'Itfjffe Defi-U- L St

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'Itfjffe Defi-U- L St sE RTCrUBLIC: M0ND14CY, JULY 20, 1903. Washington's two scores were due to Banta's fly nan's and Feller's work was of the clli-edj- va- - ! over rleht-flel- d fence FUo hundred Washington riciy. me score uy innings: CARDINALS WIN THE "PHiLLIES" SHORTFIELDER. FVFNTnil excursionists rooted for their team. Score: R. H. E. It. H. C Spaldlnts I 0 0 t 0 1 0 0 0 S 12 0 lENQS Iffi w J ...,r....0 o 0 0 .. 3 5 2 Stars 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 81HICTI Washington 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 (. 00 0 2 7 3 Batteries Fpaldir.Ks, HtKernan Batteries Shephard and Lowrey; and Tcittr, Kane. Goodwin and Stars. Glbsin and Ineir. GAME TENTH. 1 BASEBALL1 II mm II AMEKICAX ASSOCIATION. Aritlimiimrterst IJcfeat GItten.. $50 FOR DEFHSL gsjgi , The American Arithmoneters defeated the Git- - Milvraukre, ten lit- - tho smre nf ?il fo Tht. ?.r- - lit Indliiuiipolix, 11. lure of the some were th battery A(.rk of .J",l?aVk'- - w'"- - Jul' 13 Milwaukee had no McCullen anil Steele and tn- - fast InfleM trouble in ncain taking mo Ram-- s fnim Indlan-?p"- i. or tho v. mn.rf. Kraui of the (litters x.i lot- Hedges, a pitcher, hrl I ted off the in the fourth and was suoeil,! After Uphill Kauli- - Sniooi's Outcome of Meeting of National JnJ,anai)ll to one scratch slnsle until tho last l Itahimer. who did little better, ten runs beln? r lnnlnc in the second same. Scoies: se'4-e- i,rr af.h. The ore by Innings: August Leo of Arkansas. Form ri Double AnxUius- - FIRST GAMC. P II. E. ami Harelav's Single League Magnates J- S Louis. Fays Preju- "' Arhfcraome.ters ...0 3 0 5 0 S o 5 0 23 of St. Mlluaukro 0 ) 0 2 3 i) 0 0 Z i Ulllens l 0 0 0 3 ! 2 ) 0 6 W 7 Score Winning iiim. lv Awaited. o dice lnd!anaij!is 0 0 0 0 0 1 o o I r, i Batteries McCulIen an 1 Sl.ele; Krause. Itahi- Exists. Batteries Elliott end Wood: Xtwlln and Hy-do- mer' and CrowIe. Umpire Kelley. MICO.VD GAME. ('run ford. l)i-fe- Srl'Cl. The Crav.-fonl- the Milwaukee 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 Selects Satunlav , 10 bv tl.e sooie of 25 ti, 22 Both are mem- O'NEILL PITCHES A GGOD GAME. - wM BE PEACE OR WAR? Indianapolis o 0 o 0 ') o o o ..2 3 1 tams mm Mrnlr- WILL IT 11 ber of the Itet.111 Hrv rioo-i- txaaue. the latt-- r TO RAISE FUND FOR "JUSTICE.'1 Batteries Hvdses and Wood; Ford and Heydin. tani binc loiiipo-e- ! . f two rlajeis cf each, tatn W$h -- , vj; tn the league mm M. Paul, 1 ; Columbus, 'itfjffe Defi-u- l St. Paul, I!' :t.. W. T.'m - Minn.. Julv - r'olumhus n the lb- I ;u alt. r n cllthis- battle In thu tenth, Thn A Tiernan team dttaleii the Shows All His Old Time Speed and Elberfeltl Injunction to Ho Argued i. l.le second Herder, ''olumbus's new pitcher, leiterday at Kulace Park bv Manager of Lumber Company Of was Lit hard In th- - first four innlnss. but itt-tic- d the store f 24 to i. Curve?, and Lots the "Trolley and OtliiT Inipoi'tant .Matters down later and pitched gool Lail. Score: clares He Does Not lielieve in ' KIIU5T gash:. MImir Games. Hungers" Down Willi to lie Attended To. ItEPl'BI.IC SPECIALS. Innocence Asks St. Paul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 "' 7 'z Lord's Eight Coluir.bu3 0 12 0 Mcter:y, Mo.. July U. Moberly defeated Chllli-coth- e V OOOOOOle & hep-ir- nit. 23 12 game Trial.' Batteries Pernusun and Sullivan; Bailey and to in a cne of 'Fair Iloach. the tarseM en wds ft the reason. The heavy bat- SECOND ting of the Mcberiy team wus the fr.ly (mi GA3IB. of th- - game Batteries Mobrly. Edwards and wiife---'- Chtllicolhe. w St. 2 0 ' Cudi;;an: Sackett and Ritter. '. nnpfiiur spi:ciai 2 2 0 0 0 0 ..