Public Disclosure Authorized October 2017 PART 1: GENERAL PROJECT AND SITE INFORMA TION INSTITUiTIOLA UMN/STRATS/E Country Armenia ProjecttIe .Rehabiltafonof MIKtäimråshen-Zovasarnad section,

Scopeof projét The projectsenvjsages re ha blilatlon;of the km 0+000 -- krn 11+410 se<*ipn of änd atvity M1-armrs@enZvasa rad.mhe Dpsign work is done In acoordanpe wll cfng nprms and s andanldesigns. The man lehncaI parandéters'adoed in thö design:. > Subgrade width 9 m > cariagewayW*4Ot 6 m. >, idth of åblders 5m > SidewaRks langth 1;4 km

The following works are designed on 4he basis of visuaj observatrn, topogiråphy and geologikalsuveys, /aborvtory test result and envrnientài measures: > Reconstructlon- aqd repair ofthe rqad > Eahworks > Röp/r of artllaWl structutés and instaUlaiön-of newk dnes, > lrpiementatlon of gablon and consinucion of retainingwells » Inst aliatlqn ofpmoast:chqtes & Road saféty lmpoirement (Installatonof tta ficsigrs And marking) > Installationof'melatlo guärdrays > Réircat/onofut#li/es Institutional WB Projept Management: arrangemerits. Mrgis Rysulova Transport PIpjects (Names änd Task Teak Léa/e irnplementation OrganzaUfor contacts) SNCO Vårdan Karapetyan Director Sona Poghosyan Hed af Sociaf impact management service Gevorg,Afyan Head of Envimnhfentallmpect maragetmni servkIe Implemritation Safagiard Supervison Contctö arrarigamehis Daröja Kapanade, Envrnmenl ConstrucationContractor (Name and SanjgyAgarwal, Socal cantacts) AAB Praject LLC SrÉE DESORf~M'ÖN Name of Site Mi-Karmrashen-Åovasar road seton Däscribe 0ce, Araäetsotn Marz cheieient 1. location Ite Map NY, fl N Who owns the omrmunity/State land? Desctlpion of Projectarge is located in the Arpgatsotn marz of Armenia. The sotion beginnIt geographiq, from M1 hrghway passing throbgh Kanmrishen and ioketas communlnIes an physical, ending In Zovasar cbmMunity 'of Ta reon. The sadon passes through th biolooical, southem-westem -foot of the Aragais founa. The. relief Is nourtaladuq .geological; Absolute allitudo marks vary betweep 1850-2125rn. The relief is volcani hydrographic reented by fold mountaisand lave obvei on fractured surfaces. lbrmed b and clo- faults.There a ideaprand -latest lava sr'oms of cotiral type voloahoeb - economic .Quatemary(Q3-Q4) era. context wdrological network Is popr Designed a1r section Infersects with various dry gullies and guliis with temporary strear. The aea is the most active part of mudflow basins. Heavy rains.are repeatd at least I tIeiln 3 years. The construction dite ik located in 2166 dimatit%zone. Weather In suiffer is cool and weather in winter is severe cold, Annualaverage air temperature 4.6 t0C Average te'mp-iature in ths 6oldest mobh -7.2 b, Average tempeaure in the warfinstmonth 16.0C. Absolute maximum temperature in surmer 30pG. Minmnum temperature in winter -25PC Annual Overage, wind speed 18 rmsec. Annual precipitation 601,mm. Maximum depth.of soil freezing 110m,. There ame three comrinu7iies - Karmrashen, and Zovasar- situated bang,the road to b6 rehabilitated. The number of main population of these communities is about 1756people, from which about 50% are women. There are, no any developments along the prp*t road at km 0+000-km 5+b0. km 6+200-kIn 7+2b0, km 7+800-km '11+TO0sectlons. Private houses are located along the project mad within villages at at km 5+600-Arin6200; km 7+200-km 74800, rn 11+100-km' 11+400 sectdn. There are' no mullistore bultdings along the road The private houses are. m6bly on tdwrrtr4m Three schools ae located'alongtho prpo roads atArn. 5+400, kri 7+400, km 6+100. The momuet to dead fradom fighers is located on the/fet tide fi the road about 16m farat km 5+00. Thee is also an old 1 century churb located on the right sde st km 5+950 lust oearthe road, The ruralmunipal/y and the qu6te yhouse of Kamrashor; tommunity are 'lpated 'at km 6+100-km 6+20. At the safhf location there is alsio 1 Small shopl tocatfins and Water'to be supplied for construcilon works will be- delivered to consruction ditafcs for sites In, tanks or 'prbvdbd oni a. source for which the. Water Use Permit Is material issued to allow water intake. Aggregates will be obtained. frn the licensed sourcing, provilers located within the project ama- Contactor may also extract especilly aggregates, In this case contrctor must obtain an extraction license priort agdregates, comrionbement df extradtlon., Asphalt wil be purchased fibin an officlew water, stones supplier. LEOISIATIbk ...... _ . . Identify nallonal Efivirbnmental permits required for apcomplishing the works envisaged by the &ocal project legislation& >- Con4truction Hconso to,be pobsessed by Constructibn Contractor, permits that > Gonstrucfion permit to be a4fained by the Construction,Contractor fmm apply to projec rtral NIunlpa Ity, activity > Mining license-to bd possessed by Construction Contraictor in ceso It operates a borowpi ) Agrqement fordisposal of construction waste to be.obtained bY Constitctop Contrqctor fromiHeadof Community.

