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5-12-1910 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 05-12-1910 Journal Publishing Company

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lty .Mail, Mills. Monlli; Single Copies, 5 ivnln. M. IC0,. THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1910, . THIRTY-SECON- D YEAR. Vol. CXXVI., No. 42. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW Hy t'iirrii-r- 0 cents t Munlli.

luiw .nn-- i supposed t.i have In view mu' pios-llu- ll .around him knew e,iuis'y , i l ,1 was ,1 .mil thai iw 111,' ur, 'St mm, I In in In' al ih.. ma si in mi tin, the t: riatest u m In r. should teit coiiii' position nl polltiaal nitidis. his Ii. s ,,! In RIVER WINDS iiMn this rill nv ami sin w will ROOSEVELT 10 lint shnlll.l nut lost ulit all VESSELINSTRUCT10NS WATERUSERS , i u. 'ully in,. vnllrv nl 111,' Kin :lnuml nnsiilii'al inn nl liu- knu;isi 'Inmili' in ni h i.l ih,' lala'pliant julie tli-- II h. BIG , lU'i'i-r- alaio e t it MHi llllll it. t'..j lk..l liiü in ih,. Uiim's ivi i in visit mic.lll l. irru.nlcd. I di'liy tin' rifcht in I'.iarriiz. the siaicnoni :nv- X'-v- map! l. nil ( ; t It il. fair in' .hint In "Tin' ilrsi niulit in Tails li.s ,M ,'Vii'ii tin- iivi'itiiiH'iit nl' tli'! ,1'Slv ha, a Hi'li'l'i' attack nt aiulr in STRKES JURY - 10 II ninnnrrrn l'nili',1 Slatr.s should lln- water REPRESE .lili, Sll.'ll. Willi slllisi i;ii..i: dv M'Ue".i take ur i thai in. iirs upuii our suil tnr enrich- - Mm, m rs id 1,1 a ll I i Mi his al Drmiicu .1 Mil;.-- Texas and Uti: republic of .Mrs- - rival al Kt ll it Ins del n Int.. a Ico, " brmichilio attack. iiliiii,K Ins ihsi. Mark I!, 'I in - ii. formerly dis- - ii t i at iinviih. This s.'.l I'll III. mi i, in Inula .Mm county a ml Ii in ma h si ri-- n iii.l l,. i i ia , - - i .. K y u a Inn ,.. h ill DROWN CONTROVERSY i nuil an ni In f r. ill Vri ha .i a I Mr I. us I 'riii-- s ami .M' Ml la nl Sa iiilrini: ha in wlul.. a: a tun? th. vnlb y siili' of tin- t out l o ersy ill a.n il. IE li.' '.Imi'l uddlvss on his rn in n t" .n.l.Mi. ih. st a i.'- - cunt imi.'s, ir.,in May :; thi- at- Mr. I'Imkii j siiii sa Id in.'iu :, a- -i .1. r i ' ' ill nl ,1; nyim o tacks lain a'lh.oi?h i rvr i li nt ii tin ii nl i i i cnl mi MAROONED UU1L T Wl OF DAM tli t Ii Kint; iii.vsMril u ii ii'lini; In 'PASSENGERS OPPONENTS ENGLE Thi't,' aii' a low i.l i;.-- havi' FUNERAL ltn"S oí' :y ms Tli immI.i ON Y S MURDER OR NOTHING , I'm: i tin- vaiit-- l.o- - Mi iii in town " "i m It. Im t !j. ph st i.i ns Inw tlin i ii nt Cuite dam. V,!. U ACCUSED OF SELFISHNESS mil u num. la I'.' pl'lliliitily n list, 11. Wi' ,li, mil lindel sti.'I'l Hi,' iilna nl it' nt !Mt)-r- r Details of Disastei jTom Is Instructions Leave No iliis imi tin;:. We did lint ii vsla ml Preside,;! Taft Names Mis Pre- rcvamisirr1 !' l llf-'i- i IflH il r;tf. I. llllll', Will "hat as il.'Mi-- ,1 In In linili' al lilis Seutii nn Miss-- ! Half Way Louise for Men 11 (he le hiity Miles liii'i;. ami. as was slated nil the Special Ambassador d,i,',,'s Gathering Adjourns Without Action Though Prediction Is Mac'e decessor mi- if tti,. I'ir- -t mi lilí mi Tl v ila inti i i'sii il In I Ills Si, last1 Who Must Decide hate of the tllUii It WMN hv rn:;:j issippi Reach luuis; Ii all I'i'Ifi In' build - of United States to Mumnin.:.? IUt Se.'ll Resolutions Adopted at Today's Session Will Protest 'Vml"",!;; Imi ti m w That ill '.tup' nam n- - ;;' of Dead ami Missing Kansas City Physician, t his. l i n Biitish Nation, j Plans; Strong ;;J w Bitterly Against Reclamation Service Faction,!;;;;;1; ;'(:;; ,,,;;;,:s1i.V'iv,';,T1i:.'; 1mm;i:ii.- r..pi,lh ..r- - , Tln w s. .i ;i tu ll n kh, j r.' .liiorinal S lid M Don J. i i i I H Hi l.iilnril iri'l Led hy Colonel Hopewell, George Arnot and Rankin;;;; (AI1;.;;;1;,. "u" i ii t Itis m.t.iist v t la MiirniH itilltlal Siicriiil irf ""tuu"!!:" - ,1 W as May II. All of Ihe APPOINTMENT MEETS WITH u n,,w nl rem.-iii- s. M. I liH 1. 'IH' ..111.111 Kaii. Clt.v. Action; Moderates ; .lll, Declares for More Conservative I;;;,.;:;;1.';,1',;,,.1 l;;;'íü,1'l'',n,'';Tii,,',i.Í' i'i luck il' the a 'I'm, nn a, nisei u ,,,,vv i, I,,. ,1, I. r hulla! Icslinloliv was coin pleti'll. the i tl, ad and 'hi nlher ul-- iV ti." ','.. 'w, i.'., IN oiled. Tin- , m . .mi,. ,i I ', w li Appeal to Wash- - n inn SATISFACTION ENGLAND 'Hi' a 1', Ii h oitrt's insi riiei ions ere delivered Completion of Elephant Butte Project and I'ti 1' d pet-;..- .,! Pel ill tin- nl i;i Kill pmlnlli;, perl clos-ni- i; .'nil sint'll nuil Ihal ,1 ,oi n as tie i he the jury and or." of the slate's Withdrawing Waters. "' ' ahll." In in a for Modification of Order I S Ml. aixiimeiits was delivered the 3 In the territory nl' Ni'vv .Mexico lluro; In. 'in ot "IT i i l II, d.. today. lias hi'i'ii nn mil' that has jjiyi-- mnn Parliament Pays Hk,h Tiibute to sioch ll (isi: Park. M. w cal i our mi!,, HI murder trial ii i w .a t vv nl' iv I'm' vvatms sliU'lcil tlm r a ..r liin tiini- ami his a mil imi ami hi:- iv novoi: m(. ki SI hunt II' i;i .Indue hsha 's Instructions Tl:il mi'ttiHK ri'iu'is, ntal sir.'i'lns , Louis. The a H nl Dead Kin tí and Addresses1 .ii York. Mav 'Ihe cm . i. .a iilinvi when he maile ilia mm in the liiliiiiu the w h i 11' II HI a the linv, the d physician 'nUnill'SllnllIliil.llll'1,11 iv i. Ol Nell ami Ilk il ll c lln in.llllH , .speech. Ill i led., red Millev il'es',li 111 inn eonilllilteC the Vi.ik li'l'' which he Ulan inil llnlli.l'cil i.i'-- l be of prn.i.-- t. - Congratu- i le, k mullí. uliir must found utility lirst phalli lull'' nl (he mnnn'i- ,).,. ifíLK. , .stak,- w as tin- hem-- jii..v. I.. I'liiii-i-- Hi- Condolences and lock ineuuici d ,.,l i,i rum' liriHll'or.l lias eehan.' M T Kill-- f X.nli-ahn- l alei w - ;:n- lv t'liU exchange VVniilh be ehiMil ISAM' d. uri.e eiai hich is punishable vestiiilay nficiiinm;, lerini- ,1 Ki'ciitcst. nuinher hy l he helped ns. ami ii is larm the . nal iln'i !u,in:; l.vci' New Sovereign, villa-- T. i, ii.. w He of he in of i to Incurs .Mav ',', the iia ii must ." a wai.r.s nl' the lilu ('.ranile. his at lilis lations for iwo I'Ttdav. hy il. :ii or life imprisonment of iiiilial a'. nut n'elncU, In .spilled "' 'lie hnnifcli ellni'ls that i v "iv uiut; t le- boat. the i nl Kiti KiPiard. Ihe oí,!!'..!!. ei'intisl ll ,.;' rep- - ,'Mr. MeMill, n said ill part: 'we are upun the t h hnhl nl' ihe nf the fun. nil Th" he acpiitted. nvcr !"!, uie k heilv rci ov ei cii. iv tin- H I period nl' usual iipeinriK Inuir ol la o'elm bat e Irmn this cniintv, mi "1 stat,. as truthlnliv as can prnspcrity in that vallev. 'file niissm:; al k Ibis morn 'o, f the lastiinonv- admitted In ( , em, v i, IJ .liittrtlilt Sieali,l Wla-a'- he. n put ml Ihal da.i until noon. ,.,.i,hi,', en resnlutimis. as a result hM ,,n s ,,,l,ú it. The1 "Xou. Kemle,,,..,, his em Mairnlnif were: Ihe trial was withdrawn by the eoiifl ,,U(! v - p- - inn i i w u a .May I!.- - Tl . ,,l i lliere el'e sevvral vv.ird.v i ,. ls ' said helnri, dn i,nt mhrst lid l N'a.-li- v eollnl-- m I Washiniitmi. Mrs. is, dio. T. iiu. mm III" jiirv. All the Issues ' "I'n.-ue- - tn determine what Ilai ,;, 1.S. what Villi intruded til ipi. We Pel K oo e eh h.v M A 1'. ral ihe al leued killlim of t'olimcl . liointmcnl oí I'oliiuel iss tile. Kin a. N.ishv 'I'ellli with Tile li'W licenrl-Li- III lilliellS when 'nr lea lest linen sts id the Km tin re a tllisunilerstand-illl- a, I area! special a m ., mo! oi M its WHII. .Nashv ilh . Teiin. Swope Wei,, Imilla', with this a leela- - ill Tall as faction nl' the Halheiinu, under Ihe and m diseussinn el' this inn as tn tli ntinii oi uie M I I I, I 'cla'i-so- I . liramle valh.. l t '! in S. 'I m il I, 1. .1. t" elil'i selil In I'tlili Slates a! ester niersliii nl' Itnnkin. (lenrue I rviee and ihe thai il T'lu- nee Introduced us otb-- i eslimi .shall tn l(i til" nnslthin Unit elicit uf Kini; Ktlw-nr- In I. Imi BOLD BANDITS Mr. I'ieka tl, nf St. Louis to t, W. S. Ilnpouell ami several na v upon Ule pcilple nf tl I" funeral i it ,iki is a Xevv win this to- S, i ierk of stean iriiiisaetioiis. If any. re sulmiltti'd nl' W. S. ihis ,iiesiion that interests May was officially iinixMin (', linker, lirst eiiai's, pi', seuled the name riinry. and 'n order to explain this lo i h lo vour i mislileriilioti the sole - Mexico vitally and the Kin Krande l were ex. ha n;;. I'ovv ler Knst, third fk lor I'l'Sli- I day, loc.rams tht-ai- IhipeWt'll ur the clininiitlee nil v In upon on will have lo o hack a .cw u. ui'pos.' of hp; liuhl tif they va'li particular and the hasis ' Head Knit i r. nam,' iinknuw in nppi.sil imi t.i Francis Iv m v on a last niiiht. la.iins he years little history of .a I... hav" that ell, iiiioii the Intent ami y which this iiii'stioii should deter- en l!o Tile hnal b it St. i... ais ni, lot it. W' Mr. Wni'il vvafl fleeted, prae-liiall- This is said to have ,,is; id In Is ihe siriiKfilos that have stone mi in I w 7 motive tin' (if unyl mined til" lil'ttltest hollóla to the d i ' II. .11 U lo i Pre points n Ion.; Ih relltl, S... ail nl' the unlive Irmn il ect nica inn .a fm- 1s now- vales i cutest niinili.'i' in the Kin (irande the valley nl th,. Mesilla and ask vnu Ih he transaction which he tin- fellnvv-nni- i.l. in Tall and r.ileiiel Koos.veh IN valley and lile deleyales irnlll the iinfnr-tui'al- e as lp'titlenien Inve i ROO no purpose." valley. We are I'aec.l wil h an that viuir i i v ,l ah pr,,:,-)'"- ' Inal. ami fur other ii; enmities vniim; sitlidlv ime he fiirniei's ' lien. Tli- ilver had .mule parlare suri c, million, nal with a nianniii-- '' lhat. vain will iunk upon tlmsc ... ,. ,., , ,. , Siieclal were Iveii to ' w , l v t. :,l 'n htiU'l Inpe il ed terri-ico- , ' i, s w nf the calileeratn testimony of t'o.- in the rimy. ith fav ur. and ant to till cloHKa-a- :ih, Jnrv remirditm the richest A Willi ilrillwoml I'min his Hi. nils a v WasliiiiKtiin. l:..e. . . pniclieallv' umlc-- .'.ty to Ihe world that oil will Plight m Mis and of the medical experts ' 1, is- v ,11, A I p,.'inla- - Win n ueariiu; I' boat as as yo;, ;,hle oi ii in re tu H'eil boiii sides, la Ihi'sa. vv..,S'the loped and mi the threshold of the far lln' the Irllil fell Int.. a shor. w a rd ur.i w of lie lor The leaiuie uf the allair I Hlrtl(iljles. .Ml iciiln said- si'i'iil wave of prosperity as believe, who have lived w i II w a fill,, court ,1 I e,l i ,.a w em rent hi, d ay i:, d la nil nl iina'ii harye made hy . J. Kankin shmi',1 be vi'i'v ..a wife of ihe ihdoiidiim I.i n m ,'ev Mexicn. nmice has been serv alnn ihe hanks nl the Kh ilramle ARIZONA of l he pilot Tl... "I'ia-iiaiii- d ;o t i pr, lll'Spile III.' llvil .. I!. Mc.Millell and the four-lif- as special atiiliasai' selll flelill in ease, ed upon t lis of that valley ot' liiow th U'eaiu that has Peetl call.ii ll to eoiiincicht witness this and " Kn-1- t!ie in :uia-la- l o In pre! em Ins. II di led almost ranch, uwnin.n lands at more, i is a do- - ',r;e I'uitcd Slates ..ii must consider In r tesllmon.v ill Ihal our edempt inn ::ha. Vnu kimw that .sonic w I, It a k. M., pru- - VII. it i, 'if.- Hii.t lb. Ihe bank ell Ml'llek lo, de-t- ei which the ííiiv einnient i,,;.,i'd thai we shall not take anv more ,ons (hat stream flows such a small K'iiK women, ui iciiii; at vour verdial, but in ,it 11 1, Six people, in. ludiim lour u "ill hail personal axes In t a '1 Cnulish pioule villi be trali what and cmUtbil-i- van,' trmii the Kin Ciamle lor he mount of water that is impossible v d minias yrinal vvay-c- 1, d l i Ins a ell i v. re t i .o led lo ha c I" en ilri.ii rn in the liaht which is heina l a tin-- at our presi. nctj vnu rdve to her lesliinony in pui liose of cultivation and Irrigation m irrigate any of the r.ips. lhat ial is .,ver vvai-cr- s people V ill mi- shortly r ni tus, The boat tnlfi-lu-lo lie tippraiprlation uf the I.. ml than are now already under m will dry up in lite middle nl and (bat our sll'm allí niakim; up unir viiallct. ,voii mav i oi l i, t ici prove ol il. as va t ll nn PASSENGERS RELIEVED OF said tii have sunk within live minutas In of he bii? da ni. ul: ivitt inn. This is the nucslinti tn n,,, .season and it is impossible to wa-- llave nn con. idcra tion her interest the We are not here," said .Mr. Kan-li- a notice of llilto ,'l ilml'l'lll afier II struck the ruck. she Is hieh pariieularly object. havel,,.,. th,. i v olfiliitl tlf. result of Ih" case and that the iw ields. Kverv one of mi al MONEY AMD VALUADLES il l a el', ed SI I "I, n k "I It Will ki ll'W ill ."ins w - null chestnuts nut of the lore i map mad. by the rni-;,- pas knows bill It is I'a'liurt, 'file ni b of ihe accused partv on trial, tes- lived mi th.' rivir lln- a v Ule lor viiii Mr. .Mc.MHIen. for Mr. led Males lhat sellls ill a - ',,tl!ace oil Ule ;'ll hi. lhat boat bad Kune down wis i In,; in h is behalf. ' I Hint. Voll know that I',"1';,"! M A. .holm m r for the ii, nmnl A.' The y Ol I leli'Pllolla liiesmue Irmn of experts w Im cal vil the valley of the Ki ,.N, ,,,. ,),, ,, , a, :..,...:m, a "The "I'luimis hae maj, rilv nl dolenates, .'. C.i irard. a in ca-- e is Ihe linvvevil'. Tie- '.liferent slrcatns einptylnii in' sudd, niv melts and :,,.-- . a I..1" oi this testimony vi.leii with Mr. .Mc.Millell. Km. in ' v .",'ii::,'i, which Ihe Jury slinuhl consider ami tn.' I'.ranile have been inarkcd a,,,,,, iha, b,,, v valbv n. v w Ib . - The meeting then adjourned until n so as it "J o ' 'eln pse i's elle of " ni mina , in ouniieciion with 'all oth- ink tn make niun and swi eiiifiL'- inn o. ;., fi. . ; C v-- WiU it n 'o- - A!;i';: .'Vaii.'cd v i uní bm, inn, ,. HI , litis morning at ten ,,'elnck. when l . i' eom-larisu- f i l.(...' hc lln tost llll. it". ,ii.' lase, SllllJei'l lo pareni. .l .vicviriica iiiane t.irnis, and villa',-o- - is slated, the cotlllililtci' nil t'i sn lit im Is th,- subject A e, ,.t. swani tai snore inrioii-i- i in a'- ihe rules ,,f credit or disbelief an to ,,f terriiory. ti these things. 'till ni I: Pi,- i.'L !v;,n! ;vi(i CtH: v.ill repnrt sirmiy ( ) l xpieSiS 1,'i'liiiiii' and made uis i n lit.- Itsijinonv witnesses," reemnmendini; that irrii.alioii between tl,,. Colorado line n; nla- i! in,; ii of nlher such a river that has in., ,(.,' vv. - pinli si against the wit hdravvin of lo Ihe propoi-ra- l sit" of the Klcphallt (Hi n I'ark. Ain niion also allreetetl by the carry sm aa ul cul- Thieves, -- . i sible to on ssl ai;r. .Unmolested by tile waters of the Kin Uranile hy the Untie nam and het.veeii tin- Max-ic- o Kixt. s im:'Iii im i: to t;m Alter fcinlim; Ids nn siii.'e in Si. court lo the fact that nil evidence con-re- s ture unless the terrific fore,, of ipai I reclaiuaiinu service, lie made to line and the Klophant ll'itle (lain.) is i i m i i i y I. elllS. slilltaal mil In sd help iiiailnsl fir. Myall- was e re ii ni si a n la in- river '51 !il be i haiiHi'd and IcKUlalcd. ii i.i:i a ami the ilenartineiu of ,,,.-,- , a I I I. p ,.1 or t ho nu n ami v omen mar d t'y virtue of the law of this the aa a. as a,, :VC-V - Ion. Muí I'm iianieni stale. 111 ns lias he, n la ki ll M nv I tth-- a terior. ,.",'.:",.'. a i o ll trilillt,. to Ihe memor.l of Kim: l3 vlurililia .lulllllal Cien I'ark. whicli is lime kiln Ih. instructions to Hie Jury were read - in river, al. last an Ktmlisb r- - 'I'll., ciiminiilci mi resolutions nain- ., i i le a I this and of 11. liali- - hi 'OI e lile blLnlll their ii ml in bal lii !ev found there itpul'iitiull was tn Impuuml la'.'.iaral toda.v. adonline addrcssis Khoeliix, Ail.. Mav pcbll alloméis id tin- nactinn ji i, lerda y is as foll- wi e ins eiliniv iiif! ahmit e m He boardilla bouse llo-r- was UlltlU'lllM. six little sirii mi w U i ; and ujl up X... The ow tito ii rs uf the Kin ra ndi' at a le oil 1lts IUasks held train h.-.- pa.-s.-- I s: 1. Thry not rivers or IT in w in tin .row d .1 Willi Ihe w re. Assistant 'rosooiit or lleitrv K. ,oSl ale i . kirns. I'n tnier Asouiib. Ka.-lc- n y, w n n u cu. ' a Ho- llel'lla lillo count l''ralicis i:. Wood: M. thov are in hich " !"""i "i i'i.iu-i- Ihe earl of '' '"" n'.uu:i railroad i., rs, w ho wen. mi k im; nauta c! opened aruumeiit for the stale, ins srreaiii" by yin.eru-a- s huus" nl eoinmons, and ';ileiaia 1, impound tin- waters the - a t w a Imv I wo count.v. t'hai h's líeinlícn of isa K.'n, How ul water all the Crewe, ill the house ol. lords, ileüv.r- talle limn Ihis city Imiuhl ami alter nn l o i i ni 'in ii a c ll a rieiiils mi talk lor hours. Three more 'iiop- - I'eelamal mid l.efofa- ll.V liilui: Santa Ke I!. I.. evidenced bv the iiiet tliat1"'"'1 ion sehcin.'. ed VII.,' Ihe pnssem;e-.- escaped In 111" r, lal iv in St. Louis. Spiel lies Will ho lllillle Cilcjl Sid". h.-- ' - - en halward Kin Ari '.ov ,,, wa.- linisln d ihe great "ovciu- ' V' 11, Ivon all' 'r: iha cnuutv ernor abniiml with trout. This is now WHS clliePv tleV, I" t. p I'i 'S II o tile .! I" Pete!' Mel. noil, saperinn l.'lll of a Tell hours are In each Set I.. K. m i im Tile dill it'll - I'rine, Sa ii M ty. Wc Pist incut tne Mines si. ppen - n v C In whi. li tu ni, ike their ad- ii!.. co.iii cuntrv have ' unci im-ilin- lb,, nation's ..Hi. ml emiih.- (uie passoimcr was almost nielli colli ua plant at I'ark alliirm is K. ' 11 1 i III ia- 'I'w ib hell I'i c a i 11 - llllll our native lea. pie that had I ,,'tn w ,i, vela. pill. 'lit. The ser 1, nc. s to tin- i Yaniilv. Kim, scalped bv a bb"i a revolver an, Ins crew a., ihe boat slut. and v v cv-- a ) I The coinmillce spi. nt est ri'a is II.UIUI I'W lli'd Ihe liml there Vor these mi! II) - w Ho- strtiK-iii- Tip. main part of Mr. .lust's that there ami the u; ti mother bal,. iirked valtaiitlv .Ii atftiin,:; I'i::, in ,'cssimt ( Xi'vv yon rs that 'we will loan von ; l was executive at the oni. ..res of .Mexico land snulh of the celvcdi;r;i' at lib House ami al I'oss. s wcr.- started out loiiiuht passcc'i i s ill tin- vvab r it.uliiicti tu Ihe illness and club, draftimj- resolnl ions ami Klophant dam can be money tn bull, your dam so thai v..n iraib-i'- II 11 loath id' Cub. Swope. the Ku'le that i ro.. m rospeela vi Iv Indian frmn Ihe Saealnii Tile I 'Hv ol Sa lo was ow lied by ltd a la- ' lack ha palace, "ilii report for sMbniission to the meeiiiiu' rest land will no humor in danger. :'iiil. K iv Hyde's aliona'.! crimes vvele iiiiaaicil. The of the lhat d.'l, illations I'n m lla- lords and "in - ' sirvatlmi In the hupe ol a pin i'i iik t In- St. .mils and Team ssee hr. lialav. ii is urn- uf lln greatest w Mr. .lost, fur the par- liav propose lo iriinaie. 2'."iii acres Kent him n. ra hit Uie rubbers they cross the line. , oln i. au Th,. bout as bnili oiiiniiiicil said A r- - tumis Leariiitf lb" hms before Kaek.1 , r, porl Ih .l ul li.i.tplll tin- ta . óse J it 14 money. The allor-.- was current last niaht m ih repilbllc .Mexico and llhlllts llllll ever lial'pelleil lo ana-- il .hi: t allot- 111. , ,),,, -- aillV ill.'. lltd ami ol i The a :;a al liia: The bandits apt n V'lli'll is 1h;.- - - a cerpm-- Hie of Ihe eolivalii'd in (lie Texas, thev pro- Mtairy unit ".r- ai tion did not . ' ' U poin'etl nut how death in res stale nf It ii ill nil ;he Inner. J train I'i' M a lie ip:' Tli in " VV.IS 'ie " It; t in br. ultli iiniiniiiu, Ihe Arnot, Kaiikin Hope-vv..- l bv fon-- In of of the Kin Iioos.i, alt. lonel Swope would benefit .Mrs. pose to lake from lis stiei taki' control the llallis tin- ,, tin 'n.d.- -t lln- mail or a lal ii ii 'il II waler. The as special mm', scnieliic aais. I'll of (iboul í H .l.lbUI deeKath.n, would ma lake pari mir cevcloptneiii. lor tile benefit of Ml in rule and pul litem upon lb" lands flllilCS ''perillinllS tn Hie ,a, 'Il lo Hie I'XIelll il, w , nil, Slides lias been wilh lllelf liUuiiiL'," was :ir' otis. in bid mild hold a aepai ale incet-!- a ml .Mi'.xiio ( i ii. vejaud from Ihe land a Ih cihiitb of Chrlsinaii and ' Texas lake rental. satlsl'iu-tio- Uj- 'Ihe us-e- was hound Ira. a, - ( areat the I'rdish mis. l Me adnpi luí imis of ils Wil. lulls in lie- terr,- y,,u m lliere, . Sh'-rif- Mil'aarol Swope each J."..llO. riso that Ihe water thai jean lake to 'alii nia. ami . i Kalph 'at"i-'oo- in 111 - .nl Siurids Louis t.i Ala,, ,, Tie- nlher deieifa e.s, how eve", a 1" of New Mexico in- used ymi will t ais,, toh C11I011. Swnpe's plan to of should liml that tin' water hartscs Kila c. iiniv was in lln- .sinnkini; ÍV W it ll Sl .C S Ule the opinion s a .$.".1 .limine Ihe ininii tons function llt'SSee '', $ I, ,".i'ii, muí poor Kan-si- s that the oih"r lin limi will hv lii,- pi'ople of this terriiory: onl.v lar.. Irom an :ur,. per year to ,1 ( slie in the of ,1 or in", fmilelv nostiimu with A t tm mv biici a Vrinhl I'lv el' a it U S, pnlieipaie in th,, nii'i'lina- and lhat ih., surplus ho used by pa.iplo oiilside ii, acre per year at Kivcr-hl- e d Un rob- fit). I uivilii; la. iv. Ill" aiinilu r shciifl' when I he hiL:h!v hiicrc'liu ,.f lla terriiory. hrn-- seems lo be a rUvht here want to say that is nut Ihe kilias ilialh in It ir llial,. used Ihe proper course 111 rv t ii na 1,1,'iit nnh roil hands nn. The ol'l'h ert nun i Lie of li lvi-ii- upon láis in hlecdlm; .Moss llnnlon, said adnntinii the deal ul misiinilcrstandim; mi,,, snirlt of cm on, of lln , . vv lames t the Kdv. a ri 'a was 1; a t iril il as a play made mus. nest Ion ure cert i: in imi That Kim; tbaih Mi .losl. he treated Colonel .Swope tills and tuce Waited Slates lliroi.mli its recia mat i s, and ditl real- - I, I parllv due woll-- over Ihe in smile passeiii;,'! not SIX ' nn l lo 0 n civ Tic etl if; esli nla vied u is about which hem can bo no ,;, i v ice to take from you any of your ' SOLDIERS Í provided the latter had I l i ii, Siili. iS (Iccllll'eil (i, i. ize thai they Wilt- about to be rubbed wile 'ei in, ii I,. S.j lliv a ii. n lo will some of them, w Hi"l illlii'al'V uppiipl.'X.l. and state water hich you am' putting upon il ,1 ov.-rt- i St 'I t 1; IllliesS. am Ihe baud ils thle.ileli. to sbiiol or.iria. or, and W. T. Kiel, tin- 111 KI'Mi liu- s.'l'liee 111'- Ii Is te mu. bis III'. Hide became illlelllive to the leillimalioll i;n' hind. llu the suiiii of Ihe l.ak-til'.;- . v t a h i n HI eliyilie.-- ( - I, Is Sir he imnlc iiuil iuii mi rd cii 111 I Iv epi- - in rim".'., uf Hi" file tin- Kb, ralldc "!'.'.- , ,, which phvsiilnis. Francis Sllolie til II li till fdliil, ,ru.iiae,l irmn ,tat.s lo see lhat the small ,1a ,, olia-a- ' HP'S and Sir Ki. bit nl owl, wtiipolis. line p.nselii;.-!- nasi i v e a I'"'"'.! I.Hlle prujeel. collie at ",,,i ae,'" leet nil account of I hit in Sir Ibid m n un ci to na na nee to farmer sliall sa' fa'r. and m: piibd.'-lilii- i,( el'illL:' V.llllilllleS lo A bin o ' 111" Conejas are si.v. Ills illldj 111 Is w it li. Hi and lake pait ill i.h.ilM iliiui and resecvolr mil p. ii t a e- - I'owell. ovil DOWN BT in it the rimes he cha I'Mci I'utie k' slllleinein from the seel v t In- a a- ii ions. A , ,,. hi 'h" l.ancit tmnoi-- as liit on head willi nv nlicr. e . '"hi.. reply was ed kind In be írriLiuted thereuiidet'. t.iry , f lln- iiileiior, the head of the iheir siunntiins :,i the attorney. IP al, - Ac- - I'OW . a lllcill Hills: Ml..,- lakilm about $1"" Irmn tin Mr. Mrs. liiini Mr. who makes Ids head- 'n,, were not salislied with that. si which as The sl The tesiinoinv ol and ' - eclalua tinll ri'l.c. rain's ..--.' IIV.'-- -' ' '' H b.'S't'S i'.ir:ers in KI Caso, statini; Ihal he c.r.iintt I" ordinarv estimates uf Irrt- .Mr. His majeslv hid for sonn ears ll"' I..i!i aveireil Mr. .losl. had been ' follows: (Here Thompson man .1 Mop ll "dd tu city ..a Hie first a t t irrp.ialo almost Hum 1111 In ziiia. with brak. Ilian lo rain bv Ihe alela, llllll lit emiie this imi ha would suffered . e.lleliiili l Ihe Icll.T. . ' w pt 11 W e "' '''l I ,. as v prnpusi hint broil' h::'l a rill. sijlls "I foil re in litis..-- NEGROES and his wil, was simply all "ef- - as lliucb land tln i tit leiin-n- want tu say a and Tin- en ha- "ii "Xmi, nl Iv present al a 111 ameers will calla d inin i,, bv ri'iisoii of Ki'- lai'Lie ar i iihicii wil,' permaná lad loll lo sitie in. til whu sliiod Ihe irrmaie few ti bout ihnasanil-a- m fait. t i un, in an some pt, and t lie- thinvs ho has. ol tin- Iiiiiks. I Ml si", el ""- I!. Is he wallow s." "lo'diai atlort to limi subject to evapnratimi A liii.isand-a- i sh "low "f feet of water applied l v ,1 s t t n . out w il Ii j means whereby an a mica hie nrramte- - p.iil; Ihcy have ot tu i'slolls d it;..'-- e iirbi' mes had del ,a ni oi nicii 'I' It 1'. Hie IISl i,?tl inn nf llll' thai Uin'ii land means that vnu can - I"''),, 111' auilel-ea- ,o,.. lo- all coll- - !,..!.. ,i ., e..,'e 1.,,." l.i.rti.lll ot Í1 7 iniii' caused his nieili'.i' 'I telluants In m p., and ha ml of ra h rs rmii s Mrs Swope sal. suiTound- 111 L'UII to f'"ll ot l:i lilt . It - II'IIU'K tefes 111 i t ''liicl, but was ciei'i'iv ilemollstliil- :,. in, mites Ihe loss is so ureal for - ali.e Miat his i,i"icv no lon'.'er ba indi. was Tvvo Danaeiiuisly Wmnulcd y hi all In hihlri'll bul Mrs, Kill" 1,1 itli thai iimiiiint of water, in accoril- hy tile deleeates present vesierdav !; K,,usi over Hi. earth and cvaporat- - (lie reserve poller w hu un snir .a vi l,..,, lit- l,,l and aliia- as tn whether vull are careful l ilii moon, they would to ;irA tha-- i would not in s a h splendid sun R,W.f'il.'M'fi;l AsS.lSSiilS Ncai i al r. Hyde limes In ihal cotisetil .incliulc that they .villi tl,,. ur ymi turn a had stood him ra " nntironiise won hi not hi im? I,,, ici. the la ml waiter whither opera Ion in Ifm-- .. Ib,, ..I Ml" aiiill'i'ss the pb.vsl-fl)- t which suf nt water I" irriuate it lln' after his sorbins .VERDICT OF GUILTY IN iniii'."' "''f th- - pro- - ! whv meat deal ni back into river. speaker .Mrs t' vallev north ol' the coiiseiiueiitly in Inns, the lln- ami that any iniercurreni catarrh., hf llllHil Oil St, Helt'lia lan ia il a' the i''''- - loos that look as if kh: iiineii' Ii Ki I. of a s. in tl reda ma imi service made an addition- ,1:111111- or 'alta. lions kila ELACK HAND lllee reltiailleil I'H. - uf Ihe Knib-- St. Has. ur lb,, t. CARUSO CASE 'li's 'I'his was shown hy the nauiin" ot',,,1 a npronriat imi of all tin- nnappro- would al mn ta'1 noon both hear W " service, was atlelllplill lo da priv e i "'i mblitiamal n ways am! w tin- Kin i runde and l.iri-- s ir nlb-s- eomniitii orbited aters nf nf pe Kiu Miami" ami and for tlo effori S:'l'!LL"" NF W ENGLAND PEACE ""ans. which j.s p. riciiiunieiid ni.-- l b- - its Any lawv.-- tell the farmers m list le slid t in .s tributaries. inn i in-o- f "It bile that ",ls fi,,- , I - In vvhhli How M A eari'vlm? anv li'.in- no land be bl'omiht beautiful streams X, Ymk. iv 11. verdict of Uila-l- j imo lee i,,o licit mole I al li'ii'.al I LAUDS EDWARD Sl ' I i - (P..l llaill bli .litlliu CONGRESS .i Will, h oiav I, a, aa! oil bv III.. laual.... ,n ll lot, ia.i, ill tile 111,, Cl'llllib' ''" the use of tlu'ir water'.' ask i: was liiund today in Hie Ca- j H 11 I!, S. Mav I. Six soldiers p of vv ays vnu all fairness, gentlemen, if that k case in Cruuklvn. nun. itherlii. The ineniberslii th" valley north of the Klcphunt Cintel "l.lai band" , j 11 p. nv. const ill. r '"al lit. i. servh-edi- h,. a fin t. Cut, cent lenta of the was Autmiiu Misia- - ol ihe 2. ill "in aft enniinlt lei' Is identical with ilaui. Tie- mi la tun lint ilian uti Irial t - t i "II St lb ih,. personnel nf tin- ut .aim- - it seivaaj noilea- vvher- - con vi nt ion. ihe thiua which lie ia. accnst-i- ul I" station' u al I'm li. Conn., Mav II, At the ions jstnp there, but allemplin exnui -- m ... s Ilartlor.l. , , , laa INFANT I - v bm bi i:' Inst Miillee. a XC.'lll til.'lt I '.e : 11 . ll e 1' o I' s, 1,1', Hall ill lot l.illlaUoli sel lice alms want SNATCHED J i n tin- r. M lei of Arbitlu-- eollllll- lias from bullous h, HV. niton..: the New KukIiiihI ' i 1,1 val-- " I, s ell , represented bv Un- - Ki., i ;ra viHiev - k' l'l' " " l'1"' Kranue Mana, will be senleltttil oil Montla.i. .Oils,, ihe cili uid Ceaee i a i ", rcs.. in session Shciiif .nsiis 1. tide and lis tribu- '"i - .I.i lion i and bv ' ley Irom uoiiia is Ketlins,- into the Meialav ami In. In Im t days, resolution ''. Valencia county Walter tari.-- Ihal such enterprise would he ' ie for the loiii' M. i .. n. I s M"1- -' 'linn, dl. th,- of t be .InlcbeK of tin- - corporations, which ' "I ill" ii" 'ivab i' a. adopt' d cMU'essliit; oliliii.itliitiM to insisted bv Koveiiimmil SENATE PRIMARY IN v About thirty vver,. - me imake you pav nut upon your laud allil .i' .x,.ll ale ilaliaeromd'.. past and in the dee;,ii..s i.r.s- i,it,.,l stales. ll sarins tn thai e- - pmsdit leaders FROiV MOTHER BK W - a O cut v,. si, rday ,,,, it Hi,, rest "f your lives ami wil! ll'le 111,.'!'- .lit .'l.' mía Sv in pa I hot le afternoon when the,,,,,. ,st natural tbim; possible, l"i' I oi 'p ?a rel erence , - - FLORIDA INDECISIVE! 11 r '" ii'i"lii'i' mivi'iii'd. C.!. president is, del- the ureal, st kooiI fm- tin- u a nf il.his tn our alnl- beirv. a! Mb:: and SI'. "I' as Iliad, to the late Klllu Kilward. "I lile ll! Ii. the to tnnilbcf, is tllal we would Idlell" - i""'1 !" in. is . rni". "Kilwnrd the pcni'i'- - 'ere absl w sl I'I..:. Crim e ol Kin Arrilia ,,n, tin- irrigation our land A shoit but clfective spi i was flu- in vl ui s in. old he !:' iiii nce o' I, 11 tli- - ni.i'i '"muy. was a cbiiirriian aniU., , our.-,- ' of Hi" stream and not that mail., bv Kola t l K. Cooper ul ,1a. Hie. Kin .Ma; H l b Will and Isa;.. Cite", hi'. 'I h,. chief iuhlressei ol the tiny ,,i, ANGRY L . 1. ' ' tn" ciiuiii,. e- - ' ,,. ba- - i'"i-- lla I'- i- V, .1 Sl a ' ll, alai ha i Hun,, ait' this aailllllv. Hell al,.. iiater inn for some :Salll., a civil tl ". cr. Willi ,,,Si at f bet et II Vlttti lühthnl'ho'xl li"i not in re iii.iile bv Simeon K. Cabl- - ''''v. ) T,0 air ::.. miles Hie tcrri- - .err. .1 In a short Ii mad,, hv At- - Senator T,ili:il'-- r.' and I'm nier ibo sled up I.i his line iivln. im nn r chid' Justice ail the rmi-iueitie- - -- .1 A I' 'li'. aipcnial Hie session, with sume place be- y W. t'lan.-y- win. e ,' tl W d I " S' C It a .ml, Isaa of errors, I'rince turv for the benefit of torio 'eneral Frank ICO! al lili ao p. .supreme tul', ft and In pe 1,1 ea i lib.- i, a tin t ex-s- ''en. in vvhie), called audition low There can be ti" in tie- deil hiui. .Mr. Cooper said in i.i a in., i I., .le. ih, ib. i.i, rali soldo ion, .lohn W. its-i- r, rotare of state. to 11,,. ' lint that we had one of tn, iimci an anv man iilni lias uivaii it "arc lor Ih, senate. vv nil a limit I'' II,!' I" na in Id'. I a !,,! "'''.. I. rivers in the country and soil that four limes as much am Iha' mil- atiortiov acti- Spectators at Show Rescue' 'o- vole ill '. eSlelllil S Sa .1 tip- ,1,. poli. Xi'leliiii Kailvvav ccolllllii Iblnl. oiisideration -- wat. unexcelled. II- - put under l vnu v d. staiulim; ni" the shout u ' i dt It ?hl ell Id .Mav i I. .1. '. Hice. staled that land can be irrigated and has made char to what I. ' the the fasti. Texas. ' ,"' t vv t I "illy matter at issue was that each cultivation by dev .lupins; the va by a m an iiitainst in t Itis matter. 'I In Child, Tenibly actuated a. id :;';;:.:;,;r .'a es !S s o o st l'l a i"U head nl the a. cumuli", ab hi 11 men t ol '"cality - a..,lr,.,-,,,i- . ' I ' t alainii the. croiit rivar. vvaut- i!.,.i. ,.,,,i,,l ha' .tone if it is ,.o,i, l,,.!,,,-.- us a,,.n i.. l,, - 'li' hal .row a rd. l, ,'n .Momia P' l'l Hi. M ell 'o n tilt, ill tillwav. Xe Yolk, ct Ivlli Sled- I' W iiiitimh vvatar to make the lands to be to Ho- Kb pliant I mn nKha-- Dyina. From Claws of the I. M. 'a ll i Sl i 'isle vt In Cresialetit I nll carried i,.r,. the 'la nial ii? nal for ars assistant ''' I - "'lllctiv,'. it is used. ad- t ha- ra clama-mir- e .1 Kane (lam before l.n Is as to tin presen! .. II. Tin. nips. .o ul the Ciieinaviiea "1 hat." saial niiiOdthil St V B'.nSt. ' . i I .i.l hi ... it Mexico, Mr. Crince. "is all the p.'oph ot' Las Cruces fur lion pohcy ;n ho:diii!? up Hi" w.,t. r J nn IMIMAMO Tn nl s.d.b. ami Cu i,, it In died acre is tu Ha- - saial in auv DILL .".LLUVVOill liMUIMINO ,...:. .,, i I. r lu'llle .Ill it." then that trviiiL." to belter their cetnl'limi t.,,n, :l ilralnaKe ama of tn iun, siiiiiiv Ü lot. to, la a ".'.! ills. "hile th,- im-- j 1 dit'lereiit localities vvri' wav they can. but stated tu Heni ,,, j ,.s t,, irrigate, inel mli in the ii .",.( o f. í'iF AMI iQ; en. rs a.i p... ll" ' en CliRFAPF t 'v-- ' ' u I ,1.. un Mn "ant. the whole territory im olved is state to vnu now. what want to 'c,.,.s in :'5.mmi acres in Old Ur.ilK .l.,r.i.,l s 1..I Hlr- - ulM" u' u' u h... any bin, b. ::;;;r.!vANT ,,;'s : ., .1... l.r.1 -- ' i Mi submarines . i pa- T'I..'..' i : aramoiini. He railed attention is i na i in,' ..' iee i"-- exicu and Ho- 11 Ii. liliii aclis m lln ct.., o.l Mal II. A I" '"' four Va,!lf' 'Kiuiiiii at vail.-- train. b Irrivatiuii Ira tide north of the i..-l:- valh v, a of IMu.otn, a, r. s ed poll lhat was b. tllU eybiblll'd am BUILT ON W'EST COAST Cas,, in w mum wa',;. ,.,,, .,, .,, , l - A ,1 .1 ism. hen attar Cuite dam u,, to Huir interests N,,u p.,,,, ,,1,,. ,,, u i open lo I. sllildctlp Mull "kh. .Mav ra ,1 an slai;e loiiiuht , tits were d. m same way op:., ,.,,. I vv s.t - tm' trmt tne '.. souii, w,.. je,,, s r a va, i hi it id I h I st y I o in- una in hlni. lop i.. n t'p-- .,i,:,i this malt, bet me a n the mast o! laetion makini; a certain it dam hai ml w 11 do T'lle K,o (Oiilllie dlltillltl the pafi'id snap liiini a babe Irmn Cornil .sinau Cud S. MeMuim tbis Tl.nno i R .' F )MK 'uo'iitt 1.1 ihe maule ami I A 10m ssiotis. II" said thai thi will oppus,. it too. lHIM. ' p. tin v. iiniai.ui. Ma" I. numerous from th,' rnmith id iiiinliri', to 'ario. ..I ciiriieal it 1. a In mil seiill'.d Ihe ' possiiiia. any- - I . th lis mullid, - to cmnpiomise Now. think that every Imliv nlual Septeinbi r. C,,-,- a nn n a in oioin- Al BANIAN ,,:"'i'' " " ", Ilii period id one lt lb. Sl I? dashed il to III. bouse id all mdn uie lll.ULl-.v- J ,' , ecpt perbaiis a moral issue has a to his cmnl'tlnn so sap i a a'unyi' cilUcl rinbt better vear, 11. ive.l past tip- Malum an I In' lllu boll, his I., a Mips Indian lull pr.n uIiiik tor tin- ,v,.,,t lh.s '"' be hoped t ma a tin,'; we ,.r ,,.Ui i.'tui i i v t ii i o that bis bui as he do. s it fairiv: when .... I v ' the na depai ni toilny and jt-- reel.. matioii at San Mar. ia! ,,11 Hp. a. s . lickiiiK the iii,oii..r in en inn in ' '":"l! Settb - "1 ' ' . (11 a Will . a, it- - Intb' the under S, ,' y M. l' ' " to consider the poveftlir.ellt , v t ! i. :nl . . " " an. Is mi baby ol scrtaa-- si l"i.a coil lands ni.d 1 II.. ,o I ;,!l I. ..,..., i .al,-.- 1. lili.., t ul "' " H'oin in.. the Illinois May Vil, r ' would ...I. '' K u pur- - lilt. .ph. nil u'i lie torpedo bonis fil- -III McAbs't r I'n a r leu la Cus'ai ini'ar, leer . -- ms-s neat- i w to pc, n ,.f ti,.. is objectKm. in- ',,;,.,' n.i-!- d up. hb h ei e rei auitly mibmi'.teal. reiatim, thlr ,.r' ,'.7 .'rMiuVsi:;::;;;..' - 1, i a v i tie- Chi. kasaw chocla iv "s iations the Turkish bids ;,' f ' s a n i in? a la Id poses. itnry as ' ill ill, por- - ,,, p. etfm-tsa.- f ; M,' ".e ,,, .1 w t no a t . . '. :st th" the pent Las tK .l.lli ' i' kill, or olillded. upa, Co ic .r ""-i"- cast - '.V' -- to coal n" ;' on the lion mid. tn ns mlain nulils. , races and the va'.P-- In trylnv- - V"1 M' '" af- - '' t i"l ', A Iba In ns out of i e. eh;, bp- Mint the ipieslioll will v K T- a ball a million ..civs are ; Mi , a.-- : C " me iteiitimi vilide '' ,. -1 1. i .. , liar , '1 ' ' ' ' I'll b. ib by ' tais lily, who ilo better their lit ion. but mi . , ", - 'Hi'Tl.l li""" - ,11 ., i" ' ' ' Ca.'s .1' C' t. inineal the decision of the o no in- - ..o-- ia- ll I .V lla. Ill Hit- fea t. Ml ol- l,,i tl'e Hi. Well " '"'i hl. ,:on of dun- - aaf UUV of tin1 "i .mu it. im, sna tclP'il hl.lHe. ... I,.. I. and I 'J." to tile Held in l! the ..lint the erulllelll Pno I ' sol. lisia ll' .,,!! mo i..,ial experts as hit " ' rt , ,,. - - ; t l in lip. Itlu I'asture" which wd'.- t ia! ,,t, f'. t on tb- up- - tetl Stat. s. is supposed to The child is lac. late. all. h s boats to he operated. '' ' that ... I a bill years ay.. Ik oa are . '" .. IP J , f . I a... i x i may di . .niel. similar lour p.u "pi iaU"ll id i lit ry sitioii curl. that is niun luna iic "ininii THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL THURSDAY. MAY 12. 1910.

