2DThe Daily Tar HeelMonday, August 24. 1981 1TTTT iTl . 1? tuJNUL. po. topq Botn Jul Five Heelta maimed to ACC Qemson team North Carolina's Tar Heels have been In the coaches' poll and - chosen in tyo polls as favorites to win N.C. State tied for second, while Mary- Five UNC Tar Heels have been named by the eight The returning offensive players are this fall's Atlantic Coast Conference land was chosen fourth. Behind the "Atlantic Coast Conference coaches to the 1981 N.C State tackle Chris Koehne, Maryland running football crown. Terps came Duke fifth, Wake Forest preseason football team. back Charlie Wysocki and Bryant. Defensive standouts seventh, In a media poll, Coach Dick Cram's sixth and Virginia The offensive team includes quarterback Rod Elkins, returning are Nicholson and Duke defensive back won Bowl Georgia Tech was considered in Baum-gardn- club, which the Bluebonnet not tailback Kelvin Bryant and guard Dave Drechsler, while Dennis Tabron. Wake Forest receiver Wayne er first-plac- e eligible last year, received 56 of 73 the voting because it will not be the defense includes defensive end Calvin Daniels and was an choice as a sophomore votes. for the football championship. linebacker Darrell Nicholson. in 1979, but was beaten out by Tuttle for the honor last In another poll, four of the league's Last year, both the coaches and me-coach- es Carolina tight end Shelton Robinson and defensive fall. gave the nod to the Tar Heels, selected North Carolina to capture dia back BUI Jackson were given honorable mention. With all eight head coaches casting votes, six players re-- re- who have 12 of last year's starters the league title, and the Tar Heels N.C. State also had five selections; no team had more. were unanimous selections. Four of the six selections turning. Coaches were not allowed to sponded with a 6--0 conference mark, Five of the eight players returning from last year's play offense: Carolina's Drechsler and Bryant, Clem-so-n vote for their own teams. The media poll has correctly predic- - got places on the preseason squad. The center Tony. Berryhill and Vjrginia place-kick- er The two polls differed greatly, how-- ted the conference champion four of three returning ail-AC- C choices not selected are Clem-son-'s Wayne Morrison. Unanimous selections on defense selecting five years. exception was e ever, in North Carolina's the past The wide receiver and offensive tackle were Maryland lineman Mark Duda and N.C. State-defensiv- challenger. The media picked 1 977, when Maryland was picked to strongest in Lee Nanney and Virginia linebacker Stuart Anderson. back Donnie LeGrande. Maryland as runner-u- p by a slim nine-- win but finished in a tie for third while point margin over Qemson. N.C. State North Carolina emerged as conference was a strong fourth, followed by Vir-- champion, UNC coach Dick Crum ginia, Duke and Wake Forest. 1931 COACHES POLL ACC FOOTBALL COACHES PRESEASON TEAM 1981 Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th POINTS North Carolina 4 2 34 N.C. State 2 1 2 1 28 OFFENSE , DEFENSE Qemson 1 3 1 1 28 ' Height Weight Class L Mark Duda, Maryland 6--3 248. Jr. Maryland 4 1 24 Pos. Name and School 1. L Jeff Bryant, Qemson ...... 6--5 250 Sr. Duke 2 2 2 12 WR , N.C. State . . : , . 6--2 186 Sr. L Calvin Daniels, 6-- 3 231 Sr. Wake 2 1 3 11 6- 1 NC...... Forest...... WR Wayne Baumgardner, Wake Forest . . - , 194 Sr. L Ricky Etheridge, N.C. State ...... 6--2 218 Sr. Virginia 4 2 10 6--5 TE JohnTice, Maryland 228 Jr. 6-- L Greg Vanderhout, Maryland ...... 0 242 Jr. v 6--5 Sr. T , Chris Koehne, N.C. State ... 260 6-- 1981 MEDIA POLL ...... L Eddie Yarnell, Wake Forest ...... 4 230 Sr. 6--6 258 T David Lutz, Georgia Tech ...... Jr. 6-- LB Jeff Davis, Qemson ...... 0 225 Sr. North Carolina 65 5 2 1 499 G David Drechsler, NC . . . 6--4 230 Jr...... LB Robert Abraham, N.C. State . . . . , .... .". 6-- 1 220 Sr. Maryland 3 26 25 18 1 377 G Brian Baldinger, Duke 6-- 4 244 Sr. LB Darrell Nicholson, NC ..... 6-- 2 235 Sr. Qemson 5 29 12 19 7 1 368 G Robert Oxendine, Duke , 6-- . 3 255 Jr. B Donnie LeGrande, N.C. State , ; . . 5-- 8 175 Sr. 12 10 1 1 - 6-- 5 216 Sr. N.C. State 27 22 328 C Tony Berryhill, Qemson ..... 5-- ...... B Dennis Tabron, Duke 10 177 Sr. Virginia 1 2 10 24 26 10 190 QB RodElkins.NC 6--1 195 Jr. ' B Pat Chester, Virginia ...... 