MEN'S AMERICANORT,ORT AMERICA /HASHACHAR, HADASSAH )verseas Aid) (-Related) MEN'SBRANCHOF THE UNION OF OR- YUGNTRUF—YOUTH FOR (Cultural) FI000X JEWISH CONGREGATIONS OF MERICA (Religious, Educational) MEN'S DIVISION OF POALE AGUDATH IS- AISH HATORAH (1981). 949 Clark Ave., W, AEL OF AMERICA (Israel-Related) Thornhill, ONT L4J8G6. (905)764-1818. FAX:(905)764-1606.E-mail:www. MEN'S LEAGUE FOR CONSERVATIVE Ju- Edu. Dir, Ahron Hoch; AISM (Religious, Educational) Dr. Allan Seidenfeld. An educational cen- MEN'S LEAGUE FOR ISRAEL, INC. (Israel- ter, a community center, and a network of elated) synagogues throughout ; seeks to reawaken Jewish values, ignite Jewish pride MEN'S ORGANIZATION, YESHIVA UNI- and promote Jewish unity through educa- ERSITy (Religious, Educational) tion; reaches out to from all back- grounds in a friendly, warm and non- YOUTH AND STUDENT judgmental environment. ShabbatShalom ORGANIZATIONS* Fax,Monthly newsletter- Village Shul, Win- JDATH ISRAEL OF AMERICA (Religious, ter, Spring, Summer, Fall ('alendars. (www. ducational) AISI-I.EDU) Al B'RITH YOUTH ORGANIZATION (Reli- B'NAI BRITH CANADA (1875). 15 Hove St., ious, Educational) Downsview, ONT M3H 4Y8. (416) 633- 6224. FAX: (416)630-2159. E-mail: fdi- 0 AKIVA OF NORTH AMERICA, RELI- [email protected]. Pres. Rochelle bUS ZIONISTS OF AMERICA (Israel-Re- Wilner; Exec. V.-Pres. Frank Diniant. ted) Canadian Jewry's major advocacy and service organization; maintains an office 1ONIM—DROR NORTH AMERICA (Israel- of Government Relations in and elated) co-sponsors the Canada Israel Commit- HOMER HATZAIR, SOCIALIST ZIONIST tee; makes representations to all levels of OUTH MOVEMENT (Israel-Related) government on matters of Jewish con- cern; promotes humanitarian causes and LEL (Religious, Educational) educational programs, community pro- )IMA, UNITED SYNAGOGUE OF CONSER- jects, adult Jewish education, and leader- .TIVE JUDAISM (Religious, Educational) shipdevelopment;dedicatedtothe preservation and unity of the Jewish com- rIONAL CONFERENCE OF SYNAGOGUE munity in Canada and to human rights. OUTH, UNION OF ORTHODOX JEWISH The Jewish Tribune. ONGREGATIONS OF AMERICA (Religious, ducational) ,INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL AF- FAIRS (1987). E-mail: institute@bnaib- FIONAL JEWISH COMMITTEE ON SCOUT- Ch. Rochelle Wilner; NatI. Dir. 4G (Religious, Educational) Ruth Klein. Identifies and protests the FIONAL JEwIsH GIRL SCOUT COMMITTEE abuse of human rights worldwide. Advo- eligious, Educational) cates on behalf of Israel and Jewish com- munities in distress. Monitors national ETH AMERICAN ALLIANCE FOR JEWISH and international legislation dealing with 'OUTH (Religious, Educational) war crimes. Activities include briefs and ETH AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TEMFLE consultations with governmental and 'OUTH, non-governmentalorganizations,re- eligious, Educational) search and public education, advocacy and community mobilization, media DENT STRUGGLE FOR SOVIET JEWRY— monitoring, and international confer- e CENTER FOR RUSSIAN JEWRY (Corn- ences and fact-finding missions. Ad hoc luflity Relations) publications on human rights issue,s'.