r t.irv nt the navy, nml Judne Hen I; M SlU: at V tn h. at - .h:nv n the t'.illloi nil supreme oiiur a,...... ! T r; I a y - n t ,. Juds:e Heiinhaw and Mr. Metealf CUBIT PUCE i ! . j, .1 a Van sh" haul FUTE OF GOHL !! "b..iH! SER RIDES will acinar tomorrow before the housi 77ie .. - aVa-- . III .....:.. Th- t" I r. vrir i ( unin.iUi e on Industrial arts and ex ; I v. . . ; r. i i.e.iil n tu. h w: 1i. non? in lehalf of San Francis.- i ,' I r m- - .I Inn ti ' ' I as i!w- - i MisíiHin nty. ansMl "- - v,;a .ada (oiiHiliilateil 1.ÍM 1. FORCEO I ..!., AFIELO .. w York. May 11. The o í ' . - u r? ' r v r r th- X' vada V.n.wdilal.-- I'lipjn r com j a- i !!, s TO i., nv v. s mi the New York V , . i i! Ha U v, l w.- -i tnday. Tlie roniiiany v ."' v i ;; tt ! !it 0.0 00 Gi E OF JURY 'III. T I nualii' ITjis to ( unlet. n l IV.:.: . ,!... M iy IK .Martin Ol. B..:.n. Mil. :;vr lalTer, i. .i i vT GROCERY CO, t'i. .:ri-e- this morninf - v m iie.-ti'i- i in i.raUna t. Halley V :v ri , t ; ;. in '..i.. ;'i a ifiual he heard Í . k- SENATOR NS i v , - idai-t- ill niFS V L i v t i t ; .. He v;ir.l. "GOOD THINGS TO EAT" i i r (: GlRVAN ARVVU., -- T PYS WARM TRIBUTE H.i '0 NOTED POLISH WARRIORS The first crop cf straw- i - berries is almost gone. If M.v. 11. Ill hi ild- - .if the I'ula.'kl you want berries at the tlít. - r- - t id.lV' low i tr t. present pi ices order .V arrnT?. í i.ow it in. ni h i a La la t I JomvjiI lí-r- J ,rr .i l- - K.t.i. :n. a her I". l.rmnx J,.,,r,tl I.w( ll Mrniic J tir-t- Wir lail it is T'Miiitr tiiai Am rii.'i Strawberries, per box 1Cc ., en-- ! inr.s ei.:enee nf her f, h i i ,im t hi r Blackberries 2 boxes .;:r .' f 25c !t'C fililí,. If ir.uh. í ' REO CRO S DIRECTS t n, fv: . ia ;w r..r Fresh Apricots lb 15c i ea .1 l,a . In. .1 f i ie.- ::i:s e. 1". ; tv t ::i ix:xi ni iKf their ' III-- eli-- e Large black I l ill ' Ami ra an st m r i aJi liaM' e:i the prosper RELIEF I. cherries per pound. 25c fí IRK mi .'Till tuv ;..!(. . t ' : iin.l ü.itier ta" t Ti T. a !l..i W,-r- - " v Grape Juice Just the I I t I. :: - S.'IT-.- t , 1:1 til.. . I I".!.. I.-- ' . i s i r, : r, .r i i: s thing for a summer drink. Vr I i. ( fli CARTAGO f v, i ' i ,r n ,a...-íír- r ., . LABOR t f..,t CONDITIONS i : r t -- Welches Bass ! " island .Hi- - i ar. i i 'i'x ii t r i rf :r:. fur ; FLAMES THREATEN Special prices in lots of ,i. ..Mi.c i r : '. i 11 ii,- - i.;.t!:..i iinl :.rt. One-ha- 'V. ri.w ni' ;." in iiiiimn. t',- - ,!::;.. tjruins lf rlozen. 1 . BAD f.f. i GENERALLY i M- - '"Mr.el K.i .M ..It. a ,.1. ! ' t ! í a ar t!ic t; ?! We f T ' ÍUT J - Í' I ' n ...t rt are sole acents for the !r i'l ur s i : n an.! t GRAND MARA ;u.:i ííl..a tntii S ji.ií i: :.? ;,rir..r, ,'?'.-- r famous CLICQUOT CLL-- llVt'ílHW 4.T IN I , r - -- . k. M i r STEEL PLANTS , , i ( - ek . t ' t e 1 k GINGER ALE htm " i r ÍU;ih'ilr H-- t I r .)4 r $ Wind ask us about it. httyi 1 i t z , , ! ! i.f J w,.l MVJ M v r j l " n J !i :e.l i.-r , In .nii Tr' or T r Beit d . .v erirTUrlU '.1 I fir 1 M It's too hot to bake, don't " I i ..r fe cf rffM l i i I ,s forget cur t M tí Mr I . l t . I If ' V ilf V. . H Mrfis liurn;tl ' I.i.imiiI tir .. .i 1 . rr !:. M.nn. Ma'. Ah a Bakery Dept. iw niiri T;.s,.f TT.-- "iI.TiiI Mar.. hite ti.- - - -i - t - - i.- . . - r . r. ;nov 1 t' t: . r.a:; lr..- - !airi ri'.e ilancr Haeoj t'icd cur 25c by f - I e iirv t:m;.er u.r.-- er cakes? or a je!iy roll? i i.!.ir T..W n t:i:s a:íerre...r. rt'-.- i - i ik t' rj:r$?:bev I r . , i i.v i a i ?. tn ail f;-- Hot roils at 1 1 o'clock. li v--l I;mi.iii- - Ml Wiii .l I Int. i a"; y . M.. 1 A .Vr. . - V V M ) r V, ! v ,

i a i 'f' i a h f i v r- - a ri d

Try a Morniiq Journal Want Ad Third Street Market" U .ii-!:iu- i i - Meat l l v i t i ..i ALL KINDS or rRIit A NO SALT

i .. A a i iHEIIIZE CASE GOES Eberhardt & Co..'n. Third St. ITER SUPPLY RILL vw. ,rr p,r tt nivn f TO JURY TODAY If, ir BLOCKED

a . V' . ,VV . C i .S GENERAL ATTACK ON I s r- - v . BLUEFIELDS ; 11. l. Ingrb.1 I Xirr N- - Y Ik ';.. ' .T - v. STOLEN V 1 t N - ir.4 I..,,:.,' I v .wa l r GIRL FOUND - .Ma li. inn. r r : si.', r.t IMMINENT . ,IM LESS WITH GYPSIES THAN TWO M:UTES i, ... VI

: CORPORATION TAX I: i IV.-.-- PIONEER BAKERV ' - : :vn ... COLLECT 0 - Mt K . a l ; a 207 South First Street imiiii SEIZE STREET CARS I". Hi ..? ". ::-.- i v- - iv. .a a MALOY'S 1 r.-- r. - V. ... , v . ; ; Í0 FORCE TAX ur.. K .

I a- - : V. ; MACKEREL M 1 l: mux PAYMENT . Vi 5 , k , ,. i ..i i ! ( i I I 1 I A :' í - fat cne for ..15c I An extra large one for 30c I Cub House Codfish J in 2 lb. boxes ...40c

X CLL'3 HOUSE SALMON 1 c;. rt- - - r- O- . Jt I vV. fc.Oc. Ovv ...ü -u v .: . - x l i t - - s ncacy uookca 2 cans for 25c

. - - A. ft 3 h J. Maloy i .... I- - . . V a V. . 2U CENTRAL AVE. . ü - Wa- Rd Get R;;!; PK0K 72. I THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY. MAY 12. 1910.

