1!b(» average dalljr drcfolatioii of : ^yi. f,The Brcnlng Herald for the month ...... ' "'' ”r v‘y»-'''»'v>."V>***v 1 Jnnunt>‘ v.«s •daj^ -PfM^I^ "wi«»< -ie i i m ^ duHige iii 4,094 a>^ MiKto to freafa ahtfHiijg'

1 VOL. XLII., NO. 106. ClauUled AdrertiBlng on Page d. MANCI^SIXR, O ^ .,* SA1 ‘ P k m tV M I^ 2 , 1924. (TEN PAGES). PRICR WIIJSON FOR HIS EX-SECRETARY FALL REFUSES Ex-President TFiTson ITorriiM Doctor TUBERCULOSIS FUND

TO ANSWER SENATE QUESTIONS OF CHENEY BROS. LIFE OF 7 ^ ' 4>. O f ^ REPORTS GOOD YEAR ChaDenges' Its Right to Ex-1RYKOV TO SUCCEED . f e - B'!' iff-* HANGS i : |!0 iV '> '■ amine Him Concerning LENINE IN RUSSIA Free Bed Organization Hadj|; '^4 the long night vigil he Indl. Money He Received from Vice President of Council of ,o„ unmistakably to those In the _ Bnt Fonrteen Cases to room^ that he believed their ^ff. -V £■ -s A. '-s / All last year’s officers of the ! tearful eyes. of Labor and Defense, probably >(- Cheney Bros. Tuberculosis Free Physicians — Was Con­ Washington, Feb. 2.— Declaring will be named successor to Nlckqlai >•' Bed fund were reelected at the an- i Th^reThere were frequenb lnJectl^S^j% that he would stand on his consti­ 2 V'; I tutional rights not to take any of Peoples’ Commissars, It was nual meetings of the organization j scious at On 0 CIOCKI of morphine during the higU arid, learned from a reliable source to­ held last evening at the Rest Room | 1 early this morning. They eahed the ,4 steps that might incriminate him, day. >1, ' ! ;.-vy- I pain and provided periods of eatV of the machine shop. This meet 1 former Secretary of the Interior In 1922, when Lenine was in­ Today. I slumber, in which he appeared W Albert B. Fall appeared before the capacitated by Illness, Rykov took ing was originally scheduled for \ I be resting easily. But it was ah'rijtttfLw-,, ,, 4&' ’ ' , V Senate public lands committee to­ over most of his duties, being as­ k f ' : r : January 25 but the poor attendance i ,I natural _i:est ------and one that It wari sisted by Leo Kamenev and Vice at that time caused its postpone Washington, Feb. 2.—'Wood-1 not long be malriWii*' day, but flatly refused to answer Chairman Tsurupa. any questions bearing on the leas­ Tlykov, the son of a Russian I ro. W,U.n w„ I J2S.SI; W ing of oil lands to E. L. Doheny or peasant, is in his 43d year. He Out of a total of $4,176 receiv- 1 afternoon by the slenderest of 1 due perhaps to the drugs brit'rit« Harry I* Sinclair. was born in the Province of Vatka od, disbursements of $1,625.09 were [threads.1 ‘. ------ways------it came’ back • to • raflontllw|fl^t^ and was graduated from the Uni­ made, leaving a cash balance on His physicians are making - his .I acceptance of tho sfb* versity of Kazan. He dresses like j i uation. hand for the coming year of j hours as comfortable and as a workman and has consistently V It was definitely determirisd ; Irefused to have any military guard ^ >■ $2,551.33. Of this cash balance i possible by frequent in- * v.;*r ’ day that the former president suf^ .J> at the door of his office. $1,081.32 Is on the checking ac- 1 fered another stroke early Friday*' Government circles were highly i I count and $1,470.01 in the Savings I Early this afternoon they admit- morning and that this was Jthe? * gratified today over the official an­ ' , “crash” his doctors menttiwr^k nouncement that Great Britain has i bank. - ted that their slightest hope for ' V* ,:. ^2 - I The report of Treasurer Ellis ! a turn for the better in the form- Coming on top of the dlgestive-dls^vyfij granted de jure recognition to the turbance he experienced Wedn^ ■' Soviet government. ■' 'tS 'iJ.: ... ‘S'*? f/v-.'-rv. ^ ^^"‘Recefils-^"'' I condition has faded. day. this proved the all but Officials said they believed that Balance on hand Dec. ^ growing steadily weaker; the blow. It was a similar strok# it marks a new era in Russia’s in­ f k • f'-'-, ' J ternational relations. r V'-' * '' 1923 ...... $1,305.26 ^ ’'®™c“ ‘^c“8 vitality that enabled the Wiiite House four years ' , that almost cost his life, and'l » V V T Received during 1923. him to stand off death for four J'? Employees of Cheney years is getting lower and lower him the semi-invalid he has & SELECTION OF STRAWN Brothers ...$1,401.15 „ since he retired to private Hfe..j Cheney Bros. $1,394.65 ’ H ® "" system will not stand another,' ______It 8 only a question of hours,” doctors marveled at bis fra'll Etitution having survived the o^irJ UP TO PRKIDENT ' s< X-' $2,795.80 Ireply to all questions. i?.. Interest oh Savings Ac- 1 Shortly before noon an official Sleepless Nig^t...... 75.36 bulletin stated that Mr. Wilson had It was a sleepless night, bt Chicago, Ills., Feb. 2.— Whether no pain and that the whole efforts quiet one around the WllsoQ Silas H. Strawn’s connection with $4,176.42 Dr. Cary T. Grayson,' chie£ Ex-Secretary of Interior Fall (Br Facifle a Atlantic) of the physiciahk now are directed oil dealings is sufficient to affect his Disbursements— toward making him comfortable. attending physicians, apetttj who was chsA-ged •with leasing of selection as special counsel in the Former President _Woodrow Wilson, who was sent to beri with a stojtoa'cli disorder, was “ somewhat pros- night there again, most Navy oil lands to private inter­ Home P a t ie n t s ...... $ 588.00 "Dpes that mean you are making oil lease investigation seething at trated,” Admiral Cary T. Grayson,raysoD, •his MTStny^iriiysician, adtijutted in buJletH]. This most recenlf photo Hartford Hospital...... 149.74 his., death as easy as possibleTf’ in the sick room wateh^glj ests. w. 9 0 laof Wm’ odiiFiriTii 1 birthday. . . Washington with a steam ifJbll of Mr. Wilson was m ^e Dec. 2$ las State o f Cotm; (Niantic, was the blunt Onsstlon gsksd of easy stambdr df hie ' ' over the country, today r< ' ' ' only ------Hartford and Norwich) 855.56t ^ > iGary T_ GraysOfir ,Ws - chief l';ctuilIeng€Hd..th» right of the President Coolidge who a.;esr:TiriiMiiifi^i him. ' ‘J'. im c. BenpfllB, Ti^aiupor- Icla.n.: fb jaxai^ine him n'i

_ , ______Senate Gy tta p’MriiiiG'^tha. Wa rresolnUoa atitboriahig Prealdent m ly 'that the cash'on ■w w 'coil-- sta: flrf4: the Sinclair inih^ SemceB' are 0 foiui at this kour,' Dri,7 Grayson' four Coolidge to proceed in the courts to li" cancel the leases. lis Morning — Beantifiil Total ...... , . and seenidd cognisant of the rb^'fl&origkri^ii yMehde o f Mr. Strawn who has movements of persons in the room, His Appearance. Floral Tributes. This report----- w------i»‘«eee|ii^-,,_4(.4g'ira* • The appearance of the former been In ’WeShington since his ap­ although he was so weak thatl. Ontalde the ■ hoitnl pointment by President Coolidge ______j *he report of Secretary Robert L. there was no attempt at conversa­ shifting group of^re; secretary of interior before the Men from all walks of life at- Fryer. His report states that last committee was accomplished only believed today that his connection TWO TOKENS U M ff tion. up and down waiting through his firm with the Texas Former Chairman of Board tended the funeral of Patrick Gor- given "His vitality is lowering stead­ the bedside. Since eartyfifl after a special board of physl tans aid through this fund. Two pa reported that he was phy^I'crilly company would not affect his ser­ man of 750 Main street, who died ily,” said the physician. morning this group hari'be^^ vices in the oil lease probe, though tlents are under sanitarium treat­ able to make the trip to the capital TO ONE PASSENGER of Selectmen Enters Com­ last Wednesday afternoon. At his with replacements from' and withstand the committee’s they had not heard from Strawn on i ment and four under medical su­ E.YRLY REPORTS. time as day gave way to. cross e.xaminaticn. the question. ' late home this morning at 8.30 pervision at their homes. Among Washington, Feb. 2.— Woodrow night again to day, TTx® Immediately after listening to o’clock funeral seiwlces w’ere held five patients who have recovered Wilson was fighting a battle with to break the quiet Increase in Fare on Feb. 10 plaint with Prosecuting and are at work is one who has Fall’s refusal to testify, the com­ EDUCATIONAL C H 'B ’S and at 9 o’clock from St. James’ death this morning and steadily street was their shuffling mittee ordered all persons out of SUCCESSFUL PARTY Prompts Commuters to Buy been receiving assistance since Mav, losing ground. the taxicabs that came and, the hearing room and went into an Large Numbers of Tickets— Attorney— Arrests Liable Roman Catholic church. Rev. Wil­ 1914. He has finally come With a courage and a spirit so All other vehicular Manchester’s Educational club 1 liam P. Reidy, pastor of the church, through in fine physical condition executive session to determine what Company Has Only Small indomitable that it challenged the been barred from the ngrr(^;j course to pursue. held a very successful card party assisted by Rev. T . H. McDonald and is able to resume his work. admiration of the sorrowful little street. The "rubbernedi'A ‘ at the high school hall last night. Amount on Hand. terfoDow— Selectmen to One patient did not live up to Three reasons were given by Fall i of Hartford as deacon and Rev. group about his bedside the former that added S street to> theitf ^ for refusing to answer questions. The atteudance was even greater the prescribed rule and was forced president survived the long night. after Mr. Wilson retired These were: than anticipated. About 25 tables Conductors on the local Connec­ Act Monday. James Timmins of Manchester as to spend two months additional at And when the dawn of another White House have had to His Reasons. were used for bridge and nearly ticut Co', lines have been notified sub-deacon, said a solemn requiem the Hartford state sanitarium. jday flushed up over the quiet red their Itinerary. 1. Because the resolutions under as many for whist while there were that after Friday, February 1, | ' ------j Mass for the dead. Since that time he has made a gain brick house in S street he was Still Others besides the n which the committee is conducting tables for those who cared to play they must not sell more than two in weight of fiftec/a pounds and is fighting off the end, stubbornly, came and went during tIfiF! its Investigation were alleged to setback and just to show that the tokens to one passenger, unless! "The present condition of the 1 now working. gamely, but always weaker. outside the police liaes thl^: ijave expired at the end of the 67th club Is right up to the. minute that passenger is paying more than' so-called dry brook at Oak street i Arthur It was also stated In this report Early l^iHetln from the haggard established a block on ei ingress so that the present com- there were tables for mah jong. tv,-o fares. that advanced cases of tuberculosis and rteepless physicians, every of the. modest brick hooBO,'^ Prizes were offered for the suc­ I. ..Id WU,,.„ C. i ?i.ir Ilttee has no authority to go ahead On Fobrua^v 10 , the fares ■wiU _____ . . . I ------“ ■ =c»ue. u ca ic HI,) resulted in three deaths of uatientn word that came from the relatives were ones who idolized fwlth llic Inquiry. cessful ones at each of the tables. go up and Instead of buying two Chenej, former chairman of the ! God to Thee. At the offertory Mrs. during the year who watched helplessly in the sick Wilson in the heyday pt^h^ The affair was considered the 2. Because the committee has for fifteen ceiita, the price will bo ' bpard of selectmen and I have '| ”Brennan sang the Ave Marla and At the meeting it was decided to room emphasized that the magnifi­ and who have never desertrtHijj “ no authority” since it has been most successful ever held by the twenty-five cents for three. At the taken steps to remedy this condi- i funeral cortege left the accept membership in the National cent fight Mr. Wilson is putting up club. The money derived from the nor the policies for which , discharged through the adoption of present time passengers are buy­ tion by entering a comnininf -a-uu I l^^^^rch ^rthur Keating rendered Tuberculosis Association at an an­ is a fruitless one. now that death has come n « {^ the Walsh resolution, and party will be used for corrective a , complaint with ! ing up an enormous number of nual fee of $500. Question of Time. the most part they did npt>/i^ 3. "Because,” said Fall, "my an­ work In the local schools to fur­ tokens....______at the fifteen cent rate, and the prosecuting attorney, Charles | The bearers were. William Bra- In the case of James Wood, a "It Is only a question of time,” nish milk and other nourishment long, but obtained the laraob- swers may tend to incriminate me.” figuring on a saving when the in -: R- Hathaway, and with Chairman I dy, Harold C. Alvord, Nathan B. medical certificate from Dr. Fer­ they agreed. “ It may be only a few from the pacing reporters Fall’s statement to the committee to the children below normal crease in fare goes into effect. Robert V. Treat of the board of Richards, Dr. E. G. Dolan, Francis be twenty-four or weight. i nandez, addressed to Dr. Knapp, hours, it may away again into the nightV' follows: selectmen. 1 Donhue and P. J. Hutchinson. The was read and this seemed to show' forty-eight.” "I decline to answer the ques­ The committee In charge of the less and unknown. , "The situation has grown stead-! the receiving that Mr. Wood is now able to re But they do not believe it can be One woman dresded seVi tions for the following reasons and party follow: Bridge, Mrs. H. O. sume his former occupation. It was longer. At any moment the slender on the following grounds: The Bowers, chairman; Mrs. Carl FOUR SCHOONERS LOST ily worse.” declared Mr. Cheney, i " ‘ cemetery. black, stayed a long while unanimously voted that the matter thread of life may snap. The doc- old. Yet for some boors committee is conducting an Investi­ Bengs, Miss Marjory Cheney, Mrs. “ The property owners and anyone ; be deferred so that a consnlation J. H. Hawley, Mrs. Harold Alvord, Gloucester, Mass., Ffb. 2.— The tors and the family are prepared up and down, a 8olitaZ3^, gation under Senate Resolution else respotisible for the outrages, I with Frank D. Cheney might be ob­ 282, agreed to April 21. 1922, in Mrs. Prank 'Wolcott, Mrs. Earl G. schooner Columbia, ^ernatlonal JOSEPH RREYEB DIES for it. So is the former president tained. The application of a Man­ himself. From time to time during the 67th Congress, and Senate Seaman, Mrs. J. P. Cheney, Mrs. racing schooner, limpefl into port which are exposed to public view AT STATE HOSPIT.\L. (No. 4 please t'utn to today from the ^a y of Islands with chester girl, 12 years old, who is Resolution 294, agreed to May 15, G. B. Plumb and Mrs. Fred Car­ in that section, should be prose­ suffering with pulmonary tubercu­ 1922, in the same congress and fur­ penter; whist, Miss Ruth Cramp- 1,600 barrels ■of salt and pickled cuted._____ ^I Intend to see that the Joseph Breyer, aged 37 years, ther by virtue of Senate Resolution herring. The schooner 'was badly I. . . losis, was referred to the meeting i ton, chairman; Mrs. R. J. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Breyer of 611 by Dr. Stockwell arid Miss Jessie ‘ 434, agreed to by the senate on Miss Ivy Clark, Miss Emma Eld- damaged atter battling terrUc gale. . V f „ d ^ , S “ ?e\d "t»“ d th T itS ; Center street, died at the state tu­ Reynolds. Her case will be accepted 1 5 Etchants Saved February 5, 1923, during the same rldge, Mrs. Edna Parker, Mrs. E. and storms off the coast. Her fore- this time.” bercular hospital at Norwich this and application made for her ad­ congress, and I do not consider that G. Dolan, Mrs. J, A. Higgins, M r ^ /a ll was torn to shreds and her Brook a "Stinking Hole” acting under these resolutions or 'skipper badly Injured. Two days mission to the Meriden State Sani­ William Smythe, Mrs. P. F. Han­ There is little doubt but what moj'ning. Undertaker Holloran was tarium. In $100,000 Circus under the last mentioned resolution non, Miss Helen Maloney and Miss after leaving the Bay of Islands on notified of the death and went to which authorizes the committee to Jan. 16, the Columbia was forced Mr. Cheney has ample grounds to Officers elected are as follows: C. Ethel, Fish; setback, Albert Foy, feel offended at the conditions 'sit after the expiration of the 67th Chester Robinson, Thomas Weir, Into Sydney, N. S., for shelter from Norwich after the body. The man, S. Bohlln,'President: Robert L. Congress until the assembling of which do exist-in.^th6 so-called dry who was unmarried, had been at Fryer, secretary; Ellis Callls, John Ecbmalian, John Dillon, Ar­ storms which reached gale propor­ brook which Is uncovered from Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 2 I' e 68th Congress and until other- tions and fo^ days lashed the New­ treasurer. O^ing to ihe transfer of Pire.^8ea8on, and far-flum thur Knofla, 'William McKinney, Oak to Birch streets rujaning paral­ that Institution for the past year. starting presumably from sponr threatened property to t: William Mason, William Quish, foundland chast taking heavy toll John McCavanaugh from the New lel with Main street arid in back He contracted a cold and gradually Yarn dye house, John Husband was taneous combustion wiped out the tance about the ' plant (No. 2 please turn to page 9) Hamilton Metcalf. in life and property. of the .business section. . paint department of the Ringling Four of the herring fleet were developed tuberculosis. He Is sur- elected to the board of directors capped firemen who from that department. The names of Brothers circus plant this morning, the flames. \ lost with all hands including the causing a loss that first estimates Lunnenburg schooner Keneo. eoZu;nt\TCd «» the members of the board of direc­ While the flbe was uni London Press is Against conditions even worse than'he had was the only child. The funeral will tors follow; put at $100,000. While the entire atyi0:30, Lour com] described. Tin cans, tin roofs, be held from his late home on Cen­ Thomas Heritage, Weaving Mill, i department was preventing fife departi^nt stni SUSPECT HELD. empty boxes, barrels, dead cats ter street Tuesday morning at ,8.30 Charles Murphy, Velvet Mill. I flames spreading to other portions on the blaze. Water, Recognition of Russia Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 2.— Har­ and rubbish of every^ description and from St. James’s church at George W. Perris, Machine Shop.! o* tii® great establishment on Nor surrounded the dest: filled the bed of the Jrbpk. George Chapman, Ribbon Mill. man street, employes of the cirens old Mella, of no certain address, nine o’ci^oOk. The burlarwlll be in and flooded adj waived examination in City pourt underneath the tu'rinel that John McCavanaugh, Main Office. led a herd of fifteen elephants and the horse and elep lii^ today and was bound over for trial crosses Oak street papers, boxes St. James’s cemetery. Previous to A. Bronkie, Lower Mill. a group ot fifty high-priced horses side and the aUiihal ‘ London. Feb. 2.— PreparatlonsAthe latter official organ of the In the Superior court on a charge of and tin cans were waiting the next his long illness Mr, Greyer was em­ Ellis Callis, Dressing Mill. to safety from the adjoining animal other. 5*a' were ...J,.. under way by the British for Torrles, wiAibitterly____s _ Jdenounced______J ______recogni­J burgUry. He was charged with big storm.to Wash them still furth­ ployed at the silk mills. John Husband, New Yarn Dye building. Animals ffi^eign office today for a conference tion. having smashed a window of the er into 'the tunnel, that’ extends house. Preceded by a light explosion, with Soviet Russia to draw up a "It is only paper recognition,” Tlffon jewelry shop at 1373 Main from . Qak to Maple streets. This flames shot oat of a window of the Every anhnat was 5^.'.treaty confirming Great Britain’s said The Times. "It means negotia­ street yesterday, and stealing a stretch was covered two years-ago GOVERNOR KIDNAPPED. paint shed before six a. m., and moved from-the twp ri'^ *^.ifie Jure recognition of the Moscow tions similar to those at Genoa and large quantity of goods. and seems to be nearly'full of all SEEK MRS. STILLMAN Tampico, Mexico, Feb. 2.— Fed­ when firemen reached the place the and flat cars that tayii ^'iTegime. the Hague, and they come at a Mella, who claims to be an ex­ kinds of rdbblsh. eral troops are- patrolling this city fire was spreading "apidly. A gen­ oireus over thousrin^ ( Premier MacDonald, chief of the time when Russia is tom by Inter­ army aviator, is’ to be examined by . Selectmen to Act M on^y Montreal, Feb. 2.-—Process serv­ today followirig the kidnapping of et al alarm was sent in, catling out .country, were ' S^l:Br1tIsh labor government. Is hope- nal squabbles following the death alienists In the county jail where he Chairman Robert, V. Trea t of the e s are on a hunt ^.or Mrs. Anne U. Pelayo Quintana, newly appointed both shift's of firemen arid all ap­ the buildings by'ri; jfliql that the terms of the British of Lenine. We foresee a trouble- was sent in default of $1,000 bail. board of selectmen said'tbli inorn- Stillman in the vicinity of Grand governor of Tamanialpas, by 200 paratus. Almost at',once the chief phants. To be Xriote granting recognition to the sogne period when the negotiations Ing that he had Tepelved. a eptn- Pjles, Quebec, • to..serve her with Reds. problem, ripemed t o ' lie in saving five lions, B6’ __ if^aviet government will prove open." AUTOI8T DROWNS. plaint trdm Wfllirim C .'“Cheririy papers in the $7,0i(i. take ..the Beauv&is, it 'u^as anriounced today by Federal tinop8,af(er -a battle along Nobmari street and was but cats, and, 26 first big executive step by leap in the dark,” The paper ner, 35, of Brooklyn, was drowned matter up with , the , re4bi^-df '; the by ^ac Nanghtrin, .'Mlchand and around a cathedral during vrhlch twenty feet awAy from the.harnlng other antmaVs.'^i*"'''''^ labor government was general- criticized the move'because it has early today when a motor car he board at the regular iriee^g’Ajbn- Goodatqne, the Indian. guide’s at- Jesus (thlntaha, leader of the Reds, stmeture'^which Itself was 2.00 Ipet the circus frriu )^»pplauded on the ground it opens not taken in co-operation with was driving plunged through a day evening. - He alimi'-Btmtddvthat torneyi^ The action is to a claim was shot through ^ e stomach. long and. twenty feet Wide. the " way for wider trade and will re- France and because it is in opposi­ Wuoden guard rail on the bridge r.t Mr. 'Chene/hud rdgibtertid'ra' cbm- t o r expenses and s ^ r y of BeauvalBL The ^ Reds .tUok. refuge Jri' the Intense heat from trie paint shop, auell piM British unemployment. tion to the policy of the United Newton Creek, Long Island City, named .by .James :A.. Stillman as co^ cathedral where xriost of them were which' was flUed w)tri wagons being Timep and Morning Post, States. L. I. (No. 8 please tnni'to v respondent in his divorce, action. captured. rededotated for the-.coming'circus \ •

u‘ '/ - ' > 1^ V -H- ’*r. '. ' . A:..!7 t m m r-j.1 "••■If vj

SpapsMOt^ ^ By OLUYAS WILLIAMS AeBHAWAIUN Portrait O f a FdmllyTviari Adding Up a Bill ' SORCEmME^

