
JournalH. of Lorenz,the University F. Capla, of D.Chemical Polenske, Technology M. P. Elsner, and A. Metallurgy, Seidel-Morgenstern 42, 1, 2007, 5-16


H. Lorenz1, F. Capla1, D. Polenske1, M.P. Elsner1, A. Seidel-Morgenstern1,2

1 Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme Received 05 February 2007 Sandtorstr. 1, D-39106 Magdeburg, Germany Accepted 27 February 2007

2 Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Institut für Verfahrenstechnik, Universitätsplatz 2, D-39106 Magdeburg, Germany

E-mail: [email protected]


Pure enantiomers are of large interest for several industries. Chemical synthesis is frequently not selective and provides racemic mixtures causing a large interest in efficient separation processes. Preparative is nowa- days a powerful and flexible but expensive technology. As an alternative there exists the possibility to apply cheaper processes. Based on classifying enantiomeric systems according to their type of solid-liquid equilibria, crystallization pro- cesses will be discussed which are capable to provide pure enantiomers. Two separation problems studied in our labora- tory will be considered for illustration. Preferential crystallization was used to separate racemic threonine and an asym- metric partially enriched mixture of the enantiomers both from an aqueous solution. Using various opera- tion modes and considering the effect of different seed characteristics and a tailor-made additive on the performance of preferential crystallization, the potential of this technique for enantioseparation is highlighted. Keywords: enantioseparation, crystallization, conglomerates, racemic compounds, preferential crystallization.

INTRODUCTION called racemates. An introduction in the fascinating world of is given e.g. in [1]. Enantiomers are stereoisomers that are non- Due to the fact that life is essentially constructed superimposable mirror images of each other (optical using L-amino acids as building blocks, there is tre- ). On the basis of their opposite specific optical mendous interest in the pharmaceutical, food and agro- rotation a classification in (+)- and (-)-enantiomers is chemical industries to produce pure enantiomers [2, 3]. frequently used to distinguish between them. Another Nowadays, there is a large amount of evidence avail- classification, common for amino acids and sugars, is able that in often only one pro- the (D)-/(L)-system. 50:50-mixtures of enantiomers are vides the desired physiological effect. In many cases,

* Partly already presented in: LORENZ, H.; PERLBERG, A.; SAPOUNDJIEV, D.; ELSNER, M.P.; SEIDEL-MORGENSTERN, A. Chemical Engineering & Processing 45 (10): 863-873, 2006

