Wendy Rogers (AZ-01) Research Report The following report contains research on Wendy Rogers, a Republican candidate in Arizona’s 01st district. Research for this research book was conducted by the DCCC’s Research Department in August 2018. By accepting this report, you are accepting responsibility for all information and analysis included. Therefore, it is your responsibility to verify all claims against the original documentation before you make use of it. Make sure you understand the facts behind our conclusions before making any specific charges against anyone.

Wendy Rogers

Republican Candidate in Arizona’s 1st Congressional District

Research Book – 2018 Update Last Updated August 2018

Prepared by the DCCC Research Department

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents ...... 1 Thematics ...... 3 Rogers Was Wrong For Seniors & The Middle Class ...... 4 Rogers Was Wrong For Arizona Families ...... 11 Rhetorically Extreme And Hyperpartisan ...... 17 Key Moments on Video & Audio ...... 21 Biography ...... 24 Home Inspection Business ...... 27 Rental and Investment Properties ...... 34 Political Career ...... 38 Extreme Rhetoric ...... 56 Agriculture Issues ...... 73 Banking and Finance Issues ...... 74 Budget Issues ...... 75 Campaign Finance and Election Law Issues ...... 80 Constitutional Issues ...... 81 Consumer Issues ...... 82 Crime and Public Safety Issues ...... 83 Defense and Foreign Relations Issues...... 84 Economy & Jobs ...... 91 Education Issues...... 93 Energy Issues ...... 96 Environmental Issues ...... 98 LGBT Issues ...... 100 Gun Issues ...... 103 Health Care Issues ...... 107 Immigration and Border Issues ...... 114 Labor and Working Family Issues ...... 120 Seniors’ Issues ...... 122 Tax Issues ...... 125 Technology Issues ...... 131 Transportation ...... 132

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Terrorism and Homeland Security ...... 133 Veterans Issues ...... 136 Women’s Issues ...... 139 Appendix I – Personal Financial Disclosures ...... 142 Appendix II – Campaign Finance ...... 151 Appendix III – Paid Media Summary ...... 157

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Rogers Was Wrong For Seniors & The Middle Class

Significant Findings

 Rogers supported the Republican Tax Scam and called for a “second round.”

 Rogers supported a Flat or Fair Tax; both plans would increase taxes on the middle class while cutting taxes for the wealthy.

 In 2018, Rogers continued to call for the repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

 Rogers supported ending cost sharing subsidies, which raised health insurance premiums.

 Rogers supported Republican budget plans that hurt seniors, like Rep. Ryan’s 2012 Medicare plan or the Republican Study Committee’s Cut, Cap, and Balance plan.

 Rogers said Social Security was not protected by the Constitution, and supported phasing it out or privatizing it.

Rogers Supported The Republican Tax Scam And Tax Changes That Would Increase Taxes On The Middle Class

Rogers Supported The Trump Tax Cuts And Called For A “Second Round”

2018: Rogers Said She Supported “Eliminating As Much As We Can From Today’s Tax Code” And “Eliminating The IRS.” “By eliminating as much as we can from today’s tax code, eliminating the IRS, and replacing our current system with one that puts all Americans on an even footing, we immediately end one of the most draconian federal agencies in history – and one which recently has proven it can be used for nefarious purposes – to harass and punish innocent American citizens and conservative organizations. It is time to rein in taxes and government, as well as rein in the IRS.” [Wednyrogers.org, Issues, 8/17/18]

August 2018: On Facebook, Rogers Said “We Need A Second Round Of Tax Cuts.” “The Trump tax cuts are winning everywhere. We need a 2nd round of tax cuts! My opponent, Tom O’Halleran, voted against the tax cuts! #AZ01 #FlipAZ01” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 8/3/18]

August 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Shared A Comic Depicting Trump As Robin Hood, Stealing From Democragts And Giving Money To The “Middle Class.” “This is great! I am going to fight for a 2nd tax cut for the middle class. #AZ01 #FlipAZ01 #MAGA” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 8/6/18]

August 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Said “The Trump Tax Cuts Are Winning.” “The Trump tax cuts are winning everywhere. We need a 2nd round of tax cuts! My opponent, Tom O’Halleran, voted against the tax cuts! #AZ01 #FlipAZ01” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 8/3/18]

February 2018: Rogers Said The Trump Tax Cuts Were Responbile For Corporate Bonuses Like The Ones Given By Tyson Foods. “Tyson Foods giving $1,000 bonus checks to their employees. Guess who voted against this great tax cut that is benefitting millions of Americans? Yep, Democrat Tom O’Halleran. #FireTom #AZ01 #DrainTheSwamp” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 2/8/18]

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Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Benefitted The Wealthy, Corporations, And Special Interests…

Washington Post: Final Tax Bill Included A “Significant Tax Break For The Very Wealthy” And “A Massive Tax Cut For Corporations.” “A new tax cut for the rich: The final plan lowers the top tax rate for top earners. Under current law, the highest rate is 39.6 percent for married couples earning over $470,700. The GOP bill would drop that to 37 percent and raise the threshold at which that top rate kicks in, to $500,000 for individuals and $600,000 for married couples. This amounts to a significant tax break for the very wealthy, a departure from repeated claims by Trump and his top officials that the bill would not benefit the rich. […] A massive tax cut for corporations “A massive tax cut for corporations: Starting on Jan. 1, 2018, big businesses' tax rate would fall from 35 percent to just 21 percent, the largest one-time rate cut in U.S. history for the nation's largest companies.” [Washington Post, 12/15/17]

…While Millions Of Americans Would Pay More In Taxes

Politifact: GOP Tax Bill Would Raise Taxes For The Middle Class After Individual Tax Cut Provisions Expired In 2025. “Gillibrand said the Republican ‘tax [plan] raises middle-class taxes.’ That's not true during the first years of the new tax provisions. If not for the sunset for the tax changes for individuals, we likely would have rated Gillibrand's statement False or perhaps Mostly False. Middle-income taxpayers will either benefit or see no change in their tax liability through 2025. But her claim could hold up after the bill's individual provisions expire that year. There's no guarantee a future Congress will extend those parts of the bill.” [Politifact, 12/22/17]

Tax Policy Center: In 2018, 5 Percent Of Taxpayers Would Pay More In Taxes Under The GOP Tax Bill, But Would Increase To 53 Percent Of Taxpayers In 2027. “Some taxpayers would pay more in taxes under the proposal in 2018 and 2025 than under current law: about 5 percent of taxpayers in 2018 and 9 percent in 2025. In 2027, however, taxes would increase for 53 percent of taxpayers compared with current law.” [Tax Policy Center, 12/18/17]

Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Increased The Federal Debt – And Republicans Planned To Pay For It With Cuts To Medicare And Social Security

Official CBO Estimate Found Final Tax Bill Would Increase The Federal Deficit By $1.9 Trillion. “The GOP's signature tax law is projected to increase the national debt by $1.9 trillion between 2018 and 2028, according to a new report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). According to the report, the tax law would cost the government $2.3 trillion in revenues, but economic growth would offset that figure by about $461 billion.” [The Hill, 4/9/18]

After Passing A Tax Bill That Added Trillions To The Deficit, Speaker Ryan Said Medicare And Medicaid Would Need To Be “Reformed” In Order To Decrease The Deficit. “With his dream of tax reform now realized, Ryan is hoping to make progress on two other issues he’s targeted during his two-decade career in Washington: entitlement and welfare reform. ‘We’re going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform, which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit,’ Ryan, a former Budget Committee chairman, said in a recent interview this month on the Ross Kaminsky radio talk show. Medicare and Medicaid are the ‘big drivers of debt,’ Ryan said, suggesting Republicans could once again use the budget reconciliation process to avoid a Democratic filibuster. Medicare is the ‘biggest entitlement that’s got to have reform,’ Ryan added.” [The Hill, 12/27/17]

HEADLINE: After Tax Overhaul, GOP Sets Sights on Medicare, Social Security [US News, 12/7/17]

HEADLINE: Ryan says Republicans to target welfare, Medicare, Medicaid spending in 2018 [Washington Post, 12/6/17]

HEADLINE: Paul Ryan Pushes to Keep Overhaul of Safety-Net Programs on GOP Agenda [Wall Street Journal, 2/4/18]

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AP: “A Wide Range Of Economists And Nonpartisan Analysts Have Warned That The Bill Will Likely Escalate Federal Debt, Intensify Pressure To Cut Spending On Social Programs And Further Widen America's Troubling Income Inequality.” “The tax overhaul of 2017 amounts to a high-stakes gamble by Republicans in Congress: That slashing taxes for corporations and wealthy individuals will accelerate growth and assure greater prosperity for Americans for years to come. The risks are considerable. A wide range of economists and nonpartisan analysts have warned that the bill will likely escalate federal debt, intensify pressure to cut spending on social programs and further widen America's troubling income inequality.” [Associated Press, 12/17/17]

Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Would Increase Incentives To Move Jobs Overseas

Tax Experts Said The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Increased Incentives For Companies To Move Jobs Overseas. “What happened to the workers in Clinton, tax experts say, will probably happen to more Americans if the Republican tax overhaul becomes law. The legislation fails to eliminate long-standing incentives for companies to move overseas and, in some cases, may even increase them, they say. ‘This bill is potentially more dangerous than our current system,’ said Stephen Shay, a senior lecturer at Harvard Law School and former Treasury Department international tax expert in the Obama administration. ‘It creates a real incentive to shift real activity offshore.’” [Washington Post, 12/15/17]

Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Would Lead To More Expensive Health Insurance; 13 Million More Uninsured

Final Tax Bill Eliminated Central Affordable Care Act Provision, Leading To 13 Million Fewer Americans With Insurance. “The individual mandate is part of the Affordable Care Act, and removing it was a top priority for Trump and congressional Republicans. The Congressional Budget Office projects the change will increase insurance premiums and lead to 13 million fewer Americans with insurance in a decade, while also cutting government spending by more than $300 billion over that period.” [Washington Post, 12/15/17]

GOP Tax Bill Would Cause Health Insurance Premiums To Rise, And Could Lead Insurers To Drop Out Of Regional Markets. “The final GOP plan will repeal the Affordable Care Act’s individual insurance mandate, which would allow young and healthy people to leave the insurance pool, forcing insurers to compensate by raising prices due to the higher costs of insuring only less-healthy people. Not only would premiums likely rise, but many insurers could drop out of regional markets.” [Newsweek, 12/18/17]

HEADLINE: Republican Tax Plan Will Make Health Insurance More Expensive [Newsweek, 12/18/17]

Signed 2012 Taxpayer Protection Pledge

In 2012, Rogers signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge issued by “Americans for Tax Reform.” By signing the pledge, Rogers promised to oppose any increase in income taxes on individuals and businesses, and any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates. [Wendy Rogers Press Release, 3/27/12; ATR Pledge]

Rogers: “I Would Make More People Have to Pay Taxes”

In June 2012, when asked in a candidate forum how she would reform the tax code, Rogers said that she would make more people pay taxes.

“I would make more people have to pay taxes, because with anything, ownership, in whatever you’re doing, makes the product and the quality go up. If you have people in the county who are paying into the system, they’re going to care more about their country.” [Youtube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

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Rogers Supported A National Flat Income Tax Or National Sales Tax

Rogers: “It’s Time For The Tax Code And The IRS To Go! In Its Place, The Two Best Alternatives Are The Flat Tax, A National Flat-Rate Income Tax… Or The Fair Tax, A National Sales Tax.” “It’s time for the Tax Code and the IRS to go! In its place, the two best alternatives are the Flat Tax, a national flat-rate income tax without loopholes for billionaires or special interests, or the Fair Tax, a national sales tax which would incentivize savings and investment and only apply at the final point of sale, which again, eliminates the loopholes and gimmicks only the ultra-wealthy or ultra-corrupt use to avoid paying taxes. By eliminating today’s tax code, eliminating the IRS and replacing our current system with one that puts all Americans on an even footing, we immediately end one of the most draconian federal agencies in history – and one which recently has proven it can be used for nefarious purposes to harass and punish innocent American citizens.” [Wendy Rogers campaign website, archived 8/23/13]

May 2014: Fair and Flat Tax No Longer Appeared On Website. As of May 2014, Rogers no longer explicitly lists her support for a national flat tax on her campaign website. [Wendy Rogers campaign website, accessed 5/19/14]

Flat Tax Would Increase Taxes On The Middle Class While Reducing Them For The Wealthy. “The regressivity of the flat tax is another big problem. Our current federal income tax code is progressive (rates rise with income), and every distributional analysis I’ve ever seen of a flat tax shows a transfer of the tax burden from the wealthy to the middle class. According to the Tax Policy Center’s score of the Perry tax plan, the tax bill of families with incomes between $30,000 and 40,000 would go up by about $450, while that of millionaires would fall by about half a million bucks.” [Washington Post, 5/26/15]

Fair Tax Would Raise Taxes On The Middle Class While Reducing Them For The Wealthy. “The problem is that very high-income households spend only a fraction of their income, while low- and middle- income people spend all or most of what they make. A sales tax, by design, exempts a large share of income at the top. If it includes a prebate to protect people at the bottom and doesn’t add to the deficit, then it must raise taxes on people in the middle. […] A decade ago, President George W. Bush’s Tax Reform Panel considered a sales tax as a revenue-neutral replacement for the income tax. It rejected the idea after concluding that the rates would have to be much higher than promised by the FairTax people. It also calculated the tax would be very regressive as the figure below shows.” [Tax Policy Center, 5/27/15]

Rogers Opposed The Affordable Care Act And Trump Administration Sabotage That Caused Premiums To Rise

Rogers Opposed The Affordable Care Act And Supported Defunding And Undermining It

2018: Rogers Said She Would “Work To Repeal And Defund Obamacare,” Saying She Would Support Opening Health Care Markets Across State Lines. “In Congress, I will work to repeal and defund Obamacare, and will join my colleagues to replace it with a common-sense alternative that increases access, reduces costs for all Americans, protects seniors, incentivizes innovation and the reduction of fraud and waste, and makes our nation’s health system more efficient. The new solution must be based on private-sector solutions, getting government out of the way, and opening up competition across state lines.” [Wendyrogers.org, Issues, accessed 8/16/18]

October 2017: On Twitter, Rogers Praised Trump’s Plan To End Cost Sharing Subsidies, Which Caused Insurance Premiums To Rise

October 2017: On Twitter, Rogers Praised Trump’s Plan To End Cost Sharing Subsidies. “Free market must prevail. Finally courage we’ve needed. #AZ01 #AmericaFirstArizonaFirst” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 10/13/17]

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Vox: Cost Sharing Subsidies “Help Reduce Health Care Costs For Lower-Income Americans, A Serious Attack On The Stability Of The Health Care Law’s Insurance Markets.” “The Trump administration has decided to cut off crucial Obamacare subsidies that help reduce health care costs for lower-income Americans, a serious attack on the stability of the health care law’s insurance markets. President Donald Trump has been threatening to end the payments — known as cost-sharing reduction subsidies or CSRs — for months, but is finally following through after Republicans in Congress once again failed to repeal and replace Obamacare late last month.” [Vox, 10/12/17]

2017: About 58% Of Marketplace Consumers, Or 7.1 Million People, Benefitted From CSR Subsidies. “The so-called ‘cost-sharing reductions’ help low-income plan members pay out-of-pocket costs like deductibles and co- payments. This year, about 58 percent of marketplace consumers, or 7.1 million people earning up to two-and-a- half times the federal poverty level, will receive the subsidies.” [McClatchy, 4/12/17]

OMB: Trump’s Decision To Quit Making CSR Payments Caused Premiums To Rise By 15-20% In 2018. “Funding the Affordable Care Act’s cost-sharing subsidies would lower premiums by 15-20%, according to an analysis being circulated around congressional offices from the Office of Management and Budget. OMB says those subsidies would be more cost-effective than a new reinsurance program … The numbers: President Trump’s decision to quit making the cost-sharing payments this year caused premiums to rise by 15-20%, the analysis says, and funding them next year would undo that increase.” [Axios, 3/6/18]

Wall Street Journal: “Insurers Across The Country Have Requested Double-Digit Increases In Premiums, With Some, Most Notably Aetna And Humana, Saying They’ll Pull Out Of The Individual Market Entirely Next Year.” “The senators pointed to an April Wall Street Journal article about President Donald Trump threatening to use a set of ACA subsidies that the administration pays insurance companies each month as a bargaining chip to win Democratic support for Republicans’ pending health-care overhaul plan. ‘Obamacare is dead next month if it doesn’t get that money,’ he told the Journal in an Oval Office interview. ‘What I think should happen and will happen is the Democrats will start calling me and negotiating.’ Since then, insurers across the country have requested double-digit increases in premiums, with some, most notably Aetna and Humana, saying they’ll pull out of the individual market entirely next year.” [Wall Street Journal, 6/12/17]

Rogers Said That She Would Vote To Shut Down The Federal Government In Order To Defund The Affordable Care Act

Audio: August 2013: Rogers Said That She Would Vote To Shut Down The Federal Government If That’s What It Took To Defund The ACA. “If that’s what it took. We have to be brave enough to say the hard thing. And a lot of that is bluster and positioning when we say we’re going to shut down the government,” Rogers said. “A lot of this is political posturing.” [960 AM ‘The Patriot,’ Wendy Rogers Interview, 8/17/13]

2014: Rogers Called For Repeal Of The Affordable Care Act

Rogers On The Affordable Care Act: “No Band-Aids. Need DO-OVER.” “More cancellations than sign-ups. Kyrsten Sinema just DOESN’T get it. No band-aids. Need DO-OVER. RT if you agree!” Rogers said. [Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 1/03/14]

2013: Rogers Supported RSC Efforts To Repeal And Replace The Affordable Care Act

Rogers: “The RSC Has A Plan And I Fully Support The Efforts Being Taken To Pursue A More Conservative, Responsible Approach To Health Care Reform.” “Pessimists are claiming we’re stuck with Obamacare, but the reality is that we can--and must--defund and repeal the president’s health care law. The RSC has a plan and I fully support the efforts being taken to pursue a more conservative, responsible approach to health care reform.” [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 8/9/13]

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Rogers Supported Privatizing Parts Of Medicare And Said She Would Cut Medicare

Endorsed Paul Ryan’s 2012 Medicare Plan

VIDEO: June 2012: Rogers: “What Are We Going To Do About Medicare? I Like What Paul Ryan Has To Say.” “What are we going to do about Medicare? I like what Paul Ryan has to say: not change anything for seniors 55 and older, but then inject more competition and more choice into Medicare beneath the age of 55,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

VIDEO: Rogers: “I Like The Ryan Plan Because It Helps To Privatize Part Of Medicare.” “I like the Ryan plan because it helps to privatize part of Medicare. [It] doesn’t do enough for Social Security; I believe what the believe, that we should do more to privatize social security. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Debate, 8/9/12]

Associated Press: Ryan’s 2012 Budget Would Turn Medicare Into A “Voucher-Like System.” “For younger people, Medicare would be reshaped into a voucher-like system in which the government would subsidize people's health care costs. Republicans say that would drive down federal costs by giving seniors a menu of options that compete with each other. Democrats say government payments won't keep up with the rapid inflation of medical costs, leaving many beneficiaries struggling to afford the care they need.” [Associated Press, 3/30/12]

VIDEO: Said She Would Cut Medicare and Social Security

Video: June 2012: Rogers Said That She Would Cut Medicare And Social Security. “As I said before, entitlement spending, that’s the biggest part of the pie. So you ask, what would I cut, what would I work with, again, no one wants to talk about it, but it’s Medicare and Social Security. We all paid into Social Security, I understand that, but it needs to be reformed. And Medicare sorely needs to be reformed.” [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

Video: July 2012: Rogers Supported Allowing Individuals To Opt Out Of Social Security. “In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that she supported allowing individuals to opt out of Social Security.” [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

Video: August 2012: Rogers Said That Government Shouldn’t Be Responsible For Retirement Savings. “‘If they have to save, they’ll learn,’ Rogers said.” [YouTube, Ahwatukee Debate, 8/9/12]

Rogers Said Social Security Was Not “Constitutionally Guaranteed” And Supported Phasing Out Or Privatizing It

Rogers Claimed She Would Protect Social Security Four Years And Two Elections After Saying It Was Not “Constitutionally Guaranteed”

August 2018: Rogers Said She Would Defund Other Federal Programs To Protect Social Security, Which She Called “A Promise To Our Seniors.” “Social Security is a promise to our seniors. Not only will I fight to make sure our seniors get what is due them, I will propose legislation to protect the social security trust fund. I also will work to defund Amtrak, sanctuary cities, foreign aid to America’s enemies, and pork at the federal level to help pay for social security. The best way to fund social security is an additional tax cut and deregulation. Social security MUST be protected! #AZ01 #FlipAZ01 #PromisesMatter #AmericansFirst” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 8/8/18]

July 2014: Andrew Walter Criticized Rogers For Changing Her Position On Social Security. “Andrew Walter, an investor and former college and professional football player, criticized Rogers for flip-flopping on Social Security, saying she would phase it out before saying she would protect it.” [Arizona republic, 7/4/14]

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July 2014: According To The Arizona Republic, Rogers Said She Wanted Social Security “Phased Out” Or Privatized in 2012. “The claim comes from a 2012 video that shows Rogers telling a conservative group called the East Valley that Social Security is unconstitutional and ‘I’d like to see it phased out.’ If not phased out, she said, it should be privatized. In that election, Rogers was in a tough seven-way Republican primary in which candidates fought for the label of most conservative.” [Arizona Republic, 7/6/14]

In Response To Her Previous Comment, Rogers Said Social Security Was Not “Constitutionally Guaranteed” And That She Would Work To Protect The Program. “Rogers has pushed back, telling voters she meant Social Security is at risk because it is not constitutionally protected. She promises to fight to preserve it. ‘Social Security is not constitutionally guaranteed, that is what the sense was in the answer that I gave,’ she told a recent meeting of Republican activists in Phoenix. ‘Congress tomorrow with the stroke of a pen could put your Social Security money to something else. … You need to send someone to Congress who will defend Social Security.’” [Arizona Republic, 7/6/14]

VIDEO: Rogers Said Social Security Was Unconstitutional And Should Be Phased Out

VIDEO: July 2012: Rogers: “Is Social Security Constitutional? No. Should It Be Phased Out? I’d Like To See It Phased Out But If It Can’t Be Phased Out, I’d Like To See Private Options.” “Is Social Security constitutional? No. Should it be phased out? I’d like to see it phased out but if it can’t be phased out, I’d like to see private options” [YouTube, East Valley Liberty Caucus, 7/25/12]

VIDEO: July 2012: Rogers Said Social Security Should Be Privatized. “I believe what the Americans for Prosperity believe, that with Social Security, we can do what the country of Chile has done, and they’ve privatized it at the beginning and intermediate age levels. And as a result, Chileans, who have a lower standard of living than we, have much more saved per capita than Americans,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

VIDEO: Rogers Said It Is Not the Government’s Responsibility to Care for the Elderly. “I met with some attorneys a few weeks ago, and one of them said, ‘if you privatize any part of Social Security, then what if the person does not manage his money well, and he ends up older and not cared for. Then isn’t it the government’s responsibility to take care of him?’ Oh my gosh have we lost our way with that question. He was saying that it was the government’s job to take care of us. He was saying that if we don’t take individual responsibility for ourselves, then we can blame the government,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

Rogers Supported Cut, Cap, And Balance Plan That Raised The Social Security Retirement Age

March 2012: Rogers Signed The Cut, Cap And Balance Pledge. “‘Let’s face it,’ said Rogers, ‘Our nation is broke and it’s time to cut up Washington’s credit card once and for all. I refuse to put my children and grandchild deeper into debt,’ she continued. ‘Only by balancing the budget and finally controlling government spending is this going to happen.’ The original bill, which was approved by the House but rejected by the Senate, limited 2012 spending to $82 billion less than current spending levels, and it capped overall federal spending as a percentage of GDP, bringing it to less than 20 percent of GDP by 2017. The bill provided for a debt ceiling increase if and only if Congress sends a constitutional balanced budget amendment to the states for a vote.” [Wendy Rogers for Congress, press release, 3/19/12]

RSC “Cut, Cap, And Balance” Plan Increased The Social Security Retirement Age To 70. “The Republican Study Committee (RSC) today unveiled Cut, Cap, and Balance: A Fiscal year 2013 Budget, a conservative budget blueprint that brings our country’s federal budget deficit into balance in five years. […] his budget wouldslowly phase in an increase in the Social Security full-retirement age for individuals born in 1958 and after to an eventual full-retirement age of 70.” [Press Release, Rep. Scott Garrett, 3/29/12]

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Rogers Was Wrong For Arizona Families

Significant Findings

 Rogers opposed any protections for children brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents.

 Rogers defended family separations at the border.

 Rogers did not support Republican compromise immigration bill because it granted “amnesty to illegals.”

 Rogers said she would eliminate the Department of Education.

 Rogers opposed gun all restrictions for “law-abiding citizens,” including arming teachers in public schools.

 Rogers supported “overturning Roe vs. Wade.”

 Rogers supported defunding Planned Parenthood, comparing it to the Holocaust.

 Rogers supported amending Arizona’s constitution to define marriage as one man and one woman.

Rogers Opposed Protections For DREAMers As “Amnesty To Illegals,” And Defended Family Separations

Rogers Opposed Protections For Immigrants Brought Here As Children Illegally

Rogers Opposed DACA Protections For Individuals Brought To the US As Children

January 2018: Rogers Told PinalCentral That She Favored Allowing DACA To Expire. “In an email to PinalCentral, Rogers said immigration is the biggest policy issue that needs addressing. She’s in favor of letting a protection for illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children, known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, expire.” [PinalCentral, 1/23/18]

December 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Said That Republicans Who Signed A Letter Supporting DACA Protections Should All Face Primary Challenges. “NEED TO PRIMARY the 34 individuals on Kate’s List who are GOP lawmakers and have signed a letter to Speaker Paul Ryan asking him to focus on passing DACA Amnesty for illegal aliens before Christmas 2017 instead of focusing on protecting Americans like Kate Steinle and thousands of others harmed by illegals each year!” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 12/21/17]

August 2014: Rogers Said Walters Did Not Acknowledge Immigration As An Issue And Said Migrant Children Should Be Deported Quickly, In Conflict With A Bush-Era Immigration Policy. “On the subject of immigration, Rogers said Walter is soft on the issue. ‘We have a rampant immigrant problem,’ she said. ‘You can vote for me, who has served her country honorably. Or my opponent: a man who refuses to admit this is a problem in our country, where we have a border problem and we have to fix it.’ Even as Rogers attacked Walter on immigration, she seemed unaware of the details of the legislation her-self. When asked whether child migrants should be deported quickly, she agreed.” [Arizona Republic, 7/31/14]

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VIDEO: Opposed the DREAM Act

In July 2012, Rogers said at a Tea Party debate that she was against the DREAM Act. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

Supported Controversial Anti-Immigrant Bill SB 1070

In July 2012, Rogers said that she was a supporter of SB 1070, the controversial anti-immigrant bill enacted in Arizona, parts of which were later struck down by the Supreme Court.

“I was a supporter of SB 1070. I deplore the fact that we had to do something as Arizonans because the federal government would not do its job,” Rogers said. [Western Free Press, Wendy Rogers Interview, posted 7/3/2012]

Rogers Defended Family Separations At The Border

June 2018: Rogers Tweeted An Image That Read: “If You Don’t Want To Get Separated From Your Family When You Cross The Border Illegally, Don’t Cross The Border Illegally!” [Twitter, Wendy Rogers, 6/19/18]

Rogers Did Not Support Republican Compromise Immigration Bill Because It Granted “Amnesty To Illegals”

June 2018: Rogers Said She Did Not Support The 2018 Republican Compromise Immigration Bill Because It Granted “Amnesty To Illegals.” “Gosar claims the ‘compromise’ bill will create a path for millions of illegal immigrants to become eligible for legal status. […] Wendy Rogers said there were some things in the bill she liked, but they weren’t enough to sway her opinion. ‘I like that the bill had the wall, but granting amnesty to illegals en masse like that is a show stopper. We need to be sending illegals back to their native countries so they can try to come here legally, not reward them with citizenship.’ Rogers said in a statement. ‘We have both houses of Congress, it is not hard to vote on a responsible bill that we can send to President Trump.’” [PinalCentral, 6/27/18]

The Bill, Known As “Goodlatte 2,” Was Republicans Attempt At An Immigration Compromise. “House Republicans’ legislative attempt to find consensus within their own party on the divisive issue of immigration failed on the floor Wednesday, with the chamber overwhelmingly rejecting their so-called compromise bill, 121-301.” [Roll Call, 6/27/18]

The Bill Would Have Allowed Dreamers To Apply For A “Merit-Based” Visa With A Path To Citizenship. “It would have provided DACA recipients the opportunity to obtain an indefinitely renewable three-year non-immigrant legal status. Goodlatte 2 included the same provision but made it last for six years and expanded its eligibility beyond current DACA recipients to those who would qualify but had not applied. Under the compromise bill, Dreamers could also apply for a new merit-based visa and eventually citizenship, something some conservatives felt amounted to amnesty.” [Roll Call, 6/27/18]

Rogers Supported Eliminating The Department Of Education

VIDEO: Said She Would Eliminate the Department of Education

In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that she would not support keeping the Department of Education [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

But Later Acknowledged A Role For The Federal Government In Education

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In July 2012, Rogers acknowledged that there might be some role for federal government in setting nationwide educational standards.

“A fifth grader in Alabama should meet the same standard as a fifth grader in Arizona. That might be an appropriate input by the federal government. But the implementation and enactment of making that happen, and the enforcement, belongs at the local level.” [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

VIDEO: Said That The Federal Government Was Not Responsible For Improving Public Schools

In June 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that the federal government was not responsible for improving the public school system. She went on to question the purpose of the Department of Education.

“The federal government is not responsible for improving the public school system. Why do we have a Department of Education? I want freedom in my education. I home schooled my kids. They went to a charter school, and then went to ASU. I don’t need the federal government telling me how to educate my children.” [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

Rogers Opposed Common Sense Gun Reforms

Rogers Opposed Any Gun Restrictions For “Law-Abiding Citizens”

2018: Rogers Said She Did Not Support Any Restrictions On Gun Ownership For “Law-Abiding Adults,” Including “Banning Accessories.” “I do not support banning accessories, banning different types of weapons, or raising the age to own a firearm. All law-abiding adults in this nation have a right to defend themselves from attackers.” [Wendyrodgers.org, Issues, accessed 8/16/18]

Rogers Supported Concealed-Carry Weapons And Opposed Gun-Free Zones

2018: Rogers Said She Had A Concealed-Carry Weapons Permit. “As a retired member of the United States Air Force and as a current Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) permit holder, I take our fundamental rights very seriously. As your representative in Congress, you can depend on me to always fight to uphold your right to bear arms.” [Wendyrodgers.org, Issues, accessed 8/16/18]

May 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Said Gun Free Zones Were The Cause Of School Shootings, Calling Them “Sitting Duck Zones.” “The cause for that is gun free zones, also known as sitting duck zones. We need armed security and well-trained armed administrators at our schools.” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 5/2/18]

April 2018: Rogers Said “Gun Free Zones And Banning AR-15s Will Not Fix School Violence.” “It’s time. Liberals – leave our guns alone! Gun free zones and banning AR-15s will not fix school violence.” [Wendyrogers.org, press release, 4/25/18] (Video Available)

April 2018: Rogers Said “Responsible, Grown-Adult Teahcers Should Conceal Carry.” “Responsible, grown- adult teachers and administrators should conceal carry. The fact that some schools use rocks and baseball bats instead of firearms to defend against crazed attackers is ludicrous.” [Wendyrogers.org, press release, 4/25/18] (Video Available)

Rogers Supported Arming Teachers

May 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Supported Arming Teachers, Saying “#GunsSaveLives.” “Yes! #GunsSaveLives #2A #AZ01” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 3/15/18]

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Rogers Blamed The Parkland Shooting On The FBI

February 2018: On Twitter, Regarding The Parkland Shooting, Rogers Said “The Government Failed Us.” “The government failed us. Tucker is right. Why are we looking for government solutions instead of giving teachers more liberty to defend themselves? #AZ01 #FloridaShooting” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 2/24/18]

Rogers On The Parkland Shooting: “I Call For A Complete Investigation Into The Federal Bureau Of Investigation.” “I call for a complete investigation into the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Everyone involved in dropping the ball on this needs to be fired and punished! #AZ01 #FloridaShooting [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 2/24/18]

2018: Rogers Bought A Lifetime Membership To The NRA

May 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Said She Bought A Lifetime Membership To The NRA. “Here is a pic of my son George and I when we went to the range. Because of what is going on, I just bought a lifetime membership to the NRA today. They deserve it. Keep up the fight. #NoGunControl #2A” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 3/1/18]

2018: Rogers Said “Putting God Back In School” Would “Fix School Shootings”

April 2018: Rogers Said “Embracing The Family, Respecting Authority, Taking Real Responsibility, And Putting God Back In Schools” Would “Fix School Shootings.” “You know what will fix school shootings? Embracing the family, respecting authority, taking real responsibility, and putting God back in schools. Liberals kicked God out of our schools when the Supreme Court said our children couldn’t pray in school anymore.” [Wendyrogers.org, press release, 4/25/18] (Video Available)

VIDEO: Said That Gun Owners Should Not Be Required To Have Licenses

In July 2012, Rogers said that gun owners shouldn’t need a license in order to bear arms.

“The second amendment gives me the right to bear arms, and it doesn’t give the government the right to restrict me from bearing arms. It doesn’t say that I have to have a license. It says that I can bear arms. And I resent when a state narrows that down from a federal amendment to make it more restrictive. […] I will faithfully support and defend the second amendment as stringently as possible to continue to have that right,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

Rogers Opposed Abortion And Favored Limiting Women’s Access To Contraceptives And Health Care

Rogers Supported “Overturning Roe vs. Wade”

2018: Rogers Said She Supported “Overturning Roe Vs. Wade.” “I support overturning Roe vs. Wade and will do all I can to help this cause.” [Wendyrogers.org, issues, accessed 8/16/18]

January 2018: Rogers Retweeted Congressman Steve King’s Tweet Supporting Overturning Roe vs. Wade. [Twitter, SteveKingIA, 1/19/18]

Rogers Supported Defunding Planned Parenthood, Comparing It To The Holocaust

2018: According To Her Website, Rogers Said She Would Defund Planned Parenthood And Other Organizations That Provide Abortions. “In Congress, I will stand up for the sanctity of human life and fight to

WENDY ROGERS (AZ-01) Research Book | 15 stop tax dollars from going to organizations that perform abortions. Planned Parenthood should receive zero tax dollars and is a destructive organization which should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, the defenseless unborn.” [Wendyrogers.org, issues, accessed 8/16/18]

July 2018: Rogers Compared Planned Parenthood To The Holocaust. “Vote Wendy Rogers to defund Planned Parenthood and to stand up for religious liberty. Democrats are attacking Wendy for being pro-life. She compared the abortion epidemic that kills hundreds of thousands of babies a year (used to be millions) in the US to the Holocaust. The Holocaust was an abomination, and so is Planned Parenthood.” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 7/15/18]

June 2018: Rogers Said She Would Defund Planned Parenthood. “She characterized herself as ‘100 percent pro-life’ and said Planned Parenthood needs to be defunded by the government.” [PinalCentral, 6/22/18]

May 2018: On Her Twitter Account, Rogers Said “Anyone Who Is Against [Banning Abortions] is A Radical.” “The left... so out of touch. We must protect the unborn. Anyone who is against this is a radical. #AZ01 #ProLife” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 5/25/18]

February 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Said Planned Parenthood Sold Body Parts From Aborted Fetuses, Calling It A “Crime Against Humanity. “These monsters must be shut down, defunded, & prosecuted for crimes against humanity. Civilized & just societies do not abort babies, let alone sell body parts while they are STILL ALIVE! Tom O’Halleran is ok with this activity! #ProLife #HighCrimes” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 2/8/18] In October 2011, Rogers tweeted a link to “180,” an anti-abortion film, and said that the film “compellingly” compared the German Holocaust to the “American Holocaust.” [Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 10/27/11]

Supported Prohibiting Abortion Except Where Necessary To Prevent Death Of Mother

In 2010, Rogers indicated on a Arizona Catholic Conference candidate survey that she supported “[p]rohibiting abortion except where it is necessary to prevent the death of the mother.” [2010 Candidate Survey, Arizona Catholic Conference, received 6/04/10]

Opposed Federal Funding for Planned Parenthood and Other Women’s Health Organizations

In 2012, Rogers indicated on a Center for Arizona Policy candidate survey that she opposed “[p]roviding federal funding to Planned Parenthood and other organizations that provide abortions.” [2012 Federal Candidate Survey, Center for Arizona Policy, received 6/07/12]

Rogers Opposed Same-Sex Marriage And Protecting LGBTQ Rights

Supported Amending State Constitution to Define Marriage as One Man and One Woman

In 2010, Rogers indicated on a Arizona Catholic Conference candidate survey that she “support[ed] states amending state constitutions to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.” [2010 Candidate Survey, Arizona Catholic Conference, received 6/04/10]

Said She Opposed Federal Legislation Banning Same-Sex Marriage

In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that she would not support federal legislation banning same sex marriage. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

…But, One Month Prior, Supported Amending U.S. Constitution To Ban Same-Sex Marriage

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In 2012, Rogers indicated on a Center for Arizona Policy candidate survey that she supported “[a]mending the United States Constitution to define marriage as only the union of one man and one woman.” [2012 Federal Candidate Survey, Center for Arizona Policy, received 6/07/12]

Opposed Legislation to Protect LGBT Rights

In July 2012, Rogers said that she would not support legislation making “sex preference” a protected minority. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

Opposed Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Legislation

In July 2012, Rogers said that she would not support adding protections against discrimination and harassment based on sexual orientation, parental status, marital status, and political affiliation. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

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Rhetorically Extreme And Hyperpartisan

Significant Findings

 Rogers tweeted a cartoon depicting Democrats as people of color burning an American flag

 On Facebook, Rogers appeared to criticize Sen. Mitch McConnell for distancing himself from Roy Moore.

 On Facebook, Rogers expressed excitement that Joe Arpaio would run for Senate in Arizona, and expressed hope that Trump would pardon him.