: ' -- ,m tw 'ill. is wiln him a ij to net iheir t t t t t t t t t t t í breath. Tin- champion's wind, whieli li wi s THRILLING BALLOON thioivht would neeil a little nnrsi y has shown Hi In uooil condition ami y th tiaini is are clun k linn at the ui.v 1 vv t ONLY w il h lili !i the he.t el a lit has sin i 25 25 y e, his v. ork. FLIGHT ENDS IN In The sa III .1 o 11 HI, World of Sports "Next week." llsi when v lie hail eonio In off Die roml, "I wl y liierease lie- nioi'iiliiK road work rs-re- SPECIAL 01 tin ilnvs I am to hex. I dual v 'v.ato ihlstlnnn loo linn - t DISASTER lorian a, For May only wc will make t Ti x Kh kai'il. who has return, v y a trl' I" Ken l.omoml, here lie FREE service y IM lis I'll the referee i.ileslioll over with ? connections for hail a eon At M linca polis I 'iilu minis n; Mi l.leiiriis. a'so torence t,d.v y .lohll-soi- t. ? each of the 25 Gas Ratines llriipilllH, 1. ;wull i:r iliti' l.illle, niauauer of of li, however, After Tiavelliim four Hundí ed V y At Kansas Pity I.nnisville k'an- - Noihiii'i ranie from THREE FAST ONES admits Hie pru.-,- bought us for $23.00 or BASEBALL sas rit.v, 2. and Klekaril thai Miles in Effmt to Smash Dis V y peels lile that (lie il ill i rs will over. j,a e lo do t hell' nelecl illu. V y tance Rceoitl Wk'i D n SOUTHERN LEAGUE 'l.illle I 111 me," sai, i iik lops v I y TO BE PRODUCED ll,, .lol II.SOll Would Miek out lor Like S!mv, Remember this special offer is W'. h h Kihlie I a : Eaith HOW THEY STAND Al Ui'miiiHliam Itirinintihuni .la. k or Craiiov. Mi, tt-- r is II - Xnshville 7. III! re cllllllee hill Jet trie. on 25 ranges only and for May , onlo a i i I'l Weleli ami I am .101 At New i 'rica lis New iirb'ans v. 111 t tier I a ne.v Would he - Itv Moriiinu .( ;,( ,.m.-,- National I.t'iisnr. l 'ha t lanonna ll. .llalil only. After May 31st all ser- 11 "lie tiling is 101's.- e, K M Won. host. Tor rt. At Montunnici y M nut Koine PEERLESS ell t'a .. II t.'i ,i iv l t & Bl 1: t - y - ,70 M. :,. I.e: e He'll l'llllll"l and illii'.V- llntlliim lliiiin n "t mil.-- vice will be rittsbui'K il'liis ; .iniunr connections i it nt .;..o !a leas. ai am! v II tlh-- il l Xcw VorU i:i .i; 1;i ti t :i ;", 1. in. .hi wlilch asi t., ,ut ,ih tiüiie Mobile At Mobile . 11 fi x tillo ow Í1..11. (J, t i l'hilnriclphia I" T . s .l lit.1 t'. matter orr 0. no aii'i tía n t i ii nm charged for at regular rates. ... w II !i . I x a. I'll. ilski. liis ideas "I'l-.- A V'.. U. ,. I'aul-- ,' i 'Incalió .57 Nt.rin, Hull nnl ' as j Cincinnati S S .500 COLLEGE BASEBALL ai'd li'i all related jnu't, ('.inn., ut- ii- siH' iii .i! Up A. in Ranges arc offered at regular " Nichols of Denver, Lopez - In hu III I .'1M- - ' 11 . :i s !i am .a onlil ale.l the 'In I. of A h a n. t .1 Y a i Install . nifi .'i v. , , 111 S a I . I .1 - T 11 :t :i :! I'll - I irnoUlyn NV YeiK, itur.'l "i l.i prices. At A A Olur-Yal- Vi-- .1 .1..1.1.S,,.. lu.'.r ? mi rlinr Michigan, 2, Will Pitch for ....( s l I t Saffoid Santa !.. 11. Ml. V M - (l.i iii! St .on is lii .;li, lin. n. :!.. t"1 t'Sti'l ill 'I'lii at lover of lililsn and has all eadx an.) .Irs, rah (I sm h t.tii.tti At Haven-- - :t; Fe All Here In his American Ni'v Williams. Americans Sun iiraaiiized ail on sita of own. in h'Mli the a'f.Ut. lilts h.uily Iiuüs ? 1. h- on., . t - Uiiv The Gas Co. 'i I11.I1 - oi the ii ),. is I'.niii 111- i U V Won. I.nst. Ver Ct. day Next, '. alt') halhMiii p.iitA 0 y .7.-.- e.l. halh'i'ii ..iiii.- I.. l'hiladcl,hia 12 I .lulinson piisscs tilt- fX'i'iiiiiüs his Th' t:Mh y ni 'i K a 1. i u i, 504 W. Central 1 I'lteliers Si'nl Home ill Disnnicc. r. ha in a i"a i In ncl - .'''7 ' : l h" h. w h y Mu y 1.- - I t i'irn-r- al i'' in;!.-.- I'rc. .!i y X 'incinnali. f Karl r,itf ni i'.in.- .th.i ii...-.- I 1" ,1 n ..I m m let rnit lia si. Hi' Is t 111.- n 7 Moore iiml Mcijtilllcn. of the Phila- The All team of In- Anc- III. tut: h Iiii.i .' y ew York 10 .:KS Ani.rican IMüMie'ari !! lile - ,n s.;i. delphia .National league were ient City .,., th,. .ill Xpert I'l, a y I'.nsmn in 10 ."00 fain, of Sama auureuation Miu lii :i ui shan ..m.ilii M 111 ;t - y suspended .i ml sent home by joint li h en re :i a l mi leu:1- Chicane. s the known as 'i'iie i'eertcss. will put the li.l.ll.'. )),' filUs linn hi y '4'' orders of l Man- , siie su s . i ;i li .1 111 .27:! President mul some alls and lulls talent in the hold ' larri'-- il Willi lum ill III. l"lir ai us. s y Washinstoti ager and ulnirviM' il y :1 filarles liooin todav. The dub park hero in sprains, hai nut senus injur' ONLY St, l.nui.s I' at Traction it Sumho lia unes. 25 25 ol'i'iei.iis Willi-I- tl iiiinoiinccil that the aetion Winn ine re oiincn ,,s, M, Ah., j,,hns,,n a violinist of no Tlie.N expert tu he ahe I.. II wan taken tuse men - t II .!,i s. i. the failed to onanist the collection of tiiim ma v ml w it li i t ,,u. I'l (llllf ,,,:, ,n c,,i r. PLAY TODAY keep in eoiiiliiion anil I. I' t t iW 11H V. ;i p. Ml . WHERE THEY l.roken dub iiipulatcd y on,. Daniel Padilla. jiH graduate of a col- - "We Ii), , hn southern -- rules. A . i ," he W.- last artist Pom Deliver nano-- ,,,r ...dored nn-ii- a ih-s- class i,i- - sahl ueh; K,-- National I.ciikii. Nichols will pitch, aide seconded hy ano player, the Johnson vtrlnyi'il or- - hepiiiL' t st rt hi ra h. air t urreii t s eelel ics a ritin tin- w si that iiiiíilil i v u a 1 Huston St. I.ouis. those well known nit Salf.ird rheslra has fair iarl. tit Lopez, while Mr Clancy, not : - i hanee at the hum lisian- e reem.l Iinrtt. and the. HAVE YOU SEEN THIS ONE? l!riiillyn lit Till.' Iiow-I'Vi'- NO CASE (attorney general, w ill com detely lari'ieil in a York ; 1 l'hicn,o. AGAINST New Santa l'e's third hase witli a pair of passing ii..r parts lllinnis, 'liiliiili'liliin nt Cincinnati. ,M i K U feet that have made the lall.s riot lie- - ssi a ri. miia n;i a mt .' nl in . Tu ilit-ns- Our íliol'liinií" we .'tlei'iiut.'l t AnM'r'.mii fore this. OLDFIELO AGAIN I.cnii i Manager K. .1. Neis, whose lAperl- - rohl íind ii hi'VpCp su.iw si. trni ;n m - Own fhieaso at Washington. enco In I'oroslry sen lee has Itilu.le el 1, 'HM .ni. Tiles. :. al- at IRAN the mad.'i St. I.ouis lloston. 01 him a halliiit; oNporl. w ill arrive Sal- - leríinoii at an aUitu.le el l.i.t Detroit at Now York. , we Loose ,111-- !a.v lliejlt to lifeak it uelllly to the, ran iitln anether sn. sierm. I ' : i ' i : Cleveland at ic.ra.vs that they are üoíuh in lie wal- - CUPS WORLD Slum ly a t terw ;i ni w sin a up t L''h Leaf loped from on., end of the park to the tüM) ie t. that nine mi the enhl NATIONAL LEAGUE ittle Fighter Freed From other. The team from the voneralilc was su intense thai we h.auie Record old l.iirtf acr ass La Pajada hill will ami hall Mtup.lhil ami htsi Manslaughter Charge; Judge show show up l.riithl and curly Sunday run t r tf t he hi Ihaui alua Il Clileiia", I: 1!. ac- en n m t w lia i tlie a It it míe s N' íiU. morniim with decks cleared fur REGOOS "I ll looks I'hieHKo, May II. I'hieiiKo won ils a jtisi i' w e final .Imp Holds McCarthy's Death Due tion and horrilde colli id, lice thai h.'fm minie tmr hut Like a hook i New t t hy third sneeesstv victory from noiiiK to make ho drays look el'liirts iel nut was the hal vv Ü. lliev are a!e i i k s York today, I to Mariiinrd was Ii il in us he to Accident, ke corner lot a mal ours. mi sueeeih hnnuiiiu li ll ' I.Ike book freely, who cdod w v a s an hit hut lirnickc, sncci "Don't ..r: it isn't uoinif to lio mmtii.i las! desired. It - a hook him. Kt it'll the seorim;'. I'loaii-ii- i walkover." said Señor Padilla last Mile and Half Mile Mai ks Are ' Kiiiallv I dei ide.l hi use the rip nit 's home run into the rinht iie, will i nt.l helme e lust e. t ta i ii t ra t im t III.) .l.iio'iial Sperliil l.i'asrit Wlri'i ni.aiit. "I rather think the drays slands sloiied the a like Detroit Lowered by Demon Oliver in In smne manner as et undis- - J , make detonation the l. I 11. i. May 11. Score i K. San 'ra neis, Chai'Res of l liVi'l'cil tile nil'il did llet W m U Olltil'eh Timers or Pittshuri, Pirates when Ihe ll OH -- 4 !i J rnanslaiif-'lite- r 200-Hor- se i t i i Yet has advantage of lieltlK a I'hiciiKo 1.1ft 00". anainst iiwon Moran sami' is pulled off. It is Hie first real His Power Benz, huí tipped thr hau alniitst the .1 il I and on New York Oil Oini others preferred account of the name of the season here and the drays lloin ni t iiMtlein. Til ili'Siellt Was Mar-qiiar- d Tommy follow im; t Halterios Kroh and Klins: dentil of McCarthy, nren'1 oíiik: in hoodoo the season hy ten-I- it and .Indue that m- he last Myers. All .sames a knockout hlow hy .Moran in a plove t u a S and oiher losin.i; out of the box. I Mm hundred el there Wits Vrf llllh' hy Po- the first shot lt ulnu .linirnil " l.t'ttscO irr Loose pnM in.ined heeaiisc of rain. contest iviT,' dismissed today We are simply koíhr to liuiimlc that lelt in the hallemi :is it UUe a Leaf Record lice Jiidiie Coiilan. The .tínico held Santa I'e crowd. Not brutally, you Wyo.. .jiy I 1. Itiirni y Sttllle. " hy m Just the thin for County Itecorilei s. Se, or who Hint as all the oonditions imposed know, hut Just a yeiil h nia nly wallop- 'lit (hiving his J"" h n pnwcr retalles myotic on com- i li l i t i AMERICAN LEAGUE law such contests had hoen ing. " ii,. i'li.M'il a ;i mil oi' ji .siriiiiil s lo keep a n id of ii ti u s. ilociimeuis, etc. piled with and as the coroner's jury ma.v In I'Tuin two wtiiitfs ivcurth Daniel, howevt'f. siiflerius s'tcilua W hail pronounced MeCarl h 's iloatli an tin- riH-y- t nti-- i ork can all he done on a l.v pew up space. Now York, 2: Detroit. II. from an attack of iv r rluK nurse ller. takiuc less acoldoiit, was no 1,11 SOCORRO LOST BI ground i New York. .May II. Kuril there Anyhow, the dravs aren't piirnr to ov- Ii)ii. After ñu' unsiicressllil iter a ppea ine and done inneli qui, kvr. Summers today and New wilieh in hold tile dofolldallts. erlook any bids and there will be a in each t .iit. 'hlüi-1,- ilmVi :i York defeated Detroit to ti. lhitli pretty fair exhibition of the strenu- milf in ,:itl t!at and a half In .IT. Tin the New. York rims were made In the RACE TRACK RESULTS ous soon which made Pop Anson fa loiint-- mil.- riwortl wax i J ami ihe Made by seventh inniiin and were line to hits mous and keeps President Tail nhied half mile ,17:7ii. POOR PITCHING LITHGOW hy l.a Porto, ()iainr ami Kweencv. to the bleachers as Ioiik as there is a The coins.' Is a four mile circular "The Modern Method Man" H.S. aiid sa, rlfii'es hv Austin ami Koach At A(iicilii, l. ball on the field. 'dirt traef and as Pie timing was .hute Seme-- - It. II. A oufil n t May 11. 1'irst race. T The dravs w ill su back to Santa Co by obetilcliv am) the met properlv - Mann lacl of blank hooks, loose leal' ileile s aoil Ktihlicr Detroit Ollll llOO Onft 0 I J furloiiKs: Pluck Mate won; Keep on a return date about the tweiity-sic- sa not ioiiod the records V ill stand. I'lie iticr ii course was patrolb'd bv 2. mi" troops ' New York (ion ji:--- 0 Mnvim.', second; Uiisiom, third. Time. ond consecutive day of Hie month ..f stamps. II J I, V. M. ....oiio J I Won Game Hen; by I'lione Journal It iiildiiic. Albuiiieiiiie I'.alteries Summer!) and Slana;e: 1:27 May. And It- they don't win the name from Fori . A. Pussell. Univeisitv l''.-r- fi ru Summary: and Sweeney. Seeond ra,e. r on B. Whin won: Sunday the population of Santa I'e 1 1 i of to 3; Shut Out Falda, second; Hidden Sand, third. will have to barricade themselves in; 'Hie mile time trials- ildfi.-ld- Score li'Mou. Ill: si. I.ouis. II. Time. 02. old Fort Many while the r.iiiru am. Pcnzi ,:ps:lo; .'!H; K Irse her iDar-i- s Until the Ninth, ilusión. May II. The home team Third race, one mile and sixtociiili: explodiiiK;. 'acó i .4.V made it two straights from Si. I.ouis Cohort won; Miintomery. second; Lad Mall mile time trial: iildtiold K, I ( i . x : (To b uz .17. an mmercc today hv heavy haltiim. llailoy was of Laiifihm. third. Time. 1:4; in race, 4 Adrain Mile Wyoming amateur champion- The has, hall lloin ihe School of driNi'ii from the hex the fifth Fourth fiirloiius: t.aiu M Established 1890 Albuquerque. N. M. ship: Drinker lAmeiicani linio áT of .vest .r, l.i y r - lifter u o were out. won; Akiiwiiii, second; Moncrlef, third. JEFF RIES SHOWS Mines al Socorro CATlTAIi AM) Sri.PM'S, $2IIO,IIOO.O 11. :ü,í. ears; IIOIIH Ule S, or, I!. K. Time. liaitht mile liandloap. .stink Weill iloWIl to lIcle.M befóle Offh-cr- i P.u-ic- ami Dlmlort: St. I.ouis not old (Mil 1 ', Fifth race, handlcati. mile: Fashion III (Kii'.yi first; Proiison i k university hoys here hv a s. ore of In i t s 4 li ; 4 lill-tt- SOLOMON LUNA. W. 8. STRICKI.EFI, R. H. MERItITT Histon oi' n I ii Ti" 10 14 Plate won; Firestone, second; Pock- - second iuie, a. l.i ll. ilespile the s. ore. tin r; y i v I'realdeal Vice Aaat. Caahlai liatleries--liaile- y. 1'elty and Killi-le- stone, third. Time, LIS. T went mile handicap, stink yniue WHS pecll ia a U oil,', I'rci and Cahl C. BALDRIDQH I Smith and t'arrinan. iMher Sixth race, H furlonys: Acumen OLD VIM cars: Prinker American i. Time. osllli; so Ilea ilv lice, use ol J. H. M. DOi 't)l KKTT fRANK A. HUBBKLH sanies posl poned hy rain. won: Petronius. second; ( i. Km, Ihird. 27::tx poor wm k in the pit, lo t's box. and 11. W. KTCi.LT A. M. I1LACKWKLL WM. McINTOHH III t be- Time, 1:11 Un- 'diversity winiiliiu easily cause of the llawless) llilow of A Pen, ro isiKiHHii; (iik HM.MMV i: tooth i'.sn: vi: ii.i, westerleague At KiiHTyvill.. PAPKE-THOMA- S BOUT W lio Iel he isitol s I. Hid lolly olle hit VIGOR up when he ONE TUBE FREE ( to ihe ninth hniiiin. tul K T; . Cul,. Miiv II First race, ,": Topeka. :!. Hi CUT TO TWENTY ROUNDS c. ii'i less and three scores were run I I II óllc .1 Mt Ol Omaha. d wmi; OF i: i iinaha, May A cold wind I'lirliiiius. si'llins: r.nivtuii up h v the Al tiers hcí tuiiI: Salnotii., thlfil. - ' 1 swept the dianiond today, eliilllns the Arthur linusi'. Tila t t he fj. lile w as a hov e he a CELEBRATED CASAVERA CR EME TIiiip. tl.l w n b spectators and at times inlerieriiiK r, ran.- as show the i.ot that he Si'i'otiil ran', f nrlmiHS. sc i uti : N'o San Krani is,, i, May 11. Tin' I'iuln THE WILLIAMS DRUG with play, hut hoth teams did fine Joy Reigns in Trainin.a Camp lietween .toe Thniiias lillly Miners made hul four errors and tin COMPANY work, allowed Quarter won: Knimti O..; anil l'aiUe, Tuiv ersitv hut three. novel tlteless. Kaufman i ii na i o West N'nvRoriln, thiril. Tlino. 1:14 -, was nax'e heen slaueii in II" Central lllnc Front hul one hit, a series of niisplays Condi- - I'i'ti In r l.vuns lor the Socorro hut l! AiiK-n- s. Because of Improving May u. has i ,..- in Hie (iniaha tile ame. Thil',1 nifc I'lirliniKs: Sir ci,,,,, ion was lo poor iiii'iu or eighth stave won: rri'ti'iisinii, simihiiI; Xiitintr. mull May Hi. The null Mill take either It. K. oiilv in til.- liin.Ii ten lass as a 1 1 Score lion of White Champion, placo at 1 ova inland rinn ami ill,- ruai ANTMÜAÍ 10 AMIJtlCAX I) LOCK :. I 1 thlnl. Timo, 1:21. hire 001 000 o. - ph. lo r. The rnivei'sliv not iimaha li I'lirlnnK.-i-, fHliiiK: (lislalue IliH been tl'olll t,'IH- bus H, HAHN GO, ,'i ."i 4 raro, iu I, a s, 111 ed W. "Tha Only Topeka 000 o;!0 000 - twi-iu- ill ecu hits .in in in CKHItll.I.OS LVJIP a Finaiii'lfr v,in: ( 'ha rl.'S ("lifin, wc- lie to iniiiiils. Gallup Lump." Hanson. patlon anil I eleven Allell, ihe I', X M. pitcher. liatleries (illil: Wal'l'li'lil, Timo,! "tv MornhiK .l.iiirniil Siiclnl l.rilsril H'lri-- The ellances in the ilalis for tin.' Poles. l'avid thinl. and Seeder, w ft il behind he Phone 91 Caihnan: Kaufman and Kill l.olllollil, Cal., May II. Th.- liullt ere Illa, le oil aeeolllll of lile MILL WOOD KI.NDIJIXti l:2. wlij.-- hat. played the U.illlc for III, mili", selling: ' Shoi i in the i iiri. iiiil entire 1'lfth raro, .l.M'Irii's traluin iiiini was hiuli iirinnoters Un- pi. iv- - IX's Moines, it: .losepli. ill I ns-nl- niversiiv, and seven "IHol a Cheap Coal at a Cheap St. i. : tlin ii. tonight heeanse in Ins work eleil San Mateo eoiin where otlur won: Al'trrmath. Stocl. oiril.s s Si no, ,1 W ,'tt, he, t lie - Pri" his Moines, la.. May Imnsli show- .Mlolliev lailloeli a linoiiii, eil el bout jlld Time. 1:40. out today the reilred ehatniilon t i Ihe Itesl Coal hy team, In- hihll Ion. At the ha however. 'Or- "Bil al Fair Frim" outhalteil tlio St. Joseph Sixth raer, ll fui Iones, selliim: ed alt lhtj vim Ills trainers could ex- woiil.l tir.M'iit the Ik lit Des Moines won the smni' today on won: Malrh Tulla, pect, lie was to have resumed the nish Inn d mil a lu ce liaUK.-r- hut MKICK. LIMB. COM lUirnoit. Mli ll nit, show e, Ins a bill! v at Ihe sheer look. se, .oiiil; Time. l:2'i iiymnnsium iirind in the a I'ternooi;, lin P.. H. V.. Ilovalia, thiril. RUMOR OF EXPLOSION ON name by landilm ü' hils to Score lull i handed his mind after Inneli huí 0 s :t sec. a .lid Dos Moines ...200 01 noil w ith of hes of ni, and siunle lUa.l.line and several the nttai III 111 . . OOO Oini J II BATTLESHIP BASELESS SOIlle CO, Work HI ,ef'bl Hie Si. .losoph I'ull Al l.oni-- ille. ihe cainn went hy autiunnhile to li'ld i, i ial--:- l la Itei s i w on and Itohre; i .Ma'y i a dip in I In- sui'f. ninth iniiinn' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ALBUQUERQUE N. M. Louisville. 11. raen. sK Santa 'ruz lor - no Tile Si lei I'i tintlollhl- and Wolfe. won: see-om- l: I'.esides workitm; well villi the, e:ives ,.ie rnihinus: Marhles I'amel. illv 1,1 op- Cnpllnl and Surplus 2.,l),tlnu I ü liov.-r- . eiplallv as oil. ieot as 'lie Asiiiriii, thiril. Time. l l loves .lelfries was ill a joetllar mood Knylaii-I- Mav 11 Tin ii... .": l ily. I. posing (. .un, hul l.vons. w ho ,, tb, il Drpohlls J,N(I),(MI Wiohiia. sionv Seeoml raee, 4 flll'lollus: I.ouis and playfully ruffed his seronds sh p London. ,,i the Itrinsh Atianiu - I, lb, ni no i win. Sioux City, Ma.v 11.- Sioux City lost New around diirinir the In i.f periods of hat i h shi p on an throw inc. bailee to Offers xccptlonal fucllltlpa to patmna mid ollirrs, deslruns of open- Km, won: C'linlssiiiiri;'. seeoinl: fli.i. whirh I,, , . - I . ,,,i Had In n ill Uo- sain,. lass as the another ten iiinln- name to Wichita Starr, Time, : IN rest. In lioxiim lie lighter rushed f,,n Vii reponed to Inn.- emr.-.- ing accounts. thinl. tllell ullll SUppOl Ule - toilaw Thir.l raer. I! liiihniKs: Kye While Imth Armstronu and Chonski around arrived here i.nlav. The ex pl.ei, m ru- l'llle'- It 11. K. n silv al! il uol Score won: Alfreil the Ureal, seeoinl: Carl-Io- nt a merry paee, stepping alter them mnrs are uiilnnil foiinda I ion would have laini.l sioilX City lllll (IL'O 0 4 11 I liis i 'a i tor, w In. did ra I. Iiiin. Im be ,.00 ... 1 h in!. Time. 1:11. lurioiisly in koihI imilatiou of real the Wiihita J 0 010 100 I ." s 0 Fourth raee. mile ami Iweiily yanls: prize linn aggressiveness. Al II. IS. was oil Ule ol all I be I lllc Potteries Freeman and Tow no; Karly won: see- After the hoxint; ihe Ms fellow and pl.ived a H,,iii... I'l,.. I ad- Thle l'oal i:eiort, w Aleiilson and Shaw. oinl; Time. 1:12 tried the violent a lidoniina exereise verso, bovs ill plav a r, liliu calm lr. llolshiri;, thinl. TIMID IN In- w t . . wlliell lie used to reduce his waist WITNESS at S, ,,l M III, s. Ii, li I'll, Pel :!. w - I.VOIIS lie 111 ,' 1,'W Lincoln, .1: Denver. rare 4 iiirlmms- Kvia v,,n: une inn- irnwaum won ais mi.ivv. SaVS Wl'l siloW til, ' u r. le, i ,, us, - Dail) Lincoln, May n a lona- drawn (! I., liovle.'seioii.l: Sir I lawn, thir.l. He sil m: r ha, kless .hair with hi.. wrinkles he i,, .,.t,- Dronsoii Saitimrititii and n- - out Kame today Lincoln defeated " Time 4't " r, "n 1lu' r"n anoiher ami r. io 1. Siv'tli' raé '.selling purse. í::íiO. tnllr h aneil l.aeh null! his l tnueheil n a su GRAFT PROBE I 1,'V ll S.or, - K. IL Iv ami seventy 'yanls: Tom Hola won: flooi'. th. arose rapnlly to 'ha lie III, III t... lav Lincoln 00:1 100 10! J 0 ,i. h i assowa r . mí: County Clerk, Denver t mi it in:; ooo :i :i 'l third. Tim I'i .lelilíes nanus inai ine piaeiiee iii Lie lit CIV e aw iv lo Uo Paiteries Farihinir and Clark: .this exereise lor the first time slnee abes tod. iv. III theater - - and MeMurrav. lt. ,.,t tin- roa. aei minted for his s.,1,1 FAINTS poor liexinu lasi .lonila'. He Hon v a adev ill III I! lef Territory of New Mexico iinat .nisi oeiore puuuiK on me Kin, buy Your PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE lax- I a I Office of the Secretary. lust Man. lie work' the ex The w in.! do blow bin 11 bio eise for ten miniiti dressing w a thai c i Ii in tlii a r was to '.' '.' I'ortliinil. .": I.os Ansflrs,. roiiiii and when he readv box r . Un- i row ,1 lasl nicbt Screen Doors and Porch Swings I .os Angeles. Cal.. May II. Port- Miscellaneous Certificate. his stomach was so sore that he could N 0 NCW (TI 111101 TS AUclillSt ii i land took the t il si nume of the scries nioM wlinoiit siiilerini; pain. I b.Ve HIV p llll'e shows, :, .1. I, secretary of left Cruz inois Legislators of , I Hum Pus Angeles today, to Nathan Jaffa, r.efore Jeffries for Santa Accused el a llib' lie III Ilea tel Albuquerque Lumber Company, 423 n. First street Score It- II i: the Territory of New Mexico, he and Sam HorKer admitted that t!i, Los :i .". t list of eastern eliulhles referee or Corruption in Election of .Anudes do hereby certify that: lor 111 mal no Portland a S 0 on 2'.Hh day had heen cut down conslderabh . Whereas, the it Aside from list of Calilornlans in Senator Loiimor, Patierios Kra if: and Fisher; Na- 1 !l 0 0 Alnu-qiierii- the March, A. I. . the 1. vio. Th, usen and i irendorff. lili' Iltílll luí lie position, Ciller is Citizen was desiitnatpd now stroiii, for three easterners Lin k Montezuma Company of Trust fls the (ilficial Newspaper Oi. of l'iiishiirif. Charlie White I Mt.r.-lii- Oaklaiul. S: san I lancNco. J. melius ll.v Morning .loiirlliil l.rnsp.1 lirr New Mexico, and lot .New York, and Floto of Iieti- - V. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 'ii isoo. May 11. iiakt.ind into I'liioiK'i, Al ,v 11 Cox. a C. OLSEN Whereas, sahl Alhuqurrqil er. Thomas won an asy victory o r San Fran-- 1 Lock Island. !.. null . hiloll ceaKed Mrs. .leffrii s is crin- - rapidlv. actoi HAY, GRAIN Capital and Surplus, $100,000 'seo i hjs ;, i ti'i'iioon. Citizen has publication; '11 the jni I'oolli at Ihe elilll-tll- . and PRODUCE she .aid second isit tu the srym-nasiii- m titan. Si"i'i Now, therefore, public notice her il today i: ii. k today. court lore whil. SI X l Ml it K INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS 'ak la ml I :t .1 hereby In com- In lllii as a II rollTltV is Riven that; examined witness in th'' m ill i;l I i I "'an Francis, o 1 i". ,á S. b'l.'!slat l e III est ion. pliance with section chapter JOIIVMIV STIf KS TO l,lll,.! la OOOOOOOCK XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X KXK X KX'X XXXXXXXXXXXXX Palle, ies l.ivelv and Milze; Miller 79 of the laws of 1903, reouir-In- u mn o n CoX w I.elllJ , ll, Si loll.-l- l leH. II , Mil iilt I 11 M. I'llOlM- - 'lei ills mi mi: i:o -- a ll.ini. Ihe Secretary of the Terri- S.iii Fianriseo. ,.ay IL- - The John- iiili cerlain ss nsai tlolis ol Slate III . S, t e Helirv I.. h. e- - tory to dosi'-'na- te mi Official son program of was not - B. H. & CO. I'rnoii. I. liaiii.. d in tin- lean todav. the third land of l:., k Island, one ,,1 the dem- BRIGGS 1 I Newspaper of New Mexico: the KELLY & l.: GROSS, 'ai - CO. lam. .iilu, .Mai Saclami nto day sin... the .,,!,, red man his I ocratic IllU. IS ot tile I I! k Albii(iienpie Mol lililí Journal li W Druggists ( I V a ) another eame ft "in Vermin Hi at Ihe ali.-- lio Vote. t.. illi llll I.O lilller I'l. I o r ii r I d day Is designated as installed beach. Shortly hereby such s ii'i l.ii-- in the morning he .all.-- to- soneto.1. lrl,rll,.Vd .,r Seor,. Now 1. s ,1 ll. 11. K. Official XoMsKicr of gether Tom l.illle. Chi. in. Culler nmt No ni. no ni wer,. telurio to- larado I'lini inaey. ir. Culil anil s lam.-nt- ; :i I Mexico. I'arn.-- day. Wliolesale Merchants and Dealers -- - Fiirev for the run over ill" I irsi: imiiiaiiii I'linrimii'v, l or. ñu. n 4 n l Chen under my hind and hoiilex arils and hills. Haiim; lllap-l-- i I nsf I eiiii-a- nml i ltiai.iiiflv. Pal t.-- i: ,1 Prown. Pnum and spics-mai- the ilreal Seal of the Territory out a course thai uives liim ah. mt Iliti iiUnn Will . l. t '.indiilaic. in Wool, Hides and Pelts s. h.i,.fer n. idi.-ol- -. and Prow of New Mexico at Ihe City of Hifhi' miles of allernate I. v. road .l i. Mav II. i;..eilior 41D W c. ,,,(,. r riione S I 3 and hill elimhiim. it mi i. ni!-!s"U- . it Is a Navajo Nuts, Bearish, Cli.'ü, Potatoes Santa fe, vhe Capital, on this Johns., will k Jatnesil lit hoi itat LOMMORI BOTTLING Blanket?, ':c. and to it Uo- u ... k i r CO. AMERICANASSOCIATION fourth day of October, A. P.. tor present at least. a li in mi in d lids a teriiooit, will not He did not ,!uii!,. los speed any l, a , ,r Oilier Nati .c Products 19fi!. audi, In, M'li,iMitii.ill,,i. i.ritrollei of the famon W A I MINI KM. : At Toledo 2 (Seal ) NATHAN : - t ho-'se- s lit V. M : A!! N M Toledo, V St Pant. JATA. iliio I'lslanees and In n falling The best saddle o ,p ,, S"ll .Ms.l hottiell f.f Ilmjsei ni T'ast l.a5 a.iier,.'e. Tueum.'arl. At h k a M ; s. , I.'ii; N M.. i'i i Milwaukee 11. Secretary of New Metlcrt. il tr Jos. and occasion. i II..' in Ihe ri an at W. I.. Ti lllilil,.';, I I :: All Kinds of Sodas. I'e. in mi. nl. I'olo. Milwaukee, 7., i ' j'lii.t to take a hort ret and j N. Second mint. I'lu.r.e . ont conns aki; un: in..,r. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL THURSDAY, MAT 12, 1910. Live Nes From New cMexico and Arizona RUMORED GRAHAM The law won't BROTHERS BUY let us make a larger What's Doing all Over the Great Southwest cigar for a nickel the law of quality. Any size is CLAIRE HOTEL 'IlKtrlitH In iho IM.-- tin- riuii.l too big if the taste is wrong. liil ri ai lli'll till' H.nltlK-- II iailllnl at i LOVINGTON fAKESÍMONTH OF APRIL al tlic lii." nt tin- - iniintli, fully lliitty GO 0PERAT1V E PLAN No brand is rigit if you l;iH III flilwilltr uf till" II.Hillll Hi'asnll. At iTNiuii ;it Kni t .N. .li-l- smoke you lili ilii ilain AH)u-qtici'q- got the ue don't u Report Santa Fe That i.ddii i., mill (i i lad iHisH-.ii- h mot- mi tin. :iiih uf tln in. mili. Men Have Acquired like; and the PLACE IN VAN R ABOVE Tll a ra ce tiiiliilii-- nl' (laid Willi ill" FOH CONSUif IIVES itii'li or ni'iii- luía iiiitatiiiti fur tin. n r- Hostelry; Board of Trade fit'ii-i- nan tliri-i- ' Tin iivi'iat'i' .r.'- - i Ipitaliun fur (hi. iliHtrirlH 1V.IM as h Kick on Bi Apaches, Henry George ,fi, 7, Ml?, nil in' h; ,.i. S. II ;, i D indue ÍHE L .in Ii, a ml .i I', ii. I ini-l- R06RESSIN6 01 i'iiai:i.i:s k i i.ii:v.I Hpprlul Hi Si at ion i ii i..r. liliiiiüt.'li to tfrmrw .Inurunl1 Sc Giflar HaniA i'i'. x. rimi iii" Hnti-- lia. snji melloxv, Nrw Town o'l Plains East o Pxicss in Tempoiatuie for the SUBSCRIPTIONS 10 RINCON I'laira linaiiv nni lias the flavor. It's a GROWING WEATHER Hint (ira ham I '.rut lims f.i' A ll'tii'iiit'i'iiii" smoke, made of Pocos Gi ovviiia R.'ipidly Willi Month Repotted by Weather PROJECT COMING IN lilt' llif Imyi is, w.iH ii tn nr. mi tlm rich Hiri'pt ihtM ninriilnu ami a uait'liny a blend fii st Class Business House? Man; Smeie and Da in ad nc tared tobacco, tn.iil iilin tliat hiH namo In- that , r of filler and wrapper and Live Bonsteis, Frosts Fnily in Month, PLEASES FARMERS Colony-i- Valley of Rio Grande m..nti..n.wi. stat, ... rpoi-t.-- i":it nc Ran vie lasi nielli becomes a harmony the Needs $25,000 to Stmt Ball 1:111", mm Uní i ni ir ii ( in . pIiisíhk thf t Wnfitliti Joi.rniill H w f I it is lighted. A rirlul i.. ' ii r, s, imOht Hurínú Rolling Successfully for Bi; iloal Willi linilinm In In im. moment I an ii.Kt'tt, V M. l I I."V Inu S;inl:i v M. This Haiti" ntatial thni i.ra-lin- í n on iiii'i't-i-i- Imiyp value that five cents seldom ri mu hi' urn- ion ns Ih ii has t'htimlir SoMtniary Enterprise, liintliiTH Inul tn tin' J I. A i - full-mad- tip III p.lSl IT Oil tit" for April. mm ir.iii'i ty tn .lai'nli ni Ixi ii i' r e, e, sptllll" III' i, "ii. full-siz- hnti-l- , gets a II lm a plains. till' pi I'ph 111 All'Hia Sit... Tin- niMjiHi m A'l!l ;ivei;iL''il híi.'- - .ii". iiiiiil.l run il as m-il- a to in i i nt v ma Il ti hi i mil hi the m r.-- iini'f. enli mil .inlii h;tt míhi. tilt Minintt 'Iti f rfirrf.p.,n,lrr n. soid, cigar, fl'iihl .Vtl'-sin- II! .;':(, S,,I rrnlii Jininall Tlioro )ni" I'f'i ii s" many n inirts for substantial Pile ithtiusl litre. on- Muí-I- .Hh.mwh ut.n fni p ()f Doiiiii Well lilmtiit, M 11. - It ha li.ul lln tn.iil ' i i a e filen í'C0)3 Kinds ,, ,lav a nnivi'- ivonits anil imiiiihs Hi" t'lnii-- down lii'iti - which suits most mcii r w i - - clianpiim jit-- 1 iml, Til, ti'H Mi.iMiKh li'i- ni .i m wnilirr. Nearly un ni .ni fniit I.,. .:. i ;i k In lln- i stall- H"t"l hatnls that litili- .