Balaam’s Wood LNR Management Committee Held Balaam’s Wood Thursday 7st June 2012, 7pm Local Nature Reserve (New in Parish Council Office, Arden Road, Frankley)


Cyril Ashmore – Rea Valley Conservation Group Linda Coates - Resident Penny Moore – Friends of Balaam’s Wood LNR Adam Noon - Lickey Hills Ranger Hub Bruce Pitt (Treasurer) – Resident Stephen Trefor- Jones (Chair) – New Frankley in Birmingham Parish Council Jo Walker – New Frankley in Birmingham Parish Council


Cllr Andy Cartwright- Ward Cllr Ian Cruise – Longbridge Ward Cllr Jess Philips - Longbridge Ward Sue Amey – Constituency Parks Manager Sue Barton – Local resident (Sue past on her good wishes as she is leaving the area) Ken Moore (Secretary) _ Frankley Forum

1… Welcome

Stephen opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.

2… Review of Minutes

(I) Dates


Penny had attended the Birmingham Open Spaces Forum AGM at the MAC, the day was very informative especially the presentation on holding events.

Rea Valley Conservation Group

Cyril reported that Roland’s talk ‘ The Rea Under Ice’ had been very successful and much enjoyed.

1 3… Ranger Report

Adam informed the meeting of ranger activities in the last three months. The Lickey hub now has two new members of staff, Dave and Vicky who are both new to the ranger service. Adam felt it would be good to do some more holly cutting this coming winter.

Two other activities were suggested, removing trolleys from the river and cleaning Gannow Green moat. The following dates were suggested Trolleys 26 th October , Moat 3rd November .

The trees cut down by the pathway through Balaam’s Wood (behind the houses on Lane) were discussed. Adam was asked if there was any progress on bringing the householder to task for cutting the trees (very badly) without permission. Adam agreed to speak to Patrick Holloway and Robin Bryant (Penny would also send an email from the group).

4… Community Orchard

The consultation for the community orchard was now finished with 21 responses in favour and 5 against; a large majority wanted to see the new orchard created.

Adam passed on the worrying news that the funding we had been granted was not secure and we may need to look elsewhere.

It was decided to keep moving forward while looking to find funding. Stephen suggested the next meeting be held at the Lickey Hills Visitor Centre so we can see the newly planted orchard.

There was a general consensus that we should plant heritage fruit varieties within the orchard.

5… Needle Update

Sgt Pierpoint had been invited to the meeting with regard to this small, but ongoing problem. He did not attend.

6… Benches & Boxes

Bruce informed everyone that he, Linda, Barry and Penny from the group, Adam and Dave from the rangers and the Safehaven young people had spent a great morning building and repairing benches in the nature reserve. There was enough funding for nine benches instead of the five we hoped to make, so a good use of the funding. The bird boxes would be put up later in the summer.

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The group had been contacted through our website by artist Frank Balaam who wants to come and paint in the woodland. Everyone is excited by the prospect and hopefully Frank will visit in September.

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(I) Dates:

RVCG Farm Talk will take place on 8 th June.

(II) Public Liability Insurance

Stephen suggested we look into insurance and training for the group so we are better prepared for events we may had to do alone.

(III) Photos

Linda suggested we share group photos (such as the benches) with the library.

Next Meeting:

Thursday 13 st September 2012 , Lickey Hills Visitor Centre 6.30pm.

(Thanks to the New Birmingham Parish Council for the use of the parish office)