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Note 1: since many of the names in this book are relatively unknown, most have been indexed under the person’s occupation or role, such as architect, artist, historian, or journalist. Some politicians can be found under headings such as , minister presidents, or Dachau town, mayors. Other important categories are: comparisons, films, research topics, and terms. However, within these categories, names and terms marked with an asterisk (*) are listed as main entries. Note 2: The term “Dachau” has been broken down into the subcategories: concentration camp, county, memorial site, internment camp, and town. Certain terms that cross the concentration camp and the memorials site have been indexed separately: for example, barracks, crematorium, gatehouse, inscriptions, roll-call square, signs, and watchtowers. These, too, are marked with an asterisk (*).

131 law, see , Federal Republic, amnesty, 92, 93, 98f, 106ff, 112, 125, 161, Basic Law 309, 347, 384 abstraction, see Nazism, portrayals of back door, 215f academics (professors), 479 n. 44, 531 clemency, 99, 106, 253, 278 n. 90 antifascism, see fascism Bar-On, Daniel, 374 antisemitism (antisemitic), 53, 110, 146, Brenner, Michael, 351 199, 255, 262, 264, 265, 287 *Goldhagen, Daniel wave (1960), 205, 209, 364, 367 *Habermas, Jürgen see also philosemitism Halperin, Irving, 274 Apitz, Bruno, see authors Hockerts, Hans Günter, 400 APO, see Extraparliamentary Opposition Hofstätter, Richard, 307f Appellplatz, see roll-call square Landsberg, Alison, 391f architects, 282, 479 n. 44, 518 n. 29 Löwenthal, Richard, 316 Eisenmann, Peter, 562 n. 113 Sofsky, Wolfgang, 512 n. 4 Gropius, Walter, 259 Wakin, Edward, 516 n. 54 Guttmann, Hermann, 267, 269, 284 see also Adorno; Arendt; historians Union of, 191 Action Sign of Atonement, 278, 286f, 355 Ronca, Ehea, 225f Adenauer, Konrad, 113, 115, 123, 142, Roth, Harald, 196, ills.33f 209, 301, 302f, 321 Schwarz, Stefan, 266f, 474 n. 9 Moscow trip, 122f, 184, 199, 302 Seidl, 190 Adorno, Theodor, 210, 488 n. 74, 489 n. 81 Seifert, 190 Allach, 162, 163, 167, 262, 264 Striffler, Helmut, 282, 284, ill. 64 Alltagsgeschichte, see history of everyday Vander Auvera, René, 252f life Wiedemann, Josef, 236, 284 Altschuler, David, 391 see also artists


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Ardeatine caves, 227 Birkenau, 41f, 508 n. 39 see also Italy commemoration at (1995), 379 Arendt, Hannah, 428 n. 90, 435 n. 17, 491 convent at, 240, 268, 504 n.91f n. 93, 493 n. 115, 525 n. 31 I. G. Farben, 42, 104, 440 n. 67 Arndt, Adolf, 215 lie law, 549 n. 79 art, 17, 274, 332 memorial, 252, 268, 401, 554 n. 19 by concentration camp survivors, 8 metaphor, used as, 119, 300, 314, 335, see also memorial art 359, 379, 387 artifacts, 191, 241, 244, 253, 266, 274, 297 Monowitz, 42 artists, 468 n. 103 Os´wie¸cim, 240, 384 Aldinger, Dieter, 268 trials, see trials, Auschwitz Buechner, Georg, 189f youth center, 384 Gerz, Jochen, 10 Austria, 32, 34, 35, 38, 43, 100, 119, 244, *Glid, Nandor 380, 541 n. 43 Hiller, Anton, 196, ills.33f Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, 384 Klug, Hansdietmar, 259 survivors from, 66, 144, 150, 155, 173, Knappe, Karl, 190ff, 197, ills.31f 234, 242 Koelle, Fritz, 193f, ills.37f see also Hartheim Castle Kollwitz, Käthe, 375 authors, 523 n. 18, 542 n. 51 Kreis, Wilhelm, 480 n. 55 Anders, Günther, 296, 491 n.100, 542 n. Salmann, 190 49, 561 n. 95 see also architects Apitz, Bruno, 306f Aryan, 6, 58, 440 n. 81 Arnim, Gabriele von, 374 ash, human, 41, 46, 52, 73, 253, 268, 337, Böll, Heinrich, 295, 384, 527 n. 51 403, 455 n. 121, 456 n. 132, ill. 18 Brecht, Bertolt, 167, 534 n. 140 sale of, 181, 470 n. 134 Duba, Ursula, 296, 527 n. 57 asocials, 128, 159, 231, 232, 246, 508 n. 36 Engelmann, Bernt, 117 Assemblée nationale, see France Fest, Joachim, 342, 369 Aster, Otto, 133 Fleischmann, Lea, 313 Atlantic Bridge (Atlantik-Brücke), 273, Geissler, Christian, 298, 489 n. 77 488 n. 74 Giordano, Ralph, 92, 113, 119, 374, 384, atonement, 191, 222, 231, 235, 238, 239, 486 n. 58f, 495 n. 137, 559 n. 63 249, 251, 278, 279f, 281, 286 Goethe, 245 atrocities, 2, 5, 14, 29, 31, 47, 52, 55, 57, Grass, Günther, 295, 527 n. 51 59–63, 69, 75, 83, 90, 171, 193, 202, Hegi, Ursula, 296 211, 212, 232, 237, 257, 273, 290, Hiob, Hannah, 534 n. 140 298, 310, 331, 383 Hochhuth, Rolf, 213, 238, 301, 311, 344 see also brown-collar crimes; *Jaspers, Karl reeducation Jünger, Ernst, 309 Auerbach, Philipp, 134, 144f, 148, 149, Kalow, Gert, 308 150, 153, 163f, 172, 183, 192f, 265, Kuby, Erich, 295 266, 463 n. 42 Lenz, Siegfried, 295 biography, 447 n. 29 Levi, Primo, 307 dedication tour, 156, ill.22 Meyer-Amery, Carl, 205 trial, 157, 177 Mohler, Armin, 308f, 310, 311, 335 Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit, 210, Novalis, 227 see also Adorno; Vergangenheits- Orwell, George, 92 bewältigung Reichel, Sabine, 211, 293, 296, 305f, Augsburg, refugee camp, 163 311, 313, 374 Aumer, Hermann, 133f Richter, Hans-Werner, 295 Auschwitz, 2, 24, 26, 40, 41f, 47, 134, 201f, Rinser, Luise, 124 295, 307, 321, 394 Rückert, Friedrich, 236


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authors (cont.) Landesverband, see Jews Schiller, 172f minister presidents, 101, 136, 379 Schnabel, Ernst, 296, 297 Ehard, Hans, 120f, 138ff, 145ff, 156, *Schoenberner, Gerhard 164, 167, 169, 265 Seghers, Anna, 279 Goppel, Alfons, 227f, 239 Sichrovsky, Peter, 374 Hoegner, Wilhelm, 133, 151, 191, 205, Sonnemann, Ullrich, 214 243, 245, 248 Sontheimer, Kurt, 214 Stoiber, Edmund, 555 n. 31 Spiegelman, Art, 511 n. 3 *Strauss, Franz Josef Tempel, Gudrun, 298 Streibl, Max, ill.85 Wagner, Richard, 227 ministries/ministers, 140, 145, *Walser, Martin agriculture, 151 Weiss, Peter, 214 Baumgartner, 184, 226, 236, 454 n. Westernhagen, Dörte von, 374, 530 n. 81 102 Wiesel, Elie, 351, 363, 379, 528 n. 63 culture and education, 136, 138, 149, Zuckmayer, Carl, 102, 298 176f, 181, 192, 195, 383, 386, 388f, see also books; historians; journalists 392, 400, 401 automatic arrest, 6, 8, 69, 88, 93 denazification (special tasks), 94, 101, 161, 437 n. 34 Baader, Andreas, see Red Army Faction finance, 121, 132, 151, 176, 178f, 180, barbarity, see violence and brutality 182, 183, 248, 386, 388 barbed wire, 3, 10, 11, 23, 44, 73, 162, 171, Zietsch, 176, ill.21 173f, 251, 259, 270, 275, 396, 397 interior, 137, 153, 176, 401 Barbie, Klaus, see brown-collar criminals justice, 176, 236 barracks, 4, 9f, 33, 69, 249, 498 n. 8, ills.2, see also Müller, Josef 23 labor, 248 Dachau-East, 165, 180, 248f, ills.3, 23f, refugee affairs, 117, 161, 162 27,47f see also Oberländer, Theodor foundations, 9, 224, 395 parliament, 5, 94, 108, 120f, 145, 147, functions, 44, 221, 222, 224, ill.2 150, 151, 161, 165, 169, 184, 204, life span, 250, 508 n. 38 205 moved to Munich, 483 n. 26 commemorations in, 120f, 144, 155, reconstruction, 9, 225, 394f, 397f, ill.30 157 renovation costs, 164f commission on denazification, 101f Rothschwaige, 162 committee on cultural policy, 205, Bauer, Fritz, 213 390 Baumgartner, Dr., see Bavaria, committee on social policy, 158f ministries/ministers Youth Ring (BJR), 204, 230, 320f, 323, Bavaria, Bavarian 386, 387, 393 authorities, 183f Belgium, 32, 65, 66f, 68, 150, 240, 242, Castles and Gardens, 157, 177f, 252, 252, 260, 269, 320, 322, 344, 355, 286, 468 n. 116, 507 n. 28 359 Commissionership racial, religious, Belsen (Bergen-Belsen), 47, 48, 53, 54, political persecutees, 133, 134, 155 128, 146, 295, 383, 403 Restitution, 157, 175, 177f, 197, 260 commandant Kramer, 48, 101 Historic Preservation, 340 commemorations at, 209, 363, 364 Holding, 135, 139f, 164 history of, 219 bureaucracy, 192, 194, 196 liberation, 202, 255, 332 cabinet (meetings), 177 memorial site, 201, 264, 268, 280, 286, government, 93, 178 296, 354, 363, 403, 520 n. 54 chancellory, 21, 177ff trial (1945), 69, 130 History, House of Bavarian, 400 Benda, Ernst, 215


