,April, 1940 RAILWAY SIGNAL ING 227

A single-track line of the Pennsylvania The Fansteel Metallurgical Corporation, tered the service of the New York Central crosses the Illinois Central 1,197 ft. north North Chicago, Ill., in its annual report at Buffalo, N.Y., serving successively as of Arcola station; this crossing is pro stated that the aggregate net sales for signal helper, assistant maintainer, main­ tected by an interlocking, with the north­ 1939 show an increase of 75 per cent over tainer, maintenance inspector, construc­ ward I.C. home signal located 615 ft 1938. Consolidated net earnings for 1939 tion inspector, draftsman, general drafts·­ north of the station. At the time of the were $238,660.22, or approximately $1.02 man, assistant engineer, and chief inspec­ accident, the plant was lined for the I.C. per share of outstanding common stock tor. From 1922 to 1924, Mr. Corcoran was and this signal was clear. after deducting annual dividend of $5.00 engineer of construction, and in 1924 was When approaching Arcola and when paid per share of outstanding preferred promoted to assistant signal engineer, about 1~ miles distant, the engineman of stock. Working capital was materially Lines East. In September, 1937, he was No. 6 could see the green aspect of the increased. Current assets exceed current appointed assistant signal engineer, with horne interlocking signal, and he called its liabilities at a ratio of four and one-half headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio, which indication to the fireman, who replied. to one. A number of important improve­ position he held at the time of his recent The engineman thought that the green ments in plant equipment, methods and appointment. aspect was displayed for his train. Upon processes have been installed, sales and F. B. Wiegand, signal engineer of the reaching a point 700 or 800 ft. to the rear technical staffs enlarged, and branch New Y ark Central, with headquarters at of Second No. 4, the engineman and the offices opened in several key cities. Cleveland, retired from his position on fireman simultaneously observed its rear April 1. Mr. Wiegand entered the service end. of the New Y ark Central & Hudson River At this time the speed of his train Personal Railroad, now the New York Central, on was about 50 m.p.h. and he applied the April 12, 1891, serving as a signal main­ brakes in emergency, but too late to avert tainer. In May, 1894, he was appointed the collision. signal inspector on the Harlem division A part of the rules, which apply when Changes on the New York of the New Y ark Central; in October, the train-stop and cab-signal equipment Central Lines 1901, assistant signal supervisor on the is out of service, read as follows : "to pro­ Effective April 1, F. B. Wiegand retired Hudson division; and in July, 1902, signal ceed at a speed considered safe, taking supervisor on the River division. In weather conditions into consideration, and from his position as signal engineer of the New Y ark Central including the March, 1903, Mr. Wiegand became gen­ approach all facing point switches pre­ eral signal inspector of the entire road, pared to stop." It is clearly apparent that Michigan Central and the Cleveland, Cin­ cinnati, Chicago & St. Louis. ]. ]. Co.r­ and three months later was appointed sig­ the management's interpretation of these nal supervisor of the Mohawk division. requirements was not enforced, as the in­ coran, assistant to Mr. Wiegand, has been vestigation disclosed that, during the six­ promoted to signal engineer with head­ month period prior to the day of the acci­ quarters in Cleveland, Ohio, in charge of dent, 10 trains which were operated over the New Y ark Central, Lines West of this district with the automatic train-stop Buffalo, also including the Michigan Cen­ devices inoperative, made up time varying tral and the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chi­ from 6 to 17 minutes on their schedules." cago & St. Louis ; while R. B. Elsworth, "In general practice throughout the assistant signal engineer, New York Cen­ country, one or another of the following tral, Buffalo and East, has been promoted measures is adopted in case of a failure to signal engineer in charge of this terri­ enroute of automatic train stop, train con­ tory. A. S. Haigh, office engineer with trol or cab signal devices : headquarters at Albany, has been pro­ 1. Substitution of an engine with equip­ moted to assistant signal engineer, report­ ment in proper operative condition. ing to Mr. Elsworth. 