DUNHAM HILL & ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday 5th January 2021, at 7.00pm, via Zoom.


Present: Cllr D Cowap Cllr K Bradley - Chairperson Cllr R Johnson Cllr K Holmes Cllr C Green Cllr E Gibson Clerk: Mrs T Ryall-Harvey Members of the public: 0

ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON – Following the resignation as Chairperson of Cllr D Cowap, it was RESOLVED 20/036 that Cllr Bradley be nominated as Chairperson for the period January – April 2021, this was nominated by Cllr Johnson and seconded by Cllr Green and unanimously agreed.

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Apologies were received from Cllr S Willett and Cllr S Wallace due to family circumstances.

DECLARATION OF INTERESTS – No declarations of interest were reported. Cllr Johnson declared an interest on planning application 20/03831/CAT due to being a neighbour of the applicant.


ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES RESOLVED 20/037 - that the Chair signs, as a correct record the circulated minutes of the Parish Council meeting on the 3rd November 2020 – subject to the following amendments:-

Under Planning amend the minutes to include the comments that were agreed to be submitted together with the no-objection for planning application 20/03332/FUL - 5 Dunham Hall Mews as follows “We have no objection but note that the house immediately adjacent the window is currently vacant due to the recent death of the owner/occupant.”

Under Christmas Tree for Hapsford – amend the to purchase a 12” Tree for Hapsford -to be a 12ft tree for Hapsford.

ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION Internet Speed in Dunham Hill & Hapsford – Cllr Johnson & Cllr Green to set up a meeting to review services offered by Gigaloch and bring back to the next meeting.

Replacement Bench for Talbot Road – put on the next newsletter to see if anyone is willing to sponsor a Bench. ACTION: Write to WI to see if they would be willing to sponsor a bench.

Road Signs for Manley Mere ACTION: Chase sign with CWaC.

Traffic Issues

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Cllr Cowap reported that a resident had highlighted to him that there had been regular police activity with the trucam over the festive period. Cllr Bradley raised concerns about if the SID machine was weather resistant. Cllr Holmes confirmed it was and undertook to charge the battery then the SID machine could be utilised.

The Paddocks – the guard-dog keeps running into the road when resident walk past. Cllr Cowap suggested this area should be monitored and provide any further updates in the future.

Talbot Road and Road – drains are blocked and causing a flood – Cllr Cowap undertook to take pictures and forward to Clerk for reporting to CWaC

PLANNING - Councillors noted the Planning Register dated 24/12/2020.

The following planning application were reported to the meeting:- 20/04396/FUL – Land at Plot 13 Ince Resource Recovery Park – ACTION: The Parish Council asked if we can write to highlight and seek clarity from the Planning Department that residents and the Parish Council have not been fully consulted on this. The Parish Council believe that any planning related to the Recovery Park then CWaC consult with , , , Thornton le Moors, and Elton but not Dunham Hill and Hapsford Parish Council.

Cllr Holmes highlighted that the road access to the site is shown as the M56 and the A5117 from Ellesmere Port as a secondary route, however in the event of an accident on the M56 there is more change of the lorries coming through Helsby and Frodsham and from Chester on the A56/A5117 and therefore an objection should be raised that these route are not be considered an acceptable route.

The Planning Appeal APP/A0665/C/20/3257792 – Land at Brethrens Meeting Room, Hob Lane – it was reported that following the appeal decision received from the Planning Inspectorate it was noted that the appeal has been dismissed and the enforcement notice will be upheld. Cllr Holmes & Cllr Bradley undertook to draw up a summary report to share with residents.

ACCOUNTS Cashbook – the council accepted the cashbook and updated budget v actual YTD dated 24-12-2020

Income & Expenditure

RESOLVED 20/038 - to accept the income received since the last meeting as reported below:- CWaC - £168.36 from Members Budget Monies Bank Interest Paid £0.28

RESOLVED 20/039 - to accept the expenditure as circulated at the meeting:-

To Whom Paid Comments Amount Clerk's Salary Tax Point 9 £229.47 Clerk's Salary Tax Point 10 £229.47 Clerk's Expenses £90.66 Autela Payroll Services Q3 Payroll £48.24 HMRC PAYE Payment £207.80 Defib Store Replacement Pads for Defibs £156.00 Walkers Nurseries Chester Christmas Tree for Hapsford £126.00 Paul Johnson Photocopying of Newsletter £50.00

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YTD Bank Reconciliation - RESOLVED 20/040 – that the bank reconciliation until 24/12/2020 as presented to the meeting was approved.