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Berlin, 21, 28, 32, 131, 141f, 161, 208, 314, Britain, British, 54f, 59f, 63, 67, 69, 80, 375ff 86ff, 99, 116, 122, 141, 201, 229, blockade 1948, 120 233, 322, 332, 344, 359 concentration camps in, 32 see also Boer War four-power conference, 125 Bronstein, Carolyn, 275 mayors see also interviews by author Albertz, Heinrich, 322 Broszat, Martin, 218, 219, 295, 343, 373, *Brandt, Willy 409 n. 22, 410 n. 40, 427 n. 88, Reuter, Ernst, 124 431n. 126, 488 n. 70 Schütz, Klaus, 322 brown-collar crimes, 200, 307, 313, 362 memorial for murdered Jews, 376f, 378, defined, 89 474 n. 5, 563 n. 114 eradication of evidence, 40 national victims’ memorial, see knowledge of, 299 Germany brown-collar criminals, 89, 95 Plötzensee, 460 n. 5 1944 Allied plan for, 67f Reichstag, 20, 21, 27, 358, 379 amnesty of, 106ff speech by Kennedy, 364 see also amnesty Wall, 206, 257, 349, 368, 375 as leading citizens, 108–11 Berufsverbot, 152 as rescuers, 104ff Bettelheim, Bruno, see Dachau as victims, 100–3 concentration camp, survivors Barbie, Klaus, 362 Bewältigung der Vergangenheit, see Becher, Kurt, 48 Vergangenheitsbewältigung Best, Werner, 294 Bild Zeitung, see newspapers Blobel, Paul, 40f, 100, 106, 108 Bitburg, 240, 359–64, 379, 385 Bormann, Martin, 294 black market, 128, 135, 148 Clauberg, Carl, 125 Böck, see Dachau town, mayors Dönitz, Karl, Admiral, 104 Boer War, 19f, 36, 158 *Eichmann, Adolf see also comparisons Eisele, Hans, 99, 126 Bohm, Franz, 506 n. 8 execution of, 71 Böll, Heinrich, see authors Fischer-Schweder, Bernhard, 206f books, 346, 390f Frank, Hans, 294, 405 Mein Kampf, 369 Freisler, Roland, 33f We Sons of Eichmann, 213 Goebbels, Josef, 41, 294, 405 When Hitler Stole the Pink Rabbit, 403 Göring, Hermann, 104, 294, 405 see also authors Greese, Irma, 101, 295 Böse, Wilfried, see Red Army Faction Heydrich, Reinhard, 32, 39, 40, 45, 294, Bourke-White, Margaret, see journalists 405 Bracher, Karl Dietrich, see historians *Himmler, Heinrich Bradley, US general, see US army *Hitler, Adolf branch camps, see concentration camps, Kaltenbrunner, Ernst, 104 branch camps; Mengele, Josef, 362 see also Dachau concentration camp, Naumann, Gert, 81–5 branch camps Ohlendorf, Otto, 38 Brandt, Willy, 302f, 319, 357 Pohl, Oswald, 30, 32, 34, 37, 106, 108 in Warsaw, 304 rehabilitation of, 117, see also Brauer, Max, see Hamburg rehabilitation Braun, Eva and Otto, 95 Schirach, Baldur von, 294, 405 see also Hitler, Adolf Schubert, Wilhelm, 126, 206, 308 Braunschweig, 123 sentencing of, 70f Brenner, Michael, see historians Sommer, Martin, 126 Breslau, 213 Sorge, Gustav, 126, 206, 308


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brown-collar criminals (cont.) Pfanzelt, Friedrich (Dachau priest), Speer, Albert, 37, 294 169, 502 n. 61 Volkenrath, Elisabeth, 100f Pope John XXIII, 226 *Wülfert, Hans Pope John Paul II, 240 see also Dachau concentration camp, Pope Paul VI, 226 commandants; Röhm; trials Pope Pius XII (Pacelli), 225f, 229, brown-collar trials, 127, 200, 207f, 213f, 238f, 301 219, 300, ill. 11 KZ Priests’ Association, 230, 246, 247, statistics, 98 265 see also trials Vatican, 105, 107, 153, 213, 301 brutality, see violence and brutality see also Neuhäusler Bubis, Ignaz, see Jews CDU/CSU, see Germany, political parties Buchenwald, 273 Chamberlain, Neville, 315, 337, 412 n. 57 commandant Koch, 30 Cheshire, Leonard, 230 commemorations at, 193, 243 Christmas, 84, 107, 154, 209, 229, 230, concentration camp, 3, 33, 34, 47, 55f, 364, 458 n. 157 99 CID (Comité International de Dachau), memorial site, 88, 390, 401, 445 n.1, 561 see Dachau concentration camp n. 99 survivors, organizations museum, 225, 243, 252 civil disobedience, 215, 309, 311, 324, Soviet camp, 68 354, ill.81 Bund, Bundes-, see Germany, Federal see also hunger strikes; resistance, right Republic of Bundeszentrale für Heimatdienst, 202, civilians, German, 495 n. 131, 495 n. 134, 496 n.145 attitudes towards Wiedergutmachung, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, see 156 education, centers of political categories of, 95 bureaucracy, 121, 132, 177, 212, 310, 317, expulsion of, 160f 384 good Germans, 58 see also Bavaria, bureaucracy guilt, lack of, 71 buses, see Dachau town, buses knowledge of concentration camps, 62, bystanders, 12, 55f 345f, 357, 368 see also Dachau town, residents liberation confrontations, 55ff, 127 see also bystanders Cahnman[n], Werner, see Dachau Clauberg, Carl, see brown-collar concentration camp, survivors criminals camp senior (Lagerältester), 65, 67, 251 clean camps, 6, 26–31, 194, 251, 273, 343 Carmelite convent, 237f, 240, ills.2f, 45 see also dirty camps Carr, E. H., see historians cohorts, 291–6, 327 Carstens, Karl, see Germany, Federal 1918ers, 291, 294 Republic, presidents of 1933ers, 294, 312 Catholic, Catholics, 10, 24, 25, 43f, 221–41 1943ers, 294f, 2988f churches, see Dachau churches 1948ers, 295, 299 Eucharistic World Congress (1960), 205, 1968ers, 195f, 295–301, 490 n. 83ff 224, 226, 233–6, 293, 297, ill. 47 1979ers, 313, 325, 327, 374 functionaries 1989ers, 402–6, ill.71 Cardinal Döpfner, 237 defined, 521 n.1 Cardinal Faulhaber, 222, 223, 229, see also generations 232, 437 n. 33, 473 n. 4 Cold War, 60, 71, 85–8, 94, 112, 20, 123, Friedrichs, Reinhold, 234 128, 141f, 160f, 181, 193, 199, 206, Hengsbach, Franz, 234 256, 257, 265, 291, 375 Kozlowiecki, Adam, 233, 234, 235 collective guilt, see guilt


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colors, 90f, 172, 232, 260, 354f, 486 n. 62, Nazi Germany and: 488 n. 73 Israel, 314f commemoration, 155, 252, 320 United States, 337 days of, 121f, 144, 156f, 204, 223, 370, Nazis and Eskimos, 63, 75, 300 372, 375, 379f, 444 n. 120 numbers of victims, 339 Commissionership, see Bavaria, protective custody and emergency authorities, Restitution laws, 323 Communists, 20, 87, 121, 128, 145, 155, reeducation of Nazis and asocials, 158, 166, 187, 206, 245, 277, 287, 159 310, 313, 320 refugees and: comparisons, 313ff, 331 communists, 167 Auschwitz and Stuttgart-Stammheim, concentration camp inmates, 84, 319 130, 170 Auschwitz (Holocaust) and Vietnam SA and 1968ers, 314 War, 314, 345 compensation, 99, 121, 129f, 131f, 134, concentration camp inmates and: 171, 177, 354, 378 animals, 129 see also Wiedergutmachung DPs, 130 concentration camp inmates young SS men, 363 *“asocials” Dachau concentration camp and: “bad,” 127–57, 196, 242, 298 Dachau refugee settlement, 169 capos, 44, 65, 436 n. 23 US internment camps, 101, 103 criminal, 30, 65, 80, 181, 260 US POW camps, 82 “dirty,” 77, 170, 231 Dachau East and: female, 34, 48, 65 crematorium park, 183 see also women Hooverville, 173 *homosexuals Nuremberg ignorance, 167 Jehovah’s Witnesses, 8, 354, 398 Dachau memorial site and Disneyland, numbers of, 31, 48 395f *Sinti and Roma denazification and delousing, 88, 112 special (prominent), 2, 44f, 106, 119, denazification in East and West, 117 235, 251, 277 Dresden and Nazi atrocities, 434 n. 7 concentration camp survivor gassing and starving, 168 organizations Gestapo and West German police, 302 AvS, 152f Hitler and: BVN, 152f, 195 Dutschke, 316 Dachau Nasser, 314 AG Dachau, 152, 153, 242 F. J. Strauss, 532 n. 104 Amicale Dachau, 67, 458 n. 160 KZ guards and prisoners, 100f CID, 204, 206, 241, 244f, 249, 252, KZ inmates and DPs, 130 256–60, 267, 280, 320f, 323, 355, Jewish and German guilt, 366 389f Jews and: IIO, 66, 170, 171, 246, ill.14 1968ers, 300 IPC, 65, 66, 264 Germans, 135 KZ Priests, 230, 246, 247, 265 native Americans, 337 Lagergemeinschaft (LGD), 243, 257, Kristallnacht and July 1945 roundup, 320, 339, 401 88 LFR, 243, 246 Nazi camps and: VVN, 144, 145, 148, 373 British camps, 19f, 36 French, 243, 478 n. 35, 506n. 12 DP camps, 135, VVN, 67, 128, 134, 136, 143, 151, 152ff, East German camps, 121 184, 193, 243, 246, 248, 265, 321, Soviet crimes, 107 376


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concentration camps, 477 n. 30, 496 n. photographs and films of, 61, 81f, 171f, 144 202, 255, ills. 10,16 *Auschwitz Leiten convoys, 57, 329, 338, 538 n. 8, branch camps, 42, 162, 279 ill. 1 *Belsen Leiten gravesite, 49, 143, 144, ills.34, British, 19f 36, 39 *Buchenwald costs, renovation, 164f “clean,” see clean camps see also memorials, costs commandants, 45; see also Belsen; coup, see putsch Buchenwald; Dachau crematorium, 4, 9, 10, 11, 31, 41, 45f, 49, concentration camp 52, 397, ills.2, 5f, 9, 16–18, 49–51 construction costs, 32 closure/demolition, 4, 5, 179, 181–5, correctional institutions, 3, 33, 103, 158 231, 244, 338, 339 crimes in, 30 Cuba, 257, 302, 364 definition of, 158, currency Esterwegen, 431 n. 23 conversion, 473 n. 5, 497 n. 3 evacuation, 47ff, 268 reform, 88, 141, 161, 195, 291, 295, 447 eyeglasses, hair, possessions, 40, 104, n. 20 253, 396 Czechoslovakia, 32, 33, 35, 160, 161, 162, factories in, 37 337 financing of, 32 Prague Spring, 318, 321 Flossenbürg, 34, 47, 138, 205, 263, 403, 455 n. 121, 517 n. 12 Dachau churches, 7, 8f functions, 28, 30, 31f, 34, 43, 398 Golgotha, 224, ills.2f, 27,47f guards, 6, 21, 40, 82, 101f, 126, 130, 213 Holy Cross (SS), 223, 232, 249f, ills.2f, hierarchy in, 9, 258, 260, 263, 395 42,48 history, phases of, 19ff, 31ff, 34f, 48f Mary Queen of Peace, 198, 225–8, ill. 40 liberation of, 41f, 47f Mortal Agony of Christ, 282f, ills. 4, 43, Maidanek, 47, 68 45, 47 Mauthausen, 34, 47, 99, 146, 243f, 409 Reconciliation, 282–6, ill. 4, 64 n. 31 Russian Orthodox, ill.2 Natzweiler, 47, 99 Dachau concentration camp Neuengamme, 68, 70, 146, 159f, 354, barrack chapel, 222f, 250, ill. 41 390, 409 n. 31, 454 n. 105 *barracks Oranienburg, 28, 32 barrier (wall), 11, 22, 73, 162, 166, 173, Ravensbrück, 34, 48, 101, 225, 478 n. 38 229, 251, 397, ills.2,4 rules in, 22, 26 branch camps, 162, 262, 264 Sachsenhausen, 3, 32, 34, 47, 68, 126, brothel, 250, 267, 395, ill.2 207, 225, 276, 401, 410 n. 36, 412 capacity of, 21, 34, 35 n. 51 canteen, 9, 223, 249, 250, 253, 395, 398, symbols of, 251, 258f ill.2 Confessing Church, see resistance, anti- commandants, 2, 30, 34 Nazi Eicke, Theodor, 23f, 26 , 27, 29, 32f corpses, 7, 11, 49, 50f, 53, 71, 250, 268, Loritz, Hans, 34 ills. 5, 9, 39 Piorkowski, Hans, 30 1949 discoveries, 146, 149 Wäckerle, Hilmar, 22 burial of, 56, 128 Weiss, Martin, 30, 51f, 105 Dachau train, 49, 57 *crematorium desecration of, 104 death rate, 49, 54f, 221, 254, 518 n. 19 displayed after Dachau uprising, 50 demolition of, 4, 224, 340, 394, 395, ills. disposal of, 31, 40f, 46, 49, 237, 397, ill. 28, 75 16 expansion of, 34, 41


