

Jonathan C. AITCHISON School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Qld 4072 (Australia) [email protected] (corresponding author)

Noritoshi SUZUKI Department of Earth Science, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, 6-3 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578 (Japan) [email protected]

Martial CARIDROIT Taniel DANELIAN Univ. Lille, CNRS, UMR 8198 – Évo-Éco-Paléo, F-59000 Lille (France) [email protected]/[email protected]

Paula NOBLE Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada 89557-0138 (United States) and Univ. Lille, CNRS, UMR 8198 – Évo-Éco-Paléo, F-59000 Lille (France) [email protected]

Published on 29 September 2017


Aitchison J. C., Suzuki N., Caridroit M., Danelian T. & Noble P. 2017. — Paleozoic radiolarian biostratigraphy, in Danelian T., Caridroit M., Noble P. & Aitchison J. C. (eds), Catalogue of Paleozoic radiolarian genera. Geodiversitas 39 (3): 503-531. https://doi.org/10.5252/g2017n3a5

ABSTRACT Th e current knowledge of Paleozoic radiolarian ranges, proposed zonations, and faunal assemblages that have been used in biostratigraphy over the past few decades is compiled herein. More than 90 as- semblages can currently be readily recognized and many of these, although regional in their construc- tion, have elements that can be correlated throughout a widespread paleogeographic area. A number of the existing zonations utilize robust, relatively common, and easily recognized morphotypes that may be easily identifi ed when they are moderately or even poorly preserved. Th ese schemes are read- ily applied to deciphering stratigraphic complexities in complex orogenic belts. Other assemblages and zones summarized herein have been developed from well preserved materials, such as that from concretions, and their applicability to dating chert sequences remains relatively untested. Uneven geographic coverage is apparent, where some time periods are largely represented by only a few well known regional radiolarian rich units. Th ere is also uneven temporal coverage, where certain time KEY WORDS periods have few data. Undoubtedly, the schemes are the most robust, relying heavily on data Paleozoic, acquired from Asia, and to a lesser extent North America. Th e present work provides an opportunity radiolarians, to address critical gaps and opportunities for future work in radiolarian biostratigraphy, and to provide zonation, evolution, information on the ranges of biostratigraphically useful genera and species employed in the Paleozoic biostratigraphy. which can be used for both correlation and understanding the evolution of this important group.

GEODIVERSITAS • 2017 • 39 (3) © Publications scientifi ques du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. www.geodiversitas.com 503 Aitchison J. C. et al.

RÉSUMÉ Biostratigraphie des radiolaires du Paléozoïque. Les connaissances actuelles sur les répartitions stratigraphiques des radiolaires paléozoïques sont ici compilées, ainsi que les biozonations proposées et les assemblages fauniques utilisés en biostratigra- phie au cours des dernières décennies. Plus de 90 assemblages peuvent actuellement être facilement reconnus et beaucoup d’entre eux, bien que régionaux dans leur construction, ont des éléments qui peuvent être corrélés à travers une région paléogéographique très répandue. Un certain nombre de zonations existantes utilisent des morphotypes robustes, relativement fréquents, et facilement recon- nus, qui peuvent être aisément identifi és quand ils sont modérément ou même mal préservés. Ces schémas biostratigraphiques sont facilement appliqués afi n de déchiff rer la complexité stratigraphique des ceintures orogéniques complexes. D’autres assemblages et des zones résumées ici ont été dévelop- pés à partir de matériaux bien préservés, comme celui issu de concrétions, et leur applicabilité à la datation de séries radiolaritiques reste pratiquement non testée. La couverture géographique inégale est apparente, où certains intervalles temporels sont largement représentés par seulement quelques unités régionales bien connues, riches en radiolaires. Il y a aussi un recouvrement temporel inégal, pour certaines périodes pour lesquelles il y a peu de données. Les schémas biostratigraphiques du Permien sont sans aucun doute les plus robustes, et ils se basent essentiellement sur des données acquises en MOTS CLÉS Asie, et dans une moindre mesure, en Amérique du Nord. Le présent travail off re l’occasion d’aborder Paléozoïque, des lacunes importantes et, dans le futur, d’entreprendre de nouveaux travaux biostratigraphiques sur radiolaires, les radiolaires. Il permettra également de fournir des informations sur les répartitions stratigraphiques zonation, évolution, des genres et espèces utiles au Paléozoïque, lesquels peuvent être déployés aussi bien pour des corré- biostratigraphie. lations, mais également pour comprendre l’évolution de ce groupe important.

INTRODUCTION radiolarian biozonation applicable to yet older orogenic zones. Almost two additional decades have now passed and in light It is important to recognize that many of the end-users of of work published elsewhere in this volume, which reviews radiolarian are concerned with their application in the taxonomy of Paleozoic radiolarian genera, it is appropri- biostratigraphy. Historically, Paleozoic radiolarian research has ate to consider a revision of Paleozoic radiolarian zonation. been closely tied to its near immediate application to dating Radiolarians have been reported from shallow and deep basinal siliceous strata otherwise devoid of biostratigraphically marine depositional sequences throughout the Paleozoic. useful information (see Danelian et al. 2017, this volume). In Th e common factor amongst the strata in which they fact, many of the early biostratigraphic schemes (e.g. Holds- occur is slow to negligible rates of clastic sedimentation. worth & Jones 1980; Ishiga et al. 1982) arose from fi eldwork Th e preservation of radiolarians tends to be best amongst aimed at resolving the tectonic history of complex orogenic marine sediments from outer shelf settings, and in several belts. Although radiolarian biostratigraphy, as a specialty fi eld, cases faunas from these shelfal settings are exceptionally has been an active area of research for over 50 , there well-preserved, particularly those found in nodules or con- remain many gaps in our current knowledge base and many cretions. Paleozoic radiolarians may also be accompanied taxa remain undescribed. Improvement to the zonal schemes by other biostratigraphically useful, groups, such as is an on-going task and much work remains to be done. , foraminifers, or graptolites, that importantly Th e past three decades have witnessed on-going refi nement allow for calibration of established assemblages and zona- of detailed radiolarian biozonations (e.g. Blome tions. Th e preservation is typically poor in lithologies such as 1984; Carter et al. 1988; 2010; Baumgartner et al. 1995; ribbon-bedded radiolarian chert from deeper water settings, Gorican et al. 2006). Th ese zonations have been applied to sequences are structurally more complex and disrupted, investigations in orogenic zones worldwide (e.g. Aitchison & and co-occurrence of other biostratigraphically useful fos- Murchey 1992) and have been pivotal in resolving regional sils groups less common. For these reasons, the calibration tectonic histories. Radiolarian research has wide-reaching and application of zonations derived from chert sequences eff ects as it provides the stratigraphic constraints necessary can be diffi cult. Meaningful comparison with the diversity to understand the development of Panthalassa, Tethyan, and abundance of radiolarians in coeval assemblages from and other tectonic collages. Likewise, the publication of a shallow water settings remains a challenge. Nonetheless, the Late Paleozoic radiolarian zonation by Holdsworth & Jones widespread occurrence of radiolarian-bearing lithologies in (1980) has led to similar advances in the understanding of Paleozoic orogenic belts indicates their potential for a bio- older rocks in areas such as Japan, China, SE Asia and other stratigraphically constrained improvement in understand- Paleotethyan suture zones. Th is work was followed by No- ing their tectonic evolution similar to that experienced in ble & Aitchison (2000) who contributed an Early Paleozoic younger tectonic collages.

504 GEODIVERSITAS • 2017 • 39 (3) Paleozoic radiolarian biostratigraphy zonation

Problems arise, particularly in Lower Paleozoic strata, et al. 2005, 2007; Cao et al. 2014) in some of the reported mainly due to the diffi culty in examining details of internal faunas from South China has raised questions about possi- structures, many of which are obscured by diagenesis and/ ble contamination and this work is not without controversy or poor preservation. To some extent these issues are being (Maletz 2011, 2017). However, a number of morphological addressed by new technology such as micro-CT imaging that characters of spherical siliceous forms observed on both thin has the potential to revolutionize this fi eld in much the same sections and in residues (i.e., recrystallized hollow shells with way as did development of the scanning electron microscope. residual spines) from black cherts in South China favor of For any biostratigraphic zonation to be useful to the wider the possible existence of polycystine radiolarians since the geological community the taxa upon which it is based need late (Atdabanian-early Botoman of the Russian to be readily identifi able. It is no diff erent with radiolarians stratigraphic scale, Zhang et al. 2013). Intense investigation although taxonomic assignment can be problematic as much of similar-aged small shelly fossil-bearing strata from several of the higher-level taxonomy (i.e., ordinal and family level) widely-separated localities has led to the recovery of similar is based on internal details that are often not revealed or faunas from at least four locations (Prof Q.L. Feng, CUGS preserved in typical states of preservation. Th is diffi culty is Wuhan pers. comm.). More verifi able results are needed be- particularly true for many of the spherical forms that domi- fore any defi nitive statement can be made. nate the through periods. As such, the focus has been on external morphologies readily observed in matrix free specimens. Early pioneers in radiolarian tax- CAMBRIAN onomy and biostratigraphy, like Nazarov (1988 and many other papers), who worked throughout the Paleozoic time Th e oldest presently documented and undisputed radiolarian scale, recognized several key morphotypes that dominate faunas are from the upper part of the Lower Cambrian (Bo- early Paleozoic faunas, and noted their stratigraphic distribu- toman) of Russia (Obut & Iwata 2000; Pouille et al. 2011). tion. Regardless of whether these morphotypes represented Although the two faunas are only moderately preserved they monophyletic groups at the family or subfamily level, or contain forms attributable to the Archaeospicularia with the polyphyletic groupings, these morphotypes have proven to echidninid Altaiesphaera present in the material described by have distinct stratigraphic value irrespective of whether or not Obut & Iwata (2000) and the archaeospicularid Archaeoentac- phylogenetic lineages are well understood. De Wever et al. tinia? present in the material described by Pouille et al. (2011). (2001: fi g. 199) illustrate how broad evolutionary trends Th e oldest well-preserved material is from the Middle can be ascertained at the level of families and for certain key Cambrian of the Georgina Basin in Australia (Won & Be- genera. Maletz (2011) provides a more up-to-date view of low 1999). Th is fauna is dominated by spicular forms such these trends from the Cambrian and . From the as Echidnina runnegari. How and whether this fauna can Late Devonian onwards, rapid evolution amongst distinctive be readily compared with those extracted from the pelagic non-spherical forms, particularly the albaillellids has proved cherts typical of tectonic collages in orogenic zones remains useful in developing a robust understanding and widely ap- a subject of active research. plicable biostratigraphy. However, correlation of diff erent Building on earlier studies such as those of Nazarov & zonations independently developed from investigations of Ormiston (1993) and Noble & Aitchison (2000), Maletz diff erent pelagic cherts where radiolarians are accompanied (2011) suggested that on the basis of knowledge at that by few other , except conodonts remains diffi cult. Given time the Cambrian radiolarian succession can be subdivided the revision of the Paleozoic radiolarian taxonomy presented into two intervals. Th ey are a lower archeoentactiniid and in this volume (Caridroit et al. 2017; Noble et al. 2017) it is palaeospiculid-dominated interval that is succeeded by an timely to also consider the current state of Paleozoic radio- echidninid and aspiculid-dominated upper interval in which larian biostratigraphy. Th is not only reveals intervals where archeoentactiniids are no longer present. a robust zonation exists it also serves to indicate where ad- Th e best preserved Upper Cambrian radiolarian faunas ditional investigation is required. are those described from the Cow Head Group in western Newfoundland (Won & Iams 2002; Won et al. 2005). From these well described sections Pouille et al. (2014a) discrimi- FIRST APPEARANCE nated two radiolarian assemblages from the Upper Cambrian (Fig. 1). Th e Subechidnina assemblage of Franconian age is Th e nature of the fi rst radiolarians and when they might fi rst characterized by Subechidnina fl orae and overwhelmingly have appeared in the geological record remains the subject dominated by members of the family Echidninidae especially of active research. Numerous early reports of putative ra- Echidnina irregularis. It is succeeded by the Ramuspiculum diolarians have been discounted either because the fossils in assemblage of Trempealeauan age (Pouille et al. 2014a) that question are not radiolarians, are nomina dubia or because is characterized by the presence of Echidnina curvata, Pare- the fossiliferous strata have been stratigraphically reassigned. chidnina variospina, Protoentactinia primigena and the fi rst Work in progress suggests radiolarians fi rst appeared in the occurrence of species belonging to the genera Grosmorneus earliest Cambrian (Terreneuvian) (Suzuki & Oba 2015). Th e and Ramuspiculum. Th is fauna is dominated by the Archeoen- presence of spherical forms (Braun & Chen 2003; Braun tactiniidae and Echidninidae.

GEODIVERSITAS • 2017 • 39 (3) 505 Aitchison J. C. et al.

