Brazilian Theropods from the Equatorial Atlantic Margin: B-Ehavior and Environmental Setting

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Brazilian Theropods from the Equatorial Atlantic Margin: B-Ehavior and Environmental Setting GAIA N' 15, LlSBOAlLI SBON, DEZEMBRO/DECEMBER 1998, pp. 369-378 (ISSN: 0871-5424) BRAZILIAN THEROPODS FROM THE EQUATORIAL ATLANTIC MARGIN: B-EHAVIOR AND ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING Ismar de Souza CARVALHO Departamento de Geologia, Instituto de Geociencias, UFRJ. Cidade Universitaria, Ilha do Fundao, 21949-900, RIO DE JANEIRO, RJ . BRASIL E-mail: [email protected] Elizabete PEoRAo PETROBRAS/CENPES/DIVEXISEBIPE. Quadra 7, Predio 20, Cidade Universi!,;ria, 21949-900, RIO DE JANEIRO, RJ. BRASIL E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT: The Sao Luis Basin, located on the equatorial coastal region of Brazil, shows a di­ versified Upper Cretaceous biota, The commonest vertebrate fossils and ichnofossils be­ long to a theropod dinosaurian fauna that is widespread over that geographic area,The theropod footprints and associated bone fragments are found in fine-grained quartzose sandstones, deposited in nearshore environments submitted to tidal currents. They are found in six localities of Sao Luis and Alcantara counties: Ponta da Guia, Ponta do Farol, Praia do Boqueirao, IIha do Medo, Praia da Baronesa and IIha do Cajual. There are trails and isolated footprints attributed to large and small theropods and ornithischians. The best pre­ served footprints are found at Ponta da Guia and Praia da Baronesa.The ichnocoenoses of Ponta da Guia and Praia da Baronesa, are discussed from the view point of dinosaurian so­ cial behavior. A gregarious behavior was observed among the Ponta da Guia theropods - a rare herding structure in this dinosaur group. The randomly oriented trackways and isolated footprints at Praia da Baronesa were interpreted as the record of a "foraging area" for thero­ pods. There they would search for fishes, turtles and other organisms, found in small la­ goons and channels of a tidal flat environment. The footprint-bearing strata of Sao Luis Basin are considered to compose a megatracksite alongside the early equatorial Atlantic ocean. Its geological context - a low-gradient coastal plain - allowed the establishment of specific dinosaur groups. There was a probable ecologic "segregation" of large-sized and small-sized theropods, in this way giving rise to a regional paleobiogeographic and pa­ laeoecologic distribution pattern of the theropod communities. R ESUMO: A bacia de Sao Luis, localizada na regiao equatorial do Brasil, apresenta uma biota do Cretacico superior bastante diversificada. Trata-se de uma bacia tipo rifte cuja origem se relaciona com a abertura da margem atlantica no intervalo geocronologico compreendido entre 0 Aptiano e 0 Cenomaniano. Os fosseis e icnofosseis de vertebrados mais comuns nesta bacia pertencem a uma fauna de dinossaurios teropodomorfos, a qual esta distribui­ da numa am pia area geografica. As pegadas e fragmentos osseos de teropodes sao encon­ trados em arenitos quartzosos finos, depositados em ambientes litorais sujeitos a correntes de mare. Ocorrem em seis localidades dos municipios de Sao Luis e Alcantara (estado do Maranhao): Ponta da Guia, Ponta do Farol, Praia do Boqueirao, IIha do Medo, Praia da Baronesa e IIha do Cajual. As pistas e pegadas isoladas foram atribuidas a peque­ nos e grandes teropodes, alem de ornitisquios, sendo que as pegadas melhor preservadas sao oriundas da Ponta da Guia e Praia da Baronesa. Com base nas icnocenoses da Ponta da Guia e Praia da Baronesa, e discutido 0 comportamento social destes dinossaurios. Foi ob­ servado 0 habito gregario entre os teropodes da Ponta da Guia - uma estrutura organizacio­ nal rara neste grupo de dinossaurios. A orienta~ao aleatoria e as varias pegadas isoladas da Praia da Baronesa foram interpretadas como 0 registo de uma area de alimenta~ao. Os di- 369 artigos/papers I.S. CARVALHO & E. PEDRAO nossaurios desta regiao poderiam procurar peixes, tartarugas e outros organismos em pe­ quenas lagoas e em canais da planicie de mare durante periodos de mare baixa, representando assim uma "area de alimenta!;ao" para teropodes de tamanho medio e pe­ queno. As camadas com pegadas fosseis na bacia de Sao Luis sao consideradas como par­ te de urn "megatracksite", localizado ao longo da linha de costa durante a fase inicial do oceano Atlantico equatorial. 