ curs are unloaded, then brought grain as Jt Is harvested. start coming )n if Uie strike Isn't has dosed all West Coast ports, to y»e United States‘by roll. scttlcd-and-wo can’t-fina.tlm Takes 6 lives a n d ft c r it ic a l sh o rtn K c of ' • . - -Shlpmentrtove lb be routed boxcars," Jarvis said. *'WeVo rollroud boxcurs, poses n throut . "We really had a time durlntt via tho Great Lakes or Florida' pretty well plugged Uj^now with SAN QUENTIN,' Cnllt. '(UPI) "Throo gunriU .nro (loud. serving burglary ' sentences of disaster to muny Mn({lc Uio rail strike, I can tell you," a ports. Jarvis said. Frequently, grain storage, and won't have — 'Hiree Sun QuenUn Prison Three guards are wounded.* from Los Angulos. Volley ((rnln nnd beuti groNyers, spokesman for tho Twin Falls however, boxfars arc not any ploco to put Uie beans." guards and three inmates,'in- Three Inmates are dead."| 'I'lie "Soledad BroUiors" tri'ul according to wnrehousomcn. Volkswagen dealership, Youreo nvailablo In t)ie Magic'Valley eluding "Solodad' Brother” Other prison • officials Iden* was bransferred fi'om M on^roy w m i n il W est Const ports alm t M o to r Co., to ld Uio Tim es-N ow s. for u variety of reasons. Often, Some grain Is being shipped George Jackson, were killed tifled Jackson as one of the slain County—locution of- Soledud down, nnd no ho{>o In sight of a, The dotour costs Uie customer tho cars are backed up In to Ogden, Utah, for storage, as Saturday in a bloody escape Inm ates. State P rison—to Snn Francisco settlomerrt, dealers in im ' about (50 extra in oddltional Cnlifomlu, remaining empty local faclliUes are filled to ottem'pt In this maximum Jackson’s younger brother on 0 change of vonuo motion. porting and exporllnK hove to freight, tlio spokeuman said Uiere after being used for capacityr Jarvis said, security penitenUary. JonaUian, 17, was k ille d In tho Tho defendants had been locked resort to detours via DrlUah . A m ore sorious p ic tu re Is shipment of all ,manner of "Wejustmay wind up w IUj an Three other guards were August 1070 shootout 'at th« up in San QucnUn—ub^mt 20 Columbia or Uic Great Uikos presented by grain dealers goods. Itallroads have boon odd kind of succotasli, betwoen taken to a hospital with knifo Marin County Civic Center near miles north of San frVancisco— and in at least one Instance to Ronald 0. Jflrvls, traffic and battling the problem of rctur< tho grain and Uie beans," Jarvis wounds, and anbUier convict Uio prison. Ho' sm uggled guns as a special security precoution Florida ports. operaUon.q manager for Bean nlng empty boxcars for several com m ented. € r o w n « > « d was reported wounded. Into a courtroom In an attempt during the pretrial proceedings. Vnlkswa((on (iealuru, who Growers Warohouso years, but It is growing In- (CoDtlnucdonIM7) QUKlilN of the Cassia County Jackson, 20, was one of the to free three convicts who were Hodeo for 1972 Is Mary Ellen throo Solodad State Prison on trial. Three oUiers, Including Van Knmen, Bridge. She was inmotes accused of kUllng a a Judge, died In Uie gunbatUe. crowned at the final session. of Buard _ last year In o case which Miss Davls, a former UCLA Uie rodeo Saturday night Miss allegedly led to Uio Aug. 7,1070, philosophy Instructor, was, Deficit VnnKomen, sponsoj'cd by tho M ann County shootout for charged with being Involved Iri Maltn Lions Club, qualillcd for which Angela Davis Is charged Uie plot. ------C a H f o n . la - H l8 h w . y - P . lr o l- FiIcrneximoi.t(,.Shc»ucccc,l. M son oftlclola s.ild Juckson Jill Allred, >who Is also the andoUier convicts escape^rom ahorlff’fl da^^Ucj i uil" d ’ -rcjRnlnu'MlfirnmicoTdalio: I. apcdol sMurlly^I-Eloc^(„ iS b lS r^

^ 11^ ,T‘‘° j «°t u° 0" the too arterl..' —eutst^^htrwa a. neo ’^®°~]ouding to the^rock-walled.

:g im stndSi^IMTnlb'UiyprisotniciTlo WASHINGTON (UPI) -T lw Youths San KranclKO Bay aboard a federal budget deficit for Ui Ih fiscal year w ill be substanQally ___ lflrgct_Um n_Uie-|U.ft-bUllon- protect- i i a l d J l i o offleial forecast altliough not as control la rg e as la s t y e a r's $23.2 b illio n manager Irving newHmun; deficit, a top White H ou-ho freeze ^ Jackson and tho other two official said Sutuday, ______L_ "Soledad Brothers" were ThoJolnt Congressional Com- chargirf with slaying ff guard ot WASHINGTON (UPD-Alwut mlttoo on Rcductlon.^f Fedond SUNNV—. Soledad Stiite'Prlson In January 900 '^lognn-clum U ng youths, Expenditures estfmatcxl onrile'r 1070—a few days after another iiusUyw-blaoMMAnrchod-lu fhlx mnnth.Umt Uic hudtfut ~r^Ktid Ihrpii ^ _ im[nnnnitougirj-pwireigm nnniirougir d e fic it w ould exceed $20 b illio n Fnmates during a fight In a hood Saturday to protcjit again Uils year. reoreatlon area. iTosident Nixon’s wago-prlce Tlie official, who asked not to The oUiers are John W. freeze.. be Identified, said Uie budget Dotttih, P. 26 Cluchette, 28, and Fleeta H ie marchers, representing a J a ^ k s a n Impact -of President Nixon’s D rum go, 28. A ll th re e had been ddzcn U.S. dtles, strode peace- now economic policy was n ..... ------I'W tfhouttncldonrfi'difl"' virtual BtamlSf m tliC current t, ni i n fiseai-yearhut^hirderR ttTfflr-^^w ««’‘(»‘«^^»"ruW ic-iJbr Brown above orls'lnal j'atlmatgs fy somo of Iho Kroa because of oUior factors.^ ^ burned out during thfl 1068 riots to /^ « b Corps center dcop«r Venue. t^xon’s request to CongroM U nion sets foi'ropeol of tiio 7 per cent auto In tiro poverty area. — Q iauU ng—s lo g o n a -J tu d i—aa. ox' cIkoT ux undTor'a noW^01»r“ "Freeio Nlxnn, not wflges" the cent . tax credit to help - c h a n g e —e»r;w>fftUons in v eat in ' ntnchi mnrrlirrRriiixjt:{Lnj>gsflnnqtirn{ Uie sponsunng organization,. ry and equipment: w lir cut Students for a r^mocruUc granted C O 11 f t (fiDS) ami- signs AHMED WORKER at r.Uy In UPK,-fcU»ta, rmlini rlHe to nscory’wye a r ^'ircm I ii& w W Socli’ly protiisllnii "rirci.it culbncks, f a i , i , s - Fifth WASHINGTON (UPI)-AFL- Tuesday. ' emphflstze demand that government arm <:|vlUang to fight right- change. ^ — ------rebels attempting to overthrow leftist mUltary reglnie of OffsetUng that, the oddUlonal layoffs nnd KpeiiduiM." Judicial District Judio JamoS CIO President George Meany Senate Democratic Leader Forty SDS jnumljwa were M, Cunnlnsham Friday signed summoned union lawyers from Mike Mansfield .meanwhile - Juan Jose Torres. More BoU\^a anny lults Joined Vebeli 10 per cent import tax that the Saturday, streugtheoiag lorcet eontroUlj^ three fouribi of the President imposed w ill produce nrroflted Fridny durlnfi „„ tranfcrrlng the case of across the country Saturday to Called for a “Wklay freeie oi) . r u l e r protest ut tho whitii House. . Mrs Anna May Jones Twin pisn wholesale court challenges rhetoric." He Invited the nation. There was no lighting In LaPaz. the capital, although about $2.1 b illio n In revenue, 33 . After rcnchlng their dcstlnn- („ of Presldertl Nixon’s wi^eiirlce admlnUtratlon-to form a joint ...... some scattered shots and explosions were heard. C lvlllani and Nixon also ordered budget cuts itudenti respoaded to oalltehelp Torres’ forces. (UPI) totaling M.7 billion. About $2 tion, tllc marchers liold n brief Jistrlct lud|(o, diaries Scoggln, freeze.The Democrats charged committee with Congress ia rally nnd dlshnndcd, many of Gooji|„g ' .that Nliion's economic policies work out Inequities In tho billion in Uie budget reductions -were paper cuts by oUmiiuitlni! _ Uran ImdlnK for S t Slcphen Mrs. Jones In chnrKed 'vllh__l'd°»<'ly favored corporate In- free ie- he died .Jeacher pay rUie ; proposed appropriation for »na UieTijcarnullon a,uvch for „,„b„„|em ent In connectlQn tereils."^ ^ , - r ^ lie T - d n e J lfie it - ^ • J1.50 chicken dinner and a w|Ui ilio loss of HB.OOO from tho Gov. Preston Smith of Texas, plans lor orderly anll-tnflaUona^ progroms Congreas woa unlike­ p a rty . ly to pass anytime soon Magic Valley Memorial under threat ' of a jusUce ry moves once the freeze ends Looters assailed anyw ay. _ Hospital where she was em- depat-tment suit for awarding on Nov. 12. ^ ' §• pl6yed prior to lust D6ccmber pay raises to 1^2,000 laachers In Europe, financial waly»ta us a bookkeeper. and oUier slate employes hi predicted confusion when all WASIHNGTON (UPI) •— A doficlcncles In Uie state, couhty O R IG IN $ Uiat Uie California legislature Attorneys for Mrs. Jonos violation, of the freeie, flew to foreign exchange markets ex* Ralph Nader task force cluirged * nnd local governments nnd conduct on Investigation of the -C'arly Ainnrlcftn' IndlAni. requested Uie change of venue Washington to present his.case cepl Uiose hi Switzerland open -^ n a massive report Saturday corporate InsUtuUons which task force. Nixon’s beloro o*ih«rlno Around a firo to iBik paACo, huriod saying Utey believe Uie woman on nationwide television. on Monday foe Uie first time that big corporate land Intkr- absorb InJusUcc and further "I Uilnk the public; Is enUtled IhQir h A lclteti. (CAlpIng could not receive a fair trial hiWhile the purpose of his trip since Nixon ended the dollar's cflts ylU i Influence, from thc__frniifl to-knowy-ln-Uiq-xastt-of-tlio. ■ ‘ ■ Interview converUblllty hito gold and let state caplUil to Washington arc . Tlio lask force cited spoclflc Nader report, where that Tuttn^ sp irit" timl th ty put all iblidty has been given the Sunday on CBS' "Face Uw -Its valOT"fioat" In lelatluii .— looting Cnllfornln’s U'casury corporaUonfl, parUcularly In fo rm n U o ti ______fr o m J i Jhalr_w8apon»_Jn!o_HiB_ ground. The oKpreiiion t ^ ^ ------N a tio n " pro g ra m rflm lth 's a ld e s ^ o th e r-w e rld -tU fre n e le e A -^ ------Tn*fi«ftrnatlW flynard was obtained and Uie quollflca- "bury lha halchst" iMH / Juilge Cunningham granted said he might attempt to meet Lacking agreement by the “ Tlio practices and policies individuals. Including Gov. Ro- tlons and bnckground.H of tlio f h n ' f t K , 'iltiniflat the burial of dif- | io-defanM-rootlon.andocdorod—wlth-Iteasury-Sccreljiry-Jnhn nlx-natlOD— Conimfi!]___M a rk e t ------relitln*Jo4and-ln-Callfomla_n4ld-R«aganT-^ ------^------people—w ho-nnr-iloinir-tho— y— f*r»ne*i—♦rr-BrrWtno"'a^~J ' -paac«-l«fmi------; tliot'aselrunsl'errodloGoodlngi-B.-Conniilly-and.othei^federal^jnlnlstera-on-aJaliitjppiM cji;------. have similar parallels tlrougli— rCallfoni!n'ir-wirtn-“ Tiolicli!ir'lnform lngr'“ slnIo*W iitcr“ He^— ^X n ~ CLEMENfE,^ Calif. Arrlva al patceful (ermt : Information about the case was offldala to livold a legal • each nation's central bank will , out the country," Nader, tho drew severe criticism from tho sources Director William II. (npn_prcsident Nixon's per- In your houtaltold by lur- ^ i nlng fo Itia Tlma* New* • _m alloil_to district court In showdown. Connally U^a former set Its o m course, with some -. consunier advocate; said In a task forco^ One top state Glanelii said in commenting on L ..) „o„ui„|.itv ODOoars to be—i *5-Cla»illlad Adi; ir» Ih# baU-; Gooding Friday. Texas~Bovem0rrT1ie~B0veni-—standing by flxed~rata8 of j statement. “They reproBcnt official rcsponacdbysuggesUng tlio study, ' ’ ■ rising since hi) rinnounced Ills ' placalolook lor lh«< ucond ; car. and taillo Iha dll Mrs. Jonos was arrested May ment plans to seek an exchant(e, floaUng ' m rrencr , A spokesman for Reniian said economic policy, according f«Ing liand i.Dn.1 grenades .lADti-nvAfidestroyed nn r«»r»ntniucertainly ii u .Jnu day aI of shame fnrfor >natchod by any oUicT puWlc .ci«j«Since then.Uien, ZleZiegler adds, weqk-old presidential pclco-^ must be imposed ZBEigfl.i;rQU(daa-wiiinnaniutiiiBg!r3hfcfc.ittpim rppnpig' ^ , at n'pollUcnl,rally In downtown ____ „ . ^Iw^MoBhrVallayiniHlncHsT— —^javetr-tdtti'-Uf^wawwir-thti >han >hw..annual lnwMiii eustom^>^ A police spokesman sal^one Manila Saturday night In an wage-prlce freeze and Interna- W ill Uie lOper cent Impbrt tax import levy must b t approved ween model years." a dealer buyhig new cars before the tax grenade landed In Uie center of apparent attempt to assassinate Uonal monetary st6ps. crimp sale of Uio..increBslngly by boUt houses, following the told the Tlmes-News. "It wlU if removed wiU-be glV^ a Uie’'stage, Just behind the . - Uie -leaders, of-Uw’ inillllplno Ziegler laid tiiat the Pres- b ro ^ spectrum of Imported usual committee me'etlngi, probably b« somewhat less, bo refund by ttie government, fs upeaker’tf pUtform . Jhe second H a iti feels opposjUon Liberal party. Ident Is In daily touch with prooucis ranging from cars to compilttee hearings, debate Uie customers irent hurt." soon the legislation is ef-> fell Just in . front of the At leuBt 10 personb were Secretary of Uie-Treasucy J[ohn cameras? , and argument. Many dealers Volkswagen dealers, par- fe^ye...... ^ ...... platform. The explosions, he killed and about 100 were Injured, C h l o e l a s h B. Connally andJBudgettolreclQiL- A sampling of Magic-Valtoy say'they donTcxp^t tho U h ^ ticularly, are far more con- T^s promFpe is helping to sald_apparonUy_wero timed to ------Including many of tl>e-party'i Gwge p. Shultz who are businessmen indicates that tlte levy to be eff^Uve ^fore the .cernod about the W ^t Cqut ke^p ■ buaine^r'TB^B*' pollUcaMigures. Among Uiose. -MIAMI (UPI) - Tropicalc a r 6ai Uie brunt of the new wholeproceu is Justtoonew yet latter part of‘September. dock strike which has p lo ^ all dealers rej>ort. Injuredsc^lbUslyrwarJUjnrSor-— i-Washingtun:------tO'imotr~Altb~d a i& Y W T "fly * '•SurpH«ng!ynwrM («rtt*W ~l»l^~thftq 8^ ^ A lH n n U riitU n iaJor effect .glo . l i nOsmena____ A.mnn«n» Jr., Uie Af opponent of ® polltlcfll Batahona perdnsula of Ziegler ^ d It was Nixon who are experiencing busiiiess-aB-haB no'rush^-cQstamers-ported'—carir^inuit'^ pau. has reported from the Bpeoches. President Ferdinand li:. Marcos souUiwest Haiti with gale>, while flying into Dallas, last usual, and a camera dealer, to buy imported goods before CurrenUy. incbmiAg ships are eompt'ehenslve series 9f In Uie m o , jsldentlal elation. The blasts at the , Ptaza driven rains Saturday, |)ut; then...... Thursday«.«» decided to .give the whose stock is almost entb-ely Uieumenta-aftei— loat-acrhe-of-tta-atrCTgUrai^yteiigh-tesponse to Tekas’ Qov. imported;''haar"seep” no dif--Bffoct? Havenernwdd-bu*ine88-“ Crfuinbi«‘for unloading,-at [I tragedy" and Liberal party Preildent Gerar- headed .on o cours^ Uiat would Preston Smith who defied ferenccryet. acfu^ly slacked-off during the additionfr^lghtcostofabouttW Mttles ^ mnokH i*l«ar«;' pieced the full InveBUgative do Roxas had Introduced the spare the' rtim island of Nlx^'sorderbyttnnoimeinghe'-; I^owell Havener, owner of fU-st part of last week, Uien perctr. ftul. i power of Uie government hi party's candidates Ui the Nov. 6 Jamaica. v would permit pay raises for Havener Camera In Twhi Falls/picked up toward the end of the The govenunent la lending a apparent, finding those rosponslblo. — ^-^cltyi-alaoUons.— *^^------— Tha Kattoftal-4imTioao»-Cap^ia a chers-and itata e ro p k^s^' • sidd • that according^ to the week.* — -‘-J v -. ~ t<^ banW*^:ded»i»*~ta~»-"AB.toveeerp ^ j “It is a crime against every A sbnllar grenade attack ter described Uie season's third ‘nieprraaecretary notad'ihe - fadara\ ruling, imported Volkswagen dealers also American-mada cars, wboit .imported ita iM a ly (y in a y y ]| Filipino who believes in demo- killed two persons shortly. after~troplcid_ twister as .',Srery 76 p tf cW t approval reported merchandise already in stock |n aren't worried.) The com-, ljuyers roust .also wait until m ' t m cracy as a-Way of life and who Uie R ^ubllc was formed after dlMrganlxed" ahd's)6Id it~was-intbe.O atfuplh)lUflrthejvage' the United Statap.WheUier ih , blnaUon of Uie 10 per cent im ' 8o m e th n e b i9eptr«sid«l-',toi i*4ivW Its vitality tfnd strengtti from convicted of Uie. assault Was hour, 26 mph belo# hurricane cent fmorable response In the, wholesalbrs’ warahousesi need seVen per cent-federal ncise NUon and fe m w if tbe seyA mqf» what i ...... sU engU i . ^ ^ ^ ------M ih U Iiw w P u n .', ------.iM lU U iM . V ' . — ~ — ' ta&lob«UtU10f(lBBVfllllhrU” ^ :‘-eui UEEUi lU . . ------

- T ^ j L i , ' 2 TimW^NawtrTwIn Fallt. Idaho . Sunday. August 22. .197) C «jiunfeil.^^cq]ftsider l^een... Proctor Spence entering Hum ti»juM?' :'" : i ffByii' Klmbail discussing adventures do^vntown work award ' of being in an au to a c c id e n t. . . Jim Reynolds calling In nev«^ " TWIN FALLS — City council utilities, Idaho Power Co:, prefabricated steel buil(UnB for report . . . Helen Henderson members wllh meet In an ad' Intcrmountaln Gaa Co,, use at the landfill. Bid opening driving through puddle'to turn . journOd meeting Mondflj^at 7:30 Mountain Bell and ■Cable .Vision w ill be recommended (or Sept. cac. around . • . Roy ^ndMl p.m. to consider awarding a as well as Twin Fillls City, tlie 17 at 4 p.m. putting In extra duty time at c o n tra c t fo r the sGCond phase o f U rb a n Ilc n e w a l A gency, and C ouncil m em bers w ill a lw police station... Evelyn Hlntze the downtdwn Twin Falls lm> Off-Street Parking Assn.’ review a request from Hie looking fd f co u rt file . . . J im . provemcnt project. Under the sccond phase the Environmontul Protection Woods working on , special ___Nellson Construction Co.. has program calls for placing utility Agency for suggestions on proJectotHerrett'smuseum... Bubmlttdd the W bid~\ihlp)[i linesTunderground-ewi-lm - environmental probleniflJn_Ujo No^^man H o rro tt ln tr(rfu c in g m ft.L _ Qty Manager Jedn M ilar'sfl^^' t>rov(ng of(>fltrcot parking lots area which may require' j^ariddaUghter . ' . 'Bob Bopp has been found acceptable and and alloys. - ■ , t^hnlcol assistance, and and Jean M llar in cbnlorence ,, in order. Meetings have been. Other business on tlie Monday discus^ _ '08001 ngcti^ _-Hclcn-Portcrflcld-working-ln ------held'thls~wcck with'tho~50ven"'ogcnda~tncIudos” dl5CU.'islnfpn” roqMjl'cmcril8 for Urc~Alcoholic county offico on Saturday ... i:. agcncles and firm s involved in coll for bids for painting the lop nehobilitatlon Center. E. Jolllson lookh)g. for .back Uio improvement'pro)oct, to of Uio Harrison Street rescr*' < . .. ksue of paper... Carl Lasswoll outline flnanclul'responsibility yoir; purchasing a' sweeper . watching weed fire . . . Judge and make certain U«e par-' attaclunent for tlio traclouiiwd ’llicron Ward marking dates of/ tlclpatlng agencies ai-o at Uie airport; and purchasing a cniendiir . . . C larence M lkb prepared witli'local funding. f" I" looking |Mile a fte r being in> 'o lVed in clu d e th e -volvcdJn-acdxient— .^J-JVaync. Cole and Mrs. Joan Parr, Im Ui Winners llurloy, looking forward to final L. Siockhain , branding hours of Cassia County Fair... Clarence Dudley looking for lost num. *- L y m a n L. ttnnO U nC B U canicra lens . . . Chuck SmiUi Stucklinm, 74, limito ■I, "nulll. TWIN F A U ii - 'Ille Twin studied talking ,about w.atching j died Friday evening at Magic Fjijls Friday Night Dupllcftto jackrabbiLs during range fire .. Valley Memorial Hospital of u Bridge Club llsteiayiK-y sislcr.1 , Mrs. Warren (Reta) way, 75, who died Thursday program witli John Bender and 'officers is planned and the new -'■t^-^EtiwmTi4uItns------’i*WlN-PA!:ia • - Michrtci— RUPBR'P^=-Mnr-MnbchS 7-Jilou»tr-Mor-oor-rIiid.T-aiHl-Mr«.-^venli»grwlll-l>o-oonduot«d at 2-U«-Und-of-tlH>-IdnlM)'Depart- -^flch-wilhbe-introduced.:------PoMlov.CB, 107 Wn.shlnt!ton St.. Slutz, m, illoil Snliirdny In tliu Jntnca Euborl, S', acntllc, Blnynoy, D4, Rupert, died Arl_XEr!pil) Spiirta, Nyasn, p.m. Mondny at the Diruy LDS "menl of Ijiw Knforcoment.'The ' N„ ’ and ruo.idny Wendell. Flnnl ritos will lie In of aurlcultural producLi, the his wife, Bonnie and two ~G us PopBjoyrF»Uon',-Nev., and— ------member of the LDS Churclr." eolleBe'ln“ Wurrenaburi!r Mo.“ »nHl time-ofnervlces,------Elmwood-Ccmcteryr^Joodlns-commls.ilDnora said;------ilaiighlarB ------Mck Popejoy, Salmon; three Survlvlnfi are two brothers. Survivors Include his mother, Slie taudht school In Missouri ______| i ______• ■■slslbrsr'MrsT-'ronrl-Rnmseyr-BrlKham-Slult-Plcnsarit-Hlllr—M rs7-Judy-HnrdyT-Senltle;-nnd-on~Fcb. - 26,—lO U -w ili:- ...... , ------— ------~ ^ ~ __ uW ul.___ rj» H f • -Tnlin ^h ifT fivn ' np„..i. . i.i.. /_ » i______o li

Mrs. RalplJ (Freda) Colton, Idaho Falls; Mrs- Clarence KcnneUi Egbert, Max Eijbert until 1020, Tliey moved to the aaremore, OWa. (U'omi) Ixmke, Ru|>crt. and Scott Egbert, Seattle, Minidoka Project in 1020 and in White Mortuary will an- Funeral services will be Wash.; three sisters, Peggy 1027 moved .to southwest of FSBETC nounce (uneral serviccji. announced by Walk Mortuary. Egbert, Pamela Egbert' and Rupert. DeborahEnbprt,Seattle, Wash; Her husUjmd preceded her in u l g r^ in d m o th o r, M rs . death Feb, 2, lOfiO. She w iii BgbcrFr^Twltr—Fnlia-r^tivHfHhe-M jtltodifllTehriNiii maternal grandmother, Mrs. and a charter member of the Mrs. Herschol Lamb, both C o o d in p ; C o i i n l y Fern Hartl, Bulil; maternal WSCS, Rupert Methodist • Wendell, and Carl Hathaway, A d m itte d grandfather, Lawrence' An* Church, member of the Senior Glenns Ferry. Don E. Palmer, Mackey. drews, Brookings, Ore.;'Citiiens^flwoup and a Sunday ------O lsm lAAod— In Mr ' p rn C T W ir^F M rT irim dm aiiin ^T M liiiicliiT for 4a years. Ethel Brown. Riyhfiehl. Aurn ■fjiw soil,. U jio y, A r i l . ; JvCta Bissell. Eldon, Mo.; Don -E. Palmer, Mackey; Roy Graves, Onoida, , S h o .,o n o ,^ and Blfy^^^^^^^^ DOUBLE KNITS Maf'y M artin, Mrs. Ronald M ? I w , ■ Z a n . a I e r n a 1. 8 r e a t -« r 0 a t - Rupert; two daunhtors^ Mrs. Parker, Jack Yore, Carole “"S;!l"^Brandm o«^ Mrs. Lavlnla Clolr (Kathryn) Wnuncr, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Richards, Mrs. I^e Robinsoii Bybee, Boiso. . Montesano, Wash.; Mrs. Lealor Guenechea, Slioshond. andiu)n, all Gooding. Funeral services were con- (Alice) McCain, I^ampar and dueled Satur(^iy at Reynolds nine grandchildren. ' St. B^nediotK CaHKiii M e m o rial ______A d m itte d . - - Funeral Cliup^l, Twin-Falla ___ JPuneral-torviooB will bo A d m itte d Golden Burch. Larry Palmer, Concluding riles were at Sunset conducted at 2 p.m. Monday In Mrs. Mlchacl Oneida, Mrs. and Mrs. luiland Gorringe. all Memorial Park, Twin Falls, tiie Rupert Methodist Cljurch.- George Swainer. William Oakley; Mrs...... Milton ...... Reese,^ Memorials may be made to the Burial will be in the Rupert W oods 'and'Mrs. B re n d a ' Paiiirand-Bronda Grai»V,"On^' CliUdron’sOrUiopodic-HospltaUCemotory,------Gucncchea, alfSIio.'jhonej'Mrs; tario, Ore. - SenttJo, Wash. Friends may call at Walk. W illiam Cooper and Mrs. Layne DlBmlfiBcd Mortuary Sunday afternoon and AsUo, botli Wendell; Joseph Mrs. Jerry Johnson'and son, evening and Monday morning OrUj, Pocatello; Mrs. Wendell Michelle Woodland. Mrs, and Maudie Crump, all Twin at at the church in Rupert,,one .Owen, -Mrs. Vprnon Jes.ier, W illard Si»»ltl» ami daughter.-all -Falls;~Dora-Studyvin,—Taml Iw ur.prior to scrv.loes: Mrs. Delbert • Mobley and B u rle y ; M rii. R aym ond A n - P ao a illd e r s and M rs . Rus-sell Patricia Malone, all Jerome, derson, Hnzellon; and Verleo Hamm, all Jerome; Earl E. and Mrs. Don Cliatman, 'IVin Hall. Paul. Hall, HazoUon;^ Marie lliom p- field, Paul, and Mrs. William F a lls. B irth s son and Keitlj Buih, both Buhl; Black, Filer. DismlSBCd A daughter was born to Mr. Mrs. Robert . Oliver and Births Martin Allred,. Richfield; and Mrs. Max IJoyd, Oakley, daughter, Wendell; Ada L. Sons were born to Mr. and Mrs. Vickie Ilonslee (i;\d son. -4m d6 ^ to M rT -n n 'l-M rs,-Ro>>'‘»>t-. P rn juH ". Mr

I J . I i . SAAonlHt Ba'ri)elt, Mrs. Jewel jpattersoU, *~rmrmiincir A M o n lh t IW.SO in.o o Jtdo Dawn S|)arks, and MrH. = Spxlol puultai* oi wooli noi« Irom I Y a a r 54 liuhal w iiln.'M oiiy tunii Happy Ryan, all 'l'win Falls; = IU'H,*V — Now J «l*,V(iiy'«>, xiiy'O M nlorifll — SUBSCRIBERS Drown, Filer, and Mrs. Jack = = JS Intltai wida. MANYGHQUPS.OF -RtiUtiUlccmnfi L a r iir Dinmissed ^ -RFPriqm-BRies- -^VEL-VmNll-VRIjVlTTENS- 'John Bales, James Ijira, Ttrrillc nitorlnt*nl ol n«w nirlvoli. C«l( y o u r c a rrie r ' Frank L. Uira, Owen Kinney, 54 incliii wid*. -^OP.733-W 3J__. Ijiura Tllson, Clara Collins, = = OPEN MONDAY NIGHT’TILL 9:00 ' Btloraip.m.dallyor ” Noin5rW otUi7W 6d6'SlcolniiU)7'S . b«tor« loa.m. on Sundays Mrs. diaries E. Groves and = daughter, ilhrU ly Smith, — i , S / i 50% kml MORE on oiirREM KAXr T/iBVE ------PriONE73J-WJJ_. ; Roxanne McGlimls/ Hcnrieita = = FUNERAL CHAPEL TTJohnsonTrRobin Undhjem, M m r-^= ------ADDISON AVENUE EAST - :------or utaour toll-fraanumbwt Lester Fonley, Mrs. Glen TWIN PAtlS; IDAHO Myers, Phillip Hagor, Joy = BuhlCattlatord &434ii||- PHONE 73.3-4900 Grldl«y, Mrs. Robert Howard — ew an\ f n c S h O p Siut^&Si1^^orl»nd iJiSSSi t^Har*R«QarMn-MollU(ar. .,ahd..Bon, Max Van Ausdehi. = Paul D , Reynolds'..." ...... Jgtnes C. Reynolds "Mr<>^lciiolas- Bond, Kenneth ‘^ = 106 Main Avertue Mo.' • DOW NTOW ri^* Foils , U a r t y . ™ , U 'UfllJ daughter, Mrs. Happy Ryan = ^ueen oQerome fair Green Omons tHuclTF!oasr^:!,rt J E R O M E - F lv o M a g ic Days o l th o O ld W est fo r J670-72 Jcro in o Sqim ro Dancocn lo r V a lle y RlrJs, a rc camlldatca In' at-Halloy, ' tjiree years and her w a in In- Pork Chops 68- UiirVcur’a^cromo rauiity fair aio went to Idaho Stale lerosta are art, sowlnB, track queen contest. Only two girls University last year and will riding In gyinUianas and Chunk Bologna arc from Jerome county, ac- enroll at Boise State College tills Jamborees, everyday discount prices cording to Jim Rupert, member fall. Miss Yost helps In farming Safeway • By The Piece o f the fiilr board who Is h a n d lin g m I ss QualLs has been a riding ' S""* P‘“"° T»wn Haul* tllo iju e m contost'.------enthusiast-for-15 vears-and' Um^.Slio wants to attend»ililna Detto Will, daiiRhter of Mr. and ® Braduato of .Queen candidates, their lamon Cak«*Cov«r»d WltK Snteolli Apple Sauce COH 17- FROZEN FOODS Mrs. Walter Will, Eden, and parents and fair board m«m- l*mon Nnvorvtf B»l'«r>lo_.hQpeB to attend the • virhlch will, be conducto because of the favorable sections (or ' each category, < They IncJude; fnrm produce, growing year. Cascade Compound hand sculptured and mods. r«r tUdrU Dlihwoift***'- Gus CnUortT W om en's d epart- She s a id th a t the th e m e Is everyday discount prices '— f .. . .. 1 .. . Priest noted that farm ' rli«. mcni, Mrs. dmrles- - -irus; ond that tlie produce exhibits must bo en- i 6 9 ‘ l " Ctn. • VS«K f flowers, Mrs. Ivan Mink; Art, judging will be done by judges 2 om on Aufl 25 — Mr.^IlnU«^«_and-Mrfc-->icct«dltod^by_tho_Natlonal_“ X l.Z l« ^H ^^^ S&W Corn S ’V.;28" Eugene Kluende'r, ceramics. Council of Federated, Qarden S lo K to T ^ ^ Grpen jGifint Nioleti ' c » 25" Mrs, John Hosman; hobbies,' Clubs. - SUPER SAVERS — DrrL-VrRuobolrllRht-tlorscs;— Mrsr— Mink— notxjd— that Hobby“exliiblts must be l Jolm Van Ormnn and Ted youngsters are urged to Uke tcredonAug.25fromOn.m.to«. 'Hominy S r . , 'c in y “ Polcrson; i»iU Weslern horse part—iff*-lhe-«how's—junior p:m 7XI^fhorse entries at 9 [ ~Aluniinuni-Foi[Ti7''viJVriiSr slww, Mrs. SonnichSonnichsen. ‘“Vision. o.in. 2g. junior Posse'L B a n s V.riltol l>ack Cm <33 . everyday discount prices —West-noted-that residents— Mrs. Kluender, In charge of horseshow, Augr23from6am n Kleenex Tissue • shouldftrlng ‘Ihelr exhibits to tl»o " t displays, also noted she to' 2 p jn .; schoel exhibits, en- Ute fair TuejMlay, Umt home expected a great number of tries before 2 p.m. Aug. 25- Post-Toasties Noxzema Skin Cream 64" _economic8 and mlBcnllnneoua entries. She M ld_thaLJKg __ r.nhualA a#.>»t— ,^^^1— g h n t ir r - disprayfl-wIUbe jud«c3lHiesday Priwa will bo glv^n In Handicraft, entries before 2 I ■ftowl deonw Jergens Hand-lotio» ind Wcdiicsdny.- tlie followingfollowing tlirecUireo catcaoriea:categorloaj p.rq. Aug. 25. Ripe Olives Hand lotion;:!:' IHZ W Servicemen Muhi-VitaminSc*::ryVru 99" Hormel's Spam " c * ;, 6 2 " ^ Window Cleaner SHOSHONE — ' Daniel George Knoblauch, Route 2, PARoaRn,.son of M r.und Mrs' Rupert, is serving wlUi tlie Gonzaga Friskies Cat Food Joe,PnKongli, hn« rccolvfcd his' ’ Enlistment P e r s o n n e l ^liitnhni'Ha-frj^m-thnJI q Nnuy ntct>-iKiiHAn S _ -Nai —luid-wlll-be-rr«tupl _ soon. Ho w ill e n ro ll a t Idnlu) Ills wife Is the former o f f e i r f ^ate. University for the fall P a tric io A. Flood, R oute 3, “ In A lld 'T h e ie Towni j ...... - semester. Ho is a graduate of R upert. . Shohslwne Hl«h School. retained______*Bolf *jTom« Mockfoet ! TVyiN FALLS - Navy Pettjr______everyday discount prices ‘ PayaH* ‘ Pocatotia *fdolio M l * — siiaSHONE — Stiet-i-Diivlif-Ottlcer W -Jack KrCamerbn, -SPOKANe ’(UPI) -Coniaao ; : : r 6 8 ^ ■Conner, son of aierlff and of Mr. and M « . Dean I. ■ University announced today Its Walur Ooodlng ManlpalUr pm m m W. a n n c r, returned Cam«ron. Twin FoUn, has president, Hie Itov.W chard E.' p fO Q C I sll(,d Sandwich tl&part *Cdldw *ll .*T w Ib fd ih from a tour ol duty In Vietnam return^ to hl» Jw m / port of Twohy, S.J., has beeri rean- Hand! V/ipes —reo«ntlv,-IW-plans-to enroU^t— Lona B fnrh,.rjillf.,V ll 21 Thru Jralnlnil In the Navy. He hM formed, sewch and r « c u « ____ term_lSl-JiS-lhn)Ugli I Keg O' Ketchup ^ ' Sunday Auguil **. '*71 enllsteJrin tho^avyT'or bu1>- mlsalonj In the H«U|i ■ niflrlnff service. During the cruise he visited ‘'“*1®- ■fond ------, SuUc B a y -ln th e H iillp p ln e s ,-- — ------Skylark: 33" nRUPEHT. - Navy Rotty ftrlji. Ausfrdji^Md HawiU. .^nericani' own about 1.7 Office 2C Michael E. Ho attepded )thTTInlWr«lty of ' million second lfn^hl.iu,l, ^ n n f V r nndMrs. llWu). - - ROWLAND EVANS & ROBERT NOVAK : ; ^ • ^ 11 Was Nixon’s Boldest Stroke

- WASHINGTON — One day ha^plununeM toa polnt wherc^wos going the dtsmal rOut^of~ dlWger , and . promptly...... tor- last week Dr. faul McCracken, warded It to the President, D evoted To The CitizenH O f Magic Valley ■ Qnly.27 pel* ce n t nam ed h im as Herbert Hoover 40 years ago. the same line 4n his testimony chalnnan of the - Council of first choice for President In Worse yet, a scant 8 per cent Jaat In a spring JustH»)tnpleted to the national Senate Economic Advisees, received' survey, Slndllnger found that OT2. Almost 33 per cent of the ofSlreUlngor’o sample said that '.Bonklnj Committee, sugaestlng Al Wcdvrgrsn, Publlthar S i^ d a y . A ugusi 33. )97l PHONE 733 0031 shacking political nows from cqnfldence In .Mr., Nixon’s male Republican respondents they Kould buy stocks' In the an Investment tax credlrnot at economic pollster Albert Sin- tattered economic game plan were convinced that Mr. Nixon seciritles markets. Nearly 70 the Kennedy level of 7 per cent OMIclal C ity And County Now»p'a(>«r M e m b « ro f A u dit DursAUof C ircu la tion And UPi Puriuant to Sett Ion M )M Idatto Code. Ttiur»d«y li h^raby designated a t ttte day of tt>e week on wtilch •'* per cent were convinced that but at a higher 10 per cent level legal nolleoi will be publlthed.-PubllOied dally and Sunday, except Saturday, al 07 Tttird Street W hI. the President waa doing to sUrt with (now part of Mr. Twin r^allt. Idatio.BlDOt. by MauIc.Valley Newtpapert, Inc. Entered a i ucond claU mall m»tter < ^rll 8, THE ICEMAKTi COMETM .“ nothing" about the, twin. .Nixon's package)., ...... 1918. Al ttio p o tl D tflce In Twin ra ils , Idaho. 13101. under ttie ACtof M arct) 8.1879. economic devils of inflation and Burns' refusal to keep sUent Infuriated the President, but i^ brought Burns and M ills Uito an What About’72?

Less than 15 months from now, believe if the wage was,'f(egotlatcd Americans will elect, or rc-elect, a — although not yet put into effect — President. they should stillj-ecelve the wage; Which it is to bo will lllcely Tn Idaho the Idaho Educational depend not on the pace of the with­ Association _executivG__sccuctiiry. drawal from Vietnam, not on tlje . said (should ihe teachers be In­ results'of a Visit to China, not tin cluded, in the freeze) “ we’re peace moves in the Middle East, obligated to go along witli wha tever but simply what happens to the the official, decision is. But If we term Prisidency, just like dlroct Preaidcntlnl port in tiiu . national cconomy. saw thewage-prlce freeze would be Herbert Hoover. unseemly attacks otr Burna This is the feeling among both extended past the 90 days it would But If the President con- orlBlniiting,ln tlio White House, leading Democrats and warrant action." At the same time fronted future political disaiitor Eecond,' Burns was invited io ' Republicans in'this area as a result an official of the Boise Education at homo, tho dnn|(cr of tho come to the White Houso Friday of President Nixon's bold strike to dollar's total collapso In foreign . for his first hoad-lo-hesd chat Association said "the game we are exchange markets was acute wlUi Uio President since June jolt the economy into something playing is politics. If Nixon thinks it - and prosent^Tlio President had 2J. Tlie dam was breaking, so resembling what Is needed. will get him votes there may very lust i|bout run out his-string . swIIUy Uiat Uie planned Wlille By this time in 1972 iiie country well be a guideline come out in the trying to cajole foreign ccntrol Hoyso chat quickly became M r. must riot only be enjoying what 90-dhy period prevfcnting full banks Into holding .tholr Nixon's top-level parley ut dangerous occumulnllons of Cnmp David on Saturday and may reasonably be called nogotiated increases to ■ become dollars. Ho faccd the first Sunday. t prj.'ipel5ij ro ^ ■Variniic segmnnl-S winntnrunrwhoiirprbgram. powerful Rep. Wilbur Mills, ^ u e n economic surgery stole society taking, or going to take, this ch a irm a n o f Uto ta x -w ritin g thu clothes of the liberal sudden switch in plans to get the Periiaps there is some politics Cn|ir>iuM I07I Ui Anu*1«i Houso Ways and Means Democrats, who hove ion an even keel? __ involved but we are Inclined to Committee, and Dr. Artliur demanded a wage-prlce freeze Burns, clialrman of Uic Federal. for months. And the per- Q ije most vocal, at tliis believe President Nixon look the BRUCE BIOSSAT U cserve formancoTjfthnjtock-mnrkct— memiiers of the step he did not because it might-get Working privately witli New on Monday tells that the teaching 'profession. Nationwide him a few votes but because it was York money consultant Elliot. Prealdcnt's boldest stroke was -theyi have expressed dissatisfac­ the best thing to do for the citizens Janeway, a controversial and like a shot of confidence- tion'with tiie wage freeze. They of the United States. | Last Ditch Move. . uncorWentlonal economist, boU»‘ adrcnnlln.. ______Mlll.cj B u rn s were convlncerakc on Federal ox- authority, ho called that The historical differences bet- Communist have been saying that August But If the measure works - wllh Ills announcement of Uio pendltures, (headlnn for n nutliorlty "obJoctionuWc." BoUi—RuKsia-and-Ghina-^ir«^::^'>-iiS-"‘“ "‘ not perfectly porliiips but visit (oQiina, Uie dramaUc new rccord-breaklnB dcflcit In the Npw.^U liuif given him a ,iipw -ween—jPakis tan— and— l n d i « T —»—r-T--—1-:------— ------— In.- originating larg e ly w ith t)ie rightfully suspicious of the other’s fBld()lit“ could ' takl* 'niajor' 'mllTnnenlly well to urinB alialiV IhVU St'^m i^^ho economy -— ' ^ li*nsi£j j ^ — ------^— steps which might ease real Improvement and convince demonstrated forcefully the ■*. geographic separation of intentions, for neither is concerned unemployment and Inflation in millions of votor.s tlie President power of Uie sitting president t o ^ T U O ^Y U Q riK l M H Pakistan’s two lialveii by India, in about' tho welfare of either tim e to benefit him In a 1072 bid has the l;apaclty to act affect the course of events In recent montlis have mushroomed Pakistan or India. What .both for re-eloctlon. decisively — he may find massive and surprising ways. ~ mto anotnofTynrhj~focal-~poii>t--of- —raacleM in uing n pf>wer vaccumj an The argument runs that tension. As usual. With m any opporlurtity for flexing muscles in a jaaasurfifi-liko-tax—oatfir-in- -Skin^Cracks vesfmen^ credUs, a wage-prlce similar disputes, the Central Asian — part—of^th&-world where non- frcez'e’ and sla.shea in federal Dear Dr. I1ie,stesen; For Uie signs o f being a contact dispute has not been lessened, by alignment with the majttr powers spending make their - impact ANDREW TULLY ye a r and a lia lf I have liad a skin dermatitis — a skin ailment due the appearance of the major wdrld had become som ething of a slowly; It is esthnated that if infection on my left hand. Tlio to contact wiUi someUilng or powers on the stage. tradition. - Uiey are Instituted now or very skin la dry. It cracks, peels and oUier. What essentially was a localized That tradition has been shat- soon, Important bon^?flclal It’s Progress blisters, also itches like mad. Cases of. contact derm aU tis effec^ts w ill not be fe lt' u n til -dispute-took—a-far"lnrger im­ I luive been to a dermatologist often are extremely difficult to “ tcredrbut there is yet time to MarcITof next year. (Editor'sNote: iodrew Tully and second-day delivery bet- imdhadshots,cortlsonetablela,'iclontify bocause tho causes plication with Red China’s open prevent a major confrontation. Any sizable gains after that Is on vacation. During Ills ab- ween major cities anywhere In and an antibiotic ointment. Tliis can bo such a variety of things; intimacy witli Pakistan and the Second thoughts ought to convtoce ‘ time, it is contended, would ^nce Ills column will he written tlie continental U.S. helps, but tlio condition keeps soaps, dye, Ui6 paint on a broom Soviet Union's hastily signed non­ all concerned that is a goal more come too late to help Nixon at by leading Jicurcs .pn the Wo' expect witliln the next recurring. hnndlo, nickel-plated objects, Ute polls. aggression pact with India. imjwrtant to the security of the Wa.sliinglon governmental and year to be providing ncxl^iay I aiii lofUianded which could and an endless list of oUiers. Wliether the Presldtfnl ac­ Moscow and Peking tlius have political scene.) delivery of first^:lnss mall, account for the infection on the 1 would guesa tliat you have—^ region tlian bilateral pacts or cepts tliis reri.'{onlrig Is not by POSTMASTER GENEllAL including sdrfnce mall, over left hand only. The dor- not told your dermaialoiilst made- the dispute another l>olnt professions of suppdrt~fdr^ one' knownTbul It Is a fact he has WINTONS. BLOUNT. coriiirderaTjIo dlsTnhcesrThrs mirtoToglS' saia'il was nerves, about limTdlfferent typo of Iron of differences between tlie two country over another. acted Just within what are seen Our now U.S. Postal Service' will Include reliable delivery W hilclald'off from work the you are using, but you very well os his danger lim its. Is less than two months old, but “ timetables," since we feel Uiat condition cloared up. I'm a may havo the critical piece of ' TIuit he lias done so, and Uiat progress has been made our cualomers are as much machinist and noticed Just Infermatien he noeds to help ho ha. 'T.ii8 ______*"In mo, Nixon won «yii_*H.»iLjiUU»'-_uuuuiiy.Luuiu.viiiuiujf_uiuuiJvivu--uuvo-rocowmg-siaMonB-m* fouroUliP__lnltlaliv.CJInd.cmpll)y,incciiiivu-liavo-recOtvlnn-at»Uon»-ln- (^ntn'nnf-miii-|.inv>.ointmcnt:anu'Elov< iin.-Aiii «i . nrm blfl_nf nlrm an hnhunan iLatfpintiwI ■ ^ ^ ------— ------JQOJt, ■■ Uio-Vlll»g« Square ------BaJe-WlUlama-liu onrolii Ixon has, for J072 re- ritios ave^ a'600-m llr • Sunday, AugO st.1971 TImes Newi. Twin Falli, Idaho . 5 Times-I^ews Public Foru|tn ARTBUCHWALD Scoui Trip -Going-B m ke I. have nothing against toy “ She' needs a unif^orm. I t ’s Editor, Tlmcs-News: printed in the Times-News .companies. In their own m y ,' only $3,50." From this area, 10 Boy noting the closing ceremonies they bring happiness to the ■I gaVe he r the |3.S0. Scouta, Explorers and thoir and a small spread when the hearts of our young ones an(| Dai-bie didn't stay a leaders along w ith 20,000 Scouts boys returned homo. they give employment to stewardess long. She decided . from all over Iho world, at­ -This trip represented at least thousands o f people a ll ove r the^ she wanted to be a nurse ($3), tended the 13th W orld Jam bpree 25 families of this area and was country. It Is only when they try then a singer in a nig h tclu b ( |3 ) . August MO at Asagiri Heights of interest to all Scouts who to bankrupt us that I feel we then a pk-ofesslonal daricer (13). nour Mt. Fuji in Japan. were unable to attend. should speak out. If my One day my daughter walked F o r three days th e y endured a' Do all travel tours, abr(wd situation'is duplicated around in and said, “ Barbie’s lonely.” nutlun^'Bvery la iftW w n o nas "I jbI her. Join a sororlly, estimated nt'30“ lnc^os in , 24 Tlmcs-New/td'rate day after a dflugliter between the ages of said. hours. Becauso of hofilth and day bulletins and pictures? 4 and 12 Is going to have'to apply "She wanti Kon." -sanitation—reasons-tlioy-wero- — From-8«yGral-lrato-Xi«— — for~r«Ucf.-’niis"tB"what~hap-' ~"Who’ is'Kenr'“ evacuated by bus to nearby Nows subscribers and parents pened: She s h o ^ d m e tho catalogue. Temples, schools and public of boys who went on tliis tour for •My 7-year-old daughter Sure enoi^h, there was a ll buildings (or 36 hours and then three weeks. This Is aMi>^itted requested, 4 months ago, a named Ken, the same slie as . tlioy returned to camp for the by Barbie doll. Now as far as I'm- Barbie, with crew-cut hair, a twfl-iIaya-oLthc. Jamboree. ------. ... -M rs. Cloo- Sliorthouso concerned one d o lljs Just like .yinyJ.Plastlc.cbcst.wid moVflWe_ Only one Rmall item was another ^and since the Barbie arms and legs. . . . -to - ^fou-don*r‘gct~Kcn, *~iny------oblige. _^ught^r cried, “ BM-bie will RAYCROMLEY I broilght'thb doirhomid and ^ow iip to bo an old maid." th o u ^t noUiihg more of it until So I went out and bought Ken , a w eek la te r w hen m y daughter (W.50). Ken needed a tuxedo ' came in and said, ‘"Barbie (IS), a raincoat ($2.50). a terry' Voice Wanted needs a negligee.’’ . cloth robe nnd an electric razor “So docs your mother,” I (12), tennis togs (13), pajamas W ASH IN G TO N (N E A ) - T o o •. g a lls today's blacic IcadorH mo.st re p lie d . (11.50) and several single- little attention has been given i.>t the idea of being talcen for “But there Is one- In tho breasted suiU 027). catalogue for only $3.” she thus far to the mounting' granted. One voiced irritation P re tty soon I had p u t up $400 , crie d . prospect of. n'natlonal “blacic heatedly. to u top Michigan to protect my original *3 In- " political strategy” which could Democrat: “What'catalogue?'' _ .. vestment. _ ...... “Tlie one that came with thrust one or more blacic “ We’re not Just here for tlie Then one 'evening my' ' . d o ll.” ■ le a d e rs in to tlje 1972 ta k in g ." daughter came In with a presidential primaries to .gain Review of the 1072 primary shocker. I grabbed the catalogue and maximum bargaining power at, setup has persuaded Conyers "Barbie and Ken are getting much to my horror discovered the Miami Bcach convention. and oUiers tiiat they can make a married. Here Is the list of what tho sellers of Barbie were . When Now York’s black Rop. significant dent. (In Maryland, wedding clothes they'll need as up to. TheyU^et you have the Shirley Chlsliolm recently said Tennessee. Florida. IndUmri well as a picture of Barbie's doll for $3, Fut you have to buy she might enter one such and Wisconsin, delegates arc dream house.” clothes for her at an average of primary, it was only tho tip of chosen on a congressional ''Seven ninety-five for a. . $3 a crack. They have about 200 the Icebcrg. district basis, witli some at- • house?'' I shouted. "Why can’t outfits, from Ice-akatlng skirts Beneatli the surface, things large delegates.) The they live on a shelf like the rest to mink Jackets, and a girl's ju-e bubbling. Tijo staff of Ilep. presidential winner In a given of your dollars?" status,.in the community Is John . Conyers, one of district gets Uioso dologat(is> Thc« tears started to flow. .haacd-jm..how many Barbie Michigan's black Democrats. North Carolinu .has a “Ihoy want to ll'vi together .as . clothes she has for her doll. makes constant inquiries 6n proportional rcpreqentation man and wife/’ The ! first time I took ^ —167ft-pHmary-det«i!»-t^it—the—Ky«l«>^to«W)lioo«iiJH^-WiUi-iti --D6ffibWalTrT^tlomil-eom=-OTb5tWitnnT)TaB(lK^^^ narrfgtl~ fln d n ivtng“ fai - - on a-dress for-her and $25 to miltee. Similar .cliocks have too. might bo a fcrtlla field for th e ir dream house w ith 13.000 outfit her Barbie doll. worth of clothes hanging in the been made ^t least tliree times blQck delegate hunters, A week later my daughter by Berkeley’s militant black. Nevyjyork. tliough lacking a closet. I wish I could say th a t aM came In and said, "Barbie Hep. Ronald Dellums. AnoUier presiuoinTaTpreference test, was well, but yestei^ay my wants to be an airline daughter announced that Midge who shows intere.st is be choosing all Its 1072 -stowardess.^^------(|3)-w8s-comingto'Visitthem7- Ixuls Stokes of Ojilo. brotlior of dc!^ntos~ In - congresslonul “So let her bo an airline And she doesn't have a thing to .Cloveland's retiring black districts. TJie delegate can stewardo.u,” I said. w e ir. mayor. Carl Stokes. dldates can't indicate on tho An aide to Conyers sjjys ballot wiwm tliey favor, but memos fly_ tock_ nnd_fortJi at black aspirants in heavily black . steady paco orhong-m cm bers of- ■aceas-could-caKily-signal thclr Ujo House “ black caucus" and Intended support for Slilrlcy —Q tlieL)oQ ding-blacka._nio topic? CSilsolm o r C onyersr PAULHARVEY Is largely \inchanglng — howto Pennsylvania,'No’w Jersey. cast tho biggest possible weight West Virginia and nilnois could in the 1072 presldintial process. provide another, harvest of She Works With Children In tlie opcnlng days of August, black delegates. On Newsmen— Conyers laid Ujo wI joJo O ji/ig out Wliat do U)c black leaders In a Washington spocch, (to tlie want if tlicy manage to gain new § x y i i i i h o p ta lk , b u t tiio need* National ■ Dental A.ssociatlon) bargaining strength through a tendency to maiochlsni, thera Is !j.to-know is genef-al. wlUoh-got^ftlim-noUo«.»Aftor— iibiadupoUticai-strutogy- Mr.s; Jnmos A. (Uutli) Van- ' wortc and for sovon years wab___ a way that you can perform an “ proposing tliat there bo nt least Of course, full application of -— dcnbnrk“ ims” bccn working-wiilii— ' superintendont of the nursery;^ — unscienuaus.'n’eoSii>^ liiVe— iniport^t clilien str^cer—...... - been hounted recently by an Just by conducting your own one black entry In Ujo coming M cG overn-F raser commlsLHion children most of -her life. Siie department. She taught Sunday admonlUon from within the TV survey you may restrain | primaries,*'Conyers said: reforms on dolcgalo Section. started early because slie was the School classes at various times and fraternity. disproportionate carping during “This would Mtlmulalo Jliese are designed, among .oldest of five children nnd so lielped even was guardian of tho Camp Tho top sergeant talk which this campaign. registration' and encourage oUier things, to assure ample -black—citUons—to—run—for-^blaok—reproMmtatlon—at-iite- Jiec-mothcc-care for. hor-brothor-A- j-Firo-Oklehawnjjiroiipralso-in^tl ^.-tesP-flC-ted publisher, By keeping a log qf m ajor TV ' , (j«ng PMlilarnT:8iiilrta«ea:tiL -Hlelegato-MAtA-to-tlKS-nallonal- r p r in i ary -•and-8tgtei‘a.- The-fnm ily"ltved^on -M ethodisi ~ cliuicli. I t ^ waa- :netracaala-thla:nmrt ------m e : hypercritical Americans in d l^ you~can-m«aiur»'Whlch-party-— ^ convention in larger numbers and non-primary delegates. • h6mestead at that timo. association; with this group that newsmen more than most for gets h ^m uch attteUon. than ever before. Tlie blacks also figure u good Well, Mrs, Vandenbark is still at interested her in the professional nobody tends to accmtuate the You will_ need - “Blacks would Uien bc-ln.a sliow of strength w ill compel the it as exocutive director of the Camp position slie now holds. negative more than we do. and enough h e lp fro ih £ position to exert maximum party’s 1972 nominee to broaden He says we should “stop monitor all prime-time network leverage in tlie decision-making his voter appeal, recruit more Fire Girls in the Matic. Valley Sha enjoys art, writes articles criticizing everything and progranu and youll need a . that would take place in and out black staff people, adopt u Council which embraces Twin; and poems and finds girls more 110 everybody and every motive stopwatch. You’ll have to be of tho conventions." platform "fairer" to black Falls, Shoshone, Gooding and.the restless than in the “old days.*-Shc- -and -every-action . . .- stop- precise{ one discrepancy would— W itlj America’s blacks having America. Clearly, they have the Nortliside as well as an area in blamcs this on tho mobility of constantly sniping at our discredit your research. voted overwhelmingly potential for a good try. Tlielr Nevada. The girls are from six government . But If the'networks know D em ocratic since lD3fi, w hat strength of will is still in doubt.' family life which now ends up — in through high school age and more many cases — with no security at He relates how "no nation has you're watching, you will en* than 800 ai^e enrolled at the present home. If youngsters really want to gone to more extraordinary courage political balance in lengths to uplift the poor, feed reporting. time. Camp Fire offices arc located— -engage in-productive-activity- she JOHN GOLDSMIt IhI ■ the hungry, comfort the af- It can be afgued that at C34 Addison Avenue West in the believes there arc plenty of things fllcted and extend Justice to President Nixon's. nonpoUtical old hospital building. to do and many organizations to everyone .. ." • appearances on the tube have' M rs. Vandenbark is no which they can belong. Yet persistently "a small political Impact; so be it. Weekend newcomer to Twin Falls. She Being over critical of the handful of hypocritical critics , Including the minutes publicly flagellate us and^ouc devoted to thos«, the historical arrived in 1928, coming from ^ “ establishment” causes difficulty WASHINGTON - "Whal's ..Brntllicallon 1ms so lonti been government." U kelihood U th a t th e **outs" wiU up?" Nixon spoochwrlter pqt ahead of UlsclpUne that no Clarkston, Wash., and she had been for the youngsters in deciding true Pulliam says this "antl> still get dfsproportlonate William Satire, naked Nixon one can forosco how people will teaching at a rural school at nearby ■ values even though the home en- Amierlcanlsm is corrupting our mention and attwtion. economist Herbert Stein os Uioy rood to tlie necessity of cutting " Cloverland for two years. Her first vli*onment may be good, th o national soul." Subtleties of shadftig and piled Into a W lilto House car to - costs. H ie nation facca a tost of teaching job in Twin Falls was at available distractions include Now we are engaged, earlier emphaaia you will recognize as -uiBw«rH>-uimnioni>-l«Hi-^top—chiiractciLaUcc.iUonciii|iueJiUo_ ' ' -pe xleeUoii re»j>ectlre "' ‘ Tlie old nickel iicnooi wnicli has ~‘paperbm!lrti()oks of mo wrong 0 n ^ political campaign which la quot<^ out of context, but these, secrot’'m M tlii(! at Cnmp David solf.lnduIgence. last Friday night. Tho new talk of fodoriil ij; since burned and been replaced. pomog/aphy and "I can't say that likely to compound and In- subject to interpretation, you Iw ^ln g ln g r^r— r:ffl6mot:CTmpule.- V g M n r W w l h . 4>ydg*t=outiF(oWo«(MnoMlw.^ln—^ p35$cogcaM iSffii£iim cU cial_r; Important weekend In economic which Congress nnd tho i; sferred to Washington school and to youlth." Becauae Mr. N bi^ Is the- Just tally the cumulative I primary political target of the minutes given to Humphrey, history since March 4, 1033," President have been par- K ___ _ was- there two yeat^." e old saying ‘as Uie twig is outa — Bnd btcaiM iia-haa-m it— Lindaay.-M m kle. ..Kennedy, S telnrcplledr^ no«t two dajia Ucularlv openhiuiikllJli-Uielr—J: SfiF’married in 'flmJ'hnd-t ■^f dcllberullons on Uie mouii- TIscal decisions. Congress, wlUl untangled all the coat hangers - M cGovern- el—a l,-e s- th « y~ ~ “ -'r- le ft~ ^h ln d “^n -^^nlie-House ^ ^ ttiu iic ’TMmbiieti'aticurpelUy.— tiilntop did Indoed bring fortli tlio-elecUon In^Tmlnd, “Is np- quit teaching. There was a rule . , she said. closets by the previous oc- llien tally the Routes whldi Uio most dramatic reversal of preprinting nt a pace ap- ■■then that teachers who married She finds a spark of the Divine in c u p a n ts — those tangles will be showcase Admlniirtratlon ; national economic |)ollcy since proilmatoly |5 billion beyond could not teach anymore. Her. cach person and admits to sort of a' spoUi^ted as '‘hla mess." spokesmen. \ Franklin D. noMovd^s Mr. tllxon's doep*deflcit cflntract wa^-cancelled,____..j____ game, watching for the way this is Ana of all media, network I will wlay, your Interim!-— — inauguration. ’ budget. O nly la s t w eek tlu> She and her husband moved Into "^ evidenced hi each person -she ^ televlilOH7Mdt531friho Easleni reports, U you like. „ .. Hie. . . . question...... now ._is whether...... President signed six ap- liberal Establishment will Should we do less for our* tho policymakers und tholr new proprlatlon bills so swollen Uiat their new home at 055 Third meets. U M y be most lopsided In Its stives than for our allies? policy can generate enough ho would almost corUiinly have Avenue West. They still live in tho "One big stop in Camp Fire," shs emphasis. > It's time to think about en> force in a highly HUlcal vetoed them In his pre- same house after 37 years. said, "is aiding girls to establish If 'you accept Pulliam's surlng free and fair elections in climate to reverse the in- Keynesian period, "Sort of feels like homo," Mrs. truQ values in life so they w ill'be diagnosis of our collective the United States. flationary expectations of The Wall ’Street Jouranl • Vandenbark said. , ^ able lo make mature judgements.” wllUcians, executives, labor publislted recently a profile of p»' l«adei«#r-4»hd-|»lal»»roUiaen8r-an-oIect?ioal—worker— N»hat ho and • fouri !jhi!Ati|ll founO-llmo to teach ' widoiy known for .things artistic, ‘ old policy, can President Nixon Ids follow hardhats are unfairly and jftir mabjj ypars did tutoring in' resides in Twin Falls. Mrs. Richard zzzznowrousftienough.confldence to -targeted as the villains of-In^- '^poclal" education situations.:^ (Loiiise) '(Vhlto lives a t San D im aa,---r- make the new policy effective? flotion. He stressed the .During this special teaching she Tl>e Japanese, against whom tribulations of his work, but he C aliforn ia, w hile H arlan Van- one facet of ll»e now policy is . did not hide its m nte/lal helped more than 100 children. denbark is an electi'onics ______. a lm id , _ jn a y _ p r o ve m o re re w a rd s, a $38,000 h o q u j^ tlu s Born In Chicago, she moved to a technician who lives in M6scow, Prayer For Today tractable tlw H he Americans, expanding‘access to recrentlon__| _homcstead-4it-BIg--Sandy.^ ■!daho-and-is—stilHoUowlng-the-:—- .....They 'know,' Behind their of all sorts. Ho talked wisUully Great Falls, Montana, with her schooling of his field. The youngMt Dear God, I talk too much. Often ilnglemlnded trade drive, that of his aspiration to own an iSarents and forlawhile had to study son, A rthur, Just; finished their prosperity la linked to the airplane. after a cbaversation I find'myself. > ' L ' Unlt«5 SU»les’.J>er8uaded UiatT .ThU,spirit already Imperils at -home f ^ atge there was no _JCfiqulrBmenta_fot- a-HiaS _ w i A i o g X b a d n ^ t s a i d J i a l ^ ^ . # i B t J L ...... , ,'lhoy have reacted ’a~jx>lhr'tte siifc ^ of Wr'^Nixon's , schoo). , I degree- in bacteriology at ' did 8ny:‘ SometliQes I J ^ n ’t :eveq where it wiU no longer pay to «lngW previous venture, into .Her'fathei^, a bariMsnter, b u ilt^ e WMhlngton State; Pullman, remember some of the things I've press their advantages curl?ing the inOationary spirit, first schpoliandifound a teacher. So dner^nteresting and amusing said, and I worry about that .The ruthlessly, they wUlprobjibly be The President and his T - shrewd>noughUo'Boften'iheir'-«s»odBtei''^l^ modeBt!y-*op-'-: -^^ho-8larteirte-»ch«(ohind-wheh'lf' ’■■thing lir the" life bf'thls capable " Blble'»ays,~’TbB-toiig«e-cairno“ cupidity, timlstlc that their Construction tJ^me time) for college her father woman; .a^ Washington school she n)an tame,” So, I ^ u ^ . tbe But tho American , habit of Induaty Stabllhatlon Com^ gave up f m homestead and .‘left taught in Room 6. .When her

«.-.■• ,•■ V '^ r r “ :'v; i , ■nmM-N.wfc Twin F * lli, Idaho Sut(d»», Auguit M, I»ri. • : AWSTRIA HUNGARY Slavs bracie for Brezhnev

Hot can' tile'Russians be UPI Foreign New* Analyit nese illations have ^ w n entirely*^?leased irtUi' Increa- ™sult from Implementation of contemplated In Bufgaria nor Soviet Communist party lead- Improvement afler 20 years in kingly good relations between thla.4octrlne.’ . nowsp^rs warnings of such cr Leonid I. Brezhnev Is which their only exchanges Yuaoslavia and Allwila and* Into this brew now has been Mverlty have bew wen Inside scheduled to visit Yugoslavia consisted of InsulU. Al&nla and Greece, suspecting tossed a report by thte the Woo since the days Just noii moiiih for tho first llnie in ’ , ^Uiat Itrauld bo ilio Invasion—of— five years, and indications are m e Rusalans always hove an antl-Sovlet Balkan Moc. ' per Magyar Hlrlap that Chinese, Czechoslovakia, Uiat Yugoslavs do not eitpect been suspldoiu of Ihe close ties on their side,’, the Yugoslavs Premier Qiou En^ol planned a whatever he has to say to be between Presidents TIlo of jUowed the recent this (all to Romania, BOB'S entirely pleasant. Yugoslavia and Nlcolae Ceau- large-scale Warsaw Pact Yugoslavia and Albania, T.V.MPAIR They are reacting according­ sescu of Romania whoM maneuvers In nelghborlnft Hun- Tlio . “ .T ! friendship for Chtaa only („ pjsj unnoticed, nor' “regretfully" It coyld not be AllM aktti ly. . Black & WhU*. Color I- th o thn tr ip WOUlU month (or Bulgaria, Yugosla- hav/ng spe^h by.-the-army chief — Neilher-Ducharest nor_Bel^l ' \ of ■ staff Col. Gen. Vilitoi: grade . confirmed the j-oporl BubanJ, re-emphasizbig Yugo- beyond saying -a Chinese pleases attorney S la v determination not to yield government delegation had an inch of territory and to face b^n invited ai^ h^w ccpted I>ALT LAKfc. L|TY and complete preparedness for tries. * Attorney George W. I.iitim cr, ue with the appeal tlirough the '' a long-lasting armed struggle." The Soviets'have not dis- ((unoral counscI for U . WJllluIr) m ilitary channels.' "W e have an And, speaWng of the Brez- closed the pt^pose of the Qilloy Jr., said ^-Vldaylhe was automatic appeal coming up in hnev doQtrlno by \fchlch Soviet Brezlmey trip. But it has been pleased to hear of tlie reduction three or four months before >a a rm o r intervened in C zechoslc ob-Herved Utut n e ith e r W arsaw in Galley’s sontenco to,20 years court of m ilitary review and wo vakia in 1M8, President Tito P«ct maneuvers of such scope ImprlsoiimtiiU. are preparing Ivlcfs for that ap­ New Ucd, Slav clash browing? Ijitlm er said, "Frankly we're peal at this time.” d e cla re d : ■ \ pleased to have Uiis life sen­ The attorney said he thought "Wo are capal^lo of detiling MOVIE RATINGS tence reduced'to a term of the Veductlon would make Gal­ FOR FVVJENTB AND Television Schedules years. Tiiis is a benefit to Gal­ ley eligible for a parole hearing YOUNG PEOPLH . ley Since a life sentence if rath­ when o n e 4 h ird o f the 20 ye a r S — My rrlend Pllcka O ffice r’ s 'I l.i ' > Swnd«v,Aug.]}, m i n — Seveoly ' AI7:Monch»rtn*lK3*nd n.«nd al er indbfinlte.” sentence had been served. But Ask change SiM itNiutOu luiUtul'if I U);30 on 2b — th e Six W Ium ol J»l, s '—‘ Sowoh Snas Hie Salt I.jike attorney,, said he added he would attempt to' H*ory VMI — Chapter 4: Anne ol Ills stuff had hoped the Army -have the entire sentence set CAKSON CITY, N ev.(U P I)- Clevat. Two v««ri alter Jane 7b. 3. U — L a u Io s“dh named i — Maverick Sav"'ou*’ '» H enry, now -U, review might go. furtlier and do aside along with the findings of A couple of advertisers have i l l IDUMIHl ;b UewitcltiHi wedt the German princeu Anne o( {something aboutUie findings on* tlie courts m artial. proposed replacing the tradi­ Clevet. ir» no love match: the 8 — Viewpoint G monarch married Ihe homely Anne SiM in escape Ujo four specific charges^— ^— ------tional cherries, lemons and. to uain an alliance with Germany }tl. 7U, B. S — World of Dltney “ Wo thought tltey might dls- A thought-for today: Pres- plums . on Nevada slot machines Jt); 3, n - A n in ia l W orld , jKjaintf France. For htpr part, Anne. __STOCKBRlDGE,Ma.>w.iUPI)_ jiuiii:c-wiULon(U)ii_tMi_oLlhc_ldi*nLJWoodtQW_Wilson--jmid._-With.picturefl-oLtliciC-Dtoducigz. GE le e k i an, annulm ent. . . 4iW) -^V/llHam J. O benli^ J i^ io four findings and sot them . “Sometimes people cull mo an The State. Gaming Policy Jb, 3, 4 - F ill • Morning 2l-year-o!d son of the Stock- jj^ido. So our iniUal hopes, at Idealist. Well, tliat Is the way I Committee to.l - .1 Pop. 0““P0 P0 8 — aoid onet case was continued to Sept. 0. 3iOO--4iOO.6iOO-0iOO.lOiOO }b — Tabernacle Choir HANK 4, 8‘ — Cattanoooa C alt » - Im p " . 11,1. • A warrant Joii younK Olien- \ fiM 3 — Hawaii Fitfo o - hein’s arrest was issued Au);. 0. - [ q p iJ p i r i F R A j i p .;;^ r r > Q L _ H Q P _ y Q m t _ c o m f o r t l^lice Mid he entemlenrereJ 'ilie 3b — R evival F lre t S — Guntmoke. andtlw • 3 — Camera Three -- 7tl — Maiterploce Theatre unattended Stockbrid^'o police 4. 7b. B — Itu llw in k lo B — MOtfio; "Shfvot Loud, Louder .. . Htiitlon July 28, look a rlflo off 5 — Day of D ltc o v w y I D on’t U n d o n ta n d " • n — H erald o l Truth ^ ■ ■ H:00 tlie wall and sliot Ute lock off a »:J0 It — nonania cell to free Donald Burnell of ■ ?*J, 4 — IJible A n iw o ri - • 9.'4i ■ ‘ • BRAZOS VAllEY BOYS 3b - Orai-R Obort*------“ •■jtr~‘Niw57W6atnorr5porit------StockbridgcJJuriUJil.im ir'iitil'L ltljl*BtllLY-HDAD-t.tASTlAMD-l)R,A.fWOH6_T3»-MW)~ chart»c«l w ilh i'ro w ln i5 m arljuii; 3 — FMa-tho Nnlion ...... 7b — AUC Now* ■ “ na at his hbhje. • 7b. 8, I t — OiiCQWury ...... 10:00 S — TabWhaclu Choir ' 3b. 3, 5, n — N e w t, W c .ilh o r.-ip o rtt The older Obenhein ployed 10;M 7tl — Fantare himself In Ute movie in which J*l — Thi» It the Aniwor tO:OJ he arrested Arlo Guthrie for Jb — It I t W ritte n 7b — Newt. Wealhnr. Sporit 3 — Tabernacle Chlor 10:tS llltcrlng after a ntnnk.

