
**• 4*M

&^;;%;p:|S|^;;^ ^ IHE ^: £6.

: :Iine'-!routed WJisii ije^py. '• r righf mind agaia about on^half.of hi nose ^was gone; .WhiieLyiman howh'as ; less nose,;he^inorestubwsj.?;^ ... V~.•'•.••• Gmftiiufed • ;. Fenian 13 gejScg• to be qjiifeasportjt iintilheliiiO, tOTy " Cpkfi^t; a^Shte '..-. .^ememper-.by'.buyiagfTnov? you get a straight to per 'cent' ..:. . '-'- .cut fora-.bur"regula r prices on .everj'thinw'ia^oqr'.- ~- ; -. .- the" ^bob't doable the Th&niy. ,.. ©cfirig fa3t^f>ut to' donate the yiilggehali ror tbe "art" so.that the- pairicijoants-and-Eatrons '.we have a few left;' Better th'roiVia-way.-this" Hatcifr'lst/--i'• -rpHy iiof be compelled to s^efe- & ;ba'rii r.V.P.iir $14.00 i)ecprg.ted: JDinnefi- Sets go at.$iii&" • ; .: " •.;.:•• in;sqinfe"lojiesoriiei4iiej?;;;: * '•- =.-./;: !.-v ,-: -The' fingfitqn^irguaui management of E, W. :-Bi •*29~- Vjrt)^n^e'*|^J^'^%meoi^!i^! •wUB.-HSe;' SforfeiicrGV'Mrver is'one of

Jy.papers.Ifi at <»mds.^'lhKpffic6.^ Mjrs. T>it-xt. -\ajbo. an erpSrt/fjrjJo ana-tlie tidti:-viTSE I'adfeSarefc

5^<» -,-•: - ••••'.' ~ ••"• ' "*.9°;-:.".":'':" ' ='r." -. • - ""•=> " Snd press v . -?.2O.,- :;••'." .-•-'.?'.". ?. 4:00'W'ater' Sets go ?t iVncllet jis"sel|,ybu a!flew:One/|f;sDit L '3ft» .-"-•-• ;_•"•• -; Ili •' 'Burfibera' . ,. . „ y6g: bit:.Mr. THose 5ty;:Caps-ar^always ih-^t^ey' ? : .2.00" --!. ."".' '- " . - aboAHz 2,0j)Qj=c6p ies1 'dr -S,060"<"iitbVe thk _ and tiat; ;Br'yan>. sbpt at Jt|Jnit"tb.g dpgjwas not"' mad.-^-BriKht^ 'f:73' • •'"••''•• -;•".•." • t2ar ISsri^aiid-TiyilJ rfcoo tain .twelve r.io:... •-•' "-. .-•'•;-•-. on.^rgiTs.-;:''_*£-..._v::•' • -% : = :: •.••::=, ' ,.'•]".'.; : 1 "•" .S5 ' '- " ""V ': •- A .;Jijyeriti. to • the.'usaiciaf iph^fr^e'.of • es- r-We dlan £--.say7i'the;:(Jp'g"was; -SiacJ. . : ,t>ri.:SaendaJ• Fe'S, 2riu, wif-caa-sabV joa a! ".« v ' •"; perisesb'fa'r as ihe;BECoiiD iaeoacem- lfne'ef ' ' • •••':••.- ' •: . "i~ ••'••• . . | -A • -'•. ed;. Ttieladiesaretojfb all; the $6:06 Banquet Lamp," Silk 5faadc^ Oavr. -. Standard, co for %xX : .... resell . jardjjf.befijiy^iH'CfrjJ .'• 4:7s -.." - "i " • ',-: " •'••:.,."i, __;>.. ?.. .^ igjaua'selling fif the. e§tfa jcop- j Biiva ne'vei'^ir.tbe Ja-gas'edit-jr' and ;J\Vhich.;you have been paying; from ^2.56. to- ^3.00; ; = " |ior thesma!" siirr-'ol :•"]:'. -.o.. .., ... •-/.""•' '•' "'. ! in".fact liave Entire •cbaree ft>r a rdMri%lui£w;bjssize, We refrained from -:-: 5'.od_5vase Lamp'IoT ' - ' - " • -" - "4-? : _-_._ „._._;..._, . 'whole'.wee?;. The proceeds are to'be..palU6g.hinj a liar;," -.. :t:.-.uaed;for charitabts"puxpusfis: ' -. i- V . ^Tbe. Observer. febiuld:"coiisl(ier_th e This price for Saturday Onh". ^:". Tlve-.HEcoBD will shortly iasuer.» d»tapce,. not tbesize .• r- • ' ' - . 1.50. ':. -. . -i , J 1-25. : •" " . ••'-.. • Jpro'ppectus tb; itn^advertisin^ patroiis :;. To keep oidttr^piiffrabieTbf Us'^iJ'IbiJg tvr • •5'.°cl.-Hangmg Lamps for •; .Wlm-h will fully ssplain all the nliins :tline, but o iblpgtf'are necessary. 0ien i'iupf be kept ftoca it, auc! BC> 4.75 .. " . .- " . pr(]|j>>se'd iti ordor ioliacdle,fheir regn- tbc sm;i!l l.oy with H stVav/.— 3.-O •"•'-'_ Pjt'as. -Vei and the big boy

., TI)cl!i(5ii'i«Ji!ivy-ap|iij!hK!t1'i!u'ijsecO- with a jiifjilier;. HITO.-.-A., A. Coulief. j ; y*'u,fc(iii!nii!S«;-''1ta=j(rrar:ge;J!ie...iJ«*!!'iii _.^ Ajyfl"i'ni getliu' u Ijig. J303- 110w"| 88 Mair, St." M. D; GORTON work nnii iio thijj-iiTff Tvrv «!sf!sas!:iBtJi: ^iuK8 ilie . Coiiritif:iSMrif. ~r'" ' !' '•" :;'^"|-.- =; NdrthvJIIe.-

