15·1 Introduction Silicon is second only to oxygen in its natural abundance (-28% of the earth's

crust) and occurs in a great variety of silicate minerals and as quartz (Si02 ). Germanium, tin, and lead are rare elements (_10-3 %). Tin and lead have been known since antiquity because of the ease with which they are obtained from their ores.

Cassiterite (Sn02 ) occurs mixed in granites, sands, and clays. Lead occurs mainly as galena (PbS). Germanium was discovered in 1886 following the prediction of its existence by Dimitri Mendeleev. It occurs widely but in small amounts and is recovered from coal and zinc ore concentrates. The main use of Ge, Sn, and Pb is as the metals, but alkyltin and alkyllead compounds are made on a large scale (Chapter 29). The position of the elements in the periodic table and some general fea­ tures, including the reasons for the existence of the lower II oxidation state, were discussed in Section 8-11. Some properties of the elements were given in Table 8-4.

Multiple Bonding It was earlier thought that silicon and the remainder of the Group IVB(l4) ele­ ments did not form stable prt-prt multiple bonds, as is common for . Beginning in the 1960s, however, transient intermediates with Si=C, prt-prt bonding were discovered in thermal decomposition reactions such as 15-1.1, which takes place at 560°C. ~ H 2S() H 2 Si=CH2 + CH2=CH2 (15-1.1)

Numerous such compounds (R2Si=CR; and R2M=MR;) for Si, Ge, and Sn are now known to be isolable, provided that bulky groups are used, as discussed in Section 15-7. 383

( / 384 Chapter 15 I The Group IVB(14) Elements

Although stoichiometric similarities exist between the compounds of carbon and those of the remaining elements of Group IVB(l4) [e.g., the pairs CO2 and Si02, as well as (CHg)2CO and (CHg)2SiOJ, there is no structural or chemical similarity between them. Carbon dioxide is a gas, properly written O=C=O, whereas Si02 is a giant molecule, or network substance, with each Si singly bonded to four adjacent oxygen , giving linked Si04 tetrahedra, as dis­ cussed in Section 5-4. Also, reactions of the compounds of silicon and the lower elements of the group do not give products analogous to those for carbon. For example, the dehydration of alcohols gives , but the dehydration of silanols, R2Si(OHh is accompanied by condensation, giving (R2SiO)n and R2(OH)SiOSi(OH)R2· Whereas multiple bonds to carbon involve overlap of the pn-pn variety, mul­ tiple bonding for silicon and germanium (and to a lesser extent for tin) usually arise from a pn-dn component, especially in bonds to 0 and N. It is important to note that this does not usually lead to conjugation, as is so prevalent for car­ bon. The following structural and chemical features of silicon and germanium compounds are best explained by some degree of pn-dn double-bond character.

1. Trisilylamine, (HgSi)gN, differs from trimethylamine, (CHg)gN, being planar rather than pyramidal, and being a very weak base. Disilylamine is also planar. These observations can be explained by supposing that nitrogen forms dative n bonds to the silicon atom, as shown in Fig. 15-1. We assume that the cen­ tral nitrogen atom is Sp2 hybridized, leaving a filled 2pz orbital, which overlaps ap­ ~ preciably with an empty silicon 3dxz (or 3dyz) orbital. Thus a dative pn dn bond is established, which provides additional bond strength in each Si-N linkage of the molecule. It is this additional bond strength that stabilizes the NSig skeleton in a planar configuration. In contrast, for N (CHg)g, since carbon has no low­ lying d orbitals', (J bonding alone determines the configuration at the ABgE car­ bon atom, which is pyramidal. As an interesting comparison, consider trisi­ lylphosphine, (HgSi)gP, which is pyramidal. Evidently phosphorus is less able than nitrogen to form a pn ~ dn dative bond to silicon. 2. In the vapor phase, HgSiNCO is linear ( atoms excepted). This can be explained by the formation of a pre ~ dn bond between nitrogen and sil­ icon (HgSi=N=C=O). The corresponding carbon compound (HgCNCO) is not linear, since carbon has no vacant, low-lying d orbitals. Interestingly, HgGeNCO is not linear in the gas phase. Evidently, effective pre-dn bonding oc­ curs for Si-N, but not for Ge-N.

