Original Research Article

Journal of , May 2015, Received: December 3, 2014 Volume 1, Issue 1: 5-8 Accepted: January 26, 2015 Published online: May 2015 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12945/j.jshd.2015.00010-14 Building a Structural Heart Disease Team How to Integrate People John M. Lasala, MD, PhD*, Alejandro Aquino, MD Barnes Jewish Hospital at Washington University School of , St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Abstract (PFO) closure, transcatheter aortic valve replacement Although the field of structural heart disease interven- (TAVR), transcatheter pulmonary valve , and tion is by no means a nascent one, it has undergone mitral valve repair (MitraClip). As this field continues an unprecedented period of growth and organization to unite, the expectation is that it will only grow. The over the past decade. The long-established stalwarts prevalence of aortic and mitral valve disease is ex- of aortic and mitral valvuloplasty have been joined by pected to increase as the population ages [1]. This newer techniques including shunt (ASD/PFO) closure, fact and the inevitably broadened commercial avail- transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), tran- ability of these procedures will drive the number of scatheter pulmonary valve therapy, and mitral valve structural procedures upwards. As an illustrative ex- repair (MitraClip). As this field continues to unify, the expectation is that it will only grow. The prevalence of ample, it is postulated that by 2015 the number of aortic and mitral valve disease is expected to increase TAVR procedures will reach 25,000 per year [2]. as the population ages. This fact and the inevitable broadened commercial availability of these proce- dures will drive the number of structural procedures Building a Multidisciplinary Team Approach upwards. As an illustrative example, it is postulated that by 2015 the number of TAVR procedures will reach The Importance of Multidisciplinary Team 25,000 per year. As our field moves forward, it does so riding the Copyright © 2015 Science International Corp. edge of technological innovation but without prior organizational doctrine to guide the construction of Key Word a structural heart disease program. The concept of Heart Team multidisciplinary care has long been utilized in other medical fields, the most conspicuous example being . Trials evaluating forms of revascularization Growth of Structural Heart Disease for coronary disease (SYNTAX and BARI) [3,4] introduced the concept of multidisciplinary care into Although the field of structural heart disease inter- cardiovascular medicine in the form of the “heart vention is by no means a nascent one, it has under- team.” While there are indications from Neily et al. [5] gone an unprecedented period of growth and orga- that a cohesive team approach may improve mortality nization over the past decade. The long-established outcomes, the advantage of a multidisciplinary team stalwarts of aortic and mitral valvuloplasty have (MDT) extends beyond procedural success. When been joined by newer techniques including shunt dealing with the complexity of structural heart Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) and Patent Foramen Ovale disease, the MDT is fundamental in the evaluation,

© 2015 Journal of Structural Heart Disease Published by Science International Corp. * Corresponding Author: ISSN 2326-4004 John L. Lasala Fax +1 203 785 3346 Barnes Jewish Hospital at Washington University School of Medicine E-Mail: [email protected] Accessible online at: 660 South Euclid Ave, Campus Box 8086, St. Louis, Missouri 63110, USA http://structuralheartdisease.org/ http://structuralheartdisease.org/ Tel. +1 314 747-4535, E-Mail: [email protected] Original Research Article 6 decision-making, and post-procedural care. A the success of the MDT is a network of support staff cohesive team minimizes fragmentation in decision- including clinical and research coordinators. The clin- making and improves coordination and delivery of ical coordinator is a key member of the MDT who can care. It is crucial for patient safety, which is vital given serve as a pivot point through which the evaluation that a substantial portion of this population may be of a patient can be planned and executed. They can frail and/or have multiple co-morbidities. compile diagnostic results and facilitate the flow of information between the different members of the Structure and Challenges of a MDT heart team. Because many patients are outside refer- At the core of a multidisciplinary team lay a partner- rals, the coordinator can spearhead the gathering re- ship between interventional cardiologists and cardio- sults from any previous diagnostic evaluation. Finally, thoracic surgeons. However, as outlined by the 2012 as many devices and procedures are still in the inves- ACC/STS consensus statement on TAVR, a complete tigational phase, the research coordinators are neces- heart team should also include others: a non-invasive sary to the enrollment of patients in ongoing studies cardiologist, imaging specialists (echocardiography, or registries. CT, MRI), cardiothoracic anesthesiologist, nurse prac- titioner, and cardiac rehabilitation specialists [6]. It An MDT Model must be noted that when dealing with congenital or acquired structural disease, for example, ASD/VSD, a While the ACC/STS consensus statement outlines strong relationship with pediatric interventional car- the composition of a MDT, there exists no blueprint diologist is advantageous. The heart team must also for organizing a team that will be cohesive and effec- extend beyond the individual who form tive. Individual structural heart programs must adapt it and reflect a broader cooperation between cardi- their model within the unique environments of their ology and divisions. Incorporating several academic center. Below is a summary of our experi- members from each division strengthens the MDT ence in applying the MDT approach to valvular heart by expanding the clinical input available for the de- disease (TAVR, MitraClip). cision-making process, as well as improving the flow and availability of care to the patients. Importantly, the opinion of a second surgeon regarding the oper- Outpatient Evaluation ability of a candidate is often required for enrollment Patients referred with complex valvular heart dis- in several existing TAVR protocols. ease are seen in a weekly comprehensive valve clinic Specifically for MitraClip, the heart team must in- that brings together elements from and clude a cardiologist and cardiothoracic surgeon both . Prior to being scheduled for experienced in mitral valve disease and treatment. consultation, the patient’s available information is re- The surgeon can lend expertise as to suitable mitral viewed and any additional required diagnostic test- valve anatomy but also importantly assess patient ing (e.g., transthoracic echocardiography, pulmonary frailty, an important criterion for patient selection. function testing, CT) is scheduled for the day of their The use of 3D echocardiography in addition to stan- appointment day if possible. Additionally, the patient dard 2D and Doppler imaging is vital in assessing mi- meets with any pertinent research coordinators and tral valve anatomy and and thus suitability undergoes any needed ancillary studies (blood draw, for MitraClip. This highlights the importance of hav- frailty testing, etc.). This maximizes the amount of ing an experienced echocardiographer not only as a pertinent information available to the clinical team member of the MDT but also present during proce- allowing a more precise evaluation and fruitful dis- dure to help guide deployment. cussion with the patient. Once the patient has been The primary challenge to a MDT is having effective seen, the history and physical as well as all available communication and coordination between the dif- objective data (echocardiography, coronary angio- ferent providers each with a busy clinical schedule. gram, CT, etc.) are reviewed as a team. Therapeutic Fundamental to overcoming this hurdle and vital to options are discussed and any additionally needed

