First direct -mass measurement with sub-eV sensitivity

M. Aker,1 A. Beglarian,2 J. Behrens,3, 4 A. Berlev,5 U. Besserer,1 B. Bieringer,6 F. Block,3 B. Bornschein,1 L. Bornschein,4 M. Böttcher,6 T. Brunst,7, 8 T. S. Caldwell,9, 10 R. M. D. Carney,11 L. La Cascio,3 S. Chilingaryan,2 W. Choi,3 K. Debowski,12 M. Deffert,3 M. Descher,3 D. Díaz Barrero,13 P. J. Doe,14 O. Dragoun,15 G. Drexlin,3 K. Eitel,4 E. Ellinger,12 R. Engel,4 S. Enomoto,14 A. Felden,4 J. A. Formaggio,16 F. M. Fränkle,4 G. B. Franklin,17 F. Friedel,3 A. Fulst,6 K. Gauda,6 W. Gil,4 F. Glück,4 R. Grössle,1 R. Gumbsheimer,4 V. Gupta,7, 8 T. Höhn,4 V. Hannen,6 N. Haußmann,12 K. Helbing,12 S. Hickford,3 R. Hiller,3 D. Hillesheimer,1 D. Hinz,4 T. Houdy,7, 8 A. Huber,3 A. Jansen,4 C. Karl,7, 8 F. Kellerer,7, 8 J. Kellerer,3 M. Klein,4, 3 C. Köhler,7, 8 L. Köllenberger,4 A. Kopmann,2 M. Korzeczek,3 A. Kovalík,15 B. Krasch,1 H. Krause,4 N. Kunka,2 T. Lasserre,18 T. L. Le,1 O. Lebeda,15 B. Lehnert,11 A. Lokhov,6, 5 M. Machatschek,3 E. Malcherek,4 M. Mark,4 A. Marsteller,1 E. L. Martin,9, 10 C. Melzer,1 A. Menshikov,2 S. Mertens,7, 8, ∗ J. Mostafa,2 K. Müller,4 S. Niemes,1 P. Oelpmann,6 D. S. Parno,17 A. W. P. Poon,11 J. M. L. Poyato,13 F. Priester,1 M. Röllig,1 C. Röttele,1 R. G. H. Robertson,14 W. Rodejohann,19 C. Rodenbeck,6 M. Ryšavý,15 R. Sack,6, 4 A. Saenz,20 P. Schäfer,1 A. Schaller (née Pollithy),7, 8 L. Schimpf,3 K. Schlösser,4 M. Schlösser,1, † L. Schlüter,7, 8 S. Schneidewind,6 M. Schrank,4 B. Schulz,20 A. Schwemmer,7, 8 M. Šefčík,15 V. Sibille,16 D. Siegmann,7, 8 M. Slezák,7, 8 M. Steidl,4 M. Sturm,1 M. Sun,14 D. Tcherniakhovski,2 H. H. Telle,13 L. A. Thorne,17 T. Thümmler,4 N. Titov,5 I. Tkachev,5 K. Urban,7, 8 K. Valerius,4 D. Vénos,15 A. P. Vizcaya Hernández,17 C. Weinheimer,6 S. Welte,1 J. Wendel,1 J. F. Wilkerson,9, 10 J. Wolf,3 S. Wüstling,2 W. Xu,16 Y.-R. Yen,17 S. Zadoroghny,5 and G. Zeller1 1Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe (TLK), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany 2Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany 3Institute of Experimental Particle Physics (ETP), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Wolfgang-Gaede-Str. 1, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany 4Institute for Astroparticle Physics (IAP), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany 5Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Sciences, 60th October Anniversary Prospect 7a, 117312 Moscow, Russia 6Institut für Kernphysik, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 9, 48149 Münster, Germany 7Technische Universität München, James-Franck-Str. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany 8Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Föhringer Ring 6, 80805 München, Germany 9Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA 10Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, NC 27708, USA 11Institute for Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics and Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA 12Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Wuppertal, Gaußstr. 20, 42119 Wuppertal, Germany 13Departamento de Química Física Aplicada, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Campus de Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain 14Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics, and Dept. of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA 15Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS, v. v. i., CZ-250 68 Řež, Czech Republic 16Laboratory for Nuclear Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA 17Department of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA 18IRFU (DPhP & APC), CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France 19Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany arXiv:2105.08533v1 [hep-ex] 18 May 2021 20Institut für Physik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Newtonstr. 15, 12489 Berlin, Germany

We report the results of the second measurement campaign of the Karlsruhe Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment. KATRIN probes the effective anti-neutrino mass, mν , via a high- precision measurement of the tritium β-decay spectrum close to its endpoint at 18.6 keV. In the second physics run presented here, the source activity was increased by a factor of 3.8 and the 2 background was reduced by 25 % with respect to the first campaign. A sensitivity on mν of 0.7 eV/c at 90 % confidence level (CL) was reached. This is the first sub-eV sensitivity from a direct neutrino- 2 2 4 mass experiment. The best fit to the spectral data yields mν = (0.26 ± 0.34) eV /c , resulting in 2 an upper limit of mν < 0.9 eV/c (90 % CL). By combining this result with the first neutrino mass 2 campaign, we find an upper limit of mν < 0.8 eV/c (90 % CL).

∗ Corresponding author: [email protected] † Corresponding author: [email protected] 2

mass regime, where mi > 0.2 eV, the mass splittings are negligible with respect to the masses, mi, and the ob- I. INTRODUCTION 2 P 2 2 servable can be approximated as mν = i |Uei| mi . The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino (KATRIN) experi- The discovery of neutrino flavour oscillations [1, 2] ment [12, 13] exploits the single β-decay of molecular proves that must have a mass, unlike origi- tritium nally assumed in the Standard Model (SM) of Particle 3 + − Physics. experiments have shown T2 → HeT + e +ν ¯e (1) that the weakly interacting neutrino flavour eigenstates, and currently provides the best neutrino mass sensitivity νf with f ∈ {e, µ, τ}, are admixtures of the three in the field of direct neutrino-mass measurements with its neutrino mass eigenstates νi with mass eigenvalues mi. first published limit of mν < 1.1 eV (90 % CL) [14, 15]. While neutrino-oscillation experiments can probe the dif- KATRIN is designed to determine the neutrino mass with ferences of squared neutrino mass eigenvalues ∆m2 , the ij a sensitivity of close to 0.2 eV (90 % CL) in a total mea- absolute neutrino-mass scale remains one of the most surement time of 1000 days [12]. In this work, we present pressing open questions in the fields of nuclear, particle, the second neutrino-mass result of KATRIN, reaching an and astroparticle physics today. In this paper we report a unprecedented sub-eV sensitivity and limit in mν from a measurement of the effective electron anti-neutrino mass 2 P 2 2 direct measurement. defined as mν = i |Uei| mi where Uei are elements of the Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata (PMNS) matrix, which describes the mixing of the neutrino states. II. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The neutrino masses are at least five orders of mag- nitude smaller than the mass of any other fermion of the SM, which may point to a different underlying mass- The design requirements to detect the small signature β creation mechanism [3]. The determination of the neu- of a neutrino mass in the last few eV of a -decay spec- 1 × 1011 Bq trino mass would thus shed light on the fundamental trum are: a high tritium activity ( ), a low open question of the origin of particle masses. Despite background rate (. 0.1 counts per second (cps)), an eV- 0.1 % the smallness of their masses, neutrinos play a crucial scale energy resolution, and an accurate ( -level) the- role in the evolution of large-scale structures of our cos- oretical prediction of the integral spectrum. mos due to their high abundance in the universe [4, 5]. The KATRIN experiment tackles these challenges by A direct measurement of the neutrino mass could hence combining a high-activity molecular tritium source with Magnetic Adiabatic provide a key input to cosmological structure-formation a high-resolution spectrometer of the Collimation and Electrostatic models. In this respect, cosmological observations them- (MAC-E)-Filter type [13]. selves provide stringent limits on the sum of neutrino The experiment is hosted by the Tritium Laboratory 1 P Karlsruhe (TLK) allowing the safe supply of tritium at masses of mi < 0.12 eV (95 % CL) [6, 7]. However, these limits strongly rely on the underlying cosmological the 10-gramme scale with continuous tritium reprocess- assumptions [8, 9]. An independent measurement of the ing [16, 17]. Fig. 1 shows the 70-m long KATRIN beam- neutrino mass could help to break parameter degenera- line. The isotope tritium has a short half life of 12.3 18.6 keV cies of the cosmological models. A powerful way to probe years and a low endpoint of , both favourable this neutrino property in the laboratory is via a search for properties to achieve high count rates near the endpoint. neutrinoless double β-decay, providing limits at the level Moreover, the theoretical calculation of the super-allowed decay of tritium is well understood [25–27]. The strong of mββ < 0.08 −0.18 eV (90 % CL) [10, 11], depending 1 × 1011 Bq on the nuclear matrix element calculation. In contrast gaseous tritium source (nominal activity ) is established by the throughput of 40 g/day of molecu- to mν , the effective mass in double- is given P 2 lar tritium through the 10-m long source tube, which by mββ = U mi . The limit is only valid under i ei 30 K the assumption that neutrinos are their own anti-particle is cooled to to reduce thermal motion of the tritium (Majorana particle) and that light neutrinos mediate the molecules. decay. A system of 24 superconducting magnets [28] guides The most direct way to assess the neutrino mass is via the out of the source towards the spectrome- the kinematics of a single β-decay. This method is inde- ter section and to the detector. Between the source and pendent of any cosmological model and of the mass na- spectrometer, differential [29] and cryogenic [30] pump- ture of the neutrino, i.e. it may be a lepton of Majorana ing systems reduce the flow of tritium by 14 orders of magnitude. or Dirac type. The neutrino masses mi lead to a reduc- tion of the maximal observed energy of the decay and High-precision electron spectroscopy is achieved with a small spectral shape distortion close to the kinematic the spectrometer of MAC-E-filter type [31, 32]. The spec- endpoint of the β-spectrum. In the quasi-degenerate trometer acts as a sharp electro-static high-pass filter, transmitting only electrons (of charge q = −e) above an adjustable energy threshold qU, where U is the retard- ing potential applied at the spectrometer. A reduction 1 In this paper we use the convention c = 1. of the magnetic field strength by about four orders of 3