5-- 9 185 Sr. Duke.... 3 1 24 28 17 164 RB Charlie Wysocki, Maryland...... 5-- 11 204 Sr. v B , Qemson ''...... 6-- 0 188 Sr. Wake Forest 2 2 7 J7 45 118 RB Kelvin Bryant, NC 6-- 2 185 Jr. P Jeff Pierce, Georgia Tebh . . . , ...... 6-- 2 195 Sr. (Points awarded on basis ofsevenforfirst, sixfor second, etc., in the media poll. K Wayne Morrison, Virginia . . 5-- 10 160 Jr. Since a coach could not votefor his own team, points were awarded in that poll Tied for position uJ ; ,: on the basis ofsixforfirst, fivefor second, etc.) NCAA tightens rales 011 eqMpm MYAL By JOHN ROYSTER throughout the country, with Qemson Priefer said Carolina had ordered spe- The rule does have a string attached, being most notable ACC example. jerseys in response : r t s i i DTH Staff Writer the cial to the rule. 'The though: If the coach uses the conference r r"' . r i Carolina has avoided any penalties new jerseys will have long slits in the top argue an official's call, and the call is f ii if ii it tii i to i r it r it i i f ii i r charg- 1 the old rule, assistant coach so they may be put on quickly by team is i ii 1 i i ii H i i ii I Changes in blocking, special teams and under and that not overruled, the coach's I itI V. ii ii i f if if 11 - II ii noise regulation highlight rules Chuck Priefer said he did not expect any players for the punting team; . .. ed with a time out. '(O : t i if . t ItJ ii iil I 1111 crowd j I ii ii 1 1 I if 11if i 1982 problems with the new rule. the team is of time Ctfts; a v -- n 11 changes for the National Collegiate Or, if out . II II I I I I I special XJt J I to.-- i l Priefer, who coaches teams,, five-yar- vi it s it Athletic Association football season. "Our fans are a little better behaved, d penalty is assessed. :'"? ii i i ii said he favored the new rule, even though i n t ii i i i xiii i i wit i changes were announced the even though (crowds are) just as large. 'The NCAA has, in 1981, followed the i it i s i i illi it ii i The to his punt teams were known for getting on ii ii sii 1ii1 reducing i it i i i i it i i Atlantic Coast Conference at the annual . I'm sure our fans will behave lead of professional football by ii ii i i t iiv it i r 1 1 i - the field quickly and catching opponents 11t i --n - 11it .11if 11 i coaches and media weekend in Southern themselves.". the holding penalty to 10 yards. The Na- , 111 I V- " 1 is1 1 1 I I off guard. Uniform number changes have V JillI I - J t I Pines July 31. Another change is simple but will be im- tional Football League reduced the:penal-t- y be accomplished quickly to facilitate : -- box-and-cha- to The new crowd noise policy is rule mediately noticeable the in a few seasons ago. , . v. . that. . 3-3- beentte-vise- d. -3, which reads, in part: first down measuring sticks will be Pass blocking rules have also "If the clock has been stopped twice moved six feet behind the sideline rather "I see what (the NCAA is) trying to A lineman executing a retreafblock palms during ,the game for crowd noise viola- than directly on it. do," Priefer said. "The pullover jerseys must have his hands open with the . tions against the same team, any subse- That change was made in response to were flapping, shoulder pads were flap- facing the frame of his opponents' body. quent stopping of the clock because of the danger of injury involved with having ping. It's going to be safer this year." That change is designed to eliminate crowd noise violations against the same the sticks and chains so close to the Another rule change may prove to be jersey-grabbin- g by offensive linemen. action. 4 dur- team will result in a charged time out or a the bane of referees' existences. Officials 'Also, after a foul' by the defense, overlay vest-typ- e delay penalty if all offending team's time The jerseys worn by are now obligated to go to the sideline for ing the last 25 seconds of either half, the players on special teams have been out- offense outs have been used." a conference with the head coach if the clock will start on the snap." On lawed. The jerseys were worn by players players The change in the rule is the "in the conference is requested by a player ac- the clock will start earlier, when game" phrase. In past years, two viola- who