“Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI)” UNCRD-Hyogo


Prof. Javier R. Piqué President, Peruvian Permanent Committee for Seismic Design Dean of the Board of Engineers of -CD

Evolution of Peruvian Seismic UNCRD-Hyogo Standards

„ 1964: First project of Peruvian Standard based on SEAOC „ 1970: First Peruvian Standard nationwide (Lima 1966, - 1970)

Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007

1 UNCRD-Hyogo HUARÁZ 1970

Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007

Evolution of Peruvian Seismic UNCRD-Hyogo Standards

„ 1977: Second Peruvian Standard „ (After earthquakes of Chimbote–Huaraz 1970, Lima 1974)

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2 “Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI)” UNCRD-Hyogo

NAZCA Earthquake November 1996

Buildings design with 1977 Standard

School Fermín del Castillo UNCRD-Hyogo

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3 School building UNCRD-Hyogo

NAZCA 1996 Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007

Short column detail


NAZCA 1996

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4 Allowable Displacements = DamageUNCRD-Hyogo


Earthquake in X direction Maximum Displacements (RNC-1977)

Displacements (cm) Drift FLOOR x y x y 2do floor 6.494 0.000 1/144 < 1/5000 1er floor 4.091 0.013 1/90 < 1/5000

Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007



Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007

5 Evolution of Peruvian Seismic UNCRD-Hyogo Standards

„ 1997: Third Peruvian Standard. (After Nazca earthquake of 1996, Mexico 1985, Loma Prieta 1989, Northridge 1994, Kobe 1995) „ 2003: Revision of 3rd Standard

Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007

Contributions of 1997 Seismic Code, maintained in 2003 Code UNCRD-Hyogo

„ Quantification de irregularities „ Reduction of allowable distortions „ Increase design intensities „ Declaration to try to “Avoid collapse” „ Regular structural configuration required for essential buildings

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6 3.6 Category, Structural System and Regularity UNCRD-Hyogo

CATEGORY and STRUCTURAL SYSTEM OCCUPANCY STRUCTURAL Seismic Structural System CATEGORY REGULARITY Zone 3 Steel Frames Reinforced concrete shear walls Reinforced and confined masonry Dual system A REGULAR 2 Y 1 Steel frames (*) (**) Reinforced concrete shear walls Reinforced and confined masonry Dual system Timber B 3 Y 2 Steel frames Reinforced concrete shear walls REGULAR OR Reinforced and confined masonry IRREGULAR Dual system Timber 1 Any system C REGULAR OR 3, 2 Y 1 Any system. IRREGULAR

(*) To comply with design objectives buildings will be specially structured to resist severe earthquakes (**) Rural constructions may use traditional materials according to specific Codes.

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1997 = Change of Standars UNCRD-Hyogo

V = Base shear

V earthquake= Elastic Behavior V=ZUSC


V design Inelastic Behavior

ZUSC ∆ (Lateral V= P ∆ analysis ∆ actual Displacement) R

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7 Comparison between base shear coefficients UNCRD-Hyogo Seismic Standard 1977 1997 factor Z 1 0.4 factor U 1 1 factor S 1 1 factor C (short periods) 0.4 2.5 ZUCS 0.4 1 To obtain similar base shear, R factors had to be increased: 2,5 times Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007

Drift Limits were also reduced UNCRD-Hyogo

Standard 1977 1997 Increment of demand PREDOMINANT ∆  I  ∆  ∆     I   77   hei    −1 ⋅100 MATERIAL hei      ∆ 97  Reinforced 0.010 0.007 43% Concrete Steel (*) 0.015 0.010 50% Masonry 0.010 0.005 100% Timber 0.015 0.010 50%

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8 Same strength larger displacements UNCRD-Hyogo

V Same design level, 1977 and 1997



Displacements 1997 = 2.5 x 4/3= 3.33 times larger and compared against a stringent drift Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007

Espectro de Diseño UNCRD-Hyogo


3.5 Tipo S3 3.0 Tp=0.9 seg


CS Tipo S2 2.0 Tp=0.6 seg


Tipo S1 1.0 Tp=0.4 seg


0 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination ExpertPeriodo Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007 de Vibración, T (s)

9 “Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI)” UNCRD-Hyogo

ATICO () Earthquake

JUNE 2001

ATICO Earthquake, Southern PERU

23 June 2001 - Magnitude MS 8.2, Mw=8,4 UNCRD-Hyogo

Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007


Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007

1977 Standard: Allowable Displacements =

damage UNCRD-Hyogo

Photo: E. Fierro Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007

11 1997 Standard = Stiffer structures. Regular structural system mandatory = No damage UNCRD-Hyogo

Photos E. Fierro

Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007

2003 version UNCRD-Hyogo

„ Ultimate strength. Base shear x 1.25 „ Displacements slightly reduced „ More “R” values „ Slight change in design spectrum descend

Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007

12 Design Philosophy 2003 Standard UNCRD-Hyogo

• a. Avoid loss of life • b. Ensure continuity of basic services • c. Minimize property damage.

Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007

Current Limitations of Standard UNCRD-Hyogo

„ One set of objectives, independent of building importance „ Seismic Performance level is combined with design seismic level, expresed as intensities „ Only one set of forces correpondiong to severe earthquake reduced by R to satisfy three performance levels.

Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007


„ All school buildings in Southern Peru designed with 1977 Standard experienced structural and nonstructural damage whereas none of the schools designed and built under the 1997 Standard experienced damage. „ Peruvian Seismic Standards requires higher computed lateral displacements. Structures have to be much more rigid than before.

Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007


„ Changes in structural element dimensions to achieve additional stiffness in case of school buildings increase structural costs by 30%. No cost was involved after the earthquake because of absence of damage.

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14 CONCLUSIONS 3 UNCRD-Hyogo „ Structures designed with 1977 Standards had to be repaired, they could not be used for several months and cost of retrofitting and stiffening reach up to 40% of initial cost „ It is recommended Codes should incorporate: Ê Restrict displacements Ê Limit irregularities severely. Essential buildings should be regular Ê Either assure safe collapse mechanisms or limit use of frame systems alone

Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007


„ Implement programs to support retrofitting with training and long term credit or subsidies „ Non-engineered heavy housing in high intensities areas should be relocated „ Emphasize importance of configuration „ Assure stable mechanism on ultimate conditions (Capacity design) Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007


„ Performance based design: Several design levels „ Modification de load factors „ Determination of ultimate lateral resistance „ Definition de stable energy dissipation mechanisms :capacity design „ Energy Dissipation devices

Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007


„ Convince users of benefit of good design „ Convince policy makers is less costly to invest in prevention trough retrofitting „ Introduce collapse prevention in design stage „ Implement policies for non engineered housing

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16 UNCRD-Hyogo


Thanks to you all

Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (HESI): Anti-seismic Building Code Dissemination Expert Meeting – UNCRD-KOBE-2007