5 Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 42, 1, 2007 the other enantiomer has no effect or is even harmful. of the art of applying these techniques in the industry Regulators increasingly demand that chiral drugs are was summarized recently in [18]. administered in optically pure form [4]. This has inten- In this paper two case studies of performing an sified efforts of industrial and academic research de- enantioseparation by crystallization will be described. voted to develop techniques which are capable to pro- One of the systems investigated belongs to the group of duce pure enantiomers. This goal can be achieved a) conglomerates for which direct crystallization by en- via the selective synthesis of just one enantiomer or b) trainment is possible. The other system forms in the via the separation of mixtures [5, 6]. solid phase a racemic compound. In the latter case the In the last years remarkable progress has been racemate can only be separated by crystallization if there achieved in the field of enantioselective [7, 8]. exists a sufficient enrichment in the feed solution. In Nevertheless, highly selective reactions leading in an the following first, the fundamental solid-liquid equi- economical manner to a variety of pure enantiomers libria, i. e. the binary and ternary phase diagrams for are still the exception and there is a demand in more the two chosen systems are presented. Second, the re- generally applicable and cheap separation processes. gions of metastability are considered determining (to- Thus, below the typical situation is considered, that the gether with the solubility data) the regions where suc- product leaving the reactor is not optically pure so that cessful crystallization based enantioseparation can be subsequent enrichment (purification) steps are neces- performed. On the example of applying preferential crys- sary. tallization classically to resolve conglomerates and in a The most versatile technique to perform challenging way to crystallize pure enantiomer(s) from enantioseparations is chromatography [9, 10]. Currently, partially enriched solutions in case of a racemic com- there is a growing arsenal of selective chiral stationary pound forming system, the potential of this direct crys- phases available allowing to separate a large spectrum tallization technique for separation of enantiomers is of racemates [11, 12]. A breakthrough in increasing the highlighted afterwards. Finally, selected examples for productivity of chromatographic enantioseparations was optimization of such crystallization based separation achieved in the last years due to the development of the processes are given. simulated moving bed technology based on continuous countercurrent operation [13, 14]. However, chromato- SOLID-LIQUID EQUILIBRIA graphic processes are expensive and there is an interest The application of crystallization for the separa- in developing alternative technologies. An overview re- tion or purification of enantiomers requires a detailed garding possible applications of a) transformations of knowledge of the corresponding phase diagrams describ- enantiomers into diastereoisomers, b) chiral membranes, ing the melting behavior of the two enantiomers (‚bi- c) optically active and d) kinetic resolutions nary‘ melting point phase diagram) and/or their solu- using is given in [7, 8]. bility behavior in the presence of a suitable (‚ter- Since Pasteur’s famous separation of the enan- nary‘ solubility phase diagram). Comprehensive over- tiomers of sodium ammonium tartrate by direct crys- views regarding identified types of phase diagrams and tallization [15], immense activities have been devoted their description have been published [17, 19-21]. to study and to apply crystallization processes in or- der to obtain pure enantiomers. The feasibility of se- Binary phase diagrams lective crystallization depends strongly on the whims Due to the type of the saturation curves in solid- of nature, specifically on the underlying solid-liquid liquid phase diagrams fundamental types of enantiomer equilibria. A first detailed classification of possible systems can be identified, which have been firstly de- types of equilibria was published already in [16]. A scribed in a pioneering work of Roozeboom [16]. The recent and comprehensive analysis of the thermody- most frequently observed types of binary phase diagrams namics of enantiomeric systems is given in [17]. In are those corresponding to conglomerates and racemic this book also various possibilities to perform crystal- compound forming systems. These phase diagrams are lization processes are discussed extensively. The state presented schematically in Fig. 1.

6 H. Lorenz, F. Capla, D. Polenske, M. P. Elsner, A. Seidel-Morgenstern

Temperature Temperature - + - + + + - - - + - + - + + + + - - - - + - + + + + - - -


(+) - Enantiomer ( - ) - Enantiomer (+) - Enantiomer ( -) - Enantiomer

Conglomerates ( appr . 10 %) Racemic Compounds (appr . 90%)

Fig. 1. Illustration of typical binary phase diagrams of enantiomeric systems ((+) and (-) indicate the two enantiomers).

Only 5 to 10 % of the racemates belong to the 135 conglomerate forming group [17], which is the most 130 favourable one for achieving a certain enantiomeric stable equilibria enrichment by fractional crystallization from a 125 nonracemic mixture. Unfortunately, about 90 to 95 % T f (II) 120 of the racemates form a compound in the solid phase xe (II) T e(II) (racemic compound). In these cases the knowledge of 115 the phase equilibria is even more important, because T f (I) Temperature [°C] 110 x (I) e metastable equilibria the existence region of the pure enantiomers in the phase Te(I) diagram, which is defined by the position of the eutec- 105 tic points E (see Fig. 1), is much smaller. A third type 100 of systems, the solid solution forming racemates (or 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

“pseudoracemates”), is relatively rare and will not be x((+)-M A) [-] discussed in this paper. However, the formation of par- Fig. 2. Binary phase diagram of the mandelic acid enantiomers tial solid solutions is always feasible both for conglom- (only one half of the symmetric diagram is shown) [24]. erates and racemic compounds and can occur on the pure enantiomers and the racemic compound sides in It was known that threonine (Thr) belongs to the the phase diagram. An example for the latter case is group of conglomerates [17, 25]. Own attempts to mea- encountered for [22]. sure the binary phase diagram using DSC failed due to Binary phase diagrams can be measured e.g. us- a steady decomposition process of both DL-Thr and L- ing differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Results for Thr overlaying the fusion and finishing at about 232 °C the enantiomers of mandelic acid are shown in Fig. 2. and 239 °C, i. e. clearly below the melting point given This substance obviously belongs to the racemic com- in literature. Obviously, in case of systems that decom- pound forming systems. The lowest melting point of pose before or during melting, reference melting data about 115°C is found for an eutectic composition of must be treated with care. about x = 0.7. More details including information re- garding the possibility to describe this phase diagram Ternary phase diagrams mathematically and the existence of a metastable race- Ternary (solubility) phase diagrams are closely mic phase are given elsewhere [23, 24]. related to the corresponding binary phase diagrams [17,

