6 iTEV BRITA DOOOOOOOO000000000000 ife EaiiOOOO' oooooooooooooooooooc D D D 0 o o o o-- o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o A GLORIOUS BIRTHDAY BARGAIN CELEBRATION FOR FOUR DAYS. COMMENCES TOMORROW NIGHT AND ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT ' ! ! New towns to come and occasion. This value is o Come We want in Britain and and this - unprecedented giving for ft everybody surrounding profit by happy opportune birthday party planned your -. . , v . 'i . . - .

benefit, prompted by our appreciation of your loyal and generous patronage, during the past ten years. Our profit entirely eliminated for these four days. Many prices are below actual- - cost . Ha SUGAR Women's Knitted SUGAR SUGAR Rubbers ' Infants', Sweaters, Sacques . f ' . S Thousands of Yards New Fall Stylish Fall Neckwear . J . and 6 Anniversary Sale Price At an low 2,000 Leggings 5cJb 5c Cut in Price extremely price, pairs Itibbon At N o Decisively Anniversary A wonderful lot are these. Every garment made of pure of our Sale we will sell one-ha- lf ton of - fine net trimmed with imi Anniversary Sale Price o Every morning Vestees of Sale Prices worsted yarn, values easily worth up to $2.49. while 5c lb. Come Limit 2 lbs. to tation Irish Crochet Laces. 25c Pair . Pair 25c Sugar it lasts, at early. EaCh Sale . j Sale Price . c feilk Mcdre Kibtions, 4 inches wide Anniversary Price Each o customer. - Anniversary1 39 Several desirable for botli high $1 00 Vestees and Vestee Sets with cuffs. An styles in all wanted colors. , 1 CCV o A immense variety of dainty trimmadt and low heels. Anniversary Sale Price M . Yard J 1 I ' - o styles, . 5 -- inch Silk Moire Ribbons in 'hand- Sale Price . . ; . Anniversary 69c TEE some shades. . 1 A. o Collar and Cua Sets of Swiss eyelet Anniversary Sale Price embroidery. Dozens of ; shapes ami ,.'yard t!t o ' Our best quality, heavy Silki patterns. Percale Apron Dresses and 40 different colors. o Sale Price ...... 1 OQQJ C Taffeta Moires, Anniversary Anniversary Sale x Iiaee Tuxedo Collars C Venise in white dozen of these 1 o FaliGloves At Rare Prices f or ecru. Fifty popular garments, Price OOC Bargain -' .Wonderful Handkerchief Values Sale . . . Ilairbow Ribbons, extra quality; numcr- o Anniversary Price 29c " Anniversary Sale Price - TL-- 2 Washable Chamoisette Gloves ous new color effects. O J , Men's Satin fine Kayser clasp Befvutiful , Imported Swiss Collars and stripe, quality soft finish, o Anniversary Sale Price, pair ...... x... lJC Cuff Sets. Hand work effects in all 57c 57c Anniversary Sale Price . . , yard cotton Handkerchiefs. Anniversary Sale Price.. 12 c Kib-jon-- o popular shapes. r Made with elastic waist, button front style. Fancy Wrap, Prints and Dresdejs i; Sale widths to 6 inches. Wrist Chamois Suede "Gauntlet Anniversary Price 79c Trimmed with rickrack braid and wide ALf Men's o Kayser Strap Bramley Setg of Lawn, P, K. and Linen, Anniversary Sale Price .. yard TwC soft finish,' large hemstitched cotton for Gloves In all colors. Sale Price DwC 3 L 6 o fall Anniversary .Q trimmed with tatting edgo or plaiJily contrasting bands. Neat patterns and Washable Ribbons, yard Handkerchiefs. Anniversary Sale Price 25c tailored. QQ pieces, floral patterns. 1 Or Sale Price . . . .. C stripes. Sale Price . . piece o Fine Imported Cashmere Gloves with con-- Anniversary Oi Anniversary i Women's woven madras, colored border, o silk Sale Price f fast color Handkerchiefs. Sale. . trasting linings.' Anniversary OJC E5SS sr Anniversary 3,or25c o . f, Genuine "Redfern" Suede Gloves with Willimantic Thread Mercerized Crochet Cotton Children's striped lawn Handkerchiefs, for Off o All best makes embroidered backs. Anniversary Sale Price $1.15 150 yards 6 cord sewing cotton, all the "7 nicely hemmed.' Anniversary Sale Price. . 