Garnock Valley and West Kilbride Area Committee

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Garnock Valley and West Kilbride Area Committee Cunninghame House, Irvine. 22 January 2015 Garnock Valley and West Kilbride Area Committee You are requested to attend a Meeting of the above mentioned Committee of North Ayrshire Council to be held in Bridgend Community Centre, Bridgend, Kilbirnie on THURSDAY 29 JANUARY 2015 at 2.00 p.m. to consider the undernoted business. Yours faithfully Elma Murray Chief Executive 1. Declarations of Interest Members are requested to give notice of any declarations of interest in respect of items of business on the Agenda. 2. Minutes The accuracy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 27 November 2014 will be confirmed and the Minutes signed in accordance with Paragraph 7 (1) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 (copy enclosed). 3. Presentation: Respect Crematoria: Clyde Coast and Garnock Valley Crematorium Proposal Receive a presentation by Respect Crematoria on the proposed erection of the Clyde Coast and Garnock Valley Crematorium on a site to the south west of Blairpark Farm, Dalry. North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 4. Community Planning 4.1 North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Board: Minutes of Meeting held on 4 December 2014 Submit report by the Chief Executive on the Minutes of the Community Planning Partnership Board held on 4 December 2014 (copy enclosed). 4.2 Police Scotland Submit report by Police Scotland on activity within the Garnock Valley and West Kilbride area for the period from 25 November 2014 to 13 January 2015 (copy enclosed). 4.3 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Submit report by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service on activity within the Garnock Valley and West Kilbride area for the period from 18 November 2014 to 18 January 2015 (copy enclosed). 5. Traffic Management and Car Parking In West Kilbride Submit report by the Executive Director (Place) on progress regarding the development of traffic management proposals within West Kilbride seeking approval to take forward a public consultation exercise on the concept of a one-way traffic management system (copy enclosed). 6. Traffic Regulation Order: B780, Dalry Road, Kilbirnie: 30mph Speed Limit Extension Submit report by the Executive Director (Place) on the promotion of a Traffic Regulation Order at the B780 Dalry Road, Kilbirnie, to extend the position of the 30 mph speed limit (copy enclosed). 7. Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund: Applications for Financial Assistance Submit report by the Executive Director (Economy and Communities) on applications received in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme and the Local Youth Action Fund (copy enclosed). 8. Date and Venue of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Garnock Valley and West Kilbride Area Committee will be held on 12 March 2014 in the Trinity Church Hall, Dalry. 9. Urgent Items Any other items which the Chair considers to be urgent. North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 2 Garnock Valley and West Kilbride Area Committee Sederunt: Robert Barr (Chair) Chair: John Bell Anthea Dickson Jean Highgate Elizabeth McLardy Catherine McMillan Attending: Apologies: Meeting Ended: North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 3 4 Agenda Item 2 Garnock Valley and West Kilbride Area Committee 27 November 2014 WEST KILBRIDE, 27 November 2014 - At a Meeting of the Garnock Valley and West Kilbride Area Committee of North Ayrshire Council at 2.00 p.m. Present Robert Barr, John Bell, Anthea Dickson, Elizabeth McLardy and Catherine McMillan. In Attendance C. Forsyth, Team Manager Transportation and S. Walker, Technician (Place); J. McHarg, Community Engagement Manager (Education and Youth Employment); R. Middleton, Senior Planning Officer (Economy & Communities); and D. McCaw, Committee Services Officer (Chief Executive's Service). Also In Attendance Inspector M. Oates (Police Scotland); Station Manager L. Elliot (Scottish Fire and Rescue); H. Huws, AECOM Consultants; and M. Park, West Kilbride Village Hall Committee. Chair Depute Provost Barr in the Chair. Apologies for Absence Jean Highgate. 1. Chair's Remarks The Chair, in terms of Standing Order 9.1, agreed to vary the order of business to allow earlier consideration of Agenda Items 5.1 (Police Scotland) and 5.2 (Scottish Fire and Rescue Service) and for Agenda Item 4 (Presentation: Walker Hall CARS Project) to be considered at the end of the Agenda. 2. Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest by Members in terms of Standing Order 16 and Section 5 of the Councillors Code of Conduct. 3. Minutes The accuracy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 9 October 2014 was confirmed and the Minutes signed in accordance with Paragraph 7 (1) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. 