fllTU t* I t*l 'X If! £11 t € t T* all ^k lfl?^>r~1J.CTU ^*l* 4 l^Jt full - A "l._...i1I». ^_ ..'d^.k^iVi^ fi>^]*> w^f a > V»/"_ f«- f >rf-v^ *^*» 1 " ""T ^ • Rojfin H. ver Ilia maltur iiie suecuw of tlfc out- ' A bustling yuuttg l:iiij',vi=tor come 13 n.str.tljyj|1ij iuii;<-.-i nuvi:|- i.l.) things by •lfifirt-io ni»liu.rr».li!i. farur of 1 Iii> •••Muuii. wi:Milic:r! Krjink lit'11 rift I in in very |icniri№'illli. mill .liuTi? \f> lull !iUln lllllll).!. llf "ill! 'iinii]' 1 IIUJU rv.iiilL unil nf llm li':iriyi . I'o-t.Hi1:!" JTr.H S.'K Itiril-l-nlK-ll Ui-M. fflll-ri.il! H' Spoi GaoSii Store. lm:i^t of -i l*"j"ic11 (!r I vjlur liml Htf:ill of HIIK lilki'.S till! l-illus. lK |:llirj!..\vn III 1 iviniliiiH Salmi i Ilnti-i: niiyi *. ll.i't r;iti Iu-:"i1 lici V <.»r, .. ; . • ; Niw's.' nf IViis '"'Tlnili.lv. Ill I in; IUtml:ii!IJ«lIslri(jl I I.UI,V Hi,.-riir. , £g > ' =GaTlerv-- Best Fiiie Granulated Sugar 4-'c ib. "U(i:ii;l tln-yihili = r(m u s htrinlr" In jil.-l i:.iiil <>1" -Ni>i-I yvil i! thi'H; :irc "oiUy '" l.niih ^iji L; JHUtttiu 1ios|\'H;ii in j-I- T * :: tin; ' 11L .Mlll'oril. Aim Arlior li->iii. wu;intii iii i k'mil,' i lliniejusl l.lir wuiii Vt-.-i j Mr'mi. d i'/.riiM til . Uniij" i'tt-c-j-. uf iUO 1 t'TiUirtuii> rt liirgt: jiarty^jfTlu-ir frii'-ui'lri Tbt Luiilii:- i; . :tut)!»'my-- I hut .'lie yiii^i.i U'arn rnltiii- «l uJi{Lls «f iVtlii .s J.jii-jc- will ii-.- fnst is tlie io\se>t prlrc fvrt l:r^ril i-f £,,: :i ^:m of .;H:J I S;:..;:ii i'urji, ..'nl yo-.i rrin uil Kilitt iMiliili K 'fho' north anil, sontb "itnuisi .ure T)o you want 1ic bescphotogr;iplis? ~ yo-.i v.arjt oi it at thuc pr.-cc. . - - . .tat'u! Wliynjnn alivc-7 the r. budly. olwtriiotesl with sninv ilrir'ls, . : Tlit-Holly Advertiser will turn ovu The fii-.-5! un!; t;ir(C'cl 11jyl1c.ro this winter on „• triivel i>n tbej^iheiniriicarly suspended. . ii^jwuial edition to tin* l.uliii ol'Uj, : We have;s. pure Sugar-Syrup for ...... 25c gal. ,' ^ li'li-ai-li the arc": tn :i lot of 1 Piie iuiEfimimy friends of W..JD. Vmi- 1 i-lie choicest i:alidCE:on 01 p>c;-ure : ^. = three cliirrelifcs of thai- v.il!ti№. iiioulditigs to clioosc irciri?^-. j si;e|.tly.moved in from Mous-iX- Kicklc-'wjli he pKriscd1 lo -leurn tliat liisj f And a good,Cooking Molasses for...... 32c gal." cour.ty r = Tins VVy mi clout i:^iiiijj:i^ ivtll health: is Fomcvhac . i m p ro ve it from -1 4" Warer colors, etchings, cam-ass s:rOLch-*J* - AVmour's Extract o! Beef...... =. . .-:•. 46c a jar. The W;\3'i)e eiii'mty leaciieral • tbe problem oi'ti.ylitu.'c- tickets ftv-ci weeks iigo. crs. r.caiiemy. board-or .iristudica? XI Price's Cream Baking Powder. .,'....._.. .50c per lir ion nituliDir litld iit - • JL 1 •V- fora i[uaylftr \%"iCljiii tb city limits. Mary"A,' Ham "entertained a !* .- . If iou dc, visit ._- : . Colrrian's Mustard in k caas-. .. •/•.--. ..".'.._. .- jOc a can. Utilil tti ..Assorted XfiUy in: Glass Pitchers...... 1.5c each ,- 4 at diinier oil : - with Che bus Browii's 'Gallery,* We hive sonie nice. Celery yet, .and a feu' Florida hilt. ;: . . Oranges at .• . , =;. ;;. .30 and 4OC a do?. i-ing worUera in mabing the weetin : A party of stalwarts Troiii tapham's, --;.. A JS orthyille" business man: 1 ( e rtis Cofneis sritb. snow sbovels .openetj th& r \T . -1 saceesk. '; -.Over 100 vis'itm; that, is •-than-Wayne :'a|Tbright and early Monday xnoming. •" j .[. >Crs. Aaron' Dean is in extremely I • j rjo^i:::";He3ii:ib/.'^ Her. lower extremities -_ TUe half a" dozen, or !e=s cases of Wal.IedXake jseerrT paralyzed"mftlang her .entirely diphtheria at Wyandotte reaches in j helpless, eseej.t witli'her hands and •rjumber?auy'!v-he''re.froin six lo sixteeu . The many frieuds'of Rev. ...•aad.t:JIrs.-1j aims. after going through-a. few neirspapers. •Jlclritosii "syiiipathize with them in Ij i-irr,'. 3 Xtomiicoii, one'-1 of-the ' "A Bblly tooth carpenter's naaie is the loss of their little babe which pioneers in the Peebles settlement,; Root.= Tjiatjs.a -nnjac4 li^ug-hingiy : toeked fingers-jtlie Sliss" -Edith" Perkins^of Belding, • the ABD Arbor Argus, is back again in result ..was a/broken fiuger for Ralph, Ionia eojinty, spent the Sabbath with One High Shelf; requiring the services of Dr. CbipruaT). Iher mother.and brother returning on - his old place on the Adrian Press while Monaa raoraiu s -.-Mr. StearcS.js seeking needed reciea- in the. fan-re Ralph .will.be nK>re-i y ff- '.^i ? Perkins-'foand tiofl'in_th,e south. ": ..- -careful how he boasts of the:"strengtli'J'hor'mother witti A Good Grace Dry "Mixed .'.Wood delivered ; of the mnscles in his-fingei-s.'-' j matisin. '".•'•" '• at $1.50 Cord. i" Range, The new city "lockup at Aun Arbor ; _Oa _ account of the. unfavorable •' is causing the pol:"cei)ien.;sorn.e troiiblel 1 I weather and the-bad "condition of tb'e Tramps- who.'.bare been locked^" upv!j : j r03as, the Sabbat: h aeho01 concert that havepiotthe plac,; ». lousy;|h^;:,tbSi: ^ - ,;;'™»«; ,,; ; . | Wfe> haW b.ee^eId at the" Congre- [-f ' ' If ! nighf:pQl.ice..!ple«?eptsf. T< vjeft her .q-uite-prooiptly ." CHAIN TILE, Oiv.e us a a .call before p'lacTr\g your order for1 Feb. 7.—The Jiye of " wliitth-had the desired eQect of revers- i J?ord Packaril of guperior, brother .of 1 ing" the order :of exercises. ^^^f^^^^^SJH^vey^aekard of Lapbam* Corned, TELEPHONE CONNECTION • ".--•" •" ' SAP BUCKETS. " "• Rafter several years of poor health died I &t his. JatB.resiittice.ilear..Frain-.? Xake m:!e iiitercHa.ngea.bie and redeemable on" Sunday. Jlr. Packard was b.o.rn in. il g bW"b3al3.alll .railroadrailoads deindeig quet afnoon.- Salem Jan: 2S..1S31. itali he lived one. XSMBbER business within tEe slate.- If it-be- more; day-.he would ^h'a ba l>«, -t. and | ARBITERS OF PE4CE. of Eon'ilpif e missionary Franc|--"aifo -you jF. S. XEAL, Publisher. ;- ^Xii;!ir¥a"t'jr- di:;- PafKsV ii£- O.SS6;^ went i two wrongdoers !>r» blayoned befce tell me a man can ct rei gicn In e *h*xt T s^ep i^rthjr^neii'ealiz'e'a'';. t"h& • i&Eeic' I «41d In STy Ba»(« All Men the vtorW whue nothing t. sa 1_IB and i.et iji^e t IHc e is an o d BI~~*Iftrlnti Moo»ten TFhich Maj Pre- ; : : praise oi the hundieLj, o^-bani. c e-ks fashioned KOther ra d- iirm nonae When the , jrngJit until their heaHhis well sevtntie pe^h ps ^ &r~"o It -3" the it eH to "On Fellow ar*n. -~ nig-h jone~akingnot pins"wovth 0* earl/ evening Km' Th'-O'-^h spec is 'he ts.na of s>fesdv habit*. aj "Watchiac Kacfc. OtI er p — - sea jras at'aa*5d.;i-TpiW;czaj-;*dj|clarSS that which belongs taclfc. "Vo S site i j-csdm^ -i new others ^or 1 no logger' bound:b'yHtte""2ro>' pa'oer^Diiti towardbeci ime "fthen she To jail apparent purpo <"s «mne of perhccutcd David ^n a par -s tnough with ihrul stroke of SME HAVE •akes np a vs eH warn book called the ^.e china m the English cabinet v, Jl oxysm o* petulance and ;'jijnitVtifeyi miglit-'SaJh y elifenri che'dV t^eiti^ been no warj or I Bib ' J knD-n from, the iLumKi.it oi ES demo-i">he& before t'is mghitaga'o i-fi-inssia/s;con. tenjiSn.''6'a'ft^^in.t-;rS^ rage, tans insulted tus 's.dlyS^ana'b'uiittfieiFco^ntryseats^h-. raino-sp oi v ars m : : m he'-fa'-esh i« reZd n% one of the or th.e lark wakes *ho ing-^sh echoes geiied- the. r|£jiafiSi* of. itie" &ts&esjfiif. n race ^Xjavjd h m iile ^baiiks; of- the ;Huds%i'£dr:thg Kb.iiie. igam. - Europe ottate va'- ^Europe-- -aiavthe/l'fre^ty .'of: Eonjqfifia'^ - "it-is^meaji -^tliin'g in ;'BpfiiiKi'^nitave. thanltsgS=ing TsaTins or in- Peve'afion : l ifiedwhenhe-said + the-oxpend tures of 1LS71.;. But.tie"svarsh~ies k*re..stiU pi£- .:•»11-"•• • •' - *•>•"•«W£-3>-"• tr«:!! *Sai ™"^ "a'a^ iwd'me'ri" -alfc Tiotfpfaised- t[ies>jrj o tlex\elve p»ar j gates THE first apoei-anco o" a. Russian j vast sains for arraa ivetited from^pa^ang:'throughrtno_f2?3rj" ^.lljmen are liars/,:Be,!.:j^^^4?^-^i.t ^]y^excSriated; After avhue she c'osec the boo , and ogiieV^dndTsays he- 1 fraact d ike in a fp > to IITI in a suit! men., "ana dc*<_nse d.anelles.-by the-following' substitution' wheii-Steyd'o.wrbii^!!-.•'. Byrdiv:r.e" ;.a!r-' •fold her hunds -ind" fiiir s over tte 7 nii u sn'a'Ujf'- gro vokeaV 1 lo * damage a.j3. i.-»t a. mill vha so'd TO continue Th t. ;ior: articles -1} i-.11 aa'3:i-£. of.' thejtreafjr -'••••••'•••••• - - -- thufamilieslof p-ist jnti seem \\Ti spring tbc-name ! .n* ~h'at- iifercVras-jvhglty;. tho grand du^o a "dog- for f-> 0 )0 "fthiGn. Press is eiiaVcd to 0£ of the" 1 'an'a.the: iarostof of her *i luicn some of them on ^•ifen.-hJe.lijirled'sucH'tiiii ' log- appear to ra c Ixui jar f'-om pub ish to day tho of tht. s raits of tl e n-trdantli—> and tiiose.Tinited earth and sotne of t^em in heaven 1 -isersal, ^denunciation/ '•'• "i 1 in. 1 a h £-st aJ hentic Die Bosphbrus.Is !tnMitained r : JSOW a ^mile is O* he f^ce ind loi^a :said "4njmy haite," aid:s'6 6t,h&'jjffiaijy and ^_ the'fight on-tUS.'part'^of 'h&r^imperial- h^ tild tear <.nc* son e irEifes the un^ilo-catches ,oc! Ifiw'as in Jiioi only it p 'thiee'.;"ney/'.'anS-.: greatest,: warships,; I.majesty the .siiltan,t. of opening" the tho tcir The^scepcs of a 'ong life i Accb&ixo to a"learae(f;'s'ele*itis£ ja momentary^iTtoumph -ii£•^andjtaere. a/season "oi pout, =4iTit: the . (taip -oI coal, weighin j aijjou ad bks ib. armies, .great; \guiss.. and L strSits:=in time; of.'.peae'a - -to .ships- of comf bjen- to 1 ^r -One ra nnte ^ha : 1 ; ^J"hei* - B '..eyer;'.'"a'net. yast^majority.!'plt)i6sd:in tbe^"i'coiijugaV 1 : great ships 1 pSace asfinuch-H5 war j^iridpdly aid "" " ~ " °-•--'-- '-- --**^ - ; «».!» all t <>^c u dreii sra I nj ijoaaa ii" energy.enough, to lift.its." weight/.a; anon,"and" ^liiever; nsore ' than i-EOW, relation, cac^e theimost: appropriate ; is shosyn' jjj. tfiaf act-thai with lh _ .epori her with thuir tnj and spores, nnd thousancl", iniles; h*gK %~ This =• potent ; a' ^dis'gosioibn;. abrbad >.fo;'.;distrust.- b and are ikpjiy.in • tlwt energy is'/recjuently; manifested- ia tlia- scriptioxrofX-thcKfe.-great;' "ships': cojnes 7^ hf iipthinj:;. of. jtis& strange Cj.ncstion i^jrs. Ilien si ereinem J everybody,:': and;.'b'ecStj'se' sdnie banK- Valevatloii pi the p"rice. to about that ney/s .that Eii ^sia,-is; on.inbre ^friendly aifd'c'ontains ^ : ber icve a] of them down sick wit*i empldyesI-V defra'ndf ; J<>.." distrust - '^11 j ; :- : : h Gerniinyjhari sae-hasieen tii'an . bnib infantile d sorders. Tjien the aacs a ••'altitude. _••-.>:.;•-. .->. ' '.. ..-'.':•-. . .-_ " bank jempl6yfts;f"Mid*-; iecause some years', observer a /writer in Uiortg^-ive batove' t <,ut in jn?rD'e : fcujertceco "*o come- to Me.J Then TBI. orange-^ r №§ Hew jforir' press.-. r.-..?ifrf: \'Q\, - -">!.• -bore to wors a ID sforttme tiTiheii ad theic i ana *liedepjr are from th<» old wars peach-growers Changes tna.t .marriage > '-TfelStions; ^-are -:;unViippyv №« v,or h out §3 a box before the V relation s'- Wita \l\ ticjfe" aomesteaa Then a scene of hard times '33ier«.at.SM^ir^'SS=i|iS^iai>i3iig^№.i: Germany., : ; : that cro'wd^tife' ^ds'tWEces;" a5jd. andean thread BI U njjfie Then Li *> Fonda fio * no> ^;on> naad *-l a^i^:s'&>'t^th S-Jb^l.d:s;-;A4^S^5 .^j>: ; : she th nLs or a few \MS llT ttiU fca a oo\ cordiale^ ' Mltss ;4S33-S7. '"dbjfn-"die moil t^rAefsi^/&)iij 1 ;liaf's • '^"conndr &, .^.= diie-jS,' 'jfliWe^ui Is.: affilia i ;fce.' TolStdil'the i > jWhVif4""ne"4-VcXilSfoI:;p;erndy'coines;!tp: ;a rid; :yie.isSHtid)^l.C^.^^^sKe-.J^eelsV riions of fhei; ipresQit:' \fttin he -.: lids, 'c oiifort ing to knoV, t hat iiearfy ;dp,w5i\i"Sip*fiy, i;for ;maiiy;-;y.ears hajeJ. ^(Jod0'6..j-terns i^inth. arinprj :16.6* "sn•6ts•,^.Tr;^a• pu 6'ycii. in aii^ .ii3e of aepibraition last- ypai,'i. :but.3epr'e55in'g ;to tiisclbses; /a^ie^expos- iHcrj^-gr-a^er isii mixture o^thanlis-.fof ; ^ =31ie.intbrrelations oi J"ranee;--.'Rossis J f lieve nvil tb_aa" food- tChef wqiildiike : yi" the lond of -: reunion "= where ary3 a reduction oJ t ,ol beatitiide and feliciujr^which the: T 7.0'he on a" coniuiitt'ee to'iinTl soiriething : ijlble depicts. ^The 3ian wob'^ati she. ".expects .'. t<^ ^'nieet. - her lpycd >viih tho substitution of other tvrpngi Jfiey; wish that as eyeglasses 5 : ones ulready translated;._^nd. after 3,:is" " hejp' the hc-atiug, a cor i-rusts him, and ^iopes to see hinr soon, ' fiKJ*iiro&, .,an'l it is" encouraging' to Isaiah his set lip the pietur'i j responding- instrument might be in- I hear her proaounoe theqiiiet t'Ainen," obsbrvu thiit.this vin-.v U rapid i/l?o- j escehcfl.pirdJiiig-lbe WorJd with coi^in^ a general ops Btnuiisr Lhyso and pine," aiid ' add she rises up^-u lixtle ntbru ijifiicalt who IKITC most iatorcst ia tbo matter, 1 led liy. B child; and St. John's effort than ki-ieuliiig down. • And then- najon 'fctuircs the puts her head 6u the pilluw fortha „.,. is no temporal i J'"" of waters and,t№.e ,and wlii B niifht, anii'ilio angels'.^- Eafijty and Tzii; •a mcv3(? her aarantage to lJe ;v'member of the p^^talrv.aiid. trar, wiped. a>yd; Bm 1111 ti-uuHpela.Uov.-n, irnd Harps si nick, Ireacfestahd Eentiael ahoiit lhat-:coa«h. 1 IJ 111 bnurch. and.therefore.tliercir no temp- j : """^P : a l le rrD 1 htivtj. v over;/ lojrlfimalG ' - " -. ^Ybii'i- Uier'o i " ' ^" hw'S ?; aud iicr J.acc -uvc-r ;pU> Nation lo hypocrisy." 1'essimii.m wtya I anil na-ions.. 1 —;.- i:—n^- s I do liui lilio. ! ^"'l ?"""' '•lio"-' higns of urtmin * about J- - • are. ten. thousand wnuj.'l juin Uin ran tin rj * Hi" •if' !• ni.irii'lj• 1 r.. J tliu world; wiicti tltc tact is uinfc wi}y. v.'bat v.- r Oo it *hb Kjrigdoiii is > fair J ro tlin iii;t>HHcst- agerycy for the arrest .-1 of ojinif, :nnl tl;e,c.j>rcu'l uf irii c to put . U'ill; ;i lnnl-:vn in Hbf hand '^ g press, Rocuhir ouU.fo-, ta jre „ " , is setting the nali'jnri in-ii. Tho ri n^tly. In '.' hfirr u:<>rc Us t(.'Jid**-»it:y uf - for WiiiiliiiiTii: for . and liic y for Kitiiiui.' .l.i'l ")inil,-( of text il lil S.-w ^'ftrlc iLi:l'ii 1 illll"; J ' mi'-1' |':l": • •(I. \V ini '1-1 lii! t-outnrii's, b iiord i.^. C'uniuE ' ij- l rf • ' dy,-i(i r- = i;1<\ '! U'l I. yi'I. pili' i:n rip "'f in ilmt ninny thn li\ii(i;tn~nir*( fijj'lin^_- :'i; rjlil. l!n-^' In,'- f.-ul!)iI u l?l n -' A r. w».fi ' >f 'lliinr:!i' J-to^Iind tliaj. Iliu jjrejit work of iv.li., 1 in- • • r] -i niiia ij at u iil • refurm in Nov.' Yurie city Wi t iul. vroptiGit'Hju io tltts J the Ia^}'by keeping1 their My V\'i3.- 1 open on. fiiimiay from 'J. \n "'Ihe afte 'ii f;iiit t'J 'no in-. noon to iI ut night. ' Never i and eutild yo fo>ih -America, iva.s ttjsoovered.has h with (he {,'Ohpui milk -h li:ihh:>l aLL iiio .buttav till Ci(Jil and .uxiiTU-isd from it atcl cottonsead "oil i a n'orse i^osnlt to sohriety and decency vyjtli tins nineU-diiUi century, .sub.-.t:tiil!vl-"ln its p'laca. Ti:e binii'or- vf^c, •••.Clv.it 'x\v b.i'^.reiin ^--ililtdV and gcnti/no Ilenryt '"Ve.'i, that Is ra- ohei:"-: ii so c'.r.?a u~ ill most to defy Je- leet,:o;i= bin the off.M:?. on tho con- throne s*.-.i up betv.ee!i". CLOTHES DID NOT FIT.= sutner is: \i-ry i":IiTtLrcr;r. It is chaffed Suudiiy ^rcernoons'- open all the gates . son on spine g 1ne aics n?id tlip Hockies, or : : tiie.1. -":iijtd:" cheese fi a proli^i: cause" ttfgin and afcol.ol andScfciednW [lie i:"i idir- llfirrifcii the ile.hl - Mun : and•-Scfciedn ; schn'aPPs, a nd d _ll|EL<:a