FIG. 1. Working principle of the KATRIN experiment as explained in the main text. The view into the tritium source depicts three systematic effects: a) molecular excitations during β-decay, b) scattering of electrons off the gas molecules, and c) spatial distribution of the electric potential in the source Usrc(r, z). The view into the spectrometer illustrates the main background processes. Generally, unstable neutral particles (d) can enter the large spectrometer volume and decay. The resulting electrons are accelerated by qUana towards the detector, making them indistinguishable from signal electrons [14, 18]. The unstable neutral particles are either 219Rn and 220Rn emanated from the getter pumps [19, 20] or highly excited atoms sputtered off the inner spectrometer surfaces [21–23]. The sputtering mechanisms originate from both α-decays of 210Po in the structural material and a Penning trap (e), which gives rise to accelerated positive ions from the volume between the two spectrometers [24]. Note that the white pixels in the detector were excluded from analysis as they do not fulfil the ‘golden pixel’ quality criteria. The magnetic adiabatic collimation is only sketched for the case without electric field for illustration purposes. magnitudes from the entrance (exit) of the spectrome- rear wall is biased to a voltage (O(100 mV)) to minimise ter Bsource = 2.5 T (Bmax = 4.2 T) to its center, the the difference of its surface potential to that of the beam −4 analysing plane (Bana = 6.3 × 10 T), collimates the tube, which minimises the inhomogeneity of the source electron momenta. This configuration creates a narrow electric potential. filter width of ∆E = 18.6 keV · (Bana/Bmax) = 2.8 eV The rear section is equipped with an angular- and and allows for a large angular acceptance, with a max- energy-selective electron gun [36], which is used to pre- 2 imum pitch-angle for the β-decay electrons of θmax = cisely determine the scattering probability of electrons p ◦ arcsin (Bsource/Bmax) = 50.4 in the source. A 12-m with the source gas, governed by the product of col- diameter magnetic coil system surrounding the spectrom- umn density (number of molecules per cm2 along the eter fine-shapes the magnetic field and compensates the length of the source) and scattering cross section. Fur- Earth’s magnetic field [33, 34]. thermore, we use the electron gun to measure the distri- The transmitted electrons are detected by a 148-pixel bution of energy losses for 18.6 keV electrons scattering silicon PIN-diode focal-plane detector installed at the off the molecular tritium gas, providing the most precise exit of the spectrometer [35]. By measuring the count energy loss function for this process to date [37]. An- rate of transmitted electrons for a set of qU values, other key calibration source is gaseous krypton, which the integral β-decay spectrum is obtained. The main can be co-circulated with the tritium gas [38]. Mono- spectrometer is preceded by a smaller pre-spectrometer, energetic conversion electrons from the decay of the meta- which operates on the same principle and transmits only stable state 83mKr are used to determine spatial and electrons above 10 keV, to reduce the flux of electrons temporal variations of the electric potential in the tri- into the main spectrometer. The up-stream end of the tium source. The variations are caused by a weak cold- beamline is terminated with a gold-plated rear wall, magnetised plasma, which arises from the high magnetic which absorbs the non-transmitted β-electrons and de- field (2.5 T) and a large number of ions and low-energy fines the reference electric potential of the source. The electrons (≈ 1 × 1012 m−3) in the tritium source. The methods of calibration are described in more detail in Sec. VII. 2 The pitch angle refers to the angle between the electron’s mo- The beamline is equipped with multiple monitoring de- mentum and the direction of the magnetic field at the position vices. A laser Raman system continuously monitors the of the electron. gas composition, providing a measurement at the 0.1 %- 4

precision level each minute. A silicon drift detector sys- st tem, installed in the transport section, as well as a beta- Spectrum 1 campaign 1 with 1 errorbars × 50 induced X-ray system at the rear section [39], contin- 10 Spectrum 2nd campaign uously monitor the tritium activity, obtaining a result with 1 errorbars × 50 at the 0.1 %-precision level each minute. The high volt- 100 age of the main spectrometer is continuously measured at the ppm level with a high-precision voltage divider Count rate (cps) a) 10 1 system [40, 41] and an additional monitoring spectrome- ) 2.5

( b) ter [42]. The magnetic fields are determined with a high- s l precision magnetic field sensor system [43]. a 0.0 u d

After the successful commissioning of the complete i

s 2.5 Uniform Stat. Stat. and syst.

KATRIN beamline in summer 2017 [44], first tritium op- e eration was demonstrated with a small tritium activity R 5 × 108 Bq of ( ) in mid-2018 [45]. During the first neu- Ring wise spectra 2nd campaign trino mass campaign (KNM1) in 2019 [14], the source 100 with 1 errorbars × 10 was operated in a ‘burn-in’ configuration at a reduced activity of 2.5 × 1010 Bq, which is required when struc- 10 1 tural materials are exposed to high amounts of tritium for the first time. Major technical achievements of the 10 2

Count rate (cps) c) second measurement campaign (KNM2) are the oper- ation of the tritium source at its nominal activity of ) 2.5

( d)


