在那工業背後的色彩斑斕 葵涌跨文化區傳承故事

Beyond the Hassle and Hustle Stories of Cross-cultural Community 目錄 | CONTENT

關於我們 "共融館" About us "Kung Yung Koon" - The Dost ...... 4

八約時代 (1900 - 1950) THE EIGHT “YEUKS” PERIOD (1900 - 1950)...... 15

工業時代 (1950 - 1980) THE INDUSTRIAL ERA (1950 - 1980)...... 20

我的黃金歲月 MY GOLDEN YEARS...... 24

後工業時代 (1980 - 2000) THE POST-INDUSTRIAL ERA (1980 - 2000)...... 31

2000 - NOW 2000 - NOW...... 35

過節 FESTIVAL...... 39



我們的那些年(成長篇) OUR GROWTH STORY...... 65


女王的教室 THE QUEEN’S CLASSROOM...... 87

「屏麗PLUS」 ― 屏麗多元文化社區活化工程 Ping Lai Plus ― Ping Lai Cross-Cultural Community Revitalization Project...... 94

多元文化生活體團《行程指南》地圖 C-TOUR MAP...... 104

附錄︰南亞食譜 South Asian Recipes...... 106 - 關於我們 - - About us - Kung Yung Koon - 共融館 The Dost

葵涌蘊藏着一個小巴基斯坦社區,三十多年 There is something unique beneath the 來不少南亞裔朋友聚居於此。「共融館」 renowned industrial setting in Kwai Chung district. An unsophisticated yet remarkably 於二零一四年五月設立於這小小南亞社區 cohesive South Asian network has long 之中,成為本地及南亞裔朋友的聚腳點, been formed since 1970s. Kung Yung Koon 遊人可在館內參觀有關南亞裔人士來港歷 - The Dost was opened in May, 2014. It is a 史、生活文化的展板,另可見識到許多專程 relaxing space where the locals and South 從巴基斯坦運來的日常用品,如:水煙、 Asians can spend time with. Visitors would 糖果壺、手製矮凳、巴基斯坦版飛行棋 be able to get a glimpse of the South Asian immigration history, living culture, and 「Ludo」等,了解南亞獨特的生活文化。 hand-made handcrafts such as the shisha, candy jar, Pakistani chess “Ludo”, etc. via the exhibitions in Kung Yung Koon - The Dost. 「小區濃情 - 葵涌多元文化社區傳承計劃」

每每說到對葵涌區的印象,相信大家不難聯想到「工廈」、「貨櫃碼頭」、 「勞動」等字眼,但原來揭開葵涌重重的工廈包裝,會發現區內蘊藏着緊密 的南亞人情網絡。

香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心於2001年始,為居港的少數族裔人士提供一 站式的社會服務,包括一系列融入社群、自助互助、增强就業能力等的支 援,以助他們面對生活上的困難,促進不同種族和諧共融。而是次「小區 濃情 - 葵涌多元文化社區傳承計劃 」獲得市區更新基金有限公司的資助, 以葵涌屏麗徑與屏富徑作為社區多元文化傳承的主軸,從這匯聚豐富南亞 元素的憩靜小街起步,致力保留及傳揚區內本地與南亞文化共融的獨特色 彩。

"Our Community of Love & Mutuality : Nurturing Cultural Diversity & Community Legacy in Kwai Chung"

"Manufacturing factories", "container terminal", "labour" are the terms that commonly associated with Kwai Chung district. Yet revealing the renowned industrial setting in Kwai Chung district, an unsophisticated yet remarkably cohesive South Asian network has long been formed.

HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre has been providing diversified social services to ethnic minorities living in since 2001. With the concern about these people's needs, our services provide supports for helping them confront difficulties in life and promoting harmony amongst different races. The project "Our Community of Love & Mutuality : Nurturing Cultural Diversity & Community Legacy in Kwai Chung", which is funded by Urban renewal fund, is one of our service projects launched in late 2013. Ping Lai Path and Ping Fu Path in Kwai Chung, where the peaceful South Asian neighborhoods cluster, are selected as the starting point for promoting and revitalizing the cross- cultural uniqueness in the community.

6 7 葵涌:你中有我、我中有你的文化搖籃 Kwai Chung, the Inseparable : Cradle of multi - cultural hub 從外人眼裡,葵青區的變化止於香港經濟起飛,當工業日漸息微,社區 發展慢慢靜止下來,區內工廠大廈被貨倉和寫字樓取代,相比深水埗和 Contrary to popular belief, development of Kwai Tsing slowed down 觀塘,葵青區的舊貌並沒有得到太多關注。 when Hong Kong enjoyed the economic growth while transforming from industrialization to become a metropolitan city. Factories were abandoned and replaced by warehouses and offices. The old scenery 區內居民流動性低,造就了香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心的社區服務有較 of Kwai Tsing was not exotic to gain public attention as much as 長的周期,以及「有機」的演變。70年代葵青成為香港第一代衛星城 Sham Shui Po and Kwun Tong where re-urbanization took place. 市,人口劇增,他們主要為工作而來,公屋建成後他們在區內安居、建 立家庭,中心的服務也隨著居民需要而改變 ── Slow mobility facilitated HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre to develop community services that enjoyed a long lifecycle and an organic growth. Kwai Tsing became the first generation of satellite city in the 70s and enjoyed an enormous population growth. Young workers 70年代社區建設,為突然膨脹的人口改善生活環境的衛生條件; moved in and settled down in the public housing. Our services grew in time : 80年代社區照顧,為新移民提供家庭照顧並協助他們融入社區; 70s - community establishment to improve health condition for the 90年代社區健康,為老化人口解決天台屋、僭建 簷 篷 和 衛 生 黑 點 ; influx of population; 00年代社區資本和社企計劃,為少數族裔提供經濟扶助和工作機會。 80s - community care to help new immigrant family; 90s - community health to resolve the aging problem and environmental degradation; 00s - community capital and social enterprise program to facilitate 屏麗徑的少數族裔社區形成與香港回歸有莫大關係,原定於1997年完工 ethnic minority settlement and adaptation. 的香港國際機場延誤了一年才啟用,當時大量短期勞工都是由巴基斯坦 聘請過來,因機場延期而錯失了被調回英國的機會,為數不少的巴籍人 Establishment of Ping Lai Path community was closely related to the 士在港工作滿7年並申請成為香港永久居民,由機場搬到市區謀生,葵青 Hong Kong Handover. Pakistan workers reluctantly stayed in Hong 區公屋數量較多、生活成本較低,吸引了少數族裔在這區聚居。 Kong after 1997 owing to the delay of Hong Kong International Airport project and were omitted from the return to United 原居民、新移民、本土居民及少數族裔,個人與社區的互動過程,經過 Kingdom. They made their home in Kwai Tsing where public housing 40多年,通過居民的成長和了解,逐漸成為葵青區獨有的文化,香港聖 supply was adequate and living cost relatively low. 公會麥理浩夫人中心的平台促進他們在生活上取得和諧,互相認識、欣 Throughout 40 years of interaction, the indigenous residents, new 賞和學習,達致你中有我、我中有你的生活文化。 immigrants, locals and ethnic minority nurtured a multi-cultural hub consists of empathy, understanding, appreciation and learning.

8 9 館長有話說 Curators’ Words

不像置身中環或尖沙咀之中,朝遇晚碰西裝白領,也沒有許多精緻餐室 Suit and tie, the endless ‘clicks‘ from high heels, the relaxing plays from fancy restaurants, unlike working in Tsim Sha Tsui or Central, these are 讓人在午膳時段稍作偷閒,在葵涌屏麗徑工作,舊街窄巷老店穿插,社 not the usual sceneries of Kwai Chung. Out of tune with the rapid urban 區步速屬慢調,跨種族居民常聚首街徑,不知不覺走進其中,仿似自己 development pace, decades-old shops can still be easily found among the 才是少數族裔。 narrow alleys in Kwai Chung. Yet, what makes her a wondrous place to walkers is the fruitfulness of the mix-and-match cross-cultural elements 將「小區濃情—葵涌多元文化社區承傳計劃」實踐於葵涌,如同社區慢 inhabited in the community, blurring the mainstream-definition of “who 調,要將不同文化背景人士由「共存」帶至「共融」,也不是立即見 are the minorities”. 效。猶記得初開「共融館」的時候,途人會直接問:「(與南亞居民)一 Falling in the slow living pace, when we first launch the “Our Community 起生活了那麼久,還有甚麼需要了解?」在葵涌,不同種族居民天天碰 of Love & Mutuality – Nurturing Cultural Diversity & Community 面,不明白為何要設一個「共融館」拉近彼此距離。故此,「共融館」 Legacy in Kwai Chung” project, results are not seen right away. We still 的設立目的,不是要帶出花巧的種族共融理論,而是在日常的擦身而過 remember vividly when we first opened KungYungKoon - The Dost, the neighborhood doubted “how can we stay more close (with neighbors of 機遇以外,營造更深刻的交流空間。 different ethnic backgrounds) as we have been living together for that long?” The neighborhoods weren’t tuned in with KungYungKoon-The 邀請南亞朋友以音樂分享他們的遷國故事,才知道各人離開家園的原因 Dost’s mission at the very beginning. Indeed, we are not trying to deliver 不盡相同;本地街坊教南亞小朋友弄中國湯圓,原來一眾小朋友在香港 scholastic theories about integration, yet simply allowing a socially- 出生,卻未曾嘗過一口新年食物;一群大學生看到南亞家庭生育眾多, related ambience to be harmoniously created. 義不容辭替他們回收舊木,製作傢俱送予家庭。兩年過去,居民的態度 Inviting South Asian friends to share their music and migration stories 開放了,亦越見彼此更雀躍分享自身的文化與資源,不同種族的朋友居 made us understand further the burden they carry; teaching the South 於同一天空下,交流的空間原來可以如此廣闊。 Asian children to make their very first-try of Chinese rice balls; having a group of local students to make free wooden-furniture for South Asian 在香港,有關葵涌跨種族社區的故事從來著墨不多,《在那工業背後的 families in need. Two years pass by, there is nothing more rewarding 色彩斑斕》的出版,正好填補了那片空白,以文字與圖像述說葵涌最日 than seeing the community getting more open-minded to share their own cultures and resources, and realizing the limitless of humankind’s 常不過、卻滿有文化多樣性的交流精粹。 generosity and eagerness to share and help.

In Hong Kong, the stories of long-established cross-cultural community are sketchily described. We hope the publish of 《 Beyond the Hassle and Hustle - Stories of Kwai Chung Cross-cultural Community 》can fill in part of the gap, narrate the most usual yet splendid cross-cultural stories.

梁詠婷 Noel Leung 徐斯筠 Cecilia Tsui 阿文 Minhas Rashad

10 11 一切從殖民 時代開始… 1900 - 1950



香港古地圖 Ancient map of Hong Kong 八約時代 異鄉人在開埠前的香港

1898年英國以界限街以北為界,向清廷租借新界,分為「八約」,荃灣 二次大戰前的兩個世紀是英國史上最輝煌的時代,當時地球上有4分1國 和葵青區納入九龍約。當時荃、葵、青居民以客家人為主,大部分在山 土屬於英國殖民地,因此有日不落帝國之稱。英國成立東印度公司結合 谷和河邊平原務農,出產菠蘿、稻米、蔬菜和蕃薯,戰前荃葵青區最具 商業和軍事手段,進行棉花、絲綢、鴉片、香料、茶葉和硝石質易。英 規模的設施則屬德士古石油庫 (今海濱公園) 莫屬。 國殖民香港早期開始委派印度軍人來港為英軍和警察,也有商人從東印 度公司來港經商,成立了早期「外資」機構如香港大學、律敦治醫院及 1941年12月11日凌晨,日軍夜襲城門碉堡,攻陷醉酒灣防線,英軍撤回 天星小輪等。 港島,12月18日,日軍在港島東發難,經過一星期苦戰,當年聖誔節, 港督楊慕琦在半島酒店簽下投降書。日治期間,香港人口由150萬跌至60 萬。 Foreigners In Hong Kong

With its colonies encompassing one-fourth of the world, Britain had The Eight “Yeuks” Period (1900 – 1950) the most glorious era in the two centuries before World War II, which was considered as “the empire on which the sun never sets”. The In 1898, the ( the area north of Boundary Street ) was British East India Company was founded by Britain as a commercial leased by the Qing government to Britain. It was divided into eight and military tool, specializing in cotton, silk, opium, spices, tea and “yeuks” ( administrative areas ) while “Kowloon Yeuk” included Tsuen saltpeter trading. During the early stage of colonization, Britain Wan and Kwai Tsing districts. The residents in Tsuen Wan, Kwai Tsing assigned Indian soldiers to join the British army and police force in and Tsing Yi districts were mainly Hakkanese at that time, most of Hong Kong, while the merchants from British East India Company whom engaged in farming, producing pineapples, rice, vegetables and came to Hong Kong for trading. The very first “foreign-invested” sweet potatoes in valleys and river plains. Caltex oil depot ( now Riviera institutions, including the University of Hong Kong, Ruttonjee Hospital Gardens ) was the largest facility among the three districts in the pre- and Star Ferry, were also established at that time. war period.

On 11 December 1941, Japanese army launched an attack on the Shing Mun Redoubt in the early morning and broke the Gin Drinkers Defense Line, forcing the British army to retreat to Hong Kong Island. The Japanese troops continued to mount an attack on Hong Kong Island East on 18 December. After a series of hard battles in one week, a capitulation was signed by the Governor of Hong Kong, Sir Mark Young at the Peninsula Hotel Hong Kong at Christmas. During the Japanese occupation, the population in Hong Kong decreased from 1.5 million to 600,000.

16 17 醉酒灣防線 Grasett 內防線

醉酒灣防線西起下溪涌海邊,東至西貢牛尾海,經金山、城門、 筆架山、獅子山、大老山,全長18公里,建有碉堡、隧道、戰 壕等,內部通道更以英國街道為名。

Gin Drinkers Line ( Or Grasett Inner Line )

The 18-km Gin Drinkers Line stretched from Gin Drinkers Bay in the west to Sai Kung’s Port Shelter in the east, via Kam Shan, Shing Mun, Beacon Hill, Lion Rock and Tate’s Cairn, comprising a number of redoubts, tunnels, trenches and internal passageways named after British streets.