A t the Churches Aspunding a week with M t ) FAin eHdores^ TE. E. Foote. - i). ANDOVER Several from here attend i Honolulu.— ^With the death re­ whist at the Hebron libtargf ■ cently of Kekoowal, an aged Haw-_ 'Ward B. Talcott and Mr. and day evening. OBNTBR CONGREGATIONAL ❖ CHURCH OP THE NAZARENE. Mrs. Frederick Hoffner motored to Mrs. A. H. Post and Mra* i ailan man, on the Island of Molo­ Hartford Sunday to attend the Fish and children were gue kai, there passed one of the few special afternoon services and con- cently of Mrs. W. E. Hlbl s/-.- Ber. Watson Woodruff. Rev. Chester F. Austin. remaining "kahunas” or sorcerers, 'cert at the Asylum Hill Church. Manchester. , . Tomorrow the Rev. John ot the old regime, men, who ac- C. L. Backus attended the con­ The Ecclesiastical society, ; The Rev. Dr. Charles S. Lane cert given by Harry Lauder in meeting Thursday'evenlng to dc vrRl. preach tomorrow morning at Thomas, the Welsh evangelist, will cording^to Hawaiian belief had the how to lawfully and^where to Inv begin his campaign of meetings SAYS WILL TAMtlY BE A tlTTIE (N MIDDLE OF SECOND COL* MUTTERS EICHTY-TOUR EiGlffY- Hartford 'Wednesday. , iO.SO. Music will be as follows; quiet fo r a MINtnt.HE'^i 'UMN BECOMES CONSCIOUS roUR,.MARKS THEFLACE power of “ anaana” or praying peo­ the funds recently r^elved jDi^one Amoroso ...... Nevin the 17th of this month. He The -Girls’ League met at the the estate of the late Mrs. will bring an interesting message GOING TD add OP THE- that he is being a d - WITH HIG pe n c il an d SAYS ple to death. I home of Miss Essie Frink Wednes­ ■ 1 Will U ft Up Mine Eyes . . Rogers But though the t)ld kahunas are Spencer of Manchester. at every service. ^ Prayer will be CRQCERV BILL BftESSEP WHAT IS IT day evening. It was voted that Mrs. E. B. Foote, after spendl]ig("r'| Beloved, it God So Loved they give a supper at the town Us ...... Rogers held at 10 o ’clock and the Rev. Mr. diaappearing, the belief in their some time in Petersburg, N. Y „ special powers is still strong. Few hall Friday evening) Feb. 15. PoStlude In B ...... Stern Thomas will preach at 10.30. returned to her home. 'The ■woUth-iC;: of the present-day HawaUans prid­ The Ladles’ Society met at the ,1 A state' forester will address the In the afternoon at 3 o’clock er there was fine and she is mudl'f and in the evening at 7 the services ing themselvea on their belief in home of Mrs. Emily Cobb in the improved in health. - ff * Men’s League at 12 o’clock on "Re­ the Christian religion and their Center Thursday afternoon. forestation in Connecltcut.” Sun­ will be held in the Orange hall. The board of relief met yesterd^ Sunday school begins .at 12 education In the American public R. G. Halsted was a Tisitor in all day, at the Town Record bBlld»': day school will also begin at 12 schools but will admit, if pressed; Hartford Thursday. o'clock. o’clock. ing in Hebron. ' Al, Every evening for the next two N "Oh, well, it a ^kahuna’ should E. M. Yeomans and son, David, The farmers are busy putting / The flowers\today are presented start to pray you to death— there left Saturday lor New York, where by Mrs. James Robinson in memory weeks, with the exception of Sat- their year’s supply of ice, which Ig": uidays, the Rev. Mr. Davis will is no doubt of it— ^you will die! they will sail on the S. S. Baltic of excellent quality. \ •. j of her father, Wilson Martin, on My grandmother has told me— ” early in the morning of Feb. 2 for ^ ft* 3 the anniversary of his birthday. preach. He has spent seven years a three months' tour ot the south­ in the Orient and his activities have- and then the listener will hear a STALKS DEATH, LEAVING A Card of Thanks. tale ot someone stricken down in ern points in Europe and Egypt. TWINE TRAIL BEHlNBi^v, The Rev. and Mrs. Woodruff aro been many in the different countries WIFE JUST WANJID TD KNOW HEARS HIS NAME SPOKEN BVTOE TIME WIPE HAS GCfT They will return via England and the full blush of health because New York— The legend of Thesos. /, in^titeful for the active sympathy there. He %vill tell of his experl-^ WAS rr THE GROCERY &IU. HE’S AGAIN- WAVES PENCIL AND THROUGH Explaining h o w . Southampton. he had incurred the enmity of an­ and the Miniature in the LabyrinthL:: and prayers of maiiy friencs when ences there, of his being poisoned DOING,’CAUSE SHE’S ADDED UP COUNTS OUT LOUD TD SHOVJ SORRY SHE IS - SHE THOUGHT John Yeomans is visiting his m and left for dead by a Korean mob. other and the enemy had secured of Crete was re-enacted by Danat#"'' their little daughter, Jean was so •mE BUTCHER'S bill. BEGINS HE ISN’T THROUGH VET HE.HAD FINISHED- HE DECIDES friend, Mr. Byrd Stan dish in Pitts­ His story will show another side of a "kahuna” to recite the "anaa­ Casapulo as he sensed the approach near death. over a g a in HE HAD BETTER 60 BACKTO burg. his work, however,, the establish­ : - na pule,” or prayer of death, with of death. , . Mr. Woodruff hopes to resume THE BEG.1NN1N& the offending' one named as the Casapulo sat in his little grocery his course on "Christian Funda­ ment of forty-seven churches in chief object ot attention. that country. store in Brooklyn and knew in- I mentals" next Sunday. David Malo, Hawaiian historian, tultively he soon must die. The Week. 'The Rev. Mabel Manning will r have charge of the music. She is relates in' his "Antiquities” that on GILEAD A widower, and cbildleea^ . Monday, 7.00— Daisy Troop 1, i r the death of, a rich or distin­ Casapulo long since had made ar­ Girl Scouts. a stirring song leader and has had a wide experience in this kind )f guished person or ot one who was The Christian Endeavor society rangements for his bruial with Monday, 8.00— Fifteen high men personally very popular, it would held a social at the home of Mr. funeral director nearby. of the league bowling team will work. 0 ) , All services with the exception frequently be w ld that he had died and Mrs. J. B. Jones, last Saturday Fastening one end of a ball o f '*' meet fifteen men from the South / m because of "anaana,” because such evening. twine to a doorknob he set out into- ■ Methodist church in the first games of Sunday, February 3, at 3 and 7 Miss Holbrook, who is spending the cold, windy night for the under­ o’clock, will be held in thg church. a person was envied for his prop­ of a three match series at Murphy’s erty, distinction or popularity. Un­ the ■winter at W. S. Ellis’, was se­ taker’s, fearing he would be un­ alleys. BECOMES ACUTELY CONSCIOUS carefully sh a r p e n s o u s t AS HE GETS INTO LAST COLUMN der such circumstances a ceremony verely burned by overturning a tea­ able to get there before the grldi Wednesday, 2.00 — Afternoon SOUTH aiBTHODIST EPISCOPAL, OP HUSHED WHISPERS NOT PENCIL IN PREPARATION known as “kuni” would ba per­ pot Into her lap. She is slowly re­ specter overtook him. -group of the King’s Daughters will PORTY-TWO ,F0RTY- SIX. PlFTY-ONE formed by "kahunas” who were covering. He managed to reach the funeral' TD DISTURB FATHER BECAUSE FOR AN ABSOLUTELY *meet with Mrs. John Hood to tie r. Rev. Joseph Cooper. GRANDMA STARTS COUNTING HET2-, friendly to the deceased in order Mrs. George B. Miller of Colches­ parlor, collapsed into a chair and guilt. IT MAKES HIM SO ANGRY FRESH START KNITTING, THIRTY-THREE, THIRTY-FCHIR to ascertain the guilty party. ter has returned to her home after died. • McClure Newspaper Syndicate ecides to let bill go a s i t s fci''. j Friday, 7.00— Junior choir re­ A double quartet, assisted by ETC. D « A pig, brought before the "ka­ - hearsal. Mrs. Katherine Howard, cellist, will huna” by relatives or friends of Saturday, 7.45— The Center Con render music- at the morning ser the dead pian, was released and gregatlon'al league will bowl the vice at 10.45 tomorrow. The pas SECOND CONGREGATIONAL special attention given to the ani­ North Congregational ^urch at tor will preach on "W hat a Man mal’s action. If the pig went to Murphy’s alleys. Lives By,” and the following music Rev. Raymond A. Beardslee Want Home Lands Saved the right of the "kahuna” the The next musical vesper service will be presented: blame was fixed on the wife’s re­ PARK THEATRE I •

N '1 LtJTHERAil cbllOdBbli^ dbhf^ai^^ Mondh:^ exri is At down td'wa^jl ithe; Duviuchfelle- It Hari7 White. Q’elock. household oh^ of the star wit­ Sunday school’ will convene^ at The Missionary Auxiliary will nesses, a Hawaiian, wjw lived hear Richard Holtz will be in 9.15. meet at the home of Miss Emma / by, died of tuberculosis;. another , ot the- services tomorrow, The Rev. Mr. Otten of Rockville Hutchinson, 1 Main street, Tuesday witness, a Japanese, named Suga, loltz is head of the New York ■will preach at the regular service afternoon at 3 o’clock. Miss Stella (By Pacific ft Atlantic) wrote out a purported confession lion and Is an interesting speak- at 2.45. Jordon, Field Worker for the Edu­ To the strains of fox trot^Au-< and then committed suicide. After cation society, will tell of her work. gustine Aquilar danced with that the other witnesses shut up. ^ Sunday school will begin at 9.30 ZION’S LUTHERAN. The prayer tneeting will be held like clams, and It was a long while the holiness meeting will take Thursday evening at 7:30 o’clock in Cane in hand of aged Santiago pretty Grace Nelson and for a before many of them coulud be in­ _^|'lOa«e at 11. Rev. H. F. R. Stechholz. the vestry. Narango was given to him by time forgot cares of mission on duced to go on the stand. The afternoon praise service will Pictures of the cast of "Puss-in- 'Abraham Lincoln. which he and brethren are bound, place at 3 o’clock and the eve- Sunday school will begin at 9.15 Boots” are on sale at A. L. Brown’s On the ■way to Washington, D. C to seek protection of President Salvation meeting will be held and the morning service at 10.15, store. Orders may be left there or Coolidge from squatters, Indians from New Mexico rested in New .Tft 7.30. SWEDISH CONGREGATIONAL. given to Karl Keller at church Sun­ York and were gravely amazed at New York’s downtown district. . ■ - day morning. ' SWEDISH LUTHER.AN. FAT AND OLD ARE URGED TO Actors in “ Puss-in-Boots” are re­ Little Talk i COMEDY N E W ii AVOID UNDUE STOOPING. quested to return the colored cos­ tumes or the equivalent in money Rev. "P. J. O. Cornell,'D. D. , cause is In the parent, the job Is ^ On Th rift London.— If you are more than t^ Mrs. J. M, Williams, as soqn as learn whether tantrums are profit­ I tho hardest of all, says the reporti i MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY ' Services tomorrow will be as fifty years old and you drop any­ possible. . able or otherwise. If they feel usual. Sunday school will begin thing, don’t stoop to pick it up. Let Two pairs of gloves land a boy’s they can get something out of them but it can be done. By S. W. STRAUSS, s Here is the Picture Manchester Has Been Waiting * Ut 9.30 and the morning service It lie! coat were left at Cheney hall,^ and they proceed to have them as occa­ may be claimed by applying to Mr. sion demands. AVER.AGE M.AN THINKS HE -wUl-be held at 10.45. This is the advice of Ingleby Od- President Americi^ Society I “FLAMING YOUTH” die, London Coroner. Holding an Walton. Other causes are stated to te WON’T DIE, SAYS BANKER ^ The Rev. John Johanson of Hart­ Columbus, Ohio.— “ The greatest for Thrift, I And ford will preach in English at the inquest on a butler who ffiad stoop­ fatigue resulting from overexciting difficulty is not getting money, but evening service at 7 o’clock. ed to retrieve a fallen article and PARENTS BLAMED FOR tho child by late hours, shopping disposing of it,” declared Arthur collapsed and died, Oddie declared CHILDREN’S TANTRUMS. tours, too much movies, or too much I ' ‘‘THE LEAGUE OF NONSENSE” Young, Cleveland banker, address­ it was Inadvisable for men over 60 New Yofk.— That the well-known attention from adults. Lack of i Musical Revue of 20 People. ing a local audience. He asserted to stoop, as their blood vessels were advice of "The Duchess” in Alice play is another cause. Parents Rev. A. L. Anderson. that “the average man believes he often In such condition as to make in Wonderland,” Few people in this country can not expect their children to re­ is the one exception to the' inevi­ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininnii stooping dangerous. "Speak gently to your little boy, realize perhaps that we destrey by V ; ' Services will be as usual tomor- strain their tempers if they do not table law of death. row. "Better long toe-nails than a And beat him if he sneezes; restrain their own, the report con­ fire one out of every eight new “Ownership of property ceases buildings we ereift, and that the V morning service will take short life,” was Oddie’s pithy way He only does it to annoy. tinues, and ■vi'hile advocating firm­ iimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiHiiHii of pointing out the danger. at death,” he continued. "The same destructive element causes a 10.30 and Sunday school Because he knows It teases,” ness in dealing with children, it de­ right of disposal goes, by law, to contains muj:h sound advice as well loss of forty lives a day. 485353484848484823232323485353534823534823482323235348485348532323232323530248 ^ coavene at 12 o’clock. precates any show of temper or re- the state; but the state makes a These statements, startling in ^ communion will follow tho Herald Advs, Bring Results. as some unsound has long been septraent. concession in granting the right to the extreme, ate based on the most Coming~-‘*East Side, W est . _^ening service at 7 o’clock. suspected. Confirmation of this T’iie cure cf tantriuns should be. make a will, which, once drawn, is recent estimates of fire losses com­ belief is now produced by the Na­ adapted to tho individual child. If inviolable.” piled by the National Board of Fire tional Committee for Mental Hy­ he does it "because he knows it Young advised that a person, Underwriters and authentic build­ Side” giene. te&cos,” show him that there is preparatory to drawing up a will, ing statistics. The reports for 1922 Its report agrees with' the theory nothing pleasant to be gained that ousult a good lawyer and select a now being compiled and to be com­ SOUTH MANCHESTER METHODIST of all but the second line of the way. If due to physical cau_os, i competeirt executive. A trust com- pleted within a few weeks thus far verse; but it Is emphatic in the such as fatigue or lack of outdoor ' ■: •'if; ■ 1 pany, he said. Is the safest exe­ reveal fire losses for that year of EPISCOPAL CHURCH statement that youngsters soon play, remove the cause. If the cutive. more than 3521,000,000. When completed they will show an even Corner Main and Charter Oak Streets. Toppled Fighting Top Now Tip-Top Lunchroom larger total. The estimates do not The COZY CIRCLE REV. JOSEPH COOPER, Minister. include fires on all farms. In many rural districts Secretary of Agricul­ 10:45— MORNING WORSHIP WITH SERMON. 'i ture Wallace recently estimated iSR-s';--'' loses run to at least 360,000,000 DOUBLE FEATURE SHOW Topic: “WHAT DO MEN LIVE BY?” i annually. Inasmuch as, new building opera­ Special Music by Double Quartette, Assisted by tions In this country in 1922 were 'Cello Obligato. 34,000,000,000, It will be seen that i i i l on a conservative basis, our fire EDMUND COBB 12:15—SUNDAY BIBLE SCHOOL iosseif amount to not less than 12 mm V. A Place There For You. 1-2 per cent of our new building construction. 7:00— EPWORTH LEAGUE Joins With Regular Our per capita losses in 1918 liiders cC die Raite” were 33.36. In 1922 they had in­ Evening Service. Installation of Officers. . creased tO'34.75. During the decade, An Old Fashioned Story of the New West. Everybody Invited. 1912-1922, our total losses by fire increased approximately 100 per cent, and during the previous de­ cade, 1902-1912, the total Increase “ Son of the Dijserl” in fire losses was a little less than 80 per cent. A New “Sheik” Film That’s UnusuaL liiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Our annual loss of life from fires is in excess of 16,000 and. is 1 “SILENT VALLEY”— SERIAL ^ M continually growing. CENTER CHURCH—February 3 I Students of fire conditions are NEW RELEASE COMEBf' united in saying that most fires are Morning Worship—10:30 | tSe result of sheer carelessness. The prevention of fire Is an import­ Sermon by Dr. Charles S. Lane. s ant phase of Thrift, and all banks. Schools and other agencies which TOMORROW—TWO SHOWS—6:45 and 8:36 m Men’s League—12:00 | are endeavoring to promo^ thrift in this country should give attention ^^Reforestation in Connectient** by the State Forester, i to education in fire pre'vention. ^ A u stin F. Hawes. S So great are our firu losses and so rapidly >:are they increasing that • • ■ r (By Padllc A Atiantie) they aro becoming an -oatstanding No Vespers s A Great Story Modma life* along with other hattleshi] under the Hughes disarmament .pact, the U. S. S. niinols-haf factor In our economic sltnation riho gun-fire offloers’ place In ,er figfatiii3;-ma _ _ st (abo've) dismantle^ at the Navy Yard in Brooklyr, and are adding to the general cost imiiuiiuiiiHiuiiiiiiiiniiiiiiHiiiiiiHiHiiiiflUHiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiuiiiHiin taken by workmen seeking a quiet retreat for their nodn-time meals. o f llTing. iiiiiiimiiiKiiiiHiHminimiHiiHiiiiHmiiiuiiiiNi A..

/ U. . '4; f o r aieflpd.-'jM C M m E R O F by an. «8tai^______■Undla* Wild backing bronchos, sklttlsli rider. Fruit trees injured by rabbits Paris, Feb. 2.— Arthur Meyer, mnstangh, and fleiy eyed bull steers WABASH SONG or mice during the winter can be News Nuggets publisher of Gaulolz and life-long are to be seeir in holiday action in In the West ' B y P a u l F o ifiR ^ T once a year, add Jaa./ saved without undue expehi^ by friend of Sarah Bertihardt, died to­ the big TQdeo • scene staged In tb® bridge grafting. Bridge gracing *1^ day of Inflammation of the Intes­ big western picture "Riders of the event in the Uj(a'a is a simple process but requires tines. Whereter “B ld^ • XndUnapolls. — "On the Banks Adapted from t^e Patheserial - Range” which will b one of the has been shown tbe of tfie Wabash,” isn’t so much of a skill in the handling of the tools. ^ London, Feb. S;— ^The Ulster- features at today’s continuous show. A bridge' graft is made hy using Irish Free State boundary confer­ London, Feb. —Correspondence a big hit with every- ■ong as it is a feeling and to have Copyright, lft23, by Pathe, Exchange, Inc. Flying heels, foaming noAtrils that feeling one doesn’t have to live scions to connect the two portions ence adjourned today without any that has passed—between Premier and infuriated horns make the ence. i'i'. ■ of the hark of a stock or limb Agreement being reached. It will Ramsay Macdon^d' and Premier The other featnre.-'Vii&'' In the neighborhood, say the lead­ rodeo arena dangerous even for the of the Desert^” a ers of the Paul Dresser Memorial ^ i c h have been separated by an .meet again in a month. Poincare will be published by the trained performers In the western movement. injury such as girdling by aniiqals CHAPTER XI foreign oflSce, Monday. Officials pastures of Hding unbroken, 'wild story. A serial u d eonfedk'^ j or oinerother means,means. mIn otnerother words,words. “The Deamt of Death” ; Rome, Feb. 2.— ^Definite an­ said It would show that no definite horses, and steer throwing. on the same bill. ■ rona the ^ area is "bridged” by nouncement was made today that steps have been taken towards a Edmund Cobb, -who plays the The featnre eC ts strong appeal to song writers scions, the ends of which unite The huge boulder sent hurtling, conference. shows will be "The’^WHTc as well as to song; singers, and ; niac?.' Her wqatiness overcame her jSlgnbr Orlando, Italian war premi- dashing hero in "Riders of the with the uninjured parts above and crashing down the hill by Black worries and . she dozed, _the ^ core- ;;er, has retired from politics.- ’^his Range,” gives an exhibition of Transgresser” a stoiT of thej^ have formed the theme for below the wound in such manner Harper, in an effort to frustrate Paris, Feb. 2.— British recogni­ life. ’ . countless plaintive melodies. and snap falling from -bpr ^ expected to give Premier Mdsso- rough riding which has seldom been that a connection between the tis­ Bruce Burton’s attempt to rescue .inl’s Fascist! party about 1,000,- tion of the Russian Soviet govern­ equalled on the screen except by Monday will start "E The Mississippi has furnished sues is established. his sweetheart, Ruth Remington, OuO additional votes In Southern ment does not change the attitude perhaps Tom Mix. West Side” a melodraina Harper, ^who had been 'waiting York life. plenty of Inspiration, as has the This kind of tree repair is de­ hit a stump that sent it . flying and Watching^ oujside the windo'w, Jtaly in the forthcoming election. of France which is the same- as Mr. Cobb, who Is an. Easterner by silvery Colorado, the beautiful, , j scribed in a very thorough and un­ through the air in an arc, fortunate recognized this as ,his opppirtuni^. that of the United States, the for­ birth, is considered among the bekt Ohio and the Potomac, but for derstandable manner in a new bul­ ly missing Bruce and landing in eign office announced today. Silently he stole into the honse Madrid, Feb. 2?—Former Minis­ horsemen west of the Rockies and TWO KILLED IN sheer worth the "Wabash” has letin just issued by the United the road where Captain X had through the 'window;' he made a ter of State Rodriguez Sampedro Is has never allowed a horse to throw survived and bids fair to become States Department of Agriculture, stood a second before quickly Seriously ill. Paris, Feb. 2.— The foreign office quick study of the chart and then him. The bronchos who are bred, New York, Feb. 2.r—'jfWo a classic along with the "Swanee” as Farmers’ Bulletin 1369, Bridge dodging it opened Pendleton’s compass and was advised today that Spain will and allowed to run for a year on among river songs. Grafting. The subject matter is London, Feb. 2.— Woodrow Wll- sign the Tangier accord immediate­ dead and three others ar® la fe-' Failing in this. Harper, employed, put therein a sm^I magnet. the open plain, are absolutely as one seriously, as the -is s u tt illustrated with a large number of .qpn’a illness is attracting wide- ly. This agreement stipulates the wild as a fox or wolf. It is a sort of left - over from by the Olympus Coal Company Thus it was tl^t evening of the crash between an antomobild;! I . _ those days of sentimental tenden­ photographs of actual grafts which and also an agent of Manhalla, un­ next day found Ruth and Brupe -spread gnd sympethetic attention in rights of various nationalities in The horse is a ferocious animal make the method readily under­ Great Britain. Dispatches from Morocco. Long Island railroad lia^ cies of a quarter of a century ago__ tied the rope, at the other end of miles off their course and their in his native state, and these un­ train at Laurel Parki Long one of the dreary, hopeless out- stood by the amateur. which Ruth dangled about twenty- canteen empty. According to the Washington are conspicuously dis- broken horses are brought to the Bridge grafting may be used on j>layed in the first pages with large This is the time when you ought early today. - rpourlngs which perhaps often be­ five feet from the road. Seeing his compass and the chart a water Ho|le rodeo. For the first time in their The dead are: came maudlin rather than genuine, almost any kind of fruit tree that action, Brnce swung over until he should have been near at hand. headlines. to enter Into a contract with us for lives they are saddled and bridled, admits of being readily propa­ f Posters in the street contain the the furnishing or refurnishing of Harry Judd, 25 years bit, the kind which caused a gulp— not was directly beneath Ruth so that, Ruth 'was too exhausted to sit upon and woe to the cow puncher who groom employed on the W. R. GlA always superinduced — between gated by grafting. In practice v.'hen she fell, he caught her in his her horse—^he slipped to the sand. latest bulletin.; / your home. Don’t wait until you doesn’t know his business if he tries there is occasion to resort to it have a big roll of money. Come estate. vc ■lines and verses. strong arms. Quickly they slid His throat parched, hjs tongue to ride one of these animals. They 'Clarence Dalton, 24. al®o a gru,, much more frequently with the down the rope. ■ Madrid, Feb. — The Director with your $10, $15, $25 or $100. are more dangerous than the bulls Almost contemporary, if not thick, Bruc.e •wandered around in a You may enter into our fold. We on the Phillips estate at Wextbn quite, with such “ heart touching’ apple than with any other fruit, futile search for the 'water hole. Issued a decree today reaffirming a which the Spanish toreador faces, but pear trees are often treated, Again Harper had failed! But previous measure suppressing com­ will! take as good bare of you as melodies as "Just Tell Them That . . treated he could be the first to see John But the water hole was twenty for the horse is not only ferocious Those injured are: •« ; M You Saw Me”— also by Dresser I some sections. No rea- pletely all parliamentary immunity. though your pocket-book was a full naturally as the bovine species, hut Pendleton who, as an executor, had miles away. There Judith landed one. Your credit it good at Her- Bernard Slowey, whose condltlm; whlch became a saying a m S I T m why the method virtual control of the- Remington her airplane. Harper re-filled their his infelligence is infinitely higher. is serious. Jack Swan, and PetW' ^ 6 “ “ “ “ 6 .should not be successful on plums . Rome, Feb. 2.— It was reliably rup’s at any time. Ask for E. Ben­ The maddened bull dashes smart young men of that day, ac­ estate, he conW try another idea. canteens, and they continued on. son, at the store, or call 170.— adv. Small, ail employed as grooms nevR' cording to Theodore Dreiser, in his and cherries. Peaches graft less But trouble with the control gear '■reported here today that Italy will stupidly at anything he sees, while readily than the other trees men­ He spurred his horse. Westbury. xi:.- biography of Paul — were many forced Judith to land before they yecognlze the Russian Soviet gov­ the infuriated horse uses all sorts tioned, and there may be some John Pendleton, a grizzled old ------' ^ ' others which furnish an odd con­ had overtaken their victims. For a ernment Monday. of unexpected stratagems to unseat question as to the usefulness of the fellow of few words, listened at­ Bahia has 70,000,000 cocoa trees. trast with the present-day syncopa­ minute it looked as though their his rider and make bis way to free­ tions. method in the case of this fruit. tentively to his unexpected and un­ Madrid, Feb. 2.— The Directory Saccharine is a coal tar product. dom. HeraU Advs. Bring Results Bridge grafting is seldom used on known visitor. plans were frustrated for, in land- "Just as the Sun Went Down,” shade or ornamental trees, but the plane was wrecked, but “ She Was Happy Till She Met "Ruth Remington,” Hatper in­ they found Ruth’s and Bruce’s with some kinds, it would probably formed Pendleton, "is coming to You,” "She Was Only a Bird in a prove successful in overcoming horses, which had 'wandered away. Gilded Cage” and "After the Ball” see you about securing funds to Bruce lay prostrate upon the hot certain types of injuries. continue the manufacture of Fuei- were some other “ real ballads” Mechanical injuries which may sand. He had given the lars«st ■which ^ent the way of some- 6f ite on a vast scale. If you value share of the da^s supply of water the frivolmit! Rnncro v be remeaiearemedied byoy bridgenriage grartinggrafting are her life— refuse to aid her!” to Rqth and was far more exhaust- which can hp tpmiIph usually inflicted in one of three ^ Pendleton knit his hea'vy brows. than she, whOi however, had been bv manv e^se , v;ays; By animals t ^ t feed upon That’s a rather unusual statement.” too weak to wonder at the appear­ very“ on^ ^fher ‘ ^e bark and tender^ood, by In- "It’s an unusual situation,” Harp­ ance of Harper and Judith. VTiiPh hoo K ’ ij T. sects that burrow through the er replied. Judith displayed her. canteen. fM g CDTTING EVENT torv of how "O^n °th ^ R growing layer of bark and tender Hmm— I’ll have to give the "I’ll give you water and direct you Wabash” was wr-men^^Th I implements used in matter careful consideration’* he out of the desert if you’ll sign this Dreiser snM hp itten. Theodore the tllage of the orchard, usually ''‘4 Dreiser said he composed part of j the result of the carelessness of said and dismissed his caller. paper agreeing to stop the manu­ Our February Sale will reveal some bargains that the words and his brother the Ruth Remington, confident that facture of Fuelite,” Judith offered The furniture is of the same good quality that, our music. workmen. The animals liable to I r J. . uodo methe most,most aamagedamage by girdling her father s friend would help her the helpless girl. will astound you. Don’t overlook them, because the store is noted for—so you are assured of the quality further his work, was greatly sur­ “ Never! I’d rather die first!” r-'Dav sultahl’p common meadow mouse, and service. February is the great Furniture Sale F afr Dres-. pine mouse, pocket gopher, and prised and puzzled when he re­ Ruth answered. values represent a glowing opportunity for you to save oroataat ^^Icd tlio heights as th e. rabbit. Injuries caused by diseases fused her request Then she looked ^ Bruce— she month. In this sale hundreds of bargains are offered sYc of P°P“ l^r such as “ body blight.” sunscald, He told her of his •visitor. "Be­ had no right to leave^him to die^ a considerable sum on furniture that you need. at prices actually less than the replacement cost— the whni sinpp -cal S'®''® ^udlana etc, which girdle the trees may be cause of this threat against your to deliberately sacrifice his life. thrifty and wise buyers will snap up these bargains and made the State! successfully treated by this meth- life, I feel that I cannot aid you "No, no I I can’t let him die like profit by them. T-. . I of grafting as well, now,” he said, “ unless you can that! For his sake I’ll do as you rncintinn Memorial As-i Bridge grafting is done in the work in a safer locality.” ask/’ she said. nrpBopr^.-^ of early spring about the time the "But that’s impossible!” said Her hand faltered over the sig­ hnriDi obscure trees are starting into growth, the Ruth. "The basic ingredient for nature, but her determination was Fuelite is in the lava pool adjoin­ hp hiL/ ° w where! same as in cleft grafting for the unshaken though her act meant the unnonorod and unsung,” I purpose of top-working. It does ing my ranch and it will have to end of all her hopes. Bhe snatched 1* p banks of the not matter if the trees to be bridge be manufactured there.” the canteen from Judith and first Wabash, near Terre Haute, Indi- grafted have started slightly, but 'As a last argument Ruth gave a poured the water between Bpuce’s r ana, his old home. it is of great importance that the demonstration of Fuelite.. "It is stiff lips.. She was about to as­ • Originally it was proposed to scions be perfectly dormant. The practical, clean and cheap,” Ruth suage her own thirst when the can­ place a huge boulder, with a chances of success are materially praised it “ One ton gives the heat teen was .grabbed from her by hronse plate on it, and have en­ decreased if the buds on the scions of ten tons of coal. Think what Harper, who poured the •water on graved on the plate the story of have started appreciably. It Is that means to the poor!” the sand at the feet of the tor­ m . . jpreaser and the State song. So often necessary to secure the scions Pendleton , willingly acknowledg­ tured girl . , itach: interest was manifested in some time in advance of the ttine ed Its nients, but his decision vmt Jndiipt,; aght^ protested. “She’s lovement that the association they are to he used in order -to unshaken. “ If jjt>u ,can devise o ^ e t done whit Wkid,' - Yqu cao- Redded to do . something have them , illy a ^prmant condition nieans.to dp this,w>ork with saf« .whUei:------bnt jEtot hefi h i l.f - ‘i