9.5 × 10 Bq and improved vacuum conditions in the s l spectrometer [46] that led to a reduction of the back- a 0.0 u d ground by 25 % to 220 mcps. We thus increased the β- i s 2.5 Ring 3 Stat. Stat. and syst. electron-to-background ratio by a factor of 2.7 with re- e spect to the first campaign. In the last 40 eV of the inte- R e) 3.7 × 106 st gral spectrum, we collected a total number of 50 1 campaign β-electrons. Fig. 2 a) compares the spectra of both neu- 2nd campaign trino mass campaigns. A direct comparison of the exper- imental parameters is given in Tab. I. Time (h) 0 0 50 100 Retarding energy 18574 (eV) III. MEASUREMENT OF THE TRITIUM BETA SPECTRUM FIG. 2. a): Individual fits to both KATRIN measurement campaigns (KNM1 and KNM2). Here the 12 detector rings The integral β-spectrum is obtained by repeatedly are combined to a single detector area (uniform fit). The measuring the count rate Rdata(qUi) for a set of 39 graph illustrates the improvements in lower background rate, non-equidistant high voltage (HV) settings Ui, creat- higher signal strength and overall better statistics (as indi- cated by smaller error bars). b) Normalised residuals for the ing a retarding energy qUi for the electrons of charge uniform fit of the KNM2 data set. c) Simultaneous fit of the q. The retarding energy is adjusted in a range of qU ∈ (E − 300 eV,E + 135 eV) E = 18 574 eV rates measured with 12 detector rings (note that most of the i 0 0 , where 0 ring overlap) at 28 retarding energies in the KNM2 measure- is the approximate spectral endpoint. Note that for ment campaign (see main text). d) Normalised residuals for the spectral fit, only 28 of those points in the range of the fit to the data of the (exemplary) third detector ring of qUi ∈ [E0 − 40 eV,E0 + 135 eV] are used. Data points the KNM2 data set. e) Measurement time distribution for further below the endpoint are used to monitor the activ- KNM1 and KNM2. ity stability, complementing the other monitoring devices mentioned above. The time spent at each HV set-point (called scan step) varies between 17 s and 576 s and is with a reproducibility at the sub-ppm-level, these scans chosen to optimise the neutrino mass sensitivity. The to- are later combined to a single spectrum by adding the tal time to measure the rate at all 39 retarding energies counts at a given set point. (a so-called scan) is about 2 h. As can be seen in Fig. The focal-plane detector, shown as magnified inset in 2 e), the measurement time distribution (MTD) com- Fig. 1, is segmented into 148 individual pixels to ac- pensates for the steeply falling count rate towards the count for spatial variations of the electromagnetic fields endpoint and peaks at approximately 10 eV below the inside the source and spectrometer, and of the back- endpoint, where a neutrino-mass signal would be maxi- ground. Removing malfunctioning pixels and those shad- mal. Based on pre-defined experimental conditions and owed by hardware upstream, 117 pixels have been se- data quality criteria, 361 golden scans were chosen for lected. For the presented analysis these golden pixels the presented analysis. Since the HV values can be set are grouped into 12 concentric rings, resulting in 336 5

TABLE I. Comparison of key numbers for KATRIN Neutrino Mass (KNM) campaigns. KNM1 refers to the first KATRIN results [14] and KNM2 to this work. The total number of β-electrons is counted in the last 40 eV interval of the integral spectrum, which is used for the spectral fit. The β-electron-to-background ratio is given by the ratio of this number and the background counts in the same energy range, i. e. E0 − 40 eV to E0. KNM1 KNM2 Number of scans 274 361 Total scan time 521.7 h 743.7 h Background rate 290 mcps 220 mcps 17 −2 17 −2 T2 column density 1.11 × 10 cm 4.23 × 10 cm Source activity 2.5 × 1010 Bq 9.5 × 1010 Bq Total number of β-electrons 1.48 × 106 3.68 × 106 β-electron-to-background ratio 3.7 9.9

data points Rdata(qUi, rj) for i ∈ {1, . . . , nqU = 28} and transmission function to account for the non-isotropy of 3 j ∈ {1, . . . , nrings = 12} per scan. Fig. 2 c) displays the the β-electrons leaving the source . A detailed descrip- spectra for each of the 12 detector rings, where all scans tion of the spectrum calculation can be found in Ref. [49] have been combined. and in section VII.

IV. DATA ANALYSIS B. Unbiased parameter inference

2 In order to infer the neutrino mass, we fit the spectral We infer mν by fitting the experimental spectrum data with a spectrum prediction, given by an analytical Rdata(qUi, rj) with the prediction R(qUi, rj) by minimis- 2 ~ −1 ~ description of the β-decay spectrum and the experimen- ing the standard χ = RdataC R function, where C tal response function, described in the following sections. contains the variance and co-variance of the data points. 2 In addition to the neutrino mass squared, mν , the param- eters As(rj), Rbg(rj), and the effective endpoint E0(rj) A. Spectrum calculation are treated as independent parameters for the 12 detec- tor rings, leading to a total number of free parameters The prediction of the detection rate R(qUi, rj) is of 1 + 3 × 12 = 37 in the fit. The introduction of ring- given by a convolution of the differential β-decay spec- dependent parameters was chosen to allow for possible trum Rβ(E) with the experimental response function unaccounted radial effects. In particular, the effective f(E, qUi, rj), and a background rate Rbg(qUi, rj): endpoint E0(rj) could account for a possible radial de- pendence of electric potential in the source. However, the Z E0 R(qUi, rj ) = AsNT Rβ(E)f(E, qUi, rj )dE + Rbg(qUi, rj ). final fit revealed a negligible (<100 meV) radial variation qUi of the endpoint. Another advantage of ring-dependent (2) parameters is to avoid the averaging of the transmission function over all rings, which would introduce an energy Here NT is the signal normalisation calculated from the broadening, and hence reduce the resolution. number of tritium atoms in the source, the maximum The following analysis procedure was implemented to acceptance angle, and the detection efficiency. As ≈ 1 minimise the potential for human-induced biases. The is an additional normalisation factor, which is used as a full analysis is first performed on a Monte-Carlo copy free parameter in the fit. The differential β-decay spec- of each scan, simulated based on the true experimental trum Rβ(E) is given by Fermi’s theory. In the analy- parameters and with the neutrino mass set to zero. Af- sis we include radiative corrections, and the molecular ter all systematic inputs (e.g. the magnetic field values final-state distribution (FSD) [47, 48] in the differential and uncertainties) are quantified, the fit is performed on β-decay spectrum. The Doppler broadening due to the fi- the experimental data set, but with a randomly broad- nite thermal motion the tritium molecules in the source, ened molecular final-state distribution, which imposes an as well as energy broadenings due to spatial and tem- 2 unknown bias on the observable m . Only after three in- poral variations of the spectrometer and source electric ν dependent analysis teams, using different software and potential, are emulated by Gaussian broadenings of the FSD. The response function f(E, qUi, rj) includes the en- ergy losses due to scattering and synchrotron radiation 3 The angular distribution of electrons leaving the source is slightly in the high B-field regions, as well as the transmission non-isotropic, due to the pitch-angle dependence of the scattering of electrons through the main spectrometer. Compared probabilities, which arises from the pitch-angle dependence of the to previous KATRIN analyses, we now use a modified effective path lengths through the source. 6 strategies, obtained consistent results would the analysis of the true data with unmodified final-state distribution be performed. 18573.80