 On social media, Rogers created posts and engaged with accounts that promoted conservative conspiracies, including retweeting a supporter of Q Anon

Rogers Was A Partisan Extremist Who Could Not Work Across The Aisle In Congress

Rogers Repeatedly Used Extreme And Divisive Rhetoric On Social Media

Rogers Created Posts That Had Racial Overtones

July 2018: Rogers Tweeted A Cartoon Depicting Democrats As People Of Color Burning An American Flag. [Twitter, Wendy Rogers, 7/2/18]

Rogers Created Posts That Warned Of Impending Political Violence And Social Discord

June 2018: On Facebook, Rogers Said Democrats Should Be “Defeated At The Ballot Box” In Order To Avoid Violence. “This is why they MUST be defeated at the ballot box. If they have to resort to violence, just think what they would do if in control of our government? #AZ01 #FlipAZ01” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 6/29/18]

May 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Said The Democratic Party Was “An Extreme Party That Undermines Our Constitution, Sovereignty, And Values. “I love it when Democrat trolls admit to being against the Constitution. Their party is an extreme party that undermines our Constitution, sovereignty, and values.” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 5/18/18]

March 2018: Rogers Said Student Activists Who Favored Removing A Statue Of Thomas Jefferson From Their Campus Were “Really About Hating America And Our Founding Documents.” “Horrible. This is really about hating America and our founding documents - the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. We must defeat these people at the ballot box. #AZ01 #TeachHistory” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 3/29/18]

November 2017: Rogers Shared An Article Defending Trump’s Comments About Elizabeth Warren During His Oval Office Meeting With Navajo Code Talkers. “We so revere the Navajo Code Talkers. #AZ01” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 11/27/17]

Rogers Created Posts That Commented On Controversial Current Events

June 2018: On Facebook, Rogers Said The West Point Graduate Who Posed With A “Communism Will Win” Hat Should Refund Tuition To The College. “I call on the United States Military Academy at West Point

WENDY ROGERS (AZ-01) Research Book | 18 to levy tuition fees against Communist activist Spenser Rapone to make him reimburse the American taxpayer for his $500,000 education for violating his oath to the United States Constitution and for failing to meet his service obligation. #AZ01 #USMA” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 6/19/18]

November 2017: On Twitter, Rogers Retweeted A Tweet Comparing Roy Moore’s Sexual Assault Allegations To Bill Clinton’s Sexual Misconduct Scandal, In An Apparent Defense Of Moore. [Twiitter, Braveheart_USA, 11/11/17]

November 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Appeared To Criticize Sen. Mitch McConnell For Distancing Himself From Roy Moore. “SO WHILE MITCH MCCONNELL IS TRYING TO TAKE DOWN ROY MOORE, TRUMP IS WIN-WIN ‘These deals can provide a solid foundation for a stronger relationship that is more free, fair, and reciprocal between the U.S. and China. It was a great honor for these [deals] to be witnessed by President Trump and President Xi today,’ Ross added. ‘A special thank you to our CEO delegation for their hard work in support of this historic event.’” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 11/10/17]

September 2017: Rogers Retweeted A Tweet That Appeared To Criticize Moore. [Twitter, Meli_Mae1, 9/21/17]

September 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Congratulated Moore On His Republican Primary Victory. “Congratulations to Judge Roy Moore who won the Alabama Republican runoff for US Senate.” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 9/26/17]

November 2017: Rogers Retweeted A Tweet Saying Democrats Had A “Free Pass To Rape, Abuse, Commit Treason, Own Slaves And Steal Taxpayers’ Money.” [Twitter, TallahForTrump, 11/11/17]

September 2017: Rogers Praised The Lingerie Football League For Committing To Standing For The National Anthem. “PROUD WOMEN PROUD TO BE AMERICANS! Lingerie Football League Responds to NFL: ‘We Stand!’ http://freebeacon.com/culture/lingerie-football-league-responds-to-nfl-we-stand/ … #AZ01” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 9/27/17]

September 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Used A Video Of A Holocaust Survivor To Criticize NFL Players Who Knelt For The National Anthem. “Very powerful . . . couldn’t take my eyes off it. Those who kneel at football games have no idea.” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 9/28/17]

August 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Expressed Enthusiasm That Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio Would Run For Senate. “This would be exciting!” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 8/29/17]

August 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Expressed Hope That Trump Would Pardon Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio. “I sincerely hope President Trump pardons Sheriff Arpaio. It would be final vindication and the right thing to do. Then Sheriff Arpaio could run again for sheriff in 2018. He’d win, I know it.” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 8/14/17]

August 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Said She Encouraged Arpaio To Run Again For Sheriff, Saying She Received A Call From Him On Her Personal Cell Phone. “//UPDATE: SHERIFF ARPAIO JUST CALLED ME ON MY CELL. I TOLD HIM HE HAD THOUSANDS SUPPORTING HIM TO RUN.// I SUPPORT HIM. Public sentiment would be behind Sheriff Arpaio precisely because of his legal hassles. People will vote for him to right a wrong levied by an activist judge.” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 8/11/17]

Rogers Created Posts And Engaged With Accounts That Promoted Conservative Conspiracies

May 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Praised Trump For “Demanding” That The DOJ Investigate Whether Or Not “The FBI/DOJ Infiltrated Or Surveilled The Trump Campaign For Political Purposes.” “Go Mr. President. #AZ01 backs you 100%. #MAGA” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 5/20/18]

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May 2018: Rogers’ Twitter Account Retweeted A Supportive Tweet From An Account “@league_patriots,” That Promoted “Q Anon” And Other Conspiracies. [Twitter, league_patriots, 5/15/18]

December 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Shared A Post By Infowars Saying That Pres. Obama “Implied That Americans Should Vote Democrat Or Millions Of People Would Be Killed.” “Barack Obama went on an unhinged rant, during which he compared Donald Trump to Hitler and implied that Americans should vote Democrat or millions of people would be killed.” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 12/7/17]

December 2017: On Twitter, Rogers Retweeted A Link To An Article Claiming That “Illegal Voters May Have Flipped Virginia Legislature To Democrats.” [Twitter, LifeZette, 12/20/17]

November 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Shared A Article Highlighting The Uranium One Conspiracy. “‘Obama’s Justice Department and Mueller’s FBI knowingly kept Congress in the dark about Russia’s significant and illegal involvement with American uranium companies.’” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 11/4/17]

September 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Posted An Article Titled “Why Obama Really Spied On Trump” Published IN David Horowitz’s “Front Page Mag.” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 9/22/17]

May 2017: On Twitter, Rogers Retweeted Kim Dotcom’s Tweet About The Death Of Seth Rich, Which Hailed Rich As A “Hero” Who “Exposed The Corrupt.” [Twitter, KimDotcom, 5/23/17]

Rogers Said That Republicans Had To Be “Unapologetic,” Not Cave To Accusations Of Racism

In August 2013, when asked about divisions within the Republican Party, Rogers said that Republicans have to show “unapologetic leadership” and that they cannot cave to the media or to accusations of racism.

“You have to have unapologetic, […] titanium-backbone leadership,” Rogers said. “And until we get unapologetic, and willing to say what’s right, and not cave to the media, and not try to be nice to everybody, we’re going to keep apologizing, and we’re going to be someone who caves to every time the word racism comes up.” [960 AM ‘The Patriot,’ Wendy Rogers Interview, 8/17/13]

Rogers’ Campaigns Used Deceptive Tactics, While Avoiding Accountability On Issues

Rogers Told Supporters To Call The Police On A Democratic Tracker

July 2018: Rogers Encouraged Community Members To Call The Police On A Democratic Tracker. “This is Tom O'Halleran's tracker that is funded by George Soros' American Bridge. We have kicked him out of countless event. If you see him, call the police and file a police report. Tom O'Halleran uses thugs to do his bidding. #AZ01” [Twitter, Wendy Rogers, 7/19/18]

Rogers Circulated Campaign Literature Made To Look Like A Newspaper, Which Her Primary Opponents Called An Effort To Deceive Donors

July 2018: Rogers Circulated Campaign Literature Made To Look Like A Newspaper, Which Her Primary Opponents Called An Effort To Deceive Donors. “But it's not a newspaper at all: It's a political advertisement paid for by CD1 candidate Wendy Rogers. The eight-page section, which is printed on regular newsprint and has a nameplate calling itself The Arizona Sun News, is full of pro-Rogers articles, many of which outline her purported affiliation with President Donald Trump. […] Not to mention, Smith said, the real-looking ‘paper’ might confuse voters. ‘It's unfortunate that Wendy Rogers is, apparently, trying to deceive voters with a somewhat official-looking

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Republican publication,’ said Smith, one of three candidates in the GOP primary race.” [White Mountain Independent, 7/31/18]

Rogers Was Not Endorsed By The Arizona Republic In The Republican Primary Because She “Ducked Most Public Debates And Ignored Most Media Requests For Interviews”

July 2014: The Arizona Republic Issued A Non-Endorsement In Arizona’s 9th Congressional District’s Republican Primary, Citing Rogers’ Unwillingness To Talk To Press. “Rogers may know the issues better. Maybe not. We don't know, because she has ducked most public debates and ignored most media requests for interviews. She declined our invitation. Effective lawmakers don't shy away from the public, nor do they meet exclusively with like-minded constituents. And if they're not talking during a campaign, how communicative would they be in office? Neither of these candidates can mount a credible challenge to Sinema. Good luck, Republican voters.” [Arizona Republic, 7/22/14]

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Key Moments on Video & Audio

Key Video

July 2018: Rogers Said The Historical Figure She Admired Most Was Donald Trump

July 2018: Rogers Said The Historical Figure She Admired Most Was Donald Trump. “[01:00] Who in history I admire most right now is Donald Trump. He’s our president, he’s my commander in chief, he has done more in a year and a half than any other president in my lifetime.” [AZTV 7, 7/12/18]

July 2018: Rogers: “The Best Things I Got From My Parents Were A Pro-Life Perspective”

July 2018: Rogers: “The Best Things I Got From My Parents Were A Pro-Life Perspective.” “[01:10] The best things I got from my parents were a pro-life perspective. They embraced life, they loved life, they gave me life, and I love them for it.” [AZTV 7, 7/12/18]

Said that Social Security is Unconstitutional and Should Be Phased Out

VIDEO: July 2012: Rogers: “Is Social Security Constitutional? No. Should It Be Phased Out? I’d Like To See It Phased Out But If It Can’t Be Phased Out, I’d Like To See Private Options.” “Is Social Security constitutional? No. Should it be phased out? I’d like to see it phased out but if it can’t be phased out, I’d like to see private options” [YouTube, East Valley Liberty Caucus, 7/25/12]

VIDEO: July 2012: Rogers Said Social Security Should Be Privatized. “‘I believe, as the Americans for Prosperity do, that with Social Security, we can do what the country of Chile has done, and they’ve privatized it at the beginning and intermediate age levels. And as a result, Chileans, who have a lower standard of living than we, have much more saved per capita than Americans,’ Rogers said.” [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

Endorsed Paul Ryan’s Plan to End the Medicare Guarantee

In June 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that she like Paul Ryan’s controversial Medicare plan.

“What are we going to do about reforming Medicare? I like what Paul Ryan has to say: not change anything for seniors 55 and older, but then inject more competition and more choice into Medicare beneath the age of 55,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

Said She Would Make More People Pay Taxes

In June 2012, when asked in a candidate forum how she would reform the tax code, Rogers said that she would make more people pay taxes.

“I would make more people have to pay taxes, because with anything, ownership, in whatever you’re doing, makes the product and the quality go up. If you have people in the county who are paying into the system, they’re going to care more about their country.” [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

Said That She Would Vote To Shut Down The Federal Government In Order To Defund The ACA

In August 2013, Rogers said that she would vote to shut down the federal government if that’s what it took to defund the Affordable Care Act.

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“If that’s what it took. We have to be brave enough to say the hard thing. And a lot of that is bluster and positioning when we say we’re going to shut down the government,” Rogers said. “A lot of this is political posturing.” [960 AM ‘The Patriot,’ Wendy Rogers Interview, 8/17/13]

Said That Federal Food Stamps Should Be Eliminated

In July 2012, Rogers said that we should not have a federal food stamp program (SNAP) and should instead give the money in block grants to states. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

Supported Nullification Of Federal Laws By The States

In July 2012, Rogers said that states should be able to nullify federal laws.

“Nullification should be supported. That’s the tenth amendment, is to push back against unconstitutional federal laws and regulations on the state,” Rogers said. [YouTube, East Valley Liberty Caucus Q&A, 7/25/12]

Said That The Federal Government Was Not Responsible For Improving Public Schools

In June 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that the federal government was not responsible for improving the public school system. She went on to question the purpose of the Department of Education.

“The federal government is not responsible for improving the public school system. Why do we have a Department of Education? I want freedom in my education. I home schooled my kids. They went to a charter school, and then went to ASU. I don’t need the federal government telling me how to educate my children.” [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

Key Audio

2018: Rogers Said Building The Wall Was “The Number One Issue” In AZ-01

(Audio) Rogers: “The Number One Issue In My District Is ‘Build The Wall’ And Ending Sanctuary Cities.” [03:30] “Rogers: I do a lot of door-to-door work on my bicycle, as well, the number one issue in my district is ‘build the wall’ and ending sanctuary cities.” [KQTH, 7/5/18]

2018: Rogers Said Native Americans “Revered” Veterans And Grandmothers

(Audio) Rogers: “There Are Two Things That Native Americans Revere And That’s Veterans And Grandmothers And I Are Both.” “[03:40] Well there are two things that Native Americans revere and that’s veterans and grandmothers and I are both.” [KQTH, 7/5/18]

Said That Republicans Had To Be “Unapologetic,” Not Cave To Accusations Of Racism

In August 2013, when asked about divisions within the Republican Party, Rogers said that Republicans have to show “unapologetic leadership” and that they cannot cave to the media or to accusations of racism.

“You have to have unapologetic, […] titanium-backbone leadership,” Rogers said. “And until we get unapologetic, and willing to say what’s right, and not cave to the media, and not try to be nice to everybody, we’re going to keep apologizing, and we’re going to be someone who caves to every time the word racism comes up.” [960 AM ‘The Patriot,’ Wendy Rogers Interview, 8/17/13]

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Said that Gun Owners Shouldn’t Be Required to Have Licenses

In July 2012, Rogers said that gun owners shouldn’t need a license in order to bear arms.

“The second amendment gives me the right to bear arms, and it doesn’t give the government the right to restrict me from bearing arms. It doesn’t say that I have to have a license. It says that I can bear arms. And I resent when a state narrows that down from a federal amendment to make it more restrictive. […] I will faithfully support and defend the second amendment as stringently as possible to continue to have that right,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

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This section provides background information on Wendy Rogers’ personal life, including education, personal finances, criminal and civil record, and other areas. Searches were conducted at various local in Maricopa County, media outlets including the Arizona Republic, the Arizona Capitol Times and the Jewish News of Greater Phoenix, as well as a number of other online resources, including Lexis-Nexis.

Birth Date

Wendy Rogers was born 7/24/1954 on an army base in Fort Knox, Kentucky. [Various]


Attended one year at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio

Graduated from Michigan State University, B.A. (1976)

University of Alabama, M.A. in Social Work (1977)

California State San Bernardino, M.A. in National Security Studies (1986)


The following provides a brief overview of Wendy Rogers’ professional career.

Worked As A Hotel Maid In College

After her freshman year of college, Rogers spent the summer working as a hotel maid at the Iroquois Hotel on Mackinac Island, Michigan. [Wendy Rogers, The First 100: The Life and Times of a Woman Air Force Pilot, pg. 51]

Served As A Clinical Social Worker In The Air Force

Before starting pilot training, Rogers was a psychiatric social worker for the Air Force [Rogers Military Personnel File]

Was Among First Women Air Force Pilots

Rogers is a fifth generation military officer. According to the Associated Press, she was among the first group of women chosen for Air Force pilot training in 1981 and retired with more than 3,000 hours of piloting experience in cargo and transport jets. [Associated Press, 8/23/12]

1996: Moved To Tempe, AZ After Retiring From The Military

In 1996, after retiring from the military, Rogers moved to Tempe, in the East Valley region of Greater Phoenix. [Arizona Republic, 5/29/10]

Established HouseMaster Home Inspection Franchise

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After retiring from the military and moving to Arizona, Rogers and her husband started a franchise of HouseMaster Home and Termite Inspections, which has since grown to include 14 full-time employees. [Various]

2007-2008: Served As Development Director For A Charter School

In May 2010, the Arizona Republic reported that Rogers had served as development director for Tempe Preparatory Academy. [Arizona Republic, 5/29/10]

Other Personal Information

Rogers’ Ancestors May Have Come To America On The Mayflower

According To A Facebook Post, Rogers’ Family Came To The United States On The Mayflower. “Giving thanks for my 11th great grandfather, Thomas Rogers, who came over on the Mayflower. Blessed that his 18-y/o son Joseph survived the first winter after Thomas died. https://watfordvillage.weebly.com/pilgrim-fathers.html” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 11/23/17]

Driving Record

October 1999: Received Traffic Ticket

On October 25, 1999, Rogers was ticketed for driving across a “gore area,” defined by ARS 28-644A2 as “the area that is between a through roadway and an entrance ramp or exit ramp.” She paid a $40 fine and the case was dismissed. [A.R.S. Code 28-644A2; Maricopa County University Lakes Justice Court, Case no. 0713TR-9909547]

Was Involved In A Car Accident After Freshman Year Of College

In her e-book, Rogers writes about a car accident that she was involved in while driving to work at a resort the summer after her freshman year of college.

“I was driving on the I-75 freeway northbound when I looked down for too many moments and subsequently veered inot the other lane and smacked another car,” Rogers wrote. [Wendy Rogers, The First 100, the Life and Times of a Woman Air Force Pilot, pg. 50]

Received A Warning For Speeding

In March 2005, Rogers was pulled over for speeding by an Arizona Department of Public Safety officer and let off with a warning. [Arizona Department of Public Safety, issue no. 500251241]

Voting History

2018: Rogers Was Registered To Vote In Flagstaff, AZ, Where She Registered In 2015. Rogers Has Voted In Every General Election Since 2015. [Votebuilder, accessed 8/30/18]

NOTE: Primary source documents necessary to verify Rogers voting history between 2014 and 2018.

2014: Rogers Has Voted In Every General Election And Republican Primary Since She Registered To Vote In Maricopa County In 1998. [Maricopa County Recorder, Elections Division]

Personal Lawsuits

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2012: Sued David Sonkin In Small Claims Court For Breach Of Contract

In October 2012, Rogers filed a $2,500 suit on behalf of her Congressional campaign against David Sonkin and his company Mobile Caviar. She alleged that she had paid Sonkin $4,331 to develop a mobile marketing platform for her campaign and that Sonkin had not followed through on the services he promised. [Maricopa County Kyrene Justice Court, Case no. CC2012-197243, Small Claims Complaint 10/8/12]

February 2013: Court Granted $2,726.50 Judgment

In February 2013, the Court granted Rogers a $2,726.50 judgment, including $226.50 in court costs, entered upon default without hearing. [Maricopa County Kyrene Justice Court, Case no. CC2012-197243, Judgment 2/15/13]

April 2013: Application For Non-Earnings Writ Of Garnishment Granted

In April 2013, Rogers was granted a Writ of Garnishment against Sonkins account with Wells Fargo. [Maricopa County Kyrene Justice Court, Case no. CC2012-197243, Writ of Garnishment filed 4/26/13]

May 2013: Writ Of Garnishment Quashed And Released

In May 2013, the writ of garnishment was quashed and released when Wells Fargo answered that it did not have any of Sonkin’s assets, and that in fact Sonkin owed Wells Fargo $314.09. [Maricopa County Kyrene Justice Court Case no. CC2012-197243, Release and Quash of Writ of Garnishment by Plaintiff filed 5/28/13; Answer of Garnishee filed 5/20/13]

Filed Separate Suit On Behalf Of Housemasters

Also in October 2012, Rogers filed a separate $1,200 suit against Sonkin on behalf of Housemaster Home Inspections, claiming that he did not follow through on the services he promised and failed to complete his agreed-upon tasks. [Maricopa County Kyrene Justice Court, Case no. CC2012-197241, Small Claims Summons 10/8/12]

Court Granted $1,426.50 Judgment

In February 2013, the Court granted Rogers a $1,426.50 judgment entered upon default without hearing. This included the original $1,200 amount plus $226.50 in court costs. [Maricopa County Kyrene Justice Court, Case no. CC2012-197241, Judgment 2/26/13]

2011: Sued Michael Johnston in Small Claims Court Following Automobile Accident

In January 2011, Rogers sued Michael Johnston in small claims court for $1,965, alleging that he was responsible for an automobile accident that caused $1,965 in damages to her vehicle. The court granted a judgment in favor of Rogers which was satisfied in March 2011. [Maricopa County West McDowell Justice Court, Case no. CC2011- 003938, filed 1/10/11]

2000: Filed Suit Against David R. Brown

In September 2000, Rogers filed a civil suit against David R. Brown, which was dismissed. It is unclear what the nature of the complaint was; records of the case were destroyed in January 2006. [Maricopa County North Mesa Justice Court, Case no. 0721CV-0001551]

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Home Inspection Business

Significant Findings

 Did not provide health insurance to employees, but provided a $150 monthly health insurance stipend

 Did not provide paid vacation to employees

 Sued at least eleven times

Bad Employer

Said She Owned A Business With 10 Full-Time Employees Who Were Primary Breadwinners

In September 2010, Rogers touted her experience running a small business as her primary qualification for public office.

“I’ve met hundreds who are jobless. Bicycle riding, I’ve knocked on 10,000 doors. For 13 years, I’ve owned a real- life business with 10 full-time employees – primary breadwinners. If we can’t make payroll, we don’t get ‘stimulus.’ Reduce small business’ burden. Streamline the regulatory process. Reduce new-business permit requirements. Send a down-in-the-trenches business owner to the Capitol who knows how to pencil-sharpen to meet payroll.” [Jewish News of Greater Phoenix, 10/01/10]

Did Not Provide Paid Vacation To Employees

According to a copy of a 2005 employment contract between HouseMaster Home Inspections and Stephen Butzer, Rogers’ small business did not provide paid vacation to its employees who work on a commission basis.

“There is no paid vacation. Time off is at the inspector’s discretion and is simply time without pay. He can have as much time off as he needs, as long as it does not adversely impact the business operation,” the contract reads. [Maricopa County Superior Court Case no. CV2009-052047, Exhibit 4, “Inspector Requirements & Benefits]

Employees Were Expected To Have Their Own Medical Insurance, But Provided A $150 Monthly Medical Insurance Contribution

According to a copy of a 2005 employment contract between HouseMaster Home Inspections and Stephen Butzer, inspectors were expected to have their own medical insurance, although HouseMaster would provide worker’s compensation insurance along with a $150 monthly medical insurance contribution. [Maricopa County Superior Court Case no. CV2009-052047, Exhibit 4, “Inspector Requirements & Benefits]

Note: The terms of this contract apply only to inspectors who work on a commission basis. It is unclear whether paid vacation was provided to salaried employees, such as the office manager.


Business Was Sued at Least Eleven Times

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According to Maricopa County court records, Rogers & Kunnen Inc, the owner of HouseMaster Home Inspections, has been sued at least eleven times. Seven of these lawsuits charged HouseMaster with failing to identify serious defects in homes that they inspected. Each of these cases was settled in mediation or arbitration. [Maricopa County Justice Courts; Maricopa County Superior Court]

1998: $750 Judgment Granted Against Harold Kunnen And Housemasters Home Inspection

In 1998, the San Marcos Justice Court granted Carol Walker a $750 judgment against Rogers’ Husband, Hal Kunnen, and Housemasters Home Inspections. It is unclear what the nature of the complaint was; records of the case have since been destroyed. [Maricopa County San Marcos Justice Court, Case no. 0704CV-9805319]

2001: $460 Judgment Granted For Wendy Rogers And Housemaster Home Inspection

In 2001, the McDowell Mountain Justice Court granted Rogers a $460 judgment plus $19.94 in court costs against Michelle and Cary Lovins. It is unclear what the nature of the complaint was; records of the case have since been destroyed. [Maricopa County McDowell Mountain Justice Court, Case no. 0711CV-0107079]

2001: Filed Suit Against Christopher And Diane Kunis

In October 2001, Rogers and Housemaster Home Inspections filed a civil suit against Christopher and Diane Kunis, which was dismissed. It is unclear what the nature of the complaint was; records of the case have since been destroyed. [Maricopa County McDowell Mountain Justice Court, Case no. 0711CV-0107080]

2001: Sued By Mark And Denise Young

In June 2001, Mark and Denise Young filed a civil complaint against Rogers in Maricopa County Superior Court, alleging that a HouseMaster home inspection had failed to identify significant defects in the air conditioning system of a home which they purchased. The suit charged Rogers with breach of contract, negligence, and negligent misrepresentation. [Maricopa County Superior Court, Case no. CV2001-091273, Civil Complaint 6/6/01]

July 2002: Case Settled

In July 2002, the case was settled and dismissed with prejudice. There are no details available as to the terms of the settlement. [Maricopa County Superior Court, Case no. CV2001-091273, Case History 7/25/02]

2002: Sued By Thomas J. Potter

In January 2002, Thomas J. Potter filed a suit against Wendy Rogers, Harold Kunnen, Housemaster Home Inspection, and Rogers & Kunnen Inc. The case was dismissed in February 2002. It is unclear what the nature of the complaint was; the case file has since been destroyed. [Maricopa County San Tan Justice Court, Case no. 0720CV-0200106, filed 1/10/02]

2005: Sued By Ross And Wendy Steinberg

In August 2005, Ross and Wendy Steinberg filed a suit against Housemasters in small claims court. The case was settled in mediation and dismissed. It is unclear what the nature of the complaint was; the case file was destroyed in 2008. [Maricopa County Kyrene Justice Court, Case no. 0723CV-0502641, filed 8/2/05]

2005: Sued By Thomas And Lisa Redd

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In October 2005, Thomas and Lisa Redd filed a breach of contract suit against Rogers & Kunnen Inc. in Maricopa County Superior Court, alleging that a HouseMasters home inspection had failed to indentify significant defects in a home which they purchased. Among the defects were several grading issues which caused the house to flood during a rainstorm, leading to major water damage. [Maricopa County Superior Court, Case no. CV2005-016782, Complaint 10/28/05]

May 2006: Court Ordered a Mandatory Settlement Conference

In May 2006, the Court granted the motion of Salem and Nashie Prouty (previous owners of the home and co- defendants with Rogers & Kunnen Inc.) for a mandatory settlement conference. [Maricopa County Superior Court, Case no. CV2005-016782, Minute Entry 5/3/06]

September 2006: Case Dismissed with Prejudice

In September 2006, following a settlement conference, the case was dismissed with prejudice, each party to bear their own costs and attorneys’ fees. [Maricopa County Superior Court, Case no. CV2005-016782, Order for Dismissal 9/28/06]

2006: Sued By Caren Solberg

In September 2006, Caren Solberg filed a negligence suit against Rogers & Kunnen Inc. in Maricopa County Superior Court, alleging that a HouseMasters home and termite inspection had failed to identify evidence of significant termite infestation and damage. [Maricopa County Superior Court, Case no. CV2006-014108, Complaint 9/15/06]

August 2007: Mandatory Arbitration Hearing Held

In June 2007, following several delays due to a death in Rogers’ family, an Arbitration Hearing was scheduled for August 16, 2007. [Maricopa County Superior Court, Case no. CV2006-014108, Order Extending Time to Complete Arbitration 6/22/07]

December 2007: Case Dismissed With Prejudice

In December 2007, following arbitration, the case was dismissed with prejudice, all parties to bear their own attorney’s fees and costs. [Maricopa County Superior Court, Case no. CV2006-014108, Order of Dismissal with Prejudice]

2007: Sued By Colleen And Richard Winer, Taken Care Of Investments LLC, Then Counter-Sued

In May 2007, Colleen and Richard Winer and Taken Care of Investments LLC filed a suit against Rogers. Rogers then counter-sued. The court awarded a judgment of $7,104.10 in favor of Rogers. It is unclear what the nature of the complaint was; the file was purged in March 2013. [Maricopa County San Tan Justice Court, Case no. CC2007- 087717, filed 5/10/07]

July 2008: Winers Ordered to Appear for Debtor Examination

In July 2008, the judgment debt had still not been satisfied and the Court granted a Petition for Order Directing Judgment Debtor to Appear for Examination in Aid of Execution that was submitted by Rogers’ attorney. [Maricopa County Superior Court, Case no. TJ2008-008675, Order Directing Judgment Debtor to Appear for Examination in Aid of Execution, dated 7/9/08]

October 2008: Debtors Failed to Appear

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Colleen and Richard Winer failed to appear for the Judgment Debtor Exam scheduled for 10/8/08 and it was ordered continuing the matter until 12/17/08. [Maricopa County Superior Court, Case no. TJ2008- 008675, Judgment Debtor Exam Continued 10/8/08]

December 2008: Hearing Vacated and Matter Concluded

In December 2008, neither Rogers nor the Winers appeared for the rescheduled Judgment Debtor Examination and the court ordered vacating the hearing. [Maricopa County Superior Court, Case no. TJ2008-008675, Minute Entry 12/17/08]

2009: Sued By Stephen Butzer

In April 2009, Stephen Butzer sued Rogers & Kunnen Inc. in Maricopa County Superior Court for Declaratory Relief, Intentional Interference with Contract, Defamation, Injunctive Relief, and Breach of Contract. [Maricopa County Superior Court Case no. CV2009-052047, Complaint dated 4/23/09]

April 2005: Butzer Became an Employee of HouseMaster Home & Termite Inspections

In April 2005, Butzer signed an employment contract with HouseMaster that included a “Non-Compete Provision” stating that he “shall not engage in nor establish a housing inspection business” within nine months after voluntarily or involuntarily leaving his employment at HouseMaster. The contract also provided that any employee would be required to pay $10,000 to HouseMaster in the event that their employment was terminated for any reason, in order to cover the cost of a “Development Program” to train new employees. However, Butzer actually paid $1,500 out of pocket to participate in the “Development Program”. [Maricopa County Superior Court Case no. CV2009-052047, Complaint dated 4/23/09]

April 2009: Butzer Resigned from HouseMaster and Became an Employee of HomeSpec

On April 1 2009, Butzer resigned from HouseMaster and became an employee of HomeSpec Inspection Services LLC in Scottsdale, AZ. [Maricopa County Superior Court Case no. CV2009-052047, Complaint dated 4/23/09]

April 2009: Butzer Received a Letter from Rogers’ Attorney

On April 20 2009, Butzer’s attorney received a letter from Rogers’ attorney which, according to Butzer, made false accusations concerning his truthfulness and claimed that the Non-Compete and Liquidated Damages provisions in his contract were legally enforceable. [Maricopa County Superior Court Case no. CV2009- 052047, Complaint dated 4/23/09]

April 2009: HomeSpec Recived a Letter from Rogers’ Attorney

On April 20 2009, Rogers’ attorney sent a letter to HomeSpec threatening litigation unless it fired Butzer. [Maricopa County Superior Court Case no. CV2009-052047, Complaint dated 4/23/09]

April 2009: Butzer Filed Suit Against Rogers & Kunnen Inc.

On April 23, 2009, Butzer filed suit claiming that the non-compete provision’s sole purpose was to “make it difficult and inconvenient to ever leave the employ of Defendant, and to stifle competition and trade,” and that it was therefore unenforceable under Arizona law. The complaint also argued that the liquidated damages provision “is not a reasonable estimate of any damages suffered by Defendant by virtue of Plaintiff’s termination of employment, but rather is an attempt to impose an unreasonable penalty against Plaintiff for the

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exercise of his rights, and is thus unenforceable under Arizona law.” [Maricopa County Superior Court Case no. CV2009-052047, Complaint dated 4/23/09]

Rogers Had Not Enforced Either Provision with Previous Employees

According to the complaint filed by Butzer’s attorney, other HouseMaster employees in similar situations did not have the same problems when moving to a new employer.

From the Complaint:

“Upon information and belief, other home inspectors employed by Defendant who had signed employment agreements with Defendant that contained provisions similar or identical to the Non-Compete Provision and the Liquidated Damages Provision in the Agreement left the Defendant’s employ and engaged in or established a housing inspection business within twenty-five (25) miles of that home inspector’s residence. Upon information and belief, Defendant has nonetheless never enforced a similar or identical Non-Compete Provision or Liquidated Damages Provision against any other former home inspection employee, and therefore waived its right to do so.” [Maricopa County Superior Court Case no. CV2009-052047, Complaint dated 4/23/09]

April 2009: Butzer Applied for a Temporary Restraining Order

In April 2009, concurrently with filing the complaint, Butzer applied for a temporary restraining order restraining Rogers & Kunnen Inc from further contact with HomeSpec Inspection Services.

According to the application, “plaintiff is in jeopardy of losing his job as a result of Defendant’s tortious interference with his employment relationship.” [Maricopa County Superior Court Case no. CV2009-052047, Application for Temporary Restraining Order dated 4/23/09]

June 2009: Rogers Filed a Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint

In June 2009, Rogers filed a counterclaim against Butzer and his wife for breach of contract, along with a third party complaint against HomeSpec for Tortious Interference with Contract and Unjust Enrichment. [Maricopa County Superior Court Case no. CV2009-052047, Counterclaim; Third Party Complaint, dated 6/1/09]

September 2010: Court Agreed with Butzer that Provisions Were Unenforceable

On September 17, 2010, the court agreed with Butzer and held “as a matter of law, that the non-compete clause, and the damages provision attached thereto, are unreasonable and unenforceable as a matter of law.” The ruling “disposed of all of HouseMaster’s claims, leaving Butzer’s claims for: (1) tortious interference with contractual relations, (2) defamation, and (3) breach of contract (solely for HouseMaster’s refusal to pay membership fees per the parties’ Agreement).” [Maricopa County Superior Court Case no. CV2009-052047, Butzers’ Status Report, filed 5/25/11]

2010: Sued By Joseph And Joanna Brown

In January 2012, Rogers & Kunnen Inc. was sued by Joseph and Joanna Brown after Joseph Brown was involved in a motor vehicle accident with a vehicle owned by Rogers and Kunnen, which was being driven by HouseMaster employee Charles Fisel. Brown alleged that he sustained injuries from the accident which caused him to incur medical costs and to become unable to work in his occupation. Maricopa County Superior Court, Case no. CV2010-090193, Complaint 1/22/10]

May 2010: Defendants Filed Notice of Non-Parties at Fault

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In May 2010, Rogers & Kunnen Inc. and Charles Fisel filed a Notice of Non-Parties at fault alleging that “the pickup truck directly in front of Defendant Fisel that abruptly swerved to avoid colliding with plaintiff may be wholly or partially at fault for Plaintiffs’ alleged damages.” [Maricopa County Superior Court, Case no. CV2010-090193, Defendants’ Notice of Non-Parties at Fault dated 5/10/10]

March 2011: Case Settled

On March 14, 2011, both parties filed a Notice of Settlement informing the Court that the matter had been resolved. [Maricopa County Superior Court, Case no. CV2010-090193, Notice of Settlement dated 3/14/2011]

April 2011: Case Dismissed With Prejudice

On April 14, 2011, the case was dismissed with prejudice. [Maricopa County Superior Court, Case no. CV2010-090193, Order of Dismissal with Prejudice dated 4/14/11]

2012: Sued By Keri And David Whitney

In March 2012, Keri and David A Whitney filed a small claims contract suit against Rogers & Kunnen Inc. for $2,440.82. The suit alleged that HouseMasters, which was hired to perform a pre-purchase inspection of their home, “failed to perform an adequate job of inspection, overlooking many issues including 1) heavy water damage located under overhang on back porch which indicates an [sic] large existing leak, 2) foundation cracks, 3) non- working garbage disposal, 4) leaking sink in laundry room, 5) microwave turntable not functional rendering the device semi-functional.” [Maricopa County Desert Ridge Justice Court, Case no. CC2012-800038, Small Claims Complaint dated 3/16/2012]

May 2012: Case Dismissed Without Prejudice

On May 25, 2012, the case was dismissed without prejudice. [Maricopa County Desert Ridge Justice Court, Case no. CC2012-800038, Calendar Events and Hearings]

2012: Sued Frank Jenkins Of J&K Industries

In October 2012, Rogers filed suit in small claims court against Frank Jenkins Jr. and J&K Industries LLC for $1,825. Rogers’ company, HouseMaster Home Inspections, had performed a home inspection for Jenkins in August 2012 for which they had not received payment. [Maricopa County Kyrene Justice Court, Case no. CC2012-197249, Small Claims Summons 10/8/12; HouseMaster invoice 8/11/12]

March 2013: Court Granted $1,900 Judgment

In March 2013, a judgment was entered upon default awarding Rogers $1,825 plus $75 in court costs for a total of $1,900. [Maricopa County Kyrene Justice Court, Case no. CC2012-197249, Judgment 3/15/13]

Business Had Four Complaints Filed Against It With The Better Business Bureau

As of March 2014, Housemaster Home and Termite Inspections had four complaints closed with the Better Business Bureau in the last three years. Two of the complaints were categorized as “guarantee/warranty issues” and two were categorized as “problems with product/service.” [Better Business Bureau, accessed 3/27/14]

Refused to Honor “90-Day Inspection Repair Guarantee”

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According to one of the BBB complaints, Hal Kunnen (Rogers’ husband) performed a home inspection and rated the air conditioning system as “fair.” After the client moved into the home, it was found that the system was non-functional and in need of repair. Kunnen then refused to honor HouseMaster’s “90-day Inspection Repair Guarantee” because the guarantee only covers items rated “satisfactory” or above, and the A/C system was rated “fair.” The complaint was resolved with BBB assistance. [Better Business Bureau, Compaint dated 12/17/13]


Said She Dealt With The Recession By Scrubbing Her Own Toilets

In August 2012, Rogers said that said that when the recession hurt her home-inspection business’s revenue, she started cutting expenses by firing her janitorial service and doing the scrubbing herself, suggesting that the government should, figuratively, do the same. [Arizona Republic, 8/07/12]

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Rental and Investment Properties

Significant Findings

 Filed eleven eviction actions against tenants


Filed Eleven Eviction Actions Against Tenants

According to Maricopa County Court Records, Rogers has filed at least eleven eviction actions to remove tenants from residential properties that she owns. [Maricopa County Justice Courts]

1999: Sued to Evict Tenants

In August 1999, Rogers sued her tenants for back rent and possession of property. The court awarded her a judgment of $1,632 but it is unclear if an eviction order was issued; the court file was destroyed in 2004. [Maricopa County Agua Fria Justice Court, Case no. 0714CV-9903272]

2002: Husband Tried to Evict Tenant

In October 2002, Rogers’ husband, Hal Kunnen, sued to have their tenant, evicted and to force her to pay $1,335.50 in back rent. The case was dismissed. No further details on this case are available; the file was destroyed in June 2004. [Maricopa County Agua Fria Justice Court, Case no. 0714CV-0204285]

2003: Sued Tenant for Unpaid Rent

In September 2003, Rogers sued her tenant, for back rent and possession of property. The court granted a judgment of $7,800 in favor of Rogers. It is unclear whether an eviction order was issued; the case file has since been destroyed. [Maricopa County Agua Fria Justice Court, Case no. 0714CV-0303786]

2004: Evicted Tenant

In September 2004, Rogers successfully sued to have her tenant evicted. The court also awarded her a judgment of $4,359.50, including $4,144 in back rent, $69.50 in late fees, $56 in court costs, and $90 in attorney fees. [Maricopa County Agua Fria Justice Court, Case no. 0714CV-0404322, Judgment Order 9/29/04]

November 2008: Filed Affidavit for Renewal of Judgment

In November 2008, Rogers’ attorney submitted an Affidavit for Renewal of Judgment alleging that $4,359.50 plus accrued interest of $2,076.44 was still owed on the judgment, for a total of $6,435.94. [Maricopa County Agua Fria Justice Court, Case no. 0714CV-0404322, Affidavit for Renewal of Judgment, filed 11/5/08]

July 2011: Granted Non-Earnings Writ of Garnishment

In July 2011, Rogers was granted a Writ of Garnishment against Hatcher’s account with Bank of America. [Maricopa County Agua Fria Justice Court, Case no. 0714CV-0404322, Affidavit of Service filed 7/26/11]

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2004: Evicted Tenant

In July 2004, Rogers sued to have her tenant, a part-time nurse, evicted from her home. The court granted judgment to Rogers for immediate possession of the premises plus $1,500 in back rent and $56 in legal costs, with an interest rate of 10 percent until paid. [Downtown Justice Court, Maricopa County, Case no. 0701CV-0402227]

August 2011: Application for Writ of Earnings Garnishment of Granted

In August 2011, the Downtown Justice Court granted Rogers’ application to have her tenant wages garnished. [Maricopa County Downtown Justice Court, Case no. 0701CV-0402227, Writ of Garnishment 8/30/11]

December 2011: Tenant Requested a Garnishment Hearing

In December 2011, tenant requested a hearing, claiming that the garnishment was causing her hardship. According to a letter submitted to the court by her employer, a garnishment totaling $1030.52 had been deducted from her paychecks between September and December 2011. [Maricopa County Downtown Justice Court, Case no. 0701CV-0402227, Letter dated 12/16/11]

“The garnishment of 25% wages is causing hardship for me and cannot afford to pay my bills,” the tenant wrote. “I work part-time, on call, my hours flex weekly.” [Maricopa County Downtown Justice Court, Case no. 0701CV-0402227, Request for Hearing 12/7/11]

December 2011: Writ of Garnishment Quashed

On December 19, 2011, following the hearing request by tenant, the Court found “clear evidence that the underlying judgment in this garnishment action has been satisfied,” and ordered quashing the Writ of Garnishment and discharging the garnishee. [Maricopa County Downtown Justice Court, Case no. 0701CV- 0402227, Garnishment Hearing on Debtors Objections, Findings and Order 12/19/2011]

January 2012: Rogers Submitted Motion to Reconsider

On January 29, 2012, Rogers submitted a motion requesting that the judge reconsider dismissing the Writ of Garnishment. She claimed that she did not receive notice of the hearing until after it occurred because the notice was mailed to an attorney who was no longer representing her. She also noted that the tenant had only requested a hardship reduction, which under Arizona State Law permits a reduction to 15% garnishment, not a dismissal.