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factories in, 37, 42f, 50, ill.20 *Müller, Josef functionaries, 250, 251; see also camp Müller, Oskar, 67, 233, 251 senior Neff, Walter, 50, 181, 451 n. 63 *gas chamber *Neuhäusler, Johannes *gatehouse; see also inscriptions *Niemöller, Martin guards, 7, 11, 22f, 26, 49, 50, 52, 69, 331, Pies, Otto, 221 ill. 11 Philipp, Zola, 93f, 145, 471 n. 144 infirmary (sick-bay), 52, 250, 311, ill.2 *Preuss, Erich inmate statistics, 221, 226, 258, 277, *Roth, Leonhard 429 n. 101 *Rost, Nico kennels, 7, 52, 174, 250, ill.2 Sack [Zak], Joel, 263, 426 n. 80, 511 n. 3 laundry, 30, 256, 264 *Schacht, Hjalmar liberation of, 50ff, 329, ill. 5 Scherer, Georg, 50, library, 7, 9, 240, 395, 398, ill.2 Schnabel, Reimund, 455n. 126, 466 n. medical experiments, 255 91 plantation, 30, 43, 44, 135–40, 340, ill. 1 Schumacher, Kurt, 9, 124, 142, 464 n. 62 rabbits, 30, 250 Schwarz, Hans, 130f, 145, 154f reconstruction, 33, 37, 395–8 Simon, René, 143 resistance and solidarity in, 353, 399 Sobkov, Wadim, 257 *roll-call square Spiegelmann, Vladek, 511 n. 3 rules, 22, 23f, 26 Stöhr, Heinrich, 204, 514 n. 31 *service building; see also inscriptions Titze, Richard, 66, 136, 423 n. 58, 474 n. SS camp, 35, 70, 340, ill. 1 7, 504 n. 15 tours of, 30, 33f, 52, ill. 9 Vielhauer, Walter, 469 n. 120, 477 n. 30, Dachau concentration camp, survivors, 505 n. 2 187, 477 n. 30, 477 n. 33 Walraeve, Georges, 256, 458 n. 160, 507 Bettelheim, Bruno, 262, 266 n. 30 Braun, Erich, 257 Werner, Alfred, 173f, 262, 266, 273 Cahnman[n], Werner, 267f, 269, 323 Dachau county governors, 143, 386 Cieslik, Walter, 66 *Junker, Heinrich De Loos, 280 Kneuer, 197 Eisinger, Robert, 459 n. 169 *Schwalber, Josef Delpeche, French general, 389 Dachau memorial site Engelmann, Bernt, see authors catalogs 1945–1953, 171ff, 182, ills.14, Färber, Otto, 498 n. 8 16, 18 Figl, Leopold, 150 catalog 1978, 388, 389, 390, ill.72 Guérisse, Albert, 66f, 150, 258, 259, 485 convent, 229, 237–40, ills.2, 44f n. 50, 514 n. 31, ill. 65 entrance, 6, 393, 397 Haag, Alfred, 121, 234 exhibitions, Haulot, Arthur, 67, 430 n. 108, 466 n. 1945–49, 66, 81f, 170ff, ill. 17 91, 510 n. 64 1950–53, 150, 172f, 174, 231, 242, ill. Huber, Josef, 136, 18 Hussarek, Paul, 429 n. 106, 453 n. 85, 1960–64, 245, 253f, ills. 50f 476 n. 26 1965–2001, 254ff, 273f, ill. 54 Kaltenbacher, Hans, 242, 477 n. 30, 510 1998 plan, 5, 8, 392 n. 58, 535 n. 8 about postwar history, 401 Kessler, Eugen, 538 n.7, 541 n. 33 film (1969), 325, 388 Kohlhofer, Otto, 233, 241, 243, 245ff, functions, 176, 225, 239, 249, 278, 389, 259, 278, 284, 320f, 323, 501 n. 53, 390ff 504 n. 83 Jourhaus, 340; see gatehouse in Mannheimer, Max, 395 Dachau Michelet, Edmond, 146, 150, 178, 234 library, 244, 245, 250, 252, 271, 393


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Dachau memorial site (cont.) Jewish residents, 348, 367 memorials, knowledge of camp, 21f, 45, 73, 330, 1945 plan, 190f, ills.31f 353 1960 park plan, 190, 261, 278, 519 n. liberation tours, 57f, 80, ills. 5, 9 41, ill. 46 mayors, 25, 45, 409 n. 26, Catholic, 236f, ills. 43, 45, 47 Böck, 233, 239, 474 n. 11 international, 258–61, ills. 58–61 Piller, Kurt, 369ff, 401, 402 Jewish, 269ff, ill. 63 *Reitmeier, Lorenz Protestant, 283, ill. 64 *Schwalber, Josef unknown inmate, 192ff, ills.37f Seufert, Georg, 24f parklike quality, 10, 11, 174, 194, 245, *Zauner, Hans 273, 284, 339, 396 memorial for camp victims (planned), responsibility for, 176ff, 388f 383 restaurant in, 245, 267, ills.2f, 25 munitions (gunpowder) factory, 3, 18, *roll-call square 19, 21, 25, 330, ills. 1, 75 sanitized (clean), 250f, 273, 283, ills. 4, Nazi (Party) institutions in, 25, 96 29 newspaper debates, 336–41 signs in, 7, 10f, 254, 499 n.21, ills. 15, 25, newspaper polls, 385f 51–53, 83; see also inscriptions *newspapers signs to, 5, 10, 11, 70, 185, ills.77f opinions of: teachers in, 4, 559 n. 72 concentration camp 286f, 324f trees, 7, 9, 10, 81, 229, 237, 251, 284f, memorial site, 174f, 179, 233f 396, ills.3–6, 15, 24, 27ff, 43, 46–8 survivors, 390 visitor statistics, 4, 324, 333, 351f, 384, organizations, 501 n. 52 388f, 390, 470 n. 136, ills.73f For Example Dachau, 352f, 384, 389, visitors, prominent, ills.70, 85f 393 *watchtowers Future of the Memorial Site (Rez), see also ; Leiten(berg) 389f, 393 Dachau Rothschwaige, 162 Support Association for Youth Dachau town, 3, 5, 15, 17–26, 34f, 36, 45 Encounters, 384f, 393 access to sources from, 537 n. 3 other Dachau, 5, 73, 143, 329, 332, 336, artists’ colony, 17f, 73, 329, 332 339, 341, 361, 362 buses, 5, 36, 96, 170, 173, 337, 341, 371, parks department, 141 537 n. 2 partner/sister cities, 332, 371 cemetery, 57, 143, 268 peace research institute, 384 city council, 25, 79, 138f, 169f, 181f, population, 5 184, 190, 330, 339f, 383, 385, 387 priests, 233 denazification of, 93f *Pfanzelt, Friedrich (priest) deputy mayor Englhard, 361, 385, 536 refugee housing, 141; see also Dachau- n. 15 East East (settlement), see Dachau-East residents, 21, 45 economy and business, 25f, 34, 35, 42f, resistance to memorial site, 170, 196, 354 248 factories, 42f, 96f, ill. 1 see also delay good (bad) name, 182, 185, 332, 336, Roman Grove housing, 36, 340, 463 n. 341 43, ill. 1 helping inmates, 353 schools and teachers, 287 history, 17–26, 204 Sinti Center suggestion, 354 incorporation street names, 43, 150, 552 n. 4 of camp, 34f, 330f after concentration camp inmates, of Dachau-East, 169f 373 inmates working in, 79 resistance square, 373f, ill.79


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Sudetenlandstrasse, 337 see also civil disobedience; Germany, Thoma City (renaming), 338 East, 1953 uprising tourist brochure, 15, 325, 332, 341, 370, denazification, 70, 84, 88–94, 127, 128, ill. 69 151, 180, 242 unemployment, 19, 353 categories, 89, 91, 102, 148 uprising 1945, 50, 75f, 373 East Germany, 117 victimization, 169f, 198, 330, 385f fiasco of, 71, 114f by media, 337 laundry, 91, 94–7, 108f, 112f, 116, 119, by tourists, 175, 337, 384 ill. 19 by US army, 79f, 129 Persil certificates, 91f, 97, 106, 109, 111 Volksfest, 184f, 336, 385 statistics, 88, 89, 102 youth center, 271, 324, 340, 348, 382–7, Zauner, Hans, 25, 108 393 see also comparisons Dachau, US internment camp, 66, 69, denial, denier (of Holocaust), 40, 394, 432 81–4, 101ff, 106, ill.8 n. 137, 549 n. 79, 525 n. 28, 536 n. 9 capacity of, 3, 66 Kohl in Bergen-Belsen, 363 murals in service building, 9, 225, 401, benefits of (Lübbe), 358 ill.88 crematorium built by US, 85, 182, 183, SS church in, 223, 232, 249f, ills.2f, 42, 254 48 of access, 351, 361, 469 n. 116, 497 n. 5, Dachau, US military base, 401 507 n. 28, 537 n. 3 description of, 182 of guilt/responsibility, 55, 57, 63, 64, Eastman barracks, 6, 283f 277, 300 Dachau-East, housing project, 3, 168f, of rights, 175 245, 247, 336, ills.3, 23–7,47f Deputy, The, see authors, Hochhuth, Rolf cost of construction, 164f derealization, see Nazism, portrayals of name, 163f, 166, 465 n. 83, 465 n. 84 Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke, 37 population of, 169 Deutschmark (DM), see memorials, costs; see also Herrmann, Egon currency conversion Dachauer Hefte, 388, 389, 392, 470 n. 137 didactics, see education; teaching Dante, 73, 82, 536 n. 10 materials Daumiller, Bishop, see Protestants dirty camps (Nazi past), 142, 196, 362, Decter, Midge, see journalists 363, 398f de Gaulle, Charles, 258 disease, see epidemics; typhus delay (procrastination), 121, 125f, 170, displaced persons (DPs), 66, 70, 121, 130, 196, 198, 212, 247f, 382–7, 447 n. 135, 143, 173, 199 20, 475 n. 20 Distel, Barbara, 401, 429 n. 106, 506 n. 18, democracy, 9, 60, 63, 86, 113f, 117, 120, 509 n. 51, ill.86 142f, 319, 324, 357, 361 doctors, medical, 7, 30, 50, 55f, 58, 89, 97, compelled democrat, 118f 99, 101, 105, 125, 134, 166, 253, demonstrations 256, 296, 337, 351, 362, 439 n. 51 1947 in Germany, 87, 199 donations, 130, 133, 180, 231, 233, 234, 1948 in Dachau-East, 168ff 236, 240, 260, 267, 268f, 281, 285f, 1949 in Munich, 143, 199 378 1950 in Munich, ill.21 see also memorials, costs 1951 in Landsberg, 108 Dönitz, see brown-collar criminals; 1962 in Berlin, 302 Nuremburg trials 1967 in Berlin, 314 DPs, see displaced persons 1968 in Berlin and Bonn, 316 Duba, Ursula, see authors 1968 and 1969 in Dachau, 322, 323 Dulag, 162f, 164, 168 1985 in Bitburg, 364 Dutschke, Rudi, 305, 316, 321, 322 1993 in Dachau, 11, ill.81 Dwork, Debórah, 504 n. 92