Si + N Si N

Empty 3d orbital Filled 2pz orbital Overlap of Si of N

Figure 15-1 The formation of a drt-prr. bond between Si and N atoms in trisilylamine. 15- 1 Introduction 385

3. The disilyl ethers, (RsSi)20, all have large angles at oxygen (140-180°), and both electronic and steric explanations have been suggested. Electronically, overlap between filled oxygen JJTt orbitals and empty silicon d1t orbitals would im­ prove with increasing Si-O-Si angles, and might be most effective for a linear Si-O-Si group. There may also be very strong steric factors favoring more lin­ ear structures, especially for large R groups. For instance, the angle at oxygen is 180° for (PhsSi)20. 4. Silanols such as (CHs)sSiOH are stronger protonic acids than their car­ bon analogs, and form stronger hydrogen bonds. This is due to stabilization of the conjugate base anion by O(jJTt) ~ Si(d1t) bond formation. A similar stabi­ lization of the conjugate base anion can be invoked to explain the order of acidi­ ties (M = Si > Ge > C) in the series RsMC02H.

Stereochemistry The stereochemistry of silicon compounds and the lower members of Group IVB(l4) depend on the oxidation state. Also, unlike carbon, certain compounds of these elements have five, six, seven, and eight or higher coordination. Compounds having oxidation state IV are listed in Table 15-1. All of the ele­ ments form tetrahedral compounds, some of which are chiral, for example,

GeH(CHs)C6 H 5 (a-napthyl). Since shell expansion by use of outer d or­ bitals can occur, giving hybridizations (such as dsps and d 2 sPS) , five- and six-co­ ordinate compounds are common, as shown in Table 15-1. Pentacoordination is found mainly in

(a) Anions such as MX;; and MRnX~_5' which are usually trigonal bipyrami­ dal, and are stabilized in the solid state by large cations. (b) Adducts of donor ligands with halides or substituted halides of the ele­ ments, such as L~MX4. (c) For Sn, polymeric compounds RsSnX, where X acts as a bridge in the solid state structure. Octahedral coordination is common for all of the elements, although for ions and adducts, the preference for five or six coordination depends on delicate en­ ergy balances, and cannot be predicted.

Table 15-1 Coordination Number and Geometry of Tetravalent Compounds of the Group IVB(l4) Elements

Coordination Number Geometry Examples

3 Trigonal (ABs) (C6H5 )sSi+ 4 Tetrahedral (AB4) Si02, SiCI4, GeH4, Pb(CHs)4 5 Trigonal bipyramidal (ABs) (CHg)gSnCI(py), SnCrs, SiFs,RSiF 4 5 Square pyramidal (AB 5 ) [XSi(02C6H4)2]­ SiF~-, 6 Octahedral (AB 6) [Si(acac)s]+, [Si(ox)g]2-, PbCl~-, Ge02, trans-GeCI 4 (pYh Sn(S2CNEt2)4 7 Pentagonal bipyramid Ph2Sn(NOg)2(OPPhg) 8 Dodecahedral Sn(NOs)4, Pb(02CCHS)4 386 Chapter 15 / The Group IVB(14) Elements

Table 15-2 Coordination Number and Geometry of Divalent Compounds of the Group IVB(14) Elements

Coordination Number Geometry Examples

2 Angular (AB2E) Ge(N-t-Bu2)2' Pb(C6Hsh 3 Pyramidal (AB3E) SnC12'2 H 20, SnCl;, Pb(SC6Hs); 4 "Seesaw" (AB 4E) Pb" in Pb30 4 Sn(S2CNR2)2 5 Square pyramidal (ABsE) SnO (blue-black form), PbO 6 Octahedral PbS (NaCl type)

GeI2 (Ca1 2 type) 7 Complex (18-C-6)SnCl+ 9, 10 Complex Pb (NOs) 2(semicarbazone) Pb(02CCH3)2'3 H20

Compounds having oxidation state II are listed in Table 15-2. In many of the Il lI compounds ofSn , and to a lesser extent Cell and Pb , the lone pair of electrons on the metal atom has important structural and stereochemical consequences. First, the structures are such that the lone pairs, unlike the so-called "inert pairs," appear to occupy a bond position. Thus the SnCI; ion is pyramidal with a lone

pair, as in NH3. According to the ABxEy scheme, which was discussed in Chapter 3, we would therefore consider this Sn atom to fall into the AB3E classification. The lone pair not only has structural consequences, but chemical ones as well; SnCI; can act as a donor toward transition metals, as in the complex ll [Pt (SnCI3)s]3-. Consider also SnCI2 '2H2 0, which contains a pyramidal SnCl20H2 molecule; the second water molecule is not coordinated, and is read­ ll ily lost at 80°C. Other Sn compounds, such as SnCl2 and SnS, accomplish three coordination in the solid by use of a bridging group between the metal atoms.