0 contexte geologico deste "megatracksite" - uma planicie costeira de baixo gradiente - possibilitou 0 estabelecimento de grupos especificos de di­ nossauros. Existiu uma provavel segrega!;ao ecologica dos teropodes de grande e de pe­ queno tamanho, havendo assim uma distribui!;ao paleobiogeografica e paleoecologica das comunidades de teropodes. INTRODUCTION theropod paleobiology, although uncommon, was already recorded by LEONARDI (1984, 1989) and During the opening of the Atlantic margin in the THULBORN & WADE (1979, 1984) from tracks of the equatorial region of Brazil (Aptian-Cenomanian Toro-Toro ichnofauna (EI Molino Formation, Maas­ time). tectonic action gave rise to numerous rift ba­ trichtian - Bolivia) and the Queensland ichnofauna sins. At the same time, structural reactivation of the (Winton Formation, Albian-Cenomanian - Austra­ Precambrian basement in the interior of the conti­ lia). nent, allowed the subdivision of formerly wide sedi­ mentary areas into smaller new basins. The Sao This study presents a global view of theropod Luis basin (Fig. 1), located on the northern region of ichnofossil and fossil data from the equatorial Sao Maranhao State (Brazil), had its origin in this con­ Luis Basin. In addition, it discusses the results of text. This is the only basin in the equatorial Brazilian palynological analises that further contribute to a margin whose Cretaceous outcrops display sedi­ better understanding of the environment where this ments of this geological phase. In other equatorial dinosaurian fauna lived and respective age. basins, coeval deposits have submerged in the con­ tinental platform. GEOLOGY OF THE SAO Luis BASIN Tectonic settings at the end of the Early Creta­ The Sao Luis Basin is a Cretaceous rift basin of ceous, originated by the South America - African 18,000 km', whose evolution is related to the origin drifting gave rise to this basin. Intense faulting ofthe Brazilian equatorial margin. According to Ros­ through the present-day northern coast of Mara­ SETTI (1996a), the sedimentary framework of this nhao State originated thick sedimentary deposits. basin was strongly influenced by plate tectonics. During the Aptian, the simple shear stress associ­ The outcrop area of the Sao Luis Basin com­ ated with lithospheric thinning led to the initial rifting. prises Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) reddish The basin has an assymetrical profile and is siliciclastics (sandstones, siltstones, shales and bounded from the neighboring Parnaiba and Bar­ mudstones) and some carbonates. These litholo­ reirinha basins by the Ferrer-Urbano Santos gies are grouped into the Itapecuru Formation, (south), Tocantins (west) and Rosario (east) struc­ which attains 2,000 m in thickness. Of total only 100 tural highs. Their pre-Cretaceous depositional his­ m of this unit are seen in outcrops. tory is linked with that of Parnaiba Basin, which Remains of a diversified paleobiota are found in altogether comprised a single, broad sedimentary this area, which include plants (angiosperms), mol­ area during the Paleozoic. lusks, fishes (bone fragments, scales, teeth) and In Figure 2 there is a summary of the lithostra­ reptiles (bones, teeth and ichnofossils). The com­ tigraphy of Sao Luis Basin , whose total sedimentary monest vertebrate fossils and ichnofossils belong to thickness attains 4,500 m (ARANHAeta/., 1990). The a theropod dinosaurian fauna that occurs over a outcrops of Cretaceous rocks are named as the wide geographic area. Environmental interpretation Itapecuru Formation. These rocks consist of reddish of the fossil-bearing lithofacies allows reconstruc­ sandstones, siltstones, shales and mudstones, with tion of a sandy tidal plain area, cut by freshwater and some interbedded carbonates composed of marls tidal channels, thus composing the scenary of a litto­ and limestones. The main sedimentary structures ral area submitted to a hot and dry climate. are channel and planar cross-stratification, ripple­ Of all ichnofossillocalities in the Sao Luis Basin, marks, fluidization structures, mud-cracks, herring­ two display the must abundant theropod tracks. The bone cross-stratification and hummocky cross­ best one is located at Ponta da Guia (Sao Luis stratification. The fossils found in these rocks are County) where it is possible to observe the parallel palynomorphs, plants (angiosperms), mollusks orientation of four large theropod trails, pointing out (Mytilidae, Inoceramidae, Pectinidae, Plicatulidae, to a possible gregarious behavior. This aspect of Limidae, Ostreidae, Trigonidae and Matricidae), 370 BRAZILIAN THEROPODS FROM THE EQUA TORIAL A TLANTIC MARGIN Basin POllia do FaroJ _____ ~-.r~- o 2km = Outcrops Fig. 1 - Location map of Sao Luis Basin, Brazil, and its paleogeographical position during Cenomanian. fishes (Dipnoi, Elasmobranchia and Actinopterygii) , counties: Ponta da Guia, Ponta do Farol, Praia do reptiles (Dinosauria, Crocodylia and Chelonia). Boqueirao, IIha do Medo, Praia da Baronesa and There are also vertebrate (dinosaurian footprints) IIha do Cajual (CARVALHO & ARAUJO, 1995). There and invertebrate ichnofossils. are trails and isolated footprints attributed to large and small theropods, and ornithischians. The best The environmental interpretation of outcrop li­ preserved footprints localities are at Ponta da Guia thofacies points out to estuarine,
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