“Since there was no notice or request to DISMISS, I was deprived of my due process rights,” Rogers wrote in her letter. “Thus I was not afforded the opportunity to address an unknown issue that apparently warranted a dismissal since the defendant only requested a hardship reduction and never requested a dismissal.” [Maricopa County Downtown Justice Court, Case no. 0701CV-0402227, Motion for Reconsideration 1/29/12, emphasis original]

Motion Was Denied

On January 31, 2012, the Court denied Rogers’ motion and ordered that Rogers could re-file a garnishment. [Maricopa County Downtown Justice Court, Case no. 0701CV-0402227, Ruling on Motion 1/31/12]

February 2012: Application for Writ of Garnishment Granted

In August 2011, the Downtown Justice Court granted Rogers’ application to have her tenants wages garnished. [Maricopa County Downtown Justice Court, Case no. 0701CV-0402227, Writ of Garnishment filed 2/27/12]

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March 2012: Application for Order of Continuing Lien Granted

In March 2012, the Downtown Justice Court approved Rogers’ application for an Order of Continuing Lien, making the garnishment a continuing lien against her tenant’s nonexempt earnings. The court also granted a hardship exception making the amount of nonexempt earnings to be withheld and transferred to Rogers 15%, rather than 25%. [Maricopa County Downtown Justice Court, Case no. 0701CV-0402227, Order of Continuing Lien dated 3/26/12]

2011: Evicted Tenant

In November 2011, Rogers successfully sued her tenant for possession of premises in addition to $3,814.04 worth of unpaid rent, fees, and court costs. [Maricopa County Maryvale Justice Court, Case no. 2011-229942, Judgment Order 11/30/11]

2011: Evicted Tenant

In November 2011, Rogers successfully sued to evict her tenants. The Court granted a judgment in her favor for immediate possession of premises in addition to $2,615 in unpaid rent, fees, and court costs. [Maricopa County West McDowell Justice Court, Case no. cc2011-229961, Judgment Order 12/1/11]

2012: Evicted Tenants

In October 2012, Rogers sued to have her tenants evicted. The court granted judgment to Rogers for immediate possession of premises as well as $3,227 in back rent, late fees, court costs, and interest. [Maricopa County North Valley Justice Court, Case no. CC2012-213077, Complaint – Eviction Action dated 10/30/12; Judgment Order Dated 11/5/12]

2013: Evicted Tenants

In March 2013, Rogers sued to have her tenants evicted. The Court granted judgment to Rogers for immediate possession of premises, plus $4,174.50 in unpaid rent, late fees, court costs, attorneys’ fees, and interest. [Maricopa County Moon Valley Justice Court, Case no. CC2013-046770, Complaint – Eviction Action 3/14/13; Judgment Order 3/21/13]

2013: Evicted Tenant

In October 2013, Rogers sued to have tenant evicted from. The Court granted judgment to Rogers for immediate possession of premises, plus $1,721.22 in unpaid rent, late fees, court costs, attorneys’ fees, utilities, and interest. [Maricopa County Maryvale Justice Court, Case no. CC2013-191893, Complaint – Eviction Action 10/24/13; Judgment Order 10/30/13]

December 2013: Writ of Restitution Issued

On December 4, 2013, the Court issued a Writ of Restitution commanding “the sheriff or any constable in Maricopa County” to “remove the Defendant(s), and all persons holding under or through Defendant(s), from the premises described above and to return possession of the premises to the Plaintiff.” [Maricopa County Maryvale Justice Court, Case no. 2013-191893, Writ of Restitution 12/4/13]

2014: Evicted Tenant

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On March 6, 2014, Rogers again sued to evict her tenant. Defendant failed to appear and the court granted judgment to Rogers for immediate possession of premises plus $2,863.30 in unpaid rent, late fees, court costs, attorneys’ fees, utilities, and interest. [Maricopa County Maryvale Justice Court, case no. cc2014-041062, Complaint 3/6/14; Judgment order 3/12/14]

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Political Career

This section provides an overview of Wendy Rogers’ political career.


Rogers Repeatedly Praised Trump

Rogers Complimented Trump

June 2018: Rogers Said Her Trump Was “Very Clever.” “Rogers, a retired lieutenant colonel in the Air Force, staunchly supports the polices of President Donald Trump. ‘Have you read his books?’ she asked the audience. ‘He’s very clever.’” [PinalCentral, 6/22/18]

January 2018: Rogers Said The State Of The Union Was The Best Speech In Her Lifetime. “Knocked it out of the park. Homerun. In all my life… the most impressive and moving State of the Union speech I’ve ever seen. #SOTU [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 1/30/18]

December 2017: On Twitter, Rogers Said She Wished Trump Had Been Her Commander In Chief. “Wish @realDonaldTrump had been my Commander in Chief when I was on active duty @HQUSAFEPA #AZ01” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 12/18/17]

July 2017: On Twitter, Rogers Retweeted A Tweet By Donald Trump Depicting Him Wrestling CNN. [Twitter, realDonaldTrump, 7/2/17]

May 2017: On Twitter, Rogers Said “#Deepstate Is Pervasive Throughout Gov’t. It’ll Take @realDonaldTrump Years To Root Out These Subversives.” “#DeepState is pervasive throughout gov’t. It’ll take @realDonaldTrump years to root out these subversives. #AZ01” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 5/27/17]

Rogers Criticized The Mueller Probe

December 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Shared An Article Saying The Mueller Probe Should “Move On,” Captioning It With “Amen.” “Amen.” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 12/4/17]

August 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Said The FBI Raid Of Paul Manafort’s Home Was “Witness Intimidation.” “It’s called witness intimidation.” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 8/9/17]

Rogers Supported Trump’s Immigration Policies

January 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Said She Supported Steven Miller’s Immigration Positions. “I stand with @realDonaldTrump & @StephenMillerAL. @LindseyGrahamSC has always been weak on immigration & the border. We need more elected officials willing to stand with the President & not capitulate to the left. #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 1/22/18]

2018 AZ-01 Congressional Campaign

Rogers Won The Republican Nomination

August 2018: Rogers Won The Republican Nomination. “Wendy Rogers, the four-time congressional candidate who has cast herself as especially loyal to President Donald Trump, has won the Republican nomination for

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Arizona’s northeastern district. Unofficial results show GOP voters in the 1st Congressional District chose arguably the most conservative of three candidates in the race. It sets up a general election showdown with U.S. Rep. Tom O’Halleran, a Democrat who has put together one of the more moderate voting records in the House in his first term.” [Arizona Republic, 8/29/18]

Rogers Criticized Steve Smith For Having An Account On A Website That Also Hosted Adult Models

August 2018: The President Of The Arizona Police Association Called For Rogers To Drop Out Of The Race Due To What He Called “Character Assassination” Of Her Primary Opponent. “‘This is nothing more than a character assassination on a man who I’ve known for years and who has the highest morals, integrity and values,’ said Justin Harris, president of the Arizona Police Association. ‘Wendy Rogers should step down from this race to spare the Republican Party any more embarrassment.’ Rogers’ team scoffed at the call and said Smith made it because ‘he knows he is losing.’” [Arizona Daily Star, 8/9/18]

August 2018: Rogers’ Campaign Made A Website Claiming Her Primary Opponent Advertised On “Model Mayhem” In An Effort To Tie Him To Adult Actors. “The website is called slimysteve.com and is unabashedly created by Wendy Rogers’s campaign. Rogers’s spokesman, Spence Rogers, said: ‘Steve Smith has a hidden occupation he never talks about. It is important to know where he works and who he affiliates with -- he is a modeling agency director and he personally advertises on Model Mayhem. Why doesn’t he talk about this? This is who he is. The last thing we need is another candidate on the ballot the Democrats can hit for their questionable affiliations and occupation.’” [PinalCentral, 8/10/18]

Smith Denied That He Was Affiliated With Adult Content Models. “Smith said the agency assists clients with models and actors and is not affiliated with any adult content. He said Rogers’s claims that he’s affiliated through a third party website, Model Mayhem, with adult content is ‘ridiculous’ and likened it to different people and businesses advertising on FaceBook.” [PinalCentral, 8/10/18]

Smith Called For Rogers To Resign From The Race Because Of Her Attacks, Saying She “Unequivocally Crossed A Line Of Deceny” And Damaged His Livelihood. “Smith, a state senator from Maricopa, is calling on Rogers to withdraw from the race. Smith, in his prepared remarks, said: ‘I am calling on Wendy Rogers to drop out of this race, after issuing a public apology for the damage she has done and is doing to an honest business and my reputation and livelihood. Her actions are nothing short of depraved and are extremely hurtful. She has unequivocally crossed a line of decency that simply cannot exist in today’s volatile political atmosphere.’” [Arizona City Independent, 8/9/18]

Rogers’ Campaign Said The Website Smith Used Was “Linked To Human Trafficking” And That He Did “Not Have The Stomach For A Fight Against Tom O’Halleran.” “Rogers, of course, is standing firm. ‘Steve Smith is in panic mode because, despite what he says, he knows he is losing -- he hasn’t been up in a single poll all year,’ said Spence Rogers, general consultant for Wendy Rogers. ‘If Steve Smith can’t handle scrutiny about his supposed ‘Christian’ website with teenage bikini models and girls in lingerie, and the fact that he personally has a profile on Model Mayhem, a website linked to human trafficking by ABC News and the Huffington Post, then he does not have the stomach for a fight against Tom O’Halleran.’” [Arizona City Independent, 8/9/18]

Rogers Told Supporters To Call The Police On A Democratic Tracker

July 2018: Rogers Encouraged Community Members To Call The Police On A Democratic Tracker. “This is Tom O’Halleran’s tracker that is funded by George Soros’ American Bridge. We have kicked him out of countless event. If you see him, call the police and file a police report. Tom O’Halleran uses thugs to do his bidding. #AZ01” [Twitter, Wendy Rogers, 7/19/18]

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Rogers Circulated Campaign Literature Made To Look Like A Newspaper, Which Her Primary Opponents Called An Effort To Deceive Donors

July 2018: Rogers Circulated Campaign Literature Made To Look Like A Newspaper, Which Her Primary Opponents Called An Effort To Deceive Donors. “But it’s not a newspaper at all: It’s a political advertisement paid for by CD1 candidate Wendy Rogers. The eight-page section, which is printed on regular newsprint and has a nameplate calling itself The Arizona Sun News, is full of pro-Rogers articles, many of which outline her purported affiliation with President Donald Trump. […] Not to mention, Smith said, the real-looking ‘paper’ might confuse voters. ‘It’s unfortunate that Wendy Rogers is, apparently, trying to deceive voters with a somewhat official- looking Republican publication,’ said Smith, one of three candidates in the GOP primary race.” [White Mountain Independent, 7/31/18]

Rogers Faced A Petition Challenge, Which She Overcame

June 2018: Rogers Faced A Petition Challenge. “Pierson told me he is fighting the challenge and expects to remain in the race. Wendy Rogers, a candidate for the Republican nomination in Congressional District 1, is also being challenged. Perennial candidate Miguel Olivas, who had planned to run against Democratic incumbent Tom O’Halleran in CD1, bowed out after he was challenged.” [Arizona Daily Star, 6/15/18]

An Arizona Supreme Court Justice Allowed Rogers’ Flawed Petitions, Clearing The Way For Her Candidacy. “Republican Wendy Rogers is entitled to run for Congress despite flaws in her nominating petitions, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled Thursday. […] But Bales called the error ‘relatively unimportant when the nomination petition is considered as a whole.’” [PinalCentral, 6/28/18]

Rogers Announced Her Candidacy For Arizona’s 1st Congressional District On A Conservative Platform

January 2018: Rogers Announced Her Candidacy For Arizona’s 1st Congressional District. “Another candidate has entered the race for the Republican nomination in Arizona’s 1st Congressional District. Wendy Rogers, a retired Air Force pilot, announced her candidacy Tuesday, marking her fourth attempt for a seat in Congress.” [Casa Grande Dispatch, 1/23/18]

Rogers Said She Would Run On Increasing Border Security, Repealing The ACA, And Opposing Gun Control. “Wendy Rogers, a retired Air Force pilot, announced her candidacy Tuesday, marking her fourth attempt for a seat in Congress. Stronger border security, repealing the Affordable Care Act, and protecting gun rights are some of the conservative viewpoints Rogers expressed in her campaign announcement.” [Casa Grande Dispatch, 1/23/18]

Rogers Said She Would Focus On Protecting “Our Unborn And The Elderly.” “It’s up to us to protect the most vulnerable – our unborn and the elderly; as well as our very own families with our God-given right to keep and bear arms under the 2nd Amendment. Our strained, but steadfast, military is our last bulwark. America’s veterans are precious. I swore my life’s oath to secure the United States against ‘all enemies, foreign and domestic’. I will do this again as your congresswoman.” [Wendyrogers.org, press release, 1/23/18]

Endorsements, Pledges And Ratings

August 2018: According To Her Twitter Account, Rogers Got An A-Rating From The NRA. “I am proud to be A-Rated by the NRA. Nobody will defend your gun rights better and Wendy Rogers. Please send your mail in ballots today, check off Wendy Rogers for congress. Thank you! #AZ01 #FlipAZ01 #2A #TeamWendy” [Twitter, Wendy Rogers, 8/4/18]

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August 2018: According To Her Twitter Page, Rogers Was Endorsed By Steve Erhart, Vice Mayor Of Eagar. “Thank you Steve Erhart for the endorsement! You are such a great leader in Eagar. #AZ01 #FlipAZ01 ‘As the Vice Mayor or Eagar, I endorse Wendy Rogers for Congress in District 1 because we need once again to have our voices heard and represented in Washington!’” [Twitter, Wendy Rogers, 8/9/18]

August 2018: According To Her Twitter Account, Rogers Was Endorsed By Former Assistant Secretary Of The Interior A.P. Lincoln. “A.P. Lincoln, former Reagan Associate Commissioner U.S. Department of the Interior endorses Wendy Rogers for Congress. Thank you A.P. Lincoln! #AZ01” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 8/16/18]

August 2018: According To Her Facebook Page, Rogers Was Endorsed By Casa Grande City Council Candidate Anthony “Andy” Estrada. “Honored to be endorsed by Casa Grande’s own Andy Estrada. He is also a Marine. Once a Marine, always a Marine. Thank you so much, Andy! #AZ01 #FlipAZ01 ‘As a military veteran, I appreciate certain qualities that many veterans have - love of country, attention to detail, fighting spirit, and not backing down under pressure. I can say that Wendy Rogers, who served as one of the Air Force’s first women pilots and retired at the rank of Lt. Col, has the military qualities I described above.’” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 8/3/18]

July 2018: Rogers Received A Rating Of “True Reformer” From NumbersUSA. [NumbersUSA, 7/10/18]

July 2018: According To Her Facebook Page, Rogers Was Endorsed By Graham County Supervisor Danny Smith. “Danny Smith is an outstanding leader in Graham County. Thank you so much Danny for your endorsement! #AZ01 #FlipAZ01 #TeamWendy ‘As a member of the Graham County Arizona Board of Supervisors, I endorse Wendy Rogers for Congress, because I know she will succeed for Arizona in Congress. Wendy knows what Arizona needs and I can’t think of anyone else who is more in tune with the voters than Wendy.’” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 7/30/18]

July 2018: According To Her Facebook Page, Rogers Was Endorsed By Yavapai Supervisor Rowle Simmons. “Honored to be endorsed by Rowle P Simmons of the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors! #AZ01 #FlipAZ01 ‘As a former three-term mayor, I endorse Wendy Rogers for Congress, because I know that she has what it takes to unseat Tom O’Halleran, and reclaim the seat for the people of Arizona. I know she will take on the vast challenges and put America and American citizens first in helping pass legislation that will secure our borders, keep our taxes low and protect the unborn. We can count on Wendy to fight for our veterans, strengthen our military and put Arizona and America first.’” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 7/25/18]

July 2018: Americans For Firearms Rights PAC. “The Americans for Fireamrs Rights political action committee is proud to endorse and support candidate Wendy Rogers for the U.S. House of representatives.” [Americans for Firearms Rights PAC, 7/25/18]

July 2018: Courageous Conservatives PAC Endorsed Rogers. “Courageous Conservatives PAC Endorses Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers! Lynchburg, VA - Courageous Conservatives Political Action Committee announced today the endorsement of Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers for Congress.” [Facebook, 7/23/18]

July 2018: Rogers Was Endorsed By Stand With POTUS PAC. “Stand With POTUS PAC is proud to endorse Wendy Rogers for Arizona’s 1st Congressional District. Wendy is the kind of leader we need in Congress. She is a veteran, serving 22 years in the Air Force, attaining the rank of Lt. Colonel and logging over 3,000 jet flight hours as one of the Air Force’s first 100 female pilots. She is a small business owner, operating a home inspection company in Arizona with her husband.” [Facebook, Stand with POTUS PAC, 7/22/18]

July 2018: Rogers Was Endorsed By Americans For Legal Imigration PAC. “ENDORSED: Wendy Rogers GOP Primary Challenger Arizona’s 1st Congressional District” [ALIPAC, 7/12/18]

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According To The Southern Poverty Law Center, ALIPAC Was A “2017 Anti-Immigrant Hate Group.” [SPLC, accessed 8/17/18]

July 2018: According To Her Facebook Page, Rogers Was Endorsed By Miami City Councilman Jose A. Medina. “Honored to have the endorsement of Miami City Councilman Jose Medina! #TeamWendy #AZ01 #FlipAZ01 ‘I was at one time a mine maintenance technician in the copper production industry for 43 years, 24- year Air National Guardsman, and now an adjunct instructor teaching Industrial Technologies to young people in our rural area.” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 7/28/18]

July 2018: According To Her Facebook Page, Rogers Was Endorsed By Safford City Councilman Chris Taylor. “Honored to receive the endorsement of Safford City Councilman Chris Taylor. I also want to thank Chris for his service to our great nation and community! #AZ01 #FlipAZ01 ‘I wholeheartedly support Lt Col Wendy Rogers for Congress. As a firefighter, city councilman, and Army combat veteran, I stand with Wendy Rogers because I know she will put America First and Arizona First.’” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 7/26/18]

July 2018: According To Her Facebook Page, Rogers Was Endorsed By Rep. Dana Rohrabacher. “Conservative Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher endorses Wendy Rogers for Congress. Congressman Rohrabacher served in the Reagan Administration and is a staunch Trump-supporting member of Congress.” [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 7/25/18]

July 2018: Rogers Was Endorsed By Dr. Dan’s Freedom Forum. “Dr. Dan’s guest on Freedom Forum Radio this weekend is Ret. Lt Colonel Wendy Rogers, Republican candidate for US Congress in Arizona’s First Congressional District. Wendy Rogers is a strong voice for conservative values. She will stand with President Trump to Secure our Borders, Build the Wall, and Crack Down on Law Breakers. Wendy Rogers will vote to Defend Life, Our Values, and Religious Liberties. Finally, Wendy Rogers will vote for Fiscal Responsibility, to Repeal Obamacare, and to Unleash the Free Market to spur Job Creation and Economic Growth.” [Dr. Dan’s Freedom Forum, 7/6/18]

June 2018: Tea Party Nation Endorsed Rogers. “@Teapartynation endorses @WendyRogersAZ in Arizona’s 1st Congressional District. This last year has proved we need conservatives in Congress who will support @realDonaldTrump. #MAGA #TrumpTrain” [Twitter, Tea Party Nation, 6/27/18]

April 2018: The NRCC Added Rogers To Their Young Gun Program. “The NRCC today added AZ-01 candidate Wendy Rogers to its ‘Young Guns’ program. To be included in the program, Republican candidates must meet specific goals throughout the cycle to ensure their campaigns are able to operate effectively.” [NRCC, Press Release, 4/9/18]

2018: Rogers Signed Grover Norquist’s “Taxpayer Protection Pledge.” [Americans for Tax Reform, accessed 8/17/18]

Rogers Signed A Term Limit Pledge

May 2018: Rogers Signed A Congressional Term Limit Pledge. [U.S. Term Limits, 5/2/18]

Rogers Attacked O’Halleran For Not Supporting Trump’s Agenda

August 2018: Rogers Tweeted A Video Which She Said “Aired” Attacking O’Halleran For Not Supporting Trump’s Agenda. [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 8/2/18]

2016 AZ-01 Congressional Campaign

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Rogers Lost The 2016 Republican Primary For Arizona’s 1st Congressional District

August 2016: Paul Babeu Defeated Rogers In Arizona’s 1st Congressional District’s Republican Primary. “Unofficial results of Tuesday’s primary election had Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu winning the Republican nomination in Arizona’s 1st Congressional District. The Arizona Secretary of State’s Office reported Babeu with a lead of nearly 4,000 votes over his closest rival, retired Air Force pilot Wendy Rogers, Tuesday night. Babeu will face former state Sen. Tom O’Halleran in the general election. O’Halleran was leading Coolidge businessman Miguel Olivas by over 6,000 votes.” [Coolidge Examiner, 9/7/16]

July 2016: Rogers Said Racial Discord In The U.S. “Lies At The Feet Of The Commander In Chief,” Saying Obama Had “An Effect On The Inner Cities. “Through his words and tone, Obama has divided Americans, the three candidates for the 1st Congressional District said during a debate televised on Channel 8 (KAET). Wendy Rogers, a retired Air Force pilot, went perhaps the furthest, saying, ‘I think it lies at the feet of the commander in chief. As a leader, he sets the tone. His words are carefully chosen. ... When he talks, he has an effect on inner cities.’” [Arizona Republic, 7/13/16]

July 2016: Paul Babeu’s Sisters Endorsed Rogers. “Two of Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu’s siblings believe their brother is unfit to be a U.S. Congressman and have endorsed one of his rivals for the GOP primary in Arizona’s First Congressional District, which will be decided August 30. In separate statements released recently by Republican hopeful Wendy Rogers, Lucy Babeu and Veronica Keating, endorsed Rogers, a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel, over their brother in the GOP battle for CD1.” [Phoenix New Times, 7/14/16]

June 2016: Rogers Rode Her Bike To Campaign Door-To-Door. “Wendy Rogers came to Safford thoroughly prepared. […] Rogers, a Republican candidate for the U. S. House of Representatives, was here to address the Graham County Republican Committee. She is running for the 1st Congressional District seat vacated by Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, D-Ariz. This is Rogers’ third bid for a House seat. The retired Air Force colonel from Flagstaff, who owns a home inspection company, also came to meet voters in person. Riding her bicycle through a Safford neighborhood, she stopped at Republican house-holds to introduce herself and give voters campaign brochures. Rogers said her goal is to visit 100 houses a day.” [Eastern Arizona Courier, 6/9/16]

May 2016: Rogers Criticized Sherriff Paul Babue’s Fundraising Email, Which Cited His Official Recommendation That Campers Carry Firearms. “Babeu’s alert was a political ploy, one Republican primary opponent alleged. The sheriff sought to ‘prey upon the fears of good people to advance his own political agenda,’ retired Air Force pilot Wendy Rogers said in a written statement. ‘He exploits as a political football the very citizens he swore to protect.’ (Rogers has in the past been accused of using fear to win votes. She was criticized in 2014 for television ads featuring footage of Islamic State prisoner James Foley moments before his beheading.)” [Arizona Republic, 5/28/16]

January 2016: Rogers Entered The Republican Primary In Arizona’s 1st Congressional District, After Having Lost Twice In Arizona’s 9th District. “Republican Wendy Rogers has jumped into the already-crowded primary race in sprawling CD1. Rogers had run twice in CD9, narrowly losing to Vernon Parker in the 2012 primary and losing to Sinema in the general election two years later. For weeks, rumors had run rampant about her joining the race.” [Arizona Capitol Times, 1/13/16]

2014 AZ-09 Congressional Campaign

Rep. Kyrsten Sinema Defeated Rogers In The General Election

November 2014: Rep. Kyrsten Sinema Defeated Rogers In The General Election. “Even as Republicans widened their majority in the U.S. House and captured control of the U.S. Senate, Reps. Ann Kirkpatrick and Kyrsten Sinema won re-election handily. Kirkpatrick beat Republican Arizona House Speaker Andy Tobin by

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6points. Sinema dominated GOP retired Air Force pilot Wendy Rogers by double that.” [Arizona Republic, 11/5/14]

October 2014: Rogers Refused To Attend A Televised Debate With Sinema. “Republican congressional candidate Wendy Rogers will not meet Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema in a televised debate. Rogers’ campaign staff informed producers for the Arizona PBS show ‘Arizona Horizon’ in an email on Monday morning that she would not be participating in the 5:30 p.m. Monday debate.” [Associated Press, 10/20/14]

October 2014: The Arizona Republic Endorsed Rep. Kyrsten Sinema Over Wendy Rogers. “U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema has earned a second term in Congress. Her Republican challenger, Wendy Rogers, hasn’t come close to making the case otherwise. Sinema is an energetic politician who has compiled a moderate voting record in tune with the independent streak of the 9th District, which winds from central Phoenix into the East Valley.” [Arizona Republic, 10/2/14]

Rogers Won The 2014 Republican Primary For Arizona’s 9th Congressional District

August 2014: Rogers Won the Republican Primary In Arizona’s 9th Congressional District. “Retired Air Force pilot Wendy Rogers has won the GOP primary in the 9th Congressional District. Rogers beat out former Arizona State and NFL quarterback Andrew Walter. She faces Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema in the general election. The 9th District covers Tempe and parts of Phoenix.” [Associated Press, 8/26/14]

August 2014: Rogers Attacked Walter For Being Foreclosed On. “Rogers slammed Walter for letting his $700,000 home go into foreclosure, despite his career experience in the mortgage industry and history of high paychecks as an NFL quarterback. ‘This is personal,’ she said. ‘Character matters. We have had too much corruption in Washington, D.C.’ Walter said he made a mistake and learned from it. He then turned the tables, saying he agreed that Rogers keeps her promises.” [Arizona Republic, 7/31/14]

August 2014: Walter Claimed Rogers Had Violated Federal Law By Misspelling Her Name In Campaign Literature Disclosures. “Then, with a grin, Walter whipped out some of her campaign paperwork. ‘In the history of Arizona politics, you’re going to see for the first time one competitor help out another,’ he deadpanned. ‘It has come to the attention of my campaign that you are in violation of federal campaign-finance laws. ... You misspelled your name. So, that means every piece of literature or hate mail you send out regarding me or every commercial that you run is against federal law.’ Rogers said her campaign had submitted corrections to the Federal Election Commission.” [Arizona Republic, 7/31/14]

July 2014: Rogers Asked Voters for Support Because She Said, “It Will Take A Woman To Beat A Woman.” “Rogers asked voters to heed political strategy. ‘It will take a woman to beat a woman, you need to under-stand that,’ she said.” [Arizona Republic, 7/9/14]

Rogers Was Not Endorsed By The Arizona Republic In The Republican Primary Because She “Ducked Most Public Debates And Ignored Most Media Requests For Interviews”

July 2014: The Arizona Republic Issued A Non-Endorsement In Arizona’s 9th Congressional District’s Republican Primary, Citing Rogers’ Unwillingness To Talk To Press. “Rogers may know the issues better. Maybe not. We don’t know, because she has ducked most public debates and ignored most media requests for interviews. She declined our invitation. Effective lawmakers don’t shy away from the public, nor do they meet exclusively with like-minded constituents. And if they’re not talking during a campaign, how communicative would they be in office? Neither of these candidates can mount a credible challenge to Sinema. Good luck, Republican voters.” [Arizona Republic, 7/22/14]

Endorsements And Recognitions

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September 2014: John Bolton PAC Endorsed Wendy Rogers. “Ambassador John Bolton endorses Rep. Trent Franks, the incumbent Congressman from Arizona’s 8th District, Andy Tobin (AZ-1), and retired Lt. Colonel Wendy Rogers (AZ-9). A maximum donation of $5,000 from John Bolton PAC is made to each candidate. Bolton previously endorsed and made a $10,000 PAC contribution to the campaign of retired Air Force Colonel Martha McSally (AZ-2).” [John Bolton PAC, press release via PR Newswire, 9/30/14]

September 2014: Rogers Attended A Baltimore Fundraiser With House majority Leader Kevin McCarthy. “McCarthy headlined a $500-a-plate fundraiser for GOP candidates Andy Tobin, Martha McSally and Wendy Rogers at a Biltmore eatery. After the closed-press event, he said in an interview with The Associated Press that Arizona voters have clear choices between the GOP candidates and incumbents Ann Kirkpat-rick, Ron Barber and Kyrsten Sinema.” [Associated press, 9/24/14]

September 2014: The NRCC Added Rogers To Its “Young Guns” Program. “New additions include Andy Tobin, the newly minted GOP nominee to take on Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D-Ariz.); Wendy Rogers, who was just nominated to face Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.); former Rep. Charles Djou, running for Rep. Colleen Hanabusa’s (D-Hawaii) seat; Bruce Poliquin, the GOP nominee for Rep. Mike Michaud’s (D-Maine) seat; John Moolenaar, the likely successor to retiring Rep. Dave Camp (R-Mich.); Mike Bishop, the GOP nominee for retiring Rep. Mike Rogers’s (R-Mich.) seat; and Glenn Grothman, likely to succeed retiring Rep. Tom Petri (R-Wis.) this fall.” [Roll Call, 9/8/14]

September 2014: The NRCC Left Rogers Off Of Their Initial TV Reservations In Arizona, But Said They Could Invest In The Future. “In June, the National Republican Congressional Committee declared it would spend close to $3 million on advertising in competitive congressional districts in Arizona, but left CD9 out of the plan. A spokesman for the group said that could change and that Rogers’ campaign might get financial help from the national organization in coming weeks. ‘Those were our initial reservations,’ said NRCC spokesman Matthew Gorman. ‘Stay tuned in that regard. We have more ad reservations across the country to make.’ Gorman also predicted Obamacare will be a focus of the CD9 general election campaign, particularly from the Republicans who tie Sinema to President Obama’s signature domestic policy achievement.” [Arizona Capitol News, 9/8/14]

Endorsed By SHE-PAC. In January 2014, Rogers was endorsed by SHE-PAC, which makes contributions to the campaigns of conservative women running for office. “Nothing threatens the Left more than women who reject its idea of “feminism”… women who embrace solidly conservative, pro-American values,” Rogers wrote. [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 1/31/14]

November 2013: Achieved NRCC “On the Radar” Status. In November 2013, Rogers was announced as one of 36 Republican congressional candidates who had achieved the NRCC’s “On the Radar” status, meaning that the NRCC “will help to provide candidates and their campaigns the tools they need to run successful, winning campaigns against their Democratic opponents,” according to an NRCC release. [Congressional Quarterly News, 11/21/13]

In September 2013, Rogers Tweeted About Meeting Congressman Paul Ryan On A Plane, Saying He Was A “Rock Star.” “Had nice chat w/ Chairman Paul Ryan R-WI on way home DCA-MKE-PHX just now. Flies coach w/ the rest of us. He’s a rock star,” Rogers said. [Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 9/20/13]

Named to NRCC’s Project GROW, Female Candidate Recruitment Program. In September 2013, Congressional Quarterly News reported that Rogers had been identified as a top female House candidate for 2014 by Project GROW (Growing Republican Opportunities for Women), a program to support Republican women who are running for Congress. [Congressional Quarterly News, 9/27/13]

Criticized Rep. Sinema For Missing President Obama’s Speech in Phoenix

In August 2013, Rogers criticized her potential democratic opponent, Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, for missing President Obama’s speech in Phoenix.

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“Disrespectful. Self-serving. In it for herself,” Rogers wrote in a Facebook post. “Today the president [sic] of the United States came to our AZ-09 district, yet our congresswoman didn’t even show perfunctory respect by at least showing up.” [Arizona Republic, 8/11/13]

Tweeted Screen Capture From Deceptive NRCC Microsite

In November 2013, Rogers tweeted a screen capture from the website sinemaforcongress.com, an NRCC microsite which came under fire in the national media for misleading individuals who thought they were donating to Sinema’s campaign. [Los Angeles Times, 2/7/14]

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 11/06/13]

Said That Kyrsten Sinema Was Too Liberal For The Ninth Congressional District

In December 2013, Rogers said that Kyrsten Sinema did not accurately represent her district.

“This is a congressional district that is a new seat in Arizona, and is only now being held for the first time by a pretty left-of-center Democrat woman who really does not represent a moderate suburban Phoenix district, which is a third Republican, a third Democrat, and a third independent,” Rogers said. [The Janine Turner Show, 12/3/13]

Touted Her Business and Military Experience

In November 2013, Rogers said that her business experience and military record qualify her to represent Arizona’s 9th Congressional District.

“I’m a mother, a grandmother, a fifth-generation military veteran. I know how to balance a budget, because I’ve run my own business,” Rogers said. “That’s the kind of experience we need in Washington.” [Arizona Capitol Times, 11/26/13]

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Attended Event in Support of Senator Tim Scott (R-SC)

In November 2013, Rogers attended an event in support of Sen. Tim Scott’s campaign at the home of Craig & Barbara Barrett. [Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 11/17/13]

March 2013: Announced Campaign Kickoff

In March 2013, Rogers emailed supporters to announce a St. Patrick’s Day campaign kickoff in Phoenix. [Congressional Quarterly News, 3/14/13]

December 2012: Said She Was Seriously Considering Running To Challenge Sinema in 2014

In December 2012, less than four months after losing the Republican primary in Arizona’s 9th Congressional District, Rogers confirmed to CQ Roll Call that she was seriously considering running for the nomination to challenge Sinema in 2014. [Frontrunner, 12/4/12]

2012 AZ-09 Congressional Campaign

Recorded Robo-call For Vernon Parker

In September 2012, Rogers recorded a robo-call for Vernon Parker, who had defeated her in the Republican primary for Arizona’s 9th Congressional District.

“This is an all-important, all-hands-on-deck proposition,” Rogers wrote in a Facebook post. “This is our country we’re fighting for.” [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 9/01/12]

August 2012: Lost Republican Primary for Arizona’s 9th Congressional District

In August 2012, Rogers, with 21 percent of the vote, came in second out of seven candidates in the Republican primary for Arizona’s 9th Congressional District. Former Paradise Valley Mayor Vernon Parker won with 23 percent of the vote. [Arizona Capitol Times, 8/28/12]

Local Paper Called Her a “Total Unknown”

In August 2012, the Arizona Capitol Times said that Rogers was “a total unknown from start to finish” when she lost the GOP primary for Arizona’s 9th Congressional District. [Arizona Capitol Times, 8/28/12]

Said that Beating Kyrsten Sinema Was Her “Fondest Dream in Life”

In July 2012, Rogers told a Tea Party audience that defeating Kyrsten Sinema was her fondest dream in life.

“How will I beat Kyrsten Sinema? It is my fondest dream in life. No sharper contrast can be drawn between two women than between Kyrsten Sinema and Wendy Rogers.” [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

Said She Was Running For Congress Because Of A Promise To Her Father

In July 2012, Rogers said in a Tea Party debate that she was running for Congress because she promised her father that she would do everything she could to get her country back.

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“I’m running because I promised my father, Ret. Lt. Col. Harry L Rogers III, the day he passed away, February 6th, that I would honor him, honor his legacy as a World War II and Korean War veteran in my run for Congress, and that I would do everything I can to get my country back,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

Did Not Respond To Candidate Arizona Republic Questionnaire

In July 2012, Rogers failed to respond to a questionnaire from the Arizona Republic asking congressional candidates questions related to the federal budget and immigration policy. [Arizona Republic, 7/18/12]

Did Not Respond To Immigration Questionnaire From Jewish News Of Greater Phoenix

In July 2012, Rogers failed to respond to a questionnaire circulated to congressional candidates by the Jewish News of Greater Phoenix which asked for the candidates’ positions on comprehensive immigration reform. [Jewish News of Greater Phoenix, 7/27/12]

But Cited Border Security And Education As Priorities In Her Previous Campaign

In August 2010, Rogers cited border security and education among her priorities during her state senate campaign. [Arizona Republic, 8/21/10]

Attended Fundraiser Hosted By Condoleezza Rice

In June 2012, Rogers attended a Washington D.C. fundraiser hosted by former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in support of ShePAC, a super PAC focused on supporting Republican Women. [CNN Wire, 6/25/12]

Raffled Tickets To Mikhail Gorbachev Lecture To Raise Campaign Funds

In April 2012, Rogers announced that for every $100 donated to her campaign, donors would earn one chance to win a pair of tickets to a lecture by former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev at the Arizona Biltmore. [Wendy Rogers Press Release, 4/24/12]

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 4/24/12]

Said Economic Policy Would Be To “Get Government Out of Our Business”

In March 2012, Rogers said in an email announcing her candidacy that her economic policy would be to “get government out of our business.” She also called for reducing the nation’s debt and controlling entitlement spending. [Arizona Republic, 3/05/12]

Home Was Vandalized Following Campaign Announcement

In March 2012, Rogers’ home was vandalized within 12 hours of her sending out her first major campaign email announcement.

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“The hatred and anger already coming from the Left because of Wendy’s unwavering commitment is downright frightening. In light of recent events in Arizona, we can’t be too careful,” said campaign official Joe Giardiello, referring to the shooting of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. [Wendy Rogers Press Release, 3/05/12]

Compared Vandalism Experience To Gabrielle Gifford’s Shooting

In 2012, Rogers compared vandalism of her home to the shooting of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

From the Arizona Republic:

“Rogers is personable, political insiders say. But they warn that she can come off as extreme, having compared, for instance, vandalism at her home to the shooting of former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.” [The Arizona Republic, 8/07/12]

Used Her Business’s Facebook Page To Promote Her Campaign And Solicit Donations

In March 2012, Rogers posted campaign updates and pleas for donations on her business’s Facebook page.

[Facebook, HouseMaster Home & Termite Inspections Phoenix, AZ, 3/03/12; 3/26/12]

Wanted To Work With Congress Members Who Had Military Or Business Careers

In 2012, Rogers said if elected, the first thing she would do was seek out members who had military careers or were small business owners. She hoped to work with them to stop government involvement in business matters.

From an interview with LaDonna Hale Curzon of Radio:

“Once I’m sworn in I’m going to reach out and find the 60 some odd other military men who’ve served who are congressmen, there are no congresswomen, to my knowledge who have had an extended career like mine in the military […] I will seek them out, work with them, and fine also those who have owned small businesses and we will work together to get government out of our business,” Rogers said. [Sarah Palin Radio, Interview, 5/10/12]

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March 2012: Formally Announced Candidacy

In March 2012, Rogers formally announced her candidacy for the Republican nomination for Arizona’s 9th Congressional District, citing border security, over-regulation, and taxation among the issues that motivated her to run.