The Sn2F; ion consists of two SnF3 groups sharing a fluorine atom. In CeSF12 , the Cell atoms fall into the ABsE classification, being square pyra­ midal with the lone pair occupying the sixth position. The same is true of SnO (the blue-black form) and of PbO, in which there are MOsE metal atoms.

15·2 Isolation and Properties of the Elements

Silicon is obtained in the ordinary commercial form by reduction of Si02 with carbon or CaC2 in an electric furnace. Similarly, Ge is prepared by reduction of

Ge02 with Cor H 2 • Silicon and Ge are used as semiconductors, especially in tran­ sistors. For this purpose, exceedingly high purity (

Tin and lead are obtained by reduction of the oxide or sulfide with carbon. The metals can be dissolved in acid and deposited electrolytically to effect fur­ ther purification. Silicon is ordinarily rather unreactive. It is attacked by halogens giving tetra­ halides, and by alkalis giving solutions of silicates. Silicon is not attacked by acids except hydrofluoric; presumably the stability of [SiF6] 2- provides the driving force here. Germanium is somewhat more reactive than silicon and dissolves in con­

centrated H 2S04 and HN03 . Tin and lead dissolve in several acids and are rapidly attacked by halogens. These elements are slowly attacked by cold alkali, and rapidly by hot, to form stannates and plumbites. Lead often appears to be more noble and unreactive than would be indicated by its standard potential of -0.13 V. This low reactivity can be attributed to a high overvoltage for hydrogen and also, in some instances, to insoluble surface coatings. Thus lead is not dis­

solved by dilute H 2S04 and concentrated HCl.

15-3 Hydrides: MH4

These are colorless gases. Only monosilane (SiH4 ) is of any importance. This spontaneously flammable gas is prepared by the action of LiAlH4 on Si02 at

150-170 °C or by reduction of SiCl4 with LiAlH4 in an ether. Although stable to water and dilute acids, rapid base hydrolysis gives hydrated Si02 and H 2 • Substituted with organic groups are of great importance, as are some closely related tin compounds (Chapter 29). The most important reaction of

compounds with Si-H bonds, such as HSiCl3 or HSi(CH3h is the Speier or hy­ drosilation reaction of alkenes.


This reaction, which employs chloroplatinic acid as a catalyst, is commercially important for the synthesis of precursors to silicones.

15-4 Chlorides: MCI4

Chlorination of the hot Group IVB (14) elements gives colorless liquids (MCI4 ), except PbCI4 , which is yellow. The compound PbCl4 may also be prepared by Reaction 15-4.1.


The tetrachlorides are eventually hydrolyzed by water to hydrous oxides, but lim­ ited hydrolysis may give oxochlorides. In aqueous HCI, the tetrachlorides of Sn

and Pb give chloroanions, [MCI 6 f-. The compound GeCl4 differs from SiCl4 in that the former can be distilled and separated from concentrated HCI, whereas silicon tetrachloride is immedi­ ately hydrolyzed by water.

The principal uses of SiCI 4 and GeCI4 are in the synthesis of pure Si and Ge.

Additional uses of SiCI4 and SnCl4 are in syntheses of organometallic com­ pounds (Chapter 29). 388 Chapter 15 I The Group IVB(14) Elements

15·5 Oxygen Compounds Silica

Pure Si02 occurs in two forms, quartz and cristobalite. The Si is always tetrahe­ drally bound to four oxygen atoms but the bonds have considerable ionic char­ acter. In cristobalite the silicon atoms are placed as are the carbon atoms in dia­ mond, with the oxygen atoms midway between each pair. In quartz, there are helices so that enantiomorphic crystals occur, and these may be easily recognized and separated mechanically. Quartz and cristobalite can be interconverted when heated. These processes are slow because the breaking and re-forming of bonds is required and the acti­ vation energy is high. However, the rates of conversion are profoundly affected by the presence of impurities, or by the introduction of alkali metal oxides. Slow cooling of molten Si02 or heating any solid form to the softening tem­ perature gives an amorphous material that is glassy in appearance and is indeed a glass in the general sense, that is, a material with no long-range order but, in­ stead, a disordered array of polymeric chains, sheets, or three-dimensional units. Silica is relatively unreactive towards C12, H 2, acids, and most metals at 25°C or even at slightly elevated temperatures but is attacked by F2, aqueous HF, alkali hydroxides, and fused carbonates.

