PASTORAL TEAM OFFICE HOURS EQUIPO PASTORAL HORAS DE OFICINA MONDAY - TUESDAY - FRIDAY Pastor Fr. Ramón R. Marrufo 760.689.6205 LUNES - MARTES -VIERNES Deacon Daniel Rosas 760.689.6200 8:00 AM—12:00 PM School Principal Linda McCotter 760.689.6250 1:00 PM—5:00 PM WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY Pastoral Associate Kristine Almada 760.689.6208 MIÉRCOLES - JUEVES 8:00 AM—12:00 PM Children Faith Formation Denell Robles 760.689.6212 1:00 PM—6:00 PM Formación de Fe para Niños Petra Díaz 760.689.6211 Youth Minister Daniel Andrus 760.689.6209 THE APOSTLE Liturgy Coordinator Valerie Kahle 760.689.6207 CATHOLIC SCHOOL TELEPHONE: 760.689.6250 Coordinador de Música Juan Domingo 949.614.6205 Bulletin Editor Kristine Almada [email protected] FAX: 760.689.6240 [email protected]



UNDAY AM OMINGO AM S 9:00 D 11:00 FRIDAYS 9:00 AM—9:00 PM

450 S. STAGE COACH LANE  FALLBROOK, CALIFORNIA 92028-2457  TELEPHONE: 760.689.6200  FAX:760.689.6230

26—27 May 2018 Page/Página 2 Enséñanos The Third Person, God the Spirit All the way from Holy Week to this Sunday’s “Solemnity of the Most Ascension: Then he left this world. He was going back to

Holy Trinity” our Masses have been the Father, the source of -love. To allay the disci- rich in moving images of our faith. ples’ fears, he recounted with great kindness the course

Moving, deep, piercing, rewarding. of his life, including especially the following important fea-

ture: his presence was to continue here on earth. The dis-

But more, they have revealed how ciples were to go out and themselves be Jesus’ dwelling the Holy Trinity deals with us! Our place of God on earth (). liturgies represent the ways people on earth could see that there is a Trinity within the one God! Pentecost. Just as Jesus had foretold, the Spirit came

alive within them, pitching its tent in their hearts and

The First Person, God the Father souls, coming closer to them and to us than we can be to

our own selves! Our life’s breath is now to be ’s life

Passion (Palm) Sunday: The Hebrew people were the and breath for all ages. The Holy Spirit, which is now first and most ancient testimony that “the Lord is God in marked by the Father and Christ, comes to make us chil- the heavens above and on earth below, and that there is dren of God, to be his presence in this world. no other” (First Reading).

Now, if only we will relax and let it be.

Moses cried out,

Holy Week and Easter show us the face of God, revealed

did anything so great ever happen before? in the loving, earthly interactions that are the Trinity’s. In

Was it ever heard of? short, we are to “suffer with him so that we may also be

Did a people ever hear the voice of God glorified with him” (Second Reading).

speaking from the midst of fire,

as you did, and live? … The fledgling Church had discovered the Trinity not by

Did any god venture to go and take a nation for himself studying theology books but by experiencing it.

from the midst of another nation?

Let us follow.

We can ask whether we hear in our faith the voice of the

Father from the midst of what can be much worse than John Foley, SJ fire.

The Second Person, God the Christ Fr. John Foley, SJ, is a composer and scholar at Saint

Louis University.

Good Friday: Jesus in the garden asked the Father to release him from the cross. His whole life had been a testimony to the one he addressed with the endearing term, “Abba” (Daddy). And now he pleaded “with loud cries and tears to the one who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his rever- ence” (Hebrews 5:7). He was heard?

But he died.

Jesus’ request on the cross was indeed heard. He was “saved” from the sting of death by plunging directly into it. Even though his life was sacrificed, he lived from a love that could not be killed.

Easter: An earthly burial could not entrap God’s love. Je- sus arose. He appeared to the disciples in Sunday’s Gos- pel. Their companion was now love’s witness. But they doubted, even as they fell down to worship him. As you and I do, maybe?