ii:tB; 'iie king -will have to' S-vreiave fall faith GoJ, and. "in the 1 C/"Aiken of Cincinnati. A good behina, slapped, him on'"the. sh^oyldef a'r'-in-'! tipn- Ji this world is_ever'to be taken lieiie further r.han a mere proclama- gospel, vw drink : vinegar for th& aud greeted him as Jack -rr:th~all the, -i-] ^fb'r God it will not 'be" bv groacs. but \ tion t-j^r&aKe iiis country's incfepeiftl- warmth" of ..a lifelong . friendship. .iauity as'tbe "Atlantic, ocean me ; enca a rer.lity.' • ' ;.. ••••.-.r.':.>;.-.. nake of' snen-. w.e want j ] 1>y hallelujahs tf. :we could present |: «omp,«:on0 1 5 a , and in : Eome. crises it CTIleuly turned toface"a very j an risti'a'ii-jeli^on asYtreally fef"In" !c?' * -- - ci-avrng- for it even more i£- 15 .rasse'd^man. and .said, Holding*;out =his what I believe, we will have, is 9.'great | ^trae! attractiveness,' : all'; the people j satiable than that, for liqcer. As the. k accept it "and. accept it rigbi, j habit grou-s tlie-victim • is no longer IF the. in'cabitants of tho Indiana, f hand: - ~I'm -not .Taclr;" but'.X'm glad to reUgio^awalceningr'^that; wiU^oril- j _woutd accep[ it ana. accept n ogn, j.j-.auit. Krov,s t.ievicum • iS no longer ; - Hlinois and Missouri fiat countries, knoiv .and be'the. rrieifd of - any-*"man lze'andQhnstianize our great pppula.- away. The'ciWes. the nations5 >ypiild would.. i ccvntented^.vir..--.--.K tUe\ordioary^.vincgar- ; where a" FpooctuL of quiaine is; re- vive us th'a.t! . fiiveu i to u^ |.but d.einantis it stronger and strongorj tions,'-and- make .ttiahi •• superior toJ.-ory out: • * Oive ! - g&rtie'l as aboi:t a's'-es'seatial-to-threakfsst bill of lave-aj acapo! coffee, | dinner, aad, as~ usual, .was deeply-ab- legalized.; ' So I see in order to go through, tbe day'with-1 hearteempnt -Pessimism is a sin, and ; Thrbv? .baelc the shutters for that,!..stom::i-'i v.-ithi:: a vc-ry few yeare, and sorbctj in .tfie tast, a neg-ro • ^vaiter. those .who yield to ic cripple -them-i jjaorning-jigbt: ouu.- an a^iio paroxysrri, woujd but orniuj-Jigbt;.'Knock off these eiiaics:! it is seldom that a- vinegar fiend lives walked across the fioor with. . hc; dn- shoes;lice4 O'Reilly"tDuelianiiovTOO'Reilly ll stopped fa/yj wdis. ^woiilcl either put .doVr, and .addressed -ha" which are all the forces', of' darkness.- i Ghrist-^his pardon." his peacefhis com tocted by the..peculiar1, pallor of" the. >itl led on; by/ApplIyon. and.pn' the other.; .fort, iift-heaven: Give us •Christ in "a-rt^sian -.veils or riser thoroughly boil words to .the . :cbairmanv The. "waiter U..U..V-- »...->"»-^yi>,.iu!-ii™^».- . j'.-.s "^ ^ni». w 1C cour.tcjiai:cct .' "b iit:^:^ - no: antidotantidotee ha hass side of which . are a «v^.rj drop -of -pratsr 'arid sterilize •tvas' thoroughly unhappy at. ^he.inoi- .11 theifpraes of r-song," Christin seripoa.. Qirist in" hcol;, : crcr; hvca discovered '!>-,' "which the -,j}'*~ery .drop of milk; that touched their light, led en. by. the"e Ompipotent-- I ! Christ in living CNampls!** ': \ S habit can'be. cu:'dd-; - ' risl< the statement thasatt the.. Tastjna- I -."As a svstem of didactics, rc-iiyionlisi i-- ~ - ~ '•„• -._',» - '-":" : jcrity of people are do ™^f^.^^ rh~r never guracd one inch of .progress As \ :• q . .i whether'afigure wh.ifcli ca. ' "" Thc ucsi; o l'"\"?:?_^! j is 'iosurmountapublicmonurnentshali oiit • 1 apholdirj. iat-%"e know tcroa.U sendi- regions. . Meoica! ir.en. aro becomiii .A Xotr tjtility. I j^civ:tized cat,:oa: . liaole^-under certain . Among the Esquimaux a novel iise' iriorc nr. --lf Ijvii- a'v*o'tcr-bOj-n nst tow been -strikingly brought home.' : A-rctic Journey:"" VThe catiTeinethod of treating the skins of. all. ard.mals in- tended for clothing-'is first to'rid them th. off as much.ofhf ' the'fath t as'can'Ve"got off ft>ro^on:i1 me°. niae' nand-ed and j one caii helpp but like it. a wartat ' 'scraping with. a!knife; 'then they-[.ninety-iiine «^e doing their, d,uty-au s )\ siocaryi visited a house iii Tuondon .and iuapprppri? y pg y ) y ate to.a high, chilly 1jititv.de liB.e: that..* • "are, stretched tigh^" as possible and; li ' d i bT g they undersit nd-it. • Outqf;One tliou- '• found .a sick'.and dyirg. boy.: Tiicre j6£ othT lih t allowed to become'perfectly dry; After ; ; 6£ northern lience. the statue. "•$190,-0 ;0. the ialterinslsticorVona; tax ;.Tbe opening- of: th£ Dardanelles will ^ani enfrlneersl.; and conductors, 'an d'j was ai orange lying' on his bed/ aid this they ate taken by• the iwnieii abd nine hundred-; and ninety- I r shouldbc-.tlrapen,.:because its exposure %4: 7 o!"?7rio,0(57«' The very difference.'as rinfTne Russian-fleets oi "the Blacft Eitehineri; ninehundred;and ninetiiriety-y I *'the• missionary-said' •-"• ' ""'",' ""'-'-Whsr,?* ""' did. you J 1 chewedanhd dd sackekdd alloyerjll n order to axe. true:' --'•"^'-=--- --;---- ' : : to inclement wcat-her -would be out of I'-*: to tb-s amount of "tho ta.- would be 'sea1' and of the -ITediterrariein. into' get as much, of the grease "oat* as possi- •espo'n-- gettbdl orange?'' Ife. Sii;di: :"A: man harm.bny:wjth all' iaeas di comfort, sible positions. It 5s 'seldomi that I brought it'tif too me. "HHee comes -here.-here;!] asdmig-ht give the sliiyers to empi2 fortuua. for s. -arrive at positions o! respon-1 often, and reads tfie Bible'to me, anS I thetic beholders;-- '•.." .:::jcSiasthe N^Torkpantota wa-s tile' men-of-war had :-its origin . in" a break the fibers, making- the skins pli- able.. Chewing- the skin is y^ry Sard. known s vpem*i:1.aii& allof it is'done'Tgp rri : ••• zpy !e&p.aoi. -.cfievr. more that ttores'.fbrtwen t?--arfl to fcrtyV:«nU- eaidi;'- DUG- .«&,O« (>M; oi >..oer is .drier to inereaBfr tEe demVrfd iimbpe' striae-; > beginners' i?i tKe artof.bread a ersurS offer;&reserv&tib:i.*d2 oiir "n ;; SonocVana^nationEi-: solvency ;d^-" rpe;;sTtoUd;a6ggestroy.,'or: evert- tirirl gf eat, nd-.assistaiTt so li

,spn3!;ic&asu're, a mistake "by lL of _fc" ^ l close imcLer ti&"arm*.- cent*, PesTaiffcoiiecfcG't"extra on EACH_ paw

;' our;:toi;;ibese T

g ^" hoL-scontaining; this;stip- tr£i*aas.u.yi£ini:til^T; Itlialr/ajsreliable. Tryii"j-~— ulation: I sitjg^sc Hif&'^I^b^l sced- irt Qri their miple^ ind.tha^.iiey.^ea^rater i 6 cent7

'-,; a.- steaafasr ;3etefniication • lo^rosisV.tfie.". : I ttfj.e-Plso'sCnr&,fo r fil: d tS

ina ."surely:. tnGse^vrtaoj" suffer Uie:*£aarl£er:^zt'-less" than par.-J •will ;Bot "receeivi e the ^prqradUon foE^partir. interests as asexcuse.ibr'pefifiitilrii' bur ' • _^;jf£»«tn€yaFB(>."Often Fall. -, - 1 "•' _,•' '. • - ..; - ~ ;..;"present -troubles . io~ advance t> ,a.-digts-- Dr. Wood's Xor>raY Pins :SYEap was K-r," ^Chicago,' .ypuVil)"rc'MivV'ppsipairt tt . 'cossists *-in .&:- licfz of1 -r«af=ar"/, our duties-oin" imports bfiju spread anJ constantly lite reaa iris, In thei paid j a eo3'^ allo№s all otiier •'dues-to : faseoaiw -.talriled'tutb" pbboibns-ufii oc CC'D c! D Cl Jn?" a bll [ t Y C r '3 JrT) Oe-*£.l ^Tl. D f' tht? : r tJje government to bp: p3lct. ih.-any othef v r i whici IJIICO'5 DD disoase'Io' Sunir -.forms "TLo * gu'/e^rimeijiiii t Jacko' to .paf yconG^enc * its oblii:at|piio grow3s iit frfcrn :>E money. X believe all,t!f!e T ^"o '- {'hKilx w.the ir^t T-oatioTr ibis stoprEge. From '&i^tr out,pr the palpable and ?!bri£ IVhive Eti^^csled."should" ue tiubod-i; njers CQra.ee tho wrarbinw ^otei it should b*" iefi In our la^a iC we:arerto en.ioy a nt :c t of Uie iraposaFbilUy. "cSt eltfeer ' B . r.pf, the ; clrculiLinij - Tripiiluin [ neysLariil ijjfid^er. t'on'tbpliCTQ biutisiat-*;. Co.. h i; r ?t- tn :r*!0 ircast.iry cf..canceling j' the ftgcncf of inaUopal or' Ptate j JXQ&O wLat p'jfjplo pjglil Unrein Utlfolt ar*' jr llfcir ok itud O(ylif, .itiot:= Tiy -its apmjite after if since tfasy-f:an 6-nmJy-'ae aSJUBtori .Jug1. jousiireJy cjitt hfjHcyea iaonjo t bath rof c of wrapj-rr. uF?ropriat» - oijtEi!t;i/a. Tl'fi only TVity left-opsnto ip to5ccha?c"neme. Ot'ji'cflari fcs beiii TTIJI^O • jl J"O«J i^ortbt tt, 'Us n6»y-'tino3gh ttf Giant bpiirrjr. urj It- a rtiswct ^ ti ]i] J>y ;thn rru is