Aqueous HF gives solutions containing fluorosilicates (e.g., [SiF6 ] 2-). The sil­ icates have been discussed in Section 5-4. The fusion of excess alkali carbonates with Si02 at about 1300 °C gives water-soluble products commercially sold as a syrupy liquid that has many uses. Aqueous sodium silicate solutions appear to contain the ion [Si02(OHhf- but, depending on the pH and concentration, polymerized species are also present. In weathering of rocks and soils, "silicic acid," Si(OH)4' is released in addition to [Al(H20h(OH)]2+ and [Al(H20)4(OH)2]+, and it appears that soluble silica can thereby reduce the Al levels, through formation of aluminosilicates (Chapter 5). The basicity of the dioxides increases, with Si02 being purely acidic, Ge02 less so, Sn02 amphoteric, and Pb02 somewhat more basic. When Sn02 is made at high temperatures or by dissolving Sn in hot concentrated nitric acid, it is, like Pb02, remarkably inert to attack. ll TV Only lead forms a stable oxide containing both Pb and Pb , namely, Pb30 4, which is a bright red powder known commercially as red lead. It is made by heat­ ing PbO and Pb02 together at 250°C. Although it behaves chemically as a mix­ TV ture ofPbO and Pb02, the crystal contains Pb 0 6 octahedra linked in chains by sharing opposite edges. The chains are linked by PbIl atoms each bound to three ° atoms. There are no true hydroxides and the products of hydrolysis of the hydrides or halides, and the like, are best regarded as hydrous oxides. Among the most interesting and commercially valuable of silicon-oxygen compounds are the aluminosilicates, which have been mentioned earlier (Section 5-4).

15·6 Complex Compounds Most of the complex species contain halide ions or donor ligands that are 0, , S, or P compounds. 15-6 Complex Compounds 389

Anionic Complexes

Silicon forms only fluoroanions, normally [SiF6]2-, whose high formation con­ stant accounts for the incomplete hydrolysis of SiF4 in water, according to Reaction 15-6.1.

(15-6.1 )

The ion is usually made by dissolving Si02 in aqueous HF and is stable even in basic solution. Under selected conditions and with cations of the right size, the [SiFsr ion can be isolated, for example,

Si0 + HF(aq) + R N+Cl- CHsOH) [R N] [SiF ] 2 4 4 s (15-6.2)

By contrast with [SiF6 ] 2-, the [GeF6 ]2- and [SnF6 ]2- ions are hydrolyzed by bases; [PbF6]2- ion is hydrolyzed even by water. Although Si does not, the other elements give chloroanions, and all the ele­ ments form oxalato ions [M(OX)S]2-.

Cationic Complexes The most important are those of chelating uninegative oxygen ligands, such as the acetylacetonates. An example is [Ge(acac)s]+. The tetrahalides act as Lewis acids; SnCl4 is a good Friedel-Crafts catalyst. The adducts are 1:1 or 1:2 but it is not always clear in the absence of X-ray evi­ dence whether they are neutral, that is, MX4L2, or whether they are salts, for ex­ ample, [MX2L2]X2 . Some of the best defined are the pyridine adducts, for example, trans-(py) 2SiC14.

Alkoxides, Carboxylates, and Oxo Salts

All four elements form alkoxides. Those of silicon [e.g., Si(OC2Hs)4] are the most important; the surface of glass or silica can also be alkoxylated. Alkoxides are normally obtained by the standard method, solvolysis of chlorides, as in Eq. 15-6.3.