C. Systematic effects 18573.75

R(qU , r ) ) The analytical description i j of the integral V 18573.70 e

β ( -spectrum contains various experimental and theoreti- 0 cal parameters, such as the magnetic fields, the column E 18573.65 density, and the probability for given molecular excita- tions, which are known with a certain accuracy. Different 18573.60 techniques (based on covariance matrices, Monte-Carlo propagation, nuisance parameters, and Bayesian priors) 1 0 1 are applied to propagate these systematic uncertainties in m2 (eV2) the final result. A detailed description of these methods can be found in Sec. VII. 2 The neutrino mass result presented here is dominated FIG. 3. Distribution of fitted mν and E0 values, obtained by the statistical uncertainty. The largest systematic un- by the Monte-Carlo propagation technique (see section VII). certainties are related to background properties and the The best fit is defined as the 1D weighted median of the dis- tribution. The combined endpoint is calculated using the cor- source electric potential. First, radon decays in the main related mean of the 12 ring-wise endpoints per sample. spectrometer lead to a non-Poissonian background rate over-dispersion [20] of about 11 %, effectively increasing the statistical uncertainty. Secondly, background genera- tion mechanisms may show a retarding-potential depen- qU dence of the background, parametrize by a slope (mbg = We also perform a Bayesian analysis of the data set, with (0.00 ± 4.74) mcps/keV 2 .) . Thirdly, a removal of stored a positive flat prior on mν . The resulting Bayesian limit electrons from a known Penning trap between the spec- at 90 % credibility is mν < 0.85 eV. trometers [24] after each scan step can lead to a slowly tscan increasing background rate (mbg = (3 ± 3) µcps/s) and The ring-averaged, fitted effective endpoint is E0 = thus to a scan-step-duration-dependent background con- (18 573.69 ± 0.03) eV. Taking into account the center- tribution. Finally, spatial and temporal variations of the of-mass molecular recoil of T2 (1.72 eV), as well as the source electric potential modify the spectral shape and absolute electric source potential φWGTS (σ(φWGTS) = therefore lead to a relevant systematic uncertainty for 0.6 V) and the work function of the main spectrom- the neutrino mass measurement. The impact of all sys- eter φMS (σ(φMS) = 0.06 eV), we find a Q-value of tematic effects on the neutrino mass is listed in Tab. II (18 575.2 ± 0.6) eV, which is consistent with the previous and described in detail in Sec. VII. KATRIN neutrino-mass campaign ((18 575.2 ± 0.5) eV [45]) and the calculated Q-value from the 3He−3H atomic mass difference of (18 575.72 ± 0.07) eV [52]. The good V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION agreement underlines the stability and accuracy of the absolute energy scale of the apparatus. The χ2 minimisation reveals an excellent goodness of fit with a χ2 per degree of freedom of 0.9, corresponding We combined the neutrino-mass results from this work to a p-value of 0.8. For the best fit of the squared neutrino with the previously published KATRIN (KNM1) re- 2 +0.34 2 mass we find mν = 0.26−0.34eV , see Fig. 3. The inde- sult [45]. A simultaneous fit of both data sets yields 2 2 pendent analysis methods agree within about 5 % per- mν = (0.1 ± 0.3) eV and a corresponding upper limit cent of the total uncertainty. The total uncertainty on of mν < 0.8 eV at 90 % CL, based on Lokhov-Tkachov the fit is dominated by the statistical error followed by or the Feldman-Cousins technique. The same result is 2 uncertainties of background parameters and the source obtained when multiplying the mν distributions from electric potential. The full breakdown of uncertainties Monte-Carlo propagation, or adding the χ2 profile of can be found in Tab. II. the individual fits. As both data sets are statistics- Based on the best-fit result we obtain an upper limit dominated, correlated systematic uncertainties between of mν < 0.9 eV at 90 % CL, using the Lokhov-Tkachov both campaigns are negligible. Furthermore, we inves- method [50]. The Feldman-Cousins technique [51] yields tigated a Bayesian combination, where the KNM1 pos- 2 the same limit for the obtained best fit. This result is terior distribution of mν is used as prior for the KNM2 slightly higher than the sensitivity of 0.7 eV, due to the analysis, yielding consistent results. More details on the positive fit value, which is consistent with a ≈ 0.8σ sta- combined analyses can be found in the supplementary tistical fluctuation assuming a true neutrino mass of zero. material. 7

TABLE II. Breakdown of uncertainties of the neutrino-mass-squared best fit, sorted by size. The uncertainties of the individual systematic effects are quoted in the main text. 2 2 Effect 68.2 % CL uncertainty on mν (eV ) Statistical 0.29 Non-Poissonian background 0.11 Source-potential variations 0.09 Scan-step-duration-dependent background 0.07 qU-dependent background 0.06 Magnetic fields 0.04 Molecular final-state distribution 0.02 Column density × inelastic scat. cross-section 0.01 Activity fluctuations 0.01 Energy-loss function < 0.01 Detector efficiency < 0.01 Theoretical corrections < 0.01 High voltage stability and reproducibility < 0.01 Total uncertainty 0.34


Los Alamos (91) The second neutrino-mass measurement campaign of Tokyo (91) KATRIN, presented here, is the first direct neutrino- Zürich (92) mass measurement reaching sub-eV sensitivity (0.7 eV at Mainz (93) 90 % CL). Combined with the first campaign we set an Beijing (93) improved upper limit of mν < 0.8 eV (90 % CL). We Livermore (95) therefore have narrowed down the allowed range of quasi- Troitsk (95) degenerate neutrino-mass models and we have provided Mainz (99) model-independent information about the neutrino mass, Troitsk (99) which allows the testing of non-standard cosmological Mainz (05) models [64, 65]. Fig. 4 displays the evolution of best-fit m2 results from historical neutrino-mass measurements Troitsk (11) ν up to the present day. KATRIN (19) Compared to its previous measurement campaign, the KATRIN (21) KATRIN experiment has decreased the statistical and KATRIN (comb.) systematic uncertainties by about a factor of three and 8 6 4 2 0 2 two, respectively. With the total planned measurement time of 1000 days, the total statistics of KATRIN will 200 100 0 2 2 be increased by another factor of 50. A reduction of Best fit m (eV ) the background rate by a factor of two will be achieved by an optimised electromagnetic field design of the spec- FIG. 4. Comparison of best-fit values and uncertainties with trometer section. Moreover, by eliminating the radon- previous neutrino mass experiments. References: Los Alamos and Penning-trap-induced background, the background- 91 [53], Tokyo 91 [54], Zürich 92 [55], Mainz 93 [56], Beijing 93 related systematic effects are expected to be significantly [57], Livermore 95 [58], Troitsk 95 [59], Mainz 99 [60], Troitsk reduced. Together with a new high-rate krypton calibra- 99 [61], Mainz 05 [62], Troitsk 11 [63], KATRIN 19 [14, 15], tion scheme and a new method to improve the determina- KATRIN 21: this work, KATRIN combined: KATRIN 19 tion of the magnetic fields we will minimise the dominant combined with KATRIN 21. systematic uncertainties to reach the target sensitivity of 2 mν in the vicinity of 0.2 eV. High-precision β-spectroscopy with the KATRIN ex- periment has proven to be a powerful means to probe the neutrino mass with unprecedented sensitivity and to explore physics beyond the Standard Model, such as ster- ile neutrinos [66]. Together with cosmological probes and searches for neutrinoless double β-decay[67], the upcom- ing KATRIN data will play a key role in measuring the neutrino mass parameters. 8

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D 68, significant fraction of about 20 % of all electrons imping- 033020, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.68.033020 (2003). hep- ing on the detector surface are backscattered. For low 11 retarding potentials and small energy depositions in the maximum kinetic energy of the electron, in case of zero detector, these backscattered electrons have a chance of neutrino mass, and Vf describe the molecular excitation remaining undetected by overcoming the retarding po- energies, which are populated with the probabilities ζf . tential a second time in the direction towards the tri- E and me denote the kinetic energy and mass of the β- tium source. The lower qUi, the higher is the probability electron, respectively. for lost electrons, effectively changing the detection effi- Beyond the molecular effects, further theoretical cor- ciency. Based on Monte Carlo simulations, we estimate rections arise on the atomic and nuclear level [69]. Rele- the efficiency reduction to be δBS < 0.001 at E0 − 1 keV. vant for this analysis are only the radiative corrections to We neglect this effect in this analysis. Systematic uncer- the differential spectrum, which are included in the ana- tainties related to the efficiency corrections are negligibly lytical description, but not shown here. Furthermore, we small for the presented analysis, which only considers the emulate the effect of Doppler broadening as well as spa- last 40 eV of the tritium spectrum. tial and temporal source and spectrometer electric poten- b. Selection of golden pixels and scans The detec- tial variations, by broadening the final state distribution tor is segmented into 148 pixels of equal area. For the with a Gaussian distribution. analysis 117 pixels have been chosen. The rejected pix- The experimental response function els show undesirable characteristics such as broadened Z E−qU Z θmax energy resolution, higher noise levels, or decreased rate f(E − qU) = T (E − , θ, U) sin θ due to misalignment of the beam-line with respect to the =0 θ=0 X (4) magnetic flux tube. · Ps(θ) fs() dθ d . Out of the 397 scans recorded, 361 passed a strict qual- s ity assessment and were included in the neutrino mass analysis. The other runs were rejected for reasons of depicts the probability of an electron with a starting E failed set-points of spectrometer electrodes and down- energy to reach the detector. It combines the transmis- T (E−, θ, U) time of the Laser Raman system. The golden pixel and sion function of the main spectrometer and  run selection is performed prior to the unblinding of the the electron’s energy losses due to inelastic scattering data. with the tritium molecules in the source. The scattering s c. Data combination The 117 golden pixels are energy losses are described by the product of the -fold P (θ) grouped into 12 detector rings and the detector counts scattering probabilities s , which depend on the path θ recorded within each ring are summed to obtain 12 in- length through the source and hence on the pitch angle , f () dependent spectra. All golden scans are combined by and the energy-loss function s for a given number of s adding the counts recorded at the same retarding ener- scatterings . The energy-loss function is determined ex- gies. This method leads to a total number of data points perimentally with the electron gun installed at the rear of the source. A typical response function and correspond- of ndata = nqU × nrings = 336. ing energy loss function is shown in Fig. 5. The integrated transmission function for an isotropic B. Spectrum calculation source of electrons is given by

