TOP 10 hits of this activity What is sculptural language?

NANJING UNIVERSITY OF THE one of the six major arts annual colleges in China exhibition

THE BEST MAGAZINE May 2016 All the photos were taken by Yu Wenyan ART MAGAZINE

What is sculptural language? Sculpture language is a visual art language, is a sculptor temporary art theory composition, although vary from person to person, but also has a distinct personality.

Because the sculpture art is the three-dimensional space in the arts, its basic concept is ", engraving, plastic three kinds of manufacturing methods collectively, with a variety of plastic (such as clay, light, flour) or carving (such as various stone , Wood, etc.) information, to create a variety of abstract with real volume ". Sculpture in the field of art, sculpture speech since ancient times have to emphasize the concept of space and volume.

Sculptors create sculpture in the process is to choose one or more kinds of sculpture materials, create a space to occupy a certain form, and to feel the art and performance to achieve the desired artistic effect. In the sculptor's theory of creation from time to time, more and more familiar with the nature of the sculpture material, select the sculpture is good at the performance of the image to stop the performance of the techniques and techniques used to pass from generation to generation, thus forming a set, a series Of the sculptor's unique "habits of action." This includes a look at ways, performance, performance techniques and so on.

Sculpture Art In order to strengthen the sense of volume of their works, emphasizing the shape of the whole, in the sculpture of the work Gypsum helpless in the shape of the body to make when the contours of the body to do the same, Can become clear, in resin space with the help of shapes to outline clay the outline of condensed lines, making the culpture art, is a kind of plastic arts, also known as sculpture, carving, sculpture of the various pieces of a certain engraving, plastic three kinds of creation methods collectively. Refers relationship between the surface tension, Sto the use of a variety of plastic materials or can be carved, carved in all angles can view the sculpture of hard material, to create a space with a visual, touchable artistic image, the space to get the maximum level of in order to reflect the social life, to express the 's aesthetic feelings, stretch; Sculpture of the material and aesthetic feelings, aesthetic ideal art . texture with plenty of performance, so that sculpture becomes more touch ...... Sculpture is through the material entity, in the three-dimensional space to shape the image of art. These "habits of action" are based on the nature of sculpture itself constitutes, If is imaginary three-dimensional imagery created by imaginary attached to the fundamental means in the illusory space, then the sculpture is to create the true three- concept of sculpture art, is the wood dimensional image in the real space through the form of the entity. The most original sculpture language. carrier of the former is mainly paper, cloth and pigment, and the non- stone material virtual image is created. The carrier of the latter is mainly iron, metal copper, wood, stone and so on. jade block agate SCULPTURE ART MAGAZINE

thoughts and feelings through a certain way and content to reveal.

Thus, precisely, art is “derived from the Sculpture language and feelings in terms of artist’s view of life and understanding.” The sculpture creation is the most primitive, the “Feeling” is the life of art, with most basic. the emotional feeling to arouse the aesthetic theme of the ideological A sculpture, a work of art, the inherent way resonance, makes the soul stirring, from Importance is very important, but can move people is its which to obtain aesthetic feeling. physical extension. That is, how to stop the deeper understanding of the inner flesh is an Art as the expression of emotion and of important subject in front of every sculptor. feeling, regardless of the subject from the physical mind, or from the content Sculpture as a special art way, through the of art, the feelings in the works of art Sculpting material, texture, color and modeling, modeling has a very important role. No emotion techniques and other elements in the three- will not have feelings, there is no dimensional abstract expression of emotion in feeling there will be no art. Art is the Language order to limit the infinite performance. In the physical home beyond the material process of perception of form, the “physical” life of man. The sculpture, is also feeling as a prerequisite, to give physical invented by human beings is different meaning and imagination as a process, the from other artistic varieties and has a and ability to continue to extend in the sculpture. common charm of art, after thousands “Art comes from life”, that is to say, artistic of years of evolution and development, creation is in the artist’s view of nature, feel constitute a distinctive feature of Feeling the foundation of nature, the group emotions, speech.