í Ut- at Demii).'.; Irish Potatoes II .1. il.'iii.iril ul .Vil.sia :i m :iiiln ill U rvUV IlilH rVrfH s nt uf a tiihiiii' ill ti'iitinn was paii! in llu'in. It is the last half inch. It - to lln.- han i t:i iilislu il rinl ii ni i m (i ;i d lit i'tti n i i ; t rin i; Mus li. lnllv lm- h in th" Hint ii m il luinn n ri al t stati- firm of I Ready for Market by First of I'll-- linti-- be- l'..IH tilMllttll .1 ii o itavs' trip II! ll' nlv In í'hiVíM, norKivvcHl Hun IíihI ...i.,K,-- ,,r ti,,. ,,.i, as". It is m il i'y 'ini! .'Hi mi tin. stands in the first rank .ll.1 Illlil pl.'IIUs IS llllilllt J llltlt limits' Miytit'l. Hunt h ,M"t;i, fi- - rn July, kiinuii that ih,. iiiiim im iinrtani lliim; mnil Jl.'i.v ." nml iiimli. cl'C.irls In it mi turn i.'ilii jml hum l i I'otiit .Vna I'oim- - is tn K"t tlm piuit'iit nun ,i .aiiiraii'.p hut wiihnut sin iiss, Tlit'tn was fino rn- - cause it is never rank. Thi- Iii'mi ni tin. iii m t ti ,i mo mail t"H. Th.- l.'.r'ti tent '",s nertllTeil in i llnifil,. in tip. hntiimini nf ini'. "lir.n "I"'' tli.'U llif lmli'l finally snlij M t il I' v M st.ll.lls'l.'il ntlt tie leiitiil Him Cr.niile v:iMey. ()' Tln nr,.;ti till firiiliy iiis in I hi' iml luit real cstat" int-- wlin ;ip- - Found in every case in III tin II Iii. II '.! pel! Hi . Hull .luán nli.l the I'ni't tt,ir.i (pri-iti- llliiMlf-- to III IVfuriitlK ilmirnnll lliat m In ii iinmlii-- ar.' il"!- - p.'tr to Know tinny this iinil pay that if (I :!:',-I- every i in 11 trn-e- M a Head Vlexlio 'I'll' si'" lor III!' toll Is listrlrl, ee.eUiK fultr (I' iV ii'iiiiiiK. N. M., .M.i.i in. -- 'I'lin "lit of Un ir llalli- u nlí tur tln-i- ilaili i' 'n snhl it ortainli In midl town and fino muí "nod i,;,ii i' )s lunii'l in ahim-ilatll- nt Siirorr.i hihI r'uri I'.ru.ird uint tíuteli- - 'ilii, uii! till' ri' m lm llttla laint.-i- ni I. un. i ii.nnii art- Iniillant aniii'ais lit a (it Mum .',i tu i . itm luiir ii ul Inilt i'. "li.ii. lint ii ' ..i' i Th Iii li.ns ham! th" lili" ul.illiUK V. lit III"!' ii, tin ntisiimi.iion i Til,-- In ha li-- n i V low 1( III pet a t HI nr- - nil In , w y.ii-i- - 1'omniiii; honsr- .n fill, tul ami lion j'I'Im nf 1.1 Kt UialiH. Till- 1,1't-- t'liii'itao or ni- s'lari iiiK In lor it ar. no nmal --le,. U al iii. Perfecto 4 not - lllil lialH hall' lll'lll); Hi' till 1 llll. Hit '"ll piop!" the liit, from th.- ;r.l to (, wlill 'hatli in or Vi i;...tii.i. worn si'ivi'tl tltiM". Il is n snlista lit a I fmw ami ri'uiH nf ail is al'.- .,v l III. 1. tin- n Tin- e iiarni It t in-- a till. ii full I. Hill tiili, tinl (he oiul liom the l.'tli to t"M if HiniiM is noil pi'iiposiil in ilil lookinir si m on Uin l'laza. anil 1 NiLES & MOaER CIGAR CO., Ohiribuion - .I.ilnu l"!i. Tllilii in tul u ou- t n hunilntu, A ip-t- I'ith, th- pruhn lily ' tu- -' In is is I"i the l.itfer priivlnu' III" chilli iilair nl" tlliiililiu tt. .y.!"!i-illill- "uní uliri" pati, mu t foi'" ""I'I'' "f hrlrk anil lilli'tl tip with Lf bene Main 35C0 Denver, Col. li.lflK I' ti ni .'iMllllt lililí th.- i tin- - tin iTsims,. ki i riiiliiitors I'lfa llltlt .tipil, f nlileni day ni m.nth, tor the A war nun tiny in. ni'i al mail,- ions inrnails steam ami trir liiihls. I' .1. posits op riti-- i y i hi-t- S i t e lum Ih i t p i.' l.'liuul has l.iiii in :tr ami ilain Hnhlllll; initittii.-- ml IlilH mi lln'lr slri'ti;lh an.l s. nr.. nl "hly h'i'a tor in the in v J i r til'- months Uli'il-- th' .it:inM oí i i .: luxury not put!"!! ll"Hl enrreil in r,ily oil the as an iMH i iini'iil. Tin i pLint, lilty liara,' th" ntli it!a 'i s of IhoiiRh this has hiani III nt J K.ivi-t- In, It nMI'fnl s. llh, i.lh ntnl l.'.tll, the mu- i mi'tli. iil aril. ainl nSP tor nomo timo. is saiil. Il has iiixtii''l!M laltT rotni; ai ras i nuil th" i: ni (iii-- i'il nltftition. loltliiK' :lMll'l lltlO l "III III li- p UlUllU'hf Iteejuine o) !l- l.t a n r olí. .muís - rooms ami was l.tiilt or ispeitalh seV'le lite H.i inn In I ii " Ihal tllij Inivi "nut of Ih" ni snlii- liio inara it ll in ii.ll. lie 1'iiiiml tin i wl,"eU li'.Vll-r- III i morp 1,a - ' illlllll-- III.U lllt'i laiH-t'i- nial.:.' ul fruit .1 i to piian .vpi'tisi s. In nun. ('onilm is tlin pros- itvin, I'itrlv ilniilil. Ii" a. i ai;c' Ins j i ar. I'.i tiltil J. i pina "mph..M il oh- - frt J . I 111 sysieni of h.iiikki It unlit'- C I.. 'i i if .in Ih. .uní ii l un i hi y III In- iMi.-- ti'tl spt-ti- ninn.ií.'1'i' nml lissop. It iss,,i, his f'ttiii'iiM ami altalia. linn tatiti-- n, tins plai'" 11 ill In ill alt, li i. to fin te ami insiil II. mu ..- - nt-l- ii .4Ht ,i hi- a liiii-- lit tnshtel. il;, Thump alimiHl llalli It,. ni Un. I,li:!i p. 'lío, i!ai, loas'' mi holtls until .Im-.-i- I iinill .'Iii "iii'iii'li lm ma I'lii'l ini.' I.;. Jnli I. i:nh ivliiih sliail th" n.-i- an, rn. ho.'s i.'i foil. llll'llll! i:lltil- III,. II, S (Hi f- tli.fl lli't II ISI I'll K. Illlllilliull . h" a pin in pl'1'.s, : ila i! In th" phisl- - '"'r 1. ( n.:.'. Ill a liotil. h" f In- - li'nl!;lll lit Ii.iiiK. ihiliiiilM- Hiliti'il all.-!- tin- llitli A Ii il t'latl In ,t a i i',-r- Whan s "ii ilii.- ai'ii t iiomi. Mam - ti III, I' Ii. lilt- ins! it ill i. ai tip in lilt' si:' II n' IK III' M HIH li!V,l!iHs ll.HIM. H i lliu-lli- 1'iillliaiial has his hi" iimi-i- hp lioir-- I Till' l' III n. tilt- lisa In Hip air, 'otn said tlip has n -. al ila, ,lal.i nil". first ( - - ai liülit work mi "If it i sl.tlili.-'hllielil:- a il i Inn si li.ul "l- urasnliii" i liL'lllt' in- I Ihe si pen.'l As lit A ill ill; I.i i .'Mi , iiai-i- snlil, ilo knoii- n Iiíiil; it opileliuti sloi", s,,.,. iml ill" til" not ni ahont iifiit hp li a fV ami is pt'. mm hum! rcil 11 imhlie .r lias lt n.ark .'I'll Slllllli: hut ill! .11" Hi. Hi ll w .. i I...I tin- l arin on in In-r- 's Hint m i.f urn ntli aim- in tin' tlilitl iilin is th,. stall Hm' loas" lioltls until of "inula ioe. anil a M I'.! II I . nl' lamí lo in' iml in ln'!insv Th" p t ,. tln-r- :it ta llllshv pihl lisoll. ih. aih-- tin- it i a l nl'i- l iim; Ilstalit'il u ,.f ,i-- M v o, at a .hiiit tinii pf I. all knoiv hav ' it ii i.i his puní i.iim jila nt J.iiihi lo Klli'l" his ''1. he hu at 1.'. ii )'o,i 'ompuni. flam Ilia L'lilll tn lit" ma iltllllll ul lit" i. Ihp Sania 1' ta ami ni:" o"fii h'ls of rumors alunit Hip liolfl . II III ' nil i i . I nl til tin In mil-- ,..i ini; iialif pit' lln- a th-'- i ii.-i- propi-rt- '; mi in. .nili mi ya- ;'.tit. ;'Hi ami JIMli. htir i.l ,nia - itiitri rliaiiKinu hamls. Inn if ira : n- - il. I, o, i., i, Mu .mil:,, m i 'nmlill. K, H ,. I tin- h ;, ; iii,- l1:"" Ht'otlmis haip malli- t h llesiili that the nal of in, Tin. "i ml inn nl miiiit Tin- - nrauti imlasiim ian,i nl Ui" i I -i i VV Iilin- limiT mi tin- sit.- ..I' tin ni hi It Inns rti-H- A mol,.. V ii spot sin-l- propprty it is to mp." leniiali iitmmiysi, fia ls th,.' Patu.r nniHtli iii ilnrlii!! Ilia Italf m u - lat.- "'II.' for uith I 111 . .1 I . h.nis.- Inn mal ilni n ,1 In. I. llll.l (j ii Ill t I II M 11 U rmiit a t nl. i on'l.1 hp It WliPti ask,, as to i lm imat, if Ih" III" uf III" l It li-- 'Tin- mi Inniiil. ins r.'Bi'i-- liisnli of .lames . ,V I'SU'l'tia) immi. loss nas - l the til.' ltl.!l Til. lili IIÜ..1I (' A ii s hi ):h, . sur- - hnililiiiL- Hip holi-- .Mr. I.,! In llio nii.riiiim tin. Itilli, - in ml nf ti,. iitanih ronihc - 1. small ami Hie runs,, nf tin- II, n ri W'allaee lleinoiils, lióse nuiimely ,!. han. i ii sluu t ft, i in a ul nnml.i-- nl I ii a nilm hi .I'ihh i it.- r. - liniiHf.'il In hills, ulii.l: K'ild In' hail !,.; I.l it Has i',n.nini. It Mil i lila, I, nun it. Hi ease is a loss i linhinsoii Mat ila a .i.iti il. ami in maní' u.iih t In- hIiumi is. "t ii from th- - si-- nir of ihp " I"' lia morp Hian persona) to the iinin-'- i ' uf hotly, smith anil I. pair shop. Iliai.iiilt Ini In ,11 Ii r. hv . u uim! storms iifinii in- - in In- - a ii'ar lor tlip Imli I. is this .ilitl to the pint. til- 'lilt: al rlllil mat t main r'lil !i I In- a Th,. linai.l nf ilii in s .,t ih.. i h. 11 ' ín ea e ttl. iaii an. ha lal". .iitli'l lltii M l.h li' III lit" atlliinlil ii - t'alili.s. s thp lilst Imiii south i.f ofiiiial hit lement. That , ha, i iin-.-- pr o In i "I tailitiniT. " lis l. Koill'fl Of .Mrs. in i!iis. In i n. ..Kill Tin. iini'i fi.iinttf'H n--- tillar tllP slot .!(,- .al,! to I," hllll I.V Tl'illll' Ml'1'l. '.or l" I!"i ini; In Ih" i. ilii.- nl tin t.i-il- Hip i thp To malt lit.ili- til. ill la am . tin- nl. nl aii tai;" allliinnl, M.i.iari tin- lihl.'il S'.ai.-- i'. a ii o snlii,, 'I'I"' imi'tiny of hoar.l of m In parents ainl lativi s mu I Hi.- - i at '.'.:! it p. XiitliJii; Iml I''1"1 ; . li lip t ' YOU NEED i.tlul illti siu ss ul tin. ti.ivn. lull tin Hln.M Ih" laic!.! iii in. al i:i,.ilia iii Ihilt" lm th" pttiptisp m was litrcilj atU'iith-.l- n nil heartli svnipailii: nm! tuithi-- THIS l , i. Mil hut k -! M, i i, , . hnslili'Ss ias It iilisai'li il. it i ;;:a i , lit soli "il, tlies" he '.ilh. la a " nf tin' liU K" H il inn fall til"! " linj; :'0ii,iiAii a s of iami ii, mi'Tfntliiir. thai resolutions II .von are a man; nurn.-- ' 11 l,M' tl tin- hitai-.l- weak if t.ll.i Ita! Ulan, II" Tin- i; r i 'i'- M".i"it, T n n,i jipx! nhsfiipp nf lliti pi'psMpiit. nteri mi leeulils of tin- , iluilnn ,pnl i'n "mi in lis ..hout von stiller from. arieoeeio, him .l.illlli-.- n Hin-n- Ii i , - li. M. tii niifi' in! lliat an il i ..pv un' in k., lit liri't ipiln i.iii ii"inn'.1 In tli" im' tn ii of j i.ii. iami ti irihn- Umi. Ki' ii, ('rank of sain. ilnMns:, Irtvt ' st ren:;! h, ilelhiity ..i ti..- j i i u ..i tin. XVl h artt-i- as ry in itli- - lit I a III" la il' iii of i la- tl, limn, it, l:in liiiiinl" lalli-i- in .M. KInliv nml lirt.i nu Kiil.Jiin shi'i piiiii pmat j'i'ii tlm or ea kiies.--, you im tin- hi-- a r .1. .V. tuner i.f Hi,. C.iu- uiiil hasp of Dr. Ilolls. I Hint t'nliav i iiitiilli's hiiiitthi in TUGUMGAR AND nl supplies. can he rpiiekiy llior-lutxhl- y 11 I t ' 1,1 ami JUI I'll! i III lia h T: I respunsp thp tln- at "mint Ii i i ii " In- ti ill. as a in I... Iml Il is that ah. nil J.",.iiiin In iiu'iiutlnn of hy iiearilli; eleelrie i !;, I .V!liiiiini-rtii- i l:i i tle fi r. ni ti..-.- - i a nam I... ilui. n i a p. i i .I nili h" i. nuii". to pur, has,, ui.. Ian.!, 'i.iiimi rt u!, Mr. ,'itt.u vp A iii. hmeiit ivhieh is pi n NKlrlll lluil! ini' ii I!..m Inn- Mio.- i ami Coopi r was olPei.-.- l tleliKti li- to Hip ii Mllnli-l- ami inaehtm ri, r,rl with .jax Di-- liattpi-- Ii. i II t i, I i . hp l - Dells .kin mi! It.' .! ..ti iniii-l- fnrnisli ami sat. p. ,ii ti,.. ,o:,iii,- iinet inn lo relative to the n;t- I Tin inonili lias iiimli lor men. In U- 1 ( I. a I,. AMARILLO i -t l 'a Usual, a It lliilll' Ii h Is LINE i for mil' i iv n If ihp ;ir-- rtops nr. '' ''s Ihe i,n I, ramie. .fíITétlEN Ihall liiith in. ! I llnrf This lias eure.1 ii n III Ml. II . . - . i . "'ir tail . mi th :ittl, :iili. lili ir.::. tne Kiui iiil li'lii t i;. oi'il- '". in'i. r " i iau .some ln-l- ..nim.iii llh. of dp. eoist eases. Il i, ii inn hi tin. ni i lir.n er. a r pilhtlslli il 1,11,1 i! '. II. A. 1'oopi-- Her,. e, i toil to ami Sim. Tin. pl'.'iallillK iliii.'linn lor llitkil I.l.. here. cu ries a nile, arinhi,' rnr-ri-- I. 'illi.ailH an- Iml II ii a ,, i meiiihership. Hon. I; I. Mr. Hi" liintiili liititi Ih" st. Kim leinU th sal's, luiori with l.fifm, Ilaea . of Pi". Iii,- .11 I I, 11. , , "as i. I'll-m- j trie to the iv, ak II. Sill III! ,,11; u iii-- i I,,,,, -- linn- u ih" sum. 'u ill. iu lint, ii. p. nml ti an, hi mi inu em.. mi' "'ero i f li'lhrs. I'nstniaster linrki They tliiH ,url Hi till- I. II, ,11 In, litt UNDER WAT - oruaiis. kioiv strotiq- atul in. !,, i,i l I are pleilj;i, I.. M.tMiii nini-,-- r.iaile a very rf- til" mini i tliniill ami tlnnili The stali'iiietit viLiormis iintii't- t li pim-er- lamín !H III. H..M!, f ul Til" laMIL.'.i -l s mot se, .uni'tllii!; the ainomohile to Taos, . .iais ilntlni; lln' halt nf 111" Tomnt.'i ill mi those tinns route iiiMin'm p ei- i 1 Ita I ,n u I . of irieit!-- "s. li I'i vas It H ' 11 an. mil I'm tin- as a villi It furnish the h utas l, h.lp pin- - ",. helieieil that with pniper cffiirl .Vjax . Himl" reillires no in to It" n m 1, a i . iii.- a ,, Ih-- I'e i "haiu.imr umi. Ill .la-i.iu,- i plni- th. ir 'Ill" '"Hltl est. hhslmil. vim-.r- u ,. 'It, lininliif nl ilitis nas r. Ii i ee. S (Mlr, .nt lm I. Ih.' l'i'" II,.- I', i ap- - ni ail i. . ti, t .ii i t.uiltr ml! suiisri lm Messrs. iHnn nml Dalies ii . l pai lli ami .,;!. :p.' fie from lonq iiieil ilry eplls-- lln... tins. 1. t In 1 pill III!.! h . t lit ni;i'u-ien- .'is a at" Ti'iiipi't-tiliin'- Lía Gonstiudinn to Stait at la tlieui ill trust nut. a I'oin'eil to !v',", 111. 'Hi 1 ml, n II ll Milt, FRFF "iir ain ami Tin- ,.. ,'a t n I t"t'- - sum is in Iniliil in piilthas. til.- Ian. I I'laillillit stleeessl r. is ti. III.. in ini " Inr til" III'!!!' ttu lifM'.r in Ailitit T.wlav. h" ..I il, i"ii I Once on Rock Island Link at a o .t.--i .ImlKf Morrison up lite suli- - ist iii I. llii'n al limit lili l' 1. s iihltii lint" ho.tiil inn iiii hnniuhl Kariit In llpply III II house- - Mils m. i .i ttl"ii. il ''ul fair ail. I'iKlit now mil "HI an In M.vt,.., , ' III he the piopospil ill 1. . ai haling a mi-a- ploliiiid to tal,, ihaii;" o. i''"l "Í ihlllmew th. la, I'.aii ii ! f K iipilier f,-- i , ,, slat. allitint"! l;'"11 mail it to j.,,,. n,,r Ih" ami aim nt,,, in II t Vl.-- Connecting New Mexico with III h. - in ii he lit i,,!;, l. al riilini uas il"i;r.'. the "Mei 'prise. Tin re no r:,l- "ur the l'alaee. hieh eltiahen in il are inilv liuiinv-li.-- .n. vihi' h n an. I il !i !., Lit. t.'Ms all ahout my A.iax. 'líala, fi, lln, i,'i a- i s il,,- ain-i- oltl.ris la .li. ni .in Un- i iiii.i i.'illetl Sania l'V's 'liosl valtiahh- asstl. i' in i iisso, inii,ei in, . .i. ul". :l...i.. inniiia! an.:' I thfir narfiius. I'll !. ' i 'V senil the honk, i luseiv si si I'm ii ml', i a tu, . lea it of the South, , , eolis'sliliy i 1'ittti-- . ti a 'mi lit. m.-- n !t in nl a l ni " ..I tllirlllli thi' l"ll". n! ...Ii lion, hill eollllllillee. of Messrs nini li.tpnl lltlii any "Oian;,pv lm- - ahsoliiielv I. .11 II i.l K Ho f. I. M. a II j - ami .nlini. Ill HI ii, :!! T'i" lni;li. si I... al in. nil II of! suhseril'i ,1 Imi iint- - ''"pm. Morrison, Dai iis ami I'mnniek I"'' ll"- lui.r. Perlinas Ila-- ,ii.l,.. H iltk! ii.iv ' iionv co.. l",illll. ,tl. all .l .mill, s I i.i.-- ii oí t.n. Ii in". ii 1 s N. i' ill i'.ti to ti t ii it a s us aip.iuiieii to u'a ii mi the ermu' ha of i ..fini'lnell!. lunriiv 'I II, .1.-- . ,. in il.ta.a at iiinan. lorunieh in Kepi. 7, lUil-- .. l..:i,i ill i.l N, ,i v ,, m, '" a I'i t - ll it i '. i III !!! ii iinil Ytax It i in ta. i i i "Ii f.,l. IS,-ln- f,rrrlt..nilpm In Miml,ur '.lirniill U"SlIU"it. u"' lia 'o Issloll nlii.'i Is ii hanip in ,ii n,i,. MiL.ple. this lt), i, p, ; . . , I I I t.t "; li l"i .'tl"l Paeons ins iiiiimh I. hi il ih".cl i s nl 'alisi.a.l. The Vtnarill... Te., Mai' in. iltullll ll"'.. vi. tints of tile at. at vhilo ami pi .ni further ilit rrl.tii,,,, nil. t , in. .1,, vlsiiim; thi, i , U ila h, Ml,), ,,,.,..,, ill ni. hie In s I'. .1 Ill pel ts i ; poll i ill st a In pi u 11 s Itltil plilCIl'' uim ill'" ahle I, i si a moi-- imes. sis m ,! , e.... alai lumi main N. 1. 1, I.l p. i ii Hi M. a u p., ' I - Dr. u.muI ilii.vrr.i's a: t'allsl.a.l ,,n lln- :'i,h. Ihe I'll "1 .un: Itltm.-- I ilium asura hie m at - lav nr.ih'e .lima!, fui, othil liilliiiil- Kolls repel le. sut eess in In Ink" a lo II 111 nami-nhi- stn-- t t!,p l.'iti"! In. al iii.utihli tin an as 'li, i in iiiimeioiis In-- t lie" ivhah im in- imiar.l rmnii, i.nt the planting "l ul .'III III-- . emnmiii !ll!lil!!!..l,.h l), f.i. Un I, K ' 1. Irei'S. I. L'f.T" at ll.u.lll.ll ll,,- tn lit "Sis nl Hi,. Mai" ami .in ll i. il i" tin a a " 1,. luaiitrilv Escalloped Oysters. , i .1 m .,!-,- , i 1, h- i i i ,1 ''mu ii Stephens' a tempt t Try a ,.f,!. as on a hoi, a i nt. ii, íii lain, ma' I'm ul Phi is Ihev a not a u i. an, are ressnia Cut a layer of oysters in tl,0 )0t. a Morning Journal Want Ad ,, ' .Ni t i t liisnli limn,. 'I'i,,. 1. In i u. la a i.a t K lo i'".!' i. iii iiaek to iv .vii'Meo eru ii in Pul! Iiilon on the liith. i:t limita i'iaiiie ss.n ion isiiiiil thai let nu ili-i- i; 1 font ni n hailing ,S I - - 'I'll, i, 1... It 1st llssei !: .!' 1 rover wiili "" II" to Ki'l lino im a nil'lli' III lalnl" lia th . " a n h" htlilll! It thill 11 lie 11 lllleel'lalti I.iiu-- is, :,r.. i,,a oalltl. tills It'll ills a i n.'lil i I'll th .1 cr. is al I'.. it I ami lit" Ini'i I!ni k lin,-- n Amarülo. I" enough to .liter it sinatoiium umi" etunniiiiee eeiisisiiiii; in .Messrs. season un sail una pepper : I i ., i hi.-- ,. i i ii as nl foil llaialil. Mini,- tin ia..i.. IVl.i. a, iiim t v jii mnil slop in .ui.. i.f t h,,t,.s ,,t .inn risoii, ami oil nin ni ntiu nut un hits of luiuer. Hnpeat ., . . .'. t'i.'H.'li"' a n Ik . I . l i t li.ul'., s t il i poinip,i tn oppusp I'll ii tip r ii; ill iii p.r. ni- n a s ati 1,., nm mi n ail'.i im ion il il hill hi r. tl sueii aeiion. die top whh a t íiii k lavpr lm.' Hi lia ...UK , After an interesiinv; iliseitssioti oi of Every Woman 'si San. n iml, h,s .,,L i ,l,,. ,,, Th,. ai- - ''I us llinlarii al!lnl..l. Tin a. k rrutnlis. Aihl a litilp ' M . ' . loph-- IM'ol milk Pltoiti.h 1,i d "' " 1''HI Vlnl n h. !'i !' lit n a l, t I. if lln No l, nt step ,n hiiihhn- - !ii"i. ilepr. ssii..: ihan th i ..I ü has loeal on niotlitn of ii imrnsi.f aa mould know lailiuail hist he seen heiivi-e- about Ih m niulpi ful "' ' '"IH' "I 111" ' nll'l.lli. ii a l.illiii'S .i It '.tliaillall an mi an- - s. mu. h in tiMiiii.iii.i The, I'.''!- 'I'I' i'v ilie:s;oit is a J A. W'ooil ilie ituatim; iitljoiirneil iho ovstirs. and tMARVELWhirlingSpray I ! , I'm ' '"1 ,.,,.., .I.t,,-..,- ,, s I ., , ii- - l luil.c ."hi l. f,., I..I.I..T. mu ii... ki ami hnal l'.'i';si.ii o! in mus, ami ihe .nilv .0 niinules. S51 new A ( , , ( V' ii i pypif. I,.! so .l ,,l,, ,,,,, ,, ., lao-iiiis- . er. a : h Aliei' ,lnh, 11 tiini l. ., ,;, ..i ,.,,,,! ,1V. si. in. j, mi ilh. nil! i,,,li, hep, sin. o ui the i.n'.n. iiiien iiile's .Never use more than two layers of üen jloit "S i il. h. s: I" II" ni. II .'.I...,,! ,, : ,1, I" if Hi"! '1'he mo antioiitit eamii-late- lor . lent. 11 clt'ai'Bt-- ill fesulls lllil.'lei ll'llt'.V ...iPKll. til" 01 l H I - s!ers ill the dlsll. lis tin. re.u,,. h. i. !!,.,, .n-i- i. l I,.- ' . ü .. hy ml i. Hi," i i tl i s i a s i - t le a i lite ,iutli;ship lefi iii.iinl the resi"- Iplniilmi. The luí! Ini., ii iii. is ni tu i. i a I t U i r is wp1 All TOururtifpiitrnrlt. mi utu P.. pi. In t j Th,- n . . a n lorn-- . n. ilion of Jinlue Alluiil V. i'oohy n.'ver couke.l, am nme,.. tai. "itli t' .lit- ta lar olilpli t. s a Ih.i k h"lli' it lie caminí luj.piT I il i l t . nil.. Isliinl t a, ..It til v I I'i. Uit Attorney K. II. none VI A V K leu '" I'.'iss.-.- t. rril.n .1.1 iiiiiii. il .ni il,. i.- limit' ll.'ln Memphis to I.l paso. Tile t I..VIIIJ! .' ;s. tin- p'lins anil Wrluht oyster are liahle. to tJUigrp It I., hi - m ' . -- ' w oIltiT. but li'tid itmitti fur en- a., i.i'- ' .a t:- it i. s ti I, i It i, .Vi I ,. ' s h III li'a f : Sania llosa ami lorm.-- Ai i st uts. unit, i in line inns Hum ni a ha sorts ol ioleiilly itit tlm i Jiistiuit-- lli:tlimli-.- c.t. ptTPf Í ' n ' ii It I'I "I'I I' 111. P. .1 I ' , ' . s m.-ns- i ia I.e. ih.i of Ihi.'on. .iir!ti.Q:Hrl i.i. alt'l h i.u tin an,! m.iialio, .uní il,,. is. ,s. n, t h est - ""Slini'' pi f. in Pith"! full fcu.i inri" i ;,.itt ui- - t I. ' S ' ' It . t , t i u n ( i ,1 '. t,i la.iiti. ,,, i III. h. ,i i a i n i I.l i l tri:i!i .al al. ti ,it pi t.ut ..nil", is ii li '',,, i: nu a i in roí 'I'll" ;ru ee 4 I I - SIHI I I 'iill Sl,'- 1)1.1. I'.,.'. I A 'I 'I 'I ,. ,, iliii Trip. Tlte ;:l. I,., Th, h .11 i.!,- int.. ',. M,.. fioni!"!' Ihe '"ami S Ih" th l i !'.,. IIP 1,1 of alional St. ll ' 11 Sit t James Pudding. ' ' ii ., ,a ti , ii t - .' " i 1, j w 1st.- p Su p''l illtellih'llt of Ihihll" II m. in i it i1 'I.l ill. .Ill i fill ;s the hi- - ,,f lin M 'in ih ...,l. Up Latine ' Ta iltrep II. l Mt'l !, in-.- I. i:. W. I: Pat- - tnltlespoonluls - o .ui ami III' i.i - p " i i; ii. h, it i 1, la t,.. , i.p nt; p., i,...i,.'! s to "I'Vthirs a:i ' spent ,i;,':i:.;!:i l, Clark ami Professor of hut- al rn- , lemtill oí M lehieati, in re. lor. inelieil, one-hal- ih. least .1" at II. un. mus ami h .mi nu,, u M,i, ,i ami l.y.ih" ra liron its luí la mi t en na ii ii s i'. ihe.r oitplnl eaeh nt . I t I tl . m n a. ti , 'l ..t I.- I'I 1' II, 11 ' lii.-i- h 1' - ...hit a i.n.i trip n eiiitn- - tiiolai-so- ii hi i a. Ula si. uts han He ,a ai,,--- m ,1,. t It" I" al'e I I. 111. lit lisiu iuhi.i ant! iniik, sin ()p ;lm II i Ilali-ie.- wo u ii p.. t p i -- 11,1,1 Iiii-i- ii, ... ü J.l'l'll miles, Sntn it ..I it I'll. Ill l,, neit ss 'Ih' 'all '. lit il i mi. nu lies. ami lllai uf Grand Hotel - . -- ' aihlr.-sse- t pla.-.-- fl,.f will, It- on pi. ,1. II. I", I ' ' It It a t i'. ' s. j ill ami o.ieltalf ''i. i, 'a. unit !....!, ill ail'. s inivi .mls ::, mihs I'I' an.l " li. ii hroii - hi tu.l.r i .1 I iii;ht!-tii- o easpuon of la 1, I.. l,l ' - spok. se.l:. ami .ui"! on hum It "ll Hi"1!! r ni nil Tin nun e, li- ' i ""It .. "' ma ke h,. .. in-- meiltns. I. '.'.a' of I, Iii .in. laill.ia.l ."..".u i NEW t, ,1 !l ii t II -- , ... . Laiii! pupiN rs h of YORK CITY It! .01 ' I'-- " I"l th" t"l. 1'.. in 1' In. li a.! la I.- .1 r shot l ''i ll. rati! e ul. ni .!,-- iiilnlts. ami la t.iifion fat salt, elnves. iil'snleo - ' - . : -, iho-B- ; , at sn.nt n,. int. 11,1. It! tons !h. II",! a lina p.'I I.,,- huí athl ;, ,,.., .''. . . V , . VV I Keiiiiii-pil- A ! '. ,t. t It" i i Ul fa a 1. sou 1. It vi th n tni-li- i., iii t!l i s I'ihinu hs'tisp Not Famous Heme, with a alii '.ut "I Ii.k loll lis al!, ti. i., sips, sioup, ami em in ste-u- In- ' I'i-- h pieces r li I. t h i llame ami W'ai.h l! 'I'homas P .íii'"" aim ;.l ill. i.i. un. la opt 1..I hat th" " I'P' s he .1 mella, . !, iv. o n.! Ili-ii,- all! ,:,. ,all ! i! i i (. . - il i,, title desires an hours. 0I1P.h ni""th nl imll. htlii' J at up tl pi ot U - II io tun pi ii is a ii anil to ittriiit ,f i.l ih,- la!.- -- n.. i . 11 implessi.iii tint! to spn-a- I'tiiirii iiahliiK pttiitler in. an.l i. lili, r hieh lit Iii.n-- t i.-- u - i.i tn.s i:i',;,'i Hoik :! I', ir ..11 sa ll l huí hi hale takin: poiler m -- ailiiuu; pli t OVTi'S I'll! ill tin n, "t th.. iioithet ti tn li"" is Wit htt.t, ii hull ii .',f h. !i..ts lo ' ii Up I It" "tUIll! 1 the natue tltal the the niohls. t.iiM- i a i must out a Miens., mtl s hi ill li. on Tiieii ni.. i. I..its., in !.. tier ...-.- to th, in i. NEW ANNEX , ", ' lln- II- - Is ., I, i lit .1,1. ! ! ! i ; - iish. laii onli pri.i ih.'s Inr 'ui i.,. nil,,. ' f, a al llt'Ia i " il. lion-resii- VV a , , , i p.. - , s to h III nu t: Fig hi ,..s I.., ii ,,, t th.m h s i.i s l i it ii ,t a shl Pudding. ' i.f .New M. ,i ' III su! n lot s l t t in i i v i t Kisali llts o ale not ri Tak" - 1)"cs " n,,kc blood T No! ii I'm Kansas im aiil he to potm.l of s,,... f- rurf h.',. a- - .I..-- ., uuire.l o ta ke out a Iteense. On :i-- I ( I I at as i k lull. .in. i piirihi in a t I imp n.i Wtttk l.iuatlun. at t f 1l ! if -- tu i,t1if n the i'.ü until i'!'.':iiuv ami soft. fJT IKjl nenes? No! 'fit, M S A - ' v' ."t'-'- i ' om. Nini' Peiui-i- li XCLL ,.il all.l I' km- it.'.iri 'iiiiii.ttf-i- juia K. ;. Trrniiii.'il i Ui Avcr's a ! . -- W - 'Oullll Ol inOiipi'll (2S ...... ? Vts In S.V.l' li Sjrspinl! tnrin nil .tin. ath at ii ha h fl.IlM ki" as- per;'. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT A h.ui-- e , .1 am. on. -- nia.le famous thrmtcli sil Miief ti a hirti.á. mil. en-- !.rr lleca it nuke t' o I loei' p i'f K-s- ! p o,, pi ins h. I a htl. 'turn ,. of s,;,iP ,,., ""í . : i i'i sp en.liil vi. ipil ,, i . it ti M. i u.v .v.i ' 'Milis in .. su fit ..fc! t, n.f lin hft'fi i.h Def s it Mir tht nc s? Yrs' ii'i.itfis vito TO MEMORY OF THE LATE naif ,.f miik , f, VI I S I " ml ,... ;.'.r.n ii, in ,1 J i' I "I I'll t S "I "111 ! I. .HI" III ' ; s, ta pa irons- - the tira r't s il t ntirclv frrc from ak nluil í rv eii heaten. one em, ,,, v ""''"'ti a .or,- fi it than-sain'- "li" lllll'i..!! i.iii, Ii Ih.r... am! f.ekl.t t It na a .. v. ilhu- - h. J. WALLACE RAYNOLDS llife-fttuitli- ('''"his its ipis l. y the niore ttf a leaspotiiiful (1f .'f' ' ' ' - i ni'l,. low 'eial it..- III- - itiiit-in- ., Army .ainl Niti y pi oph' ii hi, h i!! he a-''-. .1 , l, ;!!,. t!m-- the hiK'i.ros' n.., i laisiiti ,!,,. ih, i". mi' st"'. hf i s fio ail x íet ie'u i ii h lo P.- - - .,,-,.- , hi. 'hi anil ..,!,,. Not .ml! ih. ;pl,,i ni,-,,- p., p., i sieam tlpee l,m;!s : ,,,. - inf:i. v, N , M. Seiye tivnr:. s. p,,.!. nt liv- ' ' i ...,. I , ii SPEND THE SUMMER ' ii ell a t,l III.. I.iii,-- li.. ai.., ,1... - in 'in em siiin e n.lMireil to c PiÜl AT S. t ill. Q.lliee all'l Ittppilu. that 'o state ra is, rs 11 .... '" eaiet eh , ni'i, i:ls are iiiitaj l,. .it.i.,1,. .ti as ie. i m i .s. t..,m.'i- i- i, , - ii an m mil to the pa. k lull It o. .""iisihh. ;.. s. ,,t. hariily plit.iin- mollis. im. tiii. ui ,,, iii.. i,. 1.. p. II - !' . I ., Ill" In.' I -- - sis. tl M. Vi. o IS L 1... I p. lllll-e.ll!- ..!! ahie e ii he! e. ll lhal tli.. It- - luiall-n- I" ..I th,. i a 1st ! Lillian. t "I ie s n i hi ' ! As f,,r a u nt slates ,!..(,! .an. ik n.nii at I h's t a Ill- i .; ,.' h , I',.. Generalities Ii t ai un r...i:t!r?. li!" IU .1 ll 111. a I t pa.-- - t I'll It. lis tatt he mi.- t. e i! i.- p. . lll.' isiil .,p tiari mm s!..., r- - !, .1 ii, k.e , á s sill, nays, tl at'al u, tI li.UI S .' hllll, .,- If 'I: r..p'ev fresh il.i.tli feONADOTEWTQTY ei. "it h" sial. lm ii it h. .... M ,,, l, .Pt.u ,, , . i, a Mil la. s ; at h" I...-- i hi!,-- ,, ;, p.,1-- of ti,,- .. .,, or if I'"! a,.- ai are al! .!. tloalN' ',,. in n ,',n,. ii ill i,i ..i a.!- - Tie in. M '"'' '. into - . .ni i, C'.- no al ,!t:,. h!,,jl.,J e i ,l u a r, .i n f,vfie,l ; ,'oi.r rs atul shop;. ini ,l.,tr i "I., Jr.. a pass, i)..-.- t. -i u- ''"' tiülu , Th.a'. . in, I.V sp. ia. Mo . M,t ' " vi ill i, i -- i ! ;;, t I ' i,., his Ili i II... k -' i I , ooi pi. li e filsrii.ts at halnl ,,! tit. mullí !"!,.re tile mi h on. rest a'., II, J. ,1a s Pi t pm. , "I this mu. ti ol tip ft .1 HO ,,,i I i.,lw v. i I. . ,1 I li- 'p1. lu'i.l fiin.ns-rooiii- s' til,,! it... -l I'athi- - !.,!,. s 'Hie v.,ter n l,i,h i Moorish - .. I - . - !! i. n.i. nl ri e " ' Ul V! 1! ., nre lite I". lilts I'll II ll IIS Ihe ,, ,1 v i,- hut i, hp ,.f many 1' i I, Is loo inluHu!-- . he . the f.inioas in Nil! !!! Will I'P C.i Pp. i I 11 a 111 , ,, ' CALIFORNIA'S CELEBRATED SUMMER Oil. ft, l.'ls at Paso I, ... lit,,..' a a v f' 'nr. ? ,,r RESORT Ami v, i , the Ahik't. o h is, ,:i,i t.,,. it.-- . tt.h.aioes to it :, - , ui" i. iro.ll i.iltli thri.tivh tile T.v.s.v W : i p. i ,,,,,, , !;,,,- V! nt ""' .is, ... c. a.ti III" 111..!!. .pull 111,11 .ml t'.-.- D, i Ci.-.- Im li an,! i. , . . ti'" Weftll 1,1. r i h m, OPENSFORSEASON JUNE SIXTEENTH s..-- allí ,' plni" an.l ma m. a! ,u i 't.. i . tr tti Pi" a his I. .nc i mol- - ih.. . ..en,, h. ... eotl,'! lor Absolutely Fireproof . la, ..1 "Ml.;,- i! lit, ! , ill. !.. jii or ihtiru-- n,t-.,..,.- , .1 11 111 ' i ,1 hue let'!! I'll'.- ,1. at once "' .'it h.iii"li Ih. Souih I'lais il k isiamt mis p.s, v! Is , mal, in :h. .ili.I t " h.l .'III Pa !' S! U , ,!, l t I h I - U it,, '11! - Write today for Illustrated 1910 Booklet full of at- !!!" " "..IV I., t ,,,,,, ), --..,,,, Hales. .,.r ,,:,i.l- new t'.ll Kill I,,, ll;,. t 111" iil.-t- lt t !,, .'t.-n- i sa.h iiiiiii-- I' -. e. ,, , , , i tiaiht ni r I. ips. f r. r,i nr. ! 'i ii i n. ., j t s ttlliin; t.. nil... iu in tractions and tellmcj all about the most ideal 'It.'lti !'"." it ns"l!t. nt sin, ,n :t .., Intel,, I,., i rri'siil.-ii- t , resort on the w "! t.. in.,t,,. ,i.,i,., - M, (.t.,H.-.- Miina-e- r. li. 1." k I ,. . I" 1." si i ml i nos r th, I, am. - 1 ... .i- ,1.. I,,, ...... i. Tii,. , I.a'-"- Ih" I' KI 1.V ,..., ', ip, nhi.rst. mi ' great Pacific Coast. .1.,..,, Itaeks :r. Pase P PMii. ,',;.',',, , , lis' ' ,',,,; t.' k Al!'. K. "' ' u .I.,iii. N. V. Vh-p,:.- ;. :!l!... ;;:.!. st..,! n. , , y.: ' ... -- . ' CORONADO TENT CITY ,,s vH r,,. " tal i. M y -t int.. r "- ... "ii to ,'..i i , , , , ' t'i 11. ' 111 i liase i,lah..n- ,t . i .an., hps it tt..i l"t. tl," .".'I .V I í , i - in. t..,n n.u i.pi'... an- - .. , I'tolno'.:'.. sia'' i . r,'.... ,11 . i, , lu.s il.'p,. t. "1 i : ... 1, t: ' pm :. 't. v:..., s. f.n r ii oil o e! tli.- 11. I.l Well :,,.,,,-- I I,,, ,1 tn i 0' i'.:.:. "HIS : I .,...... i.', Map-- ) " tl.l as i r ... .uiflo I.i Nu, rL tvviih II ' r 111- - , 1 ..t.-- en '"'.'lilas ;l ! "" " is Ill.lH. of .if II... k . s- - :l! 'I Isiffii.l an.l I'r sea i i.f , t, , ( , - -- lory lint the of i stent- - 1"!1!I 1. ainl "si i,, Kati- 1 l r.1 out iiix"'1 titpiir amount s I .. j, it k' ill". 't Ill II" 1'. SI s '1 ! a,l 'I'li.U'l,. rt'nm.t. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL THURSDAY. MAY 12, 1910.