7 Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 42, 1, 2007

Solvent Solvent

1 Phase 1 P hase

2 2 2

3 3

(+)-Enantiomer (-)-Enantiomer (+)-Enantiomer E Race mic E (-)-Enantiomer compound

Conglomerates RacemicCompounds

Fig. 3. llustration of typical ternary phase diagrams of enantiomeric systems under isothermal conditions (numbers just indicate the number of phases present in equilibrium) [21].

24]. Thus, a preliminary determination of the binary of the 1-phase region changes, b) the 2-phase regions phase diagram is usually helpful to construct ternary shrink, c) another 2-phase region appears where the solid phase diagrams. phase will be the racemic compound and d) there are Fig. 3 presents schematically typical solubility two separated 3-phase regions in which the solid phases phase diagrams for conglomerates and racemic compound will be mechanical mixtures of a pure enantiomer and forming systems in an equilateral triangular form. The the racemic compound. Obviously, the borders of the vertexes of the triangles represent the pure components: different regions shown in Fig. 3 will depend on tem- the solvent (on top), the (+)- and (-)-enantiomers (left perature. and right). The triangle sides given in mole or weight Fig. 4 presents the measured ternary phase dia- fractions represent the binary systems (+)-enantiomer/ gram of the system (+)-mandelic acid/(-)-mandelic acid/ solvent, (-)-enantiomer/solvent and (+)-/(-)-enantiomers. water [26]. It contains the equilibrium data (measured Each point inside the triangle describes a ternary mix- in time consuming phase separation experiments) for ture consisting of all three components. For conglom- different temperatures between 0 and 60°C. Most of the erates the diagram consists of a) an undersaturated 1- points measured refer to an excess of the (+)-enanti- phase region close to the solvent corner, b) two 2-phase omer. For mixtures containing the (-)-enantiomer in regions which will contain under equilibrium condi- excess only some experiments have been done to con- tions an enantiopure solid phase and a saturated liquid firm the symmetry of the diagram. An exponential up- phase with one or both enantiomers and c) a 3-phase ward trend of the solubility with the temperature and a region where under equilibrium conditions the liquid higher solubility of the racemic compound compared phase will be a saturated solution of a to the pure enantiomers were observed. Furthermore, of the two enantiomers and the solid will be a mechani- between the pure enantiomer and the racemic compo- cal mixture of the two enantiomers. Phase diagrams for sition a mixture with a solubility maximum can be iden- racemic compound forming systems are more compli- tified at x = 0.7 (i.e. at the same composition as identi- cated. Due to the existence of two eutectic points (E) in fied for the eutectic point in the binary phase diagram). the binary (+)-/(-)-enantiomer system the following In the range of the study the enantiomeric composition main differences can be noticed in Fig. 3: a) the shape of this “eutectic line” does not depend on temperature.

8 H. Lorenz, F. Capla, D. Polenske, M. P. Elsner, A. Seidel-Morgenstern

This composition specifies a minimum en- Water richment required to enter the 2-phase re- gions allowing crystallization of just one enan- tiomer. 0°C 0.90 0. 10 Fig. 5 shows the ternary phase diagram 0.8 0.2 15°C for the enantiomers of threonine in water. The

w (water) 30°C results reveal that these components indeed form a conglomerate as reported in [17, 25]. 0.6 0.4 0.20 25°C Further, the solubility of one enantiomer is 35°C not affected by the presence of the other one,