Parroquia San Pedro Apóstol Page/Página 3

Los Rumores de Dios en su mismo abrazo de amor.

Hay un refrán panameño: "Al más idiota Jesús de Nazaret, Dios y siempre hombre como no- se le pregunta, ¿Quién es Dios?'" El sotros, abrazaba a leprosos, dio vida a muertos y evangelio según Mateo es un comentario esperanza a extraviados. Jesús es un ser humano y sobre este gracioso y retante pedacito de por esto a nosotros nos redime. El no era un extra- nuestro folklore, diciendo que Dios no se ño, ángel o extraterrestre, que hacía un papel ficticio limita. Dios es “ser”; Dios es “amar”. Dios es siem- en un escenario humano ajeno. El también es Dios, pre verbo activo, infinitivo, jamás un sustantivo que y por esto a nosotros nos redime. El nos une al se define. La revelación no es una lista de apuntes abrazo entre el Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo. teológicos viejos, sino la confrontación continua con el Dios que mora en nuestra humanidad y que es Pues Dios está presente completamente en el Padre también el otro. que ama, el Hijo amado y el Espíritu, el amor entre ellos. Como todos los grandes amantes, Dios quiere Un libro, "En el principio", redactado por Virginia que nosotros apreciemos y compartamos la belleza, Hamilton, presenta veinticinco imágenes distintas y poder creador y bondad de su amor. Aquí nos en- desafiantes del Dios Creador. Ninguna de ellas contramos, la extensión en el tiempo y espacio de la tiene preferencia sobre las otras porque cada una historia del amor de Dios. Más que mito o leyenda, tiene su valor y nos reta a aceptarlas al lado de las sabemos que la historia es cierta porque nosotros, que ya poseemos. por medio del bautismo mencionado por Mateo, vivi- El capítulo 2 de Génesis ve a Dios como agricultor o mos en ese amor y abrazo. Funcionamos con el alfarero, y muy cerca de nosotros, su muñeco crea- poder del amor que organiza y es responsable. El do de arcilla y su espíritu. Los indios makiritare Espíritu, el que juega como niña en la presencia de presentan a un Señor de sueños, sentado y envuel- Dios, creando un mundo del caos, hoy nos reta y se to en humo de tabaco y tocando unas maracas, acerca para abrazarnos. haciendo florecer la vida y anunciando que la muer- te es mentira. Dios nos ama, creaturas frágiles, limitadas y delica- das en un universo expansivo. Distintas escrituras La Iglesia nos regala la imagen de la Santísima dicen una misma historia con mucha variedad. Trinidad, celebrando a un Dios siempre un poco Según unas historias Dios llueve agua en los cam- más allá de nuestra mente e imaginación. Los pri- pos secos y siembra palmas en el desierto. En este meros teólogos trinitarios utilizaron una lengua sim- continente, las historias cuentan cómo Dios creó un bólica del teatro griego. Hablaron de la máscara del quinto sol, haciendo cantar a los pájaros y bailar a teatro para insistir con la presencia completa de Di- los planetas. Estas historias jamás nos dicen qué o os en todos los aspectos de nuestra redención. La quién es Dios; pero el cómodel amor que es Dios se máscara o “persona” proclamaba la presencia real, revela siempre y claramente. Sin duda alguna, la activa, y visible del personaje presentado a los es- teología de la Santísima Trinidad es una historia de pectadores. La doctrina de la Trinidad nos manifies- amor. ta cómo el poder salvífico y amador de Dios, el mis- mo ser de Dios, está presente en el abrazo y mo- vimiento que hay entre el Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Donaldo Headley Santo. Donaldo Headley se ordenó al sacerdocio en 1958. Siempre ha habido gente que proclama a un Dios Se graduó con MA en filosofía y STL en teología de Creador y remoto, fuente de vida y de todo conoci- la Facultad Pontificia del Seminario de Santa María miento. Sin embargo, en Cristo hemos aprendido del Lago en Mundelein, Illinois. que Dios es una comunidad de diálogo y amor, y que Dios nos incluye en su abrazo primordial. El mismo Espíritu que es la expresión de amor entre Padre e Hijo es también la fuerza que empuja al Hi- jo hasta la extrema alienación de tortura y muerte, haciéndolo uno con nosotros por las consecuencias de nuestro pecado, rompiendo el corazón de Dios con la muerte del Hijo y reconciliándonos totalmente