2tl. 4 — C am era 4 R ep orit • NSWiTWeather, Sportt , S — eleventh Hour 3b, 4 — Truth or Conteouencei 11130 7b — AOC Nowt Special _____ - - ') t l , 4 — Movie: "I Wanted' WlrHtt" >S,.~ Newlywed Cams - - ' 3 — Look U p 'a n d Live 11 — M y Three Sont 7b, B. 11 — Itt u e i and A n tw e rt «;30 and &iturn. 5 - AAovIe; "P in -U p G ir l" Jsl. 8 - Allan Special 'Hie evening stars are Mcrcu- 3U. 3. n — L u cille Uall A llernoen ry, Mars and Jupiter. 13:00 4 — Lel't Make a Deal ------3b------T®-B«-Announced------7*1 — Mitteregef t ------— ^ntoiui-born on tills .(ljiy...an)_ 3 — Iniluhl 7b — Brady Hunch ------under Uie sign of Vlrijo. 4 — Auto Race Special 7 :00' 7b — Lancelot Link and Socrot Jsl, 5, 8 - NBC Comedy Theater American physicist Clinrlea Chim p 3b, 3, 11 - M fly b e rry Jenkins was b o rn Aug.. 22, 1807.- B — AAovie: ^'The U ra tt D ottle " 4 — Newlyoamo Game - Cook Up and Live 7it — CDS Wew* Special On tills dny in history: 1):30 7b — AAovie:'"Triple Play" In 1851 Uie , U.S. yacht C D a y s 3 DIble Slory 7jJ0 FRIDAY, AUG. 27,8:00 p.m. "America" beat tljc Brltiah 11 — C am era 3 2b, 3 - O o rit Day U:4S 4 — Very Good Year 1i»3* craft "Aurora" off Gowcs, 5 — Home Tour 11 — Family Allair England, to win a silver trophy, 1:M 7il ~ Italha Yoga at the . 3b, 3. )1 — Pinpoint llo w lin o BiOO ■nie race luis sitice been known 7b — Movie; "HUlo and Suuk" 3*1, B — M ovie: "T rip le P la y " as "Tlio America Cup." . S — Auto Race 3b. 3, 11 — CUS N ew co m e rt 1:30 4 — Movie: "Cl Greco" In 1011 tlie M ona L ls ji wdH Jb, 3, 11 ~ A A U In lo rna tlon al 5 — Atovie: "Thunder May" stolen from the . Louvre JEROME COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS Champlont 7sl — W o rld -P re tt R eview Mu,qeuin In Paris. It wn!i h € s t o h m 1:40. ' f:M 8— Movie: "M nn't Favorllo Sporl’" 3b — 'H w flli Five O recovered Dec. 10. )i4S 3 — Guntmoko omatK Tti.--'AAovie; "San Anionlo" 7tl — Nealltiei In lOCa Pope Paul VI received MAN 3iM 7b, 11 — M a re u t W elby, M .D , i a hearty welconiu In Bogota, JlNAVISIOy’UCHHICOLOR* 1 ^ , J 0 i0 a _ TICKETS 3)30 - - ■ J il, 3b. 3, S, 7b. H, n — t^ew t. ■^O fflbia. II was ilie ffiillv ls ir 7b — Space In the Sovontiet Weather.‘Iporlt to Uitin America by n Homnn 4 — It Taket a Thiel 3:00 Catliollc iwntlff. 'Pickotft OH Sale at K art Mo))ile M ike downiow ii Jb — Film 7tl F ig u rln o It Out itMt.Tfl UBJXnnounctd t0i30 . . and at the Fairgroundh — or at tlie.^ MOTOR-VU' GBAHEJ I — AAovie: ‘'The Si , Damatcut" Jb — AAod Squad A thought for today: Ameri­ PHONE 7 99-6336 i — MItterCd 3.— Sonny and Cher can writer Bret Harto said, ^nPTymiTRATiTO STATION 7b - V P Q eporf Spec);»l . M — Movie: "In Searchol America" 'connjuaiibrr -i'Qnc-biB-vIco_liuuuanJ5ii!il_ l»lionc 324-.'>9(> I or W rite Hox 3 ,'M. JeroiiKi - 5— Wapon Train to keep-out n~ great many Lasf ”3" Days - i i » - Ends Tues, i. 3b,-J^n •^WheroU.Huddlev?__ — Tj5Rroinnr«t« ia th V alley D ayt • IJilO nHS^ITEEilliflST' H X ^ OF WE WORLD* 3 - Hof DOO 5 — Depuly KIM BtRU RD*D t, e ^ S T L » HD OH. * fHO M E T 3 4 -W 0 NCOUCTUBfEOlNBISTOIir Conllnuoui Mallneei Wed. Thru Sunday From T2:00 Noon OULURDriNSjUte rsUPRIME MOmflDNI , MEXICAN FOOD ! tdoho Premiere Show ln g ll "OHE OF THE BEST TIMESTVE HAD BRING THE WHOLE AT THE MOVIES THIS YEAR!" FAMILY ■- - 0«na ShJlll, Look Magailna Lom e A t You A re ~ D i is t b i- or Tol(« Horn* t:oMmUMKirj\N H o T h n a n MENU D U S T I N ...Twai . . £iul»aojo« H Q f T M A N CARTA BIANCA BEEk “U m E . 404 4*h Ave. VI. H a r n r (Trutklon*) B I G M A N X OPEN SUNDAY 3 P.M. »o 11 PBnwMan^lechnioolQr-lOe W u .P it 1.00P.M......

things ab ^ Steve McQueen r ' M :""'T^hc. Reiveis""- Sunday, Auouil jj, 1971 TlmM-Ntwi, Twin Pill^, Idlho iCoreans discuss reuniting families PANMUNJ6M. Korea (UPI) T«ro deUgatM from each »ld4 DralslnB II aa a ^ —Red. Cross offldals firom alfindiid the mealing, wWch ^ reunltlca- reP™“ nMiUve>allCT(lme«tliig« FHday btlweoi IM O North and South Korea niet lasM-Jour mlnulel, Hiey . of the commlislon along wiUi' ofUdals o( the North ^ thia-yfUflgfl In the O K h sn g e d M t f n fo r m m y U..S. and Canuntmlal Chlnae Soutli va i Uw flrit betm n DemiUtarized Zohe (PUZ) io inpgntlg talks, between the Hie meetInK was held In the officials. Pul the meetllig two of a bl-Uteral nature, set the staflo for necotlatlons on ■ countries on • reuhltifig tne ■ ctfnference room of the Neutral reuniting families in...... the dividedestimated 10 million families Nations Supervisory Commis- ^iH)etwee*rlhe*tjw fll'des; - -alon:ii>-JP^unjomr-30 m lU* After the meeting, the South north of Seoul in the western Ihe'meeting was the first Korean Red Cross announced In portion of the DMZ between . -contact on an Qfflclal level Seoul* that it wUl propose North and South Korea. 'Die TWIN FAUS CEMETERY: between delegations from North details Saturday for the prelU villui(o' also Is the site for and South Korea since 1M5, minary talks and negotiations. ,meeting's of the Korcnn M lllta- uiien World War II ended and Shortly after the meeting ry Armistice Commission 2 ADUIT , was mv1uffff"wiui FrIilayrwWt‘ ‘ ** .1 ■ “I'tiythc'ogrceincnt'' Spvlot troops occupying tho formality for m a kin g the Uiat ondod tho Korean War In NWth and U.S. troop-i tho proposals, the North Korean 1953. CORPANION SPACES South. * ' ' News Aflency transmitted n Both North and South Koreo Wifh Perpetual Care vote nets recall bid BLACKFOOT(UPI) - Voters n 9 0 . 0 0 ifi Legislative D istrict 27 have crs and which cut back leglala- jvodh-and-JU p,-jW ltcans. State 'Rep. Wilbert Cammack, .To put the question of Cam- er. We offer a ciiolce of Hot marker, raised Petitions also are • on file D-Blackfoot. because he voted mack’s recall on, tho ballot aualnst Hmi«s Maloritv I^flder marker or private above-ground bijrial. for a legislative pay Increase.- those seeking to oust him must ^ ^ H.ldalio Falls and In asking that Cammack bo secure the signatures of 1.274 of ^ re ca lle d fro m o ffic e , the In itia l the 6,389 persons in tho d is t r ic t . * r ^ n e v both E>-Coour d ’- A CHECK FOR |1,S00 is given James L. Taylor, president of petition contends Cammdok's who voted in the last election . . Twin Falls Cemetery Ass’n. u>e CoUege of Southern Idaho, on right, by Jack F. Ramsey, vice action "has challenged tho for governor. Tn L ,^ h m e n in JhA A.W. "Bill" Madlantl, Pre<. and Mgr. ^ l/U C IC ^ II I'S presJdeal and managef of the Twin F^lji office of the Idaho sovereignty of the poopJe." Cammack is ‘tho sixth of Mo- (Ustr'icts took excen- 435 Main Avenue E. Twin Fatfs H National Banfc^The money, donated through the Laura It referred to the legislative ho's 105 legislators to havo re- g l v o n S llQ Moore Cinningbam Foundation, will assist (wo studenU with pay action which overro^ an call petitions filed agalnsl them. ^ 1750 s c h o la rih lp s e^ch. * Bank presents tuition funds TW INTATXS^:^Tii;rColl5Kr creased to |7M each because of of Southern Idpho students w ill growing costs in education. Hie bo Bclocted to sliaro n $1,&00 foundation is administered by scholarship gift to CSI from tho members of the Moore family, Come in and let our salesman explain how it works! Now you can Idaho Plrat National Bank one of the founders of tho KM- presented Thursday afternoon your-old Idaho First National SAVE BIG on these and many ofheriine home furnishings by Jack F. lUimscy, bank Dank. Tho foundation was manager In Twip.FallH. organized In 1963 through the Dr. Jnmos Taylor, who ac­ will of Laura Mooro Cun- cepted tho gift, said Uio student ninj^liam for tlio purpose of. Ice or water, porsonnpl. acholarshijp.com' aiding education -and - c±aritlcs- New Acoiistaforin STEREO CONSOLE mitteo will select the two in Idaho. without ojpiFning thenaoo re cip ie n ts on a basis o f need and academic promise. Qiristopher W. Moore and his :Acoustafonn . . . a revolutionary new (abricatine Ramsey said tiie $1,500 Is-Ujo partner, B. M.-Duroll received techftique lhat offets yoii.inlricately carved surfaces ■ InrgPHf ft^|)n)nr«hlp thn_hnnlf ~Uio—socond—national—bank- -in-hlgMmpacl-polystVfww-Afld-Wflh-iflleBsrty-fldif^ has awarded, althougli similar charter Issued west of tlie urethane loam that tiaiihes, feels, (ookt, sounds. •. awards havo been made for tho Missouri Hivor. H io bank now end even smells like United wood, It's mar- past several years. Itio ' Laura has 55 offices serving Idaho and resistant and virtually maintenance fre«. Moore Cunningham Foun- provides grants to educational 23.5 cu. f m datlon, Inc. sponsors, the {ind charitable .institutions In Medlfemiiiean Styling j ------sciwlarflhipa and this year-in—rtliese '-cflmmunitlc.q -anniinlly. 'Beautifulequtlful |>roifv Iith « r 9iide~ :^Am ericM iafc" Refrigerator-

- • D e lu x e ‘ IfiS’ AM I KM I I‘'M Freezer Elmore schools^ w ith Stereo Tunor Cu at9m DiBpenwsr • Sol Id StiiW AuM >liflor open Aug. 30 • 6 S pciikcr Sound Sys^ttiin

— KING-HILL - School wili- for teachers’ institute; Nov.-55- boKin Aug. 30 In GlenHs F e rry and 26 for Thanksgiving Modil TFF.24BL and Hammett. vacation: Dec. 23 to Jan. 3,1072, A full day of sciioo] is planned C h ris tm a s ; M a rch 31 • A p ril 3, Dispenses crushed ice, cubes with hot lunch served at noon. Ii!aster vacation. and cold water. Bus routes, will remain un­ Fees for high schoql students changed from last year. Freezer holdj up to 295 Iba. ______fo r tho y o a r aro $1.50, lo c k e r % O Q O O \ __ Ncw_8tudcnts_nco_(iirected_tQ- -T«^talH^50T)lus-i7-CCTt5-tHr— ~XHjusUble, tempered contact Uie Buldanco counselor, a c u ity ticket; $0 plus 18 cents glam ahelveg "HHaoiljl-^Wfirta,. on Aug. 24. .tnt Tpr-atuinnl;47-altftM>rwH^ -joa5i5£r^m i=tic=iinffl^ meeting and work*____2nd. SEANISJH^YLE^BJG O rie n ta l Miscellaneous colored • Helen Vase - M rs. R . Schoessler, 1st. Golesky, 1st; Pauline Byram, Fine China 2nd. Vases • Lorraine M uir, 1st; SCREEN COLOR TV DOZENS OF Old ivory • Nova Baumgart- Ester KIstler, 2nd; Nancy >V}r, .IsL _..Ilackney,.3rd.... • 295 5q. Inch Picture ^ F lo e C h io a C u t p U f i » AFC-Aulomatlc Fine Tuning C ra c k e r j a r - B e rn e y -:poiitrol“ — BEAU fliULSO iAS 'Gobcidter,uoccKner, isi.1st.* ------Celery -dluh. Mrs. - Robert Scboesslor, 1st, PiAle dish « ______------A rtic le s^:______! ^Iiiitn.rnlnf—Pk ore olmott irnmedlale ^FKe latest styles, coitxrs^ — Ambcr-curniviil^Cflrsl ^ G oeckner, 1st; Blue carnival - Mrs.^ Robert Schoessler. 3ol. r sifd e Rule'Ttinlng— UHF ^ Cream and sugar - Nancy : ' Est^ Klstlor, Is^; Carl Iretoni • High Definition Picture Tube Hackney, 3rd. Goblet - Mrs. 2nd; Gretin carnival > Pauline R o b e rt Schoessler, 1st. Byram, 1st; Pattern carnival - Mrs*, aarettce Pauls, 1st; Janls MetalArUcles Wright, tody-MUcqllaneous— Pewter - Ilobert Brown, U t- carnival • Mrs. Clarence Pauls,. Silver - El})erta Askew, 1st; 1st; Ester KIstler, 2hd. Anita Standal, 2nd; Nancy* Celery vase, or d is h E s te r - Hackney, 3rd...... - - ■ K Is tle r, 1st; -P a u lin o -B y ra m ,------K ltc h e n A rtic U s ------2nd. Uncovered compote - Edn? Butter mold - Eva Moore, 1st. Muffley, 1st; Lorraine Muir, Butter | jddle - Pauline Byram, BONUS DAY^ 2nd; Helen Geleskey, 3rd, Cruet 1st; " lelma* Butler, ihd; Modal M0a46P»i. • Ester .Kistlf^i 1st; Manota Pauline Byram, 3rd. Rolling pin Admire, 2nd. Goblet • Edna - Pauline Byram, IsL Shaving Muffley, 1st. Jelly stand < W.A. m u g J o y c e Johanriseo, 1st a s n iMA b c n it o u h P o ll4 ? d r ^ ^ ^ G t t t o “ TfflWc8t~= " ' ' , J . ‘ , , Martota Admire, 1st; Pauline • Karrle Rose G loec^r, 1st; —Byram, 2nd. Colored milk glass Lflrena Murray, 2nd; Bemey ■ » B dna-M u ffl»y ,-ls t» A » m W a t, f io f f k n t r , ir d .^------;— ScQuts deliver^m defense shelter plans

T W IN F A U jS > -Delivery of Persons not receiving a Com> lnt(^ the m all. Costs are 'approxlm ptoly 20,000 Twin munlty Shelter Plan packet are provided By the federal office of REVJVAL Falls County community asked to contact the local Civil Defense, AT THE ' shelter pla^s and mapd began director pr call at ^e Twin Edwards said . the shelter FViday with Boy Scout troops Falls County Courthouse for plans'have been prepared after ASSEMBLY OF volunteering assistance In one.*' ■ • a survey of the 'Twin Falls CQunty communities, Cloyce Edwards said when possible, County conimunlUes Ini^jvhich GOD CHURCH ds;— civil— DofcnBff“ tho—Scouta ^11, explain-'the—official------s h e lte rs ------w e r ^ - i n - Director announced. importance of the folder to the desl^ated and auppllod. The / Infonnation contained,in the familyotthellineofdeUv^ry.If m^ps.wetO-PrepBred.cspccislly.. HANStN, IDAHO pnckots is of vital importance W“ 7M)'6no Is'home, (he packet will for the local county, based on PREACHING each family of Ujo county; ' bo. loft In the door or mailbox, available'Neither space and Edwards said, and should be RiRhtcen Kcouts from Troop population, surrounding each, GODS WORD studied and posted in every 67, Twin Falls, under the Where suitable, residents' THRU AUGUST 26 homo. direction of Frank Mogensen own basement areas should be NITEIY "Our goal,'.' Inwards said, “ and Chet llilbnan are dellverbiK prt^pnred for belter, ho said. A •iyto-teH-eve^ctti^gn:y?bero-the—tiw-fQUtorB-in-Twln-Falls,.Ed^- comaf-area-is>preierai>U-aml- ______AT bcsl'availublo fallout protection wards said. In Filer the where a'home is built on an 7 :4 5 is located," ______^e ric a n legion sponsored Uiclino, the comer where the THEREV.WM.D.TUCKER He said many homerTiavo troop under,'direction of Iloii excavation Is deepest would be ivenYONBis iN vireoi basement areas which w ill' Wyatt, leader, is In charge of most suitable, provide adequate protection, tho volunteer program, and in - much bettor than was thpuglit a Klmbprly, Troop 43, Keith fow years ago,.^ Aim of tho Egbert, assistant leader, w ill program is to Increaso tho make tho deliveries,.. possibility of survival under 'rro o p 2, sponsored b y tho nuclear attack and Uio resulting IDS Second Ward Church with radiation from fallout. David Davis, Scoutmaster, w ill Plans for such protection are deliver tho maps and In- 'Contained in the folders now structlong. being distributed by |3oy Scouts In oUicr arcus they will bo' or mailed to rural rosidonts. delivered by Civil Defense perKonnel or mailed to homes. Part Jlmo county employes INSTRUCTIONS FOU DEUVKIIY of Twlo F^lls-County**- h6lp{fd''stQfr U)o packets and C ivil Dcfenie Shelter Plan to every liomo In Twin I* allji are beLng Htamiyenvolopos for those going -oMered-by-dvU-Defense-DlrectorGloyee-Kdwaisls^Soouts-of- 'P la n s gonofUt- Troop 87 w ill deliver the packctR. Amonff volunteers ore Lance "Talk-set Carpenter, FVedShultx, lUll Itoyd, Matt Smith and Sid Parlato, AUSTIN, Tex. (UPI)-TexuH flanklnft Aw ards from left. Gov. Preston Smith flow to Washington Saturday to toll tlio nation on television why he Intimate apparel sale. plans to grant raises to stato Spanish Hove all tourists ’ employes and teachers in dofianco of President Nixon's MADRID(UPI)—HioSpanlsli others at Torromolinos. action against Uio long haired Esteban BaKsol.s, director prlce-wage freeze. - - - £ 0vcnuncnt_said today tlroi__ "Tbese wero isolated eases youUis .and rcflectcsplt;ilUy of Spaniards And could hurt tlio nation's growing Santa Aulall;i dol Rio Friday administration to avoid a legal said’Spain loves all thrusts said oveti Uie hippies arre.^tcd tourist trade. - night and, among other-things;- sliowdown^.'nioRovernment has —*-wlthout-r«gard-to-th«-l«4!th4i(,-fln-tluUsknd-ofJbl2a-cnJoyixL_W hothcrJlic.i2JUppicaJiUuU-J!df5fccating_inta_wattaL-fQiin:_annQunccd-pluiia.to-fllc-auit-iii-.| their hair. "tlio affection of villagers until In Palma do Mallorca will leave tains, trespassing on privnto Austin Tue^ay to. force Smith The National Tourist Office they were misled by un- ^aln fooling that wa/"was'a, property and stealing friiit, and oUier stiite officials to statement followed arrcsts;of scrupluous persons."- question. Ttiey were facing walking about nude in pul)llc abide by the Presidential order 300 h ippies on tho Island of The statement broke four another day of questioning by a and atUicking nnd injuring a stopping increases In prices and Ibiza and detention of 129 daysof official silenco on police governn\cnt prosecutor, _ g[rl working in Uio_fie(ds^’’ ......

Sunday, Auauit » , m i TlmM-Nawi, Twin F xli, Idtho t TF cdiial system runnirig at record higK, afeoVe capacity

TWIN FALLS — Canals of the He said another record has th e fu tu re w ill conserve som e of maintenance and delivery iW ln 'F a lls 'C a n a l Co. system been s e t th is y e a r w ith 4.340,000 this water for Idaho farm lands. c 6 its . ' . are running i t an a ll tim e a c re l^eet o f w a te r spiUed past Dams including Palisades, T he. le e pertains ■ to the tecord high, and aUove the Milner Dam during the current American Falls and others are com pany’s 202.700 shares of plannedcapacityof the system, IrrlgaUon year which began In currently about two-thirds full, water, ho said. A1 Peters, manager said today. Oclober, 1970. The previous ho said, which Indicates a heavy ■ *lir-M d'U >e' s y s t^ r dUflftg-hlghrhe- said; w fls'alw uf 3.»- "cariy over for Ihe ’comlng year Iho h6t weather and heavy • million acre feet of water. ond problems should the __ d e m a n d ,__ has been This year's- record results _cpmlnn_. winter be light ih 'Frees worl^; c a rry in g 4,000 second feet o f fro m the be w y ru n o ff and gooii’ pr'^&tim . k water, an allitlm e record. carry over of water, he said. Peters said stockholders In SACRAMRNTO('UPI)-Coast Canals are designed to carry, The entire am ot^t is sent down the T w in F a lls C anal Co. w ill be Redwood tfoes have Iwen about 3,600 second feet, he said, th e S n a ke R iv e r liT b th e p a j'ln g $2.25 per sh a re fo r w a te r planted' along freeways In a and previous t(H> load has run Columbia and on to the Pacific during, the 1972 irrigation State Division of Highways alM>ut 3,800 second fe e t d uring Ocean, d oing no fu rth e r good In ^ a ^ n . The board of directors program to provide "ecological poak irrigation season. .Ihe way. of irrigation after '[t have voted, to retain the same balance" by offering wind OVEHCOME BygCRP^ETM rTrnJ Hn. K^ 'KoMind,' ~Petery-sriiHhr-i««--ge

t w i n FALLS — Pro- Foils area defendant to bo tried Judge Theron W. Ward said a sentencing Investigation has by jury under Idaho's'new jury, 12^ncmbcr jurylast’weck found been ordered for the first Twin selection system. Fred Cadman,-Twin Falls, guilty of assault with intent to commit rape, after deliberating fr o m 3:35 p.m . to 11:15 p .m . on> Shine the shoes, Tuesday. At 10 p.m. -Judgtf ‘ Ward called the Jury back to ask. i t they were hopelessly deadlocked and was advised if school to open given a bit nnoro time they believed they could readi .m - - ByLEETREMAINE ______^m den_B. Meyer, nsslHtant “Vordlct...... Times-NewiWritii' Bapcrintcndcnt - havtmigrrod----Judge Ward "^plained lhe~ CHOCOLATE FUDGE CAKE . TWIN F A LLS -It's that time contracts for the 1971-72 school selection Is now from a a^ln~—“dUHt off the textbooks yea?mi(riouchWlneiUd.accoaling,tQ-^pcrlntonilcnt Duncan. Paul D. Epperyn, ij,e 12 member panel. George Staudalier. ~ 'flobccco~Lt>e~T5ppet‘aon7~Adele«PP ■ ■ • — Hadley. Donald L. Haynes, F——-H)THERmiiOFTHEWEER!LittC»tSl Faculty meml^rH will meet More unusual factors were at 6:30 a.m . tlils Friday, Aug. 27 John D. Heckert Jr., Nancy Ann. In the Vera C. O’Leary Junior Holmcr. ond Edith . ChrUUno iT jf IlilWurd Difficulty has been eat- High School auditorium for a lENDERCOBE PRICES EFFECTIVE ______prcrschool.session...______Also Jnmcs L. Jnckl.on, -_Illl!h_schooUsR!8tayQnJLj;*?[''^jJ?“^ ,®'_!lanUaAN»yo)oIndl^andhiui MhcdulodlhliiwccktronnBojn, d)lllcully wlUriHi“EjrBll»h- to 4 p.m., with seniors enrolling Kurtak, Larry R. Uwls, linda The court has learned m m m m t on Mondny,- Junlor^lnss If° E^Morr^J' o sUUoncd at Mountain students on Tuesday and . ?• Home Air ITdrce Base Is Bophomores signing up on M. Ohlensehlcn, Wanda Navafa) Indian and efforts are ^yyetea^inrTafirFairsTIigh— J*ckl»-fiohwedcrT being made to obtain her ser- School. Fred R. Selpold, Sharon rm rbitcrpnittyr All elcmehlary O td jUHWr . fljciiiinia,-JudlllrTnsro|m o^ >^5' high, students wlio did not’ Tlilcma Swenson, William Wol- register during the spring Tflng..-Wong, .Barbara 'Webb, Cadnian was convlctcd of signup may enroll on Monday James Edward Wharton, Susan aAsault of an 18-year old Twin from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Uielr Marie W oemdler'Mary Lflu F a lls g ir l M a rc h 2a. 1971, In an - Bciiools, Staudaher said. . GharUon and Sandra Haines,. alloy-h'Twln Falls. There w ill be no fees charged ■ for elementary students. Junior high pupils may pay a voluntary fee of |5 for yearbook, Land acquired for activity ticket and locker fees, and hlgh-school students will p a y 116.60 fo r a V a rie ty o f tecs. proposed Expo 74 High school and O'Leary students w ill pay their fees at SPOKANE (UPD-■nils past the city, contbgent upon the the time of enrolbnent, while week______has______been a--wo very good______one holding of the ciiiosilldri on Robert Stuart Junior High a« -far as land acquisition is Havenmale’ 'Island ’ md In the Spo- ScIjooI students will pay on concerned for the proposed Ex> ™vor in the downtown Sept. 3. po-74 Ecological Exposition sch* ... All senior higli students are to oduled hero. * ^ meet in the high school j!hirlngthepastweektheUnlon “ n Nor^ern lU llm d doiwted auditorium at 9 a.m. on Aug. SO. Pacific and Milwaukee Road about 7.9 acres of land on Hav- Junlor high and elementary Ralfroads have given about $3 “ land in the Eipo site, students will report to Uieir million worth of property to . - . home ro o m s, w h ich w ill bo ' , W dicaicannrilBtooBted-OTr^ bulle'tln boards In each school — near-the-princlpals’-offlces.— ^CtE All first grade students en­ tering school this fall must GOOD USED WHMMniltRS — -bclng thefr birth certificates, to prove th a t th e y w ill be s ix years of age on or before October 15.' Z^SSTOrSOCirTrrTW Ff: « School lunch w ill bo served on U»e first day In all schools e t ' 2-»IC275’s 14 FT. cept Jhi}~W gtr"Hchool—am'. 0 'Iiiu 7 . Junior Higli, with the ^ winrcoinnTioHn same costs as last year an- Reconditioned A Ready To G olf .....U clpated...... Biis routes will remain as they w e re last term , Staudaher SPECIAL LOW PRICES!! said. Classo.9 w ill bo dism issed at 2:30 p jn . on the first day. GEMIMTERNATHMALinc * A number of new teachers — ;and • one iie\^rBdniililalrttlur“ — " G O B Y A I R

, wilhPEItSOISALIZED.... LOCALIZED help Ki|H,rUlly.iued>d with RUNWAV CONSTRUCTION )ind.

t DRESSMG AIMITSON'S. Salad. Qwprt .... I t Fo>^ 13 years YOUR DOWNTOWN aRenls lo AIR WEST, j TRANS-MAOICnnd all air lines of THI^WORL t J j-"230 Shoshone E^Twin Falls— —--733-1668 I 10 Tlmn«N«ws. Twin F tllii Idaho Sunday, August 22, 1971 Answers about freeze WASHINOTON (UPI) —lYie transacUon prices, since com* competitoTi Prekl^ent's Oo^ of' Living mitmentahavebeenmade,and Q. Should records be main' ■’OouitcU:haa-JtttiiMl-Uila-Uat'Of-thim-are « nUmber'of’Caaes tained (or other than the - questions and answers'on the where - payments ' have been ’i^Ified'bftse M ri6d'{^.” l ' ' wageiN*lce Q. Aro wholesale and retail : ^ candidates seek distrinboard post^ wife. Fresh eggs are not * en according to terms of Uio prices included In tho freeze? povorod. Oranges aren't, but order. A. Vos. * JEROME/— Five candidates feedscatUo. Glarborg was tom and Rancher committee, and is the Hunt area In 1947, has 160 president of the county Farm „ .. , orange Julco Is. Fresh flsl) is, Q. Aro.p;ovioualy.-announccU ____Q ,_H ow do you prlco now are on the ballot In the North ‘ bi Nebraska, and is prese«lfy.J|M|t||l#|*chofol grnduat«rrHe is acres irrigated and-320 acres ofrBuroaurltonrand-educated in ' but frozen-fish Isn't.— ------' ' '"on rates for tho products? • .SidiLSdlJDonsfimUpn DUtrict chtlirman of the A and-^B-lWWctf^to thnna m-oln fnrmAr 1971-72 SChOOl yoar permitted A. UsO th' election Aug. 28 In Jerom? to Irrigation d istrict' board o t ShowvcrofJcromo. H. gfoM bay, bornis, groto, former . Iteol Tumor of prevent lowering of prices? elect two persons to the board of directors, Weathcrwa. homesteaded In ha, a calUe oporaUon and Is Colora.to, are co„sld.)red ^ i^ c S ;T £ ^ '» "b le • A. No. On the cdntrary, it Is supervisors. He is married to tho former hoped that this will occur. . ■Hie terms of Harold Grant, Eleanor Stelnman of Ashton. Eden, and Robert McQaln, "Hiey have three children. Ilazolton, arc explrlngrNelther Henery farms 420 acres north man Is seeking re-election to the of Eden in tho Hunt area. He board of supervisors. raises hay, grain, and beans as Candidates for the two well as some cattle. Of tho 4?0 positions are, George Glarborg, acres 100 is irrigated land and Robert Henery. Emanuel Maler, ^ desert range. Carl Montgomcry“ and-Dean-— He was bom in-tw in Falls, Weatherwax. graduated from Valley High Voting will be from 1 p.m. to 6 Schools and attended tho Idaho p.m. and the polling place will State University, be In the Commercial Building Henery has a bulk gas at tho Jerome Fairgrounds dis^lbutorshlp In Eden and is where Grange produce is married'to the former Colleen .displayed. Hiose eligible to vote Grose, Hazelton. They have are landowners or operators In three children. • tho North Side Soli Con- Maler farms 107 acres in Unit MrvaUon ^alrkt. .. ^ ...A, 10 miles east of Hazelton. 6ther supervisors are Alvin Besides cattle, Maler. also Oiojnncky, Roger Fiala and grows hay, grain beans and Robert Golay, all Jerome. peas. Ho was bom and educated — F lalar l9-electlon-chaimian-in-KansaSr««l I* marriod4o-tbe- and votes will bo counted by former Lydia H iiel, Nampa. "Three jUdgi “Montgomery farms‘300‘ftcres” Glarborg has been farming southwest of Eden with his 200 acres eight miles east bf fattier. He has cattle and raises, Hazelton in Unit A for tho past grain, hay,, beans, beets and ' 15 years. He raises hay, grain, H o is c h a lrm h n of tlio .peas. polati^s and beans.^ Ho also Farm'arm Bureau’s Young F anner Mantdoka f arm tour scheduled RUPERT — A tour of farms Rupert Chamber of Commerce ~to sclw t a Fanh¥r^oiRh~(rYeai' Hflld^today; ^A1I“ Interested— will bo made Aug. 2fl, W illiam wrsons are to leave' tljo county Strasser, prosident e were outlined by Mrs. Annjcan storm of-labor resentment in-TScholer, honw extension agent. Uio United States. ^ o said tlio sty^erevuo will bo Mcjdcan autlioritios say that, hold at 8 p.m. Aug. 30 at Mlnlco oven If the AFLCIO should High School and Uio public Is eventually succeed In. getting invited. Woshingtofi to impose full tariff Keith M errill, a member of k n it t in g y a r n duty on products of in-bond ^'H advisory council 100% virgin worsted wool,* factories, they, 'Still , would repor^ted the 4-H and -PK^ Availiihio in purpto, yollow, diirk continue to spring up like project? are growing each year? bluo. Ii(|}u blue, hliick. w hijf, pmk. $1.29 desert weeds. Facilities at tho fairgrounds (jroon. liflh t gruen, brov./n .md t.jci, value . Tiiut'fl because the highest have been enlarged to take care .Minimum waee on the Mexican - of 'U ia varlous.project entered ~Sdo of.tlie border is about WflTTijrthTTaUHiy^UtJts: : ~ l ^ r d a y contrasted w i ^ 112.60 T he 4-H and K F A fa t stock On tho U.S. side. Mexican states sale w ill begin k t 10a.m.LSept. 4 also charge Uie firms, which all and w ill be undQi* direction of arcAmerlconowned.nofederal '-Hho Valley Livestock Com- ■ *o f localtflXoffT &hd"tlfo*Bavlngr'TnlHlon*<5ompanyr*z~:rrr” in frelRht compared with A check .in the amount of unsembly of similar goods In 11,300 was presented the Asia ore substantial. Minidoka Fair Board by John Moreover, Uie AFlrCIO’s TiVevino.chalrmanoftho July4 cnso la weakened in Washington Rodeo committee for the 10 per -becaufle-thft-actiml-Amertran—cenL.due-thft-falr hoard fnr.- cemponent content of the charges for use of thp grounds products made in the Mexican and facilities during tho July in-bond factories, is very higii. celo*DU bration. Components are made by high ted machines in tho U.S. and tor' tho. intensive 'hand —-A ud ioti . '. ..Xlie finlshediiroducta ro'. — exported to the United States; CAtENDAIt^ tliey cannot b^ sold legally in Contact lh« Tim«s-N||Wt M e xico . ■ ,fqrm_SqU i d4pqr«m In V completely manufacturing and Magic Valley) odvqnce bill­ assembling this merchandise, ing. All ol o/>m s^ciol low Mexican authorities ,8^d. But rate. Evary «aU^ litlo d ' in the )olnt ventures in tne in-bond ThU Farm CoUndar.for 10 factories have created at least d ays befpro tala. 2flJ)00 jo b s b i b o rd e r to w n s in Mexico that only a few years TTa'fl 'so m e i f "th e ’ ^ r a t ------pocketii)! poverty In the.world. Ttie system ^ has enabled • many American*companies to. M y in the gmall appliance and loy businesses u d h u proved a ; ‘ T'lM oirTtcr'Am ^can-^fBctorios ------"*~ttnit»g:oUt m a c h ii3« 3,15 3.JJ. 3,')5 NO ' day price freeze may do to ^ e a higher price to farmers If they farm economy. . can't pass it on to consumer." ^national grange spoKe^SH 'll)o NKO, ilk6 thO Fufliiuiv said today his group planned to Union, seldom agrees with tho NQ Npr,OTIAni.E write the. President praising l^arm Bureau on more than the “NQ------N Q ~ 'N Q “ NO “ hlnrror~"boTd'a«iort” 'tO'sotvo“ nm ^nia5r.~But“ ltrtoor-wa8- 0 . J. C h ild * Seed NQ NQ NQ NQ tho nation's economic wpes. ,-5Comful earlier this week. NFO Idaho Doan , NEGOTIAULR NeGOTli.nUD Alllton FMd'MIII NO NO NQ NQ “ Wo feel that anything wo can President Orlen Lee Staley said TEAR DROP • do to rilaw do^-lnflatlon Is-'Uio exemption would be “worde In Black p o te n t ond going to bo beAeflcial to far- Uiun meanlngless"t^loss the NO NQNQ NQ NQ NQ NQ taniusde by GENESCO ‘•jners,’' a Grange official said, food industry was forced to ------$ -| - | r ^ 0 ------~ }ix y - - w "'But~trom ~thD Ammicnn rcduco lls margin. staley'sSrd' ~NQ NO* • NO NQ- ~ "F o rm n u rcn ilo f PedBratlon7tho—he-fenred-thfe-OOHlay—freeio. National Farmers Union and the would bo extended and do -16 itylei.lo choaia from. J tro m e In thit price range nean Growort National Fanners Organization permanent harm. 3.30 n e g o t i a d l i - M a riiia lj wf,hsp» 1.33 3.35 3.35 3-3$ (NFO), there wero remarkably Dechant, meanwhile, added - NQ -N O —— NQ .. NQ NO NO NO ■ NQ -MQ— -ta o — -----WO— NO- - NO— N Q = N U = : :z!rBtmllar:rumbles-ontthe:subJtict:r-tlmthe.wafl-r.asflr«inj^-iudumcnt- Klmborly-Hanion ' ■ of th o prcsU lont's 00-ecauso tho Shoihono Antique leather . u Uenkon Uonn But this exemption was little Nfxon-backed 1970 farm act with heavy tote comfort to Iloger B. Fleming, ‘.'has virtually frozen farm ■ YwltJPalli ■ - ’ V Globo Sood and TikhI noacl'"ol ’'Ulfl Furiii Burcso^s'—Incmnc-forthfrtYeirt^w-yw A NQ NQNQ NO .« Uaan Qrowort NQ NGGOTIABLq ; Washington office. Informed Hanay Sood 1.33 NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NO NO Idalw Bean 8, lllnv. NQ NO NQ ' NQ NO NQ NQ NQ NQ Kourcos said Flem ing, speaking NQ Intormfn. Biifln NQ NQ . NO NEGOTIADLE up in’ Hardin's closod-door NQ NO NQ NQ NCGOTIAUUE Ii.l"S o u lh SIdo DeAH Co. meeting, complained Uio farm G rain >• ‘ T .I-. F#«d a. ICO NO NONO NONO NQ NQ NO NO p ro d u c t e xem ptions wa.^ goo(\ SEATTLE tUPI) ~ Grain; W ondoll but “of limited value.” f.o.b. Seattle: tw cfldeli Ciov. NQ NQNQNQ NO “ Wo ought not delude our- & ft white I.51n JOE by FANFARES In selves that tho ccilings on White club 1.5ln' , Purple tuede ond Ri/il processed foods won’t bo Harj winter ll.5fln" luedo. with heavy (ole re fle c te d d o w n w a rd to c o m 58.00-5B.75 ' ' Drj£)duccr»tV_nemlng.lokLahc_.Biurlfiy-42:0(M3.l)q__ WupcrJ. RollarKJ Jonok Produco Max HMlwld, Inc.-.— TWniOC»TIONSTOStRVtYOU

T'ATIONS ARE provided as a seT^ce to GoBt fatmers and buyers. Q ubtatloh^re g lv e n ^ Tlme»-News dally by each buyer. The newspaper, in addition, re-chedcs each flrm twice-wteUyJRtsMnsiblUtjHor the price listed Is Miely the buyer’s. NQ Indicates tho buyer does mTiilsh to quote price, ' . _ Tlmet-Npw«, Twin p illi, Idaho Sonito/, Auouil 2J, 1971 Castleford term Import Gooding signup slated GOODING — Dates for cards: J6.60 for year-boojts; |I registration of high school for linen fee; 11.50 choir robes; - ' students, here are-annouric^-H-.60 band uniforms, begins Monday today by Principal William Class dues are $1 per year for Bade, 'frosluncn, <1.50 Sophomores, 12 ' CASI.TEFORD- - Floyd Oct, 15, 1071._____ i Seniors w ill register from 0 Juniors and 13 for seniors. Bowers, supiarlntendenr o f There will 'be a dollar book M ondayrAiigrSf— School opi'iis'un Aug , schools, said today Castleford deposit for all students which. WASHINGTON (UPI) —If with Junlors‘to register from 1 a full day scheduled, schools will open Monday at 0 will be collected by the you're a scotch drinker-or n to 3 p.m. that day. a.m. and Vflll dismiss at noon ^ teachers. High school students connofsseur of French wines, It Hegistration for: sophomores •the first day. ' taking physics or senior science mhy not bo too late ^ hustle w ill bo at 9 a.m. noon Tuesday, Buses will be operating anfl* will pay a breakage' fee of 13; down to tho liquor store und while fresluneri will r«ji.stcr I’ l c r i i i i ; I ;h \ m i \<; will follow the same routes as typing fees'are | l and foes for beat iVesident Nixon's addition- from 0 a.m. to noon an*^irom i they did last year. Ag III and Ag IV are J1; locker allO jier cent tax on imports. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. School lunches will begin fees are 50 cents. llobert „ Coyne, president of 25. . , • . CHIUSTI VN StIMMA 7 6 2 M mIm S, 7 ;i:i-:u .7 7 ■T^ift«fnyJitnnn.HLo£.3Sxo |4 per player. Kx^u was his understanding Uio I------bo-glvcn_thoae-W ho_mnkc_covora8omBy bohadby-paylii|i- iMrchnr|!o -(llil"not'-opply. arraniiomcnts . with Mrs. an oddltlon » . Tlio towel fee 1» liquor Ihnt had clcUrod customs B ro w n . , ' W . by A u«. 14. The Physifians ^Surgeons of the . F irs t graders cnlcrinn Uio Kindergarten will bo((ln In Coyno Mild tlw l iilUiouifh Castleford school (or tho (Irst Jnnunry. Mrs. Paulino Parker Imported liquors move from time must present a Wrth may b« called (or complete wholesaler to -package stores TWIN FALLSXLINIt Icotc-sliow lnK -thcU uM io-U S -lnform atlon.------m u c li_ (a » l< !c _ tlu ia _ d iin ii:3llc. six years on or before inldnlKht alcohol, there m lght^jjliil be are FleasedTiT/i nnounct; some 0/1 b und ln -Hi«} puokage wtoro.'}. the Association of: Town of Era, 1885 "H I were a scotch drinker," Coyne-'said, "I might Iw Fair set 28 inclined to load up bcforo tho Kurtax fillers througli U unolinP Historical group sets KING HILL — Crowning of and Glenns P’crry Cliymbcr of pnckago'stores." — tiic Elmoro.County Fair Queen Commerce. -poyne said tho Institute has t O ^ A ■ A ______nHivnjH^arThoTaitnjni^cpTimniBm^f-cor^will be a htt^liglH of tho Aug. 2fl Tho Mountain , ''HdinB/boon so busy trying to got in the Department Glenns Ferry football present gift certificates to tlie Ident's Cost of Uving Council attendants .and Miss that ho has tabulated no figures of Pediatncs Congeniality^ TWIN F A U ^ ^ Hie Twin lass'the town had 330 people and On Sunday Aug. 20, tho party on Itow sales of Imported and Falls County HJslorlcal Society by 1887 had grown to over 1000 ..will travel .to Ucsburg whore and Miss Congeniality On Aug. 29, the new queen w ill domestic liquors Compared tlils p rcitcn t a w a rd s a t tho ra c e meet Is planning a tour to Arco, In population. Tho first ore from David Ainsworth will narrate '''‘JJ week. to tljo w in n in g jo cke y and horse. (208) 733-3700 Howe, Salmon and Ixesburg the mines near Era was Ute lilstory of Uiat aron. rS iL J nf areas Aug. 28 and 29. ’Hiia .freighted to Hailey in 1885. The historical museum at Glenns Perry Chamber of “ 'riio Cold Water Gang" from U>o Boise, will play for Uio Elmorb Tho Nortlj American ' Air w ill be an overnight trip and Anderson will glvo the history of Snlmoti will bo open from 0 to ..Commorco, will Defense Command (NORAD) 666 Shoshone Street East th^w‘^e^ng>a^r;^ti^-thc:to~wn'.:]b>om :theVA^rl<;i;-9:30iun>Q nJh&iim diiy^ may call the Deluxe Motel In home, tho society will return to convenience o( tho tou ^^iShamber R iT H and 3 T ni ffiH jn 5 l of rod-H riuS rio 1 a.iSTStTlieTJlenns IS-hcndqtmrtcred-at-ColDnidtr- — ^'TwirrFallsrldahfl- roses from tho Mountain Homo Ferry Hall on Aug. 28. Sowings, C olo. Salmon, according to Mrs. Vena tho Area City Park for lunch. merfiberH j Waggoner, director of the . Following lunch, tho tour will docicty's museum, Curry. continue to Howe where ilie Members and guesLq will society will visit a memorial to meet at the Arco a ty Park at 1 0 ^ John Day. Next on U jo agenda a.m.on Saturday, Aug. 28. They will bo tho charcoal kilns, Uie w ill go to the Wendell Anderson, ghost mining town of Gllmoro, hom e to vie w a rep]re p lic a o f th o old F o r t l.^ m h i, m e m o ria l to - — cabling ,tawn -ot:£r.P- which-Sflcajawea_.nnd _thcn. on^ to, flbiirltmed in.the late 1886s.'In "Salmon. area persons DSCOl get BY -degrees Phone — pROVE^niirty^ur'M a'gijr'M artoXigh; Stephen LoBoy • Valley students received Green, Pamela A. Terry, Huls 733-0342 degrees Friday at - com' and Richard H. McUer', monccmcnt exercises ' at Paul; Phyllis Hae P’iavel and Brigliam Youg Unlverfllty. I.a Juana Kay Jensen, Richfield. Recoivlng bachelor degrees Also receiving bachelor were Vicki Lee Perkins, Sharon degrees wore Kathy Ann Colton U e Joluison, Gordon IJ. Mills, and, Terry L. Gamer, boUi J. 'Diomas e house and o tlie r lju lld ln g a . ■ Few Lutherans NEWYonK(UPI)-Member: slilp in 1-uUieran churchcs In ~Tio?ananHW‘drapp^^ ^ . for tlie second successivc year. Council's Office of Hesearch, reports Ure LuUiorpn Council in attributed memlierahlp losses to tlie U.S.A. .Increased mobility of people, z r - — rTtlI^totJll-B(-on7e;^«-^rasnl:7-llreokinl!-o^^amly-»n(^-eolnmu^ loss o f 40,370 m em bers, on top n lty tie s ' nssoclatod wlU i o f a loss o f 10,05a m em bers In connregatlonal llfo , and an 10C9. llio ulMlme memberalilp Increased prooccupation wlUi Ii Ib Ii was 8,230.274, rc m rd e d In lolsu ro tim e a c tiv itie s . T , 1 ' I • ' I ' Auguif JI, Wl TfmM-HBWl, Twin F«l(i, ld*ho IN ixon shakes money system Fund? given to ranch W ASHINoioN ^UPI) -W ltBT However, Import* vrtll be ments; oversea^ m ilitary s^nd> the first half, the 1071 deficit a. single aot( Presldant- Nixon more «xpeiuiiv«.- And touristi ing. tourUt travel-and.ao f<^rth -W ill-be . a ^staggering^ 123C.9 quota restricUont. T lili specU SHOSHONE - Beer can who parUcloale In the nroiiran. tax covers about half of aU salvage of 48(^ pougdg npttwl assist jriUi endranmMi im has shaken the foundation of overseas already have discov: was greater than ineome from WlHon. DON BliOWM'S tho world money . ayatem, ered that their dollars wiH noi the sale of exports and other Ihe primary purfMse of Im ^rto . and U i.lntOTded lb «8 by Frank Carothrars, owner provcmenl, Carothemnald possibly clearing the way for go as far as before. , > sources./ devaluing-t^e dollar is to make make them s u ta ta lM y more ot Gateway Toggery. Shoshone, "It la just a matter ot buttlna SAFETY SERVICE -eowotruction of-a.nBy^ecnnarnlc~ W hy- devBloe-thr-TioHa r-irt— In-the^deeade-ot-the MCO!< e xp ^ve In the Unlt ^ ^ U ; who In lurn gave the money to salvaged aluminum bee? can! structure more suited to the all? Ilnractfcm lhojIdoho Yonth;rtanch: ' to wort;" ciB lK cralaia r"ih dr last quarter of tho 20th c^tury. Because of Inflation, a dollar B y suspending the co n v e rtlU - w ill no lo n g e r buy as m a n y .veraged|l averaged I ------bimonayear.n,ta------•n.ls U Inl^^d t, help f distributor as part igroupa wiU undertake slmUar dlscrimbibte against American Uty of the doUar into gold in goods or services as could be was acceptable, U.S. business meet the increas- of the recycling of aluminum ptojecta tor the good ot Ihe goods. national transactions, Nixon obtained by changing that But the deficit soared to a ing foreign competition and C IO SED 90ft As one top official said, the raised far-reaching questions doUar b ito W e s t': .Q erm an re co rd 110.7 blUi « tough yankee fluids for worthwhile projects Stockholm is buUt on a group 4J7MalnE. 733.6212 those curronclos to each other, niarks. of this yoar equaU the rate In coVot'otTbynslituiory " Tho atop, tho most Important This la something relatively ■ rmoney'devolopment since Uie--How. For most of. tho post Brctton Woods conference 27 World W ar*~erar- inflation- years ago, was overshadowed in the United States was domc.'jtlcally by>Iixon'8 90-day generally less harsh than in- freeze oil wages, prices and Europe, Japan, Canada and rents. But it could be tho most other U.S, trading partners, significant part of the package. Ihe British pound, the French -*r^thotiBh-the*rwaJts“are-not— and~oth«ff "cm naides certain’yet, one effect may be were-devalued occasionally to 't o ond tJ)u centurlps-old use of keep their- purchosing’ power , gold o.<> m oney. T lie $36.0 billio n In ime with the dollar. -„wor.tl»__ of gold In various But m 1969 the West German govcrnincnt trea.iurle.s around mark'Waa Increased in value bi i tiie world tnuy ultimately l» _ KEEP YOUITFAMILY HEALTHY? relatloinoTho'doUar and three~ used tor making Jewelry m d, m cnihi Bgo It was permlll«d ; • c i'll'' flo a t up In va lu e . , In short, Uio United states ' speculators even bor-

^ d o c tn In Kold upon, deninnd „chanRed tor marks, planning 'Uio dollar holdln^a of foreign to buy back tho dollars, when I governments and tlielr, ccntral tholr value* fell In relation to ;bank.s. Uie mork. *nicy Uien could ;. llie prncllcal offcct of tlio repay Uielr dollar borro'wlngs ; action 1.4 to devalue Uio dollar and keep Uio difference, :in comparltion to most oUicr On Wall Street, Uils is called Icurrencles. 'H jc amount of tho a “ short sale" and speculators devaluation will vary from one -WtlQ H flld 1 ■fOrcrgji o u rro n c y ^ffa iio U ie r and" rccent weeks have reaped huge will be fixed by tho laws of p ro fits . supply and demand In Intomo' Nixon blamed Uieso specula- tlonal exchange markets. 'tors—thp so-called Gnomes of In Uie « r|(o t of Uio money Z u ric h —fo r th o 'd o lla r c ris is . markets, the dollar 1.*! being " I n recent w oeks, the specula­ permilted to “flont." OUier tors have been w aging an aU* currcncics have been floated out wor on - the American before but never Uio dollar^ dollar," Nixon safd. VI have 'i1)c dollar is-in a unique -direct^-t)jo-Si»cr:^y~<>/-rtha— ~poMHon—becauHo the—In ­ EAT THE BASIC EOUR KEEP T R IM W H H M O D E R A T TVoa.'iury to tako'acrion neces­ ternational exchange rates of all sary to defend' tho dollar oUier currenclcH are fixed in a gainst Uie sp e c u la to rs ." . FOODS EVERY DAY DAILY EXERCISE . rcJntlonslilp to Uio dollar. WlUi But sj>ccuJators,, who often Uio (k)llar floating, no one Include some perfectly respec-

will be worUi tomorrow or next go after a currency only when week or next your in terms of it is weak. Selling a strong French francs- or nrltlsli currency short cun bankrupt a pounds, for Instance. speculator. T fiiji m eans there al.so w ill bo The dollar was weak because uncertainty about Uie exchnngo . Uio total dollar outflow in.the rate of . pounds for francs form of import purchases, ijel'a'uiuj b o U r Ufoso c u rm lc Ic T ’ foreign aid, foreign Tnvesi- ■were fix e d in re la tio n ,to Uio 'now uncertain dollar. / ' 'Hie. International Monetary Fund (IM F), which includes Chilled ropre.ientatlvofi of most non* " CONCORD,' N.H. (U P I)- Coinmunl.Ht nations' will hold Inmates at tlio Now Hamp-’ Its regularly schodiiled annual jSl)In?_State_IMspn_ released in meeting rnWa.sliinglon Sent. 27- Ojo next tlwoe roonUis w iil 'feel O ct. 1. Uie chilly blast of Prosident An effort w ill bo mndo Uien Nbcon’s wage and price freeze. to cPfeato-a new exchange rato Tho 1071 legislature raised structure.. U io.am ount o f g a te m o n o y cach , If >•„gold ...... — is ellmlnued us p risoner re ce ive s fro m $30 to Ert the basic 4 foods and exercise moderately daily — basc^iUwill-wipo-out-Uio-last— |8(j7Buf^ln«nmnsffcctlvj;i' lity—alUiough not Uie real Q.' /M il fm}li V4c*4*il»i Jo I (2. Wmo fooJt jnm th* MUJ, Cr9Mp k44f ms which the- natives found ■ - M k y / ...... ■ ...... - Q. d« %n m td i99d» / r M AUM Crrw*^ Q. Why Ja W4 {ooit {nm tU . B r W tfid power—to maintain stability bi ««wrx tiwy m i w b itb M fo r m i / swerved In flight. C9H4Gtcmpf \ exchange rates. A. Four Ot m an Mrviaipi, which lacutl^i A. By halplni lo buUd bom» aiui iM tbl b tlp io f A. To build and i«palr aU tktum ta th^ body;'t» Tho re tu rn in g boom erang was *C lm u frulc of.otlwr fruii tw vcM abt Impor- mufclM r«a« aormallyt dalayins (atlctt* aod keep Bppaiii* diewjtoe Bormpl; ro In 1044, Uio U n ite d States had used^ a_ _ plaything______and also tt n i fo r V it w io C helploc flr«J mu*d«« rw o vvt iM lp tn t korp ' «itby(' lo. VUBmCCM vUioo. daar and belplof tkio bnliby. •kio .a seemingly InexliausUblo s\ip- ‘was em ploy^ In training mfen • A iliir lr gr*«A Of tittp yalliiw vewiibU (or p ly of $21,2 bU lioi) .w b rU i o f to do d g e 'w e d p o n s th ro w n by . Vitamla every oih«r,dfy. Q. Mf Ud$ hta ttfmt 14 drink U th*n . ' * Oih«r fru iu wmI v«feubl«t, iotludtogpd^ 4 mm/ 'Uie 1M4 gross national product ^ fry iwtunl tod prdceieed c !w ^ \e» Ml* 1 per cent of Uio $1 trillion t J r M , GNP. tng w«aiitU u d biokwt boat*. -T hnt t owtci ! (,■»**■' ■' Even beforo"Nlxon revoked it, —Q, JilMf twUt M mmy tho pledge to- redeem In gold Bans lircs ‘ / - I ji/f «*#« (V ' ' A. V i t a ^ C oonM b« »tor«d io ibf bodr, w ■ A. Ym. You M tm m y w pm<^ for nUlc. tho dollars hold by foreign , V iun io C «Mu<« u(or«)>«iU U'M Rfl dally. Th* ) m l a ^ MMUd fof Ij\NSlNG,Mlch,(UPI)-The o l l3 5 y ,< iik T f .you h m c tr ttk dto* boon kept.. Foreign official State Highway Commission has ' 0 .,M y h u tU id M / r V agcnclos now hold about $38.2 called for a ban on use ^ ■ -T - j l tH tt Um tm im lf------___ b illio n In -d o lla t^ rra lm o fll-fo u r— atudded— t l ...... Q. ffW Umes th e U.S. m o n e ta ry gold claiming tite y a ro causing ...... aa fluay dalkioua you can ua* wliK ^ CteenOiy v m U o t , . ' stock., extensive damago to'roads and . ? aon* that w ill i m l to your ' *C W »d i« — J c o 4 a ii» Tho devaliiiitlon will not pose safety hazards to motor­ n 4 ^ \ a ffe ct tlio dom estic uses o f Uio ists. A 1007 state law permits U * ' fm o rlw l o S * S p « • tx k u ..dollar. Americana .will continue ■Uie.use of studd^ tires in to bo paid In dollars and Uioy Michigan from Nov. 1 through may -conllnue to spend them. A p ril 30 each ye a r. 9P0clal dhtaiy prohUnu tutd extreisa eomuU your jikyiifcirw.