下葵涌鄧氏家祠 ( III 級歷史建築 ) The Tang’s Ancestral Hall, a Grade III historic building in Ha Kwai Chung

城門水塘碉堡 The Shing Mun Redoubt

18 19 工業時代 (1950-1980)

戰後香港社會回復迅速,數年間人口由60萬增加至1950年200萬,從江浙 地區移民來香港的棉紡工業家帶來資金、技術和機器,帶動香港紡紗和製 衣工業起飛。1950至60年代製造業人口約3成是紡織業工人,青山道紗廠 林立如南海紗廠、寶星紗廠、東南紗廠等,葵青區居民女士多從事製衣、 男士則做飲食或運輸等行業。

人口膨脹帶來不少社會問題,低收入人士多數居住於木區,1953年石峽 尾大火導致5萬多人無家可歸,促使政府落實公共房屋政策。隨著1961年 大窩口邨、1964年葵涌邨、1968年石蔭邨和1970年梨木樹邨入伙,為葵 青工業發展帶來大批廉價勞動力。

1950 - 1980 The Industrial Era (1950-1980) 工業時代 Hong Kong recovered rapidly after the war, with its population increasing from 600,000 to 2 million in 1950 within a few years. The cotton-spinning THE INDUSTRIAL ERA industrialists from Jiangsu-Zhejiang region relocated to Hong Kong with their capital, technology and machines, which contributed to the significant development of spinning and garment industries. In 1950 - 60s, textile workers accounted for about 30% of local manufacturing population, whilst the Castle Peak Road was lined with a number of spinning factories, like Nanhai Cotton Mill Ltd, Pao Hsing Cotton Mill Ltd and Southeast Spinners Ltd. Most women living in were engaged in garment industry whereas men were working in the catering or transportation sector.

The swelling population led to a lot of social problems. As most low- income earners were living in squatter huts, the 1953 Shek Kip Mei fire ravaged the home of more than 50,000 people, urging the local government to implement public housing policy. With the flat in-take of Tai Wo Hau Estate in 1961, Kwai Chung Estate in 1964, Shek Yam Estate in 1968 and Lei Muk Shue Estate in 1970 respectively, the policy has brought a large pool of cheap labour to the industrial sector in Kwai Tsing.

21 非法入境者之剋星 ── 啹喀兵 (Gurkhas) Gurkhas, The Nemesis Of Illegal Immigrants

According to unofficial statistics, there are about 40,000 Nepalese 根據非官方統計,居港尼泊爾人約4萬人,聚居於元朗、錦田、油麻地 citizens living in Hong Kong, especially in Yuen Long, Kam Tin and Yau 一帶,大多是殖民政府駐港英軍僱傭兵(又稱啹喀兵)的後代。啹喀兵 Ma Tei, while the majority are the later generations of Gurkhas, the (Gurkhas)為上世紀英國以僱傭兵形式收編尼泊爾軍隊派駐殖民地的主 mercenaries serving in the British garrison in Hong Kong. As the main 力軍,二次大戰後英國逐漸失去亞洲的殖民地,1947年印度獨立和印巴 force of British troops in the last century, Gurkhas were the Nepalese 分治、1971年馬來西亞獨立,原駐守兩國的啹喀兵被調派香港,主力堵 soldiers deployed to station in the colonies. 截 II ( Illegal Immigrant, 非法入境者),直至97回歸,啹喀兵人數曾高達 Since Britain progressively lost 5,000多人,回歸後他們獲得居港權,多數轉職為銀行和外資公司為保 its Asian colonies after the 安,並把家人從尼泊爾接到香港。 World War II, in addition to the independence and partitio of India in 1947 as well as the independence of Malaysia in 1971, the Gurkhas stationing in India and Malaysia have been seconded to Hong Kong and responsible for deterring illegal immigrants until Hong Kong's return to China in 1997. The number of Gurkhas was as high as over 5,000, who obtained the right of abode after the handover of Hong Kong to China. Most of them not only turned to work as security guards at banks and foreign companies, but also moved their families from Nepal to Hong Kong.

圖片由英國喀博物館及第六喀步兵隊提供 Photo courtesy of the Gurkha Museum UK and the Regimental Association of the 6th QEO Gurkha Rifles

22 23 總幹事沃馮嬿琼女士:一切源於自我活化的屏麗徑

香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心於1973年成立,我在88年代加入這個大家庭, 葵青區和我一起渡過了人生的精彩歲月。 南亞人士在90年代後期開始聚居葵青,當時大部分南亞人士衣著、生活習慣 非常傳統,並不容易融入本地文化。開展少數族裔社區工作的初期,讓我印 象最難忘是早期少數族裔婦女不能按自己意願在公開場合接受訪問,我們只 好在記者與南亞婦女之間架起一個屏風,但隨著南亞家庭融入社區,他們在 主流文化與傳統習俗之間,隨心所欲活出自我,在港出生的南亞青少年透過 教育,在香港實現自己的夢想。這些改變並非一朝一夕,我們回顧過去在南 亞兒童服務投入了共融元素,現在終於開花結果。在中心,不少南亞裔小孩 與本地小孩共同成長,他們成年後回到中心擔任少數族裔服務的中堅份子。 現時葵青區居民重視「自我改造」、「自我活化」,我很慶幸他們主動 向社區投放生產力,避免社區步入貧民區的命運,我們的服務重視「施 與受」,由無助到能過渡難關,甚至可以幫助別人,過程很漫長而且要 付出,並且依靠居民自己注入新元素和力量,成為持久的價值。 我的黃金歲月 Director Mrs. Helina Yuk : MY GOLDEN YEARS All Start With Ping Lai Path, The Self Energizing Community

HKSKH Lady MacLehose centre was founded in 1973 and since I joined the centre in 1988, Kwai Tsing community became part of my life and my family. Ethnic minority groups settled down in Kwai Tsing during the 90s. They were initially leading a traditional lifestyle, which raised the threshold for them to adapt to local culture. I could recall during the early days of ethnic minority service, Pakistan women were not allowed to be interviewed by reporters face to face. We needed to set up a fence to separate the women and journalists at a press conference to avoid cultural conflicts. The next generation of ethnic minority, especially the young ones who were born in Hong Kong grew up in two cultures found their own liberty. Children of different cultural background made friends and mingled in a natural way. We were pleased when the Pakistan kids who hung around in our centre grew up and became leader of our service nowadays. Residents of Kwai Tsing empower themselves by self-reformation and self-energization. They give back to the community to prevent it from turning into slum. Our platform empathizes “Give and Take” as long term community work to empower residents and help them to get over from deprived living condition.

25 廖牧師:見證悠悠教育變遷

戰後的香港,經歷中國難民潮之後,人口劇增至200萬,政府在60年代增 設30萬個小學學位,逐漸取締「天台小學」、義學、鄉村學塾等民間學 校,配合人口遷徙,政府在公屋大量興建小學,廖牧師在1968年出任葵涌 聖公會主愛小學校長,悠悠14年,見證葵涌60、70年代風景人面的變遷。

當時葵荃區人口約80萬,大部分是從國內逃難的新移民,成長背景和葵荃 人截然不同的廖牧師原居港島區堅道,其回憶裡的70年代是香港的黃金歲 月,當時學生的家長多數在工廠打工,他們善良、純樸,營營役役工作卻 無怨言,聖公會主教小學和石梨天主教小學是區內質素最好的學校,家長 以子女能考入這兩所教會學校為榮。除學業成績外,主教小學的老師經常 鍛鍊學生體能,在石梨、城門一帶跑山是家常便飯,所以每年學界陸運會 都能取得好成績。

Rev. Liu, Witness To The Long Educational Reform

In the post-war period, Hong Kong’s population soared to 2 million after waves of migration from China. Hong Kong government offered 300,000 additional primary school places in 1960s, gradually replacing non-government educational institutions like “rooftop primary schools”, free schools and the private schools in countryside. A large number of primary schools were also built within public housing estates to cater for the incoming population. Rev. Liu had been the principal of S.K.H. Chu Oi Primary School in Kwai Chung for 14 years since 1968, witnessing the transformation of landscapes and neighborhood in the district in 1960s-70s. At that time, approximately 800,000 people were living in Kwai Chung and Tsuen Wan districts, most of which were the new immigrants escaping from the mainland. From a completely different background, Rev. Liu recalled that Hong Kong had its golden years in 1970s when his students’ parents mainly worked in factories. They were kind and sincere, and worked hard without complaint. Parents were proud that their children can enter S.K.H. Chu Oi Primary School or Shek Lei Catholic Primary School, the best schools in the district. Apart from focusing on academic performance, the teachers in Chu Oi also provide regular physical training for their students who often run around the hills in Shek Lei and Shing Mun, thus achieving good results in interschool athletics competitions every year.

26 27 江國強:點心師傅愛夜粥 Mr Kong Kwok-Keung, A Dim Sum Chef And Kung Fu Enthusiast 出生於1956年的江國強,12歲搬到石籬村公屋單位,在葵青區渡過了他 人生的少年、青年時代。由木屋「上樓」,江國強童年算很快樂,60、70 Born in 1956, Kong Kwok-keung moved to Shek Lei Estate in 1968 and spent his golden years in Kwai Tsing district. Moving from squatter 年代的小孩基本上沒有零用錢,江國強未出身之前,經常與兄弟和朋友在 area to public housing estate, he had a happy childhood on the whole 石梨村十座附近的石梨坑村(即石籬天主教小學附近)沿引水道上金山 though the children living in 1960s and 70s did not get pocket money (七聖宮、福德古廟附近)或在渠道游泳。小學畢業後江遂離家獨立生 generally. Before beginning his career, Kong Kwok-keung , together with his brothers and friends, always went to Kam Shan (near Chat Sing 活,在荃灣茶樓當學徒,工作一天能獲十元工資,每天工作12小時,年 Kung Temple and Fook Tak Temple) along the catchwater from Shek Lei 中無休。當時葵涌道未開通,葵涌附近是紗廠,荔園對開是海灘(東方泳 Hang village (near Shek Lei Catholic Primary School and Shek Lei Estate Block 棚),外海是情人島,工作機會和娛樂設施吸引年輕人從事製衣、紡織、 10), or swam in the watercourse. He left home to live independently 塑膠、飲食和運輸業。 after graduating from primary school and became an apprentice at a restaurant in Tsuen Wan at HKD 10 per day, working 12 hours a day the year round.

Kwai Chung Road was not opened up yet at that time while numerous spinning mills gathered around Kwai Chung. There was a beach, where Oriental Swimming Shed was located, just off Lai Yuen and “Lovers’ Island” was situated offshore. The job opportunities and entertainment facilities in the district attracted many young people to enter garment, textile, plastics, catering and transportation industries.

Many Guangdong dim sum chefs, who came from mainland China to Hong Kong in the post-war period, were used to practice martial arts. Kong Kwok-keung learned various styles of Kung Fu from Master Wu Siu-nam at Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, including Choi’s Fist, Lee’s Fist, Buddhist Fist, Hung's Fist, Wing Chun and Tai Chi.

At the age of 30, Kong started to think about his future and lamented 戰後從中國大陸來到香港的廣東點心師傅都有學武的習慣,江國強在荃灣 the constant low wage of being a dim sum chef. At that time, the 沙咀道跟隨胡少南學拳,蔡、李、佛、洪、詠春和太極都學會一點。30 industrial sector began to decline in Hong Kong whereas the retail sector 歲過後,江國開始考慮前途問題,感慨酒樓點心師傅工資十年如一日,當 was developing. As times were changing, experienced technicians had to change jobs, whilst Kong also jumped into the field of transportation. 時香港工業開始息微,本地零售業起飛,他轉行到運輸,時移世易,資深 技工也要轉行,跟隨時代變遷。 According to Kong, there is not much difference between Shek Lei today and in the past. Although local citizens may think that Shek Lei is lagging behind other districts, the ethnic minorities with lower income are able 江國強回憶說,今天的石籬與昔日分別不大,本地人可能會覺得石籬相對 to find their comfortable home there, thanks to the low cost of living. 其他地區變得落後,但正因為生活成本低,才能讓收入較低的少數族裔容 易尋到安樂窩。

28 29 1980 - 2000 後工業時代


葵涌貨櫃碼頭 Kwai Chung Container Terminal 後工業時代

經歷過內戰、韓戰和文革之後,70年代末期中國重新開放,香港工業北 移,經濟轉型之下發展金融、旅遊和零售業。隨著1971年葵涌貨櫃碼頭 落成,葵青區內工作機會選擇由工廠工人轉為貨櫃、物流和搬運工人, 吸引大量新移民到區內謀生,其中為數不少是巴基斯坦人,順理成章他 們就在公共屋邨及廉價私樓密集的葵涌區定居下來。

50年代大量中國移民湧入,香港政府參考英國「衛星城市」概念,在觀 塘拆卸寮屋區,安置居民上樓,可惜成效不彰。經過改良,60年代 開始在荃、葵、青區填海,興建公共屋邨,發展成新市鎮。 特別鳴謝林亦非先生提供照片 Photo courtesy of Mr. Lam Yik Fei The Post-Industrial Era

After civil wars, Korean War and Cultural Revolution, China launched its economic reform and opening up campaign in the late 1970s, which promoted the northern migration of Hong Kong’s factories as well as the development of finance, tourism and retail industries due to economic restructuring in Hong Kong. Since the completion of Kwai Chung Container Terminal in 1971, Kwai Tsing district has created more employment opportunities like container workers, logistics workers and porters instead of factory workers, thus attracting a crowd of new immigrants to work there, many of which were Pakistanis. It was natural that they chose to settle in Kwai Chung district where public housing estates clustered.

In 1950s, there were a large influx of Chinese immigrants in Hong Kong and therefore the local government adopted the “satellite city” concept from Britain. The squatters in Kwun Tong were removed to rehouse the affected residents but the effectiveness was not significant. After modifying its housing policy, the government began land reclamation in the districts of Tsuen Wan, Kwai Tsing and Tsing Yi in 1960s for the purpose of building public housing estates and developing the districts into new towns.