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish Page/Página 4


First Reading — Ask now of the days of old: Did any- Primera lectura — El Señor es Dios en los cielos y en la thing so great ever happen before? Was it ever heard of? tierra, y no hay otro (Deuteronomio 4:32-34, 39-40). (Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40). Salmo — Dichoso el pueblo que el Señor se escogió Psalm — Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be como heredad (Salmo 33 [32]). his own (Psalm 33). Segunda lectura — Somos hijos de Dios, herederos Second Reading — You received a Spirit of adoption también; herederos de Dios herederos de Cristo si through whom we cry, “Abba, Father!” sufrimos con él (Romanos 8:14-17). (Romans 8:14-17). Evangelio — Jesús les dice a sus discípulos que vayan Gospel — I am with you always, until the end of the age y hagan discípulos de todas las naciones, bautizándolos (Matthew 28:16-20). y enseñándolos (Mateo 28:16-20).


Monday: 1 Pt 1:3-9; Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9-10c; Lunes: 1 Pe 1:3-9; Sal 111 (110):1-2, 5-6, 9-10c; Mk 10:17-27 Mc 10:17-27

Tuesday: 1 Pt 1:10-16; Ps 98:1-4; Mk 10:28-31 Martes: 1 Pe 1:10-16; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Mc 10:28-31

Wednesday: 1 Pt 1:18-25; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Miércoles: 1 Pe 1:18-25; Sal 147 (146):12-15, 19-20; Mk 10:32-45 Mc 10:32-45

Thursday: Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16; Jueves: Sof 3:14-18a o Rom 12:9-16; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 1:39-56 Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lc 1:39-56

Friday: 1 Pt 4:7-13; Ps 96:10-13; Mk 11:11-26 Viernes: 1 Pe 4:7-13; Sal 96 (95):10-13; Mc 11:11-26

Saturday: Jude 17, 20b-25; Ps 63:2-6; Mk 11:27-33 Sábado: Jds 17, 20b-25; Sal 63 (62):2-6; Mc 11:27-33

Sunday: Ex 24:3-8; Ps 116:12-13, 15-18; Domingo: Ex 24:3-8; Sal 116 (115):12-13, 15-18; Heb 9:11-15; Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 Heb 9:11-15; Mc 14:12-16, 22-26


Sunday: The Most Holy Trinity Domingo: La Santísima Trinidad

Monday: Eighth Week in Ordinary Time; Lunes: Octava Semana del Tiempo Ordinario; Memorial Day Día de los Caídos

Thursday: The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Jueves: La visitación de la Santísima Virgen María Friday: St. Justin; First Friday Viernes: San Justino; Primer viernes Saturday: Ss. Marcellinus and Peter; Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday Sábado: Santos Pedro y Marcelino; Santa María Virgen; Primer sábado

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Thank you for your faithful MASS INTENTIONS stewardship of treasure INTENCIONES PARA LAS MISAS

May 19—20th Offering Saturday, May 26 General Fund: $12,752.50 4:00pm Vern & Yolima Stigall (Happy Anniversary!) Debt Reduction: $3,506.00. 6:00pm Mother’s Day Novena