c-ONR/yrn * BLACK RABPHEHRV. \K ^>p m'Sift ftxl tie .r.: i KlWIT ill); EH. SCW.- Ata> n.'iCfl.ES f.=;i i-A Dr- fc. GOQAcrtf. ,.„.. - of :-^;;t:^J Wbi-.- SvjilU ltpli iU thK'cjtnQJr WrIUfar IDuin> from lnl«jri' .. . lirafnow v'.m N.it Iln rin^f-d they s»?i> -Out-(ta.r,.]iriff, _ bylocnl.aW'HontioriM, tin rhoy frtD iintrn:tr li t-xpprleiico of Iruu year, ih'i -tlio dtncnijewl portion ot.ilio '•nr 'H'crft U siva thpy nil! bornino," only ' •** - MJIIIV yrnrn np Jn confixisiiah,i T d;?sJrO lo frnnKly r llij.r'.v"|]0n p. (ny ri.TucL:iuc& to is:>tiinj^ more* lioi i»y c l ^ur(tlc:'il ftiMldil " GtlLGHESf ER " -tl -Anil ii:|!«Mn KOliij Ui(-y. ' ' olrciin!-3W.nci?B--:fiiA with no bjjon 1npanir>4 ihniT have Ja'.&ly foJloiveil lhat .. of tba1'Jvii»TntJifiji •iur.)- !iy"tinies "In" dt ll f conrso' I cannot, however," reLrain from tnl>n k'6tfi fiiflmiu^i yo>j tavo "u -thf l ojn itddlnff to an ftsdurnnLt_t>f my ;i:ixti:[y-to ., omul ,-.r imporfc^r. lirni-i/tfi, nr.llou "T.'HO v-hui ft fauntirWy'closed PrnftitKa f:i ian aWu.nl;ia«t i:i any rtiajron^ble trtt-iisure of relief, an eS- rt*?ii1t, oml milfpfi ilio (mViiiuimilun i*nn "he : CHAT. "PiiflernX n. - More'xh jn $3yO,-. l . _ L tilrt iu-^vt. 3 urn TSiippUeri wilH j In . i*-aft nor«s ddavc - alreadld y be iiotliinir undbno wlilch furnlFl^-.* n hop'QM ?*«u oat. and tbwi tnlio restire.l to Utnur- 'f>ureMi't(nlt--)\xtyw\\\. iipulo thity-wifhinL it tine tuahtnfTft '.'3 here r-- fur-Improving the situation" or ch::;klns-a I n:ai ccnaii-ioii, iic/irlng wiU he dcntrovec- 1 U and not\''itlistLr L any nifife tli.iu a locomotive O.TH fun r;Uh- .... _.il X7ilU c!Jdnf!itUn tuv< "ISie "cnatnat-- aud. out- suspicion r-/ cur cii:«incli!iatlch or ilisabSU forurar: eluc wises out o£. *©u--ore rmi^pd ont coffl- You can m)L jrt:l :i lasting: cure of 0E3T \U lunt:>v Jretefoe1* ora tta*rd TTTHI Titd ; aa fn- itr'to mfieit'wUir i the scriciesf hi?ROT avery liycat.-.rrl),. vliicli is nothing, but mi Hy^uenaiaj-.or In*iij*tr«CifJii,- By fA.b fnjf.-n.rtf* .. imsTn^i'iT. Terjfnlnjj-of (."antyj) flr*Duc:I /."ivim,1 JC tljti fi! Since tl-c 17th day of January, IS'J^, n.-iilonjill l obl^a-tionb . uajiieu c isguDs wtsrft mada ataouriilns •Uiatcan not "bo cursA ),y "Sail's Catarrh called celery mixtures, "it i.i b^uer.to go to Cure. Seed for circulpre, free. .- (Jow7i to toe heel," prc-' Stir pointed rlpploinMellos cm ^o S.%3.vV*,00iT ziich, c.he'-in January..and ihe" i .the seat afth«i"dimctilty-anrl feed CUt nerve cri; e3i»"tJan^ -hejuod 7-S"*t±i .tbe , i Mis tress—I thinlc -yoii^andlo. thoee , -. .- P. J: "CllEN'^Y£ CO., Toledo, O." S£c?&i^.J^IH hff;^vr-nib^-r-: A^ .n .result" of'tn* : cells on ihe l"oo^ fhey reqlitre". DyspepBi^, pici! iiid in oth&tf-&ar'l. find Unfahed at^Ue'\raisf with roieffca of baby- • flrKt issue^tneire WQX realized sometmnir fine-_chi«a dishes-rery.carelessly. Do- £3T^Eolrt try DnifTiHats. i5cf. Indigestion, Hljioufitfcis.aud Ncr\"0«3 .-iX- 1 a 1 :d on Sleeve -fc-.orz tJiaii &>S,'.i(>L\C^.OCwO' > mm so]d "sold:,^. lietwesfi j incstic—jDon-t'worry, mnm. Thej- are HaU'e-Fttiriflv PHI*. Cic. = feclioh^ sucK'ixs aleeple. sncs& an*l wean, -. ASS YOT7U DKALTH ttat arfl. i-.-.~ _ ^^ - - _~-^ tlial i»5iii; aaid- •risin/aC*perfodT^?n|boiS - S9 iiffht.fhat-Iha^vonltln't imr-f/cven nervous feelings arc" completely aired by i FOXt.TnEM.= : K*Gvemt'Pr.'-• cothpi umi -i fjtjjtjij_ and don'E he "JTJC c2 ur at thcrwjrlsta;" Tae roEing1 ' colla: r _ . :Tbe Whfip HouRe corfiftr-stoofi w-as 2aM fa the.*' QisQavcr?."- Tt tjatsi" on healthy iiesh, | , ..iib/ur- Tlie fill rd3cd:;Sf'"iS t ia iln- ten- niorit^is. nearly_^,_.. M*i'B,O(>o;o->M .w.-^,}- .In_ - : --..g6ld. n || j- dropped thcnToiiiiiy"EbeiT, mum. ; 1792. ahdtiio builtllng waa slra- oecu^iic-:' by Inferior cooJs. Vero • dra>vri 'froni " the treasiary^-'-i^^nis' ; Sriti by tha : mode. Any preferred :s^"!e"of .firiin^iins 'or iraTi from . th^ trcaaarj-.. These larg «^«r l-«n«- ™^»*-what v-ypa/&rc,-:talkisffOr;x fellows, Hiirr Oak, St./Joseph, faking' Dr. PEerict'i ~ sums of sold .-ir^nr expended * without" anv ; : : ! eoimtv, Mich. . •, ..;. : . • . - ... C?ufcld,r uii4 - Cpnafonatey "'" 'irtib V government oblig-axiohs -or Si : _'-:' -. . • 3 .covery ia"<»QntciIo3 d^Tonnst nn"fent 'way benefitlnstJe ,-; -3*i»erft is ho doubV',said ^fr/Xiolah, f .... r:-:.-:.. . : J•.'wilh-3tts 'Pleasant • pl&'.OT ibuprbyins.our'pecniifcirb y situation.'." *5about.there "bein'-wan creah vadvah- ! Tho'Chibese invatial•bly _. • ;-The f-rlarciai- events of, "put past year fi>izi&tlon-ist^a jplcure's ' .-sussest facf s-Jajid .№n3itions'.•vrhiuh-iihaiild tagttagei imn beinbein ' ."fe^id. uora". id: : thithiss conntrj;.country."" i^^^a^.thc^ particularly In .flesh : "cfertacnly "arfsst 1 attention/ Ifore ";tiiar.' "»cAftr'"pKTCaVs™"tK'otri inquired—Mrs.- jaTi.C^.'XS in i?old. hjis ti«en .drayra piit'of " the tri:-asun* diir^n^ the year for th'e'tjut- 23ol.*ii7•. ,^ ,; "*jl --•.t. saves jez thr; pr&ice-av a pmJOa.nm^ ^Presbyterian, >i^c^ or s f .: "j>ose XJL shipment abrpad.:or h4ard№g:Tat : steauisa.ip:ticfceu oyer." -ucder signature oi G. Blackett Ro'bi ctcs ed wit h oriier abd one .cent for #on,~Prop"r:vI"w.'%s cured with yorr firddress. ^ A JTep 'mdritc'sicritGsicff thee year,:: aaum^aggxe^at- can Taztk.c any mac rich OP-poor, per- J5ng; bilious headaclies by ^ re thaa. t^ro-tnlrds pt that amount. Blood Bitters. about""r^.OoO.W, :waav:drawia"Iout fectly hapz>j-, is .love, 'audrloTe costs moatlis T-ani entire- 1 : 3y rejlered &f jny •; th"'fUthe." ' I t^ t b hot--a penny/ Practical" iTari^-Trae> ; ! Take tlii.Qnctt A O.-escent Routo to disease. _siy M>T*. _ sed. iacceleration ,ot 'tKt "bufckeopin.jfth.a loved orie incLothes • depleting'.p'roctiss''wua tae lapse oL.tiineC ; Ivnoxville arid_AsheHlle. Only • • tite is excellent ;-•-. costs like the Old.^ick. ; J^^'--. - ; bowels regular and sleep : -rsrha' o'Sttsatipns' upon- which -thiaigoia =b"as CarlSnle Cincinnati to AsbeTille. \ !pina\yayr-=-Talk abont your aristo- ^dutstardiiig and are available for use la. L • Gro"ei or; Fannsr, «1io hai^i't fhe'tlico or tfce 'cranej '" jepeisUnE; "the exhausting:; operation witt cratic descent? Why my father oftea j £**m v « #*»>\HI^"' r\i\ • XT = ; 'shorter;intervals as otir perplexities' ac- j from tlinn nil. whsc •^•"^raiits: to • :;cumuta.te. Ccnditions arc certsyalv - sxt- had 10.000' me a drrectlv .un5er him. [ > JU a^ft^^sS^ ^IL* IS ti)S CUPLE fOF taka Mm fiiya tjicirch b~t rijr ••_ jperverilng, teuciliis to." make- the- -..."bonds, A' greneral' D:lla"way, | •—Well,-not.1 exa'ctly. '-"Oarawjiy,—A.- IOO.OOO ACRES • 'J*E3'useful for that purp.pse. !~A.n adequate" CHOICE Eur.iwood jgrold! Vostrge -is "in all"^cireum?ranees at>- wholesale contractor' Diilaway —Ko"; order to introduce, pur line of j cd a!on^ its SOVJteljressential ^ to XJIP upholoiriij qt our an aeronaufc. *--; ' • •' .= '. j m. -fpublic iredk a:>"d" to. the naintonaiyce of d Novsisto the'pu&fiev^wiif, " "our hiffh-nTLiopal character.-• Oiir go!a re- ""' vnspeciajisx Inastronotny aTid~near a throash 3-to the orrery l>ecausa it inict*>K for s-.bp s^ to i;*^"^re .Its ape D?7cr-t>nr<>has^T^ cr co'c^fes. notiou of propart-jons jn. toi!9\ving books. FK&£< on :sceipt Special JCnd-accm pifts cJvcn *~ :iTh«-"ap.BsavatVons:fi\at mcit 'Wvitahlf Rers celestial.' -An orrery t'oat shoiTld of 12c |stamp.s.Vaccepted) tor-each ; ! book to coyer postage, packing, etc. i

e-acb as S&rofula asd Aiusmio, ?5k .Print Spc-g Psjj2r," ISTKE HT FOR *K!KO. : A-rea^ft oi revenue. ;3vi-l cure our: traufriea. • Br. E. P. -Vfarin"-, ?>.oal'• •!,-••;, ,«Jj_ 'i^-'r-^ •'•^•/ i _^i_ ti.. jji^ase first, appears,' or at tlio_Cream fit Sod-liTGr Oil. No other rem- BqraThornBTh s . '. '. Bertha Cldy. re tke-'blood poisoning sets edy-so qnicklv g,ad cffectiTel/ enriclies and Pcems and Yarns BilfNyizJ.W. ' ' the 'treasury, a cbn3forta"ols surplus, of ! I"-'- Out of thirty, eases-.ail but foar rt :J :•'.: • W. E.-Holmes, "- iiccre than ?*>..C"-».0£>. but It Is not In golil J Iive4 • '• ' • - r pKrifie? tho. Mood end gives noorisLxiabai - and thvnr'ef ore" does not mset'o-jrr di'fiiculty-' j " • , \ *' •• •• '.o • ~ •• -~-' S'elJKterVesf-PocketDictionary ... . .• I cannot s«r-that-jiilerin;«s*nt:opinvcih |!: 'rb oas J,ong-oecnpoiGtod out'by ez- • to the wholeJsystera. . It is -pleasant to take .fcon«rnlhp . His.-extent .to wWclj .silver 1 ^ 3 that French newspaporsr aid r The Gem Songst£dgcl' conxtnittee prp- „,„ n,0^ " trade-mark oa ib. Ke'iisfe obeip i conees^on of ivs- o; | poses to v^ e 100 copies of tlie Journal ' " SaidferpatspftUi m: Scatfs Eaiulsios. FRSE. t- • W. N.- U., O-—X"i'. — 5. J, \ Officiel pi\>-«l '3a.ilT oa.whafis called v n i Dti'ch p«.i-er *o in re pre er^anott Scott &. Bowna, H. . Ail druggists. 50 cents and 61. Aj^worSng; Advortj!rom.c:;t» PURELY PERSONAL, . irr -Jnstrmheritai ..-: \W 'TfirtfeiessonsJorJi." "Satisfrtcuoii-Koaraii- tee<2.. Also all kir.ds of fiecy wori tabeht. Mrs". Herb. PieB© isliome for a brief vi«t. "-•-•-•" --, "••-.'... asst '•• ' y ^ stfeet;- Convenient to 12ej;o!. cliij ffactories." " EriceEri• and ;**rias reasonable^; C.'A. a pafgain Storey v ^Eaiierritt sjpeiit Jiat Surrtfciy -with frifetfSs lti; Windsbiv' '-'^, ^ . -:• ~ -;--\ . Grant^rtby 'wlio"£ai.i>eei:guite- ill: &QbSwhptldttei " "" PORSAIJE =t>R C. ly"pa^fients-of•*r.i5evS "Apply to CT J. Ball- rdtf.-; .- ^ SodtK" iLjon. - ".: Vand; loTon West litaiidolpfa ";' Ed ^Rigis andvwiife: 6t- Plymouth, A oargiih: • Inquire • if P&ot vine'-visiions ifcis ;weekv"'" TS^GbodTmpx'bved farm *6r,'ac-:e;K tGii&s west of: Wnw.: Reasoiisble an'd-';easy tetris; Apply, at Record office. . ;- -.^wspij^r aaar>rig\North.viUe friends. Wednesday! -V" -'

,.?iiss Susie • Adams of 2Cewp6rt: has ir." !'•. bevm, spending the- week with. '2drsL be ...... ^._ - •- ~ . -.,.-. ^- - !.V-AO1 - • - - - • - - ..-I..--'-. • :. • . • K»>^.^ O^im^f wilgl -excbange'fts^ r bay. TC. D.-Wotamaa."'. •; .24 - : _. •!-'• i' iEev.'Sr.;-BenEiej.of. ;\yiB^sor"ooen- T" ~ -=^..- ;-,r"'- •,-.-. :: v: • ..'j i I iifkl the .-Presbyterian, palpit. Suhday.! W'^ " .~3Tay. for Sale- •' -I.'"-, '-. '..-F..-ilis&- Nettie Scipio. wlio. ba3 ':• '-= '^Jn.fjuireof C. 0--.QHAi)"%vlCK.':^l-:'24tf : • ' i,T5Sttmg."at. Ypsiiatiti bas- returned _ ."j^hpme; ; ._- --:-. ." •' '•;%, %:J;\

-?\~' T' • ::1 ' :• •.'JR.; Steye'Ds e=f iFiusujng' .\jraS""tl>e. frieiiSs. !in *:.%••!• :...... •Jefs'e\"sare lfetter,; •• S&v'e'a dSyiehfiks^ ^.tea^i/.&iii^j^^^jjjj^saleivfor: r : _^:.: ' . ,_:- r-";5^paiiierfiarrett:rotJIilford spent ihPfeK^eh-fviiFiea^'H&b^^Tii-.se '- AriJ%nad lryou.eveif j-qii.i r liad^Baigajiisypu^ ean ge[-lfafe№ ir:tpis^sale,-ior:., -;-.. . ,_• : > : '•" '•"•'': goe;ffs^eg6i!i^to'life; §oW-"aVf /fees;Sever": i^fore.; Ottered in "'.-.^.'^":r~~

faay, ;:§untlk^-and.]N' iArbor.friends.-- . : • -

m's"son-in-law^-baV'. fe6?edf_lntp: wnandocbup1e3-the Briirgs ypiise' town' and. occupies., the "=O.n a'cSonnt of this. eonVentio'n, tbe'.; oi).Jlogei-9 istreet: ..'• -.• '•'\-. "••:'•' O&wil and DX&N '• iiiiea yriU " sell .-..". io d9£. ^Vindpvr.Sladeytb^d^t 2z" ai^c!.=25c ^ch! •K^riy 20 per cent less tbi^ncQst,

iuotber. as with him.. OEO. DBHA^EX, .(?. P. A. Mr. Albprf WarS and dauebter, arid people eret saw.! They cost'more mpney, biit-.hey-are'Iatsof odd ?tzeb".5,six. cliffeftnt kind?T : Jtrs. Hagerdom ot^vew- Hud<;oD,,were 1 enfertajned ^7Ve(lne.«dBy st tb»liprce QL •?g^ go ihe^pjjj^ 1 ^_nd you TvUfbe jjleased with the.-shoe aad the price." • -.-: ' • 1 "Jjrf 3fr, and -MrS.-D. "W. Daijjbara.;- -", Foley's Hoaoy nuil Tar gives quick The Greatest Barga,in just pwm sight is ourv r : '. Xtr,,OI!iver of PlynaouUi was in tiil. positive relief to..nil oases >f>6. = - : :(.•• town Monday the gueefc o? Xiev. ;3fr. Boap—lO bars for 25c, \V Ttrrrftr;' -In 'thi- cvoing ]\tr. Oillvter .- assisted in Dia'meetine at. fhe 3yietbo—•• bave a •• race itijj- •: JOHNSON & co.C

litn; In-^la'rch. -s - WtnV Plitlljp.i T i 1.('IH iur.ii1n-r.nl. Orio1! Ta^L - wrol:. ululo!' ifcntiiiciij; for _c:>Ticvr »t ,)lm TIii.MfiS IriRiitiitiS thufi-, ': Jvjr. .Pts spi-rikB vo'ry: li'falily ur'His \ilncn

