through New- England, who wrere j who were touring Maine in their au­ DR. BISHOP AND here for the week end. THIS THE SPOT FOR tomobile, spent the Sabbath here. FORTY EXTRA Miss Miarion B. Synnott of Wood­ Stephen G. Williams of New York PARTY DINE HERE SUMMER DAYS has returned home after a week’s stay bury', N. Y., who has been travel-! PEOPLE FOR DINNER at this hotel. iug in Europe since early” spring­ Messrs. Iv. C. Call of Maplewood, N. The 1913 Varieties Given Under time, joined her parents, Mr. Home Team Wins but the Defeated J., and Dr. A. G. Stranco of New York Go-Get-Em’s Beaten by the Never and Mrs. C. E. Synnott on Thursday were here for the week. Management Of Guests and was welcomed by many friends Team Offered Flag of Truce Sweats, 11 to 9. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Strout, child and Great Success. at this hotel where the family have by the Bachelor Girls. nurse of New York, coming by auto­ spent the summer for several years. mobile are greatly delighted with life- (SpeciaH to Maine Woods.) Mrs. H. H. Clark of Woodbury, N. iakewood Camps, Middle Dam, Aug. (Special tp Maine Woods.) (Special to Maine Woods.) in a log cabin and have tarried for a J., and Miss Laura V. Henderson of Mooselookmeguntie House, Haines 25—When the Maine Woods reporter Tire Rangeley Lake House, Aug. week, this being their second trip to Port Chtester, N. Y., are guests, oif Landing, Aug. 25—I have been all over Mooselookmeguntie. landed here this forenoon everybody 26—Th.e past w eek lias exceeded all was cheering and a crowd was coming Mr. and Mrs. Synnott. i Maine, the Nation’s Playground, but Another automobile party for the others for the number of guests eu- across the lawn carrying chairs, ball Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Colbyr, Misa this for me is the spot to spend the week were Mr.> and Mrs. W. R. Carl­ tertaimed not only at' this hotel, bats and in fact a baseball outfit. This Robinson and R. B. Howies miotored summer days. I would not exchange ton of Rockport and friend, Miss WeSt- but those that have had roomlsi in morning two nines were picked up and across the country from Bingham our little log cabin for any other spot, cott of Dorchester, Mass. cozy, caanfortable homes in the vil­ and we shall stay until the hotel closes went out into Allen's field, back of and made a short stay here this For the past month the garage here lage. As Labor Day comes next this autupin.” was the remark one the camps and at 9.30 the game was w'eek. has been filled with touring cars from Monday, a great many will return New Yorker made to a friend on his called. It was a close one from start all over the country. to their city home and those that Bryant G. H. Harman of Plain- arrival, when he asked. "Do you like to finish, and one continual yell. The are roaming caitside will then come field! N. J., has joined friends to M ooselookmeg untie ?” Messrs. A. R. Anderson of Portland, "Go-get-em’s” were beaten by the E. L. Lovejoy, I. T. Eldridge and B. L. “Never-Sweats,” the score being 11-9. to the hotel. There is a larger remain for a part of September. The week-end found 100 guests be­ Boge of Rumford were among those The national game is no where more number booked for September than Mr. ani Mrs. Wm. Marcy of New ing entertaim-d. These who came in York are for the first time enjoy­ June and are happily located in the who made a short stay here this week. enthusiastically followed than by the ever before and if the weather is Mr. and Mrs. G. Torr of New York Middle Dam guests. pleasant it will be an unusually ing a short stay at this hotel. camps are no more anxious to return touring Maine in their auto, spent part This hotel and camps are now pack­ busy autumn in this section. Coming from Quebec in their to the rush of city life than the party who came on Saturday for only a ten of the week here and were greatly de­ ed. for as quick as one party goes an­ Ooming by automobile via Poland touring cars, after an extended trip days’ vacation. lighted with this lake and wilderness other is iiere to take their place. Springs the following from Brook­ through the mountains and Canada, region. The "hot days” one reads of, have Last Thursday 40 extra people came line, Mass., C, A. Hopkins, Misses the ifolloowing parties spen^ the not reaches this cool spot on the lake­ Mrs. J. Kock, two sons and daughter in here to dinner. Of that number 22 week end here: Mr. and Mrs. ,-D. M, A. and Louise Hopkins tarried side. of New York, who have been here for made the trip across to Umbago Lake, A. Hurd, Miss Hobbs of Berwick, Mr. here part of the week. and Mrs. Frank Jelleff of Wash­ a number of seasons are for several some hiked it over the carry, others Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ham of Mont­ and Mrs. Charles H. Prescott of ington, D. C., are among the new com­ weeks happily located in one of the on horseback and the stage carried the clair, N. J., are spending a few” days Biddeford, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore ers who express themselves as greatly log camps in the woods and before the rest. # &t this hotel. ; Gould of Portland, Herbert H. Hill pleased with the place. season closes will be joined by Mr. The following party who were guests Kock. M is see F. E. Roberts, H. Hallock of Boston, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Morris L. Willets of New York on of Brown brothers at their camp on mnd E. M. Johnson were a trio Taylor and son of Yonkers, N. Y. Saturday joined his parents who have Camp Welsmere is taken by Mr. and Cupsuptic Lake were among the num­ Mrs. M. N. Richardson and Mr. and of New York ypung ladies motoring (Continued on page eight). been here for several weeks. ber earoute for Berlin, N. H.: Mrs. O. Tdflay, everyone is talking about Mrs- B. N. Richardson of Davenport, B. Brown, W. R. Brown, Winthrop "The Bachelor Girls’ Ball” which will Iowa, who came in their Packard tour­ Brown, Lewis Brown and maid of Ber­ W be given this evening at Oquossoc and ing car from their western home, and lin, N. H. and Mrs. John B. Gordon, the "Girls” are sure to give the leading the novelty of log cabin life has a Hugh Gordon, Miss Ottley, Miss Jones, dance of this year and the Mooselook- great attraction for them. Miss Goldsmith, Miss and Miss 1 Mountain View House meguntic bail team are thus to receive Mr. and Mrs. ’C. A. Clapp, A. War­ Smith of Atlanta, Ga. Mountain View, Maine many dollars for it is for their benefit ren Clapp, Mrs. J. H. Clapp of East Mr. (ind Mrs. W. S. Jones and fam­ Braintree, Mrs. A. W. Clapp and Miss Por further particulars write or address the "Girls” ask everyone to come. ily of Waterbury, Conn., who came in Mrs. Theo Hawley and daughter Emma L. Clapp of ’Weymouth, Mass., their touring car as far as South Arm L. E. BOWLEY, Miss Eleanore and friends, Misses have taken two of the camps near the and for three weeks have been enjoy­ Mountain View, * » * Maine. Marie and Hazel Lovejoy of Romford hotel for a month. ing life in 'Camp Satisfaction, start were hqre for over Sunday. M. T. Swallow of Quincy, Mass., hashomeward tomorrow, going via Dix- Miss M. E. Kountz and Miss L. A. joined his fiancee, Mrs. A. Hobert of Ike Shaw of Fort Myers, Fla., was Quinn of Pittsburg, Penn., have chos­ South Braintree, Mass., who has been here for over Sunday. OUANANICHE LODGE. NORWAY PINES AND SUNSET CAMPS en this delightful spot to pass their here for several weeks. For their first trip to this part of Austin T. Bruff of Bridgeport, Conn., LAND OF FULFILMENT. GRAND AND DQBSIS LAKES Washington Coonty. ,. vacation days and are- greatly enjoy­ the wilderness, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. has joined his wife and two children, “ PROVEN” Best in Fishing Possibilities, "ACKNOWLEDGED” Best in Hunting Possitylities ing life on the lake and out in the Ward, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Warhurst Best watered and wooded for the vacationist. Mecca for the smfferer from Hay Fever. Old fashioned open. who came the first of the season to of, Passaic, N. J., are greatly enjoy­ •ooking, Horne made condiments. Runninghvater. Openjfire places, Sanitary drainage. Circulars. Miss E. S., Rogers and sister, Miss remain until the middle of September. ing a two weeks’ sojourn here. W. G. ROSE. Grand Lake Stream. Washington County. Maine E. A. Rogers of New* Haven, Conn., Everybody was glad to welcome Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cone of Chicago have'returned home after a most de and Mrs. Henry E. Tiepke, who have made a short stay here on their way lightful ten days’ outing. been annual guests here for many through the White Mountains, this oKENNEBAGO TRAIN SERVICE, EFFECTIVE JUNE 23, 1913 Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mitchell of Jack­ years and as usual “will stay and help week. Leave Boston. 8.65 a. rr... 10.00 a. m. Leave Portland. 7.40 a. m.. 1.10 p. m. Arrive a*- sonville, Fla., who came from their close the hotel.” Harry L. Norris of Lynn, Mass., ac­ Kennebago 12.60 p. m , 6.10 p. m. except Sundays. NOTE—One way and round trip tick' ets to KennShagj are on sale at all principal ticket office* in New York. Boston and other southern home in their touring car, en­ D. S. Wilson of New York and his companied by his friend, R. S. Whit- cities. Leave Kennebago 6.30 a. m.. 12.30 p. m. Arr. Portland 11.30 a- m . 5.30 p.m. guide, Tom Canadian, have returned Arr. Boston 3.15 p m., 3.30 p m . 9.05 p. m.. 9.00 p. m. except Sundays. tertained their friend, Joseph P. Fagan temore of West Medford, Mass., are THROUGH PARLOR CARS. of Boston,' this last week. They are from a week at Kennebago, and if having a great outing here at Middle <► ED GRANT

The most wonderful hunting in Maine is on the BLAKESLEE PRESERVE OF 30,000 ACRES. We guarantee you a shot at a deer. Birds are more numerous than ever before. If you want real hunting, write JOE WHITE, Eustis, Maine, for booklet and particulars. A J ’ ’ ’ f SPRING FISHING SEASON OF 1913 One of the Finest Appointed Resort Hotels in the State of Maine THE SANDY RIVER AND RANGELEY LAKES RAILROAD! Center of the best Trout and Salmon Fishing Publishes a beautiful little booklet in colors GOLF; TENNIS, MUSIC, BOATING, BATHING, AUTOING entitled “FISHING”. It tells all about where to go in the Rangeley and Dead River Reigon of Maine, Write for Booklet that will tell You all about it. and contains an accurate Map of this Territory. Address with stamp, RANGELEY LAKES HOTEL CO., Rangeley, Maine F. N. BEftlv, G. P. H., Phillips, Maine. MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, AUGUST 28, 1913

Fearful place for poor fat ladies going on but the others had not been DAYS CROWDED iClimbied the guides to make the here since the changes were made. Mr. boat fast, Neal has certainly done much to make WITH PLEASURE Then pell me 11 the party followed, the hatchery a muefi more attractive Borrowed a Old ones, young ones, fat ones, place. The new pool for which the t hi in ones-; legislature made a special appropria­ tion last winter is now complete and In a scamper through the forest, Ike Walton's Followers Desert the fish will be put in as soon as it is For the rustic nooks and corners. properly soaked out. The pool is just Marlin Pool for Social Life— “Moon­ Down cam© trees and logs for fuel, below the troughs and is 15x33 made TRAP GUN light Corn Roast” Very Great big trunks of pine and of cement. It will be a fine place to hemlock; made a perfect score— 50 straight Enjoyable. keep the fish until they are of good In a moment fires were burning, size. The ground in front of idle and won the Amateur Championship of Canada. Big' red sparks were flying upwards: hatchery building has been graded and (Special to Maine Woods.) All the lake for miles was lighted, cement walks laid. Mr. T. W. Barnes was “ among those present” at Upper Dam, Aug. 23—“ There are By the pink moon, stars and Across the- road a piece of about 2 Canada’s biggest shooting event at Hamilton last week. His salmon in the pool,” .hut for the firelight, acres has been fenced in and made double gun broke—so he borrowed a Model 28 Marlin past week not a record one has And the sight was most entrancing. into a deer park. Three deer a buck, hammerless trap gun and entered and won the Amateur been caught, although several have On Long sticks the corn Was doe and a young fawn arrived Friday Championship event, making the perfect score—50 straight taken a at the fly ond a num­ roasted, from the park at the Monmouth hatch­ Buttered, salted and then gobbled. ery and are now feeling perfectly at — with a gun he had never before handled or fired. ber df small ones brought to net and served for breaikfaist. But. the Oh, the noise and fuss and laughter, borne in their new surroundings. It Only a few weeks ago, Walter A. Welnoski won the big days have been crowded! wlith social Oh, the fun by pecks and bushels. is an ideal place for a deer park with a nice grove of trees and a little Eastern Preliminary Handicap at Wilmington, Del., with pleasures and this place once And the charming Mrs. Baker building has been erected to give them 94 x 100 (tie) and 20 straight in the shoot-off, in a field of thought, to be “ wlay off from every­ Straight became the “toasted” shelter when they want it. The deer 160 entries, shooting a Model 28 Marlin hammerless trap thing” and where few ladies ever Queen. are as tame as kittens and will be. came, is now one of the moist so­ (Here I did not moan to pun, gun, brand new from the factory and never fired before great pets with visitors. cial places in the Range leys. But I can’t resist temptation.) entering the Preliminary Handicap. He was the last man The little island between the two Wednesday evening Messrs. Steph­ Here for hours Van and Wister, in the last squad and had to break the last target to win. streams beside the hatchery is being en Palmer and Harold S. White gave Net to mention Welsh and Reese, Did you ever hear of anyone breaking in a brand new gun by win­ Sported like some geese in troupers, cleared up and will be used for a pub­ a pop corn party on the little island lic picnic ground with tables for the- ning an Interstate Handicap?