Sunday, May 27

9:00am Mother’s Day Novena Gracias por su más fiel tesoro de Administrador 11:00am † Esther Hinojosa Monday, May 28 8:30am Tracie and Tom Kashak PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS POR FAVOR RECORDAR EN SUS ORACIÓNS Tuesday, May 29 6:30pm Mother’s Day Novena The Sick / los enfermos… Wednesday, May 30 Andre Bond, Harry Perez, Jeanette Cummins, Rosa Nayeli Juan, Kathy Tellis, Claudette Moreno, Denise Maldonado, Jocelyne Pfeffer, Adelina 8:30am Mother’s Day Novena Mendez Montes, Ignacio Rivera, Mateo Yanez Thursday, May 31 The Deceased / los difuntos … 8:30am † Rose Marie Beyer Frank Carper, Rita Carper, Jose Hinojosa, Jose Carmen Hinojosa, Carl Morrison, Loren Rugg, Fr. Larry Dolan, Lazaro Jimenez, Jonathan For- Friday, June 1 rester, Flora Silva, Cheryl Rotunda, Ruben Mondragon, Santos Rodri- guez Tovar, Rose Mary Sawyer, Gilberto Mares, Maria del Carmen Pe- 8:30am Mother’s Day Novena rez, Mike Bruno, Lazaro Jimenez, Frank Konarczak, Ignacio Barajas, Amy Van Dyke, Regulo Rodriguez, John Hardy, Juan de Jesus Be- navides, Joy Xavier, Francisco Rodriguez, Prudencio Munoz, Pilar Mar- tinez, Petro

WEEKLY SPOTLIGHT ENFOQUE SEMANAL Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday May 28 May 29 May 30 May 31 June 1 June 2 June 3

• FUEL (Youth), • Open Gym, • Women’s Ministry • Men’s Prayer 7:00pm—9:00pm; 7:00pm—9:00pm; Meeting, Breakfast, Bosco Center Bosco Center 10:00am— 7:30am—9:00am; • • 12:00pm, St. Church and Hall Men’s Prayer Grupo de Ora- Group, 7:00pm— cion; 7:00pm— Andrew Center • Baccalaureate • 9:00pm; Teach- 9:00pm; St. Peter Eucharistic Mass, 4:00pm; er’s Lounge Hall Adoration, Church 9:00am— 9:00pm; Adora- tion Chapel • Grupo de Jovenes, 7:00pm— 9:00pm; Bosco Center

Memorial Day—Parish Office Closed

Parroquia San Pedro Apóstol Page/Página 6

MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST MÙÝ. L®Ä—ƒ M‘CÊãã›Ù, Pٮđ®Öƒ½ 760.689.6250 [email protected] Come and join us for Prayer, Fellowship and Breakfast

Saturday June 2nd Mass at 7:30am Breakfast & Speaker at 8:15am in the Parish Hall



Our 1st Robotics Team competition at Good Shepherd Catholic School! Alex, Monica, Margaret, Kailie, Nico, Johnny, Parker and Alex went to Good Shepherd Catho- lic School on Wednesday to compete against 12 other You Are Invited To A Baby Shower Catholic schools. We were the ONLY school with a 4th Friday, June 1st grader on a team and only 1 other school with a 5th grad- 10:00 AM er! Thank you to Mrs. Hayek for leading this team and our St. Andrew Center-Upper Room school down the robotics path!!!

St. Peter the Apostle Women's Ministry is hosting the Meet the Teachers! event. Members of the Fallbrook Pregnancy Resource Meet………..MRS. KATIE MARLEY-BELTRAN Center and our Beloved Pro-Life Ministry will be our 1st Grade Teacher speakers. • Began teaching in 2006 Unwrapped baby gifts, new or gently used and gift cards • Began teaching at St. Peter the Apostle Catholic are greatly appreciated. School in 2012 • Attended St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School/ Refreshments will be served Annunciation Catholic School • Graduated Rancho Buena Vista High School Degrees/Education BEREAVMENT MINISTRY • Bachelor of Arts Degree – Psychology—University of California, Riverside • Coping with the loss of a loved one becomes a struggle. California Multiple Subject Teaching Credential- Na- Please consider joining our group to share and lift each tional University other in our grief. Family • Married to Berlio For more information, call Georgia at 760-451-6461 • 2 children—Katie Grace & Mary Ella • Katie Grace attends St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School & will graduate in 2020 BACCALAUREATE MASS • Mary Ella is a Preschooler at St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School