.Toiiiiajiii j-.iurrf)^'fuiiliiT nt Co- i.lio CDolic id'i'wlio il/mliiwinio J-luvifiy"''madi: arran^eineiUH nvitli the Coii'inbia Slefriger- ho'iii: Jn Y|tkllsijli ill nft..7ior ;ifor Co, U> clcJsi: oQt a line of their .., .-, , •••'_• " CARR¥ t^e or;Iy first-class Jewelry and Stationery pln<:<5 HI flic t>li'ibi"'rtfllr••': ^ ? • We-will put them on sale at" one-haif oft regular price. : SCHOLARS! Corqei arfd.'.see our.Ta^iats-. .' • " = day 'evea'ing'of.-'iliis week.Mn ." of tho event, by.Jfiss Allie TVooil, f>ue Now is your time for a:^ood0eater J?able at an almost of'tlioyrndiihtes ajscVa! former Sor'S- .ville resident. ." • • _. - •'nominal .price. '" .. " •• -; -....• Opticansind Stationer.-- . ;NC>S.THATILLE. : John P. Hautr, traveling; -for Gem C'itj- Store Co.,; Daj ton, Ohjo.! says: "Iinll :coiitinufc \$ reconamead ' THE FAVORITE r- •••:•• A'diromU;, .Wheeler's Heart nnd Serve j Ciiro, fr.r I tn.-jw it will do a!', that is| t. PALACE..> I cia/ircTed for it." Sold by Geo; C. Hues-' J n I y a i I ton:.- .; . - "• . : ••"."' <• . '• FIRST COME; -jlSST CEOIGE:

HOXEY and TAR, is PencnaatipeEr— Afternoons & JlveEing liitely Ihe best remedy,.'for all diseases J : of fiie;rhroaT," ciiw"driJJUfigsr JjStiiefsr" • Entire. Change ~ of fittmoiian a re authorized to g.'iaranttt-it so give jZVEY 'WEEX : safisfacfion in .alt eases. -50c- •^I'^.^s^^r.c-'ttpr^iimcTiyiajKit. - TH L r URN1.TU RE M EN DETROIX;


T We liave; plplaxjecl.ala l of air MEEtNO UJN DER=WEAE, Children's, out bn.-tables- at 90c forchoice fealL Sizes; go6ds here which ?cld Ibr 40 anAoOc, to clean up at'20cV- AM)THER LOT:--S(I^KLET,>iFWool, all Mzes, which; we place on sale at 30 cents. T.ic^e have a market yalue of frorn^oOc to 75c; in these lots"tis a Sacrifice Glean-Up Sale.- l^otiiing picked oiit, WtEVERYl'HiNG

GOES!." /••1:i".. •_.,.• - .'• : \-/- . • ••:\:-.:-: .-. .. •'•;•.'.-•••• ^ .-••. / . ^ •/;-^ - -~ . '."".; ", -^^^ •'.:. i

hi -DE-ESS FLAJfNELS-we hare placed on skle a lot .of these goods, All Wool, Choice Colors, at; 2&c.. Also a lot of 1,1-2 yard wide, 75e Flannels, to close at 45 cents. ; J: : -

******* N. 8^10MiM or Gross safes M saMraau;i!l i Pfienl^i MM I ,-../ NORTHVILLE

:^-A rare.oppbrtaiiK^for •; tana.:oriteed t&eir.Hbrsea vibeait .-'•"- '•:.-• TO ACAPULCO, J: Xoiitiyilfc JQoto the'lOoBarn.. works eoimeeclon. - ' :.-:•

srs - 6f:' .piibllni iS'jSnion . -v£n- '•. ticiie Kaiser .^ilfelia's jmb- fo. cen5nre : : : f_wSIsper.. -;! /. r.-: .- •'


;j'-The;hews,of "tie.; '.v°-eck, reached this j jrorri'alist,. '-vj-to-made snehvsr vigoreus j. fS THE BEST... : bp a in rr-oot. -^'.' \ T ^^te^gKbIfoni e a'ad aSri-ecikSig: train"i'>.^?'"'- ? '^^^ \ - -. eona'eiitipn . ; " ' wr.is f^.with .the:re£«3>tjoiw>_f thi " ' " r^ j ' And ol?;cr <


" " " ~~ - " -•' : "••' • ' •

9.?SL " 9 43f • i -. ! c tp; 'i"=7- 3 35 j -3 37 '~T7.;3i-will barsd.enSiiglj ~3 -tn3 ,-icvr- tco-vromeff—:"| •• ~ ,;jss jt&erc:—baye "started • out i ..."jiiitelhe marfcii-. :'•••• ' J ] ---;cracd Rzpili .'Jisshbyckief acl- of _ Greiit , ' :~jh:fnng her.: gunboats .'CO'Q-. M'\\_, irai.-^ -.reck cavsonij l ; ' ;"J*S^ 'incr aro::h<3 in Clnnese" [New. Elates!- ;-.:-': " »»!vSJi aot socra i.o.havo-J.ho in- : r.15 >Tapa.f.pat v.a? iaienacd', j -.. 1-JewPlan't '"•,.• ,; : p : t • (/if'. itKi' :]- =•-. ¥ew Helps) •'"" i^i critofiofl. ; ; I -. - -. .' : ?$ew; : Maps _. • ••' ! oend fcrr circular".circular"." So!'<3 onlvi J'!i!r':-si"'"''f'"'i*'r'|lir'-'":'3:i''M ^"••.jJi:r'»;"fc=..

tint i'- Ni* ;n ;i••vfr,; s'iUl^Ilt-.'" J!vi .CHAS. A-.430LPH, 'W-.-cfitYiW W.Ujiri-ill n u-lIfhpi -

r;< 1 Agent i iw. •loif^t rjln-ij f'lir;•Ill >;r- fr. A: It.--/.lien M. I'-'T l:n .'lll'l I'aii-'.

iviin - is' fuift' .-lir.t Si ! © ©i ! I»i:< fiti.-i. ''J lie:; ):j ffii^ <.' iiiirv.Jiiul ' }:•: j;=jiipr of . K. > ii] • i • I is X *l "'"•'lO fjl lu In; JMHt ;i>iki.*1'i nil." '~'>ultiiii^v iiwiiih v.'::ull.h unii : l''<»"3 .-lj.ii.' ^liinj ii.firH.rn.- i - • • . ' . - ! -| ECBJ3 MILK DKIJVi;nP.n DAILY of* ,<:i <;. = i utr.iH '.9 J n.-Jiinl thin;,' ^ Milk'for Infants fiirnished Kp^ "'-:t u-?.'ntiii-yvt:i! • i-H 1:1-.- nliiiM v v \_

,; from-;pne cow in "Special .cans! t;riJ;!ru'VVscril::i:'y.I"''-!'-'ll"1J- _i''=»>;;t c..i-

! : ^ Vriiiilorhilt Uiit about | ; "" .'' .- : j iiar.;:. NtlR'l'UV-il.l.r:. M iCil. i>. iiut. . us a rule,-. t!ii j .;.< of wiiich w> iiim.li i;' j | ---W6 Godraritee" Satlafactionj ^^^^~l^-0^ and Vi]!a-e Proptny Ijmd Solicit voar orders- " = -j '^'J"- a preachri;^ (JOBS EOI Ktw Y(ii:r;.-: AT M!iAXGni>-' - -'-. ' •' D.ymaa ' offer "opinions r l'h& ivar beii*. c-ti liii a.-e:iae>:ned. tn look | tse priitinent'.-Arijc-rjenvi.tna?ipcs ha-ye [ ovvn doctfical poioti. Corntr ijuni^p. - Gfrxt Uouis S to IO a. Hi. aiiol'Eeai'o.1, "of. (ii-assy. .2 io ^L^d 7 to 9 P- m- ' . f '•

Cre6fc,-be5№yL'in tno ffamnatioa of uabaptizeU 3nf;t3,= >ud \rho?;<>e*! of "BOOT tHART, i)ENTAL I'AKIBR.S • his ^congTeg-atii^ Jolii Slaj.*, arjiied" -*-""' \ 69 Ccr-iVer.Slrcet. Nitrous Oxide, .ir.fi reasonable rates Vitalized air acimir.LStci-cd. All work ^fu.lran-' • agatast that"jcti-ipe'f. tho" preiigher- : drgwhii "ravr/er -first." shot fit l)im,:: at the RECORD Office. j l&:d'aEii prices reiisor.abie^ . ' • :. '.the .bail pasai^. tkrough his bootleg,- j j - ^_ •• I J ' B.-JHOAR,' DEN-fAL., PARLORS j a^d ftep^siasfd .him'; with-P. kaife.' All: kinds of Folders, : : • "THe d&cfairies f;that Congregation are. *• • Ovec T. G. Rifhardsor/s 5ti>re o-i. ^Jichar^^^^.t^Ttveach^rA^od ha in- Invitations, , • •' .feada to (Jn/ots-'Hs rights.-: ^reT'Cards Envelopes, Letterheads Ai'tKiCix jjol growers s'es.little 'in ; tice that ev«n. Sapan- is reTOiting- | the foreign rciiderits look to: America be pleaty oi wkr .news, for "the tho1 situation o'.>ncoiiraja tb/ajD;Tjul : one sided ti^ht. ^ '' j.for protectfoc. and diir:n^.the.iieat of-next .s>x months at lea^t. . -'- "^ " don«i proitiptiy, in a •-f and Surjjcpn (r ormerl}f of St. .Claif it is certain tiatour'tleafers donbtia ag-airstthe d neat mahiier, arid [ich. aent'U...W. !McKeeri of .tie;.. Vandalia j'rjrofrersol aid iroca vrealthy-citlzens of I 3 was reported o1^ b/fertl tfco^rec'lie'd -\ thfe repablicapd the mass of the peo-f- Auction Bills aspecialty. JOB; POINTING •:". -:-: : Orders taken for. all kinds OF B\"ESY DESCRIPTION ; of Book Binding Exscstcd ctt sfcorT-«ofico &2 tlsu.-—SS I and Engraving :at ; RECORD.OFFICE,' j the RECORD Office.

J£ >mall losses^are. eoh- Du-r^px.; JOSEPH H., advance tfgint'Puulics !a. oir.- -ii-on wit :,s fatal !T- CO05™1"3^ a : ; 1 was he^un ia JndgfO Cr: 'THAOg GOflHH COMffl-RGF'SGHaOLS iii-i a.'Ygrcg&le > losses • Htll orfira'cpmpaoy, iindly brci ed- ! li\irt TMs 1- 'tiic J ''-.-^! a^i-'eby ia States rriaiis f - but- S127,0'W"!0i). "as. 1;I.I«S,' 3IK3. 'J. H.; New York; badly ! WL-CA a ' ' _ _' ' '_ 5-! cap''"s' -.coar' t yesterday... The • 55 FOP.TST. VT., - "j-. '•--. ,hoes ia 1S93.' bruL-ed.and flrnvUrol-'cu. ' ' thsi'6 ever ocynoct-u-: -d.-_•:'. •jn'.t-u: Torre Kante fieeedings of the. Kailtvay -L'njioa j ^..000.000 F^so*,^. *.•*.;*••- «--- -^ =' &-fotia»^SiS. -he rc^f-r.^-af the i conation. from g sia^to 4 pm,.'S»Eurcii- : with, a n f Eighth .: district: b'Grlly cat p^erSe^t ere;^-.-. . • i Slay = - POSITIVELY-CUS^S 1S95. "Feb. 23• and A good ANF, Washiri'Rt'D, Pollataa car coadoctor; badly bru5.-ed. . ?- ' • >: Heart Dfseas§, Epilepsy, Nervous Business. ^ GRilso*, TT. H.,-port€r^ scaip i ; " March 2S and2g-y-Deco.it. Gaaton'3 Hrbsois, 2SKS. .I)-T Grefciicastle, Int*..; cu - Prc-stration, - Business Co! leg?. i • _ ' • right side d' head, not serious.'v- Sleeplessness M* all deraajuaenu oi th« '• . April:=6 and 2;—P Jonnsos. AN»BEW, PallmaV porter; rlglit -_.;-; .-•;••:,-•.•,. _T--:n_ ..; : - .- .;.- Nervous System. -' - : ; the arm broicenbi . ' "^ ; tiit .another JONES, CHART.ES. colorad p<-rter. Indianap- •jurors hai seen-founrtto bc'-a-friend'of 4 cdurtnaok- an adjournment: .until th.is' oiisiburt.iafcaolc. . " -:". : •'- . Sarwariis :irin «-iil ' .be.. dismissed.. | Jnorninfr, when the ar^i.mentsr-' will lie . for .1st Grade, Eestless Babies*


^M ^^^^^^^^^ s. : - • ~, -. i <>• F Af 1'AliMER. Asst, 0.

CO £>y,- ^VTIH s^ [»s» u .color •y.;fiSniiia;,aSid £;

tt*-the secret -d.ria.yrer or h'e'r r : lr. ; Tlis .\valch; she.' .Talaed so '•;f^^3Js£ffi^SK%i^\'; i ;w№h are'made "of Hvjo plates bf-;.g6i