“I am running because as a retired officer, I see our national defense in peril with a porous border to our south and a president who ignores the problem. As a business owner, my employees and I suffer from over-regulation and taxation destroying my ability to create more jobs. As a mother and grandmother, I’m afraid for how we have mortgaged my grandchild’s future.” Rogers said in an e-mail to supporters. [Arizona Republic, 3/05/12]

Said Her Campaign Was Important for Maintaining GOP Control of the House

In March 2012, Rogers called her campaign a “historic quest” for Republicans.

“This campaign has a national impact. Every seat will be vital for our continued control,” Rogers said. “Together, we can restore what is right and good about America.” [Arizona Republic, 3/05/12]

February 2012: Launched Congressional Campaign Website

In February 2012, Rogers launched a campaign website for a Congressional bid in Arizona’s ninth district, though she had not yet made a formal announcement. [Arizona Republic, 2/07/12]

February 2012: Filed To Run For Congress in Arizona’s 9th District

In February 2012, Rogers filed to run as a Republican in the race for Arizona’s 9th Congressional District. [Arizona Capitol Times, 2/09/12]

2012 State Legislature Bid

November 2011: Filed An Exploratory Committee To Run For State Legislature

In November 2011, Rogers announced on her Facebook page that she had filed an exploratory committee to run for the state legislature in November 2012. She later dropped her bid and decided instead to run for Congress in the newly drawn ninth district.

“I will not tire, nor will I give up,” Rogers wrote. “I must pursue better representation by biking again for the state legislature.” [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 11/23/11]

Dropped State Legislature Bid to Run for Congress

In February 2012, Rogers dropped her state legislature bid and filed to run as a Republican in the race for Arizona’s 9th Congressional District. [Arizona Capitol Times, 2/09/12]


Said That AZ-09 Was Drawn Just For Rep. Sinema

In October 2011, Rogers said in a tweet that Arizona’s 9th Congressional District was drawn to favor Democrat Kyrsten Sinema.

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[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 10/31/11]

Accused Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission Members of Partisan Gerrymandering

In 2011, Rogers called for members of the Independent Redistricting Commission to be removed, claiming that they violated their duties by redrawing district maps for partisan advantages.

“Gerrymandering the maps for partisan advantage is clearly a ‘substantial neglect of duty.’ (and the open meeting violations probably rise to ‘gross misconduct in office.’ The IRC has proven to be not only incompetent in the little things, but has also failed in its fundamental task,” Rogers wrote. [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 10/20/11]

Testified at Redistricting Committee Meeting

In July 2011, Rogers testified at a meeting of the Arizona Independent Redistricting Committee in favor of making state legislative district 17 more competitive by including more of Scottsdale.

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 7/25/11]

Sided With Republicans and Governor Jan Brewer in Redistricting Controversy

In November 2011, Rogers said in a tweet that rural Arizona was grossly under-represented in the redistricting plan drawn up by the Independent Redistricting Commission.

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 11/07/11]

2010 State Senate Campaign

Lost State Senate Race Despite Outraising and Outspending Her Opponent

In 2010, Rogers lost the District 17 Arizona State Senate race to David Schapira despite raising and spending significantly more money than her opponent.

More than Doubled her Opponent’s Fundraising Numbers in State Senate Race

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As of September 2010, Rogers had raised $83,772 for her state senate campaign and spent $39,076. Her opponent, Democratic State Rep. David Schapira, had raised $40,018 and spent $19,055. [Arizona Capitol Times, 9/27/10]

Received $62,000 Worth of Help From Outside Groups

In 2010, outside groups spent $62,000 in an effort to get Rogers elected to the Arizona State Senate in District 17. [Arizona Capitol Times, 11/02/10]

November 2010: Lost State Senate Election

In November 2010, Rogers lost her bid to represent District 17 in the Arizona State Senate to Democrat David Schapira by more than 1,500 votes. [Arizona Republic, 11/05/10]

Local Newspaper Endorsed Her Opponent

In October 2010, the Arizona Republic endorsed Rogers’ opponent, David Schapira, for State Senate, citing her nebulous stance on public education funding.

“Like Schapira, Rogers supports better pay for good teachers. But she was somewhat nebulous when asked if she would increase funding for public education or keep it at current levels,” the editorial said. [Arizona Republic, 10/01/10]

Editorial Said She Would Be More Suited to City Council

In October 2010, the Arizona Republic said that Rogers’ concerns about streamlining the permitting process would be more appropriate for a city council candidate.

“Her concerns are valid but fall more in line with the concerns a candidate for city council would have. And many cities already streamline their permitting processes,” the editorial said. [Arizona Republic, 10/01/10]

Called For Streamlining the Regulatory Process

In 2010, Rogers called for the regulatory process to be streamlined and the amount of permitting paperwork to be reduced in an effort to reduce the burden on small businesses.

“If a one-stop-shop approach puts an undue burden on administration, let’s eliminate unnecessary permits. Last year, we bought a fixer-upper house to improve the neighborhood. The permitting process was so drawn-out that it delayed move-in for an additional six months, putting a damper on livability and rentability,” Rogers said. [Rogers Op-ed, Arizona Republic, 9/23/10]

Chose Not to Attend Debate at Arizona State University

In September 2010, Rogers chose not to attend a debate sponsored by Arizona State University and the Arizona Citizens Clean Elections Commission because she was not using Clean Elections funding and she was too busy campaigning.

“The reason I did not attend the debate last night is because I was out knocking on dozens of doors,” Rogers said. “I know the voters overwhelmingly tell me that they want to meet the candidates on their doorstep, so that’s where I go.” [Arizona Republic, 9/04/10]

Said She Would Not Commit to Attending a Debate

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In September 2010, Rogers said that she would not commit to a debate with her Democratic opponent, David Schapira.

“It’s possible. But my (preference) … is meeting the voters on their doorstep because that’s where they can meet me up close and personal,” Rogers said. [Arizona Republic, 9/04/10]

Cited Border Security and Education as Priorities

In August 2010, Rogers cited border security and education among her priorities during her state senate campaign. [Arizona Republic, 8/21/10]

Said the Economy Was One Issue She Would Address in Office

In September 2010, when asked by the Arizona Republic what one issue that she would address in office was, Rogers answered “the economy.”

“How do we get Arizona’s voters back to work, as well as bring new jobs and employers to Arizona? We reduce the burden on small businesses. We streamline the regulatory process. We reduce the permitting paperwork required for new businesses, so it does not take months to get through the system,” Rogers said. [Arizona Republic, Rogers candidate questionnaire response, 9/23/10]


Endorsed by Arizona Chamber of Commerce in State Senate Race. In June 2010, the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry endorsed Rogers in her race for the District 17 Arizona State Senate seat. [Arizona Capitol Times, 6/22/10]

Endorsed by Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce. In July 2010, the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce endorsed Rogers in her race for the District 17 Arizona State Senate seat. [Arizona Capitol Times, 7/06/10]

Endorsed by National Federation of Independent Business. In July 2010, the National Federation of Independent Business endorsed Rogers in her race for the District 17 Arizona State Senate seat. [Arizona Capitol Times, 7/07/10]

Endorsed by Arizona Association of Realtors. In July 2010, the Arizona Association of Realtors endorsed Rogers in her race for the District 17 Arizona State Senate seat. [Arizona Capitol Times, 7/07/10]

Endorsed by Arizona Chapter of Associated General Contractors. In July 2010, the Arizona Chapter of Associated General Contractors endorsed Rogers in her race for the District 17 Arizona State Senate seat. [Arizona Capitol Times, 7/28/10]

Endorsed by Tempe Chamber of Commerce. In July 2010, the Tempe Chamber of Commerce endorsed Rogers in her race for the District 17 Arizona State Senate seat. [Arizona Capitol Times, 7/31/10]

Endorsed by Jan Brewer. In August 2010, Rogers was endorsed by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer in her race for Arizona’s 17th State Senate District. [Arizona Capitol Times, 8/02/10]

Endorsed by Arizona Technology Council. In August 2010, the Arizona Technology Council endorsed both Rogers and her Democratic opponent, David Schapira, in the race for Arizona State Senate in District 17. [Business Wire, 8/02/10]

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Held Fundraiser with Hugh Hewitt

In July 2010, Rogers held a fundraiser for her state senate campaign with conservative radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt. [Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 7/14/10]

Hewitt Compared the Affordable Care Act to Prohibition and Slavery

While a guest on the Hannity show, Hewitt compared repealing the Affordable Care Act to repealing prohibition and slavery.

“Oh, good thing [that’s just what applied to] prohibition or slavery,” Hewitt responded to another guest’s assertion that the ACA was the law of the land and could not be re-legislated or re-litigated. [Mediamatters.org, 10/7/13]

Hewitt Predicited the United States Would Get Blown up by Islamists Under Obama

In June 2008, Hewitt said on his radio show that he wanted to see the upcoming Ohio State-USC football game because “it’s probably the last football game we’ll ever get to see before the United States gets blown up by the Islamists under Obama.” [Mediamatters.org, 6/26/08]

Hewitt Called on GOP Governors to Engage in “Obstructionism of the Highest Sort”

While a guest on Fox News, Hugh Hewitt outlined the ways in which Republican governors should attempt to slow and obstruct the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

“And here’s what I’d do. If you’re one of these new governors, you appoint yourself a new Secretary of Stopping Obamacare. […] You instruct every bureaucrat in the state bureaucracy to resist. […] These governors have a lot that they can do, including obstructionism of the highest sort, the best sort. Obstructionism based on principle,” Hewitt said. [Mediamatters.org, 11/5/10]

Welcomed Campaign Help from Republican Party Chairman in Neighboring District

In August 2010, District 20 Republican Party Chairman Anthony Miller, a former campaign worker for U.S. Sen. John McCain, said that he intended to offer campaign help to Rogers.

“He’s a staunch ally. I’ll accept any and all help from all parts of the state and country. Some of my first donors were from people all over who have served (in the military),” Rogers said. [Arizona Republic, 8/28/10]

Went Door-to-Door On a Bicycle

In August 2010, while running for state senate, Rogers said that she planned to hop on her bike and knock on doors to convince voters that she would best represent them during a tough economy.

“I’ve knocked on 9,000 doors. I’ve done it all on my bike,” she said. “I hope to go to at least 1,000 more homes.” [Arizona Republic, 8/28/10]

Participated in GOP Training Program for Woman Candidates

In June 2010, Rogers graduated from the Dodie Londen Excellence in Public Service Series, which offers training to Republican women who want to be involved politically. The program costs $150 and includes monthly seminars

WENDY ROGERS (AZ-01) Research Book | 55 from October to June, featuring guest speakers on topics such as the functions of state and federal government, public speaking, campaigning and fundraising.

Rogers said of her participation:

“It was undertaken with the idea of becoming the most knowledgeable candidate and servant to the public that I could become,” Rogers said. “These women had goals, they had experience and they had drive. This wasn’t pie-in-the-sky idealism, it was a very pragmatic approach and it immediately drew me. […] It provided me unparalleled and intimate access to decision-makers and people of knowledge and influence in government who I could never have had access to otherwise. It has opened up innumerable doors with regard to people learning about my campaign and helping me with it.” [Arizona Capitol Times, 10/25/10]

Served as a Precinct Committee Woman in Arizona Legislative District 17

Rogers has served as a Republican Precinct Committeewoman in Maricopa County since 2010 [Maricopa County Recorder]

November 2009: Filed to Run as a Republican for Arizona State Senate

In November 2009, Arizona Capitol Times reported that Rogers, a small-business owner, was running as a Republican for the Arizona State Senate in District 17. Rogers was the only Republican candidate in that race. [Arizona Capitol Times, 11/17/09]

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Extreme Rhetoric

Significant Findings

 Rogers tweeted a cartoon depicting Democrats as people of color burning an American flag

 On Facebook, Rogers appeared to criticize Sen. Mitch McConnell for distancing himself from Roy Moore.

 On Facebook, Rogers expressed excitement that Joe Arpaio would run for Senate in Arizona, and expressed hope that Trump would pardon him.

 On social media, Rogers created posts and engaged with accounts that promoted conservative conspiracies, including retweeting a supporter of Q Anon

 Said that Republicans shouldn’t cave to accusations of racism

 Said that Benghazi was a “dereliction of duty” on the part of President Obama

 Accused the IRS of targeting conservatives

 Rogers said “radical liberals” were trying to erase history, saying it was under attack

Rogers Made Extreme Comments, Supporting Conspiracy Theories And Offensive Rhetoric

Rogers Repeatedly Used Extreme And Divisive Rhetoric On Social Media

Rogers Created Posts That Had Racial Overtones

July 2018: Rogers Tweeted A Cartoon Depicting Democrats As People Of Color Burning An American Flag. [Twitter, Wendy Rogers, 7/2/18]

Rogers Created Posts That Warned Of Impending Political Violence And Social Discord

June 2018: On Facebook, Rogers Said Democrats Should Be “Defeated At The Ballot Box” In Order To Avoid Violence. “This is why they MUST be defeated at the ballot box. If they have to resort to violence, just think what they would do if in control of our government? #AZ01 #FlipAZ01” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 6/29/18]

May 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Said The Democratic Party Was “An Extreme Party That Undermines Our Constitution, Sovereignty, And Values. “I love it when Democrat trolls admit to being against the Constitution. Their party is an extreme party that undermines our Constitution, sovereignty, and values.” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 5/18/18]

March 2018: Rogers Said Student Activists Who Favored Removing A Statue Of Thomas Jefferson From Their Campus Were “Really About Hating America And Our Founding Documents.” “Horrible. This is really about hating America and our founding documents - the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. We must defeat these people at the ballot box. #AZ01 #TeachHistory” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 3/29/18]

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November 2017: Rogers Shared An Article Defending Trump’s Comments About Elizabeth Warren During His Oval Office Meeting With Navajo Code Talkers. “We so revere the Navajo Code Talkers. #AZ01” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 11/27/17]

Rogers Created Posts That Commented On Controversial Current Events

June 2018: On Facebook, Rogers Said The West Point Graduate Who Posed With A “Communism Will Win” Hat Should Refund Tuition To The College. “I call on the United States Military Academy at West Point to levy tuition fees against Communist activist Spenser Rapone to make him reimburse the American taxpayer for his $500,000 education for violating his oath to the United States Constitution and for failing to meet his service obligation. #AZ01 #USMA” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 6/19/18]

November 2017: On Twitter, Rogers Retweeted A Tweet Comparing Roy Moore’s Sexual Assault Allegations To Bill Clinton’s Sexual Misconduct Scandal, In An Apparent Defense Of Moore. [Twiitter, Braveheart_USA, 11/11/17]

November 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Appears To Criticize Se. Mitch McConnell For Distancing Himself From Roy Moore. “SO WHILE MITCH MCCONNELL IS TRYING TO TAKE DOWN ROY MOORE, TRUMP IS WIN-WIN ‘These deals can provide a solid foundation for a stronger relationship that is more free, fair, and reciprocal between the U.S. and China. It was a great honor for these [deals] to be witnessed by President Trump and President Xi today,’ Ross added. ‘A special thank you to our CEO delegation for their hard work in support of this historic event.’” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 11/10/17]

September 2017: Rogers Retweeted A Tweet That Appeared To Criticize Moore. [Twitter, Meli_Mae1, 9/21/17]

September 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Congratulated Moore On His Republican Primary Victory. “Congratulations to Judge Roy Moore who won the Alabama Republican runoff for US Senate.” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 9/26/17]

November 2017: Rogers Retweeted A Tweet Saying Democrats Had A “Free Pass To Rape, Abuse, Commit Treason, Own Slaves And Steal Taxpayers’ Money.” [Twitter, TallahForTrump, 11/11/17]

September 2017: Rogers Praised The Lingerie Football League For Committing To Standing For The National Anthem. “PROUD WOMEN PROUD TO BE AMERICANS! Lingerie Football League Responds to NFL: ‘We Stand!’ http://freebeacon.com/culture/lingerie-football-league-responds-to-nfl-we-stand/ … #AZ01” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 9/27/17]

September 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Used A Video Of A Holocaust Survivor To Criticize NFL Players Who Knelt For The National Anthem. “Very powerful . . . couldn’t take my eyes off it. Those who kneel at football games have no idea.” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 9/28/17]

August 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Expressed Enthusiasm That Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio Would Run For Senate. “This would be exciting!” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 8/29/17]

August 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Expressed Hope That Trump Would Pardon Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio. “I sincerely hope President Trump pardons Sheriff Arpaio. It would be final vindication and the right thing to do. Then Sheriff Arpaio could run again for sheriff in 2018. He’d win, I know it.” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 8/14/17]

August 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Said She Encouraged Arpaio To Run Again For Sheriff, Saying She Received A Call From Him On Her Personal Cell Phone. “//UPDATE: SHERIFF ARPAIO JUST CALLED ME ON MY CELL. I TOLD HIM HE HAD THOUSANDS SUPPORTING HIM TO RUN.//

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I SUPPORT HIM. Public sentiment would be behind Sheriff Arpaio precisely because of his legal hassles. People will vote for him to right a wrong levied by an activist judge.” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 8/11/17]

Rogers Created Posts And Engaged With Accounts That Promoted Conservative Conspiracies

May 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Praised Trump For “Demanding” That The DOJ Investigate Whether Or Not “The FBI/DOJ Infiltrated Or Surveilled The Trump Campaign For Political Purposes.” “Go Mr. President. #AZ01 backs you 100%. #MAGA” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 5/20/18]

May 2018: Rogers’ Twitter Account Retweeted A Supportive Tweet From An Account “@league_patriots,” That Promoted “Q Anon” And Other Conspiracies. [Twitter, league_patriots, 5/15/18]

December 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Shared A Post By Infowars Saying That Pres. Obama “Implied That Americans Should Vote Democrat Or Millions Of People Would Be Killed.” “Barack Obama went on an unhinged rant, during which he compared Donald Trump to Hitler and implied that Americans should vote Democrat or millions of people would be killed.” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 12/7/17]

December 2017: On Twitter, Rogers Retweeted A Link To An Article Claiming That “Illegal Voters May Have Flipped Virginia Legislature To Democrats.” [Twitter, LifeZette, 12/20/17]

November 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Shared A Breitbart News Article Highlighting The Uranium One Conspiracy. “‘Obama’s Justice Department and Mueller’s FBI knowingly kept Congress in the dark about Russia’s significant and illegal involvement with American uranium companies.’” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 11/4/17]

September 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Posted An Article Titled “Why Obama Really Spied On Trump” Published In David Horowitz’s “Front Page Mag.” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 9/22/17]

May 2017: On Twitter, Rogers Retweeted Kim Dotcom’s Tweet About The Death Of Seth Rich, Which Hailed Rich As A “Hero” Who “Exposed The Corrupt.” [Twitter, KimDotcom, 5/23/17]

2018: Rogers Said “Radical Liberals” Were “Trying To Erase” Historical Figures

2018: On Her Campaign Website, Rogers Blamed “Radical Liberals” For Trying “To Erase Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Christopher Columbus, And The 10 Ten Commandments.” “Our nation has a very proud and rich history. Liberal radicals and foreign interests are trying to reduce the impact America has had on the world. When our nation was founded in 1776, there was nothing like it. The very founding the United States of America spurred a global cause of freedom that impacted countless nations. The fact that liberals want to erase Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Christopher Columbus, and the 10 Ten Commandments from our national heritage is outrageous.” [Wendyrogers.org, Issues, 8/17/18]

January 2018: Rogers Said “Liberals” Were “Trying To Erase Columbus, Washington, And Jefferson.” “Stronger border security, repealing the Affordable Care Act, and protecting gun rights are some of the conservative viewpoints Rogers expressed in her campaign announcement. ‘Respect for the rule of law has eroded,’ Rogers said in her announcement. ‘Our nation’s very identity and history are under attack, with liberals trying to erase Columbus, Washington, and Jefferson.’” [Casa Grande Dispatch, 1/23/18]

Said that Republicans Had to be “Unapologetic,” Not Cave to Accusations of Racism

In August 2013, when asked about divisions within the Republican Party, Rogers said that Republicans have to show “unapologetic leadership” and that they cannot cave to the media or to accusations of racism.

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“You have to have unapologetic, […] titanium-backbone leadership,” Rogers said. “And until we get unapologetic, and willing to say what’s right, and not cave to the media, and not try to be nice to everybody, we’re going to keep apologizing, and we’re going to be someone who caves to every time the word racism comes up.” [960 AM ‘The Patriot,’ Wendy Rogers Interview, 8/17/13]

Rogers Used Footage From The ISIS Beheading Of An American In A Campaign Ad

October 2014: Rogers Used Footage From The ISIS Beheading Of An American In A Campaign Ad. “Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers launched the commercial that opens with a member of the Islamic State group with a knife as Foley kneels, an image directly from video footage released by the militants on Aug. 19. The spot does not show the beheading.” [Associated Press, 10/8/14]

A DCCC Spokesman Said The Ad Was “Reprehensible And Unbecoming.” “‘It is reprehensible and unbecoming of anyone seeking elected office to use the footage of an American tragedy for political gain, and Wendy Rogers should remove this ad immediately and apologize to Mr. Foley’s family,’ said Tyrone Gale, a spokesman for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. ‘For Wendy Rogers to use such a reprehensible tactic to make baseless claims just to smear Representative Sinema proves how desperate her campaign has become.’” [Associated Press, 10/6/14]

October 2014: Rogers’ Campaign Removed the Footage From The Ad Airing On TV, But Left The Original Up Online. “Republican congressional candidate Wendy Rogers has deleted from a controversial TV ad footage of a captured American journalist moments before his beheading, but she left the original version online under a new Web address. Rogers’ campaign spokesman, James Harris, told The Arizona Republic the ad would continue airing on television, despite mounting criticism since it debuted Monday.” [Arizona republic, 10/7/14]

The Arizona Republic Editorial Board Called For Rogers To Pull The Ad, Calling It “Repugnant” And “Lame.” “Assigning responsibility for that act of terrorist butchery to incumbent Arizona Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema requires some work. But the campaign of Republican challenger Wendy Rogers gave it a try - a really lame try that her campaign conceded on Tuesday was inappropriate. […] We don’t expect much truth in political advertising. But this is at least the third ad this election campaign to try to splash blood on an opponent’s hands. It is repugnant, and needs to stop.” [Arizona Republic, Editorial, 10/7/14]

Headline: Rogers’ Pulled Attack Ad Hits A Bloody Low. [Arizona Republic, Editorial, 10/7/14]

Celebrated “Victory” Of Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy

In April 2014, Rogers said in a Facebook post that the “victory” of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy over the federal government “illustrates the increasing irrelevanct of the mainstream media.”

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[Wendy Rogers Facebook, 4/12/14]

Bundy Made Racist Comments

In April 2014, following the standoff with federal agents at his ranch, Bundy was quoted in the New York Times making racist and offensive comments about African Americans.

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” Bundy said. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family live and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.” [New York Times, 4/23/14]

Said That Entitlements Threaten National Security

In July 2012, Rogers said that she believed that entitlements had a negative effect on national security.

“I believe that the entitlement mentality and the entitlement state is a corrosive influence on our future, and on our children, and on our national security,” Rogers said. [Western Free Press, Wendy Rogers Interview, posted 7/3/2012]

Said that Could Win the Presidency

In October 2011, Rogers said in a Facebook post that Herman Cain might be elected president.

“If voters are willing, once again, to spin the wheel on the new guy, they may well elect Herman Cain, Rogers wrote. [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 10/26/11]

Said TV Spot Was Her “Favorite Political Commercial”

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In October 2012, Rogers shared a link to a TV commercial for former Tea Party Rep. Allen West of Florida, saying that it was her favorite political commercial of the season. The ad touted West’s military experience and criticized his opponent, Rep. Patrick Murphy, for getting into a bar fight.

[Wendy Rogers Facebook, 10/1/12]

Used Chik-Fil-A To Illustrate Point About Government Intrusion

In August 2012, in a candidate forum on “Chik-Fil-A Appreciation Day,” Rogers used a bag and a cup from Chik- Fil-A to make a point about government intrusion in business, referencing the mayors of Boston and Chicago, who had publicly stated they would oppose expansion of Chik-Fil-A into their cities following anti-gay remarks by the company’s CEO.

“What’s wrong with this picture?” Rogers asked, pulling out a Chik-Fil-A bag and cup and placing them in front of her. “Government needs to get out of the way.” [Phoenix Business Journal, 8/02/12]

Said the Left Hated “Lone Survivor” Because of “Wussification”

In January 2014, Rogers said that the Left’s “wussification of America” was why they hated the movie “Lone Survivor,” which had come under attack for what some considered to be racial insensitivity.

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 1/22/14]

Said Opening National Mall for Immigration Protest During Shutdown Was “Nonsensical”

In October 2013, Rogers tweeted an article about an immigration protest that was allowed to take place on the national mall even though it was closed because of the government shut down. The article accused the administration of hypocrisy after WWII veterans were denied access to the WWII memorial earlier that week.

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[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 10/09/13]

Attended Religious Freedom Rally In Downtown Phoenix

In June 2012, Rogers tweeted pictures from a Religious Freedom Rally in downtown Phoenix.

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 6/08/12]

Said She Did Not Respect “Fake Homeless ‘Vets’ Panhandling” in Phoenix

In September 2011, Rogers said in a tweet that she respects New York’s “squeegee men” more than fake homeless ‘vets’ panhandling on freeway off-ramps.”

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 9/19/11]

Said That MLK Fought For Equality of Opportunity, Not Outcome

In January 2014, Rogers said in a Facebook post that Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his life for all Americans to have equality of opportunity, rather than outcome.

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[Wendy Rogers Facebook, 1/20/14]

Manufactured Scandals

Said Benghazi Attack Showed Failure in Communication and Leadership

In 2012, Rogers said that the attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi showed that there was a failure in communication and command leadership from the federal government and Obama Administration. She said the victims of the attack were left behind by the government.

“When there is a call for help, we have been brought up in the military to expect our brethren to come save us and we left four fine Americans in Benghazi,” Rogers said. [YouTube, 4/26/12]

Said Obama Did Nothing to Help Embassy Staff

In 2012, Rogers said President Obama did nothing to help staff members killed during the Benghazi embassy attack.

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“The men on the ground called for help – Obama did nothing. It was #DerelictionofDuty #Benghazi,” Rogers tweeted. [Twitter, 10/31/12]

Said She “Sensed” Benghazi Cover-Up

In May 2013, Rogers tweeted that as a retired Air Force officer, she “sensed” a re-election cover-up around Benghazi.

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 5/17/13]

Accused Secretary Clinton of Lying About Events in Benghazi

In May 2013, Rogers asked in a Facebook post “where the outrage was” on Benghazi and questioned how Secretary of State Clinton could “still look us Americans in the eye and continue to lie.”

[Wendy Rogers Facebook, 5/9/13]

Claimed that Dinesh D’Souza Was Under Investigation As Political Retribution

In January 2014, Rogers alleged that filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, who was under investigation for campaign finance violations, was the target of “political retribution” because of his film “2016”, which was critical of President Obama. She called the investigation a “chilling effect on free speech.”

“CHILLING EFFECT ON FREE SPEECH,” Rogers wrote. “Filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza of ‘2016: Obama’s America’ is under attack for alleged campaign finance violations. Is it political retribution for ‘2016’, which is a critical look at President Barack Obama? Is it to stymie his next film, which is due four months before midterm elections? What do you think? Are politics at play here?” [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 1/28/14]

NOTE: In May 2014, D’Souza plead guilty to a charge that he used straw donors to make illegal contributions to Republican Senate candidate Wendy Long in 2012.

Accused the IRS and the Federal Government of Targeting Conservatives

In May 2013, Rogers said in a Facebook post that she was “appalled” that the IRS and the federal government were targeting groups of Americans based on political affiliations and that President Obama was deflecting on Benghazi.

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“I am appalled that the IRS and OUR Federal Government are selectively targeting groups of Americans based on their political affiliations,” Rogers wrote. “Despite President Obama’s attempts to deflect on the Benghazi debacle, the issue is still really ‘there.’ The American people deserve the truth.” [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 5/13/13]

IRS Targeted All Politically Active Groups, not Just Conservatives

According to IRS “Be on the Lookout” lists released in June 2013, the IRS used key words like “progressive” and “occupy” as well as “tea party” and “Patriots” to identify political organizations masquerading as social welfare organizations.

The documents appeared to back up contentions by I.R.S. officials and some Democrats that the agency did not intend to single out conservative groups for special scrutiny. Instead, the documents say, officials were trying to use ‘key word’ shortcuts to find overtly political organizations — both liberal and conservative — that were after tax favors by saying they were social welfare organizations.” [New York Times, 6/24/13]

Said That Eric Holder Should Be Held In Contempt Of Congress

In July 2012, Rogers said that the Fast and Furious scandal was “despicable” and that Eric Holder should be held in contempt of Congress.

“I think Fast and Furious is a despicable display of things run amok with our United States government, with the Department of Justice, and with Eric Holder himself. I think it is very unfortunate that we cannot follow through and hold him in contempt.” [Western Free Press, Wendy Rogers Interview, posted 7/3/2012]

Said Obama Administration Needed To Come Clean On Fast and Furious Scandal

In 2012, Rogers called on the Obama Administration to “come clean” about what they knew about the Fast & Furious Program and when they had learned about it.

“It’s about time that we get to bottom of the Fast and Furious program. Brian Terry’s family deserves answers. The Obama Administration needs to come clean with what they knew, and when they knew it,” Rogers wrote. [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 6/20/12]

Anti-Obama Rhetoric and Accusations

Compared President Obama To “English Kings”

In August 2013, Rogers said that the country is facing a constitutional crisis, and compared President Obama to an English King when he delayed the Affordable Care Act’s employer mandate for a year.

“I see a president who tramples on the Constitution,” Rogers said. “Reading a Peggy Noonan article in the Wall Street Journal really crystallized it for me. English kings, she says, used to suspend laws, but the framers rejected that practice.” [960 AM ‘The Patriot,’ Wendy Rogers Interview, 8/17/13]

Criticized President Obama For Visiting Troops At A Marine Base On Christmas

In May 2012, Rogers accused President Obama of “using” the military when he visited troops and their families at a Marine base in Hawaii on Christmas Day.

“Make no mistake, he uses the military. He worked that room for two hours, glad-handing, putting his arm around all the veterans’ families,” Rogers said. [YouTube, East Valley Tea Party Meeting, 5/22/12]

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Criticized President Obama for Calling Her Husband “Sir;” Said He “Doesn’t Get It”

In May 2012, Rogers criticized President Obama for calling her husband, a retired Air Force major, “sir,” saying that the President “doesn’t get it.”

“He comes up to my Husband and calls him ‘sir.’ That’s crazy. My husband’s a retired major, and we’ve got the commander in chief calling my husband ‘sir,’ ‘Merry Christmas, sir.’[…] Make no mistake, I respect the position and the authority of the Commander in Chief of the United States of America […] but the man who occupies the position doesn’t get it, and we’re losing our country because of it.” [YouTube, East Valley Tea Party Meeting, 5/22/12]

Said President Obama Was “Incompetent”

In January 2014, Rogers posted a link to an article from the Daily Mail in which a UK military advisor criticized President Obama’s military strategy. [Daily Mail, 1/15/14]

“SecDef Gates and now UK defense adviser shake their heads over our incompetent president,” Rogers wrote. “Tragic that so many precious American lives have been lost. Why has this revelation taken so long? Tell me.” [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 1/17/14]

Accused President Obama Of Money Laundering

On her campaign website, Rogers said that the president was laundering money through campaign contributors.

“In Congress I will support the siting of new domestic oil refineries, investment into the latest advances in nuclear energy, and proper investment into solar and wind power (without the money laundering through Obama campaign contributors we saw with Solyndra and the president.)” [WendyRogers.org, accessed 3/3/14]

Said That President Obama Let Al Qaeda Take Fallujah

In January 2014, Rogers said in a tweet that President Obama had let Al Qaeda take Fallujah because of political concerns.

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 1/08/14]

Accused President Obama Of Faking Jobs Numbers

In November 2013, Rogers tweeted a link to a New York Post article which alleged that the Census Bureau had fabricated numbers in 2012 jobs reports.

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[Twitter, @WendyRogersDC9, 11/19/13]

Called President Obama’s Fundraising Video “A Pathetic Celebration of Mediocrity”

In October 2013, Rogers said in a tweet that a fundraising video focused on defending the ACA was “a pathetic celebration of mediocrity.”

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 10/24/13]

Said ACA “Wrecks The Work Ethic” And The President “Kills American Dream”

In October 2013, Rogers tweeted that the Affordable Care Act was wrecking the American work ethic, the President was killing the American dream, and handouts were becoming the new norm.

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 10/03/13]

Said President Obama and Kyrsten Sinema Were Not On The Side Of Women

In September 2013, Rogers tweeted that Rep. Sinema and President Obama’s records don’t show that they are on the side of women, citing a Wall Street Journal article which pointed to the continued wage gap between men and women. The article made no specific mention of President Obama, Kyrsten Sinema, or Democrats in general.

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 9/25/13]

Called President Obama “Spineless”

In August 2013, Rogers tweeted that President Obama was “spineless” and that he shouldn’t “bluster, leak, delay, waffle, appease.”

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[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 8/29/13]

Rejected President Obama’s Idea Of “One American Family”

In May 2013, Rogers criticized President Obama’s commencement address at Ohio State University, in which he said that “we sometimes forget the larger bonds we share, as one American family.”

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 5/08/13]

Said President Obama Was “Pandering” By “Dropping His G’s”

In October 2012, Rogers said in a tweet that President Obama was “pandering” by dropping the “g” in words such as “going” and “doing.”

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 10/16/12]

Tweeted An Article Which Said Michelle Obama Was A “Very Angry First Lady”

In October 2011, Rogers tweeted a link to an opinion piece in the Washington Times titled “The very angry first lady Michelle Obama”

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 10/31/11]

From the article:

“Michelle’s back, and she’s madder than ever. She was already pretty angry, seemingly unhappy with just about everything. […] Now, she is ready to spill her bilious disgust with America on the campaign trail. A dignified, transcendent first lady? No chance.” [Washington Times, 10/30/11]

Blamed President Obama For Increase In Diaper Rash

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In October 2011, Rogers tweeted a link to a Wall Street Journal article which reported that diaper sales had decreased and sales of diaper rash ointment had increased, using the hashtags “#Obama” and “#economy”

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 10/4/11]

Said President Obama Had A “Wimpy Handshake”

In August 2011, Rogers said in a tweet that President Obama’s “wimpy handshake w/me said it all.”

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 8/25/11]

Called President Obama “Feckless”

In January 2014 said that Obama was “feckless” and “dishonored” the country, veterans, and their families by “allowing” Al-Qaeda to resurge in Fallujah. She suggested that the President acted in the interest of political expedience and that as a result sacrifices made in Afghanistan and Iraq were “all for nothing.”

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[Wendy Rogers Facebook, 1/8/14]

Said President Obama And Democrats Lacked “Moral Authority” To Fix Economy

In 2012, Rogers wrote on a mailer that President Obama and Democratic allies did not have the “moral authority” to lift the county out of the recession. She accused them of “throwing away” the county’s values and heritage.

“Obama and his Democrat allies don’t have the moral authority to lead our country out of this recession. They are throwing away our heritage and our values,” Rogers wrote. [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 8/18/12]

Criticized President Obama’s “Double-Standard” On Marijuana

In January 2014, Rogers criticized President Obama for saying that marijuana is “ok” but that he wouldn’t want his daughters to use it. The post linked to a Wall Street Journal article criticizing the president’s drug policies. The post has since been removed.

“Father Obama says pot is OK, but not for HIS daughters,” Rogers wrote. “He’s just the kind of parent in the neighborhood who’d undermine the rest of us parents who were trying to set the right example for our kids. Double-standard parent. Bad neighbor. Bad president. Really despicable.”

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[Wendy Rogers Facebook, 1/23/14; Wall Street Journal, 1/21/14]

Post Has Since Been Removed

As of May 2014, the post is no longer visible on Roger’s Facebook page. [Wendy Rogers Facebook, accessed 5/5/14]

Called President Obama A “Shameless Loser”

In February 2014, Rogers said that President Obama’s interview with Bill O’Reilly exposed him as a “shameless loser.”

“PRE-SUPER BOWL O’Reilly interview SAID IT ALL - - Exposed Obama as shameless loser, unable to answer O’Reilly re: mounting scandals and corruption in Washington,” Rogers wrote. [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 2/3/14]

Said That The United States Was Less Respected Because Of President Obama

In September 2013, Rogers tweeted that the United States is less respected across the globe because President Obama “wants to apologize instead of lead.”

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[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 9/10/13]

Said That President Obama Paid Less Taxes Than His Secretary

In April 2012, Rogers said in a Facebook Post that President Obama paid less taxes than his secretary.

[Wendy Rogers Facebook, 4/17/12]

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Agriculture Issues

Significant Findings

 Said that federal food stamps should be eliminated

 Said that child labor laws and the EPA hurt farmers

Food Stamps

Said That Federal Food Stamps Should Be Eliminated

In July 2012, Rogers said that we should not have a federal food stamp program (SNAP) and should instead give the money in block grants to states. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

Claimed That Food Stamps Were Being Used To Buy Lobster And Filet Mignon

In August 2012, Rogers said that food stamps were being used to buy lobster and filet mignon and should be eliminated

“The third one would be to cut out food stamps. How many people are buying lobster and filet mignon on foodstamps?” [YouTube, Ahwatukee Debate, 8/9/12]

Said Federal Government Was “Proud” Of High Food Stamp Need

In 2012, Rogers said that the federal government was proud to have the highest number of people of food stamps in history.

“We now have a government in Washington, D.C. that is actually proud to have the highest number of people on food stamps in history. They think this shows government is working,” Rogers said. [YouTube, 4/26/12]

Child Labor

Said the Environmental Protection Agency and Child Labor Laws Hurt Farmers

In July 2012, Rogers said at a Tea Party debate that the number one complaint that farmers have is against the EPA. She then agreed with an audience member who said that child labor laws were hurting farmers.