tOr* secured, as IbS# -’^ T K ’ s^pjly ------P-. ritieen 5-r“ Cbe inembiial. lasts, from the United States De­ avoid.* I “ . ■ ' w w v , partment of Agriculture, Wash­ "Danger is nothing new to. me,” ■wiy lost;' ington D. C. Ruth flashed with spirit, “and every tortur­ ; JAP W \ N K S MISSION TO hour means much. I will, there­ ous death tacfu neirdw and Bruce ^ * - UNITED STATES OPPOSED. fore, start back tonight 1” Burton. Shu looked at him—his DEAD FISH NOT ALWAYS “That would be rank folly,” re­ face Tvas flushed with fever. De­ The Prices Are at the Bottom ■ •.*' * Toklo.— The Japanese press and AS DEAD AS THEY SEEM, plied Pendleton. "Stay here to- lirious, he suddenly rose up and K section of the politicians here are night and I’ll show you a short cut staggered to his feet Before his Btrpngly criticizing the suggestion that will more than offset the de­ eyes stretched a lake. He stum­ With Quality and Style Supreme tnade recently that a mission of St. Andrews, N. B.— A dead fish lay.” bled to w «d it—^a mirage I An op­ RUGS ’thanks be sent to the United States sometimes isn’t. That la a con- He drew a chart outlining a route tical illusion that beckoned him pn, to visit the principal cities of the i elusion derived from experiments across the desert “ With a good yet ■was never reached! We are having an immense sale on Rugs. The prices country and thank the American I conducted at the Atlantic Biological compass and a full canteen that Ruth, clutching at her throat, Wilton Rug $62.00 Axminster Rug $5^' people personally for the donations Station here by Dr. S. W. Britton, hog-back,” he pointed out, “will threw herself on the sand and lay are exceptionally low for the quality of the rugs we are sell­ Id the recent earthquake period, on the degree of heat or cold a fish save you »two days. I’ll lend you inert for she knew not how 'long. A very fine grade of Wilton ray own compass.” Axminsters that formerljr ^fte American people generally can withstand. They may be chill­ Then a rustling in the sagebrush Ruga with high pile and close­ ing. ' These are not seconds nor old stock—to the contrary, #bnld not approve of such an out- ed to the extent that their hearts To get plenty of rest for their arpused her. A yard from her head sold as high as $80. are Im tidy; ly woven. Very beautiful pat­ they are carefully selected rugs and of the very newest pat­ pnt of money by the Japanese gov- stop beating and the whole body arduous journey that they would she saw a G»U monster, the scourge lot. Effective patterns - tlmil; ^^broment at this time, according to have to start on in the morning be­ terns. Come .early and pick stiff and numb, and then if the tem­ of the desert waste whose bite was terns. We have a large selection of them in color combina­ you will like In the 9x11 s'ze, ‘ the opinion of the opponents of the perature be raised, soon be up and fore sun-up, good-nights were said deadly. She tried to cry out, but yours at $62.00. tions that are sure to please. plan. frisking about their business. early. Ruth, however,’ stayed after no sound came from her dry — they are $54.00. The experiments were performed the men had gone to think over her throttl on flounder, eel, cod, skate, etc., troubles in the glow from the fire. (To be continued) ILLUanNATE HAIR. I which were living normally in a London.— Phosphorescent hair j tank of water having d tempera­ Sale Prices On la woman’s latest fashion freak! Table Lamps A t $6.75 here. |ture of about 65 degrees Fahren- At the Park Theatre Every Saturday. lielt. From this they were trans­ Sewing Machines The hair is said to be treated * ferred to cooling or warming tanks, A large assortment ot table. Ikittlii.^x'i with a lotion containing luminous' the temperature of the water being In this February Sale that are properties. When the lights are gradually lowered or raised. In The speeches foreshadowed close New Royal— Four-drawer, drop- lowered the woman with hair so BRITISH WOMEN co-operation between the women the cooling tank the water began head machine for ^35.35. deed very attractive. Some. W ^ . treated can be distinguished by a to freeze at about 29 degrees. In inembers regarding all matters greenish-silvery halo. this the fish could survive for a MAKE POLITICAL vital to feminine Great Britain. New Royal— Cabinet machine, for metal bases and art glau shadef,-gt;.. It is expected by hairdressers to short time. R.gardless of whether Lady Astor, speaking for the Con­ become the rage. 95S.00. 96.76. Others with mahogany il*r the cooling was slow or sudden, servatives; Mrs. Wlntringham for the Liberals, and Margaret Bona- they would gradually stiffen. The INHUENCE FELT fleld. for the Labor Party, stated The Free— Six-drawer, drop-head, ished bases and 18-inch silk- HONOLULU IS FREE FROM heart was the last organ to suc­ that thpy would endeavor to co-op­ automatic lift machine, for 971.60. nt THUNDER AND LIGHTNING cumb. They were kept In the erate, putting causes before water in this condition for from London.— Great Britain’s ^Ight caucuses in the matters of housing Don’t buy from mail order houses Honolulu— This city, along with one to several hours, after which women members of the House of and Infant welfare. DOUDOIR LAMP SPECIAL AT they could be resuscitated by rais­ Commons, although of Different Hs other climatic attractions, is Miss Bondfield. affectionately when you can get them hi town at practically safe from the dangers ing the temperature. parties and diametrically opposed The opposite extreme was 80 de­ to each other on most political known among the Laborites as these prices and be assured of serv­ of lightning. This fact was pointed "Our Maggie,” stood on her chqir -out recently by Thomas A. Blair, grees Fahrenheit. With the grad­ questions, means to unite in coni- ice on them after yoir get them home. Uhlted States Weather Bureau ual increase of temperature the fish batlng social eyils and oh questions to speak and showed- all the fervor High Back Wing Chauf Chief, following the first thunder showed restlessness and excitabil­ vital to the -home. - of an ardent social reformer. With flushed cheeks and blazing eyes, storm here in years. The reason for ity. At 75 degrees respiration be­ This was decided upon by them In Silk Mohair Nwr• < 4 $ this lack of electric storms, accord­ came difiicult, but if the water was at a dinner given to them by the she- declared that England could ing to Blair, is that the island is show an example, to. the Vwhole Willow Chair Now $7795 kept at this point a gradual adjust­ Women’s Committee welcoming woMd. $54.00 . ^ swept almost continuously hy a sea ment took place and the fish got them to Parliament, at which they Good Sleep for Years Only $19.75 breeze, which serves to drive the along quite comfortably after a made speeches concerning their "Fundamental changes will A very comfortable chair with cre­ charged thunder clouds against the trials and tribulations as members shortly take place,” she declared. Here is a mattress that will last for years— ^and This is an exceptionally good while. When increase^, however, tonne cushion, in the natural finish. central mountain range, from where respiration ceased and the heart of . Parliament, and their hopes of "They will shew, as history has for those who are looking for-a they are deflected upward and dis­ what they will be able to do for shown previously, that fundamen­ it won’^t get bumpy because it is built and npt stopped beating. The fish could A high back willow chair with grade piece of furniture for |he charge their electricity at high alti­ be revived by lowering the temper­ the women of the country. tal change# can take place without stuffed. Filled with the best white felt, covered ing room. Has (he "Nachman” tudes. The recent storm followed ature of the water or transferring Lady Ast6r,'who now has the violence and without bloodshed.” wide arms and magazine pocket on an unnsual period of heat and calm. nickname of "Mother of the House struction In seat and back and them to a cooler tank. From all the impressions and side, finished walnut, cretonne cush­ with a good grade of ticking. Has a roll edge of Commons,” -as the first woman signs coined at the fathering, the bolstered In the very fineat iniHifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii member, told In a witty speech of male members of the House of ions on seat and back. Very special and is sewed so that it w ll not sag. A mattress cut out silk mohair. Come IIS’ i u f i j ' her trials and warned her new Commons, are going to have a at 916.76. that will rest you all over. In a special selling at examine this chaiy and you wIH-'h#]i “ children” that, above all, the one heated and trying time at (be In­ convinced that it is a real bargaia«<^ thing they would need ifiost was stigation of the women, who, al­ $19.75. an unfailing sense of humor. though only eight In number, show I H I G ie PRICES FOR JUNK | “ Whether or not I should wear a that what they lack In numerical hat was one. of my first trials,” = Prices have advanced and I will pay all the market .strength- they can make up In aro- Three Piece Living Room S i said Lady Astor. "I soon discov­ tory and sarcasm. Eight Piece Dining Room Suite s allows. = ered, however, that It I had not iworn a hat I should have $ 1 7 5 .0 0 THREE KILLEp BT BLAST. $ 1 2 5 .0 0 I Rags ...... 2c lb. I shocked most of the male mem­ 'These suites are custom made and we give yea a wide • 1 - -. bers as much as If Lady Godlva Magazines ...... 75c per 100 lbs. i herself had appeared.” BelecHon of velours and tapestries. Come in and select the Has 54-inch buffet, 9 ft. 54 In. round table, 5 alde'C ^ The Duchess of Atholl, a new Kansas City, Mb., Feb. 2.— Three covering yon wish and we •will have the suite made up special and 1 guest chair, upholstered in genuine leather. Bundled Papers...... 25c per 100 lbs. I women member, confessed that the persons were reported killed and a and delivered to your home in one week from the time you walnut in combination with othir woods. A very pt Old Cars for J u n k ...... $10 up I question of wearing a hat had'been score Injured, many seriously, here plgce the order. her great fear, and It was with a today, when a gas explosion in the suite and will give long years of excellent servioe. I buy all kinds of old metals at highest cash prices. E great sense of relief that she had basement of the Balley-Reynolds found that the new Labor women .Chandllsr Company partly w-reckefi members had settled the problem the.three story structure. \ for her by appearing without Flames spread to the 'upper headgear. "I do so like to work atbrles of the building and a dozen “with my head uncovered,” she con­ other persons were believed . to William Ostrinsky | fess^/ Lady Terrington admitt^- ’have been trapped. G. E. Keith Furniture Co., Incoiporated 91 Clinton Street Phone 849 I that, although she knew "one's hair Seyeral' of the injured were hurt does get awfully untidy," she when they jumped from the upper Comer Main euid School Streets , So. Metii would like to dispense with a hat stories of the ' bulldlngV following lUHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiim also. the explosion. ■/

b '- 'v ■ .