IN THE INTEREST OF PROMOTING SOUND NUTRITION BUTTREY FOOD STORES WILL DEVOTE BEAM COMBINE SEVERAL WEEKLY ADS TO THE BASIC 4 FOOD GROUPS BEGINNING THURSDAY, AUGUST 26TH. CLEARANCE!! American Beauty: 2-USED CASE 660 PUTTREY’S Fresh Lacdl (.COMBINES WITH CABS First of the ELllOllir RONI GRAIH &BEAN e q u ip m e n t - }WeelcSpecials S W E E T ^ O R N ^ f m u n o i i r priced FOR QUICK SALET Effective S A lA D H O I il SUNDAY— GEM INTERNim Ol^ MONDAY p o z 24 Oz. •BU8UV,H)Uia=it7«=9057— IMESDAY ^ 4 TlVn*t-N«w«, Tw in Fa((8. fdahO' Sunday, Awgu«< 22, t97l Alia sheriff war foe’s new target BOISEJ (UPI) - An ontl-wnr hancDlng one of- the women Hosajdclmrgcsoflnterferrlng Tho sheriff said ho Is Inven- Wnr II nnd executed by llio Uno. la not liconMd to pnicllco acUWst lOTosKjd !->lday night arrested while ahe was taking the officer will bo filed 'Ugating Miss Mugor's dibrgo Ma es. law In Waho. ■ “ nu plctltrcfl, and of strlhlnc another “ftolnst Derrick latpr and that that officers took nUn from her It s a dlsgraco arfd o shuine Ho charged that actions by appearance of Gen. WlUlam C. demonstrator In the " mouth the yoiWBmnn ’p lll twrthHiTCSt- 'camcraB after tfio was nrrtrsted:— to-lhls-oountry-that-lhls-w ar— Brlght-and-other-area-law^en- Westmoreland, accussed Ada while he-offered no rcslstanco ♦ He. »ald ^ho wa*--unccrtiiln crlnilnul could como . to. Uila. forccmcnt oWicera In brcfiklng Pf^Ul nrl^tlt Of ______U no also______accusscd Driglit of BrlKht said .ho grabbed wHothlsf there still was .film in city and dlno witli tJie Chamber i up the demonstration amounted assault, theft and other, crhnes. stealing fTIm from two~canT^s. Carolyn .Mugar, 28, Mounteb^—tha-cajncras-at-i . ______r.^1___to Uio *‘aam c-kind_nf_ Inannlty Mark Lane, 44. MountaUi belonging to tho female demon- around tho Moulders was taken to Jail. . lime said. and brutality" that precipitated Home auUior of "HusIj to strator. ’ ’ - , when ho arrested her becauso, I^o , and oUicr iirrosted by Westmoreland told an early Ujo My IjiI massiicro. •' Judgment." told a nows confer- lirlght later sjdd he struck ho wild. It would bo Unproper law enforcement officers diu-lng morning hows conferonco h' But ho said Uielr arrests "'will ence ho und elglit others onr oUliju demonstrators. Tom ^ “ woman Uie demonstration, contendfd considered Ijino's charge "too not deter us In any way" Ih ------arr^»rt-Hc.-denlcd,...H)ey. liHtl bro.*nlr^'q| w jin f t>n»y. criminal and civil chargcs Air F6rco Base, on the diln »»lleKatlotis that he grabbed her Uiat-Uiey had agreed prior to Uine. who said ho Is a lawyer consider to be tlie “gCTocidii agalnM Uie sJjerlff noxt week, when Uio young m an allegodly wound Uio'neck wlUi his foro- Uio demonstration to conduct who practiced criminal law for Uils country Is carrying out In Ho accused Brlglil of man- Interforred wlth’ an offlccr. Uiemselves In a iwaceful. law- 20 yeurs, mild he would repro- Southeast /^ la .” abiding manner. KonthlmaolfwhenlUacasoj.'omcs Boflldo8protcstlngUiemjin_nqr_ “TanOTCllCi'niedUre'charge ho ,iip In fnagffifraleN C'oufi. rfo I.h- bfhlsarrcsi, fjine also accused made Friday night that Wost- charged wlUi -. iilsturblng the Brlghtoflioldlag him five hours moroland, the former, Amtirl- peace imd Interferring with an In a “flUiiy, unllghted Isolation canconiinandcrlnKouUiVletnam officer, and is at llbtTty on A,’ coll" before releasing hhn. and now Army Qilcf of Staff. total of $250 ;^all. Ffo said It was a small room was a ’V »‘r CTlnilnal.’.TIio siiiW WWinnr5ntrt^hirwllt"rnprrf-” cont«lnlng— “vermln~lnfe?te3- as JajMmeso Gen. WmnaKlilta sent himself, a BoI.ho lawyer will mattress" and added Ujere were who WHS cw ivlctcd u fU r W o rld rq>rcr.cnt U»e5oU}ersbt«njJsche, feces imd blood on Ujo floor. Ho ------likened tho cell to tlio "tiger cagos" usod In SoutheJUJt'Asia. Bright said I..ano was placed chief spurns In tlie Isolation cell because of his agitation of officers during Uie booking process, and Uiat war crime charges when I.anc "confomiOdto bookr big procedure he wns-.b|-out|ht BOISE(UPI)-Gen. William desirable philosophical down and released .on Iwnd." 'C .‘WesUnoreland today lalKJled , 4, I I HoudmlltodUieccilajntalncd "too absurd to comment" anti­ Ito „Qtcl Penelopo Rand, 10, an ex-, outgrowth of .sentiment iigainat yoiuu! men. He snld he felt this WAF, Mountain Home, V A N IIKIISICN S l ’ O i n s illU T S o\yner who survived a Nazi would-lw ossallnnt's pistol mis- the war In Vietnam, NEW YOHK (UPI)-Mayor would help tho army appeal to Tliey appeared in mOBislrate concentration ciimp only to fired. He said he wiis concerned John V. Undsay, angered by youni! nicn and snld this is nec- court Saturday momlno for ar- -IM cioua undintolcrflblfc" phont- moot a vlolont death in Tlie first to die was 59-year- Uint Uie spread of such disen- xe£iiir-ji-H-ll-l9-Rolnirtc'fully fiushion’’ in Vietnam this year and a cnndy-y-monoyi------whotheV-a-volunteer- — ■ " wiUulrawal date on Pcosii tralic-Leader Mike Mansfield said Saturday. Mansfield said he w ill strong- Uien hla own "national policy" amendment calling, for U.S. ------withdrawal from Indochina nine— months after enactment In exchange for release of U.S. prisoners held by the. NorUi Vietnamese. Tlio amendment had been tackcd onto the bill extending ’ . ^ ._.\Uic dcufl.Lbut - .wfl3-.i:reullyJ weakened by a Houso-Senato Conference Commlttoe. The

"Ulo sense of Congress’’_and carries no time deadline. -M onsfleld'sald he would not try to strengUien Uie amend- ,ment when Uio draft bill comes .■up for'ConslderaUon In mld- ■’S i^em ber bccAusc''th7»l'would' require Senate rejecUon of Uie conference rc|w)rt "and that Is —T«rely4ione."------But he sjild he docs

Help cops

SANTtfiWCISCO (UPI)-A g ro u p o f 27 u n ifo rm e d h ig h school students in a police- sponsored- la>v' enforcement cadets program talked to residents and handed o'UI brochures In a . burglary- prevention effot-t. J e G i J i u i i l

T r y , I Sunday, Auouil JJ, 1971 TlmM.N«wi, Twin Fa||t, Idaho 15 Eva Moore, 2nd; Ether K liU ir, . „ Hybrid Wy - Hannah ■ m i T CromweU, 1st; Mary Goss,2nd; — Floral awards highlight \A/ 1/ f Mark Ireton, 3rd. LEGAL NOTICE F U )W E R S Mary Go*. 1st: Patty Hooper, Meyer. 3rd. Beal display of Mary Thornton, 2nd; Thlcma Mae Copsey, 3rd. Best three tea NOTICIOPSALI •J u n io r P iv ltio n Nolle* li hw«by olvan lh«* Ralph jfeil! Edlth_Stutiman;__3rd. miniature ~ Neva Bumparoer. Butler. 3rd. Deep pink — Marie rosea____ — Mae Copsey, lat;: . l e r a l n o t i c e ' " BuHion, MurtAU^, will w ll (o lh« \ Back to school — Karrio Large — Ida Mae Henderson. Wl; E. L. Meyer. 2ndr Mao Nelson, iati Florence Harold B u tle r . 2r^d. M a ry Byram. 3rd. Cosmos — M ild r^ noticb to aiDOBRS ntgnin bittttr iht fellowino licm i: Qoecknor, Ist; Bernoy I ut«d 3 Mhtcl tajltr lat. Florence Mellies, 2nd, CopBey,'3rd. Beat dlsfday large Schreiber. 2ndi Thelma Butler. Butler. .3rd. Collectidn — Mao Brvam. Isti Ida Rickev. 2nd; Tht. suu purcKating Agtni wiit, I M ta eUctrIc Wtitlnbhout* Stow d o e ckn cr. 2nd} Handy Norris. ‘ I V I n rec«tv« Matttf.btdi at hii onic», y utM B tclrlc Pripldair* Glad/oU ' >—Mark IretQn, 1st: Carol Hao 3rd. Red— VJola Hainlino,'~I5l} Oapsey, 1st; Harold—Butler, Cusnion mums — fra Kistler. Room »5 siattHoui*. boIm. «d*ho, -^ 8 t| Bernpy' r,oprknpr.,.2nH;„ —WhitP nr pfpnm — l^'pp 2nd! Ida Rlckey. 3rc. Mae Cqpaev. 2nd; Hannah 2nd; Esther KlsUer, 3rd. RafrlgtrMor 1st: Esther Kistler. 2nd; Mary i3707«nnii j:jop.m. • Aug. » , i»n ) M«tl ^ a l kllchtn t«bl« ■ Koss Piatt. 3rd. Strickland, ' latr Neva Canvas CfomwellT frp. liiVendor^ ^ . Miicellaneoas ------— -Ame— irzt—r i A n l i n n i - m u ' REQUISITION .jnd ch»lr • ' 'Jiorjosa a a i^ — ^ 0 5 ; opou, ou. oij •n3 oirfor" ' ; O ld Fashioned Flow ers Bumgarner, 2nd; Ira Klatler, Neva Bumgarner. 1st; Esther Mae Copsoy. 2nd. Troplcana — Calandules — Cf/rol Rae --- ^..y v m d B«d' Mary Wennstrom. 1st; Marie eohwy o*iry producu, Froi*n t u>«d RollBwty Btd • Auters — Karrle Hose 3rd. Light pink Viola Klstler, 2nd. Ethel Porter, 3rd. Esther Kjstlo. 1st; Mary Goeckncr. 1st; Paulino Byram, Nelson.ivuisuii 2nd; MHj. Hilda Elchclberg. iui«.iivttiwiKi - , ------I irted wnall bookshelf _GoJg!tner,____ Ist, norncy__'ilflinUnc.nat^Uon-Stricklfliii A o a e i______T h o rn to n ,2 n d ;E, .JL -M < loycr>^.Jna,-Pallj.-Ho(>p«rr-id,-C«r.-3rdr-D^^^ ------Goockner. 2nd. Pflnsios - 2nd; Bonpio Holloway, 3rd. White -• Helen Butler, 1st; Peace rose —Bob.M illir. 1st; nations — Edith Faulkner, 1st. Butler 2st; Mary Butler, 3rd. All bidi.wiii b* publicly opwed , ^ wi ut«d M«imac Karrio Goeckncr, Jst, Bomoy Deep pink or rose - David Harold BuUer, 2nd; BobMUler, Tracy- Hamsey. 2nd. Neva Chrysanthemums - Pearl single daisy - Hilda I'SJS Rclt t . uwi. ia. Gocckner. 2nd, Scott Yoro. 3rd. Crosby, 1st; Barbara Orosby, , 3rd. Varigated — Mae Copsey, B u m garner, 3rd. <• F lyn n . 1st; H ild a .E ickelberg, E ich e lb e rg . 1st; H ita B y ra m , b*tor* bidd^^^ , said la u i» btino held’ lo ta iiiiy _ M a r lg(oJ4_“ . -P?>n» .AUam^,Jsl;— ^d;_N eva . Bumgarper,—3rd.-lut;-PaulIne Byram».2nd;-Janfl— Peace.Roae-Chicago— Mao~2nd;-IrB'Kiatlerr3rdrPompom ja n e r i Ireton. 3rd. Vellow — E. B. Copsey, 1st; Viola Halnline, Chrysanthemums — Karrio. _ _ frafhAr Estiier Kl.qfinr' KisUer,' Infr Ist; Rfu Rita noO.R. PILKINGTONDiiwiuf'Yjiu •dvartltar ______...reMrvai Ihf -i_.righi . - .Goeckner./3rd. Sweet peas — Nova Bumgarner, 2nd, Ira Shupe. 1st; Jane Ireton, 2nd. 2nd. Florlbunda ~ Thelma Rose Goeckner, 1st; Ira Byram, 2nd. . StsIt Purcha»lflo Ag*nl -■•ct any or all bidt. PUBLISHl Aug, 19, 30 & 3}. <971. Karrle Goeckner, 1st,' Berney KlsUer. 3rd. Dark red — Ira Light pink — Mae Copsey, 1st; Butler, 1st; Esther Kistler. 2nd. Kostler, 2nd; Paulino Byram, Day lily — Roger Moore, 1st; B L |S H : A u gu ti 19. 30 L 33, 1971. 'Goeckner.' 2nd. Nasturtiums — Kistler. 1st. Green — Marcia' Karrle Goeckner. 1st; Bemey Miller. 2nd; Ira Kistler. 3rd. -^Goeckner. Znd^iadloIbdDQrla, JLnvpn/ 3 ’ ’ I^isllcr, 2nd; Ida Mao .Hd- Butler, 2iflH.Novn Bumgarner, Assorted styles, beautiful co­ ncrson. 3rd. Ho mado mon of 3rd.- Assorted styles and all nations — Ida Mao Hon- Titrnla^ lors, broken sizes, some Penn- _ Polyostor/cotlon/nylon blond Pcnn-Prost'^ Jeans, dwson, 1st; Hilda Elchelbcrg, Dahlia — Carol Rao Prest® Hurry'lor bdck-lo-school no ironing Navy in slims only Sizes 6-18 colors^ broten^sizes 2nd; Patty Hooper, 3rd. TIjo Gocckncr, 1st; Mao Copsey, Subbath — ' A nna“ B dtton,“ IStT~ "Znd; FantasyTMaoTypsey, 1st;' Perfect for cool evenings Paulino Byram, 2nd; Mrs. Ted EUiel Porter, 2nd, Betty M iller, Chambers, 3rd. 3rd. Pompon, Ida Rickey, lat; ; i^hadow Boxes Neva Bumgarner. 2nd. Novelty 'Small — Anna Bolton, 1st; types — Patty Hooper, 1st; Reduced! Special Buy! Pauline Byrnm, 2nd. Medium — special Buy! '-^pdckd Buy! Esther Kistler 2nd; E. L. BOYS - ^ - G i r l s — GIRLS- ^ E N S ------Bulgar mixture BOYS SPORT SKIRT SETS SLIPS SPORT & DRESS luring tourists^ -Orig SHIRIS^ SHIRTS — $ y i 8 — $1 90 PLOVDIV, Bulgaria (U P I)-’ are being carefully resloreo: -NOW- ^ — — Communist Bulgaria la trying Moat of the Iwuses wore built Polyester/cotton blond, hi tho IStlj and IWh centuries 2 Piece shirt sets -^ 3 for ^ 5 to lure capitalist tourists wltli a no Ironing, w ith soil mixture of monasteries and and belonged to tobacco m e rc h ­ in assorted bonded Penn-Prest® Terrific values Penn-Prest® ants and other wealthy capita­ release® Sizes 8-14 ' m illiondres' mansions. fabrics beautiful fall, polyester/cotton in no ironing Beautiful colors __ _lt'a a potent combination tliat lists. *nie houses, with their assorted colors ^lould pay off for tills Balkan (!(ables and decorative painting; colors in siies 8-14 assorted solids and -Sizes 14V4 to 16’/! ' natidn. which is still well off nriarch up and down the hills stripes Sizes 8-14 !. the tourist trail aid Is and overhang the cobbled ' relatively un^ipbiUid. Although streets. Minarets rise ' from B u lg a ria draw d m o re ,tJmn 2 mosques in tho valley below million vlsltora onmially. about and now restaurants, .. „ decorated , Terrific Value! Special Buy! ^ao-per^ cent..arc-ln:trim sllior.-:^i,tho: SHOE CLEARANCE comb from oUier Communist tucVod inlo aUoys between the 'S im M E N s^ CORDUROY^ qountrios — many of them houses. OIRLS SHOES Raducod for back lo ichoof, tavarol ^traveling - free to use up Also worth the trip ore the ' itylet, good t«lec(Ion of color^ and (izet. PIECE GOODS mUu-and Bachkova monaste­ PANTS Bulgaria’s economic debts to Its 0rlb.to$7.00 ...... • • allies. Barely 10 per cent come ries, in^ tho Rila and phodope from4i»e hard-currency nations Mountains to tho south\)veBt and boys SHOES TBrrHicvalu#l80lh«rupp»ri, south of Plovdiv* yd. of Uio W est. S'=:;n o W good (aiactlon o( ttyioi, and tlje i, Black & Brown 9 9 ^ . B u lg a ria Is u n lik e ly to re m a in Bptli are “ working" monaste­ 100% CoHon, dtiorled Orlg.to$9.99 ...... •'...... NOW 100% Cotton corduroy in assorted ries} not state-run. museums. undiscovered for long,—Its Colorc, Sixes 8*16 styles and colors — 45" Wide imtninq. vnUftva nnd Black Both date back nearly ^.OQO Try on Thata pricet tor i l t a , -WQ.MENS shoes S 0 8 8 $ 0 8 8 Sea coast provide some of the years, both were bulli w TernHe'wIaciion in black, broWn, Ion, tSlDS? ' boat sccnory In feuropo. Hio ' M nU id hormllsgM In splendid Orlfl.fo.$!r.99...... NOW . *caUicr Is lino. Now, comtorUi- m bunloln sccnory, but- oro Reduced to ilear! Reduced! Ue liolols nnd roalmironls nro «“ Uy reached by car now. MENS SHOES Tram andouivalueilorback $ g 8 8 J ^ 4 8 8 WOMENS — 'ttrlnnlng^iiniand^tho wrylco— rRlIo Ifl perhaps the more Womens fd ic h b 6 l,G oodl«l«ctloh'lh »lrapi;il«i.'dnd bod»‘t, ‘ ...... Boncrally U good. Tlio"toodTs bcomltulrbnt-boUi-anr'cool;- ~faiock<;*bfownt ond ton> uO tlB .Jo-il7^a^- ^ N O W hoarty, H undlsllnaulshcd. PrI- calm rctroals Blo^lns In WvW ^ M K i T S ? ■ cos are among tho lowest In wall murals and Icons. Hotels PANTSorrs:; Europe. And politics are soil- aro being built near both ond^ R«duc»d (O'Clflarl Broken Siteil Orig. ___ pedale^for Uie ^ ” llhb!'|U i t i i u ” !,” i_^SEW JN G Liars^ $ 7 - - campMlBrt llcs Hero In Plovdiv,'“ Bosidos (IranrinK louristo, the 1 1 S rN O W ^ 4 ” O rlfl.$2 .2 9.. . , Tremendous val.ue All nylon fn wet . city In Muth-central Bulgaria restoraUons have the equaUy 100% p o lya ite r in thort sleeves, J .. :v ,.. NOW 4 4 * 'Terrific for Rome Economict Aitort«d fioli in Summer ityisi ’ look Safari styling Assorted colors which lies on Uie shallow bnporlant moUvo ot reviving broken sizers, terrific colors Varltsa niver and tracos Its BulRarln's past. Ittdotagsoi the — history- back--raore_than-3*000_fiovenuTl?nt_j!rworlf^^ years. nrido of Plovdiv, * symbols of Ute old order Which fcowover. Is n ^ r - th e "Three the Communist government has Hills" noigliborh(^. an atmos* stamped out (herlc'area of old houses whldi U TlmH'N<»)<. Twin Fall!, Idaho Surtax , talks ^lever’

WASHINGTON (UPI) -The U n llc d StQtc3 p lans to uap the now 10 per coit lm|)ort surtax ~ a ir:‘ B . b n rttfiiriln K ^ chU> liP no^latinK u now world monoy M oM €y_B oX = structure tnoro favorable to ' Amorlc'anlritorcsts, bdmlnlBtra- By Frank Schall tionofnclalasaldEridav. Hio offlcliils Indlculcd llii) Tor'UH! t»n ctira our rcudors bankTwlos hnvo been roprliilfd Ajiswor: 'llio only way you spodnl IniDort (iiitv litiDoMil bv soon .Iho -for iidvorUslnic purposea, M can tell when a bank note waa r e X K /t» |.rto ( hl» we ,>ould have the Confederate notes and printed U to oJcamlno the HjKn(iture.i on the notd. llid no« economic policy would be "'‘y ? , "'*?’SS.” " ‘L?''.®' , i removed os soon os an . ended Plcusc-tlescribo the nolo more namos of Uio secretary of Juno 30th, It Is reported that the fully and try’to mako n drawing rcKlster appear along with the acceptable decision Is made combined total of prtnluction In which Incorporates all the In- treasurer of tlie United States. concerning currcncy values. the three Unltgtf'States Mints fonnaUonpn.lbonoto.asBy chcclclnii the dates wellas when “ TTnrUnHedState9-' liusoxcoedodV^billioncoins.u —Utofle'two-infin-w6r«-tn-o(flc0rlt— scrlnl'numtKirsn luihfr >«Ifl aimosia lm o st Imimpossible possible to conceive i uouoi very mucn uiai sucn a *»is IpoKslble doubt v e luto ry Htwumaccount m uch th lur for a t suchsoinusome a wmparlsont^^^^^^^ a stngicrlng figure. ---note-would-om>onr--ln nny--of--tbo--..dates.--Howev^ Tnnnn W m J- r.nrmmiv imii 'Hio face valuo of tlioso colns tlumlsniatlc literature slnce It Komotlmes-when an officer dies nthnr InHndrlnUwl nn. roproHonts $328,082,054.20. appears from your description while In office, as Is the case IC l iiS in i nf ?hfi production of the.w Uiat It Is a private promissory rljrht now with Dorothy An- IS»»H nn J S fmm Mint mado a profit of note. U Is quite Interesting and drews Kabls. the-noles already over W07.fi mlUlon we wiJJ attempt to Identify H if printed with her signature will r ‘ From A .n„ Twin Falla: I Tlie notes dated 1035 were ,fml ^ n i r i h l , nr ™ •" >“ “• »">l 'WO has' Hnvo aevoral' bank notes wlUl orlKlnnjly Issued tliot year. A amounted to more Uian 22 per Uio dates 1935 and 103M on small doa|«n clianue was In- l M l V r i , , r “l> ">e ono ccnt coha the.n, Abo, two'ot the M35G corporated and the 1835-A notes y produced since 1703. tlio year notea have “In God Wo Trust" were also printed. Tlicse notes ' U'O Mint was foundld':on UiWTiut Ufe’^llierrto^i6t7^cnrrrlhc-sl|innlure3-o(-ilulinnr -nn talnc-ss In world com- Question from Mra. L. E. W., How do you explain thia? Are. and Moriienthou. When

.Irin '«”■ «1“ »1IU crlsp. mlsprlnt? I would like very >>lnson, Uie notes became a special duty on about half of all but yellowed. I have lookeil tills much to know, how you can tell W35-B. Hie 103543 note was Issu e d In 1057 w ith the S ' l a r t T t h c " o t l S o f t “!> W "I" '5“'< P''"'''*' signatures, of Smith and Dillon dowilwUbn, boostinB Iho price Amor can of Imports and making them J ” ** HNISIIING TOUCilKS arc l>clng made on the Bccondary less Attractive .to American ’’“ '" '“W- > >"o same.WlIT ♦ I beginning — Inlermadioto i U.IS week to pepnlt traders to "PJ™ '" ” S ‘", L— ! .— Advanced. Duplicotfl- JN£5^-sXl£-Sej:!y-lcemen- a..™.ss the aitlm tlSn.- D ir t h b v U n H fJ S lates . arc schcauled to reopen Moa- jjjy ' money before 1865. .Your ' I Ado Burgeti733-4759 | GOODING — Weitlon D. GOODING — U.S. Air Force BURLEY — Navy Fireman ; and if no aniwer J ■n.c dolUu- IB expccte.) to nool H o ' t E n g lo J r ., son o f M rs . W. 'G . S ^ l . L a rry F « th a « e r, .von- J a m e s D. K n ig h t, .son o f M r . «;»! I COII733-58M. ' | Pultz of ’ Gooding, recently In-liiw of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mns. Newel L. Knifiht, Burley, completedcompieieu a U.S. u.s.. Air/ur Force rorce n.t. Wartlien, ui.ii., «G^dinguui.i ..h luia hns_nrrived ...... lu was ».i.i graduated u,..uu..i.;u fromuu... recnilt tliero were many banka which ' I 151 4 lh Avenue N. neaerve OIflccr»_.TrJilnlni! .(■>r_iluty_al Orl.isom AFH, Inil._,irainlni!.atJlw.Naval.aValn(nB. ( i Mornlng.nfUrneen'*v«nina . Conis (AFnOTC) Held tralnlnB His wife Is the former Center, San DIeijo. Knl«lU “broken bank" notes) and Uiero ’ t ( Coll atouj .loU* and'v' encampment at Fairchild AFD, Jeanette WarUien, GoodlnR. tended nicks Colleije ami are many of Uieae In existence. ' I . ilm«. G«t your (il«nd« | Wojll. . Seruennt Fatliaucr, an air Jrlfiham Youni! University, prlte relative to tlielr currea- Also, In Uie past tew years, a 1 int«(atl*il! I 'crnd electrical specialist Is' Provo, Utah,.. • ^ Kroat many of these "broken" Durlni! the cncampment, a!isluncd .to a laiR o( the _ ' ; - ______cadeta become lam lliar with the SlrateRlc Air Command, life and actlvillea on Air Force bases. At camp they can RUPERT — Navy Scnmnn oxumlnc career opporlunlUes In • Helm ut W. Schottnor, non of IWr. which Uiey might Wisli to serve and Mrs. WllIl W. Schettncr. “as'owiccrs:------nupcct^-PaiUidPittod in com- missioning ceremonic.s of Courses Include survival Navy’s noweat destroyer escort training, aircraft and aircrew USS nea.'ioner at Bremerton, „ indoctrination, small arms Wash. j training and visits to other Air______base;/...... - A ftc r_ U '______. • .are made, his slilp w ill join the Cjidet Engle is a member of pacific Fleet and Ijerve' the AFnOTC. unit at Oregon-primarily as nn anti‘subma»'ine State University. He Is d IWW warfare vessel. — . Bigelow's new Longmeadow...yich... colorful graduate of. Medford (Ore.) Schettner Is a graduate of WELDON D. ENGLE Senior High School. Mlnlco High School, Rupert. , .. exciting carpeting with a fresh new look! WAREHOUSE MARKET 1708 KIMBERLY RD„ TWIN FALLS, IDAHO HOURS 9 A M. TO I 1 P.M MON THRU 5 A I SUN 10 A M, TO 10 P M FREE MEMBERSHIP •**•** FREE MEMBERSHIP BOLD GAIN DETERGENT DETERGENT $ ^ 9 7 S * i 9 7 10 Lb. I 1 I1 O O z . M i 10 Lb 11 1 1 oz.O


OXYDOL DASH JOY This Is luxury carpeting, at a price that, everyone DETIRCCNT DET(RCENT LIQUID can afford.Bigelow's new.LongmeadowJs thick,’ $ I 53 S4'>5 deep and so smart looking. You'll love the thick 8 1 ; -v-Jilflh_plJe-jjhag.Jhfl_Q Qzy:JJXidfitlQ Q tiaellng-oLthl3_

IVORY DREFT SALVO DETEBCINI DETERGENT ®2 ‘ $ 2 3 6 (..IA N I M .'l iltM IU) SI/1 r ' DUZ S-53 IV'ORY SNOW THRILL MNG‘.(/(. 1 DCTEHCEHT LIQUID ; nouiic _ V A . S 1 * 1 Uunuo KT c ’ , _ ..... Fat stock skle at Burley ends fair

BUHLEY — YounK -t-H and Union Seed Co., Burloy. TJio pig Soiling begari at 9:30 a.m. and F F A llvGstockmen of weighed 200 pounds, bringli)g contin^od uritll I pim. with J. Cassia County p a rte d w ith th o lr tho to ta l p ric e to >480.70! Wdyne Colo, county agent, prize animals here Saturday in Jim Janak, consigned the assisting with tlfr* sale (heunnuaicountyfatstocksalo, ■ grand cham pion ^>eof, a w h ite procedure. and bualneasmcn of tho area foccd black steer which brought Saturday’s activities marked -oMI tW- p w - nHrHWl-CJasaiJr-Goun^* A grand champion shoop pound from ^l-R anch, Durloy.' fair and rodeo with officials which won a top award in fair. A to ta l o f 37 lam ba, 10 swine reporting record crowds during -iudriln>t>iQF^his-.voumL-QWfn»r;__ and.BS boof a n im a ls , a ll blue o r tho four days of activities. A Scott Taylor, sold at 53.20 per* red ribbon winners ^ ll^ u t crowd was roportedTdr pound to Klocpfer Concrete Co., County 4-H and FFA fair tho rodeo Friday night with an Paul, to top Hid sheep d iv is io n of Judging, were sold during tho e stim ated 5,000 fans on hand. tiio sale. Tho 112 • pound anim al iinnual ovont. It was.held in the Tho performance was open to brought a >358.40. small livestock arena at tho aU 4-H and F F A e x h ib ito rs a t no Itigh price paid for swlno faii^rounds under direction of charge which swelled tlus crowd went to tlio grand chiimplon Jim Palon, Hurley Uvestock for tho Friday night show. owned by Coring Washburn rind Commission Co. Fair officials said exhibits -purchf»sedal$2;30perpoundl)y ------A uctionce —wlI]-mofltly-fefnaln"on~o.<;slblllty that a highly vived U»o spraying. Teats Uiken po^sa’lon of n SrtOSnONE - Nearing a buslnels slnco lOflO, have been T lie re are 48 coom s In tho were used In Uio building, thtn a toxic chemical spray could hove on Uie dead animals did not controlled substanco, last week century in ago, U»o old M cFall assoclatLHi In m anngom ont of liotol, tlirco fllglita of -stairs, coal furnace was Installed. Hotel, Shoshone, holds a few Lights were b j carbide until caiwcd tlMJ death. Arstcln said kIw w evidence of phosphorus o preliminary licarlng. Uie business slnco 1&50. with original carvings and state volerinarianfi established • poisoning. He nrjjued the ifivldencc was other enviable long-time Perhaps even more Im­ . woodwork..'nic_club-and.cafc-u3__ elecU-lcity was in sta ll^ In tho obtained tlirough lllogfll-scarch records. ' — pressive tlutn tlio building llself,, well us tho hotel lobby lutd,- It U one of tho oldest hotels In w ould b r (I lis t o f the guests who Mrs. Colo said Uio bUHdlng of Uio defendant’s vehicle. many alot muchlnos In Uicill'-at ' jS th o N o rth w e s t to o p e ra te luive stiiyed there over the shows' remarkable work*~ Leo was arrestod on a charge ono time, Mrs. Cole said. Tlio S ------continuounly-wlUiout-cloKlng-ltfi— -yeaw—Gome-of-thc-notabloB cafo soctlon was’closod In 195fl. nunship and Uio floors are all ration asked of reokroiM driving earlier Uils” doors oven for an Interim . It has . Include William Jennings Trailer . court ac- Uie originals and in good shape. _ ^ ...... ycnr and was aubsequcntly Threatening poor health' is TWIN.FALLS-CarelcjKsnc.^H fuild, and the year of tho big 'charged with pdssoaslon of m a in ta in e d th e sam e nam e ove r Bryan, Karl Stanley Gardner commodaUons ore for 16 units, ^ by persons using Forest Scrvlcc Magic burn In souUicrn 'INvln marllujma, Uien a felony, after tho years, presont owners and Senator Rockwell. equipped with oloctrlclty and causing Uie present owners to fooling tlio acquuintDnpo_wmi_ prepard lor tno uay when Uioy ------Uuida.hM.i:cauUi:tUu_a nmnlwr Falls County. . officers rouiulflyidmaUaJiia 1 w it t T .■>— -----:~KnUllg3UitfUth«»w..k»w* ~Uie rulmo is a big part of proper p ro p e rty -ln Uie la te 1800's and Little Wood RIvor running on must give up the business, but Darrell- Smith, Sawtooth four fires started this summer in arguments on Uio motion, ~ndvcrtlsl»vrATidrit-has-muchT)f- -ownDdlmntll-ljMarMinTMepks- -thtnjorth-edgff-andUie-Mary-Li- —with—hopcs—t^ut __th e __ n c w _ National Forent fire dispatch Just below the Galena Smnmlt poUcc tcgtlfled the “ inventory" tlic original, ornate decorating was tlic owner prior to the ^ Goodlng park on tho west, all generation W ill maintain 'the ' offlcor, said cooperation Is overlook, all from persons of city Jail Ininatos'vehicles la a liLsldu and. out, jwlth antique Coles, 'llio Meeks added a club" atU-activo tgi tourists who visit. Old West beauty of design and Iwlng sought In view cf.ln- flipping miitches or cigarettes practice of long sUmdlng. Hoy furnishings In many of Iho and In li)54 a trallei' court was At ono Urho Utore were as service.- room s. ' cryjwlngly critical conditions over tlio retainer wnll of tlio Undell, acting polico...... chief, said IIo said conditions arc listed overlook nreji. when a driver is placed In Jail, in very high to extreme A t le n s t tlm t m n n y m ore liavo an inventory of Items ln~hl8 classifications on tlie soutl) been Ciiu/ied by persons lenvinK vo h lclo 1.4 taken and copies k e p t'' | portion of the forest and very cninpfiren i;i campi^rounds In th e d o p a rlm o n l aB a hii'Ji in the nortlicm area. protection to Uio defendant and aibulii Hie liiKh le'miKraturca lully. Smllli suld cspoclnlly witli u"e'^doiMrtliiont Tii'^'ca'so "bis and dry condlUona continue, he - Uie hunlUiH soason MralnBT the vclUclo Is burBlnrlzed whllo lie said, It may be necessary to public Is being asked te take |s |„ occurred. Impose some lim ited closures or every pj^ccautlon poHalblo.wlicn____DurInK- -such Inventory - uscrrcBtrlctions In all parts o l on iForesf Scrvlce, Burcau et—p fo ^„„-|||jm |-n o 5scsslon ot‘ If? , I Management or od)olnln8 ,iru,,s ,„„y be (llscovered., , Smith sa d his season wlUi lands to avoid contrlbutlni! to Meehl said about [our heavy venelntlon due lo the wet costly and destructive fires. ™ .„, „„„ Mndlnu In his cool spring and a long period of lie said a fire was started In ^ourt which coulfbe effected by hot (Iry.. wqaUier.Jins.brought, 0^ Crock Canyon Jusfbelow a ruling on tlie motion In Uieljso conditions to near Uiose of the tho forest bounilnry Friday Hcarinus will be delayed llXiC summer. ;n.l. was one of night by a tracer bullet. Ho said -“ “ i| 1 h ” Imd an op- i = . :: Boxcar shortage

m eUHces^anr

(Continuedfromr.l) reported feWor problems'with flnn Is routing any oxi>orta via _H jt^_^lagen)im iLDi:csidtinLJ4l!pm cntdtopcndlng largely on_ Houston,-Texas',Houston,—Texas, - aiitl-anti- Now of Gallatin Valloy Seed Co., told-, their volume and Uio season. .Orleans f ‘ porta, and la'forccd to Uic Timea-Nows Uiat his firm, An official at tho C.Jf. Mar- charge a premium for tho ad- whlch ships Magic Valley, bean «lwill Co. }n Jcromo said that the dltlona] freight. Ills firm has seed throughout tho world,' *ia * situation was "not crlUcal at tho had relatively MltUo . trouble routing . «mno Bhrpmenta present timo," since lhc_flrm getting boxcars sbioe tho ond of IRS Questions ability for nemJffJiL Uirowgl) Vnncoliver during Iho- ships much o( Ihclr grain by tiie railroad stffkff. h«» nn\A. |jingiiluiigttieii*g’* Btilfce.' "iw s ^ tfuclito U rtTwin Pallg UiutftPr ~ B O IS E ~ ~ T « < r“ lhtBrlninl—Bolse^UW -Ofllee^for-lurtlKir lenchers’salaries; Wlllloachera more pay than "eld" teachers _ln-thl«-caiBgory,.«4cordliig to- In noise, Idaho Wheat also adda about 12 por hun-. storago. * , Revenue Service and tho Office InvesKgnUon, Hardman said, qualifying for annual In- who have been (rith the dlatrlct. OEP official*; their wtariM Commission^ -Adm inistrator _ dtcdwclghLto Uie cost, which Ifl— In Buhl,- Theo —Rangon, of l^ergericy IVepar^ess ' TholM al omcorwillnothave-cMmcnts -ln-«al«ryJ for-ex.— Uanlman_»ali_JM_h*.4_B« caiidbe (roien at the W70-V1 of necessity passe^l along to Uio president of Rangcn's Inc., aaid Jlarpld West said NorUiem -(OEP) -liave-apparenUy had_fulUnv«und.foiv Linowhat, but not criUcally at Howard Hardman, t^glonal would serve their areas as And, according to Twin Falla freete» ilnea the federal froih ' Waahlngton/* ■^•^dmaft' lack of storogo space until it can Uio present lim e, Rangen said. coordinator for the Internal Inquiry . . poinU and complaint school Supt. George SUudaher, dedsion stftef that any. new aald. "HUa la ttUl a new procen be slilppod — a prdctic^whlch “WoVo moving 11. We‘re n o t. The car situation In Southern Revenue Service in Boise, said centers. what about new teacher* who '*|ro(luct** not prevlouaK fold a n d we Just c a n * ^ sure ea.all drew a snort of.derision01.derision from dumping aumping itii (me(the grain) on Uie Waho, West **«»«*said, "Is •“ Im ^eBojM IRS office wUl answer Phil M'ulconnery will be were not under contract would have to be priccd com> points a t UUI^ tU S ;* ^ . J a rv is -o)f-Dean.WholcsaUr«. f- •^^ground;i-nar«en >e,-naf»My-to->n • qua! pr< u c tln - -r * “ I ’d nover n o v o r do...... ^ Uiat...... hero;.. .I ------J.T. Shields^------owner of Shields rtlU face a shortage and It l^ k s Twin Falls the snAe area. jjmuld^^hlpkthink (hitUie_fgdpral_foQd—WflEchouaeln-Buhl. foHnrnI fftAH WflrchousftliLSuhl. commAiitiwt—UBCcom m ent^—Ukq flome-oWUie-eraui'-lD-that.graUi>-ln-that, ■um U r thff 'h iu s . according to O E P of- and drug pooplo wo^ild object," Uiat I'WeVe not exporting m u ^ area dumped on the eluding the twin Falla office, beginning Monday,,accordlng to .federal-edlcti- they could, flgtala, • car ow ^W M iirW »~ l»teta(l-l _ .h o .M ld .______right notwJiecause Uu) m arket iff g r harvest Is o y e r." wrlB,Vdo w ha tth ey can, fcut they - H ardm an . He m a y be’ caltedTil -therefore,-quallfy for the n< «ly « iiM i« h lc le ,w o iild Ju y « ia il| L « u .« ll- )lU l< Schlagenhauf said his flrm '^ toio h ig h . " T h e iit r lk e and West u ld some raU c m now can’t do as much aJwe thought TJMIH. Hie IBS office la at M8 adopted salary schedule. price deemed .cpmpwable to g ^ r y queu. heaviest shipment^ are mado in boj^car _ flbor^ge • comiJnatlon being forced into service are they_could,:" Hardman said Blue Uke« Jlvd.-N., In the B u t teachers already under other, c m of llw M m e M e »n d .d lr t« n c ln g oU iM f, October and .November, If tho could p ^ p j n l r m In a bind If the b a re ly f it fo r use'. O th e r ca rs are Saturday. l^nwood sliupplng center. contract may have to be make"during the month from poln^.of confoalon lOii strike l ^ t aettlcd by late' intlnue Into Uie faU:' stalled at some shipping points U)ca] .^offices TfUl anaw^ - Maanwt^Ue. manyny gu^onsqueauons ‘-'froxen'' -iroxen at ^Uielr moir prBviuuapreyloua July. uiuy, U.tqw . h ^ i l l , m ore rfc rlo u s y o b le ip a-W ■ghie ld a ,said . hiw^HiMw o f th a w ith rfffla a L -n t. [ 1 ^ ------M l louse said hta shippers. Int^i^res and com pl^ta to.the most Intricate concern' ^udaher. give new tudtura u ^rS tra c t

- -V,-. :: ..... II' ■nihtl-Ntvw, Twin Falli. Idaho Slln



OUEEN SIZE* 14 9 *® PLUS FHe£ FRAME EVERTON MATTRESS CO. 3T6 2licl Av^TS^TW IN FAttS TWO MEMBERS of the CSl nursing faculty, Marilyn Black- burn, center, and Peggy StanUeld* on right, chat with CSI FLETCHER.FURNITURE-RUPERT SKIGGS FURNITURE - BURLEY & GOODIMG m liflo n i Director Gerry Meyerhoeffer, oo left, during Prlday's GAMBLES-BUHL BUWERfURNITURE - TWIN FALLS C lassroom s opened open.houie la the new nurtlng classrooms In the Shields . Academlc'Buildlng.

Coldspot Upright Freezer Uniform moileletl A MANIKIN models the unusual but ottractlvo-UnKomt designed by College of Southem ldnho nuruc trainees qb tK c lr Holds i>83 lbs, of Food... . oHiclal cl& s dress » n t^ntsuit with gold-colored pants, for the CSl colors of gold &dd Uackr&tid white tunic, representing the traditional white dresi of tlio nurse. « « il You AdfMBsi Two Sheive^ Nursing course begins~Ht~CSi~

TWIN F A U ^ — Tlie most liavo clwscn «n uniwiinl pimt- "rcfitfu r' clnsHroom on the suit trnlnecs’ uniform of ,f»ol(l, cam pus'dr" the Coilefjc of trousers, honoring the'CSI Southern Idaho was formnlly colors of liold and bliick, ntid a, opened for tljc business of wliitc tunic, symbolizing the learning Friday when Twin trodltlonnl nursing uniform. Falla Mayor Frank Feldtiniin The class Was organized cut 0 Bilk ribbon Iti Koom 113 of during Uie summer. ■* session, f tliC Shields Academic Building. with fullscalc classwork Tlic classroom, housing-the scheduled to begin wiUi Uie fall first CSI professional nursing semester. Tlie students will class, includes Uiree regulation work part time In area hospitals liospital bcd.s, complete wIUj during ,their fivc-scmeater Blwets and bespreads. The H7 course to galft prncticfll_CX* young women taking the perlence’ registered nursing class will Tlie UN course has drawn. draw tlw enviable asslgnmifnt , consldernbic intorestj with of ‘'resting’' in Ujc beds nt many more hoping to enroll In times, to provide “patients" for tlio first claa^'than the 37 tlmt the trainees In demonstrating could be accommodated in care of the bedfast person. Magic Valley hospitals, Mrs. Mrs. JudlUi noberts, CSI Roberta mild. nursing director,. said the Mrs. Roberts will be iwslsted =6tudOhts=Wh(S“ w tlt-ircra llfr"tir“ bynMrirnyrn3Wck5iS»Tr^^^^^ lake tlie state RN exam when Stanfield and I^tii Obray as Uiey graduate In two years, instructors.

'S jr ------S o a r s C a r e S e r v ic e . . . proicotB tlio vnluo of your Col'dnpot Freo^nr. We service wliot we sell— witli personnlized, pmfea- .nional care— wherever you live or move in the U . ^ . Sears Low Price t. Use Sears JEasy-Payment Plan MRS. JUDITH B0BERT8, director of nunliK at Uie CoUege oi'^atkeni Mabs, ^liplayi Die uoiuiial iw liifliii! door to her SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE

~Saliiim io)n:ium antW diO r-Vj>ur-M 6ney-Btti^t^^===^ M l he han « nn the wooden framework ol the o H Iw ______—______L______RKAai. fcOlBUCK Awpoa e n U e le i.

— “ - h - By MARJORIE UERMAN program with aides trained to prlmarUjI with the homemaker Uoned, thpre are for Tlmei*New« W riter '"V into low-lncome' homes and and most of tho .work was In , outdoor cooking In which they TWIN F A L L S ~ Can you ’ Instruct homemakers how to homes, but the project has ar« Uught to make camp stpVW make a pillowcase- or apron feed, thoir .. famllios...... -n- well- branched out into youth from things such as used-oU from an______old dread, or cut _ up _ a „ balanced -roeals. Housewives t programs. The lessons are cans, large coffee cans and ‘ lised oil can to make a ser- are taught the basic four foods. Uken from the regular > H others. This parUcularly aj>- viceable camp stove? Can you the use of nutrients in the body project books although the peaU to boys, as do Uoycle and name the four basic foods and and the food from which they groups oro not a part of the 4-H safety classes, although make up mcnus-uslng' them are~derived. All-phaaeB of_aub projpram.-— --— r.. ^ bo^ bo^irad girls can t ' ’'^PQcH.dny.?— iDjiHiflDddjmMfinLi'AuUj___ •niese are hut a few of the thoprogr^w itH budgeting and membersfibers wiUw ill not comcompete pete fofor r . being\ held in the Falls Avenue useful and {ntei^sting things meal-planning playing Im ' prizes at the Twin Falls Counly. {|re station with firem in now being leamod b y th e more ’portantparU. Fair as 4-H club members will, assisting in teaching, and than 100 members of tho Ex- TTie program has no f^nds to but they will oihlbit some of financial aid being given by the p a n d e d ___ N u tr itio n ____Youth- M p families financially, and their proJecU at the fair and Twin Falls 4-H Youth Builders Program, a relatively n e w assistance Is confined to In- w ill be^lven achievement Qub, Members are tai .project sponsored'by...... the -Twin • s lr u c tlo n s , s u g g e s tio n s a n d rib b o n s. T h e y w ill have p a rt of repair and rebuild Ucy Falls Homo Extension Council. encouragement. The program tho Tom Parks Pavilion well as safety rules^ In riding.' This program Is headed by d6ee*have a small requisition as.slgnod to them. ' Tho glin safety course (s being A lic e Ile e d , county hom e ex> for food supplies to be used in Tho council hopes somo of tho taught.by Jerry Elsenhauer and tcnsion-agcnt,-wh» ts-assiatwl— ' piirpQaciJQC_:l{roiip8_mntunlly will ^cpm e^sqnW JerrvVGun Shoo west of by Mrs. Qinton Dougherty,' homemaker groupsLips and youth urO inS ram l'any nTn6.6Rrof Twin FaHs^Thls class meets at 'coordinator for tho extension programs. Uic groups feds It can branch the Neighborhood-Center______aldos, and six trained aides and Trained aides working wlUi out Into regular 4-H work. It will 'Hie sewing classes show how $4jveral volunteer assistants. tho coordinator, Mrs. bo given asalstonco by the • to make useful articles not only Ih e p ro g ra m , began In 1060, Is Dougherty, arc Mrs. Ron council. Tlio eventual outcome from new rriaterlal but also now centered In fw in Falls and Helnely, Mrs. Delbert McGuire, sliould bo o number of new 4-H from worn clothing Filer. However, It Is planned to Mrs. Nieves Boltla, Mrs clubs being fonncd Iti thl.i way. Pillowcases are made from old I include Buhl, Kimberly and Dougliis Egbert. Mrs. Joe Tho ydung people meet at dresses, and one girl made a Murtaugh in tho futuror' Butler and Mrs. Hlchnr'd homes or In store btilldlngs for poncho out of the skirt of an old Filer leader^ Include Mrs. DeVall. _ Uiolr weekly lessons which will dress. Tray cloths and head — Cheryl-J«nBan,-M r8.-Vlrgll---W iron UlO ..program , flrst^ contlnup_all year. Besides tho scarves are made from scraps Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne hoftnn, it was cohcerneU fowl cin!i.^cs prcviooaly jn c fi'' ormntcrlal.' Ilall and Mrs. ■ Plilllp Crider. ______Somo.of the home extension Those In Twin Falls are Mrs. i ^ clubs In the area are helping by Gervalse Kennedy, Mrs. Curtis donating remnants of Graham, Shclla Garrison, Mrs. materials, new and used ' Craig Dunlat), Mrs. Eileen clotiilng, bedding and dishes, all • McCollum, Mr. and Mrs. Joe of which are used in the p ro j^ . iTMJVnaJrblTTKcb'ncf, news — ‘ ~^shtng~to“*hBtirTrtth^ Jerry Elsenhauer and son, donations of any of these things Jerry, Jr. Also giving a b o u t may call Mrs. Dougherty or the assistance are tho members of the home extension of/lce. THIS (jR O d p OF BOYS has been learning proper the Twin Falls 4-H Builders V a l l e y A nows letter, the "B-4 Nows," Is circulated each handlittg of weapons from Gerald (Jorry,) Eijen/iouor. dub and the' Twin Falls Fire peoplle DepartnWnf on Falls Avenue. m o n th Ho Include Inform ation .S^anc/ing, from left, are Dana Jamoi Dado, Roy- Tho expanded nutrition you that will be the most useful to Gun safety ' mond Althouse, Eisenhaoef, Robert flqdrjguoz ar>d program is funcletl by the -know- tho entire fam ily. Recipes, diet» L i v i n g tips, Instructions and flyruT, a n c /”~fenoe7ing, from leff, are !/o7ry~ United Stales Department of tiienhauer, w h o fielpi fiJs^fa'iher with g u n sa fe ly^ “ Agriculturer~Bnd-»dminlstered- Luggcstions-Bi&Jnchlded^JIhe-. by the University of Idaho—: aides deliver copies of the news instrucfion, a nd Robin Huse. Sunday. A uqyst 33, 19^ .extension service In Twin Falls. letter to each of the families It originated as a nutrition . . w i t h 5vhlch t|iey work.

~COOKING-JND-SEWING~oiseniipls^are^b 0ing f a u g h / #0 this group of Filer girts, from lefi, PROPBR CARB~/iND operafion o f bicycles is being Gary Sleelsmifh, Chrisfy Bailor, Brenda Mali, taught to this group of boys- by Clare Hdrltins, Home arts essentials T/ieresa Jensoo/ Laura Krepdk, Norma Camobell, left, of the,Twin Falls Fire Department, and Mark . Cindy Litller, Angela Brifo and Theresa Andrews. Feldhusen, president of the Builders Club. The boyt, Leader Mrs. Virgil Andrews and Mrs. Rtchorc/ De- Bicycle safety from left, front row, are Btad Hansen, Jay Garrison — Va/l ore in backgrSondl • and Gene Rosencrantx, and back row, from left, are Kenny Schenkle,^ Ricky Beilia, Tommy Carroll and Tony Carroll.

tfoys HNO greo^ /on^i#o buiW canipstoves youngi#«rf in T W h foHi Counfy Invo/vM • -hom -^dcant^airr^jhom e-dLM r,^anclJiir^W .ayjLe^ ■pQn<^nffJpufriiionLpiDaronLii/nrf«

^ t y l c

revue ( 4’H MEMBERS from Casiia County piesenied ^haif&zlylBd {aihfons'im rrevve arth^CasTia'Couniy Fairgrounds'. In ihe first photo is Jodie Anderson, who mode o red anli~whit0 ~fjuniliu~’ fui~l>yrsBlf antr one for he/ JiHh sister/ center photo, )one Endow modeling her while floor length formal, and Beth ferlic modeling her olive green floor length formal, (both were blue ribbon winners in the evening e/e- gance division), and at far right are Carolyt} En­ dow/ jenior mode/, ond S/ierne PeJer^son, junior m odel, who received trophies for being ihe._ best mode/s In their division.

Cassia has 4-H style revue MONEY MONEY MONEY J^ONEY ENTER THE SMART MOHEY PUZZEL AND WIN PRIZES. ^ BURLEV — n»c unnual 4-U Kniltin}' uward.n wore Penny Asher, AnnoUc Scarlc, l^iNne Dtjrfoc, nll.bluo, and Ferlic and Jonc Endow, both SiyJo-Hcvuo WHS Iwld Tu«JHl;iy prcwntod lo AunctUi Sonrle, Trudy Glonscmann, Shorrl UndiJ Drown, Janice Bcnch, b U ic ^ ' Don't woitl .iM IB Y FORM Don't wait! Background music for tho ovenimj In Uio 4-H BuIldlnK at first; Audrey Dam m aroll, Potcrson, Audrey Dainmarcll, Honda Uepworlli, Brenda Unscramblo thoie word* — Hint; They all pertain to sewing. “ i h T c ii s li r n r o u n ly — Fair~|>,-BfllMMS-Cind>U;uiner-rJtamona. -faaIilQn_aliow was nluvcd._bv Karen McCulston at tho organ. Grounds. Theme this year was Tlie prlze.s far this event was Cindy Warren, June Kay Tracy, Allred, Susan Ward, Pamela ~wisHCI...... EMDM ...... O l f i H f t ...... ' “A Summer Garden of Cofor." donated by Janet’H Knit ami Sylvia McGinloy, Gayla Searle, Putfhott, and Darla Neiwort, Judges were Mrs. Darrell Hatfield, Mrs. Dean Kohntopp, Needlepoint Shop,'Burley. Klalne Turner, Kennle Mac all red. UTCK ...... T A B E S ...... M ETTU P...... ' IVophie-j were presenter nnd M rs . Bessio . •m X Kl >T«AVIn< • ’ . . . ’ - , ^ , . . ,, .ritl. Pv.l. - .r <1. Atr.;i-«»)>^in-Ha'nW tirltnn Snwitig Conlef Jerome, Idaho to w i n t w i n F A L L S — A salad bar Glaeseman, third, senior foods. VauBhn, Marilee Kllnk, Debra Kuwana, blue, Blnyham and Mrs. Lovell and swimming party were held Receivlnu tiie tropliics in the Davis, Kristin H6ward, and Rvcnln« Eleijii B e th Blacker were the -superin- y o u r prizes. Win a $100.00 off on any of our sewtrfg~machintisr _by members of the Nix on Pix- clothbu: divisions were Christy -tendcnts______Prizes also include: feljcible button hole markers & thread rippors. TOPg'CIub'TiIe^yflmffhomu Tamaru Quasi,— ------— Backdrop-for-tlic-iitagc-was_ of Mr. and Mrs. John Bertie. sbcond and Uiura Adams, tliird, loanud by. Kllnk’s FrorisLs and . U io Mason’s team served as junior- Amende. flr.st; tlic or^au was fumi.nhc b o sis Vonda Wagner. Gainer of the first; Betli FerllCf secoml and ol currency, . . day was Sadie LaMancc. Susan Kuwana, third, all - All storic'4 perioining lo h»c wotiicn's pact's muM be Ardith Bcmio won tl»e fruit Senior. b/bughi to ihi! Timoi-Nuwv no Inter llion iwo cinyl oltur. basket and Lil Simmons Second place awards for foods .tile moeling lo bi’ conildcrcd lor publicalion, received the Ha Ha box, \)0l and clothinRs received cooking W edding pictures and slorios muvt be.in within Iwo wuuki because of o w e ifth t gain ghe shears and clotljinK shears from ol tho wcddino- Ai iii Ihe pail, o $5' iee will be chorgod could no t accept U. Uve Cljeerful Doers Extonsirin |o/..two-colunui woddir>g pictures ond □ $2.50 lee lor on- Mootlntjs are held each Homemakers Club. OOgement pi^^urui. Tuesday at liM -p.m ..at the Junior Jlfflcii ribbon winners Twin Falls City Hall. were Kerrio Lynn Fowles, J Aug. 6 rites uaite couple Valley Favorites Sunday, A u g u il 23, 1971. T lm M ^ . v A , Tw(o F . ll. , Idaho J1 HOLLISTER - A single ring Week^s Recipe W inner Buhl Art Guild m a Ices ^ ce rem ony Aug. 6 in th e H o lliste r MRS. LARRY JUSTESEN ID S Church united In marriage B ox 115, Carey ------Valerie-Je«n-Bright, Flier, daughter of Mrs. Virginia S U M M E R SP E C IA L favorite'redpe. Just ;nall it ..plans for T"F. tair . Bright. Filer, and Jim Bright, I large packagc cream ------* the -Recipe Department. ■ . Hagerman, and Alfred Earl cheese , ' Women’s Pag. Eillor. 1 b , bUHL - Member,, of the summer months and In Phi Aston, son of Mr. ^nd Mrs. •^rtu-^nrp-intlk ------iU.^thia^car: HQ w ill exhibit . KennettrAflton; H 9llifite r. rm toj tacOTiO Tth™ ii«rYj«-toa ------1 cup crushed pineapple the Times'Newf and cannot be . . ;Z-Er9partnB tor-thetr annual Mrs,.-Elsie H U nt-of-FtleralM ^agyiS ls'y^.'^^ President nalph Ward of- ^ p acka^Q m lK ed fr iilt ______p e tu m e d - flcTatra at tbo rites before­ . . exhibit at the Twin Falls County spendb . several months in ' ~ . gelaHne - - ...... Mrs.IvoryDuffofTwlnFolls, background settings of Fair. This year all members of Arizona during the winter. She has three of her pictures on 1 package prepared arrangements of white and blue the Buhl club w ill hjBve pain- has somd of her paintings on display In the Buhl telephone topping mix daisies. tings on display In tho art display in a library In I^eedlcs, office this month. Vanilla wafers Aj The,bride, given In marrlago Combine—...... ,packagoC-J .. -cr-cnm ... y-iiBi-fatii«r,"wur«"u"noor^ cheese and m ilk to soften, and length gown of lace,and white member has displayed Mme of ^ t Guild president this year, places in the area. She wont spread over Iwtlom of large D im outlook piujyrjj 11^ telephone' has several paintings on display over Couch Summit this post s a tin , faahioned w ith a laco' glass 9 Inch pie dish. Top with ■•'MANILAIUPD-Thobulldlng wmpany office In Buhl and In at the Thousand Springs resort summer to paint, bodice, full skirtr scallopcd. layer of vanilla wafers. Spread construction business la hitting the Buhl Public Library. Sin at Wilkins, Nev. Mrs. Johnson Teaching pasted painting, neckline and laco lily point crushed pineapple over (his. Set w ith 1 rim »nter IK, 0 new low, says a newspaper members had'palntlngs-ion ato lives In Flier. occupies the time of Mrs. sleeves. Ih b chapel tra in wins gelatine with 1 cup water (Mi a tta ch e d to the back o f the gown Ml cJn coM) Whip columnist. He says th it If the'- JjUbil: during the Sagpbrush A limdsca|» which served as Georgia Kluonder of Jerome. with two large bows. mW M d l? M ^ sUgnation , continues through Days ceiebraUon In a special a background for the splrUuai Mrs. Kluender also exhibits her Ihe bride's elbow-length voli nrtil Z t hnlf the year, it will bo thO fourth art and'anUquo display hi tta tonquet for the Most Rev. portraits and flower pictures In ^ckage and . ^ former Penney bulUJng in Buhl. Sylvester Trelnen of Boise was doctor’s offices. of illusion was held by b ------h e «dplece-of-pea rH ze d ~ p p ta lr~ lifiiru^°tll'^fXTv~8m M tli'WBir~*°''**” ” ''''*'^ ‘^°'^'''*'” *^ y ^ — ^Kuhlblt^s-not^wstiict^to—patot^^-M raJim na^reLol------ilrs-Uiona-CW sinof-oJ-UuhU-— ;____a o cairlcd a nosegay bouquet MR. AND MRS. ALFRED £ . ASTQN S tin e nnc a ffta TV)U1 valuation of private tte Magic Valley arM. Mrs. Buhl. Tlw pain tag WM doncfcr . uses acrylic painU as weljM oil -■ _ ! of bluo’ and white duisles-.withi E urT™nd"^^^^L^^^ '>““ ‘“ "8 construction - for the KuUiSparrow^has exhibited her^Rov. Trelnen’s - 2sm Jubl cc. and - pastel!. ^ She gives . - mixture andanti snreaospread over months of 1971 'is down water color pictures in private anniversary. Mrs. Karel also deroonsU-ations (n art to. 1-H 'long satin streamers tied in pineapple. Spripkle 1 cup- (or almost 19 per cent from the shows, and also has received has painted many pictures for clubs and paints during her knots. more) crushed wnfera over top. corresponding period of 1970. l«»t of show ond first In special gifts. vacations. VIcklo Sharp was maid of CItlll until roiidy to serve. honor; lUta Louise Adam was "W /io's W /io " faps._< Non^•esldentlalbulldlng(lroppcd wntorcoior at the Los Arcos Darwin Taylor teachers art at Tho only Buhl member to flower girl and scattered flower T h e T im es-N ew s w ill n a y »s' 211.7 per c e n l compared with the, MoH In the Artist Colony show Palm Deseijt, Calif., and exhibit at tiw Art Mart in Twin petals before Uie bride. each week for Manic Valley first'four months of 1070, tho at Scottsdale, Arlz. She resides-exhlbitedH6Kio of his work at Fails was Mrs. Irene Koci. Eddy Hcatli was best man, Buhl civic leader Favorites. If you have a columnist soys. In Hagerman during the tho Date Festival at Indio, and u^crs were Arnold Aston and Greg Briggs. Danny HohUi ’ UUHL — Mrs. Josephine were In elcmcnUiry school. ------WHS rln g -b o a ro r.------Qlino iiafTUiTuh named“lo~th0'” ^ S h o hiis worked’ In tlio canw Mrs. Eddy Ileatli was soloist munlty for the American and was actompunied by Judy Marquis - “Who's Who of American Women” for her CjmccrSoclcty, the Heart Fund Y oungm an. Living Room — Overstock outstanding achlevcmontii In and the United Fund. She also A recoptlon- was hold following . the wedding tlio field of community servlcc. .lerved.as « director on the Buhl Qinptor board of the American - ceremony. Tlje bride's table Tho publication is now in Its unn-uctlvtC -Tya5-covFred ‘with-a lace-cloth^ member of Holy Trinity and centered with a three4iered Its seventh edition. Episcopal Church in Buhl and we^ldlng cake decorated with . Mrs. Gllne was Instrumental in tlio formation of the Buhl serves as a deacotuiss on tho blue daisies and topped with two blue bells. It was cu t and served Housing AuUiorlty and wak~ v c H try.’ named chairman of the Iwilslng In lOflO M rs . G llne re.slgnod by Mrs. Munclo Mink, Wendell, auUiorlty board of directors Infrom the Buhl Housing aunt of Uie bride. Coral Bright, 1D6C by former mayor Reed AuUiorlty board and accepted a sister of t))o brldo, served Maughan. Under .her direction' )y>slUon as a legal secretiiry punch. the Lincoln Courts housing wllli the low firm of Behm and Sofas - Love Seats - Chairs - Lamps and Kay.cAstQQ, sister of the project for. senior citizens Anderson. Slie Is a member of bridegroom, was In charge ,pf becamo a reality. Mrs. Gllne tlio National As.soclatloii of t))o guest book. Gifts were said sho “ hoped to see Ix|^l Secretaries. displayed by Diane Mink, , . _____ .joufllng-forj^nlor--- M ry:---- Q H nc---- m a rr ie d ” la rily n clUzens continue hi Uiu Buhl Deljawrence M. Gllno and Uiey a rT h e se Ijoann Simmons and Mrs. Judy community." Iwd four children. Mrs. Gllne Bright. Hie Indies of the Bollof — 'MrSf-Gllno-began-lwr-wun— died-ln-1967-MrarGllne-resldes- “ Society were In cKurgo' of ;nunlly scrvico -ivork during in Buhl witli her diiug])ter s e rvin g . Values World War II when slio a.sslsted Becky, o senior at Buhl high Tlie couple took a hotieymoo’n In tljc U.S.O. proKranl*, Since school. A dauijhter DeAnn lives trip to Salmon and the nortli Uiat time she has served as a In I'wln Falls and a son llalph mountains. , ,Boy Scout den*moll>cr, on the lives in Ii)s Angelos. Another The couple is living at board of directors of the Camp son, David, died of leukemia In Hollister where the bridegroom Fire Girls and hns worked 1005. Is employed by the Idaho Trout cut ttuA&M, Sou)p/UM! clasely with tlie Buhl PTA Mrs. Gllne presently Is Processors, Filer. ThQ serving as membership .spending the summer at home bridegroom was graduated -chalnnan-aml-room nwthor for— -wlUi-hef-diiughter;------froin Uie Flier High School In several years while her children 1070.