P6UUC'PNSQTATO)N identify when? I Public consultatilonshave'beencarried out In the projact ara; t6ls Included'the where the pulic presentation and discussion of E$MP to thD population ahd repsididatives of consuitaflon the lopol muni4palIfes. Thq minutes of the public consultalkin, phtobs, prodisst(Dok qgcwsticiiis and ansWers age.attached (See AtlaSchment 3). pIadb INSTV1UTIlQ L CAI4tnYBUlJIN1G. Will there be any [f]Nlor[x]Y Genera!f Orlantatfor Itraiintg on the ESMlPshould bd delivermd to capadity Contractor's stafftaftertContracttr's mobilization'flfor to start physical Ibviliding? ionstruction works TPIO with:assistance oftthe-stpervision ______consullant. Attachment 2 includes the capacity buildin4 program, '3 ¤

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H Trafftr and Direct or indirect In complianw.wjth ptional regulations the Contractor will Insure that-th6 constructlob site is pedestrian safety hazards to pubI16 Pr4pjarly secured arx aon'sftvctllon.related trafflit re- gulaiad. This iRGlud-ets.but is not limited tx. tecffic and.pedostrians by const-udoO- SIgnpo$Unq,-vvarnlQg signs, ba 'r0rs and irafiic,divarsions:lsite Will be.clearly visible and the ,acfivilies public warned of -all potential ha2:ards Traffic m anagement. system and stoff trainjng, especially 1br site:mccess'ahd nLiar-site heavy traft. Provision of. saWpossage5 arid crosslngs 'fbrpedestrians Where construction trafrid interferes. Mipatment of wo, ming hours to local traffic pattems,_-e.g.,avoiding niqjortranspoff activiiiies- duorig rush- hours or:Umes of livestock movernent, - If required. qctlye traffic martagernen't by,trained and -visible staff at the. site fbr"W, passagp ibrthe pu liq, Ifsbhool childrqn are-in'the vicinity, lndluc[e traffic safety personnel lo-direct traffloduring- school hours Ensuring. safe and conKnuous access to-all a0jacentoflice -facilities,shogs afid residences during cons1ruction. 1, Social FUsk Pubk ejaflanshjp, (a) The Contractor assign local liaison person-who !g1n charge of 6orrimunication VAth and Mbnagement- Management receiving ri qLrestsl Obmolalnts from 16cal populalion ocaj,comrnunlties should'be-cprisulted.-to id'entif -proactively,managd potentla] conflicts betweerLanextemal,worktorce-dnd local people (d) inform thepopulation about construction ahd Work schedulp! , of services, traffic -detour routes and provisional bus -rbutes,. bl istlrtg and. derndlitlon,.at least 3. days befbre Qontiructlon Wdrks comMericement (d)- Linfit consfruction 2ctlvifies at night. Whery. necessary ensure tat night Work- hi. carefully sbheduled, anofha b-Ornm'un'fty'1s proppr y informed, so ,--theycan lake necessary measures. (a) At least five Oqys -in aMnre- of any service, Interruption (In6luding Water, electricity, telephone, bps router.) the wrnmunirty must be advised through po. sfin& at-the peipject site, at bus stops, and in 'effeded horhes/JbW1n6sse6.. If this service :15 iritiarTubted by, chance, community should be,immediatOly -acinbufted, restoratIdn plan has tobe, ; resented ,ta the cornm-un4,-ser.vlcLs restored 2S soon-as possible. 10 The,Emp16yer establishes'a Grieveince Redre s Meclianism accessible to local people in line È .' ¡., ¡ W ... S{ ¡ Ë ` О ,. G