MCl4 + 4 ROH + 4 amine ----7 M(OR)4 + 4 amine·HCI (15-6.3) Silicon alkoxides are hydrolyzed by water, eventually to hydrous silica. Of the car­ boxylates, lead tetraacetate is the most important, as it is used in organic chemistry as a strong but selective oxidizing agent. It is made by dissolving Pbs0 4 in hot glacial acetic acid or by electrolytic oxidation of PbIl in acetic acid. In oxidations the attacking species is probably Pb(OOCCHs);, which is isoelectronic with the similar oxidant, TI(OOCCHsh, but this is not always so, and some oxidations are free radical in nature. The trifluoroacetate is a white solid, which will oxidize even heptane to give the ROOCCFs species, whence the alcohol ROH is ob­ tained by hydrolysis; benzene similarly gives phenol. Tin(IV) sulfate, Sn(S04h·2 H20, can be crystallized from solutions obtained by oxidation of SnIl sulfate; it is extensively hydrolyzed in water.

Tin(IV) nitrate is a colorless volatile solid made by interaction of N20 S and SnCI4; it contains bidentate NO; groups giving dodecahedral coordination. The compound reacts with organic matter. 390 Chapter 15 / The Group IVB(l4) Elements

15·7 The Divalent State Silicon Divalent silicon species are thermodynamically unstable under normal condi­ tions. However, several species, notably SiO and SiF2, have been identified in high temperature reactions and trapped by chilling to liquid nitrogen tempera­ tures. Thus at about 1100 °c and low pressures, the following reaction goes in about 99.5% yield:


4 Silicon difluoride (SiF2) is stable for a few minutes at 10- cm pressure; the molecule is angular and diamagnetic. When the frozen compound warms, it

gives fluorosilanes up to Si16F34'


Germanium dihalides are stable. Germanium difluoride (GeF2) is a white crys­ talline solid obtained by the action of anhydrous HF on Ge at 200°C; it is a fluo­ rine bridged polymer with approximately tbp coordination of Ge. Germanium dichloride (GeCI2) gives salts of the GeClsion similar to those ofSn noted in the next subsection.


The most important compounds are SnF2and SnCI2, which are obtained by heat­ ing Sn with gaseous HF or HC\. The fluoride is sparingly soluble in water and is used in fluoride-containing toothpastes. Water hydrolyzes SnCI2 to a basic chlo­ ride, but from dilute acid solutions SnCI2'2H20 can be crystallized. Both halides dissolve in solutions containing an excess of halide ion, thus

SnF2 + F- = SnFs pK""1 (15-7.2) SnCl2 + CI- = SnCls pK"" 2 (15-7.3) In aqueous fluoride solutions SnFs is the major species, but the ions SnF+ and Sn2F; can be detected. The halides dissolve in donor solvents such as acetone, pyridine, or DMSO, to give pyramidal adducts, for example, SnCI20C(CH3)2' The very air-sensitive tin(II) ion (Sn2+) occurs in acid perchlorate solutions, which may be obtained by reduction of copper(II) perchlorate as in Reaction 15-7.4.

2 Cu(CI04h + Sn/Hg = Cu + Sn ++ 2 CIO:;; (15-7.4) 2 Hydrolysis gives [Sn3(OH)4f+, with SnOH+ and [Sn2(OH)2J + in minor amounts.

log K= -6.77 (15-7.5)

The trimeric, probably cyclic, ion appears to provide the nucleus of several basic 15-7 The Divalent State 391 tin (II) salts obtained from aqueous solutions at fairly low pH. Thus the nitrate Il appears to be SnS(OH)4(NOs)2 and the sulfate, SnS(OH)20S04' All Sn solu­ tions are readily oxidized by oxygen and, unless stringently protected from air, TY normally contain some Sn • The chloride solutions are often used as mild re­ ducing agents.

SnCl~- + 2 e- = SnCl; + 3 Cl- EO = ca. 0.0 V (1 MHCl, 4 MCn (15-7.6)

Lead Of the four elements, only lead has a well-defined low-valent cationic chemistry. The lead(II) ion (Pb2+) is partially hydrolyzed in water.

log K"" -7.9 (15-7.7)

In concentrated solutions and on addition of base, polymeric ions that contain three, four, and six Pb atoms are formed. The crystalline "basic" salt

has the cluster structure in Fig. 15-2. The ° atom lies at the center of the mid­ dle tetrahedron, while the OH groups lie on the faces of the outer tetrahedra. Most lead salts are only sparingly soluble in water and some (e.g., PbS04 or PbCr04 ) are insoluble. The common soluble salts are Pb(NOs)2 and Pb(C02CHs)2'2 H20, which is incompletely ionized in water. The halides are al­ ways anhydrous and in solution they form complex species PbX+, PbX;, and so on, except for the fluoride where only PbF+ occurs.