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llcauiirul Sattirii l olcti. u i;ical iiin.idcii jiisi in lim e i’nr hiick-io-sclm oi. Ilii: cniuii'.li'lo inke ovcryi;ryiliiim luul loui’h ctuniith lo keen up liie pace. Miikc iriivct ii (itilc -M tw-luitufioui^rhreti-kiv4ek4a-luui-colurs.iu-miilch Samsutiil*;. -. Cheek Our Values! SiiUirn Omcyw'Blue. )*ciieh Hlotisoni. Misty While, j-mcruld Green.- ' Rogular. Now only Shoulder Tote___ Cobtest^Store^n ToWi Tw eeti'Tote”“ ~’^ - 2 0 . 0 0 : —15.99 -lS.c.a&etoia_._ ,■ 1 9 . 0 0 13.99 Opeii'^r^ayrNigKts P__iBURLEY - RUPERT - J W l f BURLEY — RUPERT — BUHL — TWIN FALLS n -limw N^wi, Twin F«lli, Idaho Sunday, Au(ji(»l J2, 1971 Lammers Castleford teen natried to "Who's Who"

CASTLEFORD - Terry the school band. Scoutm aster and also Is acUv( Vicki Brown, J.L. Bingham repeat vows named to Kramer, son of Mr. and Mrs. H e has been an active Scouter in the O rd e r o f th e A rro w . He li . DonaW Kramer, CasUeford.tias for nine y^ars and has attained a member of the Unitet \ A / L ^ ' r - been selected for publication In the rank of Eaglg and Is Methodist Church and li TWIN FALXS — "nie Twin ribbon with wfhite lace wedding W n o S • W h o "Who’s Who Amohg American presently a Junior assistant president of the UMY group. Palls FlrafBapUal'Church was b®Ut *nhAnc«d the Ublc.— ^ H l^ School Students." the 9«tting for the Aug. 8 . 'The bride's (able was cen- ...... Tor thp-hon or —FILER— —------"Tv'«iain8"5r Vlckl l^nn urown.^tered wilh lhe wedding calio. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed(Jls through hlfl leattfirshlp In the daughter of Mrr and Mrs. Four smaU cakes on revolving Lammers, has been selected for G**" Boys State where be Joseph E. Brown, and James stands s e U iU J h e three tiers. A Merit's “Who’s Who In selected to serve In Uie KINDERGARTEN Lee Bingham, son of Mr< and canopy was massed with aatin American High SchooU." senate and served as a reporter ^ Mrs.. Woodrow A. Bingham, all flowers and a bridal figurine ' for the daily newspaper. Twin Falls. and flligree bell enhanced the Register Now!! K ? w a s a B o y s 'S la te (ielBBalo Rev. Charles E. Graves top of the cake. U>l» spring and'whllo attending — perfarmed the deuble-riftg* -The-oake-wafl nade by Mra. Herbert tho Youth Legislature, and --■nic candles-were-lighted by.. Burgess: .tmd. Carole Ann 'pai‘(ieiput6d— m— varslry- Karen Harr and Tracy Harr, B urgess...... basketball" a?wl ■ varsity track.- cousins of tho bride. Tho w edding Cuk'e was made Melvin H. Saunders. Idaho by Mrs. Woodrow Binghum, ' He Is a member of Peace . Falls, uncle of the bridegroom, mother of the bridegroom. I^Uicran Church, is president sang '^Because," and Rich­ Ten quartet tables in blue of tho Walther League, Is ard Chilcote, Twin Falls, covered white satin lace wore assistant. Scoutmaster for played traditional wedding mu­ centorcUl with champagne 'IVoop 73 Boy Scouts and la a sic and acconipanlcd tho solo* glasses and blue not pom pons member of tho Order of tlie Arrow In Scouting. 1st. graced with two pearl hearts The bride, given In marriage - and white and blue Icing MR. AND MRS. JAMBS LBB BINGHAM by her. father, wore a Brldii) flowers, provided seating area - .______. Original floor length Victorian . for guests. 's ty le d tiow n. It was of hard slip Tho center of tho room held u . ■ recmbroidored and pearled round table coyored in luce and InlS W 6 G K alencon lace, uppliqucd with satin. Three angels held Chantilly lace arid seed pearls, fountain and blue candies. The gown featured a scalloped Mrs. Ross Waymond. — neckllne-and-full-bUhop.sleoues—Nampa^cuLthc-WcddioiM^uki!e W here to go ih Id ah o and! a removablo Watteau and Mrs. &im Harr, Ketchum, chapel train. aunt of the bride, served tho B y P liy f X W J , H U F F M A N • 'lliis Is Idaho's year for top- lodtjc In the st^ije this winter, ' Her alencon lace cap was cake. Mrs. Loral Docker, Idaho Idaho Dept, of Commerce & flight entertainers. . Hank Here’s hoping!). outlined with seed pearls and Falls, sister of the bridegroom, Dev. Tliompson and his Brazos 'Hiey don’t call Idaho tho held her elbow-lengUi veil of poured punch, and Mra. LeJtoy “Clip .Hundred Yenrs of Valley Boys, singer Mary *'Gem" state for noUiing, as 72 nylon Illusion. Harr, Twin Fal|st cousin of the Progress.'’’' ’Iluit tretnendous Taylor and comedian Archie different kinds of precious and She carried a cascade bride, poured coffee. achievem ent l>elong.s to Post Campbell from television’s seml-preclou-tslones aro found bouquet of blue tinted car­ Mrs. Glen Saundau.uiid Mrs. Fails,' growliii' gem of tlie "Hee Haw” will all Iw in here. Riiinbow agate, opal and nations ami while Jack Frost Don H arr were In charge of tho Eiiterald Empire. And to help Jeromc-J^riduy tilght for a jasper have been found in roses, accented with Ivy. Her flowers. Mrs. Ron Harr was in Celebrnte jt.s centetmjal, special sliowinconlunclion with chunks weighing' up to 500' Jewelry was a necklace and charge of pitctures. everyuiiu.Is.urged to Join itJ tlie tljg -Jerome County Fali^orKi—pounds apiece;, and there's a -w atdi-fllv^a—to—i«ir-by—Ihft. WyJiti—Wflfl— IhC - ‘fc.'rtivitTPS^nd—wrttP—oldtimo ■Rnfitvi rA in f. 2 4 -m ‘ m w WU(t- ■ story f{oing- around that tlio bridegroom. A l)lue garter of bride's assistant and Mrs. Dee dress. All proceeds from the est, Fastest Little Rodeo in largest Siamond ever found liF" her Grandmotlier Bender was Camey.slsterofthobrldegroom. event w ill be U-Hod to construct a Idaiio" combines w itli U jo Pay- tlie United States was picked up worn. She also carried tlie assisted with (ho flowers. _clty_ twiijC:;______^______ette County Fair for an action- between McCall and Now ~haHlnjrchlofs-of-Mrs“ Genc- — DorindaDunlaprfriendofthe- Friday begins at V a.nirtwitli a packed three days iti “ Mew~Mcndowff^(wcight-10;5-carots)— Smlth and Mrs. Uoyd Sliane. l)rido, compiled tlie gift list. ILshlniJ derby for children at Plymouth, beginning'nmrJiday. Since the 1007 Legislature aunt of tlio bride.'She borrowed Jamcy Gatlilngs arrnnged ttjo Black Bay, ending at noon with Idaho County Fair In Cot- named the Star Garnet as Idaho a gold uross from her maid Qf giftiJ and' gift carriers were U>e grand opening-of the cen* tonwood and Bonner C o u n ty Htato gematono,. its real'value lionor. The bride's attendants Debbip Johnson, .and Gayle tenhlal carnival. Junior raft Fair in Sandpoint are botli and beauty aro (inally being were Carole Anti Burgess, Twin Saundau, cousin of tlio bride, all race «t 2 p.m., band concert at Aijgu.nt 25-2A. fiu h l toasts Its- recognized. Found o tily in Idaho Falls,' maid of hotior, and of 'IVin Falls. 7:30 and crowning ceremony for inercliants Saturday ,with and Indo-Qjlna (tliut'a Laos, Arlene Blass, Filer, and Lyntt Honored guests Included Mr. tlic ccntennial queen, R:30 p .in . “ Crazy Duds Days" while Cambodia and Vietnam, In case Summerfield, Twin Falls, and Mrs. Roy Buck and M r. imd Saturdays, there's a free public Meridian’ Si>ee(iwny hosts the you-dldn't know), tlie stono Is a bridesmaids. Mrs. Qjarles J. Blngiiam /l'win Ireakfnst sponsored by the W .I.R.A. Championship Car popular itein for rockliouiids — — 'Randy Pietz 8crved~BS“ beat Falls, grandparents of the cha m b e r of co in m e rco fro tn 7 to Races (tliere's also anA ulo cCs|*clally filong^hTTSost ForlC~ man. Ustu^rs were John Dahl bridegroom; Mr. and Mrs. 10 a.m ., centennial parade at 10 'Tlirill Sliow there on Wed- of Emerald Creek in tlie St. Joe and Jerry Metcblf, Twin Falls. Mcarl Brown, Colorado, followed by senior raft rpce at 2 nosday).*In Rlackfoot Wed- National Forest, W e flower girl, Brandy Pratt, grandparents of the bride; Mr. p.m., concert by Sing-Out Coeur ncsday and Tliursday is the Public digging areas aro carried u white satin bosket' and Mrs. Phil Dauahorty, d'Alunu 7:.10,'and froo stroot Idaho Irrigation and Equipment ninintalned on a fee basis witli doeoratod by bluJ ribbon and Colorado, uuntM il undo of ilio danc'C' at.. 0;30 p .m . S iu id a y’s Show at Eastern - fdaho_ tunpJo Kanltary and park/ng i.petiils...... J ritle .' ncttvltles'lncl'udo'TJ'^poctTil- -Fnirground.i— Siin—Valley—Ice—faelllties al-eaoh-slto,"Tlio arou— Denney Carney carried tlie California, aunt of tlie bride. outdoor warship .service ut Skating Championships are is Ideated midway between rings on a satin pillow bordered Other guests attended from 'IVeaty Rock a a.m.. and the I*'rlday and'Siiturday, Olyinplt; Qarkia and Fernwood, Just off California, Colorado, Idaho with lace and accented with Illy zany, sloppy-wet firemen’s Rink tiear the Udge. State H ig h w a y 3 (p le n ty o f signs Falls. Nampa and'Utah. of tho valley atul seed pearls. water fight begins at 10. A “ The Man on tho Flying ulong tlio road). Tho garnet Tlie pillow was made by tho A miscellaneous shower for second 2 p.m. concert by tlic 'lYapeze" and all the thrills of sand is rich and abundant with - b d ( ‘ .. ■Oocurd’AleneBroup and finally- clrcu6-loro-comB-tb-Boiiu)-on-Anumyautrcaaucfl4jlrillgJmbl)CC_ Mrs. Carl Kelly, Buhl, cousin of D r. and M rs . H .E . Burgess by all prizes arc awarded in Monday only wlUi tho John boots, round-tipped shovel, ...pLtlie,bcldg.-.r.eaiatcrcd ttig Ciirolo .Ann-Dui:gcaa.-J/y.nh. C ifo -jUnttricaji—buckot^and-itiJnctv-i guests at an oval shaped tnble Summerfield and Arlcno Blass. On behalf of tho entire state, Legion project. Ucated on tho wa.shlng tlio sand. A^one-pound covered w itli wfiito lace. Blue TIjc rehearsal diiuier was held congratulations, Post Falls, op corner of Franklin and Curtis coffee can Is a p e rfe c t con ta in e r ribbon and white wedding bells w ill) the~brldegroom's parents yo u r lOOUi B irth d a y !!! Road,, two performances are for five-pounds of garnets. carried fortli Ujc color scheme. as host and hosti^ss. A Festival of People — scheduled — 0 and 8 p.m. All- Cousin of tlio bride, Susan Tho couple took a honey moon something very different and Breeds Horse Stiow, also Boise, Sandau, passed out tiiank-you ■trip lo tho Oregon coast and w ill very exciting, offering all of us August 2A-2B at Western Idaho scrolls, written for Uie guests. live in Pocatello where both will a chance to mingle and ex­ FairgroumLs. nieater time in llie reception was held in the continuo studies at Idalio State change ideas with oUier races McCall with the local produc­ Achievement fellowship hall of tlie church University. and nationalities— in a free and tion of mystery drama “Walt immediately after the wedding. opon otmosphere, relaxing and Until Dark,” three days, Friday day plans ■ The bride anil bridegroom Income up p e a c e fu l. H ie d ay is S a tu rd a y ~ Uirough Sunday. Curtain goes greeted guests under a whlte_ a ll d a y . H ie place is J u lia D avis up 8:15 p.m. In tlio Alpino scroll archway accented wltl>- VALLEY FORGE, Pa. (UPI). P a rk in Boise. Some of Uie Playhouse (on the road to formulated bluo ribbon and white lace bells. —Income for tlie American' activities scheduled Include a McCall Golf Ckiurao)., Antique Four white topiary trees ac­ Bjjptist Mission Budget for Uie concert by Uie Marslng Job Festival 'Ilieatre visits Mont- BUHL — Plans for a club cented w itli blue featljcr flowers first six months of 1071 totaled Corps Band, Indian Art.s and poller^n'Monday.-Fi.ih Haven UclUovement day at Nat-Soo- and white doves roped off tho $7,206,443, compared with Crafts exhibits, ethnic food on Tuesday, wiUi botli Saturday Pah were made when members quartet tables wltli blue ribboji. $fi,B20,3S0 In tlio corresponding booths; and dance groups. and Sunday performnnces at of the Heartaches and Heart­ Wliite cloUis 61 satin and lace p e rio d o f 1070, {\f\ increase of Festival backers arc tho Iilahp scenic Robinson Bar Ranch burn 4-H club mot at tlw homo fortned the covering- of the 5.5 i)c r ce n t, ’ilie A m e rica fo r Cominis.Hlon on Human Rights near CJlayton, 8:30 p .m . (hoard of Guy and D irlsty Kastor. bride’s t^tblc, wlilch Was driiped Q irist offering for tlio period and th o Bol.se YW c a along wiUi a rumor yesterday that Sherry Mueller, loa'dor, _wlliL_nqor-len{}U» lace skirts. w as 1634,250, up 10.4 per cent ..lB_othcr_clty.:iitHteinu(|onnl Rniilnson Bar will become tlie ■CODorted a ll d o m o n s trH ttons U^ht blu^ow a atjd ro^al blue Environmental seminar .^^^inners nam ed ' Sunday. A u b u u m , IW I Tlm«.Njwi; twln.F.IH, Id u h o - ^ '^ Mothers TWIN FALLS - winners o( Mrs.W.D tIk o U andMr«, W.H. Peaym d M rs/H .M ’vftcoHfci'' the Mugfc VaUey DupUcale Newcomer, llrat; Mrs. V. R. secwid. ' ,1 3 scheduled in Sawfoofhs W(^e Club m ™6ibieed; Teasley and Mrs. J. M.' tea set I and south winners are Kingsbui^ tied with M rs .iv . E. STANLEY — Seventy to Natlonar CoMncll dt S ta te eighty women are eipected to Garden Clubs and Mrs. Robert wm converge on Redfish. Lake J. Hwrngi will»»|toiKl. by 4-H Septem ber for a three-day ndat r^prMAnbtkwa sesslon concerned with en< Among the other qiMker's'are virorimental proUemii of Idaho—Ed*' Fournier, -■upervisorr* and surrounding states. ' Sawtooth National Forest, Twin TWIN FALI^ - ■njo Happy- Set ta Posture OelyMi Sixteen speakers have been Falis{ Art Selln^ Interpretive Go-Lucky . 4-H Club held iU invited. They will key thdir planner, Sawtooth National MATTRESS AND BOX SPFIING regular meeting Wednesday at remarks to the convocation Forest; Twin Falls; Leroy the home of Christine Britt. theme “ Architects of our En< Brady, chief landscape ar« . F in a l plans fo r a m oth e r's tea vironmeht.” chitect, Idaho Department of and s ty le show to be held o t 7:30 Keynote speaker will be Mrs. Highways, Boise; Robert P .. p.m. Thursday at Uie homo Of Maxing Johnson, Associate' Olson, solid waste management -PaTila-Dcpew ^ ei B liiadtr------SAVINGS SALE 7T^i-6r6i(i6r7tii^[m m r-xnr-ing-te*m ^^ Committees appointed were m inistration, University of Environmental , IipprQvement Lisa Pfefforle -and Teresa Montana, who has lectured Division, Idaho Department of Moyerhoeffor, Invitations; naUonally as a member of the Health, Boise; E uga^ E. Carr, Mickey 'Baker, Diana Brown American Association of City Planning ^ Consultant, ajid Tracy En^elhart, serving; University Women In con' Archltects— Planners Alliance, Jane Klinke and Christine Britt, nection with AAUW's national Salt Lake City (Fonnerly with p ro g ra m , .and P aula Depew, program, “This Beleaguered the Idaho Falls Cbmmunlty arranging of the tea table and Earth — Can Man Survive?" Redevelopment Commission.): cleaning up. Mrs. Luclle Alt, Associate Richard Thompspn, district Servlng"al'lhTT^u'lablirwilt' ProfessorrMontana-OoUege-of-managefr-^ureaa-o#—Jtand- by MoHy Mcpoberts, presidehl, Mineral . .Science and Management, Boise; and coffee, -and Janet. Hliih...vlco — M R. AND MRS, FREORICK HILL - -Technology, Butte, will speak - Professor Wm. H. Snyder, president, punch. about the part young pMple ^Associate Professor, of Land- A swinuning party and pot • . . . , play in environment program's, scape Architecture, Depart- luck picnic w ill be held Friday. \ “ Vouth — the Inheritors." • ment of Art and Ar'chitecture, A discussion was held on g o ^ Among other . women University of- Idaho,' Moscow, grooming and good health and Reception held in speakers are Mrs. Earl Me- A highlight will bo a field trip instructions were given on " C iellan,.' president, Ladies by boat to the hoad of Redfish miterlng a' corner. Demon­ Auxiliary, National Association I.jike to view- the wilderness strations were given by IJsa honor of newjyweds of Conservation ’districts, country' In the Sawtooth Pfefferle and Pjiula Depew on _ '‘T»iu»nmor; Mrs. Forrest Wot- National Forest. A nature walk hiuklng rcliHli plates. ‘ T W IN F A lj^-M rrjw IM rs.—Arrington aaslstad-wlth kitchcn-^®tpw,_Mahp_>:odenLtiop.of...from_tlie visitors', ccntcr w ill- I->edrlckE. Hill greeted guesU arrangements. ' Sandpoint; Include a visit to an old bear at a reception In their honor TTie bride was honored at a Mrs. H. A. Elton, conservation trap on Ushhook Creek. ,AuB^?o_tthehomcof_^ebr^doX.,Wlchend^dpnntry8hpwe^prior chairman, Utah Kedcration of Information about the con- - Blazer-Shortsuit p^ents, Mr. and Mrs.'Howard to her marriage at the homo of Women's C li^ , Salt Lake City ; vocation may be obtained from UI G. Arrington. Twin Falla. Mrs. Jerry Holman with Mrs. Mrs. Tom Pethlel, president, Mrs. Tom Pethtel, Kamiah, Tho pfico Iu d o w n 'lo r a llm lled lima onlyl 'So — nic coupIa.waa.mardcd.Autf._Gary^SUvcrfl_and_Mra._StanJ‘*2ho Federation'of Garden. 835M. Attendance is open to all < ' ^ • 2 0 * 9 9 * ° thu valiio Its a'o-itor than over on this remark' -P-r.in.ted-Rattar-n- -fibtfr-pMfuf^-iyp/rmattfOBBrATStandourin^xW 6 at the Idaho Falls LDS Temple Vanderbark co-coslesscs. Clubsn^ainpfiT~WM. nobert“J. Intcroflwa worffCffT^ IHolr ; < v.i >•(. I I I ! ■» comlorl nnd support.' Designed lo give you husbands families YOU SAVE ■30 \ T i . by'Vcrn Brown, tompl'e of- A wedding dinner was hold at Hamel, National Council of and In Idaho ...... '139“ yours of duoply'SolialylftQ service, Even, the ficiator. The former Susan the Colonial Hoorn of the State Garden Clubs, - S t. a n d surrounding^, s ta te s . 1.1 >i| i n t n box spring Is scionllficolly designed lo work w ith . already Arrington ohd her bridegroom Rogerson Restaurant iRnatius, Montana; and Mrs. ReservaUons have been YOU SAVe •40' wllh Ihu matlross. And Iho .mullicolorod print greeted gucsU in the living immediate members of both Donna Parsons, director. Snake received fr o m women in covor Is n booulyl room,' flanked by standing families attending. River Regional Studies Center, Washington, MonUna, Utah,, bduquetsofsliadedplnkgladloll A fte r a wedding trip to the CoIloKe of Iduijo, Caldwell. Wisconsin. anarldaho. and arrangements of pink and BerkeleyrSan FrancLico oren Thficonscrvation convocot on OPEN white gladioli, on. the mantel.■ wliere - • they were honored at an ** isbeing being sponsored sponsored for for the the Uilrd Uilrd ------MONDAY bride wore a -gown open hou.so at the homo of year by tljo Idaho Federation of dcsl^led by herself and created Bishop Dllwortli______^ Jensen, tlie Garden How Clubs (lid the and nh Uie factor,. Idaho Q— NIGHTS by■ ■h V • mmoUicf. oUicf.lt It was a fitted couple...... will bo at home in* Ixgun,. Federation of Women’s nClubs ..h « inIn. n substaucc iu blond ccUs, ■whltfl-fjrefyLJ1nnr-lP.ni;tb.Pnwn_Utflh.■orepe-flnnr- Ipngth, go.vm. Mrw. Hill will toach at cooperation w Ui' the Forest rccelvc Ks imnic? ■ ____ t n r i s i T i W i APPLIANCE with an embroidered laqe yoke, Soutli Cache Junior High School Sorvjce Northern and fiT a —TIip nn «liKf'nvi*ri>rn whn Uioyoko.MlgodwlUiamulchWK and Hill will conllnuo Ills tomiountaln noBlora. . « FURNITURE 9:0 0 w:nlli>|)*,_.Twln -Falla, Stierry Silvers, sister of tho 1 2 ____ AND BUDGET-PRIGES TOQ-.^ . . TAKE NAVY^-BEETROQT^S NEW bridogroomr Nampa,"’ttrtd'the bride's sisters, Lynno Hopkins GOLORS^TO* BUILD YOUR WARDROBE AROUND.^.,. . ALL THE E A T IN G of Santa Cruz, Calif., and Colleen and April Arrington, Twin Falls. Bon Silvers, NEW THINGS FOR EXCITING YOUNG PEOPLE. Nampa, attended his brotljer as ,-bc5t^nn~nnd~Mrr~and~Mrs7 . . uary silvers. Twin Falls^ L Iwother and sifiter-in-law of Ujo f bcldegroom, stood as his parents in tho receiving lino. , . .Blaze new trails in this Mary Ixu Russell, Provo, sleoveless version ^f fashion's vvqs ot the guost book, beloved blazer and shorts! Sow Mrs. Ron Silvers, Mrs. Emma turtlqtop tool Adams and Wandu Adams P r i n t s P a tte rn 0007: Now ca re d fo r g ifts . M ltz i S ilvers and Mlssds' SlzesA'^l^i 12, H, 10. jjma Vandonbark were gift Slzo 12 (bust 34) Jacket, pants bearers. 2Miyds.54-ln.:topl%yds. 30-ln. Glenn Arrington, brotlier of - f a b r ic . '------—------Ujo brlUo, served as host.foc.thc— Seventy-five cents for each evening and greeted guosts on pattern — add 25 cents for each the lawn, ncfreshments were pattern for Air Mall and Special sorvod iiero on pink covered Handling. Send to Marian tables, the focal pofnf'of M artin, Tlmes-Nows, 90S, decorations being a three tiered Pattern Dept. 232 West 18Ui St., wedding cako made and New York, N. Y. 10011. Print decorated by Mrs. Alden; name, address with zip. slzo and Arrington and her daughter style number. Patricia, Nortli Ogdon, Utah. Free Fashion Offer! Choose Mrs. Stanley Vandenbark, ono pattern from 150 styles in Mrs. Joan Itavsten, Mrs. Jerry ~Nbw‘Fall^ihlcfXfitfitO|frScnd~I!olmnnTMrs7Steve Rasmussen -flftyTcents-rfor-Catalog.>4nstant—an^lKay-OftUowayseirvcdaUhc-. Sewing Book, sew to


' '14- twin F«Mi. Idaho Suniy^'Auguil 22. \97

DEAR ABBYr r am a widoiv (n my late sUtiecr. I'vo been going with b‘ very fine widower for.some lime. We en^y .each.olhcr'9 company a great deal, and ho has never been anything but a perfect gentleman In all the tlnw I've known hlnT. '• He recently gave me-B Waabing machine as a gift. I hesitated at first, but later. I accept^ It. Do you 'think that was an appropriate gift from a gentleman? SICCOND TUOUGirrS

D EAR SECOND: It was an appropHite gift from a grnllrman who would lUtr to'get hli laundry Into year ma- • chine.

...... DEAll ABUY: Well, U'» slave lat>or season for Mr. and Mrs. Sumrhcr ConagbnawhcrsTbiinionTIct'irgerySii'dOWir -Toward.thc end ol the.wcck..flllow,your Kroccrlesjp run low. When the freeloaders arrive, greet them warmly, bul apologetically. f'Wo'ro sorry, we didn’t know, you were coming, but If Mr..I?reeIoador will drive 2d miles back to town a i^ pick up a. few items, wo can all have a good time anyway."] Don't stop at groceries. Have clgarets, liquor and beer on your list. If the freeloaders aciually get the list filled for you, when they return* with the'stuff, don't offer tb — -reimburse..tMm.-AftiU’_all.Jt's_your-_coltaao._fuol. bcach,.. boat, etc., and you didn't invit^ them. And don't wait on anyl>ody. If they head for the beach or-boat, toll them everyone pkchos in with cooking and — cleaning,'and keep them busy.--- '■ - -...... When the moon comes over the mountain and the ___ frecloadcra-goJiDmc».lhcy!llJuio.w-theylve-hft(Llt,.nrMLUL^ they don't come back unless they’re InvHcd. KATY DIDDIT

DKAn M T V :, r n bolting agalnsl ■ r«lurn eDgag^' Meal, ia fact, moMl freeloader* would >h«ad for Uie bilU a i toon as (he ibopplng list appeared. DEAn ABBY; My husband has a board. It Is woll- trimmed and so is hla hair. Most p{)lo think he looks much belter with a beard and I agree. He is a computer programmer IhiI hu isn’t working now. Our problem is his mother Is always hassling us about his beard. She insisti if ho wore to shave hbi l>eard ho would get ___ a tob. We have told^heiLPolilelv-lo-DliuLScJay-off-but-Jthfl- won't. What can we do? — — ^ HABSLED

____ D EAR HASSLED; In future job hontln<. yoar “ huaband mlght^ik p ro«p ^ ve employers If they WouI

DEAR ABBY: I don't wont to bo petty about this, but U irks me. Whenever I invito ray sister and her. husband to a family dinner or picnic, she invariably asks, "Are you goinfi to ask Jane?" (Jane is her married daughter wlia has six ndP ® ' \ ehlldren.l ------Abbyi-l-haV«-had-Jane and her brood to my home for many Thanksgiving and Ciiristmn/> dinners, but when Jane has a family gatiioring she never invlles m e . ______Am I wrong to feel I don't have'to' Include Jane every ... .time I have a party? Perhaps thero are oUwr^..wHh this problem. So what should I say to my sbilcr when she asks meiriamgobigtoinvite Jane? HAD IT W1TIIJANE

D EA R HAD IT : Say. "No, I ilra not going (o Invite Jane." •' '"I. October V a ite ^ Sunday. August 32. 197) Tlm«s-N«ws. Twtn Fail*, Idaho 3$ '

wedding TWIN FALI^ - Friends of Wednesday it Harry Barry —Vem-Hnff‘»rw'invfted-to shart> Parlcrrronrthclnmeinbcrs-wiU- , birthday cake and coffee from ,2 travel to the Twin Falls for set to 5 p.m. today In honor of his breakfast. Both hlrthday. His dauRhtors. BLISS - Kathleen Marie # 1 Louise Mummer. Fallon, Nev.» , JKHOME — Jerome — WHhinniM<°"»hrp>' nf M*~ and Maxine Carlson, Seattle', Women's BowllnK-I'^(*l!ue - is Mrs. Charles Wilkins, icuMuii.-Huff's iiuw - fui miiiK. attorrflni. • cngaiied to John Franklin address is 18i Austin St ./Twin GracoSatser.-’Hie first meeting Unker, son of Mr. arid Mrs. Falls. will bo at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at Jxslie Frank Ixnt^cr, all Bliss. . Heritage Ilall. "nioso Interested The coupio pluns an Oct. 2 TWIN FALI-S - A roccption yro askc^ to call 324-2809 or 324- will Iw. held In honor of Mrs. 4594; lietjlnners and newcomers woddln({> CATIIRYNMrNK Miss Wilkins WHS j»rndualed Ui^th Vandonburk from 2 to S are welcome. /rom m isn«R h“ J5chooM; iLin->n/lnv «t thi- Twin F a l l s ______^ i . . . i Kprin({ and t.enker . was First Unlted-Methodist Church. KING MILL - T 1 i^ I n r in n ~ C a t n r 7 n ” M T n lC ~ Hraduatod from Bliss High Mrs. Vandcnhark Is retlrini* GranKo will moot In regular School In 1970 and has been after H years uS'executive .so.Hslon at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday/ SC tS a u t u m n attending rJolso State CollcKo, dlrctor of the Cuipp.Kirc (Jlrls. Mr. and Mrs. Denver Allred are itiaJorlnK In criminolo(jy. Miss ^ , on the servlnj? committco and v*/edcJinfl rlofp Wilkins was valedictorian of her KATHLEEN MAIUK TWIN FALLS - H.obhy .Mrs. Joul Yomig Win charge <;f w c u u i n y u u i e .{{raduatln^ class. .WHJCfNS CVuJtcrs-wlll meet at 0 a.m'. onlortjilnmtnt. Final plans for TWIN FALI-S--Mr,'und Mrs. the IClmoro County Fair, Aui{,’ Harold Mink’ announce the 2A-20, will be made. enKU(»cmont of their duuKhtor, •Qtthgyn-Marlo,-to-Wilfor4l4 tay TWrN FALi:S'.r'i:yE^inr Ward, son of Mr. ami Mrs.- TThevalier deg'rees conferred ■«nil Judy Parrott, Twin Falls, Wayne Ward, all Twin Falls. took a tour of the Straleijlc Air Ml.ss^Mlnk Is a lovrjfraduatc Command area of Mountain of Twin Falls Ilhjh School She Is TWIN FALLS - At Members of the Order of advlw>r. Homo Air Force Base recently, currently employed by the ceremonies held at the MJisonic DeMolay who served as honor -At’ the close of • the They are memlwrs of the Civil Holiday Inn. ' Temple in Twin Fulls Wed- Kuard Included Uuss WaeKolln, ceremonies, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Air Patrol and look part In an Ward was r.rarluated from nojiday', three, Miif]lc Valley master councilor, Jim Skinner, Shobe, Mr and Mrs. James encampment„at the base. Twin Falls HlKh School In younj^ men, Hlchurd Shobo and Kevin Boender, and Jerry Hude, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ami is a 1071 graduate of CSI. Me .John Rude of INvin Falls, and Hw)ver. Spjiclul music was Uiilch; pnrcnUi ot Iho ttireii TWIN KAIJ.S - Mountain is employed by Oiarles Perry, __.Stov<)_Halch of GlJperl. Jo a iilc iU jy —KclUiJLJoluinscn... vounij ml'n_wcr£-inlroducctl,- vlcwaubwlllmoclal Ji.Wp.m.'-nlumblnr cnntrncli.rr - awarded the highest honor liccorapanlcd by Mrs,.Hobi:rl Also Inlrwluccd wus Mrs, Krunk, WodnoKday with Mrs. Ebncr a fispti'inljcr in wodillnn Is afforded active mcmbcrii.of the Bruce. KcsU'r, witu of the ExM-'Utlve 141 Jdhrson St;, Twin plannod. Order of* DeMolay, 'the Also conferred durinj{ the olllccr. Fulls. , . ^ Clievoller Decree. eveninii was the Cross of Honor Follpwini' tho certjmontos, j f Tills hon6r in awarded only to upon James Rude of Twin Falls refreshments were served by f i i j j i i _ Druco Anderson, . . . 1 a select few outstanding for ouL‘ilimdini{ adult leadership Vicki Shobe, Dawn White, Mr. and Mrs. Ijiren A/l/SS K e C K , members of the Order of in Uie Twin Falls Cliapter. -Frankie White, and Ellen Andersfjn, was lllrted on the, ~DoMolay-by-the-lnlernational—Kestor-had-iiij'h-praii(j_IoiLllliJ __ Luther. ______dean's lls-t In the collet^e of^ Supreme Council, Order of ' work Rude has done as.scril>e- business at Idaho” Stale D U I e n h u r g - DeMolay. It is liased u|ion . . • . University.'— ^ achievement in llie fields ‘ of service to the chapter and Reunions popular pastime p la n rites ' community, leadership and MARION, III., fUPIj-From ’nuit there l>e .such n KINt; 1111,1,— Mr, and Mrs. responr,iblllty. little Mark EvaVis, a«ed 1, to gathering was a wish of Ervin Enrolls Tlie ceremonies were con^ -Mrs. Alma Hendrickson, flfl, all McDonald, who died In l%3 and .SHOSIIOKK - Chris Mali- Daryl Kock, Hammett, fornjer ducted by Frank J. Kesler, 35 of them were there in the was the grandfather of tlie ijiltl, former .Shoshone resident, J^ome residents, announce the e;(ecutive officer for Idaho „ , ...... u. _____I Picnib grove to ".see the chairman of this year's get- will enroll at the University of » ' ,‘n‘in .Order-of-De.Mo a y ^ a t 6-senvcd^,^„,,^^.------— I M T iU r ------' ------K«n!>^>s on A------ug"‘iO lU ')U fi'tH------Is Oianartf>-Hobert-Dilltnbfcri»-Jr— as the grand commander. McDonald family was— "M y grandfather was a week for I-'iwrence, Kan., ofter w)n of Mr. and Mrs. Itolwrt E. uunng t ie ceremonits, n . enjoying an old American friendly, outgoing man who a visit with relatives and friends Dillenberg, Forrest Grove, T)re. chaileniied each ortho punii eu.itom, the ^flmily .reunion. It „|w»y,s wanted to see-the-bere------Miss Keck is a 106a graduate men to loyally and .service to family have a reunion," .said He Is the soniof Mrs. Helen of Glenns Ferry Higli .Sphool home, and country. . „ |,n ^ I3cwey McDonald, 00, who is a Mabbutt, former Shoshone and has attended North Western le«eherr-'nnd^t>,t^lat.Uietar4— ceremonies by .lames A. Bud reunion.s There were 00 methljera of Mabhutt, and a grandson of IS emi , .. . Felton, district deputy,^ „ p„pu|„r summertime the family at that first reunion, Mrs. • r^velyn Mabbutt, is enrolled at the University of ^unarshal; . Jerry Houth, Slioshone. Oregon. Dillenburg is a senior at t I r '1110 first whole-family reun- country. Deaths, .slckner,s and I^Moiny, pastmns ettOW^ l„n ,ic„cendnnrs of Uie dUtlculties and oxpen.se of - North Western Christian «rand officer in the .south, I^n Mctkmald, a Revolu- travel from distant places have College and the University of Saucy, hi vampftd hin in Blun, Dark Brown, or Blacic vm oolfvlnaltm r upper\, Morris, chevalier, past stjlte Unnnrv War'aildleA who fnui/llt „i,i ilm nnmh.r in \iihtfr|iii.nl A law of the Koran forbids Oregon. ' ronster councilor, firnnil Dfflcer' Mountain reunions, which have Ijeen held display~of ‘ human or animal 'fhe couple pians-a Sept. 11 M ulli-vtrappnd in the west, and fiev.Rev. John Vir«lnla, each year.' figuresln Kculpture or painting, wedding. Garrabrandt, grand chuplin. was hold In 19C7. J4 TJitiM N^w*, Twin Faljt. ld*ho Sunday. August M, 1971 Idaho Valley If eather Rej^ort National Temperatures Temperiatures P«EWIEW OF NO** MATIOMAtWEATHER SERVICE TO , . Max. Min. Pep. iM a*. Mlri. Pep. AUanta . 86 71 .08 Bear Loko S H O W E tS » Bismarck 102 55 Burley • Boise . 92 61 WHY BIRCH TREES Dig: gardeneni who have just e new plants come up eocO yfear Calgary —— 85 7i* What causes a healthy birch smaU space for vegeUblea: even t h o ^ you remove the Le^yJgton Chicago 86 67 .42 tree to start dying back from . Grow yard long beans on poles, seed heads. Logan Cleveland the topdown? One reason could trellises or fence. (Uvee beans A point to remember Is that . Denver -- M .'58 be the dreaded bronze birch picked In one day will feed IB each acre of ground you hbve Is * . ‘ Des Moines 81 66 borer, a pest which attacks peopled "niey taste just as loaded with 3,000 lbs. of wood Detroit ' .91 ' 60.' ' Urches in parks, lawns and. -sweet as any other green string seeds. And weed seeds don’t dlt< p_ Fairbanks places where ihe soil 1s poorly bean, soft and tender. Good Up!. easily. Many lie dormant In the Fort WorUi 03 74 droned or low.ln fertility.^ _ ^ y more ideas fof our retiree's . soil for years. Also others blow Honolulu _■ 73 Indianapolis 86 . 71 nat-hoaded^ub one-half to one nlong so we can Include them "»'«'*“shoes:'A * research mnnman' Ymmrl fbund St Jacksonville' 91 74 ; .20 inch long. U makes flat, (or the benefit of folks who are over 100 sproutoble wood Juneau — — Irregular, winding tunnels and retiring so they can get more Mods in mud taken from the Kansas City 02 78 galleries just under the bark of fun gardening in the declinirig hoof of a horse 1 Tlie family dog I^s Vcgos 05 75 the main trunk. Heavyavy In- years of th^lr life. Is a groat means of transport or Los Angeles — 60 festations shut off the plant’s KEEP VOUR EYE , ON weeds. Memphis 0 2 . 75 ' pluhiblng system, causing the EARWIGS: To]some. thl^ is ■ Meanwhile,your lawn mower i Miami 66 78 .07 leaves td turn brown, starting nastiest of all pdsts around the is the best we^klller you have. Mpls-St. Paul 88 60 mainly at the top and working home. E^arwigs .are despised Don't shave your lawn or you'll Now Orleans 01 72 .37 Now. York 73 —dQwns¥flrdii|et dry weather and -becauae_ot—thelL-inean^ap- Invltq more-- seeds.---- Tests ------shoy_ Noi-really-inMeh change com ing- 31 dry,, soils will ' hasten the pearance, foul odor and habit of that blue gra.-«e8 and fescues Omaha ea 70 .01 browning of foliage. lunching In" kUdipn refuse or' wind up with 6 to 10 times as Philadelphia 01 . 72 CONTROL: If only part of the hiding In w a ^ clothes or wot many weeds when clipped at PorUand, Ore. — 65 top is affected, cut out the af> mops. They also infest (lower one Inch as compared to two St. Uuls 82 71 .04 fected part (back to live tissue) beds< vegetable gardens, homo inches. Weeds are nQt the cause Salt Uko City 03 68 and bum. It won’t do much good grounds and even get In homes. of poor grass, but are a sign Umt Heat may hang heavy awhile San Diego 77 60 to cut the top unless you can Earwigs are reddish brown, soli ne<^ fertility. Good grass San Francisco G7 58 will crowd out weeds, so you can SoatUc • >, 74 62 > .01 trap the borers with it, so bo neacly one inch long and have a Twin Falls and vicinity: Momlay wllH a chance of widely sure to cut down - into green menacing pair...... of...... forceps...... on...... the. see why a healihy turf Is a good Synopsis: Oregon today but it will Spokane 60 North Side; .■ Burloy-Uuport scattered sliowcrs. High today Upper air movement across .probably dissipate over Uasue. If tree ia brown.holCii[oy-_tcftr-.end_The_(einala_ hag__.w^Wller. -in-Uto BOs; low tonight 40 to 50;—£ or more, chMCes are you can’t straight forceps (It would I) FREE: Since now’s'a'gooU ...... - ■ . . • • ■. Southern—Idaho-has^^bcmmo-Southem'IdnhtrbjrMc save it, and your best bet Is to white the male earwig has time to rebuild your lawn, or put and, b Ightly cooler Monday IJttlo mfro westerly, with a weulccold the latcjt. on in we’re haDDV ttf-offer free, Monday wlUi a chance of widely chance of precipitation Uirough front which moved through the I^w readings in Twin Falls cut It down. curved pinchers. You can relax - Idaho n.o Amcrlcon liw n InsUli.lc» ‘"'“r. Monday. area ...... late Friday bringing cooler Saturday- ■ ■ ranged from 37 at BUJIN THE WOOD. Next (o learn thdt the pinchers are Central fdaho mountains, year yoii can prevent borers on used reproductively, not to bite. bulUlln, How to Ilcnovnlo Your • ' mountain.’i "W tly alr.-and lowering daytime Fairfield to 42 at Soda Springs Temperatures Ijiwn. Sond mo i. ^olf- coolorMondoy. Illgl. todny Ooto temperaturoA:' and up to 61 at Boise. Tlicre was birch by spraying trees with Earwigs are creatures of the .and High Low Sevin In mid-May. Or use the night and hide by day. You see A trough of lo\y pressure aloft no measureable amount of for your guide. Qiunco'of procipitation, Iom . Monday with a chance of widely Saturday - - 80 52 systemics now recommen'detl them in flower beds, vegetable , • , , - and at the surface has brought rainfall anywhere In Idaho cent through Rcnttered sliowers. High today pcrsiatcnLrain to tlio ...... Ycnr^nyo__ --- 63-48- pnrfli»nii_nnd^hnm n _grnimflfl_ _QUESTI0N.6£UllE-WEEK:_i‘i‘l" ------Brtonra:riownbw>r4nd-53r^‘ -- Precipitation None rates. They breed in filth and all l^d s D.n.of Twin Falls: "Wewant ---- rv. . , 1. I .. I., • 1 w " . .UN Wu.shlngton, but the outlooirtn Fire danger remains extreme i Camas Pralrlo; Halloy and slightly cooler Monday. IJttlo for-mild weather to continue, over the Snake River Plain and S^^coAug.l .Uin. ■ NOTE: If your neighbor has a of decaying vegetable matter. start a perennial bed -them-ln-ft-pall-or-hot— mer-w^4iarly.fall.Among-Uic. Tjn-tho^MlddlJTSmjktrRlvor:in Ulo mmiuu iuiunu luvui.--- uiOryoar2020 yu«r oh us'much' mucii ua i.i ■■ U House. fungus, causing a progressive water, are .veronicas^, hollyhocks, ConservntlonlsLi have vocally million to 2 million acres could jjy upstream dovelopmon dieback, storting at upper Best earwig control we’ve delplilnlums, Clirlstmfis rose, opposed the proposed dams, be developed with Irrigation ' ' branches and proceeding ever had has been bantam primula, ula, oriental poppy,poppyprim y j v which would be placed just In tlie upper Snake Rlver-Basln.' Hearings on Packwood'smea- Sa« Latty for downward. chickens. They can spot them bleeding heart, day lilies. % t V O O K l y below Holls Cjinyon Dam "We don’t luive to Irrigate," sure will bo hold In Washington, SniRiiHiR^pMl Sup^s CONTROL: Cut out any out quickly and how they love peonies and phlox. If you divide spanning tlu) deepest gorge on said Dr. Robert Lee, board 5ept. 10-17 by the Senate parks ^ Of All Klndi branches affected, back to live them. Meanwhile, don't worry or dig any perennial now, never Ute North American continent, director.. “It'a a choice. It and recreation subcommittee. wood. Keep birches fed and-about earwigs getting Into-your let them dry_out._Soak_thcm_P-/:£Cl<2.«_ —Ina rar®iondl-ogreemontn-moaiuonfployment.nn oconom— Anotlu»r-alternaiiv9 -ls—the— watered to build vigor, best way cu-s. They won't attack people, finllvdaily (IfMf Ufonltiorweather luis hnthot andnnrl dry)ilrv i ■* Governors Tom McCall of Ic base, and meeting the food seven-year moratorium on Y*PC YWINMllS, IDAHO to ward off dle-back. Bronro WEEDS IN LAWNS: Ever tmd apply a mulch of straw, i/DNDON, Ont. — Would you Oregon, Dun Evans of Washing- and fiber needs of Uio nation." blrch leaf miner weakens bir- wonder why lawn weeds keep pine needles,-bark, etc. believe a newspaper coating $1 ton and Cecil D. Amlruji of Pending or proposed projects ches, andlliat'Bwhylt’a.o.g^._comlng up. oven thougli you "Mimy perennials can be per w^k? ______~ Idnho______havo'nskod the chnlrmnn~ fnr Hnnthpm Trtnhn____ inrliidfl jho Idea to use a systemic material mow the &ediicads“6ff7'Toko started from seel«ady O'owl)* nolionni company, it DBNERS:______Hero's a ..good tip . You____ can______cut tlje seed____ heads_ off dolplilnliuns in our greenhouse G.‘Fenn, marketing manager of juj a "truly unique and project to provide supplemental Qolng lo pul a mnn In Raiad on liii quolillcoliom , lit will hov« froin ,^ reader for elderly and new ones reappear, ^ s o and by the 1st of Aijgiwt they tlio lijndon “Free Press,” who magnificent national treasiu'e" and new .water to 00,000 acres, total inclapandanc* and an aquily poillion f(om lli« ouli»t. Ha mutl lia developed Into flvo foot plants said recently tliat nearly all and said additional dams would the Teton Project for 100,000 tiobla, iniiutlriou i, raipontibU and reiourcaful. Ha n^uil prova lo ui liii witli spikes 24 inches long. newsprint monufac^bmttt''hov9 not, be in the best'Interest of' acres of supplemental Irrigation ability onil capncity la tliinL'~und to maka dxitioni. Abilily lo tliinl it Many gardeners like to sow posted notices W ^^- por tlie people of the Nortliwest or and 30,000 acres of new land, inofa important lhan work liitlo ry or dagraat. Our compraKaittiva, cor>- perennials in poLs of sand and increases, effective at the of U]o nation. plus numerous fedral, state and tiriuout Iroi^iinQ and tupporl providat llia ba lan ct. W» fandar vital ond Mind Your Money peatmoss. If seed is planted ©nd of Uie current wago-prlco J ’ower gonerated by the private developments. nt and yaar out m nkai'lhit a vary lucroiiva buifnaii. tfAPhiWnHT iiri/1 hiSi/nrHLXi tn iifltn n in n In c im lJic i i ...... ^ ...... ' . li6V6k'hu1ertl aTifl , pnvaie bcvoragoltinfliconie in ^c M tS ^ cakes and dries. Yoiipg In tho Impending power shor- Oregon, York base Is adopted, price $108 the per lands ton. A minimum inwailmani o l SB,930 ii raquiiadr-ll you layl you qunlily lor laboratory- , scientists , now wiUi leochable metals. Tills RoodHngs have a tougli time tage but would "merely post-, may po,m never said receive most Uie If needed not all Ihit tlnbU and prolilobla opportunily. wrila including b>ial bockoround esUmatc tlwt half of Uie pottery means the outsides of pots arc ^breaking through. , pone that Inevitable day of water, newspaper would have to pass . and nkont numbar. All inquiriai will ba oniwarad and h ild In obtolula rbnllifanca. Partonal Inltrviawi w ill ba conduclad in your araa. ,nrrf pnn.. n «oino Wtchcns »»(c. nsldo ol tto u lc ^ I( you musl sow socd dircclly, nlonB Iho IncroilBO to Uiolr reckoning r«™omnB whenwncn wewo mustmusv meetmooi . Packwood'.s r».Kwoo,. » measure...cusuro —- sup-»u^- mlK It Imvc danficroiu amounts Is ^ mnko n row otoul ono Inch doop customorH, miiJdni! Uio lliw r- oUr power needs liy other tlinn ported by somoconsorvoUonlsta W IlllAM H. BQ.UCHER,R«< al Markallng Director ------of-“le«chablo"-lead and- cod- « u lra |« l^ ^ t s pUce pirllto or vormiou lU „e„k - ' n 6wsf>npor - ~ .t^h y a rU c trlc methids: ------4 .*„u ld - create -the- H ellr W hlt«hltrSyit«m i, tne. I I I .1 P I „ I Final disposition will partlcu- Canyon.Smike NaUonol Hlver 71 Fihh Av«nu«, N«w York. N,Y. 10003 hor awhile, Uie Food and country. Us probably safo^ Uio row and cover lightly. Uie near future.” ^ —lartT affect tho mostly arid and would olfectively bar Drug Administration Issued Some onamolwaro mado In recalls for pottery Uiat was Hong Kong and Japan has been found to fmvc more than safo ' stopped because It contains levels of Uicse toxic metals. dangerous amounts of cadmium But, says one FDA official, "we or lead which would normally aren’t using Uie recall as much bo In contact with food. We used to sell electricity any more because'We’re finding Acid food must be In contact Uiese metals In products that with loaehable niotals long were made years ago." 'enough to work. U you oat off a plate, there usually Isn't enogh for as little as Ratlior than send out score notices which would prompt ■ time for acid food to leach out housewives to go after half tlielr toxic metals. Also, tho higher plali.8 , pots and pitchers, wlUi the temperature, tho faster the an ox, -FDA says It Is now leaclilng process works. Sk> relying on "educaUon." donti;ook In any utensil which 9 m ills per K W H lcad-and-cadmlum:-arc-ndt,...haa.BU3pcctcdlglM dusb'lal smoke) piles up In your lenware or pottery tlmt has a >m much faster through the Idaho Power Company than through the Btoniachi^ HEATER Pdople who do have j^E X T Flameless elo clric. water heaters are fast, -oieanrqulolrdependable^nd free of oarer-They- KWH have no match for efllclency. welliknown national brands ir*«M«Jla eyen Uiough oooaaioh^ batches- AT h>°ir« .h i™ wonwn (U* fetujU pardoulnrly H vulnerable) and thoae with «” '■"S’*™* lddM^Uv«rh(>ub)i'«lwiildbe __ACID W » D ; « i u ^ r utensil has leachable toxic - metalSrUmuat^oom«4ivoootaot- ttrlfh aHd draW It out of_ ^ g la ze d coloring materfaT." dinner Almost all fruit Juices copy by writings Dr. M^rvyn tomato Juice) are acidic and so aW erm an; iuid Drug are t^ne, soft drinks, cider and Administration: MOO Flahers vinegar. Foods 11 tar', tomato Lane! RocMUe. Md. 3 0 ^ . FLAMELESS ELECTRIC LIVfNG FOR A NEATER, CLEANER WORLD "^aciarIrtA ^------■ ■ :"s;|

GASOLINE ALLEY • Sunday, Auguil 3J, Iw r TImit New*, Twin 1=all», Idaho" W BRIDGE [‘want tocjefc* . . .By Jacoby ■ When Two Tigers Tangle - lolil you West bolds all four. Nonxil mlHsmi! clubs. The best you ♦ QJlKI cun do wllb Ihot line of play TWICE AS ,K(ANY high ichoo) senior boy> own riflei at V () C 2 I U to take 10 Irlcks. I ' ♦ A 4 :i own-typewriters. . . .CHASB MANHATTAN now «itim«te« * 7.') 4 Can you nuiko 11? ■ • the average wedding cqits JK666 . . . .ITS A PROVABLE It looks as If you can but FACT men named Johnion ate more prolific fathers than WFVST ( I ) ) kast you must iilay most unusu­ / men named Smith-- AM> ASKlif) the most popular 10 H A !) 7 r> -i ally. You lot West bold tho hoUMplant. No question, the African Violet , . , .UPRIGHT v:i VK Jl(J7r trick, lie c o n t in lio s dia­ FRGRZnKS'OUIUIt cneit models nine to one. ^ f K Q — i r .VTr\- monds, which Ik as i;ood as 'IIL ABNER 4. Void anything elso,. and you play ^^OUTM low from dummy mid niff In' w h at s h o u l d you do first when yoU' hit . your fingernail v/ith a hammer? Hold taid flattened finger high ‘* A A K your band. • ------— !rhi*i>-y4mHi«sb-y<»ur-tbr«o- above your' head for at least' 30 minutes. That's 'the ♦ 2 liiiib tr u m p s , ace-kini^ of recommendation of a California physician. He saya It may CHIPPENDALE CHAIR BV ITS . *akcji»h:i spades and ace of hearts aiid cut down the pain and s^ve the nail, . Noilli-Soiith viilmrnililc throw West in with bis last CRIMINAL A C T IO N S-??.- '.Wu'it Ni)rlh Kui.1 Soulli trump. I — \N'- IF VOy TALK IJnglish normally, you'll spill out about ■ :i 4 '1 4 r. * • West started with 10 cards , 220 ayllablek a minute. If you tallc French normally, Vou'tL IMv I'lcis Pans- Piins in the minors: fie followed lo ‘ deliver about 350 syllables a minute. That's why a InVo spades, so bis last heart lias .j;ont! away and lie musr vice versa .. • .VOUNG MAN; ARE you lonely? Looking for • fMit -you in rhnruny, foh tliu n.cO^wnld H: JiiDU'H .liiieiihy a girl? Get a job ift'a hospital Four-f{f(hs of "an’ the~people.. rest of tluj tricks. who work in hospitals are female. « , . Jui'uiny Flint un(loiil)tu(lly Neat, but not <|ulte cor­ concocled’ lodiiy'K Iwitul rect. West is also a tii'er. Ho CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q “Didn't you say a Yo-Yo his Iniok, ".Tiijer Hridnu. ' dropped the six. 10 and jack used to be called a bandalore? When was 'Yo-Yo* coined?" of clubs on tlui ace, kini; and Voii mo lijjor Koulh, Aflor A. Just 43 years ago. Dy Chicago toy manufacturer Donald tljjo r W c' kI (ipons throe diji- queen and you can’t throw hinj in. since he Iwilds the WIZARD OF ID F. Duncan. . . .Q. "What’s more likely, a royal flush in a iiiondK. his narlnor rnisos. poker hand or eight aces in four-handed pinochle?" A- The him lo four. You ccuisidi'r «IC deuce. . • ‘ (H{WSF>AI'(R [NTinPfllSC AS!M.| royal flush . .. .Q. "Doesn’t the suicide rate fluctuate with sorts of bids and ovonliudly , the phases of the moon?" A. Can only r e p ^ ^ermaii ‘ icieniists cltt^m'JUbie people kill theniMlves when ,the nibon'^ America'i lo ;i eupetti tuplain iheii (QU/nnmpn( w(n'im0 lochnlijiiot in a is at Its clotesV to the earth . ■ ne^ nSpaoe hook on JACOBV Till- Itidtiiiu! liin> MODfKN. fo r your copy i« n l Si UVt.1 N o illi K o u lh YOU AND YOUR matrimonial mate might like lo try w ilh youf name, odtliea nnd lip I * thla lUtle experiment Each df you’ write down privately the PiiM. 1 A Pm.s • U ♦ V. code to: "Win al BiijQe," (c/a ihii rr names of your 10 best family friends . If you're lypical, the I'liii'. 1 4 Pi.iis ? neyipnpei), P.O. Bok 489, Rot/i’o City „wholaii-jiay.-Qnly-tluee-namrs will npppur f^n hnfh .lintr- _.J^mi-SaulliJuild:- r-^M;«nrUew-Vr,tkrN:V-l00l9r- 4A KH7 VA2 4ICQ» AlCfl': They'also contend the majority of names on the .combined lists will have been the husban'i's friendi, ^originally. W liiit > ii kIuiii. . of all knock-knock jokes Lel'i^ uttle it, ho ho. I tay. the this contract. . first really good knock-knock joko came out in 19.i5 ani' , T/)nAYS QUI^>JTI(>K ^ Wo.st opeijfi the Kinjj'uf din- k e r r v d r a k e wen! like tbi#; "Knock Knock." "Who's there?" "Highway " nioi]d.s and yon study awliilc. fivo clubs; you bid cop." "Highw-ay cop who?" "Highway cop every morning - The simple |)lay is to win in (iv(? liL-iirlr. (iixl In.* bidii six «IT 15.. WHERE WC TAKE ' ,5 0 ffg )f MIS*; ju p y ^ -WHA-T-FOLLOW&-are-lmlructton9- "yOu'Li'BET.LTvmcrKNOW— A-Att-or-THirr'-V— i I -THrROAD-TCTTHrsCHOdl >rBUT WE'RE NOT - VOU'l-L MAVI: A MICJ: SAIARV/. millCMMS/ ^ SOiHQ TOVC)Urt Reprinted from an article published in Doston shortly after mCRfASe .. Ap SOON A*3 I , -.the-Civil-War--Entitlod-"What'tW‘ YoUtig"TfiV«l8rNeea'— OUT OUR WAY «rHOOL~TOPAy/" I CAN PUT TM»?OlJ6H A Know.".They tcad "The uertllernan should be taller than _the-Udy-h4-inlend»-to-ki«r-Tak*-h»r-nght-han4-in-yoUT»-«nd--- ir*:— -CWcY-KKliSOcVITC* CXTRKJt?- draw her gently to you; pusi your left liana over her right UUCPKP H cu n I'P A O K ->CMC MV£.VMPATMV/ \7MU‘Sr (Jli liOC>y W HOM APaT Ll.'A&T AU, . 7l3C ;C ini.E. H AVW TO IJUW61.C shoulder diagonally down across her back; press her to your IKlKLlWii Ot' HOW TD (SO ABOUT VOUR WAVALOW<2i R liC A U iiti bosom. At the same time she will throw her head back and avoCkikjci o*j,7Hi&//AkiPwrrH VOU'RC 6C A K [ZP 70D L'A T»I , 60Mt20Wl5 WrTM kkJDW-l tOW you will have nothing to do but lean a little forward and W SODA C H O P5 pcyw’1 W ILL SHOW VCWJ LIP FOR A preii your lips to hers.’.’ tJcrr'dC.R tomauh liKWIUPECCPULOri-'HlIAP” • • * . , - I COUVCK&ATIOKJ.' HOW PITIFUL/ ) Your qucjitoits and commntJ are welcomed and will be. used tn PASS IT ON wherevtr possible. Pleaie address your letters to Hoyd, PO. Box I70i6, Fort Worth, Texas -76103,------^------WINTHROP WAirA MINUTE.'.'.'..W h o rA^IQWTHAMr W ©FtrTLESQi A O Sr WQCJJE THIS EESCOtC? 5 0 0 t< ? J KSOMg/ / ( AVWRTlJkNO. A iti« *r ta P(««Uui V u iil* DeotcATCo re A iiL G e G - i, \ GEOW FICSHTTHP. Ih4^ W E W O R L D T O D A .V ..r - ACROSS (01b.)


)!■ ih.d.rk ■ impUitMnt

' ‘ cU°moroa. 4 0 U u iln e tio f. 1 A_ tu h oI o l «vuuBiniiu4 0 U u iln e tio f. m.klna M l------U r r « U for«iKn~^ -jLakAf — ; r. , inonkoy G Int«rw»av« 52Pok.r.Uk. 7 ‘ O ld ------** B B « com c«. 31 H o ld in g rig h t - A L L E Y OOP M V o U jln lo 53 0 . m i . o l I ttWlM p u U ld S3 O n a ftr* 20 P U n * lU ria c M U *rratuDOsM 0 C eram ic pl»c« S S T h rM U n I IWOUGJfT I TOLP VtX WCU.; LIM,VfiEC lO S a lU n ji iODrivoof/ LUGG NOT T 'K W C ANY RR...UH,WC ^ 51 S ' S " '‘ 1 ''"* TROUBUrOVFQ THIS FiaGl:ttnP..UH^ ------MllW eriluck 11 "G o o d Q u M n 41 W h a rvM 43B«con«l LITTLli C R ITIC R /^ M O o M U r , M C o U m o u m b -PAMIL>rciRCUS ------aghwUhed ■5rM«fin»r'« in Spain-. 27 C«m «roon d lr « t io n 19 L a b a n n * tr«« rancor 2 3 r is h U Q nm V M U r »ow « 2 4 T h « ------o f 4 6 C u rvo d 52 8hon» l)rlghlly 1 8«l • —— (or VMn moldinc S4 I d o llu d th « w «d(ilnu 2 5 M o rM ------4 T ‘* U n d m « 35 Tenant Under 2 D tlp U c a l 20 ITounUln y o u r — r . . ■ U « M 3 D yna m o concovllons 48 and ^ln« MSauV«uncI« 4Trav«|to 27 M allcioua SORodont IT ■grrJiiTinr r


^ ■, BECMHB iw'N you CRAZY ABOW WE 24 25 U-toJR-'lHRCVM'i; mmmm a n y i ,(Bur,co»uui®MC-*ior?

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40 A m i '

"S^posing Hio 'loctriclty goes off — THEN'how can you gof fho milk ? " 52 SHO RT R IBS PACO MAS ^ p e pcie p JUMPING B e M iS A B M N , C I.A Y R. I1 1 U .A N - uaiA MAJOR HOOPLE Your Daily Attivily Guide AtcorilinQ lo !(■». S ln ri. ^1' OCT. I,T H IN K U , To dovolop niossoQfl fbr Monday, isai L( ---- W U 7 6 nifid vvonk corresponding lo mimlxirc y/YAUBUS TDorZrofTnrtmitnrtnn scoario .11 Vm.-ll ocr. A 3S<. 13 W oau.idi. M0V.-)|J \- 5-14-U 4 a W i .14 0.^ . 6* lo !SU»olitii<; as vu.i— — Ai-NalM .. 6 Awoiti 3AMol« MYui OIMIMI 7 Avoiil 3 / In 61 Puili lAOITTAIlUt Bllv. ;iR lio'itiiiita 6AAI>mJ REX MORGAN p ^ y ju u e » 9 Ymif 30 Up AO Coll 10Cm.lt 40 Aibi VO lrtl«(«iU HOtVDIP BRiCe kMOW. ', ^ • 7. 8^30-15 II 41 Your VI AtvK inU t w t WEffC COMlW6 H6|tE\ Ur-. 43 Or • 73 Cijnlocn JUMe. I'M NOT <;olM6 FOR PiNNCf^ REX ^ THS | ni[wot 43 l'tuwx« 73 And »AVe A T4LK WITH Me CAtL W'Afr FROM H|M” CAMCIR I4V(hi . 44Wni*» 74 Liiv# inuUijifl I5M.W 45fo«tfwiil«p /iCan I ’M AURE THAT NOTHING l«Gou> 46(nl»iloin ‘ 7A'Hu«ry • CAM MY WILL MAkfi HC i; a 47Will> ■ - 77 CWlQiU Ftec ANV OlfFEReNTLy IStittuM 4 8 V o u r' 7flCh*io*aOCm>0€nial -^|.lHW*«4Ui—i- il------, 32HoidU>il»il------bJC«w^ . .... , - - , - i 2jro.uiul(i#J ro.uiulil# BJHoarn ffi. If 234------R4B« 39A<(«ni SSM«4r BSOrv« 31-3344-SSj 36>A«ii((ilou« 5AP»(onol eAThonki Vjico 37Cv

' KANSAS crry (u p d -U u Pinlella’s two run single Billings past Cowboys triggered a five run oxploslon in the- fifth Inning Saturday Gorald Misud’s two-ruh took an 8^ doclslon Saturday entering tho park reccivinti second and third and -one run night that gave the Kansas City double in the fourth innln« night. Billinas dropped the team plduroH. already In. He dumped a Rich Royals an victory over tho Rookies lead Packers shoved tho Magic Valley Cowboys 1(M Friday evening. Mifsud, who opened Uib gamo Case pitch off tho leftfleld wall Washington Senators and Cowboys behind and Mark Tho clulw meet for the last wit)] a single and Inter scored on to give Billings a 4^ edge. snapped a five game losing hit hy nnveJUmilrft.vi. came— In.,.the neit. iramo. MvTQn . atreah Uierc as tho IUl\ij)({9 MiLstnnKs Sunday will) Die first 500 fans In the fourth wltli runners,on Pines' op^nlpg fly ball to Tho loss also broke a (our t t r i O ^ exln^brtioti---— rightfleld was lost in tho gamo winning streak for tho twilight and he wound up on Senators. Uilrd-base. scoHng shortly after’ • Fred Patek walked to bIutI Lee throws for 3 scores as on Craig Perkins' sacrlfico fly. tho rally against loser Mike A wa|k and an error gave decision over Miami Thompson. Joe Keough singled MILWAUKEEdJPD—llookio what was described as a minor hit four of four PH.SJICS for 41 RDlings'lts six run In Uio top of Patek to Utird and Gail Hopkins Scott Hunter threw back Injury In practice, howoV' yards on the march, ti)o eighth and an error In tho Rmashod a rim-sCorlng double. Vikings, maul Chiedg6 33-14 for ono toudidown A d klckor or, and Hunter crano on to no , ninth gave tlie Mustangs to Pinlella singled In two runs nLOOMINGTON, . Minn. jj-H („ n proscoMn, NnllonnI ' puMra for 223 yurd.H mill haU no Insurnnco runs. ,. . against...... a drawn-ln Infield. Dale Cortwuy onolhcr rookie, almost all tho way. . ,.worln« opportunlllcs In tho -{UPn-Qu«rlerb«clc-BoMw>—hWtalll™BiroT!nrac:Salunlnj^lnUro«ptons-beflJCi^ho_\4M_^l IOT((UU exhibition victory. for 1041r„rda „nd hud sevor/il of M yards went wWo left overpowered tho Qdcago Bears Hwson, complotod 14.'.ol^ 22, ,by_Iije.wna-« «-yar(l-tbM^to ■haMi>^I<*.Mored-"on ._Trnyls 0 10 0 KiiOO|> 3li Davo Oslwrn at 0:52 of tho Simpson!s double and Efralm H*vr»it «• • ...... - 0 0 Oilvw-rt.« Hunter, startlnR at quarter- dropped, Includlni! ono In tho f •- . second period on Iho first play Piza followed wltli a twq-run • nm'n^ * J I } ? o o o teck In pliice of llio, liijuroil tirst quiirtcr Uwt wcnl tbrouKh Boy after a adcago piuit. 0.4lx)rn homer, tho ball hitting on top . VSioSoo 7Me. nr(itk0WHkl, flrcd a 12- Dave llamplon'H fihKors Into Miami out of flold ((oal raniio. cauiiht the ball on the five and tlie rightfiold fence and boun> cok p o o o a iiuru»itinr pi p i o yard pa.H.Tto'John Hilton with the hands of Miami’s Dean Stofa led the <15 yard marcli took it In for the score, glvlnii cing over. LlixKiUd'l) Q 0 0 0 A just ‘10 seconds left in' the half Brown on the Dolphins' six. to. the Miami touch(k)wn, wiUi Berry-led Falcons f(ir Green Bay's touchdown. 'Hie touchdown drive covered key passcH to former Packer Minnesota a 17-7 lialftlmo lend. But Uttell stayed In control 101 ‘r t ‘ Tot«u " 'Ilio Bears'^ first touchdown until the elglith when Billy John w«thuote< Cohway Iwotod the extra point 40 yards plus anoUier five Marv Flemlni; for five and six cnrao when Uniy-Coto-tMk-» cot nthrccTimdeficIt IfrW wlU»-“‘o r ‘«';i)l(rw , »untor , yard.salonii tho way. Denver 28-10 Fred Cox klckoff in the end a homer after Willie Goldwlfo K am il City < goal—what proved to l>o tho 7ll-LInl«r, Culltn, H 7i>no and ran 103 yards for a had walked.. Plni«ll4. SCI (iecldlny iwints—Just" two mi­ Mlnchtr. nutes into the fourth quarter. ■MEMPHIS, Tenn. .(UPI)— Jmd 37 yards In Uie second touchdown at 4:lfl of the third .Friday night tlie Cowboys Ip h rtrbliio i M 0 S S 1 0 Tlio i'acker defense held WE ASK YOU Veteran quarterback Bob Borry |>erlod.. period. couldn't stop Craig Perkins and, I 5 3 4 3 1 J 7 passed for two touchdowns In .'Hie Turner . boys were Lee put tho Vikings on tho Dick Corrada Who split eight unm.uilar 1131 It III' —York (Me DriVfl a VOLKSWAGEN before tossing an ll-ynrd of the game with a single In tho Crawl WI'--Co«. T- J 3». to go when Hubert Ginn skirted Compar* PRICE tho Denver Broncos. booted a secondi[)erlod field brive ^ DATSUN Compare QUALITY After allowing tho Broncos an goal, and Clem Turner of touchdown pass to Beasley at opening inning and tliroo- men right end from seven yard.s out. Drive a TOYOTA Compare PARTS A SERVICE early Uiird-perlod lead, 10^, the Qncinnati ran ncros.(arlcr._l1io 38- standloy wore ino most __ _ uAnr«i,i h,.,.h,a,i,oI/J BOVB 7:22 left In the game when ho neither team able to get an j^r a touclutown In the itnmH qinndlov with tho second half ycuVold Bratkowski suffered -lofted-one—to-running—back atjack started by ground or by nmnjl._tnnru'(l hv . - an i i.u _ u'™—i-kickoff and running back Joe . Sonny Campbell from 0 yards e^^Rhl-ynrd tnuchdom._pa.ss-lo „„ „p. shorf plunges Saturday night to lead out. . Atlantau managed ^ to break the-mlddlo Uto bouncer that Falcon safety Urry SJiears scoring ice when TomChlcauos McCalley Jimmy Gunn s^uccjcd • wlUiln nn elshUmf-an- ...... Uie Houston Oilers to a 2M7 ttn ti t added an insurance touchdown intcrecopted Uio Denver pass at forVTfll/l picked flf - up a C m u o fumble at . j„pj, - .c^jntorvictory bet- over the Pljlladelpljln with less than two minutes to tlie Atlanta 44. Seven players n:42 In the fourtli period and chargingEagles. shortshop play when he Intercepted a later Atlanta settled for a field ran 17 yards to the end zone for wj^ii second basemenPliiljidelphla who scored on twf) Denver pass at Uio Bronco 10 goal when Butler , split Uie Qiicago's second touchdown, collided on Uio nlfiv as two-men »«cond half touch(town and ran In for-the, score. uprights wiUi 12:33 remaining But minutes later Cuozzo threw scored. Scconds earlier, Gary “ccojid quurter 27-ynrd -SItliiDCiLBullciuicaiuntcdjQL-liiJhosccond period. Ills socond an Bfryurd touchdown pais to Gm,n(i;pr'|| wtonEflcld sliicle ‘/"’’J’' ' ' Uic remainder-of Uio Falcon kick came wlUi 5:14 left In Uie A1 Denson r5Ftli5TH