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Eastman Barracks, 6, 283f; see also US lack of, 24, 101, 299f, 313, 315, 368 army with perpetrators, 399f economic miracle, 184, 199, 302, 310, 402 see also emotion education, 77, 131, 295, 304f, 372, 378, Engelmann, Bernt, see authors 382f, 388–92 Englhard, Georg, see Dachau town, against right extremism, 204, 209 deputy mayor Englhard atrocity, 56, 59–64, 202 Ensslin, Gudrun, see Red Army Faction memorial sites used in, 11, 147, 237, epidemics, 31, 38, 44, 48, 56, 84, 104, 232 271, 274f, 280, 340, 350ff see also typhus moral, 216 Erhard, Ludwig, see Germany, Federal myths in, 325, 394–400 Republic, chancellors Nazi, in concentration camps, 6, 20, Eshkol, Levi, 314f, see also Israel 28ff, 158f Eskimos, 63, 75, 300; see also President’s History Prize, 350ff comparisons reform in 1960, 209f Eucharistic World Congress, see Catholic textbooks, 210ff euphemisms, 28, 90, 121, 163f, 185, 276, see also school classes; teaching 386, 461 n. 20, ills. 51, 62 materials *Kristallnacht, 481 n. 1 education, center of political regime of violence, 282, 368 (Bundeszentrale für politische special treatment, 177 Bildung), 202, 218, 350, 495 n. 31, use of quotation marks, 98, 155 496 n. 145 war criminals, 98 Bavaria, State Center for Political *Wiedergutmachung, 132 Education, 400 see also terms, terminology Egypt, 100, 197, 271, 300, 314 European Defense Community, 116, 123 Ehard, Hans, see Bavaria, minister see also NATO presidents European Recovery Program (Marshall Eiber, Ludwig, 392 Plan), 87f, 141, 295 Eich, Hermann, see journalists euthanasia, 39, 69, 98, 105 Eichmann, Adolf, 2, 89, 212f, 266, 294 murder of handicapped, 36 “sons of,” 296 see also Hartheim Castle trial, 205, 212f, 254, 266, 281 evacuation marches, see concentration Eicke, Theodor, see Dachau camps, evacuation concentration camp, exhibitions, 4, 562 n. 103 commandants Crimes of the German Army (1995), Einsatzgruppe, -kommando, 38; see also 236, 380f, 383, 399 task force early postwar, 81 Eisele, Hans, see brown-collar criminals Eichmann, 212 Eisenhower, Allied commander, 52–5, Unrepentant Nazi Justice, 208, 491 n. 96 222, 431 n. 119 see also Dachau memorial site, Eisenmann, Peter, see architects exhibitions elites, 80, 87, 88, 97, 106, 112, 114, 118, expellees (evacuees), 119ff, 161, 180, 331, 139, 152, 203, 277, 373, 378, 387, 365, 461 n. 17 405 see also refugees emergency laws, 303, 304, 316, 321 exploitation, see plunder émigrés, 119, 144, 187, 266 extermination centers, 31, 39f, 41 emotion, 85, 203, 256, 211f, 290, 311, 313, Maidanek, see concentration camps 341, 355f, 378, 382, 383, 388, 390ff, see also concentration camps 398 Extraparliamentary Opposition (APO), evoked by memorial sites, 391, 398 303f, 310, 318 lack of, 212 see also long march through the empathy, 290, 350, 353f, 384, 391f, 405 institutions


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fascism, fascist, fascistoid, 86, 144, 209, follower, 89, 93, 94, 109, 115 226, 257, 300, 301, 308, 317, 322f, Förderverein, see Dachau town, 327, 345, 375 organizations, support association antifascism, 51, 75, 102, 124, 190, 226 foundations arrestees and expellees as victims of, Carl Friedrich von Siemens, 309 94, 120f Dachau, for Jewish culture, 371 helpless antifascism, 312 Ford, 273 left-wing, 212, 316 German, 321 neofascism, 113, 124, 204; see also neo- Körber, 343 n. 3 Nazism murdered Jews memorial, 376 Fassbinder controversy, 549 n. 79 France, French, 32, 141, 260, 269, 322, Faulhaber, Cardinal, see Catholic(s) 359, 362 Fest, Joachim, see authors ambassador, 181 Filbinger, Hans, see Germany, Federal courts, 99 Republic, former Nazis national assembly, 144, 146f, 185 films, 344f, 445 n. 1 Leiten delegations, 144–7 Dachau memorial site, 325 Paris, 22 Death Mills, 64 pilgrimages to Dachau, 178 Diary of Anne Frank, 100f, 201, 202, resistance, 187 290, 344 survivor organizations, 243, 478 n. 35, Heimat, 349, 356 506 n. 12 Hitler: Eine Karriere, 342 survivors, 155, 178, 266f, 320 Holocaust, 201, 343–7, 349f, 352, 353, War Graves Commission, 198 356, 378, 380, 382, 383, 402, 493 n. see also Michelet, Edmond; Mitterrand, 114, 496 n. 141 François Nasty Girl, 351 Frank, Anne, 200ff, 296 newsreels, 55, 61 diary of, 200f, 369, 403, 405 Night and Fog, 202, 290, 296, 298 film, 100f, 201, 290, 344 Odessa File, 486 n. 61 house in Amsterdam, 404 One Day, 305 translation of diary, 201 Restless Conscience, 555 n. 23 wave, 219, 297, 344 Schindler’s List, 378, 380, 382, 383, 399, Frank, Morton, 337 404 Frankfurt, 131, 192, 213f, 280, 281, 316, Schtonk (Hitler Diaries), 539 n. 24 317, 380 TV documentaries, 336, 344 Free Corps, 18, 197 Antisemitism (1979), 344 see also Germany, revolution (1918) DAH (1971), 336 Freudian slip, 149, 279 Death is a Master from Germany Friedland, 169, see also Dachau-East (1990), 376 Friedrich, Jörg, see historians Final Solution (1979), 344 Third Reich (1960–61, 1963), 211 Galen, Bishop von, see resistance, anti- War on War, 153 Nazi Your Job in Germany, 63 Gardelegen, 49, 53 final solution, see euphemisms; Garmisch, 133 terminology, use of Nazi gas (poison), 39f Fischer, Fritz, see historians; interviews gas chamber in Dachau, 4, 6, 8, 11, 39f, by author 41, 42, 45f, 66, 101, 168, 170, 174, Fischer-Schweder, Bernhard, 206f; 176, 185, 219, 251, 254, 270, 273, see also brown-collar criminals; trials, 274, 394, 396, ills. 5f, 51ff Ulm task force gatehouse in Dachau, 4, 6, 8, 244, 283, Fleischmann, Lea, 313, 531 n. 94 340, 393, 498 n. 16, ills.2,15 Flossenbürg, see concentration camps see also inscriptions


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Gauleiter conspiracy, 115f, 526 n. 42 minister, ministries, 118 gender, 405; see also women culture and education, 209f, 342f, generation(s), 4, 13, 77, 199f, 202, 204, 377 256, 290f, 304f, 323, 327, 331 defense, 302 1918ers–1943ers as fathers, 211, 294, justice, 216, ill.71 296, 346, 349, 402 museums of history, 359 defined, 521 n. 1 national victims’ memorial, 334, 365, see also cohorts 375f genocide, 15, 24, 40, 47, 67, 70, 74, 90, 98, opinion polls, 209, 214, 266, 345, 350 123, 148, 203, 214, 217, 266, 349, parliament, 182, 375, 377f, 380 361, 380 debates, see statute of limitations German army (Wehrmacht), 3, 40f, 45, 65, members 81ff, 96, 106, 218, 236, 366, 375, Arndt, Adolf, 215 380, 383, 399, 405 Benda, Ernst, 215 Bundeswehr (after 1953), 116, 118, 123, Dehler, Thomas, 214f 124, 125, 184, 234, 242, 301f, 364 presidents Reichswehr (before 1935), 27 Carstens, Karl, 357, 523 n. 16 see also exhibitions, Crimes of the Herzog, Roman, 371, 379 German Army Heinemann, Gustav, 124, 324, 444 n. Germany, East, 123, 301, 375, 377 117, 532 n.104, 543 n. 3 1953 uprising, 122, 157, 203 Heuss, Theodor, 227, 471 n. 139, 489 agitators, 209 n. 80, 495 n. 133, 518 n. 20 concentration camps in, see Lübke, Heinrich, 227f, ill. 40 comparisons Scheel, Walter, 357 Germany, Federal Republic (West) *Weizsäcker, Richard von Basic Law (constitution), 142 victims’ memorial, 359, 375f article 131, 88, 111, 113 Germany, political parties, 134, 137, emergency laws, 303 357f, 375 chancellors BVP, 73, 137 *Adenauer, Konrad CDU, 109f, 124, 152, 215, 243, 302f, Brandt, Willy, 302f, 304, 319, 357 304 Erhard, Ludwig, 214, 302, 443 n. 114 CSU, 119, 120, 137, 154, 158f, 164, 329, *Kohl, Helmut 353 Kiesinger, Kurt Georg, 109f, 302, FDP, 116, 214, 243, 302, 324 304 Greens, 358, 363 Schmidt, Helmut, 292f, 357, 358 KPD, 124, 152, 167, 242 Schröder, Gerhard (b. 1944), 376f prohibition of, 153, 154 foreign office, 112, 113, 202 NPD, 296, 303, 329 former Nazis in, 298, 301 NSDAP (Nazi Party), 3, 19, 20, 25, 66 Eich, Hermann, 295 Republikaner, 387 Filbinger, Hans, 294, 413 n. 68, 522 n. SED, 166 10, 534 n. 120 SPD, 19, 20, 25, 124, 152, 215, 242, 243, *Globke, Hans 318, 324, 329, 336 Heusser, Georg, 208 SRP, 124 *Naumann, Werner Germany, Reich Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth, 294 Minister of Interior, 31 Oberländer, Theodor, 117f, 170, 209, Ministry of Finance, 32, 235 294, 312 Germany, revolution (1918), 18f, 115, 197, Schröder, Gerhard (1910–1989), 209 259, 291, 309, 329 *Strauss, Franz Josef Germany, unification, 349 see also judges Gerstein report, 219 government, 125, 182 Gerz, Jochen, see artists


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Gestapo, 32, 38f, 113, 232, 233, 250, 278, Habermas, Jürgen, 316, 365f, 372, 381, 362, 377 522 n. 6 methods, 88, 105 Halperin, Irving, see academics Giordano, Ralph, see authors Hamburg, 92, 129f, 159f, 184, 201, 296 Gleichschaltung, 24 Institute for Social Research, 380 Glid, Nandor, 184, 259, 511 n. 67 mayors: Globke, Hans, 110f, 209, 212, 312 Brauer, Max, 153 see also Germany, Federal Republic, Koch, Edgar, 160 former Nazis in Harrison report, 135 Goebbels, Josef, 41, 89, 109, 115, 294, 302, Hartheim Castle, 146, 254, 525 n. 28 405 see also euthanasia Goethe Haug, Wolfgang Fritz, 312 Goethestrasse, 429 n. 105, 505 n. 2 Haulot, Arthur, see Dachau concentration in Dachau (book by Nico Rost), 245 camp, survivors Goldhagen, Daniel, 379, 381f Hebertshausen, 254, 256f, 389, ills. 55f Golgotha, see Dachau churches Hegi, Ursula, see authors Gollwitzer, Helmut, see Protestants Heidegger, Martin, 115 “good” Nazis, 79–126 Heidelberg, 23, 142, 180, 264 Goppel, Alfons, see Bavaria, minister Heimat style, 195 presidents see also films, Heimat Göring, Hermann, see brown-collar Heimatvertriebene, 120, see also refugees criminals Heinemann, Gustav, see Germany, grace of late birth, 295, 331, 359, 527 n. Federal Republic, presidents 51, 536 n. 10 Herf, Jeffrey, see historians Grand Coalition, 302f, 304, 316, 318 Herrmann, Egon, 162–9 graves, mass, 39, 40f, 46, 47, 57, 100, 101, see also Dachau-East, housing project 128, 146, 149, 176, 255 Hersbruck, 149 see also Leiten, mass graves Heuss, Theodor, see Germany, Federal Greece, Greek, 300, 321, 322 Republic, presidents Greene, Hugh Carleton, see journalists Heydrich, Reinhard, see brown-collar Greese, Irma, see brown-collar criminals criminals Grünwälder circle, 295; see also Heyl, Matthias, see historians renazification Higgins, Marguerite, see journalists guards, see concentration camps, guards; Hillgruber, Andreas, see historians Dachau concentration camp, Himmler, Gudrun, 30 guards Himmler, Heinrich, 1, 9, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, Guérisse, Albert, see Dachau 29, 30, 31, 32, 48f, 89, 170, 250, 294, concentration camp, survivors 405, 451 n. 6 guilt, 24, 210, 231, 277, 281, 310, 331, 357, historians, 522 n. 13 425 n. 75 Adler, Hans-Günther, 217 collective, 61f, 238, 308, 338 Bartov, Omer, 413 n. 70, 435 n. 16, 550 complicity, 62f, 118, 127, 196, 213, 215, n. 84, 555 n. 32, 556 n. 38 238, 259, 276, 294, 301, 312 Benz, Wolfgang, 392, 428 n. 98, 443 n. criminal, 104f 104 denial of, 55, 57, 63, 64, 175, 277, 300 Bracher, Karl Dietrich, 218 expiation of, 63, 235, 239, 281 Brenner, Michael, 351 preoccupation with, 142, 148 Brink, Cornelia, 425 n. 74, 425 n. 75, responsibility, 15, 61, 62, 63f, 102, 109, 510 n. 56 238, 357, 365, 382 *Broszat, Martin second, 119, 374 Buchheim, Hans, 219 Gulf War, 333 Carr, E. H., 59f gypsies, see Sinti and Roma Conze, Werner, 522 n. 13