-or winning a National Championship with only a few rods from the camps in Frisked and fought and fumed a perfect score from a gun which he had never previously fired? -and fussed. use cf picnickers. The hatchery is Moos.elockimeguntic lake. Row boats growing in popularity and the number You should know these Marlin hammerless guns—the best “ natural canoes and motor boats took the Then the time for homeward tuxming of visitors is surprising. The genial pointers” —the best-shooting guns ever made. You can improve your guests over onto the island, where superintendent, H. W. Libby is glad Made us sad and greatly scores with a Marlin; write us today for free catalog explaining all Marlin a fire was built and a jolly gtod tim to receive visitors and show them mourniful, repeating shotguns and rifles. Do it now! everybody had topping corn and about. He keeps a visitors register drinking lake water. From the ho­ For wie thought of nice fat ladies, and we found in looking it over that 7 fie T ffar/ in / firearm s Co. tel it made a pretty picture and the Jolly’, rotund, weighty ladies, about 50 per day were registered and . 33 Willow Street New Haven, Conn. echo of the talking and laughing was Who o’er boulders must he lifted no doubt nearly as many more go plainly heard. Must be pushed and pulled; and there and forget to register. On Sun­ Mr. and Airs. T. L. Barber of carried. days the average number of visitors South Framingham, Mass., who tor But they all w’ere boarded safely, is 100. They are from all parts of the TO FRAME REGULATIONS FOR NEW YORK MAN many years have been annual com­ No one drowned, not even frightened, country and one visitor was from Hun­ BIRD PROTECTION ers, were on Monday welcomed by iborne we sailed by gorgeous gary, another from . HOLDS RECORD many old friends. moonlight, Fishermen are finding some extra Fifteen men, prominent in the pro­ W. B. Fair of East Orange, N. J., Moon that cast its rays so good fishing at Lake Meguntieook this brilliant, tection of game and other birds in who accompanied his family home summer, W. S. Towner, editor of the Fish Coming Well in Ponds that Shone on lovers on the boat various sections of the country, have the first of the month, has returned "Boston Evening Record’’ caught 27 top, trout during a two weeks’ vacation at Have Been Stocked. informed Sec. Houston of the depart aeqempanied by his friend, A. W. Shone on feet cf the Van the lake. He caught 7 on Aug. 7tlx ment of Agriculture, that they would Albright, of Havana, Cuba. Pierce Pond Camps, Caratu-nk, Aug Dusen, and 7 more on Aug. 10th. serve without remuneration as ad­ Rev. Fr. W. T. O’Connor cf Wake­ 22—Tbe usual good fishing has Shone on Reese’s low, soft If you haven’t been to the fish hatch­ visers in framing regulations under field, Mass., spent part of the we.sk been enjoyed at Pierce pond this music, ery since the improvements, be sure the new law providing for the, pro­ hero in camp with Rev. Fr. Jojhm summer. Mr. T. L. Weatherly of Shone on Wister’s dying patients, and go up and look around and tell tection of migratory birds. Ten­ D. Colbert, who accompanied by New York City holds the record with What else did that moon shine your visiting friends to go too. It is tative regulations have been pre­ bis nephew, John B. Welch o’? Win­ salmon weighing 9, 9%, and oV2 Olli? an interesting place and Supt. Libby pared by the Biological! survey, chester, Mass., on Thursday return­ pounds and a trout of GV2 pounds. If I knew I would not tell you. is always glad to see you.—Camden which will not go into effect, how­ ed to Wakefield with him. Father Mrs. Weatherly caught a 4 pound Ne’er before at a Dam party, Herald. ever, until Oct. 1 next, or as soon Colbert, who has been coming here trout. The fishing is also ex­ Was such sorrow at returning, thereafter as president Wilson ap­ for years,!takes .with! him the bigst cellent in the nearby, ponds. The As there was on this glad evening. RIFLE RECORDS FALLING proves them. wishes of a host of friends, who hop trout and salmon are now coming ho will find his stay here very ben­ But all joy’s must have an ending, AT CAMP PERRY SHOOT well in Helen, High and Fish ponds The 15 game experts who have of­ eficial and that he will scon regain All good times must cease, it which have been stocked for a numb fered their services free to the gov­ seems, Another day of record-breaking perfect health. er Off years. The prospects* for ernment, are John B. Burnham, New shooting was concluded in the third of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace H. White, So we give to Mrs. Baker deer and bird hunting were never York, president of the American the National Rifle association matches Jr., and son, Herbert H. Frye White, All our thanks, if she will better and moose signs' are plenty. Game Protection and Propagation! as at Camp Perry, Ohio, on August 19. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. White, Mr. and take them. Some of the arrivals are: Gene P. sociation chairman; Dr. William T. The second stage of the governor’s Mrs. H. L. Childs, are a delightful So with many great big wishes Lander, W. W. Stoddard, Binghami; Hornaday, Dr. George B. Grinnell, cup match gave Lieut. Hawley of the party of Lewiston, people who are That she catches record M- Stoddard, Boston; J. Lawrence Marshall MdLean, and T. Gilbert fishes, U. S. Infantry, ihe cup with a score passing a few days here* in camp. Phipps, Dyer Pearl, New York City; Pearson, all of New York; E. H. of 244 out of the possible 250. It also, The “ Dam Nine” went down, to We will say adieu and thank you.” Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Corbett, New­ Forhush, Boston; W. L. Finley, gives him a cash prize of $45. The Middle Dam and played an exciting To this bright, witty poem the fol­ port, R. I.; M. R. Wallace, New Portland, Oregon; F. W. Chambers, second money, $37.50, was won by Maj. ball game one day this week with lowing guests of the Corn Roast 'York City; M. A. Abbott, Lowell, Salt Lake City; Prof. L. L Dyche, P A. Wolf of the U. S. Infantry, and the team there. 23 to 11 in favor signed their names and among Mrs. third money was taken by Sergt. C. R. Mass.; John Myers, New York City; | Pratt, Kas.; John F. Lacey, Otska- cf this team, did not discourage the Baker’s treasures it will ever be Robinson of the first team of the Dis­ Mr. and Mrs. Baron De Kalb, Bel­ loosa, la.; George Shiras, 3rd, Wash­ Middle Damj players, who are coming kept: Fanny Talbbt Marble, Don trict of Columbia. grade; Miss Josie Lawton, New' York ington; General John C. Speak, Co­ M. Wreakes, Mary Dougherty, Fred­ City; John A. Day, Boston; F. W. lumbus, O.; William P. Tayler, Berk­ up here

en route for Bretton Woods, spent several days here this week. Another party of ladies came across the lakes from Lakeside Ho­ 5 out of 6 REVOLVER tel, N. H., for the week end, they were Mrs. Charles D. Lodge, Miss Jennie M. Schoonmaker, Miss Lizzie CHAMPIONSHIPS Schoonmaker and Miss Annie L. Don} PRACTICALLY A CLEAN SWEEP, WON BY The Last Pipeful of Sickle Is of Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. E. M. Brown of New York, as Fresh as the First '-'’ho was here for several weeks the first of the season has return­ Because you slice Sickle off the plug- as you use it, ed to remain until autumn, days. JMUFB and all the original flavor and moisture are pressed into ■ ■■■■■■■ ■ m ■ ■ ■ m m Mrs. W. H. Sneckner and L. A. The results of the United States Revolver Association 1912 Outdoor the plug and kept there by the natural leaf wrapper— so Snegkner of New Y’ork registered Championships, just officially announced, show that users of Peters Cartridges won FIRST in every match but one, also Second place in that every piece of Sickle Plug is bound to be fresh when Saturday for a stay of several one match, Third in three matches and fifth in two. it goes into your pipe. You are sure of a slow-burning, weeks. RU*cK A. Revolver Championship Match D. Military Record cool, sweet smoke always. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith and Miss 1st—A. M. Poindexter, 467 1st—Dr. J. H. Snook, 212 Match F. Pocket Revolver Championship Ground-up tobacco keeps getting drier all the time— Smith of Low-ell, Mass,, were here 1st—Dr. O. A. Burgeson, 208 for over Sunday. so dry that it clogs in the bottom of the package and has TWO NEW RECORDS: to be dug out. N o wonder it bums fast, smokes hot and From Hartford, Conn., Mr. and Match C . Military Revolver Championship Match E. Revolver Team Ghampionahip bites the tongue. Mrs. Jonathan Camp and John W. 1st Dr. J. H. Snook 621 1st—Denver Revolver Club 774 PETERS REVOLVER AND RIFLE CARTRIDGES of 32 and larger calibers are just W h e n you buy Sickle you get more tobacco— because you Morrell have been here for part of as surely superior to other makes as Peters 22 caliber. PETERS SMOKELESS Cart­ ridges are as Jar ahead of competing brands as are PETERS SEMI-SMOKELESS don’t pay for a package— and you smoke all you get, because there’s the week. Shoot the (P) brand, the only kind that will shoot perfectly no tobacco spilled and wasted. Just try Sickle today— your dealer On Tuesday afternoon in the sun in ANY good gun. sells it. parlor, Mrs. C. F. Pope and her sister, Mrs. F. B. McGay of New THE PETERS CARTRIDGE COMPANY, CINCINNATI, OHIO 3 Ounces Slice it as York, who are charming hostesses NEW Y O R K : 98 Chambers St.. T. H. Kelier. Manager gave a most delightful bridge Par­ 1 0 c you use ty. There were most beautiful baskets and vases of flowers on the GENUINE PALMER tables and nearly fifty of the lady guests in elegant costumes made a Waterproof, Oil Tan Moccasins wonderful picture- They played Tanned and manufactured by the cards until five o’clock, when others original JOHN PALMER who arrived and, tea was served. for over thirty years has made E. E. Dickerson and son, E. E. the best moccasins in North Dickerson, Jr., of Essex, Conn., America. joined Mrs. Dickerson and daughter In complete assortment for immediate on Saturday for the remainder of delivery. August. York spent Sunday here. Mrs. Piton and daughter, Miss TRADE MARK AUGUST RECORDS Nelson T. Shields, Jr., Mr. and Mr Piton, of New \~ork are among the W. A. Sneckner are among the New new comers, who plan to remain Catalogue on request ARE MADE Yorkers, who have this week re­ some time. SOLE AGENT FOR U.S.A. turned for another sojourn at this The usual Monday evening bridge CLARK-HUTCHINSON Although Most of Guests Are Busy hotel. for the benefit of the Rangeley Lake W. D. Crowell of St. Louis, Mo., House Ball team added about • COMPANY, BOSTON, MASS. in Other Ways—Party at en route for Kennebago, spent Sun­ $25 to the treasury. day at this hotel. William J. Ryan and sister, Miss ‘‘Little Brown House pleasant day. addition, every effort will be made Josephine Ryan, of New York are One of the well known New York Horseback riding continues to be to ascertain the names of persona on the Trail”. also for the first season; enjoying physicians, Dr. G. L. Brodhead ac­ an attraction. On Sunday Mrs. operating machines without licenses life here. They are at present room­ companied by his wife and daughter, Jones and Miss Eisenhower took a or who are operating under old cer­ (Special to Maine Woods.) ing in the village waiting for rooms who are for the first tipre at the horseback ride to Kennebago where tificates. Rangeleys are greatly pleased with at the hotel. (Continued fro£ last week.) they took dinner. The Maine Automobile! Association, this region and no doubt will in th.e Now, and then some one goes off Mrs. R. M. Speers and daughter, At 6.30 o’clock this morning a is to send out a request to every future be among the annual com­ for a day’s fishing and often comes Miss Mirion Speers of Brooklyn, N. party- of young people were in the one of its 2,000 members to assist in ers. in with a good catch and even these Y.. who came on Friday were greet­ saddle for a ten mile ride before every way in the enforcement of the August days records are being made. ed by many old friends who are glad Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Bain- breakfast and it was not 7 o’clock registration law and that they H, Walser of New York with Loring to have them return for another bridge are also among the New' when the toot, toot, of the auto promptly report any violation es­ Haley guide, on Saturday brought in season. Yorkers, who have recently taken horn announced a party had taken pecially of the four matters! above a trout weighing 6% pounds, the Dr. Thomas C. Kelly and wife of rooms here for several weeks. a spin across the country before mentioned, to Hon. Joseph E. Al­ largest caught by any guest here Philadelphia are among the new Wm. H. Browning of Rye, N. J., their morning meal. exander, sec. of State, Augusta. this season. His friend, A. Dotr com e-s who are greatly pleased with on Saturday joined Mrs. Browning, “ Open- Airism” seems to have a mayer, a handsome pair that weigh­ this region and plan to remain Who has been here for several weeks great number of followers among ed 3^ pounds and 3% pounds. ’WELL-KNOWN VlSITORl AT; several weeks. Mrs. J. L. H. Missiller of Hender­ the many young and old folks, C. W. Fowler of Washington, D. SPRING LAKE. Messrs. F. B. Silsbee and G. son, N. C., has joined her friends, who are now- taking in all the pure C., with Ed Hoar his guide, spends Parkin of