* "" -~i '• : >. •

,i,,.Viiii,h,m-.->.. >•„„ fe>oilli a ,\^. f Hi., ii'i-. • " "•••-' ""' ' -- - I /-^3!» ',6' vl'- '; r" *-V>i** i • K.-7 —--^ \ ' E as nn 1- •.-••; [•s M-ii-TS •- \ i".-1_ 1 -i ii til) !?iit4. 1-1 f.!lllo j \ - ' \ '•< '! • "I.""' v\ \ ',. ; j. -•"' AUvc-rt v: .IV,-' I J.I! iv.iv;^ - '* iV •i :rl. , • r,.i \u'\' i '.C . fr rii '?' v/fltl- -.vlinih'lo :,',i-.i I'I-.V'IIIII ;,1. -i:'f ^ r )ii •!• »!• • • ,l~'L:1..- IV, f.M- t.ml Y«-:irS ' 1 ;l i]i|iirv•J n «i luii: of tlii 1 fn i ^llUt'J JiMgnn. il! r:i l! »*'r lni-ii.i. •^ ,' ! Aft;«r hin^' In>i|irts," 1 f • m • fj- ..Ill 1in ! &i- •;•: !n fi »fc.^ Uln ifirl to '» It •i'.s:-\ ,,,] i.lr.p'i" -.1 hn t" m ciMir^^ sin? -Jt:\.d .11 ,i M >•>•!, .!••>, •T [r.'in \:n'. 1II Si coi^.s u liuii. Je'--f i: .'-t-ly -•lt.J r US -sllii tv.Kso-1' iu> ^a tlli: J'llllow. i d iiijf i'si tin; suljsl.lui--: fur the )»:icil".C ! [ >l.-C'Ji.u-,rSna rtrr .|)^!:-Jli 1 ft • li::V;;I Slid till! j-- " * ' I .-.:ul l.ili, iriiich j.r.viiios for tone it jou Dincijila not ll:y OII3 :iir;j.,"Q." J U J l U U lialccr !:ty wake also, g-iJdy | "•• - SP'OPTINC:-" NOTES. ." -="• ,V ,tJ "', " -' """""'' " liulf ternficiL i, ••'.-". - -•'-; • ••- . j when default is uiaihu-yas ottered in GEORCESTIWE facjj 'rival ia tlio !, qhn K! .Tf.hnson won the two : i:iJAo tJ'-^houst-. . . . " . ~"^--Box 488,? ns e', sora ; : raje» in tlie slialicj touriiey". as,".Hod i oor.iiea-asOT-oi V.n: (Jraini- Hapiils and PORTLAND, und miserable. ... | r ; 0 Eink.'' -:'•'," : .j Indiana railrua'3 are.njiVJar'cu^sideni- j Ai'Viaivn, or-'u,, very liltie-after, | 11 o : | «me a rapping at the door of'Miss": '"Kob Pitzsniirupris ^vas arraig-Tied j .''••.^-- " . ' • .-. - -^ -'J j A'sl-.'sHouie. A-policeiniid stood there.. it Svraeisc- for killing-'"Con" I.iiordan. i.?.)V. H.'=Busher"'._pf .Jlonuioutli,'. I!:., a " BEMENT : .-. *"/Ujr.iit the youog iriit tliattook tiis He'pleaded "not guilty" and gave "bail.' ! gQJiQ.? poultry dealer, has disappeared. AH'! - watch. ^iurc,':trhe Somiuations to the Horseaii"? stakes, J is: feared. Matiufacf urcrs of •'JIaa, she n£essed?" asked. Miss for 2-ye;ir-ol<3s, to be ran a: Ernest E.- Studer of. "Teoria', Dl.,- : • Astii if - . '- ;j.' . ^ thorne,-arc azinpanced. ' They, nurubcr eloped" with /^manda^Hebere?, and. his ...Stoves and Ran|| ^•fiot" exactly," i-eplied "tji'i- man. 163.^ laXHer tJireatPns to ^iiopt hlin oa si^litc •was LAiVSiNG, ia paper o'ciatibnl 1 - r>EMENf 0 .viz? •! OIL Economical /] f^^^rry'^ j •"/^f BfirseU." said the tasn. VJ".,.OlaaKudd sUated ! ' her' hair up in puffs, first.'^r'd, 1 PbwerMi 3-5. low'erxni? tie reo-" - THE PUBLIC- 1 1 • _ - "I AH >'u~ViIiKP-" -•"._ . -_ made ;f- neat as _ a rpictures! ,- : .. - - = • • - -I orq by Joseph. Doaoghne nearly ...Charles^,£)£.tia" Gibson's "qib;1.el for Convenient-! " • the acfecat present was jr.ore"-ip.'or?st-. secotids. /."irig1 than^the ='sai«r&. i;nch a- ti"nifc; Be:sy Buker ^ajre anot/ier.'ery S.n.3 •I 'his topical-Americac girl ii an friih "came wh^n. Master = ;.;For Sate ijy'~- •."


-*• bea-ti" i-^sr SS to sarit." :.4s for r our witch, j.' A. sce«o.n of the" hurricane deck .arid ! Etndied for Ee^en te->-s in Germaiw- : ' ' .j read t.tst.". .~.' ,"• : -. _, "•".'..I other parts of the lost, sjejupor Chicora i. -J<]l;an Tenbvsonr^randBephcw Si Eullv.' AD 3:i5S h e the in '?mada;oe'h room a^d " A? '- '" ?""* 'euvelope, ! ^"^ ^ni m .toe ice off. ^at»« • fche -^ fiori ^ ^es fa :itched ana" "Uetsv- liakcr looked at • e men were scaiaed. by.tpe'bur.st- Lsog:'Island Qit-y, where he is "eu

Xr ^W they're wt.at.toaH.charity! ac • • ;• , • .. .Mayor .'Strong- uf Xe^Wk :ht -old women were at ,vo-k- t;p:stairs,' I - "-__; was . • The.:grar.d«t :Caldcor ^povtis cycling:; thebsst'b? made in the largest and foesi'bicycie'ph'it in/)

~ -•- ." • • /^i - . y' i_lft.ssnof' '•Wi •;•"•?• . ' :•••"•' ^M^ l.:*-:*-:?'^^;:-;':

LOCALtj»-S- -•__-_

. ikvitatito1 of titee

-1-1 • tyetPleased., Ubn':6f p'fficeia./aad at the close' o? ""th'e_ is otuite.ill.-«ritB;tiie Ceremonies we're" tendered' k-Ttenquet ; > - )'•.-.,;.!.". ttat. would. fiaWdo ae - credit r to »el-- : A Saa'ds haS.&eti sferionpty ill :. '•--'." . 'Best shingle oh the "market; we ; : "-.." ;".'.:h.avej№emac"d are selling'low. I th'isweefc V/•••..:.-"~ ,.•-;. ;.---.::V- "'-. •'-: s c -L7&$u}ai.i$ 0* g of the"Laaiea_. ^'TobflTee i wuw,; catfe aeaufjicKies, of vraipa^ pee '4--. .ffiaiy/efu tfi^ ^it^M y r i •1 .J -3$U Taft;rn need ^y siding you ' ' .".-lose -.aibrjey'- if": yoij. buy"- else',' . .-• - -vw...... №^-^^1 lv.£ioVb..iit.-tbfi1 ijliage'iaoformer ' Tyhere-'C'o^ds?eo'isrstcibX" on imiV 6'c'd tCemjii! at the;. K /A puri: GfapSCream;bf.Tartar ?o"Wder.~ ~Ffee_l _ the:good"p'c^ifioiioiE adyertiiibg- agent Drain "tfil.e. and vorlh;epreat:iSif£iM;n'railway '-This : hpld"a;: ibVsieeas"..meeting;Kin"' Detroit'

forms. Pi№ty-of all sizes on'-hatd.•'•" t^e'predict tba't %.C: W.- •the-figbt, jh&ar.m rEi's DIRECTORS.: : . 'iJ^S-':' ii("Si fand of. criglaality, his ~yeaia-.<>f\ rail-' In.-eve/ythiag else pur stodki I5r ,JM Swift •- ' • .Br E A Gijap ; r roaa-"expene^c4;; in "theserfiie of the' is-complete£•• "*-.-.-••'..• -- " •W\pYkS ': F. G..TerriU. Denver and fiiSG'ranclej a^ svell-ash Til SfnuaSosv -litefary ability ~ reader. E? na3. especially

Si yafil.Hviere Beiiib's; isi '.' : )8Jiy. '=•/! j•993Ean,"-cor.-iCteher.'sr\ =. 'j^ ..'•-7 - ^ ^;;:^ilMV:

: l : necessary Ojaif' Tnfe day S iriofiiin.s '^t'Blfi Ire ecjoye'd by'ali.11' '•Jv>>\; "7'..: ••..." JAQOB MILLIE & CO, tf>!. to'tetriict'tie plilld from., her-prec - --:•-..: ;-.-'--. . . •' meat. ' : : .'' ' '• • JChe'iliises Gofilrert/'were; uruaWe to i.ej'^rcjsKD's -already y .^Ili^Th^" W^'platfng- i -ieach'sclipol ilondajjmqruirig.^ ^ •:. • ingg: 1 plant was. aaaed' this-"weeE ••--•• •-- : -• • ••:-:•••>- - --« ; ;-..Mra •Qli4s.'33'opf;n.;v!3ittd;thii Second FRIC-iSStHaf/ever; before, and, you know we one"• A}1 meiribeTS'Sre; essays OD Rpms," tills week,' Steel Gfeysare'the of §uitings T notices ' iii the .REcoKn. ."When Bargains in "_' _ .; -• reqiic^ted^to be present a t thft fle'^t\.by-ri: was abseni la^t - -.-Manuiacttired? ,.TheK gOQi^ are seldom carried in stock, except 1 cousidera - the large circulation, = in. large cities. -Uut->ve have them and will mAfce,- ihem wap at- ' .-' ; . regular reyjew,' Feb. .7th,.': at 7 o'clock :o'uiit of sicknpas is in sehool "*.'T; I'' Byord ueorly'1,000 copies per wesMlIls alone : ":: prices that catube afforded by our ciistain^rs." Call "-iir-'-ahct Sf« , :\Canned Gtoctds.'^^^ ^^%c^"™»^-< ;; again.:-. ..' • V - •~.j. '= is quite ari object. .--' • 'L . :; " them and'bi coa'/inced. --;• ' ~ ~ ,. - : - m The 'aitentloii of our ;farmer frlende,; ..In zc Lee,, who lias h'cov. a bsepj^soine and others who'ate interested:- to. the-, ;liev Jix.-' Keldijig- Pccupiea li.e Hinie on uccotsnfc of =icku.?S5, is again reliable market reports published- on l 'pulpit nei't Suuday. ; 3 sans of Btf Dion for. in s«ho6I. • . • '. . - ,. '" • " tbeitistde-pages-bf ?he'KECOP.U each i nieelingsi-iu »>Vindsor, hRv.e' proven x 3 Herring.. .;<...... 25c Mr. Koal sfipke tq"thu High .School a B. Norfhville, Micfi. week. iw ininutya-Tueaiiaj' in.pmiiig on-tht! j2 ...25c h "K ...266 iV Mrs. Mary T. Lainrop menionsl ? :,-. -• •-, r , ;: "•.--, s 1 •vee.we U Bo Held at t?ac Met ho< st ,'.„„' ,.r..: ., .....^. , . / i .. ?-5c) ^ P'''5 . : over one Uitiieaucl' tl H in Margir Tbpnipson taiigut in tin; fir?t 'I^JJ, ' cifiircli at three oVUieU iiuuilsy. after-. irnci-i3Hidiatt> room ITridiiy ufHH'ijoOj*', 1 When You tuy r I! of (,'a(p 25,. »qoi> uuBer the mmiiiops of the local after UJ i\vt.> or Uiroe liuiittr^ilin iwf*O(ji- •*"hi)u ilins lKilibTt w»s in Aim Arljiir. l 6 ••' " >i\Viio-~t<.'V '"^Sifcl'WCTU.. " - ':,''•, -- ;"• t'uttun li&ll... . ,. •'•• '•• ; 'llic I'hisUiUitiy ol.-i-iK- li:iv« lift'l g'Hiil ?. cj ij.s ut Apples This luiiius of tlif.bitjrary will pjyes : -o;j" j ed with u brnri'l new sister Tuesday' Why NfltluytheBest? " 3 &us Of Uorn..: IH •• I IlTulilc remarks that she .J.'fs_Klu«l if .is i'l'» touiul next WediifwiJayj

>.V. . 4 Boston Bubtier Shoe Go'a e ree |Vrizc.4 i hciyn do--' pyr th ho.' <\t Gro6ds are the best. : ly rc'^ift'iHcd -Houth T^Y'iu thu til'ejj'vv/in i:c<4vi; a lilirrify'.'r Willl <]U'{\ IfiSt WOPk, ^"U!i 'liroilie11 r uf dfb:: L inniHlis auiMlit? tliirj for tlire.; ;> •Mis. Kti.'Sljafpi" .(jf this p!u,-^ 116 ivu3 'ni'i*fi?lio\\iiifj; pii I'TIH of tiiu iV Orarn- - Quality i: A light lunuli will HIBO lie ; 1 i«'euty-o:!i? years of «K«. " n'liir 1-i.inn ji:ivi- nut hi'i'M iili^-iiflln in Style I u •=A inuili«il ioiiTii::}} ia prvfin 'iiS tbft tiisl- !i:i!fyi-nr: Clmrlii! iiriiclii'lL .Iihsie icniiiing fully coiivinccii : ri.trli, -Alible ;KitliL!i,. .Militi'tiU Uiei!r. Kit. :. Successorto.Starli; Bros. , I anthoriry. for tho statcij»ei>.t_.tlilitr'n.! tri^i"""rii"-n. ' "l-.YPriniaiT- dcpartm.euti. -ffera neitlier j towii .champUiiiship. Felipws': eutertsibmiiit by ! ^enl aoi tWcly'last molui: iibert ; wwn; fizz HIM b«fit:aii«5 to mtet tit in- eUi-JST h!is •any" ar--'the ... '. . , crcESed'patrOA^e. Special prices .: 1 ; housfc Satufdiviuaht wiisa'-repetiticn : ^'"i- "^ pa-iii,niou, •to patron3 of th-i Lai;adry, Jackson, Gr;i

: brlalit Httle '-'•Thacfollowing pupils of the Second Si MAIN STREET ! arid "to Ciose % a:! ",dr.ds Iiiti?r'nie.'l!ate Fo6rh-«-erer.fUher absent Stoves'we give you better prices,! Pressed in tWiateit sr/ls . ^"'ofter^.get. -.-•......

shut-off could be found several cellars were jj-istrodQcefl' in"tlie JTassachu : flooded. , : ;'. ; . i latufe ;be"object of w I '•' Now let these "junket1-" trips be •'S'otv1 tbe.publislier of this Edit l)Sb.'afer:;Jen cie Thoraton,- ! everab.iD/i6n«d. Of coarse:.! isend, Sddie Vanvalkeaburg. Sis" in th.e^ •'and;it is one gi were neither a CORNER -HARPWAB.R- •:.' S ' -'" .jr.- •• •- continued newspaper, talt about HinchguanyGebrgeKiidd.Ray Eimmel,: trios; they; should -be- Kevssoc, Claude .ladies with high: hjats is all fpsh and: ' "- ; ' TO CCSTOJIEBS DAK.Y-- nstalled officers Tuesday ^^lli'j u ^.,;i«-ui^ - T*^ .-. ^'^^+^ ^^ I- Subert. Townsend, 'Xiora

• Slilk from one if especiallially for^meinberS presented the' retiring cbari-1 u 1' Jielyip.>D6er, Kayroond Gerrl:.-Elmer-] 11 illy crawling otit£between every; act.. .• 'IritHese hard times .'.s'tobuy "your Boots. -Shoes Infants.- .-' .""r- .-. ' ic6!lorcommap before you buy aria you 'SiH-ssvs"? S ?. . • . ''•-." all di«eaE&» -cf' tlie^tli'rc«t:;and -luns;s.; The next ps?-.y". -Kill l»e:"a nasqueraae They Jived in and^about. 57 ~ Book It will "top & cough'qo'eker -thaa any jro^.i^h- .'••': . .-' *< spme'-twenty-four years .yhen 13 :pra^»red. to to cure von. " If vour children haye Sraita has'.placed cin•' sale, j moved to Clinton ;county where they 'otdem! fci: binding and ftitnlsfci first croup 3r"whooping coujfh it i% sure to especially good bargains for Saturday 1 bad since resided. Mrs^ "Whitakei'Tiad i?la93 work at reasonabW" rates. ,-Ss-tn- give instant belief Don't dsiay but ;ohelp the rbeB« mceylts sho^ri st the offlea. get a trial Lottie free t rge ucs 5Cfu it n^tpuolication Sho-3roer\: and 25c Soliby C H Steven 5 gets the benefit 74 Center St.

