Horn Park School Alnwick Road, Lee, London, SE12 9BT Tel: 020 8857 5003 Fax: 020 8851 5317 Email: [email protected] Website: www.hornpark.greenwich.sch.uk

Executive Head Teacher: Michelle Bernard Head of School: Zoe Crosland Deputy Head Teacher Joe Leslie

8th July 2021

Dear Parents/Carers,

It is with great sadness that we write to inform you that the child whose life was taken so tragically in this week was a former pupil of Horn Park. There is a deep sense of loss that a member of the Horn Park community has lost their life in this way, and our thoughts are with his family at this very difficult time.

This young man was a delightful member of our school community, he was a kind, gentle child whose thirst for learning was ever present. We have many happy memories of his time at Horn Park and the positive contribution he made to our school.

Our staff will support children in school to help them with any worries or questions they may have and if any of you wish to discuss anything directly related to your child, please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you have any information that can help with this criminal investigation, please contact the by calling 101 and quoting reference Cad 5748/05Jul, or call Crime Stoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

We will communicate with you in time, to share how we will collectively come together to remember the contribution that this young man made to our community.

Best wishes,

Michelle Bernard

Alderwood - Deansfield - Halstow - Horn Park South Rise - Willow Dene - Wingfield

A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in and Wales (company number: 10360957) CEO of The Compass Partnership: John Camp www.compass-partnership.uk