32 2000 - NOW

遷海令 (1655-1669) The Evacuation Edict ( 1655-1669 )

滿清入主中國初期,為斷絕 In the early stage of its reign, the Qing court 沿海居民對台灣鄭成功等 issued Evacuation Edict ordering coastal residents to migrate 50km inland with no 明朝遺臣的援助,下令沿海 access to the sea, which aimed to prevent 50公里為無人區並禁止出 them providing assistance to the remaining 海,至1669 年「復界」, Ming Dynasty ministers, like Zheng Chenggong 遷海令造成田地荒廢、居民 from Taiwan. Abolished in 1669, the edict led 流離失所,政府只好鼓勵廣 to the problems of abandoned farmland and 東地區的客家人來港開墾, displacement, and therefore the government 據《新安縣志》記錄,當時 had to encourage the Hakkanese from 香港原居民村莊共301條, Guangdong region to come to Hong Kong for cultivation. According to “the Gazetteer of 客家村有191條,其中約20 Xin'an County”, There were 191 Hakka villages, 多條在荃灣,歷史最悠久的 more than 20 of which were located in Tsuen 是老圍村。 Wan, while the oldest one was Lo Wai Village.

34 地球村 老圍村:見證荃青變遷300年

回歸後的葵青區隨著貨櫃碼頭和物流業發展、大嶼山和東涌因有迪士 荃灣舊稱淺灣,老圍村原名淺灣村,是區內最古老的客家圍*,在1669年 尼、東涌線通車和深港西部通道變得熱鬧,青衣和荃灣高度都市化,逐 復界後由曾、張、黃、許、鄧五個姓氏族人建成,一姓一排,村內有15 間寺廟禪院、5間祠堂 (已有4間倒塌)。 漸失去漁村和鄉村面貌;與城門水塘相距不到1公里的葵涌區,區內15條 公共屋邨容納了7萬多戶低收入家庭,包括大陸新移民與後殖民時代留港 老圍村歷經荃青區內3個世紀變遷,現只剩下2000多人,由於交通不便, 的南亞裔人,與客家村後代在大帽山腳下,在為葵涌繪畫出一條城鄉人 除了圓玄學院等著名旅遊點,平人到此區的外人不多,村外環境惡劣、 文風景線。 荒廢農地惹起蚊患。2010年香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心在一塊荒地開拓 中藥園,種植了300多種中草藥,開設中草藥工作坊,集培訓和保育於一 身,活化區內環境設施,為居民帶來新知識,由於位處大帽山山腳下, 得到眾多行山客支持。 Global Village

After the handover of Hong Kong, Kwai Tsing district has gone along with the exciting development of container terminals and logistics Lo Wai Village – Witnessing The Transformation industry. At the same time, Lantau Island and Tung Chung became Of Tsuen Wan And Kwai Tsing Within 300 Years more vibrant with the launch of Disneyland, MTR’s Tung Chung line and Hong Kong-Shenzhen Western Corridor. With high degree Tsuen Wan, formerly known as "Chien Wan" which means “shallow of urbanization, Tsing Yi and Tsuen Wan gradually lost the original bay”. As the oldest Hakka walled village in the district, Lo Wai Village, features of fishing village and countryside. Less than 1km away from originally named “Chien Wan Village”, was built by the five families of Tsang, Cheung, Wong, Hui and Tang after the termination of Evacuation Shing Mun Reservoir, Kwai Chung district houses 15 public housing Edict in 1669. The houses within the village were built in rows where estates with seventy thousands low-income families, including new villagers of the same surname lived in the same row. Currently there immigrants from the mainland and those South Asians residing are 15 temples and monasteries while four out of five ancestral halls in Hong Kong in the post-colonial period, creating a harmonious collapsed. multicultural society between urban and rural areas in Kwai Chung, together with the descendants who are living in the Hakka villages at After three centuries of transformation in Kwai Tsing district, the the foot of Tai Mo Shan. population of the village has dwindled to over 2,000 only. Due to its inaccessibility, the district does not attract a lot of visitors, except the well-known tourist spots like Yuen Yuen Institute. The environment on the periphery of the village was unpleasant with mosquito problem on abandoned agricultural land. In 2010, HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre transformed a plot of uncultivated land into a Chinese herb garden, planting more than 300 kinds of Chinese medicinal herbs. A special workshop has also been set up for training and conservation purposes, aiming to revitalize the environmental facilities in the district as well as impart new knowledge to the residents. With its ideal location at the foot of Tai Mo Shan, the garden has been well-received among hikers.

36 37 開齋節的開齋盛宴 Feast during Eid al-Fitr



Feast during Eid al-Fitr 伊斯蘭教節日:開戒節和忠孝節(宰牲節),兩個節日前後呼應統稱為爾雅 Eid al-Fitr ( Festival of breaking of the fast ) Eid;很多人將開齋節比喻為回教新年,其實回教並沒有新年,不過過節 Islamic Festivals : Eid-al Fitr and Eid al-Adha ( Sacrifice Feast ) , the two 的傳統倒跟我們農曆新年有點相似 ── festivals are commonly called Eid. Many would take Eid as the “Muslim New Year”, in fact there is no particular period defined as the New Year 開齋節 in the Islamic calendar. Nevertheless, some of the Eid’s festive customs are alike those of Chinese New Year.

伊斯蘭陰曆以月亮圍繞地球一周(29.5天)計算,一年有354日,因此伊斯 Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar ( which takes 29.5 days as a cycle ) 蘭陰曆每年的月份都與公曆不同。齋戒月設在陰曆9月第一個新月開始, consisting of 12 months in a year of 354 days. Because the lunar calendar 回教徒在整整一個月內每天只可以在日出前和日落後進食(每天兩餐),以 lags behind the solar calendar by about tens days a year, months of the Islamic calendar fall in different parts of the Gregorian calendar. Ramada 禁食、禁飲、禁娛樂等反省的刻苦態度令自己更堅強和忍耐,對宗教信 is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. While fasting from dawn until 仰更虔誠。伊斯蘭教徒相信人的意志力在這時段最為堅韌,而許多戰爭 sunset, Muslim refrain from consuming food, drinking liquids, smoking 也在齋戒時段開始,例如爆發於1973年10月6日的「齋月戰爭」,即第 and engaging in any entertainment. The act of fasting is said to redirect the heart away from worldly activities, its purpose being to cleanse the 四次中東戰爭。 soul by freeing it from harmful impurities and closing it to the religious belief. There were many battles happened during the Ramada period, 在9月結束時,再看見新月的晚上代表齋戒期完結,翌日為開齋節,伊斯 for example, the Yom Kippur War (4th Arab-Israeli conflict) in October, 1973, as it is believed the willpower is the strongest among the Muslim 蘭徒一早起來先為家居內外打掃一番,自身也要沐浴換新衣,家裡的父 in that month. 老輩,還會為小孩和已嫁娶的女士準備利是。 The festival Eid Al-Fitr marks the end of the fasting month of Ramada. The date on which Eid Al-Fitr begins is determined by a confirmed 忠考節 ( 伊斯蘭曆12月10 日 ) sighting of the new moon after a month of fasting. But the precise day Eid begins is not a certainty.Eid Al-Fitr is a holiday dedicated to feasting. 忠孝節(又稱宰牲節)在開齋節後的第70天(伊斯蘭教曆每年的12月10 Muslims typically enjoy a small breakfast ahead of morning prayers and then a full brush of household. Afterwards, they visit friends and 日),即朝覲(往麥加聖城朝拜覲)的最後一天舉行活動。這個日子以奉 relatives where a lavish feast is served. Gifts are also exchanged, with 獻、分享和感恩為主,巴基斯坦家庭宰殺牛(7戶一隻)、羊(一家一隻)或駱 clothes the most popular presents. 駝(7戶一隻),然後分為三份:一份給窮人、一份給女家(嫁出去的女性)和 自己一家。在香港居住的伊斯蘭教徒,可到上水屠房親自挑選羊隻,自 Festival II: Eid al-Adha ( Islamic calendar 10th December ) 行屠宰。 Eid al-Adha ( also called Sacrifice Feast ) is in the 70th day after Eid al-Fitr. It is the last day event of Hajj ( pilgrimage to the Holy City of Mecca ). This day is all about dedicating, sharing and thanksgiving. Pakistani family will slaughter a cow ( 7 families 1 cow ), a sheep ( 1 family 1 sheep ) or a camel ( 7 families 1 camel ). Then, the slaughtered will be divided into three parts: one for the poor, one for bride’s family and one for own family. Whereas for the Muslims in Hong Kong, they usually will go to Sheung Shui slaughter-houses to select the sheep and slaughter themselves.

40 41 新衣

伊斯蘭人在開齋節前10天左右開始準備過節,第一件事就要訂造新衣, 由於所有伊斯蘭家庭都在同一段時間訂造新衣,裁縫都要忙到發瘋。

長輩多喜歡穿著白色或米色長袍 (Kameez) 和上闊下窄的長褲 (Shalwar)。 成年男子喜歡黑色、綠色或藍色,但萬萬不可穿著紅色衣服,因紅色為 女性服飾的「專用色」。年輕男士或小孩則可以穿印花圖案的長袍。

伊斯蘭婦女的傳統服裝也是長褲、長袍配頭巾,傳統女士戴上面紗,但 女士的過節服可能用上1至5天手工縫製,而且長袍、面紗和頭巾會配成 同款,人手縫上珠片和繡花,精緻巧手的工藝充份顯示巴基斯坦人對開 齋節的重視。

New clothes

Muslim will prepare for the festival 10 days before Eid al-Fitr. The first thing they do is to make the new clothes. As all Islamic families would order new clothes at the same time, tailors will be very busy during that period.

The elders mostly like to wear white or cream - colored robe (Kameez) and trouser with wide top and narrow bottom (Shalwar). Men like to wear in black, green and blue clothes yet never in red as it is the dedicated color for women.For youngsters or children, they would wear robe with printed pattern.

Long trousers, robe and scarf are the traditional clothes of Muslim women. Many of the married women wear veil which may take 1-5 days to sew during festivals. The matching robe, scarf and robe sewed with fancy sequins and embroider revealed the dedicated handcrafts in Pakistani culture.

42 43 中國農曆新年 Lunar New Year

農曆新年由12月23日祭灶 (俗稱小年)開始到 To celebrate Lunar New Year, it starts from 23 December ( “Kitchen God's Day”, also known as Little New Year ) to 15 January ( Lantern Festival ), 一月十五元宵節為止,香港人習慣在農曆12 according to lunar calendar. Hong Kong people have the habit of 月28日大掃除、30日吃年夜飯,又稱為「團 cleaning up their home on 28 December and having reunion dinner 年飯」。南方人團年飯要吃湯圓代表團圓, on 30 December. Southern Chinese are used to eat sticky rice balls at reunion dinner, representing a sense of togetherness. Northern Chinese 北方人喜歡包餃子,並將硬幣放入餃子,誰 love to make dumplings and hide coins inside, while the person who find 吃到硬幣就代表來年好運。 or bite the coin is said to be lucky in the coming year.

According to ancient Chinese fable, a monster Nian came out to attack 傳說古代每到除夕便有「年獸」傷人吃牲 people and eat livestock in a fierce way on Chinese New Year's Eve every 畜,後來經一名老乞丐幫助,知道年獸怕紅 year. With the aid of an old beggar, people knew that the monster 色、火光和聲音,因此過年的民間習俗有貼 feared red color, firelight and noise most. After that, the Chinese have the customs to paste lucky red scrolls, dress in red, let off firecrackers and 揮春、長紅衣、放炮仗和舞獅等習俗。 perform lion dance during Lunar New Year.

年初一是新年高潮所在,大家都會穿上新衣 As the climax of every year, everyone wears new clothes and visits their 向長輩拜年,長輩或已結婚人士會派利是給 elders on Lunar New Year's Day. The elders and married couples would give “lai-see” to children and unmarried people until 15 January of lunar 小孩及單身人士,一直到年十五,年初二俗 calendar. On the second day of Lunar New Year, commonly known as 稱開年,是全年第一個開始殺牲畜的日子, “the beginning of a year” in Chinese, it marks the first day of the year 年初三俗稱「赤口」即與人有口角,因此不 to slaughter livestock for food. On the third day, namely “the day of red mouth”, it is believed that quarrels would break out easily so it is not 適合拜年。 appropriate to visit the others.

派利是 Giving “Lai-See” ( Lucky Money )

中國家庭的小孩在年初一向父母拜年,父母在利 In China, when children greet their parents with auspicious words on the 是以外還多給一封「壓歲錢」,多數是100元, first day of Lunar New Year, they would be given “lai-see” (red packet) as well as “lucky money”, which is usually 100 dollars symbolizing “to live 意味著長命百歲。 a hundred years”.

伊斯蘭教徒的節慶不多,開齋後是他們全年最喜 Muslims celebrate a few holidays and festivals in the whole year while Eid 慶的日子,巴基斯坦家中長輩在爾德(Eid)期間 al-Fitr is the merriest day of the year. In Pakistan, the underaged would 派利是給未成年的小孩,讓他們在集會裡的攤檔 be given “lai-see” by senior family members during Eid so that they can buy snacks and toys at the stalls during celebratory events. As Islamic 買零食、小玩意之類。由於傳統伊斯蘭家庭的女 women traditionally do not work outside home and have no income, the 性並不外出工作,沒有收入,所以過節期間家中 older generations in the family would prepare a large amount of pocket 父輩會為家中女性(包括已嫁娶的女兒)準備一筆 money as the expenses in the coming year for the female members 豐厚的零用錢,作為來年使費。 during the festival, including married daughters.