-- S' e ' j 1 Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 t o 0 I 7 3 &m 5i .& mm Xew York. July 18. Tlw present week Butler, Mo.. July If Butler defeated tho Ar- To insure a fair trial for "Lord" F taxdixo of Tun ci.t;n. Batteries Chech and Pierce: Bercer and Iloach. mour team of Kansas City y by promis-e- s of here the much for the future baseball. scorv of 1! to S. Barrington. the alleged murder, r rVnlfnnnl (t 17 W' tl.e K!bfeld injunction argu- Toledo, I; MlnneniioIlH, O. t I'-- t Mlnmapolls, IV 111.. 19 McCann, August Leo, manager f Club. P. v .! . v j. is to be in the Supromu Minn.. July ToUdo to.jk two Troy. July Troy defeated the Co James P. ' Pittsburg .Ti 33 SI Brock'yn .t! 3T y: .1: WM -- ; Vi- j ment heard Court cames Trom Mlnnenpolw by a Colas of St. by the sccre of 4 to 3. Bat- l..iS the first I Wm ; Iu!s J Brouk-- : ' beer., or Loyd Harris Lumber Company of New Vork.74 45 H .ill . .74 :, and a special cf t!:e Xatlonal f to 5 and the second by a sere of 4 to teries Troj. ilajes and Hess; St. Iyiuls. Larnont the Chicago .s- 4; .. , ' vi 0 both :j .. i.ii.j.. r A'llffZ, W - Crista" pltehdi sanies for Toli'.o and and Kingston. Haes struck out llfteen men. only uv-'- - ; club owners will be convened the lospunsihle Ings, Ark., will not use hU fur Cincinnati. 73 40 Si K3 il'hllnde:. 77 23 it - Milm Irfasue at war for winnlr.c both nettlnu a Victoria Hotel. nlth tno on bases In the ilr--r and allow-Ir.- c Shir.rran. III.. July 1?. Shipman defeated the but will attempt to induce St. Lou: bur - the Millers but four hits in the second. Ileis-lln- c Old Capitol Itj es to 2. Where Thej Piny y. A jrocd la! of interest centers in the spe- started to pitch tl first inra- -. but Injured ness men to put up money for the dfena s . his hanil and retired In the Cincinnati at S:. PbSM.,el; Ku at Bost.-n- ' iWu V meeting of the National League called rtlth innlnc. crlstall Trov. III.. July 13. line Oak bas'ball Club ' cial chi'-ap- cin in. The 11 good Leo ha.t New York at Hnnklyn Pltl'-bue- nt ' V$f& i . " "&$&&'' I 7A scots: the Mntlnes of Troy by the sccre cf As evidence of his faith. IllNli by President I'ulllani. as on the outcome of FIIJST GAME. to 4. Batterle- Pine Oak. Wilhelm and Elm: Tn-y- SCO He In- - of peace re- It. H. E. Dals and Young. already subscribed to tho fund. It depends the continuancu the Minnf&pclis 1 YcstcrdHj s ItrsuU. 0 0 t 0 t 0--,-. 12 C l S. Da- Tcledo 1 n 0- 1 his Corning. Ark , to lations. Tnat the pla:'!no of GeorKe 0 0 0 3 -S W Bevier. Mo.. July 19. The Burllngtons of St. structed bankers at M. l.ou!s 5. 4 iel...ia .. Plulad.l. ! when-vp- r lilt - t Bevter Chicago f. Pitt.burg 5. 7. Phllarf-- 1 ! by th- New York League club, Batteries Vasblnder and Itdwis: ReislIr.E. Iu!s placed hre with the Grays honor a draft fcr that amount vis National CrIMall :att-- -! and Kieinow. at t!. New Central Asboeiatim Pari:. The r ug 1 .- sr mad- - permission given the wen score 7 Z. Bvi-- r. was made, and notified Barrington. thr. r mL possible by the SECOND GAME. to Batteries Julius ani mt Jones: St. Liuis, Cumminsts and Tezcr. attorney. Beno Althelmcr. to that eff t stamhm: or the cn'its. H manseement by President Pulllam. be P II F his Mir.niapGlis o 0 0 0 n ft- 4' th- - ex- 0 0 0 -o 0 drew a draft on th Bar;, matter dicursed at 1 0 111.. July 13. In game of ball The latter slsht Antrr!r.lli I.enKllc. the principal Toledo 3 I J 2 Pana. a - SJiylnj,'. 