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historians (cont.) *Vansittart, Robert Fischer, Fritz, 431 n.128, 435 n. 7 Vogt, Hannah, 210 Frei, Norbert, 381, 409 n. 28, 418 n. 22, Wehler, Hans-Ulrich, 553 n. 13 428 n. 90, 437 n. 37, 438 n. 47, 441 Weisenborn, Günther, 217 n. 92, 521 n. 2 Wetzel, Juliane, 451 n. 67 Friedrich, Jörg, 105, 109, 435 n. 14 Wolffsohn, Michael, 488 n. 72, 529 n. Fulbrook, Mary, 115 76, 551 n. 88 Graml, Hermann, 413 n. 67, 427 n. 88, Wulf, Josef, 217 442 n. 93, 495 n. 134 *Z[arusky], Jürgen Grosser, Alfred, 142 Zitelmann, Rainer, 551 n. 88 Herbert, Ulrich, 438 n. 39, 493 n. 119, see also academics (professors) 494 n. 123, 521 n. 5, 543 n. 3, 557 Historians’ Controversy (Debate), 334, n.46 365ff, 380f Herf, Jeffrey, 345, 493 n. 116, 529 n. 76 historical consciousness, 14, 305, 325, Herr, Hannes, 380 343 Heyl, Matthias, 543 n. 5, 557 n. 40 history of everyday life, 313, 343, 348, Hillgruber, Andreas, 366 349, 350, 368 Hockerts, Hans Günter, 400 History Prize, President’s, 350 Irving, David, 410 n. 40 Hitler, Adolf (Führer), 21, 27, 33, 35, 38, Jacobsen, Hans-Adolf, 219 48, 71, 159, 235, 256, 276, 294, 307, *Kogon, Eugen 358, 374, 405, 456 n. 138 Kolb, Eberhard, 219 1923 putsch, 96, 120, 124 Krausnick, Helmut, 217f, 219, 486 n. 55 1970s interest in, 342 Mau, Hermann, 217f compared to Dutschke, 316 Mayer, Arno, 90 compared to Nassar, 314 Mommsen, Hans, 38, 381 denazification of, 95 Moses, A. D., 299, 521 n. 2, 523 n. 14, diaries (forged), 342 525 n. 35, 530 n. 90, 533 n. 116 Hitler Youth, 295 Naumann, Klaus, 380 knowledge of atrocities/camps, 29, 31, Niethammer, Lutz, 103, 425 n. 67, 445 58 n. 5, 507 n. 20, 523n. 14, 527 n. 47 plans for camps, 19f, 36 Nolte, Ernst, 366, 485 n. 51, 487 n. 70, relationship to populace, 310, 313, 367, 531 n. 89 368 Novick, Peter, 560 n. 86 Hochhuth, Rolf, see authors Pingel, Falk, 512 n. 4 Hoegner, see Bavaria, minister presidents Poliakov, Léon, 217 Hoffmann, Detlef, 296f, 347, 467 n. 94, Raim, Edith, 543 n. 5 510 n. 62, 562 n. 111 Reitlinger, Gerald, 217 Hofstätter, Prof. Peter R., 307f *Rosmus, Anna Holocaust, 89f, 108, 201, 210, 212, 254, Rumberg, Dirk, 352 266, 268, 269, 271, 362, 365, 403 Rüsen, Jörn, 473 n. 2 museums, see Simon Wiesenthal Russell of Liverpool, Lord, 217 Center; United States Holocaust Scheffler, Wolfgang, 218, 295 Memorial Museum Schieder, Theodor, 552 n. 13 see also films, Holocaust Schleunes, Karl, 37, 488 n. 70 homosexuals, 8, 80, 187, 231, 232, 260, *Schoenberner, Gerhard 310, 354f, 365, 398, 412 n. 51, ill.82 Shirer, William, see journalists Honecker, Erich, ill.70 Steinbach, Peter, 212, 216, 436 n. 19, Hooverville, see comparisons 441 n. 92, 481 n. 2, 490 n. 89, 558 n. Hörhammer, Ludwig, 139, 140 60 Höss, Rudolf, 2, 24, 90, 100, 101, 119, 294 Steinbacher, Sybille, 408 n. 4, 563 n. 116 Huber, Bernhard, see Wülfert Stern, Frank, 452 n. 72 humaneness, see terms, terminology


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humor, see jokes Haulot, Arthur (survivor), 467 n. 96 Hundhammer, Alois, 136–40, 145, 154, Hoffmann, Detlef (1968er), 296f 236, 243, 245, 271, 321, ill. 65 Itzek, Frau (refugee), 465 n. 87 hunger strikes, 163, 168, 354 K., Klaudia (1989er), 402ff see also civil disobedience K., Tanja (1989er), 402ff Kohlhofer, Otto (survivor), 501 n. 53, I. G. Farben, see Auschwitz 505 n. 5, 511 n. 67 injustice, 93, 102, 107, 121, 300, 331, 341 Piller, Kurt (Dachau mayor), 369ff inmates, see concentration camp inmates Ronson, William (US veteran), 423 n. inscriptions, 11, 26, 185, 194, 409 n. 27 58 Belsen, 264 Schuster, Silke (Dachau official), 551 n. Berlin 98 murdered Jews, 377 Titze, Richard (survivor), 429 n.103, 450 Berlin national victims’, 375f, 553 n. 49, 452 n. 74, 474 n. 7 n. 14 *Z[arusky], Jürgen (1979er), 347f Dachau concentration camp (Nazi- Iron Curtain, 2, 87 era), 185, 400f, 508 n. 39, ills.7, 86, Israel, Israeli, 100, 132, 213, 264, 271, 286, 87 300, 301, 318, 338, 344, 369, 559 n. crematorium, 11, 250, 517 n. 7 70 gate, 6, 26, 29, 275, 283, 397, ill. 15 ambassador, 270 service building roof, 7, 29, 250, 395, Dayan, Moshe, 314 ill.7 Eshkol, Levi, 314f Dachau memorial site, 12 Kohl in, 331, 359 Hebertshausen, 257, ill. 56 Six Day War, 314f, 369 homosexuals, 355, ill.87 visits from, 240f international, 248, 260, ills. 57,62 visits to, 275, 281, 404 Jewish, 269, 270 Yad Vashem, 266, 269, 369 Leiten, 196 Italy, Italian, 141, 198, 225–8, 257; Protestant, 283 see also Leiten, Italian chapel train track, ill.76 statue of inmate, ill.38 J’accuse, literature of, 298, 299, 331 Dachau town cemetery (Jewish Jaenicke, Wolfgang, 162–5, 461 n. 28 memorial), 268 Jäger, Richard, 507 n. 29 Institute for Contemporary History (IfZ), Janowitz, Morris, 425 n. 75, 427 n. 83 see Munich jargon, Nazi, see terms, terminology intentionalism, 37 Jaspers, Karl, 214, 308, 433 n. 141, 435 n. International Information Office, see 17, 436 n. 19, 527 n. 51 concentration camp survivors, Jenninger, Phillip, 367f organizations Jewish Claims Conference, 132, 354 internees, 101ff, 463 n. 41 Jews, Jewish internment camps, 68f, 109; see also Bubis, Ignaz, 379f Dachau, US internment camp categories of, 262 interviews by author, 516 n. 57, 563 n. Graubard, Baruch, 383 115, 516 n. 116 liberated, 65 Bronstein, Carolyn (Jewish tourist), 275 naming law, 110 Davis, Belinda (Jewish tourist), 275 organizations: D. J. (Bavarian State Police trainer), 431 American Jewish Congress (AJC), 514 n. 129 n. 38 F., Mathias (1989er), 405f Association of Bavarian Jews, 136f, Fischer, Fritz (internee), 431 n. 128 176f, 266, 383 H., Ludwig (SS internee), 83 Central Council of Jews in Germany, Halperin, Irving (Jewish tourist), 274 379f


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Jews, Jewish (cont.) Kardorff, Ursula von, see journalists Landesverband of Bavarian Jewish Karlsfeld, 163 Communities, 266f Karlsruhe, 208 portrayed as perpetrators, 318, 345, 445 Kersten, Felix, 411 n. 44 n. 6 Khrushchev, Nikita, 125 visits to Dachau, 173f, 272–5 Kiesinger, Kurt Georg, see Germany, jokes, 28, 80, 128 Federal Republic, chancellors Jourhaus, 6, see also gatehouse in Dachau King, Martin Luther, 316 journalists, 52, 54f, 147, 179f Klarsfeld, Beate, 293, 304, 440 n. 79, 486 Augstein, Rudolf, 214 n. 61, 534 n. 140 Bacque, James, 430 n. 119 Klemperer, Victor, diaries, 554 n. 23 Bourke-White, Margaret, 63, 416 n. 7 Knappe, Karl, see artists *Brandt, Willy, 302 Knigge, Volkhart, 187f, 419 n. 37, 473 n. 2 Decter, Midge, 273f Köckert, Louis, 414 n. 88, 534 n. 136, 538 Dönhof, Marion, 442 n. 95 n. 7, 545 n. 25 Eich, Hermann, 298 Koelle, Fritz see artists Fest, Joachim, see authors Kogon, Eugen, 71, 130, 150, 217, 413 n. Fuess, Hannah, 128ff 73, 433 n. 141, 446 n. 12, 492 n. Garton Ash, Timothy, 356 109 Greene, Hugh Carlton, 332 Kohl, Helmut, 295, 335, 357, 370, 375, Higgins, Marguerite, 57 376, 379, 448 n. 36, 523 n. 16 Kardorff, Ursula von, 247, 426 n. 78, Kohlhofer, Otto, see Dachau 485 n. 45, 499 n. 20, 507 n. 25 concentration camp, survivors Lochridge, Patricia, 57f Kolbe, Maximilian, 403 Markham, James, 356 Konzentrationslager (KZ), see Middleton, Drew, 116 concentration camps Nannen, Henri, 345 Korean War, 123 Naumann, Bernd, 214 Kozlowiecki, Bishop, 234 Posner, Gerald, 374 Krausnick, Helmut, see historians Prittie, Terence, 182f, 185 Kräutergarten, see Dachau concentration Ryback, Timothy, 536 n. 10, 558, n. 56 camp, plantation Shirer, William, 56, 298 Kristallnacht (Nov. 1938 pogrom), 35f, 74, Springer, Axel Sr., 201, 314, 315f 88, 112, 173, 264, 267, 301, 348, 495 Steinmayr, Joachim, 174ff n. 134 Tennenbaum, Silvia, 274f anniversary, 80, 123f, 199, 304, 344, Thompson, Dorothy, 428 n. 90 357, 367 Wallraff, Günter, 443 n. 106 annual Dachau ceremony, 203–6, 267, *Zarusky, Jürgen 281, 320, 323f judeocide, 90, 217, 240, 268, 272 historical event, 38, 262, 264 judges, judiciary, 90, 105, 111, 126, 151, origin of term, 481 n. 1 177, 208, 534 n. 140 Kumpfmüller, Hermann, 323, 485 n. 49, Jugendbegegnungsstätte, see Dachau 485 n. 50, 533 n. 129, ill. 65 town, youth center KZ care centers, 66 Jungsozialisten (Jusos), 324f, 330, 532 n. KZ, see concentration camps 111, 539 n. 20 KZler, 130, 170, 446 n. 13 Junker, Heinrich, 94, 144, 155, 183ff, 195, 271, 383, 394, 453 n. 86, 470 n. 128 Landrat, 143; see Dachau county Just-Dahlmann, Barbara, 486 n. 63, 504 n. governors 91 Landsberg, 21, 49, 71, 262 convicts in, 98, 107 Kalow, Gert, 308, 485 n. 53 demonstrations in, 108 Kalthoff, Meinolf, 324 prison, 71, 97, 98, 106, 113