Time Scale Creator 7.0 Chart Standard Chronostratigraphy Ma Period Age/ Faunas not yet described or correlated

Age 10 Ramuspiculum 490 Protoentactinia Subechidnina Jiang- shanian

495 Grosmorneus Echidnina runnegari Ramuspiculum Subechidnina Guzh- 500 angian

Faunas not yet described or correlated Echidnina Pararcheoentactinia 505 Palaeospiculum

510 Oldest known unequivocal radiolarians (@ 2016)

515 spp. CAMBRIAN Archeoentactinia

520 Altaiesphaera

First appearance of radiolarians ? Palaeospiculum devoncourtensis



530 I.Z., Interval Zone; R.Z., Range Zone; A.Z., Assemblage Zone. Terreneuvian Epoch/ 2 Epoch/Series 3

535 Species: T. b., Tetrentactinia barysphaera Age 2 Age 3 Age 4 Age 5 Acknowledgements: JA thanks the Australian Research Council for funding support towards this project ARC DP 1501013325; 540 Figure was produced with TSCreator (http://www.tscreator.org).

FIG. 1 . — Four assemblages presently recognized from the Cambrian in stratigraphic order are the: Palaeospiculum, Echidnina runnegari, Subechidnina and Ramuspiculum assemblages.

ORDOVICIAN that radiolarians remained undescribed from some intervals (e.g. lower ). Amongst these and between the Proto- Several biostratigraphically signifi cant assemblages can be proventocitum and Beothuka terranova assemblages of Maletz recognized through the Ordovician (Nazarov 1988; Naz- (2011) upper to lower Floian radiolarians arov & Ormiston 1993; Noble & Aitchison 2000) (Fig. 2). have now been described from Kazakhstan (Danelian et al. Pouille et al. (2014a) reported a Protoentactinia kozuriana 2011). Th e reported material contains a distinctive form assemblage from lowermost Tremadocian strata at the base of Inanigutta ? kyrgyza. Tentative assignment of this taxon to the Ordovician that is characterized by the nominative species the genus Inanigutta refl ects the poorly preserved nature of and dominated by the Echidninidae and Protoentactinidae. the type material in which details of internal skeletal struc- Maletz (2011) recognized several assemblages including, in ture could not be resolved. Nonetheless, given its distinctive ascending order: Paracheoentactinia, Protoproventocitum, Be- external morphology this form may yet prove to be a useful othuka terranova, Antygopora bella, Proventocitum procerulum, biostratigraphic marker. Haplentactinia juncta-Inanigutta unica, Protoceratoikiscum Considerable disagreement exists over correlation of the spp. assemblages and the pylomate large concentric sphaerel- so-called Beothuka terranova assemblage of Maletz (2007, larian zone 1. Th ese assemblages do not form a continuous 2011). Won & Iams (2015) regard the Maletz (2007) zonation and he indicated at the time of his writing in 2010 identifi cation of the nominative taxon reported from the

506 GEODIVERSITAS • 2017 • 39 (3) Paleozoic radiolarian biostratigraphy zonation

Time Scale Creator 7.0 Chart Standard Chronostratigraphy Ma Period Epoch Age/Stage 445 Secuicollacta – Protoceratoikiscum ornata chinocrystallum

Kalimnasphaera – Protoceratoikiscum 450 maculosa crossingi

455 Protoceratoikiscum spp. Secuicollacta Rotasphaerids

460 Haplentactinia juncta – Inanigutta unica Palaeosceniids Archeoproventocitum

465 DarriwilianProventocitum procerulum Protoproventocitum Gansuceratoikiscum ORDOVICIAN

Tetrasphaera kuruktagensis Protoceratoikiscum Dapi- ngian 470

Antygopora bella procerulum Beothuka terranova Proventocitum 475 Cowhedia Inanigutta kyrgyza Antygopora Early Middle Late Beothuka

480 Protoproventocitum

Parechidnina nevadensis Inanigutta

TremadocianProtoentactinia Floian kozuriana 485

FIG. 2 . — Twelve assemblages presently recognized from the Ordovician in stratigraphic order are the: Protoentactinia kozuriana, Protoentactinia nevadaensis, Protoproventocitum, Inanigutta kyrgyza, Beothuka terranova, Antygopora bella, Tetrasphaera kuruktagensis, Proventocitum procerulum, H. juncta-I. unica, Pro- toceratoikiscum spp., Kalimnasphaera maculosa-Protoceratoikiscum crossingi, Secuicollacta ornata-Protoceratoikiscum chinocrystallum assemblages.

Isograptus victoriae lunatus Zone in Unit 70 of the St Paul’s Th e distinctive Haplentactinia armillata-Proventocitum Inlet section of the Cow Head Group in western New- procerulum assemblage reported by Nazarov (1988) and then foundland as incorrect. Furthermore, they also consider Noble & Aitchison (2000) is typically associated with pelagic the corresponding reassignment of the red chert of the cherts for which age constraint is commonly poor. Aitchison Little Port Complex sample from which this taxon was (1998) reported this assemblage from red cherts in the Ballan- originally described to the uppermost Floian by Maletz trae ophiolite in Scotland. Th e age of these cherts has recently (2007) to be erroneous. Won & Iams (2015) suggest that been radiometrically constrained to between 466-474 Ma the Little Port Complex radiolarian fauna is coeval with using zircons from tuff s interbedded with the chert (Fujisaki their (Won & Iams 2013) early Arenigian (middle Floian) et al. 2015) confi rming more precise biostratigraphically-based radiolarian assemblage. Moreover, they comment that the correlations to the lower (mid-Middle Ordovician) assertion by Maletz & Bruton (2007) that the Little Port from occurrences in shallow marine successions in Spitsbergen Complex type material has been recrystallized and/or py- and Newfoundland (Maletz & Bruton 2008). ritized and thickened is incorrect. However, as fi rst describer Th e upper part of the Middle Ordovician to which the Hap- of Beothuka terranova the senior author of this paper is in lentactinia juncta-Inanigutta unica assemblage was assigned agreement and can confi rm that no pyritized material was by Nazarov & Popov (1980) and Danelian & Popov (2003) present in the original sample. sees an increase in radiolarian . Th e signifi cance of In the upper interval between the Antygopora the appearance of several new genera of the Inaniguttidae at bella and Proventocitum procerulum assemblages of Maletz this time is such that Noble & Aitchison (2000) recognized (2011) rather poorly preserved radiolarians have been de- the Long-spined inaniguttid Zone 1. Th e interval is marked scribed by Wang et al. (2008) from the Tarim Basin in Xin- by the fi rst appearance of an important and very distinctive jiang Province of western China. Material in a considerably spider’s web-shaped taxon Protoceratoikiscum in deep water better state of preservation from the Table Point Formation facies from NSW Australia (Goto et al. 1992), Nevada USA in western Newfoundland is currently being investigated (Renz 1990a), western China (Li 1995; Buckman & Aitchison and described (Kachovich et al. 2016). 2001), Scotland UK (Danelian & Floyd 2001) and SW Siberia

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Russia (Obut & Semenova 2011). Numerous radiolarian taxa Aitchison (2000) provided some refi nements, noting three have been reported from the Middle and Upper Ordovician broad zones that spanned the Llandovery and Wenlock strata, of Kazakhstan (Nazarov 1988; Nazarov & Ormiston 1993; their pylomate- large concentric sphaerellarian zone 2 (PL2), Nazarov et al. 1975; 1977; Nazarov & Popov 1980; Danel- and long spined inaniguttid zones 2 and 3 (LS2 and LS3). ian & Popov 2003; Pouille et al. 2013; 2014b). Noble & Aitchison (2000) further documented the presence Th e most notable fi rst appearance of higher level radiolarian of the biostratigraphically useful Orbiculopylorum in PL2, and forms in the Upper Ordovician is that of the Secuicollacti- Labyrinthosphaera in the Llandovery assemblages, and the FA dae. Based on their appearance, Noble & Aitchison (2000) of Ceratoikiscum and F. tarangulica in Wenlock assemblages recognized their Rotasphaerid superzone, which extends to (i.e., base of LS3), separated by an interval zone, LS2. the end of the . Palaeoscenidiids also appear and be- Th e most comprehensive work on the Lower Silurian come abundant and even locally dominate shallow marine comes from the Cape Phillips Formation of Arctic Canada, faunas (Renz 1990a, b). Well preserved faunas of Sandbian where MacDonald (2006) synthesizes his Llandovery and and Katian ages are described from the Pingliang Formation lower Wenlock data and recognizes four local biozones that in Gansu Province of western China (Wang 1993; Wang et al. are well constrained through graptolite stratigraphy (Fig. 3). 2010) and the Malongulli Formation of eastern Australia Th e basal Silurian () is characterized by a Hap- (Webby & Blom 1986; Noble & Webby 2009) respectively. lotaeniatum assemblage, overlain by the Orbiculopylorum Th e fi rst true ceratoikiscids appear with the arrival of Gansuc- assemblage in the . Th e FA of Orbiculopylorum is eratoikiscum in the Sandbian (Wang et al. 2010). Many faunas a useful marker, as this form occurs in both and in the uppermost Ordovician are characterized by the large chert-derived assemblages, which have been reported from concentric spongy form Haplotaeniatum, species of which are Nevada and Germany (Noble et al. 1998) Britanny, France commonly pylomate. Secuicollacta is also common (Noble (Tetard et al. 2014a, b), Sweden (Umeda & Suzuki 2005), et al. 1997; Noble & Aitchison 2000). Th e Haplentactinia and Alaska (Won et al. 2002). Th e LA of Orbiculopylorum baltica-Inanibigutta aculeata assemblage was recognized in occurs in the middle of the in the Arctic succession, this interval by Nazarov (1988) and also occurs in the Vinini and may also be of biostratigraphic utility. Formation in Nevada, western North America (Noble 2000). Th e upper Telychian is represented by the Plussatispila Th e Late Ordovician also see the arrival of the distinctive ge- assemblage described from Arctic Canada by MacDonald nus Protoceratoikiscum with two assemblages Kalimnasphaera (2006). Th is interval correlated with the lower part of the maculosa-Protoceratoikiscum crossingi and Secuicollacta ornata- Long-spined inaniguttid biozone 2 of Noble & Aitchison Protoceratoikiscum chinocrystallum recognized in the Katian (2000) and is also known from Alaska (Won et al. 2002) and Hirnantian respectively of NSW, eastern Australia (Goto and Sweden (Noble & Maletz 2000) where Haplotaeniatum et al. 1992; Noble & Webby 2009). cathenatum, is the dominant species along with the genera Secuicollacta and Diparvapila. Th e stratigraphically uppermost assemblage recognized from SILURIAN Arctic Canada by MacDonald (2006) is the Ceratoikiscum as- semblage the base of which is marked by the fi rst appearance Silurian biostratigraphic zones were proposed in Japan (Fu- of the nominative genus in the Monograptus rutani 1990), Urals (Nazarov & Ormiston 1993), West Texas instrenuus-Cyrtograptus kolobus graptolite Zone (MacDonald (Noble 1994), and several assemblages are assigned to intervals 2006). Th e FA of Ceratoikiscum is an important biostrati- of short durations in the Silurian (e.g. MacDonald 2006). Th e graphic datum, as this genus is easily recognized, global in biostratigraphic scheme of Furutani (1990) has been widely its distribution and is found in both deep chert facies, and correlated to schemes of other regions because of the presence in shallower limestone assemblages. Jones & Noble (2006) of the same taxa. Ages assigned to various stratigraphic levels reported data from the upper Sheinwoodian Cyrtograptus within his scheme, however, were drastically recalibrated based perneri-Monograptus opimus zone, the next graptolite zone on recent fi eld studies (Kurihara & Sashida 2000; Kurihara above the top of MacDonald’s sections, and provide useful 2003, 2004, 2007; Nuramkhaan et al. 2013a, b). range information on three biostratigraphically useful taxo- Early attempts at subdividing the Lower Silurian recognize nomic groups, which caused them to revise the defi nition basic elements present in the assemblages, including a pre- and move the position of the Noble and Aitchison’s Long ponderance of haplotaeniatid-dominated assemblages in the spined inaniguttid zone 2/3 boundary upward to the base of Llandovery and a shift to inaniguttid-dominated assemblages the . First, Jones & Noble (2006) show that LA of beginning sometime in the Wenlock. Initially, knowledge of Haplotaeniatum extends well above the top of the Llandovery these assemblages was based on limited sampling, and im- in the Arctic sections, and persists through the Sheinwoodian precise age control. Nazarov (1988) recognized two zones in to the base of the Wenlock, albeit in low numbers. Second, the Silurian that encompassed this shift; the Haplotaeniatum the FA of F. tarangulica group taxa occurs above the Shein- tegimentum assemblage and the Fusalfanus (Inanigutta) taran- woodian, at the base of the Wenlock (lower Homerian) in the gulica-Secuicollacta cassa assemblage from the Sakmarsky suite lundgreni-testis biozone, higher up than had been indicated by in the southern Urals (note that I. tarangulica was transferred Noble & Aitchison (2000). Well-preserved material includ- to the genus Fusalfanus by Tetard et al. [2015]). Noble & ing Inanihella sapena and Secuicollacta hexatinia is present

508 GEODIVERSITAS • 2017 • 39 (3) Paleozoic radiolarian biostratigraphy zonation

Time Scale Creator 7.0 Chart Standard Chronostratigraphy Ma Period Epoch Age/Stage Futobari solidus – Zadrappolus tenuis 420