and costs. ('undularla Asullnr nollo pressed. FAULT FOUND WITH Candalaria Apullar, suspended sen- tence of one year In the penitentiary What To Do For a put Into operation on account of bud behavior. Cough FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Jesus Apodaca, larceny, pleaded BOTH TUFT AND utility: sentenced to from two to five Here Is a home-mnd- o remedy years and a $."o(l fine and oosls. that overcomes nn obstlnato I'leinenie Xajor, assault to kill, cough quicker than any costly pleaded guilty, three years. medicine you could buy. Any Si Icrlno .Muróles, larceny, Jury trial, woman cm easily It ROOSEVELT sentence of three to five years and make in costs. five minutes. Teodora Suicido, assault to rape, Oriinulnted Sugar Syrup 13 Vi os jury I rial; sentenced to one year and Pinex 2 i oa costs. Put the Plncx In a clean pint Ortiz, armed with a dead- lint tin and up SALE fill tho A GREAT Civil Service Association Finds l'rnei'eo with ly weapon, pleaded guilty, sentence s.vrup, made, as follows: Tak lo one year and costs. - - n pint of Pmrar, President and Predecessor healing, Granulated add Muxmlano llomlncz, wife j pint of warm water and stir OF for Picking Weak pleaded utility : sentenced to one year Responsible and costs. for nbout 2 minutes. Tako a Jobs, Santos Telles, destroying hide and teaspoonful every one, two or Men for Customs house cars, pleaded guilty; sentenced to three hours. It tastes pleasant three months in Jail. children like It. It Pltieidn (lardea, larceny, jury trial; This simple medicine Is nlso Kiici-iil- l Illy .MiprniHB .Imunal l.flisKl Wlrr sentenced to three months 111 Jail and J?lT,, splendid colds, whoopinii I're.v-lilri- for New York. May 11. Wither costs. cough, bronchitis, incipient con- Silk Shirt Waiáts Tuft former President etc. escaped criticism in re- sumption, chest pains, jiuosevcll the I'inejt, ns you know, port' of il"" executive cominillo of the probably I) 11 Is most potent of Nor- l,- tonight nt the it mi meetiiiK of the form LITTLE GIRL DIES way Compound. FOR the association. White Pine It The committee is of lite opinion that is rich in all the well known responsibility for the customs frauds pine elements. Nono of the here texis upon the oxcculivo officers weaker pine preparations com- at the head of the customs department OH SANTA FE pare with the real Pinex itself. who under Roosevelt, it charged, were Your druggist has It, or will Friday and Saturday products of the spoils system. Instances Sur-v,.y- gladly get It for you. ,.icd a ie the appointments by I'lailison (now resinned) of The full pint of this effective ,,:,i,t' Surveyors Vail and Itishop. TRAIN cough syrup can he made for G4 1,01 h of whom, it is wild, "ero appoint. cents. It keeps perfectly, n ,.,1 iy ilencral Clarkson Hirnunh waiv- and lasts a wholo family Inns' er by President Itoosevelt of civil ser- time. ví,,.' rules and both of whom have Strained honey can he used Not often are waists so cheap and no since been dismissed hy Collector Body of Daughter of J, H. Mo Instead of the syrup, and makes j.neh. a very fine honey and pine tar Ta ft Appointments, of which the Klnstry Taken Off Here: the cough syrup. i. one should need telling that the early complains, arc those of id wi Voorhees. ns postmaster at Mother Collapses and Phys (If Hrooklyn, Dr. Nathan A. Warren as buyers will get the best. Materials are postmaster at Yonkers. X. Y., mid Wil- cian Called, " liam J. Maxwell us collector of intern- borla alone there are 4fi.",0ii0,niin al revenue. nereis In virgin forest, and eastern Messalines, Taffetta and Jap Silks; colors are white, black, navy, brown, wisteria, Tlie little nine-year-o- daughter Siberia, though not finite so rich In Cotton Won vol's Strike. of Mr. imd Mrs. J. II. McKinstry of timber, has sufficient forests for the Central Kalis, It. 1., .May 11. Five Roswell, died yesterday on Santa Fe world's supply of lumber for years to catawba, green, grey, pink, light blue, red and Plaids. hundred employes of the United passeng-e- train No. 812. just as the come. Suites cotton mills were thrown out train was leaving-- - I'.ncinn, N. M., an In Ktiropean Russia the largest III work today by a strike of 120 weav- the result of a weakened heart caused timber districts are in the north. The ers for, an Increase of ten per cent In by a severe attack of typhoid fever. four povernmenis o,' olnmtz, Arch- wanes.; The entire plant was closed The grief-stricke- n father and mother angel, Vologa and Vlntkn. comprising ili.n n. brought the body on to this , city a total urea of (",0,000 square miles, where it was t.ikcm In charge by a territory from which seventeen Strong iirot hers, the train reaching states the size of Ohio might be here shortly nfter midnight today. formed, are almost entirely covered Is There a Woman Who Does Not Appreciate the Satisfying DISTRICT COURT AT When Mrs. MoKinstry saw tier child with timber, hut (he greaier part has placed in the undertaker's ambulance never been explored by civilized man, she collapsed and was taken to the Al. though expeditions are now being varado hotel and a physician sum formed for the purpose of Investigat Comfort of a Silk Waist moned. ing ihe immense resources of tin LAS CRUCES HAS Mr. and Mrs. McKinstry "were talc country. ing tlie sick child with nil possiblo Its adaptability, with a bit of fine lace or other ornamentation for innumerable dressy speed to San Diego, Oil., in the hopes John D. Rockefeller would go broke they could nlti that reach the loner If he should spend his entire income in guise. tilde ol the Pacific coast in time to trylncr to preparo a better medicine occasions, or the desirable trimness, of which one never tires, its severly tailored AOJO NED relieve their daughter's heart, which ttian Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera was beating weaker and weaker. It and Diarrhoea Remedy for diar A great many models are here! You will find all the desirable touches of smart tailoring in was the one chance to ave her Uto rhoea, dysentery or bowel complaints nd they spared no expense. Mrs It is simply Impossible, and so says many, some with little vest effects or yokes of embroidered net set off by an artistic use Jiyan of 1 la gorman, a trained nurse every ono that has used it. Sold by was in charge girl anil did Thirty-Da- y Term Closes; Six of the little all druggists. Hand-mad- e with shapely new everything in her power to prolong of silk braid. yokes, with tucks below, are beautiful; sleeves teen Prisoners Sentenced to life. Mr. McKinstry is a well to do real cuffs; trimmed or tucked collars. Penitentiary by'Judse- - Frank estate broker of lloswell. Jle was grief ACCUSED OF stieken last night, and could scarcely IN VV, Parker. folk of the chilli's death. The little girl stood the trip well and her dentil nt ICncino was sudden and unexpected The McKinstrys child (Siifclid C'iirrrpmlriic lu MTnlnjt have another T Journal 5Í young son. .as Cruces, ,. .M., May 11. After ., The family will leave for lloswell We've taken the entire group divided them into FOUR BIG LOTS, .'in flays of the Dona Ana district court tnlav, taking with them the body for .Indue Krank W. Parker adjourned interment iu that place. ' ihe tribunal .Monday. until June. GLEARED and priced them as follows: .Many criminal cases were disposed of E. C, ON but the civil docket lias not ns yet STEDMAN THE' been reached. WAR Tlie trial of David and Avelino Cun- CAUSES OF THE ean, ma. charger! with the murder of Ipiiario pena, attracted more attent- Territorial Grand Jury at Ros any Tn a hitherto unpublished letter ion and took more lime than in Harper's for May,, K. ('. Sted-ma- 1 case, days oc- well Fails to Indict Wells, Lot 2 "tiler ten having been the poet, then (in ISfil) a war Lot cupied. correspondent, writes to his mother hi Walker and Men The jury returned n verdict of not Italy, giving hei an interesting view Eldridficand Ktiiily in the case of Avelino Ouada-rimi- a, of the relation of the North and South. Arc Released, bet a verdict of murder In the "There Is a theory that the Virginia si cool degree in Iho case of David, ind Kentucky genlry own slaves; this Silk Shirt Waists new was Silk Shirt Waists whose motion for a trial Is false. I have seen for myself that A seii-- P DUnutrh (lie overruled. motion in arrest of the niggers own the gentry. Now I ISueclnt to Mornlns Journal nee was continued to the June term. wish to make you and .Mary under Roswell, N. M.. May 11. The tcr-itori- The prisoner was denied bond. stand Hint although wo see that this grand jury this afternoon Sixteen prisoners were sentenced to war will probably slavery nade il s first report and returnad a $2.98 111" settle the $1.98 penitentiary, as follows: ipiestlon, and possibly forever limit no-bi- ll in the case of W. T. Wells. J. Jose Hill, larceny or horses, jury slavery to the cotton states, yet we Kldriflgc and James Walker, who trial; one year in the territorial pri- been of of son ire not fighting the negro's cause. had accused subornation and t.Mifl fine. Slavery has been th'.' cause of the war perjury in the murder trial ol W. T. usually sold at $3, Among this lot you will find waists that Kodriguo., assault to kill, a year ago, was These are waists jury trial, no sense other than that it has ad wells in which Wells guilty; motion lor new trial ded another distinctness to the lino be acquitted. Eldridge is a former Ros- - overruled; sentence, to one year at II attorney, now Hoise, sold all reduced for hard labor twixt North and South which climate at Idaho. and are great values; for Friday's and up to $6.00; are and cowls. nd race had already drawn. The real Walker was a witness for Wells. The Temando Flores, larceny, pleaded cuso liiiiln, cause ot the war Is a bitter and crnn was brought by J. W. Day. sentenced to one your an,! by .South witness, who he sold out Friday and Saturday to - eu-'t- inal hatred entertained the claims and Saturday's selling, at - $2.98 malnst the North, and based nr. other for I. (ido and received only a sma.l $1.98 F.pifamio Homero, larceny of goats, part pay. (leaded guilty; than slave interests. For fifty years ol his The three defend- sentenced to one year be- ants were dismissed iu leiorni school and costs; sentence the character of Southerners has and bondsmen suspended. come daily more domineering, inso excused. A. 1.. l.ane, lent, (national, haughty, scornful ol burglary, jury trial, so long line,, years and Costs. justice. They have cracked How Iiiis? their whips over negroes that they Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re- I'. W. Currier, burglary, Jury trial; uny Hire,, years costs, now assume a certain inherent right ward for caso of Catarrh that and w cannot be by l'i."gu Haldonado Arel- to crack them over hite men: assume cured Hall's Catarrh and Alberto positive a race, Curo. lano, i barged Jointly the rights of superior with assault and advantage of the F. J. CHEXET & C, Lot Lot 4 un have taken 3 mient to kill; Arrobino pleaded peace Toledo, O. s,'iiu.. sentenced to an Indeterminate North's desire for ouiet and to sentence one impose upon ns without stint. For We, the undersigned, have known of lo two years and costs, F. J. Cheney for the 15 years, file ease of llahlonado is pending. years the tone of their actions and last so- and believe him perfectly honorable '.mdalaria A Maximo Xa- - speeches ill congress and aullar and sen- In all business transactions and finan larceny; Aguilur 11 ciety, has expressed this Silk '";. enters id of Shirt Waists cially able to carry out any obliga- Silk Shirt Waists Rinliy and is sent,. need to one vear timent and determination. liven Southern students lit coll tions madn bv his firm. WAMMN'it; KIN NAN & MARVIN, TI1IK W S IT. w hen I was at i ale, adopted the same turtles. One hundred of them, poor Wholesnlo Druggists, Toledo, O. blustering with rum and Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- Il Was )tll ol'foc or lio scholars, but nally, acting directly upon blood $3.48 $3.98 howie knives lorded It over four tho YVh. n New Knglanders. and mucous surfaces of the system. a woman is brought to the hundred studious 75 eng.. ot simplv because the were stu Testimonials sent free. Price cents ti,,, gravo bv poisoning from latter per by Drug-gists- value giving in shirt waists he dious nnd to Hie ob bottle. Sold nil The greatest drinking of ordinary coffee day desired obtain Take Hall s Family I'll Is l or con Every waist here a genuine Economist "v day. and Is then made a well wo jects aimed at in n collegiate course. stipation. for many a season. Here are waists "mi leaving olf. experience At length, the thing became degrading, it her we day is worth something to an and arose one and kicked them valued high 1 poisoin-- others that bargain, some as as $7.50; worth to $ 0.00; your choice Friday n various ways from the all out. For lilt v years the same plan up same been practiced on a larger scale habit. has - Haven. ',,nn womi n cava' in our national affairs. The South, $1,500 INGOT OF Friday's and Saturday's price, and Saturday, $3.98 - assisted by whom $3.48 "Fou r years ign my hung- i Northern merchants v, life on enough i v slender liver, kid it lias governed, has been true thread with so long ns every election a verv se- - to the I'nion, ""i oeart trouble, and gave power, as foreign mis- - lorm of rheumatism. I was con it the and tin, ' ions, army an. I navy commissions. E GOLD FROM to l,!,n,1d i.'fictu l'..el own and uiKies so nadlv en that tbev presidencies, etc.. were held in its "a-,- J ;nt the census of ISJh showed rio resemblance!dto parts oí tin. hands. banian body. that the enterprising and industrious North was getting balance of pow- - i nan Ireouent sinking- spells from the SEE h d. Then South began to rebel and SAN PEDRO SEE 1 the 'rt weakness, when was thought ( b" would have seceded had not the lay WINDOW dying, and sometimes thought to oinpromise taken away Its sole pre WINDOW 'had. My doctor, one of the M,n tors of text. Now the census ol and the ECONOMIST DISPLAY the hospital, a ftat,. Lincoln e lection, have revived both the DISPLAY THE ess un man in lis plot, ss, on. told pretext, and it has nie I" stop drinking coffee and use lesire and the Mining Lngmccr Exhibits An Pas uni, as lie said cof f, e was tin Pi "lary causo ,,r n, trouble. Eloquent Testimonial ta' Pro- I look hi.-- ,'idvicc nt on e cud also Russia's Timber Resources. ductiveness of Mineral Dis ''tinned medicines. Slowly the tre- s'M'llm- - iiisapi.e.-irei- l rlw'umn-bsi- n - 111 tomillo, which is subjected lo and The nt Pm- around íl.r.HO viol of money - the total area the Russian HNEW YORK SOCIETY tinoin, inspection bet or,- a me; the sinking spells be- - oire Is H.IÍ47.G5T square miles, or trict. hunk. mirror. eilllio I. .. .,., , ... . , Tlie u.anhtx of the oiim,' women at oin'-se- v land The bullion the product of a TRY l,e, about enth of the ntire whs GIRLS FASTING Hie bcinninsr of the test were: Shclectlfcuiici! ii.l around the bouse. I was irea of Hie globe, and :io per rent of run on fifty tons of ore froin the com ,,!, ely Miss Ma, Kellar. - pounds: Miss AT SODA FOUNTAINS OR ElStWHtRf cured, hut required some the surface of the Fmpire is under A cup-shap- ingot of pnr,. yellow liold I'oiu mine of the I'avern (o,lj I. in . Townseiid, IL'i!. and Miss Truk. forei-ts- Those in Kurnpean Russia gold weighing Mining compuny :ii .;,! l'edro, ondj Oct the ' i,o pounds and valued , (o has been I , M.iy - Three yoitnK I'lenly of writer drink w For the past years 1 have cover i , ! inoiOnO aeres: J1.5IM was nils n striking object lesion iih to; York, h- -n three an area of at exhibnril :,t tlie .Morn- y allow,"' since Original Genuine a g. wo- - - i dip.- - all tin have themselves perl.cMv stror healthy .'.fl.ftCn.Oiiil; Poland. C.7rt,- ing office noi-mng the product venevs of the mining New York so. iety uono n who ore :n- Finland. Journal yesterday Hie All of insist - eep , i, ' fat siaried. them weil, with goo,l a pe;il, niiii; 1 i.iiiin.OOii ; 5 4!V by Mr. A. I!. tin- eil-kn- o u et round Hill! J'edlO. r Caucasus. total. Mat., il fiislinir to improve Hu ir be.ilth ore e la.-- t so far has been - - í . that tl live and i iicrge'.io. St,,l,i,,l. in the l"ral provinces tor- ininir.- v rr)-- yester- :i pp.irenl ly Miii'i'iliiu. At (urden rT-a- to lst;r sis cover 70 per tent of Hie area; day from San Pedro mn;.v; c, inn In City, I.. I., the lust M.nt.-- Monday, H0RLICK '1'' Posuiin. a HUGE CIRCUS ELEPHANT which has made me in the inoihcin provinces, (is perfent Santa Fe county northeast of here. tbi-ui- hciiiir Mrs. Keith Trunk, Mis "''! woman again. I mv ItO'IlV n l in the lour lake province ",7 per The chunk the precious at- M.irion M.i, uní M ins Anile I'haiiK in vaudeville. roc's , r.ietil ALMOST KILLS KEEPER b't and ill other pruts or the nt. tracted considerable amone All ere In excellent con- - MILK w in or,, attention ToWlnelld. HALTED '"'" using I Ms i um The government owns 5 per cent local mining men yesienbiy. it jdllion to ht.irt Willi, xeitsoliod by :i idi. K"iivi n,rs. ""IV and i know lo tío ir ver prca I of tin so in Hurop-ca- n only a forests, possessing sample or the kind ihcv are o.iiiinnd, II. "ltd in h ." i Hie of much riding and oír mol líci Jmiiaticnl 1 - ral. iv II. , Russia. i.1.r,!ls,94 Cnu- turning l eexn-ine- U.'lM i ... ;;Ts: out frequently rom the mines one of (lie hi rp nt ienb.inlM in tln healthful outdoor It TlicFooJDrinkforAHAiJes , ""i the lutl book. "Th to W - i Hold aus. Asiatic Russia, there, according to Mr. Siaatz. He world, who is held i.iptivc by n circus jllüt .1 liellel al hi a injf Up they nnt- KIcsjant trlass Riven tw. y to tho n l. a a r, .1- - ii'ii. 4.I.": region. - st ttCH MILK. MALT CHAIN EXTRACT, IN WW0F.S n." "Thcr. r.I'i. Amur ?H,,t:.- declined the services of a bodvirunrd troupe now nppeiirinw In Ibrkcby, (t-- and fh termino,! t" (be (henry dies today. lb in theater (i"0; l.i'.al. S47.(ii;.7l":(. Twotity-tl- ,i and would not li-- tr n to an offer to lately no much exploited that fanlli i; Fi.r belong run nmiick this morning and. knock- in r cent ef the lorests borrow the i hunk for exhibition ing bin keeper. Tony Xnst 1110, to the fortifies the sei-te- ufcainnl miiil bod- Home ol vaudeville, item theater. Net in any Milk Trust "I'lx'nr 'rom timo I o They to ihe proprietors per poses. Is. im limo. landed and There however, a suspicion tround with Hi trunk. tr.mplcd liim ily iilx. El',r rit', muí full of human nt to the peasantry. Hint he pill it 111 the bank, tor tin-r- badly before help arrived. His So far Ihe m,l pronounced result onMHORLICK'SM "'lertsi. .Kl- - Try a Morning journal Want Ad It is estimated that in western arc too many chuoces in carrying U doubtful. of (heir fast in a whitening of Hi'1 Kilns'' THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1910.