For fuller listings see under category in parentheses 666/AMERICAN JEWISH YEARBOOK, 2007

LFAOUE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS CANADIAN JEwisH CONGRESS (1919; reorg. (1964).Co-Chmn. Marvin Kurz & Dr 1934). 100 Sparks Street, Suite 650, 01- Harriet Morris. National volunteer asso- tawa, K1P 5B7. (613)233-8703. ciation dedicated to combating racism, FAX: (613)233-8748. E-mail: canadian- bigotry, and anti-Semitism. Educational [email protected]. Co-pres. Sylvain programs include multicultural antiracist Abitbol & Rabbi . The workshops, public speakers, Holocaust community's national voice on public af- education, Media Human Rights Awards; fairs, Canadian Jewish Congress works legal and legislative activity includes gov- with governments, community organiza- ernment submissions, court interventions, tions and other partners to fight anti- monitoring hate-group activity, respond- semitism and racism, to promote positive ing to incidents of racism and anti-Semi- links to Israel and to other Jewish com- tism; community liaison includes munities, and to support humanitarian intergroup dialogue and support for ag- and human rights efforts. DAIS; National grievedvulnerablecommunities and Archives Newsletter,' regional newsletters. groups. Canadian distributor of ADL material. Heritage Front Report: 1994; (1917). 788 Anti-Semitism on Campus; Skinheads in Marlee Ave., Suite 205, Toronto, ONT Canada; AnnualAudit of Anti-Semitic In- M6B 3K1. (416)781-5156. FAX: (416) c/dents; Holocaust and Hope Educators' 787-3100. E-mail: [email protected]. Natl. Newsletter; Combat ting Hate: Guidelines Exec. Dir. Risa Epstein. Strives to attract jbr Community Action. Jewish youth to , with goal of aliyah; educates youth about Jewish his- NATIONAL FIELD SERvicEs Du- tory and Zionism; prepares them to pro- PARTMENT. NatI. Dir. Pearl Gladman. Ser- vide leadership in Young Judaea camps in vicescommunity affordablehousing Canada and Israel and to be concerned projects, sports leagues, food baskets for Jews. Judaean L'Madrich; Young Ju. the needy; coordinates hands-on national daean. volunteer programming, Tel-Aide Dis- tress Line; responsible for lodge member- CANADIAN ZIONIST FEDERATION (1967). ship;direct-mailcampaigns,annual 5151 Côte St. Catherine Rd., #206, Mon- convention and foundation dinners. treal, PQ H3W 1M6. (514)739-7300, FAX: (514)739-9412. Pres. Kurt Roth- CANADIAN FRIENDS OF CALl & AMAL schild; Nat!. Sec. Florence Simon. Um- (1944). 7005 Kildare Rd., Suite 14, Côte brella organization of distinct constituent St. Luc, , H4W Id. (514)484- member Zionist organizations in Canada; 9430. FAX: (514)484-0968. Pres. Harry carries on major activities in all areas of J.F. Bloomfield, QC; Exec. Dir. Fran Jewish life through its departments of ed- Kula. Incorporates Canadian Association ucation and culture, aliyah, youth and for Labour Israel (Histadrut) and Cana- students, public affairs, and small Jewish dian Friends of Amal; supports compre- communities, for the purpose of strength- hensive health care and education in ening the State of Israel and the Cana- Israel. Helps to provide modern medical dianJewish and surgical facilities and the finest voca- community. Canadian tional, technical education to the Israeli Zionist. people of all ages. ——-—,BUREAU OF EDUCATIONANDCUL- TURE (1972).Pres. Kurt Rothschild. Pro- CANADIAN FRIENDS OF THE HEBREWUNI- vides counseling by pedagogic experts, VERSITY OF JERUSALEM (1944).3080 Yonge St., Suite 5024, Toronto, ONT in-service teacher-training courses and M4N 3N1. (416) 485-8000. FAX: (416) seminars in Canada and Israel; national 485-8565,E-mail:[email protected]. pedagogic council and research center; Pres. Ronald Appleby; Nat!. Dir. Charles distributeseducationalmaterial and S. Diamond. Represents the Hebrew Uni- teaching aids; supports annual Bible con- versity of Jerusalem in Canada; serves as test and Hebrew-language courses for fund-raising arm for the university in adults; awards scholarships to Canadian Canada; recruits Canadian students and high-school graduates studying for one promotes study programs for foreign stu- year in Israel. dents at the university; sponsors social HADASSAII—WIZO ORGANIZATION OF CAN- and educational events across Canada. ADA (1917). 1310 Greene Ave., Suite 900, NATIONAL JEWISti ORGANIZATIONS/667 , PQ H3Z 2B8.(514)937- JEWISH NATIONAL FUND OF CANADA (Keren 9431. FAX: (514)933.6483. E-mail: natofF Kayemeth Le'Israel, Inc.) (1901). 1980 Natl. Sherbrooke St. W., Suite 500, Montreal, Pres,Rochelle Levinson; NatI.Exec. PQ H3H 1E8. (514)934-0313. FAX: (514) V.-Pres.Lily Frank. Largest women's 934-0382. E-mail: [email protected]. volunteer Zionist organization in Can- NatI. Pres. Sandra Posluns; Exec. V.