In order to infer the neutrino mass, the integral spec- Z θmax T (E,U) = T (E, θ, U) · sin θ dθ (5) trum is fitted with the analytical spectrum calculation θ=0 including the experimental response. As can be seen in  0 ,  < 0 Eq. (2), the theoretical spectrum is composed of the dif-  q  1 − 1 − E−qU Bsource 2 , 0 ≤ E − qU ≤ ∆E ferential tritium spectrum Rβ(E) and the experimental = E Bana γ+1 . f(E, qU )  q B response function i . The differential spectrum is  1 − 1 − source ,E − qU > ∆E given by Bmax (6)

2 2 It is governed by the magnetic fields at the starting GF cos ΘC 2 0 Rβ(E) = |Mnucl| F (E,Z = 2) position Bsource of the electron, the maximum field Bmax 2π3 q in the beam line, and the magnetic field in the spectrom- 2 2 · (E + me) (E + me) − me eter’s analysing plane Bana. Synchrotron energy losses of q β-electrons in the high magnetic field in the source and X 2 2 · ζf εf (E) εf (E) − mν Θ(εf (E) − mν ). transport systems are included as an analytical correc- f tion to the transmission function (not shown here). (3)

2 C. Systematic uncertainties with GF denoting the Fermi constant, cos ΘC the 2 Cabibbo angle, |Mnucl| the energy-independent nuclear 0 matrix element, and F (E,Z = 2) the Fermi function. The analytical description R(qUi, rj) of the integral β- While, εf (E) = E0 − Vf − E, where E0 denotes the spectrum, shown in Eq. (2), contains various signal- and 12

TABLE III. Overview of key figures for the second neutrino mass measurement campaign. When value and uncertainty ∗ are both given in %, then the statement is understood as (value ± uncertainty) %. The analysis interval refers to qUi ∈ (E0 − 40 eV,E0 + 135 eV). Value Uncertainty Average source parameters Column density 4.23 × 1017 cm−2 0.25 % Source activity 9.5 × 1010 Bq - Relative activity variation within scan 3.5 × 10−4 - Atomic tritium purity 0.987 0.003 Concentration T2 0.973 0.005 Concentration DT 0.0031 0.0004 Concentration HT 0.023 0.004 Source temperature 30.065 K 0.001 K Final state distribution Probability to decay to the ground state 57 % 1 % Variance of ground state distribution 0.2 eV2 0.5 % Variance of FSD in analysis interval∗ 185.2 eV2 1.2 % Source plasma parameters 2 −3 2 −3 2 Variance σP 12.4 × 10 eV 16.1 × 10 eV Rear-to-front asymmetry parameter ∆P 0 meV 61 meV Average magnetic fields Source 2.52 T 1.7 % Analysing plane 6.308 × 10−4 T 1.0 % Maximum 4.239 T 0.1 % Spectrometer parameters Background 220 mcps 0.8 mcps Background increase during scan step 3 µcps/s 3 µcps/s Background qU linear dependence 0 mpcs/keV 4.74 mpcs/keV Non-Poissonian background 11.2 % - High voltage stability and reproducibility 13.5 meV 0.8 meV Detector parameters Detector efficiency > 95 % - Region of Interest (ROI) 14 − 32 keV - −3 Detector efficiency qU reduction (ROI) 2 × 10 (1 keV below E0) 0.16 % −4 Detector efficiency qU reduction (pile up) 2 × 10 (1 keV below E0) 18 % background-related parameters, which are known with carriers, as well as the fraction of scattered electrons, a certain accuracy. In the following we describe these increased accordingly, which makes plasma effects more parameters, their uncertainties, and their treatment in relevant [12, 70, 71]. A detailed description of the plasma the neutrino mass analysis. calibration is given in Sec. VII D. a. Signal-related systematic effects The spectrum b. Background-related systematic effects Electrons prediction includes uncertainties of the nine parame- created in a radon decay in the main spectrometer volume ters of the empirical energy loss function (the individual can initially be magnetically trapped. These trapped relative uncertainties of the parameters σeloss,k are be- electrons can create a cluster of 10 - 100 secondary tween 0.016 % and 3.8 %), a relative uncertainty of the electrons [20] by scattering off the residual gas in the product of column density and scattering cross-section main spectrometer, which is operated at a pressure of −11 (σρd×σ = 0.25 %), relative uncertainties of the theo- 10 mbar. These secondary electrons arrive at the retical description of the molecular final-state distribu- detector within a time window of about 1000 s, hence tion (σFSD = O(1 %)), and relative uncertainties of the leading to a non-Poissonian rate distribution. The ob- magnetic field in the source (σBsource = 1.7 %), in the served background rate can be modelled by a Gaussian analysing plane (σBana = 1 %), and the maximal field distribution, with a width 11.2 % wider than expected

(σBmax = 0.1 %). The variations of the β-decay activity from a purely Poisson distribution. This overdispersion during a scan (σscan = 0.03 %) were negligibly small. is treated as an increased statistical uncertainty in the The spatial and temporal variations of the source elec- analysis. tric potential were not included in the first neutrino mass As the transmission conditions for the background elec- campaign. With the increase of the source column den- trons slightly depend on the retarding-potential setting, a sity from 1.11 × 1017 cm−2 to 4.23 × 1017 cm−2 in this small retarding-potential dependence of the background campaign, the creation rates and densities of the charge can occur. In the analysis, we allow for a linear depen- 13

D. Source Potential Calibration

1.0 The absolute electric potential of the source does not 0.8 affect the spectral shape of the measured spectrum. An unknown absolute source potential is largely absorbed by 0.6 e-gun measurement the effective endpoint, which is a free parameter in the fit. d = 4.2 1017 cm 2 A change of the effective endpoint mostly leads to a shift 0.4 Response function of the spectrum and has a negligible effect on the spectral for e-gun electrons

Response fcn. 0.2 shape. Accordingly, an unknown radial variation of the Response function for -decay electrons electric potential is in good approximation absorbed by 0.0 the ring-wise endpoint parameters. Consequently, these 0.3 Energy loss function effect have a minor impact on the neutrino mass analysis. (single scattering) However, any temporal or longitudinal variations of the 0.2 Energy loss function (multiple scattering) source potential can lead to spectral distortions, which 0.1 are parameterised by a Gaussian broadening σP and the 0.0 parameter ∆P which quantifies the longitudinal rear-to- Energy loss fcn. 0 5 10 20 50 100 200 front asymmetry of the electric potential of the source. Surplus energy (eV) This asymmetry of the potential results in a shift of the energy spectrum associated with scattered electrons (pre- FIG. 5. (Top) Electron-gun rate from multiple measure- dominantly originating from the rear of the source tube) ments at four surplus energies (yellow circles) and fitted re- compared to the spectrum of the unscattered electrons sponse function of the electron-gun electrons (blue line) which (predominantly originating from the front of the source start at the rear of the source for the best-fit column den- tube). 17 −2 sity of ρd = 4.2 × 10 cm for that specific measurement. Both parameters are assessed with the help of co- The green-dashed line illustrates the response function of the circulating 83mKr gas. The spectroscopy of its mono- beta-decay electrons starting inside of the gaseous tritium energetic conversion electron lines reveals information source for the average column density during the neutrino about the broadening σP of the line shape, from which mass measurement campaign of ρd = 4.2 × 1017 cm−2. (Bot- an upper limit of ∆P is derived. tom) Energy-loss function for a single scattering process (red- dotted line) and multiple scatterings (blue line) as they occur The calibration was performed at an elevated source for the measured ρd value. temperature of T = 80 K to prevent condensation of the Kr gas (as compared to the T = 30 K set-point used during neutrino-mass measurements). The tritium cir- dence of the background on the retarding potential and culation loop of the tritium source [73] can be oper- use dedicated test measurements to constrain the possi- ated in two modes, a) in a mode with direct-recycling of qU ble slope to m = (0.00 ± 4.74) mcps/keV. the krypton-tritium mixture which is limited to a maxi- bg 40 % 2.08 × 1017 cm−2 Finally, the pre- and main spectrometers, being both mum column density of ( ), but de- operated at high voltage, create a Penning trap between livers a high krypton rate, and b) in a mode of frac- 75 % them. Stored electrons and the subsequently produced tional direct-recycling which can be operated up to 3.75 × 1017 cm−2 positive ions, which can escape the trap into the main ( ) of the nominal column density, but 0.5 % spectrometer, are a source of background, as illustrated with only about of the maximum krypton activity in Fig. 1. To mitigate this background, the trap is emp- as compared to mode a). tied with an electron-catcher system [72] after each scan The plasma parameters are inferred by combining step. However, a potentially small increase of the back- the measurements of the internal conversion lines N2,3- 32 and L3-32. The energy of the conversion elec- ground rate within a scan step cannot be excluded, which 83m could lead to a background dependence on the dura- trons, emitted from a particular subshell of the Kr tion of the scan step. By fitting a linear increase to atom, is 30 472.6 eV for the L3-32 singlet and 32 137.1 eV the rate evolution within all scan steps we find a slope (32 137.8 eV) for the N2,3-32 doublet [74]. The L3-32- tscan line, on the one hand, has a high intensity, but its nat- of mbg = (3 ± 3) µcps/s, which is included in the β- 4 ural line width is not known precisely [75]. The N2,3- spectrum fit . 32-lines, on the other hand, have a low intensity, but their natural line width is negligible compared to a spec- tral broadening caused by variations of the electric po- tential. Thus, any broadening of the N2,3-32-lines be- 4 This effect was first observed in later measurement campaigns, in which the scan-step duration was significantly increased. It was yond the known spectrometer resolution and the ther- therefore only included after the data was already un-blinded to mal Doppler broadening can be assigned to variations a sub-group of the collaboration. As the evaluation of the size of of the electric potential within the source. Based on the this uncertainty was provided by an independent task group of N2,3-32-line doublet measurement at 40 % of the nominal the collaboration, the reported result remains bias-free. 2 −3 2 column density we find σP(40 %) = (1.4 ± 0.3) 10 eV 14

×10 7 E. Parameter inference 80 N Data 3 1.2 Fit result We infer the parameters of interest via a minimisation Differential 1.0 2 60 spectrum of the χ function

N2 0.8 40 T 0.6 2   χ = R~ data(qU,~ ~r) − R~(qU,~ ~r|Θ~ , ~η) 0.4   (7) Count rate (cps) 20 −1 · C R~ data(qU,~ ~r) − R~(qU,~ ~r|Θ~ , ~η) , 0.2 Differential rate (cps/eV) 0 0.0 ~ ~ where Rdata(qU, ~r) gives the measured count rates at a 32132 32134 32136 32138 32140 ~ ~ retarding potential qUi for the detector ring rj, R(qU, ~r) Retarding energy (eV) gives the predictions of these rate, and C is the covariance matrix that includes the statistical uncertainties and can 83m FIG. 6. N2/N3 doublet (internal conversion lines of Kr) be used to also describe systematic uncertainties. The at 40 % of the nominal column density for a sample data spec- usage of a χ2 minimisation is justified, as the numbers trum. The visible width of the integrated spectrum is dom- of electrons per scan-step qUi and detector ring rj are inated be the energy resolution. The differential line width 2 sufficiently large (> 700) to be described by a Gaussian represents the broadening by fitted σP only. The Doppler line width from the thermal movement of the Kr atoms is not dis- distribution, instead of a Poisson distribution. 2 ~ played. The goodness-of-fit is χ /ndof = 68.2/52 = 1.3 and The fit has 1 + 3 × 12 = 37 free parameters Θ, includ- −2 2 the p-value is 6.6 × 10 . ing a single parameter for the neutrino mass squared mν , and 12 ring-wise values for each of the three spectral pa- rameters: the normalisation factor As, the background rate Rbg, and the effective endpoint E0. In addition, (See Fig. 6). Combined with L3-32-line measurements the spectrum depends on systematic parameters ~η (as both at 40 % and 75 % of the nominal column den- found in Tab. III), such as the column density, tritium sity, we assess the relative change of the broadening isotopologue concentrations, magnetic fields, etc. These 2 −3 2 and find σP(75 %) = (8.0 ± 8.2) 10 eV . Finally, we parameters are known with a certain accuracy and their conservatively extrapolate with exponential scaling this uncertainty needs to be propagated to the final neutrino value to 84 % of the nominal column density, leading to mass result. Four different methods are used for the KA- 2 −3 2 5 σP(84 %) = (12.4 ± 16.1) 10 eV . TRIN analysis: a. Pull method In the ‘pull method’ the systematic In the analysis, we limit the broadening σP to positive parameters ηi are treated as free parameters in the fit values. We construct the probability density function of and introduced as nuisance terms in the χ2 function the asymmetry parameter ∆P based on phenomenologi- cal considerations on the relation of both plasma param-  2 2 2 X ηˆi − ηi eters given by |∆P| ≤ σP/1.3 [76]. For many samples of χ (Θ~ , ~η) = χ (Θ~ , ~η) + . (8) 2 ση σP we draw a value for ∆P from a uniform distribution in i i the range −σP/1.3 ≤ ∆P ≤ σP/1.3. The resulting distri- bution can be approximated by a Gaussian distribution The nuisance terms allow the parameter to vary around centred around 0 meV with a width of 61 meV. its best estimation ηˆi according to its uncertainty σηi as determined from external measurements We expect to reduce the systematic uncertainties in This method is computationally intensive due to the future campaigns by operating the tritium source at the complexity in calculating the tritium spectrum and the same temperature during the neutrino-mass and kryp- minimisation with respect to multiple free parameters. ton measurements, and by using an ultra-high intensity For example, it is not practical to treat the uncertainties krypton source (with about 10 GBq of the 83Rb mother of the molecular final state distribution, which is given isotope), which will make the N2,3-32-line measurement as a discrete list of excitation energies and correspond- possible at nominal column density (mode b). ing probabilities, with this method. The advantage of this method is that we make the maximum use of the data. If the spectral data contain information about the systematic parameters ~η, it is automatically taken into account.