Pseudospongoprunum tauversi

Ludfordian 425 Fusalfanus tarangulica – Secuicollacta cassa Haplotaeniatum Helenifore speciosus Gyrosphaera Homerian Praespongocoelia parva – Helenifore quadrispina 430 Shein- Ceratoikiscum leonoides woodian Futobari

Faunas not yet described or correlated Helenifore Orbiculopylorum Fusalfanus 435 SILURIAN

Plussatispila Zadrappolus Faunas not yet described or correlated Ceratoikiscum Telychian

440 Aeronian Orbiculopylorum Plussatispila Llandovery Wenlock Ludlow Pridoli Haplotaeniatum anian Labyrinthosphaera Rhudd-

FIG. 3 . — Nine assemblages presently recognized from the Silurian in stratigraphic order are the: Haplotaeniatum, Orbiculopylorum, Plussatispila, Ceratoikiscum leonoides, Praespongocoelia parva-Helenifore quadrispinosa, Helenifore speciosus, Fusalfanus tarangulica-Secuicollacta cassa, Pseudospongoprunum tauversi, Futobari solidus-Zadrappolus tenuis assemblages. in the Sheinwoodian-Homerian boundary interval of the of the lower Homerian and H. speciosus appearing in the up- Herefordshire Konservat lagerstatten locality (Siveter et al. per Homerian. 2007). Finally, two other groups, Labyrinthosphaera and Gy- Zonation of the Upper Silurian (Ludlovian and Pridolian) rosphaera, of early Silurian Haplotaeniatid genera also persist is more problematic because of the scarcity of other biostrati- through the Sheinwoodian. graphically diagnostic forms in known sections such as those Very well-preserved Wenlockian faunas have also been from chert sequences in Texas (Noble 1994) and Japan (Fu- documented from the Homerian of Arctic Canada but to rutani 1990; Wakamatsu et al. 1990; Aitchison et al. 1991). date, only the Palaeoscenidae, Entactiniidae (Goodbody Th e cherts from Japan, particularly in the Fukuji area of the 1986) and Ceratoikiscidae are well described (Noble & Hida Marginal Belt (Furutani 1990) and Kurosegawa Tectonic Lenz 2007; Renz 1988). Noble et al. (2012) provides bi- Zone (Wakamatsu et al. 1990) yielded a sequence of radiolar- ostratigraphic information regarding composition of both ian assemblages based on robust inaniguttids, secuicollactines, early and late Homerian assemblages. Th e lowest Homerian and bipolar spherical forms. Radiometric age-dating of zircons graptolite zone (lundgreni-testis zone) contains a diverse as- from tuff s amongst the radiolarian-bearing strata allows for semblage containing fi ve species of ceratoikiscids, eight species calibration of the zonation in Japan (Aitchison et al. 1996; of palaeoscenidiids, and a diverse array of inaniguttids that Nuramkhaan et al. 2013a, b). include the FA of the Fusalfanus tarangulica group, and the Th e Upper Silurian Caballos Novaculite of West Texas, USA FA. of Zadrappolus. Secuicollactines, and rare haplotaeniatids contains abundant and moderately well-preserved radiolarian (i.e., Labyrinthosphaera) are also present in the lundgreni-testis assemblages from radiolarian chert. Noble (1994) defi ned local zone, and the distinct bipolar spine-bearing radiolarian Prae- biozones, and although independent age controls are scarce, spongocoelia parva, makes its appearance near the top of the strong faunal similarities exist between Japan, America and biozone. P. parva is a zonal taxon recognized in Silurian chert Russia, and formed the basis for some of the Silurian zones assemblages in Japan (Furutani 1990) and west Texas (Noble proposed by Noble & Aitchison (2000). For example, they 1994). Late Homerian radiolarians from the Arctic sections designated the uppermost Silurian interval between the last are more sporadic in their occurrence, but have been recovered appearances of rotasphaerids and inaniguttids as a Post Ro- from two of the three late Homerian graptolite zones, the tasphaerid zone in which inaniguttids such as Zadrappolus Pristiograptus dubius-Gothograptus nassa and the Colonograptus and Oriundogutta are common. praedeubeli-C. deubeli zones. Th ese assemblages are lower in Some of the better preserved and well dated material is diversity than the lower Homerian (Noble et al. 2012). In the reported from limestone beds and concretions in basinal se- P. dubius-G. nassa zone, fi ve species range through from the quences of the southern Urals and Arctic Canada. Th e classic lower Homerian, and in the C. praedeubeli-C. deubeli zone, Fusalfanus tarangulica-Secuicollacta cassa assemblage described there is the FA of several new taxa, including Futobari. Th e by Nazarov (Nazarov 1988; Nazarov & Ormiston 1993) was important and easily recognizable ceratoikiscid genus Hele- originally assigned a broad age encompassing the Wenlock nifore makes its fi rst appearance in the Homerian (Noble & and Ludlow. New collections from the Tarangul locality of Lenz 2007) with H. quadrispina appearing in the upper part Nazarov (1988) and an additional locality in the Varnenskian

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zone of the Southern Urals add further documentation of the tion. Given that radiometrically-dated zircons from tuff s in the assemblage, and are dated by middle Ludlovian conodonts Joryu or Nakahata Formation (unit G4) at Konomori yielded of the Ancoradella ploekensis zone recovered from the section an age of 408.9 ± 7.6 Ma this numerical age correlates with in the Varnenskian zone sample (Amon et al. 1995). Th is as- the late (middle Early Devonian) in the GTS2012 semblage is dominated by the nominal taxa of the assemblage, timescale. As Umeda (1998b) and Kurihara (2004) already but also contains numerous palaeoscenidiids, Ceratoikiscum, noted, the implication is that all radiolarian assemblages from Helenifore, and Labyrinthosphaera. Tetard et al. (2015), reported Joryu and Nakahata formations (unit G4) at Konomori are on Arctic material from the Gorstian (basal Ludlow), which of Devonian age. has many similarities to the F. tarangulica-S. cassa assemblage Th e relative ages of uppermost Lower to Upper Devonian in the Urals which Amon et al. (1995) reported. One diff er- sections in eastern Australia from which radiolarian faunas ence between the Ural and Arctic material from the Ludlow have been described (Aitchison & Flood 1990; Hinde 1899) is that Secuicollacta is very rare in many of the Gorstian Arctic are also somewhat loosely constrained. As in Japan although a samples examined. Other diff erences include the occurrence succession of radiolarian assemblages can be recognized within of several Wenlockian genera, including rare occurrences of volcaniclastic strata and recognized between diff erent sections Franklinia and Zadrappolus, and Futobari. Tetard et al. (2015) (Aitchison et al. 1999; Stratford & Aitchison 1997) few other also reported the occurrence of Fusalfanus osobudaniensis, fossils are available for use in correlation. Correlation has which occurs in both the Japan and west Texas sequences, been partially resolved by investigations of faunas but presumably in Wenlock age material. Additional work is in limestone beds but many of these are allochthonous and needed to fully explore the range of Fusalfanus, and determine only provide maximum age constraints (Mawson et al. 1997). correlations between assemblages in the chert sequences to Th e Middle Devonian to earliest interval those of the better-preserved Arctic and Ural material recov- sees a global fl ourishing of radiolarians. Numerous occur- ered from . rences of radiolarian-bearing rocks occur in which faunas are diverse and radiolarians are well-preserved. In relatively shal- low marine (shelfal) settings radiolarian occurrences include DEVONIAN those within the oil-bearing Domanik-style lithologies of Russia (Afanasieva & Mikhailova 2001; Afanasieva & Amon Numerous investigations have been made of Upper Silurian 2011, 2012), the Ohio, Woodford and other shale formations to Middle Devonian sections in Japan within the Hida-Gaien in central areas of the USA (Foreman 1963; Cheng 1986; Belt of central Japan (Furutani 1990), the Kurosegawa terrane Schwartzapfel & Holdsworth 1996) and the Canning Basin in SW Japan (Wakamatsu et al. 1990; Umeda 1997, 1998a) in the north of Western Australia (Nazarov et al. 1982; Naz- and the South Kitakami Belt in NE Japan (Suzuki et al. arov & Ormiston 1983b; Aitchison 1993; Won 1997a, b). 1996; Umeda 1996). However, few other fossils (e.g. corals) Middle Devonian to lowermost Carboniferous radiolarians are preserved (Kato et al. 1980; Hada et al. 2001; Williams are also commonly found in shallow shelf sediments of the et al. 2014) and correlation to the geological timescale requires Indochina Terrane (Th assanapak et al. 2012) and in the suture validation in the manner of Kurihara (2004). Precise correla- zones between the Laurasia and Gondwana in South China tion is poorly controlled as little is known about stratigraphic (Feng & Ye 1996), between Gondwana and the Cathaysian relationships amongst studied sections at the time of radiolar- block (Spiller 2002), between the Cathaysian and Yangtze ian investigations and the correspondence between numeri- blocks, between the Tarim and Junggar blocks in Tianshan cal age and stages has changed considerably at various times (Liu 2001; Liu & Hao 2006) and along the Bentong-Raub when revisions to the geologic timescale have been proposed suture zone in Malaysia (Jasin & Harun 2011). (see Gradstein et al. 2012: 21). Th e Middle Devonian to earliest Carboniferous is char- Amongst the known Devonian sections a variety of as- acterized by faunas dominated by entactinids with strongly semblages have been described. Diff erences in preservation developed three-bladed spines. Although typically only a of radiolarians between sections have resulted in description minor component of faunal assemblages, together with the of a variety of assemblages that although sharing some com- entactinids, readily identifi able ceratoikiscids have allowed mon taxa are not entirely identical. A paucity of other age the development of a biozonation. Other forms that make diagnostic fossils prevents precise age correlation. None-the- signifi cant albeit short-term appearances around the end of less the general biostratigraphic successions are similar and the Devonian and into the earliest Carboniferous include the relative levels of assemblages are known. Radiolarians in the popofskyellids as well as pylomate forms such as the these Japanese localities typically occur in tuff aceous cherts archocyrtids. or siliceous mudstones that were deposited in an island arc Stratford & Aitchison (1997) (refi ned in: Aitchison et al. setting. Th e maximum depositional age of 427.2 ± 7.6 Ma for 1999) recognized a succession of assemblages through the the uppermost tuff bed (Aitchison et al. 1996) in the Gomi Middle and Upper Devonian of eastern Australia (Fig. 4). Formation of Umeda (1998b) at Yokokurayama provides Because of the scarcity of conodonts or other taxa in deep- a Late Silurian Homerian/Gorstian (= Wenlock/Ludlow) water island arc-related tuff aceous siliceous mudstone, cali- boundary age in the GTS2012 time scale (Gradstein et al. bration of these assemblages remains diffi cult but possible 2012) constraint for radiolarian assemblages from that sec- (Mawson et al. 1997). Importantly, the radiolarian assemblages

510 GEODIVERSITAS • 2017 • 39 (3) Paleozoic radiolarian biostratigraphy zonation

Time Scale Creator 7.0 Chart Standard Chronostratigraphy Ma Period Epoch Age/Stage Protoalbaillella deflandrei – Holoeciscus spp. Concurrent R.Z. 360 Lapidopiscum spp. – Protoalbaillella deflandrei I.Z. Holoeciscus 3 Staurentactinia spp. – Lapidopiscum spp. I.Z. Pylentonema spp. – Staurentactinia spp. I.Z. H. formanae

365 spp. Holoeciscus foremanae Russia, Urals, Kazakhstan Afanasieva & Amon (2011) typica P. Tetrentactinia barysphaera – Holoeciscus auceps Pylentonema

370 Holoeciscus T. b. – Caspiaza spinifera T. b. – Retientactinosphaera magnifica spp. auceps Haplentactinia alekseevi – T. b. – Ceratoikiscum H. vilvaensi famennium

pre- Trilonche pittmani – Trilonche kazintsovae 375 Holoeciscus Polyentactinia circumretia – Trilonche egindyensis Rdm3 Popofskyellum Rdm2 Moskovistella allbororum – Ceratoikiscum ukhtensis Popofskyellum wonae

Frasnian P.

Rdm1 Radiobisphaera domanicensis – R. menneri Holoeciscus auceps 380 chuvashovi Palaeodiscaleksus punctus – Astroentactinia biaciculata Helenifore gogoense – Retisphaera concinna Trilonche minax

385 Ceratoikiscum regalinodus

Spongentactinella windjanensis – Trilonche nigra Protoholoecisus hindea Stigmosphaerostylus hystricuosa – Spongentactinia fungosa P. kariukmasensis Middle Late 390 Helenifore pilosidiscus DEVONIAN Ceratoikiscum planistellare Ceratoiciskum

395 admissarius P. buribayensis – Stigmosphaerostylus rostriformis Protoholoeciscus

Helenifore laticlavium

400 Glanta fragilis

Stigmosphaerostylus horrida 405 H. laticlavium Pseudospongoprunum Tlecerina – Glanta Early

Pragian Palaeoscenidium ishigai 410 Devoniglansus unicus Glanta Pseudospongoprunum sagittatum 415 Pseudospongoprunum tazukawaensis Devoniglansus Futobari solidus – Zadrappolus tenuis

FIG. 4 . — Seventeen assemblages presently recognized from the Devonian in stratigraphic order are the: Pseudospongoprunum tazukawaensis, Pseudospongoprunum sagittatum, Devoniglansus unicus, Palaeoscenidium ishigai, Tlecerina-Glanta, Stigmosphaerostylus horrida, Glanta fragilis, Helenifore laticlavium, Ceratoikiscum admissarius, Helenifore pilosidiscus, Protoholoecisus hindea, Ceratoikiscum regalinodus, Trilonche minax, pre-Holoeciscus, Holoeciscus auceps, Holoeciscus foremanae, Holoeciscus 3 assemblages. Numerous other local assemblages are described by Afanasieva & Amon (2011) and Schwartzapfel & Holdsworth (1996). occur in the same succession that can be correlated across preservation of internal detail of radiolarian microfossils is numerous geographically separated localities. Aitchison & signifi cantly better. Stratford (1997) also re-examined thin sections from which Numerous assemblages are described from Russia where G. J. Hinde (1899) described the famous Tamworth, eastern radiolarians are common fossils within bituminous shale of Australia fauna and were able to process the blocks from the Domanik facies. Faunas are dominated by spherical forms which those thin sections were cut, which remained at the and there appear to be signifi cant diff erences between indi- University of Sydney in the collections of T. W. Edgeworth vidual sub-basins. Afanasieva & Amon (2011) describe many David. Th is work resulted in important revision of the taxo- of these assemblages and use conodonts and ammonoids for nomic status of several key spherical forms. More attention correlation. Th e Primaritripus buribayensis-Stigmosphaerostylus was paid to this issue by Won (1997a, b) in her investiga- (Entactinia in the original paper) rostriformis assemblage cor- tions of the West Australian Gogo Formation in which the relates to the upper Emsian patulous conodont zone. (We

GEODIVERSITAS • 2017 • 39 (3) 511 Aitchison J. C. et al.

note here the diffi culties with assemblages that bear the name side of the English Channel, Holdsworth (1966, 1969a, b, Primaritripus given its nomen dubium status). From the Upper 1971) also described well preserved material. Th e impor- Eifelian their Primaritripus kariukmasensis assemblage co-oc- tance of radiolarians towards the resolution of stratigraphy curs with conodonts characteristic of the australis-kockelianus in complex orogenic collages containing Late Paleozoic chert conodont zones. Stigmosphaerostylus (Apophisisphaera in the sequences was quickly recognized by Davey Jones of USGS, original paper) hystricuosa-Spongentactinia fungosa assemblage who worked together with Brian Holdsworth (Holdsworth corresponds to the range of the Tortodus kockelianus conodont et al. 1978; Jones et al. 1978) to produce the fi rst radiolarian zone. Th e Spongentactinella windjanensis-Bientactinosphaera biozonation for the Late Devonian through the end Paleozoic nigra assemblage is reported from the lower Givetian. Th e (Holdsworth & Jones 1980). Th e overall succession of taxa lower in western Australia contains the Helenifore recognized by Holdsworth has largely been validated by sub- gogoense-Retisphaera concinna assemblage. Elsewhere, the Pal- sequent studies in continental North America (Cheng 1986, aeodiscaleksus punctus-Astroentactinia biaciculata assemblage Schwartzapfel & Holdsworth 1996) and is broadly followed occurs in the lower Frasnian of the northern Timan-Pechora herein. Many distinctive taxa that can be identifi ed amongst Basin. Th e Primaritripus chuvashovi assemblage is known from the albaillellids on the basis of external morphological char- the middle Frasnian of the southern Urals. Th e mid-Frasnian acteristics appear in the early Carboniferous and these taxa also sees the Radiobisphaera domanicensis-Radiobisphaera men- are used as the basis of the biostratigraphic zonation outlined neri assemblage in the Domanik Formation of the southern in Figure 5. Important radiolarians include the albaillellids, Urals and Volga-Ural Basin and the Moskovistella allbororum- which fl ourished until their ultimate demise at the Permian/ Ceratoikiscum ukhtensis assemblage in correlatives of the same boundary. In the early Carboniferous (the Missis- formation in the Timan-Pechora Basin and Rudny Altai with sippian of North America) the pylomate archocyrtids are three sub-asemblages (Rdm 1-3) that are also detailed by important and common in faunas from France (Gourmelon Afanasieva & Amon (2011). Th ey report two further assem- 1987), Turkey (Holdsworth 1973; Noble et al. 2008), USA blages from the upper Frasnian: the Polyentactinia circumretia- (Cheng 1986; Schwartzapfel & Holdsworth 1996) and eastern Trilonche (Bientactinosphaera) egindyensis assemblage, which Australia (Aitchison 1988; Aitchison & Flood 1990) as are to occurs in the middle and upper Frasnian of the Southern a lesser extent the popofskyellids. Nonetheless, the zonation Urals, Northern Mugodzhary, and Rudny Altai and the is a work in progress and later researchers are encouraged to Trilonche (Bientactinosphaera) pittmani-Trilonche (Russirad) use the most recent information from studies of the taxa that kazintsovae assemblage from the Upper Frasnian of the Timan- they use for correlation. Pechora Basin. Early Famennian radiolarians include those Numerous local lower Carboniferous radiolarian biostratig- of the Tetrentactinia barysphaera-Ceratoikiscum famennium raphies have been proposed in various places such as Pyrénées assemblage from the Pripyat Depression, Evtropiny Noski in France (Gourmelon 1987), the Rheno-Hercynian Zone in of the Malaya Pechora allochthon of the western slope of the Germany (Won 1983; Braun 1990; Braun & Schmidt-Effi ng northern Urals, Southern Urals, and northern Mugodzhary; 1993; Won & Seo 2010), Pre-Caspian Basin and southern the Tetrentactinia barysphaera-Retientactinosphaera magnifi ca Urals (Afanasieva et al. 2002), Oklahoma and Arkansas (Cheng assemblage from the northeastern part of the Timan-Pechora 1986; Schwartzapfel & Holdsworth 1996), Nevada (Murchey Basin the Tetrentactinia barysphaera-Caspiaza spinifera assem- 1990), Sibumasu block (Wonganan et al. 2007), and South blage from the Lemvin Zone of the Polar Urals the Haplen- China block (Wang & Kuang 1993; Wu et al. 1994). Many of tactinia alekseevi-Haplentactinia vilvaensis assemblage from these biostratigraphies were established as assemblage zones for the western slope of the Middle Urals and the Tetrentactinia which ages are well controlled by correlation with conodont barysphaera-Holoeciscus auceps assemblage from the northern zones. Th e age reliability and the number of localities diff er slope of the Caspian Depression. Tetrentactinia barysphaera is signifi cantly between the lower and upper Carboniferous. a common element in most of these assemblages. Th ere are important facies controls on the assemblages pre- sent and diff erence between assemblages from diff erent water depths and paleolatitudes. Early Carboniferous radiolarians EARLY CARBONIFEROUS: commonly occur in both shallow and deep water sediments in RISE OF THE ALBAILLELLARIANS the continental shelf, and with notable exceptions in eastern Australia (Aitchison 1988) and SE Asia (Spiller 1996) they Five families are discriminated within the Order Albaillellaria appear to be less common in pelagic sediments. Th us, we will (De Wever et al. 2001). Of these, the families Albaillellidae attempt to explain faunal diff erences in a manner that seeks and Follicucullidae are used to establish the Carboniferous to clarify the reliability and the age control. and Permian biozones. Members of the Albaillellidae such as Protoalbaillella evolved in the Late Devonian and diversi- fi ed in the Carboniferous. Many faunas have been described Th e base of the Tournaisian is currently positioned by the from Europe, North America, Australia, SE Asia and China. fi rst appearance of the conodont Siphonodella sulcata within Initial descriptions of key taxa are contained in the numerous the evolutionary lineage from Siphonodella praesulcata to works of Defl andre who introduced Albaillella (Defl andre S. sulcata (Paproth et al. 1991), although the GSSP position 1952; 1963a, b; 1964; 1973a, b; Caulet 2013). On the other needs to be re-located in the stratotype or a new stratotype

512 GEODIVERSITAS • 2017 • 39 (3) Paleozoic radiolarian biostratigraphy zonation

Time Scale Creator 7.0 Chart Standard Chronostratigraphy Ma Period Epoch Age/Stage

300 Tormentum protei P. bulbosa Tormentum pervagatum T. protei T. 305 Late Penn. ovian Kasim- P. bulbosa P.

P. desmoinesiensis – P. annulata pervagatum T. 310

P. nodosa Moscovian 315 Middle Penn. P. desmoinensis P. spp.

) nyatvica

Albaillella pennata nodosa P. 320 Polyentactinia

Bashkirian Oklahoma, USA Early Penn. Latentifistula tailleurense Schwartzapfel & Holdsworth (1996) Pseudoalbaillella (

325 Latentifistula baumgartneri – Circulaforma robusta spp. Albaillella nazarovi impella Parafollicucullus 330 Late Miss.

Serpukhovian Albaillella rockensis – Latentifistula impella Latentidiota Latantifistula spp. Albaillella furcata – Albaillella pennata Ormistonella hickoryensis I.Z. Albaillella cartalla Albaillella cartalla – Albaillella furcata I.Z. 335 Gp. CARBONIFEROUS Albaillella undulata cartalla

Palaeolithocyclia rota Cyrtisphaeractenium Albaillella A. paradoxa

340 spp. Circulaforma robusta Circulaforma Visean

Middle Miss. Albaillella undulata Gp.

345 Quarapesus Albaillella indensis spp. Albaillella perforata 350

Albaillella deflandrei Albaillella turgida Albaillella pseudoparadoxa Ceratoikiscum quinquestellatum Ceratoikiscum avimexpectans Lapidopiscum Albaillella indensis

Albaillella paradoxa Stigmosphaerostylus ormistoni Albaillella cornuta

355 media P. Early Miss. P. deflandrei P. Tournaisian

Albaillella 1 Glanta crinerensis – Protoalbaillella media A.Z. Protoalbaillella deflandrei – Holoeciscus spp. Concurrent R.Z.

FIG. 5 . — Twenty assemblages presently recognized from the Carboniferous in stratigraphic order are the: Albaillella 1, Albaillella paradoxa –Stigmosphaerostylus ormistoni, Albaillella pseudoparadoxa, Albaillella defl andrei, Albaillella perforata, Albaillella indensis, Albaillella undulata Gp., Palaeolithocyclia rota, Albaillella cartalla, A. rockensis-Latentifi stula impella, Albaillella nazarovi, Latentifi stula baumgartneri-Circulaforma robusta, Latentifi stula tailleurense, Albaillella pennata, P. nodosa, P. desmoinesiensis-P. annulata, P. bulbosa, Tormentum pervagatum, Tormentum protei, and Latentifi stula crux assemblages. section should be designed for lithologic and reworked issues (Trilonche palimbola, Stigmosphaerostylus variospina, Astro- at the stratotype (Kaiser 2009). Radiolarians occur across the entactinia stellata, Astroentactinia multispinosa) and Archo- Devonian-Carboniferous (Famennian-Tournaisian) boundary in cyrtiidae (Archocyrtium, Cyrtisphaeractenium, Pylentonema) Th ailand (Saesaengseerung et al. 2007a; Wonganan et al. 2007), occur across the Devonian-Carboniferous (D-C) boundary but no applicable zones have been proposed. A radiolarian in Th ailand (Saesaengseerung et al. 2007a; Wonganan et al. zone correlative to some of the Tournaisian conodont S. sul- 2007). In terms of zonation we retain the Albaillella 1 zone cata, S. dublicata and S. sandbergi zones is “the Entactiniidae of Holdsworth cited in Cheng (1986), the base of which is gen. et sp. indet. Zone” in Pre-Caspian Basin (Afanasieva & marked by the FA of Cyrtisphaeractenium and the top by the Amon 2009). Th e preservation of the specimens from the FA of Albaillella. Th e next conodont zone above the Sipho- Entactiniidae gen. et sp. indet. Zone shown in Afanasieva nodella sandbergi Zone is the lower Siphonodella crenulata (2000: pl. 130, fi gs 24-28) are so poor as to be unusable for Zone. Th e radiolarian zones correlative to this conodont zone any correlative radiolarian zone. We note that entactinarians are the Stigmosphaerostylus ormistoni Zone (Entactinia in the

GEODIVERSITAS • 2017 • 39 (3) 513 Aitchison J. C. et al.

original paper) (Afanasieva & Kononova 2009) and Albaillella the A. indensis group Assemblage. Wonganan et al. (2007) paradoxa Zone (Won & Seo 2010). Th e Stigmosphaerostylus divided the lower-middle Visean radiolarian biostratigraphy ormistoni Zone includes Belowea tenuistesta, Trilonche altasu- into the A. indensis group Assemblage and Palaeolithocyclia leata, T. linquidombarfructa, Stigmosphaerostylus inaequoporosa, rota Sub-assemblage of the Albaillella cartalla-Albaillella fur- S. ormistoni, S. rostriformis, S. vulgaris, and Palacantholithus cata furcata Assemblage, and subsequently Palaeolithocyclia stellatus. Like many faunas across the D-C boundary, this rota (Won) appeared in the lower-middle Visean. Earlier work assemblage does not include Albaillella. Th e oldest known in Europe and North America recognized the signifi cance of Albaillella is the Albaillella paradoxa group whose fi rst oc- the Albaillella undulata Group at stratigraphic levels between currence is correlated to the Lower Siphonodella crenulata these early Visean assemblages (Holdsworth & Jones 1980; conodont Zone, dated as middle Tournaisian. Th e A. paradoxa Cheng 1986). Palaeolithocyclia is known as the oldest fl at group includes A. paradoxa, A. pseudoparadoxa, A. brauni, radiolarian with a concentric internal structure A. tuboforma, A. crenulata, and A. gracilifroma according to Th e Visean witnesses the fi rst appearance of the Order La- Won & Seo (2010), and thus A. paradoxa group has a longer tentifi stularia, which were formerly referred to as “stauraxon range from the middle Tournaisian to middle Visean than the radiolarians” and continue through to the earliest Triassic. Th is A. paradoxa in the sense of Won & Seo (2010) in the middle interval is also characterized by the diversifi cation of Latenti- Tournaisian (Won 1991; Park & Won 2012). Th e A. paradoxa fi stulid precursors such as Tetragregnon and Staurentactinia, Zone of Braun & Schmidt-Effi ng (1993) corresponds to the which fi rst appeared as early as the Famennian (Schwartzap- A. paradoxa and lower part of the A. pseudoparadoxa zones of fel & Holdsworth 1996; Afanasieva 2000), as well as many Won & Seo (2010). Radiolarians of the A. paradoxa group, genera (Tetratormentum, Latentifi sula, and its junior synonyms are commonly found in France and Germany (Won & Seo Ouaka, Trilacertus, and Wonia [itself a replacement name for 2010) and to a lesser extent in North America (Harwood & the junior homonym Scharfenbergia] that diversifi ed in the Murchey 1990), eastern Australia (Aitchison 1988; Aitchison & Visean. Such forms are common in Russia, USA, Germany Flood 1990), south China (Zhang & Feng 2002; Wang et al. France and East Asia (Ormiston & Lane 1976; Nazarov & 2012), Turkey (Noble et al. 2008) and SE Asia (Spiller 1996; Ormiston 1983a, 1985a, 1986; De Wever & Caridroit 1984; Jasin & Harun 2001; Wonganan et al. 2007). Sashida & Tonishi 1986; Yao et al. 1993; Feng et al. 2006). In An evolutionary descendant of A. paradoxa sensu stricto, addition, approximately 30 out of 100 described Albaillella A. pseudoparadoxa has been recorded from South China, species appeared in the Visean. Th ailand, Germany, and Oklahoma (Schwartzapfel & Holds- worth 1996; Wonganan et al. 2007; Won & Seo 2010; Wang et al. 2012). Th e appearance of A. pseudoparadoxa may be Th e formal stage name for the uppermost lower Carbon- related to diversifi cation of Albaillella or the development of iferous (= upper ) is designated as the Ser- radiolarian-bearing strata in the late Tournaisian. Th e upper pukhovian. Th is can be correlated to the upper Chesterian Tournaisian is divided into the upper A. pseudoparadoxa, A. de- in North America (Davydov et al. 2012: 605) and lower fl andrei, A. perforata, and the lower A. indensis-Palaeolithocyclia in Western Europe (Heckel & Clayton 2006). rota zones by Won & Seo (2010), or alternatively the upper Th e base of the Serpukhovian is tentatively placed at the A. paradoxa group, A. defl andrei Zone, and the lower to mid- fi rst appearance of the conodont species Lochriea ziegleri, dle A. indensis zones by Braun & Schmidt-Effi ng (1993). and the Visean-Serpukhovian transition coincides with a Both zonations were established in Germany, but similar major glaciation event in Gondwana (Davydov et al. 2012). biozones to those of Braun & Schmidt-Effi ng (1993) are also Limited Serpukhovian radiolarian localities are known from recognized in South China (Wang et al. 2012) and Th ailand Oklahoma (Cheng 1986; Schwartzapfel & Holdsworth (Wonganan et al. 2007). 1996), Germany (Braun & Schmidt-Effi ng 1993), the Precaspian Basin (Afanasieva & Amon 2009), and South VISEAN China (Wang & Yang 2011). Th e lowermost Serpukhovian Th e base of the Visean is defi ned by the fi rst appearance of the is correlated to the uppermost part of the Visean radiolar- fusulinid Eoparastaff ella simplex in the lineage Eoparastaff ella ian zones such as the Albaillella rockensis Zone in Germany ovalis-Eoparastaff ella simplex (Devuyst et al. 2003). Radiolarian (Braun & Schmidt-Effi ng 1993), Latentifi stula impella- biostratigraphy is indirectly correlated to fusulinid zones via L. turgida Abundance Zone in South China (Wang & Yang conodont zones. Th e Tournaisian-Visean boundary (TVB) 2011), and Albaillella furcata rockensis-Latentifi stula impella is placed below the base of the conodont Pseudognathodus group Assemblage in Th ailand (Wonganan et al. 2007). homopunctatus Zone (Gnathodus in the original paper). Th e Like the Visean faunas the early Serpukhovian radiolar- direct correlation between conodonts and radiolarians is ians include common species in these regions, but most confi rmed in that the TVB is placed within the Albaillella parts of the Serpukhovian are characterized by endemism indensis group Assemblage (Wonganan et al. 2007). Although between diff erent regions (Oklahoma and Pre-Caspian). In the A. indensis group is also grouped with A. indensis, A. per- Oklahoma, Schwartzapfel & Holdsworth (1996) proposed forata perforata and Albaillella perforata brauni (synonym of the Latentifi stula (Trilacertus) baumgartneri-Circulaforma A. indensis brauni) (Won 1991; Won & Seo 2010), Wonganan robusta Zone, which is characterized by Albaillella nazarovi et al. (2007) placed the A. perforata group Assemblage below and other Albaillella species. In the Precaspian Basin, three

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zones (Caspiaza spp.-Astroentactinia paronae, Caspiaza the co-occurring lower to middle Moscovian conodont calva-C. aculeata, and Caspiaza spp.-Bientactinosphaera Gondolella clarki (Nestell et al. 2012). Th e Latentifi sula acnigma zones) were proposed (Afanasieva & Amon 2009). (Scharfenbergia) tailleurense Assemblage provides a reli- Th e genus Caspiaza is considered to have evolved from Pyl- able basal zone as this species occurs with the entonema by reduction of spines and the development of age-diagnostic conodont noduliferus robust skirts (Afanasieva 1986, 1993), but this evolution- (Holdsworth & Murchey 1988). ary trait is not yet confi rmed. Diverse Albaillella-species such as A. cartalla, A. cylindrica group, A. spinosa group MOSCOVIAN and A. lanceolata group of Schwartzapfel & Holdsworth Th is stage is important because provincialism amongst (1996: 52-86) became extinct by the Serpukhovian. Th e conodont faunas is so much more signifi cant such that Serpukhovian-Bashkirian (lower-upper Carboniferous) correlation between even the Donets and Moscow basins boundary may be an important biotic event for radiolar- (Schmitz & Davydov 2012) is not possible. Th e base of the ians as pointed by Afanasieva & Amon (2006), but this Moscovian is tentatively determined by the fi rst appearance assumption in fact could be an artifact of very poor fossil of the conodonts Idiognathoides postsulcatus, Declinognatho- records amongst both Serpukhovian and Bashkirian radio- dus donetzianus or Diplognathodus ellesmerensis (Nemyrovska larians (Suzuki 2016: 25). et al. 1999; Wang et al. 2011a; Alekseev & Task Group 2013). Th e stratigraphic positions of these bioevents are signifi cantly diff erent such that the same conodont fauna is UPPER CARBONIFEROUS assignable to both the upper Bashkirian and lower Moscovian depending on which opinions are applied. Th e Moscovian In contrast to the rich occurrences of early Carboniferous is correlated with the upper Atokan and Desmoinesian in radiolarians, reports of Late Carboniferous (Pennsylva- North America and the middle to upper in nian) radiolarians are patchy from Japan (Ishiga 1982), Western Europe (Heckel & Clayton 2006). Limited reli- the South Urals (Isakova & Nazarov 1986; Nazarov 1988; able occurrences of Moscovian radiolarians are known as Nazarov & Ormiston 1993), and mid-continental North the Pseudoalbaillella nodosa Zone of Ishiga (1982, 1986, America (Holdsworth & Murchey 1988; Nestell et al. 1990) in Japan, and the P. nodosa and P. desmoinesiensis- 2012). Th e upper Carboniferous to the lower Permian are P. annulata zones of Nestell et al. (2012) in mid-continental predominantly dated using the biozones established in Japan North America. Another Moscovian Polyentactinia nyatvica (Ishiga 1986, 1990), but it is noted that little age controls Assemblage dated using ammonoids is reported from the was available for use as tie points in this interval. In the Prikolyma region in eastern Russia (Nazarov & Ormiston Late Carboniferous provincialism progressed in variable 1993: 30). Th e P. nyatvica Assemblage is marked by an marine biota including ammonoids and conodonts, and absence of any albaillellarians possibly representing some subsequently high resolution correlation even amongst the sort of facies control. same biota becomes diffi cult (Davydov et al. 2012). Possibly in relationship to this progressive marine biota provincial- ism, upper Carboniferous radiolarian faunal compositions Th e Kasimovian roughly corresponds to the Missourian in diff er between Japan, the South Urals and mid-continental North America and the major part of in Western North America. Europe. Th e base of the Kasimovian is the subject of discus- sion relating to the fi rst appearances of various conodonts: BASHKIRIAN Idiognathodus sagittalis, I. turbatus, and I. heckeli (Ueno & Th e base of the Bashkirian is defi ned by the fi rst appearance Task Group 2014). Diff erences are critical in that the fi rst of the conodont Declinognathodus noduliferus sensu stricto appearances of I. turbatus, and I. heckeli are placed ap- (Lane et al. 1999). Th e Bashkirian is correlated with the proximately one substage higher than the traditional base Morrowan and the lower Atokan in North America and of the Kasimovian. Radiolarians considered to be Kasimo- the Namurian and the lowermost Westphalian in Western vian have been reported as the Haplodiacanthus-Albaillella Europe (Heckel & Clayton 2006). Th e “Namurian” radio- Assemblage from the Cis-Ural (Afanasieva et al. 2002) larian fauna including Albaillella pennata, Ceratoikiscum and the Pseudoalbaillella bulbosa Assemblage from Japan tricancellatum and Popofskyellum undulatum was reported (Ishiga 1982). According to Afanasieva et al. (2002), the from goniatite limestone bands in Staff ordshire and Der- Haplodiacanthus-Albaillella Assemblage was found in “Bed byshire (Holdsworth 1966, 1969a), but correlation of 4” in which the fusulinid “Triticites arcticus Zone” co-occurs. this fauna might now be extended to the Visean on the We note that this fusulinid Assemblage from this horizon basis of the total range of A. pennata (e.g. Wonganan et al. was not associated with Schellwienia arctica (Chuvashov & 2007). Th e Pseudoalbaillella nodosa (note: Parafollicucul- Chernykh 2002: 32), although T. arcticus is now regarded lus should replace Pseudoalbaillella following synonymies as S. arctica and this species is used as a Kasimovian marker detailed in this volume) Assemblage of Ishiga (1982, 1986, (see the synonym list in Blazejowski et al. 2006). However, 1990) was initially correlated with the “upper Atokan”, this Bed 4 is a critical horizon because Chernykh et al. which is now correlated with the Moscovian because of (2006) pinned the interval of Bed 4 as the Kasimovian-

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Gzhelian boundary and it is a potential candidate for the Th e Gzhelian assemblage from San Salvador Patlanoya, base of the Gzhelian. Th e exact occurrence horizon of the Mexico is also well dated by the conodont Streptognathodus Haplodiacanthus-Albaillella Assemblage is uncertain because bellus, an early Gzhelian marker, although this assemblage is later publication has not indicated this occurrence in the not formally named due to poor species composition regard- Usolka section (e.g. Chernykh et al. 2006). Th erefore, this less of its excellent preservation (Caridroit et al. 2002). As radiolarian assemblage should be regarded as “an assemblage mentioned previously, a known Gzhelian radiolarian fauna that occurs around the Gzhelian-Kasimovian boundary” is the Pseudoalbaillella bulbosa Assemblage of Ishiga (1982, rather than “a Kasimovian assemblage.” 1986, 1990). Th is age is also supported by the co-occurrence Th e Pseudoalbaillella bulbosa Assemblage is dated by the of the Gzhelian Streptognathodus fauna in the Pope succes- occurrence of Streptognathodus elongatus and the absence sion, British Columbia (Orchard et al. 2001). Th e top of this of Idiognathoides sinuatus and Neognathodus roundyi. Th e assemblage appears to be placed above the Carboniferous- fi rst occurrence of P. bulbosa (Ishiga 1982: table 1, sample Permian boundary (Gzhelian- boundary) based on 91) is placed signifi cantly higher than that of “S. elongatus” correlation using ΣREE chemostratigraphy in the Bacheng (sample 58). Since “Streptognathodus elongatus” has been section, South China (Zhang et al. 2002). Provincialism subdivided into S. bellus, S. elongatus, S. postelongatus, S. con- amongst conodont and fusulinid faunas is highly enhanced strictus, S. longissimus, and S. postconstrictus (Boardman et al. by the middle Gzhelian (Schmitz & Davydov 2012), suggest- 2009: fi g. 48), correlation of P. bulbosa needs revision, fol- ing probable provincialism in radiolarian faunas. Gzhelian lowing the modern taxonomic scheme applied to conodonts. radiolarian assemblages contain rare taxa in common, but Given that the “S. elongatus” of Ishiga (1982) includes all the cause of diff erences is not easily interpreted because their these current species, the fi rst occurrence of P. bulbosa has assignable age, paleogeographic position, and depositional to be regarded as Gzhelian or younger because the fi rst oc- settings diff er to various degrees. However, the P. bulbosa currence of the oldest “S. elongatus”, S. bellus is placed in Assemblage with the representative species appears to have the upper Gzhelian. In conclusion, little is known about been widely distributed in the eastern Peri-Tethys and the low typical Kasimovian radiolarian faunas. latitudinal Panthalassa Ocean (Wang et al. 1998; Metcalfe et al. 1999; Orchard et al. 2001; Shimakawa & Yao 2006; GZHELIAN Saesaengseerung et al. 2007b; Xie et al. 2011; Nestell & Th e base of the Gzhelian is tentatively determined by the fi rst Blome 2015), showing a widely common paleo-province occurrence of the conodont Idiognathodus simulator sensu in these oceans. stricto in its potential lineage Idiognathodus eudoraensis- I. simulator (Ueno & Task Group 2014). Th e Gzhelian is correlated with the Virgilian except in its lowest part as well as PERMIAN with the upper Stephanian and Autunian in Western Europe (Ueno & Task Group 2014). Gzhelian radiolarian faunas Albaillellids continued to diversify until the end of the Per- are reported from China (Zhang et al. 2002), Japan (Ishiga mian and provide the key taxa in biozonations (Fig. 6). Th e 1982), Mexico (Caridroit et al. 2002), and the South Urals uppermost Paleozoic (upper Carboniferous to Permian) has (Nazarov & Ormiston 1985b; Isakova & Nazarov 1986). a well-developed radiolarian biostratigraphy initially recog- Th e biozones established in the South Urals are well dated nized in accretionary terranes in Japan and now also studied using co-occurring conodonts and fusulinaceans in the same in China (Ishiga 1986; Kuwahara 1997; Yao & Kuwahara sections (Isakova & Nazarov 1986). 2004; Shimakawa & Yao 2006; Wang & Yang 2007; Zhang Th e Tormentum pervagatum Assemblage is correlated to et al. 2014) and elsewhere in SE Asia (Jasin 1994; Jasin et al. the middle Gzhelian (the Pavlovoposadian in the 1995) are fairly well constrained for some intervals by the Province) based on the correlative fusulinid Jigulites jigu- conodont zonal scheme (e.g. Ma et al. 2016). Th e zonation lensis Assemblage (Davydov et al. 2010) and the conodont is also applicable to both North (Murchey 1990; Blome & Streptognathodus ruzhencevi Assemblage (Sobolev & Nakrem Reed 1992; Nestell & Nestell 2010) and South America (Ling 1996). Th e Tormentum protei Assemblage is correlated with et al. 1985) as well as Russia (Nazarov & Ormiston 1985b). In the upper part of the middle Gzhelian by reference to the light of additional observations from the Urals and Th ailand fusulinid Daixina sokensis Assemblage and the conodont Caridroit in De Wever et al. (2001) suggested further modi- Streptognathodus elegantulus-Streptognathodus elongatus As- fi cations to the zonation and these are incorporated herein. semblage. Th e D. sokensis Assemblage of Isakova & Nazarov Before the Permian radiolarian biozones are explained (1986) is associated with Daixina enormis, D. sokensis, and the historical evolution of terminology applied to subdivi- Pseudoschwagerina robusta (Schwagerina in the original pa- sion into Series merits discussion. Harland et al. (1989) a per) such that the T. protei radiolarian assemblage covers the widely applied geologic timescale at the time, subdivided interval from the lower Noginskian to Melekhovian regional the Permian into two series, namely the Rotliegendes and stages in the Boreal Province. As explained in the Permian Zechstein (relevant to Lower and Upper series), whereas the section in this paper, the basal part of the Latentifi stula International Commission on Stratigraphy ratifi ed three crux Assemblage is placed in the uppermost Gzhelian and series, namely the , and lowermost Asselian. (relevant to Lower, Middle and Upper series) to the Permian

516 GEODIVERSITAS • 2017 • 39 (3) Paleozoic radiolarian biostratigraphy zonation

Time Scale Creator 7.0 Chart Standard Chronostratigraphy Ma Period Epoch Age/Stage Paleotethys + Japan/Shelfal Panthalassic 250 Triassic Early Changh- Neoalbaillella optima Albaillella levis singian Neoalbaillella ornithoformis Albaillella flexa Albaillella excelsa Albaillella triangularis 255 Albaillella levis – Albaillella excelsa N. grypa Albaillella protolevis N. optima N. gracilis Foremanhelena triangula A triangularis A. levis Lopingian

Wuchiapingian Albaillella yamakitai 260 N. ornithoformis

Fo. charveti Copicyntra sp. G A. protolevis Fo. scholasticus sp.

Follicucullus ventricosus – Latentifistula densa A.

Fo. porrectus A. yamakitai 265 Fo. monacanthus P. bella Hegleria mammifera – Latentifistula texana P. fusiformis F. porrectus F. F. scholiclasticus F. 270 P. globosa F. monocanthus F. P. yanaharaensis P. A. foremanae

275 P. globosa P. P. fusiformis P. P. sakmarensis P. P. elongata P. P. longtanensis P. 280 A. sinuata PERMIAN P. scalprata m. rhombothoracata Ruzhencevispongus uralicus A. foremanae A. asymmetrica Tetragregnon reconda elegans P. 285 Polyentactinia lautitia ornatus P.

CisuralianArcoclathrata crassiclathrata Guadalupian Quinqueremis arundinea

Rectotormentum fornicatum scalprata rhombothoracata P.

290 lomentaria P.

Tormentum circumfusum – Stigmosphaerostylus pycnocladus u-forma P. P. sakmarensis P. lomentaria Helioentactinia ikka – P. perforata Tetragregnon vimineum – Copiellintra diploacantha

295 P. u-forma – P reflexa

Asselian P. bulbosa (part) Latentifistula crux

FIG. 6 . — Thirty-four assemblages presently recognized from the Permian in stratigraphic order are the: Latentifi stula crux, P. u-forma-P. refl exa, Tetragregnon vimineum-Copiellintra diploacantha, P. lomentaria-P. sakmarensis, Helioentactinia ikka-P. perforata, Tormentum circumfusum-Stigmosphaerostylus pycnocladus, Rectotormentum fornicatum, Arcoclathrata crassiclathrata-Quinqueremis arundinea, Polyentactinia lautitia, Tetragregnon reconda, P. scalprata m. rhombothora- cata, Ruzhencevispongus uralicus, A. foremanae, P. globosa, P. fusiformis, P. bella, Hegleria mammifera-Latentifi stula texana, Fo. monacanthus, Fo. porrectus, Fo. ventricosus-Latentifi stula densa, Fo. scholasticus, Fo. charveti, Copicyntra, Albaillella yamakitai, Foremanhelena triangula, Albaillella protolevis, Albaillella levis-Albaillella excelsa, Neoalbaillella ornithoformis, and Neoalbaillella optima assemblages with the Albaillella triangularis, Albaillella fl exa, Albaillella excelsa and Albaillella levis recognized in east Asia amongst the latter two zones.

(Henderson et al. 2012). Th us, the lower Permian and up- CARBONIFEROUSPERMIAN BOUNDARY per Permian do not always mean the same ages in diff erent GZHELIANASSELIAN BOUNDARY timescales. To avoid such confusion, we use Cisuralian, Guadalupian and Lopingian. Th e start of the Permian is defi ned by the fi rst occurrence of Th e accuracy of age assignments for radiolarian assemblages the conodont Streptognathodus isolatus in the Aiadalarash Creek is variable. Radiolarian ages for the Cisuralian to the upper section as GSSP (Davydov et al. 1998). Th is ratifi ed Carbonif- Guadalupian are well controlled in the South Urals using erous-Permian (C-P) boundary is slightly lower than traditional both conodonts and fusulinids. Th e southern Ural sections fusulinacean and ammonoid boundaries. Th e C-P boundary lies also have the advantage of GSSP candidates. Amongst con- within the Pseudoalbaillella bulbosa Assemblage in China and the temporaneous radiolarian assemblages in the east Peri-Tethys Latentifi stula crux Assemblage in the South Urals (Nazarov & and the low-latitudinal Panthalassa Ocean, there are many Ormiston 1985b; Isakova & Nazarov 1986). Isakova & Nazarov reasons why the age assignments in existing publications need (1986) depicted the L. crux Assemblage as correlating with the to be updated. Th e time interval from the upper Kungurian conodont Streptognathodus wabaunsensis Assemblage. Subsequently, of the Cisuralian to the end-Permian has now been well dated a morphotype of “Streptognathodus wabaunsensis” included in with conodonts, particularly with contributions from sections S. isolatus by Chernykh et al. (1997) and it is now correlated in China. In consideration of these diff erences in reliability with the uppermost Gzhelian (e.g. Chernykh et al. 2012). As we carefully reviewed and evaluated the age control for each it is now the key species defi ning the base of the Asselian, the radiolarian assemblage. Latentifi stula crux Assemblage clearly crosses the C-P boundary.

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ASSELIAN overlie the radiolarian-bearing red chert. Th e detrital beds Th e Asselian is correlated with the lowermost Wolfcampian with fusulinids accumulated in situ over the older chert with in North America and the Zisongian Stage of the Chuan- older fusulinids potentially being reworked into the deposi- shanian Series in China (Henderson et al. 2012). Th e As- tional sites of younger chert, or contemporary deposits. As selian radiolarian zones are known as the Latentifi stula crux these fusulinids are endemic to Chile (Douglass & Nestell and Pseudoalbaillella anfracta assemblages (Haplodiacanthus 1976; Chisaka & Corvalan Diaz 1979) and Peru (Roberts anfractus in the original paper) in the South Urals and as 1953) their age is presumed by the co-occurrence of Chala- the Pseudoalbaillella bulbosa-P. u-forma s.s. (Pseudoalbaillella roschwagerina and Triticites to be indicative of the Sakmarian u-forma morphotype I in Ishiga et al. 1984) and P. refl exa on the basis of Loeblich & Tappan (1987). Th e Sakmarian (= Pseudoalbaillella u-forma morphotype II in Ishiga et al. assignment to the P. bulbosa Assemblage contradicts other 1984) assemblages in Japan (Metcalfe 2000). Th e ages of these well-dated radiolarian assemblages that suggest the top of the radiolarian zones are, however, poorly controlled by other P. bulbosa Assemblage can be correlated within the Asselian. fossils and some contradictions in species compositions exist amongst various papers. Saesaengseerung et al. (2009) dated SAKMARIAN the same sample with P. bulbosa, P. u-forma s.s., and P. refl exa Th e GSSP candidates for the base of the Sakmarian are the using a co-occurring conodont Streptognathodus constrictus fi rst occurrence of the conodont Sweetognathus merilli in the Chernykh & Reshetkova (note: this is not the same form Kondurovsky section, in the South Urals (Chuvashov et al. that was described using this species name by Wardlaw et al. 2002) or that of the conodont Mesogondolella uralensis in in Boardman et al. 2009) from a quarry section in Th ailand, the Usolka, in the South Urals (Schmitz & Davydov 2012). indicating assignment to the middle Asselian (Chernykh 2006). Th e Sakmarian is correlated with the lower Wolfcampian in Ishiga et al. (1984) placed the P. u-forma s.s. Assemblage and North America, and the Longlinian Stage of the Chuansha- the overlying P. refl exa Assemblage in the Cisuralian, but these nian Series in China. Th e radiolarian zones correlative to the two assemblages are from diff erent blocks, which are separated Sakmarian are the Pseudoalbaillella lomentaria Assemblage by a signifi cant fault. If we refer to several conodont studies in East Asia (Metcalfe 2000; Jasin & Harun 2001) and four (Chernykh 2006; Boardman et al. 2009), the lower block zones in the Southern Urals (Amon & Chuvashov 2002). with P. u-forma s.s. contains apparent Carboniferous-type Th e Sakmarian in the South Urals is divided into the Tetra- Streptognathodus and typical Gondolella (sensu stricto), whereas gregnon vimineum-Copiellintra diploacantha, Helioentactinia the upper block with P. refl exa Assemblage should be middle ikka-Pseudoalbaillella perforata (Haplodiacanthus perforatus Asselian (following Saesaengseerung et al. 2009). Th e age in the original paper), and Tormentum circumfusum-Stig- assigned to the P. anfracta Assemblage and the taxonomy of mosphaerostylus pycnocladus (Entactinia pycnoclada in the this species are to a certain extent problematic. According to original paper), Rectotormentum fornicatum Assemblages Amon (1999), it is likely that the P. anfracta Assemblage can in chronological order (Amon & Chuvashov 2002; Kozur be dated using conodonts and ammonoids, but it is uncertain 1981; Nazarov & Ormiston 1985b; Nazarov 1988; Isakova without the original data. P. anfracta was assigned to the Art- 1998; Afanasieva 1999). Th e lower three radiolarian zones inskian using the fusulinid Pseudofusulina concavutas-P. pedis- are well controlled using associated conodont, fusulinid, and sequa Assemblage (Chuvashov et al. 1999) and was considered ammonoid fossils in the sections where the type localities to have appeared in the Artinskian (Nazarov & Ormiston of these radiolarians were designated. For example, the type 1985b). As to the taxonomy, Cordey (1998) synonymized locality of the T. vimineum-C. diploacantha Assemblage is P. anfracta with Pseudoalbaillella lomentaria of Sakmarian-early designated as the lower Sakmarian interval in the Kondu- Artinskian age. No verifi able data can conclusively be used rovsky section where the candidate GSSP was proposed. Th e to give an Asselian assignment to P. anfracta. Th erefore, it is Rectotormentum fornicatum Assemblage is correlated with the concluded that: 1) the Saesaengseerung et al. (2009) sample uppermost Sakmarian by Amon & Chuvashov (2002), but should belong to the P. refl exa Assemblage because among the should be reassigned to the middle Artinskian because the three species P. bulbosa, P. u-forma, and P. refl exa the species middle Artiskian fusulinid Pseudofusulina juresanensis (see P. refl exa is the youngest fi rst appearance; 2) the type section Henderson et al. 2012) occurs below the horizon containing of P. bulbosa was apparently dated as Carboniferous; 3) the this radiolarian assemblage (Afanasieva & Zamilatskaya 1993). L. crux Assemblage correlates with the lowermost Asselian; 4) Radiolarian assemblages in the South Urals contain some the P. u-forma sensu stricto Assemblage in the type section is Pseudoalbaillella and Albaillella species. Pseudoalbaillella an- possibly Carboniferous; and (5) the P. refl exa and P. anfracta fracta ranged until the early middle Sakmarian, P. perforata, Assemblages cannot necessarily be assigned the same age. P. sakmarensis and P. nazarovi ranged from the early middle Th e top of the Pseudoalbaillella bulbosa Assemblage prob- to early late Sakmarian and Albaillella permica existed from ably lies within the lowermost Asselian. Ling et al. (1985) the early middle to late Sakmarian. Similarly, Pseudo albaillella dated this assemblage using the fusulinid Schwagerina aff . S. simplex occurs in the Cis-Urals in Sakmarian beds well-dated munaniensis, Chalaroschwagerina tarltonensis, and Triticites by ammonoids and conodonts (Kozur & Mostler 1989). tarltonensis. However, this fusulinid fauna does not directly In contrast to the well-dated assemblages in the South indicate the age of the P. bulbosa Assemblage. Th e fusulinids Urals, those in East Asia are rarely able to be dated using were obtained from the upper detrital calcareous beds, which other fossils. Th e Pseudoalbaillella lomentaria Assemblage was

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reported from the eastern Peri-Tethys and the low latitudinal Age control for radiolarian zones from the eastern Peri- Panthalassa pelagic sediments. If one follows Cordey’s (1998: Tethys and the low latitude Panthalassa Ocean need to be 34) synonymy of Holdsworthella permica and Haplodiacanthus carefully examined. For instance, correlation of Pseudoalbaillella anfractus with Pseudoalbaillella lomentaria, this assemblage scalprata, P. scalprata m. rhombothoracata, and their relevant can be assigned to the Sakmarian. Even if these species are assemblages has been proposed as late Sakmarian (Yao et al. separated as independent species, P. lomentaria is commonly 2004; Jasin & Harun 2011), the Artinskian (Wang et al. associated with P. sakmarensis in Japan (Kuwahara 1992), 1994; Spiller 1996), “lower middle Permian” in Sikhote-Alin South China (Shimakawa & Yao 2006), and Malaysia (Spiller (Rudenko & Panasenko 1997), late Artinskian to the early 1996). Th is interpretation suggests that the P. lomentaria As- Kungurian (Metcalfe 2000), and Kungurian (Kozur & Mos- semblage is likely to be Sakmarian. Kozur & Mostler (1989) tler 1989; Xian & Zhang 1998). Ishiga (1986, 1990) fi gured suggested the range of P. lomentaria from the late Artinskian P. scalprata scalprata, P. scalprata m. rhombothoracata, and Al- to the early Kungurian, but they did not present any examin- baillella asymmetrica appearing in this order. Th e P. scalprata able data. However, several papers applied a very wide concept m. rhombothoracata Assemblage was dated on the basis of of P. lomentaria (e.g. Wang et al. 2012) and this may lead to co-occurrence with “Sweetognathus whitei” (Ishiga & Imoto biostratigraphic inconsitency. 1980). Subsequently, S. whitei and similar morphotypes have been subdivided into several species (e.g. Chernykh 2006) ARTINSKIAN and the species concept of S. whitei by Chernykh is applied As the term “Artinskian” has been used to represent diff erent to determine the base of the Artinskian (Henderson et al. intervals (Ritter 1986), the concept relating to “Artinskian” 2012). Following Chernykh (2006) the specimen of S. whitei needed to be checked in each case where it is applied. Th e illustrated in Ishiga & Imoto (1980) is likely to be concordant base of the Artinskian is tentatively defi ned by the fi rst oc- with the Kungurian Sweetognathus modulatus rather than his currence of the conodont Sweetognathus whitei (Rhodes) S. whitei. Murchey & Jones (1992) correlated the assemblage sensu Chernykh within the chronomorphocline of S. bino- with P. scalprata scalprata, P. scalprata postscalprata and P. elon- dosus, S. anceps to S. whitei (Henderson et al. 2012). Th e gata using the conodont Mesogondolella intermedia a species Artinskian is correlated with the upper Wolfcampian to the that ranged from the latest Artinskian to the early Kungurian. lowermost Leonardian in North America, the lower Chihsian Murchey & Jones (1992) obtained a conodont Mesogondolella Stage of the Luodianian Series in China and Yakhtashian idahoensis from their sample with P. scalprata, P. longicornis and in the Pamirs. Th e Sakmarian-Artinskian transition roughly Albaillella asymmetrica. Although the range of M. idahoensis coincides with the end of the Glaciation III (Grossman has serious problems in relation to diff erences in taxonomic et al. 2008), and the early Permian Crisis in conodont fau- concepts amongst specialists (e.g. Kozur & Wardlaw 2010) nas with the disappearance of the Carboniferous holdovers since Mei & Henderson (2002) established a new subspecies such as Streptognathodus (Clark 1972; Ritter 1986) and the M. idahoensis lamberti, the taxonomic concept applied for the rebuilding of climate-sensitive conodont provinces world- specimen in Murchey & Jones (1992) is presumably similar wide (Mei et al. 2002) to the concept in 1980s and 1990s. Th is M. idahoensis indi- In the South Urals, three assemblage zones, namely Arco- cates the Kungurian and the lowermost Wordian (Hender- clathrata crassiclathrata-Quinqueremis arundinea (Entactino- son et al. 2012; Wardlaw & Nestell 2015). In consideration sphaera crassiclathrata in the original paper by Nazarov & of updated information on conodonts, the Pseudoalbaillella Ormiston 1985b was assigned to a new genus established scalprata, P. scalprata m. rhombothoracata, and their relevant by Afanasieva & Amon 2016), Tetracircinata reconda, and assemblages are correlative to the Kungurian or upper but Polyentactinia lautitia Assemblages (Nazarov & Ormiston not lower Artinskian. 1985b; Amon & Chuvashov 2002) have been defi ned. Ac- cording to Amon (1999), the A. crassiclathrata-Q. arundinea KUNGURIAN Assemblage can be correlated using the middle Artinskian Th e base of the Kungurian is tentatively determined by fusulinid Pseudofusulina? concavutas (or Concavutella conca- the fi rst occurrence of the conodont Neostreptognathodus vutas in Filimonova et al. 2015), the T. reconda Assemblage pnevi within the chronomorphocline of Neostreptognatho- by the latest Artinskian conodont Neostreptognathodus dus pequopensis to N. pnevi (Chernykh 2012; Henderson pequopensis, and the P. lautitia Assemblage by the late et al. 2012). Th e Kungurian is correlative to the regional Artinskian fusulinid Parafusulina solidissima which is cor- Kungurian and Ufi mian in the Russian Platform, middle to related with the upper part of the conodont S. clarki zone upper Leonardian in North America, upper Luodinian and from the middle Artinskian. Th is correlation indicates that partial Xiangboan stages of the Chihsian Series in China the last two assemblages occur in the reverse order with and Bolorian through Kubergandian to lower Murgabian the P. lautitia Assemblage being older than the T. reconda in the Pamirs (Henderson et al. 2012). Th e problems and Assemblage. Unfortunately, these assemblages yield no various proposals regarding the Kungurian are summarized Albaillellaria correlative to radiolarian assemblages from in Wang et al. (2011b). the east Peri-Tethys and the low latitudinal Panthalassa In the South Urals, a single zone namely the Ruzhence- Ocean making correlation with any zonations based on vispongus uralicus Assemblage has been reported (Amon & Albaillellaria diffi cult. Chuvashov 2002). Th is assemblage was fi rst defi ned by

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the Artinskian fauna by Nazarov & Ormiston (1986), but the Follicucullus monacanthus Zone whose base is defi ned was later correlated with the conodont Neostreptognathodus by the fi rst occurrence of F. monacanthus and the top by pnevi Zone (Chuvashov et al. 1999). Nothing is known the fi rst occurrence of F. porrectus. Th ey were dated using about the species composition of the R. uralicus Assem- co-ocurrence of the conodont J. aserrata to the lower part blage (Nazarov & Ormiston 1986), and R. uralicus is easily of the J. postserrata zones (Zhang et al. 2014). misidentifi ed (Nestell & Nestell 2010: 56). Consequently, correlation using this assemblage is diffi cult. CAPITANIAN As explained in the Artinskian part of this paper, Pseu- Th e base of the Capitanian is defi ned by the fi rst occur- doalbaillella scalprata, P. scalprata m. rhombothoracata, and rence of Jinogondolella postserrata within the morphocline their relevant assemblages are correlative to the Kungurian. from J. nankingensis through J. aserrata to J. postserrata in Th is is also supported by the occurrence of the Kungurian the upper part of the Pinery Limestone Member of the Bell fusulinid Misellina in the same sedimentary sequences of Canyon Formation, West Texas (Henderson et al. 2012). Al- the Tusurukoba Formation, Kyushu, Japan, which contains though there are no reports of radiolarians from the Pinery P. scalprata scalprata, P. scalprata scalprata, P. scalprata m. Limestone Member, the underlying Hegler Member yields rhombothoracata, P. aidensis, and Albaillella asymmetrica the Hegleria mammifera-Latentifi stula texana Assemblage (Miyamoto et al. 1997). and the overlying Lamar Limestone contains the Follicucul- Ishiga (1986, 1990) established the Albaillella sinuata and lus ventricosus-Latentifi stula densa Assemblage of Nazarov & Pseudoalbaillella longtanensis Assemblages with sections in Ormiston (1985a, b) (Nestell & Nestell 2010). Th e Reef Japan. Th ese two assemblages are roughly correlated with Trail Member that succeeds the Lamar Limestone also yields the Albaillella foremanae Zone in the Dachongling cherty rich radiolarian assemblages (Maldonado & Noble 2010). In section, South China, of Zhang et al. (2010). Th e A. forema- South China, the Capitanian is subdivided into three radio- nae Zone is fi nely correlated with the Kungurian part of the larian zones. Th e Follicucullus porrectus, F. scholasticus, and conodont Jinogondolella nankingensis gracilis Zone. Zhang F. charveti Zones. Th ey are defi ned by the fi rst occurrences of et al. (2010) and Burrett et al. (2015) reported P. scalprata F. porrectus, F. scholasticus, and F. charveti, respectively (Zhang from the Roadian, but their specimens are undoubtedly et al. 2014). Th e range of F. scholasticus is signifi cantly short diff erent species. Th e last occurrences of Pseudoalbaillella in South China, in contrast to its long range in Japan (Ni- longicornis, Albaillella asymmetrica, A. xiaodongensis, and shikane et al. 2011) and West Texas (Maldonado & Noble A. praeforemanae are placed within the Kungurian. 2010). Th e middle Capitanian experienced a strong cooling event referred to as the “Kanuma event”, which is recorded GUADALUPIAN as a high-positive carbonate carbon isotope excursion in as- Prior to ratifi cation of the GSSP for the base of the Road- sociation with the end-Guadalupian extinction of the large ian at the fi rst occurrence of the conodont Jinogondolella fusulinids such as the Verbeekininae, gigantic bivalves such nankingensis in 2001 (Henderson et al. 2012), the range of as the Alatoconchidae, and rugose corals of the Waageno- the Guadalupian was diff erent amongst authors (see Leven phyllidae (Isozaki et al. 2007). No signifi cant extinction has 2001). Guadalupian radiolarian zones using the Albaillel- been detected amongst radiolarian faunas in the Capitanian. laria are well established with reliable age controls in China Instead, many Follicucullus-species (morphological characters (Zhang et al. 2010, 2014). of which fi t with the genus Cariver) abruptly diversifi ed in the late Capitanian (Wang et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2014). ROADIAN Recognition of the Roadian is very diffi cult because formal LOPINGIAN “UPPER PERMIAN” ISSUE defi nition of the base and top of this stage uses “relatively Th is section of the paper starts with discussion of issues rare conodonts” worldwide (Leven & Bogoslovskaya 2006) regarding the subdivision scheme of the upper Permian and taxonomic and diachronous issues relating to Jinogon- and previous papers that assigned the Follicucullus japoni- dolella nankingensis and J. aserrata (Burrett et al. 2015). cus, F. scholasticus morphotype I, F. charveti, and relevant Despite these issues, a single zone, the Pseudoalbaillella zones to the “Upper Permian” on the basis of the fusulinid globosa Zone has been established (Zhang et al. 2010). Lepidolina kumaensis (Ishiga 1984; Ishiga & Miyamoto Th e base of this zone is defi ned by the fi rst occurrence of 1986). Such a correlation has been repeatedly cited for Pseudo albaillella globosa and its top is defi ned by the fi rst determination of the upper Permian in Japan (Ishiga 1986, occurrence of Pseudoalbaillella fusiformis. 1990), China (Yu 1996), North America (Blome & Reed 1995). Since the base of the GSSP was WORDIAN ratifi ed as the fi rst occurrence of the conodont Clarkina Th e base of the Wordian is defi ned by the fi rst occurrence postbitteri postbitteri in the Penglaitan Section, South China of the conodont Jinogondolella aserrata. Th e Wordian is di- (Jin et al. 2006a), the range of L. kumaensis has been revised vided into three radiolarian zones (Zhang et al. 2010; Zhang into the late Capitanian (Ota & Isozaki 2006; Kobayashi et al. 2014). Th e lower one is the Pseudoalbaillella fusiformis 2011; Kasuya et al. 2012; Ghazzay et al. 2015). Th is update Zone defi ned by the fi rst occurrence of the index species, has been followed by Wang et al. (1994), Metcalfe (2000), the P. bella Zone with the fi rst occurrence of P. bella, and and Jasin & Harun (2011).