-Pres, ada, located in 43 Canadian cities; ded- Joe Rabinovitch. Fund-raising organiza- icated to advancing the quality of life tion affiliated with the World Zionist Or- of the women and children in Israel ganIzation; involved in afforestation, soil through financial assistance and support reclamation, and development of the land of its many projects, day-care centers, of Israel, including the construction of schools, institutions, and hospitals. In roads and preparation of sites for new set- Canada,theorganizationpromotes tlements; provides educational materials Canadian ideals of democracy and isa and programs to Jewish schools across stalwart advocate of women's issues. Orah Canada. Magazine. LABOUR ZIONIST ALLIANCE OF CANADA HASHOMERHATZAJR (1913).1111 Finch (1909). 272 Codsell Ave., Downsvjew, Ave. W, #456, Downsview, ONT M3J ONT M3H 3X2. (416)630-9444. FAX: 2E5. (416)736-1339. FAX:(416)736-1405. (416)630-9451. Pres. Josef Krystal; City E-mail: Shlicha- CommitteeChmn. Montreal-Harry Ora Merin; Pres. Sheryl Neshel; Sec. Lipa Froimovjtch. Associated with the World Roth. A estab- Labor Zionist movement and allied with lished over 80 years ago with centers all the Israel Labor party. Providesrecre- over the world. In Toronto, there are ational and cultural programs, mutual weekly meetings during the schoolyear aid, and fraternal care to enhance theso- where children get a strong sense of their cial welfare of its membership; actively Jewish identity and connection to Israel, promotes Zionist education, cultural pro- celebrate p Jewish holidays together and jects, and forums on aspects of Jewish and learn to be contributing members of the Canadian concern. community. Hashomer Hatzair runs a 6- MERETZCANADA day residential winter camp anda 6-week (l950s). 1111 Finch Ave. for youth ranging from 7- W., Suite 456, Downsview, ONT M3J 16 on Otty Lake. 2E5. (416)736-1339. FAX: (416)736-1405. Pres. Joseph Podemski., Vice Pres. Lipa INTERNATIONAL JEWISH CORRESPONDENCE Roth. Acts as a Voice of Socialist-Demo- (IJC) (1978). do Canadian Jewish Con- cratic and Zionist points of view within gress, 1590 Dr. Penfield Ave., Montreal, the Jewish community and a focal point PQ H3G lC5.9 (514)931-7531. FAX: forprogressiveZionistelementsin (514)931-0548. E-mail: [email protected]. Canada;affiliatedwithHashomer Founder/Dir, BarrySimon. Aims to Hatzair and the Givat Haviva Educa- encourage contact between Jews of all tional Center. and backgrounds, in all countries, MIZRACHI ORGANIZATION OF CANADA through pen-pal correspondence. Send (1941). 296 Wilson Ave., North York, agesautobiographical data and stamped self- ONT M3H lS8. (416)630-9266. FAX: addressed envelope or its equivalent (to (416)630-2305. Pres. Jack Kahn. Pro- cover cost of Canadian postage) to re- motes religious Zionism, aimed at making ceive addresses. Israel a state based on Torah; maintains JEWISH IMMIGRANT AID SERVICESOF MON- , a summer camp, adult edu- TREAL (JIAS)(1922). 5500 Westbury, 2I cation program, and touring department; Floor, Montreal, Quebec H3W-2W8. supports Mizrachi-Hapoel Hamizrachi (514)342-9351. FAX: (514)342-0287. E- and other religious Zionist institutions in mail: Pres. Joe Kislow- Israel which strengthen traditional Ju- icz; Exec. Dir. Shellie Ettinger. JIAS isa daism. Mizrac/ü Nelisletter. national organization assisting the lawful NATIONAL COMMUNITY RELATIONS COM- entry of Jews into Canada, as well as their MITTEE OF CANADIAN JEWISH CONGRESS settlement and integration. JIAS News for (1936). 4600 Bathurst St., Toronto, ONT clients. M2R 3V2. (416)631-5673. FAX: (416) 668/AMERICAN JEWISII YEAR HOOK, 2007

635-1408. E-mail: [email protected]. in11 Canadian cities raise funosror Chmn. Ellen T. Cole; Pres. Keith M. ORT's nonprofitglobalnetworkof Landy; Dir. Manuel Prutschi. Seeks to schools where Jewish students ler safeguard the status, rights, and welfare wide range of marketable skills, md of Jews in Canada; to combat anti- the most advanced high-tee" ""'' semitism, and promote understanding FocusMagazine. and goodwill among all ethnic and reli- gious groups. STATEOFISRAEL BONDS(CA SECURITIES,LTD.) (1953).970 Lawrence NATIONALCOUNCIL OF JEwIsHWOMEN OF Ave. W, Suite 502, Toronto, ONT NI CANADA (1897).118-1588 Main St., Win- 3B6. (416)789-3351. FAX: (416)789-9 nipeg, MAN R2V lY3. (204)339-9700. Pres.NormanSpector;Bd. FAX: (204)334-3779. E-mail: info@ncjwc. George A. Cohon. An internanona org. Chmn. Carol Slater; Nati. V.-Pres. Roz curities organization offering inte Fine & Brenlee Gurvey Gales. Dedicated bearinginstrumentsissued to furthering human welfare in the Jewish government of Israel. Invests i. and general communities, locally, nation- pect of Israel's economy, including a ally, and internationally; through an inte- culture, commerce, and in'1"" ' grated program of education, service, and Bondsare RRSP-approved social action seeks to fulfill unmet needs and to serve the individual and the com- UIA FEDERATIONSOF CANADI I 77C BathurstSt., Suite 315, Toronto munity. National ByLines. M2R 3V3. (416)636-7655. FAY ORT CANADA(1948).3101 Bathurst St., 636-9897. E-mail: [email protected] Suite 604, Toronto, ONT M6A 2A6. Barbara Farber; Exec. V-Pres (416)787-0339. FAX: (416) 787-9420. E- Kislowicz. The national Jewish func mail: [email protected]. Pres. Arthur ing organization and community. Silber; Exec. Dir. Joel Shapiro. Chapters fling body for Canada.