-* A CHAPTEH ORTHErD'OlNGSf- jtotftifeaS J or; tati on com-.

: •locifcil, him in ii • ati<: oJ plenty, joy pen proclaimed :it C3ti-{Ii?.^c-riit und .-- rooai"alone,- at-hli re qni-5t, so lie ivcqjc! . hi riciiiyer'ei an invocation to tire ft try iLI Jics~-of ^a^iiT^w, :\vill i>ui>!>.sh i-he : T^Lbere*:!- !fc siitik : '•faster oSkeayeiv.and'earth -for bless-nl- ^:igina\s- !3veuii!£- •Kerrs . i'cbrnilry 14. portioi; yi ili'o /ir.-<->eor a -.eatOD. veterinary sur- . jj ,'e .>a"ement at P-aJer- de-B-.-t- sss e : the first; wbicVbad .no hilt; drivingit. ; . : --•*' Some Splehditi "5pef.cfcesl - •-". • fi : ha ;;I a .biesraTiis; irom <3ownjfito the'jnt.of'the stofffaeh". Ee!.: The hi-n- Tl,/. r.-hf-ls ^i•^^•. Cori'-.^ns...:-...... -. :?? raoidiCo^. .^vhicri .he was' treating.. ;: laade.stiyeralftffor^ita recover it, o~a% | fillec!:"in the • eVoiiiiig' to. .heai;; the v fbi... : J: Cc ; .\tt.-Benfoa weh£' to 'Chieag-o' to take ! 3 655 failed. Be-'thea-nkXr & ladder to^ iiie 1 st56ecGes on - ^ -'-"-•— '«*^^>-.- •th^Pa-sietsr treatment. Tlio do^'isaj •djiia.se.-.-.-.-; '.;:. iraniooi, climbed'to. the.top.of it, aaj Poor-Oai.ioojc for'r.nke' Ea: Valiiablc-; eoolct'.r gpauiel u-hieh took a -, • • . • = "iiCh'a JTu,' SO.ciiies viOTtii of €hee 4 23 . ' " ciirtid to Ms friends." who opened -the uriZB at a becoh "s!:o-.r this vesr. : -. A^°mJ r'-c^ %•«« next seaioa" > "hi i/Groit b.orfti>^rtie<3 -by '.^iipaii'es'e' r- door.- "lie relatedytirv.cobly his aw-?ul -~.' ^ -. • ~ . * — ^ • business ox> the gar^at • la^es .%vas tsken- troope". mo hid 'subsequently-eir -100": @ * 3V • Tlie.ou«tiDgL-or a yalre in a-.sfpam -'bj James Corfigan. o f Clcyuland,; lafe' '* "•' : Tung o 6U-- - ;je 3? -a.' •E the :oi hito::..;...: .... • MS»' . 42 @. - ^> Corn:" Nor.....';.."._ ; - ... S3 4J = Zi ••• Po;-t

1 2>is ha:r fi-ora a.dark b;-ovrn to £rav. —rpartdcularlv as te Detroit aafl Mi.c5- j Ellsivorth L;iriioor -coiunanv. ccar: Pe- , there ^-oulcil:or c ....c.many, .boat s. chartere, . d fcvK0^; their iaaditig 1,"t tEiat place hav- ^wiiJiiw« e~rI . or ^-"thf°i - OESon in "«7]1 Tiot be ' ' " .. f^jn—n-as t£e to|>:c . discnsseii: "j>y j tosSe>-:on ,-tne C. & Wf M.",; . jell into a ' § T. ' f-casoa in 1n7llnot.be iingjjbeen eSected only.- .-for ihevpurpose Macliipao Grurnl tod^p H. tS'Ai'UZ. i liu^b >JcCurdv. cjost cnii-.ient jfrand-i lo-r sKo, where thi!-waterT5 *kep'i it till' [ realizes. This siniffglo oi the suryiyai of creating a. diversfon- The Chinese f - - -- ' .--.*. •? -3 -:: . * J. I T.^;T:_-^-_..-„i T ^.iic"haust p;Tie ixis i of ttie.fittcjSv in la^e naviffatiori wtllbe

aily incrcasuifr ^ tx I=D D tTect • jndrkc ^: •uiLvaTOT5bIy; ^ijiaiistrles bar« iict yetioucd sutHciriit ilemand'-'ior their •producLs to' preryn? fiictiier decline in-prices •*?ind the.dvorc^o tor-';aU..-3toxazi:ofiit-ies ag'ai1! jL-oucBcd t"io, lo.xve=.t poiat--

xcl^ t:i go lower, so tlr-it-sbzie nave purehascil'

"- D< :3B:" Ivar City; gra ;x SicGregor. Lfeared he may no' er- Loss. • -^o s'looi the first n that tmtsin" malsmiiSt-'eitiidr ljro , ;-Oe(>oit." .'. " . ! S5.00C. • . -• • ' .1 cnapoesrance. "' : ; I her terras or-fiffht.' • i" the ,'weU-ftncwa !/• A t)%-fi_ore cf"jras.vrere'.st-rack;3ii.tie 1 tntde re.TloV says; William J. Murphy, son ot th6 fa-i ""HfoiT 11. S.ose. ia Broolvlya—Cars. Kqaniajj. -. ^ . mjiil "adViccs^from lift (>r3.na Jiapjds. .]]as i farni/of IrviB^Cur'peiiter. near Lexiug- v&'uciri^'-'cealors fatl *o _ jitked irapirovo-nent hi- tte mo™. •Dt of tccrcaaiiuise anfl products andtLe c as preyjhy. 5D3 umo- 'pw; prices.- haatl. to mouth. *3ios and k^^? a very -cori

. An enstboyna freijlit- on tnc .'•:;?>.- ' %'a-n Central crashed into tioa a) ' surrehio co;t»t Of.tho UisV5'ct"WC

i •; tfre;. eofaer %'eatfe'er- comes," lactic., acid - |a>.tK»; -• bU»

fTKo'irsaffias.uppo jtTfoi^ia^jyBbafaTji ;~ ; ' „. mdted'-'-'-Ho oa'a-S&-^ •'•f£&vJM-iiP£Sim\ • -rteaiaifiiin- ^'&"dfe^rjnp£;i%^«^j * ;.': it d^vi"6otipt-theJ^&osi''eJeiy~:i



G$!.j\ve.lau»;w,- is to say/- 'Salzec's "Extra Gja£s ifitS; M of fiu&a

-Fc"ad'er E^t:s ••: ;;^i'3'::

Jd-i€6rk,4 tootfr&S.&f 1%: black- :« W yoVi.a.TKisomtolj-.nons.-;,;.: •. •.- ; ss', &gplr_as that-Ledj. she^ias goicg to^trarel;,. vliTput them- j

ry p'5ssl51e"pjecaflti6a>,ffief e- £or,e, ^should be takeii to. preyeiit'birds r.'TJie. dw.ls\ectifihe8 tv- Tvinter'i'f . g vage, "~cii'tro'ol pivin it i'.'ill tiring -JAhaaiv con- V.." and 'provided ditionS.ot'lienitli to ruiiko ti£o :m6rQ.- .enjoyulile." Nv maij or .ivomaa' OTigKfc aud brighten your. hail". "•-• You -Eiti'sl j.' '^ wvs - toTioarry-who is a.sii£C«Ter from oi^tottio : !>uiljs. WcElumfd iiiii wed'rroa towin cjiribdovrn stiih-5 .and. slib^ . yourself Latimer iu the-ball room,' I-;oinent6'r3c3/,'' ovr>o-: '-• I.i'annotf endvre'tliej ^g^W^ ' ' " " '- ' ily itvouy: wi]t=iiuu.t ftuivii l\li- | uia-kus : viWr^L- ' , ivlkw ;.i№" l JWKU b.Jr. r tviiici I 1SJ "" iii/bc'ht to"iiwlti; .it-.T- i(ir,)c aV" ah'J, Jiasl j '!-" paV.n; ll -!•= no v.-or.dcr- tnut

Sm '-I

'v."'>v:ti.' pvv;=. i into 'iWlfc-.fi "1! V'Jii. 'o S-11'11' inflls '-'^yirfr.wt- pviih

...''Prmc^ooiiifurl and ilnprovoincnEatlti Tii^lilly u^i'ii. '¥i)i lwniiy, ulao r»vci \MA- ter than efti^j.^ I^IJii t:tijoy iit'ouicihvy.'fth Ies3.-~expC;iKl'itriret l>y innro pr'onsjiliy atlaptin^ tin; \Wrld'i5 iK-Jik-iini'hiclii lu the oeetls of niiysicni Vaiug, iviU attest-. . A6 value taJicsiUb. <;-£ t''c ..jmro 0 Id \ 'i laxative- prjucipies^ct ••their J to Jia'v-i PTI extr sraedy, 3vrup of Ejgi .. •ipiiovo •jn./''\foi;d: if yu-'i arc see" i'1 I" " "'nia?':.is >'."">' '-'"it." she said. . and u undone i^Ut.( 1 lho.hi.H-;'OCiiu. I'Sn IBI:31 go." ' -Uo yon i*ao ths himonible mention | tive job, for each ; of • whitewash \i\v.x t!i:it S.I; is- ' .." Its escel^nce is diioLto its presentitig-. ! it haviag^hoc^u bought by her liu^band. in the form moat adaptable and tiicaa- •-.Sreo--wont, leaning on. my a:-u>. I offihh sis a brave soldier arid a nobli! ; the iiHert!sU of ib p;itt- r ita and -.vel! jni.wil - stj3s;J7ijolde'rs.. Those v shall (nuv">»y.'-.foi-jfcit'".this'ordoal. She-' " .- ' •- v. ."; . . ' v jfc^Oax- : (3iiinei".--faypF"tfio- 3:iy tiic'-" .-ejtar- the trhjtewash. 'T.hi"This c-»>loring,i3oolofing.-is- very visitiiiif lIot S'firii\g3 can eOTiinuiiicato •;liitcli?'iloiriijf--ii'iti. 1 felt Isow ;sh e : *-Yt>s, J do,'^ sice ah.-jwerf.-J. •-- - ckeap aad -srill giv't the wcrkca. neat; wilh.lMr. Ja^Vson, who. \viil proiantlj? • troircbicrtL £ feai-Gfl,: if anyone spoke • '-V,ou "niay Lliunk. -Qiij. for that,;* V. if.'S- Wasliinjftqn . for j rt-j.ir a, at, tha .j (SOOTS, headaches and'fomis conehision -pi i'rie lattsiTs- seriator'al .rose.tint. ... You can use more or less ol'furnish all'iiiformatioii ilesirwlL to 'JiW,' •..tliat. shi Avo.ild swddenfy 1 saicl.: '-'-1 saved hirn-.as weil as-j. r and pprmaneritiy: curing constipation.; carec-r. • It basbson.'th'e sceho' of Hig the color as -you Irish, romemberir/t, , r Ithaseive'n aatLnfectinii tp roiliiuruaad ' met. mtfi thei'lapptsyal < " • ProfesSlODj' DCC3-Ti?6 it • c'ttiiig them "and"it^isTpeTfi avtjry.objee

Co. oiily, v:ho=c iiarhft is pri package, also, the name,-'Syi and tfeing Wrll'-iiifo.raifld, > .•iocept say s-jbstitnto i£ offeied-


isai" .... rang-"Toi-her niaicL. '.'..: ' - ; " • "TJady Latiraer is tired out," I said; py Get. goto %-•'• for iar and= jet her :Joz.CT'E,'AltiipTe. Gen- . . i'.'woman," fcc said. . : j. • 'Wita plenty of-J.sqrraats and. every eral ra?;-:c'Q^er"*Ai;eili, »vj"., or Go1"*- Thefmarid looked irightened a' tlie |; It reouired .a-si-eaf tl. Horaer;"D. P, A Si ; ' '. .eiailcrt.possible, ihle tou^ehcid spea.d= ] white", set'faee. . : . " .. -muusc liciv ui^u. surt:v 'Ja'ji:a-ii. u-ny^^ JWr^\ e days^ ~, . vet-v'en-loyablv-i. ^ . .a .its novel ~ J* Jlichigan ^airyjnon-at an institute j "Xoti loos: very lUj^mj; lady, she came: Tt was the month, oi Aug-ast-,-: .• • , ~. • - ' • ~ ~ • sasinied up the reasons ifor dai^y fja-ra- ! said;" bat 'the woiul eyes j-bat looked. | two years' and a-ialf-after that terri-• ^ ' L s'. " •. -:. -- " ing1 in tlis follo-wi^j cogent' ixianuer; : : ' into hers haino expressiqn^in thein'. j ble-Kew Year's c^ye,-and l \vas sitticg •"• . ... j^ty in rrrauticc.' •.' 1. "That it; is.the ensiness- "upon-tbe I iventback to tpe visitors,.-and Jo ! out aiaqng tlie.rose3 making-soaje lace i; ^^ Ameri^n "hosSiss1' vrbo Siroa thai • permlis: the" most absolute' ' A pamphlet contS;Jjirig".Tali1!~i>re. inr KlpN^UVER< : JTorma-tioii a."bont-Ki'&brasTfa,j>jbrtuhvf-cst- . " e'en Kaus.'is and eastern Qolorado,'ixixU = iui, tonl breath"^ sour stomach," hear a.sectional.map of tbat country,, -will liiinin chest, -.dyspepsia, oonsrtipation. * be s^nt free' on - a^»plicatK">ii t'o: 1?..'S.. Enitis", Getferal Passe»J«V A gent,'\£ Ei. rest.- No=or.e seejied .surprise;!, a.nii j fastened, hop face'white as"deaii; her j. p _ ...... - . : ; &Q- E. E., Chicago, II!: ..; " .:-.-". "•' v; : safter^eatiaj, pain lind Woatiigin the isn'.I-i'fcit" that the crisis was over. J oyes 3)a<5 i id neysSr-Tisai'd of "an'v ! !6Ecause it comV,ines all- tjtlicr. lines H.slibrl.Mss.otlpreat'i.painiiatlir *• —~ was saved. look ".r.rea yoiirsetf,:. Mis^ j me.: Trutb AEpiood.dfce^nstoraayanda Scpresftd one ix>Tel,";;a.id Captain Fleming?- •'And. !.' "Lppk. ne?:s this is about Col"6ne! • FeaTeii has • ^ s to-morrow,'adrhinf seems to taste gopd.thred, TSc'eetncOil afcordinjj .tu.directions. I'l slo^pletsaict all rrfcstrungv'^eajmcss, deb-lity. I looked.• Itis ihe-best Tem«dy. .I'OT all sodden swamp^Boottiuiiasnp qolcaj-aruaacivn What, i? it?" laskt'S. •trj-i.'ig;to.j- t " constitution and xaifcea'the Tvcak strong. a acUs of" colds, pain-acd inCiinraa- AtBrogjStetVBp'-ce.nt* na4 51.pO size. 4peak ccrelesslv, ' b;-(t tion, and^iDJ-uries. -^ i.' . . slarm. / .'. .. w - 'Hc haJk %J s toL ^/^ : *leav ^*S ^** H ~*S^ . * • U NA ^t ^ ^»A. 7 L % * • m\A J - J^ C^^ j £_ Nobody yontn' iaT