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There are no at con struction review of Monthly sltt MaRr. to ensure minimal included in oject unlitented.borrow- qontractor's office, dowments, during active impact on bvdget Supervisor undiar pit , quarries or -at construebort Inspection- construction works environmeni TPIO monibring unapproved vyaste. site What Where Rpw When Why Cost Wfo (is-the paraiteterto (Is the parguLter to (Istlhe parwerter td (Pefine the freqiuency/ ([1thei paramdtr (if not .(Isfespoislble for bornonitored?) be monitored?} be monitored?) or continudus?) being monAtored?) project:budge) foniltoring?) dumps used for the project signposting, at construction iOcton Ionthly site vi!sits tqensure safety oi lncluded In project Construction warning, pigns, site during active workers and budge Superviscr under -barriers and traffic construction works inhabitant TPHO monitonng diversiohs: site will be cl6erly visible and the public warned of all poletial hazards Provision ofsafe at construction inspection Monthly site visits to ensure safety of included rn project Construction Stipervisor urider passages and site during active work0rs and .budget crossings for cobWstrudtion Wrks inhabitants TP1O monitoring pedestrians where construction traffic interferes Grievance log is at construction inspection Monthly'site Vi its to e6sure.operation Included in project Constructiotn available:and used site during construction of the GRM budget Supervisor under works TPIO nonitoring Grievanie under atcoristruction inspction- Monthly site visits to ensure operation included In prolect Coistruction consideration and site during constructiloh of the GRM budget Supervisor uncler tesolved works TPIO drrnioring Local liaison at coislruction ispection- Monthly site visits to ensure operation included in project Construction person from site during constructon of the.GRM budget SupervIsor under cotitraptor's side is works TPIO monitoring assigned-and trained

12. What Where How when Why Cost Who Qs theparamefr o (Is the parametertQ (lsthe parameter to (Define theIequencyl (Is thaparanriter ([fndt161uded in (IbrebpbsibIe.fbr be monitored?). be rmonitored?) :be moriltored?) or continuous?} being noltored?) project budget) moitorng) Unskilled or semi- at constructipn inspection Motithly site visits lb enSure benefits included in Projebt Construction skilled worters site during consttuction forthe community budget Supervisorurder from local works TPlQ:monitoring communities are trained ard recruited QPERATION PHASE Qleaning road carriageway and inspection regular,.to be to ensure safety of td be included in Karmrashen, surfae and shoulders of the determined by local traffic and aesthetlc, the local municipal Vosxetas andi shoulds road section municipality appearance of the budget Zovasarr'ural from litter road corridor municlpaities deposited out of moving Vehiq[es and from bodies of animals accldehtall overrun. by vehicles Keeping road carriageway and lhispection regular, to be to ensuresafety of to be included in Karmrashqn, drainage-systerri shoulders of the determined by local traffic and the local nurticipal Vosketas and operational road secton municipality decrease budg6t Zovasar rural frequency and munIcipalities costs of-road rehabilitation