Perkins, started off will “ 3.y„rd loss by Wck Arrlni'.ton. homer Myron Pines, Stom . Dawkln.s'ftat quarter l-yard Kansas City grinds out 27-7 • Slnciia nnd t^n-nda :foUowcd-^ ^ sot ud when wlU. WtB and Rich Lasbraofs S * n ™ eOME COUNTY sncrIflco Hy cha.sed homo a ' ti„n pass by Usko and A ugust 25-28 — W ePTtHi^u SAT. victory over New Orleans third run. Perkins capped „„^ds to the scorlni! with a two-run homer In p,,|,„je|p|,l„ m yardllno. Daw- NEW ORLEANS (UPD- Kansas City quarttirback Mike 'rom 1-yard out In Ray Cammack Livingston picked up his own _ After U,e fourth-Inn nfi 4^ p n t e „p,on,| i,u„r,er J/iir ronkle Uio Cowboys could do nothlnB Dan Pnstorlnl hit Charley fumblp and sprinted 7fl yards against reliever and winner -tor—a^touchdo^m-to-hclp—the- jQlncL-wlUi_a—aiLyard- ■Slovo HucLson w inniclinheirtTo -]Vti*erak- Qilefs to 0 27-7 preserison win Pr inrcess” Inches from the gotUllne. IferGARNtVAL Siiturdaj' night. ono hit over the last five In* John.son, who camc to th( Uvlngston, llcnrirnrmldwock^do'witl fiides-— Showi- T epeats as" ter Len Dawson in tho fourUi Uie Denver Broncos took Mark' quarter, handed off to nuinlng Mosley's klckoff at Uie seven Concessiohs pool chaiiip back Robert Holmes hut in stretch and blasted past the Eagles. Holmes slammed Into the Pliiladelphia's first touchdown CHICAGO (UPI)—Mrs. Juno SaintsmnO-WlUiout Die football. came on a 9-play 50-yard drive FUN FOR KIDS , CHICAGO (UPI) - Stove McKniglifs Princess pout came Mizerak successfully defended Uvlngston picked Uie ball up.' kept alive on an automatic first stumbled Uirpugh the surprised' from dead last at Uie fool of (.no ^b)wn penalty when Oiler's his title Saturday In Uie U.S. Uie backstretcli to win Uio OF ALL AGES Open Pocket" Billiards tour­ defenders ond scampered over linebacker Ron Pritchard was 1110,400 Benjamin F. Undhcl- SlnUly Wednesday <— Thurfdlciv FrSday >— Saturday nament, defeating Joe Galsls U)0 goal line for Kansas City’s ejected for piling on. Running final points. mer Handicap over pacesetting Toiilt : T#l*lt » 19 l> >0 back Lee EouggcH.^ and Tom 150-9J. Wing Out In a photo flnlsli at nillmoi .«00 OOJ 017 IQ Mizerak, 2fl, of Carteret, N.J.,' Ed Podolak nnd Warren M*a‘cVall«Y 001 JOO 000- 4 Bailey eacli,B»lncd 17 yards on McVeo each scorcd a touch­ Uio wire Saturday. R-LandrAd, Perklnt. StAOO*. LAtl>Ln»i) two,loft-ond sweipflrto set up Del Haslam R.C.A. ran Uie last 54 straight balls to Princess Pout, a 5-year-old m»l. Huawn. Dl' — llHHr » I, down and Jan Stenerud kicked MV 3 LO»-nilllno» I. MV 10. r Ui^touchttown pass^i ; ■ ■ win Uie championship for tho sired by Prince Jolui, became jn-CorraUa 171. MR-Psrklnii 171. second consocuUve year. He Is two field goals .for Uip Qilef's Sl4ndl*y. Sll I'arkliu. SF.L»Vtim»l. the first mare to win the llUlJifll) —^ . . . scoring. ~ _ Uie first winner in . tho .IJnflijclmer, at J 3-lfl"mlle.^, on lO h r *r bb «Q Tlio lone Saint score came Gaylord 11 ] 4 4 1 1 3 cliamplonsliip’s six-year history turf, in Its 10 runnings. Slie was to successfu\ly defend the tUle. when rookie quarterback Bobby clocked at 1:S0 1-5, more than c.unon i * 3 i d Johnson Balsls, of Minersville, Pa,, &ott of Tennessee engineered a 50-yard drive In Uie fourth Uirae seconds slower Uian Uie oo^r^^V.*?' had...... a 58-bpll... run before . . track record. vaults RODEO -Mlrernk-surgid-towurd—Uio-quartorT-scuinporing-tlie-iinal — PrlnccsaTout wei^roff-ns thc------^------$5,000 lop prize. Uiroo yards for a touch(U)wn -uiitd-diQiciLJiL the crowd of ^ ^ ‘i 5' WEDr«rtHURS^8:30 P;Mr EaHl5r SiiOTyrBnlsITniJ^^thlZ.'Z^ : ln ^ X y .''-'i 27,294 in Uie field of.14, held at Smpin X r v t n r feated the 10C9 chainplon, Now Orleans rookie quarter- -l-frS- l»lff«WCI)IUfYTrCT: fi-to 1 while Mr. Pow Wow was r-fvn» I 1 nidwr .loithcr "Wimpy" I^isslter, of i I g HANDEN, Sweden (UPI)- fairateth-atyrNTCrrto-Tnovc-iilftrled-the-Bftme^wasHhjured—...... Iwck who j*^2J^javflclliLU " n ... V f,,vnHi« nml nd-noyflLx«ua_^ Rnvnl s o ' o imiit ADA COUIITY BLACK UCHT DRILL TEAlif — E l i : ...... — Jan—Johnson—of—the—Unile A.„ -r^ow’ Wow on h«f*--lnslde «»d - Tolili_.JI l _ i ; io—Cnrr«iU 17). JuMn. GiiinlMBr. 01'" nl ______Princcsa..Pout .pnld_IH,20,._uao._oL^Co>yl»y_antennafl_ UilaPottcr, In Uiirdplaco going-___ SATURDAY-AUG. 28fh- . meet .N»ii«HtiL«»yu*tundiHi>i 7.G0 and 0.40 whllo Wing Out. might result in olimlnaUon of Into Uio finlils, captured her 10:00 A.M, Open Clao Horta Show Rlessen of Hinsdale ni beat itr u«n«» prm^iM.r«.ii#«.i ownod bjr Daybreak Farm, ono Uio broadehst anjfwhero wlUiln second 1071 National AAU 2 :0 0 A n d a m Drysdalo of SouUi Africa, V o w i.'S"-"' ™“»<>"“'>l»''angoo(thocjty. diving tIUo Siiturday In winning ^~M,MrM.Satura«y.ln«.tl«ht,.cps>«;„------l._rolurned-.l20.«,..and,0^______...... ______^Hio_antcnnBS_ttrfl-..8i>edal_.thfl_women’a,Hknetcr- ch«mL ____, „..8!00.P ,M .— rdabp.S.*?!® oee-oaw game. n*w vork «i 4i.4n'n Vogc;as Vic finlalied Uilrd and electroniclio'okupawhichpuUin plonshlp. ■ Ja.vfr^wjis_pieas6d_with hifl ■ tjirjJL Js :: signals from CiUes which MU$ Potter, a M blonde and n^orVnartce; : ' • w-r- ' ild—Prthm fta-.nonnaUy-do-4mt_Mflch_thfl_^.phe^6LCQach;Hoble BllUngsly’s _ ^404ilflycd-mii^_better.hcro_(i(u/rinciKo-- to r Dallaa-Kort Worth metropolitah atar p w lls aT theUnlveiFsTty of ^OJWI^ONI^COWE All Uian I have In Uie past few ^ r ! m i ’ ^ r n ^ ^ th ^ y e a r lo T 3 ^ W . T ^. e a ^. , Indiana^defeaWWickTKIng to wwke In fact ray gfthie #ecm« • . *j w i« n’/ Princess Pout arrived In1 TTio Tho Cowboys Cowboys had ended win the tower champlonslilp for'win for' to Ironrove each nliKt. Tlie first JJ i P Qjlcago only this morning b y, telecasts of h o r t n at Uio second sU-alght year. Tho .q^g h ^ I couldn’t 8«e welLand I Saratoga. She w a a , ^ o n K XII In Uie i(|n- ^year-old Houston native won m d i i u ^ l n ^ d (n ihy game ' — ' * bedded down'at lhe-Arl ngtoq.«-Oefilwn area,j iKet-her-«even*h - AAU-omHnetcp-'* ^ ______, ‘"* — nhim r*""“^V i ^Virtnnnrim‘-finri— fJlHmEyERYONI 1 ■^rtien you w in /'.h p than eight hours before she had bean allowed to televise,Uie Saturday’s vtclory*waa her llUi Af-JeRO^EXOUWTYTMRCROOWD5~T:7^ went out .to wln.tho.stako race, games. naUc^l diving tiUe. J . ' ' s m t W eiskppf grabs Sunday. T ,n ,„.N .w ., Twin ...... » 3-shot lead in Blanda leads lassie Raiders past PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - suburban Whitemarsh'Valley Lanky Tom Wclskopf, who had Rkms by 20^7 Qub, also birdied thtf 17th and to dobato with himself about 18th to finish with a 71 and a BERKELEY, cAlf. (UPI)- pass to Drew Buie and booted a ploying this week, shot a six> tournament total of 207. under par 66 Saturday to str{d&' Venerable George Blanda. Oak- pair of Add goals Saturday to One stroke back of Hill was . and a 4S-year-old wonder, booSt the Raiders to a 20-7 into a throe stroke lead after Georgp_Kud»n, ‘TKolKInrrourid 61 Uie llWJiUW tossed a 35-yard touchdo' Dale bouKlass, who had a AnReles Rama.' I^iiadelphio Golf Onssic. both at 208 totals. The game was the first Woiskopf, who teed,off two I^u Graham and Jack strokes back of sccond round professional contest ()layed at Nicklaus, who had started the the University of CalifoiTiia'a leader Dave Hill, stiirted slowly day one stroke off the pace, Allison with a ono-undcr par front nine Memorial Stadium and attract' were at 209, sevenmnder par, ^ a crowd of 67,739, a new wiilch included t>(o birdies and while Bob Murphy and Mason one bo({ey. But ho cnught fire , wins ’Bama Haiders home record. The old Hudolph had 21fts. Art Wall, mark .was M.S94 against San On...... tlio buck... nine with -five , Qiarlie Sifford and Jim Colbert birdies, includlnfj Uio 17Ui and were at 211 Diego last season. 200 race , Southpaw , who ------m hgloH, fcjMj M-liole lnt.ll oL ...W d»kD pt-loiU onc-»lr. TALLADEGA; Ala. (UPI) . ■quarterbacked the~Hara5fS--- Bobby Allison of Huoytown, "^^^t of the way, opened the Uio first two dnys at tiie u,o rouKli, missed the ({rcen . -Ala.v drove a Mustang to an - ^-l^Vard touch-._ easy victory Saturday in the Biletnlkoff • wiU) ids approach shot and U)en ' ■Bama 200 Stock Car Race, on Oakland's first series of the hfld a bad chip. But then he put finishing a full lap ahead of tho , ,, , , - , _____ a nine-iron second shot two feet sccond place car. Blanda added the extra poinT MDCE HALL’S FACE tells Wfl story Saturday as he faits to from tiio pin on the eighth and Wayne Andrews of Silar City, kicked field goals of 42 and free bis ball from a laudtrap in the third round of the sank that to make tho turn at N.C., had his MusUng even V^^ds In tho second period Philadelphia golf classic. He parted this hole but wound up with one under. Dirty brackcrfratz! with Allison’s car, but a full lap halftlme lead. The a 77 and well behind the leaders. {UPI telephoto) . Ho started his back nine behind, as tho winner crossed *^*dcrs held the Rams to 78 F R O M # A lL-A N G 'ifeS -Wrdlo strlnK.wlth a.IS.footer on Ujo finish line. Gary Myers of Va^ds at that point. U)c 13th, and then dropped in 12 Huntavlllo, also in a Mustang, I-os Angeles scored late In the ByLAH]lYHOVl?V , ’ and three footers on Uie next A’s drop Boone signs finished third. E.J. Triwetto of third quarter on Karl Sweetan's TImcs-Ncwfl'iJports Editor’ two l^los to shave off two more Bold Reason hikes Atlanta was fourth In a Camaro 30-yard pass to Ixs Josephson. 'Hio next six or seven days strokes. Siar pad and Jim Vaughn of Greenville, Blanda's to Buie capped the tells Uie story of Colle{;e' of On t}]0 17Ui, ho put a six-iron ox, snap “SALT U K E CITY (UPI) - J.C., was -fifth In another scoring In the final pieriod^. Southern Idaho's busketbail approach shot IS foot from Uie Ron Boone,’flashy fireman for Camaro. Tho Raiders, who gained a - outlook for tlu) upcoming pin and sank tho putt. O n t h o l ^ - ^ ^ _I1 S-^year-oldiooks __ thoj^BA_chamDlQn_UtahStara._ .god also of Huey- total of 409 yards, lifted their ” enson. ' ^ Tlftlh-; 'ii was a drW -5nanr-l0SS-&p]eiT boostod his winnings for Uie hag como to terms wlUi tho ^wn. provra^AHlson’s only -treeeaspn-reoord itr-Mr-Tiw- By next Sunday nil thetV>i> nownniii wedge tunilitA and nnri an six-foot putt, SARATOGA SPRINGS (UPI) Rams now are 2-2. ~ ' recruits sliouid bo on campus Wei.skopf, who had been OAKLAND (UPI) - Rogi'ie -Bold Reason strengthened his year to over $302,542. club that he helped push to the fca competition, swapp ng the ^ • 1970-71 title. lead with the winner during the Rookie linebackers Greg irnd Cojich Jerry Halo Is In tlint having_^oublo widj his game Jackson drove in three run.s hid for 3-yeur-old honors at Bold Reason, well placed •nj© quick and deceptive [jrst 30 laps of the 7ft-lap race, Slough of use and Phil jsituiition ri({lit now of Ju.it since ho won tho Kemper Open with his 21st and 22nd iiomcrs &irntogH Saturday by winning after breaking from tlio outside guard came off the Utah bench But farmer’s Mustang engine Vlllaplano of Bowling Green in 0 playoff, said ho debated Saturday and Jliri Hunter tlic 102nd running of tho post position, was always wiUiln .wuitini; — and lioping some many times during tho regular and it was Allison’s race play^ a prominent role In the 'smooth talker doesn't come about taking a rOst, "for a day, pitched n four-liittor as tho $110,700 Travers Stakes tlio striking distance of tho leaders. ------— Raider triumph. oldest atako.s race in America, The colt moved to the lead season and playoffs last season Hi,®... , :along at tJic hint minulo ^nd a week, a year, wliatever It Oakland A’a sniipped a three- - —...... — ... .^..w..w„, ...> — . ^ .v..w ‘ ...... Alliwin Allison hftlHa holds Um Uio nntnMA outside nnin pole yillapiano’s recovery of a ({rub off « V»y or two l.o Is would tnko" after Inst week's Kamo loslm- streok wlUi ii 4-1 . before a record crowd of 30.011. after liolnfi a mllo. opened up- ^ wlnnlnK [“'Iv ^ j™" ™ ™ ^ fumbM' punt led to Blanda’s 'counUnRon, tourna.nent In Mns.™lmos«lts' victory over the Itoslo Rod So*. 'nie win wns -lhe al*Ui In a by two lenRtha tumln# tor or quash opponent’s uprlalnes. PJ™ ™ b» ‘d e t o o ^ first goal, while Slough’s pass ■ nieO-OandMmenlinveliecn but U.en said to himself "tliafs AnKcl Moni'ual homered In «iw for Uiu son ot Hall To home, and was In no danger as ™ Z interception of a Roman lFT;;;?STi5gOTm\sum.nerbnt-T.n!0°drlts-Hkrrmminr»w.r-«-»HH«^ first nen.^n, who j.cored_bi^three- West Coast Scout closed_the “ L Gabriel toss set the stage for three other.^,. ineludlnf} the from yourself." run and after Joe ItudI iJnslecI, (lunrlers of a lcnBtTrSvcrWcan^»|Hit-«»-»lretcli.---- contrartjor the 1971-72 season, ""oiuna imcraaiLonal Mowr leodlng off-tlie tliird, Jackson Coast Scout In the 1 1-4 miles, ■h.0 winner's timo was 2-02 2- Tg5he joins MlimrTMBtyriP 10 0 0 Ouiloli«ro r l) 0-1 0-D4nUa.Ju.-.3 O.a Q- ploying considerably bbtier' next hole when his drive was In I^ iu m rv 4 c 1 0 0 0 anaual 1.1 3 111 now. Which Is not shabby. rougli. his sccond sliot Cutp |> .} 0 0 0 DuncAn t 1 0 0 0 Flor* ph 1 0 0 0 CrcDM 7li ' 3 0 0 0 But he nlso reiwrta Uiat Nortii over Ow green and It took him T(»nf u 0 0(1 a p 19 10 T«UI« )> I 4 I TeUII ' I I Idaho, traditionnlly CSI’s tl‘ree to get down. K«i«on - MOMIOM— I Oakland 'touKhest foe In the reijlonal 11^ flnld,ln« birdies were tlie .C—Jacku>n...... LOn -noilon i. Oaklanii > lad^d-TOiool tournament, hoseoim unwitli a—result ol rcacnlng_tha.par»nvc hh - mjiiiou* i Strong teem Including tlq;cctl.-nn 17Hi17tli green DmoH 1(1 In fu/rttwo nufland tlUrt.two J Ul, 3JI i>~|lsnfi0 - starters from last- year, a putted and Uien.snaking a 35- supposedly outstunding' fl-2 footer "on t)ie IdUi.' I'uard and a G-11 center. Asked If ho tliought he could still capture Uie $30,000 first C^I nl.'M) may enter tJie pic­ prize money hero. Hill replied ture tills spring In the state high “Ych. If Tom (Welskopf) ChiiTgers, ___school______tuUEUUlIlClll. doesn't aliow up tomorrow.” M ETAl & PLASTIC season. Nnchlaus had b 7071)0 irnd a llomer Williams of Uie Idaho dnublo bogey «vo on tho toush 49ers set BQNG< — htersctroto3ti(rmmvitlcSTteso::~H«»-*bw-f«ii'th-lie)«-wli«i-hls- — U W slC H- , elation Ims set up » date 'li'lvo went Into a creek on tlio bELUXE V IN Y l BINDER b a g ^ lo Inspect tlie iiymnaslum — riuht. But he was lueker than first till COMPOSITION BOOK . KITS 5 7 WITH THERMOS bOTTLE ' which hoshould like. If ho does, bis playlnR partner. Mike Hill. &AN FRANCISCO (UPI)- SUBJECT INDEX LUNCriKIT Ulcre is a’ (joed cluinco tliat the U'o younKcr brother of Dave. The San' Francisco 40crs and SO SHEETS PAPER ...... A-2 state meet will come to CSI, Hill, also in tho Water, had a San Diego Qiargers meet ^ 2 * 0 $ GoodinB Is tho dcfondlng triple bofioy after his approach Sunday In an exliibltlon contest champion there and wlUi three wont over tho,Krecn, 0 109 47* Coach Hale reports tiiat Tom ‘ 70 7J JIO hom^. after two weeks of hot Bush, who pU>ycd two yeors at M*wn Huooiph 71 71 i l 110 training in Florida, defeated tlio 71-70 u i n AU PURPOSE •# CSI before going to Drake,-has clurl^.i'siHord fl7 3 U 1 M Cleveland Browns 30-24 two It 74U 3II turned pro and currently Is « 7170 717 weeks ago in its C^indiestlck 4 PACK COMPOSITION BOOKS ■ playing In Belgium. pmii ««ioar» U7S4? 717 inaugural and t)jcn cnmc from • STORAGE CHEST ^ 77)0 71713 Tim Bassett steadfastly LV/m.Uf . 7177 t« 7l> behind . to tie tlie Miami Reg. $1.29 . . . . , ...... 77* J3 71 *9 711 R ? g .$ 1 .5 7 malntfllns tluit Ujo rumors lie i l 73 77 713 Dolphins, 17-17, last week in received promises of $1,000 per uou Roiboro «7 70 7t JI3 Florida, ' 73 70 71 113 seirester Hint he stiiycd eligible u 71 71 71 713 Revamped by < conch Sid at University of Georgia are 7},t| 73 314 ’ Giliman during the offseason, 71 73 4* 314 300 FILLER PAPER POLYESTER FIBER : — untruor-i^Rlglit ndiv money Is no c.y «r*w»r 70 71 49 714 tlie Qiargers bring a M record. Ct. 77 70 77,714 ^— Wg-tldng-to me; I u.'^ually-don’t—j -jniiiju- I} 73 44 714 R 6 g ,7 9 ‘ , , 4 7 * c o m f o r t e r Imvennyandit'snll rlulit."Tim JI47 73 7U skins and losing to UiD' says, llie lanky one — lus's Jack t«/mj n 77 7S . Giliman u.c*v lAll-Star game, wll make his TENNIS D«wlll Waawtr STAPLER KIT Uamw Wold 71,70 7S7U de^ut against tiie 40ers. •• BAWBHU KarnMI Zarlay Y.C. McNenso^has filed his Caorg* Jotinion 7r73 73 J17 For many 49er players, Uio OXFORDS sult agalnst University of Idaho Jotin Kannatlf Reg. 98* 6 7 * Dick to ti 73n i l 717 “ crucial one 4M to 10& to 3 — for flring-him-hi'bad-faith.' «>tch smun -since coach Dick Nolan faces a OXFMDS Jim Walchart ■R«flr$2;29 ------, Sljould tlu; details of tho whole Mod Curl 74 71 73 711 squad cut to 45 lioforo Ujo end 2H io«v4 a r.to 12 Muliarl Graan 73 tt 7i 7ll situation an It occurred at (Ul> OAAlUy )}7D7S7ll of the month. " Vandalvllle come oul at tlio Joal OnlUtlrtnil 70 71 77,711 Nolan Is .anxious to fiee n VINYL CARRY-ALL BAG JAhn LUIar 10 I] 7i h l 'trial. It’ll make very Interesting Dav* Marr »i 73 77 :!• little more of Uie newer players reading. In fact, it would make liilly MaKwaM 77-n73 3la 2 . . , * 5 (la v* Maivnck 77 71 7S 711 and will probably use every R E g .$ 1 6 7 * a heckova book entltlod "Inside 78 7* ?7 7 li man on Uio roster as ho did In ^ J H I >J 717 ." M77U719 Uio Miami gome.

ntblfilic-dlrccloi:.iit Bolflo Stato_ Come On Out ^o- SzziBtem LHigttrasi Plcg. of 9 . Colicgc, believes Uio NCAA will - D A C R Q N : ^ ^ 'Indeed pass leglsliitlon at Its January mooting to curtjiil tlie • r o 8 $ ’ 8 7 * TERRY BEDPUOWS number of scholurshlps a school BERTIE’S HEN HOUSE 20" }C2«i" r, win nllnwpil tn uive for WASHCLOTHS R . g .. $ 3 . 4 9 football. MISSESAifAUBRIEFS R«B.W' don’t Udnk it will bo. all bad,". Steplienson sald.'‘RI«ht S IZ E S 5 - I 0 ~ 7 7 ^ ~ ~ now the Puc-8 is ollowlng only Mlttaw‘'^olfi^BhlpB'a''y6ar ' R i ^ j 3 / $ i « 3 f c , 9 0 ‘' freshmen). Last year Wyoming _Ji(l4».(rosh, Oregon hadJL™* Washington 6?, .It those big ^resh salads, rolls, pies ------schoolSTirB-fotCTd-lo-cut-back OPEN 9:30 fft9:0O M O N D A Y AND iRID A Y on tho number of scholamip ^~ sofT 3rm ks av<;iilabl(fi~~ ' they give, it should mean third ^^^Sg|1f1^tftllIlbAYfHRIi^fHURlD^ will be' more quality kids for '“ 8cho2aslIkVur(BlgSkyT8li«ply ,C(aORDERTOl-^ 733^2 1M ^-^^OllV JfiT OW fU m zV H E ~TbfcaiMr"tK5fe~Won’rbe-‘ttiat- many peaces lor mflVTW^o Sunday, Augv»t 77, IWi this year. Wo didn't show it , today offensively ' (in o ^Bigger^ faster, deeper,\T.F, coach flcrlmmaye) but I know Its ' there. But the best thing about It - - Is timt this is tho first time sees best Bruin grid team in 4 years we'vo been able to put the first toum offenslvo 'aRainst the VWe’re bigger, - strongery' don't haVo sufficient ,people , have decided that. Kevin is our specialist In Andy Patsolidns, a ggponj team defense and' ffasler and deeper. It's the best ^ e r o to offset man;|/ lnjui4es, running ^ack and we have ..to soccer-style Idcklng exchange run It (tho team we’ve had hero in three and thf ln|iiripH nro bonnii to .develop something for next studerit from Greece. defense) like n sieve.?’ years," says Coach Norm como," Coiich lljomas con>' year,” he explains. . Trying for their first'letters For the first time in 14 years ’ Thomas summing iip prospects Unuod. . Tlje Bruins l)6ve 22 senior will be junior ends Shaw not play Rorah. for the T>vin Falls high school Ho ; appears happiest vylth lettermen. The biggest is Mike Uvingstoh, John Binko, Greg Bruins open wltli t m ^on- football season. overall team speed. "It's easily Murray at M , 222 while Bob'Edson, John Wilcox, Mike Beck cortfcrcnce games, going to “For tho first time wo have t)jo boat -wo’vo over had (sluco, 01/nsiead is IW, 217, Tom SImjw, and Bruco Cooper-; tackJos Ony r^nncho of I jis Vcg«s Sept. 3 and . good depU) at Just about every coming’to Twin Falls),” he who has shown perhaps tho best Asher, Hrinn TIiompson. Tony u,on to Nampu Sept. 10. After a f position. Oiir only prnhli*in will says. ..“Our defomive tackles Improvement, at &-2. 215 and Kevin, Jim Sklnnur.nnd Stevo |j,y Qrujrlg open the', I------btrlaclcnfnmmnBbnck!pVyc1u»t-TircTunnlng5;91n the'40^yards)--Stcve Parr,-6-I 7 190; Those w ill -Dpyr-gmtrda-Gary-Irishr-Hoaa ~Southo'r'n~ l j 'lihfl ’Conferonce undwo.'veimdycarnsomoofthe bo tho basic anchors ior Ix^ii Deahl and Mark McKuin; schedule by hosting Capital. ' offensive guards couldn't do lines. ’ccntora Jim Miller, 'Hm Bever 'jnc rcHt of Uio sIhIo includes boosters tliat." MIddJo llncbackcr Dennis and Kert &'tulzn»«n; hnJfb«ck.«» Oot, I, Pocatello at INvIn Fall?; . l

■V Sunday, Auautf 22. 1971 Tlmei-Newi, Twin Falls, Idaho 31. ^Skins’ defense Patterson has sixth straight Rondon retains crown with BUFFALO, N.Y. (UPI)- latest cOmeback-eHort. ■ - .Patterson stalked Brown Former heavyweight champion Patterson carried the fight to from the opening bell and sets up win Floyd Patterson won a uQanl- Brown throughout as referee landed a damaging left hook 15-round verdict over Jones moua 104-ound decUtdn over Art Mercante______„gave the two«- when the flght was only nkonnke. ----- /»iDi\ .. . . . I .. _ boxing demonstration' but local fighter Vic Brown SatuT' time...... champion nine rounds to - oowi.ua seconds • Id. old.uiu. He c Hei»o opened a vu»cut CARACAS, Venezuela (UP!) knockout over Jlmlmy Dupree day night for the alxth one for .Brown.,The twa judges under ftrown’s .. right eye .... c..before -Vicente Paul Rondon of of the U.S. fast,Feb. n when w! over St. Louis . consecutive triumph in his each gave Patterson a sweep 6f the knockdown In the third VeneiuelasuccemfuUy defend- Uie referee stopped the fight In WASHINGTON (UPD-Ue. skins made coach Georgo un n o .rounds. round and had him on the ropes ed his World Boxing Association the slilh round. bleeding through , an old scar doKnse s«t up three scoring Allen’s home pro-season debut But Ihe victory did little for. again In the fourth, . lldht heavyweight UUe by hometownerV fIrH de- breaks, and second string a'success with a 20-13 victory Patterson's comeback hopes as Both fighters .were tlrbig In unanimously outpotatW^ Eddle fense was against Italy's Piero running( back ~Bob Brunet, over the St. Louis Cardinals. Philljies he was able to send Brown, the, later rounds. and-eo<* “Bossman" Jones of U s del Papa when he floired him ro^d m irked the_offense._Saturday____The___Rfidakln,. defenders wl^ has been knocked out eight rtilssed several chances to Ang?les Saturday night in a 15- at 2 minutes and 30 seconds of m3’ l :hl as the .Washington Iled> blocked one field goal effort, times In his 16 career losses, to diunogehiaopponent.- ^ round bout at the Nuevo Oreo the first round last June 6th, ' Intercepted a pass, recovered blank the canvas only once with‘ a H was t h e ^ d careeK win Bull Ring. The lanky Venemelan, 28, S o m his sc ^ uSod ™ two fumbles and stopped the hard rlghthand punch in the foi* Patterson In SO fights. This m s Rendon's somrid applied CQnslstent right upper- down the eVe an^toreedJonS Cardinal running attack with 7 third round. Browri stayed down Brown held a nine-pound edge defense of the crowii he won cuts over Jones' face. Jories, to keep trying to ___ washu i. It ”< « yards rushing to play the key L.4,3-0 for the Mandatory e l^ t count. In weight at 198 pounds. with a sixth-round technical 173 1*2 pounds, gave a good with his right glovel' Seaver and role In the win. PHILADELPHIA f{U P I) Verlon Biggs, obtained from —Don Money's run-producing the New York Jets In an Allen iMets nip double-in the second liming trade, blocked Jbn Bakken’s boosted Woody Fryman and the field goal attempt in the first Phllfdel^la Phillies to a 34 San, Diego period to give the Redskins' pnMffMinn nn tl^frjr nffn victory Over the Los Angeles Dodgers Saturday nlghtr— --- With Brunet {providing the NEW YORK (UPI)-aqon Deron Johnson singled to impetus.-Washlngton-drovo.. 62 Jones clouted a-tWo^t-ninth r i^ t to open the two-run inning homer, to give the New York Mets a 2-1 victory over Uie San Diego Padres as Tom SoaveroutdueledDave Roberts.

dropped his earhed run average Oscar Gamble’s sacrifice fly to ard's pass and Curt Knight to I.M and Roberts' ERA went center. kicked a 21-yard field goal to to 2.04 in the second sliot^down U i Aa«al*« rhIladalphU boost the Re^kln lead to 1(M). abrhbl abrhbl battle of the season between W llll u 4 0 0 0 Harmon }b 3 0 0 0 the,National league’s two top With only two seconds left in Mola II ' 4 0 10 nowa i i 4 0 10 the half, Knight booted another Davli c< .4010 Mecarvtfic 4 0 i o , pitchers. - Allan )b 3 0 0 0 MMilanai cl 4 I I 0 from 38 yards. Parkar.lb > 0 0 0 Johnton 1b 413) Ed ^iezI5~Stakcd i5an Diego Lifabvra :b 4 0 I O Slona r< > 1 0 0 to its first run' In the flfUi At Intermission, the Skins' Parouurt C..I} 0 1 0 AAonay lb ) 0 i I defenso had limited the Cardin­ Huiiall rl 3 0 10 Giimbla If >001 Inning when ho swatted his SIftaar p 1 0 0 0 Prymarf p 3 0 0 0 als to a net ruslilng total of 11 Valantin* ph i 0 0.0 — saventhihomer-of-tlia-fieason, snapping Seavor's consecutive yurds bn II carriea. Sudakli ph 10 0 0 In the third period, Manny Moallar n 0 0 0 0 scoreless Inning skein at 31. . Tatali 3*17 3 Sistrunk recovered a Beathard Lai Anaalat »»4 OM ««»- 6 I*n OI*«a Yerh Phlladtlphla B )» » M 0 l)i-3 abrhbl abrhbl fumble on the Redskin 49 and DP'PlilladalphIa l.^ 'to n UM Anoala* 4, il ] 0 I 0 Martini tl J 0 0 0 Mhlladihhlladilphia ' i. ' c«irpi)*ii ]i) 1 0 0 0 ' noiwtii ]i) i 0 0 0 five plays later. Sonny Jur- ID'Monay. Lafabvra, Davii. Mon^naf, C«ijon cl 4 0 0 0 If } } I I gensen passed nine yards to Johrtwm.3hr>nm. SP'Cambli. . • - • j, /■-.J... . n 1 0 CI»niJ»nn 11) 1 0 1 0 ip n b b o o Agt* cl - 3 0 01 Briinot for Uio scorc,: Slno*rL7.» 4 - 0 1 0 A(|iromnt lli) 0 0 0 Alanandar 3 ^■11 Sinoition rr ] 0 0 0 Brunet, who quit pro'football MoaNar 7 n»fiofi c 3 0 10 Dv«r c ] D 0 0 ln l9G9 but returned lost year, PrvkanWV'4 - « UolwrU |i } 0 I 0 Saavar p ) 0 0 0 Wl’ l'ryman PitMcCarvar Te|*U ■ 31 M t TolaK } | } ) > carried twice for ]R yards in 4i,t3] tM DIaoo \ YerU HOtHIOI.- I Uie drive and wound up witli 60 o r Ntw York I. LOn $an Ol*t)0 *, N«w yards rustling and 36 yards On Y«rt( 7. IS Jonat. MB Spjailn 171 four paases rcccptionB.______llio Cardinals managed two quick fourtli period scores .ngalnsLJ¥ii,'iblDgtjmXJ'“ Di' r » line defenders on a pair of A O l l T l ^er touchdown pas.scs by ItouUiord. Expos top rip Twins U.S. splits BALTIMORE (UPI) - Andy Giants, set - Etchobarren smacked a two-run Iwmcr and Don Du/ord added a Wightman two run double aS'tho-Baltl- win record more Orioles defeated Uie MONTREAL {UPD - Rusty cup singles- “ Minnesota Twinsr'4-l,‘ Siilurday~ Staub drove in Uic winning run night to give Jim Palmer his . witli 0 single In tlje lOUj innlnp CLEVEI^ND (UPD—En- 1®^* win of the season. Saturday night as Uid Montreal gland’s Virginia Wa(k) used Etchebarren's third homo run Expos set a club record .wlUr.hor booming serve____ to In his last four games followed Uifr sixth coiuRecullvo victory - lieat-Julle-Holilman of tho-.» Dove Johnson ^ e In Uie_ b)» dofcallnii the Sim Francisco United States 7-5, 7-S after second inning. Buford doubled Giants, 4-3, young Oirls li^vcrt defeated across two runs In Uio seventh ^ ■Mlko Mnrslinll, who relieved Scotland's Winnie Sliaw M , M to support ..:.PflUncr's__ fjW » _ ^ sUrler Steve Renko and got Saturday as Uie United Stoles stralglit victory. credit for his fourtli win of tlie and Great Britain divided Uie Palmer allowed a run on KC85on against six losses, led first two singles matches In.Uie Uiree singles In Uio second’ off the lOUi witli a single. He 43rd annual Wlghtinon Cup Inning, Rich Reese singled and. moved to second when Boots competition. Leo Cardenas forced Reese...... ia. MlnniMU-^, . .Himtnriri j m • (an P randua Manlraal Great Britain, scored four Tovar II 4 0 10 Hulord II 4 0 3 3 abrhbl abrhbl Caraw 7I>' 4 0 0 0 Powall 1b 0 0 0 0 H*nd«ru>n lit I I 0 Hunt }U 4 0 7 1 service aces in her straight set Otfiliiaril p 0 0 0 0 DIaIr cl 4 0 0 0 Fuaniai II) S 0 I I Day Cl 3 0 10 victory over Miss Heldman of Oliva rl 4 0 10 I’ Holilnin r l S 0 1 0 Uay» cl 4• 0 •1 10 !Slaub r l J 0 1 1 Klllalwaw 31)4 0 0 0 Hallnmnd II 3 0 1 0 McCflvay 111 4 0 0 0I Fairly I 1h 4 0 0 0 New York \vho was vislbily Raaia lb S.O 1 0 Drobinton 3b> 0 0 0 ^ r l 4 . . I . 3 I nallayI 3D 3100 Cardanai i t 3 I 1 0 Joiinun 3t> 4 13 0 DI«tXDl*u eC 3- 0- 10- - Sulharind - i i 4 0 1 0 hampered by a knee injury she NalllM Cl 3 0 3 0 eichabrrn C 4 1 3 > spaltr ti 4 1 M i^alray II 4 0 10 suffered In the eighth game of MlharwaU C3 0 0 0 nalangar t i 3 1 3 0 Laalar 3u 4 0 7 0 (laiaman c 3 1 1 > Kaal p 7 0 11 Palmar p 3 1 1 0 I’arry p 3 0 0 0 Uanko p 3 1 1 0 the first set. HayiUI n 0 0 0 0 Kimlllon p 0 0 0 0 Maruiall p I 1 1 0 nraun }b 10 0 0 Kingman ph ' . Despite tlie injury, Miss Talali 37 1 n Yalalt 33 4 II 4 Joiuiu Ip 0 0 0 0 Ileldman managed to score the Mlnnatala ei« ftM »«»- I Talalt }f ) I t I T o lili 34 4 I 4 Ralllmora 1. t.on Mlnnauita 4, nalllmora tan iiru ie lu fl IM H I W i » - 3 first service break in the ninth II Manlraal d—Lanlar. DP—San Francluo >. LOn gome of tlie opening set to take -San Francluo 9, Montraal J. a M lead; However Miss Wade 7B-Foanla«r- Hanko. 3n -ll» nilarw n. Kaal L 10 10 HUi--nafainan («ih). Ilond* (73r(ll. came back witli a service break Havcl«l tpal»t-(4ihl. 3Q -nallay. Itondi. S -AM yi. Cabhard Day 7. SF —Ualantan of her own to square the set at Palmar W U 4 Ip h r ar bb to 5-6 and, after holding her own" T-3:1I A71.3W. Paffw M 3 * 3 3 1 3 lUmlllon >.] 0 0 0 0 0 servo, Uie English girl scored JMrtW/) L 17 1 >17 7 110? ta I 10, 3 3 1 7 anoUier service break win AAarthall W 4 4 7 0 0 0 1 7 Uie seti Raoko pitchad lo T T U lla r* tn «lh, H D I'-tiy Marry IHuni). Miss Wade, playing very Aaron bats T ~ 7 .ii. A-73.34J. confidently before a crowd of 5,815 at Harold. T. Qark Stadium, won Uie first Uiree Braves past games of the second set as X. Carner Miss Heldman was slowed by .lie»^pqinfuLkncbb Into fourUi piqco on the Utr«e-undor-par 60 to her Uirough the 27-year.old Miss alUlme list. openlnK-flafflr-oflvorfltroko_load_s|jaw_ln strnlglit-8cts,.needing-— Aaron - singled home the on a quartet tied for second. only ID minutes to take Uio flrst Braves'first run In the fourUi S|iootlng for her thlril title of got and 33 minutes for the after Ralph Garr led off \^Ui a Uie year and Uie $3,000 first- iu«cond. double and then tied th? score — place-nionoy . in Uiia event, at 3-3 in the slxUi when he JoAnne, 32, blaxed through Uie . — . homered high Into Uie left field fi-ont nine wlUi birdlofi on holes |[||||^|; p r a b s • 4 ^ W upteil' fa r-flv«r A bogey on'No. 8, when she' . - . . . • runs, four of Ifieni unearned. In issed Uio green, gave her a p o l C p O S l t l O n Uio seventh when wlnnbig ii^»under 33 M-the-tumi---- ^— — ------^------Richer” deorge^Stene—and Then’she staggered Ijack to MANSFIELD, Ohio (UPI)— Marty. Perex-drove Home one even---- par,------Uiree-putting---- o the — nUi,...... Dennis Hulme ofM.L-M foglwd i was « hin each and Uien Aaron hit a himns a trap on the I3th and ^ le to riiako, off the effeda of homer to . complete, ' a four-foot putt on the l4Ui. She reversed Uie trend on uuallfled Saturday In the pole is: WiUl a bll^le When she posiuonposition lurfor omiuayaSunday's 187,000w^uuu D*1 0 P «« 11 “jo"o"i — capped to wlUtin an inch 0 ^ lh e ~ C a n a d la n .A m « i( ^ - a l^ g ^ { f ;5 ;^ •n ^ ^ H ■ ^ g W ^ cm, b lrd le d l6 w llh a flve.foo( Cup race at the MldOhlo . 1 V • w“ , 7 . . i . j p 3 t and th. par-lhree IVth with , S|»rta Car. coiu-ae here, ii,,,,™,. .-in . o o 8 a«SS-footer.' Hulme, underwent minor crui ti *11 1 3 tum n * 0, -Jan- Blaloclr turned-through ■•me^mcy aurgep here P r i < ^ « : ; * . % ! I I S ' o . " ” S i ! aide hi (oUI^lnder-par night tor removal of water c.fii«ip p i i shot par 38 for a ea to from 1iU knee, suffered during „ S 5 5 o nrrarroUhd^hlghschoelalhlellM, II. Lm U

p^Ce Bl iU. kl. inn i7 mllauM.«.Jiniir au*r. l»Jl«rf,}ft.O «rf, Wllll»fn«.W llllam l. 3B44, U l.'C ru i lit . tS- V Whitworth. 70172, Sandra Torrar , ---- '4'^l^m l^riieti. 76^ Chevrolet topped all quaUflera,^certh.tt i*.?------

Mqiy MgM.T ---- 3j TImei N .w t, Twin r tillt, Idaho Sunday, Auouil n , IWI Burley parUmutiiel race crowds gamble $30,195

C»ll *nd owntd t)V J- B*ck*f. M « • own«lby Paul a I) liV O atxi It SmUtu \} }D Galifornia placed on BURLEY "j...... VI__ kria J.4 ih rv lurlonot, n«(* Sla Tima - mutual racing session ended liy Sihl*wa' «n(j own»d by Olan f\rv. iminar, riddan Uy ------, -- ...... - i'lrit, Princ* Rrwin, riddan by Moulton < . . . . AAr.*..... An in ....I lhl».4 - ______>'0. Bllion, tn.W , IS » and »4i flac* Iwo. m V«rd«. 0«Hv hnd o«vfi*dtoy B. Taylor, U lO , iS.tO and ______owntd by latond. StaM W i riodtn by Hutlon and doubl*. Qulnalla, P Irti, Swiu I) 40j tatond. Cay H ownad by R. Taylor. I I W and M 70, and MovtmanI, rlddtn by nuMar andownad by. proBrmn of llin ll.rco- iim.. .1.0 11..1. inlrct, ttlily Mlllman, riddtn by W ill* and Dill Buv Huitmt *nd o«n«l ownad by R. HUtmin, 0 40. , iacky Caa Dar, riddan by HWi anbvMiii» ownai/ by U Applayala, t?.and t4 7Q. and Moby ChanI, riddan liy Call andownadby owt»ii(J liy AIIWJ lkiWM»*o, i l 10, ll.JO Uilril. polii Ham, fiddtn b y Butlaf and Jay »>«arton, IJ, 17 *0 and t j 70- latood, UCLA request denied Kavo tho scsfllon ti total hnndlo koil 17 40; ikcoiid. &r>oM Mlilak*. rliUIwi ownad tiy W. Thi and M O VING ft STORAGE ownaa by Tom Evani, 11.70. SAN FnANCISCO (UPD— TlicCalifornia probation Krow Uul no action wiw taken to of 3,000. Haca t il, Thraa lurlo«ui. Tima, l l. li. Hatamia 770 vanli Tlm« U IJ Plral, Ha(a lour. 770 yard! Tima, t7 4*. F Irit. nio University of California out of a scries of violations place UCI.A on'probation. TIjo next racing session .is ) Irtl. Maliir K.C. Ila ri, rludaA by Dullar Danoafou* Pllol, rldda.i by- BullaT and " J ; ’ - ridjan by Bullar and ownad aiul owiKHi liy Jawnll Lnwary, t » 70, tIS M iMnadixwnad liVliv ClarkClark. H7.*0,11140 tJ« JO70 and 14 701 Aihtnanl, 14.«, »7 10 and’i l M) was plated on indefinite proba- IncliullnK tho competing of Four oUicr UCLA atlilotes (Jiemuj Kerry next- and OHO; laconil. J’a rf Sla|i. riddan l)y lacond, Jaf Star'liar, rlddxi t>y Call «nd i;rlilawa and owomI by LowalanJ', t).70 and (hwnad by n.|*. StauIlK, t7 .« and 43.40, Uon Saturday by tlio executive Boarji' track at\d football star who entered a plea to have weekend and tho finale In Manic’ t l} 0 Aiul Hilril, Mr. Utln. rld.Jafi by and Ihird, lad y I'rancla, riddan by M llli council of the NoUonal Collo- haac Curtis last season. Curtis Uiclr cUklbmty rcstoi-cd were Valley will bo hold at.Uupert In Hinlon and awnail by I'. Waila, »3 30, and ownad by Thomai J Gvanl, t) Uata tavvn. I oiir and »ns Hall liirlong*. STINGY OHIO .. ■T «late AUiletic Association for was reported hot to have Uiken placed In ^ootl Ktanding. Tho conjunction witli Urn Minidoka Iltna, 1:00 3 I'lrit, Arllnulon Mlit, rldiln^ by liuilar aiilrd, ’ llhlOn|{ tllU Stlni’iuSl C()ll0}'0 tl.iO, and third, I’ arr Slap, riddan ALUEDVANUNES denied tiie api>onl of UCIiA In McAlister’s casdr tho; t)io adiiiis.1.30. football and track star Jamcs-^-Bruin »ophomore4o-bo look tho yjplied to Individua) cases. liiclr casoR involved receiving by Juliii Ih oiiifli, t7.}U AiKl 17.70 and tlilrU. Hacaalulii. riv.»urlwto». Tima, 1:07. 3 t r y OVCJ' th o lUKt fIVO yO Jirti, „ — ...... - • ------■- CAU VOUa lOCAL McAlister for rcptoriitlon of his examination but not on a dato ,(,•,1,1 >>0,I* 1 . f,'- O..' I I* .• .,..1 [>• .k 5, lU rti. Doll. rldiUn by Hollar and. V V iM ftih i'i't' U /U h n 7 H J ' V * ' ‘'V.h ACnn,T33-73TI financial aid. UIMumi, 17.70...... W iq t n iH - lj; ItllU S VYUh a LIU and owna in to the hom o /. -A EBffia© inolii'.ible for post-season con- stretch, attendance in tho ■ In a racial dispute last fall, said ATUNTA (tiPI) - Sixteen- :ird hole, ’iliere 'she hlt'the pin Saturday he will return to teat and cannot make now senior circuit shows an Increase r n„m nmn.h of I^ni' with hnr Hocond ^(liot, then sank Seattle and play for tho television cornmitinenL.;. , of a' half million ovtJt last a four-foot birdie putt. , Huskies: In McAlister's cwc, he was year's record and U.e poH.sibill. cCm 71- Jones, an All-Coaat selection doclnred . InelWble .. Insl »prlntt ly U..,l 11 ol U,e 12 clul« >.111 J ^ S lr T T Z U S fi.A. as fl sophomore for the riuskies Just prior to U.e NCAA track psm• U jc mUlion mark. N ational Womeri'.'i A rn a to u r last season, was enrolled at . . AccordiniMo figures ^oasod Golf tournament Saturday. Indians use *‘l:;ong'Bcach-Btftt«*-r - Hi" ™ ll_ faturdny by prc.ildenl,, Oinrle-s ..I l » l ^ » UV biuc^iycdU»UU-VJtl.l» KlUlllIVlilonde loona- had been expected to. start In cases isniTa^Tlhe '{iTTIlPto~tH'‘^(C fuib-)-Fccneyrlho-offloliiI-''“ IJ , i(env(lir)ht''honorKilh-iveoriw— that school's opener 'aaalnst cliarj'ed witli one year of^pjild attendance. , " frihn-behind, one-up victory I J O W e r l O Mississippi Sept. 11. lnell|;lblUty for ench year he tlirounI> KHinos of Aug.Auk. lo .stood over Beth narry. 22, of Mobile, _ ' Instead, he announced ho and compolfil while lncU«ll)l0," at 13,217,003, anI IncrcMCIncrease moi' Ain., In u Ui’en.« JMiolenrj.r.i.. finalsfiimio or tho ____■_ z ^ L: ^ his wife will leave for Seattle Brown .nild. 50!l,2n lor tho snitie number of whip Sox where tho Washington practice ■nie Hpokoaman «aid UCI.A Romes In 1070 when Uie loa«ue B„„y, maklmi.llrr liral_._ CI.EVEI.AND (UPIl - Hoy sessions begin Monday. wa.i nolided Uiat Uio NCAA s netset nnon fill’limtiall-llinc record of „|,p„„r„„(,e in (he tm nuim ait, |,(( |,|j f|r,[ ,n,|j„r Jones declined to discuss the cotnmittce on infractions was lO,riG2,10n paid admlssloim. hud been one-np idtor the first ^un In conducting an inquiry into ElKlit clubs already have reasons for his decision to tlie finit Innlni' and Cliris return, addin}{»ddin« that he mi({htmiKht ainiciicathletic practicespracuces atai Uieuie scao«iscliool .paiweu ,pnn.sed uieUjc millionmuijon markinarK wiUiwmi evonlnj; thlnf.H on ciiambliqs chinned in with - hflvo comment.... neit____ week' iKcaiBo of Uie McAlLster ca.se, Uic N™ York MeLs showlnu the Uie llrst hole of the second IB in i),rec-nm lim nedin (lic' ffll after ho had rejoined the wav with 1.710.202. Tlie other nfternoon play, the youni; Siitiirdav to rwwer the Cleve- H uskies.. His decision was consldered a (l,a43,B83).St. Ii)uis (1.2j O,G02), wont on to wrap up the victory over Clilcai'o and snan tlie Alworlh out aicago (1.210.00B). Pitt5b»u-Kh oiMho 15 with a par. . «Ucaf.o and snap me najor break for, WiwhlnKton, Wliito-Sqx’ winning streak at (1,17(1,AID, Cj?}danaH ypunKater [{«ve crcdit for which has como'TindcfhoJivy^ six Rames.______( 1.U2.21K)); PiniiuIClpminiJTvlclory lo 'liCrfnthcrrHnltr criticism from the black ^vitFTHree ~ ^(a y Ijim h, who had not won (1,133.359) and Houaton naugh, n golf star in hl.s own community for alleged racial a gam e hUicc Juno 2fl, started discrimination by iLs footb'all (1,050,090). right at iJie UnlverKlty of for Clovcland but needed relief S:in F ra n cisco (007,B45) Jind Florida and a mernl>er of tho coachina staff. broken ribs help from Ed Farmer in the Monb-eal (asO.MO) are almoat U.S. M ilitary Academy Olympic DALLAS.(UPI)-Prbmler re- sevenUi lo notch hi.'; s ixth celver Lance Alworlh. acquired assured of going over the icam In lOlfl. She aaid her victory against 11 lo.‘;.seH, million miirk and AUarila lias a father re-tallored her game by from Uie San Diego Chargers In Chicago Clavaland Lass gets chance wiUi a tolAl of 775,007 making four major changes In a brhbl ab r li hi tiie o/f Reason, suffered tJiree William on Aug. 15. her swing in the past :ilx days. Kftlly rl i 0 1 0 (’invnn cl fractured rltia In Uie Cleveland ‘i hit every shot the best I Andrews 7|> 7 1 10 llakur cl good field, , game Friday night and will 1m; . Mnllon 3b 4 17 1 roito c BACK TO SCHOOL SHIRTS could so I would ‘have no Hunlj VI J 0 0 0 tl«l1le» 311 out for tliree lo alx weeks. Johnilono’ cl <010 HFoiiar rl regrets," the new champion Mnrrm.iiin c 7 0 10 Ciiamliln II Bold, bright ond brilliant colors In solids, patterns arid 64ripC9 A spokesman fof the Cowboya l -OUC*.C V jO l!.pS_, . Magnuton p no hit tag aaid Alwortli had been treated , , ' said; Miaa Baugh played in the Miif 111 in the latest fabrics for easy caro (this Helps eoso AAomVloundry lournnmcnl ln.Ht year. Tnuklng it Aluarado by Ute team physician and tho W l l l S i n u i l ^ u r u l Kaaloy |> PITTSFIEIJD, Mass. (UPI) to Uie quarterfinals, ilrihlifor ph problems wKen you~c6nfHo home for weokonds). All by famous • —•‘Good field,.no hit," is the ■ recovsr'y pej-ioil esUijiated was ror»lrr p jyio flow back-to California llclcrtrill Oh shirt makers and all roasondbly priced. way Ujoscoutajvnwldtljo scout^ould talk about Ujo me very jnmmmuiminimum time.uiui-. PIIILADlilLPHIAi »ui(UPI) w Sntiirdav to nlav in next week's Jackie Jackson, (he ^year-old A worU, .„J u,e ^ obeau Farms Pea™ Trans-Mis.s'^ Amateur Tour- first biisewoman who got’ a' Hayes had been expeclod to breezed lo on 11-lengUi victory. namenl In Oiula Vista. tryout Saturday with the Kivo Dallas one of the best Saturday In the inaugural Taralt ]( 4 n-4 Talali 11 « 17 1 »‘Asked if Klie tired during llie ^ Chlcaos 000 880 101-4 Plttaficld Senators of the receiving lejilna in pro football. running of the $100,000 Hobson ClavaUiid *I1M(H0«~» g ru e lin g >?0-liole final rTnumi - I; - Joiiniinna OP—Cloveland I. LOll Eastern Lea«uc. ' Alworth wna Injured In th( Handicap at Liberty Hell race Ct'icnon l4, Clovoiiind a played under a blazing suti'al uniAenQflQ0,000 newsmen” want­ Cleveland lO ynrd line:--- mer's Never Bow-diicled wiUi ed to see If Uie blonde Backup cornerback Mark Dwanu>7.on Fann’ii Well Man­ secretary from Belliesda, Md., Washington al.uo wjls declared' nered for Uie early lead'. could become Uie first woman out for from three lo four, to play profe.viional baseball. - weeks because of ii sprafned nic 135-pound first baseman riglil kiioe" suffered when he > looked slick afield. , attempted to return a Cleveland "Her fielding was exception-, kickoff. , al,” McKernan said. "I was ----- pleased ovorall. ‘'But power she just doesn't Jackie hit several line drives have. SJie can't hit Uie ball wlUi but said she generally was Uie sharpne.M of /} profes.slonal dis.saU.^fied wiU) her balling ballplayer." performance. McKernan said, 'if I were In the outfield and parlicuar- judging today, Uiere's no way ly al first ba.se she was more •she would be signed." Impres-Kive, stabbing most of Jackie was to get another Uie ' liners and grounders tryout Sunday at Waconn Park smacked her way by majiager —witiiQuLfllL tlie newsmen and Joe’ Kline. . : photograpiierH. ------•'nje-ficnnt

-4-- DOUBLE KNITS FOR SCHOOL , ,'made Slacks,, slacks, slacks make your wardrobe tho pacosoltor on ~X^Y7CWSTTOtnrt:OAT NOW " exclusively lor, campus with tho revolutionary double knit for easy core and Hot days will soori end and football begins .. . be prepared with remote area riding good looks twenty, four hours a day . , . the slack that fits your new stylish coat. Many styles and fabrics to choose ’ from into any occasion. ' select yours today . . . put it on layaway and pick ut up when . . . It'i built for ronioto aro.i riding It climbs 60* grxdes, fords sUe.intc up to 2 loot deep or you need it. can-be /foatod in doepor Widor. Tra/>-0^o

Acc«twrlat«Rfpalr ' Ag«ntl'SalMm»nWsnt»d ATrcrtMler Salt AnImBlSraMIng Anmun TIM ES ■ ]\EW S ’ A^r1mtnl»-fumlUiid Ap*r1m«ntt-Unfuml«h*

l^arm lu p p lla t P irm S««d Farimiar M d SMd ' —Flarlili ^ r a lg n C a n FualandVMood F u m hu raa nd HH Oeodi Ovraga Salat OeodYhingiTeeat Hay, G rain, and Faad -Haawy Baulpm oni H«l|i Wanlad

Houuk-Furnltfiid Kouwi'Unfumlthad Inturanea’ -IfluaalmMla- LlgMlnduilrialEqulpmifll LIvHtack-Accaitorlai L ltfttlo c lf W ant ad UitandFaund L o tia n d A craagat O F M A G I C VALEEY M ltc a lia n M U ifo r Sala MlicalianaouiWanlad H I \ . MIteallaHaouiSaruIca ii« ‘ .

Moblla H orn* P arking Mon ay T o l^ a n Monay Wantad Motorcyclat Mutlcai Initrumanli M utlctaiion* Othar In ttru c lle n Ottiar RaalBtfata Otitar R an taii Othar LIvHtock Out ol Town H om ai Parwnal P«tiand Pat Suppllai Poutlry M d R ab blti Radio and T V Sati RaalBitata Leant R«*IBttirt«ierTradr Raal B tta ta Wantad R a io rti R oo m i'B o trd A Room l

*iruSMPV^rinTrHu1bl~ CpacIM C la itw t « SfMclamotleai t IporlIng Ooodt Ht Inawmebllat ttf tw in a I t i TraniMrtation Car Pooli II T ruck! T ra lla ri IM Vacation P reparty U Vacation R on tatt I t Wanlad to R*At U Work Wanted______

Cwary ollori li maiio <0 ellnrtin»l« (alia and mlilandlna adveriuing. Adt tKal inconvenlaoce or {jitao- {Mini rtad«>ri hava ita placa In lhai» columnt. ♦ - In lha evnni ol ofrof, nnllfy |hf ClaiilMed DapartmanI at one*. AUvarlitori a rt oxpaclad lo chKk Itie liril IritartlDn ^JaMtpap«r will nof'be raiponilblo tor «rrar% tttK — lha (iril day. Whan phonliitf In « C laitiM ad Aij ' Alwayt Aik (or Iha wordlng lo b» rapMtad back lo you. n» cartain lo chack Ih# firit d^y *d appaart to maUa lura It it right. Eipacially chack phona numbar>«nd adrtrait. All “ Halp Wanlad" adt mutl tiali lha na lura ot lha work, “ Salat Haip”

commitsion or bolh. Tht pubMthar attumat no financial ratpontibiilly lor lypooraphlcai arrort, trrort in duration ol publication, wrong c la ttiflc a lio n t, lha o m ittlo n of copy ( partially or complatalv) or com Plata o m iitio n of tha lola l ad in •JIbar th« clattiliad or display od. _ varliting taclioni ot lha papar. Llablllly for arrort or om ittlon thaii nol excaad lha cotl lo lha adwarlltar of lha i po rtion of tpacfe occuplad by tuch arror. ■ Cisimt lor adlutlmanl ol lha cotl of lha ad m u ti ba mada w llh in 10 dayt ol publication. Cradll It allowad lor l‘rt> iniarilon only. Racaiplt m u tt be p ratanlad lor caih rofundt. • — ------— ■ ■ FOR CORRECTIONS OR NOTIFICATION OF ITEMS RENTED OR SO ID ; PLEASE NOTIFY CLASSIFIED BY 9 A .M .— ■CAi>LIHF.’N-C YOUR AD OR MARK IT "RENTED" OR "SOLD" FOR THAT DAY'S ISSUE. " F O R T c r a r iT W o r k i n g ANT AD ... PHONE 733-0931 CHECK TOBAYS OR CAU 1 OF THESE TOIL FREE 'NUMBERSII ------DIAL-543-46.48--™ Buhl, C o illa lo rd € LM siiii:irA iis DIAL 678-2552 • Buflay, Hpp«rl, Dado, Paul. NorlancJ — DIAL-536-2535 - Wendell, ipoociing, FOR SOME OF THE Hoovrman, J^romo . DIA l.326.53?S.....- Filflr, Holllvlef, Rogerton. ^uclpol', Nev. ^EOR^UJTOM OBiEE iMland hutnd