.a-' m if/ - W > 1 r . u - . j MANCHESTER EYENIN^&, SATHifeDAY, iteR U X R Y i IftM / ^ 'Si ' V- ‘fJ - f i. - . • v-%. THE GROUND HOG. AIR MAD. BOUND l e fyening HeraM If there is anything to the old m i ■ NONSENSE ! Candlemas Day belief we can pre­ V - pare ourselves for six weeks of TO UNK COASTS, Howdy neighbors. The pepppry >,v PUBUSHE0 BY more or less, unpleasant weather. remarks of some girls should b® S6 YEARS IN BUSINESS There is little doubt that our friend KQiirsmiEF taken , with a grain of salt. HERALD PRINTING CO. ■ /, ______^ , ' Bvcnlnr Eicept Sundays and the ground hog saw his shadow to­ - - t day and if he is the eifiinent raiin g and Cooing. . > GtolldayA , Colon, Panama.—'‘Forty-eight- He met a fair inglden and sooe j weather forecaster he is believed hour mall service between New was awooing; ho told her he loved i| . •'jinterad at the Post Offlco a t i^an- to be has returned to his hole for York and San Francisco Is not only JUBILEE YEAR her,- the words softly cooing. Ho ' elStMtir as Second Class ulall Matter. feasible but a certainty of the fu­ suggested they marry, she fell for 11 / ^ another slumber of a nionth and ture.” SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By mall half. But just^as all signs fail the plan; on the first of the month, S ic Dollars a,year; sixty cents a This was the declaration of Lieu­ the billing began- month for shorter periods in rainy weather it may be that this tenant Oakley G. Kelly, who, with Lieutenant Macready achieved In­ By carrier. Eighteen cents a Week. I winter will confound the lazy pessi- ternational fame last year when Frank Qnlggle, of Syracuse. N. | , WATKINS BROTHERS, In c . SiiigU Copies. Three Cents. m ist. The best of prophets err at they succeeded In making a non­ y., wisnt out and killed seventeen s p e c i a l ADVEIiTlslIfO REP-' times. We m ay be afflicted with a stop flight from New York to San skunks, for which he got thirty-jl two dollars ttnd some scents.—Ma­ jtESENTATiVE;B sliJA M A ^ A/ X A A » W * l-'rank4 » « * 4 « iv R. ,Nortlirup, , „ - w ------giiivcry February and March but it Diego, California. ^ /^60 Madisonmm >•_ Ave.. . ___ Now York; a916 i A As Am I is hard to believe it these , sunny I Lieutenant Kelly was here on lone, N. Y. News. Boplatlon Building. Chicago. j his way to Portland, Oregon, clays. ; where he has been commissioned No other suffarlng compares with i I to take charge of a government that of the map who knows it !| SATtRDAY.'FED. 2, 1024. A 1034 CONVENTION. j school for aviators. when he is shown that he doesn’t. | ! The first national political con- ' “Commercial aviation is in its GOVERNOR TEMl'I.ETON’S C.VR. ' vention of 1924 has been held and : infancy,” Lieutenant Kelly said. It Don’t Take Mncb. The Herald has received from . the first nominations for president ' “Nothing would give more iippetns It don’t take much to make men the American air service than glad, . I Caiptain Anson T. AIcCooit, execu­ and vice-president have been made. ;he development of the commercial To cheer folks up when folks g it, tive secretary to Governor Temple­ The People’s Progressive Party, possibilities of the airplane. The sad. ton, a letter in which he states: whose convention has just been aviators developed In peace-time When drops look poor, and thing/ -O go wrong. “The Governor read with interest Ucld a. Oa..ha, la a brand -w iwonW^f»™ It don’t take much, it don’t take ■A your recent editorial concernin;; arrival in the political field and ap-1 war. long. tJic matter of tlie State emblem.s. parently believes, in taking_____ time___ by I I think faster time and better Whoever any fellah is. Uncertainty reigns j air-mail service could be achieved To slip your arm inside of his, and was greatly , pleased that you i forelock. I m the Unied States if a different should uphold the dignity of the , to what It is and what it beliey;e3 | And let him know a friend he’s got. ______, one used atj pres­ Who’s still a friend, no matter flag and soul of Connecticut, an l |n i,ut the tact that the presidential ' ent were followed by our commer­ what^ the dignity of churches and church I canjifjpte named is a manman'called cial flyers. He’ll chirk right up at just a touch, ^going.” _ The Herald is entirelv I Pointer from Dearborn, Michigan, “The southern route appears to Of friendliness—it don’t take me more feasible than the north­ much. appreciative of tliose kind vror is j suggests that its membership was ern route, which Is used at present. —Douglas Malloch. but was puzzled for a mojnent as ' recruited from the ranks of that There are three reasons for this devoted body of enthusiasts who opinion: Better weather, less ele­ to what they referred. vations to hurdle and better land­ A man may have his hat in the Some clippings from the Water­ were left disconsolate by the deser­ ing fields. ring and still talk through it. . bary papers which were enclosed tion of Henry Ford. This conven­ “I think tho ideal air-mail route The college girls are forming for our information and at the gov- tion may have a prominent place in from New York to San Francisco would be as follows: New York to red-head clubs, but you will never ernor’s request, however, cleared i history in years to come but it is Dayton, to St. Louis, Kansas City, hear of a shiny-nose club. matters up somewhat. One of : doubtful. Still, it's a fine game. Missouri: Wichita, Kansas; Tucu- them embodied copies of corre- , ------—.— mari, New Mexico; Williams, Ari­ Fifteen dined at M. E. Lewis’ on spondence befv-ecn the governor i NOT UNREASONABLE. zona; thence to San Diego and up Thanksgiving day and devoured The FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE the coast to San Francisco. lurkey, including Ex-Mayor Marcy and the commissioner of motor ve-1 Municipal laundry, principally , “The advantage of this southern and’ family.—Windham, Conn., Ob­ hides which make it quite clear ■ for the hospitals, was cleaned by .route would------; be -- that---- the high server. Never before a February Furniture Sale like this—never before such values. that it was the latter official and | the city of Hartford in 1923 at u mountains and bad weather condi- not the chief executive who was re-, cost not much in excess of $12,000. | lions which Prevail Let us figure on your office fur­ . There must be a reason. 'There is. This is our Jubilee Year which marks our fif- niture.—Ad. in Chicago Tribune. sponsible for the creation of the | This appears to be a reasonable j 7n winter time, wouM 1 tieth year in business. We plan to make it a year never to be forgotten by our markers on the Governor’s car j amount. Many cities have found jjqj. jjg encountered, to say nothing Miss Lizzie Ford was an Illinois ^ h lc b bear the word “Governor” in the washing of their dirty linen a of the better landing-field facili­ bride of a few days ago. We’ll W patrons who have invested in good furniture for the past years. letters one and one half Inches much more expensive proposition. ties to be found west of the Mis­ bet she can hardly wait for her tin sissippi on the southern route. wedding anniversary. high and which occasioned consld-, “Six months’ flying over the Come in tonight and look around. You’re sure to find just what you want—at erable comment. The governor j FIRST SKYSCRAPER, route I have outlined would prove A man rarely fails for lack of had merely remarked to Mr. Stoeck- j (Correspondence.) it the best. someone to tell him how to run his a reduced price. “I would be in favor of establish­ business. el that most or all of the governor’s j The first near skyscraper In Lon ing another route, running north cars at the conference of governors | t'l®. M ^nd south—say from Chicago to Moral courage is the quality that Our JUBILEE SPECIAL Davenport Table can be San Antonio—crossing the east Three Piece JUBILEE SPECIAL Bedroom Suite in the West were marked by No. 1 | American money. Hith- keeps you from sneaking up an al­ used as a library or general utility table. It is made "’’'In the respective' state series. On i gj.^Q gentlemen of the city were sup­ and west route I have outlined.” ley the first time you put on-knick­ Lieutenant Kelly said the best in combination walnut, finished in two tones, dull, of combination mahogany and has a 20x54 inch top. being Informed that under the Cou-1 posed to shrink from light and plane for air-mail flying is the jun­ ers. nectlcut system tho holder of No. 1 j haunt cellars and dark alleys from ker type, which, he sdid, could has dust proof pM’titions throughout and mahogany The universal price for this table is from $40.00 to 4 T A. . . • , t ' preference. The lot is 240x80 feet. Backbone won’t get you far. „$45.00. FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY PRICE $24.75 Jn the previous year has a right to | ^ pleasing white easily carry 1,500 pounds of mall. This machine, despite lA numer­ however, if the knot at the top of drawer bottoms. These attractive suites consist of It the governor regarded ] marble exterior, nine stories high, ous accidents of last year, is dura­ it is solid bone. he suggestion of* special ■ ’ ---- markers’---- land is fitted with the convenletfce.s ble, he said, and can stand all full size bow-end bed, dresser, and choice of toilet Reed, Fiber and Grass “a good plan for future refer- of a modern American office build- kinds of Veather conditionsr He Many a youngster who stays up ing. The building Is 70 per cent late these nights, says "life,” ia table or chifforobe. You would ordinarily pay from would provide it with, an Amedcan This attractive, cheerful tenanted on leases running three to engine. , only sowing his wild radioats. flag used on the govern- 21 years. Bush House gets a third The famous flier said he will not $200 to $$25 for a suite of this quality. FIFTIETH furniture lo most appropri­ IB inches long, not “a to a higher rentals than ad take part in the firmy ktad n vrf Tobacco U a dirty weed ^ joining bplldlngs. As In America, From hell the devil brought ,Y PEICE ...... -..$149,00 ate tor adding a dash cZ war maneuvers "rjP.-i but for the first time In London, Jiera. - '' — . eplpr to 4 ^ - Hrlar^fooljL . 'I ’.’V. -rtV - ilU * ;eUjg ,1? ______WJi,: r»; U rbar^ A' • Stock baa been iMi^eiiki trd n e occnplM. It ap- METAL CHROMIUM pih'g xmon one of this An E^iAinh -atuiiuar' ^ h ;>tk»h* IXDiBPEXSABLE TO INDUSTRY. or oir^ part of the lan^'covld der bed hair has beeh found. Tjhey of ch^te and Se to 5D per cent. governor's letter ;o molish the~canal or. causer h ilide are digging for tile galoshes now. oner Stoeckel that it was New York.—Chromium, a meta' that would make It uselessl' And, ' five side chairs with leather seats.. Th^' universal petty, as it was false." It almost unknown 40 years ago, is while the airplane is the best A chafing-dish Is just an ordinary price for such a suite is $275.00< Flh’TlETH ms that It wa3 the rector per­ now declared to be one of the means of attack, it is likewise the frying-pan that made good in socie­ dispensable elements in modern In-1 means of defense. In the ty. ANNIVERSARY PRICE...... $179.00 sonally who engineered what the dustry by Clifford B. Beilis in a ro-1®^®”event of a future war nothing Hartford Times calls “this regret­ port on the present uses of .the met-1 1 The place to have a boll Is in table bit of bombast.” al to be published In the next Issu® ® tie tea kettle. The Herald always is concerned of Chemical and Metallurgical En- So far no aerial highway bonds '^wlth the dignity of the flag and giijeering. Stainless steel an^/j high-speed steel are two of Its many CHINATOWN h£fve been issued, but there's plen­ ^ eeal of Connecticut and is consist- useful applications. ty of time yet, ^ tures of “The Plot Press” every That flirted with the sea C05IPANI0N8HIP ently desirous to uphold the dig­ For chromium Is a sociable sort The atmosphere is Eastern sweet ■------I day, Low has made the, characters nity of churches and church-going. of element. It is of little value With Chinese ' emblems every­ Fashion demands slim people. | lalmost as familiar in England as All day I’d labor on the soil From the Kansas Cltr- ftnf - where: Beneath a foamy sky; Tbero is a close companlonsbip. If,' But If we recall coi rectly our small alone, while as an alloy or compan­ Fat ones can reduc eby talking to ; DEWS and VIEWS ‘Jlggs.” ion of other metals it does Indis­ The spreading odor of the street persons who make them sick. i At eventide with close of toil grass— A. part In this famous a.'Iair our refer­ pensable work. Alloyed with Iron Reflects the Orient In the air. I'd watch the ships go by. summer- lilies in tlMt fleldfl wi ence and comment mostly had to it makes a steel that Is both hard Antiques rich, with clustered Opportunity knocks but once- Frora housework to. House of dally pass. pearls OF TIMELY THINGS Commons Is the dally routine of To wonder whence their rudders do with the governor's “personal and tough, and so lias made possible people are not so considerate. And fragant clover, red and wht the development of many charac­ White as the teeth of dancing girls. AT HOME AND Miss Dorothy Jewson, Labor Mem­ plied pride and official dignity” in which ' Many a fine friendship has been ; ber of Parliament. Miss Jewson And whither they were bound. Alfalfa blue; teristically modern appliances. Windows full of Orient Jade, ABROAD The lovely things that llv# as we understand from the clipping i It is estimated that without w’recked by a gale of laughter. lives with a companion In a small To laugh at travelers denied, '' from the Waterbury American the Strange Buddhas grinningly dis­ flat near St. Pancras and each day The quiet I had found. brooks . I. chromi.um high-speed steel tools, played; arises early to do her share of the Are merry comrades too. governor has been deeply wounded. the works of the Ford company at Shining odd and old, rich brocade housework before leaving to take Detroit would have to be seven Would I? Or would I feel an urge We rejoice to hear that he has no And dragons’ boasting eyes of jade. up her parliamentary tasks.' To quit the tranquil shore. The_ little______, tinkling, twinkling ItvflA v*. room for feelings of triumph or limes their present size, and it is Smooth shimmering, carved lac­ By DAVID M, CHURCH. Although Miss Jewson has a Of cottonwoodi ii! certain that without the ^use of i And grapple with an angry surge, The company of all the trees. '■ • •' JU retaliation and trust this presenta­ quered Jars, Int. N. S. Staff Correspondent. small private Income, she Is said A wanderer once more? chrome steel in automobile engines, Mysterious shining metal bars. to be constantly poor, because she They fit my moods. tion of the affair will meet with his the motor car wculd be a very heavy Morning News Wayna Gard Is so liberal with her money. in N. Y. Herald. approval and afford him satisfac­ and cumbarseme contrivance. Air­ The sound of lutes and Chinese , London, Feb, 2.—Robert Blatch- Friends state that she frequently There’s potency in fragile th! planes such as we know them would ford, one of the best known of In buds and blooms; tion. gongs has to walk home from the House LEFT UNDONE. be Impossible. And Chinese zither players there; Summary English publicists and formerly a of Commons because she has given They fill my sonl with bappii Stainless steel Is produced by al­ Weird strange wallings of olden great advocate ot Socialism, has re­ It Isn’t the thing you do, dear; And heal US wounds. / " i 4II of hqr moner away to needy It’s the thing you’ve left undone LOSING A CHANCE. loying steel with about 15 per cent songs signed hla position with the Sunday persons. The anti-tobacco reformers would of chromium; and rustproof iron Of an Eastern land, oh, so fair! Herald and the Sunday Chronicle On the day the House of Com­ Which gives you a bit of heartache i there’s solace In a hinside mfl be well advised to file a solemn and contains about the same proportion Stealthy catlike footfalls every­ as a protest against the combina­ mons opened Miss Jewson bad to At the setting of the sun Neath winter’s will— tion of these papers, with others, The tender world forgotten ^Life’s seared and mate sad bill dignified protest against the brazen although with a less amount of car­ where. Edward L. Doheny admits In re^rlm her one hat in ordet to bon. The smoke of incense In the air. Senate bearing that four ex-Cabl-. into the Rothermere group of make her debut, because she had The letter you did not write. ed forms publicity that Is being given to the Metallic chromium Is now made net officers, including McAdoo, were newspapers. given all or her better hats away. The flower you might have sent Speak to me still. proceedings of the Second Interna- ' in the electric furnace and has a Oriental forms come to view, "I have left the syndicated pa­ Having trimmed the old bat she dear, Queer slanting eyes, entrancing in employ of ml interests. McAdoo pers because I could not remain Are your haunting ghosts tonight. When doors and hearts arc cl tional Tobacco Industries Exposl-1 number of useful applications. - It has been paid 1250,000 since 1918, and keep myself respect,” Blatch- decided not to wear It and help In­ tlon In New York City by a vicious ; ^o have nearly, the gaze he said. augurate a new custom by appear­ to me, ,, , , ,, , , some co-efficient of expansion as From darkened doorways’ dusky McAdoo. disclaiming all responsi­ ford declared. “The syndication of ing In the House of Commons The stone you might have lifted Companionship I find press. Undue and uncalled for platinum and so is being used to hue, bility for grant of any government the press is a sinister development. without headgear. Out of a brother’s way. Within the clean, wide out, emphasis is being laid on the nuiu- | some extent as a substitute -for the Through crooked streets, a baffilng oil leases, protests the use of his ' "I have not been heroic,!only The bit of beartsome counsel doors. maze. * honest. I did not feel clean; but I You were hurried too much to So Intimate and kind. her of anniversaries in the check ' more expensive metal in W'ork re- ' Tony Gudaitis, name in 'Teapot inquiry Is unjusti­ Lord Wyfold is said to be the —Mabel F. Blakeslcft, quiring the sealing of petal w ith fied. am giiilte all right and can take proud possessor of the finest mus­ say; j ered story of the vile weed which Manchester. I glass. Malleable chromium w’lre House Republicans dissatisfied care-of myself. I shall not come on tache In all Europe. The Dally The loving touch of the hand, dear, the exposition represents. The is being made by plating a copper over committee members deciding the dole. I am not going into any Mirror proclaims that this hirsute The gentle and winsome tone I BRIDEGROOM KILLS SELF wilderness.” That you had no time or thought j DISEASE RAVAGES newspapers of the metropolis seem wire with chromium, drawing to report Mellon tax bill intact. adornment, which measures nearly BRITISH LIVES! down, replatlng, and continuing the . British Labor government ex­ twelve Inches In length from tip to tor, ! to take malicious delight In dwell­ New York, Feb. 2.—Because he With troubles enough of yonr i ing ^pn the fact that this deplorable Iiocess until the Interior copper could not bear his own unhappiness tends fall recognition to Soviet r'^Blatchford took a parting shot aV tip, is one of the best In the world London.—The English liv Russia. the so-called ‘Trust Prebs’ In rhyme and challenges any Kentucky colo­ own. I ✓ evidence of mankind's natural de­ core is of negligible cross-section. emphasized by the happiness of i industry Is seri-usly threatened, others, William E. Simon, deserted American and Canadia hockey which is published In the Dally nel to show a better one. : an outbreak of tho foot and mi pravity marks the occasion of the C LOSING STOCKS. teams win in Olympic games and Herald. It follows: iFor life Is all too shott, dear. bridegroom, was dead today. Out of And sorrow Is all too great ; disease. ■ ' 300th anniversary of American to­ New York, Feb. 2.—The Stock a job and abandoned by his wife, will meet each other for champion­ J'He roars with force terrific as the Some English merchants are now I The government has odoplCfi^ Market session today was quiet, or­ ship on Sunday. Standard or the Mall. going in for truthful advertising. To suffer our slow compassion bacco cultivation, tho 200th anni­ a New Haven woman, Simon sat Johnny Dundee outpoints Pal An enterprising Fleet street mer­ That tarries until too late; 1 policy of slaughtering In diAtft derly affair, prices maintaining a brooding last night at the home of As the Illustrated 'Whatlsname he ' vhere the disease is spreading!: versary of the meerschaum pine, steady course with price changes Moran in fifteen-round contest at brandishes his tall. chant, who deals In raincoats, has And it’s not the thing you do, dear, hlB sister’s family. They were pre­ Madison Square Garden. displayed a sign In his window It’s the thing you leave undope order to check the spread of the 125th anniversary of tire Amer­ generally fractional. paring to go out for the night on a As dally This or morning That disease, and ^Irholesale killiilS ican cigar, the flpet of which it is United States Steel Common sold Yankee contracts mailed to play­ he grinds his awful teeth. reading: ^ Which gives you a bit of a heart­ round of pleasure. ers. “Buy a Blinker Raincoat for the ache taken place. , claimed was made in Connecticut, up 1-8 to 106 3-4 but Gulf States He listened for a while and then As Evening Slush or Sunday Slop The total slaughterings Mrs. Marion Zindersteln Jessup his dreadful claws unsbeath. English Rainy Seasop—from Janu­ At the setting of the sun. and a lot of other unknown anni­ Steel gained one point to 86 3-4. got up saying “well, so long for a have taken place are: The selling of the qils, apparent while.” Then he leaped through a wins in semi-final df Heights Casino ary to December.” —Author Unknown. versaries of the cigarette, the Mis­ tennis tournament for women. ------Cattle ...... 26,616 yesterday, was missing today. In­ window and fell five stories to his “He's a. ramping, raging chorus, Sheep' 16,691 souri »orn cob, the French briar stead there was a slow buying death. Deronda defeats Henry M. Dietz he’s the terror of the land. in feature race at New Orleans He means to dictator soon and ANGLESEY. Pigs ...... 19,961 and the ^nuff box. move in these Issues which rallied track. ' Bald Holyhead wades into sea, COUZENS FAVORING SURTAXES Goats ...... 6)^ the group slightly. Cosden gained NORWAY LEADING then It will be grand. To add to the general iniquity the Debadou wins main event at Ori­ At thought of his ferocity we’u With shoulders Ilfte4 high; . (Detroit Free Press.) Compensation is given 1 point to 37 5-8 but the others ad­ ental Park track. • The turquoise hills of Anglesey government to the owne^ exposition actually caused to be vanced only fractionally. New Chamonix, France, Feb. 2.—As strangle In our fears. Since he got out of the Ford com- Sterling advances to new high But our terror melts In Laughter Come stumbling, tumbling by. slaughtered cattle, and tlia6 ..fliade a cigar four foot long and York Central gaii^d 1-2 to 105 3-8 the result of victories In the >skl- level for year. 9 &ny, Mr. Couzens has continued to the British government bM' and Southern Railway 1-2 to 47 jumping games, Norway today forg­ when/ the creature shakes his put bis funds beyond the reach of ij.Iorty pounds weight which was New York Central trainmen and ears.” Stone hedges wantonly ascepd nearly $6,000,000 for this p«! .^i jrdBented to the leader of the Hotel 1-2. New Haven rose 5-8 to 20. ed further into the lead In the total conductors granted a wage in­ To cross enticing crests; the tax-gatherer. He was In the The situation has become Government bonds unchanged; of the winter sports of the Olympic crease. Through undulating oats they wend tobacco business, and he got^ out rious that It has beeirn ^^^ipansylvania dance orchestra. railway and other bonds steady. games taking place here. The Unit­ Since the Rothermere and Bea- of of It. He was In the shoe'bus- National City Bank analyzes verbrook Interests took over the Upon idyllle guests. close^olf courses wtaen^H ’J^^bably the band smoked it In ed States vwas In fourth pls|ce. The the Northwest agriculture prob­ InqsB, and he got out of that. Ho have become affected by tho. SEE GROUND HOGS total points scored'to date follows: Hulton publications the charges of was interested in banks, and he But, even so, that fg^ct lems. ^ 4 "press trust” have been manyi In woods beyond, as long ago. and the newspapers »ro Plainfield, Conn., Feb. 2.—Live Norway 91 1-2; Finland 76 1-2; Increase in barge canal traffic Perhaps white Druids dwell* ' sold his sto^k. Altogether the _jecturing______whether__ or. not mitigate but does not reduce ground hogs were visible here this Austria 25; United States 21; and opposition papers have been e^rm ity of the original crime looked for through maintenance of playing on tlje charges. Low, the And search for sacred mistletoe, disposition of his big fortune is an j ^M~o'f~Mttle __may, apt noon. The fact has not been observ­ Sweden 20; England 19; France 12-foot channel depth. To work some magic spell. outstanding demonstration of the i ferred to humans.'' iessen the culpability of the ed on this day before in years'. 15; Switzerland 14; ,Czecho-. cartoonist of the Evening Star, has caricatured Lords -Rothermere and- Viciousness of the condition created j ,pers In featuring and so an- Farmers accept their evidence as Slovakia 6; Belgium 2; Canada 1. I’d like to tarry here and till by the high surtax on one hand and < ti ~ |J n 1 / surely a forerunner of six weeks of Elngland defeated Sweden in a Beaverbrook as Italian bandits and g such despicable and dl> refers ' to them as ‘“’The Plot A field in Anglesey the convenient tax-exempt seeurity j uCrEKl ||QTS» tough weather to come, making up bitterly fought hockey match. thia M l Advs. Drug RenlU And set my house tinnn a hill on the other. ' / §''orgleB. < for the mild winter to date. afternoon four to three. Bress.” Repeating these carlca- v-*/ f * ■ f./--.^ -• ^•4 j V. i T>’

?%«{■■ “Mother of Gold” . ^ Pavk By Emerson Hough c o N N E e n c u T ( m ’s Pr6hi a H&u^- DAILY “ Herald Home Bureau Today t.b«r« wiU'lxi of the best featare HGHT FOR CAREER HEALTH Park theatre that tragd; Posthiuuoas Work of Author of *s Kitchen Diary fered to the movie “Covered Wagon” Just Pub- V iBlaborately carved furniture Is^ Here Is a set of rules or Instruc- llshed. town. “The Eagles'^ dilDcnU'tOfpollsh. When this i s ; tions given to a boy by his mother, TALKS “Crooked Alley” are 'tl» ' neeeflfete^) 4t is well to use a soft as printed in the February Delinea- How Loretta ifiggins Tri-I tures and with them I* biiaQiMb'rvsh to remove the dust, |;tor, and which it Is said he carried New York, Feb. 1;—I have had — by— chapter of “Ruth of the Ban^'^'^ afid the^ ai^ply the polish with an­ in his pocket until he became a a personal thrill every time I walk­ a two'reel comedy. ' ’ other ;bniah, using only enough to man; / ed up Broadway these past few umphed Over Obstacles is DOROTHY "Crooked Alley,” originally cleanse the carvings. Get up when called in the morn­ months, looking at the great cov­ BOOKER "The Daughter of Crooked Allf ing. . ered wagon and the olectrlc-llght- .adapted from Jack Boyle’t The contents of the inner vessel . Wash before cwessing. made rolling river, which cover the Story of Remarkable Per­ M. A„ D. showing at the Park theatre, jSgJfi a double boiler will cook much Wash your teeth. A clean mouth side of the theater where the pic­ Namw evcne^MAjui trays the life of picturesque ehs _* ^ 1 belongs to a clean heart. ture from Emerson Hough’s great ■^'iaore rapidly if the water in the severance and Pluck. ! BIRTH FATALITIES ters of San Francisco’s ,fcter compartment Is salted in pro- Bo obedient. Remember the book is being shown. I knew that world. That is quite sufflclept j^QTtlon of a half a cup of salt to world would be crushed into pieces gentle author several years ago, son for expecting something enteafvW^ t*ro quarts of water. if it did not obey the law of God. when his success was in its begin­ A mother’s chances of dying in taining, for Frank Norris, Jaqif^ 1“’ And you must suffer if you do not ning, and I know that its ampli­ Featured by the press” of twoj childbirth are 1 to 15(1 in the Unit­ London and other writers besldW'^i obey. tude of .later years would never G-inger Drops” are very good. continents as the Connecticut girl | ed States. Boyle made great successes Be truUiful. Only cowards iie. make him less gentle or less In­ writing what they saw on the 4 You are not a, coward terested in life. And I used to who risked forfeiting a stellar role ^ In other words one mother had -sk_y jQ ugg the sour cream which ^ind f* *>’■■ to lay down her life in the United bary Coast and South of the Sldfc ’,;?;^., Be kind. It is the greatest gift live in that pralried Northwest of in the famous Opera Comlque Inj Sao Francisco’s underworld en accumulates: One cup sourjjjj ^he world. which he wrote and which he Parip rather than change her nifme States in 1922 for every 150 babies sam, one cup sugar, one egg, but-, Don’t forgot that you have prom j Here Are Some Ideas brought into the world. These flg- like that of no other city, because loved. So "The Covered ’Wagon” on the program, Loretta Hlggiiis, i San Francisco’s population is and, iviS'” the else of an egg, one teaspoon i some kind act every day. has seemed particularly mine— urefe have Just been issued by the inamon, one teaspoon cloves, one ■ wash your face and hands before 24 year old diva whose career U. S. Dept, of Commerce. always has been composed of and everybody’s else’s if we are to nationalities which driited In from ,... . ^ feuspoon ginger, one teaspoon soda, i „o}ng to the tabic judge by the crowds seeing the pic­ reads like a page from the Arabian For January Although this is the lowest JH little nutnieg. one cup chopped : •= Remember that your father is a the corners of the earth. ' ,• V/;3 ture and reading the book. That’s Nights, will appear in concert here Enameled ware preserves the deli­ maternal deathrate since 1916, It is Robert F. Hill directed the mo-‘ to make a | gentleman. In his absence it is up why I was so delighted to find that disgraceful. tlon picture version of "Crooked • batter that w I crop from a | to prove it. A gentleman is a new book has just been published Monday evening at High school cate, natural flavor of the scallops hall. and It aeems a pity to disguise it Other countries don’t kill off Alley” from a continuity my Adrian ?n kind and truthful and clean and from this author, who died before AN OLDTIME RELISH their mothers at that rate. Fully Johnson. _ i "^•„p«ttered baking sheets as they will j qyjet it could be put Into print and just Miss Higgins finished college in with anytUng as strong as rod 1920 without a friend in the world REVIVED pepper. twenty nations consistently show a Sunday there will be the usuaT'!’^l>l , I Rg interested in every thing, before his greatest previous suc­ better record than America. j Have a good time. cess had borne full frtit. "Mother who could help her with her ambl-. two shows and Manager Foy Is of-?' Mrs. Elliott of 75 Henry street, tions. However, one faculty she did Childbirth Is a perfectly normal fering one of the seasons biggest Remember that I love you with of Gold,” the new book, is about In the days when oyster cock­ hits, Katherine MacDonald m ‘'phone 1406, makes the most at­ all my heart. the West, of course, but not of its possess in abundance— the ability A CHOCOLATE SECRET lunclion. The risk of bringing a tractive hand-woven rugs I have Say your prayers. Ask God to to make friends easily, and another tails were unknown, pickled oys­ baby into the world ought to be ex­ “Chastity” a picture that has Just- early days. It is a straightaway actly nothing. seen In some time. Some she keep >vur heart clean and brave romance of the present time, show­ —faith in herself. ters held an honored place among finished a big mu in Hartford, ''yeaves of dyed cotton rags of vari- and true and your body well for • At first she worked on a news­ the "relishes" on the supper table. The Q8e of chocolate and cocoa Bad obstetrics plai^pBnly a part IS truely a wonderful Sunday of- ing the pioneer spirit still working. all over the world is steadily on fering. ; 0us colors, others are made almost j c TOUR MOTHER. To Emerson Hough, men are ever paper in Hartford. Then she went I This way of preparing oysters hi in' the situation. Mafernal deaths [ entirely of velvet selvages, while questing, adventuring in pursuit of in for journalism in New York, al­ the increase and this coorvtry has due to careless midwives, lack of “Chastity”. Katherine MacDon-" the handsomest of all in my opinion ways with her eye on the big thing returning Into faved and old fami not lagged behind in lU epprecia- „—.r-v-. ,...^,...,,.^0, ui uu^ Have ready glass Jars; the pint When mothers begin to train like about the efforts of a girl to “mbkfli- I rphonA brown is preferred by some. ready cash, the firm grew and pros­ Frank Gllhooley fell fourteen stor­ can get the same results with aa soldiers for the ordeal of childbirth good” on the stage'in spite of the- pered. They employed many liv­ ies, landing on a cement floor. He York Herald. . size Is best Ladle the oysters into enameled ware double boiler and, ing models to display to the trade From that time on, in addition the Jars with a large spoon or en­ the maternal deathrate In America -dangerous Influences that arise to. ir Pop morning frocks, white is pre- has just been discharged, cured, an enameled ware skimmer it we will drop. But as long as women go intercept her. Her struggles form' >/^erred by many women. The de- buyers the salient features of their from a hospital, and is cheerfully to her musical studies, she turned ameled ware ladle. Fill the Jar wish to have chocolate In the Span­ creations. The head model was her hand to many odd tasks to sup­ very full with the liquid and screw into confinement with week kid­ the nucleus of a story of unusual jUgns are exceedingly simple. Ma- making the rounds for work. A ish style* That In beater, undl It neys there will bb deaths from interest. .xerials of beach cloth, linens and the beautiful Martha Mansfield. fractured skull, a broken right ply funds, such as interviewing down tight If put in a cool place The daughter of Abe was Hope Is almost stiff which makes It very albumlniuria and convulsions; as uoacasionally dotted swisses. The arm and other injuries resulted Lloyd George, always, wherever ghc: oysters so pickled will keep many rich, too rich for our taste, prob­ long as they approach maternity in linen lends itself best to hand Sutherland. The dialogue is good from the 1'50, foot fall but every­ went, leaving a trail of friends who weeks. The original rule called for and amusing throughout. ably. But even prepared Ameri­ a condition of physical exhaustion drawn work or embroidery. thing’s fine again now, he says. would not soon forget the Connecti­ cooking in earthenware, but the there will be deaths from hemor­ Herald Advs, Bring Resnfts. "What kind of a job would you cut girl who believed in her des­ can style," the choice of ntenslls tiny. porcelain surface of enameled ware will be found to make a real differ­ rhage. When maternal Ignorance Place a piece of waxed paper un­ like?” some one asked him. "A answers every requirement and and careless indifference are re­ job in a basement has its advan­ One of the first of these friends, ence In the perfection of this de­ der the centerpiece of a polished ta­ there la the added advantage that licious drink. placed by the soldier’s attitude of ble or tabourette. It will prevent tages,” replied Gilhoolly. But I’d and the most Important, was Al­ bert Wolff, famous director of the enameled ware has the strength preparedness, then only will the the linen from adhering to the stake several meals that if any­ and durability of steel. American maternal deathrate com­ M; E TAKE wood, or stains when watering one offered him one at putting Opera Comique, who promised her BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR pare favorably with that of the, plants. weather vanes on sky-scrapers, an opportunity to sing a role in JANUARY SALES other nations of the world. he’d take it. “Louise” and kept his promise. It GHEAMECf 80ALLOP8 Questions and Answers a s much, occurred at a time when the French, Dr. Dorothy Bocksr will answer 'What Miss Higgins Will Weir. I suppose<|.j had department of state was desirous Watch the advertising of the greater No doubt, the readers of this col­ One of the favorite, shellflsh of your questions on health topics if vanished 1< It all of cementing qordlal relations with fltorea In your newspaper this you address her in care of this 'our umn, whether 6r not they are plan­ that wea le^ FfaBh- Swltzerfl|||g||MMM to ,(ie evly winter.: U tha e ^ o inaiy sales are of MILK ning tn Hn»i iianrnrt tiT Tttinn newspaper. ionahle haU ioter; but nearly Mrs. L,* P. B.—‘Although I had an RiO&i LMOt >r 80