44 45 過節食品 Festival Food

伊斯蘭教徒開齋後的食品, For Eid al-Fitr, Muslims have different 中國人思想務實,拜年時 With a pragmatic mindset, the Chinese festival foods depending on their own would put festival delicacies into the 隨自己的地區文化和家庭傳統 主人家棒著全盒,一邊 regional culture and family tradition. confectionery box to treat their guests at 請客人吃賀年食品,一 各有不同,在1500年的文化交 Throughout the 1500 - year culture, home during Lunar New Year, as well as 滙長河之中,中東地區過節食品 the following signature foods in the 邊唸著祝賀句子,都離不 greet with auspicious expressions like 開金錢、升職、學業進 “being rich”, “get promoted to higher 傳入中國、東南亞以及非洲。 Middle East region have been introduced to China , Southeast Asia and Africa. 步 等 功 利 主 義 式 快 樂。 position” and “better academic result”.

椰棗 Khajoor 年糕 New Year Cake 椰棗被伊斯蘭教徒視為開齋 As the No.1 food favored by Muslims 取其「步步高陞」、小孩子 New Year cake has a homophonous 食品的首選,《 可蘭經 》裡被 during Eid al-Fitr, Khajoor has been 快高長大的寓意,年糕分為 meaning of “higher and higher year by 提及多次,所以亦被稱為 mentioned in the Koran for several times 甜年糕如椰汁、黃糖、馬蹄; year” in . It is believed that and regarded as “the fruit from heaven”. 「天堂之果實」。除開齋節 鹹年糕如蘿蔔糕、芋頭糕。 children eating New Year cake would grow Sheer Khurma (literally “date pudding”), up big and strong. There are many flavors, 外,Sheer Khurma 棗子布丁 / made with dried fruit, sweet rice vermicelli either sweet ( coconut milk, brown sugar 米粉布丁是婚宴喜慶事兒 and date served with milk, is a not-to-be- and water chestnut ) or savory ( turnip and 不可缺少的甜食,造法是將乾果、 missed dessert during Eid al-Fitr, wedding taro ). 甜米粉和棗子放入牛奶裡煮成。 and other celebratory occasions. 油角 Sweet Crispy Dumpling 咖喱角 Samosa 中國人認為「今年吃油角, In the shape of a golden boat, the mouth - watering sweet crispy dumpling has sugar, 可稱得上「攻陷」香港人味蕾 Samosa is an Arabian snack which 來年露頭角之意。」外形像 peanut, coconut and sesame as fillings. 的阿拉伯民族小食,傳遍亞洲 has impressed the taste buds of 金元寶,油角餡料有砂糖、 Hongkongers, prevailing throughout 花生、椰蓉、芝麻等,味道 The Chinese believe that one eating this 和非洲大陸各國,在尖沙咀重 snack would become outstanding in the Asian and African countries. It is also the 香口。 慶大廈的小食店賣個成行成市。 best-selling item of the snack shops in coming year. Chungking Mansions, Tsim Sha Tsui. 煎堆 Deep-fried Glutinous Rice Ball 鍋仔咖喱 Karahi 廣東小食之一,在粥麵店經常 Deep-fried glutinous rice ball is a signature Guangdong food commonly found in As the choice of staple food in India 出現的油炸食品,與油角、 以金色小銅鍋盛著咖喱,加入 congee shop, symbolizing “a home filled and Pakistan, Karahi is a curry dish with 笑口棗、蛋散放在一起,有 雞肉(牛或羊肉)、薯仔、咖喱角、 with gold and silver”. You can also buy chicken ( alternatively beef or lamb), 「煎堆碌碌,金銀滿屋」 辣椒等材料,是色、香、味兼 this in the shop where other festival foods potato, samosa and chili served in a 的好意頭。 備的印巴主食。 are sold, such as sweet crispy dumpling, copper pot. It is not only exquisitely sesame cracker ball and sweet egg twist. presented, but also aromatic and tasty. 瓜子 、 糖蓮子、 糖冬瓜 、 Melon Seed, Sweetened Lotus Seed, Biryani 香飯 Biryani Sweetened Winter Melon, Sweetened 糖蓮藕 Lotus Root 源自波斯的香料炒飯,在北印 Originating from Persia, Biryani 度、中東、東南亞等地相當盛 ( fried rice with spices ) is popular in 瓜子代表金錢財富, These delicacies have different implications: melon seed - “wealth” as well as “having 行,並有不同的版本,可素食 Northern India, Middle East and Southeast 亦有多子多孫的意思; Asia. The dish has vegetarian and non- many children and grandchildren”; 或加入羊肉、雞肉。 糖蓮子有「連生貴子」; vegetarian versions (with lamb or chicken). 糖蓮藕則代表「年年都有」。 sweetened lotus seed - “giving birth to babies”; sweetened lotus root - “having more than you need every year”. 結婚進行曲


48 49 巴基斯坦結婚6部曲 6 Steps Of Marriage In Pakistan

一臉稚氣的Farah已踏入婚姻生活的第4個年頭,今年將會迎接人生的第一 At her young age, Farah has entered the fourth year of married life and prepares to welcome her first baby next year. Before the wedding four 個小生命。當她回憶起4年前的婚禮,原來一切從越洋戀愛開始。 years ago, her romantic story started from long distance love.

1. Proposal 1. 求婚 The new generations in Pakistan not only enjoy the right of free love, but 巴基斯坦新一代既享有自由戀愛的權利,但又尊重家長安排婚姻。男女雙 also respect their parents’ decision on marriage. With parents’ consent, 方必定經過家長同意,再自行交往一段時間才決定結婚。Farah與丈夫是經 couples start dating for some time before deciding to get married. Farah and her husband knew each other under the arrangement of their 過雙方父母安排下認識,丈夫原居巴基斯坦,認識Farah之後開始一年的越 parents. Coming from Pakistan, he began long distance love with Farah 洋戀愛 ( Long Distance Love ),肯定對方是結婚對象才會求婚。 for a year and then decided to propose until confirming that Farah is the only marriage partner.

2. 訂婚 2. Engagement 雖然Farah居於香港,訂婚禮儀和聘禮卻不能馬虎,首先男方將求婚聘禮 Although Farah was living in Hong Kong, her husband’s family paid much (衣料、金器)寄到香港,如果雙方都在同一個地方,男方亦會送上新衣服, attention to the engagement rituals and betrothal gifts at that time. First, the bridegroom's side would send betrothal gifts like clothing and gold 訂婚會遵循傳統禮儀舉行,聘禮還要包括糖果、食物,以顯隆重其事。 jewelry to Hong Kong. If both sides are residing in the same place, the groom's family would also give clothing to the bride’s side, plus dowries including candy and food, as a part of celebration according to the 雙方家長亦趁機會商討婚禮上的細節,巴基斯坦不同省份的婚禮儀式略有 tradition of engagement. 不同,就以Farah一家為例,喜歡以顏色粉末混入水裡,潑向男方親友衣服 上,代表生命添上色彩!由於巴基斯坦人出席婚禮時穿戴非常隆重,並非 The parents of both sides also take this opportunity to discuss the details of wedding. There are slight differences in the wedding ceremonies in 人人可以接受衣物被「塗鴉」,因此雙方得先交流彼此家庭習俗,取得共 various Pakistani provinces. For instance, Farah’s family loves to mix water 識才開始籌備。 with colored powder and then sprinkle it over the clothes of the groom’s relatives and friends, which symbolizes “coloring your life”. As Pakistanis usually wear themselves in a grand style during wedding, they may not 3. 籌備 accept that their costumes are daubed with colored water. Therefore, it is suggested that both families should exchange ideas on each other’s 接下來當然是為期最長的籌備期,由選定食品、結婚場地、佈置、親戚衣 traditions and preferences, as well as make a consensus before preparing 服的顏色以至訂購新娘服(新郎及其家長各送一套)都需要經過好幾個月 for the wedding. 時間預備,因為巴基斯坦傳統婚宴可長達15至30天,大家族「一天一親 3. Preparation 戚」的形式招待超過數十人的親朋戚友。 A series of preparatory procedures range from selecting food, wedding venue, decorations and the colors of relatives’ costumes, to bespoke wedding gowns (one given by the groom and another one by the groom’s parents) within several months. According to Pakistani tradition, a wedding can last for 15 to 30 days inviting dozens of friends and relatives within multiple days, especially large family.

50 51 4. 結婚前一天 4. Dholki On The Day Before Wedding

婚禮前一天,男女雙方都不見面,在自己家裡舉行 Dholki (指婚禮前派對), The newlyweds would not meet each other on the day before wedding. 亦會畫上別具祝福意義的Henna手繪。Dholki意義類似我們的「單身派對」 They would hold pre-wedding parties “Dholki” in their own houses where Henna is drawn for blessing. “Dholki” is a combination of 和家庭聚會。 bachelor/ bachelorette party and family gathering.

5. 搶新娘 5. Barrat

新郎由親友陪同來到新娘家接新娘,就如中國婚禮一樣,手抱著以紙幣 For Barrat, the groom together with his friends and relatives would go 摺成花圈的新郎會被拒於門外,新郎需獻上花圈進入。女家會將雙方安排 to the bride’s home, which is similar to Chinese custom. The groom, who 坐在台上,兩人中間就由新娘姐妹阻隔著,新郎必須向姐妹付上「開門利 would be stopped from entering the house, has to bring a garland made 是」,姐妹才會讓座給新人並肩而坐。搶新娘儀式Barrat當天少不得一輪 of banknotes as a requirement for entrance. The bride's family would arrange the wedding couples to sit on the stage, along with bridesmaids 盛宴 ( 由娘家負責) 招待親友。最後簽署Nikah結婚證書 (南亞裔人士稱作 sitting in the middle. In order to sit next to the bride, the groom has Nikah),兩人才算正式成為合法夫妻,新郎可以接新娘回家了。 to hand a “door-opening red packet” to the bridesmaids. Besides, the 註:如雙方未曾見過面,婚姻由家長安排,則會有傳統儀式Aarsi Mushaf Dikhana (新 groom’s family also plays host to friends and relatives with a sumptuous 人透過鏡子互相看見對方)。 feast during Barrat. Last but not least, the newlyweds have to sign the “Nikah” marriage contract to become legally-married couples and they can go home together afterwards. 6. 結婚日 Remarks: If the newlyweds have never met each other before in the condition that 這天由男家安排一天的盛宴,新郎和新娘作為這天主角,會宴請親友見證 the marriage is arranged by their parents, a traditional ceremony “Aarsi Mushaf Dikhana” (literally “showing the face”) will be held while the bride and groom are 他們第一次以夫婦身份款待男方親友。男方家長祝福新人,而居於城市的 made to see each other through mirror. 新人多數會在酒店舉行婚禮,大顯派場。 6. Wedding / Walima

Organized by the groom’s family on the wedding day, the newly-married couples invite the groom’s friends and relatives, and host a banquet in the roles of husband and wife for the first time. Apart from sending best wishes to the newlyweds, the groom’s parents would also give the bride valuable wedding dress and jewelry to show their care and concern about her. Of course, the banquet is usually held in hotel as a symbol of extravagance.

52 53 54 55 中式嫁娶儀式 古時中國漢族男女婚嫁由家長決定,俗稱「盲婚啞嫁」,古時甚至指腹為婚,兩家 中式過大禮 人在妻子懷孕時就為下一代定下婚約。不過中國56個民族裡面有為數不少的民族婚姻 制度和戀愛觀念與漢族不同,例如雲南的摩梭母系社會有走婚習俗。 Chinese ritual of presenting wedding gifts 重視面子的中國人籌備結婚時,不介意一擲千金,今時今日傳統儀式簡化了不少,但加 入了西方婚禮的儀式和服飾,加上酒席、度蜜月等花費可動輒過百萬。 傳統婚禮要附三書六禮要求,三書即聘書、禮書和迎親書,六禮分為: 1. 納采 - 男方請媒人到女家提親,還要準備30種好意頭的禮物。 2. 問名 - 將男女雙方的出生年月日交予占卜師,如兩人命格相配可成婚。 3. 納吉 - 等如西方人定婚。 4. 納徵 - 即是「過大禮」,男方帶同聘金、禮金和聘禮到女方,婚約生效。 5. 請期 - 雙方同意成婚日期。 6. 親迎 - 結婚當日,男方以大紅花橋到女家迎娶妻子,回到男家舉行拜天地儀式(成婚)。

Chinese Wedding Customs

In ancient China, the marriage of Han Chinese was determined by parents, known as “arranged marriage” – even a boy and a girl have been engaged to each other before they were born. For the 56 ethnic groups in China, most of them have different perceptions towards marriage and the concept of love from those of the Han. Taking the matrilineal ethnic group Mosuo in Yunnan as an example, the practice of “walking marriage” has been adopted. The Chinese, who are highly concerned about “face”, are willing to spend a lot of money on the wedding. Nowadays, traditional ceremony is simplified and fused with Western rituals and costumes, plus banquet and honeymoon on which the wedding couples may spend more than a million dollars.

Traditional Chinese wedding requires “three letters” – the betrothal letter, the gift letter and the wedding letter as well as the following “six etiquettes”: 1. Proposal – The groom’s family commissions a matchmaker to ask the bride’s parents about the possibility of arranging a marriage, and prepares 30 kinds of gifts with auspicious implications. 2. Birthdate Matching – An astrologer is enlisted to assess the birthdates of both the bride and groom. Assuming the birthdates are compatible, the preparation of wedding will progress to the next phase. 3. Presenting Betrothal Gifts – This is similar to the engagement ritual in Western society. 4. Presenting Wedding Gifts – The groom’s family brings cash and gifts to the bride’s family in recognition of the wedding. 5. Choosing Wedding Date – An auspicious date is selected for the wedding ceremony by both sides. 6. Wedding – The groom goes to the bride’s home with a bridal sedan on the wedding day. After the bride is escorted by the sedan to the groom's home, the wedding ceremony begins with kneeling before the heaven-and-earth worship table.

56 57 中式結婚禮服──裙褂

廣東裙褂亦被稱為龍鳳褂,是模仿皇帝服飾演變出來,新娘上身穿「褂」 即對襟外套,下身長裙;新郎則穿「馬褂」,即清朝長衫。新娘裙褂多數 繡上龍鳳圖案,寓意「龍鳳呈祥」。



Chinese Wedding Gown

The traditional wedding dress in Guangdong region is called “dragon and phoenix wedding gown”, evolved from Chinese emperor's costume. The bride dresses in buttoned wedding gown and long dress while the groom wears buttoned mandarin jacket (originating from Qing dynasty). The wedding gown is usually embroidered with patterns of dragon and phoenix, symbolizing “good fortune”.

58 59 熱愛外國文化的銀行office lady, A Bank Office Lady And Foreign Culture Enthusiast, 遇上巴基斯坦廚師的戀愛故事 Falling In Love With A Pakistani Chef A Responsible Man And A Blessed Lady 有肩膊的男人 VS 幸福小女人 Pakistani male is born to be the family head and trained to be responsible for the whole family. Many Pakistani people decided to make a living abroad after World 巴基斯坦男性是一家之主,從小就被培養「當家」的意識,二戰後巴國 War II, in order to send money to support their own families in homeland. The 人多到海外謀生,為的是寄錢回國養活家人,這種自覺和擔帶的性格在 senses of self-consciousness and responsibility can easily be spotted from Mansoor, the husband of Vanessa. Showing a stronger sense of responsibility than the Vanessa丈夫Mansoor身上很容易被察覺,他總比一般香港長大的男性多一 others, Mansoor proposed to Vanessa after knowing each other for a year, and 份責任感。在結識Vanessa一年後他就求婚,原來他早就知道香港人結婚 realized the greatest concern among the wedding couples in Hong Kong, which 的最大顧慮──供樓,巴基斯坦人對婚姻的想法很直接,幸福就是組織家 is paying off the mortgage. The Pakistanis have a simple and direct thought about 庭、有個安樂窩,生小孩,男的去賺錢養家,他在香港工作多年,積儲夠 marriage. They consider that true happiness is to live with lifelong companion and children in a cozy home, where a man should play the role as a breadwinner. 上車 (首期),二人婚後不用做無殼蝸牛。 Mansoor has worked for many years in Hong Kong and made a down payment on their home, ensuring a warm shelter after marriage. 文化差異 Cultural Difference 文化背景不同的夫婦總要面對「家家有本難唸的經」,長居香港的 Couples with different cultural backgrounds, like Mansoor and Vanessa, often have Mansoor是個傳統、虔誠的伊斯蘭徒,Vanessa亦盡力遵從可蘭經教義, to face an array of great challenges. Mansoor is a typical and pious Muslim who has 不過在香港現實之下,即使Vanessa身處國際機構,也發現香港大部分企 lived in Hong Kong for many years while Vanessa also strictly follows the teachings 業對伊斯蘭文化沒有制度上的重視,例如開齋節等大節日,Vanessa還可 of the Koran. Working in an international organization, Vanessa found that most 以放年假陪伴丈夫,至於長達30日的守齋,Vanessa直言即使盡力也很難 Hong Kong enterprises neglect Islamic culture in terms of institutional system. She may apply for annual leave to stay with her husband during major Islamic festivals 100%配合。 such as Eid, whereas it is difficult to do so in the case of a 30-day fasting. 反過來,伊斯蘭家庭對香港的傳統節日包容,不論農曆新年和聖誕 In contrast, Islamic families deeply respect and celebrate the traditional festivals in Hong Kong. Whether it is Chinese New Year or Christmas, Vanessa can prepare (只要不含豬肉) 節,Vanessa也可以按自己喜好進行佈飾和過節食品 。 decorations and festival foods (without pork) as she wants. 最令Vanessa操心的文化差異就是一對子女的成長,Vanessa為子女揀選 Due to cultural difference, Vanessa is worried about the growth of her son and 了雙班主任制(英語+少數族裔)的幼兒班,課程中有70%是英語、30%是中 daughter in Hong Kong. She chose a kindergarten adopting dual-class-teacher system (English and ethnic minority) for her kids where 70% of the courses were 文,順理成章應該升讀國際學校小學,但Vanessa堅持要他們入讀主流小 in English and the remaining 30% in Chinese. When it comes to choosing primary 學,以中文為教學語言,因為在香港生活、找工作,中文語言能力是基本 school, Vanessa insists to send her children to local mainstream school as a good 要求。 command of Chinese is the basic requirement to live and look for a job in Hong Kong. 作為媽媽,她更會主動讓子女接觸不同的興趣班,雖然伊斯蘭教對音樂不 Vanessa also encourages her son and daughter to participate in various interest 反對,但對於以娛樂為目的的音樂則不認同,作為媽媽也進退兩難,不過 classes. Islam has no objection to learning music but playing music for entertainment 考慮到讓孩兒多接觸不同的技能、文化和興趣有助他們成長,Vanessa也 purpose is not allowed, and therefore Vanessa is caught in a dilemma. As gaining greater exposure to different skills, cultures and interests can help children to 會排除萬難克服文化差異。 grow up physically and emotionally, Vanessa would try her best to overcome the difficulties derived from cultural difference. 「我們香港人生活習慣和取向很不同,畢業後要兼顧進修、旅行、供樓,種種 “Pakistanis have a simple life so that they are more likely to achieve their own goals. 原因又導致遲婚,生小孩又顧慮沒有足夠教學基金,反觀巴基斯坦人生活 On the contrary, Hongkongers adopt a distinctly different lifestyle and perspective, 簡單,反而更容易達到目標。」 who have to take many issues into account after graduating from school, such as pursuing further education, travelling and paying off the mortgage. Other than 踏入第五年的婚姻生活,Vanessa與Mansoor經歷過亦克服了文化差異。兩 all these factors leading to late marriage, they also have the concern about the 年前,又頂下屏麗徑的巴基斯坦餐廳做起老闆來,既有物業、又有事業, expenditure on education in case of raising a child.” 又有兩名可愛的小孩。 Entering the fifth year of married life, Vanessa and Mansoor have come across and adapted to cultural difference. They became the owner of a Pakistani restaurant on Ping Lai Path two years ago. With their own flat, career and two lovely kids, Vanessa and Mansoor enjoy their life to the full. 香港清真美食

Vanessa和Mansoor一家人出外吃飯選擇甚少,中餐廳、茶餐廳和麵包店 經常使用豬油 ( 例如菠蘿包、蛋撻 ) 或烹煮時混合食材 ( 炒完牛肉炒豬肉), 所以麥當勞是他們一家人最常光顧的食肆,另外Vanessa亦推薦兩家適合 本地人和伊斯蘭教徒一起用膳的餐館:

馬家莊清真館 地址:香港深水埗長沙灣道21-25號地下舖

清真牛肉館 地址:香港九龍城龍崗道1號

Islamic Food In Hong Kong

As local Chinese restaurants, Hong Kong style tea restaurants and bakeries often use lard as ingredients ( making food like pineapple bun and egg tart ), as well as combine different ingredients in cooking ( like beef and pork ), Vanessa and Mansoor have a few choices only when eating out. Except McDonald's, which is their most-visited shop, Vanessa also recommends two restaurants suitable for both the locals and Muslims:

Ma’s Restaurant Address: G/F, 21-25 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong

Islam Food Address: 1 Lung Kong Road, Kowloon City, Hong Kong

62 63 我們的那些年



Azkan 時裝相

64 65 Mohammad Faisal 的兄弟幫 Mohammad Faisal and his best friends

台灣的林書豪、中國的姚明都是過去10年最值得 Jeremy Lin from Taiwan and Yao Ming from China are the NBA players 華人驕傲的NBA球員,證明了運動無疆界,只要 whom the Chinese are most proud of in the past 10 years. This proves that sport can go beyond boundaries and one can achieve all-round 有實力就可以獨當一面。開朗健談的Faisal朋友圈 excellence with real strength. Faisal is cheerful and talkative with many 有香港人、非洲人和菲律賓人,造就他熱情友善 friends from various nationalities, including Hong Kong, Africa and the 的性格。自中學時轉讀本地學校,讓他能說出流 Philippines, thus developing an enthusiastic and friendly personality. 利英語,亦培養出對籃球的熱愛。 Moving to a local secondary school, Faisal is not only able to speak fluent English but also cultivates his love of basketball. 自中三開始,Faisal與南亞朋友組成3人球隊,每 Faisal has formed a basketball team with two South Asian friends since 天下課後就在籃球街場與葵涌區各個隊伍較量, secondary three, and competed with other teams in Kwai Chung on the 由於隊中一名南亞人身形高大,他們在球場上漸 basketball court after school every day. As one of Faisal’s teammates 露頭角,吸引了一些本地隊進行「合併」──其 is quite tall, the team started to stand out conspicuously and aroused 中一名本地年輕人阿峰技術好,與Faisal特別投 the interest among local teams to team up with them. Faisal hit it off with Ah-fung, who is a local teenager with good basketball skills, and 緣,他們在中學時期勤力練波,每天打籃球3-4小 practiced basketball hard during secondary school. They trained 3-4 時,打波後一起吃飯、消遣變成家常,與本地人 hours every day and had meal or hanged out together afterwards. Faisal 流連時,Faisal平日最喜歡吃魚蛋、壽司,香港 loves eating fish balls and sushi as well as watching Kung Fu movies 電影最愛功夫片。在Faisal眼裡,「香港人思想比 with friends during leisure time. “With an open-minded character 較開放,生活比較自由,例如晚上消遣可以至深 and carefree lifestyle, Hongkongers can hang out until late night. The 夜,最重要是香港年輕人都是自由戀愛。但是, most important is that young people in Hong Kong have the freedom to choose their lovers. However, many local people do not understand 香港人普遍不了解南亞人,因為本地人和南亞人 South Asians as there is a lack of interaction between both groups. The 的交流活動太少,像他和阿峰這樣的好朋友關係 intimate friendship between Ah-fung and me is so precious and rare in 鳳毛麟角。」 this society,” said Faisal.

運動是一個最容易接觸、最容易得到認同的媒 As one of the most accessible and most recognized elements, sport can help boost one’s self-confidence. South Asians can consider sport as an 界,通過運動可以提昇個人自信心,即使作為一 interest and integrate into the local community more easily. Faisal's non- 種興趣,也可以通過運動融入本地人的生活圈, local teammate from Pakistan can learn Cantonese gradually through 作為非本地出生的南亞人,Faisal的巴籍隊友也可 sport, which is an easier and more effective way than learning in school. 以通過運動慢慢學懂廣東話,比起在學校裡學習 更有效和輕鬆。

66 67 Faisal 給南亞人的功課:

—– 一定要入讀本地學校, 讀、寫、聽中文/廣東話都是在香港生活最重要的事。

Faisal 給香港人的功課:

—– 跟南亞人吃飯要尊重他們信仰是不能沾上豬肉,貪新鮮和 嘴饞的香港人要花點時間理解。 —– 除非入讀本地學校,否則南亞人對街上的廣告、指示牌等 都看不明,他們很難離開自己的社區,需要本地社會的體諒 和協助。

Note from Faisal for South Asian

—– Better study in local schools: a good command of Chinese/Cantonese, no matter reading, writing or listening, is the most important element required to live in Hong Kong.

Note from Faisal for Hongkongers —– Spend some time to comprehend and respect the religious rituals of South Asians, like eating habit. For example, eating pork is not allowed in Islam.

–— Except those studying in local schools, normally South Asians cannot understand the advertisements and signage on the streets. It is difficult for them to leave their home communities so what they need is the understanding and assistance from the local society.

68 69 Azka的時裝夢 Azka’s Dream Of Fashion

剛在國際時裝品牌公司完成實習的Azka,13歲就夢想進入時裝界,她的 With optimistic personality, Azka entered fashion industry at the age 性格開朗、懂得打扮而且中、英語能力在普通人之上,在香港找工作難不 of 13 and has just completed internship in an international fashion 倒她。 brand company. She knows how to dress up well and has a good command of Chinese and English so it is not difficult for her to get a 喜歡吃點心、炒麵,經常和朋友吃壽司和燒烤的她,在香港讀完中五以 job in Hong Kong. 後,得到家人支持繼續升學,相對同齡的南亞女生要幸運得多,Azka嫂嫂 也是香港人,可以想像她的家人融入本地文化的程度相當高,也認同女孩 Azka loves eating dim sum, fried noodles, sushi and BBQ food with 子可以擁有自己的事業。在香港理工大學讀完 Fashion Style & Communi- her friends. Azka is much luckier than other South Asian girls of the cation後,更到英國深造,因為英文流利又能講中文,她在學習以後的工作 same age as she can continue her study after secondary five with the 機會也多,除了課餘時間在香港做兼職英文老師之外,還有機會到國際時 support of her family. Azka’s sister-in-law is a Hongkonger while her 裝品牌實習,令她追求理想的信心大增。 family is immersed into local culture and agrees that a girl can have her own career. Majoring in Fashion Style & Communication at the 投入香港生活的 Azka,與我們一起享有相似的集體回憶,曾經也會「電視 Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Azka furthered her study in the UK after graduation, with fluent spoken English and Chinese, hence 撈飯」── 例如看《衝上雲霄》、《妙手仁心》和《壹號皇庭》,也會追 more job opportunities available. Azka not only works as an part- 看《超級無敵獎門人》,肥肥 ( 藝人沈殿霞 ) 逝世時,全家人也會為此傷心 time English teacher in Hong Kong, but also serves internship for 難過。 international fashion brand, helping her to build up more confidence to pursue dream.

Adapting to the lifestyle in Hong Kong, Azka shares the same collective memories as most of us, with the habit of watching TV programs while dining, including “Triumph in the Skies”, “Healing Hands”, “The File of Justice” and “The Super Trio”. When the famous actress Lydia Shum passed away, Azka and her family were very sad about it.

70 71 伊斯蘭教時尚學 伊斯蘭教女士服飾

AsciaSarrha 的 The Hybrids 時尚博客顛覆了伊斯蘭女性服裝美學,她在 l 頭巾 伊斯蘭教婦女自小用長方形布巾包裹或圍繞頭部,今時今日的 網站教大家用頭巾包出時尚,襯起Zara、LV等牌子,博客裡的模特兒大 頭巾款式和顏色變化多端,在遵守《可蘭經》同時,不少年輕 多數是科威特富豪太太,她們既謹守宗教規條,又緊貼潮流。H&M有一 少女會以一條頭巾襯一套衣服,非常講究。 條廣告片亦起用穆斯林模特兒Mariah Idrissi,她穿戴頭巾、太陽鏡的潮 l 面紗 我們普遍認為成年後和已婚伊斯蘭女士一定要戴面紗(Niqab), look引起世界關注,我們也分享一下由Azka做美術指導的時尚照片,並 其實並非每個伊斯蘭教國家硬性規定婦女要戴面紗,香港居住 在香港取景。 的已婚伊斯蘭女士按自己意願或丈夫要求在公共場合戴面紗。

l 長袍 過節的束腰連身長袍(Abaya) ,一般都會手工縫上珠片、金線 Islamic Fashion Trend 等,底色則以黑色、綠色和藍色為主色。

Revolutionizing the aesthetics Azka給南亞人的功課 of Islamic women’s clothing, 不要害羞,別邊緣化自己,當自己是香港人,凡事看好的一面, AsciaSarrha’s fashion blog “The 例如欣賞與香港人相同的生活習慣,不要只看到自己不同的一面。 Hybrids” teaches visitors to create a stylish look by pairing turban with well-famed fashion Islamic Women's Clothing brand items like Zara and LV. Most of the models in the blog ­Hijab : Muslim women have used hijab to cover their heads since they are rich Kuwait housewives, were young and there are various styles and colors available who follow religious practices nowadays. Apart from following the teachings of the Koran, and also the latest trend at the many young women with exquisite taste also pair up their clothing with hijab. same time. Muslim model Mariah Idrissi Niqab : We may think that all women and married ladies in Islam have is featured in an H&M advert, to wear niqab but actually not every Muslim country has such rule. The married Islamic women in Hong Kong can wear niqab wearing turban and sunglasses in public area according to their own preference or husbands’ in a fashionable style, which has request. attracted worldwide attention. Let us take a look at the fashion Abaya / : Abaya is a robe-like dress in black, green or blue color, usually Jilbab adorned with sequin, gold thread or other ornaments by hand. photos taken in Hong Kong for which Azka served as the art director. Note from Azka for South Asians Don’t be shy and don’t marginalize yourself. Regard yourself as a Hongkonger and look more on the positive side. You may think about Azkan Model 相 the same habits that both the locals and you have. Don’t just spot the 伊斯蘭教女士服飾 differences and intentionally isolate yourself.

72 73 兩文四語的 Khan Sofia Bibi Khan Sofia Bibi – “Bi-literacy and quad-lingualism”

在香港出生的Sofia是典型的年輕南亞裔港人,得到父親支持在中學畢業 As a typical young South Asian born in Hong Kong, Sofia can further study and take her favorite course after graduating from secondary 後繼續選修自己喜愛的科目,現正攻讀 HKU SPACE 的翻譯課程,將來 school, thanks to her father’s support. She is now majoring in translation 希望為不諳中文的巴基斯坦同鄉作繙譯。 at HKU SPACE and hopes to act as the translator for non-Chinese speaking Pakistanis in the future. 大部分90後出生的南亞裔年輕人都要面對入學選擇,如果入讀南亞裔學 Most young South Asians born after 1990s have to face a dilemma when 校,英文課程會跟國際學校相若,但中文會變成能說不能寫,在香港找 choosing a suitable school. For those who attend South Asian schools, 工作會面對種種困難。入讀主流學校會失去英語優勢,要跟本地人在同 they may develop English proficiency as high as those studying in 一個水平競爭,但Sofia認為入讀主流中學不但學會兩文三語,更可以結 international schools while they are also able to speak Cantonese but not 識一班香港朋友,社交圈子得以擴濶,所以她最終選擇入讀主流中學。 write it. Consequently, it is difficult for them to get a job in Hong Kong. Alternatively, if they choose local mainstream schools, they have to compete with the locals at the same level of English language proficiency. 外表打扮入時的Sofia,3歲時候開始戴頭巾、上清真寺,每天堅持5次禱 Sofia thinks that attending mainstream schools allows them to learn the 告,是非常虔誠的伊斯蘭教徒。頭巾是伊斯蘭女士引以為傲的「身份象 two main languages and three dialects in Hong Kong, as well as expand the social circle with a group of local friends. Therefore, she at last made 徵」,Sofia笑言家裡有數不清的頭巾,而且是按每日不同服飾而配襯, up her mind and entered a mainstream school. 絕不馬虎。生活習慣幾乎百分百香港地道,她如何履行宗教責任?Sofia 不諱言伊斯蘭宗教在香港學校並沒有得到校方正視,甚至有少數族裔學 As a devout Muslim with a trendy dressing style, Sofia started wearing 校禁止學生戴頭巾的荒謬事!香港不論大、中、小學都不會有「祈禱 hijab (or headscarf), visiting mosque and having prayer five times every day when she was three. Headscarf is regarded as “a symbol of status” 室」,更不要說開齋節會讓學生放假,大部分學生都是自行請假,由於 which Islamic women are proud of. Sofia has countless scarves, which 校方不會主動了解伊斯蘭教徒的需要,磨擦容易發生。 are used to match up carefully with different clothing items every day. How can she conform to religious norms and Hong Kong’s lifestyle at the same time? Sofia does not deny the fact that the religion of Islam is 每年戒齋月,Sofia如常上學,對於「美食大過天」的小編眼中是不可思 not valued by the schools in Hong Kong. It is even ridiculous that some 議的事,齋戒被視為伊斯蘭信徒每年的盛事,以禁食、禱告和懺悔來考 ethnic minorities’ schools prohibit students from wearing headscarves, 驗對宗教的虔誠和鍛鍊意志,先苦後甜,渡過30天考驗便是歡欣的開齋 while prayer room is rarely seen in universities, secondary schools and 節和忠孝節。 primary schools. Most Islamic students would take leave for Eid al-Fitr by their own as the schools do not consider it as a holiday. It seems that local schools, teachers and students would not take the initiative to comprehend the needs and culture of Muslims.

Sofia goes to school as usual in Ramadan, a month of fasting, every year. Ramadan is a remarkable annual event in Muslim culture to show one’s faith in religion as well as train the willpower through fasting, praying and confession. The delightful Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha (i.e. the festival of sacrifice) will come after the challenge of 30-day fasting, proving the saying that “the bitter comes before the sweet”.

74 75 Pakistani-style 巴式粵菜 Cantonese cuisine 平日Sofia喜歡和同學到旺角、荃灣的台式茶舖吃甜 Sofia loves eating dessert 品,最愛近年潮食waffle,她也會邀請朋友到府上 with classmates at the teahouses in Mongkok 作客。Sofia媽媽煮得一手好菜,她自言連香港朋友 and Tsuen Wan, especially 都吃上癮,尤其是巴港口味混合「辣椒炒菜芯」和 waffle, one of the most 咖喱角,Sofia直言讀中學的時候,每次打開媽媽親 popular food in recent 手炮製的飯盒,裡面的菜芯和咖喱角就會被同學一掃 years. Playing host to her friends at home, Sofia has 而空! a mother who is good at cooking with signature dishes like the Pakistan- Note from Sofia for and-HK-style “stir-fried Sofia 給香港人的功課 Hongkongers choy sum with chili” and samosa, appealing to the 在環境容許下,希望在學 Arrange a specific area, palates of her friends in 校和職場上安排讓伊斯蘭 such as a quiet corner Hong Kong. When Sofia or room if possible, at brought her lunchbox 教徒祈禱的地方,祈禱只 schools and workplaces prepared by her mum to 需15分鐘,在一個安靜、 allowing Muslims to have secondary school, the choy 隱蔽的角落或房間進行便 prayer; only 15 minutes sum and samosa inside 可,其實並不阻礙職場平 are needed for praying were all eaten by her so it would not affect the classmates every time. 日的運作。 daily operation.

中國成語最難解 Chinese idiom – A challenge in learning 即使如Sofia從小在主流小學學中文,在學習上也遇 Chinese 到不少困難,例如成語背後多數來自歷史和寓言, Even though Sofia 另外古代文體(文言文)和一詞多義的詞語,還有中國 learned Chinese at a 人的習俗更是多籮籮,例如新年習俗貼揮春,對她 mainstream primary 來說也是相當陌生的事。 school, she has come across many challenges in the learning process, including understanding Chinese idioms (most of which were derived Note from Sofia for from historical fact and Sofia給南亞人的功課 South Asians myth), classical Chinese Watch TV drama or words and polysemous 可以多看電視劇來學廣 words. There are so 東話,及增加對香港的 program to learn Cantonese and deepen many Chinese customs 認識,Sofia平日喜歡看 your understanding of which are all very new 《愛‧回家》和《超級 Hong Kong; Sofia loves and strange to Sofia, like 無敵獎門人》。 watching “Come Home pasting lucky red scrolls Love” and “The Super during Lunar New Year. Trio” 77 誤入社工界的Ricky The Story Of Ricky - Entering The Social Work Sector By Chance 如果當日沒有參加《家庭PowerUp計劃》成南亞裔小朋友的導師,Ricky 或許不會選擇在大學修讀社工。《家庭PowerUp計劃》透過本地人在各 If Ricky did not participate in the “PowerUp” campaign and become the 種活動接觸少數族裔,從而結網、認識和打破兩個截然不同的生活圈, mentor of South Asian kids, maybe he would not choose to study at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. By organizing a series of events, PowerUp 不少參與《家庭PowerUp計劃》的年輕人不論國籍成為好友,更有不少 aims to promote the interaction between the locals and ethnic minorities, in 決定日後投入社工界,Ricky就是其中一個。 addition to integrate both groups seamlessly. Many young people who took part in the campaign have made friends from different nationalities while 最初在補習班擔任導師時,Ricky採用傳統教學方式對待南亞裔小朋友, many of them decided to enter the social work sector, and so did Ricky.

但似乎這班小朋友並不受落,試過最失控的場面包括全班同學集體請假 Initially, Ricky adopted a traditional approach to teach the kids in tutorial class 去祈禱,剩下Ricky一個在課室。 but it was not welcomed by them. The most serious situation was that the whole class asked for leaves for praying and left Ricky alone in the classroom.

Ricky明白南亞裔學生學習中文遇到重重困難,既無學習動機,但又確實 Ricky understood South Asian students may meet a lot of challenges in 需要學,所以他攪盡腦汁,在課室內引入遊戲和道具,令學習生活化, learning Chinese with no motivation, but there is an actual need to learn 學生們的興趣慢慢回來,學校成績好轉,Ricky感到相當有成就感。 it. He then explored a new way of teaching with the introduction of games and props, fusing entertainment elements into education in order to arouse their interest in learning Chinese and further enhance their academic performance. Finally, Ricky achieved success with a sense of accomplishment.

Ricky 給本地人的功課 Note from Ricky for Hongkongers

本地人要踏出第一步主動給少數族裔協助,讓他們對本地社群建 Hongkongers need to take the initiative to provide assistance to ethnic minorities, helping them to build up confidence in the local 立信心。巴基斯坦人性格單純,著重忠誠,只要他們願意相信本 community. With a simple and pure character, the Pakistanis put 地人,就能加深共融。 great emphasis on loyalty. As long as they are willing to trust the locals, it can further stimulate the interaction between them.

Ricky 給南亞人的功課 Note from Ricky for South Asians

越早讓小孩子認識本地人,就越容易讓整個家庭融入社區,小 The earlier the children get to know the locals, the better the whole family is integrated into the community. Kids with similar interests 孩子容易志趣相投,成年人因為已建立自己的社交圈子,不輕易 usually get along well with each other. Adults would not accept a 接受一個全新文化。而屏麗徑導賞團的商舖亦提供了一個理想媒 new culture easily as they have already established their own social circle. The exotic shops involved in “Ping Lai Path Guided Tour” 介,遊客來到充滿異國風情的商舖消費,自然會對少數族裔的文 serve as a medium which can stimulate visitors’ interest in 化產生興趣。 ethnic minorities culture through visiting and shopping.

78 79 童畫‧童話


80 81 南亞學生學洋畫 South Asian Students Learning Western Painting

自小喜歡接觸外國文化的Karly,2015年參加了TREE少數族裔青少年才藝 With a passion for foreign culture since childhood, Karly took part in the “ TREE Youth Development Centre for Ethnic Minorities” program as an 發展中心的計劃,在其擔任少數族裔美術老師,學生包括南亞裔中一至中 art teacher for ethnic minorities in 2015, including South Asian students 四生。課程初期他們的學習態度專注力比較差,也經常遲到,但經過Karly from secondary one to four. In the beginning, the students were lacking in concentration on learning and often late. Under the guidance of Karly, 一番教導,慢慢適應了學習節奏,不專心和遲到的問題慢慢改善。建立了 they not only achieved learning progress gradually, but also resolved the 感情之後,Karly發現南亞裔學生比較主動,願意分享自己的故事,而且 problems of inattention and being late. After creating a sense of intimacy with the students, Karly discovered that they are more willing to express 坦白,不會隱藏自己的情感,令她感覺不用花太多時間就能與學生打成一 themselves frankly without hiding any emotions. Karly now feels that she 片。 can get on well with her students in a short time.

The students in Hong Kong have been trained to be all-rounders since 香港學生從小就被「操練」成周身刀,百般武藝樣樣皆能,上堂的態度認 they were young. Mastering a wide range of skills and abilities, they take 真,甚至是太有規矩。相比起來,南亞裔學生很少考慮到自己的將來,他 lessons in a very serious and well-behaved way. On the contrary, South 們到畫班上堂多數因為有興趣,很少想到自己將來要在藝術發展。加上南 Asian students do not have much concern about their own future.Even though most of them attend painting class with an interest in art, they 亞學生鮮有機會參加興趣班,欠缺基礎訓練,Karly在教畫時會將要求降低 may not think of entering related fields in the future. As South Asian 一點,看著他們慢慢進步,很有滿足感。 students have a lack of basic training as well as opportunity to participate in interest class, Karly would relax the requirement a bit in class and she is satisfied that her students have shown steady improvement. TREE計劃在8月中旬參加了一個創意市集,Karly要帶領學生手繪一些家居 用品和小裝飾,他們在木盒、布袋、掛架上畫上南亞特色的圖案,在市集 TREE was unveiled in a creative market in mid-August where Karly and her students drew South Asian style patterns on household and decorative 上還要為訪客畫Henna,南亞學生最初很怕羞,但經Karly循循善誘,她們 items by hand, including wooden box, bag and rack, as well as drew 漸漸願意與客人溝通,最後更主動「拉客」。 Henna for visitors. The students were very shy initially but under the gentle guidance of Karly, they were more willing to communicate with the others and even took the initiative to solicit customers. 怪獸家長的畫畫世界 The World of Painting of “Monster Parents” 近年流行繪畫填色本,據聞可舒緩成年人的壓力,不過學畫畫的小朋友都 Becoming popular in recent years, it is believed that coloring book can 有沉重的壓力。香港的美術學校開畫班分門別類,有 art jamming、有專訓 help adults to relieve stress whereas the children who learn drawing 練小朋友比賽奪魁的天才班,也有幫助學生考取級別的精英班,怪獸家長 may be under considerable pressure. There are a wide diversity of painting classes available in art schools, including art jamming, talented 為了讓子女進入這些學校,甚至BB未出世就開始排隊,為了在主科成績以 class ( training for winning competition) and elite class ( for obtaining 外,以興趣為主的副科也要拿到優越成績,Karly 的本地學生也有少數要滿 professional qualification ). In order to send their kids to these schools, “monster parents” even submit application before their children are born. 足怪獸家長的虛榮心,一個周末走均全港九,上不同的名校興趣班。 They also require their kids to get excellent results in both major subjects and “interest-based” minor subjects. Karly has a few students who need to fulfill the vainglorious needs and desires of their helicopter parents. They have to attend a number of interest classes in different prestigious schools throughout Hong Kong Island and Kowloon every weekend.

82 83 尼泊爾童畫班 Nepalese Child Painting Class

自從創意市集的熱潮吹到香港,從事繪 Since creative market becomes more and more prevalent in Hong Kong, 畫和手作的藝術家曝光機會大增,連帶 those engaged in painting and handicrafts have got more chances 少數族裔的藝術家也漸漸受到社會和媒 to showcase themselves. Thanks to the trend, the artists from ethnic 體的重視。 minorities are gradually drawing the attention of society and media.

在尼泊爾出生的Rai在2007年來港,最初 Born in Nepal, Rai came to Hong Kong in 2007 and became security guard 3年跟其他南亞裔移民一樣從事保安,工 in the first three years, which is a preferred choice of job for most South 餘時間繪畫,因為一次偶然機會為前特 Asian immigrants. He also spent leisure time on painting and fortuitously 首曾蔭權繪畫人像而開創了一條藝術之 embarked on an art journey by painting a portrait for former Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang. With the decision to begin his art 路。其後他全職投入藝術工作,申請了 career with full-time commitment, Rai applied for a “street artist” license 「街頭畫師」牌照在尖沙咀碼頭為遊客 and painted portraits for tourists at Tsim Sha Tsui pier, immersing in the 繪畫人像,慢慢踏上視覺藝術之路。 world of visual art.

尼泊爾政治動盪,埋沒了不少人的理 Due to political instability in Nepal, many local artists can only bury 想,Rai是其中一個無法在家鄉完夢的藝 their dream, just like Rai. We may think that Hong Kong society only 術家,當我們以為香港社會重視金錢忽 emphasizes money instead of spiritual values, whereas Rai stated that 略精神價值的同時,Rai反而認為在香港 Hong Kong has provided him a stable environment to pursue art career. 發展藝術的道路尚算平坦。除了擔任美 As an art teacher, he strives to create an artistic atmosphere in the 術老師,他致力在尼泊爾社群中建立藝 Nepalese community. Rai also found that the last generation of Nepalese 術氛圍,Rai發現上一代的尼泊爾人來港 people came to Hong Kong mainly for the purpose of making a living, 定居主要為了生計,每天長時間工作, working long hours every day with no spare time to cultivate their 完全沒有餘裕發展藝術愛好,只有寄望 interest in art. Thus, they hope that their next generation can integrate 下一代,成長階段融合香港文化,對生 into the local culture and pursue a discerning lifestyle as well as an 活品味有追求,熱衷學習藝術,隨著Rai interest in learning art. As Rai is getting more students in his painting 的繪畫班學生越來越多,請他繪畫的尼 class, there are a growing number of Nepalese families commissioning 泊爾家庭與日俱增,他擅長的原子筆人 him to paint portraits while ballpoint pen portrait has already become 像畫亦成為他的標記。 his signature.

84 85 女王的教室


86 87 師奶成名記 LMC s ( Love Multi Culture ) The Rise Of Housewives – LMC (Love Multi Culture)

近年手工藝熱潮在香港冒起,手作市集在工廈、舊區遍地開花,如此熱 Handicrafts have become the latest trend in Hong Kong recently, 鬧的風景要歸功於默默耕耘的手作人。南亞創藝LMC今年踏入第8個年 with handicraft bazaars widely found in industrial buildings and old districts. Credits are to be given to hardworking handcrafters, like Love 頭,是一班南亞裔婦女加上本地人合作而成的社會企業,經歷初期風雨 Multi Culture ( LMC ), which comprises a group of South Asian women 到今日團隊超過30人,LMC的營運經理 O'mi 與我們分享不同種族共同 in collaboration with the locals. As a NGO, LMC is now welcoming its 工作的苦與樂。 eighth anniversary, with a team growing from a hard few to over thirty members. O’mi, the Operation Manager of LMC, has shared the sorrow LMC的產品分為Henna現場手繪、南亞手工藝工作坊及南亞手工藝品 and joy in this interracial collaboration project. 製作,團隊主要由Henna藝術家、導師和產品製作員組成,來自不同文 LMC’s main offerings are henna drawing, South Asian handicraft 化背景的婦女將LMC打造成南亞藝術品牌,以年輕、溝通能力較高的 products and workshops. The team consists of henna artists, coaches Henna藝術家作前線,教育水平較低、婚後才移居香港的已婚婦女作後 and handcrafters. Women from different backgrounds and cultures 援從事產品製作。 cooperate to build LMC as a signature brand of South Asian art. The younger henna artists with better communication skills work on the frontline, while married teammates who came to Hong Kong 南亞裔人士性格特點是誠實,願意承認錯誤,容易交心,只要南亞裔人 after marriage, often less educated, work in the back to support the 接受你做朋友,會雙倍對你好,所以他們不論在朋友圈或家族圈都擁有 production line. 很強的向心力,需要協助的時候,一呼百應。 South Asians are often regarded as honest, willing to admit their faults, 在LMC工作的南亞裔婦女約50%不諳英語,她們兼職從事產品製作員, and easy to befriend with. As soon as they call you a friend, they would 負責加工和包裝,LMC照顧到她們的傳統是不容許已婚婦女外出工作及 treat you much better than how they are treated. This is how a strong bond among friends and families is developed. When one is in need, 接觸陌生人,給她們另闢一間只供女性使用的工作間,更裝上窗簾讓她 there are always loads of companions ready to help. 們的丈夫安心。如果婦女不方便長時間在外,LMC亦會給她們外帶回家 的工作機會,正因為LMC考慮得如此仔細,很多丈夫都讓步,婦女可以 About 50% of LMC workers are illiterate in English who work as part-time 為家庭帶來額外收入,又可以建立社交圈。 handcrafters, responsible for refining and packaging. Considering the regional tradition that married women are not allowed to work outside home and get in touch with strangers, the organization exclusively set up a women-only workstation where curtains are installed, ensuring to assure their husbands. For those who cannot stay outside home for long, LMC also offers the choice to work from home. Because of these meticulous considerations, many husbands have given in and let their wives to work there. The South Asian women can contribute to their families with an extra income source as well as expand their own social circles.

88 89 O’mi 給本地人的功課

南亞裔婦女的家庭觀念很重,無論作為朋友或同事都應該謹記尊重 她們,也同時要尊重她們家庭成員,而且南亞裔婦女的社交圈子不 像我們多姿多采,例如吃放題、購物、酒店下午茶等消費玩意都不 是她們的那杯茶。

Note from O’mi for locals South Asian women regard family as a top priority. As friends and coworkers, we should respect them and their family members. Also , their lifestyle is not as vibrant and exciting as ours so they may not be interested in buffets, shopping and afternoon tea at hotels.

O’mi 給南亞人的功課

由於語言、文化、傳統及收入較低的因素,南亞裔人士都有被邊緣 化的現象,而他們不拘小節的工作態度亦有機會令僱主種下壞印 象,「一竹篙打一船人」的心態是難以避免。 O'mi鼓勵南亞裔人士 多走出自己的生活圈,接觸本地僱主並接受香港工作環境的要求, 作一個好榜樣為其他同鄉帶來更多面試機會。

Note from O’mi for South Asians South Asian workers are often marginalized due to many factors ike language, culture, tradition and low income. Their carefree working style may leave employers with bad impression. Unfavorable stereotypes are not uncommon. O’mi encourages South Asians to step out of their social circle, to cope with local employers and to accept the norms of workplaces in Hong Kong. Such role models can help create a better image for the whole community, hence more interview opportunities.

90 91 薪火相傳融藝工房 Skills Inheritance at In • Art WorkStation

最初 Josephine「接手」融藝工房是為了將縫紉這門手藝薪火相 When Josephine first “took over” In • Art WorkStation, she aimed to 傳,在製衣業已經息微的香港,尋找一個半個「接班人」, pass on the skills of sewing in Hong Kong, where the garment industry has seen a decline. She also looked for successors and equipped them 讓她們有一技傍身,日後有機會成為自僱人士。 with professional skills to become self-employed someday.

融藝工房業務分為產品、課程和服務三部分,以服務最具挑戰性, The scope of business at the Station includes launching products, 社工轉介的學生個性和背景各有不同,要軟硬兼施,學員由最初不聽 courses and service, while the service part is the most challenging 話 到 最 後 被 Josephine 調 理 得 貼 貼 服 服 , 接受她的指導,學得一手 amongst. The apprentices referred by social workers come from different backgrounds with distinct characters. They did not follow 好技巧後可以融入社會。工房業務眾多,普通改衣、造手袋和起辦當然 Josephine’s instructions initially but later they were willing to learn 難不到她們,她們的強項 業袍和司袍更能提供優化設計的服務, after Josephine has adopted a " carrot and stick " approach. Practical 手工可媲美專業師傅! skills are required to enter into Hong Kong society. In • Art WorkStation specializes in garment alterations, bag-making and sample crafting, Josephine其中一位學生是20來歲的南亞裔少女,她捨棄家裡的手縫傳 which are all easy tasks for the apprentices. Their trump card is to tailor graduation gown and silk gown in an optimal design with 統,對衣車有濃厚興趣。伊斯蘭教的成年女士大都沒有自己的事業, outstanding skills comparable to professionals. 她跑到融創工房學車衣,雖然沒有縫紉底子但尚可以獨力完成一個包 包。 One of Josephine’s students is a South Asian girl in her early twenties, who falls in love with sewing machines instead of the needle-stitching tradition running in her family. Muslim women rarely develop their own careers but she is the exceptional one. Although she learned sewing at In • Art WorkStation without any relevant background initially, she is now able to make a bag on her own.

92 93 「屏麗PLUS」 屏麗多元文化社區活化工程

透過與本地和不同少數族裔藝術工作者的合作,逐步把「屏麗徑休憩 處」重塑為具跨文化色彩的「多元文化小庭園」,以提供兼具本地及南 亞文化特色的互動空間予大眾享用,促進多元文化交流。

Ping Lai Plus Ping Lai Cross - Cultural Community Revitalization Project

Through working with like-minded artists from different background, the Ping Lai sitting-out area will be revitalized into an open garden featuring various cross-cultural elements, and also a public space where people from all cultural backgrounds can share and enjoy.

94 95 還記得當天答應了和聖公會麥理浩夫人中心一起參予「市區重建局社區更新 My journey with the ethnic minority in Kwai Chung started after I 基金- 小區濃情- 葵涌多元文化社區承傳計劃」的晚上,我在互聯網搜羅了 joined HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre to participate in the project 所有關於「少數族裔在香港」的新聞、節目和片段,欲罷不能地看至清晨。 'Kwai Chung Multi-culture sustainability' under Urban Renewal Fund of Urban Renewal Authority. The on-lined newspaper clippings, TV 這次自我學習不但使我對葵涌的多元文化有了初步的了解,而且令我佩服麥 programmes and episodes related to the topic, which I read from dusk 理浩夫人中心同工們為社區多年來的貢獻。 till dawn the other day, gave me insight on the the cultural diversity in Kwai Chung and, more importantly, made me appreciate the Center's 接下來的個多月,我隨着中心的社工和同事們拜訪了區內居民的住所、餐 great contribution to the community in the past years. 廳、雜貨鋪、教會、寺廟等... 逐步地了解區內少數族裔和其他持份者的生 Under the guidance of social workers and colleagues of the centre, 活、文化和習性。 I then visited the resiedents’ dwellings, restaurants, grocery stores, churches, mosques, etc in the community. The visits progressively 原來在葵涌邨,回教朋友們在通道旁的空地放下地毯,把本來不着用的過渡 enabled me to understand the life style, culture and habits of the 空間變成了臨時的祈禱場所;在葵涌工業邨,南亞小朋友們利用五人足球場 ethnic minority and other stakeholders in the district. 的外牆壁練習他們喜愛的板球;在屏麗徑、屏富徑一帶,少數族裔化作導賞 員,帶領大眾認識區內多元文化生活... 這些自我衍生的活動和活力,為葵涌 In Kwai Chung Estate, Muslims made use of emply space next to the passageway for temporary praying purpose; in Kwai Chung factory 區的生活文化增添了色彩和層次。 area, South Asian children used the wall of the five-aside football pitch to practice cricket; in Ping Fu Path and Ping Lai Path, ethnic minority residents acted as tour guides of cross-cultural community tour to introduce South Asian culture to the pulblic. All these self-initiated, self-organized activities and energy added colours and layers to the culture and lives of Kwai Chung District.

96 97 這些真切的接觸使我想起「Everyday Urbanism」 和 「Handmade These tangible visits and contacts reminded me the advocation of Urbanism」等書本所提倡的非正式的、由下而上的都市設計模式概念。 informal, bottom-up approach of urban design in the books 'Everyday 也許,傳統建制的、由上而下的烏托邦式的完全規劃法,沒法醞釀出小 Urbanism' and ‘Manmade Urbanism’, etc. On the contrary, perhaps, 區濃情。 formal, top-down Utopian planning model, would not help to cultivate such community bonding at all. 在設計「南亞共融生活館」前,我們和少數族裔朋友們、持份者等詳談, Before designing the South Asian and Local Living Arts Museum (the 了解他們所需,最後成就了今天「可開可藏的長方形盒子」的共融館。兩 gallery), we consulted social workers, ethnic minorities, locals and 道「可開可藏」的活牆,為這不足36平方米的空間創造了不同佈局的可能 other stakeholders to understand their needs. The design solution 性,使共融館可舉辦演講會、電影欣賞會、小型展覽、兩個同時舉行的工作 was a ‘transformable retangular box’ that provided flexibility to 坊等活動。 facilitate organization of different kinds of activities inside the 36 m² space. The gallery could hold lectures, movie session, exhibition, two- 此外,我從香港建築師學會展覽活動後帶來的剩餘物資,經過屏麗徑五金師 simultaneous workshops, etc on demand. 傅的悉心改造,變成了共融館內的實用的儲物架,實現了「民間有智慧」的 Furthermore, the owner of the hardware shop in Ping Lai Path 道理。 skillfully transformed the leftover materials I brought from the Hong Kong Institute of Architects exhibition to usable storage racks for the gallery use. This proved the saying 'wisdom hides in local community'.

98 99 另一方面,上接打磚坪街的工廠區,下達交通繁忙的青山公路的屏麗徑, On the other hand, Ping Lai Path was the major linkage between 是市民來往工廠區和巴士站的必經之路。小徑內兩旁是各約二十層高的住 the factory area (Tat Chuen Ping Road) and bus stops (Castle Peak Road). Along the two sides of the path were two 20-storey residential 宅大廈。大廈低層有清真寺、基督教會、老人院等;地舖有跌打館、清真 buildings, where Chinese Bone-setter shop, Muslim restaurant, South 食品餐廳、南亞雜貨店、花店、港式茶餐廳、洗衣店、五金舖、冷氣及水 Asian grocery stores, floral shop, Hong Kong style cafe, laundry shop, 電工程、文具、鋁鐵裝飾工程、物業代理、日常用品店等。我特別喜歡懸 hardware shop, building services contracting shop, stationary shop, 浮在屏麗徑半空的廣告招牌- 它和中央的二十多歲的大樹伯伯給小徑形成了 metal decoration workshop, property agency, grocery store on the 一個無形的天幕,為行人提供了一個像半室內的都市空間。 gorund floor, with a mosque, Christian church and elderly home located at the first floors. I especially liked the advertisement signs hanging 「可否增加座位」、「可否增設可舉辦戶外活動的地方」、「可否為我們社 from the two elevations of the buildings- together with the leaves of the over-20-year-old big tree in the middle, it became a pseudo-roof of 區多點色彩」... 經過大大小小的諮詢,我們按居民的要求為「屏麗Plus活 the urban space and gave pedestrians a sense of enclosure. 化工程」設計了戶外的座位和雨篷,又把原來過大的花槽改裝成戶外座 椅,供不同種族人仕坐下來、歇一會、談談話;同時又打造了新的地磚和 ’More seatings please…’, ‘More outdoor activities space please…’, ‘More colours to the street please…’ wrote the residents for the 擋土牆的圖案,為這都市空間穿上新裝。整個工程為原來像馬路一樣的氛 Ping Lai Path beautification project. We followed their wish list and 圍帶來了休閑空間的瀾漫,也讓不同族裔和團體可以舉辦不同的文化、表 designed new seatings and canopies, remodeled the existing planters 演等活動。 to become sitting-out area, repaved the floor to give the path a new outlook… the project upgraded the dull road-like space to a leisure and resting space for people, and provided open space for different cultural activities and events.

100 101 在施工過程中,我們最感動的是來自小徑內店舖和街坊的主動幫忙。花店老 闆提出可把工程拔下的植物暫時移植到他們的花店內,待工程完成時幫忙種 回;街坊們成立了小小的廢料回收閣,把在工程中拆除的有用物料循環再 用,實踐了小區濃情、守望相助的社區精神。

朱海山教授 珠海學院建築系系主任. 副教授

We were particularly moved by the shop owners’ and neighbours’ proactive assistance to the project. The floral shop owner offered to take care of the temporarily removed plants at their shop during the construction process, residents set up a little up-cycling corner next to the site to collect usable items removed the site for further possible use. Though the path was tiny in size, the community bonding and spirit was giant and strong.

Paul CHU Hoi Shan Head and Associate Professor Department of Architecture Chu Hai College of Higher Education

102 103 A glimpse of the 葵涌具南亞 cross-cultural 特色的店鋪 uniqueness in 一覽 Kwai Chung

(Cross-cultural map p.1) (Cross-cultural map p.2)

104 105 附錄︰南亞食譜 South Asian Recipes

巴基斯坦肉卷 Shawarma 材料 : Ingredient : 油 3茶匙 鹽 1湯匙 Oil 3 teaspoon Salt 1 tablespoon 乳酪 3茶匙 乾酵母 1湯匙 Yogurt 3 tablespoon Dry yeast 1 tablespoon 巴基斯坦醃肉香料 Baking Powder 1盒 沙律醬 3湯匙 Pakistani spices 1 box 1 tablespoon (可於南亞食品店購得) Halal Chicken 1 pack Salad dressing 3 tablespoon 清真雞肉 一大包 茄汁 1支 Sweet Pepper 3 Tomato sauce 2 tablespoon 三色椒 三個 辣椒醬 隨意 Flour 1600 g Chili sauce 1 tablespoon 麵粉 1600g 鮮奶 500 ml Egg 3 Milk 500 ml 蛋 3隻 生菜 一球 Sugar 1 tablespoon Cabbage 1 ball 砂糖 1湯匙 Cooking Utensil : Egg-beater 廚具: 打蛋器 Steps : 做法: 1. Mix the flour, egg, salt, yeast, baking powder, oil (6 tablespoon) and 1. 把麵粉丶蛋丶砂糖丶鹽丶酵母丶泡打粉丶油(6荼匙)丶鮮奶混合, milk. Beat the mixture till it become creamy. Leave the mixture to 以打蛋器打起至cream狀,待3小時 stand for 3 hours 2. Pickle the chicken with oil, yogurt and Pakistani spice for 30 minutes 2. 以油丶乳酪丶巴基斯坦醃肉香料,醃雞肉最少半小時 3. With oil, stew the chicken in covered pan, use weak fire in the first 3. 把雞放入鑊,蓋上蓋落油煮,頭五分鐘以小火,以後十分鐘用中火, 5 min, middle fire during the coming 10 min, then strong fire till the 再之後二十分鐘用大火煮至全熟 chicken is thoroughly cooked. 4. 雞肉熟了後,以叉把雞肉分成絲,加入沙律醬丶茄汁丶辣椒醬 4. With fork, tear the chicken to little slides. Mix the chicken with salad 5. 把三色椒丶生菜切絲備用 dressing, tomato sauce and chili sauce. 5. Cut the sweet pepper and cabbage to slides 6. 把(1)之麵團分成饅頭大,猜成圓形,沾沾麵粉,用麵粉轆壓平, 6. Separate the dough of (1) to smaller pieces of fist-size. Roll the small 7. 在兩手中來回拍,使麵餅更大更薄 dough to thinner dough before snapping the dough between hands 8. 把麵餅放上已加熱的平底鑊,煎至兩邊微焦 to make it larger and thinner 9. 把薄餅放上一片鍚紙上 7. On a preheated pan, fry the dough of (6) 10. 在薄餅上抹茄汁,放上三色椒絲丶生菜和雞肉涵料 8. Place the cooked dough on a piece of aluminum foil 9. On the dough, wipe tomato sauce, place sweet pepper slides, 11. 把涵料卷在薄餅中間,再用鍚紙包好在肉卷中間以刀切成兩半後, cabbage slide before placing the chicken 則用以手食用 10. Roll the ingredient inside the dough, wrap the roll with aluminum foil 11. Slide the roll to half and the Shawarma is ready to enjoy

106 107 南亞雞包 (10~15人份) Pakistani Chicken Bread (10~15 person serves) 材料 : Ingredient : Halal雞肉 2kg 五香粉 少許 Halal Chicken 2 kg The Five Spices Powder a little 三色椒 3個 泡打粉 2 湯匙 Sweet Pepper 3 Baking Powder 2 tablespoon 礶頭蘑菇 1 罐 乾酵母 2 湯匙 Mushroom 1 can Dry Yeast 2 tablespoon 粟米粒 1 罐 油 4 湯匙 Kernels of corn 1 can Oil 4 tablespoon 雞蛋 4隻 芝麻 少許 Egg 4 Sesame a little 麵粉 1200g 芝士 1包 Flour 1200 g Cheese 1 pack 牛奶 2000ml 巴基斯坦香料 少許 Milk 2000 ml Pakistani spice a little 鹽 少許 水 少許 Salt a little Water A little 用具: 大鑊/大鍋、麵粉轆、煱爐、微波爐、罐頭刀 Cooking Utensil : Wok / Rolling pin , Oven , Microwave , Can , Opener

煮食步驟 : Steps 1 Prepare the chicken: 3d. Cook the mixture for 1-2 minute 1a. Defrost the chicken 步驟一: 預備雞肉!! 步驟四: 大結合!! 1b. Thoroughly boil the chicken Steps 4 Combine: 1a. 讓雞肉解凍 4a. 把麵團搓成一個個拳頭大的小 with 1 tbs of five spices powder 4a. Separate the dough and roll 團 1c. Tear the chicken to small slides them into smaller ball of fist-size 步驟二: 4b. 用 手 把 小麵團輕輕按開至圓 by hands 4b. With hands, gently press the 2a. 把1200g麵粉倒進大盤 形,再用麵粉轆把它壓成厚 small ball into a circle, before 2b. 加入1荼匙五香粉,把雞肉放進 3-5mm的楕圓麵餅 Steps 2 Prepare the Bread: rolling the dough to a thin oval 2a. In a large bowl, mix the flour of 3-5mm 滾水煮至全熟 4c. 上芝士片 (1200g), baking powder(2tbs), 4c. Put the in-packing into the 2c. 把微波爐加熱牛奶500ml至温 4d. 用刀在麵餅上,以涵料為中 dry yeast (2tbs), egg (2), oil (4 tbs) middle of the oval, and put a 熱,加進麵粉裏 心,界出放射性線條 2b. Add to the mixture in 500 ml of piece of cheese on top 2d. 把油抹在手上,用手把麵團搓 4e. 把涵料包在麵餅內 warmed milk by microwave 4d. On the dough cut radiating line 至成形不粘手,過程中可按需 4f. 取兩雞蛋,在碗打成蛋汁 2c. With hands weap with oil, mix around the in -packing. 要加水至麵團特殊技巧:把麵 4g. 在每個涵餅上都澆上蛋汁少許丶 in the milk and beat the mixture 4e. Close the dough 團拿起,再大力拍打回麵盤內 ( 芝麻少許 till it is not creamy and less sticky 4f. Stir 2 eggs 如中國人打魚膠/運動員打排 (Special Skill: Hold the dough 4g. Spray egg yolk on the surface of 球) 步驟五:烤焗!! high and hit it back to the bowl the bread and add also a little hard, like a volleyball player) sesame on top 5a. 在烤盤上抹油 步驟三: 5b. 放入涵餅焗15~20分鐘,約260 Steps 3 Prepare the in-packing: Steps 5 Baking: 3a. 在鍋內加入餘下的牛奶1500 ml 度, 至涵餅現金黃色 3a. Cut the sweet pepper into strips 5a. Preheat the oven 3b. 加入五香粉1湯匙丶適量的巴基 3b. Pour 1500 ml of milk to another 5b. Wipe on the baking tray with 斯坦香料, 可再自行調節調味 bowl oiled kitchen napkin 3c. 把汁煮熱後,加入早前已撕好 3c. Mix in 1 tbs of five spice powder, 5c. Bake for 15-20 min at 260 的雞肉丶切好的三色椒丶礶頭 Pakistani spice as your taste, degree till surface become 蘑菇丶礶頭粟米粒 chicken pieces, sweet pepper golden strips, mushroom and kernels of 3d. 煮1~2分鐘 corn

108 109 聯絡我們 Contact us

梁詠婷姑娘 (Noel) / 徐斯筠姑娘 (Ceci) / Minhas Rashad (阿文)

共融館地址: 新界葵涌屏麗徑3-21號葵豐樓地下G-2號鋪 Address of KungYungKoon - The Dost: Shop G2, Kwai Fung House, 3-21 Ping Lai Path, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong

電話 Tel: 2427 2223 傳真 Fax: 2494 7786

出版: 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心 Published by: H.K.S.K.H. Lady MacLehose Centre

督印人: 沃馮嬿琼女士 Publisher: Mrs. Helina Yuk

編輯委員會: 余靄聯、陳清華、梁詠婷、徐斯筠、黃譜基、Minhas Rashad Editorial Committee: Liza Yu, Jonathan Chan, Noel Leung, Cecilia Tsui, Rudy Wong, Minhas Rashad

文字翻譯:葉康淇 Translator: Carleton Yip

出版日期: 2016年3月 Date of issue: March 2016

「小區濃情 - 葵涌多元文化社區傳承計劃」 Our Community of Love & Mutuality : Nurturing Cultural Diversity & Community Legacy in Kwai Chung 主 辦 機 構 贊 助 機 構 Organizer Funding Organization 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心少數族裔服務部於 2001年始,為居港的少數族裔人士提供一站式的 社會服務,包括一系列融入社群、自助互助、增 强就業能力等的支援,以助他們面對生活上的困 難,促進不同種族和諧共融。

Services for Ethnic Minorities Unit, HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre has been providing diversified social services to ethnic minorities living in Hong Kong since 2001. With the concern about these people's needs, our services provide supports for helping them confront difficulties in life and promoting harmony amongst different races.