Baccalaureate Mass honoring all graduating seniors will be on Saturday, June 2nd at the 4:00 pm Mass. Please FATHER JERRY’S 60TH JUBILEE AND 85TH BIRTHDAY RSVP if you will be attending to Daniel: CELEBRATION 760-689-6209 Or via email at [email protected] Save the Date! We need all graduating senior participants to arrive at 3:30 pm in their cap and gown. We hope all parishioners We will be celebrating Father Jerry’s 85th birthday and can participate in our celebration of the Lord and all grad- his 60th Jubilee of ordination into the priesthood on uating seniors. Friday evening, July 27th in St. Peter Hall. We are cur- If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call or rently putting together a committee to help plan and exe- email. cute this event. If you are interested, please contact the front office.

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish Page/Página 7


Saint Peter's Soup Kitchen Ministry is seeking volunteers to prepare and serve soup at the Soup Kitchen, located at the Church Office, between 7-8AM. We currently have a opening for the 1st, 3rd and 5th Fridays of each month. Please consider helping in this nurturing and healing ministry. Individuals, friends, families or small faith groups are all welcome. Soup supplies are availa- ble at no charge. Opening come up during the course of the year, so please share your name and number with us if these days do not work for you, but you are interested in helping out in the future. Thank you in advance - and God Bless.

Mary Jo Bacik 760-451-9394 Who was the matchmaker? How did you know He was The One? Come swap stories at Renewal 2018! El ministerio del Desayunador de San Pedro esta Table fellowship over appetizers and desserts buscando a voluntarios quienes preparen y sirvan sopa Tuesday, June 5th en el Desayunador localizado en la oficina parroquial, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. entre las 7-8AM. Tenemos el 1o, el 3er y el 5to viernes Parish Hall de cada mes disponibles. Realmente les pedimos de Outstanding Guest Speaker favor que consideren involucararse en este nutritivo y sanativo ministerio. Individuos, amistades, familias, y FREE childcare - please pre-register after Mass at our pequenos grupos son bienvenidos. Todo lo que necesi- table in the plaza or at [email protected] ta para hacer la sopa estan disponibles a ningun costo suyo. Dias disponibles varean durante el ano, les pedi- mos que compartan su informaction de contacto con no- sotros si los dias mencionados previamente no fun- PREPARACION DE PAREJAS DE cionan para ustedes, pero estan interesados en ayudar MATRIMONIOS CATOLICOS en el futuro Gracia por anticipado - y Dios los bendiga. Se invita a todas las parejas que estan viviendo en union Esperanza 714-403-6253 libre y decean recibir el sacramento del matrimonio a una orientacion 6/8/2018 salon de San Andres “Love God, serve God; everything is in that.” 6:30pm

-St. Clare of Assisi Las clases seran en 16 y 23 Junio 2018 en el salon de San Andres de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm.

Fabor de registrarce en la oficina de la Iglecia de San INFANT BAPTISM PREPARATION SEMINAR Pedro Apostol. Gracias.

The next Infant Baptism Preparation Seminar for parents QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK and Godparents will be held on Saturday, June 9th at PREGUNTAS DE LA SEMANA 9:00 a.m.

This seminar may be attended while you are expecting Adults: What signs of God’s love have you witnessed in your child. It is also for those who are planning a baptism your life? in the coming months. There will be NO SEMINAR in Youth: How can you be a sign of God’s love to others? July. Adultos: ¿Que simbolos de amor de Dios has sido testi- go en tu vida? Please contact Kristine Almada at 760-689-6208 for more Jovenes: ¿Como puedes ser un simbolo de el amor de information or to register. Dios al los demas?

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Peter the Apostle 450 S. Stage Coach Lane Fallbrook, CA 92028-2457

PHONE 760-689-6200

CONTACT PERSON Kristine Almada Office: 760-689-6208

EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]

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