Budget for 2021-22 - Following the draft budget being circulated prior to the meeting, the budget was reviewed and the Parish Council RESOLVED 20/041 unanimously to accept the budget for 2021-22 of £7,013 as set out below:-

Precept for 2021-22 -the Parish Council RESOLVED 20/042 unanimously to request a precept level of £7,005 which is 11% on the precept for 2021-22.

SLCC Membership – it was RESOLVED 20/043 to approve the payment of the SLCC membership for the Clerk which is split between 4 other Parish Councils. SLCC membership currently cost £185.00 between 5 Parish Councils.

Training Request – it was RESOLVED 20/044 to approve the payment of the clerk undertaking the following training:- 26th January 2021 - Internal Controls Training 13th January 2021 – Role of Internal Audit 10th February – End of Year Accounts and Audit At a total cost of £90 and the costs be split between 5 Parish Councils.

Churchyard Grant – it was RESOLVED 20/045 to submit a Churchyard Grant Application on behalf of St Luke’s Church, Dunham Hill for £380.00 to cover costs towards the churchyard maintenance.

Online Banking Signatures – Following the last meeting the Clerk reported that she had received confirmation that both Cllr Johnson and Cllr Gibson had now contacted the on-line banking department and provided the necessary information to get them access. Cllr Johnson has been able to authorise payments on the council’s behalf.

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COMMUNITY EVENTS Community Litter Picking Cllr Bradley confirmed there was nothing to report regarding litter picking. Cllr Bradley thanked Cllr Holmes for getting the fly tipping removed from Barrow Lane. Cllr Bradley has noticed that the volume of rubbish on A5116 and Chester Road is appalling and should be reported to CWaC.

Tree Planting for Dunham Hill and Hapsford Cllr Green reported that the trees need to be planted now or in Spring. Cllr Green confirmed that the areas on the Wheatsheaf and in Hapsford have been agreed and approved by CWaC. It was suggested to plant in March 2021 depending on current Covid-19 social distancing restrictions.

Bulb Planting for 2020 It was confirmed that since the last meeting and the receipt of the CWaC Members Budget Monies the bulbs had been purchased and planted within Dunham Hill and Hapsford. Cllr Bradley thanked Cllr Johnson and Gibson for their assistance in planting the bulbs.

Hapsford Woods Cllr Gibson reported that a resident of Hapsford is working through the accessibility of footpaths, and which footpaths have been adopted and which have been forgotten about, she will be interested in having support from the Parish Council in the future when she has compiled her findings. The resident is undertaking research regarding the footpath’s locations and the 20 year rule of access.

Cllr Gibson also reported that Morgan who are the authorised managers of the Hapsford Woods have identified several trees that they are going to be removed due to being dangerous and signs that were inappropriate put up have been removed from the Hapsford Woods. Cllr Gibson also confirmed she has a contact with Wildlife Trust and she is exploring the option of supporting the Hapsford residents to re-establishing the ponds and linking in with the local community.

ACTION: Chase the meeting with ASH Group at their Ellesmere Port site. ACTION: Add Footpaths to the Agenda

CWaC CONSULTATION It was reported that Cheshire West and Chester were undertaking a programme of online engagement meetings with town and parish councils – the most recent one was scheduled for Monday 25th January at 4pm – 5pm with the Environmental Commissioning team to learn more about CWaC future waste strategy proposals and the public consultation. The Chair sought a volunteer from the Parish Council to attend - Cllr Holmes undertook to attend on behalf of the Parish Council and feedback.

ITEMS FOR INCLUSION IN THE NEXT NEWSLETTER It was confirmed that the next Newsletter was scheduled for April 2021. - Waste Bins and recycling bins are coming to the end of the useful lives – how to obtain replacement bins. - Waste Consultation - Census - Distribution – could the newsletter go on-line – mindful about sending information due to GDPR Find out from Parish Council how they got round holding resident’s information via GDPR.

Cllr Gibson – to undertake editing the newsletter.

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PARISH COUNCIL VACANCIES Cllr Gibson to speak to a resident of Hapsford about becoming a Parish Councillor. Cllr Bradley to speak to a resident of Dunham Hill about becoming a Parish Councillor and both will report back to the next meeting.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING Working group meeting – February 2nd February – Planning Review, Internet/Broadband, Dunham Hill Green, Sponsorship - Look at the cost of an artificial external Christmas Tree Parish Council Meeting - The next meeting would be held on Tuesday 2nd March 2021 at 7.00pm via Video Conference.

The meeting closed at 20.26

Signed:...... Dated:...... Mrs T Ryall-Harvey 5/01/2021

Page 37 Dunham Hill and Hapsford Parish Council website: www. dunhamhillandhapsford.co.uk email: [email protected]