0.10 i.e. the solubility of the racemic mixture is 0.4 40°C 0.6 w ((-)-MA) just the superposition of the individual solu- bilities of the enantiomers. Thus, the system 50°C behaves ideally. 0.2 0.8 60°C REGION OF METASTABILITY eutectic eutectic In the field of designing and optimizing crystal- 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 lization processes it is well known, that besides the (+)-MA (-)-MA Racemate knowledge about the phase diagrams, it might be im- w ((+)-MA) portant to take also into account the region of metasta- Fig. 4. Ternary solubility phase diagrams of the mandelic acid bility (supersolubility) [27]. Often in systems close to enantiomers in water (MA – mandelic acid) [26]. the phase boundary a phase separation can be retarded quite a long time. There are various methods available to estimate the width of a metastable zone in terms of supersaturation. Figs. 6 and 7 present experimental results re- Water garding the width of the metastable zones for threonine 10°C and mandelic acid [28, 29]. These results were obtained 20°C 30°C using Nyvlt’s polythermal method [30]. 40°C 0.9 0.1 Fig. 6 shows supersolubility data of racemic threo- nine in water with regard to primary (heterogeneous) nucleation (without threonine crystals) and 0.8 0.2 w (D-Thr) nucleation (in the presence of a racemic mixture of threo- nine crystals) in comparison to the solubility. As ex- w (water) pected the supersolubility with regard to secondary 0.7 0.3 nucleation is smaller than in the case of primary nucle- ation [28]. Fig. 7 illustrates metastable zone width data with 0.6 0.4 regard to secondary nucleation for three characteristic enantiomeric mixtures of mandelic acid in water (pure enantiomer, racemate and eutectic mixture of both enan- 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 tiomers) in combination with the corresponding solu- bility data. Nucleation was detected in this study acous- L - Threonine w (L-Thr) D - Threonine tically (LiquiSonic probe) and optically (fibre optical Fig. 5. Ternary solubility diagram of the threonine enantiomers probe, turbidity) [28, 29]. While the pure enantiomer in water for different temperatures [26].

9 Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 42, 1, 2007

22 the pure enantiomer. In the case of the racemic solu- tion, a recombination of heterochiral molecules is 21 nessecary in connection with the formation of nuclei. For the eutectic mixture, a selective nucleation could 20 be assumed, comparable with the selective seeding of the pure enantiomer in analogy to the preferential crys- 19 tallization process described below.


Concentration [wt.-%] VIA CRYSTALLIZATION 17 Based on the measured phase diagrams for threo- solubility curve nine and mandelic acid, below the crystallization based separation of the enantiomers in these two systems will 16 23 28 33 38 43 be explained applying preferential crystallization as the Temperature [°C] separation method. Mainly results obtained in our labo- ratory are considered. Thus, this section is concerned Fig. 6. Solubility (solid line) and supersolubility (dashed lines) for essentially with demonstrating the separation feasibil- DL-threonine in water embedding the metastable zone (upper dashed line: supersolubility with regard to primary (heterogeneous) ity. More detailed aspects of practical realization, scale nucleation, i. e. without crystals; lower dashed line: supersolubility up and optimization of crystallization processes are sum- with regard to secondary nucleation, i. e. in the presence of DL- threonine crystals) [28]. marized elsewhere [e. g. 31, 32].

Preferential crystallization of conglomerates 60 solubility eutectic mixture For conglomerates there exists an attractive pos- solubility racemate solubility pure enantiomer sibility to directly crystallize pure enantiomers from a 50 nucleation (LiquiSonic) nucleation (fibre optics, turbidity) racemic solution. The principle of kinetically controlled 40 crystallization by entrainment is shown in Fig. 8. Con- sidering an initially undersaturated solution at a higher 30 temperature T , the solution becomes supersaturated but ÄTmax 1 remains clear, if it is rapidly cooled down to the lower 20 concentration [wt.-%] concentration ocnrto [wt.-%] Concentration Solvent 10

0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 temp eratu re [°C] Temperature [°C] Fig. 7. Solubility and metastable zone width for secondary T2 < T1 nucleation of mandelic acid species in water (in terms of the maximal achievable subcooling ∆T ) [28, 29]. max T c 1

b solution and the solution of the eutectic mixture were a‘ a studied in the presence of pure enantiomer crystals, crys- tals of the racemic compound were present in case of the racemic solution. The difference in the metastable zone width for the three solutions can be explained by d the compound forming character of the mandelic acid (+)-Enantiomer 50:50 crystals (-)-Enantiomer system and the different nucleating crystal species. In case of the enantiopure solution, nuclei are formed by Fig. 8. Illustration of the principle of preferential crystallization [33].