______'inic .t h e ______——? white gown in which' she is pfotured ______i‘ on the posters ahd newspaper cuts It to.add to1tour off the liquor Into not go quite far ^enough. I He cocoa of high quality. continental society. Her evening a fairly substantial industry. fact, quite as much a part of the ing I 4 trial. There Is also the would suggest that you have HEALTHFU: machine of government as the col- | an enameled ware saucepan. When enanteled ware ham boiler with its your doctor give you a “meta­ cape—from the same house— is of very hoL add the scallops and a CLEANLINESS gold metal brocade and apple grenn If you can think of the first act lection of ta.xes, and that In this removable tray, so Invaluable for bolism ‘test’’ by which it can KEEPING QU. Baker’s Cocoa velvet. This as well as the gown of a play represented as a tangled case not only an important affair dash of salL Cook moderately until fish, ham, or any meat whfeb readily be determined whether is invigorating, mentioned is shown on the large skein of silk, and the second and of state, but one of international the scaUope are tender. Then add should* be boiled. Among the larger your thryold is oversecrettng. stimulating poster which has been in 'Watkins third acts as the efforts of deft moment. To print her name on the la'llespoonful of butter. In an pieces of enameled w:^e> less Brothers’ window and is now at. fingers to pull it into order, ex­ program would be-^in fact would enameled ware double boiler make only in the cept for one mischievous pair of known than some of onr familiar j J. H. HEWITT >1 Packard’s pharmacy, and displays seem—to imply that France had to, a white sauce of milk, with butter household aids, is an enameled sense that pure four recent photographs of the hands, sometimes fumbling and go elsewhere for a singer. Then,' and flour rubbed together until 49 Holl St. Phone I sometimes deliberately confusing ware boirl for bread-mixing. This Herald Advs. Bring Results. food is stimu­ prima donna. The young singer too, most operatic ^ op le changed they cream and then dissolve in from “The Rose of New England’’ you can understand the effect of their names. It was quite the estab­ is of good size and has a ventilated Pirandello’s “The Living Mask.” tha milk. Add this sauce to the cover. Dongh can be put away la lating, it has a scored another brilliant success in lished thing on making a debut to scallops about ten minutes before delicious flavor Willimantic last night, where she That is the new name for his play, alter one’s patronymic to one hav­ this bowl and, well covered, can “Henry ’VI,” as produced by the serving. and aroma, is appeared at High School hall under ing a Gallic flavor. But Miss Hig­ take its own time to “rise.” This the auspices of the Rotary club of redoubtable Brock Pemberton. In gins was obdurate. She was Irish- Some people like a dash of papri­ bowl has the advantage common to a great addition to meals that place, assisted by Carl Brun­ five short minutes in the last act American and proud dt it. Kind ka added at the last moment, but all enameled ware of being easily and a wonderful between ner, pianist. the whole plot and scheme of the Providence that given her two that is a tnatter of in dividual taste. cleaned. ingenious play Is not only made 'meals stay. ^ MARY TAYLOR. things at the same time — her clear, but a vital and plausible voice and her name, and it was theme for theatrical treatment is AR^^Y PROPERTY BURNS now too late to tinker with either wrecked by poor cooking. A girl MADE ONLY BY left in the memory of the fortunate of them. So far as the debut was spectator. Mr. Pemberton has PASTOR POINTS WAY TO may be able to do fancy sewing Hull, Mass., Feb. 2.—Army prop­ brought over Arnold Korff, a cele­ concerned, there would be another but that does not make home. Walter Baker &Co .Ltd. erty valued at $25,000 was de­ brated artist who has appeared debut sometime, she was sure of Every girl should have a course in stroyed by fire today at Fort Revere. for years in Germany, to play the that, and she was only 23 years CHOOSE RIGHT GIRL domestic science before leaving ‘ Eiublished 1780 The Hull fire department was called role of the insane “Henry ’VI” and old with years of life ahead of her. school. Besides, men like the sort I But she--haO won the admiration of girl whose idea of marriage in­ MILLS AT DORCHESTER, MASS. upon to aid the enlisted men. Two his acting has not been matched soldiers were overcome by smoke. since Henry Irving in. “The Bells,” and friendship of Albert Wolff by Indi^festion and Divorce. Are cludes children.” AND MONTREAL. CANADA The destroyed property included a her indomitable courage and re­ fifteen years ago. tor Bookld qf Choice Recites Sent Free stable, wagon bouse, five trucks, sourcefulness, and none knew bet­ B Companions, He Says, SUN’S .-LGE AT LE.4ST two horses and two mules. The Christian Hotel, planned to ter than he how impossible it was in Advisinsr Lovers. TWO BILLION YEARS. contain and surlhount Calvary under these conditions to. oppose Baptist. Church on West Fifty- the government. So he suggested a Berlin—The age of the sun has Seventh street in the near future compromise. It was to drop the Philadelphia.— Indigestion add been fixed at something between will be under, the personal super­ final “s” from Higgins. This made divorce are boon companions. A two billion and three billion years j vision of Dr. John Roach Straton, a word that the French could pro­ girl who can make a good pie can by Prof. Walter Nemst after re-j pastor of Calvary, who expects to nounce “Ee-gan.” This proved ac­ make a good impression on a man’s searches announced, at la meeting o f: be more personal than most hotel ceptable to both sides, and the de­ heart. Flappers court Lady Nico­ the Society for Industrial Progress. managers in carrying out that su­ but in Zurich occurrea as planned. tine Just to shock their elders. The estimates are based in part on “She is marvelous,” said John They do other unconventional ■ pervision, it seems. “Although the rate of decomposition of radio­ it will be a hotel for Chrlstalns McCormick after hearing her, “and things for the samO reason. A active elements, and in part on de­ who want a home atmosphere in a will please any audience.” girl whose definition of marriage, ductions from Einstein’s theory of strange city,” Dr. Straton explain­ But there was to come a greater does not include babies shouldn’t get married. relativity concerning the relation ed, “Pagans will not necessarily and a more difficult debut, the between mass and energy. be barred.” But he went on to ex­ acid test of the home audience. These arO the nuggets contained Early estimates set the age of the plain that he himself should be Just as an actor Is no hero to his in the Rev. Christian O. Koppel’s sun as low as .10 million years but very apt to ask any rouged and press agent, so no amount of fame expressed opinion on “What Sort lipstlcked young woman who acquired in a foreign land is of of Girl ^akes a OoOd Wife?” Dr. geologists showed this was too SEASON IS HERE AGAIN might register therd, to wash her any avail te the doubters in the old Koppel is one of the leading min­ short to allow for the erosion and home town. So the first concert she isters of this city. other changes obMrved in the crust face before coming again into the of the earth since it became solid. lobby, "It won’t be resented if gave on her return to America, was According to the learned rev­ done in a kindly way.” he said. at Norwich where she was born, The radio-active decomposition of erend, “only real loYe, offers a uranium to lead is a more accurate Treat the kiddies with them. Made Lucy Jeanne Price. where eveiybody remembered her basi6‘for a happy marriage. when she wore short dresses. What cosmic clock and this indicates that “If all young men and women the solid crust of the earth has ex­ from high-grade milk chocolate and S newspapers in Paris, Nice, London knew that and were strong enough OPENING STOCKS. or Glasgow said did not count to act upon it theye would be few isted for at least one and half bil­ there. Everybody intended to judge failures ih^'marriage,’’ he opines. lion years. According to Nernst, ice cream. Come and see them being New York, Feb. 2.—The Stock for himself whether she could sing “Behind a mqtual pliysical attrac-. the sun while getting past middle Market was slightly irregular at the or not. tlon there should .be a strong har­ age is still good for 400 million made. • You are always welcome, opening today. The impossible happened; the mony of deeper feeling between years after which a crust will form Standard Oil of California was a audience was astounded and thrill­ the two physical natures. Mar­ on its surf^e and life such as we weak feature, dropping 3-4 to 64; ed. Whitt began as a concert ended riage & no Joke. It is a serions know it will cease upon the earth. Pacific Oil recovered 1-2 toi 55 1-4; as an ovation. Every newspaper In matter Into which we may un-' Pan-American lost 1-4 to 48 3-8, New England carried the ' story thinklngiy drift." RAILMEN GET RAISE and Cosden 1-8 to 36 5-8. f next day of the triumph of Loretta The woman' who has no love for Steel shares were steady. United Higgins both at home and abroad. the home is unsexed, in the belief New York, Feb. 2.—By granting 1 States Steel rising 1-8 to 106 3-4, Then followed engagements at of Dr.'Koppel. She -has missed a five per cent wage increase to and Gulf States Steel 1-2 to 86 1-4. Hartford and a concert tour now, her calling.' Then striking at the conductors and trainmen, The New -Baldwin rose 1-2 to 124 1-2. including Manchester. core of his topic, he said! York Central railroad and allied Studebaker lost 1-8 to 103 3-4, “A man liges the sort of girl lines including the Boston & Al­ Ask Your Dealer for Them I OUR SPECIAL I-su RSEk Y MILK but General Motor rose 1-8 to 16 THE COTTON MARKET. who will do her heat within her bany railroad today had disposed of jV From Tuberculin Tested Jersey Cows, is of guaranteed purity 5 1-8. means in ^ n g up g home. If the. all applications of. Its employes for and high cream test. 5 Railroad shares were steady. New New York, Feb. 2.—Steadiness table linen , looks as if . soap costs higher pajfT A similar advance was Haven rising 1-8 to 19 3-4; South­ prevailed at the opening of the Cot­ $10 a cake because the wife is en­ recently granted to engineers and Especis^ly good for growing children. Grown-ups like it, 5 ern Railway 1-4 to 47 1-8, and St. ton Market today, due to highei: grossed In some ohtside activity, firemen. A trial will convince you of its superior-quality. J Louis and Southwestern 3-8 to Liverpool cables. , then that woman is driving, her The agreement to the advance Manchester 38 3-8. First prices were from 18 to 27 husband -away from home. No was reached yesteYday but another American Can rose 3-8 to 120 points higher. wonder there are so many then conference between the Brother­ M. C. PECKHAM I 7-8; Cuban Sugar 3-8 to 36 1-8, and afraid to get married. hood officials.-and New York Cen­ jLYDALIi, STREET PHONE 1872-3 | Du Pont 1-4 to 140. Davison Chem­ i*|The sort of girl who njakes a tral executives will be held Tues­ IceCreahtCa> ical lost 3-8 to 51 1-2, and Ameri­ HeraU Advs/ Bring Results. good, wife Is one who knows-,how day- to complete details of the new 5353234823482323532323485353534853232348535348 can Woolen 1-4 to -T-l 3-4. to cook. Ukay' « kas .been contracts......

■ i-. 'V- J ’ V ’ in*' f’,-:/:- 7- V ' . m w • .. . z ; .

TO RENT—Room^ bested. Inqiilre PB O N H 864. Yqraielf In F - X J**.. - •drwtlM n who tele* 1$ Church street. ■ in ndTertieeinenta for these FOR RENT—Small tenement of requested to call 664 four rooms. Inquire 494 North Main 19 o*clodc if they wish their street. icnts Inserted in that FOR RENT—Two rooms furnished, WoNpETTEft LET with kitchen range, set tubs, elec- /GET WEB HEBE- itrlclty, gas, bath, pantrjf, two clothes ME D^VE N(W - m n o t g o in g ^'closeta Can have three rooms If de­ V J) HEY- YDU-H Pua sired. Inquire 109 Foster street. WEflE COMING .take a n y CHANCE5- OVER TMERE- WHERE CLASSIFIED TO RENT—6 room tenement, all INTO T D W N -IT ^5 SOMCTHING fcjQGn DO W THINK 'lOU conveniences, 19 Jackson street. In­ DONT BE SO THE’ ADVERTISEMENTS quire on premises. Tele. 1237. PRET7>'C W 3WDE0- HAPPEN- o i T " ^ CHILD-t 1 A R E -8 -O N A RACE HA-HA-H a - S l a v - - 1 SENSE liUNNIliU N N tM EN THE TO RENT—Five room tenement on CAN MANAGE MAKE ME TRACKc-i!f h a Walnut street, white sink, wash RISKS V nN tubs, electricity, near Cheney mills, All RIGHT- 'lo u D o m i w e i reasonable. Inquire Malsel’s Groceiw EVENING HERALD Store, 1 Walnut street. Telephone 576. TO- TO RENT—An apartment of four BARGAIN COLUMNS rooms In Orford Building. Two said rooms fronting on Main street, heat BRING RESULTS etc. Apply to Edward J. Hall. TO RENT—Two connecting front offices In Orford Building. Apply to RATE— One cent a word Edward J. Hall. for first Insertion, one-half TO RENT—Six room tenement, cent a word for each sub­ modem improvements, also garage. Ready for occupancy Feb. 1st. In­ sequent insertion. The com­ quire 591 Center street or Phone 91-5. bined Initials of p. name, or i the figures of a number i TO RENT—Centennial apartment, four room heated apartment, janitor count as one word. Mini- I service, gas range, refrigerator, mum charge 25 cents for j kitchen cabinet, door bed furnished, first Insertion; three conse- rea.sonable rent. Apply Manchester entlTe insertions 50 cents. Construction Company, New Farr Block. Telephone 782-2. TO RENT—6 room bungalow. In­ who are understood to be consider­ WEATHER CONDITIONS. Size of electric units la now For the accommodation of quire E. T. Ferris, 298 Oak street. U. S. DEVICE MAY ing It favorably. Herald Adys, Briog Results. known, but nothing has been leant* o.ur patrons we will accept Tele. 475-2. BABY MINE American methods would un­ The southern disturbance has ed about their shape.. Telephone advertlsemenls for TO RENT—Large single room, doubtedly be a great boon to the developed into a well-defined storm this column from any one heated furnished or unfurnished. Ap­ :1GUEC^P0PAIS’ MAW ARE. BETTER BRITISH telephone in England, London, during the last 24 hours and is now whose name Is on our books, ply at Aaron Johnson, 62 Linden with a population of nearly eight central near Hatteras, N. C. lt will payment to be made at street or 701 Main street. WORKING FOR THE WEATHER ’ PHONE SERVICE million, has only 400,000 tele­ probably move out to sea today. earliest convenience. In other TO RENT—Furnished rooms heat­ MAN NOW— THEY PLAY phones. Shopping by telephone The western disturbance Is central 1923 FORD TOPS Arthur A. Knofla cases cesh must accompany ed. also 3 room flat, bath, heat etc. has not yet been developed, and over upper the Michigan. It is caus­ order. , Trotter Block. Inquire Shoemaker, WITH LITTLE TILE AN’ TALK Trotter Block. many business firms' refuse to ing unsettled weather in the upper Fire Iiiisurance ABOUT THE EA<;T WIND. { London. — American efficiency transact business over the t§14- Mississippi valley and the westeim New Farr Block TeL 7S2^2 TO RENT—Furnished room, well may speed up English telephone phone. The letter and the tele­ portion of the’ lake region. The Will fit 1918 or 1919 models. heated. Apply 23 Laurel street or Open Tues. and Sat. Eve phone 956 systems. ' gram are used to a far greater ex­ temperature continues mild in all Complete with bows and curtains. FOR SALE The telephone is still practically tent in England than the tele­ the northern districts. Frosts were FOR RENT—lArge furnished front phone, and it is only recently that reported as far south as Florida. T t i room for light'housekeeping. Inquire undeveloped in England, as com­ FOR SALE—1922 Ford ton truck, 109 Poster street, corner of Blssell, pared with America, and the Post tbe telephone has come into popu­ Conditions favor for this vicinity platform bodv. inclosed cab and second floor to the south. Office Department is now negotiat­ lar use in newspaper work. Tele­ partly cloudy weather and not starter. 1917 Bulck touring, newly phonic inquiries are politely ig­ CHARLES LAKING FOR RENT—Store In Cairns Build­ ing with an American concern for much change in temperature. painted, new top. thoroughly over- nored by many English people who Weather by Cities. Saunders’ fire ■X haulded. 1922 Chevrolet touring, ex­ ing near Middle Turnpike. Apply at the use of an American device to Anto Top Repairing. cellent condition, 1923 Chevrolet tour­ The Manchester Trust Company. increase the use and capacity of feel that the telephone is not an ^ Bar. Ther. ing, small mile.age. fully equipped instrument of social dignity. Atlanta cloudy ...... 30.00 50 1321 Ford light delivery, 1922 Olds- TO RENT—5 room flat on Benton English telephones. moblle Roadster, excellent mechanical street. Improvements, steam heat. In­ Atlantic City pt. cldy .2^.84 32 quire E. J. Holl. Orford Building. The party line Is as yet unknown condition, at a price way below In England, as.,, the user of the Block Island pt. cldy . 29.84 32 Chain A djusted market value. Also several other good Boston c le a r ...... 29.84 32 SAVE YOUR EYES buys. Time payments If desired, W. TO RENT—Seven room single telephone demands absolute se­ R. Tinker Jr. 130 Center street. house, located on Summit street. Ap­ • p m - Buffalo cloudy ...... 29.80 30 ply at Manchester Trust Company. crecy in his conversations and re­ BUCKINGHAM This is the place to have your fuses to use a telephone that his Cincinnati cloudy .... 29.96 32 Price FOR SALE—A Buckeye Incubator, Chicago clo u d y ...... 29.84 34 eyes examined and your glasses three horsepower gas engine, manure TO RENT—Midland Apartments, neighbor may listen In on. The CONSTABLES RAID spreader. Inquire Howard Cheney. available February 1st. three room Denver c le a r ...... 29.84 40 heated apartment, Manchester Con­ British goyernment is now consid­ TWO PLACES. fitted correctly and at reasonable per pair 230 Porter street. ering a device owned and manufac­ Detroit cloudy ...... 29.82 34 struction Company. Telephone 782-2, Hatteras cloudy ..... 29.56 48 f o r s a l e — 1922 Ford Touring, 047 Main street. G, Schreiber & Sons tured by the International Tele­ Local constables, in company prices. excellent condition, also tire for an phone Company of Columbus, Ohio, Jacksonville clear .... 29.94 46 $1.00 , 2 bumpers. Reasonable price. m Tscellaneous with a government official made a Kansas City clear .... 29.90 42 Amand ChetelaL 108 High street. by which party-line telephones can raid yesterday on one or two placei General Contractors be made secret lines. The device Nantucket cloudy .... 29.84 34 Try our peanut Brittle, 39c. lb., hereabouts where there was strong Walter Ofiyer, Optometrist FOR SALE—Poultry, eight white IVelton Fudge, 69c. Salted Jumbo Pea­ IS such that when one party lifts New Haven clear .... 29.84 26 are a simple and economical Leghorn pullets. These pullets are suspiclpn liquor was being made nuts. 49c, fresh daily and delivered Builders of “ Better Built Homes’ his receiver all other parties on New Orleans clear . . . 30.10 50 915 Main St., Sonth Manchester. of keeping a, steady tension oo laying and are a good buy at the at your door. Call or telephone 483-2, and sold. They went to Barachia New York c le a r ...... 29.84 36 price. Call Chas. S. Hagenow. Tele. Bldwell, 68 Chestnut street. the line are cut off until the re- Hours 10.30 a .m. to 8.80 p. m. tire chains' at all timea, 401-4. ______ceiver Is again replaced. The op­ Pagani’s place but did not find him Norfolk cloudy ...... 29.76 40 from the best spring at home as he wan in Hartford. I Buy All Makes of Automobiles erator may also disconnect any Northfleld Vt. snow . . 29.84 22 Telephone 30*3. sherardized against rusting; ~FOR SALE—1923 Ford ton truck, for junk. Inquire 295 North Main They summoned Mrs. Paganl to ap­ Pittsburgh c le a r ...... 29.88 32 1921 Essex Sedan, W. A. Lanz Garage, street, or telephone 89-2. party on the line. When the party are guaranteed to stand thb. Rockville. Conn. ______Shop; 285 West Center Street line is in use an indicator shows pear In court. They also visited a Portland Me. clear .. . 29.86 24 winter usage. <: C. R. BRONSON—Painter and pa- on every instrument on the line hut In the woods occupied by a St. Louis clear ...... 29.94 34 FOR SALE—Barred Plymouth Rock oerh.anger removed to 27 Woodland Telephone 215-2. man named Lehman, thought to St. Paul clo u d y ...... 29.76 30 For Sul» At , . breeding Cockerels, choice stock, J. F. street. Tel. 1398-2. showing that it is in use, and Bowen. 570 Woodbridge street. Phone. when the, line is cleared the indi­ have formerly lived in South Man­ Washington clear .... 29.86 30 chester. Here they found a wash- MOVING 1285r2.______cator shows that it is again open. We move yoa anywhere. Well POULTRY boiler still right in operation and * v.w SAI.E—Corona typewriter, It is also possible tor the operator took It into the town court as evi­ TO PROTECT AMERICANS. equipped trucks, experienced men. Saunders’ G a n ^ practically new, bargain if taken at Homedale Poultry Farm, fresh eggs, to ring up any party subscribed once. Call 1447. two Ringlet Yeaning Cockerels, even though his receiver Is off the dence against the man. He pleaded (Wholesale and Retail) ducks for Imecding, game Bantams. guilty as they found the goods Washington, Feb. 2.— In antici­ FOR SALE—Dry hard wood, stove 055 Nortli Main street. Station 14. Real Estate hook. 255 CENTER STBnBT lengths, ?12.50 per cord. Call 884-12. Telephone 460. right on him. The Paganl trial will pation of a battle between Mexican Da3y Express Serrice Phones: 669 and '2 4 M East Side — 2-family, 12 The ;AmerIcaa device has been be held Monday evening. Federal troopa and Rdvolntionlsts 'OR SALE—Hard wood ?11 a cord, Brooders & Incubators; 37.50 up; rooms, bath, electricity, set- erected'' in the government re­ F. A- Behnke, proprietor of the at Vpra Grua, the United States HARTFORD AND MANC'HESTER length. Soft wood 310 a cord, Newtown. Reliable, Lionel Electric, search laboratories, under the di­ ciiilser Richmond has been ordered H. A A. KATZ length. Tele. 24-23, 531 Parker free catalogues. Poultry supplies of tubs. Price is only $^,500. general .stote at Addison, will hold FARTS SERVIC'E all kinds, Clarks Supply Store, 45 rection of David P. Moore, of the position of postmaster until $rom GalTestott, Texas-, to that port, Burnside avenue. East Hartford. West Side— Brand new flat, Washington, ,^D. C., and C< A, February 16th, irhdn there will be LtbB; State; Department iuindancetf L ^ r g e ; Rtn-aadr? pagMoger tonr* ....—-Rugs, . handmade Smith, of CL01timba87 O., represi^t-- riees nsaaonable. Coiore BABT CHICKS—Bred-to-lay popu­ well built, steam heat w d j an etethinatip'n of s^ liew to, toiSw;-. Ipg oag lor party trfpe;. ' Offifr. Your -own lag cqacen^., afifi ^ lar breeds; make big money In early w hi|e enamel .pluiabii|||:v^ offli^i^.of- thq^Bl^moBd-wtU.' >. rags or carpet Chicks. .Prepaid guaranteed delivery. b u : thd'"’ .telephone 1406' £*■*2 H atqhety, tores,; i m ......

. ; wbod, atove Coal . Company; LOST—Yesterday morning on Depot hduses, 15 mMutes^ walk from f ■ A SquaVe between Magnell’s Drug car linei Price $4,800. ■ FOR SALE • m fe''iroR S ^ E —Plenty of season hard Store and Postofflee, part of a gold 7Wood cut to any order. Also fire place fountain pen. Reward If returned to Near Main Street—2-family, TYPEWRITERS, OP ALL MAKES [.wood^X oiders delivered ppmptly. 129 Oakland street. SOLD AND RENTED. 1375-2. George M. Buck.' 12 rooms, modem. May be LOST—O. D. Blanket between Clin­ Agent; for the Corona, the per­ ton street and Cheney Brothers’ Ma­ bought for $7,900. ^ sonal writing machine. REAL ESTATE chine Shop late yesterday afternoon. !■ inder please retiTrn to W. E. Hill FOR SALE—Just finished a cozy Hartford Road or Tel. 89C-4. five room flat on West Center street near Cooper. W ill be ready April 1st. LOST—310 bill Wednesday after­ Near mills, school and trolley, on the noon between A & P Store and Pat­ National Typewriter new road. William Kanehl, corner terson’s Market on Center street. Re­ Robert J. Smith Cente- and Griswold streets. ward If returned to 30 Lllley street. Exchange 1009 Main Street GLENWOOD STREET—Single six 182 Pearl Street room house, strictly modern, about Legal Notice Real Estate Insurance acre of land, two car garage, chicken Opposite Telephone Building You Need a Pilot coiops etc., plenty of fruit. Wallace D. NOTICE Steamship Tickets Hartford. Conn. Robb, 853 Main street. Pursuant to the order of the Court of Probate for the District of Man­ CENTER STREET— "West, single chester, Conn., I will sell at private six room, strictly modern including sale at the office of said court on furnace heat, two car garage, price February 6. 1924 at 9 o’clock a. m. all 17,500 quick sale. W allace D. Robb. of the real estate of the estate of 853 Main street. John Dwyer late of Manchester in VERY good ship, nearing port, takes on a pilo^ said DIstrIcl described In the applica­ GARDEN STREET—Six room, tion for said order of sale. Dated single, strictly modern, extra large February 2nd., 1924. E Usually, the law requires it. The pilot knows the lot, two car garage, make an offer. John J. Dw yer Adm., Vallace D. Robb, 853 Main street. Estate of John Dwyer. channel. With his capable hands at the helm, the ves­ FLORENCE STREET—Extra large two family, twelve room, strictly FATHER DENIES CRIME modern, ' make an offer, Wallace D. sel is safe. Without him, there is danger of the shoals. Robb, 853 Main street. Salem, N. J., Feb. 2.— Accused STONE STREET—Two family, by her husband of killing their twelve room, strictly modern, two car seven-year-old daughter, Miriam, garage, 38,700 quick sale. W.allace D. whose body was found Thursday When you set sail on a shopping tour you, too, should Robb. S53 Main street. near Woodston in a well, Mrs. Bes­ have a pilot, Everybody needs one. And well-infonned sie Atkinson today charged him miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiMimiiiiimiliiiiiiiiiiimmifiiiiiiiiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB \ WANTED with responsibility for the child’s death. shoppers always have one—advertisings The father, Robert Atkinson, had accused the mother of starv­ WANTED ing the child to death because she Advertising keeps you off the rocks of extravagance If you have a used car and want thought her a “ changllng,” the I A Home You Can Aflord I to sell It let me know, or if you are child of another woman given to going to buv a used car let me help and waste. It takes you straight into the port of econo­ you find it. Used cars bought, sold, her by mistake in a hospital. 5 Six Rooms— steam heated, large bathroom, base- S or exchanged. Bill McKee, 32 Laurel Prosecutor Daniel W. Beckley Bti^et. Tel. 453-5. said the woman had not gone Into i ment, cellar, single car garage. Located on Oxford S my. It tells you plainly where to go for what you want. detail in the accusation against S Street—the highest'point in Pinehurst. Price $5,800. S her husband. Atkinson, In a four It shows you how to sayB steps—and money—and time. WANTED—Salesmen to sell Stude- hour examination early today, sul­ S Liberal mortgage can be arranged. E baker cars. W. A. Lanz's Garage, Ilockvllle, Conn. lenly denied any responsibility. By watching it carefully, each^ day, you are able to buy While authorities believe the = Single and Two^family Houses in the Greenacres = WANTED—Painting or shingling child died of stafvatlon, the re­ = Tract; new, up-to-date, and reasonable in price—^for sale = by the day or job. B. P. Green 45 Nor­ to bqst advantage. man street. port of Dr. R. M. A. Davis, county = and to rent. Let me help you to own yoilr own home. i medical examiner who performed WANTED—Return load from Provi­ an autopsy, said death might have dence, Taunton or towns along the S Building Lots at rock-bottom prices in all sections S ^ Often, the advertisements will keep you from making cape, Monday February 4th. L. T. been due to freezing, starvation or Wood, 55 Blssell street. Phone 496. poison. S of the town. Sold on Easy Terms. S Mrs. Mamie Downey, the little an unwise purchase by pointing out jjist why one article WANTED—Cook for our girls’ boarding house. "The Lodge.’’ Apply girl’s aunt, told investigators she = We sell Life, Fire, Casualty, Burglary and Plate = to Cheney Brothers Employment had been undernourished. Christ­ = Glass Insurance. = suits you better than anotheri It points out for you the Bureau. mas Day, she said, her dinner con­ WANTED—Ladles wanted for out sisted of gravy and bread. pick of the country's market and the selecripn of the door work, good money and bonus, Mrs. W. W. Mills, South Manchester, Conn. General Delivery. MILK PRICE DROPS particular kind, shape, size and color that best suits your Norwich, Conn.*, Feb. 2.— ^Mllk WANTED—Boys to sell Vanilla prices to both Boston and Pro’vi- after school; send for free sample Edward J. Holl taste and fits your pocket-book. bottle, Wakefield Extract Company, dence dealers dropped ope cent a S^bornvllle, New Hampshire. quart today, a precedent in this = Telephone 560 Room p2 Orford Building = great milk producing district. The milk supply has risen 25 per cent Whether you want food, clothing, furniture or a toy TO RENT in the past month, a condition .illlllllllllillilllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllilllllllllllllli TO RENT—Garage 76 Haynes St. never before existing here. for the children, the advertisements can help you. T els. 1142. SHOPS OPEN AGAIN ;TO RENT— Reliable couple can ■scars 8 room heated apartment, bath, Altoona, Pa., Febv2.— The Penn­ . .Mt'tub who would be willing to tend sylvania railroad shops here with fornaos, sto would suit elderly couple. the exception of a few departments, isrms. Apply 34 Woodbrldge Coal Coal Coal Irtrsst. ^ today began working on a 48 hour ii.V «i I II . ■ ~ a week basis. Since December 1, LET ADVERTISING STEER YOUR STEPS FOB RENT—^^rge store with, flx- the shops had been working only 40 ^ ta ts ^ South Manchester, central. OLD COMPANY’S LEfflGH t>s used for shop or light manu- hours each week. Ten thousand m'';'ReWt reasonable. _^ply A. workmen will be affected, according Any Amount, Any Time, Anywhere. in oars South Herald Office. to estimates. V0,^9BINT— Garage, 341 Center St. OLEARINd' HOUSE. f T i i lUBNT—^Large steam heated New York, Feb. 2.— Clearing jUght housekeeping conven- RICHARDSON COAL COMPANY itnowp 847 Main street* House statement: Exchanges 11,064,000,000; bal­ .;|HBNT—On Hilliard street, five Center Street Ph<)ne 425 ^ , | ptsnsAient with modem Improve- ances $97,000,000; federal reserve B. Hilliard Company. bank ^redit balances $80,000,000. 7 7 m rtford Dixies Play Rec High School Swamps r ^ FANS WILL SE REGULAR B M IB A U A Nice Oean Game for Two by Fontaine Foi^ LN O T Y FIVE HELPLESS BEFORE BRILLIANT TILT THIS EVENING WHEN WHIRLWIND HfS 5KA00%/« AHP Ht, Cfiitfr OF HIGH SCHOOL’S DIXIES T A IM REC QUINTET AT REC Mft Hf HAS To COMA OUT o r H.e. AMO If ^ IM TWO VOLLEY BALL Werner and Mistretta Get ^ _____ dti I I ^ t f o i U riu ACTS 0ACK diance on Varsity vai Ehio Mantelli, Manchester LEAGUES STARTED Manchester Soccer Team To Play 'THUH i Q g rC V o 9 C . Make G o o d - ^ d Dsen^ 3 oy, WiD Play With Visit­ glCoU>

in'*® Comiss kv fact the. batter^ for the: just what^'is going p. in. 2 vs; S. ■ . ' N uym U a Revenge - - .<„ playex -fonsardd- • nhd r^hkelcs; (Qjort and thoae hahlnd IL this sUihmer. Ihsoi ______eb. 25.—. * . ' by the New Haven team W ; hi'drst'games'of the ml quite capable of giving the be4t a thera is something In the works 0 p. m. 2 vSi 3. changed did not seem- to> nayt ^I^ught the Dixies of Hart- rub. of Birtfoliillijilig Grot If the weather holds good Man­ but Just what the plan is no one 6:’45 p. m. 1 vs. 4. material effect oit thetr .feum^ jbere and they copped a close The locals however are confident chester soccer fans and those liv­ is. willing to discuss as yet. March 3.— ' ^ •hie visitors scored fl-bo p.. from the Rec. team, who BY SMAU MARGIN that they can keep their 1923-24 ing within a radius of 20 miles 6:00 p. m. 2 vs. 4. in each hajf, one field goal .m-, liven in g are out after revenge, record clean and with fhe Idea Game. will see a real battle tomorrow What the Pirate basketball team 6:45 p. m. 1 vs. 3. first and threo^Toulal ThW'J.^ that time both teams have uppermost, will take the field to­ afternoon. ‘ needs at the present time is a com­ March 10.— points in jthe final period came;iite|, and defeated the best in morrow determined to send the in­ plete Bet of monkey glands. This 6:00 p. m. 3 vs. 4. the Ire e-throw route. "Manchestiq^-K ahUjlectlcat and a torrid session 6:45 p. m. 1 v.s. 2. made a total of 13 fteM goa'tf. vaders ,back-on the short end of the ‘ Troy, N; Y., Feb. 2.— Outscorlng The Dannersk team has quite a seems to be the only thing that ^ ^tooked for this evening. The PoorLitde Humming Birds score. reputation of being a wrecker of I will make the local boys win a The W’est Side team and schedule In the fi’’6t and eigbt,m thwsecOniiLi ^'Stoe-iteam and followers confident- Jimmy Miller of New Haven will its opponents almost two to one and hopes. But the Stamford aggrega­ I game. follow: The summary: ‘ r e i ^ o t the local boys to emerge be the odd man on the field and he undefeated so far this season, the tion will find that the champions Team No. 1 Team No. 2 H .B. Cheney, Capt. Howell irjpner. Unable to Win One Lone has a reputation of keeping the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute deserve their name before the tilt The Crescents will play at the G. F. ~^en there is another angle that Cheney, Capt. 2 1 players on the move every second. basketball team has established It­ is over. Kacey hall on Wednesday night of Madden, rf ■' 6.;-' le'dans have apparently forgot- Game— Good Scores Are He is a strictly neutral ofiicial and next week, their opponents as yet C. A. Np-wton Fred Hansen Lansdn, rf 0 0 0 v:' That is the slur cast by one will give both teams a fair shake. self as one of the leading collegiate Also predict that the Torrlng­ 1 uncertain. They will play the L. Beadle Walter Olson W'erner, If 4 1>. ■ i / - : ED. F. Taylor team that the Dixies were If Manchester succeeds in stop­ fives of the East. The quintette has ton team will find the Olympics American legion of Terryville on F. Allen Hall] House, rf 1 1 S ' to come here and simply John Learrrd RoUed. ping the Stamford team here to­ been put through hard practice this pretty tough chewing. Thursday night in Terryville. B.'L. Knight] Boyce, c 0 • 'U kt«d to pick up easy money P. D. Cherey W. C. Cheney 3 1 .7: morrow afternoon the locals will week in preparation for its game Lutz, c they did. That fact still then enter the finals for the state Not so long now before the well Terryville has won a majority John Bisson H. Metcalf ! 0 «. Team No. S Zwlck, rg in the minds of the green cup. This is exactly the same situa­ with the Holy Cross team at the '87 known and welcome cry will be of its games this year and holds Team No. 4 I McCann, Ig 3 (h -i9»/' warriors from Hartford and Poor little Humming Birds. In tion as last seadon and with any gymnasium here Saturday evening. beard from the broad bosom of the! a defeat over the Hartford Kaceys Austin Cheney, C. D. Cheney, Mistretta, Ig 0, Q 0 . sre out to show the silk town eighteen flutters they have been kind of liick the locals hope to Through accurate passing and a Atlantic to the sunny shores of the whom they trimmed by a big score Capt. Capt. ^ahd fanettes that they are unable to win even one lone bowl­ ■Walter Scott F. J. 'Van Ness, Jr. i 29- emerge a winner. series of well worked out five-men Pacific, "Batter up, play ball.” earlier In the seasom 13 prrles. ing game. Every team in the Mar­ Thos. Weir John Nickerson New Haven Prep pretparations are made to ac- ried People's Bowling League at plays, coupled with a stonewall de­ Then without all the clumsy But the Crescents hold a vic­ F, J. Bendall U. J. Lnpien G. |te a banner crowd which the West Side Rec. has managed fense, the new coach, Edmund W. overcoats and mittens we can sit tory over Hartford so that evens L. N. Heebner J. A. Irvine cted to turn out this even- to break Into the win column at Ed. McCarthy Papa, rf . ® Donald, formerly of Tufts, has de­ iorthe bleachers and "razz” to our up things, Dr. F. Pedley Flynn, rf ” watch the game. The Dlx- least once. But the. Humming GLASTONBURY HIGH John Jenney Robt. Wilkinson veloped a combination of Troy En­ hearts' content. Sullivan, If ” re a drawing card wherever Birds seem to lack the necessary In the preliminary game to­ SCHEDULE kkf ';Show and wilt come here to- wing power to get one over. The gineers that so far has ^ e n un­ Feb. 4.— Russell, If ® with every member of the summary: Yep, basebaH’s a great game. night the Tunxis of Farmington Estoff, c J FIVE FALL BEFORE beatable. The Sonth Sea Islanders are tak- will oppose the Heights. 5:15 p. m. 1 vs. 2. igad primed for a hard tilt. STANDING OP THE TEAMS Horn, rg While teamwork has been 6:15 p. m. 3 vs. 4. Ig 0 :A<,5faBt preliminary game be- W. L. emphasized over individual prowess, Feb. 11.— Mitchell, |teii| the Heights A. O r of this Sparrows 14 4 TRADE SCHOOL TEAM and every member of the team has 5:15 p. m. 1 vs. 3. .and the Tunix quintet of Nlghthawks 13 5 figured in the scoring so far, Cap­ 6:15 p. m. 2 vs. 4. Referee, Hayes, igton. These two teams are Orioles 9 9 tain Clarence W. Benedict of Yankees to Make Supreme Feb, 18.— itcmders for the state junior Humming Birds 0 18 Oldershaw Runs Wild Scorinj? Katonah and Paul Eschhols, the 5:15 p. m. 1 vs. 4. H e i ^ Win Baafly . ^ ^ le gnd -a warm session Is looked Hartford, Conn., High School 6:15 p. m. 2 vs. 3. CervinI an••••••• . . 3 0 6 Mrs. Hansen 83 79 76 Reldascb, e 2 right guard, and Humphrey, left tainly Jhrerett Scott, the iron clad Peterson, e . • •••••• . 4 2 10 t h e MONKY MABKB*/:*g Thompson, rg . 2 0 ' 4 to send her son to college. After .. 2 0 4 George, rg 0 , guard. shortrtop and it is probable that the merUage had been paid there .. 3 0 6 680 476 489 Weir, rg 0 2 i The record Of the Hansselaer the other two will be Waite Bbyt McCann. Ig . . . 1 0 2 New York, Feb. I. •— Nelson, Ig . . . 0. 0 0 wag $680 each' for the mother and ExohURts Hunt, Ig 0 0 ; Polytechie varsity baskatball team and Boh-Mettsel. Trice’s.-widow from the fund. 18 0 36 THE GRAIN MARKET. so far this season has been: In exehante, Mr. Bairow will aak Demand sterling,.94.i4^-4^vii Winsted S 14 Rensselaer Opfoneitte. for.Ocninffand Johnny MostU. ent- I i 2 26 Fraao cables, $4.T9 1*1% * G. F. r . etdeago. Ills., Feb. 2.— Grain Referee, Clarke. 23 Alnmnt 9 flelder, Wapping. McADOOB X iB A m $4.70. ■ ■ . . 2 2 6 prices were steady at the opening 25 St. Lawrence ...... to net. howeTtr, bfeefhe np- G. F. P, Belgian ^bles. : . . 6 1 13 of the market here today. Wheat LIBEBTY BONDS. 29 Albany Law School...... 14 nent on the subject of . 6 1 11 Los Angelos, Calif,, Feb. 2 .^ I4.X6X-1. . . 1 2 4 started H cent off to % cent up, 85 Clarkson Tech X4 Ususel Until' all other . Ortgolat, If . . . e e • • e. 2 0 4 wnUam O ib^ McAdoo and Mrs. Lira , oahlM, 9i>9*s .. 0 0 0 corn unchanged to H^cent up and New York, Feb, 2.— Opening 36 Pratt Institnte ...... i l . 81 menti and what net have Fqstfr, e . 0 0 0 McAddo, daughter of ex-Prestd«si 14.89 I-8i ■ . ■ ■ . . 4 0 8 oats unchanged^ Liberty Boniu;' Following this week’s game the failed. In ffsL it ii beltated that Bufrabam, c . . , ^ . 0 0 0 Wilson wlio is dying iU Washing­ Marks. M 99*9W » 'vk •'g ■ « • • . . 0 0 0 Second 4%s 99.12. Troy Tech Uve will make tta ffrat Boh Shawfcsy will be the ditcher Sale, rg 'ft • • e t •.« ( . 3 2 8 ton. will leavu here at XO a. m., to­ OuUdar eawMb Among the opinm producing Third 4143 99.31. trip this year, plgylng Hamilton at mentioned In 'the early rallies. It Bills, ig . 0 1 1 day for fhe badslda of the fbrmar $.97,99. . 13 5 31 countries in the world are China, Fourth 4U e 99.15. Clinton February t and. Buffalo is known, however, that Chance resident, it Was annonneed/ffbm MetUeton. Turkey, Periia and India. Unireratty at Buffalo Ftbrnary 9< de«i fifft wwt Jhdwhey. io I k 24 8Ir, MoAdoo's office. I- New 4Hs 100.11. *.l J

ihrtf • ■ ■ ■’ ■ . ' . ;. ■• BIGHT ‘T r r * Bang! Went Oil Boai Barig^ IIIA V ¥J^liis