Silenes and Other Organo Compounds Although for many of the elements, discussion of organo chemistry has been re­ served for later chapters, it is now appropriate to mention the recent develop­ ments in divalent organo chemistry for silicon, germanium, and tin. Compounds of stoichiometry GeR2 or SnR2, which were known for a long time, proved to be cyclogermanes or stannanes such as (Me2Sn)6 (where Me = CHs), or various other polymers with MIl_MIl bonds. Also, the silicon compounds made by the reduction of R2SiCl2 with Li or Na/K in THF, where R is not a bulky ligand, are

Figure 15-2 The three face-sharing tetrahe­ dra ofPb atoms in the Pb60(OH):+ cluster. 392 Chapter 15 I The Group IVB(14) Elements

cyclic pOlymers. These compounds are often similar to hydrocarbons, but differ in having large (-115°) Si-Si-Si angles.

However, when the alkyl or aryl R groups are very bulky, monomers (MR2) or dimers (R2M=MR2) can be isolated. The simplest silene (Me2Si) can be ob­ tained only in the gas phase or in solution by thermal decomposition of the cyclic hexamer, as in Reaction 15-7.8.


The first isolable silene, the yellow tetramesityl , Structure 15-1

""" ... m . .\~mesL ill?\\\S\= S\------­ mes 15-1

H'C~) CH, where mes

HsC can be made photochemically according to Reaction 15-7.9.


This compound is an air sensitive, but thermally stable solid, with a slightly bent trans structure, the angle 8 being 18°. In this respect, this silene differs from typ­ ical alkenes, which are planar. The Si=Si bond (2.16 A..) is about 9% shorter than a Si-Si . Many other can be made by the reduction of

R2SiCl2 with Li, and some compounds have sufficiently strong double bonds to permit the existence of cis and trans . There are similar R2Si=CR2 com­

pounds containing Si=C bonds. A good example is Me2Si=C(SiMe3 ) (SiMe­ t-Bu2 ), where the C2Si=CSi2 skeleton is planar, with a C=Si bond distance of 1.702 A. Finally, compounds with Si=N, Si=P, and Si=O bonds are known, for example, t-Bu2Si=NSi-t-Bu3' The germenes, which can be made by the action of Grignard reagents on

GeCl2 'dioxane in ether, and stannenes, are less stable than silenes. Distortions from planar geometry are larger than is found among the silenes. Tin and lead

form highly colored monomers or dimers, but in Sn2R4 the Sn-Sn distance is 2.76 A.., a value closer to that of a Sn-Sn single bond.

15-8 Summary of Group Trends for the Elements of Group IVB(14) Using the list of periodic chemical properties listed in Section 8-11, as well as properties mentioned in Chapters 14 and 15, we can now summarize the peri­ odic trends in the properties of the elements of Group IVB (1 4) . 15-8 Summary of Group Trends for the Elements of Group IVB(14) 393

1. Carbon (a) Is completely nonmetallic. (b) Has a strong tendency for catenation among its compounds. (c) Forms molecular (covalent) substances almost exclusively (carbides excepted) . (d) Obeys the octet rule, the maximum covalence being four. (e) Forms divalent (lower valent) compounds that are unstable (as in re­ active intermediates), or that exist as such only as a formality (e.g., CO). (f) Forms hydrides that are stable, molecular substances that are difficult to hydrolyze, but oxidize readily. (g) Forms stable, molecular halides that are not readily oxidized or hy­ drolyzed.

(h) Forms oxides (CO and CO2 ) that are acidic anhydrides. (i) Forms multiple bonds of the jJTt-jJTt variety, which can be conjugated. 2. Silicon (a) Is a nonmetal. (b) Displays little or no tendency for catenation among its compounds. (c) Forms mostly covalent substances, as well as polyatomic ions and oxoanions containing covalent bonds. (d) Readily undergoes coordination number expansion to a maximum covalence of six, namely, SiF; and SiF~-. (e) Forms divalent (lower valent) compounds only rarely, an example

being the unstable SiF2 . (f) Forms hydrides that are reactive and unstable, an example being

SiH4 , which is readily hydrolyzed. (g) Forms molecular halides that are readily hydrolyzed.