5 b. Covariance matrix method As can be seen in The plasma parameters and uncertainties based on the calibra- 2 tion measurements at 80 K cover the conditions during the neu- Eq. (VII E), the standard χ estimator includes a covari- trino mass measurements at 30 K. The effect by the different ance matrix C which can describe both the statistical temperatures is smaller than the assumed uncertainty. For fu- and systematic model uncertainties. The diagonal en- ture campaigns the tritium source is operated at 80 K. tries describe the uncertainties which are uncorrelated 15 for each R(qUi, rj), while the off-diagonal terms describe ally expensive spectrum calculation and the fact that the the correlated uncertainties between the R(qUi, rj). The Bayesian inference requires a large number of samples in covariance matrix C is computed by simulating O(104) the Markov chain for sampling the posterior distribution, β-spectra, with the systematic parameters ηi varied ac- only the qU-dependent background is currently treated cording to their probability density functions in each in this way. All other systematic uncertainties are in- spectrum. From the resulting set of spectra, the vari- cluded with a covariance matrix in the likelihood or by ance and covariance of the spectral points R(qUi, rj) are model variation (MV). For the MV, a large set of Markov determined. Chains is started with randomized but fixed model varia- As the covariance matrices for individual or com- tions. The randomisations are drawn from the systematic bined systematic effects are computed before fitting, this uncertainty distributions. The resulting set of posterior method is efficient with respect to computational costs. distributions is averaged. The dimension of the covariance matrix is given by the number of data points. Therefore, the efforts for matrix calculation and inversion can be diminished by reducing F. Limit Setting the number of data points. c. Monte-Carlo propagation method Generally, in We present two frequentist methods and one Bayesian the Monte-Carlo (MC) propagation technique, the uncer- method for the construction of an upper limit of the neu- tainties of the parameters ηi are propagated by repeating 5 trino mass. For the former we use the classical Feldman- the fit about 10 times, with the systematic parameters Cousins [51] and the Lokhov-Tkachov [50] belt construc- varied according to their probability density functions tions depicted in Fig. 7. In the Feldman-Cousins tech- each time. The method then returns the distributions of m2 ~ nique the acceptance region for b ν is determined by the fit parameters Θ, which reflect the uncertainty of the ordering this estimator according to the likelihood ra- 2 2 systematic parameters. L(mb ν | mν ) tio 2 2 for a given best-fit neutrino mass More precisely, when assessing the systematic effects L(mb ν | max(0, mb ν )) 2 alone, a MC spectrum without statistical fluctuations is squared mν . This method leads to more stringent up- created (based on the best fit parameters), which is then per limits for increasingly negative best-fit values. The fitted 105 times with a model, which systematic param- method of Lokhov-Tkachov avoids this feature by using eters of interest are varied each time. Contrarily, when the standard Neyman belt-construction for positive val- 5 2 evaluating the statistical uncertainty alone, 10 statisti- ues of mν and defining the experimental sensitivity as b 2 cally randomized MC spectra are created and fitted with the upper limit in the non-physical regime of mb ν < 0. a constant model. Accordingly, for obtaining the total The Bayesian 90 % credibility interval is obtained by 2 uncertainty, both steps are combined. integrating the posterior distribution of mν from zero to 2 limit To extract information on the parameters ~η from the mν , such that the total probability is 90 % as demon- data itself, each entry in the resulting histogram of best strated in Fig. 8. Note that the interpretation of the limit fit parameters is weighted with the likelihood of the corre- obtained in this way is different from the frequentist con- sponding fit. The final distributions are then used to es- fidence limits and hence the numerical values may not timate the best-fit values (mode of the distribution) and coincide. uncertainty (integration of the distribution up to 16 % from both side). The advantage of this method is that the number of G. Results of individual strategies free parameters is kept at a minimum, which facilitates the minimisation procedure. The larger number of fits, The frequentist analyses are performed by three inde- however, is time consuming and requires the usage of pendent teams, which use differing implementations of large computing clusters. the spectral calculation and different strategies to prop- d. Bayesian Inference In Bayesian inference one agate systematic uncertainties. A Bayesian analysis is computes the posterior probability for the parameters ~ performed, which interfaces to one of the spectrum cal- of interest Θ from a prior probability and a likelihood culation softwares. The analysis by independent teams function according to Bayes’ theorem. For the KATRIN is a powerful means to cross-check individual analyses. analysis, the Bayesian approach has the advantage that The following four data analysis strategies were applied prior knowledge on the neutrino mass can naturally be to the second data set of KATRIN. applied via a corresponding informative prior. For exam- 2 ple, the prior of mν can be chosen to be flat and positive, • Strategy 1 is based on a C++ framework [77] us- which restricts the posterior distribution to the physi- ing the Minuit minimiser. It employs mainly the cally allowed regime and changes the credibility interval pull method for handling of systematics. We note accordingly. that for the presented analysis, the input value Ideally, all systematic effects ηi would be included as for the ‘scan-step-duration-dependent background’ free parameters constrained with our prior knowledge was corrected after the official unblinding of the on the parameter. However, due to the computation- data. 16

model variation (MV) technique. 1.0 Lokhov-Tkachov Feldman-Cousins An overview of the strategies is found in Tab. IV. The 2 2 resulting best fit and systematic uncertainty breakdown 0.8 m 0.8 eV )

2 m 0.9 eV are listed in Tab. V. V e 2 (

0.6 V 2 e


2 e . u 0

0.4 r T =

We acknowledge the support of Helmholtz As- 2

m sociation (HGF), Ministry for Education and Re- 0.2 search BMBF (05A17PM3, 05A17PX3, 05A17VK2, 05A17PDA, and 05A17WO3), Helmholtz Alliance for As- 0.0 troparticle Physics (HAP), the doctoral school KSETA 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 at KIT, and Helmholtz Young Investigator Group 2 2 Measured m (eV ) (VH-NG-1055), Max Planck Research Group (Max- Planck@TUM), and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft FIG. 7. Frequentist bounds on the neutrino mass for DFG (Research Training Groups Grants No., GRK 1694 the KNM2 dataset by using the constructions by Lokhov- and GRK 2149, Graduate School Grant No. GSC Tkachov[50] and Feldman-Cousins [51]. 1085-KSETA, and SFB-1258 in Germany; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (CANAM-LM2015056, LTT19005) in the Czech Republic; Ministry of Science Posterior 0.0150 and Higher Education of the Russian Federation un-

) 90 % C.I. der contract 075-15-2020-778; and the Department of a t

a 0.0125 Energy through grants DE-FG02-97ER41020, DE-FG02- d

| 94ER40818, DE-SC0004036, DE-FG02-97ER41033, DE-

2 0.0100 FG02-97ER41041, DE-SC0011091 and DE-SC0019304 m ( and the Federal Prime Agreement DE-AC02-05CH11231 y t

i 0.0075 l i m2 0.73 eV2 in the United States. This project has received funding b

a from the European Research Council (ERC) under the

b 0.0050

o European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation r P 0.0025 programme (grant agreement No. 852845). We thank the computing cluster support at the Institute for As- 0.0000 troparticle Physics at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2 2 Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF), m (eV ) and National Energy Research Scientific Computing Cen- ter (NERSC) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. 2 FIG. 8. Posterior distribution of mν in the Bayesian analysis with a flat positive prior.

• Strategy 2 is implemented in a MATLAB frame- work and exclusively uses the covariance ma- trix approach to propagate systematic uncertain- ties [78]. We note that for the presented analy- sis, the ‘scan-step-duration-dependent background’ systematic was implemented only after the official unblinding of the data.

• Strategy 3 is based on a C++ framework using a custom-developed minimiser [79, 80]. In this strat- egy mostly the MC-propagation of uncertainties is applied.