5 4. Community Planning 4.1 Police Scotland Police Scotland circulated a report on activity within the Garnock Valley and West Kilbride area for the 3 month period between September and November 2014. Information was also provided on:- Ward 6 and 7 crime statistics and priorities; directed patrol plans which have actively addressed areas of concern in relation to acquisitive crime, speeding, violence, disorder and antisocial behaviour, drug related offences, warrants, Operation Neptune and housebreakings at commercial town centre business in Kilbirnie; the completion of the Safe Positive Communities initiative in Beith; crimes of note; and an analysis of drug offences. Members asked questions, and received clarification, on the following:- the current and future situation in relation to staff changes within Police Scotland; and the continuing focus in relation to housebreakings in relation to commercial and residential properties in the Committee's area. Councillor Dickson intimated that the next meeting of the Kilbirnie and Glengarnock Community Council would take place on 8 December and Inspector Oates confirmed that Sergeant McNaughton would attend the meeting or provide a report in lieu of attendance. Depute Provost Barr undertook to email Inspector Oates in relation to a matter raised at a recent residents' group. Noted. 6 4.2 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Submitted report by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service on activity within the Garnock Valley and West Kilbride area for the period 9 October 2014 to 16 November 2014 and detailing a breakdown of incidents within the tactical assessment for the reporting period. Information was also provided on:- fires of note; road traffic collisions; special services; 12 Home Fire Safety Visits which have been carried out; fortnightly update meetings which take place with Police Scotland to discuss incidents of concern; 6 bonfires were attended on 5 November 2014; and a road safety initiative taking place on 5 December. Members asked questions, and received clarification, on the following:- measures to tackle setting of bonfires in areas other than at public displays; the response received by a member of the public on 5 November in relation to the removal of a bonfire close to a hedge where Streetscene could not attend after 4.45 p.m. as the service had been "stood down" and measures to prevent this happening in future years; and whether other areas outwith North Ayrshire are indicating an increase in domestic kitchen fires and if this issue should be considered for a national campaign. The Team Manager Transportation undertook to contact Streetscene to determine what arrangements had been put in place for Bonfire Night by the service and to advise Members accordingly. Noted. 7 5. Upper Garnock Valley Flood Protection Scheme: Progress Report Submitted report by the Executive Director (Place) of the outcomes of the appraisal of flood risk management options for properties at risk of flooding in Kilbirnie, Glengarnock and Dalry, and on the next steps in the development of the scheme. Information was provided on the current proposals for the Scheme which were approved by the Cabinet on 11 November 2014. Members asked questions and received clarification, on the following:- whether any proposed new housing development would have an impact on the scheme; the possibility of householders having to contribute money in relation to the flood measures; any progress in relation to meetings with landowners; and timescales in relation to (i) the formal 28 day consultation period; and (ii) lodging of the Scheme with the Scottish Government. Noted. 6. Winter Service and Weather Emergencies Plan 2014 Submitted report by the Executive Director (Place) on the Roads Winter Service and Weather Emergencies Plan 2014 in relation to the Council's statutory duties under the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984. Members asked questions, and received clarification, on the following:- the working relationship with Scotland Transerv and that there is no cross boundary sharing of resources; the location of the Transerv depots on the outskirts of the boundary for North Ayrshire; the possibility of information being provided locally to the public on self-help measures in preparation for winter, either through a press release or twitter; and the rationalisation of priority routes in an attempt to make them more efficient and on priorities for pedestrian routes. The Team Manager Transportation undertook to take back to the service (a) the idea of providing information locally by way of a press release or through twitter; and (b) the request by a member of the public that the Council give further consideration to the priority routes for Grahamston Avenue, Beith. The Committee
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