Che fllfcuqiicnjae llmi nf nil warranted 1. prevent ilcrtiikeiH an.) i cmi lerv ( .iinpalilcs WATERUSERS' MEETING liiccilliiit. have Kcl l.m.'lher anil ralseil 111" t l i y n IN SPIRITED Add ',hliin lln nil inili time nf ilvliiit, iiir $.",ini ier ii WINDS UP morning journal Hiu'i'iiil hut th.' nuiloe mnl (In Us l.niir lal.i.r. r Ih mic Hie w hich C 0 N T ROVERSY Martha (Official Ninn!i it Niw Wei lr) wink mi cKíiiTiliiíilioii wan made. II lell the lale. Jt may Hiicn he cheni-c- r III Gala Costumes I'll(lir4 l7 lh.' j.nlnl fi.'t llint Hid In- al llmi rale l.i iav mi lia- c.iiili For Washington JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. vite hail nil Iiccii ilcwtr'i ell Unit Ilic than nn.ler H l olilinucil I'l'.iiii I'ae 1. Column i! ii.nnlicx in iii.'h inn me ali frmn Ilic n. a. vwrnrnms rmumi .arle iiiriHiiillo i i' nt I ii h I . A n. imiv, ride will never (.'Ive live ycnrn. Nov.. it" m n, I fail t Dainty Accessories That Will Gladden the Heart Julietes ft. of hoi, liv JMI IH.Ai'K MnnoFln K.lll,.r !nl, an N Hell knnuii, Ilic iriuHiiiii-li- i ill n a Ii M ax an csi n.a" n.r retirement. 'i" die juKticc linn liom JOIIVOM IMIL.r lo .H'Vi'ii liini'H amount nf wale r. llANt nw a crují ihrnwH die Youthful Wearer IU,WM P. lUIOciAM City K'lllf.r raihll' trnsliiK rieccHMa ry to iii yate the land in th of the fi H K HOWftK.N AiWortliln-- Minni!- - al'aüa, cnrii ninl nllicr familial' The lc.l man Ue lire Inhl M.Hilhi valley, p. menta ll . for FOR WOMEN rnniilccy in the Finnic New nviihlM iiianv iiim ami iluwni in Hie. period of from hiin'ii lo twenly n ronil-rtii- mtitttvr ml tTtt Kntril l 1. H yearn, m io.l ii will tin pntinffi'- lit AiiMi(iirriii M. hi., untUr .;(, alnl lllulleit In ni ii ami tlccts nf ivhleh lake f of M. II ill I, 1 1 7 1. - recia ma lion lo Imild Ihe lile They Ihi' most nijH-l- ar me MUely hi (.prim; nn ev ( i inn, he mi aifi nalcr nil Willi all our minerva phani Ilude pioji'.t, while in Ih lll.'MH 1.1 I Vans painted wood, made after Tim M'irmvii .khiixmi rum ery H'le. the nil can lll.lll'il chI ciinl imi' In ra ii''. meantime J,, ih.. niounlaiiiH in th l ihboiis are wide or inn tow. of and most satisiacioiy IIAIIIMI I.l I'l III If VV 1'41'rR NHf of ll Id ivory wind ma- Ml II, M III I I M Till' IKIM II I I n i Hem al iilice they Mill pliiilliie irilllltal'ieti nf ih.. I; " lir.'.lllie lie WASIl In either width i mudo sii.hIi the manner - til III , til-- III I I III l( AS I'AltTV l. WhieJi V by of. llie t ü.a-ke- lili; Al MU i iinis.iiiliicH l.i snpiily Die nlaU. lloWHIl ;i('lll ih .l! nl ll'.'ll.'l' lo tl lied une. kers, are displayed some comfoi shoe on Ihe t, I I Ml , AM) 1 III: Me. I llolis UP 1 II It III Uxelf, fur lutieiiihlc -l er reaches the l.ui (il'.in.le Ion presents. III II AM I'AltI V HIIHN TllbV AkS In el In r u.ii'iIh, the ciinii.'ii'ti tn for unce i llibun Is tnusscil it il.s belter shops for gradual fill. 111. which wnicr eoiilil I'" uxi'd in re The leason fur this ,li y : I (I Forum These are extieinely snuill, with the rv( t Public inak.' the iniisnnUii rni el.'lillllll( Hluusaliil i.l nf III liai'in ehlllely. m ailiS dainty Kronen ligares ti kmi or iin iiirnov. i fallare ha) really jiixl In nun. iimihI let tile hunt in lie world. Th A cliuriutuK mikIi. or kíhIIi ralln r, painting of the is they fit and we.u lin- rally, ly inrrlor, (inn nonm .tR IKxi- -l l i'iim Mcfri llil. t low m lie- on sides, Hie pi Ice marlied lny t.y mail, en nomti two A c.c'.i f n iiji i .ih tnai'c when mean inuiunl Kin firaml for u ciuiiincnci'iui'iit frock of white both and I Hu lat-'-t w, ara l l.llS,X;'S I any othei Un liKWi e K'llliir Miirninií Jmirnal nmi fnr lii. of on llie ticket, snnietliihg to like the ter than iJioe of paper nri"i''l:'l h retti.inM were t I I bordered chiffon whh initde this l.nrvr rlrrnliitliin limn Kny oilier recen ly a ll item in the .Imil na .i the feel. rom Hie p. nod of Ml.', lo t sales- In Niw Hui'u, 'I hi uní. la V. ' MIX. !; breath away. Jhn. then, as the iiuiht I'l'l i'i II'' ll! kl lie llilinn. lint M 14 .1 folded closely lo Hie figure ittid liMiirtl ilnf In lli reur. cli.'.t that H'. Ille nf Hie el which in wmi r .much to i the the same deseiiption, ho lilf mttt II man you. a girl graduates only 'ti i' em ;n: nía i;:..n In Imisíiichm." hUMin l'.lle wile a (j a t ll :". lie' M INK), tula ni iva ..lii. ih" I'.'i iarnaiion fomjileted nt Hie luuk with nil oval tells Mnnilng hria higher charming.' 'Tim Jmirniil n 'i iiT - ti'iii (if "mi Ier h war.'' '1'fii.'. service III s lo "L'll.- - vvido ome. and such a treasure uppers are of selected kid In IIiiim U III Mny la tile ni.l.V Ihe hlale enliinifil- fair nl'i"" irriu.ilc ami rouelto niade only of tin; siitiii ml iircrlr4l Ih il, It h. ulUI lii Mslfo."--- ti AmmfU'M ÍM I'l lie anil Icivcj the aercM Intuí. t" av ahsolmely may b" handed down lor general ions. ltnr impm Nw 'l It In . te.l,lll, tfi cninjilcltt Ihe e.'en. blripe of Uic iiiT. light- krwuiiniirr IMrri-liirr- .l.llllllal I.I lnlHIIH-l- ' the III. HlMIK'e nnHiirijf nf Hi ri' n iiiutai iei They fans used by beauties and the soles of die WOlli r A ili ol imitate , in that "IK ll 11 H al!".ii!os, Call- khhIi fur a css pale lililí' dotted w valli' ami llul'i reaihl' the Ihe (Ijn sixteenth century. Ai ni giMigiK M It in danger. allow "Aleu- - ..I U'e.sirit was iiuule of rows of of the est cirial ity oak r ... nmni his to the nl". Ihc Cliam.i, ilic Khar Tans liolnt tanned II - Willi the pretty Dutch collars of Im lUel'tle MUI nf i'l tu; thelc" in die nil" I', alnl nthi'l'S Ion nil blue baby rlhbnn, sewed on R wide It lin e fur nnileil neli.irt iikhImhI l(l best leather, tou.di and flexi- i of ur nü Iilly per left-fron- nature designed for the I 'll; ivvimi ni' in: cinc die annual lair unMhinu riiernuM tu nii cent nf bluH strl) or Hie net. Al llie t elaborate sunt Hi. c.r.'iiiii ii.nily rim; thai lilis Imlll Cine, In heennic lukewarm. Till disapii in Hand h le ale the water n th" over ami was bib and tucker, a black velvet band up n H h inh.l i.uhllc hi h.inl H.vHlciii. miuhly Imi n.s tn fore Hi ill this wide belllnn crossed ble and hand sewed; hist way lion.l. thilli' renchlnii Km ili.uiili'. and may be worn about the tliroal by a JihU'íiik from the the rntllc ; 11 J i N'.'W .M.'Xien Mini, Jealium id the tile meilllllllle 11. hi ma linn ser there finished, with a fall that went .,'i. (I'l iiu (ichu in ciihIi, pul girl of W and over. No ornament ap- lili" hchlk uMppctl nut nf New Mexico lll'.ltt'lll (Hill pl'.iN.elilV nf , ' ' ti l'i II". vice does a'i ihc t' en to knees, of of baby hut not least they hnk i Imli lit I rciiKiiry, built w not ltil .ilia the strands the - the Im .1 pears at the this there itniMt In1 con.-d.tor- ni' and It In my wav nf thinkimj thai Kincer In rani i" ppi ou iat i. n tn ribbon cut in uneven lengths and tied llie front ol'(tliis, but at uph'i.iliil cía' cmtiiulllcil nlli lll'-- l n p p. ' 11 any tien-o- dressy, lll'lllcy cnlllfllK til. Till1 lutlell- - '.'.ch lliey will Helze the It one mu' Oil" thons ribbon, buck the band may be I'asteiifid with lble il with scattered bunches of the cr Ii.'Iimmis i.ii.i'Me. iiKaínst cit lo w rent the lev. Ufe I" r u I h tninl annual fair irnm ee. Sclent'. cent one or wo enatuled si nils. imn cl us the latue p met s are n like the lull of a vveddius boiniuet. Iz- iii lilp I hi" hanrleil a rmtM net ailnwcd tu he drnpp..i tur c mi" water divctled in Hi" UpM r r. a - I'tIi - Price, $2.25 and $2.75 due tu tin- ovi r!ni liiiui i'l die rntme. Velir. . lliUqUCl lie'H H'llnl p.'llple, "f the Kin (runde w ii etui n to A pettlcloat flounce of sivlss, ni'- wlii' ll Ii.'ih Jul Ihe cnulily nn i Iiuhí 'i Inn laid Ileal till' miiiip Is hnsincKM and ntheiwise. aluavM liicr nh.iie i: plcnt Hull' luvvn por- nil' n i I ( tic ratiKeil to button on a upper tu ui'hl l.i he II In . i -, I ' i'h in (Hi In .ti.- Unite In n I shape, fi. New Mexico han li'i'l dam." tion, Is a dclU:lilful luxury lor a pill s Kclhm". . i. ;.' l.i Ihe limit. lip the fair slneo ilM lirst . a H za o n .Mr. th. a- k. d Mi nnl-.u- ( Thini""ti must be mil ii pretty I . Such flounces are made turnlne fair in and le lp hut helieve 'n.iicr thi.-- i 11. "I mu dance frock. nf r m beasts, T'fion".! iiiIm ni a mainrity nf them, pari nail a rly die "I h it our ii i : s an engineer no that there Is absolutely no fulness l'r. Wlh leu the tlrHil hlcn, In n - w i.ilili' have luiii shipped from Hi'1 h i mill, whn kunw the tinauiiai het In r nt lint it a lai I1.1t Ihe at the top, which comes sontewliat EMBROIDERY PUT UPON LACE tpinil c t southern muí faun heuslei n mrl of the tnti.N' vmm. han ilnrie wmi I'iIui'Iih herel'i', will i.Hponit 'ith linpiinnilim:' nl water n Hie upper abov e the linces, but at the hot loin llelll fur III" llie np.ri liherallly at;iin tmianl . i i Kin ("liiimle mnl us tn uiiarii's 11. mid MAY territory mill Hie exodus Im Hiill In htliltli nf lialiiui. llul they are fluffed wilh a wldenlm? of the C the iinnnal leriil cria lair the .oinlui; ilivel't tu Itllti'll a .Hi; dial it wniiU he Dainty French Idea Involves - lie much (;encral That n iiki'-- 'I'lii- iliiHly cowpnii.hcr villi; "lil ii niuri huí a w a sillli.-iell- cut nuil under and fcliiiii frills of hep j.i operly pprnat he.l. illlin.sslhe tn hue riilW Work, But Is Well Worth In lila fmiil camp, ' the j 314 W. Central Ave poll ilen ll'i-1- hi chaps, llil eyed steer nuil pur.! anil A llllt'iuel .pie M'lod lilllllel lalnw the J. Ii 11 datn'."' either lite swiss or net or luce. With Imi'.yn í fi h Mr. Time It Takes. Un- - chili k Kiiijciii urn nirulti, i' - Hilar iih lie rcall.N in almndalue for the leiihlni: clli.'co' ('.i,,icr "i led: the more delicate effects there are I - il ilm m 'I pcr-f'i- ii mil hone In read in the .lout "Make the .pi. lioii its tl ilmtal ics In I 1 ih he ii. cHlc In lii.i (me also, unmet lines, nurlanils of ribbon. pniailly, Ihc middle nf lie nniilli-- I ' - nal lour apinal p. Hie icnple In eel ami will .saw Ihil il is my ..pinion 1 pi in of the most l!IS DREAM. j Ihc mii.i ir..f..'UM anil (iner.iim rlu- suluu exquisite' II Mime. 'Ilic ('alb-ba- - r h.- -. U. rauKht. ni) with bows. Wclcl fur- tumuli. and clve iim.ihei, "the Ihal Hiere will snllieeni water I'm' Kreiu h is a lli'H ni legislative, I 1111I underwear there cupyable rein na vs. l"i' o: the executive ami Hi is la II. Wilh hi a wehes. ihe Mcsilhi all.i ami tin- I'depluim A Jumper tunic of chilTon, lib- i.r." note foi' Hie dell lingered Willi! J" "' 1 un, .vouch i.utto prniect m its Within bun edged, is a rcady-nuul- little Sinmli;.' piiiM. I., m ic feet j '" dull. dccluns V. T. .M'('Ki:ii;iI'l'. Hie first three years ::n per c nt nl en of our needlevv in k guild. f Mitler mnl head kiiIch mid "nl. h" ; which will make 'be home kowíiik of ChlciKo. May .. IHIn. the iilnii.,1 will to J f3, here w.iuhl he u nf dry wal.r return the u frock a very easy for Heavy motifs of embroidery oitia-- leue had their limltiu. anil haye mail.' whlrrinu ; w n i . u stilish mailer, river ithin i, ai pi r cent il cu I liiinei If Mr Kinivcyclt nhmihl ncecpt he the merest salín slip Is made at once Valenciennes lace. n "likely" nr.. hut Ihc Mm limen are V will rclnrii.. to th.. ' I'.KOM Oi l' MHIIir. riv.i: diniii" They upon crot-- "on (he Kctin ni .ship a mi Xew Vnrk. Time Hii se years w.- ,0,1,1 a thing of one of (hese appear die seel, yxe ti.iu' at hat nmi the tuatiher ill which ten develop these splendor with U1 a. (I I pinjects tipnn Hi" upper nf of the nightdress, the chemise and the Ihcv lire inaUlnu hi.nn. hy Ilic hnilitrcd Ir ailllluiiH wmild look ri 'lliuitu hiléis' Journal.) reaches (ivei'drniierles. The sweet fooleries, ruin v. a he Kin runde; i,, hu e t hese t, n u!,ai upon -- trips de dilapidated l.y the lime the in n- - Ill allci' ais man sits down and whose Jumper part Is low necked and ooiüei ctiicr: tluise l.ia.lH N mitulim;. 111 train al liiniui. the Iries lo yum nut in hy mat t hai lit. arc oyer ihe Klepha Kulie passing shorl sleeved, show 11 in nil over Hi" ami again f ill r m.inth.1 Un re is llcinan friun Ihc llmiiirc hlale unt - II dam may he hiiili, provided are colors A ... i. nmi wliil. llitlc dilteieiit Hum what he HiniiiHit liny nit on tl F'ii .Tin ) . pink, rose, uliii Ihe lace rawer nuiles. Severn! licnnl li'iim (he ulneliincn hut wluir llil'iiiirh Willi them. W'lllllil he, their a r a s reKulaiiy. II they pale blue, while a niun'n H t the llloliey a r ilack yea even black belli", adv ised si muds of while untwisted cotton ate Ihc riprlmi; npi iih and in ll is hunt dial doesn't neicssati eiet'l' - ui the irasM it P11 un- this work, They fiirced n A) ImkImhIppI cdilur I' i'l'l c. lipsed. will take th. mi vents In 1. or the most elegant purpose. Stylish used for and llie pattern Ilic n.irihern ti few h. niii-- i tu Pmk man hack a( his friend id, 'te the prn.ict t." of Hie lace is usually a i lippliiK mil hlw paper iols hct Jtotheis tiometiines buy these tunics delected as the Iro-- mid the cat of nun i In n If. Mr. Tin imps., n ihen a caltle tticn make he l.i. ks hirn.a said: "I have '10 design thai. is. single inollf or M Iff nf I liiilii; i 11 Hid then get figured foulard al or sonic 11. like u huHincHM liiNliluHmi Think he lerrlHc iillack nf Ii'm 11 w fu v hard for 11 trertiiiH tn positive Klntctiieiii, iiniii his own Hps, ilc teal 1U spray of blossom is set in II n pay-!nl- l. nl' Hie head Hie re. la .11 cents a yard for the under slip. and leaf h llmi certain ki nld pell umh ep his líame nil of mata set nmi Ihc ralli.iailM hil up and ii"-t- lIcd III' ' lake Viet' of I . the proper place when ihe gar- er hIi.uiIiI he fnreed l.i iikhI m la I c i S.itne exeiisis are so Ihln thai a the States thai only Chiflón and sill; muslin roses are c hile ihe rnlliuu i. ii. k i.r Hirce .years 1. 1,,.,., ssnry Is lie enpiew l.llUiiyille hlin.l man can see Ihr.inmi Iheni. lor huildiiiK xuiiislte notions for misses' line hats, ment made, so iluu it may he mad (iimpanleii In Hu ll' ia-p- lew nf the Courier Hint are laxeil full Koft iiiiHiver mal hot always riitn dam." morí prominent by lliis enriching pro-- , .loui'na it nil only one or two of the threat lly anil mutlvc pnuer Im al n iway wiatli. hul il savis a. lot nf Mr. ('..nper replied: Sn untunes ress, lakes fnuii Inn lo Hue., years, dooms will be used, anil the rest of iiu clmulK id iliel In tin-l- lime. ami .' ' 11 ur. enin-pht- e sug- I'l'cininiahly Mlial we In n If num. v il'uln'l make the marc K" , sonielinics five times as to he bat liiiuniinu is i'orrcspoudiu-íl.- "I'aihling Ihc lily," vou will lnlly nf Ule up need .... t 1. ... 1.1 ... t. . i.f all Iiiadinu peni, IIo ... a project than gest, In- "'nuil' w ll "iii'l l.t'l llie esiimated Hml.r raglle. A half wreath, roinprislnx a this pulling of einliiiuil.'iy upon dnw'll Valley, I county K.iVerniiicni that ill tint mnl Ilic hull, ale the in laiii'li. ideal colulilhltls. helieve lllll Hal'.' ,ilg il is Z'ftf All. di, t rose which is inure white Hum lace; hut recommended, us is liei'iln nf whh h recKlcii pi.llii im n whn nlniM' the Ilnll'l a. cuse ill" eld lien nf - Ill caylni-- Ihal il wail take t.u years inenc cattle ate hcim: ,jink, a all effort, to cm-- , 11 ; li.-i- . to enmp,.e is some leathery j recti and limit extra tin' persistent lir.iuuhl in for nl nmi Hie ar- rliilil In inrty nruiM mnl ciiilaiiK.r U the ;.itno lleca Use HlC (tli is known as the lihi (runde hy - lubber stciuinini; cntlin"; wilh a bud hroidcrer who docs hi. hi to in- - my i'.mliiiyi may lie pul He i'.il.'ty imlcad of nuarililu; liad. ni'ii.i.'i'i ihc reelaina- sítale nf which he hccii The .pen door pnliey is cnli iilalcil tmtl sel vice in. us entirely. which Is like a fairy thing. Is hold volve herself in a vast, amount of mww it.. x iteemiipanv Iuk each hum Ii el rdcei 11 ,1c e tile p. if. ili- - SpeukhlK' Inr the i.i.'lloll Vi lli, h SU (twisted In the shape put wink. Hopewell lo mil lor lepra iiinlN n hill nf "chuck" which lust re. inlteil Colonel Inr lllelllher :!.."i0. I'nV i ' r 11 i i ,, Such posies are hals of Vilpcl' A híi-- i nt tli,. op- . ' Im ily iifn-- In ihe reMp. ii- - The of Hie Spi inuer "Hlu. wnnian dnwn and wails l'.r mi ions as Mis. Inns., Hh, 'Ion nert catj' namht .1 .Iravvn or very line posed tn Milis v I. - net or lace sliaw. ' a letnplainm to come iiloiiií, hut a man Mr. Tinsel Cloth for ' Ivc luirilH han ivldeiilly hecn lakinu Bridge Dags. neighbor Ilii : in incri if the Inwri. The tisiitilly un í In it vvny. said last nii'lil and tltey would niaUc any headpiece, I half The l"e.lllrcil In feed Ihc "knluhiK nf fly r. lie wiyn: "Smile fnlkn tin. out "We lhnr,iii;;hly latest development in bridge the night. thai the '.lorioiis. bags is how rar ii dollar will no I. y ."ciinl,' I" ' pie 11I the upper Kin v. li- of perfeilly SiiUare shape and Mr. Jiucun j i..,t a.,- a, lie dad. He" Ir. nn year In year, limn German Empire Uses New Hratlde Some wry ilashhiK ütocliinss ful' y i " li - run readily inexperl-dice- J i liow 'al" Hi. an nn ;i slmnld h.y,. their riehtM be made by an rl ream. Milppinq tiittn til f tunc, rilllN rii dnllar it..e.t- dam lug or dressy purposes are ed. hill we ,o not hi hele ill nppns-lllf- ; other person. A width of novelty w, liit.i the hiinilt eiln nf I liiuiKii nd,( nf Water Ways Mrs. .loiuion What Hie i:i. o,l. lilt Ihltte l.lojei I. 'e of line while lisle with colored clocks open-wor- While linche.' rxullM il wnuhl mesh tinsel cloth which Mr. .lotieOn I I ll as at ilullarM mnl Ihc laiui let il In tta rncreil Ier want 1.1 see an 111 .uiKctn. nt niade or instep embroidery. The smart I perliiipH he I ' 1 - '"hie in both silver and gold, is lirst opera. In, In Hie upa. c nf hill n few weeks cruel in call her ntlenthui l.asl .summer when in Hie im pi ría m'l 'hv Ihe hii;' 11mi.1t ,an he ear- caper is to have the shoes or slippers Wanner In fai I (ha( i n were ried mil, end at Hie same lined with a delicate tono of blue, the Kprlm; ruuml-upi- i li.;iii. die SI. 7'aul leelcil I'lcl minus discussed tar raininu time th" nller 11 match the color of (he needlework ou fir-- !iie revenue nf empire, pende in Hie twin In t c. unties nivcii rose oi- green fi'iiin th,. vari.niH repuMlean mayor for the i time In the (crinan taffeta or satin, the side THE SCIENTIFIC WAY. Heitlnhi s.imcspca k I draw atlentlmi t.i the what water they need tn iniqalo their the Ktockini'H, and where (Ids is top ry I' ll ycai.i. and edges lirmly buttoned togeth- (f the '.nuil have h. cu In.lln .ity I lice that for a lain." prnpiirt inn nf .lands. W'e helieve lllel'e Is bronze, bronze kid footgear gives a In etlolKl er Willi twist and then finished a ciuu.antly .iuec the middle nf .Jan- Imiioi'ted cereals Hie tr. isury dues lint wuler fnr all, ninl we are convinced look ul once grand and l'ai islan. wilh I su. h fancy edging of heavy gold uary ninl centra, led l'..r S.i far us learned. Ids r.a ihliiletiey, iiiiy iisliinis duties in cash, Ihal Mime nn tirra nuetnenl is the girls silver or the entile il fl The most stylish slippers lor 111111.11', hut Kinipli- cert ionics Hvi ii ee al only mic pussihle at this lime ami tincad, Hullion braid, into whi. h nr.. h. im: Ihe luis lakeii tin nethui in - passed age knotted mil at thin ihari:.' lor cv.-- y .piautity nt' emu iv- nmlej' evi.-uim- ( it v who have the child hum live (lie a d III a 11 eunistarues. balls, oiitaiucnls the lower edge Utile. ma pi) i v case nf Ihe ice who Will C.crmuny. a il - one heels, The ureal nf Hum pmted in soine ..lh. r put of niviir nmil ion of Hie order ap- sirup, medium rounded toes of the hug. com h n i which is closed iviili braid! i ame frmn Ihe I'anh imlle iminit v ied nf assault wilh deadly Thc whole prneess may he cvplailie.l J'l'opria m; al nl' Ihe surplus vvaleis, and pump hows of giosgrain rililiiiii III the tnllnw im.' wav. In Hie caslel'U tint we em plia I ica ly oppose - draw strings (ini lied wilh bullion las- - nn.) from Kam-a- and tn ada, "capen. any al- across (he vamp. The sirup, the shoe IH'ov In. es of I'l'ussia ;i meat deal Hack nn Ihe l.iit recia mal piiijeet seis. miiIih; en man explains, gives a girl more se- lice tally p.iNiur.'i an I. I've nun oais IS nioiliieeu eao vie (xpeil 10 our ll it i i u Ii t Ickh loan continue Ictit alotl" prncurcil ami the .utile pul In ptlmo entail of life ami he prolilahly he ilisiiiis.'d nl nn the lIlOSl lllle-.- " curity of looting while dancing, n ml. more el i s. ml is :i enrres- - mnlilimi Inr the caxletii m i Kc la proic to siime i'pnt. Tlieie besides, it serves to dross the foot up Hats Veiled With Tulle. 1.1.11111)1" id (111 SC w Iih It id the tiilsslotuit ies to plithhut'K short. U'.e of Sll'llv more, for such slippers nl c lie II' III liillld. lier-nian- DI'MII V t i p. are often worn There was a disposition on lite part . reals in west and smith nf of the South Sen island.-- . the ll!lklC with fine of Hie hut i w av t reiidits over wide file iliiiiise.s nrc respnnsihle fnr outdoors afternoon rocks. milliners lad summer to cover HUI, llllll 1 i n.. arc sn hiish Ihal Hn v woulit dealh.S ill tile l liileil SllltcS Misses' handkerchiefs ate very all hats with a full layer ol' ni 1(. in: distances every tulle or The cetlMIS Will II 11 d oil lit ed y find al.snlli Hie wind," value nf these kooiIh, veiir. They are iliphthcriii. small, and Ihe very elegant ones have malino. It look to a certain degree. In hr. 'tn hit is, (uliercul.cis, The r. pmt of the rnadn i'iiiii-Milil- dial I 'a Ml oi n i:i can jdiuw more Ir.-ii- I'hele ts no elniice left hut send the iineuiiuiiiiii a tiny monogram placed in a small su,v H 1 map. li One here and there among .surplus of ih, casi hv s. a lo the mouth ml and ca. and every one nf ) : i m i . i I' lit; of "I the Ni'W .McNi.'o i"ti'i (o tlii mile any I : . 111 111 -- wreath needlework. landlicri hiei s t ),;ts rmiuire Ih.m m the imi,-- ami then up dial livir t may he nC(lliled and often -' fashionable huts. appeared ns-n- i iat ion Tuesday uii:)lt, "lliif elate III Ihe lllll. ill. to die m. nl. els nt industrial dislriets hy Hie use of the cmnlnnn ,llhlie with borders stamped with color are again, (me sees tuanniies of bats mil only hits the nail nn 111." head; ll. nt Met' i n and oiiih, 111 lierinany. Kc. dlillkiim clip. worn with line day frocks, the tint of venen won tulle, (oveiin wings, loadiiu.; at iorls of Kntler-,1,111- 1 This nrray of ill es it in nmi i linchen It. 'i he .Mr. I.ranily llrandi di -- w lint do the Inivmn sirikinir finurcs the bolder matching Hie gown. roses, bow s iiiid .scarfs. or Aniw.iii heemiies theichy n in .1 panel' hv l'tolcs-n- r Alvill ci'initlltt.'e . ll'ls coun-- t you cu II is finally tun - e'lliltll' that the him'.' Hramh neee-si- ti 11 .a ,hr to laeihtalc mat HaViil. nn .'!'IVette ciilh'ne, whi. h i n. p 11 I mumi' mi. 'i.i lake tt' in "'. uic ceded in lia.kluK Mr, liallinu.r inlu lets the device has l'I'.'tl l'C.snltl.l to is 141v.11 a ihl iniia: vvciulit i.v h. ink" 111 r. I.UI hoi 111. ill lot' a li.'llil IriKlle of mm e i.r le-- s nt n corner. thai at ttitc pm is 1, 14 or KiuiIks. pnhlisli. 111 the cnrrcnl hullelin nf llCI'y Id cel'tlfl- - Hie M.I.---.H I Hie elClollls leers issue husctls stale hnard of Si Mi. nmi t,. hull. c.unlv roa. that reim-p- . . 01 export dial allow Hie hcaldi. h innsiilnte- - an uuanswer-ahl- e In Stylish i al.s Garb tin eon lit v ap.M'int a ro.ol-- hsrlie. does l hi nun. tint alwais make illation nl an 1. illicit, lit nl cereals ai". 11111. nl aiiainsl Ihe use of nu e loll l.i i.. i ., ,. ih" work. mu.Iv heart kiow loml.i, as shown In th. allV w ll, I,, Ise I'"" of duly. It is lint pul. lie dtiukini; cups anywhere, hut . , Hie ce- 1110. ,. Ihe cl "hi rill, K UIC cp. t a.t iee and I" i nl altitude of cf Mi. K oove. veil 1. lulled imp. 'tied eialiy in and ahout the "They wpre lama sonic title ales Juarvied by b u law-- , s t reals lot wh'.ll tins,' i.l I'llhlle Pools. " .rk tor r t.ini.'iiil and ell am i. ii cm inn annum; nl pa v and divorced by telegraph. a e. llalli dntv An pal. 111 ic nf di idilheria in I Pal Ihe . mu m p ut ;, t : i me t lit" hill 111 the ..hi" honld he same kind 11'" In "I. 1. N. Y., duriiiu w hi. h "How could they be divop I't -- - I X pu-- h - . . h.- It LH' I a h. ml or .' .tnui lo Mil m;e li.i k. ii a i orna n II I. 1,111 he lite. I':' w i tu 1 ..ur sir e piaiple were ill. was telegraph?" 11.,., tv,-- m- anv ntlier suti-l- a lid tie- i V l" al Hie I. Mi:. lilt s in tor traied iiiui'.i-i.ikah- ly to a drink tu: a mint .oulil.r Mho I.,- "Sh opened !i,. it .i it m ,1 1. t' d to as hum ai cup w In, !i d, a niesstigo I'll. it In he t Nil. i t. mi. h poor - all the sick had us. al "III tno' ill. Jh.I" in.oit in i,,, s. '. , 1 ,1'1,'S ! ex, ced Un- aduiii.-f-d do in T. insthlt-- .mil sure tie. oat are illlari-- : to hita." Wi - 1..I I ,, ., HI II 1 ' lupnt, lutnv and Munitn nil el a h il It 'low hie ill real x , I' oil ('.. 11101, in schools vi here 1. ,,,' it etiuii'.u i r niimniti d. The meat nt die i,n hi lh. sported qiianl .iiiiikiin,' cups I,.- -- I cmntn.'ii ate used than Ad v d that hi cm Try Want !io',. pri'!.,!..-!- ' ion I" ellihodli d III U to he i Mole arsil. where Hi. individual in.,- - is d a Morning Journal vi ,. - ,1 I,. paid I'm I reiiui, ." ''l.e .lili mi i I . .e- . nn th" Military ilrinkitm in I" al n. in the olll lllll lee i tl t In nt and , ,1 "I n I'rus-- ount.i lias in ami "i'l" cisi.i tii'i 11 in ' a ! - i - I -- 11 ll a tli il die ni rv oi t oail Im i.l .Mi i. I" Hie I' ll met US el i'.l " 1.1 tainly is. hut 'I I' 1 h" oh in this is so plain as to 111,1 - I to pt ote, he ill;"'" ! III 111. 111' I llll- Ho l lie. con p, I'o-io- ii - I - 'i"",l ii" 'intuí", out - Tr.iv- i, ll u e "I Ii" nil " rom a sini- I t del. 'I'l lllll ll" - . ,1 111 li ir em a- Hi xp, t I. lie. some t i: II I. liny ill hi- I, ,iin, lii ih 'ircniii tat'inim; d'striit- - lie pi C ' el Hie sit pel It T! '.lie Iliie it. - not ll il 111 e fake. ol Pe Hid LEGAL NOTICES II, ,,! ,1 in! et 11 il! ."Melt! I'l .l IS II p I in . tot'il. Moll, eii hi r hi Ihe :ii, who id si k- pt l Hi in al the coast nl Noiice of s,ili lit I'.'i oianeni Kcc ivci- i ! v. w t e m.'Pi t r at ( i IU v le ,v , Ue. un" he export. F'l of lHi,t.,'lt siori mi II . I.. I 11 'III,!.' - l the s.lllle lllll.' p. 111! ll 10 import Tin" ii n !. tsi u lied, permanent t n ,, ipuanthy into Hcr-inai- ii f .a ie ,M nielli ("nnipaiiy. i " ". r The a - sl l Ik 11 v !'.u hoi ft Store ol dull m . x. ham e nf Hi" a cnrpei ii i, hi. success. .r In A Ihl'll I mi. la He i. Hi .1 i. e- id- She tne pi. et - e, lit li ales. l'i nltl x.i to ,x- Apide. 1 lie. M pora -- eilslon drake led. will sell III .11 I III nil. ( . ash I u hl'.- pesll. I"t 1'ieii tins .111 .'is. 111. et was In tole, al public auction lo the highest hl.l- - s ulj'tor Wlilioi t am nhi.'i llmi. (lll'.V When ,l. r ini- .ash ut 1" o'cloi k n. in.. .n ihil ", ; I. ' w iih H e new t n !t the Value ol the Sal ni dal t ii,. 'tst dav of May. V. 1 1.. ml ahout at building M. c. - W mis 1. iiiin Mies lose if. lulu, tiie (store of lew- .1 hi, !l V t. w ii h ' Hie .IP eo y 01 v hi. el un k tld it.l t, ,,s p, r ini kil,.:i ani"" nf rye. M.ll.l.'i-"!- ! ll.'VV by the stock I n i . .1, I , klin-e- , aie. is ie .1 e r. o ri s mi a. w Mi , o I iiiil am and irmil s '.'d I. .'s per lull '! m. i , h.ilulise nl said corporation , e .. ' ,,1 ,,,!-- i' Ht III ( It in t.. e! IIH ';t to m illy 11 lull w 111 .' ,U SOU"' potn iaiis tel".l the Hv of Itaton, New Mexico, all .it ill it ft .mi i a , ,. .1 i v. U, r not too ur, at I e ... ,.(,. H,,. I; il "tilt v.iia y .huí'. ih. .'t Hie sin, k of goods, wares, merchan- 1, v,.r vi h, -- lowed 011 Hic eastern dise belonging :. . - ..i store fixture.! to 1. 1" "i i i h i " nutii-uer- s - ' on' Ih. tixe Tl ('alitoi iii.i iii,i:i,n s It I 'I'l'l Ml!lll U 11 lll- - nil '.i'ii i"i !ll lit Ihe of said CI p. .la t ton. a & III"-- ' i 1? . W. L. TRIMBLE CO. .11 tl" P' ' Hi tv ly .1. ny th.,1 Hi. y ate en th" : i. i,t I v. nt.. i y ot vvhnli is on nlc in the I ' I ..ill-,- I ih,- - Scl-oin- l i ..I), .t. d, II m: k P I'' ih I.l .1 o I'l.rk nt the lusltcr I 1.1 X. St. puhle'ily M.llf nf James J. tires rir-- l I. i '.".in All persons d. -- iring hid l ivery, t a .. I.lh ell In Tli, hi- - HE WAS WISE. to l'ec.i ami Salo Maules. ,hi said uní lixtiiic- - il 1 la-- s liiitec I I I 11 stock must Tiiiiiuuts nt i;ei(inalile o I Hie H ull ;, ll'.o-- e -- r rr-- si 1' Was foolish lllll. in, I, r Mill! Hie receiver at Hie op. n'm.; I ole,, hone It. Xoi'lll Si't'C'l11 t hi- ,. IV .1,1 I i . n, p.. ; n I. tl d avi.itius to atli lc. t lo I y "I Hie sale, il ccrHll. d l it", k t"l' tin' , J;,.l-- ,e iv J, i st i ,1 i I - t im of Two (i.'.ne,i ! ite,.. ' OSS the t ' "I d I I I Thousand THE COPíPANY - v WM. FARR , -. - p iv. tile said '. r." I i. ,t tl., ,riv J. !.- V nio.-'iiil- In receiver as ,n ii. e ,.f good faith ill bidding lo l.e Wholesale and l d i f - I . ''" is a .ilui, and it. it inn, mu- Mt t h a t ,1 I , IV-.I- Wci-ai- ie i... Ta! is ir. ntlv tlll.le t", fx. leit. to tne of s u, rpera-11- , .....i L..,. i , !! -- t I M, ,11 1. 1, , , -e I th mi. to sin. tl: ,t mi ills r uin iv hii! w he !i v c slia',1 Hi I'l a- ot f.tllllte In consummate ii iHHialtv. For .',ni. mil i'- -'' . ., . . , vv - .1 n a, che, Ids'-'e- -t i If ,i lo k. It I... have to Kii,, ,m , r .1:1 pt, Hud. The said ks lii he J market pi'iecs nrc r r, - dr.-.-- 1. 'l persons as nn- al tb" W N.'. ll I' Hot re-'- HI ,d iiinii to such ni,, mllK ft l'i C k! i -- , ll Hie i' fpill -- h .,, , U il 1.;,. cesstul bidders r I. Ill" S'lo . vv .; (. i o, k I e , 1p.i-ei'c- nuule Ph ha, He I,! r m. '..pii-- ' e pi nt ' i, i ,1 III -- - . ARTHUR E. WALKER Our s.d. his e.l. m bi.l.l.'K ease the sale sh'Cl.l Hot w I, iu-'- . wpli id,, la, ,. ';ü a ,v.,u ).(- ami ii. aroied 11 I., Hie s I Trl . iilirnii'il t,v the Colín. Vil liona tul" Klll! H"1" lo ipoleotl Intnl. ' which ni-- Ini m a Hi., rirr 8o,reli' ltitil .1 -- iHirclia-Cl-- S ( he - collai i ai i .l W. ,tl,, r i i. 1, -. I'lepe'llV" fllll- As-i- m minions had lie tl Hi 'ip nl al Iliill.liiiS i.Hioii. liione I. t , x I. t kliol s c ,,,'', i ,i u;: , , to Hie on proper ai ol i,,,,, - i..a,uK tul:.' VI t. inline st'k ii:"i!!-- - Axeiiiic lo" do Hti ll Mas ni!, t'ii-ni- - 217' l inriil t'pli" it lim ing p.oer- -, to "1 he oilic- lii,.-- . s,, tlist . , ,,r- I.,; tt t r i in,, a, ,, - . -- - lime, i,inij i,, If rim U'.l Would 1111- QfL H.e r.c. sab- will h,. n, ,,!. ' .ivf ii. inr. .The !ii lorias a iocs' Id, ! -- and . "" ''"'"t le ,1, ,',.. tr-'.'- w.-s- t l.jei t to l.v uei in.' I"al "I llt'.,!ll ..f Hudson the init ht 1. II I. e coiilirniatioii tiie noun NOTICE! It. n la.,! i 11 Hie receiver retains the ru"ht to I. i.Hi.r coin, 5111.11111: nn 111 S We ' iui hot ink' t ,ii. y nil bids nr, row fully ic'i l.lli.-- . i. mid II" H ).IT I .ij il.l pTclli, t ,,(" -" ni... Mr. Stingy If I give you tl.U pen l.ii".1 at liatón. N' vv M, xi. .1. M.iv yniir He, trio fit íin l T " i..ii. hn h'i 11 iri.niiii; th. Jusl l.y way of ei.lileu- - IhillRs up v. boy. It I'l. 1 MO THLCLASSIFIED COLUMNS little what mould he? I UIU YOU READ The Klcctric a cv .ui-- f r MtTov. Albiiqucrqie ii.ti.l.i'i lih j,ri'tji .th the of Inan, chkiro un- - i.iUl fcu) 1 fluuiix. nt OiM rui,J rici"ir Eipiriment vtoro Cenifrvny. PAGE SEVEN TODAY? Supply Co. !1 iaasl llilll. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1910.