13 what Where How, When Why Gost Who (Qsthe parante?to (s th paramet6rto '(is,the paraenater to (Defir>a the frequercy / (ts the paramneer (if nol included in (s reponsibitfor be:.monitored?) im n=ftored?) ' be monitored? or continuouK?) belng monltred?) proje^t budgt) ynoniloring?) Tinie!y carrageway and inspection as required in to ensure safety Of töbe included in Traffic Polce; confinement, shoulders of the responsetolan, ttaffc and prévänt the lotal tnunicipål 'Karmrashen- deactdvticn, and 'road sectlon' accident environmeriti budget Voéketas and remöval of liquid or polIution ZovaserturaI powder,spills of rnUnicipalities cargö In case of road accidents Collection and caruiageway atid inspeötion as, reguired ih to ensure safefy of to be incIuded [n Karfirashen, timely disposal of shoulders of the response to an traffic,and prevent the local munic[pal Voskelasand waste from road road sedtion accident environmental budget Zovasar rural maihtenance workU poljltion munilipallfies to a d0slgnatel landftli

¶4 Reporting

1. The Projects ESMP implementation actions shall be regularly reported. 2. Contractor should submit to the Construction Supervision Monthly Progress Report with summary on ESMP implementation as part of the Contractor's Monthly Progress Report. Monthly reports shall be analytical and provide explanations for anomalies, non-compliance and problems encountered. 3. The Construction Supervision submits to TPIO SNCO as well as WB monthly monitoring reports on environmental and social safeguards as part of the Monthly Progress report and annual reports as well as end of phase reports. 4. The Reports shall comprehensively include all relevant aspects in implementing the mitigation measures of the ESMP (e.g., what type of mitigation, purpose and object(s), sitellocation, materials and activities involved, public communication and grievances, others specify) compliance to any environmental regulations and requirements such as training/orientation, permits, license, etc. undertaken during the period covered by the report. The outline of the reports will be agreed with the Construction Supervision and TPIO SNCO. 5. In cases of accidents, (fire, explosion, oil spill and bitumen overflow, etc.), the Contractor must notify the Engineer immediately. Initial notification may be verbal and shall be followed by a written report within 24 hours when the incident or accident happened. Attachment 1:

Site Map Road M-1- Karmrashen-Z~vasar Section Km 0+000 - Km 11+410

Km 0+000

Km 11+410

16 Attahment 2: CapaIty Buiding Program

Lack of information on ESMP and applicable environmental regulations for the Project may lead to environmental degradations and social issues. The implementation of the ESMP required the environmental, social, archaeological, and occupational health and safety orientation for the whole involved construction personnel. The personnel at all levels have a degree of responsibility in relation to environmental, social, archaeological, and occupational health and safety issues. Training should be delivered to all staff. As such, orientation for all personnel in relation to environmental issues and the implementation of the ESMP aiming to raise awareness and enhance the skills of the construction workforce will be crucial to ensure the effectiveness of the ESMP. Capacity building training could be delivered on the following topics: * Environmental and Social Management Plan, main requirements and responsibilities * General rules and regulations to be followed on the construction site and camps * Construction activity-specific rules and regulations including working on bridge, working with electrical tools, digging pits, etc. * Grievance Redress mechanism and responsibilities, etc. Training should be delivered by TPIO with assistance of the supervision consultant before construction works commencement.

17 Attawh~nnt 3: Pjoke


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.GV 1. CXiestion (Residents of Karmrashen, Vosketas and Zovasar communities) - When will the construction start ?

> Answer (CPE M. Aleksanyan) - The construction will start in Spring 201 B.

2. (Zuestion (Residents of Karmrashen, Vasketas and Zovasar communities) - When will the construction works be over ?

> Answer (CPE M. Aleksanyan) - The construction works will be completed by the end of 2018.

3. Question (Residents of Karmrashen, Vosketas and Zovasar communities)-Will the road be paved with asphalt ?

> Answer (CPE M. Aleksanyan)- It is designed to implement asphalt pavement.

4. Question (Residents of Karmrashen, Vosketas and Zovasarcommunities)-Win the chutes be envisaged in communities ?

> Answer (CPE M. Aleksanyan)- The chutes are envisaged in the design f6r theses communities.

21 5. Question (Rsidents of Katirashen, Vosketas and Zovasar comrunities) - What measures have been.designed to ensure traffic saety?

> Answer (CPE A.Aleksa4yan) - or ensuring traffic,safety itis dealgred.speed bumps; trafiz signs,uardrailsand road maikings.