{. ', '.' .'• ' -,- 'T^~- '••"


. i".foresaid,:T?& think ^ir. 'lainims^ivjfl de

•4-pbok tifter tbVibteresVslof iiis constitii-: i' .-prepared': fo'r.tiie hiSh.^ e held • •• J, "16 effect Ner^ l3T^l5gs. •- .^Trains leave EOFI as- foHows: --- STANDARD TDi£. = :• Quite ^. i GOi\G^)CRTH, ' GOlNdSO - ^i havereceived au ejegant Iine'"Xew.,Git)ds-: they'r'j a)l rigfifc— Train Kj.3- 3 ;6 a ex ! Trai-yNd, 4 y •fyery vbier ia his Oi'strict.. tbejibrtalK. t»ibe golden cityj when j anticipate atienriiDg the Lincoln, club o u: v .^ ;: fresh, 'arid aH.for bale at.-the"jight prices. Keieis a partial Hst: .' ; c- " "-9 712 pm , '-,-.: ,. " • TO 5 ...... :..! ^.- " -'-""- "" ies • Sir ',entrance ^ thereto;--' to.be held >"eb. 12. -' _ -'.- ~. Dra-ine Room Csis *>cl?:C€n :Mamstee. iK?.:=,,^: V r - *.'*:'• "•_ "ii:"' :-T.rr.;:antiOIrs. CM: Kg -20c Jvlessfs; Wj ati.Xif.Umi. . ~ -.. • - • We-. . fl'Pat Quigy1' or j\" 3> Qu'i^ley," Conh'eclionslnaii^ 3'. D^Ynit in l"j ed ho'iiieffWia "Ktbrid.i today. ; PeaGh:es,bxtra;si2e,;]8c ib.-, 2 lbs for. . .3.5o aii'd Ed, I.-: • : "'/ ' .- ,-,.-" : as ^cafe's rtif roprcwnicd, \ro uuiy e>:- , fjarge." ar\d Bright, •?, i > , ."• '...... =-. .-.,'• >0Q ib atteudted EIO-I itnmnnsmei'. tfib jinrty-of...: TbeVfULStloitof Siiridny .observance 1 : pnt it y> oiir-rfciiOefi. We c SitternUinCR tit flie laying o?. • Knv. yeil at iiif!iiiber^far. ftu.tVdny wli'.-u.i.wo.- luivt! Choice,Sardines, Jn oil, "5C'jcaT\.' 6 for'..,-. . 25c JHovrl T^r.kpr ilnuj ii-fl t.. %f <<;. Mr. iititl ir cm , •Tbm'atoe's 3 ib c^j.is, .sdltd packed, 3 for , .", . . i;<-vr.Vr;liil •'DlliMIMUl Ih'i.^l : fiue »r V>'in>ijrl jrjmhy. 'liirn; Mount Olive Corn, ;":."1-i.™">v-f-'i.-..ui.i ^ tar\s' for.,\ .[. . •i • .}rr I,II (iuvi L Maple Grove Corn very'tiicfe 9c CB"n^,3--fpr. , . . Tor Ji.tn. Mi'!ii".-" Jl sun! yVi 1 T 1; 1 hii,,-i Id lir'jvi! If ii H'llly !ii;.l''ii! ,,-l ; „!!• .fi'nlil H ii]My. We - li Ar cti.c-KUgar Corn, ex'ce'feni 10c carii 3 for.. . i !-,'|nir(i'i( .«i tlio c ; t = JIy ' iii:niir<>=l. ilis- Perfection Corn, Airier %\\nr\ silk, 12c.Oar), 3 for „ . iionii! <>f c.y;i ipV lusl f,-iv .1 ui:i!< ,- ;ii !ii 1 ."liy ii coi ili>i!U!-. tlik OnOr\daga flrtdiariL Crean-)", J;^,',;; ,- I5o, .3:for.- ...o . .; . .:.40cL \Vl|C> UTOlJIliilll'. >r_(iflii'ii i. Choice Apples, i^gai'lonqans for'...'.-..' : . . .-. :•>';.'.• 30c (.-h:H ; HIil.irl!)it'iy. : fi:tt.• .'., . . .-.. '!;:.:. .... ; . ^0c to'30c canj l.ill. < iililrMen? the; K;iliimHi bri-idvint; jmulii-. :'.Tnl."fyr Un' ; (Ii.- .Mi^il pn'r'pfe'S of ln'ilrtiiiirUniile. .'riiis-is ull P!r\a Apple, choice, ;'.\ . ...?.. .-.-.'.". A ...!.'?.... 20c can l,.^ jri^lil fiii-A-ilfiijj aipro. fur clij;|-ii.'iiKUSj; HoTne-Baked .8eari&.3 Ib cans,.vv'itht pork/f, ...-. . 12c canfiiv

anicli-slfir inc-rticji'l i.iirjiiisi'rt. • fn- Inis ••<;• -ivii b •" sini K'Tv-ici.-h ill. I{II- ililpli.-l, ••i.liVr.'s:' Sijlnlay Choice Yellow Peaches.3 Ib can_s ", ...*....-..... i5c j >y < i.f 111,-- , aa/1 K jr:iii)i'il I t-ifi.iiiic'.i'nr \vi?' »iij;lii sii.L:^i-st Uiju a 1 1 ; : 1 IridiaK Crearn Succotash . .,: ...... 15c can j " ' ii. iii'W.i'XJK-rii^ti'/i:' at. Xovi, Ti;i fic ; i^crul'iiiiiny nf. nhr jn'O^U. "lakar-sic-k^' J S.q'uasf-j. 3 Ib cans. . . \ :. ., ... :-. ."-.. .- IQc J lik--h ]n; !^>ii ^'ni-fi'V Ai;ut:i we iiuv^ V.oWi i^i*u lliivllns^ . M-i'ii-.rtlii'. lirrH ili »v :,= j-:. "AII.- hail, liil-.nri'il-.vt i.','u>ul; 11:i fllij;""«< <:\i oven j^o :i-oi:t the sitri-iitft wirli :iu ai'o';ful.:>!i\ • : fiiii to [;g>.,.-i>ii?.<; \(-hiiih sl-.ouid hn'vi.1 Inreitjnir- Jtir\e Peias, elegant1. _•'.., ...... ^ ..... i[_5c 1.-U ufturnoiin eimiul.i- far his .Norfli was i;ij i biased .S:itbr»lu3- uiglit. \Ye f'eiiUfciit- e - Sini;i:t'Ul-V~t.; lift •<• on fit ti 'g Breakfast Fqpd ?'.•-. _.;..'..-..,'.;....;' .". J". IOG lout inUvihi; niirtM- hunk t-.v-jr-erjiii't he tlie trijicipaibiiHiae-B witli tlie lUriheiv. i(il :it-ti:i;"wrrtiij! me: \V(J wheii history explains that neSrly Petti-Johns Breja^fast Food: , . .- .-. .. 5' ...... >.= 12c" i ti_"iiliy -vnf-hi'i! 'bis il.asUiuitiiiii 'null 1 Iif-n; iiiav lip id " r(-?ulin every serioua"ao:-iiieiJl-to biiutors hap- Alillni'd Hniiih UIHI fciuiiy Jiuv-t 'j /li.-!ivi.-reil :i rutisiji!.' iliscirmriii.-. :: retiiriied from Detrmi/aiHl are teniim.-i j pens'oil'Suaday. We reeeutly.:3tw:a niau hsuliug wood .and tlie snmz man I- Space Eoi'bids More Tjiis'Wedc. \ The WKKQA flx.p isiluait-d on corner of-the Boni-rs hou^r:. irhic.il thf.v form ii-u you .-ubsr-ribfrfoi; u per just of Afiiiu anfl Wariu-i r Uad.j^rpbBWy. been sitting anJiiiid all | ' erlj-'ofeupk-il."-. ' ... out. the pa|K-r n-liicli. gl\-«S ..you the iveek. «"aiting ior Sun-day; ' We Kome and See Us J-'' Farniinvioii's old land inarks but it is Mr."and Mrs. •'Ran" Ciiaprnsm were; fresii readme matter. •' It your-present no ufni-e.' haying been torsu'dowu to : .plight eaU attention to hundriids iif •"astonisbtd'ythat-'s.wiiift liiey faiitiu- j paper is*'ne t doindi g thi3,?rjii3fc ordei: iE :-na!>e ro.Srni.for a iibe -uew brick r«si- acts of Safabnthr-brsaking But' : ;wish to cits'enough to. show- thfe calur-. dep.es-TyhicJfi is lo beJbuilDat ohte. -"lt- ...wiil.be a decided impravera&al.''"'- - • acts'. We -think ^ j A two days itiectitiir will-be held-in : ;1 ociier- perioclica!&l' und. manv of .uci,. - , • • ...... • •-, , the. W. Kovt aeh'ool hoiise ?hur :-:i-! -.-: . . •••- :,'•-•_ .?• time that out citiz'cas eonbidered the . ! the. .Universalisy cliaroh beginning - e raising-• whisker-s. In this! .' _<= .-.•..;. .--.=.• -..":•,••'•- ~ "76 Main St.;,N;"ortii7ille, Mich. 1 evep-ing of tliis _week, oci/urrihg ioo : r - . . .-?. : :. , . • •• •"•• isin sin. .o off this practice and stait- into . J Feb; 7. Tbe following: rnirristers will late fr>r report of prpeeediugs ia.todaj-'s J, oonuectu^i- : w.e desire; that each reader *observ :-e the.Sabbat-- ^ ~~ h in- a righ•t manner ? (be present/arid addr^a the: 'assemblies: sbttl! feet at liberty-roajci us in ;makrug; Yon know .that in =s:oine "stale? there! ' j Eev.; T^ee S. JI'CV.les№r, Dofr.oi't,' Bev. * " ~ «i.si3isf, iiev::W. S. Gor- On account of ibe"Taie. imp' the RECORD sjicy and up jo '.date № j are laws.against Sabbath'hrealiiri.s and J : .ness'1 connected.with the n-eatherr<3e-j hi\nlaig; us aiiy-b[[ of. fresh, hews at tbe§6. Saws1 are enforced1. We. believe.j ^Ciss^iOIivia'Caroenter, . : partment no.-TV2f.yG meeting-';^ as'iield a; has-'aJaw against Sabbath I Diiibndale. ' .-t':' ''"' • "• V ln=r. Saturday-evenirjjr; so rte order of -ScicB iittle" things as.ffie mercary t ought, to: be .rigidly ec-( TheLfd.uera! "semess of .the infant

-exefc-ises as given"'in .last week's JRKC- prane-:icg around way :bBlo,-Rev. Waited -Mclntosli.of.. • ORD will be used for ths nest meetinc. roads fuil.of bigsiiow' bauiis -anill • Mmiriiugtb.at.hs CKtrami^.lvi.l not j P^-ic language if your wife wants^a ^ 'Tuesday lh'h'jii'i} j y Q Northville, j be the 5>rologue 'qf-Hiie' '-drania cf"the- •"•' seek notoriety by iatroducinr; a Ifireel b<)rs^togo visiting-witli.. when tbe j ^ - v. y :•. *L. ,-. .^№V-»y ; V| .with' >rr*. E. .U.Srci-^, t".Marble Heart" .cop.cladin^ ;c [je . number of bills etc.: .We never' have [ ve'J-}^~is' threateoiny,^o.r tbe .roads j' w a t i. •? Duane Taylor was iu Detroit to."wit- j comedy of "Leorf He-Five ^Shillings." - . suspected tnat our>ortby. tbwn.soaanr''""!•'" tlie'bestof ?on4i'Hob.j' . - •• I cess.tbe laying .i_f tb,e corner^ btone of- Thecntertaihmeut.wHi without'doubt--:: Mr. Kimmis. would lower the dis-- '.Kovi Has a geanine public. benefae- c temple. be a gooaoae, so_watcb. auci wait for" nity of aay office to which iie bas.b.eea' _tor, in the person of "Pa: Q.uig.''. Novi pe.ip'.s are to ;i large extent, .afflicted Mr. and Mrs. F. BT. Johnson atW'dr i thedate anfl-ihfcn'be in it." " '.'•-•-' ^lecte.1 by Simjily^reEii'pffa big b)i;?riS; f - -. -. . - with anriputliy to iubor, uud rio one ed a ..pedro'party at JfarK'.'Seeley's, oiicerf. wilj be1 held : just to be hearu. but as weliavc hereto- feels line fidoling. oil -sidewalks witli.a ' '• -.-'•-" : Faruiiiigtia, Saturday evening. " K.- Sunday...oyening. in. tii'er Fniversalist- ' • -There was. a fair attendance at the -jShuroh under--: the auspices- of ihe : FARMINGT0N. r to Plymouth oa Friday lasi. •YPSTJ where. the .followirj Highest'oCali ia Leavening P.ower.—rLatest"!;. S. Go-Si Report Loyal Ijegwii meeiizig ' last we^Jr. J '-Revival meetings are ?": 'I .will be rendered; tjusi Hereafter they will meat every a!tV>r- Joh^TT. Ely w.as in Northville Mop. iat theMetliodift church. -r-S Rev.- (j. P. ?vasli';: ie.citatlon,' nateThursday' pimples d < ur0 9; ei aud blotches. How often we bear this Mark'SowisMvasa Xorthville ca'.ler 'to the Baptist Sunday school iibraT3-.: ^•? ,^ r.? - « ^ti№,'JUTS. Hattie ' cxprcssiou.._ 'Tis a, pity-this beauty- last week. • ; --liU- .Lee; reading, ' Ida 'stpe.'e; soio' ;- 1 . The Ladies Vnioii conveaei;-Thurs- w'irb. "an."' ]!"-; did iot- £o to Steven's •"•'The reianantsalenf yVilber.-Cook &- Marv KA*iredy• recita'io PciU t^in' druK store and get it trial (50c) bottle of