A Possible Mitochondrial Gene in the Early-Branching Amitochondriate Protist Trichomonas Vaginalis

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A Possible Mitochondrial Gene in the Early-Branching Amitochondriate Protist Trichomonas Vaginalis Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 93, pp. 14618–14622, December 1996 Evolution A possible mitochondrial gene in the early-branching amitochondriate protist Trichomonas vaginalis ANDREW J. ROGER*†,C.GRAHAM CLARK‡, AND W. FORD DOOLITTLE* *Program in Evolutionary Biology, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Department of Biochemistry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS Canada B3H 4H7; and ‡Department of Medical Parasitology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London WC1E 7HT, United Kingdom Communicated by Walter Fitch, University of California, Irvine, CA, September 6, 1996 (received for review May 2, 1996) ABSTRACT Trichomonads are anaerobic flagellated pro- MATERIALS AND METHODS tists that, based on analyses of ribosomal RNA sequences, Organism Culture and DNA Extraction. Cultures of ax- represent one of the earliest branching lineages among the enic T. vaginalis flagellates, strain C-1:NIH (ATCC 30001), eukaryotes. The absence of mitochondria in these organisms were grown in YI-S medium pH 6.0 with 10% bovine serum coupled with their deep phylogenetic position has prompted (13) and DNA was extracted according to the protocol several authors to suggest that trichomonads, along with other described in ref. 14. deeply-branching amitochondriate protist groups, diverged Cloning of the T. vaginalis cpn60 Gene. Degenerate primers, from the main eukaryotic lineage prior to the endosymbiotic HSP5.4 (59-CCAAAARTTACWAAAGATGGAGTTACW- origin of mitochondria. In this report we describe the presence GTT-39) and TvHSP3.1 (59-CCRACCTTGATRACAGCRA- of a gene in Trichomonas vaginalis specifically related to CRCCRCC-39), were designed based on an alignment of mitochondrial chaperonin 60 (cpn60). A recent study indicates various cpn60 homologs (12). PCR amplification was per- that a protein immunologically related to cpn60 is located in formed using these primers and total genomic T. vaginalis trichomonad hydrogenosomes. Together, these data provide DNA under standard conditions (12) producing a 1-kb frag- evidence that ancestors of trichomonads perhaps harbored the ment that was cloned and partially sequenced to confirm its endosymbiotic progenitors of mitochondria, but that these homology with cpn60. This fragment was labeled with evolved into hydrogenosomes early in trichomonad evolution. [a-32P]dATP and used as a hybridization probe to isolate cDNA clones from a lZAP II T. vaginalis cDNA library (15). Trichomonads are a protist group consisting mainly of parasitic Using the manufacturer’s protocols (Stratagene), plasmids flagellates. They lack mitochondria and diverge prior to all containing the cDNA inserts were isolated from the lZAP II known mitochondrion-containing eukaryotes in phylogenetic vector. The largest hybridizing cDNA clone was completely trees based on small subunit ribosomal RNA (1, 2). While sequenced using a primer walking strategy. Attempts to obtain many authors suggest that this deep phylogenetic position the missing N-terminal portion of the gene by several methods were unsuccessful. indicates that trichomonads primitively lack mitochondria Phylogenetic Analyses. The partial amino acid sequence (3–5), others have argued that they may have secondarily lost inferred from the T. vaginalis cpn60 gene (544 amino acids in mitochondrial functions (6). length) was entered into an alignment of cpn60 homologs The controversy hinges partly on differing interpretations of described previously (12). To improve the taxonomic repre- the origin of trichomonad hydrogenosomes, unusual energy- sentation of the dataset near the node of interest, additional generating organelles found in these cells. Hydrogenosomes sequences were added from the a-Proteobacteria: Cowdria function in the metabolism of pyruvate produced by glycolysis, ruminantium (GenBank accession no. U13638), Bradyrhizo- generating ATP by substrate level phosphorylation and evolv- bium japonicum groEL3 (GenBank accession no. Z22603), and ing molecular hydrogen (7). Like mitochondria, they possess a Brucella abortus (GenBank accession no. L09273). Distance double-membrane envelope and divide autonomously by fis- and parsimony analyses were based on 519 positions of this sion (4). However, it is unclear whether trichomonad hydro- alignment with regions of ambiguous alignment removed and genosomes share a common ancestor with mitochondria or gaps and missing regions of sequence scored as missing data. instead descend from a distinct endosymbiotic event: phylo- The distance tree was generated using PROTDIST employing genetic analyses of genes encoding hydrogenosomal proteins the Dayhoff accepted point mutation correction and the have so far failed to yield a strong link with the mitochondrial NEIGHBOR program of the PHYLIP package (16), version 3.57c. or any other specific eubacterial lineage (4, 8–10). These programs, in addition to SEQBOOT and CONSENSE, were Here we report phylogenetic studies using a chaperonin 60 used in bootstrap analysis of 500 resamplings of the dataset. (cpn60) gene located in the nucleus of Trichomonas vaginalis. Maximum parsimony trees were obtained by 50 random ad- We undertook the search for this gene for two reasons. First, dition heuristic search replicates using PAUP, version 3.1.1 (17) we reasoned that cpn60, which helps to refold proteins after and 500 bootstrap replicates were performed employing sim- their import into mitochondria and plastids in eukaryotes, ple addition heuristic searches. Due to time constraints, 100 might be used to perform a similar function in hydrogeno- bootstrap resamplings were performed in the parsimony and somes. Second, cpn60 sequences have proven the most distance analyses of datasets where various Rickettsiales spe- reliable protein-coding genes for reconstructing evolution- cies were excluded. ary relationships within and between endosymbiosis-derived For most of the maximum likelihood analyses, shared miss- ing data were removed from the dataset yielding 501 alignment organelles and their eubacterial ancestors; the a-Proteobac- positions for analysis. However, for the analysis where the teria and Cyanobacteria for mitochondria and plastids, re- partial Entamoeba histolytica sequence was included, all posi- spectively (11, 12). Abbreviation: cpn60, chaperonin 60. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge Data deposition: The sequence reported in this paper has been payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked ‘‘advertisement’’ in deposited in the GenBank data base (accession no. U57000). accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. †To whom reprint requests should be addressed. 14618 Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 Evolution: Roger et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93 (1996) 14619 tions missing in this sequence were eliminated from the (RELL) method (19) and and bootstrap majority-rule trees alignment, leaving a final dataset of 362 positions. Maximum were compiled using the MOL2CON (A. Stoltzfus, personal likelihood trees were obtained by exhaustive tree-searching communication) and CONSENSE programs. performed on a semiconstrained tree using the PROTML pro- gram version 2.2 (18), employing the Jones, Taylor, and RESULTS Thornton frequencies (JTT-F) model of amino acid substitu- tion. The semiconstrained tree was developed by using the Our approach to finding a cpn60 gene in T. vaginalis was distance tree to define the following subtrees: the spirochetes, essentially the same as that we used in previous work on E. the g- and b-Proteobacteria, the non-Rickettsiales a-Prote- histolytica (12). Degenerate oligonucleotide primers were em- bacteria and a mitochondrial cpn60 subtree of animals, fungi, ployed to amplify a 1.0-kb fragment of the gene with PCR, and and plants. All possible topologies containing these subtrees this DNA fragment was used to screen a cDNA library. were then examined and the trees of highest ln likelihood were The complete sequence of the largest cDNA clone was determined for datasets with and without the E. histolytica obtained. The restriction site used in the cDNA cloning was sequence as well as for all of the combinations of Rickettsiales fused directly to the 59 end of the coding region and no start sequences. Bootstrap support for branches on these trees was codon was present in the sequence, indicating that the cDNA estimated using the resampling estimated log-likelihood was truncated. The presence of a polyA tract 35 bp down- FIG. 1. Phylogenies of cpn60 homologs. Sequences were selected from the database for organisms previously shown to branch in the region of the mitochondrial cpn60 clade (11, 12). The trees shown are derived from neighbor-joining analysis of a accepted point mutation corrected distance matrix. Percentage bootstrap support is shown above selected branches in boxes, from bootstrap analyses employing the protein maximum likelihood (ML), neighbor-joining distance (NJ), and maximum parsimony (MP) methods. (A) Cpn60 tree derived from the full alignment. The maximum likelihood tree (ln likelihood 528933.6) differed from the neighbor-joining tree by the placement of the T. vaginalis and E. histolytica sequences as sister groups. Parsimony generated five trees of length 5 2369 all of which differed principally from the tree shown by the placement of T. vaginalis as a sister group of the Rickettsiales species. Asterisks (p) indicate that the method used did not recover this node in the majority of bootstrap replicates. (B) Cpn60 tree with the E. histolytica sequence excluded.
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    Ecological Studies 228 Ramesh D. Gulati Egor S. Zadereev Andrei G. Degermendzhi Editors Ecology of Meromictic Lakes Ecological Studies Analysis and Synthesis Volume 228 Series editors Martyn M. Caldwell Logan, Utah, USA Sandra Dı´az Cordoba, Argentina Gerhard Heldmaier Marburg, Germany Robert B. Jackson Durham, North Carolina, USA Otto L. Lange Würzburg, Germany Delphis F. Levia Newark, Delaware, USA Harold A. Mooney Stanford, California, USA Ernst-Detlef Schulze Jena, Germany Ulrich Sommer Kiel, Germany Ecological Studies is Springer’s premier book series treating all aspects of ecology. These volumes, either authored or edited collections, appear several times each year. They are intended to analyze and synthesize our understanding of natural and managed ecosystems and their constituent organisms and resources at different scales from the biosphere to communities, populations, individual organisms and molecular interactions. Many volumes constitute case studies illustrating and syn- thesizing ecological principles for an intended audience of scientists, students, environmental managers and policy experts. Recent volumes address biodiversity, global change, landscape ecology, air pollution, ecosystem analysis, microbial ecology, ecophysiology and molecular ecology. More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/86 Ramesh D. Gulati • Egor S. Zadereev • Andrei G. Degermendzhi Editors Ecology of Meromictic Lakes Editors Ramesh D. Gulati Egor S. Zadereev Netherlands Institute of Ecology SB RAS (NIOO) Institute of Biophysics Wageningen, The Netherlands Krasnoyarsk, Russia Andrei G. Degermendzhi SB RAS Institute of Biophysics Krasnoyarsk, Russia ISSN 0070-8356 ISSN 2196-971X (electronic) Ecological Studies ISBN 978-3-319-49141-7 ISBN 978-3-319-49143-1 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-49143-1 Library of Congress Control Number: 2016963751 © Springer International Publishing AG 2017 This work is subject to copyright.
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