Eas5ag-ggssaEB- ! FINANCE ' , """I Of In These Columns C01ERC E Lots Bargains

? , fí i, - r? -- it- - 2 . - 9Sa9IIM , V p ..iirvi Wall Street. ":.. j 'ERS0NAL PROPERTY LOANS STORAGE FOR SALE Real CENTRAL - Estate Ni York, Muy !!. The persist- ' M ON fcYTO ToA N . 1'lunoH, goo.ta, a wAMhlJ liouBchoiii EMPLOYMENT AGENCY ( ni i' Willi which stocks were absorbed On Furnlluro. I'lfinen. Oik in. Honrs. Halnrt.-- i etc.. stored safely at reasonable today luul an influence in stiffening Wniffns nnd ether Chattel: al"i en rsteg mi WarvlmuM He.xh'U, l"w a 1111.00 Advances made. Phone 640 FOR s.M.K Choice residence lot on and Parcel Delivery .speculative coiilldence mi formed the and an hltih !,.((". Lean are quickly The Security Warehouse Improve- confi- Tin? of - private. Time one month and West Central avenue. Low ol' the market. sources ' mn.lo anil atrlclly Uuii-sak- WANTED class white cook, tune I KY- ,mp ilooUg to ron.aln In ment Co. Offices, rooms 1 and 4, dential price i,q application. First were always i- X ," .. .' to year Riven. 1 the lm viiit? not manifest KSW;.i..,: ,..., 1 Orunt Hlock Ten-trq- l ti ul girl for general bous i times, by lKKeftloii. Our raica are rPHaouaioe. can Third tret and Tliaxton: new mlilres '. uní It was met. at effective and eoe ua before borrowing. Kteamehln avenue H. (.old. selling prompted by an obvious de- tUkMa to and from nil puna of the world. Phone 66 222 W.Gold profits on the recer.t TIIK l.O AN COMPANY COLBURN'S sire to realize K.Hima 3 mill 4, tirunt lllllc EMPLOYMENT Such conspicuous market " advance. v 1k . PRIVATR OFFICES leaders as the llarriman Pacifies, 4 OPEN EVKNIS'UR 210 West Silver Ave. FOR SALE One three nnd 0110 four I'aeifle, Chesapeake & (ililoi Mll-- t IVnl A veaae room house; easy payments. C. A, PROFESIONAL CARDS Northern f 4 WA.N'TKJ) Teamsters and rocknicn; Reynolds, 257. mid at times. United Slates Steel, WiwMKii Phone also experi.-nc- i waitress; wood w. re held back by realizing sales of wanes. Foil SALE Cartwrlght bungalow; ASSAVFHS LEGAL NOTICES Easy terms. 13th street and Roma. this kind. WV.N'TKD :!'l ranch farm hands at w jp:nks No striking "'"' event occurred to ; FOR SALE OR RENT Five room strong of Small lloldill-- Claim No. 1J70. mice, Assayar. iieeoiint for the undertone OLtlW" Not Coal I. an. I. residence, barn and three lots, Englnxei The quieter tone of the Serial I40U ltroailway. T. Mining and Metallurgical the market. Ten-roo- stories, large halls, open nreplnces. fine HELP South See J. today took edge off house, two xotici: roit ri WANTJD Male 60 West Fruit Avenue. wheat market the Large liu.ictk.1 Young, Huhhs Launilrv. Brick, cement and stone construction. screened De partment of the Interior, nitcd " Poatofflce Pox 17.1, or at of fie of V .sudden slump. cellar. , the effect of yesterday's carriage and wash hcuse, gtublo and corral. LVautlful (illi.-e- ACKNTS and canvass, rs wanted for FOR SALE Suburban home, m'od- - H Kent, 112 South Street Inorches j-- .,.., ..., States Land Santa JMrñ There was a realization that spec- - - ...... i... .1 .....1 ...... 1v. l.e...... best li.Wll. ljOt 1UU ICCl llO.K. uj u UV im i urrp turn ,...ii. April 25, R'10. the patented on ern lmpro emeiits. See own r, C.Oli ulative maneuvers In that market iind trees. This beautiful home is situated on iveii the market; 150 per cent profit; sam- West ave. crop In the i.. irinlt sliade Notice Is hereby Unit the Central shared with conditions avenue and the house alone cannot lie duplicated fir no- ples 10 cents. Fink i Nadel, 4 Hi of price. West Central claimant has filed New For SALE one three and one two It W. D. HRYAN causes for the action the price now asked. Only reason for selling is the necessity for tice of Intention to make final liroadway, York City. Attorney at Law after-effect- s of government the his room house and lot, also one three The the removing to 11 lower altitude ou account of health. proof support of his claim PORTRAIT AO F.XT S, crayons, pas- In crop report have been, however, to al- owner in under room house and lot on car line In Office First National Hank Rulld section 10 17 of the act of March tels, R.-- Rood work from 11 Ing, N. M lay the most serious of the anxiety and direct Highlands, outbuildings, law and Albiiouernue, :t, 1S1II (26 Stats., fv.'.tl, as amended prices. $40 1110. go winch was felt over the amount of Price $6,500.00 artist. Write 'for Kreiger, trees. Income per Mint Jno W Wilson Jno. A WhiU by of February -- I. l.siia (27 . u u 1 . damage done to the grain crops by the act 110 Central, Albuquerque, phono 6S0. k, $2.i'0. 'lion e1 MjJ WILSON A WailTE. pur-p- er proof purchaser upon the whole or part of Stats., 470), and that sai.l will SALI,' three-roo- the severe weather of the latter part Terms given to suit pro- (OVKHN.M K.N'T i: M p I, O Y K FOR Állra.ihe Attorneys at Law Í be mad..- before Alfredo Montoya, full-siz- e of April. chase price, at cent. ) Write for Albuquerque collage, well located, lot. Rooms CromwellRul!(llrt bate clerk at Hernalillo, X. M ., on ; A good deal of attention was paid We never before oftereu a better Bargain. examination schedule. prepaiallon all fenced; eiiy wai.-r- a neat littb' EDWARD A MANN " copper you give full particulars. June 15, 1010, viz: Demetrio L.'.vba, home, ery liberal terms; why pay to the metal market and there We will be pleased to allow and N. M.. free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 3750, Attorney at Law many rumors current of di of Casa Salazar, for the tract lent .' lliiiiHak.r ,t Tliaxton. New were )MP.NV. A L'5, T. 15 N 1!. II Rochester. N Y. Room I, N. T. Armijo Hldg Phon I Jl in trade. Official lOIIV M. MOOKH HLALTY and C, of See. address. 2n4 (b.lil, velooments that W., NT. M. 1'. M.. of RI.IÍ5 acres. W.WTKD a Albuquerque, N. M. Information of copper transactions lie. II" Three carpenters and periodica! publication of the names tho following witnesses to boy tn drive unroll., IM vend the prove his actual continuous adverse Fourn. lie, tor and huildvr. FOR SALE Livestock IH'NTISTS. of copper producers as- Sil. 1 2 Stomach ami Liver cnlra. statistics the Pos. and Curb. Cop. and Min Chamberlain's possession of said tract for twenty UK K . 21 sour stomach, WANTFI Four men for tiinuei J KRAFT sociation, is not to be had. The price Butte Coalition Tablets will clear the years precedliu; the survey of For SALE Three horses, harness Surgeon again here, but . 3 sweeten breath and create a mxt proposition; government land. N. Dental of the metal advanced Calumet and Arizona the the township, via: KcoIno Jaraniillo, anil wagon. 013 E. Cari'leld. Rooms Harnett llullillng Phon fell hack in London. Last month's . .1 S .I healthy appetite. They promote the resilience required; purchase ait; Calumet and liecla Federico .laramillo, nii SALK--011- 0" 744. hv 1 ' juice, Felipe Jaramillo, good riding and Anntlntments mnde mitl large accumulation was attributed ( . 7 flow of gastric thereby Induc street number. I!., Journal. For 'onunnlal - .Tope A. (ionzalcs, all of Casa Salazar, driving pony. Apply 123 S. High mostly to lending its . ing; good digestion. Sold by all drug- i pons the interest and Copper Range Con. Co Ii6'3 N. M. Street. PMVSICI ws sum. was said have been increas . tt ' gists. HELP WANTED Female eotitrol to Kust Hutte Cop. Mine Any persons who desires to protest HHOUTLK, M. D. ed sill ieientl v as a consequence to en viv: For liood driving riding Franklin 110 of said proof, saleslady; - limited able it to exact the better prices from 7 "s llcst California Rolled Barley against the allowance AXTFD All experienced pony. Inquire at Y. W. C 11101 n- Practico t Ciroux Consolidated !.l or who of any substantial rea- Spanish. 510 some of buyers. A some . 4 3 per hundred, i:. W. l i e, 12 W. knows must understand some inns, or phone fiM Tuberculosis. the recent Oranby Consolidated son under the laws and regulations West Central. Hours: 10 to 11. also was said to he . 9 avenue. Plume 10. ' what better tone Creole Caminen of Interior department why such FOR SALE- Fine family and Rooms State Natl Hank Blda . 17 the WA.N'TKD Cook. Apply" 102 4 2 1 growing up in the iron market. Isle Royalle (Copper) '4 he allowed will he West surrey, $ 50. S. Edith. Phone . proof should not lirooklyn Transit was the subject above-mentione- d Tijeras. 5x7. ' MIY. Kerr Lake s'' ' " ' . r,4-- á Riven an opportunity at the 3J! of dividend' rumors. Wabash was SAI.E-Aiblr- Lake Copper ami place to crops-examin- e FOR ess ood horse and buggy, W HYDE, V. K old . time J affected by tho revival of rumors Salle Copper 12H t La the witnesses of said claim II. R. L . his office. Graduate Veterinary. of new control. Adjustment of the . 2 2',i Miami Copper t evidence in WAXTIOD by ex - 71. S06 West . 4 9 To close an estate, I am selling ant, and offer rebuttal Position printer: FOR SALE lientl. riding and d riv- Phone Oold (rank line dispute over import freight p Mohawk by claimant, in make-u- 1 : rates and proposed increases in sub- Consolidated 20 those choice city lots in the beautiful of that submitted pencticed ad. Job or ing pony. 202 '. Edith. Nevada West-En- OTKRO. Register. young no New-Yor- . 10 d (Perca Addition) In the MANUEL K. work: married man. with urban passenger rates out of Nlpissing Mines Morning W. M., . 33 heart of the finest residence district. (Published in Albmiueniue objectionable habits. Address were factors in the day's mar North Butte Albuquerque, N. M.) FOR SALE Miscellaneous ket. Closing stocks: 1 2 Terms $5.00 down and balance to Journal, Morning Journal J. B. GOOD North Lake is a to secure A His Chalmers pfd . . .34 ill 38 (Hd Dominion . 37 suit. Here chance Vol'.N'ii MAX, 24. good education CALIFORNIA beer seed (or mother) .130 some of the best property in Albu- position any W. P.., Accountant and Auditor Amalgamated Copper 70 's Osceola fim.ill Claim No. 12118. wants kind. molasses and water make splendid . IS Vj querque at prices ranging from lloldlna Journal. 4 Parrott (Silver and Copper) C011I 01.1085. drink: send 25 cents Will take care of short sets of American Agricultural . 71-- $100.00 n lot up, according to loca- Not Lniul, Serial 3i Quiney T for starter. P. A. Mlnter, Corsicanu, books. Sugar 37 'a I E.U American licet . 1 ' tion. Come and make your selection NOTICI. Foil PI ItLICATION'. WAN Miscellaneous American Can 10 Shannon immed- Texas Phono 250 505 S. High St. . 43 ij for an investment or a home Department of the Interior, United - American Car and Foundry 61 Superior iately, Carriage will WAXTIOD Us of rig for Its keep. FOR PALE flood- Reo"" Run-nbou- t, ' Superior and Boston Mill . . 104 if Interested. States Land Office. Santa Fe, New A meriean Cotton Oil Kfi Cop take you to the property. Office No. Mexico, April Ul, 1910. Krleger, 11 W. Central. in fine condition. Pilco very reason- Hide pfd 3 3 a Superior and Pilts. 12'i American and Leather HO 215 W. Gold avenue. J. P.. Burg. Notice is hereby Riven that the fol- - WANTED At once party leaving tor able. Apply "Dodsons." E . W . . Tamarack A meriean Ice Securities . . 24 'a summer 4 room (ir- HART 1'. S. Coal and oil SOU lowinR-nanie- d claimant has filed no rent American Linseed 134 43 nished house to good responsible FOR SALE Rubber tiled runabout, 411-- C. S. Sin. lief, and Min to make final American Locomotive tice of his Intention .".afi uve. cheap. Passtnore & Sons. Architect do pfd support of his claim under party. Address West Iron American Smelting and Refining 244'k Telephone 3 for all kinds of turn proof in FOR SALE Hood hay press, used Las Vegas, N. M. do pfd 104 t'tah Consolidated sections 16 and 17 of the net of March F0R I 4 3", outs, saddle horses or cubs, Quick only one year Call 1115 X. Amo. ft 6 tah Copper Co JtéNJRooms American Steel Foundries S service. Reasonable charges. W. L. 3, 1S91 (26 Stats.. 851), as amended bug- Winona I'oR I! li.NT bed-roo- I'OR SALE Cheap, a two sealed American Sugar Refining 123'i Trimble & Co.. 113 N. Second street by the act of February 21, 1S03 (27 Furnished Trv a Morning Ad Tel. and Tel Litton Wolverine IIS modern; reasonable to person of gy with shafts and pole. Enquire Journal Want American 470), proof will 7 ','! Stats., nnd that said 320 S. Kdlth si South Amo. American Tobacco, pfd !I5 Montoyn, employment. slreet. American Woolen 34 Tliicag" Livestock. LEGAL NOTICES be made before Alfredo Nicely rooms, e- N. M., on FOR llli.NT furnished Anaconda Mining Co 44 Kansas City, .May 11. Cattle--R- Pro. Clerk, at JlernulMlo, tree bath, by day, week or month; FOR SALE Furniture li- - XOTK'i:. 7, 1910. viz: Marillita C. de Atchison lOH'.i ceipts, 7.000, including 1.00a soul EngliH-e- r June reasonable. Highland House, 204 L. pfd 101 Th steady. .Native steers. Depart incut of Territorial Armijo, Mateo, deceased, Fi iR SA LE Splendid new range; do rus: market Number of Application 435, Santa Fe, for Central ave. Phone 992 Hudson for Signs 50.00 dr K. 30; --V. eel cut fine Morris Atlantic Coast Line southern steers. J5.i" New Mexico, April 12, 1910. of C.isa Salazar. Méx., for the RICXT Sanitary modern baker; cows, ft ti. 00; na FOR nr4 plain 4 tress, Raltimoiv and Ohio UO'i 00; southern $3.50 given on Tract A, In Sees. 35 & .10, T. 15 N., It. 519 W. chair rockers; mat 27 1 Notice is hereby that the rooms Rio Grande, Central. w Rellilchem Sleel tive cows and holers, j.i.uif i.n; April, 1910, in 3 Yv'.. of tho N. M. P. M. & R, con- ire springs; stoves. wash machine. Rroklyn SO1 $4.00 fii 0.20 ; 8th day of accordance FOR RKXT Modern rooms and wringer, sewing baby Rapid Transit stockers and feeders bulls 20, Irrigation Law of 67.93 acres. machine, .'anadian Pacific ti 0..10: calves. w est- with Section taining home cooking. Room and hoard. buggy, stand. No sickness. 214 N. lSll'i $4.25 J4.00ii8.0fl: 1 company, 4 2V S.00; cows, 907, Las Bocas Irrigation lie names the following witnesses Jl )ier day and up. Hotel Denver. Wall Paper Central Pacific ern steers. $5.50ii western of Albuquerque. County of Bernalillo, Waller. do pfd 1 117 Ti to prove his actual continuous adverse Large room, $1.00 0..10. Territory of New Mexico, made an ap- FOR RENT furnished Ft. ill KALI': Furnishing for New Jersey . . . 270 iíi 2ÍI0 possession of said for twenty 110 223 X. Central of Hogs Receipts, lü.oiio: maruet plication to the Territorial Engineer triirt close in: sick. Fourth. house, mission table and chairs, Chesapeake and Ohio S 7 'i ol" sales, $9..10(íí survey of 500. to 10c higher. Bulk of New Mexico a - ermit lo appro years next preceding the the Phone book cases, gas and coal range, farm- HUDSON Fourth Chicago Alton 45 5 id 9.00 : for and $9.55; heavy, $9.4 packers priate from the public waters of the township, viz: ONE SUITE of nicely furnished light ing Implements, etc. 721 East Gold. Chicago (ireat Western i 9.2U 27'i nd butchers. $9.4(Ko 9.:; light, Territory of New .Mexico. Juan A. Mora, AR.ipHo Jaramillo, housekeeping rooms. one front PRIVATE SALE of furniture,' 'pinm for Picture Street and do pfd .1214 (i 9.50; iiigs, $8.50(fi'9.00. Diego T. Chavez, all of room; in city. Also piano for Chicago anil Such appropriation is to be made Romero, Jose lust bicycle. J. A. Shaw, 014 South Northwestern,l'i Sheep Receipts, n.ihki; market of Abo Canyon water N. M. sale: $25, balance to suit. Inquire at High Frames Copper Ave Chicago, Mil. St. '4 $ ti 0 0 í from rainfall Casa Salazar, street. and Paul ....138 teady. Muttons, 7.50; lambs. points 1, N. L. 3 5 '.. S. Second st. C. C. C. S3 !4 w shed at Dam No. Any person who desires to protest -- chick-electil- c and St. Louis $7.25 ii 9.00; fed western ethers and 3 FOR SALE Household goods, 3S5, Sec. 30. and No. 2, in Sec. 31, T. N., proof, Colorado Fuel and Iron i ii' 8.00; fed western against the allowance of said FOR RENT Nicely furnished front en house, sweeper, tireless ill lies, $0.00 5 by diversion anil , Colorado Southern til '4 R. E.. means of of any rea- room, lnode-r.- w'H. or with, lit use cooker, and gun. 501 N. Kill, corner and ewes, .;i. 'lOffi 7.50. storage, and 20,000 no. ft. is to be con- or who knows substantial Consolidated (las 131) '4 of of porch. 1! X. Waller. Roma. veyed to Lot 38 of the Casa Colorado son under the laws nnd regulations SANTA FE TIME TABLE Corn Products l."i'.2 t Kansas City Livestock. Grant. Twps. 3 N., Ranges 3 and 4 tho Interior Department why such Fi Hi RENT Fiirnlsln I. uns FOR SALE llauilsom. lea her couch, Delaware and Hudson 172', : 11. He-eip- ts proof bo will be light housekeeping sle. ping rug and a few other household Denver and Rio 40 ',a Chicago, May Cattle East, by means of ditches and reser- should not allowed Grande above-mentione- d rooms, 2117'., W. 417 X. 7th si. UIK2 do pfd 79 17.000; market steady. Beeves, voirs, and there used for irrigation of Riven an opportunity at the Cold a. tides. Distillers' Securities 30'i 5.80 8. .15; Texas steers. $5.00 ii 0.50; 20,000 acres. time and place to cross- - FiR ItENTTuo nieel furnished Krie 2S western steers, $ÍÍ.10W Zi: stockers The Territorial Engineer will lake j examine the witnesses of said claim front rooms for light housekeeping. do 1st pfd 4(1 ind feeders. $ 4 .00 iir 6.70 ; cows and this application up for consideration ant, nnd to offer evidence In lebuttal 5(1 W est I '. III ra I. 7.50; St 011 1910, all per- 11.25 PER WORD Inserts classified do 2d pfd 3G heifers, $2.N0r.i calves. $.00 the lllh of July, ami of submitted by claimant. 8.0(1. sons who may oppose the granting of that FOR RENT Dwellings ads in 3 0 leading papera In the U. S ieiieral Klectric I4K MANUIOL R. OTICRO. RcKister. Advertising i Ireat Northern j.fd 30 'i Hogs Receipts. li.ooii; market the above application must file their Send for list. The Dake i 113 5 light, 5.9.40 w objections, with affidav- FOR RENT Agency, 427 South Main street. Lo Ireat Northern Ore Ctl's '.j slow to to 10c higher; substantiated IM 1H.U Modern brick 9. SO; y, $9.- - NOT1CK Ft HI VIION. newly Anrrp. On I (Io Effort January I, Itlt.) Illinois (3 'a 9.75: mixed. $9.40 a hoax its (properly backed with application MII. apartment, remodeled. Iirge Central Small lloldill". Claim No. H0U ArrUe, Depart lateiliiirougli Met 21 V 40iii9.75: rough. $9.45 fu 9.5j; good to number) with the Territorial Engineer IjiiiiI. yard, Btahle, Fluid o trees. South FOR SALIC A splendid investment. WESTIIOrN (11 ; Serial OLflól Not Coal T:4f.p :.1Hp 5 Vi $9.55 9.7;. pogs, $8.10 on or before that date. Proii.lway. $20.00 per month. Dr. K. shop of No. California do pfd choice, lienvv, (Manzano .National Forest. Shoo repairing and stock No. mu Unit, ü.llll; U 9.70. VERNON L. SIT, LI VAN, N. Wilson. No, 109 avenue. ralifui I. lt:l;.a ll:8la Inter Harvester 3'A ii bulk of sales. $9.00 Department of the Interior, United shoes. West Central Ni. Mhj. Ac Cal. ICltlirftM. lorr.f.p ll:4Hp Inter-.Marl- 1 Engineer. pfd S Sheen Receipts. 15.000; market Territorial Office, Fe, New FOR RENT Four-roo- House; good Owner intends leaving town. For fur- Nu. tallfuil.ln Fun l Mull,. ll.Sup U:ia 7. SO States Land Santa International Paper 12 steady. Native, $ 4.35 i western, 2, barn; $10 per month. C. A. Rey- ther Information call on Lorenzo EASIIIOIM). iCii Mexico. April I'.UO. $ 7. so; yearlings. .1 8.25; BIDS follo- 257. Gradl, No, 202 North street. International Pump 47a4 i. noíi WANTED. Notice is hereby given that the nolds, phone Third Tmirlut Kuni-po- 4:St III t Iowa Ii; be received the tent-hous- l,linll.-(- :3:.p (0:(ihp Central 20 lambs, native S7.23IÍ9. western. Sealed bids will wing-named Three-roo- Till-- of a for the Clilcuiiii .... 'i claimant has filed FoR RENT CHANCE llletime (I ' $7.50(? 9.25. office of of board of Kiml.-r- lOnproHs t .p 7:l'5p Kansas city Southern 33'4 the clerk the notice of Ids intention to make I111.1l nicely turnished. 1U22 S. Waller. right parly. For sale, 1:26 do pfd (if, county commissioners: of Bernalillo OvarlanU leprous .. 1:00a proof in supporl of his claim under FOR RICXT Tine. room bouse nea dairy Willi cslahlishc.l trade. Laclede 101 county up to 10 o'clock in fore- I 1:1 I"u.) Trillin fias St. I.onis Wool. the Sections 1 0 and 7 of (he act of Man h ly or Farm tools, all.illa, h.i, horses, poul- Louisv Monday, 01 at new. Inquire N. Fifth, 109 ille and Nashville 147 St. Louis, May II. Wool, steady; noon of June b. 1910, .'i. LS'.H ( L'll K54 I, a nieiid.-- h try and household c Is. Reason for No. KitirM It Ja Slots., as phone 754. nr., l'UI- t'HHH Minneapolis and St. Louis 3,rif 30 combing clothing, tin- court house in said ..unity, for t alll- - N.i. ill t.toi medium grades and the net of February 21, l.V.lo IL'7 Slats. selling, owner can lise in iliis Nn. SKI. K CUy r new-Iro- m, m si In in. Chl... Minn., St. P and Sault St. heavy, building the approach to the I I'oR KENT furnished M..137'ó 23T'24e; light, fine, 19(!22c; 4 70 1, and that nal. proof will h tude. c. .V Williams city; or phone Nu. SIS Kan. Cuy k Chl... lip Missouri, 42 1 bridge l- house; bath, gas range, hot water Kansas and Texas ... fine, 4 (it 17c; tub washed, 27i3iie. across the Rio Gran. Register R. elv. i 1251. do pfd fill made before and Apply 1 I 4 N. 1 ligll Street. ItiiNnell nnd Amarillo. inear Alameda. Said work to be done X. M.. L', : a heat. Missouri 70', speci- at Santa Fe, oil July 11. Vallfy F.x 1:19 Pacific i Chicago Hoard of Trade. in accordance with protile and FOR RENT ge tent house; l 1140p National viz.: Leeurio Itacl, heir of M.hlor STRAYED 112. A lii'il'.-l'- a.1 Kk Kiscuit lOtidilO Chlcniro. .May 11. There were in fications 011 file in the office of the M .. partly furnished. 1000 block, E. UAIJTOUR, National 78 Espinoa. of Chilill, X. for the WILLIAM Anut. Lead comparative county surveyor, and to be done and 4 l Central, l dications today that the tracts 1, 2, and 5. Sec. '., and trai STRAYED Or stolen, dark brown Nat Ky.s of Mexico 2d pfd .. 29 was. in completed under the supervision of New weakness of wheat at Duliith :i Sees. 19 and 20 T. II N. R. 10.. FOR RENT one fiv room moil. borxe about 1! hands high, branded York Central 121 manipula- of said .1 i I part, at least, the result of and to the entire satisfaction N. M. P. M , containing 15.05 acres. 210 X. Wl Apply .11111 on ami New York. nnd bid- house lit Il.r. bar left shoulder Ontario Western 43'i tion Chicago intended to deaden the county surveyor. The so. cessful S, 1:7 h $1 W. Norlojk 1021 at He nanus the following witnesses Mann ddlery Co., 2UI W. Copper bar on It hip. reward. and Western of further shipments der will be required to give a bond to prove a ad- Mi N. M. FOR SALE 1 3 1 effect threatened his luul continuous avenue. Smith. .riarity, Northern I'aeifle a of county mod-fourt- h i here from that port. Alter hard satisfactory to the board verse possession of said tract loi' FiTriTish.-.- ..:!. Tim on. si. North American . 72 f lVl3Tf f. loom house pit for faithful per- Fo i lo-- t , struggle traders emerged from the commissioners the twenty years next preceding the sur- loi'U- - ern lul k. st nt Pacific Man 2G op- hath, gas stove, ele. best LOST with prices le higher for the May formance of the contract. vey ward, i ese III. Pennsylvania 132-- i of the township viz.: Epifunlo lion in Highlands; no si. k nco.l apply. tion, and unchanged at up The board reserves the right to re la $l'.7..ll z story mod People's liuri and Detiacialio Garcia, both of S. I.ithgow. .1 U Cas 10S'.i clos ject any or all bids. See II. urual biiililintr I.I ll huikle Willi lal;;e purple .N. mreet, Pittsburg, C. for the deferred deliveries. Coin San Antonito, X. M. elo brick, mxiii C. and St. Louis ioo4 W By of the hoard of county RENT Modern hi iek set. kindly return to .Mottling Pittsburg Caol ed unchanged to '.e higher, oals 'a order Any person who desires to protest FOR near car line. 19'i 4 c to ac higher, and provisions 5 to commissioners. against the allowance of said proof, bou A. M.uito.Mi, lws S. .luul .iel. brick, bath, elec- Pressed Steel Car 39 ' C'-r- k. 10c lower. A. E. WALKER. or of any rea- Third. E.iS'l'- -'s brooch. s t with two tro: lights, cement walks, corner Pullman Palace .100 -j who knows substantial Car The close was firm at $1.01 if son on pearls and ruby. Kinder ph ase re lot. Eoiirlh ward, closo In. Railway Steel Spring 39' !! wheat Small Holding Claim No. 1209. under the laws and regulations FoR REXT Nine room residence l.OlM. September, a net advance w It completely tur- to .Morning $,8.HI modern brick, con- Heading .'. .160'i for OI.IOHfl. Not Coal Land. of the interior Department hy sin Lockhart Ranch. turn Journal. '. of U c. May was erratic, fluctu be willi foundation, largo cellar, P.epublie Steel . . . . . 34 proof should not be allowed will nished: halo, electric hulits, .le,, crete ron rriJi.TCATiox. above-mentione- d do pfd 9S ating half between trades. notick given an opportunity at the or without lands and orchard: no corner lot, South High st. September finished steady at Department of the Interior, United cross-exami- 4 turnish- P0UJrAJIDETS $11)00 good Lock Island Co 4514 corn . time and place to children; also room cottage, aiiiios, iton a b3',ae. de- States Land Office. Santa Fe, wil eh. lo- do pfd . 90 shade higher at easli the of said ed. Path and electric lights, sanie WHITE Plymouth Hocks from Chi- foundation, nhingls roof, ccmer . April 12, 1910. I t. Louis and San Fran d pfd mand was slow-- No. 2 yellow sold at and to offer eidence in rebuttal of en lion Ca or telephone 7 2. cago prize, winners; eggs 1 Ii for lot. North 4th St. 48'i 6 Notice is hereby given that the Si. Louis Soul liw extern 30 Vj 35 C4c. that submitted by claimant. I1.IH), delivered In lty: mail vour or- SltiOtl bungalow, modern. do pf,l 73 The oats close was steady with Sep- claimant has filed no- MANUEL R. OTERO, Register. ders. II. II. Harris. 510 S. Edith. South Walter it SWiss 'Ve up 39 ',4c. to RENT -- The second floor Sheffield Steel nnd Iron. 73'i tember at tice of his Intention make final FoR SAKE Eggs for hatching from $2, Kill brick, bath, lee-tr- ie Southern 127 Transactions in provisions were gen. proof In support of his claim under of the Strom: block, 22 Pacific r the finest chickens in town; Khoil. lights, good outbuildings, Southern Railway .rally small. Pork closed 5e higher, 16 17 Xdllt i: Hill J'l PLICATION. room.; newly papered and ! sections and of the act of March toil-el- s, Keds and Half Leghorn, 4th 7 7 rep-iinte- ; two b.ilhs, Island lawn, corner lot. ward do prd . . 1 lard "i íi 10c; ribs, T'.jC. 411727 Not Com Land. Co eng. W. lOJS N. cot- 3, 1S91 (2Í Stats., 854), ns amended Iirst-cias- s cents per J. Allen, till) rnnd. rn franin Tennessee . . Department of the Interior, U. S. all in condition; Copper 57 '4 l T' hy the act of February 21, 1893 (27 reasonable, .lust the Elphth street. tage, cellar, goo-- outbuildings, xas and Pacific . . The MetaK U.nd office at Santa Fe, N. M., rent 32i - Stats., 4701, and that snlj proof will ..position first-clas- s graded Highlands, close Toledo, St. Louis and West ... . 38 New- York May 11. The market April 27, lMia. pi lor street. he A. K. Pro-copi- o rooming house or hotel. Apply do pfd . . 64 4 for standard copper was firm today made before Waiker, Probate Notice Is hereby given that MISCFJLLAJVEOUS it.. 1 Strong I'nion Pacific ..182i,i with spot quoted at 12.50 01 2.70: Clerk, at Albuquerque, N At., on June Armijo. of Atrisco, N. M., who. Pros. Several good plscír of tu!niaa i 1 1 I In -- do pfd . . 94 May at $ 2 55 fi 2.65 June and July, 7, 1910, vir.: Dionk-l- Gonzales, of Cnsa 'in August 22. 1907, made Homestead HOME PO'tTKAl S, anything line n- .y Lo'.a sfo) lieíí-- le al. ' 1 :.o 7, "aiteil States Renltv . . at $12.55'! 12.70: August lit $ r N. M. In 35 entry. No. for N XE pho. ..graphs, any size. Kodak sup- c::y -- 73'i Salaíar, for the tract Sees. TO LOAN pin a : tr.a i:anclip a. '."ted states Rubber . . 43 '4 12.70. The London market opened & 3, T. 15 N, R. 3 W., N. M. P. JL, SE NE and NE NW plies. Phone 6St) Krelger, 119 Ccntrul lubuibnn homn I'nited State s . . easy quoted Section 10, Township 10 N, Range 2 Steel S2i firm but closed with soot of 110.09 A. ,V upsta'rs. 1 p. l ;.(i'Mi. MoiitiTja, is do pfd . . ITS. at 57 and futures at 57. 17s. Local W., X. M. M. idian, has filed notice Money to Loan He names following five-yea- f.a.; fin- Plan Copper . . 4 5 quote copper at $12.751 the witnesses of intention to make final r S Thirl PICTI'KK frames, up: kodak a dealers lake Vii r. 1 to prove Sü. 11 Carolina Chemical . . . . 13.00; clPetroh tic at $ 2.50 i 2.75; his actual continuous adverse proofs. proof to establish claim to ishing. Phone Krclgier, A. FLEISCHER hash . . 2aj4 ft possession of said tract for twenty the land above described, before Central. casting at $12.25 12.50. the following " hra. Flat lira liiMiraiu b Pfd .. Lead dull, with spot quoted at $4.25 years next preceding tho survey of Probate Cl'-i- of Hernalillo County. Me bin. ti"' 4U . amount-- , on I I'MIII on .Maryland . It 4.3 5 New $4.12'. i 4.17' the township, viz: Cosine Lopez, Ig- at AlbiKiiK-ruue- N. M., on the 16th Into. fo WANTED To Buy "'"I'm 45'4 York. ' llllilllpl'OM'll city Westinghonse . . 3 day of l'.'lO. ioiproic.l i.i' Electric East St. Louis. English market higher nacio Jaramillo, Antonio M. Geriego, June. H l : W. prosi-l- at per ii-ii- stern rnion . . 6S at 12. 12s. 6d. Jose Lopes, all of Casa Salazar, N. M. Claimant names as witnesses: HANII.D To buy. two good sudd!.- tVii. eliiig 3 A; nnd Lake Erie . . 'Í Spelter firm, with spot quoted at Any person Atanacio Chave, of Sail Rafael, N. sii.'.o on hole.s- Call at Son day. 4Ü0 who desires to protest M.; Griego of Armijo, N. M.; no ''Hal sales for the 693. $5.251 5.50 New York and at $5.10ir WANTED To buy .lean, white cot-- ! Shares. 5. against the allowance of said proof, la Caraba jal, of Armijo, on 12'.i East St. Louis. London market Jose de l.uaz si.iumi ton rg t " cents a pound. Bonds were or wno knows of any substantial rea- N. M. ; Gonzales, Armijo, steadv Total sales, par unchanged at 22. Nicolas of M. ion. 00 Journal iff ..v. i Ha9 rimn Riir ft mwncAnm. alue.. $3.l4 4.liOi son under the laws and regulations N. NCVIi RNSN TO f"' -- 1 Silver. Mexican dollars. 41c. Jl. i't 'Hi-.- , s 4,,: Ol S I 111 It II A ItUOW ov itat Stun-- per of Department why MANUEL R OTKRO. Register. l. ic.tii!''R4 p -- declined the Interior such t tl t N 1. B ' iU. ion inC.I i 4 m i'ham-berlain- ,.n I Sn liiMiiu 2. Stem llhltf. FOR RENT in th,. bid price on cull. Never hesitate ar.nct giving 's proof should not be allowed will he fFirs' piit.ii. Anr, Miscellaneous 'i .iMbM Fa iin lelcpboiic l.'itt. fci l .iM ilw Cough Remedy to children. given an above-mention- ('.-iii- opportunity at the gNITIB M CO., IOI Tt, Lj K Mining. no opium nar- Kolt KENT, in the Milage of Tijera. DICk "oTA Ml.. lttHI It contains or other time and place to cross-examin- e B. PUTNEY 4 3 L. mar Whiteomh Springs; two rooms cotics and can be given with implicit the witnesses of said claim- 'nii.gnniat-- Copper ... 70 confidence. As a quick cure for TAHLISIIFD 187S. KODAKS furnished for camping: plenty of 'Aiá tu Albuautraur bv I H. 0'i Am n y.inr. Lead and Rm. 25 coughs and colds to which children ant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal liopal .rocT., I lour Feed and shade nnd bearing fruit trees; term t p: of by i t '"'"""i Commercial 17 ' are it in!irp thnf submitted rlafmint. KiilfNi Agent for Mitchell Wagón it i .1 it. e'.sou-- I.I,, to i:dit ..ii. 1.': Norib Atls Get Results .mil.. - 4 Journal Want hi l all 111 ocyi is WANl'LL R. Ol ERo, R.eter. AI-lí- i ltyt-i-: M-- IIIAUO M .( 11 W c- 111! ,ll. Waller. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING' JOURNAL, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1910.