2. Protection by absolute manual block ]. ]. Corcoran was born at West Spring­ system. field, Mass., on April 14, 1889, and gradu­ 3. Continued operation of engine with ated from Worcester Polytechnic Insti- equipment cut out but at materially re­ duced speed. All these alternatives were available to the Illinois Central in this case. A freight engine which was equipped for passenger F. B. Wiegand service was available at Edgewood, 56.7 miles south of Arcola, and there were eight train-order offices between Branch In July, 1906, he was appointed assistant Junction and Champaign which could have signal engineer of the Lake Shore & been utilized as manual block offices ; Michigan Southern, now part of the New however, the investigation indicates that York Central. In October, 1913, he was neither of these alternatives was adopted appointed signal engineer of the New principally for the reasons that some de­ York Central, Line west of Buffalo. In lay would have resulted and no provision 1922, Mr. Wiegand acted also in a con­ had been made for establishing a manual sulting capacity for the Cleveland Union block system under these conditions; it is Terminals Company, and on March 1, apparent that delay also would have re­ 1925, his jurisdiction was extended over sulted had the third alternative listed the Ohio Central Lines, which railroad at above been employed." that time was leased by the New York The Commission concluded its report Central. On September 1, 1933, Mr. With the statement that "this accident was Wiegand had his jurisdiction extended to include the Lines East of Buffalo, follow­ c~used by failure to provide flag protec­ J. ]. Corcoran t~on for the preceding train and by opera­ ing the retirement of W. H. Elliott, signal t~on of the following train with inopera­ engineer of the Lines East. On June 1, tive automatic cab-signal and train-stop tute with a degree of Bachelor of Science 1937, following the retirement of ]. C. equipment without providing adequate in Electrical Engineering in 1911. He first Mock, signal engineer of the Michigan Protection" and recommended "that offi­ entered railroad service in 1906 on the Central, Mr. Wiegand's jurisdiction was cials of this railroad promptly take neces­ Boston & Albany, and served during the extended over that line, and on Septem­ sary steps to provide adequate protection summer months of that year and the suc­ ber 1, 1937, following the death of C. F. for train movements when automatic cab­ ceeding years to 1910 inclusive as water Stoltz, signal engineer of the Cleveland, signal and train-stop equipment is inop­ boy, track inspector, material clerk, and Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis, Mr. erative." signal wireman's helper. In 1911 he en- Wiegand's jurisdiction was extended over RAILWAY SIGNALING April, 194u 22 8 that line of the New Yorl~ Central System. York Central as a draftsman in the sig­ For many years 1'vfr. \Vtegand has been nal engineer's office at Albany. In Sep· Trade Publications active in the work of the Signal Section, tember, 1919, he was appointed chief A.A.R., and he served as chairman ofthat draftsman, and in May, 1929, was pro­ Thomas A. Edison, Inc., announces that body in 1922. moted to office engineer, the position a new edition of the educational tnono. which he held at the time of his recent g-raph on the nickel-iron-alkaline storag Robert Bisbee Elswo·rth was born in promotion to assistant signal engineer. battery, published originally in 1916 hae Mr. Haigh has been active in the Signal . ' s Muskegon, Mich., on February 14, 1880. JUSt come off the_press. The new edition Section, A.A.R., since 1921, being at pres­ He was graduated from the University of was prepared mamly to answer the grow. ent the chairman of Committee VI-De­ Michigan with a degree of Bachelor of ing demand for a discussion of the indus. signs. Since 1932, Mr. Haigh has been a Science in Mechanical Engineering in trial applications of the nickel-iron-atka. member of the American Railway Engi­ 1905, and received a degree of Civil Engi­ line battery and the practical value of its neering Association, and at present is a neer in the same school in 1934. In June, operating characteristics. At the satne member of Committee IX-Highways. 1901, Mr. Elsworth first entered railroad time, the presentation of the manufacture service as a laborer in the signal depart­ of the cell has been completely revised Earl Miller, signal supervisor, has been ment for the Michigan Central and in photographs largely taking the place of appointed superintendent telegraph and February, 1906, was transferred to signal the descriptive text of earlier editions signals of the New York, Chicago & St. work on the Grand Central Terminal in The distribution of the monograph, as h~ New York during the electrification pro­ Louis, effective March 16. A. L. Shepard, signal office engineer, has been appointed the past, is expected to be primarily gram. In April, 1911, he was appointed among educational institutions although assistant signal superintendent, effective assistant signal engineer of the New York commercial users of storage batteries who the same date. Mr. Miller entered the service of the Nickel Plate in April, 1913, have use for an elementary text-book on the nickel-iron-alkaline cell will be sup­ as a signal helper, and worked succes­ sively as a signal maintainer, maintenance plied on request to any of the company's district offices. foreman and general foreman. In , 1935, he was appointed signal supervisor The Ohio Brass Company of Mansfield at Frankfort, Ind., in charge of all field Ohio, has issued Bulletin 688-H illustrat~ work on the Lake Erie & Western and ing and describing four different sizes of Cloverleaf