10 H. Lorenz, F. Capla, D. Polenske, M. P. Elsner, A. Seidel-Morgenstern

Fig. 9. Results of three runs of preferentially crystallizing L-threonine from a racemic mixture performed under identical experimental conditions. Left: Course of the polarimetric signals, Right: Process trajectories in the plane of threonine enantiomer liquid phase weight fractions. [35]. crystallization temperature T within the metastable composition represents the crystallization pathway, start- 2 zone. Retarded, its composition would change in order ing without an initial (i. e. at race- to reach finally the thermodynamic equilibrium. In the mic composition), moving along a straight line and equilibrium state the liquid phase will have racemic (i. achieving a maximum enantiomeric excess of the e. eutectic) composition and the solid phase will con- counter-enantiomer D-threonine at the turning point. sist of a mixture of crystals of both enantiomers. How- Then the solution tends to reach the equilibrium state ever, after seeding with homochiral crystals (e. g. the (i. e. again racemic composition) by degradation of the (-)-enantiomer in Fig. 8) it can be observed that the excess of the counter-enantiomer. Before the pathway liquid phase composition does not move to point c di- changes its direction, only L-threonine is obtained in rectly but follows other trajectories (e. g. a → b → c). the solid phase whereas behind the turning point D- Thus, under particular conditions and in a restricted threonine simultaneously crystallizes. Details regarding time interval it is possible to preferentially produce crys- the experiments are given in [33, 35]. tals of just one of the enantiomers. The feasibility of A possible cyclic process regime capable to pro- this process is due to the homochiral surface area of- duce periodically the two enantiomers is suggested in fered initially and the specific driving forces. Detailed literature [e. g. 17, 19]. An applicable configuration might treatises of the process of crystallization by entrainment consist of two crystallizers connected in series where can be found in the literature, e. g. [17, 19]. the separation of each enantiomer is performed. In An example proving the feasibility and the re- Fig. 10 on the example of threonine the process trajec- producibility of the process is shown in Fig. 9 for the tory obtained for two subsequent separation cycles crys- threonine system which was already studied in [34]. tallizing alternating L-threonine and D-threonine is pre- Based on the determination of the metastable zone width sented. After seeding the racemic solution with L-Thr (Fig. 6) the process could be performed for a subcooling crystals, the resolution process starts providing L-Thr ∆ T of 7 K. Three consecutive runs realized at 33°C in as crystallizing solid. The crystallization process is in- a 2 L vessel delivered almost identical results. The pro- terrupted at a predefined rotation angle (here corre- files of the angle without an initial enan- sponding to 2% enantiomeric excess of the counter-enan- tiomeric excess and the evolution of the mother liquor tiomer D-Thr, upper dashed line) in order to avoid composition are shown in a quasi-binary phase diagram nucleation of the counter-enantiomer and thus, contami- (Fig. 9, left and right). The evolution of the liquid phase nation of the L-Thr gained. After filtering the solution,

11 Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 42, 1, 2007

0.08 i. e. harvesting the solid pure enantiomer, fresh DL-Thr is fed to the mother liquor, dissolved and the D-Thr 0.06 crystallization is started seeding with D-Thr crystals. The crystallization of D-Thr then is interrupted reach- 0.04 D-Thr D-Thr ing again the predefined rotation angle (now 2% enan-

0.02 tiomeric excess of L-Thr in the solution, lower dashed L-Thr L-Thr line), the solid D-Thr is harvested by filtration and the ) ° second cycle is started. It could be shown that online- ( 0 α 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 monitoring the separation progress combining online- -0.02 density with online-polarimetric measurements allows for control of the process in a “safe” and reliable man- -0.04 ner. More detailed information also with regard to productivities obtained is given in [33, 35]. -0.06 During the simple above mentioned cyclic crys- Cycle 1 C ycle 2 tallization process, the concentration of the desired enan- -0.08 Tim e (h) tiomer in the solution is decreasing, whereas the con- centration of the counter-enantiomer remains constant Fig. 10. Process trajectory for two subsequent separation cycles crystallizing alternating L-Thr and D-Thr [33, 35]. (see Fig. 11, lower row). This phenomenon leads to an arrangement which might provide a better performance

Fig. 11. Simultaneous preferential crystallization process: Concept of arrangement for two crystalli-zers coupled via liquid phase (upper row), concentration profiles (lower row).

12 H. Lorenz, F. Capla, D. Polenske, M. P. Elsner, A. Seidel-Morgenstern

where two crystallizers are coupled via the liquid phase, 11.5 i. e., crystal-free mother liquor is exchanged between 30 °C these two vessels [36, 37]. As result, the liquid phase solubility is othe rm shows a higher overall concentration of the preferred 10.5 enantiomer in that vessel in which the preferred enanti- omer was seeded. As it is shown in Fig. 11 (lower row), . "eutectic line" 29 °C the supersaturation level which corresponds to the crys- run 2 a' 9.5

tallization driving force is higher during the whole pro- (wt.-%) b

cess compared to the case without an exchange (simple )-MA run 1 a R

( c 28°C batch mode). Additionally, the concentration of the w d c' b' counter-enantiomer in the liquid phase for each of the 8.5 d' vessels decreases. For the borderline case of infinite exchange flow rate racemic composition is reached in the fluid phase of both vessels. The described effect of 7.5 decreasing the counter-enantiomer concentration in that 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 crystallizer in which the preferred enantiomer shall be w (S )-MA (wt.-%) gained (i. e., vessel A in Fig. 11) reduces the probability Fig. 12. Preferential crystallization in the mandelic acid system for primary nucleation of the counter-enantiomer. This – proof of principle of a feasible separation (run 1: crystallization leads to a higher product purity at the end of the pro- of (S)-mandelic acid, run 2: crystallization of the racemic compound) [39]. cess and enhances also the productivity. More informa- tion, including an experimental validation is given else- meric composition of the “eutectic line” was identified where [38]. at x = 0.7, i. e. at an enantiomeric excess of ee = 40%. In Fig. 12 the results of two preferential crystallization ex- Preferential crystallization applied to racemic periments (run 1 and run 2) are presented as crystalliza- compound forming systems tion pathways in a quasi-binary phase diagram. In run 1, As mentioned before, the majority of the chiral starting with an initial enantiomeric excess of the solution of ee = 41.5% (S)-mandelic acid (point a), after seeding substances belong to the racemic compound forming 0 type of systems. For these systems from thermodynamic with (S)-mandelic acid (S)-mandelic acid crystallizes caus- point of view direct crystallization does not provide the ing an exceeding of the “eutectic line” (a → b). After- pure enantiomers from racemic solutions. However, if wards, the racemic compound (b →c) and a mixture of a certain enantiomeric enrichment is achieved, provid- the racemic compound and (S)-mandelic acid (c → d) ing a solution with a composition in one of the two 3- crystallize until the initial supersaturation is consumed phase regions in the ternary phase diagram of the com- and the remaining mother liquor has in equilibrium state pound forming system (Fig. 3), the possibility to prefer- eutectic composition. With run 2, where starting from a solution of an initial enantiomeric excess of ee = 38.5% entially crystallize one of the enantiomers and/or the 0 racemic compound is given. This idea bases on the fact (point a’) and seeding with racemic mandelic acid crys- that the stable solid phases in equilibrium are one of tals racemic mandelic acid crystallized exceeding the the enantiomers and the racemic compound. Thus, in a “eutectic line” (a’ →b’), the general feasibility of a (cy- supersaturated solution, analogous to the conglomerate clic) preferential crystallization in a racemic compound case (Fig. 8), after seeding selectively with enantiomer forming system could be confirmed. More detailed re- or racemate crystals the appropriate phase should pref- sults including the cyclic operation mode are published erentially crystallize for a certain time period. In a pos- in [40]. Recently, the extension of the results to other sible cyclic process (analogous to the conglomerate, pharmaceutical relevant systems (“Proof of Principle”) Fig. 10) periodically one of the pure enantiomers and could be demonstrated on the example of the propra- the racemic compound should be provided as seeds. nolol hydrochloride enantiomers [39]. The feasibility of such a separation process was It should be mentioned again that, before an studied for the mandelic acid case where the enantio- enantioselective crystallization of racemic compound