“Farmers try to do what’s right, but no matter what way to Tuesday they try, the EPA clamps down harder and harder on them for dust. […] You would never think of that, but that’s what is hurting them… Yes, and the child labor farce as well.” [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

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Banking and Finance Issues

Significant Findings

 Supported auditing the federal reserve

 Supported a return to the gold standard

Federal Reserve

Rogers Said She Supported “Reining In The Federal Reserve”

2018: Rogers Said On Her Website That She Supported Auditing The Federal Reserve And Would “Work To Rein In The Federal Reserve.” “When I get to Congress, I will work to rein in the Federal Reserve, starting with a comprehensive audit. I will also fight for sound fiscal policies, which will begin to pay down our massive national debt.” [Wendyrogers.org, Issues, accessed 8/16/18]

Supported Auditing the Federal Reserve System

In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that she would support auditing the Federal Reserve system. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

Opposed Eliminating The Federal Reserve

In July 2012, Rogers said that she would not support eliminating the Federal Reserve system altogether. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

Supported a Return to the Gold Standard

In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that she would support “the restoration of precious-metals-based currency in the United States and allowing the exchange of precious metals held by Americans in daily commerce.” [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

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Budget Issues

Significant Findings

 Said she would vote to shut down the government in order to defund the Affordable Care Act

 Opposed raising the debt ceiling

 Signed the Cut, Cap, and Balance pledge, in support of Republican Study Committee plan that raised the retirement age

 Supported a Balanced Budget Amendment

 Despite Rogers’ conservative preferences, Rogers refused to comment at least once on Paul Ryan’s 2014 budget

 Rogers made a “false” claim that Sinema had “not voted for a single budget

 Supported allowing the legislature to cut voter-approved spending during “times of financial crisis”

Federal Budget Issues

October 2014: Rogers Got A “False” Fact-Check Rating For Her Comment On Sinema’s Voting Record

October 2014: Arizona Republic Said Roger’s Claim That Simena Did Not Vote For A Budget Was “False.” “BOTTOM LINE: Sinema voted for a bipartisan budget act in 2013, making Rogers’ claim that she has ‘not voted for a single budget’ false. THE FINDING: No stars, false.” [Arizona Republic, 10/27/14]

April 2014: The Executive Director Of The Arizona Democratic Party Criticized Rogers For Refusing To Comment On The 2014 Ryan Budget

April 2014: The Executive Director Of The Arizona Democratic Party Criticized Rogers For Refusing To Comment On The 2014 Ryan Budget. “As Congressional Republicans in Washington D.C. pass a disastrous budget plan that would devastate Arizona middle class families - Congressional candidates Wendy Rogers and Andrew Walter have refused to let Arizonans know whether they support it. Apparently, eight days aren’t enough time - since the budget was introduced - for them to come up with an answer. ‘Arizonans looking for leadership and reasonable problem-solving on balancing our budget and strengthening our middle class can skip right past Wendy Rogers and Andrew Walter,’ said DJ Quinlan, executive director of the Arizona Democratic Party. ‘Arizona voters deserve to know where Wendy Rogers and Andrew Walter stand on a budget plan with misplaced priorities that would raise taxes on the average middle class family, end the Medicare guarantee, and cost seniors thousands of dollars a year.’” [Arizona Democratic Party, press release, 4/10/14]

Said That She Would Vote to Shut Down the Federal Government in Order to Defund the Affordable Care Act

In August 2013, Rogers said that she would vote to shut down the federal government if that’s what it took to defund the ACA.

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“If that’s what it took. We have to be brave enough to say the hard thing. And a lot of that is bluster and positioning when we say we’re going to shut down the government,” Rogers said. “A lot of this is political posturing.” [960 AM ‘The Patriot,’ Wendy Rogers Interview, 8/17/13]

Blamed Washington Democrats for Failing to Compromise During 2013 Government Shutdown

In October 2013, Rogers accused Washington Democrats of “wanting no part of working with the GOP.”

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 10/1/13]

Opposed Raising the Debt Ceiling

In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that she would not support raising the federal debt ceiling. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

Said President Obama’s Speech on Debt Ceiling Was “Lunacy”

In September 2013, Rogers tweeted that President Obama’s assertion that raising the debt ceiling will not raise the debt was “lunacy.”

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 9/19/13]

Signed Cut, Cap, and Balance Pledge

March 2012: Rogers Signed The Cut, Cap And Balance Pledge. “‘Let’s face it,’ said Rogers, ‘Our nation is broke and it’s time to cut up Washington’s credit card once and for all. I refuse to put my children and grandchild deeper into debt,’ she continued. ‘Only by balancing the budget and finally controlling government spending is this going to happen.’ The original bill, which was approved by the House but rejected by the Senate, limited 2012 spending to $82 billion less than current spending levels, and it capped overall federal spending as a percentage of GDP, bringing it to less than 20 percent of GDP by 2017. The bill provided for a debt ceiling increase if and only if Congress sends a constitutional balanced budget amendment to the states for a vote.” [Wendy Rogers for Congress, press release, 3/19/12]

According To Rep. Jim Jordan, The Cut, Cap, And Balance “Mirrors” The Ryan Budget

In 2011, Rep. Jim Jordan, a cosponsor of the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act, said, “it mirrors the budget proposal that House passed earlier this year” when responding to a question about the cuts the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act would make to Medicare and Social Security.

Host Chris Wallace asked Representative Jim Jordan about a statement made by President Obama referring to the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act.

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WALLACE: President Obama says that it would cut Medicare and Social Security much more deeply than Paul Ryan’s budget plan.

JORDAN: It doesn’t do that. And basically, it mirrors the budget proposal that House passed earlier this year. [Fox News Sunday, Rep. Jim Jordan, 7/17/11]

Cut, Cap and Balance Would Have Cost Americans 700,000 More Jobs in 2012

Cut, Cap and Balance only raises the debt limit after the House and Senate pass a Balance Budget Amendment, cuts $111 billion in FY 2012, and places firm caps on future spending.

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, “these cuts would equal 0.7 percent of the projected Gross Domestic Product in fiscal year 2012 and would thus cause the loss of roughly 700,000 jobs in the current weak economy, relative to what the number of jobs otherwise would be.”

Similarly, Scripps Howard News Service described the proposal as “both simplistic and economically destructive.” [House Republican Study Committee Website, accessed 7/15/11; Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 7/16/11; Scripps Howard News Service Editorial, 7/5/11]

Cut, Cap, And Balance Plan Would Have Raised The Retirement Age

RSC “Cut, Cap, And Balance” Plan Increased The Social Security Retirement Age To 70. “The Republican Study Committee (RSC) today unveiled Cut, Cap, and Balance: A Fiscal year 2013 Budget, a conservative budget blueprint that brings our country’s federal budget deficit into balance in five years. […] his budget wouldslowly phase in an increase in the Social Security full-retirement age for individuals born in 1958 and after to an eventual full-retirement age of 70.” [Press Release, Rep. Scott Garrett, 3/29/12]

Cut, Cap and Balance Would Cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security by 25%, Ceteris Paribus

Center For American Progress: “A Federal Spending Cap May Sound Innocuous But It Is Simply Massive Cuts To Social Security, Medicare, And Medicaid By Another Name.” “The accompanying table provides some illustrative examples for how federal spending could be slashed in order to meet an 18 percent cap in 2016. The first budget spreads the cuts around equally—cutting everything by 25 percent. The next three budgets protect Social Security and cut less from Medicare and Medicaid, which means they also cut far more from everything else. […] There is no way around the basic arithmetic. The only way to achieve that level of spending is by radically altering some fundamental public programs and services. A federal spending cap may sound innocuous but it is simply massive cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid by another name.” [Center for American Progress, 7/18/11]

Rogers Said She Supported Balancing The Federal Budget, Including Through A Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment

2018: Rogers Said She Supported Balancing The Budget. “Only by balancing the budget, reducing the tax and regulatory burden on businesses, incentivizing innovation and capital reinvestment, and getting government bureaucrats out of America’s boardrooms will we be able to return our nation to the economic powerhouse we once were.” [Wendyrogers.org, Issues, accessed 8/16/18]

October 2014: Rogers Said Regulatory Burdens And The National Debt Were The Most Important For Young Voters. “Rogers said in an email that she believes the economy and national debt are the most concerning to youth voters, and these issues make it difficult for college graduates to find jobs. ‘The free market must become less encumbered by government to enable more college graduates to get jobs,’ Rogers said. ‘We must remove

WENDY ROGERS (AZ-01) Research Book | 78 regulatory burdens to economic growth and have an adult conversation to get the national debt under control.’” [State Press, 10/28/14]

2012: Rogers Supported A Balanced Budget Amendment. “As a small business owner and the only candidate in the 9th District race that owns, operates and created her own business inside the District, I will fight in Congress to restore confidence and certainty to private sector businesses and, especially small businesses, by getting out of the way and passing conservative legislation in Congress to get our economy back on track. I will cut the size and scope of government, add a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, ban earmarks and oppose every bailout, stimulus or government giveaway. And the United States House of Representatives just passed a bill calling on an audit of the Federal Reserve -- when the United States Senate defeats that bill (which they most certainly will), I will fight for that audit in my first year. We also need to cut taxes across the board, not raise them; we need to cut the amount of over regulation and red tape, not increase regulation that stifles job growth. And the voters in Arizona can trust, that I will vote to repeal Obamacare.” [Project Vote Smart, accessed 3/3/14]

Balanced Budget Amendment Would Threaten Social Security And Medicare

A Balanced Budget Amendment Would Override All Government Guarantees And Promises Written Into Law – Including Social Security, Medicare, Veterans Benefits, And Military Pensions. “In general, a balanced budget requirement in the U.S. Constitution would override any and all government guarantees and promises written into law: the guarantee to pay interest on the debt; or to pay insurance and guarantee claims for bank deposits, floods, loan defaults, and nuclear accidents; or to pay program benefits for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment benefits, veterans’ benefits, or military and civil service pensions; or to pay contractors who have delivered goods or services to the federal government.” [CBPP, 3/16/18]

Under A Balanced Budget Amendment, It Would Be Unconstitutional For Social Security To Use Its Savings – What Workers Already Paid In – To Pay Promised Benefits; Benefits Could Have To Be Cut. “Currently, Social Security holds $2.9 trillion in Treasury securities. But under the balanced budget amendment, it would essentially be unconstitutional for Social Security to draw down these savings to pay promised benefits. Instead, benefits could have to be cut, because all federal expenditures would have to be covered by tax revenues collected during that same year.” [CBPP, 3/16/18]

Said That Cutting Federal Government Departments Would Allow The Economy To Recover

In May 2012, Rogers said that the only way to get the economy to recover would be to cut government departments, including the departments of energy and education, by fifteen percent a year.

“Why can’t the economy recover? It’s because government is in the way. How do you get them out of the way? You starve the beast. You starve the Department of Education, fifteen percent a year. You starve the Department of Energy, and you just go through it department by department,” Rogers said [YouTube, East Valley Tea Party Meeting, 5/22/12]

Arizona Budget Issues

Supported Allowing The Legislature To Cut Voter-Approved Spending During “Financial Crisis”

In 2010, Rogers indicated in a Center for Arizona Policy candidate questionnaire that she supported “[a]llowing the legislature to cut voter-approved spending in times of financial crisis.” [Center for Arizona Policy, 2010 General Election Voter Guide]

Said Office Of Pest Management Received Too Much Money

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In October 2010, when asked to name one state agency or program that gets too much, Rogers stuck to what she knew. She said that the Office of Pest Management receives too much money.

“As a service provider, paying $8 to the state for every termite report we file is too much.” [Arizona Republic, 10/20/10]

Said Registrar Of Contractors Received Too Little Money

In October 2010, when asked to name one state agency or program that gets too little money, Rogers pointed to the Registrar of Contractors.

“They need more law enforcement officers,” Rogers said. [Arizona Republic, 10/20/10]

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Campaign Finance and Election Law Issues

Significant Findings

 Opted out of Arizona Clean Elections program and called for an end to the program

 Said that Attorney General Holder’s voting rights push encroach on states’ rights

Federal Voting Rights

Said That Attorney General Holder Was Encroaching On States Rights With Voting-Rights Push

In July 2013, Rogers said in a Facebook post that Attorney General Eric Holder was encroaching on states’ rights when he said that he would use surviving parts of voting rights law to continue scrutinizing states like Texas to see if they are making it harder for minorities to vote.

“The Justice Department is encroaching on states rights in Texas and undermining the will of the people,” Rogers wrote. “It’s upsetting to see this continuing theme of federal overreach and I believe we must be more proactive in challenging it.” [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 7/26/13]

Arizona Clean Elections

Opted Out of Clean Elections Program

In her 2010 race for Arizona state senate, Rogers opted not to participate in the state’s Clean Elections program. Under the Arizona Citizens Clean Elections Act, passed in 1998, the Clean Elections Commission collects individual donations and a 1 percent surcharge added to civil penalties and criminal fines and gives it to candidates who agree to collect a certain number of $5 donations. Candidates must agree not to take money from special- interest groups and to attend Clean Elections debates. [Arizona Republic, 9/04/10]

Called For An End To Clean Elections Funding

In December 2010, Rogers wrote a letter to the editor of the East Valley Tribune in which she called for an end to Arizona’s Clean Elections program.

“I chose not to fund my campaign with Clean Elections money because Arizona is in a financial crisis,” Rogers wrote. “Let’s eliminate Clean Elections and follow a back-to-basics approach to political campaigning. Arizona politics would be strengthened by a resurgence of responsibility-taking.” [Rogers Letter to the Editor, East Valley Tribune, 12/01/10]

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Constitutional Issues

Significant Findings

 Said that individual states should be able to nullify federal laws


Supported Nullification of Federal Laws by the States

In July 2012, Rogers said that states should be able to nullify federal laws.

“Nullification should be supported. That’s the tenth amendment, is to push back against unconstitutional federal laws and regulations on the state,” Rogers said. [YouTube, East Valley Liberty Caucus Q&A, 7/25/12]

Direct Election Of Senators

Said That The 17th Amendment Was Her Least Favorite Part Of The Constitution

In August 2012, when asked what her least favorite part of the Constitution was, Rogers named the seventeenth amendment, which established the direct election of Senators. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Debate, 8/9/12]

…But Said The State Legislature Shouldn’t Choose U.S. Senators

In July 2012, Rogers said that she wouldn’t want the state legislatures decide who the U.S. Senators should be. [YouTube, East Valley Liberty Caucus Q&A, 7/25/12]

Supreme Court

Opposed Term Limits For Legislators And Supreme Court Justices

In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that she would not support an amendment to the Constitution establishing term limits for members of the legislative branch nor would she support an amendment establishing term limits for Supreme Court justices. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

Opposed Election Of Supreme Court Justices

In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that she would oppose a constitutional amendment to elect, rather than appoint, Supreme Court justices. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

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Consumer Issues

Significant Findings

 Emphasized the need for tort reform, but her own business has been sued at least eleven times 

Tort Reform

Emphasized The Need For Tort Reform

In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that the threat of lawsuits makes it difficult for her business to turn a profit because of the lawyers and insurance she must pay for in case she gets sued.

“I practice defensive lawsuit practices every day as a small business owner,” Rogers said. “I have to carry four different kinds of insurance, in case we’re sued, and I have a stable of five attorneys that I have to keep on retainer, to perform everyday home inspections. This is absolutely crushing to our ability to make a profit. We are barely able to make a profit.” [YouTube, Paradise Valley Candidate Forum, 7/2/12]

Business Has Been Sued At Least Eleven Times

According to Maricopa County court records, Rogers & Kunnen Inc, the owner of HouseMaster Home Inspections, has been sued at least eleven times. Seven of these lawsuits charged HouseMaster with failing to identify serious defects in homes that they inspected. Each of these cases was settled in mediation or arbitration. [Maricopa County Justice Courts; Maricopa County Superior Court]

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Crime and Public Safety Issues

Significant Findings

 Opposed providing a statewide public defender’s office to provide adequate legal representation for those facing the death penalty

 Supported the death penalty

 Opposed considering judicial empathy as one “criterion” for a prospective judge’s nomination

 Opposed legalizing medical marijuana

Death Penalty

Opposed Providing State-Funded Legal Representation For Those Facing Death Penalty

In 2010, Rogers indicated on a Arizona Catholic Conference candidate survey that she opposed “[e]stablishing and maintaining a statewide public defender’s office to provide adequate legal representation to those facing the death penalty.” [2010 Candidate Survey, Arizona Catholic Conference, received 6/04/10]

Supported The Death Penalty

In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that she supported the death penalty. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]


Opposed Judicial Empathy As A “Criterion For A Judge’s Prospective Nomination”

In 2012, Rogers indicated on a Center for Arizona Policy candidate survey that she opposed “[u]sing a prspective federal judge’s ability to empathize with a particular societal groups as a criterion for their nomination.” [2012 Federal Candidate Survey, Center for Arizona Policy, received 6/07/12]

Opposed Legalizing Medical Marijuana

In 2010, Rogers indicated in a Center for Arizona Policy candidate questionnaire that she opposed “[l]egalizing the use of marijuana for medical purposes.” [Center for Arizona Policy, 2010 General Election Voter Guide]

Supported Enforcing Federal Laws Against “Obscene Hardcore Pornography”

In 2012, Rogers indicated on a Center for Arizona Policy candidate survey that she supported “[e]nforcing federal laws vigorously against obscene hardcore pornography.” [2012 Federal Candidate Survey, Center for Arizona Policy, received 6/07/12]

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Defense and Foreign Relations Issues

Significant Findings

 Supported Trump’s meeting with Putin

 Said the U.S. should cut foreign aid to countries that “deplore us”

 Said the end of the U.S. military mission in Iraq was a “self-inflicted tragedy”

 Said that she would never cut the defense budget

 Supported de-funding the United Nations

 Supported U.S. intervention to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons

 Defended spending on F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program

 Flip-flopped on female conscription, recently saying that selective service for women would hurt families


July 2018: Rogers Supported Trump’s Summit With Russian President Vladimir Putin

July 2018: Rogers: “I Am Convinced Meeting With Putin Is Better Than Not Meeting With Him.” “I am convinced meeting with Putin is better than not meeting with him. #MAGA #PeaceThroughStrength #Jobs #AZ01” [Twitter, Wendy Rogers, 7/17/18]

Iraq & Afghanistan

Said The End Of The U.S. Military Mission In Iraq Was A “Tragedy”

In October 2011, Rogers said in a Facebook post that the end of the U.S. military mission in Iraq was a “self- inflicted tragedy,” and that President Obama did not have the will to negotiate an extended troop presence.

“The end of the U.S. military mission in Iraq is a tragedy, not a triumph—and a self-inflicted one at that,” Rogers wrote. “Quite simply, it was a matter of will: President Bush really wanted to get a deal done, whereas Mr. Obama did not. Mr. Bush spoke weekly with Mr. Maliki by video teleconference. Mr. Obama had not spoken with Mr. Maliki for months before calling him in late October to announce the end of negotiations.” [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 10/31/11]

Defense Appropriations

Would Not Cut Defense Budget

In June 2012, Rogers said that she would not cut the Department of Defense budget.

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“I would not, at this point, venture a guess on how to cut the Department of Defense. We have already been cut, and I will never sign on to putting our country at risk.” [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

Said that Eleven Air Craft Carriers Wasn’t Enough

In July 2012, Rogers said that eleven air craft carriers were not enough to ensure a strong national defense.

“It’s never enough when push comes to shove. It’s fine in peace time, but when we don’t have enough, it’s too late,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

Rogers Supported Modernizing The Air Force’s Fighter Jet Fleet

October 2014: Rogers Argued Against Investing In Fourth-Generation F-18G Growlers And For Investing In F-35 Jets. “Boeing and the U.S. Navy are arguing for the relevance of fourth-generation aircraft in tomorrow’s battle space. They are wrong. A decade ago, the U.S. Air Force committed exclusively to buying fifth-generation fighters, recognizing that fourth-generation fighters would become obsolete in the face of double-digit surface-to- air missiles, modern fighters and networks that integrate the two. The U.S. Marine Corps similarly purchased its last fourth-generation fighter in 1999. Eleven international allies have also seen the writing on the wall that the future of air superiority belongs to fifth-generation aircraft, namely the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.” [Apache Junction-Gold Canyon Independent, Wendy Rogers Opinion, 10/22/14]

April 2012: Rogers Wrote An Op-Ed Supporting Arizona’s Role In The Development Of A Fifth-Generation Aircraft Fleet. “It is not whether we, as a country, invest in America’s safety in the face of ever advancing threats. It’s how we invest. Where national security is at stake and taxpayer dollars are concerned, smart, enduring investments are the duty of elected officials and appointed decision makers. The F-35 is one such lasting in- vestment. By choosing to orient America’s long-term aerial defense strategy around the F-35, decision makers are acting wisely and in our country’s best interest. Arizona is benefitting in turn.” [East Valley Tribune, Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers Opinion, 3/26/14]

Defended Spending on F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

In November 2011, Rogers wrote an op-ed in the Ahwatukee Foothills News in which she defended planned Defense Department spending on a fleet of new F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, which was being reviewed by Congress.

From the Op-Ed:

“This program is critical to the national security of the United States and while reducing spending may look good while running for re-election, the truth is that reductions now will cost taxpayers more later. As a result we will aid our adversaries in closing the gap between American air superiority and their own, reducing our global power and putting our armed service members at greater risk. This is simply unacceptable,” Rogers wrote. “While I understand the size and scope of the program draws criticism, Congress needs to realize that constant debate over its future builds uncertainty and dampens the program’s evolution.” [Wendy Rogers Op-ed, Ahwatukee Foothills News, 11/4/11]

The Project Was Expected To Cost $391.2 Billion

According to the Washington Post, the price tag for the planned fleet of 2,443 F-35s (409 fewer than originally called for) will be $391.2 billion, a 68 percent increase from the original 2001 estimate. [Washington Post, 2/16/14]

The Project Was Seven Years Behind Schedule And $163 Billion Over Budget

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According to CBS News’ 60 Minutes, The F-35 project is seven years behind schedule and $163 billion over budget.

“Basically the program ran itself off the rails,” said Lt. Gen. Chris Bogdan, the man in charge of the F-35 program. [CBS News, 2/16/14]

The Pentagon’s Top Weapons Tester Questioned the Plane’s Reliability

According to the Washington Post, in 2013 the Pentagon’s top weapons tester issued a scathing report on the F-35 that questioned the plane’s reliability and warned of a “lack of maturity” in performance. [Washington Post, 3/9/13]

John McCain Called the Project “A Scandal and a Tragedy”

In December 2011, John McCain took the floor of the Senate to blast the F-35 development program.

“In a nutshell, the JSF program has been both a scandal and a tragedy,” McCain said. [Washington Post, 3/9/13]

Luke Air Force Base In Glendale, AZ Was Scheduled To Become An F-35 Training Base

Luke Air Force Base in Glendale, which is outside AZ-09 but nearby, is scheduled to transition from an F-16 pilot training base to an F-35 pilot training base, with 144 F-35s expected to arrive during the next decade. [Arizona Republic, 3/24/14]


Said That U.S.-Israeli Alliance “Must Be Front-And-Center In U.S. Foreign Policy”

In July 2012, Rogers wrote to the Jewish News of Greater Phoenix on the importance of the U.S.-Israeli alliance in response to a questionnaire submitted to candidates by the newspaper.

“The U.S.-Israeli alliance must be front-and-center in U.S. foreign policy. It is in our strategic national interest and it is the moral and right thing to do,” Rogers wrote. [Rogers candidate questionnaire response, Jewish News of Greater Phoenix, 7/27/12]

Said That Israel Was “Stolen” By Arabs

In July 2012, Rogers said that Israel was “stolen” from its native inhabitants by “the Arabs.”

“Jews are Israel’s original native inhabitants and composed its majority from 1250 BCE to 200 CE. The land belonged to the Jews originally and was stolen by the Arabs,” Rogers wrote. [Rogers candidate questionnaire response, Jewish News of Greater Phoenix, 7/27/12]

Blamed Arabs For Failure Of Israeli-Palestinian Peace

In July 2012, Rogers said that the Israeli-Palestinian peace process failed because peace was not the Arabs’ priority.

“Arab states attacked Israel repeatedly far before the PLO existed. Syria has never recognized the right of Jews to have their own state of Israel. There has never been a ‘peace process’ for Israel, only a ‘giveaway-of-Israeli-land process,’” Rogers wrote. “After World War II, a peace treaty was signed in days. Why does it take over 30 years for Israeli peace to be negotiated? Answer: Peace is not the Arabs’ priority. The gradual wearing-down and annihilation of Israel is.” [Rogers candidate questionnaire response, Jewish News of Greater Phoenix, 7/27/12]

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Said That The U.S. Should “Reject Moral Equivalence”

In July 2012, Rogers said that the United States should “reject moral equivalence” and support Israel at all costs.

“The U.S. needs to step up and lead, see through the media’s conventional wisdom, reject moral equivalence and do whatever it takes to bolster Israel and support her. If we do not, the world will pay a price too staggering to contemplate, because those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it,” Rogers wrote. [Rogers candidate questionnaire response, Jewish News of Greater Phoenix, 7/27/12]


Supported United States Intervention In Iran To Prevent The Development Of Nuclear Weapons

In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that she supported the United States intervening in Iran to prevent that country from developing nuclear armaments. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

War Powers

Said That Congress Had Abdicated Its Authority To Declare War

In July 2012, Rogers said at a Tea Party debate that Congress had abdicated its constitutional authority to declare war to the president. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

Said That She Would Demand That Congress Declare War Before Committing U.S. Troops

In July 2012, Rogers said that she would demand that Congress declare war before committing U.S. military intervention. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

Foreign Aid

March 2018: Rogers Said The U.S. Should Stop Giving Aid To Countries “Who Deplore Us”

March 2018: Rogers Said The U.S. Should “End Foreign Aid To Countries Who Deplore Us.” “End the visa lottery, so we don’t have to worry about admitting terrorists. Keep the travel ban in place until countries can demonstrate they are civilized on the world stage. End foreign aid to countries who deplore us.” [Wendyrogers.org, press release, 3/12/18]

Supported Humanitarian Intervention In Situations Affecting U.S. National Interests

In July 2012, Rogers said that she would support U.S. intervention in humanitarian crises only when it was in the United States’ strategic national interest.

“I’m a believer in the Powell doctrine, which says you only intervene when it’s in your strategic national interest. If it’s in our strategic national interest then I think it’s prudent to go into a country.” [YouTube, East Valley Liberty Caucus Q&A, 7/25/12]

Supported Defunding The United Nations

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In July 2012, Roger said in a candidate forum that she would support defunding the United Nations. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

But Supported U.N. Refugee Commission

In July 2012, Rogers said in the same forum that the U.N. was good for dealing with refugees, but not for combat.

“What I’m going to do is tell you what part of the United Nations that I favor. When I was deployed to run the Bosnian air lift in 1994 with joint task force Provide Promise we worked closely with UNHCR—that is the United Nations High Committee for Refugees. That is what the U.N. is good for, but not for combat.” [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

Said That There Are No U.N. Treaties That She Agrees With

In July 2012, Rogers said that there are no U.N. treaties that she agrees with, in response to a set of questions from the East Valley Liberty Caucus. [YouTube, East Valley Liberty Caucus Q&A, 7/25/12]

International Relations

Said The U.S. Should Be Respected, Not Liked By Other Countries

In May 2012, Rogers said that the United States should not want to be “liked” by other countries.

“We can’t be everybody’s friend. And this is the problem we have abroad too. We want to be liked by other countries. No we don’t. We’re exceptional. We want to be the strongest. And if that means we’re not going to be liked, then we’re not going to be liked, because our adversaries disrespect the soft underbelly that shows when we try to be liked. And we have this mistaken notion that being liked engenders respect. It’s quite the opposite.” [YouTube, East Valley Tea Party Meeting, 5/22/12]

Said The United States Was Less Respected Because Of President Obama

In September 2013, Rogers tweeted that the United States is less respected across the globe because President Obama “wants to apologize instead of lead.”

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 9/10/13]

Said That President Clinton Didn’t Respect The Military

In August 2012, Rogers said that, in her last mission, her crew couldn’t get a de-icing truck because President Clinton didn’t have respect for the military.

“There is a difference serving under a president who is resolute and under a president who isn’t. It trickles all the way down,” Rogers said. “My last mission was into Ukraine. We were under a Democrat president at the time, and we couldn’t get a de-icing truck to save our lives. We had to get out and take the plastic credit cards from our wallets and shave off the frost from the wings so that we could take off, because there was no respect from our president and it trickled all the way down.” [960 AM ‘The Patriot,’ Wendy Rogers Interview, 8/17/13]

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Guantanamo Bay

Rogers Supported Keeping The U.S. Military Base And Detainee Prison Open At Guantanamo Bay

January 2018: Rogers: “Keep Guantanamo Open. Yes!” “Keep Guantanamo open. Yes! #SOTU” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 1/30/18]

November 2014: The Arizona Republic Said Rogers’ Claims About Sinema’s Guantanamo Votes Were “Somewhat True, Somewhat False.” “Rogers is correct that Sinema voted in favor of eliminating indefinite detention and against the Guantanamo-prisoner swap amendment. However, Fact Check finds that both claims made by the Rogers campaign are simplified generalizations of complex national-security policy questions. Both claims lack significant context and misconstrue the votes. FINDING: Two stars, somewhat true, somewhat false.” [Arizona Republic, 10/21/14]

The Draft

Rogers Opposed Women Signing Up For Selective Service

June 2018: Rogers Opposed A Female Draft Because, “Our Children Need Their Mothers.” “‘I’m Wendy Rogers, conservative Republican running for Congress in Arizona’s 1st Congressional District. Today I want to talk to you about a movement to shape our military which is absolutely corrosive. It violates principles we as a nation hold dear. It undermines the family. It undermines common sense. […] Our children need their mothers.’” [Wendy Rogers, press release via Facebook, 6/21/18]

… But 2012, Said That Women Should Be Able To Be Drafted

In July 2012, Rogers said the she thinks that women should be eligible for military conscription.

“I think women ought to be able to be drafted. […] If men have to sign up for the selective service, I think women should too,” Rogers said. [YouTube, East Valley Liberty Caucus Q&A, 7/25/12]

Said That The Draft Is “Not Cost-Effective”

In July 2012, Rogers said that higher-ups in the military don’t support the draft because it isn’t cost-effective.

“Generals don’t want the draft because by the time a guy or a gal gets trained in two or three years, then he or she is gone, so it’s not cost effective. So from a cost effective standpoint, the higher-ups really would rather not have the draft.” [YouTube, East Valley Liberty Caucus Q&A, 7/25/12]

…But It Builds Loyalty To Country

Rogers then went on to say that the draft is beneficial because it builds loyalty to country.

“We have a lot of men who’ve served because they were drafted that have a loyalty to country and a heartfelt connection as patriots, that they would never have had if they had not been drafted,” Rogers said. [YouTube, East Valley Liberty Caucus Q&A, 7/25/12]

…So She Can “See Both Sides” Of The Military Conscription Question

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In July 2012 Rogers said that she could see both sides of the debate on the draft because it has “intangible” benefits even if it isn’t cost-effective.

“Statistically, numerically, maybe you don’t get a cost-benefit relationship out of it, but for the future of our country, and the loyalty and the patriotism that it engenders in people who sere, I think there’s an intangible asset there. So I’m going to give you the political answer and say I see both sides to that.” [YouTube, East Valley Liberty Caucus Q&A, 7/25/12]

Obama As Commander-In-Chief

Said That Obama Administration Has Encouraged Adversaries

In September 2012, Rogers said in a Facebook post that the Obama Administration has encouraged our adversaries to “keep at it.” The post linked to an article from the Weekly Standard which criticized the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for attempting to discourage radical pastor Terry Jones from burning Qurans and publishing the controversial video, “The Innocence of Muslims.” The article went on to criticize White House Press Secretary Jay Carney for “denouncing Americans” when he said that the video was responsible for violent anti-U.S. protests in Cairo and Benghazi. [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 9/15/12; Weekly Standard, 9/24/12]

Accused President Obama Of “Purging” The Military

In November 2013, Rogers tweeted a link to an article from the ultra-conservative WorldNetDaily.com which accused President Obama of “emasculating” and “purging” the military.

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 11/04/13]

From the article:

“Retired Army Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady, recipient of the U.S. military’s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, as well as other top retired officers, say President Obama’s agenda is decimating the morale of the U.S. ranks to the point members no longer feel prepared to fight or have the desire to win. ‘There is no doubt that he (Obama) is intent on emasculating the military and will fire anyone who disagrees with him’ over such issues as ‘homosexuals, women in foxholes, the Obama sequester,’ Brady told WND.” [WorldNetDaily.com, 10/31/13]

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Economy & Jobs

Significant Findings

 Supported Trump’s tariff wars

 Said that the federal government should not lend to small business

 Said that the federal government should not subsidize private industry

 Said that the federal government was not responsible for creating jobs

 Said that it was not the job of the federal government to make anything affordable or incentivize anything

Federal Workforce

Rogers Said She Supported Shrinking The Federal Workforce

June 2018: Rogers Said She Supported Combining Federal Departments And Having A Smaller Federal Workforce. “Rogers said she likes the idea of combining federal departments, which would in turn allow jobs to be shaved from both departments.” [PinalCentral, 6/22/18]


Rogers Said She Would Emulate Trump’s Tariff Policy

June 2018: Rogers Said She Supported Trump’s Tariff Policy. “Regarding tariffs, Rogers said she’d do exactly what Trump is doing.” [PinalCentral, 6/22/18]

Role Of Government

Said That Government Should Not Put Money In People’s Pockets

In August 2012, Rogers said at an Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce debate that the role of the government “isn’t to put money in your pocket, but to protect our individual rights and freedoms. [AZ Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Debate, 8/1/12]

Said That The Government Should Not Lend To Small Business

In June 2012, Rogers said that it wasn’t up to the government to lend to small business.

“It’s not up to the government to lend to small business. That’s not what we came to America for.” [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

Opposed Federal Subsidies To Private Industries

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In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that she did not support giving federal subsidies to private industries. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

Said She Would Rely On Her Expertise As A Businesswoman To Spur The Economy

In August 2010, Rogers said she would rely on her expertise as a businesswoman to spur the economy.

“Certainly, I am a Republican and a fiscal conservative. Being a small-business owner, I want to do everything I can to bring back jobs,” Rogers said. [Arizona Republic, 8/28/10]

Said That The Federal Government Shouldn’t Be Responsible For Creating Jobs

In July 2012, Rogers said in a Tea Party debate that it wasn’t the role of the federal government to create jobs.

“It is not the job of the federal government to create jobs. It is my responsibility as a small business owner to create jobs,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

Said It Was Not The Job Of The Federal Government To Make Anything Affordable

In July 2012, Rogers said in a Tea Party debate that it was not the job of the federal government to make anything affordable. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

Said It Was Not The Federal Government’s Job To Incentivize Anything

In July 2012, Rogers said in a Tea Party debate that it was not the job of the federal government to incentivize anything. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]


Supported Legislation Restricting Expansion of Indian Gaming

2012: Rogers Indicated On A Center For Arizona Policy Candidate Survey That She Supported “[A]mending The Federal Indian Gaming Regulatory Act To Place Further Restrictions On The Establishment And Expansion Of Gambling By Indian Tribes In The United State.” [2012 Federal Candidate Survey, Center for Arizona Policy, received 6/07/12]

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Education Issues

Significant Findings

 Supported eliminating the Department of Education

 Said that the federal government was not responsible for improving schools

 Said that public school teachers were underpaid, but also said that Arizona was spending too much on education

Department Of Education

Rogers Said She Supported Shrinking The Department Of Education

April 2018: On Facebook, Rogers Said She Supported Devos’ Plan To Shrink The Department Of Education, Including Its Civil Rights Division. “CONGRESS IS THE PROBLEM. Last week it awarded the Dept of Education a $2.6 billion boost when Betsy Devos requested a $9 billion cut. She tried to dismantle her agency’s central budget office to create a leaner structure, and cut field offices in the civil-rights division from 12 to 4.” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 3/31/18]

February 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Said She Supported Defunding NPR And PBS. “I wholeheartedly support this. We need to get the government out of the propaganda business. Return TV and radio to the private sector. And save money in the process. #FreeMarket #FreePress” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 2/15/18]

Rogers Said She Would Eliminate the Department of Education

In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that she would not support keeping the Department of Education [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

Rogers Questioned The Purpose Of The Department Of Education; Said That The Federal Government Was Not Responsible For Improving Public Schools

In June 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that the federal government was not responsible for improving the public school system. She went on to question the purpose of the Department of Education.

“The federal government is not responsible for improving the public school system. Why do we have a Department of Education? I want freedom in my education. I home schooled my kids. They went to a charter school, and then went to ASU. I don’t need the federal government telling me how to educate my children.” [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

Rogers Opposed Common Core, But Previously Acknowledged The Need For Federal Education Standards

2018: Rogers Said She Supported “The End Of Common Core.” “The federal government has set up a multi- billion dollar bureaucracy for schools and school districts to navigate, robbing billions and billions of dollars from the classroom, out of the hands of teachers, and as far away from students as possible. We must finalize the end of

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Common Core and return control back to the states and local governments.” [Wendyrogers.org, Issues, accessed 8/17/18]

…But Previously Acknowledged A Role For The Federal Government In Education

In July 2012, Rogers acknowledged that there might be some role for federal government in setting nationwide educational standards.

“A fifth grader in Alabama should meet the same standard as a fifth grader in Arizona. That might be an appropriate input by the federal government. But the implementation and enactment of making that happen, and the enforcement, belongs at the local level.” [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

Education Funding

Said That Teachers Were Underpaid, But Also Wanted To Reduce Education Spending

In September 2010, Rogers said that teachers are underpaid and that more funding should be directed to the classroom, but she was also very vocal about cutting education funding.

“As a big believer in public education, I believe it is atrocious how underpaid teachers are. More dollars should be routed to the classroom because great teachers deserve great pay.” [Arizona Republic, Wendy Rogers’s op-ed, 9/23/10]

Said Education Spending Was “Bloated”

In October 2010, when asked by the Arizona Republic if the state government had been spending too much money, not enough, or the right amount, Rogers said that the state government had spent too much, citing education spending specifically.

“Too much. Cut the bloat in educational spending,” Rogers said. [Arizona Republic, 10/20/10]

Refused To Explain Her Position On Education Funding

While running for State Senate in 2010, Rogers never explained her position on funding for public education, saying only that education is “paramount” to voters in the district and that more accountability is needed in the school system. Rogers instead focused on her “vast repertoire of life and professional experience.” [Arizona Capitol Times, 9/06/10]

Became Substitute Teacher To Observe How School Dollars Were Being Spent

In 2011, Rogers said she had become a credentialed substitute teacher in the local high school district “to see how the money is being spent,” Rogers wrote in a Facebook post. [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 11/23/11]

Opposed Building Montessori High School

In September 2011, Rogers said in a tweet that building a Montessori high school would be a waste of money. [Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 9/19/11]

Religion In Schools

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Rogers Supported Teaching Religion In Schools

March 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Said “We Need To Put God Back in Our Schools. “We need to put God back in our schools. This is a great way to show that.” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 3/15/18]

Charter Schools

2007-2008: Served As Development Director For A Charter School

In May 2010, the Arizona Republic reported that Rogers had served as development director for Tempe Preparatory Academy. [Arizona Republic, 5/29/10]

Supported Parents Using Tax Credits, Vouchers, ESAs For Public, Private, And Home Schools

In 2010, Rogers indicated on a Arizona Catholic Conference candidate survey that she supported “[a]llowing parents to use tax credits, vouchers, or education savings accounts to enable children to attend any public, private, or home school.” [2010 Candidate Survey, Arizona Catholic Conference, received 6/04/10]

2012: Supported The Same Statement

In 2012, Rogers indicated on a Center for Arizona Policy candidate survey that she supported “[a]llowing parents to use tax credits, vouchers, or education savings accounts to enable children to attend any public, private, or home school.” [2012 Federal Candidate Survey, Center for Arizona Policy, received 6/07/12]

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Energy Issues

Significant Findings

 Endorsed the Keystone XL Pipeline

 Opposed carbon tax

 Opposed cap and trade

 Said that the United States’ current energy policy threatens national security

Keystone XL

Signed A Letter To Secretary Of State Clinton Endorsing Keystone XL Pipeline

In March 2011, Rogers and 65 other veterans signed a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urging her to approve the necessary permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline project.

“Having dedicated our lives to protecting and serving this great country, we feel it is incumbent upon us to reinforce how vital the Keystone XL Pipeline is to reducing America’s dependence on oil from less stable regions of the world,” the letter said. “One only needs to consider the recent events in the Middle East to understand the vulnerabilities our nation faces and the need for a more domestic, secure supply of oil from a friendly and reliable trading partner such as Canada.” [Benzinga.com, 3/04/11]

Said That President Obama Did Not Support The Keystone Pipeline Because He Was Beholden To Unions

In June 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that they Keystone pipeline hadn’t been implemented because the president was beholden to labor unions.