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law, rule of, 115, 215, 217 Maria Regina Pacis, see Leiten, Italian see also German, Federal Republic, 131 chapel law; Auschwitz, lie law; nulla Märthesheimer, Peter, 344, 346 poena sine lege Maschmann, Melita, 298f Lebed, Russian general, ill.86 Masur, Norbert, 30f Leipzig, 252 Mauthausen, see concentration camps Mochau, 49, 53 Mayer, Arno, see historians Battle of Nations monument, 191, 195, mayor, see Dachau town, mayors of 480 n. 52 McCloy, John, 107f, 142; see also US Leiten (Leitenberg), 57, 172, 176, 180, media, 163, 167, 169, 184, 200, 210, 309, 189, 193, 268, 273 380f Affair (scandal), 142–51, 179, 193, 194f, mass, 59 229, 284 Nazi control of, 27 crematorium on, 149, 197 posters, 61, 149, Italian chapel, 198, 225–8, ill. 40 radio, 27, 50, 61, 74, 149, 204f, 288, 323, memorials plan (1945), 185, 190–2, ills. 332 31f television, 202, 211, 227, 288, 344, 381, memorial hall (1950), 194–8, ills.33ff 490 n. 85 procession of corpses to, 57, 329, 338, see also exhibitions; films; newspapers ill. 1 media blitz, 2, 52–5, 158, 202, 258, 308, stations of the Cross, 198, 228 379 Levi, Primo, see authors medical (experiments), see doctors Linsert, Ludwig, 484 n. 32 (medical) Lochridge, Patricia, see journalists Meinhof, Ulrike, 315, 318; see also Red long march through the institutions, Army Faction 115f, 318, 324, 527 n. 56 memoirs (of concentration camp Loritz, Hans, see Dachau concentration survivors), 217, 253, 306f camp, commandants memorial art, 270 Lübbe, Hermann, 358f principle of, 10, 187f, 221, 287 Lübke, Heinrich, see Germany, Federal functions, 191, 195, 196 Republic, presidents see also art; Dachau memorial site, Ludwigsburg (Central Office), 109, 206ff, memorials 213 memorials and monuments, 297 Lüth, Erich, 201 Annaberg, 197 El Alamein, 197, 475 n.16 Mack, Imma, 43 Leipzig Battle of Nations, 191, 195, 480 Madagascar plan, 38 n. 52 magazines, see newspapers Statue of Liberty, 171, ill. 12 Maidanek, see concentration camps Tannenberg, 197 Malmédy massacre, 68 Valhalla 479 n. 43 Mannheimer, Max, see Dachau memorials, building materials, 189, 190, concentration camp survivors 234, 236, 269, 270, 283 Marcuse, Harold, xviif, 275 memorials,costs, 554 n. 19 Dachauer Hefte, 431 n. 122 Auschwitz, 474 n. 5 dissertation, 474 n. 8 Berlin, murdered Jews, 377, 378, 474 n. Holocaust reception in 1968, 515 n. 49, 5 530 n. 85 Buchenwald, 476 n. 26 memorial in Hamburg, 457 n. 144 cemeteries, upkeep of, 183 memorials, aesthetics, 467 n. 94 Dachau: Neuengamme, 460 n. 6 Catholic chapel, 234 Steine des Anstosses, 472 n. 1, 475 n. 14 Catholic monastery, 222 White Rose, reception of, 552 n. 2 exhibition (1998), 400


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memorials,costs (cont.) Pinakothek, Alte, 274 graves (1948–9), 144 schools, 286f Hebertshausen, 257 synagogue (1947), 265 international, 260f Technical University, 138, 236, 392 Jewish, 268f Ungererstrasse camp, 483 n. 26 Leiten, 150, 190, 191, 195, 196, 473 n. 5 University, 136–9, 162, 297, 312, 351, plantation, 43 389, 400 Protestant, 285f murder, criteria, 90, 208 statue of unknown inmate, 192ff see also statute of limitations Germany, national victims’ memorial, Mussolini, Benito, 116 334, 365, 375f see also fascism Sachsenhausen and Ravensbrück, 378 myths, three, 12, 13, 58, 74–7, 327, 353, Washington, Vietnam Veterans, 474 n. 5 381 see also costs legacies of, 13, 290, 312, 317, 322f, 327 Mengele, Josef, see brown-collar of eager perpetration, 381 criminals of ignorance, 58, 83, 202, 209, 239, 299, Menschlichkeit, see terms, terminology 317 Meyer-Amery, Carl, see authors of resistance, 170, 219, 227f, 246, 300, Michelet, Edmond, see Dachau 317, 345, 372 concentration camp, survivors of tender age, 331, 338 militarism, 88, 142, 320, 375 see also grace of late birth Military Government, see US Military of victimization, 58, 106, 215, 216, 228, Government 239, 300, 330, 335, 345, 363 Mitscherlich, Alexander, 296, 309ff Mitscherlich, Margarete, 309f, 312, 344 Namring, 330, 421 n. 38 Mitterrand, François, 359 Nandor, see Glid, Nandor Mohler, Armin, 308f, 310, 534 n. 132 NATO, 123, 155, 184, 199, 320, 321, 322, Mommsen, Hans, see historians 323, 359f monuments, see memorials and see also European Defense Community monuments Natzweiler, see concentration camps morality, 64, 136, 138, 378 Naumann, Erich (mass murderer), 106f moral obligations, 57, 74, 129, 132, 160, Naumann, Gert (internee), 81–5 227, 269, 378 Naumann, Klaus, see historians Morgenthau, Henry, 464 n. 67 Naumann, Michael, 377, 401, 530 n. 86 Moscow, 87, 125; see also Adenauer Naumann, Werner (affair), 115f, 477 n. 33 Moses, A. D., see historians Nazi officials, see brown-collar criminals mourning, 122, 194, 309ff, 365, 375, 389 Nazis, Müller, Josef, 45, 119, 138, 140, 145, 154 big, 92, 93, 317 Munich, 3, 5, 131, 156, 167, 173, 355, 380, good, 79–126, 127 385 decent, 117f commemorations in, 121f, 203 little, 93 conference (1938), 412 n. 57 Nazism, portrayals of, 218f, 255 distance to Dachau, 3 abstract (derealized), 212, 305, 310, donations to Dachau, 234, 260, 268 342, 382 German Museum, 155, 334 empathetic, 378, 382 Institute for Contemporary History neofascism, 119, 124, 204 (IfZ), 219, 311, 343, 496 n. 126 neo-Nazism, 113, 119, 143, 151, 203f, 303, Jewish DPs in, 199, 265 313, 380, 403f, 407 n. 33, 407 n. 34; Mayor Wimmer, 155, 156 see also Germany, political parties, Olympics (1972), 271f, 318 NPD Perlach Forst cemetery, 456 n. 132, 459 Nestbeschmutzung, 215, 308, n. 168 see also terms, terminology


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Neuengamme, see concentration camps Süddeutsche Zeitung, 143, 149, 157, Neuhäusler, Johannes, 44, 139, 243, 268, 174f, 197, 200, 236, 247, 265, 343 284, 297, 432 n. 137, 437 n. 33, Tat, 248, 321 484 n. 44, ill. 44 taz, 533 n. 127 amnesty advocate, 107, 229 Time, 143, 498 n. 8 biography, 228f Times (London), 251 conflict with L. Roth, 230, 250 Welt, 201, 208, 314, 361 Dachau Catholic chapel, 230, 234–7 Zeit, 208, 307f, 366, 381 green memorial site plan (1960), 190, see also journalists; media blitz 261, 278, 284, 519 n. 41, ill. 46 Niemöller, Martin, 44f, 70, 124, 229, 243, speeches by, 148 257, 276ff, 288f, 432 n. 136 Neuschwanstein Castle, visitors’ amnesty advocate, 106 statistics, 334, ill.74 speeches in Dachau, 257, 278, 288f newspaper clippings collections, 200, Niethammer, Lutz, see historians 380, 470 n. 139, 483 n. 28 Night of Long Knives (1934), 26f, 31 newspapers/press/magazines, 103, 129f, Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth, 294 144, 204, 205, 231, 323, 336–41, Nolte, Ernst, see historians 368, 420 n. 38 NS crimes, 90 ap (associated press), 189 nulla poena sine lege, 102 Bild, 201, 314, 315, 361 Nuremberg, 34, 383 British, 233, 332 court, 105, 167, 207 Colloquium, 204, internment camp (Langwasser), 69, Commentary, 174, 273 232, 439 n. 58 Dachau News, 25f lawyers (Aschenauer, Rau), 107, 438 n. Dachauer Nachrichten, 233, 234, 385f, 40 546 n. 30 race laws, 110, 137 Daily Mirror, 316 successor trials, 97f, 100, 104, 120, 212, DANA, 190 438 n. 46 DENA, 138, 167, 191 stadium, 189 Frankfurter Allgemeine, 366 trials, 30, 31, 48, 69, 90, 93, 97f, 103f, Frankfurter Rundschau, 116 145, 217, 235, 294 French, 178, 197, 146, 453 n. 88 Harper’s, 273 obedience, 29, 63, 80, 113, 310, 487 n. 67 Israeli, 272 see also civil disobedience Manchester Guardian, 53, 182, 482 n. Oberländer, Theodor, 117f, 170, 209, 294, 17 312 Munich Evening News, 99 Ohlendorf, Otto, see brown-collar Munich Merkur, 146, 180, 337 criminals Nazi era, 28 Ohnesorg, Benno, 314, 315, 318, 322 Neue Zeitung, 144, 167 Ohrenstein, Aaron, 148, 266 New York Herald-Tribune, 56, 182 Oranienburg, see concentration camps New York Times, 53, 116, 144, 200 Orwell, George, see journalists New Zurich News, 84 Os´wie¸cim, see Auschwitz Nordpress, 176 other Germany, see resistance, anti-Nazi Pardon, 323 Parlament, 366 Pacelli, see Catholic functionaries Quick, 211, 352, 437 n. 36 Palestinians, 272, 300 reports about camps, 24, 28, 53, 54f Panholzer, see Bavaria, ministries, Ruhr Nachrichten, 175, finance Saturday Evening Post, 109 pardon, see amnesty, clemency; Spiegel, 118, 214, 301f, 316, 345, 360f newspapers Stern, 211, 342, 345f Paris Treaties, 125, 147, 185, 248, 339