13 Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 42, 1, 2007 forming systems could be realized successfully, an enan- Comparing the process trajectories for the experi- tiomeric enrichment step is needed. The possibility of ments without additive (groups 1 and 2, Fig. 13), it can be using chromatography to achieve this goal and the com- easily seen that for the ground seeds due to the higher bination of chromatography and crystallization for effi- crystal surface offered the initial crystallization rate is much cient separation of enantiomers are currently studied higher than for the coarser seeds (the slope of the curve is intensively [41-45]. significantly steeper); further, the yield of the crystallized enantiomer is higher than for the coarse seeds. This en- Examples for improvement of productivity, hanced entrainment effect is indicated by the lower level process stability and product characteristics in pref- of the rotation angle obtained before crystallization of the erential crystallization counter-enantiomer. The same trend applies to the ex- In addition to novel crystallizer arrangements men- periments in presence of the additive (experiment groups tioned before, the influence of different process param- 3 and 4, Fig. 13). Grinding of the seed material also leads eters like seed characteristics, initial enantiomeric excess to an advantageous change in the product particle shape; and supersaturation, crystallization temperature and cool- the length/diameter ratio of the needle shaped crystals ing profile in a polythermal process, were studied in order decreases significantly. to optimize the crystallization outcome with regard to pro- The application of the additive results in some- ductivity, process stability and product properties. what higher yields (comparison of experiments 1 with 3 In Fig. 13 are shown exemplarily the results of iso- and 2 with 4, respectively). In case of the ground seeds thermal preferential crystallization experiments of threo- (experiments 4), a plateau phase of stagnating rotation nine varying the seed size and applying glutamic acid (Glu) angle is observed before nucleation of the undesired as a tailor-made stereoselective additive. L-Glu is known enantiomer occurs. Thus, a certain “safety region” is to selectively inhibit nucleation and growth processes of established where the kinetically driven preferential only the L-enantiomer of threonine (“Rule of Reversal”) crystallization process might be performed in a more [46]. Shown are the profiles of the rotation angle as func- reliable manner. The growth kinetics of the crystalliz- tion of the time for four groups of measurements [47]. The ing D-Thr and its purity are not influenced by the pres- seeds used were produced separately by growth from a ence of the additive. supersaturated solution containing only a pure threonine With regard to the case study and the process enantiomer. “Not ground” seeds were taken as obtained parameters discussed, finely ground seeds and the use after filtering and drying, “ground” seeds were ground be- of a stereoselective additive favor productivity, process fore using. stability and product characteristics. More details quan- tifying the described affects are published in [48].


Performing enantioselective crystallization pro- cesses requires a detailed knowledge regarding the un- derlying solid-liquid equilibria. If this information is avail- able various process concepts can be realized. The spe- cific features of an optimal process will depend strongly on the type of the phase diagram characteristic for the system under consideration. A detailed understanding of the phenomena related to nucleation and growth is com- plex. This still hinders the utilization of advanced con- cepts for modeling enantioselective crystallization pro- Fig. 13. Process trajectories as result of different seed characteristics cesses [49, 50] which are more widely applied to de- (ground and not ground) and the application of a tailor-made additive to improve productivity, process stability and product scribe the crystallization of single inorganic molecules. characteristics in preferential crystallization of threonine [47]. The development and application of reliable online ana-

14 H. Lorenz, F. Capla, D. Polenske, M. P. Elsner, A. Seidel-Morgenstern

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