districts, the position which he insulated dead-end brackets of the types held at the time of his recent promotion. ordinarily used in the railway signaling Mr. Shepard entered the service of the field. Nickel Plate in February, 1924, as signal inspector and on January 1, 1930, was The General Electric Company has pre­ appointed signal office engineer, holding pared a new bulletin (GEA-1546F) on the this position at the time of his promotion selection of arc-welding electrodes which to assistant signal superintendent. is now available. The publication also gives important suggestions on welding William J, Disney, whose appointment technique with different types of electrodes as assistant signal supervisor of the Los and presents some of the factors influenc­ Angeles division of the Atchison, Topeka ing their choice. Complete descriptions & Santa Fe was announced in the March are given of the 20 types of General Elec­ R. B. Elsworth issue, was born at Richland, Kan., on tric electrodes, their applications, sizes, April 27, 1891. He first entered railroad recommended currents, arc-voltages, and service with the Santa Fe on April!, 1912, identification. Profusely illustrated with Central Railroad, Buffalo and East, and as a lineman on construction work for application photographs, this 40-page pub­ the Boston & Albany, being promoted in the Santa Fe Coast Lines signal depart­ lication contains characteristics of depos­ May, 1913, to engineer maintenance of ment at Needles, Cal., and was assigned ited weld metal, charts of joint forms and signals of the New York Central, Buffalo as line foreman from February, 1913, until positions, and a handy estimator for and East. In March, 1921, the signal October, 1913, being appointed signal electrode quantities. maintenance and engineering departments maintainer at Seligman, Ariz., on the were combined, and Mr. Elsworth re­ latter date. From February, 1915, until The Atlas Press Company has issued turned to his position as assistant signal February, 1921, he served as maintainer catalog No. 40 explaining its No. W -30 engineer, which position he held until his at Barstow, Cal. His subsequent career attachment for grinding drills. This book­ recent promotion as signal engineer of has been as follows: Foreman signal con­ let includes information regarding the the New York Central, Buffalo and East. struction, January, 1925-July, 1926; main­ mounting operation of this device. Copies Mr. Elsworth is a member of the Ameri­ tainer at San Bernardino, Cal., July, 1926- can be secured by addressing the Techni­ can Society of Professional Engineers and J une, 1930 ; foreman signal construction, cal Service Department of the Atlas Press for many years has been active in the June, 1930-April, 1931; maintainer, San Company, 1874 N. Pitcher Street, Kala­ work of the Railway Signal Association Bernardino, April, 1931-September, 1931; mazoo, Mich. and its successor the Signal Section, foreman signal construction, September, A.A.R, having served as chairman of 1931-February, 1932; maintainer, San James G. Biddle Company has just pub­ the Battery Committee during the years Bernardino, February, 1932-February, lished B u 11 e t in 1635 describing the 1912 to 1919, inclusive, and he was also 1936; foreman signal construction, Feb­ "Ducter" Low Resistance Ohmmeter, a member of the Committee of Direc­ ruary, 1936-February, 1937; maintainer, which measurements of very low resist­ tion during the years 1928 to 1931, inclu­ San Bernardino, February, 1937-0ctober, ance, down to one-millionth of an ohm, sive. He is a member of the American 1937; foreman signal construction, Octo­ are made as easily and as simply as are Railway Engineering Association, serving ber, 1937 -Febrttary, 1938, being trans­ measurements of high resistance by the on the Committee on Yards and Ter­ ferred on the latter date in same capacity ordinary "Megger" insulation tester. A minals. to the Los Angeles Union Passenger Ter­ battery is used to supply the necessarY minal, Mission Tower; signal construc­ testing current, and there are no manipu­ Arthur Stead Haigh was born in Utica, tion foreman, Santa Fe, March 1, 1939- lations or adjustments whatever, not even N.Y., July 29, 1886, and first entered rail­ J anuary 1, 1940, at which time he was for the voltage of the battery. The result road service in August, 1902, as a tele­ promoted to assistant signal supervisor, is indicated directly by the deflection of graph operator on the R. W. & 0., which with headquarters at San Bernardino. a pointer over a scale. One of the mos,~ is now the St. Lawrence division of the important applications for the "Ducter New York Central. In September, 1908, E. W. Stone, assistant resident man­ Low Resistance Ohmmeter is in testing he left railroad service to attend the ager, St. Louis office of the General Rail­ air and oil circuit breakers ; also switches Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and in way Signal Company, has been appointed and relays. These tests provide a simple 1910 reentered the service of the New resident manager, effective April 1. and practical means for detecting trouble,