Structural Heart Disease, May 2015 Volume 1, Issue 1: 5-8 7 Original Research Article

Table 1. Adopted from Holmes et al. [6] Table 2. TAVR Follow-Up AQ6

Components of TAVR Screening Post-Procedure Follow Up Demographics Initial 2-Week Visit with CT Surgery • Age • Chest X-ray • Gender • Laboratory studies (BMP, etc.) Comorbidities (many used for STS Score) • ECG • CAD 1-Month Visit in Valve Clinic • PVD • ECG • CHF (NYHA Class) • Transthoracic echo • COPD (FEV1) 6-Month Visit • Renal Function • Laboratory studies only Imaging to Confirm 1-Year Visit then Yearly Visits • Presence and severity of AS (echo) • Transthoracic echo • CAD burden (angiography) • Presence of cerebral (carotid doppler) • LV Function (echo) together the entire valve team as well as additional • Associated valvular lesion (echo) faculty including several cardiothoracic surgeons, in- Imaging for Procedural Planning terventional cardiology operators, and echocardiog- • Annular size (2D and 3D echo, CT) raphers. Bringing such a comprehensive group of • Aortoiliac anatomy providers together offers many advantages. There is a broader contribution into the discussion regarding patient candidacy and ongoing management. This is diagnostic testing is planned. The session culminates a facilitated forum for clinical input including opin- with a cardiologist and cardiothoracic surgeon meet- ions from cardiothoracic surgeons regarding patient ing the patient and presenting all medical, interven- operability and frailty. Both inpatient and outpatient tional, and surgical options. referrals who have completed the extensive screen- ing for TAVR or MitraClip (Table 1) are presented. Im- Inpatient Evaluation portantly, this is also an opportunity to prioritize and A substantial number of patients evaluated by schedule patients for procedure allowing timely de- the valve team are transferred from referring institu- livery of care to those most in need of treatment. tions and have developed advanced valvular heart disease and secondary . It is even more Follow Up challenging to apply the MDT approach to this sub- Post procedure patients are seen initially at 2 set of patients as there is no longer the advantage weeks by cardiothoracic surgery at which time they provided by the structured setting of the valve clin- undergo evaluation with chest X-ray, electrocardio- ic. Communication between various members of the gram, and laboratory studies (Table 2). Subsequently, team is crucial. Again, a well-organized central core of patients are seen in valve clinic at 1 month, 6 months, support staff can facilitate this task and help meet the 12 months, and then yearly thereafter. Echocardio- goal of patient evaluation by both a CT surgeon and graphic studies are obtained prior to discharge, 1 cardiologist within 24 hours. month and then yearly. Again, having the MDT avail- able at valve clinic provides the ability to address a Weekly Meeting wide range of post-procedural issues. Complementary to the valve clinic, weekly MDT meetings are held at our institution. This weekly valve meeting is the nucleus for the valve service and brings

Lasala, J.L. et al. Building a Structural Heart Disease Team Original Research Article 8

Conclusion staff cannot be over-emphasized, as they can facili- tate the flow of information between members of the As the field of structural heart disease matures heart team. there will be many lessons learned regarding the con- struction and organization of a viable program. The Conflict of Interest concept of a multidisciplinary heart team is a solid foundation on which to build. The primary challenge The authors have no conflict of interest relevant to is to bring together providers from different spe- this publication. cialties in a cohesive and effective manner. In order to accomplish this there must be forums that allow joint patient assessment, this role can be filled by es- Comment on this Article or Ask a Question tablishing a joint valve clinic and supplementing this with weekly meetings with other members of the heart team. Finally, the importance of strong support


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Structural Heart Disease, May 2015 Volume 1, Issue 1: 5-8