PRIORITIES: Henry Tanaka Letters to Editors

to ~erve orne constrtlcuve means, every opportumty should be provided for elIch.n~ of comments between lhe 9001'2: 12131 MA ~ ,693 6 p editor leller writers and the readers. FIr P,ld .11 La, ""OtlQ, e,fII, Cle"eIAnd Readers should have the l'ight to chal• A concerned ansei \\~ ' ote 10 the Edl· I ~ RIIJAY , APHIL 12, )974 IUbvnphon P,r Yur lenge or commend Ideas expressed by VOL 78 NO . 14 U .•. WI 1'0rol", • .tIl 15 C£NTS tor of the Tulare County JAC'L Chapter letter writer newsletter. "11 would seem that a civic \J you take the lime and lhought to organization like the J CL would have wl'ite 11 leiter to the editor. be proud , more noble aeth'ilie than to encourage of your efforts. i~n it. Extend your ALERT JACLER HAS STORE Its memeber to gamble away ther courte v to the edllor so that he l'an HOUSE INTERNAL money. Isn't there 'omethmg that the acknowledge your letters. He does ap• UNDO OFFENSIVE DISPLAY membership can do that i conslruc· preciate your concerns. !I f .A' r'rL~; Wa h. U 0' tive'" in the arne nell letter a Mem· • • th" mulll - armed Buddhbt SECURITY COMM. ber (rom Way Back expressed his op• Housing Project for Aged. .llItut or Kwannrm, th- o.:.d• position to publi hing names ot donors d 01 Ml!tc)" In .. Yrrdtr• and the amounL'. He (cit it's a " del'i• Representatives from more lhan sev• Ick & N~laon d~lrt"",'1lt STILL UNDER FIRE en N inn merlcan groups in New York AI"" h(JW wind',w ht.nin"" ous way to get a person to donate 'In,' JACL bQard member Ihal more", whether he can srrord to or not Citl' met recently with the J HF fJa• h_ wenl infd lbr Committee Retained 1 \\ould be most happy to send him pOllee Amcricail lIelp for lhe Aging) d \Jplk~ mana,,, Hindu .nd a note to the eHeel that the atiollal to combine thell' efforts. Plans are un• Buddhl wnuld bfo "fT ..nded by 247-86 Vote. But derway to establish a comprehensive 'fb,' arm. wer~ loaded with JACL Building Fund has recently an• varlCIUJ kitchrn utHullJ. Ho.. Faces Re.;"pnintioft nounced that donors hove the option program of home care. visiting nurse would ChriJJti3nl react wllh as 10 whether to have their names or services and socialization (or New York a Imllor . crilea" 01 Ma.., W _ HI: G'fO, - T: e Hr City's increasing Asian American el• and h"" Cbri Child, the JA• 1n~1 Sec-urltr Cfar. 29) as C(HpOIUOfI at a ~:c'~ tl'Ah: lid 100ally" sponses from the reader hip so that meeting of the Japanese American His• blU to Inereue ve~ranedu- Th# How.e \ut wed; something construclive can be done to tory Project (JARP) at UCLA. Some cational beneftl4l md author- ed 247 to 86 10 relaln 11 lze a S600 payment 109:ard lJnernaJ Socunty Committee correct the situalions? pro/!Tess has been made. I shall plan Fraud leged, four held ~ymenl ot tuJUoo noted Pre- by aulboTizlng a 547- 00fJ and It is common policy of new papers to devote a future column to the status .dent Nixon wa atle>ding a 3. military parade at Fl McNaJr an addItional .mO,OOfJ eaeh not to print unsigned letters. 1\ protects of JARP. Many individuals and chap• LOS ANGELES - Whal was malsu. probably left tor tor home valued al more than w ben be should be Icnfnc commlttee reees.,es .eacb the anonymous letter writers who may, ters have asked about lhis Project. regarded as an unCortunate ad, regained conaclousness, $30,000. their bill too tor tat'I aal2nes. Con:- rob b e r y - homicide in the found her hmband dead and Assisted by hIS daugh~n, rnl~ e h a I r mall Bkbard in the heijZht of emotional upheaval. • • • rD -~ .' On to Portland southwesl L.A, area perpetra- called tor aid. Narnimatsu wa.I reportedly Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Sa- Tehord b .. d oou*"t make statements which he really didn't led against Frank M. Naml- th in 'd C b h wall), one or the C»-!p(105On. $553.000. mean to say. It al 0 prevents the news• ~~ncf~d~ e~ MeanwhUe, the energies oC all of us matsu, 66, and his wite, To- Arrested were Rev. D.·. :c: °tra':'.d'"and wd the proper way !Dr the But" more oenous - paper from becoming a public forum shlko, 59, culminated last J mes Milose, 57, a self-pro- was preparing to seek a enm- President 10 Honor Vi- In Jt.ore after £u• hav.e been devote,d to preparing for the Jence, for individuals who simply want to "get week (April 3) In the arrest claimed C8ith-healer; his wit., ina I complalnl. He ba.d felt etnam V~1eran6 Day would be ler I'eCeS5 W bell the H things off their che t" but take no naltonal convention, By now, aU dis• oC (0 u r suspects o( alleged rolby, 62, son Alvin, 19, all he was beiDg cheated out 01 ~tiClv~ \.~ulbethopportu- ta1tes up a propos;;l 10 Te • fraud and conspiracy 10 C'om- at 221 N. Serrano Ave., and all his POSSe!< ion.. by 1Ilitose ell ()I uca 00. at were Jtructure the entire commH- responsibility for their utterances, Of trict councils have met to discuss, re• I'iew and become familiarized wit.h the mit murder Terry Lee, 27. or 445 S. Ard- under pretense of curing ha Civen to bls ,ener:'tion tee t}'stesn. course. Signed letters which are in• ~- ~ "new format". At the arraignment Friday more, ApI. 137. while at the incurably-ill wife. 11 was OD Inouye, along WIth A e"mmlllee UnIt coherent or derogatory would not pass (Aprll 5) belore Judge Mor- Serrano address by a bomi- the eve ot the hearlDg that SOTl! Sens. ~r,e feGovern ~eaded by ~ . Rid!a:nI &Xl- the editor's desk - Generally, we are excited and en• 100 Brookman, Ihe four sus- dde delaiJ. the Namimatsu couple wa, (D-S.D.), Robert Dole (R- mg CD-Mo.) b.u ncommena- couraged by the responses, Members peets pleaded not guilty bul Philip A. Burge, represent- atlacked Kan.) aDd Charles lfaUllas ed W Intemal Security Corr. - I am ure that the above cited phan• were denied ball The prellm- ing Ihe Mitoses. tried In vain (R-Md), were all beDeftciarleli Illlitee be abolish"'; aD ci I tom writers had no intenlion of speak. are becoming more involved and more ~eterrnined than ever to play an ac• iDary hcarlng Is scheduled lor hove Mrs, Mitose and the MltOS<' pro!e:;,." to be an of the GI bill after WW2 jur\IdidioIl traJlIok- rruttee. Rep. Icbord h ... .",. - tional program, activities and resolu• death Mar. 27 in the early gorously protested. Burge and bolder ot a natW'opalblc ed far questions. lbe lint one ell to B\l!It. promi.mll to c.!.- press these concerns In face-to-face tions for the next biennium. morning hours by an intru- pJ aded they were not aware physician and surgcons de- wa. about ~. fer m amendment to ~ JACL meetings so that others can bene• When we get to Portland in July, our der who entered their home of Ibe alleged crimes. Lee was gree. M1lo5e's ehurch is in no Inouye sald that lbe COUlI- his and expllDd Ita fit from their concens and do some• at 3787 S. Norton Ave., by represented by pubUc de- way associated with the EJlis- try sbould be "big enough" 10 mand;ale to ma~ reiatiol! thing concrete. heads will be together as well as our torcing a rear door and al- Ider Melvin Higashi copol Diocese of Los Angeles. ~t amo.esty 10 ~ wbo to 1leaIOD, ~ge :ma hearts! U letters to the edilor are intended lacking Ihe couple as I hey Lee was dCSCTlbed as a Milo5e came to Los Angeles diJJered with Its polioes.. Be dassi.6ed InformaUOD_ slept. The h usb and was ok-belt karate iDstructor about 20 vears ago and found- Doted that .ome of his col- In the al1emp\ to c:u\ oj! 2192 Grandview AI'e., Cleveland 44106 strangled to death. MI>, Na- d 0 pupil ot Dr. Milose, re- ed the C'bW'ch of Pbilosopby leagues ~bed ~ COllier b!",- HlSC tuodI. ~- Hoben ~- • ..tedly a klO'ate master. and Religion, which operated Orary otiuDship an exiled Drioao (U- fas;.), ... h 0 ao.-

lPort,and andYHGE,e2Sh3a,md -TB'lOEUNtNdlaAleL JANACyLIOCNhAaLPtecroS NCVOE-HNYOISot N on~olJce "Rev. investigationDr. .Tames Milose"focused theOU~o~';,= intruder. ~'ft., wa:, ~estell ~~~=~r they...~~~::d mIgI:rt ertend ::tl.eeehargedhew that ~eCl th~ e COII1IZl!tueaboll: (!;_ as evidence of alleged fraud In,'estlgaling police ollirers tht!11' re>pe<:t to booest and keeps 6les 00 IwDdreds G! w beln~ galbered by the were Sgt. Rudy Ticer ot hom- courag~us c.tizens wilD ...~ lbOU5<-r. chap• DIRECT SERVICES Q. Doe. Oreroo', ras ~Ia­ t~r and dUrtricl porUc Rt'CJonal Olli« r~Rard 1975. it was announced by chap~r bow lie (nol a lour-In-hand for the Odd or Even eI agents registered with the mcmber, and district P-. fI Plaint At,l"n.' OUke b.1 and local drivers morely o \'Id Ushlo, "ational JACL and .... luch th~ obll.llation and to-P.lrUle Cltl7en lie) Rnd lbeir ladles wear a 'ITavel Committee as desirous I~ OIREC"T S".RYU' gS ~.rler. observe the rule voluntarily e. E<:uti\'e direclor tfspon,lbill!' of each of ur The penalt)' tor mem• o( acting as agenls for JACL• I l.labIUI) ' ncc cau~hl The guidelines adopted by sponsored tour.; II 10 makr kn()\\ n OUf con• ~ -Nat') or,anlutlon duci ber. wearing Ihe ban• cerna and prlorlli.. of the J-Con!lul1.n~ ned lie will find themselves Q . Whal kind 01 .ellvilies Ihe National JACL Board lasl m .. mbenhlp. No One member fal CPA wearing a tie "cut short" plus are beln. planned (or Boos- Feb, 22-24 require t h a I aU inee air can'i..." allow a Ib) AlIl)t'nl:) In some cnscs 8 "fine" levied 5<;. owns JACL. Instead, It I. a ie Othfn ter Deleple ? A The leatured chartel' flights whleh beer the commlsil;on to the ap• Ilrong unlfle"lioo of dccidln~ h.