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parliament, see Bavaria, parliament; protective custody, 21, 25, 31, 33, 35, 43, Germany, Federal Republic, 102, 120, 221, 323 parliament Protestants, Protestant Church, 4, 10, Patton, US general, see US army 285, 382, ills. 47,64 perpetrators, perspective of, 399f Action Sign of Atonement, 278, 286f see also brown-collar criminals Bishop Daumiller, 148 persecutees, bishop of Berlin, 111 forgotten, 353ff complicity and resistance, 276 former, 121, 133, 151, 156 Gollwitzer, Helmut, 355 Persil certificates (affidavits), see Heienbrok, Klaus, 287 denazification Scharf, Bishop Kurt, 279, 281, 285, 288 Pfanzelt, Friedrich, 94, 169, 221f, 502 n. Wilms, Ernst, Präses, 279f, 286, 426 n. 80 61 psychology, psychoanalysis, 60, 92, 127, philosemitism, 264, 265, 287 310f, 358 Piller, Kurt, see Dachau town, mayors Pumf, 18, 19, 21, 25; see also Dachau plantation (plantage), see Dachau town, munitions factory concentration camp, plantation punishment, 10, 22, 55, 58, 67, 91, 92, 96, plunder (exploitation) 102, 112, 170, 172, 209, 216, 224, by liberated inmates, 129 250, 255, 257, 395, 399 of bones, 145f, 253 putsch (coup), 20, 29, 120, 123f, 139, 218, of corpses, 104, 253 227, 235 of Jews, 130 Pohl, Oswald, see brown-collar criminals race, racism, 6, 20, 28, 33, 85, 90, 92, 104, Poland, 32, 47, 160, 240, 264, 379, 402 108, 109, 110f, 142, 345 extermination centers, 40 radio, see media memorials sites, 42, rape, 84, 85, 129, 445 n. 4 refugees from, 404 rations, 44, 66, 82, 87, 130, 131, 137, 163, workers from, 37 182, 199, 265 Poliakov, Léon, see historians Rauffer, Heinrich, 353, 552 n. 4 police, 208 Ravensbrück, see concentration camps Bavarian state, 6, 22, 401 ills. 66–68 Reagan, Ronald, 240, 332, 359–63, 370 persecution of survivors, 152f, 154 rearmament, 123, 124f, 372 political culture, 71, 117, 193, 308, 342, Reck, Norbert, 390f 358, 387 recollection, 14, 191, 196, 272, 276, 285, Potsdam Conference, 68, 87, 160 325, 372, 376 Prague Spring, 318, 321 Catholic, 234 Präzifix, see Dachau concentration camp, defined, 14 factories public, 14, 212, 222, 231 press, see newspapers reconciliation, 10, 180, 239, 270, 281f, Preuss, Erich, 172, 178–83, 454 n. 109, 455 285, 289, 315, 359, 361 n. 126 reconstructions, 2, 33, 249ff, 283, 393–9 Preuss, Hugo, 470 n. 129 Red Army Faction (RAF), 318 prisoners, see concentration camp Baader, Andreas, 317, 318, 319 inmates Böse, Wilfried, 319 prisoners of war (POWs), 45 Ensslin, Gudrun, 314, 317, 319 German, 66, 77, 122, 199 *Meinhof, Ulrike Soviet, 256f Proll, Thorwald, 317 statistics, 125 Raspe, Jan-Carl, 319 Prittlbach, 330, 370 Söhnlein, Horst, 317 propaganda, 36, 41, 56, 59, 63, 77, 109, Red Cross, 52, 130, 244, 429 n. 105, 432 n. 115f, 125, 153, 166, 178, 182, 206, 135 251, 322, 367, 412 n. 61 reeducation, 56, 59–64, 159, 217, 382f, 399


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refugees, 161, 461 n. 17 pietà sculptures, 478 n. 38 rehabilitation US support for former Nazis, 444 n. 126 name Dachau, 137, 138 Werewolf program, 424 n. 69 name Neuengamme, 160 Wiedergutmachung, etymology of, 446 of asocials, 77 n. 18 of Nazis, 71, 88, 106, 108, 125, 128 resistance, against democracy, 115f of survivors, 133, 151 resistance, anti-Nazi, 13, 193, 206, 304 Reichel, Sabine, see authors 20 July 1944, 106, 139, 203, 227, 235, Reichstag, 20, 21, 27, 410 n. 37 307, 357, 373, 443 n. 112, 555 n. 23 Reitmeier, Lorenz, 15, 329–32, 335, 339, Confessing Church, 44, 276 341, 361, 362f, 384, ills. 69f Galen, Bishop von, 39 Reitz, Edgar, see films, Heimat giving food, 49, 330, 331, 373, 385 relativization, see denial Jewish, 542 n. 46 remilitarization, 128, 152, 155 other Germany, 74, 203 renazification, 111ff, 128, 187, 206 right of, 331, 335, 385 Grünwälder circle, 295 White Rose (Scholl siblings), 297, 311, statistics, 112, 151, 440 n. 82 351, 373, 388, 491 n. 96 see also Germany, Federal Republic, Wintersberger, Carl, 23 former Nazis in see also Dachau town, resistance, reparations, 131 uprising; Extraparliamentary see also Wiedergutmachung Opposition; myths, of resistance Republikaner Party, see Germany, Resistenz, 373 political parties Resnais, Alain, 202, 296 rescue, 30, 75, 104ff, 110, 111, 272, 272, see also films, Night and Fog 278 responsibility, 94, 108, 115, 158, 170, research questions 176ff, 194, 216, 468 n. 110; see also 1979er cohort, 535 n. 1 guilt, responsibility Bitburg, 547 n. 49, 548 n.69, 549 n. 77 restaurant, 166, 181, 182, 245, 267, ills.2, concentration camps, prisoner culture 25, 47 in, 512 n. 3 restitution, 97, 121, 131, 134, 177, 242, concentration camps, 1960s popular 378 portrayals, 528 n. 62 revenge (retribution), 84, 92, 102, 121, concentration camps, 1940s 128, 129, 172 exhibitions, 466 n. 91, 493 n. 123 Rez, Helmut, 389f, 393 see also Dachau Dachau, 1930s visits to, 412 n. 52 town, organizations Dachau crematorium demolition Richardi, Hans-Günter, 17, 18, 352f, 389f, proposal, 471 n. 148 449 n. 43, 460 n. 4, 501 n. 53, 535 n. Dachau exhibition (1945–49), 467 n. 96 6, 537 n. 2 Dachau gallows, 498 n. 8 see also Dachau town, organizations, Dachau, high school papers about, 545 For Example Dachau n. 18 Riefenstahl, Leni, 294 Dachau/Leiten memorial project rights, 322, 341, 385; see also resistance, (1945), 473 n. 3 anti-Nazi, right of Dachau November ceremonies, 483f right-wing, 19, 118, 203f, 324 nn. 26–35 see also neo-Nazism Eichmann exhibitions (1961), 491 n. 96 Röhm, Ernst, 23, 27, 32, 218 gender and interest in Nazism, 405f see also Night of Long Knives KZ priests association, history, 500 n. Rohs, Edith, see Rosh, Lea 45 roll-call square, 33, 44, 190, 223, 232, 244, Oberländer, Theodor, 442 n. 99 249f, 257f, 261, 264, 321, 397, 498 photographs of concentration camps, n. 19 1930s, 410 n. 32 Roma, see Sinti and Roma


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room elder (Stubenältester), 250, ill.23 Schwalber, Josef, 25, 73–6, 95, 191, 331, Rosh, Lea, 376 373, 423 n. 57, 485 n. 50, 505 n. 2, Rosmus, Anna, 351 ill. 13 see also films, Nasty Girl SD (security service), 27, 45 Rost, Nico, 244f, 254, 416 n. 8, 465 n. 83, Segni, Antonio, 227f; see also Italy 484 n. 35, 485 n. 50, 514 n. 31 self-righteousness, 95f, 103, 239, 300, 301, Roth, Leonhard, 84, 145, 169, 246f, 249f, 390 429 n. 106, ill. 57 sentences, court, 70f, 96, 98f, 208, 215, biography, 231f 232, 304, 318, 319 curate in refugee settlement, 224, 232, service building, 4, 8, 9, 30, 33, 44, 70, 248, 394 106, 167f, 225, 244, 249, 250f, 254, priest in internment camp, 84, 224, 232 260, 393f, 395, ills.2–4, 7, 29, 48,58; and Neuhäusler, Johannes, 230 see also inscriptions, Dachau and Zauner, Hans, 233 concentration camp rumors, 27, 104, 109, 125, 129, 133, 144, Shirer, William, see journalists 149, 181, 229, 361, 394 signs, signage, Russia, Russians, see Soviet Union autobahn, 5, ill.77 concentration camp era, 170f, 185, 250, SA (Sturmabteilung), 21, 23, 24, 26 401, ills.7, 86, 87 see also Röhm, Ernst Dachau memorial site sadism, see violence and brutality 1940s, 70, 81, 182, 277, ill. 6 scapegoating, 312, 357 1960s–1990s, 7, 10f, 254, 499 n. 21, Schacht, Hjalmar, 44, 235f, 405 ills. 15, 25, 51–53, 83 Schily, Otto, 355 Dachau town, 341, ills.78, 79 Schleissheim, 65 removal (absence), 5, 183, 185, 245, Schleunes, Karl, see historians 297, 373 Schleyer, Hanns-Martin, 319; see also Red Leiten, 145 Army Faction Wülfert, 1949 welcome, 97 Schlussstrich, see terms see also inscriptions Schmitt, Ludwig, 134, 135, 139, 192f Simon Wiesenthal Center, Los Angeles, 396 Schoenberner, Gerhard, 306, 324, 485 n. Sinti and Roma (gypsies), 8, 11, 39, 310, 50, 490 n. 82, 491 n. 97, 509 n. 51, 313, 353f, 365, 384, 393, 403, ill.81 528 n. 62 Sippenhaft, see terms Scholl siblings, see resistance, anti-Nazi Situation A, 32, 33, see also World War II school classes Six Day War, 314f, 369; see also Israel 1950s, 156, 201, 290 solidarity, 256, 364 1960s, 148, 205, 235, 287, 304–7 1968ers, 300, 301 1970s, 274, 313, 324, 333f concentration camp inmates, 194, 226, knowledge of Nazism, 304, 342 259f, 353, 398, 399 Nazi era, 294, 299 concentration camp survivors, 67, 138, visits to Dachau, 148, 204ff, 235, 325, 153, 155, 243, 245f, 258, 320 333f, 347, 351f, 369 Germans, 129, 226 see also education; teaching materials Germans and victims, 133, 282, 285, Schröder, Gerhard (1910–1989), 209 315, 353 Schröder, Gerhard (b. 1944), 376f refugees, 163, 247 Schüle, Erwin, 207 Sölle, Dorothee, 528 n. 59 Schumacher, Kurt, 9, 124, 142, 464 n. 62; Sonderbehandlung, see euphemisms, see also Dachau concentration special treatment camp, survivors Sondermann, Bernd, 341 Schuman, Robert, 147; see also France; Sorge, Gustav, see brown-collar criminals Paris Treaties Soviet Union, 38, 256f, 315, 347 Schuschnigg, Kurt, 44 camps (gulags), 339, 364