Framingham, Mass., came Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Tull of Phila­ air that comes with the breeze much time pn the lake aud this past Maine Woods with other friend's Saturday for an extended stay. delphia. across the miles of unbroken forest, week has recorded two salmon, 3 regrets to learn of the death of Mrs. Mrs. J. C. Baird of Boston, after A party of ladies, Mrs. H. P. Mar­ that 'is possible. When they re­ pounds and 3% pounds. Williams, which occurred last Oc­ a two months’ stay at this hotel, tin, Mrs. M. F. H. Ledyard, Mrs. turn to the city walls, when; the tober, the news of which has just On Tuesday afternoon in the sun­ left for Squirrel Island this morning, \ Edel P. Hosmer of New Yrork and smoke of a thousand chimneys hides been received by us. The following shine on the west side of the hotel planning to return next season. Miss Murray Ledyard of Washington, the blue sky, they w-ill take with w,as sent us by, a relative: “ On w’as gathered a number of the little Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Eisner of New j D. C., who in their touring car were them renewed health and strength October the 9th, 1912, at bier res­ children in honor of the third birth­ of bod,y~and brain and he grateful idence, No. 351 West 21 st, Mrs. day of Dorothy the sweet daughter for the glorious days spent at Ran­ Sarah Wheaton William's passed to of Mr. and Mrs. Win. S. Marble, geley. i ' the undiscovered country, frotm who is everyone’s pet. A handsome whose bourne no traveler returns. birthday cake was cut and the little BASEBALL Mr. and Mrs. Williams wer,e guests ones, w'ere as happy as the birds, at Spring Lake camps for nine who sung to them, from, the trees The Rangeley Lake team turned' the consecutive summers. Mrs. Will­ THE SPORTSMAN’S NEWSPAPER OF AMERICA aud may they for years to come tables on Weld, Tuesday of last week iams loved Maine and was an ar­ (Published weekly, Established 1874.) gather here on the lake shore for and slipped it on in a 6-5 game. dent fisherwoman that graced the Subscription S4. a year, $2. for 6 months: Sample copy free if yon mention Maine Woods birthday greetings. ‘•Durky” McClellan, the old-time waters of Spring lake and also con­ The American Field collects new3 by its own staff representatives and On Tuesday evening Miss Fonda Lake House favorite returned and oc­ special reporters, giving authoritative reports of leading events in the Cunningham gave a most delightful cupies the mound for the winners. tributed a little piece to your sportsman’s world. Its recreative columns are always replete with inter­ party at the “ Little Brown House Four hits off the southpaw were all valuable paper, “ A Whiff from! the esting articles and contributions and open a wide field for discussiou of all Weld could do, and 16 bit the dust by Maine Woods,” “ Deer Hunting with subjects that interest sportsmen. on the Trail” at Haines Landing to about twenty-five of the young the strike-out route. Camera,” “ Scenes Around Spring The departments of The American Field are: Editorial. Game and Shooting. Fish The features were the hitting of and Fishing. Natural History. Hunting. Kennel. Trap Shooting, Rifle, Revolver people of this hotel; some went Lake.” and Pistol. Queries and Answers. Pickles, who hooked three doubles and by automobile others by a special SEND ONE DOLLAR FOR THREE MONTHS’ TR.AL SUBSCRIPTION; the work of Welch at first. If not more than satisfied with it the money will be refunded on request boat. After a waffle supper they IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN MAINE Briggs was off on fielding as was WOODS. LOW ADVERTISING had a dance and by the light of Dodge, but both were there with the Address AMERICAN FIELD PUBLISHING COMPANY the moon came home about mid­ RATE8. 801 MASONIC TEMPLE, CHICAGO. wallops. Wilson in center, a new- man, night. 'Those invited included .showed up well and two bingles of his Misses Addie Wood, Estelle Mui- came in mighty handy. Geyer, the HEALTH RESTORED. queen, Marv King, Ruth Eisenhower, cleverest umpire in the count}- was Sandy River & Rangeley Lakes Railroad May Alliis, Margaret and Anna "there” and handled the game w-ell. After Years of Illness. Time-Table In Effect June 23. 1913 Schaefer, Marion Speers Rachel Mr. Hurd of South Orrington was Marble, Messrs. Kenneth, Alton and MAINE AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIA­ A.M. A.M. a constant sufferer from biliousness P.M. P.M. AM A.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Luther Wood, Lenord Sneckner, TION TO GET AFTER THEM. *8 00 lv New York.(Gr. Cen. S ta) ar •7 36 and indigestion. Read what he A.M. P.M. P.M. Carrol Marble, Elias Vail, Nelson 10 00 9 00 lv Boston, (via Portsmouth) ar 8 15 9 06 *5 10 says. 3 00 8 55 lv Boston, (via Dover) ar 3 30 9 10 Shields, ' Dr. Bush, Robt. Smith, The Maine Automobile! Associa­ •* 25 8 40 1 00 lv Portland a r il 20 5 30 12 15 “ I have used the true “L. F.” A.M. Robt. and John Heyl, Henderson and tion decided to get after non-resid­ Atwood's Medicine for ten years. I 6 25 11 65 4 20 11 00 lv Farmington ar 7 65 2 00 9 10 9 35 ents operating machines for over P.M. Stewart King, Raymond Adams. was sick for a number of years, 12 25 4 50 lv Strong ar 7 25 1 30 8 35 8 45 5 65 Among returning visitors are Mr. 30 days within tine state without could not get any relief until I •6 00 4 56 9 30 lv Strong ar 1 20 8 25 8 15 and Mrs. H. M. Anning and son of taking out a license, also against 6 ’26 5 23 10 05 lv Salem mr 12 55 7 69 7 30 commenced to use “ L. F.” Atwood’s 6 46 5 42 10 45 ar lv 12 35 7 37 6 50 Chicago, I'll., wlio spent the season car owners who are operating their Kingfield P.M. Medicine. It made a well man of 7 46 5 45 12 00 lv ar 11 45 7 30 3 05 of 1912 at this hotel. machines under last year’s 'licenses1 me. I use it for most every kind of 8 14 6 13 12 35 lv Carrabasset ar 11 18 7 03 2 25 Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Bedell and and using 1912 number plates, the •8 37 6 35 1 05 lv Bigelow ar 10 55 *6 40 2 00 sickness in my family and consider daughter, Miss Edith Bedell, of colors of which are yellow ground P.M. |iit one of the best medicine^ ijhAtl 5 55 12 25 4 50 1 40 lv Strong ar 7 25 1 30 8 35 8 45 Mt. Vernon, N. J., arrived last even­ and blnie letters'' while the colors, for Is made.” A. N. Hurd, South Or­ « 15 12 45 5 10 2 15 ar lv 7 05 1 10 8 16 6 15 12 45 5 13 7 40 lv Phillips ar 7 00 1 05 8 13 7 30 3 00 ing and plan to. remain, for some this year are exactly the reverse. rington, Maine. 7 08 1 43 6 05 9 15 lv Redington ar 6 05 12 13 7 24 11 40 The Association also intends to 7 27 2 02 6 25 lv Dallas ar 5 44 11 49 6 59 time. A large bottle 35 cents at the 7 28 2 05 6 27 lv Dead River ar 5 42 11 47 6 57 The trip from the lower lakes for report all cars using no number nearby store, or a sample free by 7 43 2 18 6 43 10 is lv Rangeley ar 5 35 11 40 6 50 10 45 *7 46 2 20 6 45 lv Marbles lv 5 30 11 35 *6 46 dinner guests is more popular this plates or. substitute plates, either mail, if you never used it. Address, P.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. AM. season than ever, one would judge painted to resemble the official “ L. F.” MEDICINE CO., Portland, F. N. BEAL. G. P- A. Maine. •Daily. All other trains daily excapt Sunday. by the numbers that come each plate or else cardboard signs. In MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, AUGUST 28, It)13

I watch them as they line up . t H. C. MERWIN FINDS PET DOG W A Y MAINE WOODS FLY FISHING IS With their mess pans in their hands. IMUED WEEKLY. One by one they pass along, DOWN IN MAINE IMPROVING And the cook, he then hands out GIVES TALK J. W. B rackett Co. The good old-fashioned army stew, Phillips, Maine That makes the soldiers stout. The Harmons Entertain Royally at Leading Christian Scientists Enjoy* Guest Gets Seven Beauties—Good The meal, it soon is over, Their Old Home on the L. B. BRACKETT, Sport at East and Little They finish their last bite, ing Life Here for Two Weeks. Business Manager Them a yell comes from a “Non-Com.’ West Side. Carry Pond. "Outside, you Yanks, outside!” (Special to Maine Woods.) OUTING EDITION. The policing of the camp begins. , Weld, Aug. 27. • pages...... $1-00 Per Vear Carry Pond, Maime, Aug. 28 The Everyone must take a hand. Miss Alta Gray cf Solon whs tine Mingo Spring’s, Aug. 28—The com ­ LOCAL EDITION. cabins have begra well filled through To clean up for inspection guest of Miss Ethel Rusis-ell at Camp ing of September will find an un­ 12 and 16 pages, ...... $1.50 per year August, also sonno rooms in the By the officer in command. Wooglin for a few! days last week. usual number of people here at Min­ Canadian, Mexican, Cuban and Pana- Inspection soon is over house. Ray Greenlees of New York, who go. cime of them camo weeks ago ■»« aubacrlptlon 50 centa extra. For And they try to rest at will, •ffn subscriptions, 75 centa extra. The fly fishing is improving as is connected with Shayne, the fur­ and others are conning this week, custom if not a general law. I hear the yveather grows cooler. rier, was the guest cf H. C. False a thus premising* more guests than And they fall in line for drill. Entered as second class matter, January 21, F. H. Talcott lock several beauties ever before entertiained in tlm aut­ I watch their graceful movements— few days last week. l#09, at the postoffice at Phillips, Maine, tinder last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ivus Swett and umn days. the Act of March 3,1879, Every movement that they make— Prank Conn ally is having some Like one, they act, like clock-work, fam-’ly of Ruinford visited relatives One .cf the best known, physic a js sport with his fly rod, both at in Baltimore, Mid., Lknctcr F. J. Kir­ The Maine Woods thoroughly covers And make not one mistake. here last week. \ . fee entire state of Maine as to Hunt­ East and Little Carry pond. I watch them as they m uch about, Roy Walters of New York is- spend­ by accompanied by his wife* and twlci ing Fishing, Trapping-, Camping, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Goodyear of With an open, eager eye, ing his va-catiora with Ms cousins, sons, Charles J. and F. J. Kirby* •uting new® and the -whole Franklin Brooklyn, N. Y., are still in c-amp When I hear a band that’s softly play­ the Touileys, and will return with Jr., and raja id and nephew, T. Jos­ •aunty locally. having' been here now six weeks. ing them to their blame in Pawtucket eph Burch are happily located in Maine Woods solicits communications ‘Deer are very plenty thiis year. In a field that is near by. Rose-cliff cottage and so tnudh pleas­ fish and game photographs from Its via the White Mountains. readers. They are so,era about every day on Curiosity draws me to the field, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Humes of Prov* ed with this their first visit they When ordering the address of your the trails in. Where I see a whole brigade, ideuce arrived at the Maples Sat­ intend to remain until October. paper changed, please give the old as Late arrivals are: Frances- Steele, Led by a gray-haired general— urday and will stay far two weeks. Another * famous Doctor, one of wall as new address. Mrs. E. S. Steel, K. J. Yoerg, Mrs. They are having dress parade. Mrs. Forrest H. Colby and her the best known dentists in America, While looking at the companies, Yo,erg, Rene Yoerg, Holyoke, Masis.; sister, Miss E. J. Robinson, and Mr. Dr. Jaireis F. Harbrock of Larch- As in straight lines they pass by, Dr. F. L- Arnold, Mrs. F. L. Arnold, R. B. Howes, all of Bingham, were mont, N. Y., accompanied by his My attention is drawn to the aero Fred Collins, J. Franklin Collins, calling in town Friday having made wife, son Theodore, and maid, squad THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1913 James Albro, Providence, R. I.; W. the trip by automobile. have taken one of the bungalows for Ws Babcock, -George Pelley, H. And toward them I turn my eye. I gaze toward the aviation field, Rev. Edgar Fletcher Allen of Ips­ a month. Judsan Smith, W. E. Livingston, J. And from the hangars there wich, Mass., who wiajs ill with- the Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Lennox o f LADY PROUD OF F. WilLet, P. Coffen, A. Frazer, J. A great big aeroplane appears, grip, whien he arrived here, has New Fork, who in them -rierce A r- A. MeMalion, S. Gold, Wm. S. HER PAIR OF FISH And soars into the air. recovered and preached at the Con- j.o.w touring car Leit nei»e tms m om - Clarkson, Boston, Mass.; Winslow* Away up high into the clouds gregationalist church 6pnd|py, mg accompamea Ly Mr. and Jus. Crowell, Brookline, Mass.; F. H. It flies just like a bird, where he was formerly pastor. In m. H. Tailor of Vvynnewoco, Reran., Tahvott, Holbrook, Mass.; C. S. The Hinds Called Home by Illness The aviator sits alone and quiet, the evening Mr. H. C. Merwin gave ana Lr. a . G. Btiance ci New fork* Risedorf, Wdilimantic, Conn.; Chas. Nothing but a buzzing sound is heard. a talk on Dumb Animals. na’ve greatly enjoytd a stay of three N. Kraox, Hartford, Conn.; Frank V. Many Guests to Remain Into It's the working of the motor, Mrs. Mary Field of Phillips has weeks. Mr. Tayior is very proud Conmajly, New York City; C. B. September. That makes the propeller go ’round, been the guest of her cousin, Mrs. oi the o'% pound salmon tnat tus Cragin, A. M. Cragira, Kingston, N. Keeping machine and brave driver Will Parian, for two weekls. Mrs. caught not far irom tne camp. Alns. Y.; G. W. Dunbar, Embden, Me.; E. From crashing to the ground. (Special to Maine Woods.) Mabel Danputh of Litchfield and fay for had a stiamge experience J. Sullivan, Mrs. E. J. Sulilivan, Port Higher, higher up it goes, Bal