L r r t i E U c K FOR BSE OF STATE n 5r CO*pf • After a four-week trip by water freight from. the Pacific Coaqf,. a H«ftrt-to-Heart Talks With AhttmioUIr fleet of twenty heavy auto trucks, Drivers On How To Get the Mcst.Ocf allotted to Connecticut byjhe U. S. Cars At the Least Espfxisei ' J me think a minute or three, f> War Department, has arrived at t Wfiat Bobbie Redvest told to me. I the State Highway Department’s By WILLIAM ULLMAX T. lVi».‘!'S^*%»-.-'<; ,■ OJi yes, I remember now he said | garage and storage plant at Port­ The bunny boy’s nose was pinky- i land. Work is now under way to red. condition these cars for road work. e ;'tlm Well, I guess It was^ for Mr. They will take their place in the North Wind had begun to blow repair organization of the depart­ It’s an apropos fact that many a*ifor "valve grinding again. Just as Littie Jack Rabbit ment and are expected to be in hopped out of yesterday’s story in­ new make of car conceived in mid­ cylinders”. Carbon is a operation within a few weeks. winter turns out to be a frost. cumulation of dirt, bar to this one, clipperty clip, on the The trucks were shipped from a way to the Post Office. WINTER WISDOM oil. It collects a little eye war department warehouse at Alcohol will not only leak from car is used. The sdnidbti You see. Lady Love expected a American Lake, Washington, via the radiator and cooling system do, therefore, is to filgbt;| letter from Cousin Cottontail, and the Panama Canal to New York, . was anxious to hear from that nice i more freely than water but will bit every day. This can where their ocean Journey ended. evaporate more readily when it has pouring about a table lady rabbit. Lady rabbits have | Here they were taken in charge by much to do when, like the old wo­ dripped on the garage floor. There­ kerosene into each*! a force of forty state employees fore, in winter, when the car has (through the pctcocks) man who lived in a shoe, they have i with twenty motor trucks, who a house full of children. The little been standing, and when there is a day's run. completed the lon^ trip by towing large percentage of alcohol in the Not Short Enough cottontails wore shoes and stock-, the machines to Portland, system, the mortorlst oannot afford Whoever decided upon, ings, dresses and trousers, just like b»sfr*i^. «n«Wcr«^S Office, and away he went and pretty of danger to the driver who is not Preventing the Stoll sixty six hops from the dear Old soon, he hopped up to the little roads free- from snow and Open to Bramble Patch, and just as Little on. the lookout for them. When the Engines frequently have »/ii window to ask the Pussy Cat Post The above shows giant main storage tanks of the oil boat Bang.burned loose from the hull of the vessel traffic was a serious one, the de­ streets are ninety-five per cent clear habit of stalling after they Jack Rabbit hopped oft the nine Mistress for a letter. and were tossed by heavy seas on the beach at Beec hurst, L. I. All of crew were saved. partment this winter prepared It­ been run at very low speed fbri w ^ ' Iiundredth, somebody shouted: self for a lively season. The lack of the wise driver is careful to see that 1 ^ ? ' "Yes, here’s one for your he does not get caught applying his time or over rough p}acetd.1- "Where are you going, you skipper- mother,” said the kind pussy post snow, however, has resulted in a ty boy, brakes too suddenly when his instance, if the roadway tod; office lady, handing the bunny boy great financial saving to the state wheels are traversing the other garage is not smooth the dist^ Down to the village to buy a a pink envelope with a yellow stamp thus far. Approximately ?175,000 toy?” tre. New York City, by courtesy of Southern Beauty Sues for $500,000 five. j ance of the fuel in the carbsi r ^ in the right hand corner. "Don’t the Capitol Theatre, and Mr. S. L. was expended last winter to keep seems to encourage stalling "Who are you?” asked the little Ibse it.” about 1,500 miles of roadway open Frosting of the windows of the Rothafel. closed car is an indication that engine the moment the drivt^^L rabbit, stopping just like that to "I’ll be careful, never fear,” he 9.0 p. m.—Organ Recital direct to motor transportation. A further out to open the garage d speeds to the scene aboard the ap­ ease, owing to the fact that rhe j Japanese girl .Saturday, February 2nd. Lamp” service broadcast by KYW paratus with the firemen. front wheels can be turned easier. | .‘v/q are very happy,” said and furnished by the Youth’s Com­ followed through the fall, some 300 WRC, Washington. letters per day being the average A special wire Is installed in the Backing into a tight space will be I field. panion, including stories, articles parish house of Father Gorman accomplished without the usual dif- j, “intermarriage between tie"] 5.15 p. m.—Instruction in Inter­ and humorous sketches. for Octpber, nearly 500 in Novem­ national Code. ber and 800 in December. The in­ over v/hlch he receives all fire ficulty of tugg.ng on the steering | {g jjj^e marriage between 10 to 2 a. m.— Midnight Revue alarms, and ho has a record of not wheel. Keep it in mind when con persons—the success of 6 p. in.—Children’s Hour by to be broadcast from the KYW stu­ crease has become still greater dur sidering a space that would be too Peggy Albion. ing the first two weeks in January, having missed a 2-11 alarm since ture depending entirely n p o i^ 8.00 p. m.—“When Radio Con­ dio in the Congress Hotel. • > X » i .,v 4 its installation. scant under ordinary circumstances. individuals.’ Artists and program will be an­ nearly 25,000 letters were received At first it was merely a hobby Tips Worth Yaking trols Radio” by Dr. Alfred N. GoM- from WEAF'S audience comment- While her husband t a l l ^ nounced by radiophone. of Father Gorman—this attending The floor mats should be cleaned Baumfield, whose Japanei|%j sniith. Director of Research of the ^ g on the reception of WEAF’S fires. But now he goes prepared to ■ brushing or with a vacuum clean- Radio Corporation of America programs. is JCanoko, hastily tncl Sunday, Feb. 8. ^brry out the duties of his church. or, never by shaking. The practice stray wisp of blue-black 8.15 p. m.— Piano Recital by Writing from the ‘land that God of shaking a floor mat, after the Henrietta Reinrich. WGY, Schenectady. Whenever ho responds to an alarm she arranged to pose forgot' H. P. Bracken, of Twin ho always carries the last sacra­ fashion of shaking a rug, rips off tographers. 8.30 p. m.—Song Recital by 11 a. m.—Service of St. Peter's Falls, Ontario, Canada, nob far Episcopal Church, Albany, N. Y, ments of fhe church, ready to ad­ the binding of the edge. Baumfield was bom U l Elizabeth Dayton, soprano. from James Bay says in a letter of minister them to any fireman or Form the '^abit of opening the 45 p. m.—Song Recital by Sermon, Rev. Charles C. Harrimon. an4 haa lived in Jaj)aii3j appreciation for a recent program other -victim who may bo injured from the inside whenever this than 16 years. He is StBjj Kenv/ood, baritone, rector.' Dr. Frank Sill Rogers, from WEAF: ser/onsly, | ia possible. It saves woariilg off the p .m.—A Talk on Immlgra- choir master and director. nomics and , dpinjg* ‘When you came in It naarl^y Fathori Gorman la.'attached to! door for^tho^uif^ijirlw r " on.’ James J. Davis, Sec- 3i30 p. m.— Program by WGY deafened me and I began elimlnat- Cjoinpany No. 12 in an hon-'^^'^Uto; j i r y iojoa — bor. Symphony Orche^ra,, assisted by ing tubes until I had only the, ng Recital bJr-BlfZ'!’ Maylred SpoQoer,. epittc^to soloigt. 1 qjio. w JK r«IX<:^RPif0y'B W thq tve. p^lenced. , ‘ w'' ■; * ; - jS." ' ‘ . . &.G5 p. m.—Re-transmisslon of ‘‘We are a, Hydro-Power plapt on me siguhls and weather reports. ' KYW, Chicago. a frozen northern river .not from 11 a. m.— Central Church service James Bay bounded on all sides WGY, Schenectady. broadcast from Orchestra Hall, Chi­ by the endless forests; and it is 9.30 p. m.—Dance music by Jack cago. only necessary to open the door to Medidne Giest an Interesting Job for Amateur Symonds’ Orchestra, Hampton Ho­ D. P. F. Shannon, pastor. hear a wolf-pack howling some­ tel, Albany, N. Y.. Musical program under the direc­ where 'back of beyond’ in the ‘land tion of Daniel Protheroe. that God forgot.’ The contrast j KDKA. 6.30 p. m.— Excerpts from the made a splendid illustration of the I 6.15 p. ni.—Dinner Concert by j New Testament—An American progress of civilization.” i Sued for $300,000 icr alleged breach of promise by Mrs. Onezima de the Westinghouse Band, T. J. Vas ■ j Translation by Prof. E. J. Good- Bouchel (above), Nev/ Orleans beauty, Asa G. Candler, aged Atlanta tine, conductor. speed, read by William Ziegler WEAF NOTES. millionaire of Coca Cola fame, through his attorneys in Atlanta, filed 7.30 p. m.— “Bringing the World Nourse. an ansv/cr aeserting that at tim.e cf engagement to Mrs, dc Bouchel- to America” prepared by Our 7 p. m.—Chicago Sunday Eve­ A program which will be long I she was man-ied to Adolph Rocemet of New Orleans. World. ning Club service broadcast from remebered by the radio a’jdienco! 7.4 5 p. ni.—With the Drcanitime Orchestra Hall, Chicago. will be presented by the Metropoli- i FLORIDA. while I tune In on Florida that littlo Lady in Storyland. Special musical program undei’ tan Life Insurance Compaev I Oh for a home in Florida, w'nere lad gets chilly. So I prefer a 8.00 p. m.—Feature. j the direction of Edgar Nelson. warmer clime, I’m ready now or 8.15 p. m.— “The Consumers’ | The speaker of the evening will Willw iir’hf be rendered following the an- i summer breezes blow; oh get nic a anytime, to live among the palms Dollar,” Paul D. Converse, Proles-: be Dr. Arthur T. Holmes. nual banquet at the Hotel Astor I in Florida, where palm an tublinie, away dov;n South.—Copy­ sor of Commerce, University of by the various musical organiza-1 grapefruits grow. Way up here ;right 1924, Westinghouse Electric IMttsburgh, Fiftsburgh, Pa. WEAF. tions of the company. The Metr.)- ' where I'm livin’ nov; with thirty i & Manufacturing Co. 8.30 p. m.—Concert by the West­ 2.4;> p. m.—Services under the politan J>ife Military Band is one oi' below I make this v6w I’m goin’ i inghouse Band, T. J. Vastine, con­ auspices of the New York Federa­ the fiilest amateur industrial or­ south somewhere, somehow, please - ductor, assisted by Charles LeSuer, tion of Churches, New York City. ganizations In the country and has mister give me a job. I’d like to { TI^E NEWSP.APER MAN IN concert tenor. William B. Millar, General Secre­ played widely for charity and civic work in Florida among new friends CHURCH. 9.5 5 p. m.—Arlington time sig­ tary, will preside over the meeting. functions. The Choral Society an’ old; yep, way down south .n , nals. Weather forecast. Address by Dr. Daniel A. Poling, which will also contribute to the Florida v/liere it ain’t ever cold, j A preacher, at the close of one of Associate President of the World’s program has a nucleus of highly with lots of fruit upon the trees; his sermons, said:“ Let all in tho K.YW. Christiaij Endeavor Union— “The trained voices which assures a most an’ warm sunshine an’ ocean house who are paying their debts 6.30 p. m.—News, financial and Call of the New Crusade.” artistic rendition. Perhaps one of breeze why stay up' here an’ sneeze stand up.” Presently every man, \M final market and sport summary 3.45 p. m.—Regular Sunday the most enjoyable features will be an’ freez—I’m goin’ south. It woman and child, with one excep­ 3 0 ' furnished by the Chicago Journal Men’s Conference in the Bedford the recital by the Men’s Glee Club must be great in Florida, if what tion. rose to their feet. of Commerce, United States Depart­ Branch Y. M. C. A., Brooklyn, New whose work is most popular both he said wuz so; that feller down The preacher seated them and ment of Agriculture and Union York, with Dr. S. Parkes Cadman inside and outside the organization in Florida what talks fer Radio. I said: “Now let every man not pay­ Trust Company. on "Is Christianity Declining?” of which they are a part. A brief went down there in 1910; I wish ing hi? debts stand up.” The ex­ COMMODIOUS medicine 6.50 p. m.—Children’s bedtime Music by the Gloria Trumpeters. address will be given by Haley that I could go again, all you need ception, a careworn, hungry-look chest, withi its stock of house­ story. Mr. Halsey Hammond, Branch Sec­ Fiske, president of. the company, do is just say. when an’ I’ll start ing individual, clothed in last sum­ A hold remedies collected in 7 tb 7.30 p. m.—Dinner concert retary, will preside over the meet­ as well as one or two other not­ South. Up here it ain’t like Flor­ mer’s suit, slowly assumed a per­ one accessible place for minor furnished by Clyde Doerr’s Orches­ ing. ables. ida. We’ve got two foot of snow. pendicular position. emergencies, ana its plate glass tra and Joska^ DeBabary’s Orches­ 7.20 p. m.— Special musical pro­ Last but not least is the hour of Thermometers in Florida don’t read "How Is it, my friend,” asked shelves for the sanitary arid incon­ tra from the Congress Hotel. gram direct from the Capital Thea- dance music which the Vincent Lo­ nineteen below. AVe think that the minister, “that you are the only spicuous accomodation of the fam­ pez orchestra will supply boiwcea temperature is mild but it don’t one not able to-meet his obliga­ ily toilet preparations, is essential SHELF 11 and 12 p. m., playing at the please my wife an’ child, an’ as for tions?” to every home. 'Where it is lack­ I ISI0S,'2!EISI2®MS®3M@J3I3I3I3I3I3®I3ISI3Ii3I3I3I3I3I5I3J3I3I5I3I5ISI3ISISIS®3SI5I3I3IP!? me, I’m getting wild to go down ' & Pennsylvania Hotel and broadcast “I run a newspaper,” he answer­ ing, or where its antique design through WEAF. Do you know South. Each night I hear from ed meekly, "and the brethren here stands out in jarring contrast with WHY BANKS? that the remarkable piano playing Florida that voice by Radio. An’ -who stood up are my subscribers modem "-“bathroom fixtures, the which lends so much to the orcues- then I know, that Florida is,where and— ” handy man can build one with little tra’s success, is none other than I want to go. He sez their cli­ "Let us pray,” exclaimed the effort and less expense. CLEAT LESSON IV Vincent Lopez himself at the keys? mate’s superfine, well, that’s the minister.—Our Dumb Animals, The medicine chest illustrated place for me an’ mine. Since above is built of white pine, and is bearin’ him, why, I just pine to live HGURE 3 By J. H. PUELICHER, Chairman, equipped with a plate glass mirror, Herald kin. Bring ResolU down South. It’s colder here than Herald Advs. Brmg Results. plate glass shelves and novel ac­ Committee on Public Education, American Bankers Association, Florida an’ my son, little Willie, comodations for tooth brushes and Formerly the saver paid to have his money kept io a safe face cloths. In building the chest, place. Today he is paid interest by banka which keep his sav­ the hinged mirror door should be ings safe. Is this interest on money, saved constructed first, io r in atse there and deposited in the bank, the only gain to ^he^ifmored Gar Bahd^Proof is easily available a mirror that t-M IRRO R varies slightly from the dimensions the depositor from saving? given, it will be simpler - to adapt "MOULDING MONEY SAVED AND DEPOSITED IN the chest to the mirror than the F I G f BANE = funds for the banker to loan mirror to the chest FRAME ont on farm mortgages, land bank or The frame for the mirror is of other farm bonds; railroad, municipal or seven-eighths-inch white pine stock, government bonds; or notes of farmers, planed on the edge until it is seven- merchants and manufacturers. There­ eighths-inch square in cross section. DGUREl fore The, length of the four sections the ^holes to be bored in the sides fitted flush with the comprising the frame are. deter­ for its accommodatioti. Next make members. Nixjccl^ia SAVING — assisting the farmer to raise mined by the mirror’s dimensions. th,e_ sides of seven-eighths-inch knob of porcelain.kiid J. H. Puellcher crops; the railroads to rfan trains; the Mitred joints are desirable but white pine, and, at proper intervals, two screw-eyes in "fhelt town, cify, state or nation to build schools should not be attempted without an apply the shelf cleats as sho-wn in ing the chest to the for the children of the depositor and his fellow citizens; or accurate mitre box and a sharp Figure 4, leaving the half-inch the job. When fife construct water works or other public enterprises. Saving . back. saw. In the absefice of these space at the end of each for the revive two coats j also equals helping the butcher, baker and grocer to do busi­ tools, the mortised comer shown fitting, of the back. The lowest of aqg one coat ness so that f ^ is brought within reach of the home; and in figure I will prove more satis^ the plate glass shelves rests direct­ enameL , the manufacturer to make shoes, clothing and the many factory. The mirror is held back ly ripon a wood shelf of seven- . In tile deti^ and front wnth quarter-inch quarter- things people need to live. eighths-inch stock, four by fourteen lowest shelf ’Wi round moulding as indicated in and' three-quarters inches in size. with the Every' saver, therefore, is not only putting away money against Figure 2. The same moulding may It is on the level of this shelf that conces|ion-td^fte: a rainy day and earning interest on it meanwhile, but ho is be used later as cleats for support- the two brackets for tooth brushy It wsiii6id m also making it possible for himself and others to have the i^ the plate glass shelves as in are fitted. These brackets are aUo ing crcaig, iu S t" luxuries, comforts and necessaries of life,—to'«njoy |J1 the F fc r e 3. of seven^htos-inbh stoc^ one powder and advantages of a greater and bettw civilintion. Thus through Before making the chest proper, and a quarter by four and one-half an. banks every saver gains a great deal more than merely in­ (By Facifle k AUaoUc) secure the glass rod that is to serve inches in size, and pierced wHh fe silf___ _ , as face cloth rack. Its diameter, terest on his money. In test of this armored money car in New York sham were unsuccessful in attack and were inch holes kfor holding Ahe bruahto. > ^ # is \ycttted by tear gas. preferably about three quarters of The back of the c^ t la A ,-rji §tr fBch. will detcfsuhc tibc s in of 1 threCfCighUtHack r U b ik Qirf S-: ^ .-.S ■ ^ ' ONE (Goytinned from 1.) ' (Continued from page 1.) DRIVERS'LKXNSES AT VQIiLBE S C O B ^. Main Office (3)^ vs. Old MUl (0 ). move them. Tllere w u an evident whom nw ohe approached. Sh^. finally stole off as nameless as she Scores: 1,5-—10, 15— 6, 15— 8. On Higkwe^M^ e v je w fear that the sea of water surging Machine shdp (3), vs. Velvet mill about the structures might weaken ONCE; AVOID DELAY came. At Midnight. (1 ). 1 their walls. . Scores: 16— 14, 16— 14, 5— 15 .' Officials of the Rlngllng Broth­ In Order to Accommodate. All ' Froin midnight on there "was lit­ And Seems C&rkm tB ers circus, notified by telegraph, tle algh of activity within the Wil­ were hurrying toward Bridgeport OriTers 11,000 Licenses a son home. Shortly after the chimes Girls' Bowling Scores of midnight' tolled over the city, Weaving (2). to work out plans for the Immedi­ Day Most Be Issued jby Mo^ 7D— 216 Something hew has made Its ap-^of affairs was revetted ate future. Their list of lost ai;^l- the blinds at th e, windows were A. Donavan .. (By Charles\:iiipman.) <* the boy proved, when an opportun­ tor Vehicle Department Be­ noiselessly drawn, a single window G. Nelson . 80— 237 ago when a sAanchester ity came, that he was made of cles Included three large automo­ 70— 247 . . „ . J. , offered a ride to Uani The action of “ The Owls’ House" bile trucks, twenty wagons, and fore Feb. 29. being l€ft upshaded. It st^ed into F. Hayden . . . hobo and. It is said, will displace sound timber and each passing year I. Coleman . . . 76— 248 Hartford, was knocked anei many animal cages. Meanwhile, the darkness like a solitary eye un-' the hld-fashloned hobo In the same iy Crosbie Garstln (Stokes), takes saw him climbing steadily upward. ' With less tlian four weeks re­ til the crisp sun of a fafr February Dummy ...... 70— 200 robbed and left, withoat Clarence Budington Kelland has men in charge of the plant were manner that the automobile is dis­ his clothes, on the roadsidet)>^| ^lace In the latter halt of the ISth rushing to secure temporary quar­ maining before the expiration of all day broke Into the shadows In S iMntury as the scene is the section told the story with sincerity and 1923 licenses for motor vehicle street. Then the light disappeared. 381 391 375 1147 placing the horse. Some people use this ineU ' force in “ The Steadfast Heart” ters, the valuable horses being tak­ transportation on their si [of Cornwall in the neighborhood of en to a local brewery for safe keep- operators, barely 2,000 of the 1924 A block and a half from the Wil­ Old Mill (1 ). These hobos, strange to say, are tpenaance. John Penhale, a pros- (Harpers). Besides Angus, the licenses had been issued by the son home is a dilapidated constru- L. Bjorkman ; . 8 2 76 k 85— 243 cations for it is cheap and- ing. , ^ 70— 210 not of the down and out class but them there. Motorists a n as. . rperous farmer, proprietor of the most- interesting people in the story William Marshall, superinten­ state motor vehicle department up tor’s shanty, thrown together with M. Bjorkman . . ML 73 hall from every walk of life. Their are Dave Wilkins, lovable but ec­ 76— 206 eral rule, kind-hearted farm known as “ ftosulla" or “The dent of the animal building, and to the close of business yesterday. odds and ends of building material B. Burke .... . 62 68 main object is getting a fide for l-Gwls’ House," marries a gypsy centric editor of the Weekly Ob­ Over 210,000 operators' licenses left over from the construction H. Grover . . . . 80 81 79— 240 nearly always willing to giva:^ Joseph Miller, chef, were first to 89— 260 nothing from some kind-hearted “lift” to a foot-sore traveler, ' maid named Teresa. When hi.s server; Craig Browning, the la\^- discover the fire and turned In an must be Issued between now and work going on in a vacant lot. The M. Newman .. . 83 88 motorist. yer;. Henry G. Woodhouse, the February 29 if all persons now Is, if the traveler doesn't look.i second son, Eli, is an infant, .John alarm. So swift was the rush of architect’s mass of blueprints lie C An example of the methods of iPenhale dies. The story is there­ hanker with a heart; and Lydia authorized to operate motor vehicles neglected and haphazardly thrown 374 386 399 1159 ugly. ^ flames that firemen from the first these new-fangled hobos may be But, no matter how xnanF^H after chiefly concerned with tiie for­ ('anfield, who should have ■ been were forced to devote all energies upon the public highways of Con­ Into a corner. On a makeshift pine Spinning Mill (8 ). necticut are to have that right con­ given here. At the Center, where ings are given out, the laot tunes of his two sons. Ortho anJ mentioned first. These were all to saving adjoining property. table In the center of the small L. McIntosh .. . 73 77 78— 228 tinued beyond the end of this 64 78— 229 the Hartford car stops, there may will still give the lifts to the • Eli. In Ortho the gypsy hlooil oi friends of Angus. Then there was The circus plant was entirely de­ room is a mass of telegraph wires L.'Ladd ...... 87 be seen any tltoe of the day 'a _the moth.er prevails iiiu! he is a Judge f'rane, the villain of .the month. To accomplish this, licenses and Instruments, hastily construct­ R. Mikollte . . . . 84 80 87— 251 fortunate” travelers and it stroyed by fire thirty-one years ago number of men sometimes women that the “ automobile hobo" ''Wanderer, hut Eli, like Ins fathe", .story, who is not quite so convinc­ next month, and as rebuilt it- con­ would have to be Issued at the rate ed to provide means of carrying to E. Maguire . . . . 82 88 92— 262 of 11,000 a day or twenty-three a who are ostensibly waiting for the come to stay. ..fs a quet, hardworking yotnig fel- ing as the others. tained four large structures. The a waiting nation the word that sig­ Dummy ...... 66 65 56— 187 minute up to the time limit. street car. Jow, content to stay at home nnd circus owners use many other nalizes the passing of one of its They have no Intentions of pay­ till the acres of l'.os;ill.'.. Orth.e Stella G. S. Perry’s “ Come The main office, at the Capitol and greatest citizens. 392 374 391 1157 NAB figCAPED CONVICT, ^ buildings scattered about the city the four branch offices, at Bridge­ ing thirty cents for a ride to Hart­ adventures as a pyp-y horse-i'-aih r, Home'' (Stokes) is a tale of Louis­ to house their property, the present There are no chairs, the telegra­ 'Weaving No. 3 (0 ). Baltimore, Feb. 2.— Arrested port, New Haven,. Waterbury and 74 69— 215 ford and the first motorist going In Oa smugftler and a slave ai.'ivr.a the iana rice-lands, a region rich In Its plant being too small. phers standing cramped about the E. Lutz ...... 72 that direction is immediately hailed a charge of counterfeiting, Hlnuik^.. „ heritage of romance and adventure. New London, have been issuing tables as they work their keys. E. Tynan .... r 70 65 79— 214 ^ Barbary pirates ttikes ui> Oie larger Sacred Ox Dead. drivers' licenses for two weeks, and with “Going to Hartfrod?” If he Lepper, 57, confessed today,, rtpart of the book ami uiai.o i nter- There Berne La Grande, known to A socalled sacred ox, of high val­ There is no room for the reporters, L. Lappen . . . . 73 68 56— 197 Is, and is not averse to the idea of i cording to police was an esc^aJpcoe; .'ill iter friends as “ Flame” , fights a large force of clerks has been only for the telegraphers. The re­ E. Donze . . . . . 76 87 81— 244 : taining reading. Eli. iln- oai- t ue, was burned to death in its pen kept on hand at each office to ex­ taking passengers, he stops and convict. He said hg was one of tb'^^ Stay-at-home, succeeds in v.iniiiiig imnely to save her father’s planta- in the paint shop, investigation porters come, thrust their copy in­ C. Montie . .. . . 66 77 75— 218 “ lifts” as many of the bunch as he four prisoners wTio tunnelled theu^ 'ioii from the ruin impending be­ pedite the work, but the applica­ to the door and dash back again. t^.t the girl whom Ortho courts, v, liicl'. after the blaze had been quelled tions have been so few that the is able to take care of. way under a 40 foot wall of .shows tliat the >umng wnm::'i w;.s cause of t'.iat father’s Incompetence revealed- Among the losses were In the corner a small wood stove 357 371 360 1088 The practice is all right in the federal penitentiary at Atlanta, end lior brother's speculations. clerks have had little to do in the is stoked by a solitary and Imper- Weaving No. 2 (3 ). lot lacking in eor.iiuon s< lo-e. two fully equipped generator wag­ way of giving out licenses. The de­ daytime but many motorists now cember 23. ' Home from the war, Dan Barde turable watchman. It’s all new M. Alden . . . . . 77 82 83— 242 ons value at $10,000 each; the en­ partment urges all who desire to are becoming wary and refuse to Angus Burke's cliildhood was c.jnu-s to visit his grandfather, a tire blacksmith, shop and equip­ business to him. He stokes his fire M. Aforgan . . . . 72 88 77— 237 “ pick up” the hobos at all. Those operate motor vehicles In Connecti­ methodically and puffs his pipe, the R. Beeman . . . 79 89 77— 245 'Washington, Feb. 2.— ^The settle­ [spent under an environiueiu which mighbor of the La Grandes. Dan ment, $10,000, a car load of paint, cut after February 29, to make ap­ who draw the line at night are and Dome were childhood friends; acid smoke mingling with the chok­ N. "Woodhouse . 76 82 85— 243 ment plan of the $9,000,000/deht^|^ ought to h;iv(> damned iiim forever and many wagons stored outside plication for their licenses without sometimes willing to give some­ of Finland to the United States,ns.' and made a respectable tnaiiltood iric-nd.ship grows to something the paint shop which were so bad­ delay. In person or by mail, to ing puffs of the badly connected, N. Taggart . . . 73 77 83— 233 body a lift in the daytime. more, and the pretty romance, in stote.^The air Is heavy. prepared by' the 'World War debt'! an Impossildlity. Ills moilier was ly charred that they are practically avoid a repetition of the scenes a Usually, when a case of a hold­ spite of all ob.stacles, and there were The shack is reached by crossing 377 418 405 1200 commission was approved-today ; an opium fiewil. his fatln-r wtis a lost. year ago when there ware great up occurs, it is the poor driver who the House. , thief, both of them were vagrants. many including Dan’s laziness, The only casualty in the fire oc- lines of people who could not, with a vacant lot over a crazy quilt pat­ jDressing (0 ). tern of pine planks, laid in the L. Thornfelt . . 80 75 67— 222 is held up by the person he has The debt payments are sprefid:^ At the age of ten Angus stood trial comes to its only satisfactory con­ cured when William Freeman, a reason, expect to be served prompt­ kindly given a lift. This condition over a period of 62 years. ' .il'' for murder. Yet with such an un clusion. This is a clean, whole- circus hand was struck by bricks ly. deep mud. K. Tureck . . . . 68 71 82— 221 promising start to handicap liiiu I some story, well worth reading. from a falling wall as he and four Odd Tel^raph Station. A. C o le ...... 83 72 78— 233 ______^ ______; ^ ^ other men tried to save a mo­ It is from’ such a place as this Dummy ...... 72 77 77— 226 tor truck. Freeman was not bad­ that the nation will learn, probab­ Dummy ...... 72 77 77— 226 F An Eye for an Eye— jffis Hope NUMBER THREE ly before night, of the passing of ly hurt. him who changed the history of WITH THE LOCAL WAPPING S. J. Warrell, general manager (Contlnncd from page 1.) 375 372 381 -1128 the world at a time when civiliza­ Ribbon Mill (1). There is need of a good detective of the plant, praised local firemen tion was rocked by the greatest for their work in preventing the de­ plaint with the prosecuting at­ H. Gustafson . . 83 79 75— 237 AUTOMOBILE DEALERS! in Wapping just now for petty torney and that arrests were likely v/ar of all time. C. Ressia ..... 57 77 77— 211 I thieving has gone from a nuisance struction of the entire plant. Mr. Messages without number. pour­ Warrell declared that the work of to follow. A. Martina .... 57 53 56— 166- to an outrage. Evidently the same Chairman Treat said that the ed into the stricken household to­ M. C orbett___ 71 77 77— 225 Chatty Items Picked Up by j person or persons are guilty of the repainting and repairing the circus day. They came from everywhere , ^ y %•>/ ST ^ ^ i s =9' - ^ ' wagons had been entirely complet­ board of selectmen had discussed E. E llio tt...... 80 98 88— 266 The Herald Ad. Man on His i various offences for the favorite this matter many times during the — from 'Virginia, where he was booty seems to be the money of the ed when they were lost. born, from New Jersey, where he Rounds. Flames and smoke from the fire past year and had even asked the 348 373 1105 basketball players who leave their co-operation of the police depart­ first rose to political prominence, Throwing clothes down In the basement of were clearly visible from Fort ment. It is practically Impossible from all parts of the nation he so \ ■ -Tliis has been a quiet week wlth\ Trumbull Beach, Milford, on the M. Kennedy . . . 81 85— 241 Fho local auto men as far as de­ the school hall. Just a year ago al­ to fix the blame for the conditions. long presided over and from the 108— 266 east, to Compo Beach, Westport, on i M. M. Boyle . . . 79 •^jsrv ^ %, liveries are concerned although a most all the members of the Poquo- The lani, which is owned by the far off countries of Europe wherv S. Johnson .... 90 81— 244 Inumlter of new cars have been re-j nock team were cleaned out entire­ the west. South Manchenter Sanitary Sewer he attained an eminence that has L. Livingston ... 89 87— 263 leived at the local salesrooms fori ly of their cash. The worst offence District, has been cleaned out for been accorded no other American Dummy ...... 57 56— 166 Ifiiture (leliverics. (occurred last night when 'William years, costing the district many in history. I'oster of Henry street, Manchester, NUMBER TWO Delivery of taem was temporari­ The dealers are all looking for-, thousands of dollars. 396 367 417 1180 ^ '-1^1 i [ward to tiie Hartford Automobile j lost $35 and found the empty pock- Used as Playgrounds ly discontinued last night because etbook in the pocket of Walden Col­ (Continued from page 1) Velvet No. 2 (!)• [Show, now only two weeks off; for j In spite of the unsanitary con­ of the desire to have the night as S. Zwick . . . . . 73 65 58— 206 lins’ overcoat. Certain schoolboys ditions which prevail the entire pnaiiy jieople wlio are. talking new wise ordered^-by the senate, this quiet as possible about the house. K. Frey ...... 81 71 84— 236 ,irs will ,'^nuhtloss settle on their are suspected as thefts have not length of the brook that is open But early this morning messengers been unheard of in the local committee has any authority to M. Demensy . . 78 67 62— 207 Hi'.oice at that time. The auto show conduct the investigation now at­ from School to Birch streets, child­ swarmed to the house with over­ S. "Wabrek . . . . 45 51 66— 162 really marks tlie opening of the schools. ren are allpwed to play in the night loads of them. Dorothy and Helen Frink had a tempted to be conducted by the ad­ M. Volkert . .. . 72 67 75— 214 season’s business. dressing of this question to me. stagnant water. In (iry weather The first callers at the Wilson The corporate name of the joint birthday party yesterday aft­ this water gathers in little pools ernoon, the occasion being the Refuses to Answer. home this morning were Cordell 349 321 355 1025 Stephens-Conkey Auto Co., has been “ I decline to answer on the fur­ and soon throws off an obnoxious Hull, chairman of the Democratic Velvet No. 3 (2 ). changed to The Conkey Auto Co. D. eleventh birthday of the former. About twenty were present. ther ground that on January , odor. national committee and Secretary J. Lucas ...... 77 95 85— 257 Frank Conkey being the managing 1924, Senator Caraway Introduced During the bad storms of the of Commerce Herbert Hoover, one M. H assett___ 68 64 72— 204 owner. He has a full line of new The Wapping Live Wires met ut the home of Mrs. Wilbur Hills yes­ in the Senate of the United StateS- irnst few v ^ k s t|ie brook was Alled of the ex-president’s i neighbors. H. Lennon .... 61 59 72— 192 Studebaker models on exhibition at terday afternoon. Miss Mary Hall in this »ong|MBH|i: to the brim and carried most of They left their 'cards, but did^ 54 66 62— 182 the company’s showroom at the of Storrs college was present to Hesolunont'^MyiMiiiDll^^ rubblfih • an' far as the Oak enter the house. ' ■ 78 6: Center, including a Big Six Speed- tolkjoa qutj with the-1 .A. teal daasjt p rp i^ r C