LOSTi 3-«p*4d, bl»ck, Schwinn/ bey't bike, R«^w•rd oflartd. 7U' VALUES OF THE 4 »i.— r ------for in>(icres at 300 Norih, SAVE tS.OOO on 1949 U nwl sell- CLARK-MfLLER QUEST RANCH. WOAAAN TO LIVE iN with older LEARN TO FLY I Reasonable rates. 3 BEDROOMS, family room, ^art No Saturday call». —basMnent JiedCDocn-nomt^rDdgctlvfl-lBnct. -iSfl-W etl.ol/R ijS erh excBllBnl.*Qll. -50ni»l[yid-fT)g)0r__l:Hiit.-JM,QSS3.. .. Houuk*apino-cablni.-.For-ln: and am ple water. 143,000. Terms. No buildings. 139,000. 434-3395. lormation •nXrt«*rv«ilon» phon* G i-sa|e or downpayment and Ideal for stock or dairy, TWIN' 774')S3S orv w rll« CUrk>MIHar GREEN CHOPPING, hay, grain, assum e low lnler*st loan- 733-6343 SALE, TRADE. )97) 38' Self, Bu« corn. .New large equipment. MOUNTAIN STATES REALTY FALLS REALTY AND INS.. 73l- )40 ACRES w lth'3bedrQ om _hom e, contained Roadrunner. Want GuMi Ranch. Kclchum. Idtho 3443. Evenlngs-^nd Sundays: BUI •U40. ■ Pickett Custom Work, 336-5383, Homaa For Sola >33 5974. , • • good corrals and barn, lots of smaller trailer. Trade equity? 733. F lier. , R a l^ s 7 3i i------«033, Esther Boyt 733- .w a ter, *55,000. M U F F L E Y 3959. DIRECT G I's are back. We cen sell CLARKMILLER GUEST Ranch. MA-NAGEMENT train** with old 3 3EDROO M S, 3Vl battllj main, REALTY AND INSURANCE, 934- Vour hom* quickly for cath. W* Hou»«kt*plno cablni. For In* rellabi* company. Good •arnlnot CUSTOM SWATHING and harrow ; lloor. » bedroom in lull basamenl. 478). Ken Malone 934 50)0. RESERVE your modern rental wtille training. IntarvUw al Twin bed slacking, 3 wide. Rod Smith, f|37.500. 733 3534. can find you a hom* quickly for DAIRY SITE, 40 acres and new vacation trailer now. Clean, ^ formation and raiwvafloni phon# home, by owner. Phono evenings )'7M'3S3S o r w rlla Clark-M lltar Fain Employmtnf Office. Monday SO-4771. closing costs only. We have forms GOOD 180, Hansen area. Row.crop completely serviced, WILKINS a t-J p .m . necessary to get you slart*d. Call S4j4fl3j, or slock setup. Large level lleldt, 4 TRAILER SALES, Gooding, 934- G u n I Ranch. Katchum. Idaho TWO .bedroom houses, ^ood • 1340. ’ • CUSTOM HAY slacking, anywhere. 3 your G I ex p e rt,’Frank DobUi. 733- bedroom home garage and better m j . . . TOP aXaN for v# a r. round farm AAass*noer and Lewis. Phone 334- condition. 113.500. ACE REALTY 5974 M O U N fA IN STATES 140 ACRES, practically rock Ire*. out buildings. 433 4)37 M OUN­ work. Hout* fornlthed. Call 9U- 3345, . . 733-5317. R EAL TY, ^ South.ol Twin Falls, lop laying TAIN STATES REALTY, 733-5974 VACATION trailers ai>d campers P * r t e n g l 49Si Gooding. land. tB4,000. Farm er's Really, MLS, lor sale. Quality lor I n t . We HAY 5,TACklNG. J automatic 3- I BBDROOM HOME plus 3 Buhl. 543 44SQ, evenings 543 4IB0. terv k e our salesi KIT dealer, LOT DOY. must b « amtHflout. neat w lde m achines, Phon* 433-5434, bedroom apartmenl. Sharp and 80-ACRE larm , Buhl area, highly WILKINS TRAILER SALES, appearance, haw dr Iver't llcenia. R A Y TILLEY C. SONS. clean, (as) possession. Call Harold STOCk RANCH. 377 acres, >30 producllva, full w alor, 3 bedroom Gooding, 934-995S, Beneflli Include good pay. Koithley 7U-3400 or LAND O F ­ Irrigated. Mostly hay and pasture. homo, 147,500. vacation. rtflramenl and. FICE OF IDAHO REALTORS, ATTRACTIVE SINGLE girl 39, HAY STACKING WITH 3-wlde SHARP, CLEAN, 3 bedrooms, Cross lencod. 3 bodroom Itome. 1943 IN TE R N A TIO N A L VAN plaaunt. leoki (arm ccnlloman. " hotpllllliatlon. Sea Joe Butler, carpeted, drnpos, birch cabinets. 733 0714, *45,000. STOCKMEN'S REALTY, TAYLOR AGENCY -- camper. Mechanically good. uiad car rnanager. Bob Reeta h arrow bod. 734 3749. If no answer, Objact: AAalrlmony. I would call 733 0437. 148 Carney, Twin l-nlls. 400 South Lincoln. 334 4845, 334- M ember ol Twin Fiills Dpiane stove, lights, water lank, ■ ralocaU. D. Huntw, M Soymour AAotor Company. FAST POSSESSION on this lovely 3 lollel, cooler, sleeps 4. tSOO, 433- S738. 135 5573. "M LS" Service Avenue. Toronlo A. Carutiii. • bedroom brick homo out of cliy 5783. W ANTED: Pull tim e tacf'elary. CUSTOM G REEN CHOPPIN'G lim its. '/> acre ground. 3 balhi. 3 Donald Taylor, Broker 423-5289 General olllc* work, Insurance fireplaces, carpetofi and draped, 30 ACRE larm lor sale In Carey. EVBNINGS: NE-O LiTE Supplemetfli and Gloda ■ LEO'S CUSTOM HOME MADE cam per trailer 7 x 15. experience desirable. 733'3«33. oxcopilonally clean Call Eunice Including hom e and oulbulldiiH)>' Hon Taylor Camper and trailer house, gas Coimatlci. organic Product*. Jack llennett, Kelchum . 734 5DB. M aion Smilh 733-7704 FARMING Cooper 733 4940or LAND OFFICE stove (wllh oven) fridge, lounge Valwa McBrliJ*, 7 3 3 « 3 r . Vena OF IDAHO REALTORS, 733-07)4. Wagobnar 73;i 0341. V^ULL TIME maid. Apply In Your hylage forage saver dealer, cliolf. EUclric ilov* ond lfidg», perion. Imperial 400 Motel, 330 334-47Q3-;:J2A-4944 . I B E D R O O M H OM E, nby/IV Letf'tmd'AcrHbflat 54 mntoK 100 lb. ga» piopun* Idnb. Main Avenue South. ri>modelo«~ largo shop, .fruit Ireoi. Juat BRICK ME areaj garage, full - will b* pleased-to show-you thl» LaVoyt. Call Cherl Konlcek. 733- romodo|n sell, 742Madrona Stroel Ncrlh. B;30 p.m. AI-AJ C ' 3rd F^loor. 733' roto-lllling and blade work. 733- 4IB0. 4,400 ACRE STOCK setup. This Is A R R IV E D II 1 WANTED FULL CM part time 1 ithwashnr. garbage disposal, gas ono o l llie best in Ihe counlry. Lois rLOR IDA, hom e site, sacrifice. 733- 70U. r-of lurlhtrilnformallon. 733- butcher to operala mobile but* 3143, 734-3444. - heal, kc^el carpel, )^ baths. 3 4030. -ol walor, 4 hornet, hoi walor heat. )3V3 evenings. 3 Mow PROWLEIIS ._ch*fJn«Jrwk..7M:W9i-Bner_5.___ FOR, SALE I 4 bedroom linmn on 10 , i'>droomS. C ail'Jflspof Smltn 733- Good corrals, out buildings, fon- CUSTOM SWATHING, 3rd, culling ;i63 to tee, Olhor modoli., vour cos. WESTERN REALTY, 733- la ACRES Wllh river Ironlage, lots 17 'toll ConloinaJ dXERCISE the naw way. R«nl WANTED: Lady sandwich cook for and straw. 13.00 per acre. Joo land or ours. evarclM and health aqulpmant. 3345. Don Walhice 733-74)4. of Iroo springs.ft. hot arledan - IV ujri^^KioiKw------evenino thlfl. Wilt train. A & W Schaper. 334 5346. waler, lor Irrigating and railing ipMd bika, maisage roller. t>all . Hoolbaer Stand. 733 3451 lor «P ' ' 2 0 'u ll conloinad vibrator, actioncycle. 'DANNER fish. Dnvo Nicholson, Hagerman, polntmenl. * HAY STACKING baling, swalhlng. 140 ACHES, between Twin Falls and flANK ffNANCIWG FURNtTU.RL-, 733-N31. 837 473), Call Jerry WI(co», 334^3333. JeroBjo, 3 sols ol Improvements. .WANTECU-Aulamobilt-niftChanlli. WMller— r l g h l ^ L a n d — U------B R O C K M A N 'S ------*^»OTDWirTiftar'7ttHrinTir733m77r GM dealership, PaicT vacation, productlve as slock or row crop B u l a t s Preparty 56 CUSTQM GREEN hay Chopping. opw allon. M7.500. TWIN FALLS TRAILER SALES' hoipltalUatlon, good working D ale Bow*r, S43-473S, Ouhl. REDUCE witti REDOOSE. t.M conditions. S e e 'M r . Long. Abbla 3 IIEDROOM, nursery, formal REAL TY- AND INS., 733 3443; FOR SALE BY OWNER. 732-1980, 0)0 Main Av«: South 734-3167 dining room, carpet, drapes, E ven in gs and Sunda ys: Dill Holland Dollding, 44) 445-447 Main ) I 111 and Ovcflond, Qudcy 470-7574 - Remove excoit lluldi with Uriguon 7)3 Main Ave, South. 3 BEDROOMS, tnrgo kltchon, living FLU ID EX ,tl.4P. ttolh al PENNY- CUSTOM COMBINING, llreplnco, full basement. Assume 4 Ralphs 733 6033, Esther Boyle 733- West. 4 nice apartments upstairs. beans, and grain. Call room, baths, lull unlinlthod S40S. Fox Floral and olfice on ground WISE DRUG. DR tVERS or helpers wanted on hay per cent loan. t)4,i00. ' CLOSED SUNDAYS Sorenson, 733-4441. b.itomont, carport. 733 0637. lloor. Priced right, 4 per cent alter trucks. Experience needad. Phone down. Please don't disturb TRAINING IN HYPNOSIS and «elf 934 4034. •• 340 ACRES adjoining Wood River, A Product 01, ifA:^.tiuCKlKG-and^heMJi;it good- livestock oullil. Recently Innantsl Sliown by appointment. stacking, anywhereTCaJ[/J4^30« AN AUTOMOTIVE parts Counter ?oitnni6re'd~J~BBtJrO0m-'homirr o r 635 5S47. nONNIE'S WIG SALON. Cleanlny man.' Two yoart experience NEWLY REMODELED homu, Owner anxious for Iasi sale. Call WE HAVE 3 commercial plott ol — Conditioning — Styling. raquirod. To w ork In Uurley carpelod. 3 bodroom s. new bath Joan Schwarz B25 540B or LAND luti over 3 acres each, both w*ll Caicadei, lynltietic wlgt, 13.00 CUSTOM BALING, new Freeman and kltchon fixtures. |)),9Q0. OFFICE OF IDAHO REALTORS, localod. Call 733-5974 MOUNTAIN Rupert ares. 434-48Q5. SItARP SMALL HOME, lull Human Hair wigi, IS.SO 33S Main twine tie baler. The bigger job the 733-07)4. STATES R E AL TY , MLS. W ait. ^ basomeni, now gat lurnacu, ELEGANT GOLD Modalllon r/iG CAREER OPPORTUN4TY lor betU r. 733-1990. Qualit'yBuy giiraao, corner lol. clote ln, 733- Kolchum homo, 3 bedrooms, 3 DAIRY SETUP- 00 Acros wllh ambitious parson. For 4043. APARTMENTS AND olllco-spaco. al Budget Pricos baths, fireplnco, buill-int. J45.000. doublo walor right. Walk Ihrough Good rental Income wilh eucelleiM hridgeanvonc ? manegement trslrlee. Life and CUSTOM SWATHING, ton , 334-S044, Jerom e. barn. IJoaulilul 3 bodroom brick terms. WESTERN REALTY 733- Mary Cook'& l-'AII llrldgn Clattoi medical Iniuranca. ratiremenl. HOUSE AND LOT lor nalo or trad*, GEM STATE REALTY homo adjoining GO acros alto Contact Mr. Swenson at Em- •3345, alter hours Geo. Gould 733- begin Sept. )4 "Tho Winning Way will accept meet camp trailer for 433 niuu Lakes North 733-5334 available. For information call ...... ploymool Otilce. Monday 3 p.m. CUSTOM THRASHING, grain and 9443. ‘ to UId and P lnv" >or Uoglnneri A down p aym enl.'^33 4349. DickM i-ifturim lth, (irok ^ 733-9049 Gene Hopkins 543 444S or LAND beans. Swalhlng, grain and hay. IVactical Approcact) to Yiubbor Hrs.8'.30*-4:00 Sal.9\>6-4;00 OFFICE OF IDAHO REALTORS Commercial Properly John Triplett. 734-3753. ■■ nridge — Advanced Match Point U.S. Civil SarvlceTests- BEAUTIFUL country homo, ^ 733-0714. ASPECIALTY AAm-women'IB and over. Secure- 197) )4'T railer *1545 Polnicfi for Duplicate Playert. bndrnom t, lam lly room , 3'-j balhs. Feldtman-Roallors 733 )988 CALL 733-7970TODAYI lobs. High starllna pay. Short air condilionino, 4car garage. 140 ACRES. 130 shares ol Northside 197) IB' s*lf-conlalned t3495 ~t>our»T~Advancemwnt~rfVep< ...... - • ----M W — wnTOfT~i (m oar portocT—isndr -IWLaoUalf-conlalnad ______training as long as reouired ’'"I ffUHU^nfTETiirry— 0 ONE OF Iho best "M A 4, ,I>A" 1971 34'self-conlalned U495 W AN TED : Custbm baling. Phono AAodern 3 bodroom hom o. )18 acrvt ftaby Sitt«r<—'Child Car* 16 Thousands of |obs open. Ex­ NORTH WASHINGTON 507 W. Addison Avn. ' Twin Falls wilh IIB shares of Twin Falls buslnossot In Jeromel Completely PLUSFREIOHT perience uiually unnecessary. Kim berly, 433-4749.- new building and equipmoni. Only Remodeled 3 bedroom, new cnr- water, modern 4 bedroom homo, . VACATION SPECIALS I DO DAnYSITTING lor working FREE booklet on jobs, salaries, 134,000. Excellent terms. A real pot, new^kltchen. drapvs, largo lot 3 Bedroom,garage, befi location 3 Uulil area. 1)3 acres, 113 stiares 14 lout Road Runner, eKCepllonally women. Addreii acroti from requirements, Write TODAY A & R CUSTOM FARM ING lor all Bed. large lol & small rental money maker I — »Vpet'Of-larm-M>0f-k.-.swall>ln04. with qartlnn. 5)3,500. Twin Falls walor, 3 modern cldAn, dual tanks, tpare., oven, — tr*.*t«wnntfn»Tiwirm'4v«r“— ------Tjlvlnirnjimffr»dOr»tr^nd"phDne:— UonvM^or-y-bail—Uuhl-loutlQiu Lincoln Service, Box R-19, c « baling, combining, C, B, Hayei, -tarNREAL-ESTATE— _tmflHir, Sleeps 4. t1,195. ^ ^ . i Bedroom on Prosldftnt tircol. WEST END- REALTY, 130 SOuth JACK X_Jll.L Nuriary. LIcenied Tlmes-News. bean combine. Phone 334-4855 or 33,~,#00. 331 So. Lincoln, Jorom o New )97) 3fToot Kit, tell-conlained, ‘ Real good buy — Irull Iruos, rosii Broadway, Buhl. Phone 543 4409 child car#. Children 3'^ — 334-405D sleeps 7. List (3,423.70. Sale Price hvdue and Icncod yard, for appolntmenl. pracchool..n04 tOth Ava. E ad. 733- 13,232.70. GREENHAYCHOPPING FO RSALE Now )97) 30 loot Kll, tell contained, iU l 3 Bodroom homu on 3 acres or CHICKEN FARM . )4,000 laying • C H O I C E P A R T - T I M E Lllllbrldgo Customs • 1)0.000 tlS,DOO grdciDus larm homo on 4 acres sleeps 7. Lisi U,)31. Sale $3,899. tJO.OOO *35,000 hens capacity complete with WANT TO DO babyiltiing and child SAMPLE M AKER Farming wiih oulbulldlngs. aulomallc foedors nnd water. COMMERCIAL 733 B343 WE NEED Twin Fallt. liillnQi. Wo WILKINS TRAILER caro In my homo. Phone 73J^57S3. Year round, cra llin g hetplul, call 325 Irrlgnlnd acros wilh Grade B Mixing plant and food storage lor 1 liavc good buyers and no liomes. L O C A T I O N lor appolnlmoni 47e-SM3. Uoiie CUSTOM HAYANDCORN (01 up. 4 bedroom home. year. Living cjunrlors nnd huge SALES- UNIQUE CHILD CARE lor gifted Cascade Corporation. Corrogated Shop All on 3 acres. Call 733-0343 3)00SoulhMaln Gooding glrlt, 4 to 5. Learning Center in­ CHOPPING IIEAUTII-UL now Colt] Mudallion , .125' X 165" Container Division. Ourley. Idaho. Jakoor W ayne. In Joromo. 3 hotlroom, flreplnco. MOUNTAIN STATES REALTY, OPEN7A.M.10 10P.M.DAILY cludes I elementary danca. Service station building on ------SlahlockLT- ______large yard, dilcti wnli^r nnd lots ol 733 5974 M L S . ______^efoballctr towing, baking, field' - An Eoiial Opportunity Employer - preporly.— 34.000—gallon.-un:—' tripi, PLUS (poclal guidance in ^lT-4540or 537-4714 aoodi«&. 130,voo. Farm i r^anchos Incom eor derground storage, Sacrilico' Moblla Hamat 64 the 3 R 'l. Pitone 733H)S3} day or Commercial Property 157 ACRE comGlnatlon llvoslock prico. 500 block Minidoka Ave. evening. PHARMACISTS WANTED Work W anlad *3A ACRES, 40 shakos ol Northsldc* RENT SELL - LIST • BUY and row crop farm, 100 shares Canal Co. -w ater, iomo* comont CALL or DROP BY — 733-5M5 North Slile Canal Co. water plus 90 Excellont oponlng* lor Phar- CONTACT: mncltls In Oregon and ditch. Cloio to Interchange on inches Irom deep well, 3 bodroom CtilLDREN'S Village child care. W EED CONTROL, mowing or roto- Ireeway. All under culllvnlion. luime, slahchlon milk barn and Licantad-3'jup. 441 North UcuU, W aihlnglon. Top salary plus lull lllling. Floyd Gamhrel. 733 B984. Just )5 m llci Irom Twin . Falls, ___ 194# FLEETWOOD )2 k 45 OKpando. near L yn w ^ u Shopping Center. range of em ployoa bet^alllt In­ -othQr-out.bUildlnos.-J7Q.Q00— 1 cluding retirement plan. - -- itlonl for building- site. '3 bedroom s. I’ j balMt. 434 43B4. 733 MOIO. 733-779S. TREE TOPPING. COUNTRY LIVING Opportunity for pood lulure In DRYDENAGENCY^— V ocation - manaoament Iraining program— BETH W IC K H A M : REAJLTOR ■ A C R E A G E 324 5333 403 So. Lincoln Ire* estimates. Phone 543 636). evenings: 334-4833or 534 3404 Employment AgancUt 17 wllh progressiva growing CABIN, Soulh fo r k , Hoiio River, 733-ioB) "MtS" 733"5476 WITH Clly , advantages. com pany having stores in four river Ironlage. Accessible lo USED HOMES BACKHOE SERVICE call 733 9340. Panoramic view,'5 bodrooms, 3 JEROME JDAHO PERSONNEL SERVICE of Maglc Norlhwostern stBtas. Ediin Inili Rnl|ii> Suniiiant hilihs, huge family room, 3 Anderson Ranch Reservoir, 343- Valley. i2J (llue Lakei North, 1 — 10X55 W /E y p o n d o Sand reply to E. B . Hart, Pay Le«i 543 5727 H29-5Aitlrn*hoico. Call now 43 ACRES al Hanson 2— 10X50 2 B odroom SIh Avenue, Portland, . Oregon. remodeling, painting, concreto, Id'f^ ap'poliifmoril. Nogoliable BO ACRES at Hagerman NEW CHALET, 3 bedrooms, living 97309or phon* collect S03 334 B7S0. dry-wall, accuttic ceilings. 733- Now — 3B ) »17,000.00 terms. 140 ACRES al Haiollon r o o m , kitchen and b a th . All 1— 8X35Sparlan 3783. 344 ACRES at Murtaugh electric heal. Early American 3 Bedroom ^ f^ull b.>scmonlV)B.SOO LOVdLY 4 bodroom brick In besi 740 ACRES at Hansen Ireplaco'- beamed ceilings, JEecmt-AczoQQfid ______Ati-4.3would-llke-l«rni 37AT5tr~inmiHf7^»«tr-sob^ Inu '4 Dotirooms, Groixui ifoof'.-T'M ^M r fam ily room with llroplace, Im- ivision. Beautiful view ol perallv*. (3) Godd typlil (or at- 3 Mreplaces, Lawndato Dr|ve. S MEN OR women, 13 par hour plui torhey't olfice, would use diC; H arvotl. Has Idaho Chaufleurt m aculaic yard, Hie roof, double car eupenie, lull or part tlmo. For llcen io. With or without board and I ' garago. Quick possession? Call taphone, wonderful Irlno* Agonts lor Rogal lk>mo& private interview call 733-4)41. benollli. (3) Telephone work, good room . 137 4lh Ave. North Apart­ typing and oMIce *uporlenc* ment 3 (basomonl). Hourly or BARNES REALTY monthly. BAILEY ROBERTS WAITRESSES and but boyt. Apply required. (4> Sharp aggretslv* )043 Blue Lakes North 733 8337 Camalary lots In porton at Rogwton Rotlauranr, talesm an needed. (5) Man lor REALTY M agicV alley 1B39 Kimberl/ Rd.. Twin Folli Twin Fall!. dittributorUUp. (4} General olllce Builnais Opportuniliai 30 4 FAMILY spaces In choice location girl lor.Real Estate and Insurance — R e a l t y - — ol-6uns*f-M*morta»-Park.-*150 - n e S T L I N B ----- D tS T R I B U T O R S ------—FORSALE ------officorl?) Ludyto itvo-lnrbeaotlfuf. "GATlUACE"ROUTE''wUh cant and Phono 733 43il eacii. 733-3713 evenings, anytime neoded. YoNow Pagot under lu>mo, Dxci lent fringe benefllt.- equipment, lor sal*. DwighI 181 North Blue Lakes • 733 5560 140 ACRE good roW’Crop larm weekend*. houtewarot, retail, part or full (B) Various olhor oponlngi. R a m s e y , , R u p ert, ' 434-4497 GordonL.Crockett,Broker localed Southwest ol Buhl. Only 3 time. 733-1M3. evenings. VOUR DEALER FOR ’ EVENINGS 8, SUNDAYS; headgalfrs on farm. 3 dwellings. ) ONE SECTION 4 graves, B graves In I >rri, 433-5VSU remodeled, 1943 wlth'3 bedrooms Rivervlew secljon. 433-5334 after 4 ^ E W A Y DeETTA CAMPBELL and fireplace. Buyer can assume NEEDED IMMEDIATELY I GROCERY STORE — DOING BOJSE CASCADE p.rrj. Mature p'erton lor clattlfied phont Owner and Manager GOOD VOLUME IN Murtaugh. r - ! 5 5 :S J desirable long term loan at 5'.^ per TRAILER petition. We are looking for a cent Intorost. Fall possetiion. HARREL THORNE AGENCY, C E N T C Ii perion who wanit a permanent Shoihon*, Idi^o, 8B4 3071, Mur HOMES Phone Dudloy Rutherford at: Raoi E tloto W anlad career poiltlon, Telephone, typing. j ^ i ' t ' A o n n i' f S taugh 433-3)1). Call . Jhoflhdnd-ft«d. »flle* experience -• ■JOHN M . BARK ER . WANt 'VO.DUV- 30 «cr«J .wllh 3 — k^rnall Andcrioil----- bedroom hom e. Phone 733-1414. helpful. Iniurance. r'ollremo'nt OY OW NER; 10 unit m otel, and plan and OKcalleni working con- AGENCY Blake At Addluin .. . 634 niue laV«iHo< . 733-5543 living quarlers, doing excellent Tony Ilnriivt Duhl, Idaho dilioni. Apply in porton at Tlm ot- business. 374-9933 Flier. EXTRA C om part 6 3 _Twin Folli Nowt, 137 Vci Strefkt W ell. S43 4373 — 543 4843 Agants-Sataiman Wantad 22 CUSTOM HAY grinding Service. BARNES REALTY NICE!. .MOBILE HOMES fBY COOK WANTED; Apply in porion. 1000$ FOR SALE: 1944 8'. Security c a m ­ potential. Land alono worth the BAILEY ROBERTS per, good condition, U75. 543-4184 M A K E Y O UR FIR ST STOP suranco. if It tlm o you stoppo 51 HagermWi, Idalvo. GIRL WANTEp 10 work In Drug 6. No walling for conlraci ap­ Enterprises, P. O, Box )041. Twin NEED AN APARTM EN T? Mead Sioru and Cotmollct. Exporiohce proval. 9. A real opportunity lo Falls, Idaho. tOfl.^y't W.mt Ads lor the lust ^^ODCRN 4 bedroom hom e wllh 4 MOTOR HOME — sell contained, Speclaisj hclplul t)ijl n o i' required. Apply m ove Into m anaoem eni, II you oflHrlngs. acres ol desirable land In made up of U pakienger bds, V-B. Hox M-5, C O Tlmnt-Nowt. qualify, pttone Lincoln' Sdrvlce, Hagerman Valley. 137 4S13. engine, ERICKSON MOTOR 733- Inc. colloci 1309) 347-4)31 or write cent lee plus 10 per cent Interest LOVELY HOME LOBE 3N EW & 1 USED RETAIL LUMDER YARD. .E k- 331) Broadway. Pakin, llllnolt lor 5.years. Ouslnett Invesiment. } UEOHOOM tiouso al 700‘ Idaho porlence nol necettary but would- 41SS4. W rite Box M-7, C O T im ei News. IN H A IL E Y REALTY- B' HOi^^E MADE, double bed, gai CAM PERS LEETII 5lreAm; Tip-O u t* 6 9 9 5 j AAAER ICAN 01L oirn’ t for lonta, 3 Listed al 1)5,900 — but will, lake EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD older iMy torvlco tiatlon with autom alic BO ACRES. Caslleford----- Holiday Rambler Miy reatonable oiler. Opportunlly hom e on S lots In Shoshone> 140 ACRES. Buhl . 7 N«u> >4' Mohilf Nom*i Mnva car wath. Is knocking II you take Immediate •icomplotely remodeled, hardwood •Vac'^onor and -- SMALL INVESTMENT WANTED -iiirms *pd WWA HACIEHDAMOBILE - FINANCING AVAILABLE T9VAm3R"WOMAN FUR WfcTnt'STJCBllSHEU J-WYflJ Trnilnr^ ~ Phone: 733-7S74 >f F redThlem e 733-3838 MOTOR ROUTE DICkSlBllord 733-5)97 , HOLIDAY . *R0WtrSATE5 BEAUTIFUL l»on\e on —X - W aldo AAarlent. 543-400) ’ Now 4vai/ati/e A t W ait AddUon-TwIn Foils • '' Gobd Pro/// for Uma involvod. EALTY apartmonti, thade, lawn and R olh A ^ rten s.. , 543 400) EXPERIENCED garage. Pricod to tell kntt oh good - 7 3 3 -7 5 A 8 Dnv« HdmlaK, [I'altaf lermt. Dave Nicholson. Hager- j o h n ’ l u t z , . BAKER'S ir w liU i, )4‘ Wid.1, doubUi ' If intorostod, Phonot l>lftotp coll 733 4079 (anylm>»l man, 837-473). ' MECHANIC R E A L T O R S . A ls o LOTS IN BURLEY, -A ..y llaUmn{louZ3a,2aiQiil.'’ "'»i MOBILE HOMES N fail ■■p«ritn<»d macluiitic. lop TIMES-NEWS CIRCULATION D E W TM E M r -P-honB.Z5L034. _ JEROME. G O O P IM G ._____ wopet.. anil ll>« btti of wofking HAGERMAN VALLEY "MulMple Lining Members" ^1? AdditoirAv^lfue West B^UEVUE 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1 rondilioAt. ronind HuibnuQl< Moinr 11ST LISTED Good 3'bedroom t>Ome. 1V> balhi, 7 3 3 - 3 3 5 8 Co.. Gooditta, V:i4'4l 13 lull batem ent, carporl« on ap- Co'mparl'"' proMlmately 3 a c r « i land. NEAR CASTLEFORD pasture, Neal aidiV two hodruiim FOR SAL6 338 acre, farm with l e a r n b a s ic l(o;no wllh brand ntv. j j :. Ijr ru c e ' W e n d e l l .r e a l t y about 3)9 shares el water. Pasiu^e TAX PREPARATION — Tr*menik)Ui - covered pallo, S34-3374 •'!!' tV^-30p-=_iM .-tulat^Jftedar_ .lABOR-DAlSEEClALSJL :« If*. of ^le*d..lo)iJ_Now. ------Campar-Saoion C|oia.Out-On All WANTED alslno grain, Held corn, hay and — SPORT-KINGrPOlOR * NAMRA CHIEF- • ' ""’"Com^vri'DinJ Pitku^Canoplai Irrfllutkt” . T h ou u r^ l » f« earninu a o a l, barn. ACE RBALTY 733-S3 Reasonabl* down payment plus -m*jHum:L-lariD-_conir4ct_,#ntl- ~ r9 7 1 8 Foot Nompo cKlel . MADRON “ ForTlnn'ek-KlBwrN ew^p^er R oafesJ ' assume a, favorable long lerm 'M,ACRES farm clotf lo Twin- . EmoUment-op^ to w n and loan. Must be seen to b e .a p > Falls, Includes barn, machine $ 9 9 8 CAMPERS & TRAII,EgS wanan ol all flaw. Job oppof-. Hailey Burley ’ Rupprt predated. Call DuddUy Ruther­ > liinitle* for otjalifiad graduate*. . shed, coup, corrals, garage, and 3 ford or John Bark*r at: - ...... — BuiU------i_Jerom«—------G o o d in g - bedroom hom e, *44,600, S a l e s - R e n l a l s -^M n##f^s#ec^:co//-T/m es*Newr'733*09SI“ "GE/yrSTATEH'CAXTY^ ■^JOHNTWrBARICEKr ^ 3 Blue j^aket North TSJ-SUA AGENCY ■rifrii/nfinn.Q «pL. 7-V W4!,. ;.13 USJ Hrs.e:XW:00 CloMd 61 3.00 P.M. Saturday'

s h r t - Sunday, AuguM 33. 1971 TImei-News. Twin FalU, Idaho 3S

13 W ORDS — 5 DAYS — FOR $3.00

. — No Commercial Advertising — Each item musf sell for $50 or less and the THRIFT / \ I j price must be included with each item. Ads may be charged and will run ip f \ kJ ■ proper classifications. '

MoblU Hemai 64 Heut«»->Unfurnlib«j 74* MoblU Horn* Parking 77 MeblU Hemat Meblta Homiii ____ 3 SMALL trallw tpacei lor rent. 135 FRESH o r spring er cbws o r haifers, 13 u S3 19i9 SAHAHA, 1 iMdroom. MOBILE HOME In Wondoll. 13 x 40, 19MMARLETTG mobllo home, 10 X 0 M S5 MOBILE HOME, Great balh*. Lkrge lj|Wn. Adull^. 324 eoch. S34-39I9, M a rg a re t or John. Guaranteed. Buy or trade lor S5 flxpando. iklrU d, very clean. fully air condlllonod, ' oxcellenl springers or beef. Hap or Clyde condlHon. Phone S33-4I17. Lakei, 3 bedroom, lurnlthed, uted, '473 a fter 6 p.m . w I4a00, Man G slloy 423 4169 Of GEM . 1399S. D urley, 470-9401 or 713 7SM- Hughes, Duhl. 50-5135 o r 543 W49. STATE H E A L T Y n s 5JW. 3DEDP00M UNFUHNISHED.SIM -GALVei,—AfL—*tIBSt—Aii“ iocar~ L?< 35' W JJilLE H0MH-1MB<-CXlra .lQ-^.UOaiUS-UOMCr S339S< tn. ^ 3 0483. ' - Jw o m e , 13^-9949 Of 7 H . ^ t f ...... EAST FMVE PO INTS T ra ile r Court. L a rry Plnney, 3 West, '■! South, A d u lU w iiy . No pets. Shade, la w n t, W ett,'ol Dutil. Idaiio. L IK E NEW 36- k«>Am O fllry. HAWK'S DARN, Ketchum, olleri GOOD USED EQUIPMENT tliop and olflce tpacet available Apgrtmantt-^Furnlihad 70 HER D OF cows lor sale. 40 Holstein Oclohnr. tteated parklttg plus. 734- John Daaro — 1966 Modal 95 14 foot head with lull 1970 VAN D Y K C 13 » M. rHiono 471- NOW SHOWING co\w,30mllklno. lOsprlngers. 543- 3084 or Mlvervlew Trailer Court. PLUSH now apiirlm onli for ilnole 3SOO width pickup ond Chanay roal ...... oi^callentl Space 19, UorleV' ‘ ‘ » r ilo fin o il h o lu ro i in ' pnrioni near CSI. S3U. John Oaorc 15*69 M odal lOS with cob 16 tool heod Modfitn MohilaiJaino — E X C E L L E N T S M A L l-, J tw»riroom Farm* For Rant .lOOJo-ISO'Holtleln hellws on hand- — mcrmatill*, no poli. »Uo l*hwie Cheney real ...... exctillontl W elghl 1.000 lo 1.350 pounds. tvM) Living. CSI MEN STUDENTS, everylhlng 0 ACR ES belwven Twin a lll artd ways to finance. One lo fo Jr years. 1971 SCHULT fu rn ith o d . Uc{>nitnodAto& 4. t3S John Daara — 1957 Modal 55 12 loot grain and baan - Cows insured agalnsl death. All All liio t and price each. 733 8314. 733 B3U. .R o ^t—Board and Room 76 hellers .guaranteed- EUGENE rangot now in stock. IHC — Modal 151 12 (oot grain otlochmant H U G H C k 334 3415, Jerome -ONLY-l-LEFT! 3 HOOM turnlsliod apflrtmoni, 1 SLI-EPING ROOMS and apart- hlock Iro n t h ia li tclto oi a t 316 North Oliver — Modal 25 10 foot with grain attachment FoaturinQ m e n tt by th e w*>ok al Shady Rest W antad To R a n f' 18 MONTH p L O , proven Anous boll. 65 X 14 Custom 9th, Stuhl, 543 S370. Hotel- 440 Main Ave. South. *150 00. U50.00. Call 839 5417. 197 2 BUDDY JEROME AR^A, loed lot facilities TWO UEDROOM, walor, tanitallon SLEEPING ROOM lor tinulc per to winter SOO calvet. Also SOO ton I DEMONSTRATOR 880-12 Foot W indrowar • Big Sovings Delivered & BROOKDALE furnlUied. Lawn, ihadff. no peti. HORSES, DULLS, loan or sale-. 1-Ion ton, clean. CarpetiKl, tSS nionlh. 1 DEMONSTRATOR 680-14 Foot W indrowar • Big Savings BRIARCLIFF Senior aduH« on ly. 733-3934. kitchen at .319 4lh Ave. Eait Chevrolet slock truck. Darrell Sot Up Locally liu iu iro Al 377 Jo lfo rto n o r call 733 1 A C XT090 W llh Cab, ovarhoulad. aKcallanll Lyon- $43 S834 , 54 3 5 934. MOUNTAIN CABIN P UHNISHG O A P A R T M U N T , Clean >073. atlractive I bedroom, adullt, no 1 C oia.l 140 14 Foot W indrowar folly pquwpod tp rvico ------— 1-12-ppbn'imHTflckup ------^ 1 - 0 7 4 9 5 - dapnr/mvnt lo prohicl Hahnm lm Tytartqolif: ------BV 1 John Daara Model 940 Ldnd Plana.12 Foot our c u d o m o rt. Apar(m«ntr-~Unfurn. 71 Farm ImplamanU HERD APARTMENTS, 1 bodroom, A G IC VALLEY PAUL'S MOBILE 19A4GMC 3 ton tru c k , 10w heeler, S.S. 17 HEAD HOLSTEIN milk cows, 4 newly clocoratfld, a ll utUltiofc on m 3, 351 V 4, IB' Lockwood polato headoAppaloosa horses. For sale, OBILE HOMES H O M E SALES cepi liuhtt. nxcullent locnilon. 733 GEM EQUIPMENT; Inc. hed. 374 5(143. 534 3IS4 - 324 5tl4. Buhl, Idalio 9S31, -• Twin Falls 733-7272 Buhl 543-542 "Always Botlor Buys”' “ C It.l Sh.M.U 733 3260 ‘D#.*SJ7io^i43-5452 IIRICK, VERY NICE, 3 roomt, " . Roa»r ''33'26fl4 milfli Wall of liotpilal rodncornt«»d, cnrpoled, onr.'^ae. Open 9 - & . Clotod Sniufduy Latlln'5. S43 2nd Ave. East. USED INDUSTRIAL Opa^ Suniio/ 13 5 unlod i>y. DISPLAY MODEL FOR SALE; 1949 Model 43 Curl Oiroci potaloe tiarwetter. Like advnnc'o nppoinimcni — 733-6141 PARTLY FURNISHED 1 bodroom ■ EQUIPMENT BUY, SELL. 'TRADE, Dairy CLOSEOUT ap artm en t- A d u llt, no pots, t)ood new. Phone 733 3719. TWO 1970 LOCKWOOD windrower spring er cows and h e llers, close I Only C4 » 12, n liodroom Hton(iiin»n. __tn n pen Posev t, Son. 334 '* ’ * * locn ilo n. 733 B03H. ______■fL&SflAA rtri«l_nn Trjiftr'r_^ -ISflO. Pjo^lP.g , aiflgfli:A ..-B oiii__ haua. original apron*. Hank Scholle, 835- 5188. Uowni ilinu, CAT Grade*- ' M a k e O fle r ------^WCfLYNETTOX H i <00% Kodnl APARTMENT FOR RENT. I IHC AAodti 4100, 4-who«l I ONIV 64 « 12 2 bedroom)ni [IroodinoroHroo 24 2 l>nd ' PUMPS MOLYNEUX MACHINERY, 1983 ing lor 17 yadrs, G.D, Clark home helweil«rpack~h6rtal7” CLEAN STRAW, will lihar* lor 1972 ACADEMY cutllng and baiing- 334-44S8, ,300TON GOOD.QUALITY allalfa or HORSESHOEINO, trlmmlno, and By Skyline alfalfa gras* hay delivered to gro om ing . Phone 334-4431. Denver Knoll Creek Field Station, 30 m liet Pine, Pller. - South ol JackpolT -7 0 X Jackpot, 755- Below you will find mahy services available (rom Magic A L L T Y P E S o l horses, bought. sold< HAS ARRIVED!! ^ W AN T; 5.000 bushels of ba rle y o r 3- Iradad. Plenty of ranch o*lding*, Valley Businesses. Check with our Service Directory when w a y m ixe d g ra in . 733-3935. Ren Haley, 733 4055. loaded with mony oxlros. you're in need of'c, professional. The firms below offer the WAtjT TO BUY: 100 bales ol straw DEAhJ OUAUS hone thoeing ond and now (oaturosi CloM to-Tw ln.Falll. 733 3007. Ifimming. 733-7646. ■ Oaluiip corpot finest in service and quality prqducts. Check with one and • fu.ni»l.«d BIG D E / ^ FOR SALE: Beaulllul Hlot»-splrltad„. " lo'Qe loom i sesi , ' 8-Ve*r'-0ld torreP gelding. BoW face. 9 w t)lla slocking feat. Wa* In " niiflrglott imuldlion ON U S jt Payette County Sheriff'* Potaa. ‘ Slorm windows W A N T E D , m ixed g ra in . 314-40)1. C O M B IlffS ! Jerry Callen. Good barrel horse. Will pack w ild Dolivuroc/ A Sal Up lo c a lly gam e. 733-3993, 1 — M a tu y F «fgu w W up *r 92 ovethouUd Animol >r—ding 100 EXPERIENCeD HORSE breaking^ *7995 training, and boarding. 334 57M, A G IC VALLEY 1 — M oney Ftrguton 510 di«(«l SELECT~Strw Incorporated. Al Jerome. MOBILB HOME TttANSPORTiNO braadt.dalry. bael. Waller Lallch m MORSCSHOEINO I ~ Money Motrii PO OBILE HOMES ■HUFRIGERATORS, w aili.ri, S43-44SI. HUGHES. Mobile Homos. Locally 3«i mil»» W ill ol hotpilol drynft, ranges. Reaunable rates. Horseshooinu. Stanley Drancti, BIG SAVINGS Qt^.AlL Sh*ap 30 yean et^porlento. Call owtied. Insured-carrior. Local and. Jerom e. Phone 324-4715 br 3J4- O palnllngr-inlwl&r-4iiHl-«M- JtR/lSH-fcJJARaAflB-SEBVICB^ rMAnfARDrfr^ChWpra'cTorTT^7“ lorior. Reasonable rales. 734 3744. . BLUE RIBBON ONE ONLY _ - North Washlnolon, Twin Faiii. PARKS AN D SONS — 733-4441. DOBERMAN PINSCHER. Ipiyad Plw ne 733 4741. i USED BALERS lamale US. 4 slameta eat*, f)0 POULTJIY PROCBSSINO ______Cpmmorclal and reildanllal INVITATIONSALEI hauling — containeri — special each. D r. Atwood. 543-4173, , . I - New Hollonii 6H .MO Twine lie '25 ulected Ouarler Horsas and 35 24' W ide hauls — IniIdD or outtlde clly EXCAVATION • C0NCR6T6 ____ POULTRY PROCESSING. Poultry ov«li(ixl*ortt>_alr, cre**.| B rifta n y t. F O R S A LE Soon C o llla t and 8 :E pr»f»ri)iZH aebtdcJm i£l^^ STEERS OR HEIFERS TSO^OO LBS., BEST QUAliTY Oafivarad fraa lo Youf faml

c m T K im b a rly , 4S».|1Q4. ' g.z. CATTl^ COMPANY. SB^ii t4,'»fa;ijlin7Ta~dlio~ orouragtnlln'yourcta , RON craven. , ■■■; t r If )(9 u're in the market for a fine used car, then you nriust look at these. Not only ore "thise some of the top-automobiles in M ag­ ic Vdfley, but we have froze the prices at rock bottom.

P M A O ’.!:''. . u ’. II 0 0

o’e llto (-■? LU /i:i: :ciiti:v^:3 ml Poa imiohe L=>DEfi^oiT :.:icn \y = . / hei cEii :,’ O TO iis I iic = ' , , -70-|~“ AI-N-AVC-eAST--r'VI|-NF-ALb6--l-DA-l)^fr)=

TO ALL LINCOLN '.■i: iiciji!Y,oi:ali;us=guhdav might huesideht HI SON ANNOIINCdl AN li-l'OI NT I'ROOllA:.' '.’Jill CH’ I tlCLIJDet 1971 MERCURY MONTEREY 1971 MERCURY MARQUIS |) ELI-.'I HATI Oil OF THE 7 -0 /ij FEOEHC E :(CI GE TAX Oil CAilS iTirbaaUlllormldnlgKrbtue rnetallir^fh~wHite"^nyl iport root, thTTflne” ; 2 door hordfop. baoutHul »ultooa white wHh dork blu« vinyl »port root, dorktJu* '-Olj 77 E F I 'E C r iV E ANOlIOT 1:i. Af YOU (NO ). CDNtj-IIEOEl OIIAL Al'TTTOTOT . ” to woll ny{on corpeflnQ, blutf mofahlftfl nylon lnl»ripr, hlly equipped, with oir cor^ditioni j tomobile It equipped with 429 V -8 eng'"®* power iteering, power brakei, oulom ati^j^l^ ,I|J REOUMiEI) ro HEi'EAL T l/f E,'!C( OE - TA .'!=AL THOUGH C0t;i!l!CS5 ing, automatic IrontmUtion, radios whilewoll tiret, wheel covert, tmfed g lo ii, ^>roteclI^ - j trantmiition, electric clock, fender ilcirtt, wKilewo||,tire(, radio, tinted glatt, outomotie^l^''^; • . ' » trunk releote control, of courte it hot whitpcf ojr coridilioning. ■ ' •botty-tid<»-wouldift9tr*^00-U-8-en^in». ------— - WILL NOT JE HECALI.EO AND CONRRE SSI OtlAL ACTI ON TMEflEFOnE ~iiiLL irrTrtO TO TTm TiL sEPrEMnen, T iim w T T ys'nrA'i'rm rHAs FORD MOTOR PRICE ...... ; FORD MOTOR PRICE ...... *5530 ISTATfO THAT THE E);CI SE TA:( change would he RErUOACnVE Iro AULJCf ' I'A 'V Z J yi; 'Ml oil F':CE. TUE E.';CI PE TA;:' -TheisonrPric^FreoztrDiscopni— ...... Theisen Price Freeze Discount . .. J981 ,V ':'L Y "T 'J ".'iLI. r t lT T r T m T T iK O | i> ;( AI713------UOUELS OCLQ, I'Y OEALEIIS AFTEII AUOIST 1;>,TIIE AVEllAGE 7% Federal Excise Tax Cosh Refund . . 7% Federal Excise Tax Cash Rotund . . 237’®1 267” AV.OHIIT WOULD ;e A liO U T I’.iJiKi I'E It CAlt=C0H(JllES5l OIIAL APIIOVAL 0F_TH|S. Acrioil CANNOT, OF COimsE, HE C.UAilA.'ITEED, uUV | ■>:i . Any'.vIiiiU' In /.\guj'. , '■ I 'l ^3724f *4282" YOU CAN AGCUIIE NE'.I C A ll .UlYEUS WHO 1‘UIICMA.OE UEF011E OUCH —Plus when CongreM approves-ProsidenLNiKon's rogues) you will ■ rocgivi'. . _____ Plus when Conaross approvos Pro&rdonl Nixon's roquost you will receiv^;^ 'Al’ l'nOVAL THAT THEY WILL 'iE RE I .'.:UH II SE'd TI'IE A:.!0UIIT OF THE anothorcQ5h~rofund or$ ^ ; onothor caih r o fu n j^ ^237.10 from Lincoln-Morcury division. e ;; c i s e t a d a v i iiosT F "rrririlC irrroirD ravA i»’TO~riiAT~EiTACTEir^ IN AWllOVEO. PHOCE0UI1EG WILL UE | l.'fL'EI.tNTED SO j ■ HAT PEOl'LE ^UUYIIjG NEW CAUS l>ni OH TO, COIiailEOGI OllAL Al’l'noV A l

iviLL UE nEP.-nufiGEn q y t h e f u l l a j o u i i t o f t h e . t a x ' o u t , JU ST A 6-TMEV I'/Eili; ullEII e:!i;i GE -TA ;!fS-«EllE-nEI)UCEI)-l

OPEN >i t i s a l g o e s p e c t e u t h a t i' k o v i s i o i j w i l l m e m a d e f o m f l o o h STOCK llEl'UnDS oil NEK AND UNUCCO CAflS HELD FOIl SAL E B V

D E A L E IIG Oil t h e DATE OF EHACfME NT. SlliCEIIELVo fODAY _ ------^ M S ::CLAUGIILI N ..^= ------;------r ------We are proud to be one of the first to be willing wy o . I car at such great savings. Di;iiv.;H'd /’Viiywiirti; In M cuiic VaHt.-y j-or , i Plus wlian Congreis gppi’oves Prasident Nixon's raauest you will rocoi'^»^ I (yoitier, cash refund of $212.70 from llncoln-AAorcury division.

; : z ' " Tlmat-Newsl Twin raid, IdAho,- Sunday. Auoptf Use Want Ads Evjery Day I MlM«han*eu W anted 141 ftoa l* For Sol« 169 Motorcyctes Q o o d T h ln B tto Eat 133 M lK«llan*euB For S ol* 140 8 Uvttfock WQn^ad M u r CH WOULD diapoie of con I WILL BUY dltect or Auction your C ABIN CRUISER 30' T o lly c ra ll; J'O R SALE 1 1970 SL 175 Honda, ceuton booth, Twin Falli County GALL 7i33-G93V furniture appllancet«ddt & end*, complelely rWorbiihed. New 80 Excellent condition. Phone S le rn 't, 190J Jnd Avenua I Jerome, 334 4465. Fair. S|X>^^I be neootlated and TIMES NEV^SClASSimO SnaKle R iver Auction. 7)3-7754, hortepower Mercury outb 6a rd . For Prompt Pickup mechanical steering. 4 wheel guaranti WANTADDEPAfllMENI ' '* Of Dead Animals G O LDEN j U.BILEE' pMchM and 33A4M0 o r 733-s^ 3 After i p,m trailer with electric brake* and While CHrmtn Peachet racdy. od J™ auto co n tro l. »3,300 734-3768. 1968 KAWASAKI 130 Trail bikt, 500 m ile *, t335. Phone Sun V a lle y 736 McCoMum-Slmplot Orchard, NEW ROW SACK public <«ddrets Trueki 196 Truck! 3500, Clyde Hawk, tormefly Taylor*. Mornlngi and •y tta m . Phone 733-1433. 180 e ve nln gi. 7337«53. CASH f^OR S C R A P M E TA L Motorcycl**' SINdBR PORTABLE Co(ipw, Bratt, Aluminum. HQNDAANDCi^HS TMAAVOes. PEPPERS, hot _'KBdlalors. Batteries, ^tc- 1970 HONDA 100, Street model. N«K«nW ni),.!«l« P "l* «•«'£• . , Appllanca* & HH Equip. 1^0 ^p p e n , AAanweli't Oartfani. W35 H.KOPPELCO, _ ' B K C o n e n !^w a in o n 7 -p T w n e 7J3- We b u y -'*e ll~ tr*d a . Open Sbfl E ld re d o * A ve. C all Taa-aWft. . IS3>id Avenue South 7405, I day*. Open evenfng* ap: USED WASHERS and drverl. NEW FIBERGLASS panel* for polnlm enl. ' rKondltlonsd. S39.9S PEACHES: -Starl ••rjy canning patlo*. carport!, etc. 15 centt Per VtrfO siA, 1400 l^ lle *. Phone Ouhl M IL L E H HONDA SALES ’ And Up. ULA CK EH A P P LIA N C E early Halei. By order only. square fool. Color*. ■ groon, -wtilte. Fuel and Wood U 3 543 5683 o r S43 a. rURNITURC. Power’! Orchard. II lUNSEH __ 433 5179 ; S, 10. 13 foot (englht, WESTERN \jt;i:D L-UMUEM and tlmbnrt for 1?;0 YA M A H A 135 Enduro, excellent rOR SALti bn« nvArfy new TAKING ORDERS lof corn, NURSERY, 540 M ler Avenue. 733 fxilB, tKv nl Union I’nclfic freluht condition, low mlieaoe. 334-4193. venMonsI MsytAO waUier wllh tornalito ira lo e * , and rhu ba rb . Phono 733- 9179, V n rd i or ;>linno llo llltlo r 655-4315, SUPER SPORTS tw in lu b i. Alu>> lo m e B n tlqu *t. B333. .P J £ K U _ E ^ ^ .>tl«rURC, lonu w l(U bon,. 6 cyllndar •iiulnv, W iioonnar, V-Q miginK. ouloiiinlK H«aling Equipmant 144 Corrtpieie *eleClion Endure and JUST PUHCHA SriD A S « nri ap- polaloe«, S cent* pound, ,13. 50 733'143l. 1968 nSA VICTOH, Dirt Dike, ox 4 ironiinliilon, A ply tirvt, Ironim ltllon, 4 wlinoi iliiv« .' liicl- Motocroii. Expert **yvlce all ' plUnce. 30" dolune rjinoB. poundt, lon>atoei, O K W aihln gto n. cellont con ditio n. 734 if439 or 35: makeidf bike*. Two m ile* louth of MUFFLERS Inttalled while you HijnKMul loolnoood. J 1 2 9 5 o iji'liiilit, o n " u . tiiw iiiili>i«d pun*. Layaway now. W« >3?>idAv«.MJ»W«»l 7M10I $1895 ...... i . 1 . 8 9 5 while full ioloctlo.*, will tradu. B U Y NOW!!! fVade. R E D 'S T R A D IN G POST, Uyt»n Tnnniat A rch o ry. 7 m llo t *7irsno«TionB engine, aulo- _w flU n» r. 1 *0,00.. DrB«»maker lijj- lonu-widfl pickup. VU 4 ALL-TVP 6 S anIiqUa-iiirnllurB, CHAPARRALlsn.A.wluiiil ilrlvo. all .■JiialliU-tfaiiiiniiuon.- lU'lona • 17 O U AO P - M h n c n « 00- o v e r- n n d clocht. »om« olatiwara. , terrain vehicle, lale or trado. Nnw e.itt, good ^2095 .undttr rul), Sncrilicn. Hn3.50 Reatonable pricei. SALLV'S p ric e »1.B75. S P E C IA L t1.S95. Phom- 731Q7A1. ERICKSON MOTOR 733 4000. 'r e g u l a r SIZU Solid M A pI* bad. ANTiOUeS. 4M 99SO. tnotAndor mntfrei*. MO.OO 3« Je ftcrio n . 73] 4 ^ 3 . FOR THINGS WORTH KNOWING read the "PerionAl*’' In' lod»y‘« USEDJRUCKS C la tilfie d Ad«. G. II. 3 ipooi! AUlomnllc, F ill*' < .ow crawl riont after cleanlngl tArnt 1966 INTERNATIONAL 1964 CHEVROLET our machlno «l. WILSON nATES, WA^hlnu mACliinD. Good contilllon. R ED B A R N . VA North Waihlnoton. 3 Ton. 345 V-R angina. 5 tpaad , 7 Ion, bia A anotnii, 4 ipnpii IronV S43 «OiO. Twin Pall* and Jorome, Ironware, dithei, furniture. Buy lionimiiiion, 3 ipaad raor aula, m iliinn. 2 ipnad rn4T ■ BACOO SCHOOL SALE •67 D O D G E - Bio 6 Hiiyina. 4 ipaad 5PEED0UEEN WAihor and drv»f. Good c h ild re n '* c loth ing . A ll li io t , 3 Ion. till cob. 361 V-B 2 3 ipaad raur >i.l«, 035.30 litct ovcellent condition, both fo r 134S a I priced to u>ve your budget a roAl and ttaw paint. Caln'»/733 7111. ipead tfonimitiion, ) ipa«d t«ar Wn NEW AHHIVAL5; Fibnrform boAtt. Boy't thirl* And panlt 75 oil*, powar tlaaring, 900 X 30 and Mdiiwlndnr Ixinlt. .livinrude ACKNOWLEDGED BEST BUY cent* And up. C Irl*’ dressos II and raiGIOAIRC euitatii-^lmpttrl*! IP30 C H E V R O L E T , a ll o rlo ln a l iKfl. E^callenf (ondiliori. '65 CHEVROLET 2 Ton and Miircurv motors. JJUD-ANO p a rtt. M ake offer. 733-4754. op. Sfcfrf*. twoalor*. blouioi *t. , •MARK'S. Vour fivlnrudft and . N O PRICE RAISE OR EXTRA portflbiB dlitiwAitior, real »hflrp, 4 cylindar anoina, 4 ip«*(i itnninm M n rcu ry Di>.il(-r. 1167 [Ilu r LnkM tl$9.es At C A ln't 733 7111.- '65 INTERNATIONAL 1800 i «ion, 3 i(i* -( i tBtif o.la, n?5 « 70 N o rth , 731 1194. DUTY ONC-ARS IN STOCK!! V-0 enoinff, 5 tp««d tiiat, ir. axcaliaiil (ondilton ENCORE FAMILY APPAREL 7 tpaad leur o»l«>. 900 X 30 iiroi 'tutnllut. » HH Good* 133 FOR SALI;; 16’ 5o,vHovcr l«nl. . lAroi) collodion. Hayes furniture. Next to E lU Dulldlno, Jorotno Hsovy July lli(ou(jli oiil. ------LucUla-Coit M a rk 1100 Morcrirv motor .>nd PRCAAIUAAS P A ID lo r round dinino _1965-E0RD-CJBQ___ — ir7itirm in7’'rvtn'rjorm7Tionr:— MOTOR CO. ANTIQUES a. COLLGCTIBLCS. 334 3933 Till cob, 361 V H e*nomr, 'j »(ii'ril tablet - roll top deiki — Drau lAroo varlely, buy-tall. Chalet 1965 DODGE D-500 ^ lii AvvOiia'U'aU ■((inimliticiii. 7 \prn kpnucl tran im itiioii. (paAcI avlo 900 V llroi. tiilra Iniiy whml canvBi. Crewel kit* and tioolt. 2 11.35*20 .uhb«r. Ixiia. UNFINISHED FURMITUBI!. A N T IO U E S L COLLECTIBLES, Hourt 10;00 a.m. to -1:00 p .m . I, buy-ull. Chalet hloheit guAlltv. uood lelKllon; w ee kda y*, S aturdny 10:00lo 13:00. Mhone, Idaho. 8U- Ed Elorriela Mary Carter PalnU, \9M Kim■'‘- - 733 M04, M r*. Wlllinm liruloy, 153 BIG HEARTED berlv Hoad 73J 9th Avonuo liAtl. 1971 SW EEP OUT!! » ForSa(»-i-140 197g~SCLP f»R0PBt:Lt?0-31-inch- 9 x 13 LINOLEUM rufli, aitorlad Lawn Boy mower with hag. in n nt p a tte rn *, »7.M. B A NN E R FU R ­ DO IT VOURSELTI Shampoo your C a ln 't 733-7111. N IT U R E . T w in F a ll*. 713-U31. own Carpel, profetilonal retullt. ABBIE URIGUEN IS CLEANING HOUSE! ? Rent m Clarke thampooer wllh 'KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, China CLOSEOUT ot 18 jncl> Lnwn Hoy companion vacuum. Banner mowur*, nl Cain’s 733 71li 288 ABOVE COST BUYS THE NEW 1971 cloieli, unflnlthed. varloul »iiH F u rn ltu ro , 733 1431. 'S 4> 1tE E K IS onij »iytBi” Cuniptete”tlf»*“* l“ Uiv- finUhed lurnlture. Danner For PICKLE CROCKS, varloul iliM , TnOaA luTATSr , “ 50CTBlSZlr2ttd-AvBtTOe-5TOp*n-6w>nm{)fr4il-&-pii -OLbS-Ol^aUlCK-OFJ«)UR_CHDl£ELOJ\/lBJ_., ■nilur* 733 1431, buy now al Banner F urnitu re, 733- each or 15 con In lols of SO or m ore. Soo Oa Io hompi^on, TIm oii 1431. ______Aulot For Sole Aulot For Sale no NEW ANp USED CARS IN STOCK WINDOW DISPLAY tpeclall 8piece Newt.r^.Wln Fflllt. ,v|r,n WERKOR W ERKO TAPE recorder. ISO. New loo t# ctithlort tola and cfiair’, — M u w r Keer~cootr...... , m atch lno decorAtor ta b le t, 3 table eco rdt SO centt. 336-47M. cooler tfom U.innor Furnilurd. 733- iAoipt, and Iramed picture, all lor 1431. only tl9».9J. termt Danner SPOTS before yoor eyec — on.Vour F u rn itu re . 733 1431. new carpel — remove them with WE REllUILD hydraulic lack* at Blue Luilre. Rent electric ADDOTT'S AUTO SUPPLY, 305 »:»»-c* «»«'»«:• >od condition. th am pooer I). KRENGEL'S. Shothono'St. Soulh. REMOVE carpet patht and tpolt; KITCHEN carpel Aniron 11, nylon. fluff boalen down nap. with Bloe grtMtn or gold, U-O Stquare yard at Luttro. Rant thampooer iV C a ln 't 733 7111. GRCCNAWALT'S. ou)iMDOiVL;_ ' TWIN HGDS. ‘vinyl hoiid boardt, REFUHBISIIED utod electric Acidrottoaraph nnd Graphotype te a ly m a ltre tto t. 150.00 UO Jel- 5 0 .5 5 te rto n 733-41A3. m nchfno. Gary C ruppor. Clolto, phone 343-5S77. 3 5 , 0 ' DRGXCL' MAHOGANY 9 pioco D inino to t. Now llu illw b il LOve 8 7 .4 5 —Seal, t«.l. 734 3768. 7 0 .0 1 1 5 .0 0

« \ . 7 6

B 5 .0 0

LEO RICE MOTOR CO; GIUSON ELECTRIC bat* Guitar. Cherrywood finith. EKCcllent ------condition. C a ll-733 5604. 1971 GLEAN-UP!! EXPERT Piano tuning, and orQan repair. RICE'S MUSIC, 175 Uiue La ko t North, 733 9046. 1971 OLDSMOBILE ROY ALE , trucks 1 9 6 T ru c k t NEW 1971 CHEVROLET AulottiaUc tranim iiilon, air condlliot>ing, tinted i FOR SALE: Cofm C flflf AHo SaitDphone 1150. Phonu F ile r, 376 Nova -Malibu - Vega giati, 4SS V -8 engino, t(y(« tfeei w li«al(, rodio/ j roar tpeakert, vinyl vory low -miloago. ______VERY OLD, very fine Rosewood p | j i . Caprice - Impaia M a rtin D-31, beau tifu l lone. Phono Sold Now For $5721 734 3390. j I l . All models $8e SALE PRICE . . . M l 8 8 OLDS AMUASSADOR Datt Tcomhnnfl Ujo d ,, 1 . . tciiooL. -CUAN^WStMMIsroc-MSfOSlh ~njSEtrrRt)CK"VAtW &S- n^Fwn^roLDm oKitE- 1965 BUICK IE SABRE 1965 OIDSMOBIIE 1965 r a m b l e r Rodio and TV Sett Delta 88 - Cutlass - 98 •1 (loQi Ix iid lo p , v-n eitn^ni^. niitn . HOIIDAY. Spoit Coupe, c AMHASSADOR, 4 (Uor tedon. V'-H t((inr 3 door Itardlop, (lulemnti* truni- Com pany, 130 3nd Avenue North. Tower il««rino'.t^ew 22" liret. 12,500°“ CATAHNA; H.irdlop coupc, vinyl trim hydromatic, rwtio, pownr ([lily owned. »ion, rcidio. m iflio n . pow er H ee lin g, newer iiaig* 196(S IHC lunvy duty 7 Ioiib, V-tl ono'do. . ttoorino, power braitos, air con Gorage.Salet' M AKE US A N OFFER "" 1 3 0 5 fl 2, n !? i tir»t, »A“ iu »l ------dlH o nino ,W w * 1S05I...... innSAUl'RICE . -19 8 8 ------L!3255- cioaranco price $3995 1967 BUICK GS “TV6rCAXJIttAC Dithet, glAttware, radlom iinent. 2 door liindto|i, while, 3 ipnad COUPE DC V IllE , fu ll p o w ei. w ltile . 1966 DODGE - 'black vinyl top, locidedl Clothe*, dried flower pictures, I960 IHC n-1113 log nkis Iruck 345 V-il. 5 & 3. Air liro U t, Factory - l/untniiuioii, V-0 eii(|inu.- - CORONET. Station W |i0on, V-B mUcoltaneou*. 419 Maditon. Grar^dvilie - Grand^Prix engine, iiuiem olif huntmittion, »u«p«n»ion. GoodlO.OO tU *l 4 0 j^ O C Q O . ioa&AlEPItlCG . . ^ 2 6 8 8 pewet itaeiing, beige. TUESDAY, Aoou*l 34th, 1938 Fall* ,nnd in-fliilUt...... * J 4 V 0 $flfl‘ftlE t'mCE ^1388^ Avonuo Eatt, Furnlturo, rug*, Bonneville - Catalina 1968 CHEVROLET SflBSJliBVftlCe . , ■ ^ 7 8 8 many ml^ceilanooui iloini. 1961) Dodgi 3-ton jlu m '^ iu tk . 3 lB V-B, 5 (I 7. ~ ~ ~ -_1569XHEyROLET- . “ CAPfllCE, a doo»-liar«ltoj). b lu e / CAPUICC, 4 door l» irdto p. t»iua/ 5-yd. dump bad and l i o i i l ...... ‘ 2695“ LeMans liUirii vinyl tap, l>u(tiet tanti, a>i w liili’ Vinyl to|i, powtii tleeri(i|j. candltioniim, uutamotic liciiiim it- 1967QLDSMOBIIE- W 67 f^ord V-ton dom p’ljgck! BiQ 6 »nO'n«.' [ITiiower'ilMllnflr UJUOULStll. ilnli.n wami.. 5piece braided rug tei.'nyloncore, ^ (lulemstlt tiunim iuis furniture, new and uied clolhino, 5 A 2, 5'vord dump bad nnd lio iif .... ‘ 2395“ ^ 2 4 8 8 apd mitcelianeout. 1 m ile South o f KIEV/ 1971 BU1CK= x U O O tiening, pewar tiee Cemetery on Hattland prive. 4th .JV 70 IHC f.-2030A duflUlflvfl Ifutk______^ 1971 BUICK bioliet, tinted glait. houie Katl."' • will. V-n diaial engine, 5 (4 . lull nit. ------B L B C T H A -3 2 J f- r « d lo ^ l r _ c o n ------^ new 10^00 » 20 irrei,3fl.000mllat...... ^‘‘ iX s o o . dltioning, power toal*, powur - 1969 plDSMOBILE ~ - 1968,OLDSMOBiLE_• ' 1 0 8 8 SATURDAY a, SUNDAY. Tool*, window* cu*tom vinyl roof HOYAIC, a door lid fd te p , o '* * ” '' lawnmower, dithet, anllquei, DELTA as, 7 doer tjo id le o , llokit 1943 OMC 6x6 tru ik w illi good covorlngi, wa» U317. • Ii Ii k Ii vinyl lop, nglomiitk trnni- niiicellsnoout houtehold Itemi, blue, w lilte vinyl inteiiei.le«iar,'aU condi- 1966 CADILLAC lo m p lu rn itu rp , HIO 9th Ave. E a tt, 17' ilv e l ptotlof'm' • ' ...... ‘ 1495°° m iiiion, lull power, iiir condilianing. tlonioM, power tleetiny, .power ______, Cloarancoprice. — ‘$4995 hfoUt. 4 deer hardlep, nulemalfir l/unt- 51111 SAlCl'BICC. ^ 2 7 8 8 million, power iteerlng, power bialiei', wlndew(,-ai( candltienlno. O o o d T h ln 0« To E al 133 1958 Aulol)ihfll, ^rirto conialnert. W 6B IHef->lflOO dual-d«iv«, 39a V-S enoln*, !> «< 1 9 6 e CHfeVROlEy ■' u H P tv m in g , 3...... -SEE-US-T.ODAY-F-OR-'CLEAtsUU.P_ -J-968-BUlCOWlDCAX Ironunluion, 4 tpaed ni»liln>y,' Sport Coupe, wliila/dcirb blue ■nemRr-ruiih;^ ------m«rOtOSMOBILE 98 > H ilaeman onr> H iglHaoerm igh w a y 30, power it e a r ln g ...... ‘ 7000 PI?1CES ON ALL 197.1 MODELS lyl top, power tl«eiin(|, powei motU linntniittlon, power tt’eet- 4 deer ledon. air coHUItlonlng, liiiiiila i, oil (onditi^ning. Ing, power iteaiing, power brobei. DEGTS^ COHN, tomatoei, other 1967 m e 1800 tag-OkU, 392 V-0 angina, 3 ipeed ___varletlM of vegetablet. LANG'S Imlon, - ■ ' EASY BANK FINAtsldiNG W U B S B V r W W G ardner. H 9 8 8 _ tBB'SALBI>_R|Ce M3B8 ia«s»ieniice* . 11 1 8 8 ^ Hutch luip an iio n...... M 5 0 0 - 1968 IHC 1800 tog oMU, 393 V-B engine, S ipe«<) ^BlE: )*r‘'*rVllcrno peachet. firvln trontmlulM, 7 » p ^ o«le, ■ • entfab'*. Snorih IW M iof Wett HuKKioipeniJon. ,...... i'. . . ‘ 5300 in U .______1 W U H C .U M -T fO llff PuH«f. . V J ii m ! enjlne, _ Iranimiitlon, 2 ipe *d faar oxie, AB BIE URIGUEN 'sw eet corn, so cenli doi*n. . f r n h red p o le lo e t, 5 c snU pound. 'MOTOR COMPANY MAGIC VALLEY'S FINEST. IDAHOMABGESL " “""“"•MAGIG v a lle y |ahQa3a"4^3.s ■ BUICK OPEL DEAL0iy-l-l ' PCACHES, Colc^fn Jublleti, Red INTERNATIONAL. Jnc- 733-87? 1 712 MAIN AVENb^SQUTH TWIN FALLS-., Truck lane Wejf . , 733-4Z6 ■^^ r / V e A - L-iH l e i , -' Save A Lot'! ■,5s

' ■ r -' . -A-.- , Sunday. Auguit 27, 1971 T lm n * N « w t . 'T w in F a lli. Id e h o ' 39

Melorcycl«« u o A u to t Fof Sola 200 Auto»F«rSaU 200 A u to f l ^ r S al* / aOO A u lo t fo t SoU 2 0 0 A uto * F«r SoU 200 A u to t For SoU 2 0 0 A uto* For SoU 2 0 0 SHARP ‘4a JU V E L IN SST, 343. «BBoiimir»nofnrwiftrenji»*«* automatic 3 ipeed, air conditioned, matic tranwnlulcn, m ik« offtr, BROTHERS front dlic brakes and power ' 7 3 3 -» « . > . Pontiac-Cadlllac tiee rln o. 733 1540. FOR TitADE OR SALE 1947 one OMC I9«3 F O R D , 4 do or. D«y1lma 733- owiiner pord Country Sedan.-cleaft R upert, Idaho 434-3474 FOR SALE 1944 Impala. klandard •nd good rubber. Catile or caui .3 1955 CADILLAC CONVERTIOLE. ■ h lf l. v-8. W ill flf> a n e *. 359 9454. Evening* and w e«k-«nds. 733- ‘ FOU S A LE i IWQ K vw a M kI Ore* Good m otor. S34-3400, »I70. m llM w e t! t, IXt Soulh of South FOR SALE or trade, 1943 Chevrolet \ . StrMk. EKC«llinl condition. Phoni M ad lton . •P * rk . 733-4349. B licayn e, W50. 733-5M3. e vtn ln g *. 1943 MERCURV MONTEREY, 4 PO RD G A L A X IG , 390. )«A3 C O M ET. 4 do o r, 4 cylinder: door, power tteerlng, power imatlc. power tteerlng, air. atandard Irantmlaftlon, one ownar. 183 brakei, one owner. 543 9 774. good rilbber. At»o 1949 Jeep pick- 733.IS99. A lte r S. 1943 3U.CHdvR0UeT anglnt and 1944 SCOUT, very ( tra n im litlo n .A p p ro K lm B U ly l,ooo Spr»gu«. Buhl. I SEE THESE! m llet on compl«l« ovtrtiaul. 733- 1944 C H EV R O LE T w llh I94B 394and «ller 5 p.m., 7077. 4 »peetf, m ao*, v in y t top. U50, 733-. 1940PONTIAC W/SGOW:iGodd ahape 1969 BUICK ElECTRA Hardtop Coupe fo r lf'« age.' 4374^13, U tility T ralU rt !95 BronM llnlth with QotcJ top, power it«erlng. power brakat. 1945 CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE, 4 POP SALE! WM Wfool T*fry, good 1970 B U IC K O P E L , ila n d a rd ' pow«r window*, power M at, nev^ tires, air conditioning. SPECIAL condlllon. IS7S. 324 SpS9. lranim U*lon. Phone 733-3543. S«ot InHotion A t ... -4- I w ill g « t you a n y uaed o r new c a r • End O f Summer }W h EEL Mstal Irallar, • fool b«d. m o SCOUT. V 8, 4-wheel drive. you want AND *av* you money. 1970 POJ>ITIA,C CATA'lit'JA Sport Coupe UO. Ptiont >31.9013. E x tra n ic e . »3,000. Conalder See m e and »ave before you buy Gold ilnith with gold vinyl top, motchlng gold leather inter* tradef. Acrou Laiy J Mobile DEAN MOTOR CO. Vour next car, CAR VALUES!! 4 0 9 n d A v » . S, 733-2022 lor, pQWar iteering. pow«r broke*, air conditioning. Trucl<« Home Ranch, Poletlne Road, after 2 BOB LATHAM'S 5:30 p.m. PINE AUTOMOBILES n e e d c a b and fand«r» (or m7, NEED A CAR OR NEW HOME? ". . Between the Artlc Circle 4nd 1970 FORD GALAXIE 500 4 Door Sedan 1968 FORD l9St, 19S9 C hevrolal picku p. Joa Coniull today'* WanI Adi, the good neighbor fence." - CnHinii GT i|>oii a ll. 397 V-8, naw 1971 PLYMOUTH FURY III (eother Interior'. '$599 —Trrii n imkii ■ ittn ■ *** — '. t v * ______Clean. ?3319S«. 1969 FORD GALAXIE'500 4 DooTHoraio^ 1969 PLYMOUTH I^JTEHWa TIONAL 3COUT.-4- 19*1 Power tteerlng, power broket, (aclory air conditioning, wtiaal drive. Full cab, Call ?33> FUBY III, 4 ilon.f hnnllop {low .r a^io. . .______deep green, like new. itiarinu, powar trotumiivion, V-0 •ngtii#, l9<3 P E T E H D IL T , 3B0 d la ie l. " 1967 XR7 COUGAR in n tiilio niru , thutp l)lu« linith. low Power tteerlng, power braket, oulom alic tronim ittion, foc- $2295 trailer, belted. «300. 43i-41/n. lory air condilionlng. 1967 PLYMOUTH 1969 OLDS 98 Luxury Sedan VIP 4 fjoo' hdrtllnp, 3U3 V-H oulomotic trnntmiltioo. powar t9M CHEVROLET pickup, heavy 4 door ledan, power tteerlng, power braket, power win- d u ty, ton, eKCellent atiaDe, V B. i pnw*r [Jiic b'okai. racilal' ipeed. 733-7394. dowt, power leot, (oclory air condillQning, beoulKul green tum, tUnnr

)9i« FORD 700 Truck wH>« IS' beet $ \ 2 9 9 , - bed. A ll in A-1 condition. 334;3te3. ■ '''1 t9«0 '/j-TON INTERNATIONAL. Youre^ Motor Co. )9A3 M e rcu ry M o lcu r. 733 607). 644 Main Avenue South Twin |=alls 1970 FIAT * Glenn Jenkint * Kelly Houk * Jock .Cox Dale Sorenton Coop*, bucltvl 4 tp iaJ truni- •1949 W ILLY Pickup, good condlllon. million, radio, ------• IJ3 MJ4. »3ftn

USED 1959 ford'Panel. »3S0, Ptione 733-3477. ______1957 IN T E R N A T IO N A L C0200, INFLATION -1966 OLDSMOBILE 98 tingle axlo, SipBO(jtr»(«imJulon. 3 4-door udon, V B. outomolt< truni- ipeod axle. Knaptielde million, power ileering, brnkol. bed. Call 7i4-3B7i. FfGHTING $1395 19M INTERNATIONAL 1900 u rie i — witti-die*ei-*nglnertandem-drlve, power *teerino. air brake*. E>t- 1967 CHRYSLER ceptlonaily clean. Dutil< S43 S473, CAR DEALS NE^WPORT, (uitom . door i.don. 30 FOOT LOCKWOOD potato l>edi; \6 lo M foot fla t bed*, B39-5007, 839- at deflated prices s n i. ____ _

FOR SALE: 1955 Ctievy pickup with $1695 itock rack, good condition. 543- . 5330 a lte r 6 p.m . 1971 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 4 Door Hardtop 1964 MERCURY — t95>CHEVROLCT-9-tM> w ith lla lb e d «400. 1958 Ford 3.lon. tagged, ipud -Two'lonerW hiliwdllfibergloirfireirRodio-and-* ~ C O M tI VIllAOCB.-llolion wn bad, reAdy lo ro ll (1,900. 1956 Ford er, Cutlom belli. Tilt fleering wheel. Power teat, Turbo Hy- V-B in o ii...... 3-ton Tandem drJve *1,300. »pud pow tf tieering, power brpkei, i dramatic Irantm lttlon, Remote m irror, 8ody tide mouldingt, bed. 434 4534. condilionino. lliorp. Soft ray glott. Air conditioning, Power ileering, Power ditc 1971, ^ 4-wtieei drive. For u le or b ra k e t. $695 tra d e . B84-354B, e v e n ln g i o r weekondt. Wi.*n o mon >«och«i hit ploltou ol «0( « u , U llltii to l«*i eon indulo* himtiK In i» Uw quUl loKurU*. II you ogf*e. »"oy w iugo«»t o d.montlro- list $5586.63 1958 ONE TON Ctievrolet Truck for tion drive in thiiH»71 Dodg* Pobra 8roog .om Iwo door hordtop dnv.n 1967 FORD MUSTANG ;___ 5alc.,4J0-We5l-Monroc.-Klmbcrly... onlv 7391 mil#* n*w and •outpptd wilH tofr,u*lloln« wilii'tbof bof»»l odo« “ VnhilonrtopTnbberrShqrjr------lofy olf condilionino, pow#' UMring. *P»»d wiodihi.ld w.p.M oil US&D-CARS Autot W anted linl.d glo.i, glau btll.d «»or»l ot.d f.or bump.f goorcl., oow.f diic 1971 PONTIAC LeMANS COUPE $1295 WANTED 1944 to 194<( CItevrolti 1 AT SPECIAL PRICES!! 350 V*8, while w all Fiberglott Tiret, Power Slaering. Turbo ton tru c k , C a b ctia t> l« . 734-M44 Hydrom olic, Rodio. before 4 p.m. W ot Beloii Price tS191.15 ______1969 DODGFDART' SA LE P R I C E ...... ^ 0 7 A utoi F«r SaU List $3736.62

1970 DAT5UN 1400 College Itudent. ^ V/.ll i|«age dcmonUrcilart (or loU WILLS MOTOR CO. 1971 PONTIAC LeMANS 1943 f 6 r D F A IR L A N C W50. Good . 236 Shoihona St. W. & 254 4 lh Ava. W. condlllon. 733-7434 before 5 p.m ., iOQ Dlo(k 7>ulA.«nu«S 733-2891 a 733-73lr^n! m^♦i^on^Rad^o^Body^^de~TnoultJ^ngI^Tilt■v with new top and new liret, low tory olf tot m ileage, 733 0144. , in~g wheel, A ir $2395^ 1957 FORD, 4 door. V-8, automatic. Good condition. Priced lo lelll Lis't $-1883.20 '■ Phone KIm btrlv. 433-5M). IN STOCK AT ACE HANSEN CHEVROLET $ 4 1 9 6 0 0 John Chris Price...... 1968 DODGE POLARA . door lodan, V-8 .nflln., aulomot- 1970DATSUN, 1400. College U udent, Ic tronimiulon, power tteerlng, m u M .ie lt. 13.100. Phone 733-1874, power broket,, new wKHe w oll ny- a lte r 4:00 p.m. BIGGEST SAVINGS OF T ® EAR QN A FEW DEMO'S 1971 FIREBIRD ESPRIT t o , ! , . . , 400 cubic Inch V*8 engine, turbo hydromotlc Irantm lttlon, 1943 CHEVROLET IMPALA, for power tieering, conyon copip^rfinlih. lale or trade lor pickup. Rum LEFT, ALSO 8 1971 PICKUPS G O IN G AT HUGiySAVINGS good. 733 8481. 1967 CHEVROLET IM PAIA. . doo> ko.dlop, n r V I List S4195 enoine, outomotlc tronimliilon, 1948 M . G. M ID G E T . EKOellent power iteeriM, power btokei. <«<> condition. Call 733-1374 or 733-8371 1969 MERCURY MONTEGO 4 DOOR 1970 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4 DOOR SEDAN John Chris Price...... * 3 5 8 8 iory a ir condilTorilng. evoolngi. 350 V-B. automatic tranim itiion, power iteering, factory oir. V:0, C>Uto‘molic trq^ntmiition, powet Hearing, pov/er.braket, ------$1495 FOR SALE: Otevelle Super Sport 394, wilit 4 on th» lliusr, chrom f and ^ 2 4 5 0 mag wheelt. Bail olfer. 884-7504. N D w ’ i i ^ s o , Was $2850., . . . N O W DEAAO'S AT 1966 MERCURY Cyclone GT 3 door hardtop. .V-B 1944 VOLKSWAGON for ule or UNHEARD OF SAVINGS!!! •ngln*, outomotlc tranimitiion, , trade, motor not runnlno. 433-4011 1969 FORD GALAXIE "500" 4 Door Sedan 1969 PLYMOUTH FURY III vinyl lop, ikorp. , alte r 5. V'8, automatic tranim ittlon, power steering, vinyl lop. Hardtop tporl coupe, V*8, outomatic Irantm lttlon, power tteerlng. ^ ^ _ $895 , PO NTIAdS aUlCKS CHEVaOLETS . . . . . ^ 1 8 9 5 Was $2295 . . ^ 1 9 5 0 Was $2395 N O W USED CARS 1970. FORD OLDSMOBILES N O W MaverUk. 6 cyllivdef etiglne.Hiond- -'■"™T?25”D0DGE dart 2 DOOR SEDAN ■Tjiii Iiuiiwiiiiiliwi Inf H flflamy.tx ~nr9B7TrAMBtEirREBEL4 DOOR SEDAN 1968 FIREBIRD V'8. oulom oiic Irantm itiloh, power (leering.. 6 cylinder, tlandord Irantntittion. 1968 BUICK $1995 CONVERTIBLE LeSABRE V?:DeDGE:; -OwlW vfKt t w e t w r tW n ib b t r ------SECURITY----- Was $1995. ! : f 7 N O W ~ ^ l ' 6 8 0 Was $795 . . . CORONET 500 *1990°° PlAup'coLp.r ^■.iiflr,ittiIloiL.wooon,-V^*..nuto. 1969 CAMARO SPORT COUPE 1962 OLDSMOBILE 88 4 DOOR SEDAN *689 fo. Was rubb«r, A lao l (liMno . J l«lodl>|, motk tfentmkitow. power itMrIng, factory a $2195 ■ Your Datsun dealer. I b . ^ ^ - 5 ° ° - the Small Car Exporl. - m 9 - Let him bHow you whot 1967 OLDSMOBILE 1967 CHRYSLER GOMAAERCIALS * C O M M eRC m S Town t Cownt^ tletlen woqmi. (wli^ -makeg:the 1200 Sport --- - - VISTA CRUISER------1966 PONTIAC EXECUTIVE DOOR ^w*<; ibete»y o lr condltioijngr'i** Coupe 80 perfect. V-B •floln«. Automatic t/onimliiJon, 4 Rddlo and bMt^r, Power lUtKlng, Air (ondillor»lno. plot mony otkM $2195^ ■ • IWIining front bucketH 1970 CHEVROLET Vi TON iono wh.*i bow, h.bup, 1968 INTERNATIONAL 1 TON TRUCK with «w ro8peod- 1969 CHEVROLET Vi TON Unq wh..! 1966 INTERNATIONAL 2Vj TON rtUDCM onive i«u«. Mw.fclol.. 4 MdM, V-8 V-Otu.bottydmmoirclfannwl.ilon. automatic transmiiLsion 1965 CHEVROLET VWb..l d.in pUup v a. 4 >p«d. *1480°° • Fold'down rear Beat .... - 1969-D O D G E 4 WhMl dil...pl

...... Dean Motor ACE HANSEN CHEVROLET BONANZA Mp IN BURLEY IS ITS PATRIOTIC [t h e y 're f r e e z in g p r ic I s .^


WTFONTIACTimilHA lOTBUlCK EtECTRA 19n DODGE DARTSWINGER "7 door hardtop, iport coupo. 4 door tedan, V >8 engine, oulomolic Irontmiition, 4 door hardtop, aolomallc lror>»miiiion, power iteer* 2 door hardtop, 31B c.i. V *8 engine, automatic (rant- cylinder engine, auiomalic M power iloering, power disc bralcot. ino, power broltet, electric windowi, electric teoti, mittion. power fleering. green. / ^Slocii Number 61-25 gir conditioning. ' Stock Number 31-29 Slock Number 61-51 / '< * , ...... $4098.46 Stock Number 21-13 Retail Price...... r$3389.35 Retail Price ...... /. .'iSV.'' » DISCOUNT PRICE $3256 Retail Price...... $6164.42 YEAR END DISCOUNT PRICE $2995 YEAR END DISCCJUNT PI ebatetCash) . . . . . $196746- -YEAR END DISCOUNT PRIGE-$5145 -£xct«e-TaK Rebate (C a s h )...... $122.36 Excite Tax Rebale JCciih).;,. . Evciso Toy Rebate (C a s h )...... $304.42 TOTAL SAm s ' 5 1 6 '’ TOTAISMIHGS"^ T 0TAISA»IHGSM 3 4 3 °-

1971POMTIACU MANS f^7 19 71BUKKLE SABRE 2 door hordtop, 250 c.i. 6 cylinder engine, outomatic 4 door ifldan, power tteering, tranimidion. an economical tportt cor. malic IranMniuion, air conc" ' Stock Number 61-61 n » n » Stock Number 21-^0 -Retall WcB. . . . $3474.&.l------Retail Price. .e*1H=NDi)ISeGUMT-PRieEr$2979------KEAICEN D it VEAR-END DISCO Excise Tax Rebate (Cash) ..... $251.60 Exciie Tax Rebate (C ash ) ...... $174.51 Excise Tax Rebate (Ca; TOTAl SAVINGS ?670"" TOTAL SAVINGS® 114 T ” TOTAL SAVING: 1971 PONTIAC VENTURA II 1971 DODGE CHARGER 500 2 door tiardtop, 383 c.i. V-8 engin#, automatic Irani- 2 door tporl coupe, 3 tpeed trooimiision, economical 1971 PONTIAC GRAND VILLE 19 71BUICKSKYtARK million, powar tlearing, power brake!, air condilion- cylinder ongino, radio, Pontiac'i riewetl economy 2 door hordlop, loaded with everything including air 2 door hardtop, power ile«/i;ing, powe^ brokei, aulo- 6 '" 0 - cor. conditioning. PontfaV* new<>tt luxury car, malic transmiiiion, air conditioning. Stock Number 31-10 Stocli Number 61-62 Stock Nuniber 61-58 Slock Number 21-31 Retail Price...... $4577.40 -Retail Price. , , ...... $2894.61^ Retail Price...... $5937.16 Retail Price...... $4551.69 YEAR END DISCOUNT PRICE. $2617 YEAR END DISCOUNT PRICE $4994 YEAR END DISCOUNT PRICE $3779 YEAR END DISCOUNT PRICE $3895 Excite Tax Rebate ( C a t h ) ...... $153.61 Excise Tax Rebate (C a s h )...... $292.16 Excise Tax Rebate (C a s h )...... $231.69 Excise Tax Rebate (Cash) ...... $166.18 TOTAL SAVINGS ^ 4 3 1 1235^^ to ta l SAVIN 4311 TOTAL SAVINGS ®8 4 8 ‘“

19 71P RIVIERA 1971 DODGE CH 4 door hardtop, irwnng. power orgne», nuio- ^tayJA ateZ.-—— ■ ■ :_2^oor^liardiopri1D DISCOUKir PRICE-$S973- Rotail Price. .... YEAR END DISCOUNTPRICE. ^ ‘='1i;linTn^ b- u-.. (r'J.il) , - , $355.27 YEAR END DISCOU Excise Tax Rebate (Cdshl . . ; $25'2.09 Excise Tax Rebate (Cash) TOTAL SAVINGS* 1 6 7 6 "" TOTAl SAVINGS®! 147'“ TOTAL SAVINGS ^ 5 5 0 19 71BUICKELECTRA 1971 PONTIAC GTO 2 door hardlop, automatic Irantmittion, power tleor* 1971 DODGE DEMON " IS T ip M G E ^ ^ 2 door hardtop, 4 tpeed Iranimiition, 400 c.i. VO ing, power braket, eleclric windowt, electric teoti, air . 3/4 ton pickup, 303 C.I. V-8 enginei automatic Irani- 2 door hordlop, 225 c.i. 6 cy|lnder_9ngln»,..ay|omaii m liiionrpower i(M i’lnorpov.;er broket, olr condition* enoin*r,“power»torrino. - • ...... '::=:r------—co n d itio n in g ; euitom v ln y lc o o f CAVerlng.------— ..... — ' — ' — . -. _ Tnq. duolg^dnkCLRebate.t:Cath)^__ .■■..$ loa.d.1— E x«ls»^«»i-«»b«»«-(^»h)-T-T-T-r-t-$a34:92 TOTAL SAVINGS ^ 9 1 5 7 ’ ° TOTAL SAVINGS^1 5 4 4 ’ ^ TOTAL SAVINGS M O 8’ ^ TOTAL SAVINGS^! 2 3


-325 OVERLAND 678-9436 ''



*• 'V jl H » u * f i2 v .C I*7< l» NM, Ik . m «.* I l l f.f. 0«, 8 - 2 2 IBXJGB B X J N N T Y l>5r Stof^el& JEXeiyn

n i r ) v < ____ REFKESHUENr STAKID------tp ,------V. W O P W E T O K . ^ . P O UOH '...... A5-^e)ap!7~;T ^ :Mm\

mM' ^ ‘ i c v / N . £ . s i ® 4

si»Ni>6\ vei WHAT A KEVOUTIN J itlc^euyM cN r/ OFF/ GMQMVMl

•HE m a d e a l o t -o f m is t a k e s IN THIS lO U T . . . ESPECIALLY WHEN HE INSISTED OM THE C O N T U C T CALLING FOR A R EM ATC H r

CA.PXA.XM' ‘EA .S 'Z b y Ciroplcs & X.a.'wrexxce m e m G V E ^ F l IT'S ©APE TO— — VBNTUKB OUT •! THAT MURPggQUi

FXUSCXZ.Z.A’S POP B y A 1 V e r m e e ir OX7B SOAZtOXM rG XZOX7SS liy Xaes C a .rro ll

x.a .n c e :x.o x " h y Colceir & Penki.

