Bethlehem East Jerusalem

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Bethlehem East Jerusalem 'Arab al Jahalin Beit Safafa East Jerusalem Sharafat As Sawahira ash Sharqiya As Sawahira al Gharbiya Jabal al Mukabbir Sur Bahir Al Walaja Ash Sheikh Sa'd Legend MRC-MoH PHC 2 (contribution) Um Tuba MRC-MoHC PHC 3 (contribution) MOH Level 1 MOH Level 2 Battir MOH Level 3 MOH Level 4 'Ayda Camp Khallet an Nu'man Dar Salah Al 'Ubeidiya MRC UNRWA Beit Jala Al Hujeila Al Haddadiya PRCS UHWC Wadi al 'Arayis Al 'Aza Camp UHCC Husan Al Khas Wadi Fukin MOH Hospital NGO Hospital Beit Sahur Umm al Qasseis Judhum Private Hospital UNRWA Hospital Al Khadr Bethlehem Umm 'Asla Palestinian Built-up Areas Ad Doha Ad Duheisha Camp Khallet al Louza Fakht al Jul Israeli Colonies Jordan River Dhahrat an Nada Ras al Wad No Mans Land Roads Artas Wadi Umm Qal'a Bureid'a Governorates Boundries Nahhalin Al Khushna Completed Wall Projected Khirbet an Nahla Wadi Rahhal Hindaza Ash Shawawra Al Jab'a Za'tara (Bethlehem) Al 'Iqab Al Beida Beit Falouh Al 'Asakira Rakhme Khallet al Balluta Ath Thabra Jubbet adh Dhib Khallet Sakariya Abu Nujeim Harmala Marah Ma'alla Khallet al Haddad Khallet al Qaranin Al Fureidis Al Ma'sara Wadi an Nis Surif Khallet 'Afana Jurat ash Sham'a Khirbet ad Deir Al Halqum Umm Salamuna Tuqu' Safa Al Manshiya Khirbet al Mantara Marah RabahWadi Muhammad Khirbet Tuqu' Al 'Arrub Camp Beit Fajjar Hamrush Al Maniya Jala Beit Ummar Shuyukh al 'Arrub PHC: Primary Health Care Kisan SHC: Secondary Health Care 'Irqan Turad MOH: Ministry of Health MRC: Medical Relief Al Baqqar Kuziba Committees Umm al Butm PRCS: Palestinian Red Crescent Society Shamaliyyat al Hawa UHWC: Union of Health Work Committees UHCC: Union of Health Care Committees Halhul Sa'ir UNRWA: UN Releif Ash Shuyukh and Works Agency.
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