“Why can’t we have the full implementation of the Keystone pipeline? It’s because our government, right now, is run by a president who is beholden to unions. And no one wants to talk about that, but it’s the truth.” [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

Labor Unions Supported The Keystone Pipeline. “The letter from union leaders was a direct rebuke to another sent by nearly two dozen members of Congress on Friday asking the White House to intervene and stop the project. Additionally, the timing of the unions’ position just more than a month ahead of the general election could put the president and his allies in a politically awkward position to address both the Standing Rock Sioux’s concerns and placate the demands of a core Democratic constituency still unhappy over the president’s rejection of the Keystone Pipeline last year.” [NBC News, 10/4/16]

Cap And Trade & Carbon Tax

Opposed Cap and Trade

In 2012, Rogers indicated on a Center for Arizona Policy candidate survey that she opposed “[s]etting a government cap on carbon emission, requiring companies to buy emissions credits, and allowing them to trade any

WENDY ROGERS (AZ-01) Research Book | 97 leftover credits (called ‘cap and trade’).” [2012 Federal Candidate Survey, Center for Arizona Policy, received 6/07/12]

Opposed Carbon Tax

In June 2012, Rogers said that she would oppose any taxes on carbon.

“And furthermore, I am completely against any kind of taxes on carbon. That suppresses ingenuity. That suppresses small business, like me.” [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

Energy Security

Said that Current Energy Policy Threatens Our National Security

In June 2012, Rogers said that our current energy policy threatens national security.

“National security is absolutely at stake because of our energy policy. When we depend on other countries for energy, we subsidize them, for energy, we are sacrificing national security.” [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

Said That Former Eastern Bloc Countries Were “Freer” Than The United States

In June 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that there were many former eastern bloc countries that were “freer” than the United States in terms of national security and energy policy.

“There are so many former east bloc countries now who in some ways are freer than we are in how they determine their national security and their energy policy,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

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Environmental Issues

Significant Findings

 Supported Trump’s pardoning of the Hammonds, who inspired a militia against the federal government

 Supported eliminating the Environmental Protection Agency

 Said that investments in green jobs were a waste of tax dollars

 Said that “sustainability” is a euphemism for government control

Federal Lands

Rogers Supported Trump’s Pardoning Of The Hammonds, Who Inspired A Militia Against The Federal Government

July 2018: On Facebook, Rogers Said She Supported Trump’s Pardon Of The Hammonds, Saying She Supported Giving “Federal lands Back To The States.” “Glad to see this. Federal land grabs are a huge problem out here in the West. I will work to give federal lands back to the states when in Congress. #AZ01 #FlipAZ01” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 7/10/18]

The Hammonds Were Serving Five Year Sentences For Arson On Federal Land, And Inspired Anti- Government Militia Members To Commandeer Government Buildings. “President Trump on Tuesday pardoned a pair of Oregon cattle ranchers who had been serving out five-year sentences for arson on federal land — punishments that inspired the armed occupation of a wildlife refuge in 2016 and brought widespread attention to anger over federal land management in the Western United States. The case against the ranchers — Dwight L. Hammond, now 76, and his son, Steven D. Hammond, 49 — became a cause célèbre for an antigovernment group’s weekslong standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. The occupation, led by the Bundy family, drew hordes of militia members who commandeered government buildings and vehicles in tactical gear and long guns, promising to defend the family.” [New York Times, 7/10/18]

Environmental Protection Agency

Said She Would Eliminate The Environmental Protection Agency

In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that she would not support keeping the Environmental Protection Agency. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

Climate Change

Said Arizona Should Not Take The Lead In Fighting Climate Change

In October 2010, when asked by the Arizona Republic if Arizona should take the lead in fighting global warming even if the federal government didn’t, Rogers simply responded “no.” [Arizona Republic, 10/20/10]

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Green Jobs

Said Investments In Green Jobs Were A Waste Of Tax Dollars

In 2012, Rogers said the Obama Administration’s investments toward green jobs were unsuccessful and were a waste of tax money.

“According to the Obama Administration, creation of ‘green jobs’ includes positions as a: bike repair shop clerk, hybrid bus driver, school bus driver, and the person who fuels the bus. Click ‘like’ if you agree that our tax dollars were wasted in Obamas investment toward green jobs!” Rogers wrote on Facebook. [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 6/07/12]

Called Bankrupt Solar Companies Examples of Government Abuse

In 2012, Rogers said the failing of energy companies like Solar Trust of America and Solyndra, after investments by the Obama Administration, were examples of the government abusing tax dollars.

“Another Obama backed solar energy company, Solar Trust of America, has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. Let’s not forget about Solyndra and the 528 million dollars of tax payer money that was wasted with that endeavor. These are prime examples of government abuse of YOUR money,” [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 4/03/12]

Said “Sustainability” Was A Euphemism For Government Control

In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that “sustainability” is a euphemism for government control.

“I absolutely do know what Agenda 21 is because I’m a property owner. Because I own an office building on rural road and because I will have to subscribe to ‘energy standards’ and ‘sustainability,’ which is really a euphemism for government control,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

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LGBT Issues

Significant Findings

 Called gender-inclusive pronouns her “pet peeve”

 Supported amending both the state federal constitutions to define marriage as between one man and one woman

 Opposed granting unmarried domestic partners the same employee and health benefits of married couples

 Opposed legislation to protect LGBT rights


April 2017: On Twitter, Rogers Said Gender-Inclusive Pronouns Were Her “Pet Peeve”

April 2017: On Twitter, Rogers Said Gender-Inclusive Pronouns Were Her “Pet Peeve.” “My pet peeve ‘they’ instead of ‘he’ or ‘she’. #AZ01” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 4/20/17]

Marriage Equality

Rogers Opposed The Arizona Attorney General’s Decision Not To Appeal The 9th Circuit Court Ruling Allowing Same Sex Marriage

October 2014: Rogers Opposed The Arizona Attorney General’s Decision Not To Appeal The 9th Circuit Court Ruling Allowing Same Sex Marriage. “Sinema’s opponent in the 9th Congressional District, Wendy Rogers, was one of the few Republicans to strongly criticize the decision. ‘Attorney General Horne made the wrong decision by not appealing Judge Sedwick’s ruling, which ordered county clerks to cease enforcement of part of Arizona’s Constitution,’ Rogers said. ‘As Arizona’s attorney general, his job is to enforce and defend Arizona’s laws.’” [Arizona Republic, 10/19/14]

Supported Amending State Constitution to Define Marriage as One Man and One Woman

In 2010, Rogers indicated on a Arizona Catholic Conference candidate survey that she “support[ed] states amending state constitutions to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.” [2010 Candidate Survey, Arizona Catholic Conference, received 6/04/10]

Said She Opposed Federal Legislation Banning Same-Sex Marriage

In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that she would not support federal legislation banning same sex marriage. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

…But, One Month Prior, Supported Amending U.S. Constitution To Ban Same-Sex Marriage

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In 2012, Rogers indicated on a Center for Arizona Policy candidate survey that she supported “[a]mending the United States Constitution to define marriage as only the union of one man and one woman.” [2012 Federal Candidate Survey, Center for Arizona Policy, received 6/07/12]

2010: May Have Supported Amending U.S. Constitution To Ban Same-Sex Marriage

In 2010, Rogers may have indicated on a Arizona Catholic Conference candidate survey that she supported “[a]mending the United States Constitution to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.” [2010 Candidate Survey, Arizona Catholic Conference, received 6/04/10]

NOTE: On her candidate survey, Rogers wrote below her statement supporting a federal marriage ban that she supports stated amending their “state” constitutions. However, she did not cross out or otherwise indicate that she did not also support amending the federal constitution.

Opposed Granting Domestic Partners Employee and Health Benefits Given to Married Couples

In 2010, Rogers indicated in a Center for Arizona Policy candidate questionnaire that she opposed “[g]overnment granting unmarried domestic partners the same employee and health benefits as married couples.” [Center for Arizona Policy, 2010 General Election Voter Guide]

Opposed Repealing DOMA

In 2012, Rogers indicated on a Center for Arizona Policy candidate survey that she opposed “[r]epealing the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which states that marriage is the union of one man and one woman and declared states do not have to recognize same-sex marriage from other states.” [2012 Federal Candidate Survey, Center for Arizona Policy, received 6/07/12]

Civil Rights

Opposed Legislation To Protect LGBT Rights

In July 2012, Rogers said that she would not support legislation making “sex preference” a protected minority. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

Opposed Anti-Discrimination And Harassment Legislation

In July 2012, Rogers said that she would not support adding protections against discrimination and harassment based on sexual orientation, parental status, marital status, and political affiliation. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

…And Opposed Adding “Gender Identity” And “Gender Expression” To Protected Classes

In 2012, Rogers indicated on a Center for Arizona Policy candidate survey that she opposed [a]dding ‘sexual orientation,’ ‘gender identity,’ or ‘gender expression’ to the protected classes of race, religion, age, sex, and ancestry in antidiscrimination law.” [2012 Federal Candidate Survey, Center for Arizona Policy, received 6/07/12]

Supported “Regulating Sexually-Oriented Businesses To The Fullest Extent Possible Under The Law”

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In 2010, Rogers indicated in a Cetner for Arizona Policy candidate questionnaire that she supported “[r]egulating sexually-oriented businesses to the fullest extent possible under the law.” [Center for Arizona Policy, 2010 General Election Voter Guide]

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Gun Issues

Significant Findings

 Opposed restricting gun “accessories”

 Said bringing religion to public schools would “fix school shootings”

 Blamed the Parkland shooting on the FBI

 Said that individuals should be allowed to carry guns into any business

 Said that gun owners shouldn’t need a license in order to bear arms

 Said that guns save lives

 Had a concealed weapons permit

Gun Control

Rogers Opposed Any Gun Restrictions For “Law-Abiding Citizens”

2018: Rogers Said She Did Not Support Any Restrictions On Gun Ownership For “Law-Abiding Adults,” Including “Banning Accessories.” “I do not support banning accessories, banning different types of weapons, or raising the age to own a firearm. All law-abiding adults in this nation have a right to defend themselves from attackers.” [Wendyrodgers.org, Issues, accessed 8/16/18]

Said Gun Owners Should Not Be Required To Have Licenses

In July 2012, Rogers said that gun owners shouldn’t need a license in order to bear arms.

“The second amendment gives me the right to bear arms, and it doesn’t give the government the right to restrict me from bearing arms. It doesn’t say that I have to have a license. It says that I can bear arms. And I resent when a state narrows that down from a federal amendment to make it more restrictive. […] I will faithfully support and defend the second amendment as stringently as possible to continue to have that right,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

Said Guns Save Lives

In May 2013, Rogers said in a tweet that guns save lives, citing a Los Angeles Times article that shows that gun murders have been nearly cut in half in the past twenty years.

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 5/8/13]

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Said People Should Be Allowed To Carry Guns Into Any Business

In September 2013, in response to Starbucks’ request for gun owners to refrain from bringing their weapons into its cafes, Rogers tweeted that people should be allowed to carry guns into Starbucks or any other business.

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 9/26/13]

Said “Freedom and Security Were Lost” In South Africa During The U.N. Imposed Arms Embargo During Apartheid

Rogers Said She Visited Robbie Of Robar Guns, “Who Saw First-Hand How Freedom & Security Were Lost” As A South African Army Infantryman. In May 2013, Rogers tweeted about visiting a gun shop the owner of which had been a South African infantryman “who saw first-hand how freedom & security were lost.”

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 5/16/13]

Robar Guns Was Owned By Robbie Barrkman, Who Was Raised In South Africa. “This interview traces Robbie Barrkman’s progression, first as a competitive shooter and trainer on through his career as a leading figure in small arms innovation and customization. The story is a mini biography as well as a case study in how successful weapons’ businesses are conceived and evolve. Some may think that success depends on an original design and the business skills to commercially develop and market the products. William Ruger is a classic example of both a designer and a person with good business skills.” [Small Arms Review, December 2009]

Barrkman Was A Competitive Shooter In The 1970s And Said The Arms Embargo on South Africa “Had A Major Effect” On His Ability To Acquire Weapons. “I got some of my friends involved and we formed our first combat club. We were allowed to use a small range off to one side of my parent’s shooting club. Bill Jordan’s No Second Place Winner was like a bible to us. I had a Smith & Wesson K38 and ammunition was extremely expensive so we all had to reload. My first was one of those Lee Hand Loaders and it took me hours each week to get ready for the upcoming weekend shoots. No one had automated presses such as RCBS or Star - you just could not buy them in a commercial store. The arms embargo had a major effect on our ability to buy guns, ammunition and reloading equipment.” [Small Arms Review, December 2009]

1977-1994: The U.N. Imposed A Mandatory Arms Embargo On South Africa In Response To The Increasingly Violent Apartheid Regime. “The Resolution acknowledged the need for a universal arms embargo, building on the existing voluntary arms embargo, which was imposed in August 1963. The mandatory arms embargo was imposed in response to the increasing violence of the apartheid regime in South Africa, including the response to the Soweto Uprising in 1976. […] In May 1994, UN Security Council Resolution 919 terminated the arms embargo. This was in response to the holding of multi-party elections and the election of Neilson Mandela as President earlier in the month.” [Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, updated 10/25/12]

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Rogers Opposed Gun-Free Zones

May 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Said Gun Free Zones Were The Cause Of School Shootings, Calling Them “Sitting Duck Zones.” “The cause for that is gun free zones, also known as sitting duck zones. We need armed security and well-trained armed administrators at our schools.” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 5/2/18]

April 2018: Rogers Said “Gun Free Zones And Banning AR-15s Will Not Fix School Violence.” “It’s time. Liberals – leave our guns alone! Gun free zones and banning AR-15s will not fix school violence.” [Wendyrogers.org, press release, 4/25/18] (Video Available)

Rogers Supported Arming Teachers And Encouraged Teachers And Administrators To Conceal Carry

May 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Supported Arming Teachers, Saying “#GunsSaveLives.” “Yes! #GunsSaveLives #2A #AZ01” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 3/15/18]

April 2018: Rogers Said “Responsible, Grown-Adult Teachers… Should Conceal Carry.” “Responsible, grown-adult teachers and administrators should conceal carry. The fact that some schools use rocks and baseball bats instead of firearms to defend against crazed attackers is ludicrous.” [Wendyrogers.org, press release, 4/25/18] (Video Available)

Had A Concealed Weapons Permit

2018: Rogers Said She Had A Concealed-Carry Weapons Permit. “As a retired member of the United States Air Force and as a current Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) permit holder, I take our fundamental rights very seriously. As your representative in Congress, you can depend on me to always fight to uphold your right to bear arms.” [Wendyrodgers.org, Issues, accessed 8/16/18]

Rogers Said Her Entire Family Had Concealed Weapons Permits And Their Own Firearms. In August 2012, Rogers said that she and all the other members of her family have concealed weapons permits and their own firearms. [Arizona 8 PBS, Republican Candidates Debate, posted 8/1/12]

Mass Shootings

Rogers Blamed The Parkland Shooting On The FBI

February 2018: On Twitter, Regarding The Parkland Shooting, Rogers Said “The Government Failed Us.” “The government failed us. Tucker is right. Why are we looking for government solutions instead of giving teachers more liberty to defend themselves? #AZ01 #FloridaShooting” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 2/24/18]

Rogers On The Parkland Shooting: “I Call For A Complete Investigation Into The Federal Bureau Of Investigation.” “I call for a complete investigation into the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Everyone involved in dropping the ball on this needs to be fired and punished! #AZ01 #FloridaShooting [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 2/24/18]

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Rogers Said “Embracing The Family, Respecting Authority, Taking Real Responsibility, And Putting God Back In Schools” Would “Fix School Shootings

April 2018: Rogers Said “Embracing The Family, Respecting Authority, Taking Real Responsibility, And Putting God Back In Schools” Would “Fix School Shootings.” “You know what will fix school shootings? Embracing the family, respecting authority, taking real responsibility, and putting God back in schools. Liberals kicked God out of our schools when the Supreme Court said our children couldn’t pray in school anymore.” [Wendyrogers.org, press release, 4/25/18] (Video Available)

National Rifle Association

2018: Rogers Bought A Lifetime Membership To The NRA

May 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Said She Bought A Lifetime Membership To The NRA. “Here is a pic of my son George and I when we went to the range. Because of what is going on, I just bought a lifetime membership to the NRA today. They deserve it. Keep up the fight. #NoGunControl #2A” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 3/1/18]

August 2018: According To Her Twitter Account, Rogers Got An A-Rating From The NRA. “I am proud to be A-Rated by the NRA. Nobody will defend your gun rights better and Wendy Rogers. Please send your mail in ballots today, check off Wendy Rogers for congress. Thank you! #AZ01 #FlipAZ01 #2A #TeamWendy” [Twitter, Wendy Rogers, 8/4/18]

According To FEC Data, Rogers Has Not Received Contributions To Her Federal Campaigns From The NRA. [FEC, accessed 8/30/18]

According To VoteSmart, As Of August 2018, Rogers Had Never Been Endorsed By The NRA. [Votesmart, accessed 8/30/18]


2018: Rogers Claimed To Be A Member Of The Controversial Militia, “The Oathkeepers”

2018: Rogers Claimed To Be A Member Of The Controversial Militia, “The Oathkeepers.” [iVoterguide, accessed 8/20/18]

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Health Care Issues

Significant Findings

 Supported ending cost-sharing subsidies, which caused health insurance premiums to rise

 Had long called for the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, and continued to say she would “work to repeal and defund Obamacare” after Congress failed to pass replacement legislation

 Called for more walk-in clinics as an alternative to the Affordable Care Act

 Said “you have to earn your healthcare”

 Said that the Affordable Care Act would cause doctors to leave the United States for Central and South America

Trump Administration Sabotage

Rogers Supported Trump’s Plan To End Cost Sharing Subsidies, Which Caused Premiums To Rise

October 2017: On Twitter, Rogers Praised Trump’s Plan To End Cost Sharing Subsidies. “Free market must prevail. Finally courage we’ve needed. #AZ01 #AmericaFirstArizonaFirst” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 10/13/17]

Vox: Cost Sharing Subsidies “Help Reduce Health Care Costs For Lower-Income Americans, A Serious Attack On The Stability Of The Health Care Law’s Insurance Markets.” “The Trump administration has decided to cut off crucial Obamacare subsidies that help reduce health care costs for lower-income Americans, a serious attack on the stability of the health care law’s insurance markets. President Donald Trump has been threatening to end the payments — known as cost-sharing reduction subsidies or CSRs — for months, but is finally following through after Republicans in Congress once again failed to repeal and replace Obamacare late last month.” [Vox, 10/12/17]

2017: About 58% Of Marketplace Consumers, Or 7.1 Million People, Benefitted From CSR Subsidies. “The so-called ‘cost-sharing reductions’ help low-income plan members pay out-of-pocket costs like deductibles and co- payments. This year, about 58 percent of marketplace consumers, or 7.1 million people earning up to two-and-a- half times the federal poverty level, will receive the subsidies.” [McClatchy, 4/12/17]

OMB: Trump’s Decision To Quit Making CSR Payments Caused Premiums To Rise By 15-20% In 2018. “Funding the Affordable Care Act’s cost-sharing subsidies would lower premiums by 15-20%, according to an analysis being circulated around congressional offices from the Office of Management and Budget. OMB says those subsidies would be more cost-effective than a new reinsurance program … The numbers: President Trump’s decision to quit making the cost-sharing payments this year caused premiums to rise by 15-20%, the analysis says, and funding them next year would undo that increase.” [Axios, 3/6/18]

Wall Street Journal: “Insurers Across The Country Have Requested Double-Digit Increases In Premiums, With Some, Most Notably Aetna And Humana, Saying They’ll Pull Out Of The Individual Market Entirely Next Year.” “The senators pointed to an April Wall Street Journal article about President Donald Trump threatening to use a set of ACA subsidies that the administration pays insurance companies each month as a bargaining chip to win Democratic support for Republicans’ pending health-care overhaul plan. ‘Obamacare is dead next month if it doesn’t get that money,’ he told the Journal in an Oval Office interview. ‘What I think should

WENDY ROGERS (AZ-01) Research Book | 108 happen and will happen is the Democrats will start calling me and negotiating.’ Since then, insurers across the country have requested double-digit increases in premiums, with some, most notably Aetna and Humana, saying they’ll pull out of the individual market entirely next year.” [Wall Street Journal, 6/12/17]

Affordable Care Act

2018: Rogers Opposed The Affordable Care Act And Supported Repealing And Defunding It

2018: Rogers Said She Would Work To Repeal And Defund The ACA, Saying She Would Support Opening Health Care Markets Across State Lines. “In Congress, I will work to repeal and defund Obamacare, and will join my colleagues to replace it with a common-sense alternative that increases access, reduces costs for all Americans, protects seniors, incentivizes innovation and the reduction of fraud and waste, and makes our nation’s health system more efficient. The new solution must be based on private-sector solutions, getting government out of the way, and opening up competition across state lines.” [Wendyrogers.org, Issues, accessed 8/16/18]

2014: Rogers Called for Repeal of the Affordable Care Act

Rogers On The Affordable Care Act: “No Band-Aids. Need DO-OVER.” “More cancellations than sign-ups. Kyrsten Sinema just DOESN’T get it. No band-aids. Need DO-OVER. RT if you agree!” Rogers said. [Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 1/03/14]

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 1/03/14]

Shared Red State Article Calling for ACA Repeal

In November 2013, Rogers tweeted an article from the conservative blog Red State calling for the repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 11/12/13]

Supported RSC Efforts To Repeal And Replace The ACA

Rogers: “The RSC Has A Plan And I Fully Support The Efforts Being Taken To Pursue A More Conservative, Responsible Approach To Health Care Reform.” “Pessimists are claiming we’re stuck with Obamacare, but the reality is that we can--and must--defund and repeal the president’s health care law. The RSC has a plan and I fully support the efforts being taken to pursue a more conservative, responsible approach to health care reform.” [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 8/9/13]

Called On Congress To Defund The Affordable Care Act

In June 2012, Rogers said in a tweet that Congress should “lead” by “starving the monster.”

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[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 6/28/12]

Attacked Federal Health Insurance Mandate

In March 2012, Rogers said in an email announcing her candidacy that companies should be allowed to choose to buy health insurance for employees rather than being required to by a federal mandate. [Arizona Republic, 3/05/12]

Said The Affordable Care Act And State Exchanges Have Been A Total Failure

In January 2014, Rogers said in a tweet that the ACA and the state healthcare exchanges have been a total failure.

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 1/06/14]

Said Nobody She Knew Was Able to Sign Up for Obamacare

In October 2013, Rogers tweeted that nobody she knew was able to sign up for Obamacare.

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 10/11/13]

Hoped The Supreme Court’s ACA Decision Was Part Of A Plan To Dismantle The “Great Society”

In July 2012, Rogers said that she hoped that Chief Justice John Roberts’ decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act was part of a long term plan to dismantle LBJ’s “Great Society.”

“I heard an interesting, introspective look at it the other night on Fox News, and I only hope that it’s true, that the Chief Justice, John Roberts is playing chess, when the rest of us are looking at it as a checkers game. I am hopeful that that viewpoint, that he has taken the long view and gotten two liberal justices to go along with him to be able to eventually dismantle part of LBJ’s great society—that, I hope,” Rogers said. [Western Free Press, Wendy Rogers Interview, posted 7/3/2012]

“Great Society” Programs Include Medicare & Medicaid, Head Start, And Job Corps

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Johnson’s “Great Society” initiative, begun in the 1960s, included popular programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, Head Start, Job Corps, the National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities, and others. [University of Colorado at Boulder, accessed 4/29/14]

Criticized “Government-Run Healthcare”

In October 2010, Rogers said that the Arizona Legislature should “not force its citizenry to have to participate in government-run health care.” [Arizona Republic, 10/20/10]

Said The Affordable Care Act Involved Government In Healthcare Decisions

In June 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that she believed that individuals can make their own financial and healthcare decisions better than the government can, suggesting that the Affordable Care Act put government between doctors and patients.

“I believe that we all are able to manage our money and our healthcare decisions better than the government, and I consider it an affront to have the government involved in those healthcare decisions between my doctor and me, and in the financial decision making of those health decisions. I want the government out of the healthcare business as much as possible.” Rogers said. [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

Said That The ACA Was A Government Takeover Of GDP

In August 2012, Rogers said at an Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce debate that the ACA wasn’t about Healthcare; it was about a “government takeover of 1/6th of our GDP.”

“This isn’t about healthcare,” Rogers said. “Some of the benefits are great, but there’s a much more economical way to do that than the Obamacare tax. As a small business owner, I want portability, the ability to band together, the ability to purchase across state lines, and incentivizing good choices. Those all speak to competition.” [AZ Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Debate, 9/1/12]

Said That The Veterans Administration Was An Example Of What The ACA Would Be Like

In June 2012, Rogers said at a candidate forum in Chandler, AZ that the VA was a “small example” of what she thought health care under the Affordable Care Act would be like. She said that she has difficulty getting an appointment and worries about what would happen if she had an urgent need for care. [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

Said That The Affordable Care Act Would Cause Doctors To Move To Central And South America

In July 2012, Rogers said in a Tea Party debate that the ACA would cause doctors to leave the United States for countries in Central and South America.

“Every U.S. Doctor who has any foresight has an egress plan… an exit strategy, to go to some Central American or South American country where he or she will be honored for his or her expertise and compensated accordingly,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

Said That Health Care Has To Be Earned

In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that healthcare had to be earned.

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“You have to earn your healthcare. You can’t just walk into a Cadillac system, when everybody else, like us, either doesn’t have healthcare or is flailing.” [YouTube, Paradise Valley Candidate Forum, 7/2/12]

Said She Wouldn’t Hire New Employees Because Of The Affordable Care Act

In August 2012, Rogers said that she can’t hire new employees because she doesn’t know what the effect of the Affordable Care Act will be.

“As I mentioned I have 14 employees. I purchase a share of their healthcare, but that’s my choice. […] I am scared to death of what Obamacare will mean for me. I can’t hire now, because I don’t know what the effect will be,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Debate, 8/9/12]

Did Not Provide Health Insurance to Employees, But Provided A $150 Monthly Medical Insurance Contribution

According to a copy of a 2005 employment contract between HouseMaster Home Inspections and Stephen Butzer, inspectors were expected to have their own medical insurance, although HouseMaster would provide worker’s compensation insurance along with a $150 monthly medical insurance contribution. [Maricopa County Superior Court Case no. CV2009-052047, Exhibit 4, “Inspector Requirements & Benefits]

The Affordable Care Act Provided A Small Business Health Care Tax Credit

The Affordable Care Act provides a health care tax credit of up to 35 percent of premiums for employers with fewer than 25 full-time employees who pay an average wage of less than $50,000 a year and at least half of employee health insurance premiums. [IRS.gov, accessed 4/29/14]

Said That The Affordable Care Act Disincentives Work

In July 2013, Rogers said in a Facebook post that the Affordable Care Act pays people not to work.

“Obamacare pays you not to work ‘too much’ or otherwise you’ll lose your benefits! A completely un-American way of doing things,” Rogers wrote. [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 7/31/13]

Said That The Affordable Care Act Cut $700 Billion From Medicare

On her campaign website, Rogers said that the Affordable Care Act “included more than $700 billion in cuts to Medicare, which will deliver added woes to Arizona seniors already struggling to balance limited incomes with increasing medical costs.” [WendyRogers.org, accessed 3/3/14]

Said The President Obama Wants To “Take Over Your Body”

In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that President Obama wants to “take over your body.”

“Portability across state lines, banding together as small business owners to create pools of insurance, incentivizing good behavior—that is all doable, but Obama doesn’t want to do it because he wants to take over your body,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

Attacked Sinema for Calling for a Review of the ACA’s Problems

In October 2013, Rogers wrote an op-ed in which she criticized Rep. Kyrsten Sinema for calling on the federal government to “take swift action to fix this continuing problem,” referring to problems with the ACA rollout.

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“Government IS the problem,” Rogers wrote. “Government doesn’t create new goods or services, nor does it improve national productivity. […] Dot-gov does not equal competition; Dot-com does. Get Dot-gov out of the Dot-com business.” [Rogers op-ed, SonoranAlliance.com, 10/29/13]

Said That Democrats Didn’t Understand the Affordable Care Act When They Passed It

In August 2013, Rogers said in a Facebook post that Democrats didn’t understand the ACA when they passed it.

[Wendy Rogers Facebook, 8/6/13]

Health Care Alternatives

Called For More Walk-In Clinics As An Alternative To The Affordable Care Act

In August 2013, Rogers tweeted that Republicans must lead with more alternatives to Obamacare, such as increasing the number of walk-in clinics.

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[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 8/19/13]

Said That We Need To Incentivize Healthy Behavior

In June 2012, Rogers said at a candidate forum that we should incentivize healthy behavior, like Safeway Corporation and the State of Indiana do for their employees. [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

Said That More Flexible Plans Were Key To Successful Healthcare

In June 2012, Rogers contended that more flexible plans were necessary to improve the healthcare system.

“We need portability of healthcare,” Rogers said. “I want the government out of healthcare.” [North Scottsdale Independent, 6/13/12]

Other Issues

Supported Requiring Parental Consent Before A Minor Can Obtain Prescription Unless Emergency

In 2010, Rogers indicated in a Center for Arizona Policy candidate questionnaire that she supported “[r]equiring parental consen before a minor is given prescription medication unless it an an emergency.” [Center for Arizona Policy, 2010 General Election Voter Guide]

Opposed Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide

In 2010, Rogers indicated on a Arizona Catholic Conference candidate survey that she opposed “[l]egalizing physician-assisted suicide.” [2010 Candidate Survey, Arizona Catholic Conference, received 6/04/10]

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Immigration and Border Issues

Significant Findings

 Defended family separations at the border

 Opposed the Republican compromise immigration bill because it granted “amnesty to illegals.”

 Opposed the DREAM Act

 Said Trump’s wall was her district’s “number one issue”

 Said there is no political will to secure the border and that recent presidents have been pandering to the Hispanic community.

 Supported Arizona’s controversial anti-immigrant bill, SB1070

 Worried about “losing” Arizona to Mexican immigrants

 Said that the United States should not offer asylum to Mexican citizens who claim that they have a “credible fear” of violence form drug cartels

 Said that immigrants are drawn to the United States by free meals, free healthcare, and free education


Rogers Opposed DACA Protections For Individuals Brought To the US As Children

January 2018: Rogers Told PinalCentral That She Favored Allowing DACA To Expire. “In an email to PinalCentral, Rogers said immigration is the biggest policy issue that needs addressing. She’s in favor of letting a protection for illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children, known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, expire.” [PinalCentral, 1/23/18]

December 2017: On Facebook, Rogers Said That Republicans Who Signed A Letter Supporting DACA Protections Should All Face Primary Challenges. “NEED TO PRIMARY the 34 individuals on Kate’s List who are GOP lawmakers and have signed a letter to Speaker Paul Ryan asking him to focus on passing DACA Amnesty for illegal aliens before Christmas 2017 instead of focusing on protecting Americans like Kate Steinle and thousands of others harmed by illegals each year!” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 12/21/17]

August 2014: Rogers Said Walters Did Not Acknowledge Immigration As An Issue And Said Migrant Children Should Be Deported Quickly, In Conflict With A Bush-Era Immigration Policy. “On the subject of immigration, Rogers said Walter is soft on the issue. ‘We have a rampant immigrant problem,’ she said. ‘You can vote for me, who has served her country honorably. Or my opponent: a man who refuses to admit this is a problem in our country, where we have a border problem and we have to fix it.’ Even as Rogers attacked Walter on immigration, she seemed unaware of the details of the legislation her-self. When asked whether child migrants should be deported quickly, she agreed.” [Arizona Republic, 7/31/14]

June 2018: Rogers Opposed The “Goodlatte II” Bill Because It Was Too Liberal

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June 2018: Rogers Said She Did Not Support The 2018 “Goodlatte II” Bill Because It Granted “Amnesty To Illegals.” “Wendy Rogers said there were some things in the bill she liked, but they weren’t enough to sway her opinion. ‘I like that the bill had the wall, but granting amnesty to illegals en masse like that is a show stopper. We need to be sending illegals back to their native countries so they can try to come here legally, not reward them with citizenship.’ Rogers said in a statement. ‘We have both houses of Congress, it is not hard to vote on a responsible bill that we can send to President Trump.’” [PinalCentral, 6/27/18]

The Bill, Known As “Goodlatte 2,” Was Republicans Attempt At An Immigration Compromise. “House Republicans’ legislative attempt to find consensus within their own party on the divisive issue of immigration failed on the floor Wednesday, with the chamber overwhelmingly rejecting their so-called compromise bill, 121-301.” [Roll Call, 6/27/18]

The Bill Would Have Allowed Dreamers To Apply For A “Merit-Based” Visa With A Path To Citizenship. “It would have provided DACA recipients the opportunity to obtain an indefinitely renewable three-year non-immigrant legal status. Goodlatte 2 included the same provision but made it last for six years and expanded its eligibility beyond current DACA recipients to those who would qualify but had not applied. Under the compromise bill, Dreamers could also apply for a new merit-based visa and eventually citizenship, something some conservatives felt amounted to amnesty.” [Roll Call, 6/27/18]

The Bill Would Have Required Families Who Illegally Crossed The Border To Be Housed Together, Rather Than In Criminal Custody, But Eliminated The 20 Day Cap On Administrative Custody For Accompanied Children. “The compromise bill also included language intended to prevent children from being separated from their parents when detained at the border. It would have required the Department of Homeland Security to house families together while the parents are going through criminal proceedings for the misdemeanor of first-time illegal border crossing, instead of in criminal custody, and would have eliminated the 20-day cap on administrative custody for accompanied children.” [Roll Call, 6/27/18]

The Bill Granted $25 Billion In Funds For A Southern Border Wall. “The bill also called for granting $25 billion in funds for a southern border wall, making it more difficult for migrants to seek asylum, and allowing families to be detained indefinitely at the border in response to the Trump administration’s ‘zero-tolerance’ family separation policy. It also included provisions that would have significantly cut legal immigration levels.” [Vox, 6/27/18]

Opposed The DREAM Act

In July 2012, Rogers said at a Tea Party debate that she was against the DREAM Act. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

Opposed Amnesty for Undocumented Immigrants

In July 2012, Rogers said that she would not support amnesty for undocumented immigrants living in the United States. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

Rogers Appeared To Oppose A Defense Department Freeze On Naturalizing Service Members

May 2017: On Twitter, Rogers Said “We Need To Fix” The U.S. DoD Freeze On Naturalizing Service Members. “Need to fix this. Living in limbo: DOD rule change stalls path to citizenship.” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 5/18/17]

Unauthorized Immigration

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Rogers Supported Ending Policies That Bolster Legal Immigration, Which She Said Allowed “Terrorists” And “Gang Members” Into The U.S., But Claimed To Support Legal Immigration

2018: Rogers Supported Ending “Chain Migration As Well As The Dangerous Visa Lottery” Because She Said They Allow “Terrorists” And “Violent Gangs Like MS-13” To Enter The U.S. “We must build a border wall to protect our southern border which is virtually porous. We must end chain migration as well as the dangerous visa lottery that imports potential terrorists from nations that hate us and want to do us harm. We must beef up our border security as well as crack down on violent gangs like MS-13.” [Wendyrogers.org, Issues, accessed 8/16/18]

2018: Rogers Said She Supports Legal Immigration “As Much As” She Opposes Illegal Immigration. “As do the majority of Americans, I support LEGAL immigration as much as I oppose ILLEGAL immigration. Unfortunately, the career politicians and special interests in Washington are playing political games with both—and for decades, nothing meaningful has gotten done. Both legal and illegal immigration must be fixed.” [Wendyrogers.org, Issues, accessed 8/16/18]

Said That Immigrants Were Drawn To The U.S. By Free Healthcare, Free Education, And Free Meals

In May 2012, Rogers said that immigrants were motivated to cross the border illegally by the promise of free healthcare, education, and meals.

“If you do secure the border, and you do enforce the law, a lot of the quote-unquote ‘problem’ will take care of itself, but if you have an incentive, and a magnet of free healthcare, free education, free breakfast lunch and dinner you’re going to just constantly have people coming in. [YouTube, East Valley Tea Party Meeting, 5/22/12]

Said She Was “Appalled” By Immigrants Using The Emergency Room

In May 2012, Rogers said that she was “appalled” seeing taxis bringing individuals to use the emergency room.

“I sat there all day, and I saw taxi after taxi dropping people off to use the emergency room… I was appalled,” Rogers said. “And it’s a complete miscarriage of the freedom and generosity of our country.” [YouTube, East Valley Tea Party Meeting, 5/22/12]

Said That Recent Presidents Ignored Illegal Immigration To Pander To Hispanics

In May 2012, Rogers said that recent presidents have ignored the illegal immigration problem because they were pandering to the Hispanic community.

“My opinion? Pandering. […] I believe they’re pandering to the burgeoning Hispanic community. I believe it’s not only a lack of will and willingness to enforce the law, but they’re afraid to be firm. [YouTube, East Valley Tea Party Meeting, 5/22/12]

Said “Credible Fear” Of Drug Cartels Was A “Loophole” That Needs To Be Closed

In August 2013, Rogers said that we need to close “loopholes and tricks” in order to secure our border, linking to a Fox News article which said that immigrants were able to enter the country using “loopholes.” According to the article, undocumented immigrants are able to enter the country by saying “key words and phrases” to border officials, such as claiming that they had a “credible fear” of drug cartels.

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[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 8/12/13]

Worried That We Might “Lose Arizona” To Immigrants

In October 2011, Rogers tweeted a link to a Drudge Report review of Pat Buchanan’s book Suicide of a Superpower, and asked “what does it profit us if we save Anbar & lose Arizona?”

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 10/14/11]

From the book:

“[W]hite America is an endangered species. […] Mexico is moving north. Ethnically, linguistically and culturally, the verdict of 1848 is being over-turned. Will this Mexican nation within a nation advance the goals of the Constitution—to ‘insure domestic tranquility’ and ‘make us a more perfect union’? Or have we imperiled our union? […] What kind of man looks with transcendental joy to a day when the people among whom he was raised have become a minority in a nation where the majority rules? […] Historians will look back in stupor at 20th and 21st century Americans who believed the magnificent republic they inherited would be enriched by bringing in scores of millions from the failed states of the Third World.” [Drudge Report, 10/14/11]

Supported “Enforcement Of Current Law” With Respect To Undocumented Immigrants In Arizona

In 2010, in response to an Arizona Catholic Conference candidate survey question regarding her stance on “mak[ing] the presence of undocumented immigrants in Arizona a state crime,” Rogers stated that she “support[ed] the enforcement of current law[.]” [2010 Candidate Survey, Arizona Catholic Conference, received 6/04/10]

Border Security

2018: Rogers Said Building The Wall Was “The Number One Issue” In AZ-01

(Audio) Rogers: “The Number One Issue In My District Is ‘Build The Wall’ And Ending Sanctuary Cities.” [03:30] “Rogers: I do a lot of door-to-door work on my bicycle, as well, the number one issue in my district is ‘build the wall’ and ending sanctuary cities.” [KQTH, 7/5/18]

Said That There Was Not Enough Political Will To Secure The Border

In August 2012, Rogers said that we have the resources and technology to secure the border, but not the political will.

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“We can secure the border, it is doable, but there’s no political will in Washington. It takes affirmative leadership in congress to hold the executive accountable to secure the border. You enforce the law,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Debate, 8/9/12]

Said That Border Control Was A National Security Issue, Not A Social Issue

In April 2012, Rogers said that illegal immigrants constituted a national security threat.