WINXHROP 1>3r D iclc O a.va»lii IF VOO p O H 'T a R g 'S I n u n N i o s E f L :DP,THI(JK . *

CA.ACPX7S C1UA.TTER tby Xiarry; X ew is

-DrAW POLLY-^mtfl-tWrinrtm’* Bowlftff' from spflntsring I put’ o laysr lirif birtbdoy coke ) didn't hove any- ef matking hip« oereis th« boHom of Ihing to decorate it'>vllh,.so my hut* -Ihs-bM rJrSof^iweod-U-M paelolly.bad— -band-Cflm^e-UP w ith o gdod Idea. He a t iMvIng jogged •dgic and thlc lap* mad* the hole larger In on ola’fefltnB' lifllpt k«ip that from happening.^— LtE nipple, then thinned some iclng_and tinted it Nvlth food coloring. H ext he DEAR POLLY—Fir th« top cover on filled a plaitic baby bottle with Ihie vour studio couch llk« a contour iheet. thin Icing, put the nipple with the bla It stayf in ploce and Is eoiy to remova hole on it and did a nice {ob of decofat« ing the coke.->MRS. W . P. fo r woihlng^VE^^ DEAH POLLYr>My mothtr wa$ always cultido o ff b f my cyebroWs vhtn shf cu» my bangf with the « ltc tric cH|k> DEAR POLLY*^t hat« (o measure caui- psM, till i(i« put haIr>itlHng tdp« av«r l»ci sucb as lye or droin cleaner wUh n browc b«for« b .flQ iitB ln a .-^ ipopn thot U uled for.food^ to I told . . leveral thickneiies of aluminum foil to form a litlle cup the same slx« os th« deilred meaturlito spoon. After use,'it U thrown Dwoy lmmBdiatflly,so there St no chance of little finders gitllnp It^ or .of d bit of the solution remainmg on ''tlte spo<^ and gelling Into onytlting

DEAR » O llY > --l use n ip o n iK L jd ils - vitchniTaxel on it to rem ov^a llflhtjy._ rched'ip6t~fr6m~o shirh^N E C L DEAR POLLY— 6ath towefs'sewn to- ielher to moke a case (o cover o ho« © Ifonger>used crib bumper pad w ill moko DEAR l>OLLY<-Whe>i o pair o f s c iiio ri o nice cover for th a t chaise used out- Is broken, pdint tfie good half find Ul« doors. Sew though the C9n\at ond slip DEAR POLLY-^Small bottle# o f pet^ it lo r a le tte r cp en ir.^<^. B. . one-holf o f pod in'each side. Leave ihe fume, noil polish^ etc., con be moro plastic on the pods So they slip in and safely carried in your luggoae when out o f the cover easily, and iKe foant Sltm po0«Ulii0,«UlA0. u K on J y o U , \ Striped ScarvflS aimuloUjJllflpfomjadoubU. llfl( \ slipped Into the fingers o f rubber Ktoys c le on .^^R S ., R. N . W - - r*v® l buHofiiiMofi tilm. ______o d d i up t« \ •MARY KAY T h n e long, itrlpe d scarves ore o goe^ a »»yt# far iK# voum Indy. O odditidn to any wordrobe. No. 5491 H o. M 3 w lih PHOTO-GUIDE S i d e t M n d c DEAR POLLY^Hand-woshlng my has complett knit directions for bolb h in S l i t i / t o 15, bu to DEAR POLLY— Joy t liMilaJ o' «''ir ndJ <1 •««» 1o6l to If cloulc lIvU UM B CMtfMlW baby's and mvown ocrylic sweaters and scarvei, ___ »rS2 b«»^-2n-yo»d*— iKind. Na. ItliV W rfH O T O -O U loe « i ft i h n I t l« 50 (Iwifr- _ s hpahorn but had none, so ,1 mode a very usable substitute by c u ttin g ' 5uiti.uied_to.bi quite d.job. Now.l take. ** ^2-S4). SJie'S,'«>buir, a, yoidi ol « - l« h plui y«id» OTTT OtTR WA.'Sr l i e ’UidUU Ed Sulliv-a.n

J O H N3ST IT- W OJN"DE bsr D ie ls Rog;e]:*s A PgNKiy ■»

How MUCH-MONgy wouuD-ydu SAve in . 3 0 fAVS ipf you SfTAR-rep wirw owe . . peNNYTHg PIRSr PAY ^ m > DOUSL-ep -THB AMOUNT SAVet? ON ':pACR:F=pTOWW5 W r


liBTUBiETOlOgsr THIS WEEK'S TOP FCftN6 SQUIRRELS.., PRIZE QUESTION: S f ^ P T ' IW W H W ‘«i)wa‘'fSf5 .coif^e(st,yiN( 3ovr- SCJUIRRBUS fi\r ' ■wewTTTi^By- PON'r puy uif0'ipo peer. eauiRRBi- ftKAy.: .... - v '- r. i' ;.. V ■;:■ ■ f '"V ^ ^ ' ■ ■' ■'^ / ' r . : ^ , r 'y ' ■■:■! -... 1 . ‘. ...: .V. ■-:^;--:o>'-«



I have iuat ^cen a copy of your now hook, **Tho America We of interest • Nearly 12,000 boys liavc been citiMns caretr?— Sac- to others: funny things, sad things, cxeiting things, dull things. Think of. Father Flanagan’s Hoys Home since • rantento, Calif. af^iit RtnrieR-yQulvcJicardJn-yQiir-fainllyl.tlie-unclc-who-r:aiuawav— t was cslaf51isHrnc n miner, the cousin who rose to fame in the music world. tlieKc, a cot\sidernblc number have served hlindnc!is-and tliis mcuns that nllhoush. Scenes of your cliildhood sliould readily come to mind. Then, do the in the Armed Forces, c«ipecially during is in color, I r c o some colors on most important thing of ail. Pick out a time of day when you can sit at times of national emergency. More than , the m onitor in blncic iind w liile. Dr. Rob- a typewriter for 15 minutes. And start typing. Use a check list of items 1,000 Roys Town alunmi served during rrt Pfeifer. conaullnfH in ophthalmology -thnt-you-know-by-hc«rt—Eaoh-il«y-ty|H>-for-!-5-nHnul©ar-Tlii»-do©finU— —World-WJur-lIr'With-40-giving-their-liv«<)— the Society for Vistial Care, explains mean tliat it will necessarily be publishable-but it will start you off. for their country. About 400 served il this wny: even Ihougli I huvc trouble during the Korean conflict, with four disiinguishing (between ccrtain colons— lositig their lives in military actiott for exiimplu, purple and orange are often Several hundred have scrvc^l or arc now • No. I've just ruled it out absohitely. F o n GOV. /IOJVA/.D IIEACAN, shades of gray to m e -l am able to coin- serving in Vietnam, and to date 10 have It would have l>een attractive to mo 10, Coliforniii' pgiisate by (lifctinguisliing sizes, shapes, lost their lives. Tl»o majority of those IS, 20 years ago. But here I am 59 yearn OUatuJera ara very dead' patterns and brightness o f 'colors l>ettcr Imve l>een volunteers, howcver-not ------lim n—lho-avorago-|MjrR«n.—Fortnnatoly,— ^-oldr«nd-Mhink-il's-a-liitlo-lalo-in-lho- ^Ju.pldniii=uot-thc^StaiV- of CaJifonxia uaea Ihsnt d r a fte e s . truflic and signal lights never confuse me, day to take dn a new career - for nracttcally all of ila so th a t 1 have l>oth driver's and pilot’s ------E01L£EXBIL£ALK^^ ■^Kfefiscrn-As'for-tlw-ftocond-paft-of-yoO ry —FOIVJACK^JiENNX- question, Tve never had any career difU- ...... ''■AWhat.. i» ths m oit i$npof’ L . \VaUace^J^urJin|•onfet IYou ore going to he on MTV in Ihe fa ll on a onc«- ciilty, even in the visual medium of TV. •^tant thine d performer Calif. . - ' nut at the Iwginning of World War II, r hoM to do when he ia pet' • Tho, California Department of Public metfery'third week aeriea. although the Army accepted me, the j forming before a Uvb Moalth has found ho evidence of human ■ Would you consider do' Wi$tg a weekly serieaP— Navy turned me down Iwcause of color '^^audUneeP'— J. M . Walt- fatalities caused by oleanders anywhere blindness. : »r$, Auailn, Texas in the state. In fact, the bitter taste of the' SiUs, Niagara ll'alU^N.y. • The main, thing is to grab the audience folia's^:, is enough to discourage anyone i>On JOE KLAAfL author of quickly^ Onco you .do that, you can fronringesiing it in siilTicicnt quantity to t I'll never go on TV on a weekly basis "Anteila I^arhorl Lives"' ^ ander all over tho plaeo. If 1 find that causo'death. We use oleanders as high- unless I can’t work anywhere else. I’m , I.iuai road where you taid Amelia Etttz------mv oncning'ma- wav planH»f»g |n»rnncn-tinuwvitwMr-pt!mra iura!immy.'lfT*rnitrthiSTiUttcrr1*lHiikc hart diaaffpaarod Jt^ly 2, J037 anti weis terial. I'll make a quick adjustment. Onco • arc suitable in areas subject to adverse a weekly scries-buj only if I’m in the declared legally dead on l^ew Years D a y I hit.tluj.rigfu note. I’ll more or less cnvironme'rttal conditions. Other plants gutter. I don’t think it's very gratifying to I had alwaya heard there was a “freeze" thtf act so far as tho opening arc l)cing tried in selcctcd locations, and |>lay the same character week In and sovctuyear wailing t*eriod luffore anyons part is concerned. I never worry about some may function as a freeway median- Week out. You really become a robot ii’n» legally declared dead.Waa rt/# caae what follows or in "getting o(T.” I've light screen-but probably not as well as during a series, imd 1 don't think there’s airexcepUon, or has that been changed? found that onco you’ve established your-* ' oleanders. any joy in that. =^1lairlet VituivehhooelKauhaunaiWis.^ ■scir,"therc Is no problem In winding up • -Normally, a misslng'person is legally when and how you want to. " Wsirf to ■ Um tnn p«r<«>n • q u A illo n r You can th ro u c h Ih ls e6tum n. S «nd y o u r dead in seven years. BiitSuperior Court tMTAUrably on a {MMlcard. to Ath Thsm Veur«»ir, rsm lly WMlUy. 641 L»i at LC3_Apceles ruled Amelia Earhart r o n WILUAM E. MILLm, VMk. N.Y. 10023. Don't forgat your nam« atMl «adr«M. W«'r« sorry, but c dead after IR months. Everything about J964 Vice Prtsidenllal p u blU h od e«n b« «n«w«r«d. r iv * tiollirs will bo pa id lo r »ach onm U M d. tlje,Earhart disappcarunce is exceptional. Catidldate Aineli^ Earlmrt’s navigator, Fred hit, Cohlwatet has said Noonan, was doelared legally dead by he knew about PreaitJent F a m ily Weekly Th« N«w«p>|Mr Maf■*(»« . AutfUat~SS, J97J another California court's ruling on Juno Johnson’s plans to esca­ . UCNARD U C N A R D 8.8 . DAVIDOW, ChairmanI MORTON I^ N K , PratidM* and l-ubUahar _^6, 1938, less than a year after they dis­ late the ivaf in 1064. D id W. l*AQe rHOMt>80N. V.P.. Advarllains Olraelor HORT PCRSKV, V.P.. KdHcr-ln-^hUt appeared In the PaciRc. However, no one either of you ever con- .Adv«rt(a(>t|( U gr.: bonaU M. Hu(rofdi.Mark4tt/n« REYNOLDS DODSON. KJitOf has ever really proved Amelia Earhart sidet exposing themP— Dfractor; Bid Layahkyi Naw Voik S ala* U g r.: Oorald 8. Wroai Ifaglonal Salaa U u ri Robart J. Chrttiiani JOHN e. DAVIDSON. Art D/racter and Fred Noonan are dead-and there la. . I Ann E. Regan, Brighton, W aiUrn Adv. Ugt.: m tta a ilL . S iu rk a i CMcmbo Salaa considerable evidence that both are allvo U g r.: Je« fra a a r, Jrg OalroK Salaa Ugr.; R ichard T. W om an'a SdHer; ROSALVN AHRCVAVA Mass. . riynm Soulharn Adv. U gr.t S t*v«n J. X h m u ty Food editor: UUANie D£ H«Orr today. Aaao«Ja(« Cdflera: Hal Ijartdon. * »; Never. Wo figured Johnson would PubUahar R afailona: R obart D. C a m ^ and UIKon Lounabarry. Tarry BehaaH*l| have simply denied it, and we "would Laa EllU. V .R t Snd C o-pir^ctora/ t**ar OppatthaJmar. W«a( Coaat VOtt CIIET IWNTEEY H. Marriott, Thoma* H. (VNoil, Manajrara " Art Aaafalanl: HatM HanUHen I Therumorisaroundagaiti*^- have looked ridiculous. We would have I’ fodoetJon; I aippflch. Dtfartor; that you will return to !>«/>-' - ■*-been-on tho-comiC‘pi\^VlJ^ lie life, but ihia time as a made us look like people whining, aitd C d Jlo /Ja l* N aa dq ua rtariJ S41 U n ln c to n k v a .. Maw ViVort(«N.V. 10022 candidate for the Semite. in my opinion would have served no (P 1B7I, rAMItV wegkLV. INC. All richta r M a ^ 'TrueP-^H. II. Cunning­ ^urpose-HBXcept to lead to an even or commania about anvrmalarlal in rrnmltu Waafcty. W r;ia to Sarw/ea Editor, fam ily W»Mhly, 641 Lmnlrtgton AvtnuS, Naw Vor*. N.V.JOOai. ham . U tile Hoek, ArK greater defeat. . ■ -r-‘

Everybody's in bed and you1l be soon,but not yet> because the bath is so soothing and you can relax with ^ ^ll-bodied flavor of an L‘M... 11iis...isthe moment

Kinnsi 19 1.3 mi!. nlcotin« «v. per by TO mDthod. Sup«r Kings. 19 1,3 mj. nicotine «v. per by HC n* “The Moment I Felt Closest to God” A s told to H arold Farkos

"It was in an old wooden "Is it possible for a back "God was always a rather tnhnrnnnln. Aa the preacher yard to bo a church for n remote and abstract figure tnlkod of sin and judgment, child? It was for me. It was to me. That is, until one day I felt God's hand."' my sanctuary.” in a hospital in 1964. . . ." By Billy Graham By Lucillo Ball By Carol Lawrence Many times in my life I have felt close To me, God is a hilt, a cloud, a tree. Tlic I was brought up, llk'cmost girls from How to cool it lo Got!. But if I were to choose one ex­ moment I felt close.st to Mim was when Kalian families, to l>etieve in God. And I perience that made me feel closest, it I was a teen-ager visiting .my'grand­ did-but without thinklng-fffUch about it. when the would have to be Ihc night of my conver­ mother Hunt. He was always a rather remote and ab­ sion to Christ. I was in her back yard during a rain- stract figure to me. That is, until Novem- heat hits It was In an old wooden tabernacle in storm. That was where I sensed the pres- i>crl7th._I964. 'rimt's wlien my Itrst bai>y t»oy, ilhris- — you» firvuittLn ^gppigTinrtn -my” home [own ol Charlotte, N.C. cnce of G ^a rp u n d and inside me. run off to Ihc prettiest, emptiest Tliough I had atiended church with my . I ioved my grandmother’^ yard, and I topher Joseph, was placcd in my arms. ■ bead) you can Hnd. Tlien ]u&t re­ parents all my life, God to mo wus a far- ■ii. lax, Itnve fun iinil enjoy the surf. < ofT, almost inconceivable deity-vague alone. Every nook was uiili7.ed, beauti­ lion. At lhat moment I not only felt close .^n d don’t let your monthly period and impersonal. Tliat night, a.4 an old- fully arranged with flowers and rocks, to, but in a sense, part of God. stop you, when the solution Is so fashioned preacher talked of sin, of judg­ young bushes and fruit trees'. The seasons I remcmbe)c thinking that thU was the safe and easy. Internally worn ment and of hell-and of God’s forgive­ seemed holy-incense of hyacinths each great moment in my life—that it was Tampax tiunpons will give you the ness in Jesus Christ—1 felt as if God were spring: oak golds and purple^ come au­ thc'peak of happiness and could never be protection, comfort and frcedont ' reaching down from the heavens and tumn; a snow-covered Btillne.u In winter attained again. But I was wrong. On you need, right from the start. putting his hand on my shoulder. with the hieroglyphic tracks of birds, rab­ March 27, 1966, my . other baby was Tampax tampons were devel­ bits, cats and dogs in the drifts. My Imag­ i>orn, and when I first saw Michael John oped by doctor.j n d come in ___cAt first I wa.s frightened. Tlien I felt ination would spiral. A snow mound was three ul»or'l)cncy*Bizefl:> Reguinr, a compulsion to move forward and let I had the same feeling ail over again, llie Super'and ZimiDL They’re softly my friends and others know that I wantetT a Himalaya to.be scaled; the pond, an perfection of those tiny bodies, complete compressed and highly absorbent to live with God. When 1 stepped out ocean to be crossed. God was present In in every detail down to the fingernails, for dependable protection. And into Ihc ai.sle. th^rc came lo me an in- each of these natural wonders. made me say, os f have done every day disposal's no problem. Every­ dcscribablc. peace I have never known Is It possible for a back yard to be n since they were bom, thank you. God, thing's flushablo. l>eiroro. God was the mast real person in church for a child? It was for ipe. It was for these momenta You held me so \Vhcn the temperature starts that aui/^enco to me. Quietly I gave my rny sanctuary. close. *tJlmbing, go for a swim. Tl»crc's nothing to>top you. vow lo serve Him the rcsfof my days. It was not a mere emotional experience, but Klaht fram thm . . . sometlting deep'nnd abiding. Tliere were no great changes In my' life at that moment, but Httle by little, day by day, I knew that.I was a'different person. I began to love people more deeply. I had a now concern for poor and suffering people, and my childhood proj- —udiccL-disappcuicd^oLlooK-adeiiJhiit, I knew I must give my life to telling other people the wonders of God’s love.

Jh'atnUv W04klv,AuoUMl ailrJ»7i Most of us cherish moments from our past when we have felt our'lives touched by some awesome, unsoqn force. Here, for'Family Weekly, four famous poraonahtios reveal ^ their own most personal experienccs-^spiritual awokoning^ that took place far from the roar of the crowd

- “The year was 1065. 1 was- To this doy, rdon’t know whaf led me 20 and at the crossroads of to K^rch for an answer in chur^. 7 won never much of a churchgoer. And— —myJifB. I folt-losl.^and thorQ^ -l-H-be-honest'i-the^iuwcr..dkLnQLcomQ_ .was no one to help mo. . . to me on the flnt visit. But I kept return*, (ng to the church, anti the more time I By Tom Soaver spent in it, the calmcr I became. My corccr In hascbnll really began in a Tlien one day the answer just seemed church pew in Los Angeles n few short to swim up to me, and everything be­ years hock. came crystal clear, f would pl-y baseball. I snt there ull'itlono medltuiing and With my confidenlfc restored, good searching for a solution (o n problem. things began to happen. I signed a con* Should I continue at the Univdnsliy of tract with the New York Mots, I became Southern California, or should !■ follow engoged to Nancy, the girl to whom I am my first lovc-bascball? marrietj, My career with the Mets blos­ Tl)e year wus 1065. I wax 20 und at somed. won 25 gameM in 1969 and crfissn'tRfttirijrmy-tlftfrMynfractii;! :ctsed-me>-I-waat-di&iHu&ioneU-Wlth— -ItHliimore QriolcSi myself. I felt lost, and there was no one Since then, Nancy and I have become to help me decide what to do. Wlien ! the proud parents of a baby girl. And I started talking to myself iitoud and ques­ signed my 1971 contract with the Mcts tioning the walls-as if a pieco of con­ for more money than I ever.dreamed of crete could provide me with an answerl— making. And it all hegon in a church in 1 reali7^d that tiomething had to be done Los Angeles-whosc walls did finolly 'Tom mnd Nancy 8MV«r: “It all began in a church in Im Ans«


Why Some Days You're Tho Miracle Drug Generous, Some Not That Snvos Diabetics How docs success iilTcct yon iind your money? When Fifly ycnrs aj'o one of the yrcar niudical eraring glaw to be reclaimed: i‘ ----- ' HOU^HINTS ” 1. The glass must be reasonably clean anU free from UY I.KE PETTEE food parlicles. 2. All metul nuist ho removed.Xrom the gli\ss. (Tliis- > Slidinp doors opcrati?-moru^smQQthlv_if.VQU-j:miar_ is very important: glass compani^ can’t sHrt out bits pf larly use vacuun\>cleaner tool to pick up dust, sat\d metal from tons of crushcd glass; so be sure that even and grit from the tracks. , the small Tnelal ring left from a screw-on cap is re­ • Refrigerator .crispers perform besi^when at least moved before bringing in tlje bottle to be reclaimed.) , two-thirds full-hiuher humidity. -Pajwr-lnbolH^nooil-not-^^t-rctnovcdpbut-lrtbels- rSforo^fieTled nuts in air-tiuht containers in refriijcr- containing aluminum should Imj. ator or freezef-delays riicidity tiue to iheir high fat 4. Glass .should be iiorted by color: clear, green anil- conlcnt.--

W teklu.A uuuul tU7J Family Weekly Readers Note... Limited Enrollment Ends August 31st, And Only *1 Covers Vour Entire Family for 1st Month Every Family Needs This Hospital Protection-Now. Every Family Can Easily Afford It! ^ PAID DIRECT TO YOU IN-TAX^F:REE EXTRA CA$H^ «60a00-A-ii0IITH When You Go to the Hospital^And ExtralCash/Plus PavarYoti~0p To *15;060:60 ------NO ADULT AGE LIMIT-NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION TO ENROLL-NO SALESMAN WILL CALL It--- PAYS YOU $600 TAX-FREE EXTRA CASH tlio blnfior ^ills at hoinoc«uu» It covorfi Tell Why National-Ben Franklin Hospital Extra Cash/Plua more. Helps out for botli sicknou and acci­ Policy is your best protection for tlie lowest cost ------P-AYS_VOy $300 TAX-FREE EX.. dent, tho burdflniomo costs of Intonilvo Care a-monlh wITbTv^^^’ro C5 or ovor, l______~Bnd*ronv8tosn»nt^cnityrVt»»,-«wut 'months and $600 a month thoroaftor up to LBi^jllM t if 10. Jut> W ho C«H 0 » t Iw ta tn i C a *h /M u § r for furthflr Inflation. 1 o u t n f 7 p*opl« do ••cK year. Could t>« Any adulFwho >taa nor^>««n*~T^piTai $H.400 for each bonofit period—this in Now-for only S l-w llh no hoalth quflttions yo u r wUe, y o u r c h l)d r« n -« v *n you. VoU Can for aicknast (or mora than a w ^k In .... addition to Modicaro. atkod and rosvalets of your afto. or sitn of count on up tofIS.OOOwllti ExtraCathyPfuil last 2 ywirs. No Physical attd No A«a LImK your family, you oel your llrtt month's proioc- lor adults lo apply. tion for all ollBlble family mombort. - 3. »lS.OOOr Hew eema I'm (Mid lo muotiT PAYS YOU $800 TAX-FREE EXTRA CASH II. What Am Wa Paid at A«t M ar DvarT ------« - m Q n t h - fo t jia d L a c c ld Q D L Q r J jln o s s o f \ Your policy will Im Ittued tp you on your W«_ pay lon^ar ^han mo«t. t^OO a mor>Ui. m o n lh f tor mBCh Up lo SU.400 . . . for up to'3S months for insured wilo. □onafits Iwyjin tho vory ____ fiotpfaf^hJAr^flddruir_ ____ --- • ----- ' • ~%»OOJnwnUt,-- day in hospital. Up to ^15,000 for oach tb« uuisl Iniuranca Invattlgatlen* ■ • ■ witlioul IH« 111 d«y,wh«tharlor ilcknais or accldant. bonofit poriod. (Snmo 6b or ovor bonodts — ...... - . ...^..ay w h« i a. WKani V«u l*ay f«r Uy WIMT naad-il mo«l-whan your Madlcar* stops, OS yours). ../icalf! .S«m« biff as youni, S600 ■ month Cott-of-LlvIng Incraasas bring totals to is7s All of your unmarried dependent children , (uniMr aB* fiali up |o 35 months, to Slti.OOO, V>d S7B0. PAYS YOU $300 TAX-FREE EXTRA CASH may t>e Included undor this plan (Mttwoen the - •ach of liar hospital banaflt periods. 12. Da W a Qal th a “ tn la na lva Cara** fa atu raT ■ m onth BsosBSOS of o f 1 month “ and • 10 years. -Doth you and > for oach covorod child. Bonofits 4. Are Malarnlty BaMlIU Ineluitadr Vat. At aga SS or ovar. up lo SSOO, flO a from first day in hospital and up to $7,500 y— o u r wwIfe-H ife neither has Im n hocpltalixed for v e s t pays 1600 • month, up to 76 m onths, *------hospital banaftla plus for each benefit poriod. sic kmess n e s s for . more than a total of seven days lor your wira'a hospital connnamant lor any In titaita o«ttpast two years-are allslbla for coveraue. praanancy. or Ita complications, which tM- PAVS YOU ieOO tAX^FREC- EXTRA" CASH' Thero are no other quallflcatronsl The few cus­ Bind wtifla twth ara insurad. No add«d 13. What Am I Paid «ar Uss than a ManthT tomary evcluslona which >\elp keep your pro- cKarsel Vou'ra iM id I/SO of your monthly banatlts for » m onth for maternity benefits from first tHKh day of conllnamani from th« la l day. day in hospital. mlums low are described r swer (Number 17) at right. * Vas, for adults undar «5, Pays-»20/d»y Up PAVS YOU $000 TAX-FREE EXTRA CASH All This and Law Rates, Tool N-DF Llfo to 30 days. Up lo $600 addad to your hosDl* koops costs down with no red tape and ha- additionil for Intensive Caro. tal Incorna dollan, a total of SiSool (Olhar ■Vour i>ollcy can n«var t»a'tinglad, out for causa many paopla are amoved at onti tlm o - iranaroua banadts for olhar a n oroups.) C hang* or cancallallon. Rata 'icHadula throuBh the U.S. m ails. So after tite lit month liRBiitar racovary room sarvlca is covarad chanaaa or cancallallon could only occur PAYS YOU UP TO $300 TAX-FREE EXTRA ( tl“ on1y) you-can continu« your Cxlra Cash/ aftar 34 hours. for an pollclat Ilka your« in your cfaas and CASH for Nursing Home Coro.' Plus protection at those very LOW MONTHLY S.DaaaCash/P1uaCevarNur4lhiHamaCaraT stale upon propar notice. R ATES j Yas. R ag ardla ts o f acta. Wa pay un lo S 3 00 - It. Whan be Naw Manafil Periods ttartr $10 a day for 30 days (•ach^spltal banafit . Each allglbla hospital sUy for a rvaw tick' - PIU S: Your extra cash benefits LOW MONTHLY RATES parlod) for conllnamani In a nursing t>om« nass o r m lu ry s ta rts a naw as-m on th t>«na- or ho«pllal convalascant unit, ilarting wilh> til period, Bama o t ratatad causae ara cov­ increase SX a year, for 5 years^ A o t l>l Vellcyho|d*r~ In 7 days of a S-day cowarad hotpllal atay. arad for 2B monlhsi If not confinod for thal iMUrad 7. WAat fs tha 29K KalaaT ■iJmanI for >3 months, a naw benefit pa- Policyheld»r riod baglns. a total of2SH ~ to keep pace w ith A parson’s original banallls Incraas* SK for 10-44 S4.QQ S O.KO banalll period* itartlna afiar ha's insurad ■ I*. What Abeut **Pra-lKUIlHg^ CendltlansT t h e r i s i n g c o s t o f li v i n g ! 45-M • Q.50 10 00 yean aama incraatas Tor 4 more yaars. To­ ' &S-A4 11.&0 tvan IHasa are cwerad whan hospltatlialien n &Q ta ls 3ftV.^mor« cash fo r youl baglns 3ya«rs or m or* atlar prolocllon •tarts.* Tills plan pays so much and the $ l Orfor ImEor' -fl.no- (^>od, you probably hauc somo questions-or W, C N IIO llU IN r •MDS.y|OH|OHT. AUOUIT IIST. Y a i. Each ______~yvnCaW~HaVa ii.~ W K irU irn (V ~ t> c iiitla m r oven somo doubts. Wo'vo put all the answers cally and on« low premium covars ALL your Only a few,‘Conditions M tulling from dO''.' (includlna the mlnoi’ limitations) down rluKt Only $2.00 more a mbnm Covers All Your .. chlldran from 1 month up to aga 10, dared or undaclarad war or act of wan hero In bijick and white for Family Weekly elieibfe Children-NO MATTER NOW MANY. mental lifnass or rwrvous tiltardtri conf/n*'^ . - roadcrs-SQ^ypU-won't miss tho .Enrollment ^Sorry, only I policy pand and wlla are Insurad. olone Just is not cnotiah now when your fam­ of renewal. When htisband and w ife are in ­ Raisas b rin g c h lld r ^ ’s bana flts lo SS75. •Washinglon Rasldantsi I y*ar. ily is hit with a hospital stay. Especially with sured, the hust>and If the policyholder.

-Nationat-Den Franklin Life Dapt7^3T7r360 W BtTJlckloirBlvdi Chicago. Ilfinois 60G06 . A»OMAL.BCiy-(BAJUkLUL ____ , lire IN8UKAfUC( COUPIIIIAVKIN

w K m don’t cop out. ^y_sli|uld your cigarette? 4 8 | | lt| s the on i^ lu lil^ r Jg a re^ witfilow'tar’and nicotine. •


r A NEW ART OFFEI^ FOR ONLY $ 5 .9 8 FASHION/By Rosi^yn Abrovaya

I 0 VB 1 T MAGNIFICENT HAND-CRAFTED METAL SCULPTURE ■liL^iMKlna.coof)tfy.(l lovarv appM r to b« fkMtlng In •n aura of tp K *. Tfwlr poM will m«an m«ny thtngt to s many paopla: may vUuallM tham doing a ttranga and WAndarful danca on a- fnoonllt baach...walking through a tiald of Know, or run> ning togathar in ^'aprtng •howar. Atop a dark ' woodan l>ata, tha forms 4JeFe^s^his biand toftiy ona with tha _____ otha^, In atwnal tandamaM. Tha’~cop{S)n. ahapad by artitant akHlad In matal Fall ' ■culptur».9»^* Ull. Oaty fS.Otf ____MAIt, lO :p A y _ N O :R l5 K _ i^ _ Answer to, — — COUPON TODAVI — rA L M COMPANY, S74I , 4SM N.W. tSStt IL . M M . tu . i m * I hM U und m« , tti*. ,Sculptur«( I cIi k M b«low. CMlMAd It eHKH or ' ‘‘WhatShall M.0, l«r t - ' I We^r, Mommy?” I— I C.0.0.1 anclAM |t ___ ^11 M -M biUnea |>>u« all (Im UI SCHOOL EAT ANYTHING BELL W l^ FALSE TEETH

Accunrtjlatad oar FASHIONS w Ak Impnclflri down your aar canil cun muHla. toundi, avon __ lampi _ doalnoi*. DaWIM'a Ch{ldrcn"of‘aHngcs-wi(j be— O il lot Car U iA . m ado ’inn»Befiil /-lo Boftan— anugiy-.without i>owdfir.-iMite.

fHioloBraph* by Widlam ffiuAlIf " The school fIfM S cotfo permlttins:, hereV a maicnmi . COVCBi Or««M« d*«lan«d by AniT. i h i r t o v e r trIm nM K t h o t p a n t* In ■ F o rirrf cre p e k n it. W cb tU r for TInv Town In m waffU-ttllch Tortral poly««Ur doubU-bnlt By Tearleaa Florence. In only Infraqutntly, when they do, Family Weekly, wants to aislit you at_ much at pwilble. If you'w-any-ciueillon about mall;order, lust writ*: SuHn P«lii«rfimlly Wm UV, 641 Uriniton Av«, N«w Yori(. N.Y. 10022, FamUy W0*klv. A uputt ait. i0 7 l COOKBOOK/By Melanie Do Proft .1 r _ ...... Recipes for Special Summer Occasions

Family dinner coming up? Try this richly auuced sizzling aioal?witho^plant,accom ponicd by a toma?g-grecn boan salad. Planning a patio or poolaidc party? Oftor chilled Senegalese in a decorative ice tureen.

nuisiTi^furn into a bowl nnd mix in the in^l.>i^..Refri((crnte until ready in "TiXc. A bout 1 VS cups mayonmhf

CRfeME SENEGALESE 2 tablespoons butter or marcarina Celebrate with 2 stalks celery, finely choppad ~^Aabiat{^ns leafed onion 1 to 2 tablespoons cunry powder -2^tabtespooitrfloui------W4 ton-pgpt-y-GQke- Bcups chicken broth Mi cup finely cut fresh pineapple . Any occnnion is moro (un with a fostivo pnrty cnko V'ou'vo 1 slice canned pineapple, finely cut mo(io yoursoKi And mnking sliow-stoppino cakon is go onsy w ith IVt cups finely dlc ^ cooked chicken Otci uroiii, full-color "Ciiko nnd'Food Docorolino'' book by W ilton. ' 2 cups cream 1. ficnt butter or margnrine in i\ lari’c You oot n comploto 90-pnflo Docorniino . Brown*dbMfstMkwrithirtlchok« ' .snuccpan or saucopot. Add celery and CourGo Ih/it show s tho onsy w ay to httJirts and of tautied'«g8plant onion. Cover and cook over medium

muko porfoci icino f.lowora, I o o v o g , In an Individual tklllat l« r«4dy to b« ___ _hcj»t-until-cclcry-U-tcndcr,-£lirriny iaUcad~ihdlMpl>a thVEroIler. borders, writo mossngos nnd moro. occasionally. Remove from hcut. 2. Blend curry powder with flour in You nloo oot n Hostess Guide w ith 62 BEEF AND EGGPLANT SKILLET a bowl. Slowly add 1 cup of chicken pnrty cnkoG, hors d'onuvres, conlorpiticon. Garlicky Almor>d Mayonnalta (tea broth, stirring unlit smooth. Adding raclpa) A W nddino Book with 26 cnko crndually and stirring con.'Jtanily, 4 to 6 baaf filet iltfakftycut 2 Ip. thick id e a s , 00 oleQnnt ornnr>ionts. A nd a pour mixture into fiauccpnn. Hring lo 1 madlum*tlzad eenplant (do not DocorntinQ Bnznnr w ith work-spiiedino para), cut In tllcai (ajlow 2 or 3 _boilin{i: cook and stir over medium products from nround tho world. illcaa par aanHne) heal S min. Stir in remaining broth. Actunlly 4 books in ono I 192 colorful 12 to 24 cookad artichoke haarts Simmer, uncovered, 30 min., stirring' poflosi Bio 8/4 X 1 1 &l7Q. . Duttar or mirgarina occasionally. '1. Heat hulter or miirgarinc in n lltrgc 3. Remove from.heat. Stroin mixlurc Aljd you fint fnr-61.^Sn.hu^ ^killet-imlthititrimgreeolr trgh- rp+rrrjtjTpl croativol Have (uni Enrn extra eggplant kH ccs on l>oth sides until jii&l and the cooked chicken. Cc.sary. I now with $11 2. Put steaks into the hot skillet nnd ICE TUREEN fry 6 min. on each side for rare meat. Use two bowls (one 4- to 5-qt. size, the 3. To serve, arrange eggplant sliccs, other 2- to 3-qt. size; or.select any steaks, and nrtichokc hearts in indi­ desired size; l>e sure thhi small bowl vidual skillets or on heatproof plates. Is 2 in. narrower and 2 in. shallower Spoon genelrou.? amounts of the Gar­ . than large bowl). Fill larger l>owl with licky Almond Mayonnaise over each cooled boiled water or distilled water. EntorpriBQB, Inc., Dopi. FW-01 serving of mcnt nnd eggplant before Sink small bowl into center of larger ” j ' 033 W . n 5th St., Chicnoo, III. 00043 broiling. bowl by placing n weight in small I Souncle liko (jfonl oul 24 hrs. If. ' PLEASE PrtiNT CLCAnLV 2 es2 yolks desired, fill larger bowl only full; 2 tablespoons whHe vblna.vlnegar 1 tableapoon lemon juice freeze. Arrange garnish on ice; /ill 4 large cloves pealed completely to rim of larger bowl and 1-teaspoon salt freeze another 12 hrs. When ready^ to %cup olive oil unmold, remove outer bowl only nnd Vi cup finely chopped toasted almonds set onto n tray lined with leaf lettuce s io to ...... Z ip ...... ' ...... J Combine all ingredients cxcept oil and edged in paprika. Pile vegetable nib* nuts in an clcgtncJilender, container. _blers onto 'lettuce completely sur- • —--"-™ybircsn m»*e rA» cskat Jhow/t, jtnd mo/«, dy following Turn otT~af low speed and' «dd._llic_ ^oundinfiMluUccJ)owL-li n c c e m t ^ > ~ ft Hn** T^<*nily ntr<*nni until _ rctuHL-to-froeiar-before-fllMnit-wiUi-- the consistency ofmnyon- chilled soup.'

Fu viilu W tiikfv, 'Auuu»t >1^, 197} ST AR PROFILE/By Peer J. OppeaheraBr Actor Theodore Bikel Special Introductory Qffcr A Father ^ JbronlyJ2^S Again at 47 "How am I going to bohuvo when my son is 1,8?" wonders this groat ______intornationol porfqrmor. “Why, Idon'tpycn undorstnnd thqprinciplo of b n s G b a lll”

'rijfodorc nikcl is a superb actor and folk sihBcr. Hc\ also a philnnthroplRl, ' II humorist, and a devoted luishand 'I f thers's one thing I've laarned, it’s to ' iind' falhe.r. Auslriun-born, Isrticli- look at the pothlve ilde." niiscd, liviitg iiv* Amcriba,. Hikcl is u iiwin wlio is trying to Hnd his cultural he run into but Rita? "It wasn't the ~nichc‘‘’Tmd~fcci?rhe-ht>B-fBtie<}r “ l>cst*wny^cn{l»u I 'u"iclHliiinslilj>i** Hifc Me was born 47 years ago In Vi* chucklcd, -cnntT7-wherc-ht!«-fiiacre I’rofessionaliy, Hikel has hnd few farm in Connecticut, complete with probloDs, for })(> i& u borii actor. His ' orciiurds, pool and bitrn. It's not that crcilits include “The African Queen," ' far from New York, but to Hikel, an two years as Mary Martin's leading urban man, it represents a great de­ man in *TIlc\‘>ound of Music" and a parture. plum role in ‘‘The Russians Are Com­ nikel worries not only ul>out his ing, Tlie RusSTans Arc Coming." He family but about bis purpose in life. wtis nominated for an Oscnr after . “l.a;n worried about survival—tlte sur­ playing the sheriff in "I'he Defiant vival of my culture in a melting'pot . U ilu s ." " ' ' ' ----— ~innr s\ir-rr ' i6ve Amt»ri I visited Hike! at his Greenwich get useeoplc to- I visited them, "It seems slrangc to be gcthcr and salvage (heir heritages with a father agoin at 47.’- he said grinning. his songs. He not only- performs in "How am I going to behave when concerts but goes to people's homes, he’s IB years old? Why, I don’t even kitchens,' back yards, "where I learn , New Professional F\ill Spectrum A rtist Coldrs understand the principle of baseball!" their songs, and they learn mine." . His second wife Rita, whom he U'ttomMlmethard for an Ameri­ ...... -. . _ (Uh n p p MAIlllO-DAY NOiiSKCOUK)N TODAYI -f married In 1947, Used to be a televi­ can'to know wliat to make of a man colors tho tame. Profflsslonal still lifo, landscape I PALM COMPANY. D«pt. ■ sion producer. Tlico met her when she like Dikel. Ho is in many ways such and portrnit artists uso tubit paints ralhor than I 4500 H.Ur»H» i.it «nr pl«(fc and n grflaLbutfjQg-Qnkt2.Qti.____ -dinn ■ A t h* nrrluiut .m lin jlm iilft ------CofWlCCticUt. bUt tO tllC mOOnl‘-» - — WltVNOY B t -. HEPCATCD THIS srASON I \- Supplies are llt^led and~afderS~wll)'btf~ftlled' n~ n”SAVcnrrrr»R!»s*“Bni/*»9.»«*fef a I 'first come,, first served so we ursfl you to order I L J ProftMienal waurcolor S«la antf w« i 11 FamUu W»4ktv, A uquuI ii/, J07J right now to avoid disappolntmant. Offer will not bo repeated this season. L _ “ I " How...Plastic Cr^m Revolutionizes QUIZ/By lohn E. ^ibson Denture What Goes On Wearing In Othe]f People’s Minds?

For the f m l lime, itcicnce now offcn mor«comforUl)iy. too. It'aioelHitic a unique plastic cream^^tlmt Itoldt you may bite harder, cltew better. -

cr*"—aa tlioy’ve never ...... , The tpeclal twrtClt^point'dn--- — before. It for m i an etaitic membrane let* you put FixooKNT o fa c tly t li a l M h i hold your dtnluus to Itu where It'a .needed. Reatali ooxlntf Hatuial lissutt oj y o « r mouth. over and Ei4EBin£. . , I l'i F ix o o k n i*— a revolutionary Just one application may last for diuovcry for daily luxne ute. So hour*. Denture* that Tit are e«en* different it*t protected by U. S. tia) to healUi. See your dentist regu­ Palent |3.003.0ti8. larly . G e l easy-to-use F ix o d u n t F ix o D K N T nat only Itoids den­ D enture AdlM ive Cream at all drug tures firm er. but it holdi them BLOW Dog Neatly Dies YOUL TroinlScrafc^^ SEll^ U P ^ TOPOSTERSIZE S k iirt^ w h — StUwr Uuk « Mu w "LuMt ytar, a tkiii (WUMM IMItBM |2 F t 3 prohlffti tuoilf oiir ...... iing, lltiill. tcralch liMl l—» h*r skin raw. I Uk*. Ih o u g h i W0'il hav f to itui h*r lu sU/ii, thf mrr.«2rT.M.M kC\ sulftrrA o. I'htn a 3 rr. » 4 FT. i7.50 ______utishhnr lolil ttir NkAW Ui utjn nhaut Sullfck nict and loud he plays hi.s radio or record player. fSec answer number 3) JlOE.nS».. N.Y. 10010 thick. I'm convlncffl SiiUoilfn* tavtti ■ NeUII's /»•« and m * y »ntM« w ith 1. People who arc the most open much for 2 percent of the people- •ryitay alnMu anti ttraln. W ih’uTnav olpirSDlvtrfl-BlgOBrt- about hfimiiHnB fKHrTijnrsrawjreTnnir" lliey jLisi couldn't ilJcid^ , Hinv UekaelM, wUh M tUM . aUaplMa 3. True. The louder a man likds his y i nlahla. >■ WMrlnit ynii out. making you FALSE TEETH disnpi>oinlmcnts and unhnppinesn, lire MfMrabU and UHUbU. ilon't watt, try the best adjuuted. music, the more likely he's an ex- Doan’a M ila - a m U, • pain ra- W orrio* and Problems _..nddijr-*-ti«ttemr»dbUv«^FAH--- _.2^Us-ihc-rarfe-pcr!vOiuwho-!finda -Uf(L_ na««lnir haehaeba U .ofUn (ha anawar. _lravcrl.-acc.ordinB.lo.lhc,fmdln8#-of,ft____ fla t Uoan'a )*1IU - n M » h a lilU fo rm la v T E R T Il* Powder doM ail of thisi uxciiing. Northwesiern University study. Which ' ilruir ktit M waiUkiuM#* atandard r«m- 1) Ifeips hold Upp«r« and ioworo uaad aueoMarully b y tnlUlona fo r longer, firmer, sUsdisr. 2> Holds 3. You can lell an introvert from Qn showed that outgoing personalities ovar ^9 yaara. Baa I f iH«y d iw 't b rln v . th{uit-more eomforUhlv. S) Holna you tKa tawa wal«nm« ralUf. Vor oo«- you M t innNi nsturally. W hy worry? cxirovert by how loud he plays hi« prefer to have the volume turned up v a itU n ^ . Mlwaya buy l>o«n'a larga kIm . Um fABTKKTII Donturo Adhfl- radio or record player. appreciably higher lhan Iheir more «iv« Fawdnr. Dentures that lit aro MNontlal to Iwslth. See your dnntUt 4. Women are more secretive anti are introverted brothers. It’s inlercsting TRMSUNK rtfguisrly. Klnd UrUd notd. itl^xf. harder'-to get (o know than men arc. fo note in this connectmn that other ) coini. irvauirM. 5. If Vou hear a person talking to hfm- studies 'have shown introverts to be S mod/U, WiUt *6* tr*» ttUI*§ self a lot. TTs a sign that he's loning jiiore acutely sensitive to sounds of his marbles. * - all finds. vK Lbo wi?19 •» ANSWERS 4. False. Psychological studies at the * Bbx IO*W. HOUSION. 1CK. 7MII 1... False. Psychological studies at University of Florida have shown (hat Northcrri Illinois University have women are less secretive and arc m6rc shown the contrary to he true—that the ready and willing to reveal themselves HAm HOME DtSH CIOTMS more ready and willing a person is to to another person than men are. Men Uauuully kityy, i^kLiI m*m Itr it id uoibblK| express his fears, worries, and anx­ were found to be nyare cautious about PftMf. iUk* bif IMi bi| bMUM. Mo mOMf *440441 He rliltl ieties to olheni, the greater the likeli­ opening up to others, more reluctant im U U rn tk »l tte laatt dkk *Mh >wN« i w mti- hood .of maladju.9tmcnt. The person to expose their deeper feelings and Vour |(oi« M oiMav-Ml 6«« mmv! Siad with a wcll-balancc your W|ialUltM \U»i («f lull lufWMtiM l«d l(l« tU«lM. found much less prone to "baring his 5. Falxe. It’s a 'sign tfiat he's thinking. SmiUmm nwMr<<« D M ifA -0 4 3 > «l(e r4 . Vs. ' so(jl," or pouring out his woes, frustra­ Arid there's a good chance that his tions, disappoinlmeniR and pemonal mentar fnculties are-functioning l>ot- problems when he meets a sympathetic ter than If he wasn’t talking to him- HEARING AIDS listener. Me is ntorc confident, more ’ self. Reselirch at Rutgers University’s self-reliant, less dependent on others Insfituie for Cognitive Studies has ^s50%0FF'sr^ _undJiaiiJcs.‘i.neetLlQ-liiUii_on-lhcm_(i>L- tlemonstrated-that-ii^thinking- aloud’___ • auy DiDEcr • 20 Mvs n a n i u support. constitutes an exiernnli/JHion o tin oo*- J»HOTO Cft^DlTS — ------Boily fU t »29.9S ifii.-rinyi^l m lh th rr 2. r a ltr . A nationwide survey polled , speech" an,tl can implen^ent the 1^‘n- B.hIni|.th<'Eir;Ey* Glau WiU. On. ot Ur-. foga l i Celuwblq Pieluraii Pk.lne .1 8.il satKlionf. BiU.ry pricu low ti 12.00 a rppHesentntive cross-scctlon of.nien tal processes 'and facilitate, problem Ik.i-of-Ufo-on- —solving.’'*' ^ Poo«« ^/«» Uwlf. r»o.A. WId.WerW. 0«4. ItoSlrt III. «ltM Fatnilv Weekly, August St, i9 1 i i i s-'y ■ '^ X '^ 'c - 'k - Gome Goii

m c T i

Family Wookly Sowing Cornor/By Rosalyn Abrovaya^ A Coat Dress for Fall

(5) 1ST PRIZES 2ND PRIZES — SMQ.OB-COMPARABLE-VALUE 15 M s WESSMAKER ZIG-ZAG SEWING EIECIRIC SCISSORS MACHINES WORK THIS PUZZLE YOU MAY WnrA PRIZE! COMTIIT a u ill 4, All 0ill« w l«M (t.t.lll U HodfUd by M ill. All Mf- Now is tho tim e to w hip u p this ch arm in g , versatile coat dross— perfect •nUilag IkU tM U il «lll-b« ii*o*d ■ mum« »!<•> n : *iu(cli«M.a N«w D«lu>« U«d.l SWA ' 7000 n u it m ik if . U c . / ii .24-C m .Sm Ii I- liU d ilM .- tw n lllti. Void Mhiit pcoWbllvd of raililcltd by 'lin g ;t)b om.pi.ibU mI»« ue.os. --- Iffoatures smarfstyllng'wilh tbp-stitchcB'pockets-and flops. The-long r*d«r«l. Silt* Of lM»l l»w(. i . Only M« •airy M'MllUd fiMH aMh uvU ilaal. sioovos aro button'bandcd at cuff. Dross has a back^ippor closing; Mako~ a. All tMcUt b«6m » tK« pfOMMy of CITY-ItW- I. D«{Ula« al lk« ludiai It llnll. . T. Ha i*»i(Uiililiv« will call ar i»ma la yMJf fc*Ma: INC U4CMIME CO.. U*/y*vW». Uin$»t. It in a solid o r hoathor-tonod wool fabric or a’blond. 3. Iluity. Mill (k« •uliy l»(m a • i«iwa»kl« fietMU M*yt hlRMrt •( Ih. S*«U| imI llJ»rl* 4. iOM la b* illilbU l«r duwini la b« kaUl SapUmbar " b« u Im ImI by dikwlRi fcMn »Ma«| all ' 1071 kt Clly S*«in| Uacblai Ca., lia Sizo 14 takes 31/4 yardc of 44-inch fabric.‘Standard body measure­ irv«vllli^,-Ki

Send toi FAMILY WEEKLY PATTERNS. Dopl. 4139, 4500 N.W. 135th SL. Minmi, Flo. 33054 1 2 0 “ WORK THIS PLEASE PRINT Do euro to eiv« zip codo NAME------______:______. So'mf $1.00 plus 25 c « n l9 fo r PUZZLE, YOU MAY c r o r P T _____ postORO und handllno; coBh. »2 5 »« b i N t L i ------chock, or money order. Sixes 10, r,Tv - - ■ . 12. 14, 16 I--- (New — slilna) I . WIN A PRIZEI STATE------j------ZIP______State Slro I 1 I NO HlMCUASC K Q U IM O *3 0 ®® JUST TOTAL S7S.00 A l l WAV« Mnko AH Your SowlnR EAslorwith Theso Ccmpnnlon Darflslns DOWN . . . ACROSS AND DIAGONAL um- ---»3yy|M46-- □ World's most procticnrdroas form -chock-box fo rp crfo ct.flt.‘‘AdiUBto-Mnt|c_. Forhi” with Stand. Adjustnblo 8 to 20 . O rd e r ?;7361. E ncloso 5 7 .9 8 and 95»J fo r NAME...... ih lp n ln c . .□ Chock bOK to rocQlve world's fino&t sowlna book, tho 32B pase *'Comp1ota Book a d d r e s s ...... ^ ...... ; ...... of Sowlnu." ValUabloMiom gnuRo Includod—(rool Remit (5.95 eKtra with this coupon. «53501 CITY...... STATE...... ■...... ZIP:...'...... UaU EMfy to CITY tCW fNa MACHtNC OO^ 818 BrMdtMy, U4rywvitt4, K«AtM

F(i»\Uu \yoeklu, A uo»«t as, i07J 1 ADXrCKTISKIBnCNTlI

By Diana Sorenson ~ofl told to Ruth L. McCarthy

At-2nr> poiindn. I found T ho o n ly Utlnj? I had KoinB for mo was m y iH>r- out ono thJnff; (}wit Konulity and hio undorHlnndinft. Ho wanted mo to your m in d <^in ah iil o u t lomt. A n d >k> d id I. Di^iporatoly. S o I (liartiKl craHh nnythinR, if It wantu diotintr again. But I’d got Ihiw awful , craving for to. Kvon URly fat. uwo<»tH. It wim durinn ono of thoiio momonla thiit I ^ Mv rmothor iw of found n Ik>x of thww reducing-plan ouuJit‘«, A yd«*, G orm nn d o K c o n t ; m y in my~mollM>r'H tnxlroom. 'i h o y ^ n t i t l n “VltjiTTiin fnlhor, Daniflh a n d . .and minornlf), hut no harmful dru(c»."Mom had C/.(‘ch. A n d Iho novor Rivon Ayda a fair chanco, but I d<‘cidcd to. that cumo out of our S o I !M>uRl)t tlw) chooolato fudgo k in d n t tlu) druR< kitclicn wofo onoiiKh to Htoro and follower! tho p la n properly. innkVrmo tho Utird-Rrado "Hpritz’T T took ono or two A y da w ltlj a h o t drin k , a cc ^d * ft plump, pr«tzoI-llkn bultorcookio. ing to diroctiQnH, and thoy honontly holpod mo oat M y U>aolu)r UHod to chock Uio trayn in tho lean. I was ablo to give up groaHy.fronch frlos and . cnfeli^rla to Im miro tlio kidn had cnt«n all thoir gravy'/m d Hpaghotti! Inatoad, I a u iT o ^ mt^atH and lunch. M in e nho chcckod to iMrnuro 1 had loft uomn. RaladH, oggs an d grapofruit— an d I Btaycd happy. Sho waH alw ays t>^in(( to not ino to loflo w ciR ht T h a l’n 1 ^ ‘nuHo Aydw nro HW«it tm ougli to wih'Hfy Vorluillyt of couttwy, I woa conalontly-on.» di«t. m y htingor for cakco and cookio«, y<»t thoy conbiin But tlio only timo I look off a lew poundd was U»o only 2G calorlcfl oacb. Hummor boforo hjRh bcHooK I lookod no good to For yo u r info rm atio n. l oxorclHod, too,-to tighten up my ttkin. And it all paid off. I atartiyl to I o h o in a big way. And for onwj, Uio weight didn’t coiW4» luick. It juHt kept disappearing. W hy, overyl»ody I know began w atcliing an d wow-Ing! So did tho man who likrd aJim women. Ho wan wonderful, oneouraging mo all tho way. Ntitlging. mo, t, w ith a llttlo gam(», W h e n wo'd lxi out t^>- golher, he'd point out a girl with a great figure and I know ho wafl h in tin g — tha t’a Uu» w ay ho wantoe~ olim enough to Im> part of the girl-watching ueone. SonwUnieii.7l"Can-hardbEWicYn-lhntrhezhai)T over nRk<^ m o for n date. B u t he told m e later t h a t ho H a w , in m y oytui, t}m t there wan Kom eone nice in iiid < i. F ra n kly , I d o n 't k n o w h o w I ’d h a v e brought her 6ut without tho h e l p o f Ayda. •* Wow, I ’m n o poundH, b u t I diacover

my«fllf, I flRurod it jravo mo tho riRht to ont any Ihinsf for Uio noxt four yflnrfl.“ S tn m gd *hK 'lt'm n y n K F O K E A N D A V T K R fioimd; howAvor, n o b o d y over mndo fun of mo. I MKA8URKMRNT8 wan involved in n il B o rtn of Rchool happflnln«n— Before After ovoa our choriil Rnmp, tho Ponoy PIporH. But it

nov(W brouRht m o a n y datiw. N o t oyon for o u r W e i g h t ...... 2351bfl...... IIO lbA. H c n io r prom. Tlmt hurt! Oh, t laughed a lot and I BUHt ...... 4 0 - ...... j .32" waa a R o o d pal. .But I won very l o n o l y inaido. W aiflt ...... 3 2 - ...... 24- • , It was not im til'I wont to work that my lifo bo- H i p * ...... 5 0 “ ...... Kan to chanKo. Thoro, I m o tn m a n — w ho Hkcd ttlim Drofltt P a tte rn . , . .4H Store Sis-ii . ..9-11 Kirlfl. M o, w ho \i(reip(hod 235 poundo an d w ho liad -novor found f|ny-holp at-all-ln-craflh.dictJn(r. BONDED TO KEEP THEIR SHAPE FOREVER-NEVER SAGS, NEVER NEEDS ^BLOCKING . .PUTS YOU IN THE FASHION SCENE FOR PENNIES.