cocoacxoaxxDcxiococo GEO. W. HICKOX COMPANY ANNUAL VARSIT Niw Meilro Monref Jrwclfr Club Cafe Dr PrwHnltlm: "Idaniond," "ArnvrlvHn Wnlches." Repairing J Watches. Corrvtlm 'T Trimbles. sl Monotfrrm Kngravlnir. PLAY TOMORROW Suggestions y 115 ST. 420 W. GOLD AVE. Now! TOE AKCH ritOXT to. blXOND yt for..... y Do It tioooocxxxx:ocx Graduation Open May 12, 1910 EVENING y Gifts t I lii- -. i i buying Spring Suit HARDWARE CO. .vr) tliliiji I'lrst Dainty Gift Books r If you intend a CRESCENT Wo imite jen I" slo n trial. y of all kinds yr i will be nothing gained by wait-- Moin, fUngcs, Ilnnsn Furnishing tiiKnts, TiiHitt mil Tool, Iron of T there 1 HtlitKH, lleo-lln;;- J In LUNCHES, SUPPER AND First Exercisese Commence II iw lwa ami I'lutiiijlm, und lopper Work Kodaks, Fountain sis vj:st iMii.Ui avkmi:. rjto.w: ais PARTY DINNERS ment Season Will Be Clever t jng vve are now quoting some Pens, Pictures. r to Order Amateur Peifoi manee at the t Furnished Slrona'n Hook uiorv, r Elk's Theater. y I I mile 1101. Ic renin I'urlur in iimiiki'Iíoii U I". tt. THE J'criiuiiM'iit iiml 'I rtinslent 'l lKr Special Prices VVc are in a position to de- IriKlo Solicited. The annual play of the I'niver Home ity of New .Mexiro. whii h hi ralils tin liver Restaurant II. .. STAM1KM, rop. will sell eoinliH'ijrf mi-li- hi a son at thr Mhuol on suits and you one now on the hill, will he priMiil'.il at tin BUTTER JUST RIGHT Is the Best Place to Eat lilks' thrulrr toiimnoiv iiíkIii. with its labors ut that tima. cheap as we usually sell them nu Arimjo, sill N'urth Second street, thruuh about as May 13, nn, the i.nny stiuknts iim the lHh the petit jury Is to return HOME COOKING .it K:3 u. in. Tin' lurliil will In- In ik hair nn fear of tlir hooiloo, tiny ilo mid then It is Intended to henin eourt of the s, Siinlii Cull), mi ci'iiirti iy. earnr.-l- . In mranutne. must the close season. with our wa;;;on refriccia-toi- any Hi',- - thr at No, 207 West Gold W. tin- l"i', not expert thr ilair to make ys a In rut: ol Flunk I;.ilih. runlr.u fen-nee- of the attorn, and imrtlon if anluiiii ami inn-- i n tiiriii .1 hiMt nit:lit S.nit;i In fart, town people have rettirned ii"in i , 1, . Tim for Ihr ollnr TRY US! hilM lil i 11 MllM praetiee rininls iniirh respeettve homes. UlnTc III' lillll Il'lillt! a, an- o their sitrni' rnniilriiiiii'ii work. iml if rliM-- ainal' ur lors all; rllei iiiti. th" pla. wlih h 1m eiilitl'-i- 25 I í MEALS CENTS H iJ tiniMirat inn ft Hi" lli.iiiclr "The lioniulieeiM," slunil'l he the lu st AN APPRECIATION OF THE $14.00, $16.00, $18.00 The brand is rllllplir IIiíh rvciiltIK lit K n'llni lv for effort el ninth- - hy III'- "UIIK 'l lli'i pi ri KUlnr liimilii ss. All vIsltliiK 'Ui.V LATE MARY TELFER HALL Wallace Hesseldcn cli'iiini'. l:y nidi r nt tlif H The play íh ii rmnaiilir . oi lv frmii .i.m:i:.j I'.. Hurry lU.iitti, 11 n I.n y. the 1'rt-- h nl Koytaml. Ihr $22.50 PRIMROSE o.viu.cioit eh-r.- Flumes workmanship count. All of famoiiH author of "Chant, i niiipos-i- l and immlirrM of tin' dnlir tlif - The follow iim little poem, We guarantor mor for ymir nionoy K;iHti Star arc n "ih iI In nn-- i t The Morv of the play hriefly tohl A'.lele C.oss, Is submitted in ki ) bv Miss at-- Ii is folliiwK: l'a.iiiniii'.i ami None better made pi ice - thHn liny other contracting firm la it iMaMimif I, all pt i. in tmlav to s ail aiprrriatiu:i of Ihr brautlfiil will fine suit made of good y I get you a Mill ailjiiiniiir cMap'S. ih - Albmiuui iUi. ihI the funi ral of the lati Chai Irs Tin hararlrr of tin- late Mary Teller Uifice i tlm Superior I'lanlng Mill M.iiisaiil. .Mrs Allnnli' Mlllrr. so re marry their ehililnn. .vlvrtlr ami Hull, who passed away yesternaN riiii.M; an. in ry. rert-inet- who hail in ruined away In Hetroit, by a number of material and guaranteed in every re- r m, th,- luornliiL' irorn home. In or.!, in re two hi r old friends In this eity: ALBUQUERQUE .MImi I.ihtn I.. Allanl ami .Mr 'rval Halen Inia one. Th.iikimí that th FOUNDRY and i". oily. mar Sliaunn, lioth of tliiH vri In st way tn hrliur in t Ihr inarriayr us lie Don't delay, get in line now. liy l!i-v- . V. pritiK roses rliisteretl 'bout spect. pound. MACHINE WORKS rli il laul Sutill'ilay (ni'ninu Pouhl he In lorhiil i! In the rhll.irin 35c per i Ihii ii t fu), fresh and rare; I!. I;rnnii. iniHlor of tin- 'liiisiian tiny niimilate a mortal hatied I- n- our with Joy; AMlUfJl'MtQI'l'.. MAV Ml'lXtCO linrrli. Tin y uilj rnaki. ir lioinc heir beauty fills hearts (ween tln ni. Tin iliiiilr. u nadi!;. lai: sri-n- air. (.'nsllnui. i ,. siwert odors thr Irun ami Jiras in UiIn Ity. Inln ana I', r, ao t s Machinery Heps Irs. the ira,, ThiTf will a i nltiHl ini'MliiK uf i Irrito from Ihr liil'.t a l.ilitlol'. Mla-fure- l, .Ike unto tbrm. lord frletnl. ilo- Laillis' A lI Horlrty ol Hi" whereupon ' l'ai'iuiii"! Kve thou ó Standard Plumbino & Heating Mi'tlinillKt i hiiii li UiIn uf li rnoon at him S.Uvrtte'H hand lor hi.- - l.r.iMrv. ynniiu ami fair; i'toi lí In parlors. All Ilul tin- t hihlrrn I. .un "I Ih" tricl. hv Htinny us prarr. STERN COMPANY " tin' rlinrcli iresenre wvr SIMON - haw atld hani-ht- il Store 413 V. cutral mi'inli'r.i tin- lfini'Mi'il to I"' iiHcnt heell i'lai',1 ii,.n Thy smiles e'er rait'. Ward's ' PromiJt mi Careful AtieiiilonA. to All i k tlori in laiNiiii'K ol iiuportaiii-i- on ill their disappointment loii,'. I" i Ir.lcra ha nil love rtirh olhrr, w n ' ii "'ii the old 'he roses fade ami wa-t- " a Way, The Central Avenue Clothier H. Mgr. íriitli'iiirii refuse I" .a strai'in-- t..i They i rase to make us Rlrd; Homer Ward, TKM 1'HONi: lahviii.l liti'iw a onn man hi' " lis ahil a t'-- n S" Stla-foi- rl he iltmrrltm rssem e nl their S' si iiniii ilir-t- l at "sillinlalril a 'iinw hcio oa l astK him to hi us hu! iolle and sail. ht in MiuIilarniM Tiusflay nlioul inn the l.rivis 315 Marble Ave, Phone 206 LAUNDRY rooniH tin' onmc lovers into h ot hi rs' al ins niKlit alai thi' irmaiiiH an- ln'inu liclil w . .i lil.'h he dees verv 'a ' s s ally, and ul art lib us for alwav I'V I'l i'iii h l.ow la r. muí' i taki-m- an. US II eonsislp'IK'e is S'.li'l Sii. li as thine rannot In- i his tlellt iuiili Ill lnKtriirionn ran from ! pisli . ul liv. fi'iewr with the frlnids Bank of Albuquerque - National i i State .iw. i WHITE lili- linrli' of thi' il. il. I'ri'.l' Irk . Thr east i., h ;.. n i s ineliid'-dis- Who In Id thy love and thai I !f' uf Try a Morning Journal Want Ad I', loa. Or Tullí, as S. . tt Mr. illad-- I WAGONS - i ' , f Tin re "III In' a spr. In rollllllllllira- n lí as I'rrrim tt. . W. Anns as hr thy Indi niv Capital and Surplus $131,000.00 M.iii of Triiilr l.oilK.- - Xo. li. A. K, & hralonl. while !. tu: n and l'as-pilll"- III th oso of Max. St i noon for lln To he i " i na d II Will nrv its radiant s l)OCXXXX)OOCXDOOCXDOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXX thi all' itiriim' ale le away. We to Our Customers Modem Facilities for the prompt f aUimlirm tin- linn-rn- of our lair Al llriiin and Kkimmi II. Areas. Nor taik. li" r vnstr offer I'l'.il lor. I'luili'M .Milisalil. Mastrr haw- tu . n lilidt-- II ni.-.- t tin- of Our ICECREAM IS PURE M.iHoltH will I'r a lio- Iiall a I'T Mi.-- Mn l:,'.-- s. Ml. Hire In urrat bryond: and proper transaction their financial affairs, and such I'trasr ',"d we on, lork. v of Hi.- W. M.. I.rmhkr Iü ma na i i' ad .1. A!',n is nt'ant us Kill. that And pond to We It in any n or- - oi onlrr et. furnish uuuutity. .1. A. Milli r. iropi rty man. Tin lostam, s Willi hand ami heart as pure as thine liberality of treatment as is consistent with prudent banking. dels Solicited. aim ay . lie i la unto thee. Tin- funeral of lln- lair Anna IHiu-l-11- 'ttl!!C lire In hnniftul and II iiioiHlis oil ilaiii4li.r of Mr Hill and olle ..I, the prillnst w su d l so.-- i Cordially The Matthew Dairy & Supply Co. .Mm. I Kit III. h ho ili",l ill hr thr n. la lt'. VIOKIS TO BUILD UNIQUE Your Account is Solicited "if W'll-h- rtidO 419 1700 It. 41b B. niortilim at lo r lioinr a( 'i mi Tl- - Thr prorer.lH III" fie Irrilfl. of imriinionla, III llr lirlil till." on student hen nleiat'ollH. and RESIDENCE FOR FAMOUS iflrrnoon at thr rluirrh ol tlir whilr thr wnrtlty ol-.- fhou'd-assni- ; I lull hoiiNr. e is to Conirpíion, thr rorii-K- lrav-ini- lin koi'iI ri ason PAINTER AT PRESCOTT D00 WINDOW AND OTHER SCREEN WORK TO thr InitiH' at Curial will hr hellev Unit th" nlldi'lle, wil h. iplrniluHy in. ,1 ll. in Kinla Harhaia i rmrti-rv- entrrla as wi ORDER AT THE Thr Kwltrlns whlili Hill lr lisrd r.itoit. Aril., XI ty It). X'rerviitt CHARLES ILFELD CO. tin- tor rrosMinK Santa Kr railway will soon have the n I rt tlisünrtion Irat-k- anil olhrr t rosi trarkH. whrn of t lalmiiiK us a ri slib nt one of lln: LUMBER AND MILL I POLITE CO. , SUPERIOR Hir Ittlihitiil ijlrrrt ar systrm built most famuli of tndiun uuthors and have lirrli tihlppril liy thr llllila enm-lian- y in in person 4 Halm-?- 111., hp PHinters the nation thr Wholesalers of Everything ut amt "111 here " f Miss Kate I.. Cory. This talented mum. ariorillim' tn mlvirrit rrirlvpcl woman has been in the eity for sev- - LAS VEGAS ALBUQUERQUE SANTA ROSA liy nfHirr of Ihr new strri t rar GOT tóGGAGÉ ral days, arranging her plant- foi Three nwilrliiK are nmulic the prrinam nt residí in e. and to look iinwt etwlly pall ol the niuip-nirn- t. over her trai t of Inml In IiJylviild. VALVARDE niiT whrre she inoposes to erert a sub- - GETS in th vnt that jruu iu utd not Mm h K.'iiow w ill In- I'lvaKionril hrre stiintial hnnie iff stone iwiistvtletioil. . auction rt ur tin r ii tu j ifcr. t hy the news of ihr ilralli yentrriluy A. Ei Roberts and Wife Report Tilts rlass of u hum she has. ilrlin-l- h. ii tlm f(i,sr.M, Tlií.íMllAIMI mortilm; In iirtrolt. .Mlrh, nt .Mm. derided upon, iind left '" b rday FRIDAY, MAY 13th, at 2 p. m., i giving y'ur name att-- t ltlrM muí ttiin-- wMI t Mary Hall, foinu rly Mi.--i Mary Telfer. for .Moijiil rvatioii. whrre sin th OellvTJ hjr a to Officers the loss of Two the BOND I lul TU U.ouiioU t r uf Mr and Mrs. Teller, of ill Indiiins who to 300 wil! sell a splendid house and No. hitur iliuiKhti seeet the air onu mv kiV(h Allimiiiernue. Thr mother wiim at her Suit Cases With Clothes and build thr strurture, and where also i heiblije w lot Auction South Th i ni tf rcthurvl w ill t tftt4 ilauxlitri s when the eml came he ill ijnn ide the household Hoods at at 1306 th at rut nuil . of hut the father, who lilt hrre Tuemlay Money. that are to be used in Ih" Interior. m.'Hltn cm ptm of lit nl cnurar. was In Kvi ry ft Broadway; lot 50x142 feet. M t r, to frutn th door- - nlnht, mil time. The arlirlr will he of Indian make ' t Ulltl,.,,! nHpjTll.ra yrstrnlay Kuve vestige ,.f , vil - t IVIdll Ot'Mlo,,i IU lll VVIUIUUl DclllD:i of mtwiiKi' reiilvi'il lure and nota the Jtlll A JuUKNAL rCRI.IRHINQ CO- nn of urratiKr-inrnt- iz.itioil will be permitted in (he build- - real opportunity to buy a good ilrtaild the funeral a il When man who lonki like he iiiK so far as Ih" utility of the ue- - by Rural Justice Gets Liberty nilullt be all i III J d o.v e of III" Sania i.utniotlatious are to be d. home cheap. Don't miss it. FEW f .1 N'l'iliTS lor the late ronsidri' Thr - railway eoinpanv olfrrril to plate two While the buildiim- will he in rilarle Redlidit Case Still on, TO naii'n i I im.ii li i in ii- ir i'i .i. 'ult eases h. h'titinii tn A. l;. Uoliert-- a white man tioti. NUTS LOCAL OF un i iMii, ami wife ol 40" Silv. r duriiis: romtrui J. M. S0LLIE, Auctioneer. NEWS INTEREST ailtriinou Ili'lii lili nit itviiiio- thr Moiiul rrd man will havr swav in IÍJ3 Nollll íriollil .tr i t. with burial iiboaril pass, ni;, r train No. on whi.-- CRACK , linilm tin- stone brli k.s. So will the Vjilvartle. ai.-e- 'a l'airiew ii im ti i'v The srrvir. s at Hirv w rr leavlnu fur i.oints in .North Antonio the resident lar with tin- tint Kit on Mi n'li ridgn in li. i . rrsiili Cum. e w ill he mm-hi- S'liiaw Mipruiir if j the ami at the riiim- Mr. UohertM Kladly Xaeiemiento, sVllld'tVal eouiit..-- ol tailoring of (irern ami I ircciist. nlilrm Carolina. tastt s of .'l iiam. ntal ion of the In- the lirm nioli-- MaMinli' aiiHpiris, Ihr ilreeaseil the suit rases, etintaiuiu wear- liazot, was plai rd in' "I-fi- No M I'M' l- i- Fair Thur-d.i- v. terior; in It will be a . - ent lo jail by a justler of the peaee undrr arrrst waintrr helm: a nu mini' of the fraternity. Thr ing appar.l, a watrh valmtl at fifty :borl ounter- rs o'tiraiiy The m - In mi-t- nnrtlnn Kii.liv fair art of tin- Moiiul ru irotimt ni as il "ii the rliai'i:!' of .h'Mroyin;; a friii and Jordan. . arlixe pall healers will he M ssr.s. dollars and mine tnonex Th" man was rs CiVi n bad imhib.-- s( Texas - f'a ir Thiirsdav, prc- - s folhtw. il ami th,. pr, : - civrti his librrly under :nii bond i1' assert that I :. C, I li",i at i - . l Arthur lAerm. Alhn. rank nalketl rai'idly away wila the S'uit by A. t'.i large brers, ami in pass- dril iihnUIIH ill pnr- - ul film- p. ,1. I .. H. 'n- - Jude Ira Aliboit yesterday as!'1 that sollthiast M. K. e, V. W StroiiK. I'laiik Trotter thr tniitul'st Mia: ri:;;!!- ton, iinili'i' iii smith ,.ciiiiiii, fawirahb the result of a writ of habías eorpus tile stnlf, hr hanprnrd t" The rri.hiy i was w .... Hi""' .iiiidiiions. Mi:s . - Rule iml Harry All srort of This Ih. tale of Mr. Rob- iiroui-'ii- sr.-ui- la- rhati- llraun ni y will puiMi" In t liy Ihr prisoio-r- to ,is mull that had oitlv two It, th, 1 library profes - V i I Knights Trmplai wil art as honorary erts told Satna speelal Tin- Hi,. and a so nssert. li" i ... nu 'air Thin ftila iml I'll- - ión. 1111,1 ihroiiL,h it will .Mir hi release. court also old. rrd third, thev pa II I s. who n ported It I., the eity pu- tiro j k .Mai h, bran tl .nistirr nf ihr peaee tn brim: befare In Hr. Ill's rhair ah'li lb iiis.uri as il on r. at Inn. i liré. Mr. and Mrs. Huberts went ihr sai him, all reeords .f the ease. Valvarib W lis pl,K d ill jail fur a ppt a ra lire upon here tin- ihr. r faun d ritp s arr ll..:-.- In Buying their ji.uritry without baimaiie. ;. lieges that the just Ire. ! thr prarr thr pnlire judge his niol llllli:- PROMISES la- m-i- mi.-su- This taliiitr,) w. T'rli.U tllotleta llcvi toja. STEEPLEROCK No irat .s of man tin- .luán has been who s. nt him to jail, n fused him "Then: is a rliy ottliname- rui-r- tr years a nt ... í - U 1'. 1.a van of Ooh'Tes, N suit have hern found. fiur.i! that bond ami lln: riuht ot apjiral In a ing driv i to li it.ii heir Inn s' TO BECOME THRIVING ir ,'W.; Imheu s. lth in, lit. ihM.lini; dy. ml iiMlle.-- l hi.hrr ronrt. I'ohri. man ti'flr. hen In ni" i at in s h and ib dlv o Clothes ot' Morris i'ortrr. a item-..- . haru.-.- alii stl'onuly ami-- e a- t" V. II of I V In i MINING CAMP SOON til. n,b.'hleliuielll in Santa a if thr l.alr l.'l'.. with assanhtng nrgrn Willi o bit I h, ir w lu-- in "FACES tin- tradition- - oi another a rh rha irs "t ,l't"iii' I'll... POSTMASTER tiuit irini. This. pistol, sri-rrl.- woiinilini; was It. ii oil sa s. i'i a, him. tl"m lilt siih'wnlk." .1 .M K"H1 'M l.l'f- M iiis ami ri d tin- - "Ciitl Ih habit n Ih) pursi' I'lt'tUI.IS - Irasi from rountv jail I. ... U ! also i,, her rr,, lit ibat :ln is lili hu. tsin IS1I' h. I e slenlav The SIljuii Minim; ami Milling on his own rrroiiiilxanrr, the Tin.' sidri.did w ork of Cliaiiiin rla li" mib whit" has le.nh- - $1 ,, U ll . X, w .It s, v pora t l I" iitnouni of bond briim nmi. I. "in i lih h lll'-- eni'.a a ror ll. Ih-- . t Stoinarli ami ver Taoh is is iiint al '. i PDA eoTitidener of that :it. r. will lik.'lj h,. tried at next I .1111" la- ( m liii-i- - M.-i'i- " thr term eoi'iliig to light. Xo (noli grand n Whon you're buying i. mi. ill i't'i'i ilmi; in th" In'.K iniiiinu E CHARGE "ilion in inc whit others of mint. i edy for liver and bowel tin Hail-al- ünñv ii i.iiiili sit nu It m. i n i M. troubl.s and. iKioldt:.;: lo lor Thr trial ol Cn ih. ever known before. Tholisa mis b clothes spend nil you can nil. i IV, is lii'i. il7,'Ili. li. has . v-- i . 'Inn: In ii: nt ot a resort in tlm North t'l 's . i thrm for i si'' i 1!. r hi le i s ri. itriiig roust pal ion. r i. ph. ni runi. p. a nil hiah. Third street t. was bemre thr .is nu a hn; minim: i.tinp within 11 hr, biliousness. Jaundioe and i" be - u ol al'oot L'I'T eourt all day afford but sure you're Ii i t uní- A. K is s. II- est.rtla and i:t l.'.ist digest ioll. ol ' ala" s - Sol.l hy all druggists- I ' Th an .leal, ,n.l day will u i",l l i i r .' 1.. 11 .a N. M. another in trving lit. li.i in ml .ri man Hairy t. kvlly of Lini .1 In- - , will h" b tai- till- - A la ,,r getting your money's led I. IS! 11' .V .1 Is -- ith rue ii'iii:!'. r wit- w.iii., nr. tit . I h,- , s- mm a ml n impi nesses were x. est.-rd- l.adi. I S.n .1 A vrl '.mined . turn Irán. Mi K.,'. and M. ii ol Taken Jail Hci : tin Hi" ,il" tin-u:- worth. t l ll a oi sin .1 I l""plr Kt'.n m ilia null- lid I. t. I" Vc-sa- In r litera ry s inime- - "I"-- d I',- miio-- w hu ii tin- n- - w to. Tiial. ui'li' NEW WEEKLY 'V. o, spent ,!, ., tt r i PAPER FOR If telephone ' ' III pill- ..',-- Inill'll.-- uterine jon need a '!, . II I . lltl Thi" "lit" t t nun,- i: nist'''L'n; lllono ein-Bloc- "I f in a liie has tr. BELEN WILL START SOON I.,,-!.- St h Tl" s "I II " 1'1,'S t "111 pi. I' d. Tip-'l- l lilnril ".. ' ha " FAMOUS ii. i it latin, WOLF DOG fl'f-b- y I. I I. II h II I 'I'll Us, I. tv I., en p'.a. . .1 i..r Ii iitim oi.- trout Ihr Stylish horses and lltlggies "II M i u- N. M w In, w .lii' i II'" III 11" hnii h pat - tnnin I. nislied on short notice W. 1. Trua-sV't.'l- .. li SCOURGE OF -. , ,i"l. I' d al FLOCKS ,.-d:i 1 h'l - I.lllliu ." t n ta the s., mi- Kiilid Cara leu f"! Helen bir & Co., 13 X. turret. Smart Clothes ol us!" a ,, :i,-.- ,. - H'llf .ilila; with printing AMI I' lk .'"tii-K- r'..s. II,- I phune 2. a .1,1.1 ..inn the Minnm x HAS 'iii"iii. J a mom d,r l i mis to tl" o CASHED CHECKS beuin l'Ul.tie.,1 i t h Í'W ills 't Mir.iim ami rt,nt th" I M.i-- .1 I J - - . the M .' K ; t p. i !' I h 'I't'l "! .1 Min- taken week pi'.'or I: d of represent ! . 'ill " ., ilit Hoii't (he iiciioii Sale the biggest "!'l .J'.w Cit A. Cassia:, i!, Co I w I loiiit 111. Sii.' tur," k M ilium uní "Kl nilllst." Ii. Kar at ill. t nit"d l. . , o iirniluro Hii nirlit this fk tin-'- A un I h a n I do! marshal tins l'K It Ai M.iv th" . Wf- -t (i values to in ami i rit. it. Arritina (.old r,,in In be had rdav St. rib, r i i iiienne. 'd to , - oin Wood, o'clock. la II rung. el pt'i',rttr- r.v i s pi i ,1,1. .,11,1 J'lii' Tho will not a k. ei i.I.-.- '..!.. lias lit stui k ii t it ms. If clothesdom. I'd I'l I'd Hull. all Al m i:. ii. k. -- the r. s of that stair "i m.',-)- th.- , . K It l;...k is to-- the m, nt that Home ,.f hl'll l't II 1' s, h, re and h ni .11. d w ,. vaudeville. f,,:n lln.'t'i Itol h. I ' ii N. l. .'I marshal tb.i: in- E You " toree t , 11 that Ins A can find here a was h. I.I m h. j i il aw a ill" i I ! a t'r .t k ami new luiil.iiniis ..iml ll I'!. iioti fer s. rr., m, .nt lis. CHI nr.. i: i .1 a t 01 Just lirlght STEIN-BLOC- III. .1 r w the .mi" th. Sun Mm:.. o,..ui ..,! I" l.i'-- .1 think! ihoice. H - li a iiit m hinrry , This animal IS i:tra a. suit at the " w In. I tl jar in. h ",'ii e!n a - 'Ellen alfalfa. Sll.lin per ton. nl a. d'-t- l sran.l Mon.i.o t" all in thiit mts tl.'in la this !ie nnnnm .aaip ami for. Coiukt ami Third. price you can afford to Am, li'.iil Cvi'l.'I "tioil,'aIl, breed and his vi, ioa- - ll"d "N.I .! w Iii, h WHEELS OF JUSTICE ARE " :isi.n.-- im.fe tli. an ,.i - viiii'iiin, in NO! ; or -- THERE forget S:ile K -- i, -- Iton't the Auction it ni".h;'in - pr, id, in. is v.n-t:- ll, oil the p..rt of i,,, p., 4. I pay will be the utmost iiiiiitiue h niitlit ttirk at ii'ia it. nn ut e! W. A M ir-o- t RUNNING THEMSELVES Cl 't Sei tloll to see htm out this 111. ':, rS (.old Hicmie. from I" in in Ittimr. who r.eenlli m.ule - tailoring, fine fit I!. - u'clock. Tin- Mill not ho t.n rh. iii i; He pi' .i ion ami reports Its prop-- ' IN COUNTY OF LINCOLN "t imnnnse sie and H...1 lull rims . i I", and material to be had ll. ot tin- tn it".t III th.- west '",:!;. in.i,l., Mr rnusoti s pos--''.!- :- l - Is CarHMe .md devoured So Cicar Merchant Tcid Cham in t : i ni l" v la If .If" .am,. the old maiiv of his Police S, le.. r n- - i h a ,..! ,! o! se- - k. H,. w ,s e.iuBht In a st.-- for that particular amount ll . . ir"t!u.nm l ' ".' w I m; )!..!,. f il.'ii.a-- . Z' Nt s lp wi.s put nt ,,( and Tailor Lands in We cure for Inn' in K,., and ' -, i aid tht. w;iv t,v City Jail, hoard and m I'll n 1: i. i v .. i I.. t;. Ill' ' e :n ,i i .i- i h n . r e i'0 tin. o i. o, ill lie best of rare guaran!, ed. V. of money. t v iitti eaplb llj s I li ll. PH.,1 ., - . oi .rials b. r lit a ern-- s for t. iist i turn itiai th" nr.- a;ui. '"in :lr h.twe.n the Veie- - Tali's It. Trimble Cj., 113 X. sn-und s'.'' ins si., I a: ,1 . ' .i u, . i", The nil properties in 'na e.i to I. .linda, ml br. ed of dots and OH! ll ' t w the lobo We court comparison. . I : ,, tl'.i Aimbllr rek. v , :;,: an pp i t mu In t , ..It. and ,,rrj,.j (,f tll(, When you a call Tt romp.ui. '.'"!" d b, nu,, want ea! "p. k Is- - j was at ho'iie autiful han y en.-,t- ver I'llOilt; z. r.iii.'ii hair slim an I. m w -- seen in I'Urlng the L. Trlinblu & Co. ,. . - boss, i.nd t il.' Ire- - re I sm,.,, P.It salir,- l'".i a. 11 a of h as- .' kept ta. r. s'i.n. wlii. lt was I ri wlii. f.-- of silver trav HISS. Hi. Wiliiatll N. , ' t l 7 l."t d,is in an eii.l.i.vor to M.o belh I" in tohl, and t of . Itlr. Co. Ir. j nr.- lomluets the fp-,- - , Pnllry I'luiubliiR & IiestinR v.- . a to ojien ourt. I'inaliv w.,s . Hnt.ster r" p. r ton tr. ,. His fare hara. t. teiiis Cal Ja-!,,- rist'f of lb lit' South K ;Kt',,a,r,"S M'inlty- - Mi1', w ,, n m t;i I'njso lit.t week. ' ',.. ci.nie Wednesday o. K. w in!- - bis lH.dy showed in the f""1' m, ; his wvf it of taking his l . .1 -,.; ir, ni Kopweil. ori:ani..-o- the otigin. This chair out on tne WMlr. lltOIM or 1118. Ce.t a ni.Unm ami nun- rhararter of br, i ,-. L d m r- M, l.ire t i, rand d p. - ed vc!k and sitting w ,,,. ,..".,,.1 L Washburn ,ik MlS"ll. . ! ai tn inri. and set the for- d b. t! nt will install, d on tr.a. ir.,m z tins. pur t.. .1,., k, arm..! Plmenix pnrs u,M I e::,.- lb- xiork The l was. gone - "tne M ars ago u X, v. night. M,... Khcant -- 'iVl'tl ilM il) Hi. . of toundland Ir miml. r ot nioii'.ns heard and lib-I- T J f l ",; ,,m , :adi,s ""t. l.'l.. lat the pUee was '"'"id . ', ' toda Com iheairr -. t hf but when a , . Company jibe inn jury disiin-t- J tumi the Kt.i Iro-.a- t out.,,,,. ( and away ;1 .! Illlll Tiliw - i t.traed with r Va- lite nionih. Ju. r.'te letame i i unió 'to c;V,.1'n',t f"'-- t lh- - l.tte Mi" "Mi b. tt lm. k Iroin ta i:.- - . p, .ist n i'lttt that inf. st d that "ntin-ul- r i'.": ,""' ,Hti.. I "r i"llrkr" niKM. lo :. '"''''i -,,. nl lí. ..i i.l 'itv. '"!. of ITirniinr,. - - n at M"W oi-- be j . . ,.i... l - .his .,. will take holt on tl. AiiTinan in. nt ri..d. t!"..t s.anc rlr.-- tir reluiii.-.- i., . ,.. . - Cur windows tell you "i t I '. I ws This is the t d.stnxt .. " -- wr"st .1 1" .in !:.'. breed walk. -- Jticiiii,. from inn jjuiUi. posnbly JudCe oí s- -n l -- !..l tvpe v. r s,.,-tio- al-t- .oireil ti it on Ih-1- - - I t . , in Du,t h. .v. , the "clock. Tin Ik- run- U'l'l'i't'Jv Thr h.,:n icen him make no caiie-ru- li orrn. would Is-- next I'j. .,ic oil-.,,- .(-a- will not the story. Intnl.- - hrre ueL it is said are had U: - I of the tor the woodpile Kiii-a- s r t i t there still more .Vl.let - the elh. of town p"l'!e have n.,,j d a, ts M.iiia- - y'i- re.m.lPfT loo. vit:, the jenuine lolw t, f,,r, all ( in onini.Hlate or s' th ir p i e Imine-- i 1.1 attachment f,,r parti-ma- r" - t. n li ('Ih'ivl i that hair. ltMi-tiei-- fi' II wiinl- n..i r. ,j t:,. , ,, ni"n .iti, nM.oi l. ,1.,,, r I. r.