\' Ihe "Execulloner-Slasher" activity lor Ihe Frce nny will J CL name scheduled (rom pointed agel\l. Ihe guidelines roll.ctl."ly· Whr .. I JACL The Whln~ Ding Is n no-hosl be Ihe KAH-NEE-TA Resort 1975 be administered and (urthel' slate' I h e 'ITa\'.1 Nllllonal Mtellng. pHrly and Ibere will bc Iwo ROlnR (dlrf'<-t1on) and Whnl I-Nal') Cfln\tnUon" and Nat'l federalcd Tribes of Ihe Warm ' nsored by the NRtional JA- Cornmilll'C or agenl . bould do ...... ant JACL 10 do Cac• &lard Mrcllnp prolc•• lonal enlCl1alners flown SprlnRs Indian Rcse"vatlon Ct. organlzallon through Its remunerate allY 'olher agent tion)' 2-EX!COM courtesy 01 Jopan Air Lines Res0l1 complex. whIch Is one tr \'el commiltee to be a p - who soliclls or pro\ides er• Th~ prior N"lIonal Con"en• ru from the enterlalnment world oI the nolion • most slIeces.,ful pointed by Ihe Nallonal Pre- vices to a member customer til).., wore good Many .Il00d Nal'l Offlcer/NAt't Cornmitlee of San Franclsco to Port• example. 01 nn Indlnn ope.'- sldenl on a Hat Cee per - ellstom"r pr"P'lt.h pnd were I-Nan Otlfter Upto",f'4 land. " 5 piece combo, hors nled en.tcrpl'isc, The Rcsorl is The 1974 churlOl' IlIghts bas.s, proj«l 2 -N t'l Comnal¥V" ••prnM' d'()('uvres and door prizes. modi! the dcle",~ In pro• an nas.s tcod by the KAH- N sored by vartous chaplers The gUldellnllS "ere adopl- PHIL DELPlIIA-Door pme ehlIitman Russ M..s a NEE-TA hOI springs OUlns: an,d distrIcts w III be conU- ed 10 assure potenUal cbarl• lITamma c aru. which did B.cnnlal ProJccls (~ . Wbat Ia Ibe Convention Gla ot being able to sneakers and bead band) al recenl PhlJadeiphia JACL in• I<'rut. ot the mcmbenhlp. lump ·um Item thnl the Nol'l naturally warm minerai WR- n making this decision. the meel II s requirements. or• stallation dinner in recogoJtiOD nf ber being cootinually OD It eon.I.1 of? A The package lers. Transporlatlon wlll be N Ilonal J CL Board e.~- molly a DC-8 ch3l'ler occom• Slncp the prfJpl)lat. w~re all Council 1\ can expend the 110. sucb a. coming 10 a meeting. ~ ... in for a shan tem Include, the tollowlng even!.!: provfded tor conventloners by pi Ined: "Severe lIobUi~ ' tor modates 132 >cats, a B - 747 ~qu.lly lJood. II cre.1<'d Ihe during each year 01 the 1975- lbe 1000 Club Whlng Ding wbile, lea\'ing before Ille meeting is, prnblrm whltb 01 the e did chortel' bus, Warm Spring In- p ential \10lallon 01 lederal jumbo j e I 355 ... lh. mrmix'rahlp ..... onl Ihr I\I~ht dlans will perlorm authentic r<'lUlalions moy resull OgRinS! have been of JACL the Council mnnd"t., Ihat on• July 2.3, the firll or Ihe noUVe dunce.< and top )t nIT J CI. under the e:<:I ting all- charter nights which had Ie> ------• rrmr."ntutlion 01 Lhf' NalJ()n.1 I~ $50,000 br ! Okada Board anti 81.rr wllh an IInusuAI "lIOn fire lopomou, t r a \' e I program, he canccllNt because 01 In- nia! Projf'<'t.o and th- progrnml Tr.llmonlal Luncheon I. an b~ ' Th~ lack I)f P'llky OJ mun• salmon bokr. Horse .I,\ln/!, 5 ."red ebapl.. ·.... sufficient ptI .<-." cau r "f con• oC Ihe tnllnwlng method ' TA RCI.,,1 OuUng (ineludlng O. rc UIC'rt wn) other u.,~­ (The PC . tond, corr ted TO BE IMPLEMENTED THIS MONTH (,,,Ion In the m,'mbf:,."hlp Rnd (aJ Within !h~ omounl bud• Irunlportallon, box lunch, lal• tlvlll08 .,'allable for olber to IU surc lull compliance \Yllh «,mmunl1y & 10 WhAI .,.,.Itlon CAB nnd lATA \'eAulaUonb to 101' ropor\lnj: in It.. original K,'I,,(] mon buke). For Ihe final day days? A A S."nle ColumbiA slory the board mccling WA HlNG'fO , D.C - The Nat..W1aSa :111 l'Ongrc. FOR NATIONAL OFFICE dr\'~ ObJ "live.. f:\ ,,,, IMu,h Ihr mllnHv If:lth.'r. find who hnv ... Ih~ rr I. u price dlITcrcnllnl, Ol, lrlat Council lIooo.1\or al (bl appoint Ihe halldllng , , w., lDl'Orporated In the Ele- as>!, t them U\ pllUlJ1ing. prr.rnble to Ihr JAC\. enn• rt)Otrlhutt-d In·mt·ndou.fJl,y In hne! mn)' be purchlllcri by th" Mar. 2-3 "".Ion here Sh A~ eDl, (1.') conlracl the car- \1 A HINGTON - 'I'he Ea.l• mOlltllrY ruld Secondary Edu- loping, tabllshlng and ope• Ih"lr n"lrJ 1M Ih" I",nefit 1)/ mull luoc<'l.'d. Ro Har"no, a l ~ o ot ri " (d) d .termlne the air em Dl. u1ct Council nomlna• cation Act b,- tho 9llnd Con- rating ethnic heritage .It Htutlr1f1 Ilvn u lh' J,rlmury ~, 1,..1 of JAC(" thf' ,- uf tnJb· y.hQlt, f,lJclpty ar(' thf' COli• ('hleollo, Dlld land farot< In C(>nsultaUon tlor\O chairman Ira hlnUlNlkJ ""Id gitldollnc. for Im- progn",,,,. a~e nl , .nno'mC\~1 C~C(' plcmcnllO~ C~"I'tN put tIt th~ prim I( al)~) did"" b,'lnll ""\fAhl by Eml (~, Whal III II •• I.' olluallon MI I Klmu.iI, "uHcnlly on with Ihe appointed and Mr•. Uye• the program are ",,,,'<' In r'ortl""d and on tho lII,h• Ih,' NuUonal JACL Boord nl I~ ) prepore and dlllribule ap- harR o( Phlladelphln will run lIndcrgnlng 11MI re,1ew in the order to iii' tudeD!> OPpoJ'• 8I1rl'r~ Thl, will dUf,'r Irom Affll.'rlClln 01 I h' Blt'nnlum \\AI. 10 Po.lla"d? A R,'c<'"t t1hflll1lr'R «,mml.!!oncr, II " pllrlltlnll lonm for NoUon.,1 JACL \'Iee pre- omce 01 CCrelary 01 H Ith, lunlti 10 stu~ thelr 0 w n Well ~ "r.vlfllJ ft"I~( nllrml tn thld Cl)mrnlll ',. lurvry. by mrmootl Irav.l• 001111 worl, •• lIetlve with th -C rtlflcatlon 01 oppllcunt sidell I (or public atral~ Educlliion and Cas- c:uJtural hcnla to. and those ~thnlc Ih dl'\"IIIJI hll h"h 'III ,)flU pn t,d durlnf. Ih,. NBthll1- 1"1" ."I"rln" 10 Iho IIIl1hwlI~ 1",11 01 !'It L"ul., I I v,g.; nnd "1' 1. I h (' nppllL';ltion .IAn d M,." U~·~h.r. b cUIH'nt!, In " •• 1) prll Plld "ppllca- 375,000 dPpr pnaled I J !.tel membership In rom,', al JACI, Convention her lUIYf1 I"rl fltt' opt';n ov~n on l;om I/onda o( Twin ClUe., ~lI hfr by the chopler prell- $UVlnll her .econd term a' lions forms tor grants wiU be Implement the new promm. Orcanlzatlonti ServIce Cotla Jull' 22-21, 8unda,y. and provldln. aU and v." d t or National H~adn diffieult Ihould know thot thil perlon II) gaIn [ull support (rl)m all chapter, and members FTlday, April 12, 1974 has gone out of hi. way t.c (or natlOllwide JACL programa and proje<:l. sln~ the rectify my complaint and has leeds or bllnefi18 to he derived from particular na• apologiud for Ihe !.realm eDt tional projecla is rarely ever clearly understood or Harry K. m" In-laws have reeeived. Hond. 'So .ood to know that peo• accepted by everyone. Vet sl)mehow we ureally man• ple care aboul olher people, age to bring together Ihe talent and reaourceJ needed e.peclaUy alter whal happen• 'Thoy'li Ipend .11 lummer lookin' for the.e.' II) l1et things done once ba i(' agreement hal been ed. He had written me be• reached through our participatory de<.1sion making rore about a mobth .'0. I dld nol hear from him aga In process. till loday - he wa~ stIU • worklng on my complaint. WASHI ~GTON NEWSLETTER M'k M k Our CUI rent effort to ral! e funds to build a ne ...... ;.;..:..;,::.;._~~~~---.....;.~-.....;. __: I e asao a .JACL building in San f'rantisco ill a MADELINE O. SAKATA Phoenix, Artz case ID point ~at A majl)rity of the , ational Counell delegat.ea at the • • W .. Can I Do About P.R.? 1972 Blennlal Convention approved the (:onnroction INSIDE PACIFIC CITIZEN The Washington Office of the new office building. A majority of the chapter It t k Edltor: reaffirmed the original alional Council decision ID PC II' iIIembership is now in its 14th year. o~ Despite I h. numorou • • f- a Coil ow-up mall vote. then reaffirmed thue deciRiofll three conventions from 1956 (thanks to the leadershlp forts to portray the Wa.hln,- lu\lona or lhe la w. ordlnanc ... materllll (rruntdiately pr'JlcsL- again by approving tbe increase in the fund raising d b 0 David Miura of Long ton Officc as being JUIUOable. or regulation_legAl reoourae ed. More crucial. however. 1/1 goal from . 175 000 1250 000 Va~J1I· te the ~Iear M"n- of our PC Boar mem er r . .., I am stiU I cIt unconvlnced. when proper. rcadlng the advance UILlng 01 .., . to .. . . ':'" ' • Beach-Harborl to incorporate PC subsct:Jphon w~lh The monev for t hat omc. Many c1t1el and communi- motion plcturel .cheduled to date to proceed \11th the fund rau;Jng and construction membership on a one·per-household baSIS, ~ffecttve would have been ond would ties no"' have so-called bu- be shown and respectfully re- of th(> building. there have continued to be voices of "1·th 1961 memberships. A day's research mto the ,UII be more better spent In renona' Note: Probably be- man r. elations commlaslora, que. lIng the television .latlonl proteBt from individual, who apparenUy are unalter. " IT b oallse Nallonal JACL Conven- Ivil I h\;! ci al I I d to b tit tI' th records indicates: ~ New York to engage n pU h- Uon Ume Is drawing ne • c , g "lien os. equ nvo ve ru. u ano er ably oppo~ed 10 JACL makinj! any capital in~utmeDla a) Annual membershl'p has grown from 17.891 ilc relation. and conUlcts w It opporlunlly bureaus. elc. The Lllm for that to which there . rt t thO t· dl C th ' f Foundations. and Media. a.nd lOme 01 my friends In JACL same Is \.rue for many statea are objection fL 10 much bet.- ID prope y a IS ,me. regar esa 0 e purpose or (1961) to 27.492 (1973). which figure at, the rate 0 also American Corporations and long-time a~oclate . ill and even the federal govern- ter If "bad" movies are not need. 685 additional members per .year. Th. at.s less than which are mainly headquar- th. common callie have ask- ment. shown al :til, to protutlnK af- Nevertheless. and duplte a .Iow start. the chapten e r Y k But be 4 C»'~ per year. So our conservative proJec ti on f or Y, a.· tered In New or . . ed me several questions c - An. d Ih e r c nre aJ ways suc h I er a h ow InK h--- "k~ ~n P"Of'I and district councils as a who Ie are glvin" . tb eir fu fl ~ b 28592 \, e 11 thnt as II may. I el us ex- eel'lling my Interesl In · ccr- private organlzallons as the .. end 1974 Is another 1.100 mem ers or .' plore worthwhlie work lain relationship.. wllh the JACL lhe NAACP the Anti- support to the fund drhe and it i! no \ dear that JACL paste this in the back of our desk calendar and see that the Washinglon orne. organi7atlon. WhU e I apprecl- Def~atlon League: a~d other w~~~·:n ~~~iv~~:1 ~'aa:·pr~ wiII again pull through in grand 'lyle. The lateat re- how close the projection holds. . could have and still can do. atc the goodwill inherenL ill local groups, Including the lest effectively In reaction to port to me Indicates that we have reacbed at lealt b) PC w Membership subscription began WIth FLrst. there are probably mOlt of these Inqulrlcs, since churchel, thai should be. in- oHen. lve r a • i a I materia' 70% of our S250.000 goal. 12566 (1961) and stood at 20,399 (1973) for an annual close to 10.000 governmmt ~~~e ::::: ~soot~~s':" c!~n ~ !':,"dm ecdall~d 10 u;;I~opr;~~~~~ TheJIlle areI mOllly for'lhort-run And I believe that th~ effort. by Eastern Dulnct ~wtb rate of 555 subscribers. Because o( tbhe one- ~[~Jr:.m~nlo';,,~::;;~th~r~nZO~ about the.., same qucstionl, th min lhe mo.l vigo rous and pub c re ationl. react on pub- Council, led by Fund Dnve Chamnan Kat Honta. of per-household policy. the percentage of mem ers r~ Chinese Ginseng v Korean In 'lrder 10 p ~even l U po 1- of[ect,ve waYI. ~~l reb~~o~:.~ Ilco~~cti~~ the. PhiladeJprua Chapter. epitomizes ~e kind o~ sprnt th~ ~'bllc ~~ _Ivmg' the PC ranges between 60 ACLand 67f %.'1 ThIS Ginseng.I In Jproportion I h to ult blegardlnll any misunderstandingmy altitude. I s re- • long-ranlle ,.- relations ef- whIch assures the success of our national proJectl. I would indicate at least 60% of the J amI yare populalon. WI 0 w eq - taidng this opportunity to Third. a I.Uer bould be fons on behalf of Japaneu single out EDC for citation since I, as a recent trans- couple memberships. d d h :~Jrr::de r!ds~d:e!;'t~~ %~ state publicly my answers to written to thc editor or edl- Americans. plant to Ihe East. have been privileged to obsene c) Between the number oC subscribers pai an t e to Iloveroment employees wbo the general subjecl matters of tora of the local newspaper or In our next New_letter. we EDC in action at nrst haDd~n occasion as a "target" actual number mailed during the year are the nO.n- are NiseI). Why has not the most of these querie.. newspapers. wbether they be hope to dlscu .. the.e laUer of that action. . . h k' s m ~-- . t First, 1 am not now. and dallies. weeklies, or monthlies, eHoN nkI paid copies. which covers advertlsrng c ec 109 cople Wasbinglon 0 ~e """'" ?nen - will not become. a candidate and friends and others should . rTa y, I was rather apprehensi\e at ClTSt as to and delinquent subscribers. It averages a~out 345 per :::1."'lli. util~ in one', own com- • el are employees. perhaps or even JACL. do the p _ wriUng campaign. each letter ers generaQ'I" do not require (cJ Glilile addltlonal In- munJ . apprecia~e To the postal rate change. here is an the most loyal and hardwork- leninll" attitude with the ex- should be mdlvlduaQ'I" band-. a long wait lor lee-olT_ In the come 8$ a,..wable. S-'I'otina on PropoaJa ud abbreviated prell'entallon of the two receipts. before Inll or any croup. Tbus, (or cuse thai "They know how written legibly or typed and Portland Area. there art- more (d) Utilize volunleer ser\'- Reso'utiQns. ..ill deleptes wilJ and alter the rate change. me to expect I b e JACL to best to go about the prot .. each sbould express indlvidual than 25 private an.d public ices. blve copies 01 prvpooals III slress economic benefils of and "J don' t know how Lo Iboughts In indlvidual lan- courses For a list 01 tbe more This """,e procedure \\1IJ standardLted form ,,·hich ha,-e Old Rate New Rate JACL. .to indlvlduals would be articulate tbe his lory and the guag"; under no circumstances popular public courses. send apply e,'en If the CouneU man- been submitted for coosidera• Copies Mailed: (21.700) 21,840) unreaJisLic. But. the JACL re.. , ons" for an efrectlve pro- should lhe lellers be Identical. request to Convention Bd. In dates zero dollars ror Biennial tion priOr to the COD'-eotlon In liinimum Rate...... 8229.55 should stress and Ond ways. test: the Individual should de- as obviously inspired as part Portland. Proi.ecls (which we bope lbey order that they be dlF- ~e Uberal e m..... Per-Pound Rate •. .•. f 53.82) ' 93.80 which ways are very easy it velop a conscious discipline to of 9 Campalgnin lt Q. WhaL unusual acU"11y Is won t11. cussed at Chapter le,-el one would jusl sit down, clear react on sight or hearing the wnter has access to PUr 1- ••commod ations! A. If you're Per-Piece Rate ...••• . 111.05 202.33 respo"~lb le ReEoIutions 'IIIilI be b- one', head. an.d ju s t plain '''helher the ed company or organlza onal 4-Iml1lemtntln, Goals. This mined on a standard.iz.ed for• Foreign ...... 143 1.52 thl k or obta nlng thc bcst Y .~ 1_ . tatlonery. so much the better. hounding is a recreational ar- n, Ut ( th NI . party knows the racial bacK- Each lelter should be signed li'~I~ ' that appeals to many will be a -.,.., ion to oneat all mal ... resolutions. except economic e 0 r e SCI, ground or intends a racist .P- d h dd I I h due 10 Oregon's metallic min- delegales (votln" and non- those of apP<"ci.ti~. l'reoe.ct• Total Postage .•. _ . $342,88 297.65 uS1.,aily employees. peal Is Immaterial ; regardle. . an tea res.< c ear y s own. ern! wealth. Oregon Is fam- "ollne) on ho"" to put goals ,'\I at the COD,mUQD will be One or the main b a.rrlc~s t.hpt responsible party must bc ... ous lor its semi-precious Into prol/l1lm> al National. on Slan,!&~ forms and Under the previous schedule. the " per pound rate" 10 advance'!'ent Of econolDlc taken 10 task. ~ ' ourlh. if 1010,'lslolI or .... - IIcms. agales, pe!rlfted wood. Di£ triCI and Chapter levels will be distributed .lO all dele• was always computed, but "minimum rate" or 1.3 cent ilfe Is dlscrlmlnaUon In jobs. So whnt call a concerned dlo Is Involved, In addition to i ..pers. opal and thunder- This se""ion wlli pro,;de each (;lIles prior to t'OIUIderadnn. The Equal Employment Act IndJ~dual do? "letters 10 the edllor". a simi- eggs In man...... s of the per copy out-o[-('ounly and 0.2 cent per copy within• campal~ n delegati' sugl!estions 01 bow provldea mechanism for ,ight- - lar lettl'r should be stale. Thore are also prolific PROPO -.AI. Snnt.~ county being the higher was charged. Ing such dl'CTlmlnation. The First, It .ce"" to m. thaI addressed not only Lo the local !o II beds localed In man~- IS dl~- Under the new schedule. "minimum rale" has been Individual Nlselln whoIn J the ascrLeved person should slnUon bul also 10 the head- >eellons or the slllie and or at the S])l'<'lacular Multnomah The key to whether the dropped while the "per pound rate" has been raised criminated aga.t hOld contacl the media. party. r quarters of the noUonal nel- spedtlc inlerest are the J ohn Falls which thunders down COD.ennon rormat will !low and there arhe many wei' OUt organlzaUon responsible Cor works. Da . Fossll beds ~20 ~ slightly. The "per·piece rate" has gone up nearly rcct }USI along the _moothi'l" and eltlClently '<-Ill recognize. sa no pace 0 the preiudlclal language or ac- 1.11 lhis conlext. II should be W8)' It IS 30 mile. easl o.f be the p,."senlaUon of the pr<>- double. Needless 10 say, the projectiOlls we had made tum. tlOM and protest the obi _ nOled lhal often ad,'"rti.e. Q. Are the Oreun l 'rafter ~~~t,~~n~ ';;','.. I~~~~:te.a~~~ posaIs In the summary ronn. (or the 1975-76 PC budget will need to be reviewed The JACL ''Uno as rast •• Uon able words or aotlvltles. ments demean "'Id denigrate p3rk \'ery popular and what pO/\5lble awa)' from Ihe dis- The protesl can be elth . Japanese Amcllcans, or Asian the Bonne"IiI ~ Dam and Fish The date to remem• and recalculated. The schedules from which we flg• accommodation A. It you are Hatche"" You could .pend ber IS April ~; by ,..blch da It criminated a g a In s t Nloel. or both. verbal nnd/or wril- Americans ro,' that maltor. ror plRnnJng to come to O ,..,~on­ Ifred the 1975-76 costs for 2nd Class have also been Why? In New York at leall. ten, dependlnll upon the d r. commercial gain. Perhaps several . hours there and the propaO!'\8.lle The proposals ":tIl a loll rree pbone UsUnJ/: 800- pald by the Orellon tale $Creened by lbe ,a t!~1ll budget for 1974. di vldual Nfael worker can teat should also, when I- cr acceplable, 0" co,t su- 452-0294. come forward and m a k e a bl I I d Ih ~ plclons on lb" 10 'ally and Hl ghwl~ " Diwlon througb the E.'\."ECoru and tat! for S1l1l1- CQmplDlnt, li nd Ih. JACL Ih ~' C~';,,\~ I :lnt, e ";en~::.., th; nlleglnnce of Japanesc Amerl- Q. Whal should t brlnr tn Nal'l Com-entlon Board: 327 lartti~ 01 propc>oals which O I Ihrough lett" .... etc .• nnd even oU'cr p n' 1~ ' may unde"'l d cnns In World War n. or re- so r~r .s c1othh\l ls .Onrern- N.W. Couch Streel Portland. could be coruoUdaled. n y way 10 keep from wi nkmg Is to solicit more to compl ai n before the EOC I I I tid e ~ ror conventton? A. During Id\'ertl-Ina d ti"hte dill k co n ~ 'np orl him ThArc . hould why Ihe lerm or condUct I. v I'C a en roc sm an pre- I f I III Or,,>!on P;209 pies of all proposals will ., Po an " n our e ng to ma e room. • ' Uw I ' Ih offcnslve. Furthermore. it PO'- Judice by depicting alleged the d.". n ormo wear w be senl ID the National Board be demMd r IIhl now lhal e Albie. the namci of p"omlnehl alroclties and b''Utolll.v of ~uJllcc 'and be sure 10 brin/: "OTE: Addrc... all qu ,_ and lbe Con\"ention d~el.t EOC Inke Ihe NI •• I Into con- I th P IU your swinuntn!! In,nk, ro, lions and Inquiries to the Con• b~- !\Ia)' !! .Ideration whenever Ih ere I. Indlvlduols nnd orllonilatlonl Jllpnnese Iroops n • ac c pOOl-side relnxlng. Thc month ,entlon Boord. Tbis Que.tlon ··IUemenl. whtch sho,'c your re ••nlm t 11'0". ( J I h II k and Ans"" ~I urnn will be GOAL R Ii , · t , t O~ 25 Years Ago - , f I I tlhould be menlloned 10 n u, c Bocnll. c l«lovl Ion I .uch. 0 U Y as some mes no"n w • '!'he ore~o n8 ••• on y ex- Ih" olhcr pO'·I.Y that Ihe It'- I I CI I bll 10 be fickle In PorUand and run periodically tn nnswer PROCEDURE .mpl~, nny pcraon could Ual ' fo~ n n uene ng pu C Orogon. so a Ilghlwclght rnin- question nbout om'entlon The IIt>1ili and obj""tiv .. In the Pac;jfle Cjti~en, Apr. 16, 1949 mor~ . To repeal. c.. enU nill', dlvldunl I. not alone In hL' opinion and rcnations. ond be- coat t good Insurance. for an~' EveQ inqu ir.'· wUl be an - re"iled drall will be con - any orRanl7.8Uon l urvlvcs b~- or her complalnl.. cau,,' 100 many consider o. "lIquld : un hlne" ,we'i.'

120,000 Filipinos NC.WNDC propelro. for I __1<_'rI_I1a_Y_._A_V_rlJ __ lll_._l_II_14 __ "'_a_c_1 t_,_c._L._lt_lz_e_rt--__.i Sill H010hw. May 5 quarterly moot S b k JACL f rt 30th with now third largest SAN FRANCISCO-Th. NC- ea roo sa s year WNDC "".cuUv~ board mH From the ~:~J:P:~ g>:n~n~~\a~r; chow meln feast served to 1,800 group In Hawaii room I" propAr~ tor It. "'c• ond qUlrterly mceUn, .~t herp tor M_r 6. BRIDGETON. N J.-FllIt ma- .d U JOUthf'Tll N_ Jt'rrl' Frying Pan Emigrant Influx San Franclaen JACL chap- jor preMcl or Seabrook .1ACL. "Brotherhood In ActItm" .poe.• 4.000 pcr year tbr will bIl hon t"r the Moy whJch 1M celtbr.Un, Ita 30th taeular & meetln,. )'~ar hOre. wal tht mammolh John otani Wit In chat,. CIt • • • HONOLULU _ Seedy KaUhJ- cMw me In dlnn held on tood ptepar.Uon. SWIlde O,e Denver Colo. PaJaWA a.cUon ot downtown Awards made in Sunday.evenl hIlI Mar drawn 16. The thouaand. annual :and(adUlated her hQ£ the • I«VInp.ea In ".!Mono 81:ln THE ENVOY'S VISIT-Among visitors to Denver Hono Iulu Ia belng c.llcd wl- In the pnl, chapt..r pr ..!dont K. n •• h I k I orpnlud th~ this past week were the Canadian amb8ssad~r and the 110 Manila. whero parla oC Ellen Nakamura nnted. ;.e,OaOros lor Sanola Mkarla Valley JACL·.$lchOlarahJp fund dia~:d Shl~~:n~ala (~~~~e!! SenJo~ ~ lt~=~ a .'!~~~ a ~~ ~ e-ou~ once the daughters got over their shyness they bad a .~o~· «v v over 6 0 ta to net over 1,000. According to clIap",r CIUzcn Club) of Cortez, ot Sumltomo 80 k p "side t .... - ~ ~. ,~ of PhIUppln-.~ origin pres Id ent EUen Ktahlyama . "'h., e men in tho chap'~- pre- w hl-""" A Ibar. bad "__"",m • n rv n plo;yment elLOppor1unjt;y advl- good time. (A memorable sight was the elder daughter. Hawall and none ot the pared the chlcken whJle the women packed the"" ord.... m-m"-~ "'" . fo rICas t s re#overy .0.,. coon Yoriko, tugging at her father's sleeve and admonish• other ethnic group" 1. matcll- wIth potato &alad, carrot-celery .Ucks and oranle .lIce.. Albara CaDle to TutlocJc In .. Not onI, are local • r" a Ing them In the aree of Th I d 1913 and .tayed on to help jobl IIated but out-of-sf.. te ing to speak up. he wasn·t being hard in the back of growth. e scllo anhlpa wlll be aWar ed In May. hla tellow Immlgranta acting SAN FRANCISCO-Surn11o- opportunltlu u will u U.s. the room.) And when things became just a bit awk· U • ,o-belwern with the mo Bank of Call!ornIa Prea- CIvil Senke CommIu1oo 'n- ward. the consul·genera! from San Francisco and Mrs. fn proportion to HawaU's es- R I" h I'd f oJ t I i community and aerved u Ja- idenl IchJya KwN,al de- nouncenen~. Mayeda would move in with just the right diplomatic tlmated poPulaUon of 8S0,OOO, e IglOUS 0 I ay or stUII.n S ru e n test pancle language teacher from clared the bank'. protlt plc- Complete !ntormaUOII ot the Hawaii ill taldng In more Im- 1923 unlli 1941 lure abould bdlbt.en In 1974 llItInp b ~ at the Sutr.- remark. • •• migrants than any other state. HONOLULU - The HawaU protests pro and con. Sen. Met!>ben ot the TutlocJc So- after a ,ear of record hJeb In- n e r School Complex; ea~ s. AccorclJng to U.S. Immigra- Dept. of Education has Rule Stanley Hara (D-ht Oat.) of cia! Club taking the.e action. terest rates, ...,blch advel'1e!,. 3rd E., ",here the JACL M- But far more Important than the Impression Am· tion ligures, the U.S. ... a 41. whJch pcrmU" a sludent Ihe state sen.te education al a l'ecent dlnner meeting atrecla the nanklng Induatry. Un American CftIter la lo• bassador Yasukawa had on Denver was the Impact whole admilted 155.000 FIll- to rnlM school because ot I committee, now suggesta the held at MInnIe'. In Modeato The downward trend in cated. that Denver and its Japanese American community pinos in the pasl six year •. reUglous observance bul re- consU!uUonal quesUona be were: ahort-term rates pald HouslDg Informallon, pre• had on the envoy. It was his first visit to Colorado In that time, Filipinos have qedU1rea lbe aboend.ce be mark- delermined In court alnce Buddy T. l ..aLo. pru.; Jam .. I",t year etretted a turnaboul. pared b, the Ftde.ral . . . risen from .eventh largesl Im- as unexcuse there appeara to be "no ab- Yoahlno. v.p., WIWam Nodi. he told the ahareho1.der. al the Howm, Oppar1Dnltfes, IJ aao even though he had been stationed ID ,washington in migrant group to the second Since 1 ts proclamatlon In solute righl or wrong" In the tr.... ; r.t/I"'~'1"' a":i " A/~k bank'. annual meeUng Mar. avallable at the JACl-AA the late 19505 as counselor. He was obVlously impress· in 1973, paced by Mex.leaD8. 1968, it has been subject to argument.s. ~~:ObUo my. &11 y 0 12. Center. ed by what he saw of the Sakura Square project. an or the 30,000 FUlpinos ad- . . h CalJfornla received 11,000 u .. -----~------verurban Buddhist redevelotment hurch. complex(Unfortunately sponsored t ereby thewas Den.not comparedmilted to thewith U. HawallS. lut l•year, 3- _ ...... tiDle to visit Simpson Methodist Church. the handsome 000. No OIIe Flllpino commu• bullding erected by the Christian community.) And nit,- In u.s. can matcl1 the Ina! lost no opportunity to teU the visitors the st?ry ~n:d~dofH::!l~~.5.000 of how Japanese Americans. both before and dunng To help In matters ot d.I.a• the war, came to Denver and helped make the com· crlmlnatlon, jobs, housing. and munity what it is today. school ill the United FiUplno For so many visitors from Ja~an-and too Council ot Hawall, headed by • 'one ot Honolulu'. leadlna Poullders Savings is opell fOr that matter-the United S tes consists of New SUfleons. Dr. Henry Mana• York. Washington, San Francisco. Los Angeles, Las yan, 48. Vegas. Disneyfand and a vast wasteland in between. Well, there are places like Denver. too. and Salt Lake Filipino workers ~ ,. · d' City and Omaha and Boise and Kansas City and a hun· ml,rltin, to AUltr.II. ... d youre lIlvite . «Ired other places with names like Rocky Ford and CANBElUtA. _ To ov~ Ogden and PocateUo which. in many respects. are a serlou.s labor abortage ~ more typical of America than the great metropolitan lern. Leyland Motor Corp. of centers. It Is too much, of course. to expect every Austra1la h... been brinlinl visitor and every diplomat to wend his way into the in Filipino worken who FOUNDERS SAVINGS far. readchUesgh0tefdthehAmerican plains and moun~, but !.f:.d ~~~;" ~U;~~:~ we re e w en even a few of them drop m. from Vielnam. By the same token many ot Japan's most delight· The actual level oC migra- IS A NEW FINANCIAL INSTITUTION fu) ~eas. and people. are to be found off the beaten tion, however. 10 llmlted ~­ tourtst track About five years ago a small P317ty of us though the number oC appli- 'train cants Is hJlIh after Australian took a s Iow up the relatively remote Japan Sea immigration mIn I • t e r AI nOCATED ON SANTA BARBARA AVENUE, aide of Honshu Island to the town of Malsue. We prob- Grassby aeclared la.t year in ably wouldn't have gone there except for the fact that Manila that "the white Aus• Ryoko Matsuzaka a RotMy Club exchange student mUan polley la dead". WEST OF CRENSHAW. had come to Den~er from Matsue. But I'm flad thai ~~ ~":;ov~~ we did because we saw a pleasantly placid. aelightful ment when lirst announced aide of Japan. the kind of place that travel agents last year but ill largely be- describe as unspoUed. Ing challenged domeotiC8lly . by those who fear the 1l00d What can you expect from Founders? Be that as it may. It was apparent that the am· of Asian lmmigrants wllo busador had learned as much by visiting Denver as might depress wages. the natives had in having him drop by. His coming out to these parts Wa! a good idea, and ~eryone was glad he brought the wife and Idds. DEADLINES Imporlaut deadilnea nla• ~ highest rate§ Uve to the 1974 JACL Cou• vention .renda Ire: on yoursaving~ Come to To Nat'! Beadqaarlel'll 22 Peau Plaza, S.F, 9'~15 witlLcomplete safetr. o~r..~ •.Z3-NOm.lDa~D' for Nat'! Portland re:o~~!f.o:'-:;'~Ot~o~':~ Founders has a firm policy of always paying you the maxI· How can we guarantee friendliness? Because Founders Is 1 menu. mum Interest allowed /;ly law - from 5~ % on passbook not a branch office - this is headquarters. Our expe• alal U--Nom!.a..a.UoD..l fOI JAc.L- II), BOW!! SUMIDA ~o Il>~~~~rlz:'~:: c%.~t!~i accounts up to 7*% on certificates. (On high·interest rienced staff was carefully selected and specially trained B/Malum. certificates. Federal regulations require a substantial inter· to answer all your questions and serve OREGON'S GAS CRISIS EASING UP luly 2~Port.-CODt.our I'tcketa. • est penalty for early Withdrawal.) We compound interest all your financial needs. Portland abort. From bere on, alation To Conventlou Boar4 daily, and each account is Insured to To4ar. encourarln6 llewa operator. wlll apln become 327 NW Couch 51 .• of the Arab 011 Embargo competitive !Dr the cuatomer. PorilaDd 97209 $20.000 by the Federal Savings & Loan ~ to have Il.tted the Ic&.re and have to again live Green Mlr. 31-Nom1n1UoDO for M ...• Insurance Corporation. ot ru .horta,ea that plagued lllamp, and provfde Incen- okl Trust Award. tile people of Ore,on thue t1ves to bu;y trom them. It r~~III:;,;:.almon l'IahIn, Trip put tew weeks. hi. been lOme Urn. alnce at- June 21-ConvenUoD pr..... ,s.· Thla morn!ng, on the way to tendanta bave provided the trollon. (teO packa,.d deal, .70 work, molft ot the luoline &erVJce ot wiping wlndsblelds aller JUIle 21). 'Preeand IltaUona were pumping IU 10 and ",kine "Mal' I clIeck • I drove In to my u.ual Slan- oU?'" your To Okada Tesllmonlal Album Greater dard 011 alation tor my allo- ••• Tom Shlmaaakl. P.O. Box 878 jriendly§ervice§. Crensbaw caUOD 'upply. Yeaterd.;y WI) LlDdaa" Callt. 93247 an odd calendar day and I Jul), %ard aeenu lo~ wa,. MIY I~Le11ert (unfolded Ind Community \...... b.d driven In to a .laUon be- oU )'el. but now la the time to onl lid, only) with IIlul.oUon ad· All these services (and more to be Everyone who opens an account with eau .. there were jwt • tew be Plann1n, for attendance al d~._ .._.d_Io_HJ_IO_ . _____ Founders Savings during our first can .t Ihe pump and had Portland and Gresham-Trout.• announced) are available to Founders Headquarters for days will become a member of been waved awa, with the dale', 23rd BIennial JACL Our ConvcnUon Board 13 Savings customers: 90 W/ll'''. _ "Wrong Uceruc nurn- N.tional ConvenUon. The aelting up aome commlltees to Founders Circle. This means you her - ;you're an even num- CoDvenUon Board I. doIng Ita be of aul.tance In providing FR!E SAFE DEPOSIT BOX will receive a special gold passbook; htrl" Since I rlIU had a qulrt- .hare of planning to make thlM any IntormaUon you might ",'th. min/mum 041"tCfol '2,500 FOUNDERS er of lank remaJnln,. 1 WII convention a memorable one wlah. It you belong to any ot FREE CHECKING ACCOUNT a Founders check·cashing card; a not concerned .Ince mon ot with a new approacb, new the many Travel Clubs-AAA, .t • mI}or st,trrtrld. (I" bMlt. bronze key medallion. registered by tM IUOUne IltatlOl\l would be Idell, and DeW NaUonal Slatt the Motor Clubs - gel your WI/h. mlnll'1Wm tM /MCt 0112..500 SAVINGS CIPftI In tM mornlnl. people to get the Natlonal JA- FREE MONEY ORDERS number with us, to he./p you recover requesta tor trip Information ~ When I pullod up to the CL prDIITaJD otf to new di• in early before the summer ttl'" • minimum bI/,nc' .. 1.000 lost keys; the Founders President's p,utnp, the altendant liked reotiona and loaJa. 'R!E TRAVELERS CHECKe p.a ro1.1a around. The ple.sure of 'Whlch jump?" In contrui We will brlnl more new. att.end1ne a NaU6nal Conven• wltll ,minimum bll'f'ltf o,J ,,000 Letter. and many other benefits. to pr~vlou. morn!nl/B when he aboul these thin,. to yOU In Uon 13 the anticipation an4 'RIE PHOTOCOPY SERVIC! hid • k#d. "Shall I put In the tuture. but the ble new. plannlnl. FRI!E NOTARY PUBLIC I!AVIC! aa 00'. worth?" He let the tor toda, la the la. aborueo ~p And now that the worry FReE T/IUST DEED run until It ' la over. about gettlnli ,U, etpeelallY NOTE COLLECTION ,. abut oft, ffllin' the tank. I! YOU plM to maJte thl. a hero In Oralon, haa dlmlnlah· FAEE S4VINGS COUNSELING It WII a creat toeUnl, the tamlly ouUn,. t.h.M'e Ire plan. tank "'a. tulll to bo made _ NOW. You wlU ed to I /ll'eat degree, we IUg• FII!I! L04N COUNSELI/(Q IfIIII PRISIDENT'S LETTI!R Rc.t that yOU wrlto to u. tor 'R!! U.S, SAVINGS BONO FR!E SAve·BY·M4IL d In my travel Around tha want to Itt your roule. plan- morc Inlormatlon. On OrclIon t.Y today, m.,.1 of the Ita- ned, the place, you wlU wlnt PURCH4SE OR REDEMPTION ( bot" w"sl- Travel InJormaUon Packel. FR!!E CHRISTMAS CLUB Uona arp. purnpin, and there to lI(!e nnd Inv ••Ugale, the IncludIng mape, Bvenle and FRE! CHECK·A·MONTH PL4N 3910 West Santa Barbara Avenue are nrJ long Un ... , jull a fow people you will w.nt to vI.11 actJvlU .. tor vacatlonB •• wlli FREE RTD SCHEDULES (4 BLOCKS WEST OF CRENSHAW BLVD.) ~ fro,!, lh. .!reel to the the c10lhCl YOU will wanl to FfI!! PASSBOOK LOANS (MJd ,,1,01,.«( 'If, 10k.", pump. It. th~ peyeholo.tY ot brine, and vtny Importantly hi' sent to yoU tor the asklnl/. FRE! PIGGY eANKS FREE PARKINQ the aUu.Uon now thit we the .mounl ot money yOU wlU Write to! 1974 N.Uollal JACL have no ttar ot beln, cauaht wanl to spend. ConvenUon Headquarlera, 327 N.W. Couch Streel, Portland, Telephone: (213) 295·3161 Oreion 07209. Plus! EXTRA HOURS:.Frlday to 6:00 p,rn/Saturdays OREGON TRAVEL PACKET-FREE . . . PLAN NOWI We will be 1'7~ N",,,,,,I JACL COnv.~llon happy to heJpl Write to UI J,ACL North .."t-Inl"",~unflln Oftl .. lor mcrn! lntbrrnstlon on an,• 327 H W Couch St. IhlnR, The people here in P""I,nd, o..~~n 97209 Portland working on the con• venUon are "etUng Inlo le.r PUASE SEND fREE y.J< OREGON T"vII IMb,mltlon Travel and we are roUlngl We wIll Ndo:.t, Includl"1l mas», ....nt. ,tid ,clIvi II.. for v ...llon ..... Ipprec1ato your queaUoOll 10 that we can lIve you the 101,,,,1 .__ ... _ ... _.... _.. _ .. _.... _._...... _ .... _._.... _ ...... aruwer •. Md,.. ___...... _ ...... _ ...... Have You Made Your Clt/.. __ .. __...... ___ .. SI.t.. _ ...... llp...... Pledge to thIS Bldg. Fund? 4--Pacif ic Ci tizen Frida: April 12. 1974 ----Ir-~l;;~~ - Naom)-- , f)r~' on t;\'u l'unllon Mih ~ "'u )' ~ J: l'·la.-gill with narrnlive by Stevo SIII• -r· momur. 01 the JA V. wi ll bo Sweet Shop teatu~d at Ule Dolrolt JA L THl 'LAVOR OF JA~AII 2A~ ~ III SI spring general ml'f!UnJl AprU LuneMon' Dlnntr • Cock ... 1~ • 28. 1·5 pm.. nl Brll/htmoor J.pln Ctnhu • 1737 POSI SIIiIH"t ~~~~A93~ ' HARRY KELLY' Community Ccntc. ~.n F,.ncl~ • 812'· ...00 Lo All ge l e~ Chou'Olnn ~lIn TallO. ukl wlll Clotftd rue,d.,.. There are ea ier ways to put on a play than to set preside al the bu.ln... ,",$Slon, - ,--, '--S,oc~ -----,.net Bond. I rollowed b)' .qUIII'. donelng It in the Arizona desert with two characters to carry and 0 J apnn.,e polluck sup• 9JEHIRJ ~ I ALL exCHMIGES I the burden of ac tion of a plot as old as Romeo and pe.' Juliet That "Harry Kelly," the season opener for the San Fernando to hear I fred funakoshi East.West Plavers' ninth season, succeeds at aU owes talk on 'Nikkei valves' j Reporl .nd Shld•• , flJ"MClTO'S less to the piav itseU than to the painfully bonest, I Avall,b', on i!f'qUU' I EDo Wlso. lellsitively fe lt' and artle performance of the two The San l'ernomJo Voll e, J OL ,viII pr.,.nt Dr David KAWANO' CO. I A."lIbt. at Yevr principals - teve bemayme.. playing . Anyay . the HJrano who will .peak on M.",b Pac eo. .. :;I~ bch f ....,;. Shop,'''' c.",., Mohave Indian, and Momo Yashuna. playmg Hanako, "DI,coverlng J apanese Alner• 626 Wilhdr. Ilvd. FUJIMOTO & CO. the Eta Japanese girl confined in a World War II con· iean Volue." at the Bonk at Los 4 • ••t.. 680.2350 t Tokyo, Ro.

WJ:ATHEK - Lon,-ranr., • OUt to fUll price i"cre ••• ,nd other futors Add~~' ______forocull caU for an early au• I JACL 1000 CLUB CHARTER FLIGHT TO JAPAN tumn Ind Itmperatur.1 lower Round Trip: Chicago-Tokyo CllyfSw.f ZIP':..' ______Ihln usual In thp Kanto an!1 ______Amount Encloud... ' ____ _ Sum..... n ,,~II be lI.n.rally IFor the FIRST TIME; (via) JAL 747 Jumbo Garden Jet rour Irrangemenls Cn Ja~n CMl b. made through the s.ervicu of ______---: hot but .oothed by occulonal Yamada ' ·r... 1 So,.lu, 812 N. C1a,k St. cool ....ther but mlll I""al- I Chlngo. III. 606\0. T.I.: (3121 WH 4·2730 o 'We will requr,.. tour arrangements ",hit. in J~ 0 use &end Iud h.8VY rabu mainly In Th, lou, offered lor Ih l' Irlp will b. the .am. a, Ihl popular 1000 information northem Japan Numoor of Club Fun Tours sponsored by Ih. JACL 1000 Club. Fo, informalion l:vphoon. II .xpec~d to be lilt \ concornlng Ih. Chlrte, Flighl. conlaCl D•. F'ank Sakamolo. Fo, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "',rmal 2A , IlIl twt) or three Inform.flon concerning tour arrangements ,nd docun,entatfoo. pluse th~m $375.00 .,.",-"'''''''''''''''''''-''',''',''',-,''''''"-,,. 01 hHUni land. COnl.ct Yamada Tr~vel Sel"'lce. ANTI-POLLUTION_A Ko• Round Trip ------WEST LOS ANGELES JACL ehl manuCaetur.r hu dev.lop• ~~~~. OrresS:~~moto : .d an lutomaUc emptY'ean seats for the Mld.Summer Chuter I 1974 Autumn Charter Flight buylnll machln.. which e.n enclose S 100 deposit for eAch person Pluse ~end me the conlr,cts dlaUnr"t.h metlll, eru.h Ihem LOS ANGELES or .nd other informatIon In delaU. In lIl,.. ..~ond. Rnd .hell. {.ut '1'10 lor 'very 10 alumln• SAN FRANCISCO um eana and 20 Un canl to TOKYO To Japan MIUTART - The 11.'1- d'vel<>pe,.. .nd Ihll, Immodla .. 'amlly. • ,.I.m mlrhl Ih.n he obool.t. Mike RI .. ,..,lln, Accordln,l., by Fllllni OUI Apptop,l.ft Coupo" • Approved .nd aulho"ud by JACL N.llooal Travol COfMUIt. Appllutio") be Kcepted on flrst<.QI'nre. f,n-t·se",·. ., . ~nr TRI - SIND PLIGHT RISIRVATIONS TO : _ will occompanled w,lo $100 "".menl. .econd "",.,.,.nl of $ 125 brnou .talu. "C Buddh. .t EUROPE TOUR-$l,159 duo June I and f,nal p&)menl 01 $125 by /lug. 1. 1974. Umllaml Shrln. In T.u.hlmM. Chath, payabl. to W ..t L JAo. CNrt., FI hi. To firm midway,., K",.... and • los Angeles Departures : . San Francisco Departure$ ..... ",otlon. $100 "., person deposit should bt ""lied to: Kyu hu In Japln SeD, w •• de• Mt A~ I Chno. Uvnn M, 1.d HIIOI", Chmn. ~rmlnHl I" 00 mid, In K.". .. p 0 80. 60079. T.,mlnal AM •• 1•• 7 Ada SI . Sept. 14-0ct. 6, 1974 Shin V'lf, Autum" Tour CooNlin,tof' lb<>. I I ZQO yean .,,,. Lo. Anolle" c..IJf 90060 O.,ul.y. ullf 9.702 3950 '.".,man ...... to. "",.1.. 90066 loa An,elc,-luxembur; - London-Los Angelos III.IIOION Th. :snrl-II,.m. Pf.ue 'He'\, th. t91~ PINI. r".f't._ _ til. fo, 11'11 197.- I"" '01's):..· ______I• ., toCl 01 Ih.· h'.Ad tobl. 01 Autumn" I .n·'...... $100 depesl' fo, each Autumn Ch",er I encktu SIOD depos\! fO l ••teh Boiglum, Luxlmburg, Getrn."" Au"rI., Yugosln;"j fill" hi l-/'mR' lin)! In K".to I 04,.lOn Plus. end.", ,h. conhuh .nd olh.r petaon PIli •• lind ml Ih. contrlC,. ,rw.! other h,ly, Swllaerl.nd. Funco, G,ellt 8,h,l" '''tmt on an .rnpI'M'f!<'h,. Otani, 70, C" •. SII, ... ______..... ZIl' ____ _ tn

,I MusIc Inv.... tOry In quutlon WII val• 6-Pacific Citizen Friday. Aprll12, 1974 ued In exc_ or $12 million Ill1d " VN '2GO,OOO In ta"". wu ECHOES: Joe Oyama NEWS p.ld under pro""Al Churches Returning to Manhattan CAPSULES Am. r I c II n Untvcnlty In W ...hln f(ton. D.C.. appoInted Bhant.> JJ. Gunaralana. 0 na• Enroute to N. Y Uve ot SrI Lanko (Ceylon), Nol'" InIm " DI"..,.: Ma r. 20--Not that we would lIet 1001. Elections Ita choplaln In Fobruary He I. th. Br. 1 BuddhIst choplnln In but mY sist..... Lily Sasaki gulde. us oul ot CineinnaU via Sants Mm'la Volley JACLtr Inte",tate 71 tor New York. ThII is the I.,t day 01 wlnler, a tho .rea. with tho rank "f Bud Wonr was recently re• Mahathero ot tho Buddhlat ...-arm IJUJ1 briahlens the cherry b l o.~ome. maltllollas and n ry elected m ayor ot Ouadalup. Ch.plo,.$po... ,t4 bright yellow !onwthl.. In bloom. In ber enthuslum, abe Order 01 ThcrAvoda, who hal by bl. colleagues on the city betfl leeturlng for th" past five J ACL G,o •• I ..., ..... mu- the newl)'-bum eo- coundl .. SeatUe voter., In yean In U.S. colleges. 1 3~?cr~.: . e:3"':l~an tranC<' 10 1-71 , but w" follow wb.,." everything Is marble a IIghl turnout M81..,h 26, ap• ber aevera! mile.< .0 that kl t Is d. proved rewrlUng th. 28·yel r• Twin CIties JACLer Suml nw Teramoto Will recently hon• HIS El FLO RI ST ~ can wave a tlnal goodbye. ~~ ~~o B ;:: pl ~ be 10 ":r':r- old cIty cbam.r by n 2- 1 mar• ~.~t;;r, ~ gin end proceeded to elect 15 ored for 25 yean ot .ervlce as r,',r. Some frl..,d. io New York tul SO early In the morning .t~ bad moat posIUvely 1n.lsted on this dark. drizzly first day freeholde.... SeatU. JACLer clary 10 the F irat Bnptlst ".., ., "y T' ''''''' K/yO Saka.bara. wile ot Toru Church ot SI. Paul Almost thai "'e would return ("be- of spring? But thl. is Oblo 200 church members and Y AMATOTUVfl IURUU ~.I u; :n.i":!';~ Sakahara. polled 15.358 votes al2 E. I It St L~ k9"'AI21 = :i"d au.':.': and not New York City. for a P oslUon 2 le n t but trlends gathered at North• II" 4J.n21 .... are doinll. malnl)' to be After we are lerved, a feer-bellfed man says Siln Jon, C.lif. Bank ot Tokyo ot Callfornla campus musIc hall April 11 . ricultural viewpoint on th e U.S. Civil Service Commission notes • Be-ather Stowe's room"! They he read. "Women can now be Tho son ot the J ack IshU s of board. He atlended a week• bad e<> rtain\y also stayed here. charged with rape!" The busl- opened Its 21st branch Mar. 25 at Torrance with Joe N. Los Angeles (onother. Amy, Ion. meeting In February of The bed In McKInley'. room nessman retorts, "What's good was a PC circulation stalTer) the group. The Nisei farmer b so h.Igb oft ot lbe floor that for the goose Is good tor the H.shim" as branch manager. ~ increase in its minority employment Located at Hawthorne Blvd. studied under Joel Krosnlck, president of the Great Wes• mY wile. Asaml, has a hard gander and what's gravy for who recently joined the Jull• tem Beet Growers Corp., di• the goose is gravy tor the and Pacific Coast Highway, Sacr.mento, wlif. ~ Rettlnll on it, but alter gander." Just like one happy the branch includes a spaci• liard String Quartet. rector ot the NaUonal Onion l'l11e PC W.shlpft,on Buruu J belore. a little practiC<' she gets bet- farnUy, everyone. Including ous hospitality room for com• Growers Assn. aD d a past pre• r uU-T im,. sident the National Sugar Wakano-Ura tor. And as I reminisce, bow the cook, and the waitresses munity events .... well .... Book ot WASHINGTON - MinorIty E mp I01f'H l)'71 Ir;z S:.rvakJ PoCO!tA't' Beet Growers Federatlon. group employment In the N.croes ...... 3J1I.7. ~cInn~~ to~v ! ~ U ~n at ~ disagree about Women's Lib, drive-up banking taeilltles. SpanJIh.·'Nmarnfd 11.2Al 7.,., ~r7I' - ~: ~~"'.::m, Hashlma was previously as• Rights to piro Aguew'. Flono Matsuura 01 Black• Fed e r • I Govcmment ba. American IndlafUf :In_ :ln~ were so hlgb ott lbe floor? but good·naturedly with a novel, "A Very Special Rela· foot w.... recently appoin ted bown a not h "r sl/lnillcant signed at the bank's Gardena ~ostAm~iI(eant~ns21~ • Wash. I'm not exactly a short Aslan- laugh. • • • and Fresno branches. A week tlonsblp", was reportedly sold to the Idaho State Board ot gain, the Civil Service Com• Seattle, mission reported Mar. 4 in re• =~ . ;c:::,.my teet dldn't Near Columbus, Oblo _ At earlier (Mar. 18), Bank of last week (Mal'. 13) to Jitsu• Potato Growers and elected curred in the hetter-pa}in, ------Tokyo opened the new office yo no Nihon PublishJng Co., to lerve as Il. /.reasurer. leasing lis employment sur• wblle-collar Joba under t h ~ Impenal Lanes U ensed In 1803 th Gold Howard Johnson's wbere we th~ ~ ~2.5~ Oblo ~ s old~ of Its Palo Alto branch at the blgbest ever paid tor an IlIchl,oro Ono, 91 , onJy vey for perfod ot June General Schedule and ,lmJJar 1101 - 22no .. 50 EJI Lam; Is In fact stopped for a lunch, the first 4291 EI Camino Real, where American novcl In J apan, ac• I , 1972, to May 31. 1973 pay plaD$, There were 11.210 t-. '*, o-..cs - ..., "'II hotel. and has a history of thlng that struck mY eyes on cbarter member ot the La r_ J_ph T. Kubokawa is man· cording to DaJJ as Mayor 01 Jan (Colo.) Polato Growers Full-time total Fedl'Tal em• m 0 r e minority employ_ K' T hiving boused dlsttngulshed this thln four-page local the Scotl Meredith Literary ployment dropped by 50,176 holding these lob. in 10i 3 momato ravel Service IU"IS and personages. newspaper - was the buge ager. It had been at Its in• Cooperative Assn., was hon• ,~=[t ~~2,.l m terim quarters In Los Altos Agency, New York. The am• ored at their 50th annual jobs but minority employment 06.3 pct.) than in 1972 (15.5 $21 ., advertisement proclaiming a pd.) Among the many others premiere for a Kung Fu since 1969. The new structure, ount was not disclosed. meeting held In Aug., 1973. He went up some 10.000 durin, who stayed here were wUUam vi 0 th t th designed by Noboru Naka• Is sUll active with bls son, the survey period. It was at• WMhington, D.C. Henry HarrIson In 1840, Mar- ~:.s e~ ~h01'o n":r P:g%md; mura (ot Oakland's Van• Education Den, growing a bou t 150 acres. tributed to vlgorou, imple• • tin Van Buren 1842, John young Tbal girl who dlscusse. Bourg/Nakamura), features a He began to grow potatoes In mentation ot their equal em• M.UAOKA • ISHIKAWA Qutncy Adams 1845. Ruther- Thai recipes hospitality room and full- Graduale student CII" IshU, Stockton in 1904. then moved ploymenl opportunity pro• Chinatown apparel AND ASSOCIATES. INC. ford B. Hayes 1867, Ulysses S. I remembered this guy In banking service. son ot the William Ishlls of to Colorado In 1926. HIs 80 grams b~ the ComrniJsion and ec.... t:r:u - ',.,. n;r:' . ''''#... Grant 1883. Benjamin HarrI- Cincinnati who told me that Former Japanese Ambassa- Buena Park, CaIl!., is serving aeres of potatoes in the Car• uDder pr""i,ions of the Eq• 2021 l Sf VIllI QOO.::.6 son 1883. Wm. Howard Taft bas was a "gourmet" and dor to the U.S., Nobuhlko his second term on the USC mel dlstrlct was then the big• ual Emplo~'lIIent Opportunity 1898, WBlTen G. Harding 1914, that he liked ChInese tood. UabJba, is a director of Ho- Student Interim Programming gest and bls Ford tractor the Act of 1972 manufacturers hit Henry Clay many times, Ja•. His favorite was "the Man• tel Okura, third career dlplo- Board, which is responsible first in the area. The Issei The mo I recent figure. rc- SAN FRANCISCO _ A num• A. Garfield many times, and darin restaurant tor egg foo- mat now retired and playing for allocation and use of stu• balls from Nagoya, came to Rect the continuing upward her of ChInatown garment important roles in a major To- dent body funds. He hopes the the Toyo Printing JIIcKtnle, many times. young and moo goo gal pan." U.S. In 1899, and became trend in mlnonty emplo}'lIIent manutacturen in both L o. 0fI1tl • ~ _ llNt The names. of the famous I told mysei! that this guy kyo botel. The other two are board will direct more efforts a naturalized citizen In 1954. in Federal Government ,ince Angeles and 5 a n Francisco are painted m black on the Is inteJlfgent. hut Umited In Suemllau Kadowakl. Ambas- toward improving extracurrl• !969, when President NixOD bave been charged with CaI• lOt S. WI milO ST. hotel doors and. like In a experience. I lbought of my sador to Moscow and now cular activities. As undergrad. Military ISSUed an executive order 011 iCornia labor I a w violatlans. u. A."i .... 1L - ~ 6-815) muteum. a velvet-covered sister, a long-time resident ot chairman ot Hotel New Ota- uate, he was cblef justice of equal employmen1. tollowing investigations 0{ ebaln guards the entrance. To Cinclnnat.i, who sald, "I think ni; and Katsnml Ono, Ambas- the inter-fraternity eounali A chapter of WW2 history As 0{ 1\13y 31, 1973, minor- working conditions beld last enter the rooms, the chain the ChInese food tastes better sador to BrItain and now pre- and received the outsanding cloeed belatedly lor J apanese ities comprised 20.4 pet. of the summer by the Industrial has to be unhooked. Spooky, In Clncinnat.i than In New sldellt of Imperial Hotel. service aWard. He was student Lt. BJroo Onoda, 53. who re- Federal civilian work torce. 81 Weltare division of the Stal.e @ yes. York." Samuel T. Yanartsawa, 52, body president when h e grad- fuIed to surrender and sur• compared to 19.6 pet. the year Dept. ot Indu.. 01 named vice president ot Flre- kuoka flight and demanded Veterans at a dinner held Feb. Shimatsu, Ogata Experl..... lpaciOll.l lee c:reml emporium will forgo the buns and , Fund Insur Co $Z-mUlion ransom, was sen- 9 ... Col. Toshl Ku&:e, M.D .. crackers for an extra serving man I ance. teneed Mar. 13 to 20 years In commander of lbe 313th Con• and Kubota r------. of rice all served 011 one big prison by the Tokyo District valescent Center at Vancouver F U K U I Appliances • dtnner plate. Govemment Court. A 20-year sentence Is Barracks, Wash., was award• Mortuary the maxlmum term In Japan ed the Legion of Merit at his Mortuary, Inc. Local Scene En~ P~IV:"Ia- A. James 8. Fukumoto, 36, II short of a lIle sentence. retirement ceremonies held 911 Venice Blvd. 707 E. Temple St. IOOD as we enter Pa., mY pube the new executive director of Courtroom Mar. 2 •.. Gear,e Abe was Los Angeles @rAMURA ------____..J I goes up. We are now In the the San Diego County Human elected commander of the Se• Los Angeles 90012 And Co., Inc. Eastern orbIt. More truw, Relations CotruniMIon, effec• "' A Sacramento Toyota deal• atue N~ Veterans Com• RI9-1449 626-0441 Lot Ancel" more ears, more hOU5e8 _ tive May 15. He succeeds mittee, Inc. 9L ~,..J devastated teTTaJ.n from strip Floyd WUson who i. resigning er and Toyota Motor Sales, USA, were named de!endanla SEIJ I DUKE OGATA SoldU Fuku PresicWll ~m . 6UUr~ i ,.,. J.panese American Slrht- mining. Tbla Is In contrast tD from his $21,000 per y~ar po• N.~ fA In a $15-milUon wrongful Milestones James .... . MoNgOl I ... institute (Mobjln Kyokal) Oblo's nw relaUvely unspoU• sition. Fukumoto I. presenUy R. YUT AKA KUBOTA Nobuo Osuml Counsellot member. are making weekly ed terrain. We stay In an death suit filed the first week 3420 W. Jefferson Blid. an admlnlstrator with the or Marcb by the widow and Geor,e T. Inal. 53. well• vlslfll to blind patients at AAA-recommended motel just New York Model ClUes, halls los Angeles 18 Kelro Nun in, HDme. ODe 01 oU the Turnpike In the sha• from Los Angeles and a grad• three chUdren ot John T. 00- !mown San Francisco bowl• RE 1·7261 them who will be 100 thIa dow ot the Allegheny moun• uate from Macalester CoUege, mJcb, Jr., 34, wbo charged the er, died Mar. 30 follO\vlng I ToYota Land CruIser be was bospltalizaUon for I' ere bra I August has been . Ighlless taIns. As It turns out, the mo. St. Paul, Minn., and Johns Iinee 1940. As soon 81 neeea- tel Is patronized mostly by Hopldns School of Advanced driving Oot. 20 was not up hemorrhage. aary equipment Is acqulred. truck drivers who haul those International Studles. to Industry standards. Hit SbJcematsu I. biz a k i • 83, We've got a yen JASl hopes to provide them huge bounties cross-country broadside by another car In founder of San Francisco's with cane ~ tapes wltb I ' aw my first Kung ~ downtown Sacramento. Do- Ysmato Suldyald In 1948. dled Japan_ mWIC and current show on TV, and reallzed now Science mlch was thrown ! r om the Mar. 31 . With bls sons they news topl... why I W8I an object at adu- veblcie. The suit charges the opened restaurants at Century for your new car Dr. James B. K08hI ot Unlv. door laleh falled to bold the Plaza In Beverly HI1IS and at ne bUlncual Tille VU .du- IaUon to some of the adolu• of Hawaii', animal sciencel door shut. Newport Beach and also cater cation pl'O/lJ'lllll at Castel cents In Cincinnati where I dept. drove a large sedan Mar. Eight complaints tor refund Japanese meals for J apan Air St.. now in Its third yea": ~or ked. <;>ne girl had laid 15 powered on methane gal at a low interest rate: moves into Grade 3 according You don t mind fl we cill converted trom organic waste ot personal property tal< paid LInes fl ights. Prewar be oper• dl ree~' under prolest w ere JUed in aled the Menlo Fruit Co. in It> project Do r I. YOU Mr. Kun, Fu, do you?" -a combination at cblcken February by the law firm Of Menlo Park. Surviving are w Wonll. Chinese and Spanuh 1 was I,!,pressed with David manure, pig man u r e and Come Dnve a 8argam with as well AI Enlllil b are taed In Carradlne . sustained under• . hredded palm fronds. The 1I10ri and Katayama In the Los ){ikue, s Kolchi. Kenji, Ryo• Est~~~hed the ci "" trom Idndergarten play and the wannth ot bla University and En cot e c h Angelel superior court by ZO, d Klmlko Tanaka and NISEI large importers or electronic seven gc. to Grado 2. character portrayal and won• Corp., In charge ot the pro· ~ dered, 01 course, why the role ject, are now planning to de• and reereatlonal equipment, Mrs. 1111 umi Klkula, 74, ot (;It.... Vallry Optlmlsts, wam't belnl! played by an velop an organic was te diges• claiming the ta x was In vlo- Cherry Hill, N.J . dled of a who aponlQred Ch"ryl Kawa• Asian-American? Aren't there ter at Waianae . lalion of the U.S. ConsUtuUon, troke Mar. 28. A prewar \ej TRADING (0. k.amJ lu t 'Par to win in the '::;f..800d enoui!> to play that AEC selenUst Dr. Stan Ie, S. noUng siates cannot, without CalJ!omJa resident, wbere her • • TV - FumIIUrO Nlaet Week queen con.... t, are Yamamora Idaho F aUI Is consent of Congress, Impo.... fo ther Mr. Inokuma was a 348 E. FIRST ST .. LA. t2 ot duty or a tax on Imports or conleeUon er in San Franclsco hoping for a "repea!." Candi• J was amul ed with the Ihort on a 40-day globe·glrdllng ~601 commercial during the Kung exports "except what m ay be until 1930. she Is survived b}' MAdison f2. 3 4.1 dates may InquIre with GeorRe mllslon to evaluote 8 number THE BANK OF TOKYO absolutely necessnry for ex- d Ruth Hlgucbl, h ene K. Mo,· Shlnmoto (3J.1-2 ~ 251 by May Fu fiim In which an apparent of nuclear analytical labora• Of CAUfOIINJA lI'mNrFD I ~ I, "'bleh the deadline lor en. Samel lau with a very round tories. A secUon supervisor at ecuting Inspection laws". The and 6 gc. . trlel. The club'. candidate wtll tace by the name of Beverly the rdaho Chemical Process• "" annOlmrlld at n banquet (anybody with a name like Ing plant with AEC's NaUon al San Ftlnclsco Main OHic", Tel (4 151 981·1200 A'Oh~:~ ::6 ~~i:;·1 .June I at Star"" RestAurant that mUll be SanseI) Yoshida, Reactor Testlng Station, the S.F Jlpan C.. nt.1 Bronch: rei (4 151 981· 1200 . She will receIve" Irip to Ha• wearing a Meljl-era wig. In Hawaiian-born chemIst wU\ Mld·Peninsula B,anch: reI (4151 941-2QOO PARTS & Sl.'I'PUB waii, (It .he docs not ","come fiawl"". Englb h, adverliled, Holland, Belgium, West - -.n0ur_'" - qu~n) . of .all thln_a deodorant! O.kland Bronch, 14 151 839.9900 " .. s. Quo!. La. ___ NI ..I Week All ean• Germany, Austria, Italy and NEED A C R LOAN? F,.monl B,anch: Tel. (415) 792·9200 j "'d~tea who quality will re• . . . J apan. RI 9-4371 San Jo •• Branch: T.I (4081 298·24.41 ceive a f25 bond from the !lfar. 22 - There wa. quite .. ".,,~ ...... ,.,. OpUmilll. .. lot of nol.., last nl' ht with Low Cost We.stgll. Branch: To' (408) 298·244 I tbo truck drive .. playing the Politics Salin .. Br.nch. Tel (40B) 424·2888 -. .ulan Am .. I.r Con• juke box In the rcmurant Liberal Terms ED SATO k.... Republican ethnic leaden F,esno Branch: reI 1209) 233·059) ' LU ....ING AND HfATI G UnUM Social Servlcor and down.talr.. But the nolle Norlh Fresno Branch: r 01 <2091 233-0591 Concf!'med A Ian Aml-rltanl from 20 rtal.c8, Including Cnl• No Extra Charges bmc:c»t ~ "C'PI: n.stlll I promptly cea""d about mld• Il. Alaemblyman Paul T. Ban• i Ho.tor.~~ tllr P"IIU.,. ,aU.,! a eommu• nlRb t, and wo Were able to L03 Ang.I •• Mlln Olllte: T.I. (2 131 687·9800 nlt,y fflr April 12, 10 om at have a good nJ llhl'l .Ieep. bal (R- Gardeno) , and Seattle bUAlneasman Weal.y TIO, met L.A. Downlown Branch: 616 W 6th. <2131 627 -2821 - SaNlcin, L.. An.gltu - I OrlrnlJll g.,rvlcr to db• For breakfa.t we had a National JACL Credit Union AX 3-7000 RE 3-05" rull "8ta"oto Funding In thr. hearty lIcak·and-elg meal Feb. 19 In Waahln/llon, D.C. Monlebello Br.nch: T.I 12 I J) n6-(08) Asian Community" and the tor an all- day a.mlnar and l.- . with 10111 of 1oa.1 and coUI'f. brteftnll on Admlnl.trnUon do• Mail: P. O. Box 1721, S.'t Lake City, Utah 84110 Crenshaw·L.A B'anch' Tel (213) 73)·7334 reJ f an 'lilan commu• and the charge w •• only . l.eo. Weslem LA Bronch: Tel <2131 391·0678 nity f>r,anI1.aU.". propoul by Truelc drive.. have hearty mestlo and forelllll proll1'oms Office: 242 S. 4th Ea,t, Salt Lak. City 8 n d WhIte HOUle rtcepUo n. Gordl"" Branch: T01 12131 327-0360 Ihe IX'pt 01 Labor. appellt Tel.: 1801) 355·8040 (To s.. Coollnu. d) Bnnnal, upon hla return, .ald To.... nc. B,anch, Tel (2 13) 373·8411 T",o J p a n r~ ~ rnao"'r., mectl nfl with bu.In..... Bnd Santa Ana Branch: T01 (7141 541·227 I hiller.. Nallal and K.>nll Ito com m u nit y loado.. from Romemb.r you un borrow $3.000 on you, algnlluro Japa~ F.I~lrII'1Itary School, 272& CIlU• around the naUon and com• Plnor."" City Branch: Tel. <2131 893-6306 are booing pr n .... d by wit h I qU l llfltd credit ,.IIng. r""ndatlOllln fOllr dr.m'mnro• t!)mla St. InIm klnder.arten paring BOlutlon. mony <:om. S.n Diogo Bronch: T.I (7141236.1199 PHOTO 'A.RT Ilon. thl. w Und. Ih Jopa• IhrouRb ""tond grad. may tall munltl •• hove found dMlllng n Crnuula(.e (~ntraJ 'In• th" ••hool office (03 I -03&3) with proble/TUI WDI helpful "10 n!JlJnrt'ld. Th It"a r~remt)nfr. tOI' an rrpp ll catlon form. Chll. botler .erv. the nN'd. of 01_ 316 E. 2.d SI., l .. Angltu tit"' '" all ~ t hnlc ...OIlp. and Uzon. ot my dI.trlct". will boo h .. ld at UCLA Japa• . ' .' 622..3968 n l1art!.n. Apr, 12, 1 p.m: 'rom . 11 a'.a. within the city . -. I C.,.,lu'7 PIIT.8 Hotel. Apr. eomprl th r cia..... Sports 12, 8 pm.; II P".. d"",. Mu- Sea ttl • • .rum ,,' Mod,,", Art. Apr. 13 F.so81. T.o. Anlf~ l c. J ACLer I pm, anti al I •. A Illlto~ TIl . 1l1l. 7 "dr r. ' p'o..... m 11110 V.. hllRkl chnlk"d up hi, ~O 'rvln. n ,Iopo"e lunch to loW tnewautoloans! Hwl, ApI 13, 7 pm, .Ixth hole-In-one on the 15th co .Idcrly I "I became opera• hoI. at Montebell o Country S." F,."cl,co tional March 4 at the NI •• I Club on Feb. lB. HII f1r.t one V."·r"n. ChmmlUf' holl for Will mad. In 1049 01 51. Cloud, Klmllr hl. lnr., .,I, h,.t'd iI. 40 .hul-In ~:dnn T.nlllnwo Mlnn .. one Y('OI' ot"'r h. look third onnl .,. If "'nr 2J ot J pfoJr:t'l mnnll$("r, a. r ~U! d up 1I01t HI ""collll ('ome In Ihe ldl,ako 11011;1. Th- ...ouP by oul. " ••h coordInator Jack 1058 ftt J eIT"raon Cll)" Mo . , STUDIO has ~ worklnll wllh the YamaCurhl ontl volunl<','r co• and he no1chcd two more In I I ""dlnator M .. ,.I" Tomlt. JA50 at the FOlI Hills eourae 318 wt Firsl s.... t P f'rnt ...t hl nr tt, ""roll F ' nn"ln~ 'Nh' • ,!><,clrd 10 rov- nl 1. An •• h· •. III. nllh wo. Sumllomo Bank of California Lot Ano~ I C''' Ul t h I, child,." In Ih., on r 1Je. rnf)nth und "ddltlrmor m~mDrith1t·, + madl in IfJU2 Rt Ji'r nclsco bllln\fual-biculturol tundln" will b. lOuKht one Ihe AlchJ Counlry Club In Ja• "'" 0·5081 J ~ ",o&<_ at t:men<.n the p,oarlm .tablllzu. plll1. . .., to, •.