______^ A. Curran .... hiock on Eldridge street filled 'wit' terday afternoon at the home of 1924, agreed- of-, the NEAR RIOT A-t* P ^ L E tr ,]WiUy8-Knight and Overland cars E. H olland', . . 91 .. - Mrs. Albert E. Stiles of Pleasant completed Its SioowiilWwiS w E. Rowsell . . . 92 82 81— 2^15 of various models. He reports the Valley. About fifteen were pres­ the resolution being so. amended tn the delivery of a Willys-Knight touring Dummy ...... — _ 61— 61 ent. as to be dealt with in the senate in rema!aliait"i>b#w*P' Wohf to Indianapolis, Ind., Fch. 2.--—A car to Joseph Chambers. a plenary way, with the leases Birch streets. F. H. Adams is the owner of a near riot occurred today at the 413 433 393 1239 The Silk City Motor Sales Co., i new Ford runabout with delivery upon naval oil reserves which were It is said that there is some op­ has unloaded a car of new Buicks position to this proposition among United Mine 'Workers of America Velvet No. 4 (0 ). ' body for use at the Wapping before this committee under Senate 72— 196 this week and W. R. Tinker Jr. has Resolution 282 and Senate Resolu­ the abutting property owners and C. Hughes S . . . 60 Creamery. convention ended when Alexander F. Edwards . . . 80 65— 207 received two carloads of Chevrolets Mrs. Louis Juno has had her tion 249. that the work would be held up Howat, filery Kansas miner leader in both open and closed models. for the lack of co-operation. But B. Lathrop .... 68 61— 201 Cadillac coupe much improved by *T decline to answer on the fur­ under suspension, tried in vain for 94— '240 (By Padflo & AUantle) a first-class paint job. ther ground that Senate Joint Res­ Mr. Cheney Insisted that he would E. H o r a n ...... 77 Although previous operation was a failure, Alfred Lemonowiz, a hearing of his case before dele­ E. Robinson ... 72 64— 219 DEMAND “ DRY” PROBE * The Wapping Big Five lost to the olution 54 as passed unanimously go the limit and force a show­ gates. youth of Lyndhurst, N. J., said he would laave entire pig's eye (■Crimson quintette last night with a by the Senate recites that it ap­ down. Chairman Treat also in­ serted in his socket. Saxophone lightens his dark hours. , , ,l-yC' Refused recognition Howat made 357 350 356 1033 . ‘l•fcv ;V)j Washington, Feb. 2.— A demand I score of 27 to 24. In the prelimln- pears from evidence taken by this dicated that the selectmen would a break for the platform amid for a “bouse cleaning” in the Fed­ I ary contest the Dixie Juniors de­ committee that certain lease of also see that steps were taken at scenes of wild disorder. eral Prohibition Bureau and in the feated the Wapping Juniors by a Naval Reserve Number 3 In the once to remove this nuisance. He was seized by several miners i(iiiitmiiimmiiiimiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiimiiiimiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiimritjit ranks of the national “ Dry” or­ score of 23 to 17. State of Wyoming, bearing date and forcibly ejected. COMES FROM GREECE ganizations, was made in the April 7, 1922, made In form'by the PRESS RAPS KELLOGG President Lewis at the opening IN A BIG TRUNK House this afternoon by Repre­ ACCIDENTAL DEATH. government of the United States London, Feb. 2.— The Tory of the convention warned the dele­ sentative Kvale, Independent, of Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 2. — F. through myself, Albert B. Fall, sec­ ■newspaper Morning Post today gates against any deminstratlon, it FOR SUNDAY Minnesota, who succeeded to An­ Neil Benham, aslistant cashier of retary of the Interior, and Edwin gently chided Frank B. Kellogg, being learned that an organized at­ I New York, Feb. 2.— Labelled drew Volstead’s seat. the First National bank, died from Denby, secretary o f, the navy, as the new American ambassador, for tempt to force the convention to accidental causes at Fairfield last “ baggage” and identified by a trunk “ Where men descend to the level leaser and certain lease of Naval his speech before the Pilgrims So­ reinstate Howat would be made. Saturday night, according to a find­ lof cheap ward politicians, wearing Reserve No. 1 In the State of Cali­ ciety last night. The committee on appeals told tag, Peter A. Semos, 23-year-old Ithe mask of prohibition, let such ing issued here today by Coroner Howat and the convention that if American citizen who speaks no John J. Phelan. Mr. Phelan be­ fornia bearing date December 11, “ The Puritans,” said The Morn­ Imen be unmasked,” Kvale said. 1922, made in form by the govern­ ing Post, “ were not so much lovers Howat complied with the orders of English, was deliverecJ safely here I SPECIAL lieves the accident was caused by a ment of the United States through of individual liberty as of their the executive board his case would today from Athens by the American rear tire being wrenched off. Express company. An express agent PRAY FOR BTLSON. myself, Albert B. Fall, secretary own opinions, and the tradition re­ receive due consideration. of the Interior, and Edwin Denby, mains in the United States if we The committee also refused to here took charge of the "baggage” Providence, R. I., Feb. 2.— Fred­ transferred him to the Pennsyl­ secretary of the navy, as leaser were may judge by the prohibition concur in a resolution demanding Washington, Feb. 2.— A prayer erick Durfee, who during a fit of vania railroad station and checked I TURKEY DINNER IflWS ** ' the reinstatement of Thomas Iwas offered in the house of repre- jealousy on January 27, 1923, shot executed under circumstances Indi­ him to Birmingham where his rsentatlves today for Woodrow Wil­ cating fraud and corruption; that The newspaper quietly derides Myerscough' of Pennsylvania alleg­ and killed Mrs. Ada S. Baker, with Ambassador Kellogg’s arbitration ed to he the leader of the Progres­ father is a hotel man. son. It marked the opening of the whom he lived, was today sentenced/ said leases were entered without Semos was born In Chicago but session and was delivered by the to twenty years in state prison by authority on the part of the officers plea saying that neither arbitra­ sive miners’ committee, a dual or­ I 75c tion nor limitation of armaments ganization. Myerscough admitted taken to Greece while an infant. The f Rev. Jjimes Shera Montgomery, the Judge J. Jerome Hahn In Superior purporting to act In the execution father returned to this country ■blind chaplain. court. of the same for the United States “ could have stopped Germany.” he was active In the Communistic Commenting upon the ambassa­ party. The committee declared that some time ^ o and after locating and in violation of the laws of Con­ the “ scurrilous attacks on the offi­ in B irm ingh^ decided to send for gress; and that In the same reslou- dor's statement that the war was ------fought for the principles upon cials of the International union by his son. He wanted to be sure- the A Cold Load tion It Is reseolved that the Presi­ which the United States govern­ Myerscough through newspapers young man arrived , safely and dent of the United States be author­ ment is founded. The Morning and printed circulars. showed that evolved the baggage idea to over­ ^ MENU ized and directed immediately to Post contended it was fought for “ he did not have the best interests come the lack of knowledge of Eng­ cause suit to be Instituted and pros­ the national existence of the Al­ of the union at heart.” lish. Chicken Consomme ecuted for the annulment and can­ lies. cellation of the leases, and to pros­ ecute such other actions and pro­ Choice of Entrees ceedings, civil and criminal, as may Rum Runners! Beware oi TKis^peedTDemon he warranted by the facts in rela­ Roast Stuffed Turkey; Giblet Sauce' tion to the making of said leases and the President is further author- i.:ed and directed to appoint special Small Steak eh casserole counsel to have charge and control i s-f' Creamed Chicken a la King of the prosecution of such litigation i and I decline to answer on the -V ground that npr answer may tend Roast Loin Pork Apple Sau<^i^ * . to Incriminate me. y d Respects Committee. Boiled or Mashed Potatoes “ In declining to answer and in .'%'N/ stating these reasons I wish to ex­ Corn on the Cob press full respect for the commit­ f '. ' tee and for the Senate, but to re­ mind the committee that on Octo­ Choice of Desserts # ber 23 and 24 last, while this com­ mittee was sitting In recess of Con­ Fruit Jelly; Whipped Cream /, gress and dealing with Senate Res­ - U olution 282, and Senate Resolution % i ' i - 294 I appeared before the commit­ Old-Fashioned Strawberry Shortcal^ s- f t i - tee and discussed at length the ne^ gotiations of the leases, including 10c Extra the lease of April 25, 1922, signed by Edwin C. Finney, acting secre­ Also tary of the Interior, and Edwin Denby, secretary of the navy, re­ A la Carte lating to construction of oil tanks at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and there­ after was prepared to appear again before the committee.

LIBERTY BONDS. «■' '1 New York, Feb. 2.-— Closing Lib­ [ WARANOKEi RESTAl ' ■ m - erty Bonds; 3 1-28 99.10; 1st 4 l-4s 99.13; * • i ^ J .... ' (B7P«oUe*Att«Hc) ■ .V - (By Padfle A Atlaotic) Dry agents jwere interests m ^ e possibilities of this marine glider as rum chaser. Inventor claims it is I 805 Main Street ^ 2nd 4 l-4s 99.13; Srd 4 l-4e 99.31, capahie of 10(1 miles per hour. • 1^1 tons of ice on decHs and rigging the schooner Mabel C. Bryson 4th 4 l-4s 99.16; new 4 l-4s r ^ l e d into New York Harbor and then this seaman s work began.; 100.10. uiiiM iiim iim iiiiiiiniiiiiiniHiiiniiiiiiiHfi I 4;' -

'h ;' . **\ ‘ ni/'''^^*'/r'T-.'^ £c'’!^^it - ■ '^r' rTEN ■■■% -■ ■ ■ ■^■ n single Qrder tor noogh xnedteine'. ing In Tinker hall at eight o'clock '^ d Fashlonedt Modern evening, February 20. Miss Emma The rehson was > that the weaker Mikoleit was appointed chairman of tqnighl. The new officers will be has been such th^t people have as a w - the dance committee. installed and aU members are re­ rule contracted very few colds. ■tA Dance quested to be present. of Parent-Teachers’ Ass’n. < -, !ll|.4VCBS»TEB GREBPf SCHOOL The February meeting of the H. Russell Tryon of the J. W . Buckland Parent-Teacher associa­ FBACTICAL SUGGESTI® 1 TONIGHT Hale Company has begun the erec- HENRY B El^ N DUDRED tion will be heldo Monday j .,11 evening) tlon of u homB st the corner of Ine’s Orch. Prompter Beebe. February 4 at 8 p. m. and all mem-1 Academy streets. It hers are requested to be present. will be a single house. Hector M BASIETRM GJilE on WILIS andi TRUSTS I Principal Thomas Bentley of the West & Son have the contract and The change In the rate of fare Eighth district schools will give a the ground was staked out yester­ talk. The celebrated Grange Kitchen on the , Connecticut Company lines ABOUT TOWN day. will become effective February W. Fractured Nose in • :'i4 band will render a number of their Sustains 1 popular selections. Dancing will fol- The increase is not a very substan­ at Plainfield Last Contractor William Hill is build­ tial one, but nevertheless people Game : low. ing a bouse on Maple street Jor who have frequent occasion to use N ig h t. ,i.» A. supper and entertainment will There will be another sitting of the trolleys have In the. last week ' bo given to the Sunday school board or ten days been buying tokens for Collection of ■ qof n the n e Southoomn Methodist .church...... Mon , the Washington Social club’s set- Harry Benson, member of the future use. The demand for them Rec basketball team, sustained' a day evening February 4 at 6:30. It 1 back tournament in the club rooms Orford Parish Chapter. D. A. R.. has been so great that notices have ia^hoped that all officers and teach-1 on East Center street this evening will hold their February meeting fractured nose In a game last eve­ been posted at the local car barn ning played in Plainfield, Conn, era will be present. 1 at i :'4 5. ____ Monday afternoon at three ocl^ock that trolley conductors can sell but Due YoO I two tokens at a time to a patron. 'rae local team played the Plainfield Members of the Daughters of j Austin F. Hawes, state forester, 1,| p ‘ yj.gj.“ and Academy streets team and lost by the score of 34 Liberty L. O. L. No. 125, having of New Haven, will be the speaker | Parae ____ ^ The reason for this is that the com­ pany did not have on hand enough to 25. clothing or other articles for the at the Men’s League at the Center | offiecrs of the Connecticut tokens to meet the demand and Benson received his injury in a USTasthemakerof a will dir^te the payment Orange Home, are requested to church tomorrow noon. He w ill dis-1 united Stqtes Daughters of had to send in a hurry call for mad scramble for the ball in one bring them to their room in the cuss state forestry____ problems. .Society, I Vs 12 including ui i Mrs. qual to it. It is also By the appointment of this company as your ex­ The supper will be served from ! tracted Luild a [ | 3^^ has been born to Mr. and ing on the charge of intoxication. 5:30 to 7 o’clock and everybody IS ermere street in the Homestead 1 a sou uaa a fact that the great bulk of this Both men were picked up on Bis- five-‘ Mir-. Frank H. McGeown of 237 increase was caused by the ejec­ ecutor, you will insure the most exacting investiga­ welcome. Tickets may be secured Park section. It will be a sell street this morning about five room cottage house. Center street. tion of houses. It is also true that o’clock by Officer John Crockett from any member of the Ladies Aid the largest number of new homes tion of sources of revenue or funds due your estate society. and taken to the police station. ! ____ Mrs. T. i. C. Weldon______and Miss Robert— H. Grimason, the well- was erecieuerected noruinorth uiof theme center. TJioy were in such a condition that "Mrs John McCarthv of Piue HilF Vei-da’ Lacey have returned from known tailor, with headquartei^ 1 Manchester is a progressive town bJ doctor was necessary. and prompt collection in all cases where that is as h o sS s at the meet- ^ the Hairdressers’ Convention in ; tlie Odd Fellows block at the Cen-, g^ows its progressiveness in In court Fr;ink denied that he street acted as hostess at ine meei ■ _..u fnr ni nt tiio imsnital. His place „ Tiifinnar. Its growth ing of 'the Maccabee Guard club | Boston with the i^ a s for ter is ill at tlio hospital. His place a substantial manner. Its growth needed a doctor and when asked possible., last evening, held at the home of | the arrangement of ladies hair. I of business is closed______temporarily. is not of the mushroom variety by the judge what caused the cut but steady year after year. on his face, he said he must have E„,*he. Lod., No, 42.,., 0. O .! ,, o k t H METHODIST EnSCODAL fallen on it. Both men pleaded Let us send you our booklet “ Safeguarding danc, at Tinker b a r Wednesday | G. T., will hold their regular meet- On all the streets that lead to guilty and as they have been in Your Family’s Future,” which treats Iho Rev. J. E. Duxbury the public schools in town good court on several previous occasions subject of wills, trusts and family protection- Yoads and sidewalks har^’e been they were each given a jail sen- ' Morning worship at 10:45 with built, but it is a very noticeable tence. John, who has the worst sernioii on “ Going to Jericho.” fact that most of the pupils on record in the court wap given twen­ 532323234823532353235348232323532348 Bible school at 12:15. their wav to school prefer to walk ty days in jail and Frank ten. i ' HUPMOBILE TO BE GIVEN AWAY | Epworth League and evening on the edge of the lawns or take service at 6:30. Topic, ‘‘Youth a short cut across them. Doubt­ The Manchester Trust Company and Work,” leader, Mrs. C. I. less they do this without a thought Hartford Automobile Show ^ | Balch and the pastor. of the efforts made by the prop­ Member of = . Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock , erty owners to.. keep their lawns AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION 1 Every Hupmobile owner is entitled to one ticket |= there will be a special meeting of j in good shape. This is a subject HEMSTTrCHiNG i Free. Conditions: ^ , r w i = ithe Ladies’ Aid Society at .th e '...... that the schoolteachers--.---i migl^ well On All Kinds of Goods. 1.' Call at Manchester Motor Sales Co. before eo = - homo of Mrs. Jessie Sweet on take up with the children. } Painstaking Work. = i North School street. . ' i ' ; 10, 1924. H I Wednesday evening, the church ■ Hollister street from Mam street i 2. Leave name and addi’ess. “ training night; supper at 6:30, de-i ^o the new Harding school (notice, i 3. Car number. Sivotions at 7:15, study classes a t . call it the Harding) has been, : No Hupmobile dealer, sub-dealer, salesman, mechan- S .S :0 0 , pictures at 8:40. A special | j-e_{5urfaced with a foundation of, PLEATING s ! invitation is hereby given to the trap rock. The town has done a i ic or other employee will be allowed to participate.' H ■ friends of the church to be present. good job here. However, a few In Every Style. HI Thursday evening the Epworth more lights are needed on this ■, Skirt Pleating Of All Kinds, League will meet in the small street. As time goes on the new j $1.50 Per Skirt Pattern. chapel at 8:00 for its monthly school Vith its spacious assembly j business meeting. A big turnout hall will be used for public enter- , I Manchester Motor Sales Company | is requested. tainments and for this reason the ^ street should be better lighted. J, ^ Cor. Main and Middle Turnpike =! So. Manchester = r^^ l461 So. Manchester = j Up_|J A BlTM RcSUltS, According to the calendar today BirrroN making is Candlemas Day and the winter is I Make And Cover All Styles supposed to be half over. If the groundhog failed to see his shadow And Sizes of Buttons. he must have

overca^L ^ gardless of the fact that the gwmiw hog must have seen his shadowi if We will have much more whiter. We feel somewhat as did-the old ■ Rflttiii 2 lady who said-that she noticed if House & H ^e Building A SIX she lived through January she man­ aged to get through the rest of the B uiit by Hudson winter. Dealers in rubbers of various MATERNITY HOME kinds have been hard hit by the Condocted by Mr»^ 0 . B . Howe mild winter. Some of the men Experienced who sell these goods say that their at 53 Wadsworth St. It Gives Ideal Transportation stock has scarcely been touched. obstetrical nurse in attendance. Last winter there was a great Phono 1K»0. mand for rubbers and ai'ctics A 30 minute ride will fix that fact so you never can forget it. Essex aifferent kinds and some of dealers in these goods overstocked B. L. SALVIN, M. D. alone shares noted Hudson advantages. That means—in this low- for this winter. However,, as one priced “Six’-—you get the very features that made Hudson famous man said, these goods will keep. Physician and Surgeon Cough medicine is another stimu­ Ofilce. Park Building for long life, reliability and fine performance. We can describe it in lant that has been little called for 8 53 Main St. So. Manchester terms of no other car. You can judge it by not even the widest this winter. A drummer who visit­ Telephone 1438. ed several drug stores in town look­ Office Hours: experience of preidous “ Sixes.” ing for spring orders left without 9 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m.

If yours is one of the few remaining families lacking an automobile, no Differs in All These Things doubt you have finaUy decided to get one within the next four months. But thousands, riding daily, experience a new de­ If you have not so decided, better make up your mind NOW that you we gree of performance smoothness. Credit that to the patented Super-Six principle. They tell us it holds going to bring your family up-to-date by providing the m<^em means for the road better at all speeds. Steers easily as a economical transportation. Coach bicycle! Controls are easy and natural. Easy to park. Starts at the touch of your toe. A low-priced, modem automobUe like the Chevrolet has become i n ^ ^ sable to the American family of ordinary income. Without it they pxs It rardy for attention. Lubrication for the most part POWER is done with an oil can. prisoners on limited range— like hobbled horses in a pasture. Gasoline and oil costa are so low in this car you can count them real savings. And provisions made to take up or A million other families can easily prove to you that 1975 replace wear at such low costs will astonish you. Touring Model - $850 Take a ride. You too will understand why thousands aie saying the New Essex provides idegl transportation. F rtlfh i 7cr E xtr* The Better W ay Is With V A 30 Minute Ride Will Win You

There are just two ways of making sure of getting your Chevrolet for use when the flowers and balmir breezes of Spring lure you to the countryjj Standmd iotpr Sales Company roads: W . F, OitATTY, Manager Less Stenberg Bldg,, > Eldridge Street Buy it NOW, or Order it NOW. • All Models*On Exhibition At Our Showroom. eloaod ear eooiferU »ow eest $170 lest then ever b e fw . Also widi tUa lowor pricoyou got a moro a t t r ^ v e C o a ^b o d y a ^ a S -^ l- lader motor boUt on tho principlo of the famous Hndtou Sapor-Six.

Manchester Hudson-Essex Company Ml G. L. Betts, Manager Spruce and Birch Sts.

;■ >