(h) Forms an oxide (Si02) that is an acidic, covalent-network substance. (i) Forms strong, but unconjugated multiple bonds of the jJTt-drt variety, especially to ° and N. 3. Germanium, Tin, and Lead (a) Are increasingly metallic on descent of the group, Ge being most like Si. (b) Display little catenation, since in general bond strength decreases on descending the group. (c) Form both covalent and ionic substances. (d) Form compounds with a variety of coordination numbers, six or eight being common. (e) Form divalent (lower valent) compounds that are increasingly stable upon descending the group. (f) Do not form any important covalent hydrides.

(g) Form both high-valent (MX4 ) and low-valent (MX2 ) molecular halides, which are readily hydrolyzed and undergo coordination number expansion to produce, for instance, SnCI~- or PbCI~-. (h) Display increasingly metallic character on descent of the group, as 394 Chapter 15 I The Group IVB(14) Elements

demonstrated by the following. Whereas Si02 is acidic and Sn02 is amphoteric, Pb02 iy purely a basic anhydride. (i) Form multiple bonds of the pn-drr variety, but less effectively on de­ scent of the group.


Study Questions

A. Review

1. Why is CO2 a gas and Si02 a giant molecule? 2. Explain what is meant by dn-tm bonding. 3. Why does tin form divalent inorganic compounds more easily than silicon? 4. How is super pure Ce made from Ce02?

5. Write balanced equations for the synthesis of SiH4 and for its hydrolysis by aqueous KOH.

6. Why is CCl 4 unreactive to H20, whereas SiCl4 is rapidly hydrolyzed?

7. Why is SiF4 incompletely hydrolyzed by water? 8. Explain the nature of zeolites and of molecular sieves. 9. Why does silicon have much less tendency to form bonds to itself than does carbon? 10. How is lead tetraacetate made? 11. What is red lead? 12. What is the nature of SnIl in aqueous chloride solution?

B. Additional Exercises 1. Explain why HsSiNCS has a linear SiNCS group, whereas in HsCNCS the CNC group is angular. 2. Why are silanols, such as (CHshSiOH, stronger acids than their carbon analogs? 3. List the various types of geometries among the compounds of the tetravalent Croup IVB(l4) elements and give examples. For each example, give the structural classifi­

cation for the Croup IVB(14) atom, according to the ABxEy scheme of Chapter 3.

4. What methods could one use to determine the nature of 1: 1 and 1:2 adducts ofSnC14 with neutral donors? 5. Why can SnlI compounds, such as SnCI;, act as donors (ligands) to transition metals? 6. The single-bond energies for the elements of the first and second short periods fol­ low the trends C > Si; N < P; ° < S; F < Cl. Why is the first pair in the list apparently anomalous? 7. Predict the relative n-bond strength between Band N in the two compounds bis(trimethylsilyl)aminoborane and bis (lerl-butyl) aminoborane. Explain your an­ swer in terms of the n orbitals that are involved. 8. Draw the n-bond system that is responsible for the planarity of trisilylamine. 9. Draw the Lewis diagrams and discuss the geometries of SnCI2, SnCI;, and [Pt(SnCIs)s]S-.

10. Balance the equation for the reaction of SiCl 4 with LiAIH4 • 11. Use valence shell electron-pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory to compare the bond an­ gles in the pyramidal ions SnF;, SnCI;, and CeCl;;. Study Guide 395

12. Review the material of Section 8-11 plus the material of this chapter, and summarize the facts concerning the low-valent state for the elements of Group IVB(14), citing specific compounds as examples to illustrate each point.

13. Compare the reactivities of the divalent chlorides (GeCI2 , SnCI2 , and PbCI2 ) with chlorine, and use this information to arrive at the correct order of stabilities of the divalent state for these elements. 14. Diagram the apparent extent of the rc-bonding systems in HsSiNCO and in HgGeNCO, taking into consideration the geometries of the two. 15. Explain the planarity of disilylamine using an orbital overlap approach. 16. Offer an explanation for the relative extent of N-to-M rc bonding in HsSi CO versus HgGe CO.