0 &t)C o numbers. Anniversary r Anniversary Safe Price, ball..... I C Sale 3 X vl C C. M. C. R. M. C O. N. T. and Price spools Women's fine Irish o Mohawk Moha Suedene 2 clasp Gloves in QQ- -' Ivimit 3 spools to a customer. Silkine quality imported lawn, o ne effects. Anniversary Salo Price . . wOC hemmed Handkerchiefs. Anniversary Sale Price 8c Women's House Waists Women's Underthings Women's Flannelette Skirts Men's Shirt Waists' house . Linen Handkerchiefs of exceptional Quality, designed for wear, A rare chance to stock up for fall and winter with Pink and blue stripes, warm fleecy Children's School Handkerchiefs, ; nice quality, cotton, large size, nicely hemstitched, of fine texture ;mre Irish made of striped lawn and figured of all kinds full cut sizes withwider ' splendid at great savings. flannelette,' with linen.1 A real 39c percales. Well made and finished. flounces. O 1 colred'leftTgesr o quality Sizes 36 to 44. scalloped 3 q ( p . Anniversary Sale Price ri. .: each 23c Brassieres, iaesh and brocade, Anniversary Sale Price ...... J Anniversary Sale Price ...... o Anniversary Sale Price . . 39c white 'and flesh. Anniversary Sale Price 15c o Band Brassieres of handsome silk finish 1 . . the Infants' and o At the Infants' and brocade Anniversary Sale Price 35 c At n Envelope , good grade nainsook with em- - Children's Department. o Children's Dept. broidery, front and back. Anniversary Sale Price 39c Infants' o Children's Wear Envelope Chemise of genuine Windsor crepe. Trim- Wool i Infants' Silk and Vests, o med with neat filet laces. QA Carter make, strictly first, sizes At the Notion Children's White Knitted But- Sale Price At the Drug and Toilet Goods Department o Department ton front Sweater Coats. A r Anniversary OJC 1 to 6. Envelope Chemise, elaborately trimmed with lace and Sale Price. . . 7Qrf White Twilled Tape Colored Bias Seam Tape, Anniversary Sale Price front and back. Anniversary Lifebuoy Soap j , Cascara Sagrada Tablets o " embroidery, 127 12 yard piece . . . piece 7c 6 tyard pieces? No. 4, piece 8c Anniversary Sale Price O C Legging Pants of real worsted Limit 2. . cake 3 C 5 grain. 100 is o Drawer Waists for boys and Windsor 4 made of muslin. Bloomers, white and pink, genuine crepe, yarn. AQp Chieftain Shoe Paste girls, heavy . lace trimmed ruffles. Sale Price. . ., o Lingerie Tape, 4 yards . A CQ Anniversary Bayer's Aspirin Tablets for black shoes ...... 5c Anniversary Anniversary Sale Price O C Phospho Vitamon o with boa kin ..... piece C Sale Price 15c Knitted Bonnets, links and TableT: 69c .100 79c or white links stitch, pure zephyr Oil Children's Black Satin Bloom- Bloomers, heavy quality; lustrous, pink 3 J Bixby's Jet and . Sale . . U o Bi all sateen. yarn . Anniversary l Olive Seam Tape, widths to Royal Shoe Polish r 11c ers, elastic waist and knee. 4Q Palm o Sizes 6 to 12. Anniversary Sale Price C trimmed Quinine Pills Cream . . . '"'f... 25 number 5, Nainsook Dresses, n c A Q embroider- 2 100 . 6 yards 3V2c Whittemore's Gilt Anniversary Sale Price made of excellent white or with dainty laces and grain, o Edge iC Bloomers, grade, pink ed ) Shoe Dressing . 17c Children's Bloomerrf of ' nainsook and batiste. yokes. K$kt Gulette Safety Razor O O striped '. JQ- - o . . J V Anniversary Sale Price... Merricks' , Gilt Edge Darning flannelette. Sizes to 12. t Anniversary Sale Price Blue Jay Corn and Bunion Blades, dozen ..... 00 C o Cotton. Liquid Veneer Polish - Sale Price Muslin Drawers, trimmed wdth deep ruffles of Soft Sole Button Shoes, sizes. Plasters 15c ty Anniversary ' all colors - C 4 oz. 17c 12oz . . . . 35c embroidery. O 1 to 4, all colors and com i . . Q Djer Kiss Talcum n o Children's White Flannelette Anniversary Sale Price binations. . . 39c em- OIC Anniversary Toilet 4 Powder box 11 C o Collar Bands with Body Skirts with pretty "Elsie" genuine modesty Drawers, white muslin Paper, ort rolls, broidered ruffle. Sizes 2 V soft finish, . Silkateen, . . . with hamburg ruffles. ? Infants' White Flannel Gowns, O cushion back 5c to 6. col- - all colors 5c Anniversary Sale Price t vJSJC button front, bishop OQ,--, Limit 2. .'. roll uC Kotex Sanitary Nap- Sale Price -ov- er Sale 1 Made Inside Anniversary, 35c Muslin Gowns, styles, very nicely trimmed lar. Anniversary kins, dozen 39c Ready with embroidery. Embroidered Scalloped Skirt Belts 5c Middy Blouses, all white or Red Star Diapers, size 20x20, Ipana Tooth aPste i r o f white with colored 'trim. Anniversary Sale Price 45c Edging, 3 yartl, pieces, O C Heavy White Skirts with flounce of neat ready hemmed. , Q C Father John 5 o Cameo Garment Fastener, y grade Jean. T Anniversary Sale Price, dz vOC Medicine. . 