Republicans cannot “allow the left to frame the conversation as a poor family looking for a better life in America. […] That’s not the threat,” Rogers said. [Arizona Republic, 4/25/12]

Said That Weapons Of Mass Destruction Could Cross The Border

In April 2012, Rogers said that the government should build a longer wall along the US-Mexico border because “a nuclear weapon can easily come across” the border. [Arizona Republic, 4/25/12]

Family Separations

Rogers Defended Family Separations At The Border

June 2018: Rogers Tweeted An Image That Read: “If You Don’t Want To Get Separated From Your Family When You Cross The Border Illegally, Don’t Cross The Border Illegally!” [Twitter, Wendy Rogers, 6/19/18]


Rogers Supported Expanding Federal E-Verify Systems

2018: Rogers Said She Supported An “E-Verify System That Makes It Easier To Track Who Is Coming In And Out Of Our Nation.” “We must put American workers first, not bring in new people who drastically bring about wage suppression. Lastly, we need an E-Verify system that makes it easier to track who is coming in and out of our nation.” [Wendyrogers.org, Issues, accessed 8/16/18]

Said That Employers Should Be Required To Check Immigration Status

In April 2012, Rogers said that businesses across the country should be required to check the immigration status of their employees. [Arizona Republic, 4/25/12]

Muslim Ban

Rogers Supported Trump’s Travel Ban

March 2018: Rogers Said Trump’s Travel Ban Should Remain in Place “Until Countries Can Demonstrate They Are Civilized On The World Stage.” “End the visa lottery, so we don’t have to worry about admitting terrorists. Keep the travel ban in place until countries can demonstrate they are civilized on the world stage.” [Wendyrogers.org, press release, 3/12/18]

Sanctuary Cities

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Rogers Opposed Sanctuary City Efforts And Supported “The Wall”

April 2018: Rogers Said That Unauthorized Immigration Amounted “To An Invasion.” “This amounts to an invasion. The imagery and actions here clearly show why we need a border wall and why we need to take our sovereignty and security seriously. If we don’t, we will end up like Europe. #AZ01 #BuildTheWall” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 4/2/18]

April 2018: Rogers Said She Supported Building Trump’s Border Wall And Ban Sanctuary Cities. “On her intended road to Congress, Wendy Rogers made a pit stop in Maricopa on Thursday to talk about all the issues she thinks are most prevalent for her campaign. In discussing her top issues, she started out strong from the beginning. ‘We have to build the wall,’ she said. Based on her research, this is the biggest issue in Arizona’s Congressional District 1, and it needs to be addressed, she said. Along those lines, she hopes to end sanctuary cities. She believes this will do its part to keep the U.S. a sovereign nation.” [PinalCentral, 4/27/18]

March 2018: Rogers Called For Oakland, California Mayor Libby Schaff To Be Arrested. “Traitor. She should be arrested for obstruction of justice. #AZ01 #BuildTheWall” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 3/18/18]

Supported Local Law Enforcement of Federal Immigration Laws

In 2012, Rogers indicated on a Center for Arizona Policy candidate survey that she supported “[p]assing state laws that authorize local law enforcement officials to enforce federal immigration laws.” [2012 Federal Candidate Survey, Center for Arizona Policy, received 6/07/12]

State Issues

Supported Controversial Anti-Immigrant Bill SB 1070

In July 2012, Rogers said that she was a supporter of SB 1070, the controversial anti-immigrant bill enacted in Arizona, parts of which were later struck down by the Supreme Court.

“I was a supporter of SB 1070. I deplore the fact that we had to do something as Arizonans because the federal government would not do its job,” Rogers said. [Western Free Press, Wendy Rogers Interview, posted 7/3/2012]

Work Visas

Said She Was Not Opposed To A Guest Worker Program

In May 2012, Rogers said that she would not be opposed to a guest worker program.

“I’m not opposed to a guest worker program, but we need to enforce the law,” Rogers said. [YouTube, East Valley Tea Party Meeting, 5/22/12]

2010: May Have Supported Creation Of Temporary Guest Worker Program

In 2010, Rogers indicated on a Arizona Catholic Conference candidate survey that she supported “creating a temporary guest worker program to provide foreign workers to Arizona employers experiencing a labor shortage.” [2010 Candidate Survey, Arizona Catholic Conference, received 6/04/10]

NOTE: Rogers wrote below this statement that she supported the “enforcement of current law and improvement of the H2A/H2B temporary workers programs[.]”

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Labor and Working Family Issues

Significant Findings

 Said that unemployment insurance delays economic recovery

 Said that unemployment insurance and workers compensation were examples of “government intervention”

Workman’s Compensation And Unemployment Insurance

Described Unemployment Insurance And Worker’s Compensation As “Government Intervention”

In June 2012, Rogers complained that meeting her business payroll was made harder by “vagaries of government intervention such as unemployment and worker’s compensation.

“I’m over at 3030 South Rural, trying to put together a payroll, and trying to overcome the vagaries of government intervention, like unemployment, and worker’s compensation. And do you know what else? Unemployment has 60,000 of my dollars that I’ll never get back, because I was a good steward of my employees, because I never laid anyone off.” [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

Said That Unemployment Insurance Delayed Economic Recovery

In June 2011, Rogers wrote in a letter to the editor of the East Valley Tribune that keeping Arizonans on unemployment insurance would have detrimental economic effects.

“Keeping Arizonans on unemployment prolongs the ill effects and adversity of our sick market,” Rogers wrote. “It aggravates job recovery by spiraling down a deepening debt which makes recovery even more uncertain.” [Rogers Letter to the Editor, East Valley Tribune, 6/15/11]

Working Women

Said That President Obama Threatened War Against Women In The Workplace

In May 2013, Rogers said that President Obama was threatening war against flexible hours for women in the workplace by vetoing the Working Families Flexibility Act, which would allow private sector employees to opt to be compensated for overtime with additional time off rather than time-and-a-half wages.

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 5/13/13]

Center for Economic and Policy Research: Proposal Would “Likely Increase Overtime Hours For Those Who Don’t Want Them and Cut Pay For Those Who Do.” In an op-ed submitted to the Huffington Post a senior economist with the Center for Economic and Policy Research wrote: “Touted by Republicans as a new

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comp time initiative that will give hourly-paid workers the flexibility to meet family responsibilities, it is neither new nor about giving these workers much needed time off to care for their families. The bill rehashes legislation Republicans passed in the House in 1997, some 16 years ago, and that they introduced again in most subsequent Congresses. Its major effect would be to hamstring workers – likely increasing overtime hours for those who don’t want them and cutting pay for those who do.” [Huffington Post, 4/16/13]

National Partnership For Women And Families: “You Have No Ability to Take That Leave When You Need It. The Employer Can Decide.” “It should be called the Employer Flexibility Act, because at every turn here, the employer gets to decide… It pretends to provide a set of options to employees. But even if they elect to take the comp time instead of wages, when they can take it is fully at the discretion of the employer. You have no ability to take that leave when you need it. The employer can decide.” [Chicago Tribune, 4/22/13]

Workplace Diversity

Opposed Hiring Quotas

In July 2012, Rogers said that she would not support hiring quotas based on an individual’s race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, or genetic information. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

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Seniors’ Issues

Significant Findings

 In 2012, Rogers said that Social Security was not “constitutionally guaranteed” and should be phased out or privatized

 In 2018, Rogers’ campaign website said she would protect Social Security because it was “a promise to our seniors”

 Supported privatizing Social Security for individuals under 55

 Supported Paul Ryan’s Medicare plan

Social Security

Rogers Claimed She Would Protect Social Security Four Years And Two Elections After Saying It Was Not “Constitutionally Guaranteed”

August 2018: Rogers Said She Would Defund Other Federal Programs To Protect Social Security, Which She Called “A Promise To Our Seniors.” “Social Security is a promise to our seniors. Not only will I fight to make sure our seniors get what is due them, I will propose legislation to protect the social security trust fund. I also will work to defund Amtrak, sanctuary cities, foreign aid to America’s enemies, and pork at the federal level to help pay for social security. The best way to fund social security is an additional tax cut and deregulation. Social security MUST be protected! #AZ01 #FlipAZ01 #PromisesMatter #AmericansFirst” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 8/8/18]

July 2014: Andrew Walter Criticized Rogers For Changing Her Position On Social Security. “Andrew Walter, an investor and former college and professional football player, criticized Rogers for flip-flopping on Social Security, saying she would phase it out before saying she would protect it.” [Arizona republic, 7/4/14]

July 2014: According To The Arizona Republic, Rogers Said She Wanted Social Security “Phased Out” Or Privatized in 2012. “The claim comes from a 2012 video that shows Rogers telling a conservative group called the East Valley Liberty Caucus that Social Security is unconstitutional and ‘I’d like to see it phased out.’ If not phased out, she said, it should be privatized. In that election, Rogers was in a tough seven-way Republican primary in which candidates fought for the label of most conservative.” [Arizona Republic, 7/6/14]

In Response To Her Previous Comment, Rogers Said Social Security Was Not “Constitutionally Guaranteed” And That She Would Work To Protect The Program. “Rogers has pushed back, telling voters she meant Social Security is at risk because it is not constitutionally protected. She promises to fight to preserve it. ‘Social Security is not constitutionally guaranteed, that is what the sense was in the answer that I gave,’ she told a recent meeting of Republican activists in Phoenix. ‘Congress tomorrow with the stroke of a pen could put your Social Security money to something else. … You need to send someone to Congress who will defend Social Security.’” [Arizona Republic, 7/6/14]

Rogers Said The Ryan Plan Doesn’t Go Far Enough On Social Security, And Should Privatize It

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VIDEO: Rogers: “We Should Do More To Privatize Social Security.” “I like the Ryan plan because it helps to privatize part of Medicare. [It] doesn’t do enough for Social Security; I believe what the Americans for Prosperity believe, that we should do more to privatize social security. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Debate, 8/9/12]

2012: Rogers Said That Social Security Is Unconstitutional And Should Be Phased Out Or Privatized

VIDEO: July 2012: Rogers: “Is Social Security Constitutional? No. Should It Be Phased Out? I’d Like To See It Phased Out But If It Can’t Be Phased Out, I’d Like To See Private Options.” “Is Social Security constitutional? No. Should it be phased out? I’d like to see it phased out but if it can’t be phased out, I’d like to see private options” [YouTube, East Valley Liberty Caucus, 7/25/12]

VIDEO: July 2012: Rogers Said Social Security Should Be Privatized. “I believe, as the Americans for Prosperity do, that with Social Security, we can do what the country of Chile has done, and they’ve privatized it at the beginning and intermediate age levels. And as a result, Chileans, who have a lower standard of living than we, have much more saved per capita than Americans,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

Rogers Repeatedly Said The Government Should Not Be Responsible For Retirement Savings

July 2012: Rogers Said It Was Not The Government’s Responsibility To Care For The Elderly. “I met with some attorneys a few weeks ago, and one of them said, ‘if you privatize any part of Social Security, then what if the person does not manage his money well, and he ends up older and not cared for. Then isn’t it the government’s responsibility to take care of him?’ Oh my gosh have we lost our way with that question. He was saying that it was the government’s job to take care of us. He was saying that if we don’t take individual responsibility for ourselves, then we can blame the government,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

August 2012: Rogers: “If They Have To Save, They’ll Learn.” In August 2012, Rogers said that people should save for retirement on their own, rather than having government do it for them. “If they have to save, they’ll learn,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Debate, 8/9/12]

Supported Allowing Individuals To Opt Out Of Social Security

In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that she supported allowing individuals to opt out of Social Security. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]


Endorsed Paul Ryan’s Medicare Plan Because It Privatized Part Of The Program

VIDEO: June 2012: Rogers: “What Are We Going To Do About Medicare? I Like What Paul Ryan Has To Say.” “What are we going to do about Medicare? I like what Paul Ryan has to say: not change anything for seniors 55 and older, but then inject more competition and more choice into Medicare beneath the age of 55,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

VIDEO: Rogers: “I Like The Ryan Plan Because It Helps To Privatize Part Of Medicare.” “I like the Ryan plan because it helps to privatize part of Medicare. [It] doesn’t do enough for Social Security; I believe what the Americans for Prosperity believe, that we should do more to privatize social security. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Debate, 8/9/12]

Said That Medicare Was “The Biggest Footprint On The National Debt Scene”

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In June 2012, Rogers said that Medicare contributed to the national debt, calling it “the elephant in the room.”

“The Ryan plan […] talks about reforming the biggest footprint on the national debt scene of everything: Medicare. That’s the elephant in the room,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

Said She Would Cut Medicare And Social Security…

In June 2012, when asked where she would make cuts in government spending, Rogers said that she would cut Medicare and Social Security.

“As I said before, entitlement spending, that’s the biggest part of the pie. So you ask, what would I cut, what would I work with, again, no one wants to talk about it, but it’s Medicare and Social Security. We all paid into Social Security, I understand that, but it needs to be reformed. And Medicare sorely needs to be reformed.” [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

…But Would Not Cut Defense Budget

In June 2012, Rogers said that she would not cut the Department of Defense budget.

“I would not, at this point, venture a guess on how to cut the Department of Defense. We have already been cut, and I will never sign on to putting our country at risk.” [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

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Tax Issues

Significant Findings

 Rogers supported the Republican Tax Scam

 Signed Americans for Tax Reform Taxpayer Protection Pledge

 Said that she would make more people pay taxes

 Said that Congress shouldn’t have the authority to tax

 Supported national flat and fair tax systems, which would raise taxes on the middle class while cutting taxes for the wealthy

Republican Tax Scam

Rogers Supported The Trump Tax Cuts And Called For A “Second Round”

2018: Rogers Said She Supported “Eliminating As Much As We Can From Today’s Tax Code” And “Eliminating The IRS.” “By eliminating as much as we can from today’s tax code, eliminating the IRS, and replacing our current system with one that puts all Americans on an even footing, we immediately end one of the most draconian federal agencies in history – and one which recently has proven it can be used for nefarious purposes – to harass and punish innocent American citizens and conservative organizations. It is time to rein in taxes and government, as well as rein in the IRS.” [Wednyrogers.org, Issues, 8/17/18]

August 2018: On Facebook, Rogers Said “We Need A Second Round Of Tax Cuts.” “The Trump tax cuts are winning everywhere. We need a 2nd round of tax cuts! My opponent, Tom O’Halleran, voted against the tax cuts! #AZ01 #FlipAZ01” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 8/3/18]

August 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Shared A Comic Depicting Trump As Robin Hood, Stealing From Democrats And Giving Money To The “Middle Class.” “This is great! I am going to fight for a 2nd tax cut for the middle class. #AZ01 #FlipAZ01 #MAGA” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 8/6/18]

August 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Said “The Trump tax Cuts Are Winning.” “The Trump tax cuts are winning everywhere. We need a 2nd round of tax cuts! My opponent, Tom O’Halleran, voted against the tax cuts! #AZ01 #FlipAZ01” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 8/3/18]

February 2018: Rogers Said The Trump Tax Cuts Were Responsible For Corporate Bonuses Like The Ones Given By Tyson Foods. “Tyson Foods giving $1,000 bonus checks to their employees. Guess who voted against this great tax cut that is benefitting millions of Americans? Yep, Democrat Tom O’Halleran. #FireTom #AZ01 #DrainTheSwamp” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 2/8/18]

Rogers Criticized O’Halleran For Voting Against The Trump Tax Cuts

August 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Criticized O’Halleran For Opposing The Trump Tax Cuts. “Tom O’Halleran voted against the Trump tax cuts. If you want someone to vote to make the tax cuts permanent and someone to fight for more tax cuts for the middle class, then vote for Wendy Rogers tomorrow and bring 5 people with you! #AZ01 #FlipAZ01 #TeamWendy #August28th” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 8/28/18]

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July 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Criticized O’Halleran For Voting Against The Trump Tax Cuts. “Tom O’Halleran agrees... That is why he voted against the Trump Tax Cuts. I say we need more tax cuts for the Middle Class. #AZ01 #FlipAZ01” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 7/28/18]

July 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Criticized O’Halleran For Voting Against The Trump Tax Cuts. “Tom is for higher taxes.” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 7/16/18]

March 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Criticized O’Halleran For Voting Against The Trump Tax Cuts. “This is why I must replace the Dem congressman in Arizona’s 1st District! President Trump needs backup to pass the rest of his pro-jobs agenda. Tom voted against the tax cuts & is standing in the way of making America even greater! #AZ01 #MAGA” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 3/30/18]

March 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Said The Trump Tax Cuts Were Responsible For Job Creation. “313,000 jobs jobs jobs. Trump and Republicans are good for jobs. Democrats aren’t. Plain and simple. #AZ01 #TaxCuts” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 3/8/18]

February 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Criticized O’Halleran For Voting Against The Trump Tax Cuts. “Things are already getting better. Tom O’Halleran voted against this great tax cut. #AZ01 #MAGA” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 2/13/18]

February 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Criticized O’Halleran For Voting Against The Trump Tax Cuts. “This is more #Winning! Guess who voted against this tax cut? Tom O’Halleran. He needs to be replaced! #AZ01 #DrainTheSwamp” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 2/7/18]

February 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Criticized O’Halleran For Voting Against The Trump Tax Cuts, Which She Said Were “Working.” “Such wonderful news! Tax cuts are working. Guess who voted against them? That’s right, Tom O’Halleran. #Winning” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 2/1/18]

January 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Criticized O’Halleran For Voting Against The Trump Tax Cuts. “This is not chump change. Remember O’Halleran voted against the tax cut that is blessing so many hard-working Americans, shareholders, and consumers!” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 1/28/18]

January 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Criticized O’Halleran For Voting Against The Trump Tax Cuts. “Wonderful news! I see about 2 or 3 of these types of good news tax cut stories a day. Did Tom O’Halleran vote for the tax cut? Nope. He needs to go!” [Twitter, WendyrogersAZ, 1/26/18]

Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Benefitted The Wealthy, Corporations, And Special Interests…

Washington Post: Final Tax Bill Included A “Significant Tax Break For The Very Wealthy” And “A Massive Tax Cut For Corporations.” “A new tax cut for the rich: The final plan lowers the top tax rate for top earners. Under current law, the highest rate is 39.6 percent for married couples earning over $470,700. The GOP bill would drop that to 37 percent and raise the threshold at which that top rate kicks in, to $500,000 for individuals and $600,000 for married couples. This amounts to a significant tax break for the very wealthy, a departure from repeated claims by Trump and his top officials that the bill would not benefit the rich. […] A massive tax cut for corporations “A massive tax cut for corporations: Starting on Jan. 1, 2018, big businesses' tax rate would fall from 35 percent to just 21 percent, the largest one-time rate cut in U.S. history for the nation's largest companies.” [Washington Post, 12/15/17]

…While Millions Of Americans Would Pay More In Taxes

Politifact: GOP Tax Bill Would Raise Taxes For The Middle Class After Individual Tax Cut Provisions Expired In 2025. “Gillibrand said the Republican ‘tax [plan] raises middle-class taxes.’ That's not true during the

WENDY ROGERS (AZ-01) Research Book | 127 first years of the new tax provisions. If not for the sunset for the tax changes for individuals, we likely would have rated Gillibrand's statement False or perhaps Mostly False. Middle-income taxpayers will either benefit or see no change in their tax liability through 2025. But her claim could hold up after the bill's individual provisions expire that year. There's no guarantee a future Congress will extend those parts of the bill.” [Politifact, 12/22/17]

Tax Policy Center: In 2018, 5 Percent Of Taxpayers Would Pay More In Taxes Under The GOP Tax Bill, But Would Increase To 53 Percent Of Taxpayers In 2027. “Some taxpayers would pay more in taxes under the proposal in 2018 and 2025 than under current law: about 5 percent of taxpayers in 2018 and 9 percent in 2025. In 2027, however, taxes would increase for 53 percent of taxpayers compared with current law.” [Tax Policy Center, 12/18/17]

Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Increased The Federal Debt – And Republicans Planned To Pay For It With Cuts To Medicare And Social Security

Official CBO Estimate Found Final Tax Bill Would Increase The Federal Deficit By $1.9 Trillion. “The GOP's signature tax law is projected to increase the national debt by $1.9 trillion between 2018 and 2028, according to a new report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). According to the report, the tax law would cost the government $2.3 trillion in revenues, but economic growth would offset that figure by about $461 billion.” [The Hill, 4/9/18]

After Passing A Tax Bill That Added Trillions To The Deficit, Speaker Ryan Said Medicare And Medicaid Would Need To Be “Reformed” In Order To Decrease The Deficit. “With his dream of tax reform now realized, Ryan is hoping to make progress on two other issues he’s targeted during his two-decade career in Washington: entitlement and welfare reform. ‘We’re going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform, which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit,’ Ryan, a former Budget Committee chairman, said in a recent interview this month on the Ross Kaminsky radio talk show. Medicare and Medicaid are the ‘big drivers of debt,’ Ryan said, suggesting Republicans could once again use the budget reconciliation process to avoid a Democratic filibuster. Medicare is the ‘biggest entitlement that’s got to have reform,’ Ryan added.” [The Hill, 12/27/17]

HEADLINE: After Tax Overhaul, GOP Sets Sights on Medicare, Social Security [US News, 12/7/17]

HEADLINE: Ryan says Republicans to target welfare, Medicare, Medicaid spending in 2018 [Washington Post, 12/6/17]

HEADLINE: Paul Ryan Pushes to Keep Overhaul of Safety-Net Programs on GOP Agenda [Wall Street Journal, 2/4/18]

AP: “A Wide Range Of Economists And Nonpartisan Analysts Have Warned That The Bill Will Likely Escalate Federal Debt, Intensify Pressure To Cut Spending On Social Programs And Further Widen America's Troubling Income Inequality.” “The tax overhaul of 2017 amounts to a high-stakes gamble by Republicans in Congress: That slashing taxes for corporations and wealthy individuals will accelerate growth and assure greater prosperity for Americans for years to come. The risks are considerable. A wide range of economists and nonpartisan analysts have warned that the bill will likely escalate federal debt, intensify pressure to cut spending on social programs and further widen America's troubling income inequality.” [Associated Press, 12/17/17]

Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Would Increase Incentives To Move Jobs Overseas

Tax Experts Said The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Increased Incentives For Companies To Move Jobs Overseas. “What happened to the workers in Clinton, tax experts say, will probably happen to more Americans if the Republican tax overhaul becomes law. The legislation fails to eliminate long-standing incentives for companies to move overseas and, in some cases, may even increase them, they say. ‘This bill is potentially more dangerous than our current system,’ said Stephen Shay, a senior lecturer at Harvard Law School and former Treasury Department

WENDY ROGERS (AZ-01) Research Book | 128 international tax expert in the Obama administration. ‘It creates a real incentive to shift real activity offshore.’” [Washington Post, 12/15/17]

Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Would Lead To More Expensive Health Insurance; 13 Million More Uninsured

Final Tax Bill Eliminated Central Affordable Care Act Provision, Leading To 13 Million Fewer Americans With Insurance. “The individual mandate is part of the Affordable Care Act, and removing it was a top priority for Trump and congressional Republicans. The Congressional Budget Office projects the change will increase insurance premiums and lead to 13 million fewer Americans with insurance in a decade, while also cutting government spending by more than $300 billion over that period.” [Washington Post, 12/15/17]

GOP Tax Bill Would Cause Health Insurance Premiums To Rise, And Could Lead Insurers To Drop Out Of Regional Markets. “The final GOP plan will repeal the Affordable Care Act’s individual insurance mandate, which would allow young and healthy people to leave the insurance pool, forcing insurers to compensate by raising prices due to the higher costs of insuring only less-healthy people. Not only would premiums likely rise, but many insurers could drop out of regional markets.” [Newsweek, 12/18/17]

HEADLINE: Republican Tax Plan Will Make Health Insurance More Expensive [Newsweek, 12/18/17]

Raising Taxes

June 2014: According To An Arizona Republic Fact Check, Rogers Made A False Claim About Rep. Kyrsten Sinema’s Involvements In The Budgetary Project

June 2014: According To An Arizona Republic Fact Check, Rogers Made A False Claim About Rep. Kyrsten Sinema’s Involvements In The Budgetary Project. “Rogers’ tweet claims Sinema proposed 442 new tax hikes with President Obama. A more accurate count of the tax hikes proposed by the president is about 200. Regardless, Sinema was not involved in proposing them, since they came from administration budgets and some were proposed when she was not in office.” [Arizona Republic, 6/1/14]

Said That She Would Make More People Pay Taxes

In June 2012, when asked in a candidate forum how she would reform the tax code, Rogers said that she would make more people pay taxes.

“I would make more people have to pay taxes, because with anything, ownership, in whatever you’re doing, makes the product and the quality go up. If you have people in the county who are paying into the system, they’re going to care more about their country.” [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

Taxpayer Protection Pledge

Signed 2012 Taxpayer Protection Pledge

In 2012, Rogers signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge issued by “Americans for Tax Reform.” By signing the pledge, Rogers promised to oppose any increase in income taxes on individuals and businesses, and any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates. [Wendy Rogers Press Release, 3/27/12; ATR Pledge]

General Taxation Philosophy

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Said That Congress Should Not Have The Authority To Tax

In July 2012, Rogers said that Congress should never have been given the authority to tax because it was not what the founders intended.

“With the passing of the sixteenth amendment to the constitution, Congress was given the authority to tax. I don’t think that that was intended by our founders. That should never have happened.” [YouTube, East Valley Liberty Caucus Q&A, 7/25/12]

Rogers Supported A National Flat Income Tax Or National Sales Tax, Both Of Which Would Make The Tax Code More Regressive

Rogers: “It’s Time For The Tax Code And The IRS To Go! In Its Place, The Two Best Alternatives Are The Flat Tax, A National Flat-Rate Income Tax… Or The Fair Tax, A National Sales Tax.” “It’s time for the Tax Code and the IRS to go! In its place, the two best alternatives are the Flat Tax, a national flat-rate income tax without loopholes for billionaires or special interests, or the Fair Tax, a national sales tax which would incentivize savings and investment and only apply at the final point of sale, which again, eliminates the loopholes and gimmicks only the ultra-wealthy or ultra-corrupt use to avoid paying taxes. By eliminating today’s tax code, eliminating the IRS and replacing our current system with one that puts all Americans on an even footing, we immediately end one of the most draconian federal agencies in history – and one which recently has proven it can be used for nefarious purposes to harass and punish innocent American citizens.” [Wendy Rogers campaign website, archived 8/23/13]

May 2014: Fair and Flat Tax No Longer Appeared On Website. As of May 2014, Rogers no longer explicitly lists her support for a national flat tax on her campaign website. [Wendy Rogers campaign website, accessed 5/19/14]

Flat Tax Would Increase Taxes On The Middle Class While Reducing Them For The Wealthy. “The regressivity of the flat tax is another big problem. Our current federal income tax code is progressive (rates rise with income), and every distributional analysis I’ve ever seen of a flat tax shows a transfer of the tax burden from the wealthy to the middle class. According to the Tax Policy Center’s score of the Perry tax plan, the tax bill of families with incomes between $30,000 and 40,000 would go up by about $450, while that of millionaires would fall by about half a million bucks.” [Washington Post, 5/26/15]

Fair Tax Would Raise Taxes On The Middle Class While Reducing Them For The Wealthy. “The problem is that very high-income households spend only a fraction of their income, while low- and middle- income people spend all or most of what they make. A sales tax, by design, exempts a large share of income at the top. If it includes a prebate to protect people at the bottom and doesn’t add to the deficit, then it must raise taxes on people in the middle. […] A decade ago, President George W. Bush’s Tax Reform Panel considered a sales tax as a revenue-neutral replacement for the income tax. It rejected the idea after concluding that the rates would have to be much higher than promised by the FairTax people. It also calculated the tax would be very regressive as the figure below shows.” [Tax Policy Center, 5/27/15]

Called For Eliminating “Death Tax”

In June 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that one shortcoming of the Ryan budget plan was that it didn’t eliminate the “death tax.”

“Something the Ryan plan, however, falls short on, is that it doesn’t eliminate the death tax,” Rogers said. “So when my husband out there Hal, and I die, and want to leave our business to our kids, they’re going to have to pay tax on that again. That’s wrong. What that does is is [sic] that penalizes small business. That penalizes us who create jobs in this country.” [YouTube, Chandler Candidate Forum, 6/04/12]

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Said Commercial Property Taxes Should Be Cut

In October 2010, Rogers said that property taxes on commercial property should be cut.

“Reduce property taxes on commercial property. It’s inequitable for us small-business owners to pay so much more in commercial property tax than we pay in residential tax.” [Arizona Republic, 10/20/10]

Said She Supported Import Taxes

In July 2012, Rogers said in a candidate forum that she supported import taxes. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

Said Federal Tax Withholding Should Be Eliminated

In June 2012, Rogers said that federal tax withholding should be eliminated because if Americans had to actually send a check to the federal government to pay their taxes, they would feel like they had “skin in the game.” [Arizona Capitol Times, 6/05/12]

Internal Revenue Service

Supported Eliminating the IRS

On her campaign website, Rogers said that she would fight to eliminate the IRS.

“By eliminating today’s tax code, eliminating the IRS and replacing our current system with one that puts all Americans on an even footing, we immediately end one of the most draconian federal agencies in history—and one which recently has proven it can be used for nefarious purposes to harass and punish innocent American citizens,” Rogers wrote. [WendyRogers.org, accessed 3/3/14]

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Technology Issues

Significant Findings

 Opposed state investments in bioscience research

 Supported NASA


Supported NASA

In July 2012, Rogers expressed her support for NASA programs.

“I think NASA embodies the dream that our country has. It embodies ingenuity, it incentivizes engineers and scientists to […] reach for the stars. And when that kind of thing happens, that has ‘all boats will rise’ effect on the economy,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]


Opposed Investing In Bioscience Research

In October 2010, Rogers said that she would not support using state funds for bioscience research.

“The state should not pick ‘winners’ in any kind of industry. The free market should dictate it,” Rogers said. [Arizona Republic, 10/20/10]

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Significant Findings

 Rogers supported defunding Amtrak as part of her plan to fully fund Social Security


Rogers Said She Supported Defunding Amtrak, Among Other Programs, To Pay For Social Security

August 2018: On Facebook, Rogers Said She Would Defund Amtrak, Among Other Programs, To Pay For Social Security. “Social Security is a promise to our seniors. Not only will I fight to make sure our seniors get what is due them, I will propose legislation to protect the social security trust fund. I also will work to defund Amtrak, sanctuary cities, foreign aid to America’s enemies, and pork at the federal level to help pay for social security. The best way to fund social security is an additional tax cut and deregulation. Social security MUST be protected! #AZ01 #FlipAZ01 #PromisesMatter #AmericansFirst” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 8/8/18]

2018: Amtrak Requested $1.7 Billion From Congress For FY 2019. “$1.7 billion overall request to Congress to support the Northeast Corridor and National Network accounts, consistent with the overall level authorized by the FAST Act.” [Amtrak, General and Legislative Annual Report & Fiscal Year 2019 Grant Request, 2/15/18]

July 2018: The Social Security Administration Paid Out $81 Billion Dollars In Benefits Per Month. [Social Security Administration, Monthly Statistical Snapshot, July 2018]

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Terrorism and Homeland Security

Significant Findings

 Supported reauthorization of the Patriot Act, then complained that violations of privacy were becoming the “norm”

 Said the U.S. should deport or refuse entry to Islamic extremists

 Rejected isolationism and said the U.S. should continue to focus on

Patriot Act

Said She Supported The Patriot Act

In July 2012, Rogers was the only participant in a Republican candidate forum who said that she supported the 2001 USA Patriot Act. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

Said That Violation of Privacy Has Become the “Norm”

In December 2013, Rogers shared a Fox News article on Facebook that reported that the FBI and local police were spying on individuals. She said that violation of privacy has become the “norm.”

“The violation of our privacy rights has become the norm and something must be done to protect ourselves from an increasingly intrusive government. I’m prepared to lead from the front on this issue and challenge the reckless overreach that’s being reported every single day,” Rogers wrote. [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 12/16/13]

…But She Would Support The Re-Authorization Of The Patriot Act

In July 2012, Rogers said that the Patriot Act protected us, as long as it stays out of the “wrong hands.”

“The Patriot Act, I would have signed. It protected us. I think when it gets into the wrong hands though, it can be a problem,” Rogers said. [YouTube, East Valley Liberty Caucus Q&A, 7/25/12]

International Crime

Said The U.S. Should Refuse Entry To “Islamic Supremacists”

In 2012, Rogers said the U.S. needed to protect itself from radical Islam by refusing entry to known “Islamo- Fascists,” who believed they were superior to American culture and to deport Muslims immigrants who were extremists.

“Islamo-Fascists are essentially Islamic supremacists who reject the American way of life, democracy, and freedom. They believe their ways are superior to America’s and seek to impose Sharia law on our nation. They are more active in Muslim organizations, such as mosques, schools, publications, and national organizations, than moderate Muslims,” [Project Vote Smart, accessed 3/3/14]

Said The U.S. Should Shut Down Websites Promoting Militant Islamist Causes

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In 2012, Rogers said the government should shut down websites that promoted Islamo-Fascist violence and recruited or raised money for militant causes. [Project Vote Smart, accessed 3/3/14]

Claimed That Drug Cartels Were Allying With Jihadists

In July 2012 in a Tea Party debate, Rogers underscored her concern that nuclear weapons might cross the U.S.- Mexico border by alleging that Islamic jihadists are allying with Mexican drug cartels.

“We have allowed the left to frame this conversation as the pitiful family looking for a better life, when in reality it is a national security nightmare, or could become one any moment. Notwithstanding the fact that, god forbid a nuclear weapon come across this porous border, but every day, already what’s happening is the Islamic jihadists are allying with Mexican drug cartels, and this is written about in the press and ignored,” Rogers said [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

Claimed That There Were Members Of Transnational Criminal Organizations Living in the U.S.

In November 2011, Rogers said in a Facebook post that high-ranking and violent members of Mexican transnational criminal organizations were living among us in the United States. The claims were based on an article that she posted from Homeland Security Today magazine. [Homeland Security Today, 11/8/11]

[Wendy Rogers Facebook, 11/11/11]

Said The President Should Not Care Why The Boston Marathon Bombing Was Carried Out

In April 2013, shortly after the Boston Marathon Bombing, Rogers implied in a tweet that President Obama shouldn’t care why the attacks were carried out.

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 4/16/13]

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Said U.S. Should Continue Focusing On International Terror Threats

In 2011, Rogers said the attempted assassination of Saudi Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir was a wake-up call to isolationist Republicans that the U.S. needed to continue focusing on International terrorist threats instead of domestic issues.

“To those, notably an emerging isolationist wing in the Republican Party, who’ve argued lately that the U.S. should pull its efforts back from a waning international terrorist threat to focus on domestic concerns, this event is a wake- up call,” Rogers wrote. [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 10/12/11]

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Veterans Issues

Significant Findings

 Shared a five-point plan to increase doctor pay in the VA and move away from a seniority-based system for rewarding doctors

 Said that veterans should not be treated like “victims” or “patients”

 Shared Wall Street Journal op-ed arguing that PTSD was over-diagnosed

 Said she had no respect for “fake homeless vets”

Veteran’s Administration

Rogers Proposed A Five-Point Plan To Improve VA Clinic Care For Veterans That Included Paying Doctors, Including Active Duty Military Doctors, Higher Salaries

May 2018: Rogers Offered A Five-Point Plan To Improve VA Clinic Care For Veterans. “Here are some ideas I’ve heard on the trail that are worth looking into:1. Rotate active duty military doctors and nurses into the VA. Put active duty military personnel in more positions of authority in the VA, so civilian doctors can learn from them.2. Make promotions and pay merit-based. Do not promote based on lon-gevity.3. Treat veterans like cherished customers. Incentivize customer feedback. Enforce strong consequences and actions based on that feedback, good and bad. Hold VA employees accountable.4. Improve hiring of the best and brightest, not the lowest bidder. Healthcare professionals should be vetted, credentialed, and earn a salary that attracts the best, not the worst.5. Improve digital access technology to be state-of-the-art, so millennial and younger returning-from-war veterans especially, can connect quickly to services they need. Automate and streamline routine approvals that would otherwise hold up care.” [Wendy Rogers for Congress, press release, 5/21/18]

Rogers Said The VA Should Rotate In Active Duty Military Doctors. “1. Rotate active duty military doctors and nurses into the VA. Put active duty military personnel in more positions of authority in the VA, so civilian doctors can learn from them.” [Wendy Rogers for Congress, press release, 5/21/18]

Rogers Said VA Doctors Should Be Promoted And Paid Based on “Merit” And Not “Longevity.” “2. Make promotions and pay merit-based. Do not promote based on longevity.” [Wendy Rogers for Congress, press release, 5/21/18]

Rogers Said the VA Should “Incentivize Customer Feedback.” “3. Treat veterans like cherished customers. Incentivise customer feedback. Enforce strong consequences and actions based on that feedback, good and bad. Hold VA employees accountable.” [Wendy Rogers for Congress, press release, 5/21/18]

Rogers Said VA Doctors Should “Earn A Salary That Attracts The Best, Not The Worst.” “4. Improve hiring of the best and brightest, not the lowest bidder. Healthcare professionals should be vetted, credentialed, and earn a salary that attracts the best, not the worst.” [Wendy Rogers for Congress, press release, 5/21/18]

Rogers Said The VA Should improve Digital Access. Including Automated Approval Processes. “5. Improve digital access technology to be state-of-the-art, so millennial and younger returning-from-war veterans especially, can connect quickly to services they need. Automate and streamline routine approvals that would otherwise hold up care.” [Wendy Rogers for Congress, press release, 5/21/18]

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An Arizona Republic Fact Check Found Sinema Called For The Resignation Of VA Secretary Shinseki Before Rogers Did

September 2014: According To The Arizona Republic, Rogers’ Spokesperson Erroneously Said That Rogers Was The First Person To Call For Former VA Secretary Eric Shinseki To Resign. “Rogers’ campaign manager said she quickly took action on the crisis. ‘Rogers was the first to call for system administrators and VA Secretary Eric Shinseki to resign, and she also urged the adoption of several policy proposals to help get the VA back on the right track,’ Martin Mastro said in a statement. Though Rogers did offer policy proposals and called early on for the local VA leader Sharon Helman to resign, she wasn’t the first to urge Shinseki’s resignation. She also waited more than a week to make a public statement about VA death allegations, while Sinema called for answers immediately after The Republic broke the news of the crisis.” [Arizona Republic, 9/12/14]

Mental/Physical Health Issues

Rogers Called A Sinema As Highlighting The Story Of A Veteran Who Committed Suicide “Revolting”

September 2014: Rogers’ Spokesperson Said A Sinema Ad Featuring The Story Of A Veteran Who Committed Suicide Was “Revolting.” “Though Wendy Rogers’ relatively underfunded campaign lacks the resources to match such a sustained television ad campaign, a spokesman for Rogers lashed out at Sinema in a press release, calling the ad exploitative and offensive. ‘It is revolting that she would attempt to exploit a soldier’s suicide for her own political gain,’ Rogers spokesman Jason Klindt said in the press release.” [Arizona Capitol Times, 9/8/14]

Said That Veterans Shouldn’t Be Seen As “Victims” or “Patients”

In August 2013, Rogers shared a Wall Street Journal Op-Ed on Facebook entitled “The Military Epidemics That Aren’t,” which questioned links between military service and suicide, sexual aggression, and post-traumatic stress. The article suggested that military suicides are unrelated to combat stress, PTSD is severely over-diagnosed, and “touching the buttocks or even attempted touching” shouldn’t be counted as sexual assault.