ed with red, white and blue for CLASSIFIED ANNUAL LADIES’ Fourth of July. Here was found CHICKEN ROAST One cent a word in advance. No headline or the White Table wit i Mrs. H. B. other display. Subjects in a. b. c. order WOMAN IN AID FAIR HELD MoCard and Mrs. Mial Lamb in AT SANDY COVE charge. The gift table was in FOR SALE. Care of Mrc. F. H. Kemptcn, Mrs. TERRIBLE STATE S. C. Harden of Camp Eothen Buys D. E. Hinkley and Mrs. Aaron Soule. Members of Boys’ Camp Enter­ FOR SAJLE—The unusually staunch Larger Machine—“Budder” Doll’s clothing and small articles tained—Hike Across Country Finds Help in Lydia E. Pink- and able steam yacht, “.Wa-VVa” of Laid Away. from five tc twenty-five cents in about 22 H. iP. The U. S. Gdvem- value were found a: the table in at Rate of 20 Miles a Day. ham’s Vegetable aient inspection of 1911 showed her charge o: Airs Loon Wrignr and Compound. to be in, first class condition. May (Special to Maine Woods.) Mrs. Henry Badger. The fish pond (Special! to Maine Woods.) he inspected at Camp Bellevue, Up­ was found outsiue in: the band stand 'ItangeTfcy, Aug. 26. The Barker, Moasclookmieguntic Bellevue, Ohio.— “ I was in a terrible per Dam, JMaine. Price will be and was looked out for by Mrs. Mrs. Hattie Pushard has been Lake, Aug. 23—“ I cam.© over a state before 1 took Lydia E. Pinkham’s reasonable to a quick purchaser. Ap­ the geest tor a few) days of her son, 1’hiceas 'Tracy and Miss Mildred thousand miles to spend vacation Vegetable Com­ ply to Dr. Norton Downs Fordhooke Leon Hoar. The latter part cf the tl untoon. Tnis feature proved very pound. My back days at this I think on,e of the Farm, Three Tuns, Pa. Or Archer week she has been spending in Phil­ popular with the young folksy Near­ acheduntil I thought most beautiful spots in the country,” it would break, I had A. Poor at camp. lips visiting her son Willis. Tues­ ly everyone in town was tagged by said Herbert E. Steiner an honorary pains all over me, the society,''the tags selling for a FOR SAJLE—Edison Dictating ma­ day noon Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hoar student of the University of Penn­ nervous feelings and cents apiece. Mrs. H. A. Furbish chine. In first class condi ice. In­ and children joined her at Phillips sylvania, whose home is in Birming­ periodic troubles. I had cliaige of the tags and through, was very weak and quire at Maine Woods office. and will make her a short visit at ham, Alaska, and who is one of the her untiring eifeat's over $10.00 was run down and was her home in Richmond, Me. merry happy crowd that now fill this FOR SARD—Village aland in Phillips realized just Lorn, this source- By losing hope of ever Miss Mabel Kittridge of N. Y., hotel and caimpts. being well and Upper Village. Inquire of J. Blaine evening nearly everything' was sold, who is spending her Vacation with, Friday the young people nearly 20 strong. After tak­ Morrison. the ladies realizing about $185 from her sister, Mrs. Wm. H. Hamilton, in number, with two motor boats an ing Lydia E. Pink- the sale, one of the most success­ ham’s Vegetable Compound I improved FOR SALE—Desirable home in Phil­ gave a very interesting talk at the Gard Hinkley, and Jim O’Biion guide church Sunday evening on Settle­ ful in its history. rapidly and today am a well woman. I lips village. For particulars ad­ gave a lunch and chicken roast at cannot tell you how happy I feel and I dress Box 813, Farmington, Me. ment Work in the New York Slums. Sandy cove in honor of the depart­ cannot say too much for your Compound. Omier Ellis, who is chauffeur for H. C. MERWIN GIVES TALK. ing guests. The weather wp,s per­ Would not be without it in the house if FOR SALE—The finest milk busi­ a party is visiting his sister, Mrs. fect and they spent the day hut in it cost three times the amount.” —Mrs. ness in town. Also full equipment (Continued from page four.) C h a s . C h a p m a n , R. F. D. No. 7, Belle­ Verne Pillsbury. the opeu, following the trail over including horse and milk men played ball against; the girls, vue, Ohio. Mrs. Lam bord cf Portland has to Beaver Dam, fishing, etc., and in bottles, cans and m lk pung. All using their left hands. For the Because your case is a difficult one, been spending a few days with. Mrs. the casino enjoyed a dance. Re­ In first-class condition. Now is a men the battery' was J. S. Hough­ doctors having done you no good, do not Mv. D. Tibbetts. Mrs. Lainbord freshments were served and a grand chance to start in the best mPk ton, pitcher, and Winthrop) N.eison continue to suffer without giving Lydia came to visit her son who is emr good time enjoyed by all. E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound a business. Charles F. Ross. caught. For the girls, Luoile Ladd ulpyetl at Range Ley Lake House. The record salmon was caught by trial. It surely has remedied many pitched and Ethel Russell caughlt; FOR SALE—Himalayan rabbits a- Oscar Riddle of Mbnscn arrived a New York lady to-day, Mrs. Henry cases of female ills, such as inflamma­ Alton Swett umpired. and the game tion, ulceration, displacements, tumors, bout the size of your pocket book. Monday for a short visit with his Gottgetreu with Ernest Godwin, resulted in a tie 9 to 9. Mrs. irregularities, periodic pains, backache, Come quick, snorts, before you son, Harry C. Riddle. guide. The salmon weighed 6 pound Root entertained the crowd with and it may be exactly what you need. lose’em. Burdette Southworth, South Mrs. O. R. Rowe was on thie sick and the lady had a good Incurs fight a humorous reading and Mr. Root The Pinkham record is a proud and Brewer, Me. list the latter part of the week. as the’ lake was rough. This sil­ read many interesting letters and ac­ peerless one. It is a record of constant Mrs. Geo. MjcGraVesI returned to ver beauty is to be planked and counts from: old! papers found re­ victory over the obstinate ills of woman I HAVE purchased the milk business her homo in Brunswick after spend­ served for supper to-night. —ills that deal out despair. It is an es­ of Charles Ross and ami prepared ing the month with her parents, Mr. cently on the old Twaddle place- This week two parties, one from tablished fact that Lydia E. Pinkham’s to furnish milk and cream, at any and M t s . G. M . Esty. Votes olf thanks wvere given to Mr. Camp Kennebec, North Belgrade Vegetable Compound has restored health to thousands of such suffering time. Orders telephoned! prcjmptly H. A. Furbish made a business tri and Mrs. Harmon, for their hospi­ Boys camp, the ether “ Kamp Ko- women. Why don’t you try it if you to Stratton Tuesday. tality and to Miss Bell and Mrs. delivered Farmer's phene 14-6. Get hut,” Oxford, have been entertained need such a medicine? W. Brown. Rev. and Mrs. E. H. PrescJott re­ MilHken who worked so hard for by friends here. The first party turned Rome Tuesday after spend­ the success of the affair. from Kennebec, hiked it across the some fine swimmers who thought ing two weeks with! Mrs. Prescott’s country at the rate cf 20 miles a TO LET. nothing of a mile swim. ! mother, Mrs. Mary Haines. THIS THE SPOT FOR SUMMER day, camping en route. The boys A young lady, Miss Adelaide Kline Mrs. Wm. Ellis of Chesterville is DAYS. from Oxford canoed and packed cov­ TO LET—Tenement ■with bath and of Philadelphia has received many visiting her daughters, Mrs. Verne ering this lake, going up Cupsuptic stable. Furnished if required. Cbas. compliments, as people from, all the Pillsbury and Mrs. F*rank Huntoon. (Continued from Page One.) and on to Kennebago. They were Miner, Phillips, Me. camps have daily watched her John L. Clark has purchased! an noon hour and in the evenings. \ Messrs. Willsey, Stiner, Joseph and make graceful dives and take tong automobile of Sidney Harden and On Saturday afternoon, the Moose- sEisman, New York boys, who think WANTED. swims. Mr. Harden has purchased a larger lookmeguntie ball team played Rum- there is no life like that of a Boys’ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Chase of machine. ford Falls at Mingo %> rings. The ball camp down in Maine. Malden, Mass., who spent several .WAiNTElD—White birch lumber saw­ Earle Pillsbury cut his hand re­ teams and their friends, some 50 in Four Yale students, five from Un­ number, chartered the steamboat weeks here early in the season have ed in % boards 4 feet Tong, or % cently and is now having quite a iversity of Pennsylvania and two “Rangeley” that took the crowd from squares 4 feet long. Address, giv­ serious time with, it, requiring the from Harvard have been spending returned to remain part of Sept emir the outlet. It was a “yell for the ing quantity and price, Mialden Par­ j services of Dr. A. M. Ross to care «r, 1 i Mooselookmeguntic” from the start to the summier here at the Barker and cel Handle Company, Malden, Mass. for it. , t Pine Tree camp was this week the finish. Their pitcher, Alfred G. the aquae tic sports have played an Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Lander, Mrs. taken by three New) York gentlemen, Eddy of Y. M. C. A. College, Spring- important part in, making their stay- Mary Schofield, Mrs. Irving Hutch­ Messrs. H. C. French, T. J. John­ BRINGS MUCH GOOD NEWS. field, Mass., held the Rumford team most enjoyable. Among these were son and H. F. Iverson. inson from Weld, Mrs. In a S eft of i eld down to tour hits. Herb Welch got his and daughter, Ruth, of Dixfiield were Ernest A. By rant of Lond Island, To the Editor of Maine Woods: usual long hit, also Richard O’Brien, Mrs. O. C. Ham. recent guiests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. N. Y., spent the week end here with Portland, Me. while Frank Fall got a pretty “two Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Salt and son of Quimby. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sftiith bagger." D. S. Wilson, the New York­ Summit, N. J., who have a camp on friends. / Please find inclosed one dollar for and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin of er, player an excellent game for the Umbago Lake were here Saturday en- Mrs. Geo. Kirdel, Irving Kirdel of “ Maine Woods” for year ending Aug. Dixfield were also week end, guests .Mooselookmeguntics and the game route for the city, where they are to Newark, N. J., and Miss Carrie Roth) 1914. 1 enjoy the little paper too of Mr. and Mrs. Quimby. Both ended 12 to 4 in favor of the home spend a few days. of South Orange, N. J., have taken much to be without it when.1 such parties made the trip by auto. team. In the evening “our boys” andi A. E. Woodruff of Mt. Carmel, Conn., a camp for a month’s stay. a small sum will bring so much good “ Budder,’* the faithful old horse the “Bachelor Girls” invited the Rum- who is here for several weeks with his Lynn Lodge is now) occupied! by news. at tbe livtery stabile wa«s put away ford team to a waffle party at the family, is still fishing for an eight the following party of New Yorkers, Mrs. Harry P. Cox. Saturday after many years of use: “Little Brown House on the Trail,” pounder. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gunzbury, Mrs. when after the supper they danced the The best fish story we have heard fulness. “ Budder” was about 24 B. Sessler, Miss Catherine and Miss uerry hours away until nearly mid­ ecently is a mink story: W. A. Jones j years of age and covered many mile? Dorothy Sessler, who are here for night. Who would not be willing to was fishing over by the dam below the of territory in the course cf a longs their first visit. 1 • < be defeated if they were invited by pond-in-the-river and had good sport and busy life. handsome Bachelor Girls for a waf­ with a salmon that would weigh four Coming by, auto,mobile from Phil­ The Annua] Ladies’1 Aid Fair was fle supper the evening after? or five pounds. He netted the fish and adelphia, Mr. and iMrs. Ellis A.. held at the church' vestry last Thoms put it down on the apron back of him, Gimbel and son Master Richard! and’ day. Each table was attractively and then tried his skill for another. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gould are FORTY EXTRA PEOPLE FOR DIN­ decorated using the seasons' for the When he got ready to start for home greatly enjoying a stay here- It NER. ; general scheme. The hag and fan­ he looked for his fish and there was is their first experience in log cab­ William F. Nye is the great­ cy article table showed Christmas one t© be seen, and only a wise look­ in life which they think an ideal way (Continued from page 1.) est authority on refined oils in the decorations and wias in charge of ing mink, that sat watching him had a to spend the summer days. Mrs. Lyman Kemptcn and Mrs. Eu­ ed to New York, last Saturday. fish dinner that night world. He was the first bottlerjhas The following party from Jersey- Another party ccmingi from1 their gene Herrick. The candy table On Sunday evening the guests en­ the largest business and NYOIL City, N. J., who were touring the White home in Milwaukee, Wls., by auto, 1 presided over by Mrs. Alva Sprague joyed a fine musical concert in the Mountains in their automobile, left are Mr. and Mrs. Johin E. QeWolf is the best oil he has ever made. office. Miss Rose Woodruff played the and Mrs. H. A. Childs showed Wash­ their car at Errol, N. H., and came on and daughter, Miss iM I to red, and son NYOIL has no equal. piano: Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Hotchkiss and ington’s birthday favcirs. The flower here for a short stay anq made the Master Jack and maid. They re- Mr. Whittemore sang solos; Clarence Beware of scented mixtures called table at which Mrs. H. A. Furbish trip through the lakes and were loud Dorted the roads in excellent con­ Van Roden played the mandolin and oil. Use NYOIL on everything and Mrs. Cbas. Cushjman were found in their praise of the wonderful beauty dition as do all the parties who later all joined in singing “the dear old where a light oil is required. It pre­ offered a profusion! of potted plants of this lake, mountain and wilderness travel hundreds of miles our songs we love so well.” vents rust and gives perfect lubrica­ and cut flowers. Mrs. William Tom­ region: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Det­ Maine roadis. Capt. and Mrs. Coburn and George tion. Sportsmen, use it liberally on linson and Mrs. Harvy Tibbetts serv­ winer, Miss Lilia Detwiller, Mr. and M. Hatch took an automobile trip from H. F. Iverson cf Nev y r - '- your firearms and your rod. You will ed cake and punch from a booth at­ South Arm to Andover and back on week records a 4 pound salmon and find it by far the best Hardware and tractively decorated with Japanese Sunday, taking dinner at their home. Roy Cohen of South' Orange, N. J-, sporting goods dealers sell it in large lanterns of various shapes and col- bottles (cheaper to buy) at 25 c. and These are the days when* there are also records a 4T4 pound salmon. ors. Aprons cf all colors and in trial sizes at 10 c. Made by many people making the trip over the The next few days there will be ; kinds wiere to he found at1 the booth | When in Portland carry to and from the White Moun­ crowds of people here and the book­ *W M F. NYE, ^Tn charge of Mrs. Ed Hoar and Maine Stop at tains and Quebec. ings for September promise a busy Mrs. Herbert Spiller. The small New Bedford, Mass. i “The Homelike House For 1 The flag is out at Welokennebaeook month. vestry was very attractively deoorat- Everybody’’ j lodge on the Narrows, owned by Fred | M. Ambrose of New York. Miss Mar­ ®9 9 9 9 9 0 0 M W W M M f garet Ambrose is entertaining her InewCHASE HOUSE friends, Miss Margaret Champney of Midway between N ew City Hall and M on­ Lynnflehl Center, Mass, and Miss ument Square lubricates the mechanism, prevents rust f BACKWOODS SKETCHES) Elizabeth Tappan of Newport, Mass on the metal parts and cleans and (By JOHN FRANCIS SPRAGUE) { Only Fireproof Hotel in tbe State It is needless to say the young ladies polishes the stock. For cleaning- out 0 Conveniently Located for people Attending the residue of burnt powder, especially Conventions are having the time of their lives. This smokeless powder, it is unequaled. | Just off the press. • | 1 Every courtesy and attention shown ladies week they are to be joined by Miss Free samples to those who have not tried It. traveling alone Gladys* Whitson of Rowley, Mass. Will ---- - 3 IN 1 OIL COMPANY A breezy and entertaining book for Sportsmen | XvYW V 124 New St. A ! 1 ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES Cutting is the siuide, cook and house­ f t '’SL.vtAM New *oi*‘Cit)r — TRANSIENT RATES | keeper, but is home for a few days and f and Nature Lovers. Price $1.00 post paid. 2 European Plan $1.00 per day and up his place is taken by Whit. Roberts J Send your orders to • | American Plan $2.00 per day and up | 1 H. E. THURSTON, R. F. HIMMELEIN, § and the girls say “he makes fiapjacks Proprietors. J. W. BRACKETT CO., Phillips, Maine Mun joy Hill Cars pass the door. e. dream to say nothing of his won- j JiiimimiiitiimiiiiilmiiiimmimiiiiiiiHiiiiiUJHMmmiimiiiimtmiiiiiHiniiinir jclerful lemon pie.” MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, AUGUST 28, 1913

as this? home on the Sunday train. “What matters if you never know Balceview, cabin is taken until LAKE PARLIN From whence you came, or whither go, September by three sisters from HOUSE AND CAMPS When that dread silence, broken at Newark, N. J., Misses Helen K. Ruth, your birth. B. and Margaret W. James, who Reclaims the space you occupy on come for the first time and are earth? greatly pleased with the Birches. Seventy-five Guests Now Enjoying What matters?—since this truth is Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Thurston of Life Here—Several Outlying clear—• Bethel have taken Camp' Kilkate for You’re in the self-same hands both Well-Filled Pantries a ten days' stay. Camps. there and here.” Make Happy Families Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Holt of Sum­ Some'are dying and some are being mit, N. Y., are entertaining Miss) E. (Special to Maine Woods.) 1 orned. Last, week Dr. Gilbert ?>f A good supply of real old-fashioned home-baked bread C. Miller of West Nyack, N. Y., There has been a rushing busin­ Ashland, brought a bouncing baby boy and cake and pies means the best of good living and ess at the Bake Pai’lin Hous-e this to the already flourishing family of a row of smiling faces three times a day. in Springfield camp for several sumimer. This modern hotel in Wellman Fleming. Mother and son are Use William Tell Flour and make home bak weeks. ing easy—no such thing as failure. Maj. and Mrs. Charles Wiley re­ til© woods is an ideal place lor doing finely. Father is as well as Goes farthest, too, more loaves to the turned to New York on Tuesday and those who lov.e the woods to stop in could be expected under the circum­ sack, helping you keep down the cost their many friends trust Mrs. Wiley and the automobile parties influenc­ stances and thankful that they were of living. Milled only from Ohio ed by the attractiveness of the place no worse, as if, for instance, the ad­ Red* Winter Wheat by our own will soon regain her health and be vent had been twins or triplets. ______k special process, it is richest in able to reopen their beautiful sufm- and finding it easily accessible on Mrs, Abram '-Currier of Ox Bow, has ^ nutritive value. mer home on the point opposite account of the fine auto roads tar­ *"***•' * " •* Your grocer will have it— j ry here for ,many days. been critically and hopelessly ill with L when you order your here next year. a tumor for several months and to­ ‘ next supply, specify MUM" 4 t present there are about 75 m guest and there premises to be a day is quite unconscious of her sur­ roundings Her family feel that her full house in September for at PROSPECTS GOOD death is not far. off. She has just that time the fishing is excellent. passed her 75th birthday. Mr. McKenney also has camps at tw fvWa¥l FOR SEPTEMBER An unusual atmospheric condition of the outlying ponds where the prevails today, the whole northern half guests of the hotel go for a few of the great circle of the horizon is Game Is Seen in Abundanee and days of camp life. At Enchanted covered with a thick pall of smoke or Wi More Partridges Than Ever. pond there are seven camps and a haze, completely hiding the mountains cook and al Bang pond there are and even the nearby ridges. We know four camps and cook. of no forest fires at present, the wind Otter Pond Camps, Aug. 25—Al­ ou r The following guests are people is fresh northwest, sd doubtless the though the season has been quiet who have been coming, to this place air is full of vapor. We look for more thus far at Otter pond camps the o . h . M c k e n z i e t r a d i n g c o ., P h i l l i p s , m a i n e . for a number of years: B. M. Rick- rain, perhaps very soon. prospects are good for a September ford and family of New York City*1; Billy’s party of four sports, includ­ rush. Mr. McKenney has, made “Boston Nursery for Blind; Babies”1 Harry. Whitman, Augusta; Martin ing two ladies, four canoes and three numerous improvements this year 100 GUESTS was ome of the most delightful so­ Buscomb, and family of Bridgeport; guides, besides Billy, returned from an and his place is in excellent con­ cial events ever given at the Birches P.rof. Russell Chittenden of Yale eight days’ trip to Lake Millemagas- dition to entertain guests. Even IN LOG CABINS and $150 was thus added to help University; K. A. Skinner, Boston; sett, Friday noon. They did some tall during the poor fishing in August the good work on. D. M, Randall, Lowell; Walter Me­ poling and walking, both going and trout are taken from one to five coming by reason of low or no water. There has been a number of good dium, New York City; Mr. and Mrs. Number of Good Salmon Have Been pounds almost every, day. The They had good sport, though and suc­ salmon caught the past week. Har­ G. W. Balden, Springfield; N. Bee fishing is also g-cod in Bittle Otter ceeded in bringing some 3 and 4 pound Caught—Party from Poland ry Farrington of Yonkers, N. Y., and party*, New Britain, Conn.; Mr. Moose and Kilgane ponds, white the trout to net. They arrived safely, brought in one weighing 3 pounds and Mrs. H. C. Taggart, Ira A. Nor­ Pleased with Log Cabin brook fishing is as good as can be though very tired and hungry. his son S. G. Farrington caught one ton, wife and daughter. Skowkegan; expected with low water. The coun­ Recent arrivals at Billy’s are Dr. and Life. 4 pounds. H. ,F. Allen of Norwood, M. M. Grossman, Wallace G. Gross- try around the camps has been dry Mrs. H. T. Baldwin, Mrs. E. L. Mass., one 3*4 pounds. man, White Plains, N. Y. Rteoent ar­ for a number of weeks and the re­ and sister, all of Chestnut Hill, Mass. M. H. Todd of Philadelphia, who i rivals: Dr. Wm. Storer, Philip Sch- (Special to Maine Woods.) cent rain iflfes very welcome. The A visitor of more than passing in­ here for the season and has Jim luff, New York City, Mr. and Mrs. terest arrived at Libby Brothers’ home Thie Birches^ M oos e 1 ookm e giun.t ic prospects for game was never better A. Stewart for guide landed a hand­ W. S. Fulton, Waterbury, Conn.; Mr. camp, Ox Bow, last week, one who has Bake, Aug. 22—With 100 guests liv­ with an abundance of deer and more some oair, weighing 4 pounds1 and and Mrs. W. R. Pitkins, New*, Hav­ been welcomed here each season for ing in leg cabins here on the. is­ patridgies than have ever been land this is not much/ like a camp 3% pounds. en1; H. Curtis, Waterbury, Conn.; the last seventeen years. He is Dr. seen before. Martin ,Burke of avenue in the wilderness. They come W. IB Stevens c(f Englewood, N. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Madigant, New Y*ork City. from their city home in Boston, New J., with Henry Burke-h guide, caught Houltion; Jounces C. Madigan, Mr. Four friends of Walter D. Hinds, of York, Philadelphia and other, places a 3 pound trout and Mrs. A. B. and Mrs. B. V. Person, New* Haven, NEWS NOTES the Maine Motor Car Co., Portland, and the days rush by so quickly and Welch o ' New Rochelle, N. Y., with Conn.; Wm. M. Coxindall, Holyoke; are due to arrive at Billy’s by auto. Mr. Oscar Parker guide, landjed the mate, Edward P. Bagg, Robert P. Bagg, sumimer is gone before half one plan E. E. Brewer, treasurer of the company a 3 pound trout. FROM OXBOW Holyoke; Rev. A. O. Baeroin, Miss to do is accomplished. 1 This morn­ is one of the party. Billian Boulette, Miss Marie Boul­ ing I called at ohe of the cabins Mrs. J. W. Platten and daughter, A strange, yet not unreasonable con­ Ox Bow, Me., Aug. 18—“A little fish ette, Miss Vera McCoomb, Skowhe- where a friend is spending the sum­ Miss Gladys, of New York joined Mr. fusion arose, when the Samoset House will grow, if life be spared, a great— gan; Mrs. S. H. Scott, Miss Vera mer and I coiuld but wonder if the Platten on Sunday for a month’s at Mouse Island near Boothbay Harbor but then, to let him go and for his Kleech, Alfred G. Scott and chauf­ picture of lake and mountain looked stav in Camp Hiawatha. growing wait, may not be very wise, was burned recently. Oddly enough feur, Poughkeepsie; Dr. and Mrs. as beautiful to those who come Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Morse of as 'tis not sure your bait will .catch Maine has had two hostelries of the John Sturgis, Mr. and Mrs. Frank here for the first season, as* to those Stockbridge, Mass., are entertaining him when of size.” It would be a wise same name, although the larger one Boulette, Mr. and Mrs. Ames, G. Who for years have each summer their niece, Miss Sadie Bivingstone thing to do, nevertheless; as much so at Rockland, operated by the Ricker locked upon the wondrous pictures Morse of Rochester, N. Y., in Bide- now as in the days of Fontaine, who Fitz, Miss Hazel Fitz, Miss Susie Hotel Co., has always been called The painted by God’s own hand. My a-we,e. wrote it. All fish is flesh, and suitable Fitz, Auburn. SamOset Hotel, or SamOset-by-the- friend said, “ I do licit understand Miss E. Wister and brother, F. for the creel, whatever its size, to too Sea, in order to distinguish it from the other. Another device used by the where the weeks have gone to, I M. Wister, of Philadelphia, who many anglers. But there are others, stay here.” I know “Bermuda and Its brought new befoks to read, fancy all‘honor to their memory, who put the management has been to spell SamO- came the firsib of August were cn People” better than I do Ox Bow, al­ work to do, and promised to write small ones back to let them grow. May set with a capital in the middle of the Saturday joined by their brother, though I have been right here with such long letters to friends and now, their tribe increase till it becomes the word. The hotel at Mouse Island has Carson Wister, Jr., Who plan to Billy for two months, and I can truly the s.eaison has' almost gone, I many adverse criticisms of the $25 and honestly say that I had “ruther” always been called the Samoset House. remain until the middle of Septemb­ must leave this cabin fer my city license law for non-resident hunters. stay here than go back to Wakefield. The identity of names became a seri­ er inJDew-drop-in. home and yet it seems only days and I know of one, at least, who has been Speaking of Bermuda and Mark ous matter, last week, when people not weeks since we came. Do you Robert N. Gardiner of Boston, who coming to Maine each season for sev­ Twain: It was my pleasant privilege from all over the United States began know; I love this spot and hope to has come to pass vacation days with eral years, in November, who has al­ to be in Bermuda while Mr. Clemens to telegraph anxiously to the offices of com© back each siumtiner for years- his parents, was welcomed by many ways got full value for the $15 paid, was living there with his running the Ricker Hotel Co., for information about relatives who are visiting at in the future."; Thus it is with old friends on. his arrival Monday. but who will not feel anxious to come mate, Henry H, Rogers, the oil mag­ Mrs. M. Hampton Todd of Phil­ at a $25 fee. With deer and other SamOset- by -the-Sea. People outside those who love the Rangeleys, they nate. I often saw them together, at game very plentiful, at least in this the State of Maine failed to consider never grow tired of the place. adelphia i? entertaining her nephew, the hotels and various sports a-field, region of Aroostook, there seems to the possibility of their being two Sam­ JV W. Pi at ten and son, J Homer N. G. Brimckerlidff, of Brimokei hoff, and often stood or gat near them. It many, no good and -sufficient reason was part of my business as “Penny-a oset hotels. Consequently when the •Platten of New York, with their N. Y., for the August days. for the large increase in the license liner” for one of the local papers, “The more than 300 visitors were enjoying famous guide, Bob Martin, have Messrs. A. H. Mellen of Boston fee. If the State needs more money, Colonist.” They were always and themselves at Rockland breakwater returned aifter a five days’ tramp and F. S. Bale of New York, Roy Bee Atwood of Norwood, Mass., and or wild game in other parts is petering everywhere the center of attraction with no thought of alarm, their anx­ and outing. They spent some time out, then the added protection would and attentions. ' Mr. Rogers was al­ ious relatives were keeping telegraph at York QampfS, Boon Bake, then, R. J. Peacock of Brooklyn, N. Y., are here for a two weeks’ outing. seem justified. But we of this county ways very quiet and almost unnoticed wires hot, trying to ascertain whether hiked it to Kennebago where they don’t think that either exigency exists, they were alive or dead. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Shattuck in a crowd, while Mr. Clemens with hired another well-known guide, Her save, perhaps, in, the imagination of a It is a little late for brook trout fish­ of Norwood, Mass., have returned for his thick heavy bush of snow-white bert Moore, and sturtedl Tuesday few visionaries of well meaning inten­ ing, but Perley Lawrence was out on another season. hair, and dressed in the inevitable morning for Tim Piond camps, follow­ tions. If the high license fee stands, cream-colored suit of broadcloth, was one of the brooks not many miles from The Boulder is again taken by Mr. ing the trail and tote road. “After the State of Maine is slated to lose the easily spotted even if half a mile away. Augusta, a day or two ago, in com­ and Mrs. F. W. Fiske, Jr., of Brook­ thoroughly doing the pond and valuable fellowship of many valuable I saw him gradually fail in health and pany with a friend from New York, lyn, N. Y. partaking Of a ten cionrse dinner re­ visitors and to suffer the loss of quite strength, and one day saw him carried and the two gentlemen landed a string Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Morris, Mr. turned that night to Grant’s camps, a bunch of Uncle Sam’s autographs. aboard ship for New York and his of 15 nice ones. Four of the fish tip­ and Mrs. H. B. Coke of Rupnford having covered 2q miles.” Not only will the fall business suffer home, never to come to Bermuda ped the scales at five pounds, and one spent Sunday here. Mrs. Henry C. Kennedy, and diminution, but summer receipts, as again. He died soon after reaching fish was taken that weighed one pound Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Welsh and daughter, Miss Marion, are in Port­ well, by reason of many visitors ac­ home His chum, Mr. Rogers died also, and seven ounces when the fishermen daughter, Mis® .Welsh, and son, H. quiring the habit of going elsewhere but earlier. reached home. For August trout fish­ land this week. ing near Augusta, that is going some. B. W]elsh, Jr., of New Rockella, N. for their hunting and outing. We were I was also on speaking terms with Th'e charity whist given for the Y., wiliQ came by automobile a®1 far not to the manor horn, but this is the Prof. Woodrow Wilson, as he was then as the Barker where they left their way the matter stands in the mind of known to the world at large. This was True Anglers Use machine in the garage are happily an outsider in 1910, and in my notice for the “Col­ Shaw’s Pneumatic Smoker located in Camp Cozy for a few Last Monday was the coldest of the onist” of his arrival in Bermuda, I The Williams Barbless Hook weeks. > season, the mercury in the early morn­ spoke of him then as one who was Because it is guaranteed to R. J. Hubby of Jersey City, N. ing of the 12th inst. stood at 40 de­ held up as a possible Democratic can­ catch and hold better than a barbed hook, yet you can J., who with, his family are at Po­ grees, only 8 degrees above freezing, didate for President of the United with a slight trace of frost showing on remove the little fish without land Springs for the sumailer, spent, States of America. My readers all injury. Yearlings, spawn, the edges of the wood-pile in our back part of the week here and so much know the rest of the interesting po­ and their killing wastes thou­ yard. Water in a shallow dish had a pleased with the log cabins, he litical story. I trust and believe that sands of eggs, this means very thin skin of ice on it, surely a certain ruin to a glorious sport. The plans to spend sometime here an­ we shall never have to write him harbinger of an early fall. Let the Williams Barbless hook is a scientific other year. \ down. Certainly he has made good and a practical lure, no mechanism, just SMOKE OUT, In cold weather trappers smoke good work of Nature go on, say we, up to now, especially in the critical Miss Nancy Bee Gall of Baltimore, its ingenious shape. It stands for a out more mink, “ coon” , skunk, etc., in one day and Rt those who love very warm crises of the Mexican embroglios. The SQUARE deal to the future of the sport: hmn they can take in traps in a month--besides Md., is the guest of her friend, Mrs. they get prime furs worth the most money. weather go where it’s hotter, if they attitude of the United States Govern­ a SQUARE deal to the little fish and a A DIME brings illustrated guide- It tells how. C. W. Gardiner. SQUARE deal to yourself as a sports­ Giving the first time in print the treasured sec­ want to. Mark Twain once wrote to ment in this matter stands approved rets of the wisest old trapper in thi9 country, it’s B. Johnson, Jr., of Rbsemont, man. Imported standard flies, $1.60 per worth dollars to you. some friends, while in Bermuda, (a by all the great nations of the world. dozen, bait hooks 25 cents. Penn., who has been passing va­ TRAPPER'S SUPPLY CO. Garden in the Sea), “You may go to Who knows but that he was called LACBY Y. WILLIAMS, BOX W. OAK PARK, ILL. cation days on the island, left for Heaven if you want to, but I’d ruther above all others for just such a time 818 W»t*r St., Oak Harbor, Ohio MAINE WOODS. PHILLIPS, MAINE, AUGUST 28, 1913

cabin. Conn.; Misses Ruth and Betty Sher­ cember they are practically all gone ers about the camp fire and whiles HOTTEST DAY AT borne, Lexington, Mass. The gentle­ Miss Ida F. Thies of Arrochar S. I. by the time November comes in, and away the time with mandolin and gui­ N. Y., who was the guest of Airs. Carl men were: Messrs. Donald Blodgett, Ult shooting season is about a month tar and with yarns of woods life and KENNEBAGO Hoeing at her camp on Rangeley Lake Bridgeport) Conn.; Halleck and Gillet long. experiences. for a month, is now passing several Leflferts, Sam Lambert, New York; The law goes off duck the first of the It is planned to make these camps Brian Leeb, Henry Leeb, South Or­ Tennis Holds the Stage—-Harvard weeks at this hotel, and sinee she coming month and off partridge Sept. yearly features, under the direction of came has already seen 38 different ange, N. J.; Donald Choate, F. M. 15. The federal law does not effect the State forestry department. Perry, Bridgeport, Conn,; Randolph Man at Camp Bartlett— Kinds of birds. partridge or any native birds. There are a number of ladies spend­ and Lloyd Byers oi North Andover, Alass.; H. T. Cole, New York. Other Items. ing; vacation days here and they think FIRST FORESTRY CAMP The finals are still to be played be­ BOSTON LADY a walk of several miles on the trails IN SESSION tween Aliss AVhaley and Donald (Special to Maine Woods.) just a bit of exercise. Blodgett. S C Kennebago Lake House, Kennebago "Bunchberry Cabin” is taken by The State of Maine’s first summer GIVES BRIDGE Lake, Me., Aug'. IT—Today will go on Prof. Vernon Davey of East Orange, J forestry camp, which is at Princeton, record as the hottest day for years N. J., who is accompanied hy Airs. BIRDS PLENTIFUL Alt-., under tho direction of John M. Briscoe,1 professor of forestry at the here on the lake shore, for the ther­ Davey and two daughters, Misses Clara University of Maine, is proving a de- i Many Tourists Are Stopping Here mometer on the piazza in the shade and Hester Davey, and are greatly Local Sportsmen Finding Lots of Up­ cided success and an interested class of took a climb up to 92 degrees. Then taken with this life so far away in the land Plover. —Old Timers Are Greeted [students i,s absorbing practical knowl­ this is also a record day as to number wilderness of Maine. Prof. Davey has edge of lumbering and approved lum­ of guests, for llti, the largest number been coming to the Rangeleys for over Local sportsmen around Bangor re­ by Friends. bering methods. The school is de­ ever at one time entertained, were 20 years. port that the upland plover shooting signed for owners of small tracts o here. Not only were the camps all A New York banker, Hebart * AY. is the best that it has been for several Mountain View, -Rangeley Lake, timberland and for men who cruise for taken, but people were sleeping on the Morse, wife, daughters and maid, will seasons past and they are bringing in j Aug. 25—This perfect weather has good bags of birds every day. They art j lumbering firms or companies, and piazza in the couch hammocks and spend the next few weeks in Camp added to the enjoyment of the particularly plentiful out along tht i who wish to familiarize themselves every body was happy. Content and with Charles Harnden for merry party, wli-o are enjoying life line of the Bangor it Northern railwa> i with the broader aspects of the mod- Dr. Samuel W. Lambert of Columbia guide will fish and tramp and enjoy at this hotel. Ibis is just the but also are found in large numbers i When some .one yells “outside” again University, accompanied by his wife each day out of doors. ern science of forestry, as applied time the automabilists from all over and daughters, Miss Helen and Miss near the city in the fields on ,the out- j In the log camp known as ‘‘Haven practically to the conditions which the country, some to tarry but for a Martha, and son, Samuel W. Jr., and skirts. of Rest,” Airs. Louis E. Leffetts and prevail in. Maine. day while others remain for weeks, maid, who came the first of August Some of the bird authorities have j three sons of New York are again tak­ are daily registering here. have for guide, Guy Brooks. They contended that the upland plover is | The camp is attractively situated on ing comfort these summer days. Mr. and Airs. John L. V. Bonn,ey, occupy the same camp they have had nearly extinct, but the large number the shores of Big Musquash lake and J. H. Carson, wife and maid are Mr. and Airs. Irvin B. Aioneyperry of for five seasons and remain until the that are being found this year in this is completely equipped with tents and among the New Yorkers who are here paraphernalia. The food is ample and Columbus, Ohio, who came in their middle of September. section seems to indicate that there is for their first season and with Joe well cooked and tho active, outdoor Dr. and Mrs. Henry Blodgett and son an increase rather than a decrease. touring car from Bar Harbor in a Lamb for guide will not be strangers Donald M. Blodgett of Bridgeport, They are now flighting and by the lire hero is being enjoyed to tho ut­ day, were here for the week end, to the fish or the mountain trails when most. There is no expense to the stu­ Conn., have returned for their sixth first of September will be practically starting homeward through Dix- October days arrive. dents, uther than their maintenance, summer in camp; Emery Haley, guide. all gone, the height of the season lin­ ville Notch and White Mountains. The Owls' Nest is the happy home and thex are all enthusiastic over Judge George W. Wheeler, wife and ing at present. After the first of the Mr. and Airs. L. F. Lam ben and for another season for Airs. Alfred thei." work. daughter, Miss Helen L., and son Mas­ month there may be an occasional little daughter, Miss Louise, and Leeb and sons of South Orange, N. J. Those taking tne course which lasts ter George Al. Wheeler of Bridgeport, straggler, but the bulk of the birds Airs. Lambert’s mother, Airs. A. Rev. N. A. Merritt Jr., pastor of the three weeks, are Earl R. Adams of Conn., who have occupied one of the have left in their southward flight. W. Brown of Boston, also came by First Baptist Church of New Bruns­ This will he the last season that AVaterville: AA’illiam F. Dunbar of camps each season since 1906 are this auto to spend the Sabbath; here. wick, N, J., is spending a six weeks’ Bangor sportsmen ‘ can get any good North Castine; AV. R. Pease of Port­ year accompanied by the judge's fath­ Air. and Mrs. Thomas J. Herron of vacation in camp here, accompanied upland plover shooting and the new land; F. J. R. Talbot of East Alachias; er, George M. Wheeler of Hackensack, by his wife and his father, Newton