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GUADALUPIAN-LOPINGIAN BOUNDARY for the basal part) and N. optima zones are correlated with (CAPITANIAN-WUCHIAPINGIAN BOUNDARY) the . In the Changhsingian, Kuwahara et al. Recognition of the Guadalupian-Lopingian (G-L) boundary (1998) introduced the Albaillella levis, A. fl exa, A. excelsa and by Albaillella yamakitai is an important topic (Nestell & Nes- A. triangularis Abundance zones, which are correlative to the tell 2010; Nishikane et al. 2011, 2014; Xia et al. 2005). Xia upper N. ornithoformis Zone to the entire N. optima Zone. et al. (2005) revised the concept of A. yamakitai to include Xia et al. (2004) proposed the N. optima-Albaillella lauta, Albaillella sp. G of Kuwahara (1999), and designated the G-L A. fl exa-A. angusta, A. triangularis, A. yaoi, A. degradans, and boundary with this species. On the other hand, Nestell & A. simplex subzones for the Changhsingian. Th e interval from Nestell (2010) and Maldonado & Noble (2010) rejected the the N. optima-A. lauta to the A. yaoi subzone is correlated boundary defi nition of Xia et al. (2005) although their species with the N. optima Total Range Zone. Th e A. degradans and concept of A. yamakitai follows Xia et al. (2005)’s opinion. A. simplex Zones overlie the N. optima Zone. However, these Nishikane et al. (2011, 2014) examined the type section of two zones have never been recognized since their proposal. A. yamakitai investigating radiolarian, conodont and carbon Takahashi et al. (2009) synonymized A. degradans and A. sim- isotope , and concluded that the fi rst occur- plex with A. triangularis on the basis of preservation eff ects. rence of A. yamakitai sensu stricto occurs directly belowthe Because no sections exist where identifi able radiolarians con- G-L boundary in the upper Capitanian. tinuously occur across the Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) (Feng & Algeo 2014), nothing is known about the exact fauna WUCHIAPINGIAN change across the boundary. Kuwahara (1999) placed the Follicucullus charveti-Albaillella yamakitai Zone between the fi rst occurrences of A. yamaki- tai and A. protolevis. Kuwahara et al. (2005) examined the PERMIANTRIASSIC BOUNDARY: base of the Wuchiapingian GSSP section in China to fi nd CRITICAL FAUNAL TURNOVER Foremanhelena triangula, Latentifi stula similicutis, Raciditor scalae, Ishigaum trifustis, and Triplanospongos cf. angustus, and Some studies argue that at the Permian-Triassic boundary interpreted the lack of albaillellids to indicate shallow water (PTB) there is no evidence of any marked decline in ra- conditions during sediment deposition. Wang et al. (2006) diolarian abundance or diversity (Yao 2009), whereas others established six zones from composite sections in South China. establish an important drop in taxonomic richness, both at Th eir relative age assignment is based on correlation of the genus (Kiessling & Danelian 2011) and species level (Feng & successions of assemblages between sections in South China Algeo 2014). Perhaps more remarkable is the major increase and comparison with radiolarian successions elsewhere glob- in biodiversity after the Permian-Triassic mass extinction ally. Based on revised correlation with the geologic timescale, event (De Wever et al. 2006) with radiolarians continuing the Foremanhelena triangula, A. protolevis, and A. levis-A. ex- to be an important group of organisms through Mesozoic celsa Zones are correlative with the Wuchiapingian (Xia et al. then time. 2004), although these zones need re-examination given the It is appropriate to carefully consider the dating of radiolar- near complete overlap of the nominal species ranges in the ian assemblages across PTB because “Permian radiolarians” are Gujo-hachiman section in the Mino Belt of Japan ( Nishikane found in the Induan, whereas “Triassic genera” are recorded et al. 2011). from the Changhsingian. Th e interval from the end-Permian to the earliest Triassic is an important faunal turnover from CHANGHSINGIAN the Permian-type radiolarians to the Triassic-type radiolar- Th e base of the Changhsingian is defi ned by the conodont ians. High resolution biostratigraphic work as well as faunal Clarkina wangi within the lineage from C. longicuspidata to analysis reveals the appearance of Triassic-type progenitors in C. wangi (Jin et al. 2006b). Th e taxonomy of Clarkina species the Changhsingian, the survival of the Permian-type radiolar- is very complex due to 30 described species (e.g. Mei et al. ians in the early Induan, and the demise of the Permian-type 1994; Kozur 2004), but recently Yuan et al. (2014) inte- radiolarians in the early (Kamata et al. 2007; Suzuki grated its taxonomy with morphological variations into only et al. 2007; Yamakita et al. 2007). eight species (Clarkina orientalis, C. longicuspidata, C. wangi, Radiolarians experienced mass extinction with double C. subcarinata, C. changxingensis, C. yini, C. meishanensis and extinction steps at the end-Permian (Feng et al. 2007). In C. zhejiangensis). Yao et al. (2001) examined the conodont the Changhsingian, the Latentifi stularia still evolved at the biostratigraphy in the Gujo-Hachiman section in Japan where species level and radiolarians showed high species diversity. the Lopingian radiolarian zones were established by Kuwahara Triassic genera including Paroertlispongus, Tetrapaurinella, et al. (1998). Th e fi rst occurrence of C. wangi is placed at the Paurinella and Tamonella also appeared as “progenitor horizon Gc-94 in their upper ‘GD’ section. Th is horizon is taxa” (Feng et al. 2007; Maldonado & Noble 2010; No- situated just above the fi rst occurrences of Neoalbaillella or- ble & Jin 2010). Th e fi rst step was an extinction event at nithoformis, N. grypa and N. gracilis (Kuwahara et al. 1998; the species level and the next happened at the genus level. Yao et al. 2001). Th us, the base of N. ornithoformis Zone is Th is extinction process is explained by diff erent extinction just below the Wuchiapingian-Changhsingian boundary. steps in water of diff erent depths. Just prior to the PTB, Referred to this designation, the N. ornithoformis (except radiolarians living in deep-water such as the Albaillellaria

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were fi rst decimated, then shallow-water radiolarians such REFERENCES as the Latentifi stularia started to become extinct (Feng & A FANASIEVA M. S. 1986. — Radiolarians of the family Pylenton- Algeo 2014). Accumulation of radiolarian chert, which was emidae. Paleontological Journal 3: 22-34. continuously deposited since the Late Carboniferous in the A FANASIEVA M. S. 1993. — New data on the Early Paleozoic radio- low latitudinal Panthalassa Ocean was interrupted between larian genus Caspiaza. Paleontological Journal 4: 115-118. the latest Changhsingian and the late Olenekian (Feng & A FANASIEVA M. S. 1999. — Late Carboniferous and Permian zonal Algeo 2014). 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L. (eds), Radiolaria of Giant ians include Albaillella aotearoa, Hegleria? arrowrockensis, and Subgiant Fields in Asia. Nazarov Memorial Volume. Micro- Trilonche? spoerlii (Entactinosphaera in the original paper), paleontology, Special Publication, vol. 6: 61-65. Oruatemanua triassica, O. primitiva, Hegleria mammilla, A FANASIEVA M. S. & MIKHAILOVA M. V. 2001. — Th e Domanik Triaenosphaera minuta, and Cauletella manica (Takemura & Formation of the Timan Pechora Basin: Radiolarians, Biostratig- raphy, and Sedimentation Conditions. Stratigraphy and Geological Aono 2007). Th e discussion regarding “survivors” always Correlation 9: 419-440. involves considerations and caution regarding possible “re- A FANASIEVA M. S. & AMON E. O. 2006. — Biotic crises and stages working”. No doubt arises with these assemblages because of radiolarian evolution in the . 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Ufa, Design Poly- Polyedroentactinia, Copicyntra, Hegleria and Uberinterna are graph Service Ltd: 183-186. Lazarus taxa from the Permian. A FANASIEVA M. S. & AMON E. O. 2011. — Devonian Radiolarians of Russia. Paleontological Journal 45: 1313-1532. https://doi. org/10.1134/S0031030111110013 CONCLUSIONS A FANASIEVA M. S. & AMON E. O. 2012. — Biostratigraphy and Paleobiogeography of Devonian Radiolarians of Russia. Russian Academy of Sciences, Borissiak Paleontological Institute, 280 p. Although further research will undoubtedly lead to refi nement A FANASIEVA M. S. & AMON E. O. 2016. — New radiolarian genera of the zonation discussed herein (see Appendix 1 for down- and species from the Lower Permian of the Southern Urals and loadable wall chart) we hope that this summary of the present Northern Mugodzhary. Paleontological Journal 50: 209-221. state of knowledge on Paleozoic radiolarian biostratigraphy, https://doi.org/10.1134/S0031030116020027 A FANASIEVA M. S., AMON E. 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We thank all our fellow radiolarian researchers who have, in A ITCHISON J. C. 1998. — A Lower Ordovician (Arenig) radiolarian innumerable ways, contributed to the accumulation of the fauna from the Ballantrae Complex, Scotland. Scottish Journal of Geololy 34: 73-81. https://doi.org/10.1144/sjg34010073 body of data that has allowed development of this biozona- A ITCHISON J. C. & FLOOD P. G . 1990. — Early Carboniferous tion. JA also acknowledges fi nancial support towards inves- radiolarian ages constrain the timing of sedimentation within the tigation of Early Paleozoic radiolarian evolution in the form Anaiwan terrane, New England orogen, eastern Australia. Neues of a grant from the Australian Research Council (ARC DP Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 180: 1-19. 1501013325). We also thank journal reviewers Luo Hui, A ITCHISON J. C. & MURCHEY B. L. 1992. — Th e Signifi cance and Application of Radiolaria to Terrane Analysis. , Amster- Galina and Merlynd Nestell for their careful and thorough dam, 172 p. reviews, which greatly assisted our preparation of the fi nal A ITCHISON J. C. & STRATFORD J. M. C. 1997. — Middle Devonian version of this paper. (Givetian) Radiolaria from eastern New South Wales, Australia;

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Submitted on 12 September 2016; accepted on 17 March 2017; published on 29 September 2017.


APPENDIX 1. — Downloadable Appendix: Wall chart showing Paleozoic zonation as it stands in July 2016. Calibration to Geological Time Scale of Ogg et al. (2016) made using TS Creator (https://engineering.purdue.edu/Stratigraphy/tscreator/).

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