• Strategy 4 performs a Bayesian interpretation of the data. For this approach the spectrum calcula- tion software of ‘strategy 3’ is interfaced with the Bayesian Analysis Toolkit (BAT) [81]. Here, most of the systematic uncertainties are treated via the 17

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION KATRIN data (2nd campaign) KATRIN data (1st campaign) VIII. COMBINED ANALYSIS OF FIRST AND nd SECOND NEUTRINO MASS CAMPAIGN 101 Fit result (2 campaign) Fit result (1st campaign)

The 1000 days of total measurement time of the KA- TRIN experiment will be distributed within 15-20 indi- 100 vidual measurement campaigns. The experimental pa- Count rate (cps) rameters will not be constant over all these campaigns, as a) the systematic uncertainties are reduced and the exper- 10 1 ) imental performance is improved (e.g. the background b) (

2.5 Stat. Stat. and syst. s

rate will be lowered) with time. Nevertheless, all individ- l a ual campaigns need to be combined eventually to achieve u 0.0 d i the full statistical power. s e

R 2.5 c) A. Combination of individual results 50

2 One approach is to simply multiply the mν distribu- (h) Time tions obtained with MC-propagation of the individual 0 40 20 0 20 40 measurement phases. As the uncertainties of the first Retarding energy 18574 (eV) and second neutrino mass campaigns are still largely sta- tistically dominated and the main systematic uncertain- ties are uncorrelated, this method is well justified for the FIG. 9. Simultaneous fit to the data of both the neutrino combination presented here. The best fit, obtained from mass campaigns (KNM1 in green and KNM2 in blue) where 2 2 the measured rates of the 12 detector rings are combined to the combined distribution is mν = (0.11 ± 0.34) eV . As- 2 a single detector area (uniform fit) in both campaigns. The suming a symmetric Gaussian distribution of mν , we de- 2 2 combined best fit result is mν = (0.08 ± 0.32) eV . b) Nor- rive an upper limit of mν < 0.81 eV ( 90 % C.L). Adding 2 malised residuals for the fit to the data. c) Measurement time the χ -profiles of the individual fits leads to statistically distribution for KNM1 and KNM2. Both have 28 scan steps consistent results. with slightly differing retarding energies. The most sensitive region of the spectrum where most of the measurement time is spent is shifted slightly to higher energies in the KNM2 B. Simultaneous fit of the both neutrino mass campaign due to the improved signal to background. campaigns

Another way, to combine both data sets, is by perform- sets of systematic parameters, while ~ηc illustrates the set ing a simultaneous fit of both data sets with a common of common systematic parameters. The neutrino mass 2 2 neutrino mass. The first and second neutrino mass cam- squared mν is a common parameter of both χ functions. paigns were performed under different experimental con- For a simultaneous fit the number of free parameters ditions, e.g. the column density was increased by a factor and data points increases by about a factor of two com- of four and the background level was reduced by 25 % in pared to the fit of a single measurement campaign, which the second campaign. Correspondingly, the systematic makes the minimisation computationally challenging and parameters and their uncertainties are partly different in prone to numerical noise. To simplify the problem, we the two campaigns. As a consequence, the data of the choose for this analysis to group the detector rings to one two campaigns cannot be described with a single effec- effective detector area (uniform fit), reducing the number tive spectrum prediction. Nevertheless, a simultaneous of free parameters to nfree = 33 and the number of data fit of both data sets can be performed by extending the points to ndata = 56. 2 χ function to With respect to the stand-alone first neutrino mass analysis as presented in [15], the spectrum calculation χ2(m2 , Θ~ , Θ~ , ~η , ~η , ~η ) = ν p1 p2 p1 p2 c has been slightly improved. It now includes the trans- 2 2 ~ 2 2 ~ χ (mν , Θp1, ~ηp1, ~ηc) + χ (mν , Θp2, ~ηp2, ~ηc) + pull terms mission function for non-isotropic electrons, an improved (9) parametrisation of the energy loss function, and a re- duced uncertainty on the magnetic fields and column ~ ~ where Θp1 and Θp2 depict the endpoint, background, density. Finally, a possible Penning-trap induced time- and normalisation of the first (p1) and second (p2) mea- dependent background, as described in the main text, surement period. These parameters can be different in is included. A re-analysis of the first neutrino mass 2 the two measurement phases, as the experimental con- data with these new inputs reveals a best fit of mν = +0.9 2 ditions are changed. ~ηp1 and ~ηp2 correspond to the two −1.0−1.0 eV and an upper limit of mν < 1.1 eV at 90 % 18

0.025 In complement to the standard goodness-of-fit, we per- Prior (1st campaign) form the Parameter-Goodness-of-Fit (PGoF) test [82] to

) and 90 % C.I. assess the compatibility of KNM1 and KNM2 data sets. a 0.020 t

a Posterior This test quantifies the penalty of combining the data d

and 90 % C.I. | sets compared to fitting them independently. We find

2 0.015 a PGoF probability of 17 % reflecting a good agreement m ( between the two statistically independent data sets. y t i l

i 0.010 b 2 2 a m 0.54 eV b o r 0.005 C. Bayesian combination of both neutrino mass P campaigns

0.000 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Another way of combining different neutrino mass m2 (eV2) measurement campaigns is by using the posterior dis- tribution of one campaign as prior information for the other campaign. In this procedure, correlations between m2 FIG. 10. Posterior distributions of the observable ν . The the data sets are neglected. prior distribution for the KNM2 analysis (green) [15] is the posterior distribution from the KNM1 analysis. The resulting For the analysis of the first neutrino mass measure- posterior distribution for the second campaign is shown in ment campaign, we use the result published in [72], which blue. includes the five major systematic effects. The result- 2 ing posterior distribution for mν , displayed in Fig. 8, is 2 then used as prior distribution of mν for the analysis of C.L. These values are in good (10 %) agreement with re- the second neutrino mass measurement campaign, which spect to the published result in [14]. is otherwise performed with the same procedure as the The fit to both data sets is shown in Fig. 9. The stand-alone analysis. 2 2 χ /ndof = 51.7/49 = 1.1 indicates excellent agreement of The central value is found to be mν = the model to the data. The final result of the combined (0.06 ± 0.32) eV2. The corresponding 90 % credible 2 2 2 fit reveals mν = (0.08 ± 0.32) eV and a corresponding interval from a positive prior on mν corresponds to a upper limit of mν < 0.76 eV (90 % CL). Bayesian limit of mν < 0.72 eV, as illustrated in Fig. 10. 19

TABLE IV. Overview of the analysis strategies. Abbreviations: pseudo-ring: combination of three detector rings; PT = Pull term method; MC = Monte-Carlo propagation method; CM = Covariance matrix method; MV = Model variation method; param. prior = using a Bayesian prior according to parameter uncertainties. The non-Poissionan background is included as an additional statistical (stat) error. Item Strategy 1 (Pull term) 2 (Cov. matrix) 3 (MC prop.) 4 (Bayesian) Minimisation χ2 χ2 χ2 posterior Detector pixel combination 12 rings 4 pseudo-rings 12 rings 4 pseudo-rings Scan combination stacking stacking stacking stacking Non-Poissonian background stat stat stat stat Source potential variations PT CM MC MV Scan step-duration-dependent background PT CM MC MV qU-dependent background PT CM MC param. prior Magnetic fields PT CM MC MV Molecular final-state distribution CM CM MC CM Column density × cross-section PT CM MC MV Scan step fluctuations CM CM CM CM Energy loss PT CM MC MV Detector efficiency - CM - - Theoretical corrections - CM - - High voltage fluctuations - CM - -

TABLE V. Breakdown of uncertainties of the neutrino mass best fit for each analysis. Strategy 1, 2, and 4 obtain the systematic uncertainty by quadratically subtracting the statistical error from the total uncertainty, while strategy 3 assesses the systematic uncertainty directly. Strategy 4 estimates the impact of individual systematic uncertainties in fits in which all detector pixels are combined, while the other strategies use a (pseudo-)ring-dependent fit (as explained in the main text). Differences in the second digit mainly arise from numerical effects. Strategies 1 (Pull term) 2 (Cov. matrix) 3 (MC prop.) 4 (Bayesian) 2 2 mν best fit (eV ) 0.25 0.26 0.26 0.26 68.2 % CL uncertainties (eV2) Statistical 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.31 Systematic 0.20 0.16 0.18 0.14 Total uncertainty 0.35 0.32 0.34 0.34 χ2 per degree of freedom 280.2/299 = 0.94 87.9/99 = 0.89 277.3/299 = 0.93 - breakdown of systematic uncertainties (eV2) Non-Poissonian background 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 Source potential variations 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.07 Scan step-duration-dependent background 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.04 qU-dependent background 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.06 Magnetic fields 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 Molecular final-state distribution 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 Column density × inelastic scat. cross-section 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Scan step fluctuations < 0.01 < 0.01 0.01 < 0.03 Energy loss < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.02 Detector efficiency neglected < 0.01 neglected neglected Theoretical corrections neglected < 0.01 neglected neglected High voltage fluctuations neglected < 0.01 neglected neglected