“I have seen an increasingly troublesome trend of servicemen and women being seen as ‘victims who should be treated as patients.’ Yet the links between combat, the military and mental health are more complex than the war- as-disease construct allows,” Rogers wrote. [Wendy Rogers Facebook, 8/16/13]

From the Op-Ed by Thomas Donnelly:

“A major study published this month in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that factors such as substance abuse, depression, financial and relationship problems accounted for the rise in soldier suicides—in other words, the same factors that influence civilians to take their own lives. […] Compared with other countries, the United States diagnoses PTSD cases at improbably high rates. […] One consequence of high rates of PTSD diagnosis is that the treatment is too often conducted outside a military environment. Soldiers are deprived of what traditionally has been the best medicine: talking to other soldiers. […] The numbers bandied about to show an epidemic of sexual violence in the U.S. military are questionable. […] In recent months the American public has often heard that 26,000 service members were sexually assaulted last year. But that statistic comes from an unscientific poll and refers to ‘unwanted sexual contact,’ including touching the buttocks or even attempted touching. […] By regarding soldiers, sometimes condescendingly, as victims and patients, we are in danger of foisting our own, very civilian and very modern therapeutic pathologies on people who don’t need them and whose

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ability to do their jobs—that is, keep us safe—is likely to be diminished.” [Thomas Donnelly Op- Ed, Wall Street Journal, 8/15/13]

Said She Was Appalled by Military Sexual Assaults

In June 2013, Rogers tweeted that she was appalled by the rise in sexual assaults in the military.

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 6/05/13]

Said She Did Not Respect “Fake Homeless ‘Vets’ Panhandling” in Phoenix

In September 2011, Rogers said in a tweet that she respects New York’s “squeegee men” more than fake homeless ‘vets’ panhandling on freeway off-ramps.”

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 9/19/11]

Accused Senate Democrats of Turning Their Backs on Veterans

In December 2013, Rogers tweeted criticism of Senate Democrats after Sen. Harry Reid blocked a budget amendment that would restore retirement benefits to veterans by closing a tax loophole to prevent undocumented immigrants from receiving child tax credits.

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 12/18/13]

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Women’s Issues

Significant Findings

 Supported overturning Roe v. Wade

 Repeatedly compared abortion and Planned Parenthood to the Holocaust

 Supported prohibiting abortion except where necessary to prevent the death of the mother

 Supported allowing doctors to opt out of “procedures” that violate their moral or religious beliefs

 Opposed federal funding for Planned Parenthood and other organizations that provide abortion services

 Said she is 100 percent pro-life

 Opposed ACA provision requiring employer-provided health insurance to cover contraception

Reproductive Rights

Rogers Supported “Overturning Roe vs. Wade”

2018: Rogers Said She Supported “Overturning Roe Vs. Wade.” “I support overturning Roe vs. Wade and will do all I can to help this cause.” [Wendyrogers.org, issues, accessed 8/16/18]

January 2018: Rogers Retweeted Congressman Steve King’s Tweet Supporting Overturning Roe vs. Wade. [Twitter, SteveKingIA, 1/19/18]

Rogers Said “Anyone Who Is Against [Banning Abortions] Is A Radical”

May 2018: On Her Twitter Account, Rogers Said “Anyone Who Is Against [Banning Abortions] Is A Radical.” “The left... so out of touch. We must protect the unborn. Anyone who is against this is a radical. #AZ01 #ProLife” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 5/25/18]

Supported Prohibiting Abortion Except Where Necessary To Prevent Death Of Mother

In 2010, Rogers indicated on a Arizona Catholic Conference candidate survey that she supported “[p]rohibiting abortion except where it is necessary to prevent the death of the mother.” [2010 Candidate Survey, Arizona Catholic Conference, received 6/04/10]

…But May Have Stated Opposition To Abortion Without Exceptions

According to a blog post by Craig, who writes for the blog “Random Musings,” Rogers indicated on a 2010 Center for Arizona Policy questionnaire tht she opposed abortion without exception.

“Honestly, I do not support abortion[,] even to prevent the unfortunate death of the mother,” Rogers allegedly wrote on the questionnaire. [Random Musings Blog, 9/02/10]

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NOTE: While the blog post is well-researched and appears to link to the location at which the document was originally stored, we do not have the primary source document to verify the statement. Accordingly, further research is necessary to verify the statement.

Compared Abortion To Nazi Holocaust

In October 2011, Rogers tweeted a link to “180,” an anti-abortion film, and said that the film “compellingly” compared the German Holocaust to the “American Holocaust.”

[Twitter, @WendyRogersCD9, 10/27/11]

Supported Allowing Doctors To Opt Out Of “Procedures” That Violate Moral Or Religious Beliefs

In 2012, Rogers indicated on a Center for Arizona Policy candidate survey that she supported “[p]ermitting healthcare professionals to opt out of performing procedures that violate their moral or religious beliefs.” [2012 Federal Candidate Survey, Center for Arizona Policy, received 6/07/12]

Opposed Government Funding For Abortions

In 2010, Rogers indicated on a Arizona Catholic Conference candidate survey that she opposed “[p]roviding abortions with government funding.” [2010 Candidate Survey, Arizona Catholic Conference, received 6/04/10]

Opposed Federal Law Requiring Employers To Provide Contraception

In July 2012, Rogers said that she opposed the ACA provision which required employers to provide contraception to employees through their healthcare plan. [YouTube, Mesa Candidate Forum, 7/10/12]

Opposed Mandating Healthcare Providers “Facilitate Distribution Of Emergency Contraceptives”

In 2010, Rogers indicated on a Arizona Catholic Conference candidate survey that she opposed “[m]andating healthcare providers to facilitate the distribution of ‘emergency contraception’ (i.e., morning after pills.” [2010 Candidate Survey, Arizona Catholic Conference, received 6/04/10]

Supported Legislation To Prohibit Or Curtail Abortion

In October 2010, Rogers said that she would support legislation that would prohibit or curtail abortion. [Arizona Republic, 10/20/10]

Believed Life Began At Conception and Should End In Natural Death

In 2012, Rogers said she was 100 percent pro-life and believed that life began at conception. Rogers also believed life should only end as a result of a natural death. Rogers said she would defend the family if elected to Congress.

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“…as a mother of two and wife of 34 years, I believe in the family as the first and only true and trusted form of ‘government.’ In Congress I will vote to defend the family and will fight for our Arizona Values,” Rogers wrote on her campaign website. [WendyRogers.Org, accessed 3/20/13]

Planned Parenthood

Rogers Supported Defunding Planned Parenthood, Comparing It To The Holocaust

2018: According To Her Website, Rogers Said She Would Defund Planned Parenthood And Other Organizations That Provide Abortions. “In Congress, I will stand up for the sanctity of human life and fight to stop tax dollars from going to organizations that perform abortions. Planned Parenthood should receive zero tax dollars and is a destructive organization which should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, the defenseless unborn.” [Wendyrogers.org, issues, accessed 8/16/18]

July 2018: Rogers Compared Planned Parenthood To The Holocaust. “Vote Wendy Rogers to defund Planned Parenthood and to stand up for religious liberty. Democrats are attacking Wendy for being pro-life. She compared the abortion epidemic that kills hundreds of thousands of babies a year (used to be millions) in the US to the Holocaust. The Holocaust was an abomination, and so is Planned Parenthood.” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 7/15/18]

June 2018: Rogers Said She Would Defund Planned Parenthood. “She characterized herself as ‘100 percent pro-life’ and said Planned Parenthood needs to be defunded by the government.” [PinalCentral, 6/22/18]

February 2018: On Twitter, Rogers Said Planned Parenthood Sold Body Parts From Aborted Fetuses, Calling It A “Crime Against Humanity. “These monsters must be shut down, defunded, & prosecuted for crimes against humanity. Civilized & just societies do not abort babies, let alone sell body parts while they are STILL ALIVE! Tom O’Halleran is ok with this activity! #ProLife #HighCrimes” [Twitter, WendyRogersAZ, 2/8/18]

Opposed Federal Funding For Planned Parenthood And Other Women’s Health Organizations

In 2012, Rogers indicated on a Center for Arizona Policy candidate survey that she opposed “[p]roviding federal funding to Planned Parenthood and other organizations that provide abortions.” [2012 Federal Candidate Survey, Center for Arizona Policy, received 6/07/12]

Stem Cell Research

Supported Ban On Embryonic Stem Cell Research

In 2010, Rogers indicated on a Arizona Catholic Conference candidate survey that she supported “prohibiting embryonic stem cell research.” [2010 Candidate Survey, Arizona Catholic Conference, received 6/04/10]

2012: Reaffirmed Opposition To Stem Cell Research

In 2012, Rogers indicated on a Center for Arizona Policy candidate survey that she opposed “[u]sing human embryonic stem cells for research purposes.” [2012 Federal Candidate Survey, Center for Arizona Policy, received 6/07/12]

Opposed Federal Funding For Embryonic Stem Cell Research

In July 2012, Rogers said that she would oppose federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

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Appendix I – Personal Financial Disclosures

2017 – Federal Personal Financial Disclosure

Net Worth

2018: Rogers Had An Estimated Net Worth Between $467,013 And $2,479,997

2018: Rogers Had An Estimated Net Worth Between $467,013 And $2,479,997. [Rogers 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 8/29/18]

Earned Income

2018: Rogers Reported X In Earned Income

2018: Rogers Reported $6,825 In Earned Income From Rogers & Kunnen, Inc.. [Rogers 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/15/18]

2018: Rogers Earned Income Source Type Current Year Amount Previous Year Amount Rogers & Kunnen, Inc. Salary $6,825 $18,200 Rogers & Kunnen, Inc. Spouse Salary N/A N/A [Rogers 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/15/18]

Assets & Unearned Income

2018: Rogers Reported Between $607 And $3,800 In Unearned Income

2018: Rogers Reported Between $607 And $3,800 In Unearned Income. [Rogers 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/15/18]

November 2017: Rogers Bought A New Airplane. “Meet the newest member of the family “The Colonel” . . . my newly acquired ‘73 Cessna 182P. (250hp, 140TAS). Oh baby! (pictured at Buckeye AZ where we picked it up today w/ David Vegh my favorite CFII buddy.)” [Facebook, Wendy Rogers, 11/14/17]

2018 Rogers Assets & “Unearned” Income SP/ Amount Of Tx. > Year-End Value Type Of Amount Of Income DC/ Asset Income $1,000 Income JT Min Max Min Max Min Max JT 1964 Cherokee 180 $15,001 $50,000 Rent $201 $1,000 $1,001 $2,500 Airplane JT 719 E Erie Tempe, CA $250,001 $500,000 Rent None None None None Ameriprise Trust - IRA $100,001 $250,000 Tax-Deferred N/A N/A N/A N/A SP Ameriprise Trust - IRA $50,001 $100,000 Tax-Deferred N/A N/A N/A N/A Ameriprise Trust - SRA $100,001 $250,000 Tax-Deferred N/A N/A N/A N/A SP Ameriprise Trust - SRA $100,001 $250,000 Tax-Deferred N/A N/A N/A N/A JT Installment sale - 1136 E $100,001 $250,000 Capital Gains, $1 $200 $1,001 $2,500 Taylor Interest JT Installment sale - 3730 W $100,001 $250,000 Capital Gains, $201 $1,000 $2,501 $5,000 Helena Interest

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JT Installment Sale - 14602 N $100,001 $250,000 Capital Gains, $1 $200 $1,001 $2,500 30th Street Interest JT Loan To Emily Kunnen $250,001 $500,000 Interest $201 $1,000 $5,001 $15,000 SP Rogers & Kunnen Undetermined Undetermined Business $1 $200 $1,001 $2,500 Commercial Properties, LLC JT Rogers & Kunnen, Inc. Undetermined Undetermined Business None None None None JT Time Share - Aroyo $1,001 $15,000 None None None None None Robles, Sedona, AZ SP Voya - Golden Select $50,001 $100,000 None None None N/A N/A Landmark JT Wells Fargo Bank $1,001 $15,000 Interest $1 $200 $1 $200 JT TavaNino Inspections, Inc. Undetermined None N/A N/A N/A N/A Total: $1,217,013 $2,780,000 Total: $607 $3,800 $11,507 $30,200 [Rogers 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/15/18]


2018: Rogers Reported Three Liabilities, Worth Between $300,003 And $750,000, To Chase Home Finance And Navistar Mortgage, LLC

2018: Rogers Reported Three Liabilities, Worth Between $300,003 And $750,000, To Chase Home Finance And Navistar Mortgage, LLC.

2018 Rogers Liabilities Amount Of Date Owner Creditor Type Liability Incurred Min Max JT Chase Home December Mortgage on installment sale $100,001 $250,000 Finance 2004 JT Chase Home December Mortgage on installment sale $100,001 $250,000 Finance 2002 JT Navistar May 2006 Mortgage on installment sale $100,001 $250,000 Mortgage, LLC [Rogers 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/15/18]


2018: Rogers Reported Holding Two Positions, Both “President,” At Rogers & Kunnen, Inc. And YavaNino Inspections, Inc.

2018: Rogers Reported Holding Two Positions, Both “President,” At Rogers & Kunnen, Inc. And YavaNino Inspections, Inc. [Rogers 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/15/18]

2018 Rogers Positions Position Name Of Organization President Rogers & Kunnen, Inc. President YavaNino Inspections, Inc. [Rogers 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/15/18]


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2018: Rogers Did Not Report Any Agreements

2018: Rogers Did Not Report Any Agreements. [Rogers 2018 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/15/18]

2016 – Federal Personal Financial Disclosure

Net Worth

2016: Rogers Had An Estimated Net Worth Between $832,010 And $1,830,001

2016: Rogers] Had An Estimated Net Worth Between $832,010 To $1,830,001. [Wendy Rogers 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/19/16]

Earned Income

2016: Rogers Reported $6,825 In Earned Income

2016: Rogers Reported $6,825 In Earned Income From Rogers & Kunnen, Inc.. [Wendy Rogers 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/19/16]

2016 Rogers Earned Income Source Type Amount Current To Filing Amount Preceding Year Rogers & Kunnen, Inc. Salary $6,825 $18,200 Rogers & Kunnen, Inc. Spouse Salary N/A N/A [Wendy Rogers 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/19/16]

Assets & Unearned Income

2016: Rogers Reported Between $1,608 And $6,300 In Unearned Income

2016: Rogers Reported Between $1,608 And $6,300 In Unearned Income. [Wendy Rogers 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/19/16]

2016 Rogers Assets & “Unearned” Income SP/ Amount Of Tx. > Year-End Value Type Of Amount Of Income DC Asset Income $1,00 Income 0 /JT Min Max Min Max Min Max JT 1964 Cherokee 180 $15,001 $50,000 Rent $1,001 $2,500 N/A N/A Airplane JT 719 E Erie, Tempe, CA $250,001 $500,000 Rent $201 $1,000 $2,501 $5,000 JT Ameriprise Brokerage $15,001 $50,000 Dividends $1 $200 $201 $1,000 Account Ameriprise Trust IRA $50,001 $100,000 Tax-Deferred N/A N/A N/A N/A SP Ameriprise IRA $50,001 $100,000 Tax-Deferred N/A N/A N/A N/A Ameriprise Trust SRA $100,001 $250,000 Tax-Deferred N/A N/A N/A N/A SP Ameriprise Trust SRA $100,001 $250,000 Tax-Deferred N/A N/A N/A N/A JT Installment sale - 1136 E $100,001 $250,001 Capital $1 $200 $1,001 $2,500 Taylor Gains, Interest JT Installment sale - 14602 N $100,001 $250,000 Capital $1 $200 $1,001 $2,500 30th Street Gains, Interest

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JT Installment sale - 3730 W $100,001 $250,000 Capital $201 $1,000 $2,501 $5,000 Helena Gains, Interest JT Loan to Emily Kunnen $250,001 $500,000 Interest $201 $1,000 $1,001 $2,500 SP Rogers & Kunnen Undetermin Undetermin Business None None $1 $200 Commercial Properties, ed ed LLC JT Rogers & Kunnen , Inc. Undetermin Undetermin Business None None None None ed ed JT Time Share, Aroyo Robles, $1,001 $15,000 None None None None None Sedona, AZ Total: $1,132,013 $2,580,001 Total: $1,608 $6,300 $8,208 $18,900 [Wendy Rogers 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/19/16]


2016: Rogers Reported Three Liabilities To Chase Home Financial And Navistar Mortgage, LLC, Worth Between $300,001 And $750,000. [Wendy Rogers 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/19/16]

2016 Rogers Liabilities Date Amount Of Liability Owner Creditor Type Incurred Min Max JT Chase Home December Mortgage on installment sale $100,001 $250,000 Finance 2004 JT Chase Home December Mortgage on installment sale $100,001 $250,000 Finance 2002 JT Navistar Mat 2006 Mortgage on installment sale $100,001 $250,000 Mortgage, LLC [Wendy Rogers 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/19/16]


2016: Rogers Reported Being President Of Rogers & Kunnen, Inc. And YavaNino Inspections, Inc. [Wendy Rogers 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/19/16]

2016 Rogers Positions Position Name Of Organization President Rogers & Kunnen, Inc. President YavanNino Inspections, Inc. [Wendy Rogers 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/19/16]


2016: Rogers Did Not Report Any Agreements. [Wendy Rogers 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 5/19/16]

2014 Federal Financial Disclosure Form

Sources of Income

Below are the sources of income Rogers listed on her 2014 federal financial disclosure.

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Income Amount Employment/Organization Type Current Year to Filing Preceding Year Rogers & Kunnen Inc, Tempe AZ Salary $9,100 $18,200 Rogers & Kunnen Inc, Tempe AZ Spouse Salary N/A N/A TOTAL $9,100 $18,200 [U.S. House of Representatives Personal Financial Disclosure Form, Period covered January 1, 2012-June 30, 2013]

Held Between $737,020 and $1,830,000 in Assets

SP Type of Income Asset Value of Asset JT Income Current Year Preceding Year Strategic Portfolio $50,001-$100,000 None None None Service Advantage, IRA Strategic Portfolio $15,001-$50,000 None None None Service Advantage, SRA Kayne Anderson $50,001-$100,000 None None None RDNKSC, SRA JT Ameriprise Brokerage $15,001-$50,000 Capital Gains $1,001-$2,500 $201-$1,000 JT Ameriprise One Financial $15,001-$50,000 Capital Gains $1-$200 $1-$200 SP Strategic Portfolio $50,001-$100,000 None None None Service Advantage IRA SP Strategic Portfolio $15,001-$50,000 None None None Service Advantage SRA SP Navellier LCG, SRA $50,001-$100,000 None None None JT Wells Fargo Bank $1,001-$15,000 None None None JT Time Share – Sedona AZ, $1,001-$15,000 Capital Gains None None Aroyo Robles JT Rogers & Kunnen Inc JT YavaNino Inspections Inc. JT Rogers & Kunnen Commercial Properties LLC JT Loan to Emily R. Kunnen $100,001-$250,000 None None None JT 3238 W Denton #D $15,001-$50,000 Rent $5,001-$15,000 $5,001-$15,000 Phoenix, AZ 85017 JT 14602 N 30th Dr $15,001-$50,000 Rent $5,001-$15,000 $5,001-$15,000 Phoenix, AZ 85053 JT 1136 E Taylor St $50,001-$100,000 Rent $2,501-$5,000 $1,001-$2,500 Phoenix, AZ 85006 JT 3730 W Helena Dr $50,001-$100,000 Rent $5,001-$15,000 $2,501-$5,000 Glendale, AZ 85308 JT 4775 W Palo Verde Dr $15,001-$50,000 Rent $2,501-$5,000 $2,501-$5,000 Glendale, AZ 85301 JT 1107 E Fillmore St. $15,001-$50,000 Raw Land None None Phoenix, AZ 85006 JT 515 N 11th St $15,001-$50,000 Raw Land None None Phoenix, AZ 85006 JT 719 E Erie Dr $100,001-$250,000 Rent $2,501-$5,000 $2,501-$5,000 Tempe, AZ 85282

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JT 2064 E Lemon St $100,001-$250,000 Rent $1,001-$2,500 $2,501-$5,000 Tempe AZ 85281 TOTAL $737,020-$1,830,000 $24,509-$65,200 $21,209-$53,700 [U.S. House of Representatives Personal Financial Disclosure Form, Period covered January 1, 2012-June 30, 2013]

Had Between $450,005 and $1,100,000 in Liabilities

Date SP Creditor Liability Type of Liability Amount of Liability JT Incurred JT Chase Home Finance Dec 2004 Mortgage $100,001-$250,000 JT Chase Home Finance Dec 2002 Mortgage $100,001-$250,000 JT Nationstar Mortgage LLC May 2006 Mortgage $100,001-$250,000 JT Wells Fargo Bank Dec 2009 Mortgage $50,001-$100,000 JT Compass Aug 2004 Mortgage on Rogers & Kunnen $100,001-$250,000 Commercial Prop. LLC TOTAL $450,005-$1,100,000 [U.S. House of Representatives Personal Financial Disclosure Form, Period covered January 1, 2012-June 30, 2013]

Held Two Positions

Position Name of Organization President Rogers & Kunnen, Inc. President YavaNino Inspections, Inc. [U.S. House of Representatives Personal Financial Disclosure Form, Period covered January 1, 2012-June 30, 2013]

2012 Federal Financial Disclosure Form

Sources of Income

Below are the sources of income Rogers listed on her 2012 federal financial disclosure.

Income Amount Employment/Organization Type Current Year to Filing Preceding Year Rogers & Kunnen Inc, Tempe AZ Salary $7,700 $18,200 Rogers & Kunnen Inc, Tempe AZ Spouse Salary N/A N/A TOTAL $7,700 $18,200 [U.S. House of Representatives Personal Financial Disclosure Form, Period covered January 1, 2011-May 31, 2012]

Held Between $674,020 and $1,710,000 in Assets

SP Type of Income Asset Value of Asset JT Income Current Year Preceding Year Strategic Portfolio $50,001-$100,000 None None None Service Advantage, IRA

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Strategic Portfolio $15,001-$50,000 None None None Service Advantage, SRA Kayne Anderson $50,001-$100,000 None None None RDNKSC, SRA JT Ameriprise Brokerage $15,001-$50,000 Capital Gains $201-$1,000 $201-$1,000 Acct JT Ameriprise One $15,001-$50,000 Capital Gains None $1-$200 Financial SP Strategic Portfolio $50,001-$100,000 None None None Service Advantage IRA SP Strategic Portfolio $15,001-$50,000 None None None Service Advantage SRA SP Navellier LCG, SRA $50,001-$100,000 None None None JT Wells Fargo Bank $1,001-$15,000 None None None JT Time Share – Sedona $1,001-$15,000 Capital Gains None None AZ, Aroyo Robles JT Rogers & Kunnen Inc JT YavaNino Inspections Inc. JT Rogers & Kunnen Commercial Properties LLC JT Loan to Emily R. $100,001-$250,000 None None None Kunnen JT 3238 W Denton #D $15,001-$50,000 Rent $5,001-$15,000 $2,501-$5,000 Phoenix, AZ 85017 JT 14602 N 30th Dr $15,001-$50,000 Rent $5,001-$15,000 $5,001-$15,000 Phoenix, AZ 85053 JT 1136 E Taylor St $15,001-$50,000 Rent $1,001-$2,500 $1,001-$2,500 Phoenix, AZ 85006 JT 3730 W Helena Dr $50,001-$100,000 Rent $2,501-$5,000 $5,001-$15,000 Glendale, AZ 85308 JT 4775 W Palo Verde Dr $1,001-$15,000 Rent $1,001-$2,500 $5,001-$15,000 Glendale, AZ 85301 JT 1107 E Fillmore St. $1,001-$15,000 Raw Land None None Phoenix, AZ 85006 JT 515 N 11th St $15,001-$50,000 Raw Land None None Phoenix, AZ 85006 JT 719 E Erie Dr $100,001-$250,000 Rent $2,501-$5,000 $201-$1,000 Tempe, AZ 85282 JT 2064 E Lemon St $100,001-$250,000 Rent $2,501-$5,000 $5,001-$15,000 Tempe AZ 85281 TOTAL $674,020-$1,710,000 $19,708-$51,000 $23,909-$69,700 [U.S. House of Representatives Personal Financial Disclosure Form, Period covered January 1, 2011-May 31, 2012]

Had Between $450,005 and $1,100,000 in Liabilities

Date SP Creditor Liability Type of Liability Amount of Liability JT Incurred

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JT Chase Home Finance Dec 2004 Mortgage $100,001-$250,000 JT Chase Home Finance Dec 2002 Mortgage $100,001-$250,000 JT Nationstar Mortgage LLC May 2006 Mortgage $100,001-$250,000 JT Wells Fargo Bank Dec 2009 Mortgage $50,001-$100,000 JT Compass Aug 2004 Mortgage on Rogers & Kunnen $100,001-$250,000 Commercial Prop. LLC TOTAL $450,005-$1,100,000 [U.S. House of Representatives Personal Financial Disclosure Form, Period covered January 1, 2011-May 31, 2012]

Held Two Positions

Position Name of Organization President Rogers & Kunnen, Inc. President Yavanino Inspections, Inc. [U.S. House of Representatives Personal Financial Disclosure Form, Period covered January 1, 2011-May 31, 2012]

Failed to Disclose Assets of LLC

On both her 2012 and her 2013 personal financial disclosure forms, Rogers failed to disclose the value of Rogers & Kunnen Commercial Properties LLC, which was the owner of 3030 S. Rural Rd, a commercial rental property which she purchased in August 2004 for $600,000 with a $450,000 down payment. [U.S. House of Representatives Personal Financial Disclosure Form, Period covered January 1, 2011-May 31, 2012; U.S. House of Representatives Personal Financial Disclosure Form, Period covered January 1, 2012-June 30, 2013; Maricopa County Recorder, Special Warranty Deed and Affidavit of Value 2004-0995982]

Failed to Disclose Commercial Property

On her 2013 personal financial disclosure form, which covers the period through June 2013, Rogers failed to disclose 3030 S. Rural Rd, a commercial property from which she made rental income. The property was transferred from Rogers & Kunnen Commercial Properties LLC to Harold Kunnen and Wendy Rogers, husband and wife, in May 2013. [U.S. House of Representatives Personal Financial Disclosure Form, Period covered January 1, 2012-June 30, 2013; Maricopa County Recorder, Quit-Claim Deed 2013-0520674; Quit-Claim Deed 2013-0520675]

Property Was Assessed At Around $350,000-$400,000

According to Maricopa County Treasurer’s Office records, 3030 S Rural Rd was valued at $346,405 in 2013 and $409,619. [Maricopa County Treasurer]

2013: Requested a 60-Day Extension to File Personal Financial Disclosure

In May 2013, Rogers request a 60-day extension of the deadline to file her personal financial disclosure report due in 2013. [Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, Candidate Financial Disclosure Extension Request Form, 5/14/13]

2012: Requested a 45-Day Extension to File Personal Financial Disclosure

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In May 2012, Rogers requested a 45-day extension of the deadline to file her personal financial disclosure report due in 2012. [Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatived, Candidate Financial Disclosure Extension Request Form, 5/15/12]

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Appendix II – Campaign Finance

Items of Interest

 Loaned $20,000 to her campaign after saying that she hadn’t lent any money to her campaign because she didn’t deserve to run if she couldn’t earn the money

 Reimbursed herself and her husband thousands of dollars from her campaign accounts

 Rented office space from her husband for $400 a month


Rogers’s Campaign Raised $2,578,906.05 And Spent $2,562,958.19

Rogers 2018 Congress Campaign Committee Funds Total Contributions Total Disbursements Party Operating Refunds Year Total Indivs Other Cmtes Total Cmtes Expdts Indivs Cmtes 2018 $500,154.20 $499,455.67 $0.00 $0.00 $441,666.43 $439,316.43 $2,350.00 None 2016 $485,207.13 $482,707.13 $2,500.00 $0.00 $547,273.31 $482,133.31 $55,450.00 $0.00 2014 $1,364,001.28 $1,180,247.96 $181,753.32 $2,000.00 $1,328,058.64 $1,328,058.64 $0.00 $0.00 2012 $229,543.44 $229,543.44 $0.00 $0.00 $245,959.81 $210,709.81 $15,250.00 $0.000 [FEC Committee Candidate and Committee Viewer, accessed 8/29/18]

Rogers’ Campaign Committee Received 92.75% Of His Contributions From Individual Contributors And 7.70%% From PACs

Source Of Rogers’ Career Congressional Campaign Committee Funds Category % Individual Contributors 92.75% PAC Contributors 7.70% Self-Financing 1.09% [FEC Committee Candidate and Committee Viewer, accessed 8/29/18]

Note: The above percentages add to more than 100% because “Total Contributions” does not cover “Offsets to operating expenditures,” and inflates the ratios slightly.

2016 AZ-01 Congressional Campaign

Rogers Reimbursed Her Husband For $462 In “Postage”

January 2016: Rogers Reimbursed Her Husband For $462 In “Postage.” [FEC, Schedule B, 1/30/16]

2014 AZ-09 Congressional Campaign

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Paid Husband $5,600 for Office Space Rent

In 2013, Rogers’ campaign paid her husband, Harold Kunnen, a total of $5,600 for office space rent, at a rate of $400 per month. [fec.gov, wendyrogers.org 2013 Operating Expenditures, accessed 3/25/14]

Note: For the months of January-June, the disbursement was listed as an in-kind contribution from Harold Kunnen. During this period, the office space was owned by Rogers & Kunnen Commercial Properties, LLC, which was held jointly by Rogers and her husband. In August 2013, the property was quit-claimed to Wendy Rogers and Harold Kunnen, husband and wife, and then disclaimed to Harold Kunnen as the sole owner.

Reimbursed Husband $1,355 for Printing and “Office Administration Support”

In 2013, Rogers’ campaign reimbursed her husband, Hal Kunnen, $1,355 for printing and “office administration support.” [fec.gov, wendyrogers.org 2013 Operating Expenditures, accessed 3/25/14]

2012 AZ-09 Congressional Campaign

Touted Her Campaign’s Lack of Debt

In July 2012, Rogers said that she had not loaned any money to her campaign because if she couldn’t earn the money, then she didn’t deserve to run.

“Take a close look at the Federal Election Commission reporting figures from Sunday night. I have had more donors to my campaign and I have no debt in my campaign. I did not lend myself any money. If I can’t earn the money, then I don’t deserve to run,” Rogers said. [YouTube, Ahwatukee Tea Party Debate, 7/18/12]

…Then Loaned Her Campaign $20,000

In October 2013, the Arizona Capitol Times reported that Rogers had loaned her 2014 campaign $20,000 earlier in the year. [Arizona Capitol Times, 10/18/13; fec.gov, accessed 3/25/14]

One Hundred Percent of 2012 Campaign Contributions Came from Individuals

One hundred percent of the contributions to Rogers’ 2012 Congressional campaign came from individuals, rather than PACs or committees. [fec.gov, accessed 3/25/14]

Reimbursed Herself $1,092

In 2012, Rogers’ campaign reimbursed her $1,092 for postage, office supplies, and “online campaign data.´ [fec.gov, wendyrogers.org 2012 Operating Expenditures, accessed 3/25/14]

Reimbursed Her Husband $7,951

In 2012, Rogers’ campaign reimbursed her husband, Hal Kunnen, $7,511 for various expenses including printing, postage, office supplies, campaign signs, and “fundraising expenses.” [fec.gov, wendyrogers.org 2012 Operating Expenditures, accessed 3/25/14]

Paid Her Husband $2,400 For Office Rent

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In 2012, Rogers’ campaign paid her husband, Hal Kunnen, $2,400 for office rent at $400 a month. [fec.gov, wendyrogers.org 2012 Operating Expenditures, accessed 3/25/14]

Contributed $2,096 to Her Campaign

In March 2012, Rogers contributed $2,096 to her campaign. [fec.gov, wendyrogers.org 2012 Itemized Contributions, accessed 3/25/14]

Twenty-Seven Percent of Contributions Came From Out of State

In 2012, Rogers received $49,750 in campaign contributions from outside Arizona, comprising 27 percent of overall contributions. [politicalmoneyline.com, accessed 3/25/14]

2010 Arizona State Senate Campaign

2010: Raised $88,058.61: Top Contributors Were Lawyers, Health Professionals, Insurance Ind.

In 2010, Rogers raised $88,058.61 for her campaign for Arizona State Senate. Her top contributions were from Lawyers & Lobbyists, Health Professionals, and members of the Insurance Industry.

The table below details the campaign’s summary of activity for the 2010 election cycle.

Income Expenditures Individual Contributions $73,221.56 Operating Expenses $87,298.95 Contributions from $13,464 Expenditure of In-Kind $759.66 Committees Contributions Personal and Family $1,070 Contributions Loans Made to this $263.05 Committee Other Receipts, including $40 Interest and Dividends Total Income $88,058.61 Total Expenditures $88,058.61 [2010 Post-General Election Report, filed 12/1/10]

19 Percent of Contributions Came from Out-of-State

During the 2010 election cycle, 19.2 percent of contributions to Rogers’ campaign, totaling $16,910, came from outside Arizona. She raised a total of $71,109 from within Arizona. [followthemoney.org, accessed 3/25/14]

Received $7,580 from Lawyers & Lobbyists

During the 2010 campaign cycle, Rogers received $7,580 from lawyers and lobbyists. [followthemoney.org, accessed 3/25/14]

Received $3,330 from Health Professionals

During the 2010 campaign cycle, Rogers received $3,330 from health professionals. [followthemoney.org, accessed 3/25/14]

Received $1,000 from Arizona Medical Association PAC

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In 2010, Rogers received a $1,000 campaign contribution from Arizona Medical Association PAC. [2010 Pre-Primary Report, Filed 8/22/10]

Received $200 From Arizona Osteopathic Medical Association PAC

In 2010, Rogers received a $200 campaign contribution from the Arizona Osteopathic Medical Association PAC. [2010 January 31st Report, filed 1/26/10]

Received $2,830 from the Insurance Industry

During the 2010 campaign cycle, Rogers received $2,830 from members of the insurance industry. [followthemoney.org, accessed 3/25/14]

Received $410 from American Family Insurance AZ PAC

In 2010, Rogers received a $410 campaign contribution from American Family Insurance AZ PAC. [2010 Pre-Primary Report, Filed 8/22/10]

Received $200 from Blue Cross/Blue Shield

In 2010, Rogers received a $200 campaign contribution from the Healthy Government Committee of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Arizona. [2010 Pre-Primary Report, Filed 8/22/10]

Received $200 from Pfizer PAC

In 2010, Rogers received a $200 campaign contribution from Pfizer PAC, which is based in New York. [2010 Pre-Primary Report, Filed 8/22/10]

Paid Herself $1,232 for Rent

In 2010, Rogers’ campaign paid Rogers & Kunnen Commercial Properties LLC $1,232 for office space rent. [2010 Post-General Election Report, filed 12/1/10]

Paid Herself $762.30 for “Office Equipment Rent”

In 2010, Rogers’ campaign paid $762.30 to Rogers & Kunnen Inc. for “office equipment rent.” [2010 Post- General Election Report, filed 12/1/10]

Reimbursed Herself $300

In 2010, Rogers reimbursed herself $299.23 for payments she had made to Tempe Trophy for flyers and handouts and Quan Nguyen for web hosting and domain names. [2010 January 31st Report, filed 1/26/10]

Paid Employee $117 for “Cell Phone Use”

In 2010, Rogers’ campaign paid William Steyskal, the Office Manager for Housemaster Home Inspections, $117 for “cell phone use during campaign.” [2010 Post-General Election Report, filed 12/1/10]

Reimbursed Husband for Hardware

In 2010, Rogers’ campaign reimbursed her husband, Hal Kunnen, $37.92 for “campaign sign framework.” [2010 June 30th Report, Filed 6/25/10]

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Reimbursed her Business $470

In 2010, Rogers reimbursed Rogers & Kunnen, Inc. $300 for “services rendered by Ryan Schuman for scanning, data entry, phones,” as well as $142.30 for “campaign photos/portrait innovations.” She also reimbursed HouseMaster $28 for postage. [2010 January 31st Report, filed 1/26/10]

2009: Loaned her Campaign $8,500

Between May and July 2009, Rogers loaned her campaign a total of $8,500. [2010 Post-General Election Report, filed 12/1/10]

Received $50 In-Kind Contribution from Andy Tobin’s Brother

In October 2010, Edward Tobin, brother of Andy Tobin, Republican candidate in AZ-01, made an in-kind contribution of $50 worth of food for an event called “Won-Hundred for Wendy.” [2010 Post-General Election Report, filed 12/1/10]

Received $350 from Arizona Citizen Defense League PAC

In 2010, Rogers received $350 in campaign contributions from the Arizona Citizen Defense League PAC, an organization dedicated to protecting second amendment rights in Arizona. [2010 Post-Primary Finance Report, filed 9/22/10]

Received $250 in Campaign Contributions from her Son and Daughter

In 2010, Rogers’ son, George R. Kunnen, contributed $200 to her campaign and her daughter, Emily R. Kunnen, contributed $50.00. [2010 January 31st Report, filed 1/26/10]

Received $410 From Her Father

In 2010, Rogers’ father, Harry Rogers III, contributed $410 to her state senate campaign. [2010 January 31st Report, filed 1/26/10]

Received $410 From Her Husband

In 2010, Rogers’ husband, Hal Kunnen, contributed $410 to her state senate campaign. [2010 January 31st Report, filed 1/26/10]

Received $410 From Arizona State Senator John Huppenthal

In 2010, Arizona State Senator John Huppenthal contributed $410 to her state senate campaign. [2010 January 31st Report, filed 1/26/10]

Contributed $840 to Republican Candidates and Committees

Rogers has given $840 to Republican candidates and committees, including $200 to the Arizona Republican Party, $500 to Swift Boat Vets and POWs for Truth, and $140 to Arizona Senator John Huppenthal.

Date Organization Amount 4/27/12 Arizona Republican Party $200 8/30/04 Swift Boat Vets and POWs for Truth $500 5/29/09 John Huppenthal (AZ State Senate) $140

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[politicalmoneyline.com; followthemoney.org, accessed 3/27/14]

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Appendix III – Paid Media Summary

NOTE: Paid media advertisements saved on the DCCC research drive.

2018 Election

Rogers “Good Guy” Paid Media Summary Date Group Name Subject Description 5/21/18 Patriot We Take Care Seniors, health care Positive O’Halleran Majority of Our Own

Rogers “Bad Guy” Paid Media Summary Date Group Name Subject Description 8/2/18 Wendy Rogers Unknown Trump agenda, Rogers bio Negative on O’Halleran, some Rogers military bio

2016 Election

In 2016, no ads were run for or against Rogers during her primary campaign.

2014 Election

Rogers “Good Guy” Paid Media Summary Date Group Name Subject Description 10/13/14 Sinema for Congress Notice Endorsements Positive for Sinema 10/21/14 Sinema for Congress Fair Equal Pay Positive for Sinema 10/13/14 Sinema for Congress Women Gender Equality Positive for Sinema 10/6/14 Sinema for Congress Promise Social Security and Medicare Positive for Sinema protections 9/17/14 Sinema for Congress No Pay No budget no pay, independent Positive for Sinema appeal 9/1/14 Sinema for Congress Daniel VA suicide Positive for Sinema 10/13/14 HMP Phased Out Social Security, privatizing Negative against Rogers 10/21/14 DCCC You Lose Social Security, privatizing Negative against Rogers

Rogers “Bad Guy” Paid Media Summary Date Group Name Subject Description 3/5/14 NRCC Arizonians Can Thank ACA Negative against Sinema Kyrsten Sinema for ObamaCare 10/6/14 Wendy Rogers for Congress Growing Terrorism, national Negative against Sinema security 10/6/14 Wendy Rogers for Congress Dedicated Rogers Bio Positive for Rogers 9/29/14 Wendy Rogers for Congress Walk with Me Rogers Bio, Positive for Rogers includes daughter 9/23/13 Wendy Rogers for Congress Walk with Wendy Rogers Bio, Positive for Rogers positives