17. The compound SnCI2(C2 Hs)2 crystallizes as long needles, in which there are Sn-CI-Sn bridges in one plane and ethyl groups in coordination positions per­ pendicular to that plane. The effective coordination number of Sn in the solid is six, but there are two Sn-CI distances in the structure. Propose a solid state structure. 18. Choose the correct answer from among the following possibilities: (a) The most stable low-valent halide:

GeCI2 SnCl2 PbCl2 (b) A nonexistent halide:

SnCl4 PbCl4 PbI4 (c) A purely acidic oxide:

Pb02 Sn02 Si02 (d) Forms an oxoacid on treatment with HNOs:

P4 Sb4 Bi (e) The most stable hydride: NHg PHg AsHs ([) The substance that is coordinatively saturated:

CCl4 SiCI 4 PbCl4 (g) The substance that is not coordinatively saturated:

SnF;; CH4 PClt;

19. Explain how the following reaction demonstrates the acidity of Si02 :

20. List and explain three ways in which the chemistry of carbon differs from that of the other members of the group. 21. Give balanced equations for each of the following: (a) Production of Ge from the oxide. (b) Oxidation of Si by chlorine.

(c) Dissolution of SnCl2 in pyridine.

(d) Hydrolysis of GeCI4 . 2 (e) Hydrolysis of Sn + solutions.

(f) Hydrolysis of SiF4 , 22. Why does the tendency towards catenation decrease on descent of Group IVB (14)? Illustrate your answer with some examples. 23. Suggest a synthesis, starting from elemental silicon and fluorine, of SiF~-.

24. What is the main product on reaction of lead with chlorine, PbCl4 , PbCI2, or PbOCl? 25. Suggest a synthesis of lithium bis(dimethylsilyl)amide.

26. Sketch the structures of SnCI2, SnCl;;, SnF4, and SnF;;. 396 Chapter 15 I The Group IVB( 14) Elements

C. Questions from the Literature of Inorganic Chemistry

1. Let the paper by R. H. Nielson and R. L. Wells, Inorg. Chern., 1977, 16,7-11, serve as a basis for the following questions: (a) What typical values for B-N rotational barriers does one expect for mono-, bis-, and tris-aminoboranes? (b) Why should studies of rotational barriers in these aminoboranes indicate the rel­ ative extent of 11: bonding between boron and an .N-u-imethylsilyl, an .N-trimethyl­ germyl, and an .N-trimethylstannyl ? (c) Both a steric and a competitive 11:-bonding argument can be given to explain the trends reported here. Elaborate. 2. Consider the paper by D. Kummer and T. Seshadri, Angew. Chern. Int. Ed. Eng., 1975, 14, 699-700. (a) Determine the oxidation state of Si and draw the Lewis diagram for each of the Si-containing compounds mentioned in this article. (b) Predict the geometry for each of these compounds. 3. Compare and contrast the structure of and the bonding in two different classes of SnN compounds as presented in

(a) R2SnX2 . W. Alcock andJ. F. Sawyer,] Chern. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1977,1090-1095.

(b) SnCI4(PR3 )2 G. G. Mather, G. M. McLaughlin, and A. Pidcock, J Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1973, 1823-1827. 4. Consider the compounds M[CH(Me3Si)2h where M = Ge, Sn, or Pb, as described by J. D. Cotton, P.J. Davidson, and M. F. Lappert, J Chern. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1976, 2275-2285. (a) Draw the Lewis diagram of these substances. (b) Explain (and give an example of) each of the four types of reactions mentioned for these substances. 5. Look up the structure of PbO (Acta Crystallogr., 1961, 14, 1304) and describe the geometry at lead. What structural role does the "lone pair" play? 6. The structure of the [K(l8-C-6)]+ salt of [(t-Bu)3C6H2-SiF4r was reported by S. E. Johnson, R. O. Day, and R. R. Holmes, Inorg. Chern., 1989, 28, 3182. What unusual bond angles are there in this anion, and what is the apparent cause? 7. Read the first report on the structure of two stable disilenes by M.J. Fink, M.J. Michalczyk, K.J. Haller, R. West, and J. Michl, "X-ray Structure of Two Disilenes," Organornetallics, 1984,3,793-800. (a) Which of these two disilenes has a structure most like an ? (b) What two principle deviations from planarity are noted for Compound 1a? (c) What explanations do the authors give for the pyramidalization at Si in Compound 1a? (d) Why do these distortions from planarity not occur for Compound 1b?


Breck, D. W., Molecular Sieves, Wiley, New York, 1973. Burger, H. and Eugen, R., 'The Chemistry of Lower-Valent Silicon," Topics in Current Chemistry, o. 5, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1974.