0O0000 th Voro I'niTs defeated Pana fc. re 2 t'i 1. of Corning ar.d It was instant!;- h r."r"'.. p. - I '"-- 1 r-- t traordinary rocs without Thomas and I.u,;v.;K; jnd ciub. v u ri- b r. w crlstall Although he has lived in Arkaiisas for t Boston ....TS 13 17 .CIS ivtijt ...71 M 3d .451 Three of the Western National Poplar Bluff, Mo. Juiv 13. Poplar Bluff wa .73 41 31 .S5 lOl.leaso 73 34 .171 Phtladel. i - shut out b tne Nebra'k t Indtar.s The last eight years, Leo still claims St. Lou.3 . a firm stand regarding Stale- - Cleveland .7; 23 33 .'.42 St I. jis. 1 35 .441 clubs have taken Texai I.cucue. cor- w.i 3 to o. itatterl? Wagner and Murphs ; jtew York.ts Iwasi.lnc 74 23 SI 'M this acton of the lc.afiue's executive, and At Dallas: Toby and We,;art. Attendance. 1.40J. may coincide possibly two others with the.n "" tZi Dallas 0 0 0 0 0 4. Bar-- To-lin- y. .icivere which they have an- 13ft Jscksr.nrille.
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    MIAMI MARLINS (53-79) OPPONENT INFO RHP JOSÉ UREÑA (4-12, 4.50) MARLINS VS. RED SOX at DATE SITE RESULT W/L/S 4/2 MIA L,3-7 Johnson/Richards BOSTON RED SOX (90-42) 4/3 MIA L,2-4 Hembree/Guerrero LHP BRIAN JOHNSON (4-3, 4.12) 8/28 BOS 7:10 FENWAY PARK, BOSTON, MA – TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2018 – 7:10 P.M. 8/29 BOS 6:35 All Times Eastern GAME 133 | ROAD GAME 64 (22-41) | TONIGHT'S BROADCASTS TV: FSFL RADIO: WINZ (940AM) / WAQI (710AM) FISH BITES SERIES INFO 2018 at Home 0 2 Miami opens a brief two-game road trip to The Hub tonight at 7:10 p.m. against the Red Sox. RHP José Ureña will get the call for Miami; his only career start against Boston was on April 3 this season at Marlins Park, when he did not factor in the decision 2018 on Road 0 0 after allowing one run on four hits and a walk over 7.0 innings, with seven strikeouts, in a 4-2 loss. The Red Sox will counter with 2015 Series 2 2 southpaw Brian Johnson, whose only career start against Miami came the day before Ureña's start; Johnson earned the win after All-Time at Home 6 10 allowing one run on six hits and two walks, with five strikeouts, over 6.0 innings in a 7-3 victory. The Marlins are coming off a 3-3 at Sun Life Stadium 3 6 homestand against the Yankees (1-1) and Braves (2-2).
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    Volume 48—No. 1. Philadelphia, September 15, 1906. Price, Five Cents. CLEVELAND CHANCE THE LION'S SHARE TO CAPTURE A SPECIAL PURSE FOR WINNER OF THE WORLD'S WITH 1HE PENNANT. CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES. The Cleveland Club Owners Put Up The Chicago Nationals Are so Confi­ a $5000 Purse as an Incentive dent of Winning, No Matter Who For Napoleon Lajoie's Sluggers to Their Opponents, That They Will Win the American League Flag. Make No Sharing Agreements. Cleveland, °-> SePt- 13.—Messrs. John Chicago, 111., September 12.—Editor Ivilfoyl and Charles W. Somers, own­ 'Sporting- Life."—If the Chicago Na­ ers of the Cleveland Base Ball Club, tional League team gets into the on the 4th inst. an­ world's series—and noth­ nounced that they would ing- short of a miracle present $5000 to their can keep them out of players if they would the games now—there win this year's American will be no equal division League pennant. They of the receipts between had planned to make the them and the American offer two months ago, League players who op­ but demurred when pose them. One of the Bradley and other stars Cubs has spoken, and he became crippled in the seems to echo- the senti­ East. "We think we ment of every member have as good a chance of the team. "In case to land the bunting as we do land the National J, H. Kilfoyl any club in the league," League pennant and get Frank Chance said President Kilfoyl. into the world's champ­ "The race is not over by a great ways.
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