A. Federal game laws for the protection D. C. York of Rumford Falls; and Hartford, Conn., who are here for N. J., who is 82 years of age, but de­ Merritt, also his aunt, Aliss Elenora of migratory birds will be in effect, Emerson Eaton of Princeton. Several their first season express them­ lighted to spend the summer in the Alerritt of Newark, N. J., and the and for this zone August is a closed more men are expected to arrive in selves as greatly pLeased with the Maine woods. party are greatly pleased with this month, the law going off the first of camp on Monday. place. Camp "Bide-a-week” is taken for six their first visit. September. The program includes a wide range Airs. William Donald and Aliss weeks by Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Sherburne A party of Bostonians regretfully Although the law will be off the birds of subjects, all relating to practical Courtney of New York are also new and daughters, Misses Ruth and Betty started homeward this afternoon, hav­ the sportsmen will benefit but little work in forestry, and each of them is comers, who will pass several weeks of Lexington, Mass., and friend, Miss ing, they declared, the best outing ever owing to the fact that by that time the under the personal direction of Prof here. Air. Donald joined the lad­ Katherine Tenney of Haverford, Penn. and plan to come again. They were birds are all gone and there are none Briscoe. ies on Sunday. Camp Bartlett is taken by a well- Air. and Mrs. Charles H. Botsford and left in this section to shoot. Under the Or. Mondays from 8 to 9, the men known Harvard man, Prof. Frederick Herman L. Buss of Medford, Alas?., Air. and Airs. R. A. Ballou. * circumstances the sportsmen and bird are given silviculture, with field work Turner, wdfe and daughter and a was her,© for the past week, which, Stephen G. Williams, a well-known hunters are taking advantage of the on the subject from 1 to 5 each Thurs­ friend frotn Wisconsin, Miss Elizabeth is his second trip this summer. New York lawyer, with Aaron Soule, present excellent shooting and are go­ day. Alensuration is given from 9.15 Croudfid. They have Frank Porter for Mrs. H. M. Dunham of Boston one guide, has been practicing the art of ing out every day. to 10.13 on Wednesdays, and seminar guide and fish, follow the trails and night this week gave a pivot bridge fly fishing for two weeks and is very The law Is off snipe at the present or. Fridays from 10.30 to 11.30. On are greatly enjoying the life in a log party in the music room, which was enthusiastic over this place. time, but there have been but few Tuesdays from 8 to 9, the economics a most delightful affair. The fol­ Airs. L. Kendrick and Aliss Gaulket shot. Unless the fields are very wet of forestry are studied, the time from lowing -were the ones to receive the of Philadelphia were on Friday joined few snipe are found and the present 9.15 t > 10.lo on Thursdays, being taken by their cousin, Aliss Catherine S. Nice dry conditions have not made for good up with forest botany. Seminar comes prizes. Airs. Bissell off Philadelphia, of Ogontz, Penn., and the trio will snipe shooting. again from 10.30 to 11.30 Thursdays. Airs. Dickerson of Hartford, Conn., FAMOUS spend the next month in camp, and The federal law will have its effect Forest protection is studied from S to Airs. Gould of Brooklyn, N. Y., and plan as soon as the weather is cooler on the woodcock season and the open !) each Saturday and lumbering from Aliss Sylvia Belles df Hartford Conn. BACKWOODS to go up the mountain and over the time instead of beginning Sept. 15, as 9.15 to 10.15. Seminar comes again Air. and Mrs. C. H. Gay, Airs. H. trails In all directions. under the State law will not commence from 10.30 to 11.30. D. Webster and John E. Brown of FAIRY TALES Down at No. 4 camp, Alessrs. Chas. until Oct. 1. This will not do a great Despite this schedule, which keeps I Concord, N. H., who were touring Z. Southard, Irving R. Hendrickson of deal of harm as the woodcock shooting the foresters fairly busy, the men are Alaine made a short stay here this Groton, Mass., and A. F. Van Thum, a in September is not particularly good, finding plenty of time for recreation week on their way through Dix- New York lawyer, with John Lanson, October being the best month. Al­ and some excellent catches of fish ville Notch. Ed Grant, Beaver Pond Camps. Derk and Frank Huntoon are having a though the federal law permits wood­ have been made in the lake near the Ralph I. Trask of Worcester Tel­ N«w reading matter, interesting. great outing. cock schooting until the first of De­ camp. Each evening the party gath- Dtve first edition was exhausted much egram, Worcester, Alass., was greet­ mtmrr than we expected and the popu- Over on the point of lanu opposite ed by old friends on his arrival Tues* tw demand was so great for a second Forestholme the flag is flying among edition that we published an enlarged day and will spend his vacation m l improved edition to be sold by the trees, for the camp high on the here. ■Mil (postpaid) at the low price named. rock is again open and Airs. G. M. For a month’s stay, the following Twelve cents, postpaid. Stamps b jc - AVhitin, Aliss Lois AVhitin, Miss Eliza­ ■Mded. trio: Aliss Martha Booth of Prov­ J. W. BRACKETT CO. beth LaSelle of AVhitin, Mass., Miss idence, R. I., Miss H. A. and E. E. Phillips, Maine. Elizabeth Klock of New Haven, 'Conn, Causka of Conn., are enjoying life and G. M. Foss of AVhitinsville, Alass. The Man Who’s MAPS OF MAINE are there. Their guides are John J. here. AA’ilbur, Ben Gile and Ed. Abbott. Air. and Airs. E. F. Gellinson f RESORTS AND ROADS At Skedaddlers Point, Henry E. Con­ Portland and ifriendis, Dr. and Airs. verse of Boston with his two sons and Always at Ease E. E. Sha-w of Walla Walla, Wash., Maine Woods Las frequent in>- two daughters, have been for the last who for six weeks have been tour­ •ulriee for maps of the fishing r©~ two weeks entertaining friends. ing Canada and the states made, a Status of the state, etc. We can •Kmisii the following maps: The first of July, Air. and Airs. Bry­ short stay here this1 week. IVaakliax County ...... 3 *50 ant B. Glenny and daughter, Aliss Glen- The man you like and respect, whose judge­ Another motcr par-ty this] week •omens et County ...... 50 ny of New York decided they would ment is good and who has that unde- wlere Air. and Mrs. Geo. C. Vaughan) Oortord County ...... 50 like to try life in the woods all by cf Salem, Alass., and their friends, Piscataquis County ...... 50 finable charm of manner that quickly .Aroostook County ...... 50 themselves, and they engage^ the set Mr. and Airs. Chester L. Dame c f Washington County ...... 50 of camps near the foot of the lake makes and keeps friends Alarblehead, Alass., spent part of Owting; map of Maine, 20x35 in ..1.00 known as No. 2. AVllmont Patterson the week here. Geological anaip o f Maine ...... 35 and wife were engaged to “keep A. R. map of Maine ...... 35 H. W. Bennett and family df New Asdroacogigiai County ...... 35 house” for them, Mill Porter and Ar­ He Is The Man York, also touring Alaine in their Cumberland County ...... 35 thur Arnbury for guides, and during machine were here for the Week Hancock County ...... 50 the past month they have been living end. Kennebec County ...... 35 near to nature cn the shore of Kenne­ Xraotx County ...... ,35 Who Has Traveled Mrs. AL C. Clarke of Boston, after bago Lake. IAnooln and Sagadahoc Counties .35 a week’s sojourn, returned helm© via Penobscot County ...... 50 Waldo County ...... 35 TENNIS AT KENNEBAGO It’s the greatest education in the world, this the Chain of Lakes and the White! Tork County ...... 35 For the past two weeks tennis at getting away from the rut. Mountains. J. W BR A C K E TT CO., Kennebago has been the excitement Everybody regrets the departure Phillips, * - Maine. among the more than 30 young people Meet other people, hear their views. See ctf H. E. Aioore of Boston, who there. during his stay added much to the Airs. Samuel \A. Lambert, wife of new places, have new ideas. Brush el­ social life of the hotel. GUIDES' ADDRESSES Dr. Lambert of Columbia University, bows with the “ other half”. Dr. and. Airs. L. W. Hackett of This column is for sale to guides 1 gave a handsome silver cup for which Cambridge, Alass., were called homo who want their addresses to appear j there were 23 entries: Misses Martha Sounds inviting, is fascinating. on Saturday, which shortened their In Maine Woods each week in al­ Lambert, Helen Lambert of New Yprk; stay two weeks. phabetical order. For price address I Aliss Tenny of H iverfoVd, Penn.; Miss Prcff. Hanson of Auburn Was this Maine Woods, Phillips, Maine. AVhaley, East Orange, N. ,T.; Mrs. And It s Inexpensive. week joined by his friend, F. A. Blodgett, Helen Wheeler, Bridgeport, Clough of Lewiston. Leander, A. Dole, Sebago Lake, Me. I. Newton Lewis, wife and sons, E&rl G. Johnston, Masmrdis, Me. Edwin, Warren and Robert Lewis •THE FISHERMAN'S FRIEND Saves R. B. Lowrie, R. F. D. 1, Eaatbrook, Fish. of Greenwich. Conn., and Aliss Kath­ Fingers, Maine. Tackle erine Mclnerney ctf Brooklyn, N. ard time CL S. McGowan, Portage Lake, Me. GET Y., arrived on Saturday for a Georg© H. Potts, Dm!d,git-on, Me. ONE at your month’s stay. H. H. Tibbetts, 16 Manly St., Au­ d e a le r’s or h v Air. and Airs. Lewis are among the burn, Maine. mail, 25c. old timers, who are greeted by EL G. Webber, Jay, Maine. E. J, Fredendall & Co. 3334Seminary Ave., Dept. 8, Chicago, 111. friends. Allan Watters, Fort Kent, Maine. MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, AUGUST 28, 1913

Besides the dams which are tre­ weeks. was "The Peerless Trio,” one of mendous structures many cords of Dr. and. Mrs. F. D. Merchant of the greatest instrumental trios ever alders and. poplar have been cut New York, wkb were here last year, heard in Rangeley. Charming Miss Where To Go Iil Maine and stored for winter’s use. Many have returned fer another season. Margaret Biiss was at tlie piano and sticks recently cut are floating slow­ Frank B. MciGay of Ne[w; York on her brother, Harry was at the traps, ly down tine stream showing that Saturday joined his wife and was while G. D. King played the banjo our approach, has frightened away greeted by old friends. with much vim. Dr. Stahl and Mr. GOME TO OTTER POND GAMPS th.e workers. Looking towards' the Messrs. W. E. Macurda, F. W. Jones appeared next and showed i This Spring and catch Trout weighing rom three to five pounds any day. Big Salmon bottom of the pond one can see Pray and D. F. Williams, Bostonians, what air and environ of Rau- | too Besides you get good Boats, a good Table and a good Time. For Particulars address. | the sticks which they have sunk, by, who were on a lnotor trip remained gel»ey lfas done for their babies. Ruth GEORGE M c K E N N E Y , Garatunk, Maine. the process which is known, only here over Sunday. Marble and Junior Mulqueeu in baby carrages admirably played the babies. to themselves. The slap of a tail Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Crehon and Perch al Eaten and his comic se­ as a beaver goes down causes us daughter of Boston registered! here lections and clever .imitation of to lock around but nothing is seen Saturday and alter two weeks at the darky preacher, convulsed , the except the waves caused by the Loon lake will return to remain plunge, so giving up hope see­ at this hotel c uLng September. house. f TROUT AND SALMON FIS HING Miss Estelle Mulqueeu in response i «, *The finest in northern Maine. 25 miles of brook fishing, 50 miles ing one of the animals w© turn the .Coming from Colt ubus, Ohio, in of Dead River afford gamy stream fishing. Every part reached by- boat to tlie slibre and leave the their touring car, Mr ai.d Mrs. John to many requests did her wonderful canoe Big Lake Trout and Salmon 2 1-2 miles by trail or team. Finest animals to their work. V. Bouney and friends were here “ Doll Act” and the hearty applause of camps and boats. Arrive same day from N. Y. and Boston. No buck- showed she was one of Rangeley’u board trips. Write for other information. for the week end. ^ AN IDEAL SHOOTING GALLERY favorites. J. G. HARLOW, THE FLAGSTAFF, Flagstaff, Me. # Fefcival Eaton of York camps, wh AND THOSE THAT CAME Junior Mulqueeu of but seven sum­ has been at CU cat Chebeague is­ BEFORE. mers, dressed in a cute Alpine cosr land during the past week arrived THIS IS NO JOKE tume recited a German poem and W E S T E N D Wednesday, in time to assist at the “Large lagoon—clear, blue waters— was encored for the second time for Gome to Chase Pond performance at the casino. I’ll use you right ducks and swans floating peacefully— the little lad has a perfect accent HOTEL Dr. He her Bishop of Boston and There are plenty of trout rippling fountains-^-silv'ry chimes.” and a wonderful stage presence and H. M. CASTNER, Prop’r. tlie following friends cam© up from That are ready to bite. ' No, this isn’t an extract from the lat­ unaffected manners. his camp by automobile and took Guy Ghadbourne, Bingham, Me. Portland, Maine est novel’s description of the ancestral Miss Gaynor and her brother show­ estate—it’s just a skeleton outline of dinner here on Sunday: Rev. Geo. Thoroughly first class. The hotel for ed how clever and graceful is the the features of a modern shooting gal­ I. Brown.