45c, 85c . . Sale Price C hamburg. Anniversary Sale Price 39c all sizes dozen Anniversary i 12-ine- h. o Twink Dye White Skirts, handsome ruffles of imported Esmond 30x40 Crib Blankets, Blaud's Iron Pills 1 O Drawer Waists ' of White Pine o Flakes pkg 5c all sizes Daisy for girls, embroidery. OA scalloped edge, pink or blue pat- 100 loC Syrup t-- Pearl Buttons, t' trimmed with hamburg. Sizes Anniversary Sale Price C tern. and Tar 17c ea and styles card 7c JJ 70 Rickrack Braid, 3 Anniversary Sale Price... I JIC Imported Sale - V Covers, well made garments of muslin, iith ' 1 lb A Anniversary Price J Merck's pkg Sugar Anti-Coli- c yard, v Genuine Cap Shape neat embroidery edge. , .Wool Cashmere Butterfly Sac- Mdk ( Nipples Girls' - 4UC each a all widths 7c Hair Nets . . 6 for 24c Genuine Ferris Corset Anniversary Sale Price . . . . i 25c ques, many hand embroid- rn 5c J3 : i Waists, all sizes. 7Q " ered Anniversary Sale... H Aluminum Anniversary Sale Price C 0C Thimbles, Electric Silicon Silver Lux, for washing Mellin's Food, all sizes ...... Polish Bonnets of silk crepe de chine Limit q large 6 2c 5c Children's White Flannelette One Hundred Dozen Women's and poplin, our regular stock, 2. OC size 54c o Body Skirts, sizes 2 to C. y Flannelette Gowns worth up to $1.25. A f Sale TT Price mOC Anniversary. . Sale Price ... v C o Women's Flannelette Wear At63c o Warm and comfy; made of excellent grade flan- Extraordinary Values At the Lace Department Bloomers, large roomy sizes; of pink or blue striped or Kleanet Hair Nets nelette in pink or blue stripes. Full cut sizes with Children's o flannel. Anniversary Sale Price . . double yokes, nicely embroidered. Billie Burke Torchon Laces, thousands of yards of neat imported edses. outing JJv Limit 2 to each Customer. - widtiis to 2 inches. X Sleeping- Garments . o Double Mesh Sale Price Anniversary Sale Price, Extra Heavy Quality Bloomers; flesh color; butterfly P CO- - Anniversary These practical little garments yard to. o Sale Price i Cap shape; extra large; a good are made up of a standard qual- pattern. Anniversary value at the 2 o regular price of ity striped outing flannel, large Crochet Cluny Lace, edges and insertion up to 3 indies f for 25c. Anniversary cut sizes 6 to 12. EtS wide. Anniversary Sale Prjce, yard SC Billie Burke Sleeping Garments of warm fleecy Side Price 3 fnr faOC o flannelette. Sale Price OOCQg Anniversary Sale Price... DC Anniversary r me t net Uuny Laces, very dainty and also serviceable. r5 1 o Anniversary Sale Price . . . )Q 1 o Gowns, made ful size, of heavy Scotch flannelette, QP double yokes, with collars or V neck. Anniversary Sale Price-O- C Safety Pins Boudoir Caps Wide Cluny Laces in a variety of pleasing patterns.. o Full Nickeled Plate; size 1, 2, 3. Children's Belts Made of washable satin and Anniversary Sale Price, yard . .'. Limit 3 o Skirts, extra heavy with Domet flannel, with deep dozen to customer. The popular narrow belts of "genuine heavy black nets, daintily trimmed with lace scalloped flonnce. Anniversary Sale Price . . vwCpQ Anniversary O patent leather. All sizes. and ribbon. 2,500 yards of Embroidered Edging on nainsook and o Sale Price dozen & C Sale Price Sale faDC long cloth. . Anniversary Sale Price . 3c o JQC Anniversary Anniversary Price... o Women's Borden's Eagle Imported

o 1 I II IIIIIHD o 'Alt It la lu"Aiii anA Brand 'Cashmere ' Gloves o ii it nan kj i Condensed in Brown, black and o Fine Leather Hand Milk grey, o Bags all the colors, 2 clasp Stylish Fall Veilings .Priced Extremely Txw. t styles with chamoisette lin- Yard Arf?yersary Sale Price o Anniversary Sale Price Lraiversary Sale ' 29 $X 29 ings, aH sizes, a remark- Z5c Price . . 18c Comprising the popular cheifllle dot veilines wkh o The season's most popolar 'shapes in fancy and staple colors. Can able low price'. Anniver one to wear trasting colors, also new effect in mesh; veiling&, the best fall o Every guaranteed give satisfactory and service. sary Sale snaaes. o Limit 2 to a customer. 39c o Price, pair OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO The Fak OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOObOOOOOOTheFairOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOjdbOdb?