Party Time with Hitler? 1. Define: dictators


#2-5 Name the four countries that were trying to expand their power and territory: Japan Italy Soviet Union Germany • He would cost his country the lives of 2.3 million soldiers and 800,000 civilians in the war. • He always had a fascination for the United States. • 30 years after WWII, he finally realized his dream of visiting the United States, where he met John Wayne, President Ford, &and got a Mickey Mouse watch he wore for years! -Japan was an industrial nation, but it did not have basic raw materials such as coal, iron ore, and rubber. -In 1937, Japan took over the coastal area of China and stated they would take what they wanted from China. • Italy invades North Africa takes& over Ethiopia and Albania.

• Although Mussolini quenched his thirst for power, he’s still enraged by the “unfair” treatment of Italy after WWI.

• He had visions of a new Roman Empire &- the “League of Nations” couldn’t stop him! • - leader of the political party. • Party Platform: – union of all Germans in a greater Germany – rejection of the Treaty of Versailles – demand for additional territories – citizenship determined by race with no Jew to be considered a German.

• The Nazi Party - gained power during Germany's period of crisis after WWI • Used effective propaganda & Hitler's charismatic oratory to gain popularity. • The Party emphasized nationalism, anti-Semitism & anti-communism, & killed many of its opponents. “Cruelty is impressive. Cruelty and brutal strength. The masses want it. They demand it. They need the thrill of terror to make them shudderingly submissive.” -Adolf Hitler

“The joy of killing brings men together.”

-Adolf Hitler “Hate, hate, and more hate. There is nothing that sustains you like hate!” -Adolf Hitler 7. Who were the Axis Powers in World War II?

1. Germany 2.Italy 3.Japan

The policy of giving an aggressor what it wants in order to avoid war 9. What did France and Great Britain agree to let Germany do to avoid war? • Take over the Sudetenland (a part of Czechoslovakia) • Germany took it all! 10. Why did France and Great Britain declare war on Germany? Germany invaded Poland! 11. What was the “lend lease act”? Because Great Britain ran out of money to buy goods from the U.S., Roosevelt agreed to provide arms and supplies! “It is with a heavy heart that I tell you today that we must stop fighting.”

12. President Franklin Roosevelt called December 7th, 1941, “a day that will live in infamy”. What happened on this date?

• Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. • 2,000 people were killed • 8 battleships and 180 planes were destroyed! After the U.S. declared war on Japan, The U.S. joined two other nations in a war against the Axis Powers. Name the two other countries the U.S. joined to form the Allied Powers.

13. Great Britain 14. Soviet Union

• The Allies invaded Africa in 1942 & then invaded Italy in 1943. • The Italian people overthrew Mussolini & Italy joined the Allies! 16. On June 6th, 1944, United States and British soldiers landed in Normandy, France in an attempt to push German troops out. What was this day called? D-Day was June 6th, 1944. It was actually called Operation Overlord! • 150,000 troops stormed Normandy beaches. • About 2,500 GI's died on the beaches and 2,600 paratroopers died. • 3,100 Germans died. 17. What happened in Warm Springs, GA on April 24th, 1944? • President Roosevelt was a frequent visitor to the “Little White House” because of the mineral springs. • He died of a stroke there while having a portrait made. 18. What two cities in Japan did the United States drop atomic bombs in 1945? Hiroshima and Nagasaki 19. How many total Jews and what Hitler called “undesirables” were killed in the Holocaust?

6 million Jews and 5-6 million “undesirables” were killed.  Band of Brothers- Why We Fight  I

20. What did the United States do in 1993 to honor the victims of the Holocaust? The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum opened in Washington, D.C.  With U.S. & British troops approaching Berlin from the West, & Soviet Union troops approaching from the East, Hitler kills himself in an underground bunker. With his death, German commanders quickly surrender the remaining forces on May 8th, 1945.

 War in Europe is over! _chapter_group.htm?cin=6&rg=map_center&at=animated_ maps&var=animated_maps

WWII #21. Bell Bomber Plant • Marietta, GA • Built B-29 “Super fortresses” for the United States during WWII! • These were the largest and most advanced aircrafts in the world. Also the most deadliest!

Cargo ships built in the USa during WWII that were essential to the war effort

1. Worked to increase the country’s military readiness

2. Worked to expand the naval aviation system to 10,000 planes, trained 16,000 pilots, & est. 20 air bases.

3. Worked to ease labor restrictions in the shipbuilding industry & allowed faster construction of navy ships. 1. GA famers grew food, raised livestock to help feed the rest of the country and the Allies. (Liberty Gardens) 2. Planted peanuts to use for their oil 3. Rationing

4. Children collected everyday items (toothbrushes, soap, pencils, etc.) to send to troops.

5. Blood was donated for wounded soldiers.

1. What bill did Governor Richard Russell sponsor in Congress that affected the entire nation? (pg. 428)

• This was a program to ensure that school children received nutritious lunches. Governor Russell was known as the father of the school lunch program 2. Explain the “Three Governors” episode • Eugene Talmadge won the election to be governor…again! But…he died before he was able to take his oath.

• The current governor, , swore in the Lt. Governor, Melvin Thompson. But… Gov. Arnall It was fair! Talmadge is Governor? Geez!

• THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY elected at 1:50 a.m. on Jan. 15, and he immediately took the oath of office and delivered an inaugural address. • Governor Arnall was angry, because he stated that Lt. Governor (Thompson) would be the Governor when he is sworn in! Herman and his “Posse”

• Herman and his “posse” traveled to the State Capitol drunk with guns. • They traveled to the door of the Governor, Ellis Arnall, and kicked in the door! Confrontations!

• “They were pretty mean, and some of them were liquored up,'' Herman Talmadge remembered of his “posse” that day. • Mr. Talmadge then confronted Mr. Arnall, but the incumbent called him a “pretender'' and wouldn't budge. Votes magically appeared?

• Eugene Talmadge’s followers suddenly found boxes and boxes of write-in votes for Eugene’s son, Herman! UH…..

• Many of Talmadge’s supporters claimed the state constitution allowed legislators to pick the next governor between the top two write-in vote-getters. So… Are you kidding me?!

Talmadge pulled a .38-caliber Smith and Wesson and took possession of the governor's office, after having the locks changed so Mr. Arnall couldn't get back in.

Am I naughty or what? 3. The governorship of was stolen by Herman Talmadge! I’m 4-5. Name two things Governor back! Herman Talmadge did as Hehe! . (pg. 432)

1. He restructured the state highway department. 2. Created the Georgia Forestry Commission 3. Expanded schools to grades 1-12! 4. He also lengthened the school year to 9 months with the Minimum Foundation Program for Education Act! 5. Like his daddy, Eugene, he resisted ANY integration in public schools!

6-7. Name two things Governor Melvin Thompson did as Governor of Georgia:

1. Converted Jekyll Island into a state resort to protect it. 2. He built The ’s School of Veterinary Medicine. 8-9. Name two things Governor did as Governor of Georgia. •Education television began (PBS) •Over 3,000 teachers were hired and schools built! •He also oversaw the remodeling of the state capitol! •He made a state park • In 1962, the courts ruled that the “” was unconstitutional!

• This decision created the “one person, one vote” law which said that every citizen’s vote should be equal to every other citizen’s vote! 11-12. Name 2 things Governor did as Governor of Georgia. He was elected in 1962 1. He worked to improve Georgia’s infrastructure (roads, bridges) 11-12. Name two things Governor Carl Sanders did as Governor of Georgia. (pg. 434)

2. Helped deal with racial problems fairly. 3. This helped encourage businesses to move to Georgia! 4. His plan for education was his best known as 60 cents of every dollar the state spent went to education! 13-14. Name two things Governor did as Governor of Georgia. (pg. 434)

… 13-14. Name two things Governor Lester Maddox did as Governor of Georgia. (pg. 434)

• He also set up “People’s Days! • Twice a month, anyone in Georgia could come to the governor’s mansion to talk to him about anything. • He was also seen riding his bike to work…backwards!

_____ more days till Spring Break!