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Sozis, 19 Jewish, 269ff SPD (Social Democratic Party), see pietà, 194 Germany, political parties sheep/lamb, 91, 92 special action 1005, 41 synagogue, 263, 267, 357, 365 Speer, Albert, see brown-collar criminals Spiegel Affair, 301f taboos, 211, 309, 344, 346, 358, 553 n. 14 spirit of the camp street, 245f task forces (Einsatzgruppen), 38f, 89, 97, Springer, Axel Jr., 201 100, 207, 208, 218 Springer, Axel Sr., see journalists Tätergeneration, 294; see also cohorts, Spruchkammern, 89 1933er SS (stormtroopers), 5f, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, teachers, 4, 7, 58, 95, 305f, 313, 324 35, 45, 308, 359, 363 teachers’ guides, 210, 218, 306f, 344, 368, attitudes of, 45 378, 381 guards, 26, 69, 82 teaching materials, 206, 210ff, 218, 306f, camp in Dachau, 5, ills. 1, 67f, 75 344, 368, 378, 380f RSHA, 37 television, see media WVHA, 37 Tennenbaum, Silvia, 274f Stadelheim, 21 terms,terminology, 14, 291 Stalin, Josef, 67, 86, 125, 256 Alltagsgeschichte, see history of Stalingrad, 294, 315 everyday life State Holding Authority, see Bavaria, Befreiungsmal, 475 n. 12 authorities block, 9f State Restitution Office, see Bavaria, displaced persons (DPs), 121 authorities expellees, 461 n. 17 statute of limitations, 208f, 214ff, 308, 350 former prisoners, 77, 127, 336 Stefanie (b. 1960), 293, 313, 399, 400 Gleichschaltung, 24 Steinbach, Peter, see historians *grace of late birth Steinbacher, Sybille, see historians guilt, main (Hauptschuld), 148 stereotypes, 127, 128, 130, 135, 142, 146, *Holocaust 212, 341 humanity, humaneness, 98, 500 n. 45 antisemitic, 146, 367, 449 n. 38 internee, 463 n. 41 Stöhr, Heinrich, see Dachau *Kristallnacht concentration camp, survivors Lagerführer, 2 Strauss, Franz (Josef), 118f, 294, 300, 302, Lagerinsassen (camp inmates), 163, 166 335, 360, 361, 362, 386, 523 n. 16 memory, 13f Strauss, Max, 82 Menschlichkeit (humaneness), 90 Strecker, Reinhard, 208 Nazi, use of, intentional, 304, 316, 322 structuralism, 38, 209 Nazi, use of, unintentional, 102, 108, Stuttgart Declaration of Guilt, 277, 281 142f, 159, 218, 232, 265, 314, 341, 367 subcamp, see Dachau concentration final solution, 37, 148, 301 camp, branch camps special treatment, 177 Süddeutsche Zeitung, see newspapers vermin/pests, 166, 314, 321 Sudetenlandstrasse, see Dachau town, Vernichtung, 102, 108 streets names Nestbeschmutzung (soiling/cleaning suffering, 10, 100, 102f, 179, 196, 222, 237, the nest), 215, 308 240, 331, 336, 368, 405 Schlussstrich (closing of the book), 307, survivor, defined, 77 309 Sweden, 18, 30, 54, 150 Resistenz, 373 symbols, 194 Sippenhaft, 102f *barbed wire *Vergangenheitsbewältigung concentration camps, 275 vergessene Verfolgte (forgotten emaciation, 194 persecutees), 353


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terms,terminology (cont.) unemployment, 19, 34, 353 Western civilization, crimes against, United Nations, 61, 125, 154, 203 145 UNRRA, 135 *Wiedergutmachung United States Holocaust Memorial Wohnlager, 163 Museum, 396, Zeitzeugen (historical witnesses), 77 United States, see US see also euphemisms; translations universities, 297, 370, 381, 404 terrorism Berlin Free, 312, 314, 316 left-wing, 317ff, 346 brown, 312 Palestinian, 272 course offerings, 342 textbooks, 210ff, 372 Frankfurt, 316 see also education; teachers’ guides; Hamburg, 203, 307f teaching materials Munich, 136–9, 162, 297, 312, 351, 389, torchlight, 205, ill.71 400 tourism, tourists, 2, 7, 17, 175, 272–5, 334, Munich Technical, 138, 236, 392 336ff, 340, 352, 371 Tübingen, 312 tours, 7, 29, 30, 33, 411 n. 42, 411 n. 50 unmasterable past, see at liberation, 55f Vergangenheitsbewältigung trade union, association of (DGB), 168, US, 124, 213, 239, 268, 291, 278 203, 362 1968 counterculture, 317 youth organization, 203, ill.71 Congress, 52, 54, 87, 107, 141, 363f, 386 trains, 47, 50, 338, ill. 1 President Kennedy, 364 Dachau liberation, 49, 51, 57, 83f, 171, President Reagan, 332, 359–64, 370 288, 329, 330 President Truman, 87, 107, 123 evacuation, 49 Secretary of State Byrnes, 87 Munich to Dachau, 5 Secretary of State Marshall, 87 track, in Dachau, 339f, ills. 1, 76 visitors from, 337 translations, 506 n. 19, 538 n. 10, 547 n. US army, 9, 25, 283f, 339, 472 n. 150 47 42nd division, 52 Aufarbeitung, 489 n. 81, 45th division, 52 crimes against humanity, 90 Bradley, General, 54 Resistenz, 373 Eichhorn, Rabbi David, 264 use of passive voice, 440 n. 69 Eisenhower, General Dwight, 52–5, 222 Treblinka, see extermination centers liberation of Dachau, 50–2, 330 trees, see Dachau memorial site, trees Loy, Rabbi Leland, 263 trials, 105 Malmédy, execution of US POWs, 68 Auschwitz, 213f, 219, 281, 308, 311 Patton, General, 53, 55f, 222 Belsen, 69, 100f, reeducation policy, 60–4 brown-collar, 93, 308, 317 Ridgway, General, 364 Dachau, 67, 69f, 74, 171 Walsh, Bill, 51f Eichmann, 205, 212f, 254, 266, 281 US Military Government, 3, 59, 61, 92ff, in 1960s, 492 n. 104, 509 n. 51 120, 131, 136, 139, 144, 145, 159, Nuremberg, 69, 90, 93, 97f, 103f, 145, 162, 167, 444 n. 126 217, 235, 294 Dachau, 66, 129, 189, 191f Nuremberg successor, 97f, 100, 104, Bolds, Land Commissioner, 143f, 120, 212, 438 n. 46 149, 150, 454 n. 100 Sorge and Schubert, 126, 206, 308 Roy, Paul, 66 Ulm task force, 206f Vendig, Captain Malcolm, 189 war crimes trials, defined, 93 Clay, General, 107, 265 Truman Doctrine, 87 Handy, General, 106, 107, 124 Truman, Harry, see US Hauser, Ernest, 119 typhus, 10, 31, 44, 48, 84, 104, 202, 232 intelligence, 167


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internment camps, 109 1953, 180 McCloy, John, 107, 123, 142 1955, 244f 1959, 230 Vander Auvera, René, see architects 1960, 296f Vansittart, Robert, 60, 424 n. 67; see also 1964, 516 n. 54 reeducation 1967, 273f Vatican, see Catholics 1972, 337 Vergangenheitsbewältigung, 210, 300, 435 1974, 347 n. 18, 482 n. 21, 485 n. 53, 487 n. 1975, 274 65, 488 n. 75, 522 n. 12, 543 n. 1, 1980s, 275, 369f, 516 n. 57 559 n. 63 1985, 361 coping, 210, 311 2001, 5–11 mastery, 307, 335, 336, 387 youth and school groups, 203ff, 235, unbewältigte Vergangenheit, 486 n. 63, 333f 488 n. 76, 520 n. 57, 529 n. 69, 537 Vlasov army, 429 n. 101 n. 7 Vogel, Hans-Jochen, 295, 382, 384 working through, 210, 304, 311 mayor of Munich, 272, 485 n. 50, 515 n. vergessene Verfolgte (forgotten 39, 516 n. 52, ills. 65, 71 persecutees), 353 member of parliament, 367f, 549 n. 79 Verjährung, 208, 214f Vogt, Hannah, see historians see also statute of limitations Volksbund deutsche Vernichtungskrieg, see exhibitions, Kriegsgräber-für-sorge (VDK), 359, Crimes of the German Army 475 n. 14 Vernichtungslager, 40 Volkshochschule, 202 see also extermination centers Volkstrauertag, 122 Versailles Treaty, 3, 18, 19, 86, 116, 132, see also commemoration, days of 277, 291 voting (elections), 25, 116, 142, 303, 357f veterans, 14, 39, 123f, 276, 329 VVN, see concentration camp survivors, Guderian, General, 124 organizations Red Army, 187 Western Allied, 320, 362 Wäckerle, Hilmar, 22, 23 victim soup, 122 wages, 96, 102, 163 victimization, Walraeve, Georges, see Dachau by Allies, 120 concentration camp, survivors by foreigners, 198, 336 Walser, Martin, 214, 295, 434 n. 6, 443 n. by Soviet Union, 120 109, 554 n. 23, 557 n. 48 feelings of, 76, 94, 225, 228, 288, 299, watchtowers, 3, 4, 229, 241, 247, 250f, 267, 300 275, 394, 395, 399, ills.3,4,26, 80 see also myths, of victimization Wehrmacht, see German army; Vietnam, 288, 313, 316, 317, 321, 323, 337, exhibitions, Crimes of 339, 364 Weimar, 23, 33, 259 violence and brutality, 27, 28, 58, 121, town, 55f, 412 n. 53 196, 288, 323, 368, 382 Republic, 160, 305, 311, 527 n. 49 left-wing, 305 Weiss, Martin, see Dachau concentration regime of, see euphemisms camp, commandants visitor statistics, 2, 4, 324, 333f, 351f, 384, Weizsäcker, Ernst von, 105, 294 388f, 390, 470 n. 136, ills.73, 74 Weizsäcker, Richard von, 294f, 360, 364f, visits to Dachau 370, 376, 385, 523 n. 16 1945, 52, 57, 81f, 277, 330 Werewolf, 424 n. 69 1949, 144ff West Germany, see Germany, Federal 1951, 173f Republic 1952, 174f Westernhagen, Dörte von, see authors


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White Rose, see resistance, anti-Nazi Dachau Protestant Church of Wiedergutmachung, 121, 128, 130–5, 151, Reconciliation, 518 n. 33 156, 213, 228, 242, 265, 354 exhibition “Crimes of the German meanings of, 131 Army”, 556 n. 32 Wiesenthal, Simon, 214, 370, 482 n. 11 Frank, Anne, reviews, 482 n. 9 Wintersberger, Carl, 23 Goldhagen debate, 557 n. 41 witnesses, historical, see terms, House of Bavarian History, 562 n. 106 Zeitzeugen inflation calculator, 473 n. 5 women, 57, 69, 85, 106, 159, 163, 295, 373, Munich University Institute for Jewish 405, 423 n. 59, 440 n. 81, 522 n. 7, History, 544 n. 12 522 n. 11 Scholl Siblings’ Prize, 560 n. 74 feminism, 318 Sinti Center in Heidelberg, 561 n. 91 SS, 100f Wülfert, Hans, 43, 96f, ill. 1, ill.20 see also concentration camp inmates, female; Dachau, concentration Yad Vashem, see Israel camp, brothel; rape World Jewish Congress, see Masur, Norbert Zarusky, Jürgen, 347f, 390, 402, 416 n. 14, World War I, 3, 6, 18, 21, 59, 123f, 276, 545 n. 18, 558 n. 57, 558 n. 59, 560 340, 360, 375 n. 79 World War II, 35, 40, 41, 47f, 69, 86, 160, Zauner, Hans, 25, 79ff, 129 291, 294, 303, 314, 315, 349, 357, conflict with L. Roth, 233 360, 362, 370, 380 opinion of KZ inmates, 231, 374, 383 commemoration of, 272 rehabilitation of, 108 Situation A, 32 temporary mayor, 129, 155 world wide web sites wedding of son, 245 1948er historians, interviews, 523 n. 13 see also Dachau town, mayors of 1979er apologists, 551 n. 88 Zeitzeugen (historical witnesses), 77 Berlin memorial for “Murdered Jews of Zuckmayer, Carl, see authors Europe,” 553 n. 15 Zwangsdemokrat, 117, see also Dachau memorial site and town, 407 n. democracy, compelled democrat 2, 545 n. 22 Zyklon B, 40, 240, 270, 288, 321


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