Consortium Agreement 2010-2011

You must be accepted into the University of Rio Grande to participate in this contract. You also need to complete the University of Rio Grande Financial Aid Application process. You must complete this form each award year for which you wish to receive financial aid from the University of Rio Grande.

IMPORTANT: you must check one of the boxes below. Carefully read and follow the directions for the box you checked.

Please check this box if you are not planning to attend during the 2010-2011 award year. If you checked this box, read and complete sections I and II of this contract and forward it directly to URG’s Financial Aid office.

Please check this box if you are planning to attend Hocking College for the 2010-2011 award year. If you checked this box, read and complete sections I and II of this contract and forward it to Hocking College’s Financial Aid Office for them to complete Section III. Complete this contract will allow you to include hours from Hocking College toward enrollment status for determining your aid eligibility at the University of Rio Grande. This contract will only be processed if you combined enrollment affects you aid eligibility at Rio Grande.

SECTION I: To be completed by the Student

Last Name: ______

First Name: ______Middle Initial: __

URG Student ID: ______

HC Student ID: ______

ENROLLMENT: Indicate term and number of credit hours you intend to register for at each school for the entire year. Be sure to indicate enrollment and hours for each term. DO NOT LEAVE BLANK. If you are not planning to enroll for a term, please indicate by writing “0” on the line for that term.

University of Rio Grande Enrollment: Semester Credit hours:

Summer 2010 (May- August) Total credit hours for Summer ______Fall 2010 (August - December) Total credit hours for Fall ______Spring 2011 (January – May) Total credit hours for Spring ______

Note: For hours listed below, Hocking College must fill out Section III on the back of the form before it is submitted to the University of Rio Grande.

Hocking College Enrollment: Quarter Credit hours:

Summer 2010 (June - September) Total cr. hrs. for Summer ______Fall 2010 (September- December) Total cr. hrs. for Fall ______Winter 2011 (January – March) & Total cr. hrs. for Winter & Spring ______Spring 2011 (March to June)

Office Use only: Spring Semester - Tuition:______CF:______Total: ______

IMPORTANT NOTE: Hocking College operates on quarters so please be advised that a quarter hour is two-thirds of a semester hour. Rio Grande will do the hour conversion during processing. Also note that Fall quarter will match Fall Semester, Winter & Spring quarter will match Spring Semester, and Summer quarter will match Summer semester.

C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\DTA\University Center\Colleges-Universities\University of Rio Grande\Rio-Hocking Consortium 2010-2011.doc SECTION II: To be Read and signed by the Student By signing this contract I am agreeing to the following terms: ƒ I am asking the University of Rio Grande to include my enrollment hours at my host institution for Federal, state and other financial aid eligibility at the University of Rio Grande. I may only apply for financial aid at one institution. ƒ My financial assistance will be applied to my balance at the University of Rio Grande, who will pay Hocking College for any balance owed. Any additional monies will be refunded to the student. Any additional balance owed will be paid directly to the University of Rio Grande. ƒ I agree to authorize my host institution to release any enrollment, academic, and tuition related information to the University of Rio Grande for the contract award year. ƒ I agree to only enroll in courses that are transferable, applicable, and/or related to my degree program and my future career choice. ƒ I understand that I am subject to all policies in the University of Rio Grande and Hocking College’s student handbook. This also includes the Financial Aid Standards of Academic Progress. ƒ I am required to send a Hocking College transcript to the University of Rio Grande’s registrar at the conclusion of bridge requirements. ƒ I have read and understood the terms of the Consortium Agreement between Hocking College and the University of Rio Grande. This Student contract is hereby made part of that consortium agreement.

Student Signature Date

SECTION III: To be completed by Hocking College for hours of enrollment and aid disbursement I, The host institution representative, agree that by signing this contract I am agreeing to the following terms: ƒ This signed agreement acts as my release form for any academic, financial aid, transcript related, or balance related information on this student. ƒ I agree to release enrollment information to the University of Rio Grande every 30 days for the term in which a student Contract is processed. ƒ The University of Rio Grande will process all financial aid for this student for the terms outlined below and on the front of this contract. ƒ I agree to all other terms noted in the blanket agreement and addendum already in place between my institution and Rio Grande. ƒ I have provided this student’s status with our institution below:

Please check next to the appropriate information for this student: _____ Hocking College did not award financial aid for this student for the financial aid award year of 2010-2011.

_____ If Hocking College did award financial aid for this student for the financial aid award year of 2010-2011, it has all been cancelled

_____ Hocking College awarded financial aid to this students and I am listing all aid below. If Hocking College cancelled financial aid for any terms, I will write cancelled in the boxes for that term. Also please indicate any scholarships, BVR, or state aid this student receives.

Financial Aid Type Summer & Amount Fall & Amount Winter & Amount Spring & Amount 2010-2011

Signature of HC Representative: ______

HC Forward to University of Rio Grande, ATTN: Dawn Knepper- Financial Aid Office, PO BOX 500, Rio Grande, 45674 SECTION IV: University of Rio Grande Representative

Signature: ______Date: ______C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\DTA\University Center\Colleges-Universities\University of Rio Grande\Rio-Hocking Consortium 2010-2011.doc