switched from eligible receivers to in- tually in the game or by the coach. : set in position for the play. tions in one series of downs were required eligible, or vice-vers- a, for special teams It is now illegal to block below the waist to set up a potential penalty situation. The change was for safety reasons, and Officials have not had that obligation in on a player behind the neutral zone in a TheTrule'was tightened Tn CfespwisjeTd" Ibeiaeeveral players across the country thepastrThe$ranting of such confereivoCTdtffoi CToWd'nbiseaf 'a number sfadfums last year'tuHhe jerseys on backwards. has been at their ciiscreH&nitwv tuu jkoni no vm wnsiao sni wtmq owi anj ivn Immediate delivery Monday through Saturday Success ends Carolina Fever promo

Staff and Wire Reports be a problem just generating any interest sent situation is due to a cumulative effect at all. In 1975, only one game was sold Of five years of promotion, plus the suc- monthly rent ...... $37.00 The popular Carolina Fever promo- out and attendance averaged only about cess our teams have had." tional campaign has been so successful 35,000. Savod hopes now to bring a new market damage waiver fee 2.00 the last five years that Bob Savod, asso- Savod began his promotions in 1976, to Carolina football by arranging for some ciate athletic director at Carolina, has had and since 1977, Kenan has been sold out Tar Heel games to be broadcast on a de- tax 1.56 to significantly reduce the commercial for every game. layed basis in the area. ' promotions this season. The Carolina Fever pitch utilized a total "We hope to start with one station and Apparently, the Tar Heel football team approach in advertising. Radio and tele- then expand," he said. "We have access 1981 Bluebonnet Bowl Champions vision spots were perhaps the most visible, to cable stations in Chapel Hill and we'll $410.18 does not need any ticket promotions. but direct mail and newspaper advertising be able to program many of our sports on Kenan Stadium has been sold out for were also used extensively. Billboards were a delayed basis. Then, we hope to be able per month months. displayed prominently in many large North to market these games in other areas." . Carolina Fever is still alive, however, Carolina cities. Bumper stickers from the Though the promotions up to now have just simply reduced. Savod is now getting ; campaign are still popular. been used 6nly for football, Savod plans some television and radio commercials Savod recognizes the fact that the need some sort of campaign for the non-reven- ue ready for airing lest people forget ; is using ad- 4-mo- about nth ... for such a huge effort may come again in sports as well. He thinking of - nil I M 4 , J Rate on lease. i tut 'I f jX- UNC football. . the next few years. vertising, schedule, cards,, billboards and Subject to change without It was not always a question remind- Bob Savod of "Obviously, team success will have a some directmail. ( prior notice. ing folks about the Tar Heels it used to lot to do with it," Savod said. "Our pre-- "We are" also considering trying ah all-spo- rts ticket that could be used for the 24 few broadcasts and the team's schedule sports besides basketball and football," cards which still bear the slogan will re- - Savod said.' : - ' c v ; mind fans that the Tar Heels open on rv n a For now, though; the familiar Carolina Sept. 12. XT 1 a. Fever commercials featuring the voice of iu uue necus 10 ioe reminaeaJJ mucnl STUB Woody DiirhanPWill be limited. Only a anymore. Present this ad for 2 for 1 Pizza Special No Butts ' U .Luncheon Specials FREE' DELIVERY M . it , y 0 W w About ,m TI available at lunch 0 p.m. Mon.-Fr- L Qjj $2-5- ALLOWAWC It... fjiJ, wsahdbar 3 15 i -- GS Hiiitott Press "vvtz ouiiet . . . .z.y: Tuesday Pizza - ...... 1.95 CufTet ...$2.95 Help Save Wednesday Spashettl The Bacon Lasasna .2.95 uilh THIS GROUP INCLUDES Salad bar 1.95 Great Potato ....1.95 QUALITY FURN ITU RE: Open Mon.-Thu- n. Ilti0-12fi-0 mldnitc, Frt & SaL 11:00--1 am. Sun. 4-- 1 1 jm - A Little PCTSETiT TIII3 AD FQ3 2 FCH 1 PIZZA SPECIAL! 1-s- ofa 1 -- Scratch Is dresser with 203 17. F3ANXLXN ST. 942-514- 9 All You Need 1 -chair mirror or chest 2--end tables 1-n- ite stand i

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