R E O . * 8 . 0 8 NOW $ , ONLY

STYLE 40016—GLAMOROUS YOU in this solid iew«Mono kjunpei* of 100^4 ' "shapd_ forovyof-.___ takes__...... i^oualI'lhTo¥grr!Koir37;a»aon „ . _ . . -..... tnroUulf— .jTfilitrATWays correctr*nwai______— moroly chango blouso for “now" outfit. Now “V" sling-shoksling-shot necklino.r Wear with or without ti«-boit.Sapphlre Bluo or Ruby-Rod. Sixes 10 to 1S-14Vi to 22V^$5.B8. STVLE 40017 (Abova rlshl^-COUNTRY LADY-Always corroct Horringbone Tweod In iBtunniM now knit Jumpor with doop-plungo “slincshof’ V nockllno. Mnkos oVory gal look young, slim. New 100% Bonded Ray­ on Knit koops groat shapa for lifo.' Dross up with your own favorlto swoator or blouso.'Woar with or without tlo-bolt. Colorsi Brown or Groon Twood. Sbos 10 to IS—14V*i to 22V

^ -----j 4 e t 3 WAVS t o ORDERi PREPAID • C.O.D, • USE YOUR CHARGE CARDI— — I G R E E N L A N D r A S H I O N S , D«pt. 5849,’4900 N.W. nsth strne, Miami, Florida 33094 tend m« th« feilowlrtC. on 1 paiLxiId I t «nclo«a You May charge 8 ly l« No. .8I>« la t Color 2nd Color Prlc« E i fu ll p rlc a PLUS «&« 1 lor each Ham. YourOrdMr □ BANNAMHICAIIO . A te t No______' Add S&^'poal, par llarti •ach lUm and will pay ------— YOTAtr poitman balanc* plua all ~poit«rtftarg«i7"

(riftd tbovf yetir n»m«> n'ljWiUl

tHAVTIFUL ball-point pnn eonttig free COING ttV CMHf ^•America By Car" i» I’hm you send in for a big, framed filled with 7)la‘nned rontinga irt U.S.A., " ■£ a" 4>nlnroonicnt. S u b m it Kodaeolor C anada and Mexico. TcUn about the \enalive only {no Hliden or hlaek and bent in sighth, littln~ l^oum and ununual rhite neaaiivflit, vlcanfl). Spacial offur deMlinationH, the bent in vacation buys, ntroduem you to fixecUent, hioh-qual- etc. fCxciting, time-saving tij)tt on fu n /// photo-finifthing. Fine offer cnd» in tn p s . $.3.50. W rite to Iln r ia n Publican *0 davH. S l. S krud lan d Photo Co., Dept, tionu. Dept. F W , J227 f^oyola Ave., Chi- ,Jlcbron^U^6003M.-- ...... capo. III. 60B27. ' ■ Weeketid Shopper BySUSANPAINE

GOOD *N TOUOH—"NftJl- IIAIIY'S SIIOE.S can bo otto” iH II great nnil. bronzo'platcd in Kolid toufi:honer. Tnkca only 3 muUil for junt $U.09 a (InyH to Koo a n d fe d the pair. Also, all-motftl por­ roHultK. You may ovon bo trait Htand, TV lamps; nblo to pnll tnclcH without bookondH, etc. A flno broakintr n n u iil Nfnil gift f or grandparonta. roiiblu? You'll w anrto try "Nallotto.” too. Send no morioy. For full dotailH, Fleetwood Co., Dept. XX-20, 427 monoy-Having ccrtificato and postpaid V. Rnndolph St., Chicatfo. IJl. 60606. mailor, write Aiporicun Bronzing, pojc 6Baa-H2G, Bexloy, Ohio 43209. ' ' iVOttDS ADD UP! TIiIh man may liolp you earn KKV TO l>HOFl'rSI (xtra incomo by ahow- It'fl caay for frlonda to ordor from a col> nir you liow to writo Put your boat foot forward—In the or Hhoo catalog you iliort parafrraphfl. No soaBon’s moat Qcclalmod slyto-aot- .odiouH Htudy, ho tollH b H o w thorn. You loral Bold, hondBomo strap-and- ou w h a t to w fito , taku the ordora, bucklo boots. . . plus all the latest ivliure and how to hoII; Uatii o f oditorfl--’' gain, the profita’, fashion hits In foolwoar. And tho l)iiying from boginnorn. W rite for frco poHB»)ly get the ".Roys to a carl”' shoo fits . . . wo g u a ra n to o It— bo- nnHjrT?iTrl^ll7nDul)irTnV^G21irT^— ^I*\>r-fre«-Ht«rtinjrotitfit-nnd'detailBnof- causo wo (ooluro ovor 200 difforont. f?1ruk, Chicago, HI. UUU2iS.' • ~ — ear onferrwnritirMnKotrShlArCuTrnui'* •gTyioa-in~«08 Bt^B-gpm?mTTy'TO<~ F-351, Chippewa Falla, Wise. 54729. slgnod to fit men who \)voar sizes 10^ [OON COVEU 16. widlhs AAA-EEEI ' poHtmarkod FAIIl FINISH! Pool _Yos. when it comos to shoo^j^nb THE FAMOUS KING-SIZE QUARANTEE: from die car­ *N Smootho ia a flno clothes for tall and big men, the bne You mual bo conypleioly aaVatied both botore and after woarlng. , ----V ' '‘ J ried to i l Moon i u t i l l beauty aid U V tlUthat WJ' UIMhelps bilU b IIWtJfD 'place to shop Is the big. new KING- bv Apollo II, uncover a radiant SIZE CO. catalog. That's wHoro Inii'oouccH nLamp hobby and-approval and youtHlUlnftftrt^ you'Tl^lways flnd^ Iromondous se- »e»vice. Buy $1 wo»*th, get extra bonua plexion, Erasea^ lay- loctlon of Amorloa's best kn6i^n Send for if 110 Rtamps, album — or buy noth- ora of dead aurfnco brands In your oxaol aho. Tho now- ntr, return atampa. cancel servico any- akin and poro-doop roalduoa, Rcaiilt^ ost proportlonod-to-flt swootors. your FREE Moon cover ia yours« 2(>^.-Kon---aflroct-n-dowy.-young-Iook. -Simonths' spO!rt'8hlrt^r8p. 144-page T>ore, FM-912, Milford, N .H . OSOS5. .. , supply ia $7.50 pluri fiO# postage. Elan Dross shirts with bodies 4" longer, Corp. Internationa), Dept. F W l, 200 E. sloovos to 38*^. nocks to'*22". Slacks (ull-color. NSTANTSoa. ^ ^ ■ ■ ■ 0 1 ^ Ontario. Chicago. III. 00611. In all tho now colors— regular and Monkoya. F un^l catalog. (larod ootloms-^wllh higher rise. In- to watch,.BOO I EYF^TRKATS roHovo puffl- soams to 42**. waists to 60^ cmHwim, play~| -nesft-and bagging.“ O f spe" -T H B KIMO^SIZe CO. Complsla Satisfaction f»nd f r o l i c I dally compoundod horbs 4031 Klno-SlM Btdtf. Bro^hton. H w m . 03403 vlthoutlot- I______and flowers, it can oaaily — Mon«y B ack! p j ------irneet ecNotoDAV------M>. W ill hatch instantly when put into ami quickly make your cyos King-SIzo ia thb nation's otdosi and I . ron KINO-Size CATALOOI I voter. Fed Soa-Monkcy Pot Food, grow look more attractivo. A largest spoclalist In tall and big I TIm K IN O -8 l » C o . I I 4031 Kina*Sl<«MMa..Broe|itwi« tu1l<«olor K INO -8l2e calsloo o f tp p a r*! M




'»H'Al>yfMI'ii9PnEf{AK) uuuruuu on ino cnra provided* and tnnll It to ua. (You don't ovon nood a stomp.) Wd'll sond you a free copy of the now SOIh edition RALEIQH-BEIJViR Gilt Catalog. Soo ovor 1000 valuablo Qlfts that can bo yours with Iambus Ralolgh coupons, Iho valuable extra found on -mild^tlne-a^lQH-and-(resh-lasllttoBEl:AIRr •NOTE: If someone has already used Iho card, lust write Box 12, Loulsvllld, Ky. .40201, for your free Gilt Catalog. ‘What in the%orld!

and old sump oil.und hit Ihcir drives . one in four admitted &lu:«wa&’ a "less she said. "One, the role Was well worth out-into a bictik wilderness of dunes. than satisfactory" cook-Six in 10 rated the rigors, Two, 1 practice yoga to de­ They huvc to l>c cureful with those themselves “good," and only I S . per­ velop a supple spine. It helps me n)ovo drives, of course: “'Fake a divot and cent gave ihemsclvcs a rajigg of "ex- —or l>e pushed arouhd-easily. And you'll break your wrists," says the cellenl." (Could it be thal only these finally, I just closcd my eyes and didn't course “Caplain," Jnn Hofmeycr. How’s 15 percent have sons?) think al>out it!" For all her pluck, how­ the putting? Well, the picture (left) ever, Mi&s -Vancy’s role of Dulcinea V shows one of the cJuh’s {greens. The will go lo Sophia Loren when the movie man's using a scraper to give the ball is made. Ut least a reasonuhle hope of getting inlo the Jiole. DATES: Tuesday the Little Lbague World Series begins at Williamsport, BOOK QUOTE: "...Uccauw-oi-aw- -l»a______gradualed incomo lax. It 'costs' a per* ^ROn-hrthtf'Tuppor'bnipltctslex.'rtitM-of- — BIRTHDAYS:~Mbndai pdirkct- money to jnako a gift than It Barbara Eden; 37. Wednesday—Lcon-*^ does a salaried clerk or middle*€chelon ard l^rnsteln, 53; George C . W allagc.., WORLD'S TOUGHEST GOLF COURSE Executive. In a penu)n in if)o~ 52; Ruby Kueler, 61; Althea Gibbon, Before Putting, Do This lowest hrackct who gave u d9 llar to 44. Thursday-'Dr. Albert &ibin, 65. charity was entitled to a tax deduction Friday-Lyndon U. Johnson, Tucs- The world's loughMl“^U"c6urse7~n oFl'J ccnts; hcnce his <^st was Bt> cents. - '-day“ Wciar^BTTHirlfia—Rnyb7-3S7- m ay he tl»c Walvis Bay Golf Club in In the top bracket, a dollar gift entitled Saturday-Charles Boyer, 72. , Iho Namid Desert of South-West the donor lo a deduction of 73.S cents; EMILY YANCY Sophia Loren edged her out A fric a . First of all^ imagine playing in —. hcnce his cost was 26.5 cents." (From Icnippratures of mdre than 100 degrees. Joseph ■ C. GoutdCn'S - book, "Tl>c The lon£>runnln£ musical "Man of La I'lie n (here's the prot>lcm of sand traps: ' Money Givers.") Mancha" closed after 2,328 perform­ tliu o nly grass is a small ragged patch ances. We, asked the latest and last on Mic IHth green, and whole four­ Every n|olh«r Is (he world's .greatest ..heroine, Emlly-YanCy, how'sho-£ould somes can bo swallowed up in sand­ cook, right? At least that’s.what every, stand performing every day for a year storms. As for water hazards—they’re mother's «on is supposed lo claim. Dul that

Ifilie Conwiiinisis wer* to takeover ‘^x ‘pccirhg~latle>-ett“ r«J^ this coumry an/J hohUng trials mains. for the crime of being a Christian, Instead, they heard his vqice boom­ many of us would be acquit ted for lack ing up: of evidence.—Elvis E. flemin){ "■^oy, fellows, is the boss'mad? Tell him I had lo come down anyway for nails!’’—r. G. Kernan THE TRAVEUNGTklAN’S THAUMA Allhouch hU MiitcftM U obese. MARGINAL PROFITS Pounded shut with Rsfed (raumas. It’s not a crime, when reading books, It seems that be will never cease For persons pte d large In- htfl M>du»^and The world of l«tters, to append S tanley Opinions In the margin. In fact, no matter how obsci|rc,

A n unhappy traveler wtu motoring Abusive, long or terse Is The pencilled comment, dealers of fro n t const lo coast wllh two conslant advisers behind him-hls wife and IiU Rare books enrkh tlieir purses. motlier-in-law. For three days ho put , Thus, when i}ome author's thoughts up with their criticism. bcur F in a lly he,was able to stand ll no The foreman o f« gang of carpenters M y kudos or displeasure, _ lonyer. Looking back at his wife, he was n very stern rrttin. He was especially I underscore, scratch out, rewrite— sai'il, "Once and for all, who's driving rough with anyone ho thought was lying . A course my heirs shfiuld treasure. ihk car, you or your mother?" down on Iho job. ^EttUh OgulMch ______-Ludll^.l^jxulyear- ____ One day. BilLWilliams. a Jiappy.-gOr_ . lucky sort of fellow, stepped too close . -One uood thinR about being a man. -l^iphn i^aloc..shafLr r_wh(aaJuL. You don't have to change the lenuth of ihink-Of someihlni: jusl-h^iintie h o i to wn^i working, and fell In. His horrinetl your trousers every year. I'fO’ it.~Dan Hennetl companions peered down into the shaft. —Dorothea Kent '*Golng to bTMk some toys. Whyr*

raiHUn W f i c k n u a t u i IS, i i r i Now re-live

lake any Four books for 98*“^

HC tw o ocean w a r lelt you r«'Uve evory Naval battle rifled Ryot of tunbaihing vacalloneri In Florida. Tof Woffd W^r ll-ffom cvary angte-alioafd liatilethipt, • How liie'Navy luffored more loitet in a ilnRle 2 hour carrier!, cMilr'oyurt, mineiwoep«rc, LSTi, Navy Hellcaii. battle than U did in; W orld War-1 and Ihe Spanltli Ameri­ You'r«'jn Ihe thick of cverv tea andam phlbloui balllein (he can W jr to m b in e d . Pacific, Medilorranean and Atlantic. Ditcover liuruiredi of ■ How Ihe defente of the Philippinei ttarred a weird U.S. knowivUcU About W otid War U .., “ Batkatinn" of itray aviaton, marinei. a p 'd n a tive f ilip in o i * wHy Ihe I'fltitaijon ten! out Ihe alarm o( an Impending in wild piychedellc yellow-unifprmi. I'oarl Harbor allaclc by WESTERN UNION. • How romarilic "OatJ Hal” of South PicHIc fafno w a t a * W hv MacArihur't air force waf caught srounded on Ihe hellhole of malaria that drove out U.S. engineer! before aifflflldl of Manila 0 hou/i after P titI H»rbor. they ^oulif completcran-alrfiald. * blow Narl tubt tank oof merchant ihlpi before the hor« » H nw j hindful nf U.S. Naw nlan^rhatgd awavan entlre_ fle e t 6 ( lapanetfl balllethlpt even (h o ug h they r SEND NO MONEY-JUST MAIL COUPON TODAY! ’“ I had no faombi to drop. Th^ MILITARV BOOK CLUB. DM>t. 1 8 4 ^ ( U l ^ Cily. N.V. II B M I th li fiOO-page book hat many extra fealuret: 3S I I paget of phntoi. S2 chart* and battle mapt. A I rii*«iit ycccpiycccnl my tppllcatlon for an allernsle, I glv# Intlriicilnnt nn 0 7 4 . THI IIU I er •74. tutmtiistiruu «■)'. aieMyHariN/* 0 I 15 (ndh foiJout map. A dictionary of military (tfeU.ikl, The Haui>^ wmiibm u «r. er«hlp In ihn MIIITARV III* fnrm pmviiled. I np«d (ike WON. MMtM tUJ*wU. TIUI HIITtNir Of VUf I 1 ternu. 3.SOO word Index. Two Oceart War re- th«iUf. lAulhof si ' Iht r*m«d.KV. i>««t Mill ' 110 uaoN. w iiu m i. nOOK CLUn ami tend m« lh« -I only 4 (Alecllnm or allernitet In [>«4l*i al I Pi«i>d«nl "1 U»»-^.Ur a«d P ulllur Owreot. r«m«d W W. I I hoitlti whnie ntimhcri I hive llio cnming year il avortao tavinut 2 tallt for S15.00 In original pubtlther'i edition. R u t ind fall el C*(- P rill winnir i n i l y i ii «(•. Wo* hit «\|>lelli prinletf ImIow. tllll mo lplu« of . %, niui ihlpplng and han- J M‘i yourt. If you with, at one of your 4 In tro - mmir'imuniliant rirmi- iliviH Wsdd Wat II iHlllUdbvCflninp'ap I 10 . riA 94. t«9S ly. Pub «d. (l).so (im MllMi. Pub. ad. tIO futa id. 16 SO I tlUppinii and iiandliniil' (nr all 4 dllnti, and may, reilRh an^ llmn af- I duclory book»-all for only OM plu* thipping voiumei. Inr (hirchjiinK 4 )MtnV|. I and handling, with trial memberthlp. (iacli-mottih nf’M'uelocllnni will NO-liSK CUARANTtCi If nnl «{«• I . lie deurllwd In advance In liia llflltled wllh Ihe inlrnduclnry tiil(>- I THE MILITARY BOOK CLUO nffertyou bookt I aitoul geiS«ral« and fighting men, ttaletmen I clu|><» monlidy iuitlelln.tUtlUkanil fiium,nienl, fI mayTi>«y rviutTirelurn IIii iiiIn 10 lu I ! erago (avlngt o l 30% below the prlcet of pub* I I ] [ llthor/- edltlorii (plua-ahlpping-and ftandling);------j ______'- I tnjoy.a trial m«ml)«rthip. Chooic any 4 vol* • )<|iiMOl«rkl.'kl.Th< ' CtVtt * ,1 •uuOO (llu illK l faulk. T h tc in li,..., Ucitdibl* tisiv ol ' ew U m *I« . -...... • • ‘ I lighted, return all liookt wllhin 10 (layt to can- hour bllll* iKllinily ^IDmNW told llllHli ."leUndldlMlii . tc'wilH. BMd. a llliiM tt >1 aa' r*c«lil«ii liSM tU(v%' bickiiauad al Almy lil« tMI» Awti I Utml>enftec«ptMllnU.!lA.only. l-WBF 1 cei yom oit'iCCayAli. lilut Pub. IRd ImtUnt' lliui|l*<«r Carden O ly. N.V. 11530. •i- tufvlvii. Pub. » / M OO m#«li>t pyb. n . tk.«* eMbook Pub id U »o s ■*' TM UiillMy Be«a CIWj III ...... COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN IDAHO


COMMUNITY EDUCATION, AVOCATION and RECREATION 3 Tlnim Newi, Twin Falli, Idaho Sunday, Auourt n , W l mESiDENT'S MESSAGE

As wo a t CSI begin oyr 7fh year of offering educational opportunities to people of the Magic Valley, We reflect with pride our growth and ac­ complishments.

y . As President of the College of Southern Idaho, I am pleased w ith the opportunity provided me In reviewing CSI's 1971 Fall^oducatlonal and vocational schedule.

Wo have attempted and we feel succe5sfull.y._to provide a stim ulating opportunity to Involve oneself with a variety of educational coursos. Those courses Include not only seU^ducat|on.and _|obJmprovlno-aroas, but also those designed to enable a person to more fully cn|oy his leisure time. -DRrJAMES^bi-TAYLOBj-PHESIDENT-

Tho Institution's physical plant has continued to grow In the Spring, 1971, the College's full accreditation was and Phase 11 of the campus master plan Is completed. This' extended by the Northwest Association of Secondary arid phase has added,three buildings (o-those already situated Higher Schools. Initial accreditation cam e'after only three on our 240 acre campus and has allowed the College to years of operation and Is the shortest possible tim e span In house 150 students on the carr^pus. Additionally, It has which a new . Institution may become accredited. The provided facilities for the administration of the College, •College staff and jnembors of the Magic Valley community allowing them to move to the campus from rented take groat pride and satisfaction lii this feat. facilities In downtown 'Twin Falls. Presently, a much needed vocational classroom building Is nearing 50 per cent completion and will bb roatfy for occupancy during the Spring somostor, 1972. ____ ' . :------In-tho-comlng-yearsrwe-antlclpato-contlnued-growth- In enrollment and additions to the lihyslcal. plant. The College w ill continue to add new.programs as needed and Improve upon those In existence. We wish to express our The gratifying acceptance of the College by the appreciation to our various publics and Board of Trustees communify Is evidenced by the continued growth In for thqir continued Interest and support and are proud of enrollment. The Increase Is evident and substantial In both our role In the higher education scene of Idaho. . divisions of the College. Curricula are being continually Respectfully submitted, 'j'— evaluated In an attempt to merit this confidence and continue to meet community needs and desires. Ttils Fall CSI will Initiate an Associate Registered Nurse Program which will Inclujid^B nursing aspirants. ^amei PRESIDENT

Sponsored by:

Tw in Fails Biank & ^ Main OJflco, 102 Main Avo. Sp. Drivo-ln Location, Shoshono & 2nd Avo. So. _BIUQ-Lakfla:Branch,^320 Fllor'Avo. EasI------Kimberly Branohr342*Mair> G if North— Sunday, August 71, 1971 ■Timas.Nawi^ Twin F ilu , Idaho 3 GENERAL INFORMATION

TWIN FALLS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE R e g is tr a tio n — A u g u s t 25-27, 1971 Classes Comnnence — August 30, 1971 S e m e s te r E n d s — 'D e c e m b e r 23, 1971 Class Schedules — From 8 :0 0 a .m . to 1 0:00 August 16,1971 P"!- 237 SHOSHONE ST. N. Academic Fee Schedule — In-Dlstrlct TWIN FAllS 1 c r e d it . * 20.09 2 c r e d its 30.17 W e a r e t i n o s i fortunate In the M agic Valley to have the 3 c r e d its

_ Adult Educatlor^ Fee Schedule — Determ ined- Thejexeansjon^and growth _of„C. S. 1. Is almost-uri— by size oT class apd costvof Instruction. believable and Is definite proof bfJhe ncodJor,a-Com^.- — Dormitory—— ' Student • tin Ion—Caf eterla~=— pfbhenslve Community Colleae, In the AAagIc Valley. Available August 29, 1971 ^______Room Fee — Double Room — S114 pe r___ s e m e s te r We commend the College Board of Trustees, t h e Single Room — $144 per semester President Dr. Jam es Taylor and the entire faculty and Bqar.d.Eee — .7 da y_mea IJI ckol^s28Z J2L poti_ _-staff-for-.a-m ost'O ut&tandlng-|ob; ------s e m e s te r 5 day meal ticket — $219.39 per semester CSI PHILOSOPHY AND PURPOSE The College of Southern Idaho endeavqi^s_ through academic, vocational-technical and adult education programs to provide every person In the M agic Valley an opportunity to Ray Rostron, AAanager— _d0\ ^l3_skllls/-i^attjludes_and-under6iandlng— Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce necessary for effective living In,a dem ocratic s o c ie ty .

We’re proud of our College of Southern Idaho KEEPING PACE WITH THE GROWTH AND PROGRESS OF OUR AREA

IN T H E '

t Y N W O O D -4—T1mM



A g . 109 Principles of A nim al Sclenco 7-9:30 p .m . M W B o y d s to n V oc. 23

Business Department > — .....'■ A c f. 101 Principles of Accounting S ec. I 9:00 M T W F .» ------W a t la n d ------205 1 /\/\ A t't'tifr' 1 S ec. II I ;00 AA 1 W r *• ■ W a t la n d 205 S ec. I l l . 7:30-9:30 p.m . MW S ta ff 205 .♦ A c t. 102 Principles of Accounting 3 10:00 MTW F W a t la n d / 205 '* * A c t. 201 Intermediate Accounting 3 2-4:00 T T h W a t la n d f 208 Act.„-Q20 E|em. Bookkeeping & Record K e e p in g 2 7-10:00 p.m . Th B la c k 207 Bus. Ad. 101 Intro.to Business 3 11:00 M W F S o re n s o n 115 B us. AAath 101_ • B u s in e s s M a t h 3 S ec. I '8 :0 0 M W F G le n n 205 S e c . II 2:00 M W F S o re n s o n 205 • » E c o n . 201 Principles of Economics— ______i - •—w•1 S ec. I , 11:00 M W F G le n n Sec; 11“ (Non-jjuslness ma|ors) 1:0 0 M W F G le n n 207 S ee . I l l 1-2:30 T T h G le n n 207 O ff. A d . 101 _Tj'P!Jig„^ ^ ______-2 ---- S ec. I 10:00 MTWTh ■ Sorenson 214 S ec. II 7:30-9r30 p.m . M W S ta ff 214 ‘ 0ff^d.-102- - X y p in g - •»-2 —— S e c . I 10:00 MTWTh A tk in s o n 211 S ec. II 2 :0 0 M T W T h Thompson. . 211 • O ff. A d . I l l Shorthand Theory 4 1:00 M T W T h A tk in s o n 214 -O ff. A d . 112 Shorthand Dictation 1:00 M T W T h S o re n s o n 211 O ff. A d . 125 B u s in e s s M a c h in e s S ec. I 2-4:00 Th A tk in s o n 204 . .. L a b . 2-4:00 Tu---- A tk in s o n • 204 S ec. II 7:30-9:30 p.m . Tu A tk in s o n 204 L a b . 7:30-9:30 p.m . th A tk in s o n 204 • O ff. A d . 211 Speed Development 3 M T T h *1T h n tvin

English Dept.

E n g . 101 English Composition S ee. I 8 :0 0 M W F N o o n • ____101 S ec. II 8 :00 M W F B e a r u p 102 — S o c r - lll— 8-9:30 TTh . P e ttlh g e r 101 S e c . IV 9 :0 0 M W F Q u in n 101 S ec. V 9 :0 0 M W F C a s ta n e d a 102 S e c . V I 10:00 M W F N oon 101 S e c . V II 10:00 M W F .B e a r u p 102 S ec. V I I I 10:00 M W F , Pottlnger . 110 S ec. IX 9;30-11:00 T th D u n c a n 10,1 S ec. X 11:00 M W F Q u in n 101 S ec. X I -1-UOO-MWF— — ■ M in o h 102 S ec. X I I 11:00 M W F C a s ta n e d a '110 S ec. X I I I 1:00 M W F ■ D u n c a n 101 S ec. X I V 1:00 M W F m i p n .. .102 S e c . X V 1-2:30 T T h N o o n 101 S ec. X V I 2 :0 0 M W F • Pettlnger ' 1 01. S e c . X V I I 2 :0 0 M W F D u n c a n 102 PrSrequlsDe — Check catalog 2 I J I L " i |['' ^ fiM

Sunday/Auguit J3, Tlmas-Nswi, Twin Falli, Idaho 5


E n g lis h —

. 1 S ec. X V i _ III 2:30-4:00 TTh Q u in n 101 Sec. X I X 3 :0 0 M W F ...... B e a r u p 101 S ec. X X «-7:30 p.m, M W H ilto n . ' ip l .E n g . 102 English Coniposltlon Sec. I 9:00 MWF Duncan . n o ■ Sec. II 2 :0 0 M W F Q u in n 10^^ ■ . Sec. Ill l-2'’30 TTh B e a r u p 102 E n g . 207 Great Books and Ideas 1-2:30 T T h P e tiln g o r 110 E n g . 211 Survey of American Lit; S ec. I 11:00 MWF Pottlnger. - ■ 117 S ec. II 2 :00 M W F B e a r u p 115 S ee . I l l 7:30-9 p.m. TTh Duncan 102 E n g . 221 Survey of English Lit. ' S ec. I 1,1-12:30 T T h Q u in n ' _.101- Sec. I I , .... '• 0 0 M W F ______110- -Huiwarit+leS'^Ol IntroTtCHumar^os ______. ------2-' 3 : 00 T T h - H ilto n li e P h llr d O l---- "' In tr o , to P h ilo s o p h y 3 2 :00 M W F H ilto n 118 J o u r n . 101 Principles of Journalism 2 U ; 00 T T h ------;------N oon "------— 102 - J o u r n . I l l _Journallem Lab.------1 T B A .N oon S t. C o n f.

Forftlan Lnnnnnoe-

F r e n c h lOl Elemontary French 4 12:00 M T W F C a s ta n e d a 103 - F r e n c i 201 Intermodlalo French 4 3 :00 M T W F C a s ta n e d a ' 103: I'O r m n 101 Elementary Gorman 4 S ec. I 10:00 M T W F H u g tie s 103 S e c . II 2-.00 M T W F H u g h e s ■ 103 ‘Gorm an 201 Intermediate Gbrman ■___ 4 11:00 M T W F H u g h e s 103 ‘ G e r m a n 2 U . Int. Gorman Conversation and Composition 3 3-4:30 T T h H u g h e s , 1^0 Spanish 101 . Elementary Spanish -TtTKmlsH^OT I n t e r m e d ia t e S p a n is h 1 :0 0 M T W F H arxlS ______103_____


A r t 101 Art History 11:00 T Th, Stool • FAAud -rArt-t05- -Design------2 ------lOrOO^tSrOO-MW------StiSol------A r f C o t ■ A r t 107 L e tte r in g 2 .9 :0 0 T T h ' G r e e n A r t C ot A r t 111 D r a w in g 2 S ec . I 8:00-10:00 MW , Steel •' A r t C o t S ec . II 8:66-10:00 TTh S teel A r t C o l S ec . I l l 7:00-10:00 |J.m. Th Walton Art Cot A r t 113 Elem . Watorcolor ' If} S ec . I 1:00-3:00 MW Green A r t C ot S ec . II ^ l:OO-3:0frTTh G r e e n A r t C o t • A r t ll- i Elem. on Painting 2 . 7:00-10:00 p.m . W G r e e n A r t C o t A r t 125 P o tte ry 2 4:00 M S teel A r t C o t (3 hour lab TBA) —Photogr^iphy------S e c . I T^ioTWrpTPfrrTD— —Jo h n s o n ' S e c . 11 7-10:00 p.m . Th J o h n s o n 101 A r t 200 S tu d io A r J “ 2 TBA S ta ff ■ A r t C o t * A r t_211 Intermedlate'DrawIng 2 ,10:00-12:00 TTh G r e e n A r t C ot * A r t 215 Intermediate Painting 3 3:00—5:00 TTh- G r e e n . A r t C o t * A r t 231 ^ S c u lp tu re ■ - V 2 3:00 M (3 hour lab TBA) S te e l A r t C o t SPEECH AND' DRAMA —

D r a m a 101 In tr o , to T h e a tr e 9:00 M W ■ R a y h e r FA 119 D r a m a 111 F u n d , of A c tin g 1-3:00 M W T a n n e r F A H 9 D r a m a 115 Oral Interpretation iiO O T T h T a n n e r FA 119 D r a m a 130 Production Fundamentals-— -3:30-5^30-T-Tti^- - R a y h a r - HSo={ _Drarofl_l3L -Stagecraft—— — ------2:30-5:00 TTh . R a y h e r S c. S h o p D r a m a 151 Play production ______1-2 TBA S ta ff (For those assigned acting and tMckstage crews on C S L p la y s ) S p e e c h 101 F u n d , of S p e e ch S e c . I ' . 9:00 T T h T a n n e r 102 S e c . II . 10:00 M W R a y h e r 107 S e c . I l l ______10:00 M W T a n n e r F A 1 1 9 ' S ag . IV -lOrOO-TTh - R a y h er - 7- - loa - 6 Tlmes-News. Twin Palls. Idaho Sunday. Auoust 72, 1971


■ - ' S p e e ch 8< D r a m a 1 ' ' i-

S ec. V ' 11:00 M W K lisg ■ 109 S ec. V I 11:00 T T h _ Kliss •' 107 S ec. V II ' 1:'00 M W - - R a y h o r 107 S oc. V I I I 1:00 TTh ■ k lis s 208 S ee . IX 2 :0 0 M W K lis s 207 S ec. X 3:00 M W K liss 102 S oc. X I 7:30.9:30 p.m . M K liss 102 S p o c c h 105 Intercolleglato Forqnilcs-, 2 n : 00 M W T a n n e r FA119 S p o o c h 111 Intercollegiate b o bate 2 11:00 TTh H u ll ' 100

M U S IC —

.__ T h e o ry o f M u s ic _ . ______■I- 4 0:00 MTWThF B ro s k o FA121 --- ■ M u s ic - 103 Fundaniontalso# Music ’ l:O b T T h ...... Curtis ‘ ' ' FA121 ■ ' M usTc 107 M u s ic A p p r e c ia t io n 3. ' 10:00 M W F C u r tis FA 12r'- ; 3 ' -—1 1 • UU rvtAA-TThP- 1 1 111 FA171 M u s ic 120 Concert Band 1 12:00 MTWThF C u r tis ' FA121 M u s ic 125 Instrumental Ensomblo 1 7-9:00 p .m . W C u r lis FA121 M u s ic 130 Concert Choir 1 2:00 MTWThF M lld o n FA12V M u s ic 135 Vocal Ensemble 1 4:00 TTh M ild o n FA121 ------M o sic- 1 40 ------AppI led-Muftlc—------^ ______1-9 TBA S ta ff ‘ TBA M u s ic 145 Applied Music Class Lessons 2 . 145 A V o ice 1:00 M W F M ild o n F A I21 • 145 B P ia n o 3:00 M W F , . M ild o n F A I2 I 145 C B ra s s 10:00 TTh C u r tis F A I21 ■ * VAusic 201 ■ T h e o r y o f M u s ic ■ 4 , 9:00 MTWThF ■Brosko ^ FA122


L ib . S cl. Introduction to information Science E d . 100 a n d L ib r a r ie s .. .______- ■ _ . . . 3 1 S e c . 1 D a y T B A M c G u ly o T B A . S oc. 11 Night TBA McGulrb TBA L ib . S cl. Introduction to Technical , E d . 101 , S e r v ic e s of th e 'i -• intormatlon Lonter '’3 ■" ; -TBA H a r r is o n L ib . A n x . ------b ibr- S ch------E d . 202 Services of the ' \ ------Information Center 3 . T B A . - M arrtsD n ■ ■---- y b r A n x ^ — — ■ Lib. Sci. ' Introduction to Audio- • E d . 203 Visual a. other Non-Book ' 1 • . M a t e r ia ls 3 TBA M c G u Ir o L Ib .A n x . Lib. Scl. Dlrocted Reading In Ed. 204 » - Communications Theory ' '1 TBA • ■ -1— „ L ib . A n x . ■ Lib. Scl. Practloum for Library H a r r is o n L ib . A n x . E d . 205 Service Improvement ■2 . - • t B A _


N sg . I Beginning Nursing -I. intervention 8-10 MM S ta ff 117 Experience Laboratory A s s ig n e d S ta ff 113-114 Clinical Laboratory 7 -V T h a .m . S t a f f - tlosp.


-AAath_plOj^_l E le m e n t a r y A lg e b r a 7;30-9;30 p.m . Th McElfresh 205 .AAattr02ff==?^' Intermediate Algobra_ — S e c . J — — --- 10:00 MW F— . - -B u tle r— -207- S e c . II A-7;30 p .m . T T h F is h e r 210 • M a t h 103 AAOrtorn Ateth for Elementary Teachers 6-7:30 p.m . TTh S tr o p s 209 • M a t h 105 Fundam ental Concepts of Math S ec. I I t ; ^ M T W F M c E lf r e s h 210 S ec. II 1:00 MWThF B u tle r 210 *A Aath 106 Fundamental Concepts of Math 10:0 0 M T W F P r a tt 210 /W ath 110 S lid e R u le 6 :0 0 p .m . W S tro p e 209 *A Aath 111 In tr o , to M a t h A n a ly s is S ec. I ______“BTWnWTWTfiP” Lewin “m r SBE7TI T 2:00 MTWThF Lew)n .209 ' Prerequisite ^ Check catalog', Sun(ttv’r'AU0USI’37nwrrnm m -Ni>wi, Twin F«ll>, Idaho 7 NUMBER COURSE CREDIT TIME ■ INSTRUCTOR ROOM

AAalh Dept.

iA /la th 112 Analytic Goomotry and Calculus I Sec. I -aiOO-MT-WThP- - S e c J ^ B u t l e r — — “ 209“- *AAath 211 11:00 MTWTtiF L e w i n ' 2 0 9 ' Analytical Geom etry and Calculus 11 *AA^th 212 9 :00 M T W F M c E lf r e s h 209 Analytical Geometry ^nd Calculus III AAath 231 8:Q0 M T W F M c E lf r e s h 207 Elementary Statistics 7-10:00 p.m . W B u tle r AAath 101 Intro. Data Processing ' r 210 Sec. I 8 :00 M W F P r a t t Sec. II -208 1 1 :O O M W K P r a tt 207 M a f h 225 Intro. Programming- 7-10:00 p.m . M P r a tt Eng. Draw 101 Engineering Drawing 210 0-10:00 p.m . TTh M o ffo r d 111 ■■


P .E . 100 Adult Recreation ------S oc. I 7:00-9:00 p.m . T C h a r lto n G y m 104 Sec. II (Women) ___ M lt t lo ld e r G y r a jo a p ; e . 101 “ Beglnnlr^Bowirng Soc. I ■ „ 1:00-3:00 T H a le B . D r o m e S oc. II .1:00-3:00 M h a le B . D r o m e P .E . 102 Intermediate Bowling ' '10:00-12:00 F ~ H a ie B . D r o m e P .E . 104 Volleyball g, Softball ■: - (W o m e n )- T T T w r m r ' M lt t lo ld e r G y m 135 P .E . 105 T o u c h fo o tb a ll 8, V o lle y b a ll 9 :0 0 T T h B a n flo ld G y m 105 P .E . 10yra 105------P .E . 121 I nter med late Goif -2:00 MW Charltori^ > G y m 105 ---- 'P : E r i2 2 '' J u d o S ec. I 1:00 T T h D o b b s T B A S ec. IJ 2:00 T T h . D o b b s " ^ T B A P .E . 123 K a r a te 7:00-9:00 p .m . W W r ig h t ■ E . Ba|c. PrEr-125- -Adapatlve Physical Edr - 1:00 MW W r lg h t:8 . M It t le ld e r G y m 104 - P .E . 128 Varsity Baseball T B A D a lly B a n fle ld T B A P .E . 129 Varsity Basketball T B A D a lly H a le T B A ■ P .E . 131 V a r s ity T e n n is T B A D a lly S ta ff TBA P .E . 132 VarsityTrack T B A D flllu ---- ^Staff— •- -* ■ 1 b A - P rE rlJt3 - - F ir a T o a ------S ec. I T T h 9:00 W r ig h t G y m 104 S ec. II M W 11:'00 W r ig h t G y m 104 Sec. I l l 5:00 T T h C h a r lto n G y m 104 P .E . 144 Personal 8. Public Health-^ S e c . I 9 :00 M W W r ig h t G y m 104 S ec. II 10:00 M W W r ig h t G y m 104 ■ , Sec. Ill '___ 11:00 T T h W rlD h t G y m 104 S oc. IV 2:00 T T h C h a r lto n G y m 104 S ec. V ----- 6 :00 p .m . ■prh • C h a r lto n G y m 104 P .E . 145 In tr o , to P h y s ic a I______E d u c a t i o n . - i - -JOiOOJLTh- -Gym -104-


P h y s , 101 Survey Physics 9 :0 0 M W F L a b 9-11:00 Th ...... i; P h y s . 121 General Astronomy 7:30-9:30 p.m . MW * P h y s . 213 General Physics - ^ - M W T h F - -I -----L-ob;— ^------— 1-3:00 T u

Prerequisite — Check catalog Tlm«-N«wi, Twin Fsllj, Idaho S(jndoy, Auouit 2J, IV?)


B io l. 101 General Biology S ec. r 9:00 M W F , s ta ff 114 L a b A 8-10:00 T u _ G o ld in a ..... ----L a b B ------10-12:00 Tu M o r r ill • ■ 216 ----L a b C 10-12:00 Th . „ Puder • 216 ■ L a b D 1-3:00 W G o ld in g 223 B lo l. 101 General Biology , S ec.- II ______1:00 M W F S ta ff 116 L a b F 1-3:00 T u ' P u d e r 216 L a b G 1-3:00 Th M o r r ill . 216 ' L a b H 3-5:00 Tu P u ^ e r 216 L a b I, 3-5:00 Th M o r r ill 216 . L a b J 3-5:00 W G o ld in g 223 B io l. I l l Envlronnnont & /Wan 1:00 T uT h Lo B a r o n 116 • Blol. 202 Animal Biology . 10:00 M W F , L e B a r o n 208 L a b . 10-12:00 T u T h L o B a r o n 223 B o ta n y 103 Principles of Botany — :------II t OOtMWF - Morrill - 208 V L a b _ _l=/<00-^Tu - M o r r ill 223 Z o o l. 127 Human Anatomy 8. Physiology 11:00 M W F P u d e r 116 L a b A 2-5:00 M ' P u d o r 216 ____L a b - B ------2 - 5 r0 0 W --- P u d e r ■ 216

> G e o l. 109 Physical Geology 10:00 M W F S tro p c 209 L a b 9-11:00 Tu S tro po 215

SOCIAL SCIENCE H is t. 101 History of Civilization Soc, I 2:00 M W F G e n try H is t, 102 S lT c.'ll 100 7-10;00 p.m . W G e n try 108 H is t. 11). History of civilization___ --l-2:J0-TTh ----- — ~ G e n tr y — 109 Intro, to U.S. History r . S oc. I 0:00 M W F Soc. II G entrV — l o a 9:00 M W F C a rte r . 115 S ec. I ll 9:30-11:00 TTh S oc. IV. G e n try 100 10:00 M W F S oc. V C a rte r 115 11:00 M W F S ec. VI K o ltn e r 100 1-2:30 TTh ___ ^Corjflfe; =i£l-U ~ 7 fo o n W F " . Sec. VIII K o ltn e r 117 : 7-10:00-p,m. Tu C a rte r H is t. 112 •' In tr o , to U .S . H is to r y 100 S o c. I -10:00 M W F S ec. II K o ltn e r 108 ' > 12:00 MWF S e c . lll C a rte r 115 7-10:00 p.m . M -•■-list. 115--- K o ltn e r — --- 108 ------Historypf Idaho ^ T B A . ,’ o l . S c i . 100 S ta ff L ib . Representative Government 1-3:00 Th S im s Pol. Sci. 101 American Government ^ C o n f, •S e c. I ^ 8:00-9:30 TTh S ec. II, -, H ull . ; ' lo a 9:00 M W F H u ll 109 S oc. I l l • 11:00 MW F S ec^ IV ■ ______A creo 107 1:00 M W F , S oc. V H u ll ■■ .100 ■ 1-2:30 TTh S oc; VI A cre o 108 7-10:OO.p.m. Th P o l. S c l. 102 State and Local Government A croe 108 2 :00 M W F . ->Pol. S c i. 211 A cre o 107 I Comp. Political Systems 3--): 30 M W So^. 101 , In tr o d u c tio n to S o c io lo g y A cre o 'loa S oc. I 8:00 M W F S ec. II M c K e n n a n o 9:30-11:00 TTh S ec. I ll S poy or 109 t 1:00 M W F S ec. IV M c K e n n a . 109 7-10:00 p.m . Til S o c . 102 -Soda LErobloms ------r M c K o n n a ~ " S o c . I 8-9:30 TTh S e c . II ______S poy or . 109 ■ S o c : r r r M a r ria g o Spoyol' n > ^ S oc. I 9 :00 M W F S ee. II M c K e n n a 107 l- 2 ;^ a T T h • A n th r o . 202 M c K e n n a 107 Into to Basque Culture TBA Anthro. 201-. Intro, to Anthropology S ta ff _J ____ L U i? . S oc. I 10:00 MWF . — i t e m ^ Spe ye r 109 7-10:00 p.m . W Spoy e r 109 '* Proreqjjlsite — Chock catalog Sunday. Augutl n. TltneslNaws/Twin ^allt, Idaho * J r


1 C tie m ls tr y

C h o m . 103 Introduction to Ctiemlstry s • 10;6b M T W F F lu e g e l • 116 L a b A , ■ 8-10:00 Tti F lu e g e l 224 - L a b B 10-12:00 Tti F lu e g e l ‘ 22:* L a b C ; ■ --- - . --- 1-5:00 F - FlU e ge l 224 Lab D - ■ ' 3-5:00 F F lu e g e l 224 * C h e m . I l l Principles of Ctiemlstry 5 8 :0 0 M W T t iF * C a m p b e ll 116 L a b A 8,-10:00 Tu Campbiell 224 L a b B 10:00-12:60 Tu. G o ld in g 224 L a b C 1-3:00 M G o ld in g 224 *Chom. 112'/* Inorganic Ctiemlstry & Qualitative Analysis ■ s L 2:00 M W F . C a m p b e ll 116 L a b A • l'3:30-TuTti--- C a m p b e ll 224 U b B 3:30-4 TuTti C a m p b e ll 224 * C h o m . 275 Cartjon Compounds 1:00 M T u T h F lu e g e l 209 'L a b 1-4:00 W F lu e g e l 224

• Prerequisite— Ctidck catalog' ■ ■ ...... '■ “ ...... ' ■■ BUILDING FOR THE-FyrURE




UNITED AUTOMOTIVE SHIRLEY & WYATT K & T STEEL JOHN CHRIS & ELECTRONICS -322 Diamond AverWr MtlTIKMI IDMW'S U M M M T O tH ~ _^liEIIS_STJQRL^ =WOIORS_ «UIOMTIVfnUCTIOHCM»TS l37S(>oshon> SI. N. 733-2554 Main Avo. 733-1823 733-7322 733-7’324! 733^3109

-.CainVFurnrture— e h z h ih ™ PAVING, INC. EQUIPMENT INC. " fo t

10^ TImeS'Nawa, Twin Falls, Idaho Sunday^ August 27, 1971 ADULT NON-CREDIT COORSES

PREPARATION FOR RETIREMENT . . G R O U N D S C H O O L — -Thl?-courso—|s-aBslgned—to—Inform . those—going—Info- ____The fllnht rniirse. covering the basic Federal Aviation retlrement of iho problems and frusfratlons they can expect Agency regulations on rules of flfght, rnefarologyr to meet, and how-to better cope w ith them . This tiass will be navigation, use of the computer and_plotter use of radio and highly beneficial for those planning to retire w ithin the next S servicing the aircraft, will begin September 14, at 7:00 years. Class to meet on Thursday nights starting September o'clock In room 205. Cost Is $20.00. 9, at 7:00 o'clock Room 107, There wll| be (10) ten, two hour sessions. Cost Is *10.00. OTHER COURSES . Thefollowlngcourseswlllbeoffercd lfenough requests are CHRISTMAS HANDICRAFTS m ade. You will bo notified through the news m edia. The construction of Christmas decorations and whpre. to -purchase-materlals. -There will be four 2 hour sessions Antiques (Identification) begjnj^ng th^flrst Monday night In November and con­ Golf (beginning) tinuing forThe rdlloW lngTM onday nlghts.-ClaBS-to bogln-at- .Gym nastics (children) 7:00 , R o o m 107, N o v e m b e r 1. C o s t f o r c o u r s e $8.00. KnTtttngr(beglnrilng) 7. Lettering _ —You-and-Your-Horso. (f aro)_ , FLY TYING Franchising This course Is designed tor the beginner and will cover all The Formerly AAarrled -phasB!i-of-mator-lals-selectlpn-and.appllcatlon Involved In d rv^ wot, streamor, and nym ph files. Particular attention will be ’ Bridge (beginning) given a numtier of files which h&vo proved effective In the Guitar (beginning) area, class size for the sake of the Individual Instruction will Hunter and. Gun Safety be limited to 20 persons. Average eyesight and manual Wig styling dexterity are required to master this art. Tools and equip­ Sketching and Drawing ment m ust be provided by the participants. AAatorlals for A.B.C. Shorthand each session will be sold at the beginning of ®acl] session. W riting Skills Cost for the course Is $10.00. Starts W ednesday night, Oct. 20, Foreign Cookery at 7:00 o'clock and will run for 5 weeks, w ill meet In room 214.

FALL FABRICS BON0ETr^CRTTXtr $0 6 6 wide —' M uchinn wiiflhahiA W AM SUTI’A’S lleuulifiil Fiill C olors ...... y

_ “WKN’S WEAH” LOOK _l*OLYESTER O dliltLE KN ITS DOUBL£ KNITS 58” to 60" wide 58" to 60" wide Mothine Washable

$ » y 9 « y«l.

ASSOKTED W ALE CORDUROY a i i c«ior» is ” wi.ie ..

“’“I’cquo ' A S S O U T E n T—eORBUROY- e l e e (!:e j f a b r i c s 5^0% Poly«Kt«r, 50% Co|im7 *"”* SiripeH

415” wiilr Hnml Wiioli - 54" wi<|« $ 9 4 9 $1*9 $9«9 wlu I . C* - W S o I u I h . . „Slcipe8_,l__yJ. THE IDAHO DEPARTMENT STORE -O N THE M A IL - DOWNTOWN TWIN FALLS Sunday, August 33, 1971 TlmeS'Newt, Twin Palli, Idaho 11 • ADULT NON-CREDIT GOURSES

The following courses have been tentatively set-to begin on STREET-SPOKEN SPANJSH fhe designated dates. Most courses require twelve f12)~ Beginning and advanced Spanish 'w will ill be taught With -students for a class. PLEASE CALL IN TO REGISTER emphasis on ot'al Spanish communication. Beginners will . PRIOR TO THE STARTING DATE. For further Ihtormatlon meet from 6-7:30 and advanced from 7:30-9:00 on Tuesday •N;Snd to register call or w rite AAarvln Glasscock, C.S.I. ptione and Thursdays. First class to meet Sept. 21 In room 103. Cost i'>33-»5S-( ext. 221. 0. . Is SIO.OO. -

INVESTMENTS OFFICE PRACTICE (S modules) A beginning gpurse In Investments will bo taught by Jphn These courses are designed for those who wish t6 brush-up Hunt, who Is with Thomson and McKinnon Auch|ncloss, a In office skills. (They are not for beginners). You may m em ber of the Now York Stock Exchange. The course will be register for one or all five. They will meet one night per week ononlflht per week, 7:30-9;30 p.m . Tuesday nights beginning tor (8) eight weeks 2Vj hours per night. The cost will be $12.00 October SrCost for the ten meetings Is $12.00. Class to meet In per module (plus books) or $

HIGH SCHOOL GOVERNMENT This course Is designed to fulfill the requirements for getting your high school equivalency diplom a. Class to m eet' _M onday______August-30_____Je ch n lflue so fJillln g —Roona^lQ- “Monday ancTWednesday n l^i^cg ln n in g ioptr20r3tT^0"lrr" Tuosday -August31 Brush-Up Typing Room 214 room 104. Cost of course Including books Is approximately W e d n e s d a y S e p t. 1 B ru s h - U p S h o r t h a n d R o o m 211 $30.00. Thursday Sept. 2 Business letter Room 211 . , writing and proof reading Friday Sept. 3 Business Machines . Room 204 READING IMPROVEMENT (Spoedreadlng)------This course taught by M arllyn'M echam, a highly qual fied specialist In this field. Class lim ited to 25 students. Beginning date, Monday night Siptemtior 13. Cost Including books Is $25.00. 7:00 r o o m 104.

A normal child can improve one

grade level in 6 W EEKS ! •

all-EBftONft Today. .- n . 13 Tlm M«N«vvt,_Twln Falls, Idaho Sunciay, AuguiM 22<'197l'


.... ------Tr a d ~e e x t e n s i o n -LICENSED.RRACTICAL NURSING^ Instruction Is given In Personal and AAenlal , -CLA SSfiS < p a H I.H IiO Hygiena, Nursing Procedures, Ethics and AGRICULTURE RELATED Solis Legal Aspects, Microbiology, Body Structure Artificial Insemination SCHEDULE and Functions. Community Health and Farm AAechanics - ■ ' • Sanitation, Nutrition, Diet Therapy. Medical Diesel Tractor Theory and *» ■ Surgical. Nursing, Care of.AAother and Child, Care of Children, Care of. the Convalescent, Maintenance the Aged and the Handicapped, and First Aid. Welding for Farmers <* Farm Sup'ervlslon Nex^ starting Date, Sept. 1973. Tuition and Foes, *334.50. Books, approx. *100. Uniforms *50. .. ■AGRICULTURE RELATED RADIOANDTV REPAIR AGRICULTURE BUSINESS tnslructlon'Is given-In basic electronics, ^olls I Artificial Insemination Instruction In FundAmontAls of Agriculturi}, radio circuitry ttieory and television'dlrcultry PrincjpLos, of Aorl-DusJnoas, AnImnI ' and servicing tt>eory. This IncluTlfiVtnslructlon Farm AAechanics Dl»s«| Tractor,_Theory and /A^lnt«nance-- Hl)sU 3n*y.-Plant-Sclonce I and - II, • Soil ~ - - In'Ihe principles of oiectrkity, vacuum tubes, Scloncn'Tflnd It. AgrlruJluraLQiPmlcalsJ-and_— .SOmiconduclors-and.-c|r.cuUi'y--lnfttrucfion-ts— ””trr~^nlnnrtl KjufrUfon,’*-Prlncltlos of Farm given in black and while and color ielevision Weldlng for Farmers Managumonl, Product Informfltlon, repair as well as related flolds. Next starling Farm''Supe’r’vislon Saloamanshlp. Ouslnoss' Math, Duslnofts date, Aug, 30. 1P71. Tuition and fees, *.173,50. Agrl. Chemicals nnvesTsziTpromictton- —CommunleaHomi— Agrl ■ntcffT' Books anu loois, approx. Sioo. - Princlplo&- of Uookkoopino/ Appllod Feediot Management Psychology, Public Rnlatlons, Ruslno&b Law, REFRIGERATION-AIR CONDITIONING Farm Supervision AAanagemont Typing, and Practlcos ol Distribution In lliu Instruction In the uso of trfldo tools, m a n u a l. — fieldrNext startlng dntff-AugrMrlV?!—TuHlon- ~and-pow«r-;'-sysl«m-£)(arglitg>-purgIn0-and- and Foos, *135.50 por aomostor. Oooks approK. evacuation; dlsacsembiy ol systems; heat DISTRIBUTIVE OCCUPATIONS S50. Aug. 30, 19>1, will bu ttio ttnrilng date ol transfer calculations; diagnosis of Food Service t»>t> next program. .mochanicfll, eiocfrlcat or rofrlgoration cycle Service Station Managomenl' •1 - ' failures. Next starting date, Aug. 30, 1971, Checker Training AUTODODY REPAIR Tuition and foes. *373.50. Books and tools, Soasonai Sales Program Instruction In alignm ent of all body approx. *100, 'AdvftncoU Salosmnnshlp opnnlngs; Installnllon ol panols; romoval and AAarkotIng Roscnr’ch ruplacomont of trim; all auto body ropair; WELDING Public Roiations front umr and frame . alignment; and lnr.jructlon in oxy-acetylone welding of light automobllo painting. Next starting dafo Aug. gago metal; pipe wuldino; basic arc welding - 30. )97\. Tuition and Fnes. *373.50. Books a n d ' of m ild slofll (four- positions); flam e and tools, approx, *150. carbon arc cutting; holiarc welding of APPRENTICESHIP RELATfeD stainless stool, alum inum and m ild stool; and Carponlor AUTOMECHANICS i molalllc Inert g.is l\MG) welding: Noxt“ Sheet Molal Instruction in ttm Theory 'Of ttio AAodorn starting date Aug. 30, 1971. Tuition and Feea. Plumber and Fitlor __internal Cnmlnntlon Englnft, TransmKnIon *334.50. Books and Tools, approx. * 100.______and Oilferontiat Varlalions, Electrical and Fuel Componontft witli Stiop Practice in ELECTRICAPPLIANCE REPAIR TRADE RELATED ' Overliauilng Engines, Transmissions, Glut- Instruction In Basic Elo.ctriclty, Heat A p­ Fundamental AAechanics for c>)06. Drive Lines, Drakes, Dilferentiais and pliances, Simple Motor Ropair, Schomatic Service Stations Roiated Systems of the Modern Automobllo. Training, AAolor Driven Appliances. Washing Trade AAatliematics ^ Next starting date Aug. 30, 1971. Tullion and AAachine Transmissions. Water Pumps a n d ' Blueprint Reading for Weidori , foes, *373.50. Books approx. *50. Tools approx, Valves, Electrical AAathomatics, and Simple Theory of Transistors *200. Gloclronlcs as. related to appliances. Next Basic Electronl£s starting dale Abg. 30,1971. TuHlon and Fees, Color T.V. Servicing -ttUHN66&—-0|iFICEH>C«Uf>*Tt0H5- -H 3?3:jerBooton rffrWTTO------roElng- tl—complelor—employ men t~oric Advanced Oxy-Acetylone Welding courses will bo olferod In ftio various office ^ R M DIESEL — HYbRA'OLrcs i —Basli^Arc-Weldlrto------^---- occupations; Including, Stenographer- The theory of and In'slruction In com- AdvancofLArc-Welding------Secretarial, Rucflplionist-Typist, Dookkooper- - ' pretslon Ignition—flnalnoSf-fuel'~pump»7~ln- MTiTWoldlng _Roy.r.olL_Clorlc^uniot‘-^ecoontant^ffrcb r^ctors, transmissions, clutches, lorquo t ig Welding AAanager. Next starting date Is August 30, ampiiliors, dlfferonlinis and subsequent gear Basic Refrigeration • Air Condllloning 1971. Courses range in length of lim e from nine train, power tako off. hydraullcally operated Automotive Oscllioscopo months to two years. Tuition and Fees, nine hltchus, stoering. brakes and olhor related month course *351, Books and supplies, a p ­ , hydraulic sysloms. Next starling date, August proximately *100. Tuition and fees, eleven 30, 1971. Tuition and fees,. *373.50. Books a p ­ CONSUMER ED. m o n th '^ u r s e *334.50, Books and supplies, '— prox. *50. Tools, approx. *200. Basic Clothing Construction approximalely *135. Informodiate Clothing Construction T H ERA PY TECHNICIAN Tailoring .pW TRimjflVE EDUCATION The Therapy Technician Program Is a Iwo-, - . Upholstery- ...... lifefrudtlon in Introduclloa to Business, - year, lour iemesler curriculum designed lo ' Furniture Reflnlshing ' Business Ciperation I. II, 111, and IV, Practices prepare socibi sor.vlco workers to function as Cake Decoratinq^ _of_Dlalclbiitlon*_Sa!e»(nanshlp^fluilno»s ______„as3litanls-1o_prQlflsslonals-ln_thQ_wfiHaro... _Food Processing English, Written Communicallohs, Human mental health, mental retardation, hood Service Supervision Relations, Oral Communications, and rohAbliltatlonandcorrocllonal flolds. Courses Enlerlaining* Bookkeeping. Next starting date Aug. 30, 1971. are taken on campus concurrently with SPE CIA L INTEREST Tuifion and fel^V^135.50 p ir semester. Books, supervised clinical oxporlence in soiecled Welding Sculpture appit^lflO. agencies. Powder Puff AAechanics . . i , • The m ain focus Is to ’ develop an un- Small Engine Repair 8. AAainldnance DRAFTING dorstanding ol human behavior with all of its Instruction in preparation of clear, com­ ramlflcalions so that graduates of the plete and accurate working plans and detail program will be able to Involve themselves in drawings from sketches or noles, utlllxing' rVioaningful ttelping capacities. ‘ Interested Persons Contact: ' knowledge of various machines, engineering'"- Next starling dale, August 30, 1971. Tuition - AGRICULTURE , pracllces, m athem allci^hulldina- n aS lerlais...... -y. and fees, (in-distrlct) *130.13 per; semester. ' Herschel Beydstun and other physical sclencerto complete the .x-;‘ ' Bocks and supplies, approximately *50,00 ' ' 733.M54Exl.3f4 drawings. Next starting date. Aug. 30, It^l. • ' oAch semester. BO s INESS—O F F IC E OCCUPATIONS Tuition and Foes, *334.50. Dock# and Tools. • k a rl Black _flpprox*-iioo.— ^— ------— _____ BUSlWESt=^OF-F-lCE OCCUPATIONS----- There will bo an offering of a cluster of of- CONSUMER EDUCATION ...... - LWENFORCEMENT ------flee skills t^ enable any student or someone (• iMit Payne ln»trucHon II glWiWn. the broad areas ol a li^ * 3 y lh an olUco occupaUon 1o learn only • ' 733-VS54 Ext. 394 traffic and criminal law enforcemanU crimo one deslrod skill such as Op<)rat|on of addjng DiSTJIIBUTIVE EDUCATION prevention,•eventlon. police skills aand nd general PhvsleaL______caicumachlnbs. aiors, calculators, mimeoflrflpj|..,a^ ^ mimeograph, - spirit___ ------Balitil.Pftinr training and ooneral police studies. , cupior, piivoi prmier, KUX 7J3.?SS4 Ext.,J»? Tha curriculum Is aimed at developing telephone switchboard, IBM EmocuIIvo typewdter. They may i^iio learn any one of students Into solid young men. physically fit, mentally responsive, with a good foundation of levAral filing systems, payroll reporting, 793.»SS4Ext. 3f1 polica knowledge. Next starting date. August machine transcription, office relations, and 30. ,1971. Tuition and Fees, *334.50. Books and olhers.' For ttSese or any other specific office uniform s, approx. *100, . » skill, please call Karl Black, CSI 733.9554. ; ALL cL a SS STARTTNG DATES W ILL BE Time and fees to bo arranged. ANNOUNCED LATER.

" h i Has the Facilities, i?he Curriculum, And tlie Faculty To enable a student to ______prepare his or~hen future- without leaving Magic Valley Preparation, that’s the word. The Rtiident can do just that

the best part of all is that the money saved by enrolling at C.S.I. will enable a t - student to have the money needed to complete his education at some other institution of higher lea:rning.


JERONt 1390H^hbnd«ve. . W M ftin 3MII. 0«ertowd ■ns' THE COMPETITION

See Whdts Happening In NOW Clothing NOW PANIS, NOW SHIRTS, NOW BELTS, NdW TIES, AT YESTERDAY'S PRICES CLOTHING FOR THE YOUNG WITH A FAR OUT STORE TO IMATCH. COME IN AND SEE THE CLOTHES AND HEAR THE SOUNDS OF TODAY. COTILLION HALLE D O W N TO W N TW IN FALLS Op«n 9:30 (o 5:30 Monday fhru Satufday Sunday» Auoutt 22, 1971 Times News.-Twin Fal>», Idaho 15 COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN IDAHO EVENTS CALENDER: FINEJVRTS . . . ATHLETr^^^^ 1971 1972 Every. Tuesday an3 'Wetlnosduy — rntramiiral SpbrU — Ivn'rWrJght-” -Janr«rCSI Baskotbali-^-'Webe atet ^Gymnasium ------r- - - — ------i.-lO: CSI BasketbaU— Utah State at Twin Falls- "August 0: 9:00 o.m. ~ 4:00 p.m. DPA Mooting — Multl-Uso Confcronco Jan. 14: CSI BasketbaU - Db PhI Omega-Ruader’a Academic Bulldlng_ . ■ -'i’hreatr^-Attdttorium — MnrrQ0r6:16 Brtirro^O ^artm t .. ______Nov. lOrAHDay-'nighSchoolMuslcClinJc —Gym Mar. 31:8:15 j&.m.Reader’s Theatre Pbrformance-Abditorlum’ ' Nov. 2 0 : All day and evening - High School Music Clinic — Gym April 1{ High School Business Dopt. Contests'Pressoy — Auditorium 8:15' Nov. 22: 1:15 p.m. High School Matinoo — National Shakcjipcaro Company . - — Readers Ttjo'atre Performance Auditorium "Romeo and Juliet" Auditorium. Apr. 5; 8:00 p.m. ’I’win Foils High School Music Dept. Concert — Auditorium Nov. 22: 8;15 p.m. CSI and Public Perfprmance ‘^Romeo and Juliet" —^ __ Apr. G; 8:00 p.m. Robert Peters Concert—Auditorium _ National Shflkcspeoro Company — /Cudltorium ■■ AprUTrSludcnt'M6vic^‘Ptorfon»urncc''"f^B5 Auditorium Nov. 23; 8:00 p.m. "Butch Cassidy and the Sundanco Kid" Auditorium April 14: Student Danco-blnlng Room . Nov. 25-27: CSI Baslw tballCasper Tournament Wyoming— There Apr.9-10'; 7:00p.m.DramaD6partmentRohoBrsals —Auditorium Nov. 24-27: Jaycoes Jr. Miss Pageant — Auditorium — Tom Hewlett -- AprU 0; 3:00 p.m. Magic Valley Communlty Concert — John Doorr — Nov. 30; CSI Basketball - Walla Walla Washington at Twin Falls Auditorium - -Dec Jr C S I Basketball — Treasurb Valloy — at Twin Falls .AprlilO: 3:00p.m.CSIBandConcert-^Curtls-Auditorium i Dcc. 2; Student Movie "Tho“>Iutcrackor" $.65 Auditorium— Apr. 20-2218:15—DranCa Department Performances —Auditorium Dec. ^ : CSI Basketball — Idaho at Twin Foils Apr.21-23: DayUine— StudentArtShow— eteel —Auditorium — Dec. 6:3:00 p.m. Christmas Choral Concert — Mlldon — Auditorium Apr. 27 : 7:30 — Twin Falls High School Music Dept. Concert — Auditorium Dec^G: CSI Basketball - Boise at Twin Falls Apr. 28*20:9:t)0-ll:00,12-5,7-11, p.m. Tops Club —Auditorium Dec. 8; Student Movio "Othello" $.65 Auditorium Apr. 29: Student Movie "The Damned" t.65 Auditorium Doc. 9:7: OO p.m. Sales Speaking Contest— All of Fino Arts Center Apr. 30: 3:00 p.m. Spring Choral Concert-MUdpn — Auditorium Dcc. 10: CSI Basketball - Utah at Twin Falls May 4: 6:00 p.m. Twin Falls High School Miisic Dept. Con2:ert Auditorium Dec. 11: 9:OiO — 12:00 Student Christmas Fornrml — Dining Room CSI . May 10:7:30 — Twin Falla High School Music Dept. Concert — Auditorium ■ Basketball - BVU There ‘ May 11-13: 8:00 a.m. 11:00 p.m. Interpretation 'Hieafre AUlance Festival Doc. n .’ CSIBaskclball —IdaboStateUnlversltyatPocatello F.A. Dcc. 14-15:8:15 Anna Moffo Concert — Auditorium—Mlldon May 12; 9:00-12:00 GraduaUon Dance — Dining Room Dcc. 16: 8:00 p.m. Twin Falla High School Music Dept. Concert — May 14: jt;00 p.rrl. CSI Commencement Gym ^ . Auditorium CSI BasketbaU — BVU at Twin Falls July 24-28: Ag. Research Seminar — Dick Ohms Doc. 17: CSI BqpkotbaU — NorUi Idaho, There Oct. 2: U.S.MarineBond— Twin FaUsKiwanls Club— Gym



REGlStRAftON idCATIONS: TWriH FALLS: BiWLEY-RUp'ERT: Acod«mic Building W «tl Mlnlco C eli«0« e f S eu lh arn Ida h o Jufnlor H ig h School Twin foils, Idaho Paul, Idaho MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1971,7:00 P.M. TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1971, 7i00 P.M.

BURLEY-RUPERT TWIN FALLS COURSES All ctojiei will be held In the W ett Mlnico Junior High Scflool at Paul COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE OF LIBERAL a r t s '' • ANTHROPOLOGY ___,___ 338 !_Ethno|ogyj lndlans.Qf ldaho-Past-&-ProscJit ^ 3 cVodittT-^----- • (Speyer) • Tuesday - 7-9:30 p.m. - Room 5 ANTHROPOIOGY ENOUGH 203“-*JntrbductjaTncrProhl5loric~A'fchat)olooy'::^trcfedlts“ ~ ~ 202 • Major American Writers • 3 credits (Buoy) * starts Tuesday, Soptombor 14th, 7*9 j3 0 p.m . (Nield) - Wednesday - 7-9:30 p.m. - Room 5 ENGLISH 251 t- Groat Books - 3 credits______!______-— q 451—Comporotlve-litoratoT'o’^TIfo'dlfs T~ ' ^ ^ 7T»BA) (Lowthor) - Monday - 7-9;30 p.m. GERMAN g456 - Advanced English Grammar - 3 credits 101- Elementary German • 4 credits (G illia rd ) - TBA ,• (Bolbi) - Tuesday- 7-10:15 p.m. - Room 2 SOCIOLOGY T HISTORY 33 j • Populotion ond M igration - 3 credits 121 - The U.S. to 1865 - 3 credits ______(Spoyor) - M onday - 7-9;30 p;m;------— ^ (Ma)an) • Tuesday - 7-9:30 p.m. - Room 1 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION MATHEMATICS 209 - Basic Concepts in. Mathematics - 3 credits COUNSELOR EDUCATION & SPECIAL EDUCATION (Williams) • Thursday • 7-9:30 p.m. - Room 5 — a-48.4-z_Guidanco-Prlncipl«t A-Practices - 3 credits (McCabe) - Tuesday - 7*9:30 p.m. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 619 - Individual Intelligonco Testing - 3 credits (McCabo) - Wednesday - 7-9:30 p.m. PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION (Clcis limit: 6 students - Double Registration Feo) 101.-.Introduction to Education - 3 credits (Staff) - Thursday • 7-9:30 p.m. - Room 2 PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION 313 - General Methods in the Elen\ontary School * 3 credits 20.1 • E d u ca tio n a l Psychology - 4 credits . (Staff) Monday • 7-9:30 p.m. - R6om 1 (Hilverdo)'.Thursday - 7-10:15 p.m. ^ 321 • Tqocj^g_Rgpding-&-tho-LanguaQe-Artt^-3 crflditft------315 • Gonerol Methods in the Secendorv School • 3 rrndiu— ^ — — (fiwlntim dl) •: Ihursday - ^^9:30 p.m. : Room 3 7 t ^ h lT ‘Tm yJcm y^^:30 p.m. 331 - Methods & Materials for the Teaching of Elementary RECREATION School Arithmetic - 2 credits 605 - Philosophy of Recreotion - 3 credits (Blackhom) - Tuesday - 7-9 p.m. (Browning) - Thursday • 7-9:30 p.m. • Room 1 401 - Philosophy o< Education - 3 credits (S taff)' Tuesday - 7-9:30.p.m. COLLEGE OF MtDICAL ARTS 491 - Seminar: Aerospace Educotlon -_2£r^dit5_.___ __ —_ _ SPEECH PATHOLOGY &-AUDIOLOGY - ^ (Schrockoriberg)~Wednesday - 7-V 201 - Elementary Phonetics - 2 credits 612 - Principles & Practiqesjn School Law - 3 credits (Staff- Wednesday - 7 t9 p.m. • Room 1 (Mdfrcum) - Thursday-7-9:30 p.m. 629 - Advanced Study in Child'Development - 3 credits (Bailor) - Thursday • 7-9:30 p.m. FEES will be collected registration night COLLEGE OF MEDICAL ARTS Regular Students...... * I 8.00 per cr. hr. SPEECH PATHOLOGY & AOfDIOLOGV ' g301 - Principles of Speech Correctiot^ in the Publfc Persons Over 6 5 ...... • 9.00 per cr. hr. Schools - 3 credits Audit Students ...... * 9.00 per cr. hr. (Staff) • Wednesday - 7-9:30 p.m. FOR FURTHER INFORMAfION CONTACTr

MR. MARVIN GLASSCOCK MR. DOYLEJ-QWDEtl MR.^CHARLES^NSON Cojlege of Southern Idaho School Diitrict No. 331 ------Idaho-Slalo University. -JAwJn FolU.Jdaho B330T Rupert, Idaho — Pocatello, Idaho Phono 733-9554, Ext. 221 Phono 436:4727 Bhone 236-3405 CLASSES BEGIN ...... SEPTEAABER 1, 197 V FINAL EXAMINATIONS ...... Vt:, ...../ TTDECEMBfR 18^23, 197^