© of Lancaster, Penn., Masis CARRY POND CAMPS are opened for lUSaine vacationists, tourists and sports real “ tang dance’ ’and were encored fishermen. Best trout fishing in the lery recently built by John T. Dickman C. L. Browne of Marblehead, Mass., men. All farm, dairy products, pork several umes. state of its distance to reach. Good “at Los Angeles, California. And now Miss M. B. Win wood of Boston. accommodations for families during the and poultry from our own farm, enabl­ J. S. Jones the golf champion and who shall sa> that romance has not Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Randolf of summer months. Send for booklet. ing us to serve only fresh vegetables, a great favorite with the hotel crept into the once sordid, common­ HENRY J. LANE, meats, butter, cream, eggs, etc. Atlanta, Ga., are much pleased with guests, bromnt cov n the house by Carry Pond Maine. place gallery business? American plan. Send for circular. the Rangeleys. nis Mcrv te.'ang ami the new and Again no—this aristocrat among Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Doctor SPECIAL RATES for parties staying two galleries isn’t the dream of a theorist, funny stories told in dialect will weeks or more during July and August. Write and daughter, Miss Gladys of Eliza’ me before going elsewhere. Best o f fly fishing. Camps at Long doomed to early failure. It embodies not soon be forgofuu. beth, N. J., who spent a number Can furnish references. Pond. Many Mr. Dickman’s hard earned experience One of the best acts was when C. A. SPAULDING. Caratunk. Main®. of weeks last year at the Tavern Pierce Pond Camps _____ FISHING out-lying ponds, in developing three other galleries— Miss Antoinette and Lucille Schulte, came this week for a month’s stay. TROUT BROOK CAMPS. Write S. C. HARDEN, all running successfully today. The Miss Mul.qu.een, Miss Kirkpatrick, Another party who are motoring Located in the heart of the hunting and fish­ Rangeley, Maine fourth “shooting academy” of the Miss Marvin, Miss Venner, Miss ..King ing region. Square tail trout and salmon weigh­ in Maine registered this week; Mr. ing up to 10 pounds. Comfortable log camps quartette undoubtedly harbors tlie and Miss Metcalf appeared. Four and good table. For further information, address and Mrs. R. Dumore, Mrs. J. F. R. R. WALKER. Mackamp. Maine MOOSELOOKMEGUNTIC HOUSE most up-to-date equipment for the of them were dressed in neat trous- HEART OF THE RANGELEYS 1 •oyejoy, Mrs. Frank Chase, Miss M. SHORE OF MOOSELOOKMEGUNTIC LAKE gallery shooter’s enjoyment to be found es, coats and Panama hats and the Most Central location in Rangeley Region._ anywhere in the world. Mr. Dick­ Chase, Mrs. Warren Johnson of Sal­ gentlemen in th© audience envied FISHING Tennis. Music, Boating. Garage, etc. Specia man’s inventive genius, which has been em, Mass., and Roland Estey of AT September rates. MRS F. B. BURNS, Prop. them, for the pretty girls were free utilized in furnishing complete gal­ Quincy, Mass. with their caresses. John earville’s Gamps DEAD RIVER REGION leries in all parts of the country, here T. S. Allis of Derby, Conn., joined The Sargent. Up-to-date in every Mary Allis and Addie Wood were at Spring Lake finds full sway. his wife and daughter the first of particular. Maine’s ideal family vaca billed as the “ Bean Sisters, Lima Salmon, square tailed and lake trout. My camps the week for the remainder of the are most charmingly situated on the shores of tion*resort. Good fishing and hunting ’Way back in 1906—seven years and String” and their costumes and Spring Lake, well furnished, excellent beds, season. purest of spring water and the table is first-class, section. Cuisine unsurpassed. E. F mean much in progress on the Pacific acting were great. elevation 1,800 feet above sea level, grandest scen­ Coast—Mr. Dickman decided to enter Everyone welcomed Willard Wad­ ery and pure mountain air. Hay fever and malaria Look, Prop’r, Eustis, Maine. It would be difficult to pick the the gallery field. In prospecting for unknown. Spring Lake furnishes excellent lake sworth of N.ew York on his arrival “feature” o*f the evening as all trout and salmon fishing and in the neighboring an opening he found a poor-paying streams and ponds are abundance o f brook trout. RANGELEY LAKE8. Monday and during the next uilputh. were most pleasing, but enough can­ Buckboard roads only 2-12 miles. An ideal family Gamp Betnls, Tlie Btfrcihe Tiie Barker. gallery that had been advertised for summer resort. Telephone communications with th© “Cricket” will make more and not be said regarding the positive­ tillage and doctor. References furnished- Terms Wilts for free circular. Oajrt. F. a sale, watched it for two or three faster trips over the lake than ever reasonable. Address for full particulars, Barker, Be ml*. Maine. ly absurd and original hit made by JOHN CARYILLE. Flagstaff, Me. weeks, and then offered to buy. Two before. VIA RUM FORD FALLS. thonsand dollars was the price—just the Misses Wood and Allis, who Mr. and Mrs. J. Ralph Hilton Beet Salmon and Trout Fishing In ten times its reputed value—but Mr. “caught th© house” with their make­ Maine. Fly flsthing begins about June are among the New Yorkers to ar­ I. Send for circular. House always Dickman bought. Under the new man­ up end omitting the coarseness rive this week for an extended so­ open. John Chadwick & O©., Ujuper agement things were different. Exten­ gave a laughable impersonation of Dun. Maine. journ. sive repairs were made, unique tar­ the Elinor Sisters, well-known in gets invented and manufactured by Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Clias. A. vaudeville. CLARK & TOOTH AKER’8 Hill of the Belgrade House with the new proprietor—including the now The musical treat of the even­ el______i .| „ J Will re-open for the tine following who are guests there, rleeeent Gland Lamp. seaaon of m 3_ M go#n famous “clown with the bright eye”— ing w'as the song by Raymond u the ioe goes out. W rite for booklet. came across country in twfo tour­ were installed, “lightning" carriers Adams. Tb© crowded house sat in ing cars and1 dined here returning CLARK & TOOTHAKER, made the shooting at paper targets perfect silence to catch every note in the afternoon; Messrs. W. C. t Island. Oxford County Maine. more attractive, and new guns and the of his rich baritone voice, for it best ammunition obtainable — more Edwards, W. T. Damron, E. F. lake Parlin House and Gamps. was an opportunity which does not “hobbies” of Mr. Dickman's—were pro­ Parks, H. J. Waterman, Clias. F. At© delightfully situated on shore of often occur to hear Mr Adams, Yjake Parlin on direct line from Quebec Jim POND GAMPS vided. No one had to shoot a worn- Ark, Mrs. Joseph Arthur, Mrs. E. to Rangeley Lakes, popular thorough­ whose voice is the best heard in Re-opened out rifle or unreliable cartridges. At F. Parks Mrs. H. T. Waterhouse, fare for automobiles, being a distance Rangeley for many a day. of 122 miles each. way. In the heart of the hunting and fish­ the end of the first year, the $2,000 Mr. and Mrs. A. B. MacComick. The Lake Parlin and the 12 out ponds In Rudolph Ernest Von Saal gave a ing region. Individual camps with open investment showed a net profit of $5,- reported the roads in excellent con­ the radius of four miles furnish the cleaver and laughable selection from best of fly fishing the whole season. fires. Only three miles, buckboard toad 740. dition and the trip a most enjoyable The house and camps are new and have Mark Twain’s Innocents Abroad and Write for booklet. Telephone connec­ Encouraged by the working out of one. all modern conveniences, such as tions. his encore w as a groat hit. baths, gas lights, open rock fireplaces, his ideas in his first gallery venture. Mrs. W. S. Taylor of Florida is etc. The cuisine is unexcelled. M. M. GREEN & BROS., Without doubt the best perform­ Mr. Dickman took over the lease of a the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. M. Canoeing, boating, bathing, tennis, Jim Pond Camps, Eustis, Me. ance of its kind ever given here had mountain climbing, automobiling, etc. furniture store whose proprietors were Burrows at Rangemere cottage. glad to get out because of the exces­ for its closing feature a minstrel * Write for booklet. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stenger and. sive rent, and started gallery No, 2. circle composing sixteen good voi.ces H. P. McKENNEY, Proprietor, friend, Mrs. Geo. J. Bergen, who Jackman, Maine. Later a third was launched in quarters belonging to as many naturally wit­ have motored from tlieir home in BEAVERS BENEFIT costing $523 monthly. In all galleries ty gentlemen. The jokes were good Florida, spent a short time here | BELGRADE LAKES, MAINE. operated since 190G, 9,870,000 rounds of | and went with a snap quite un­ en mute for Canada this week. The Belgrade. Best Sportsmen’s Hotel LAND OWNERS ammunition have been used—enough usual for amateurs and when th© In New England. Best black bass fish­ Miss Benziger cf New York, who to stock up several arsenals. petit interlcctor announced a balled ing in the world, best trout fishing In has been .enjoying a trip through entitled “you cant driwe a nail Maine. Chas. N. Hill S Son. Managers. Mr. A. J. Piease of Phillips cal­ the wilderness in the Moosehead re­ WILL BECOME PROPRIETOR OF with a sponge no matter how hard led into the office recently and told gion with her brother and w ife, Mr. BINGHAM HOTEL. you soak it,” the house was ready This place is famous for the us the following about some beav­ and Mrs. B. Benziger and Miss for anything and received something ers who were operating in the vi­ Schickel of New York returned Mon­ Early Trout Fishing and Excel­ F. L. Gipson, proprietor of the timely and ludicrous. cinity. day accompanied by them and th© lent Guides. Lily Bay House for the last several The closing hymn “ Sleep” was Just across the Phillips line in Party will remain here for part of years, lias recently, become proprie­ lead by Miss Wpod costumed in aoi the town of Salem there is an in­ the September days. I N T H E tor of the Bingham Hotel at Bing­ elegant gowns of Nell Rose satin and teresting work carried on by the Mr. and Mrs. Duncan W. Taylor of ham. As yet he has not assumed lace, w'hile carrying one of the busy beaviers. Here instead of be­ Plainfield, N. J., are also among* the personal management, but will re­ many bouquets showered upon her Woods of Maine. ing an injury to the owners of land late comers who plan to spend main at the Lily Bay Hotel until during the evening’s fun. Th© as is tli^ir custom the heavens are several weeks at this hotel. the expiration of his present lease blending of the voices in the- chorus King and Bartlett Camps, 2,000 feet a great benefit. The land as it The following party who have above sea level, unexcelled for trout in early April, 1914, when he will was noticeably good. now] stands is of practically" no value been at tlie Megantic Club are now' fishing otr an outing. Individual cab­ remove to Bingham. Considering the entertainment was to the land owners but aifter the here for a few days, coming from ins, open, wood fires, excellent cuisine, suggested, arranged and given within beavers have cleared the land of Kennebago over the buckbfcard road; fine natural lithia spring water, mag­ DR.BISHOP AND PARTY DINE, a fewr days with but one generaf\ the alders and other useless1 wood Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Grahapi of New' nificent scenery. Renew your health H'ERE. rehearsal, much credit it due th© which grows there, it will be trans­ York; Mr. and Mrs. William Forster, in the balsam-laden air of Maine’s ideal entire company of thirty-five^ or more resort. Address formed into a fine fertile1 pasture, (Continued tToan Page One.) Miss Vera, William W. and Herbert ladies and geAtleamen. from Director watered by thi» dam of the busy an­ ’There is an unusually large party W. Forster of Yonkers, N. Y. Jones to the Call Boy. HARRY M. PIERCE, imals. lif© at this hotel ancT they are This the Hast W'.eek in August, find The Motor Boat Club is much Here these workers of the woods otf delightful young people enjoying a larger crowd than.' ever before at King and Bartlett Camps. indebted to Mrs. Beyl, Miss Mar- have built four dams flooding an not only happy themselves' but anaW the Rangeley Lake House and al- zolf, Mr. Willard Sneckner and Pur­ Address, Farmington, Me., until the area of 100 acres, making the 'water thpsse around them so. They are though many return home next ser Adams: for their earnest w-ork season opens. in some places abbut 5 feet deep. busy from the early morning hours week, from now until October prom­ toward the success of the varieties. Then© must be a large colony of when some of them ar© off for a ises to be wleeks of pleasure to those The casino was prettily decorated SADDLEBACK LAKE CAMPS. In the the animals for ther© is an im­ horseback ride before breakfast un­ who linger to see the autumn beauty Rangeley Region. Booklet. with many club flags and the large Hemon S. Blackwell, Dallas, Maine mense amount of cutting that they til tlile dancing closes at vthe ca­ of this lake and mountain country. audience showed their appreciation have done, although no large trees sino in the evening. Tli© 1913 Varieties given at th© of the entertainment which has add­ RANGELEY LAKES, have been cut. Taking a boat A party of young ladies went over casino Tuesday and Wednesday un­ Bald Mountain Camps are situated at from the bank of th© pond that they ed many dollars to th© building tbe foot of Bald Mountain, In a good to the Gilman farm one afternoon der the management of Dr. B. Frank fund of the newi club cabin. flaking section. Steamboat accommo­ have formed and riding slowly a- this week and bravely Walked home lin Stahl, J. |3. Jones and Kenneth A. dations O. K. Telephone at camps. Two round over the water one is greatly mails daily. Write for free circulars to alone in th© evening. Wood, opened to a large house on IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN impressed by the amount of th© AMOS ELLIS, Prop’r., Mr. andl Mrs. C. T. Barnes of New Tuesday evening. MAINE WOODS. LOW ADVER­ Bald Mountain, Maine. work. i M York are here for a stay of two The first number on the program TISING RATES.